I found it while doing a less-than-authorized PPC roleplay with my mate Andi, just for fun. But... I'm not even qualified to spork it, it's this bad.
... == Fic contains a Mary Sue who's the daughter of Sauron, the sister of Tom Riddle, and the 'God Daughter' of Gandalf. Who's half-elf.
No, I'm not making this up. .__________.
*hands out bleeprin all round*
on 2012-03-12 01:37:00 UTC
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Winds Of Change by
on 2012-03-20 12:59:00 UTC
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I read this and...chapters are too short, the sue was to the extreme and couldn't find the will power to continue past chapter 5.
*gasps* I'll be needing some of that bleeprin. -
on 2012-03-13 01:23:00 UTC
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A) This person has obviously never heard of the show-don't-tell concept.
B) I am ashamed of Canada now. -
on 2012-03-16 02:51:00 UTC
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Regarding point A,
I really don't think I could handle the mental images that would come with this fic if it was properly descriptive. It's bad as it is, and I don't think I could handle a higher level of description.
Still, it isn't mind-meltingly bad, just very, very, very bad. I recommend an Eversor Assassin be injected into the world-construct to deal with Voldemort. Gandalf can be healed with logical arguments, and this particular Sauron should be nuked. -
Sorry... by
on 2012-03-16 02:54:00 UTC
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I forgot to fill in my information. I've been spending too much time in the Pit, searching for good Naruto crossovers, and I haven't seen a LOTR badfic crossover in so long that it must have messed with me more than I thought.
Sauron... and Gandalf... but Riddle's sister... by
on 2012-03-13 00:42:00 UTC
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The fact that she can throw Saruman around like it's nothing indicates Sue!per strength. To whoever takes this I offer Agent Canta Enquëo, a LotR elf who was assimilated by the Borg back in December 2006 HST.
Yikes by
on 2012-03-13 04:15:00 UTC
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Yep, I know this may not be Middle-Earth shattering, but it is still pretty poor.
On that note,I could put forward both of my agents for assistance if multiple RC's are required (doubtful). -
... by
on 2012-03-12 18:10:00 UTC
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*Deep breath*
Why, why, why? I thought we were good Jesus, I thought we were kind to you- apart from the killing you thing... Maybe we did have this coming.
Anyway, to paraphrase the story, thatwas...ingterribleandihopethatwhoevertakesuptherightfuldutyofkillingthisstorydoesit,knowingthattheywillbedoingtheworldafavour.
If you read that, good on you. -
What I found worst so far... by
on 2012-03-12 14:32:00 UTC
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And by so far I mean the first chapter.
Fic: "Blablablablabla..."
Me: "Wait. What? I think I slipped up or down a line."
The only thing it lacks is the constant use of 'and then.' -
So it IS that bad. O.O by
on 2012-03-12 16:36:00 UTC
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I couldn't tell, really, over the sound of my own screaming.
Thing is... the insanely depressing thing is... I was *looking* for an over-cliched Suefic with Sauron as the father, because I figured that'd be fun to kill.
Wound up nearly overdosing myself on bleepolate and my agent on bleepsinthe and bleep/cocaine. -
*Twitches* What is this i don't even... by
on 2012-03-12 14:26:00 UTC
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Sorry, I think my brain just fused for a moment there...
What the Kriff? by
on 2012-03-12 13:56:00 UTC
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It's one of THOSE fics. I've seen Implausible Crossovers before, but this is just plain ridiculous.
Can someone tell me where the Bleepka is? -
Oh, sweet Eru on a stick. My brain threw up just looking at (nm by
on 2012-03-12 13:37:00 UTC
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Whoa. by
on 2012-03-12 05:29:00 UTC
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Take a deep breath. Yes, the story is awful, but it's just fanfic. Remember, it cannot -actually- mess up Tolkien's world.
Generally, it's encouraged to put 'badfic' posts as replies to already established threads, because every new thread drives an old one off the front page, where people won't see it anymore.
(That said, ye gods this is bad. I wonder what it says that my first thought is "Gandalf? Wouldn't Morgoth be the first choice of Sauron's offsprings' guardian?) -
on 2012-03-12 02:01:00 UTC
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(drowns self in bleeprin)
There are just so many things wrong with this fic...
Liketherandomlackofspaces, the blatantly obvious self-insert Sue, the atrocious grammar, and horrible punctuation.
Good luck to whoever sporks this thing. -
hahahahahaha ow by
on 2012-03-14 00:31:00 UTC
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I laughed to myself all the way through, but now I'm getting a headache. Where are all the spaces? Hang on, there's a note at the beginning of the last chapter.
"...for some reason they just upload that way."
Ah, it makes so much sense now. (rolls eyes)
Hey all! by
on 2012-03-12 04:44:00 UTC
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Yo, I'm new to the board. I hail from the western parts of Australia, and I apparently can't escape them. I'm an avid gamer, especially with the Fallout and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. I'm also a brony, and could probably talk a Sue to death on that subject matter (Rainbow Dash is best pony). I read too much for my own good, especially Terry Prachett, Douglas Adams, Michael Crichton and Stephen King, as eclectic as that selection is.
I have a mind composed mainly of Adamantium, and can stand fics that have made others run screaming for the hills. I invite the internet to give me the best (of the worst) its got.
I come prepackaged with my own insanity, so fitting in shouldn't be a problem. Just glad to be here! -
Prepackaging's good. So is Pterry. by
on 2012-03-15 04:34:00 UTC
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Enjoy the complimentary food... and here's some more. An apple-pear.
Also, a free vocabulary word: gamine: an urchin. -
Re: Hey all! by
on 2012-03-13 05:45:00 UTC
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Hi, and have some bleeprin! You never know when you'll need it, especially on the internet.
Hiya! by
on 2012-03-13 02:13:00 UTC
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Welcome! Have a cupcake!
Packaged insanity, huh? Everyone knows the best insanity is unprocessed, organically-grown madness! -
Sounds fun. by
on 2012-03-13 01:27:00 UTC
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Welcome. Have some chopsticks. Good for hair things, food, knitting, and stabbing...stuff.
First plover! by
on 2012-03-13 00:35:00 UTC
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Oh, and you created a Fluttershy mini in your post.
'Ello Mate! by
on 2012-03-12 14:28:00 UTC
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Welcome to the Board, I see you have a fine array of interests there! Here, have some chocolate, and enjoy your stay!
Re: Hey all! by
on 2012-03-12 12:32:00 UTC
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Hi, have some fudge!
Uuuh, candybrain. :D by
on 2012-03-12 10:31:00 UTC
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Welcome. I guess you won't need the awesome-laced cookie. Have a stray Missingno. instead.
Welcome! by
on 2012-03-12 08:19:00 UTC
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Glad to have you here. ^^ Have a bag of pebbles and a Random Shiny Object.
PTerry! *holy horns* I approve mightily.
Indeed, you shall do well here. Just... don't ask for the worst the internet has, dude. That's tempting every perverse sentient sense of irony the multiverse possesses. :P -
Good to have you a-Board! by
on 2012-03-12 06:45:00 UTC
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Greetings, new friend! Have a thinny! Just, uh, don't get too close . . .
Nightmare Moon is best pony. -
"I invite the internet to give me the best..." by
on 2012-03-12 05:34:00 UTC
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PPC Informal Rule #1: Avoid tempting the Ironic Overpower whenever possible.
In other news, have a shiny knife.
It is good for killing things with. But most importantly, it is SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINYYYYYYYYY. -
Re: "I invite the internet to give me the best..." by
on 2012-03-12 05:42:00 UTC
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That statement WILL come back to bite me; might as well get some fun out of it.
Greetings by
on 2012-03-12 05:33:00 UTC
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A fellow Australian, eh? And a brony too. Well, welcome to the PPC and all the insanity it brings. Here, take a pyrotechnic conifer and a copy of Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone. But I warn you it's dangerous, the tree I mean :D
Greetings from England! (I wish) by
on 2012-03-12 05:05:00 UTC
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Seriously, I'm American. But hallo and welcome to the PPC!
Have a box of twinkies, for when the nuclear apocalypse arrives! Also, a Luggage-Mini from the Discworld. (It's named Eskarrina.) -
Hello! by
on 2012-03-12 05:02:00 UTC
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Welcome to the Board! Have some of my hydrophobic water! Half-life now reduced to 10^7 years!
Hello Again! by
on 2012-03-12 06:58:00 UTC
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I know I haven't been gone too long, but I thought I might as well announce my slight return and such.
I'm in my final year of school and have a ton of work to get through constantly, so my posting might still be limited, so I thought I'd drop in and see how everything is going.
I've also been slowly working on writing more stories and such and have started re-editing my permission piece :D -
Allo. by
on 2012-03-15 04:35:00 UTC
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Do you have an account?
Why yes I do by
on 2012-03-17 15:57:00 UTC
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Though it is a dark and scary and should not be visited,as it contains the horrors of my fanfiction past :p Haven't had a chance to edit as the files are on a currently dead computer. Anyway, I'm rambling, it's Alleydodger as well.
Re: Why yes I do by
on 2012-03-17 16:54:00 UTC
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Mine are rather shameful as well, though I can't claim that they're from the deep dark past because I wrote them rather recently.
I don't know any of your fandoms. :( (nm) by
on 2012-03-17 16:55:00 UTC
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We probably have one of two similar by
on 2012-03-18 06:20:00 UTC
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I just don't write for most of them or don't remember them all the time XD
Welp. by
on 2012-03-17 15:59:00 UTC
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That'll teach me to post when I'm practically asleep. Please ignore my crimes against grammar :)
Have a welcome-back plover! (nm) by
on 2012-03-13 01:09:00 UTC
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Hello again. by
on 2012-03-12 10:27:00 UTC
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Have a welcome back cookie. Also, here's a thingamabob. Use it wisely.
50 Shades of Fanfic by
on 2012-03-13 19:00:00 UTC
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Some of you guys may have already heard about E.L. James' 50 Shades of Grey, and its sequels 50 Shades of Darker and 50 Shades of Freed, which have been burning up the romance world lately. It's been called "Twilight for adults," among other things, and has a light BDSM flavoring that's gotten a lot of attention in the romance community. What's equally well-known is that the trilogy began life as a Twilight AU fanfiction called "Master of the Universe" (anyone else imagining Edward Cullen in furry underwear now?) and had the protagonists' names and details changed before publication. It seems to have replicated Twilight's success, if nothing else; 250,000 copies in various formats have been sold.
It's also . . . well, not very good, in my humble opinion. This review on Dear Author sums up the situation far better than I ever could.
A followup article compared the text of 50 Shades with the text of the original fanfic, and found an 83% correlation between the two; the biggest changes were in altering the Twilight details, like the protagonists' names. A publisher's representative called the fanfic and the published product "two distinctly separate pieces of work," but the data doesn't exactly support that conclusion. Stephenie Meyer's people don't appear to have filed any lawsuits at this time, but given the correlation and the fact that E.L. James is sort of indirectly profiting from Meyer's work, it's possible.
So my question is: where does the PPC stand on this? Given its popularity, it's likely that we'll be seeing 50 Shades fanfic at some point in the future. Do we treat it as a separate original universe, or as fanfic of a fanfic? Is it even possible to PPC fic of a fic? And how the hell can I publish my fanfiction for loads of money? -
Bah hunbuggery, say I. by
on 2012-03-15 03:21:00 UTC
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If you didn't make it up--you didn't even make the characters up--why are you making money off of it?
See, this is my problem with the whole post-Ludlum Bourne thing. At least that guy can write a bit will, though! *head shake* -
It may not be illegal . . . by
on 2012-03-15 04:52:00 UTC
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. . . but ethically, it really makes me squirm. Honestly, I hope she takes the opportunity of the exposure to junk the 50 Shades 'verse and write something completely original. Unclean, unclean!
Hah, fat chance. She's just made money off of it. by
on 2012-03-15 11:52:00 UTC
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So there goes that. If she had scruples about it I doubt she would've tried to put it in print as an original in the first place.
*edit* Humbuggery. by
on 2012-03-15 03:41:00 UTC
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Not that it matters much.
50 Shades Of Bullcrap by
on 2012-03-14 17:39:00 UTC
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The thing sucks, but Phobos did say it does have it's own universe, ripped off as it is.
On the other hand, it's a bad story based off a badfic. I can't see how this could get worse. -
Sounds a bit like, by
on 2012-03-14 16:28:00 UTC
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All of those not-sherlock-holmes stories that popped up after the short stories became popular. Just that this is not-Twilight.
We-e-ell... by
on 2012-03-14 14:15:00 UTC
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It was originally intended to be a fanfic, however, it was eventually published as its /own/ universe. As such, I am in favor of treating it as a stand-alone series, despite its former status.
Also, let me just say, I never want to see a Twilight/He-Man crossover.
/Ever./ -
Oh, dear, now I'm getting bad ideas. by
on 2012-03-14 15:23:00 UTC
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...Skeletor might FINALLY get to be a competent villain and do the universe a favor.
On second thought, make it be so. *shot* (nm) by
on 2012-03-15 13:27:00 UTC
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An interesting case... by
on 2012-03-14 07:57:00 UTC
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But since it is published and intended to be read as its own universe, it must be protected like any other stand-alone 'verse.
That doesn't stop it from being ridiculous and possibly on the same level as Twilight, however. -
Wha...What? by
on 2012-03-14 06:22:00 UTC
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Really? Just...really? How can this happen! I'm...I'm just going to go crawl into a corner and cry now.
My opinion by
on 2012-03-14 02:51:00 UTC
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It started as a fanfic. However, they changed the details and it got published, so now it is a separate work.
It has become its own universe. You could spork the original fanfiction, but not the work it later became.
That is how I see it. -
Good question. by
on 2012-03-14 00:30:00 UTC
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IMO, it's an original universe, albeit not a good one. And now I'm seriously considering sporking it.
I've got dibs. XD by
on 2012-03-14 00:44:00 UTC
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Seriously, though, I'm starting the project this evening. This thing needs to go bye-bye.
Re: Fifty Shades sporking (please read if interested) by
on 2012-03-14 03:01:00 UTC
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Guys, I'm afraid I've had to change my mind. I just finished rereading the book . . . and I can't do this. I'm not nearly a good enough sporker to manage this steaming dump of a book.
The worst part? Some of it is okay. Competent, even. But the hero . . . the heroine . . . oh, God, I want to murder them both and then kill myself to make sure I never write a book like this.
If anyone else wants to spork it, feel free. I'm out. -
Re: Fifty Shades sporking (please read if interested) by
on 2012-03-14 09:05:00 UTC
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*hugs* If I get access to a bookstore in the near future, I may just see if I can get a copy, should I still feel so inclined, and then I will spork the bleep out of it. *hugs again*
Re: 50 Shades of Fanfic by
on 2012-03-13 23:48:00 UTC
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Personally, I think that it's Twilight knockoff...
Yeah, I think it would best if we treated this as a badfic and sporked this thing to the moon. -
Well... by
on 2012-03-13 22:28:00 UTC
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If it started as a fanfic, then it's a fanfic. Anything written based on it is fanfic.
O.O by
on 2012-03-13 22:06:00 UTC
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What. The. Deuce.
Seriously?! If I thought I could pull it off, I'd be sending all my crappy Potterfic and Hetalia-fic to publishers. But alas...
It says a lot about Twihraka that all you have to do is change the names and get rid of the vampires, and you have a completely different (and still totally embleer) romance novel.
Someone needs to spork it. It's based on a badfic (Book!Edward, as far as I can tell, has no interest in BDSM), and a badfic with the names changed is still a badfic, ne?
If Jay and Acacia weren't in retirement, they ought to do it.
Actually... That would be kind of a cool story. The new members of the PPC pull the legendary Jay and Acacia from retirement to take on one last mission... 8D -
I was thinking of doing a chaptered spork. by
on 2012-03-13 22:16:00 UTC
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Not so much a mission, but just a "TM Reads" type of thing, probably on LJ. Believe me, I'd rather have Jay and Acacia in on this, but I don't think we're ever going to see them back on active duty. :( Ah, well.
And yeah, it does say a lot, doesn't it? All you have to do is file the serial numbers off Twilight and you get something that's virtually indistinguishable from any other bad piece of fiction. -
A short scenelet by
on 2012-03-14 08:49:00 UTC
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Because I can.
The lump in the bed made an incoherent mumbling noise, which ended on a squeak as Jay prodded her with a stick. Acacia Byrd pulled the sheets down and glowered at her onetime partner. Jay just beamed.
"We have to stop meeting like this - people will talk."
"What are you doing here, Jay?" Acacia demanded. "It's been ten years, can't you just leave me alone?"
Jay pouted. "Oh, you know you don't mean that, Acy. Think of all the fun we've had since!"
Acacia scowled. "Don't call me Acy. And what fun? That Jaycacia twit? This is not my idea of fun!" She shook her head and sat up, rubbing her eyes. "I suppose she's back again?"
"For once, no," Jay said. "This is something else. A romance novel."
Acacia stared. "We're in a romance novel?"
"Not as far as I know," Jay said. "One's just been published - Fifty Shades of Somethingorother?"
"I've read it," Acacia muttered. "It's not very good. So?"
"Apparently it's just a Twilight fanfic with all the names changed, aaaaaaand I got an email from, wow, from over a hundred agents asking us to-"
"But you didn't even-"
"No. A thousand times no. We're retired, Jay. No more PPCing."
"Not even-"
"Okay." Jay shrugged. "That's what I thought you'd say. Now, onto more important business."
Acacia's eyebrows went up. "There's more?"
"There sure is... you read romance novels?"
The flying pillow hit her neatly in the head. "Just go downstairs and start the coffee, Jay."
hS, muahaha -
Save this. by
on 2012-03-14 17:42:00 UTC
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It doesn't matter if we have to search every single boarder's email list to find a way, even indirect, to contact them.
This snippet has to be made canon. -
It's on the Wiki now. by
on 2012-03-14 20:23:00 UTC
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It's been ten years, and the poor things still can't escape...
hS -
You go, entity! by
on 2012-03-13 22:52:00 UTC
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*isn't sure what gender you are, so... XD*
Yeah, seriously. You go, Tungsten. :) That'd be like the hawt Scottish guys reading My Immortal. In a word, lovely. :3
Yeeeeeeah. I've often wanted to write a fic where you take the Twilight characters, put them in the World of Darkness or the Lestat-verse, and make them act like REAL vampires.
Malkhavian-Alice intrigues me. -
In answer to your question . . . by
on 2012-03-14 00:46:00 UTC
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. . . I am of the lady persuasion. :) Thanks! I'll post a link as soon as I have the first part of the sporking completed.
And that's a lovely notion.
Well, you go, girl! by
on 2012-03-14 02:24:00 UTC
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I can't WAIT to see the sporking. Though I prolly will not read all the smutty bits. >.> BDSM = not fun, and I usually don't read smut at the best time.
Oh, thanks. I just keep getting bored of it. ^^ Malk!Alice is fun, but I can't write all the Cullens, especially since they're all 1) evil, 2) insane, or 3) tortured!antiheroes. (What? It's the World of Darkness.)
I'm considering doing it as an RP. -
Unfortunately . . . by
on 2012-03-14 03:02:00 UTC
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. . . I've had to change my mind. Thanks for your encouragement, but I can't do this. *facepalm* BRB, reading Pratchett now.
Ugh... by
on 2012-03-14 17:12:00 UTC
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Well, some projects are too much for any one person.
I think this is like, a legendary Worsefic. If anyone sporks it, they will have saved the MULTIVERSE.
Pratchett = Lessening the need for bleeprin since 1971. -
My 50 cents on this work by
on 2012-03-13 21:06:00 UTC
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And this is why some forms of literature should not be rewritten and published.
If the series had indeed began as fanfiction, then subsequently altered for the general public, hen I think it was done poorly for one critical reason: the underpinning tones and ideologies.
In fanfiction, IMO, it's relativly fine to, say, have these strange fantasies and whatnot about relationships and how they would turn out, etc. But if an author is writing for the general public, then that needs to entail the maturity and responsibility that can be expected of such a writer; real world experience needs to come to the fore here. Unfortunately, this doesn't appear to be the case.
As for your questions, I cannot provide solid answers on this one. Perhaps someone with more experience within the PC could answer? -
Re: My 50 cents on this work by
on 2012-03-13 22:19:00 UTC
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Heh, I've been here for five years and I still don't know the answer to questions like these. I doubt we'll ever reach a solid conclusion.
And you have an interesting point. Fanfiction occupies a very different niche from published fiction; it presumes a certain level of familiarity with a preestablished setting, for starters, and is much more of a personal exercise in indulgence. (I say this as someone with eleven years of fanwriting under my belt. XD) Stripping fanfic and publishing it as original fic may not be illegal, but it's questionable and ethically unsound. -
Well, in regards to your last question... by
on 2012-03-13 21:05:00 UTC
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...obviously the answer is "change all the names".
Minor thing with the Dear Author review: sometimes Kindle just randomly italicises whole pages for no reason. I don't know why. If it appears in the PRINT edition, then yeah, we have a problem.
Also, I did post a thread a while back about fanfics of fanfics. Can't remember what happened to it. -
Re: Well, in regards to your last question... by
on 2012-03-13 22:16:00 UTC
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You did? Oh, I'm sorry! I went looking for other threads like this but didn't find yours, so I thought it hadn't been discussed yet.
And I don't know if it appears in print; I only have the ebook version. Which is bad enough. -
What the?... by
on 2012-03-13 21:04:00 UTC
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So we have a book, that is a disguised badfic of another book, that is itself believed to be poorly written (and IMHO a badfic itself)?
Dammit. Just... dammit.
My stand fot is that since it's a only slighty re-written fanfiction it doesn't have the "officially published" protection that even Twilight has, so it's killable and bad enought to be killed. With fire. Then bombs. Then NUCLEAR bombs.
And then Sun Crush the hell out of it. Just to be freaking sure this thing is dead.
If Stephanie Meyer decides to sue the hell out of it, it will be the only time you will see me AGREEING with her. -
Re: What the?... by
on 2012-03-14 00:14:00 UTC
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A badfic of a badfic? Is there a word for that? Badficfic, perhaps?
Worsefic? (nm) by
on 2012-03-14 00:44:00 UTC
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Re: What the?... by
on 2012-03-13 22:20:00 UTC
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I know, it's like Moebius Fic or something. Or inbreeding. If books were families, the Twilight bloodline would be the House of Hapsburg.
I will forever picture them with the Hapsburg Chin, now. (nm) by
on 2012-03-13 22:55:00 UTC
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Or like Queen Victoria's bloodline. by
on 2012-03-13 22:43:00 UTC
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Number one, they were all spawned from the Vampire Lestat, and then they interbred to the point where they're all cousins.
Number two- Victoria's kids had hemophilia. All these fics seem to hemorrhage sparkles. -
Does that make Stephanie Meyer... by
on 2012-03-14 12:21:00 UTC
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... the Grandmother Of Vampdom? Or would that 'honour' go to Bella?
(And now I'm picturing a massive crossover where Bella marries her grandchildren off to every vampire she can come up with... oh dear)
hS -
Money, deer Huinesoron by
on 2012-03-15 18:34:00 UTC
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If it makes money, it's made.
Ohmygoshthatgivesmebadideas. by
on 2012-03-14 15:16:00 UTC
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...Well, since Bram Stoker is the father of Dracula, and Dracula was the vampire that basically defined vampires... *eyetwitch* Bram Stoker/Steph Meyer? Lolno.
Heh. Good luck with the marrying-off thing. Most of my!vampires have RAGING commitment issues. RAGING. Because, you know, it's a bit hard to hold down a relationship when you're both just trying to stay sane. (My friend and I do a lot of World of Darkness stuff, so our vampires are... ya know. XD}
Not to mention that in some of these 'verses, vampire's... um... parts don't work? And in most of them, they're either not interested in sex, or obsessed with the kinkiest, creepiest kind.
Either way, I feel sorry for Bella's grandbabies. XD -
This is your fault. by
on 2012-03-14 15:52:00 UTC
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Vamp War I
"... all possible efforts have been made to bring this crisis to a peaceful resolution. Their having failed, we have no option but to resort to military force. As of noon today, this nation is at war with the Empire of Rice."
Bella switched the TV off with a sigh. "How did it come to this?" she asked the empty air. "It wasn't so long ago we vampire nations were allied against the world."
"They blame us, you know," a voice said from the shadows. Bella squinted, trying to make out the hooded figure she knew had to be there, but to no avail. "They say we corrupted the noble race of vampires - something like that."
Bella grimaced. "I know, Grandmother," she said. "The Stokerites have always had it in for me. Us. Whatever."
"At least we have allies," Grandmother pointed out. "All the newer nations are firmly on our side."
"But what use are they?" Bella despaired. "With Rice against us, the Butchers and Lukyanenkoids will rally to her flag. We are so massively outnumbered we need a new word for it."
"Court the Whedonites," Grandmother suggested. Bella snorted.
"Them? They hate us."
"But they hate Rice as well," Grandmother pointed out. "If we make concessions - some influence in the new nations, perhaps - they may fall in line."
"I don't think it'll work," Bella said glumly. "Isn't there anyone else?"
But Grandmother was gone.
hS -
THIS. This is your fault. by
on 2012-03-14 21:29:00 UTC
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[Author's Note: Lorcan is my Vampire: the Masquerade OC. Rein-Hager made VtM. XD]
Vamp War II ~ Part One
Lorcan crouched on the roof. He was cold, wet, and scared out of his mind; this mission was bad enough as it was.
You wouldn't think it would be so hard to send a sparkly, stupid Tore-knockoff to her Final Death, but hundreds of vampires and thousands of hunters and slayers had tried and failed.
He wiped the pouring rain out of his eyes, pushed his bleached-blonde bangs to one side, and glared at his partner.
"You *sure* we can pull this off?" he asked.
The Stokerite gave him a *look*. It wasn't a particularly angry look... yet.
"Silence, Rein-Hagerite."
Lorcan could hear the ice in his tone, and shut up. He didn't want to get, say, eaten alive by a swarm of bats.
A wave of blood-hot anger engulfed him. Stokerites thought they were better than every other kind of vampire, because they came first and were stronger. Well, from where Lorcan was standing, they seemed like just another clan to him. And he HATED the way they looked down at him and his for being 'younger'.
He fingered the two-bladed knife on his belt, and took a deep breath. It would really suck if he let the Beast out now. Stokerites were freggin' NASTY.
Lorcan scowled. Why couldn't he have had a Pratchettian as his partner? They had a sense of humor at least. Or a Whedonite, they were awesome. H*ll, even a Whovian vampire would be better, and they were giant fish-aliens in disguise.
/Allied High Command is a b-/
The mark rounded the corner. Lorcan recognized that smug face from the TV ad the Camarilla and the Stokerites teamed up to put out.
'Rosalie Cullen. Wanted for corrupting the noble race of vampires. Sentence: Death. Reward: $40,000.'
/Time for some fireworks./ He grabbed the knife and glanced at his companion.
"We goin', or..."
His companion nodded, and shifted. The dark-haired Stokerite turned into a massive wolf, leaping off the building.
Lorcan hung back, almond-shaped eyes narrowing. Something was wrong here, but he wasn't quite sure /what/.
His partner turned the corner, and there was a strangled howl.
[IS not very good. Wrote it while cleaning my room.] -
on 2012-03-14 17:09:00 UTC
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The Whedonites hate EVERYONE. xD Why am I not surprised? XDD
I think by the end of it, it would be Twihraka and its knockoffs versus EVERYONE ELSE.
I almost feel sorry for the Twipires.
Hey, it's another newbie! by
on 2012-03-13 21:34:00 UTC
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Uh, hello. I'm Stargazing Sketcher (or StarSketch for short- You may have seen me in the chatroom recently)and I'm a girl from the US.
I've spent some time looking over the wiki and some of the original series, and it seems pretty interesting so far.
I've been in the chatroom at least twice, and I'll probably spend more time over there than here.
I watch a lot of anime and play a lot of video games... I'm currently active in the Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts, Madoka Magica, Homestuck and World God Only Knows fandoms. -
HoI tHuRR. by
on 2012-03-15 04:31:00 UTC
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Just kidding. As a new person around the Board, I thought you might want to know that we're always supposed to use proper grammar and punctuation unless we're trying to prove a stylistic point or be sarcastic (see above).
Have a vanilla toffee. What fandoms do you like? -
Star obtained A Bunch Of Gifts! by
on 2012-03-20 20:45:00 UTC
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Uh, Thanks!
Aeidhryn: My fandoms are listed right at the bottom (I actually forgot The Legend of Zelda when I posted that, so there's a bit more.)
I'm pretty sure I used correct grammar and punctuation in my post, though I may have missed something by accident...unless this is just a general thing you tell newbies. If that's the case, then I'll just stop now. -
Re: Star obtained A Bunch Of Gifts! by
on 2012-03-20 23:58:00 UTC
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Oh, that's just something I tell all newbies. I try to warn them about things that tend to annoy other Boarders so we don't get into squabbles and rebukes are infrequent.
Sorry, didn't see the fandoms list. Must have had a late night or something. -
Hey Newbie! by
on 2012-03-14 20:12:00 UTC
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Welcome a-board! Have a wizard's hat; magic not included.
Hello Newbie! by
on 2012-03-14 13:10:00 UTC
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Welcome to the Board! Have some chocolate, won't you?
Greetings! by
on 2012-03-14 06:24:00 UTC
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Hello, hope you find the PPC welcoming and fun. Have this pyrotechnic conifer as a gift, just try to keep it away from anything flammable :)
Welcome! by
on 2012-03-14 05:37:00 UTC
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Welcome to the Board, have a diamond shovel!
Hello! by
on 2012-03-14 04:50:00 UTC
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Welcome to the board! Have some Bleeprin, you may need it. Good luck!
Hey! by
on 2012-03-14 03:38:00 UTC
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Welcome from another newbie! Have a bottled explosion (Open away from face) and a hammerspace bag, good for up to 12 metric tonnes.
First plover! (nm) by
on 2012-03-14 03:33:00 UTC
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Hello, hello! by
on 2012-03-14 03:28:00 UTC
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Welcome to the Board! Have some of my world-famous hydrophobic water! Now on par with most industrial-grade cleaning products!
Good to have you a-Board! by
on 2012-03-14 03:23:00 UTC
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Greetings, new friend! Have some Royalberry ice cream!
Oh hai there! by
on 2012-03-14 01:32:00 UTC
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We love new people! We love 'em so much it's incredible, actually...
Here, have some Dutilleux for the road: -
Re: Hey, it's another newbie! by
on 2012-03-14 00:51:00 UTC
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Hi, have some fudge!
Hi! by
on 2012-03-14 00:04:00 UTC
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Welcome! Here's a nice cardboard box for extra storage space - you may need it. If you have any chocolate you don't want, I'll eat it for you!
Hallo, Noob! :D by
on 2012-03-13 22:58:00 UTC
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Have a pokeball filled with chocolate eggs.
Happy Pi Day! by
on 2012-03-14 09:48:00 UTC
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Wishing everyone around the circles of the PPC a very happy 3/14. I hope it proves to be a revolution in everyone's lives.
Ok, I've run out of puns. I have, however, literally just finished eating a pie.
Elcalion. -
My friend made 3.14 pies... by
on 2012-03-15 03:18:00 UTC
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Or rather, three pies and enough brownie to cover the .14 bit.
'Twas good. -
I'm glad you provided an explanation. by
on 2012-03-15 20:55:00 UTC
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I was wondering how you would make .14 of a pie. XD
Actually quite easy. by
on 2012-03-15 22:55:00 UTC
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Use a round pie form, but only put in 50.4 degrees of pie, leaving the rest of the circle blank. Thus, you have .14 of a pie.
- Also... by on 2012-03-14 22:52:00 UTC Link to this
Happy Pi Day! by
on 2012-03-14 22:42:00 UTC
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...Pity I'm English. It doesn't work over here. D:
Too bad it's not 2015... by
on 2012-03-14 19:41:00 UTC
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...Then we'd get 3/14/15! (3.1415...Agh, did I really need to explain that?)
Screw 2015. 1592 is the year of the circle. (nm) by
on 2012-03-15 01:40:00 UTC
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I want to write a novel by
on 2012-03-18 06:48:00 UTC
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called "1592: Year of the Circle" now.
You know how there's "1421: The Year China Discovered the World" and so on... it would fit right in. -
You. Lot. Are. Awesome. by
on 2012-03-14 17:16:00 UTC
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Trois pointe un quatre un cinq neuf deux six cinq trois cinq...
Seriously, happy Piday! :D -
3.14 by
on 2012-03-14 15:49:00 UTC
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Look at the letters 3.14 in a mirror. What do they spell out?
Re: 3.14 by
on 2012-03-15 00:50:00 UTC
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...Ale? But we don't have any ale.
Re: 3.14 by
on 2012-03-15 01:25:00 UTC
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No, no, no! Not ale! Pie! Look!
We have no ale! ONLY PIE! (Although, honestly, this had to be explained to me twice.) -
Re: 3.14 by
on 2012-03-15 01:32:00 UTC
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Oh, good. I don't even like alcohol.
In a roundabout way... by
on 2012-03-14 14:32:00 UTC
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... this might be considered a fairly circuitous pun on Pi Day.
But you'd have to be loopy to think it was.
hS, having a ball -
3.14139... by
on 2012-03-14 13:44:00 UTC
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Yeah, happy π Day everyone.
Can you write more of this? by
on 2012-03-15 03:46:00 UTC
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I would really like to read a full story.
If you and hS do a collaboration, it will be amazing. (nm) by
on 2012-03-15 05:47:00 UTC
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Thanks, guyz! by
on 2012-03-15 08:10:00 UTC
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I had a LOT of fun writing it. :)
If hS is up for it, I'd LOVE to write about the Vampire Wars. :D -
Only if... by
on 2012-03-15 09:19:00 UTC
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... you don't require me to know anything about vampires. :P
(All right, more precisely: I can do Twilight, Night Watch, Dresden Files and a vague outline of Buffy. After that I'm pretty scuppered. Oh, and Discworld, if they count)
hS -
That is TOTALLY fine. :D by
on 2012-03-15 18:09:00 UTC
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The vampire-canons I KNOW WELL are Dracula (read fifteen times, and it gets scarier every time), Twilight, the Vampire: the Masquerade universe, the Vampirates books, the Vampire Knight manga, the Black Blood Brothers manga, the (contradictory) DC Comics vampires, the (vague) Potterverse vampires, and the Discworld vampires.
I have a vague knowledge of Cirque du Freak, aforementioned vague outline of Buffy, and an extremely vague knowledge of the Reformed Vampire Support Group (which I wanna add because it would be freggin' HILAROUS).
Long story short: I like my vampires.
I also had an idea for WHY the vampires are all at war, beyond just 'Twilight sucks'... It'd make a great title, too. We could call it 'The Dracula Heresy'. -
Just as long as you don't... by
on 2012-03-15 18:29:00 UTC
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... expect me to take it at all seriously.
hS -
Oh, heck to the no! by
on 2012-03-15 18:45:00 UTC
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This is the PPC. XD Anything goes.
I was thinking, like... the Stokerites worship Dracula. In a creepy, fandom kind of way. And they bully all the other vampires into at least MENTIONING Dracula in their worlds, so they can creep on their hero wherever they want.
Twilight refuses to even ACKNOWLEDGE Dracula exists. THIS MEANS WAR. Everyone else goes along with it, mostly because Twihraka stinks. XD
You like? -
So then... by
on 2012-03-15 19:01:00 UTC
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... who allies with Twiglet? Other than 50 Shades of Ripoff, naturally.
hS -
Hmmm... by
on 2012-03-15 19:25:00 UTC
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From what I can tell... Vampire Diaries and Anita Blake would probably ally. And Anita Blake is a canon Mary Sue, which would make ALL their lives SO much harder. *has not read the books, due to ENITIRELY too much shmex, but...*
Anita Blake, PSA to PPC agents. ;) by
on 2012-03-16 18:03:00 UTC
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I have to admit to having read some of these books. There is no sex in the book series until one scene in the very end of book six. Book seven is where it starts to be in more, and also where she starts becoming more Sue-like. I read I think up to book nine maybe, by which point she was a complete sex-crazed Sue.
When she first appears in book one, she's much more of a badass normal. She has some talent with her necromancy powers, but is a fairly low-level minion at a company that provides necromancy services. If memory serves (it has been a long while since I read them), she was about on par with the average PPC agent.
By book nine she's the most powerful necromancer in history, part of an extremely rare triumverate, then the leader of an even rarer secondary triumverate, leader of a clan of were-panthers (I think, it was definitely some kind of smaller Big Cat), infected with several strains of were-things, but not shifting, infected with vampirism, but not showing the symptoms, infected with the armour which requires that she have sex constantly, and apparently it continues to get more grandiose in the books beyond nine.
She actually makes a really good warning as to what not to let our agents become. -
...Wut. by
on 2012-03-16 23:43:00 UTC
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... I don't think even my WORST SUE that I wrote at the getgo is that bad.
Re: Anita Blake, PSA to PPC agents. ;) by
on 2012-03-16 23:09:00 UTC
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Armor that...?! How would that even...
What does PSA mean? -
Pardon my French. :P by
on 2012-03-18 00:32:00 UTC
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The Armour is my attempt to spell the French word for love. It was supposed to be a rare effect in that canon that some vampires had that made them need not only blood, but also sex/emotion. Like her primary vampire boyfriend (by book nine she had a whole harem, or whatever the term would be when it is applied to males), had this, but he is old and has it under control, and is sustained quite well by regular sex and being around a lot of emotion. He isn't required by the power to have sex immediately and constantly. Since she doesn't have it under control, she is. This is where the books devolved rather quickly into porn (and got pretty boring in the plot department. the last one I read was pretty muchly PWP.)
The word you need is "Amour" by
on 2012-03-18 19:50:00 UTC
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Good thing I studied French too at elementary and middle school.
Don't expect me to be able to speak it, though. -
Too bad. :( (nm) by
on 2012-03-18 18:30:00 UTC
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It means Public Service Announcement (nm) by
on 2012-03-18 00:25:00 UTC
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Thanks. (nm) by
on 2012-03-18 18:27:00 UTC
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Survey & Battlestar Galactica question by
on 2012-03-15 04:33:00 UTC
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Hey guys.
Is there any chance we could run a survey? I'm curious to see how long most of you have been around for and how many missions, if any, you've written. Also, paragraph-long opinion pieces on controversial fan fiction issues would be fun. I think I recall a rather awesome survey that was done at one point... could someone just copy and paste and do it again? Could we have another PPC newspaper?
Also. I've just watched the miniseries and season one episode one of BG. Anyone have good starter-fics? -
I run the survey. by
on 2012-03-15 15:58:00 UTC
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At least for the past couple years. I will be running it again soon; I usually do it March-Aprilish. You were around for the last one, if I recall correctly. :P
Okay. by
on 2012-03-15 22:55:00 UTC
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Thanks for replying. I didn't forget your survey, just who ran it and how.
I support... by
on 2012-03-15 10:20:00 UTC
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... the reappearance of the Multiverse Monitor. Since it already Phoenixed once, it can do it again. But of course it should be in a completely new form, since the original (does anyone else remember that?) was for Boarders, featuring things like the Plotbunny Adoption Centre, while the second was a HQ tabloid.
Redwall question by
on 2012-03-15 14:50:00 UTC
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This has been nagging at me for a long time, but is there any definitive scale for the size of animals, trees, and buildings in Redwall? About how tall would an agent native to Redwall be? In the cartoon you could clearly see a size disparity between the species, but not in the books. Is the cartoon considered canon?
Re: Redwall question by
on 2012-03-20 03:05:00 UTC
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*adjusts unneeded glasses*
Well, yes, unfortunately, the cartoon is canon. It's published and authorized. As much as I hate to say it, the cartoon is part of the world. In a way, it is a world unto itself- as you say, there's a large size disparity. In the books, there was also a difference, but it wasn't quite so large. I'd say mice and rats would have had no more than a foot or so of height difference, or equivalent. Badgers probably would have been eight or nine feet tall or equivalent. Maybe ten for larger ones like Gorath. Hares might have reached six and a half as opposed to a mouse's five and a half, and I'd put foxes as five-foot-nine.
It all depends on whether you're writing for the cartoon or the books whether the sizing is correct. A mouse from the cartoon would probably be actual mouse-sized in HQ, like a mouse from Narnia, Celestia damn the place, while a mouse from the books would be able to look you or me in the eye and then claw it out if ze so desired. Good luck! -
Re: Redwall question by
on 2012-03-15 16:12:00 UTC
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I'd suggest looking up the Redwall missions and agents on the Wiki. IIRC, the agents are all roughly around the same size as a human, and the buildings and trees in the canon seemed to be the same size to the animals that real world buildings and trees are to us.
The cartoon is a canon. (nm) by
on 2012-03-15 16:00:00 UTC
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It has been published, so it's canon. by
on 2012-03-15 14:53:00 UTC
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Also, I never noticed any notable size differences in Redwall agents.
I always imagined them as about the same size. by
on 2012-03-16 16:14:00 UTC
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Awso. I LOVED that cartoon as a little kid. ^^
Where's a good... by
on 2012-03-16 16:13:00 UTC
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Comprehensive history of the PPC for n00bmuffins?
I keep hearing things about characters dying in a Sue-Crisis or something, and I have NO idea what's going on. >.> - History by on 2012-03-16 17:27:00 UTC Link to this
I found irony! by
on 2012-03-16 20:14:00 UTC
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Look! Look! It's The History of the PPC, Part One, linked from that very page!
hS -
That... by
on 2012-03-16 22:26:00 UTC
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...would be one of the sources of broad strokes I was talking about. It's not comprehensive, and it isn't detailed (which was the point of AnnaBee's question). A useful resource for finding out what order things happened in, but not much beyond that, at the moment.
I fail to see the irony. -
Yes, I can tell. by
on 2012-03-17 08:26:00 UTC
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AnnaBee asks for a history of the PPC > You say there isn't one > You link to a page which links to an article called 'History of the PPC'. See?
I'm aware that it's not comprehensive, since a comprehensive history is more accurately called a 'story', and I wrote most of those. However, since the History links to the articles which (should) link to the stories, I'd say it's actually more comprehensive than we might be giving it credit for. It just needs a bit of link hopping.
hS -
Never let it be said... by
on 2012-03-17 12:20:00 UTC
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... that I don't do anything for people.
Comprehensive History of the PPC
Pluggage: Portal 2 Personality Orbs (not only for P2 fans) by
on 2012-03-16 23:03:00 UTC
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Just listen to that fact sphere. Or the space sphere. Adventure sphere is my least favorite.
This reminded me oddly of the PPC, in a way. Perhaps because of the error part, which also reminded me of Pterry. -
I love them so much. by
on 2012-03-18 00:43:00 UTC
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Especially the Space core. *heart heart heart*
Favourite quote: by
on 2012-03-17 05:41:00 UTC
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"Humans can survive underwater. But not for very long."
-Fact core
Excuse me while I boot up Steam to go play this for several hours... -
Personality Cores by
on 2012-03-17 05:08:00 UTC
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I like the space one.
"Space. Space. Wanna go to space. SPAAAACE."
The Past by
on 2012-03-17 01:31:00 UTC
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Would I be allowed to reference events for Agents (Say, them taking an item like a hat that wouldn't be missed off a Sue) without me actually writing a fanfic about it happening? Just to clear it up before I try posting my Second Permission attempt. In this case, one of my Agents tries hiding his mass of hair by using a fedora he took off a Dresden Files Stu.
Also, is Responce Centre 9777 taken? -
Re: The Past by
on 2012-03-17 02:41:00 UTC
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We have a list of RC numbers, bu no, 9777 isn't taken. I think that it's OK to reference stuff like the fedora, as long as it's not blatantly contradictory--as in, this isn't the agent's first mission.
OK by
on 2012-03-17 09:36:00 UTC
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Marikane would have been around for a while, so I think it's OK.
Second Permission Attempt by
on 2012-03-17 02:06:00 UTC
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Well, if at first you don't succeed, try again with more effort. Wish me luck:
PPC Permission Attempt 2
Marikane Cananvi:
Written by: Gone Rampant
Age: 32
Species: Human
Home Continuum: Star Wars
Department: Department of Floaters.
Division: N/A
Response Centre: 9777
Partner: Paul Clarke.
History: Marikane fell through a plot-hole created by a Sue in the Jedi Temple sometime before the Original Trilogy, and became determined to hunt said Sue down. Following this, he was caught in the act by several PPC agents, and was recruited soon after. Marikane is eccentric, believing that The Flowers all take part in underground cage-fighting, getting rid of the common housefly by firing at it with Paul’s Fat-Man and, in one case, getting rid of a door-to-door salesman by using a portal generator to summon a Daedric Warrior. Marikane often insults works he’s sporking in a dry tone, often skipping to scenes where there’s crime being done so he can get out of the badfic before his alcohol supply runs out. Marikane is strongly against any form of abuse, and counts it as a crime above being a Mary Sue.
Sexual Orientation: Asexual in the sense he doesn’t want a permanent relationship, but he still has no problem flirting with people.
Fandom(s): Works of BioWare and Joss Whedon, Assassin’s Creed, Halo, The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (Campaign only- despises the multiplayer), How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory, Family Guy, The Simpsons.
Lust-object(s): Rachel Berry (Glee), Barris Offee (Star Wars).
Favourite(s): Most of the above, alongside Muse, Queen, Requiem for a Dream (His favourite movie soundtrack of all time), Sherlock (TV Series) and Sherlock Holmes (2009/2011 Movies).
Appearance: Marikane has disorganised dark-brown hair sticking around his head- he often tries to tame it by threatening it with his lightsaber and/or covering it in a big fedora, which he claims he snatched off a Stu in the Dresden Files universe before meeting Paul.
Weapon(s): Liberated Gauss Cannon that resembles the Gravity Gun from Half-Life off a Sue (“She was dead when I got there!”), one lightsaber, The Force (Or his “Lightning hands”) for backup.
Paul Clarke:
Written by: Gone Rampant
Age: 27
Species: Human
Sexual Orientation: Straight.
Home Continuum: Fallout: New Vegas.
Department: Department of Floaters.
Division: N/A
Response Centre: 9777
Partner: Marikane Cananvi.
History: Paul was a version of the Courier in Fallout New Vegas, who, like Marikane, fell into a plot hole, landing on Marikane. He quietly became a member of the PPC in the resulting months, quickly settling into a Response Centre with Marikane. Paul is more quiet when off-mission, enjoying most, if not all, of the things Marikane enjoys, although while Marikane’s DVD rack is “Organised chaos” in his words, Paul arranged all of his gear he had on him falling through the plot hole into a single corner, and it hasn’t had to be moved since.
Fandom(s): See Marikane’s for the list- part of the reason they’re partners is because they have a lot in common.
Lust-object(s): Cortana (Halo), Black Cat (Spider-Man).
Favourite(s): See "Fandoms".
Weapon(s): FN-FAL, Hunting Revolver, Maria (Benny’s 9M pistol).
Appearance: Paul wears the Vault-Suit Doc Mitchell gave him after he was shot by Benny at the start of New Vegas when not on missions. Right before he fell through he fell through the plot-hole, he found an Elite NCR Ranger outfit (Mostly for the duster, which has become regular clothing for whenever a mission allows it).
Sample (From my Glee story, “Tattoos- Yes or No?”)
Hi there! Gone Rampant here, with yet another PSA from the minds at Rooster Teeth. In this one, my OC, Daniel Lawson, and, making his first appearance in a fanfic written by me, is ZeroBen's Mitchell Marcus Mason. If you want for info on Mitchell, then go to ZeroBen, or read "A Different Point of View", which covers Glee through Mitchell's eyes. So enjoy!
I own Daniel Lawson, ZeroBen owns Mitchell Mason, Soulless Warlock owns Jack Harmon, FOX owns Glee, and Rooster Teeth own the PSA. I also don't own Zero Punctuation and Penny Arcade.
Set before Bryan Ryan showed up in Dream On.
00000 (Choir Room)
Artie and Jack sit at a laptop set on the piano. The Glee kids are doing... Whatever it is they do when I'm not at the puppet strings.
"In five," Jack yells. "Four, three, two, one..."
Artie flips the lens, playing a sound bite of a bass guitar playing a few chords.
Daniel and Mitchell come up in the crowd, gaining a few strange looks from people as they walk down the steps.
"Hi there, how you doing," Daniel says to the camera in a calm voice, smiling. "I'm Daniel Lawson from the Glee Club, "New Directions.""
"And I'm Mitchell Marcus Mason, from that same club," Mitchell says brightly.
"Like you do anything other than lust after Quinn," Daniel mutters darkly. Mitchell and Jack glare at him, and he shrugs.
"Fine, I'll stick to the script," he says. "But you know what?" he says more loudly, oblivious to the people behind him. "We're not here to talk to you as gods living among mortals, who also happen to be very attractive and have large harems under false name. Don't deny it!" he yells at the people behind him, who mumble incoherent sentences, except for Puck, who nods brightly.
"You two scare me," Mitchell deadpans. "Moving on..." Jack says from behind the camera. Mitchell sighs heavily.
"That's right, we're here today, to tell you how to run your life," he says.
"You know, a lot of you out there are probably considering purchasing a tattoo, or as young idiots like Finn call it, a (Clears throat) "Tat,"" Daniel says in an informative manner.
"Or," Mitchell buts in, "Adding a tattoo to your already impressive, yet slightly pathetic, collection of random junk you'll never need."
"So today, in this desolate corner of the world, where most people watch Justin Bieber videos on repeat," (Everyone stops to shudder at Daniel’s statement), "Today we are presenting to you a very special, "Point-Counterpoint", PSA," Daniel tells the audience.
Above him and Mitchell, in large white writing, the words, "Point/Counterpoint: Should you get a tattoo?", and Mitchell repeats the second part of that sentence.
Daniel's name pops up in the corner, with a red line in between his name and his stance: Against.
"I think it's quite clear that you should NOT get a tattoo," he tells the camera.
"And I can summarise my points in this elegant, yet simple, bulleted list."
To Daniel's right, a list starts to unfold down the screen, containing his points, with him narrating as we go down the list.
"Number one", he reminds everyone, "Tattoos are permanent."
"Number two", he continues. "You are a God damn idiot."
"And I'd like to prove the second point mathematically," he tells the audience. "Take your current age. Now take ten years off it. Were you smart back then? Of course you weren't; you were a God damn idiot."
By complete coincidence, the following words show up: Finn should die in a hole that should be filled with machine gun fire. Maybe then Rachel would notice me.
"The fact of the matter is," he says, not even noticing the new point, "You're just as much of an idiot now as you were back then, it's just gonna take you ten more years to figure that out."
"Now think what would have happened if you'd drawn a picture on your body back then- Would you be happy with it today?" He asks.
"The chances are, you wouldn't be." He says sadly.
"Unless it was cool, which brings me to my main point," Mitchell interrupts happily.
""Tattoos. Rock." Mason says bluntly. “As long as you avoid the following idiotic designs, you'll be perfectly fine," He tells the audience as his own list unfolds, with "Designs to avoid", written at the top.
"Number 1: The barbed wire ring," Mason says. "Nothing says "1998", quite like a barbed wire ring around your biceps," he says. "You'll look like a defensive lineman, and if you get one, you're probably as smart as one."
"Number 2: The Band Logo," at his words, the logos for bands like Metallica, Scorpions and Milli Vanilli show up to his left.
"Any band logo", he says angrily. "Think about it- The only pop star who remained cool for over ten years was Madonna. And you're not fooling anyone by getting a tattoo of her."
"Damn straight," Daniel cuts in.
"Finally, and most importantly, is the tribal designs and the Asian Characters," Mitchell says.
At his word, your basic Asian character and tribal design show up.
"No one gets it!" Mitchell yells at the camera. "And be honest- You don't either. Someone had to explain it to you, and you have no idea if they're even telling the truth. So," he says in summation, "Avoid these simple pitfalls, and a tattoo can be a wonderful and rewarding experience. Minus the excruciating pain, and the needles, and did I mention the pain?"
"It is at this time," Daniel butts in, "That I'd like to point out that our good friend Mitchell "StoneMason", here, has a tattoo on his neck- In plain sight where we all have to look at it. It's from the movie Batman Begins, starring Christian Bale, which is a fantastic movie ("Pick it up now, it's dirt cheap!" scrolls across the bottom of the screen as Daniel talks), right Mitchell?" he asks him.
"Actually, it's um, from the comic book," he says, clearly embarrassed.
"Yeah, that's great- I'm sure your boyfriend loves it," Daniel deadpans, already bored.
"In closing," Mitchell says to the camera, "Be sure to choose wisely when getting a tattoo. Don't repeat my mistake."
"Right, listen," Daniel says, dragging the camera over so it's looking at him. "If, despite my points, you still want a tattoo, at least let me offer a good suggestion for a design. How about this: Why not get a tattoo of your favourite character, from your favourite online thing?"
At this, Ben, "Yatzhee" Croshaw from game review service Zero Punctuation from online magazine The Escapist pops up in the corner. Daniel, finally noticing the things beside him (Which include Darth Vader, Bender from Futurama, and Cleveland Brown from Family Guy and The Cleveland Show.
"I meant your other favourite online character," Daniel stresses, practically pointing at himself.
At this, Tyco and Gabe from Penny Arcade show up over Zero Punctuation. Daniel sighs heavily.
"Okay Artie, you know what? Screw you and your-"
Artie turns off the visuals, but we can still hear Daniel as though he is whispering, although it would look like he's insulting the people watching. He also flips the bird a few times. A brief struggle is heard, and Daniel's voice is heard.
"I mean seriously, what do I care," we hear from his microphone. "Get a tattoo of a goddamn M16 and plaster it all over your forehead, why don't you. That'd give Jack a boner," he deadpans before his microphone is turned off.
"These PSA's should be fun- We can have infinite fun these things, all "For science!”" Daniel says happily to Jack and Mitchell.
"This could be the start of something wonderful..." Jack says, trailing off for no good reason. The three boys just stand there, looking up at the sky, but then they move before a slushie found its home in their faces.
Leave your thoughts in the comments! -
Creepy. by
on 2012-03-17 16:05:00 UTC
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Your choice of LOs for Marikane creeped me out massively. The first character is supposed to be seventeen and I can't figure the age for the second one but as far as I can tell she's supposed to be pretty young, too.
Beyond that, echoing what others have already said. -
Um... by
on 2012-03-17 22:42:00 UTC
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Yeah, he's like that.
*Rubs back of head*
I really should have thought that out with a bit more care, shouldn't I? -
Plagiarism by
on 2012-03-17 13:03:00 UTC
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I know Neshomeh's already said her piece (not to mention that I'm not actually a Permission Giver,) but this needs to be said. I apologize in advance if this comes off as confrontational or accusatory.
This story isn't an adaptation of the original Red vs. Blue skit; it's almost a straight copy-paste. There are only a few points/modifications that I can see where it's actually original writing. This is not an example of your own work, which is what the community wants to see from these permission requests - how well you can write. Not the Rooster Teeth guys, but YOU. This just feels lazy.
Also, it's plagiarism. Which is bad.
One final note regarding something from your character bios. Asexuality does not mean "isn't looking for a relationship but still flirts with people." In broad terms, asexuals are individuals whom lack a sex drive and/or sexual attraction towards others. What you describe in Paul's bio under Sexual Orientation sounds closer to his being aromantic (that is, not interested in romantic relationships.) -
Re: Plagiarism by
on 2012-03-18 00:26:00 UTC
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The whole plagiarism thing made me curious, so I pulled up Youtube and watched the original skit.
The only thing you did was convert the sketch to narrative text, change names and add the occasional jab at, for example, Justin Bieber (yes, you don't like him, we get it). Even a dozen disclaimers doesn't stop this from being incredibly unimaginative and flatout copypasted.
There's no original and creative work in transcribing a skit. The difference between most fanfic and what you did is that while others at least own their plot, you don't even have that. You posted someone else's plot under your name.
Now on to the writing: The transcribing shows. Is that it reads like a modified screenplay for the original PSA. Screenplays are not prose. They weren't made for being read, but for being acted out. I'm not a PG either, but I think the PPC primarily looks for prose writers, not for people who transcribe videos and add their characters. -
Wrong Meaning by
on 2012-03-17 13:16:00 UTC
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Plagarism would mean I'm making a profit out of my work. Can you frickin' SEE any part of this where I'm making money?
And yeah, aromatic suits them fine. I'll remember it. -
Er, no it wouldn't. by
on 2012-03-17 13:46:00 UTC
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In the generally accepted usage, plagiarism is taking someone else's work and passing it off as your own. It's possible to plagiarise by, eg, copying a Wikipedia article for a school assignment, which isn't profitable, but is very much plagiarism (and stupid besides).
((For the record, I have no knowledge of what's potentially being plagiarised here - I'm just providing definitions))
hS -
I don't pass it as my own. by
on 2012-03-17 22:44:00 UTC
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Every time I adapt work from someone else, I always add who they belong too in a disclaimer. And if that system was used for fanfiction, couldn't we include anyone who doesn't add that the work they're based off of when writing? Check my stories on the Pit, I've disclaimers in every one of them.
Plagiarism by
on 2012-03-17 23:29:00 UTC
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We ask for a sample of your work in a permission request. You gave us this which, if PoorCynic is to be believed (and I see no reason to doubt them), is copy-pasted from a Rooster Teeth PSA with your characters added in. It isn't your work. It is their work. You've essentially taken a book, written in the margins, and given it to us when we asked for a sample of your work.
Also, disclaimers, despite popular belief, do not make copy-pasting something not plagiarism. What makes something not plagiarism is transforming the concepts, the characters, and the settings into something new, using your own ideas. It is the difference between buying a pizza and making a pizza from the same kinds of ingredients.
If you were caught doing this in any classroom I've ever been in, you would have failed the entire semester (that's right, the whole semester for one plagiarized paper) and possibly been suspended.
-Phobos -
Or outright kicked out. (nm) by
on 2012-03-17 23:31:00 UTC
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Also... by
on 2012-03-17 21:54:00 UTC
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Erm, I'm not sure if it's my place to say this, but isn't demonstrating how good your writing is the whole point of a writing sample?
I have concerns. by
on 2012-03-17 05:16:00 UTC
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*emerges from the all-consuming awesomeness that is A Song of Ice and Fire to actually do stuff*
Erm. Like it says, concerns. Mainly, these:
1) This bit: "Marikane often insults works he’s sporking in a dry tone, often skipping to scenes where there’s crime being done so he can get out of the badfic before his alcohol supply runs out";
2) the bits in the writing sample where people are insulted for thinking/liking one thing or another.
There are also miscellaneous mechanical issues, but I'm far more worried that your missions will consist entirely of skipping ahead to the next scene and calling the characters—or worse, the authors—"idiots" if they happen to like barbed wire tattoos or Metallica or whatever else is arbitrarily not cool.
I am looking for evidence in your character bios and writing sample to indicate that my concerns are groundless, but I'm not seeing anything. Your two agents have a lot in common when it comes to fandoms and such, you say, so I have no hope of one restraining the other when going overboard on matters of personal taste (which is one reason partners tend to be rather different, not the same). The writing sample is a bunch of dudes insulting each other and other people—and what it has to do with Glee I have no idea. Granted, I haven't seen that much of the show, but since it's spelled out that these characters are all your friends' or your own OCs and there's no plot to speak of, I can only assume the tie-ins are references I missed, which don't really make it a fanfic. Oh, and this:
3) "The Glee kids are doing... Whatever it is they do when I'm not at the puppet strings."
Not only is that an in-text author's note in the second sentence of the story, which destroys any hope of a reader being drawn into it, that's a pretty off-handed dismissal of the canon this story is supposedly set in. Where from this writing sample am I to draw the conclusion that the PPC canon will fare any better in your missions?
So, those are pretty big concerns, and as such I'm afraid I can't grant you permission at this time. Going forward, please bear in mind that insults are not in themselves funny, and merely insulting bad writing is not what we're here to do. We're ideally lovers of canon and good writing first, mockers of ridiculous writing second, and never insulting just for the sake of being insulting.
~Neshomeh -
OK by
on 2012-03-17 09:53:00 UTC
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Well, I'll take it all on board. Just to note, I prefer Game of Thrones to the books.
The sample was based off something else, I was just adapting it from a Red Vs Blue PSA. I insist- it wouldn't be mindless insulting.
The "Puppet strings" thing was just making fun of the fourth wall. And not to sound disrespectful, but the Glee charatcers in Red Vs Blue makes more sense when using the actual episodes. And about RVB- it's a recurring thing me and a few authors reference during our fanfics.
And I can be a serious writer- it's just easy for me during comedy stories to kind of, pardon my language, dick around and be sarcastic at the characters. Although I guess it would be better if it was (A) Not there, or (B) Funny.
Thanks anyway for judging. I'm just gonna think about this over Knights of the Nine.
Story: The Department of Redundancy Department by
on 2012-03-17 09:48:00 UTC
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Because these guys have gone without an appearance for far too long.
Greetings and Hello: A Glimpse Into the DRD.
Both these agents are designated free-to-use NPCs. Be good to them.
hS -
Re: Story by
on 2012-03-18 23:50:00 UTC
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Rosalind's dialogue is quite impressive! It must have been difficult to write, going against the instinct to avoid redundancy. At least this department has some representation now!
I must ask, was there any particular inspiration for Haar? He seems creepily similar to Andy the Messenger Robot (Many Other Functions) from Stephen King's Dark Tower series. -
Nothing particular. by
on 2012-03-19 11:37:00 UTC
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By species I think he was a machine man from Rice Boy, but his essential character comes from the needs of the story - and what would be funniest. He's scary because that's funny, once you reach the end.
hS, who hasn't read Dark Tower - yet -
Wow. by
on 2012-03-18 23:25:00 UTC
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Likes your department, I does.
I really like your DRD. by
on 2012-03-18 18:44:00 UTC
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Especially Haar's almost-monologue.
on 2012-03-17 12:16:00 UTC
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*Huggles them both*
Haar especially. But Rosalind is cool, too. :D
Second Attempt At Agents? ^^; by
on 2012-03-17 14:08:00 UTC
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Okay... Sorry to be an attention wh*re again, but after the reception my guilty-pleasure-more-Sue-than-I-thought got the last time, I wanna make sure this lot are HONED TO PERFECTION before I try for Permission. >.>
Here's what I got so far.
Agent #1- Robert Vernet, formerly known as Sherlock Holmes
Appearance: Wild, shaggy brown hair, dark eyes, and a faint stubble across his chin. Facial expression can best be described as 'pensive', unless you're in the Harry Potter continuum, where 'thoughtful' will have to do. Tends to have a meerschaum pipe clenched between his teeth, full of Longbottom Leaf. Tall and bony. Wears the black uniform of an average PPC agent, with a Floater flash patch on his right shoulder... and a dark brown deerstalker hat and a long blue scarf. If asked about these accoutrements, he simply laughs.
Personality: Brilliant, arrogant, and just a leetle too self-confident. Vain, when it comes to his mental capacities, and responds a little TOO well to flattery. He's originally from the Victorian era, and was originally one of the 'leading men' in a piece of slash. He has a number of hang-ups related to this. Has a highly addictive personality, though his addictions tend to be to ward off boredom. Before coming to the PPC, he smoked like a chimney, drank too much, did cocaine and morphine, played World of Warcraft, and watched entirely too much bad daytime TV. Now, he doesn't really get bored, so he mostly restrains himself to the wide, WIDE array of bleeproducts available to agents. Doesn't make friends easily. A bit of a loner. Tries to be coolly logical, like his (original) namesake. Some days he is better at this than others. Has inherited his namesake's deductive skills, and tastes in most areas. Talks like a book, and never uses a one dollar word where a ten-dollar word would do. Oh, and his RC looks like it's a mess, but he's got an 'idiosyncratic'
(read- completely batsh*t) system of keeping everything where it goes.
History: Robert comes from an Implausible Crossover RP- South Park/Sherlock Holmes. In this fic, instead of barely surviving his plunge from the Reichenbacher Falls, Holmes fell through a portal into South Park. General hilarity and some slash-y romance ensued. When the PPC came to clean things up, they found themselves with a problem, in the form of one Sherlock Holmes. In canon, Holmes is repeatedly stated to be rather sexless, and almost emotionless. However, while this Holmes was more than capable of emotion, and had fallen in love with a South Parkian, he wasn't a Gary Stu. He was like Paddlebrains- a legitimate, functional Character Replacement. Long story short, he decided to work with the PPC rather than die. His name's Robert in homage to Robert Downey Jr., and Vernet because he always liked the name. (It was a relative of his.) He's at the PPC for almost a year now, and has already driven two partners off (they couldn't handle his 'quirks'.)
Lust Objects: John Watson and Irene Adler, from Sherlock Holmes; Christophe 'ze Mole' DeLorne from South Park; L from Death Note; Charlie Epps from Numb3rs; River Tam from Firefly.
Fandoms: Anything remotely Sherlock Holmes related, Death Note, Numb3rs, South Park, Firefly, Ender's Game, and Lord of the Rings. He enjoys any canon that's big and complicated and has well-defined rules. He really loathes bad Holmes adaptations, and HATES Psych.
Right. Enough likes, and I'll post his partner. -
Ok. by
on 2012-03-17 15:57:00 UTC
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He looks good. I wonder how you'll manage writing a not!Holmes, however. One in the PPC will certainly be an interesting menace if- and you seem to suggest it- he is much like the canon he was intended to be.
That said, "enough likes and I'll post his partner" is bad. You either post them or not. You don't withhold for the hope of gaining attention or positive interest. That is a poor attitude, and withholding for attention is the realm of the bratty and those who feel they deserve special treatment.
Agents work in conjunction; while they may be singluar characters we also have to judge them with how they combine with their partner(s). One agent like this is interesting, PPC-wise. Two agents like this means you missed the mark, and so on.
Also, line breaks are your friend. Use them.
-July, onna phone -
Whoops. by
on 2012-03-17 17:00:00 UTC
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He started out as being more or less Holmes... put it this way. He's slowly being driven mad by a) the complete and total lack of logic in Suefic and b) his glaurunging partners.
Sorry. Used to adminning that annoying Facebook Potter page. >.> It's sort of etiquette to ask for 'likes' so you're not spamming up peoples' newsfeed. I forgot, you can't even 'like' things on here. >///> *is a stupid*
Okay, I'm posting his partner soon. Mundar is NOT my character, he's a friend's OC, though I have permission to use the blighter. The person who invented him is currently asleep, so he won't be on for a while. -
A quick elaboration... by
on 2012-03-18 02:59:00 UTC
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I thought I'd elaborate on the whole 'enough likes and I'll post his partner' thing, springing off of July's quote:
"You don't withhold for the hope of gaining attention or positive interest. That is a poor attitude, and withholding for attention is the realm of the bratty and those who feel they deserve special treatment."
It should be noted that this kind of attitude July mentioned is pretty much the impetus behind a Suethor tendency that comes up in some of the things we spork: some authors will say something to the effect of 'I'm not going to continue this story unless you give me reviews'. It's actually quite annoying when we see that, and I know I'm not alone when I consider such things to be worthy of a charge in most PPC missions. -
*dons the cone of shame* by
on 2012-03-18 03:36:00 UTC
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You're right. Of course.
It was bratty and immature of me. Part of the problem was that I hadn't figured out which agent's going to be his partner.
Shall I put Mundar up now? >.> Or have I screwed up too bad? :c
Agent rewrite. Not permission. by
on 2012-03-17 16:15:00 UTC
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Ok, so It's not a complete rewrite, but I have edited parts that July pointed out in her in her concrit of my previous permission request, which was very helpful, and thought I'd let people take a look and see if the balance has been restored or not.
The permission request will come once I edit my piece for the hundredth time :p
Name: Percy
Height: 6’4”
Species: Humanish
Home Continuum: Original story
Lust Objects: Master Chief, Tali (list ongoing)
Department: Department of Floaters
Fandoms: Spyro the Dragon, Halo, Mass Effect, AVP,
Adventure Time, MLP, Fallout, Elder Scrolls (so far)
Percy was a character from an original story that was scrapped in its early stages. In his home continuum, humans had decided that genetic manipulation was the next big social craze(right up there next to facebook and skinny jeans). Due to this, future generations were born with these traits, leading to the whole human race becoming not so human. With these changes came diseases, one of which affected Percy since he was born and would later be the catalyst in his unique appearance. He suffers from an advanced form of Bi-Polar disorder, dubbed Jekyll and Hyde syndrome in his homeverse, which affects the mental as well as the physical characteristics of the sufferer. Most sufferers do not live more than an average of 25 years, as the strain from the changes deteriorates their body and mind and leaves scars, and so Percy’s parents made use of a highly illegal attempt at a cure. In the process the features he sports today occurred, an unexpected reaction to the treatment. His condition is active, it is just stabilized, and In other words it won’t kill him. He is a relaxed and generally outgoing person and instead of getting angry, he just gets pitiful and whiny. Unless, he is pushed to breaking point. Slightly cowardly, he is still loyal to his friends.
He chooses to be purposely oblivious as he believes the world is far more exciting when you can’t see it coming. This has led to a few arguments with his partner and best friend, Vorce. He is also fairly intelligent in areas that he enjoys and is not stupid, even if he acts like it. He found his way to the PPC after his word world began collapsing around him, as he was the main character in the story, from a lack of storyline and plot. As the world collapses, Percy and Vorce began to argue over the best thing to do and as they argued, fell through a plothole. After stumbling through the multiverse and several badfics, they fell into HQ where they were initially separated until meeting once again at the office of the Marquis De Sod.
Name: Vorce
Height: 5’6”
Species: Humanish/Bunnyboy
Home continuum: Original story
Lust Objects: Unknown
Department: Department of Floaters
Fandoms: Mass Effect, Discworld, JSRF, MLP, Oddworld(so far)
Vorce was a character in an original story that was created to be Percy’s friend. However, he was given very little personality beyond being grumpy or easily angered, this means he is constantly one of these two until his personality properly develops, he is slowly improving. He met Percy when being attacked by a group of street punks. Percy accidentally wandered in without noticing and got beat up as well. This led to them helping each other back to Vorce’s place, where they became friends, Percy’s unique view on life capturing Vorce’s curiosity. They weren’t without their pitfalls however, when the story began to collapse, arguing broke out and things got physical, causing them to fall through a plothole. Adventures through the multiverse ensued.
He is a grumpy individual that is desperate for change in his personality. This leads to frustration when at people he cares about for no reason other than he can’t help it. He is a genuinely caring person, he just can’t show it. He also respects authority even if he doesn’t agree or like them, this won’t stop him from breaking rules if his friends are involved. Some tension still resides between him and Percy around their argument leading to falling through a plothole, but neither will say what it was about. While still a steadfast friend, he sometimes questions if he is truly doing the right thing by standing by Percy.
Vorce is not one to hold back the truth, even when the
bluntness of his comments will hurt someone. He is very opinionated and will strongly defend what he believes in and cares about. This makes him a sort of double-edged blade, he will defend you vehemently, but might also curse you just as strongly. -
I think I remember. by
on 2012-03-17 21:05:00 UTC
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Ah, yeah, those two guys. Well, they already sounded pretty sound to me back then, and that hasn't changed. I think they have potential for lots of Fun.
Intelligence Report: My Dangerous Powers by
on 2012-03-17 19:08:00 UTC
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What's longer than a badfic report thread, shorter than a mission, and (hopefully) entertaining to read? A Department of Intelligence report, that's what!
Presenting Gaspard De Grasse's Intelligence report on a particularly horrendous Zelda fanfic: My Implausible Powers
I'd like to thank doctorlit for beta reading this piece.
Concrit is welcome, as always. -
You know... by
on 2012-03-18 03:23:00 UTC
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Whenever I see Gaspard's name, I always, always want to say Gaspard de la nuit after the trio of Ravel piano pieces. I'm not sure why myself, but... there we have it.
So... concrit? Well...
This is certainly very different from a standard PPC mission. Of course, it is an intelligence report, so that would call for that situation.
I really like how it read as a journal-type thing of the Intelligence agent's thoughts on the fic as he goes through it. It's especially telling that you get a ton of personality oozing from the pages: you can just tell that the agent doesn't want to be there, and that snarking about it is the only way he can deal with it. I also like that the report reads like the narration of a film noir movie, since there's something dead-pan like about it.
I also like that you listed off things that were wrong with the fic at the end of the report, as well as listing characters off. That made much of it feel like a real report, in addition to being able to really get down and dirty with the fic in question.
If there's one thing I feel was lacking, it's that I felt a major lack of focus on the part of Gaspard himself, as well as the other characters. The brief blurb at the beginning of the report did a good job of establishing the scene, but I would've liked to have them have more of a presence, if not during the report at least during the little introductory thing. I felt like the characters barely had any screen time for us to really get to know them all that well, and I think it made the report too depersonalized. I would've liked to get more of a sense of Gaspard as a person before he enters the fic, and before the report begins.
But other than that, it was a very enjoyable read. -
Thanks! by
on 2012-03-18 03:34:00 UTC
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I'm glad you've enjoyed it!
I do agree with not giving Gaspard enough screen time, but I figured Intel reports were more like showcasing badfic that deserves to be sporked instead of the Agent him/herself. That being said, I'm thinking of writing interludes featuring Gaspard, with a possible Fire Flash/Taldaris Floater spinoff.
Needed: Beta reader and volunteers by
on 2012-03-18 11:30:00 UTC
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I'm currently in the middle of writing a trilogy which will cause a certain amount of upheaval in HQ. In order to make sure I do it right, I need a beta*. It needs to be someone who's been around a long time, and who has a good knowledge of PPC canon. A certain level of familiarity with my works wouldn't hurt either, since I'm pulling in characters from all across the board. I've got the first two stories completed, so I'll send those over as soon as someone volunteers for that.
For part 3 of the trilogy, I also need volunteers to co-write. At the end of part 2 the SO sends out a general message to the inhabitants of HQ, and I would like to see agents' responses. This part doesn't require any particular knowledge, and is open to anyone with Permission. You can use agents from any department - I'd like to see a wide range, actually - and that includes Infrastructure Departments. You can even use general-use NPCs (like Lux), or even Flowers. Everyone will see this, and everyone needs to respond. The response can be as long or short as you like - just a reaction shot, or an actual effort to do something about what the message says. You'll see ;)
If you're interested (please be interested) reply here with who you intend to write (so we don't get six people using the same character). I'll need a way to send you the Message, so please either leave your email, or email me at the address above. Oh, and when you write your scene, I'd appreciate if you can find a beta for it, too. I'm happy to do that for anyone who needs it (what with it being my project and all), but I would like every scene beta'd.
... was that vague enough to attract interest? I do hope it was.
*I know, right? When was the last time I asked for a beta? It would have been when I finally posted the account of the Fifth Anniversary Party, which was quite a while back. -
Did you receive my contribution to the co-write? by
on 2012-04-12 07:58:00 UTC
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Just want to make sure.
Reaction shots by
on 2012-03-24 16:46:00 UTC
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Always happy to do something collaborative. I have Mittens, the RMC, Saxo and James. I can use all of them or any combination, depending on what the message is. You can get to me at
Sounds sweet. by
on 2012-03-24 02:35:00 UTC
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Once I get permission, I will gladly use my agents Percy and Vorce. Heres my email
I'd love to volunteer. by
on 2012-03-19 21:28:00 UTC
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But I don't have permission yet. -_- Maybe when I do?
Depending on how things pan out... by
on 2012-03-20 21:09:00 UTC
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... you ought to be able to respond to the Message later, too. Assuming there is a Message at all, at this point.
hS -
Volunteering, assuming the hold ends. by
on 2012-03-19 14:12:00 UTC
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Using my agents, Doc and Vania.
keyoflit(at)yahoo(dot)com -
Nervously volunteering my agents... by
on 2012-03-19 14:09:00 UTC
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This seems... interesting...
This might very well turn out to be their first real mission (or whatever .) I must work double-time to prevent that from happening! -
Oh yeah. by
on 2012-03-19 19:59:00 UTC
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Email. Derpity derp derp.
I'm interested by
on 2012-03-19 03:36:00 UTC
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If you need my email or something, just let me know. Although, maybe you shouldn't pull characters from 'all across the board'. Some people haven't posted in quite a while, i.e. Gaijinguy, who have agents.
Re: Needed: Beta reader and volunteers by
on 2012-03-19 00:00:00 UTC
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If this goes ahead, I'd be willing to write an agent reaction. It would probably be Arthur Briggs and/or Lynn Gillies, but I may be creating an open-for-use Medical NPC (it depends on just how the conclusion of my current target goes).
LLWattsATjunoDOTcom, with the usual anti-spam edits. -
Bit late, but I'll volunteer. by
on 2012-03-18 23:43:00 UTC
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I have agents in Floaters and Mary Sues. My email address is
I'm in... by
on 2012-03-18 23:00:00 UTC
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When I get permission. Agents Ivan and Thomas O'Donell at your service, Department of Mary Sues.
Email at -
Count me in. by
on 2012-03-18 22:35:00 UTC
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I'll co-write!
Robert Vernet and Mundar o' the Five Hills, Department of Floaters, at your service.
(If I can get Permission, that is. I think my boys will pass, but... ^^;) -
If this ends up getting resumed... by
on 2012-03-18 22:28:00 UTC
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... I would be happy to co-write. My three (current) agents in Floaters, and Luxury (providing no one can any problem with me doing so).
To be honest, I have no real problem with some status quo being shaken up, seeing as there is some forewarning. Could bring some new life into the PPC (well, except for the deaths). -
What is this indeed? by
on 2012-03-18 21:20:00 UTC
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I know, I know, it's on hold for the moment. But that doesn't mean I can't volunteer my DIC and Floaters agents to the cause, right? I might even throw Zerenze in for good measure.
On hold for now. by
on 2012-03-18 20:53:00 UTC
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Discussing issues with betas. Hold may become indefinite (or more accurately, lead to this being released as AU). More when I've got it. ;)
(And isn't it a good thing I asked for betas?) -
Agent Volunteers by
on 2012-03-18 20:14:00 UTC
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Hmm, not sure how involved everyone might be on this, but I', willing to place my two agents at your disposal (not as if they have done ANYTHING, yet)
church2009(at)live(dot)com(dot)au (hopes no spambot picks up on this) -
Is this an emergency like the Sue invasion? (nm) by
on 2012-03-18 19:43:00 UTC
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Tentatively volunteering my agents. by
on 2012-03-18 19:43:00 UTC
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I'll offer up Ian and Lee as well as Orion and Mal. My e-mail is on the beta page, but in case you don't know it, here it is:
Count me in by
on 2012-03-18 18:40:00 UTC
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I mean, not for the beta-ing, but for the responses. I'll write something with Agents Ari and Tera, and if this trilogy comes out after Sergio Turbo and I finish our two-mission-cowrite, then I have a third newbie agent I'll include as well.
Re: Count me in by
on 2012-03-18 23:34:00 UTC
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Oh, and if we can have multiple characters react, I'll use Dr. Kindheart, in Medical.
Re: Count me in by
on 2012-03-18 18:43:00 UTC
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Oh, and my email is *crossing fingers no spambots find us posting our emails here*
I'm intrigued. by
on 2012-03-18 18:04:00 UTC
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I really don't know where you're gonna go with this, and I don't know whether I'm gonna like it, but I'd like to volunteer writing a short bit with Ardo and Noir - after all, I haven't done anything with them in a while and I can surely squeeze something inbetween the last mission and the new, WIP one.
Expect a mail soon. -
More information would be prudent. by
on 2012-03-18 17:16:00 UTC
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Simply judging by the wording of your post, this is something that will affect all members of the PPC, even those that aren't participating. As I recall, last time we did this it put some people off, to put it mildly.
Speaking as a layman with neither the will nor the qualifications to participate, I think it might be a good idea to give us some more information. -
Hmm... by
on 2012-03-18 17:10:00 UTC
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I'm leery of anything that would effect the status quo, as well. However, I trust you more than other people who've attempted such things, and I'm curious to see what this is.
I've got two agent pairs (one DMS, one Floaters,) and one pair of infrastructure type guys. Not sure which would be the best, although I should mention I haven't actually written anything dedicated to the latter two groups yet. My email is on my wiki page. -
Having read the explanatory post below... by
on 2012-03-18 16:36:00 UTC
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Well, having read that post, my eyebrows slowly descend into the atmosphere again. You made me curious.
I'd write something, most likely with my (not yet used) DOI agent TooManySecrets. -
*facepalm* by
on 2012-03-18 16:43:00 UTC
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You'll probably need my e-mail.
kokosnuss_nc-ppc (at) yahoo (dot) de -
Do my credentials suit? by
on 2012-03-18 16:21:00 UTC
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Echoing Neshomeh, however.
And my lot for writing with. -
Volunteering by
on 2012-03-18 15:54:00 UTC
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Shaking up the status quo, eh? You have my attention. I'd be willing to cowrite a little something for the cause.
Depending on what this mysterious Message is, I'll probably contribute something from one (or two, or all) of the following agent groupings:
-- Xericka and Gremlin, Department of Bad Slash
-- Cornelius and (possibly) an unnamed partner, Department of Improbable AUs
-- Hazel and Farce (not yet introduced,) Department of Bad Parody
My email is reillybf AT msn DOT com. Just replace the all-caps words with the appropriate symbols. -
Status quo by
on 2012-03-18 14:36:00 UTC
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I've been under the impression that we were in favor of the status remaining more quo than not, since the last time somebody shook it up certain repercussions were not widely appreciated. If it was anyone else proposing this, I imagine we'd jump on it pretty quickly, so I feel obligated to at least raise a suspicious eyebrow here. If something is going to happen that will affect everybody, I'm not sure mysterious is the right approach. More fun, maybe, but only if we like the surprise at the end.
That said, I've never been able to resist a cameo, so I'm in if I like it. {; P I'd be writing for a fair bit of FicPsych, my DIC team, and my DMS team. You have my e-mail, yes?
~Neshomeh -
You raise a valid point. by
on 2012-03-18 16:27:00 UTC
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And I somehow knew you'd be the one to raise it. :P
To face the first issue head-on: yes, there are a few deaths, but I deliberately made them people no one has thought about in a long time.
As to the Message: it will not affect anything you (or anybody else) writes unless you choose to. There's a neuralyser effect built in - unless specifically reminded of it, no character in the PPC will even remember the existence of the Message, let alone act on it.
However, there is also a method set up whereby the Message will randomly play when agents are given a mission - not every time, but every so often. If you don't like it, simply don't play it - you're the writer, you can do that. ;)
So I'm not technically doing anything to the status quo. What I'm doing is giving everyone else a way to do so, in a manner of speaking. Very likely in ways which won't harm the fabric of the PPC.
And if you /really/ don't like it, email me after I send you the Message and we can discuss it.
hS, who will be emailing it out once he's off work -
Just saw this. by
on 2012-03-18 17:12:00 UTC
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I've emailed you my concerns (yes, I know you won't get them till you're home), and while I feel you've addressed some of them here, I'm still not happy about it.
Hopefully. by
on 2012-03-18 11:59:00 UTC
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I'm not here often these days; in fact, it seems I'm here so little that some people have forgotten I exist, lol.
But I have been here quite a while, so if the wild beta population runs a bit thin I can contribute there.
And I will try to contribute regarding the third - I don't know who I'll use yet, but they will be my own characters, not general-use NPCs or Flowers, so at least anyone I use there'll be only one person writing them, heh. -
It occurs to me... by
on 2012-03-18 12:03:00 UTC
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... that two betas may well be better than one, so I'll send it across to you too. That'll probably be enough, unless the two of you decide I need a third opinion.
hS -
*tentatively raises hand* by
on 2012-03-18 11:45:00 UTC
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This intrigues me and also makes me a little nervous. :P
I'm volunteering to beta-read! I've been around since 2008, so I hope that's long enough, and I've read a lot of missions and other pieces from all over the PPC.
Also volunteering to co-write; I have a large number of Agents, as anyone who's seen my userpage on the wiki can tell, from a variety of departments. I'll write with some of them (not sure which exactly yet), so there shouldn't be any issues with other people wanting to write them. On that note, when is this set? That may affect which Agents people use.
Not sure if you have my email, but here, this is the one I prefer to use for PPC stuff:
cassie.dramateacher AT googlemail DOT com -
When it's set (good question) by
on 2012-03-18 12:01:00 UTC
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And one I should have answered... due to what's in the story, it's set on the same day I post it. That means yes, you'll be writing a little bit into the future - but hopefully not more than two weeks or so (allowing time for me to collate everything).
Wow, you've only been here since '08? Seems longer... oh, wait, 2008 is 4 years ago now. Argh, I hate living in the future... anyway, thank you! Since I can use Google Docs from work (unlike any form of email), I'll forward you the stories now. The Message is... well, pretty obvious.
(And yes... you should be nervous. Status quo is about to be seriously shaken up) -
Ahh, gotcha. by
on 2012-03-18 12:09:00 UTC
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Yeah, it kinda throws me to realise I've been here four years now. XD
And the docs have arrived! I shall get right on them.
(Now I'm worried.)
Age limit? by
on 2012-03-18 19:52:00 UTC
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I'll be trying to create my first agents soon, so is there a certain age an agent has to be over to join the PPC?
Re: Age limit? by
on 2012-03-19 19:11:00 UTC
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Not sure, but my agents are 14 and 15 and I got Permission.
Quoting the Wiki... by
on 2012-03-19 19:46:00 UTC
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The usual recruitment age is 15, as I already said.
However, "Agents as young as twelve aren't unheard of", meaning that in some cases Agents as young as twelve are put on the field. Probably as a countermeasure to the PPC's perennial understaffing problem.
So, we can probably say "between 12 and 15, depending on how much likely is the recruit to survive at least one mission and how much the PPC is understaffed at the moment" -
Not usually in the field. by
on 2012-03-20 18:14:00 UTC
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The primary example for that is Ella Darcy, and she was in Author Correspondance, which wasn't an Action Department. I'm sure there have been others, but usually, agents that young are given desk jobs.
hS -
AFAIK the recruitment age is 15. (nm) by
on 2012-03-19 16:56:00 UTC
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That depends. by
on 2012-03-18 20:16:00 UTC
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I'm not sure but I think the youngest agent is twelve years old, but that's really on the limit.
Remember the horrors that lurk in HQ and the badfics. There has to be a basic level of psychological development to be able to stand this. -
:) by
on 2012-03-18 20:48:00 UTC
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Thanks for the help!
OH SNAP, I just got a horrible mental image of a first grader reading Celebrian...D8 -
Actually... by
on 2012-03-18 23:03:00 UTC
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The kid might just be too oblivious and wonder why Celebrian wants to suck on the king's rooster. After all, they're all feathery and stuff.
Ouch... by
on 2012-03-18 22:53:00 UTC
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C*l*br**n is too painful for most people. I don't want to see the first-grader after that.
o.e by
on 2012-03-18 22:43:00 UTC
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That poor babby.
He/she/it/zurb would need neuralization. And bleepolate. Lots of bleepolate. And a hug. And to be kept away from vanilla ice cream for a LONG time.
*hasn't read C*l*br**n, and frankly, doesn't even want to read the sporking from what I've heard* -
Re: o.e by
on 2012-03-19 00:31:00 UTC
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I read it, and it didn't horrify me that much, mostly, because it was so over-the-top that I never connected the characters names' to the actual character. From there, it is only a really stupidly bad story. The real horror comes, I think, from connecting the names with characters that you know and love. "They did WHAT to my beloved character?!?!"
It was so over-the-top that it was not engaging enough to even make me see the characters as characters, even further removing any sense of horror I would have felt.
Now, one that really bothered me was a Sherlock Holmes that I sporked. It was written well-enough, about characters I liked enough, to /really/ get under my skin. -
It made me laugh. by
on 2012-03-19 10:45:00 UTC
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Especially when she started to call herself names.
Grrrrrrrrrr... by
on 2012-03-19 01:14:00 UTC
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Keep me away from it. NOW. >_>
My Sherlock/'Vernet' muse would throttle my brain. And then escape into reality to hunt down the author.
He knows he's ooc, but he REALLY hates ooc-Holmes.
A Wild Newbie Appeared! by
on 2012-03-18 22:11:00 UTC
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I've been lurking here for some time and decided it was time to emerge from the tall grass and say hi.
I am a vaguely teenaged girl who was looking around TV Tropes one day and found your wiki. I then promptly read the original series and some of the other missions.
I mostly belong to Pokemon and other video game fandoms, though I have a great love for young adult literature. Video game fandoms are practically drowning in bad writing. I have more than enough examples of truly horrific stuff that has scarred me for life. Hopefully I can share and maybe spork some of them in the future. -
A new newbie! by
on 2012-03-20 19:16:00 UTC
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Hai and welcome! HAve some chocolate!
A new newbie! by
on 2012-03-20 19:16:00 UTC
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Hai and welcome! Have some chocolate!
Salutations! by
on 2012-03-20 01:15:00 UTC
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Welcome a-Board, and have some home-made Bleepolate truffles!
I know what you mean about the video game fic; I've only ever braved the Tales of Symphonia section, and I ran screaming from that. I applaud your courage. -
Oh hey! Another Pokemon fan ! *high-fives* (nm) (nm) by
on 2012-03-19 22:48:00 UTC
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Merry Tuesday Eve! by
on 2012-03-19 16:34:00 UTC
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Hey there, and welcome to the PPC!
Have a nice brown coat! It's warm, but it might get you into bar fights. -
Hello! by
on 2012-03-19 14:18:00 UTC
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Welcome to the Board! Here, have some chocolate, and enjoy your stay!
Hello! by
on 2012-03-19 14:09:00 UTC
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Have some Swiss Chocolate and a bottle of Bleepka. You'll need them soon.
First plover! by
on 2012-03-19 14:04:00 UTC
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Oh, and have a Linking Book to Edanna.
Hey! by
on 2012-03-19 06:06:00 UTC
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Always nice to see some new boarders. Enjoy your new cumulonimbus-in-a-bottle. Just don't let it out, unless you want to get wet. Or shocked.
Oh hai there! by
on 2012-03-19 03:45:00 UTC
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We love the newbies, so please, step inside!
Here, have some Lutoslawski for the road: -
Allo! by
on 2012-03-19 03:30:00 UTC
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Have a popsicle of the raspberry variety.
Ahoy thar! by
on 2012-03-19 03:18:00 UTC
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Here, have a conical hat and a cinnamon roll!
The hat is made of tin foil and duct tape! Guaranteed to be indestructible and keep the conspiracy theorists out!
The cinnamon roll also has lemon and blueberry in it. -
Greetings! by
on 2012-03-19 02:19:00 UTC
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Make yourself welcome and take this pyrotechnic conifer, they're all the rage recently. What other fandoms do you like besides Pokemon? :)
Other Fandoms by
on 2012-03-19 02:38:00 UTC
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Currently, I'm really into Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and I like pretty much all fantasy/scifi books written for the 12-14 age range. Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, Tamora Pierce, the Dragonback Series (if anyone has ever heard of that), and basically anything similar.
Otherwise, I love anything made by Valve and am fond of Stargate and Doctor who -
Cool by
on 2012-03-19 13:11:00 UTC
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That's quite a few similar to mine, can't wait to see your characters :)
Frostbiter used Welcome! by
on 2012-03-19 01:53:00 UTC
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Welcome to the PPC!
Have a Golden Apple, perfect for distracting any pursuers you might have and making a clean getaway. -
Hi! by
on 2012-03-18 23:52:00 UTC
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Welcome to the PPC! Sadly, my knowledge of video games is limited to some Zelda and mostly Portal. Have a special-issue titanium spork, stolen from my older brother! (Yes, he has one.)
Have you read Pratchett or Jim Butcher? -
Re: Hi! by
on 2012-03-19 00:05:00 UTC
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Yes to Prachett, no to Butcher.
Re: Hi! by
on 2012-03-19 01:15:00 UTC
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Oh, you should read Jim Butcher. He's done The Dresden FIles and Codex Alera, so if you like modern-fantasy or medieval (well, Roman) fantasy, he's got both covered, with a heavy coating of snark and humor in both.
Re: A Wild Newbie Appeared! by
on 2012-03-18 23:51:00 UTC
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Hi, have some fudge!
Good to have you a-Board! by
on 2012-03-18 23:37:00 UTC
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Greetings, new friend! Here, take this!
MYSTERIAL recieved HM01!
HM01 is CUT! Use it to get past trees! You can also use it in battle. -
Hi, Wild Newbie! by
on 2012-03-18 23:31:00 UTC
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I'm AnnaBee. Vague liker of Pokemon (Portal's more my thing) and ditto-newbie.
*tosses you a Bleepolate bunny in a green foil wrapper*
Actually, I'm in need of someone who can help me with a hideous Sherlock Holmes/Pokemon crossover fic. You in? -
Alright! by
on 2012-03-18 23:46:00 UTC
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If you need help with knowledge of the Pokemon verse, sure. I'm always up for sporking.
Boarder sent out Greeting! by
on 2012-03-18 23:11:00 UTC
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Welcome to the PPC, Mysterial! Have a bag of pebbles and a Random Shiny Object.
Pokemon, eh? A somewhat guilty pleasure of mine, that. :P Glad to have you here, in any case! Hope you enjoy your stay! -
Hello! by
on 2012-03-18 22:49:00 UTC
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Welcome to the board! Here's a hammer that makes everything look like a nail. Good luck keeping the rest of your sanity!
Wild newbie? Go, Greetingmessage! by
on 2012-03-18 22:26:00 UTC
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Welcome to the Board! Have some of my world-famous hydrophobic water! Product definitely not involved in the Great Big Mysterious Explosion of 1992.
So what specific fandoms are you into, aside from Pokémon?
Mary Sue Pages: Last chance to save information! by
on 2012-03-19 13:32:00 UTC
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All Mary Sue pages marked as candidates for deletion will be deleted in two days. If you wish to save any information off of any of those pages, this is your absolute last chance.
Hetalia Axis Powers Badfic by
on 2012-03-19 18:54:00 UTC
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Credit goes to my friend for finding this. I don't know the canon, but I do know repetitive sentences when I see them. -
Zelda badfic by
on 2012-03-20 04:41:00 UTC
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The Awakening - Rated T
Emma has always been different since 10 yrs ago. One winter day Emma finds a cute kitten out on the streets of Hylia Island of Michigan 20 million years into the future. The kitten is no ordinary kitten...he is indeed the infamous Wind Mage - Vaati.
It's the same 'Sue by the same author in a different story from the one I've just sent Gaspard into, only worse. From what I can glean from the first three chapters, Emma is the reincarnation of the Hero of Time and is sent on a quest so that she may become a goddess herself. Add the fact that Vaati from Four Swords is thrown in as a sidekick/love interest and that Emma has killed five fellow classmates by burning them to death and feels no remorse for it, and we've got ourselves a fic ready for sporking.
I might just do an Intel report on this: the author's ramblings and horrible SPaG make it funny to read. -
Re: Zelda badfic by
on 2012-03-20 18:28:00 UTC
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I need to go cry now. -
I realize I ought to know these things... by
on 2012-03-20 15:20:00 UTC
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But who the heck is Vaati?
The name is the same as one of my 'friend's' Gary Stu's... Guy happens to be a 'fruit vampire', whatever the herl that means, and a minor god in his own right.
...Ouch. We got a Sociopath Sue on our hands? -
Vaati is a Zelda villain. by
on 2012-03-20 16:05:00 UTC
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Vaati chiefly plays a role in stuff like Minish Cap and the Four Swords games. I'm not sure what his role in the original Four Swords was, but I know that in Four Swords Adventures he was the main villain until Ganon hijacked the plot in the final dungeon. Minish Cap... I don't quite know everything since I never played Minish Cap, but from what I understand he was the central antagonist of that game too.
LOL, okay. by
on 2012-03-20 18:18:00 UTC
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That makes a LOT more sense. My friend played him as this weird overpowered part-angel-part-fruit-vampire reformed villain Stu who'd had adventures in a bunch of universes and had a scary yen for cats. XD
She's twelve, she'll grow out of it. -
O.O (nm) by
on 2012-03-20 15:20:00 UTC
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May I exorcise this with Hetalia Goodfic? (nm) by
on 2012-03-20 04:06:00 UTC
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O.o by
on 2012-03-19 20:05:00 UTC
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Spain's older sister? Honkon? What is this, I don't even
Bl**dy Git!! by
on 2012-03-19 19:02:00 UTC
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... Does this person KNOW history?!
Or even Hetalia canon?!
New Girl on the Block by
on 2012-03-19 21:53:00 UTC
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Hey there, MintyCoolness here, new to this place and looking to ingratiate myself into this place. Can someone help me please?
I suppose I should tell you all a little about myself. I tend to dip in and out of fandoms, but the ones that I have stayed with constantly are Yu-Gi-Oh (even though I have only seen 3 series of it), Legend of Zelda, Dragon Age and the Shin Megami Tensei Series(or the Persona Series). I like slash (totally respect those that don't) and hate it when a slashfic is written poorly or the characters used in said fanfic are OOC. I am eager, curious to a fault and methodical.
I have read the constitution, but am at loss as to where to start. Can someone please help me? -
Re: New Girl on the Block by
on 2012-03-20 15:22:00 UTC
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Hi! Your welcome fudge is on its way, with all the intro posts I had waiting this morning the supplies are running low.
Hello! by
on 2012-03-20 13:45:00 UTC
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Welcome to the Board! Here, have some chocolate, won't you?
Hello there! by
on 2012-03-20 04:52:00 UTC
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Have a sharp dagger as a present!
(Don't ask what the glittery stuff is. Don't like the knife, either) -
Re: Hello there! by
on 2012-03-20 12:51:00 UTC
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Don't know if you should trust me with a dagger, especially if I am hyper. The glitter's annoying though.
Good to have you a-Board! by
on 2012-03-20 04:41:00 UTC
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Greetings, new friend! Have a bar of dirt! Excellent for uncleaning things.
Re: Good to have you a-Board! by
on 2012-03-20 12:50:00 UTC
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Thank you, have an internet cookie. Flavour tends to change though...
Re: Good to have you a-Board! by
on 2012-03-20 14:52:00 UTC
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Tastes like chocolate. Rain.
Yes, chocolate rain. -
Another Dragon Age fan? by
on 2012-03-20 04:08:00 UTC
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Sweet! *dance*
Though honestly, Bioware's kind of killed any chance of me getting DA3 thanks to that stunt they pulled with Mass Effect 3's ending. I mean, seriously, Bioware?
In all honesty, though, Dragon Age is a pretty cool franchise.
So welcome to the PPC! =D
Here, have some Schoenberg for the road: -
Re: Another Dragon Age fan? by
on 2012-03-20 12:47:00 UTC
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Thank you very much for the welcome and the Schoenberg. (Never heard of him but could get into it.)
Yeah, I didn't need another excuse to faith in yet another video game company. Square Enix was bad enough...
Oh here *hands over odd shaped cookies* have some internet cookies. Be careful though, the flavour tends to changes, much like the internet. You never know what you are gonna get. -
Greetings! by
on 2012-03-20 01:23:00 UTC
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Hey there! Have my patented home-made Bleepolate truffles, with all-new spring flavors!
July pretty much covered the bases for how to get involved, and I second the whole involved-in-community.
Man, I love Zelda, and I really really need to finish Dragon Age and play the other games. Most of my experience with Persona was a tabletop system. I have the games, though; I really need to play them sometime.
Yeah, the best place to go from here--besides keep hanging around the Board, of course!--is to just sit back and read. It'll be hours of good entertainment, as well as just telling you a lot about us and what we do.
Welcome a-Board! -
Well... by
on 2012-03-20 00:26:00 UTC
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It's a long and difficult road ahead of you, friend. But you can start by taking care of this wild haggis that I captured(I call him "sheepmeat") and getting yourself a claymore, and I'll see you on Friday for caber tossing lessons. We'll make a Scot out of you yet!
Oh, you mean the board. Well that's much more mundane. Read the Original Series and the Constitution, check the wiki, you'll have it in no time. -
Hello! by
on 2012-03-19 23:20:00 UTC
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Welcome to the Board! Have some of my world-famous hydrophobic water! Proven to contain just as much energy as U-235 with half the stability!
First plover! (nm) by
on 2012-03-19 22:15:00 UTC
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Heyo! by
on 2012-03-19 22:15:00 UTC
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Welcome to the PPC, Minty.
You started off with an excellent first step, which is introducing yourself here.
Now, the next bit, if you haven't done it already, is to read TOS- the original PPC series that was written by Jay and Acacia- and then the various spinoffs that catch your eye.
Since you're interested in LoZ and Dragon Age you might be interested in Aster's spinoff, which I am sure she will be glad to link to you when she sees this thread. She has more than a few LoZ
Beyond that, just hang around! Read our wiki! Ask various levels of stupid and not-so-stupid questions (preferably in threads that are already present)! Plug badfic to bemoan over (preferably in threads that are already present)! Plug goodfic to rejoice over (preferably in threads that are already present- we also have a rec center on the wiki)!
The super important thing though is to take part in the community. Comment on threads! Read spinoffs! Join in on the bemoaning and the rejoicing and the random! Take part in conversations here on the board and in the chatroom. Get to know everyone here.
But again, welcome! And feel free to join in on the chatroom. -
Hi Minty! by
on 2012-03-19 22:10:00 UTC
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Have a deck of Yu-Gi-Oh cards. There's a Blue Eyes White Dragon in there, somewhere. :)
And I'm not entirely sure, I'm a n00b too. We can be n00bs together in our n00bness.
Newbie approaching. Say hello. by
on 2012-03-19 22:29:00 UTC
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Hey. Newbie here. I personally think this is a cool concept, and thought I'd just introduce myself before making intermittent appearances.
I've never seen a Lord of the Rings movie. Never seen a Star Wars movie. Never read the Harry Potter books, though I've seen most of the movies. Never read the Hunger Games books. Read the first Twilight book and said "meh", then heard what people said about the rest of them and puked. My all-time favorite TV show is Phineas and Ferb, and I also like the Pixar movies, the Back to the Future trilogy, and everything ever written by Gordon Korman. I believe the Disney Channel hasn't made a good live-action show since Phil of the Future, though the more recent ones are at least watchable (except Jonas). I go by Qwizbo on, though I haven't written anything in a long time. Hope to change that. I enjoy reading fanfic, and hope that someday Tara Gilsebie will be more admired as a satirist than Jonathan Swift. I presently have no intention of writing PPC stories, but that of course is subject to change. And... that's about it. Happy lurking. -
Hello. by
on 2012-03-25 17:46:00 UTC
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*cheers* I haven't read HP either.
I thought I was the only one. -
Re: Newbie approaching. Say hello. by
on 2012-03-20 15:20:00 UTC
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Hi! Have some fudge!
Hello There! by
on 2012-03-20 13:51:00 UTC
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Welcome, have some chocolate, won't you?
Nice range of interests. Personally, I can't stand this "Tweenie-pop" craze going around either, yet I have nothing against most of the actors/singers involved... though I despise Twilight.
Thanks goodness for Phineas and Ferb, though... -
Hello! by
on 2012-03-20 04:53:00 UTC
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Hello, newbie! Have a crate of emergency bleeprin! There might even be a Discworld book in there!
Good to have you a-Board! by
on 2012-03-20 04:43:00 UTC
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Greetings, new friend! Have a cup of Disney magic!
So... by
on 2012-03-20 04:11:00 UTC
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What sorts of things Do you like? Because I can tell you I have only read two of the Harry Potter books, I have never read Twilight, and, well...
We just wanna know what you like.
Anyway, here, have some Messiaen for the road: -
Well... by
on 2012-03-20 16:53:00 UTC
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That's sort of a hard question to answer. If anything, check out my account (Qwizbo) as though I haven't written anything in a loooong time, I've built up a fair list of favourites. That might help you figure out my tastes. Might. I'll be honest, I'm not sure.
And have some Max Modem for the road: -
Herro! by
on 2012-03-20 04:05:00 UTC
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I'll stick with you! 'Cos Phineas and Ferb are gonna do it all!
Have a Bleachinator. It makes bleeprin out of bleach and asprin. ^^ -
Re: Herro! by
on 2012-03-20 16:12:00 UTC
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After countless hours scouring the Internet, I have come to the conclusion that bleeprin is not, as I had suspected, a chemical that causes everything it touches to start making annoying sounds. Curse you, fake website designed by Aloyse von Roddenstein!
Ahoy thar! by
on 2012-03-20 03:53:00 UTC
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'Ere, have a conical hat and a tea biscuit!
The hat is made from tin foil (to keep out the conspiracy theorists) and duct tape (to make it indestructible*) and the tea biscuit has got cheese in.
*hat is not actually indestructible. Tray-Gnome is not responsible for any damage incurred while wearing said hat. Hat is waterproof, and potentially also knife-proof. Hat is most definitely not knoife-proof. -
First plover! (nm) by
on 2012-03-19 23:47:00 UTC
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Re: First plover! by
on 2012-03-20 02:10:00 UTC
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I was in the process of writing a witty comeback to that when the smoke detector went off. Now I can't remember what my witty comeback was.
Chill out... by
on 2012-03-19 23:17:00 UTC
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We're not all wired to this website 24/7, we've all got lives to attend to.
That being said, welcome to the Board! Have some of my world-famous hydrophobic water! Ban on the product now lifted in 25 different universes! -
Hello! (nm) by
on 2012-03-19 23:22:00 UTC
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Oh hey, a mini-Boarder. (nm) by
on 2012-03-19 23:17:00 UTC
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... by
on 2012-03-19 22:58:00 UTC
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I get the feeling you're holding back horrendous insults. If that's the case, fire away. I sort of expect them.
A few things to consider. by
on 2012-03-19 23:26:00 UTC
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For one, defining yourself in majority of the things you do not like and have not read rather than what things you do like and are interested in makes it difficult to approach you. You actively distance yourself that way.
Some people can be reading it as you being proud of avoiding things that are common and popular interests. That can also make it difficult to say anything.
Beyond that, waiting half an hour and then saying you're expecting hostility also doesn't really impress a favorable first impression of yourself upon others. As SeaTurtle just now noted- since this is a long reply I'm writing- people are not paying attention to the board at all hours and minutes of the day.
Judging us as hostile before we've even said anything, with a hostile attitude on your own part, again makes it less likely that people will comment or be inclined to comment.
No one likes to pet the dog that's barking angrily, so to speak.
Anyways, hi. -
And finally... by
on 2012-03-20 10:46:00 UTC
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... we can be a grumpy lot when people do things we don't expect. ;) Don't judge us too harshly.
And hi. Welcome a'Board!
(Not you, July)
hS -
Apologies. by
on 2012-03-19 23:40:00 UTC
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Sorry. Two points:
First (and sorry if I get a bit overly serious - I'm not usually very serious about anything), most people define themselves by the things they like, and a lot of people define other people by their opinions of things they like. For the most part, I said that because I don't want to be pestered by people asking for my opinion on something I can't form an opinion on.
Second, I had no experience with this forum before today, and most forums I hang around on move quicker. I don't know about you guys, but for me, half an hour is a looooong time.
I realize my mistake now, and I know I'll probably make a lot more, similar mistakes, but thanks for the help.
(On a less gloomy, apologetic note, I strongly recommend Phineas and Ferb to EVERYONE.) -
On that note by
on 2012-03-20 12:14:00 UTC
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He's Perry, Perry the Platypus!!
On another note by
on 2012-03-20 17:02:00 UTC
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You can call him Agent P!
OTish: Bad story, good character by
on 2012-03-20 06:13:00 UTC
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I was thinking about this while rereading some old sporkings. Some books and movies are really, really awful; we all have our particular bete noirs, though Twilight seems to be the popular favorite. However, very few works are actively rotten through and through, and sometimes there's a character or two you just sort of want to . . . save.
For me, it's the Anita Blake character Edward. A professional assassin with a lot of experience and another life he keeps pretty tight-lipped about, Edward is actually much more interesting to me than Anita, who's gotten kind of--well, useless in the past few books. He has a cover identity as a good ol' boy federal marshal, but wound up falling in love with a widow while in his undercover guise. Now Edward is torn about what he might wind up putting this woman (and her children) through, and actually has people to care about. A bit cheesy? Maybe. Hella more interesting than anything Anita gets up to? Definitely.
(I might have some unresolved Anita Blake issues.)
I can take or leave the entire rest of the series, but when it comes to Edward, I'm dying to rescue him from the books and put him into a series where he'll be appreciated. It's actually painful to me to know that he's still in the books, because I'm afraid he'll wind up joining Anita's harem.
So how about you guys? Anybody else have a character they'd love to rescue from an otherwise objectionable work of fiction? Maybe a character you keep reading/watching for, even if the others are driving you nuts? -
Lexx by
on 2012-03-24 08:33:00 UTC
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Kai and Xev from Lexx. If their TV show was anything REMOTELY less close to an acid trip, these two could be interesting.
Re: OTish: Bad story, good character by
on 2012-03-22 21:01:00 UTC
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Your mileage may vary in regards to the quality of the movie in question here, but I'll give it a shot anyway.
The entire cast of Nadesico: The Prince of Darkness. The movie was completely pointless, nothing any of the characters did actually mattered, and the final battle was an utter curbstomp. The entire cast had already shown that they could be good characters in the TV series, even if some didn't get as much development as they should have, and they still had some entertaining moments in the movie. However, there was no reason to bring them all together again apart from simple nostalgia, which wasn't enough to prevent it from being meaningless in the end. I don't know what went wrong between the show and the movie, but they deserved a much better sendoff than they got.
On that note, Lapis Lazuli, also from Prince of Darkness. I don't know who she is or where she came from or anything at all about her, other than that she has a ship apparently as powerful as the Nadesico and is probably from the same program that made Ruri the child genius that she is. There's just enough from her one appearance to raise plenty of questions, but all of them go unanswered. There might have been a sequel planned, but as it is, she is still a mystery wrapped in an enigma with a ribbon made of question marks, and will likely remain that way forever. Poor girl didn't even get a chance. -
Can an entire race/infected count? by
on 2012-03-22 03:02:00 UTC
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Not TECHNICALLY a character, but I would have to say the vampires from The Mortal Instruments. My reason? Mainly because they come off as so horrible snobbish that is comes around to hilarious.
... Also, not to infringe on the thread or anything, but I was wondering if I could use Agent Suicide (name only, and a small, brief visual mention) for something that may come out some time soon. I could the contents and what exactly I would like to use him for along to Phobos or Nesh or someone who has some wy to contact you, of course. -
An entire race absolutely counts. by
on 2012-03-22 17:10:00 UTC
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And so-bad-it's-good is a legit reason to want to save them. XD They could be entertaining as hell in a better series, if written as they actually are instead of how the author wanted them to sound.
If you want to use Su for a cameo, honestly, feel free. :) You don't need to ask permission for a little one-liner or something; I know you won't damage him. -
Thank you! by
on 2012-03-24 15:45:00 UTC
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I'll be sure to credit you, of course! :D
As for the race of vampires... My brother was telling me about the series because he had just read them all. I own all three books, but have yet to crack them open >.>
Anyway, he said that there were only beautiful vampires, and I was about to go in full Anti-Twilight mode ranting when he interrupted me, and explained that the reason there were only beautiful vampires is because they didn't allow ugly people to be turned.
They don't allow ugly people in. This one fact elevated them from sparklepires to more traditional vampires with some serious pretentiousness. From what else I heard, they are pretty regular vampires, so they get a pass in my book. -
Not exactly a BAD story, but... by
on 2012-03-22 01:48:00 UTC
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I wanted to rescue a lot of characters from the Nightside books, just because the author has an unfortunate habit of coming up with something extremely cool/creepy and then killing them off in the next five pages. The Lamentation in particular comes to mind; it just seems like such a waste to make an abomination of that caliber and then just blow it up without it actually getting to do anything.
Hmmm.... by
on 2012-03-22 01:31:00 UTC
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I'd have to say Davis Bloome from the latter Smallville seasons. He had potential: The whole Jekyll/Hyde thing he had going on was actually a pretty interesting take on the Doomsday character...and then they derailed him into a complete sociopath!
Hmm... by
on 2012-03-21 19:01:00 UTC
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Not quite what you're talking about, but I never liked what happened to Stark's character in his later appearances in Farscape. I love the show to death, but it's like the writers forgot that his craziness when we first met him was an act, and he became sort of a stock lunatic to make bad decisions and mess things up (as if the crew of Moya needed help making bad decisions and getting into trouble—hah!). I was disappointed, and I would've liked to give him a better deal. Also, I have a soft spot for dudes with only half a face. >.>
More on topic, Brom from Eragon. I don't remember much about the book and I never read the other ones, but I remember that he was interesting, and in the hands of a better writer his adventures would probably be pretty fun to read. And maybe Saphira, too. I understand she gets pretty well shafted by her rider, which is not cool. I know! Let's give Saphira to Brom instead of that dumb kid, what's his name, and let them be the main characters!
~Neshomeh -
Ooh... by
on 2012-03-21 17:51:00 UTC
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I've always wished that I could pull Alois Trancy out of the train wreck that is Kuroshitsuji Season 2.
Re: OTish: Bad story, good character by
on 2012-03-21 09:26:00 UTC
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Renesmee Cullen. If I could get her into another series, she could grow up with a name that isn't completely ridiculous, in a family that isn't going to force her into a relationship that's the endorsed result of child grooming. She may be a proto-Sue, but nobody deserves that.
Addendum by
on 2012-03-21 22:22:00 UTC
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Tina, Artie, Mike and Mercedes from Glee. In another series, they could get more plotlines, some actual development and not exist to stand in the background.
I've always wished I could save Bree Tanner. by
on 2012-03-20 23:38:00 UTC
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Even if just in-canon. Granted, I've never actually read her novella, but still.
A gabillion, are you kidding? by
on 2012-03-20 15:51:00 UTC
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Alice from Twilight would be my first thought. I know, I know, people think she's just as annoying as Edward and Bella/ a Sue in her own right. But in the hands of a GOOD author (as opposed to Smeyer), the minor characters' stories are actually INTERESTING.
Especially if you take the tack that getting turned into a vampire can't fix crazy. Then Alice is a BRILLIANT character.
She's been driven mad by a low-level psychic talent she can't control, and spent most of her adolescence in the nuthouse. She can see her future, and can sort of control it, but doesn't always have the good judgement to make the choices that will get her there. She is kind of manic, and makes really bad choices (e.g. stealing fast cars) on a regular basis. She's an incurable optimist, even though (Being a vampire) there's not much to be optimistic about. Oh, and she's in love with a guy who's a stone-cold killer, and doesn't understand why everyone else doesn't like him.
Maybe I'm reading her character wrong, but that's how I saw her. -
I have to agree with this. by
on 2012-03-20 20:11:00 UTC
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I read the entire series (still not entirely sure why), and in all four books she is the only character that I found had a unique personality; as well as being the only female that wasn't either pathetic, underdeveloped, or a b****.
I'm glad everyone agrees with me! by
on 2012-03-20 22:59:00 UTC
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One of my dreams is to write a mashup of Twilight and Vampire: The Masquerade, where the Twilight characters act according to the rules of the VtM verse.
This means that it'd be kind of a badfic... According to VtM, there ARE no good vampires, there are just sympathetic ones and Complete Monsters. The trick is staying as human as you can, however you can. Problem is, with most of the Cullens' (canon) weak, bitchy personalities, they'd fall into the darkness pretty quickly.
I was thinking of doing it with Alice as the sympathetic, but batsheet insane, heroine, and the rest of the Cullens being truly nasty. Anyone up for co-writing? -
I don't know Twilight ... by
on 2012-03-21 01:40:00 UTC
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... but I have the old WoD core rulebooks for both Vampire: The Masquerade and Vampire: The Dark Ages. (Plus the core rulebook and a couple splatbooks for old WoD Mage: The Ascension, if anything from that would help.)
Re: A gabillion, are you kidding? by
on 2012-03-20 18:55:00 UTC
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That ... actually makes a lot of sense.
"Hello!" Said the newbie excitedly. by
on 2012-03-20 06:21:00 UTC
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Hello everyone! My name's Spirit Adept and I'm an avid RPer! It's been a while but I'd really like to get back into writing and the PPC looks like a lot of fun. I can't wait to get the creative juices flowing again.
And with a little luck, I can get my fiancee here to join in on the fun as well. -
"Hey!" replied the Perpetual Newbie by
on 2012-03-25 17:45:00 UTC
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while ducking the flames thrown at her Said Bookism. "Hey, this is kind of fun!"
Just another rper by
on 2012-03-23 18:51:00 UTC
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I love rping as well. Like you I haven't been doing it recently but want to get back into it. What are your favorite settings?
Re: Just another rper by
on 2012-03-24 03:43:00 UTC
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Kind of hard to say, I've mostly just been doing original settings. The RP I just came from was a Fire Emblem one was set 100 after FE10 and we kind of really made our own fanon. I'd love to do some PPC RPing sometime though.
rps by
on 2012-03-24 12:38:00 UTC
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a PPC rp sounds like fun I could totally get behind that.
"Greetings!" replied the cynic. by
on 2012-03-22 03:23:00 UTC
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Well met, rookie! Please enjoy this six-pack of Creative Juice as a welcoming present.
"Hi there!" said the Boarder. by
on 2012-03-22 01:16:00 UTC
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"Have a crate of Bleepka!" The Boarder then dragged in the crate and offered it to the newbie.
"Greetings!" Replied the Boarder by
on 2012-03-21 23:49:00 UTC
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"Take the customary gift of a pyrotechnic conifer, and please do make yourself comfortable. Perchance you could tell us your fandoms and what you like to RP?"
"Hello!" Said a Fellow Newbie by
on 2012-03-21 09:08:00 UTC
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I gift unto you a stuffed rabbit named James. Treat him well.
" 'Allo" said the Human by
on 2012-03-21 05:39:00 UTC
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Welcome to the board. Here's a hammer, now go fight Sues. Or stop implausible crossovers. Or something.
Good luck, and may the Force be with you. -
"Holy crap!" Exclaimed the newbie by
on 2012-03-21 00:36:00 UTC
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Wow that's a lot of warm welcomes, thank you for all of that. I'm sensing a common theme of giving gifts here, I like that.
Since the popular question of the day is what fandoms I like, here's the list of stuff that I can remember at the moment.
Golden Sun
Fire Emblem
Mass Effect
Chrono Trigger
Assassin's Creed
Team Fortress 2
Really though, I like all sorts of stuff. -
"Good morning, afternoon, or evening!" the Boarder replied. by
on 2012-03-20 22:32:00 UTC
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Welcome to the PPC! What sort of fandoms are you into?
"Hello!" Said the Fellow RP-ing fan! by
on 2012-03-20 20:18:00 UTC
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"Greetings!" replied the clone. by
on 2012-03-20 20:03:00 UTC
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Welcome a-board! Have some 2-D glasses; guarenteed to compress that pesky extra dimension!
"Welcome!" replied the Whovian. by
on 2012-03-20 19:19:00 UTC
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Here, have some free... um... novelty mugs in the shapes of heads of roosters.
Yup. -
"Welcome!" replied the not-really-newbie by
on 2012-03-20 18:33:00 UTC
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Have a scone!
What fandoms do you have? -
"Welcome!" said the car nut. by
on 2012-03-20 17:37:00 UTC
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Have a folding car. It becomes a (rather heavy) case when not in use. Careful, it has an annoying tendency to unfold for no reason at all.
"Curse you Perry the Platypus!" said the slightly older one. (nm by
on 2012-03-20 16:57:00 UTC
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"Greetings!" the Hetalia fangirl stated. by
on 2012-03-20 15:49:00 UTC
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Have a biscuit. ^^; They're made with chocolate chips and cream.
Re: "Hello!" Said the newbie excitedly. by
on 2012-03-20 15:18:00 UTC
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Hi, have some fudge!
"Oh hai there" said the composer. by
on 2012-03-20 14:38:00 UTC
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Welcome to the PPC!
Here, have some Prokofiev for the road: -
"Well hello." Said the Boarder. by
on 2012-03-20 14:27:00 UTC
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Welcome to the Board, have some chocolate, won't you?
"Greetings!" clucked an unusually large chicken. by
on 2012-03-20 14:16:00 UTC
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"It's good to have you a-Board!" The chicken ruffled its feathers and a pillow fell out. "Have a Down Pillow of +5 Softness! Tie it to your feet, and you'll automatically Feather Fall!"
"First plover!" said another oldbie, proffering a killdeer. by
on 2012-03-20 14:10:00 UTC
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"By the way," he added, "what are your fandoms."
"Well, hello there," said the older newb by
on 2012-03-20 12:49:00 UTC
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As the title said, hello there! Here, have a crooked staff. No, I've no idea what it does. Found it in my basement the other day. I'd recommend dropping by the IRC channel and saying hi. Word of warning, though: The weirdness might fry your brain. :P
"Welcome!" replied the Boarder. by
on 2012-03-20 06:32:00 UTC
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Have some of my world-famous hydrophobic water! The tried and tested formula can now dissolve even the strongest chemical bonds in an instant! Keep away from matter, antimatter, and reality.
So, what are your fandoms? -
Re: "Welcome!" replied the Boarder. by
on 2012-03-20 08:35:00 UTC
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Let's see if I can get all of this in one go...I'm bad at remembering the list.
Golden Sun, Fire Emblem, Chrono Trigger, Zelda, TF2, Minecraft, Mass Effect...I'm missing something, I know it.
Oh! Assassin's Creed! -
"Another Mass Effect fan?" asked the fellow fanboy by
on 2012-03-20 15:28:00 UTC
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Holy moly, another ME fan! We're getting more Bioware fans in here by the dozen! :D
How soon can I start applying for Permission? by
on 2012-03-20 23:00:00 UTC
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*Is dying to start PPCing* ^_^
Re: How soon can I start applying for Permission? by
on 2012-03-21 00:49:00 UTC
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Well, you can start APPLYING for Permission whenever. But you won't have a chance of GETTING it until:
A.You've been here for a month.
B.You're known by a lot of us.
I think you've been around for a month, and you've been pretty active, so go for it! -
The month is more of a tentative thing. by
on 2012-03-21 02:19:00 UTC
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It's not so much "You've been here for a month," as it is "You've been here long enough that we know you're not going to... er, be a troll. Or something." About a month is the time it usually takes, is all.
Whenever you like! by
on 2012-03-20 23:57:00 UTC
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In the words of the Wiki "whenever you feel comfortable and confidant with it." (Or something to that effect. -_-)
From what I know, there's no set period. As long as we all know you, then you're fine.