A few weeks ago, I offered my aid to a boarder who was pleading for help with his/her writing. I did the best I could to give them aid, and moved on. This last week, I came across this list of storytelling hints, apparently originally tweeted by a Pixar story artist. They seem to be wonderful advice, so I am now sharing them with my fellow boarders.
You admire a character for trying more than for their successes.
You gotta keep in mind what’s interesting to you as an audience, not what’s fun to do as a writer. They can be very different.
Once upon a time there was. Every day,. One day. Because of that,. Because of that,. Until finally.
Simplify. Focus. Combine characters. Hop over detours. You’ll feel like you’re losing valuable stuff but it sets you free.
What is your character good at, comfortable with? Throw the polar opposite at them. Challenge them. How do they deal?
Come up with your ending before you figure out your middle. Seriously. Endings are hard, get yours working up front.
Finish your story, let go even if it’s not perfect. In an ideal world you have both, but move on. Do better next time.
When you’re stuck, make a list of what WOULDN’T happen next.
Pull apart the stories you like. What you like in them is a part of you; you’ve got to recognize it before you can use it.
Putting it on paper lets you start fixing it. If it stays in your head, a perfect idea, you’ll never share it with anyone.
Discount the 1st thing that comes to mind. And the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th – get the obvious out of the way. Surprise yourself.
Give your characters opinions. Passive/malleable might seem likable to you as you write, but it’s poison to the audience.
Why must you tell THIS story? What’s the belief burning within you that your story feeds off of? That’s the heart of it.
If you were your character, in this situation, how would you feel? Honesty lends credibility to unbelievable situations.
What are the stakes? Give us reason to root for the character. What happens if they don’t succeed? Stack the odds against.
No work is ever wasted. If it’s not working, let go and move on – it’ll come back around to be useful later.
You have to know yourself: the difference between doing your best & fussing. Story is testing, not refining.
Coincidences that get characters into trouble are great; coincidences to get them out of it are cheating.
Exercise: take the building blocks of a movie you dislike. How d’you rearrange them into what you DO like?
You gotta identify with your situation/characters, can’t just write ‘cool’. What would make YOU act that way?
I hope you find these rules as interesting as I do, and possibly helpful as well.
As a postscript, my younger brother recently started pestering me about getting Permission. However, although I know what I want to do with my agents, I haven't gotten around to writing anything featuring them yet, which I should probably do in the near future, shouldn't I?
Pixar 22 rules of storytelling by
on 2014-04-21 20:01:00 UTC
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Oh yeah... This is some great advice. by
on 2014-04-22 22:05:00 UTC
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I think Ima share this with my fellow snarkers at the Library of the Damned! Thanks, NHA!
You Are Welcome by
on 2014-04-24 19:44:00 UTC
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To be said in a British or German accent.
All good advice. {= ) by
on 2014-04-22 20:53:00 UTC
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Re. Permission, if you're thinking of putting together a request, make sure to use the new prompts system detailed here (scroll down past the orange stuff). It's not fully implemented yet, but the more we see it in action, the more we can refine it.
~Neshomeh -
Will Do! by
on 2014-04-24 20:36:00 UTC
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Just got to decide on which of my ideas to go with.
Brilliant! by
on 2014-04-22 02:17:00 UTC
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I'm definitely putting these on file! =D
Really good advice! by
on 2014-04-22 01:30:00 UTC
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I'll use this. Believe me.
I love doing the exercise one. by
on 2014-04-22 00:25:00 UTC
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Taking the blocks of a Suefic and rearranging it into something less Sueish. That's my hobby.
I'm currently dabbling in a Julius Caesar High School AU after reading the one that I reported a couple threads down.
On claiming badfics before asking Permission by
on 2014-04-22 05:30:00 UTC
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Is it possible to claim badfics before asking Permission?
Because if it is, I'd like to claim the Rose Potter series and Chatoyance's works, because I already have missions (and suitably ironic deaths) in mind for them.
I'd have liked to ask for My Inner Life, if only because a hilarious reoccurring spelling error resulted in the Sue dancing minuets in the middle of sex, but it's already claimed. Such is life. -
If you ARE allowed... by
on 2014-04-29 23:10:00 UTC
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If you are allowed to, which it seems you are, I am going to claim some. Like, right now.
Can I just ask... by
on 2014-04-23 06:54:00 UTC
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I have another question that has to do with this. Can you still do a mission if it has been done by someone in the past?
I don't think so... by
on 2014-04-23 07:38:00 UTC
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...given the fact that in the PPC universe the badfic has been killed by an agent team.
Besides, a redundant mission seems... redundant, I guess? -
Unless there's a sequel/multiple parts. by
on 2014-04-23 13:15:00 UTC
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Though usually it's the same agents going back in again. See: Littlefoot x Cera series.
I suppose so. by
on 2014-04-23 00:20:00 UTC
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I claimed preemptive dibs on "No One Refuses Mi Amore Cadenza!" when Tawaki posted it, after all. I have absolutely nothing planned in the way of a mission for it or the other badfic I have in mind, though...so yeah, Your Mileage May Vary (to borrow a TV Tropes term)
Oh, man- My Inner Life... by
on 2014-04-22 20:54:00 UTC
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I always wanted to spork that one if only for how Link's eyes had the magical abilities of changing size, shooting beams to melt the Sue (no, seriously) and being 'sexy.' There was also how everybody said 'soo' instead of 'so.' You would think that they were calling pigs…
As you said, LonelyStar, such is life. -
So you can? by
on 2014-04-22 17:08:00 UTC
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Well then, I guess I can claim this badfic... Right? http://www.quotev.com/story/2944608/The-queen-Legolas-love-story/
Well... I can't edit the wikia. by
on 2014-04-22 17:41:00 UTC
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Well... I can't edit the wikia. by
on 2014-04-22 17:41:00 UTC
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Yes, but that's wildly optimistic. by
on 2014-04-22 07:55:00 UTC
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You're talking about the six Rose Potter stories, which are classed as Legendary Badfic -- My Inner Life, which is LB and ridiculously long -- and multiple works by someone else. At minimum, that's nine stories, of which seven are LBs.
How long do you think it'll take you to write those? According to the Claimed Badfic list, 'be aware that very old claims (generally 18+ months) may be bumped back to the Unclaimed Badfic page'. I... find it difficult to believe anyone could kill My Inner Life in a year and a half, let alone it plus the entirety of Rose Potter (which I believe has already been tried and failed, though I may be wrong), plus whatever else.
Glancing over the history of the Claimed list kind of supports this. As I write, the first 50 edits include a total of six removing information - and one of those is Neshomeh doing some cleanup. So only 5 badfics have been actually killed for 25 claimed in the same period. Eighty percent of fics claimed are not being killed.
But despite all that - no, there is no problem with you doing that. However, also despite all that, I would advise against trying to start off with Legendary Badfics. Take a look at Dafydd's 'Tales from DOGA' here; I eventually took on two LBs, yes, but after eleven other missions - and Clbr__n was the last fic Dafydd ever took on. They're a big deal in-universe, and they're also a royal pain to write about.
hS -
Rose Potter mission attempt. by
on 2014-04-24 02:47:00 UTC
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I remember reading that four agents went in and it was a disaster. Since I can't find the record on the wiki, this is all from memory, but one agent made it back, with two more found hiding in a Redwall goodfic afterwards. One agent still unaccounted for.
This is all from memory though, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. -
No, you're thinking of another Legendary Badfic. by
on 2014-04-24 05:44:00 UTC
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That sounds an awful lot like Neshomeh's attempted mission to the hermaphrodite-Snape fic "Subjugation". She, Tungsten Monk, and two other people stored a copy of the fic before it was purged from the Internet, and sent their agents into it. The mission was never finished, and the other two people never got around to writing anything else for the PPC. It was in-universe established at some point that Supernumerary came back alone, with everyone else MIA, though Tungsten Monk's agents were later determined to have been hiding in World of Warcraft until the All-Purpose Department stumbled on them by chance years later.
Here's what actually happened. by
on 2014-04-24 17:36:00 UTC
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In 2006, someone (I don't remember who) reported "Subjugation" to the Board. Everyone was duly horrified. It was decided that it must be sporked, but it was too much for one person, so Gundamkiwi, Tungsten Monk, Rez, and nscangal stepped up, each volunteering to spork six of its twenty-four chapters. Kiwi took the lead and wrote the prologue, where the eight agents were recruited. I got involved when nscangal bowed out, or disappeared, or something; anyway, I took her place. Tungsten Monk took the first six chapters, but she only got through chapter two, which ends on the lovely note of Dumbledore declaring "I have not yet begun to debauch!" as he's about to forcibly consummate his marriage to Snape. Sadly, it never got any further writing-wise.
Eventually, due to people having lives, I was pretty much the only one still active on the Board. Much of the current backstory regarding "Subjugation" was created when I moved to Chicago in 2009 and started talking more with Tungsten, who also lived in the area then. It was already my headcanon that Nume was the only survivor of the mission, and Tungsten got on board with that. We decided we liked the idea of taking another crack at it, and that was when I discovered the fic had vanished from the Internet and had to dredge up a copy from the Wayback Machine. We brought Suicide and Diocletian back in "The Dark Side," which was a co-mission between the APD and the DIC, and they made their first reappearance as agents in "Ring Child."
Rez actually made a surprise comeback in 2011, posting two new missions with her agents, and she got on board with the backstory, too. Sadly, she faded out again.
And here we are now.
~Neshomeh -
I was actually co-writing the return of Rez' agents, shame s by
on 2014-04-25 02:01:00 UTC
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-he vanished again, 'cause it was fun. :(
It'd be nice to see the Subjugation saga finally concluded though, I'm sure you'll manage it. :P
(Since the story no longer actually exists online, why not just say it got deleted?) -
I knew I was missing a few links, but not that many. by
on 2014-04-24 18:53:00 UTC
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Then again, my knowledge of Boarder history is not very well-formed compared to that of the in-universe history, so this may have been inevitable, given the Boarder history portion was formed by my piecing together what I found on the wiki and remember from previous times you mentioned it here.
You said that eight agents were recruited in the original prologue. Were there some recruits that were specifically brought into the PPC to kill "Subjugation"? I shudder at the very thought. -
Nope, they were all active teams. by
on 2014-04-24 20:07:00 UTC
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Gundamkiwi's Gunny and Wayne, Rez's Rez and Flip, Tungsten Monk's Suicide and Diocletian, and nscangal's Jo and Shae. Some of the links go to the Glossary just because no one has made full pages for those agents yet... and unfortunately, it looks like the agents-shae-jo LiveJournal got deleted at some point. Dammit... as far as I know, it's impossible to get LJ stuff back. {= (
Board history is pretty sketchy thanks to the Board losing things and the fact that nobody really thought about preserving it in the early days. We're pretty much stuck relying on the memories of us old-timers and whatever scraps of information can be gleaned from journals, author's notes, old chat logs, and other assorted sources. I don't know how real historians manage when it comes to trying to piece together scraps of information from thousands of years ago. >.
~Neshomeh -
That's not... strictly true. by
on 2014-04-25 11:56:00 UTC
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As far as LJ goes, I mean. The Wayback Machine archives a fair bunch of pages, as does Archive Today. If you look in the 2004 Board Archives, you'll find the Wayback link to the very first list of Boarder ships, which was quite a find.
However, as far as I can tell, neither Wayback's ~300,000 entries or AT's far more modest ~60,000 include either agents-shae-jo, or dcps_lotr. AT has a few still-extant Agent LJs (Talia and Quen, for instance), but I can't spot anything 'lost'.
Still, it's worth checking. There's several thousand archived LJ entries with some sort of PPC connection, and I have the downloaded list of links on Wayback. So if anyone has any lost LJs they want me to try and track down, name them; the worst that can happen is we find nothing.
hS -
Huh, cool. (Also: a mad proposal.) by
on 2014-04-25 14:47:00 UTC
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I think I was vaguely aware of Archive Today—it's come up when I was Googling other things. I haven't encountered any deleted LJs on it that I was aware of, though. I was under the impression that LJ was protected from this sort of thing, like ff.net. I assume they have anti-crawler scripts or firewalls or something. */betraying her ignorance of higher programming*
And now, the mad proposal: I've been thinking for some time it might be a good idea to save PPC stuff that only exists on LJ, and maybe ff.net and anywhere else it could be subject to removal because the service feels like it. Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of hard drive space at the moment, and also that would be a whole lot of work for just one person. I'm betting I could count on your help, though, and I know Calista saved a bunch of stuff and transferred it to LJ, so maybe she'd enlist. Anybody else?
Alternatively, any compelling arguments for why this might be a bad idea? Best to discover any of those ahead of time!
~Neshomeh -
Um. But that's everywhere. by
on 2014-04-25 15:29:00 UTC
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You may recall that the Multiverse Monitor (Starwind's) recently went down; I found it all in archives, but the site is just plain gone. That's one I'll be 'restoring' to its own slot on the Webplex - I've adopted her agents anyway, it seems only fair.
My sites occasionally go down when Webs decide no-one's looking at them any more - I can bring them back up, but that means any Webs site is potentially vulnerable after the author has left. Can Google take things down on a 'whim'? I'm not sure; if so, that's most of the more recent stuff. And so on and so forth. So where do you stop? Or start?
LJ is... sort of protected. I'm not sure how it works, but you can definitely find some LJs archived - and the Kaltia entry I mentioned is from a deleted journal. But I thought they had something in their robots file to stop it, too. So I'm not sure.
hS -
Starting is easy. by
on 2014-04-25 16:12:00 UTC
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Start with what's oldest (Miss Cam's list of spin-offs, for instance) and what we'd be the most sad to find missing one day. A bit subjective, but that's all right. For instance, all the documents on the PPC LJ. It would be devastating if those vanished.
As for stopping... cross that bridge when we come to it? I don't mind if I end up having the entire PPC backed up on an external hard drive some day. Or two—at least one extra would be safest.
~Neshomeh, who did say "mad." -
I suppose. by
on 2014-04-25 16:29:00 UTC
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So your plan is to have several offline backups of essentially everything, so that if something goes down, we can restore it? That's not a bad plan - though it is certainly mad. And it would be interesting to see just how large the PPC's file-database actually is...
hS -
Actually, I think there's two plans here. by
on 2014-04-27 21:30:00 UTC
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The other one comes from wherever it was that you discussed the history of the Board... it occurs to me that a huge part of that is referenced in Livejournal posts. 2008 - the point where the Board Archives break down - is also when the LJ craze started to die. So anything which made a big impression is probably mentioned somewhere - heck, somewhere on my Friends' List. I know for a fact that the Thalia Weaver Incident is, in a fair amount of detail, because I just checked.
So do we as a community want to take a stab at that - at finding the 'big events' and linking them back into the archives? To some extent, this would overlap with the archiving of stories - the wilderness of El-Jheycom contains many relics of both kinds.
hS -
That sounds fascinating. by
on 2014-04-27 21:51:00 UTC
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A very good idea! It would be really interesting to see what shakes out of that. And there's character journals, too, don't forget those. That's sort of the middle of the (stories()community) history Venn diagram.
I fully endorse a spelunking expedition to the Flist Caverns. {= )
~Neshomeh -
Okay then. by
on 2014-04-28 11:30:00 UTC
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I will at least attempt to delve into the depths of the Flist complex, though it may be a long time ere I see the sky again. Castle Kwenaya may find itself rather neglected.
And, of course, if I happen to run across anywhere that could serve the Resistance's purposes... well, never mind that.
Are there any events you can think of which probably would have been commented on? I'll try a full archive trawl, but there's a lot of posts out there - I may get worn out before I finish mine, let alone anyone else.
hS -
Hm... by
on 2014-04-28 15:44:00 UTC
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Well, I did just find a post by Sara that's to do with the ban on Emergencies and general unrest with agent power creep that was happening at the time. It's linked from the Emergency page on the wiki. That 2008-2009 period may be pretty rich.
One thing I'd love to have more info about is the 2003 Mary Sue Invasion. I think Techno-Dann's backstory and the A/V Department stories touch on it, but that's almost pure speculation on my part.
The Thalia Weaver thing, you mentioned before... Oh, what about Red Wolf the Weird? I've heard of them (obviously), but what actually happened? What was so weird about them?
There was that whole sockpuppetry drama involving Union Jack and... I forget the other one. It was relatively recent, though. Tungsten Monk wrote her Dissertation on a Troll around then, if I recall correctly. Though I'm not sure that journal is still around. I found her "Know Your Sue!" series deleted recently. {= (
That's probably enough to go on for now (and I can't think of anything else). Good luck!
Meanwhile, I'll start going through Miss Cam's PPC list. I'll try to shoot for saving at least one spin-off a week. That should allow good progress without bogging me down. And I am getting a new laptop soon if all goes according to plan, so I could devote this one purely to storage.
... I have no idea how to translate this quest into Plortian terms. Some kind of archaeological crusade? Maybe I should invest in a leather coat, a fedora, and a bull whip. *g*
~Neshomeh -
Not-So-Wild Optimism by
on 2014-04-23 20:30:00 UTC
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I'm not planning on doing My Inner Life. It's already claimed. I just would have liked to see my agents' reactions to the Sue dancing minuets during sex.
I'm not going to start with Rose Potter. I have other badfics in mind to start off with. I just want to eventually mission her. I'm probably not going to do all of Chatoyance's works, as she is very prolific.
To anyone who does decide to help with Chatoyance, be ready for flames. She writes Conversion Bureau. -
I'd be happy to help once my backlog's cleared... by
on 2014-04-23 21:12:00 UTC
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Especially since I can give as good as I get as far as flames go if it comes to that. Also, as an aside, chatoyance is a gemological term that basically means "a special kind of sparkly". Not sure if troll or just really, really pretentious.
I'd like the help by
on 2014-04-24 01:58:00 UTC
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Just be warned, it's Conversion Bureau, pony supremacist.
The basic premise is that Equestria shows up on earth one day, surrounded by a barrier that will destroy all of human civilization eventually, and magic is poisonous to humans, who must transform into ponies to survive. This could be explored well to create a beautifully deep story about change and the sadistic choice between dying and changing, and what would happen to human culture.
Usually, it boils down to genocide by assimilation, with the serum that works the transformation fundamentally changing your nature, and the ponies distributing it being the good guys, and humans either being evil brutes or tripping all over themselves to become ponies.
Authors who do it this way seem to fail to understand exactly how creepy this is, and wish for the situation described in the story to happen in real life.
The original story wasn't so bad, just poorly written, and originally supposed to be garden-variety wish fulfillment, in the same vein as most HiE suefics. The author considers the story an old shame. -
Oh, believe you me, I know about the Conversion Berks. by
on 2014-04-24 12:27:00 UTC
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I mean, I get why people write those stories, but they just... suck at it. If you want an example of the concept being done right, on the other hand, you could do a lot worse than Friendship Is Optimal. The story has a really disquieting tone that reminded me of that one bit from Fallout 3 with the little corner of suburban small-town America. If you've played that game, you know where I mean. Creeping-dread horror: it's what's for dinner!
Also, that'd be an amazing whole-Board event; dredging up every available, interested agent and sending them to clean up the Conversion Bureau. It'd be like herding cats, but the end result might just be brilliant. -
Epic Mission by
on 2014-04-25 05:55:00 UTC
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That... would be the most epic thing in the history of epic. I was planning on doing it one at a time, but it would be cool if we could coordinate the board and dredge up the TCB badfics, and then do them all at once in a massive crossover in which Xenolestia is exorcised from everywhere, which ends in the Elements of Harmony cleansing Equestria of the Sue taint and then fades out on the note of the agents planning to neuralyze the canon characters... after they go to the gigantic party that Pinkie Pie set up.
I was also thinking that the Elements of Harmony would be a very good thing for most agents in the bad-insanity department. It's made of weaponized good feelings, friendship, and, well, harmony. If it can cleanse Equestria after Discord, then it can be very good for the agents' mental health. -
The DoA probably want it as well... (nm) by
on 2014-04-25 17:59:00 UTC
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On the Conversion Bureau. by
on 2014-04-24 03:15:00 UTC
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Hey now, to be fair, there is the occasional story that actually explores the CB and what it means for both Earth and Equestria. Every once in a while, there is a CB story that is actually rather interesting, and not too bad of a read.
That said, yeah, it usually boils down to wish fulfillment. Though, I feel the need to mention the other side of the coin: the Anti-Conversion Bureau, the side that hates the CB and what it's usual fans think of humanity. These stories typically show the ponies as nothing short of monsters, lead by Tyrant!Celestia in a war against all of humanity. The humans then roll in, kick some flank, and then roll out, proving that the Equestrian's fears were absolutely right. How ironic. Thee stories are usually just as bad, just praising humans instead of ponies. Ugh.
Wait, what? The original was not that bad? Dude, that fic sucked. I mean, nothing against the author, he's actually a pretty cool guy who can write well enough now, but the original Conversion Bureau was awful. I mean, not like Cupcakes level awful, but still pretty bad.
Actually, if you were not planning on taking the original, I was thinking I may do something with it. I mean, I have My Little Unicorn ahead of me already, so it's not like I need another infamous badfic, but I've been thinking of some things I could do with it. But, if you were planning on taking it on, by all means, have at it. -
Clarification by
on 2014-04-25 05:48:00 UTC
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I meant not that bad in comparison. There are far worse.
There are some good anti-TCB tics out there to. I really like TCB: Not Alone. It really explores what the premise of TCB means, and doesn't do the black-and-white thing in bad TCB fics. -
It doesn't come to that. by
on 2014-04-23 22:43:00 UTC
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The PPC doesn't flame. We don't condone flaming. You are of course free to be as flamey towards other people in your own right as you choose - though don't expect anyone here to approve - but if you do so in the name of the PPC, there will be trouble. With a capital B. And maybe an L for good measure.
hS doesn't like that, even as a joke -
Nobody said the PPC does? (nm) by
on 2014-04-23 23:24:00 UTC
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Quote: by
on 2014-04-24 07:23:00 UTC
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'I'd be happy to help [with the missions]... [e]specially since I can give as good as I get as far as flames go if it comes to that.'
I don't know about you, but I definitely read that as 'If writing these missions results in Chatoyance flaming us, I will totally flame back'. Which comes very close, since it would be in the course of writing a PPC mission.
It may have been a joke, as I (tried to be sure to) acknowledge(...d; parenthetical grammar is hard). But I think it's important anyway.
hS -
What I meant was: by
on 2014-04-24 12:29:00 UTC
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If she finds out about the PPC-fic attacking her fic and goes after the authors, which could conceivably happen, I will respond in kind - not in my capacity as a PPCer, but as a massive bitch. Which I am. =]
Here's what we don't want: by
on 2014-04-25 15:03:00 UTC
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~*SuGaRhIgH*~ (a badficcer): OMG ur so meen! Your mamma was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries! *flame flame flame*
Oaken Thorinshield (a PPC Boarder): Oh yeah? Well, I fart in your general direction, you empty-headed animal food-trough water! *flame flame flame*
Suesette (a random outsider): *GASP!* That person just flamed someone! I just found out they're with the PPC, so all PPCers must be terrible flamers who like to make thirteen-year-olds cry! I'm going to blog about it right now! The world must know!
PPC: Well, crap, there goes the last FIVE YEARS OR SO of WORKING REALLY HARD TO IMPROVE OUR IMAGE. Thanks for nothing, Oaken.
{= |
~Neshomeh -
Which is why I would take pains to point out... by
on 2014-04-25 18:08:00 UTC
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That the PPC does not and never has advertised to the authors of the fics we've killed that we have killed them, and that we are not just a bunch of cyberbullies; if an author flames a PPCer about this, they have to have gone out of their way to look for things to be angry about. That would be my response to them as a PPCer.
If they make it a personal attack, all bets are off, and I will say so after reasserting the above and supplying direct quotes from the badfic author.
This is a policy I've had for some time for when I'm forced to deal with the hard of thinking. It seems to work. =] -
Haha, Suesette. She assumes too much. (nm) by
on 2014-04-25 17:38:00 UTC
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You laugh, but it really happens, and it's not fun. (nm) by
on 2014-04-25 18:13:00 UTC
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No,no, just the name. I can believe it's not fun though. (nm) by
on 2014-04-26 04:56:00 UTC
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The Hypothetical Boarders strike again! (nm) by
on 2014-04-25 15:04:00 UTC
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They're very handy! (nm) by
on 2014-04-25 15:05:00 UTC
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Still not something we approve of he's saying. (nm) by
on 2014-04-25 01:53:00 UTC
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In or out of universe? by
on 2014-04-22 17:35:00 UTC
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In-universe, Subjugation is the one the PPC actually tried and failed to kill, if I recall, but out someone (I think Cassie?) tried to take on at least one of the Rose Potters and hasn't got around to finishing it, yeah.
Yep, that's the one. by
on 2014-04-22 20:37:00 UTC
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The problem with "Subjugation" is that it's long, most of the charges are purely to do with characterization, and the content is so horrifying that it makes finding any humor in it incredibly difficult. Mechanically, it's actually pretty well written, and it's not like the author doesn't know what she's doing. She even admits, in an author's note, to being disturbed at having written one of the more violent scenes. Not that that's an excuse. It's not a story that has any business involving Harry Potter characters, period.
And, just a reminder, it's mine forever. I have plans. But plans which necessitate lots of other things happening first. I'd like to kill it before I'm 30, but given my track record and the fact that I'm turning 29 this June... we'll see. >.>
This reminds me, I ought to make time to go through the Claimed and Unclaimed lists and clean out anything that's been malingering. I'll make sure to give people an advanced warning or two before I do so they can renew any old claims, though.
~Neshomeh -
Look forwards to reading it! Let me know if I can be of use. (nm by
on 2014-04-23 23:24:00 UTC
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I might add... by
on 2014-04-22 16:53:00 UTC
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... that long fics take time to tackle. As an example, TSAB DOWNFALL: Halo War is a little more than 34k words and is a bona fide bleepfic. Its mission is about 30k words long and it took three people about two months to write it.
Rose Potter's first book (not the whole series) clocks at an estimated 100k words. That's... a bit too much for one author to handle. Even if it weren't LB, and it is. -
Well, it's not like you have to go through the entire fic. by
on 2014-04-22 20:58:00 UTC
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A lot of people do that, of course, but killing fics before their designated end has always been a thing, so if you get a missionable badfic and find yourself looking at it and going "there's way too much fic here," it's just a matter of finding a point in the text where you can kill it off. After that it's all up to how the story of doing the mission is written, not necessarily how long the agents allowed it to go on.
So Many Good Tips in One Thread by
on 2014-04-23 05:28:00 UTC
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Do we have a page on the wiki that has little tips like this? Things like how long it usually takes to write missions, a general outline or something for missions, and stuff like that for us shiny newbies to read through and learn from?
http://ppc.wikia.com/wiki/Mission_Writing_Guide by
on 2014-04-23 05:32:00 UTC
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For something specific to DBS, there's also this: http://ppc.wikia.com/wiki/Slash-Sporking_Guide
Thank You (nm) by
on 2014-04-24 02:16:00 UTC
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Totally okay. by
on 2014-04-22 05:46:00 UTC
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Just make sure you edit the wiki to protect your claim.
You should also include a "Permission Pending" tag on the claim as well just so we know what's your status.
So, I might need another beta reader for Blank Sprite. by
on 2014-04-22 10:26:00 UTC
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However, a word of warning: Blank Sprite is quite a complex and "unusual" PPC story (as the ones who read the first two chapters may have noticed), so I'd prefer an oldbye.
Not that a newbye isn't good, mind you - it's just that I'd prefer someone with good PPC knowledge and a good amount of experience to "tackle" this.
Knowledge of Madoka Magica is welcome but not required (I got that pretty much covered), while knowledge of Alarm for Cobra 11 isn't required at all. -
I'd be willing to help out! by
on 2014-04-26 17:43:00 UTC
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I was going to send this post last night, but my Kindle ate it, and I see that as of now I've already been beaten to the punch. Still, though, if you'd still be interested, I'd like to beta-read for you! Blank Sprite has been both unique and great so far, and I'd love to help out with it.
Sure. by
on 2014-04-27 09:50:00 UTC
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I kinda need an address to send the Google Drive invitation to, though. Thank you!
Oh, right. by
on 2014-04-27 15:06:00 UTC
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My e-mail addresses are archived in this post. I prefer to be contacted through the Yahoo one, since I check it more frequently, but either will work.
I'll actually use the Gmail one by
on 2014-04-27 19:55:00 UTC
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You know, because that's what you actually need to use to access the GDrive document.
Looks like no one's offered by
on 2014-04-26 15:32:00 UTC
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and since I don't want to see a good story like Blank Sprite die out for lack of a beta, I'll gladly do it.
One question, though: What happened to the original beta? -
Well... by
on 2014-04-27 08:07:00 UTC
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As one of the two original betas, I can say that recently I couldn't even read (let alone write or beta).
That's quite frustrating. -
Sergio, if you're still interested... by
on 2014-04-27 04:46:00 UTC
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send me an e-mail. There's a link to my email in my username.
Well... by
on 2014-04-27 10:06:00 UTC
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I'm sorry, but for now Outhra fits the bill more and I'd like not to add too many people on the GDrive doc for now. (Also because I don't want to end up with more beta readers than actual readers. That would be silly)
Still, I really appreciated your offer, I'll definitley call you right away in case I need more betas.
Also, sorry for answering this late. Yesterday I didn't check the Board at all because I was out of home all day, and I don't exactly have a cellphone contract allowing me to surf the Web at a reasonable price. -
No problem. by
on 2014-04-27 14:45:00 UTC
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But you did not answer my original question: What happened to your previous beta(s)? You obvioulsy are looking for antoher beta for a reason...
*winces and raises hand* by
on 2014-04-27 18:50:00 UTC
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That might be my fault; I'm one of the betas, but my RL's been really busy lately. I'm, um, I'm actually in the middle of writing an apology email about that. But yeah, that's what's happened to one of the previous betas.
~DF -
No need for that! by
on 2014-04-27 19:54:00 UTC
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Hey, everyone's got his own RL issues, right? To be sincere, I'm actually behind schedule with both Blank Sprite and IrregularS due to IRL issues (mostly bad health and bad mood due to having had an idiotic argument with some friends, but I've been quite busy too)
Anyways, the reason is pretty simple: my "usual" beta readers are having quite a busy time so I'm asking for some more help to lift some load off their shoulders.
In the vein of my recent Tumblr posts: by
on 2014-04-23 04:51:00 UTC
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-throws confetti-
All right, to start up the Shakes party, why don't we have some questions:
1) Favourite play, of course
2) Favourite sonnet
3) Remember the PPC's A Troupe By Any Other Name? Okay, now take a Shakespeare play and figure out how a PPC adaptation would go down. Would Romeo and Juliet be exorcised by Agents from the Department of Bad Het? Would Hamlet be played by agents from the Department of Angst? Would Nume and Jenni be a shoe-in for Benedick and Beatrice?
Go forth and celebrate the Bard's birthday!
Oh, and also, because Dawn in that linked thread asked for Jules Caesar and I've been on a JC binge:
"Why should Sue-sar get to rule over everything in the multiverse like some sort of gigantic sparkling Kaiju while the rest of us have to avoid the hell out of her or risk getting trampled by her anatomically-incorrect feet? What do the people see in Sue-sar anyway? She's a mad tyrant with no regard for the canon. Heck, you could take her place and you'd actually be of some use to the plot. I mean, not like you should do that, but still. You're just as good-looking, and you're definitely smarter. We've gotta take control of our destinies, Agent Brutus; it's not up to the Narrative Laws of Comedy to decide our fate. Sue-sar's presence in the canon has lasted long enough. We should totally just stab Sue-sar." -
Sorry it's late by
on 2014-04-24 19:59:00 UTC
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1) Hamlet, the Scottish Play, A Midsummer Night's Dream, or King Lear depending on my mood.
2) Sonnet 147 - "My love is as a fever, longing still". It's a clever idea, the way it compares love and sickness. And as a bonus, the last two lines seem to hint that the "dark lady" and "fair youth" were the same person in a fun crossdressing/genderbending sort of way.
3) How about recruiting some Shakespearean characters as PPC agents...
Two men with drawn swords stepped out of the shadows and walked towards Ivory.
"My name's Hotspur," said the younger of the two, "and this is my colleague, the Duke of Kent. He has something to say to the."
The older man, who had a shaved head, begin to speak: "Ivory Bright'ness Dove Mens-Sana Way, thou art charged with being a Mary Sue; a rascal; an eater of broken meats; a base, proud, shallow, beggarly, three-suited, hundred-pound, filthy, worsted-stocking knave; a lily-liver'd, action-taking, whoreschild, glass-gazing, superserviceable, finical rogue; one-trunk-inheriting slave; one that wouldst be a bawd in way of good service, and art nothing but the composition of a knave, beggar, coward, pander, and the child and heir of a mongrel bitch; one whom I will beat into clamorous whining, if thou deny the least syllable of thy addition."
"Any last words before we kill you?" asked Hotspur.
"You can't kill me, I'm special!" whined the Sue. "I can call herds of fire-breathing unicorns from the spirit realm to protect me."
"Why, so can I, or so can anyone, but will they come when you do call for them?" -
Brilliant. by
on 2014-04-25 05:36:00 UTC
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Title says it all.
I wonder what a PPC mission in iambic pentameter... by
on 2014-04-24 20:07:00 UTC
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...would look like.
I had not known the Sue would make it so.
Doubted you ever--
--That it comes to woe?
Good Ellie, you doth think my mind strays.
We hide us now, and soon the Sue shall pay. -
Darn, you've done it now. by
on 2014-04-30 09:34:00 UTC
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Now I've ended up writing a 'PPC mission if the PPC-as-a-community existed in the time of Shakespeare'. It's... well, it's quite strange.
Then in this understanding, I speak on.
For we (said he, who is not me) serve them,
Proud Louis, in whose armies we enlist
And in the Queen’s battalion do we serve:
Unwonted ribaldry is our foul foe,
To seek it out and end it is our goal,
And for this cause, your tale must find its end.
Ribaldry! What nonsense rhyme is this?
Or know you not that e’en the Bard himself
Makes light amusement from the thought of lust?
Thinkest thou that ‘Puck’, and ‘Bottom’ vain,
And proud ‘Titania’ are pure chance alone,
That in their names they bear such tawdry sounds?
I said not so, nor would I ever say
Such things that bear no semblence of the truth.
But there’s a world of difference ‘twixt such jests -
Such clowning, which makes the crowds laugh loud -
And words the like of which you offer here.
Though Shakespeare’s clowns may think to talk of love,
The act itself is far beyond their reach:
No naked flesh would e’er be bared on stage!
My friend, your education is remiss;
You need to visit better sorts of inn.
Or ought I to say ‘worse’?
- I take your point.
hS has a strange mind -
Ideas, Lily. So many ideas. (nm) by
on 2014-04-29 04:00:00 UTC
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PPC mission in limerick form. Or as a rap battle. (nm) by
on 2014-04-25 01:57:00 UTC
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A rap battle between the agents or against the Sues? (nm) by
on 2014-04-25 02:16:00 UTC
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Either? Both? The entire mission report done AS a rap? (nm) by
on 2014-04-25 02:17:00 UTC
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I hope I'm not too late! by
on 2014-04-24 07:05:00 UTC
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Alrighty, questions...
1) The Scottish play. Never knew what happened to Fleance, though. That kinda bothers me for some reason.
2) I never actually read the sonnets. Should I do that?
3)MacbethBulldog: where the Sub Rosa's faithful lieutenant hears a "prophecy" from a trio of half-mad agents where he will become head of the DoI one day. Assisted by Architeuthis, the senior agent concocts a plan to murder the Flower and become the Department Head... -
YAY! by
on 2014-04-23 17:13:00 UTC
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He gave us... So many awesome works... *throws more confetti*
In order: by
on 2014-04-23 16:57:00 UTC
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0) Happy birthday, Will!
1) Richard II. More specifically, the adaptation the BBC did as part of the Hollow Crown series.
2) Don't have one because I hold poetry in similar esteem to the strange black stuff that occasionally floated to the surface of the canal I used to walk past on my way to the school that totally destroyed my love of poetry forever.
3) In which the Continuity Council takes a trip outside of Doctor Who:-
"So," asked Morgan as they trudged through the Italian countryside, "who're we looking out for here? Main characters-wise, I mean."
"According to the Words," said the Notary, "that would be either Beatrice or Benedick, depending on who you ask."
Morgan stopped dead. "Benedick?"
"Yes, Tigereye Castellan, that is the main character's name, gold star-"
"Bene... dick? Not Benedict, but... Benedick?"
The Fisherman looked at her with a slightly confused expression, like a dog with a stick wider than a doorway. "Uh, yes, Morgan, we've established that."
"Who names their kid Benedick? What sadist does that to a defenceless child? What kind of monster takes a word that literally means penis and smashes it together with Benedict, which is the worst name, and goes 'Yeah, I'mma call my kid dat, ain't no way this'll ever impact his education or future prospects'?"
The Notary had been edging slowly away from Morgan for the entire outburst. "Tigereye Castellan, are you quite well?"
"I mean, what's wrong with, with, Iunno, Steve or Brian or whatever? Omega's buck teeth, Benedick? That boy couldn't have had a worse time at school if he'd been called Englebert Dum-Dum McStinkyface. What were they thinking? Were they high? What in hell's name - hey, where did everybody go?"
It was only then she noticed the rest of the Council cowering behind some trees. -
the Hollow Crown by
on 2014-04-24 20:33:00 UTC
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Ah yes, the BBC's "An Age of Kings". One of my favourite Shakespeare adaptations. TV doesn't need fancy gimmicks like special effects or even colour to tell a good story.
I was lucky enough to see some of the episodes when they were screened at London's National Film Theatre, 20 years ago. (I could only get tickets for the Henrys, the Richards all sold out straight away.)
BTW since you're a Doctor Who fan, check out the Ian McKellan 1978 version of the Scottish Play, produced by Verity Lambert. Again, done in a minimalist style. -
Thanks for the recommendations, but... by
on 2014-04-25 10:32:00 UTC
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We appear to be talking about two different versions. I meant the more recent edition that covered the Henriad, in which Ben Whishaw played Richard II with the kind of skill that beggars belief. I also really liked it as a TV adaptation because it didn't look like someone had stuck some cameras in front of a stage play, for want of a better term; rather, it used the things you can do with the medium to augment the play.
Take Sir Patrick Stewart's rendition of John of Gaunt's monologue. Usually, it's done in this big, projected, very Shakespearean-actor voice (man, I am on fire with finding names for things today; clearly I've been learning from Buffy Summers), whereas in the 2012 Hollow Crown it was very sombre, very quiet. You can do that with television because you can do close-up shots and boost the sound and make sure people hear the words, thus allowing the actors and director more room to breathe. That's how you do an adaptation. To me at least. YMMV. =]
Also, there's a new series of it coming out later this year concerning the Bard's first historical tetralogy, and Benadryl Cymbalclash (LOLOLOLOL I MADE FUN OF SOMEONE'S NAME AM I INTERNET FUNNY YET) is to play Richard. I'm really looking forward to it. -
I thought Bandersnatch Crumplesnork wanted to play Hamlet. (nm) by
on 2014-04-29 04:04:00 UTC
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Happy Birthday, Billy! by
on 2014-04-23 11:47:00 UTC
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1) As You Like It
2) Never really one for sonnets... ^_^'
3) The Taming of the Shrew: We'd need to kill the Replacement Sue!Kate and find the real one, who would be screaming her head off at the treatment she would have had to endure.
Can you tell I'm not a huge fan of that one?
She IS a Mary Sue! by
on 2014-04-23 14:27:00 UTC
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So, if anybody watched Agents of Shield last night, you will already know the startling truth.
And by this I mean her name at the orphanage use to be, and I quote;
"Mary Sue Bootsie"
Make what you will of that. -
on 2014-04-24 20:46:00 UTC
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That is ridiculous. Poor, poor Skye.
I love that so much. by
on 2014-04-23 18:24:00 UTC
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I love it when creators make small little nods to the fandom, even when it's negative. Now, to be fair, Skye is not a Sue, not by any means, but it's still funny. Oh, and don't worry, this has absolutely nothing to do with the plot. It's just a funny throw-away gag.
Anybody else want to see a less-then-sane agent running down the halls screaming, "SUE! SUE IN S.H.I.E.L.D.! SUE IN S.H.I.E.L.D.! ...Thought you ought to know." *faints* -
Oh yeah. by
on 2014-04-25 14:17:00 UTC
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Or maybe it will end up on the TIANATDATPPC.
Totally willing to write that scene if I can find an agent.. by
on 2014-04-23 22:32:00 UTC
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...who would do it.
I'm now really looking forward to seeing this episode, I must say...
~DF -
Please use spoilers... by
on 2014-04-23 15:02:00 UTC
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Whilst yes it is a minor case I haven't watched the episode yet (I'm about 3 episodes behind at the moment). Also an advanced warning before people start openly discussing things I haven't found out yet.
Sorry.*put note in mental log* (nm) by
on 2014-04-24 01:40:00 UTC
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Calling all writers! by
on 2014-04-23 16:16:00 UTC
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Hi there Boarders, I've got a small proposition for you! In my intro post, I mentioned a story I and a few others were working on, but as said post is older now, I figured why not get it right here at the top of the board? What I am talking about is To Come Together, or TCT, and Fallout: Lonesome Hearts, or F:LH. I will be referring to them by these acronyms from now on. I'm head editor, and fairly high up on the Moderator scale as well. TCT is a fantasy/adventure story that anyone can contribute to. All it takes is to click on the link, read the rules and regs, and know what you are doing. Also a google account, but I'm fairly sure everyone should have one of those. F:LH is much the same, but set in the fallout universe instead. It's more a fanfic, hopefully not a badfic, hahaha. If you would like, have a go at them, feel free to edit, within the regs of course, and overall have a good time.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eNZ9KSZQfdT8mecViFrIIhTpLIX56F8zciVBrBwYd2Q/edit -
A clarifying question: by
on 2014-04-24 23:51:00 UTC
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Can we just jump in, or do we need to make up our own character?
Well... by
on 2014-04-25 00:17:00 UTC
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Just jump in! As long as you don't twist, maim, or change previous personalities, then go hog wild. Read the Rules and Regs first though. However, this said, feel perfectly free to bring in new characters!
Do you need to have any prior knowledge of the stories? (nm) by
on 2014-04-23 16:38:00 UTC
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The Only Thing you REALLY need is writing Skills. by
on 2014-04-24 18:15:00 UTC
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Knowledge (Even Minimal!) of Fallout is required for F:LH though. For TCT, Fantasy writing experience is welcomed, but not required.
Nope! Just come and play around. (nm) by
on 2014-04-23 23:46:00 UTC
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Need help from Marvel Fans by
on 2014-04-24 20:31:00 UTC
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I'm looking for some general or shipping fics for Marvel. I'm hoping to find something that's been set in the main marvel universe, or from a cartoon canon. I really love Marvel's Cinematic Universe, but have already found a lot of fanfiction for that.
Only condition is that the shipping fics have to be for a pairing other then Steve/Tony. (Believe me there's plenty of that.) Also should not be to dark -
What pairings do you prefer? by
on 2014-04-24 22:51:00 UTC
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And on the flipside, which ones do you absolutely hate?
Good question. by
on 2014-04-25 00:58:00 UTC
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For pairings I like... I'd say that I like almost anything. I really like the X-men and the various pairings that go with them, but the Avengers are also awesome. My favorite pairings have combined these teams (Scarlet Witch/Nightcrawler, Black Panther/Storm.) I'm also a fan of pairings that have married in canon (Wasp/Yellowjacket, Thor/Siff)
But if your trying to narrow it down I can help you. I just recently watched Linkara's review of the comic book Ultimatum, so if you could something that centered around the characters who died in that event I would thank you.
I'm also a fan of Heroes for Hire. -
Can't say I read any of those, but my advice... by
on 2014-04-29 03:59:00 UTC
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...would be to go through the pairing tag on AO3 (archiveofourown.org). There tends to be pretty good fic there, and a lot of good Marvel fic, too (at least, from what I've seen). As with most archives, there are some bad fics (and even badfics!) there, too, but the majority tends to range from good to great to fantastic.
But yeah. Go to their website, and type the pairing you're looking for into the search bar. After that...you can filter by kudos or hits if you like (or date or author's name and all that). Alternatively, you can just choose a fandom and do the same (if you're not looking for a specific pairing). That generally works.
I need a Beta by
on 2014-04-25 03:00:00 UTC
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For my story, which is a Calvin & Hobbes fanfic with a Mr Peabody and Sherman twist. It's the same basic storyline, except Calvin and Hobbes change it dramatically.
Link- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K3RptEh__E0Zx-NZvmRfDbFGqDKpkSkB4Z_-NjsuoP8/edit?usp=sharing
~Kitty -
Hi! by
on 2014-04-25 14:12:00 UTC
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Do I need to have any prior knowledge of these fandoms, or can I just edit stuff? I haven't ever read Calvin & Hobbes, and the only thing I know about Mr. Peabody and Sherman is that it has time travel and a dog. I do like to think I am good at editing though.
Help Needed- The Mary Sue Rehabilitation Clinic by
on 2014-04-25 05:45:00 UTC
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So, I have an idea. What if there were a clinic that took Mary Sues and rehabilitated them into real characters?
Thus, the Mary Sue Rehabilitation Clinic.
Ideas- Run by Parody Sues, Redeemed Sues, and Canon Characters
-Uses Humiliation Therapy
-Uniforms look good with absolutely nothing
- Sues able to keep one relatively minor special ability, but have reality applied to whatever attribute they intend to keep (such as a Sue with super strength suffering from super recoil, or a cat girl sue needing special therapy to not act catlike)
- Lessons on proper fashion, friendships and so such
This idea is not intended to have anything to do with the PPC, due to its emphasis on redeeming Sues instead of killing them, but I would like help and feedback. I'm pretty sure I couldn't pull this off alone. -
I like that idea by
on 2014-04-26 15:28:00 UTC
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Sounds like something that I had in mind for one of the characters I have in mind for my PPC agents. One of them is going to be a redeemed Sue, but she has memory loss and stuff.
I think this Mary Sue Rehabilitation Clinic is a good idea. Go for it! -
Re: Sue Rehab by
on 2014-04-25 20:10:00 UTC
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I'm pretty sure that's what FicPsych's Sue Support Group is for, but...it sounds like a great idea! Let me bounce a few little ideas of my own off of yours:
-The uniforms would be sweatpants and an orange T-shirt. I doubt even the most super of supermodel Sues can rock that look.
-"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" would be required viewing as part of the "lessons on friendship". Yes, even for warrior-Sues/Gary Stus.
-Normal classes to boost their tiny Sue-brains. Schoolhouse Rock videos optional. XD
Many of your ideas wouldn't be out of place in an Official Fanfiction University curriculum. Granted, OFUs train writers rather than redeem Sues, but it's the principle of the thing: Learning Through Pain and Literal Metaphors. -
Response by
on 2014-04-25 20:40:00 UTC
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This group is more about redeeming the general Sues, the kind the PPC normally kill. That's why the MSRC is not affiliated with the PPC.
Love your ideas. I was thinking originally a simple hospital gown in the ugliest color imaginable, but the sweatpants-and-orange-t-shirt would be great. I'll make the sweatpants purple for maximum effect. After all, the idea is to counteract the Sues' natural beauty.
The FiM thing is great. I think that I'll make 'friendship classes' a part of the main curriculum, so that the Sues learn how to really interact.
I was thinking of normal Sue-classes anyways, because all except one Sue-attribute will be stripped from them, including their unrealistic (supposed) intellect.
Humiliation Therapy, as the name suggests, focuses on embarrassing the Sues rather than causing them physical pain (although it causes an awful lot of the latter). -
on 2014-04-25 19:41:00 UTC
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I had this. Exact. IDEA. HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!?
I had a character named Nurse Winters, who was frequently being killed only to pop up later none the worse for wear. It was played for laughs, in contrast to the series' underlying storyline.
Looking back, I'm not sure as to why, but I had built the clinic itself to resemble a giant stuffed rabbit's head. Make of this what you will. If it's that I'm messed up, I knew that already. -
Interesting, but I see a problem. by
on 2014-04-25 06:15:00 UTC
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Namely, that Sues are typically immune to humiliation. Anybody who disagrees with or disapproves of a Mary Sue is obviously mean or stupid or evil or repressive, etc., so why should the Sue listen to them? She is obviously kinder/smarter/better/stronger, so their words are to be stoically ignored (or prettily angsted about, if her LO is around to console her) while she proceeds to do exactly as she pleases. Same goes for the males, too, of course.
I'm not sure what to suggest as an alternative. Repeated applications of logic and consequences, perhaps? The clinic would have to be set somewhere like a Reality Room, where the Sue can't simply exert her will to change things to her liking.
~Neshomeh, who is up late tonight. -
Humiliation by
on 2014-04-25 20:43:00 UTC
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The humiliation is supposed to be the kind that works just as well when Sue's alone. Also, all of their roommates are Sues too, so that whole assumption will involve Bad Things done to them, especially among the Jerk!Sues.
Yes, the clinic is in a Reality Room-like place, where the Sue powers don't work. -
Spelled my name wrong by
on 2014-04-25 23:21:00 UTC
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I accidentally spelled my name wrong on the title for that last post. Does doing that result in a mini-Boarder?
Yup by
on 2014-04-26 07:25:00 UTC
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Now help me catch it
Okay by
on 2014-04-26 17:26:00 UTC
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What do mini-boarders appear as?
Ewoks, I think (nm) by
on 2014-04-26 23:45:00 UTC
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Great by
on 2014-04-27 05:59:00 UTC
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Okay, so let me go get my C-3PO and imperial speeder and I'll get back to you.
Humiliation by
on 2014-04-25 20:43:00 UTC
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The humiliation is supposed to be the kind that works just as well when Sue's alone. Also, all of their roommates are Sues too, so that whole assumption will involve Bad Things done to them, especially among the Jerk!Sues.
Yes, the clinic is in a Reality Room-like place, where the Sue powers don't work.
Ooh! I know just what to do! by
on 2014-04-25 20:19:00 UTC
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In recent months, I've been running dozens of plans for experiments on Mary Sues. Almost all of them involve removing Glitter and Aura of Smooth from the Sue. With a few programs set on the good old AGNeS* (which, unfortunately, I haven't introduced yet), the Sue should be humiliation-prone. No more Aura of Smooth, no more instant protection from whatever problems might arise. >:)
On another note entirely, one should test the resolve of the Mary Sue by giving them a special test- a maze of doors. Each door has a face printed on it- one of an ugly monster (or something like that) and the other the Sue's LO. Needless to say, the doors with the LO's picture on them lead to some… unpleasant things.
I do hope this helps!
*AGNeS: Anti-Glitter NanitE System- Exactly What It Says On The Tin. A system of nanites injected into the bloodstream of a Mary Sue (or reformed Sue) to control levels of Glitter and other Sue-ish traits. The controller looks like a thick black rubber bracelet that one puts on the Sue's wrist. -
Don't Reality Rooms instantly destroy Sues? (nm) by
on 2014-04-25 17:48:00 UTC
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Depends on how unrealistic they are. (nm) by
on 2014-04-25 18:04:00 UTC
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That's the Problem with Sues by
on 2014-04-25 06:28:00 UTC
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Somehow I doubt logic and consequences would have any impact on the Sues either. At least some of them repent and become Agents, but the Sues that really need this kind of program would completely ignore it, unfortunately.
My two cents by
on 2014-04-25 07:45:00 UTC
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We do have the Reality Room, why don't we use the same tech in this program? Just a thought.
The Emperor Protects! -
Maybe by
on 2014-04-26 02:41:00 UTC
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If you guys will allow it. It probably would be a good idea.
I'm pretty sure there will be a lot of patients requesting Bleeprin after seeing their uniforms.
Those requests will be most definitely denied. -
As an aside... by
on 2014-04-25 10:36:00 UTC
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I thought that this would be a good way of dealing with errant Sues.
(Clip courtesy of Hyperdrive.)
How do they rise up, rise up, rise up? by
on 2014-04-25 11:10:00 UTC
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Once again, my friends, we reach the Glorious Twenty-Fifth of May!
The threefold fandom day: The People's Republic of Treacle Mine Road (wear the lilac), Towel Day of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (carry a towel) and the anniversary of the release of Star Wars: A New Hope (er... think Jedi-ish thoughts?).
Let us celebrate! *goes and starts building a barricade* -
Oh, I would never go anywhere without my wonderful towel. by
on 2014-04-25 20:09:00 UTC
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Sorry to those of you to whom that would be an unforgivable insult. (Gotta love Douglas Adams!)
And instead of thinking Jedi-ish thoughts, I suggest getting out lightsabers! Plastic ones of course- we don't want to have to watch "Your Lightsaber and You" again. But still, it's in the spirit of Star Wars.
And don't watch the Star Wars Christmas Special. No matter how many times you're dared. No seriously, don't.
*Shudders* -
It's April. (nm) by
on 2014-04-25 19:55:00 UTC
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Happy Tolkien Reading Day! No, wait, that's March 25. by
on 2014-04-25 14:29:00 UTC
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That's a real celebration, by the way.
Let's see, today is... DNA Day! Everybody celebrate in the name of the Double Helix! -
-chuckle- by
on 2014-04-25 14:09:00 UTC
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Got the wrong date, you did. The month of May, not yet it is.
I'm pretty sure our minds are linked. by
on 2014-04-25 13:06:00 UTC
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I keep looking around and thinking that I've missed the Glorious Twenty-Fifth, only to remember that it's still April. It's been a weirdly long month for some reason.
Still, there's no wrong time for a barricade, is there? -
And Happy Christmas, while we're at it. ;) (nm) by
on 2014-04-25 11:21:00 UTC
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hS! by
on 2014-04-25 13:11:00 UTC
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We should plant a lilac bush! It seems an important element in our quest for the most geeky garden ever.
Clearly our minds are linked. by
on 2014-04-25 13:29:00 UTC
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I saw one on the way home last night and thought 'Hey, that looks-and-smells pretty, I should suggest planting one...'
hS -
Or not. ignore me I think I lost a month somewhere. >. by
on 2014-04-25 11:12:00 UTC
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Nay, you've gained a month. by
on 2014-04-25 14:27:00 UTC
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A whole month! I'm a little jealous. I wish I had an extra month!
Agents not of age...? by
on 2014-04-25 12:08:00 UTC
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No, not that 'of age'; get your minds out of the gutter. :P
What I'm talking about is the legal adult age of whatever their country/species/continuum might be. Obviously, not all agents are abandoned or orphaned- and not all of them are legally adults. So how do underage agents deal with leaving their families behind, possibly thinking their son/daughter has run away or been kidnapped?
I ask because Rina, who is essentially myself, is seventeen and her parents would freak out if she just disappeared. And even as an adult they'd still want to be able to know what she was up to.
Are agents allowed to visit their families to tell them what's going on, or at least just let them know they're okay? -
Re: Agents not of age...? by
on 2014-04-26 16:24:00 UTC
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Unger was his species equivalent of 15 when he arrived at the PPC. At some point I established that he had set off on a kind of walkabout where the intention was that he find adventure, kill things, and come back with trophies. The better the trophies, the more of a man he is. (He was a Barbarian, afterall.) Not everyone makes it back. Some presumably die and others just find a life they like better. He is probably never going back. He likes the life in the PPC.
Cali was 15 almost 16 when he arrived at the PPC, but he had been living in a kind of low-rent home aimed at teen boys whose family's couldn't support them since he was 13. He was from a sort of dystopian world, so even though nothing like that was mentioned in the canon, I felt like it could make sense in the world. He does feel guilty for not at least sending his mother letters though, and we (Caddy-shack and I) have actually written a story where he goes home, but never finished it. Anyway, that's how I see his continuity.
My others were of age (more or less in Kelok's case). -
Sweet Rassilon that's a long thread. by
on 2014-04-25 19:34:00 UTC
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I posted this before I got to school, hoping to get a response by the end of the day- and I come back to find that even the Marquis de Sod himself dropped by! O_o
Thanks, hS and Neshomeh, for giving me some ideas to chew on. (Though for future reference, I prefer strawberry flavor to grape, but whatever.)
Assuming that the then-underage agent works for the PPC for several years? decades?, and go back to the same point in their home that they left (no aging, no time passing), they would probably be very frustrated/disappointed/slightly excited to seem smarter when they have to go through growing up again.
Oh jeez, the plot bunnies won't stop breeding! -
Most of them aren't, in fact. by
on 2014-04-25 13:26:00 UTC
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The average age of new agents tends to follow the average age of Boarders. Back in 2004-ish, most agents were 14 or so. The youngest (human) agent was Ella Darcy, who was ten when she joined.
The old answer to this question is the one used by Vemi in 'The Un-Sueing of Vemi', and it goes like this:
Since time passes differently in the metaverse than in the Earth of normal human experience, she'd re-appeared only a few days after the day she'd originally left to join the PPC.
In fact, I'm not sure that doesn't still apply. There's a more recent example - 2007 - by Laburnum. It... hmm. Agent Laburnum does imply that time passes the same - “I joined up over a year ago and haven’t been back since, because I’m either a wanted criminal or a missing person and I wasn’t too keen to find out which one.” - but also mentions that "...of course the OFUs de-age you and put you back five seconds after you left...".
She also mentions that "For all I know Makes-Things and Techno-Dann might have staged my death here, I know one or two agents who specifically asked for that when they joined."
Ultimately, then, there are several options:
-Use OFUesque timeline shenanigans to avoid anyone knowing you're gone.
-Fake your death so's no-one asks.
-Follow the example of Constance Sims and have a parent who knows about the PPC.
-Or... yeah, just tell them. The PPC isn't a secret organisation - Phobos just wandered in one day to see his wife - though you should expect that a) they might not believe it, and b) might not like what they hear. As Laburnum puts it, "Hi, Mum, Dad, all this time you thought I was dead I was actually working as a contract killer, here, meet my coworkers who are actually giant mustelids currently in human form ..."
I'd be interested to know, actually, what other examples we have of agents dealing with the passage of time in the Real World. Ella Darcy's farewell is still as emotional (for me) as it ever was, but does mention that 'She’d done a first year of college by correspondence (ironically enough), but was planning on finishing it in person, and making her way in the Real World.'. Nyx Nightingale pays a brief visit at the end of her intro... but what else have we got? Anyone? We might get a wiki page out of this.
hS -
Lightbulb! by
on 2014-04-27 02:03:00 UTC
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I'm willing to bet that in all his time as a Department Head, the SO has never been threatened by the mother of an agent. Oh, this will make for an interesting interlude indeed.
Also alliteration.
Thank you! -
Maybe that used to be so, but most now seem to be adults. by
on 2014-04-25 16:01:00 UTC
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Plus, I'm not sure I'm comfortable with the idea that most of the Action agents risking their lives every day are literally children...
Also, Laburnum's spinoff wasn't exactly moving in real time, I think all her stories were still set in 2007/2008. -
Well, that was my point. by
on 2014-04-25 16:07:00 UTC
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That 'the average age of new agents tends to follow the average age of Boarders'. Due to the changes in where Boarders come from, that average age has gone up - and so has the age of agents.
It's true that Laburnum's stories weren't written when they're set - but her agent still dealt with going home after a year in the PPC. That makes her one of the best examples I know of, though doubtless there are others.
hS -
Sorry, just got up. by
on 2014-04-25 16:11:00 UTC
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I read the comments on Laburnum as saying the fact her stories aren't written when they're set as proof of the weird time stuff as opposed to just, y'know, being when the stories are set. So my bad. :P
You still said most agents in-universe are underage in the present-tense though, which is what I expressed discomfort with. I'm sure there aren't Action agents who're literally ten year old kids any more, sure, but it just doesn't seem right. -
I imagine it seems right enough if you are that age. by
on 2014-04-25 16:30:00 UTC
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It makes me a little uncomfortable, too, but there are a couple of reasons for that:
1. I'm a grown-up. I see teenagers as kids who are still developing and maybe shouldn't be exposed to certain things yet.
2. My culture (national and familial) supports the idea that teenagers and even college-age people aren't full adults, and shouldn't have to do certain things or make certain decisions. My culture does not support the idea of teens with weapons.
However, when you are fourteen (for instance), you're starting to realize that you're an independent person with your own will, and you want the freedom to make decisions and take action for yourself. If you feel passionate about badfic, it probably doesn't seem weird to take matters into your own hands by means of an avatar character who's the same age as yourself.
Furthermore, I've found there's an age range where people feel most strongly about fandoms and such, and about 13-24 (give or take) seems to be it. Once people hit college and working life, most of them seem to be less worried about it. Not that everyone gives up caring about fandom entirely, just that it's a less urgent sort of caring.
So, I say let 'em be fourteen if they're fourteen. Strike while the iron is hot. {= )
~Neshomeh -
You care if it's literally your job to care, though. :P (nm) by
on 2014-04-25 16:32:00 UTC
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Well, yes. by
on 2014-04-25 16:34:00 UTC
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It's a bit different in-universe vs. out-of-universe. I think hS's post covers the in-universe stuff, though.
~Neshomeh -
True, I was just focussing on that since it seemed more an i by
on 2014-04-25 16:36:00 UTC
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-n universe issue. :P
Well... by
on 2014-04-25 16:41:00 UTC
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... becoming an Assassin, Slasher, Floater or whatnot in a mind-bending building with little-to-no pay, murderous food, bosses who half the time actively hate you, and a better-than-even chance of going literally insane (also a not-insignificant chance of getting killed) isn't a job you take if you don't care. It's not like the people I've known who took a fast food job because it was there, and turned into rabid obsessives - this isn't a job you start unless you care.
Or unless there's an Assassin saying 'work for us or we kill you along with your Stu brother'. That works too.
Oh, or, if you're Constance, you might have gotten one of the lying brochures.
hS -
No problem. ;) by
on 2014-04-25 16:28:00 UTC
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Wait, did I? I didn't mean to... oh, right, I see. You're right, that was a mistake on my part. In functional terms, though, the fact they they're older now doesn't mean they didn't have to deal with the issue once.
And I'm not as uncomfortable with it as you are, I'm afraid. I should note that Ella was in the DAC, which is not technically an Action Department - and was there because she was so young. Similarly, Elanor Laison joined at 14 and was placed as a secretary until she hit 16. On the flip side, Constance appears to have become an Assassin at 13 - but the Wiki does describe her as 'precocious'. My most recent story suggests in a couple of ways that 12 is the age when HQ-born children begin initial training as an agent; I assumed that would take at least a couple of years, and maybe longer (on the principle of 'we can't start them working yet anyway, so we might as well train them to do it properly').
In-universe, I think a lot of the 2001-2006-era Earth-recruits were movie fangirls, and so hit the demographic for that - 14-15 is a fairly reasonable average age. Nowadays, without the swell of fangirl activism on behalf of the canons, we don't have many people who deliberately seek out the PPC (Constance Sims, Techno-Dann, Nenya and Rosie... it happened a lot), and Narrative Causality seems to lead to older people falling through plotholes.
Ultimately: I remember the 14-15-year-olds who were writing the 14-15-year-old agents. I have no problem with their semi-self-inserts being in the PPC, because I knew the people behind them.
hS rambles incoherently -
There's probably less of an urgent need, too. by
on 2014-04-25 16:30:00 UTC
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TOS and the really early spinoffs were in the middle of pretty much the biggest fanfic explosion ever, so it really read like an "all hands on deck, if you can swing a sword we need you killing Sues NOW" situation to me. So in-universe things've at least settled down enough for the PPC to not be on a churn-out-as-many-badfic-killers-as-possible footing.
That sounds pretty accurate. by
on 2014-04-25 16:37:00 UTC
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Of course, the problem with the Flowers' way of doing that is that rather than saying 'let's take the lower badfic flux as a chance to actually train our recruits!', they seem to have said, 'let's take the lower badfic flux as a chance to recruit fewer people - and keep throwing them straight onto the front lines!'. That wisn't very clever - but is very PPC.
hS -
Training seems to actually exist but be really nonstandard. by
on 2014-04-25 16:41:00 UTC
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Like, some people are just thrown in, some are interns for a while, there's a couple stories and nods to actual proper months-long training (like PC's latest Danny Richardson story), etc. Seems like not much is really "standard" about almost anything PPC since the Mysterious Somebody's day. But just tossing everyone into the grinder like it's still the middle of the badfic explosion of 2001-2004 seems really counterproductive. :P
Indeed by
on 2014-04-26 15:31:00 UTC
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It does seem counterproductive. I think that when I ask permission and begin with my own agents, I will show signs of at least one of them training a lot.
How on Origin can you call that counterproductive? by
on 2014-04-25 16:51:00 UTC
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Do you know how many recruits we get through Personnel? Every time I settle into my pot for a refreshing batch of crystals there's another portal opening, another dazed bit character stumbling through, another agent saying 'She followed us home, can we keep her?'
And now you want us to actually train them all? Hole's sake, even leaving aside the fact that that would simply encourage them to do it again, how many trainers do you imagine I have? No, it's quite impossible.
I blame it all on the Sunflower Official, myself. Oh, he thought he was being so clever with his 'incentive program', his 'recruit and you can have time off'. Little did he know, human. Little did he know.
-MdS, Head, Dept. of Personnel -
Not again... by
on 2014-04-25 19:17:00 UTC
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Mr. de Sod, you should really get DoSAT working on this cross-continuum Board contamination before we get another Blackout-like emergency.
Here in World one we don't exactly like getting invaded by stuff that simply shouldn't exist here.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Sergio Turbo (No, not the Agent. The other one.) -
Oh, for frond's sake. by
on 2014-04-25 19:43:00 UTC
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How do these things keep happening? I thought we had people to deal with this sort of non-sense.
What do you mean we got rid of them?
Then go find the one who did this job and get him back. How hard can it be to find one agent. It isn't as though you're looking for a specific dwarf in Dwarf Fortress, or something.
Oh...that's exactly what I'm asking? Well, get Dandy on the line and have him patch this up, then.
Is this transceiver set to broadcast? Oh dear. Um...there is nothing to see here. Just another fellow humanoid doing humanoid things. Like eating...with a mouth. Yes, very humanoid, that. Nothing suspicious.
-Some humanoid creature, like you. Definitely not a sentient sunflower. -
Oh, fun. by
on 2014-04-26 01:38:00 UTC
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So... after having to somehow get rid of an axe-toting, goatee-sporting, predatory-tea-drinking version of myself (... that sounds kinda like the Star Trek mirror universe... Mirror, Mirror) a little less than two years ago, you're telling me your world bleeds off to ours again? Sheesh. What's next, me-as-a-Time Lord staring down his nose at me? Me-as-a-Nanohaverse Mage pointing his Device at me and demanding that he'll be shown where the nearest TSAB post is?
Guys, whoever is supposed to keep the walls up, they aren't doing their job.
PS: Like Iximaz said, we're not that stupid, so please try to find a better excuse next time. -
Excuse me, Mr. Sunflower Official... by
on 2014-04-25 22:05:00 UTC
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As much as I appreciate you dropping by, would you and the Marquis de Sod please go back to your... uh... continuum? My agent and I might be fairly new still, but I've read about the PPC's history and really don't want to experience a second Blackout firsthand.
Thank you for your concern, but we Boarders are, funnily enough, capable of handling ourselves. Mostly. I have a roll of duct tape and know how to use it; never fear.
Have you considered asking any of the TARDIS-owning Time Lord agents to look for the guy who "did this job"? I hear they're very good at finding specific people.
Yours truly,
P.S. Next time you accidentally broadcast to the entire Board, don't try to cover up. It doesn't fool anyone. We might not be Flowers, but we are a bit smarter than an average bear.
P.P.S. Before you go, I'm curious- what does Flower food 'taste' like?
P.P.P.S. Rina says her first paycheck is a few weeks overdue. You might want to look into that. Please don't kill me. -
Meanwhile, somewhere in the DIAU... by
on 2014-04-26 01:24:00 UTC
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* * * * *
The Alternate and Ahistorical Universe Monitoring Station, aka the Observatory.
Cornelius cocked his head to one side. "I've received a message from the Antigravity Apple," he said. "Apparently several communiques from the Flowers have leaked into the alternate universe designated as ME7-Alpha. Again." He paused, in what could almost be described as a sort of electronic sigh. "We've been asked to assist in stemming the leak."
DeeGee Carruthers looked up from the partially disassembled drone spread across the table in front of her. "ME7-Alpha," she mumbled through her tusks. "Right. Uh... that one."
There was a brief moment of silence.
"The universe where the PPC is a fictional organization created by fanfic aficionados on the internet," Cornelius said, a hint of reproach in his voice.
"Oh, that one!" The rigger nodded before letting out a little shudder. "Always gave me a bit of the creeps, that one did. Bunch of squishies writing about us like we weren't real? Eurgh."
Cornelius swiped his hand through the air. Holographic images and data appeared in front of him in a stream of light.
"Gather Agents Hazel and Calendar," he said. "The three of you will begin establishing the necessary reality shunts. I will coordinate with my contacts in the DES."
"You got it, cap'n." DeeGee saluted the hologram. "One weird reality patch coming right up."
* * * * * -
Other options. by
on 2014-04-25 15:17:00 UTC
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I can't think of specifically who's done this off the top of my head, but I know some agents have told their families they're going to school or working abroad, and that's why they aren't around. The "working abroad" one has the benefit of being more or less the truth. Agent Techno-Dann even responded to an actual job ad for the PPC.
Agent Supernumerary was recently revealed to be writing home to his folks once a year. He led them to believe he was recruited into the CIA because of his eidetic memory, but I don't suppose that would work for everyone. ^_~
~Neshomeh -
Interesting. by
on 2014-04-25 14:07:00 UTC
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I didn't quite think about this... though now that I do, things look pretty simple from my angle:
1) Both Anebrin and the Librarians are adults. Anebrin, due to the way I wrote his recruitment, is probably thought of as KiA back home. The Librarian, meanwhile, just went missing.
2) Agent Des is borderline. By the time of the prologue - August 2012, HST - he's already an adult (since the age is 18 in Israel), but it's implied he's been an agent for some time, which means he joined the PPC while he was a minor. Since I implied multiple times he visits his home every once in a while, I assume his parents know about the PPC. Or at least part of it. It also means he wasn't conscripted... hm. -
Well, it's not exactly a World 1 example... by
on 2014-04-25 13:59:00 UTC
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...but my own Floaters/soon-to-be-DMS agent Xanthus Garkaran has a friend from his home continuum that he continually sees on the Citadel whenever a mission just happens to put him there. It probably doesn't count for much of anything since he does go back in time sometimes, but hey. He just sees her whenever and keeps his occupation something of a secret without telling any specifics. You can find her appearances here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pYRDNWVGFPf5sz_b4mP1Ul_iqrLs39NH9ctpKJ4C5gU/edit?hl=en_US# here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15MlBbwW5WoU-XlZZX-1yvau-Q8mGm1sMGgeiJuJm0yI/edit?hl=en_US# here: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1_693UCSa0yT-K2hRiTscIyq6cLs7kxCgIABw7P9vQrY and here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K_3bf5la5gXOugLP2RgyutgSCrwPYqjvTdw0pT8HwRU/pub
(Speaking of this guy, actually... I need to get that DMS-mission-in-progress out soon. It's about time the PPC saw a Hunger Games Sue-fic, it really is...)
I still write PPC stories? Huh. PLUG. by
on 2014-04-25 15:03:00 UTC
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Buds & Sprouts
It's, er... well. Yes. To not reveal anything about the 'story' itself, it features members of the Department of Out-of-Character Hobbits - and small children.
En... joy? Any and all comments appreciated.
hS -
Very enjoyable. by
on 2014-04-28 05:13:00 UTC
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It's been a long time since I've been involved in anything Scouting-related, but your descriptions definitely hit all the right notes in my memories.
I liked the alternating between the technical descriptions of what the Buds and Sprouts were about and the little vignettes. It managed to both build upon the world and give us some insights into these characters when they're not on the job. These kind of stories make the PPC, at least to me, seem like a much more realistic place.
One final minor addendum: my mind rebels at the very concept of a Department of Bad Slash achievement badge. -
Exorcisms. by
on 2014-04-28 09:44:00 UTC
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Without trying to come up with them in full, I'd imagine one badge would be performing an exorcism. Another might be a presentation on why slash is okay - not that the fictional PPC seems to have the same debates about homosexuality as the real world does - and why some is Absolutely Not. No particular ideas for the third, but I'm sure we could avoid exposing minors to NC-17 smut. ;) (Maybe 'stay away from 'Agent Lux' [who's actually Maly in a Lux costume] as long as possible'...)
hS -
Phobos had some cool ideas, but... by
on 2014-04-28 16:29:00 UTC
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Wouldn't it be pretty dangerous to have kids be conducting an exorcism? Unless they picked a really weak wraith or it was just a test of the procedures, and/or that was more a badge the older ones would go for.
I assume there would not be a real wraith present. by
on 2014-04-28 17:15:00 UTC
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Maybe somebody could dress up in a sheet with eye-holes, though...
~Neshomeh -
's what I meant with procedural test. (nm) by
on 2014-04-28 17:16:00 UTC
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I've actually thought this one through by
on 2014-04-28 13:29:00 UTC
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I thought Bad Slash would be a deal breaker. How could it possibly be appropriate for children? Well, here is what Nesh and I came up with.
Bronze - Identify the three components of an exorcism (bell, book, candle) that are being used in various scenarios.
Silver - Basic sex education. You need to know how it all works before you can tell what really doesn't work.
Gold - Based on a randomly selected fandom, select an appopriate bell, book, and candle. Then, perform an exorcism.
That was my basic idea.
-Phobos -
Also... by
on 2014-04-28 15:20:00 UTC
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We thought some yoga and/or the game Twister might be involved as part of sex ed. It's important to know the limits of how your body can move and still be comfortable, still be functional, etc. Plus, they're kids. They need to be active, and the full significance of it need not sink in until much later. {= )
~Neshomeh -
Loved it! by
on 2014-04-26 21:51:00 UTC
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This is sch a wonderful idea! I think my favorite badges were the Department of Out of Character Hobbits. (As an aside, if we ever get around to publishing it, the next thing that Caddy-shack and I are planning to post sends an Agent to work in that Department).
I liked all of it, but a piece no one else has commented on yet, is where Daffyd is repeating himself and the kids are worried that he is going to spend the whole time just repeating himself, like the Time Lord lecturer.
This was even funnier to me, because I call my youngest the Sprout (short for Doomsprout, but still).
Such a great idea. I have five kids to write for, though one is now too old for this, so definitely have to use this idea. -
I like. by
on 2014-04-26 17:07:00 UTC
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Are the Buds and Scouts based slightly off Girl/Boy Scouts or more like school? Aaanyway.... I really enjoyed it! Poor Dafydd. The Buds burst his bubble.
The former. by
on 2014-04-26 22:50:00 UTC
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Hence... well, everything. The multi-year age groups (in England, scouting is split into Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, and Explorers), the badges, the Buds' Promise, the stupid names for leaders (in Cubs, the leader is called 'Akela', after the Jungle Book character)... we debated whether to put the badges on their sleeves (but Kaitlyn thought it sounded too awkward), on sashes (but I thought that was a bit too DIS), or even on their neckerchiefs, but since the movement is run by the DOOCH, they simply had to have little hobbitty weskits. I mean waistcoats.
hS -
I love everything about this idea. by
on 2014-04-26 05:24:00 UTC
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Not the least because I just recruited two ten-year-olds from my last mission. Hee hee hee. I am going to have so much fun . . .
Seriously, you've made so much plot potential in this one little short; it's a huge addition to the PPC universe and to the community. Thanks so much, both of you, for the idea.
Good seeing some of your characters' children actually doing something on the page, instead of just existing, too. I did see one typo:
" . . . and it seemed to the children that a flickering spark they hadn’t even notice fled from his eyes." -
I agree with Dafydd on the subject of fire. by
on 2014-04-26 04:43:00 UTC
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Well, how very it is. Were I an agent, I would probably be in DOGA.
Anyways, this was adorable, and the teachers' opinions on the matter were wonderful-funny. I want more with these kids!
-Aila -
I skipped a word. How very lovely> is what I meant. (nm) by
on 2014-04-26 04:43:00 UTC
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Gah! Of all the times not to click preview! (nm) by
on 2014-04-26 04:44:00 UTC
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Leave it to hS to make another background story! by
on 2014-04-26 04:32:00 UTC
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Man, I doubt that the PPC universe would be half as vibrant as it is now if you never fell into whatever plothole led you here!
I concur with what everyone else has been saying so far: PPC school beats normal school any day. I wonder, though: aren't there other agents with children in the PPC universe (e.g., Samantha Maxwell)? I wonder if this would conflict with whatever their stories have established as their source of education... -
Still really interesting though. Hit send too soon. (nm) by
on 2014-04-26 07:39:00 UTC
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I'm sure if he hadn't come around someone else would've. (nm) by
on 2014-04-26 07:38:00 UTC
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But probably wouldn't have kept going as long. ;) (nm) by
on 2014-04-26 22:46:00 UTC
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Once I overcome my laziness I'l take that as a challenge. ;) (nm by
on 2014-04-26 23:02:00 UTC
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Sure. We'll count it up in ten years. (nm) by
on 2014-04-27 08:53:00 UTC
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You've written all the good stuff so I'm at a disadvantage. by
on 2014-04-28 01:50:00 UTC
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There was going to be a :P there but I ran out of room. I've still got some ideas though so we'll see what happens; I've got the Origins side stories still, buncha missions, DIA stories, some misc. stuff, writings about other organisations... hopefully I can catch up. Might have to drop you a line about one idea I had if it's okay?
Balderdash. (This goes to anyone...) by
on 2014-04-28 09:36:00 UTC
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(... who thinks I've somehow locked down or 'finished' the history and extended canon of the PPC - however jokingly they say it, Ekyl)
The only reason there was an 'all the good stuff' for me to write is because I (and Vemi, and Starwind) created it. Before I wrote the original Origins, the only statement on the reason for the Flowers was that 'we replaced all the human directors long ago' (which is now retconned as a joke). Before I wrote The Reorganisation, the SO had ruled uninterrupted since the PPC was founded - and still did, because the Board of Flowers was my invention, too.
But hey, that stuff is all written now - so what's left to do? Well, here's what I could come up with in twenty minutes of idle speculation:
-The history of the Garden. Ekyl dismisses it as 'the Origins side stories', but there's enough content there for a trilogy of novels if you wanted. I deliberately wrote as little as possible about civilians on Origin. The tensions between Works and Garden, their reaction to the increasing industrialisation of the Hill and the dangerous technology they're playing with, the entire Civil War, life on Origin after the war, the final collapse in the Cascade... there is endless scope there, and I barely touched it. Ekyl, all of your ideas are still perfectly valid - deliberately so.
-The ten-year-ish period between the Fall of Origin and Lofty Skies. This is the formative years of the PPC, when they go from 'mundicidal Flowers and Korean tech support' to 'trios of agents hunting down rogue plotholes on the ground'. There are heaps of stories to tell there - and the only things written in that time period are a handful of backstories. If someone wants to do this, I'm even willing to rent out those of my agents who were around then - Nyx and Dassie, looks like.
-The formation of the DIS. There's half a year or so between the Mysterious Somebody assuming power and the DIS being formed. How did he find an excuse to create a secret police? Was there rebellion against his rule? Did he invent a rebellion in order to continue his plans? If so, did it come true for real when the DIS was created? For that matter, what was the DIS originally like? Dassie says they used to be not that bad - why did they shift? Again, it's completely untouched.
-The early history of the Mary-Sue Factory and BioInc. Flowers from the PPC, with their utter terror of rogue plotholes, were somehow persuaded to build a factory to create them. How did that happen? I bet it didn't go smoothly. No-one who knew about the Factory made it back to HQ to spread the word - but we already know the DIS was willing to take out anyone who tried.
-The formation of the League. Reorg claims there's only one Factory, but by the end of Crashing Down, there's an entire chain of them. Did the MS found them? He doesn't seem to call on them. Did some of his Flowers split off? How did that go? How did they interact with the PPC?
And that assumes you're only interested in the big, sweeping histories. I've also expanded massively on the DRD and RDR - but there are other departments with equally little written about them (SIELU? The DMFF? Despatch?) I've written numerous interludes about various Flowers - but nowhere near all of them, and there's vastly more to say. I have a list of Infrastructure Departments first described by me as long as my arm, always including the DoDAEG - but are there really no essential functions of HQ left untouched? I have Playscriptes which introduced the concept of six-dimensional HQ - but very few stories have really played with that. I have a webcomic, but no-one has yet created any movies of anything PPC-related (barring my 'let's make HQ in Minecraft' video). Most recently, I've invented mission pins - and used them in a mission - and the Sprout movement; there's nothing to stop anyone else doing random things of the same kind. My next minor project is called 'Ephemerals', and will build on the Wrecked Music Department to look at some of our defunct departments, including some which have never been named before.
There is so much to write, folks. Anyone who thinks I - or anyone else - has done it all is missing a multiverse of opportunity.
hS -
Also, was the DIS all that secret? by
on 2014-04-28 17:55:00 UTC
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The open reign of terror seemed pretty new in Reorg, but everybody knew the DIS existed beforehand. Just not what they were guarding.
As I've recently seen explained... by
on 2014-04-28 20:23:00 UTC
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... the 'secret' in Secret Police isn't that their existence is secret - otherwise how do you use them to terrify your subjects? The 'secret' part is who they are. There's a reason the DIS wear their badges on sashes - it means they can take them off and shove them in a pocket. Anyone you talk to could be a Guard. So you watch what you say even when you're among friends.
hS -
So do they have backup badges for disguise purposes? by
on 2014-04-28 22:25:00 UTC
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If a DIS agent going incognito involves them removing their flash patch quickly and placing it in a pocket, then the situation they were in when they decided to conceal their identities would need to be one in which a typical agent would be wearing a flash patch in the first place, right? Otherwise, if no one else nearby was wearing one, there would be no need to create special measures to hide a Guard's identity to avoid being conspicuous. They would just be wearing non-uniform clothing like everyone else. So, do the DIS spies have a backup flash patch that they wear during situations that would require a full uniform, and they just sling the sash over that when they decide to reveal themselves and arrest someone?
I mean, I can see how the patchless secrecy would work if you were in a hallway or something, and just pass by someone who isn't wearing any department designation without you noticing it, but in order to ingratiate oneself into social groups, which you implied that some of the DIS members would do with your line about speaking freely among friends, the spies would at least need to have some kind of cover story, right? A backup flash patch would help with that. Though it wouldn't be as effective if one of the agents that a Guard was sent to spy on decides to go over to the disguised Guard's RC for whatever reason(surprise party? following them back? unforeseen shenanigans?), it would at least provide a springboard for when the targets start asking questions. -
Probably! by
on 2014-04-29 09:08:00 UTC
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I have no particular plans to write anything else set in the DIS-era, so there's no story confirmation of any of this until and unless someone writes it, but that sounds eminently sensible.
Of course, it raises the question of whether the patchless DIA could do the same thing... following this train of thought, maybe they don't have patches because it makes a distinct divide from this. 'The DIS wore whatever patches they liked to get in among you, and threw on their own to come out of cover. We will never wear any patch, our own or yours.' That sort of makes sense.
hS -
No police force is going to discount undercover operations. by
on 2014-04-29 17:36:00 UTC
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They're really important for certain investigations and just going "yeah we're never going to do that" would be sorta foolish. So I'm sure it's a thing they could do if they needed to conduct such an operation - in fact when I finally get an idea or two I might write that next time I do a DIA story - but I could see it as having been making the divide from the old DIS, yeah. Tactics like that in the DIA would likely need a good reason to be applied and aren't just used to intimidate people like the DIS did - it's possible the Board even kept them from using it at all pre-2006. I'll have to ponder it, because it's interesting territory.
You've described off-duty Guards as wearing shoulder badges. by
on 2014-04-28 20:24:00 UTC
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Take that, logical explanation! :P
Off-duty != undercover. (nm) by
on 2014-04-29 07:53:00 UTC
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Yeah I realised my mistake later. Board has no edit function (nm by
on 2014-04-29 08:02:00 UTC
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Not dismissed - titled. by
on 2014-04-28 15:58:00 UTC
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I was actually specifically referring to the stories we know I'm already working on surrounding that whole time period and the stuff you said. As in "the side stories I'm working on." Just thought I'd clarify.
(Also, I was just kiding around with you. :( ) -
No, it wouldn't. by
on 2014-04-26 05:22:00 UTC
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Because this isn't technically school; this is the Sprout movement. The kids also go to whatever the school system looks like, to learn boring things like, you know, reading, writing, 'rithmatic... Sprouts is more of an extra-curricular activity. You could think of it as a Very Junior Agents Program.
Also: thank you.
hS -
We Need More of This by
on 2014-04-26 03:31:00 UTC
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As usual, Huinersoron, you have come upon a grand idea. I don't suppose anyone wants to write some intermissions about the Buds and/or Sprouts? I'd do it myself, but I don't have Permission quite yet.
Great! by
on 2014-04-25 20:03:00 UTC
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The stories are absolutely charming, especially since they came out of the PPC, which is… a… infamous for it's madness.
Excellent job! -
What Neshomeh said. (Spoilers) by
on 2014-04-25 19:47:00 UTC
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Those badges sound so much more fun than the patches we had to earn in Girl Scouts. Be a Good Neighbor patch? Screw that, I'm taking the DoGA badges!
I absolutely loved the look at the schooling PPC children get. I can only imagine them going on 'vacation' to World One for a day and all they tell their new friends are stories about talking plants and interdimentional travel.
But that might not make for such a good fic. At least it's fun to think about. :)
My favorite part, though, was getting to see Daffyd and Nyx again.
I'm going to go hug a Hobbit of two now. -
{= D I love this! (Spoilers) by
on 2014-04-25 15:51:00 UTC
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Man, I wanna go to PPC school. First aid, fire safety, and field trips to Middle-earth beat macaroni art any day!
Things that made me laugh aloud:
- The achievement badges. Those sound familiar somehow! *g*
- "Let's Not Burn Down Rivendell Again."
- Dafydd's fire-safety speech.
- The DOOCH's badges, especially that last one.
I love this idea, and I'm glad it exists. Now I must try to think of some way to write a Henry story with it, and also come up with FicPsych achievement badges. Basic is probably Neuralyzer Safety....
Raise Your Hand... by
on 2014-04-25 19:49:00 UTC
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Earlier today, I was working on a story idea that I came up with recently. In one scene I was thinking of, the protagonist becomes a powerful, dangerous superbeing with dangerous powers. Then I gave it some thought… and realized that I had been inspired by ^Busou Renkin.^
The works of Nobuhiro Watsuki--^Rurouni Kenshin^, ^Busou Renkin^, and ^Embalming: The Another Tale of Frankenstein^--are not as well known as ^Naruto^ or ^One Piece^, but I've found them to be incredible.
Meaningless bit of trivia--Eiichiro Oda, the author of ^One Piece^, worked as an assistant to Watsuki before going on to write his own series.
So put your hand in the air if you're a Watsuki fan!
And then go and kill Kenshin sues. Good luck. -
Department of Redundancy Department alert! And hand raise. by
on 2014-04-25 19:59:00 UTC
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'A powerful, dangerous super being with dangerous powers?'
Wow, man.
But I do enjoy Busou Renkin. And I have trawled it's page on FF.net for badfics before. I had no luck- there's not very many fics there.
Humph. -
Oh, wait- by
on 2014-04-27 16:01:00 UTC
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I just found a whole series of Busou Renkin badfic. It's five chapter long stories, that really should be all one story.
They are: Wedding Day, Honeymoon Crasher, Kazuki's Rescue, Rai's Reason, and Final Confrontation all by True Rai, on Fanfiction. (Sorry, but I couldn't get any links in here) I hereby claim them for sporking. :) -
*awkward hand raise* by
on 2014-04-25 19:55:00 UTC
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I haven't read any Rurouni Kenshin in a long long time, but I do remember liking it. (And the anime.) Maybe I could brush up on it...
Tell me more about your story idea, it sounds pretty cool :D -
Well... by
on 2014-04-26 16:47:00 UTC
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The protagonists fight monsters called "Wraths." While I haven't ironed out the power system they use yet (this is a relatively new story), they use negative energy to attack and positive energy to defend. The main character learns insanely powerful attacks as per norm from the old man mentor, and has a mysterious rival not affiliated with his organization.
Then it turns out that the mentor has been teaching him more and more powerful attacks in order for him to transform into a villainous super being of apocalyptic power. The boy uses his most powerful attack to neutralize a threat to his friends, and transforms. Then he kills the mentor for threatening his friends and begins to act all villainous and crazy. His teammates escape with his rival and hide out while trying to figure out a way to bring him down.
I realized that the transformation into super being part is a little reminiscent Kazuki Muto's transformation into Victor III. Although now that I've come to think about it… it's kind of like ^Puella Magi Madoka Magica^ too. Huh.
Concerning Continuity Between the PPC and Imaginations Colli by
on 2014-04-26 15:41:00 UTC
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I simply have to ask this.
I have learned a lot here on the Posting Board, and one of the things I have learned is that stories cannot be used more than once for a mission. I can understand why. The Mary Sue had been eliminated, and all.
But it got me thinking. I am currently making plans for my own commentary series Imaginations Collide, for those who do not yet know. In order to make it expansive, I want to make it correlate with preexisting series, such as the Fanfiction Critic and the PPC.
My question is this; if I want my PPC agents to do a mission for a story that has already been done, will it be okay, as long as I explain it in the context of Imaginations Collide?
I don't think that what I have in mind has ever been done before, so I expect the answer to be anything. What are your thoughts, friends? -
I'm not sure I understand. by
on 2014-04-27 17:45:00 UTC
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If you're asking would it be okay for your PPC agents to go on a mission to a fic that's already been PPC'd before (with some explanation from your other series), the answer would be no, for the reasons you're already aware of. It would be redundant out-of-universe and pointless if not impossible in-universe. Plus, you don't want to be the guy who thinks he's so much better than those who came before him that he can get away with retreading their work.
If you're asking would it be okay for your PPC agents to go on a mission that's been addressed in your non-PPC series or another fanfic critique...? Maybe, if you think there's a point to it. There's nothing wrong with multiple critiques of the same work, as long as each critique brings something new to the table. Otherwise, again, it's just redundant.
~Neshomeh -
Thanks, but... by
on 2014-04-27 19:59:00 UTC
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Okay, so, if I wasn't clear, sorry. My bad. Here is what I was talking about.
In Imaginations Collide, there will be an overall villain, and that villain is going to be intricately woven into the very fabric of the Internet. Since it is power hungry, it wants power the same way Users, or Authors, as they are called in Fanfiction.net. The best way for it to do that would be for it to take over certain stories that people talk about a lot, like legendary badfics (or some good fics, but mostly bad ones).
What I want to know is if it would be acceptable if my PPC agents are investigating an anomaly that is bringing back badfics that have been done in the PPC missions before. For example, Agony in Pink. I think someone did that already. The anomaly, which is linked with the Imaginations Collide villain, is resuscitating it and bringing the terminated characters back to life.
If I explain it in that context, would that be allowed? I know it is redundant, and I will have to make that a talking point among my Agents, but it is meant to tie in with Imaginations Collide and such, the members of which will definitely be doing fics that have already been done. -
I would be fairly uncomfortable with that. by
on 2014-04-27 20:57:00 UTC
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That smacks of Drama For Drama's Sake to me. It's not something that would naturally happen in the PPC universe, and if it's left up to the PPC agents rather than the Imaginations Collide protagonists to deal with it, it's obviously not critical in the IC storyline, so I don't see the point except to engineer something big and special for your agents to do.
~Neshomeh -
Well... by
on 2014-04-27 22:13:00 UTC
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The PPC agents wouldn't be the only ones dealing with it, though. The IC crew would have their hands full with De facto missions of their own. I just can't provide many more details without giving any spoilers.
However, what the IC crew would be doing is trying to find out why strange things keep happening whenever they try to do a commentary on a story. For example, the IC version of your truly, Dark Brother 16, would be struggling to track down the characters from his stories that were either kidnapped by characters from the badfic or decided to go in there just to cause the IC version of yours truly, one of the hosts, grief. They develop wills of their own and decide to defect.
Meanwhile, while all that is going on, the Flowers notice that slain badfics are being resurrected somehow, and put a team together to stop the spread of revival while the other active agents try to continue with their work.
If it makes it any better, I will try to keep the number of resurrected badfics to a minimum without sacrificing the continuity with IC, if I can. I have a few planned that I want to tie in.
But as for the Drama for Drama's Sake, I can see where you are coming from with that. But I can still fit lots of humor in there.
I need help. by
on 2014-04-26 17:35:00 UTC
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I have been sitting here for the past… six months? I can tell. Anyways, I've got Permission. Yay! Big celebration! Write missions! Unfortunately, I have a massive case of Writer's Block. As soon as I sit down to write the first Interlude and Mission, my mind immediately goes blank. I need help.
So, could anyone help me with this? I need… just about anything that *could* help.
*Apologetic grin* -
I Hope this Helps by
on 2014-04-28 05:14:00 UTC
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What I would do is take that little chart Huineroson made for the new writing samples to be submitted with a permission request, and write a bunch of them. If you just keep writing your Agents, you'll get a plethora of ideas.
Here's the link to HS's chart:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IE81HONRJnp0IaK92GvzyL00CZYNZG_pvdo93gRMIhY/pub -
About that... by
on 2014-04-28 19:38:00 UTC
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I already looked it over and planned out what would happen in every single set of circumstances that interested me. …heh.
It did help though. :) -
my advice by
on 2014-04-27 16:18:00 UTC
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Don't try to edit your work as you go along.
at least,That's what I've heard.
Also,do you have any books on writing? they could give you tips. -
Writing Magic by Gale Carson Levine is goodÂ… (nm) by
on 2014-04-27 22:27:00 UTC
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My Advice by
on 2014-04-27 02:09:00 UTC
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I find that what helps me write is doing something that gets me pumped. I don't know if it's just me, but I tend to get some sort of random inspiration when blood is flowing through my brain.
What do I mean? Well, what I do- I do many things. I listen to intense music, specifically, Slipknot. But it doesn't have to be heavy, intense music. Just listen to what music you love.
Also what you could do is watch Youtube, Netfilx, Hulu, or just DVD's. Watch a movie that you find inspirational. Or you can read a book that you love, or even talk to someone about ideas you have.
That is how I get ideas when I am having trouble. In your case, though, I expect that it will get you going, since you have your ideas already ready to go. But I get my advice from sources like Writer's Digest, so they may really work. It's not for everyone, but still...
Hope it helps. -
Ask, and you shall receive! by
on 2014-04-26 18:26:00 UTC
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Well, when Randa and I worked on our first mission, what we did was print off the badfic (obviously, you don't want to print all of it if it's really long- maybe just the first ten pages?) and we went through it together with pencils, circling stuff like spelling errors and unintentionally funny sentences, and we also wrote in little comments about what the agents might say to seeing it in person.
(We also kept tallies for the number of times out 'Sue said 'EK!', which made it a little more bearable.)
Once the initial sporking was done, I started the mission by plopping the agents directly into the fic and working from there. Any particularly atrocious lines, or funny lines, or relevant lines were included, along with the agents' reactions to them.
After the mission itself was finished, I went back and wrote the intro bit and then gave it to Randa to check over for SPaG and for Randa's (the agent) characterization.
Tl;dr I suggest MSTing the thing first. It doesn't require characterizing or plot and it can help you spot some particularly good gems of bad lines you might want to include. -
That's pretty much what I do, too. {= ) by
on 2014-04-27 17:27:00 UTC
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Except I do it all on my laptop, highlighting misspellings, funny bits, and other things I definitely need to include; leaving comments for myself if I think of particularly good jokes or gags; making note of any outside information I've looked up; etc. I also choose the point where I want to kill it ahead of time—it helps a LOT to know where the story is going to end. Then, with all the highlighted stuff, you end up with a pretty good road map of the story, and you just have to get the characters from start to finish in a fun way. {= )
One important thing to note is that I don't include EVERYTHING I mark up in the document. You have to pick and choose the things that are vital to the story—things that demonstrate particularly well what the fic is doing and why it doesn't work—and not be afraid to leave out redundancies and distractions, even funny ones.
Also, some advice I gave someone else recently: beware of Talking-Heads Syndrome. Agents in a mission ought to be actively doing things and reacting to the terrible things being done to them. If all your agents are doing is standing around in undescribed space, in undescribed spatial relation to each other, merely inserting snarky comments between chunks of fic, that's a drag, and you might as well just write an MST.
A tip I learned for getting started on a story is to just write some kind of introduction, even if it sucks. It's allowed to suck, because once you get going, you can chop it off. Think of it as an on-ramp or runway: you need it to get going, but once you're off, you leave it behind.
Hope that helps!
~Neshomeh -
Here's something you could try... by
on 2014-04-26 17:44:00 UTC
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I really, really hate writer's block. Some of my advice... Write the start of the mission on paper. Then, when you get to a point where your imagination is flowing, copy it onto the computer and go from there. If you come up with another case of writer's block, do the same thing. It may or may not help. :)
I need help/advice for editing problems by
on 2014-04-27 07:32:00 UTC
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So... I wanted to claim a badfic from the Unclaimed Badfic thread, but I can't edit the thread. It says it is locked to prevent anonymous editing, but I have an accout/have edited my user page/can edit other articles (including the Claimed Badfic... The irony....) but it still says I cannot edit that specific page.
I even searched it up and the only thing I came up with was one post on the Board a little while ago, and it says you should be able to edit when you are logged in.
I made my account just a few days ago.
Is this normal? -
Looking at the note attached... by
on 2014-04-27 08:05:00 UTC
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(By the Marquis, no less!) ... reveals that the page locked for IPs and new users, so your user might be too new or might not have enough edits under its metaphorical belt.
It's mostly a time-delay thing. by
on 2014-04-27 17:07:00 UTC
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The idea is to discourage trolls from creating accounts so they can trash pages that are locked to anonymous users. Most trolls want to cause trouble right now; they don't have the patience to wait around for their account to be old enough.
In this case, though, it's just that we don't need random outsiders adding slews of (for instance) Thomas the Tank Engine fanfic that nobody here cares about and will just sit around taking up space on the page.
It looks like it takes 4 days and 10 edits on non-protected pages for a new registered account to be autoconfirmed. (More info about this here.) So, just give it some more time, maybe work on your user page or something, and it'll be fine. {= )
~Neshomeh -
Where is that? (nm) by
on 2014-04-27 17:03:00 UTC
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PPC Emergencies? by
on 2014-04-27 18:11:00 UTC
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According to the timeline on the Wiki, there hasn't been one since 2009, and even that one is debated as an actual emergency.
But anyway! What I wanted to know was how exactly such emergencies came to be a part of PPC canon, and if anything like that might happen again in the future (because if the last 'real' emergency was back in 2008, that would give any of the PPC's enemies six whole years to plot and prepare).
What prompted this was the appearance of the SO and the Marquis in one of the below threads; cracks in the fabric of the universe are generally not a good sign... -
On Making Emergency Events by
on 2014-04-29 21:49:00 UTC
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I don't know how they got started. I think I still count as a Newbie here. But I can guess that the reason was that, as the universe of the PPC became more expansive, community events, known as Emergencies, became part of the canon.
Again, still a Newbie, don't know if I'm right, but that is my educated guess.
Something I never understood, though. Does anyone know how these things were organized? Because it seems like a lot of work, getting a cohesive story out of so many members, who likely had different ideas on where they thought the storyline should go. I am just amazed by how those were organized, and if anyone could fill me in on that, I would appreciate it. -
Read the thread. These things are discussed. (nm) by
on 2014-04-29 22:58:00 UTC
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One event that did work well... by
on 2014-04-28 10:03:00 UTC
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...was the Blackout, which happened - about a year ago now? An RP started up on the Board, then several people also wrote interludes for it. Overall, it was agreed that the format worked very nicely, without causing the major ructions of an 'emergency'.
I'd like to see more like that. by
on 2014-04-28 14:02:00 UTC
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HQ-wide, minor events, things that aren't going to force everybody into a tidal wave of plot, but things that will happen to everybody.
They don't have to involve danger or even involve all of HQ. For example...
FicPsych needs more space, so they're expanding (don't ask what they're expanding into; the math for it hasn't been invented yet). In the meantime, they've taken over the Cafeteria and Lounge as temporary housing for some of the displaced patients.
As a consequence...
--Agents might portal to World One and go shopping for food supplies.
--People with nursing experience might volunteer to help with the extra workload as displaced patients settle in on cots and couches.
--Someone opens a bar in their RC, seeing as the Lounge is now unavailable for relaxation.
--One or two canons move into the kitchen and decide to become chefs. FicPsych allows it for the therapeutic value; there's been entirely too much Generic Food at Hogwarts and Redwall lately.
--Agents who are too Insane to work but not too Insane to let out on a field trip go to stay with former partners while walls are being knocked down.
Stuff like that might be interesting. (The FicPsych example would, naturally, need to be handled by the people who write FicPsych to begin with.) Participate if you want; if you don't, you don't have to. Anything that doesn't force participation, anything that doesn't permanently change HQ, would be fun to play with. -
Oh, and-- by
on 2014-04-28 14:05:00 UTC
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Maybe should have a rule that we do a bit of brainstorming before we start the actual RP, so that people can warn each other off things that could get too silly or annoying.
Makes sense. by
on 2014-04-28 16:19:00 UTC
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Otherwise you get not-at-all-thought-out ideas like mine. Hee hee...
The FicPsych thing is a pretty good idea (and yes, I've thought about this one!) and I think it would make for some funny/interesting interactions between disgruntled agents. And if any canons happen to get out of the Lounge...
I probably shouldn't finish that thought.
So, FicPsych expanding? -
Doubtful, I'm afraid. by
on 2014-04-28 16:32:00 UTC
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FicPsych is chronically understaffed as a rule, and they've always seemed to have plenty of space. More than enough now, I'd say, since most canon characters get neuralyzed in the field these days.
That said, if what's wanted is an excuse to bunk people in the Cafeteria, there are other ways to make the department unlivable for a period of time. Someone could have flooded the place with laughing gas, or that reverse-gravity spell from the Triwizard Tournament; or maybe some desperately psychotic canon summoned a monster/swarm and it's on a rampage; or maybe the Four-S finally failed catastrophically like it's been threatening to do for years, and no one can hear themselves think over the obsessed mental chatter about Justin Bieber (or whoever the top teen idol is now); or any number of other things.
Just try not to imply that things are going wrong because the staff are incompetent. I created most of them and have a lot of respect for the ones I didn't, so that rather annoys me. ^_^;
~Neshomeh -
What about...? by
on 2014-04-28 20:13:00 UTC
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An agent, or pair of agents, portals into FicPsych and accidentally lets something through like your suggested laughing gas or gravity-reversal spell. Or someone was tinkering with their console and somehow managed to screw up the sound system all over HQ. Nothing super-serious, but problematic enough to change things up a little.
And I don't think anyone in their right minds would dare call the staff incompetent. Without them, the PPC would have a lot more trouble getting canon characters back to normal.
Anyway, I should probably stop making suggestions, as all of mine have been pretty dumb in hindsight. -
I had a thought... by
on 2014-05-01 19:14:00 UTC
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What would happen if the Ironic Overpower found a copy of the 'Things I Must Not Do At The PPC' list?
On randomly-appearing Flowers. by
on 2014-04-27 20:53:00 UTC
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There is a long tradition (which is sadly uncitable, due to the Board archives not going back nearly that far) of Agents and Flowers showing up on-Board to say things; it happens when someone thinks it's the best/funniest way to make a point (which is what I was doing when I posted as the Marquis). On certain special occasions, it has meant that there's a metafictional breach - but it does not have to mean that all the time.
I know you weren't the (only) one to subscribe to that interpretation - Sergio, Des, and PC did the same thing - but I think it's an interpretation that can be rather damaging to our goal of having fun.
Oh, here's an example - no-one read that as 'the agents of SIELU have infiltrated the Board'. It was just... funny. Sometimes things can just be funny.
(Emergencies have already been adequately covered; but I think this post means I need to finally start The Ispace Wars to look at 'any of the PPC's enemies' some more)
hS -
My response WAS meant for fun. by
on 2014-04-28 04:53:00 UTC
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That's why my characters responded in a "oh no not again" kind of fashion instead of like "CODE RED CODE RED THIS IS NOT A DRILL". I was trying to emulate the kind of posts I vaguely remembered Justin Agent and others in the DIO making when agents and boarders collided, albeit in a short story format as opposed to a post.
Apparently "fun" as a collective idea is still a concept that escapes me. -
On fun and 'fun'. (And >>fun by
on 2014-04-28 09:45:00 UTC
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There are maybe three ways to react to that kind of post: silliness, humour, and seriousness. Silliness is to simply assume that that's what it is - someone being silly, nothing to do with canon. Humour is to treat it as a thing that's actually happening, and deal with it humorously. Seriousness is to assume that the multiverse is breaking down and Mary-Sues will soon be occupying the Empire State Building (because it's, liek, the biggest one, so it must be the mostest important!) unless we crush this foolishness immediately.
'Fun' covers both silliness and humour; your response was humour, whereas I was expecting silliness, and it threw me off. I hadn't actually thought about this before, so I leapt to the assumption that you-and-others were dropping into seriousness. I apologise.
hS -
Don't forget !!FUN!! (nm) by
on 2014-04-28 22:41:00 UTC
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...oh, you just had to go and say that, didn't you. by
on 2014-04-28 16:29:00 UTC
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(I expect this is a mix of silliness and vague seriousness, though I could be entirely wrong...)
"But why the Empire State building?" Tony Stark let his head fall back. "Seriously, why can't anyone ever take over a club?"
"Speak for yourself," Dean Winchester replied. He checked his gun's magazine as he grumbled. "We never get to deal with stuff like that."
"Uh," said Dean's brother, Sam. "Aren't you forgetting Lucifer?"
"That was different," Dean retorted. "He didn't take over buildings, just the world."
"Well, we've had to deal with things like a giant slug eating the Statue of Liberty," Clint Barton put in. He sighed. "That was a day and a half. We had to call in Daja Kisubo--smith-mages are a big help with slugs."
"What I don't understand," put in PPC Agent Edgar Sullivan, "is why you're all together in the first place. How did you even manage to meet?"
Edgar's partner, Agent Agen_t, glanced over at him from where ze had been watching the holographic display. "The multiverse is breaking down, Sullivan. These canons meeting was only the beginning--"
"I know, I know," Edgar said with a sigh. "Sues in the Empire State building. Sounds like it'd be a regular Tuesday in the DMS."
"Obviously, these are signs of impending doom," said Hermione Granger. She widened her eyes at the looks she got. "Isn't that what you're supposed to say in situations like these?"
"Seems out of character for you," Feanor said. He was sitting cross-legged on a table, absorbed in his task of fitting wires together in a sublimely beautiful pattern. "Of course, worlds colliding tend to have that effect. Aha!" He grinned at his wires, and began to twist the entire design. "This will be good..."
"Speaking of out of character," the Ninth Doctor said mildly, "you're a good example right now. Of course, we should probably save the world from these Sues just now, shouldn't we?"
"Isn't that my line?" Rose Tyler asked.
Edgar and Agent exchanged glances.
"This isn't good," Edgar murmured, and Agent nodded. "We should probably go back to HQ. Or radio for assistance."
Agent frowned at him. "We don't use radios."
Edgar frowned right back. "It's 1945. Of course we use radios."
"No, it's 2014." Agen___t eyed zir partner. "Have you been replaced?"
Over on the holographic display, the camera zoomed in on the Empire State building.
"We don't, leik, want to rool teh worldz!" one Sue said, tossing her hair as she stared into the camera. "We just liek whant a peice of cake~that is'nt a lieeeee--"
"Dost not listeneth to yonder wencheth," put in a Shakespeare!Sue. "We eth shallest conquereth the worldseth and liketh unstrideth they like a colossith! Ehteth~!"
"Oh, god, turn it off," Skye moaned. "I can feel my brain dribbling out my ears."
"When did you go British?" Phil Coulson asked. "I thought only Fitzsimmons were British on this plane."
Dean Winchester stared at them. "We're on a plane?" His voice went squeaky. "It's--it won't crash, right?"
"It will now you've gone and said that," Edgar muttered. "Seriously, let's just radio--"
And the screen goes black.
But really, you had to put in that line about the multiverse breaking down and Mary-Sues occupying the Empire State building (and I quote: "(because it's, liek, the biggest one, so it must be the mostest important!)"), so of course I couldn't resist :D And, due to that...here's your morning (nearly afternoon, actually) dose of silliness.
Enjoy? :D
(Completely unbetaed because of reasons). -
*in the exact same state as Iximaz* by
on 2014-04-29 02:34:00 UTC
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The Feanor bit was the best. (As in, I laughed the hardest at it.) The Circle of Magic reference had me grinning, though. It's, all things considered, a pretty rare fandom. (And I have got to get around to reading The Circle Opens at some point.)
And I'm rambling. Shutting up now.
(Really, that was hilarious, though.)
-Aila -
*is unable to properly reply due to laughter* (nm) by
on 2014-04-28 21:46:00 UTC
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I was going to say... by
on 2014-04-28 01:44:00 UTC
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The OP does raise the decent point that the lack of any real events implies the PPC's enemies have been sitting around doing nothing since '08. I'd actually been thinking about writing some League stories or stuff featuring other organisations, but if you're already taking that I guess I'd just be copying you.
In fact, my answer was meant to just have some fun with it. (nm) by
on 2014-04-27 22:03:00 UTC
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Thanks for clearing that up. ;) (nm) by
on 2014-04-27 20:55:00 UTC
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Some important points. by
on 2014-04-27 20:26:00 UTC
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- "Emergency" is a bit of a bad word around here. They are not things we want to happen.
2. When we say "Emergency," we're mostly talking about the 2008 Macrovirus Epidemic and Mary Sue Invasion. Those are the main things that prompted the moratorium on Emergencies.
3. When those things happened, we were in the midst of a movement toward including every spin-off in the canon. We wanted (and still want!) our stories to live in a shared universe where the characters could interact freely with each other, not have each spin-off be its own little sub-reality that might not have anything to do with anyone else's. So, when one guy decided to kill off Makes-Things, infect all HQ with macroviruses, and then invade it with Mary Sues, everyone was affected, and we didn't quite know how to say "no" at the time because something like that was unprecedented.
4. Ultimately, we did say "no; never again." We do not accept that one person should be able to affect the whole PPC universe without consulting everyone else, just by writing it into a spin-off or running a role-play on the Board.
That's why Emergencies are banned, but emergency-like things such as the 2013 Blackout can still happen on a strictly opt-in basis.
Hopefully that clarifies the situation a little more. {= )
~Neshomeh, Who Was There.
- "Emergency" is a bit of a bad word around here. They are not things we want to happen.
Very much, thanks. by
on 2014-04-27 20:53:00 UTC
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I can see why they were banned. >_
In that case, we'll need to get the PPC characters together in some other manner. The reason why I asked is because it seems like, aside from little holidays (the Easter Ball in particular comes to mind, since it's the most recent), there really isn't much going on to tie the universe together unless people decide to co-write missions.
So... what could we do to get the HQ characters interacting...? -
Intertextuality. by
on 2014-04-27 21:23:00 UTC
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RPs and cowrites are great ways to get characters together! Ain't nothing wrong with more of that.
Another way to tie things together, though, is intertextuality, which is a term I think JulyFlame coined for the challenge at the end of the hyperlink. The challenge is long over, but the idea is still a good one. Basically, it means referring to other people's stuff in your stuff—mentioning other people's agents, or missions, or other recent events in the course of a story. PPC agents likely (over)hear all kinds of things in the Cafeteria, through the rumor mill, just walking through the halls, etc. Have them talk about them. {= )
Also, never fear to ask others if you can include their characters in your story as cameos. Most of us will probably say yes! It's very gratifying if others are that interested in your characters, and it's fun to be included. ^_^
~Neshomeh -
I'd support bringing that challenge back, officially or no. (nm) by
on 2014-04-28 02:41:00 UTC
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- Well... by on 2014-04-27 21:22:00 UTC Link to this
Ah, you ninja'd me! (nm) by
on 2014-04-27 21:24:00 UTC
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You could always open up some RP or the other. by
on 2014-04-27 21:18:00 UTC
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You just need to set it up on the Other Board, set a few rules (the usual set: no godmoding, no controlling other people's agents, etc.), give us a subject, and away we go! It doesn't even need to be super-serious or canon.
For example, consider Lily Winterwood's pillow fight or my New Caledonia RP. -
Would anyone be up for an agent RP? by
on 2014-04-27 22:00:00 UTC
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If so, I'm more than willing to get one started on the Other Board. *cough I'm really excited cough*
If not... Eh, I'll probably put something up regardless. I'd really like to see the agents interacting for once. ;) -
There's also the Dreamwidth RP comm. by
on 2014-04-27 22:30:00 UTC
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It would be really awesome to get that properly up and running. It might be easier for a lot of people (like me) to participate in a slower-moving, long-term sort of thing which that could provide, too.
~Neshomeh -
Agent Rina is ready to go! by
on 2014-04-28 14:03:00 UTC
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I just got her account set up and am figuring out how to connect with RC 999, because Nume and Ilraen are two of my favorites. ;)
Neat! by
on 2014-04-28 16:48:00 UTC
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And wow, you have a post up! I enjoyed it. ^_^ It's nice to get some insight into those first crazy moments of falling into HQ. Normally we just sort of take it for granted that it happens and everything somehow works out fine for the character, despite how overwhelmingly weird it must be.
FYI, though, it's pretty much never okay to write what someone else's characters do/say without their permission. Referring to stuff they have done, yes; making up new stuff for them, no. I'll allow it in this case, because Ilraen would absolutely help out a newbie who crash-landed in the Cafeteria, but ask first next time, 'kay? {= )
Oh, also FYI, you can set the date of your posts to whatever you want. I think Rina arrived in HQ quite some time ago, so you can backdate the post if you want, to make it more accurate to her timeline. I did that on Ilraen's second entry. It's a really nice feature for this fictional stuff, and it's also handy if you want to have a master post (a table of contents for your missions/other stuff, perhaps) that's always at the top.
~Neshomeh, who simply must comment on the journal now. -
Ooh, nvm. Board was being too slow for me to see the date th by
on 2014-04-28 19:35:00 UTC
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That post was apparently a month ago. ??? (nm) by
on 2014-04-28 19:33:00 UTC
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Ehehe... ^_^' by
on 2014-04-28 18:49:00 UTC
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Yeah, I derped there. My apologies. -_-
Also, thanks for the tip about changing the date! I'll definitely have to do that.
Except... My email won't come through and Dreamwidth and I'm unable to make any new posts. Apparently they have trouble with AT&T accounts? -
Newb question by
on 2014-04-27 22:47:00 UTC
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(Despite me being a PPCer since 2011 - am I a midbie?)
How do I Dreamwidth? What's Dreamwidth, exactly? -
Hehe. by
on 2014-04-28 00:20:00 UTC
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Dreamwidth is a journal service very much like LiveJournal, only less stupid, or so I'm told by people who know. I never used LJ enough to see where it was stupid first-hand.
How to RP on Dreamwidth:
1. Create an account for your character(s).
2. Choose a journal skin that suits your character(s), upload icons for them, etc. There are lots of beautiful skins to choose from.
3. Post in-character stuff in your character journal if you want to.
4. Post in-character stuff in comments on other people's character journals if you want to.
5. Post in the RP community if you want to. RP then takes place in the comments, which are threaded. This is usually in third person.
I've got two character journals for my guys, rc999 and jennirobinson. I keep meaning to use them more, but it's no fun if no one else is doing it.
I guess you're a midbie if you feel like a midbie. Being around for three years has to count for something. {= )
~Neshomeh -
I'm always up for RPs! Got any situation in mind? (nm) by
on 2014-04-27 22:04:00 UTC
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We haven't had a... by
on 2014-04-28 04:02:00 UTC
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Water gun fight or food fight in a while. Those were awesome. Can someone find the intro to the food fight that Phobos did as Barid the Troll? I loved that!
I think the last water gun fight, unless I missed some while I wasn't paying much attention to the Board, was in late spring/early summer of 2010.
I really like the agent-based bad shipfic game, also, but I suspect it may be planned for later. -
The Badfic Game takes place in... September, I think. (nm) by
on 2014-04-28 09:46:00 UTC
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Ask, and ye shall receive by
on 2014-04-28 04:53:00 UTC
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Originally posted 8/8/2010
OT: Meanwhile in the Cafeteria...
...it is time for a good old-fashioned food fight. Anyone who wishes to join in may do so, no permission is needed.
And now, I give you the instigating event:
Agent Barid sat at a table in the middle of the cafeteria. He was bored. He was tired of being bored. He sat across the table from a balding agent he didn't know. The man looked run down. Barid felt that he could help.
The troll agent looked at his table-mate and said in his Troll accent (read:Jamaican), "Someone should do somet'in about da Flowers. Dey run us ragged and dere ain't no one saying nuttin'. It's time ta take a stand."
The man looked at Barid. He spoke with a slight Scottish accent. "If we stand up tae them, we'll lose."
"Ya," said Barid, gaining strength as he spoke, "Stand an ya may lose. Follow dem and ya'll live. And when ya console's beepin, years from now, would ya be willin' ta trade ALL da days," he climbed onto the table with a bowl in his hand, "from dis day to dat, for one chance, just one chance, ta come back 'ere and tell da Flowers dat dey may take our vacations, but dey'll never take... OUR FOOD FIGHTS!"
With that final yell he scooped a blue, pudding-like mass out of the bowl and hurled it at someone sitting at the next table.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the real reason Barid isn't allowed in the Cafeteria anymore.
-Phobos -
:D :D :D by
on 2014-04-28 18:42:00 UTC
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I think Barid should stage an assault on the Cafeteria to steal their no trolls sign (and, you know, instigate another food fight).
Barid and the Cafeteria by
on 2014-04-28 20:54:00 UTC
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Barid has numerous plans for the Cafeteria. He is trying to organize HQ's Trolls, at the moment. If that doesn't work, which seems likely, then he might try something more drastic.
There might even be some hints about his plans in some kind of future story. Or maybe not. Who knows?
-Phobos, being totally mysterious. Totally. -
Very nice. by
on 2014-04-29 04:03:00 UTC
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I missed that before, thanks for the link.
The natural plotholes finally destabilized... by
on 2014-04-27 23:06:00 UTC
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...allowing characters from the Twilightverse, Mortal Instruments 'Verse and the Eragonverse to get access to Headquarters.
Seeing as how most agents can't stand those continuums, it should be interesting to see who has enough restraint to not kill the canons.
Thoughts? -
A few. by
on 2014-04-28 03:17:00 UTC
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1) Why would there be sudden disruptions in pre-existing stories? True, a large number of plotholes to Headquarters appear when a suddenly-appearing hole engulfs an area or someone topples into it after shenanigans happen, but in order to send massive amounts of notable canon characters flinging outside of their native world into the null space of Headquarters, there would need to be something going on that was more messed up than even the already-enormously-plot-hole-ridden stories of ill repute could handle.
Unless we're assuming that a large number of canon characters just notice as a group the unstable fabric of the universe just tripped on its own proverbial tail in front of them, and they responded with "Ooh, look, a shiny hole hovering in space! Let's walk through it!", but I'm pretty sure that even in very stupidly written continua, the majority of characters would be smart enough not to do that.
2) Would someone have to RP the displaced canon characters? How exactly would they interact with everybody? Would each person taking part in the RP just have to RP a certain character alongside their agent? That wouldn't be very interactive with the other Boarders, but it's the closest idea I can think of that would work, unless we'd ask the Board at large who wants to be the Honorary Galbatorix or the Honorary Jacob.
3) This is probably going to come across as me being a killjoy, but I'll just out and say it: if canon characters got into HQ, what would most likely happen would be that someone from a Security Department would show up, capture them if necessary, and then either restrain them for PPC checks or immediately portal them back home, and wipe the characters' memories once they were back where they belonged. In addition, the natural plotholes dump things into HQ all the time, and that's usually dealt with without large-scale events. It would be sizably scaled for the people who are sent out to contain the breach(and possibly recruit it if it's a sapient being, susceptible to its new environment, and not an established canon character), but it might not even register to more than a handful of other people.
Essentially, what would be making this breach so special compared to all the others, aside from the more-than-usual number of characters it sends through? There would need to be something in particular that keeps the characters from just being rounded up and sent back, especially since the majority of canon characters would express a desire to be returned to their world to complete their story already in progress and thus wouldn't put up all that much of a fight. Maybe this could be tied into the event that brought them there in the first place, but regardless there would need to be some reason why lots of PPC employees get involved here.
4) If the plotholes "finally destabilize" to make this happen... that might just be a phrasing problem or I'm interpreting it poorly(Though there are only so many things "final" can mean, so I'm not sure how else I can interpret it. Maybe the idea was that something integral to HQ's structure has stretched to the brink and just a short time ago snapped entirely, but that isn't much better.), but that sounds nastily irreversible to me. If things start getting "finally destabilized", we might have to deal with parts of HQ vanishing as the plothole-sustained sections start becoming unable to maintain themselves, or things from the outer reaches bypassing the shields entirely, and the last time the shields stopped being able to keep out trouble, we got Weeping Angels in here, and when they failed in 2006, the Black Cats invaded. Shirtless werewolves and prima donna dragons would be the least of our problems. -
*facepalm* by
on 2014-04-28 11:55:00 UTC
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Yeah... I guess I didn't think that one through.
*sheepish grin*
I do rather like Miah's suggestion of a food fight. >:) -
Continua. by
on 2014-04-28 02:02:00 UTC
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Also, characters from those universe can already access HQ insofar as anybody can - there's at least a couple (?) Twilight vampires among our agents.
Well, so far as I know... by
on 2014-04-27 19:27:00 UTC
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...Emergencies were outlawed at least partially because they put too much strain on all the agents' personal timelines, and everyone had to determine where everyone was, and where they had been to not die, and if they did this in the Emergency or that... It generally made a mess. The thing is, you can still have Emergency-type things. Last year's Blackout was sort of a small-scale one, and allowed to happen because it was perfectly plausible to say that your agent was hiding in the RC or out in a mission and so didn't notice, and Sergio Turbo's Blank Sprite saga has all the hallmarks of an Emergency--except that the knowledge of it is deliberately restricted to his agents, so, again, there won't be any personal timeline problem for the rest of everyone 'cause they have no clue it's even happening.
I think that's all. Someone more knowledgeable about PPC history will probably correct me about something, though. I'd welcome it.
-Aila -
Oh. Desdendelle got there ahead of me. (nm) by
on 2014-04-27 19:30:00 UTC
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The consensus is: no more. by
on 2014-04-27 19:25:00 UTC
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There are no more emergencies planned because they were HQ-wide events that required everyone present to respond to them. That's not something that everybody wants, so the closest thing would be an event like the Blackout: if you want in, you can. If not, that's totally fine.
what about the league of mary sue factories? by
on 2014-04-27 23:58:00 UTC
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you don't seem to have finished that plotline.
Because it's not really a plotline. by
on 2014-04-28 03:31:00 UTC
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The LMSF is more of a feature of the PPC multiverse than a "plotline" as such. It would be like looking ast a map, pointing at a country, and saying "Why don't we go and solve that?" You don't really resolve an organization, unless you disband it completely or reform it into something else, and there's no real reason to do that, since the League has plenty of future story potential that people just haven't been using, which would be more fun to use than blowing it all up would be.
Besides, the point behind a PPC-wide event isn't someone saying "Huh. We've not had anything big in a while, and I think I have an idea for something new we can do based on this, those, and that over there." That's exactly what we don't want. The Blackout worked because it was developed by a number of people for slightly different reasons based on some weird thing that happened to the Board one day, and only formed into one encompassing event because the group as a whole decided that it would be more fun if we decided to make it an actual canonical thing that happened during a certain period of time than if we left it as a series of jokes. One person imposing their plot advancements on everyone else is what got Emergencies their nasty reputation in the first place.
A Society of Masks by
on 2014-04-28 05:15:00 UTC
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After reading several young adult romance novels, one thing I noticed was that the love interest was always hot. I've seen it in Twilight, I've seen it in badfic, and I've seen it in some good books, but I've seen it.
And I wondered, "What if looks weren't an issue?"
And so the world of Masks was born.
In this world, it's a social imperative to always wear a mask. Even when you're sleeping or bathing. There is a social imperative to never think of the mask as your true face, so you do get to see what you look like about once a year, in a special ceremony to ward off evil influences. The only other person to ever see your face is your fiancee, and that will only happen after a lengthy courtship and a marriage for love, because the idea is that only the most trusted person in your life should see what is to this society the greatest secret in your life.
So, the love interest may be pretty, and he may be ugly. You'll never know until the couple has already agreed to marry, and already love each other, not knowing what the other looks like. - My reaction (contains swearing) by on 2014-04-29 07:20:00 UTC Link to this
This is actually really, really brilliant. That is all. (nm) by
on 2014-04-29 02:26:00 UTC
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Hey, that seems like a parody of our whole culture! by
on 2014-04-28 19:55:00 UTC
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In the modern west, the good guys are always attractive, and the bad guys aren't. Scars are only really disfiguring on the villains. There are no plain people, and the real life peoples' ambitions are centered on being the Venus or Adonis that they see on the television.
But in this world, no one even KNOWS what you look like. How someone looks doesn't even matter. In fact, they may not even have any idea what physical beauty is. I LOVE it! You should do it! -
Actually, they do by
on 2014-04-28 20:24:00 UTC
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This culture does have an idea of physical beauty, it's just seen as a highly personal thing, not to be shared with anyone you don't trust absolutely.
Aahh... by
on 2014-04-29 19:39:00 UTC
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I still don't get it.
So, are you saying that they have a basic idea of what physical beauty is, and they just fill in the blanks based on what they think? -
There are traits seen as beautiful, yes (nm) (nm) by
on 2014-05-01 18:31:00 UTC
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This reminds me of a story I read recently by
on 2014-04-28 17:28:00 UTC
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"The Moon Moth" by Jack Vance is a science fiction novella that involves an alien society where everyone wears a mask all the time. Social status is everything on that world—it's like currency. Anybody can take anything they want, wear whatever kind of mask they want, providing they have the social chutzpah to back it up, and people know if you're faking it. They communicate with the aid of several small, tricky musical instruments, a different one depending on whether the person you're talking to is of a similar, lesser, or greater status, and how intimate you are with them; and the language is much more about communicating feelings than it is about concrete facts. Now, imagine a hapless Earthling suddenly dropped into this world to fill in for the previous guy who had his job, and then asked to find a dangerous criminal with no way of even recognizing him....
It's a really cool story. Good classic sci-fi. I recommend it, especially since you'll want to avoid duplicating it too closely. {= )
~Neshomeh -
Okay by
on 2014-04-28 20:30:00 UTC
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Sounds interesting, although the mask situation is different here; the mask you wear is based on your social station, and it's somewhat of a faux pas to wear a different mask, although it does happen.
Although the 'hard to catch criminals' things does apply, as most lawbreakers aren't adverse to breaking a few customs if it means not getting caught. -
Okay by
on 2014-04-28 20:27:00 UTC
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Sounds interesting, although the mask situation is different herre; the mask you wear is based on your social station, and it's somewhat of a faux pas to wear a different mask, although it does happen.
Although the 'hard to catch criminals' things does apply, as most lawbreakers aren't adverse to breaking a few customs if it means not getting caught. -
Social questions. by
on 2014-04-28 12:14:00 UTC
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Concerning, primarily, the mechanics surrounding the mask.
Will its appearance - how elaborate or simple it is - be regulated?
Will it depend on the wearer's social standing?
What difference will there be between genders?
How are children (especially infants) handled?
Is it possible to fake one's identity by wearing a different mask?
If the mask is destroyed in an accident (fire, water, machinery, simple constant stress on the material), how are replacements handled? -
Trying to answer questions, even though the idea isn't mine. by
on 2014-04-28 19:45:00 UTC
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Yeah. I was just thinking of these points, and I saw this convenient little post down here to answer. So...
As far as the appearance, I believe the mask would be full face, possibly even covering the whole head. (Do they wear hoods with the masks and cover the rest of their heads? Can you show off your hair? Things to think on.) This would be so that nobody's running around with a skinny little domino mask and showing off their face.
Social standing? i have absolutely no idea.
Well, we would be able to tell who's a boy and who's a girl, so there would probably a difference of styles between masks. Like color, or animal basis, or something like that.
As for the other questions, I'm running out of steam now, so I'll leave that to LonelyStar. :) -
Answers by
on 2014-04-29 05:48:00 UTC
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Yes, the masks are full face. Hoods are optional, although sometimes added.
Masks reflect your place in society, so a shopkeeper would wear a specific style of mask, and a servant would wear another.
There are ways to tell who's a boy and who's a girl, but I haven't really thought too much on that.
The animal-basis thing is only for the Emperor's house (House Phoenix), and several noble houses given the honor by House Phoenix for their services during a troubled time a long, long time ago. -
I'd love to read this! by
on 2014-04-28 12:07:00 UTC
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Seriously, you should write this.
When I'll write it by
on 2014-05-02 00:12:00 UTC
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I'm thinking of writing it later, when I've more skill in writing, and maybe have written some PPC stories.
Sounds Interesting by
on 2014-04-28 06:06:00 UTC
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Do you have any of it written yet, or are you just putting the idea out there to see what the reaction is? I'd be curious to read some of this, should you end up writing it.
The Ispace Wars commence. by
on 2014-04-28 10:27:00 UTC
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Yes, I've been teasing about this for a year or so now, but it's finally here:
The Ispace Wars
The Interdimensional Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Elves is back with a vengeance. Their goal is to protect the elves of the multiverse - all the elves - and they don't care who gets in their way. It looks like everyone is in for a rough time...
This is the sequel to The Official Fanfiction University of Discworld; I don't know to what extent it can stand by itself, so you should probably read OFUDisc first. It will constitute a massive crossover of most of the metafictional organisations - and since the four prologues, at least, are actually written, you should get to see who the 'main character' organisations are fairly quickly.
If you can't stand FF.n, you can also follow along through the OFUDisc Files blog; any associated elements will be posted there.
And... reviews are always very welcome!
hS -
“Ouch!” by
on 2014-05-03 21:07:00 UTC
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Agent-in-training Hieronymus staggered back from the wall that had suddenly appeared in front of him, clutching his fore-head with both hands. "What was this?" he hissed.
"Scene shift," whispered Androia Avatar. "Didn’t you see it coming? You should always look out for these at the end of a paragraph. Let me see!"
"I know," grumbled Hieronymus, lowering his hands to reveal the sprouting bump. "I’ve seen all these slapstick events in the archives, but they mostly happen when there isn’t even a paragraph, don’t they?" He didn’t like to be lectured, and being thrice the lecturer’s age in physical appearance, about one hundred times her age in life experience, and being her creator, didn’t help the matter at all. "I didn’t expect problems here," he added accusingly. "You told me this would be a place to watch good writing."
"This requires cooling. Give me your handkerchief," demanded Androia, pulling a water-bottle out of her backpack. "I think I know just who to talk to..." she quoted. "Ending with an ellipsis, this is a hint that the next we will see is Penny talking to this other person, and you wouldn’t expect them to come to Penny’s not-a-Response-Center, would you?"
Hieronymus pressed the wet handkerchief to his bruise. "Okay, okay," he growled, "I got it. Can we now continue watching?"
I’m so sorry. Appearances of my not-existing agents should probably be restricted to the badfic games, but this scene shift did take me out of the story, and I just had to write me back in again, because I don’t want to miss what happens next. Also, I realized that I had not posted for more than a month, so it was time to give a sign of life.
HG -
Oh, come on, I fixed that once already. by
on 2014-05-04 10:46:00 UTC
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A pox on you, Pit of Voles! Accept my correction, or face the consequences!
It'd better work this time. Thanks for letting me know it wasn't fixed! And welcome back. ;)
hS -
Since you brought up OFU Squared . . . by
on 2014-04-29 14:34:00 UTC
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This page, along with edits on "Coordinator" and "Mini" just got added to the wiki, by someone with no other edits or interaction here that I can recall:
Since you're the driving force behind OFU Squared, I wanted to ask what you think we should do regarding recognizing this OFU and its mini type as legitimate. -
Re: Since you brought up OFU Squared . . . by
on 2014-04-29 22:20:00 UTC
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I'm not sure, my main drive to make this OFU was first getting inspired by the Phanphiction academy and the fact this Wiki had absolutely nothing about TMNT on it which I thought was a shame
Hello! by
on 2014-04-30 09:59:00 UTC
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Neshomeh's already explained why we don't have anything about TMNT on the Wiki - it's the same reason we don't have anything on, say, Paradise Lost - so I won't repeat her points. I will say that, while the TMNT page you created will probably be removed, mentions of your OFU won't be (or shouldn't); it exists, so in the interests of cataloguing, we'll mention it unless we have a good reason otherwise.
Instead (as well?) I'm going to address your other post, here:
Oh man...I never realized a few spelling/grammar mistakes would be so bad.
This is going to depend entirely on your audience. Most people, let's be honest, won't care. But we're the PPC. We've been nattering on about spelling, grammar, and punctuation since we came into existence. It's kind of our thing (one of several, I admit).
More to the point, you're not just writing any old story - in which case, if it came to our attention for some reason, we'd just grumble and move on. You're writing an Official Fanfiction University. Your story demonstrates that you know what that means:
Dragon Love had to stop writing when she felt ice cold steel press against her neck, she felt deep fear and a Japanese Accented voice said "I'm going to have to stop you right there."
Dragon Love turned her head and saw a tall Japanese Woman with a strict expresion on her face the Woman was holding a Katana to her neck.
"I am Karai." The Woman said
"I have come to tell you you are now drafted into the Mutant Academy." Karai handed Dragon Love some papers..."Your various crimes against our Canon left us no choice."
OFUs are two things. First, of course, they're stories - and they're supposed to be entertaining ones, naturally! Like I said in my review, TMNT is just a whirl of unfamiliar names to me these days, but you do have some good ideas. Making all your students into randomly-determined mutants was a good one, for instance. So on the 'story' front, you at least have a good start.
But the other thing OFUs do is try to teach people how to write better - and specifically how to write in the fandom they're written in. Probably the biggest example of this I can think of is Lily Winterwood, who regularly sticks actual lectures into her OFUs. Here we see a lesson given by Bilbo and Smaug, for instance, in the Sherlock OFU.
But even more than lectures, OFUs are meant to show by example. If you write a story that says 'good writing is important!', and you have dodgy spelling, mis-placed punctuation, and bad grammar, anyone who looks to you for examples of how to do it well is going to think those things don't matter. And anyone who knows they do is going to have a hard time liking your story, because it's... well, hypocrisy. If you hire me to catch a thief, and I steal your stationary while you tell me about it, you'd think twice or even three times about giving me any money - even if I was the best thief-catcher in the world.
You also said:
I'm going to be honest with everyone, I am a person with Asperger's Syndrome, so I guess my spelling/grammar mistakes are caused by...Being so excited about my writing I don't stop and spellcheck
I can see how that makes a certain amount of sense, but honestly? We've had people with Asperger's here on the PPC Board before. Some of them have been our best writers. On the other hand, even some long-time regulars with Asperger's never got the hang of it (to anyone who's interested, I'm thinking of kippur here). So you may have a point - I'm certainly not prepared to claim you're lying!
So, if spelling and grammar are important, but you, as an author, are incapable of giving them the attention they need, what's the solution? Simple: a beta reader. That's someone who looks at your stories before you post them (but after you feel they're finished), and tries to catch any errors.
There are many ways for betas to work. Often, you want a 'canon beta' - one who can check that you've got the details of the canon correct. As I've said, I can't help you there. But I can help with the SPG errors. If you would like, I will go through your current five chapters with a fine-toothed comb, correcting every error of that kind that I come across; I'm even willing to do the same thing for any future chapters of Mutant Academy.
Obviously, my hope would be that my doing this would help you to learn to do it for yourself, making my job less and less necessary. But even if that doesn't happen, the offer's still there.
hS, long-winded, but had a lot to say -
Re: Hello! by
on 2014-04-30 18:45:00 UTC
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Thanks for the helpful advice, I admit...I do have trouble with spelling and grammar frequently
There's a reason for that. by
on 2014-04-29 22:56:00 UTC
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First of all, I assume I'm speaking to Blood100/Rebel Mutant. To prevent confusion, please pick one and use it to fill in the Author space when you post. Thanks!
Anyway, about the wiki. It's called PPC Wiki for a reason. Things go on it when they become noticeably relevant to the PPC community and/or the fictional PPC universe. When it comes to fandoms, that means at least one of three things:
1. There have been missions in that continuum.
2. There have been several agents from that continuum.
3. The continuum has contributed something important to the PPCverse (e.g. the neuralyzer from Men in Black).
TMNT does not meet any of those criteria as far as I know. That's why there was no page, and why the one you added will probably be taken down. It's not that we have anything against TMNT, or you for that matter. It's just that it's PPC Wiki, not Fandom Wholesale Depot Wiki.
~Neshomeh -
Re: There's a reason for that. by
on 2014-04-29 23:13:00 UTC
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OK I understand
Re: There's a reason for that. by
on 2014-04-29 23:13:00 UTC
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Oh, hello! by
on 2014-04-29 22:53:00 UTC
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Do you have a user name? We're not going to be able to greet you properly if you don't tell us who you are, you know!
By the way, I've not actually read your OFU yet, so I'm not sure in what capacity you used your minis, but we only have one mini species per continuum. True, there are a few that have multiple types, but they're beside the norm and we try to keep those to a minimum. You shouldn't have mini-Bebops and mini-Rocksteadies.
Mini-Foot Ninja would probably work better, since they're iconic enemies, appear in every version of the show, and are part of a group rather than versions of an individual(the latter isn't required but is definitely a plus). Then again, I know next to nothing about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, so there could be something else that would work even better. -
I'd actually support this one. by
on 2014-04-30 10:05:00 UTC
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They're non-humans (I've never been comfortable with any of the miniature-human versions of minis), and fairly iconic in their own right - as a team, not individually. I don't see any actual instances of the minis, but I suspect they're in the same vein as mini-Aragogs - they're actually just minis of the same species, but - oh, yes, it's in Chapter 4 - 'mini-Rhino-Mutant' is a fairly awful name.
More to the point, while we - as the PPC - usually stick to just one mini (though there are continuua where the minis are 'a miniature version of the appropriate [whatever]', determined by something about the character) - the OFUs are not under PPC Community jurisdiction. We're the heirs of Jay and Acacia, not of Miss Cam - we don't have the right to say what OFUs aren't allowed to do. Make suggestions, yes - but not issue orders.
hS -
Why would the minis also be a team? by
on 2014-05-01 22:04:00 UTC
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When you misspell a name, would it create both a mini-Bebop and a mini-Rocksteady, both with the same name? Because if not, the minis would still be operating as individuals, and there would need to be some way of determining why one mini came out a Bebop and the other came out a Rocksteady. I think it would just make sense to have the original model for minis be part of a single species, rather than the two species that Bebop and Rocksteady are, while remaining iconic to its native continuum. I'm not going to claim I have very much knowledge of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, though, so the only idea that I would have for an alternative mini choice is one I already mentioned.
You're right that the most we can do is make suggestions, and that's what I was trying to do. I had intended to point out something inconsistent, say why it didn't quite fit, and offer an alternate solution, and I apologize if it seemed like I was ordering anyone around. Consistency is always good, whether it's consistency with the other OFUs, which also usually have one mini species each, or with the broad nature of how minis as a whole have been shown to, for lack of a better word, work, and I would always like to see it maintained if possible. -
Re: Why would the minis also be a team? by
on 2014-05-12 02:39:00 UTC
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I was mostly going by what Phanphiction Academy did that when you misspell a character's name a grasshopper OR scorpion appears
Re: Oh, hello! by
on 2014-04-30 06:17:00 UTC
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I was mostly inspired by 'Phanphiction Academy' where there were not-so-mini-grasshoppers and not-so-mini-scorpions
Is there a story? by
on 2014-04-29 14:43:00 UTC
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Since the OFU non-franchise was declared open by Miss Cam, any OFU story which acknowledges her as the origin of the concept is legitimate. If it contradicts a previous mini type in the PPC, then we probably end up discussing it here to decide what to do (as we recently did with the Pokemon mini). If it's a very bad OFU, we may well decide - as the PPC - to not recognise it, and - as OFU2 - to go and break its supporting columns with a crowbar.
So, is there a story? I didn't see one this morning, but it might have been added since.
hS -
There is a story by
on 2014-04-29 15:43:00 UTC
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Looks like this is the one: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10305709/1/Mutant-Academy
It mentions Mini-Bebops and Mini-Rocksteadys, which are the types that were added to the Mini page.
I've had a quick skim of it, and spotted quite a few grammatical errors. It looks like it could do with a Beta, at least. What are the criteria for invoking OFU2?
On another note, it's cool to see The Ispace Wars up, I enjoyed reading that again. I wonder how much of Ispace Mountain is going to left after the Administrator finishes knocking on Liliac's door?
I guess now that I'm back on the Board I should really finish off my piece for that, unless you made other arrangements during my absence? (which I would completely understand if you did). -
Also: thank you! by
on 2014-04-29 16:24:00 UTC
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I haven't made any other arrangements - though I was going to email you soon to find out how it was going.
hS -
Progress has been slow by
on 2014-05-02 22:23:00 UTC
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By which I mean non-existent in the last several weeks.
But I'm back to writing now, so it should pick up again soon. -
The best thing to do... by
on 2014-04-29 15:54:00 UTC
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... would be to make Miss Cora Calico a student at OFU2. Her* story has four chapters, true - but all in the last day or so.
*I'm assuming here the Coordinator is an author insert.
More realistically (since, while we may eventually have enough 'lectures' to make a pretend course actually educational), inviting her to come and chat about it on the Board might be a good idea. Not so we can say 'you're not allowed to do that' - thankfully, that's not in our job description! - but so's we can guide her in how to write a really good OFU. (And, yes, find someone to offer up as a beta...)
In fact, I'll probably go and issue an invitation right now. Onwards!
hS -
Re: The best thing to do... by
on 2014-04-29 22:26:00 UTC
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Oh man...I never realized a few spelling/grammar mistakes would be so bad.
I'm going to be honest with everyone, I am a person with Asperger's Syndrome, so I guess my spelling/grammar mistakes are caused by...Being so excited about my writing I don't stop and spellcheck -
Good luck in Tamriel. You'll need it. (nm) by
on 2014-04-29 07:17:00 UTC
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It's here! by
on 2014-04-28 19:45:00 UTC
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And I have no idea what's going on!
Well, OK, that's a slight exaggeration, but not all too much. Readers, if you have not read OFUDisc, there is a lot you will not know. Trust me, I have not read it, and I have a lot of questions that I know would be answered in OFUDisc. However, that's just the first chapter. Perhaps in later chapters it will split further from the OFU, which I certainly hope it does. However, while waiting for the next part, you may want to read OFUDisc. -
Psst! World-Jumper! by
on 2014-04-28 20:07:00 UTC
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Status on the mission?
I know I have no right to complain about slowness. ^_^
In all seriousness, though, I'm not complaining, just checking in. -
Real life has slammed me this week. by
on 2014-04-28 21:10:00 UTC
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I'm afraid I'm going to have to focus a lot more this week and postpone writing for the mission until it's over. Hopefully I can get it done quickly after this week is over.
Oof, that sucks. Good luck! (nm) by
on 2014-04-28 21:43:00 UTC
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Very nice! by
on 2014-04-28 14:15:00 UTC
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I should probably go back and read all of OFUDisc.
Guess this means I should hurry up and finish that cowrite section?
You are a Sue. by
on 2014-04-28 21:42:00 UTC
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It's just one of those silly 'what would your ___ name be?' type things. Basically, you just find the corresponding letter for your first name and last name, and if you really want to throw in some silliness, there's even middle names based on your birth month!
I would have loved to do names for Stus as well, but I kind of drew a total blank for male names...
So, without further ado:
First Name/ Last Name
A- Krystal/ Baggins
B- Sapphire/ Fairheart
C- Raven/ Wildsong
D- Aurora/ Swiftblade
E- Felina/ Dragonflame
F- Odette/ Greenleaf
G- Hunter/ Jackson
H- Kat/ Potter
I- Kallista/ Hawke
J- Serenity/ Ryder
K- Nyx/ Malfoy
L- Ordellya/ Harkness
M- Arianna/ Way
N- Jade/ Evenstar
O- Anastasia/ the Wanderer
P- Amethyst/ Brightsoul
Q- Dianna/ Dumbledore
R- Artemis/ of Rohan
S- Esmeralda/ Tyler
T- Sapphire/ Ringbearer
U- Isabelle/ the Wanderer
V- Claryssa/ Swanne
W- Melody/ Granger
X- Seraphina/ of the Gods
Y- Opalline/ the Light
Z- Daphne/ Firedancer
January- Ivy
February- Butterfly
March- Blossom
April- Tianna
May- Glimmer
July- Diamond
August- Brooke
September- Dove
October- Soul
November- Trixie
December- Heather
If anyone's curious, my Sue name would be Esmeralda Glimmer of Rohan.
I think I just threw up a little.
What are your Sue names?(^_^)/ -
ellipses... by
on 2014-05-07 22:19:00 UTC
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I got Kallista Dove Brightsoul. Please, kill me.
Off Topic by
on 2014-05-02 03:53:00 UTC
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Speaking of Mary Sues, does anyone know a good Walking Dead Mary Sue?
As a Sue... by
on 2014-05-01 18:20:00 UTC
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Raven Trixie Potter is about as stereotypical as one can get. Bone thin, named after her inevitable "raven hair" but lumbered with Trixie as a real name by her totally abusive parents who don't give her exactly what she wants and are therefore literally Satan.
I await her incineration via Hermione with great anticipation. =] -
Re: You are a Sue. by
on 2014-05-01 01:34:00 UTC
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Raven Blossom Fairheart
Esmeralda Wildsong... by
on 2014-04-30 04:18:00 UTC
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Sounds vaguely interesting, actually. Maybe I can charm animals into doing my bidding with my voice and/or hypnotic dance skills? (Seriously, Disney!Esmeralda was a good dancer.)
I could be from any fantasy continuum! That's the best part! I probably wouldn't be a luster, though; not too many fictional crushes. I think I'd be more of a "Best Friend Sue". You know, the kind that always gets to be bestest buddies with the author's favorite no matter what? -
A Badfic Summary by
on 2014-04-29 23:35:00 UTC
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Based on names I got from the list.Wish me luck
Nyx Butterfly of Rohan was going to marry her tue luv Legolas, win he waz KIDNAPED by that bitch Arwin!!!. Now she must go on a quest with her BFFs Artemis Ringbearer and Sapphire Swiftblade because their twue luffs Draco and Wolverine were KIDNAPED two!!. They also meet a wise wizard named Raven Fairheart who gives them awesome magical powerz. She then tellz tim to go meat her friends Kyrstal Malfoy and Esmrelda Wildsong whoze boy friends were kinapped tooo! PLEAZE REVEIW
I'm not going to lie, that was fun.
Also I've noticed that the list repeated the name Sapphire. Can we change that to Sakura, or maybe Hikari? I've seen that name a lot in bad anime fan fiction.
A Badfic Summary by
on 2014-04-29 23:35:00 UTC
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Based on names I got from the list.Wish me luck
Nyx Butterfly of Rohan was going to marry her tue luv Legolas, win he waz KIDNAPED by that bitch Arwin!!!. Now she must go on a quest with her BFFs Artemis Ringbearer and Sapphire Swiftblade because their twue luffs Draco and Wolverine were KIDNAPED two!!. They also meet a wise wizard named Raven Fairheart who gives them awesome magical powerz. She then tellz tim to go meat her friends Kyrstal Malfoy and Esmrelda Wildsong whoze boy friends were kinapped tooo! PLEAZE REVEIW
I'm not going to lie, that was fun.
Also I've noticed that the list repeated the name Sapphire. Can we change that to Sakura, or maybe Hikari? I've seen that name a lot in bad anime fan fiction. -
Oops, did it really? by
on 2014-04-29 23:53:00 UTC
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Feel free to change one of the Sapphires. I wanted to include some Japanese names, but I'd probably end up inadvertently insulting people. >D
Also, I was giggling so hard at that passage... thing... I almost sprayed milk out of my nose. Ow. -
So many people are getting the name Krystal! Including me. by
on 2014-04-29 23:10:00 UTC
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Since the surname is Potter, I will recast my Stu self as Dreaded Master Potter the Undying. He will insist to all of his mind-controlled underlings that "Master" is his real first name, and thus they should refer to him as such both in the formal and casual senses, though deep in their minds, buried somewhere in the vestigial portion of themselves that still experiences free will even under the unending torrent of Aura of Smooth, every one of them will doubt him. Some will even laugh. Well, laugh as best they can with the mind-clamp that prevents them from making fun of him in place. I imagine Krystal Potter would have a number of issues about mockery of his name, so that clamp would be the first thing he patches into his mind-control field.
This is pretty cool by
on 2014-04-29 21:42:00 UTC
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Huh. I am Sapphire Ivy Fairheart. I will laugh out loud now. Ha, ha, ha! XD.
Where did you find this again? -
I made it. (nm) by
on 2014-04-29 21:49:00 UTC
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Oh. by
on 2014-04-29 21:52:00 UTC
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Oh, that's great! Good job with it.
How did you make it? I mean, obviously you did some research and stuff.
But this is very interesting. High five to you. (sends air five) -
Thanks! *returns air high five* by
on 2014-04-29 23:57:00 UTC
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I just picked names of Sues I've seen out of my brain. Arianna and Raven and Seraphina are fairly common names, as are things like gemstones and nature.
I did swap some of the names around (like I had Malfoy, Potter and Dumbledore all close to each other at first, but I wanted to space them out a bit) but mostly I went down the list, putting in the first Sueish name that came to mind. -
Cool! by
on 2014-04-30 00:06:00 UTC
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It doesn't sound too hard. Obviously, to make one of these, time and effort need to go into this to make it perfect, but...
Anyway, good job.
You work with Mary Sues much? -
I've read quite a bit... by
on 2014-04-30 00:36:00 UTC
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But the only mission I've completed so far is the one involving Ordellya Dumbledore. Still, Randa and I are working on a Twilight Princess mission right now and World-Jumper and I are working on an MLP mission. S'fine stuff.
There are a few other fics I'm thinking about for the future, but there's only the two to occupy me now.
If you want, when you get Permission, your primary agent can be shoved on a mission with Rina. Give you a chance to learn the ropes and all. Randa and I won't be in contact forever, so I'm going to need another agent, but maybe between Randa leaving and Rina getting her new partner... ^_- -
Something to think about by
on 2014-04-30 00:49:00 UTC
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I'll take your offer under consideration. Of course, I need to pick out which of my Agents in my list are the central one, and I'll need to choose which ones will die, and when, but after that, and I get permission, we can see about collaborating, sure.
Do you have an account on the PPC wiki page? I might have an easier time contacting you through there. I still haven't mastered the Board yet. -
RinaAndRanda. It's my old Board name. by
on 2014-04-30 02:26:00 UTC
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And nothing says you need a central agent, I'm just planning on having Rina be my constant.
Yeah.. by
on 2014-04-30 02:43:00 UTC
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I know. But still, I like to have a certain amount of focus on one character and develope them a little bit more than I would the others.
on 2014-04-29 20:45:00 UTC
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You will now make a list for the Gary Stus. This is embarrassing. >:(
You think that's bad? by
on 2014-04-29 20:58:00 UTC
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I have a friend whose mother's name is Alicia Ann Anthony Allan.
So that would make her Krystal Krystal Baggins Baggins.
I wish I knew her birth month so I could throw that in, too. :P -
Ouch. Have some (nm) (nm) by
on 2014-04-30 20:43:00 UTC
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Serenity Brooke Brightsoul. by
on 2014-04-29 17:31:00 UTC
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Except I'm a guy, so... actually, no, that makes it even better.
Let's make that Gary Stu list. {= ) by
on 2014-04-29 16:38:00 UTC
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But first, my Sue name: Felina Silver the Light. Could also claim "of Rohan" if I wanted to use my maiden name.
So, Gary Stus. In my observations, Stus tend not to have overly flowery names. The name might make a statement about who they are, what they're about, etc., and they might use a code-name instead of their real name, and they might steal the name of a cool canon character; but otherwise any suitably tough-sounding guy name will do. Here are some I've thought of or lifted from the Slain Mary Sues category:
1. Shadow
2. Blade
3. Jack
4. John
5. Viper
6. Steel
7. Blaze
8. Spike
9. Angel
10. Matrix
11. Mace
12. Ronin
Last names will probably be descriptive, stolen, or not exist at all, because one-word names are badass. You could also forgo a first name and just pick one of these. Here are some ideas:
1. (too cool for a last name)
2. the Wolf
3. Silverblade
4. the Hedgehog
5. Freeman
6. 3000
7. Black Death [yes, I have actually seen this]
8. Skywalker
9. X
10. (way too cool for a last name)
11. the Wanderer
12. the Gunslinger
Middle names... eh, not likely. So, what other Stuish first and last names can we come up with?
~Neshomeh -
You are a Gary Stu by
on 2014-04-30 16:33:00 UTC
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Complete list is here! Same rules apply: go by the first letter of your first name and the first letter of your last name for your Stu first and last name. Then, if you want, use your birth month to get an *awsum* title.
Letter - First name / Last name
A - Blade / (too cool for a last name)
B - Spike / 3000
C - Jack / Silverblade
D - Steel / the Hedgehog
E - Matrix / Freeman
F - Adonis / Strife
G - Hawk / Nightstalker
H - Shade / Cullen
I - Jet / Blood
J - Shadow / (way too cool for a last name)
K - John / Black Death
L - Angel / Skywalker
M - Maverick / the Wanderer
N - Ace / Greystorm
O - Xerxes / the Assassin
P - Falcon / Starkiller
Q - Brock / 117
R - Ronin / (the) Wolf
S - Mace / X
T - Blaze / the Gunslinger
U - Leroy / Jenkins
V - Lance / Stark
W - Hiro / Deathstrike
X - Sephiroth / Holmes
Y - Stryker / Dragonborn
Z - Drake / Demonslayer
Month - Title
January - Captain
February - Commander
March - Darth
April - Master
May - Special Agent
June - Lord ("Dark" optional)
July - Consulting Detective
August - Sir
September - Dread Pirate
October - Sergeant
November - Baron (If you get this, you may also use "von" before your last name. Replace "the" if necessary.)
December - Lieutenant Commander
I'm Lord Matrix the Wolf. Went with my maiden name this time. *g*
~Neshomeh -
(O.o) by
on 2014-05-07 22:37:00 UTC
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For my Sue name, I got Kallista Dove Brightsoul.
For my Stu name (hooray for gender accuracy!) I am Dread Pirate Jet Starkiller. Also... The Hedgehog... 117... SKYWALKER... Remind me to kill any Stus I find. -
Master Mace Blood by
on 2014-05-02 11:36:00 UTC
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Which doesn't sound *awsum* enough to me, so I think I'll tweak it slightly to 'Master of the Bloody Mace' :)
Lt. Cdr. Mace Silverblade reporting for duty! by
on 2014-05-02 04:20:00 UTC
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"Mace Silverblade." Sounds either like a Jedi or some kind of weapons expert.
But that "Lt." part is pretty interesting, especially given that my favorite Pokémon move is Zap Cannon! (A virtual cookie to anyone who can figure out the connection.) -
I know! by
on 2014-05-02 12:36:00 UTC
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The Lightning American Lieutenant Surge, electric Gym Leader of the Kanto region. Cookie, please!
*gives cookie* (nm) by
on 2014-05-02 17:43:00 UTC
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*noms cookie* Yummy. Thanks! (nm) by
on 2014-05-02 19:36:00 UTC
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on 2014-05-02 04:10:00 UTC
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Not too bad a name actually.
Captain Steel Blackdeath will crush you! by
on 2014-05-01 09:18:00 UTC
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Yes, liberties have been taken with the naming scheme - but Captain Steel Blackdeath scorns your feeble protestations! He also scorns not writing his name in bold.
And of course, this calls for a summary of the greatest story ever (not) told!
Captain Steel Blackdeath has spent his life crushing in the service of Steve Rugged, Space Commander. Now, unexpectedly, he finds himself stranded in an unfamiliar world - one where crushing is not an option. Will he survive? Will he prosper? And will he find love in the arms of the innocent maid, Aurora Ivy Malfoy?
(There's definitely room for a 'love that crushes like a mace' joke in there somewhere, but I just can't find it. :()hSCaptain Steel Blackdeath -
Wait, wait, wait... by
on 2014-05-02 04:16:00 UTC
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*decodes Stu name*
You have the same initials IRL as Donkey Kong? Oh, the comedic possibilities! -
More Dorling Kindersley than Donkey Kong. ;) (nm) by
on 2014-05-02 10:27:00 UTC
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I'd be Special Agent Maverick 3000. Oookay... (nm) by
on 2014-05-01 04:16:00 UTC
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Re: You are a Gary Stu by
on 2014-05-01 01:36:00 UTC
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Jack Special Agent 3000
Darth Maverick Silverblade. by
on 2014-05-01 00:02:00 UTC
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I kinda wanted Dread Pirate John Freeman... oh well.
OkayÂ… retry. by
on 2014-04-30 20:43:00 UTC
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Now I'm Sir Ace. That's it. I never thought I was too cool to have a last name before…
I think I'll just stick with my Fanfiction.net pen name: THE DARK LORD DUROTH.
Mwahahahaha. -
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? by
on 2014-04-30 19:10:00 UTC
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So my name would be Special Agent Mace Matrix the Wolf. (Month, first, middle, last)
Mace Matrix... I'm kind of digging it. Especially the Special Agent' bit.
I'm starting to get an idea for Rina's eventual second partner. Reformed Stu named, of course, Mace Matrix. (Nobody said he had to lose his fondness for weird names.)
Rina would be Special Agent Ronan Matrix the Hedgehog, and Iximaz is Jet.
Maybe Jet Matrix? ...nah, it doesn't have the same ring to it.
(Also: Cullen?!) -
The people wished it. {= ) by
on 2014-04-30 20:01:00 UTC
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I wasn't planning to come up with 90% of it myself when I started, but I figured if I waited any longer for suggestions, the thread would fall from notice. Also, I'm getting on a bus in a few hours to go see my brother graduate from college.
Y'know, I didn't play with my agent names before...
Jennifer Robinson - Serenity of Rohan / Shadow the Wolf
Supernumerary (let's pretend his initials are S.N.) - Baron Mace von Greystorm (okay, that's kind of awesome) / Esmeralda Trixie Evenstar
Ilraen-Aroline-Fothergill - Jet "Blade" Strife / Kallista "Krystal" Greenleaf
Derik - Steel / Aurora
Gall Bonecrusher - Hunter Fairheart / Hawk 3000
'Scuse, gonna go laugh my butt off now. {X D
~Neshomeh -
Hawk 3000. That is the best. (nm) by
on 2014-04-30 23:51:00 UTC
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Behold, Hawk 3000! by
on 2014-05-01 07:50:00 UTC
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No, it's not mine. It's from somebody on some Guild Wars 2 forum.
But now, it's the Hawk 3000! -
Y'know, I've been to the Hawk 3000. by
on 2014-05-01 18:22:00 UTC
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Not much has changed, but we live underwater.
Are its eyes red because it's about to use its heat vision? by
on 2014-05-01 08:12:00 UTC
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Because if so, I think it might be worthy of carrying the Hawk 3000 name. If not, the best it'll probably be able to get is somewhere along the lines of Hawk 2400, especially since its wings appear to be attached to its tail by one of those flight feathers/batlike finger extensions. That's going to play havoc with its ability to alter its own lift/drag ratio.
Behold, Hawk 3000! by
on 2014-05-01 07:50:00 UTC
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No, it's not mine. It's from somebody on some Guild Wars 2 forum.
But now, it's the Hawk 3000! -
Right behind you. by
on 2014-04-30 22:42:00 UTC
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Seriously, imagining the agents running into their Sue'd and/or Stu'd versions of themselves is funny enough as it is- but Nume meeting Esmeralda Trixie Evenstar? *dies*
I wasn't expecting this to become so popular! It was just a derpy idea that plopped into my head while one of my friends was showing me some Moon Moon memes.
Also, congrats to your brother! Give him a hug/high five from me and tell him it's from a random person you met on the internet who is friendly to everyone as long as face-to-face encounters aren't necessary. (Because in that case I just kind of clam up and want people to stop judging me.) -
And there you have it. by
on 2014-05-01 05:51:00 UTC
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A perfect RP subject: agents meeting their Suvian counterparts during some strange wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey event.
And I am Sergean Mace Nightstalker. by
on 2014-04-30 18:45:00 UTC
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... And the scary thing is, Desdendelle was already calling me "Sarge" before...
Commander Blaze X! by
on 2014-04-30 18:35:00 UTC
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Fun fact: Blaze X is an Irish rock band from the 80s. I did not know that until on a whim I decided to search Blaze X. Interesting.
Also, since we are talking about Gary Stus, I thought I'd drop the names of Marvin and Printworthy's EPC counterparts.
Printworthy: Typeface
Marvin: Major Admiral Reginald Von Ictor the Ninth. -
Ahem, if this "Von" is meant to be by
on 2014-05-03 22:13:00 UTC
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the German preposition (which would translate to Reginald of Ictor the Ninth), it shouldn’t be capitalized.
Baron Shadow Shade von Nightstalker (probably the First and Only, using my real and fictional first names). -
Wait a sec... by
on 2014-05-04 23:03:00 UTC
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Two questions:
1) Are you for real? Either "Shadow" or "Shade" is your first name? That would be cool if it's true!
Let me guess, though: if that's indeed the case, your name is actually a German word that happens to translate to one of those two words, right?
2) Are you really German? I ask because I'm curious (and if you are as well, there's actually a thread from less than a year ago where I ask about people's ethnicities). -
Perhaps, But Capitals Look Cool. by
on 2014-05-03 23:51:00 UTC
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Besides, This Is A Stu We're Talking About. He Does Not Care For Your Grammar Rules.
You Know, I Feel Like This Is Some Homestuck Troll's Quirk. Darned If I Knew Who's Though. I Don't Read Homestuck, So How Should I Know? -
That's Kanaya Maryam's typing quirk! by
on 2014-05-04 09:34:00 UTC
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Although she colours her text emerald green-ish and forgoes punctuation. For reference, Outhra can do a great Kanaya impression.
Ah, my German pedantry took over again. by
on 2014-05-04 07:52:00 UTC
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Of course a Stu doesn’t care.
EPC? (nm) by
on 2014-05-02 04:07:00 UTC
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The Enforcers of the Plot Continuum by
on 2014-05-02 22:19:00 UTC
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Basically the PPC's evil twin.
Darth Maverick the Wanderer (nm) by
on 2014-04-30 16:59:00 UTC
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Steel 3000? (nm) by
on 2014-04-30 01:37:00 UTC
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It could happen. by
on 2014-04-30 04:22:00 UTC
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I'm working on assembling a full list that will work basically the same way as Iximaz's Sue-name list. Then you can see what you'll actually get. {= )
As of right now, I still need five more first names and five more last names. Suggestions appreciated!
~Neshomeh -
Anybody with the name Steel instantly gets a donut. by
on 2014-04-30 01:53:00 UTC
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Because, you know. Donut Steel.
- Obligatory by on 2014-04-30 11:08:00 UTC Link to this
Oh. UmÂ… I just protested the absence of this list. by
on 2014-04-29 20:49:00 UTC
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I feel ridiculous instead of embarrassed now. Somebody please put me out of my misery.
But as a Stu, I'm nobody on this list. Shade Sunhunter is me. Harharhar… Jade Wildsong Baggins… *gurgles in unfathomable rage and desperation* -
Oh... um.... by
on 2014-04-29 18:56:00 UTC
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*checks list* Well, darn.
*checks list* Nah, you've got Shadow.
*checks list* Yay!
First names: Ace, Hawk, Stryker, Drake
Last names: Greystorm, Demonslayer
I'm stuck now. :/ -
Oh, maybe instead of a middle name, you get a title! by
on 2014-04-29 16:51:00 UTC
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January - Captain
February - Commander
March - Special Agent
April - Darth
~Neshomeh -
Stu names by
on 2014-04-29 16:49:00 UTC
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'Darth' for a first name would be... Interesting... *random Stu charges up* 'I'm Darth Shadowblade!'
Welcome to the Force.
By the way... Do I see some Buffy the Vampire Slayer in there? :o -
You do! by
on 2014-04-29 16:55:00 UTC
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I hesitated about throwing Spike and Angel on there, but Spike definitely had to be there, and I figured Angel would be good for those obnoxiously self-righteous Stus. *g*
You may be interested to know, the "Black Death" second name comes from "Liam Black Death son of Angel and Buffy The Shadow Slayer." {X P I might kill that one, but I haven't decided yet.
... Heh. Just imagine if you got "Blade Shadowblade," "Blade Silverblade," or "Shadow Shadowblade."
~Neshomeh -
That link just goes back to the Board. by
on 2014-04-29 23:01:00 UTC
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I assume it was supposed to lead here?
Wut. by
on 2014-04-29 23:11:00 UTC
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... So it does. Damn. O.o
And yes, that is the correct link. Thanks!
~Neshomeh, who should maybe consider not driving or operating heavy machinery if she can't catch a mistake like that. >.
Wut. by
on 2014-04-29 23:11:00 UTC
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... So it does. Damn. O.o
And yes, that is the correct link. Thanks!
~Neshomeh, who should maybe consider not driving or operating heavy machinery if she can't catch a mistake like that. >.
Esmeralda Tianna Hawke by
on 2014-04-29 16:03:00 UTC
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Or that's what it would be if I was a Sue. According to a random online Gary Stu name generator my name is more accurately Cameron Dalziel Haviland.
Sapphire Butterfly Tyler by
on 2014-04-29 07:57:00 UTC
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Wow. Sapphire Butterfly. That's not too bad of a pony mane actually. Perhaps a breezie name? Would make for a good Parody Pony Sue at least.
Now, as a guy, I have to choose a Gary Stu name. How about... Sanguis Valentulus. That's Latin for "Carnage McStrongguy." Roughly translated. -
Heh. Nice Stu name. by
on 2014-04-29 08:01:00 UTC
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I think it might've been covered in this MST3K vid, but I'm not sure.
Krystal Soul Malfoy by
on 2014-04-29 07:38:00 UTC
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Do I get extra points if my real name is Arianna?
(The first time I told hS, he said: That's a Sue name. And Reader, I still married him) -
Sure, you can have bonus points. ;) by
on 2014-04-29 11:58:00 UTC
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I have nothing against the name Arianna, but I see it used so many times for Sues it's not even funny anymore.
(If you don't mind me asking, did you and hS meet through the PPC?) -
Yeah, it totally is a Sue name. by
on 2014-04-29 13:23:00 UTC
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I've lost track of how many fictional Ariannas are princesses with unicorns.
We did meet through the PPC. Take a moment to imagine how we stumble when normal people ask how we met . . . -
This sounds interesting... by
on 2014-04-30 03:29:00 UTC
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Wait a sec. How did you two meet, anyway? I'm guessing that in a Board full of (mainly) Americans, two Brits would stick out, but now I'm curious. If you don't mind telling, how did you end up together?
Not quite that simple . . . by
on 2014-04-30 10:19:00 UTC
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I'm actually American, I moved to the UK after we got married.
As for how we got together . . . this was before Facebook was even launched, let alone open to the public. It was all the way back in the dark age where people used chat programmes (I think we started on MSN Messenger, LOL forever). After we'd had a few conversations on the Board, I added hS to my contacts. And we talked A LOT. At one point I had literally thousands and thousands and thousands of pages in my transcripts file.
We didn't actually meet until a few years later; he visited me in the US after I turned eighteen. And then we got married a few months after that. And then a few months after that I made the leap over the pond. And now here we are -- old, married and boring. Let this stand as a warning to all. ;)
Iximaz, my parents did flip out. It's entirely possible that they're still gently rotating through the air, in fact. Bless them.
(Uh, I should probably put a responsible-adult disclaimer for any teenagers reading: always be careful who you meet from the internet, do your best to weed out any axe-murderering truck drivers, take your parents along. Not everyone is who they claim to be, and even if they're telling the truth they might not be safe people. There has definitely been at least one predator on the PPC. He's not been a PPCer for years, but he did lasting harm to quite a few girls before he left.
There we go, that was my stab at responsible adulthood for the day. Didn't like the taste of that at all) -
*laughing* by
on 2014-04-29 16:43:00 UTC
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"So how did you two meet?"
"We met online."
"Oh, like a dating website?"
"No, actually. We're both part of an online community dedicated to killing had fanfiction."
*slowly backs away*
My mom would flip out if that was me. ;) -
Jade Silver Krystal. by
on 2014-04-29 07:16:00 UTC
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Or alternately;
Jade Silver Baggins
Evenstar Silver Baggins
Evenstar Silver Krystal.
Ew. -
Arianna Raven Blossom. by
on 2014-04-29 06:01:00 UTC
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...but since I'm a dude, I prefer the name "Brad Thunderbiceps". -
Arianna Raven Blossom. by
on 2014-04-29 06:01:00 UTC
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...but since I'm a dude, I prefer the name "Brad Thunderbiceps". -
Krystal Silver Baggins... by
on 2014-04-29 04:17:00 UTC
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Oh dear God... This is just... My Goodness... -
Serenity Heather Greenleaf. I'm... terrified. by
on 2014-04-29 04:02:00 UTC
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That brings me to an interesting anecdote, though: there's a girl at my school whose last name is Greenleaf; she's in the Shakespeare Society and, when we were getting to know the Shakers her fun fact was that she was related to Legolas.
Might explain why I didn't get into the society... -
...Jade Heather Greenleaf? by
on 2014-04-29 03:50:00 UTC
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*winces* Ouuuuuch.
But no, why stop there? I have middle names! And Sues are famous for having many. Now, let's see...
Jade Aurora Felina Heather Greenleaf. Yup. Totally me. But, hey, why not add in what I get from DawnFire? I've already got Aurora, but not Odette...so that makes me Jade Aurora Felina Heather Odette Greenleaf.
...hold on, let's make that more speshul :D
*~**~Jade Aurora Felina Heather Odette Greenleaf*~*~~
I'd add colors, too, but I can't bring myself to spend the time finding the code and then fussing with it :D
So. From this name...I'm related to Legolas, can turn into a cat (or else am some sort of catgirl--catelleth?), think I'm a swan, and probably have green eyes and wear a lot of heather-colored--y'know what, I probably wear a feminine version of Legolas' movie outfit. Oh, and odds are I either think I'm Sleeping Beauty or some sort of goddess of dawn--
...Karen, if you're reading this, I want answers.
I'm also beginning to want to draw my Sue-self. Oh dear.
Also, Brenda Loringham would be Sapphire Harkness. This amuses me quite a bit. Funnily enough, her partner, Charlie Shoe, would be Raven Tyler. I guess I chose good names for them!
Y'know what (can you tell I love these things?), I'm just going to do this for all my female agents. Sounds like fun.
Dawn McKenna...Aurora Way
T'ar...Sapphire, or Sapphire Daphne
The Reader...Artemis
And some kids:
Ruby Angharad Sato...Artemis Krystal Tyler
Seren Keladry Sato...Esmeralda Nyx Tyler
...nope, I prefer their real names.
And, because why not:
Jay Thorntree...Serenity Ringbearer
Acacia Byrd...Krystal Fairheart
...anyone for a rewrite of the Original Series (or other stories) with Sue names? :D
~DF -
Maybe by
on 2014-04-29 20:24:00 UTC
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Only if you're having more success than me reconciling Jay and Acacia with the names "Serenity" and "Fairheart," respectively. Also,
*~**~Jade Aurora Felina Heather Odette Greenleaf*~*~~
I'd have done brighter colors, but apparently the Board doesn't take rgb values. :( -
Ooh! by
on 2014-04-29 12:15:00 UTC
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Esmeralda Felina Kallista Artemis Glimmer Swiftblade of Rohan.
Me+Rina+Iximaz= all of my what.
*~*~*~Esmeralda Felina Kallista Artemis Glimmer Swiftblade of Rohan~*~*~*
...WAIT. Luxury would be Ordellya?! *vomits* Randa drew a me/Ordellya Dumbledore comic as an April Fool's joke. Needless to say, I was Not Amused.
It seems oddly fitting that Jay's Suername would be Ringbearer. :D
Perhaps if TOS was rewritten as Sue agents, they'd go into stories and kill normal OCs? ...but then they wouldn't have much to do... -
Ordellya Glimmer Granger (nm) by
on 2014-04-29 02:43:00 UTC
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Arianna Glimmer Fairheart by
on 2014-04-29 02:24:00 UTC
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I actually sorta like the name Fairheart as a last name. It would be especially ironic on a selfish, stuck-up nobleperson. *ideas*
It's sort of pretty in general, though. Just put something ordinary before it.
And ooh, Iximaz, your birthday's two days before mine!)
-Aila -
Oh gosh. by
on 2014-04-29 02:18:00 UTC
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I (sort of) share my first name - Raven - with My Immortals, and my last name - Swanne - with Bella Swan. Not good.
Full name - Raven Trixie Swanne.
I hate it. -
Interesting Name by
on 2014-04-28 22:54:00 UTC
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Interesting because it is mine! Well, almost, but if I'm a Sue, then I'm allowed to say that only being sort of right is the same as being totally correct! There's only room for one Esmeralda Glimmer around here.
Esmerelda Blossom Malfoy by
on 2014-04-28 22:52:00 UTC
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I love how most of these last names are actual last names from canons. That's awesome. This is cool! Out of curiosity, can I spell it "Esmyredla?"
I now feel the need to point out that I was joking about that. Just in case it was misleading. Also that I have nothing against any real people who might happen to be named Esmyrelda. (I don't think there is.)
And happy birthday! I see that's coming up. -
Not until May 12th, but thanks ;) (nm) by
on 2014-04-28 23:53:00 UTC
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A Question by
on 2014-04-29 17:38:00 UTC
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Is the board acting up for anyone else? It's loading extremely slowly for me, and it looks weird.
Off Topic by
on 2014-04-29 23:29:00 UTC
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Can I ask something about the PPC wiki page? Oh well, I'll ask anyway.
The Unclaimed Badfic page has been locked so I can't edit it and move the stories I want to plan for into the Claimed Badfic list.
I have a short list that I would like to do. Is there anyone on this Board who has an account that is not locked who could perhaps move then for me, or who knows how I can get it unlocked for my own account? -
Another Question About the Wiki Page by
on 2014-04-30 00:25:00 UTC
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Also, is it okay if I start creating a page on the Wiki about Imaginations Collide? Obviously, I won't mention more than I already have on this board, but still, it doesn't have much to do with the PPC, except that my series and the PPC will coexist.
I'm not sure if I should go with it or not. Probably no, but what are your thoughts? -
I'm gonna go with no by
on 2014-04-30 01:56:00 UTC
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Imaginations Collide does not belong on the wiki. For several reasons.
1) It doesn't even exist yet.
2) Even if IC existed, your PPC writing doesn't exist yet.
3) This means that any link between the two doesn't exist yet.
Until all three of those things change, there is no reason to make a page. Even that blog post on the wiki where you are going to document your progress on "creating cohesion and coexistence" between the PPC and Imaginations Collide is really very far ahead of what you should be worrying about.
Slow down. You can't create cohesion and coexistence until there are things in existence.
-Phobos -
Okay, then by
on 2014-04-30 02:01:00 UTC
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I had a feeling that it wasn't.
I can't help it sometimes if I get ahead of myself or overachieve. I'm an ambitious person, it's part of who I am. You know how it is, right?
Oh, and I think I'll leave the blog post up anyway, so that I can save it for later. The website doesn't take down blog posts that have been inactive for a little while, does it? -
... well, it's a blog. by
on 2014-04-30 07:00:00 UTC
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It would be fairly ridiculous for the Wiki to delete parts of what's supposed to be a permanent record.
Also, while I'm here... why exactly are you running around the Wiki making... fairly pointless minor edits? There's no functional difference between 'a position actually held by [[Hornbeam]] the Ironwood' and 'a position that is actually held by [[Hornbeam]] the Ironwood', and you've been doing a heck of a lot of those. I'm curious: is there an actual reason, or just general excitement?
hS -
Well, yes and no by
on 2014-04-30 14:25:00 UTC
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General excitement? A little bit. But mostly, it has to do with me trying to earn the fun little badges.
I was afraid of that. by
on 2014-04-30 14:31:00 UTC
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I'm all for people trying to get the badges - I actually added the Agent and Flower ones myself - but editing purely for the sake of editing... isn't a terribly good idea. It clogs up the 'recent changes' page, for one thing, and it's also... well, basically a waste of time.
Which isn't to say you can't do something. Ekyl and Neshomeh both have their current 'projects' - Nesh is trying to eliminate useless redirects, Ekyl is (among other things) changing all references to 'Crashing Down' to be descriptive. I'm just starting my Great Readthrough, which involves adding references to all the articles relevant to my stories.
So if you want to do a lot of editing, I'd suggest finding something like that. Going through Agent pages and adding the tag for no stories, say, or the Reference Needed tag (though don't go wild with that). If you're comfortable with how to enter references, picking a PPC series you enjoy reading and starting your own Great Readthrough would be a brilliant move, too - it involves nothing more than reading each story, noting down each fact that should be on the Wiki, then checking if they are, and adding (if necessary) and referencing them. Refs aren't very hard to do, either.
But just going through and adding 'is' or whatever where it's not really needed? I wouldn't recommend it. In fact, I'd do the opposite.
hS -
Addendum. by
on 2014-04-30 19:51:00 UTC
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Doing something like monitoring the badfic pages and bumping stuff to their correct places (removing already-missioned badfics from Unclaimed, cleaning up old claims, etc) is also useful, I think.
Addendum? Damn near killed 'em! (nm) by
on 2014-05-01 07:41:00 UTC
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Seconding. by
on 2014-04-30 15:43:00 UTC
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I was going to bring this up myself—I was pretty sure I detected a badge-related pattern. {= /
Also, FYI, it's generally not kosher to tinker with the content of other people's agent pages at all unless you're fixing actual problems like missing/broken links, SPaG errors, or wiki style inconsistencies. Editing purely to change a choice of wording, like what hS pointed out a couple posts up, is not even done in professional editing.
~Neshomeh -
Speaking of agent pages. by
on 2014-04-30 16:19:00 UTC
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(And now I really want to know why my computer wanted to autofill that as 'Speaking of Eol.')
In the course of the Great Readthrough, I expect I'll run into other people's agents. Actually, I know for a fact that I'll meet Agent Neshomeh, though it'll be a long time before I do. When that happens, what edits are acceptable to make on her page? Can I add references? What if (to make up an example that probably doesn't apply here) I have a cowritten story with a description of someone who doesn't have a description on the Wiki?
I'm at two advantages here - I know who is and isn't still around, and I've 'adopted' most of the agents in my works who aren't my own anyway. But:
Lacksidacksical: Wow, I got to co-write a mission with Oaken! *starstruck* I'll just add it to the wiki... oh, hey, Oaken wrote that Morrigan has exactly the same colour eyes as my Remora! I'll add that too!
Wiki article on Agent Morrigan: Morrigan's eyes are exactly the same colour as Agent Remora's.[3]
Summertide: Lacksidacksical! You villainous fiend! How dare you edit Oaken's agent's article! You are now banned from the Wiki!
Lacksidacksical: Wha- buh- I- wha'?
(... we should never have made Summertide an admin. She gets way too angry about things)
You see my point. Poor, hapless Lacksi is just adding information written by Oaken herself, specifically sourced - but is she allowed to do so? What about if 464646 reads their mission and tries to add that snippet? Will Summertide ban her too? Will OlderThanThou have to revoke Summertide's admin privileges? Find out next week on- no, sorry, scratch that last.
(And the Hypothetical Boarders get another outing. Someday I may have to write a Hypothetical Mission with Remora, Morrigan, and Carpace...)
hS -
It's highly circumstance-dependent. by
on 2014-04-30 17:01:00 UTC
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In this case, I'm not really sure why you'd need to edit Agent Neshomeh's page, since I've already got a link to "Brown DragonRider" on there and I've said as much as I want to say about it.
I guess that's kinda how I feel about it in general—if Oaken doesn't see a need to include a comparison of the two characters' hair color on Morrigan's page, it's a bit presumptuous for Lacksi to second-guess him. However, Lacksi can write whatever she wants on Remora's page, so if she really wants to make that comparison, that's the place to do it. Lacksi can also contact Oaken directly and say "Hey, I noticed this thing and I think it's cool! Do you think it should go on your agent's page?"
As far as refs go, my basic assumption is that anything on an individual writer's agent page is sourced to the mission logs/appearances by default, so referencing isn't necessary unless it's something crazy out of left field (like what, I don't know). That said, adding links is good—just let the other guy do it for his own pages unless he's unwilling or unable.
When it comes to shared characters who've been passed around a lot, like Makes-Things and Lux, refs are a good idea so we can keep straight what came from where and can know at a glance that the "facts" about them haven't been invented on the fly.
As for inactive characters, fleshing out their pages is good, and "automatically sourced to the missions/appearances" still applies. You're restricted to what's actually on the page, so the articles may never be very long, but that's okay.
Does that cover it, and also make sense? These are just the conclusions I've come to playing it by ear all this time, so if we want to come up with some kind of codified guidelines that are different, I'm open to that. Historically, some people have gotten very tetchy about having their characters' pages messed with, but if we want to say "no, it's a wiki, everyone can edit everything equally and you can always change anything you don't like," that's not an invalid position. I don't think I'd advocate for it, but just putting it out there.
~Neshomeh -
Oaken's a girl. ;) by
on 2014-05-01 09:56:00 UTC
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I take your point. One final question - what about people who are absolutely active in the community, but just... don't edit the Wiki? Like, um, me, until recently. Should we be bugging them to do so? Doing it for them? Or letting their agents' pages stand at 'Cadeline Rho is an agent of the PPC.'?
hS -
Oh, whoops. ^. ^; by
on 2014-05-04 18:06:00 UTC
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That is a tricky question. I think it would be best if people took care of their own stuff or maybe designated a friend to do it, like I sort of look after Phobos' pages. Failing either... *shrug* I guess anybody can add to the Glossary, the Complete List, etc., so the characters/spin-off can at least be counted and accessed that way?
(Sorry for taking so long to respond; I had limited Internet access the last few days.)
~Neshomeh -
All right, a woman. She was a girl when she joined. (nm) by
on 2014-05-01 09:58:00 UTC
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Oh. by
on 2014-04-30 14:49:00 UTC
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Well, I wouldn’t have edited it that way if I didn't think it was correct, but I'll see about maybe doing that. I'd like to make the pages for my own stuff, but they don't exist yet.
I'll make the occasional minor change, but I'll tone it down. Boy Scout ' s honor. -
It always looks that way to me... (nm) by
on 2014-04-29 19:54:00 UTC
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Which may mean... by
on 2014-04-29 19:57:00 UTC
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... your system either blocks (or can't get to) Webs.com, or, possibly, there's something in the CSS that isn't compatible with your computer. Those are just guesses, though (and honestly you're not missing all that much... the links are meant to be red, there's slight, usually-unnoticable shading behind the threads, and you're meant to get grey highlights on new-posts-on-threads-over-a-day-old).
hS -
I know precisely what it was. by
on 2014-04-29 19:50:00 UTC
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For the past ~5 days, Webs.com - who host all my websites - have been suffering from a DDOS attack. They didn't go down, but their sites ran slowly enough that a slow internet connection will actually time out before it gets through. I can confirm this, because my sites didn't work at home (we're in a very slow area), but did work at work.
The CSS that defines the Board is stuck on one of my Webs sites. Every time you load the Board, it has to read from there. Which meant, sure enough, blue links at home, and red at work - and a delay on both as it tried to get through.
I can also confirm that, thank goodness, they fixed it (or... stopped being attacked, I guess). So we're back to normal.
(As to why the CSS is on my site? Simple - so I can muck about with it to do things like make the highlighting show up, or occasionally produce an April Fool's Day blackout...)
hS -
Aha! by
on 2014-04-29 20:42:00 UTC
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So that's why it loads stuff from the Twisted Skein... I was wondering why, to be honest.
Not now, but it has before. by
on 2014-04-29 18:05:00 UTC
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And it recently happened to Phobos at work, but not to me at home. I have no idea what the cause is, but it sorts itself out after a while.
~Neshomeh -
Bit of a hijack... by
on 2014-04-29 19:42:00 UTC
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For whatever bizarre reason, I can't get the confirmation email from Dreamwidth and it won't let me post a reply to Ilraen until I've gotten the email. Any idea why?
Never mind. (nm) by
on 2014-04-29 20:19:00 UTC
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Is That Not What It's Supposed to Look Like? by
on 2014-04-29 17:57:00 UTC
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It always looks like that for me. Now I'm kind of worried.
And now it works... by
on 2014-04-29 18:11:00 UTC
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Oddly enough, now it's back to normal. I have no idea what happened.
Department of Mary Sues- A few random question by
on 2014-04-29 22:19:00 UTC
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If I get permission to begin missions, I am thinking of going into the Department of Mary Sues. Why? Well, for two reasons. 1) I have had the misfortune of coming across (and quite possibly creating a few) Mary Sues during my fanfiction "career". 2) The flash badge for the Department of Mary Sues is a potted cactus, and I am from Texas where cactus is our native plany.
Before I start, however, I have a few questions to ask before I begin making plans.
1) When I create Agents, do I have to go into any great detail regarding where they came from? I have several possible Agents already planned out, and most of them come from fics with no names.
2) Are the Department of Mary Sues and the Department of Mary Sue Experimentation and Research known to work together? Because one of my ideas involves a member of the DMSEandR providing technical assistance and giving strategic advice, as well as analytical assistance into the mission's fic.
3) Another idea I have for an Agent for the DMS is a semi - reformed Mary Sue assassin. I want to satirize the concept of Mary Sues, and yet still make her a three dimensional character who can carry into the Imaginations Collide series I am working on.
So the question for point 3 is can I do that? Is it possible to make a Mary Sue be an obvious Mary Sue, and yet still make her a three dimensional character?
4) So torture is bad. Okay. But what about psychological torture? What about playing with the target's head, using what the Agents found out about them to manipulate the target Sue into accidentally killing herself? I'm sure the whole "Mary-Sue-accidentally-kills-herself" thing has been used before, but what if it were portrayed in a slightly darker way? Now, not too dark, obviously, but with a lean that is more toward the depravity of the author of the mission than is traditional?
Those are all my random questions for today. If anyone has answers to only some of these, go ahead and just focus on one. Whatever floats the boat best. Or, you could just go all out and answer them all.
Cheers! (As my Scottish grandmother says.) -
Answers. by
on 2014-04-29 23:16:00 UTC
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1) When I asked for Permission, I wrote about a hundred words about each of my agents - and since I got it I assume that's OK. Agents can come from pretty much everywhere.
2) AFAIK DMSE&R are more 'dissect those weird(er) Sues the Agents throw our way' and less mission control, but you can have a Voice With an Internet Connection - just have a character stay in the RC and communicate with the Agents somehow. There are other possibilities.
3) I think this answers the question pretty well.
4) Syllogism time!
  a) Torture is bad.
  b) Mental torture is a sort of torture.
  c) Mental torture is also bad. -
Thanks! by
on 2014-04-29 23:51:00 UTC
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1) So, the fics of origin don't have to actually exist, and I don't necessarily have to go into much detail about them? Okay, cool.
2) I'm sure I can think of something. What I have in mind as of yet is a scientist who had been in field work for many years who wants to find a way to break a Mary Sue and make them less "speshiul", or whatever the phrase is. He captures one and somehow successfully does this, but he can't remember how he did this. So he needs to find another test subject. Meanwhile, the Sue he had manages to turn has to be under constant monitoring. And since the scientist knows so much about Mary Sues, he provides Intel on the target via walkie talkie, or the RC communicator, or something like that.
3) Alright, sweet! Yeah!
4) Alright, then it will be more like pranks, or something more innocent like that. I'll come up with something. Something without any kind of torture. -
How to Annoy a Sue by
on 2014-04-30 03:39:00 UTC
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I recall that in the Original Series, Jay and Acacia put sharp things (e.g., pine needles) in Sues' sleeping bags and shoes. And I remember that for one particularly egregious DTE-killed Stu, an agent actually pelted him once or twice with stray punctuation.
*checks the story*
Oops, it was actually paper airplanes. -
Re: How to Annoy a Sue by
on 2014-04-30 08:48:00 UTC
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Actually, Cyba did throw a question-mark in his direction as well. However, she did it in part one (http://cyba-zero.livejournal.com/2108.html) of the mission - and missed.
Hmm... by
on 2014-04-30 03:49:00 UTC
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I'll keep these things in mind... And I'll read more of the original series. I only read a few of them.
Good advice. Thanks! -
You don't wanna torture a Sue. by
on 2014-04-30 05:05:00 UTC
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If you do, you give them the potential to angst, and that just makes them stronger. Bad idea!
It's entirely warranted to make them look utterly silly, especially when your agents are particularly annoyed and want revenge. That's the one thing they can't stand, you see--they need to be speshul and perfect and have the story revolve around them. Relegate them to comic relief, and your agents might get some much-needed laughter from the situation.
It's not a routine part of a mission, and agents aren't really supposed to interact with the Sue any more than they have to. Still, agents do a lot of things they aren't technically supposed to do--like taking photo albums full of shots of Rivendell, for example--and this is one of the more harmless things they might do. If, on occasion, an agent decides that a Sue's urple ball gown needs a few stinging nettles woven into it... well, the Flowers aren't going to bother with disciplining them for that. Agents need to let off steam once in a while.
It is a good idea to have your agents do more than just watch the fic and vomit at the appropriate moments. It's not an MST; it's a mission. Get the agents involved, play off the crazy in the fic, and turn it into a proper story. -
Thank you for the advice by
on 2014-04-30 14:28:00 UTC
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I appreciate the advice here. I'll be sure to keep it in mind. And I'll be sure to avoid the torture. That will be more for the darker parts of Imaginations Collide, which I may or may not have happen often, depending on the Mary Sue in question.
One last thing... by
on 2014-04-29 22:29:00 UTC
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I forgot to ask. Have there been any missions to My Immortal? I can't find them anywhere, so I am wondering if there have been any.
Recantation by
on 2014-04-29 22:33:00 UTC
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Oh, okay. So... I see that it has been claimed and a mission is forthcoming. So I take back what I said.
Newbie by
on 2014-04-30 02:01:00 UTC
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Hello loves. :) If it isn't obvious, this is my first time here. I go by The Baron (although my "full name" is Baron Hotschaft Von Hugenstein; Mortal Instruments fans may get the reference). The lovely Iximaz (whom I know in the real world) put in a good word about this new stretch of Internetdom and suggested I investigate--and, being both an avid fan and evader of fanfiction due to my zero-tolerance level of crappy writing, I thought I'd do so. :)
FANDOMS (in order of obsession): Doctor Who, Sherlock, The Mortal Instruments, The Fault in Our Stars (and other John Green tales), Supernatural, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Divergent, The Fantastic Foursome (and other big-name British YouTubers), The Most Popular Girls in School (also YouTube), and The Hunger Games.
I also enjoy writing original stories and songs, playing piano and guitar, avoiding eye contact with most people, collecting fandom-y pins for my pin hat, eating Oreo pudding, and sleeping.
Feel free to talk to me. :) -
on 2014-05-07 22:17:00 UTC
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Hi! I've heard of most of your fandoms, and am in some of them myself! Now, for your n00b gift, have a keychain-TARDIS! Also, have a coupon for a FREE custom gunblade, smithed by yours truly!
Hello there by
on 2014-05-02 11:26:00 UTC
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Hello there. Welcome to this madness. And have an Immortal Instrument, or at least a My Immortal Instrument: a the guitar that randomly changes into a whiny love-struck goffick boy.
Thanks! by
on 2014-05-02 23:28:00 UTC
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Thanks, it's what I've always wanted. *discreetly places guitar in the closet where it can't sing sweet nothings in my ear*
Well hello there! by
on 2014-05-02 04:24:00 UTC
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I'm 99Hedgehog but call me 99 for short. Here have a uh... um... gimmie a sec.
*crashing sounds*
Here it is! A set of Tau Recon armour and a Pulse Rifle, both from Warhammer 40,000!
The Emperor Protects! -
Thanks! by
on 2014-05-02 23:30:00 UTC
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COOL! *puts on armor and grabs pulse rifle* BRING IT
You, sir or ma'am, are cool. :D -
Sir. And thank you, you seem pretty cool too. (nm) by
on 2014-05-03 02:36:00 UTC
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Well hello there! by
on 2014-05-01 17:26:00 UTC
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Welcome to our humble Board. I'm World-Jumper, the guy co-writing a mission with Iximaz. I don't know if she's told you about me, but if she has, here I am!
I'm sorry it took me so long to get around to greeting you. Still, I think it is high time we roll out the Welcome Wagon!
Ah, a Percy Jackson fan! In which case, I give you a goblet from Camp Half-Blood! Yes, it still works. You can drink all of the assorted drinks you want! -
Thanks! And congratulations! by
on 2014-05-02 23:34:00 UTC
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Read the posts Iximaz added. Congratulations!
And thanks for the goblet. *fills it up with orange soda* -
Don't worry, I've told a bunch of my friends. by
on 2014-05-01 22:11:00 UTC
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*evil cackle*
By the way, congratulations on getting that job! I remember you posted a thing a while back asking people for questions about Alaska. I assume that was for the same job?
*offers a hug and a thermos of hot chocolate* Seriously, congrats! -
Oh boy. by
on 2014-05-02 01:31:00 UTC
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Let me state that what she has said about me is not true. Unless it is positive, in which case it is most certainly true!
Nope, different one. Before, I was trying to be a our guide on the Alaska Railroad. Unfortunately, there were 22 kids in the class, and 10 jobs. Yeah. Still, I like the job I have now. I mean, I haven't started work yet, but still, it seems awesome.
Thanks! And don't worry, I'll answer those questions very soon. I just need to get through tomorrow, then I'm home free. -
Warm hugs by
on 2014-05-01 04:34:00 UTC
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Please take this Nightcrawler Plushie and X-men Jacket
Thanks! by
on 2014-05-02 23:35:00 UTC
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Warm hugs to you as well. :) *hugs on plushie and puts on the jacket*
Uh oh. I foresee a power struggle in the land of Plort. by
on 2014-04-30 22:22:00 UTC
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Either that, or a series of confusing encounters between the Protectorate's own Barons and a citizen only named The Baron.
(If you have no idea what I'm talking about, the Permission Givers were named the Barons of a sort-of-medieval Internet country called the the Protectorate of Plort a while back as part of a Board-wide activity. If you already knew that, well, explaining things when there's potential for uncertainty is better than potentially leaving someone completely lost, right?)
Anyway, back to the welcome-to-the-Board message. Greetings and bienvenue, Baron Hugenstein! Have a celestial bronze magnifying glass! Sherlock himself would (probably) be (momentarily) impressed by so honed a detective tool! -
Thanks! by
on 2014-04-30 23:57:00 UTC
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I will use it to look monsters dead in the eye before I impale them with my Celestial-bronze killing machine. *puts on shades*
Ugh, links again. by
on 2014-04-30 22:28:00 UTC
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I thought I did everything I needed to do that time! I just don't know what went wrong.
All right, here's the Plort link in non-altered form. Hopefully it won't glitch out again for an even less palatable reason.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XFoRXDPMJ2HKR_HfxDl4ihYPNN1qvnjAj3fFVPWSb3c/pub -
Welcome, Baron Hotschaft Von Hugenstein! by
on 2014-04-30 20:38:00 UTC
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I hope I spelled all of that right. But who cares, right? Long German names are awesome.
Anywho, have a welcome Fluffy Velociraptor! And then I have an Elemental Time Squirrel. I'm not sure if you want this guy. Since my hair keeps catching on fire, I think he's shooting fireballs at me in the past. (Get over here, you stupid little- OW!)
Ouch. Welcome to the PPC. Beware the Malignant Architecture, and may the odds be ever in your favor. -
Thanks! by
on 2014-04-30 23:59:00 UTC
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Fluffy Velociraptors are awesome! I'll ride him into battle and call him Squeaky. :)
That Elemental Time Squirrel sounds like a tricky one. If you want, I can stea--ahem, *borrow* my friend's TARDIS and give him a stern talking-to. -
Hey! Hands off my TARDIS! (nm) by
on 2014-05-01 01:18:00 UTC
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This is the thug life I do what I want (nm) by
on 2014-05-01 02:41:00 UTC
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Oh hey, more Hunger Games fans! by
on 2014-04-30 13:29:00 UTC
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And oh my, is that a pianist I see there? Sweet! I'm a violist/composer IRL, so musicians are always awesome.
Welcome to the PPC, sir Baron! We love newbies here, so take your shoes off, and leave your sanity at the door!
As a welcome gift, have some music by Iannis Xenakis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLgDoyO74YA -
Thanks! by
on 2014-05-01 00:02:00 UTC
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Wow! I'm listening to this music now. It's very twisted and dark and macabre. It sounds like my theme tune. >:)
And if I may ask, how did you learn piano? I learned it a bit unconventionally; my teacher (bless him) teaches me using "tabs", like guitar players use. He says it's better for ear training (and he certainly isn't wrong). Do you play like that, or with sheet music? :) -
Well, again, I'm a violist/composer. by
on 2014-05-01 00:08:00 UTC
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I didn't start doing keyboard until it was absolutely necessary. In college. And even now, I still suck pretty bad at it.
But, since I started on violin and moved to viola, I play sheet music. Ear training isn't actually all that difficult, really, so I find it ludicrous that tablature teaching would somehow make it easier. -
Sheet music it is, then by
on 2014-05-01 00:17:00 UTC
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My teacher's an eccentric guy, but friendly, and I think maybe he uses tabs because they're applicable to all instruments...or something. And that's cool. :)
My friend plays violin and cello, among other things. I love the sound of those types of instruments. -
I use sheet music... by
on 2014-05-01 01:21:00 UTC
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on the piano, but it's more for just learning the notes. After that it's all muscle memory for me.
French horn, on the other hand, I still need sheet music (except for pep band music, but I only have it memorized because it's the same music for every football- American football, sorry- and basketball game). -
You insinuate that there is any other kind of football. by
on 2014-05-01 02:28:00 UTC
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I don't know why everybody else in the world keeps calling soccer "football." They must be confused.
Yes, nerdy as I am, I actually do enjoy watching football.
Probably because American "football" rarely features feet. by
on 2014-05-01 03:13:00 UTC
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I say this as an American: I really have no idea why American football gets exclusive rights to the name "football" here when the word fits soccer so much better. Baseball has bases as a central component of scoring points and winning the game. Likewise with basketball, and racketball, and volleyball(a volley isn't a physical object, but it counts as something important, and it's something that happens to the ball), and the ones that don't have "ball" in the name are usually named with something crucial to the game in mind. Feet aren't that iconic an element to American football. I mean, neither form of football would work if you had no feet, but that's how it is for most sports. You don't get much of a sense of how important feet are to the progression of the game in American football. In association football, feet are kind of the whole gimmick of the sport, which makes it a little odd that it's referred to as the contracted "soccer" in this one location. I guess it's like the use of yards as a unit of measurement rather than the more universal meters. America likes to say it's special when talking to the other countries.
Besides, there can be so many better names for American football! Tackleball! Rushball! Helmetball!
I had intended those as a joke, but rushball actually sounds like a good sport name. -
Seconded! by
on 2014-05-01 04:59:00 UTC
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I'm always thrown when it occurs to me that feet are so much more important in the sport most of the world refers to as football than in what America thinks of as football. I mean, what's up with that?
I am also American.
And I think I'm going to start calling football rushball. -
Thirded! by
on 2014-05-01 15:41:00 UTC
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Your mission, should you choose to accept it: get everyone to call American football 'rushball'.
I was going to suggest tackleball, but then I saw it was already taken :P -
Sweet! You're well-played... by
on 2014-05-01 02:24:00 UTC
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in instruments. I can play piano and I'm just learning to play guitar. One of my friends plays French horn.
I'm an idiot by
on 2014-05-01 02:25:00 UTC
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Wait a sec. You are that friend. Ignore everything that just transpired.
...I should probably tell you... Baron's a girl. (nm) by
on 2014-04-30 14:47:00 UTC
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Shouldn't it be Baroness then? (nm) by
on 2014-05-01 07:41:00 UTC
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Oops... Sorry, Baron... (nm) by
on 2014-04-30 14:56:00 UTC
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Lol by
on 2014-05-01 00:02:00 UTC
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It's fine. I should've specified.
Hello there! by
on 2014-04-30 08:25:00 UTC
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Welcome, goodfellow! I hereby present you with the gift of tea. Just don't let the leaves eat you or your pets.
Thanks! by
on 2014-05-01 00:15:00 UTC
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Are the leaves dangerous? *looks at them* Do they have The Grim?
Well... by
on 2014-05-02 13:04:00 UTC
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I have no idea what The Grim is. Unless it's a large black dog.
The leaves tend to eat people. And things. And people. So don't let them. -
*waves* by
on 2014-04-30 08:00:00 UTC
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Hello and greetings!
I give to you now a lined Infinite Notebook, complete with urple covers and wilver binding. Fear for your eyes!
-Aila -
Thanks! by
on 2014-05-01 00:19:00 UTC
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Sweet! *doodles in notebook* I like your name by the way :)
Hello and Welcome by
on 2014-04-30 05:44:00 UTC
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You collect pins? Have you, by any chance, looked into the pins sold in and around Disney World? They have thousands of fandom pins, so it might be worth looking into. Also, since a welcome wouldn't be complete without a gift, have a fancy hat. No Baron is truly dressed without a fancy hat.
Thanks! by
on 2014-05-01 02:23:00 UTC
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I love hats! :D *puts hat on and poses* And I haven't looked into any of Disney's pins but I will do that soon.
My first PPC welcome! :D by
on 2014-04-30 04:34:00 UTC
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Urm... Well then. I hope you have a good stay, and for your gift... Have a brand-new wilver guitar! :D
Thanks! by
on 2014-05-01 02:27:00 UTC
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I love it! *plays it loud at 3 am*
Welcome! by
on 2014-04-30 04:08:00 UTC
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That's a very nice list of fandoms you have. Your welcome gifts are a "Keep Calm and Find the Doctor" T-shirt, a bucket of movie popcorn, a gun-shaped lighter, and a toy Firebolt. Have fun! XD
Thanks! by
on 2014-05-01 02:28:00 UTC
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*rides on toy Firebolt wearing T-shirt munching on popcorn and wielding my gun-shaped lighter at people* FEAR ME xD
Welcome! by
on 2014-04-30 03:47:00 UTC
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So, Iximaz led you here, huh? That's pretty good! Have you read the Constitution and the Original Series yet?
As for your newbie gift...
*rummages through bag of holding*
*pulls out Poke Ball*
Here, have a Delphox! This witchlike Pokemon should be a perfect companion to a Harry Potter fan! -
Thanks! by
on 2014-05-01 02:29:00 UTC
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I did read the Constitution and I have completed the first installment of the Original Series (where the lovely founders busted up a bandgirl Sue and kicked her out of Middle Earth).
*takes Poke Ball and puts it in my back pocket* Thanks for the new secret weapon... >:D -
Hi! by
on 2014-04-30 03:39:00 UTC
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Good to meet you! Who's your favorite Doctor?
Have a graphite drawing of your favorite fictional character in an ostentatious-but-not-really-all-that-expensive frame!
Welcome to the PPC.
Okay, that came off as a bit more ominous than I intended. Sorry. It's not (that) ominous, here, really! You'll have fun! -
Thanks! by
on 2014-05-01 02:32:00 UTC
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"It's not (that) ominous here." Sure, that's what they all say. xD And thank you. :)
My favorite Doctor, at the risk of sounding like a Basic White Girl, is David. It is noteworthy that I met Matt at a con this past month (with Iximaz, in fact). That was a fun event. :)
Who's your favorite Doctor? *hangs drawing* And thank you for the gift. -
Oh, so you've been told that before? by
on 2014-05-01 04:54:00 UTC
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*whispers* Don't believe them! Run for the hills! Save yourself!
Just kidding! No really.
We can be basic white girls together! Actually, while David Tennant is an incredibly attractive man, I was more attracted to his character (I think) because of his interest in books and literary figures, which sort of bleeds into all of them, but he's the one I first noticed it in. Okay, he's also really hot.
You're welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here! -
Out f all the Doctors I've seen... by
on 2014-05-01 15:46:00 UTC
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Being 1, 4, 9, 10, 11, and the War Doctor, I'm not lying when I say that I love all of them. Equally? Well... ^_^ I won't lie, I also find Tennent attractive, but the funny thing is is that this one guy I'm head over heels for looks almost exactly like Tennent- and I liked that guy before I started watching Doctor Who. So I'm a reverse fangirl?
But to be really honest, any Doctor that mentions Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling is immediately my favorite, so Tennent would have made the #1 spot on my favorites list even if he looked like Igor from Young Frankenstein. -
Well, that's not fair. by
on 2014-05-01 21:35:00 UTC
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That means that the first seven Doctors would never have even gotten a chance to be your favorite, since they were replaced before the Harry Potter series even came out! Then again, most of the Classic Who Doctors don't really seem like the sort of people who would make a reference to it in the first place, except maybe Four. Well, Seven might. He was Merlin once.
I know, I'm joking. by
on 2014-05-01 22:05:00 UTC
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And you never know, five might have made a reference. (Assuming, of course, that HP had been published at the time.)
The point I was trying to make was that most of my love for Tennent was a result of the references. Though he convinced me he'd be a good Doctor with the 'barefoot on the moon' scene.
I am glad they've decided to have an older regeneration of the Doctor. It's kind of like they're going back to their roots; funny but of trivia, Hartnell and Capaldi are/were both 55 when they first appeared as the Doctor. Anyway, hopefully this'll dissuade the fangirls who only care about the HAWT young Doctors- hey, look! A flying pig! -
I had intended to not sound entirely serious either. by
on 2014-05-01 22:49:00 UTC
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Apparently, I'm bad at it. I liked the Tenth Doctor's references, too. How do I prove myself... I know! Here's Ten quoting from The Lion King! The Christmas Invasion is still the best Doctor Who Christmas special.
I've heard rumors that Moffat was going to leave the show after Series Eight(hooray!), but he'd kill of Twelve before he left. I hope that's not true. We've already had a Doctor's run cut tragically short with Nine, and having an incarnation of the Doctor written out of the show because the producer is leaving instead of the other way around would be horrible. Twelve being older means that there'd be so much potential for a new dynamic between the Doctor and his companions after two Doctors in a row that the companions keep falling in love with, and I wouldn't want to see that rushed or ended abruptly to make way for another regeneration story when we only just had one recently. -
Wait, the Troll is leaving?! by
on 2014-05-02 12:34:00 UTC
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Let's just hope Capaldi gets a longer run than Eccleston. Man, I miss the ninth Doctor. :( -
As far as I know, it's still only hearsay. by
on 2014-05-02 21:10:00 UTC
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I hope it's true, though. Even if Moffat had been a good writer, which he hasn't been in years, he's been showrunner for four years now, and has created three seprate season-long driving plots that he had complete or near-complete creative control of. It's time someone else got to have a little fun with the show. Maybe they can ret-retcon the mess Moffat made on the Day of the Doctor.
I miss Nine too. The worst part is that Eccleston had initially been planned to stay around for three seasons, but resigned after the first because of problems on the set. Can you imagine what the show would have been like if he'd been around for three whole seasons? We would've gotten to see the Ninth Doctor versus the Cybermen! -
I didn't hear this by
on 2014-05-02 23:27:00 UTC
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This is certainly news to me. And I don't mind Moffat. I will say I preferred the RTD era, though.
Greetings! by
on 2014-04-30 03:13:00 UTC
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Hello, there.
That's interesting. I actually learned about the PPC through my brother. He is not a member, but he is a fan of the PPC.
Oh, I like Harry Potter, too! I have plans on writing a crossover on Fanfiction.net with Twilight. It should be amusing. -
Thanks! by
on 2014-05-01 02:33:00 UTC
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That certainly WILL be amusing. Will the tie-in be Cedric, by chance? Or did you have a different idea?
No, nothing like that by
on 2014-05-01 03:32:00 UTC
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Actually, what I have in mind is a sort of original story that dances between the Twilight Saga and the Harry Potter series. I will create original characters from both franchises and team them together to fight against a villain that wishes to subjugate wizards, vampires and Muggles all at once. I will eventually give the canon characters cameos and such, but the focus will be on OC's.
I think it's fairly safe to say that I do fanfiction a little different from most other people. Too often Crossovers are about romance, or are romance centric. You know what I mean? -
Heya, Baron! by
on 2014-04-30 02:08:00 UTC
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It's about time you showed up on here! Lessee, newbie presents... *digs through pockets*
You get a squawking bunny! It has great big teeth! -
Thanks! by
on 2014-04-30 02:40:00 UTC
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Sweet! *hugs bunny* I will name it Stud
Title Search by
on 2014-04-30 03:24:00 UTC
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Since everyone is having fun with names, why not some fun of a different sort as well?
As you may already know, my plan for the crossover that I am writing, the Vexos Chronicles, is for it to be a trilogy. Part I is subtitled “Lost Luster,” after Volt Luster, its main character. Part II’s central character will be Lync Volan. The puns basically write themselves (“Missing Lync,” “A Lync Between Worlds,” etc.); the only issue is choosing one that I like.
Here is where I'd appreciate some help: Please make up some suggestions for a subtitle for Part III. The characters for Part III are Mylene Farrow (also known as “Mylene Pharaoh”) and Shadow Prove (pronunciation note: the “o” is long, as in “boat”). Can you make up a sufficiently punny subtitle using one (but preferably both) of the characters’ names? (And if you feel like just giving a silly entry, do so! I'm up for a laugh.)
It should go without saying, but absolutely no knowledge of the Bakugan canon is required; just a good imagination and a good command of the English language.
Thanks in advance! -
The Pharoahs Shadow by
on 2014-05-02 04:19:00 UTC
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Naturally since this is a post from me I'm going to ask if you got my email
Yes, I did (nm) by
on 2014-05-02 04:24:00 UTC
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Here's One by
on 2014-05-01 18:01:00 UTC
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How about "Lost Shadofarrow", or "Lost Mylenprove". Maybe "Lost Duo".
Hmm...clever pun titles... by
on 2014-05-01 02:37:00 UTC
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"Proving for Answers" (probing for answers)
"We've Seen Farrow Weather" (we've seen fairer weather)
"My Farrow Lady" (my fair lady)
I'm aware that these are terrible. -
Let's see... by
on 2014-04-30 20:04:00 UTC
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"The Pharaoh and the Shade"
"Farrow-downs" (the Barrow-downs from LOTR)
"The Ash Prove" ("The Ash Grove", English folk song)
"Mylene Adler" (...yeah...I got nothin')
" -
Puns? You Came to the Right Board. by
on 2014-04-30 05:34:00 UTC
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My Farrow Lady? Prover the Barrel? Bow and Farrow? Shadows and Shadon'ts? Mylene Green Fighting Machine?
Unfortunately, I can't think of any that incorporate both names. It feels like that would just dilute the pun too much.
A Question Regarding A Character by
on 2014-04-30 06:16:00 UTC
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I was reading through Araeph's missions, and am curious to know what, if anything, happened to Wilma Turner, the girl!Will from Araeph's mission Caribbean Ding-Dong. If nothing has happened to Wilma, what is our policy on using her in missions? Araeph has been away from the Board for an unfortunately long time, so asking her directly for permission to use the character is unlikely, but it still feels wrong to just use someone else's character. So, what do we do in this scenario?
Answer~ by
on 2014-05-01 01:32:00 UTC
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To steal the advice of others, try emailing Araeph directly. She may have left the address on one of her posts, like I usually do.
Even though Araeph is active here much, by
on 2014-04-30 17:23:00 UTC
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she still typically answers AIM and email pretty consistently.
The majority of recruited badfic characters are adoptable. by
on 2014-04-30 07:27:00 UTC
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Most of the exceptions come when the author of a mission has something specific in mind for their recruits, since they would naturally get first dibs on the new character that they introduced. Obviously, you should try to contact whoever originally wrote the mission before using the character if you can, not only because it's good to get their okay on this sort of thing, but also because if you missed something in your background research, the character could have been loaned out to someone else you'd never heard of and future stories would be going against the character's previously established history, or the author could have decided on the Board at the time to put them in a specific location and you just didn't know because the Board recently wiped out all pre-2013 posts for some reason.
But, if you're interested and there are no protests to using a previously recruited but until now unrealized character, you should be able to do so. Or, you and/or the original mission writer could even make whoever it is into a free-to-use character, so that anyone can write about them whenever they want. We don't have a lot of free-to-use characters right now aside from the Flowers, which is unfortunate. It's a shared universe, and so it makes sense that there would be more than a handful of shared characters.
To directly answer your question, I don't think anything has happened to Wilma Turner since she was first recruited, like what happens to most of the characters found on missions. I've had plans for a while to just make a gigantic list of our unrealized recruits and post it under Adoptable NPC on the wiki, but it's going to have to wait, since I'll need a few days that I'm not juggling six things do do at once and can get down to a reasonable three or four. -
I second what Outhra says. by
on 2014-04-30 13:27:00 UTC
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Most recruited badfic characters are adoptable by other writers. In fact, in some posts of missions, some recruited badfic characters can get picked up immediately by people. Those that don't... well, they can show up elsewhere around the PPC.
It's things like that which make the world of the PPC a shared community, y'know?
I Just Found This... by
on 2014-04-30 20:13:00 UTC
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I was skimming around the other day, and I found this. Being my brilliant self, I went: "Self, this is probably the strangest thing I've ever seen.
"I'm gonna show it to everyone I know."
If you are impressed, give a thumbs up. If you are not, snicker. -
Ah, the "Shingeki no Kyojin" intro music remix... by
on 2014-05-01 04:59:00 UTC
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Those are kinda popular.
That's actually a pretty good remix there. Lots of action, feels like it would fit the tone of Shingeki's theme song... yeah. I guess that's another one to add to the list.
Funnily enough, I found this remix of the SnK theme mashed with Puella Magi Madoka Magica, so here, have that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svuKK4L4tsI -
Not bad, not bad at all... by
on 2014-05-01 19:41:00 UTC
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I'm not as knowledgable about ^Madoka Magica^, but I am something of a fan…
By the by, how did you get it to make italics? Or does that just not work with Macs? -
HTML tags. by
on 2014-05-02 01:37:00 UTC
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In his case, it's something like [text here]
Italic text is done... by
on 2014-05-01 19:53:00 UTC
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...by putting "i" and "/i" between angle brackets. It should look like
<i> yourtexthere <>
but without the underscore in either set of brackets.
A good resource for this kind of stuff is this website, which tells you how to do stuff in HTML. -
Ooh, Thanks! by
on 2014-05-02 19:32:00 UTC
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Now I will be able to write titles properly.
Thumbs-up! by
on 2014-05-01 01:30:00 UTC
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This makes me want to watch RWBY! Is it any good?
Also, check out these other two vids set to/featuring Guren no Yumiya. This one's a pony AMV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFGlw48a0fM
And this one sounds like it should be boss music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zciS442JWA
(Can you recommend any good AMVs set to Flugel der Freiheit? That song is AWESOME!) -
on 2014-05-09 17:41:00 UTC
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Watch RWBY. Just do it. It has humour, action, gunblades, monsters, magic, a secondary magic system, a really interesting moon, good animation for the most part, animal people, a combat school, EPIC music (so, so, SO EPIC), Combat Skirts, dinosaur easter eggs, it's produced by roosterteeth and MONTY OUM, and is getting serious in the next volume. Also may I mention that the creator is supportive of fanfiction, may or may not include a fan made character later on, and has already held a design contest for the battle gear of one character, who was originally supposed to be a bit character that appeared twice, but is now a full fledged character because of fan popularity? Also, REALLY EPIC FIGHTING. REALLY. REALLY. EPIC. I say epic, but in the non-slang sense, it has fairly short episodes, and only one 'volume' in the first season, if I understand the system right. Also mysterious back-stories, and weapons even more epic than the fighting. for example...
Crescent Rose, a High Calibre Sniper Scythe (HCSS), touted as one of the most dangerous weapons ever conceived.
Myternaster, a rapier with a revolver mechanism that allows the powering up of her attacks with elemental magic.
Magnhild, a warhammer/grenade launcher. 'Nuff said.
Gambol Shroud, part Cleaver, part Glock-18, part Katana/Ninjato/generic Japanese sword, part Kusarigama, and all awesome.
Ember Cecilia, shotgun gauntlets that have either concussive or long range projectile ammo.
Ruyi Bang & Jingu Bang, a staff that spits into shotgun nunshucks. Once again, 'nuff said.
If that doesn't convince you, I don't know WHAT will. -
Not Bad by
on 2014-05-01 19:46:00 UTC
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The Pony one was pretty good. I can't say I'm too familiar with Flugel der Freiheit, and I wasn't really looking for this one in the first place. I kind of just stumbled upon it and posted it on a whim. But if the song is good, I'll see what I can do.
Yes it is. (nm) by
on 2014-05-01 13:10:00 UTC
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I have no idea what I just watched. by
on 2014-05-01 01:23:00 UTC
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...seriously, what?
-Rolls eyes- by
on 2014-04-30 22:48:00 UTC
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This gunscythe is less practical than Bardiche.
Watch the first RWBY trailer. by
on 2014-05-03 20:32:00 UTC
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It will show you exactly how… 'impractical' Crescent Rose is.
>:D -
Well, of course it works well in-universe. by
on 2014-05-04 19:44:00 UTC
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Even the Krull Glaive worked well in-universe, and that thing would do more damage to its wielder than to the enemy in literally any other context.
Anyway, the Crescent Rose is still enormously impractical. It shapeshifts and apparently weighs nothing at all, so the functionality gets a bit of a break due to plot boosting, but speaking in terms of usability, sweet Sobchak would that be hard to maintain. The mass conservation systems alone would play havoc on its ability to do anything if they were damaged even slightly. The blade would be damaged every time she fires one of those gun-scythe blasts since there's nowhere else for the recoil to go with her rooting it into the ground like she does and whatever she's shooting is apparently a high enough caliber to gib a wolf in one hit. Good luck pulling off that "just shot another round at such an angle as to decapitate someone" move if you've damaged the blade or its join enough to bring either out of alignment. If you end up hitting the wrong spot when that blade starts going through bone, the gun recoil is going to snap the end off.
In context, the characters not constantly shrouded in darkness are apparently magic or something, but it's never explained how or why everything is so indestructible, not even a handwaved "precursor material" or "PKE-enhanced" or something. I watched most of the first season yesterday since the episodes are apparently only five to ten minutes long each, and there was still nothing, which just strikes me as kind of silly. Even Star Trek would blame new weird space stuff on poliustic shield fluctuations in the beta waves of the engineering deck or something. The closest there was to any explanation was a mention of "the power of dust" in an exposition dump in the first episode, which was never elaborated on except for a later appearance that showed it was highly combustible.
I don't hate the series, before you take this the wrong way. I am just the sort of person who notices things like this. After the first episode's cavalcade of what-is-going-on moments and absolute bullcrap(a fifteen-year-old forged a mass-altering shapeshifting weapon by herself? Out of what, Makuta armor?), everything started to get much better, and most of the first episode's nonsense was either completely forgotten or explained better later, save Silly Cigar Guy With A Grenade-Launching Cane That The Penguin Would Call A Bad Idea, who is apparently going to be a recurring antagonist. Also, Yang was introduced after the first episode, and Yang is the best. I know I say things are "the best" a lot, but I don't say it as a ranking. Sometimes a character just deserves to be called the best. -
Taken in context it isn't. by
on 2014-05-01 00:25:00 UTC
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Or at least, it isn't too bad. But then again I doubt practical really passed through Monty Oum's mind when RWBY was being created.
Hello! by
on 2014-04-30 20:53:00 UTC
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I have been here for a while, but I'm introducing myself now because I need a proper introduction.
My goal is to become an assassin!
Hello! by
on 2014-04-30 20:53:00 UTC
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I have been here for a while, but I'm introducing myself now because I need a proper introduction.
My goal is to become an assassin! -
on 2014-05-07 22:09:00 UTC
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You probably wren't a n00b, but have a coupon for a free custom gunblade, smithed by yours truly anyways!
Re: Hello! by
on 2014-05-02 14:18:00 UTC
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Welcome! I am sure that you've read the Constitution and the Original Series by now. As for having your character participate in missions, allow me to point you a few topics up to the thread on getting Permission.
IDK if I've already welcomed you, but in case I have not...
*rummages through bag of holding*
*pulls out newbie gift*
Here, have a snowglobe with a replica of your favorite fictional locale! -
*waves* by
on 2014-05-01 02:31:00 UTC
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Hello and welcome!
I give to you now a lined Infinite Notebook, complete with urple covers and wilver binding. Don't look at it straight on.
-Aila -
Greetings! by
on 2014-05-01 01:33:00 UTC
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Your gift is an awesome 8-bit remix of the first Attack on Titan opening: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zciS442JWA
- I think I remember you... by on 2014-04-30 22:03:00 UTC Link to this
One of those links was broken. by
on 2014-04-30 22:06:00 UTC
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There we go. That little "http://" at the beginning of a web address is very important! Well, it is when making HTML links. When one types into a navigation bar, it usually just comes in without prompting.