Ok, I added a few badfics I'd like to tackle on the Claimed Badfic page, but while I was searching for them, I came across a few... questionable ones. That is, ones I'm unsure about.
Some of them are kinda short, I'm not sure they'd make decent missions (unless I put them in one mission. Is that possible?) Another was found on a blog where someone other than the original author reviews it (And boy, do I feel sorry for that person). Would MSTed versions also count as sources? And my last badfic is partially titled "kept for the sake of memory", is it still sporkable?
If anyone wants, I can post the respective links..
On Claimed Badfic... by
on 2011-11-01 03:15:00 UTC
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Short is not a problem by
on 2011-11-01 09:55:00 UTC
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I've done several mini-missions. That's missions of less than a thousand words where the agents tackle just one problem in an other wise good fic or a short badfic. Miah once wrote a mission where her agents were sent into six badfics to sort them out.
I'd say either works.
I don't quite understand what you mean by "found on a blog where someone other than the original author reviews it".
Well, of course someone other than the original author reviews it. It doesn't count as a review if the author reviews it.
But did you find the badfic through that blog or in that blog? Don't think it really matters. Fanfic is fanfic no matter where it is found. I've missioned at least one story I first found through a blog/that was in a blog (LJ).
MSTed versions count as secondary sources. If it's MSTed it's likely it's sporkable. But it would be best and try to find the original source. Though I believe it is customary among MST'ers to MST the whole story, you should always check if they haven't left anything out to make the MST more compact. -
All right by
on 2011-11-01 16:20:00 UTC
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I got the links for clarification, take a look if you dare...
Short fics:
Eevee TF/TG http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=eevee+tf+tg#/d1lyp2a
-This one bothers me, both as a Pokemon fan... and also someone with some... unusual interests.
-And as a Scott Pilgrim Fan, I want to destroy this one with extreme prejudice.
Found on a blog:
-A MLP:FIM badfic on par with Cupcakes, (which is why I said I feel sorry for the guy reviewing it).
Hope that helps.
Halloween Co-Write is up! by
on 2011-11-01 13:55:00 UTC
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Well, specifically, my parts. The beginning can be found here (http://astra-aurora.livejournal.com/28004.html), my story here (http://astra-aurora.livejournal.com/28388.html) and the ending here (http://astra-aurora.livejournal.com/28495.html). I hope they're good.
My part by
on 2011-11-03 23:16:00 UTC
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It's a bit short, and not too scary, but I hope it's still good.
And sorry it took so long, I wasn't near a computer at all yesterday. -
My part. by
on 2011-11-02 10:47:00 UTC
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Ghost's Story
Not quite in the same style as the rest, but then, Nyx isn't your average agent any more.
It's also rather more scary for the agents than for us. :P
hS -
Re: My part. by
on 2011-11-02 23:49:00 UTC
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...I'm not gonna lie, that was awesome.
Here's mine! by
on 2011-11-01 20:15:00 UTC
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I killed two birds with one stone; I actually did something for Halloween, AND I provided backstory for one of my agents. I am awesome.
Except for the whole shameless procrastination thing, and the fact that I frankly suck at writing horror stories, since this is my first shot at it.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bMAZrCXlqqWk9n2I934Rt7d96HD4cs9wIh43yFJlarU/edit -
Honestly? by
on 2011-11-01 21:10:00 UTC
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I wrote most of mine yesterday and this is my first try at a horror story too.
Here's mine! by
on 2011-11-01 17:26:00 UTC
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This was fun! (Although mine's kinda long, sorry.)
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zwc8RHm2OHnK3D0ZLFtWYhC8dGUQCConxbWgqyeDoPA/edit - Here we go with my part! by on 2011-11-01 17:26:00 UTC Link to this
Yay! by
on 2011-11-01 17:24:00 UTC
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My part is here: http://rc170.wordpress.com/2011/11/01/halloween-co-write/
- Here is my part! by on 2011-11-01 15:40:00 UTC Link to this
Oi, it's here! by
on 2011-11-01 14:53:00 UTC
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Here's my part. I'm not really sure if it's any good, but well...
Reflection/Rant on Missions by
on 2011-11-01 21:39:00 UTC
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Okay. I’ve been writing PPC missions/stories/whatnot for over a year now. I’m not quite a seasoned veteran, but I’m definitely no longer a wet-behind-the-ears rookie. I’d like to think I know a little something about writing missions. You might agree with that assumption, you might not.
Anyway, I’ve seen some developments with recent PPC missions that make a little concerned. I’m not talking about things like author-bashing or whatever (although that is very bad and to be frowned upon, of course). My concerns are primarily with the structure of the missions themselves. I’m seeing behaviors from quite a few PPCers that don’t strike me personally as being good writing. Examples of this include the following:
Blocks of copypasted badfic - I don’t want to read the badfic itself; I want to read the mission. Obviously you need to have some of the badfic just to demonstrate how lousy it is, but the vast majority of your piece should be your own writing.
Agents that only talk about charges - If your agents only talk about the bad aspects of the fic being sporked, then it truly isn’t a mission. It has become instead an idiosyncratic way of writing a list. The agents cease to be characters in their own right and instead become an authorial mouthpiece of sorts. Agents have baggage and backstory of their own, not all of which is necessarily left at the door when a mission begins. Of course charges have to be discussed, but they shouldn’t be the only thing on the character’s minds.
Overly long charge lists - Charge lists, in my opinion, should be snappy and to the point. Having paragraph after long paragraph of various charges can throw off the pacing of a mission at a critical point in the plot. They’re typically read at the climax of the story, after all. The climax of a story should be exciting or hilarious or dramatic or whatever emotion one happens to be shooting for.
Of course, this is just all my personal view. The things I’ve mentioned are neither truly wrong nor bad, but are rather matter of preference. Some people may enjoy long charge lists for one reason or another. I recognize that as a possibility.
My intention here is not to attack or belittle anyone for their specific writing style. Far from it; I love this crazy community and everyone in it to death and beyond. I only want to make my personal feelings – which I’ve been mulling over for quite a while now – on this known. If you disagree with anything I’ve said, respond and give me your reasoning. I would be glad to have my mind changed on this. If you agree - heck, even if you're indifferent - I want to hear from you as well. Let's try and get a discussion going.
Sorry if this seemed like a bit of a rant. I do that sometimes.
PC -
Re: Reflection/Rant on Missions by
on 2011-11-03 19:04:00 UTC
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This is an interesting post, and it does bring up some good points. I am rather oblivious as to when I (even when co-writing) am doing too much, or too little of something, which is why I LOVE Betas.
As for the first point, I can see how lots of blocks of pasted fic can bo both annoying and drag the mission to a crawl. Just recently I had to edit one heavily because I had been using fic bits to help steer where the agents were going, because they were busy with other stuff. a lot of them could have been summarized (and were after some editing).
Having only certain examples of the fic displayed, to show off bad things, and sillyness is a good way of doing it, even if I sometimes like to add in more (Sues and OCs can have really cool dialogue sometimes).
For the second point, (Which Miah already replied to(MIAH! Hi! :D)) I have been having one of those cartoony things where you slip from one extreme to another. I am certainly guilty of having that happen, but I feel that talking about charges can be interesting to the agents themselves. Say a Sue makes up a completely uncanon history, but it honestly sounds kind of cool, if silly. I think it is great grounds for a discussian.
As Miah said, we are trying to balance out our agents doing charges, and the internal plot going on with them. We don't want the missions hum drum experiences and their own problems and issues overshadow it. We are having trouble in that regard a bit, making sure the agents acknowledge the fic and the badness, while having time for their own stuff.
As for the charge lists, yeah, they could be shortened down to the most grievous or annoying/funny ones. I usually have them all typed out, then split it up between a couple of different agents. Having them shorter could be a bit easier to handle. -
A minor bit of clarification by
on 2011-11-03 21:24:00 UTC
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I don't mind agents going into an extended riff about the nature of the charges too much. Something like you said - having a discussion about an uncanon history - I don't mind to a large extent, especially if we get some good banter or character moments.
When it's just dry recitation of charges, however, that's another story. I've seen quite a few missions where you just have one or two lines of agent stating what the charges are in between big blocks of badfic copypasta. -
Re: Reflection/Rant on Missions by
on 2011-11-03 08:46:00 UTC
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I'm glad you brought this up. I feel like my stuff has been slacking a bit lately. The copypasta is definitely something I've noticed that that I am sliding toward in the bad habit region. And long charge lists...well, I use to break the charge lists up a lot--the Sue struggles or interrupts, the other agent interrupts, the agent interrupts him or herself, etc. I've been slacking in that, too.
As for the second point of agents that only talk about charges, I've been rather worried lately that *we're getting into problems the other direction. As long as we are reflecting on missions, is there a point where you are not going to want to read the mission because of the plot going on with the agents, and are we getting too close to that point?
I have to admit that I really like writing things with my agents. I enjoy seeing what they are up to, and what is going on in their lives. The agents are really what make me want to read the missions, especially for fandoms that I don't know. The PPC is a fascinating canon all on its own.
(*We being Caddy and me) -
Agent Plot vs. Mission Plot by
on 2011-11-03 18:54:00 UTC
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That's something that, like long charge lists, probably depends on personal taste. If we're talking about me specifically, then no, I don't think that not wanting to read the mission because of the plot with the agents is a problem. Well, so long as the sideplot doesn't overpower the mission itself. That's we have things like interludes.
I'm lilke you. I'm somewhat more interested in the lives and development of my agents than necessarily sporking the worst badfic I can. I'm more attracted to read certain missions because of the agents involved rather than because of the notoriety of a badfic or whether or not I know the canon in any great detail. -
Thoughts about precise agents. by
on 2011-11-02 23:23:00 UTC
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A couple of people have said that it would be OOC for their agents not to have very thorough charge lists and to want to read them out as such. That's fine, but it still doesn't mean it all has to end up in a block at the end of the mission. Several reasons:
1. They have partners, who can goad them to speed things up, or interrupt, or otherwise break up blocks of charges into smaller, more manageable bits.
2. There's the Sue/possessed canon/whatever to consider. Is the culprit you're charging really just going to sit still and listen patiently while the agents explain why they've been given a death sentence? Maybe the Sue breaks her restraints, or the wraith possesses one of the agents, or the canon characters attack, or something happens to cut the agents short.
3. Related to the above, there's no reason the meticulous agent can't be thorough in writing, but sum up as they're reading aloud. Best of both worlds, there.
4. Ultimately, it's still up to you, the writer, to make your story fun to read. If your meticulous agent's charge list is bogging down the mission, your readers aren't likely to care very much for how well you're keeping your agent in-character.
My personal rule for writing charge lists is to do it on the fly. If I don't remember a charge while I'm writing the list at the end, it probably wasn't that big a deal, and can go without being mentioned explicitly.
I have one agent who remembers everything and another one who's concerned with getting the Duty right. In the first case, it's pretty easy: remembering everything does not equal saying everything. Only the most important/personally aggravating things get expounded upon.
In the second case, I once wrote an insanely long, multi-paragraph, itemized charge list for him, because he's just anal enough to do it. In the end, though, I axed it and cut it down to one paragraph, because by that point he was just too angry to read something that long. (Plus a dragon might have eaten him if he'd really done it.) I included it as an extra at the end of the mission, though, so if you want to know how bad an overly long charge list can get, just scroll down to the bottom. I will never do this again.
So, to sum up, you should never have to sacrifice storytelling for characterization. As we seem to agree down in the "What makes a good OC?" thread, if the character isn't serving the story, something is probably wrong.
~Neshomeh -
Charge Lists by
on 2011-11-02 16:27:00 UTC
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I'm probably guilty on your third point. Arthur Briggs is former-military, and he would be very precise when charging. Five sentences and open fire isn't his style. And since he's training Lynn Gillies, she's going to follow that pattern, at least to start.
Personally, I think it's more important to be detailed on canon violations. "Multiple cases of bad spelling" is perfectly fine as a charge; but in my opinion "Completely trashing the canon" is too vague/general.
However, I was planning to do something a little different for my next mission (once I pick a target) -- I'll give a shorter charge list a try and see how it works. -
Interesting points... by
on 2011-11-02 14:36:00 UTC
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As someone who is still writing out her first mission, I should probably keep some of that in mind...
Response by
on 2011-11-02 09:38:00 UTC
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I don't think all these are recent things. At least not the first point. I remember as far back as 2007 someone being told not to copy-paste large chunks of badfic. I guess that's one of those things that requires "getting the hang of". It takes some learning before you know exactly what the point is you wish to make.
A while back I did some calculations of how much I directly quote from badfic and how many words I spend describing/paraphrasing what's going on. I don't have the numbers handy, but I believe quotes were usually less than 5% of the original fic. If more information from the fic was needed I would go with paraphrasing. Sometimes, for quick summary, I'd have one of the agents do a short recap. This does not amount to "'Look! Holy smokes, batman, X, Y, Z happened!' ". Far from it. My agents have a sense of humour (not saying that Aster's don't, just saying they weren't using it when they did the boring recap.); when they recap, they make fun of the X, Y and Z in their choice of words.
I'm probably guilty of the other two in some respects.
I do write the long charge lists in the end, because my agents are meticulous like that. It would be out of character for them not to charge everything and mention why it is a charge. That said, I don't charge for every individual spelling error. Spelling, grammar and punctuation issues is one charge on the list. The charge of OOC behaviour is, however, substantiated.
Besides, long charge lists give the Sue the opportunity to argue her point, which is a fun part of writing the climax.
Leaving the point of agents only talking about charges. Well, my agents have been together for so long, they've run out of things to say to each other that are not mission related. That leaves talking about the merits of a fic and struggling their way through it. -
A response in kind. by
on 2011-11-03 02:35:00 UTC
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Regarding charge lists: I can respect that reading off a full detailed charge list might be part of agent's character. I'm willing to excuse it in that case. Heh, seeing a really overdramatic/hammy agent reading off charges might be pretty entertaining in its own right:
"And then - THEN! - you had the gall to make [character name] a complete gibbering idiot! Have you no respect for canon?!"
I'm not so sure about Sue's arguing their point, as most Sue's and Stu's I've seen would probably try to construe arguing as 'I stab you in the face.'
Likewise, I can excuse it if agents have been together for so long they have little outside the mission to discuss. If it's written well enough, I'll probably even enjoy it. -
Agreed by
on 2011-11-02 03:52:00 UTC
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Less with the third point than the first two, but with everything in general. I can't say I've read enough missions recently to say how often these problems prop up, but none of them are things I'd want to see while reading.
Agreed by
on 2011-11-01 22:48:00 UTC
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Copy/paste: If I wanted to read the badfic, I would read the badfic. I am here to see your agents being put through the ringer by temporal distortions, shifting tenses, ambiguous pronouns, and whatever else you can come up with.
Agents who become walking charge lists: The agents should not lose their character when they step through a portal. We want to see them try to hold it together while bad things go on around them. Also, we have the most fun in a mission when the agents are being directly affected by the badfic. There has been a shift, of late, toward agents becoming completely outside observers. I once read a mission where the agents read the fic and talked about the charges in their RC before going into the fic at just the right moment to kill the Sue. This is where the shift is leading and it is not an interesting place.
Overly long charge lists: I have a couple of notes on this one. I believe this is a symptom of two different diseases. 1) Thinking you have to spork the entire 700 chapter badfic. 2) Thinking you have to charge for everything.
To issue number one, I would say, you only have to spork a badfic as far as a major break in canon. If that happens too early, then keep going until you reach a good point to exterminate/exorcise the problem.
For issue number two, just try to keep it to only the really egregious charges. I don't really want to hear about every single time the author makes a minor spelling mistake, if the whole point of the mission is that Severus Snape and James Potter have become lovers and Potter is pregnant.
So, PoorCynic, you are not alone in this. I have been saying the same things to Neshomeh for a while. Thanks for bringing it up. -
Copypasta'd badfic- The pacing by
on 2011-11-01 22:10:00 UTC
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I totally agree with you on these points, but for the sake of discussion... let me expound on copypasta badfic excerpts. I find copypasta'd badfic is most powerful in two situations:
1) setting the tone of the badfic, showing people exactly what they're dealing with. Some things do need context.
2) Short, snappy excerpts to punctuate a moment of supreme badness. Sometimes, the phrasing speaks for itself.
On one hand, I don't really like agents paraphrasing a badfic. I've tried it, and it becomes 'Look! Holy smokes, batman, X, Y, Z happened!'
But when there's too MUCH badfic copypasta, the mission becomes a MST.
Quick Solution: Show, don't tell. Spelling errors don't have to be shown in block quotation form. Besides, showing the effects of badfic is often funnier (bring on that slapstick!) than being shown the badfic unless the writing in that particular excerpt is SO BAD it's hilarious. If not, then badfic really isn't that funny. It's just sad. I actually like to use that pathetic feeling to set the tone at the beginning.
Less Quick Solution: My opinion is that copypasta should bear in mind the mission's pacing. Badfic is arduous to read. Unless it's something SO DUMB that even if it's horrid, the reader can't stop reading, don't include it unless you're setting the scene. Include descriptions of the Sue, excerpts that show her mindset, and other things like that in the rising action.
But closer to the climax, multi-paragraph blobs should be gone, leaving only periodic BLAM badness moments.
The climax of the badness should either have the ONE QUOTATION that the agents cannot forgive, or it shouldn't be copypasta at all, but demonstrated. We speed up reading the more exciting the mission gets, and bogging it down there is sort of bad.
So yeah. Story structure, copypasta, and missions. Blah blah blah, look at Aster's mouth go. This isn't instructional, or me telling others how to write missions. It's just what I think and what I try to do. -
Examples? by
on 2011-11-01 21:58:00 UTC
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Can you give some examples of how you think it should be done please? How much of the badfic should be included in the mission so it isn't too much?
Problem with examples by
on 2011-11-01 22:24:00 UTC
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I don't think there is a hard and fast rule for how much badfic is too much in a mission. It can change drastically from one to the next. I will say that it is generally preferable to describe the effect of the bad writing, rather than just pasting the entirety of a chapter into your mission.
"Just enough to make your point" is probably the closest I would come to a rule on that.
Missing Fics by
on 2011-11-02 08:17:00 UTC
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Was looking through the list of Unclaimed Badfics, and it looks like we need a janitor. One of the fics I was gonna claim is gone from fanfiction.net, and I'm sure a few others are too. Should I just give a list so someone can do a little triage by either cleaning up or finding a copy of the fics?
Might be worth a quick Google search by
on 2011-11-02 14:09:00 UTC
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to see if the missing fics are hosted elsewhere. Be a shame to lose potential sporking material, after all.
Go ahead and do triage yourself by
on 2011-11-02 09:43:00 UTC
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That's the fun thing about wikis: if you find an issue on a page, you can fix it yourself.
Or you could just leave it be and wait for someone to delete the fics by default because they have been on the Unclaimed list for too long. -
Everyone is welcome to edit the wiki. by
on 2011-11-02 08:24:00 UTC
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Even to remove dead links. You're welcome to do it yourself. :)
(The wiki will not attack you, devour you, sue you, attempt to defraud you, repossess your home, or challenge you to an honor duel. If it does any of these things, you are welcome to file a complaint with Neshomeh, who according to this hat I found gets to deal with those this week and every week that complaints occur. I handle complaints on the days there are no complaints.)
Things I Am Not Allowed To Do At The PPC Part XX by
on 2011-11-02 15:27:00 UTC
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- I will not give Daleks a Death Star.
- Giving them a Sun Crusher is right out.
1323. I will not attempt to grow my own Cauldron-Born.
1324. I will not forge threatening letters supposedly from the Venomous Tentacula.
1325. If I Write a Linking Book for World 1's Venus, it will be for executing a Sue/Stu/Ooh. Not for carelessly leaving around.
1326. A Talking Mugato is not a suitable disguise for Narnia.
1327. No, I am not allowed to dump Bella Swan into the realm of Aukon, Camilla, and Zargo.
- Nor may I dump her into Castle Dracula.
- Dumping her on the Ringworld is right out.
1328. I may not recruit Douchey McNitpick.
1329. If I am on a Whoniverse mission, I will not bait the Megara. Really, it's a Very Bad Idea.
1330. I am not allowed to contact Smith & Smith, Removals for an assassination.
- I will not give Daleks a Death Star.
Am I too late to join in? (nm) by
on 2011-11-08 15:52:00 UTC
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Not at all. (nm) by
on 2011-11-08 17:11:00 UTC
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Okay, here goes! by
on 2011-11-10 23:57:00 UTC
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I've been waiting to present this since the last TIANATDATPPC! I'm not sure where the numerals are supposed to be at, so I'll just label them as "x" so they can be sorted out when collection stops.
x. I will not sing "Maria" from The Sound Of Music anywhere near Shadow the Hedgehog.
- Nor will I sing "Maria" from West Side Story. Shadow angsts over Maria enough without her getting turned into a Lust Object.
- I will definitely refrain from singing "The Hedgehog Song" anywhere near Shadow the Hedgehog.
- I will also not cite that episode from The Twilight Zone about the man-"serving" aliens.
- If I do, then I am not allowed to complain if he decides to torture or kill me.
x. Shipping an 8-year old is rather creepy. Especially with a 6-year old. ESPECIALLY when one's a fox and the other's a rabbit.
x. I will not tell Knuckles the Echidna about the White-nose syndrome.
- I am also not to actually give Knuckles a sample of the fungus responsible for it.
- Whatever I do, I am absolutely not to tell Knuckles to smear the fungus on the Master Emerald to keep bats away.
- If I do, I will have to foot the bill once Rouge the Bat winds up in the Medical department with deadly mind-controlling fungal spores infesting her body.
- I will also have nobody to blame but myself for whatever Shadow the Hedgehog does to me when he finds out.
- If I introduce a sample of said fungus to the Flowers, I deserve whatever horrible things they do to me.
- Bringing the fungus into the Stellaluna continuum (or any continuum that is primarily populated by bats) will most likely get me decommissioned.
- Though, if I want to use white-nose syndrome to get rid of Doppleganger!Rouges or other Mary Sue bats, I can go right ahead. It's not like the PPC hasn't done worse things to Mary-Sues already.
- If I do so, I must keep the infection contained so that it only affects the bats thatIthe PPC actually wants dead.
- Exposing chiopterate agents to the fungus is an especially bad idea.
- Batman is not actually a bat, and so will probably not be affected by the fungus. I still shouldn't attempt to expose him to it.
x. I will not portal Shadow the Hedgehog into My Immortal just to see what happens.
- Or for any reason whatsoever.
- Nor will I set up a cage match between Shadow and Sephiroth.
- Or between Shadow and any other characters commonly considered to be "emo" (regardless of whether or not they actually are).
- In fact, I will not set up emo cage matches, period.
- Especially not in the presence of fanbrats. That's just asking for trouble.
x. I will not arrange a meeting between Makes-Things and Dr. Robotnik. There's no way it could end well.
x. I will not portal Dr. Robotnik into the Star Fox universe. Nor will I portal Andross into the Sonic the Hedgehog universe.
- Portaling Tails onto Venom or Krystal into the Death Egg is strictly forbidden.
- Actually, the PPC should REALLY be keeping a close eye on ANY crossovers that involve mad scientists meeting up. Those sorts of things could get very ugly, very fast.
x. For the love of Glod, I must not attempt to ship Tails with any of the Flowers. Seedrians are something completely different, even if the Seedrians are also sentient plants.
- I must also not attempt to ship Tails with an Entwife. Nobody wants to think about the ramifications of that.
- Shipping Flowers with Entwives (or Ents) is also a no-no.
- Shipping Tails with Molly Rath will only get him maimed. And then Sonic will kill me.
- Tails + Redneck Trees = trip to FicPsych.
- Introducing the Flowers to the Redneck Trees will only get me assigned to a NSFB fic without any Bleeproducts.
x. Not allowed to recreate any scenarios from the list of Things Mr. Welch Is No Longer Allowed To Do In An RPG.
x. I must not sic Dark-type Pokemon on the Flowers.
- Or Fire-type Pokemon.
- Or Flying-type Pokemon.
- No Ice-type Pokemon either.
- Bug-types are right out.
- No siccing Pokemon on the Flowers, period.
x. I should not attempt to use Technical Machines on the Flowers.
- No, not even if they actually want to know Giga Drain or Solarbeam. They torture the Agents extensively enough as is.
x. I should also not attempt to use evolutionary stones on the Flowers.
x. Tails is not a pre-evolved form of Vulpix. I must not convince Team Rocket that he is.
x. Agent Luxury + Gardevoir = a trip to the Fountain of Bleepka for everyone.
x. No singing "Stacey's Mom" around Cream or Vanilla.
- Especially if Vector is nearby.
x. A word cyclone is not an effective assassination method. Mary-Sues tend to be blissfully unaware of (and therefore immune to) the detrimental effects that they have on the canon. -
Hello by
on 2011-11-08 02:36:00 UTC
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Brother over shoulder and no time to look up, but do we have a "-Bringing Russia of Hetalia into close contact with the SO is not a good idea" already?
I Have Two by
on 2011-11-05 23:43:00 UTC
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I will not portal Gollum to Marlin's anemone.
I will NOT make Divine Comedy jokes around Badtail. -
on 2011-11-03 19:36:00 UTC
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- I will not tickle a sleeping dragon.
- Nor would I encourage the recruits to tickle said sleeping dragon.
1339. I will not blurt out "I'm Samus!" whenever I push someone from behind.
- I will not tickle a sleeping dragon.
on 2011-11-03 20:00:00 UTC
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1338 (following)
- Same for golems and other magical monsters.
- Chtulhu is right out.
- In fact, any sleeping creature strong enough to rip me into shreds with ease is to be left alone. -
on 2011-11-03 20:50:00 UTC
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1339- Imflammable means flammable. It does not mean "Drink Me."
1340. If an execution method involves a ferret, a pickaxe, and a small volume of poetry, it is best left to experts.
1341. The SO's office supplies are not edible.
1342. It is not funny to "MISTAKE" imflammable things for fertilizer.
1343. Minis are not to be given power tools.
1345. Or flamethrowers.(Honestly, people! this is a BIGGIE!)
1346. The "Exploding Stapler" incident is never to be brought up within the Marquis De Sod's hearing. EVER. -
on 2011-11-04 02:52:00 UTC
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- If I am going to die on a mission, my last words will not be "Hastur Hastur Hastur."
- Nor can I use the Anti-life Equation.
- Nor can I say "Zxkuqyb."
- Nor "Zeeky Boogy Doog."
- If I am going to die on a mission, my last words will not be "Hastur Hastur Hastur."
*inflammable (nm) by
on 2011-11-03 21:01:00 UTC
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Thanks for the correction, dude! by
on 2011-11-03 21:12:00 UTC
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Thanks for the correction, dude. I always have problems with that one. I am an embarrassed Shoebox.
Re: Things I Am Not Allowed To Do At The PPC Part XX by
on 2011-11-03 04:48:00 UTC
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- Neuralizers are not toys.
- Under no circumstances am I allowed to keep a Fat Man as loot.
- A Death Note is right out
- (Addition to 1327) Hellsing is doubly so.
- I must stop shouting "Just who the hell do you think I am!?" out of canon.
- Nobody cares.
- Especially not the Flowers.
- Neuralizers are not toys.
- Neuralizers are not toys.
Re: Things I Am Not Allowed To Do At The PPC Part XX by
on 2011-11-02 23:01:00 UTC
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- I will not throw Luxury at Agent Fix. That will not end well.
- I am not allowed to show the Carver a knife, throw it in the other direction and tell her to 'go fetch'.
- I will not show badfic to Gaius.
- Pixel ponies are not to be tormented.
- I will not throw Luxury at Agent Fix. That will not end well.
Re: Things I Am Not Allowed To Do At The PPC Part XX by
on 2011-11-02 22:57:00 UTC
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- NoR wIlL i WrItE tHeM iN GaMzEe'S.
- Or 2ollux's becau2e that'2 al2o two annoyiing two u2e
- Or eeeeeeeeven like Vr8ska
- I will not write any missions in ANY sort of typing quirk. -
Re: Things I Am Not Allowed To Do At The PPC Part XX by
on 2011-11-02 19:11:00 UTC
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- I will not take a magic Xbox/PS3/Wii/whatever-other-consoles-that-exist as loot.
1332. I will not drink ryncol.
- I will not take a magic Xbox/PS3/Wii/whatever-other-consoles-that-exist as loot.
Re: Things I Am Not Allowed To Do At The PPC Part XX by
on 2011-11-02 16:49:00 UTC
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- I will not sing to Mini-Darkspawn.
- I will not start a mini-blight.
1333. I am not allowed to discuss Chris Metzen with agents from Azeroth
1334. I am not allowed to give interns a 10 foot pole, a copy of Dungeons and Dragons 1st edition The Temple of Elemental Evil and let them get ideas.
- 'checking for traps' does not include people, either.
1335. You are not allowed to put mini thermal detonators in DoSAT's gadgets. We have an image to maintain.
1336. Lyrium is not allowed in the Harry Potter universe.
1337. [0un73r57r1|
- I will not sing to Mini-Darkspawn.
*attempts to translate 1337* by
on 2011-11-03 02:33:00 UTC
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"Counterstrike is not an acceptable place to learn typing skillz."
Is that right? -
Correct. by
on 2011-11-03 05:33:00 UTC
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Now to send you off to reconditioning for being able to read that.
Oh, it took some hard thinking and guesswork. by
on 2011-11-03 06:35:00 UTC
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Just as long as I never have to do it again...
Re: Things I Am Not Allowed To Do At The PPC Part XX by
on 2011-11-02 16:10:00 UTC
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- I will never ever give Agent Kirill a mana-producing trinket. This will not end good.
Re: Things I Am Not Allowed To Do At The PPC Part XX by
on 2011-11-06 04:31:00 UTC
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- I will not try and build my own Cybermen from tin foil and paper plates.
- I will not try and build my own Cybermen from tin foil and paper plates.
New Mission! Stargate SG-1, DMS by
on 2011-11-03 03:39:00 UTC
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Authors: Caddy-Shack and Guvnor of Space
Agents Orken and Thomas try to take on a blue wolf with quills... FROM SPACE! Agents Cadmar and Maria drop in to lend a hand
LINK: Click Here for mission!
Mini Unas:
O'Neil (I already own him!)
Thanks again to Aster and EF for betaing. -
First I was like :D by
on 2011-11-03 10:22:00 UTC
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...and then I remembered that I already read that. :|
Anyways, I liked it. Poor Thomas and Orken. And O'Neil. He's so silleh. -
Yeah... by
on 2011-11-03 16:54:00 UTC
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Thinks for the betaing again!
Re: Mission (spoilers) by
on 2011-11-03 05:26:00 UTC
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Awesome! You guys did a great job of having your agents interact and work together. It was also Cool and Different to see some agents get pulled to the Glittery Side for a while, although it might have been even more fun if that had lasted longer, and some more repercussions had been seen.
Also, there's a spot when the agents enter the airport where a note to add something was left in. :) -
Thank you. by
on 2011-11-03 19:07:00 UTC
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Thank you for pointing out the note thing, I leave those lying around while making a mission. As you can see, they occasionally stick around. :P
Having agents do stuff is fun, especially when some have to be restrained and force fed medicine. :D -
Gah! (Also spoilerz!) by
on 2011-11-03 16:49:00 UTC
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I'm glad you liked it. It's always fun to work with others on a mission, and this marks the second time Caddy and I have done a co-write. This time, though, he helped pull me out of the corner I had written myself into, (Orken and Thomas get hypnotized) which I am very thankful for. As for the length of time Thomas and Orken were hypnotized, well, I planned for it to be longer initially, but when I switched from "Somehow someone or something saves them" to "Caddy's agents save them" the time frame switched to the scene change.
Sue's last words by
on 2011-11-03 05:21:00 UTC
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I know this is a finer and optional point within a mission, but a good chunk of missions I have read dealing with Mary-Sues allow fo the vic- I mean, unfortunates to have a final say before they are dispatched.
While I can understand the reasoning behind it, but what is it included in a mission for? To allow a Sue to plead their case?
If so, how should such Sues be generally represented?
Just thinking ahead here. -
Depends on the Sue by
on 2011-11-03 12:10:00 UTC
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A lot of Sues just don't have enough personality to even comprehend the concept of an assassination. For those, you can just show them being mildly surprised, if anything.
Using a quote from the fic or the author's note is another favorite, especially if the quote has bad grammar or spelling.
If the Sue has enough of a personality to coherently plead her case, you may have to consider recruiting her--the presence of a personality means she can probably be rehabilitated. You guys ever read those fics where the Sue really isn't that egregious, but the canon disruption is huge? In those cases, it seems like the Sue isn't the source of the problem, but just happens to be located at the epicenter of it. I see those as potential recruits. -
For story purposes most of all. by
on 2011-11-03 05:43:00 UTC
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Well, not ALL Sues are dead eyed dolls that would listen to their charges without a peep. If you've ever seen footage (perhaps on the news, or in a release of a court case) of somebody being arrested, many people certainly do not heed 'you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used in a court of law.'
As for writing them, one can get the idea of a Sue's character just by going through the mission. Sues usually have two kinds of goals: the goal they claim to have, and the end goal their actions actually are striving for. A Sue might claim to want to save the world, but if the narrative works only to drop her into into 's arms... then it's clear what the Sue actually exists for.
If you really want to write any length of dialogue or action with them, you kind of have two options.
1) Write the sue 'unmasked', showing her true colors, and desperately grasping what she really wants. She may throw fits, freak out about being separated from her love interest, go supernova and become a great urple sparkling horror in a desperate attempt to crush agents... anything you want, really. Just as long as it's not offensive and fits within the bounds of satire.
2) is to sort of pick up where the author left off and make the Sue act as she did in the fic. Emulating the style of a Sue is hard but I've done it before in parody works to... disturbing success. -
Technically, Sues don't HAVE "love interests". by
on 2011-11-08 15:49:00 UTC
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The PPC refers to the object of a Sue's affection as a "Lust Object". This is because the Suvian concept of "romance" doesn't really describe "romance" as much as it does "oh my God that guy/girl is sooooooooooo hot! I wanna jump his/her bones!"
Sure they can. by
on 2011-11-09 04:39:00 UTC
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Dude, Sues can have whatever they want, but it usually isn't good. Plenty of Sues have 'love objects' as in, they can seek romance and may not focus on sex. Even if they may lust, Sues do seek romance. Just often a kind of 'love' that may mean 'obsessive devotion' or 'fairytale happy ending that doesn't happen realistically.'
Many sues with 'younger' mindsets may treat the object of their desires with possessiveness rather than perversion: the sort that is totally obsessed with getting a boyfriend, marrying him and having twu wuv forever like in a princess story.
(Doesn't mean that their obsessive fixation on physical features and nearly slave-like devotion DOESN'T come across as lustful, though...)
Just because the Wiki doesn't mention it doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. It's just that we haven't written about it yet.
Plus, as a friendly suggestion, I would say go read some badfic, spork some badfic, and participate more before you go around saying what the PPC does or does not do. You have to be a part of the community before you start saying this and that about us! :) -
nods by
on 2011-11-09 06:48:00 UTC
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Several of the Sue I came across that were stalking characters / making them stalk her, were most definitely after the love and romance part and not so much after the lusting.
Sure, they first liked a guy because he was hot (though that wasn't always the case), but they wanted love and romance out of the relationship.
Hence love object would be a good term. -
Thanks by
on 2011-11-03 05:57:00 UTC
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I actually had an idea of conducting charges and last words a bit more informally. I imagine that a Sue might get loose and attack the agent(s) and as the fight breaks out, the Agents call the Sue out on his/her actions while trying to keep him/her at bay until one of them could land an assassination or contrive an "accident".
New MST! by
on 2011-11-04 08:23:00 UTC
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Got bored, wrote this. It's not in the least worksafe and contains a lot of swearing and bad sex. Hope it's OK.
http://astra-aurora.livejournal.com/29337.html -
Oh my God. by
on 2011-11-04 18:21:00 UTC
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I had to stop and continue reading later. I was laughing to hard and afraid my roommates would ask questions.
This is so freaking funny. -
Re: Oh my God. by
on 2011-11-04 22:46:00 UTC
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Glad to see you liked it. :)
Dewing? by
on 2011-11-04 12:00:00 UTC
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/Why/? And why doesn't it stop there?
...But at least there was lube, I guess. Small consolation. -
Re: Dewing? by
on 2011-11-04 22:47:00 UTC
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Honestly, I do not have a clue. And yeah, the lube is a small consolation. Miniscule, really.
I'm pretty sure that's just for the fetisch. D: (nm) by
on 2011-11-04 12:44:00 UTC
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Ye gods, these? by
on 2011-11-04 11:58:00 UTC
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I've read those stories, I never thought anyone would try to actually MST them! You did a good job though.
Re: Ye gods, these? by
on 2011-11-04 22:44:00 UTC
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Heh, thanks. I've been working my way through them, though I'm not done yet.
Oh god no. by
on 2011-11-04 09:17:00 UTC
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The mental images. Help.
That stuff's... wow. *twitch* -
Re: Oh god no. by
on 2011-11-04 09:27:00 UTC
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Yeah, even for these stories, this is bad. It's the 'glistening like a grandmother' line that always gets me laughing.
*hands over some brain bleach*
New badfic thread by
on 2011-11-04 17:07:00 UTC
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Since the last one seems to have fallen off the first page:
I'll Keep The Whole World
"Neveil is a wanderer shrouded in shadow and has a hidden past. She meets the hobbits and joins them on their quest, and at the same time seeks to find her purpose in a world she shouldn't exist in. OC Not a MarySue."
Fellowship of Ten
"I was left behind to be protected. I grew up with a cloudy past. The Ring of Power has been found and it's up to me and Frodo to destory it. I'll save Middle Earth. Or die, trying to find who I am." -
Re: New badfic thread by
on 2011-11-05 14:39:00 UTC
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It may be a bit early for this one, the author's only posted one chapter. OTOH, her main character is a female Navy SEAL, and most of that posted chapter is (I assume) song lyrics.
"U.S Navy SEAL Alexandra Rouverain has everything she wanted: close friends and a home. But what happens if she falls into a completely different world? Not a Mary-Sue, or at least, not your typical. This is my first story, so please check it out!" -
Reviewed. by
on 2011-11-06 03:34:00 UTC
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Good god, I'm long-winded:
Hi there. It looks like you're trying to avoid making Alexandra a Mary Sue, which is great. Since that's the case, I thought I should tell you there are already some pretty common Sue warning signs present. I realize it's only the first chapter, so things may change once the plot gets going, but let me point them out:
First of all, women cannot currently join the Navy SEALs, so the fact that your OC did means one of two things:
1) this story is set in an alternate universe where they can,
2) your character somehow got in anyway, making her more special than every other woman on the planet for no explained reason.
I don't think there's much point in starting your story in an alternate version of Earth, since Alexandra is going to end up in Middle-earth soon, so that just leaves the second possibility. Unfortunately, a character who is automatically more special than anyone else just by existing is part of what makes a Mary Sue. If you'd like to make your character more believable, I recommend choosing a branch of the military that actually is open to women at this time. (We can hope the SEALs do admit women in the future, though!)
Second, Alexandra has the looks of a fashion model. I will never say that a woman can't be in the military and pretty-she certainly can-but the requirements of your basic fashion model and a soldier are quite different; the two body types are mutually exclusive. If she really had the soft, slender body of a fashion model, she would never meet the rigorous physical qualifications necessary to join an elite fighting force. Furthermore, all the branches of the military have uniform codes, and curls of hair that could get in her face and distract her in combat are right out in all of them. Right now, with the job she has, her looks are impossible in the real world: another big Mary Sue warning sign when your character is meant to be from Earth.
Third, winning people over by singing is a pretty typical Mary Sue trait. Singing is fine, lots of people sing; however, beware of making other characters instantly like Alexandra just because of her voice. Even nasty people can have beautiful voices.
Now, none of these things by themselves will make your character a Mary Sue, but all of them together are an almost guaranteed recipe for Sueness. The good news is it's easy to fix at this point: just choose a more appropriate branch of the military and some more realistic descriptions, and you're all set. {= )
As you go on, the main thing to be careful of is that you don't give your OC everything too easily. It looks like Legolas is going to be a main character as the story goes on. I don't know what your plot is, but I see Romance up there, and since lots of stories are about girls falling in love with Legolas, let me use that as an example. If Alexandra meets Legolas and he's immediately impressed by her elite skills, good looks, and fantastic singing voice, that's not going to be much of a story, and it won't give your readers any chance to sympathize with her. If she already has every advantage, there's no question about whether she'll get a happy ending. A character has to have some kind of real struggle in order to be sympathetic.
Let me put it this way: is it nicer if Legolas is the kind of guy who falls for the picture-perfect fashion model girl with impossible status, or if he falls for the normal girl who worked really hard to get where she was, and had to fight to earn the respect of the guys in her troop, only to have it all whisked away from her in one horrible twist of fate, landing her in a strange world where she doesn't even speak the same language? (That's right: nobody speaks English in Middle-earth. The ones who don't speak Sindarin or Khuzdul mostly speak Westron.)
I know I'd much rather read about the second girl, myself, and I think Alexandra can be that girl with just a few easy changes. {= )
This review has gone on long enough, but please feel free to get in touch if you'd like to talk more. {= )
We'll see how that goes. -
Take requests? by
on 2011-11-04 21:06:00 UTC
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I need all the God-Sues you've got. Big ones, bigger ones, the works.
Re: Take requests? by
on 2011-11-05 14:58:00 UTC
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Looks like a Sue-wraith instead of an actual Sue, but it's powerful enough to overthrow the Valar. Fic's still in progress, though.
Fly Away
"When the death of his father goes unpunished, Fëanáro overthrows the Valar and establishes his own dynasty. His half-brothers' children, determined to oppose him, are drawn into a dangerous realm of intrigue as they work to bring his rule to an end. AU" -
Re: Take requests? by
on 2011-11-05 02:21:00 UTC
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I'll keep my eyes open. After back-to-back Angst!Sues, I've been looking for someone who'll give my agents a fight.
Destory? by
on 2011-11-04 20:20:00 UTC
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Yeah, that about sums what a Fellowship of Ten is. De-story, meaning that the real story (and simbolism) has been completely removed from it.
We should make it a PPC-used verb.
Looking for Badfic by
on 2011-11-05 09:17:00 UTC
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Missing: 1 (one) badfic of Shadowrun or Soul Eater setting. Will also take on One Piece, Naruto, and Air Gear, among others.
In other words, gimme a challenge...and I swear to god, I can't find a ShadowRun Badfic to save my sanity. -
Re: Looking for Badfic by
on 2011-11-05 17:07:00 UTC
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Oh, and Swat Kats. Definitely want to do a SK one.
Re: Looking for Badfic by
on 2011-11-05 10:41:00 UTC
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Hahahahaha. Here. Take these:
Have fun sorting out that mess. Problems I've counted: Terrbile formatting, making Dark Elves/Night Ones a separate race that is immortal and lives in a tree city roughly where Tir Tairngire should be, making the main character a Night One, but not revealing it until the second story, giving a mage cybernetic implants, and last but certainly not least, introducing daikaiju. Not like, Godzilla movies, but actual giant monsters. In what I think is downtown Seattle.
Oh, right. And hovercycles. There are those, too. -
Re: Looking for Badfic by
on 2011-11-05 16:43:00 UTC
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I'll read through them. Though, you DO know hovercycles are possible via RAW (last time I looked at Arsenal, at least.)
Re: Looking for Badfic by
on 2011-11-05 21:04:00 UTC
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Hovercycles weren't possible when those stories were written, though.
Minis by
on 2011-11-06 01:02:00 UTC
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Lord Volemort
Jar-Jar Binks, Prince Xixor
Hetalia Badfic by
on 2011-11-06 14:33:00 UTC
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I'm not entirely sure this can be posted here but I'm going to anyway.
I'd like to call the PPC's attention to the Hetalia: Axis Powers continuum. It's loaded with Mary-Sues and Bad Slash that will leave you twitching. I haven't seen any sporked Hetalia yet so I thought I would let some one know, I will try to get a list up here soon if no minds.
Sincerely- Florida -
Re: Hetalia Badfic by
on 2011-11-14 22:52:00 UTC
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While it's true there might not have been any sporked yet, it's known here at the PPC. It's even got its own OFU, called the IAHF (International Academy of Hetalia Fanfiction).
Re: Hetalia Badfic by
on 2011-11-06 18:13:00 UTC
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Hi Florida!
I know there are Hetalia fans in the PPC. There are some Hetalia badfics on the Claimed Badfic page of the wiki, so sporking may be on its way.
Badfic threads don't need to be sorted by continuum -- if there's a thread on the first page of the board, throw your list on it.
New Floaters Mission! by
on 2011-11-06 17:50:00 UTC
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In which Anneli, Cindy, and Xanthus deal with not one, not two, but three Sue-types mangling the Mass Effect canon with a stupid plot and some very unfortunate implications.
Seriously, the unfortunate implications.
Anyway, I do have a couple of things I need to take care of. So... recruits and rescued children:
Emmeline T'Gonda (She'll be going to the Nursery, most likely.)
Seraphina T'Gonda (She'll be staying with Emmeline.)
Marlan Rodriguez (He, and the other two children Anneli adopted will both be mine as supporting characters.)
Sorsha Rodriguez
Saim'Rodriguez nar Citadel
Light (This one is going for sale, so get 'im while he's hot!)
Now, for some minis:
Nobel Six (mini-Hunter)
engineer Adam (mini-Colossus)
And finally, some loot:
(x2) Poorly defined plot point necklace (Andelko T'Gonda version)
(x1) Omni-tool
Feel free to take whatever loot you want, and I hope you guys enjoyed! :D -
Congrats by
on 2011-11-08 21:28:00 UTC
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I got a little distracted in the last couple of pages before they decided to charge the Stus, but it was more because I don't know any of these fandoms. I was kind of getting worn out with the canon, while the agents were keeping my interest.
It is interesting how things kind of come in groups isn't it? I found a Lights Shawn and now there is a Light, which is very cool, because Lights Shawn can have a friend.
I loved how Anneli was the Innocents, and Emmeline's choice at the end was powerful.
Alex in particular was an annoying Stu, but I think that the thing that would have driven me up the wall the most about the fic was the baby talk! I don't even let my three year old use grammar as terrible as that dialogue! Really if a kid who is barely three can master saying, "He is..." "I am..." and "They are..." Then surely someone old enough to type (and spell pretty decently while doing it) is capable of mastering it.
Anyway! Well killed, Herr! I look forward to the next installment. -
Thanks! by
on 2011-11-08 21:45:00 UTC
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Yeah, I did my best to explain stuff, and in the last couple pages before they charged the Stus I was hoping to shake things up a bit with the 'they gathered everyone and neuralyzed everyone else'.
LOL, yeah, Light and Lights Shawn will be awesome.
Thanks! And actually, with Emmeline, the plot bunnies attacked me while I was working on that bit of the chapter. In short, expect something with Emmeline to come up soon! And yes, the Innocents will return. :D
Oh my God, I know! Some of the fic's typos were just frustrating, but honestly, nothing about this fic could've infuriated me more than the fact that it trivialized abduction twice, and that the first time around it trivialized child abduction.
Thanks for the feedback! :D -
Nice work! by
on 2011-11-08 11:32:00 UTC
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It's no secret that I'm a fan of long missions. And this was really good, with good pacing and all. I liked how the stupid just kept coming and coming.
And your agents are funny and wellwritten together. -
Re: New Floaters Mission! by
on 2011-11-07 20:18:00 UTC
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'Twas a good mission, Herr Doktor. I applaud your stamina.
Thanks! by
on 2011-11-07 20:31:00 UTC
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Yeah, this mission was just so crazy, you know? A short mission against this fic just wouldn't do it for me, you know?
I'm glad you liked it! :D -
Re: New Floaters Mission! by
on 2011-11-06 23:58:00 UTC
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Loved the mission. On a side note, I saw a typo:
“Oh,” said Cindy, looking at the Stu as the scene began to form around them. “So it would be like a…” The witch grimaced. “No, that’s a really bad analogy.”
“What, like a house-elf being invited to Hogwarts?” asked Cindy.
The witch cringed, nodding. “Yes, that was the one,” she admitted, her gaze turning away from Xanthus. “I really shouldn’t have used that. House elves aren’t very fortunate in my continuum.”
Unless Cindy normally talks to herself...
On another note, if you don't mind, I'd rather like that omni-tool for my agents. Grace will wreak plenty of havoc with that. -
Re: New Floaters Mission! by
on 2011-11-07 03:21:00 UTC
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That was meant to be a convo with Xanthus. Thanks for pointing it out!
And yes, the omni-tool is yours. :D -
Great mission by
on 2011-11-06 20:25:00 UTC
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It was really pretty long, but overall I thought it was great. Keep it up!
Hello fellow life forms by
on 2011-11-06 19:01:00 UTC
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I already posted but I should have introduced myself first. Hi! In the Real World my name is Sara, but here I'll go by Florida...That is about it, have nice day!
Hi there! *waves* by
on 2011-11-09 08:48:00 UTC
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I hereby hand you your very own personal Boxed Dwarf Star. Do be careful, tis very heavy, there's a good chap. So, Florida, would you happen to have ever heard of a Canon under the title of Cadfael? Don't worry, I'm not really asking you in particular, I'm just sort of searching for someone who knows it...
I'm sorry, I'm a little Odd. Most of us are, here. Leave your sanity by the door, there's a dear... -
...Nice to see you. by
on 2011-11-08 02:09:00 UTC
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Rabid Hetalia fan freaked out at the name, but NO MATTER! Welcome to the Board! Please deposit your sanity in the provided receptacle. *indicates bucket marked "Warg Fodder"* You shan't need it here.
Re: Hello fellow life forms by
on 2011-11-07 22:28:00 UTC
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Hello and welcome! Have a Holy Hand Grenade (Warning: Do not use near rabbits.)
Oi, I almost forgot. by
on 2011-11-07 16:46:00 UTC
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Welcome, new person. Also, have a cookie.
Hello there! by
on 2011-11-07 14:10:00 UTC
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Welcome to the Board! Here, have some chocolates, and enjoy your stay! So, what fandoms do you follow?
Re: Hello fellow life forms by
on 2011-11-07 12:05:00 UTC
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Hi, have some fudge!
Welcome on board! by
on 2011-11-07 08:28:00 UTC
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*pokes the newbie* Oooohhh! Fun!
Welcome, fellow badfic hunter. So, of out curiosity, how did you find us? -
Re: Hello fellow life forms by
on 2011-11-07 07:05:00 UTC
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Welcome aboard! Have a case of possibly-radioactive energy drinks! Twice the kick of a normal energy drink, and only a 33.3333333% chance to give you tongue cancer!
Good to have you a-Board! by
on 2011-11-07 03:01:00 UTC
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Greetings, new friend! Have a mystical sword that can only be wielded by the first person to touch it! . . . Oops. Sorry . . .
First plover! by
on 2011-11-07 00:10:00 UTC
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BTW, what are your fandoms?
Hi there! by
on 2011-11-06 22:57:00 UTC
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Welcome to the Board. Here's a crate of Bleepka and your two cents.
Welcome, newbie! by
on 2011-11-06 22:43:00 UTC
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Have an Official Hipster Scarf as a welcome present! (You've probably never heard of it)
Hello Fellow Newbie by
on 2011-11-06 19:39:00 UTC
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Hello there, Florida! Pleased to meet you!
Here, have a "Got SPaG?" bumper sticker.
New Interlude! by
on 2011-11-07 01:11:00 UTC
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Thomas and Orken get a rare vacation, and visit Thomas' parents on World One.
Link: Here!
So yeah. This interlude actually has nothing to do with my last mission. It's just a story about Thomas and Orken being Thomas and Orken. -
Nice! by
on 2011-11-07 22:54:00 UTC
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I loved how excited Thomas parents were that he was coming out. He had me convinced that he wasn't. I thought he was upset at lying over the job just like Orken. I like their interactions. They are one of my favorite pairs.
Thanks! by
on 2011-11-07 23:46:00 UTC
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Yeah, I think something I've learned from having parents is that parents like being right, and they like their children to be happy with who they are. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Re: Thanks! by
on 2011-11-08 03:27:00 UTC
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Totally right.
Yay! by
on 2011-11-07 19:48:00 UTC
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I really enjoyed this. Like LunarHuntress says, it's got a nice balance of silly and serious, and it's some great characterization for the guys, seeing them outside the usual PPC environment and talking about non-PPC things (even if some of those things are lies). The "Charleston Chews" bit is great. ^_^
I'm now trying to imagine Ilraen and Nume having a normal day on World One Earth. It... doesn't work. {X D Kudos to Thomas and Orken for doing as well as they did.
Also, I would like to pass on a hug for Thomas.
~Neshomeh -
Thanks! by
on 2011-11-07 20:43:00 UTC
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I kind of had this idea about Orken meeting Thomas' parents for months now, and actually wrote the first part of this story (up until Orken agrees to Thomas' plan) back in September, but couldn't think of how I wanted it to end. I'm really glad you liked it, and Thomas will take all hugs offered to him. :)
Ahaha... oh, Thomas... by
on 2011-11-07 03:18:00 UTC
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I really like Thomas and Orken. Their interactions are always so fun. Especially in this, where the beginning was just a funny story of agents bickering and being mistaken for gay, but the ending was really rather sweet. Well done.
Thanks! by
on 2011-11-07 03:51:00 UTC
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I'm glad you liked it. I was really trying to write something a bit more Thomas centric, since my missions tend to focus a bit more on Orken then Thomas, and including the co-written interlude I did with Neshomeh, I have three other interludes dedicated almost solely to him.
"300" research advice? by
on 2011-11-07 04:43:00 UTC
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Hey, all. I'm currently working on a sporking of a very, very painful 300 Suefic, and I've come across a problematic piece of verbiage. Would anyone else familiar with the movie care to weigh in?
In the Suefic, the auxiliaries who at first challenge the Spartans on the road are referred to as "Acadians." The problem is that I can't find much information about what these guys are actually called in the film, especially since a lot of the dialogue is slurred and/or yelled. They could be Arcadians or Achaeans (both legitimate regions in Greece), or very improbably, Akkadians. The only Acadia I've been able to turn up is a Canadian region colonized by the French in the 17th century.
So I guess my question is--is this the Suethor's mistake, or Frank Miller's? Were these guys actually called Acadians in the film, or are there going to be confused French-Canadian settlers in the middle of ancient Greece? I've been searching, but I can't seem to find it out one way or the other. Any help would be greatly appreciated. -
Research should have been done... by
on 2011-11-07 11:34:00 UTC
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...because even if may or may not be historical bull excrements, Arcadians are canon in 300.
Also, French-Canadians in ancient Greece are just too awesome. :D -
So . . . by
on 2011-11-07 16:56:00 UTC
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Arcadians are canon, but Acadians are not. :D French-Canadian settlers it is, then.
It's the Suethor's mistake, but... by
on 2011-11-07 06:52:00 UTC
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I'd give it a small amount of leeway, at least, owing to Gerard Butler's heavily-accented pronunciation of "Arcadian." It's extremely easy to mishear; I had to double-check it myself just to make sure I'd heard him right.
No! No leeway! (nm) by
on 2011-11-07 09:03:00 UTC
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Argh. Ahem: No! No leeway! by
on 2011-11-07 09:04:00 UTC
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The comedic possibilities of the confused French Canadian settlers are too incredible!
hS, with friendly return key -
Re: Argh. Ahem: No! No leeway! by
on 2011-11-07 17:05:00 UTC
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I defer to your superior judgment, m'lord. *Vader kneel*
"Où sommes-nous? Et... by
on 2011-11-07 14:35:00 UTC
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...oh non. Ils sont les Spartans. Et ils nous regarderont comme des Hilotes ou comme des ennemis."
(Where are we? And... oh no. They are the Spartans. And they'll see us as Helots or as enemies.) -
Laconia and Arcadia and Achaea by
on 2011-11-07 05:25:00 UTC
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Sparta was actually the main city of Laconia, or Lacedaemonia. Laconia was a city state in ancient Greece on the Peloponnese (that nobbly large island part of greece), to the south-east. With its military might, it was the head of the Pelopnnesian League.
Arcadia was another province in on the Peloponnese, and a member (whether it liked it or not) of the Pelopnnesian League. It was located in the highlands, in the center of the Peloponnese.
Achaea was the strip directly to the north of Arcadia, also a part of the Pelopnnesian League. It is still not Laconia/Sparta.
I have no idea if the Spartans were called 'Arcadians' or Achaeans in the film, but even if they were, calling them as such is still incorrect. There were no Arcadians or Achaeans at Thermopolae: There were only Spartans, Thespians, and Thebans. -
Re: Laconia and Arcadia and Achaea by
on 2011-11-07 06:57:00 UTC
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Really? From what I've read there were around 1100 Arcadians at Thermopylae, at least according to the accounts of Herodotus.
The movie never referred to the Spartans as Arcadians; the Arcadians showed up as aliies to Sparta, which -
They probably were there, but... by
on 2011-11-07 15:41:00 UTC
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Not at the 'famous last stand' that the movie 300 talks about. There were uh... *checks wikipedia to supplement her old Classical Political history class* approx. 7000 Greeks in general at the battle of Thermopylae, but not all of them were fighting with the Spartans holding the pass at the battle the movie '300' depicts. There were approximately 300 Spartans, 700 Thespians, and 400 Thebans (it is unclear if the Thebans retreated, I forget if they did or not), and possibly a few hundred other people at THAT part of the battle.
Of course, ancient estimates (by Herodotus and others) for the amount of Persian soldiers ranges from 800,000 to four million which is highly unlikely, so... >_>; -
Re: They probably were there, but... by
on 2011-11-07 16:59:00 UTC
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Then 300 definitely got it right; the Arcadians left before the big Last Stand.
Of course, they got other bits wrong, like I said, but the Arcadian bit was pretty much right. -
It ate the bottom half of my post... by
on 2011-11-07 07:00:00 UTC
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Continuing from the above, the movie had the Arcadians show up as allies, which matches my sources as historically accurate.
The movie's by no means historically correct in every detail, but they got THAT part right, at least. -
It was never... by
on 2011-11-08 03:07:00 UTC
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... intended to be historically accurate.
I might be jumping the gun here or making a fu over an implied obvious fact, but both 300 and the original film that Frank Miller based his comic on, "The 300 Spartans" (1962) were both differing interpretation of the events that took place. Neither were intended to be bang-on accurate about the course of the three day battle, but they get the general facts correct.
Another nitpick I noted within the modern "300" - why aren't the Spartans wearing armour? And wouldn't they dump their cloaks aside (as they would usually get in the way or become entangled mid battle)
Once again, this is down to the original creator's take on the battle, but it did kind of not make any initial sense that Spartan hoplites would be charging about with minimal protection.
But, that's just my opinion. -
Wikipedia says.... by
on 2011-11-07 05:08:00 UTC
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Arcadians in the film, Thespians in the comics.
*kazoo* -
Re: Wikipedia says.... by
on 2011-11-07 22:08:00 UTC
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I would argue the film version had way more thespians than the comic version!
Acting puns? by
on 2011-11-07 22:27:00 UTC
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Well, of course, since the film had way more action than the comic.
Heh, thanks. by
on 2011-11-07 16:56:00 UTC
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I've been burned by Wikipedia in the past, so I automatically avoided it. *hangs head in shame*
But but but... by
on 2011-11-07 05:26:00 UTC
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Inaccurate? THIS... IS... SPARTA!!!! (nm) by
on 2011-11-08 09:51:00 UTC
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There, there ... by
on 2011-11-07 10:02:00 UTC
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*Pats Aster comfortingly on the arm*
At least this makes for a very useful thread, because I've often wondered how it should be treated in badfics, when fictionalized versions of historical events gets the facts wrong. -
Re: There, there ... by
on 2011-11-07 17:04:00 UTC
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Presumably you'd accept the depicted versions as some kind of alternate-universe canon; I know that's how one would handle a Stargate work, so I figure it's the same deal here.
Badfic brought to you by Acme Caltrop Manufacturers, Inc. by
on 2011-11-08 01:53:00 UTC
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- My little wizard » by pyrotigre reviews
a few magic worlds, a pinch of chaos and a tea spoon of multidimentional madness. NOT A RECIPY TO TRY AT HOME THEY SAID... too late. T to be safe
Crossover - Harry Potter & My Little Pony - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,047 - Reviews: 4 - Updated: 10-23-11 - Published: 10-17-11
My comment: I lack familiarity with MLP, but this has "trouble" written all over it.
2. I'll Love My Firenze, Forever by XElleXX reviews -- NSFW!
Sequel to "I Love My Firenze", The journey continues in Harry and Firenze's love-life.
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,505 - Reviews: 16 - Published: 1-15-11 - Firenze & Harry P. - Complete
My comment: Farry and Firenze breed true. Harry and Firenze breed true. *headdesk*
- My little wizard » by pyrotigre reviews
Re: Badfic brought to you by Acme Caltrop Manufacturers, Inc. by
on 2011-11-08 07:01:00 UTC
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Well. Fandoms never cease to amaze me. The sheer ridiculousness is astounding.
Unless anyone else wants it, I'm hereby claiming the second one to spork. -
KILL. by
on 2011-11-08 05:59:00 UTC
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I think the HP/MLP is just silly and riddled with plotholes, but the Firenze one? Absolute proof that some fans find ANYTHING good.
Charge for bad biology. Horses' genitalia are NOT right below their chests. -
Oh boy... by
on 2011-11-08 04:03:00 UTC
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I don't know about the second one, but the first one? Oh, I can see sporkable material in there. Seriously, can an author work any harder to remove any charm from the fic with fourth-wall breaking humor that's obnoxious, painfully unfunny, and that REALLY messes up the story's pacing? Also, it has a potential SI Sue in there, so... Yeah.
Mission--DMS--Sanctuary--Miah and Cali by
on 2011-11-08 07:12:00 UTC
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This mission is set before the last Truth or Dare Interlude that Caddy and I published, so Cali and Cadmar are not dating yet. Otherwise, it is a bit on the NSFW side for some mild cursing and some crude terminology.
This is a fun one. Enjoy!
Bark at the Moon
Beta: Datajunkie, Caddy-shack, and Albatross
Mini-stenopelhabbilis up for adoption: Deckland and Kabal
OC up for adoption: Peyton (human male capable of teleporting)
New member of the Nursery staff available for NPC usage (or adoption if someone wants): Miss Carol Phillips (and her adopted son Marshall Foss Phillips) -
I'm an idiot by
on 2011-11-10 20:38:00 UTC
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Because I haven't commented yet. Very good job-this thing NEEDED to be sporked.
*facepalm* by
on 2011-11-10 03:38:00 UTC
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Jeez, I can't believe I haven't gotten to commenting on this yet!
Well, great job as always. I'm not as familiar with Sanctuary as you are, but I could see why this fic was so bad. So keep up the good work as usual! :D -
Nice! by
on 2011-11-08 22:51:00 UTC
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Even if I was a beta, I still wanted to read it over again. Sanctuary is fun to read about, and yeah, you did do a good job on making people who don't know the canon understand why the charges are bad.
{{Hugs}} (nm) by
on 2011-11-09 00:01:00 UTC
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Very nice! by
on 2011-11-08 18:09:00 UTC
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I think I've only ever heard about Sanctuary, because of your missions in the continuum, but you did a really good job making clear why the charges are bad, to people like me, who know jack about the canon.
Thank you by
on 2011-11-08 21:34:00 UTC
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I think this might be my last Sanctuary fic for a while. I'm going to have to wait for more missionable fics to show up.
First mission by
on 2011-11-09 21:04:00 UTC
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This takes place in the Fallout Continuum.
Thanks for Beta-Reading goes to Ellipsis Flood and VixenMage. -
Good first job! by
on 2011-11-11 09:21:00 UTC
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It worked really well. And I'll be looking forward to seeing more of your agents.
Constructive Criticism by
on 2011-11-10 18:22:00 UTC
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It's always nice to see another PPCer branching out into video game missions. You did a very nice job of deconstructing this particular badfic, which was definitely deserving of the descriptor 'bad.' The agents you've created have some good bits of back-and-forth, and could definitely be very interesting with some character development.
That being said, I have several major qualms about this story. The agents being able to see the in-game HUD, while amusing at first glance, led to my becoming a little confused the more I thought about it. The mission seems to imply, though Sylvia's nonchalance, that she's accustomed to the presence of the HUD due to being a native of the Falloutverse. Are you saying that everyone in the Falloutverse has their own HUD? It can't be an artifact of the Pipboy, as Natasha isn't wearing one. Yeah, I know that I should always keep the MST3K Mantra in the back of my mind, but this particular instance seemed a bit too logic-bending.
Then there was the ending. It was nice seeing the issues surrounding trying to neuralyze canonical characters who wear sunglasses all the time (not to mention fairly entertaining,) but the whole sequence peters out fairly undramatically. I hate to quote TV Tropes, but you basically just dropped a bridge on the Stu. He's supposed to be this big tough badass, and yet Sylvia "just shot at the Stu until he died" offscreen? I'm sorry, but that feels a bit like a cop-out to me.
Finally, there are some SPaG issues here and there: multiple exclamation points (and, at one point, multiple interrobangs) in your agents dialogue, a few miscapitalized words, some missing punctuation marks, and a couple of run-on sentences.
You've got a lot of promise with both your writing and your agents. However, it's going to take a lot more work. I look forward to your future projects with interest. -
Re: Constructive Criticism by
on 2011-11-10 22:14:00 UTC
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Now that you mention it, I did sort of just drop a bridge on the Stu. I'll keep that in mind in the future.
About the HUD thing, I checked that out. The player character in New Vegas has one even before they get a pip-boy. I probably should have explained that in the mission though.
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll really try to improve on those points in the future. -
Well done! by
on 2011-11-10 06:10:00 UTC
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I've been lurking on the boards for a while-- real life and a Game of Thrones RP site have been eating my time >_> Even though I don't know much about Fallout-- well done! A pleasant read. :)
Re: Mission by
on 2011-11-10 04:18:00 UTC
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You took good advantage of some of the badfic's funny lines. I really enjoyed your interpretation of "everything about him screamed." I also like how you brought up the game's mechanics early on, and returned to them later in the finale.
I did see quite a few typos in here, though. In particular, there were a few places where you used "to" instead of "too." Also, several times you used "cannon" instead of "canon." I would suggest reading through this again carefully with an eye for spelling. -
Re: Mission by
on 2011-11-10 16:32:00 UTC
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Yeah, spelling has always been my weakest point.
Dang! by
on 2011-11-10 09:18:00 UTC
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And I thought I had removed all the cannons and stacked them neatly in my closet.
Also, wasn't 'cannons' a proper plural for canon? -
Re: Dang! by
on 2011-11-10 09:59:00 UTC
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Nah, in that instance you want to use "canons".
Oh, and just a reminder... by
on 2011-11-10 03:37:00 UTC
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...don't forget to update the Wiki with this stuff!
And for future reference, we usually post minis we find in the topic we use to post the mission. -
Nice! :D by
on 2011-11-10 03:27:00 UTC
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This mission was quite a bit of fun, particularly when it got to the climax. Here's me saying that I can't wait for the next little excursion you take into badfic. :D
Great mission! by
on 2011-11-10 01:00:00 UTC
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Even though I don't know Fallout, this was really fun to read, and I liked the climax. However, there were a few typos:
while watching the Stu and the cannons turn in for the night.
We could just neutralize them and send them back to their base.”
[Shouldn't that be "neuralize"]
and there was a flash as the Neuralyzer was activated.
Other than that, the mission was awesome. Keep up the good work! -
Very nice start! by
on 2011-11-09 22:18:00 UTC
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New fallout people! Huzzah!
Looking forward to more missions, SS.
Is anyone here familiar with Generator Rex? by
on 2011-11-10 06:53:00 UTC
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Because if so, I wrote a oneshot and would like some feedback.
Work safe, just a little bloody. -
Hmmm.... by
on 2011-11-10 19:04:00 UTC
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It's a good fic. But it IS a tad bloody. I CAN see Six becoming an Evo, and fighting Rex.
You kept everyone reasonably in character, so good job there
All in all, I give it a 9 out of 10. Good job!
Serious Issues With The Wiki by
on 2011-11-10 22:25:00 UTC
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We're moving this discussion here, from the PPC wiki's main talk page; we decided it'd make more sense to have this on the Board, where it will be easier to to follow and be more immediately accessible, and easier to clarify things.
Please join in the discussion once you've had a chance to read through, because it's important for the whole community, and not just in terms of improving the wiki. -
Concerning Slain Sue and Stu pages by
on 2011-11-13 14:19:00 UTC
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I realize a lot of the Sue/Stu pages are stubs, and if those don't get expanded on by the writers who made those pages, then I guess I wouldn't have a problem with deleting them.
What I would have a problem with is deleting a Sue page that does contain detailed and entertaining information, but does not fit the community's definition of "notability or prominence."
Most especially of all, I would hate to have our users feel like they aren't allowed to write interesting, detailed Sue pages in the future only because that Sue is not seen as notable or prominent by our community. I am not at all comfortable with creating and enforcing some rule about what missions contain a villain that meets some acceptable definition of "important."
I feel like I'm not explaining myself well. What I'm trying to get across is that it wouldn't be fair to tell PPCers that some of their mission targets don't meet the proper badness level to warrant a page. If someone wants to make a page for each of their Sues/wraiths/whatever, and they can create an interesting and fun-to-read article as a result, I say more power to them. I hope I'm making sense. -
No, you're making sense. by
on 2011-11-13 17:18:00 UTC
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This is basically my view and you summed it up better than I did. >_>;
My general rule: If you make a page, make it a good page. I would PREFER to see those stubs expanded, but I would not be so so sad if they went away. But I would be sad if things that were fun to read and interesting went away because of a 'if some of them are bad, all of them need to go'-type decision.
I know that probably won't happen but once again: Where to draw the line of importance, if all of these pages DO have to do with the PPC, HAVE appeared in published missions, etc. -
Do we have a "needs revision" wiki tag? by
on 2011-11-13 05:19:00 UTC
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If we could put problematic articles into that category, then anybody who had some time could go over them and give them a bit of polishing.
You could have a space in the tag for the reason it needed revision; and then whoever went over it properly could remove the tag when the article got straightened out.
It would also let people who just incidentally noticed problems with an article tag it for other people to fix, if they didn't have time to do it themselves. -
I like that idea. by
on 2011-11-13 14:37:00 UTC
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I think I can make that happen pretty easily, actually. I'll get back to you.
~Neshomeh -
Yay! :) by
on 2011-11-13 19:15:00 UTC
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Incidentally, I know how to work the wiki pretty well, so if anybody wants to recruit me to help out, feel free. I can't be on the chat much nowadays, but e-mail me at lisa450 at yahoo dot com. Things should calm down during winter break, after Thanksgiving. I don't have school then and should have time to do some editing.
And done! by
on 2011-11-14 00:29:00 UTC
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The template is Needs Work.
Articles with this template on them will be listed in the category Articles That Need Work.
If anyone thinks this is a bad idea or could be done better, now's the time to speak up!
~Neshomeh -
My own two cents by
on 2011-11-13 03:18:00 UTC
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I sincerely doubt that I'll have anything new to add to this conversation, but I guess I should still pitch in a little something. I'll try to do this point by point.
As Chatvert said, ‘The issue with the tone of the wiki might be due to the common misperception that snark/humor is equivalent to flat-out being mean.” The wiki has a lot of snark. I think that the nastiest of it – you know, any bits where we come off as just being cruel – could be cleaned up in the interest of being diplomatic.
Of course, you have to remember that the missions have a lot of snark too. Look at the Original Series again; it has quite a few harshly humorous moments. We are a very sarcastic bunch of folks.
I don’t think there’s any way we’re going to avoid coming off as being elitist writing snobs to someone somewhere. This is the internet we’re talking about. Haters gonna hate, and trying to please them is just going to end up being a waste of everyone’s time. All you can do is shrug your shoulders and say “I’m sorry you feel that way.”
Eh… we probably don’t need these. I’d delete ‘em.
I would keep some of the slain Sue/Stu pages, but only the truly notable ones. The PPC’s most prominent rogues, if you will. Sues and Stus that really stood out for one reason or another. Of course, once you get away from famous ones like Celebrian or Enoby, the problem of what defines a Sue/Stu as being ‘notable’ arises.
Personal example: I have made one Slain Stu page myself, which was for the Sandwich!Stu. I felt that he fit the definition of ‘notable,’ what with being an animate human-sized blue plate special. The others my agents have encountered were fairly typical in their construction, so I didn’t feel they merited pages.
Some other examples of being ‘notable’ (from this Boarder’s POV): being unintentionally hilarious above and beyond the norm, threatening the stability/existence of an entire continuum, or killing an agent during the mission.
I think the wiki has a few pages that can be excised outright (do we really need a page on Cornelius Fudge?). Redlinks should be de-linked and pages with redundant information should be merged. Not really that much else to add. We don't need to cover everything; just the stuff that is directly connected to the PPC.
Seriously, guys and gals. It’s a just a wiki. Take a deep breath and relax. -
Hear hear! by
on 2011-11-13 04:32:00 UTC
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I agree with pretty much everything here.
I write Sue/Stu pages for my slain Sues and Stus because I purposely LOOK for the most ridiculous fic to tackle. Sue that defeats Ganondorf with Pig Latin? Sue that just casually kicks over a cage that the Hero of Time couldn't break out of? Stu that is a wolf Assassin's Creed assassin that knocks out bus-sized dragons from Spyro? Sue that goes so far as seducing an Archdemon from Dragon Age? This is sort of why getting rid of the slain Sue/Stu pages bugs me: I wouldn't delete Sandwich!Stu because it's notable to me. But where to draw the line?
In the subject of stubs, you're right. There are stubs that can probably be deleted... but there are also stubs that can be expanded.
Where to draw the line by
on 2011-11-13 18:12:00 UTC
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We can collectively come up with a set of criteria for which pages are notable enough to stay. Things like "Is this Sue the best example of a concept? (the Sandwich-Stu is probably the best example of what can go wrong with bad description)" or "Did the Sue have a significant lasting effect on an agent? (Alanna can be said to have created the emotional train wreck that is Agent Derik)" would be good places to start.
Once we have the criteria, we can form a committee of three or four boarders that can go through the Sue pages and see which ones the criteria apply to and which ones they don't apply to. They can mark the ones that don't fit as Candidates For Deletion, and post a list on the Board so their authors, if they want to archive their Sues elsewhere, have a chance to move them.
I would recommend that Boarders who created the pages not be on the committee or, if they are, that they not be allowed to vote on their own pages. Conflict of interest and all that. -
On the PPC FAQ: For Other People. by
on 2011-11-12 02:01:00 UTC
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Since a lot of people are referencing this FAQ, there are a couple of things I have to say and suggest.
As I understand it, some wiki contributors are making covert insults at the Suethors via the wiki, and this FAQ may be in danger of contributing to the problem. I will freely admit that in the PPC FAQ, there is a satirical and condescending tone in some of the answers to the questions and complaints. However, I don't think that this is necessarily uncalled-for.
The FAQ: For Other People is somewhat different from other articles in that it is reactive, not proactive. It's not going out of its way to offend badfic writers. Instead, it is a response to badficcers asking the same questions and/or making these same complaints repeatedly. Thus, it operates on the assumption that the people reading the FAQ are the ones posing the questions/complaints, which are themselves much harsher than any of the answers it gives.
This being the case, perhaps a disclaimer would be in order, to the effect of:
CAUTION: This FAQ assumes that you are a fanwriter who has launched one of the following questions and/or complaints. If you read through the questions and none of them apply to you, you may be looking for a different FAQ. [Insert links here]
To further warn people, we could also rename it to "Frequently Addressed Complaints."
If you have further suggestions, I would be happy to hear them. In order for them not to be lost among the other sub-discussions on this topic, I suggest that suggestions for improving the FAQ: For other people should take place on the FAQ's "talk" page here.
Araeph -
Re: On the PPC FAQ: For Other People. by
on 2011-11-13 02:53:00 UTC
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I think renaming it "Frequently Addressed Complaints" makes sense. That's definitely more accurate.
I've put up some thoughts on the Talk page to get started. Come on, guys, don't leave this all to me. I'm talking way too much in this thread already.
~Neshomeh -
Replied on that page. :D by
on 2011-11-13 04:23:00 UTC
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I replied on that page and also would be interested in reworking some of the text to comply with modern, less-defensive PPC standards.
Overall the page comes across as a bunch of things that have been lifted out of a forum-defense out of context. I think that a lot of the points are valid and good, but also require some refocusing as well as some exploration of what the PPC on whole is: not a society of 'writers who know better than other writers' but a group of critics who refuse to suspend their disbelief when something ridiculous, unintentionally horrifying, or canon-breaking happens in a fic.
Besides, Nesh needs to be leant a hand. Her reworking of the Mary Sue page is going great so far, and making her do all the work is no good. >n>; -
On Sue and Author pages by
on 2011-11-11 16:19:00 UTC
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Another vote for not getting rid of the "Slain Sues and Stus" pages. I like them - they're fun, and I know I've discovered a bunch of interesting missions from browsing these pages, and it can be good reference. On the other hand, I agree that not every Sue/Stu needs their own page - only especially egregious, unique, or interesting ones - but I don't think we should get rid of them completely.
As for badfic authors, I didn't even realize we had pages for them, other than - again - particularly egregious, unique, or interesting ones. Cassandra Claire and Squirrelking, for example, are useful and, I think, important pages. These are people that are big enough names with an important enough history that they really are part of fandom at large, and thus significant to us. Other pages, though, like "Sparacus" and "The ender of lives," don't contribute much of anything to the wiki. Those no one would miss. But adding more "badfic authors" pages, if done at all, should only be done with extreme discretion, and only if it would actually contribute usefully to the general store of knowledge. -
Cassandra Claire by
on 2011-11-11 16:32:00 UTC
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I could see an exception in her case, since she's known for writing goodfic as well as bad. "The Very Secret Diaries" were pretty popular back in the day (I don't know how well known they are now).
At the same time, just glancing at her page, I think it's one where the tone definitely needs to be improved if we keep it. Any takers who know more about her than I do?
~Neshomeh -
Re: Serious Issues With The Wiki by
on 2011-11-11 10:10:00 UTC
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Not gonna jump in on the wiki, because there are walls o' text like whoa, but I'd like to say that I agree with getting rid of the Slain Sues page. Honestly, they sort of come off as gloating, and it's always annoying when I click what I think is going to be an actual PPC character, only to get a Sue.
Also, I can smell drama brewing from here (and see some of it forming already), and I'm going to go on record now as saying that if any of it leaks into my channel I will start kicking and won't stop until either the drama is gone or everyone but me is. PPC2 was created to be a no-drama-zone, and while that's not always been successful, I'd appreciate it if it stayed as drama-free as possible. -
This is a maitenence issue, not a content issue. by
on 2011-11-11 16:06:00 UTC
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This happens because a lot of them were poorly listed, slapdash, their titles don't have a standard format, they were not written to the same standard as missions, etc. etc.
The fact that you find them annoying seems to be an artifact of their poor maintenance, not because they are somehow inferior or worthless content to cover. Neshomeh is already making steps to correct this lapse of quality, and I'm going to immediately join in on it all.
Truth be told, somebody often needs to be annoyed by things for them to fall under scrutiny, and therefore, be brought up to quality. -
Re: This is a maitenence issue, not a content issue. by
on 2011-11-11 21:55:00 UTC
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Methinks you're maybe missing my point. I find them annoying because (in my opinion at least) there is absolutely no point to them, and with the little Gaia avatars and a lack of any indication in the article's name that it's a sue, it's very easy to mistake one that I don't recognize the name of for a new agent or whatever.
To expand upon why I think they're pointless, if I want to know about a sue, I'll go read the mission they're in, which will be far more entertaining than any article on the sue could ever be, because missions have actual character interaction. Having a page for a sue just strikes me as bragging along the lines of "Hey look how terrible this character that I killed was!" -
... Okay, really now, what drama? by
on 2011-11-11 14:58:00 UTC
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I had a brain fart while reading Dann's post, but I've had a good night's sleep and I'm wide awake now, and I don't get it. Where is this hypothetical future drama coming from?
~Neshomeh, seriously confused. -
Hypothetical Future Drama (tm) by
on 2011-11-11 21:43:00 UTC
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Well, for one thing, I don't think I've ever seen a serious discussion in this community that didn't cause a little bit of friction, if not full-blown drama, and I've already seen the friction happening, which usually means drama's not far behind.
For another thing, there's already multiple people avoiding the main IRC channel (or in one case, the entirety of the Blizted server) just to avoid certain people. I have no idea if this is related to the wiki or not, but the timing of it makes me think at least part of it is. Add to that that I've already seen people complaining about either other people or just feeling down because of what's going on with the wiki, and I'll eat my hat if something doesn't blow up soon. -
Friction isn't bad. by
on 2011-11-11 23:05:00 UTC
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Friction doesn't lead to an explosion unless someone throws gunpowder on it, I think.
Would I be out of line if I requested that IRC drama stay out of my PPC Posting Board? We're being civil here, so let's all keep it that way, okay? Please?
~Neshomeh -
My two coppers by
on 2011-11-11 05:12:00 UTC
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I believe that merging pages to get rid of unnecessary stubs is a good idea. As Nesh said, narrowing the content does improve the quality of the wiki. It is like distillation. You get rid of the stuff you don't need and that leaves you with the stuff you do need. As a lover of fine spirits, I can tell you that it does make for a better product in the end.
I am all for eliminating red links. If you can't be bothered to write a missing article, then don't make a link to it. If you just need a break of a day or two before making a new article then, by all means, link away. Just make sure you do come back and write that article or remove the link. Either way.
The offending bit of the Fandom article has been fixed. I am willing to help fix other problems of that nature (after November) if someone will point them out to me.
I will agree that the Badfic Authors page needs to go. 'Nough said.
My stance on the Slain Sues and Stus page is a bit more complicated. I think that we need to get rid of a fair number of the Sue and Stu pages that are on there, because they are pretty much all the same thing. What I would keep are Sues and Stus that are unique, memorable, or had a major impact. Celebrian would stay (because of her legendary status), as would Alumia (because she required the PPC to exorcise an entire planet) and some others.
I do not think that getting rid of these Sue and Stu pages is denying our history, as some of you have said. The missions are still on the Complete List of PPC Fiction. If you want to know about a Sue, I would suggest reading a mission. Missions have all of the information of the article, plus witty banter and a story. Besides, we have lots missions in other things, as well. You are missing out on a world of wacky hijinks if you only look on the Slain Sues and Stus page. The CLoPPCF should be the go to spot for that sort of thing, in my opinion.
As I was writing this, it was brought to my attention that some of the Sue and Stu pages don't even have any links in them at all (looking through just the A's, B's, and C's, I get more than 1 in 5 being linkless). So there is no chance of using those pages to find a mission. You would need to go to the CLoPPCF (or somewhere else) anyway. -
Also having an opinion... by
on 2011-11-11 08:51:00 UTC
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... and not much time to have it.
The suggestion to remove all or some of the Slain Mary Sue pages bothers me. I think after the PPC canon (agents and such) these are the most important items on the wiki. You can not find this information elsewhere. Sure, you can read a mission. But that's a silly argument. You can also read a mission if you want to know more about a particular agent. The whole point of a (short) wiki article is that you don't have to read a (long) mission.
Slain Mary Sue pages are part of the purpose of the PPC wiki. Taking them away is one step towards making the wiki irrelevant.
Another argument that was given to remove Slain Mary Sue pages is that "these are not our characters". Well, neither are canon characters. There are pages on canon characters on the wiki. If the "these are not our characters" logic was followed consistently, these pages would need to be deleted too.
I have no stance on the Badfic Author pages. It depends on how they are done. I do have a stance, however, on using the names of the authors on the Killed Badfic list. It's called "giving proper credit". They wrote the thing and I am attributing it to them. I've already elaborated on this point on the talk page of Killed Badfic a few years ago.
Before I go back to work, I'd like to say that if the decision falls towards removing the Slain Mary Sue pages (though it doesn't like that at the moment), I'd like to get some advance warning so I can copy the ones regarding Sues I've slain and take them elsewhere. -
FYI... by
on 2011-11-11 16:27:00 UTC
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A lot of the Sue pages without links are yours. Would you mind correcting that when you have time?
Also, I'm not sure I understood you right. Do you mean to say that even if the Boarders voted not to include author names on the wiki, for reasons I've outlined or others, you would still add them anyway?
~Neshomeh -
voting by
on 2011-11-12 09:35:00 UTC
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To my knowledge, it was never put to a vote whether to add author names on the Killed badfic list or not. There was discussion on it on the talk page of Killed Badfic.
If the discussion came up on the board, I would put in my opinion. If the vote then fell towards "no adding names" I would reconsider whether I actually still want to add to the list of Killed Badfic. I don't think I would edit the wiki in ways that go against majority vote. But that doesn't mean I would want to edit the wiki in ways that I think are wrong.
If it helps to sway the argument towards keeping Slain Sue pages, I will start adding links to fic. -
This is the discussion coming up on the Board. by
on 2011-11-12 17:04:00 UTC
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I brought it up again on the wiki with the aim of some decision coming out of it. Since that doesn't seem to be catching on there or here, maybe I'll figure out how to make a poll on Google or something if that's what it's going to take to get more new opinions.
Adding links may or may not help the Sue articles debate. Have you seen Data's and Cassie's opinions on the subject? But, my primary concern in the matter is that whatever we decide, the pages we have end up doing what they're supposed to do with some consistency. As far as I'm concerned, the wiki should be a gateway to external content as well as having informative and entertaining content of its own. That was July's original aim when she made it, as I recall. (July, correct me if I'm wrong!)
~Neshomeh -
Re: FYI... by
on 2011-11-11 17:33:00 UTC
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Now I am a little confused. Are we talking about getting rid of the pages titled and dedicated to a certain author that details that author's misdeeds, or are we talking about not listing the author's name on the Claimed/Killed pages in association with the fic that was sporked?
I agree with getting rid of the first (except maybe someone like Squirrelking, who was a troll anyway), but not the second. -
Yes. by
on 2011-11-11 19:35:00 UTC
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It's two separate but related discussions, one about articles about authors, the other about listing the name of the authors on the Unclaimed/Claimed/Killed Badfic pages. See Killed Badfic's Talk page for both sides of the debate about the latter.
Personally, I'm generally for getting rid of author pages and totally for getting rid of names on badfics, mostly because of the movement to focus on the writing, not the author. My part is laid out in full here.
~Neshomeh -
Clarification by
on 2011-11-11 19:31:00 UTC
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We were originally talking about individual Author pages, as well as the Badfic Authors category. IndeMaat then brought up an older discussion about Author names being used on the Killed Badfic list, which I don't believe ever got resolved.
We are now talking about both issues.
Sorry for the confusion. -
Same here. (nm) by
on 2011-11-11 19:09:00 UTC
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Re: Also having an opinion... by
on 2011-11-11 13:27:00 UTC
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I think there is a difference between a Sue page and an Agent page. Each Sue only shows up in one mission (with a few exceptions), most Agents show up in multiple missions (though reading their missions is a far better way of getting to know an Agent than reading their wiki page, that could be a very long process for some Agents).
Missions are the purpose of the PPC. If you stop reading them in favor of the shorter Wiki article, that is one major step toward making US irrelevant.
If someone wants information on a particular Sue, chances are very good that it is one that they killed (and know exactly which mission it is in) or it is a legendary Sue.
(On a side note about debate: Saying "you can not find this information elsewhere" and following that up by telling us exactly where else you can find that information does not help your argument.) -
Below the link: annoyance by
on 2011-11-12 09:12:00 UTC
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Of course there is a difference between an Agent page and a Sue page. But if there reason to delete a Sue page is Because there is enough information on her elsewhere, then why not apply the same logic to Agent pages? Some of the missions Sues appear in are very long. A wiki article is a short summary of the thing. I happen to like summaries. Not as a substitute, but as a tool to help me find out if I want to know more.
If someone wants information on a particular Sue, chances are very good that it is one that they killed
Why would someone want to know more about a Sue they killed themselves? They already know all there is to know about that Sue. Those Sue pages are written for other people, who have not had time yet to read the mission, but you don't seem to see it that way. I guess you yourself don't read Sue pages and can't imagine why others would want to read them. I'm also guessing that you are one of those people that think that if you don't find it useful no one else finds it useful either.
Thanks for the debate advice. Here's one from me: your opinion is not fact. It also helps debate if you acknowledge that you are not the measure of all things. -
Reference (sorry for being late) by
on 2011-11-16 19:07:00 UTC
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I am, personally, very bad with remembering things like names. Just a few days ago, I was saying "Pretty in Pink" meaning "Agony in Pink". I generally only reference things that I have read. I have read all of TOS, for example. I remember the one where Jay and Acacia pose as handmaidens and give the Sue a bouquet of poison ivy or something similar. I can't remember the name of that mission. With mission summary pages or Sue/Stu pages (and I do think it would be cool to find a label for pages on other kinds of mission villains) I can quickly look that info up by searching through nice short summaries.
This is the situation where I would much prefer to read a short wiki page than a long mission (or 26). And I think this is a perfectly valid reason to be reading short summaries.
I wouldn't really like for people to be reading summaries to just avoid reading the missions, but they are very handy for reference. -
My thoughts by
on 2011-11-11 15:49:00 UTC
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The idea that people would stop reading missions to hear about Sues and just read the wiki instead... I'm not going to lie, that seems really weird to me. Aren't we all HERE to read the missions? Personally, I think I can trust this very awesome community to keep doing what it's been doing since TOS came out.
Also, assuming that people will only want to read about legendary Sues is also a bit strange, considering we've already got tons of confessions that people want to read these pages because they're interesting to them, help them find more material, and help them think more about understanding Sues.
Personally, I write the pages for the Sues I cover because chances are when I write a mission, I will not be able to get all my thoughts on the Sue in question down. Whether the fic is too long, or I have to sacrifice some depth for pacing, or for whatever reason, I can always explain enough to charge and kill the Sue but perhaps not as much as I would like. Being able to go back and analyze the Sue, link all of the badfic concepts the Sue invokes to other pages (and therefore to other Sues!) is a unique function of the wiki, and one that I think should not be overlooked.
To continue the 'this is our library' metaphor, the slain Sue pages are supplemental material. Thumbing through a library card catalog by topic or author, one may find the original material (the missions), encyclopedia entries and critical essays on it (the Slain Sue pages and the Agent pages), Author biographies (the user pages), recent periodicals (the front page) and more. And not only that, by searching any ONE of these things, one should be able to find the rest of the related material.
If I went into a library, looked up a subject I liked but found only one entry on it, I would take it to the front desk and ask where I could find more. If the librarian said 'well, we DID have supplemental material, but we didn't think you'd want to read it' or 'we did have some, but we didn't think it was worth reading,' I would probably eat my hat. -
You make some interesting points by
on 2011-11-11 18:17:00 UTC
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I would like to clarify my position on the Mary Sue article issue. What I am hearing from a number of people is "Missions are too long. This is easier." One problem I have with this is that it is like reading the Cliff's Notes for a book. Yes, you know what happened, but reading the book is still going to be a far better source to get the information from.
The other problem I have with this is that we don't have pages for every other kind of mission. You don't find pages for specific exorcisms, disentanglings, or anything else. Just Sues and Stus. I understand why that is (characters vs ideas), but again, if you only look at this list, you are missing a large portion of what we do. And we have enough problem with that as it is. You will recall that we had at least one person leave the community because everything else was being completely overshadowed by Sue missions (I didn't agree with them leaving, but it happened). We have gotten slightly better about that, but I still see a mentality of "I have to find bigger, badder Sues/Stus to spork" rather than "I have to find terrible fic to spork." (This is especially relevant if your Agents are in Floaters, but that is a separate rant.)
Also, I am not assuming anyone wants to read about legendary Sues. I am assuming that the Sues that are likely to get referenced are from Legendary Badfics, are unique in some way, or made an impact on the community as a whole.
While you, personally, may write an article to give further thoughts on the Sues, everyone else seems to just be copy/pasting information straight out of their mission. They aren't adding new information to it at all, and I don't believe they can ever be made to do so.
I think you may have stretched the library metaphor too far here, but let I will try to make this explanation fit in to it. People aren't thumbing through the card catalog (I don't think we have an equivalent of that, come to think of it). They are browsing through a stack of loose leaf paper, in the corner of the library, onto which someone has photocopied excerpts from books. It isn't helping them find anything, because a lot of those pages don't even say what book they were copied from.
If you ask a librarian for more information on a subject they are likely going to direct you to the book (mission), rather than photocopied excerpts with no sources. I would be appalled if they gave me that as supplemental material.
There are better places to find the information.
Like this.
Or this. -
Hmm by
on 2011-11-11 20:45:00 UTC
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... where are you hearing from people that 'missions are too long?' I haven't heard any such thing here. I think what's been said that reading about the Sues/Stus is fun and an interesting directory to what's been done before, and a fun way to find missions.
And if you can't find other missions that way... well, you can change that! The biggest barrier I think to people editing the wiki is fear... but why? Really, if you think there should be pages on individual Sue-wraiths or other stuff... add them! That's just adding MORE interesting PPC things to read. I don't really see how getting rid of content is the answer here. If you think the content is uneven... add more content. There's nothing stopping anyone.
Unless the point is that you assume people will be too lazy to write such content. But it can't be both ways: do we WANT more content and thus more links, or do we just want to ax all of the extra content because we don't want to add more? There's no competition in my mind.
It's not right in my mind to get rid of content because of a lack of trust that people will add more. The whole wiki is a work in progress and relies on the trust that people will add to it. If you can't trust the community to drive a community-driven effort...it defeats the whole purpose of having a wiki at all.
And once again, there is always ongoing maintenance on the wiki. That stack of loose leaf paper? We're making it into card catalogs and directories all the time. Like, I understand what you're saying... but I still am not convinced that the Sue and Stu pages are worth eliminating. -
Re: Hmm by
on 2011-11-11 22:37:00 UTC
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I've heard it from a number of people. Not in those exact words, but the sentiment is fairly clear to me. "The whole point of a (short) wiki article is that you don't have to read a (long) mission." That was in IndeMaat's post. That is as close as I have seen to anyone saying it outright. I can't think of any more off the top of my head.
The biggest barrier to people editing the wiki is them having no desire to edit the wiki. How many times have you and Nesh asked for help editing? How many guides have been made to make it easier to edit? None of it is getting more people editing the wiki because they don't want to edit it.
That is not me having a lack of trust. That is me learning from history.
I am not in favor of adding articles for every exorcism, disentanglement, and whatever else. Because, like most of the Mary Sue pages, they are just going to cover the same things over and over again. How many times do we need to read "She was X Subtype. She had Y hair. She was killed in Z way" or "Characters X and Y were possessed. The agents exorcised them"? Adding more useless pages is not the answer to having too many useless pages.
The answer for this is to examine and analyze Sue Subtypes, rather than each individual, cookie-cutter Sue (because, honestly, most Sues in each subtype are the same person with a new paint job).
In the end, I don't think the problems on the wiki can be fixed by throwing more words at them. I think that in order to make our wiki-tree grow in better directions, we need to prune it a little. Quality over quantity. That is the on-going maintenance we should be doing. -
True by
on 2011-11-12 09:23:00 UTC
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True, I said: "The whole point of a (short) wiki article is that you don't have to read a (long) mission."
But that was in response to you claiming that people should read missions instead of wiki articles. And though I would love that everyone would read all the mission I ever wrote, I am not going to assume they will. I'm also not assuming that people will forgo reading missions because there is a short wiki article in stead. People read missions because they love the missions. Wiki articles are not a substitute.
For some reason you think that a wiki article could be a substitute for reading a mission. Further more, you think this is wrong, and would like to make it impossible for people to read a short summary on a Sue. You pretty much seem to demand (without actually saying "I demand") that people read PPC missions. That can't be in the spirit of this community. Or at least, it shouldn't be. -
Regarding the spirit of things. by
on 2011-11-12 16:37:00 UTC
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I'm also guessing that you are one of those people that think that if you don't find it useful no one else finds it useful either.
I have an issue with the argumentum ad hominem tactic you're using here. What purpose does this serve to make the case that Sue pages are useful?
Your opinion is not fact. It also helps debate if you acknowledge that you are not the measure of all things.
Where did Phobos present his opinion as fact? As I read his posts, I see a lot of "I believe," "I think," "in my opinion," "if," etc. If you're referring to particular individual statements where he said "this is so" without evidence, what are they, and is it possible he did not mean them in that light, given the general tone of his other statements?
For some reason you think that a wiki article could be a substitute for reading a mission. Further more, you think this is wrong, and would like to make it impossible for people to read a short summary on a Sue. You pretty much seem to demand (without actually saying "I demand") that people read PPC missions. That can't be in the spirit of this community. Or at least, it shouldn't be.
Now I'm just confused. Phobos is wrong to expect that PPCers are in the PPC to read PPC missions?
Also, I repeat, Phobos is not suggesting that we get rid of ALL Sue pages. (Data Junkie is, and Cassie seems to take that position, too, but that's beside the point.) We don't even have articles for ALL Sues as it is, and unless a lot of people decide making them is important and start working on it, we're never going to. I don't understand why the idea of not having a page for every Sue should be upsetting enough to warrant implying that Phobos is going against the spirit of the community by thinking so.
I haven't yet seen a case for why every single one of these pages is indispensable. Sometimes fun, yes; sometimes useful, yes; but every single one, an indispensable contribution to the wiki, worth defending to the extent of calling bad faith on someone who partially disagrees? How so?
In regards to both of the posts I'm quoting, all the "you" language is unnecessarily inflammatory, which is definitely not in the spirit of the Board Constitution. Please stop it.
~Neshomeh -
I still don't agree. by
on 2011-11-12 00:26:00 UTC
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The Slain Sues pages :
1) People have expressed interest in them
2) They have to do with the PPC, you can't get the information found on them anywhere else. Not even missions in some cases, as some PPC writers use them to explain more about the Sue/Stu that they couldn't add in their mission.
3) People have said they have found them useful.
We have been paring down useless pages. But considering they do the three things above... I don't see them as useless. Just because some of them aren't as good doesn't mean that others didn't have hard work put into them, and if you delete them all, I guess all that hard work goes down the drain. It's not 'quality over quantity.' That implies that all of them are terrible, are just bulk roughage, and having none at all would improve the quality. When that simply isn't true, considering how many people HAVE found worth in them. In fact, it might be little bit disappointing to people (at least to me, anyway) who DID put hard work in writing about slain Sues, to hear it all called worthless.
And the answer isn't 'throwing more content' at things. That implies that the people actually editing the wiki are going to pile on content with no care involved. As somebody who edits the wiki, hearing somebody suggest that I'd 'throw content at something' to fix a problem is slightly troubling to me.
I'm sorry. I see your points they make sense, but weighing the options in my mind, but I just still don't agree. -
Re: I still don't agree. by
on 2011-11-12 06:08:00 UTC
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I question the basis of points 1 and 3. Yes, people say they have interest in these pages, and that they have found them useful. I want to know, which articles have they read and found useful. I believe it can't be the ones that are a few sentences long or the ones that have no links. Over a quarter of them have no links. Take out TOS and Legendary Sues (all Sues that would be safe from deletion) and the percent of the remaining articles that are linkless climbs to over 33%.
Some of the articles are informative and useful, I am not disputing that. There are a few people who put actual work into Sue pages. However, a number of pages are still just glorified stubs. I counted five sentences over three sections in one article and I wasn't even looking very hard for an article like that.
Also, I know that you add more information than can be found in your missions, but I don't think anyone else does. I am willing to be proven wrong, however, if you have an example.
As Neshomeh pointed out in her reply, I have never said that we should get rid of them all. I have always said that we should keep the ones that are from Legendary badfics, the ones that are unique, and the ones that had an impact on the community. Please stop putting words in my mouth.
I will, however, apologize for implying that the people who currently edit the wiki would throw content in carelessly. It was not my intention to imply any such thing. I believe you and the rest of the major editors are doing a good job.
What I meant by my statement is that your standard answer of "add more content" isn't how I believe we should fix this problem. Adding more pages, that will likely have the same issues as the ones we already have, is just going to compound the problem. We need a way to do this that isn't going to leave you and Nesh having to fix a few hundred pages, when deleting fifty would have solved the problem. -
If I may... by
on 2011-11-12 01:09:00 UTC
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He isn't suggesting that we get rid of all Slain Sue pages. To quote his original post: "I think that we need to get rid of a fair number of the Sue and Stu pages that are on there, because they are pretty much all the same thing. What I would keep are Sues and Stus that are unique, memorable, or had a major impact." Emphasis mine.
I will add that I agree that many Mary Sues are barely distinguishable from each other as raw descriptions, so I don't mind if we don't have pages for all of them. I mean, we already don't have pages for most of the slain Sues out there; it doesn't bother me. I wouldn't even mind getting rid of most of mine, since I think only Archir and Spidey3000 are particularly unique or impactful, and I could always discuss the others on my own site if I feel like it. However, since I don't mind either way, I'm not voting for or against removing some. (I'm firmly against removing all of them.)
~Neshomeh -
No Links by
on 2011-11-11 06:39:00 UTC
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I've now gone through the Slain Mary Sues category and tagged all the ones without external links. Some of them I do know right where to find links for, and will add them at my earliest convenience (unless someone beats me to it), but I'd be much obliged if others would join in the effort of hunting down links for linkless pages. Especially if they're your pages, 'cause that will be really easy for you. {= D
~Neshomeh, who is going to bed now. -
Then this requires investigation! by
on 2011-11-11 06:03:00 UTC
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The only agent pages that were deleted were the ones that had absolutely no evidence to them as to ever appearing in a published PPC work-- and Nesh and I researched pretty thoroughly. I would say those Sue/Stu pages don't need to go, they just need links to prove they happened.
PREFERABLY all Sues/Stu pages should be written in an amusing, interesting way that links to their mission and explores their (awful) concepts for the entertainment of all. Though in the past, standards have been lax... My point is that they aren't 'all the same' and unimportant because they're Mary Sue pages, they're 'all the same' because a lot of them are short or a bit lazy. Or at least for the minor Sues.
I think this falls under the general rule of of, 'when you edit, don't be lazy: just go crazy!' :D
I wouldn't delete them myself, though beefing them up might be a task in of itself. Thoughts, anyone? -
And my thought process comes screeching to a halt. by
on 2011-11-11 20:01:00 UTC
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The only agent pages that were deleted were the ones that had absolutely no evidence to them as to ever appearing in a published PPC work...
Did you mean 'agent'? I can't find what you were replying to, so I thought I'd ask. However, regardless: some articles on the Wiki are original work. Some examples:
Catastrophe Theory
Cycle Theory
Sara Laison
All three of these articles are my own work, and part of my personal PPC canon; however, none of them have been referenced in any of my stories (I don't think). I'm positive there are other things on there which aren't from stories (Existence of the DIO, most of Multiverse Theory... again these are things I had a hand in, because that's what I know about). What makes something less important just because it's not from a mission?
Way back when the Wiki was new, a lot of things were created on there rather than being pulled in from outside. I'm disturbed by the implication that some of that is being removed because... well, I don't even know why.
hS -
The reason. by
on 2011-11-11 20:46:00 UTC
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Speaking only for myself, I don't want to live in a world where anyone can put anything on the wiki can call it part of PPC canon. If an agent page was added before someone asked for Permission, for instance, I think we'd be quite justified in deleting it.
The theory articles I understand—there isn't really room for that sort of thing in a mission—but presumably those ideas came from somewhere, and it would be nice to know where. I'm not going to delete something like that, but I will slap No Links on it, because I'd love more information about it.
As for agent or other character pages, does Agent Cold, for instance, really need his own itty bitty stub article? Not that bit characters (I assume he's one from somebody's spin-off somewhere) shouldn't have a place on the wiki; and that is why I started the Glossary of PPC Characters, which is where a lot of one-line articles ended up getting redirected.
~Neshomeh -
On Reasoning. by
on 2011-11-11 21:02:00 UTC
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There's a false assumption in here - that things need to come from somewhere. Catastrophe/Cycle/Multiverse Theory are based on things I observed across the scope of the PPC - not things that can be specifically highlighted (and insofar as they can, they're mentioned on the pages).
Elsewise, I sometimes throw bits of information which are set in stone but not used on the Wiki. Sara is one of those - she's not in the PPC, but she's related to three characters and has information that affects those characters. Should I delete that information? Repeat it three times? Or write a story specifically to shoehorn her in?
(Please note that I'm not actually worried about my stuff -- I'm just using it as examples because I know where it is. It's other people who might be in the same situation I'm concerned about)
hS, who has finally got some of his mission links back on the Wiki -
More a belief than an assumption. by
on 2011-11-11 22:53:00 UTC
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I think things do need to come from somewhere, and that those articles do, in fact. Catastrophe and Cycle in particular point to certain specific external points in their support, and I suspect Multiverse Theory does, too. For instance, the line "This may be identical with the fifth dimension named 'probability' by the Flowers" seems to me to be a reference to the Playscriptes. QED.
I will rescind my comment about slapping No Links on them; the internal links lead to pages where external links on the subjects can be found, so in their case that's good enough. I might ask for a source for statements like "Cycle Theory is an opinion held by some Agents of the PPC, particularly in the Infrastructure Departments," though. Does that refer to Agent Sambar, mentioned further down? He's just one guy, though; where is the evidence to suggest that other agents agree with him?
That sort of statement really, really needs to come from somewhere. Imagine if it was "Some agents hold the opinion that Mary Sues are really cool." If we're really only talking about one guy (who probably got arrested by the DIA for doping on glitter), it's really not cool to pretend it's more than that.
I'm not going to insist that something like Sara's page be deleted, but I don't think it would harm anything if it was. It isn't going to stop being part of your characters' history if it isn't on the wiki, and I don't think it's information that most people would miss. I could be wrong, of course.
ANYWAY, yay for stories! I'm glad if that's all sorted out now. {= D
~Neshomeh -
I think there's a difference by
on 2011-11-11 20:28:00 UTC
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between something that probably appears as a theme or concept in your work, and a lot of agent and concept pages that were written and then abandoned because the author did not then actually write their spin-off.
You have actual products. I think we can trust that the concepts you've put there have something to do with the PPC in general instead of just being 'might-have-beens' or dead-end stubs that are only tangentially related to the PPC (as Nesh cited earlier, such as a whole page for a canon because somebody has glasses that sort of look like a canon character's)
It would be OPTIMAL if those pages were linked to the works, or even just back to you, had citations, or were expanded and discussed, or even incorporated into new works. I actually was inspired by your idea about Cycle Theory and I'm going to write new bit of work with a new team that has a character who is sort of hurt by the concepts inspiring Cycle Theory.
But yeah, I think you're fine hS. -
Disagree. by
on 2011-11-11 21:01:00 UTC
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Pages for canons aren't 'only tangentially related', especially not when it's information that supplements and informs others.
Just because there are no missions, doesn't mean it shouldn't have a page on there.
Having other canons shown on the wiki, even when we don't have missions for them yet, helps us indicate different trends as far as fic goes, and what sorts are out there, not to mention people making references to it within the context of the PPC. -
The trouble then is when to add them. by
on 2011-11-11 21:14:00 UTC
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I say if they're already there, expand them and discuss them. But more certainly shouldn't be added unless they're really important to us.
Say, if a book becomes the next Twilight or Harry Potter, spawns its own badfic trends, and then becomes important to us, PLEASE! I personally would love the community to watch out for PPC-related concepts in real life and new works and add them to the wiki to build awareness and perhaps inspire more missions and other material we can all read and enjoy.
But for things with relatively little notability, such as an anime series that means as much to the PPC as any other series, isn't particularly influential or more-so than many others... I personally wouldn't add new pages on it until we have missions and reason to discuss it.
Trigun is a fun anime, by the way. :D -
A few thoughts. by
on 2011-11-11 02:23:00 UTC
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Firstly, yeah. Some of the wiki is starting to feel a bit snobby. This is Not Good.
On the matter of what the Wiki should contain: Bytes are cheap. I don't think that we should be removing every article that isn't directly related to the PPC just because it isn't directly related to the PPC. The PPC is part of fandom - other parts of fandom appearing on our Wiki is not Inherently Bad.
On the other hand, I am not going to go to the PPC Wiki to find in-depth analysis of the meta-religion in The Wind in the Willows. The hypothetical 'you' are welcome to write it, but it's not going to get much attention.
It can be a bit hard to find things on the Wiki - this I acknowledge fully. However, this is a problem that the big Wikipedia handles rather well. (I can get from, say, President Gerald R. Ford to Battlestar Galactica (the spaceship) in a half-dozen clicks.) Props are due at this point to Aster, who has been doing a lot of fairly thankless work towards cleaning things up, connecting them, etc.
There is precisely one type of article that I believe should not, under any circumstance, appear on the Wiki: Articles concerning PPC canon that has not yet been posted. Agents who have not yet made appearances, technology that has not yet been used, etc. This is writing the headlines before launching the product- the Wiki is here to make PPC Canon easier to find, not to be the authoritative source thereof.
As far as badfic-author pages go, I think we need to be very, very careful. Is it inherently wrong to have a page saying "so-and-so wrote fics X, Y, and Z"? I don't think so. But it's very, very easy to go from there into author-bashing, which is inherently wrong.
I haven't bothered to read the various pages mentioned as needing revision (yay for work), but guess what? It's a wiki! There's an edit button!
Concerning redlinks and/or stubs: If a page has been redlinked for multiple years, or a stub hasn't been touched in that long, it's pretty obvious that nobody cares about the material enough to write a page. I'd be inclined to be careful about deleting agent stubs, especially for old main-character Agents, but if a redlink has been redlinked for multiple years, I really have no problem with it getting removed.
tl;dr: It's a wiki. It's meant to be a work in progess. Some stuff should definitely be re-worked, other stuff should be allowed to slide into deletion. I really don't see why this needs to be a Serious Issue. -
Who's making it a Serious Issue? by
on 2011-11-11 04:23:00 UTC
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I mean, us being insulting on the wiki is kind of serious and we should quit it, but that doesn't make a Serious Issue. I think it's appropriate to draw attention to things that need work, since it is a work in progress. The more people working on it, the more progress can be made. {= ) Also, a decision like "let's not have articles about authors anymore" can't be made by just a few people in isolation—if that's even the conclusion we come to. It kind of has to be agreed to (or not) by the community.
To address the concern about deleting things, I don't think we have been removing just anything that isn't directly related to the PPC on principle. For instance, the last article I deleted was "Cloister bell," and that was only after copying its one line of content to the TARDIS page, where it is be more likely to be seen. Incidentally, by "we" I basically mean me and Aster here; I'm not aware of anyone else doing this sort of thing. You have to be an admin to delete things, anyway.
Also, I meant to respond to something July said in her last reply on the Talk page. Things that don't (or didn't) have missions in them or agents from them, like the Twilight series, are not necessarily unrelated to the PPC, and no one's contending that they are. Twilight was the subject of lots of discussion by PPCers, and that makes it relevant. Something like the Trigun article, on the other hand, which only exists because I once made a reference to Vash's sunglasses in another article and thought I should explain myself, doesn't really have any bearing on anyone else's PPC experience, and would not leave a hole in my heart if we got rid of it. I can always link somewhere else from Agent Cameo's page. So, that's the difference between relevant and not relevant, as I see it.
~Neshomeh -
Clarifying. by
on 2011-11-11 04:28:00 UTC
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Because I'm a dork and it didn't occur to me until after I hit "Post" that you were referring to the title of the original post, and I feel silly.
All I mean is that I don't think anyone's going overboard with the seriousness right now; we're just discussing things, and that's okay.
~Neshomeh -
Yeah, I pretty much agree. by
on 2011-11-11 04:28:00 UTC
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I trust people to use good judgement when it comes to trimming/removing articles on the Wiki. So far, it's worked pretty well.
(And I only said "Serious Issue" because it was in the title of the opening post.) -
I don't have much to add the discussion... by
on 2011-11-11 01:27:00 UTC
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...except another vote for keeping the Sue and Stu pages. As various people said, they're fun to read. And there are plenty of missions I would never have found if it weren't for those pages.
I'm also in favor of at least keeping the Cassandra Claire page in some form. -
Thoughts. by
on 2011-11-11 00:33:00 UTC
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So it's come to the board. Okay, let's get started.
Honestly, I wasn't even aware that there was a badfic authors page until it was brought up on the Wiki.
Honestly, I think the Badfic Authors page itself, as well as the pages it links to, are all very poorly done as it is. I'd understand why you'd have a badfic author page and links to those kinds of pages if you had more infamous people like ComixNix or Peter Chimaera whose badfics are inseparable from the authors who wrote them, but the way it is now just doesn't work. I'd be game for voting it out completely on the principle that it (and all the pages on it) are all more or less very poorly done. The fact that it goes against the mission of the PPC is another motivation, and I'd even go so far as to say that the fact that we haven't got very many pages for badfic authors is also another reason why we're better off without it.
However, I don't think it's a good idea to get rid of the Slain Mary Sues page. At the least, I agree with the sentiment that the page should be renamed "Slain Sues and Stus" or something along those lines, but those pages in my opinion are some of my favorite pages on the whole wiki. It's fun reading about Sues we've slain in the past, and to take it away is possibly denying our past, as was mentioned by Lee. So I say we keep the Slain Sues pages on that.
As for the whole thing about the "Mary Sue" page itself... My suggestion is actually something I'm surprised nobody's thought of yet. I propose that we take out the page for "Gary Stu", and copy/paste that article's most relevant information onto the "Mary Sue" page. That I think reinforces the fact that a Gary Stu is really only a part of the concept that is the Mary Sue.
Well, those are my thoughts on the key issues here. Take it away, guys. -
I'm working on the Mary Sue page. by
on 2011-11-11 03:46:00 UTC
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Basically, I'm redoing the whole thing from scratch. It's pretty disorganized as it is right now, so I'm aiming to streamline it as well as do some new things, like discuss the controversy over using the term at all (and why we choose to keep doing it). I also think the various Sue subtypes should have their own pages rather than be lumped in the main article, so each type can be discussed in depth.
I'm curious about which bits of the Gary Stu page you think are most relevant, though. It might help me out. This is a pretty tough project, trying to cover this topic in a way that is comprehensive, clear, and concise.
~Neshomeh -
I like it! by
on 2011-11-11 21:17:00 UTC
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Though, I don't see any references to 'warping canon', though that could be another wording as 'isn't treated reasonably by the setting, people, etc.'
I personally would add the phrase because it's used so often in missions and in our chatting. "This sue is warping the canon,' etc. Just to make it clear that that's what warping canon means: making the world and its established treat something with special consideration that it otherwise would not. -
Good point. by
on 2011-11-12 01:15:00 UTC
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I spotted that myself at one point and then forgot about it. I'll figure something out. Thanks!
~Neshomeh -
New Mary Sue page, draft one! by
on 2011-11-11 19:27:00 UTC
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See it here: http://ppc.wikia.com/wiki/Sandbox
This is only my first pass at it, as I say, and I could use some help finding good references for some of the concepts I mention. They don't have to exactly match what I say (a child of any childless character works just as well as a daughter of Jack Sparrow, if we can't find one of those), but generally in the ballpark would be good.
Also, of course, is there anything really important that I missed, or have I said anything wildly off-base, or have I screwed up in some other way? Let me know and tell me how I can fix it!
~Neshomeh -
That Quote by
on 2011-11-13 02:10:00 UTC
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On the current Mary Sue page there's a quote by someone named GAFFer. I really liked it and I feel that it gets the opinion about Mary Sues across. Do you think it would be alright if that quote was in the new page?
Besides that I like what your draft looks like so far. -
"Someone named GAFFer" by
on 2011-11-13 03:23:00 UTC
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. . . Heh. I'm so old.
GAFF stands for God Awful Fan Fiction, which was a sporking community until it got full of trolls and went somewhere else, and then died. I think. I was never involved, myself, but there were plenty of PPCers who were also GAFFers back in the day, as I recall. We definitely heard about a fair number of badfics through them.
Now let me tell you about the time I had to walk to and from school, uphill both ways in the snow . . . .
But in all seriousness, people not knowing what a GAFFer is anymore is one of the reasons I didn't include the quote in the rewrite. (The big one is that it's really long, and a quotation that long just looks incredibly awkward.) I do like it, though, and I'm trying to come up with a way to keep it around somehow. Maybe a "Sue Testimonials" sub-article, or a section in the Talk page, or something like that? Any suggestions?
~Neshomeh -
I like it! by
on 2011-11-11 20:25:00 UTC
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It looks good so far. If you need it, one of the Sues I killed was the daughter of Jack O'Neill and Samantha Carter, of Stargate fame. (Who had given her up for adoption, but had since married and had more children...) If you need the daughter of canon characters, she might do.
Thanks! by
on 2011-11-12 01:13:00 UTC
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I remember that one. That'll definitely work.
If you spot anything else you can think of something to go with, sing out!
~Neshomeh -
Cool! by
on 2011-11-12 01:25:00 UTC
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So if I, say, edit that in, do you want me to change Jack Sparrow to Jack O'Neill and link to the Stargate page?
I've changed it now. by
on 2011-11-13 01:41:00 UTC
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But yeah, that's exactly what I did. {= ) I just don't want to open the page directly to other editors while it's still in the Sandbox.
I also added a reference to "Not Russians" in the bit about characters instantly liking the Sue when they should be suspicious. That guy is the most egregious example of that I can think of at the moment.
~Neshomeh -
Well... by
on 2011-11-14 00:25:00 UTC
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I have another example from my missions that fits. My third mission, "A Beautiful Man," was about a Sue who's only goal seems to have been to hook up with Dr. Horrible. (Would fit with 'falls in love with a canon character.)
Of course, I'm sure there are other people who've done missions with that. So if any of you are reading this, give examples! I already have two on the Sue page, and I'm sure other people have some example of this kind of Sue they'd love to have linked. -
Oh man... by
on 2011-11-13 08:09:00 UTC
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That Stu... I will never forget his complete ignorance of radio waves or hacking...
If I find any more examples of stuff in the article I'll link 'em here. -
Are there any children of Sherlock Holmes floating about? by
on 2011-11-11 19:55:00 UTC
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It's hard to find a character any less likely to have children.
Sort of by
on 2011-11-16 19:09:00 UTC
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I am slowly working on a mission that will result in Kelok and Unger adopting a four year old clone of Sherlock Holmes.
Heh, that would be good. (nm) by
on 2011-11-12 01:10:00 UTC
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The origin of the Sue page? by
on 2011-11-11 04:31:00 UTC
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I have been wanting to touch the page for a long time, but as it contained our Mary Sue definition that our FAQs and our missions are based on, I did not, because I thought that it was best to wait until it came under community discussion (in other words, NOW). It's the definition we ALL have to follow, after all.
I also agree various Sue subtypes should have their own pages. There are many trends that each subtype has that are unique and deserve mention. On a lump page, they can't get that.
I think the Gary Stu page should be kept; Gary Stus often have different trends and goals than their female counterparts. But they should get the same treatment as the Sue page, with their subtypes linked off and explored. Aslan knows we have found enough Stus to find some repeatable patterns and subtypes in all of them.
In speaking of the 'lump' page... what was the origin of the page? I wasn't here when it was made, but it read like a bunch of journals, board posts, and other things sutured together to make more of a long collection of essays than a definition and analysis of Sues. Out of curiosity, what's the history? -
That's pretty much it. by
on 2011-11-11 04:48:00 UTC
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Various things tacked on by various people over time, that is. Looking at the edit history, I find that the original content was just this:
A Mary Sue is a type of character in a work of fanfiction. Often the idealized self-insert of the writers (known as Suethors), Mary Sues are considered by their creators to be perfect in every way. Common traits of Mary Sues include
•oddly colored eyes or hair •bizarre names •connections to Canon characters, either family or romantic
The true indication of a Mary Sue, however, is if they change the focus of the canon to revolve around them. A Mary Sue is always a sign of bad writing.
The male version of a Mary Sue is sometimes called a Gary Stu or a Marty Sam.
There are many different varieties of Mary Sues, all with different strategies for getting control of the story: Emo!Sues, Bubbly!Sues, Goth!Sues, Evil!Sues, Possession!Sues, and many others.
Which is actually a fairly good definition. Not quite what we'd say now (I don't think everyone believes Mary Sue is always a sign of bad writing anymore), but pretty close.
Anyway, yeah, I agree with keeping a separate Gary Stu page. (This has nothing to do with the fact that I wrote it from scratch in the first place; of course not. >.>) And I also agree that discussion of Stu subtypes where they differ from Sue subtypes would be excellent. A lot of the subtypes are probably shared, though.
~Neshomeh -
Let me dust off the old soapbox. by
on 2011-11-10 23:34:00 UTC
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I have noticed a problem of - not quite snobbiness per se but more disdain - rearing its ugly head on the wiki. Definitely agree with the suggestion to remove the Badfic Authors page. I mean, c'mon...we've likely all written badfic in our early days, myself most definitely included; would we like being personally pilloried for eternity on the interweb because we didn't know how to write when we were twelve?
The issue with the tone of the wiki might be due to the common misperception that snark/humor is equivalent to flat-out being mean (there is a thin line between the two and it is not trod upon lightly). Given the earlier example stated on the talk page - "This is what creators think the vast majority of fanon looks like sometimes. And they are absolutely right." - really denigrates the good portions of fandom/fanon. As an MLP: FiM fan, a lot of some really great stories are entirely predicated on well-done, non-intrusive fanon. (Then again, fanon/fandom quality may have much to do with the average age of those active in the creative portion of the fandom. Many bronies active on the creative end are college-age or older. A:tlA and Harry Potter, for example, seem to have a lot of tween/early-teen fans who quite honestly don't know what they're doing writing fic.)
I hate to say it, but even though our "job" is to accentuate the negative in fandom, we really look like a bunch of catty bitches when we don't make note of the positive as well. Worse, we look like hypocrites, since we're essentially writing fanfic ourselves. Or even "fan"-fic of fanfic.
Granted, if an author finds out we eviscerated their fic, they will understandably be sad and hurt. But if we alter the tone of the wiki to be a little more positive and welcoming, while maintaining the good-natured humor that is a PPC trademark, maybe we'll get one communicating with us, and honestly looking for feedback. The way it is right now will likely just turn people off.
Fandom is great. Fandom, as a whole, is awesome. We're all parts of fandoms. So why disdain those who partake in what we purport to love - even if they are just plain bad at it? Love the sinner, hate the sin, people. Or at least tolerate the sinner.
Soapbox hereby dismounted. -
Hear, hear! by
on 2011-11-11 18:07:00 UTC
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I'm going to be lazy and say I think Chatvert's summed up my feelings on this issue, too. The wiki may well be the primary exposure of our community to curious outsiders so it should be as welcoming to them as possible and I'd rather it give an overpositive (is such a thing possible?) picture of PPC than swing in the other direction.
I'm not saying it should be some kind of bizarro-PPC where it's all about goodfic instead of badfic since badfic is what the PPC is there for, obviously. -
On the matter of humor vs snobbery by
on 2011-11-11 00:37:00 UTC
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OK, I can't really talk much regarding this matter, but here's my two cents.
The PPC as a whole was centered around good-humored poking at holes within bad fanfiction, but, as noted within the earlier discussion, it seems to be the fact that this is slowly turning toward what could be described as "snobbery", in a few cases.
I think part of the problem seems to be that there aren't clearly defined boundaries as to what could constitute as good humor and what counts as soap-boxing, negativly-focused deconstruction. For example, even after trawling through multiple other works of PPCers on assignment, I still haven't fully nailed down the subtle humor some have inserted into their works and may not understand why they works.
Perhaps if what sort of humor we can utilise within our works were to be CLEARLY defined and, reltivly speaking, adhered to, it might make life for writers a heck of a lot easier. This could allow them to ensure that their writing remains within good tate and within the confines of the PPC Constitution. -
I strongly disagree. by
on 2011-11-11 02:22:00 UTC
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In my opinion, trying to define humor, and what humor we can use, is an extremely dangerous--and likely to fail--proposition. I'm not advocating we go full-on No Standards No Practices, but trying to write down a set of rules on what jokes we ARE allowed to make rather than what we AREN'T is almost certain to end in disaster.
Or, at least, in extremely repetitive and stale humor. -
I concur. by
on 2011-11-11 06:14:00 UTC
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The point I was making was that we ought to seriously examine what we consider to be our humor, not to limit us to a pre-approved list of Yakov Smirnoff jokes. What's funny to someone may not be funny to someone else, but we don't have to be mean-spirited, whatever we do.