Hope everyone enjoys.
Thanks to Huinesoron, PoorCynic, and Neshomeh for their assistance in beta reading.
New PPC work. by
on 2016-05-21 04:11:00 UTC
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You've got me intrigued. by
on 2016-05-27 16:03:00 UTC
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A six-agent, five(?)-Boarder mission into an MMPR Legendary that you intend to keep SFW despite the badfic's content? You are either ambitious or crazy.
One grammar error:
her pace and footing matching that of the other woman's
That wording is redundant: the "of" already signals possession; you don't need the "'s". Delete one or the other:
"her pace and footing matching that of the other woman"
"her pace and footing matching the other woman's" -
Why not both? by
on 2016-05-28 00:13:00 UTC
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Keeping it SFW is more of a challenge than just going and showing everything, which in some ways is a bit pointless.
As far as the count for boarders go, Neshomeh and Joe both very generously allowed me use of their characters and helped aid in the writing of the dialogue. -
I liked it by
on 2016-05-24 15:27:00 UTC
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So, I wonder what regulations July will break for the greater good.
The ripping off of the name tag made me wince, but I assume that the new coveralls use Velcro?
Poor Nume, but I guess he deserved getting kneecapped? -
I honestly thought I replied to this already. by
on 2016-05-28 00:08:00 UTC
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Apologies for the delay!
As for what sort of things she does or doesn't that are the norm, those will come up in the next portion soon enough.
The issued FRVs do use Velcro for those, yeah.
And I wouldn't say he deserved getting kneecapped. It just turned out that way.
-July -
And now, an actual review. by
on 2016-05-22 20:06:00 UTC
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Because having slept over what you said earlier, you damn well deserve one. :(
First off, given what I've been hearing that you'll be making this entire mission SFW, I'd be very interested in hearing about how you'll be handling that, because I was under the impression that Agony in Pink being extremely ultra-violent and NSFW/NSFB in general would likely have left very little room for writing material that didn't mention the sordidness of the subject matter. To write a SFW mission based on a very, very gruesome and horrifying badfic would be an interesting challenge, especially one as infamous as this. My guess is that it'd result in A) an exorcism and the unfortunate canon participants being sent to Medical, FicPsych, or both; B) at least one character replacement being killed offscreen or in a relatively clean fashion that doesn't imitate the level of gore seen in the fic itself; or C) both. Whatever the case, a dramatic, drawn-out execution scene with crazy deaths for every Suvian involved doesn't seem appropriate for such a drawn-out squickfest, and it would only make sense to end it off with a peaceful whimper rather than a gory bang. That's just speculation, though - the mission itself could take it in a different direction, who knows?
Interesting that July joined the military after running away from HQ. Having looked through all of the previous missions involving July and Library, I would be interested in learning of how she got drafted in the first place and her adventures as a soldier. That's likely a story for another time, though. Anyway, the fact that July kept several figurines and toys on her rack is a nice little touch, and to me it does smack of the notion that maybe she does miss visiting so many different continua and, somewhere deep down, she does want to go back, but her experiences there has made her deny that particular subconscious. Again, though, that's just a guess.
The reunion scene with July and Library (Calpurnia? Is that what she's known as now?) was very sweet, and I like how Library decided not to have a replacement partner because it wouldn't have been the same without the original July with her. The "Cal" nickname was a cute touch, too, and while I don't know if it'll be used more often I like that it cements the fact that even after all this time, they're still best friends - and their bond will need to be stronger than ever, all things considered.
Now, the meeting with the Flowers. This part specifically was what I got into trouble about in the first place. You were right in that July was the one who mentioned the Legendaries, and not the Flowers. In light of this, it was also totally wrong of me to straight-up request that the Flowers mention it. I wrote about a discussion of the "Sweet Apple Massacre" incident in one of my previous missions, and it was implied that only a select few people knew about what happened; there is absolutely no way that July would have been able to know of it. I was horribly careless, insensitive, and self-absorbed when I stated what I did earlier, because I didn't read the entirety of this work when I commented on it and my ego got the better of me that time. I cannot apologize enough for this mistake, and I will make sure to read the entire work before commenting as well as avoid bringing my own image into my feedback in the future.
With that being said, the entire meeting had a great sense of foreboding, especially the fact that multiple Flowers agreed to send July and Library into this abomination of a badfic, either because their own agents refused or they felt that these two were the most suited for the job. Probably both. At any rate it's good to see that the Flowers hold faith in some of their charges and that they hold July and Library in such esteem. And the part with July demanding that she do the whole thing her way, with no casualties or major trauma, is a great tieback to your stated endeavor to make the mission SFW, clean, and efficient. And the "Never Again Volunteer Yourself" bit was a funny little touch. XD
Now to the last part of the prologue. It was only fair that the agents get some backup, because this is a freaking Legendary, and if the Aviator's case is anything to go by, soloing a Legendary is a risky challenge at best. Fritz and Silas making a reappearance was unexpected but most welcome, since I loved reading of these two and I was hoping they'd come back for at least this mission. Their taking down Cupcakes was one of my favorite PPC readings and I would like to see how they handle something SO much worse. And of course, the Cafeteria scene. "Many governmental. So navy. Much military. Wow." was the line where I suspected that this was going to be golden - and "Very, very purposefully the wrong words" was where I cast aside all possible doubt. Starting up a mass brawl just to pick out Nume would totally be something July would do, and it's paid off beautifully. Grumpy Nume is grumpy as always, and July kneecapping him didn't help matters, but it made for a pretty neat interaction scene which showcases that even with their... problems... with each other... Nume is still willing to help, and that's what counts.
Finally, and most importantly, I am sincerely and deeply sorry for having been so unbelievably self-centered, inconsiderate, tasteless, and outright insulting. Not just on this occasion but during many, MANY previous instances where I posted and blurted out selfish, tactless words without thinking. I will do everything in my power from here on out to rid myself of this nasty habit, and I hope no hard feelings will arise from this incident, because dangit, I don't want any pointed at me.
And needless to say, I look forward to where this mission will go, and how everyone participating in all of this will (safely) handle the horror of Agony in Pink.
-SS -
Thank you for the apology. by
on 2016-05-23 05:19:00 UTC
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As for how it will be SFW, no worries, you'll see like everyone else as it goes on. It's true that AiP is fairly NSFW and NSFB, and how I'm going to do it will be revealed in the due course of time. :)
As for being in the military, the correct term is 'enlisted', and in her/my case, 'sailor'. I've still got backspaces I can fill with stories for this particular spin-off, and I may do so in the course of time; one of those I would certainly handle is why July retired in the first place and went on to join a very different sort of organization. And a good eye for detail as far as everything on the rack shelf goes, too.
As for Library, Calpurnia is her first name. She's a very formal sort of person and goes by her last name when it comes to missions.
"Never Again Volunteer Yourself" is a very important motto in the navy.
As far as the Flowers go, they do have to have some trust in all of their agents, otherwise there wouldn't be a PPC, or at least one that does the level of recruiting there is.
I can't say for sure, but I suspect that Nume has a soft spot when it comes to his own partner, which is probably why July finally resorting to bringing up Library worked. As compared to bodily violence. Funny, that.
As far as owning up to your mistakes, and apologizing, thank you. I appreciate it. Like you said, it's absolutely a habit you need to work on. It does result in a change in how other people see you and are willing to treat you. If you make an effort to be more open to letting other people do their thing and occasionally take the backseat and not let your ego trample over them, you're going to find much more opening up to you in the community in terms of writing partners, people being willing to beta for you, and people wanting to talk to you in general.
Being willing to listen will also result in your own writing improving, too, between soaking in suggestions and learning new writing habits and better methods, and reaching a higher ability to work with betas who are willing to do an excellent job editing instead of telling you what you want to hear.
Try to keep that in mind, because now that you've shown that you can listen when someone bonks you on the nose for bad behavior, others will probably be more willing to tell you to knock it off in the future, too.
-July -
Awesome. by
on 2016-05-22 16:55:00 UTC
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Despite the presence of the Board of Flowers - always a favourite of mine - and that amazing cafeteria scene with Nume, I still think the very best part of this is the interactions between July and Library. Exceptionally well done.
hS -
Considering... by
on 2016-05-22 20:05:00 UTC
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How much you enjoy the chorus of Flowers that is no small task indeed.
-July -
That was fun. by
on 2016-05-22 13:52:00 UTC
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I really liked the "cause a massive fight, then slip out of it just by rearranging your clothes" part. That was also quite the interesting way to sort out Cafeteria customers.
I wonder if the dustball is still going on now?
Anyways, Corolla's around in DoSAT and is pretty much as crazy as July is, so feel free to borrow her if you need more DoSAT techies or even mission backup. -
Thank you! by
on 2016-05-22 14:19:00 UTC
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There's a reason I gave people the ability to join in with the RP on the other board.
As far as backup goes, I've already got that sorted, no worries.
-July -
Eeeeeeeeeeeeee! by
on 2016-05-22 12:57:00 UTC
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I don't even know where to start! Um. The build-ups: very suspenseful. Even the first set of scenes, even though I knew that this is building up to "Agony in Pink," felt like they had such an impending wham for Agent July. (And, of course, they did!) The other was when July got "'allowance to do this my way,'" which got me all kinds of curious about what, exactly, you had going down. The scenes where July collects her first two team mates added to that buildup. The way she sorted Nume out of the cafeteria crowd was brilliant! The DoSAT scene especially had me perplexed at first, because I was only thinking about actively written agents. I didn't see Fritz and Silas coming at all, and it was super cool to see them on the page again. (Is Joe in on this, or are you just borrowing Fritz?)
Which leads to the next point of awesomeness: all the little nods you make to PPC continuity. From the obvious ones like Katie Cray and discussing the history of Legendary missions, to the subtle little nods to things like "Literally, Floaters" and Sally's dubious deputizing, make this whole piece feel like it's using the whole PPC as a firm foundation, and adds to its strength as a part of PPC history.
I love the reunion scene between July and Library. It's sweet, and shows that they care about each other, but without getting too dramatically emotional. Also excellent is the scene at Room One. You perfectly blended inter-character humor with the seriousness with which the Flowers viewed the AiP undertaking—the huge, but mostly unspeaking, crowd gets that point across all on its own, as does the Hyacinth's simple and straightforward delivery throughout.
And then, of course, there's that beautiful line I was gushing about in text last night. I'm not even going to to say it here in case some folks haven't figured it out yet, but yeah. It's still gorgeous, and I'm still gushing.
—doctorlit wishes he could clever like July -
Oh no, I broke doc! by
on 2016-05-22 14:17:00 UTC
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Right off the bat, I'm absolutely glad you enjoyed it.
Unfortunately I suspect Nume doesn't agree with that particular assessment. As far as Joe goes, I'm only borrowing Fritz.
I'm glad you caught as many of those references as you did! It's something of a "who's who" of cameo roles and mentions in the cafeteria scene alone, for instance. This mission is basically my love song to the PPC, and I wanted to get as much of that across as possible without making the mission itself difficult to read for newcomers. So hopefully I am succeeding there.
I'm glad you enjoyed both scenes. I tried to keep the reunion simple, and not let the Flowers steal the show too much with the second.
And as for that text, you'll see what it means soon enough.
-July who knows doc can write as cleverly as she can -
I'm afraid I had already broken doc... by
on 2016-05-22 15:05:00 UTC
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If doc's reaction to Blank Sprite's latest chapter is to go by. We're bringin in too much awesome, I'm afraid.
I want more. by
on 2016-05-22 11:02:00 UTC
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As far as I remember, your spin-off wasn’t actually my favorite back in the days when I read everything on the complete list of PPC fiction before joining the Board. But what I’ve seen from you since you returned – woah! There’s been a lot of development, either on your side or mine (or both). Over the past few years I learned a lot about the PPC and fandoms I didn’t know. I probably should go back and reread July and Calpunia’s story to see whether I can enjoy the diversity and originality more now. If I only had the time to do everything I want to do.
Nevertheless, even with beta readers of this caliber, some lines escaped the proofreading:
Out the door and back into the corridor, July fell into step next to Library, her pace and footing matching that of other woman's.
Shouldn’t this be either "matching the other woman’s" or "matching that of the other woman"?
We try to find two people each, and it should work out to hopefully enough.
Missing word "be"? I’m not sure whether this is intentional.
I think I might have accidentally on purposely sold myself to the US military ...
Shouldn’t this be either "on purpose" or "purposely"? Again, I’m not certain whether July making small mistakes in her dialogue is intentional.
Do look like a masochist?
As far as I know Nume, he wouldn’t leave out the "I"?
I’m looking forward to the actual mission, and how you’ll make this SFW.
HG -
Thank you! by
on 2016-05-22 13:52:00 UTC
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As far as my spin-off goes, I would never say it was necessarily the best-written, but I always tried to do different things with it to some extent or another. I still have a few very old missions (and not so old) that I intend to get around to finishing someday to plug into some of the holes.
The two lines where July's dialogue is non-standard grammar are on purpose; the other two aren't, and I've fixed those. Now it's just a matter for the published version to update to it.
I'm very glad you enjoyed this first part; you've definitely a high standard to reach!
As for how the rest of this is SFW, well, you'll see soon enough.
-July -
Intriguing. by
on 2016-05-21 18:50:00 UTC
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I know I've kind of been a sounding board for bits of this, on and off, but it'll be really interesting to see where this ends up going further. It's really nice to see July and Library together again, and I like the gathering of agents for unknown and nefarious porpoises. It's a great introduction to the mission and I'm really looking forward to reading more. =]
Hopefully the rest of it holds up. by
on 2016-05-21 22:14:00 UTC
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I definitely plan on having this one end strongly.
-July -
Then I look forward to it all the more. by
on 2016-05-21 22:52:00 UTC
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I'll probably take a bunch of notes from this; I'm kind of terrible at writing decent endings, so it'd be nice to see how you go about doing it. =]
So much setup, wow. by
on 2016-05-21 17:00:00 UTC
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I'm almost looking forward to future installments despite my low tolerance for gore!
All of this mission is going to be SFW. (nm) by
on 2016-05-21 17:01:00 UTC
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Addendum to the copyright disclaimer: by
on 2016-05-21 15:42:00 UTC
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The Super Sentai series, specifically Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger, Gosei Sentai Dairanger, and Ninja Sentai Kakuranger, of which Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers is based off of, belong to Toei Company
Dude, really. by
on 2016-05-21 15:47:00 UTC
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She had three betas, who are, IMHO, three of the best betas the PPC has. Don't you think they'd have mentioned it if it was important? What you're suggesting is similar to disclaiming the Hans Christian Andersen fairytale in a Frozen mission.
Well I'm a Sentai nerd. It's a habit and I apologize. (nm) by
on 2016-05-21 15:52:00 UTC
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At the least... by
on 2016-05-21 17:50:00 UTC
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You could've given July some feedback about her actual writing, and then suggested—note suggested, politely—that she credit the original show. By not doing so, the message you've sent is: "I don't care about this story or the work you put into it at all, but I am going to go out of my way to demand a favor of you anyway."
It's good that you apologized. Making restitution with an actual review would be wise, too.
~Neshomeh -
Oh yeah It was great by
on 2016-05-21 18:06:00 UTC
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I posted the first one due to a miss click, having barely started the thing. I look forward to reading future chapters over summer break.
~Mattman, who's still really sorry if he came off a bit rude there. -
To be frank? by
on 2016-05-21 22:58:00 UTC
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I don't especially buy the story that it was a misclick, considering it was your subject title and you only decided to go with this as an excuse after two other people confronted you on it.
That said, the elements present in Agony in Pink have nothing to do with the sentai canons that MMPR was very loosely modeled on.
-July -
Way to set the mood. by
on 2016-05-21 10:31:00 UTC
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Not sure what you will be doing with Legendary badfic veterans, but I think it's a safe bet to say it will warrant an entry on our Awesome page on Tv Tropes. It also explains you were a bit frustrated by the way the fight in the Cafeteria almost turned into a foodfight.
Consider me hooked up for the sequel. -
Personally... by
on 2016-05-21 22:36:00 UTC
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I would rather things I write not end up on the TvTropes page, sorry. I'm not much a fan of TvTropes in general.
That said, I'm certainly glad you seem to enjoy it, and hopefully will enjoy the next part as well!
-July -
And so it begins... by
on 2016-05-21 05:02:00 UTC
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I am very scared for your agents now, especially given the subject matter they're going to tackle. Knowing the PPC, though, I'm sure they'll be able to pull through somehow. Best of luck with what's to come!
Also, a somewhat tangential question: Would "Sweet Apple Massacre" qualify as a Legendary? It's got its own KnowYourMeme article, it was first published in 2011, and the first 5 pages of Google results AT LEAST are related to it and the sheer revulsion directed at it. If it is a Legendary, well... Honestly, you'd think it'd have been mentioned during the Flowers' discussion on previously killed Legendary badfics, since in-universe the mission into it (which I'll address in a future story) happened sometime in April 2014. That's just my opinion, though. -
Um, hey, dude? by
on 2016-05-21 05:18:00 UTC
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You're kind of asking "Why didn't you mention a mission I haven't even written yet about a fic that hasn't been labeled an official Legendary?" Which is kind of impossible and (pardon my bluntness) comes off a little bit as self-centered. :/
OK, backing down now. by
on 2016-05-21 05:50:00 UTC
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I didn't specifically ask that it be mentioned but my tone may have come off as being like that, and I apologize for it. I should've worded my question as "Would SAM be considered a Legendary?" without tacking on anything else, which was the question I was intending to ask and not, well, "Why wasn't this mentioned here?"
Uh, dude. by
on 2016-05-22 01:40:00 UTC
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Your first response came off as straight up egotistical and thoughtless. You spent more words focusing on something that serves your own ends than any actual feedback.
"I should've worded my question as "Would SAM be considered a Legendary?" without tacking on anything else, which was the question I was intending to ask and not, well, "Why wasn't this mentioned here?""
Except this isn't what you had said.
You spent more time focusing on this badfic you to have be percieved as legendary by the rest of the community that you... chose to mention it in a thread for a mission plug rather than any of the legendary badfic prosal threads we had a few months back or to make your own at any point between then and now.
You say it was killed in-universe in 2014. Again, your words were "Honestly, you think it'd have been mentioned during the Flowers' discussion on previously killed Legendary badfics, since in-universe the mission into it (which I'll address in a future story) happened sometime in April 2014".
You can't just claim something of the import you are claiming it has should be known to have been killed in-universe two years ago, when you haven't actually done so. Especially not when the claim page says you claimed it March of this year. You did outright say it should have been mentioned in Flowers' discussion if it was in fact a legendary. There's a problem with this because it wasn't the Flowers bringing them up at all. It was the former agent July. This seems like something you would have mentioned correctly in your response if you didn't come off as so concerned that your non-existent mission wasn't name dropped alongside all these others.
Sometimes you have to decide to actually make writing things a priority, instead of declaring that it occurred and expecting everyone else to play along with you. The PPC is a shared universe, yes, but it's also very modular- I don't have to acknowledge anyone's spin-offs, and neither do you; the only thing that is canon that we have to follow is the Original Series. No one here, including me, is obliged to humor anyone else's. I could, if I chose to do so, decide to make hS very sad by ignoring his lovely detailed worldbuilding canon and come up with my own ideas of how the PPC formed; there's nothing stopping me aside from the fact that it'd possibly make Huinesoron upset. But I respect Huinesoron, and like the things he writes, so as far as my writings in the PPC goes, his stuff, of which there is a heck a lot of, is canon. Shared respect for the writing of others is one of the things that make the PPC work.
I spent a good day trying to figure out how to respond to your posts in here. I apologize to everyone for the acerbicness of this reply and have tried to keep it from coming off that way, but you've repeatedly shown yourself as being much more concerned with how to serve yourself and your own spin-off, rather than just being content to comment on the works of others in the community without tying it back to yourself and how it should relate to you.
Please think on how this sort of thing reflects on you. -
I'd ask, in return: by
on 2016-05-21 08:57:00 UTC
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"Does it matter"? You spork stuff because it's bad, not because it's infamous.
Thoughts. by
on 2016-05-21 04:38:00 UTC
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First of all? Good job. No, great job.
Won't comment too much more other than to say it felt almost like a grand final season to a long-running TV show: bringing in a bunch of familiar faces to take down the Big Bad. I can't really explain it, other than to say I got a pretty good sense of grandness from the whole thing. I liked it.
Also, this line.
July glanced in the DAVD Head's direction. "Isn't this sort of mission supposed to be your department's actual thing? What with, y'know, all the violence?"
They all refused, the Big Thorn stated flatly.
This gave me some serious chills and did a great job showcasing just how insane this monster of a badfic is. Wow.
Definitely excited to see what happens next. -
I'm glad you enjoyed it. by
on 2016-05-22 01:15:00 UTC
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That is certainly the goal I was aiming for.
I hope you'll be able to enjoy the rest once I release it.
...*awkward wave from the Abyss* by
on 2016-05-21 09:23:00 UTC
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So, um.
Let's just say that I took a wrong turn trying to get back from our last Ill-Advised Camping Trip O' Doom, and it took me, what, nearly a year to make it to a computer?
*heavy sweating*
Anyway, hello again! It's... uh, been a while, hasn't it? I'm not too sure how long I'll stick around, but I'll definitely try to visit the PPC more often!
I've been up to a lot of stuff during my absence, including a heck of a lot of writing (I'm getting some of my fanfic published in an anthology in a couple of weeks!) and... more writing, I guess? I've joined a few fandoms, cried over fictional characters... nothing especially interesting.
Kitty! by
on 2016-05-25 07:47:00 UTC
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Welcome back! It sounds like other people have filled you in, so I won't bother. Suffice to say, it's been an interesting year or so.
Welcome back! by
on 2016-05-25 02:04:00 UTC
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Since everyone covered the big stuff, I'll just give you this fresh plate of SPaGhetti. :)
And congrats on the anthology! That's seriously awesome. -
*deep inhale* by
on 2016-05-25 04:04:00 UTC
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No-one mentioned the most important thing: by
on 2016-05-23 09:13:00 UTC
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We went to Pluto!
Which I think means it's about time for another Ill-Advised Camping Trip, don't you? >:D
You'll be glad to know the two previous trips are archived for all eternity now, too.
(Also, welcome back! Also also, you don't have to, don't worry.)
hS -
Heck yeah it is! by
on 2016-05-25 00:05:00 UTC
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I'm going to do the thing.
We're going to do the thing.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're heading on another camping trip. I have no idea when it's happening, but it's going to happen. -
Godspeed. (nm) by
on 2016-05-25 03:48:00 UTC
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Bloody hell! by
on 2016-05-24 06:54:00 UTC
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I remember that, now!
I'm not sure how I forgot.
I did die, after all. -
Next time you need a camping buddy. by
on 2016-05-22 20:03:00 UTC
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Well besides what was mentioned there were also PPC Hunger Games going on, I released a PPC story set on a ship, and the first part of Agony in Pink is also up for that matter.
Definitely try to stick around!
-July -
For instance, I joined. by
on 2016-05-22 16:21:00 UTC
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We also have a Minecraft realm now, if you're into that. We cried a lot over several people dying, had a pokemon tournament, had two annual PPC hunger games, hS made a Dungeon Crawler, Badges and did something called Operation Oscilloscope. I also probably did something stupid that I can't remember. Other than that, nothing that you need to know.
Fun times for all, it sounds like. by
on 2016-05-24 23:55:00 UTC
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Operation Oscilloscope? o-O What's that?
hS tried to bring up the post count of The Board. (nm) by
on 2016-05-25 00:11:00 UTC
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It didn't really work, did it? :-/ (nm) by
on 2016-05-25 08:09:00 UTC
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Well, it did a little bit. by
on 2016-05-25 08:13:00 UTC
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I know you had me going nuts over what each of the badges could have meant, at least.
Oh, yeah, the driving-people-crazy part worked. by
on 2016-05-25 08:18:00 UTC
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That bit was fun. ^_^
But the increasing-posting part didn't really stick around, I don't think. Though I haven't checked the stats recently, I guess.
hS -
Doesn't seem to have done. by
on 2016-05-25 10:18:00 UTC
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Of course, I'm as much at fault for this as anyone else; I lurk here all the damn time, and I could be reading and reviewing more missions than I am. I just... don't. Plus, I don't tend to make threads because I can't figure out really what to say in them that will inspire discussion. So that's fun.
I'm a productive member of this community, honest... -
That bloke is a mad scientist. by
on 2016-05-25 07:45:00 UTC
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The best kind of scientist.
Welcome back! by
on 2016-05-21 17:25:00 UTC
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Congrats on the anthology! As for what you missed; the PPC Pokemon Tournament, a handful of newbies and people getting Permission, Blank Sprite chapter 5, the Boarder formerly known as Data Junkie reintroduced herself as Delta Juliette, JulyFlame started work on "Agony In Pink," a whole big mess involving a ban and Iximaz leaving for a little bit, a Karaoke Night RP over on T-Board (still open), the Purim RP...and two new missions on my end, one of which ended on a non-violent note.
Small correction: Delta Juliette is Techno-Dann, I think. (nm) by
on 2016-05-22 18:28:00 UTC
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Ack, you're right. Sorry! (nm) by
on 2016-05-22 18:29:00 UTC
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I'll definitely have to check out those! :) (nm) by
on 2016-05-22 01:12:00 UTC
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Welcome back! *tosses Spikes* (nm) by
on 2016-05-21 15:27:00 UTC
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Hello! Welcome back! by
on 2016-05-21 14:02:00 UTC
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Congrats on the anthology deal! Please, you must drop me a link once it's available! I'm dead set on reading everything PPCers get published.
—doctorlit is super excited for you, yo! -
Well... by
on 2016-05-22 01:10:00 UTC
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The last week of sales is just beginning, over at their website. o-O *shameless product placement*
It's a whaaaa'? by
on 2016-05-23 09:13:00 UTC
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How, uh. That looks really interesting, but how is it... y'know... legal?
hS -
Well, by
on 2016-05-24 23:58:00 UTC
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it's being done for charity, and no profit's being made from it. I can think of quite a few other Doctor Who anthologies that have been done like this (Chicks Dig Time Lords, Companion Piece, The Science of Doctor Who). The BBC doesn't seem to be too fussed about this sort of thing, really...
Hooh, what have you missed. by
on 2016-05-21 11:08:00 UTC
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It's been a wild, wild ride.
Someone trolled us, got their posts deleted endlessly, and quit after less than three days.
I don't know whether we, as a community, ought to feel good that the problem disappeared so quickly, or insulted that it was such amateur work.
I'd tell you EVERYTHING TO HELP YOU CATCH UP, but I haven't reached omnipotence quite yet, so, sorry.
What I can do is give you an imaginary gift that will leave no bearing on reality at all whatsoever!
Here, have a towel, for all that heavy sweating.
Don't go losing it, now.
Think of all the sweat hiding inside of you, just waiting to pop right out.
But you'll be prepared.
Welcome back! -
*eyes towel dubiously* by
on 2016-05-22 01:12:00 UTC
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I think I've stopped sweating now, but thanks for the towel nonetheless. :D
Stuff happened! by
on 2016-05-21 09:39:00 UTC
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As it were, I'm terrible with recaps, so somebody else will have to do that. But welcome back! Have this cup of monks' tea as a welcome-back gift.
Mm, tea. by
on 2016-05-22 01:12:00 UTC
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*sips deeply*
Sue souffle by
on 2016-05-21 16:54:00 UTC
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What does Sue soufflé taste like? Is it good? What color is it? Does it glitter, or have a crunchy texture?
I like the idea of cooking, and I was wondering how to make a Sue soufflé in real life.
If it's purple, maybe the recipe is based off of sweet potatoes or has beet juice in it.
I'd rather not dump in a vial of mica, though. -
Oh my, I love that idea. by
on 2016-05-23 21:42:00 UTC
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There's so many things to make! It makes me wonder what brain bleach tastes like. For some reason, I'm thinking of lemons.
interesting by
on 2016-05-24 15:25:00 UTC
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I think that liquid brain-bleach might taste like unsweetened lemon juice in soda water. (It's an acquired taste.) Add sucralose to make bleepka. I heard that "alcoholic" brain bleach doesn't exist, but sucralose burns.
Edible glitter and food dye. =] by
on 2016-05-21 21:23:00 UTC
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I'm certain you can get edible glitter; whether or not it's suitable for being baked into a soufflé does, alas, defeat me.
RIP Uncle Scrooge McDuck by
on 2016-05-21 22:00:00 UTC
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*poofs into existence*
Temporarily I put my vacation on hold to present one of the sadder news of the day. On May 19, 2016, at 97, we said goodbye to Alan Young - the first voice of Scrooge McDuck.
That's it. I am sad now :C
*poofs out of existence* -
Farewell good sir, by
on 2016-05-25 00:10:00 UTC
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Well, Now I'm Sad by
on 2016-05-23 06:26:00 UTC
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Honestly, how is it that this year just so happens to be so densely packed with tragic, high-profile deaths?
Rest in peace. *bows head* (nm) by
on 2016-05-22 18:29:00 UTC
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To quote someone I can't remember: by
on 2016-05-21 23:27:00 UTC
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"I think George R.R. Martin wrote the script for 2016."
RIP. :( (nm) by
on 2016-05-21 22:35:00 UTC
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Beta request! by
on 2016-05-22 02:29:00 UTC
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Yes, we did another co-write. Deal with it. B)
The agents participating are a certain drunken angel and a certain cuddly kraken, and the continua featured are Monster Musume and Naruto. (Yeah... Don't ask.)
If you have either of our e-mails, feel free to hit us up! -
I can check for SPaG and flow :) (nm) by
on 2016-05-22 18:30:00 UTC
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Names and whatnot. by
on 2016-05-25 04:03:00 UTC
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Names are brilliant, aren't they?
Got heaps on this board itself, from the burningly sexy 'Larfen J. Stocke, esq' to the maybe-less-sexy but infinitely-more-burning 'JulyFlame' to the forever-sexier 'Huinesoron'.
We could cause a global economic crisis with all the names we've got lying around here.
But I'm curious.
Where'd your names come from, then?
My name doesn't have a very interesting story.
One of those dumb kids who bought into the whole 'Class Clown' thing (I wasn't very funny for a clown,) and I reckoned laughinstok would have worked.
It did until a few years back, when I made it into a proper gentleman's name.
But this isn't about me.
It's about you.
Consider it a trust-building exercise. -
Simple by
on 2016-05-30 08:19:00 UTC
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It is a variant of my Gamertag. I like keeping things simple. I came up with it as a result of trolling someone who was spouting off a bunch of random paranoid conspiracy theories. So i acted as if I were some kind of highly advanced evil government ai. I kind of like the way it looked, so I stuck with it.
As far as I can recall... by
on 2016-05-29 06:29:00 UTC
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Once upon a time, a young lad needed a username. Said young lad was unable or unwilling ( I truly can't remember) to simply use his favorite animal as he had in the past, and so he looked for something new. He had a certain fondness for badgers and a love of Star Wars, and so he combined the two, and the name stuck.
At least, I think that's how it happened.
If anyone is still feeling the translation bug, I wish you luck with this one. If you'd prefer something easier, I have gone by a few other names, most notably WordWolf, Talven, and Talath. I seem to recall Talven being some form of the Finnish word for winter, and I think Talath is the Sindarin word for plain or tundra, so... Wolf of the Wintery Plain, maybe? It's about the only way I can think of to get something translatable out of all that. -
But why would I take the easy option? by
on 2016-05-31 10:17:00 UTC
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In Quenya, I will name you Sapalossë, 'Digging-White'. The old name brock for badgers derives from the fact that it digs out a hole, and of course Stormtroopers wear white.
(More literally, you would be Sapala Canta-Atta-Min, which is a bit of a mouthful.)
In Sindarin, I choose to call you Teithelin, 'Mark of the Stars'. The white flash is apparently the root of the word 'BADGEr', and it looks kind of like a star, plus Star Wars. I've used archaic/poetic forms of both 'mark' (normally taith and 'stars' (normally giliath).
Adunaic is also fairly easy. You are known as Nardurugraba, the Bear-Dog Soldier. This is actually the gender-neutral form of the name; you can choose between masculine Nardurugrabô and feminine Nardurgîrabê, or stick with the original.
Valarin... well, I've been using fire and heat to indicate fighting, so I guess I'll stick with that. You can be Urušphelûnôchâr, 'Fire of the Dwelling Mound'. I don't think I've used 'mound' in a name before now. That's actually quite nice.
Black Speech... well, badgers are black, right? And Stormtroopers are virtually slaves, particularly in Force Awakens. So it's only naturally to name you Búrznaga, the Dark Slave.
And that's why giving me the easy option is a waste of time. ^_^
hS -
So. Much. Awesome! by
on 2016-06-04 03:45:00 UTC
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I am seriously geeking out right now. I didn't really expect anyone to try translating my name, much less succeed, much less succeed five times!
I can't decide between Sapalossë or Teithelin for my favorite, but Nardurugraba is definitely a close third, "the Bear-Dog Soldier" is just awesome.
Seriously, thank you. I am having so much fun with these. One of these days I'm going to have to put a real effort into learning some Star Wars languages so I can return the favor.
-Sapalossë -
The Twelve AM Star. by
on 2016-05-28 06:02:00 UTC
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My name comes from my MLP OC. (of the same name DUH) The basic premise was a hero pony whose talent was dark magic and all the trials and tribulations that would logically follow as Midnight would try to resist any temptation to go down the villainous path like Lord Sombra. Being unfairly persecuted by those who (Rightfully) fear dark magic would also be a thing that Midnight would have to deal with. -
Name Origins by
on 2016-05-27 07:12:00 UTC
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Mine came from a screen name I made up for an author avatar of mine (a very minor character) in a semi-fic blip I never quite got around to.
And as for how I came up with it in the first place? I thought it sounded cool. -
I'm sorry, have we met? by
on 2016-05-28 01:02:00 UTC
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I don't recognize your username...
I don't post very often, so that may be why. (nm) by
on 2016-05-28 21:41:00 UTC
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They're among the recentish newbies. (nm) by
on 2016-05-28 01:11:00 UTC
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As for mine.. by
on 2016-05-27 01:59:00 UTC
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July, the month I was born in. Flame, because fire is a very questionable and yet beloved friend of mine.
Since I started using this as a username it's been cut down in all sorts of ways.
When I was still pretty young it was condensed down to 'JF'. From when I was about 11 until 16 or so, roughly.
'July' eventually became the predominant version after I got a bit older, and people eventually stopped using JF entirely for the most part.
More recently others have started calling me 'Ju' as a shorter version.
In all those years I think I've only been called Flame like, once.
Bonus Challenge: Go on, hS, try and Elvish it. -
You get a super bonus name. by
on 2016-05-31 08:52:00 UTC
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Did you know that Isaac Newton dabbled with creating languages? The information I can find includes a list of intensity prefixes, and a list of state suffixes. It also includes a single noun.
Which just happens to be tor, temperature.
So, hello there, Awtorrt Owtorv, or 'end result of moderate heat/Creator of extreme heat' as I like to call you.
hS -
Easy. by
on 2016-05-27 09:46:00 UTC
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A mountain, I suppose.
Lairenárel either means 'Flame from Summer' or 'Summer-Flame-Elf/Star'. I'd prefer the first reading. You could also be even more literal and be Nárocermië, 'Flame from July'.
In Sindarin I feel like being a bit more poetic; you can be Laenarthan, 'Summer's Beacon'. Or if you want to be literal again, Nargerveth is just 'Flame of July' again.
Adunaic doesn't have words for either summer or fire, so I've put together Urêlômiphar, 'Gold of the Sunny Night'.
Valarin, on the other hand, is really easy: Ezeluruš means 'Growing-green-Fire', and - astoundingly for Valarin - sounds like an actual name. The use of 'green' here for summer is actually accurate - laire 'summer' in Quenya is closely related to laica 'green'.
The Black Speech... well, we know 'fire'. And summer is no doubt a time of heat and flame in Mordor too. So we'll go all out and call you Ghâshûk, the All-Flame.
And one for luck, because you didn't specify which Elvish... in myvery badPrimitive Quendian, I would name you Alaikânra, 'Greenness-flame'.
You're welcome. ^_^
hS -
What sort of language doesn't have a word for fire!? by
on 2016-05-28 00:29:00 UTC
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I'm honestly torn on which one I like best of the lot. I suspect it's between Lairenárel or Laenarthan.
I do like how your copout for the Black Speech basically just involves more fire. I certainly approve of this.
-July -
I'll Tau it. by
on 2016-05-27 05:31:00 UTC
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This one's slightly easier, because I can cheat. A little.
Gue'kor'vre Fio'gue Shas'kai'rotaa
(Human-Pilot of Earth Month-of-Fire)
Okay, I can cheat a lot. Hm. This does seem a bit like a cop-out. The sept I'm keeping, though, and the caste is non-negotiable (Kor is the Air caste, technically, but it's the caste given to Tau naval personnel, so.), so really it's only a question of the personal name aspect. Now, I've been going by the names on the board, but in Tau culture a personal name is adopted after a string of deeds, rather than given at birth. Therefore, allow me to offer:
Gue'kor'vre Fio'gue Por'vattra'yr
(Human-Pilot of Earth Water-fleet-experienced)
Closest I could come to describing naval service in a language from a continuum that doesn't really do wet navy combat. =] -
So many apostrophes! by
on 2016-05-28 00:33:00 UTC
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It's apostrophic!
That is a rather interesting naming convention. Even though I do not like Tau. Obnoxious buggers, they are. :>
-July -
Yeah, Tau'sia uses apostrophes kinda like mini-commas. by
on 2016-05-28 10:36:00 UTC
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In that (my reading of it is, YMMV) they are kind of like micro-pauses in a word to demonstrate the different ideas in a compound word. So there's probably going to be a few of them knocking around in any given Tau word or phrase. =]
As for finding them obnoxious, well, you'll be amazed to note I don't agree with you there. I find the Tau to be heroic; spreading out across space in the spirit of co-operation, rather than to purge alien life or eat everything. Yeah, maybe that's naive in the Grim Darkness of the Far Futuuuure, but it also means they're the only dog in this particular fight that I want to succeed.
Of course, GW likes to crush my hopes and dreams, so they're currently big on brainwashing so they "fit in" more with the rest of the 'verse. This is despite the fact that Andy Chambers said in the 3rd ed. rulebook that the Tau were supposed to take a radically different approach to the rest of the factions in the galaxy. But, y'know, GW hates happiness in all its forms. =]
-- Gue'shas'vre Fio'gue J'kles'ro. =] -
Speaking of Tau... by
on 2016-05-27 14:06:00 UTC
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... did you know there's an alphabet? I transcribed July's names into it:
Based on nothing in particular - mostly the fact that they look block-printed - I've assumed that letters are printed 'joined up'. The transcriptions above are actually over-spaced; I don't think the apostrophes would normally have spaces to mark them, and the actual spaces are too wide.
It does look like a language, doesn't it?
hS -
I did! by
on 2016-05-27 14:33:00 UTC
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I just suuuuck at image manipulation, so, y'know.
Also, if you want the resource I'm using at present (and a reworking of your name is yours for the asking, if you want it), you can find it here. Hopefully it's as interesting to you as it is to me. =] -
I'd be delighted to have a reworked name. ^_^ by
on 2016-05-27 15:05:00 UTC
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I'd also be fascinated to see what you'd come up with as a achievement-based name for me... >:D
hS -
Aaaaaaaalrightythen! by
on 2016-05-27 15:58:00 UTC
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So, first things first, the baseline name. Now, Y'eldiserra is a nice sounding name, but the new lexicon informs me I got some of the word parts wrong. This is what I've come up with:-
Gue'por'vre Fio'gue El'anuk'erra
(Human-Magister of Earth Eagle-Shadow)
Which is more literal, if nothing else.
However, if we get onto the achievement based name for you, well... you know how longstanding Tau get more than one achievement name?
Gue'por'vre Fio'gue Elro'shas'ka'yi B'rai'taal
(Human-Magister of Earth Speaker-of-Star-Flowers Shepherd-of-Time-Preservation)
Because, y'know, Sunflower Official and your job as PPC archivist/general-purpose old hand. =] -
That's fantastic. ^_^ by
on 2016-05-27 16:56:00 UTC
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I love 'Shepherd of Time Preservation'. But I admit I'm also pleased by the fact that El'anuk'erra includes the very Tolkienian El sound.
And given the course of the thread, this was basically inevitable:
Each of my many names gets its most appropriate script - Huinesoron in Tengwar, Aþâradušamanûðân in the Sarati, Dúathoron in the Certhas Daeron, Nâlonarâk in the Angerthas Moria (the common script of the Third Age), Búrzgûl in primitive Cirth, Gue'por'vre Fio'gue El'anuk'erra in Tau script, and Vokunviing in the Dovahzul script.
Dovahzul is the only one I didn't write out myself (I have a cuneiform 'pen' somewhere, but Paint isn't set up for it). And Fhaisorr Amon gets missed out because the Eldar runes are apparently basically untranslatable. Sad, that.
hS -
Oooh, nice! by
on 2016-05-27 17:50:00 UTC
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One last thing, as it's you:-
"We greet you in the name of the Greater Good, El'ro'ned, Guardian of the Noble Spirit, of the people called in our tongue Fal'bentu'la, or Wise People of the Forests. We hope to be the twelfth member of this Fellowship."
"But our Fellowship is to number but ten, in the manner of the kings of old that first set out to stand against the darkness of Mordor-"
"Yes, and we are the twelfth."
"Gandalf," said Frodo warily while the argument continued in circles, "I'm confused. Is he well? He appears to be, er... blue; has he choked on something?"
"He is well, Frodo, my lad," Gandalf replied. "His people oft talk in riddles, the better to hide their secrets. The elves know them as the Luinincinta, or Bluish-faced, but scholars of ancient mysteries know them as the Tau. And the first of their mysteries is how, if they are so wise, they have only learned to count up to eight."
Tau use a base-8 counting system. This is something I felt certain to drive Elrond completely round the twist. Nine shall be the number of your et cetera. =] -
So... many... people... by
on 2016-05-26 07:50:00 UTC
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I didn't even know this many people existed!
How do we all fit?! -
Literally my deviantART username/the book I was into then. (nm) by
on 2016-05-26 03:38:00 UTC
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A long-lingering relic of a more smug age. by
on 2016-05-26 03:02:00 UTC
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I created my screen name back in 2006 or so. I had just created a writing blog aimed at posting humorous non-fiction articles in the vein of Dave Barry. I decided to make homage to Poor Richard's Almanack by Ben Franklin and called myself Poor Cynic. The blog withered away to nothing, but the name stuck around.
Roman Numerals. by
on 2016-05-25 23:13:00 UTC
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I go by the name of supersonic805 on the LEGO forums. In roman numerals, DCCCV is 805. I chose that because while I still enjoy Sonic the Hedgehog, I no longer wish to be known by a name randomly generated as a suggestion. Besides, DCCCV is longer than three numbers.
The best Pokemon, from the generation it's from. (nm) by
on 2016-05-25 23:06:00 UTC
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I used to use the name of a terrible OC by
on 2016-05-25 22:58:00 UTC
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Sort of like KittyEden does, only mine was worse. She was a Black Butler (an anime/manga series) Sue, a Fury, which was a species I made up that was like a demon (canon species) but more powerful, with wings made of unbreakable, flexible adamant (a material whose properties I invented as the need arose). Her lust-object was Sebastian (a demon, one of the main canons; the one everyone lusted after) but nobly set her attraction aside to help him and Grell (another canon) get together... Did I mention she was an RP character? She was fond of the phrase, "Your attack misses because I have/can..." Did I mention the people playing Sebastian and Grell had no interest in getting together? She had to dodge a lot of attacks.
Fortunately, I realized how terrible she was after one RP. I then elected to write under her name (Erin Alekto) as a constant reminder to never do that again. (I never wrote much though; I preferred reviewing.) But when I arrived at the PPC, an organization devoted to reminding people not to write like that, I didn't feel like using that name was necessary. But her name was the only username I used at the time. I experimented with combinations of letters, but couldn't find one I liked. It was getting late. All the names I came up with were starting to look the same: like pure gibberish. Out of frustration I paid a visit to the TV Tropes page for names that sound like they were invented by mashing the keys and my eyes lit upon the title: Cat-on-the-Keyboard Names. The rest is history.
I've come to like it a lot. It lends itself really well to cool-sounding nicknames: the snappy, gender-neutral "Key," the cute, punnable, femme-but-in-a-comfortable-way "Cat," and potential for more. Also, I only use it with the PPC, which means i have nothing but positive associations with it. -
Good old Sue OCs. by
on 2016-05-26 09:47:00 UTC
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Reckon we could have an entire thread dedicated to the buggers, eh?
If I've had any, I can't recall them.
I only started writing proper a couple years back, and that was preceded by years of Das Mervin and other various spork-fellows.
I attribute everything I know about writing to them, those magnificent bastards. Including not writing Sues.
I like your name,* Key, but I feel like it might get a bit unwieldy, you know?
Hyphens and whatnot, fingers going all over the keyboard, tumbling over buttons and letters and getting knotted together and all.
Not that I ought to be judging, mine's a mess, but, er, I will.
*No, but really. I don't want to seem weird, but it's clever, y'know? -
Yeah, it's a bit unwieldy on mobile by
on 2016-05-26 21:34:00 UTC
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Proper computers remember it and autofill after a letter or two, but my phone doesn't, probably precisely because of the hyphens. It's not that bad to type it out every time, though, and I'm not quite comfortable with machines knowing my personal details, anyway. It makes me feel a bit less in control of my life.
Your judgement is inaccurate. -
I might just have to start a thread on that. by
on 2016-05-26 17:41:00 UTC
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Terrible Sue OCs you created in the past. That could be interesting; I know I have quite a few doozies.
Oops, forgot to fill in my name. Should be pretty obvious :P (nm by
on 2016-05-25 23:00:00 UTC
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I'm a lurker by
on 2016-05-25 21:35:00 UTC
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I have lurked The Board for a while, and my username reflects that.
When I chose it, I thought numbers-as-letters was cool. -
It means "soul." by
on 2016-05-25 21:04:00 UTC
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My old (oooold) handle was SoulFinder, until I got tired of it and decided I wanted something better. I figure that without all the distracting physical details you basically get people's inner selves online, and I've always tried to be my authentic self besides, so I though just "soul" was appropriate. I went looking around for a cool word with that meaning, and I found this one in a Yiddish-English dictionary in my high school library. I cribbed it, and it stuck.
That's pretty much it.
~Neshomeh -
In Sindarin... by
on 2016-05-25 21:21:00 UTC
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Since we seem to be translating in this thread...
I reckon I could be Indiel (ind- inner thought, meaning, heart + -iel daughter, maid; feminine ending).
In Quenya, it would probably have to be something based on fëa, and I don't wanna sound like Fëanor, so meh. {= /
~Neshomeh -
And since I'm doing these, have Tau'sia name! by
on 2016-05-27 11:13:00 UTC
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Okay, so Tau and souls don't mix terribly well except during the Mont'au period (roughly analogous to the Terror in French history), but you can just about get there with a bit of linguistic jiggery-pokery. And this is a conlang, after all, so linguistic jiggery-pokery is very much the name of the game. =]
As such, I hope this is to your liking:-
Gue'por'vre Fio'gue Ran'ea'Qim
(Human-Magister of Earth Spirit-of-the-Void-Within)
Ea'Qim has a fairly specific meaning; it refers to a practice and desired internal state for followers of the Greater Good, and the best analogy for a human observer is nirvana. Ran is the closest (and fairly folkloric) approximation of the soul, and thus combining the two to imply an embodiment of a noble soul is about the best I can come up for a name with such a specific meaning.
Also I'm working off a new living Tau'sia lexicon that I literally only found this morning (and the previous ones didn't even name the Tau language as Tau'sia, which goes to show what a jump it is) so I'll probably end up redoing some other ones as well. =] -
Indiel is good. by
on 2016-05-26 10:56:00 UTC
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inda is also a word in Quenya ('mood, mind'), but there's also enda, meaning 'centre' and denoting both the mind and the soul. Endawen, then? But I don't like the sound of that.
Hmm... you're married, so you're not technically a wende anyway (it literally means 'unmarried woman of any age'). How do you feel about Amillendë, 'Mother of the Soul'? Or if that sounds a bit odd to you, Nissendë, 'Woman of Heart'?
In Adunaic now I have to be a bit creative. So, religiously-speaking, the soul was given by Iluvatar as a gift; the other part of the Gift of Men is their yearning for something beyond the world, so how about Yôzâira, 'Gift of Longing'?
Valarin... okay, so the Eldarin soul is like a fire in their body, hence so many of them practically bursting into flame on death. So how about Phelûnuruš, 'Hearthfire'? I suggest putting the stress on the 'nu'.
And keeping the fire theme: in the Black Speech, let's call the soul the Ruling Fire: Ghâshdurbat, literally 'Fire to Rule'. Because seriously, there's only a handful of words in the Black Speech, I've not got a lot to work with.
hS -
Wait, even your name means something? by
on 2016-05-25 23:13:00 UTC
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And here I thought I wasn't the only one who just threw together a bunch of sounds until it seemed okay... *pouts*
What's a name that means "Nothing", in that case? :P -
You want one? You get five. by
on 2016-05-26 11:19:00 UTC
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In Quenya, I name you Únyárë, 'No Tale'. (Or you could simply be Munta, 'nothing', but that's boring.
In Sindarin, Aringath is your name, for you are Without Notions.
In the tongue of Numenor, you are called Bawâbêth, 'the Wind-Speaker', for when we ask your name, we hear only the breeze.
Similarly in Valarin they speak of you as Amanaišalšebeth, the Unmarred Air, for your words do not trouble its stillness.
And in the Black Speech... in the Black Speech they don't care. You are simply Ashgûl, 'that One Wraith'.
None of which are the least bit appropriate for the PPC's most prolific writer - in fact most of them were chosen to be as inappropriate as possible - but hey, you did ask...
hS -
I dunno, in a roundabout way, they kinda fit. by
on 2016-05-26 17:19:00 UTC
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If I hadn't been basically ignored by all my peers save for when it "amused" them as a child, I wouldn't have become as invested in stories and writing as I am now. They're all lovely names, but I think I like Únyárë best.
(And I'm not the most prolific yet; I still have five more missions to go before I tie with IndeMaat's old record.) -
It's probably worth mentioning... by
on 2016-05-26 11:24:00 UTC
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That "munter" is local slang over my way for an ugly/unattractive person. This also doesn't work for Iximaz, whether in person or in spirit. =]
Yeah, it sounded like a slang term. by
on 2016-05-26 11:53:00 UTC
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Hah, and now I'm looking back over the translations I offered for 'Scapegrace'... yes, most of them just mean 'fool'. Fun stuff. ^_^
hS -
Which is a Tolkienian double-meaning itself... by
on 2016-05-26 18:35:00 UTC
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Considering that my first username was wobblestheclown.
And that I'm an imbecile. =] -
You could call yourself "Klum"? by
on 2016-05-26 07:42:00 UTC
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Ch-ch; Clem, Grakata! -
Sindarin + Quenya by
on 2016-05-25 19:24:00 UTC
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I made it up a looong time ago, when I was still in High School and first got into Middle-Eart's lore...
What does it mean? Well, I'll let someone more versed than me in those languages, answer that for me! -
*taclkes and restrains the feisty mini-Balrog Middle-Eart* (nm) by
on 2016-05-26 21:39:00 UTC
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*tackles by
on 2016-05-26 21:43:00 UTC
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. . . I tumbled head over heels as I wrestled it, and got my letters jumbled up?
Phobos, the God of Fear by
on 2016-05-25 18:48:00 UTC
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A lesser god in Greek Mythology, Phobos (fear) and his twin brother Deimos (terror) accompanied their father Ares into battle. I picked up the name from the book "Gates of Fire", which is about the battle of Thermopylae. Phobos is the shield piercer. He breaks defenses better than any spear.
So, why did I pick that name for myself? Because, when I play games (Magic: The Gathering is the big one at the moment), I try to break my opponents defenses in that way. Make them afraid of what my next move might be. Make them afraid of what I might have in my hand or up my sleeve. I play a very mental game and my opponents make mistakes because of it.
If someone were to do a Quenya translation, it probably comes out as something like "Shadow on the Heart/Mind".
-Phobos, the Mind Killer -
How I mine for Elf name? by
on 2016-05-26 15:21:00 UTC
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Starting from "Shadow on the Heart" I get something like...Orelome (Heart Night)? Indolumbe (Heart/Soul Gloom)? Maybe just Caure (Fear)?
I have no idea what I'm doing.
-Phobos, honestly more of a Dwarf -
Well, you could be Caurë. by
on 2016-05-26 16:29:00 UTC
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But it's not very poetic, is it?
... this is actually really hard. The darkness words just don't taste very nice.
Okay, I think the best option is Lómindossë, 'night on the heart'. That's quite good.
Over in Beleriand, I'm quite taken by Duinnath, 'darkness on all thoughts'. 'du-INN-ath'.
Taking a swim to Numenor, we come across Adunaic, and the name Ugrazrôn, a fairly condensed name meaning 'Shadow on the Sea'. They see you as the threat of an oncoming storm; the kind that you can tell is on its way, but with no idea when it will hit.
Valarin... well, I think the name Akašândušamanûðân might be blasphemous, since it comes out as 'The One decrees the Marring'. But it certainly gets that unsettling feeling across.
In the Black Speech, you are Burzulûk: 'dark(en) them all'. Sauron doesn't just care about their minds - he's after everything.
And, just for you... a Dwarvish name.
Knhuzdul is a nightmarish language, with almost no words, and I barely understand it. But you could be Zanûn Asalân, 'the Bringer of Shadow'. We know that two-part Khuzdul names are possible: there was a smith named Gamil Zirak back in Nogrod. You could also hyphenate it if you like, or even press the two parts together entirely; the rules are super unclear.
hS -
Awesome! by
on 2016-05-26 17:10:00 UTC
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I especially like the sound of Lómindossë and love the feel of Ugrazrôn. It speaks of a darkened horizon. amassing clouds, and wind-driven waves.
Khuzdul! Zanûn Asalân sounds like a name suitable for a stranger who wanders through town a day before the Black Riders show up, or something. I like it.
Thank you for these.
-Ugrazrôn, the Shadow on the Sea -
Oh, that by
on 2016-05-25 18:44:00 UTC
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It’s as close to "Anonymous" and as far from "non-descript entity" as I could get, because I won’t tell you who I am, but still want to be recognizable.
HG is an aged, German, genderbent Hermione Granger who actually sports a gray beard. -
I thought it sounded cool. by
on 2016-05-25 17:51:00 UTC
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Now, a little more interestingly - another username I use: EQSkyfall. EQ is sort of an abbreviation for equestrian (fancy word for 'I Ride Horses') and Skyfall is a character's name of mine :)
Mine is not that interesting ... by
on 2016-05-25 14:57:00 UTC
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Let's just say that I took my first name and turn it into the English equivalent of it and use a variation of a somewhat translation of my surname.
I'm intrigued by oblivion, that's all there is to it. (nm) by
on 2016-05-25 13:12:00 UTC
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Nothing fancy. by
on 2016-05-25 10:06:00 UTC
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I just took my first name and played with the letters.
I got it! Are you. . . by
on 2016-05-26 21:49:00 UTC
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Oh, you linked to the answer in your email. At least I know I was right (well, my mom was right).
Was that about my first name? (nm) by
on 2016-05-27 16:09:00 UTC
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Also Quenya by
on 2016-05-25 08:35:00 UTC
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El = either poetic word for star, or (by association with Elda) an Elf
Cal = shine,brightness,light
-ion = son/heir/follower
Taken together, means something like "Bright Elf son" or "Son of the bright star". I prefer the "star" interpretation.
As far as grammar, it's modelled on Eldarion/Ereinion, although not sure if I've gotten the adjective order correct (I guess Calelion would potentially be a viable alternative, but sounds a bit too Kryptonian. Besides, one of the rules of Elvish in-universe is "change the language to make it sound pretty" so I feel justified in going for the more euphonious option). -
Alternate translations: by
on 2016-05-25 09:03:00 UTC
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Calion is half of the Quenya name of Ar-Pharazon 'the Golden'. So El-calion can also be 'Golden Star'.
If I was translating you into Sindarin, I'd probably go with Elengail; it drops the '-ion' (because Sindarin names tend to be shorter than Quenya ones) and just makes you 'bright star'.
And if you feel like speaking Valarin, you can be Tulukharušurûz: He of the Yellow Fire. (Look, there's not a lot of Valarin out there...!)
hS -
The golden fire will not avail you, flame of Udun! by
on 2016-05-25 14:25:00 UTC
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Hehe, nice work with the Valarin.
I thought 'elen' as star was only a Quenya thing and Sindarin used 'gil' (with the exception of a few translated names such as Elrond etc)? I'm a bit rusty with my HoME-reading so going entirely off memory here. As a Quenya translation, Elengail would fit the 'Exilic' pattern of 'imperfect' translations pretty well.
Back when 'Elcalion' was a fic character I was writing (I've since dropped the idea now I'm using it as a username), I had 'Artalinde' as the father-name and Elcalion as the mother-name; any thoughts about Sindarinising 'Artalinde' (apart from the obvious, but slightly-weird sounding Linrod by analogy with Finrod)? Ar(o)lin(d)?ElcalionTulukharashuruz -
'êl' is poetic. by
on 2016-05-25 15:17:00 UTC
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It compounds as 'elen-', hence, Elengail. You're right that a native Sindarin speaker would probably use gil instead, making... honestly, I think the best-sounding variant is simply Gil-Gail, you end up with -ln- clusters otherwise. It's also only two syllables; Sindarin names tend to be about that length, though it's not a hard rule (Lu-thi-en Ti-nu-vi-el).
Artalinde, 'noble tune', or poetically 'high air'. I'm highly tempted by simple 'Arlind', but that terminal -nd makes me twitchy. On the other hand, Elrond... yeah, Arlind would probably be Artalinde's translation, unless he got fancy.
For a native speaker, though, you could get fancy and be Glirarth. That's 'Song-Noble' again... but is also only a couple of letters off from the collective plural for 'songs', glíriath. And implied double-meanings are very Tolkienesque.
hS -
Very nice by
on 2016-05-26 12:44:00 UTC
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Glirarth works very nicely, much more euphonious than Arlind.
Come to think of it, terminal -nd does seem to be a Sindarin thing (albeit with time or with casual pronunciation I can see the 'd' disappearing): as well as Elrond and Aglarond and Merethrond, we have Mithlond and Harlond.
Perhaps in colloquial Sindarin in Gondor the pronunciation might have tended to Merethron and Harlon? Same thing could have happened to Elrond if not for the Noldor obsession with lore and accuracy. -
To complete the set: by
on 2016-05-25 13:08:00 UTC
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In Adunaic, you can be Pharazgimlôn, 'Golden Star'. I suggest putting the stress on the AZ.
In the Black Speech... well, no servant of Sauron would be seen dead talking about bright stars. No, to the servants of evil, you must be Ghâshbúrz, the Dark Fire.
I think that makes you a Balrog.
hS -
But do I have wings now??? (nm) by
on 2016-05-25 14:30:00 UTC
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Ye- n- gnnnnnn--! (nm) by
on 2016-05-25 15:18:00 UTC
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Right, then. by
on 2016-05-25 09:14:00 UTC
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What's 'Laughing Stock' in Quenyan?
I hope you've checked your study notes, hS. -
Funny you should ask. by
on 2016-05-25 10:23:00 UTC
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It's Lálalocasta, pronounced 'Laa-lah-lo-CAST-ah'. ^_~
The verb 'to laugh' is 'lala-'. Adding the suffix -la and lengthening the first vowel turns it into lálala, '[the state of] laughing'. Adding an -o suffix (here replacing the final a) puts it into the genetive case, 'of laughing', or 'laughing's'. 'Casta' means 'cause, reason'. Put it all together, and you get Lálalocasta, 'Laughter's cause'.
And just for fun:
This is why written Quenya often leaves out the three-dot sign for 'a' altogether.
(And it's called 'Quenya'. Unless you consider yourself to speak Americanish Englishan? ~hS) -
So, you do this translation thing. by
on 2016-05-25 21:06:00 UTC
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Would you mind Quenya-ing (or any other language) Richard, 'leader strong' and Gerard, 'spear strong'? I'd ask for Marina too, and these two suits of words 'wise soul', and 'soul serving wisdom' if you don't mind. (If any of these suits of words are to difficult to handle, feel free to chanfge them. Just jeeps the original sense.)
That is 25 names. by
on 2016-05-26 13:19:00 UTC
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And so this is 25 names.
Richard (strong leader)
Quenya: Hestopolda ('Strong captain')
Sindarin: Turthalion ('dauntless victor')
Adunaic: Pâburôdabâr ('Lord of the Heavy Hand')
Valarin: Mâchanâzuruš ('Authority of Fire')
Black Speech: Durbatum ('dominion')
Gerard (strong spear)
Quenya: Poldehtë ('Strong spear')
Sindarin: Thelavell ('Strong spear')
Adunaic: Narduburôdôn ("Heavy Sword")
Valarin: Igasiniðil ('Heat of the Lily'; okay, yes, it's a distant translation)
Black Speech: Olog ('troll')
Quenya: Falassópa ('Shoreland Cove')
Sindarin: Carfalas ('House on the Shore')
Adunaic: Azrakadar ("City of the Sea")
Valarin: Phelûnulu ('water's home')
Black Speech: Ronk-ishi ('in a pool', Orkish)
'wise soul'
Quenya: Fëanólë ('soul of lore', and yes, I know who it sounds like)
Sindarin: Faeidhren ('thoughtful soul')
Adunaic: Sapthân ('wise man', aka 'wizard')
Valarin: Mâchanuruš ('Authoritative Fire', suggesting a soul guided by the One)
Black Speech: Ghâshum ('fireness', suggesting a strong soul; wisdom is hardly something Orcs are going to mention)
'soul serving wisdom'
Quenya: Nólendur ('servant of wisdom')
Sindarin: Ingoludur ('heart serving lore')
Adunaic: Sapthânô ('from the wise one')
Valarin: Akašânuruš ('The One says + fire', a soul instructed by the One)
Black Speech: Ghâshum (as for 'wise soul')
hS -
Thank you very much for this hard work! by
on 2016-05-26 14:10:00 UTC
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Now, I'm half the mind of using one of the ten first as a pseudo someday. It would be a damn interesting thing to do.
(For te 10 last... I would want to write some HF setting someday, and one of the two would be the name for one of the characters. In the 'old language' of said setting of course.' -
I shall hop on the mushroom bandwagon as well! by
on 2016-05-25 20:25:00 UTC
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How do you Elvish-ise "Death Fungus" (which is what "Des Dendle" seems to mean)?
Would you believe... by
on 2016-05-26 10:33:00 UTC
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... that there is actually a Quenya word for 'fungus'? :D
It's hwan, and coupling it with the word for 'agonising death' gives us Hwanoqualmë, 'Death from a Mushroom'.
Moving on to Sindarin... would you believe there's also a Sindarin word for 'fungus'? Because there is, and it's 'hwand'. It even appears as 'hwan' in constructs.
So we'll go with Hwanwanath in Sindarin, with the exact same meaning as the Quenya.
Now... would you believe there's an Adunaic word for 'fungus', too? No? Good, 'cause there isn't. You'll have to be Inzilagan, the Death Flower.
In Valarin you have to drift even further from the meaning; we're capturing a concept that the Valar had no understanding of. But you can be Dušamanûðâniniðil, the Marred Flower. It even starts with a D!
Finally, in the Black Speech... well, what does a death-fungus do but bring darkness on its eater? So you get to be Thrakaburz, 'To Bring the Dark'.
hS -
Another question. by
on 2016-05-26 12:45:00 UTC
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The word "generation" (as in a generation of people, not the generation of electricity)?
That's really not an Elvish concept. by
on 2016-05-26 13:28:00 UTC
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How do you define a 'generation' when everyone lives forever, so they'll all eventually be adults together? Cross-'generational' marriages certainly happened - Eol was kinsman to Thingol, which makes him of the same generation as Finwe, but he married one of Finwe's granddaughters. Take any random set of elves in peacetime, designate them Generation 1, and after a few hundred years they'll be so tangled up that it's meaningless.
You might be able to argue for it to exist in the sense of 'the third generation from Finwe' (ie, his great-grandchildren), but even there, you're looking at the possibility of remote-cousin intermarriage.
... also neither language has that word and I can't think of a way to gloss it. Just work around it, as indeed Tolkien occasionally did - 'the children of the fathers of the fathers of men'.
hS -
Alright, now I've got to ask. by
on 2016-05-25 19:21:00 UTC
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How would you say, "she of the Old Hope," or, "warrior of the Old Hope," or, "follower of Eru" in either Quenya or Sindarin? Quadruple points if you can make it begin with "A" or sound somewhat like my screen name.
-Alleb -
And, since I'm here, have an attempt in Tau! by
on 2016-05-26 12:05:00 UTC
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As I discovered last time with hS's name in the language of the happy-go-lucky space Commies, Tau as a conlang is very, very slipshod and approximate. We don't have much in the way of grammar, but we have words for nuclear reactor, neural feedback (a la Neon Genesis Evangelion), and for some reason spoon. Since the Tau are also not religious, the Old Hope has had to be approximated with a Tau-acceptable variant - the Greater Good, a quasi-spiritual affair in the rigidly caste-based Tau society wherein everyone works for the benefit of everyone else. This in mind, I hope the following name is acceptable:
Gue'shas'vre Fio'gue Sho'Tauva'Vesa
(Human-Hero of Earth Sight-Helper-of-the-Greater-Good)
Tau names are set up thus: caste and rank, sept (homeworld or home system, depending on who you ask), then a personal name. In your case, I tried to incorporate both the "follower of the Old Hope" thing and a reference to a Glimpse - in this case, Sho, meaning sight or lens. I hope it's okay. =] -
I answer to nothing else now. by
on 2016-05-26 14:59:00 UTC
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Signing stuff is gonna be a pain, but I don't care.
I really like the "sight" addition--very nice. The meaning of the name is also awesome. Now I'm gonna have to get an agent from this continuum so I can use this--what's the name of the show/book/movie/media?
-AllebGue'shas'vre Fio'gue Sho'Tauva'Vesa -
Er, tabletop game/enormous multimedia property. by
on 2016-05-26 18:47:00 UTC
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The Tau are a race of blue aliens from Warhammer 40,000, from whence the term grimdark was formed; a long-running tagline for the game (in its various incarnations) is "In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war". It's incredibly self-important and overblown, and there are still people who take it 100% seriously. These people are also generally neo-Nazis. Make of this what you will.
Back when I played it, in 4th Edition, the Tau were a tiny, technologically advanced empire sandwiched between the Imperium of Man (space Nazis, kind of the good guys because almost everyone around them is worse), the Orks (fungus-born space monsters whose ships are literally big rocks powered by belief), and Hive Fleet Kraken of the Tyranids (extragalactic bugs that consume entire biospheres). They were the only empire even remotely tolerable, with their caste-based but largely free society, so of course Games Workshop dialled up the grimdark and made them into hyperzealous space Maoists with a penchant for brainwashing.
I do not consider it canon. =]
I should mention that a Shas'vre is a mid-ranking soldier in the Shas military caste (that's Fire caste in English). If you're wanting a Tau agent to use that, you can either have them be standard infantry, a Pathfinder (forward ops), or a battlesuit pilot. I'd personally go for the third option, since their actual training will likely be useless unless they were in an XV15 or XV25 Stealth Suit, but it's up to you. =] -
Elcalion has done a fine job of Sindarin... by
on 2016-05-26 10:12:00 UTC
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... so I'll look to Quenya (surprise, surprise).
'Estel' is used in Quenya as well as Sindarin, and is still the best translation for the Old Hope; it pretty much means 'faith', though not purely in a religious sense. Since the Old Hope itself is a Mannish belief, and the only source for it (Andreth) isn't a believer herself, it doesn't have a proper translation. So, in fact, Estelwen works just as well in Quenya as Sindarin.
To drag in the A- names, we need to look at alme, almie, and almare, all words meaning 'blessedness'. Almiel is apparently an attested name, but Almariel, 'maiden of bliss', would work.
For warriors we want 'ohtar', giving us a possibility of Almehtar ('Bliss-Warrior'). And 'mehtar' is another word for warrior anyway. If this name was 'Alamehtar' it would mean 'not a warrior', so it probably carries overtones of 'I wish this fighting was not necessary, but I will do it'.
For 'follower of the One', I'll concur with Elcalion's point: no Elda would use the name of the One in a personal name. The only place I can think of that it was habitually used was in marriage vows, and you remember how utterly permanent those were. Same for the Oath of Feanor.
So... 'Aina' means 'Holy', and is used in one name of the One, Ainatar ('Holy Father'). There's a word tirno, which means 'watcher', so how about Ainatirië? It really needs an n in the middle (Ainantirie) for grammatic reasons, but that's ugly, so I didn't. ^_^
I've also coined the term tirisaina, which means 'holy vigil'. Sounds like the sort of thing a warrior of the Old Hope would carry out.
Now for a quick excursion into less savory tongues.
In the much maligned Valarin, I would call you Aþârarušur, 'Appointed Flame'; the 'appointed' is used of the Sun and of Arda, so works for 'Divinely appointed'; 'fire' is standing in for 'warrior', since while we have the names of the two warrior Valar, Tulukhastâz just means 'yellow-haired', and Arômêz has no inherent meaning (helpful, that). If you want to really pile on the divinity (and syllables), you could be Aþârarušurakašân, literally 'Appointed-fire-the One says', but colloqially 'Chosen Warrior of/by the Word'. A-thar-a-RUS-ur-a-ka-san seems to be the most natural way to say it.
Adunaic makes my head hurt, but has the word 'minul' for 'heaven'. If you wanted to be Minulzir, 'Lover of Heaven', you could be; you could also be Narduminul, 'Heaven's Soldier'. Minulzir sounds like quite a nice name, as Adunaic names go.
And so we come to the Black Speech. Its speakers have no truck with the One: they know only Melkor. And they have no willing followers. You are Burznaga, 'slave of the Dark'.
... which is a tiny rebellion in itself, because the story of the Awakening of Men tells of the quiet voice in the darkness that tried to sway the people away from the Dark Rider they had chosen to follow...
hS -
*cackles gleefully* by
on 2016-05-26 14:52:00 UTC
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So many names! I've got them all written down, and their meanings, so I can use them later. Thank you so much! :D These are so awesome! I especially like Ainatirië, Aþârarušurakašân, and my new Aduniac names. And Burznaga! I like all of them.
Question: Can you speak Quenya? You specifically, I mean.Because oh my gosh that would be awesome
-Alleb -
Istan teces. by
on 2016-05-26 15:44:00 UTC
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Mal haryan maurë parmalinya.
Or: I know how to write it. But I need my books.
More precisely, I need Ardalambion and the two wordlists found on there. At one point I could have done it with just the wordlists, but the details of the grammar have faded with lack of use. I still remember the structure of it, though, so it doesn't take too long to put things together.
(I also once wrote an account of the Lay of Leithian in Sindarin. Now that took a long time.)
hS -
A couple of options by
on 2016-05-26 00:57:00 UTC
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"Amdir" is hope in the sense of "expectation, optimism" (literally means something like "upward-looking"), while "Estel" is hope in the sense of "trust".
Usual female endings are "-(r)iel" (garlanded-maiden) or "-wen" (woman).
Warrior - there's a couple of variants, some of which are chiefly used for orcs and other "enemies", so the best would be "maethor" (warrior) or "magor" (swordsman), which will mutate into "-vagor" under certain conditions (I'm not 100% with Sindarin lenition).
So "she of the Old Hope" would probably best be "Estelwen" (using the 'Estel' option as best fitting Old Hope) (Esteliel sounds a bit strange to my ear). Alternatively, could go with "Amdiriel" which has the alliterative-'A' bonus, but uses "lesser" hope.
"Warrior of the old hope" would probably be "Estelva(e)thor" or "Estelvagor" [fairly sure that the m would lenit to v, since it did in the similar Menelvagor" (Swordsman of the Sky), the Sindarin name for the constellation Orion].
"Follower of Eru" would be something like "Erudil" or "Erudur", but neither would likely be an "appropriate" Elvish name, as there was quite a strong... well, 'taboo' is probably too strong a word, but 'respectful caution' placed on use of the name of The One, so incorporating it into a personal name would be unlikely.
"Amandil" or "Amandur" (friend/servant/follower of Aman/ - literally the Blessed Realm, but used by Tolkien as 'heaven') are legitimate names (Elendil's father was Amandil) and would probably be the closest that an Elf would get to including Eru in a personal name.
Elcalion, translatory -
Ooh, thank you! by
on 2016-05-26 14:39:00 UTC
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Man, so many to chose from! :D I like Estelwen, Estelvagor, and Amdiriel particularly. I'm going to write all these down so I have them for when I need a quick Elf name!
Speaking of, I found a Sindarin name generator that seems fairly good, although I'm no expert on the language. What do you think of it?
-Alleb -
OoooOOooooh. by
on 2016-05-25 10:44:00 UTC
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I feel like a true elf, now.
It fits, too, because I sort of feel like it's the sort of name someone would get the hell bullied out of them for.
I swear I didn't write Quenyan.
I swear.
I'm not even trying to avoid blame, I have no idea that I did that. I don't even know how, the 'n' key is a whole hand away from the 'a' key.
Something mysterious is afoot. -
Sindarin, Valarin, Orkish. by
on 2016-05-25 12:58:00 UTC
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In Sindarin, you could be Celuladhad - 'celu' is 'a spring', and the verb 'gladha-' (to laugh) mutates to 'ladha in compounds, and gains a -d to make it a gerund. So you're 'the wellspring of laughter'.
Valarin remains impossible to do decent translations in, but you could be called Aþarmirubûz, 'he of the festival wine' - ie, you make people happy, but also might be quite foolish yourself.
As for the evil tongues... well, the Orkish corpus consists mostly of one line with two translations, but if we choose the one preferred by Ardalambion, we can name you simply Glob: 'fool'.
Which is exactly the sort of thing Orcs would do.
hS (or Dúathoron, or Aþâradušamanûðân, or Búrzgûl if you like)
-- wait, I forgot Adunaic.
Well, the Adunaic texts aren't too cheerful, but we can take our cue from the Orcs and name you Khibilannîph, 'Fount of Foolishness'. It's actually quite pleasant-sounding, for Adunaic.
I had forgotten how much fun this is. I've previously handed out names to Edhelistar (and got one back in Dovahzul) and Scapegrace (and got two back in Tau and 40K!Eldar). Languages are fun! (And I'm always happy to collect more!)
~Vokunviing, Y'eldiserra, or Fhaisorr Amon -
Glad you're enjoying this. by
on 2016-05-26 07:43:00 UTC
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I've never had so many names in my life.
Like Glob.
I think it fits me.
There was meant to be an exchange?
Give me a couple years, I'll go learn French and come back real fast. -
Fancy. by
on 2016-05-25 08:58:00 UTC
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Is there a literal quote about 'change the language to make it sound pretty' from somewhere?
I'd love to see it. -
There's even a word for it. by
on 2016-05-26 11:49:00 UTC
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Lámatyávë is the Quenya word for 'sound-taste'. It's an important factor in choosing a name.
hS -
Not a literal quote, but... by
on 2016-05-25 14:13:00 UTC
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Somewhere in History of Middle Earth (possibly the Shibboleth of Feanor?) there's a discussion on how the Eldar 'guided' changes in their languages for aesthetic reasons. The Shibboleth itself (use of s- in place of th-) may be an example of this, it's been too long since I've read it.
Elcalion, euphonious -
It absolutely is. by
on 2016-05-25 15:05:00 UTC
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The story of the Shibboleth of Feanor is that the scholars of the Noldor sat down one
dayhour of the Trees and decided "Y'know what'd be cool? Instead of saying 'th', we could say 's'!"
So they did that, and so did the rest of the Noldor. They wrote the same letter, just changed how it should be said in every word.
Except, slight problem: Feanor's dead mother, who he was a bit obsessive about, was named Miriel Therinde. And Feanor absolutely refused to defame her memory by changing her name posthumously to 'Serinde'.
So even though he was one of the foremost linguistic scholars of Valinor, he refused to change his speech, and taught his children to keep using good old th. So you could always tell whether you were in the presence of a Feanorian, because they thpoke funny.
(Of course, there were already Ses in the language beforehand, so it's not always possible to tell whether one used to be a th... mine did, but hTh looks, um, dumb. Also, I'm not Feanor's biggest fan.) -
So what you're saying is Feanor invented the lisp. =] (nm) by
on 2016-05-25 16:07:00 UTC
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That'th not /thrictly/ accurate... (nm) by
on 2016-05-25 22:08:00 UTC
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Also: by
on 2016-05-25 14:36:00 UTC
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A couple of sound changes I can think of right away (hS probably has more examples) which are partially 'aesthetic'
Archaic 'Quendya' became Quenya
'Tyelep' (silver) became 'telep, telpe' partially under the influence of Telerin -
Quenyaaaaa. ^_^ by
on 2016-05-25 08:16:00 UTC
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Huine is 'shadow, twilight', soron is 'eagle'. Hence, Eagleshade. It's not entirely proper Quenya, but it works for me. (And it's pronounced Hween-AY-sore-on, since that always comes up.)
As for why... it was my first email handle, and I got an email address to talk about the release of The Two Towers with a friend over the Christmas holidays. So I pulled out the Silmarillion and looked through the language index... and that's all there is to it.
^^^^^ As for that thing: it's a Latinisation of my Tengwar monogram:
That's a small hyarmen contained in a large silme, so I used small h, large S. Et voila.
hS, owner of the sexiest name, muaha -
Quenyooooo. by
on 2016-05-25 08:40:00 UTC
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Good on you for saying the pronunciation - I was going to ask that next. I like it. Rolls charmingly off the tongue, y'know.
Also, a hyarmen sounds sort of like something you'd get removed after an infection. No offence. -
That's okay, Eldar don't get ill. by
on 2016-05-25 08:50:00 UTC
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So I will never need to be surgically reduced to S.
hS -
A disease infecting letters, making them need amputation? by
on 2016-05-25 09:16:00 UTC
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We need to add this into PPC canon, somehow.
Wasn't that a plot point in Tengwarblocks? by
on 2016-05-25 13:24:00 UTC
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Yeah, the, the fifteenth series of that show got dark. =]
Youuuuu made me do this. by
on 2016-05-25 14:59:00 UTC
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For those unfamiliar with Tengwablocks (or its originator, Alphablocks, the Tengwablocks join hands to spell out words - and then the things they spell appear.
For thoseunfamiliar with Quenyawho need to watch Tengwablocks, the blocks were doing something nice for Ungwe by making a hline, 'cobweb', for her. But then Vala manifested (he does that), replacing Numen, and changing the word to hlive - 'sickness'.
Poor Ungwe.
At least it let them teach the kids the Quenya for 'vaccine'.
hS -
It's a song ... by
on 2016-05-25 08:04:00 UTC
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... by a rock band, who were very popular in my country, Denmark, and virtually unknown everywhere else.
I don't recall exactly why I started using it; it's a very catchy little song, but nothing extraordinary. But it does have the advantage that no-one else uses it, so whenever I sign up for something it's always available as a username.
I've actually stopped thinking of it as a song and just think of it as my second name. -
Quite the evolution, eh? (nm) by
on 2016-05-25 08:42:00 UTC
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Stories! by
on 2016-05-25 07:45:00 UTC
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Techno-Dann has been with me for a very long time - it was my first online handle, and the PPC was one of the first places I used it... thirteen years ago? Gosh, I feel old.
It was... hmm. Superhero name as invented by an idealess (and very pre-social-justice) fifteen year old? "Dann" borrows from the Redwall series, as I'm sure people who've read Marlfox have figured. (First fandom cred!)
More recently, Delta Juliette started life as a name I used to start to get away from the very gendered reading I had of Techno-Dann. It's very much a zero-imagination name: my IRL initials are DJ, and I'm leaning towards a direct transliteration of my name when it changes - Daniel James will become Danielle Juliette. It's also quietly transfeminine - "Delta" being used in math and physics to denote change, and "Juliette" being a very femme name. -
I like your username a lot by
on 2016-05-26 22:03:00 UTC
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Actually, after you made your first post as "Delta Juliette," I wandered around whispering it under my breath for multiple days. It's so pretty.
--Key once again embarrasses herself without regret -
Aww, thanks! by
on 2016-05-26 22:14:00 UTC
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For all that I didn't put much thought into it, I rather like it too- there's a rhythm to it that's fun to say.
I like it too. by
on 2016-05-26 22:50:00 UTC
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Makes me think of Juliette by Little Feat, which is a pretty awesome song.
It's so scientific. by
on 2016-05-25 08:26:00 UTC
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All that symbolism and whatnot!
Fractal metaphors!
Mine is just a dumb pun!
Good heavens. -
Heh, this time it isn't me starting this thread. by
on 2016-05-25 07:35:00 UTC
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Anyway, my handle comes from this Yu-Gi-Oh! card. I liked (and still like) the name even though basically everything about the card is crappy.
I never would have guessed that. by
on 2016-05-25 08:20:00 UTC
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Criminal mastermind, aren't you?
Wellllll by
on 2016-05-25 06:20:00 UTC
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I enjoy coming up with characters just for the sake of drawing them. Not even writing about them, just coming up with them and leaving them sitting around. Nova was one of my favorites.
What'd Nova look like, then? (nm) by
on 2016-05-25 06:28:00 UTC
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Mah name by
on 2016-05-25 06:54:00 UTC
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She's tall, very lanky, and always wears this patched up cat-eared hoodie that she picked up in a thrift shop once. She has black hair that goes down to the middle of her back and blank, pupil-less silver eyes, because she's a member of a species of dragon shapeshifters that my friend came up with. She's been a personal fave for a while.
I imagine, by
on 2016-05-25 07:43:00 UTC
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that'll be your agent, eh?
Oh, no, don't worry, I'll keep it a secret.
Agent? Agent? What's that mean?
*wink* -
Mine's from a delightful little Christian YA trilogy... by
on 2016-05-25 05:32:00 UTC
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I've made an article for it on the wiki, finally.
I picked the name because a) I couldn't think of anything better, and b) The Door Within has always been one of my favorite series. Even if the doctrine is a bit sketchy. It got me through one of those IRL difficulty spikes. Y'know, when you've just done the real life equivalent of leveling up and the new game mechanics are hard to master and the enemies just got a lot tougher.
Interestingly enough, Alleb is not my full screen name. Technically, it's Alleb Knight. But that just sounds pretentious.
Also, I remember being rather impressed by your name when you first arrived--it's a good one, very memorable.
-Alleb KnightAlleb -
I was very proud of it. by
on 2016-05-25 06:21:00 UTC
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Especially the esq.
Very professional.
Sounds an interesting series, though that little 'YA' sends shivers down my spine.
Either that or it's the 13 degrees celsius wandering through my house.
I ought to ask, though, if a fellow has dark skin (real dark), what does their Glimpse end up looking like?
Might take a bit of getting used to, is all I'm saying. -
Just the same as the rest, probably. by
on 2016-05-25 19:11:00 UTC
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Although I seem to remember hearing something about some Glimpses having a slight cast to their skin; I'd check, but I only own the series as audiobooks, so it would take too long.
It is a good series. I heartily recommend the audiobooks--the author himself narrates them, and does a pretty good job of it.
The "YA" part of it is really just the fact that the protagonists are teenagers--there's very little romance, and no love triangles. It's an adventure story first and foremost, I think. You should read them becauseI NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO ABOUT THEMthey're quite good!
-Alleb -
I feel you, mate. by
on 2016-05-26 08:10:00 UTC
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I can count the number of people I can discuss LISA with on one finger.
It's one.
It's my bathroom mirror.
He's very nice, though a bit ugly. -
*chuckles* by
on 2016-05-26 15:00:00 UTC
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I found a forum for it, but it's gone dead--I'm not sure how alive it was to begin with--which almost makes it worse.
What's LISA?
-Alleb -
LISA, by
on 2016-05-27 09:33:00 UTC
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is a series of three games: LISA the First, LISA the Painful, and Painful's rather short DLC sequel and ultimate end to the series: LISA the Joyful.
The First was made ages back, and is pretty much an entirely different type of game - it's only real relevance is backstory for the other games.
Just, er, put it to the side, if you will.
LISA the Painful is about Brad Armstrong: balding, chubby failure of a man trying to rescue last woman alive in a post-genderpocalypse world, who happens to be his adopted daughter.
It gets quite a bit more complex than that, of course, and has got some of the greyest morality I've seen in my life.
It jumps between bizarre (and usually dark) humour, horror, and horrific depression gloriously.
Many a mature topic is tackled, and they're all done with the subtlety and, er, maturity they deserve. It goes on about 'disgust' and 'moral destruction,' but it never really feels awful or mean-spirited, y'know?
Just feels... rough. Real.
It has bloody good music and an amazing ending.
LISA the Joyful is about said adopted daughter: Buddy, who is a wondrous deconstruction of the Chosen One archetype.
It has bloody good-er music and an even more amazing ending.
It's also got one of my favourite protagonists* of all time.
What can I say?
I like my main characters broken and pathetic.
The games are hilarious and they also made me cry.
Seriously, that ending.
Good heavens.
Got a link to the website here.
It's very weird.
*Note that I never said 'hero' -
Let's have a better link. by
on 2016-05-25 05:34:00 UTC
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Here we go.
-Alleb -
I like turtles. (nm) by
on 2016-05-25 05:01:00 UTC
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I do, too. by
on 2016-05-25 05:04:00 UTC
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Lovely creatures.
Indeed they are. by
on 2016-05-25 05:09:00 UTC
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N'awww... -
Wellllll by
on 2016-05-25 04:46:00 UTC
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Kitty was originally the name of my terrible OC. and then I took it as my own.
That's about it. -
Terrible OC? by
on 2016-05-25 05:05:00 UTC
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I'm curious again.
Assuming you're willing to share, of course. -
Ah well, since you're curious... by
on 2016-05-25 11:17:00 UTC
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When I was, like, 10, I was a fanfic reader and I read this admittedly really terrible Artemis Fowl fic (but I honestly loved it at the time), and at one point the writer, who I remember as being really nice and friendly, asked for some OCs to put into his story. Now, I, as an excited 10-year-old, was basically like "hell yeah!" and I immediately typed out the profile of a kick-ass centaur girl who loved inventing stuff and carried around a water pistol that shot acid. But I didn't have a name for her, so I went, "um....um......" and just threw out 'Kitty Eden' for no particular reason. Fast forward to a few weeks later, and 'Kitty' had made her way into one of my (again, terrible) fanfictions. And at some point I guess I must have adopted the name for my own internet purposes. It seemed to fit, anyway, since my username is 'TheBigCat' on fanfiction.net and a lot of other places. :P
So yeah. -
Ah, this again. by
on 2016-05-25 04:36:00 UTC
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I should probably copy my answer for repeats of this thread, but meh, I like telling the story.
So! I'm a big RPG nerd, be it tabletop or MMORPGs, and the very first MMORPG I ever played was Runescape. This was back in the day when you actually got to choose your username instead of being forced to pick one provided by the game, and I decided there was no way I wanted to be CamelotOrc3327 or whatever the number was (The CamelotOrc bit really stuck in my mind; I don't think I'll ever forget that.), no way, no how. I wanted a name name, dangit!
The only problem was that anything resembling a real name would be caught by the censors and not be allowed, so I played around with some sounds and letters before coming up with Iximaz.
Look, I was twelve, it sounded like a cool name at the time. Stop laughing. :P
Iximaz ended up becoming my online name for just about everything else, and though I ended up abandoning Runescape in favor of World of Warcraft, I kept the name Iximaz as my account name there. Not to mention I named my hunter character that as well, in memory of the first Iximaz, who would spend hours shooting at hill giants from behind the safety of a stalagmite wall they couldn't seem to cross.
Good times, good times... -
Iximaz isn't that bad, really. by
on 2016-05-25 05:13:00 UTC
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Sounds a bit like some sort of Pokemon.
I knew a bloke who just called himself 'Batman.'
Nothing else.
A normal highschool student until he pulled out the PC, then all of a sudden he was Batman.
Happy Towel Day, you hoopy froods! by
on 2016-05-25 08:12:00 UTC
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Also, happy Star Wars day and happy day of the Glorious Revolution!
on 2016-05-26 05:06:00 UTC
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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is one of my favorite books of all time, and it's associated with one of my favorite memories from childhood (my older cousin trying to explain the Infinite Improbability Drive to seven-year-old me). Plus it has the words "Don't Panic" printed on the cover in large friendly letters. In honor of this day, I carried my towel with me everywhere, drew fanart over Snapchat and freaked out about the beauty of the Guide to everyone who held still long enough. I will restrain myself here
because I'm a little tired out. I have photos I took of my towel and my stupid/evil fanart which I would very much like to show you, but I can't figure out how to add them. . . I'm guessing that Photobucket isn't as good of a choice as it first appears to be?
Oh, and since we're a fanfic (critique) community: Is So Long and Thanks for All The Fish the best author response to fanfic ever or what?
--Key -
And to you as well! (nm) by
on 2016-05-26 03:37:00 UTC
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Happy any-day! by
on 2016-05-25 09:00:00 UTC
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The world needs a little more joy.
*throws the Guide in the air* Huzzah! (nm) by
on 2016-05-25 08:59:00 UTC
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How do they rise up, rise up, rise up? by
on 2016-05-25 08:25:00 UTC
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Happy Geek Pride day!
Suppose I can't join the celebrations. by
on 2016-05-25 09:12:00 UTC
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Don't got glasses, y'know?
Can't be a geek without glasses - geekdom hinges on them!
You fellows go on without me, with your Doctor Who and your bacon jokes and your random humour and your advice animals and such. -
All the little angels rise up, rise up. by
on 2016-05-25 08:51:00 UTC
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All the little angels rise up high!
They rise feet up, feet up, feet up! by
on 2016-05-25 10:09:00 UTC
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It's depressing now that Pterry's gone. :-/ So I made art.
hS -
*sniffles* by
on 2016-05-26 09:44:00 UTC
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Beautiful. Thank you.
More Civilization VI News! by
on 2016-05-25 16:06:00 UTC
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Quill18, noted Civ YouTuber and mod of the Civ subreddit (and yet despite these things, not an anus), was recently flown out to California to play the first 60 turns of the new Civilization game. He's since done an hour-ish of video content using footage that was not his own gameplay in which he talks about new systems, new mechanics, and the general awesomeness that awaits us.
You may find the first part here, with a link to the second in the video's description. =] -
You Are A Good Person For Bringing This To Us (nm) by
on 2016-05-28 01:53:00 UTC
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I'm liking what I see. by
on 2016-05-26 21:51:00 UTC
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I mean, I'm not sure if my aging computer will be able to take it, but I still find the changes they've shown so far to be very interesting and compelling. I like how clean the UI looks, and the idea of actions helping to boost research is really neat. Also, speaking as someone who has been scoped out of more than one Wonder, the idea of limited building tiles is growing on me. No more AI cities with 12 stacked Wonders.
I'm fine with the way the game looks. Civilization IV was super cartoony and I loved it. The one graphics-related gripe I have is in regard to how Theodore Roosevelt was portrayed. He looks way too hefty (although that might just be because they went with a reference of older Roosevelt).
Final note: this really shouldn't need to be stated ('cause it's YouTube and all), but don't read the comments. SO much complaining.
Random questions, for a random survey. by
on 2016-05-25 18:12:00 UTC
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Uh, basically, I've discovered a lot of things that I do are not quite normal. I wanted to know if anyone else does these certain things and I thought, well, what's a great place to conduct a survey? An online forum!
So, uh, answer what you like.
Do you read/write while listening to music?
If you do, do you read/write with a specific genre?
When you read a book, do you pretty much fully hallucinate (can't think of a better word) and forget that you're reading a book? (Like, you don't realize you're reading words. You just have the pictures in your head)
Do you dream in color?
Do you remember your dreams?
Do you have recurring dreams?
When doing social things, do you sometimes need a break?
Which school subjects come easily to you?
Well, um, I just thought this would be an interesting exercise. If you answer any, thankssss (it'll make me feel a lot better to have other perspectives on the matter).
Uh, if you have any other questions you can add them to the thread. -
A few late answers. by
on 2016-05-29 21:06:00 UTC
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Yes, I listen to music while doing both, but more with writing than reading. I get stressed out when writing sometimes, and music helps keep me focused and relaxed. It's also useful for setting a tone for a scene.
When writing I prefer music without lyrics that matches the tone of what I'm writing, usually movie soundtracks or classical music. When I read I usually just find something in my music library that fits what I'm reading.
Sometimes. I can get lost in the story and just start seeing it while I read, but I also like to sit back and appreciate the language of the book.
Usually. It may not always be particularly bright color, but I'm pretty sure it's there.
Only fragments if I don't write them down. I keep a journal of the really interesting or weird ones, and ever since I started they've grown easier and easier to remember.
I've only ever had one, and it was more of nightmare. Suffice it to say being chased by velociraptors is equally terrifying the second time around.
Only rarely with people I know well, but with acquaintances or strangers I sometimes just need to get away.
Certain aspects of history, art, and a some more basic science.
Well, that was fun. -
Here goes... by
on 2016-05-28 16:13:00 UTC
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Do you read/write while listening to music?
Read, no; write, definitely yes - usually music without words, but not always.
If you do, do you read/write with a specific genre?
Sci-fi and fantasy - and I've actually written PPC missions to music, too.
When you read a book, do you pretty much fully hallucinate (can't think of a better word) and forget that you're reading a book?
This is a tricky one, so I'm guessing 'sometimes' is probably the most accurate.
Do you dream in color?
Do you remember your dreams?
I dream very regularly and this can go from knowing I was dreaming something but not quite being able to pull back precisely what once I wake, to remembering it in incredible detail and being able to insert it into my writing. Some dreams I recall upon having a sequel dream, which can be years later. Occasionally I lucid dream or, more frequently, semi-lucid dream.
Do you have recurring dreams?
Yes; I have even managed to map certain locations and regions that have built up over the years. Certain rules and abilities also recur and I have been known to jump back to a previous point in some dreams and do something different.
When doing social things, do you sometimes need a break?
Which school subjects come easily to you?
Biology and Chemistry. -
I think I'll give it a go. by
on 2016-05-28 05:49:00 UTC
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- Yes
- Metal (GaMetal specifically)
- nope.
- yes
- Yes
- Recurring ones only
- There is this one where there's this building above a river that leads to a waterfall and every time at 12pm the building falls into that river
- Yes
- English
- Science
- Math
Hrm... by
on 2016-05-28 02:51:00 UTC
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Do you read/write while listening to music?
Sometimes. I find that a little music here and there can provide inspiration for a writing scene or something— as if I write to capture a mood behind a song. I can't read or write if the song has got lyrics that I can understand, though. It's too distracting.
If you do, do you read/write with a specific genre?
When writing action scenes, I usually listen to some sort of battle music from some game or the other. For example, a hand-to-hand fight scene might by inspired by, say, the latest DOOM's BFG Division.
For reading, I usually put something calm in the background. Nothing specific.
When you read a book, do you pretty much fully hallucinate and forget that you're reading a book?
Like moviemode? Yeah, that happens all the time. But I'm still, y'know. Reading. I never forget that I'm holding the book in my hands and reading words off a page.
Do you dream in color?
I honestly can't remember the last time I dreamt. Must've been well over 5 years or something. I did dream in colour, way back when.
Do you remember your dreams?
Well, if I can't even recall the last time I dreamt...
Do you have recurring dreams?
Guess not.
When doing social things, do you sometimes need a break?
Well, I can't exactly keep on talking to someone for hours and hours and hours, can I? In all seriousness, I'm more of an introverted type, but one who likes to chat. It's strange.
Which school subjects come easily to you?
Mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, languages, and history. I'm so-so at anything involving physical activity and I utterly despise arts and music.
Absolutely useless subjects. Why must my painting be graded and my music be evaluated? I don't get it. -
*Hrrrming intensifies* by
on 2016-05-28 03:06:00 UTC
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1) It seems that there's a large amount of introverts here. Truly surprising.
2) I'd argue that you can objectively tell good art from bad. I'd also argue that forcing people to make art is idiotic since not everybody has the talent, will or energy to do so. Grading them on that is even more idiotic. -
Music by
on 2016-05-27 14:32:00 UTC
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Music is very important to study along with.
Tom Falater -
^ I believe troll. Not Toroll, just troll. (nm) by
on 2016-05-28 05:26:00 UTC
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Not sure that's the best way to greet a newbie... (nm) by
on 2016-05-28 11:54:00 UTC
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Google the name with safe search on. (nm) by
on 2016-05-28 13:00:00 UTC
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I'll take your word for that part. by
on 2016-05-28 20:23:00 UTC
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And I apologise. It would probably help avoid similar misunderstandings if you put information like that in your first comment; we can't know what you're thinking, and giving people your reasons is never bad.
hS -
I'm sorry. by
on 2016-05-29 03:04:00 UTC
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It's just, I didn't actually want people searching it, due to the content, but I see your point that it was rather senseless of me to say that without an explanation.
—doctorlit being senseless -
Friendly word of advice: by
on 2016-05-28 00:15:00 UTC
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I've never seen you before this post, so I assume you're a newbie. Generally, we like newbies to introduce themselves in a separate post before replying to preexisting threads. I'm glad you found your way over here, though, so if you're interested in what we do, here's a bucket of popcorn to eat while you read the important links at the top of the Board!
Random answers! by
on 2016-05-27 07:04:00 UTC
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Or not. Well-chosen answers.
1. Music is almost a constant when writing, less so when reading - but even then, I'm frequently listening to something.
2. Soundtrack music! Epic-ish, orchestral, no vocals - I want something I can feel without having words to distract me.
3. I'm about halfway there? I picture things vividly, but I don't lose track of the reality of the book.
4. Yes! I dream in color. Usually. I've had a couple very black-and-white dreams that I can recall, but black-and-white was part of their nature, not a normal thing.
5. Sometimes - depends on the dream, and the night. I'll often only wake up with fragments, scattered scenes and images.
6. I only very rarely have recurring dreams. I'll fairly frequently revisit locations from previous dreams (for example, I've got a fairly consistent not!Seattle running around my headspace), but exact replays are a rarity. When they do happen, they're frequently back-to-back, with more intense stuff - I'll wake from a nightmare, drift back to sleep, and the whole thing starts over again from the top.
7. I am a massive introvert, with a side of autism-spectrum! Social stuff is fun, but it takes energy, and some days I have less energy to spend than others.
8. Math and computer science, especially the more visual maths, come really easy for me - I had a graph theory course in college that everyone else complained about incessantly - I 4.0ed it without even trying. -
/Also answers late by
on 2016-05-26 23:57:00 UTC
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1a. Yes! Very much yes.
1b. Not particularly - though sometimes I can get on a [insert band here] kick and try to find all their songs.
2. Sometimes. If the descriptions are done well enough, it can happen for me, but the feeling isn't all-consuming or anything.
3. Sometimes? Probably mostly, since I can't remember any dreams specifically being in black and white.
4. As stated above, mostly.
5. Yes! Usually centering on mazes/houses that I have to escape. I'll do it the first time, then get sidetracked on repetitions.
6. Yes. Very much so.
7. ... All of them? I never really had a hatred of anything I did in school (which probably makes me an outlier). I prefer working alone in most cases, though. -
Some belated answers. by
on 2016-05-26 21:02:00 UTC
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Do you read/write while listening to music?
Very rarely while writing, and never anything with vocals. Never while reading. I have a tendency to focus too much on the music and not on the actual task.
If you do, do you read/write with a specific genre?
I try to pick music that's thematically appropriate for what I'm writing. So jazz and blues for something detective-y and noir, for example, or ragtime for a turn-of-the-century tale. I might change the music depending on the scene as well. If the climax in big and dramatic, the music should fit that.
When you read a book, do you pretty much fully hallucinate (can't think of a better word) and forget that you're reading a book? (Like, you don't realize you're reading words. You just have the pictures in your head)
Sort of. I do imagine what's going on in my head, but I'm always cognizant of the fact that I'm reading a book. I will occasionally go back and reread sections, or even put the book down for a little bit to mull over the most recent event.
Do you dream in color?
Do you remember your dreams?
Rarely. It's more common if it's a dream that pops up again and again, or if it's a dream inspired by something in the real world. If I read a bunch of books in a series or play one game for a long period of time, chances are I might dream something about those subjects.
Do you have recurring dreams?
As I mentioned in the last one, I do. Unfortunately, they're almost always nonsensical stress dreams. Typically I'm back in college, struggling with courses that I would have never taken in real life (typically high-level mathematics or something).
When doing social things, do you sometimes need a break?
Yes. I'm not good in large groups, particularly with people I don't know all that well. Eventually my social reserves run dry in such circumstances and I leave for the privacy of my own home.
Which school subjects come easily to you?
History and literature/English. -
Here's some questions by
on 2016-05-26 18:23:00 UTC
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Do you read/write while listening to music?
Yes. I really enjoy listening to music while writing.
Specific genre?
Certain stories that I write have an album or song associated with them. I don't stick to one genre overall with my music but I do prefer something fast and exciting with a good beat while I'm trying to write.
When you read a book...
Sometimes I can become so absorbed I don't think that I'm actually reading anymore so I think the answer here is yes. But it doesn't happen every time so...
Dream in color?
Remember your dreams?
Sometimes. I'll go for periods of no dreams but then I'll start remembering them.
Recurring dreams?
Maybe? I dont really have dreams that REPEAT themselves but I do have recurring themes, locations, situations, etc. Kind of like sequel dreams.
Social things?
Yes! I'm definitely an introvert that needs to recharge.
School subjects?
Uh, writing and English I'm good at. I also am a steady hand at Statistics. -
My answers by
on 2016-05-26 17:11:00 UTC
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1: I don't really listen to music (I know, I'm such a wierdo).
2: When I'm reading I see the words but it's like there's a movie going on inside my head if that makes any sense.
3: Yes I do dream in color.
4: I remember most of my dreams, although only bits of some.
5: I have recurring dreams.
6: It really depends on the social thing. Sometimes I'll keep doing whatever it is, other times it might be too much.
7: I've never had a problem with school. I really hate remembering dates though. -
Answerves! by
on 2016-05-26 15:25:00 UTC
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Do you read/write while listening to music?
When reading? Absolutely not. It's impossible for me to concentrate on the Words if other Words are being thrown into my ears. Even lyric-less music is way too distracting, since my brain then tries to follow along with the notes.
When writing? I . . . can. I usually wouldn't, but sometimes if I'm writing a mission or regular fan story, I'll listen to something off a related soundtrack. Again, it cannot be something with lyrics, or they will distract me from the words I'm trying to put down. (I do remember in school I could listen to lyric songs while working on nonfiction essays and such, and it often made me work faster. But that's because I had no emotional investment in those . . . things.
If you do, do you read/write with a specific genre?
Again, same-universe soundtrack or nothing.
When you read a book, do you pretty much fully hallucinate (can't think of a better word) and forget that you're reading a book? (Like, you don't realize you're reading words. You just have the pictures in your head)
Very, very, very much. When I'm reading, there is no doctorlit anymore, no more background, only what's happening on the page—only it's not a page, it's a world.
A particularly jerkish student at my high school commented once, as I read an assigned novel at lunch, that I "read slow." (He should have said slowly, of course. Tsk, tsk, and at a prep school, too!) I guess the whole visualization thing makes me slower? Although I can't imagine that most people read by skimming; I prefer to believe he was just being a jerk, as per usual.
Do you dream in color?
*remembers dreaming about branches with green leaves being in the animal food fridge last night*
Do you remember your dreams?
*remembers remembering*
Do you have recurring dreams?
You know, it hasn't happened in years, and I don't remember the actual events anymore, but I do remember having sequels to previous dreams when I was younger, sometimes years apart. When I was particularly young, I kept having dreams about skeletal zombies being pretty much everywhere around me. Fun times.
When doing social things, do you sometimes need a break?
Psh. I need mostly break. With all the time I spend at work, I want nothing more than being home alone at my computer during off time. I'm at the point where I don't even want to hang out with family or friends anymore, just because it ruins my alone time. I do feel guilty about it, but I just really, really need to be alone.
Which school subjects come easily to you?
My best subjects overall were generally literature courses and science courses, although there were exceptions both ways. Organic chemistry, physics and biochemistry were terrible, because they're only barely science and wildly uninteresting to me. English classes for me were an excuse to get reading for homework, and then BS some nonsense for the essays/exams for grades. But sometimes, I would get a teacher who ruined it for me by wanting us to be far more analytical of themes and metaphor and such than I tend to be when I read. Reading is only for entertainment, people!
—doctorlit needs to start breakfast now -
Say what? by
on 2016-05-28 03:09:00 UTC
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"Organic chemistry, physics and biochemistry were terrible, because they're only barely science"
Them's fighting words, my friend. Fighting words indeed. -
Noooo, no fights. by
on 2016-05-28 05:14:00 UTC
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I don't mean the topic itself, just that the classes were only about 35% science theory and 65% grinding through obnoxiously long and repetitive math problems.
—doctorlit has 99 less problems without that class -
Studying physics without math... by
on 2016-05-28 05:18:00 UTC
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Is like studying computer programming without using any programming language at all.
That is another thing I'd likely be exceptionally poor at. (nm) by
on 2016-05-28 05:30:00 UTC
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Just think of it as... by
on 2016-05-28 15:06:00 UTC
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...telling a very literal person what to do. You gotta hold his hand every step of the way, tell him exactly what you want him to do, and essentially move his arms and legs around for him.
If you do it right, he'll perform tasks like a champ.
If not, he wanders off into the woods and gets savaged by the wildlife. You then have to pull him out of his hole, drag him home, brush him off, and go over why it's bad to go off-roading without your supervision.
Either that or he refuses to cooperate at all.
I am not a good programmer. -
I waited until after I slept to answer this by
on 2016-05-26 12:32:00 UTC
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- Yes, dear god yes.
2. My Pandora seeds are Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco, My Chemical Romance, and Paramore if that gives you an idea.
3. Yes, Rick Riordan's works especially
4. Well I do watch color tv, which has been proven to induce said dreams..
5. Occasionally, like last night I ended with a Steven Universe future!au
6. I rarely get the same setting as another dream if that makes anysense.
7. Meh
8. Most subjects come naturally to me, Math especially so.
- Yes, dear god yes.
To answer your questions: by
on 2016-05-26 11:39:00 UTC
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1) Do you read/write while listening to music?
No. I've tried, but I end up getting too into the music and I can't concentrate on plotting.
2) If you do, do you read/write with a specific genre?
Not applicable.
3) When you read a book, do you pretty much fully hallucinate (can't think of a better word) and forget that you're reading a book? (Like, you don't realize you're reading words. You just have the pictures in your head)
God, yes. Call it an active imagination, but I can't help but lose myself in the world of the book. Discworld is a particular place I get lost, as is (more recently) the world of Worm.
4) Do you dream in color?
The dreams I remember are in colour, yes. I don't know if it's always true, though; it's a fairly small sample size.
5) Do you remember your dreams?
Not for the most part. I only really remember the nightmares.
6) Do you have recurring dreams?
Recurring nightmares, alas. Similar themes abound, at least, but the details do change because of the mutability of dreams in general.
7) When doing social things, do you sometimes need a break?
All. The. Damn. Time. I kind of envy smokers, because they get to bugger off outside whenever a given room gets too oppressive.
8) Which school subjects come easily to you?
In my experience, English and History. As I was told came easily to me by my parents, Maths, Physics, and Chemistry. You may notice there's not a huge amount of overlap. =/ -
Planned answers for a random survey. by
on 2016-05-26 10:05:00 UTC
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- I usually write while listening to music, but I don't normally read. If music's on I just... let it flow, dude. Far out.
2. Everything I write fits into the 'badfic' genre, so, yes, I suppose.
3. Er. I don't think I do?
I mean, I see images but I'm never at any point not looking at words, y'know?
4. Pretty certain I do.
5. I don't normally remember my dreams, except for tiny snippets, which usually fade away after a while.
On a related note, I had a dream I remember!
I was looking at a mirror, and it was someone completely different in the mirror looking back, and I thought after some time: 'You know what, this isn't so bad!'
Make of it what you will.
6. I wouldn't know if they recur. I doubt it.
7. Sometimes I need a break from social this and that, but not to any wild degree, I don't think.
Still go to mate's birthday parties, and all, but I'm not particularly outgoing by any large degree.
8. Ancient history, Biology, English, Studies of Religion, and I think I do pretty decently in PDHPE*. I never stress in it, or anything like that, at least.
I don't have any questions, but I probably will have heaps later, and will direly regret not being able to remember them right now.
*Personal Development, Health and Physical Education, assuming you heathens don't have it where you are.
- I usually write while listening to music, but I don't normally read. If music's on I just... let it flow, dude. Far out.
My answers! + Questions of my own by
on 2016-05-26 04:19:00 UTC
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Do you read/write while listening to music? If you do, do you read/write with a specific genre?
Never while I'm reading (see the question about books and hallucination; I often do the same thing while listening to music and my mind picks one to focus on), unless the story mentions a song which I don't know well, in which case I'll look it up and listen to it while or before I read the next passage. While writing, sometimes but not usually; it's a bit distracting. At the very least, the music seeps into what I'm writing. Sometimes one of my characters will actually listen to, sing, or dance to the song I'm listening to (e.g. every story I wrote in middle school). So I tend not to listen to music, unless I badly need inspiration (e.g. the horror story I wrote while listening to Metallica's "Master of Puppets" on repeat. It has the same mood as the song, and some of the same phrasing as the lyrics).
However, I need a certain level of ambient noise in order to focus on writing, so if I'm home alone I'll put on hard rock, heavy metal, or anything loud and energetic with lyrics that are unintelligible or don't create a world I can get distracted by (Rammstein's my current favorite thanks to TOS. And yes, Jay, I know there are other German metal bands in the world, but most of the other ones I like have lyrics I know well).
When you read a book, do you pretty much fully hallucinate (can't think of a better word) and forget that you're reading a book? (Like, you don't realize you're reading words. You just have the pictures in your head)
Sometimes this happens, yes. Pictures and these pseudo-sound things which don't sound like sounds or the memory of sounds, they're just the sounds thoughts makes in my mind (there are textures that work the same way. Also mimic-emotions that are shadows of what the characters are feeling. Taste and smell are less common). And not just when I'm reading a book, it also happens when I'm writing, when I'm texting or otherwise sending messages, when I'm thinking about something (although in a less orderly way), and even when I'm listening to music or talking on the phone (just pictures, no reading-sounds). Because of this, I like watching movies or other kinds of video/animation much less than other media: I can't see my own images or my thought-sounds, so I sometimes get the unnerving impression that I'm not thinking, like my mind is turned down, even when I'm thinking very hard to follow the plot or the themes.
Do you dream in color?
Yes, and in all five senses, although I remember sight the best.
Do you remember your dreams?
Yes, but not very well or with any consistency. I remember them better if I write them down, mime writing them down in the air, or otherwise repeat key points to myself.
Do you have recurring dreams?
No. I've dreamed that I have recurring dreams, though. I had one dream where I thought I knew what was going to happen because I'd had the dream before and therefore could control it, but when I woke up I realized I'd never had the dream before and had zero control.
Sometimes I have recurring characters in my dreams, though, all boys. (Girls are either me, generic, or one-time. I'm sure I've had dreams where I didn't have a gender, but if something is missing in my dreams, I don't notice it at all and in my memory default to whatever generic is for that thing.) The most notable of these was a series of three dreams when I was about nine years old where I was this superhero guy. He had that standard superhero tight-fitting suit (which never itched, for some reason; I bet that was one of his superpowers) and cape, both red. Over the course of the dreams I learned that he had many enemies, my same little sister, and a girlfriend named Rebecca. The worldbuilding was decent, but the plots were pretty pointless -- much like my writing in fourth grade, come to think of it.
When doing social things, do you sometimes need a break?
Only if I'm doing social things for really long periods of time or if it's early in the morning. I definitely need time to myself, but I don't usually need to interrupt socializing to do so. I think of myself as a mild introvert or an ambivert, although personality quizzes often tell me I'm more extroverted (I hate personality quizzes; I'm not sure why I take them).
Which school subjects come easily to you?
Math, Spanish (my foreign language), and Acting. History isn't easy, but it's fun, so I work on it in my spare time, so when I get to class it seems like it's coming pretty easily. English (writing, analysis) is the same as history, but it comes a little easier than history (or else I've worked on it more in the past; I can't tell at this point). Visual art is the opposite: it comes easily to me, but I have almost no interest in it, so my drawing style is almost exactly the same as it was in sixth grade, the last year when Art classes were mandatory. Science used to come easily when it was just about analysis and basically structured the same way as history, but now it's also about understanding all these weird processes and that part only comes sort of okay. It'll probably be even worse next year when I take Biology. Music is in the middle. P.E. is dead last. Socializing (which I was graded on in elementary school and still think of as a subject) used to be dead last, but I've (laboriously) developed some habits that make it more natural and even enjoyable.
My Questions for You All
Do you ever dream you're someone other than yourself?
Do you ever dream you're a gender other than your own? -
Answers, belatedly by
on 2016-06-01 06:02:00 UTC
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Can confirm I'm sometimes somebody else in my dreams.
Sometimes I'm somebody else in my dreams. by
on 2016-05-28 20:13:00 UTC
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I don't think I've ever been any gender other than female, but I can't say for certain.
Hrm by
on 2016-05-28 16:30:00 UTC
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Do you ever dream you're someone other than yourself?
I don't think so, but I have gone into third-person view once or twice.
Do you ever dream you're a gender other than your own?
Gender doesn't tend to be a focus in my dreams; there's too much else going on usually. -
Gendery questions! by
on 2016-05-27 07:29:00 UTC
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I usually don't notice / remember what I look like in my dreams - it's not something that sticks with me frequently. However, I can't remember having a dream in which I'm not some reflection or version of myself - I am me, awake or asleep. That self is sometimes very different from reality (I had one fairly recently where I was a robot girl), but in-context, it's always me.
As far as gender goes, though - that's a much harder question to answer. I was assigned male at birth, lived that way for a reasonable length of time, and while I'm now genderfluid through three-ish genders that don't include masculinity, I'm still early enough in my transition that I can pass as a guy without much work. So, "genders other than my own" is a surprisingly small set of options... Overt masculinity has never really been a perception of self in my dreams, and that's been consistent since well before I started digging in to gender stuff. Aside from that, though, sometimes I'm as I am, sometimes I'm as I wish I was, sometimes I'm in between, and very frequently, the shape of my body just doesn't come up. -
No, if I'm in the dream, I'm me. by
on 2016-05-26 16:04:00 UTC
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And I'm such a personality-less drone, my gender is nearly irrelevant anyway, so it never matters in a dream.
—doctorlit has finished breakfast now -
No and no, as far as I remember. by
on 2016-05-26 10:51:00 UTC
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But I am sure that I had many more dreams than I can still remember now.
HG -
What are the odds! by
on 2016-05-26 10:12:00 UTC
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I did dream I was someone else, just last night!
I even mentioned it in my other reply!
The planets aligned tonight, didn't they?
Genderwise, though?
Always ending up the same tubby blob of X and Y chromosomes* I always was.
*Biological sex and gender are separate, don't kill me, I'm just trying to sound fancy. -
"Don't kill me; I'm just trying to sound fancy" by
on 2016-05-26 21:17:00 UTC
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Sounds like someone's last words to me. Hopefully not yours (you're alive, right?).
After these PPC trips, I'm not so sure. by
on 2016-05-27 08:35:00 UTC
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When you've suffocated in the outer reaches of the solar system and smashed your upper body into a million tiny pieces against a French pavement, this sort of thing becomes a bit confusing.
Answers to you by
on 2016-05-26 06:07:00 UTC
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Yes, sometimes. When I do it's usually as one of my agents or characters I'm writing for my original stories.
Also yes! Not very frequently, but I have dreamt I was a guy on a few different occasions. -
Answers! by
on 2016-05-26 05:12:00 UTC
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Yes and yes. Different orientations, too.
~Neshomeh -
Let's see... by
on 2016-05-26 04:01:00 UTC
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- Yes.
2. Previously, I read a lot of Fantasy books, but now, they have all concluded, so I have pretty much stopped reading. However, I listen to music with a sort of final tone to it, as in something that prepares me for a climax all the way.
3. No, I remain fully grounded in reality, sadly.
4. Yes, I dream in colour, sometimes. Usually in darker colours, though.
5. Yes, I remember my dreams.
6. I have had recurring dreams before, like designs for Super Paper Mario Levels.
7. Yes, I need to take a break from social things sometimes.
8. I sadly cannot answer this question competently.
- Yes.
For example: by
on 2016-05-26 04:05:00 UTC
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When I read the Last Dragon Chronicles, I was listening to this:
(Agh, the feels...) -
RE: Random survey by
on 2016-05-26 03:57:00 UTC
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Do you read/write while listening to music?
-Sometimes. It certainly helped during NaNoWriMo.
If you do, do you read/write with a specific genre?
-Not unless I'm playing a specific album.
When you read a book, do you pretty much fully hallucinate (can't think of a better word) and forget that you're reading a book? (Like, you don't realize you're reading words. You just have the pictures in your head)
-Not really, though if I've heard a book on disc, I'll hear the audiobook's narrator in my head when I go back to the physical copy.
Do you dream in color?
Do you remember your dreams?
-Vaguely. I have a dream journal, but I keep forgetting to write in it.
Do you have recurring dreams?
When doing social things, do you sometimes need a break?
-Oh, yeah.
Which school subjects come easily to you?
-As long as I remember to keep on top of all my assignments, history and Japanese classes -
Sounds fun! by
on 2016-05-25 23:47:00 UTC
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Do you read/write while listening to music? - No, I find it sort of distracting. :/
When you read a book, do you pretty much fully hallucinate? - I know what you're talking about, and it's only happened once or twice to me, when I was younger. It's cool as hell though, and I wish it wold happen more.
Do you dream in color? - I confirmed I did a few nights ago. :)
Do you remember your dreams? - Occasionally. I've actually taken to writing them down, and I just finished typing up one of the nicest (and most oddly coherent) dreams I've ever had.
Do you have recurring dreams? - Sometimes.
When doing social things, do you sometimes need a break? - Always.
Which school subjects come easily to you? - English, I guess, and sometimes Math. :D -
Re: Random questions, for a random survey. by
on 2016-05-25 23:05:00 UTC
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Do you read/write while listening to music? - Yes.
If you do, do you read/write with a specific genre? - Video-game music, assuming the genre refers to what I'm listening to.
When you read a book, do you pretty much fully hallucinate (can't think of a better word) and forget that you're reading a book? (Like, you don't realize you're reading words. You just have the pictures in your head) - Sometimes, particularly with more engaging stories.
Do you dream in color? - All the time.
Do you remember your dreams? - Not all of them, but some of the more memorable ones... Like the time when I dreamed of hanging out with Pixar canons and my parents got abducted by aliens...
Do you have recurring dreams? - Not that I know of.
When doing social things, do you sometimes need a break? - Eeyup
Which school subjects come easily to you? - Biology, engineering, programming, and a bit of mathematics. -
Response by
on 2016-05-25 20:33:00 UTC
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- Sometimes, but when I'm writing I sometimes find it's too much stimulation and makes my brain get tired faster.
2. When I do, I usually like a combination of movie/game scores, New Age, world music, and other stuff that's stirring without being too distracting. Nothing with lyrics; or if there are lyrics, they can't be in English.
3. Nope, just standard visualization here.
4. Oh yes; I am an extremely vivid dreamer. I get color, sensation, sound—including music, rarely including tunes I'm pretty sure I made up (though I've never been able to remember them long enough to write them down after the fact)—and sometimes even taste/smell, too. When my dreams have plots, which they occasionally do, it can be kind of like being in a movie.
Sometimes I come close to being aware that I'm dreaming, too, but I haven't quite mastered lucid dreaming. It's fun when, within a dream, I notice and get worried about things that don't make sense; or when I resist getting involved with someone because I'm married, and I've got my rings on to prove it. ^_^
5. Nearly always, at least for the following day. Sometimes I deliberately hang on to the more interesting ones as story fuel. (Wanna meet the cast of my next NaNovel? Met them in a dream just a couple nights ago, and I've been working on fleshing them out since.)
6. I don't often repeat events in my dreams, but I do sometimes revisit settings. They tend to be based on real places, like my grandparents' house, but not always. There's a creepy mad science and/or haunted mansion I've been to a few times.
7. Yeah, I'm pretty much 100% an introvert. Sometimes I use bathroom breaks as social breaks, too.
8. Reading and writing were always easy for me in the sense that when I do them I am naturally good at them. I've always hated writing school papers and homework in general, though, so I'm not sure that counts for your question. Besides English, I always enjoyed and did really well in biology, anatomy & physiology, and other science subjects without too much math in them. (Plus electives like choir and art.)
- Sometimes, but when I'm writing I sometimes find it's too much stimulation and makes my brain get tired faster.
Answers by
on 2016-05-25 20:02:00 UTC
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Do you read/write while listening to music?
When I was a kid, I didn’t understand how my brother could do homework while listening to music. I couldn’t; I always needed a quiet place. Over time, I adapted and am now often able to read and write while my wife listens to music or watches TV in the same room. But I don’t listen; I ignore the noise.
When you read a book, do you pretty much fully hallucinate (can't think of a better word) and forget that you're reading a book?
No, I’m always aware of the words, unless I space out and immerge into my own dream while still moving my eyes, until I realize that I don’t know what really happened in the last three paragraphs and have to read them again.
Do you dream in color?
Maybe? I don’t remember such details.
Do you remember your dreams?
Sometimes, but I forget most details within minutes after waking up and only vaguely remember a theme like "I was back in a place where I lived years ago" or just "it was really weird and illogical".
Do you have recurring dreams?
Not recently, but I still remember the themes of some recurring nightmares I had many years ago:- Coming home from school, but being unable to find the house where my family lived
- Trying to wash my hands, but some really weird and complex plumbing has been mounted to the water tap so that the water will flow to the floor rather than into the sink, and I can’t remove it.
- Waking up and trying to switch the light on, but it doesn’t work and the room stays dark
When doing social things, do you sometimes need a break?
Often. That’s why I mostly avoid doing social things.
Which school subjects come easily to you?
I’ve been out of school for decades, but as far as I remember I liked physics (no other sciences), history and geography best. Sounds like a weird combination.
HG - Coming home from school, but being unable to find the house where my family lived
Answers (not determined by throwing a D20.) by
on 2016-05-25 19:35:00 UTC
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Do you read/write while listening to music?
Not always, but I do it quite often.
If you do, do you read/write with a specific genre?
Nope. I prefer music with lyrics I can song and some fandom music, mainly from video games and anime, but if I find anythng I like, I'll listen it.
When you read a book, do you pretty much fully hallucinate (can't think of a better word) and forget that you're reading a book? (Like, you don't realize you're reading words. You just have the pictures in your head)
Not sure it qualifies, but one I've got a book in hand, I'm pretty much lost for conversation or anything. Although I'm not really 'hallucinating' as you say.
Do you dream in color?
I think I do. I don't remember many dreams though.
Do you remember your dreams?
Do you have recurring dreams?
Cannot be sure, given the fact I remember so few of them.
When doing social things, do you sometimes need a break?
I didn't do many of these, but I know being with people 24/24 would feel quite tiring after a moment.
Which school subjects come easily to you?
History. No question. -
Have some answers. by
on 2016-05-25 18:59:00 UTC
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Do you read/write while listening to music?
If you do, do you read/write with a specific genre?
-No, but I tend to avoid vocal music, particularly stuff that has lyrics that I can understand — I find that type of music rather distracting.
When you read a book, do you pretty much fully hallucinate (can't think of a better word) and forget that you're reading a book? (Like, you don't realize you're reading words. You just have the pictures in your head)
-Nope, never happened to me.
Do you dream in color?
-Possibly? I'm not sure.
Do you remember your dreams?
-Some of them.
Do you have recurring dreams?
-Not that I know.
When doing social things, do you sometimes need a break?
-Most definitely yes. I have those "people should get out of my hair or else" moods every once in a while, too.
Which school subjects come easily to you?
-I... don't know? I finished school four years ago and uni is still half a year away (not counting the false start I had with Law). I'm certainly a humanities person, though. -
Sure, I'll bite. by
on 2016-05-25 18:33:00 UTC
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Q: Do you read/write while listening to music?
A: Sometimes; it depends on the mood I'm in and what I'm reading/writing.
Q: If you do, do you read/write with a specific genre?
A: Nah, my tastes are all over the place. Though I do have a marked preference for fandom music and alt rock.
Q: When you read a book, do you pretty much fully hallucinate (can't think of a better word) and forget that you're reading a book?
A: All the freaking time. It annoys the heck out of my family because they can be standing next to me shouting my name and I won't even notice they're there until they take the book away.
Q: Do you dream in color?
A: All the time; it surprised me to learn some don't.
Q: Do you remember your dreams?
A: Only the really fun or really scary ones. I can still remember a few nightmares I had when I was seven, along with a dream that I found my way into Hogwarts through the vacuum closet not long after. Most of the other ones I remember involve playing Quidditch, flying a TARDIS, or moving to England.
Q: Do you have recurring dreams?
A: Ehhh... sometimes. On occasion I'll have the same dream or some variation on it for a few nights in a row before my brain moves off of replay.
Q: When doing social things, do you sometimes need a break?
A: Oh yeah. Even if it's just me and one other friend, I need a break after a few hours because I need time to myself and start to feel trapped otherwise. I... don't do too well at sleepovers and big parties for a reason. :/
Q: Which school subjects come easily to you?
A: Um... *racks brains* Not really any of them, to be honest. I'm absolutely terrible at anything involving numbers and although certain branches of science interest me, when it comes to the details I start to get bored and tune out. History is just a bunch of date memorization which I find extremely boring, and my English teachers don't like me because my writing is much more informal than they want for essays and I have an extremely hard time reining it in.
Though now that I think about it, I did really well in my art history class my first semester, and I enjoyed poking holes in theories presented by my philosophy professor. (He still hasn't gotten back to me on a question I asked. Grr.) So... yay subjects that no future employer cares about save for museum curators? -
Random answers by
on 2016-05-25 18:26:00 UTC
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Do you read/write while listening to music?
-I do. I listen to instrumental music while I write. It helps block out the rest of the world.
If you do, do you read/write with a specific genre?
-Not particularly. I move from anime music to video game music (from Chrono Trigger to Skyrim) to piano/cello music (often with a rock base). Depends on what I feel like at the time.
When you read a book, do you pretty much fully hallucinate (can't think of a better word) and forget that you're reading a book? (Like, you don't realize you're reading words. You just have the pictures in your head)
-Nope. I do hear the characters voices in my head, but it isn't at all like what you describe.
Do you dream in color?
Do you remember your dreams?
-Not often.
Do you have recurring dreams?
-I believe so. I sometimes wake up with a sense of Deja Vu, though I don't remember what I dreamed.
When doing social things, do you sometimes need a break?
-Yes. I need t let my brain shut down for a little while.
Which school subjects come easily to you?
-All of them expect foreign languages (including computer programming languages). I had a terrible time trying to learn French back in the day. I am particularly strong in math, science. and history.
-Phobos -
Apropos Skyrim music... by
on 2016-05-25 19:01:00 UTC
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Have a plug.
My answers (for reference) by
on 2016-05-25 18:14:00 UTC
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Do you read/write while listening to music?
*I've always been able to do both while listening to music, and prefer it.
If you do, do you read/write with a specific genre?
*No. Anything works for me.
When you read a book, do you pretty much fully hallucinate (can't think of a better word) and forget that you're reading a book? (Like, you don't realize you're reading words. You just have the pictures in your head)
*Unless I'm thinking about this, I just basically watch a movie in my head when I'm reading a book. Never knew other people don't do that.
Do you dream in color?
*Yes. Didn't know other people supposedly don't.
Do you remember your dreams?
*Sometimes. Not often, only if I wake up right after it.
Do you have recurring dreams?
*I've had a couple, but they're not really that big. I do have recurring themes in my dreams, though.
When doing social things, do you sometimes need a break?
*Um, I always feel like this. I especially dread sleepovers, because it kinda scares me having to be social for so long. I feel like I'm the only one like this (all my friends are constantly wanting to have sleepovers) and so I feel kinda bad about it.
Which school subjects come easily to you?
*History. Writing and reading also come easily to me, but I can never remember the specifics of 'verbs, adverbs, nouns' etc.
PPC Camping Trip 2016 by
on 2016-05-26 01:00:00 UTC
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Yes, it's back. Now with 50% more snarking and frogs trapped in the narrative.
(As always, feel free to add your own comments on the events! I'm not omnipotent and I wasn't able to see all of the shenanigans that were taking place.) -
You just be thankful... by
on 2016-05-31 06:28:00 UTC
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I didn't pour the meltwater from that hailstorm down the back of your neck while you were driving. Yeah, it might have been my idea, but it wasn't my fault. And anyway, what you were doing taking my advice when I can't drive or see very well is really beyond me. =]
I think I did a pretty good job acting Akumatized, actually. by
on 2016-05-27 01:43:00 UTC
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That was until I ended up falling through that manhole and face-planting in the sewer. I still can't get the sepsis out of my eyes, but there was at least a good thing about that incident: I got myself a rat following. Well, a swarm of rats went after me - hoping they could turn me into some exquisite soup of the day, no doubt - and I was thankful to have found that cigarette lighter. The ensuing carnage left me with second-degree burns on all of my limbs, sure, but by the time it was over, the rats that survived began worshiping me like some kind of ancient rat god. I don't know how or why, but I'll take what I can get.
It helped that when Fred landed on top of me and turned me into a grease stain, they resurrected me through prayer. I kinda hope nobody gets the idea to start calling me Lord Cheesus, though. ^^; -
Well if we're gonna talk about Akumatized boarders... by
on 2016-05-27 03:02:00 UTC
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I think I did an awesome job doing The Gamer for a white guy... though I think I got a bit to into character, if the now ruined Notre Dame is any indication.
I credit C8H10N4O2 to keeping me awake the whole time. by
on 2016-05-27 01:29:00 UTC
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Tell me, why was everyone talking so slowly?
Popping all that corn was strenuous – by
on 2016-05-26 17:27:00 UTC
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– but totally worth it.
I would send the German Mounted Mountain Navy to your rescue, but apparently they ran out of elephants.
(Unfortunately, I cannot post the associated photo of a navy sailor riding an elephant, because it was in a book that went lost long ago.)
HG -
To those wondering how I did my impression: by
on 2016-05-26 15:56:00 UTC
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I was the one who brought the Weapons of Medium Destruction.
Speaking of those, I had no idea which team I was on in the catacombs, but they creeped me out big time. So all I was doing down there was firing the aforementioned Weapons of Medium Destruction at anything that moved.
~Mattman, who killed at least one Hobo down there. -
on 2016-05-26 15:43:00 UTC
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I skeletonized all the frogs I got. I think my spirit animal is the piranha.
My report. by
on 2016-05-26 15:30:00 UTC
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So let me set the scene for you:
Huinesoron: wflgbt
Clock: The time, is, half past, four, ay emm!
Huinesoron: [Stumbles downstairs]
Huinesoron: Wha'?
KittyEden, sounding out of breath and nearly drowned out by splashing: Hey! How do you feel about hosting the next PPC Camping Trip?
Huinesoron: … when?
KittyEden: [Very long silence]
Kaitlyn: hS, you need to come and see this…
Huinesoron: [Stumbles upstairs; looks out the window; stares at the gigantic aircraft carrier currently attempting to sail up onto the bank of the Thames]
So apparently when the American lot chose July to drive their ship, they also let her pick one… she at least had the decency to paint it black.
Since we were waiting for KittyEden, Kaitlyn and I had to find space for everyone to sleep for the next few days. So, to everyone who had to sleep in the shed, the loft, the bathtub, and especially the cot: sorry. (Though you three in the latter need to stop complaining: if we hadn't put the bars back on you would have fallen out, no?)
That's why people weren't overjoyed to see you, by the way: they'd been sleeping stacked three-high.
So we picked our destination, packed into Chitty Chitty Space Warp, and then everyone looked confused until I pointed out that we could just follow the railway - the Eurostar goes straight to Paris, after all.
And no, I didn't actually mean we should fly through the Channel Tunnel. Or that the correct answer to 'they have trains down here' was 'turn the lights off, then they won't see us!'. Thanks, eatpraylove, for knocking ten years off my life.
Unlike KittyEden, I know exactly how we got lost - once it comes out of the tunnel, the Eurostar goes to either Paris or Brussels. But I was busy playing PPC Munchkin with N. Harmonik and EileenAlphabet, so I didn't realise we'd gone the wrong way - or that when MochiIsAwesome called out 'just keep going south, we'll hit it eventually!', we were already over Switzerland.
Still, we eventually made Paris, hashtag-occupied the Eiffel Tower, and most people went to sleep.
I tried to go to sleep. But then Neshomeh dragged me bodily from my tent and forced me to play Extreme Truth or Dare (that's my story and I'm sticking to it). Oh, the tales I could tell about Iximaz climbing the outside of the tower, Mattman the Comet's 'impression of a real comet', and of course Storme Hawk's actinium 'mishap'. But what happens in Paris stays in Paris, right? Especially any 'truths' prompted by the words 'if you had to tell a brand-new shipfic out loud right now, what would it be?'. (Larfen J. Stocke, esq, that was cheating and you know it.)
I actually missed most of the first day: my hanglider was sabotaged by unknown Voyds, and I ended up circling over the city waiting for twenty thousand rubber bands to wind down and stop turning the propeller. I did have a good view of the Infinite Seagull incident, though. And I had an excellent view of the firework show - until that rocket hit my glider in the wing and brought me down on top of the tower. Still, down was better than up, and the burns have already started healing.
So I was much happier to ride Fred around the city on day two; SkarmorySilver's attempts to give a guided tour based on 'that video game I played a few years back' was especially entertaining (particularly once he realised he was trying to guide us around Prague, not Paris at all!). And I was very pleased to get FOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. I may have gone a little overboard on the croissants and croissant-derivatives.
No, not on the frogs. The frogs had nothing to do with me. If they had, would I have been throwing them over the side of the observation platform? (Oh, hush - they're small, they have low terminal velocity, they were fine.)
Day three was brilliant. Tigeress's Stop Motion Portal was hilarious ('Hardric's stepped on the orange portal! Everybody freeze!'), and got even better when more of those other-dimensional gateways opened. Nesh's Phantom of the Opera at the Opera was loads of fun, even if I was only able to do the chorus parts. And using flaming potato guns to have 'magical' duels across the rooftops of Paris by moonlight… well, what more needs to be said? Other than 'sorry, Phobos' (again).
But day four… okay, I was fine with 'Operation Spark a Riot so we can Pretend it's Orcs Attacking Helm's Deep'. Sort of fine. But 'dose the Seine with actinium so the radiation will make us all into superheroes' was a bad idea, and no, the fact that sonofheaven176 managed to lose my samples before they reached the river doesn't make it better. And 'paint the Eiffel Tower blue because reasons'... let's just say I don't blame the police for needing a lot of Jammie Dodgers to let us stay.
But Sues Versus Agents made up for it (as it always does). I still think my idea of using Valarin names for everyone on Team Serg- er, Scap- er, what team was I on? Well, it was a good idea anyway, but I ran around shouting for Tulukharušurûz to help me, and all I got was a faceful of foam arrows.
But it was fun. And I managed to make sure when we got kicked out it was into Belgium, so we could swing by Brussels and pick up some proper Belgian chocolate on the way back (like we should have on the way there, honestly). There's about 500 pounds of the stuff left if anyone feels like wandering by our place… like, for instance, if you want to pick up a certain beached, black-painted aircraft carrier and take it back where it belongs.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay it's back. ^_^
hS -
Yeah, alright, it was cheating, by
on 2016-05-28 09:33:00 UTC
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but, good lord, was it saucy.
I'll never look at wooden tiling the same way ever again.
Saucy. -
That explains some things... by
on 2016-05-26 16:04:00 UTC
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I didn't know why there was suddendly demons around me. Oh well, it was time this sort of thing happened somehwere else than Tokyo. And we're supposed to be second manga consummers in the world after all.
Now that other thing was unforgivable. You've got a PPC Munchkin game ready to play and you didn't show it to all of us? want a refund. And one these games.
I told you guys, the police swindled us! We could have gotten away with half the price. Especially because they thought te Eiffel Tower looked great in blue!
I... don't remember anything about the catacombs wild goose chase. Pretty sure I got people though. Don't ask me if it was team-kill or not though.
Now, Belgians waffles and the chocolates were good, but I think we din't need to do this with the Atomium. Sure it looks better, but even Gaston Lagaffe didn't get away with this.
Still precious memories to keep while I wait this out on Reunion Island. They never search here. Speaking of that, does anybody mind if I burrow that aircraft carrier? -
Got better?! by
on 2016-05-26 08:07:00 UTC
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I'm still finding bits of my skull in my jacket, y'know!
I woke up last morning, went to brush my teeth, looked in the mirror, and saw a huge bloody chunk of asphalt sticking out of my neck!
My neck!
How the hell did we not see that earlier?!
That hurt, you know!
But it was pretty fun, I will admit. -
You know, I'm French... by
on 2016-05-26 07:59:00 UTC
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And I'll let you know these policemen totally swindled us. You could have asked me for translating. We would have avoided this shoot-out and I wouldn't have been banished from my country. Again. (And we could have crashed in my little brother's appartment. He needs redecorating it anyways.)
Oh, come on. by
on 2016-05-26 07:14:00 UTC
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I swear I was joking when I dared Storme Hawk to drink that water with the actinium in it! It's entirely his fault. And hS' for bringing along actinium in the first place. Darn chemists.
And man, Fred grew up so fast. *sniffles* We really need to get together for a game of elephant polo sometime.
LOL (nm) by
on 2016-05-29 01:51:00 UTC
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Oh dear. by
on 2016-05-26 05:36:00 UTC
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Anyone volunteer to go find her or should I just go ahead?
You also left out the part where someone decided to volunteer me to man the helm of the boat we took to get the hS' place in the first place. Then again considering you decided to swim the whole way there instead I probably should be less surprised. :P -
Count me in for the search party! by
on 2016-05-26 14:56:00 UTC
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I'm going to throw in a KITT replica for locomotion.
In fact, if you had listened to me, we wouldn't have left Kitty behind. But noo, let's choose the rustbucket from the early 900s over a car that can go up to 300 MPH and is basically indestructable. Totally going to work if the elephant starts pulling.
By the way, we wouldn't have gotten lost if you let me drive... though I appreciated being able to show a bit of my country, after all.
Oh, and the Agents versus Sues agem was indeed confusing - at one point Scapegrace and I teamed up to hunt down the other team's leader.
I still don't know of which team I was the leader, BTW. -
My favorite part... by
on 2016-05-26 04:54:00 UTC
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Was the Phantom of the Opera reenactment in the actual Paris Opera House on the next-to-last day. Despite the relative lack of Phans, we made the most of it by doubling up on parts, and it was pretty sweet.
If someone could come and let me out of the basement now, though, that would be nice. My phone is almost out of juice, and it's frankly a miracle that I've got a signal down here to begin with.
Also, the rats are starting to look at me funny.
~Neshomeh, who blames Phobos for most of the frog-roasting. -
Mine, too. by
on 2016-05-27 16:34:00 UTC
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Also, if we end up somewhere else with an opera house next year, we should do an amateur staging of the Dream Oath from Final Fantasy 6.
They were delicious (nm) by
on 2016-05-26 15:31:00 UTC
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Those fireworks were not "bought illicitly." by
on 2016-05-26 03:37:00 UTC
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In the country in which we bought them.
Also, the little, old man did not have an "excess" of flammable material. By the standards and definitions employed by the country in which he sold them.
—doctorlit tried to make them wait for you, but elephants can be very persuasive
Your worst Mary Sue OCs? by
on 2016-05-26 19:02:00 UTC
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It seems like, judging from the responses a few threads down, I'm not the only one with some terribly glittery skeletons in the closet. I'll go ahead and share mine.
My most recent, (and the only published Sue of mine) I created when I was fourteen, was a self-insert (...actually, all of these Sues were...) who was a distant relation of Professor Trelawney's and could see the future, but she was a "special" seer who remembered her prophecies and they were guaranteed to come true no matter what. She also ended up becoming the fifth Marauder and got embroiled in a love triangle between Sirius and Remus, who actually got into a fistfight over her... yeah. She was also ridiculously good at dueling, though at least I balanced that out with her being less-than-stellar in Charms and just average at everything else... I think. At least I did recognize the fact that the Marauders were bullies and wrote her appropriately like that, though I still cringe at the fact she and Lily ended up becoming friends in first year despite her main circle of friends. She was still full of glitter and I gleefully killed her on one of my missions.
A particular one I remember from playing "make-believe" with my mom and brother as a kid was a daughter of Lupin who would alternate between being bitten by her dad on accident or by Greyback on purpose. She'd always hook up with Harry, Ron, and Hermione and was the absolute best student at everything. I remember one game when she even got sorted into both Ravenclaw and Gryffindor at the same time. Ugh. Oh, and her fainting spell on the train in third year was always much moredramatictraumatic than Harry's and therefore better.
And the third, which I'm seriously considering writing a deliberately bad fanfic about, was one I pretended to be on my own (possibly because even when I was seven I knew how terrible the idea was). This one, who I distinctly remember being named Jade, was hatched from a Hungarian Horntail egg but looked like a human save for her eyes (yellow with vertical slits), wings, and tail, and she could also breathe fire. Charlie Weasley found her shortly after she hatched and she got raised as Ron's twin sister. She helped Harry in the Triwizard Tournament by speaking to the dragon and asking if he could have the egg that wasn't a real egg. She was also allowed to play Quidditch in her first year—Chaser, I think she booted Alicia Spinnet off the team—and ended up hooking up with George for the Yule Ball. Yep, her adoptive brother. *headdesk* -
I know I'm late, but... by
on 2016-06-06 08:54:00 UTC
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I'm up way too late and can't sleep, so cute it.
I have two potentially disastrous cases in my closet that, thankfully, I became too bored to fully develop. The first one was partially Suvian due to his species, which was from World One about a bajillion years in the future. Each member was basically a human with animal characteristics. They also had magic. Really, really overpowered magic. The kind that destroys entire castles. Also, the species had no actual age limit. Members couldn't die of old age, and could look however they wanted. Oh, and they had healing powers that got better as they aged, so that once they were ready to leave their parents' territories, they could survive lethal wounds if their bodies were still basically whole, and a while after that, they could survive dismemberment, and a while after that, they could survive being turned to ashes, and the only way to kill them was to completely transform their bodies into energy, something which I did not fully comprehend at that time and which, in that world, would have only destroyed a city. Oh, and the two eldest members of the species could survive that, and it would basically have only turned every spell they cast into Cast From Hit Points. Oh, and this species literally had no cap on how much their abilities could develop, so theoretically, they could have infinite anything.
My character was part spider, and also a specialist in contract magic. It's exactly what it sounds like. He tricked people into signing contracts that basically said, "The party of first part may now do whatever the bunny he wants to the party of the second part, literally." That last word is, of course, where the magic came in, in addition to the magic binding everybody to his will. He was blatant wish fulfillment, as this species basically dominated the planet, and did whatever he wanted prior to the beginning of the imagined plot, when he would undergo a moral turnaround and also become a convert. Gag me with a spork.
The other one is, by comparison, tame. It was a ridiculous Fairy Tail fanfic full of Suvian OCs, including people wielding Seith Magic, Ice-Make Magic, and other canons one hundred percent perfectly despite being potentially younger than the canon characters, and a couple ridiculous Magics that I made up, including a kind of Song Magic that forced people to act in manners that fit the song being played and would have turned the thing into a really bad Songfic. The only things the younger me got right were A) Not using the canon characters, and instead setting the story a couple hundred years later, because even poor deluded me realized that I had no writing experience and couldn't write the canon characters personalities correctly, and B) Actually setting limits on Arc of Embodiment, whose full extent was poorly defined at that time (the Tenrou Island Arc had just come out) in order to keep it from being ridiculously OP. -
I don't know if this counts since it's not quite an OC, by
on 2016-05-29 23:12:00 UTC
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But when we were younger, me, my younger brother, and my cousin used to play Star Wars all the time, and we were a regular trio of Stus. We were all powerful Jedi Masters, respected generals during the Clone Wars and Galactic Civil War, accomplished fleet commanders, survivors of Order 66, leaders of entire governments or armies... The list goes on for a while. We pretty much just used the Star Wars universe as a jumping off point and then did whatever the heck we wanted.
Some notably Stu-y accomplishments of my self-insert self include:
Being functionally immortal through a combination of hitherto undiscovered bacta treatments and made up Force powers.
Being the Chief of State of the New Republic and Grandmaster of the New Jedi Order while their previous incarnations still existed.
Being a powerful enough Force user to manipulate turbolaser shots.
Being a skilled enough lightsaber duelist to take on multiple Sith Lords.
And that was just off the top of my head.
To be fair to my past self, though, as I grew older I did realize how ridiculously powerful I was, and we all gradually toned down how powerful we were, before eventually killing ourselves off.
In appropriately dramatic fashion, of course.
Other than that, I don't have any really Sueish characters. OFUM and the PPC got to me right as I started to take an interest in writing, and all the characters I had come up with before then were pretty standard fantasy hero fare.. I've got a few characters now who might get a bit Sue-y if I screw up writing them, but nothing really embarrassing.
Not that I remember, anyway. -
I was a Mandalorian in Grade 3. (nm) by
on 2016-05-30 01:46:00 UTC
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What we did: by
on 2016-05-30 01:54:00 UTC
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Run around with Vibroweapons, get lightsaber-resistant materials, and beat up Jedi. I was training in the use of a force pike.
Finally, I can spill the secret fantasies that I dread now. by
on 2016-05-29 02:44:00 UTC
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When I was WAY younger, I ended up creating an entire fleet of Sues and Stus that, if published, would have me dead in a heartbeat. They were for a poorly-executed PUBLISHED school/town AU for Plants vs. Zombies. (I best know it as the fandom with too little canon and too much fanon. But it's cool most of the time, and I play the games, anyways.)
The characters from the AU were already replacements, so I basically possessed them in my brain. Here's where shit got real:
At the same age, I was addicted to the JP-only Super Robot Wars series, basically a series of mecha anime crossover games. Now, my understanding of it was very, very poor at the time compared to how I see it now. This, combined with my inability to grasp the fact that I was, in fact, leading a huge suvian army, lead to me SHOEHORNING ROBOTS FROM SAID SERIES INTO THESE FANTASIES, BEEFING THEM UP AS HARD AS POSSIBLE, AND INTEGRATING IT INTO THE CHARACTER'S DAILY LIVES AS HARD AS POSSIBLE (THEY ARE 12-16 IN THE AU MIND YOU), RELEASING GLITTER EVERYWHERE. Sorry, just had to vent. Anyway, I don't need to explain things further. They were in writing as deep as you could go with Sues that have stuff from multiple universes for no reason, and just Sues in general.
If you want to know how I even got to that in the first place years ago, just take a look at this: pvzkomiks.wikia.com (Be warned: Really bad writing and possibly bad psychology. No you are not allowed to kill these people, they still don't glitter in my eyes. It's not mine, either.) -
Hmmm. by
on 2016-05-28 15:40:00 UTC
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I think I only have one really bad OC, and he was part of an original world. He was the latest in a line of messianic figures chosen to save the world. He had the knowledge of the champions that came before him, plus magic powers granted by a large sentient crystal. He also had several shapeshifting forms, one of which had gills and wings at the same time.
I don't have any of my fanfiction anymore, but mostly I'd learned that my OC shouldn't be more important than existing characters.
September Johnson was originally a telekinetic from a world inspired by X-men and Pegasus in Flight. My mutants/psychics were about as flashy as Misfits of Science. They lived in abandoned places and stole to survive. -
Pretty much just the one. by
on 2016-05-28 04:20:00 UTC
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Jenni used to be fairly sparkly before the PPC. The good news is that I was more of a role-player than a ficcer, and I was taught manners in a private play-by-e-mail group fairly early on. After getting scolded for one big gaffe in which she teleported another character out of danger without their player's consent, all healery, telepath-y, and/or romancey shenanigans were conducted with the full cooperation of my fellow players.
That said, she still managed to get away with things like (a) Impressing a female brown dragon from the stands and becoming a Junior Weyrwoman in practically no time flat (which was not my plan; I just said yes when asked); (b) abducting the Phantom of the Opera from the end of the story and living with him in a quaint modern-ish little house (behold the resulting fic); and (c) sleeping with Severus Snape despite the fact that he was married to anothereven more glitteryOC and had a kid at the time, and there was SO much angst. (Seriously, look at my terrible art from 2003. You can practically taste the angst.) So, take that with as big a grain of salt as you like. {= )
There were also a couple characters who were basically off-brand clones of Jenni and were more or less equally Sueish. You can meet them in this Farscape fanfic and this character bio (note this is the improved version, after I got PPC input on her; then weep), if you really want to, but I'm sure you guys have better things to do.
It's shocking I'm not more ashamed of myself, but it was all so much fun at the time. The fact that people were in on it all with me helps a lot, too. ^_^ Well, except for the Farscape thing. That was all me; but I think Jen'ra is more just flat and ungodly dull and predictable than urple? I'unno; at any rate, it never seemed worthwhile to spork her. *shrug*
~Neshomeh - Hey, at least you had something going for your art: by on 2016-05-28 04:40:00 UTC Link to this
Good lord. by
on 2016-05-28 09:04:00 UTC
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You could argue that the first one is just a sort of stylisation thing, but, the other ones...
Who on earth are they drawing? -
Here goes something. by
on 2016-05-27 04:54:00 UTC
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supersonic805, who could absorb energy, and channel it out by other means. The reason this got out of hand is because he absorbed a nuclear explosion, so now he could pretty much do anything. He also had green eyes, due to that stereotypical radiation glow. Mind you, my friend put that bomb there just to see what would happen. He did have to suffer the effects of radiation sickness, however. Theoretically, he could also stop anything that came towards him, but that never happened, because my friend was a gigantic war machine that slaughtered everything before I had a chance to do anything. supersonic805 lost that power after fighting Frank Horrigan with a crowbar. In midair. I may use him again, after that business with Omega Supreme.
This is actually my 4th time trying to write this, as the last few times, I just got really angry with my friend, for putting me through that bloodbath. -
Wow. That's...wow. (nm) by
on 2016-05-27 15:03:00 UTC
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In my head, he's probably very, very shellshocked. by
on 2016-05-28 03:36:00 UTC
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I used him as the basis for when I played Minecraft with the Ars Magica II mod, but then the world got corrupted by an Iron Golem. So I guess he's the perfect person to be sent through a plothole by a massive iron fist.
Did you mean: Every single self-insert of mine before Falc? by
on 2016-05-27 01:34:00 UTC
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Terrordactyl should be a pretty obvious case to those of you who've read my very first PPC mission. However, he isn't actually an isolated specimen - almost every single self-insert of mine has had similar traits of wish fulfillment like dragon/pterosaur wings, aerokinesis, a Godzilla-sized ego and nobody questions it, waxing my views and interests, the works. Falchion is perhaps the exception to this rule because he's probably the only self-insert whom I've actually made an effort to work well within the world he's in (the PPC, of course). Everyone else? Well, I killed them all... with THIS THUMB. *shows thumb*
Well... There's a reason I don't use my own self-inserts XD (nm) by
on 2016-05-27 19:06:00 UTC
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As much as it may sound incredible... by
on 2016-05-26 20:11:00 UTC
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*points at Agent!Sergio* That's him. He got better, though.
Things of note (not all mentioned in Blank Sprite yet, but none is spoilerish anymore):
- Fell in love with Sakura Kinomoto of Card captor Sakura and managed to win her over despite the fact CLAMP pretty muhc state she an Syaoran are soulmates.
(And for CLAMP soulmates mean "they would've fell in love with each other even if there was an age difference, and regardless of either's gender")
- An accomplished Interpol Special Investigator at fourteen years old. Implied to have taken up the job at ten.
- Built himself a 900-horsepower car deemed so highly performant that he's the only one capable of driving it.
- Actually a sort-of-failed genetical experiment created by his archnemesis for extra angst points. (Though he discovered it rather late in the story and we have to concede him that he didn't angst much, more of trying to rationalyze it)
There's probably more, but the most blatant stuff is here. -
Hoo boy... by
on 2016-05-26 19:26:00 UTC
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The only one I specifically remember is Kara. I thought her up back when I was more into Naruto. She was Gaara's cousin (complete with red hair) and had his sand powers, but she was sane. (Mostly.) She showed up in a game of make-believe with my brother, too. For some reason I literally introduced her as a prisoner on a slave ship alongside my little brother's Stu OC, a younger Uchiha brother. (The latter got relatively little development, thankfully.) After the obligatory break-out-at-the-slave-auction sequence, the two of them got their own separate game, where I further decided that she'd figured out how to manipulate the sand-coffin thing Gaara does so it didn't always kill, taught at the Konoha ninja academy (after going through the exams, where she only cheated once, and a timeskip), and had a Summoning contract with a giant bird. Also, she had a pet Chihuahua named Zack who was mostly there for cuteness relief.
*dusts off hands* -
I don't suppose... by
on 2016-05-28 04:41:00 UTC
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...you'd be interested in writing this character into a deliberate badfic for the sole purpose of sporking it? Because that would be amazing.
The only thing I ever wrote about her was part of a movie. by
on 2016-05-28 20:08:00 UTC
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And like one comic for an art camp. She's inherently unfinished. Maybe I'll use her for the next Badfic Game instead. >:)
OT: Thoughts on Let's Plays and streaming. by
on 2016-05-26 21:25:00 UTC
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As some of you might have heard, watching other people play video games is kind of a big thing on the Internet. Both Let's Plays and streaming have taken off in big ways. I was curious to see what members of the PPC think about these things. Do you watch them? If so, why do you watch them? Do you not get it? Does it annoy you? If so, why?
Myself? I watch these videos primarily for the person playing them; for their commentary and thoughts about the game itself. The game helps, admittedly, but it's not the primary draw. Looking for game-specific LPs or streams helps me find new people, but they are what make me stick around to watch more. There's also a little bit of the Mystery Science Theater 3000 vibe around these things, which I enjoy. Finally, there's also some nostalgia to my like for LPs and streams. My brother and I used to chat over and mock games all the time when we were younger. A lot of my favorites remind me of that experience.
I must confess that I'm not unbiased in this question. I've been recording Let's Plays and video reviews for quite some time now, and watching them well before that. I've only recently started watching streams—timing can be a bit of a pain when it comes to live events—and actually did a test stream of my own earlier this week. -
LPs are fine IMO. by
on 2016-05-30 16:57:00 UTC
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There's nothing inherently wrong with them, and I am probably going to be spending the 30th of June in a vegetative state watching streams of a new game coming out that day.
My only concern is LPs that lack in the quality that "big YouTubers" can achieve. FGTeeV and several Minecrafters come to mind. Symptoms include pathetically low standards such as bragging about how much money you spend and churning out "roleplays" daily with low effort (these have actually happened; those responsible also have a MASSIVE following, disturbingly enough.) -
I'm in it for the spoilers. by
on 2016-05-30 04:42:00 UTC
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What good is the internet if there is so little information about the subjects I like?
I do this pretty often. by
on 2016-05-27 17:10:00 UTC
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Usually for discoverring and learning more about a game before buying, sometimes for watching someone play (although I get irationally irritated if the LPer does a mistake which may seem obvious at first glance.)
I also enjoy some LPs for the humor, like Persona 4 Endurance Run, and My Life Is A Goddamn Mess. I also enjoy some french LPers like Bob Lennon and Fantasio974, Minecraft PvP, and sometimes watching raids and instances for some MMOs. -
Duck, I didn't see that I wasn't logged in. by
on 2016-05-27 18:00:00 UTC
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LPs can also help with missions too, by the way. Checking some canon points witha LP can be faster than replaying through the game until the point to analyze.
Eh, not really. by
on 2016-05-27 16:51:00 UTC
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I did immensely enjoy TheSilverKetchup's Let's Play Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone PC. It reminds a lot of an MST, though he does some pretty funny edits (Flipendo block Tetris, anyone?) and the storyline ends up being something along the lines of "Harry tries to escape from Hogwarts while Professors Dumbledore and Sprout try to kill him with milk-drinking plants, naked babies run rampant, and Mini-Santa hands out autographs". Yeah, some of the humor is pretty juvenile, but it's never crude, which I can appreciate. (And being a fan of juvenile humor myself, I'm not complaining.)
Other than that, though, I don't really watch LPs; just a bunch of raid guids by Fatboss. That's pretty much it in terms of watching gaming videos. -
Not too fond. by
on 2016-05-27 09:05:00 UTC
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Nothing against let's plays as a whole, of course, I watched Game Grumps at one point, and I'm sure there are high quality let's plays out there.
My problem is, is that there are so many LPers who are just so bloody boring, y'know?
Like they're trying to start a bloody franchise, or some nonsense like that.
You know the people I'm on about.
The ones who jump wildly at the chance to make the most stunningly unoriginal jokes they can possibly make.
When they're attacking the lower front of a gargoyle or something, they screech 'OH, IM ATTACKEN HIS PENIS HAHAHA'
Those people.
And there are so many, too.
I agree on the game not being a primary draw, definitely, and there are LPers I do like, assuming they can still technically be considered LPers.
Especially Star_ and Jerma.
The two of them are so bloody glorious together, I based parts of my agent's relationship on theirs.
And they don't make brainless dick jokes, even when given the perfect opportunity for them. -
I watch them to learn about the game the person's playing. by
on 2016-05-27 02:28:00 UTC
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And also, eventually, because I like the LPer's personality and humor. I'm a bit less of a fan of streaming, if only because I miss livestreams a lot and my Internet connection is a bit fiddly when it comes to videos. :/
To an extent by
on 2016-05-27 02:11:00 UTC
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It depends, but I tend to enjoy the written ones quite a lot. For example the Let's Play Princess Maker 2 was entertaining, but the best one I've ever seen was a Let's Play/After Action Report for Crusader Kings, Knut Knytling. Have a link
I don't have the patience for video LPs or streaming. by
on 2016-05-27 01:42:00 UTC
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I like the screenshot ones that are as much about the collab end with letting people make ridiculous choices as they are about making a story out of it, especially when they use it as a tutorial or explain aspects of the game as they go about it-like why this choice they went with due to audience input is Completely Terrible or Unexpectedly Good.
Not quite the same, I think... by
on 2016-05-26 22:23:00 UTC
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I watch a lot of people stream Magic: The Gathering Online. I watch for a number of reasons; foremost being I want to know how other people value cards, make decisions, and play the game. It has helped make me a much better player.
I have to find some value to myself in what the streamer is saying. I stopped watching a number of channels when it became clear that they judge the worth of a card based entirely on its financial value. That won't help me get better, and that type of player is not who I am going to be competing against in tournaments. I also stopped watching a youtuber who actively hates the company who makes the game because they won't produce exactly the things he wants. Again, not worth my time.
The people I still watch offer information that I can't get on my own, or a viewpoint that is very different from my own. For instance, I watch a guy who plays a very aggressive game. I don't play that way often (i'm a control and combo player), so it is good to know how he values cards for his style. This way, if I am in a draft in a tournament and the packs are telling me to be aggressive, then I have a baseline to work from.
So, I watch more for information than entertainment.
-Phobos -
I like a certain type of LP. by
on 2016-05-26 21:43:00 UTC
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Not for me the ones where someone just plays through the story mode of a single-player game and comments on it, generally in the shrill and meme-slathered manner one might find on the Facebook page of a particularly irritating fourteen-year-old boy. I much prefer the ones where the game is different every time and the narrative is generated by the commentator themselves, if indeed they even bother.
My favourite LPer is probably Marbozir, a Polish Civ specialist and strategy game fan. He goes through a hell of a lot of Civ 5 content, shining a spotlight on interesting mods and generally being really damn good at the game. He also doesn't put a lot of effort into building a narrative; due to the nature of a game like Civilization, he doesn't really need to. It happens entirely organically, and I enjoy that very much.
However, I totally get why people watch LPs of the shriekers in a single-player horror campaign. Watching people make jokes is funny, and it does depend on the YouTuber. I find PewDiePie to be about as tolerable as the entire discography of Yes played by fingernails on a blackboard, for instance, but he must be doing something right. =]
New mission! by
on 2016-05-28 01:37:00 UTC
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Two troublemaking agents go sightseeing in Hyrule. It goes... slightly better than expected, actually.
Huh, this took a tad longer to write than I thought it would. Oh, well. Enjoy, y'all! -
Belated nitpicks by
on 2016-06-01 17:06:00 UTC
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The royal ball, the one where which would soon be crashed by Ganondorf and his forces, was fast approaching.
Too many words.
Backslash nodded, having picked up the needed gear while listening to her talking (including his Monado replica).
The placing of the parenthetical aside is a bit weird. On first glance it looks like her talking includes his Monado replica.
But before the agents could comment on on the new arrival ...
One "on" would be sufficient.
She would later be found by Violet Link, or Vio for short, who started talking with her about the previous events — and completely failing to ask how she even got here in the first place.
There are some weird tense shifts going on here. She would be found by Vio (in future tense), but then it had already happened and he started talking (in past tense)? Also, it is technically possible that he started talking and also started failing to ask, but the sentence just doesn’t look right to me. It may be better to say "— and completely failed to ask how she even got here in the first place."
HG -
All fixed. Thankies! ^_^ (nm) by
on 2016-06-02 00:53:00 UTC
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Let's see that... by
on 2016-05-31 06:09:00 UTC
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... Okay, I don't know what would be the worst for Link. The song which (I guess) inspired the title, or this fic.
And as Voyd said, plot thickens quickly. You realize we all ned the sequel now? Please. -
Oh, it's coming, all right... by
on 2016-05-31 23:57:00 UTC
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...just not in a while, alas. I've got too many things planned for my agents as it is! XD
The plot's thickened so much, you could make bread with it. by
on 2016-05-28 13:30:00 UTC
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Also, I happen to own the Hyrule Historia and I've read the Four Swords manga; you obviously did your research, because I didn't see any inaccuracies in regards to the canon. Nicely done!
Thank you kindly~! ^w^ by
on 2016-05-28 16:16:00 UTC
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And wow, you own Hyrule Historia?! Man, I'm jelly enough to be put on bread with peanut butter. XP
Cards Against Headquarters! by
on 2016-05-28 20:23:00 UTC
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Here's the "Link"
~Mattman, who made a pun there with the password -
It's not actually "Link," is it? by
on 2016-05-29 01:47:00 UTC
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Because that's giving me an error message and I'd like to play.
It was, but the game has ended, start again? (nm) by
on 2016-05-29 01:56:00 UTC
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Plz and ty :) (nm) by
on 2016-05-29 02:22:00 UTC
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- Sorry for the delay! by on 2016-05-29 03:01:00 UTC Link to this
Trying to join, but I don't think it worked. :/ (nm) by
on 2016-05-29 01:47:00 UTC
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Agony in Pink: Part Two. by
on 2016-05-29 01:50:00 UTC
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Thanks muchly to Huinesoron, Neshomeh, and PoorCynic for their betaing.
Part two is here.
For those of you who did not read the first part, it is available here.
Again, the mission itself is SFW.
And before anyone brings it up, yes, I am aware the published version somehow has some paragraph breaks missing. They're present in the editing version, but somehow disappear when published. Google's doing, sorry.
-July -
More nitpicks by
on 2016-06-01 17:20:00 UTC
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On the wall behind the throne, a large opening held an equally large bladed slowly rotating fan, through which light spilled.
I don’t like the word order. Wouldn’t "equally large slowly rotating bladed fan" sound better?
It appeared to be the main source of light, which was focused the dais.
Missing word?
"All this is is torture, until it kills her. There's no point in waiting."
Is July stuttering?
Tortura, as an agent of the Plot Protectors of the Continuum, I charge you ...
To Kimberly's horror, Tortura's skin parted as the the bullet went through, and reformed around the bullet hole with a suckering fleshy sound.
One "the" is enough.
HG -
I don't think it's a stutter. by
on 2016-06-02 12:48:00 UTC
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"All this is, is torture". It's equivalent to saying "All we have is torture". English can throw out some ridiculous strings of words at times, and we have to bodge in punctuation to make them work.
"The 'is' is." The 'the is' is is the 'is is' is; the the is the the.
Or something.
hS -
So, it began. by
on 2016-05-31 05:54:00 UTC
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On the plus side, it seems missioning is like riding a bike. You nerver forget.
On the other side... How do you get at something no-selling the usual methods? Nobody respects a good old headshoot anymore.
Get it down, ladies. But please, make sure you comeback in one piece, and an entire one to boot. -
MOAR! by
on 2016-05-29 22:50:00 UTC
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doctorlit spelled out the good parts of this mission a lot more completely and a lot more eloquently than I could, so I'll just say "ditto" and leave it at that.
One question, though: Didn't you recruit six Agents total for this badfic? Where are the other four?
Of course, errors incoming:
1) Despite the sun shining above them, they were the only two around.
The logical connection between the clauses eludes me. Please explain: What does one have to do with the other?
2) the short hairs on the back of her neck and down her arms was pricked from a nonexistent chill.
Number agreement error: the hairs ... were pricked
3) No dumping it into a censorious country and hoping they declare it lewd and slash or obscene?
There's a punctuation error: it should be "lewd and-slash-or obscene"
4) "You aren't very threatening," she told it. "You're too titchy."
Was that a misspelling, or is "titchy" some regional slang that I am unfamiliar with? Dictionary.com suggests "tetchy".
5) Besides the whole unearthly atmosphere of horror and wrong pervading everything it's still a nice day,
There is a comma missing: "Besides the whole unearthly atmosphere of horror and wrong pervading everything, it's still a nice day,"
6) "Unless you're a sadist yeah."
Another missing comma: "Unless you're a sadist, yeah."
7) As far as humans rights go.
You added an extra letter; the term is human rights
8) He held a metal staff in hand, that was topped with a large 'Z'.
Delete the comma, or change the "that" to "which". -
Yeek. by
on 2016-05-30 22:11:00 UTC
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There is a definite level of embarrassment at somehow missing those items that are most definitely errors.
That said, with 1) it's not a logical error; sunny days are often a cause for people to be outside, especially in a canon like MMPR which heavily stressed on things like physical activity and being outside to its young audience. As far as 4) goes, 'titchy' is most definitely a word, and is definitely on dictionary.com.
As far as the recruitment of agents, July got two and Library hopefully got two. They may or may not show up in the final installment.
Re: Yeek. by
on 2016-05-31 03:19:00 UTC
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Just looked again; you were right, "titchy" is on dictionary.com. Apparently something's awry between the site and the Firefox add-on that I was using at the time.
According to the prologue... by
on 2016-05-30 03:46:00 UTC
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...they were intended as backup for the mission and would come in at the right time, I believe. Which would probably be later in this mission when they handle the really nasty stuff.
I'm definitely following this. by
on 2016-05-29 17:04:00 UTC
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The different take on how the Word World was affected was not only refreshing, but very fitting considering the situation at hand.
... and how exactly that crazy girl that Agent!July is ended up enlisting in the Navy without trouble?
Good work, keep it up!
Also, Nikki would like to point out to Library that she shouldn't look down on trouser-wearing female Agents. As much as she prefers skirts too, she finds a pair of jeans to be far more practical on the field. -
I'm glad you are! by
on 2016-05-30 17:40:00 UTC
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I'm happy you enjoyed that take.
And as far as how July got in, well. Nearly every snippet of conversation or comments coming from the sailors/marines in the first part of this and Stormbreak came from real 'I overheard this or was told about it' conversations or combinations. Bathwater guy, the weirdness of guys with author last name plus character last names working together, the pyro DC (damage control, basically firemen slash hardcore repairmen) complaining about wanting to set things on fire, the guy who couldn't keep his self-appointed callsign straight... Navy shenanigans actually gave me a lot of inspiration for writing PPC things.
And as far as Nikki goes, Library would like to comment that she doesn't look down upon agents who wear trousers, but it does get very tiresome when people comment on her choice of clothing.
-July -
Mooooore! by
on 2016-05-29 04:07:00 UTC
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Oh, man, the Putties. They really are fantastic, aren't they? And I'm super glad you've made them the mini for Power Rangers; they deserve it!
The scene where you introduced Lord Zedd is quite gorgeous. I love that you described his throne room and appearance well enough to get across the malevolent feel of the setting, but without going purple prose. The freaky-but-appropriate scene transition on the way there goes a long way towards that mood, as well.
And. Tortura. Yeah. That is . . . I know a lot of the monsters on the show were on the dumber side conceptually, but . . . Wow. Tortura is just so baldly overt. And being made of books that discussed torture is particularly non-creative. I'm curious to see how you'll portray it (refuse to say "him") down the line. And for someone with, ostensibly, a torture kink, I get the feeling the author doesn't really understand torture much at all?
I'm intrigued by your choice to treat the world so differently than most missions, making the badfic nested inside the canon, rather than starting with a generic Word World space. It makes sense for such an old and well-known story, and gives "Agony in Pink" a much more parasitic feel compared to most badfics. Making the canon essentially empty is also a nice choice; it makes moments that should have made me feel all nostalgic, like visiting the Youth Center, feel unnerving instead, which adds to the tone of the world itself being inhabited by something wrong.
One little thing that I love muchly is that you have Kimberly take down some of the Putties once the agents reveal themselves. It's a short little moment, but it just feels extra good, knowing that AiP utterly dis-empowers her for plot reasons; I like that she gets her ability to fight back restored once she's rescued from the fic's influence.
—doctorlit was starting to feel like a poor fan, but now he understands why July seemed to retain so much more info on the show than he. -
Hehe. by
on 2016-05-30 17:26:00 UTC
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As far as the Putties go, they were the only choice, in my opinion.
Lord Zedd and his throne room were both pretty hard to describe, actually! I know that not everyone has seen MMPR or if they did necessarily remember it, since it was a kid's show from the 90s, remastered version or no.
Yup, Tortura is pretty bad.
Even when the show was sparse on extra there were still people around doing things, even when the main characters were the heaviest focus, because of how integrated they were with their community. So that played a small part in this decision.
I'm glad you liked that! While the Pink Ranger is very much... pink and the 'girly' one of the group, even in the show when they had the 'damsel in distress' moments the girls were never totally disenfranchised and fought back, too.
And as far as retainment goes, I had to do plenty of research to make sure I wasn't misremembering things and so I could describe and depict things right. So that helped out.
-July -
Huh. by
on 2016-05-29 02:55:00 UTC
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I must admit, I did not see that ending coming. [Er, spoiler alert!]
Good on the agents for getting Kimberly out of there... I'm guessing she'll be replaced like the victims in "Rainbow Factory"? Though the fact that Tortura gave July an "lol nope" reaction and now knows there are agents out to get him is giving me a nasty feeling in my gut. Hope this turns out well for them. -
Spoiler reply within. by
on 2016-05-29 03:36:00 UTC
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On the matter of Kimberly that will be shown in the next part.
Tortura is definitely worth a "lolnope" reaction by default, especially since the fic itself is too strong for usual methods to do anything against it.
Another new member by
on 2016-05-29 02:23:00 UTC
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I was idly prowling around on TV Tropes (note: no tab explosions were involved) and discovered the PPC through their tropes relating to absurdities in fanfic (in fact, the first page I landed on in the wiki was the Citrus Scale, from TV Tropes' pages on Lemons and Limes.) Wonderful.
I've been stalking the wiki for about a month or two now, and I felt like it was finally time to begin the process of involving myself in the community.
P.S I can't figure out how to change my wiki username, so it's different from my current screen name. It's Wizmalk on there. -
Welcome + Questions + Advice on Permission by
on 2016-06-01 02:24:00 UTC
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Welcome to the PPC! Have a baked potato with melted cheese on top. It's the kind of cheese with the texture of plastic, but I hope you enjoy it anyway. People call me Key, or sometimes Cat, and refer to me with the pronouns she/her/hers. Rampant nicknaming is okay. My questions for you are: How do you feel about nicknaming? Are there nicknames you hope to encourage or to avoid? What pronouns should we use when referring to you?
I couldn't help noticing that you're finding fics to spork and working on your Permission prompts already. It's great to see this enthusiasm, but I'd advise you to relax a bit. You can't even get Permission unless you've been an active member of the community for a while (around a month, I think it was?). So poke around, get to know us. The PPC is a big place; there's lots to see here. You said you were only part-way through TOS; that means you haven't even read about an exorcism, much less a WhatThe mission or multiverse theory. Of course, if you're more interested in the badfic than the PPC universe, that's okay. Just keep in mind that the universe exists and the agents' characters are important to PPC stories; this isn't MSTing. And because of this, rage often isn't the best mode to write PPC stories in; it's a levelheaded sort of sporking, because you have to write a good story around that bad one. (This is mostly a summary of things other people have said. I don't have Permission; I've only been here since March and I'm still getting to know the universe and style.) -
Yeah, about that... by
on 2016-06-01 03:57:00 UTC
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I fully understand most if not all of PPC terminology and other related concepts, including those that you've listed.
In addition, I have a penchant for writing (much to the chagrin of part of my sub-conscious), so to finally be given an excuse to write for fun may have lead me to basically jump the shark here. Also, with the badfic, I already knew that the PPC was not, in fact, SRS BSNS or MST and thus planned accordingly.
I'm a guy, and you can refer to me by the abbreviation "Troc." The "V" in my username is a fictitious last name that I only just recently fully extended to "Vesia," so if you want to refer to me by my full boarder name, just call me "Trocyte" (the "c" is pronounced like an "s" unless you use my preferred nickname.)
Thanks for the advice anyways. -
You need an excuse to write for fun?! (nm) by
on 2016-06-01 16:57:00 UTC
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Let me rephrase that... by
on 2016-06-01 17:31:00 UTC
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The PPC gave me an *incentive* to write for fun.
...You need an incentive to write for fun? by
on 2016-06-01 17:47:00 UTC
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(We're just teasing, I hope you know that.)
You might be... ^_~ (nm) by
on 2016-06-02 09:26:00 UTC
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Welcome, welcome! by
on 2016-05-31 09:36:00 UTC
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I realize I'm a bit late, but have this Replica Holocron all the same. I don't know how much mystic lore you have to record, but you can use it for other things, and it makes a dandy conversation piece.
Hello newbie. by
on 2016-05-31 05:49:00 UTC
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Please have this bag of black-hole chocolates. Hope you're here to stay. This madhouse always need more people.
Welcome to Creation, here's your shovel. by
on 2016-05-29 22:40:00 UTC
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Have a mithral-and-darkwood shovel, just like the one used by one of my agents!
...come to think of it...
*tap tap*
...I think you should take this before Valon finds you. -
Hi there! by
on 2016-05-29 21:20:00 UTC
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Welcome aBoard! Have this piece of Fake Internet Wedding Cake. From a Fake Internet Wedding.
Welcome to the Nut House (nm) by
on 2016-05-29 18:34:00 UTC
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Hayo, newbie! by
on 2016-05-29 15:41:00 UTC
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Here, have a cup of tea. Nothing beats a good cup of Earl Grey.
Another new member! by
on 2016-05-29 06:48:00 UTC
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Welcome one, welcome all!
Arms, legs, head, large intestine, liver, appendix, you're all welcome, mate!
You've done your study, too.
And through stalking, too! The best method of studying, in my honest opinion.
As it is customary to toss gifts the way of our newbies, I bestow upon you: an imaginary hat.
Better than a real one, because real hats can hardly quote Bilbo Baggins and teach driving lessons, can they? -
Welcome, friend! by
on 2016-05-29 04:42:00 UTC
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*throws SPaGhetti at you* I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time here! What sort of fandoms are you in?
I don't really want to repeat myself, so... by
on 2016-05-29 05:09:00 UTC
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See my reply to EPL's comment.
Ah, sorry, didn't see that! >.> (nm) by
on 2016-05-29 12:01:00 UTC
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Hello, hello! by
on 2016-05-29 04:11:00 UTC
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I found my way here exactly the same way you did! (and found C*l*br**n) Since it's customary to give newbies gifts I think I'll give you an Alicorn Amulet. I don't think it's too important to who I
nickedborrowed it from.So uh, since eatpraylove already asked what your fandoms are, What's your favorite thing about the PPC so far?
It should be obvious. by
on 2016-05-29 04:28:00 UTC
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The fact that we get to do Mary Sues some justice in a parodic nature. I love it.
Welcome! by
on 2016-05-29 02:44:00 UTC
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Welp, Iximaz beat be to what I was going to say, but I can still give you a copy of "The Mark of the Loremaster".
Newbie! *glomp* *poke* by
on 2016-05-29 02:38:00 UTC
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Hello, and welcome aBoard! For your newbie gift, take this plate of freshly-made SPaGhetti!
Since EPL has already asked you about the Original Series and you've mentioned the Wiki, I'll just toss you a link to the Constitution and ask you what your fandoms are.
Hope you like it here! :) -
Welcome! by
on 2016-05-29 02:31:00 UTC
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Congratulations on avoiding a tab explosion. ;) What are your fandoms? Have you read any spinoffs besides the Original Series yet? (You should also read the Original Series, BTW.) Here's a pack of sticky notes and a pen with a feather on the end!
Avoiding tab explosions comes naturally for me :P by
on 2016-05-29 02:55:00 UTC
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My fandoms are Plants vs. Zombies, and the Super Robot Wars franchise (a JP-only turn-based strategy game series that basically combines all good mecha anime into one plot of, as the fandom absolutely LOVES to put it, kicking so much ass.)
Personally, I think the PvZ fandom/continuum suffers from at least some damage due to an imbalance where fanon greatly outweighs canon. It's also got some weird rules for writing fan material without sucking so I think missions in it will need at least some more education than usual.
Anyway, I have read enough of the Original Series to grasp the entire concept of the PPC as a whole, so that's out of the way. I've also read the constitution. -
on 2016-05-29 06:24:00 UTC
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Like I said above, I love PvZ, and it's good to know that we now have someone else who does as much as I do!
And as for newbie gifts, well... see my reply to your badfic report post above. ;)
Well, I'm only hours in and... by
on 2016-05-29 04:27:00 UTC
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I've already found something that might need sporking.
From the Pit, of course. Bad biology (it's in the summary; a plant ingesting a gallon's worth of alcohol, beer, and drugged alcohol? Dear god.), bad pacing (likely in part due to the overall format), out-of-canon relations between canon characters, proclaiming mundane actions as weird and bizarre, and behavior that I can't discern between replacement or possession all within the synopsis and the first chapter, which is just an intro. After that, it only gets worse.
Thankfully it's short enough (8.7K words) that a lone agent could take it out. Preferably with a physical copy of PvZ: GOTY edition on hand.
In case you feel like you're missing anything feel free to ask me, I'd be more than happy to answer. -
New discoveries. by
on 2016-05-30 00:03:00 UTC
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After risking my sanity going deeper into the fic, I discovered even more problem passages.
-Peashooter and Sunflower have an uncanon lovechild under the influence of the previously mentioned gallon of alcohol, which should have killed the latter due to biology. They immediately take this unsettling development as a happy new chapter in their life. That's not how it works. Bonus points for conception occurring in a form of IKEA Erotica.
-Estimated duration of the fic is approximately between one week and one month, though formatting seems to be compressing it down to less than the former. This is important as bad psychology involved is tied to this, as Peashooter and Sunflower marry (note: this is a common ship but anything beyond basic romantic action (i.e Citrus) isn't exactly the best choice for depicting) at the beginning of the fic and already undergo marital issues in the middle of it. (The only character NOT replaced or maybe possessed in the fic tried to intervene AND called out the bad psychology involved, but of course failed miserably.)
Also, can I claim this BEFORE I file a permission request? -
You can. by
on 2016-05-30 00:05:00 UTC
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Just make sure to put a note that says "Permission pending" by your claim. :)
As a proud PvZ fan... by
on 2016-05-29 06:22:00 UTC
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...I think I'll throw my lot in with this one for the good of us all. I've played through the entirety of PvZ2 and I think it's about time someone did a PvZ mission.
Also, are you new here? Welcome aBoard! Have one of my own shed feathers - and a potted Snapdragon! (Yes, it really breathes fire.) -
Thanks, but... by
on 2016-05-29 06:41:00 UTC
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I personally feel inclined to take this on myself, quite frankly. Unfortunately, permission might be a tough one for me since I can't write more than one original character at the same time because they just end up becoming the same person, character-wise.
I see. by
on 2016-05-29 16:45:00 UTC
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Good luck in that case! And if you need help with character development and such, you can always PM me (e-mail is my Boarder name at gmail dot com). I can't promise any swift replies, but I'll do what I can to help you out! :)
Weird question, but... by
on 2016-05-30 02:11:00 UTC
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...is anybody here familiar with the (now rather antiquated) fandom known as Sapphire and Steel? Not that there's much of a fandom, really, but...
Er, that weird cross between classic Who and The Avengers? by
on 2016-05-31 06:20:00 UTC
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Never actually seen any of it, but I... have at least heard of it? So that's something. I'd have to give it a binge, but it always did sound like my cup of tea. =]
I've only encountered it through your YouTube videos . . . by
on 2016-05-30 14:44:00 UTC
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. . . but they made it look rather intriguing. What's it about?
—doctorlit thought it looked like a soap opera at first, until the weird sci-fi stuff started happening. Rather caught him off guard! -
Ah, yes, those. :D by
on 2016-05-31 03:34:00 UTC
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It's... really not anything like a soap opera, honestly. It was on at the same time as Classic Doctor Who was, and was basically a great little show about time, consequences, and grown men being attacked by floating pillows. There's a rather good TVtropes page over here.
It was basically about a mysterious man and woman (named Sapphire and Steel, respectively) who showed up whenever Time began to break through into the real world, and basically beat it back by glaring at it and occasionally freezing it using Steel's weird powers. It's... surprisingly hard to describe, actually. I really like it for some reason.
Who's interested in Pathfinder? by
on 2016-05-30 13:58:00 UTC
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I'm kinda interested in running or playing a Pathfinder game on Roll20, and I was hoping I could drum up interest here.
I'm not about to give up that easily. by
on 2016-06-01 23:56:00 UTC
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Is anyone still interested? I'm willing to do stuff, as the campaign I'm currently in is going really slowly. You're also welcome to join.
Still might be interested by
on 2016-06-02 11:14:00 UTC
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We would just need to find enough people and agree on a time.
You might also want to post a new message, as this one is currently buried pretty deep. -
Unfortunately... by
on 2016-05-31 14:19:00 UTC
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It turns out my dad won't give me extra time to play...
I'm sorry for getting everyone's hopes up, but it seems this won't be happening. =( -
D: (nm) by
on 2016-05-31 22:29:00 UTC
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Playing a RPG? Of course I would. by
on 2016-05-31 05:59:00 UTC
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The catch? Could you give us the timetable for this? It will be unfortunately pretty hard of playing if you play at 0300 AM in Europa.
A few questions... by
on 2016-05-31 00:45:00 UTC
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Will there be any restrictions to classes/archetypes or races?
Will you add any special house rules to the game?
Will we roll for stats or use point buy? -
I might be interested by
on 2016-05-30 22:01:00 UTC
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I always wanted to get involved in a full Tabletop. But it will depend on the hours you all use.
As I said, I'm interested in running Serpent's Skull. by
on 2016-05-30 16:01:00 UTC
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Here's the free Player's Guide; you'll need an account to get it, though.
Is there just a plain PDF somewhere? by
on 2016-05-30 18:42:00 UTC
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I don't have an account, and am too lazy to make one. I would prefer to just download a normal PDF, if possible.
- Well... by on 2016-05-30 20:01:00 UTC Link to this
It is indeed functional. (nm) by
on 2016-05-30 21:27:00 UTC
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Yes, absolutely. by
on 2016-05-30 15:57:00 UTC
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Username's the same.
I might be interested. by
on 2016-05-30 14:45:00 UTC
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I have been playing Pathfinder with my friends for a little while. We play on Sundays offline. Yesterday, I got to shove a dagger-throwing rogue off a ledge, skipping the first stage of what was supposed to be a pretty difficult boss battle.
Anyway I would be interested if you could give a time. I keep coming up with charachters I would like to play, but in my current campaign Im' stuck with my generic CN combat rogue. Sneak Attack is the good stuff. -
Doesn't Roll 20 have Munchkin? (nm) by
on 2016-05-30 14:42:00 UTC
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Of course we don't have to play Munchkin (nm) by
on 2016-05-30 14:47:00 UTC
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*grabs Roll 20 the Mini-D20 (nm) by
on 2016-05-30 14:42:00 UTC
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Interesting, but... by
on 2016-05-30 14:16:00 UTC
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I may or may not come along. Depending on what type of game it will be.
A few things: by
on 2016-05-30 14:26:00 UTC
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If it turns out I'm running, it'll be Serpent's Skull or the Emerald Spire.
If I'm playing, it's up to other would-be players.
Need a beta for my permission prompts by
on 2016-05-30 15:43:00 UTC
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My e-mail is helveticarobot@gmail.com. Contact me at that address and I'll send you the documents as soon as possible for review.
E-mail is clickable. by
on 2016-05-31 00:54:00 UTC
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Though I'd second Voyd's sentiment that you could use a lot more community interaction before asking for Permission. Of course, I'd be happy to help you out if you're confused about anything, so feel free to ask if you wish!
Whoops. Okay, NOW e-mail is clickable. (nm) by
on 2016-05-31 00:55:00 UTC
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Dude, it is waaaay too soon for Permission. by
on 2016-05-30 16:41:00 UTC
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Hang around and chat with us for a while, first; let us get to know you!
Yes and no. by
on 2016-05-30 18:43:00 UTC
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On one hand, Voyd is right — knowing the person requesting Permission is a big part of the decision; cf. the conclusion here. On the other, there's nothing wrong with starting work on Permission early.
I kind of disagree. by
on 2016-05-31 09:54:00 UTC
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We've seen a lot of people - particularly people who come in through TVTropes - who completely misunderstand what the PPC is about. They get tangled up in trying to make their agents all-powerful (but what if he needs the black hole cannon?!), or they insist they need to start with an Emergency (because my character's entire personality revolves around being there when the DMS got massacred!), or they totally misinterpret something (I'm going to write for DAVD because my agents engage in disturbing violence all the time!).
We want them to stick around so that we get to know them, yes - but we also want them to see who we are, and what the shared universe is actually like. It's not all Crashing Down and Rose Potter, and a heck of a lot of newbies don't get that.
hS -
But... by
on 2016-05-31 15:59:00 UTC
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They've been lurking for a month. Besides, it still takes a month to get the request prepared, and then more time as the first request is rejected.
Just because they've been lurking... by
on 2016-05-31 16:45:00 UTC
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...doesn't mean they know what we're about. And (no offense intended toward TrocyteV, this is just a generalization) anyone could claim they've been lurking, but we have no way of really knowing that. Hence the waiting period of getting to know them, and them us.
As for getting the request prepared, well. That's entirely on the writer's shoulders. I had mine ready within days of joining (sorry, hS, you probably expected better of me) but I wasn't here just to write; I was here for the community that had shown to be dedicated to their favorite fandoms and to each other. Because that's what the PPC is, first and foremost: a community.
And for the record, plenty of people get Permission their first try; the main pitfalls I've seen preventing that lately are not waiting for betas and not presenting a polished piece to begin with. -
I started work on my Permission piece and characters early. by
on 2016-06-05 16:00:00 UTC
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Around the point when someone asked if I planned to go for Permission and the idea stuck in my head, actually.
On the other hand, I took nearly three months about creating my request. During that time, I read a whole lot of the wiki, read a ton of missions as well as rereading a lot of the ones I'd read years earlier, and consulted people on various pieces of the PPC and what I was developing. I also did a *ton* of editing, including reading my writing piece out loud, and wrote scenes to develop my characters' personalities. I also developed their backstories which, believe me, definitely changed and developed as I went on. And on top of that, I was hanging out on the Board and having fun with that (and going 'eek, oldbies are talking to me!', but I think we all go through that stage :) ).
So I don't think there's any real issue with beginning to figure things out early--so long as you're also doing research (=reading all the things! Or at least a lot of them) to learn about what fits and makes sense in the PPC, and how it functions. Not to mention hanging around on the Board--you get to ask questions, get to know the community as it gets to know you, and see new missions as they come out. To use a bit of teacher speak: it's a great learning opportunity.
Also, yeah. Polish, polish, polish. Also, research (ie, read a ton of missions and interludes and the wiki. Don't worry, it's fun!) and get to know the community. There's no need to rush to get your request out--believe me, it takes some time to refine your characters to the seeing, because it takes time to properly learn the setting! So my advice is: give yourself the time to edit and polish and revise. Your characters will be more developed, your written pieces better presented, and your knowledge *much* more complete. All of that can only help you, with Permission, future missions and interludes, and, quite honestly, *life*. Most people do need to know how to write things for school and work; developing your writing skills (writing, revision, self-editing, and peer-editing) is a wonderful idea.
~DF -
Name is an email (nm) by
on 2016-05-30 15:50:00 UTC
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As in click my name for email (nm) by
on 2016-05-30 15:51:00 UTC
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A short film and a request! by
on 2016-05-31 07:35:00 UTC
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I was informed by someone on the Board to post the short film I was working on this past semester in Prague whenever it got uploaded. It got uploaded just last week, so here I am bringing it to you lot.
The Dinner Party, as a link because I am too tired to figure out the embed code here.
The quality is a little weird for the first couple of scenes but it does pick up a bit later. I think. We had many issues trying to get a version that'd cooperate with YouTube, so yeah.
And as for the request: I'd like to consult someone who has a decent grasp of Quenya and Sindarin (but mostly Quenya) because I'm starting to work on a modern Middle-earth college AU and I thought that it'd be fitting to replace Latin with Quenya, except for the fact that I know no Quenya myself. :P It'd just be finding fitting translations/names for mottos and frat/sorority names and stuff, nothing too major. Let me know if you're interested.
So there you have it! How are things on the Board?
The BBC Costume Drama that ought to happen. by
on 2016-05-31 11:33:00 UTC
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Note: The setting of this series is late Anglo-Danish Britain, about 200 years before the Norman Conquest. All costuming and sets should reflect that.
[Fade in from black to an animation of masonry piling up on itself, building what turns out to be a tower. Voiceover by a man's voice.]
VO: There were four of us. Just four. The King's Champion...
[A red-haired bear of a man with a huge beard. He is holding a large, gleaming sword.]
VO: ... the Noble Lady...
[A stern-looking, black-haired woman wearing a silver crown. She has one hand on the shoulder of a young girl.]
VO: ... the Raiders' Daughter...
[A plump woman in a rough dress, raising a golden goblet to the camera.]
VO: ... and me.
[Our speaker, a handsome black man in dark clothes. He has a green jewel on a chain around his neck.]
VO: We were called the greatest of our age.
[A festival, brightly-coloured tents, and the four standing on a stage in front of a cheering crowd.]
VO: And we need to be.
[The four running through a dark forest. The Noble Lady aims a magic wand over her shoulder, and a beam of light flashes out.]
VO: We face threats both old...
[A Viking longboat surges through a stormy sea. At its prow stands a woman with an uplifted wand, black clouds pouring from it.]
VO: ... and new.
[An English hillside. A trio of men in Maya dress suddenly appear from thin air.]
VO: Old alliances will be broken...
[The King's Champion uses his wand to knock down the door of a castle, then marches inside, drawing his sword as he does so.]
VO: ... and new ones will be forged.
[The speaker and the King's Champion face off across a stone floor. The speaker holds a wand, while the Champion grasps his sword in both hands. The Raiders' Daughter stands between them, her hands out, barring them from each other.]
VO: We will be forced to face tough decisions...
[The Noble Lady turns away from a black stone tower. The girl she was previously seen with stands in the doorway, weeping.]
VO: ... but we must remain true to ourselves.
[The Raiders' Daughter runs down a slope and ploughs through the door of a Viking-style longhouse.]
VO: It's going to take more than bravery...
[The King's Champion charging up a hillside, sword drawn, as a screaming griffin flies overhead.]
VO: ... intelligence...
[The Noble Lady holding a book in one hand and reading aloud. A raven settles on her forearm as she speaks]
VO: ... or loyalty.
[The Raiders' Daughter kneeling in the undergrowth, whispering to a clan of badgers.]
VO: We're going to need to be cunning.
[The speaker grasping a snake just below the head, staring into its eyes.]
VO: And I have that in plenty.
[The four standing together in the dark. The King's Champion has his sword drawn; the two women are holding glowing wands; the speaker stands with his hands held in front of him, as if warding something off. A gigantic serpentine body cuts in front of the camera, and we fade to text:]
Hogwarts: A History
Coming this summer
Come on, who wouldn't watch that?
The time period of the founding of Hogwarts is a really interesting one. You've got Aethelred "the Unready" on the throne of England, and renewed Viking invasions plaguing the coasts. Scotland is already a unified nation, but England is dangerously divided: the north is mostly Viking, the south Saxon, though both halves are nominally ruled by Wessex.
Looking over the founders, I found that Godric is actually from the West Country. As a renowned dueler, it makes perfect sense for him to be in the court of Aethelred - and given the king's policy of appeasing the Viking raiders that I've got the founders fighting, I see heaps of inherent drama in that.
Rowena is Scottish, but she has a Latin name: she's clearly noble enough to be putting on airs. (Chuck in that diadem for extra effect!) The fact that she has a daughter - a daughter who ended up massively resenting her - makes for brilliant storytelling.
Helga is from Wales, but has a Norse name; I've got her as the descendent of Vikings, now settled on the far west of old Mercia. Her main drive is going to be balancing her wizardly work with her loyalty to her home.
And then we have Salazar. Apparently we don't know where he's from, but he has a Portugese name - so I've made him of Moorish extraction (gotta get that diversity in somewhere!). That made it absolutely essential to have him as a sympathetic character ("Oh yes, the evil founder is the black one, surprise surprise...!"), so I took it a step further and cast him as the protagonist. His drama comes from his disagreement with the other founders, particularly (of course) Godric. Making his anti-Muggleborn prejudices understandable (if not necessarily sympathetic) is key, and probably centres on making the whole 'basilisk in the basement' thing not about murdering them all.
As for the opposition? Well, Vikings are a must-have, and we're probably looking at conflict with proto-Durmstrang. I've also chucked the New World into the mix, to give Rowling (obviously she's writing this) a chance to redeem her American credentials: the setting is right about when Leif Erikson found Vinland, so the idea of increased and hostile contact is absolutely there. Hopefully Mayan magic (or something further north, if she preferred) would be more interesting than MACUSA's view of Native magic.
hS -
This sounds *amazing*. (nm) by
on 2016-06-05 15:32:00 UTC
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I would like to watch this by
on 2016-06-02 10:38:00 UTC
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But why would Salazar have left Al-Andalus and travelled to Ireland?
HG -
Factional politics, probably. by
on 2016-06-03 09:12:00 UTC
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Maybe he came from one of the noble families of the Emirate, the ones that held most of the territory in Moorish Spain until Abd-ar-Rahman gave them a thorough kicking and united them into the Caliphate. Besides, court intrigue at the Islamic world tended to end in stranglings, so maybe he fancied a quiet life somewhere else...
And wound up travelling to Britain, which was about to become an active warzone.
Still probably safer, tbh. =]
(Also, and I just noticed this, al-Andalus means "to become green at the end of the summer". al-Salazar makes MORE AND MORE SENSE.) -
Sketch of the opening scene. by
on 2016-06-01 10:09:00 UTC
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We start with an extreme closeup of a pair of eyes. Pull back slowly to see the face of SALAZAR SLYTHERIN, one hand shading his eyes as he watches something off-screen in front of him. We keep drawing back, revealing a sunlit green countryside behind him. The sounds of battle start to fade in.
We pull back until we can see Salazar full-length. He stands with one hand on a shoulder-high standing stone; his other hand is holding his wand, pointed downwards. Then we rotate the camera, orbiting Salazar until we are behind him. Past him, we see what he is watching: the BATTLE OF TARA.
In the valley and on the slopes of the hill, the High King of Ireland is fighting the son of the Viking King of Dublin. The future of Ireland hangs in the balance - and things aren't going well. From Salazar's vantage point, we see the Irish banner swaying, surrounded by foes. The Vikings are massing for a charge.
Cut back to Salazar, to see him smile. He taps his wand against his thigh thoughtfully, then lifts it and takes aim.
SALAZAR: Serpensortia.
The Viking lines fall into sudden dissaray. The camera cuts down to show why: masses of snakes are writhing up from the grass of Tara, coiling around their legs. We see the Irish rally and charge the Vikings, and the Viking banner falls. Then we go back to Salazar.
SALAZAR: Vipera Evanesca.
The snakes evaporate into smoke, letting the Irish continue their attack. Salazar smiles, turns away, and walks off down the hill.
Cue main titles.
The Battle of Tara makes it 980, which is a good timing for our first episode. I've monkeyed with history a little - the King of Dublin wasn't actually present, and I doubt the battle took place on the slopes of the Hill of Tara itself - but hey, fiction.
Salazar's use of snakes here is at least triply meaningful: it's a 'cunning' plan (he doesn't have to go anywhere near the battle, and he doesn't actually harm anyone), it references his Parseltongue and later stories with the Basilisk (oh yes, Salazar has a Cute Animal Friend ^_^), and it's also a callout to Saint Patrick, famous for banishing snakes from Ireland.
And yes, Salazar is leaning on the Stone of Destiny. As you do.
hS -
So it's 980 you're setting this. Okay. =] by
on 2016-06-01 10:53:00 UTC
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Though this does imply Salazar having a Doomed Love AffairTM with Lubna of Córdoba. Poet, bookworm, mathematician, singer, literal princess... what's not to like?
Oh, yeah, the whole Muggle thing. =] -
Conspiracy theory: by
on 2016-06-01 11:00:00 UTC
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Slytherin's kids were half-bloods. And just like their descendant Mr. I Am, they were truly awful people. Salazar did his level best to keep them out of Hogwarts, to prevent them corrupting the new school - up to and including saying 'Yeah, we should only teach pure-bloods, that's the best way'.
But Godric wouldn't listen. Cue the facepalm.
hS -
Yup, that makes sense. =] by
on 2016-06-01 12:24:00 UTC
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Perhaps that's why there's no major Spanish school of magic in the main HP continuum; the one in the Caliphate got razed to the ground by people sick of the descendants of al-Salazar (Slytherid Dynasty? Slytherid Dynasty. =] ) and their many, many varieties of BS. Moorish court politics was characterized by dead man's boots, so I'm guessing the Córdoba school encouraged that. Maybe the survivors turned on them... or maybe Christian wizards from Beauxbatons managed to defeat the Slytherid Wizards from the Medina Azahara.
And yes, it's in the (later ruins of) palace. Where else are you going to put it? =] -
Caught me by surprise. by
on 2016-06-01 07:56:00 UTC
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Didn't expect that!
Ought to say, I do like the idea of Salazar as a sympathetic, protagonist character - he seems pretty bloody flawed, from what the wiki says.
And flaws are always lovely, aren't they? -
It lasts seven episodes and only had money for six. =] (nm) by
on 2016-05-31 17:36:00 UTC
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It's fine, we'll just use loads of flashbacks. ^_^ (nm) by
on 2016-05-31 20:47:00 UTC
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Ooh, interesting! by
on 2016-05-31 16:52:00 UTC
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Is this going to become the new Wednesday Plug? Pretty please? :P You know this would make a great fanfic.
As for Salazar's Muggleborn prejudices, I remember seeing something the other day; considering the time period, he was probably afraid that Muggleborns, raised in an anti-magic-slash-highly superstitious environment, might have tried to tell others where to find Hogwarts, or commit suicide believing themselves to be possessed by demons, or go on to become Dark witches and wizards, believing their souls were doomed anyway so they might as well have fun for it.
Not that this is necessarily my headcanon but I did find it interesting.
...Now to think of how him leaving the Basilisk could be made sympathetic... maybe he put it in the Chamber to guard the school in a time of great need, but as the years passed and his name became synonymous with "anti-Muggleborn", the legends became twisted and "Enemies of the Heir" was immediately assumed to mean Muggleborns?
And now I have a mental image of Slytherin facepalming at Riddle as he goes around loosing the Basilisk on the school. "No, no, no, you idiot! I put her there to protect the castle, not terrorize it!" -
How much do I know about the Potterverse? by
on 2016-05-31 20:39:00 UTC
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Not enough to do this justice. If you want to take it, I'll act as historical consultant... ^_~
Hmm on the theory. I'm not convinced this is the right timeframe for that. The Vikings in particular were barely post-pagan; English Christianity was still stuffed full of folklore, magic, and superstition.
... oh, but Salazar is Moorish. His heritage is Muslim, a religion that (in that time and place in particular) didn't tolerate wavering from the path. His experience is of the Reconquista, and fanatical Christians marching on anything different to destroy it. He probably has personal experience of 'half-blood' children - born of one Muslim parent, one Christian (and that probably happened both ways round) - who ended up betraying both. If ever anyone had reason to believe mixing races is wrong, it's someone from Spain during the Reconquista.
I like the idea about the Basilisk, though: absolutely! As to why it's there, it's because he mastered it. It's a creature of the Dark Arts (its gaze is basically a pocket Avada Kedavra), but it is now in service to the side of the right. Great symbol, fantastic. If only Godric would understand...
I have a feeling this show consists in large part of Salazar facepalming at things. Especially Godric. Because srsly.
hS -
... What? by
on 2016-06-01 00:40:00 UTC
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No, seriously, what?
This is the 900s. The Reconquista was close to 600 years after your show purports to be set. The dominant power in Spain was a redeclared Umayyad Caliphate after the crippling defeats of the 800s suffered by the Visigoths at the hands of North African Muslims. This was al-Andalus at its height, a kingdom of opulence and splendour unmatched in Christian Europe, with the capital at Córdoba making Paris look like a squalid little shantytown in a river of mud and excrement. This is absolutely, totally, unbelievably wrong.
I expect better from you. -
Quote: by
on 2016-06-01 07:23:00 UTC
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The Reconquista is the name given to a long series of wars and battles between the Christian Kingdoms and the Muslim Moors for control of the Iberian Peninsula. It lasted for a good portion of the Middle Ages from 718 to 1492.
Very first thing you see when you type 'Reconquista' into Google.
Historians traditionally mark the beginning of the Reconquista with the Battle of Covadonga (718 or 722), in which a small Christian army, led by the nobleman Pelagius, defeated an army of the Umayyad Caliphate in the mountains of northern Iberia and established a Christian principality in Asturias.
Part of Wikipedia's lead.
This map purports to show the situation some 150 years after the founding of Hogwarts, and clearly indicates that more than half of the Iberian penninsula had been "reconquered" (as it were) by the Christians.
I wasn't talking about the fall of Granada, y'know. I was talking about conflict on the edge of Al-Andalus, not in its heartland.
hS -
But that's still in the 1150s. by
on 2016-06-01 10:42:00 UTC
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You said in your opening post that this was "about 200 years before the Norman Conquest". If we say that this is from 866-ish to 966-ish over the total run time of the show, then this is the golden age of Moorish Spain. They had the Christians on the back foot, though Leon was independent. Initially, though we have the Emirate of Córdoba... now there's an idea.
These are the borders of the Emirate of Córdoba. Yes, there are border raids by the Leonese in the late 800s. Yes, the emirs had an unfortunate tendency to vacillate. If we go with the 880s as a starting point, then who's on the throne in the nation of al-Salazar's birth? A man Wikipedia describes as "a neurotic recluse[...]only interested in hunting and his faith". A weak man in a nation riven by war, whose authority didn't extend much outside his court.
Fast forward to 912. Our al-Salazar hears that his king is dead, and that his grandson (after the usual stranglings and so forth) is on the throne. This is Abd-ar-Rahman III, a man who would quite literally be the architect of Moorish Spain. In 929, ar-Rahman declares his Caliphate and proceeds to kick seven bells out of the Christians in the north. Córdoba becomes a beautiful city of light and learning. So here's the question.
Why doesn't Salazar go home?
The glory years of al-Andalus will be greater still with a trained wizard on the side of God. The Fatimids of north Africa will be that much easier to break upon the rocks. Asturias will fall. The dynastic conflicts of the 950s will benefit from the judicious application of Confundus charms. And most of all, our Salazar will live in the palace of his dreams, the Medina Azahara, a palace complex the size of a small town built five miles outside of Córdoba. You could do so much with this setting...
But that means abandoning his friends to the ravages of the Northmen. It means a choice between being remembered by foreigners as a dastardly adversary, and being remembered as a great leader by his own people. It means rain or sun, heather honey or Granadan dates, the palace or the standing stone.
What price ambition? -
I'm sorry. by
on 2016-06-01 00:56:00 UTC
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The above response was an explosion, and it was completely out of line to say what I did. No matter what it is, you deserve to be treated with respect, and I did not do so. For that, I can only apologise. Anger, stress, paranoia... they're all reasons. They're not excuses. They don't excuse my behaviour any more than they justify it. You don't need me being a bloody harpy at you.
You're still wrong about what Muslim Spain was like during the 900s, don't get me wrong, but I shouldn't have lost my temper at it. I'm sorry. -
"No, Godric, don't—" by
on 2016-05-31 21:31:00 UTC
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*facepalm* "Don't charge the manticore, how many times did I tell you not to and you did it anyway no I'm not saving your sorry ass—"
*facepalm* "Godric, no, you can't have the students sorted by having them fight each other."
*facepalm* "No, Godric, we're not building a shrine to your awesomeness in the castle."
*facepalm* "Godric, I don't even need to explain why that's a bad idea..."
*facepalm* "No. Just... no." -
I have a scene in my head... by
on 2016-06-01 11:05:00 UTC
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... of Godric riling Salazar up just enough that his anger takes hold.
SALAZAR: Avada Ke-
It probably takes place in the very first episode.
But I can also see it being repeated in the last, during the final confrontation between the Founders before Salazar's banishment. Only that time, it's Godric who tries to cast the Killing Curse.
In between: lots of facepalming.
hS -
I am really looking forward to this show. by
on 2016-06-01 12:28:00 UTC
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SALAZAR: Godric is a mighty warrior, a brave man, the noblest of spirits and most respectable champion of men. He is as my brother.
LUBNA (YES I AM STILL ON THIS): And yet he has angered you with nought but his presence at court?
SALAZAR: He is a mighty warrior.
LUBNA: So you say.
SALAZAR: He could also be outwitted by a date palm. He is my brother, and I must protect him as best I can, because the intrigue of the Shining City will eat him alive.
[It is at this point that Godric shows up with several unconscious plotters floating behind him]
GODRIC: Not if I eat them first. -
Is this a costume drama, or a sitcom? {; P (nm) by
on 2016-05-31 22:34:00 UTC
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Hmmm. by
on 2016-05-31 23:01:00 UTC
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Oh, wow, yes. by
on 2016-05-31 16:49:00 UTC
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Sign me right up for this! Very excellent work building it up. I didn't quite realize what was going on until the end, but I began to suspect at the first mention of a wand. ^_^
Hm, I didn't know Ravenclaw was Scottish. Given her nobility, do you think she's the one responsible for providing Hogwarts' location? Her castle, or perhaps she let them build it on her land?
I want to see magic-using Vikings. Can't help but imagine this in context with the show Vikings, and that would just be all kinds of madness. Not one of those guys should be allowed to touch a wand. {X D
... Bit of a shame that a show with Salazar as the protagonist must eventually conclude with his fall and exile from Hogwarts. Still, he does get his "ha ha, joke's on you" moment, what with the Chamber of Secrets, so I guess that's all right. Leave the audience with a bit of foreshadowing for the Chamber's eventual opening. Could be quite satisfying, dramatically.
So yeah, this should be a thing immediately. {= D
~Neshomeh -
:D So it worked on at least one person! Good! by
on 2016-05-31 20:31:00 UTC
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I was really hoping for that.
Yes, apparently Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw come from England, Wales, and Scotland; Slytherin isn't stated anywhere, but people often guess Ireland (to round out the quartet of nations). Rowena choosing the site for Hogwarts is a canon legend, and I'm convinced; she was the smart one, after all!
Funnily enough, part of the inspiration for this was the one episode I watched of The Last Kingdom, which is a historical drama set during the Viking invasions (a hundred years before this one). There's just something about the conjunction of HP magic and Anglo-Viking history that screams YES at me.
You call it a fall; he calls it a tactical retreat to better establish his position until a later date. Tomato, potato. ;) But yeah, bit of a downer ending, but very interesting to watch.
hS -
Yes please. by
on 2016-05-31 16:40:00 UTC
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Though the Maya are far too far south, even assuming some of the semi-questionable research insisting that the South American civilisations had contact with China or Africa is true.
If you really wanted to make it more likely I would say one of the groups the Vikings would have come in contact with would make a better option by far. -
Well, something something apparate. by
on 2016-05-31 20:25:00 UTC
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But yeah. The key (for the trailer) is to make them obviously from America, without dipping into cliche (I highly doubt they wore elaborate feather headdresses in Newfoundland!). I think The MACUSA Document claims wizards knew about the New World before even the Vikings found it, so maybe the Mayan wizards have the interests of the entire continent at heart. They did build one of their pyramids down in Brazil to act as a school, so who knows?
hS -
It sounds good. We need to do this, if J.K. Rowling doesn't. (nm by
on 2016-05-31 16:39:00 UTC
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I'd watch that. (nm) by
on 2016-05-31 16:33:00 UTC
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Permission Request by
on 2016-05-31 15:56:00 UTC
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Beta'd by Cat on the Keyboard.
Permission Document
The agents get a mission
Random Prompt
An example of what might make a good mission:
I got walls of text and she looks speshul. -
Congratulations! (nm) by
on 2016-06-02 03:16:00 UTC
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Fine job! by
on 2016-06-01 08:02:00 UTC
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For everyone!
The keyboard! -
Congrats! by
on 2016-06-01 07:16:00 UTC
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Have this self-updating guidebook of all the deathtraps in the multiverse as a gift.
I'll look forward your stories.
P.S. I don't know if you thought about it, but in the case you want pictures for your agents' wiki page, I recommend Rinmaru games. -
Congrats! *tosses Spikes* by
on 2016-05-31 17:37:00 UTC
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For such a rough start, the stuff you've provided has been a vast improvement, both in terms of character and SPaG. Oh, and a Ben 10 agent? Wow, that show was my jam as a teen! I look forward to seeing how this turns out!
Also, I apologize for being unable to beta your work, seeing as I was busy with my own PPC stuff most of the time. I will definitely make it up to you for your first mission, though, at least from a SPaG perspective, so if you need a beta for that once it's done, I'm your man! Or bird. Whatever. XD -
Meant to put that under the PG response, sorry! ^^; (nm) by
on 2016-05-31 17:37:00 UTC
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Hmmm... by
on 2016-05-31 16:36:00 UTC
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Let's see...
One thing I notice is some bizarre line breaks happening, but considering I suspect that's happening to one of my own Google docs right now I'll call that negligible.
The SpaG is acceptable. There's a general sense of forward movement in each of the writing samples.
Kelly and September (...man, are we skipping August? Someone ought fix that) show a lot more thought put into their personalities in their profiles, and the samples reflect that now.
This isn't the first time Key went up to bat to beta your work if I recall correctly. So I'm going to assume there is improvement there as well.
The fic is definitely questionable at best based on the writing alone.
You've shown visible effort to not only improve your writing, but to try and interact in the community and learn.
Consider Permission Granted. I don't think anyone will have serious argument against it this time.
Just make sure to use a beta, listen when they give advice- I believe PoorCynic is going to be making up a new workshop on the matter if he hadn't already- and keep participating in the community. I have confidence that since you've already made the steps to work on your writing, you'll keep going in that direction.
I'm also in the same area as you are currently. I do not work this weekend. If you feel comfortable with the idea, hit me up via email for my phone number.
Something like this calls for a celebration, even if it is a small one.
Congrats, PPC writer.
-July with the PG hat on -
Thanks (nm) by
on 2016-06-02 15:39:00 UTC
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Conga Rats! by
on 2016-06-01 01:27:00 UTC
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Seriously, though, well done. Improving like this is why people shouldn't get discouraged from being denied Permission the first X amount of times. Everything can be fixed, and when it is, everyone's a winner. Keep up the good work! =] -
Dang, I wanted to do that... (nm) by
on 2016-06-01 20:53:00 UTC
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I have thirty rats as pets. It's awesome. =] (nm) by
on 2016-06-03 09:15:00 UTC
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Congratulations, Brammadin! by
on 2016-06-01 01:16:00 UTC
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Actually, this was my first time betaing for Brammadin (or anyone met on the Internet). I feel proud: someone got Permission under my watch! Okay, they (she? The things I forget to ask people) were almost there without me.
Celebration time. Let's dance! *puts on a polka cover of a Lady Gaga song and starts herding people into two lines* -
*Grabs Brammadin the Mini-Boarder* (nm) by
on 2016-06-06 04:51:00 UTC
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I think there's better music for that. by
on 2016-06-01 01:26:00 UTC
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Like Waltz no. 2 by Dmitri Shostakovitch, or Johannes Brahms' Hungarian Dances.
Don't put on good music! by
on 2016-06-06 06:25:00 UTC
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If you do that, people might prefer listening to it over spinning in circles, running into each other, and squealing. Sir Roger de Coverley should only be danced to awful 2000s pop music and derivatives thereof. I stand firm upon this matter.
Congratulations! *confetti* (nm) by
on 2016-05-31 22:33:00 UTC
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*Kougami voice* HAPPY BIRTHDAY by
on 2016-05-31 17:27:00 UTC
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Have a cake with Kelly and September on it.
~Mattman, quoting this guy from Kamen Rider OOO -
I believe congratulations are in order. by
on 2016-05-31 16:57:00 UTC
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Congrats, Bram! Keep at it!
To whoever puts the hat on for this: by
on 2016-05-31 16:00:00 UTC
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The matresses 'random prompt' was given by me in response to Bramandin's last Permission thread; it's not something they made up.
New missions! New interludes! by
on 2016-05-31 18:37:00 UTC
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A wild Lots of Writing has appeared!
-Des and the Librarian branch into bad het in "Thank You and Goodnight" (Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri, NSFW)
-Agent Trainer Desdendelle gets a new trainee in "TYH: Youthful Indiscretion" (Lyrical Nanoha, with an appearance by Sergio Turbo's character)
-The Guardsman fanboys over Des in "Sweet and Full of Grace" (interlude, cowritten with SeaTurtle)
-Zeb gets some "quality time" with the Librarian in "I Thought He Was With You" (interlude, cowritten with Iximaz)
-Des and Dawn discuss education in "Invincible" (interlude, cowritten with DawnFire) -
What color is ble? (nm) by
on 2016-06-03 15:08:00 UTC
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- You can find the answer... by on 2016-06-03 15:57:00 UTC Link to this
Wow, lots to download for later. (nm) by
on 2016-06-02 15:45:00 UTC
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TodayÂ’s my nitpicking day by
on 2016-06-01 22:00:00 UTC
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Thank You and Goodnight
Unfortunately for them, aside from a desk and a chair, there wasn’t much in the way the way of concealment.
Once the Time Lord was flat against the the wall behind Itami, the cyborg tapped his eyeglasses, then glanced above their rim.
“Aha!” he after a moment.
Missing word?
The way it ended, with him sitting on her belly and holding her hands down, made him him blush and look at anything but her.
TYH: Youthful Indiscretion
... when the effect Fate’s gaze became ...
I’m not sure whether a word may be missing there.
I used to glance over the the edge of my eyeglasses
I remember an Azerothian troll hitting his head do that.
Missing word "to"?
trying to look unassuming as possible
Missing word: another "as"?
as she kneeled to look the creature more closely
Missing word "at"?
Which, by Fate’s own admission, shouldn’t have been able to.
Missing word "she"?
He took a sooty-looking CAD out of another pocket and put on the table near the H-CAD
Missing word "it"?
I Thought He Was With You
The Librarian just made a ambivalent sound and leaned back.
"a" should be "an".
HG -
Fixed everything. Thanks, HG! (nm) by
on 2016-06-02 05:49:00 UTC
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Dang, blame me. by
on 2016-06-02 04:39:00 UTC
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I should've done more proofreading. Sorry about that.
So many stuff here. by
on 2016-06-01 07:39:00 UTC
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And now Des is free from that cyber-samurai armor!
And more daily life too!
Tera, welcome to the world of Deadpan Snarking, the one true power in the universe.
Lib's name is... Pretty sure you had a blast writing this.
Grunt, you're getting this Time Lord bad vibe. You're aware it makes you sound like the Notary, right?
Zeb and Librarian, uh. Well, he does try to advance this ship on both ends. (Not sure if he ever discovered that Rinarin was his trainer back then... How would he react?) Meanwile, another ship cruises peacefully.
For the missions, they're an agreable read. I cannot comment too much on the first one since I don't know this canon, but I liked it.
The second one too. It's... reassuring to know that C-CAD will always blow up. Stability in little things of life. This, and behind-the-back recruitement of former agents' child. Now, how could we grill them all for te rest of the Blank Sprite story... -
Did you run out of Culture ships near the end there? by
on 2016-05-31 23:31:00 UTC
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(I can't think of anything more substantial to say other than that I liked these.)
Well-spotted! by
on 2016-06-01 00:08:00 UTC
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Invincible is indeed Azadian. However, it is still from the Culture (series, not civilisation) and DawnFire liked that one.
*shrugs* -
Nice little mission. {= ) by
on 2016-05-31 23:13:00 UTC
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I'm glad to see someone taking on a more obscure (as far as missions go) genre of fanfic. I liked the little ways the agents created trouble just by being themselves, such as Des insisting that a scene break was coming any minute now, really; him having to figure out his new eyes; and the Librarian almost losing an eye to a teenager by being slow.
I'm also both pleased and slightly miffed to see the See-Through Device in action: pleased because I love it when people remember things and bring them back, but miffed because I was gonna do it and you ninja'd me. ^_~ It's okay, though; my use of it probably won't appear for a good long while yet anyway, the way my writing is going.
My only critique is that, in my estimation, you missed an opportunity for a good gag with the line "He turned around to leave, but found that his boots refused to budge." I figure either he's twisted his body around impossibly or else he's stepped out of his boots and left them glued to the doorstep; either way, it would've been funny. {= )
Aaand I am out of time to write more. Will hopefully read more later.
~Neshomeh -
/Happily devours the writings (nm) by
on 2016-05-31 19:45:00 UTC
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Apparently it's a big day or something. by
on 2016-05-31 19:46:00 UTC
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At exactly 11:46 PM tonight (Eastern Standard Time), I will be 19 years old.
Shocking, isn't it? ;) -
It's a something! by
on 2016-06-01 07:52:00 UTC
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Or, alternately, a big day!
Good on you with that whole being born thing, by the way.
Pretty rough process, fluids and screaming and whatnot.
I bestow upon you: rubber gloves!
To help with the electricity!
Because it's shocking!
Get it? -
Thank you very muchly! /o (nm) by
on 2016-06-01 15:34:00 UTC
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Happy birthday! by
on 2016-06-01 06:31:00 UTC
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Have both this black-hole cog=ffee and these black-hole chocolates. Congrats, you're now almost old by PPC standards. Enjoy this last year in the teens. For now, most of what I saw from the twenties is overrated.
Don't normally drink coffee, but CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE CHOCOLA by
on 2016-06-01 15:33:00 UTC
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And thanks. ;)
Happy Birthday! by
on 2016-06-01 05:23:00 UTC
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Or at least, it's still your birthday where I live. Barely.
Thanks! /o (nm) by
on 2016-06-01 15:32:00 UTC
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Happy Birthday! *tosses Spikes* by
on 2016-05-31 23:27:00 UTC
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And wow, I didn't know you were younger than me! I guess you Boarders are full of surprises. XD
Thanks! :) by
on 2016-06-01 00:02:00 UTC
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And the PPC is one of the only communities I'm in where I'm not the youngest, as strange as that sounds. :V
Happy birthday! *blows noisemaker* (nm) by
on 2016-05-31 22:33:00 UTC
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Thanks! ^^ Hope you have an equally good day. (nm) by
on 2016-05-31 23:13:00 UTC
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*cakefetti* by
on 2016-05-31 20:08:00 UTC
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*blows noisemakers* -
Thanks! =) /drowns in cakefetti by
on 2016-05-31 20:22:00 UTC
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Speaking of Birthday Song variations, how d'you like this one:
Ooh, I'll have to use that sometime. XD by
on 2016-05-31 21:27:00 UTC
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Welcome to being 19; it's exactly like being 18, except now you're a year away from 20. Yay?
Glad to inspire! /o by
on 2016-05-31 21:32:00 UTC
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And yay, I suppose. :V One year closer to graduating from college for me, at any rate. \o/
Happy birthday! (nm) by
on 2016-05-31 19:57:00 UTC
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Aww, thank you. ^^ (nm) by
on 2016-05-31 20:20:00 UTC
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- New mission! by on 2016-05-31 21:58:00 UTC Link to this
Delivering by
on 2016-06-02 00:07:00 UTC
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Since it’s after midnight here, it’s no longer my nitpicking day, but anyway:
"Wait, never mind," the Aviator as she read ahead in the Words.
Missing word.
HG -
That's not too embarrassing. by
on 2016-06-02 12:45:00 UTC
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I can live with that. Thanks, HG!
Drat. XD Thanks! (nm) by
on 2016-06-02 00:18:00 UTC
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Whoa, >Sky High? by
on 2016-06-01 06:28:00 UTC
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Boy, it takes me back way into the past... Honestly, I'm curious about how many people saw that movie.
Good mission too. Still a glitterrbag not doing much in the canon it intrudes, except plagiarization and ducking it up when original work is necessary. The death is gory, but nothing else was more appropriated.
Last question, am I the only one thinking about Sakura Kyoko when I read about Ave? -
Man, this is crazy. by
on 2016-06-01 06:38:00 UTC
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I've got like one friend IRL who's ever heard of the movie, and that's because I made him watch it with me, but post a mission in the continuum on the Board and I find fans crawling out of the woodworks!
And oh boy, if you think this Sue is obnoxious, just wait until the Treasure Planet mission I'll be posting sometime in June... *cringes*
If you're talking about the apple-munching quirk, I hadn't even made the connection until you said something. XD Maybe it was a subconscious thing? Call it a funny coincidence. -
Apple eating is a thing... by
on 2016-06-01 07:12:00 UTC
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But the way Ave acts sometimes with affected detachment hiding (badly) a crappy backstory, and her rude moments (Kyoko does play the delinquant act.)
I only had the occasion of watching it once, but I found it more interesting than the otherr one on the subject, Zoom. Didn't find a DVD of it though.
Treasure Planet, uh? What's on the menu? The supernova/black hole or the exploding planet? -
I guess. by
on 2016-06-01 07:15:00 UTC
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The parallels definitely weren't intentional, though. :P
Ooh, Zoom's another one I liked as a kid! Maybe I'll have to go looking for something there...
And I've gone the black hole route (mission is... now finished, actually ^^; but I have three other, mostly-finished missions that will need to be published first) but I think what comes after the execution will be of greater interest... -
*remembers this Fate thing from the PJ mission* by
on 2016-06-01 07:23:00 UTC
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Please, almighty Gygax, don't let Ave, Zeb and Baby roll a 1 on this one, please.
Muahaha. by
on 2016-06-01 07:27:00 UTC
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Oh no.
Take what you're imagining.
Now multiply it by... three.
That's how bad it's gonna be.
I kid, I kid. Though something is definitely gonna happen. Baby... well, you'll see. ;) -
*Adds priers to Philemon and Madoka to the mix* by
on 2016-06-01 07:34:00 UTC
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On an unrelated note, did you ever think about getting Ave caught in Time travels shenanigans like meeting old or next her, or things like this?
Now, I admit it could go Suvian pretty fast, but I cannot help but think it could get interesting. -
I have considered it. by
on 2016-06-01 07:38:00 UTC
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Maybe just as an April Fool's story or something noncanon, though, since you're right, it could get glittery very fast.
I do already know what her fourth through seventh regenerations would be like, but they'd never see the PPC unless they came back to visit for whatever reason. And that's when the glitterbomb starts growing. -
Curiosity burning like badfic!Rivendell during OFUM II. by
on 2016-06-01 07:45:00 UTC
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Would it be possible to have a look at Rinmaru avatars for them someday? And April's Fool or uncanon stories could be interesting too... Wait, she/he'll manage to retire from this place someday? I would like to think it means earning some really Happy Ending down this road...
Now's fine. by
on 2016-06-01 08:24:00 UTC
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They're just gathering dust on my desktop in case of a future appearance, no matter how canon. I won't share what their personalities are like (because where's the fun in that?), but I'll give a little bit more physical description since Rinmaru can only do so much.
Fifth Aviator:
Slightly below-average height and a rather plump figure. She regenerated old (unfortunately, there isn't a wrinkles option) and has long since replaced her first pair of goggles for new ones.
Sixth Aviator:
Unlike the last one, she regenerated young, once again looking like a teenager. She's fairly certain that if she regenerates as a ginger again, she'll also be bony, because this is the second time she's been both ginger and this sticklike.
Seventh Aviator:
Regenerated in his forties or so and obtained the scar a few centuries after. He's a tad shorter than average and on the lean side.
I'm saying nothing on the subject of whether or not the retirement will be a happy one. :P -
Well, well. by
on 2016-06-01 08:50:00 UTC
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Creating the regeneration process to allow for more Doctor Who was the best decision ever took by BBC. Look at all the characters who can be created. (Of these ones, I prefer Six, although Three remains my overall favorite.)
Last point. Does that mean that your last TYH stories stopped from being — potentially — canon? Elanor was so charming... -
Now that is definitely spoilers. ;) (nm) by
on 2016-06-01 08:54:00 UTC
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Was worth a shot. by
on 2016-06-01 09:03:00 UTC
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Now, if only Persona 5 and Winds of Winter could fall from the sky...
*applause* by
on 2016-06-01 03:07:00 UTC
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What is it with Sues that give themselves all these Sueper Speshul Powaz, only to forget them at the most illogical moments? It isn't as if she was so scared that she forgot that she could defend herself, since she had enough presence of mind to aim for the family jewels of one the muggers!
Goodbye, Hayden/Elisa/whatever your name was. You won't be missed.
And congratulations are in order not only on a good mission, but on a well-written one as well; I didn't spot any errors!
(I'll be so embarrassed if HG spots anything!) -
It happens distressingly often. by
on 2016-06-01 03:15:00 UTC
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I've skimmed through a ton of badfics while looking for material to spork, and you would not believe the number of overpowered Sues who put themselves in a dangerous situation—usually a trivialized rape scene, because what's more dramatic than that? >:/ —and promptly forget they can fight back or use their multitude of powers to escape, only for their designated Lust Object to swoop in and rescue them. Fainting into the LO's arms afterwards is optional.
And whoa, no way! Seriously? ^^; *looks anxiously at HG for his verdict* -
(Checks Netflix) Oh, that movie. by
on 2016-06-01 01:39:00 UTC
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Fun. How does she even have 3 powers!? Getting two was unheard of until the ending! I could just rant about usage of the Pstandard Psychic Pstance. I clearly have much to learn about the logic of bad writing. Nicely done.
Because Sue. by
on 2016-06-01 01:45:00 UTC
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I'm honestly not sure which was worse, the fact that she had three powers or the fact that none of them were inherited from her parents.
...unless she was dropped in a vat of toxic waste...
Glad you liked it! -
I just remembered where I remember Sky High. by
on 2016-06-04 05:33:00 UTC
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This. https://mobile.twitter.com/ErgotthAE/status/633303162775040000/photo/1 Caption courtesy of Ergotth.
I don't actually have twitter, but I can give you the link. -
*tsks and shakes head* by
on 2016-06-04 14:55:00 UTC
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They got the quote wrong. :P
Congratulations! by
on 2016-06-01 01:32:00 UTC
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I'm going to agree with Ave on this one: What the actual ...? It's like she was trying to turn the Sue into an anti-Sue and failed miserably!
Ah, blast-from-the-past canons. How I love thee. by
on 2016-06-01 00:01:00 UTC
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And how I do not love this badfic. Geez. :/
Definitely a good mission - and a delightfully creative canonical method of execution, to boot! -
It's a great movie, innit? by
on 2016-06-01 00:14:00 UTC
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I was kind of surprised how many fics it had in the Pit; from what I knew it seemed like a pretty obscure film. Not that I'm complaining! I'd been wanting to have a Save the Citizen execution since I rewatched the movie a few months ago and went "Hmm, that looks like fun..."
But yeah, this Sue. Yeesh. -
Yup! Practically watched it live. XD by
on 2016-06-01 01:00:00 UTC
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And I think I saw a few fics in the fandom mentioned on TvTropes, once - so I wasn't completely in the dark on the matter or anything.
And Save the Citizen was quite fitting, especially since the Sue's demise made the game title... inaccurate. >:)
Mecha Madness! by
on 2016-05-31 23:08:13 UTC
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Apparently DoSAT wants you to fight with mecha. They say if you imagine it, its probably there (within reason, of course). They also say that you can operate it any way you imagine.
With that, you have now entered the battle field.
Matthew entered the field by
on 2016-05-31 23:09:15 UTC
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"GA-GA-GA! GA-GA-GA! GAO! GAI! GAR! GA-GA-GA! GA-GA-GA! GAO! GAI! GAR!" Matthew was hamming his way into the fray, by manner of the theme of the Ultimate Form of Courage.
His current mech was nothing more then an armory on human-like form, though his enemies didn't know that, as the impending Dakka and Macross Missle Massacre was concealed in a bulky frame, which was moving like an American Football player into the fray, gliding across the ground via thrusters mounted on its back. It was somewhat of an imposing scene.
Anyhow, Ajax was elsewhere on the battle for now it was only him, but that would soon change... probably.