If it does, I can't find a link to it anywhere on the board or wiki (which would be a good place to link to it).
Does the PPC discord still exist? by
on 2016-08-01 04:40:00 UTC
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- Have a link. by on 2016-08-01 04:58:00 UTC Link to this
Trial by
on 2016-08-01 07:37:00 UTC
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I can't wait for the full version. by
on 2016-08-01 09:05:00 UTC
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i can't wait for the full version
any day now by
on 2016-08-01 11:22:00 UTC
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any day now
Think we'd appreciate some explanation for this post, folks. (nm by
on 2016-08-01 14:24:00 UTC
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The full version is coming any day now by
on 2016-08-01 21:10:00 UTC
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seriously. I know it's been a while since the last version was released, but it isn't vaporware. The full version will be out REAL soon.
Beg pardon, but: what? by
on 2016-08-01 21:30:00 UTC
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What are you talking about? Who is JimmiCorner? What is the meaning of this thread?
I'm assuming the "full version" thing is a pun. by
on 2016-08-01 21:38:00 UTC
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Based on the "trial" in the first post. I assume JimmiCorner was... Testing something? IDK.
Probably wants to join, or something like that. by
on 2016-08-01 22:07:00 UTC
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Figuring out how all the posting and whatnot works, beforehand.
Watch as he never comes back again and I look like a nob. -
. . . Oh. by
on 2016-08-02 02:13:00 UTC
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If that's the case, Jimmi, I'm sorry I jumped on this thread like I did. I thought it seemed like a trollish post. Please don't be put off if you were wanting to join! Feel free to ask about anything you're not understanding.
—doctorlit should just stop interacting with people, so he can't screw said interactions up anymore :( -
To be fair, by
on 2016-08-02 07:20:00 UTC
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1visible and I were arsing around with it a bit, adding to the troll-ey atmosphere.
You'll be right :) -
Er, hi? by
on 2016-08-01 07:54:00 UTC
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Mind if I ask who you are?
More new Pogglemans and Sun/Moon info! by
on 2016-08-01 14:45:00 UTC
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Looks like we're getting a new gimmick for this generation, along with actual Pokemon "subspecies" like Tumblr's paraded around for a while! Along with that, Yungoos evolves into Donald Trump, Elgyem won't be the only alien 'mon anymore, and an actual insect that isn't a Bug-type? Huh. Interesting.
And most importantly... DONKEY. POKEMON. -
I Don't Know What Most of This Means, But I'm Hyped by
on 2016-08-01 22:26:00 UTC
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What is an Alola form? How does a Z move work? How are Trials and Gyms separate? I don't care! It looks so cool!
My theories on some of this. by
on 2016-08-02 01:37:00 UTC
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First, Z-moves. One or two trailers ago, we saw a glimpse of the new move selection interface, and there was a big thing at the bottom with a type symbol on it. This is, one assumes, a Z-move; a mahoosively powerful move that can probably obliterate anything standing in its way, hence why each 'mon only get one use per battle. We know it's that because the symbols shown in this new trailer match the ones in the previous one, which makes me think it's very much a move of last resort - a Sashed revenge killer using its Z-move to take out an opposing, heavily boosted sweeper, for instance. Now, this is just speculation, but I think it'd have to be tied in at least some manner to the Pokémon in question's stats, and one assumes typing effectivenesses are the same - though by the same token, I have no idea whether a given Z-move will be Physical or Special in nature. Maybe it'll be whether or not the type is classified as Special under the old system, that'd be kinda neat.
(NB: For them as don't know, prior to Generation IV, moves were always either physical or special, depending on the type being used. This led to the interesting state of affairs in which Hyper Beam was a physical attack while Crunch was special. Always a joy.)
Still, what matters is all the new Pokémon. Ninetales-Alola and Sandslash-Alola look like they'll breathe new life into... less than entirely competitively viable Pokémon. Sandslash-Alola in particular, with a cool typing and maybe different base stats - from the stuff on the site, it looks like it might have lower speed but boosted defences - seems to be a major upgrade. We only know of one ability for any of them, Snow Cloak, but the bumf in Sandslash-Alola's page talks about how it's much faster on snow and ice. Maybe there's going to be a Hail-using equivalent of Sand Rush, Swift Swim, and Chlorophyll at last! Hurrah!
Anyway, still hyped, hope they get some Mega Stones as well. =] - I'll also drop THIS... yoink! by on 2016-08-01 16:05:00 UTC Link to this
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoawhoahwhoa! by
on 2016-08-01 22:16:00 UTC
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Exeggutor, mate! You doing alright?
You been eating your vegetables? Been going to the gym?
You've, er, lost weight!
Whipping your long... neck! -
on 2016-08-01 15:39:00 UTC
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on 2016-08-01 16:04:00 UTC
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Seriously, though, what the heck's going on with Exeggutor?!
I laugh 5ever by
on 2016-08-01 16:58:00 UTC
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Oh god exeggutor
Seriously, what the hell. by
on 2016-08-01 22:18:00 UTC
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I honestly think I'm having a heart attack, oh my God.
Haven't had nightmares since I was a boy. -
So we can beat up American political candidates now? by
on 2016-08-01 15:27:00 UTC
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I'll certainly get this game. Also, aren't a certain musical celestial duo implied to be from space?
Which Pokemon are you referring to? (nm) by
on 2016-08-05 00:20:00 UTC
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Lunatone and Solrock. Now that I think about it, Deoxys too. (nm by
on 2016-08-06 00:15:00 UTC
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New Interlude! by
on 2016-08-01 21:18:00 UTC
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After a long while, I finally come with something. An Interlude 8 months in the making! Corinna Chan and the Temple of the Last Flute: The End. Spoiler alert: She doesn't make it to the temple. :(
Anyway, this story was mostly made to expand on and give proper closure to my old comic I started writing years ago on DA, and to connect it to the PPC as well. It's pretty much Nurse Chan recounting her backstory, and introduces some shake ups to the Status Quo. Wanna know more? Well click on the link! -
IÂ’ve fallen far behind by
on 2016-08-08 12:53:00 UTC
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So I’ll not even try to conjure a proper review; I’m just going to berate you after saying that I actually liked this interlude.
Solvig sighed and momentarily lifted her gaze. When her gaze met with Nurse Chan’s gaze ...
Three gazes in one line, and a fourth in the next paragraph, are a bit much. Maybe you could try to find some other words?
The fact that nearly killed Sarah in that mission...
Missing word "I"?
"Solvig, please stop," the Nurse said suddenly, stopping Solvig’s rant.
I’m not quite sure why this took me out of the story so that I had to take a note. It’s either because Nurse Chan had something "said suddenly" just on the previous page, or it’s the stopping "stop". I guess "interrupted" might work better hear.
"Solvig, I did tell you it was a different universe to those you know, did not I?"
Shouldn’t this be "did I not"? Or perhaps "didn’t I" (messing with the grammar to be able to use a contraction, which Corinna Chan apparently does not do)? Or is this Corinna Chan not knowing English grammar?
... it ended in an stalemate…
Since this isn’t a quote from an old fic, it should be "a stalemate".
Although I do question the validity of such occurrence ...
Shouldn’t this be "such an occurrence"?
I did not knew until later that I had caught a Riolu ...
Should be "I did not know ...".
Nubis and I were just taking a stroll the shore of the lake ...
Shouldn’t this be "on the shore"?
I took a dry branch that found lying there and tackled the one who was directly attacking Nubis ...
Another "I" is missing there (should be "that I found").
When I came back to my senses and realized I had done ...
Should be "realized what I had done".
The rest of the group was stunned to what they have seen ...
Should be "what they had seen" (past perfect).
"No. And would not be the last one... "
Missing word? (Should be "And it would".) Although I wouldn’t have noticed this if there weren’t so many other words missing. I could actually imagine that Nurse Chan left this one out.
She then stopped laughing as suddenly as she started ...
Should be "as suddenly as she had started" (past perfect).
... and a good amount of soldiers from sides deserted ...
Should be "from both sides".
... artifacts for the summoning the Legendary Ho-Oh.
If "summoning" is used as a noun here, it should be "for the summoning of the Legendary Ho-Oh". On the other hand, if "summoning" is used as a verb. it doesn’t get an article; it should just be "for summoning the Legendary Ho-Oh".
Her followers did not had the same restriction however, making the break in more difficult than it should have, the good thing ...
Should be "did not have the same" and "than it should have been".
I had broken into one their hideouts ...
Should be "one of their hideouts".
... where met the Elder Sage and left the artifacts under his care.
Should be "where I met".
I felt like head was going to explode under all of that ...
Should be "like my head".
... who was glaring me with scorn in its gaze ...
Should be "glaring at me".
"Oh, do not they? " Nurse Chan said with a smirk.
The same word order problem as above; I think that should be "Oh, do they not?"
Solvig had a giggle fit after that, and as soon she was able to control herself...
Shouldn’t this be "... as soon as she was ..."?
HG -
Heeeeeey, by
on 2016-08-04 11:51:00 UTC
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That's pretty gooooood.
You did that whole connecting thing pretty well (though, to be fair, it's rather easy with PPC stuff)
Bit of spooky phrasing with 'Undoubtedly she had touched a chord, that never should had.'
Y'know. Might work better with 'have,' or 'shouldn't had.'
Also, 'Holey moley, that means you're a ninja!' is sort of adorable. Haven't heard 'holey moley' in years.
And, er, the implication that no-one is going to miss a dead hunter, or that no-one should miss a dead hunter because he was sexist seems a little bit twisted to me. If someone's been killed, they've been killed, even if they've been a wanker, y'know?
And people oughtn't be killed, the way I see it.
Anyway, I'm sure his mother, or his dog, at least, misses him.
Status Quo is shaken! I know more!
The link has been clicked! -
Thanks!! by
on 2016-08-04 20:26:00 UTC
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Now with the phrasing... I think I had it with "have" before a beta changed it... Not sure, though. I'll think about it.
Now to the hunter... uh, what? Corinna comes from the equivalent of a 1930s-40s time, sexism was pretty common during those decades, almost you could say it was "normal". The point is not that no one's going to miss the hunter because he was sexist, it was probably for another reason, that Nurse Chan probably thought it was best for Solvig not to know...
And that wasn't the point of the bit either, the point was to imply how twisted she had become, as she outright states that she felt nothing, when she killed him in a legitimate act of self-defense. In other words, it was to imply how desensitized to killing she had become by that point. -
I'd gotten that. by
on 2016-08-04 22:30:00 UTC
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I mean, to be fair, I don't really have much to go on to come to that assumption. She mentioned that he was chauvinistic (he wouldn't be chauvinistic if that was the norm, I ought to note,) and that he was furious a woman took his job, followed by 'no-one will miss him.'
I'm sure you can see my train of thought, up there.
I think my main problem with the thing is Solvig's lack of reaction. You've managed to successfully show through her dialogue that she's pretty buggered in the head, but the fact that Solvig doesn't really seem to care sort of ruins it, y'know?
Brings up the idea that the readers ought to react (or not react,) in the same way, which is certainly not what you were going for, and, even if Solvig isn't the sort've character to make too much of a fuss with that kind of thing, I still reckon she would at least think 'Oh, that's a bit messed up.'
- Larfen hopes he's not pushing his style on anyone.
-- Or being rude. -
I agree, a reaction would have improved the scene by
on 2016-08-11 03:56:00 UTC
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--Key would elaborate, but needs to sleep, so might add more later.
Well, well... by
on 2016-08-03 10:46:00 UTC
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I know that's not a badfic, but sweet Philemon, that's a really nasty 'verse there. I feel really bad for people having to live through that. Kudos for the character devlopment though. My wishes go for Nurse Chan.
Now I'm relly impatient to see whatever you've got in mind for thee future. It promises a lot from the look on things right now. -
Thanks! by
on 2016-08-03 13:32:00 UTC
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You have no idea! Pretty much, every single character I followed in that OCT, was killed, or left missing in action... I stopped following the OCT shortly afterwards. But yeah, a lot of the entries were pure Nightmare Fuel.
Stay tuned for more! ;) -
Thoughts by
on 2016-08-03 03:03:00 UTC
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I liked this, even though (as far as I can remember) I haven't read anything with these folks in it before.
Most of the part where Solvig picked her name was pretty funny. Especially the embarrassing middle name section. ("Most" because the last name change reads as serious, as intended(?))
In general, the serious, character-developing bits (which were most of the interlude) were well-done and not too serious.
My only comment it that it took a moment to realize that Nurse Chan's story wasn't a badfic of some sort, since the format matched PPC house style for missions (bold the quoted bits of bad stuff). -
Thanks for your words! by
on 2016-08-03 03:27:00 UTC
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Yeah, the part of Solvig choosing her surname was actually kinda serious, since well, Super-Paris Hilton from before Sterling Gates work, was Super Serious Business in DCU fandom.
And well, I used bold because I found no other way to make those parts stand out from the rest of the narrative. -
Did it have to stand out? by
on 2016-08-11 03:51:00 UTC
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You've woven it into the narrative as a story a character is telling; why not treat it like part of the narrative? With the bold text it feels like the piece is flipping back and forth between two separate stories. It's harder to feel that the woman in the flashback story is the same person who's telling it to Solvig.
And, yeah, it does look like you're quoting a badfic. I spent half the story waiting for her to go from powerful to ridiculously OPd.
Aside from the formatting quibbles, though, this was a solid story. The emotional drama felt justified by what had happened, none of which was improbable and most of which was exciting and fun. It was a little hard for me to read because I'm not all that familiar with Pokèmon, and I almost set the story aside a couple times, but always I wanted to find out what happened next, even when I wasn't fully understanding the details of who was fighting whom and what the Mystical Mew was exactly.
I had a couple of notes on SPaG, but they were minor and on this tiny smartphone screen it's tricky to flip back and forth between tabs while keeping everything in order. There were one or two, neither of which ruined my enjoyment of the piece.
New mission! by
on 2016-08-02 01:42:00 UTC
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The Supernatural continuum's most popular angel has been replaced with a time-warping, genderbent version of himself.
And did I mention God was replaced as well? -
Errors detected by
on 2016-08-08 13:43:00 UTC
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"We didn't learn hardly anything about her until the end," the Aviator said, rolling her eyes.
Is this quasi-double-negation intentional? Actually they did learn far too much?
"How hard it it to understand it makes no difference?!"
Should be "is".
Please never miss an opportunity to make the Suvians eliminate themselves. Also, I liked how assassinating not!God is a big thing for Zeb, but actually just underwhelming.
HG -
Fixed, and thank you. :) (nm) by
on 2016-08-08 13:56:00 UTC
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Sweet. by
on 2016-08-03 10:52:00 UTC
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It's always great to see the glitterbag being eliminated thanks to is own stupidity. I thnk there's no kill better suited to the PPC than this sort.
Speaking of the Council, I'm also curious to know if you and other people intend to wirte another session of it soon. They never fail to be fun.
Now Zeb, for this little angst about the murder of a version of God, I suggest a cure of Atlus games. Killing a few jerkasses gods should do a wonder for your bewilderment. Just be aware that difficulty will be up to the challenge.
And tiny technical detail: 'Carry On, My Wayward Son” Not sure what quote mark is the wrong one. -
Sour. :P by
on 2016-08-03 10:59:00 UTC
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Like I said, I was originally planning on just stabbing her, but the opportunity presented was just too perfect to pass up. Bonus points in that she was "trying to prevent a paradox" by becoming female only to cause a different one.
I'd have to ask about writing another in the future. Who knows? :P
Fixed the mistake, thanks. :) -
Oh yeah, you were talking about this one! by
on 2016-08-03 00:42:00 UTC
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The summary just shouts that the author wanted an excuse to write this..
Review coming shortly. -
Review by
on 2016-08-03 01:06:00 UTC
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I dont know much about Supernatural as a show, so I'll focus on other aspects.
We seem to have a new Sue colour! I can't imagine what Aurgent would look like, so you've done a good job. Using a fusion of two latin words sounds better than gilver.
The killing god part wasn't particularly dramatic, which is a welcome change to people who have had their blood replaced with nitroglycerine.
Having a Sue erase itself is quite interesting. If only it were so simple for all of them.
Well, that's all I can say. If you'll excuse me, I need to fetch something... Illuminating. -
Response by
on 2016-08-03 01:14:00 UTC
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The color name actually came about because we already had a gildver, and I didn't want to make it sound too similar.
I deliberately made the killing not!God underwhelming because it just seemed funnier to me, and the replacement wasn't really the focus of the story anyway. :)
I was actually planning on just doing a traditional execution for the Sue, but when she went and changed the timeline like that, it was too good an opportunity to pass up... >:) -
This author had such talent. by
on 2016-08-02 17:15:00 UTC
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They replaced both God and an angel. How awesome. Thank goodness it's dead.
Let's see... I noticed two misspellings, oddly both involving the letter L.
1) Bela. Did you meant Bella, as is in Bella Swan, here? Or are names pronounced as Bella just cursed?
2) "... a knife would suddenly in his back." I'm not quite sure how you would kill somebody by putting a would in their back. In fact, I'm not sure that there is a noun spelled 'would'. However, if you're talking about a wound, then that I can understand.
As for what I liked, well, Zeb and the Aviator arguing was hilarious, especially when they started calling each other names. Zeb's mouth is so foul. First meanie, and then jerk? Somebody needs their mouth washed out with soap. Also. how the two deal with having to kill a replacement of God. The actions and reactions are priceless. Awesome as ever. -
Re: This author had such talent. by
on 2016-08-02 21:21:00 UTC
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1) That's actually how the character's name is spelled.
2) Fixed, thanks. ^^;
Come to think of it, I'm fairly certain the nastiest thing Zeb's said is "assbutt" and that was quoting another character. :P Glad you liked it. -
Congratulations! by
on 2016-08-02 04:03:00 UTC
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I think "accidentally erased themselves from existence" is my favorite end for any Sue, ever. XD And Zeb continues to be totes adorbs. Keep up the good work!
Thanks. :) (nm) by
on 2016-08-02 21:22:00 UTC
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Betas needed for a Report. by
on 2016-08-02 05:06:00 UTC
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It's my first one, you see, and I want to make sure I get this kind of thing done right. It's an LOTR badfic, and the Report is short. I just need one or two.
Nevermind. Here's the Report. by
on 2016-08-02 22:30:00 UTC
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Thanks to Skarmory for beta-ing. Constructive Criticism is always appreciated.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UyUnAU2nhex49DmYkc_x1wbNIh1jR4lB1fINnf13G-g/edit?usp=sharing -
Thank you for this quality entertainment by
on 2016-08-10 08:51:00 UTC
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I was wanting a good laugh. I like how this report talks about stories as history and badfic as "full of lies" -- the fact that fictional worlds are real to the PPC is one of the beautiful things about the concept and you called attention to it quite elegantly.
--Key, happy to be boarding a Delta airplane less than an hour late -
A new spy joins the ranks. by
on 2016-08-08 14:21:00 UTC
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Ava introduces herself well, telling just enough about her world of origin to make me understand how different this is from my home. And then she keeps being strange when she tells the tale of the first badfic she had to inspect.
The badfic’s protagonist is strange, too, but in a quite different way, and that is conveyed to my full content.
There is only one small point of criticism:
Arya mocks Boromir, calling him weak.
In hindsight, obviously not to his face. But this is the point where I got the impression that everybody, or at least Boromir, was aware of her presence. Thus, when Boromir catches the spy off guard, I wondered briefly who this spy might be.
Making Arya (not only her job and the organization she’s a member of) such a big secret that she appears to spy on the Council is the badfic’s fault, but Ava could have made this clearer before she called Arya a spy.
Very well done, Silenthunder.
New Mission! And New Challengers! by
on 2016-08-02 22:32:00 UTC
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So here I am again with a new mission, BUT this time it's not Will and VJ. Ladies and Bruces, please help me welcome...
Lena Swift and Rosa Vale, AKA Hip & Hop!
In their first adventure, they shall travel to RWBY where things go a little too wild.
Enjoy! :D -
I have a very big problem with Hop. by
on 2016-08-12 01:59:00 UTC
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Specifically, with how Hop is a blatant near-carbon copy of the canon Overwatch character Tracer shoehorned into the PPC. The energetic personality, the Cockney accent, certain details about their appearance; heck, even their first names are the same! You went so far as to put an Overwatch quote on her Wiki page!
I really don't like this. It feels like a transparent attempt to try and write a mashup of Overwatch/PPC fanfiction. What's more, it's lazy. Rather than come up with your own character, this feels like you've took someone else's and barely made a token effort to file off the serial numbers.
I might be a bit more accepting if Hop were some sort of AU version of Tracer recruited to the PPC. I would still think it's a lazy choice, but I would understand it better. But apparently, this character is supposed to be from the Doctor Who universe? The actual universe, and not a badfic? I'm sorry, but that stretches my suspension of disbelief too far. The two universes don't have anything to do with each other! It just seems like a very weak attempt to hide the fact that this isn't really your character. It's like if I made a new agent who was a teenage wizard with a scar on his face and an English accent, named him "Harry McAndrews," then said he hailed from Shadowrun.
Another detail about this character that bothered me: her phonetic accent. There are times where it was overused to the point of being nearly unreadable. At other points, it swayed from Cockney to almost Scottish (like anytime you used "aye" for "yes" or "me" for "my"). The trick with using dialects like this is to use an easy hand (unless the joke is that their accent IS so thick as to be hard to understand).
As for the mission itself, it was generally okay. The biggest issue I had was that there was a lot of telling as opposed to showing. It all very well to say that "Hip and Hop cringed on seeing the contradiction" regarding the venom, but it isn't very interesting to read. What were their reactions? What did they say? Or later on, when Cinder Fall and her cronies were taken care of in one sentence. There's nothing that could have been shown about that?
The dialogue was probably the sharpest part of the mission. Each character's personality came off very well through it. The conclusion was also very good, with the agents being clever and taking advantage of the Stu's weakened state. That, for me, will always be better than a knock-down fight between agent and Stu/Sue.
A few minor things:
— I agree with HG in that your portrayal of the Shadow People was very amusing, even if the tilde speech got a little tiring for me after a while.
— Charge list was clean and to the point. Nice. I am not a fan of lists that stretch for over half a page.
— While the matter is often debated, I personally do not think that miscapitalized words like "semblance" should not result in minis. I think of it like this: say "Harry Dresden" out loud. Now say "harry dresden" out loud. Is there a difference? Then again, that's just me.
All in all, I would have liked the mission a lot more had Hop actually been an original character. If I want to read about Tracer, I'll go read Overwatch fanfiction. The PPC should be for the stuff that comes out of our heads, not what comes out of others'. -
That does sound bad, I'll admit. by
on 2016-08-12 09:48:00 UTC
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And I won't deny that Tracer was the primary inspiration for Hop... But now that I look at it, looks like the inspiration went few steps too far.
Honest to God, I've completely forgotten Tracer's name while making Hop. As for the accent, I had Cassie Young helping me on that one, cause it was way worse before (This Tweedle thought Cockney = Hagrid's speech).
But yeah, thanks for a bucket of cold water, man. Really appreciate it. Although, now I feel like I wrote myself to a corner with this one :/ -
The review I promised you by
on 2016-08-10 08:41:00 UTC
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A very solid piece. These new agents are fun and quirky -- what I'm starting to realize is my favorite type of spinoff (which means it's time to completely rewrite my Permission prompts again! Whee!). The writing was solid, with plenty of funny moments. I liked the pacing when the C-CAD started smoking. And I could picture the action and understand more or less what was going on, despite being totally unfamiliar with RWBY (although I felt that I was missing a lot. TOS made me read LotR; one more RWBY mission will put me over the edge into needing to watch it).
I did sometimes want more description of their surroundings; you gave the minimum required to understand what was going on, which is okay but not awesome. I can follow and enjoy the story, but I'm not immersed in it. If you have plenty of other things to work on, ignore this, but if you feel nicely accomplished at having created this lovely comedic duo and want another target, I recommend description.
--Key, in an airport at midnight because Delta Airlines screwed up. -
Hey, a new team by
on 2016-08-09 10:20:00 UTC
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I like how you treated the Shadow People, and Hop singing Ode to Joy with a new text, and – what’s that other thing she does? Rap? (I’m not much into music) – and the unconventional use of a canon cannon.
Hop noted down new set of charges.
Missing word "the" (or "a")?
... leaving with a mild stomachache.
Missing word "them"?
HG -
Thanks a bunch! :D by
on 2016-08-09 11:27:00 UTC
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As for Hop's second song (yeah, she's going to have lots of these) it's a paraphrase of a short number from The Collector, which you can see right [HERE]; it's kinda jazzy, showgirl-esque song.
Thanks for the sharp eye! -
God bless! New Matt Cipher content by
on 2016-08-09 03:00:00 UTC
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With Hip & Hop making there mission debut at that!
Like William & VJ, Hip & Hop's interactions are something I feel should be a standard in PPC writings: Light hearted and comedic at times.
Going into the fic, was a tad disappointed you didn't use the joke I made in Discord about Blake and nicknames for her significant other. But that come from my own thought process, not your own.
The Stu was a strange something to behold, with the premise of the Stu becoming prehistoric beasts being something I find fits more comfortably in a SkarmorySilver work. But seeing as how most everything SS knows about RWBY canon probably comes from him following my own Tumblr I couldn't see him doing it.
I was giggling like a madman throughout the entirety of the execution. Frydor, whom I hope to god is free to use, was a welcomed addition, the cannon equally so. If someone ever animated a scene from the PPC, this would be one of my top pics.
All and all it was a most excellent mission, and I await further dwellings into your agents ways.
~Mattman, who finally got his school laptop back. -
I've seen most of the first season, though. by
on 2016-08-09 13:07:00 UTC
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Also, is it bad that when I first read the antics of this particular Stu, the first thing I thought of was that MLP one I took on last spring term? Because between the dinosaur shapeshifting and being ridiculously overpowered they do sound quite similar.
And I agree that this was a great mission overall! I too thoroughly the execution scene, and it's nice to see the Canon Cannon being put to use. I look forward to seeing these two again in the future! :) -
Thank you, dudes! (nm) by
on 2016-08-09 13:38:00 UTC
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Tiny mistake I've noticed: by
on 2016-08-03 11:59:00 UTC
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You used "Beowulf" instead of "Beowolf" three times.
Page 3: "With a quiet poof, a small creature appeared in front of the Agents. It was a miniature version of a Beowulf, but with blonde fur and small spectacles on its snout."
Page 7: "The Stu and his minion came across another duo of future minions — a pair of OCs named Isaac and Dalton. After a cheesy action scene, which mostly comprised of the author telling the reader all of the characters’ weapons and Semblances (Hip grabbed another mini-Beowulf, ‘semblance’, and threw it into a portal), all of their enemies were dead."
Page 10: "~Huh?~ Hip looked down. A mini-Beowulf poofed into existence right in front of them. It had grey fur, spiked on the head, and was wearing a pair of black boots. ~I didn’t expect that.~" -
Whoops! Fixed! Thanks for noticing! (nm) by
on 2016-08-03 12:02:00 UTC
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New heads! by
on 2016-08-03 11:10:00 UTC
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Well, new, you presented them in RPs on the boards before, and Hop through an interlude. Still, happy to see them. Writng her with an accent is also a nice touch. Using shadow people disguise was funny too. Wish I had thought about that when I did my RWBY mission.
Now, te glitterbag had a flashy death, and one caused by its own powers, and like I said, that makes it a favorite for me. Hope them and Venus and William are in for a long time.
As a nitpick, I think you could have tried showing the readings for the C-CAD. The funny comments they can made are always an opportunity to take. -
H&H Duo are definitely more comedic than W&V! by
on 2016-08-03 11:22:00 UTC
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I feel like I'm gonna enjoy writing them. Also, props for Cassie Young for showing me how to write Cockney (and breaking my belief that it was essentially Hagrid's speech!)
Yeah, that target was baaaaaaad. Book definition of a Badass Stu.
Yeah, I didn't do the C-CAD enough justice, did I? I will fix that in future installments. Thanks a lot!
In the defense of Mary Sue by
on 2016-08-03 01:10:00 UTC
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I'm just gonna repost a rant from tumblr here and hope people listen. The stuff referred to is specific to the G1 Transformers Fandom on Ao3, but it holds true pretty universally. The original poster is LadyDragon76 on Tumblr and Ao3.
"I got stuff to get done so I’m gonna bang this out fast, please ignore any typos, but in light of that truly SAD nonsense on Ao3, I need all my babes and lovelies, friends, associates, and ships in the night in this fandom to know how much I ADORE and appreciate your imaginations.
First point. Mary Sues are IMPORTANT. Do I want to read other people’s any more at my age? In general no. But lovelings. WRITE your Mary Sues, WRITE your self-inserts, LIVE your fantasies through your fiction. PLEASE never stop. It doesn’t matter if I want to read it, someone will. Someone will LOVE it. YOU will touch someone’s heart and soul, and GUESS WHAT. I’m the writer I am today because I wrote a Mary Sue and people cheered me on and begged for more. WRITE!
Second point, also a direct response to that post. Mermaid and Humanization tropes ARE canon in Tranformers. WRITE them. Some of the most creative character pieces I’ve ever seen were humanized fics. (and I don’t just mean my own, though I am proud of that baby) Please never stop.
G1 Seaspray became a merman. G1 Roddy, Springer and Arcee became human. It’s Canon, and even if it wasn’t, screw that jerk and all who share the view that we can’t unleash our imaginations in any and every direction we want to. What unhappy toads such people must be to attempt to place rules and demands on the creative, derivative side of fandom. Please creators, NEVER STOP.
Normally I would say don’t feed the trolls, but in this case I wanted to speak up. Nothing in that sad post hurt me, but I KNOW how those kinds of things can hurt others, and I want any of you who were hurt by it to hear me now, if I may be so egotistical as to offer advice unasked for:
Our fandom NEEDS ALL the crazy AUs we have. Give me your humanized, your mers, your mary sues, you bugs, your harpies, your high school, your coffee shop, your war never happened, your EVERYTHING. Give it to me in fic, in art, in meta, in crafts, in photocomics. Give me impossible ships and the obvious ones. Give me plot and give me pointless rambling fluff. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER STOP. Because the random entitled dipwit that actually believes they have the right to try to tell us what we’re ALLOWED to create never understood the genius of creative fandom to start with. Don’t let that sort of blind, ignorant idiocy hold you back from sharing your soul with the rest of us. I promise you, typos and bad formatting included, fandom NEEDS every last one of your creations.
Re: In the defense of Mary Sue by
on 2016-08-14 09:46:00 UTC
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Well first of all were not telling you what you can and cannot write, were telling you what you should and should not write. I mean write what you wanna write but don't be offended when someone criticizes it or writes a humerus short story where they judge and kill your OCs. It's just not worth it. General rule is if you post it to the internet, people will critique it. or throw twenty slurs at it.
Holy smokes you have got to be kidding me by
on 2016-08-16 20:38:00 UTC
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First off, what gives you the right to tell people what they should and should not write? Apparently the PPC is more Orwellian than we thought. Secondly, really? You're going to tell me you will criticize my writing, while committing several spelling and grammar errors yourself? You seriously need to rethink your approach. Third, let's have another sample from Tumblr wherein a rather famous author, beloved by much of the PPC, or at least the old guard, agrees with someone defending people writing Mary Sues, and says she hates the term. If you search through the notifications, you can also find your vary own VixenMage, one of the aforementioned old guard, agreeing as well.
As for judging and killing OCs, I suppose you're right. After all, that's certainly happened to the PPC a few times, by authors who took umbrage with your activities. -
Well... by
on 2016-08-16 23:57:00 UTC
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1) Assuming quality writing has an objective facet to it (kinda necessary if you don't want to delve into relativism, in which case you can kindly keep your unimportant subjective opinion to yourself), those who think they know good writing from bad have a right to say "this I find bad, and this good".
Related to that: if you make something public, expect people to express their opinion about it. Not all opinions will be positive. Fact of life, deal with it.
2) PPC missions get beta'd and should be of a fairly high writing standard. I'd like to take this opportunity to remind people to please proofread their posts before they post them here (as per the Constitution).
3) Dunno who that author is, and I don't really care, either. Point is, "Suvian", "Sue" or "Stu" is more than "I don't like this character". The reason missions have charge lists is, in part, to show why the Suvians are being assassinated/exorcised/whatever. I don't see VM in that post's notes, so if you can please point that out? -
Really? by
on 2016-08-17 02:43:00 UTC
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Aside from what your cohort pointed out about VixenMage's post and the issues with refusing the subjective nature of quality (your response to which, by the way, is incredibly rude), you are right. People are entitled to their opinions yes, but there are two main issues with what you're saying. Firstly, what Midnight Starr proposed wasn't voicing an opinion, it was telling people what they're allowed to do, like some kind of fandom police, which you claim you're not. Secondly, if your opinion is that someone should not be writing, maybe, in the interest of good etiquette, you should probably keep it to yourself.
Unlike you... by
on 2016-08-17 15:36:00 UTC
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I'm not a relativist. I assume (and you have to either assume this or not — it's not provable) that "truth" is objective and the same for all subjects. That's why I can say stuff like "quality has an objective facet". "Quality" is distinct from "taste"; for (fiction) writing, it includes things such as "correct SPaG", "does not break suspension of disbelief" and "within reason, keeps characters in-character".
This is distinct from "taste" — "I like this", "I don't like this". A possible reason for either is "quality", but it's not the only reason; you can acknowledge that something is bad (ie of poor quality) but still like it (like the way people enjoy The Room).
As to the whole "opinion" thing — "You shouldn't write X because it's bad" is a valid opinion and something people should hear, especially if their writing is in the public space where others can see it; saying that you should keep such opinions to yourself is akin to telling people not to tell their neighbours not to leave garbage on the sidewalk. Of course, in the interest of good etiquette, you should do so in a polite way.
Saying that something is badly written and making fun of it among your own circle of friends isn't "Fandom Police". "Fandom Police" is harassing artists who draw fanart the way you don't like to the point they try to commit suicide. Did any PPCer ever go to a Suethor and say, "you should stop writing fanfic"? No. Some PPCers do try to leave constructive criticism (to varying degrees of success) but going on and telling people to not write if they can't not write badfic is not what the PPC does. You can't tell people what to think or what to say; you can voice your displeasure yes, explain why things are bad yes, call law enforcement if the situation necessitates it, but you as a random person cannot and should not tell other people what to do.
And one last point: since you're a relativist, why are you even bothering other people by saying that your opinion has any merit? Theirs have just as much. -
Re: Point 3 by
on 2016-08-17 00:24:00 UTC
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They did. The second link in their post. "Observations & Frustrations" is the title of VM's blog.
Also, re: point 1, I'm not sure quality writing is objective? People disagree on what makes good writing all the time, and trying to enforce a certain set of rules for "proper English" (beyond "can pass a third grade spelling level) seems to fall under the realm of linguistic prescriptivism, which is not typically a road one wants to go down. That way leads to ultimately throwing out most fandom terms (including "Fandom") because they're "made up" or "improper". (Also if you're not careful, down that path lies dismissing valid dialects, like AAVE and netspeak because they're not "right") -
Well... by
on 2016-08-17 15:43:00 UTC
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I asked because I don't know anybody's Tumblr handles (because I don't use Tumblr).
Aside from the stuff I said in reply to Suvian, I've another argument for "quality writing is objective", but first I'd like to know, do you think there is an objective thing(s)? If so, can you please provide an example?
Aside from that: you are aware that "can pass a third grade spell-check" is also linguistic prescriptivism, right? You can't eat the cake and leave it whole. Either you do away with standardisation completely (in which case, kajagul greep smarks) or you admit that linguistic prescriptivism is required for a language to be a method of communication. -
Could this be more... by
on 2016-08-08 15:14:00 UTC
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I think it's sturgeon's law that says 90% is bad. Maybe by going for volume, you'll get the occasional good fic with a bad premise.
It depends by
on 2016-08-04 15:10:00 UTC
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It depends on what you find entertaining. Sure, a Mary-Sue could be the star of an interesting read. I can't think of any right now.
Can we get the Nameless Admin in? by
on 2016-08-04 00:17:00 UTC
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Because regardless of the quality of discussion her repeated intrusion may cause, Toroll is still banned, and her posts should be scrubbed on sight.
Actually... by
on 2016-08-04 00:35:00 UTC
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Going by general behavior, we have no proof this is Toroll, and not just another Tor user. There are plenty of reasons someone making this kind of post may want to hide their identity. Especially considering that in the past some of us (myself included unfortunately) haven't exactly been kind to people who disagreed with us.
Point, but regardless... by
on 2016-08-04 02:51:00 UTC
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I invite you to consider who would want to conceal their IP address from us. Your average Suethor trying to troll? Unlikely - an IP address isn't exactly something that points to a specific person.
To my mind, it's far more likely to be someone who knows we could check their IP address against past posts and find at least a handle from that - that is, someone who has been banned from posting and is circumventing their ban. Therefore, whether or not Suvian is Toroll, I believe that the most likely conclusion is that they are a banned user, and therefore should have their posts removed. -
Eh... by
on 2016-08-04 07:02:00 UTC
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I dunno, I can appreciate their desire to be strongly anonymous even if they aren't a banned user; showing up here to discourse on why we might be terrible people is a risky thing to do, and there are communities on the internet that would take that as an invitation to do lots and lots of harass-y things. Obviously, we don't do such things, because we enjoy a good conversation. But we're a rarity in today's age of doxxing and worse.
Good point, but the debate sparked has been so interesting! (nm) by
on 2016-08-04 06:18:00 UTC
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OT: So what? by
on 2016-08-04 15:38:00 UTC
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A rule is a rule and shouldn't be cast aside because this time the results of its ignorance were good. That way chaos lies.
Of course, it is doubtful that Suvian is actually Toroll, so calling for the Nameless Admin is kinda dubious. -
I disagree. by
on 2016-08-04 21:29:00 UTC
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Firstly, there's what I said above; the m.o. is the same, and there's more reason to believe it's a disgruntled ex-PPCer than some random Suethor. Supporting this is the name "Suvian". We're the only community on the web to use that term; otherwise, it's just a name (and anyone using Tor is not going to use their name as their handle).
Secondly, the OP says they "hope people will listen". On its own, that's hardly innocuous, but given the trolling and the Tor, it seems reasonable to believe that it's an attempt to divide the community.
Thirdly, there's the reply to Scapegrace. Rude, accusing without support, and, again, familiarity with PPC terms; all of these are characteristics of Toroll.
In conclusion, I find that it is overwhelmingly likely that "Suvian" is an alias for the person known as Toroll, or is another banned user playing copycat.
But I'm not in charge, so I'll bow to the wisdom of the oldbies. -
I agree with both of you. by
on 2016-08-05 18:26:00 UTC
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With Desdendelle: just because a banned user returns with a good post, doesn't make them un-banned. So if (say) ZDimensia showed up with a deeply moving display of her love of a certain canon, the correct response would be for the Nameless Admin to point out that she was banned, and potentially delete the post.
With Seafarer: I think this looks like Toroll. I've only seen one other person use a Tor wossname (assuming they were even a different person at all), and the general behaviour looks Toroll-y.
But I also agree with Sergio: since there's disagreement as to whether it is Toroll, and since the response has basically made any trolling attempt a failure, I think it should be left up unless something else happens.
hS -
I agree. Also... by
on 2016-08-05 15:12:00 UTC
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There's the fact that when people started having interesting and thoughtful discussion about what "Suvian" brought up, they disappeared.
While of course there can be many reasons why they didn't check up the Board, that would also be what a troll would do when it is clear that the trolling attempt backfired spectacularly.
I suggest keeping the whole discussion anyways - if "Suvian" was sincere into linking us that post, we have no right to erase it.
If "Suvian" was being a troll, keeping their failure ('cause not only there was pretty much no chaos, we appreciated the food for thought and interesting discussion they gave us!) public is the most delicius way to remind them that trolling here is... well, rather pointless. -
I'll admit to not paying too much attention to this thread. (nm) by
on 2016-08-04 21:48:00 UTC
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Oddly enough, I agree. by
on 2016-08-03 18:08:00 UTC
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I firmly believe that everyone has a right to create what they love.
That includes me.
You have a perfect right to create and share your Mary Sue. I have a perfect right to create and share my narrative critique.
To quote LadyDragon76 from her response to flyingcondors: "You, me, Jimbob over there, and Skippy nextdoor have no right to say what ANY person can write about. ... It MUST be a free for all, or it is nothing."
If fandom needs everything, it needs the PPC, too.
~Neshomeh -
That's kind of what I was thinking. by
on 2016-08-03 21:20:00 UTC
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Yes, Mary Sues are a vital part of growing into writing. Self-inserts, over-the-top powers, being speshul and/or tragically misunderstood… all start one on the path to writing well, if they don't linger overlong on the bad parts.
Half the PPC's role is to do the same thing, only comically. If you really, really look closely at PPC agents, what do you see but toned-down self-inserts with powers they shouldn't, played for laughs? There's a reason we all enjoy hS's dark histories so much - the idea of a war between two sentient races, one "Agents" and the other "Sues," is clearly a pretty dark one. We play it for laughs, but it's cathartic to see the parallels pointed out from time to time.
The PPC basically also write Sues, just differently. I don't see our role as "eradicate bad writing," but "make people laugh at the ridiculosity of fandom." -
Eh, yes and no. by
on 2016-08-04 05:20:00 UTC
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I don't personally conflate self-insert with Mary Sue. Not all self-inserts are Sues, and not all Sues are self-inserts. Neither do I think characters with common Suvian traits, e.g. having powers, being tragic, etc., are ALWAYS Sues.
Rather, I think Sues are a symptom of bad writing, which is why they can pop up in original fiction just as much as they can in fanfiction. All those Sueish traits can be used well with proper characterization and storytelling, and a self-insert can be written realistically, with humility and good humor. When the same traits are used as cheap tickets to audience investment, and when the self-insert is just a way for the author to stroke their own ego, THEN you get a Sue.
I know there have been a few rather sparkly agents here and there over the years, but since the PPC strives to write well as much as it strives to be entertaining, I do believe that keeps the number of Sue agents down.
(And, y'know, I don't think any of my agents are Sues. Feel free to tell me if you disagree—I'd love to hear how I can improve!)
~Neshomeh -
Very true. by
on 2016-08-06 04:16:00 UTC
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Sues are, essentially, bad writing. But everything that makes them Sues can be done well. That's essentially what July tried to do with St Dymphna's, and it went well enough (mostly).
But that's more or less what I mean. The PPC takes many of the elements of Sue-ness and makes them work, often (but not always) through satire. I think fandom would be poorer without Sues, without people writing over-the-top Speshul characters in their writing journeys (though, I will say I could do with …fewer, perhaps), but I also think fandom would be poorer without the writers who specialize in laughing at themselves each other and their fandom. Not just the PPC, but all satire. All Sue-and-bad slash-and-bad crossover-joking stories.
And, as has been said before, we're not here to -eradicate- that badfic. We're here to make ourselves and each other laugh. -
So do I, in a way... by
on 2016-08-03 20:17:00 UTC
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What the PPC does isn't bash escapist fantasies - I've seen a Tumblr post claiming as such, and I disagree with that particular notion. Escapist fantasies ARE a critical step in the writing process, and OCs of any kind are, too, Suvian or otherwise. In many cases, the Suvian in question COULD be better written, they just needed the right kind of feedback to improve upon their characterization and how they fit into the world in question.
That being said, we primarily deal with badfic that's written terribly when the author is at the experience level where they SHOULD know better. Characters who are grossly overpowered in an upstart author's first fanfic are one thing; characters who are still grossly overpowered even after several years of writing fanfiction for a particular fandom or community are a different matter entirely. I guess it's true that Mary Sues are the most common first step in the process towards becoming a better writer, but it's also true that we need concrit like the PPC delivers to move forward.
And here's the most important part. Constructive criticism is just as vital as the presented work itself. If people just heap loads of praise on a badly-written character without thinking about how they fit into the lore or world they're supposed to be a part of, the character will never be able to grow out of said bad writing. If we ignore the mistakes the writer has made, said writer won't realize what they're doing wrong and continue following the misguided path they're on. So yes, creating a Suvian character is perfectly fine. But so is accepting feedback that could go a long way towards improving said character and making them more consistent with canon, or better written in general.
In short, I both agree and disagree with the OP here. I don't know who they are, and what they're doing here, but while I respect that they make a valid point, I feel that they should've known what they were talking about before quoting a Tumblr post of all things. An added discussion of the post in question clarifying or countering some of its points would've made it a lot more palatable.
I should also add that in many cases, the fics sporked by the PPC are badly written in a truly horrible or hilarious manner. We've dealt with mediocre fics before, and we've felt that they're decent enough albeit in need of a little extra effort on the part of the author. But if your fic has Indiana Jones gain the ability to fly, without any sensible canon explanation, by shoving an MacGuffin up his butthole (yes, I went there), then you have no excuse. -
Concrit, yes, but... by
on 2016-08-04 05:29:00 UTC
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Let's not go confusing PPC missions with actual constructive criticism. Missions are for us and for people who come to us ready to learn from others' mistakes, not for the authors. I mean, I'd like to think that my missions are written with enough love at heart that the authors could learn from them, maybe even enjoy them with sufficient distance, but it's still not the most tactful way to give anyone feedback on their work. Anyone going around telling people their stories have been sporked do not have the authors' best interests at heart, believe me.
~Neshomeh -
Alright, I've slept on this. by
on 2016-08-03 17:57:00 UTC
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Now that I actually feel competent writing this, here's my thoughts.
Everyone's entitled to their own opinions. I thank you for your input. I believe that we can always learn something new from the thoughts of others, and that at the very least, I'll try to do that. You've given us another point of view, and people can always take something away from that. There's pieces that you like, and pieces that you don't like. To my knowledge, this isn't a hate group, where we just go into fanfiction to kill characters that we don't like, though possibly some people within and outside our community think so. Personally, I have not seen elements of the former. True, imagination is an excellent thing, but sometimes, it can be perverted, like when the Imagination Nexus became the Maelstrom. That parable is a lighter and softer version of what I think is actually happening, however. There are very depraved things happening in fanfiction sometimes. Now, the previous statement is very much YMMV. My concept of depravity could be very different from yours. For example, some people think torture is a beautiful art, but I think it's despicable. It's all a matter of what floats your boat. This community is about preventing bad writing, and having fun while we're at it. The thing is, bad writing is objective, just like whether the death penalty is wrong or not. Of course, someone's going to argue against my point. I should be fine with that, because everyone's entitled to their own opinion.
If you have read this, thank you for listening to my thoughts.
TL;DR: "Freedom is the Right of all Sentient Beings" can be interpreted in many ways, because "Freedom" is a wild card. -
Frankly "Mary Sue" has become a bit of a red herring. by
on 2016-08-03 04:12:00 UTC
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The vast majority of fanfiction contains Sues in one way or another, so the character type's association with bad writing was unavoidable. Sues are symptoms of bad writing, but bad writing itself, and bad writing in general, are what the PPC community addresses in missions. A disproportionate amount of missions involve Sues because, again, that's the shape of fanfiction. But missions are more about pointing out what works vs. what doesn't work in the story.
But, of course, the real topic here isn't Sues themselves, but whether writing them is "okay" for authors. And quite honestly, that argument is irrelevant in this community; we don't inform badfic authors of missions into their stories, and we certainly don't attempt to dissuade anyone from writing anything. Missions exist only as part of the fictional setting of PPC HQ. If a fanfiction renaissance ripped across the internet overnight tonight, and fanfiction quality took a huge upturn, I myself (and probably many other writers in this community) would craft artificial badfics to send my agents into, as a backdrop to my own continuing plot lines. The badfics aren't the point; the points are our characters' growth under strain, our intertextual cooperation between authors in our community to build stronger stories and a stronger setting, and our ability to find humor in bizarre moments we came across when looking at fanfiction on the internet.
Now, for some thoughts that are more distinctly my own than the general community attitudes above. Firstly, in the original post, ladydragon76 mentions, "I promise you, typos and bad formatting included, fandom NEEDS every last one of your creations." Learning correct spelling, punctuation and formatting (and, most of all, learning to DOUBLE-CHECK one's work—I've made numerous typos so far in this post, but I backspaced and corrected them immediately after I saw them) are important in real life, not just in fun writing. I frequently get texts or written notes from coworkers filled with chatspeak, abbreviations, typos and incorrect grammar that confuse me and slow down my ability to respond or carry out instructions. It's imperative that all young people growing up now learn correct writing format in order to communicate effectively in their future careers. Learning those tools, and putting them to good use in fanfiction, will only help them down the road. Disregarding the rules of writing only teaches bad habits they will need to unlearn as adults.
Secondly, while writing fanfiction is fun, I personally wouldn't bother with it if I wasn't going to put my every greatest effort into it, and make the final product as perfect and professional as I could. To put it more generally, there's no point in doing something if I'm not going to do it right. As an admin on our wiki, and one of our active members working to make backup copies of older works for future rehosting, I treat my PPC hobby with as much careful attention to detail as I do my actual, paying career. This is because, while I do them for "fun" (or at least, working on them and being able to show quality results makes me feel accomplished and valuable), "fun" does not mean shoddy or quick work, but rather complete, professional efforts I can be proud of. I see no reason to expect any less from anyone else.
—doctorlit, letting his philosophy show a bit -
Friendly reminder to not feed the Toroll. (nm) by
on 2016-08-03 03:45:00 UTC
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Do you think this is Toroll? by
on 2016-08-04 06:05:00 UTC
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That hadn't occurred to me. These posts seem to be motivated very differently. Suvian is identifying themself with a consistent username, and appears to be trying to convince us we are wrong rather than trying to incite chaos the way Toroll did. They appear to be attempting civil debate and logic, rather than merely cackling like a villain in a children's movie. If this is Toroll, they've changed a lot. I think they're a different person. It might be worth it to engage with this one; I think there's a chance they could be
assimilatedpersuaded of our cause.
--Key has seen troll-like people convinced before -
I don't know... by
on 2016-08-04 08:08:00 UTC
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I mean, civil debate and logic might be a bit of a stretch, considering that Suvian McSue O'Suely, daughter of Sue's only argument and response so far has had essentially no substance, other than a (to my mind, at least) fairly on-attack tone.
I mean, look at that 'your comrade,' 'your community,' (putting us all in together in the big team against them) and the totally irrelevant 'Well, Aragorn is a wanker!' (the opinion's acceptable, though its delivery seems a tad inflammatory,) along with the sardonic subject title and the riposte to point five being nothing but a thinly veiled insult using our own terminology (I could have made a very witty attack on Suvian McGonagall, there, but I didn't.)
It's certainly not moustache-curling 'Mwahaha, I laugh as you tear each other apart!' but it hardly seems logical, or inviting of debate.
Just strikes me as someone stirring things up. And if they're trying not to, they're doing a rubbish job of it.
--Larfen, who has infinitely less experience than Key and probably has no right to get involved, here. -
Did you mean 'troll'? (nm) by
on 2016-08-03 06:14:00 UTC
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Toroll is our recurring troll. (nm) by
on 2016-08-03 06:16:00 UTC
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Oh. (nm) by
on 2016-08-03 08:16:00 UTC
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To quote one of Tumblr's other darlings: by
on 2016-08-03 02:40:00 UTC
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Right, now that the sarcasm's out of the way, have a measured response to your points that's largely in line with the FAQ
1) Writing Mary Sues is not an important step. It's a largely unavoidable one. A Mary Sue character, according to the definition we use here, is one that makes the entire story about themselves, being the centre of attention, and twisting the universe of the original work and the characters within it purely to sate the author's fantasies. A Mary Sue is a character you should try and avoid writing, and while it's good practice to learn from your mistakes, LD76 saying they're the author they are today because of all the Mary Sues they wrote is like me saying I'm a good pinball machine repairwoman because of all the times I screwed up some simple wiring jobs and made a valuable mid-'60s Gotty start belching smoke from its motor board.
2) AUs are not inherently bad things. In fact, the PPC is in favour of good AU stories! Our general ethos is less about rigid canon compliance and more about what Huinesoron of this parish terms canon-friendliness. Put it like this: if you're writing an interesting AU in which the Lord of the Rings is crossed over with, ooh, I dunno, Mass Effect or something, and everyone's in character and acting like the people they are in the source material, then we don't have a problem with it and will indeed praise it to the skies. Conversely, if you get a lot of trivia right but Aragorn wanders around acting like an entitled twerp with a broom up his back passage, then we are going to have a problem with it.
3) So lots of people like your terrible Mary Sue fanfiction. If I may be blunt, so what? Lots of people like Burger King food, myself included. That doesn't make it healthy. Like I said above, writing Suefic is largely unavoidable when you're starting out; you just learn how not to do it and write better OCs and have a better grasp of the canon characters and how they operate. That doesn't make writing Suvian characters good.
4) There are doubtless some people out there who view themselves as fandom police, and these people are rightly viewed as really, really strange. We are not those people. It's SOP around here not to tell badfic authors that the PPC has sporked their work, nor do we leave nasty comments. The PPC is, at heart, an organization dedicated to crafting constructive criticism in a way that at least tries to be funny. Neshomeh's missions are a great example of this if you want to check them out.
5) Since there is no chance in hell of you having read this far, happy happy boom boom swamp swamp swamp. =]
6) There is no point six. -
In an amusing conicidence... by
on 2016-08-03 03:01:00 UTC
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Your comrade has posted a link that pretty accurately discredits points 1 and 3. Your community's own behavior discredits point 4, and as for poit 2, isn't Aragorn's usual behavior "entitled twerp with a broom up his back passage"? Unfortunately for you, plot holes are purely a thing of fiction and therefore trying to trick the universe with point 5 is not likely to work.
Evidence, please? by
on 2016-08-03 06:13:00 UTC
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Which link is it? When has our community demonstrated that we break point 4? At what point has Aragorn demonstrated behavior consistent with the description of 'entitled twerp with a broom up his back passage'?
I'm trying rather hard to be civil here. by
on 2016-08-03 03:29:00 UTC
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My points referred to our community's conduct - a community, incidentally, of which Tumblr user flyingcondors does not appear to be a part. I am more than welcome to be proven wrong on this, so if you're reading, do say hello. We are not responsible for the actions of those outside our group, and if you do have a problem with specific Boarders or people claiming to be a part of the PPC then I strongly urge you to name and shame. We are not a harassment organization, and we take that extremely seriously.
Problem is, you aren't arguing in good faith. At all. Nothing you've said in the post to which I am replying has the slightest basis in fact. You are not arguing in good faith, so there's really no point in responding to you further. -
In the interest of context by
on 2016-08-03 02:26:00 UTC
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I disagree, to a point, but in the interest of providing full context to those wondering what's going on, look here and look up Alex Anaheim's "open letter to the fandom". I lost the link unfortunately, but basically the dude was being extremely rude and ranted about how AUs and Mary Sues were "ruining the fandom" (Which, for those not in the TF fandom, let me tell you it's been "ruined" by everything from Beast Wars to fans writing official comics) and how if he saw one more he would gouge his eyes out.
I expect this was posted here because honestly his attitude echoed somee of the same ones that have been put on display here. Apparently I was wrong when I told PC he was overestimating how little people care about us. -
Wat. (nm) by
on 2016-08-03 01:43:00 UTC
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New DMS mission! by
on 2016-08-03 18:12:00 UTC
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When Richard and Marina are sent in a really warped Puella Magi Madoka Magica badfic, the only left is to Believe In Canon
Warning, NSFW elements present, and given the original badfic, risks of NSFB. -
Extremely delayed thoughts by
on 2016-08-14 18:16:00 UTC
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I liked the mission, even though I didn't know anything about the canon.
The whole thing where Richard and Marina obliquely build up the plan because they know that if anyone spells out the plan in detail, it has to go wrong because that's just how things work in stories was funny.
And instant portal was certainly the right reaction to that unfortunate (I hope) typo.
Using a neuralyzer to set up for the kill was a good idea. -
IÂ’m still so far behind by
on 2016-08-10 09:52:00 UTC
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Any shred of dignity Ricard had left went down the drain when he took his still sheathed swordstick and waved it at the mini, to the latter’s glee.
Who’s Ricard? A mini-Agent?
The dummy had also take another appearance once the Wraith took possession of it.
That’s a weird sentence. The correct past perfect would be "had taken". But since the dummy taking a new appearance happened either while or after (not before) the Wraith taking possession of it, you need either past tense or past perfect in both cases or, if you want different tenses, should shift them around: "The dummy also took another appearance once the Wraith had taken possession of it. "
Do you intentionally treat the unbelievable hair and whining eyes like they are persons (who should actually be "which" in both cases)? In a weird way, it works for me.
‘She just transfers [...] if that’s her level in English,” she said ...
There’s the mismatched quotation mark Anonymous mentioned.
Marina grunted, slipping through more pages of the manga to find scenes confirming this.
Are you sure you got the right word? You may have meant "flipping".
Complete with a cable linking the Sue and him.
I’m confused. Why is the cable linking the Sue and Richard? Or is it meant to link the Sue and the bird? Why is the bird male?
... he hissed, her face getting more and more angry with every word.
Did Richard suddenly turn female?
How bad it is?
Should be "How bad is it?"
Did you ever heard about the internet version of trolls?
Should be "hear" (infinitive).
... in the sole purpose of stirring up hate, wouldn’t it?” She said ...
Since the sentence that started with part of what she said, is continued with "she said, looking mildly annoyed", "she" should not be capitalized. (Yes, even when she said more than one sentence.)
Plan work better when people know how they work.
Shouldn’t this be "Plans" (plural)?
“I guess that would work,”she went back to the Sue and the other characters discussing ...
There is at least a space missing. But I don’t believe that "she went back ..." works as a speech tag. Thus, these should actually be two sentences.
... the Sue acted all high-and saintly ...
Don’t you need another hyphen there?
You mean, we apply the plan which give us a chance of killing her?
Should be "gives" (third person present tense).
... Richard said, stopping dead in its tracks.
Should be "his".
HG -
Fixed thanks. How could I write that much wrong? (nm) by
on 2016-08-10 10:45:00 UTC
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Re: New DMS mission! by
on 2016-08-08 15:13:00 UTC
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I believe I saw a misplaced quote somewhere in the first half of it. Sorry I can't remember where. I am also sorry that I can't say why I didn't finish reading it.
It's time for... by
on 2016-08-03 20:13:00 UTC
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Awww, the opening scene is sooo adorable, with Richard unintentionally playing with Yale. :D
"Yale didn't think it was a really impressive throw" killed me.
"Yale approached him at this moment, only for Richard to move his leg away when the mini tried to lick it." Okay, is Yale going to become the most adorable mini ever? Because I thought having an educated Balrog would be the pinnacle.
Please tell me Rick and Mari are going to Magical Girl themselves! Oh please, oh please, oh please...
How does "a stereotypic representation of a Londonian" look? A moustache? A golf cap? A monocle?
Moaning toast? Oo And I though Cryberry Pie from Chowder was bad.
*Japan-picker wakes up* Her name makes completely no sense grammar-wise! First of all - BOTH 'TACHIBANA' AND 'TANAKA' ARE SURNAMES! THAT'S LIKE AN AMERICAN CALLED BANNER COLBERT.
Next! The possibilities to represent Tachibana in kanji are as follows: ricefield & middle (田中), many & middle (多中), many & relationship (多仲), another & middle (他中), shelf & low (棚下), shelf & summer (棚夏), many & name & congratulation (多名賀)
NEXT! Representation of Tanaka in kanji is either 橘 or 立花
There is NO POSSIBLE WAY for this name to be composed of kanji symbols for 'god' (神), 'beauty' (美), and 'mystery' (謎) [not 'mysterious' because kanji represent singular NOUNS]
Okay... I'm calm now. The Japan-picker goes to slumber.
I feel like this fic is physically weakening me. . .
Whoa boy, that was one heck of a ride. I know absolutely nothing about PMMM, but you made it sound bad enough for me to gain a scope of the fic. Besides some grammar errors I don't believe there is much I could talk about. I like it!
Opinions on new Paper Mario? by
on 2016-08-04 22:30:00 UTC
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Yaaaay. Sticker star 2.0. Dull suprise. And yet, somehow I have hope. But only some.
I yearn for the days of the original... by
on 2016-08-04 23:21:00 UTC
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...or its masterpiece sequel, Thousand Year Door.
No gimmicks. No minigames. Just action. -
In my opinion, Super Paper Mario is The Best. by
on 2016-08-05 01:44:00 UTC
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It was the first game I played that had a plot.
Me too! by
on 2016-08-05 05:19:00 UTC
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...because it's the only Paper Mario I've played.
I like it on its own merits, though. It has a great soundtrack and a pretty dark plot for a Mario game. I tend to get annoyed when people claim it's where the series started going downhill, because it was really fun! -
Stop making me look like an elitist, guys. by
on 2016-08-05 13:36:00 UTC
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I feel really bad about saying this, but you have to see what PM1 and TTYD were like to see how much the series has diverged from its roots.
I'm not saying that SPM was a bad game-- on the contrary. It was a twist on the first two games' RPG style and kept the charm and humour of the series alive, but some people preferred the turn-based combat of the first two, myself included.
And then Sticker Star came along... -
Elitist turtle spotted! by
on 2016-08-06 06:02:00 UTC
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Hoi, where did you get that picture? by
on 2016-08-06 16:37:00 UTC
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Gee, thanks for posting my beautiful face all over the internet. How shall I ever live in privacy now?
I'd say that... by
on 2016-08-06 02:32:00 UTC
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Paper Mario and TTYD were more divergent from the series' roots than SPM, given that the series' roots were a couple of platformers. :-P
And don't worry; you're not an elitist until you say that we're not allowed to like SPM because we haven't played the first two. -
Ah yes, but... by
on 2016-08-06 16:35:00 UTC
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... PM was a spinoff designed to be an RPG and so was TTYD. SPM and SS broke the trend :P
That being said, do try to get your hands on a copy of TTYD or PM. I know that the latter is available on the Wii and Wii U's virtual console platform. Treat yourselves to the masterpieces! -
It's on my list. by
on 2016-08-06 21:12:00 UTC
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However, both of them are traditional JRPGs (which I've recently found myself being terribly slow to complete) on consoles (when I far prefer handhelds for their portability), and my backlog is sufficiently large that I'm not keen on getting more games right now (I don't ever want to go over 20 unfinished games again).
(Plus my brain keeps saying "fireemblemfireemblemfireemblemfireemblem...") -
Heh, Fire Emblem. by
on 2016-08-07 02:51:00 UTC
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Excellent choice! Which title are you playing at the moment? I'm currently halfway through the Conquest plotline of Fates. It's really a pain, since I am firmly a Hoshido supporter (aside from the obvious Revelation-is-the-best-outcome) and that the flimsy excuses that are thrown up to support the invasion of Hoshido are... nonsensical to say the least.
Then again, the writing in Fates isn't exactly stellar so... -
On Fates. by
on 2016-08-07 05:51:00 UTC
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Yeah, the writing's bad. Twilight-level bad, in some cases (the worship of the royals springs to mind).
It's really a shame that they didn't do a better job of making the two routes more morally ambiguous, rather than black-and-white. Conquest has some fantastic maps, though. Right now, I'm doing second runs on Normal to practise my class routing for higher difficulties. Just finished C10 on Conquest (man, screw Takumi).
And I really really really want to play Heirs of Fate, but I can't afford it. :-( -
I'm actually considering getting that one actually. by
on 2016-08-07 16:33:00 UTC
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Oh boy, here we go delving into the Bad Ending Timeline DLC again...
Oh yeah, question: who are your favourite character(s) in Fates? On the Hoshido side of the border, it's Oboro while it's a tossup between Benny and Ignatius on the Nohr side.
All three of them can pretty much be airlifted to a hot zone and do considerable damage to anything that dares attack them. I call them my little ODST trio. -
I really like archers in this game. by
on 2016-08-07 20:33:00 UTC
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So... Takumi and Niles. Especially Niles. And then Midori with a Killer Bow and Spendthrift... "My diagnosis? You're done!" after every single attack.
Other than archers, Elise is adorable, and her Mag is just ludicrous, so E-lock on Tomes isn't much hindrance. Effie hits like a truck, and of course Wary Fighter exists to keep her from being doubled. And Hinoka's grown on me, too.
But yeah, I call Takumi my eraser, because with Pursuer he can choose an enemy every round to simply delete, and Fujin Yumi's Acrobat effect is passive, so that irritating Waste terrain is no obstacle.
(Since you're playing Conquest, you'll really want a bow-user in C24. Be warned.)
And Ignatius? I've recruited him once, and that was after Endgame, so... his Paralogue was not fun. - Do give his supports a whirl. by on 2016-08-08 02:50:00 UTC Link to this
Lobster is OP, yes. by
on 2016-08-08 07:34:00 UTC
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So what's your favourite Fire Emblem? I've only played five of them, and so far, Gaiden is my number 1 (and FE1 is at the bottom, because man, it's terrible).
I jumped in the bandwagon really late. by
on 2016-08-08 11:56:00 UTC
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And as such, I have only played FE13 and 14, with the latter being my favourite entry in the series (pathwise, Revelation. Corny and cheesy to heck and back, but if you take it like a Saturday morning cartoon, it's a pretty fun ride). Plus, you really know you're a scrub when your favourite character in the series is Kellam...
Yes, yes, I know, shame on me for not playing through the classics and developing a taste of what true Fire Emblem is :P
I am eyeing some of the titles available on the Wii U's Virtual Console though. It looks like it's the two GBA releases: Rekka no Ken and Sacred Stones. Are these any good? I've been meaning to play some of the classics recently. -
You mean 14 and 15... by
on 2016-08-08 21:00:00 UTC
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No, there's no shame in only having played those two. I'm not elitist (unless you haven't beaten Lunatic+ Awakening; then you're just a noob.) :-p
Honestly, Conquest without DLC is true Fire Emblem. It's probably the best in the series from a gameplay perspective; Attack and Guard Stance really added to it, especially since the enemy can do it too.
A lot of people will tell you that Blazing Sword is the greatest Fire Emblem game evar and you're a noob if you haven't played it... but I haven't played it, so I wouldn't know. I got Sacred Stones through the 3DS Ambassador Programme way back when, though, and it's pretty good. It has very similar grinding opportunities to Awakening, so it's overall pretty easy, too.
As for Shadow Dragon (which is also on Wii U VC), it's a remake of the first game in the series, and they pretty much decided to only update the graphics. I'd only recommend that one if you're really hardcore into the series. (never play fe1 it is seriously terrible)
(Wait you have a Wii U I thought I was the only one :-D) -
Noted. by
on 2016-08-08 23:55:00 UTC
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...though I think I'll start by getting the second map pack for Fates. That's a good idea.
(There are dozens of us that own a Wii U! Dozens! Personally, I'm just waiting for Breath of the Wild to come out and knock my socks off. Until then, I guess that I'll languish in the lack of good games for the console :/) -
Which brings us neatly back on topic. by
on 2016-08-09 00:16:00 UTC
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So how about that new Wii U Paper Mario? :-P
I've heard thatChromShigure sings at the end of HoF6. I'm looking forward to hearing it! -
I watched the E3 gameplay. by
on 2016-08-09 03:42:00 UTC
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What I like:
-It looks like Paper Mario. I love how the characters' bodies behave like actual pieces of paper, I love the environment design, and I love the vibrancy of the colours here. Check.
-The dialogue and atmosphere are done right. Not much else to say here. Check.
-Breakdancing pig. Unexpected check.
What I dislike:
-No partners. The old turn-based battles made full use of each partner's strengths and weaknesses and forced you to be tactical about your choice; their absence makes combat a little bit more dull.
-Battle mechanics look repetitive and tedious. However, you have that colour meter thing that limits the use of certain attacks— this could prove to be interesting. Furthermore, if you only have access to a limited range of cards while on the offensive, that could force the player to develop some strategies...
-No obvious level-up system: why bother fighting enemies? What's the point if you don't get stronger as a character?
-Seems to have an over-reliance on the colour hammer gimmick to make the thing interesting.
-Level-based world. Please, no, give us an open world again.
-Toads. Toads everywhere— the old entries in the series had a greater variety of friendly NPCs: Bomb-omb folk, Koopas, Paratroopas, Goombas, Boos, Doogans, Mowz, you name it. Their appearances made the world feel that much more alive, y'know?
I have mixed feelings. I want it to be good. What has been shown has some promise and could make the game fun on its own— but I don't think I'll be able to call this a proper PM game. The spectre of the dreaded Sticker Star looms above this title, casting a shadow of doubt over this entry.
I'll need to see the full release to make a decision.
As for Fire Emblem... Shigure singing? I'll have to see that. Is it really Matt Mercer singing, though? After his recent appearance as everybody's favourite fan-hammering, flashbang-slinging, time telling Hero from Overwatch I can't wrap my head around the concept of this guy voicing Shigure, of all people. -
Yes it is. by
on 2016-08-09 04:01:00 UTC
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Keep in mind that Mercer also voices Azama - the guy is seriously versatile.
I'm tentatively optimistic about Colour Splash, though I don't approve of them being lazy about the PAL localisation. It's pretty clear that you preferred it when they were RPGs, but I reckon that they can take it in whatever direction they choose, so long as they do it right. So, yeah: cautiously optimistic, hoping they don't screw it up. -
Maybe. Maybe. by
on 2016-08-10 04:21:00 UTC
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I still want a proper RPG, darn it
Aside from that, anything else you're looking forward to? For me, Yooka-Laylee is a big one: it's from the same team that made the venerable Banjo-Kazooie games and DK64.
The hype is unreal. -
The Last Guardian by
on 2016-08-10 22:50:00 UTC
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So I watched Sony's E3 last year, and seeing TLG made me want a PS4.
I guess Pokémon, too, but it's starting to look like they're prioritising gimmicks for the sake of gimmickry. I am most upset about "IV training", which seems to me to imply genetic recombination.
(apparently I'm against a new game mechanic for moral reasons go figure) -
What I learned today: by
on 2016-08-10 23:19:00 UTC
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Markup doesn't work if you're posting from a 3DS. The top line was meant to be:
Play Mario and Luigi, then. -
Superstar Saga! by
on 2016-08-12 00:02:00 UTC
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Another great game. Oh, they don't make games like they used to.
I have to admit that I haven't been following Sun&Moon too closely-- I want it to be a surprise for when I'll get it. IV training sounds... good, actually. I'd like to be able to take the 'mons that have accompanied me along my adventures and augment them into SPARTAN IV supersoldiers and--
Wait, no, wrong franchise. But I digress: what specifically seems like gene therapy/mutation/what-have-you? Again, I'm a little in the dark and am trying to avoid spoilers. -
Partners in Time, dammit! by
on 2016-08-12 21:36:00 UTC
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IVs have always seemed yo me to be genes; heritable limitations on the upper limits of a Pokémon's power (as opposed to EVs, which represent training/practice). Hence, increasing an IV would require modification of the Pokémon's DNA in every cell in its body. This honestly seems rather painful.
Besides, making IVs just another number that you can increase kinda takes away from the uniqueness of Pokémon's system. There's no longer any practical variation between individuals within a species (other than natures, but I bet there'll be a way to change those in short order...) -
I see the headlines now. by
on 2016-08-14 19:41:00 UTC
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"Designer Pokémon— why bother with low IVs when you can have perfect 31s across the board?"
It's a shift towards the competitive scene, IMO. Dunno how that will pan out in the long run. -
>Implying that TTYD didn't have an awesome plot by
on 2016-08-05 04:16:00 UTC
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Just kidding.
I was really a fan of the turn-based style of the first two entries in the series— and the timing attack combat mechanics that went with them. Actual combat strategy was a thing and I felt that the game wasn't being overshadowed by too many gimmicks. TTYD refined what made Paper Mario a great game and thus turned it into one of my all-time favourites.
SPM was okay, but I missed the turn-based combat of the previous games.
And we don't speak of Sticker Star. Nope. Not ever. -
What'd Sticker Star bugger up, then? by
on 2016-08-05 07:25:00 UTC
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I've only really played Super Paper Mario, which I bloody loved.
I've heard that it's messed up here and there, but nothing specific. -
A lot of things. by
on 2016-08-05 13:33:00 UTC
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It was story-light, had a limited amount of times you could use an attack, and everyone was painfully generic. And bosses could be defeated in about 3 seconds flat if you had the right Thing sticker. It did have some good ideas, and the Enigmansion was good, but the game as a whole was poorly executed and very un-Paper Mario.
Paper Mario was, at its core, an RPG. by
on 2016-08-05 13:27:00 UTC
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Mario levelled up, gained companions, explored large worlds filled with NPCs, and the game actually had a concrete plot and chapters had interesting twists: for example, the Glitz Pit and Excess Express chapters in TTYD and the Shy Guy toybox of PM1 stand out in particular. It was fun-- and your companions made the ride even more memorable.
SPM was a platformer/RPG hybrid. Not a terrible game-- I actually like it-- but I wanted a bit more focus on the RPG side of things.
With Sticker Star, we have none of the above. No levelling up, combat is entirely item-based, no companions, no complex plot like the previous instalments, no open world to explore. I was promised an RPG-- instead, I felt cheated.
First Message to the Board by
on 2016-08-05 15:28:00 UTC
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Hey! I'm Tesseract, and I'm new, I guess. I've read the Constitution, and I'm obsessed with Harry Potter, all PJO, and a little bit of LotR. I got to the PPC wiki by searching "the worst fanfiction" on Google. This lead to the Legendary Badfics page, where I was scarred by the Little Miss Mary/Rose Potter missions. I don't want to write anything at the moment, because this place is crazy! My favorite agents are the Aviator and Zeb. I live in the U.S., I'm male, and the highest class I'm taking is Geometry Honors.
Ooh, a Tesseract! by
on 2016-08-10 23:52:00 UTC
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Have you ever read A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeline L'Engle? One of the best ways to get small-to-middle-sized kids interested in multidimensional geometry. Okay, I'm just saying that because it's what got me interested back in elementary school. It's good anyway.
My gift to you is a tessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssseract. It's a hybrid between a tesseract and a snake. It's very friendly and doesn't bite, although it moves very strangely.
--Key is definitely not just trying to one-up Larfen -
Well, then. by
on 2016-08-11 08:06:00 UTC
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I see how it is.
I see how it's turned out.
I'll need the big guns, it seems. Not heavy machine gun. Not turret. Not whale, oh no. Big guns.
You could blow a galaxy's brains out, that's how big these guns will be.
That's right. A once in a five-thousand lifetimes offer.
The tessssssarasssssssssarasssssarasarasarasssssssssssaracraracaracaracssssssssssssssssssaract.
Somewhere between a tesseract, a snake, and the impending death we must all face as mortals, the tessssssarasssssssssarasssssarasarasarasssssssssssaracraracaracaracssssssssssssssssssaract will give you more than value for money: it'll give you valululululululululue for monononononononey.
Get it here, first! -
Wait, why are we giving the newbie big guns? by
on 2016-08-11 13:58:00 UTC
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Specifically, why are we giving her/him/them guns which can blow up a galaxy? Why did this strike us as a good idea? No one should have that much power. Power corrupts. If we corrupt Tesseract, we will no longer have a shiny newbie, but a dastardly villain! We don't want one of those, do we?
--Key, from the peacefullest country on Earth -
What's the big problem? by
on 2016-08-11 22:34:00 UTC
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With all the money I've gotten from selling to Tesseract, we can just buy another galaxy!
With enough left over to spend the rest of our lives in a mansion made entirely out of diamonds and ice-cream!
I've planned this out, you see. I'm a professional salesalesalesalesman. -
Have you forgotten who rules all ice cream? by
on 2016-08-12 04:17:00 UTC
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Yes, that's me. How much do you plan to pay me, exactly?
Hi, newbie! by
on 2016-08-07 01:50:00 UTC
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Here's a water bottle, a selection of House scarves for you to choose from, and some popcorn to eat while you read the important stuff and/or random missions! :D
First plover! (nm) by
on 2016-08-07 01:24:00 UTC
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Welcome, welcome! by
on 2016-08-06 20:49:00 UTC
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Come on in, grab a chair, after finding us through Legendary Badfics I'm sure you could use one.
For your newbie gifts, take this Replica Holocron and mini Pensieve.
And since I see no one else had asked yet, what House are you in? -
My House by
on 2016-08-21 14:29:00 UTC
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Ravenclaw. They are the best!
Well, naturally I must disagree. by
on 2016-08-23 07:52:00 UTC
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But that's just because I'm biased towards my own House, Hufflepuff. Ravenclaw is pretty awesome, though. It's my second favorite House.
Hi there! Have a Black Cloak of Swirly Awesomeness! by
on 2016-08-06 14:33:00 UTC
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So you'll always look cool without trying. :) And greetings to a fellow American!
I see a newbie! by
on 2016-08-06 04:10:00 UTC
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But I don't have anything important to say, so I'll just give you this cup of — you know what, take the hamster as well.
At least sixtieth message to the Board. by
on 2016-08-06 01:19:00 UTC
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Welcome, young four-dimensional cube-analog. Always good to get a break from all these bloody third-dimension knobs, am I right?
More dimensions, more love, I always said.
My gift to you is: a tesseresseresseresseresseresseract.
It's like a normal tesseract, but way, waaay better. -
A fellow newbie! by
on 2016-08-06 01:12:00 UTC
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Hello! Welcome! Please enjoy this hypoallergenic Cheshire cat.
Hello newbie. by
on 2016-08-05 19:47:00 UTC
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Please have a box of black-hole chocolates. Hope you'll enjoy your stay at the madhouse. Wait long enough and you'll be crazy enough to envisage writing.
Hello, hello! by
on 2016-08-05 19:40:00 UTC
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Here is one Royal Ice Cream Container. You just close the lid, say a flavor, and open it up again, and bam! Instant ice cream! It's like Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, except you choose the flavor.
Hello, hello! by
on 2016-08-05 18:16:00 UTC
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Here's a bracelet made of copper. On Scadrial, the Terris used these to store memories. Have fun!
Newbie! *glomp* *poke* by
on 2016-08-05 16:55:00 UTC
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Heya, and welcome aBoard! For your newbie gift, take this plate of freshly-made SPaGhetti!
*waves* Glad you like my stuff! Sorry for scarring you with those missions, though. ^^; May I recommend Neshomeh's agents Supernumerary and Ilraen?
Hope you like it here! -
Welcome aBoard! by
on 2016-08-05 16:49:00 UTC
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Have one of my own shed feathers, a replica of Riptide that turns into a working pen, and a Golden Snitch with a Poke Ball engraving!
Welcome aBoard! by
on 2016-08-05 16:49:00 UTC
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Here, have these silence-cancelling headphones. They're just constantly screaming. I'm sure you'll find a use for them.
Hello and welcome aBoard! by
on 2016-08-05 16:42:00 UTC
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As yar newbie gift, have this replica of the One Ring, which allows you to use Wingardium Leviosa when worn on your pinky finger!
Welcome to Creation, here's your shovel.. by
on 2016-08-05 15:57:00 UTC
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This magic shovel digs up...
...annoying dogs. What's Toby Fox doing here? -
Fee-fi-fo-fum! I smell... a newbie! :D by
on 2016-08-05 15:49:00 UTC
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Welcome! Welcome! Make yourself comfortable, and have a slice of Infinite Pizza.
Harry Potter and PJO? Please be my friend already! :D -
R.E. Fee-fi-fo-fum! I smell... a newbie! :D by
on 2016-08-05 16:21:00 UTC
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Thank you for the Soos meme and the pizza! I SHALL NEVER GO HUNGRY AGAIN!
Discord Channel Mod(s) by
on 2016-08-06 05:17:00 UTC
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At the end of a chain of events, I ended up with ownership of the PPC's Discord channel (which can be found here). I think that it definitely needs a mod since it's the most active in what's the wee hours of the night for me. How do we go on about this? Elections? Someone volunteers? Something else entirely?
PS: If anybody has duplicate nicknames on the channel, please tell me so I'll be able to kick the dupes (in the interest of an orderly user list). -
I think we ought to vote over the mod powers by
on 2016-08-12 01:51:00 UTC
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Main reason is that we vote over everything else important, so why not this?
After that, there's the question of what the mod powers actually are. I figure long bans (> a day, or maybe a week tops) need a community discussion and a vote. That sort of thing might even need to happen on the Board for clarity's sake.
The mods are there, I think, for fast-acting deescalation of unconstitutional things with warnings, then kicks, then if someone un-kicks themselves and keep behaving badly, a short ban.
Now, there's the question of who to give kick/ban rights to. I would nominate Iximaz, since she's in chat a lot and I figure she's a sane, level-headed person who would be responsible with these sort of powers. -
All of this seems to make sense. Seconded. (nm) by
on 2016-08-16 23:22:00 UTC
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Agreed. by
on 2016-08-14 17:42:00 UTC
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Though possibly it should be Discord folks who vote, no? And I agree that anything as or more severe than a week-long ban should be mentioned on the 'Board, with pertinent logs.
(I am not a fan of obsessive log-keeping, but without hard evidence, this stuff can get he-said-she-said very quickly.) -
Right now my idea is... by
on 2016-08-13 10:23:00 UTC
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To give the mod(s) the ability to pin and delete messages, kick people, ban people and manage the server's channels.
I volunteer/nominate myself/however we're doing this by
on 2016-08-10 23:42:00 UTC
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If we're going to have an election, we need people campaigning. Here's my speech: .
I'm not a PG. I don't even have Permission -- because I've been working and reworking the concept for my spinoff since March (Larfen can vouch that this is approximately true), looking at the same two characters from different angles and in different scenarios. I don't like to do anything hastily, which is a good quality in a mod: I won't ban people willy-nilly.
But lest you think me a wimp who will let trolls slide by, I am an adamant rule-follower. For instance, I believe I have adhered perfectly to the Constitution during my five months here. If you want another example, one of my agent bios is just about finished and I would be happy to post it; I worked hard to make sure he fit the rules of PPC canon and can field any and all questions.
I will ban a user after all other methods of de-escalation have been tried -- steps which might look something like this: once one or more parties have been established to be behaving irrationally and/or rudely, asking them to take a break (politely, or course). If they refuse to comply, I would begin with a temporary ban (if the software allows), and if they are still causing problems after their enforced holiday, a permanent ban. Of course, with particularly egregious violations such as a user threatening harm, some of these steps may be skipped, and the community will probably have to convene to discuss the incident.
The above is not intended as a proposal for a specific system for banning users, but rather as an illustration of what I think being a mod means (maybe I should've gone for some rhetoric about upholding the spirit of the community, but that kind of warm-fuzzy-make-everyone-feel-superior politics nauseates me a little bit. Which is probably why I tend to lose elections. I believe in fairness, how about that? It's true and should be deducible from my above descriptions of how I would behave as a mod).
Perhaps most importantly, I'm on the channel fairly frequently -- not constantly, but often, especially at the times Des isn't on. Sometimes I lurk, sometimes I post, but I downloaded the Discord app just so I could get notifications for this channel.
I hope you, the Protectors of the Plot Continuum, find me worthy of this responsibility.
I'm Key, and I approve this message. -
Not even old enough to vote. by
on 2016-08-11 08:14:00 UTC
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But I never let any of that age or law bollocks get in my way.
I reckon she's already proven herself in the field of duty. Totally reasonable all-around, good grasp of the rules, interacts all friendly with the community.
If I had to choose the person who will inevitably ban me from the PPC, and I couldn't choose Jim Theis, I would most certainly choose Key.
Right, okay, maybe I'm a bit biased.
But I'm biased because Key's a kool dude, and kool dudes get votes.
Also, that mention of her spinoff is most certainly approximately true. -
You are so sweet by
on 2016-08-11 14:18:00 UTC
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Thank you for the endorsement. Getting banned is serious business, though. Don't think you'd get extra leeway because we get along so well. I would ban you if I had to.
I'd be too ashamed to use my real voice to ban a friend, though. I might have to announce the ban in the style of Jim Theis. :)
--Key -
Sweet? by
on 2016-08-11 22:31:00 UTC
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Sweet? Oh, no, sweet? No sweetness here, nossir, not an ounce. Sweet as a lemon, I am.
Just making observations, really. Could probably find examples for all of those on this here front page, alone.
Credit where credit's due, y'know? And credit's due.
Really, though, you're doing a pretty bad job of convincing me to not get banned.
I mean, I'd love to get banned in the style of Jim Theis.
- Larfen is prepared for no extra leeway. -
My vote's on the PGs being the mods. by
on 2016-08-10 23:06:00 UTC
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Makes the most sense, I think.
Always a tough problem. by
on 2016-08-08 07:52:00 UTC
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I recommend rotating moderators. Give three or four people a slot on a rotating schedule of mod-powers, to be changed out once a month or something like that. Or make a mod-persona (like the Nameless Admin) which multiple users have the key/password to.
I also recommend a system of checks and balances, however simple, just in case. Something like a 3/4-majority of the room can overrule the mod. Just something to keep all sides balanced, make sure the mod and ...what, constituency? Something like that? remain on the same page about what is cool with the other party.
VM, literally always an advocate for decentralization of responsibility and power -
OK, why? by
on 2016-08-08 12:13:00 UTC
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That sounds needlessly complicated, and there's little point in mods if you don't trust them. Letting three fourths of the room overrule the mod means exactly that, and frankly I wouldn't want the job if the channel-goers wouldn't be willing to trust my judgement. (As it happens, I have the job anyway, but nobody told me my judgement shouldn't be trusted. So.)
Just a suggestion. by
on 2016-08-08 17:45:00 UTC
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If you don't think it's a good idea, don't take it - no harm no foul.
Essentially, I think it's easy for mods and not-mods (ie, the rest of the population) to eventually get out of sync (on what rules should be, how they should be enforced) and wind up with different values. If this is left unresolved for long periods of time, it leads to a huge split, wherein both parties feel wronged by the system.
I do think putting one person indefinitely in charge of any amount of people is a bad idea for that reason - despite the best of intentions, sooner or later it gets tiresome, and then there's Drama. Regardless of who it is. What if you feel that someone is being offensive in stating their opinion*, but the rest of the channel disagrees? If you kick them off the channel, for a small or long period of time, people will start wondering "If that's all it takes, who's next?"
I know this sounds like over-complicating things. But if you don't set up a way to spread authority for rule-enforcing around the population, sooner or later the discontent will set in, and fester, and that never turns out well. That's why we have The Nameless Admin - so that doesn't happen here. Nobody is "in charge," and elections for new PGs are semi-regular. It's always better to be prepared.
*If this sounds like a stretch, consider the following scenarios. A PPCer who is from the West Bank. A PPCer who believes, staunchly, in Mao and Stalin era communism. A PPCer who believes - and this is the one that would disqualify me from Permanent Mod Status - that the recent US shootings were faked. See what I mean? -
Should we start nominating potential moderators? by
on 2016-08-08 00:00:00 UTC
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We talked on Discord a bit, and agreed that the Board-at-large should have a say in choosing who moderates the channel.
Short of the Nameless Admin revealing him-/herself to you... by
on 2016-08-07 21:36:00 UTC
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I suggest that the PGs be the mods.
Hm... by
on 2016-08-13 06:38:00 UTC
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I'm not sure if inertia is an appropriate way to select a leader; The Nameless Admin has always seemed to me to be a janitorial position. The Board just needs the occasional sweeping, and that's really not the same style a real-time system with a strong permissions model needs.
PGs works, I'd also nominate (and vote for!) Tomash; he's a regular on the Discord, knows his way around the technology stack, and is a level-headed person.
On a procedural level, I think that Neshomeh is right; this is more a question for the Discord regulars than the Board at large. Fortunately, I don't think it's a huge risk; the crowd that shows up most nights is really quite reasonable, I'd trust at least half of them with moderator status.
-Δ -
May or may not be terribly useful. by
on 2016-08-07 21:50:00 UTC
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I can think of three, maybe four of us who will probably never be in there regularly, if at all. I'd recommend that those of you who hang out there often choose someone from among you that you'll respect and listen to when any active modding is required. Maybe hold a nomination and election process, like we do when voting for PGs.
~Neshomeh, who is so very bored at work right now, she's butting in on things that aren't particularly her business. -
Well... by
on 2016-08-07 23:15:00 UTC
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Aside from myself (I can already mod the channel because owner but I usually sleep at night), PG-wise right now only Iximaz and DJ frequent the channel, with PC showing up sometimes. But, yeah, I agree with Nesh: I think someone people will respect and listen to is the best idea. If nobody will say anything, then I will fall back to this idea, assuming any or all of the above actually want the post.
I'd be okay with PGs as mods. by
on 2016-08-09 01:31:00 UTC
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I'm actually on fairly regularly myself, I just don't post all that much.
Otherwise, I feel like Nesh has the best solution of the ones proposed so far: have regular Discord users vote on who they think would be the best mods. They have seen what goes on and so have a good idea of what is needed. VM's rotating system seems too complicated, and the 3/4ths override goes against what mods are supposed to do. -
>:D by
on 2016-08-09 09:23:00 UTC
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You shall have place of honour in the arena.
Less seriously (because what can be more serious than the Temple of Partyrena?), why would that be a good idea? PGs were chosen for our writing/PPC-understanding ability, not for our capability as moderators. You want to give someone whose sole qualifications for the position were 'talks a lot' and 'wrote seriously popular stories' (ie, me) the power to decide who's allowed to stay in a chatroom? With no override available?
If your answer is yes, then frankly the lot of you deserve the Temple of Partyrena. ^_~
hS -
You're oversimplifying a little bit. by
on 2016-08-09 18:18:00 UTC
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"Writing/PPC-understanding ability" is selling the position of Permission giver a bit short. PGs are tasked with determining who will be allowed to officially write for this organization. In effect, we are already mods—albeit in an extremely limited way. Surely that implies that those who voted for us already trust our judgement at least a little bit.
PGs also have to serve as examples beyond that specific situation. Because we were selected by the community, we therefore have the obligation to do our best for the community. That should mean stepping in to uphold the Constitution, or helping those who need it.
But, like I said in my previous post, direct elections by the Discord users would probably be the best method of those proposed. I was merely saying that if Des falls back on to using PGs, I'd be okay with it. -
I disagree, I'm afraid. by
on 2016-08-10 09:23:00 UTC
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For one, I don't see PGs as deciding who can write for the PPC so much as who can't. I realise that sounds like semantics, but to my mind, the default assumption is that most people will get Permission. We should be a filter for the bad stuff, not an exam board only the best will pass.
Does that make us a form of moderators? Ehh... at that point it really would be arguing semantics. But I don't think it's reasonable to assume 'trust us to say what's good writing' translates to 'trust us to say what's an acceptable topic of conversation'.
As to your second point: I vehemently disagree. In fact, a claim of that nature is what led to GreyLadyBast leaving the PPC - she was told she should act to a higher standard, because she was a PG and a respected figure. She took it very badly. Just because we've been voted into a position of mild authority, does not mean we have a responsibility to be an example.
Upholding the Constitution is everyone's responsibility, and it's no more mine than it is InvokerTheElementalist's. We were selected by the community to do a specific job; we have an obligation to do that job as best we can. But when we're out from under the hat, we have no more rights, authority, obligations, or responsibilities than anyone else.
hS -
Eh, slight problem. by
on 2016-08-10 16:53:00 UTC
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While I agree with what you say about it being everyone's responsibility to uphold the Constitution, I do think there's more to PGing than just knowing good writing from bad. Theoretically, everyone in the PPC should know that. It's why we're all here.
We were chosen rather than anyone else not just because we know a period from a hole in the ground, not just because of PPC knowledge, but also because people trust us to make fair judgements and not be jerks. At least, that's what I'm thinking about when it comes time to elect new PGs.
The fact is, we've earned the respect of the community, and whether you like it or not, that means they do look to us as examples of what to do and how to behave. You may have noticed that if we do things in our stories, other people tend to want to try them, too, yes? And you can bet that if we stopped respecting the Constitution ourselves, it wouldn't be long before everyone else stopped, too.
It may be, at least as far as you and I are concerned, that this has more to do with us as oldbies than us as PGs, but it's not a coincidence that the two often go together. It's not much good electing someone as PG if they're just going to wander off in a month or so, and you don't earn the trust of a community overnight anyway, so we've also picked people who have been around for awhile and look as though they'll be around a while more. It's all entangled together.
And furthermore, we don't deny permission solely based on writing skill, either. We block people who behave badly enough to hurt the community, too, because—as we're so fond of saying—we're a community first. We don't want people playing in our sandbox if we don't trust them not to pee in it. Therefore, we DO have to be judges of character and appropriateness. See above point about people trusting our fairness and good natures.
Now, whether that extends to dictating that we MUST moderate everything, everywhere, is another question. I think it's quite fair to say that's not what we signed up for, so we shouldn't be forced into broad moderation if we don't want to do it. Arguing that we're not qualified doesn't work for me, though.
~Neshomeh -
Ehhh. Maybe. by
on 2016-08-11 11:48:00 UTC
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I can't argue with most of your points, but:
You may have noticed that if we do things in our stories, other people tend to want to try them, too, yes?
Not yes. The most-copied person I've noticed is Tawaki, who's not a PG. On the flipside, I haven't noticed strong trends of people spinning off ideas from Phobos, or PoorCynic, or VixenMage (or sundry others). Mostly, people of late have imitated Iximaz, and I think that's far more to do with her volume of writing and tendency to cowrite than it is her Permission Giver hat.
I agree that it's not concidental that being an active writer and being elected a PG go together, but nor should it be - it takes a special kind of person to be known for their knowledge of good writing without actually writing themselves. Though, as you say, it's all very much tangled together.
And: We block people who behave badly enough to hurt the community, too, because—as we're so fond of saying—we're a community first.
Again, not really how I'd put it. Mostly people are denied permission because they haven't contributed enough. It's not our job as PGs to decide whether they're harmful - that's a matter for the Constitution, and so for the Board at large. On occasion, a Permission thread has turned into a Constitution thread, but that doesn't make it the same thing.
Yes, there is an element of character judgement in being a Permission Giver. But it's a minor part compared to the writing/PPC parts, and I'm uncomfortable with the suggestion - discussed almost entirely by Permission Givers themselves - that being elected a PG means you'd make a good moderator.
Because I know I certainly wouldn't.
hS -
Well, nor would I. by
on 2016-08-11 16:01:00 UTC
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But it's because a) I don't go in the chat; can't moderate if I'm not there; and b) I can't keep up with real-time conversation in large groups, which is why I don't go in the chat. By the time I form a coherent response to anything, the conversation tends to have moved on by two or three topics. {= P
What I meant is that I object to the implication that I (and any other PG) wouldn't make a good mod because I lack fairness, good judgement, etc., which I'd like to think isn't true. We all exercise those qualities as PGs, I hope.
But like I said, whether that means we ought to be chat mods by default is another question, to which I say no.
And yeah, it is a little odd for all of us to stand around talking about how good/not good we are. >.>;
I suppose the copying thing is more correlation than causation, isn't it? That makes sense.
I will come out and admit that I wish I could deny Permission solely on the basis of behavior every now and then, though. Maybe it's a good thing that I can't, but I really don't like those times I'm just hoping and praying the writing is as unpromising as the individual's personality so I don't have to say yes to someone I don't even want to be around. Fortunately, that sort of situation only comes up once in a blue moon and tends to get resolved by the Board at large anyway.
~Neshomeh -
Ah, then I apologise unreservedly for the implication. by
on 2016-08-11 16:12:00 UTC
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I wasn't saying that you (or any other PG) don't have fairness and good judgement - or if I was, I didn't mean to! I was saying that I don't think it was (necessarily) a prominent factor in our elections/appointments, and that therefore assuming that all present, past, and future Permission Givers are moderator material would be a bad idea.
I don't think any of our currently-active PGs are people I would say no to as a moderator, either. But I have no idea (since my problems with chats are roughly the same as yours) whether they're the best candidates.
Also: some of my initial reaction comes from a remembered conversation where someone said PGs should be made moderators of any prospective New Board. Which hits at least three topics I'm categorically against, and I'm afraid some of that bled over to this topic. I'm sorry.
hS -
You are forgiven. {= ) by
on 2016-08-11 16:48:00 UTC
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I didn't think you actually meant that, hence beating around the bush with "logic" and "reason" like I always do. I think there's probably a lesson in this about being honest with our feelings...
Anyway, now that we've had the traditional squabble over details, perhaps we can just get on with agreeing with each other. {= )
~Neshomeh -
Sure! by
on 2016-08-11 16:55:00 UTC
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Does this mean the Temple of Partyrena has official approval? I'm thinking visitors have to bring offerings of either cake or alcohol, but haven't yet decided whether making an offering lets you join in the gladiatorial fights, or gets you out of them...
hS -
Oh yes. by
on 2016-08-11 17:47:00 UTC
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They should definitely bring cake. But not pie—if they bring pie, we throw them to the lions.
Unless it's Pi Day, in which case we may be merciful. Especially if it's French silk.
~Neshomeh -
What I think is this: by
on 2016-08-10 17:23:00 UTC
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a) Being a PG means the community trusts you, otherwise they wouldn't have voted for you.
b) Moderation is similar in that regard — a community should trust its mods.
c) Mods should be answerable to the community. Not in the overly-complicated way VM suggested; rather, if a mod ...s up, they should be told as much. We don't need (and can't implement in the channel, due to technical limitations) something like "three-fourths of a room can overrule a mod"; we need the mods to exercise common sense and decency just like everybody else.
d) I'm not going to force mod-ship on anybody. Aside from not wanting to, it's not like I can force someone to use their own mod permissions, can I now?
e) Shouldn't the channel-goers start nominating people?
f) Assuming nothing happens till next week, I'll give all PG users on the channel (except Iximaz, who seems to not want to be a mod) — that is, PC and Delta Juliette — mod rights; if/when mods are elected, I'll remove their mod rights (unless, of course, they are elected mods anyway). -
So if I sign up to the channel... by
on 2016-08-11 11:48:00 UTC
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... would you immediately grant me mod rights, too?
Curious about your mindset here.
hS -
Assuming this plan B... by
on 2016-08-12 00:24:00 UTC
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If you'd sign up and actually participate in the channel? Yes. There's little point in granting mod rights to someone who doesn't show up at all.
That said, the mindset is "I trust the PGs not to go pants-on-head crazy with mod rights", but I'd rather much have mods that the community chose to put its trust on them since for this the community's discretion is better than mine. -
If you need me to mod, I can. by
on 2016-08-10 23:33:00 UTC
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I'm on fairly often, I just don't know if I'd be able to get anyone to listen to me if that became necessary.
To be honest by
on 2016-08-11 17:11:00 UTC
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I personally think you'd be great for the job. I know I respect and listen to you, and I'm almost certain I'm not the only one who does on the discord channel.
Well... by
on 2016-08-10 23:39:00 UTC
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I don't know how to make people listen to other people, but mods have the ability to kick or ban people from the server.
Don't look at me, I'd be a terrible mod. (nm) by
on 2016-08-08 04:38:00 UTC
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Shh, you lot! You're spoiling it! by
on 2016-08-08 08:00:00 UTC
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The plan was supposed to be that we get them to make us all moderators, then turn the entire channel into a permanent street party slash gladiatorial arena slash temple to our (individual and collective) excellence! Honestly, I can't work with you people!
Uh, that is how moderators work, right? Just, uh, asking for a... friend.
hS -
I think you'll have to kick the other me. by
on 2016-08-07 19:08:00 UTC
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The desktop account I use is #1229, I believe. The first time I used Discord, however, I signed in with a mobile account, which is #1047.
No Subject by
on 2016-08-06 20:20:00 UTC
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I forgot why am I here can anyone please tell
Re: No Subject by
on 2016-08-08 16:23:00 UTC
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Thank you all for for the warm welcome. I appreciate it. Interest? Probably not now. As for name I'll go with this then.
Returnbie-newbie! *glomp* *poke* by
on 2016-08-10 22:57:00 UTC
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This is my first time claiming the first glomp or the first poke! I'm excited. Welcome, newturnbie. Perhaps we can help you figure out who you once were if you tell us a bit about yourself. Let's start with the basics: what are your fandoms?
--Key -
Welcome to the madhouse! (nm) by
on 2016-08-09 15:23:00 UTC
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Re: No Subject by
on 2016-08-06 20:28:00 UTC
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Okay now I remember. I was here 4 years ago after reading my immortal and it was a total shitfest. The rest dont come close into my memories. I may have forgotten nick name or what did I say back then but here I am coming back to post on this board.
Hi! So, uh... by
on 2016-08-07 20:44:00 UTC
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Do you have a name you'll be using now? Some interests you'd like to share, perhaps?
Also, since it's been four years, have a friendly reminder to please be familiar with our Constitution, two of the rules outlined in which are to kindly watch your SPaG and keep your comments family-friendly. {= )
~Neshomeh -
Have a welcome-back plover! (nm) by
on 2016-08-07 01:24:00 UTC
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Welcome back! by
on 2016-08-06 22:46:00 UTC
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Here's a coppermind. It may help with memory problems, just store everything you want to remember in one of these, and you'll be just fine.
Welcome back by
on 2016-08-06 20:41:00 UTC
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As you can probably guess, a lot has changed in the past 4 years. You might want to take a flaming torch-pitchfork. Troll attacks have happened recently, and the one thing they fear is fire.
Reiterating beta request. by
on 2016-08-07 01:23:00 UTC
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Can I please have someone to beta-read The Name Stealer?
*Tentatively raises hand* (nm) by
on 2016-08-07 01:56:00 UTC
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I'm down, tell me more :) (nm) by
on 2016-08-07 01:53:00 UTC
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Sent. (nm) by
on 2016-08-07 17:25:00 UTC
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Betas Needed for a DW Mission by
on 2016-08-07 13:58:00 UTC
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It's only five pages long, but oh my stars, the badfic is infuriating.
Is it Classic or New Who? by
on 2016-08-07 17:26:00 UTC
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I'm much more familiar with Classic Who than New.
It's New, but I think even you could understand what happens by
on 2016-08-07 18:25:00 UTC
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Classic Who is great though. Hey Tawaki, I have a question. What's your opinion of the Fifth Doctor? I'm planning to watch some of his era, but I want to know what you think of him. And how would you rank the Classic Doctors?
And Tawaki, can I get your email please? (nm) by
on 2016-08-07 18:29:00 UTC
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Re: And Tawaki, can I get your email please? by
on 2016-08-09 19:38:00 UTC
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korora (dot) penguin (at) gmail
A mission of Who? ;) by
on 2016-08-07 15:56:00 UTC
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Count me in for story flow, characterization and general narrative-ness.
Thanks! What's your G-email? I'll need it to let you see it (nm) by
on 2016-08-07 18:28:00 UTC
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I... think you already have it... by
on 2016-08-07 19:04:00 UTC
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I beta'ed your first mission, but just in case, just write my username without CAPS and add the usual after it.
OK! Thanks! (nm) by
on 2016-08-07 18:26:00 UTC
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*Lights up the Bat-beta Signal.* by
on 2016-08-07 19:10:00 UTC
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Calling all betas! Knowledge of the DC Universe, sub-Batman, and the Avatar-verse, sub-Legend of Korra, highly desirable, but not absolutely needed; as well as a good grasp of English language Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar.
Sign up for the Beta Corps today! -
I can help with this, if you still require aid. by
on 2016-08-07 22:54:00 UTC
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My email is poorcynic AT me DOT com (replace with symbols where needed).
Thanks! Sent! (nm) by
on 2016-08-08 00:41:00 UTC
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Sure, I have the next couple days off. by
on 2016-08-07 21:54:00 UTC
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With three beta calls right on top of each other, I imagine we need all hands on deck. As it happens, I know at least a little about both canons, too; more or less depending on which Batman we're dealing with. This will keep me from spending the whole time in Minecraft. {= )
My e-mail is linked above.
~Neshomeh -
Uh sorry... I cannot find the link... =( (nm) by
on 2016-08-07 22:34:00 UTC
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Huh, could've sworn I entered it. by
on 2016-08-07 22:53:00 UTC
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Must've forgotten to click the "Show email address?" box.
Anyway, it's neshomeh (dot) soul (at) gmail (dot) com
~Neshomeh -
Sent! (nm) by
on 2016-08-08 00:41:00 UTC
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Sounding the beta call! by
on 2016-08-07 23:42:00 UTC
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x4 combo! Anyway, Voyd and I just wrapped up a Harry Potter/Ouran crossover mission, and we need a few people to make sure we spelled everything correctly and the jokes make sense and all that. (Canon knowledge would also help, but it's not required.)
You have my e-mail. Send it over! c: (nm) by
on 2016-08-07 23:48:00 UTC
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- A Fun Quiz For Whovians! by on 2016-08-08 04:03:00 UTC Link to this
Teenager, Age 13-17, Caucasian, Female by
on 2016-08-11 07:50:00 UTC
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So me as I am now, just made back into a teenager.
Does this mean I'd regain some of my teenage personality traits? Because if so, NO REGENERATION FOR ME PLEASE. -
Young adult, 20-25, white girl. Literally no change. (nm) by
on 2016-08-09 15:22:00 UTC
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Teenager, 13-17, Caucasian, Female by
on 2016-08-09 05:09:00 UTC
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So... nothing's changed.
SHYYYYYY! *glomp* by
on 2016-08-09 05:34:00 UTC
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I haven't seen you in ages! How ya been?
*hugs* Been dealing with some stuff. by
on 2016-08-09 06:13:00 UTC
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Also, I keep getting sick. Over and over again. It's... not fun.
On the plus side, I *have* been getting some fic done. Even if it's not on any of the originalfic.
It's nice to see you again, too! (Well, metaphorical-see...) I dunno if I'm gonna be active again for a while—life's been happening, and my brainstate's not been too good—but I'm glad to have stopped in and said hi. :) -
Senior Caucasian male. by
on 2016-08-08 23:44:00 UTC
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Not what I thought I'd get haha
Senior Caucasian Male aged 54-61 by
on 2016-08-08 17:40:00 UTC
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Always wondered what the second incarnation of the Supporter would be.
Kind of imagine him as being one of those Obi-wan/Dumbledore mentor figures who's more than willing to support the heroes of the story, yet at the same time is slightly manipulative and willing to hold information back, if he doesn't think they need to know it (regardless of if they do or not). -
Yet another young white guy. by
on 2016-08-08 17:19:00 UTC
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Young Adult, Age 23-29, Caucasian, Male.
Being male would be interesting, certainly. I wonder what that's based on, though, since a bunch of us are getting it regardless of actual gender.
~Neshomeh, who will cop to being surprised when she remembers she's actually 31, good grief. -
I'm a twelve year old boy! by
on 2016-08-08 14:54:00 UTC
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Well, they're not too far off, to be sure...
Young Adult, Age 23-29, Caucasian, Male. by
on 2016-08-08 14:11:00 UTC
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Hmm... I don't know how I'd feel about the gender swap, even if I would look kinda handsome.
And I'm glad everyone is njoying this quiz! (nm) by
on 2016-08-08 14:11:00 UTC
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Young Adult, Age 23-29, Caucasian, Male. by
on 2016-08-08 13:30:00 UTC
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At least I'm guaranteed to age down a year, and possibly more!
—doctorlit turned thirty last week. Most unfortunate. -
Senior citizen coming through. by
on 2016-08-08 11:46:00 UTC
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Caucasian male, 54-61 years old.
Get off my lawn, punks. -
Young Adult, Age 23-29, Caucasian, Male by
on 2016-08-08 11:08:00 UTC
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That is, pretty much the same? Boo, that's boring.
Adult, Age 29-32, Asian, Male by
on 2016-08-08 10:06:00 UTC
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...well now, that would certainly be different.
Senior, Age 54-61, Caucasian, Male by
on 2016-08-08 09:32:00 UTC
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... So, the Mechanic is going to reincarnate into an older version of himself. Fun.
Young Adult, Age 23-29, Male, Caucasian... by
on 2016-08-08 08:47:00 UTC
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What a wonderful imagination. They even dared to age me up by one whole year...
Huh... Child, Age 8-12, Caucasian, Male by
on 2016-08-08 08:24:00 UTC
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...Yeah, sounds about right.
I'm apparently in my late fifties? by
on 2016-08-08 07:56:00 UTC
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Sixth Alchemist says, "Uh, that's where I'm going next? I, uh, think I ought to think about health and safety a bit more. So: health... hmm... safety... yes, yes... right! Done that; where's my ultravaporator?"
hS -
Room of one more? :D by
on 2016-08-08 08:20:00 UTC
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I like this spread. Unless it's private, the Navigator would be interested in joining.
Eh, it was a fairly one-time thing. by
on 2016-08-08 11:37:00 UTC
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There was a thread, I wrote a few stories and threw together some bios, and then the thread dropped off. It's not really a living document.
hS -
Got a Caucasian teenage girl. by
on 2016-08-08 06:54:00 UTC
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Suppose one wrong isn't too bad.
This was interesting. by
on 2016-08-08 05:08:00 UTC
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I'll admit, I've not ever seen Doctor Who, but I took the test anyways, and I got... a older version of me. Interesting...
I also got an older version of myself. by
on 2016-08-08 15:51:00 UTC
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Possibly less handsome, though. I'm somewhat vain.
New Mission by
on 2016-08-08 15:09:00 UTC
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Kelly goes into a troll fic. Harsh concrit is welcome.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SMFa42H78duW3SqiIRIhmFgj5NmWgUthzf9YnyCiV3k/edit?usp=sharing -
What are you doing? by
on 2016-08-19 18:38:00 UTC
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Sorry for not commenting on that. It feels so incomplete that I don't know where to start, and I can't take responsibility for linking this as a completed mission on the Wiki. I recommend to rewrite, paying much more attention to what the readers need to know so that they can understand what's going on (starting with why Kelly needs a new Partner and what happened to September, and maybe you should have told Djinn's backstory before you send it on a mission).
Also sorry for being so late. I'm still spending lots of time on wrestling with Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
HG -
Some minor confusion. by
on 2016-08-08 22:09:00 UTC
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Who is Djinn? Is it the dummy? Are the man and girl part of the fic? Why did the agents interact with the old man? Is he Dem? Who is Dem?
You appear to have a problem clarifying who's who. Having the dummy introduce itself with a name, for instance, would help clear everything up.
In short: I am having a hard time making heads or tails of what is going on. It is unclear whether this was an actual mission or a training simulation. Also, don't refer to characters with multiple terms without connecting them first. -
Replies by
on 2016-08-11 15:28:00 UTC
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I guess this drives home that I should not work without a beta. I'm having trouble getting attention for these.
Djinn is a god-mode wraith that could see through the SEP field and managed to not be exorcised. He's more of an anti-sue, so he was allowed to exist and tag along on missions.
The old man is Dem, and a similar anti-sue god-mode.
New Mission! by
on 2016-08-09 02:53:00 UTC
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In which Za'kiir and Natalie exterminate a planet.
Read it, liked it, nothing to complain about. (nm) by
on 2016-08-19 18:40:00 UTC
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Re: New Mission! by
on 2016-08-11 15:32:00 UTC
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Whose idea was it to play I-spy in the RC? The intro was cute, and I liked the mini in the summary appearing.
Initial thoughts by
on 2016-08-09 04:28:00 UTC
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I liked this.
The bit with Timelord showing up in the RC and getting coaxed through the portal with promises of time paradoxes was pretty darn funny.
I also really liked the lines about the pin drop and Death's grip.
Za'kiir has a point. "I spy" is not very challenging in an RC.
However, you said that Natalie and Za'kiir would be exterminating a planet. There was a distinct lack of planets blowing up in this mission. I've been lied to!!!1111
More seriously, where did the Stu's body end up? I figure it's probably worth defining that more specifically than "portal to somewhere". -
Reply by
on 2016-08-09 05:05:00 UTC
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Thank you!
I meant the planet bit as a pun, since the boy is named Gallifrey...
And as for the portal, that was a mistake of wording. Thanks for pointing that out.
OT: Magic, for or against? by
on 2016-08-10 03:45:00 UTC
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I've been playing Dragonfable for a long time now, and the current story arc is about this subject, and I need someone else's point of view. I'll try to give a bare-bones overview of the world, first.
Say you live on a world with an end-positive* magic system. Anyone can learn how to throw fireballs, or raise the dead. A very small percent of the population cannot tap into this energy. You can use this power for good or for bad.
I can give more details if needed, but what are your thoughts as of now?
* From the Cosmere, end-positive means that power is drawn in from an external source. In essence, power is added to the practitioner. -
Take it from an actual wizard. Magic is not a solution. by
on 2016-08-12 08:52:00 UTC
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It only means more problems.
((On a personal note, I think it could be an interesting thing. Except I think said magic would pretty much substitutes itself to science and technolgy.)) -
Lore had gnomish technology.... by
on 2016-08-12 17:29:00 UTC
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But The Rose smashed their floating city, claiming their stuff is indistinguishable from magic.
Would you consider Cyclons,
A Really Big Gerbil,
And Simas Prime*, the transforming city to be "Magic?"
I do consider The Trimmer of Dermis Detritus, or T.O.D.D to be sorcery, however.
*Yes, this came out the same day ROTF did. -
If we're mentioning Magitek... by
on 2016-08-12 18:14:00 UTC
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Shouldn't we mention Nirn's dwemer? They built stuff like spiders that can shoot lightning:
autonomous ballistas
things that can only be summed up as "steampunk Transformers with a sword-arm and a crossbow-arm"
and huge contraptions that can easily smash men to bits.
And that's without going into their cities. -
Aren't Golems Magitek? (nm) by
on 2016-08-12 21:16:00 UTC
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Depends how you define technology. by
on 2016-08-13 11:06:00 UTC
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'the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.'
Oh, thank you, er, Google, my, um, door was locked, before you came in. Thanks.
So, golems are animated statues. Statues aren't particularly practical, until they get that magic in them, so there you go.
Magiart, if you will.
I do wonder if those dwemer machines from earlier count as magitek, considering that the fellows weren't overly fond of the 'magi' part, and you could argue that all of those things (even the lightning spider) are purely technological. You know how it is, fantasy game, mysteriously advanced, suspension of disbelief.
- Neither Finch or Bingle would have actually answered this.
-- Or they might have, but I'm not really bothered coming up with something.
--- I really hope that this was a real question, and not just an RP thing. -
Not sure I agree with your assessment. by
on 2016-08-13 13:06:00 UTC
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While a statue may be an objet d'art, a golem - effectively a giant anthropomorphic forklift truck - is very definitely not. It is the real-world application of one or more thaumaturgical principles in order to observe and analyse a macroscale real-world effect. The only differentiation a golem has from an android is in its power source and construction.
Why yes, I am a member of the Golem Trust. Would you like a pamphlet? =] -
That's a spooky argument, right there. by
on 2016-08-14 01:28:00 UTC
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Right, so, your point (a very spooky point, indeed) is that magic can be considered a form of science, the application of which is then technology, in itself.
Comes down to the definition of magitek itself, then, whether it's magic comparable to technology, or (as I envision it) a marriage of naturalistic and magical principles, being a sort of sci-fi-fantasy horrific hybrid chimera monstrosity.
Tv Tropes notes that part of the nature of magitek is that magic is combined with something 'distinctively mechanical,' which, you could argue supports my definition, but, then again, Tv Tropes is always so terribly cloudy with all this stuff, I'm half expecting the site to collapse into raindrops.
I found another definition on some slang dictionary called Lingomash which says that magitek is 'any machinery that uses magic to function, or can manipulate magic,' but what the hell is Lingomash, right?
Machines are defined as 'an apparatus using mechanical power and having several parts, each with a definite function and together performing a particular task.' which certainly seems naturalistic to me.
Everything else just links over to Final Fantasy 6. Could find more, but I'm not writing a bloody essay over here, for heavens sake! Having a casual discussion over the internet!
So, then, my thoughts are, then, that a golem, composed of a statue driven by magic, lacks that mechanical/naturalistic part (statues being not particularly mechanical,) and is therefore just magic. Y'know, like wands, and enchanted swords, or magic rings.
My argument is filled with more holes than a beehive and I can't wait for it to be ripped apart. -
Well, spells and enchantments can be considered a technology by
on 2016-08-14 03:07:00 UTC
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My search on technology came up with "Technology ("science of craft", from Greek τέχνη, techne, "art, skill, cunning of hand"; and -λογία, -logia) is the collection of techniques, skills, methods and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation."* Based on that, technology means that you have a tool that can accomplish it's intended objective. I'd say that if magic is consistent, meaning that the same grunts and hand gestures will always net you the same fireball every time, you have a technology. The Elven Rings of power are a technology, in that they successfully preserved the Elves that lived in Arda.
On a tangent, science isn't evidence based on a hypothesis, it's a hypothesis based on evidence. If my ice beam defies the laws of thermodynamics, too bad. Go back to the drawing board. If I start floating 5 inches off the ground, no scientist has a right to stop me fom breaking their "law" of gravity. It's not actually a law, because you only think that everything must follow that rule. If it turns out its false, you should be overjoyed, because that's new knowledge. At least, that's what I think should happen. I haven't actually walked in a scientist's shoes yet.**
* Note: I should probably take what Wikipedia says with a grain of salt, but I'll take my chances.
** No, I'm not implying that I have levitated in a Scientist's shoes, either.***
*** No, I'm not a human being that can levitate.****
**** Yes, I am actually human, and not a panini press, though I do like paninis. -
Why, yes I would. by
on 2016-08-13 17:57:00 UTC
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This is sprouting into something beyond my understanding. This feels amazing.
If magic isn't the answer, you're asking the wrong question. (nm by
on 2016-08-12 13:03:00 UTC
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Oh, it's you guys from that bad future. by
on 2016-08-12 15:23:00 UTC
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What're you doing here? I thought your timeline was erased?
That's, uh, not how time travel works. by
on 2016-08-12 15:38:00 UTC
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I mean, not that I understand time travel that well, but apparently there's two types: one that can't change the past at all, and one that lights up an entirely new timeline. The first one can be used to travel between timelines, too - Granny Lou used to do it pretty regularly - and that's what Deborah used to come here.
So yeah, I had to follow. Dark One, unfettered access to the past, you know how it is. -
Oh, fun. by
on 2016-08-12 16:13:00 UTC
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I do hope that the me that's stuck inside a Suit, Rubric Marine-style, doesn't decide to pay a visit; never shall the selves meet, etc.
I really regret that I cannot use a camera. by
on 2016-08-12 14:24:00 UTC
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I'm sure the face you'll do when this belief is proven wrong would have been a wonderful sight.
Eh, could almost be worth using the Sight and getting an everlasting memory of the day... -
I could take a picture for you. by
on 2016-08-12 14:33:00 UTC
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As a bonus, I'll even develop it in the potion that makes the picture move.
Thank you very much for the proposition. by
on 2016-08-12 15:11:00 UTC
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Only thing left is a paladin screw up. Shouldn't take a very long time.
In your dreams, Lightchaser. (nm) by
on 2016-08-12 15:39:00 UTC
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Meaning what exactly ? by
on 2016-08-12 15:42:00 UTC
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I know nonsense seems to be quite often part of magic, but explanations work pretty well too.
Meaning it's not going to happen. by
on 2016-08-12 15:48:00 UTC
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Oh, you mean the insult? You actually need insults explained to you? Figures. I mean you're a wannabe Light One who has no hope of ever measuring up to the real thing. And that's saying something, my brother's not exactly a high bar to reach.
((And it's probably Deborah's own coinage; it's certainly not canon.)) -
I was talking about that title, 'Light Chaser'. by
on 2016-08-12 16:28:00 UTC
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I always thought that when people insult other people in a way only them can understand, that's hiding.
You two are adorable. (nm) by
on 2016-08-12 13:08:00 UTC
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That's... not the word I'd use to describe my sister. (nm) by
on 2016-08-12 13:31:00 UTC
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Possible spoilers ahead, more information. by
on 2016-08-12 04:18:00 UTC
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I have realized that actual gameplay is very different from the dialogue and worldbuilding. Namely, almost every single class uses mana to perform their skills. It is because of that and the fact only one person has come forward saying they are mana-impaired that I jumped to the conclusion that anyone could use magic, and only a fraction of the population can't.
The following is the most complete text available ingame about how the world's magic works. It is very different compared to actual gameplay. Make of it what you will.
Magic on Lore
Magic on Lore is contained in ley lines, which run across and through the planet like haphazardly-placed latitude and longitude lines. Where these ley lines intersect, there are nexuses of magic which act as reservoirs. There are two central ley lines: the Verix, running North-South, and the Horix, running East-West. To perform feats of magic, a mage must draw on the magic contained in one of Lore's ley lines or nexuses.
Drawing from Ley Lines
The largest nexuses is the core of the planet; it contains the most pure magic available, and is centered where the Verix overlaps the Horix. There is no single mage strong enough to tap into this nexus, though it is rumored the Blue Mage or the Mad Weaponsmith have not revealed the full extent of their power, and they will neither confirm or deny their ability to utilize the central nexus. Normal nexuses and ley lines can be tapped into and drawn from safely, in controlled amounts.
As yet, no regular mage has been known to draw directly from the Core. Doing so would be like tapping a person's heart to draw blood: the pressure of the flow of blood/magic escaping would be overwhelming.
The magician would be flooded with pure magic, overcome in a deluge of power which would burn through their physical, mental, and magical veins. Their stores of mana - magical will and stamina - would be destroyed. They would be "burnt out" and lose the ability to perform magic... and their lives.
Severing another mage's connection to the ley lines IS possible, but dangerous. The potential for lashback - which would negatively affect the severing mage - is enormous. Most choose not to risk it.
Nexuses as Portals
Nexuses, formed where two or more ley lines cross, do not only act as reservoirs of magic on Lore; they can also be portals to the para-elemental plane of magic. On rare occasions, mages can directly transport themselves to the plane through the manipulation of these portals.
You may have encountered one of these portals in Lore already. Legend has it that if a magus looks inside themself and follows the pull of a focus stone, they will be led towards the nearest nexus. In that respect, it is both focus stone and lodestone.
While ley lines are fine for everyday magical needs, if the spell you are attempting requires massive amounts of magic, it would be wise to situate yourself near a nexus. The availability of extra power could mean the difference between life and death. IF you're strong enough to channel it all!
Focus stones, a Primer
Each mage on Lore has the ability to utilize a focus, usually made of a rare stone. These stones can allow the mage to hook into the ley lines and nexuses of magic which transverse the planet, and can guide them to the lines and reservoirs of magic across the world.
With practice and a stone for which they feel an affinity, a mage may also use the focus stone to enhance, to boost, their power. The crystalline structure of many stones allows it to hold the focused power mages channel through them.
As an example, think of a small tendril of a mage's power being funneled into a gemstone. That small jot of power bounces off the facets inside of the stone, gaining energy as it rebounds off the planes. That extra energy boosts power, increasing the strength of the magical working.
With the proper focus and will, a mage may find their strength greatly enhanced, the power of their spells increased manyfold. Of course, that is for normal mages. With the... unique... magic found in the Blue Mage or the Mad Weaponsmith, who knows? These two rare mages have not allowed a proper study of themselves to be made.
Source: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=21099744 , bottom of page, in spoiler tag, highlighted. -
I Think Non-Magic Users Are As Good As Dead by
on 2016-08-11 20:04:00 UTC
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If some people can throw fireballs, and some people can't, then pretty soon, there won't be anyone left who can't throw fireballs. And since you said it's only a very small percentage that can't use magic, things that would have put them on equal footing, like firearns, would never have been invented, either because the resources wouldn't have been available, they wouldn't have been necessary (if your army has magic, you won't pay attention to making the tiny fraction of the population that doesn't battle ready), or because anyone who tried would have been assassinated by the unsavory parts of magic society.
That depends entirely on the society. by
on 2016-08-12 11:17:00 UTC
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We live on a planet where some people don't have the ability to stop bleeding after they get cut (ie, haemophilia), and that hasn't gone extinct (even though it's/was until very recently basically a 100% mortality rate for women even if they don't get injured). We have people with various issues who are absolutely in the 'unable to defend themselves to save their lives' category, and yet mysteriously, they don't all get murdered by the age of 18.
For that matter, we have people who can drive tanks (the military) and people who can't (the everyone else), but the world isn't inhabited solely by soldiers! Just because they are easily killable doesn't mean they will be killed.
It also probably depends on how 'not being magical' comes about. Is it genetic and inheritable? Dominant or recessive? Or is it a developmental flaw? Is it racial - do people from Fantasy North Dakota lack magical powers? It could be related to lack of a trace element in the diet. Maybe it's people whose parents weren't around long enough to mystically open up their minds (subconsciously, of course), or people who don't have enough dead relatives in the past three generations to crack open their connection to the spirit world, or people who were born within the ten minutes after midnight (when, as all know, the gods rest).
Any of these possibilities, or dozens more, would give a different shape to the dynamics between them. None would lead unerringly to an extinction event.
hS -
So... what's the question? by
on 2016-08-10 07:22:00 UTC
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Are you asking whether an in-universe character should choose to use magic? Whether they should be trying to get rid of magic? Whether this is a fair system? Whether this makes for a good setting? What?
hS -
What are your thoughts? by
on 2016-08-10 08:06:00 UTC
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I mean, I hope that's the question, anyway.
I'd look a bit silly, if it wasn't. And I hate looking silly. -
The post title seemed to suggest there was... by
on 2016-08-10 09:05:00 UTC
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... something specific, I guess.
hS -
Trying to be more specific. by
on 2016-08-10 20:09:00 UTC
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My question was whether the world I outlined earlier is better or worse, and by extension, would you live in such a world?
From what I know from this overview, by
on 2016-08-10 05:58:00 UTC
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I know I certainly wouldn't make a world with that sort of thing.
I mean, it's that butterfly effect sort of thing, isn't it?
Smallest changes to anything in history, suddenly everything's different. Everybody having the potential to create fire immediately, and straight-up defeat death right there, is, I mean, a pretty bloody big change from our history, right?
We've been positively ruled by, among other things, our climates and incoming death, for years (and still are,) and just those two examples shift things all over the place.
It'd be a pretty wild place, is what I'm saying. Endless 'what ifs.' going on.
I'd not do that because it sounds bloody hard.
Course, thoughts'll probably change with more information (how hard learning magic is, effects of using it, limitations,) but, y'know. My thoughts as of now.
New mission! by
on 2016-08-10 17:53:00 UTC
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Ix and Charlotte meet Equestria's newest alicorn prince of the night.
Just getting this out of the way. by
on 2016-08-19 18:58:00 UTC
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"Look at the author’s note," Charlotte said, nodding. "Thoughts are only shown with a single parenthesis. At least they’re consistent!"
Aren’t that actions?
Also, there may be a very tiny continuity problem:-
Charlotte giggled and bounced in place when she saw the mini, then grabbed her remote and portaled it away.
Ix grabbed the mini and tossed it through a portal. "How many d’you reckon we’ll get?"
- Charlotte grabbed the mini in her teeth the instant she and Ix appeared in the next scene. Ix glanced up at her horn, and then frowned at Charlotte’s saddlebags, concentrating. A dark green glow surrounded her horn and the saddlebags opened, the remote activator floating out. Ix grinned and opened a portal, and Charlotte tossed the mini through.
HG -
Charlotte giggled and bounced in place when she saw the mini, then grabbed her remote and portaled it away.
Fixed both, thanks. :) (nm) by
on 2016-08-19 19:01:00 UTC
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Re: New mission! by
on 2016-08-15 01:02:00 UTC
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So far, it seems that everybody's said what needed to be said.
One teeny, tiny error in Luna's dialogue:
Luna shook her head and blinked in confusion, then stared at the agents. “We can feel our head clearing at last,” she said. “And we thank ye for your assistance.”
I know that you're trying to make clear that Luna has returned to normal, but your Early Modern English is off. "Ye" is nominative; it's "you" in the oblique cases. Perhaps have Luna talk to just one of the agents (and thus change the pronoun to "thee"), then bring in the other. For example, consider something like this:
then stared at Charlotte. "We can feel our head clearing at last," she said. "And we thank thee for thine assistance." Turning to Ix, she continued, "And our thanks to thee as well." -
Thanks for the suggestion. It's been fixed. :) (nm) by
on 2016-08-15 08:47:00 UTC
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Wonder how old the author is. by
on 2016-08-14 01:51:00 UTC
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It sounds like a ten-year-old's first effort at fic-writing! They want to create this cute guy and have the canons fall in love with him; there's little grasp of grammar or storytelling.
I guess you have to start somewhere, but I predict this one is going to be somebody's old shame someday! -
Oh my... by
on 2016-08-12 07:06:00 UTC
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Hates spiders, but can talk to them? Now that's something nasty to do... You know what, since it's her special talent, maybe it should have been her cutie mark... ;)
'Walks on four like a pro', That's really fun... Until you do the math, and remember that Ix has been a werewolf for... 14 years, right? Still well done.
Vampire Pinkie Pie? Keep a close eye on the fourth wall.
Wait, covering anything in dark chocoate makes it infinitely better. Watch that typo.
Ah, nice way of showing Lottie is more old-fashioned.
And now the shipping is just getting more 'text' and less 'sub'.
Fun way to present the charges. I shouldplagiarizetake inspiration from that.
NOOO. Not Lunar Republic! Where will I get these episodes now? Oh wait, that's New Lunar Republic. Nevermind.
And now the subtlety reached NanoFate HomuMado levels. miss the days where I didn't do shipping.
Kudos for the mission. -
Congratulations! by
on 2016-08-11 22:30:00 UTC
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Wow, Charlotte really got the short end of the vampire-with-supernatural-power stick, didn't she? (That's one of the few interesting things her 'verse added to the vampire mythos, actually--the idea that notable traits from a human get further enhanced once they get bitten, like Jasper's presumed charisma and the love interest's super-presumed empathy/perception. Also, I thought Alice's specific brand of future-vision was cool.)
OK, random defense of cheesy, overly-abused vampire novel series over. Ix and Charlotte were really funny in this one, whether they were playing off each other or the fic's rampant idiocy. Midnight Star sounds like a decent name for a genderbent!Luna, but other than that, nothing.
The chocolate joke and the family jewels jokes were my particular favorites XD -
Same thoughts. by
on 2016-08-13 08:04:00 UTC
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I mean, their banter is really, really good. The vitriol's perfectly balanced, and Charlotte says 'bogus,' which is a definite plus.
Fic was bloody awesome, too. What a legend. -
Cipher Reacts to: Missions! by
on 2016-08-10 19:22:00 UTC
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This episode... "Starstruck Love"!
Pfff... Alfie, although you have a cute name and many descendants, I would've still slain you.
Lottie is a spider whisperer?! Hahahaha! What did she do when she was alive? Was she an arachnologist?
Okay... I believe that's the first time I see a script-fic. It's... kinda weird.
Okay, learning more about Lottie's badfic past. Good, that's always good.
Come on, Ix, cut the girl some slack. "Dun, dun, DUUUUN" is a fun thing to say!
Looking gifted horse in the mouth, Lottie? Literally? :P
Pff... the jokes just write themselves. Beautiful, ladies. Beautiful.
For some reason, hearing "lunar republic" made me think of a Star Wars/My Little Pony crossover—HOLD ON, HE'S NINE THOUSAND YEARS OLD!?
"puffed-up, pompous parasite" as alliterations are amazing.
Huh, interesting method of assassination. Definitely original.
Overall, it was an enjoyable mission. I would probably enjoy it more, were I more into My Little Pony, but you made it entertaining with a spidery beginning (ALL SPIDERS MUST DIE!), and the mission was peppered with good humour. I feel like the pacing was good, too.
And the ending. As you said, it falls kinda flat, and is quite corny, but when taken the story as a whole, I don't think it doesn't make a huge impact, enough to make the whole story bad.
Overall, I give it 4 stars outta 5.