I already put out this request via IRC, but I figured I might try here too.
I'm looking for good slashfic for a friend of mine who seems to be going down the "16-year old badslash writer" road, to serve as (hopefully) a good influence. I've already started helping by beta-reading for her, but I figured that having something good to read could help, too.
(I'd direct her to the DBS, but honestly she can live without knowing dinosaur smutfics exist.)
A request for slashfic by
on 2010-12-21 10:24:00 UTC
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I think I can help you there by
on 2010-12-21 19:20:00 UTC
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I recommend this author: ReaperRain. In particular, her 'TESIV: Oblivion' stories
Gold, Black, Red (rated M),
Unfortunately Enthralled (rated T), and
Anathema (rated T).
This author is good. She is really good. She's the kind of slash writer who can (and, in 'Unfortunately Enthralled', does) take ten chapters to get to a first kiss, and yet keep you glued to the screen the whole time.
Characterisation, tension, drama, comedy, it's all there. She also has the gift of not focusing solely on the main romantic couple, making the romance part of a bigger picture. You know, interesting.
Hope it helps your friend develop her skills.
Mission: The Forgotten Child by
on 2010-12-21 22:53:00 UTC
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We did a thing! July and I co-wrote a mission based on a Suefic based in the Doctor Who universe (or Whoverse or Whoniverse or Whoiverse or however you prefer). You can read it here: http://ho.fi/95 (Do not be alarmed, it's just an url shortener.)
Comments and concrit welcome! And if you're wondering, I plan for Artell to become an agent on his own right, for which I will get Permission on my own once the time is right. -
I love the mission. by
on 2010-12-22 04:31:00 UTC
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Does the fic really get better? It starts out so stupidly.
MST3K: "Blood omen", part 1. Yep, that one. by
on 2010-12-22 08:26:00 UTC
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Rated PG-13, rather eyebreaking. The MST formatting breaks up the Text Blocks O' Doom somewhat, at least. Consider it an early Christmas present :) Further installments forthcoming. -
Excellent MST by
on 2010-12-24 15:14:00 UTC
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I would say more but I need to go drink my Bleeprin to forget the story (yeah, I was stupid enough to go and read it on the Pit) Poor me!
The SSU by
on 2010-12-22 22:41:00 UTC
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My co-author and I Apollo Night have been writing a series called The Death of Mary Sue. The characters in this story work for a fictional sue slaying organisation called the SSU - Sue Slayers United. It was pointed out to me that there are many similarities between the SSU and PPC and it was decided by you guys that we didn't have to change anything as long as I had a disclaimer, which is fair enough. But now we are going back and editing much of the original work and making improvements. To me, it's a matter of professional pride and I hate the idea that my story is very similar to someone else's and I would like to be as original as possible. I thought I would post up the link and see if there is anything you guys would like me to change. Heck, if someone wrote something that was very similar to my work I'd be a little annoyed, constructive criticism is welcome.
I have received messages from people who wanted to start writing their own sue slaying stories after reading about the SSU so I think you guys can expect to see a bit of a boom in this genre. If anyone gives us ideas, I will give credit. I will have something at the beginning of the story to say “I do not own xxx idea as it is the property of this person.”
Here are some improvements we have already made or are in the process of making:
1. The slayers no longer use neutralizers and we are trying to come up with something to replace them. This was actually and idea I pulled from Men in Black (not you guys) but it still bugs me as I don’t want my stuff to be too similar to yours
2. You’ll be happy to know that we now have a beta reader. Given one of us has dyslexia and the other has a learning disability that leaves her unable to spell a beta reader really should have been our first priority. We now have one.
Any other suggestions are welcome.
This is the link to the first story, but there are four in total
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4751175/1/The_Death_of_Mary_sue -
Re: The SSU by
on 2010-12-22 22:58:00 UTC
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Your professional pride is most admirable :) Thank you. I've read through your first two chapters, and they look just fine to me; I certainly don't see anything that looks distinctly PPCish. My only critical comment is a proofreader's one, that you seem to be lacking a number of commas, usually in dialogue just before someone's name is said; that makes it a bit fast-paced while reading.
Thanks for the heads-up!
on 2010-12-24 20:39:00 UTC
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(Yes, that is my not-so-subtle attempt to remind everyone it's not just Christmas.)
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Wonderful Winter Holidays!
May we continue to kick the collective butts of fail-y fanfic for another year. ^_^
In celebration of the festive season, Boarder!Cassie spent some time setting up a Generic Holiday Tree in the Large Auditorium and putting out out shedloads of nibblies and drinks on a load of conveniently placed tables (only conveniently placed because several people had been badgered into making them so). After supervising the hanging of the banner reading "Merry Holidays!" above the Christmas tree, she stood back and looked satisfied.
"Let the PPC Board Christmas Party 2010 be declared open!" -
Aeidhryn missed everything. by
on 2010-12-31 15:33:00 UTC
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"What's happening?" she asks, wandering around in the rubble of what appears to be a gigantic gingerbread house.
Happy [insert holiday here]! by
on 2010-12-26 03:09:00 UTC
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Have some peppermint bark spiked with Bleeprin!
Happy Holidays! by
on 2010-12-26 00:12:00 UTC
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For everyone, I'd liek to give you this:
It's badfic read for humorous intent, though I have no idea if anyone else has seen it... (I also recommend the rest of the site for your viewing pleasure)
Once again, Happy Holidays, and an equally Happy New Year!
(In whihc I will get around to making some good agents-to-be..) -
Three months of Surfing lessons for ZIP! by
on 2010-12-25 21:07:00 UTC
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Christmas Specials! Get your Old-Timey Christmas Specials right here!
Muppet Family Christmas
Christmas eve on Sesame Street
And the rest!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cd39Fnas8Ro&feature=fvw -
Happy holidays! by
on 2010-12-25 16:39:00 UTC
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And may the new year be prosperous!
Merry Christmas! by
on 2010-12-25 16:38:00 UTC
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Elemarth is bringing... herself. Which seems like enough at the moment, considering how long she's been away from the board and her life during that time.
Hooray for holidays! :D -
Happy Holidays! by
on 2010-12-25 16:34:00 UTC
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I just love the winter chaos. *Starts throwing handfulls of popcorn around*
Sonne says... by
on 2010-12-25 15:26:00 UTC
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"Merry Christmas! Where are my presents?" while entering the door. After that she starts looking for them, putting some tables upside down meanwhile. When she finds nothing, she mourns aloud and directs to the goose Aster brought. "Remember when I said I'd eat you the last? I lied" she tells the goose, trying to sound funny. But as nobody notices even she spoke, she gets depressed and eats the goose alone in a corner.
Silikat was already drunk... by
on 2010-12-25 12:36:00 UTC
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...and busied herself around the Large Auditorium singing out-of-tune Christmas Carols and throwing holly at people.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you! -
иЃ–иЄ•зЇЂеї«жЁ‚пјЃ by
on 2010-12-25 09:00:00 UTC
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...which, of course, translates to "Merry Christmas".
Happy holidays, y'all! I'm off to Nagoya (in Japan) to hike the Nakasendo. Will be back before next year (hopefully).
~Xani B. -
Shinra brought nothing, but the tunes... by
on 2010-12-25 04:43:00 UTC
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...that is to say, she brought herself and a karaoke machine to sing all kinds of crazy holiday-ish tunes. With PPC lyrics. Because she can get away with that. Oh, the horror. She would gladly take any requests so as long as nobody asked her to do the Twelve Days of Bad Slash, ever. The last time she attempted that awfully long-winded song she suffered from a sore throat that refuse to quit for a month.
But anything else is fine. Like Console Yells!
"Dashing through the snow, our uarry sprints away..." -
Giggling madly... by
on 2010-12-25 12:45:00 UTC
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Cassie bounced over and attempted to take possesson of the karaoke machine, or at least share. Rummaging for a second mic and somewhere to connect it, she was rather gleeful.
She had clearly had a few Bleep-cocktails already. -
Strategically placed Guvnor by
on 2010-12-25 03:40:00 UTC
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Guvnor of Space doesn't mind the chaos that is a Christmas Party. After all, he loves chaos. It's like his thing. He does his best to stay out of everyone else's way, and takes it all in. Beautiful, beautiful chaos.
Happy Holidays! by
on 2010-12-25 03:32:00 UTC
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Caddy-shack walks in yawning, having just had a nap. He brings in a several trays of chocolate mice on Oreo cookies.
"Hope everyone enjoys them" He says to himself.
He places them on a convenient adn walks over to say hello to Aster.
(Have a great holiday everyone!) -
Happy Holidays! by
on 2010-12-25 03:24:00 UTC
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There was a thoughtful humming sound from one corner of the room. The sound in question came from PoorCynic, who was examining a punch bowl full of eggnog. He had a bottle of rum in one hand and a measuring cup in the other.
Holidays! by
on 2010-12-25 01:04:00 UTC
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Aster Corbett walks in with a huge platter with a whole roast goose on it.
I wonder how fast it will go...? -
:D by
on 2010-12-24 23:02:00 UTC
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Ah, holidays. Always fun! Cheers, Cassie :)
Happy Holidays! by
on 2010-12-24 22:57:00 UTC
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Enjoy whatever it is you happen to celebrate. :]
...And I encourage Christmas pranks. Why not?
Well, as long as the pranks are directed at someone else.
*Khroma positions himself by the food, safely away from the mistletoe. Also, he is holding a riot shield.* -
Merry/Happy Christmas, one and all! by
on 2010-12-24 22:41:00 UTC
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PitViperOfDoom balanced precariously on a tall stepladder, giggling as she thumbtacked the end of a string to the ceiling. On the other end of the string, now dangling over their heads, was a sprig of mistletoe. She carefully climbed down, moved the stepladder to another strategic location, and produced another sprig from the basket on her arm. Once more she ascended the ladder, singing to herself.
"Ole Saint Nick has bourbon breath, it's so cold you could catch your death, a cop sold me some crystal meth, it's a merry $@ing Christmas..." -
Yay! by
on 2010-12-24 21:47:00 UTC
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*hands out Generic Holiday Crackers*
Merry Christmas to all! (nm) by
on 2010-12-24 21:14:00 UTC
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The Infernal Trio strikes back by
on 2010-12-24 20:55:00 UTC
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... bringing food for everyone. It's Christmas, so there will be no pranks. Unless someone else starts it.
For Your Eyes Only: Part 4 - only one to go! by
on 2010-12-24 21:45:00 UTC
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Have a Christmas present: http://chelonianmobile.livejournal.com/115235.html
Not worksafe, as usual, for implied sex between sixteen-year-old beings who look and to some extent behave like toddlers, bad language, and violence towards said sickeningly cutesy beings.
Volunteers to witness the execution, tell us here or on the LJ. -
Nice choice on the kill method. Good mission. (nm) by
on 2011-01-01 17:49:00 UTC
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Fantastic Job! by
on 2010-12-26 09:24:00 UTC
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You're welcome to use Agents Mal, as they're the only ones of my agents who would've been around at that time.
Thankee :) (nm) by
on 2010-12-26 16:16:00 UTC
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Awesome. by
on 2010-12-26 07:16:00 UTC
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I especially liked the last part with Laburnum and Foxglove, walking in on a truly bizarre scene and reacting accordingly.
I volunteer Caleb, since he's the only one of my agents who was around at the time. -
They thoroughly deserved that mental image :) by
on 2010-12-26 11:27:00 UTC
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Even by PPC standards, walking in on that must have been pretty darn disturbing.
Cool, thanks. Reminds me, at some point when both of us have time d'you want to co-write something where my agents meet yours? -
Sure by
on 2010-12-26 21:19:00 UTC
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I can't think of a good scenario at the moment, though.
Molly trying to actually have a conversation with Kieran? by
on 2010-12-26 23:30:00 UTC
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And their respective adults show up to pick them up from the Nursery ... I have visions of her trying to lure him out from under a couch with chocolate and Superfast Jellyfish (possibly not in conjunction, as SJ allegedly taste like chicken and that would be a disgusting mixture).
Nicely Done! by
on 2010-12-26 00:06:00 UTC
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The Canons (plus the babies?) are rescued, the Sue/Stus (whatever the correct tern is) are slain, and the person respnsible is about to get their just deserts...
But I still have a question: do you have to have actual agents to watch the exceution? 'cause I'd like to get a piece of that action... -
We're looking for official agents around in December 2007. by
on 2010-12-26 00:53:00 UTC
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Sorry if yours don't meet those criteria.
Volunteering by
on 2010-12-26 22:26:00 UTC
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Logan and Entropy, who were still partners in 2007. Actually, if you want to use them, all the other ESAS agents (with the exception of Riboflavin) were active in Dec 2007.
Elcalion -
Well done! by
on 2010-12-25 12:50:00 UTC
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It's an icky mission, but at least your're ploughing through. :)
*checks the date* I volunteer Cara Fielding and Jessie Lancaster of the DMS, Emma Kaylan of SIELU, and Hollian Tannis of the DIA to witness the execution. Their wiki pages should give more details. -
Thank you :) by
on 2010-12-25 15:45:00 UTC
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(Great way for S&S to spend their first Christmas season, no? I somehow don't think Mossverse vermin keep a calendar detailed enough to have an equivalent holiday, though at least mustelids don't hibernate.)
Fantastic! by
on 2010-12-25 03:29:00 UTC
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I thoroughly enjoyed it despite knowing next to nothing about Naruto. Bravo!
This story is taking place in late 2007 or thereabouts, right? If so, you're welcome to use Laura (she would've been a rookie in Intelligence back then.) -
Yep, December '07. by
on 2010-12-25 09:16:00 UTC
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The OFUR year is slowly but surely grinding on. I hate working with a timeline, I keep feeling left behind ...
I bring to you...PPC Carols! by
on 2010-12-25 04:01:00 UTC
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Hello everyone. In light of the current holiday, I re-sang a few of the PPC Carol songs written by our wonderful Boarders. :3 Hopefully they aren't too soft to hear...
Well, enoy your carols and happy X-mas! Don't let Santabot get you! (Oh, and there's actual music this time! =D)
(Note: I've never sung Frosty the Snowman before. I apologize for how awkward that one song is. XD)
1 - Console Yells!
2 - Joy to the World
3 - Raven E. Saxon
4 - Mary the Sueish Canon
5 - Silent Night
6 - Suff'ring Through a Badfic Once Again -
Wow! by
on 2010-12-31 15:36:00 UTC
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You have the rhythm down and everything. As many thumbs up as are allowed by your imagination!
Yay! by
on 2010-12-27 02:32:00 UTC
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I'll link to these from the Songbook. You rock. ^_^
~Neshomeh -
I'll eventually sing more. =D by
on 2010-12-28 02:54:00 UTC
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One day...I'll fill that songbook with my voice! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha! Complete global/songbook saturation will be miiiiine!
~Keily, on a power trip -
{X D by
on 2010-12-28 03:13:00 UTC
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That would be kick-ass. But actually, I wanted to ask where you got the backup tracks, and if they have more. Something like that might help me make my own contributions, since I'd feel way less awkward actually singing along to something rather than just hanging my voice out on its own. *g*
~Neshomeh -
Well... by
on 2010-12-28 04:06:00 UTC
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...I just record myself while singing to karaokes found on youtube, since I can't find the MP3s for the instrumentals anywhere. So, yeah. Hence the low quality. Otherwise I would have sung on a separate track and all that.
There's this one channel I used for all the Christmas carols. Forgot the name, but if you go youtube searching, it should be fairly easy. Youtube has a plethora of karaokes on it, ripe for parodying purposes.
~Keily -
As always. by
on 2010-12-25 15:18:00 UTC
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Keily. You are the very best that there ever was.
Yes. -
I also have the best sore throat there ever was. by
on 2010-12-25 16:16:00 UTC
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Singing carols for hours on end, re-recording everything and screaming at the top of my lungs when the program crashes can do that to you. XD
Awesome! by
on 2010-12-25 13:33:00 UTC
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You've got a rather sweet voice, Keily. It's cute. ^^ And the songs are wintastic with extra win. I hereby give you a cookie for the effort.
Yay! I get a cookie! (nm) by
on 2010-12-25 16:16:00 UTC
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on 2010-12-25 04:29:00 UTC
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Like a bad specter out of the past, I return! And I bring with me the monstrous story which dragged me down for a year and a bit!
I am so glad to see this out the door at last. I love what's been written in it, but God Almighty, writing it was a chore and a half. Go read it, please--given the amount of time lost to this thing I would really appreciate it.
But now, I return! And I can get on with doing things I WANT to write about! What a Christmas miracle! -
Yes... Peter/Susan could make me procrasinate for weeks, ugh (nm by
on 2010-12-31 15:52:00 UTC
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Whoa! by
on 2010-12-31 15:43:00 UTC
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Hi! Here's some peppermint bark! And some C4! Have fun.
Can't believe you stuck with the thing for a whole year... -
Awesome! by
on 2010-12-29 04:53:00 UTC
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"I feel like I've been in here for a year, already. Maybe longer."
Muahaha. Indeed, indeed. ^_~
FYI, technically you didn't need my permission to use Nathonea. I appreciate the credit, but I don't want to confuse anyone. Only my characters need permission from me. {= )
I enjoyed the crazy physical manifestations of bad writing in this mission. It's something I need to include more in my own, because it's such a good way to show what's wrong in a way that's hilarious. Good work!
~Neshomeh -
Huzzah! by
on 2010-12-25 23:55:00 UTC
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Nice to have you back!
Especially after this piece-of-crap fic... *shudders* -
Welcome back, here's a tall ship. by
on 2010-12-25 21:12:00 UTC
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Fair winds!
Now you can throw BBQ parties!
Fresh meat, to use a colourful euphemism. by
on 2010-12-26 00:56:00 UTC
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As you could probably tell by the subject, I'm a newbie to this board. Long-time reader of the lovely pseudo-series, though. I write (gasp!) non fan-fic stuff that never sees the light of day, because I hate it too much. I'm psychotic in the sense of actively suffering from psychoses, bisexual, a furry (scaly, more accurately), have a habit of reading badfic ('specially bad slashy lemons) for amusement, in love with blood, a mildly musical moron, and an annoyingly alliterative asshole at times. Also, bloody narcissistic. I use an odd mixture of british and american spellings, having grown up reading a mixture of literature from both cultures.
And in case you were wondering, yes, I have yiffed in hell. It was hot. -
Was it really? by
on 2010-12-31 15:46:00 UTC
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Hmmm... a flamethrower for you, hold it by THIS end, not THAT one... nice to meetcha.
Welcome! by
on 2010-12-29 14:57:00 UTC
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I'm a bit late to this, but oh well. Have a generic book!
Good to have you a-Board! by
on 2010-12-28 01:42:00 UTC
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Welcome, new friend who I technically already met in the chat, but only just noticed the introductory post of!
Have a songbook of sheet music from mildly moronic musicals! The notes should work with any instrument, including glockenspiel, esophagus and armpits. -
Welcome! by
on 2010-12-27 15:10:00 UTC
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I'm not sure exactly what to give to you, so I think a toaster would do fine. It's a normal one, but it has a USB port that allow you to listen to music while you toast some bread. Bread not included. Results may vary.
Bisexuality does not equal psychosis. (nm) by
on 2010-12-26 22:35:00 UTC
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Re: Bisexuality does not equal psychosis. by
on 2010-12-27 03:39:00 UTC
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when did I say it did?
Your entire sentence suggested it was a list of why. by
on 2010-12-27 05:30:00 UTC
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Additionally, I'm sure I'm not the only one who likes to meet people as people rather than a list of extra speshul traits that are questionable.
Give it a rest, July. by
on 2010-12-27 23:08:00 UTC
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Yes, fine, the sentence was ambigulously phrased, but people can introduce themselves however they want. Save the nitpicking until after they've had a chance to get used to this place, okay?
And to PasIvre: Welcome! Have a fluffy pillow and a top hat. -
Re: Your entire sentence suggested it was a list of why. by
on 2010-12-27 16:54:00 UTC
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Well, I'm very sorry if I managed to mis-communicate. Also, I was sorely sleep-deprived when I wrote that, and not...working...right. My sincere apologies.
I shall thwart you all! by
on 2010-12-26 18:19:00 UTC
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*feeds the bomb to the cheetah, distracts the cat with the sparkly stones, duct tapes over the camera's lens, eats the cheese, wears the scarf, saves the chocolate, and touches everything but the lamp.*
Greetings by
on 2010-12-26 17:43:00 UTC
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While I am also a newbie, I still feel that I have a right to greet you. Right?
Either way, welcome. Don't stare into my eyes, and touch nothing but the lamp. Oh, and have this commemorative ticking bomb. It totally isn't armed. -
Greetings! by
on 2010-12-26 13:17:00 UTC
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Well met, rookie! Please enjoy this bucket of sparkly stones as a welcoming present.
Hello! by
on 2010-12-26 12:59:00 UTC
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Hmm, slashy lemons. I approve of this.
Have a pet cat and a lot of cheese. The cheese is festive. The cat is not. -
Welcome, here's a tall ship. by
on 2010-12-26 10:23:00 UTC
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Fair winds!
Now you can throw BBQ parties! -
Welcome! by
on 2010-12-26 09:16:00 UTC
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Have a folding car. It becomes a rather heavy case when not in use. Careful, it has a tendency to unfold itself when nobody is looking. Do not put it near fragile things.
About the mixture of American and British English, don't worry. I am not even able to tell if something is written in one way or another. Maybe because I am Italian. -
Have a Cheetah! by
on 2010-12-26 08:03:00 UTC
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Don't feed it Sues or Stus.
on 2010-12-26 04:22:00 UTC
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Just what I wanted for Christmas, a newbie!
In any case. Have this hand-knitted scarf fashioned from the downy pelts of Cute Animal Friends. It is sure to keep you warm while you yiff in hell! -
Hello Newbie! by
on 2010-12-26 01:49:00 UTC
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Welcome to the Board! Here, have some chocolate, and enjoy your stay!
Welcome, fellow user of idiosyncratic variant mixtures! by
on 2010-12-26 01:48:00 UTC
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The somber colours of the tires are easily recognised...
It's traditional to give newbies a gift, so here's mine. *clears throat*
Have a Paranoiac's Friend (tm) Mark VII camera! It runs for over three weeks without recharging and has a complicated shut-off sequence so people can't turn it off*! Now with thumbtack attachment for bugging places, people, and other nouns! Paranoiac's Friend: for the paranoiac in all of us!
(*Including, probably, you. Good luck with that.)
Oh, and Merry Christmas if applicable! Otherwise, let's see...happy belated Solstice, happy very belated Hanukkah, happy early New Year...
Goodies from the mission I am writing by
on 2010-12-26 12:28:00 UTC
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My two Agents (and maybe my next recruit, if the new game from the continua lets her stay dead canonically) will kill one old Stu of mine and obviously loot quite a lot of shinies.
Since that character has a nice collection of cars (folding ones, like the present I give to newbyes), I thought that they would be useful tools for Agents that work in continua where cars are seen a lot (Fast&Furious, Initial D, but also other modern continua in case a given fic makes ramming a car with Sues or bits on it a viable execution method)
The cars, all of the fictional ST brand, avaible are three R4X (Off-road SUV, like the Mitsubishi Pajero Sport), a Pick-X (pickup truck based on the R4X) and a Stormer Prototype (two door four seater coupè). I kept a R4RC (mid-engined rallycar-like coupè) for my agents.
Fluffy dices included. Optional bullbars and four door conversion avaible for the Stormer (stock on the other cars).
No discounts, my agents have to pay a lost Crash Dummy.
badfic thingy. I found it hilarious. by
on 2010-12-26 19:09:00 UTC
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http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4937364/1/Attracting_Gods rated M on ff.net, so if you can't figure out that it's NSFW...
one more thing. by
on 2010-12-26 19:11:00 UTC
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oh, and it's all slashy with offscreen mpreg, just so you know.
What do you do when you've written yourself into a corner? by
on 2010-12-26 22:46:00 UTC
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Do you keep trying to brainstorm until you find a way out or do you try writing another story until inspiration strikes?
Hnn... by
on 2011-01-16 20:27:00 UTC
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I don't write myself into a corner very often, but when I do, it's usually fixed by finding a loophole in a very obscure area or exploiting a Shrödinger's Gun scenario.
Re-read and brainstorm by
on 2010-12-27 18:12:00 UTC
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When I get myself into that kind of fix, the first thing I do is re-read what I've written up to that point (or at least the last few chapters). Often this is enough to get my brain working again.
The second thing to do is think about where you want to end up. What's keeping you from getting there? How can you fix it?
If none of this works, I'll often switch to writing something different but similar for awhile and just let the problem roll around in the back of my mind for a week or so. Usually after a few days the creative juces start flowing again. -
Well... by
on 2010-12-27 15:19:00 UTC
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depends on what makes you feel more comfortable. I usually leave the story for a while (a month, more or less) then re-read it and try to find the problem in order to fix it. In my experience, corners appear when you haven't led your characters the way they wanted to go, so you just have to walk back and take a new path. More or less what everyone else said.
The thing about corners by
on 2010-12-27 14:28:00 UTC
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The thing about corners is that usually there's a reason or another why you can't get out, and you were forced into the corner because of loose ends being tied up.
I usually cut off the corner and start again where I began to get railroaded into the corner and try and take it in another direction.
Kind of like knitting. Make a mistake? foot of your sock too short? Rip the sock out and go back to the problem. Redo it the right way.
This is what drafts are for! :D -
I brainstorm my way out. by
on 2010-12-27 10:50:00 UTC
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Or rather, sit muttering solutions to myself and drawing mind maps until I find a way out of the problem.
I try to think something else, too. by
on 2010-12-27 09:54:00 UTC
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I usually start with a good idea, and end up at 1/3 (or 2/3 if I am lucky) stuck usually with "and now what I do?". However, I leave the story alone for a bit, and resume hen I get a good idea. It's time-consuming (a Knight Rider-Card Captor Sakura crossover was very close to be considered dead fic since it once took six months to write a chapter, but I also had a dead computer in the meanwhile. If you are wondering, i's in Italian, so I don't think linking it would be useful at all), but it works.
I look for what I did wrong. by
on 2010-12-27 02:28:00 UTC
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For me, writer's block is a sign that I did something wrong somewhere. It can be anything, really--someone said something they wouldn't have, or didn't do something they should have, or maybe I just didn't understand their motivations properly, or whatever. I go over the piece until I figure out what it is, fix it, re-write whatever needs it, and go from there.
~Neshomeh -
Re: What do you do when you've written yourself into a corner? by
on 2010-12-26 23:43:00 UTC
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I put the story aside and pray I find a way out. In the meantime, I move on to other stuff. It's worked once. Meanwhile, I'm sitting on a 20+ unfinished page story that is still unfinished.
An MST. I think it needs improving... by
on 2010-12-27 05:52:00 UTC
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...I don't love it, but I'm not sure what's wrong.
This may make more sense if you know the Warrior Cats fandom, but the fic is so stupid you can appreciate it even if you don't. That reminds me, is it generally accepted as alright to MST something that's probably a trollfic?
Anyway, link. Starkits Prophcy, MST, part 1. We haven't really gotten to the interesting bit yet. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B5nl-p2JUPXYg1ZQfGTu7UuTFH4SDJ4FfUWrI2sib98/edit?authkey=COW2w5UO&hl=en#
Oh, and by the way, if you don't read Warriors, the list of names at the beginning is an Allegiances section that's at the beginning of every book. Don't worry, we skipped most of it. -
By which I mean, does anyone have any advice? by
on 2010-12-28 17:54:00 UTC
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I title things much too pretentiously sometimes.
Okay... by
on 2010-12-29 01:18:00 UTC
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It's shorter than I expected, so I finished. ^^;
It seems fine to me, except for what I said before, and this typo:
Which is pretty funny, to be honest, but not what you meant. ^~
Also, I found the line from the fic about "molting orange eyes" worthy of comment. Just imagine what molting eyes look like. Ew.
Anyway, I think you should keep working on it. I'd like to see the rest.
~Neshomeh -
Re: Okay... by
on 2010-12-29 03:42:00 UTC
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Thanks. Also... oops. I'll fix that. Anyway, I'll put the next part up when we finish it, the fic is very long.
Haven't finished it yet, but... by
on 2010-12-29 00:55:00 UTC
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First, you can MST anything you want to, trollfic or not. Like missions, the only real criterion is "will it be funny?"
Next, it would help to have double line-breaks between sections of fic and characters' lines. Right now it's hard to read, all smooshed together. For example, see the MSTs here.
I'll get back to you on content when I get through with it. {= )
Permission to PPC? by
on 2010-12-27 06:04:00 UTC
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I have been a longtime reader and fan of the PPC, and for some time now have been wanting to throw a couple of agents into the fray. My most policed fandom would be G.I. Joe, which I have noticed that almost no one else is doing.
My agents would, however, gladly take on other cases that they were qualified for. Since I am a huge geek, I know most of the common fandoms PPCd well. May the Force be with you. Live long and prosper. Hey doll merry doll merry doll dillo. Bright blue his jacket is, and hiis boots are yellow. You get the idea.
My agents would handle bad slash, sues, and complete possesion by the spirit of the author(ess).
If anyone wants to take a look at some of my own fic to get an idea of my writing style, skill level, and skills of grammar-fu, I am CrystalOfEllinon at ff.net. published in the cartoon section under G.I. Joe. Thanks! -
Welcome! by
on 2010-12-29 15:01:00 UTC
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Have a generic book.
First plover! (nm) by
on 2010-12-28 16:09:00 UTC
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Welcome! by
on 2010-12-28 12:14:00 UTC
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Have a pet cat and a toy car. And a fez. Fezzes are cool.
HAT! by
on 2010-12-28 21:03:00 UTC
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"Dons fez." My thanks.
Have a Bengal Tiger! by
on 2010-12-28 10:04:00 UTC
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Don't feed it Sues or Stus.
Of course. by
on 2010-12-28 21:02:00 UTC
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Wouldn't want to give the poor kitty indigestion now, would we? Good kitty. "Pets tiger."
Welcome systlin! by
on 2010-12-28 01:04:00 UTC
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Please anjoy your stay! Here you have a Pokeball which is useful to catch Sues. Also, here you have a box I found in the woods. I don't really know what it contains, so be careful.
Hmm... by
on 2010-12-28 03:17:00 UTC
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My thanks. The Pokeball should come in useful. "Pokes box gingerly." I shall examine this box at length. Perhaps it contains items of ancient magic. Or chocolate. Either works for me.
Hi! About that chocolate... by
on 2010-12-31 15:50:00 UTC
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*holds out mega-box of peppermint bark*
There's always leftovers if you know where to find them.
Welcome. -
Greetings! by
on 2010-12-28 00:26:00 UTC
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Well met, rookie! Please enjoy this plush Cthulhu doll as a welcoming gift.
That which is dead does eternal lie. by
on 2010-12-28 03:12:00 UTC
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I have only this to say by way of thanks for your kind gesture; Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
Good to have you a-Board! by
on 2010-12-27 23:44:00 UTC
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Welcome, new friend! Have a tarantula! It's colored like military fatigues, so it can join you in crawling through the underbrush undetected.
Awesome. by
on 2010-12-28 00:20:00 UTC
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Aww, you shouldn't have, but thanks. I shall name him Frank. Frank the tarantula. "Pets Frank." Whosagoodspider?!
Welcome, here's a tall ship. by
on 2010-12-27 18:12:00 UTC
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Fair winds!
Now you can throw BBQ parties! -
Mmm...bbq... by
on 2010-12-27 20:59:00 UTC
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Sweet. I like barbeque. "Breaks out grilling equipment." Ribs, anyone?
Data is correct. by
on 2010-12-27 16:13:00 UTC
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We usually ask people to hang around on the 'Board for a while (about a month) before asking permission to write a spin-off, so we can get to know you and your style a bit. We also ask that when you do request permission, that you include a writing sample, and a brief bio of your agents. Caddy-Shack's request below is pretty standard, if you'd like an example.
We'd love to have another PPC spin-off! It's just, we don't quite know you well enough yet. I'll be happy to look over your request later on. -
Not a problem! by
on 2010-12-27 17:36:00 UTC
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That I can do!
Thanks for the info. -
Erm. by
on 2010-12-27 08:51:00 UTC
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Have you taken a look at the permission requirements of the wiki? Because I'm pretty sure you're not meeting several of them here.
Sorry! by
on 2010-12-27 17:47:00 UTC
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While I've poked around the wiki a bit, I've mostly just read the PPC mission logs and didn't know the specifics of asking for permission to write a spin-off. The other person who replied filled me in on the protocol. I'll hang around and chat and get known for a month or so and then ask permission again, this time according to guidelines.
Thanks for the reply and correction!
Permission Request by
on 2010-12-27 10:04:00 UTC
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Hello all. It's been a little over a month since I first started posting on the Board and talking on the IRC. I’ve decided to make my first attempt at gaining permission. Your thoughts on my story would also be appreciated as well, as I intend to continue writing it as well.
Writing Sample:
Character summary
Agent Name:Maria
Real Name: Maria
Home continuum: Metal Gear Solid
Age: 20ish
Agent Career: 6 years
Notable points: During 2008 Mary sue invasion she was bitten by a Vampire!Sue, has since refused to use any of the powers gained from such a change. Being of the Discworld variety, she has sublimated her addiction to physical contact, and it is not uncommon for her to greet with enthusiastic hugs, and to give many playful punches. This has led to some to think she is, in fact, Luxury in disguise.
On an unspecified mission into the Redwall continuum, she succumbed to bloodwrath during a slash moment, and attempted to kill Matthias and Cluny. She would later admit to having read The Cluny Fic shortly before hand, on a dare. She has since been barred from any missions there, and refuses to have bloodwrath treated.
General information:
A Cat/human hybrid recruited from a badfic, she has served in the PPC for 6 years. She has had several previous partners; most don’t usually stay with her for long, mostly due to her infrequent violent outbursts. Despite this, she is a cheerful person, and has a fondness for collecting many things (read; not on fire or nailed down) and has filled her RC with much plunder. She wears a cat suit to deal with her vulnerability to sunlight; the irony is not lost on her. She can pronounce an “!” if surprised.
Agent Name: Sienna
Real Name: Mark Sienna
Home continuum: Cthulhuverse
Age: 19
He was created on and RP thread, one in which an in-game argument led to several members godmoding to kill the others, and he fell through a resulting plothole. The only visible part of him is above the nose, the rest is always covered. He wears a red scarf which is always swaying, not even he knows why. He has advanced regenerative powers, though it is hindered by certain types of magic, as well as magical weapons.
He is also able to heal others, though doing so leaves him with an exact duplicate of the wound, which heals extremely slow and will leave a permanent reminder, usually a scar. This has led to him wearing clothes that cover most of him. He is a nice enough person, despite his ominous and broody look. He enjoys videos games and has an over abundance of sarcasm. He likes to use the two adamantium knives he has no actual explanation for having.
Agent name: Cadmar
Real Name: Cadmar
Home continuum: World one
Age 19
He fell into HQ through a plot hole right into Luxuries RC, where after a few awkward explanations, many seduction attempts, and an impromptu make-out session, he was led to the Marquis de Sod’s office for recruitment. He dislikes the entirety of the management, believing that control corrupts, and corrupted flowers are a scary idea. He is an avid gamer, and listens to music as much as he can. He has a good sense of humor, though it can be dark and sadistic at times, and is usually in a pleasant mood.
Out right hates being interrupted, and takes major offence to it. He has read many badfic, several of which were Legendary, leaving him with a spotty memory, and he relishes the chance to help the canon. He wears mostly black, camo-pants with many pockets, and always has a backpack with him which he uses to carry a variety of things. He uses two machetes as his main weapons, and prefers most WWII and Vietnam era weapons, which he has expressed a desire to collect. He is slightly overweight, due to a caffeine addiction.
They are all to be placed in the Department of Floaters.
The fic I intend to first take down is 'A Small Crime' (ironicly hilarious) a Suefic in the Shrek fandom. Plus, the author has a quote about Tieflings in the beginning of a chapter, for that, the punishment will be worse.
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5097340/1/ -
Permission granted! by
on 2010-12-28 02:51:00 UTC
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I know nothing about Deltora Quest, but I take it the story is meant to be something along the lines of Darths & Droids? Sounds like fun. Your writing is entertaining, though you could use a refresher on how to punctuate around dialogue. I'd be glad to explain things, if you like, or you can look it up. There are all kinds of helpful guides around the internet.
I'll be interested in reading a three-agent team. It's rare, and the interplay between three people works differently than with just two.
Mark Sienna is similar to a character of mine--same basic power of being able to cure someone else at the expense of himself, though my character is able to heal faster than normal, since he has little to no control over it and would ended up dead many times over if he couldn't recover after picking up random injuries and diseases every time he went out. ^_^; It's a fun thing, and I'll look forward to seeing what you do with Mark.
Go forth and PPC!
~Neshomeh -
*cheer* by
on 2010-12-31 15:57:00 UTC
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I have some very (veryveryveryvery) old experience with DeltoraQuest... I could probably reread over the summer if you need a grammar-beta.
Maybe by
on 2010-12-31 20:16:00 UTC
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It seems most people these days have no idea what Deltora Quest is, though from the Pit Fandom, it is understandable. I'll keep you in mind when I go to post the next chapter of it, thanks for volunteering to help!
Okay! :D (nm) by
on 2011-01-01 18:00:00 UTC
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*Flying Glomp* by
on 2010-12-28 19:39:00 UTC
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Thankyouthankyouthankyou! You would be correct, the general premise will be like Darths and Droids, though I might add in some RL scenes. I'm going to be using one of the themes from Dm of the Rings as well, that is, the story setting is a ripe place for adventures, but the story itself would be a very silly game.
Yeah, the main thing I've been told was the dialogue punctuation, everything else was edited by my friend. I'll have to search around for some guides on it, it is simple enough to fix.
I actually went looking for your page on the wiki, interested in the agent you mentioned, and like the hoser I am, the idea of looking on the Permission Giver Page never occurred to me. Would it be okay if I emailed my PPC work to you for editing? I’ll of course do most myself, but someone with more experience could give more insight. Thanks again! -
Sure. {= ) by
on 2010-12-29 00:45:00 UTC
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You're welcome. Send away, when you're ready. Just be aware that I'm not the fastest beta on the planet.
The character I mentioned isn't an agent--I used to RP with him sometimes, in Generic Superpowers settings. I have his bio here if you're still interested, though.
I never actually got into DM of the Rings. I should probably try again sometime. Darths & Droids is pretty awesome, though.
Ypur Invasion up at long last by
on 2010-12-28 15:59:00 UTC
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stu-pefy, hah (nm) by
on 2010-12-31 16:01:00 UTC
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Ah so thats how it happened by
on 2010-12-30 19:27:00 UTC
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Well done everyone who wrote bits of this.
Good job! by
on 2010-12-28 18:53:00 UTC
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I found a typo or two, but it's very nicely done. Very funny!
Give your congratulations to the whole board... by
on 2010-12-28 19:02:00 UTC
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...as this was a collaborative effort. I'm sorry for not giving due credit; I am about to fix that.
Well, congratulations everybody then (nm) by
on 2010-12-29 08:58:00 UTC
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Hi?.....*ducks and cover* by
on 2010-12-29 03:01:00 UTC
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*Cautiously sticks head out from behind conveniently placed desk and decides it's safe*
Ummm.... hello. I'm Alice. I've been lurking around here for a while after reading the original adventures of the PPC and decided to join in on the action. Permission to come aboard?
Me and my partner, if he shows up, have had a traumatic experience with a rather famous mary sue, she-who-must-not-be-named of the limpid blue tear eyes and legendary badfic! status. Yeah, that one. *shudder*. Since then, to avoid damaging what surviving brain cells we have left, would like to help out. We are good with weapons (nun-chucks, sporks, swords, bows, ect.) and have a good knowledge of most common canons, especially if it speaks with a British accent. Also, if you run into any mary sues wandering around the Assassin's creed universe, do tell. My partner has had his eye on a hidden blade for quite a while. Will also take on anyone messing with Eomer. I've been freaking out about how the whole sister-son references back to Angelo-Saxon culture *starts getting side-tracked, snaps out of it*. Anyways, just saying hi. Now to find Sunflower Official before this post gets too long.... -
Hi! by
on 2010-12-31 16:03:00 UTC
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Don't worry, you don't ALWAYS have to duck-and-cover... and with this handy-dandy Flameproof Vest, you should be fine unless you say something QUITE thoughtless or controversial ... of course, we're not supposed to flame here, so everything should be fine. :D
Sister-son? Yeah, Tolkein was a professor of European Medieval history, if I'm not mistaken. -
Welcome! by
on 2010-12-30 21:05:00 UTC
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Have an adamantium knife! It is the same weight and height as a regular knife, and won't break easy.
Welcome! by
on 2010-12-30 17:02:00 UTC
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Have a box of your favorite kind of candy.
Greetings! by
on 2010-12-30 01:02:00 UTC
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Well met, rookie! Please enjoy this waterproof fedora as a welcoming gift!
Hi new fellow! by
on 2010-12-29 23:48:00 UTC
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Here you have a glittering skull which belonged to a Sue. I'm sure she won't ask it back.
Hello there! by
on 2010-12-29 18:36:00 UTC
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Welcome to the Board!
Here, have some chocolate, and please enjoy your stay! -
Good to have you a-Board! by
on 2010-12-29 17:29:00 UTC
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Welcome, new friend! Have a bag of throwing knives! If you want more, you'll have to pickpocket them from thugs.
First plover! (nm) by
on 2010-12-29 15:50:00 UTC
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Welcome! by
on 2010-12-29 15:07:00 UTC
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Have a generic book. Are there any other less common canons that you like?
oops, just for clarification by
on 2010-12-29 16:37:00 UTC
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Sorry, forgot to type author.
canons by
on 2010-12-29 16:35:00 UTC
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Thank you for the generic book! *adds to book pile* I don't know how common would be classified, it seems to vary with geography, but here's a few that I enjoy
-Lord of the Rings
- Harry Potter
- Doctor Who
- Assassins Creed (Oh pretty graphics and Dan Brown-esque plotline.)
- Sherlock Holmes, especially the new series
- Anything by Tamora Pierce
-Ditto with Neil Gaiman
Still new to Terry Pratchett though I adored Good Omens and Making Money. -
woot! by
on 2010-12-29 13:28:00 UTC
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awwwwww.....*Cuddles cheetah,pet kitty and scooter then climbs aboard ship to get a better view of things. Suspiciously pokes the very heavy case, decides its safe, then it unfolds. After untangling herself from under the car she regards the package and it's curious metronome-like beat. After heavy contemplation she slaps a label on it," Happy birthday to Sue" and walks to the closest post office whistling cheerfully, if not a little maniacally, the happy birthday song.*
I've got to find a TARDIS to put this all in. -
The first recorded incident with my folding cars. by
on 2010-12-29 15:48:00 UTC
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So, the rumors are true, it REALLY unfolds itself...
universal comedy, the 4th law of physics... by
on 2010-12-29 16:41:00 UTC
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Mark the date!
Maybe ducktape will work.....*goes off to find a roll* -
Heya! by
on 2010-12-29 12:17:00 UTC
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Have a pet cat and a scooter. Not quite sure why, but they'll probably be useful. Somehow.
Have a Cheetah! by
on 2010-12-29 10:35:00 UTC
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Do not feed it Sues or Stus.
Welcome, here's a tall ship. by
on 2010-12-29 09:37:00 UTC
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Fair winds!
Now you can throw BBQ parties! -
Welcome! by
on 2010-12-29 09:15:00 UTC
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Have a folding car. It becomes a rather heavy case when not in use. Careful, it has a tendency to unfold itself in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Re: Hi?.....*ducks and cover* by
on 2010-12-29 05:52:00 UTC
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Greetings! Have this suspiciously ticking package that is definitely not a bomb!
Card Captor Sakura goodfic by
on 2010-12-29 09:24:00 UTC
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I found this one on TvTropes:
It's... hilarious. What happens if, after Sakura became the Mistress of the Clow Cards, Meiling opens a book with Clow's failure cards? Hilarity Ensues!
Olny one spoiler: nearly all characters will think "Clow was an idiot". After all, the wand for he Whoops cards has a rubber duck on it. Yes.
Badfic by
on 2010-12-29 16:21:00 UTC
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- The King and His Hero » by Bramble Iceweb reviews
When the ambush at the Telmarine castle fails, the old Kings and Queens of Narnia decide to blow Susan's horn. Fate decides to send one Harry Potter to help, who has his own problems trying to defeat Voldemort. PP/HP slash. Rating may change.
Crossover - Harry Potter & Chronicles of Narnia - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 8,995 - Reviews: 156 - Updated: 6-29-10 - Published: 3-8-10 - Harry P. & Peter Pevensie
My comment: What?
2. Unexpected » by CedricHarryEdward reviews
Luna gets pregnant but whose the daddy? Only luna knows even the dad doesnt know! dun dun dunn! soz crap summery plz R&R Cedric/Luna/Harry AU so no Voldemort !
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 3 - Words: 816 - Reviews: 3 - Updated: 7-6-10 - Published: 6-12-10 - Luna L.
My comment: WHAT!?
3. Baby Thomas pt 1 by AlvinSeville reviews
Jeanette has a baby and he becomes sick... Jeanette falls ill after having the baby... Will she make it or not? Read to find out... And REVIEW!
Alvin and the chipmunks - Rated: K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,341 - Reviews: 1 - Published: 10-25-09 - Complete
My comment: Whaaat.
- The King and His Hero » by Bramble Iceweb reviews
Unexpected by
on 2011-01-01 22:57:00 UTC
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Well, I'm glad that silly Voldemort is out of the way, what was the point of him anyway? On to the crappy romantic drama! Yay!
I... sort of understand the logic of removing the canon conflict: to clear the stage for the fanfic conflict and make it easier to focus on that. However, I'm not sure why these authors do things like making it an AU where that conflict doesn't exist. If Voldemort had never existed, the Harry Potter universe would be completely different, and (based admittedly on approximately a paragraph of actual story) the author seems blissfully unaware of that fact.
*sigh* -
I agree with you - what. (nm) by
on 2010-12-30 00:09:00 UTC
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That last one... I don't even... by
on 2010-12-29 22:18:00 UTC
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Department of WTF, anyone? Anyone? O.o
All of that author's stories seem to be in a similar vein. Methinks someone has had a hard life, if I'm being generous. It's either that or they have a weird obsession with illness and injury and yet lack the conviction to research any of it, which is doubly weird.
~Neshomeh, trying to imagine what kind of mission could come of it. It would be very, very short, for one thing....
Mission: Azelynn of the Desert by
on 2010-12-29 20:03:00 UTC
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Title: 'Azelynn of the Desert'
Department: Department of Mary Sues: Video Game Division
Agents: Agent Corbett and Agent Lore
Canon: The Legend of Zelda (Ocarina of Time)
Mary Sue Type: Somebody's Sister/Reverse-Stockholm-Syndrome Sue
Mission Summary: Agent Aster Corbett learns not to eat any cafeteria food and Agent Lore picks up her slack when they are assigned to get rid of a Legend of Zelda Mary Sue full of Beige Prose and Bad Logic.
Read it here! -
Re: Mission: Azelynn of the Desert by
on 2011-01-06 23:51:00 UTC
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I realize this is a little late, since this is off the front page of the Board now, but I still wanted to comment.
It was so awesome that Agent Aster puked on the Sue!
When the Sue was waking up in the desert you wrote that "When both Azelynn..." Anyway, I thought you meant that both Azelynn and Aster had woke up, but only Azelynn's name was in the sentence.
I am finding Lore to be quite interesting. He can change into something with thumbs, but chooses not to, even when it would be more convenient. That is actually sort of cool. -
Actually quite good by
on 2010-12-31 20:44:00 UTC
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You've done a good mission.
One minor point:
Link looked away immediately, only to get an eye-full of a neuralizer's flash and a trip to FicPsyche.
It would in fact be 'FicPsych.' No 'e'. Other than that, I've no quibbles.
Well done! -
Great Job! by
on 2010-12-31 03:11:00 UTC
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Beemos, that would be an interesting trap, though very scary. I like Agent Aster chalenging her to a duel, would have been fun to read, though her just up-chucking on the sue was hilarious! Another exciting mission completed!
Would have been short. by
on 2010-12-31 03:33:00 UTC
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It would have been short. This Mary Sue had no combat ability whatsoever, and didn't even carry a weapon. If I encounter a Warrior!Sue sometime I'll pull the card again.
Aster the agent does this a lot. .____.; -
Good one! by
on 2010-12-30 21:41:00 UTC
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I loved the interactions between your agents. They've got good banter potential.
I try. by
on 2010-12-30 22:27:00 UTC
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The hair trigger raving nerd and the slightly impassive trickster large beast? That's the point.
Before I even considered writing missions I thought about five elements that must be in each story.
1) Conflict between Agents
2) at least one Gadget.
3) Clear evidence of how this fic alters reality in a negative way (Rather than just a funny or stupid way)
4) A turning point where the badfic becomes just TOO bad.
5) A resolution that involves poetic justice and attention to detail over supreme firepower.
I know this is SRS BNS for PPC affairs, but it's just my outlook on it. Satire's fun-- yes. But the stuff I'm mocking has got not structure or thought to it at all. Only with thought and structure can I have peace of mind making fun of it.
So yeah. I try and make my agents have funny conflicts. They are that way because I engineered them to be. -
Beemos. Heh. (nm) by
on 2010-12-30 19:43:00 UTC
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Good one by
on 2010-12-30 19:31:00 UTC
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Did she really give that little description to everything but herself? And how do you get the the character of someone who gives go much leeway for fan writers wrong? All you need to keep to is brave, loyal to Zelda and in Ocarina cares about his fairy.
Yes. by
on 2010-12-30 22:18:00 UTC
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Each badfic chapter was approximately one page long, including author's notes. This assassination fic is longer than the badfic-- simply because I described what things looked like and where they were. I had a hard time cutting out samples for this fic because there was a problem with every single line... and not because it was content heavy. Because each chapter was approximately forty lines long at the most. I had to restrain myself-- MOST of the badfic is actually in the sporking. Any more, and I might as well just have MSTed the whole thing rather than being a mission pointing out the really most terrible bits.
The 'prison' is given no description. It is unknown what sort of place it is, or even if others than Link and Azelynn are there. Ganon's Tower is marginally more described, but only because the Mary Sue is making it out to be as scary as possible for her.
The single longest description was included in the sporking-- the Mary Sue's description. I was amazed. Even Link didn't get any description to him beyond his soul-wrenching angst in regards to his twu wub Azelynn. This is shocking to me because usually Suethors write their lust objects to accentuate their sex appeal, or at the very least how they are the most perfect man on earth. -
Re: Mission: Azelynn of the Desert by
on 2010-12-30 00:07:00 UTC
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Wow...that was bad. The 'Beemos' and the 'witches' made up for that awful character bashing, though.
(Stupid Mary Sue, complaining about getting a cool name...I'd be fine with my name meaning 'untrustworthy'!)
New Mission - DIAU - Kingdom Hearts by
on 2010-12-30 21:36:00 UTC
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An Axel!Sue (yes, I said SUE) is hardly the most horrifying thing Danny and Laura face in their last compulsory mission with Cornelius and the DIAU.
Warning: slightly NSFB in places.
http://vgdivision.livejournal.com/4178.html -
Re: New Mission - DIAU - Kingdom Hearts by
on 2011-01-06 23:18:00 UTC
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“Go to hell, Danny.”
“What happened? You run into Lux or something? Did she have a thing for greasy red-headed nerdy boys?”
“I’m carrying weapons, you know.”
I don't always understand the missions to video game worlds as much as someone who actually plays the games would, but I do like your characters. They have great interaction.
I especially liked all three's reactions to the singing. -
Good job! by
on 2010-12-31 19:42:00 UTC
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I really like both your agents and missions. Keep going this way!
Ugh. by
on 2010-12-31 16:44:00 UTC
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I honestly don't understand how people come up with stuff like this. Can't they just write their own names in instead of canon names? Or do they just like the appearance of the fandom characters and so want to use them instead of creating their own?
It baffles me. I'm not surprised the Fem!Axel!Sue got snuffed when she did. -
Great mission! by
on 2010-12-31 00:32:00 UTC
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It's sorta sad to be (possibly) seeing the end of Cornelius, but as you said, we might be surprised. I enjoyed reading Cornelius's actions, his voice of reason to Dany and Laura's attitudes was a fun contrast.
New member by
on 2010-12-31 02:29:00 UTC
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New to PPC!
Welcome... by
on 2010-12-31 20:52:00 UTC
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laconic new guy! here you have a DVD pack, featuring all the seasons of Friends. You can watch them or throw them at Sues, whatever works better for you.
Re: Welcome... by
on 2010-12-31 21:46:00 UTC
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I will improve my throwing skills, and make "Friends" into a deadly weapon! Ha Ha Haa!
Cool! by
on 2010-12-31 16:07:00 UTC
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Reading list:
Original Series
Lord of the Rings
In that order, for minimum confusion. Although, really, all that is required is the Original Series by Jay & Acacia.
How'd you find us? Have some chocolate! -
Re: Cool! by
on 2011-01-01 03:52:00 UTC
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I have all of the Lord of the rings books, but sadly, no Discworld. I'll read the original series today.
I heard about the PPC on tv tropes, sadly.
Thanks for the chocolate! -
Glad you liked it! :D by
on 2011-01-01 20:09:00 UTC
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Many people learn about the PPC through tvtropes. It's not sad.
Discworld is really really REALLY hilarious... kind of the opposite of LotR because LotR is kind of high and pure and otherworldly and Discworld is something everyone can relate to. But both are terrrific. :D -
Re: Glad you liked it! :D by
on 2011-01-02 17:07:00 UTC
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I'LL have to read discworld. I might have to find it online...
Um... hi? by
on 2010-12-31 15:59:00 UTC
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Welcome to the Board! Here, have some chocolate, won't you?
Re: Um... hi? by
on 2010-12-31 21:47:00 UTC
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Thank you! I like chocolate.
First plover! (nm) by
on 2010-12-31 15:49:00 UTC
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Re: First plover! by
on 2011-01-01 03:48:00 UTC
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Umm... ok. Thank you, have a nice day!
Just kidding. -
Welcome! by
on 2010-12-31 11:43:00 UTC
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I don't know how much you know about the PPC, but feel free to ask about anything you don't understand. Have a bag of pebbles and a Random Shiny Object.
Re: Welcome! by
on 2010-12-31 12:35:00 UTC
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Thank you! So, what else should I do?
The best thing to do would be... by
on 2010-12-31 16:12:00 UTC
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to check out the PPC Wiki page on Permission requirements. Summarised, they are "hang around for a month or so, posting so we get to know you better, and then ask for Permission" but there are other details in there too. Other than that, I recommend checking out the Original Series (also on the wiki) and generally familiarising yourself with the place.
Re: The best thing to do would be... by
on 2011-01-01 11:19:00 UTC
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Thank you. I'll read them.
Hello! by
on 2010-12-31 10:58:00 UTC
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Have a pet cat, a funny hat, and a rabid bat.
So, what are your fandoms, delicious friend? -
Re: Hello! by
on 2010-12-31 12:36:00 UTC
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I'll read anything, as long as it's good. I don't have any particular favorites.
Have a Bengal Tiger! by
on 2010-12-31 10:44:00 UTC
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Don't feed it Sues or Stus.
Re: Have a Bengal Tiger! by
on 2010-12-31 12:34:00 UTC
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I'll be sure not to! Thank you!
Good to have you a-Board! by
on 2010-12-31 10:13:00 UTC
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Welcome, new friend! Have some AAAAAA batteries. I have no idea what they're meant to power, but if nothing else, you can toss them in a campfire and see what happens.
Re: Good to have you a-Board! by
on 2010-12-31 12:27:00 UTC
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Ha! I'll try, but hopefully they aren't highly explosive!
Maybe they're nuclear? -
Welcome, here's a tall ship. by
on 2010-12-31 10:08:00 UTC
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Fair winds!
Now you can throw BBQ parties! -
Re: Welcome, here's a tall ship. by
on 2010-12-31 12:30:00 UTC
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On my new ship! BBQ! I love BBQ!
Re: New member by
on 2010-12-31 07:24:00 UTC
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Hey there! Have an alarm clock plushie and a Happy New Year. :)
~X.B. -
Re: New member by
on 2010-12-31 12:38:00 UTC
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Happy new year to you too!
Hiya! Welcome! by
on 2010-12-31 05:42:00 UTC
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Have a monocle.
Re: Hiya! Welcome! by
on 2010-12-31 12:32:00 UTC
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Thank you, I'll add it to my collection!
Have a hat! by
on 2010-12-31 02:32:00 UTC
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Welcome! Have a hat, knit from the spun pelts of only the softest of Cute Animal Friends. Sure to keep you warm in the most coldly hostile Suvian environments!
Re: Have a hat! by
on 2010-12-31 12:33:00 UTC
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I'll be sure to keep it! Thanks!
I require some help on this matter... by
on 2010-12-31 10:03:00 UTC
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Recently, my classmate has been insulting the PPC. She mocks my decision to join it and she makes it seem like I've done something stupid. It's not - I really don't regret joining the Protectors. But I don't quite know how to reply without planting her a facer. Here are (some of) the things that she's been saying to me (and if you're particularly protective of the PPC, please do not read below):
"What gives you the right to insult writers? They might be trying their best to write. And they might be four or five when they wrote the story. Yes, I know that FF.net requires a minimum age of thirteen, but their parents might have helped them post the story. And also, (in reference to the FAQ:FOR OTHER PEOPLE) how do you know that you're saving them from future humiliation? You could be humiliating them NOW, and it's not helping shape them into better writers." Among other things.
Would anybody be inclined to help out a bit with explaining? I'm not PPC-expert, so I'm hoping that somebody with more experience could intervene.
This is her FF.net account: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1821682/Topaz_and_Ruby
Thank you in advance, and sorry for such a dismal post at the beginning of the new year.
~X.B. -
Re: I require some help on this matter... by
on 2011-03-27 05:56:00 UTC
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well, i think that ur friend is absolute shit. she should be totes ashamed of herself and she must be mentally retarded. u should stop being friends with her and tell her that if she ever says smthing bad about the ppc ill hunt her down and kill her.
ps. i bet shes ugly and fat. -
Strange... by
on 2011-01-05 20:14:00 UTC
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Here I was, thinking this is supposed to be the purpose of the FAQ:For Other People - shooting these arguments down. From what I can gather, there's really no case she's made which the FAQ hasn't already sent to crash and burn.
In my frank opinion, if she hasn't the maturity to stop denying that simple fact, this petty argument isn't worth your time. -
Also link by
on 2011-01-01 22:08:00 UTC
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This was not written by me, but it may be useful to you.
https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AZG7OSPQ2kfBZGM0MnF0ZGJfMmM0cm5tcmM2&hl=en -
:( well... by
on 2011-01-01 17:21:00 UTC
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Looking at her favorites... reasoning with her may be quite difficult.
The point is to A) have fun B) spork. We make goodfic out of badfic by writing about the badfic in a way that is (hopefully) instructive, funny, and good. So what's so bad about that?
If she brings up the 4/5 thing, definitely bring up her M rated Twilight lemons. Seriously. People.
ULTIMATELY, if she is your friend, try to find a way around the subject so you can still enjoy her company without ending up frustrated and upset. But if you still feel like trying to explain it to her, there are many other well-explained and pretty simple/easy to understand arguments in the FAQ and in your replies. Buena suerte! (good luck) -
About the "selection" of our "targets"... by
on 2011-01-01 16:59:00 UTC
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A point that will never be stated enough is that we are in pursuit of badfics. Bad fics. And bad is very often an understatement. We do not mock everybody's fics, but only the ones so badly done, they deserve to.
For example, there is a list of what I sporked:
Mission 1: A badly written fic in which canon characters and plot are in basckground. It talks about the love story of two OCs. Nothing else. Sorry, that's not what a fanfiction is supposed to be.
Mission 2 (currently in beta status): A rapefic with horrible writing and wildly OOC characters. It's what we can call a canon rape. You're not a fan if you try to destroy the canon. At all.
Mission 3 (currently in the works): My own badly-written unreleased earlier stories. Well, I'm actually mocking myself!
MST 1: A very badly written crossover with mashed grammar and no plot at all. If you want to write something, please put a little effort in it.
As everybody can see, the bad writing is a constant. We do not mock things we don't like. We mock things that deserve it. -
Side note for Sergio by
on 2011-01-02 00:36:00 UTC
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'A fanfiction' actually can be purely OC-based. I'm sorry to have to be the one to make you aware of this, but sometimes fanfics can be more about exploring different aspects of the canon world than they are about the canon characters. They might use an era of the canon world in which there are very few canon characters and want to present their ideas on how that era might have seemed, or it might be about how 'the other people' deal with what goes on in canon.
That doesn't mean a story might not be badly written. But being OC-based does not make it bad in and of itself. -
I explained it wrong by
on 2011-01-02 09:49:00 UTC
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What I was trying to say, it was bad not because it was OC-based, but because it actually wasn't related to canon at all. Love story between two OCs. They get to know canon characters, yes, but actually the plot of Card Captor Sakura was just vaguely mentioned and the few characters involved were quite OOC.
I think that OC main characters can work, but if the story is so OC-based that you can change a few names and it becomes a fanfiction of another thing it's only a poorly disguised original fiction (And if you need to disguise your original fiction as a fanfic, think about it. There's something wrong). Quoting one of my agents, "if it were a Detective Conan fic it would have been exactly the same cursed thing!", because the one I sporked it was not based on CCS at all. Just the names of the (almost background) characters and the town. -
For me, it's simple. by
on 2011-01-01 04:08:00 UTC
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If Suethors and badfic writers don't demonstrate a genuine love and respect for the canon stories, we won't demonstrate love and respect for their stories. Respect goes both ways, people. They just don't like it when we do the same kind of thing to their fics that they do to stories they claim to be fans of.
At least we never claim to be fans of their fics!
If they do love the canon, it will show in their writing. If it doesn't show, they either lack the skill necessary to post a story for the world to read, or they are not genuine fans and really shouldn't be writing fanfiction in a public place.
That's what fanfiction.net is, after all--a public place. It's not remedial writing. It's not a workshop. It's not a self-esteem class. It's not a friends-only livejournal. What isn't fair is for fanfiction.net's worst writers to attempt to make that public place more comfortable for them--and them only--by attacking the right of a reader to leave negative feedback. This is especially true because it is explicitly stated in the Terms of Service that any author who posts to fanfiction.net should be able to accept criticism.
Speaking of rule-breaking, the "four or five year old" scenario was the most ridiculous part of your classmate's argument. "Their parents might have helped these kids break the rules, so why don't you go easy on them?" Um...so we're supposed to reward people for breaking rules made for the benefit of the fanfiction community as a whole? And you think that THAT would help these kids?
No. One of the most important lessons young children need to learn is that rules are in place for a reason. If their parents are enabling them to break the rules, the least we can do is demonstrate to them why those rules are in place. Better they learn from a Sue-mocking community than from an obscene troll or an explicit story wrongly rated.
As to, "What gives you the right to insult the writers?" I answer, "The same thing that gives the writers the right to create fanfiction in the first place."
~Araeph -
No worries. by
on 2011-01-01 01:09:00 UTC
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Don't apologise, hon - this is why we're a community, after all; we help each other. No better way to start the new year than to reaffirm what we're all here for.
(That said, reading all the other comments, I think it's safe to say that no one here is going to be able to intervene - give advice, yes, but you're going to have to work this out with her yourself. We can't literally step in, or she's likely to accuse us of bullying or somewhat.)
So, let me see...
Well, first of all, insults are not a hard science. Someone could be insulted if you describe their shirt as purple rather than blue, and some writers will be insulted by comments, criticism or parodies that others laugh at. Just because she would be insulted by something does not mean that everyone would, so she can't make a universal claim there.
Second, and probably my most important rebutta: Parodies exist. They are part of life and no one has the right to tell anyone they can't make a parody. Everything from parody movies to teenagers laughing about something as they come out of a cinema can be considered parody. As her if it's possible that there's absolutely nothing in the world that she has ever, in her life, made fun of. I doubt it. If we were all to go through life carefully tip-toeing around anything that might possibly offend someone, we'd never say anything at all.
On the same lines, following what IndeMaat said - there's a quote I have which I think sums up the matter nicely (though I'm afraid I've lost the citation): "It's amazing how many people think the right to freedom of speech means the right to be free of criticism for that speech, which would deny others the same right they claim for themselves." Unless she wants to argue that people should never write anything deconstructing another person's fictional work - which would make the entire notion of fanfic immoral and to be banned - then she can't use this point as more than a mild supporting paragraph.
Also, as Cassie said, she might be getting defensive of her own work, if only subconsciously. Someone who resorts to mocking you certainly doesn't sound like someone who has enough self-confidence to take things calmly without feeling the need to lash out at percieved attackers. It might help to reassure her that the PPC only goes after the absolute worst stories out there (presuming, of course, that hers don't qualify. And if they do, I suggest you pretend they don't - that won't do anyone any good).
I won't even go into the whole child-writers angle, because the others have covered that already. FFN and LJ and all them have rules for a reason; it's not our fault if someone chooses to break them. If they want to be treated as adults (well, teenagers, at least), then they have to be willing to take the bad with the good, and that means public posting = public criticism. The world can be harsh. Live with it. This isn't school, where children/teens are pampered and parents pay to let them pass classes.
Sorry for making this a laundry list of support points, but Aster Corbett's right, too; if someone were to write a PPC mission that was truly cruel, we'd step in. We're not a sniggering group of bullies who will support each other blindly.
On the humiliation point - yes, true, it's very likely that anyone who finds their work has been PPCd will be humiliated. I'm sure I would. First of all, we don't actively go up to writers and say "We've made fun of your dreadful writing!" We keep it low-key and post in places that really only other PPCers are likely to find it; we're a very closed community in that sense. Second, such things happen. It's life. We all get humiliated sometimes, and anyone who gets to the age of twenty without at least one absolutely dreadful shameful episode hasn't experienced enough of life to be properly living it. Tough though it is, it's good for us - even the people who take it in the worst way possible and wail, "I'll never write again!" They might think that now and change their minds later, or maybe it's true, in which case they'll undoubtedly find something else to make themselves happy. We are not their parents, teachers, or friends - we are not obliged to make their lives turn out perfectly. They have to do that themselves, and that means putting in effort rather than expecting the world to coddle them. Certainly, fanfic and fandom are fun, a hobby - I consider it such - but fun and effort are not mutually exclusive.
On a slightly different note, I'd advise you to be very careful about how you present your argument, because I expect that even if every point you make is perfect and you punch holes in every one of her arguments, she's not going to take it well - no one likes to be so thoroughly proven wrong. Most I've seen will respond with more and more feeble (or angry) protests; how many times do you really see someone meekly bwo their heads and say "You're totally right, I was wrong, please forgive me, I feel so bad..." ? Not many, and she doesn't sound like the type. A heafty dose of "I think" and "well, to me..." phrases should help. Use the plural if you need to ("we don't think of ourselves as mean..."), but try avoiding stating it like fact, because that will probably just make her deaf to your actual words.
Last, though I hate to say it, you may not be able to convince her. It happens. I hope she's not someone you consider too close a friend, or whose opinion you value too much. I hope you'll be able to at least work out a "each to their own" agreement. Good luck. -
I think... by
on 2010-12-31 21:23:00 UTC
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First, it's none of her business if you joined PPC, so she should stop mocking about that. Some people choose worse things than sporking badfics.
Second, as many have said, we "insult" the fics, not the writers. There's a long way from one to another, and if someone can't tell the difference they should give up. I'm sure Stephanie Meyer doesn't mind when many of us say we don't like Twilight.
Third, if a four or five year old writes something, I bet his/her parents saying "hey, this is the fic my four/five year old child wrote, hope you like it". But in fact I see them more likely to tell their children "Nice story, but we're not putting it on the web"
Fourth, that "could someone please think of the kids?" thing makes me remember of The Simpsons' Mrs Lovejoy, when she shouts it even though it had nothing to do with the matter they were talking about.
Fifth, nobody who tries his/her best would write an almighty-out-of-canon character, that's common sense. So if there's a Sue, there's little effort. -
Oooh yes, we're so meeeeeeeeeeen... by
on 2010-12-31 20:33:00 UTC
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If a writer wants to get in contact with us, they can. If they want us to explain what they did wrong, we will (and missions are, in effect, fictionalised explanations to that effect). That way they can learn to make things they can be genuinely proud of, and that they will get honestly rewarding reviews on.
The internet is not prone to babying people. A four-year-old should not know how to make a Sue have cringeworthy sex with Legolas or similar; such an argument is patently absurd. A parent 'helping' a child write and post such a thing would be firstly exposing their child to inappropriate content, and secondly doing the equivalent of lobbing their kid into a shark pool. In which case we come off looking pretty kind by comparison...
We're the reasonable critics on the internet. We can be rational and speak civilly. There are much, much harsher groups out there.
Side note: is she your friend, not just your classmate? That should govern whether you mock her until she stops using specious 'think of the children' arguments when her own profile has faved fics no child should ever read, or just tell her "I'm not going to discuss this with you, because our opinions differ too greatly on this." -
Addendum to last point by
on 2010-12-31 21:20:00 UTC
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The fics she has faved include one in which Bella is sleeping her way around Forks. There are M-rated fics on that list.
Now, if there are poor wittle innocent five-year-olds on the site, your classmate has made herself a willing accomplice to the potential corruption of minors via exposure to porn (especially since a fave list, unlike the search function, doesn't automatically hide M fics). If they stumble across her profile they will find things far more 'damaging' than being told their fics suck.
Either she's willingly contributing to the risk of kids finding inappropriate content, or the people on the site should be old enough to cope with criticism. She has to pick one or the other.
It's okay for her to have M-rated fics faved or there are poor little kids on there that our existence is being mean to, she can't have it both ways. -
There's also the bloopers argument. by
on 2010-12-31 18:27:00 UTC
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Essentially, it's the same thing as laughing at the blooper reels on movies. What gives us the right to laugh at those actors? They worked so hard, and they really enjoy what they do! ... Well, it's funny when they mess up, and after all, they DID put those bloopers there for everyone to see. I think that gives us every right to laugh.
In a similar vein, there's the famous stage analogy. When you get up in front of people, we expect that you've washed your hair, maybe used a little bit of tasteful makeup, and are dressed appropriately for the performance. What badfic writers do by posting unedited, stream-of-consciousness, I-wrote-this-at-one-am-lol, or this-is-based-on-a-dream-lol, drivel, is get up on stage naked, having not bathed for a week, wearing rancid mayonnaise and fish heads and scream "LOOK AT ME! TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME! PLZ REED N REVUU!" ... Why is it wrong to say the performance stinks?
Like others have said, the fics we PPC don't show any evidence of really trying their best or thinking it through. We look for the stories that haven't been spell-checked, or that include completely false information about canon or real life (bad science is a particular annoyance for me)--especially when those errors are funny. If they really cared and tried their best, we wouldn't go after them, because they wouldn't be so chock-full of funny errors.
I think the main argument is that putting your work up in a public place, like ff.net, is an implicit consent to all forms of review--it says so in the Terms of Service, as I recall. Not all those reviews are going to be pleasant. If you can't handle that, no matter what your age, then you shouldn't post. As it is your privilege to post, it is our right to respond to it how we will.
~Neshomeh -
I also point out, by
on 2010-12-31 16:36:00 UTC
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I also point out that the PPC doesn't usually approach fic in which the author actually tries. In fact, excuses like 'I WROTE THIS WHILE HIGH' or "LOL SUGAR RUSH' are our tip offs TO MAKE FUN OF THEM. Usually the errors we catch are really, really bad spelling and grammar errors that even a kid in grade school knows is wrong and posts anyway, and things that happen in writing when the person *doesn't* care. The fics we spork are born of somebody not caring one saturday night and writing about Usagi Naruto LeLonde the Third smooching up Serverus Snape and somehow growing sparkly pink wings and becoming Jesus. That is not something somebody writes when they intend to write a story for others. They do it for their own entertainment, and then post it... perhaps they think it's good? When I got a constructive crit I felt bad for a second, but then I learned from it.
If a single PPC mission goes out of its way to be mean to the writer or to be really and honestly cruel, then somebody here will catch it. It's uncool among us to be evil, I feel. The gagging and the gasping for air in the sporking is meant as a satire, as a comedy. Killing the Mary Sue is often comical (Nobody cries when an anvil falls on Wile E Coyote) or after a well-established string of offenses so it makes SENSE to do so. Any Suethor, if they read a sporking fully, would see this.
Flamers are harsher than us and crush more small children every day. But the kids won't stop writing-- some just want attention? I did when I was little. The 'lol i luved it' comments may make them feel better, but they'll never score the 'You are an amazingly good writer, I especially liked the part when...' comments with what they have got.
I WISH somebody PPCed my oldfic. -
This is not a thoughtful person. No insults intended. by
on 2010-12-31 16:27:00 UTC
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I point out that on her profile page she has a kitschy 'things my mother taught me' list and then ends it with "If you believe in Jesus Christ put this in your profile and don't just ignore this, because in the Bible it says if you deny me, I will deny you in front of my Father in the gates of Heaven."
Nothing against the religion. But the 'do it or else' mentality posted without thinking hints to me the sort of person she is. Not one filled with bad intentions-- I am sure she thought the kitschy list was cute. But one that doesn't think of all of the insinuations of what she says, or what her opinions really mean to others.
I am loathe to call her stupid, because she is your friend and I doubt she is unintelligent. But her argument and her general attitudes upon skimming her fics smell somewhat of somebody who doesn't take the time to try and understand others fully... -
Re: This is not a thoughtful person. No insults intended. by
on 2011-01-01 04:04:00 UTC
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I guess I hold some of the blame...I was actually the one who found the 'things my mother taught me' list and the one about the Bible. And I'm, um, religious, yes.
I thank you for all your help. I really do. But she is a close friend. She just likes arguing for the sake of arguments, I guess, and while that is not the best character to have, she's found out about this post and she's quite upset. For the sake of quieting things down in the Real World, I apologize for bothering anybody and everybody that I upset with this post.
Thank you again and again, sorry for any disturbances caused.
P.S. To avoid double-posting, I need to ask a question: Can I PPC badfics that give Gary-Stu/Mary-Sue warnings? Because if I want to tackle a horrible, horrible Stu that seduces Cornelia from Code Geass. -
The religious part wasn't the issue. by
on 2011-01-02 00:31:00 UTC
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The religious list was actually really cute if a bit kitchy-- but in a good way. What bothered me was the threat at the bottom and how it was worded. I don't know if that 'came' with the list or not. If it did, I'm sorry for bringing it up but if it didn't come with the list and she wrote it herself... It made me think.
I never meant to be a horrible shark and offend your friend. But there is a virtue in bluntness- that's the problem with this whole argument. The PPC is blunt. Very blunt. We literally kill awful fanfiction characters We showcase how blunt we are in how much we are tired of terrible writing. We try not to be mean spirited in how blunt we are. Nobody cries when Wile E Coyote gets squashed. And nobody cries when Mary Sue dies.
We are not vicious or more impolite than the general public in anything we do. And I never meant to be, either.
But if your friend is upset about this, really and truly upset when you ask your friends for an opinion and you get a blunt truthful answer... therein lies the problem. The PPC is blunt and honest. This question thread, and the answers, were blunt and honest. If she cannot deal with blunt honesty... That makes me a little sad inside, really. Nobody here is upset and nobody here meant to make her upset. This is not a sniggering clubhouse where we cut jibs about the intelligence of people who don't agree with us. Because they aren't less intelligent than anybody else. And we aren't that petty. So why is she upset?
All anybody has on the internet is the literal to make a point. There isn't any way a poster can dance around things in order to not hurt somebody's feelings that are sensitive-- because then the poster is not saying what they mean. They are saying what they can, because they are censored by the feelings of others.
All anybody can do is add 'no offense', be considerate with wording and have high expectations for the subject to be a good sport if they find out about the discussion. And if the subject won't be a good sport? I guess egos are easily bruised. Maybe I was wrong in posting anything at all. And if I was, I'm sorry. Really sorry, and fearful that I made everybody look like a big buttstink. But I can't say what I mean if I don't say it... and I refuse to be censored when I explicitly try to be careful.
Maybe I'm bad at it. Or I don't try hard enough. Maybe I myself am somebody who sucks, smells bad, and is a mean nasty person who makes fun of others on the internet. Who knows what I am in the minds of other people. All I can do is say what I mean and pray others get my point.
It really, really saddens me to be misunderstood when I make an effort not to be, expecting others to understand I am trying to be both honest and diplomatic. I suppose it can't be done.
But I don't believe in lies.
I guess I'm screwed. -
Seconding that: We are blunt. by
on 2011-01-02 06:15:00 UTC
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We are blunt and we don't apologise for it. I don't know about the rest of you, but I like that we're blunt. The blunt, straightforward approach of PPC agents is exactly what attracted me to this community in the first place. And "blunt" isn't "rude" - though people often are rude if they are being blunt, the two are not equivalents. Nor should they be confused with each other.
Aster, I don't think you're being too harsh (not in this post, at least - the first was less clear), though of course it's always possible that other people will see you that way and disagree. You are absolutely right that all we can do is word ourselves well and tack "no offense" onto the end just to make it doubly clear. Of course, we're not Xanthia and we don't have the personal friendship to consider, and that'll make it harder, but generally speaking, I don't think you have much to worry about. -
Exactly by
on 2011-01-02 01:31:00 UTC
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The threat at the bottom is disgusting.
I am so bloody tired of seeing that sort of thing. Smug declarations that anyone else will suffer terrible fates after they die.
Am I taking it personally? You bet, because it is personal. It's the internet equivalent of painting your car with racial slurs and being surprised when people hate you for it.
It's easy for some to shrug it off, but then, they're not the ones who are routinely being told that not being Christian makes them Bad People who are going to burn in hell.
And Xanthia? If you passed that along, I'm sorry, but you're an accomplice to her being a jerk in that manner. That doesn't make you a bad person, but it does make you a person who should maybe stop to think for a moment that some of us find this sort of thing outright offensive. I'm sure you're still a lovely person and that you wouldn't have meant any malice by it, but intent isn't magic, and all too often there is malice involved.
But it's okay. The first step is understanding. After that, it's all up to you. Your friend keeping that 'do not deny Jesus or else' tripe in her profile? That's on her, it was her choice. It can be your choice not to help those things be passed on in future.
Regardless, I wish you well and hope you can resolve matters. -
Re: Exactly by
on 2011-01-02 14:09:00 UTC
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I'm not really Christian, but I'm offended at the suggestion that God or Jesus would care whether you post glurgy lists in your ffnet profile. Seriously, do They not have better things to worry about?
I've seen that list before, on quite a few profiles... by
on 2011-01-04 02:57:00 UTC
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But that last line is a new one to me. I've never seen it on any of the others.
Good question. by
on 2011-01-01 23:23:00 UTC
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> To avoid double-posting, I need to ask a question: Can I PPC badfics that give Gary-Stu/Mary-Sue warnings? Because if I want to tackle a horrible, horrible Stu that seduces Cornelia from Code Geass.
It may depend on the nature of the warning, but offhand I'd say no. If they know it's a Stu and they don't care, and that's the only thing wrong with it, I think it falls under "your kink is not my kink." People are allowed to like Sues/Stus, even if we disagree.
However, if the writing is still terrible, then the writing is still terrible, Stu or no Stu.
Also, it may be a case like one I had, where the author has since grown up and moved on, and they aren't attached to the story anymore. In that case, it's probably okay to PPC it, but it might be polite to ask their permission.
So, really it just comes down to using your best judgement. {= )
~Neshomeh -
Well... by
on 2010-12-31 12:04:00 UTC
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As Indemaat said, mocking story =/= mocking author, but some authors can't tell the difference. It seems to me that your friend is trying "attack is the best form of defence" and is worried about her own stories being PPCed now that someone she knows is in a position to draw them to our attention. She might not consciously think of it in those terms, but it is the sort of reaction one might expect from a paticularly protective ficwriter who's found out about us.
My response would be along the lines of, "If they are trying their best, why are they making such a mockery of the worlds they claim to love? If you care about [insert fandom here], you don't write things that warp it so badly. And if they can't handle criticism, they shouldn't be putting their writing up where people can criticise it." Possibly along with some reassurance that we don't really go after mediocre fics, only actually bad ones.
*hugs for a Xanthia* It's not an easy situation, but stick by your principles. We're not here to coddle writers, but we don't bully them either. Good luck! -
Insults by
on 2010-12-31 11:15:00 UTC
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PPC is not about insulting the author, if anything, it is about insulting the story the author wrote. If the author can't separate their own ego from their story, that for the most part is their problem.
And though I am not a fan of this particular defense: What gives you the right to insult writers? The part of your country's constitution/laws that insure you freedom of speech. The same articles that give badfic authors the right to insult/rape the canon source material.
That bit about parents helping their five-year-olds post fic on the interwebs. Seriously? I'm sure there are parents how think the internet is just like their refrigerator at home when it comes to showcasing their kids projects, but then the parents would post the story on an account of their own, to show how proud their are and receive compliments.
On the other hand, you could decide to put a little effort into trying to find out more about the author. For instance, I decided that I should only PPC stories written by people 16 and older. They are old enough to know better than to write badfic. And can't use the "but I'm just a little kid" argument. -
Okay... by
on 2010-12-31 11:10:00 UTC
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One, four or five year olds should not be writing fanfiction, even if their parents consent. There's an age limit on ff.net for a reason.
Two, even if someone is at the younger end of the spectrum, that doesn't really change anything. I joined ff.net at thirteen, wrote some crap, found Pottersues and the PPC and was not ultimately scarred for life. Admittedly I have never had a fic PPCed, but other people have with no lasting effects.
Three, we don't insult writers. We insult their stories. They could get better, and then we shall praise them.
Hope that helps. =D -
well... by
on 2010-12-31 10:48:00 UTC
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checked her profile and wow...that's a lot of twilight fics. I don't think you'll be able to reason with her, but I really think what the PPC does is just tough love. All you're doing is pointing out flaws in the stories the have chosen to share with the world. If they want to humiliate themselves by throwing a fit over it then it's not your problem, though it is kind of funny.
WTF does she think four-year-olds would be doing online?! by
on 2010-12-31 10:14:00 UTC
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If she thinks that's a valid argument, tell her about some of the ones with perfect grammar and spelling but horrifically squicky content. (Warn her in advance before actually showing her C*l*br**n or similar.)
No. Don't even think of showing her C*l*b**** by
on 2011-01-01 17:16:00 UTC
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I don't think anyone deserves that. Unless Osama Bin Laden is online?
Re: WTF does she think four-year-olds would be doing online?! by
on 2010-12-31 10:50:00 UTC
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totally forgot about th 4 year olds part. She's obviously using the "think of the children" crutch, but it's not your job to babysit kids that are browsing a site where they don't belong.
+++ !!!!! +++ by
on 2010-12-31 17:54:00 UTC
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PacMan Makes A Porno by AllIncestIsWincest reviews I'm calling it NSFW to be on the safe side.
The ghosts teach Pac-Man how to be a super stud.
Pac-Man - Rated: T - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 1 - Words: 550 - Reviews: 10 - Published: 7-20-09 - Pac-Man & Inky - Complete
My comment: I'm sorry, my brain just went boom. -
Parody... by
on 2010-12-31 21:31:00 UTC
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senseless, but parody in the end. Like this, I don't know if you've seen it
"How Hogwarts became a nudist colony" by Slinky-and-the-BloodyWands
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2179136/1/ -
It's a parody, it seems. by
on 2010-12-31 19:38:00 UTC
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Looks like a parody of badly-written smutfic to me. It's not very well done, but it's more a parody of all those mind-scarring porn fic between asexuated characters than a smut-parody of Pacman.
While we are on mad fic topic... by
on 2011-01-02 16:55:00 UTC
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Crossover between Ace Combat and Harry Potter. Well, it starts with a rather mad Hermione that takes off in a F/A-27 (that doesn't exist in AC canon) only to kill Draco Malfoy (who killed Ron Weasley). My reaction? What.
It's a mashup of both canon places and persons, but it kinda seems to be able to not fall completely apart for now. Well, killing of canon characters apart, obviously.
While we are on Ace Combat topic... what if a badfic in this continuum shows up? We put Agents into jet fighter and hope they can avoid to crash-land?
New Mission! by
on 2010-12-31 20:18:00 UTC
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New mission, from a pair I've been meaning to get stuff up for. They don't have wiki pages yet, but I'll fill those out shortly, once I've got the stuff together I want.
For now, though, I present Assassinating Amethyst. -
Nice! by
on 2011-01-01 20:24:00 UTC
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I like the dynamics between your characters, especially when the differences between sensory sensitivity come into play.
Also, that was a very short fic. There didn't seem to be any plot to it at all. Kinda makes you wonder what the author was thinking. -
"Omg Draco = hawt" ...If you can call that a thought. by
on 2011-01-02 00:53:00 UTC
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But I'm guessing the writer came down with a case of Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny and never got around to finishing.