We all know that there are trends in what movies get made en masse. The 'fantasy' trend that encompassed LotR and Harry Potter seems to be dying down now; the Superheroes one is in full swing. Twilight brought about a spate of angsty vampires, 80s/90s nostalgia is ongoing (Power Rangers next year, and Star Wars without end!), and we seem to have a rather nifty 'hard-ish scifi' theme right now (Gravity, Interstellar, The Martian...).
But there's one field of writing that has been critically underrepresented, and since we're hopefully getting away from 'boardgame movies', I think its time has come.
I'm talking, of course, about poems.
Personally I would love to see a summer blockbuster based on the Footprints poem (One night I dreamed I was walking along a beach with God). I'm thinking we cast g/God as a small skinny type (old man with beard? Long-haired Jesus archetype? Woman? Maybe mix things up and find something from Asialand, like that Hindu wossname, Buddha), and the poet as a much heavier person (either muscly or overweight, depending on whether we're going for action or comedy). Then, after the various scenes of the poet and god fighting, y'know, demons or dinosaurs or whatever, we get this one:
THE POET looks back over their shoulder. In the distance are pillars of smoke, blazing fires, gore, etc. Closer is the line of footprints, but that's just it - there's only ONE line.
POET: God? God, where are you?!
GOD's voice comes from offscreen, accompanied by swelling chords.
GOD: I am here...
PAN or CUT down to show GOD staggering along the beach, with the POET sitting on their shoulders. GOD is of course staggering under the weight, and probably wounded from defending the POET earlier.
GOD: ... my child.
I think it's a guaranteed hit.
Alternately, we could do I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud - y'know, the daffodils poem - as an environmental piece: the Poet finds the daffodils under threat from, I dunno, bad people who kill plants, and has to fight to protect them. Maybe we can get a trilogy out of it (always good!): Daffodils, The Daffodil War, and Memory of Daffodils (after the original field gets bulldozed at the end of War, with the Poet saving a single bulb and going viral or whatever).
Actually, maybe this could be our 'in': those bad guys sound like Captain Planet villains, so why not make this a Captain Planet series? '90s nostalgia, remember, and with Power Rangers coming up the whole 'hero team with big summon fights evil' idea is on everyone's minds.
Well, that's my pitch. What other poems should PPC Studios adapt for our triumphant entry into the world of cinema? And what other shamefully neglected aspects of human experience should we introduce our eager public to? Be creative!
(With apologies for Clueless Producer's voice up there - obviously I know that Buddha isn't Hindu. He's Muslim, duh. ^_~)
The next big thing in film. by
on 2016-08-22 11:35:00 UTC
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PPC got called out. by
on 2016-08-22 13:58:00 UTC
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Hey folks. Yeah, so I haven't really been around much, have I? Sorry about that.
To the new kids, hi, I'm an old(-ish) face. Circa 2012, if I remember right?
To the rest of the people who may or may not remember me, well, hi, it's me again. Still a fan, just way, WAY more lurk-y than I used to be. Well, that, and IRL shenanigans.
Anyhow, to the meat of my post:
Having been hanging out over at the Library of the Damned for a while now, I've since become a full-time riffer with them, which - among other things - lets me join their discussions in their private Facebook group. One of the topics that recently got brought up was this:
A long time before I even knew about LotD, a fic by author Jedi Qui-Gon was riffed there. When he finally found out (by this point I was a guest riffer), he didn't take it well at first, but after some to-do about the matter, he suddenly started showing a change of heart and decided he wanted in on the fun. So, we thought, hey, cool, this guy gets it.
...No. No he doesn't.
In fact, about a week ago, we discovered that he went on to his DeviantART and called out anybody and everybody who riffs on badfics as terrible people, including the PPC. In fact, he even name drops you guys, right alongside the Library, though his focus was primarily on the Library, since he dealt with us most frequently. Amongst other key things, he had the nerve to try and claim that we were trying to stymie people's freedom of speech, that we don't "follow the rules of riffing" (you know, those rules that were drafted up in the 90's?), that we get super crazy defensive when criticized - all of it hogwash, and all of it insulting. Then he went on and took a stab at the very first riff I did with the Library, and the debacle with that author that went down. He tried to claim that we were bullying a rookie author who was just testing the waters and couldn't even be bothered to show her even the slightest shred of mercy.
You'll note in the comments on that journal that I let him have it but good, especially about that last part.
So, yeah. Just thought I should let you guys know, since it doesn't seem fair to leave you all in the dark about criticisms being leveled at you. Especially ones comprised of baseless slander. As for me, well, I'm pretty pissed off at that kid, so he'd be smart not to try and respond to me at all. Jury's out on how that'll pan out. -
My response? by
on 2016-08-23 01:14:00 UTC
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Clearly this person has never heard of Reddit. People bash other people there like there's no tomorrow, but only if they deserve it, and they make sure that it doesn't go too far. (Case in point: TehVenomWithin. Huge scammer on the Team Fortress 2 community and uses a fence of lies to defend himself whenever he is mentioned, which isn't exactly good at all. Just sayin'.) Just like how the PPC handles and chooses which badfic to take care of.
What website are you going to? by
on 2016-08-24 04:18:00 UTC
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Man, I dunno where you found this version of reddit, but the one I've been to, I had to leave because they allowed, and at times encouraged, misogynists, trans- and homophobes, racists, rape apologists, and literal Neo-Nazis.
Well... by
on 2016-08-24 12:40:00 UTC
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I think that referring to Reddit as a single, monolithic site is wrong. Each subreddit is different; you have everything from regressive left echo-chambers to r/the_Donald (haven't seen actual neo-nazis yet) and anything in-between.
I am so sorry. by
on 2016-08-24 04:46:00 UTC
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The only sub I can think of that actually does this is /r/The_Donald behind-the-scenes, but then again, SRS exists for a reason, whether you like it or not. Same thing applies to when reddit posts get put up on cringe subs and /r/rage.
Also, today's members don't speak of the various incidents that match these particular types of people that have gone down. The original posts are like bio-hazards if you know what I mean.
Then again, the only subs I really browse are some defaults, games I like, and cringe subs. -
And on top of that... by
on 2016-08-23 02:17:00 UTC
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Our goal overall with sporking fics, I believe, is to HELP AUTHORS. Sure, we kill the Sues, but that isn't always the case, and sometimes we recruit them because they CAN be written better woth a little extra effort. But overall, what we do basically boils down to pointing out what the author did wrong with the story and writing, so they can look back and note that those are things to improve upon in the future.
Unless of course you're dealing with a fic so HORRIBLE that there really isn't any other option but to say, "Dude. Not Cool." And even then, it's largely trying to get the author to stop and think about what they have done, for the good of everyone. (Though with legendary badfics like, say, Agony in Pink, there really is no excuse. :/) -
Not really... by
on 2016-08-28 06:20:00 UTC
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Granted, within the sphere of us Boarders, yes, we want to help each other improve, but as far as the badficcers, not so much. Recall that we do not go around telling authors that their works might be/have been sporked.
Granted, there have been some Boarders who have taken the route of offering concrit before sporking (Araeph comes to mind), and after hS's FFN series, I've seen some other Boarders leave concrit at the end of their missions, but IIRC (and please correct me if I'm wrong), the overall goal is more to make fun of badfic—if someone is helped by a mission, that's lagniappe. -
I have to agree with Scape by
on 2016-08-22 20:43:00 UTC
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To quote a Persian proverb: "The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on."
Nah, that's fair. by
on 2016-08-22 20:55:00 UTC
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Like I said, I just didn't like you guys not knowing it happened. I've already gotten after the guy myself, anyhow, so whatever happens at this point, happens.
We have that in Hebrew, too: by
on 2016-08-22 20:52:00 UTC
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הכלבים נובחים והשיירה עוברת
But yeah, I also agree. So this guy "called out" the PPC. So what? It's evident he's clueless. -
... And? by
on 2016-08-22 18:10:00 UTC
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Someone on DeviantArt is a complete idiot who doesn't understand what the PPC is for, what riffing has become over the years, and basic bloody English.
Eleven. -
Can we not flame people, please? by
on 2016-08-22 21:28:00 UTC
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Because calling people idiots isn't what the PPC is for, either.
hS -
I retract my name-calling and apologise. by
on 2016-08-23 10:45:00 UTC
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However, I don't think saying that a fevered, incompetent screed on someone's DeviantArt page is, er, a fevered, incompetent screed on someone's DeviantArt page constitutes flaming as much as a statement of fact.
The Spirit of the PPC is about having fun. by
on 2016-08-22 16:50:00 UTC
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It's a delicate balance, having fun and not hurting someone's feelings. It's why they don't broadcast it out that "Oh, we've spooked another one!" to the Greater Internet. Would you rather that they contacted you with the information that they've sporked your work, along with some criticism, if the brief story they wrote didn't illustrate all the things you've done wrong? Can you take the criticism that some people can and will heap on you, as per the apparently oft-not enforced rules of fanfiction.net, without attacking them? I understand that there are trolls out there who will intentionally reduce you to tears, but I assure you, The PPC is not that sort of people. I think I'll leave it at that, because anything else could bleed into my own opinions of morality and depravity.
Hey Specs. by
on 2016-08-22 14:56:00 UTC
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So let's look at this thing. And in order to tick off the writer, I'm going to do so in MST form. ^_^
LOU: Hi; Agent Louise, formerly of DOGA here.
NAR: And, uh, Narto, ditto. Why are we doing this?
LOU: Because it's funny. Roll the tape.
MSTs, Protectors of the Plot continuum, and those that take after them by “following the leader”;
NAR: Wait, people follow the PPC's example? Since when?
LOU: Not since about 2008, I'm afraid.
a topic which is very sensitive flame-bait. Even more so when fanfics are the topic, which is the case here.
LOU: Unlike the times when we PPC things that aren't fanfic.
Was thinking about them and the moral questions that kept popping in.
NAR: Lou, didn't you say we ha- uh, were going to have grandkids who deal with the 'moral questions' of the PPC?
LOU: Different type of questions; this is external-viewpoint stuff.
NAR: Oh, right. That.
First the most worrisome one, it is a very serious one.
LOU: "My writing, it falls apart. Single-sentence paragraphs, like Yoda they sound."
I found this in TV tropes, it does not involve MSTs or PPC
NAR: So we're talking about it, why?
but it is a very real and possible scenario for the moral question.
Found via this link in the “N” section- http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/TearJerker/FanFiction
LOU: Whoa! Some warning on those lines, please!
NAR: ... what?
A Naruto Self-Insert Fic where a girl intentionally made her Self Insert a Mary Sue (She said so in the description.)
NAR: Is this one of those things where someone uses 'Mary Sue' differently to us, and then complains about it?
LOU: I don't think so, actually. Which is a relief.
who thought her two team members and her sensei loved her and was so confident they'd take a sword for her. Turns out, the two other members of the team absolutely hated her guts because she was so show-offy and smug. Then they tried to stop Hidan and Kakuzu, they literally didn't even try to save her as the others were trying to save their Sensei instead and literally threw her right in the way of Hidan's scythe and let him taste her blood so he wouldn't do that to them. Hidan then decided to break her legs and watch Kakuzu murder her sensei right in front of all three while the two members finally showed what they really thought of her and said "So you finally lose, miss perfect!'' and are then murdered. Hidan decides she wasn't worth his time and instead just stabs himself through the stomach so she'll bleed to death, rejected by her friends and for the first time in her life, tasting failure.
From Bad to Worse because she actually survived and the Raikage thought she was behind the Akatsuki invasion and the loss of Yugito, and she would have been executed by his hand if not for the fact that someone else spoke up and saved her...and she had told that one person to "... off" earlier in the fic because she hated him.
NAR: Hooooooly-
LOU: That sounds like a really bad story, actually. Is that the point being made here?
For the love of God post a link
I know the fic... unfortunately there's a meta tear jerker in there considering that the author had written the story (As well as many other extremely depressing fics!) but deleted them within about a year before vanishing off the internet, given that the author said she was really depressed and wrote the stories during a Creator Breakdown, chances are she might have actually committed suicide.
NAR: So the moral of the story is, uh... don't write while depressed, because it leads to messed-up fiction?
LOU: Don't read messed-up stories, because you might conclude on no evidence that the author committed suicide?
NAR: Don't-
Nar: What?
Felt great sadness reading it. And did not even know the story, writer, or anything.
LOU: Oh, hey, Yoda's back.
NAR: And is really sad reading about a messed-up story, the author of which claimed to be depressed-
LOU: Claiming depression being wildly uncommon on the internet, as we know.
NAR: -and then deleted the story?
LOU: People only delete stories because they're killing themselves and don't want to leave a mess behind. Do you know nothing, Narto?
Now onto the moral question, made of several smaller questions
NAR: I thought we were already on the moral question? The first, most serious one?
what if one day the fanfic of a very depressed writer was MST'd, PPC'd, etc? What if it was done without the writer's permission? What if the writer found out and had a very reasonable reaction? What if the people who the writer is angry at refuse to show any ounce of basic compassion and sympathy? And what if that, in the worst case scenario, drives the writer over the edge and the writer committed suicide?
LOU: That is a very long string of What Ifs. What's the 'reasonable reaction' the author had, exactly? And what are the PPCers showing no compassion or sympathy about?
NAR: I get the feeling the writer-
LOU: Yoda.
NAR: - Yoda things PPCers spit in the faces of anyone who questions their ways. Which, uh.
LOU: Yeah. 'Uh'.
And in TV tropes, in the MST article, it was mentioned there's a code of honor for doing MSTs that can be condensed to-
LOU: There is? Am I going to be taken to MST Court for not reading it before MSTing?
1.Don't make a MST just to spite another writer, especially just because one doesn't like them personally- I've seen this code of honor broken before, wouldn't be surprised if this is common.
LOU: Of course you wouldn't, you seem to think the worst of everyone.
NAR: Er... aren't we MSTing just to-?
LOU: No, we're doing it to analyse what's wrong with what Yoda said. But seriously, the PPC doesn't do this.
2. Ask for permission from the original writer, if they say no, don't do it. If they do not respond, you could still do it, but tread carefully - By the Mantle...Library of the Damned violates this big time. One member MST'd one of my old fanfics, long since deleted by myself, and I didn't know for years. They never asked for permission. That same person also PPC'd one of my fanfics without permission.
NAR: "I say, you there! The one writing the bad fanfiction! Might we be permitted to prevent it from destroying the fabric of reality?"
LOU: "Certainly not! The canon is my plaything, to toy with as I will; you shall have no recourse in your efforts to preserve it from decay."
NAR: "Righto! Just thought I'd ask."
This lead to a predictable case of “extreme rage and anger overrides sense of reason”. For the Naruto equivalent- the Eight Gates. Dragon Ball Z- Super Saiyan. And to be honest, MST'ers, PPC'ers, and others who do that with fanfics should expect anger and hate directed at them, they should be prepared for it.
NAR: We are prepared for it. Is... is this supposed to be a threat or something?
3. Always remember to credit the original writer, even with fanfiction- This code of honor seems to be followed quite well from what I have seen.
LOU: You mean 'blame'.
4. Don't hit below the belt with your humor.- This has been violated too, by Library of the Damned. It was one of my rage triggers when they did so to my fanfic. I was so angry almost all reason was tossed out the window. Though it seems they're trying to steer away from that, but the amount of success I wouldn't know.
NAR: I don't know precisely what he means, but I don't think we do this?
LOU: I'm more worried by the 'you wrote comments into my stuff, now your life is forfeit!' behaviour being condoned by Yoda here.
NAR: Doesn't anger lead to hate, and hate to suffering?
Another thing noticed was their apparent defensiveness. At Library of the Damned, I've noticed they'd get really defensive if they think they're being attacked or criticized in any way.
LOU: "How dare the people I attack try to defend themselves?!"
And seem to deflect any and all criticism, possibly moral questions as well. Considering I tried to twice send a comment that was moderated, and it never showed up.
NAR: Yes, that's... that's how moderation works, sometimes. I don't think 'twice' generalises to 'any and all'.
And MST'ing someone's fanfic or doing something similar like PPC can sadly cause them to give up.
LOU: That is sad. What should we do about it?
NAR: Yoda's going with 'tell them you think their story sucks so badly that you want to kill it, and ask if they'll let you'.
LOU: Unorthodox, I admit...
And its really no surprise if it is a mean spirited MST or PPC writing.
NAR: The PPC isn't mean-spirited.
LOU: Uh...
NAR: Correction: PPC writings aren't mean-spirited. Agents are mean-spirited towards each other all the time.
There's one possible case in Library of the Damned. It really appeared to be a young writer and apparently the people there refused to show any basic compassion, sympathy, or pity. This drove the writer to apparently give up. Couldn't locate the profile or story anymore. Felt so bad for the writer, since it could have been a writer who was just testing the waters and got that in response.
LOU: 'possible case', 'really appeared', 'apparently refused', 'apparently gave up', 'could have been'. Five 'I don't know's in as many sentences. That's impressive!
I also went into Library of the Damned as Neji7Hyuga.
NAR: "But some call me... Yoda."
I could never bring myself down
LOU: 'Up'.
NAR: Autocorrect gets weirder every day.
to their level, and eventually stopped altogether after seeing them for who they really were.
Thus a simple question presents itself- why do MST'ers and PPC'ers and the like see the need to hide what they do from people?
NAR: Uh, didn't you say it was because otherwise they'd all suicide en masse?
Why do they see the need to not tell the writers that they MST'd or PPC'd their fanfics? If they think it helps writers improve, would it be considered a good thing to tell the writers so they know what they are writing is bad? So they can improve?
LOU: Honestly, yes, it is good to give concrit, and back in the day PPCers often left helpful reviews on badfics. But in the case of old stories, or trollfics, there's little point, no?
As one Fanfiction.net writer has in their profile, something I really like- the phrase "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything" doesn't mean "if you don't have anything to say that doesn't hurt a persons feelings, don't say anything at all",
NAR: To a lot of people, it does. 'If you don't like, don't read', remember?
it means "if you don't have anything polite to say, don't say anything at all". I agree so much, telling someone the honest truth is polite, tearing them down while doing so is not.
And if they throw a tantrum despite one being nice, maybe they simply aren't ready to be posting online. Understandable if they throw one due to someone being less than polite. Even more so for someone being completely rude.
LOU: Whoa, there! Yoda, you're saying something the PPC would never say - that young people who haven't yet learned how to cope with criticism should just get off the internet. That has absolutely never been the PPC's position.
NAR: So... does this mean Yoda is a worse person than us?
LOU: I don't know; that sounds like it might be 'hitting below the belt'.
MST'ing a published work is on more stable ground, since one has to pay money and if it sucks, then they have your money.
NAR: Does this mean we can't MST TV shows? What about library books?
LOU: Listen to logic, Yoda will not.
Unlike a bad fanfic, which one can just stop reading at no cost.
LOU: Except to the soul.
To use an example of a published work- if someone read Twilight and watched the movies, and hated them enough. And wanted to MST them, the Freedom of Speech allows them to do so.
NAR: Unsolicited Twilight-bashing. Yoda, you are truly the people's hero.
However, they can't go too far, can't hit below the belt or they could get sued for slander.
LOU: "It is not! I resent that. Slander is spoken. In print, it's libel."
NAR: ... is it over?
LOU: Apparently. It just... stops.
NAR: So... what was the point of it?
LOU: Um... 'politely tell people you want to kill their stories, so they'll commit suicide and stop bothering you'.
NAR: Was that below the belt?
LOU: Yoda doesn't wear a belt. Too short, he is.
Sorry, Lou. Yeah, I think they've covered it.
hS -
Just for the sake of clarity by
on 2016-08-22 15:36:00 UTC
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O hai Huin!
Considering I tried to twice send a comment that was moderated, and it never showed up.
NAR: Yes, that's... that's how moderation works, sometimes. I don't think 'twice' generalises to 'any and all'.
This would be because the comments he tried to post, in question, were riddled with so many links that he ended up setting off our spam filter, and his comments got moved to a folder where they were left to be reviewed by us. Upon seeing it was basically the same rant as was just riffed on (thanks for that, by the way. XD), we decided our site visitors didn't need to suffer that kind of idiocy and promptly deleted those comments.
newbie!! by
on 2016-08-23 15:55:00 UTC
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hi my friend linanoreth told me to join so hi
Hullo there, newbie! by
on 2016-08-28 18:12:00 UTC
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Here, have a steampunk kitten and a Replica Holocron as newbie gifts.
Hello, newbie! by
on 2016-08-28 05:11:00 UTC
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Have a dimensionally-vague kitten!
...and some punctuation. I think you may need it. ;) -
Hey there! by
on 2016-08-25 03:03:00 UTC
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This is a Royal Ice Cream Container! Close the lid, state the flavor you want, and then open, and tada! There it will be! Also, this doubles as a virtually invincible shield. Seriously, it'll protect you from a Divine Buster. Unfortunately, it only protects a small portion of you unless you manage to shrink yourself, so choose carefully. Oh, and this version has a slight glitch. Annoying, but I confiscated it from somebody who violated copyright law, so, somewhat expected. Anyways, every other time you open it, you'll find the butt of a gun inside, and if you pull it out, you'll find it's a perfect replica of one of Mami Tomoe's. Have fun!
Welcome to Creation, here's your shovel. by
on 2016-08-24 16:23:00 UTC
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This magic shovel digs up...
Do-do-do-do do-dodo-doooo~
... Undertale songs, apparently. Enjoy your copy of Ghost Fight! -
newbie?? by
on 2016-08-24 05:36:00 UTC
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Welcome [comma] welcome to the [uppercase] ppc [comma] [uppercase] I do hope you enjoy your stay [full-stop]
My gift to you is: nothing! Because you already have the greatest gift of all: friendship.
I mean, I suppose you could use some grammar and all, but I think everyone else's covered that base, eh? -
Welcome, welcome, welcome! by
on 2016-08-23 21:10:00 UTC
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Here's a full set of punctuation (including paragraph symbols) and a red pen! I swear I'm not actually with the Department of Technical Errors, I just really like their style. Enjoy your stay!
Hi there! by
on 2016-08-23 20:01:00 UTC
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Welcome aBoard! Since everyone else has said all the stuff that needed to be said, I'll just give you this giant bee. I guess you should probably avoid pissing it off.
This PSA is brought to you by Captain America. by
on 2016-08-23 20:20:00 UTC
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... Is that vulgar? If so, I'm sorry, I had no idea. (nm) by
on 2016-08-23 20:22:00 UTC
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I don't think so? by
on 2016-08-24 18:17:00 UTC
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"Pissed off" might be slang but it's not vulgar. Unless there's some local slang about pissed off bees that is?
Sorta-kinda. by
on 2016-08-24 22:04:00 UTC
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"Piss" is vulgar, at least here in the US. We say "pee" or "urine" if we must discuss it at all outside our closest circles (and I think it's mostly just men who use "piss" even with close friends).
"Pissed off" isn't very strongly associated with the bodily fluid, but it's still more PG-13 than PG, and not the sort of language we want to see thrown around all the time. Family-friendly versions include "ticked off," "cheesed off," "hacked off," etc. (Don't ask me why.) Best to save "pissed off" for when you really mean it, and even then, it's better to try logic before resorting to strong language to make a point.
Also, just in case anyone doesn't know this: "to be pissed" in the US means to be angry; in the UK, it means to be drunk. Know who's speaking and who you're speaking to lest there be confusion!
~Neshomeh -
Well, whaddya know. by
on 2016-08-25 12:04:00 UTC
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Here in Israel the equivalent of "piss" (which is slang) is commonly used and the "clean" word is only ever used in formal writing (like a doctor's diagnosis); people who want to avoid slang avoid mentioning it altogether (and say something that roughly means "small needs").
Hello newbie. by
on 2016-08-23 18:33:00 UTC
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Please have this bag of black-hole chocolates. The questions were asked, so I can only wish you welcome to the madhouse. Hope you'll enjoy yourself here.
Welcome! by
on 2016-08-23 16:24:00 UTC
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Have one of my own shed feathers, along with two jars. One is filled with punctuation, and another with capital letters! I'm sure you'll be able to find a use for all of these. ;)
May I ask what fandoms are you in, by the way? -
*Poke* (What I'm doing isn't safe) Hi! by
on 2016-08-23 16:17:00 UTC
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Welcome to this corner of the Internet! Have a picture of a Bog in a Fog in a Sea. Alrighty, questions. What should we refer to you as? He, she, or something else? What works do you like? Have you read the Constitution? Or any missions? I believe you'll fit right in here. Now that I'm done here, I need to run. People will most certainly be annoyed that I stole what they usually do. AAAAAAAAH!
The scourge of magic wands (more crackPottery) by
on 2016-08-25 09:47:00 UTC
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For thousands of years, our European colleagues in the wizarding community have harped on one constant message: magic wands are better. They allow more advanced magic, more easily, with more control. They let witches and wizards who would otherwise be limited to a few minor curses craft elaborate charms and spells. "The wand did for magic what fire did for cooking," as one famous history put it.
All of this is true.
Strangely absent from the discourse coming out of Europe, though, is the terrible cost of wands. Not monetary cost - the cost to the living things whose powers we are stealing to fuel our own.
Does the phoenix feel the energy leave it each time one of its feathers is encased in wood? Does the rare magically-attuned oak or ash realise how it is exploited, when its branches are harvested to fuel human wizardry? How many magical creatures have had their lives lessened, shortened, by the leeching of their power to serve our ends?
It is not the time to turn away from the use of wands; every witch and wizard on the planet sees them as indispensable to 'proper' magic. But can we not be more considerate in their use? Can we not see them for what they are - tools for extracting another creature's power and using it to feed our own? If we can, then perhaps we can set foot on the path towards a new, kinder mode of magic.
-This message brought to you by the Wizarding Association of Non-Europeans (W.A.N.E.)
Consider the following:
-Wands, using animal and plant material, were invented by Europeans, not by the reportedly animal-and-plant-attuned Native Americans.
-According to Ollivander, "Only a minority of trees can produce wand quality wood (just as a minority of humans can produce magic)." There is a direct parallel between magic-using humans and magic-producing trees.
-Wands are quasi-intelligent, able to choose and bond with their owners. Where does the intelligence come from?
-The only instance we see of a creature deliberately giving material for a wand - the Horned Serpent's gift to Isolt Sayre - comes across as a significant and powerful act of almost mystical significance: "...she went down to the creek to find the Horned Serpent, which rose up out of the water and bowed its head to her while she shaved a long shard from its horn."
-According to at least one report, Newt Scamander's wand does not contain normal animal material. Its core appears to be either bone or shell, both of which are only obtainable after the creature is dead (and thus no longer needs its innate powers). Newt, of course, is the wizard we know of who's most in tune with fantastic beasts (other than Hagrid, whose wand has... an unknown core).
I don't think it's a wild extrapolation to think that wands make use of their sources' magic, and that they lessen it somehow by doing so. From that it follows that their creation and introduction to various places at various times was probably highly controversial.
Note that Isolt's introduction of wand-making to the Americas is deftly done: she built it on a foundation of respect for the magical creatures, which apparently continued long after (remember the mystery of obtaining White River Monster spines?). In contrast, European wizards grab shed unicorn hairs and sell them for profit.
Obviously all this is my own extrapolation (and W.A.N.E. is my own creation), but I think it fits. Thoughts from the gallery? I'm happy to be wrong if I'm wrong. ;)
hS -
In which hS invents wizard vegans. (nm) by
on 2016-08-27 14:23:00 UTC
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Just a thought... by
on 2016-08-26 23:53:00 UTC
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...This IS magic we're talking about here. It's completely reasonable to assume energy isn't taken from the origin of the wand's material because magic breaks known physics. For example, Polyjuice potions create matter out of nothing. It is therefore not a terrible mental stretch to say they do the same with energy.
The way I see it... by
on 2016-08-25 20:00:00 UTC
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Is that wands do not hold an active connection to the core's source: Harry's and Voldemort's wands do take their power from Fawkes, Fleur doesn't take magic from her grandmother, etc.
While wiki-diving, I've come across a bit that says about "residual power stored in a wand", so that's how I think of it: core substances have some residual power of the creature that came from and that's the wand's fuel - not enough for the (still alive) creature to feel the difference, but enough for a human to do some pretty awesome magic.
Now, having a core substance with the amount of power, the wood with the power (Giggity), and the wizard's innate power - and they do have some, since wandless magic exists in general - I'd say that's quite an amount of magical power, enough for a human wizard's life. -
Wandless magic is the natural state of magic. by
on 2016-08-26 09:47:00 UTC
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Across five continents, witches and wizards knew that magic cast by their own innate skill and power was the purest and most ethical mode of magic. Only in Europe did they reach beyond that level, plundering the natural world to fuel destructive and manipulative spells that made them supreme across the world - but at what cost?
No, there is no evidence of any link between a wand's core and the creature it came from, but even without that, what price must the beast pay? If we sever your finger to give advantage to another, you will feel the loss even though you can no longer sense the missing digit. What does it feel like, to have your magical ability and strength drained away, in feathers or hairs or horn? And what of the trees, who cannot even flee, but must submit to being harvested of their natural talents?
(I follow the Hermione Granger school of activism. Badges for teh win! ~hS) -
Hm, so Wizardry is end-negative. (nm) by
on 2016-08-26 16:23:00 UTC
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Maybe? by
on 2016-08-26 16:31:00 UTC
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I mean, it could go any way - maybe wand material loses power when you transfer it, maybe it retains exactly equal power, or maybe the witch-wood-beast synergy gives more power than the three individually.
Actually, question: is there any indication in canon that it's possible to run out of magic, or not have enough to cast a spell? My memory is that failure to cast powerful spells (Patronus and the Unforgivables spring to mind) comes from an inability to do it right/concentrate hard enough; I don't remember ever seeing 'I've cast too many spells, now I can't do any more!'.
So... is HP magic a literally infinite well, which any magic-user can tap as much as they want from? Is there even an answer to that question?
hS -
There is no definitive answer. by
on 2016-08-26 17:13:00 UTC
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But we have seen scenes like a competent witch and a competent wizard (McGonagall and Dumbledore) carrying petrified Colin Creevy, so it may be reasonable to assume that sharing the weight is less exhausting than one person levitating him. With an infinite well of magical energy, life would be too easy, and we should have seen much more magic than we actually did.
HG -
iirc, Ollivander harvested Fawkes' feathers with consent. by
on 2016-08-25 15:39:00 UTC
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I'd assume other wandmakers would do the same for an XXXX creature. Can't say anything about dragon heartstrings, however. I hope it's harvested after it's deceased. I've always wondered about that.
"Becoming Female" on the wiki? by
on 2016-08-27 20:10:00 UTC
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Hey, guys. Happened to be on the wiki just now and noticed that some anonymous person added a page for a Potterverse fic called "Becoming Female." Since this is not the sort of thing that should be done without discussion, would anyone care to identify themself as the person responsible, and tell us why they think we need a page for it so we can talk about it?
If no one comes forward, I move we delete the page unless plenty of people have already heard of this fic and have a case for why this badfic out of all badfic in the world is so relevant to us we need an article about it. To be fair, it sounds pretty bad, but we're not running Badfic Wiki; we're running PPC Wiki.
~Neshomeh -
Okay, it's been over 48 hours. by
on 2016-08-30 18:44:00 UTC
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The page is deleted. It can always be restored in the event that someone comes forward with a strong case, but I'm not holding my breath.
~Neshomeh -
I've read it beforet, but... by
on 2016-08-27 20:35:00 UTC
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I mean, there's nothing about it that really stood out to me other than the fact it was written to be as blatantly over-the-top as possible, to the point where I'm 99% sure it's supposed to be parody.
I'm in favor of deleting the page. -
Thirding. by
on 2016-08-28 09:59:00 UTC
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A badfic should have a PPC page only it it is relevant to us in some way (an important mission, or being a Legendary)
Unless someone brings a good reason for it to stay, it should just be deleted. -
Seconding. by
on 2016-08-27 21:18:00 UTC
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If it's not trolling or parody it's definitely bleep; even as parody it has some really squicky parts. However nobody missioned it (yet) and it's not Legendary, so off with the page's head, I say.
Good luck to everyone headed back to school this week! by
on 2016-08-29 16:07:00 UTC
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And here's hoping that I don't get sick... by
on 2016-09-01 05:31:00 UTC
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...for half a year... again.
*hugs* by
on 2016-09-01 05:47:00 UTC
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Hey, sometimes s**t happens, you know? I lost an entire semester of college because I wasn't able to walk for several months. Just gotta brush yourself off once you get better and keep at it.
Thanks. :) by
on 2016-09-01 05:55:00 UTC
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I'm keeping at it. Got some nice classes this time around, at least. Though sadly not photography, 'cause the teacher's a horrible jerk to special ed students.
Well. Can't know how things are gonna go until they go. :) -
*claws her way to the Board midway through a grueling week* by
on 2016-09-01 04:03:00 UTC
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Thank. . . you. . .
*collapses on a pile of physics labs and James Baldwin stories*
--Key -
*Has yearly tests arriving in a week and a half* by
on 2016-09-01 08:07:00 UTC
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*Hasn't even started studying yet.*
*Barely finished last assignment today.*
*Is actually going to die.* -
You can do it! by
on 2016-09-04 17:54:00 UTC
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Don't give up!
Oh, I probably shouldn't be talking to you, then. Distracting, and all.
Sorry, bye.
--Key -
What have you done?! by
on 2016-09-04 22:21:00 UTC
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You fool! You've distracted me!
Grades... dropping...
Knowledge... leaving...
Notes... disintegrating...
Future societal worth... lowering... -
Good luck, aright! by
on 2016-08-29 16:46:00 UTC
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Though in my case uni is still a month and a half away.
RIP Gene Wilder, AKA the gentler Willy Wonka. (nm) by
on 2016-08-29 21:40:00 UTC
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Definitely not happy :C (nm) by
on 2016-08-29 23:50:00 UTC
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:((( (nm) by
on 2016-08-29 23:30:00 UTC
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Do we have any urban fantasy fans? by
on 2016-08-29 23:53:00 UTC
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I'm talking mostly about stuff like Supernatural, The Dresden Files, Shadow Police, etc.
If so, and if you have time and patience to be flooded by emails with ideas and consultations, please let me know. I could use some help with a short story I'm making. -
Can't say I'm all that experienced an urban fantasy fan, by
on 2016-09-06 20:39:00 UTC
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But I'd be happy to have a look if you're still looking for volunteers. Dunno how much help I'd be, but it's hard to go wrong with another person to look things over.
I believe you have my email, but if not, username should be clickable. -
Urban fantasy fan, reporting in. by
on 2016-09-01 19:24:00 UTC
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Bring on the emails, I would love something interesting in my inbox.
Dresdenverse, PJO, and the Greywalker series. by
on 2016-08-31 00:31:00 UTC
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Feel free to email me with any and all of your ideas :)
PJO is life and I guess RWBY has shades of it, so hit me up (nm) by
on 2016-08-30 20:16:00 UTC
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Dresden Files and Supernatural fan, reporting. by
on 2016-08-30 19:45:00 UTC
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You know my mail. Feel free to use it.
Have a recommendation! by
on 2016-08-30 18:40:00 UTC
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I'm not hugely into the genre, so I won't be much good for consultation, but one author I particularly like is Charles de Lint. His writing is really beautiful, and so is his imagination. You might get some good ideas by reading his novels and short story collections.
Also, if I may plug a friend of mine, look up Catherine Butzen. Her books Thief of Midnight and Fell the Angels are about a group of monster-hunters in Chicago, and might remind you of another secret organization that protects the normal world from reality-warping bad guys. {= ) The God Collector is a bit more on the supernatural romance side, but is also set in Chicago and quite good. I dunno if it will be hard to get her books overseas, but you'd be supporting someone who deserves it if you can manage it.
~Neshomeh -
I can second the plug of Thief of Midnight by
on 2016-08-30 22:11:00 UTC
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My comment on it to Kaitlyn was 'it's a really, really good book, provided you can get past the first three chapters'. The monster-hunters definitely have that PPCish vibe, but the real show-stealers are- oh, but that would be telling. ^_~
The God Collector... well, I always planned to write up a review of it, but the first line really tells it all: I loved everything about this book, except the protagonist. It's not that she's unlikable - I just don't understand a single one of her decisions during the first 2/3 of the book. But the book itself is brilliant.
(Fell the Angels isn't available in these parts, so no comment there.)
hS -
...You. Know. Catherine Butzen. by
on 2016-08-30 19:25:00 UTC
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. -
She's a former PPCer, actually! (nm) by
on 2016-08-30 19:29:00 UTC
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Whaaaaat?! by
on 2016-08-31 07:40:00 UTC
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We got anyone else like that?
Other real famous former PPCers? -
I dunno about "real famous" by
on 2016-09-01 09:26:00 UTC
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But I have added to the canon of Shadowrun if that counts. (Not super hard to do, but most who do it remain largely anonymous, outside of a few large figures in the community like Bull and Grak the Troll.)
What'd you add? (nm) by
on 2016-09-01 09:42:00 UTC
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A character and an adventure by
on 2016-09-01 12:56:00 UTC
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Don't have a copy of the adventure anymore but it's out there. I used to run it at cons. The character was a dude named Surge. He was a contact in the adventure, and a JackPoint member. Got referenced in one of the two or three page supplements Catalyst released for 4e. He was my first successful runner (ie the first one to not die or get arrested) so I decided to do more with him.
Does Herr Wozzeck count? (nm) by
on 2016-08-31 19:57:00 UTC
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For... anything in particular? (nm) by
on 2016-08-31 19:58:00 UTC
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Oh, I've thought of another. by
on 2016-08-31 16:01:00 UTC
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I don't know if this person would want her name to be shared, but check out her Amazon page. I enjoyed her book Wizard: Deceased, and I'll point out that the main character is named Acacia and her mom is Camilla. I'm pretty sure that's not a coincidence. {= )
~Neshomeh - We got one onto Jeopardy. by on 2016-08-31 08:05:00 UTC Link to this
Sorry to post on a long-gone thread. by
on 2016-10-03 16:42:00 UTC
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But I just wanted to add for posterity, this Jeopardy moment has now been referenced in a Cracked video.
Warning for some NSFW language in other parts of the video. Link.
—doctorlit -
Oh, wow, that's awesome. by
on 2016-08-31 15:54:00 UTC
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I never knew that! When did that happen? And, if she doesn't mind sharing, who was (is?) she in the PPC?
Kippur, of course, is an internet hero. I got their book, The Tropes of Fantasy Fiction. It's pretty good, and totally worth reading just to see the PPC mentioned in print. Only a brief mention, alas, but still. {= )
~Neshomeh -
Almighty. Gygax... by
on 2016-08-30 19:47:00 UTC
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Excuse me. Must install new brain. Current one just melted down.
Yeah, I'm right there with ya, mate. (nm) by
on 2016-08-30 20:28:00 UTC
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Waitaminute, how did you guys know of her, then? {X D by
on 2016-08-30 22:43:00 UTC
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I must know! If not through the Board, then how?
~Neshomeh finds this hilarious and wonderful. -
Me? Through Goodreads. by
on 2016-08-31 07:29:00 UTC
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I was looking for a copy of Thief of Midnight for quite some time, after I fell in love with the summary, but couldn't find it anywhere.
Why, searching for urban fantasy books. by
on 2016-08-30 23:09:00 UTC
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And now I know about an author who has been a PPCer... The world just got a heck more smaller, and that's awesome.
Funny you should mention that... by
on 2016-08-30 04:25:00 UTC
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I've been on again off again working on a Urban Supernatural Fantasy Series. My email is
evilaiuberoverlord at google mail. Not sure how frequently I'll respond, but I'll help how I can. -
Welcome back, mate. by
on 2016-08-30 08:05:00 UTC
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Haven't seen you around for a while, so have this best hamster!
Thanks by
on 2016-08-30 22:52:00 UTC
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I've been around occasionally, but I've been quite busy. So I've mostly just lurked. And that will likely continue. Very busy most days.
In that case... by
on 2016-08-31 11:34:00 UTC
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Be sure to take this Lurker with you. His name is Brutter and he's very friendly.
You have my email. Fire away! 8D (nm) by
on 2016-08-30 01:57:00 UTC
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Flaming Colors! Burn my soul, this is a storming good topic! by
on 2016-08-31 02:40:00 UTC
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In other words, fictional curses!
Fictional curses have always interested me. They add color (ha) to the universe, they can be used for emphasis without annoying me (I'm not much for actual foul language), and I can say them without feeling guilty. You white-livered sons of goats. =]
So I was wondering, what are some of your favorite fictional curses, and why? "Blood and ashes" and "Burn you!" from The Wheel of Time are my favorites, followed closely by "Storms!" and "Storming [x]!" from The Stormlight Archive, because they fit very well in their respective universes.
-Alleb (it feels like it's been forever since I've posted!) -
One set that's stuck with me by
on 2016-09-02 22:58:00 UTC
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is the main Hani swear from the Chanur novels, which is "[gods] rot [x]". For example, "Gods rot the internet in this building.", which feels like the right thing to say when it takes five minutes to connect to campus wifi. As with many swearwords, it's short and grammatically versatile, with derivatives ranging from "gods!" to "gods-rotted".
From the same books, "gods-be" is probably a euphemism for something, and works OK for general-purpose frustration.
(And there's the tangential question of why any of these expressions might be swearwords. Everyone who's perspective we see thinks it's too obvious to mention.) -
First, hello! by
on 2016-09-01 18:41:00 UTC
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Second, in no particular order; "Vera's tits" "By the blood on Vera's floor" from the Dragaera novels, "Frag" "Drek" from Shadowrun, "Slag" "Scrap" "Pit" "Great Smelter" from Transformers, and "Merlin's Beard" from Harry Potter.
Alleb! *wavewave* by
on 2016-09-01 05:09:00 UTC
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You exist! And are around! :o
Hello! I am both of these things! by
on 2016-09-01 05:28:00 UTC
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You just returned from an extended absence as well, didn't you? Nice to figuratively see you again! How have you been?
-Alleb -
Sick. But better now, thankfully. by
on 2016-09-01 05:30:00 UTC
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I just had my first day of school—it's my last year of high school, which is pretty cool. They have a science fiction class! About three quarters of it is on Dune, which I somehow have not yet read.
Bleh, I hate long illnesses. by
on 2016-09-01 05:40:00 UTC
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Whenever I get sick it feels like I'm always under the weather for at least two weeks, even if it's just a cold. I'm glad you're feeling better now.
Ooh, fun! I haven't read Dune yet either, actually; I should check it out. I've heard it's good. By the way, what fandoms are you into? I'm largely fantasy, with a very tiny splash of sci-fi. *makes small shelter out of LotR copies*
-Alleb -
These days? by
on 2016-09-01 05:52:00 UTC
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In no particular order: Star Wars; the Imperial Radch; the Vorkosigan saga; Young Wizards; Steven Universe... I have a lot, but those are some of the major ones.
Mostly fantasy and sci-fi, basically. Seems like mostly sci-fi right now. (I should *write* more sci-fi. The insect politics are calling to me!) -
Ah, Star Wars. by
on 2016-09-01 17:14:00 UTC
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I can't wait for Rogue One. I'm not very familiar with the other ones, though; I've heard of Young Wizards and Steven Universe, but not the other two. What're they about?
Ooh, you should check out Perfect State, by Brandon Sanderson. It's a novella, so it's dirt cheap and you can probably finish it in an afternoon. It's a sci-fi story, and I quite enjoyed it. You should check out anything by Brandon Sanderson. He's awesome.
Insect politics, eh? *cracks lame joke about the election* Sci-fi politics can be quite fun. Fantasy politics, too. The Wheel of Time's Daes Dae'mar, the Game of Houses, is fun to read about.
-Alleb -
Barking spiders, you're back! by
on 2016-09-01 04:31:00 UTC
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The curse is from Scott Westerfeld's Leviathan series, which I mostly read for the sake of seeing people use that curse (and the steampunk animal-dirigibles, of course). Scott Westerfeld's books in general have pretty great slang; he borrows from everywhere. "Barking spiders" used to be a Victorian euphemism for farting, but it fit the setting better as a curse.
Fly By Night, by Frances Hardinge, (as well as the sequel) has some fun stuff: "pixelated" is used to insult someone, saying their senses must have been stolen by the pixies. There's lots of different kinds of slang in that book, because there are lots of dialects, and it's full of competing rulers and gods to swear on.
This is historical fiction, so it's probably based on real curses, but Karen Cushman's Catherine Called Birdie, a book I really loved when I was about ten, has a nice part about curses. It's set in medieval England, and the title character (a girl of mildly noble birth) hears that at court, everyone has their own individual curses, usually along the lines of "G-d's [body part]!" So she spends months going through ideas, trying to find one of her own. The nice-sounding ones like "G-d's beard!" and "G-d's teeth!" are taken, so she's playing with curses like "G-d's elbows!" and driving her family crazy.
--Key -
What in the name of zarking fardwarks is the old fool doing? by
on 2016-09-05 04:30:00 UTC
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Quote from Ford Prefect, in Chapter 3 of Life, the Universe, and Everything. I have no idea what it means, but it sounds very froody.
--Key -
"Zark off." --Zaphod, chapter 9 of same (nm) by
on 2016-09-05 05:01:00 UTC
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Farscape and Pern have loads of good ones. by
on 2016-08-31 17:09:00 UTC
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I found a rather entertaining guide to swearing in the Uncharted Territories, saving me the work of having to explain it all. Check it out! It'll pretty much give you the flavor of the whole universe.
As for Pern... well, scorch it, you'd have to be a sharding deadglow not to love Pernese curse words. It's not wherryteeth, I swear by the First Egg. They're mostly clean and all secular, since the Pernese don't consider sex to be taboo and they have no religion to speak of, and they reflects their priorities—mainly the importance of dragons. Also, most of them are easy and satisfying to say. Shards! Shells! Shaffit! Fardles! It'll be a warm day between before I get tired of them. I'll be a begreened tunnelsnake if I lie, so don't be a hidebound flitterby: give them a try! ^_^
~Neshomeh -
Excellent. by
on 2016-09-01 05:35:00 UTC
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You know your fandom is deep when it has a list of curses with definitions and examples. XD They're are all quite fun-sounding; I'll have to use some of them. *Agent Alleb awkwardly tosses them out during a mission because she's been researching fire-dragons* *Jesse is concerned*
-Alleb -
Now this makes me sad that Warframe only has "Tenno SKOOM!" (nm) by
on 2016-08-31 22:15:00 UTC
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[Applauds] (nm) by
on 2016-08-31 17:39:00 UTC
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OT: ALLEB!!! by
on 2016-08-31 07:42:00 UTC
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Alleb is back! Alleb is back! Alleb is back! :D
Take ALL the Infinite Pizza you can get! -
Hi! :D by
on 2016-08-31 15:41:00 UTC
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It has been a bit, hasn't it? I lurk almost daily, though, at least weekly, so it doesn't feel like an absence to me. How're you?
-Alleb -
Prepare for quite an email spam! :D (nm) by
on 2016-08-31 15:51:00 UTC
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Not quite sure if it counts, by
on 2016-08-31 07:34:00 UTC
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But there's one part in Slaughterhouse-Five when the main character's daughter is described as a 'bitchy flibbertigibbet.'
Now that's a name I'd love to be called.
I mean, the whole novel's fairly bizarre, so I think it fits right in, honestly. Helps get the arguable insanity and unreliability of the narrator across, too. -
Time for Butcher Time (with Sanderson on the side.) by
on 2016-08-31 06:15:00 UTC
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Dresdenverse got Hell's bells, Star and Stones and Empty Night. And the three of them are working titles for his big apocalyptic trilogy to conclude the series.
Or you could go in crowbegotten place, aka Carna, with Codex Alera. By the Great Furies, you need to visit it.
Last good ones I remember are from te seequel books from Mistborn with Wax, with rusting wackos in the back. Rust and Ravage. -
More Sanderson stuff! by
on 2016-08-31 06:46:00 UTC
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From Mistborn, we also have "By The Lord Ruler!", but you can always swear by any noun. Examples include Calamity, The Eternal Sparks(Steelheart); Gorlog's beard, teeth, and eyebrows (Ranger's Apprentice); Tartarus (PJO), Ruin (Mistborn), and etc. I personally would use The Avatars, from Dragonfable.
You can't just mention Sanderson... by
on 2016-09-01 00:00:00 UTC
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And not mention 'Shattering glass!' And, of course, 'Shatter yourself!'Those are rather entertaining, and now I'm considering using them, because nobody will get it.
Blistering brooks, another Alcatraz fan! :D by
on 2016-09-01 05:30:00 UTC
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Be forewarned, I've only listened to the audiobooks, so I'll misspell everything three ways from Sunday. You excited for The Dark Talent? =D
-Alleb -
Rumbling Rowns, of course I am! by
on 2016-09-01 05:53:00 UTC
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Not only is it incredibly convenient, it's gonna be awesome! And we're in the same boat. I've only listened to them, so I keep having to look things up to avoid a storm of minis. Though now that I think about it, I wonder what Alcatraz minis are...
Mini-Alivened, maybe? by
on 2016-09-01 17:08:00 UTC
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Or maybe mini-dragons. Hey, you were making agents from the Alcatraz books, weren't you? I'd thought of doing that myself; a Smedry and her Knight of Crystallia.
Man, I can't wait to read it. I'll want it as soon as possible so I'll probably buy the Kindle version immediately. :D Do you read any other Sanderson books?
-Alleb -
Mini-Alivened sound cool. by
on 2016-09-02 05:21:00 UTC
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One of them is, yeah. He's an Oculator, but not a Smedry. I didn't want to copy a canon ability, wasn't sure what would make a really good Talent. Hmm... How'd they show up? Canonquake?
And yeah, I'm making my very, very slow way through the Mistborn trilogy. Oh, and I've read The Rithmatist. -
I was thinking of mini-gaks, or British Dinosaurs. by
on 2016-09-02 00:39:00 UTC
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I can't believe I forgot about Alcatraz vs. The Dark Talent. Kaz's cussing is hilarious. Cashews, pistachios, seagulls, fowl language of all kinds!
Well, since d'arvit was taken... by
on 2016-08-31 04:52:00 UTC
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I'd say probably 'May your life be ever-interesting.' In that particular universe, 'interesting' can mean 'An Arch-Villain who has been alive for centuries and who has become increasingly insane had his minor plan to transport a flower from Point A to Point B thwarted by you, and so he has now decided to personally exact revenge.'
One and only one comes to mind by
on 2016-08-31 02:50:00 UTC
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And it can be summed up in this one image:
Curses, you beat me to it! (nm) by
on 2016-08-31 03:41:00 UTC
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:P (nm) by
on 2016-08-31 18:38:00 UTC
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Return to the PPC Hunger Games? by
on 2016-08-31 12:10:00 UTC
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If you were around in January, you might remember we (DCCCV?) found a website that lets you simulate a Hunger Games. It caught on both here and in HQ, with two full seasons being 'broadcast':
Season 2
Season 3
Would anybody be interested in another round? To make it interesting, I've just spent a couple of days creating a completely custom arena - we're not putting them in a cheerful nature reserve this time. Muahahaha, etc.
If you want your agents to take part, go ahead and list up to four, in order of preference. (Everyone should get at least their first two; what happens after that depends on how many people want to join in.) They should be agents owned by you, and you should have Permission (since the broadcast is canon - don't worry, all the danger is holographic!). If there are free-to-use characters you'd really like to see, mention them separately; I might need them for filling gaps.
I'm hoping to run the Games much like Sergio did for Season 3 - interviews with the competitors after each day, plus commentary from the producers. Responding to interview requests isn't required, though.
Any takers?
hS -
The Final Episode by
on 2016-09-15 20:17:00 UTC
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Hello, and for the last time… welcome to the Fourth PPC HQ Hunger Games.
You may have heard the rumours about our… difficulties with a number of former tributes. You may be worried that we are in danger from their actions. But we can assure you that there's nothing to worry about; every precaution has been taken to keep us safe.
And if they believe that, they'll-
So! We left off at the end of day seven, with four contestants in the game. For District Eagle Hawk, Kyaris the hydra. Fresh from taking out Derik in an awe-inspiring lightsaber duel, she's injured now, but still a force to be reckoned with.
From District PoorCynic, Gremlin, hatchet-wielding and dedicated. Of all the contestants, she's the one who's been planning ahead the most - but will that be enough?
Hieronymus of District Grey Tomatoes has followed a meandering path through the game. His usual tactic is to befriend the other tributes and take them out while their guard is down, but can he pull it off again?
And finally, Whitney from District Desdenskar. Relentlessly cheerful and able to make the best of every situation, she's had her ups and downs, but is now ready for the final days.
Which have already happened. We already know who won, it was-
Notte! Suspense! As night dawned, our tributes made camp once again. More precisely, Kyaris drained the cafeteria of coffee to keep watch all night, while the other three teamed up - the very last teamup of the Games - and spent a quiet night playing D&D.
We'll have to ask in the interviews who won.
Morning revealed a day of planning and preparation. Three of the agents went on hunts: Whitney for the HQ Pool, Hieronymus for his RC, and Kyaris for the Fountain of Bleepka. What Whitney and Hieronymus intended, we don't know, but Kyaris' plan involved drinking almost half of the fountain.
As for Gremlin, we're not sure what she was up to - she's proven expert at avoiding the cameras - but we do know she got a medical kit from someone outside. Perhaps someone had sympathy for her endless quest to find Medical earlier in the game?
Night fell, and proved that planning is key. While Hieronymus continued to work on his plans for the morning, Kyaris managed to herd or trick Whitney and Gremlin into a Response Centre and seal the door. A blast of bleepka fumes from her many heads finished them off.
We're going to have to get the mad chemists to look into that. Was it the bleach that proved so deadly? The alcohol? Or what?
Who knows? Does even Kyaris know? We certainly don't! All we know is that Day 9 opened on the final, fateful showdown: Kyaris versus Hieronymus, age versus heads. Whoever won would claim the final victory.
It was Kyaris.
Oh, come on! I had a whole speech written about it! I was going to slowly work in the Sherlock Holmes references, and then end it with-
She pushed him down the elevator shaft.
"-which will henceforth be known as the Reichenbach Lift." It was perfect, and you had to go and ruin it.
Yes. Yes I did.
Fine. See if I care. So Kyaris is the winner, good for her. She also shares joint second place in number of kills across the Games with Constance, coming in at five. Third place with four kills is split between Gremlin and Tomash, while the winner, with an astonishing seven kills, is Peregrin.
Trophies for these and other notable achievements will be distributed at the awards ceremony. To those of you who are still baying for our blood: sorry to disappoint, but we will not be attending in person. We're not that stupid.
You say that…
Tune in after the break for the final round of interviews. Thanks for watching!
We all take for granted the weird world we live in - the strange dimensional nature of HQ, the way canon worlds can be both real and fictional, the coexistence of dozens of mutually-exclusive magical systems. But if you've ever found yourself wanting answers to some of the endless questions, or if you've ever wanted to know more about the multiverse, why not subscribe to DAS-JIVE? You can pick up the first volume in the General Store now.
The Journal of Investigating Veracity by Experiment is published by Nutmeg Print, on behalf of DAS. Answers to specific questions mentioned are not guarenteed.
Find the details on the doc.
I don't have time or energy for a award ceremony RP, but if someone else wants to run one, you can have Holo-Jay and Holo-Acacia presenting trophies for anything and everything. You can also have a hunt for Undis Closed, if you want; I might chime in with 'events at the broadcast station' if that happens.
I'd like to thank everyone for taking part. I'd especially like to thank PoorCynic and SkarmorySilver for their artwork, and PoorCynic (again!) for the glory that has been Holo-Acacia and Gremlin. But I also want to thank absolutely everybody who's written even a single interview; it wouldn't have been half as much fun without you.
hS -
Interviews by
on 2016-09-16 18:53:00 UTC
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Hieronymus: Ouw, ouw, ouw! I didn’t expect that falling down a holographic elevator shaft hurts so much. Should I blame Sergio, Marina, or Derik for tampering with this thing? Nah, finding out who’s responsible would be too much trouble.
Congratulations, Kyaris, you got me. Speaking of winning – isn’t D&D a cooperative game? We won all three, creating a wonderful story about a mage, a warrior and a thief going on a great adventure. It involved much less running and falling down elevator shafts than this fracking Hunger Games adventure; I’m not going to do that again. And if you hear me, Androia, don’t ever imply that I may need a fitness trainer. I outlasted Whitney.
Androia (commenting from RC 1953): Well, that was a surprise. I would never have expected that the old man gets so far. Actually, I had hoped to beat him this time. At least, place thirty is slightly better than last times thirty-four. So – let us party!
Can we please stop doing this!
((Retcon plan:
The agents’ origins story and "In the Void" happened in 2015 HST.
Hieronymus was dragged out of the PPC archives in January 2016 HST.
The beep at the end of "First encounter" did not announce their first mission; it was a last minute invitation for the Third PPC HQ Hunger Games.
Androia and Hieronymus didn’t attend the Rewards Party at Rudi’s because they got their first mission immediately after the Third PPC HQ Hunger Games.
When they returned from the Potterverse, they found out that meanwhile seven months had passed in HQ, and the Fourth PPC HQ Hunger Games were up.
Apparently history repeats itself and they get their second mission right now.
In other words: I’ll chicken out on the RP again.
Having Hunger Games was fun, but what happened to the badfic games? I guess you don’t have the time and energy to start them soon.))
HG -
Oh, frogspawn, is it September already? by
on 2016-09-16 20:19:00 UTC
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I'll, uh, see what I can do, badfic-wise.
hS -
Congrats! by
on 2016-09-15 21:32:00 UTC
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Whitney: What a journey! I am thrilled to have been a part of these games from start to finish, and I am not in any way disappointed that I came in third place. Especially since there were so many people who entered to begin with!
And to my friends who were hoping or expecting me to be the victor, don't be discouraged. Being the last one standing is by no means easy, and I was fully aware that the other members of the final four were just as experienced and skilled as I was - or better, in the case of Kyaris. I admire her strength and cunning, especially for an Intel member as I've since learned. I wouldn't have expected anything less from her, and I cannot congratulate her enough for her achievement.
At any rate, it's been a pleasure, everyone. I do hope our many, MANY paths will all cross eac other again next season! -
Will there be a Rewards RP? (nm) by
on 2016-09-15 20:58:00 UTC
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I... I answered that question... :-/ (nm) by
on 2016-09-15 21:10:00 UTC
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O hay there's a second to last paragraph, thats a thing (nm) by
on 2016-09-15 21:13:00 UTC
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Day 7. Runoffs ended! by
on 2016-09-14 14:51:00 UTC
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-t works against tracking spells? Some sort of anti-magic field?
A tinfoil hat, maybe?
Don't be snarky. What about ysalamiri? Does the Force count as magical enough that they could also block-
What? No, cameras don't hide you from magic, that's-
Welcome back to the Hunger Games. Sorry about the mess.
Oh, right. We left off with seven survivors about to go into the sixth night. Two of them took a peaceful approach - Will and Hieronymus, who camped out together. So did Ajax and Whitney, actually, but how 'peaceful' can you call it when Gremlin sneaks in and steals your kit?
The other two… well. We like to think that a lightsaber duel with a hydra is how Derik would have wanted to go.
I kind of doubt it, though.
Me too, but oh well: he's out. Turns out having one leg isn't very useful in combat.
So day dawned, and Gremlin returned to Ajax's camp to finish the job. Forsaking her trademark hatchet, she brought a lightning gun into play. Shocking!
Don't do that.
Meanwhile, Hieronymus demonstrated that 'peaceful' is overrated in the Games: after using Will's company to keep him safe during the night, he showed no qualms about killing him in the morning.
The other two had problems of their own: Whitney found herself alarmingly sane, while Kyaris managed to trip and break a rib, which is a serious problem for a quadroped. But they both survived, and that's what counts.
Four tributes are left: Gremlin, Kyaris, Hieronymus, Whitney. But there can be only one victor. Tomorrow, we'll find out who.
Sad? Depressed? Just plain miserable? Yeah, we know how that can be. Even in HQ - the best workplace in the multiverse! - sometimes things get you down.
If that happens to you, why not visit with your friendly Morale Officer? With a range of inspiring slogans and delicious cookies, nothing is more guaranteed to perk you up after a hard mission.
Over in the runoffs, morning broke with a surprising announcement: a feast! All six survivors headed for the cafeteria, but not all of them made it: Alleb had apparently neglected to eat anything for the entire game, and up and died on us on the way there. Kind of an embarassing way to go.
Team Murder may be gone, but Harris made a stab at a new Team Ambush. He and Gerry snuck up on Constance, trying to take her out of the Games. Hey, quick tip to the Infrastructure guys: never surprise a lady while she's gathering weapons. I hope this also puts paid to all those rumours about her and Harris.
Across the cafeteria, disaster struck! Corolla, avenging angel - fairy? - that she is, was struck down by Sarah. Nooooo! Would Sarah's reign of terror consume the Games, or could Constance bring her down?
Well… let me put it like this. Constance was collecting weapons. Sarah was stealing bananas.
"Avada Kedavra!"
We have our winner: Constance Sims, formerly of the DMS, Medical, and FicPsych. Her victory nets her a place of honour in the final ranking: 49th place!
… hmm. That doesn't sound as impressive as I hoped. Oh, well. I'm Dafydd Illian, this is NTV, and you should all watch Ardolindi when it comes on again.
Reject the lies of the usurper! Follow the path of the true Sunflower Official! The Hunger Games say fire is catching - but the truth is catchinger! The brutal murder of our TRUE leader cannot be denied!
And next time I offer you a pamphlet, Just Say Yes!
Transcript in the doc, though most of it worked its way into the report.
I want to stress, again, that both of these games are the very first run I've made with each setup, and that I didn't check the outcome before I started writing. It's not that I'm not happy Constance won, but I don't want people to think I set it up.
Also: the banana-versus-wand duel and the Derik-Kyaris duel would both be epically amazing as pictures. Particularly the latter.
hS -
Don't mind me, just doing my thing by
on 2016-09-15 18:28:00 UTC
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That. Is. AMAZING. by
on 2016-09-15 20:21:00 UTC
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And I can actually believe that banana could be a credible weapon. Well done!
hS -
So much rage in these eyes... by
on 2016-09-15 18:33:00 UTC
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Would Sara mind joining the effort for tracking down the staff of Nutmeg TV? Pretty sure she like venting some anger after that.
*snatches up mini-Agent* (nm) by
on 2016-09-15 21:35:00 UTC
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Thanks, but no thanks. by
on 2016-09-15 18:38:00 UTC
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I just got caught up in the heat of the moment, that's all! I totally didn't look like the madness of cold-blooded murder had overtaken me during the last half of the runoffs, heheh...!
But anyway, as much as I'd like to say yes, I already vented pretty much all my frustrations in the games themselves, and I'd really, REALLY WANT to give them another go when they swing by again, so maybe next time. Sorry, man! -
If there is a next time. by
on 2016-09-15 19:03:00 UTC
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I don't know about you, but I don't like being drafted like this. Not at all. And now I can track these guys, there is no way I let them go before explaining my opinion to them. Thoroughly. We'll see if they can still do any emission after that.
Interview. by
on 2016-09-15 09:41:00 UTC
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Kyaris: "Shwoom... schwon... shwish... I have got to get one of these things to take home with me.
"So: final four. I didn't really expect to get this far, but now I have, I'm going to do my best to win. That won't be as easy as it would've been before I started breaking bones, but I'm a big girl, I can deal with a bit of pain.
"Now leave me be. I need to plan."
hS -
Interview. by
on 2016-09-15 00:37:00 UTC
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Gremlin: A gun that shoots lightning is maybe a bit on the nose for me, but I wanted to make sure. Had to make sure. You can mess up with a hatchet. Electricity is so much… easier.
Only three more. Then it's over.
Let's get it done. Then I can go home. -
Last interview for me! by
on 2016-09-14 19:52:00 UTC
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"... Ok, maybe Sarah really didn't want to listen to my tales? So, fourth in the runoff! Which, well, means Im fifty-second. Uh." -
Interview by
on 2016-09-14 19:37:00 UTC
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Okaaaay, I may have changed my mind about sitting this out. It just takes too long, and how could I not try to find some use for all the weaponry I took from Holo-Acacia? And such an old and experienced warlock should really have known better than falling asleep after discussing insidious assassination methods. He practically begged for it.
HG -
I ain't even mad, bro. by
on 2016-09-14 16:36:00 UTC
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Whitney: I suppose having all of my items taken really would put things into perspective. Luckily, I have plenty of experience fighting with my bare hands, though everyone else may be just as dangerous in their own way. But I have to ask... Is it all worth it? Why do we host these games? And why must I have the virtual blood of so many on my hands? Guess I'll have to talk things over with everyone once these games are finished.
Ah, well. Tomorrow, hopefully, we shall see who is the victor! Good luck to all!
Sarah: Awwww, I was like, THIS close to actually winning! Sort of. Ah, well. I'm glad I wasn't in dead last, at least. This was fun, all in all, embarrassments aside obviously. Perhaps I'll have a better chance of victory some other day.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to Rudi's. Fiftieth-place drinks are on me! -
Aw, phooey. by
on 2016-09-14 15:59:00 UTC
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Derik: I hate lightsabers. But at least, now that I'm out, I have my leg back.
(( He's in, what, seventh place? I dunno how it tallies. )) -
Thank you, for putting a Hatchet Sponsor card in CAHQ (nm) by
on 2016-09-14 23:48:00 UTC
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You're welcome! (nm) by
on 2016-09-15 01:02:00 UTC
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- Yeah, seventh. But if it makes it any better... by on 2016-09-14 16:49:00 UTC Link to this
That super-sonic ringing in your ear... by
on 2016-09-14 17:13:00 UTC
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... is caused by me going like this:
~Neshomeh -
Interview by
on 2016-09-14 15:46:00 UTC
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Ajax: Of course, It just had to be a weapon that preyed on both my natural and Pokémon type match-ups. He stole all of my $#17, and baited me with my Zeus be damned roller-blades.
Ajax looks behind the camera.
Now if you excuse me...
Ajax runs past the camera, which turns to watch him run up to Levy. They hug, it's a heartwarming scene. -
Day 6, and the runoff continues. by
on 2016-09-12 16:02:00 UTC
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-st make sure we keep moving. There's at least six of them after us right now, and Sergio is dang- oh, we're on?
Hello! And welcome back to the PPC HQ Hunger Games. Yesterday was quiet - almost, one might say, too quiet. Today… wasn't.
Seven tributes remain, spread across seven districts. Let's take a look at how it came to this.
The night was almost peaceful. We had only one violent death - Nikki Cherryflower apparently looks too much like a Suvian for her own good. Our other death was the always-taciturn Canon Librarian, who apparently suffered from a lack of bleeprin. Elsewhere, Derik tried to trick Will into suiciding, but with no luck, and Marina proved there can still be mercy in the late stages of the Games when she spared Ajax.
Undis? We need to get to Station Five, this one's compromised. It's that wretched-
Oh! And here's Notte Ling, ready to tell you all about his favourite moment of the night.
Wha-? Oh. Uh, yeah. It was the bit where the old dude tried to get the champion to go to bed with him. Come on, Undis.
We're still rolling, Notte. And as morning rolled around, we decided to give the tributes something to look forward to: a feast! We stocked the Cafeteria to the brim, sent out the call, and waited for them to come.
Not everyone did, of course. Some, like Derik, were too busy lurking; others, like Holo-Acacia, don't need such things as food. But the others flocked in, and the blood poured out.
The first kill went to Luxury. We don't want to know what she needed those bananas for, but apparently it was important enough to kill! Sorry, Falchion; you should never get between a lady and her fruit. Then Peregrin… well, lighting the Cafeteria on fire was a good plan in principle, but it might have been better to step back afterwards?
Backlit by the flames, Whitney had no problem bringing Hop down with that chair. And we've no idea how Ajax went unseen - just that he succeeded where no-one last year did, and brought down the reigning champion! Sorry, Lola, but this time, you're out. As for Marina… she may have showed compassion last night, but Will showed her none this morning.
The survivors of the feast, and those who never attended, spread out across HQ. When they met in the corridors, conflict was certain. Will managed to flee from Derik, but Holo-Acacia wasn't so lucky - all her hoarded weapons were useless against a grey-bearded human. And Luxury's legendary charm proved to be no shield against a well-cast Avada Kedavra.
As for Nurse Elms… what can we say? CADs are explosive at the best of times.
So seven remain. Kyaris, the many-headed beast, friendly but deadly. Derik, the Phantom of Headquarters, lurking in the shadows. Gremlin, hatchet-wielding and more than a little unhinged. Ajax, the powers of a god in a hesitant body. Hieronymus, elderly, charming, and lethal when he wants to be. Will, the laid-back warlock who's already planning his victory. And Whitney, cheerful, collected, and coming for every last one of them.
Who will win? Who will lose out? Only tomorrow will tell.
Undis, those are explosions, we really have to go.
After the break, Dafydd with the runoffs, and then the interviews. Bye!
You can't always rely on the book, or the Wiki article, or your partner. Sometimes, you'll need to know a crucial detail about the canon. It may be a life-or-death situation. Do you intend to be found wanting?
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Rather them than me. So, the main games were a murder-fest? Ours were a lot quieter, but we're still down to fewer survivors.
The first night was basically a wash. The remnants of Team Murder split up, and I was biting my metaphorical nails when my avenger Corolla let Harris sing her to sleep. But perhaps killing Laura slaked his thirst for killing, at least for a while. Constance, meanwhile, spent a delightfully geeky night with Captain Dandy. I had hopes for a teamup, but it was not to be.
As day broke, almost everyone went their separate ways. Our Corolla hung out with Sarah, who spent her second day in a row trying to keep her companion quiet. Alleb, who received assistance from Medical overnight, continued her association with authority: she befriended or at least be-made-herself-useful-ed the Tiger Lily, who was apparently the best choice of Flower to team up with, since Captain Dandy was busy drowning himself in the Fountain. Plants, huh?
Constance, meanwhile, got a bit introspective. I can't blame her; I find myself a bit too sane for this sort of thing now, too.
Hey, I said a bit.
Night fell again. The dreaded Hatchet Sponsor paid a visit, giving Gerry a weapon of her very own. Apart from that… well, Corolla kept her distance from everyone, which was a good idea, because they were all very busy being murderous.
Corolla's daytime companion Sarah encountered the Tiger Lily, and demonstrated alarming skill in bringing down the Flower. Alleb ran into Zee, whose inability to be quiet had already irritated Sarah on the first day; Alleb chose to express her annoyance in death. And Constance… well, I guess she figured someone as dangerous as Harris had to be charmed to keep him friendly. Add in her vicious attack on Richard when he stumbled across the two of them, and-
What? No, we don't have an 'open marriage', thank you very much. Like I said, it was a plan to- oh, come on, where did you get those rumours? Is the Multiverse Monitor even still in print? It's all nonsense. -look, that Truth or Dare game was years back, and didn'twhere did you get hold of that?!
All the news, all the scores, all the deals: subscribe to the Multiverse Monitor now, and get twelve standard months for the price o-
-uy the REAL Multiverse Monitor! Learn the truths THEY don't want you to hear! You've heard the conspiracy theories? Find out the conspiracy FACTS! The Flowers can't be truste-
-bonus subscription to Nx1TV for the first thousand subscribers. This offer does not affect your contractual rights. Magazine does not enable user to fly.
It's all waaaay down at the bottom.
Yep, I had to get involved in the explain-OOC-behaviour-fest too. Poor Dafydd. And thanks to Sergio and sundry others for the evidence behind the Hunt for NTV - it's really fun!
hS -
Interview by
on 2016-09-13 10:43:00 UTC
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Washing off all the steamy pheromones may have been a mistake. At least I could pacify Field Commander Lola McCandless enough to get a close look at that flamethrower. It has no fuel. I guess she just carries it around to appear more badass, and then sneakily get us with that hatchet.
Who would have thought that a hologram may be defunctionalized by applied logic. When that imposter tried to take the stuff I don’t have, I just had to stab her with the Sharp Sword of Reason. I still can’t believe that she was actually meant to be the famous assassin. They got Jay more in character, I think. Was that another programmers team? It’s a shame that she didn’t make it through the qualifier.
HG -
Elimination interview by
on 2016-09-13 05:46:00 UTC
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$Interviewer: "Went out in a blaze of glory, eh?"
Peregrin: "There was a blaze. Glory, I'm not certain about. 'Carelessness' might be more appropriate.
I believe a 'strike-anywhere' match from a package I was taking rubbed against a small explosive of some kind, which set the nearby supplies on fire. I should have listened to my own warnings about loose explosives, since this was all rather preventable."
$Interviewer: "So, given recent events, are you considering transferring to the Pyro department?"
Peregrin: "I'm afraid I'm rather underqualified for Geographical Aberrations, since it has been almost a century since I've studied much chemistry, and I never was terribly interested in explosives even in my younger days. However, I would be willing to consult on matters of universal topology or geometry if needed. Speaking of topology, do you know anyone who would be willing to run experiments about Headquarters? I have several theories, but I have found myself short of data, as usual." -
Woohoo! by
on 2016-09-12 20:22:00 UTC
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Falchion: Betrayed by my own stomach... Heh, go figure! Major props to Ajax for avenging my death, though, albeit indirectly. All right, Whitney, it's down to you now! Don't let us down!
Whitney: Well well, I'm in the top seven! Just a few days left, I think, and this will all be over. Good luck, everyone, and keep it up! Let's see which of us makes it to the finish!
Sarah: Yeah, I'm on a roll! And I actually deliberately killed someone this time! ...oh geez, the DIA will never forgive me for this, huh? Anyway, let's see how long I can keep this up! -
Interviews! by
on 2016-09-12 18:55:00 UTC
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"... Whitney, what was that for? I know I'm a Sakura replacement, but I'm most definitely not a Sue!"
*sighs* "Well, at least I fared better than last time..."
"I'm in the last six, and going strong! A shame Sarah wasn't very interested in my faithful retelling of the Blank Sprite incident, though." -
We are interested Corolla! by
on 2016-09-12 19:23:00 UTC
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Why not putting this drone to a good use for once?
Interviews. by
on 2016-09-12 17:30:00 UTC
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Gremlin: The camera-drone finds her in an abandoned response center, standing in front of a whiteboard she scavenged from somewhere. On it are written the names of the six other survivors. She is muttering to herself as she flips the whiteboard marker between her fingers.
—not as if I didn't want to go, could've used the food, but someone lit the place on fire. Kyaris? No. No breath weapons. Derik? Maybe. 'S the kind of thing he might do.
Can't underestimate any of these people. They survived this far. That makes them either super tough or super lucky. Most of them probably have one kill to their name. Got to think of new tactics.
I need something. An advantage. I need—
She catches sight of the drone out of the corner of her eye. Electricity begins to flash in her pupils.
I need privacy.
She raises one hand and snaps her fingers. The camera is suddenly filled with static.
Holo-Acacia: Holo-Acacia had no comment, due to being a now deactivated hologram. Her programmers also had no comment. Well, no comment that wasn't filled with techno-jargon incomprehensible to most of the public. Best we could gather was that they were pleased with her performance despite some issues with her personality program. -
Total wipeout! And interviews. by
on 2016-09-12 17:03:00 UTC
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Marina: Well collecting favors was a good idea, but next time I'll make sure the other person swear me an oath, so it doesn't end up like with this backstab. I should have seen that coming.
*looks intently to the drone, and smirks* Ohoh, somebody lost hairs when they set this drone loose. I hope you know how to run... *Marina grabs the drone, which ends up hexed to oblivion.*
Richard: Couldn't sleep. with so much deaths already, I'm not sure I can trust anybody. Duck, I even ended up writing things on the wall to try to mark zones where I already went and interesting locations. All in French.
All that for getting killed when I saw Constance Sims with some spy so I can't talk about something that you nutjobs will surely broadcast as soon as possible. You need some crash course in free will, you know?
Wait, is that Marina over there? And she looks... a bit too much happy in my opinion *another drone lost to hexing.*
((hS, if I remember right you're familiar with the Dresdenverse. What would be the chances of a tracking spell in HQ? Even if it doesn't work, they join the hunt. Marina would have tried alone anyways, and Rchard doesn't like being abducted.)) -
*takes the mini-Agent* (nm) by
on 2016-09-12 17:04:00 UTC
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Interview by
on 2016-09-12 17:01:00 UTC
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Ajax is seen sitting, jotting notes onto letter paper. The is a small pile of his envelopes next to him
Ajax: Today was a good day. Found my RC, which luckily still had my letter writing equipment in it. Killed the reigning champion with a Black Letter and a knife. And it all culminated with me killing Luxury with Levy's hatchet and Argeiphotes (where would you get the idea that it was The Killing Curse?).
Something flashes on the Cambot
Yandere? Me? No. Where would you get that idea? I just got some revenge for Levy and my own sake.
(Aside) Somebody should probably check that bot's definition of Yandere. -
Aaand interviews. by
on 2016-09-12 16:08:00 UTC
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The Canon Librarian: "I never did find my library. Now I'm out. Bye."
Luxury: "Awwwww. I'd just picked up the best present for Acacia, but then it turns out I'm dead, and so's she, and she's a hologram anyway. All my fun is ruined.
Kyaris: "I don't know what everyone's going on about with Luxury; I think she's perfectly fine. What? Only seven left? Huh. My day of wandering around aimlessly looks kind of underachieving now, I guess."
(Getting them straight up so I don't accidentally spoil myself preparing for the next part.)
hS -
And I've finally got round to Day 5! by
on 2016-09-11 19:42:00 UTC
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Okay, so I have good news and bad news. The good news is that we have something extra special coming up after this report - more on that later. The bad news is that today was utterly boring.
Nobody died. Nobody! Where's the fun in that? The best we had to watch last night was reigning champion Lola sneaking into the cafeteria for food, or the bizarre spectacle of Peregrin trying to bandage a hologram's injuries.
Be fair; Derik and Hop's sleep-duel was entertaining.
Yes, until they woke up. And once everyone was awake… more nothing! Just a bunch of people running away from each other all day, plus Derik doing his best to electrocute himself.
So are you thinking about running the-?
Shh! And yes. But that still doesn't make up for today. Not even seeing Lux try to seduce holo-Acacia makes up for today.
It's pretty funny, though.
… true.
Well! After that awful report, it's time for some good news. We'll take a short break, and then we'll have an extra special report from NTV's very own… Dafydd Illian!
Some Suvians just won't die. Some CAFs resist everything you can throw at them. Some wraiths are just too corporeal to exorcise.
Fortunately, there is a solution. Order Ye Olde Poisonous Poison now, and never find killing too hard again.
Hello. Before I start, I have to correct Undis Closed: I am not 'NTV's own'. I work with them occasionally, but never for them. Got it? Good.
Now: you know what's worse than getting killed in the Hunger Games? That's right: getting killed early in the Hunger Games. All that anticipation, all that training, and you just go out straight away. It's awful. This year, that was me, going out in the Qualifiers. So a few of us got together, talked to NTV, and persuaded them to simulate a run-off, to give us all a second chance.
Then we had to bully or abduct all the other failed qualifiers. That took a while, but finally we were ready. We headed into the backup holodeck, and ran the program.
And then I got killed. Again. Navare wasn't even aiming for me - he had his sights on Zee, but… missed. For all that, though, I'm not quite last place in the Games - that honour goes to Laura Dukes, who found Harris quite unwilling to grant her quarter. Then, seconds before I took my hit, Morgan stabbed July out of the games, giving me a comfortable 70th place.
The bloodbath lived up to its name for once: Richard took out Hip, while Colt and Jesse ganged up on Barid. Holo-Acacia's holo-partner, Holo-Jay, took a stab at Corolla, but the little Unison Device was only stunned. Not the only one - Constance managed to knock herself out, too. Oh dear, love.
So the survivors spread out into HQ, and we saw an immediate teamup I'm going to call Team Murder: Richard, Jesse, and Harris. They didn't manage to kill anyone, though: that honour went to Corolla, who succeeded in poisoning Navare. Obviously, I was cheering her on. Connie managed to hunt down the Canon Library and spent the day reading - attagirl.
And then, just as everyone was winding up for the night, bang: out went the lights. The producers had sprung one of their dreaded arena event, and it was absolute mayhem. Team Murder got separated in the confusion: Richard managed to hunt down Colt and eliminate him as competition, but Jesse ended up falling to the Tiger Lily.
Nor were they the only ones. Our two Time Lords, Morgan and the Aviator, both tried to portal away from the darkness, but both portal generators malfunctioned. You might think that sounds suspicious- oh, hello, it's Sergio, isn't it? How nice to see you. Hmm? Oh - pause recording.
-esume. Sorry about that. The rest of the deaths were a mixture of skill and comedy. Ix and Rayner essentially suicided against Zee and Sarah in the dark, while Corolla successfully stalked and killed Doctor Peep. Since I'm on her side, I assume the Doctor was an archvillain of some description. But the kill of the event goes to Agent Alleb, who first robbed Holo-Jay of everything except the shirt on her back, then came back and laid her out cold.
Constance, you'll be glad to know, stayed in the library the entire time. I think she had a torch.
So, by the end of day one of the runoffs, more than half of us were dead. Only ten tributes remained to go into the first night - which we'll see tomorrow.
Oh, apparently after the break we'll have interviews with the tributes from the main games. Possibly some from the runoff, as well? I'm not really clear on what they're doing.
Fire. Fire is good. Fire is clean. Fire will solve all your problems. Use fire.
This message has been brought to you by the Department of Geographical Aberrations. If you burn things, we'll burn them with you.
So this was apparently a really good day to start the runoffs. I love the fact that they're insanely murderous - far more so than the main games!
You can do interviews with your runoff competitors if you want, but as Dafydd said, you don't have to.
hS -
Interview by
on 2016-09-13 09:18:00 UTC
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I found her again, but Nurse Elms may not be as interesting as I thought, and being called out for running away when she wanted to fight wasn’t fun. On the upside, I actually got some sleep tonight. I have no idea what Marina was up to; I just can’t go without a shower for more than four days, and Gremlin apparently needed a drink.
HG -
Interviews. by
on 2016-09-12 16:59:00 UTC
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Gremlin: Forget Medical. What I really need to find is the Cafeteria, which is a sentence I never thought I'd say and mean it. At least I got some water, even if I had to break my 'no big groups' rule.
Holo-Acacia: I was more than willing to help Peregrin practice medical strategies, once he explained his intentions. He is now unlikely to accidentally kill someone in a real life scenario.
Also, I believe I am being followed. Someone left me this.
She holds up what looks vaguely like a Valentine card. It is difficult to make out due to the pixel filter superimposed over the top of it. -
And interviews: by
on 2016-09-12 15:57:00 UTC
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The Canon Librarian: "At last. Someone who appreciates comedy."
Luxury: "Heeeey, Acy's in this! I hadn't realised. Hmm-hmm-hmm..."
Kyaris: "A good night's rest, and a day spent out of trouble... yes, I think I'm ready for tomorrow.
hS -
Interviews. by
on 2016-09-12 10:27:00 UTC
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Marina: You. Yes, you the staff behind this mess. I don't know how exactly you could push us to speak the way we did last night, but if there was mind control involved, I swear you've got a big problem.
Richard: I thought I'd go back to our RC after being eliminated, but then I got knocked out right after the interview, and when I woke up, I was back in this looser bracket. I think me and Marina will have to discuss with the staff of this emission after all is said is done.
Yes I did pretty good, and was lucky enough to get a bow and a sword, and put my skills with them to use for once, but I think now that's going pretty much too far. -
Interview by
on 2016-09-12 04:38:00 UTC
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Peregrin: "I was aware that the hologram of Sa... Agent Acacia did not require bandaging. However, it was a good opportunity to put what knowledge I have of field medicine into practice with little risk. It was also a good opportunity for an interesting conversation."
"I also rejoined Mr. Grey from the qualifiers, and met a librarian, who was at least as protective of his books as Suur Ala was. I can't see why, though, since he can easily make as many copies as he likes of anything he has, without pulling in the services of anyone foolish enough to complain of having nothing to do." -
Aw, come ON! by
on 2016-09-11 22:34:00 UTC
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Falchion: Helping agents cross the street... All in a day's work, I guess, heh! Kinda sad that not everyone was as willing to accept my statement that I come in peace, though - well, most of the time. Too bad I'm not an Elgeyem!
Anyway, maybe I'll just sleep out the entire thing. No pressure!
Whitney: I have a very bad feeling that tomorrow is going to be extremely violent. Oh, well. Might as well enjoy the calm before the storm while I still can.
Sarah: WHOO! Now THIS is what I'm talking about! I may have gotten the short straw the first time, but at least I can now say that I managed to kill somebody! ...even though it was KINDA accidental...
Rayner: Awww. I know I didn't get involved in anything traumatizing but it's still a MAJOR bummer that I didn't get to whack anybody. Eh, better luck next time, I guess.
Oh, and on behalf of Lapis... Hang in there, Sarah. I know ya got the boot the first time, but we're rootin' for ya all the same. You've got this, girl! -
Dammit, RNG. by
on 2016-09-11 21:54:00 UTC
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I wanted mayhem and/or an ironic death. Instead I got nonsense. ... Figures, really. Derik should get a medal for being the most beat-up, though.
Derik: Leave me alone, I'm trying to find the secret passage again. I don't know what happened last night, but I am not amused. *blocks the camera with his hand, black and red with burns*
Elms: Who woulda thought I'd find the old man again, right? Turns out he's not a retired adventurer, just some guy from World One, but I was glad to have him watching my back anyway.
Today, I'm chilling with these lovely ladies here. *lowers her voice* Whitney looks pretty tough, but I dunno if she's got my street smarts. I bet I can take her if it comes to that. Not today, though. Must wait for the opportune moment, you know. -
Interviews: The Harris-ing by
on 2016-09-11 21:02:00 UTC
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[Pats self on the shoulders] Feels good, man.
Y'know, back when I first joined DoI, all we were allowed to bring with us to defend ourselves out in the field were sticks— actually, two sticks and a rock for the whole group of newbies! And we had to share the rock! So you can just imagine how good I am when it comes to fighting— heck, that Assassin lady stood no chance. Sure, she tried to surrender and all that but really: this is the Hunger Games. Who's gonna fall for that, eh? Yeah, so after that I teamed up with some other folks to try and hunt down the rest of the players. All was going fine until the lights went out and I was left to bump into practically every wall in the arena. Thank goodness ol' Richie's hearing is better than mine at the moment, 'cause he managed to pick off that Colt guy in the dark. Nice one, man. I've still got some residual ringing in my ears.
Well, I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring.
((Apologies to Sgt. Johnson, whose motivational speech Harris is totally not ripping off.)) -
Interviews! by
on 2016-09-11 20:01:00 UTC
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"Guys, really, the only time I 'held hands' with Falchion is when I tripped and he helped me get up - please, quit trying to get Sergio riled up. He was in SpecOps - if he gets homicidial, things will go nasty real quick."
"Witney and Nurse Elms were quite nice, too - I'm afraid the homicidial instinct of us players ran out, instead?"
"This losers' bracked was a great idea! Now that I'm getting this chance, I'm going to win this - Navarre, Doctor Peep, I'm sorry but I'm taking no prisoners."
"By the way, who's that holographic girl? Her aim with a Muggle-Use Wand is great, good thing she went for a Stunner." -
Man, my guys just have the worst luck. XD by
on 2016-09-11 19:54:00 UTC
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Ix: "Yeah, yeah. I know the rollerblades wouldn't do me any good, but if I could keep someone else from getting them, it would've been worth it, right? Eh. You try running in the dark with this leg and tell me you wouldn't have tripped onto someone's sword, too. Charlotte and I will have fun seeing who wins the official games, though!"
The Aviator: "[long stream of bleeped-out words, followed by more swearing in Gallifreyan] God[bleep] it, you'd think after getting out the first time they'd just leave me alone, but no! Hijack me as I'm coming out of Medical and throw me right back in the arena, why don't you? [Bleep]ing media trying to [bleep] over my [bleep]ing life. Jesus [bleep]! So I wandered around in the open hoping someone would come along and take me out of the games. No such luck. At least the portal generator blew up when it did. Though I do wish it hadn't been so..." *shudders* "Explosive." -
Hah! They kind of do. by
on 2016-09-12 09:57:00 UTC
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Are you the first person to be 100% eliminated? I think you're definitely the first who's been posting interviews.
It's a shame - the Aviator was one of the people I really wanted to see in the main arena - but that's the RNG for you.
PS: Wow, Nutmeg TV are really ticking off their competitors, aren't they? I think they may have to invest in better security... -
Well... by
on 2016-09-12 10:16:00 UTC
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I'm actually glad Ave got taken out as soon as she did, and that the RNG seems to have her acting rather dumb. She's not in the mood to deal with this stuff :P Ix, though, I was hoping would last a little longer. Ah, well. Such is life.
Interview by
on 2016-09-11 19:50:00 UTC
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Ajax: That William fellow is pretty okay guy, after the whole getting socked in the face deal. He seemed a bit uneasy on the whole Hydrokinetic stuff, but still an okay guy.
I'm still going for all who fought Levy though. - I am super clever. Here's the doc link. by on 2016-09-11 19:44:00 UTC Link to this
Possible identity of the Hatchet Sponsor revealed? by
on 2016-09-10 14:20:00 UTC
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... maybe not?
hS -
D'awww! by
on 2016-09-11 02:41:00 UTC
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Oh man, it looks like she gave that puzzle what for. Better watch out! Those huge dark eyes might hypnotize you or turn you to stone, too. ^_^
~Neshomeh -
She's indeed purrfect. (nm) by
on 2016-09-10 19:46:00 UTC
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*squees at the cute* by
on 2016-09-10 19:41:00 UTC
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Oh my goodness, she's adorable!
She would be horrified to hear it. by
on 2016-09-10 20:42:00 UTC
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That, you see, is her scary face.
hS -
I can see the inspiration: by
on 2016-09-10 21:05:00 UTC
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:O You've cracked it! (nm) by
on 2016-09-11 19:42:00 UTC
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Then allow me to correct myself: by
on 2016-09-10 20:47:00 UTC
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:P -
Night 3/Day 4 by
on 2016-09-09 09:38:00 UTC
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Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Five more deaths. Five more tributes out of the Games. Their deaths a tale of betrayal, bravery, cunning, and clumsiness. Welcome back… to the Hunger Games.
Last night, almost everyone found company. Sergio and Nikki stuck together; our reigning champion teamed up with Nurse Elms; Luxury set her sights on Hieronymus. Even the reclusive Canon Librarian found himself in a group, though he doesn't seem to have said much to them.
Of course, companionship wasn't always a good idea. The Librarian, the last of our four Time Lord tributes, put his trust in Whitney - but she killed him in his sleep.
At least Apollo and Mia can say they were honestly caught out. Peregrin snuck in while they were both sleeping, and took them down.
Michael, on the other hand, learned the folly of overconfidence. He received another wretched hatchet during the night - very similar to the one Falchion got this morning - in fact, how many hatchets are we up to now?
Oh, no...
We've seen eleven hatchets sent into the arena. Two of our tributes have used them for murder. Both Nikki and Michael have been sent two - probably a factor in Michael's confidence. Because he was overconfident. Did he really think two hatchets would let him force a hydra to do what she was told? Because it didn't. She took his head off with a single bite.
Other encounters during the day were less lethal. Will portalled up to Lola, but our reigning champion chose to join forces rather than kill him. Ajax and Nikki defended the camp in the Miss Cam Courtyard - the one that Sergio and Nikki have been coming back to repeatedly over the last few days.
Perhaps that's where Sergio was trying to go with his portal. Unfortunately, he missed, and the lava pits are not forgiving.
Gremlin, meanwhile, continued her weapon-oriented game, tricking the Canon Librarian into giving up all the instruments of destruction he'd gathered.
Just goes to show that hiding yourself in impenetrable darkness doesn't protect you from being a gullible idiot.
So we come to the end of our report. The arena feels almost empty now, with so few tributes remaining. We'll be back after the break to interview the survivors, and after that… well, next time we may have something quite special for you.
Out of paper? Bed broken? Need an office chair? Contact the Quartermaster to requisition the essentials of life in HQ. Just call the Morning Glory, and ask for - nay, demand! - your rights. She won't be able to refuse.
Oh, but, uh, don't tell her we sent you, please.
You know where the transcript is. Sorry for the delay with this one; I hope everyone's still having fun!
hS -
Interview by
on 2016-09-12 04:23:00 UTC
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Peregrin: "I might like to get to know Luxury better, but I don't think that a contest such as this is an appropriate time to arrange liaisons, no matter how casual."
Interviews! by
on 2016-09-11 19:35:00 UTC
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The Canon Librarian: "Tried teaming up last night. Not convinced it's a good idea. Probably led to having all my stuff stolen by the scary lady with the hatchet, honestly."
Luxury: "Wow! That old guy was sure interesting. Who would've guessed?"
Kyaris: "So Hop is kind of sweet. Less sweet and more laughable is that Michael person: what, he thought he could make me do anything I didn't want to? Did he not bother to count my heads?"
hS -
Interview. by
on 2016-09-11 06:39:00 UTC
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Marina: Well I found a group for the night. Now, they didn't seem threatening enough for me to fear anything tonight, I mean acripple,the Canon Librarian, who seems like a shut-in, even more than his libary in fact, and an hologramm I could probably short circuit...
Speaking of that, where the hell did you get the idea I was hacking this elevator? I'm a wizard, and I was just trying to use it by pushing the freaking buttons. Lessons of the day? Not touch anything technological in a holo simulation. -
Interviews (and a drawing!). by
on 2016-09-11 03:40:00 UTC
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Gremlin: The Canon Librarian didn't have all that much useful gear. Still, better that I have it then someone else. If I collect what I can and steer clear of any big groups, then I might come out of this all right.
Holo-Acacia: I told the other members of my group that I do not require sleep, but they still insisted that each person sleep in staggered patterns. I declined to push the matter, as survival is very important.
Also, I have successfully branched from stealth-based thievery to deception-based thievery! She flourishes an ill-gotten weapon.
((I had a bit of spare time, so here's Gremlin with her brand new hatchet!)) -
That is amazing. by
on 2016-09-11 19:37:00 UTC
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I've sneakily snuck it into the previous day's interview, which described the axe. I'm really really impressed, seriously.
It makes all the hatchet shenanigans worthwhile. ^_^
hS -
((The Scout, or Muhammad Ali?)) (nm) by
on 2016-09-11 10:21:00 UTC
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The Scout. by
on 2016-09-12 16:48:00 UTC
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I had the full quote in this post.
Interviews. by
on 2016-09-11 02:37:00 UTC
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Now that I have a minute...
Derik: It seems no one fears a man with only one eye and one leg. Fair enough. Now that I've discovered this excellent dead-end passage with a hidden door, I think I'll stay here and see what comes my way. Starting, I hope, with one of those excellent hatchets everyone else seems to be getting. *grins and vanishesdramaticallyclumsily into the passage*
Elms: I finally decide to take the offensive, and I get a face full of hatchets for my trouble. No backup, either. I figured anybody that old in this game had to be a retired adventurer with a hundred levels or something, but the guy rabbited at the first sign of trouble. Sheesh. Well, maybe I'll have better luck next time. *crosses fingers*
(( Derik the Phantom of the Opera clone has a trap door. If the RNG gods are with him, the other tributes should be afraid.If not, someone will kill him with a hatchet and it will totally be my fault.)) -
Interviews! by
on 2016-09-10 17:46:00 UTC
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"I coul've given that lava bath a miss. In fact, I should have: I've used these things for years and I've never misplaced a portal."
"In fact, I'm pretty sure I did indeed put in the exact coordinates - I've been coming and going from that camp for basically all the time I spent in this game! I just had to use the "load last location" function, which clearly wasn't a lava pit so I'm going to have a talk about this with you producers later."
"What do you mean, 'assuming you find us?' I'm having Corolla track the signal of this drone right now. I am going to find you."
"I don't know why the Event Feed found noteworthy the fact that Sergio and I didn't fight each other tonight. He's my boyfriend, what were you expecting?"
"I'm surprised Sergio got out due to a mispalced portal - that's not a mistake he would do - in fact, I was so upset about it that when two people tried to invade our camp I just threw my hatchets at them without thinking."
"By the way, I'm currently sharing camp with that Ajax dude, the one who spared Sergio in the qualifiers. I hope he doesn't try to seduce me too - because Sergio would be likely going to ask for a rematch."
[hS, feel free to play Sergio's quest for an explanation however you want. Of all the possible ways of him getting out, the RNG had to choose for one I can't really justify IC... so the "possibly a simulation glitch" route is the one most likely] -
A Reactionary from Sergio's interview by
on 2016-09-10 18:02:00 UTC
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Levy (Having calmed down): Y'know, I could've sworn I'd been passively healing... though my abilities weren't always working. I was at least matching hearts frequently enough that bleeding out shouldn't have been a problem.
Matthew: Think we should join this Sergio fellow?
Nickul: I was there when his daughter was taken out, so I guess I owe him one for failing to save her.
Agents pack supplies and head out to find Sergio
[This is gonna become a subplot in the Rewards Ceremony RP, isn't it] -
That's... not quite what I had in mind. by
on 2016-09-10 18:37:00 UTC
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I was more for giving hS commentary potential like "we're sorry for beign late on today's commentary, but we had to change RC again to avoid Agent Turbo"
Let's just wait and see where hS wants to take this by
on 2016-09-10 18:59:00 UTC
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My reply doesn't have to be seen as Canon, it's all up to hS at this point
Woohoo, finally! by
on 2016-09-09 13:47:00 UTC
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Falchion: At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if I was crowned the winner by sleeping through the whole thing. Also, why are there so many hatchets? It's like everyone's gonna get one like some kind of giveaway or something! Not that I'm complaining, of course, but still...
Whitney: I had to do it. I had no choice. I've heard the horror stories of how the Librarian is a racist, misanthropic bigot with no respect for humanity. Knowing that and my... reputation... I'm sure he would've killed me the second he woke up.
And I have to be honest, finding that Escher room may be a good thing in light of this. At least if anyone wanted to come after me for what I did back there, they'd be too lost to find me. -
Interviews by
on 2016-09-09 13:38:00 UTC
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Matthew (On the Phone): Ajax! The partner of the agent you tried to seduce says you are so punched.
Levy (In the background): Doubly so!
Matthew: You heard the lady.
Ajax: How did they even get your number?
The phone was hung up -
Interview by
on 2016-09-09 13:29:00 UTC
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Well, last night was a nice change. Yesterday, I was so upset, I didn’t even notice that Androia is out. Unfortunately I can’t brag that she needs the exercise more than I do, but if she wants to operate the Arr Ah on the next mission, she’ll have to beg for it, a lot. Yes, I’m evasive. I’ll only say that Lux is an interesting person in many aspects. Aaaand I found the Courtyard at last. It was sooo good to get out of the grey corridors and see some green. And Nurse Elms may be an interesting person, too. But before we could talk much, Rollerblade Guy and Anime Girl started to throw hatchets at us. Looks like they are a team now and set up a camp there, and they may have thought that we wanted to rob them of their provisions. So we ran away in opposite directions, and I haven’t seen Elms again since then.
HG -
Interviews by
on 2016-09-09 11:47:00 UTC
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Will: "She may've killed part of my alliance, but let's face it... me and the Librarian? We would eventually kill one another. Also, Ajax - sorry, chief, but you're not my type."
Hop: "So yeah, not the smartest idea I've had... Can I not comment on that? Hip will give me the pep-talk later, I'm sure o' that." -
"Oh, come on, Green!" by
on 2016-09-09 11:35:00 UTC
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"Just when you were doing so well, you just had to go and f*** everything up! So much for my lessons. You complain so much about me not paying attention to yours and here it looks like you're just as guilty. Mgh." *grumpily munches reuben sandwiches while watching the commentary*
"I have to say..." by
on 2016-09-09 16:08:00 UTC
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"...if he were a soldier under my command way back then, I'd have him nominated for the Temporal Navy Marines. I've seen soldiers of his calibre board and rout Dalek capital ships— he's certainly got the raw talent. Now I don't respect the man himself, but by the gods he'd make an outstanding shock trooper."
Night 2/Day 3. Nine more down, 22 to go! by
on 2016-09-07 15:47:00 UTC
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From a hidden holo-deck, high in the mountains of New Caledonia… the PPC's ONLY TV station broadcast live to your console… this… is NTV.
Day three of the PPC HQ Hunger Games. The cannons have fired, nine times more. And not a single district remains.
That is a bald-faced lie. We haven't had a single district eliminated yet.
Fine: not a single district remains untouched. All are marred by death - and by the vile scourge that is hatchets.
It began with a death: Agent Library's, at the hands of Gremlin. No, not at Gremlin's hands - at the blade of her hatchet, carved and graven with the words of war. And from that act of murder, new hatchets came forth: one to Nikki in the depths of the night, one for Apollo in the bright morning, and four, four twice-damned hatchets in the heat of the day: to Michael, to Mia, to Whitney, and to Nikki once more.
Yeah, he's kind of cracking up, I'm afraid. Soon he's going to be scribbling on the walls like Derik, or wandering at random like Will or Peregrin today.
I know now how the Canon Librarian feels; for he has sought his Library all through the games, only to see it found by Ajax in his place. 'Tis no wonder he wrought such violence upon Androia and Charlotte when they dared approach him.
Seriously, they portalled into his and Mia's camp and got shot; you'd think he hunted them down with a spear the way you're talking. You're being as ridiculously dramatic as Steve, Elms, Levy, and Marina in those plays they were putting on overnight. I mean, if you had to pick a worthy audience in the arena, Champion Lola or Sergio the Avenger would be it, but…
Drama, you call it. But was not Steve's performance a premonition of his own demise at the Librarian's unfaithful hands?
Not really. Unless you mean 'dying on stage'. Look, do you mind if I take over?
I most certainly do mind.
Then pull yourself together.
… fine. Ahem. Speaking of 'together', last night was a night for romance: Derik and Will held hands all through the night, and we here at NTV had quite a few bets on which seduction attempt would succeed: Hieronymus and Michael, or Kyaris and the Librarian.
I was backing the hydra. Never bet against a hydra.
But this is the Hunger Games, despite how much Hop ate during the night, and the Hunger Games aren't about love - they're about death. And death we had aplenty-
Oh, don't start that again.
Three died during the night: Library, Androia, Charlotte. But after day began, the death toll just rose and rose. Gremlin made good use of her explosive stash, taking out Mirrad and Zeb and bringing her tally up to three. Levy, having concealed her injuries from all, finally bled out.
Not that we know for sure she'd hidden anything. It was too well hidden.
VJ sought solace in the Fountain of Bleepka, but it drew her down into its watery depths. And as previously mentioned, the Librarian feigned friendship with Steve and Nickul, only to cut them down where they stood.
So 22 of our tributes remain, locked in their arena of woe. What sorrow is theirs? What pains will they suffer, ere-
That's quite enough of that. I think the advertisers have a little suggestion for you. We'll be back after the break with interviews.
Art thou afflicted with the speech patterns of Shakespeare? Dost thou find thyself unable to come to a point, though all the leagues of badfic stand arrayed against thee, and thine the only plan? Canst thou declare thy affections only in verse, and thy sorrows in wretched pentameter?
Behold, for thee is laid on a cure the like of which has ne'er before been seen! Hie thee unto the General Store, and bid the merchant bring to you YO WATEVS DUDE. Partake with thy meal, and verily, thou shalt find the trappings of former days washed away, and thy speech become plain as… as… as… well, I can't say what as! I've just taken it myself, you see. Laters!
It's all in the doc. Currently, Gremlin, the Librarian, and Gall (deceased) are tied for most kills, on three each. We'll see how that changes as the games go on.
And keep up the interviews! I'm loving reading them all as we go along.
hS -
Interviews ((Finally...)) by
on 2016-09-08 19:51:00 UTC
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Hop: "What can I say, I knew I'm gonna go far. Looks like it's just me an' Will now. I'm comin' for you, Magic Man!"
Will: ...
VJ: "Bleh, why did it have to be Bleepka? I don't even drink! Couldn't they establish a fountain of Bleeppolate? I still smell like rubbing alcohol. It was fun to share stories with Zebbie-boy, though. Poor thing. Next time I see him, I'm gonna hug him!" -
Interviews! by
on 2016-09-08 10:46:00 UTC
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The Canon Librarian: "What do you mean someone touched my books?!
"Oh, shot someone earlier. I think it was the- the Twilight vampire. Kind of a shame; I wanted to talk to her."
Steve Dimond: "Well, the night was fun, even if that nurse is a much better actor than me. I think Sergio appreciated the effort, though. As for the day, I... don't think I like Time Lords much."
Luxury: "I like nurses. They have interesting ideas."
Kyaris: "I love Time Lords! They get so skittish when you come on to them! One minute they're all 'I have witnessed the death of universes and seen alien beings you cannot even begin to comprehend'; the next they're 'oh, yeah, I need to wash my hair, I'll get back to you.' Brilliant stuff."
((Wow, I started out doing about ten of these, and for Day 4 I'll be down to three. Mad.))
hS -
So-called interviews by
on 2016-09-08 02:59:00 UTC
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Peregrin could not be reached for comment. He was pacing up and down an empty corridor, muttering something about finite fields.
Interviews! by
on 2016-09-07 22:27:00 UTC
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"I really have no idea why these two insisted for actign out a play for me - I sure don't think I'm such a revered veteran? And it wasn't a bizarre attempt at assassinating me, either - I wonder what was going though their heads."
"Durign the day I met the hydra again, and at some point I felt like we were watched, but I couldn't see anyone. If there was indeed anyone around, kudos for managing to hide that well."
"Well, nothing interesting happened today - except someone kept sending me hatchets. Why? I have a magical energy sword, and even if I wanted to use the hatchets to chop down some wood... well, there aren't any trees in HQ. Or, at least, I haven't seen one yet?" -
Interviews by
on 2016-09-07 20:56:00 UTC
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Androia: I am so sorry, Charlotte. I thought I had the right coordinates for Medical and could get you a blood bottle.
Hieronymus: I tried –? What the –? Let me see that footage... Oh, yeah, from that weird point of view, it may look like... Actually, I could hardly keep him off me. I’m not sure whether he had found his insanity or lost it, but somehow he must have been under the delusion that I’m Hermione Granger.
HG -
Interviews. by
on 2016-09-07 18:31:00 UTC
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Gremlin: She's sitting down in some random room on top of what looks like an impromptu nest made of camouflage clothing. As she speaks, she idly rotates her hatchet in one hand. On one side of the head are the crudely etched words "GRASS GROWS, BIRDS FLY." On the other side, it says "SUN SHINES, AND BROTHER, I HURT PEOPLE."
My teammates are gone, apart from that weird hologram. My best friend is gone. My chest still hurts. I'm annoyed, tired, and hungry. Seems to me that the best way to fix all that is to wrap this thing up as fast as possible. The explosives definitely helped in that regard. I hope I can find another stash somewhere. Or Medical. Finally finding Medical would be great.
Holo-Acacia: I have now become very efficient at both stealth and theft actions! This has both increased my overall chance of survival and my overall chance of obtaining an personal hatchet. -
Interview. by
on 2016-09-07 18:26:00 UTC
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Marina: Playing a piece for the reigning champion so I am allowed to live? I'm actually surprised she let us go. She must have been really bored.
Day has been quiet too, once I followed this hydra and Sergio. They were threatening enough to keep other opponents at bay, but were not able to know I was there. Seven heads and one veteran, and you cannot spot one person? I cannot understand how they're still there. -
Interview by
on 2016-09-07 17:12:00 UTC
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The Librarian: "one by one the frail humans fall... but it is clear that my next target is the disgusting creature that... no, sorry, this is too disgusting. I signed up for virtual death, not for sexual advances by a snake. Can I get my time back?"
Aw, darn. Looks like I'm out. by
on 2016-09-07 17:08:00 UTC
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Zeb: *shaking like a leaf* "E-explosions. It h-had to be exp-plosions. I th-think I need to g-go to FicPsuch..."
Charlotte: "Well, that was a totally bogus death. Guess that's what I get for being so hungry I can't even think straight. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go find some Sues to eat." -
*FicPsych, (nm) by
on 2016-09-07 19:09:00 UTC
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Considering how traumatized he is, we can concede him a typo by
on 2016-09-07 22:16:00 UTC
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Also, the RNG REALLY hates him. Two times I saw him being taken out of the Games, two times it's explosions.
Which we know is how he nearly died before being recruited. -
Mirrad, nooo! by
on 2016-09-07 16:59:00 UTC
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Dangit, I was having a lot of fun writing him in this. Alas that this will be the last time.
Derik: That lying warlock told me he could fix my leg, but we had to maintain physical contact for the magic to work. More fool I, I believed him. Eventually I nodded off, and that's when he must have slipped away. Should've killed him when I had the chance.
Oh, this? Don't you know music when you see it? I dreamed it. I'm not usually much of a composer, but it wouldn't get out of my head until I wrote it down, and there's nowhere else to write.
Mirrad: It seems it was not my fate to win this time. Still, I believe I did well, and never once resorted to violence.
Incidentally, Agent Luxury is a very misunderstood young lady. I explained that I had taken a vow of chastity, and that was that. She is quite charming company, albeit odd.
Elms: I am so happy to be with people again, you have no idea. I know I should be killing them, but I just can't right now. I even made out with Lux a bit—you don't have that on camera, do you? Come on, do you?! -
Interviews! by
on 2016-09-07 16:31:00 UTC
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Falchion: ZEB, NOOOOO!... Anyway. Well. Who knew RCs had stocked fridges? Lucky break, I guess! Though I seriously have to question hiding out with Luxury of all people. I mean, knowing her, uh, reputation...
Whitney: Finally, a decent weapon! With luck, somebody's going to get fit very soon. In a coffin, that is! -
Interviews by
on 2016-09-07 16:26:00 UTC
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Ajax is seen crying over the corpse of Levy, having positioned her body for funeral rights.
Ajax: I'm gonna kill them, every last one of them.
Levy (Sobbing): I'm sorry *sobbing noises* I'm so, so sorry.
She continues the sobbing and the apologizing.
Matthew (Sitting with Levy, comforting her): It's Ajax's worst nightmare.
Nickul (Doing the same): I can only imagine how she feels.
(Earlier) Mr. Librarian, I commend your job in dispatching me. Tripping me up and shooting me in the eye was an excellent method of getting past my scales.
[For those who forgot, Levy and Ajax were former partners, a Sue got the better of them, Levy almost died, losing her wings in the process] -
Night 1/Day 2, and another 6 down. by
on 2016-09-06 13:04:00 UTC
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From a hidden holo-deck, high in the mountains of New Caledonia… the PPC's ONLY TV station broadcast live to your console… this… is NTV.
Welcome back. When last we met, everyone and their Pokemon had just finished swearing bloody vengeance against Agent Tomash for killing Keiko. Well, Tomash is dead, and you will be glad to know that his killer was…
If you're waiting for a drumroll, you're not getting one.
… Sergio. Yes, the grieving father has slain his daughter's murderer. Justice has been wrought in blood.
Seriously, isn't this a bit dramatic?
You're the one who's been complaining about me being too light-hearted. Anyway: at the same time, our very own holographic Acacia took on the AI Amris, and left it broken on the floor.
A promising start to the night.
It would have been, but it was more like the end. Only one other tribute died in the night, actually - Makes-Things, who got set on fire by Agent Ajax. Everyone else was either resting or talking.
Is that how we're describing Nurse Elms' advances towards Peregrin?
Maybe. But it's certainly the best way to describe the Pythonesque quote sessions going on all across HQ, and the D&D game that broke out in the Really Very Tiny Auditorium.
Not everyone had a good time of things overnight, quite apart from the dying. Both Gremlin and Library were too tired to do anything, and given that Gremlin is recovering from that broken rib, I don't think that bodes well.
Maybe she could talk to Zeb or Marina; they seem to be experts at tending to injuries.
Our reigning champion, meanwhile, seemed to be having trouble sleeping - not a problem that afflicted Decima and the Librarian, who slept right through Charlotte making off with their supplies!
I bet Falchion and VJ would've been glad for a share in those.
They'll just have to hope a sponsor sends them something.
Yes, speaking of which…?
I've checked, and there's nothing in the rulebook that says you can't send a plasma cannon into the arena. Though there… probably should be.
What's the point? We haven't been able to restrict the flow of hatchets.
Yes, viewers, as day dawn- er, started, we discovered the hatchet problem is worse than we'd thought: Agent Levy had gotten hold of one, and used it to kill Agent Gabrielle. The Hatchet Sponsor sent another one in to Hieronymus, but we were able to get it away in time. I'm still not entirely convinced Androia's and Kyaris' explosion stash is legit, either.
Luckily, the day wasn't as quiet as the night - certainly not for Marina and Library, who couldn't get Whitney and Peregrin to shut up! But we also saw a number of fights: holo-Acacia and Nikki drove off Charlotte and Apollo in the very same camp where Tomash and Amris died during the night.
Was Nikki there overnight? I didn't see.
Difficult to determine; we'll have to ask in the interviews. We also saw Zeb take down William, but leave him alive.
Actually, escaping death was quite a theme today. Sergio managed not to kill himself when he tried to rewire the elevators. Mia ran into Ajax and Falchion, who didn't attack her; Champion Lola dropped right on top of Mirrad, but they ended up allied!
That was certainly a luckier portal than Decima's, which threw her into that lava pit! A nasty way to go. And, speaking of nasty ways to go…
Oh, yes.
If 'escaping death' was one of today's themes, 'depression' was the other. We saw Nickul banging his head on the wall; the Librarian wandering in search of company; Michael's soul-searching. And, of course, James and Gall.
I still don't get that. Why would you make a suicide pact, and then honour it? Do… do they not know what the game is about?
I don't know, Notte. We'll have to ask them in the interview.
Which is coming right up?
Which is coming right up, after the break.
GORE! BLOOD! GUTS! And worst of all: LAUNDRY!
We've all been there: heading out for a relaxing evening at Rudi's, you discover that your favourite shirt is spattered with the urple remains of the Suvian you just killed. Water won't rinse it off - rubber gloves dissolve when you touch it - bleach just makes things worse.
Enter BL+ELLO, the only washing powder guaranteed to separate Suvian colours into their component parts! Watch those wilver splotches fall away in white and silver streams! Bled simply drains away once it's blue and red again! And as for glose, the scent of those roses is almost as beautiful as the gold!
Warning: does not work on dark black, meen, antiblue, or other non-combinatorial Suvian colours.
Transcript on the doc. I have to say, I'm pleased someone relevant took out Tomash - makes for nice storytelling. ^_^
31 to go.
hS -
Interviews by
on 2016-09-08 20:11:00 UTC
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VJ: "Ughh... That makes a day worth of food skipped. Seriously, I felt like if I didn't get any food, I would have to chew on my leather belt. But it was nice to hang out with Hop again."
Will: "Showers are bloody deadly. That's why I take baths over showers every day. At least you can support yourself by holding onto an edge of a bathtub; shower just go along with you. Well, at least Mari was there to fix things up." -
Interview. by
on 2016-09-08 20:23:00 UTC
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Marina: Well, that was... interesting moments I guess. Someone who is able to hurt himself like this in a shower during a free-for-all deathmatch cannot be that dangerous as an opponent, and having favors ready to be called can be handy, even if I got the impression he's some sort of practicionner. Gotta watch this later.
Afterr that, I ended up with another ally. She seemed a little weird, but that was still an ally, and one who didn't try to backstab me. Although I could have made without all the questions. I had to cut this out, with this sort of distraction, we were just begging to be targetted. -
Well, mispost. (nm) by
on 2016-09-08 20:23:00 UTC
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Interviews by
on 2016-09-07 19:47:00 UTC
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Androia: I can do that? How did I do it? Who is Monty Python? And what is this entity with the many heads? I would ask Hieronymus, but somehow he vanished?
Hieronymus: The creeping factor is increasing. I wanted to get away from Androia, how come I always run into her? She kept me awake all night with this silly Monty Python game, and I don’t even know how she knows Monty Python. I’m going to roll up in some corner and get a handful of sleep now. Oh, by the way, the sponsor who sent me clean water and medical supplies during the qualifier was more helpful. Just saying.
HG -
Ho hum, ho hummmm~ by
on 2016-09-07 16:26:00 UTC
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Whitney: I have. SO many questions. I was concerned that people would not want to have anything to do with me due to my... track record... but it's good to hear that this was not the case. Gall was surprisingly high-spirited and understanding throughout our conversation, and it's sad to hear that she had her accident later. And as for Marina, I have to give her props for reminding me to keep my head in the game, because otherwise, I would've been too distracted to think about not dying. Ironic, huh?
(Falchion was too incoherent for a proper interview due to two whole days of starvation.) -
Interviews. by
on 2016-09-07 15:39:00 UTC
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The Canon Librarian: "Found something to read. It was a death threat from Building Maintenance. I didn't think they were even in here?"
Steve Dimond: "I guess there's a chance I might win this? I've tried to make friends, y'know - Apollo was fun last night, and today I hung out with VJ and Hop. I dunno, though; there's some pretty ruthless agents in here."
Luxury: "Hmm-hmm-hmm... I've got a plan, you've got a plan, all the sexy agents got a plan..."
Kyaris: "Today has been a kaboom-y day. I got a plasma cannon in the night - from who, I don't know - and then found some explosives with the tall elf woman. Androia, that's the one. I mean, I can't use any of this stuff - I'm not picking bombs up in my mouth, thank you very much! - but it's nice to know it's there."
Makes-Things: "Ow. Can confirm that holographic flame still hurts. Ow."
hS -
Interviews: by
on 2016-09-07 14:48:00 UTC
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The Librarian: *incoherent grumbling, generally sour mood*
Amris: "Hey, nobody told me my fields would be off-line for this! I'd demand my money back but we don't use money back home and anyway I didn't pay anything." *Aura fields turn brown* -
Well then. Interviews! by
on 2016-09-07 04:37:00 UTC
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Derik: *with a
completelymostly straight face* 'Tis but a scratch. Stings a bit. Always look on the bright side of life. Get on with it!
Gall: Motherf****r! This was not supposed to happen! That guy totally bought the waterworks, I palmed the poison I already had into his cup when I poured the Bleepka, and that should've been that! I swear I only turned around for one second to put the bottle down. How could this happen?!
Mirrad: I am sad to learn that Decima is out of the games so soon. I suspect now that she only wanted me to watch her back while she took a shower and did not intend to make a lasting alliance at all, since she left soon after she had finished. However, I had a pleasant evening with Hop and Nickul, and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work with last year's champion. It is quite fortunate that she landed on top of me.
Elms: I am so lost. I should never have left Peregrin, even if he was boring. Hey, camera-bot, I don't suppose I could follow you to... I dunno, anywhere that isn't an empty corridor?
(( I don't know when Derik found Monty Python, but no one has ever had a better excuse to quote them excessively. ^_^
(( I swear, Mirrad looks likely to ally his way to the top at this rate. It's weird.
(( Also, seconding PC: hS, why would you use that?! Was this one of your ploys to force us to write interesting character moments? {; P )) -
Interviews by
on 2016-09-07 04:02:00 UTC
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Tomash: "Well, Amris and I portaled straight into Sergio's camp and I got shot right then and there. Hurt like h***, but at least everything was over quickly. And I'm not really bitter, since that was a really justified revenge kill after ... that incident."
"However, I'm not letting Amris set the portal coordinates next time."
Peregrin: "I know Library would have rather I stopped talking so much, but I woke up today thinking I had an insight that might lead to a solution to Grod-Taunga. I eventually discovered my mistake, but it took several hours since I had nothing to write with." -
Interviews. by
on 2016-09-07 01:22:00 UTC
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Gremlin: Well, I didn't find Medical. Only a room filled with camo gear in which I passed out. I took some of it when I woke up this morning because I thought I might be able to use it in the Courtyard. But hey, guess what? Couldn't find that either, so now I look like an idiot. It's kind of annoying how holo-Headquarters doesn't play by the same rules as regular Headquarters. All my tactics for trying to get around don't work here.
The sound of cannons can be heard. Gremlin steps off camera to get a better look.
James: I stepped away from the campsite during the night to look for supplies and fell down a flight of stairs that hadn't been there before. Thought I was a goner when that Pokemon came up on me. I was more than surprised when he patched me up rather than finish me off. Might kind act, right there.
Now then, the suicide pact…
He sighs.
It wasn't really supposed to go down like that. Little redhead comes up to me, bawling, saying that she was tired of this whole thing and wanted to go out but was too scared to do it on her own. She was not the most talented actress I ever met, so I didn't buy it. I was about to get down to brass tacks when it dawned on me: maybe I could play this out. So I make the agreement.
We get a bottle of Bleepka and some poison. She suggests having a non-deadly toast before offing ourselves. I agree, but when she turns away, I dose her drink. We toast, and bottoms up.
Turned out she managed to dose my glass too. Never saw her do it. I tip my hat to you, Gall. That was some damn fine sneak work.
Holo-Acacia: I have become very efficient at defensive action, even without my hatchet!
((OOC: I exchanged some messages with Nesh about why James and Gall might enter a suicide pact, and we decided on "they tried to trick each other with poison and failed." Also, quick question for hS: why would you leave that option in?!)) -
It's like Nesh said. by
on 2016-09-07 15:43:00 UTC
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This isn't a game about seeing your agents do things they'd normally do - it's a game of seeing the RNG make them do completely ludicrous stuff, and then seeing how you can rationalise it. In the Day 3 report, Kyaris tries to seduce the Librarian. Can you see that happening, in any reasonable world? Me either. But the RNG decreed it, and I must acquiesce.
I think the two of you came up with an absolutely fantastic explanation for the 'suicide pact', for what it's worth. Brilliantly played. [Thumbs up]
And I also think Holo-Acacia is my favourite interviewee of the games.
hS -
A double interview! by
on 2016-09-06 22:26:00 UTC
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(Since the event feed seems to imply that Sergio and Nikki were sticking together...)
Sergio: "So, yeah. I have no idea if Tomash attacked our camp to try to take us down before we could get him, or he found us here only by chance... but that's what happens when you touch our daughter."
Nikki: "Well, you actually did all by yourself. By the time I had set up my Device, you had already swiss-cheesed him."
Sergio: "What were you expecting me to do, really? Anyways, the ball of bloodthirst is out too, which is a good thing. That guy gave me the creeps."
Nikki: "Yeah. Tagging along with Holo-Acacia was a good thing, since she got him. I wonder who Acacia Byrd is - if the producers decided to put an hologram of her in, she must've been someone famous."
Sergio: "One thing is sure, her archery is top notch."
Nikki: "Also, I'd like to thank Corolla and Keiko for the water - yes, we know you're behind it. It was very appreciated. Especially after Sergio here nearly fried himself with that elevator."
Sergio: "Well, I tried to knock it out of commission to give our opponents one less way into our camp, but I guess that would've been a job better suited to our Corolla..." -
I'm surprised my guys are still alive. by
on 2016-09-06 17:41:00 UTC
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(And Segrio taking out Tomash... *applause for the RNG*)
Zeb: "I know, I know, I'm not helping my chances by leaving other tributes alive, but maybe if they see how nice and helpful I can be, they'll want to team up! Now that Falc and I got separated and everything..."
Charlotte: "I miss being able to run fast. This is boring. And how'm I supposed to know if my partner's doing alright while I'm stuck here killing other people? Do I at least get a phone call? Or do I have to talk to a lawyer first?" -
*snatches Segrio the Mini-Agent* (nm) by
on 2016-09-06 21:44:00 UTC
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Oops. (nm) by
on 2016-09-06 21:54:00 UTC
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Interviews by
on 2016-09-06 13:43:00 UTC
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Matthew (On the phone, obviously upset): Levvvy why did you kill the Pokemon equivalent of Angelion...
I really need to stop sending in these hatchets...
Levy (Also upset): I don't Knoooow, I thought she would end up like the Black Knight in Monty Python
Ajax: ...How the heck was I able to burn MT, I'm not in my Awoken form.
Also that Falchion guy is pretty cool... though we did fail a spot check soooo...
Nickul: D&D is fun, hitting my head against a wall is not. I'M AN INTELLECTUAL GDI. -
Day 1, with 7 deaths! by
on 2016-09-05 09:21:00 UTC
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From a hidden holo-deck, high in the mountains of New Caledonia… the PPC's ONLY TV station broadcast live to your console… this… is NTV.
The guns have sounded. Boom… boom… boom. Ten shots. Three of those fell during the Bloodbath - Alice, Selene, Ecks. The other seven… let's take a look.
Huh. That was almost dramatic.
So was this first day in the Arena (see what I did there?). If our tributes expected to breeze through the games just because they were on familiar territory, they were very much out of luck. Agent Gremlin looks to have broken a rib in that fall, and Ajax was forced to resort to acting to fend off an attack - always a terrifying thought.
Seriously, that's the part that terrified you? Not Tomash?
All right, yes: when Tomash tried to turn Keiko's life into a murderous logic puzzle, we were glued to our seats. And then when he killed her after she refused to take part - nasty. Almost as nasty as Gall throttling Kelly from behind.
I would say nastier.
Fine: almost as nasty as Whitney slicing Derik's leg off and then leaving him there?
No, because she used a lightsaber; it cauterised, so he'll be fine.
Except with only one leg.
Yes. So?
Hm. Well, at least he's doing better than Desdendelle, who took Peregrin's Killing Curse right in the face. Or Kaitlyn, who… well, honestly, we're not even sure what Gabrielle did to her, but she's definitely out of the games.
There were non-lethal fights, too: Luxury and James drove Levy and Steve away from their campsite without anyone dying, and our three hunter teams - VJ, Apollo, Makes-Things, and Charlotte on one hand, Hop, Amris, Sergio, and Kyaris on the other, and the magical team of Decima, William, and Nurse Mirrad on the third - didn't find anyone to kill.
How many hands do you have? Oh, who cares? Let's talk about Pokemon! Could there be a more natural team than Zeb and Falchion in this arena? I think the Notary and Rachel Calendar would agree that there can't!
Except they don't agree to anything. Because they're dead. Also, we have more than two Pokemon in there, you know.
Not as many as we did, not after Tacitus', ah, portal blunder.
And speaking of blunders: to whoever is sending in those hatchets. Seriously. This needs to stop. We banned them after Season 2. We've taken hologram!Acacia's away from her; Champion Lola wouldn't let go of hers, which is irritating, but we can't really randomly kill the reigning champion.
I still say we can.
And when you're in charge, you can make that decision. But right now, this is my show, and I say we can't.
Hatchets are banned. We don't want to see any more in the arena. Thank you.
Join us after the break for interviews with all our surviving and outgoing tributes. And after that - we'll see you next de-
You weren't going to do that, either.
You are such a miseryguts.
Consider the plight of the agent who falls in the line of duty. That's right - none. They're fine, because they've already gone on to the great bleepka bar in the sky. But what about the ones they leave behind? Trapped in a locked Response Centre, ignored by the rest of the PPC, the poor minis wait patiently for their friends who will never return.
You can help. For as little as $2/AM$0.05/4 latinum strips per week, you can feed and house an abandoned mini, somewhere in HQ. They may not thank you, but we will.
And remember - mind your spelling.
As always, the full transcript is on the doc. I was really hoping Kaitlyn would stay in a bit longer - oh well!
hS -
Interviews by
on 2016-09-05 20:33:00 UTC
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Peregrin: "Muggle-Use wands are very useful weapons."
Tomash: "I'm ... not sure why I did that. I'd stumbled into Keiko, Nickul, and Michael, and I thought they were going for me. So I grabbed Keiko to cover my retreat, but that wasn't working, and somehow that whole mess was the first idea I had. Nickul probably hates me now."
"Wait, what? She was Nikki and Sergio's daughter? I'm so, so dead." -
Interview with Decima by
on 2016-09-05 17:20:00 UTC
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Decima: Very important to control the water supply. Absolutely why we've taken over the showers. Yessir. No other reason for that.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go secure a strategic conditioner supply. -
Ooh, excitement! by
on 2016-09-05 17:09:00 UTC
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Derik: *leaning up against a wall, staring at his stump* I finally slip away from my "team" only to run into this apparition in sweatpants. I thought I could overpower her, even without a weapon, but... *shakes head* ... Scorch it, woman, you could at least have had the courtesy to finish me off!
Gall: Oh yeah, one down, thirty-odd to go!
Mirrad: I was hesitant to team up with one of my patients, since it clearly constitutes a conflict of interests, but she insisted that I must help her survive, or else she would become a permanent fixture in my office. *makes a helpless gesture* We did not intend to pick up William, too, but I think he will be a useful ally and perhaps someone that Decima can talk to about magic systems other than her own. It could be good for her.
♪ I love to go a-wandering
♪ along the mountain track,
♪ And as I go, I love to sing,
♪ my knapsack on my back.
♪ Val-der-ee! Val-der-ah!
♪ Val-der-ah! Val-der-ah-ah-ah-ah ah-ah,
♪ Val-der-ee... ♪ -
Interviews by
on 2016-09-05 16:17:00 UTC
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Androia: Huh, that was scary. A Suvian on rollerblades, and that big-eyed anime girl from the last games, probably seeking revenge. I am so glad I got away. At least it was nice to see that Hieronymus does well.
Hieronymus: Huh, that was scary. No, Suvians on rollerblades are just ridiculous. I didn't intent to encounter Androia in this game. -
Reactions! by
on 2016-09-05 16:14:00 UTC
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Rachel: Aw, man. I can't believe I'm out already! I thought that Time Lord and I were gonna come out on top in that fight, but Pokemon are just so fast! And you, the powers and all that too. Maaaaan. Guess I'm just gonna have to watch how this plays out from my RC. Good luck, everyone still in it!
James: I wasn't sure about making camp with Luxury. Not after all the stuff I've heard about her, anyway. I don't mind me some personal company from time to time, don't get me wrong, but this hardly seems like the best occasion for it.
But then we got ambushed while setting up the tents. Turns out the lady's got some combat skill. I suppose it shouldn't be that much of a surprise, considering how long she's been an agent for. But still, 'tween the two of us, we sent those folks running!
I turned down Luxury's offer to celebrate. Like I said, hardly seems like the best occasion for it.
Gremlin: Ow… ow… OW F*****G OW! Gah, note to self: if you're going try hiding in an Escher Room, watch where you put your feet. I fell fifteen feet sideways to the floor! Ow… I hope the holographic version of Medical is somewhere around here.
Holo-Acacia: I really wanted that hatchet. -
Interview by
on 2016-09-05 15:26:00 UTC
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Well, let's see you try to operate a damaged RA with your bare paws. -
Yay, both of my agents survived! by
on 2016-09-05 13:44:00 UTC
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Falchion: Whew, thank heavens I ditched Brave Bird so long ago and learned Rock Slide instead! The Notary was a challenge, obviously, but who knew Rachel was weak to throwing a stone sword without STAB? What a turnaround! Anyway, Zeb and I really should pair up more often. Us Pokemon gotta stick together, after all, and he's an awesome fighter, really. I just hope we won't have to kill each other sometime soon, haha...
Whitney: Derik was - no, IS a worthy opponent. It was my fault for going overboard with the Beam Sword or whatever equivalent they have here in this arena, and I apologize to him for it. I just hope that if either of us dies, we do so with dignity. -
Interviews: by
on 2016-09-05 12:41:00 UTC
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Desdendelle: "Guess I gotta get some upgrades. Wasn't fast enough."
Amris: "Who wants to be the next art project? The Zorua, maybe...?"
The Librarian: "I was not actually trying to camouflage myself. I am not even interested in winning. Idiot." -
Interview. by
on 2016-09-05 10:03:00 UTC
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Marina: What? You expected senseless wandering across this crazy mess so I stumble upon someone of something killing me?
Why the hell should I do that when I can wait for people to shoot in one place? Besides, disguise or not, I'm not testing this holographic system too much. My pay is already low enough . -
Interviews. by
on 2016-09-05 10:29:00 UTC
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"Why I kept going around with Amris, you say? Exactly because I don't like him. Better keep him where I can see him. And, Kyaris, of course I don't know very well how to use swords. I use guns"
"So, yeah, that Peregrin dude got Des too, so he's on my target list. Just added Tomash on that one, too, I was starting to like that Keiko girl."
"... Wait, what? You're saying that girl coming from the future is my daughter...? Tomash, I'm coming for you."
"I think I might've seen that woman who got me out last time? I don't know, and sure I wasn't going for payback since there was this dude who looked like he was beign Sued, so I ran. Getting out on day one again would've been just too embarassing."
"Yes, Keiko got eliminated today. A shame, she looked such like a nice girl... Eeeeh? She's my daughter? Well... I guess day-one eliminations run in the family? Still, I'm going to give that Tomash a beating when I see him. What he did is very nasty."
"So... Should've thought about that one better. Sure, I hate people ordering me around, especially if they're complete strangers, but I would've have had to face the two he wanted me to kill anyways so I should've just played along."
"So, on my first PPC HQ Hunger Games I got out on day one and placed... forty-fifth? Heh, that's exactly what Mom did on her first one, too!"
"... You told her and Dad that I'm their daughter? Why'd you do that? Now they're both going to go on homicidial rage-"
"That was your very intention? I'm... not sure it was a good idea, you know? Though I admit that I'm going to appreciate if they avenge me." -
Whoops, answered the wrong message. (nm) by
on 2016-09-05 10:30:00 UTC
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Aaaand interviews! by
on 2016-09-05 09:45:00 UTC
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(They get easier when there's less of my people left.)
District Kaitlyn
The Canon Librarian: "Can't find my books. Where are they?"
Kaitlyn: "Oh come on! Oh, well, if I have to go, at least I went to something cute. ^_^ Wasn't that fiery fox thing the Doktor's partner? I think she was! Cool."
Steve Dimond: "So this Levy girl said it would be a good idea to make a show of force, and storm the camp we found in the Courtyard. Plus, y'know, it was Lux's camp, so it wasn't like she was going to defend it very well? Yeah, I think I might have completely misunderstood Luxury. At least I made it out alive."
Luxury: "Hee! This is fun!"
District Eagle Hawk
Kyaris: "My team: a bouncy time traveller, a sadistic flying robot, and an increasingly nervous retired human who barely seems to remember what a sword is. Oh, and me, your friendly resident diminutive hydra. All in all, I think we've got a solid group here - okay, we didn't find anyone today, but there's always tonight..."
District Sergio Turbo
Makes-Things: "The restrictions on players' abilities seem to be holding. I watched Agent Webb closely for any signs of enhanced speed, but she seems closely matched to my control specimen, 'VJ'. Unfortunately I don't seem to have any records of Agent Apollo, but he isn't coming across as significantly above average. Excellent stuff."
hS -
Wow, that was intense! by
on 2016-09-05 09:41:00 UTC
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Gabrielle turning Kaitlyn into jelly—a result of Superpower, perhaps?
Zeb: "Aw man, Falchion is really cool and awesome and he's such a good teammate! I really hope we're able to stay together for the rest of the games. And his feathers are really shiny. Did you notice how shiny his feathers are? Ooh, Aviator, if you're watching: I got the Notary for you! Are you proud of me? Notary, if you're watching: that's for terrorizing my partner at the last Council meeting, you big old meanie!"
Charlotte: "Another day, another load of nothing. I'm starting to feel hungry. Are my eyes going black yet? Can I eat the holo-contestants? Is that even allowed? Are we done yet?"
("Great bleepka bar in the sky" made me legitimately laugh out loud, by the way.) -
Interviews by
on 2016-09-05 14:37:00 UTC
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Ajax: Wait, that happened? I mean, I know I look the part but come on!
Nickul: Mr. Tomash, I do hope you realize that I'm gonna be coming after you in place of one of my friends. He does not respect individuals killing children.
Matthew (On the phone): GO GET HIM NICKUL!!!
Levy: That Luxuary's manner of defense is... weird -
Oops (nm) by
on 2016-09-05 14:37:00 UTC
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The Bloodbath by
on 2016-09-03 18:13:00 UTC
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From a hidden holo-deck, high in the mountains of New Caledonia… the PPC's ONLY TV station broadcast live to your console… this… is NTV.
Hello! And welcome back to the PPC HQ Hunger Games, where enthusiasm… is catching!
You said you weren't going to do the silly misquotes any more.
I lied. As we speak, our tributes are flooding out across the holographic arena, seeking shelter, supplies, or perhaps subjects for their violent aspirations.
I thought you were going with 'targets'.
Yes, but then I noticed the alliteration, and I just couldn't stop.
You should have.
We say 'the tributes'... but not all of them. Three of the hopeful contestants never left the Cornucopia - or should I say, the Cafeteria!
Yes, you can see the surprise and shock in their faces when you watch them portal in to… the HQ cafeteria! Was that disorientation the reason so many of them ran away? Or was that always the plan - to flee from the expected massacre.
Those who stayed got their pick of the supplies we laid on. Our reigning champion, Lola McCandless, landed herself a nice flamethrower. Falchion grabbed a sword in his talons, though what a Sword Bird needs with one we're not really sure.
Nor do we know why Marina thought the most valuable find was a bottle of glitter - or, for that matter, why Ajax's rollerblades were such a great find that Michael and Keiko both went after him!
At least Levy got good use out of her lethal-looking banana, driving off Peregrin's intended attack. Elsewhere, Whitney and Charlotte's fight over that gorgeous energy bow somehow didn't end in a fatality!
Though there were plenty of those to go around. The Librarian's torching of Selene - Kaitlyn and Androia's masterful teamup on Ecks - and of course whatever happened to Alice the horse.
We've gone over the footage, and we can't figure out who brought her down, though we do know that Hieronymus was the one to finish her off. We're sending in drones to interview the tributes now - maybe one of them can shed some light.
It wasn't all violence, of course - there was also forward planning to be done. The teamups of Rachel, Decima, Will, and Steve, and Tomash, Luxury, Nickul, and Derik, look a little tenuous, but they got them out of the Cafeteria, and that's what counts!
Unless your name happens to be Tacitus, Amris, or Sergio, in which case what counts is a nice conversation.
Yeah, that was weird. Okay! That's all we spotted on the tapes. Remember: all of this is holographic, however realistic the simulation of HQ may be. We'll be back after the break with brief interviews from the tributes-
Or those we can talk to without giving their positions away.
Until then, remember: this has been Nutmeg TV, and this… is the Hunger Games.
You may think that borrowing books is somehow 'good'. That a library exist to 'serve' you. That I 'want' you to come and visit me.
You're mistaken. But, unfortunately, the Flowers insist I let you read my books occasionally.
So when you really can't find any other way to get hold of one, I suppose you can come to the Canon Library. Just don't touch anything while you're here.
Full transcript is available on the doc, down towards the bottom. We had three deaths, and our first Boarder elimination - sorry, Data Junkie. I did seriously consider rerunning to try and get you at least into Day 1, but given that I'd also be saving my own agent by doing that, I figured I'd stick with the first run.
Interviews from everyone are welcome - they've been great fun to read so far! And if you've not got them up for the first round, that's still open too!
This is fu-un...!
hS -
Bloodbath interviews. by
on 2016-09-04 18:49:00 UTC
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District Kaitlyn
The Canon Librarian: "Trying to find my library. Leave me alone."
Kaitlyn: "Well. I quite like this Androia woman. I'm not sure if she knows Agent Ecks was one of the ones who stole my stuff in the qualifiers? But she was a great help. Now, who else was in that footage...?"
Steve: "Right. So my 'team' is a bubbly girl who sort of reminds me of Constance back in the day - not sure that's a good thing - a Potterverse witch with a kind of scary attitude, and a violent... warlock?... of some description. Uh... better have them on my side than hunting me, I guess?"
Luxury's reaction to the drone is not viewable by agents under the age of 100.
District Eagle Hawk
Selene: "... I don't think I like Time Lords any more."
Kyaris: "How did I run out of there so fast? Have you seen this body? I've got speed you wouldn't believe."
District Sergio Turbo
Makes-Things: "Obviously I ran away. Making observations doesn't require me to be heavily armed, does it? I did get to see Agent Ajax's rollerblades in action - are we positive those are holographic? Excellent work if they are. Hmm... I wonder if my lab is functional in the simulation?"
(Not sure if Day One will be up tonight or tomorrow morning. Ve zhall zee.)
hS -
Interviews(?) by
on 2016-09-04 17:03:00 UTC
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Rachel: Always have someone to watch your back! It's good idea when you're doing agent stuff and still a good idea when you're doing mock battles to the death! Plus, apparently two of the people I'm with have magic powers. Awesome! I'm not sure how long all this will last, but everything's looking pretty good for the moment.
James: James is hiding in a small, dark room. Judging from his muttering, he is currently working out a plan for his current situation. He scowls upon noticing the interview drone, and waves at it to leave.
Get lost, you!
Gremlin: The drone footage of Gremlin is almost solid static, for some reason.
((OOC: Am I also doing reactions for Holo-Acacia, since she's on my team? Probably something I should have asked before this started. Mea culpa.)) -
You may, if you want. by
on 2016-09-04 17:37:00 UTC
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I'm happy to put her down as 'unavailable to comment', but equally, if you want to do it...
Come to think of it, wasn't it you who did Acy's reaction when Kaitlyn and Selene gave her radiation poisoning? I think that was you.
hS -
I actually don't know what you're referring to. by
on 2016-09-05 15:55:00 UTC
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I mean in regards to Acy's radiation reaction. Like, not at all. So I don't think it was me.
Oh, sorry, it was doctorlit. by
on 2016-09-05 16:25:00 UTC
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The story in question is this (since I think it's good enough to link to).
Dunno why I got the two of you crossed. That c in the middle?
hS -
Interview by
on 2016-09-04 16:56:00 UTC
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It is immediately clear that Amris is a massive threat to the entire competition. Its enthusiasm for battle is only matched by his gruesome and twisted imagination-- it needs to be put down as fast as possible if any of us are to survive. I only hope Dark's immunity to Psychic holds in this case. -
Interview by
on 2016-09-04 15:50:00 UTC
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Levy: Apparently using a banana as a hilt for an ice dagger counts as "Weaponised" and not "Utilising their abilities to their very best."
Ajax: They tried to take my rollerblades. They tried to take my rollerblades. I am actually Hermes. I have wings on my feet. Good luck with that next time.
Nickul: I swear to Bahamut somebody's gonna die here, and it will probably be Aphrodite over there. -
My agents ran like bunnies. by
on 2016-09-04 15:38:00 UTC
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Gall, Mirrad, and Elms have vanished into HQ and are unavailable for comment.
Derik: For the love of little green apples... No, Luxury, that is not what "Hunger Games" means.
~Neshomeh -
Wouldn't that be Thirst Games? =] (nm) by
on 2016-09-04 20:47:00 UTC
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All I know... by
on 2016-09-04 20:59:00 UTC
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... is that "meatroll" is definitely a Pernese euphemism, because how could it not be? {= )
~Neshomeh -
"Won't you come in for a mug of klah?" by
on 2016-09-04 21:23:00 UTC
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Shards and shells, what have you just done?
hS -
Oooooh... by
on 2016-09-05 10:44:00 UTC
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(is the sound a meatroll makes)
Seriously, this idea has got me to thinking. What other fictional 'verse euphemisms can we think of? What are they like in other languages? For instance, in Tau'sia a homebrew euphemism would be ran'monat'sio; the word ran means either "heart" or "spirit", depending on context, and the rest comes from the compound word co'monat'sio, which means to act selfishly or to put one's own desires above the Greater Good (and my lexicon informs me that it implies licentiousness and decadence). Thus, ran'monat'sio means to act on the desires of one's heart... alone.
Alas, the Tau'sia word for tissue paper presently eludes me. =] -
Interviews by
on 2016-09-04 14:35:00 UTC
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The Librarian: "Burn, human, bu— I mean, that is barbarous, I have no idea what possessed me."
Desdendelle: "No news is good news, methinks."
Amris: "Why, I didn't know that this place had such little bundles of fun as this Zorua." -
Interviews by
on 2016-09-04 10:46:00 UTC
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Androia: Socializing is such a nice thing to do: Find a friend, and then go and stab another potential friend together. I’m not quite sure what we stabbed her with. Did Kaitlyn grab a dagger? I may need to be careful around her.
Hieronymus: Don’t put a horse into the cafeteria; it’s not her natural environment! I guess she stumbled over the chairs and fell into the main aisle that leads to the entrance. Anyway, the poor mare looked like the whole stampede of fleeing agents had run over her. I just couldn’t leave her like that. But – have you ever tried to strangle a horse? In the end we both agreed that she just should consider herself being stabbed with the Sharp Sword of Reason that doesn’t show in holographic pictures.
HG -
Opening interviews by
on 2016-09-04 05:53:00 UTC
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Tomash (not noticing the camera): "No, Luxury, I'm not interested."
Peregrin: "My thoughts? It appears that contesting the supplies was a reasonable decision. I gathered a few useful items, but I ran away from the more valuable supplies after being threatened with fruit over water. I'm still not entirely clear on how that plant was meant to be deadly, but I did not want to risk a confrontation so early." -
Interviews! by
on 2016-09-04 01:35:00 UTC
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Whitney: Maybe I should find Falchion. He'd be better at using that energy bow than I am - though I honestly don't know if I won it from Charlotte or not. She was a really good fighter! I do hope to meet her again sometime under, erm, friendlier circumstances.
Falchion: ...I don't even know how to sword. Help. -
Interview. by
on 2016-09-03 22:33:00 UTC
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Marina: So they decided the arena would be HQ... I cannot tell if they're sarcastic or if it's the perfect Hunger Games arena.
It also seems the Cafeteria is so horrible people flee merely after seeing that. Well, I only got a bottle of glitter, but after being taken out the first time by poisoning, I'm sure I can find some use for that stuff... -
Interviews. by
on 2016-09-03 19:17:00 UTC
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"I don't know why exactly I stopped to chat with these two - I think they were actually both trying to asses how much of a threat I was, so I went for my best "rusty retired dude" impression. Amris tunred out to be just as creepy as Corolla told me, while I finally managed to meet that Tacitus dude, who kept nagging me about how this 'Madam' woman was interested in me and wishing me good luck. Sorry, not falling for those nets of favours."
"We're in HQ this time? The confusion kinda reminds me of the Blackout. Of course, I ran away. It would've really been embarassing if I got myself killed faster than the other time..."
Keiko: "It's a shame that guy managed to get the rollerblades - while I prefer skateboards, Mom taught me how to use them so they would've been a good way to move around faster. I tried to chase him, but I don't know what I would've done if I did - that dude had defeated Dad in the qualifiers, so taking him out would've helped us both, but at the same time he had spared Dad after defeating him so it wouldn't have been very nice..."
P.S. Do you plan on doing a loser's bracket for the unqualified, so they get a ranking too? -
That... is an interesting question. by
on 2016-09-04 17:39:00 UTC
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I hadn't thought about it, but there's no reason I couldn't. Maybe when the main Games gets down to 8 people, we can run a rapid Losers' Bracket in parallel.
(Haha at Sergio's comments on Amris and Tacitus, by the way. XD)
hS -
Bloodbath Interviews by
on 2016-09-03 18:35:00 UTC
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Charlotte: "I know, I know, I could probably win this whole thing easily if I was my normal self, but being physically immune to almost every type of damage and being able to run two hundred miles an hour is just a teensie bit unfair in these games. So, bow it was, even though I really would've preferred to get an axe or something." *humphs*
Zeb: "Well, so far, it looks like staying out of trouble is working just fine for me. Hope I can keep it up for a few more days."
(Yay, at least these two made it another day.) -
The qualifiers are up! by
on 2016-09-02 16:08:00 UTC
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See them here.
24 of our 72 agents are out, including a depressing number of namesakey/selfinsertish agents. Dafydd, Constance, July, and Alleb all went out, along with both Ix and the Aviator. JulyFlame lost three of her four candidates, though luckily, no-one went out entirely. (And congrats to Neshomeh, whose two agents + two NPC suggestions all made it through!)
The teams are a bit scrambled, given that only Nesh has an intact quartet. I think the only person whose agents I ended up having to split was Skarm, who's ended up paired with Matt Cipher and Desdendelle. Sorry! I tried!
So far, we're not revealing the new arena. We are revealing, though, that we have a hologram of Acacia Byrd in the Games. So you have something to live up to!
If you'd like your agents to give opening interviews - or losing ones, for the folks who're out already - go ahead and post them in a reply to this. (And please do - they make for great reading, and will help me get them in character for the narration!) I'll edit them into the document when I can. (Whether I can get them written for my own four + Kaitlyn's four + 5 NPCs is an... interesting question. I'll get back to you on that.)
Next broadcast will hopefully be tomorrow, showing the bloodbath and - if it's not too bloody - Day One as well.
See you then!
hS -
Interviews by
on 2016-09-04 15:09:00 UTC
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Nickul: Holy crap I killed the Aviator
Ajax: And Jesse
Nickul: Yes, but I killed a DMS legend
Levy: and a Cowboy
Nickul: I don't think you understand, I killed The Aviator
Ajax: We know
Levy: We're just mad you didn't get her autograph -
Interviews by
on 2016-09-03 17:40:00 UTC
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Barid - Well dat didn't last long. I don't know what dat girl was tinkin', but none'a my stuff was gonna help her. It was all potion makin' plants.
Decima - Grab explosives? Check. Fresh water? Check. Tripping balls to the finish line? Double check. Bring on the games. -
Interviews by
on 2016-09-03 15:44:00 UTC
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Hip: "So... That happened. First time in the Games and I'm already out. Then again, nothing I could do, I mean that explosion was just INSANE! Well, hopefully others will get far. If I have to pick, I'd say VJ is going to get the furthest, if not win."
Hop: "Hey, I'm still in! That's wicked, though I wish Hip was still with me. Hope you'll cheer for me, sweetie!"
Will: "Fine an' dandy. I could get used to smackin' folks on the head."
VJ: "Giving me a bow and arrows is like spilling water on a Gremlin! There's no way I lose now!" -
Interesting outcome! by
on 2016-09-03 15:17:00 UTC
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Sarah is going to be SOOOOO peeved that she didn't even make it past the first qualifier. She was looking forward to a hero's path of glory, geez!
I'd write up responses from my agents, but my household is going through a very bad situation at the moment, and I may not be able to see it resolved until tomorrow. Sorry, everyone! :( -
Aw, what the heck? Interviews! by
on 2016-09-04 01:31:00 UTC
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Sarah: ARRRRGH! I'M SO SALTY RIGHT NOW! That's what the term is, right? Salt? Anyway... I CALL HAX! I was looking forward to a path of glory and coolness and awesomeness and then SOME MEANIE DROPS A BOX OF TNT INTO MY SHIRT RIGHT OUT OF THE GATE?! GRRRR, OF ALL THE INDIGNITIES I JUST - RAAAAAAGH!! If you'll excuse me, I'm going to the Danger Room. I NEED TO BREAK SOMETHING!!!
Rayner: At least I won't have to endure the rest of the carnage. 'Nuff said.
Falchion: I have no idea why I picked up a bottle of alcohol. I don't even DRINK! Sleeping through the first day is totally a me thing, though.
Whitney: A telepathic horse. I went. On a tribute hunt. With a telepathic. HORSE. I just... What. -
Interview time! by
on 2016-09-03 14:46:00 UTC
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Field Commander Lola McCandless: Well, the champ is back in town, and frankly I'm not sure it was a good idea. I mean, learning everyone's capabilities is always a good idea, but I'm worried about how much insane bloodlust will come into play given that this is only a holodeck simulation and everyone knows it. I've been trying to fight how I normally would, but that just means ambush tactics - and since I don't know the surroundings well, I managed to balls it up completely when that woman blundered into my trap.
Gabrielle: ... I blew up my therapist. Um. With, um. With a landmine. I, uh, I think that's gonna come up in our next session.
Doctor Peep, FicPsych: [slightly dazed] Home in a bin bag, I'm going home in a biiiiiin bag... eeble...
Alice: *telepathic horse noises*
How the poxy hell am I meant to do her interviews? I've barely even heard of her before today! -
I'm fine with that method. :D by
on 2016-09-03 17:25:00 UTC
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Nothing from the Notary?
hS -
The Notary is indisposed looking for someone to kill. (nm) by
on 2016-09-03 17:49:00 UTC
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A few reactions to the qualifiers. by
on 2016-09-03 14:43:00 UTC
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Rachel: I was super excited to get picked for the Games this time! I watched all of the footage of the last Games to get an idea of what was going on—plus, you know, to get psyched! It's always important to get positive before taking something like this on.
I got a bunch of useful gear from the Cornucopia and was feeling really good and then WHOA, I got attacked! And by the defending champion too! Not gonna lie, but I was kinda scared right then. I mean, she's a trained soldier and I'm definitely not. But I escaped! I was dodging around trees and rocks, and even ran through a stream at one point! That was pretty awesome.
Then I started hallucinating! There were all these weird pinkish-green bugs with human faces flying at me, and some of them were dancing! I think it might have been the Charleston. And then—hey, where are you going? Is the interview over?
James: That went all right, I suppose. Managed to pick up a bit of disinfectant from the Cornucopia before all the explosions went off. Then, I pretty just spent the rest of the match trying to be a might proactive. Hunting for other folks and that. Never found any one, but I did survive. Let's hope the real thing goes as smooth as this one did.
Gremlin: I decided beforehand that, since this was just the qualifier, I wasn't gonna make too much trouble. Don't fight; just survive. That's why skipped the Cornucopia in favor of just hunting, and why I made that agreement with Kelly to alternate our sleeping cycles. Getting sent clean water was a nice bonus. Pretty sure I know who that was from, even though the sponsors are always "unknown." She winks at the camera. Thanks, babe.
Laura: God. D****t. Eliminated already! Ugh. Well, at least I went out in a pretty hardcore way. Getting stabbed multiple times by a psychic Flower armed with sais? Better than falling in a hole LIKE LAST TIME. -
Interviews by
on 2016-09-03 14:24:00 UTC
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Androia: Yes, we are in again. I still have to prove that I can survive more than one day. After all, I am supposed to be the fighter in this team, and the person who knows how to heal herself. And Hieronymus needs the exercise. He says that running in circles and lifting weights are senseless actions, so adding an adventurous aspect may help. The man just does not move enough. I watched that in our last mission. What? Yes, nearly being strangled by a weed was not a good start. Thank you, Richard, for breaking his stalk.
Hieronymus: Gah, fighting holographic squirrels and agents wielding holographic weapons is senseless, too. Where’s the adventure when there are no consequences? I only concurred to get out of our arr zee. I’m going to find a quiet place where Androia can’t talk my ear off, and just sit the games out. If it doesn’t work, I’ll be out and she’ll still be in, and that’s just as well. Why I didn’t try to sit out the Qualifier? Well, I guess no Agent can say "no" to Jay Thorntree. I’ve no idea what she wanted with the Librarian, though, and they abandoned me before I found out why she’d said she needed a shovel.
HG -
My interviews! by
on 2016-09-03 10:56:00 UTC
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Including Kaitlyn's candidates, and the NPCs.
The Losers
Dafydd: "Well, that was... disappointing. Do you know, I think I was the first person to actually die in the entire tournament? Oh, well, there's always next year."
Morgan: "Okay, so what happened is this: I figured my gun-loving self wasn't much use in a forest, so I tried to 'kill' myself and holo-regenerate into someone good with, say, a sword - well, there's a first time for everything, right? But, uh... apparently holograms don't regenerate. I'll remember that next time."
Constance: "I TOLD Dafydd this was a bad idea... I'm quite offended by being taken for a bear, of all things. Is that a comment on my hair? Agent Michael had better hope he stays in the arena a long time, that's all I'm saying..."
Captain Dandy: Once I heard the Tiger Lily was participating again, I had to take part - for the honour of the Department, you know? But I suppose it wasn't to be. I think the lesson to take away from this is a positive one - our agents will defend each other even against authority figures! I... think that's a good thing.
The Tiger Lily: Hmph. Whose idea was this, anyway?
The Qualifiers
The Canon Librarian: "No comment. Do I have time to read?"
Kaitlyn: "That was fun! I mean, okay, I didn't get to do much, and someone stole all my stuff, but I'm super psyched for the proper Games! I'm gonna try and find someone friendly to team up with, it worked really well last time..."
Steve Dimond: "I'm honestly not that sure why I'm here. But my sisters demanded I sign up, and, well... So next time I'm going to try and get a weapon again, it's, y'know, a good idea...? Don't know after that."
Selene: "Oh. Dafydd's already out? ... okay. I guess I'll see if that hydra wants to team up again."
Kyaris: "Wow. I mean, wow. Why've I never heard about this before? Great stuff. Hope I do well."
Makes-Things: "Look, I'm not here because I want to play. I'm just making sure the holodeck's working safely. And yes, that includes attacking Nurse Mirrad - how else am I going to test it properly?"
Alice the telepathic horse disdained to give an interview. Agent Luxury gave one, but the broadcasters refuse to show it.
hS -
Well that happened by
on 2016-09-03 06:49:00 UTC
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Zee: "Ecks, Ecks calm down"
Ecks: "No I fragging will not! I'm a woman! What's this drek?"
Zee: "The holodeck likely malfunctioned. At least you did not die in the first round, like myself."
Ecks: "Frag off. I'm gonna go sulk until the next round." -
Yes, you should have specified. by
on 2016-09-03 08:08:00 UTC
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You'll note that I also had Mirrad down as female, and he's actually mentioned on the Wiki, so I could even have checked.
I don't intend to put this 'there is a minor error in the transcript (not even the broadcast!)' "interview" into the doc. You can write another if you want it included.
hS -
Qualifier Commentary by
on 2016-09-03 04:00:00 UTC
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[He walks away from the camera, sticking a pinky finger into his left ear.]
It appears my inept colleague died due to a booby trap. He doesn't deserve to wear the sage frond— not after failing to do a spot check and practically walking into a grenade.
I'm a little rusty combat-wise but I still have a little going for me: I chased after this girl and gave her a thrashing. She escaped, but I think that I've managed to scrape a little bit more experience from that battle. Just a little bit more now...
I'm looking forward to the main event. This qualifier was a nice little warm-up; let's see what my team can do. I look forward to stabbing them in the back once they've outlived their usefulness. -
That went a bit better than expected by
on 2016-09-02 22:25:00 UTC
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Tomash: "At first, I wasn't too thrilled at getting dragged into this thing, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. That was a pretty lucky grenade toss at the beginning. I was just trying to distract people so I could grab some food and run for it. Falling into the water while trying to fish wasn't fun, but I get the feeling that will end up on a 'funniest moments' compilation."
"My plans for the main event are to join a group and hope I can last a few days before the inevitable betrayal. Maybe I'll get to know some new people."
Peregrin: "There were a few moments during the night where I wasn't sure if joining these Games had been a good decision. I'd like to think I did reasonably well overall, though. If nothing else, the second day's events will certainly serve as a clear example of why the initialization elements of packaged explosives should not be used as ropes while attached to the package. I must find more of that material after the event. It might be useful for assassinations at a distance if arranged carefully ..."
Peregrin was lost in thought for a moment.
"On, right, the Games. I'd like to thank Mr. Gray, the, ah, Pilot, I think, and ..., er, everyone else for their help with gathering supplies, as well as my sponsor, whoever they were. My plans for the main event are to get a ranged weapon I know how to use and hide. I am also considering going away from the Cornucopia initially, since it seems to attract a large battle, and returning later. That would be less risky, but could be significantly less rewarding. It's an interesting tradeoff, you know. A good friend of mine worked on a more general version of that problem several years ago, but didn't make much progress..."
Interviewer: "Thank you for your time." -
Yay! by
on 2016-09-02 19:43:00 UTC
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My team is awesome! We'll see how long it lasts in the actual event. ^_^;
No time for interviews right now, but FYI, Mirrad is a he. {= )
~Neshomeh -
Interviews! by
on 2016-09-03 16:57:00 UTC
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Elms: Okay, note to self, the Cornucopia is bad. Even if the knives are really shiny and right there, do not go for them. You could get caught in a fireball and die before the Games even start. That was way too close. Fortunately, Zeb was nice enough to help me out with the burns. I hope he did okay afterward, I like the little guy. Not that I won't kick his butt in the arena if I have to, but hey, nothing personal.
The gas was just mean. Seriously, though, if you can't tell a can-can line of hobgoblins in tutus is a drug hallucination, you haven't lived enough yet.
Mirrad: In Minbari culture, the highest honor is to serve. I was pleased to share with the others in the beginning, and also to assist Makes-Things in testing the simulation as we'd agreed. Of course, I never understood "assisting" to go so far as to mean throwing the qualifier. *smiles serenely*
I found the experience of the hallucinogen quite enlightening. I saw what appeared to be a road of silver light with lovely rainbow dancers beckoning me to follow. It was a river, and if I had gone with them I would have drowned, but it was beautiful. The mind is fascinating in its ability to attempt to make sense out of nonsense.
I look forward to honing my skills in the main event.
Derik: Well, here I am again. After the last time I swore I'd never do it again, but Gall wouldn't let up until I'd agreed to join with her. *sigh* I admit her plan of laying low for the qualifiers went well. ... The scream was nothing. Just a dream.
Gall: Oh yeah, I'm back! Don't be fooled by what you saw here. I wasn't gonna waste my energy in a stupid qualifier, so me and Derik just stuck together and let everyone else fight it out. I even gave my partner those dumb supplies to help out what's-her-face. I didn't need them, and maybe it will make her underestimate us in the real arena. *grin* Watch out, people. Gall is coming for you!
(( I thought about having Derik's scream be a plot to lure in the unwary, but nobody was out hunting or anything. Oh well. Nightmare it is! ))
~Neshomeh -
Well that went better than i expected. by
on 2016-09-02 19:36:00 UTC
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Apollo: "First of all to clarify, I didn't really know Gerry had killed Rayner when I killed her, so no, no real revenge was in play there, in fact I hadn't meant to kill her at all, the branch I was using as a weapon was a tad heavier than I thought it was, that's all. Still glad to have got through the qualifiers and glad to see Kelly on my team too."
"Any plans? No, not really. Ideally I'd grab a bow and try and camp a spot I can defend, but after those roving squirrels from last season I'm not sure that's a good idea."
Kelly: "Woo, I got through, and I even got a ranged weapon, not that I needed it, by I got one. I was kinda surprised to actually ally up with different people, and it'd be nice to ally up with them again in the real thing, although it'd also be nice to see Apollo as well, we didn't see each other besides at the start 'cos we ran different ways completely."
"Plans? Not really, hope to get a ranged weapon, one of the bonuses to being a daughter of Apollo you see, hope I don't have to heal anyone and if I'm really desperate I can always try and curse them to speak only in rhyming couplets, it doesn't have much use killing Sue's but I remember that one time our cabin used it on the Ares cabin..." -
Well, well. by
on 2016-09-02 19:16:00 UTC
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Let's begin this.
Richard: Alright. First of all, I certainly didn't sign any papers or anything which could have led to that. My partner was pretty clear about the consequences after the last time. I hope the person who pulled this off can hide really well for their own good.
As for the qualifs... I cannot believe I ended up killing Captain Dandy! That's one of the few Flowers I think who deserves respect here! And this hallucinogen... Are they stealing idea from Capitol engineers, or what?
Marina: I makde sure Richard didn't sign anything while he was conscious, and none of us drinks enough alcohol to think it could have been a 'good idea'. Well, I guess I'll profit of the impromptu training session for now. Then I'll go to meet the staff who handled the inscriptions, and see if our little prankster let any lead behind... -
Aww, I already lost Corolla. by
on 2016-09-02 19:08:00 UTC
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Corolla: Awww, I'm out already. I hope Sergio, Nikki and Keiko will do their best though! By the way, I really have to start working on a way to bring that girl home though. I can't believe she messed up a portal's coordinates so badly...
Oh, and Peregrin? That explosive satchel was bigger than I am. Overkill much?
Sergio: I was lucky this Ajax dude spared me, or I would've been out already. Stealth and survival, that's the way I lasted so long last time. In fact, back then I lost when I abandoned that tactic.
Corolla didn't get through, sadly, but Nikki and that Keiko girl did. Corolla's fond of her for some reason.
And of all people, we got assigned Makes-Things as a teammate. Fun.
Well, I hope I can live up with my Top 8 finish of last time.
Nikki: I think I've been playing better this time - though I admit doing worse would be pretty hard.
It's a shame for Corolla, she was really eager to play in this again.
That Keiko girl is pretty nice - though she feels oddly familiar. I'm pretty sure I've heard her callig Corolla "Auntie" - I wonder why is that?
Keiko: Well, if you're wondering what a girl from the future is doing playing here, I'll answer with two things: a botched portal and Auntie Corolla.
I can't believe I'm playing with my parents here - and also that Auntie took all of ten seconds to guess who I really am.
So far, I'm doing pretty good - as solg as I can stay near water to take advantage of my water magic, I should be fine.
... Auntie, you should better get on work on a way to get me home, I don't want to accidentally cause time paradoxes.
... Wait, you'll be airing this? -
It's "as long as I can stay", sorry (nm) by
on 2016-09-02 19:09:00 UTC
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Wait, interviews? How do I write that? by
on 2016-09-02 18:40:00 UTC
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Just have the agents answer whatever?
See Ix. by
on 2016-09-02 18:53:00 UTC
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Basically a single-paragraph thing from each of them about their thoughts so far. In this case, it's 'how they feel about losing' (if they lost) or 'how they plan to approach the Games' (if they're in). Later it'll be responding to what happens to them.
hS -
Ah, so something like... by
on 2016-09-02 19:40:00 UTC
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Navare: "This is disappointing. I guess I should train more for the next time."
Des: "No news is good news."
Amris: "Booooring."
The Librarian: *something grumbled under breath; the microphone didn't catch anything* -
:D by
on 2016-09-02 17:05:00 UTC
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Okay, that was a fun read.
*clears throat*
The Aviator: "Yeesh, you sign up for one Hunger Games to make your partner happy, and suddenly if you don't want to do another people get all weird about it. I'm glad I got out early. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go find someone..."
Ix: *shrugs* "Not like I was going to make it long with my bad leg and no magic. I'll be cheering for Charlotte from the sidelines, though!"
Zeb: "I'm just trying to keep it on the down-low this time, especially since my plan of meeting up with my partner to team up are kind of shot now."
Charlotte: "Well, I'm sorry to see my partner go. So much for a possible team-up like Peeta and Katniss." *coughs* "Um, but in the platonically beneficial way, of course. I'm going to win this one for her." -
Agent Peregrin is in by
on 2016-09-02 06:43:00 UTC
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He saw the announcement and figured he'd get some combat practice in a more realistic scenario. There's little chance he'll get anywhere near winning, since his weapons abilities amount to "can hit kind of close to whatever he was aiming for much of the time".
So, we're throwing in one avout (mathematician-monk, approximately), with bolt (some-physical-properties-adjustable fabric), sphere (similarly adjustable ball), and chord (length-adjusting rope), and very few practical skills.
Agent Tomash claimed to have plans already, but could be persuaded if there's a free slot left. -
72! by
on 2016-09-02 07:53:00 UTC
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(Consider Agent Tomash to have been 'persuaded', possibly with rope.)
Including all four NPCs mentioned by people, plus five NPCs of my own choosing, I now have 72 tributes listed. (Not including Alex Dives and Farilan, I'm afraid.) Tournament is go!
I'll start the two qualifying games (simultaneously!) in about seven or eight hours. If you want to join (and you can! Those five NPCs can be trimmed out, for one), get in before then, or you'll be sitting on the sidelines.
hS, super excited, can you tell? -
Small OT. by
on 2016-09-02 10:02:00 UTC
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I'll profit from this thread for ask you a little question: Do you have Medieval 2 Total War Kingdoms, and if yes, do you heard about its mod Third Age Total War, and its submod Divide and Conquer? I think it could interest you.
Hardric, hoping at least one of his agents pass the qualifications. -
Now that's just mean. by
on 2016-09-02 10:06:00 UTC
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No, I don't, and now you've made me cry. ,-_-,
hS -
Euh, sorry. by
on 2016-09-02 10:17:00 UTC
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Well now, you know about them. And if you want to try a new strategy games with mods for playing during the War of the Ring, I assure you the mods are easy to install, and the Total War games accessible on Steam for a rather not costly price on Steam if you don't possess them. Nothing stops you from trying them if you really want to.
Here are the Moddb threads for both of them to see by yourself. -
Nope, can't tell at all. :P by
on 2016-09-02 08:11:00 UTC
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I'll probably still be up by then, so let's see how many times I reload the page around then... *readies tally marker*
I'm probably being blind/stupid but... by
on 2016-09-02 11:27:00 UTC
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Which page is this?
The Board page. (nm) by
on 2016-09-02 16:49:00 UTC
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Yeah I kinda realised by
on 2016-09-02 18:17:00 UTC
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But then couldn't delete the post, sorry.
Androia drags Hieronymus in again. (nm) by
on 2016-09-01 14:54:00 UTC
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Up to 70 prospectives now. by
on 2016-09-01 15:26:00 UTC
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Just... two... more...
(Though at least 4 of the prospectives are easily removable, so if you want to sign up but are afraid of overloading me - don't be! Sign up!)
hS -
Sure what the hey, sounds fun by
on 2016-09-01 14:50:00 UTC
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Agents Ecks and Zee reporting for mayhem.
Oooh. by
on 2016-09-01 14:39:00 UTC
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Retired Agent July - and assuming you want a weapon, sledgehammer
Agent Library- handgun
Colt -bow and arrows
Gerry - handgun
As far as free for use goes, nthing Lux, and someone should drag poor Makes-Things too. -
Under slight duress . . . by
on 2016-09-01 11:00:00 UTC
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Take my
love, take my landagents! Constance, the Canon Librarian, Kaitlyn and Steve.Burn the land and boil the sea,
You can't take the sky from me!
Kaitlyn, who has installed top-notch security on the sky, apparently -
Muahaha. by
on 2016-09-01 11:02:00 UTC
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[Quietly crosses Constance and Kaitlyn off his own list]
hS -
I cant seem to find this one story around this time. by
on 2016-09-01 04:06:00 UTC
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If I recall, it was something about "There can be only one, someone shouting Nerd, and then being swept away. If anyone can link that to me, I would be grateful.
You mean this? by
on 2016-09-01 15:45:00 UTC
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My own little ficlet of what
should'vecould've been. -
Team DoI hungers for action! by
on 2016-08-31 23:59:00 UTC
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I offer Harris Frost and Tacitus for the games. They may not be the most combat-ready of the entire lot-- see last year's performance-- but they're out there and hungry for glory.
Well, that's mostly Harris. Tacitus is just here to spy on people again and hopefully not get murdered in his sleep again. Or be used as a pillow. -
I'm in. by
on 2016-08-31 23:16:00 UTC
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Laura Dukes and Gremlin want to improve on their unfortunately lacking performance from the previous games. James Pittman will be my third pick, and Rachel Calendar my fourth (since Xericka is not having with any of this utter nonsense).
'Should have Permission' by
on 2016-08-31 22:23:00 UTC
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You know, I was wondering why I never got involved with the last one.
Good hungering, fellows! -
I'm in by
on 2016-08-31 18:31:00 UTC
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Barid and Decima are up for it.
-Phobos -
Hola, the places are going pretty quick. by
on 2016-08-31 17:31:00 UTC
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Better to take some for Marina and Richard now. And hope it ends in a better way for them this time.
Nah, we can have up to 48 tributes. by
on 2016-08-31 17:33:00 UTC
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That'd mean 24 players, and at present we're only at 12 (if you count me, which you should).
... on the other hand, maybe they are going pretty quick. Hrm.
Hunger Games Tournament, anyone? [Ducks]
hS -
Ooh, yes! by
on 2016-08-31 17:30:00 UTC
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I'll be throwing Ix and Charlotte to the *ahem* wolves, and of course the Aviator (who is... fifteen weeks pregnant, assuming the games take place the first week of September and my math is right) and Zeb.
And now I'm reeeeally interested to see what you came up with for the arena... -
Who the #### sends Floof Incarnate into an active Warzone!?! (nm by
on 2016-08-31 17:27:00 UTC
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The same people who sent me into Draco's Christmas Cuppa! =] (nm by
on 2016-08-31 18:13:00 UTC
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...That was meant to be under Scape's thing (nm) by
on 2016-08-31 17:28:00 UTC
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Time to break out the charries! by
on 2016-08-31 17:01:00 UTC
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In order of precedence:-
The Notary,
Algernon, 7th Earl Wymbourne,
Lola McCandless
Put on your war paint, tiny Flareon. =] -
A slight amendment: by
on 2016-08-31 22:23:00 UTC
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Could I get my very, very minor character Doctor Peep in instead of Algie?
Of course. by
on 2016-09-01 09:38:00 UTC
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Would you like Lola or, uh, Peep to take precedence? I currently have 49 names, so I need to figure out a system for trimming them down. (I'll probably drop Constance first, but if anyone else signs up - which people absolutely should! - then I'll be trimming from other people's teams.)
-- Morgan, the Librarian, the Aviator, and the Notary. Oh yes, we have a District Gallifrey. :D
hS -
Doctor Peep. Definitely. by
on 2016-09-01 12:47:00 UTC
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I mean, unless this is a Quarter Quell, then the reigning champion shouldn't really be coming back. =]
If you need to pare down... by
on 2016-09-01 10:37:00 UTC
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Feel free to knock out Ix and Lottie. Ix would probably require a lot of convincing to do the Games anyway.
I mean, ideally... by
on 2016-09-01 10:40:00 UTC
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... I can actually pare up. If we can get another 21 tributes, I can do a pair of 36-player elimination rounds, knocking out 12 players in each to get a final 48. That would let me add a few free-to-use characters (because it'll be more fun with Lux, right?), and keep everyone's agents in play.
That does mean I need more volunteers, though, hint hint people-who-haven't-yet-signed-up...
hS -
If you need extras, there's always Alex and Farilan. (nm) by
on 2016-09-01 11:42:00 UTC
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Don't go tempting me. by
on 2016-09-01 11:51:00 UTC
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Right now, I've got four prospective NPCs to bring in, plus two more if I really need them; that means I only need three more people to sign up, and we're golden.
Just... three... more...
hS -
Please tell me smol Flareon's war paint are FLAMES! (nm) by
on 2016-08-31 20:23:00 UTC
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Yes, please! by
on 2016-08-31 16:06:00 UTC
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Nume and Ilraen are busy with "Subjugation" at this time, but you can have Derik and Gall. They'd both like to improve on their performances from last time.
And, if you need people to fill spaces, Nurses Mirrad and Elms are up for the challenge. Definitely give priority to people who haven't had characters in the games before, though. {= )
~Neshomeh -
I'm in, obviously. by
on 2016-08-31 15:54:00 UTC
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In order of preference, Corolla, Sergio, Nikki and... hm, this time I'd say Keiko, but how to justify the fact that she's from a spinoff set in 2034 HST?
Well, maybe HQ acting timey-wimey again?
I'm not re-proposing Rayson Kerman for now as... well, I STILL haven't gotten around to start the CorollaWorks spinoff. Damn you, Windows Movie Maker and Kerbal Space Program, for continuing to act up on me!
(Particulartly, after the latest KSP update one of the vital mods I was using stopped working. Meaning I had to trash pretty much the entire vehicle lineup) -
I'm in! by
on 2016-08-31 15:40:00 UTC
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Agents Alleb, Jesse, Michael, and Mia are my tributes.
-Alleb -
Sounds good, I'm up for it. by
on 2016-08-31 15:32:00 UTC
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Apollo and Kelly are my two tributes for this.
Now that I think about this, this'll somehow be the first canon appearance of Apollo and Kelly. I really need to finish that mission...
Storme -
Sure, I'll join. by
on 2016-08-31 14:31:00 UTC
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William Grey, VJ, Hip and Hop are all up for the game.
I'll Bite. by
on 2016-08-31 14:13:00 UTC
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The agents I'll be registering are Nickul, Ajax, and Levy.
(Matthew would rather not be involved in these kinds of things, but he'll be cheering from the sidelines)
~Mattman -
Sure, why not? by
on 2016-08-31 12:53:00 UTC
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In order of preference, I'll be registering Agents Falchion, Sarah, Rayner, and Whitney. One agent for each of my RCs, and with the exception of Falc, the most experienced fighter for each of them.
Yeah... This will end well. -
Sure, sign me up. by
on 2016-08-31 12:27:00 UTC
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In order of preference, Agents Amris, Desdendelle, the Librarian and Navare are reporting for duty.