Triple mission plug! As usually happens to us, we start missions in a reasonably regular and orderly fashion, but are stymied by two things - our apparent inability to work unless we're under pressure, and our kamikaze muse who buggers off for weeks on end and then suddenly swoops in and compels us to finish everything we have on the books at once. So, for those of you who're curious about what our characters have been up to since February, may we present you with the adventures of Veridian and Stevius in the disturbing world of Narnian RPS: (warnings - awful SPaG, fluff, underage) (warnings - dub-con, age-gap, first-time-fic)
And Trojie, Pads and Oscar's gallivant through the Jurassic Park-verse: (warnings - underage, bestiality, rape)
It goes reasonably without saying that these missions are NSFW and NSFB, and all three are R-rated.
on 2009-05-21 03:06:00 UTC
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Well done. (nm) by
on 2009-05-21 04:24:00 UTC
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cheers :) (nm) by
on 2009-05-21 04:24:00 UTC
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I can sort of sympathize with the kamikaze muse. by
on 2009-05-21 03:56:00 UTC
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Hooray, more Veridian and Steve stuff! That actually sounds like a comedy team. And I'm not ashamed to admit I've been waiting for the rest of the JP mission.
'Ridian and Stevius are a ball to write by
on 2009-05-21 03:59:00 UTC
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and, well, as for the JP missions - we had a Duty :)
And what a duty to not shirk. by
on 2009-05-21 04:18:00 UTC
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(Where is that line from, by the way? I'm not familiar with it and my initial, cursory search revealed nothing.)
what line? 'We have a Duty'? by
on 2009-05-21 04:20:00 UTC
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Dunno ... I picked it up somewhere and have used it ever since. I always think of what our agents do as 'the Duty', which is, funnily enough, what the Death of the Discworld calls HIS job ... and is probably where I got it from.
I meant specifically "I must not shirk the Duty". by
on 2009-05-21 04:26:00 UTC
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It sounds like it's from something. But if not, it makes it no less applicable.
I'm mostly quoting myself, but ... by
on 2009-05-21 04:28:00 UTC
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... there's no reason I didn't actually get the saying from somewhere else and forgot where ...
I think Agent Trojie says it in ... maybe in Bang Bang Sob? One of the missions we wrote early last year, anyway.
Avatarverse material! by
on 2009-05-21 05:33:00 UTC
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Many kudos to the /a/ board on Plus4chan for happily offering up some especially juicy badfic for killing. I don't know if I can burn through this entire block by myself (or want to), so I'm offering anyone experienced in the canon to take their pick. If not, I'll just grind through it bit by bit. - In which I ask an entire board of Avatar maniacs to toss me some fresh targets. The only one in this thread you can't pick... - Is this one, which I intend to make suffer. Firecest (that is, Fire Nation Royal Family incest) written pre-S3 by a bunch of teenagers RPing who have no idea how to roleplay the male gender.
Other highlights include... - Formatting and punctuation-less fic that appears to be an attempt at making Power Rangers out of the Gaang. - The title of this one is "Katara's guide on how to love a Bear." I don't think I can say much that can top that alone.
Oog. by
on 2009-05-21 05:56:00 UTC
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Probably will be my agents' next mission. Except... Adder's still in FicPsych after the last disastrous mission where she got the tar beaten out of her by an Abusive Parent Plot Device.
How on earth would one go about erasing this fake StarClan? I mean, there are cats in here with GREEN. FREAKIN'. FUR. What is this? GREEN. FUR. And BLUE FUR. the fact that there was a cat named BLUESTAR does not give fans the right to have BLUE. FREAKIN'. CATS. She was not even really BLUE. She was GRAYISH-BLUE. Idiots. And there's even a DEEP BLUE CAT WITH BRIGHT PINK EARS. I could go on forever, and I haven't even started on the fact that StarClan doesn't actually have an official leader or medicine cat.
Any suggestions for how to destroy this? -
............................................................ by
on 2009-05-22 03:55:00 UTC
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b n nb nb n b b
i think this should express some of my anger!
as for starclan, they are technically not invincible. I would recommend using a verrrry large quantity of high explosives. *checks fic again* HOLLYSTAR???? BURN IT! BURNITBURNITBURNIT *twitches violently*
I see LOTS of charges. lots of them. kill it. with fire. and explosions. -
*incoherent screaming* by
on 2009-05-21 20:30:00 UTC
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*bangs head against wall, keyboard and other hard objects* Can I kill it? Or do you want to join the Warriors division at least part-time? Either way, Kierra wants the pelts to make a far too brightly-colored rug out of. Why do people do this to us? I advise, since it seems to be a live clan, or at least acts like one, steal any redeemable cats, and then blow the place up. I don't care if they are dead, somebody is going to kill them again. If they have somewhat canonical names and aren't complete sues, Nocia can work on rehabilitating them. Also the kits might be okay if they don't have stupid fur colors or if the canon snaps them to regular cat colors. *stabs pillow in lieu of fic's author*
Brightly colored fur pelts? by
on 2009-05-27 04:11:00 UTC
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Sounds like something the 6th Doctor would wear at Christmastime.
Or a prop from the Icelandic production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. -
Well, they're already dead... by
on 2009-05-21 19:21:00 UTC
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and technically, no longer a part of that universe.
Detonate the Reality Bomb. >D -
Icy cold paws? Why? How? by
on 2009-05-21 16:51:00 UTC
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The cats of StarClan are already dead. You probably need some sort of weapon that can get rid of ghosts.
Here! Have a Proton Pack! by
on 2009-05-23 10:35:00 UTC
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*has never actually watched Ghostbusters, much to his shame*
*hasn't either, but she has no shame* (nm) by
on 2009-05-27 16:38:00 UTC
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If the game's any good... by
on 2009-05-27 16:43:00 UTC
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I'll probably be convinced to watch the films. If only they went up to Ghostbusters X, like they did in the Godzilla cartoon when they when to the future. Crazy cartoon. :P
Explosives! by
on 2009-05-21 15:55:00 UTC
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You could get them all in one place, yell the charges at them, then throw some sort of bomb.
Hello! by
on 2009-05-21 13:42:00 UTC
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Just wanted to introduce myself and say hi. I've been reading your stories for the past few weeks, and I think you guys are all brilliant :)
Greetings from the Planet Zog... by
on 2009-05-23 10:37:00 UTC
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I do so hope you enjoy your time on this adorable blue and green sphere as much as I have.
Newbie! by
on 2009-05-22 16:20:00 UTC
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Have a winged kitten and an evil cheese stick!
Aw! *pets* by
on 2009-05-22 05:46:00 UTC
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Here, have some catnip in a graduated cylinder. :]
More catnip! by
on 2009-05-22 06:51:00 UTC
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Thankee muchly :D
Newbie! by
on 2009-05-22 03:38:00 UTC
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have some C4 plastic explosives. they don't explode if you simply light them on fire, so they are a good replacement for a stove... just don't stomp on it. last person tried that was injured pretty bad
Thanks by
on 2009-05-22 05:07:00 UTC
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Oooh, explody stuff! *grins the grin of a secret pyromaniac*
Welcome! Have some Convenient Cake and a Capillary Towel by
on 2009-05-22 00:43:00 UTC
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The cake will taste like your favorite flavour, and the Towel is good for cleaning up any messes (well, spilled blood, at least; we're not yet sure about other fluids).
As the others have already said everything of importance (and I swear, you're getting far more interesting welcome gifts than I did ~two years ago), I'll leave it at that.
And watch out for the random silliness! -
Mmm, cake by
on 2009-05-22 05:15:00 UTC
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Thank you! And I'm sure the towel will come in useful too...
Welcome! by
on 2009-05-21 23:41:00 UTC
Link to this egg whisk! It's shiny, gold-plated, and hey, it whisks eggs! It's also pretty useful for author wraiths and those pesky trolls. Use it for good and not
Welcome to the insanity! -
*looks innocent* by
on 2009-05-22 05:21:00 UTC
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Evil? The thought never crossed my mind, honest. Thank you muchly for the whisk :D
Hi! by
on 2009-05-21 22:34:00 UTC
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Here's a cool coupon to get a free item at the Raven Armory. It's nice to meet you.
Thanks by
on 2009-05-22 05:30:00 UTC
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It's nice to meet you too. And yay! Free weaponry!
Have some Anti-Lustin catnip! by
on 2009-05-21 21:39:00 UTC
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Incidentally, Luxury is coming!
Catnip! by
on 2009-05-22 06:49:00 UTC
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*cough* Sorry, I'll try and restrain myself :D
Welcome! *proffers a plate of lembas* (nm) by
on 2009-05-21 21:33:00 UTC
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*grins* Thanks muchly! (nm) by
on 2009-05-22 05:49:00 UTC
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Hiya *waves* by
on 2009-05-21 19:16:00 UTC
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Seeing as nobody's done it yet... *drags out Big Bag O' Links*
First off is the link to the Wiki, a veritable fount of information for a newbie to read through. Especially helpful for you if you want to write missions would be the page on Permission (note the capital P).
I would advise against reading any Legendary Badfic, unless you are of strong mind and stomach. Even the summaries have been known to give those of weaker constitution nightmares.
For your reading pleasure, not knowing what you have already managed to find, I have several links for you. The Original Series (not to be confused with Star Trek) is a good place to start, as the PPC did many aeons ago.What do you mean I'm exaggerating?The Department of Geographical Aberrations is another interesting place to visit, if you have the time and inclination. Also by hS is the Tangled Webs site, which contains backstory for the PPC as an organisation. If you would rather visit the Floaters, then July's site is the place you need to be. And last, but most definitely not least, Response Centre 45 is where Trojie and Pads' missions are archived.
Hope you enjoy your stay here. Please deposit your sanity into the container offered to you by another Boarder; you won't be needing it here. -
*waves back* by
on 2009-05-22 05:45:00 UTC
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Thanks for all the links - I've managed to find most of these over the past few weeks, but not all of them. I'll definitely go and investigate the rest...well, except for the Legendary Badfic, perhaps.
Welcome~ ^^ *pokes* by
on 2009-05-21 17:37:00 UTC
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Feel free to stick around, in fact, we encourage you to if you want to do so~.
Re: Welcome~ ^^ *pokes* by
on 2009-05-22 05:52:00 UTC
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Thanks, I would very much like to. (As long as minor little irritations like 'real life' don't get in the way too much).
Welcome. Here's a tall ship. (nm) by
on 2009-05-21 17:34:00 UTC
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Thank you :) (nm) by
on 2009-05-22 05:55:00 UTC
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Welcome! by
on 2009-05-21 17:29:00 UTC
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Have an Unusually Upgradeable Chainsword. It is, as the name implies, much more upgradeable than a standard chainsword. That may or may not include laser blade tips, a flamethrower (although there is a rather convenient slot for flamethrowers), or a limitless power source of unspecified origin.
Re: Welcome! by
on 2009-05-22 06:03:00 UTC
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Oooh, shiny... *tries to restrain impulses to drool*. Thank you! I'm sure I can get *lots* of use out of this.
herro! by
on 2009-05-21 16:48:00 UTC
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Welcome to the PPC! Please deposit your sanity in the provided receptacle. *holds out bucket marked "Warg Fodder"* We don't tend to have much use for things like that here. Also, here's a minion. It's a very small one and probably isn't very useful, but it is a start to your Horde.
-Mad Maudlin -
Sanity? by
on 2009-05-22 06:17:00 UTC
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*looks puzzled* I have heard of this strange concept, but no-one's ever managed to adequately explain it to me. Thank you for the minion, though. If I'm going to conquer the wor- I mean, bring about world peace - one day, then my Horde will need all the help it can get *looks shifty*
*bows* My pleasure. (nm) by
on 2009-05-23 01:26:00 UTC
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Thanks, and welcome! by
on 2009-05-21 16:42:00 UTC
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Here, have a coffeemaker. You're going to need it.
Re: Thanks, and welcome! by
on 2009-05-22 06:19:00 UTC
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I'm not really much of a coffee drinker... but I suspect that I might end up starting. Thanks!
First plover! by
on 2009-05-21 15:19:00 UTC
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BTW, will your Agents be based in a TARDIS or a Response Center?
Re: First plover! by
on 2009-05-22 06:31:00 UTC
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Probably a Response Centre - provided I ever get organised enough to write some Agents. Although the thought of a TARDIS is *very* tempting for a Doctor Who fan such as myself :D
Not that everyone has to write missions... :P (nm) by
on 2009-05-21 15:47:00 UTC
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Well, hi! by
on 2009-05-21 14:05:00 UTC
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Lovely to meet you! Welcome to the insanity.
And as a present, have this bag of pebbles and Random Shiny Object. They're fun. :D -
Thanks :) by
on 2009-05-22 06:46:00 UTC
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*admires the Random Shiny Object* Whee, shiny things! And ooh, pebbles, good for throwing at people. *cough* Not that I would do that, of course. Well, not unless they deserved it.
I throw them at people who deserve it. by
on 2009-05-22 13:59:00 UTC
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Sues, generally. I like throwing things at Sues.
anyone got any knowledge of the tube? by
on 2009-05-21 18:21:00 UTC
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I'm trying to sort tickets to go and see my sister next month. The way there's alright - five hour break between buses, which is plenty of time to work out how the hell to get from London St Pancras to Victoria coach station. The way back's a bit more troublesome - it's the same journey in reverse but with only an hour available. Given that London confuses the hell out of me and the odds of me getting hopelessly lost are reasonably high, does anyone know if I can actually make that journey in the allotted hour? is being spectacularly unhelpful in working this out.
so, anyone for a London meetup on the 20th of June? (nm) by
on 2009-05-23 14:55:00 UTC
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I know enough to not go there... (nm) by
on 2009-05-23 10:38:00 UTC
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it's £20 via megabus or £150 on the train by
on 2009-05-23 12:30:00 UTC
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So unless you fancy giving me a hundred and thirty quid, I'm afraid it has to be London.
Sorry. My account got drained yesterday... (nm) by
on 2009-05-23 12:31:00 UTC
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why am I not surprised? :P (nm) by
on 2009-05-23 14:20:00 UTC
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Well, that was a half-truth... by
on 2009-05-26 10:30:00 UTC
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My account got half-drained on Friday thanks to Star Trek and a game I'd preordered (down £76 in an hour). In three weeks, I'll be drained again when I buy the DSi to play said game. Then, every few weeks, I'll be spending more money on Xbox games. I suck with money. I wish I sucked at games too. Maybe they'd last me longer then.
Re: anyone got any knowledge of the tube? by
on 2009-05-21 22:17:00 UTC
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You'll be pushing it. If there's any delays, you'll be in trouble. Victoria -st pancras on the Victoria line only takes twenty minutes/half an hour (did it every weekend last summer), but add ~20 minutes to walk from the coach station.
But, yeah, as hS said, get the Victoria line, and it's a straight trip. Since you'll have already done it one way you shouldn't have to worry about getting lost. Make sure you check the closures the week before hand - they have a tendency to take out the tube you need when you need it, and it's always better to know before you get to the station and have to suddenly backtrack. -
Re: anyone got any knowledge of the tube? by
on 2009-05-21 23:21:00 UTC
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Fortunately, if I do miss the bus, I can just wait seven hours for the evening express train home, which is only £9.
Note to self: take a BIG book.
So what would backtracking involve? Finding another route through luck? Or do they announce diversions and whatnot? And do excuse my total lack of knowledge; only been to London once, a decade ago, and round my end it's shanks' pony all the way. -
There's a museum just off Kings Cross by
on 2009-05-22 10:15:00 UTC
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...If I remember correctly, anyway. XD Depends if it's a decent time of day, of course, but if you do get stuck it might be worth it.
Generally, if there's closures, they just give you a list, which is why it's useful to check in advance. That way you can plan an alternate route. It might just be a case of, Victoria line's closed, get the Circle line instead (or, if you're lucky, there'll be no closures and you can go straight through). What I normally do if there's lots of closures is print off a tube map, mark off the stations/lines that are down and then go from there.
Also, with tickets, there's normally quite a big queue at Kings Cross. The machines/booths are right next to the entrance to the Victoria line, though, so easy to spot (you have to go past them on the way down from Kings Cross, but I'm not sure about St. Pancras). I'd suggest getting an oyster card, though. If you go to one of the desks with actual people, you'll be able to get one. It's cheaper, and means you won't have to worry about buying a ticket on the way back.
There's also tickets machines/booths in the overground stations, which are generally less busy, but way more complicated. And I'm not sure if the ones in St Pancras/Kings Cross do underground tickets (I assume they do, but I know that the Victoria ones do).
London isn't so bad as long as you can read the tube maps. XD First time I went there alone, I got completely lost, but still managed to get home safely.
(By the way, "shanks' pony"?) -
Re: There's a museum just off Kings Cross by
on 2009-05-22 12:43:00 UTC
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An oyster card? Is that like the lobster card they mentioned in the Easter special of Doctor Who? Seems a good notion though, because any possibility for delay on the way back is likely to result in disaster.
I can read maps alright, but it's the black snot that really gets me down.
Shanks' pony = on your own legs. If you recall, Aragorn was occasionally called Longshanks, meaning long-legs. -
Re: There's a museum just off Kings Cross by
on 2009-05-25 11:38:00 UTC
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Ehhh.... Possibly. XD;; I don't watch Doctor Who. It's a swipe card that you prepay. I noticed going through London this weekend that you now have to put a £3 deposit on them - but that will be your going to Victoria and going back.
Ahh, thank you. ^^; I fail when it comes to sayings. -
Take the Circle Line. by
on 2009-05-21 21:41:00 UTC
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It runs in a loop (hence Circle) that goes through both King's Cross St Pancras station and Victoria station. KCStP is linked directly to St Pancras main-line station, and Victoria is half a mile north-east of the coach station. On the way there you'll need to make sure you head for Victoria coach station rather than Victoria bus station (which is local), and on the way back... it /should/ take about half an hour to go round the Circle line, so you should be okay.
Alternately, you could take the Victoria line, which runs from KCStP to Victoria in about a third of the distance. Given how often the Circle line is closed for works, thaaaat's probably a better bet. And faster, too.
hS -
ta muchly by
on 2009-05-21 21:45:00 UTC
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Now all I have to do is figure out the tube itself. I take it there's not going to be anything so simple as a friendly-looking chap behind a desk who exchanges money for tickets and points you in the right direction?
Noooot quite. by
on 2009-05-21 21:50:00 UTC
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There should be security guards around, but in all honesty, the best thing is to look for signs for Victoria Line {(Southbound) in KCStP, (Northbound) in Victoria}. They should show a map with light blue for the Victoria line. If you get really lost you can ask someone, though.
hS -
signs I can do by
on 2009-05-21 22:59:00 UTC
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But if there are no friendly-looking chaps behind desks, how does one go about, you know, paying and so forth?
There used to be machines by
on 2009-05-22 08:53:00 UTC
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where you could be tickets. Select ticket of choice, insert money.
It's been a decade since I was in London (and I wasn't buying the tickets for the tube), but I don't think these machines have gone out of style yet. They're very useful for tourists and others who just once in a while want to travel by tube.
Er, hello... by
on 2009-05-22 00:43:00 UTC
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Hello there.
I'm Rose, or Azrael,(Or Az, Azzi, Ella... whichever you prefer) and I'm... new here? Ish?
I've been a fan of LotR and such since before I could read, and have on more than one occasion wanted to kill certain fics very dead...
Um.... I'm not really sure what to say about myself, other than that. -
You're all cruel people... by
on 2009-05-23 10:40:00 UTC
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None of you has given her bleepka to wash her brain of these "certain fics" which I don't care to imagine. Her, Rose, have a keg on me. *rolls keg toward you*
*poke* by
on 2009-05-22 18:20:00 UTC
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I like you.
Mine now.
*steals away!* -
Belated welcome by
on 2009-05-22 16:06:00 UTC
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Have a coffeemaker.
Have some Anti-Lustin Cupcakes! by
on 2009-05-22 14:02:00 UTC
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Try them, they're delicious!
Oh hai. by
on 2009-05-22 14:00:00 UTC
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It's lovely to meet you. Everyone else seems to have jumped on the newbie-greeting bandwagon, so I thought I'd come and see what the fuss was about. :)
Nice ta meetcha. Here, have a bag of pebbles (excellent for throwing at Sues and annoying people) and a Random Shiny Object. -
Welcome! by
on 2009-05-22 11:51:00 UTC
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Have an Unusually Upgradeable Chainsword. It's unusually upgrade-friendly, even extending to a slot in which a handy flamethrower, missile launcher or easily portable maker of much dakka may be placed.
Welcome. Here's a tall ship. (nm) by
on 2009-05-22 10:39:00 UTC
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Welcome! Have some lembas! (nm) by
on 2009-05-22 05:55:00 UTC
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Aw, don't we all want to kill certain fics very dead? by
on 2009-05-22 05:44:00 UTC
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It's one of the goals of the PPC--to kill badfic.
Don't worry. We're all mad. -
Re: Aw, don't we all want to kill certain fics very dead? by
on 2009-05-22 22:04:00 UTC
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Mmmmm, then I came to the right place.... *cackles madly*
Welcome! You also get a Capillary Towel! by
on 2009-05-22 04:50:00 UTC
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Also, ignore the babbly about a Newbie Influx - it's not real. Most things here aren't. *cue creepy music* Actually, it's just a silliness brought about by the fact that newbies tend to arrive - for no explicable reason - in big groups at about the same time, and then none turn up for weeks on end. *shrug* Nothing personal, love; just something we notice and comment on, because we are Strange People. -
Aw, she gets a Capillary Towel and I didn't? :( by
on 2009-05-24 12:36:00 UTC
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Because one of my agents coulda sure used one of those...glitter-infested draenei blood is hell to clean up.
Re: Welcome! You also get a Capillary Towel! by
on 2009-05-22 04:56:00 UTC
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Ah, so a phenomenonanonanonanon.... Okay!
And don't worry, I'm Strange People, too... (I think if I wasn't, I wouldn't be here... *shrug*)
You could think of it as Recruitment Cycles, or something... *shrugs again* *puts on her own creepy music and dances about in it* -
First plover! by
on 2009-05-22 03:50:00 UTC
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BTW, will your Agents be based in a TARDIS or a Response Center?
Re: First plover! by
on 2009-05-22 03:54:00 UTC
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Plovers? Where? *ducks and covers*
And I'm not sure. Probably a Response Center... -
NEWBIES!!!!!!!! by
on 2009-05-22 03:40:00 UTC
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have some c4. it might be useful. if all else fails, you can cook stuff with it. don't stomp on it though.
Re: NEWBIES!!!!!!!! by
on 2009-05-22 03:52:00 UTC
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Ooooh, C4! Excellent! *handles with care* I like blowing things up... Muahahahahahah....
The newbies! They're spawning again! by
on 2009-05-22 03:03:00 UTC
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Welcome! Have a winged kitten, and beware senior boarders bearing giant glass jars.
Again? by
on 2009-05-22 03:46:00 UTC
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I thought we were through with that.
Anyway, welcome to the PPC, and have a chocolate chip cokie dough blizzard. -
Re: Again? by
on 2009-05-22 03:56:00 UTC
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I'm sorry did I join at a point where there was an Influx? Hrm... Maybe I should have waited a while, or done this back when I first discovered this little gem of a community...
I'll try not to act like too much of a newb, at least...
And thank you for the welcome and the foodstuffs... -
Don't worry, it happens all the time. by
on 2009-05-23 18:48:00 UTC
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Every so often we get a little flood of newbies wandering in to see what's going on - probably attracted by the mad laughter of the insane residents.
They came out of nowhere by
on 2009-05-22 07:26:00 UTC
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Back in, oh, the fist two weeks of April, I think?
*is too lazy to check through the old posts* -
Re: The newbies! They're spawning again! by
on 2009-05-22 03:25:00 UTC
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*pulls a ball of leather lace out of her pocket and makes an impromptu harness for the winged kitten* Thanks! And thanks for the advice... *will be wary*
Welcome, welcome! by
on 2009-05-22 02:55:00 UTC
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Ah, LOTR, you'll fit in nicely here... heheh... plenty of work for you, too, once your month wait is over.
But let's not get into that. I gift you with a weighted companion cube (don't worry, it will never threaten to stab you) and a sock full of rocks. I'm sure they'll be useful. -
Re: Welcome, welcome! by
on 2009-05-22 03:23:00 UTC
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Awwwwww, a companion cube! Awesome! *cuddles it, and ties the sock full of rocks to her belt*
Hey there! by
on 2009-05-22 01:26:00 UTC
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Have an egg whisk! It's shiny, gold-plated, and, miraculously, it whisks eggs! It's also quite handy when dealing with author wraiths and those pesky trolls. Use it for good and not
Welcome to the insanity! Enjoy your stay! ;-) -
OWO by
on 2009-05-22 01:28:00 UTC
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A gold-plated egg-whisk? For me? Really?! Oh thank you.... *handles with care* I very much plan to enjoy my stay, thank you!
Hiya *waves* by
on 2009-05-22 01:14:00 UTC
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Seeing as nobody's done it yet... *drags out Big Bag O' Links*
First off is the link to the Wiki, a veritable fount of information for a newbie to read through. Especially helpful for you if you want to write missions would be the page on Permission (note the capital P).
I would advise against reading any Legendary Badfic, unless you are of strong mind and stomach. Even the summaries have been known to give those of weaker constitution nightmares.
For your reading pleasure, not knowing what you have already managed to find, I have several links for you. The Original Series (not to be confused with Star Trek) is a good place to start, as the PPC did many aeons ago.What do you mean I'm exaggerating?The Department of Geographical Aberrations is another interesting place to visit, if you have the time and inclination. Also by hS is the Tangled Webs site, which contains backstory for the PPC as an organisation. If you would rather visit the Floaters, then July's site is the place you need to be. And last, but most definitely not least, Response Centre 45 is where Trojie and Pads' missions are archived.
Hope you enjoy your stay here. Please deposit your sanity into the container offered to you by another Boarder; you won't be needing it here. -
Meep... by
on 2009-05-22 01:26:00 UTC
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Owo lots of clicky-links yay! *ehem* Please excuse the slightly fangirlish response there...
I've already read the Original Series (Several times. *blush*) but am always interested in devouring more of everything...
I will be sure to read through everything you've poked at me, thank you very much!
And as I have already stated, my Sanity and I got a hasty divorce when I went to college and decided to major in Ethnomusicology. -
Hello! by
on 2009-05-22 01:01:00 UTC
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Welcome to the PPC! Here's another Sue-killing weapon. *hands over a special dagger* It comes from the Raven Armory.
*cackle* by
on 2009-05-22 01:16:00 UTC
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Ooooh, more sharp shiny cutty things.... *puts dagger on belt with a mad grin* Thank you very much...
herro! by
on 2009-05-22 00:49:00 UTC
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Welcome to the PPC! Please deposit your sanity in the provided receptacle. *holds out bucket marked "Warg Fodder"* We don't have much of a use for it here. I've never met you, but I'm going to hug you anyhow- and here is the Unnatural Axe to aid you in your killing certain fics very dead. Enjoy!
-Mad Maudlin -
Ooooooh! by
on 2009-05-22 01:14:00 UTC
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*gets hugged, then breaks into a disturbing grin at the sight of the axe* Ooooooh, shiny cutty thing.... Oh, and don't worry, my sanity and I got a hasty devorce when I decided to go to college for Ethnomusicology....
Newbie! by
on 2009-05-29 01:38:00 UTC
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*hands out petrified bagels to all* Here you go. Don't try to eat those though, they're rock hard. Petrified bagels are good for throwing at Sues though.
There is no sanity clause. (nm) by
on 2009-05-23 01:25:00 UTC
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Mission Plug! by
on 2009-05-22 01:11:00 UTC
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So I've decided to just bite the bullet and open "Scouring a Blue Soap" to public view.
Constructive criticism is, of course, welcome. -
Read it! by
on 2009-05-22 14:22:00 UTC
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I must say, this is a good first try! Glad you recruited the sniper. And giving the Eredar!Sue to Kil'Jaeden, that was one of the best things you can do.
-Love, Wik. -
Hmm... by
on 2009-05-22 14:14:00 UTC
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Dunno anything about the given canon, though the mission still seems to be pretty good. Nice work. Out of curiosity, just how tall is this Prophet Velen supposed to be exactly? Also, I seem to be unable to find the continuum's mini-type in the mission for some reason or other, probably general inattentiveness...
Is that FFN profile you posted in the guestbook of the Link's Queen shrine really LQ? I ended up there through the Blue Soap archive website for some reason. -
Re: Hmm... by
on 2009-05-22 22:01:00 UTC
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1) The average draenei seems to be somewhere between 7' and 7'6" (males are not much taller than females, although they're much bulkier). Prophet Velen is described as towering at least a half head over the tallest of his guards. In game...well, here you go.
2) They got into the story and out before the Wrath Cadets actually spawned. If the consequences of such actions are unknown, I'd be glad to write 'em.
3) I believe it was LQ at one point. Not sure what it is now.
A quick question. by
on 2009-05-22 19:40:00 UTC
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What's the protocol on handling canons being actively killed by the story? In the second paragraph of the work I'm trying to make into my third mission, it relates that "[Sokka] had been killed in a show of base brutality."
Re: A quick question. by
on 2009-05-22 21:01:00 UTC
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Well, if the canon's not actually meant to be dead, and is being killed in the background, I'd suggest one or both of your agents taking a detour and saving said canon. But if worse comes to worst, just get the corpse to Medical quickly.
It's probably going to be worst at worst... by
on 2009-05-22 21:07:00 UTC
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Because as I said, this happens in the second paragraph of the story. So it kind of comes at you right out of the gate.
I figured that was what would be the case (I really don't like this story, either. Sokka's death, along with the complete derailment of the entire finale of the show, is only serving as a momentary excuse to launch into full-blown Royal Family incest. YECH). -
As Trojie says... by
on 2009-05-23 18:42:00 UTC
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Canons can be resurrected if killed when they're not supposed to be. The Disturbing Acts of Violence Department covered this one once. The explanation for it is that the Canon character only thinks they're dead, but if the cause of death is fixed, they can be resurrected and put back into their homeworld as if nothing had happened.
Well, Medical did once fix a case of beheading ... by
on 2009-05-22 21:39:00 UTC
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... so speed and efficiency might just save the day :) And then you hang onto the resurrected canon somewhere, let the story continue, get all the charges, and then reintroduce them after exorcism and neuralysing or SUe slaying or whatever :D
Pluggage :Movie Transformers with a hunt of Dune... by
on 2009-05-22 20:27:00 UTC
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That is, basically, the direction my fic is going... basically in a few directions:
-After everything is settled, Simmons reveals that the guys in charge of the codenames (the NBE label having been scrapped) are both Herberttes and have, I quote, "A sick sense of humour" in giving certain characters near-prphetic labels.
-the effect of a humanized Allspark (in the baby) going off is signified by the eyes becoming an incandesant blue-within-blue, and a blue that is closer to autobot optics than the human shade.
-Starscream is still going to be an underhanded backstabber in this version, but more by sin of ommission than outright deceit: letting Prime and his group hurl themselves against the Big Bad, get scragged, the 'Cons stay back and beat the the Bad through technology, hail Optimus and the Autobots as martyrs in public while being glad that they're out of the picture. Mix this in with a bit of religous fanaticism based in his "former life" and you're dealing with a dangerous enemy and an even more dangerous ally.
But besides that, I just finished up by first big fight scene and I'd like some constructive criticism, so, if people would be so kind as to review, heres the obligatory shameless pluggage:
I hope you enjoy... and if anything is too egregious, let me know. -
and by hunt I mean hint (nm) by
on 2009-05-22 21:41:00 UTC
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*pats verb-mini* :P (nm) by
on 2009-05-23 00:49:00 UTC
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Sedri, my good... boarder by
on 2009-05-23 01:58:00 UTC
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What do you think? I had a little trouble writing the scene where Barricade's caught by the bolas-harpoon: had to clear some clutter and cut out some of the internal panicking.
However, I got in what I wanted and even a bit more. Of course, it needs the right soundtrack, a little SFX, but you can only do so much on paper without it turning into a script. -
Sorry, love, but I don't know either fandom. :( (nm) by
on 2009-05-23 03:10:00 UTC
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Lighten up, dudes.- In other words, WATER FIGHT! by
on 2009-05-23 02:52:00 UTC
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Schools either over or soon to be over for most of us in school (barring southern hemisphere occupants), after all!
*throws a water balloon at the first person to reply* -
Southern hemisphere. Bugger. by
on 2009-05-24 16:03:00 UTC
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Then again, I have a few more days before my schoolyear starts, and I do have a very large water minigun with an unmelting ice-elemental stone embedded in the water tank. Even more dakka!
*hit in the face* by
on 2009-05-23 12:47:00 UTC
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Gaaaah! *splutter*
I'mma sitting this one out after last year's. *heads for the Neutral Shelter* -
Wha, wait, there's a Neutral Shelter? by
on 2009-05-23 13:04:00 UTC
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Isn't it just right there, where What' is firing on people all over the place whis his water gun?
Yep. by
on 2009-05-23 15:59:00 UTC
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Provides somewhere for the people not playing to watch with amusement while the Boarders soak each other. And drink hot chocolate.
*sips at her mug* -
And it's guarded. by
on 2009-05-23 16:35:00 UTC
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What' is soaking anybody who comes near. He wants all the stuff for himself and the Infernal Trio. (he may be a little late, though)
South and Krisp are busy eating and drinking all the stuff in the meantime. -
July's right. Boarders only, no Agents in these affairs. (nm) by
on 2009-05-23 18:36:00 UTC
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As if we'd get involved with you lot anyhow. (nm) by
on 2009-05-23 20:28:00 UTC
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*splashes authors of last two posts with the water hose* (nm) by
on 2009-05-23 21:15:00 UTC
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*deflects it with a word and leaves* (nm) by
on 2009-05-23 23:15:00 UTC
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Hey, only your warm Boarder body, no hanger ons~ by
on 2009-05-23 18:09:00 UTC
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*throws a water balloon at*
Wha-*SPALSH* by
on 2009-05-23 19:40:00 UTC
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*shakes water off*
Well, since you're so inclined...*Fires Water CANNON!* -
*gurglebl* Augh! *flails and runs off* (nm) by
on 2009-05-23 20:16:00 UTC
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*ducks and grumbles* by
on 2009-05-23 12:27:00 UTC
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Must you remind me? I don't want it to be over.
Shoudn't this be on the other thread? by
on 2009-05-23 11:35:00 UTC
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In the meantime, Moar Dakka! *Opens fire with water gun*.
I meant 'other Board'. by
on 2009-05-23 11:36:00 UTC
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But still, Moar Dakka! *Fires more shots from water gun*.
Probably not. by
on 2009-05-23 19:54:00 UTC
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*gathers up fluorescent green water balloons and puts them off to the side*
*pulls out "blizzard" super-soaker and begins spraying*
Whoohoo! -
*Fires Back* by
on 2009-05-24 12:50:00 UTC
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You cannot win! Moar Dakka! *Gets a larger supersoaker*
Since I am soaked with water already, I might as well... by
on 2009-05-25 06:03:00 UTC
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*unleashes Ginormous Water Bucket of Doom*
Waterwaterwaterwater! Splashy time! -
You cannot win! by
on 2009-05-25 12:33:00 UTC
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Dakka conquers all! *Ties two hoses together with duct tape and opens fire*
Augh! by
on 2009-05-25 18:49:00 UTC
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Must... fight... back...
*heroically sprays with blizzard super-soaker* -
Too late! by
on 2009-05-26 05:06:00 UTC
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*Tapes yet another hose, and opens fire*
on 2009-05-23 04:37:00 UTC
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Man! I am gonna be doing SO much stuff this summer!! There's that backpacking trip... then the band concert on the other side of the country, AGH.
Still love summer. More time for storywriting and doing missions, hee.
But for now... *grabs super soaker and pumps it furiously* I call shotgun!
*is waterballooned for a lame joke* -
Woohoo! Summer! by
on 2009-05-23 03:59:00 UTC
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Only a few more days of school for me! And it's a three-day weekend right now! Fun time!
*gives a mug of hot cocoa to Sedri*
I promise, I won't throw any water balloons at you.
*pulls up a large bucket filled up with a bunch of fluorescent green water balloons and lobs one at July*
No exceptions for you, though. You started this. :) -
*ducks!- but is hit anyway* by
on 2009-05-23 04:05:00 UTC
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Buwhahaha, right there! *shoots with squirt gun!*
*gets squirted with water headon* by
on 2009-05-23 04:39:00 UTC
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Augh! Cold water! *blindly throws another water balloon in a random direction*
*shootshootshoot* by
on 2009-05-23 04:40:00 UTC
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*flails and runs about*
*cackles* by
on 2009-05-23 04:56:00 UTC
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*sprays with garden hose*
Augh! More cold water! by
on 2009-05-23 05:19:00 UTC
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*is very soaked by now*
*starts throwing more water balloons in every direction*
I need to get a more powerful water-fight weapon. Heyyy! I know!
*pulls out one of the fancy "blizzard"- "blizzard" as in freezing cold water due to ice cubes -super soakers and begins spraying super cold water everywhere*
Muahahaha! -
on 2009-05-23 05:13:00 UTC
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Halp! Haaaaaalp~
*flails and runs around more* -
No halp for joo! by
on 2009-05-23 05:23:00 UTC
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*cackles evilly and sprays*
Eeek!~ Someone save me~! (nm) by
on 2009-05-23 05:40:00 UTC
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Nope. by
on 2009-05-23 06:24:00 UTC
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You soaked me with water!
*sprays more with the freezing cold super-soaker* -
Teamwork! *highfives* (nm) by
on 2009-05-23 07:02:00 UTC
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*flailflail* Traitor! You were my second in command! by
on 2009-05-23 07:36:00 UTC
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*runs for cover*
*follows* by
on 2009-05-23 07:37:00 UTC
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*runs out of hose* Curses! Foiled again! *draws water pistol and chases*
*returns with water balloons* by
on 2009-05-23 08:18:00 UTC
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Gotcha! *tosses them at Sara*
Ack! *is soaked* by
on 2009-05-23 08:31:00 UTC
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Heyyyyy! *shootshootshoot* I'll get you!
The Infernal Trio would love to be here. by
on 2009-05-23 09:47:00 UTC
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Oh wait.
*the Infernal Trio comes by with water pistols and soaks pretty much everyone* -
*arrives late on the scene* by
on 2009-05-23 10:59:00 UTC
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*attachs hose to fire hydrant and drives you away from me*
*Krisprolls comes from behind... by
on 2009-05-23 12:07:00 UTC
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... and does a Vulcan nerve pinch on you before taking the hose and soaking everyone... including What' and South. And you, of course.*
Ha! You only got my android decoy! by
on 2009-05-23 12:08:00 UTC
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*is actually on a rooftop a mile away, shooting everyone with a water sniper rifle*
*and missing everyone because his aim is terrible* by
on 2009-05-23 12:44:00 UTC
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*Krisprolls's aim is better, though.*
Actually, my aim's surprisingly good... by
on 2009-05-26 10:27:00 UTC
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I'm excellent at both archery and rifle shooting. The Coriolis effect will undoubtedly mess up my aim for the water sniper rifle, but I might get someone.
*shows up late with a half dozen balloons in his arms* by
on 2009-05-23 17:04:00 UTC
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*and drops them all at his feet upon getting splashed.*
YAY!!! (nm) by
on 2009-05-23 21:13:00 UTC
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*is wrapped in four layers and still cold* by
on 2009-05-23 03:07:00 UTC
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Southern Hemisphere. I have to have my lamps on at 2pm because the clouds are so heavy that it's half-dark. Throw a water balloon at me, July, and it'll turn to ice before impact.
Don't worry Sedri, we can have a snowball fight :D by
on 2009-05-23 05:44:00 UTC
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Or a hail-fight in my case, as I'm too far north to get the fun parts of being cold and just get the cold parts :)
We have hail, too - no snow yet. by
on 2009-05-23 06:31:00 UTC
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Actually, it's not often that we get real snow anyway - though with winter coming so early this year, it's quite possible. For the last week we've only had rain and bouts of hail. That said...
*grabs a handful of slushy hail* DUCK! -
*squeals and backpedals, scrabbling for ammo* by
on 2009-05-23 06:32:00 UTC
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Bring it!
*hurls hail* -
I strike you with my-! ...misty rain. Hmm... by
on 2009-05-24 00:54:00 UTC
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*pauses, then packs up misty rain into freezer*
AHA! *flings* -
*resorts to building a hail-fort* by
on 2009-05-24 01:48:00 UTC
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this is not being an architectural success!
*falls over on slidey hail* -
AHA! I have a better method! by
on 2009-05-24 04:19:00 UTC
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*gets out a square plastic tub*
*packs hail in*
*stamps on it to pack it harder*
*turns upside-down and shakes out a block of ice*
Excellent! First brick.
*repeats process, slowly building a fort*
Mwahahahahahahaha.... -
*is a shameless copycat* by
on 2009-05-24 05:53:00 UTC
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*starts doing the same*
*builds half an igloo* by
on 2009-05-24 07:55:00 UTC
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*hides behind it and starts stacking up ammunition, hoping Trojie's efforts will make her think Sedri is still working on the fort itself*
*is completely taken in* by
on 2009-05-24 08:02:00 UTC
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*and continues building her fortifications, whistling merrily*
*WHACKS Trojie with a slushball* (nm) by
on 2009-05-24 23:58:00 UTC
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on 2009-05-25 00:00:00 UTC
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*retaliates with a handful of mostly-defrosted hail*
*attempts to run* -
*chases Trojie and tackles her...* by
on 2009-05-25 05:05:00 UTC
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*...sending both to the cold ground with a THUMP, before proceeding to mash the slush into Trojie's hair* HAH!
*proceeds to give Sedri a hail face-wash* by
on 2009-05-25 05:38:00 UTC
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HAH! right back atcha!
*spits out hail* Oh, you're going DOWN. by
on 2009-05-25 11:38:00 UTC
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*shoves Assorted Cold Things down Trojie's shirt* -
That's what you think! by
on 2009-05-25 21:54:00 UTC
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*uses this opportunity to attempt to bury Sedri in the hail-drift of icy sludge that's all that remains of Trojie's fort*
*fastens claw-like hands around Trojie's ankle...* by
on 2009-05-25 23:23:00 UTC
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*...and traps her in place until she, too, is half-buried in the snow*
I will NOT be defeated! RARGH!
*yanks, causing Trojie to slip and fall* -
*starts burrowing* by
on 2009-05-25 23:27:00 UTC
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Neither will I!
*proceeds to try and mound snow around Sedri's ankles to trap her* -
*kicks* HaHA! It MELTED! by
on 2009-05-26 07:00:00 UTC
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*shoves Trojie into the cold water*
*glubglubglub* by
on 2009-05-26 07:01:00 UTC
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*surfaces like a WHALE*
RAAAAARGH! *dunks Sedri* -
*spits* It's FREEZING. *shoves* (nm) by
on 2009-05-26 09:29:00 UTC
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*whoops and falls over* by
on 2009-05-26 09:31:00 UTC
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Of course it's freezing, you mad woman, it was, until quite recently, HAIL! Which is, y'know, frozen water!
*drags Sedri back down with her*
Are we going to need treatment for hypothermia after this? -
Oh, really? Didn't know. *SMACK* by
on 2009-05-26 11:44:00 UTC
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*hits Trojie with a freezer, which is conveniently re-freezing half the water into hail and snow with which to re-stock her ammunition*
Oh, you're going DOWN! by
on 2009-05-26 21:33:00 UTC
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*pushes Sedri INTO the freezer*
*pats* by
on 2009-05-23 03:15:00 UTC
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Well, you can always relocate to shelter, I suppose.
*prepares more water balloons*
An appology, if necessary? by
on 2009-05-23 03:17:00 UTC
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I just want to say, ahead of time, that if I stepped on anybody's toes with all the various references in my stories, then I'm sorry. I like stories with an emphasis on continuity, that can dredge up something nigh forgotten at any time, and that's what I was trying to do, because those are the stories and storytellers I admire. I used things like Schlect, King Kong Comma, and the All-Purpose Department because I was fairly sure no one else would if I didn't, but if someone did, and I created a plothole, I apologize.
Oh, P.S. Does the PPC issue Megazords? Power Rangers has more Sues than is commonly thought, and I can think of no less than three situations (a team of Sues with their own Zord, Sue co-opts an existing Zord, Sue is a Monster) where a big robot would come in handy. -
Er, that's hardly a bad thing. (nm) by
on 2009-05-23 23:13:00 UTC
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Re: Er, that's hardly a bad thing. by
on 2009-05-23 23:28:00 UTC
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I know, I was just checking to see if I missed anything or screwed with someone else's stories by accident.
That was me, sorry. (nm) by
on 2009-05-24 00:51:00 UTC
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And I made a typo. Well drat. (nm) by
on 2009-05-23 19:11:00 UTC
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Minis! by
on 2009-05-23 06:41:00 UTC
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Paket, Anonay
Roman, Gods of Ragnorak, Ross Tyler -
Oh, Good Lord. by
on 2009-05-24 16:35:00 UTC
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So, I'm imagining Ross Tyler to actually be a miniature (like, foot-high) genderswapped version of Rose. This is an amazing mental picture, this.
Ross Tyler? by
on 2009-05-23 18:52:00 UTC
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You're joking. Right? Right?
the entertaiment value of voice chat by
on 2009-05-23 22:24:00 UTC
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Ventrilo abuse- very interesting reactions.
Just an ambitious idea... by
on 2009-05-24 20:14:00 UTC
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Has anyone ever wondered if a few of the best PPCers, working together, could conceivably write something of a high enough quality to be published? Either a novel or a collection of short stories?
Not something of the PPC, of course. Fanfiction and its tropes are not well-known enough to write novels about, and the "meta" side of fanfiction (Mary Sues, 'shipping, etc) is only studied by a handful of Internet nerds. But the general concept of a bunch of cynical and Genre Savvy characters exploring fictional universes, with loads of unconventional humor (Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett-style) and a healthy dose of postmodernism, certainly has a place on the shelves of a library.
It's just an idea thrown in the wind, not a project. -
That sounds pretty interesting by
on 2009-05-26 12:45:00 UTC
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Maybe if you want to avoid the whole copyright issue, you could restrict your fictional universes to something like fairy tales? Just a suggestion, and I'm not sure how many people it would appeal to.
That would be awesome. (nm) by
on 2009-05-25 19:23:00 UTC
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we're working on it (nm) by
on 2009-05-25 00:49:00 UTC
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It does sound interesting. by
on 2009-05-24 23:57:00 UTC
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The problem, of course (and yes, I know you said not a project, but I'm a thinky sort) is that involving fictional universes brings to pass all sorts of unpleasant licensing issues. Using public domain works brings it uncomfortably close to the works of Jasper Fforde (which I have recently started reading), so my mental telescope can already see a rock on one side, a hard place on the other.
Unless, of course, a bunch of PPCers were able to publish their own original works and then set stories for this in those... but that's a bit over-ambitious even for the Board, methinks.
Anyway. I'd read it (probably the short stories would work best, for consistency), but that's just me.
hS -
My mum's just encountered Fforde... by
on 2009-05-26 11:06:00 UTC
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And the parts I've read made me immediately think 'PPC' for some reason.
I repeat, this is not a project of mine. by
on 2009-05-24 23:41:00 UTC
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I haven't written a single real mission for the PPC, and English is not even my first language. Besides, as I mentioned on my LiveJournal account on the off-chance that there's someone who glances at it once in a while, I am already losing interest in the PPC and in the universe created by Jay and Acacia (yeah, I know... that's pathetic). So this is certainly not something I will have a hand in. Just an idea, nothing more.
While reading some of the old missions by Jay and Acacia, it struck me that this stuff is much more addictive and original than many of the professionally written novels you find on the shelves. It is not deep, but it is very funny and light-hearted, and it features great characters in a great setting. Once you start reading, it is hard to stop. The original series is nothing short of brilliant, and even though Jay and Acacia are no longer with us, some of us may have what it takes to aim higher. I'm not saying that a novel written by PPCers would have any success, but getting something published is already quite an accomplishment — and not, I think, one that is out of reach for the best of us. -
Re: I repeat, this is not a project of mine. by
on 2009-05-25 01:00:00 UTC
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It's funny, with characters you know and care about... But they are, whatever else, fanfiction characters. They therefore have no sellable characteristics, because you cannot legitimately sell fanfiction.
Jay and Acacia are a dynamic that work. That doesn't mean they're characters with a plot that works - not one that could be sold. This stuff works because we're all a part of it and we all see it and we all recognise it. That doesn't mean there's a non-derivative story in it. Jay and Acacia and their idea works within the bounds of fanfic; it works online where we all know the boundaries. But there isn't a plot behind Jay and Acacia. There isn't a story about them that needs to be told. The only story to tell draws far too heavily on copyrighted subjects. So we leave well be. -
My Immortal's on sale... (nm) by
on 2009-05-26 11:07:00 UTC
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That's why by
on 2009-05-25 01:58:00 UTC
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That's why I don't think it should be a PPC story, just something that incorporates the same two main elements as the PPC:
1. Metafictional humor
2. A quirky and random world that makes little or no sense -
so what's the plot? by
on 2009-05-25 02:08:00 UTC
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Because it's plot you need. Characters help, but you need a plot.
I'd love to partake in something like that... by
on 2009-05-24 23:06:00 UTC
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Though I don't think I could in any way be counted among the best of the PPC.
*is interested* by
on 2009-05-24 22:01:00 UTC
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*is going to send her tall ship characters into this mess. Including the Infernal Trio.*
Ooh... sounds cool... by
on 2009-05-24 21:37:00 UTC
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If this ever does become something, I'd love to take part in it.
Though, I have had ideas about writing a story (not necessarily about the PPC itself) where a race of sparkly, ethereal, perfect monstrosities attempts to spread light and sappiness on the universe, while a small army of 'normals' rises to oppose them. Probably will never do it, though, because I'm working on the original fantasy that has Deuce in it. -
I want to say it's happened... by
on 2009-05-24 21:09:00 UTC
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I know several of us have tried to get published, at least. I defer to anyone with a better memory than mine on the subject.
It sounds like a genius idea - count me in for a short story or two. -
I remember a while back by
on 2009-05-25 09:01:00 UTC
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someone (forgot their name) announced to give up PPCing and deleting their missions from their livejournal, because they had found an agent and a hardcover deal for the novel they wrote.
Hi, folks. I'm back, but our main page seems to be MIA. by
on 2009-05-25 03:47:00 UTC
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I'm back from England, returned to the place where I have unlimited internet access! Yay!
Unfortunately, I'm trying to show a friend of mine around the PPC, but the Odd Lots pages seem to be missing. Does anyone know why that might be? Have we just lost the Constitution and the Original Series? O.o
Man, I leave for one month, and things fall apart... sheesh... I tell ya... meh.
In other news, I have Gathering photos, which I'll have in sharable form eventually. Hopefully hS will have a synopsis to go with them, too. *g*
But, yeah. Getting the main page back would be nice. In the meantime, I have a crate of tea and some warm scones with clotted cream and jam to unload. Feel free to partake. ^_^
~Neshomeh -
Oh look, it's alive again. (nm) by
on 2009-05-27 18:56:00 UTC
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If the main page went down... by
on 2009-05-26 11:11:00 UTC
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(not that I ever went there), does that mean the forum might not be far behind?
Nope. by
on 2009-05-26 18:38:00 UTC
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The main page was hosted by P@L; the Board was merely (formerly) modded by her. They're not anything to do with each other, fortunately.
hS -
That's good... by
on 2009-05-27 10:44:00 UTC
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does this mean, however, that we may be able to... you know... get a new main page? One that's up to date?
Well, that isn't good. by
on 2009-05-25 11:37:00 UTC
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The main site just dying all of a sudden is a Very Bad Thing. Although there isn't much that can be done at the moment as far as I know, so...
*noms some scones, drinks some tea, and abruptly vanishes* -
It's finally gone down, then? by
on 2009-05-25 11:33:00 UTC
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As to the report, I'm working on it, I'm working on it...
hS, off to archive-trawl -
Oh dear. by
on 2009-05-25 08:00:00 UTC
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Does anyone have the rest of the stuff that was on the oddlots site saved?
Yes. by
on 2009-05-25 11:50:00 UTC
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I saved the links to all the stuff that was only archived on oddlots, and I just went back through the Internet archive and copied it onto my computer. I'll post it to the PPC livejournal comm. as soon as I can. It might take a while, though; it's 208 pages of text.
This includes:
LotR Litmus Test
Buffyverse Basic Charge List
PPC Substance Menu
PPC missions of...
Agent Nath
Agents Kazra and Rich
Agents Kwennyfer and Jane
Agents Rhydux, Honorificus, and Ginmar
Hope that helps!
~Araeph -
I've just done the same. by
on 2009-05-25 11:56:00 UTC
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But I grabbed the source codes for everything instead.
Here it all is.
Now, the question is, are we going to have a new homepage for the Board? And if so, where? And will it be an updating one?
I vote for not putting it on the wiki or the LJ community unless we run out of other ideas; it's far too eggs-in-one-basket for my liking.
hS -
Agreed on the not putting it on the wiki bit. (nm) by
on 2009-05-26 04:58:00 UTC
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Agreed. And neither are very good for chatting anyway. (nm) by
on 2009-05-25 23:21:00 UTC
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I just meant as a gateway page. by
on 2009-05-25 23:26:00 UTC
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The Board itself is independent of the Oddlots site; we just need a page that leads into it, so people can link to that instead of the Board, which occasionally changes its address for no reason. Also, it could give a quick rundown of who the PPC are, for the inquisitive.
hS -
Ooh, if we're moving... by
on 2009-05-26 12:26:00 UTC
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Can we PLEASE put the board somewhere that doesn't have tose sarden annoying beeping ads?
We're not moving. by
on 2009-05-26 17:06:00 UTC
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We're just trying to figure out what to do for a replacement main page.
I should take more care with my wording. (nm) by
on 2009-05-26 22:19:00 UTC
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Ah. My mistake. (nm) by
on 2009-05-26 06:59:00 UTC
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Well, we have the Constitution and Original Series... by
on 2009-05-25 11:39:00 UTC
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What else of importance was on there? I can't recall.
- still has the constitution... by
on 2009-05-25 06:35:00 UTC
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I've also saved a copy. It's not in its original spot any more, but it hasn't been lost to history. - Blah, HTML fails... by on 2009-05-25 06:36:00 UTC Link to this
The Original Series is still at Miss Cam's page... by
on 2009-05-25 05:05:00 UTC
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The Constitution, however, I can't reach. :( This is Not Good.
Gathering photos would be lovely, though. :)
How do they rise up? by
on 2009-05-25 18:09:00 UTC
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It's the glorious 25th of May! And also Towel Day! Let us all wear the lilac in honor of Freedom, Justice, Truth, Reasonably Priced Love, and a Hard-Boiled Egg, and may we always know where our towels are.
There's a movement to wear the lilac on the 25th for Alzheimer's awareness. Kind of cool. -
I forgot my lilac but remembered the day (nm) by
on 2009-05-26 08:48:00 UTC
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Ack, I didn't do anything! by
on 2009-05-26 05:18:00 UTC
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Just the day before I'd noticed the lilacs and thought about what day it was, but I was busy doing some much-needed housecleaning today. (Well, technically yesterday now.) I do know where all my towels are, though, because a fair bit of my time was spent washing them in the laundry. {= )
~Neshomeh, taking what she can get. -
I didn't know about it :( (nm) by
on 2009-05-26 06:58:00 UTC
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I live in a place where lilacs are the dominant species... by
on 2009-05-26 01:12:00 UTC
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...and I forgot.
*kicks self* -
I remembered to wear the lilac by
on 2009-05-25 22:03:00 UTC
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But I forgot to hard boil an egg. Ah well, there's always next year.
Alzheimers Awareness? by
on 2009-05-25 18:19:00 UTC
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That is an awsome idea! I couldn't pinch any lilac on my way to work today, I saw some but it was just out of reach! Ah well maybe next year.
Looking for opinions... by
on 2009-05-25 19:57:00 UTC
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(A basic summary, as I haven't gotten to the part that fully explains what everything does yet)
The Canon Regulation Institute. A highly advanced, trans-dimensional organisation whose job is simple. Stop paradoxes. Reality must not be allowed to contradict itself. The main cause of reality contradictions? Why, those ever glittering bastards, the Mary Sues.
The CRI's Militavy Fleet consists of nearly innumerable Canon Protection Vessels (infinite number of dimensions = infinite resources and technology to leech off everyone else) are spread across the multiverse, hunting down Mary Sues wherever they can find them, and fixing reality contradictions before they can spiral out of control and seriously ruin everyone's day (which they *will* if they go unchecked).
Ironically, they're actually hunting down the prime source of contradiction: the Original Character, but since they can only detect the reality distortions, they only hunt down the 'bad' ones that are, y'know, breaking reality and stuff. The 'good' ones (that don't do the above), are just ignored; the CRI can't detect them, so they just slip right through the nets. The CRI itself isn't too fussed about this, though a few factions within it are.
Sounds all sane, reasonable and normal(ish), right? Well...
Say hello to the CPV Icarus, a somewhat dilapidated old Juggernaut from the old days where the CPVs had to be roughly the size of a small continent to cram all the technology and equipment needed for stable dimensional transitions, reality shielding and so forth. Officially, the CRI is keeping it in service out of respect for the vessel's long and infamous tour of duty. Unofficially, it's the dumping ground for all the people they don't like very much. It's crewed by nutters. The only reason it hasn't imploded itself yet is that its current captain absolutely adores old fashioned ships and would, does and will put her own life on the line without a thought to keep it flying. It's considered something of a bad joke within the CRI... a measuring stick to compare all the other ships against. And yet, it still somehow manages to do its job, capturing and de-Sueing more OCs than even some of its more respectable cousins. Thus, the Icarus keeps flying...
Caught between the idiosyncrasies of its own crew, jealously and irritation from the rest of the CRI and of course the reality-distorting whims of the 'Sues, can it stay that way?
That's the premise. And believe me, a lot of the characters are quite cheerfully mad (in the funny, endearing way). Bizarrely, so far it's looking like the character interactions may get more focus than the whole 'Sue-hunting' thing... this might be because I'm more fond of character-driven stories, mind. And it's not set in any particular continuum; the CPVs are fully capable of trans-dimensional jumping. At the start, they're hanging out in the Harry Potter verse, snagging 'Sues as they try to get on the 'Express (CRI personnel and equipment are invisible to normals thanks to Reality Shielding - this is also how they can get away with sticking a great big continental-sized slab of metal in low-Earth orbit without seriously screwing up things like the tides).
So, what does everyone think? I can post up more (ie Character notes, what I've written so far etc) if anyone's interested. Comments, ideas and criticisms all accepted; particularly the latter. The sooner you spot a problem... -
My two bits. by
on 2009-05-27 00:33:00 UTC
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Basically, I think this idea sounds awesome. I love space stories, though my own attempts at writing them usually fizzle.
I'd advise you, since you're writing this with heavy emphasis on the characters, to keep a close eye on them. Characters, especially those who you think you've plotted out their personalities and such beforehand, have a tendency to get away from you and run off in their own direction. You might have to jerk them back into line every now and then.
(In my own experience, Fritz is a good example of this; he's shown himself to be much less worrisome and more aggressive and laconic than I'd originally intended. Some of my older characters also refuse to be pigeonholed.)
That said, I admire you for doing something like this, and based off the character sheet you posted you've got a good strong roster to work with, and a solid premise to build on. If you ever need beta-reading, drop me a line. -
I guess mu Infernal Trio is going to evolve on its own too. (nm) by
on 2009-05-27 10:27:00 UTC
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It's a trait of a proper character. by
on 2009-05-27 10:31:00 UTC
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Just like a person, they change over time. Sometimes dramatically, sometimes slowly, but there is always some kind of change.
Sounds cool. by
on 2009-05-26 05:43:00 UTC
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Character-driven is good. Don't shy away from that. Just make sure that whatever you show about and between the characters has bearing on the story as a whole. It's easy to get dragged off on tangents when the characters lead the way.
~Neshomeh, speaking from experience. -
Spaceships=Coolness. by
on 2009-05-26 05:17:00 UTC
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Also, make sure that any parallels with the PPC aren't carried too far (there can be too much of a good thing) and that the story can stand on its own ends.
Re: Spaceships=Coolness. by
on 2009-05-26 09:09:00 UTC
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Don't worry, there are very few parallels, apart from the Sue-hunting thing. The CRI's primary job is to fix reality distortions rather than actually destroying the Sues (where possible, they actually 'un-Sue' them if they can) and they don't go Sue-hunting from actual fanfic either. Really, Sue-hunting is a bit more background, to the point where I may actually change it to something more accessible to a wider audience. Like, say, Mad Scientists...
Also include a bit of space opera. by
on 2009-05-26 11:54:00 UTC
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When spaceships appear, expect large battles with lasers and stuff. Use some technobabble when needed. Justify or Handwave some of the most common tropes (Dogfights in Space? Say that guided missiles are good, but Sues can be killed better by named characters and besides, those are expensive anyway). As for parallels, what I meant was the job situation of the crew, and its effects on their emotional state (yes, I knew that this kind of story exsisted before the PPC, but since this came about directly or indirectly, as a result of Sue Hunting...).
At least give them a decent salary. by
on 2009-05-26 12:19:00 UTC
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Also, at least have one member of the crew spend it on stuff like action figures and teddy bears, instead of booze. Chocolate and cotton candy are just as good as alcohol and women (at least in my opinion, not that it matters much).
And finally, make efficient use of a continent-sized warship. Even if only 5% or less is being used for habitation, that's still a lot of space. And if you really want to switch to something more mainstream, try Cosmic Horrors (Cthulhu! you've had it too good for too long! And does that other abdomination that threathens to destroy the universe when he awakes, we'll just use Jigglypuff music on him!). Of course, that would harm the canon, unless you can make it belivable. This is only a suggestion, of course. -
Re: At least give them a decent salary. by
on 2009-05-26 15:22:00 UTC
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Mm. After much thought, I think I'll change it to an intersellar police force. Keep the same basic theory (ie the Icarus is still the adhoc, outdated dumping ground for all the people that Admin don't particularly like), cutting out the Sue parts entirely, to focus fully on the warped cast of characters. Still, the focus is on silly to heart-warming character interactions and how the cast can still interact with each other despite being spectacularly messed up individuals (with the exception of the one, lone, sane person aboard the ship, who basically got transferred there by a typo).
Current Character Sheet:
Tashi Invanargres.
The Captain of the Icarus. Is known mostly for being pretty-much in love with her own ship, and probably knowing more about it than most of the engineering staff combined. Leaves most of the operations to Myka. Not that fond of her last name (for being hard to pronounce). Frequently found tinkering with something. Also notorious for knowing next to nothing about criminology and actual police-work; it's pretty obvious she's only there because she wanted the ship when no-one else did. In fairness to Tashi, she is probably the best the Icarus could have hoped to get for a captain; someone who actually gives a damn about the ship rather than someone who got the posting forced on them because they've been disgraced. A side effect of this is that Myka effectively directs the ship's operations. Tashi doesn't care so long as she gets to mess around with the ship. She will pull rank if he tries something that could potentially damage the ship, however.
Commander of the Marines contingent aboard the Icarus, and responsible for planning and operations. Seems to be trying to get into Tashi's good books, but for the most part is just considered a drinking buddy; Tashi likes her ships a bit too much. A money-grabbing magnificent bastard, who's cost cutting policies annoy the marines about as much as his planning skills impress them. Has been barred from joining in the team pools created by Mayweather and Lude, for cheating and manipulating events into his favour. Very careful to keep Tashi on his side, since she's the only person who can actually pull rank on him.
If there's something with money involved, expect Myka to inexplicably pop up at some point.
Luciana Taylor
A gun-crazy female marine in the Corps. Known for being remarkably trigger happy with her dartgun (the Judiciary Marines use non-lethal dart-guns to subdue suspects), she frequently butts heads with Myka over ammunition allotments. Also known for being exceptionally hyper, with a love for annoying nicknames. Never, ever call her 'Luce'. Is aware that she comes across as a lunatic, and makes frequent jokes about it (to the point where it's very likely she's actually completely sane and just pretends not to be for fun). Boisterous Bruiser.
A permanently calm, apathetic and inattentive military brat who's usual response to anything is basically 'Eh.' Usually found following Taylor or in one of the bars. Doesn't really seem to care about anything and generally goes around like he's permanently stoned. Like most things, Lude and Mayweather have a pool running on this. Wound up aboard the Icarus by annoying his posters by not paying attention / care. The Stoner, more or less.
An albino midget with an ordinary claw-hammer, she is actually in her thirties (and thus actually older than Kanz), but appears to be a young girl. Is renowned for being completely unflappable and almost robotic. Taylor seems to treat her as a little sister; whether Fields finds this annoying or not is impossible to tell. Shares a strong platonic relationship with Kanz, to the point where the two trust each other completely. The Stoic. Whilst she never herself takes advantage of her bizarre appearance, everyone else frequently does (except Kanz).
A large, muscled man, known for being very quiet, polite and gentle. No-one's entirely sure what he's doing in the Marines, but he has a good aim and even treats the criminals cordially. Lude and Mayweather have a pool running on how long it will take him to snap, but as no-one thinks he actually will few have put money in it. Generally seen as the Team Mom, of sorts; even Taylor says that annoying Kanz is like kicking small puppies, even though he's bigger than her by at least two foot.
Pandell Lude
A giant, bald man with a fondness for his rifle and for betting on random things with Mayweather. Remarkably loyal, considering his friend...
Lewis Mayweather
A tall, thin, gangly man in his early-twenties with long hair, a vaguely Scottish accent and a near-permanent grin. Fond of bets and practical jokes, and for some reason Fields. Money switches hands between him and Lude so fast the two practically share the same account.
Dr Cassandra Lodgewick
For the most part, a walking ball of irritation and cigarette smoke, who loves narcissism as much as she does narcotics, but gets Pet The Dog moments around Lye. Finds Taylor annoying. Is basically an Expy of Ristuko Akagi from NGE, with a bit more snark and Les Yay.
Lodgewick's mute secretary. Communicates through action and expression. Is mute from a throat injury, and always wears a black neck-brace. Implied to be ex-Marines. Generally inseparable from Lodgewick, who usually acts as her translator of sorts. Frequently uses her 'Cute Mute' status to her own advantage, and knows sign language (the problem being that few others do as well apart from Myka and Lodgewick).
Daniel Jones
A young, irresponsible would-be fighter-jock fond of annoying Sanderson and flying stupidly fast. Has a very obvious infatuation with Sanderson, which only serves to drive her further up the wall.
Lauren Sanderson
An tired, responsible skiff-pilot and about the only sane person aboard the entire ship. Finds Jones irritating, but occasionally drinks with Lodgewick and Lye. One of the few people who will not resort to extreme violence when threatened. Wound up posted to the Icarus thanks to a typo on a transfer form that resulted in her getting the posting instead of someone else with a similar name. In recognition of her sanity and sense of responsibility, Myka has put her in charge of rationing dangerous substances (ie caffeine and sugar). The betting pool on when *she* snaps is getting into the thousands. She herself even has a stake in it.
Sakura Onegai Bench
As a 'Sue from the original version of this story, I admit, about the only reason I'm considering making Sakura an actual character is because her name makes me giggle. Serves in the Marines. Is very self conscious about how ridiculous her name is, and is generally naïve and easily to embarrass. Confusion (and teasing) abound on how her name can be read to mean 'Please bench Sakura' and whether that counts as a euphemism or not. It's strongly implied that her parents never liked her very much. -
Well, it seems i'm done. (nm) by
on 2009-05-26 15:33:00 UTC
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Sounds interesting. (nm) by
on 2009-05-26 02:42:00 UTC
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The new Star Trek movie. by
on 2009-05-26 01:35:00 UTC
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What did people think of it?
If it was a fic, what would we, as PPCers, do about/with/for/to it?
Why didn't they give the girls any pants? I'm not allowed to wear skirts that short at my school.
Is time-travel a good thing or a bad thing?
Has anyone shown Nero the Evil Overlord List? I don't think anyone's shown Nero the Evil Overlord List.
I haven't seen very much of the original television series, so I'm not really in a position where I can check the movie against canon. But does Iowa really have huge cliffs in it?
Oh, and... when snogging a guy, make sure your nail polish matches his hair. This is very important. -
Liked it. (nm) by
on 2009-05-26 17:49:00 UTC
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Blew me away. (nm) by
on 2009-05-26 16:31:00 UTC
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Loved it :D by
on 2009-05-26 13:00:00 UTC
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Aside from the opening scene, with James Kirk being born, which I have to admit I found a bit cheesy. *shrugs* Could just be me; I have a low cheese tolerance.
The rest was *awesome*. I feel sorry for Archer's dog, though :P -
Re: Loved it :D by
on 2009-05-26 14:01:00 UTC
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It might be cheesy but it gets me every time. Hell, even listening to the damned soundtrack is making me a bit sad.
Plus, the way you could actually see George Kirk being flung forwards into the main viewscreen just before being engulfed by the explosion was seriously cool. Normally films just wuss out and have the explosion surround people. -
And that is the one situation... by
on 2009-05-27 10:46:00 UTC
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I'll allow the inertial dampeners to fail without me complaining about how they should all be dead.
Same here. I sobbed. Parent-child things get to me. (nm) by
on 2009-05-26 23:20:00 UTC
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it took five viewings... by
on 2009-05-27 00:40:00 UTC
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But I can now finally get through that scene with only a minimal lump in my throat. W00t!
I was very impressed. by
on 2009-05-26 06:54:00 UTC
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I've loved Star Trek: TNG, DS9, and Voyager, but I saw a few episodes of the Kirk series (and the newer Enterprise one) and just didn't like it. Too young, I guess; it felt contrived. So I went in with fairly low expectations.
They're sort of... gone, now. :D
I think that time-travel was the only reasonable way to make a movie like this without having it nit-picked to death by obsessed fans, and with that in mind, they did a really good job. I think we have to bear in mind that these Professional Scripwriters don't know crud about derivative writing like we do - we've seen how horrible it can be and are jaded by iffy but can-be-done-well concepts like time travel AUs. When that particular revelation came in the film, I grinned and thought something like, YES! That works everything out!
Of course, that gave them leave to demolish Vulcan, which made me very, very unhappy.
I don't like the womens' uniforms either - I would NEVER wear one - but it has the excuse of a 60s canon, so... *shrug*
As for Spock/Uhura, the most volitle issue... it didn't bother me, but if they'd left it out I would've been just fine. The sense of Uhura being put in a relationship because she's the only lead woman is annoying, and as far as I see, they could've picked Sulu or Scotty as easily as Spock, and only chose the latter because he's the most important character. It could've been worse. Actually, I went looking for Spock/Uhura fics to see if any fanfic writer out there could sell me the pairing. So far, they haven't, but maybe they would be more likely to if I found Spock as attractive as the fanbase does.
Nero... wouldn't think of himself as an Evil Overlord, but that aside; no, definitely not. He made many classic mistakes.
If it were a fic, I would caution the author to be more traditional, but then, that is my style, and it has been done quite well. Admittedly, the music and the great visuals hit me a lot more strongly than a description of the bridge as being "clean and white", or whatever.
(And yeah, why did no one start this thread sooner? *is puzzled*) -
Re: I was very impressed. by
on 2009-05-26 11:23:00 UTC
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"(And yeah, why did no one start this thread sooner? *is puzzled*)"
I just figured that it had been done to death already so I didn't make it myself.
I will admit that it was better than anything I could have possibly dreamed of. None of the pre-release trailers/interviews/whatever inspired confidence in me because they seemed to mess up Canon completely with bad time travel. The plot as a whole, though, removed those doubts. It was awesome.
Of course, it had a smegload of plotholes in and the second I get the DVD release, I'll be writing a list of them. Every. Last. One. Including the fact that they probably killed Tuvok and/or his family, thereby messing around with Voyager. They also ruined Unification Parts I and II.
As for the mini-miniskirts, this has made me laugh much as I try to watch TOS. Seriously, I'm not even sure if they're wearing skirts. It actually does seem to be underwear and a shirt a lot of the time. And I laugh loudly every time I think this. For all the great equality and enlightenedness of Starfleet, they sure do love to humiliate their female officers. (And 60s TV has nothing to do with it. The least they could have done was give them midi-skirts like actual female military officers wear nowadays).
And what exactly is the Evil Overlord List? I've heard vague things about it, but nothing helpful. -
The Evil Overlord List by
on 2009-05-26 12:41:00 UTC
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It is very hilarious.
"I will not transform into a snake. It never helps." -
That's just one of the craziest ideas I've ever seen... by
on 2009-05-26 17:08:00 UTC
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*favourites instantly*
That's why I like it. (nm) by
on 2009-05-27 16:34:00 UTC
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My Evil Overlords... by
on 2009-05-27 16:38:00 UTC
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fortunately only needed a few of the hints. :P
I'm thinking... by
on 2009-05-28 01:20:00 UTC
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...shocking, isn't it? But that is beside the point. I'm thinking of some which are specific to Evil Overladies; for example, "Chain-mail bikinis are not a suitable replacement for well-made body armor."
Go for it... by
on 2009-05-28 10:27:00 UTC
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Doubt there's anything that's not common sense, but common sense does seem to be lacking in this world, doesn't it?
Loved it! (SPOILERS) by
on 2009-05-26 06:03:00 UTC
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It was great, and I think the reboot/AU idea is fantastic, because it's going to give the whole Trekverse a new lease of life.
If it was a fic I would applaud it!
The girls having no pants is standard Trek - it is the FUTURE! Therefore we wear skimpy skintight clothing BECAUSE THAT IS THE WAY OF THE FUTURE! (and presumably those who wanted to wear baggy pants were burnt at the stake, or something, I dunno) :P
Time-travel ... good or bad, is hardly a *new* thing in Trek ... Voyager, anyone?
No, he hasn't seen it. But then, if he'd seen it, he might have won, and THEN where would we be? O.o
I believe that was supposed to be an open-cast mine, rather than a canyon. I know, it got me too the first time I saw the film. I was all 'wtf, enormous cliffs?' and then the second time I took notice of the whole chainlink fence and stuff and went 'OH! it's a mine!'
Cheers for the tip :P
- Trojie, still wildly overexcited about this movie and therefore jumping up and down and being giggly and OTT. -
I've been seeing it weekly by
on 2009-05-26 10:04:00 UTC
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Fourth time today. (Glods bless Odeon and its cheap Tuesdays - I'd happily go alone but this way I get to attempt to convert friends.)
It is amazing. I went in with middling expectations and not much idea of what it was going to be about. Didn't even have a clue who they'd cast, except Simon Pegg. We went for the last showing of the day, and at the end of the end credits my friend and I both bemoaned the fact that we couldn't see it again until the next day. And I have rapidly become obsessed.
If it were fic, depends how well it were written. Could be done either way. A good writer could've done a good job, but I'd've been seeing the old characters. This way I've finally (semi-unwillingly) got rid of my dislike for Kirk, and have, er, turned into a bit of a rabid fan.
The women always wore short skirts in TOS. It was the 60s. Dax had to wear one on DS9 when they went back to TOS era, it was ace. -
I've been waiting for this thread. by
on 2009-05-26 05:35:00 UTC
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I really enjoyed the movie. Like you, I don't know enough about the original series to make a detailed comparison, but it did sound like everything was explained by the "time travel creates AU" thing. Which is really awkward as a plot device. But still.
What I want to know is if they plan to remake the original series. Some of you might be having aneurysms at the thought, but give me a minute. We have better technology now. We have better science, better special effects, and, let's face it, better plot devices than "Kirk gets the girl." We come armed with the knowledge of how the five-year mission goes, so we have the potential for a series with more scientific intelligence and better internal consistency. This could be really cool. I just don't know if anyone is actually planning this, or if they could carry it off.
I'd probably watch it just to see what happens to it.
If the movie were a fic, it would depend entirely on the quality of the writing. If it's well-written, there's no reason for us to bother with it.
~Neshomeh, who decided that if Leonard Nimoy is okay with it, then so is she. -
TOS Remake by
on 2009-05-26 11:25:00 UTC
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"What I want to know is if they plan to remake the original series."
Last time I checked, Wikipedia mentioned nothing about it, so it may have been cancelled, but this film was meant to kick off a new TV show. It would have been set far, far away from the Enterprise, but it would have been TOS era. -
They're doing another movie with this cast by
on 2009-05-26 23:28:00 UTC
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Minus Spock Prime, that is.
*bounces excitedly* (nm) by
on 2009-05-27 01:03:00 UTC
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Didn't you know? by
on 2009-05-27 10:47:00 UTC
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They started the script in March, hoping for a mid-2011 release.
*SQUEE* by
on 2009-05-27 16:35:00 UTC
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Huzzah, huzzah, for the "Hobbit" movie is coming in 2011 too! *brain overloads on geeky glee*
Hmm... by
on 2009-05-27 16:41:00 UTC
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Hobbit movie, maybe. Depends how much craptastical fanfiction appears in it's wake (like Star Trek XI has). I'm not looking forward to Lord of the Rings: The Adventures of the Young Frodo Baggins though. Seriously, nothing happened between the Hobbit and LotR that's worth making a film about. Why make another film?
Hoom... by
on 2009-05-28 01:21:00 UTC
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Because they can make money from it?
Let's just hope del Toro doesn't make it all in Spanish with English subtitles. -
As long as they do have English subtitles... by
on 2009-05-28 10:28:00 UTC
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I can't understand a word of CSI: Miami sometimes when they speak Spanish.
I liked it. by
on 2009-05-26 04:20:00 UTC
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I did not particularly like Uhura's character. She felt to me like she was just the typical 'strong female character' and she didn't actually do anything. But again, that's just my opinion. I did like the rest of the movie and Nero's ship was scary.
Spiky good. (nm) by
on 2009-05-26 12:43:00 UTC
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I loved it! by
on 2009-05-26 02:29:00 UTC
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The no-pants thing...well, it's canon. At least for that part of Starfleet history. The time-travelling Romulans probably didn't have much impact on military fashion.
Time travel as opposed to an unexplained retcon? Good thing. Time travel that lets Nimoy!Spock give the Vulcan salute to Quinto!Spock? Good thing. Time travel as opposed to just working with the canon that was already there? Meh, not sure.
Yes, but if someone had shown Nero the Evil Overlord List, he would have killed Spock, and that would have made me very sad. And it would have been a very short movie.
The parts of the movie that deviated from canon were all explained as part of the time-travel thing, which was certainly preferable to just disregarding canon without explanation. And I felt that they did a fairly good job at staying true to what the show really meant. -
Haven't seen it yet by
on 2009-05-26 02:20:00 UTC
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But I plan to. My mom's a Trekkie minus the cosplay, so I'm bound to. I just know that I'll be spending the entire movie reminding myself that Spock's not gonna slice people's heads open.
Then she's merely a Trekkie by
on 2009-05-26 11:27:00 UTC
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by one thing I heard. Not sure if it's accepted as a difference or not, but I heard that Trekkies are fans of the show, Trekkers are the cosplayers that embarrass the Trekkies.
the way I know it is the other way round :) (nm) by
on 2009-05-28 01:34:00 UTC
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Okay, the guy I knew was talking rubbish then... by
on 2009-05-28 10:30:00 UTC
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Great. So I'm a Trekker then.
Well ... by
on 2009-05-28 10:33:00 UTC
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He could have just been honestly mistaken, or misinformed himself, or maybe it changes according to region, or ... lots of things other than 'talking rubbish'
- Trojie (half-assed Trekker herself) -
He's talked rubbish before... by
on 2009-05-28 10:35:00 UTC
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so I'm probably right.
Probably, but ... by
on 2009-05-28 10:36:00 UTC
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... I make a hobby out of giving the benefit of the doubt.
Admittedly it's bitten me in the arse before, but it's kinda fun to come up with the alternate hypothesis :D -
I used to be like that... by
on 2009-05-28 10:50:00 UTC
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then I realised that humanity as a whole doesn't deserve it. Bunch of morons with few exceptions.
I tend to find that ... by
on 2009-05-28 21:27:00 UTC
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... actually mostly humanity is a bunch of nice people too shy to say anything - you just run across the morons more often cos they're louder :P
I, unfortunately, run into moron after moron after moron... (nm) by
on 2009-05-29 10:33:00 UTC
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Really? by
on 2009-05-27 05:00:00 UTC
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My mom said it's the other way around.
*shrugs* by
on 2009-05-27 10:48:00 UTC
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I'm just glad that someone else has actually heard there's a difference.
Haha. So true. by
on 2009-05-26 05:23:00 UTC
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I did spend the whole movie reminding myself that Spock is not going to slice people's heads open. I thought the actor did a good job, though. I thought he was the closest to the original of all of them.
~Neshomeh -
I don't think I once thought of Sylar by
on 2009-05-28 08:28:00 UTC
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during the entire movie. So that's good.
I thought Bones was most like the original. Guy had the same speech patern.
Didn't like that they let Sulu say his experience in man to man combat was fencing, and then they gave him a katana rather than an epee to battle the Romulan. -
But a pocket katana would be awesome... (nm) by
on 2009-05-28 12:51:00 UTC
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Re: Haha. So true. by
on 2009-05-26 10:07:00 UTC
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At Odeon they've a trailer for the upcoming summer of films, featuring clips from various ones. It's got Spock crouched down immediately after being beamed onto Vulcan. It's only for a second or so, and it's only after seeing the film three times that I've realised no, they're not trying to blag my head by putting clips from TOS in there, that is actually new!Spock.
Oh, come now, Pads... by
on 2009-05-26 11:28:00 UTC
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surely the decent CGI should have alerted you? :P
Re: Oh, come now, Pads... by
on 2009-05-26 14:14:00 UTC
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It's a split second image of the spitting image of Spock crouching on a desert planet that looks just like all the TOS worlds did. Really, I thought it was Nimoy.
No, some of them looked like jungles... by
on 2009-05-26 14:46:00 UTC
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...on a desert planet... or buildings... on a desert planet...
Mixing Dune and Transformers by
on 2009-05-26 07:10:00 UTC
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My first thread on the subject was more a plea for review and criticism, but this is more a proper discussion.
I have, from early in my stories development, planned to integrate certain spiritualist elements into it: the nature of the Allspark, a different (but not heinously uncanonical) interpretation of Starscreams character as half power-seeker and half religous fanatic and, more recently, what it would really mean to have a god born into a human body... a god that had been mostly instinctual in it's action until then (though the question of it's actual level of sentience is debated).
Since then, I have become a casual, CASUAL mind you, fan of the Dune Universe. The Kwiatz Haderach, the Abomination and several other bits of Bene Gesserit lore intrigue me (and I intend to add them as small but meaningful bits of argument between characters). The guys who make the government codenames, as I said, are Dune fantics and have a "sick sense of humour". However, I am unsure of one more bit of tie-in that I am pondering, anf I wonder if it would be too Blatant.
In short, Frenzy will (eventually), be revealed to be the last known member of a semi-collective species of "Cybertroid" life form. Him and others like him have no central spark and normally have borderline plant level intelligence (thank you Mr. Soundwave). But they came together on their native world to feed off geothermal energy below the surface, travelling in great, burrowing masses to move from fault to fault, vent to vent. Their waste product: tiny blue crystals that still held incredible amounts of residuaal, refined energy: Energon.
Now, as someone will say, he is a Trout without his Worm, foundering in a sea of sand.
I speak in riddles, But am I being too obvious, even for Dune virgins?
The Main Page, courtesy Wayback Machine by
on 2009-05-26 16:28:00 UTC
Link to this">You might want to archive the missions (including The Dark Elf, which did not make it to Jay and Acacia's other archive).
- Oh krutz. by on 2009-05-26 16:30:00 UTC Link to this
Ernest Hemingway: he was a super freak by
on 2009-05-27 00:24:00 UTC
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So if anyone actually gives half a damn about my PPC work, you're probably going to have to wait a while for my third mission. While it's already been started, I just got back from the first session of my summer class on Hemingway, and by the look of things it's gonna put me through the wringer. I have to read all of A Moveable Feast (which is 200-odd pages), plus two online articles, and write a page-long paper, all by Thursday.
Regardless, I'd really like to hear what other people think about Hemingway. I think I'm gonna love this class, mostly because Hemingway is possibly a more interesting character than any he ever wrote himself. Just based off the synopsis of his life I got in my first class today, he was Hunter S. Thompson before Hunter S. Thompson had the chance to be (not joking; the parallels between them are almost alarming).
Anyone have any thoughts?
Bionicle mission ready for beta, at long last (nm) by
on 2009-05-27 03:18:00 UTC
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*murders Enter key* by
on 2009-05-27 03:19:00 UTC
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Any takers?
Re: *murders Enter key* by
on 2009-05-27 03:51:00 UTC
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I'm always willing to beta. Since I don't want to repost my contact information too much, you can find it on my userpage at the Wiki, DirtyCommie.
A Return and a Query by
on 2009-05-27 03:34:00 UTC
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Hi everybody! None of you will remember me; I was active a few years ago, but not really for a long enough to have made any kind of lasting impression. So I suppose I will start with a brief introduction.
I primarily dabble in Lord of the Rings fanfiction, although I have been taking a several year hiatus. I actually recently returned due in part to the new Star Trek movie, figuring that the entire Star Trek Continuum is going to need some extra help with its recent revival in pop culture. I am female, and I once wrote a Mary Sue at twelve years of age; an unforgivable sin I know, but I do owe my writing ability to that early start.
I actually have a question for everybody, seeing as I haven't been around. What are we doing about the Twilight series? It's practically a canon Mary Sue... the author should be taken out and shot. Yet I'm sure there's fanfiction being written on it. Anyway, that's more idle curiosity than anything else... it is such a dreadful book.
- MB -
canon_sues deals with Bella's type by
on 2009-05-28 23:15:00 UTC
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The PPC isn't the organization for dealing with the vileness that is a canon 'Sue. Head on over to canon_sues on LJ or Google it and see what comes up. I could not agree more with you about Bella, and you'll find yourself in good company at (
Must join message-board (nm) by
on 2009-05-31 01:21:00 UTC
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Did join messageboard. (nm) by
on 2009-05-31 11:35:00 UTC
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re: Twilight by
on 2009-05-28 01:33:00 UTC
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It's a published canon. Therefore we protect it :)
Or rather, we ignore it until someone who knows the canon and cares decides to spork the badfic!
We do NOT take out a canon character, even if we think she's a Sue. -
...unfortunately. (nm) by
on 2009-05-28 12:48:00 UTC
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Seconded (nm) by
on 2009-05-30 20:01:00 UTC
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Kill, maim, burn! Kill, maim, burn! Die, Twilight, die! (nm) by
on 2009-05-27 16:32:00 UTC
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You were one of the last ones on the Pit, aren't you? by
on 2009-05-27 13:43:00 UTC
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Agents Sarah and Alana rock!
Waitwaitwait. Hold up. by
on 2009-05-28 05:01:00 UTC
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Author of Sarah and Alana?
You wrote the first PPC missions I ever read. I think that's where I remember your name from. I loved Sarah and Alana. Thank you. :-D -
Delayed, I know by
on 2009-06-06 00:46:00 UTC
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I've been on vacation, so I only was just able to check this board... but oh my goodness, I have fans, thank you!! :D :D
Completely made my day. -
Anyone have a convenient link to those missions? (nm) by
on 2009-05-28 08:29:00 UTC
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This is why the pre-Wiki Lists are still useful. by
on 2009-05-30 11:21:00 UTC
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From the Complete List of PPC Fiction:
Sarah and Alana
hS -
Hello! by
on 2009-05-27 05:11:00 UTC
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I think I remember you. Not sure. Either way, welcome. *hands over Convenient Cake*
Eh; most of us have Sue skeletons in our closet; it's why we are able to make the distinction now. Innocence isn't very helpful. :)
As for Twilight, we're not doing anything; we can't, even if we wanted to, and not everyone does. I'm no fan of it, but Canon Sue or no, it doesn't irritate me nearly as much as you, apparently, and in any case, once it's published, it's out of our hands. Thankfully, no one can make us take on missions for it.
Sorry to be so brief, but I'm in a bit of a hurry.
- Sedri -
I probably ought to clarify... by
on 2009-05-27 05:48:00 UTC
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I actually meant to ask whether or not anybody was taking on missions for it; my bad, it was poorly worded. I had a bit of an idea, but I'll let it fester a bit in my brain and see if it goes anywhere :P Thanks though
- MB -
Aaah. by
on 2009-05-27 09:03:00 UTC
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Well, it's personal choice. I did a mission once that crossed over with Twilight, but only marginally. Either way, it's up to you. :)
Ah... by
on 2009-05-27 04:04:00 UTC
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...I do remember the name. I remember it sounded like a creature from Lord of the Rings Online. :-D
To answer your question: as far as I know, we aren't doing anything. I'm sure there are plenty of works that should never have been published and many of us would love to be destroyed (Eragon for example), but a canon is a canon, and we cannot actually PPC published canons. Sporkings like those done by Kippurbird and MST's are up to you, but as far as I know there's nothing we can do "about" Twilight. The Duty's The Duty, after all.
Hope to see you more often! -
Oh, don't destroy Eragon... by
on 2009-05-27 11:09:00 UTC
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Otherwise my additions to the Meat series would never have existed (though some would claim that's a good thing).
I love that series. XD (nm) by
on 2009-05-28 05:00:00 UTC
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I don't suppose you've read mine... by
on 2009-05-28 10:32:00 UTC
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Shameless plug:
I have Meat the Sixth and Seventh there. I'm going to reread Brisingr soon, see if there's potential for Meat the Eighth (I think there is).
Noughts and Crosses Badfic? by
on 2009-05-27 11:54:00 UTC
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Frankly, I don't have the time to look through this as it's expanded rapidly. It's a rewrite of one of this author's old N&C fics, which I objected to on sheer suckage factor by changing the ending to be a happy one and therefore ruining the entire message of the book. She then rewrote the story, coming to me for beta reading help. I accepted. She fired me about three days later because I pointed out plothole after plothole (and a number of biology errors, too). To my knowledge, she only kept the spelling and grammar erros (of which there were a lot). What I saw of it and the author's attitude makes me think badfic was imminent. Therefore, I'm flagging this so someone else can read it and see if my suspicions were correct.
on 2009-05-27 12:25:00 UTC
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Ladies and Gentlemen, I have just found a lolcat translator.
Surprisingly enough, it's actually quite good at it. It can translate nearly anything into hilariously childish lolcatese.
Naturally, this has spawned ideas...
So here's my challenge. You know all that badfic? All that *REALLY* bad fic, with more words wrong than right, enough mistakes to keep the Authors graves spinning for another millenia or two...
...would this tool make them worse, or... better?
*grins evilly and runs off to get more caffeine* -
your post, in lolcat by
on 2009-06-02 03:55:00 UTC
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Weded May 27, 2009 7:25am
Ladiez adn Gentlemen, I haz jus finded a lolcat translator.
Surprisingly enough, iz akshully qwyet gud at eet. It kan translaet nearly anyfin into hilariously childish lolcatees.
naterelly, dis haz spawneded ideaz...
sow heer's mai challenge. Yoo nows awl dat badfic? awl dat *reelee* bad fic, wif moar werdz wron than riet, enough mistakez ta keep teh Authorz gravez spinnin foar anudda millenia or too...
...wud dis tool maeks dem worse, or... bettah?
*grinz evilly adn runz of ta getz moar caffeien*"
hee hee hee -
The PPC Constitution in Lolcat form by
on 2009-05-30 00:20:00 UTC
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(Since I didn't have anything more creative to dump in the text box.)
Might I point out that #4 is now particularly hypocritical...
misshun Statement: {misshun impussible mewzik playz in teh bakground} Teh misshun uv dis Board iz ta encouraeg teh gudfic, discouraeg teh bad, shaer writin adn comput-arrr tipz, halp owt fellow riterz in needz, exchange opinionz, adn ta nattah awn endlessly abowt efrytin frum lawd uv teh Ringz ta yukky-apple pai. Mmm . . . pai . . .
dis webpaeg will self-destruct in thurtee twothz.
{Hidez. Several hourz pass.}
nivvah mind, den . . .
{comz owtta hidin.}
Ta compleet awr misshun wifout massively pissin each-uddah of requirez sum rulez. sow . . .
{Clearz throat.}
heer ye, heer ye! (adn awl dat uddah medieval mumbo-jumbo dowz widah-pissin-territory crierz meaow. Foarsooth verily!) We, teh PPC-Boarderz, in ordah ta foarm a moar perfick Messaeg Board, doez ordain adn establish dis Constitushun foar teh well-bein adn sanity (or insanity) uv awl.
Teh PPC Board Constitushun (a.k.a. Da Rulez)
1. Thou shalt luvz thy neighbor az thyself. sow b niec! Treat everywun else awn teh board wif respect!
2. Respect uddah peeps’s opinionz, especially wehn eet comz ta controversial issuez, lieks religion, homosexuality adn slash, or wichcraft. Yoo don’t hafta agreez wif anyoen, uv cors, adn statin yur own opinion iz encourageded, but noes tellin uddah peeps dat deir opinion iz WRON. It’s kynd uv hird foar a opinion ta b wron, considerin dat eet’s hao dat certain individual seez a certain issue.
3. dis sort uv goez alawng wif Numbah 2 . . . noes Flamez Alloweded! (Teh daffynishun uv flame uzd heer iz "A verbal scratch/insult awn a individual.") It’s wun fin ta meaow "I don’t agreez wif yur opinion," ta a person, but entirely inappropriaet ta meaow, "Yoo’re such a flippin idiot foar finkin dat, yoo flippin moron!"
4. Thou shalt maketh yur postz legible. Spell correctly adn uz gud grahmar ta teh betterest uv yur ability. Mistakez will b foargiven, uv cors, but eet’ll b hird foar everywun ta understand yoo adn respond ta yur postz if yoo go, "OMG! I kant believ taht newst movie iz owt! eets sow gr8!"
5. Postz shoodz b keeped frum teh G TA PG-13 range. Keep eet clean peeps. If yoo haz ta meaow sumfin ovah teh PG-13 level (lieks if eet includez cursin or sumfin) giev a warnin at least.
6. Silliness adn insanity iz welcum heer — even encourageded. Feel free ta leef yur sanity at teh door. Most uv teh Regularz doez.
7. serious discusshun iz ALSO welcum heer. Odd, ne?
8. Feel free ta shamelessly plug storeez adn websitez ta yur hart’s content, if yoo finks dey’ll b uv interest teh peeps awn teh Board. We’re in dier needz uv gud fanfic adn entertainment. Also feel free ta post links ta badficz. memebah dat part uv awr misshun iz ta halp authorz improev. Most peeps awn dis board post constructiev criticism in a attempt ta halp teh authorz improev deir writin styel, sow pleez considah dis wehn yoo go review sumoen’s story. seez faar below foar daffynishun uv flamez adn foar moar detailz.
9. newbeez shoodz post at least once ta introduec demselvez (adn ta receiev a bumpah stickah frum teh Offishal Bumpah Stickah Givah or teh Deputy Bumpah Stickah Givah.) Aftah dat, lurkin iz fien, although lurkerz iz likely ta getz BADLY losed cuz we ramble lotz, sow we encouraeg yoo ta join in adn becom a regular yurself. Thar’s binded ta b sumoen heer hoo lieks teh same stufs yoo lieks (since we’re such a diverse group.) adn we lieks new peeps adn fresh meat — er, opinionz. Don’t worriez, teh Regularz’ barks iz far worse than deir bytez. (Although we doez bark lotz, I kan tell yoo.)
10. If yoo dun understand sumfin, dun b afraid ta aks. Srsly! We won't point, laf, adn go "Ha-ha!" wehn yoo don’t nows sumfin. We'll halp.
11. If yoo haz a problem wif a fellow PPC Boardah, pleez tri ta wurks eet owt in privaet emalez. Don’t turn teh Board into a free-foar-awl Flamefest.
12. If yoo kan’t respect udderz’ opinionz or fingz getz too heateded, pleez tri ta keep political/theological argumentz ta a minimum. hoepfuwwy, dat wined’t b a problem, though.
13. If a political/theological adn/or controversial subject staartz owt hokay, but windz up heateded, adn staartz goin owtta controls, everywun shoodz step bak adn calm down, adn possibly abandon teh discusshun if eet seemz dat eet kan’t b continud calmly adn civilly.
14. If sumoen sez sumfin dat seemz offensiev, but yoo’re nawt suer xackly whut dey meaned, aks dem furst, befoar jumpin down deir throatz. Srsly! Dey probably didn’t mean ta offend anyoen. (If dey DID mean ta insult peeps, go ahedz adn jump down deir throatz if yoo lieks.)
15. Thar iz noes ruel 15.
16. Randomness iz seldom a bad fin, az lawng az Da Rulez iz followeded. (Foar a example, seez Ruel 15.)
17. Mary Suez iz generally despiseded adn though most uv teh Regularz will (probably) treat yoo wif respect if yoo lieks dem, dis Board iz nawt teh betterest plaec foar yoo. Srsly!
18. If yoo hates lawd uv teh Ringz, dis Board iz definitely nawt teh plaec foar yoo. Srsly! Yoo’ll find prittee mutch everywun heer in disagreement wif yoo.
19. Trollerz will b ignored or mockeded foar entertainment.
20. memebah ta haz FUN.
21. "noes meddle in teh affairz uv assassinz! Dey iz heavily-armeded adn quik ta angah. adn nawt noticeably subtle."
We teh PPC Boarderz, in ordah ta maeks a LOTR-saef Union, must heerby follow awl teh rulez uv teh PPC Board Pledge uv Allegiance:
I doez heerby solemnly swaer:
Ta defend awl lawd uv teh Ringz fanz adn fanaticz; teh PPC, eets riterz, adn eets fanz; OFUM, eets ritah, adn eets fanz; adn uddah LOTR-relateded fanpeepz in needz or in desperashun, az lawng az I remain a actiev membah uv teh Board. I will halp fellow PPC ADN PPC-Boarderz thumb deir nosez at FF.Net wehn eet actz awl stoopid.
(stoopid FF.Net --)
I will respect mai fellow PPC-Boarderz, despiet whut werdy, obnoxiouz, or udderwyez idiotic shenaniganz dey may doez in deir tyme az memberz uv sayed Board. (Though if dey iz breakin rulez, or bein meaniez, I WILL endeavor ta set dem straight.)
I will follow Da Rulez ta teh betterest uv mai ability, unless by consensuz majority, sayed Ruel(s) iz/iz finded ta b "reelee, reelee stoopid."
I heerby devoet maiself in teh protecshun adn support uv teh lawd uv teh Ringz Plot Continuum, whether dat b by halpin riterz riet bettah storeez, readin adn recommendin gud storeez, writin gud storeez uv mai own, reportin adn reviewin bad storeez, tawkin abowt random Lotr-relateded stufs, or n e uddah wacky methodz. adn I pledge ta blah blah blah . . . blah blah bla blah . . . bla bla blah bla . . . bla blah bla blah bla bla blah . . . adn wif equality adn bumpah stickerz foar awl!
Heer endeth teh PPC Board Constitushun.
Him/her hoo duz nawt agreez wif such turmz noes kan b truly happy awn teh PPC Board. Him/her shoodz theerfoer renounce n e idea uv bekummin a PPC-Boardah cuz true PPC-Boarderz shall nivvah weyvr frum followin deez rulez. n e errant behavior kan adn will b dealed wif by teh Assassinz adn/or fellow Boarderz in a lovin but firm mannah.
adn if dat duzn’t wurks, dey'll maeks yur lief a livin heck! ^__^
*holds her poor, aching head* Oooooowwww. -
Ooh, run a few through this too! by
on 2009-05-28 22:47:00 UTC
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Best one is the Redneck version: "legolas by Mary Jane". -
Okay. by
on 2009-05-29 16:51:00 UTC
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Here's that badfic WikiMaster reported in Redneck. "Fry mah hide!"? -
*cracks up laughing* by
on 2009-05-29 06:16:00 UTC
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Now I know how the Bracket Fungus would sound like as a hillbilly. Or Snoop Dogg. XD
I am so, so sorry for this. by
on 2009-05-28 20:52:00 UTC
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The first scene in Celebrian (cut off where the smut starts; I ran that through it, too, but figured I probably shouldn't post it here):
Celebrian standed befoar teh goblin kin, hedz boweded. Her lawng silvah locks hided her faec. Silent tearz streameded down durtee checks.
Teh orcz haded nawt mistreateded her—woe ta n e orc hoo spoileded teh kin’s pleasuer-toy. But teh hem uv her travelin dress wuz wet adn muddied by teh lawng walk thru watah loggeded tunnelz. Her hehr wuz matteded adn her affecshun-appendixez werz muddied, bruiseded adn kut frum menny a tumble in teh dark. Noen uv dat mattered compared ta teh faet dat awayteded her at teh handz uv dis sow-cawleded kin.
"Whut iz dis?" sayed teh goblin kin. Teh lift uv him loin cloth cauzd by teh stiffenin uv him cock demonstrateded full well dat teh kweschun wuz moot.
"A elf-bitch, yur highness, bringed frum teh caev at teh top uv teh pass. We snatcheded her whiel her sleeped."
"wuz her alonze?" askeded teh Kin.
Him yellow, watery eyup gazeded at him captiev. Dowz eyup displayeded a hint uv fear uv elf-warriorz but faar moar dey gloweded wif lust. Elvez wud stawp at nofin ta reclaim a losed woman ta teh orcz. Az well dey shoodz, thot, teh kin contemplatin whut lied in stoar foar dis fien specimen uv elven womanhood. Breakin her ta him needz wud b exquisiet.
"noes, yur highness. But dey haz nawt pursueded awr yet. gardz iz posteded. We will nows if dey com."
Celebrian kud follow deir werdz, foar teh orcz werz a mixeded lot uv big Uruks adn liddill woodz-goblinz adn uzd teh Westron tun ta communicaet. Her hart kud nawt halp leap wif teh remindah dat her husband Elrond wud com in search uv her. adn noes foarce uv orcz kud stay her rescue. Her haded ownlee ta owtlass her captorz foar a liddill whiel.
Teh goblin strokeded teh stubble awn him chin wif a graet claweded hand. Him idly pikkeded teh nostril uv him large pig-noes adn twicheded him pig-earz sow dat teh tuftz uv hehr in teh earz twicheded. Tusk-teef protrueded upward frum him undah-slun jaw.
Him smileded. Him knowed whut her wuz finkin. adn him knowed dat valor or nawt, eet wud taek graet effort foar Elvez ta track dem thru teh maez uv tunnelz. Dey haded nawt idly bringed her thru watah-filleded tunnelz: trackin wuz near impussible.
Teh Elvez wud com, but nawt foar a lawng tyme. adn him wud likely b goen lawng befoar dey arriveded. But if nawt, well, sum pleasurez werz worth teh risk.
"Strip her," him sayed at lass.
Celebrian’s hedz jerkeded up. Her hehr falled awai frum her faec revealin violet eyup undah slivah eyebrowz, a fien small noes adn a tiniez, delicaet mouf. -
Lolcat Bible by
on 2009-05-28 03:23:00 UTC
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Someone actually took the time to translate the Bible in lolcat: -
O.o (nm) by
on 2009-06-02 03:58:00 UTC
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Lol. by
on 2009-05-28 11:58:00 UTC
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Krisprolls is going to love it. 'Nuff said.
*mad scientist laughter* by
on 2009-05-28 01:33:00 UTC
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An absolutely god-awful Warriors fic that is, sadly, too short to PPC. It's called 'What if Tigerstar killed Scourge?' and consists of a horribly written battle between Firestar and Tigerstar. Hey! It's about cats, being translated to lolcat! Yay!
Disclaimah:I own nofin. Zip, nada, nofin in dis wunshooted except teh plot.
Whut if floofystar haded killeded Scourge?
Teh final battle against Firestar adn floofystar!
“Yoo stinkin kittehpet! I'll kill yoo befoar yur Clan's vewee eyup, srsly!”floofystar spited
“noes floofystar, yoo won't. Foar I HAZ STARCLAN awn mai sied, adn yoo dun. Yoo may haz bein given teh nin livez uv a leadah, but STARCLAN iz still awn mai sied, yoo Traitor! Firestar hisseded.
“Den let's seez hoo reelee duz haz STARCLAN awn deir sied, liddill retch!” floofystar screameded den leapeded at Firestar. Firestar wuz totally unawaer adn wuz catched of gard. Az floofystar bowleded into him sied, floofystar sayed mockingly “stoopid kittehpet duzn't nows hao ta fyet!” Firestar wuz nockeded off balance adn sended hurtlin towardz THUNDERCLAN.
“Firestar!”screameded Sandstorm. Her wuz abowt ta leap at floofystar wehn Firestar goted up.
“noes Sandstorm. dis iz mai battle.” him sayed calmly.
Firestar practicawly flyed straight at floofystar. Firestar sended floofystar off ta teh sied. Firestar sawed a openin. floofystar haded him stomach faec up. Him runed wif teh speed uv STARCLAN adn rakeded him claw down floofystar's stomach. floofystar wuz mahmentarily in fierce pain, but eet seemeded ta haz lef him. Him rakeded him clawz down Firestar's sied. Firestar goted bak up adn whackeded floofystar in teh faec. Dat lef him mahmentarily stunneded. floofystar goted up adn scratcheded Firestar awn teh noes.
“We iz too even. I needz ta find a trick.” Firestar sayed.
Den Firestar acteded az if him werz defeateded. floofystar yowleded in triumph. Him jumpeded ta deal teh killin blow, srsly. Den Firestar launcheded himself at floofystar. Him hit him awn teh stomach. floofystar goed flyin. Den him lied motionless. Firestar runed up adn bited down hird awn floofystar's neck. Firestar bakeded up az floofystar jerkeded. Den him lied motionless. too livez down, sevun ta go. Den floofystar jerkeded agin adn lied motionless. Him haded losed anudda lief! Him keeped dis up till him wuz awn him lass lief. Den him goted up.
“finks ur sow gud? Well, kittehpet, Iz nawt deded yet, srsly!” floofystar spited. Him jumpeded awn Firestar's bak. Him unnaterelly lawng clawz diged in hird. Suddenly Firestar let owt a yowl. Him lied motionless. Den, him reared up adn hit floofystar hird awn teh ground. Firestar's eyup gloweded wif raeg. Him claweded floofystar's belly hird. Den him hit him sow hird dat him soul probably goed ta DEATHCLAN adn bak. floofystar lied motionless. Firestar haded wined.
“I haz rid teh foarest uv a graet evil. But if I nows floofystar, him will wantz rebenge, even if himz in DEATHCLAN. In teh process, I haz losed a lief. But I still haz eit lef. I will maeks eet.” him telled teh Clanz. Sandstorm runed up ta teh mizzle uv teh clearin wher Firestar wuz sittin. Her lickeded him woundz til Cinderpelt comed adn shooeded her awai. Her attendeded him woundz. -
Floofystar!!! *laughs so hard she falls over* (nm) by
on 2009-05-28 15:57:00 UTC
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Floofystar? (nm) by
on 2009-05-28 12:47:00 UTC
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Floofystar by
on 2009-05-30 01:22:00 UTC
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*Dies laughing* Tigerstar is a mean, mean kitty. He is most certainly not anything even vaguely resembling floofy and cute. I will now laugh go put up signs in the Warriorsverse calling Tigerstar "Floofystar". Then I will happily watch the fireworks.
FLOOFY! *brain explodes* (nm) by
on 2009-05-31 01:18:00 UTC
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*didn't translate badfic* by
on 2009-05-27 18:53:00 UTC
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Something good instead.
*wanders off to snicker at the idea of Lolflowers* -
Lolflowers? by
on 2009-05-27 19:28:00 UTC
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Somebody has to make a macro of this...I don't care who, it simply most be done!!!
Oh, no. by
on 2009-05-28 08:32:00 UTC
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You made me imagine a PPC-ized ICHC. Also, an amendment: Someone must make a full-blown internet meme out of this.
Oh my sporking Gawd. by
on 2009-05-27 19:14:00 UTC
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*cracks up*
That's... legend. -
Here goes by
on 2009-05-27 14:57:00 UTC
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(to any fanficranters, this is what sparked me off last night)
I blinkeded, y wuz efrytin sow dark in heer, wher wuz anywai...I sited up adn sawed a flash. "Kiri" a meaowin cawleded. I lukeded around but sawed nofin."Kiri" eet cawleded agin.
"hoo iz yoo!!!" I askeded loudly. "show yurself" I demandeded standin up nao, goted into a defensiev stance adn lukeded around.
I heerd teh feminien meaowin laf lightly "awl in doez tyme mai dear, dun worriez will nawt harm yoo" teh meaowin respondeded. I growleded low in mai throat.
"hoo iz yoo, I won't aks yoo agin" sayed angrily, hoo didz her finks her wuz. I heerd her laf agin befoar respondin.
"mai name iz Rakuren doez nawt worriez I iz awn yur sied" teh meaowin respondeded. I lukeded around still tryin ta figuer owt whut wuz goin awn.
"whut iz goin awn heer, wher iz I" I askeded her, hopin her wudn't brush meh of agin.
"I iz heer ta halp yoo awn yur upkummin quest, noes kan show maiself ta yoo yet, but soon I will b yur grate3st talonz...I kan tell yoo noes moar than dat, we will meets agin soon, small-hyooman-torturah b kaerfool..." den efrytin goed wyet.
AHHHH I bolteded upriet adn falled off teh beded. It wuz awl jus a dream, a scary dream but a dream noen teh less. I lukeded at mai annoyin-tickin-deviec 10:30am oh noes wuz SUPPOSEDED Ta meets Wif TSUZUKI ADN SILVAH riet Abowt Nao!!! I panickeded adn grabbeded mai clofes adn runed owt teh door. I staarteded runnin ta teh park wher wuz ta meets mai frenz.
Mai name iz Kiri Tora Doragon Densetsu, iz a lawng name I nows but eet iz whut eet iz. It meanz Misty floofy Dragon Legend, cool hu? I haz lawng dark blue hehr hehr dat goez ta mai hipz But iz uzually keeped in a high ponytail hirdly waer eet down sow I kan fyet wifout eet gettin in teh wai, haz dark lavendah eyup adn a spunky yet calm attitueded. I haz awn vewee strange yet eleagant clofes. I iz a fyteah, iz a black belt, 5th degree, adn I nows hao ta uz menny talonz, lieks ta fyet, I nivvah turn down a challenge unless eet iz sow bad dat considah repulsiev, adn I haz nivvah lass a match, iz 14 almost 15 yearz old adn Tsuzuki adn Silvah a.k.a. Gin, iz mai too betterest frenz, we nivvah go anywheah wifout each uddah. Tsuzuki Gin adn I lieks ta danz adn sin, we iz finkin abowt staartin a band but still izn't suer. I iz teh calm wun in teh group most uv teh tyme, hafta keep teh udderz saen ta a extent, uv cors Gin halpz wif dat. I kan easily hidez mai emotionz, even if dey tear meh apart, nivvah show eet, adn nows wun nawt even mai own betterest frenz, kan tell whut Iz pheelin sumtymez, Iz dat gud at hidin mai emotionz. I nivvah let anyoen seez meh in pain or hurt, adn especially nivvah adn I mean nivvah nivvah EVER EVER let anyoen seez mai tearz, nawt even in teh faec uv death, fear almost nofin, except teh separashun or death uv mai frenz...mai ownlee famley...I iz vewee graceful, sumfin pikkeded up frum Zuki-chan, adn her teachez meh ta danz wif graec, Gin teachez meh ta sin. In return I stay loyal ta dem adn teach dem hao ta wield talonz. I haz a past dat noes kan even memebah, I woek up in a strange plaec adn wuz meeted by too girlz mai age, Tsuzuki-chan adn Gin-chan, telled dem I dint memebah mai past, adn dey sayed dat dey wud halp meh memebah...teh ownlee fin I memebah iz bein able ta turn into a floofy adn a giant dragon.
*shudders* I think it got worse -
*headdesk* by
on 2009-05-27 14:58:00 UTC
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(let's try again, remembering formatting this time)
I blinkeded, y wuz efrytin sow dark in heer, wher wuz anywai...I sited up adn sawed a flash. "Kiri" a meaowin cawleded. I lukeded around but sawed nofin."Kiri" eet cawleded agin.
"hoo iz yoo!!!" I askeded loudly. "show yurself" I demandeded standin up nao, goted into a defensiev stance adn lukeded around.
I heerd teh feminien meaowin laf lightly "awl in doez tyme mai dear, dun worriez will nawt harm yoo" teh meaowin respondeded. I growleded low in mai throat.
"hoo iz yoo, I won't aks yoo agin" sayed angrily, hoo didz her finks her wuz. I heerd her laf agin befoar respondin.
"mai name iz Rakuren doez nawt worriez I iz awn yur sied" teh meaowin respondeded. I lukeded around still tryin ta figuer owt whut wuz goin awn.
"whut iz goin awn heer, wher iz I" I askeded her, hopin her wudn't brush meh of agin.
"I iz heer ta halp yoo awn yur upkummin quest, noes kan show maiself ta yoo yet, but soon I will b yur grate3st talonz...I kan tell yoo noes moar than dat, we will meets agin soon, small-hyooman-torturah b kaerfool..." den efrytin goed wyet.
AHHHH I bolteded upriet adn falled off teh beded. It wuz awl jus a dream, a scary dream but a dream noen teh less. I lukeded at mai annoyin-tickin-deviec 10:30am oh noes wuz SUPPOSEDED Ta meets Wif TSUZUKI ADN SILVAH riet Abowt Nao!!! I panickeded adn grabbeded mai clofes adn runed owt teh door. I staarteded runnin ta teh park wher wuz ta meets mai frenz.
Mai name iz Kiri Tora Doragon Densetsu, iz a lawng name I nows but eet iz whut eet iz. It meanz Misty floofy Dragon Legend, cool hu? I haz lawng dark blue hehr hehr dat goez ta mai hipz But iz uzually keeped in a high ponytail hirdly waer eet down sow I kan fyet wifout eet gettin in teh wai, haz dark lavendah eyup adn a spunky yet calm attitueded. I haz awn vewee strange yet eleagant clofes. I iz a fyteah, iz a black belt, 5th degree, adn I nows hao ta uz menny talonz, lieks ta fyet, I nivvah turn down a challenge unless eet iz sow bad dat considah repulsiev, adn I haz nivvah lass a match, iz 14 almost 15 yearz old adn Tsuzuki adn Silvah a.k.a. Gin, iz mai too betterest frenz, we nivvah go anywheah wifout each uddah. Tsuzuki Gin adn I lieks ta danz adn sin, we iz finkin abowt staartin a band but still izn't suer. I iz teh calm wun in teh group most uv teh tyme, hafta keep teh udderz saen ta a extent, uv cors Gin halpz wif dat. I kan easily hidez mai emotionz, even if dey tear meh apart, nivvah show eet, adn nows wun nawt even mai own betterest frenz, kan tell whut Iz pheelin sumtymez, Iz dat gud at hidin mai emotionz. I nivvah let anyoen seez meh in pain or hurt, adn especially nivvah adn I mean nivvah nivvah EVER EVER let anyoen seez mai tearz, nawt even in teh faec uv death, fear almost nofin, except teh separashun or death uv mai frenz...mai ownlee famley...I iz vewee graceful, sumfin pikkeded up frum Zuki-chan, adn her teachez meh ta danz wif graec, Gin teachez meh ta sin. In return I stay loyal ta dem adn teach dem hao ta wield talonz. I haz a past dat noes kan even memebah, I woek up in a strange plaec adn wuz meeted by too girlz mai age, Tsuzuki-chan adn Gin-chan, telled dem I dint memebah mai past, adn dey sayed dat dey wud halp meh memebah...teh ownlee fin I memebah iz bein able ta turn into a floofy adn a giant dragon. -
Pretty sure it did get worse. by
on 2009-05-27 16:55:00 UTC
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FFN itself is worth a chuckle or two in lolcat, though.
Step back for fear of awesome! by
on 2009-05-27 13:05:00 UTC
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The original link:
What the translator gave me: I standed at teh doorz ta Hogwartz skool uv wichcraft adn Wizardry. It wuz a impressiev name ta b suer, but teh hooel “don’t let teh mugglez nows!” seemeded a liddill overzealouz. It wuz also complicateded enough ta b goddess uv horsez (yup I iz goddess uv horsez, yup nows yur jealouz) adn nawt ta menshun dat teh skool wuz co-eded. It wuz diffikult bein a goddess (even though we didz haz supah-coolio majikul powurz) since I'd a lust curse.
yup, a lust curse. mayks evry man fallz madly in “luvz” wif meh. nawt fun. Even sum uv teh furst yearz werz starin at meh funny. It stunk rocks. reelee stinky rocks.
I wuz a “transferrin” student, due ta a “disturbance” frum mai old skool; tri ta keep up wif meh. But moar uv dat latah, eet wuz tyme ta go in. (yoo kan learn moar latah, dat's y dey meaow eet "suspense")
At furst teh entrance uv teh furst yearz wuz teh uzual, everywun welkummin teh poor fresh meat into a furst livin nightmaer, but den I comed in. I comed in lass sow dat teh uddah poor small-hyooman-torturerz maiet akshully getz sum attenshun. But den everywun wuz starin at meh.
At furst eet wuz silence, evry straight man’s eye fikseded awn meh. lemme tell yoo, skared teh heck owtta meh. Den teh sownd uv evry man sighin az dey “falled in luvz”. I discreetly rolleded mai eyup. dis crap reelee goted borin aftah a whiel. Den uv cors comed teh catcawlz, wolf-whistlez, adn evry possible sign dat teh man wuz “turneded awn”. A blond buoy suroundid by too burly-lukin accomplicez wuz makin particularly loud contributionz. kan yoo meaow “embarrassin”?
I blusheded adn hided mai faec beneath mai hehr, grr eet wuz sow annoyin wehn dey did dat. I scurried aftah teh furst yearz, tryin ta disguies maiself amongst dem, nawt eezee wehn ur at least a fut tallah than everywun.
Aftah teh gauntlet uv a walk ta teh front uv teh “graet hall” (pleez, I haz seen sow menny moar hallz mutch largah than dis” teh old lady wif teh funny hat begined ta meaow.
“Yoo will b sorteded into yur territoriez; yur territory will b yur famley. Blah blah blah blah….” I needz ta getz maiself wun uv dem hatz. I thot. qwyet nifty.
befoar I'd reelizeded eet, teh lady wuz meaowin namez owt; teh pathetic foarmerz shuffleded ta teh front uv teh hall, adn werz placeded underneath a old hat. I kud feel teh majik driftin of uv eet, sow knowed eet must haz bein a object uv exceptional powa.
“Siriz Silverbow.” funny hat lady sayed.
I walkeded gracefully ta teh hall, evry single buoy’s eyup awn mai butt az ploppeded down awn teh stool. Teh old hat-fin wuz placeded awn mai hedz, sortin into “territoriez” I suppoes.
Den I feeled eet diggin into mai memoriez, tryin ta penetraet mai mind; sow painful memoriez, teh facez…deathz, srsly. Him faec. Him faec…
I whippeded dat fin off mai hedz sow fast eet wuz a blur. Mai eyup filleded wif tearz…Ceelin Cat I wuz goin ta staart sobbin n e minuet…. omg Him faec…
“Slytherin.” croakeded teh hat befoar eet hit teh flor.
I walkeded slowly ta mai territory table, lettin mai lawng, silky, wyet hehr drift in front uv mai faec ta hidez mai eyup brimmeded wif tearz. naterelly teh lawng table haded bein cleared sow dat teh ownlee spot lef wuz teh wun besied teh blond buoy. Even him accomplicez haded parteded ta allow meh teh “honor” uv sittin thar. Yoo bet yur buttonz I wuz pleaseded (in caes yoo didn’t nows, dat iz cawleded sarcasm).
“Hay,” begined teh blond buoy in a attempteded suaev meaowin. awl male eyup werz traineded ta him, borin deep into him flesh. Teh vieb around teh malez wuz awl teh same: luky!
Needless ta meaow I didn’t boafah lukin up frum mai tear-soakeded D-cupz (yup yoo did needz ta nows mai bra siez, yup nows ur sow totally jealouz) Teh wurd “reject” wuz qwyet obviously nawt includeded in dis moron’s vocabulary, sow him continud ta blab pointlessly.
“I’m Draco Malfoy. I nows yoo’re new heer, don’t worriez; I’ll taek gud caer uv yoo.” I'd lukeded up enough ta seez dat awn him lass werdz him eyup haded drifteded down ta mai boobz. I hates manz.
“Oh, dis iz Crabbe, adn dat’s Goyel.” Draco sayed, lukin up lawng enough frum mai funbagz (yup I did meaow dem dat, yup eet iz kynda insultin, but eet iz a graet vocab wurd) ta gestuer ta him too comradez.
Teh wun cawleded Crabbe mumbleded sum foarm uv incandescent greetin, him eyup glueded ta seez whutevah mai breastz wud doez nex. I akshully lukeded down too, uzually manz werzn’t dis annoyin. Oh. noes. I'd foargotten dat haded a wyet shurt awn; adn mai tearz haded dun eet noes jusiec. Crap. Mai shurt wuz totally seez-thru. adn I iz a albino. dis stunk rocks even worse than befoar.
Teh wun cawleded Goyel didn’t even boafah wif a greetin, him jus sited thar wif him eyup fikseded ta mai chest; wuz dat drool kummin owtta him mouf? I sawed sum uddah manz tri ta maeks a movement ta “win mai hand” but dey werz quikly silenceded by Malfoy’s glaer uv uttah contempt, him eyup returnin ta mai chest ownlee wehn him thot him haded skared awai evry lass traec uv competishun, adn utterly, frenz.
everywun wuz eatin nao, adn teh manz werz foarceded ta luk awai. Aftah lukin around mai territory I sawed a buoy wif hideously ugly glassez adn a odd scar tawkin ta a frizzy-hehred girl adn a red-hehred buoy. Dey werz awl lukin at meh strangely. I cudda sworn teh red-hehred buoy wuz in teh same staet az Goyel (dat uv cors bein teh chest-drool), if a ferociouz luk by teh fizz girl hadn’t skared him owtta lukin. I still catched him sneakin luks. Pervert.
Teh uddah too werz still lukin at meh suspiciously, adn purrhaps wun uv teh teechrz; teh wun wif a big noes adn kynd uv greezee black hehr. Him wuz starin at mai chest too, wuzn’t dat illegal? Whutevah, evry man in mai territory wuz starin, sow I suppoes him cudda a luk too, (iz a vewee, vewee consideraet person) at mai expense.
I turneded awai frum mai observationz ta luk at Malfoy agin. Him hehr reelee wuz astonishingly greezee…certainly thar wuz a environment law against dat? Actin awn impulse I reecheded owt adn toucheded eet. (I hasn’t bein around manz foar a whiel) Eww. It wuz az greezee az eet lukeded. I quikly withdrawed mai hand adn wipeded teh pound uv greaes onto mai napkin.
Seein dat awl teh uddah malez in mai territory werz jealously glarin at Malfoy, him grabbeded meh adn huggeded meh tightly; vewee tightly; srsly, I kudn’t…breef…
“ur goin ta b mai girlfrend.” Him whispered into mai hehr.
I keeped mai affecshun-appendixez limp at mai sied, evry man still starin at meh. Ceelin Cat…whut haded mai impulshun gotten meh into nao? -
Let's see. by
on 2009-05-27 12:44:00 UTC
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Legolaz wuz ridin alawng teh woodz adn wun dai him finded a affecshun-competitor whapeded in colth sow him goted of him horse adn goed ta teh affecshun-competitor adn den Legolaz sayed"hoo lef yoo heer liddill wun"adn den teh affecshun-competitor jus cryeded adn den Legolaz pikk her up adn hold her adn den teh affecshun-competitor stawpeded cryin adn den Legolaz sayed"yur name iz goin b Laura"adn den Legolaz adn teh affecshun-competitor goed onto teh horse adn goed bak ta teh castle wher him liveded.Legolaz sayed"fathur muddah I finded dis liddill affecshun-competitor in teh woodz adn den Legolaz muddah goted up adn walkeded down adn sayed"hao kan peeps put affecshun-competitor in teh woodsand ta diez".Den Legolaz fathur sayed"we iz goin ta keep her"adn den Legolaz wuz happy foar sumrisein. -
0_o by
on 2009-05-28 01:35:00 UTC
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Sad thing is, there's not much difference.
- Mission plug! by on 2009-05-28 05:26:00 UTC Link to this
Good one! by
on 2009-05-29 03:02:00 UTC
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I'd nearly forgotten about Bionicle, actually. And congrats to the Penguin family!
Badfic. by
on 2009-05-28 09:28:00 UTC
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While I haven't watched or read Death Note yet (so many priorities), this fanfic can still be detected as badfic, possibly a troll.
You may die of laughter. Don't blame me. -
It got updated yesterday. by
on 2009-05-30 23:04:00 UTC
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Here's the link:
*Dies, then gets Life Noted by random spork bunnies. Made of sporks. He dies again after seeing them.* -
Yes, I think that is a troll. (nm) by
on 2009-05-29 16:42:00 UTC
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Yeah, I know. by
on 2009-05-29 19:31:00 UTC
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This is my favorite sequence:
Meanwhile Light and Dark and Misa and Sayu and Light's mom and that girl from the bus had gone back to the basement and were naked and sexing and stuff. Suddenly, Sochiro jumped in.
"NO! My wife! And my daughter! And my son! And my other son who is an evil guy! And his girlfriend! And a girl from the bus! All sexing together!"
"try to understand!!!!!!!!!!!!" said lights mom getting up. then she knew she was naked and put on a vest.
"OK! But only because I looooooove you!" Sochiro said and hugged them all except the girl from the bus who flet a bit left out.
Sudenly she took like five guns out from under the pillow and pointed them to everyone.
End sequence.
Don't tell me that wasn't funny! -
Poor Sochiro. by
on 2009-05-29 19:32:00 UTC
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Dark must die! Permanently!
I don't know the continuum, but I know badfic. (nm) by
on 2009-05-31 01:15:00 UTC
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*dies* by
on 2009-05-29 06:39:00 UTC
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"Dark reached round and grabbed the cock from the table. It was seven oclock."
"Few! I thought I was a boner there!"
Also, note how 'lady' frequently becomes 'laddie'. *laughs at the thought of random hermaphrodites popping up* -
A question. by
on 2009-05-29 12:39:00 UTC
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Does Near deserve all the bashing that he gets in the story? Also, how old is he? I'm sure he isn't a kid...
No idea. by
on 2009-05-29 12:42:00 UTC
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Haven't watched Death Note either. All I know is that this fic is sidesplitting.
I'll just wait for someone else, then. by
on 2009-05-29 12:49:00 UTC
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Have you tried the alternative link yet? You really should see the earlier chapters!
Actually, I read the whole thing. (nm) by
on 2009-05-29 13:04:00 UTC
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That's gotta be parody... by
on 2009-05-28 19:36:00 UTC
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"The world of the shinigami was very cold except for the hot bits and also some bits that were alright and that was where Dark was because he was the new king of the shinigami."
"All the other sinigami bowed there heads off because they loved him so much in a nonsexy way except the women."
You don't get that kind of Lemony Narrator unless it's on purpose.
"Du’ark gotted up and made some toast."
*dies of laughter* -
Ooh, delicious toast! by
on 2009-05-29 16:44:00 UTC
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...on second thought, I probably don't want to eat this.
Yeah, I bet this is. by
on 2009-05-28 21:52:00 UTC
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But we've still got to spork it, though (he didn't label it as a parody, and there are several canon violations*). Any mission or MST through this work would surely cause me to giggle myself to bits!
*Yes, I know I don't watch or read Death Note, but i'm sure Light doesn't have a twin brother who engages in sixsomes with his mom, his sister, his girlfriend, and a girl from the bus. -
Amendment by
on 2009-05-28 19:44:00 UTC
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Changed my mind.
*Now* I will die of laughter.
*dies* -
I've also read My Immortal. by
on 2009-05-28 21:45:00 UTC
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I died of laughter, got ressurected, then died again.
Alternative link. by
on 2009-05-28 10:05:00 UTC
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This one leads to the first chapter:
Get the sporks!
Agent South is 82 today. by
on 2009-05-28 10:04:00 UTC
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Technically... by
on 2009-05-28 12:25:00 UTC
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we don't celebrate Agents' birthdays; there are too many Agents, so we'd be doing nothing else, and many of them come from continua whose calendars don't match up with ours.
We do celebrate Boarders' birthdays, however, usually by giving them presents when they announce it as you should have been able to see from the recent birthdays we've had. -
Party is on the other board. by
on 2009-05-28 16:32:00 UTC
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The Infernal Trio is waiting there.
Today is Agent South's birthday!!! by
on 2009-05-28 16:21:00 UTC
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He just turned 82. Party?
The Infernal Trio is waiting for you in their RC! (RC#20736 fot those who don't already know) -
Krisprolls turned 72 today. by
on 2009-06-17 10:50:00 UTC
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Let the party never end.
"YAY!!!" said Krisp. by
on 2009-06-17 14:51:00 UTC
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"It's my birthday now!!!"
The Trio brought more supplies to the people already there and the wars started again. Krisprolls was excited and ran all over the place. -
Since I have nothing better to do... by
on 2009-05-29 02:21:00 UTC
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and my agents are bored; Party Time!
"Drat! Where is that party supposed to be again?" Eesa struggled to hold on to about five bags of party supplies and a generous jug of bleepka as she trotted beside her partner down a hallway. Sive, who held nothing except a bag of popcorn, merely rolled her eyes.
"Response Center 20736. It says it here on the paper."
"Well, where is that? Our Response Center is nowhere near, surely."
One of the bags slipped from Eesa's grasp and spilled its contents all over the floor. Sive sighed and bent down to gather up the dumped items, mainly Silly String and confetti.
“We’ll find it eventually.”
Eventually, as it turned out, happened to be two hours later. After lugging around the party stuff for this amount of time, Eesa felt like her arms were going to drop off. Luckily, this room couldn’t be mistaken for any others. The sign on it clearly read: “RC #20736”.
“Uh… Could you knock on the door, Sive? My arms are kinda full.”
Her partner took one look at the overburdened teenager and rapped on the door twice.
“Why did you bring so much stuff? I just brought popcorn.” Sive asked, rattling the bag she held slightly.
“’Cause I wanted to and that’s why.” Eesa retorted. -
What' opened the door. by
on 2009-05-29 20:38:00 UTC
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"Welcome," he said. "You're the first ones. Thanks for the... uh... what the hell, how many people dit you tell, a thousand billion? No, just kidding. Put all this here."
"That ain't goin' to be no big party, I think. I must be cursed."
"Holy shit, I'll have to make a better advertisement for mine in three weeks if I want to have more than two people. I am the cursed guy here. Oh wait... now I know why there's nobody at this party, South. I'm here."
"Krisprolls, stop that. Now."
The Trio opened the supplies and started to help themselves along with the other two Agents.
"Hope somebody else is coming, or I'm going to show a U2 live DVD. Kidding," said What. -
Eesa tugged out two cans of Silly String from the pile... by
on 2009-05-30 01:09:00 UTC
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and tossed one to Sive.
"You're not cursed," the younger agent told South flatly, "But you could start a Silly String war to make up for the lack of party-goers."
"The junk food will help, too." added Sive. She then pulled the cap off her can, shook it up, and sprayed a generous amount all over Eesa's hair.
Ah, the wonders that could happen with Silly String and an agent rather protective of her hair. Fun. -
The Silly String war started. by
on 2009-05-30 06:45:00 UTC
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Krisp started to soak everyone, including What' and South'.
"And I thought Krisp was cursed..." said What. "Are we all, or what?"
"Think so," said South.
Which didn't prevent them to participate and to soak Krisp as well.
"Now you're cursed." -
Eesa sufficiently avenged herself. by
on 2009-05-30 18:41:00 UTC
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Sive's blonde hair looked like a neon green string-monster was smeared on top of it, and her back was positively covered with much of the same goop. Her partner, with all of the many colors of string flying through the air, now could pass as a walking rainbow.
"My Silly String will defeat all of yours!" Eesa yelled as she sprayed wildly in every direction.
"No it won't," countered Sive as she shook up another can, "Mine has the supreme power of... Party Madness!"
Party Madness indeed. -
Party Madness it was indeed. by
on 2009-05-30 21:03:00 UTC
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The Infernal Trio was busy drinking Bleepka (or Bleepodwine for Krisprolls), eating all the stuff and participating to the Silly String battle, rather randomly it would seem.
And U2 was playing at full volume on the speakers. -
Somewhere along the corridor, Deryn paused. by
on 2009-05-31 06:02:00 UTC
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"D'you think someone could tell DoSAT that no one needs their dial to have an eleven?" she asked Leas.
Leas, who was carrying a tray of fairy bread (covered by a layer of clingwrap), gave her a puzzled look. "WHAT?" he yelled.
"Never mind," Deryn muttered, and balanced her box of muffins on one hip so she could knock at the door. "HEY! VISITORS WITH FOOD!" -
"YAY PEOPLE!!!" said Krisp. by
on 2009-05-31 09:04:00 UTC
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"South, I think we're not so cursed after all!"
"Yeah, right, hope you ain't gonna take all the food this time, it's MY party, remember"
"Oh really?"
"Stop that, guys," said What'.
The Trio welcomed the newcomers and stole all the food... NOT. Just 90%. -
Sive and Eesa took a short break from the war to say, "hi". by
on 2009-05-31 17:29:00 UTC
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The short break lasted a grand total of ten seconds.
"New people!" yelled Sive, before she launched another attack of string on her partner.
Eesa grabbed another can, though by now she had noticed that the RC floor was looking rather littered.
"Purple Silly String!" -
Krisprolls had the same idea by
on 2009-05-31 18:12:00 UTC
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and started to soak everyone, Infernal Trio and newcomers included. The Trio shortly followed.
"YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" yelled South.
"Are you trying to break my record or what?" said Krisp.
"Oh, jerk off, Krisp." -
Deryn managed to rescue the muffins. by
on 2009-06-01 15:00:00 UTC
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She did end up rather covered in Silly String as a result, though, and shook herself, reaching up to pull some of it off. "Say, what do we do when those run out?" she asked.
"Clean off?" Leas suggested, now wearing several colours of Silly String and blinking rather owlishly. -
"Yay, someone kept some of the muffins," said Krisp. by
on 2009-06-01 21:43:00 UTC
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"South, here's your share." Krisp handed him five or six muffins.
"No, thanks, I'm already full and I don't want to start a vomit fight."
"'kay, thanks." Krisp ate the muffins except the last one, that What' snatched.
"Hey, what the heck!"
The Trio resumed the Silly String fight. -
participating IN by
on 2009-05-30 21:03:00 UTC
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Wow, this is Party Madness. I can't even type a correct sentence.
OT: Archie Andrews is (allegedly) getting Married! by
on 2009-05-29 03:44:00 UTC
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... To the brunette.
(prays to the Makers that this is one of those Chani-Paul-Irulan political dealies) -
To Veronica? by
on 2009-05-29 23:03:00 UTC
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No. Just. No. Betty and Archie belong together!
On second tought... by
on 2009-05-29 23:05:00 UTC
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It could just be a false alarm. Just a way to get more sales, I hope!
on the other hand... by
on 2009-05-30 00:26:00 UTC
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I almost wish that, if this is true, it is purely political: a way to gain control of the holdings of the Padishah Emperor, Hiriam the 4th (:P) when the day comes for his water to return to the world... A way to stabilize vast tracts of wealth, while at the same time... ending this sensless feud by resort to the ancient tradition of the Bound Concubine?
Veronica: I AM HIS WIFE!
Bety: You have his name. I am the one he calls WIFE.
(ooc: is it just me or do I sound like I was born on Arrakis?) -
Dune is the best sci-fi novel ever. (nm) by
on 2009-05-31 00:04:00 UTC
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* The first one, that is. by
on 2009-05-31 00:26:00 UTC
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The rest of the series is decent, but it's increasingly difficult to keep going if you're not a true fan. By the fourth book, the universe and the characters have changed too much to my taste. Although I am otherwise an atheist, I firmly believe that Status Quo Is God. That's why Duncan Idaho is my favorite character: while everything changes, and not always for the better, Duncan remains.
I know that Leto II warns us against status quo and stagnation, using his 1500-year reign as a scheme to force humankind to evolve, but I refuse to follow the Golden Path. Long live the old empire! -
I liked the fifth. by
on 2009-05-31 11:15:00 UTC
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Miles Teg is pure awesome, as well as the Honored Matres (of course, that could just be my libido speaking).
*nodnodnod* by
on 2009-05-31 02:33:00 UTC
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I totally agree. The original Dune is always nearest and dearest to my heart.
*grins* by
on 2009-05-30 03:26:00 UTC
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"...and we, who are called 'concubine', history will call 'wives'."
...The books were better. :-P
I do hope it is a Chani/Irulan/Paul type political thingy. That would make...sense. And we like sense. -
as we confuse, alienate over half the board... by
on 2009-05-30 18:11:00 UTC
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this is good. Though I think that Archie is wayyyyyy to simple of a character to pull off Paul. Though Paul did have alot of angst.
Just my to ¥2
Leto -
Ah, confusion, how I love you. by
on 2009-05-30 19:28:00 UTC
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No, Archie isn't Paul. Besides, I've never pictured Paul as a redhead.
I never said Archie knew by
on 2009-05-31 06:31:00 UTC
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What I said is that (I wish there was) a plan that allows both girls what they want: Veronica gets to "win" (in her own warped definition of such) while allowing Betty to actually gain Archie's companionship within an established framework.
The Reverend Mother Acuzio Geraldine Grundy has approved this plan, wishes benisons upon her students (and especially upon her acolyte) and desires guarentees of a proper mixture of the bloodlines.
-G the B, going crazy to keep from getting mad -
The book is always better... by
on 2009-05-30 05:43:00 UTC
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But the Battle of Arakeen wasn't bad, the soundtrack in the second movie was OK and the worms were cool.
I guess it does make snese: better than letting Reggie get his hands on the Lodge holdings and with the Bound Concubine loophole... would the BC apply in this case? Ah, it's all the same for rich people: marriages are for business and mistresses are for their other good characteristics.
Well... after OMD/BND in Spiderman, comics have been making all sorts of wierd decisions.
"The water that we spread upon the desert has become BLOOD... blood upon the land that was once clean and pure! We have fouled the nest... and it is KILLING US!"
I've already put out a contract to lace Veronica's food with contreceptives. (:-p) -
I accept! by
on 2009-05-30 10:47:00 UTC
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I'll start immediately.
*nods meaningfully to WikiMaster* (nm) by
on 2009-05-30 21:09:00 UTC
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*snicker* by
on 2009-05-30 07:45:00 UTC
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A little...persuasion...with a Gom Jabbar could do the trick...
Not THAT transparent.... by
on 2009-05-30 20:46:00 UTC
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The Sisterhood has a great deal pegged on the correct mixing of genes from the carefully cultivated Andrews line to one of their younger acolytes (Ms. Cooper). However, they also see the political advantage to let this ABOMINATION of a marriage proceed... but with the bloodline carefully controlled.
If you disbelieve me, this message comes direct from a Reverend Mother planted deep in the teaching roster of Riverdale High (you know which one).
-G the B, (male) messagebeing for the Bene Gesserit -
Oh, Betty is so a Bene Gesserit. :-D (nm) by
on 2009-05-31 02:37:00 UTC
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And lo, I hear the shrieking... by
on 2009-05-29 08:19:00 UTC
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Of a thousand comic nerds.
I swore off 4chan about a month back, but this is worth diving back in to see a reaction or two from /co/. -
Bwuh? by
on 2009-05-29 05:47:00 UTC
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...Uh...pardon? That's not supposed to happen. I don't think that's supposed to happen.
*mourns* -
Well... by
on 2009-05-29 20:58:00 UTC
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I'm an A/B shipper meself, so...
Re: Well... by
on 2009-05-31 07:42:00 UTC
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Hear, hear. Veronica is a snot who has no respect for him.
Then again, Archie's really no prize himself. Someone stated that he'll be just as happy with Veronica as he deserves to be. I'm somewhat inclined to agree.
I think, at some level, I just thought he'd actually grow up and go for the girl who actually seemed to care about him. -
Wha??? by
on 2009-05-29 04:05:00 UTC
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You mean that they are having a teen marriage?
Oh... They made them grow up. Archie Comics I think will finally die a slow and painful death now.
Has anyone else noticed that the main page is back? by
on 2009-05-29 17:31:00 UTC
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Or do I just not understand this Wayback Machine thing mentioned below and it reinstated the page?
It's back. by
on 2009-05-29 19:55:00 UTC
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Apparently P@L hasn't completely forgotten about her website. Still and all, it's a good thing to have everything saved off -- for next time.
Data and Lore Music Video by
on 2009-05-29 17:42:00 UTC
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Feel free to check it out. If you do, let me know what you think about it.
Paging Permission Givers by
on 2009-05-30 07:34:00 UTC
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Well, I've been on the board since last August or so, if a bit erratically. I'm asking permission for the use of RC .999... for agents Nadine and Jodi, Department of Floaters.
Agent biographies are at and the writing sample is at .
Oh, and a note: I'm not entirely sure about how well I'm writing Agent Nadine's OCD. If any of you are obsessive compulsive, would it be possible to have you beta? Just having someone with actual experience with it reading my stuff through would be reassuring; I keep worrying I'll mess up and offend someone. -
I'm claiming the badfic "Why Mione Hates Ron." by
on 2009-05-31 00:47:00 UTC
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I'd be grateful if someone could switch it to the Claimed Badfic list on the wiki; I don't trust myself to edit it properly.
Sorry for posting this twice. by
on 2009-05-31 00:48:00 UTC
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I missed the one below and thought I'd accidentally cliked Preview instead of Post. *grins*
`Tis ok by
on 2009-05-31 03:32:00 UTC
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It is only when it is two identical new threads on the main board show up, or someone posting multiple new threads that we are a little irked.
L -
Re: Paging Permission Givers by
on 2009-05-31 00:24:00 UTC
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I'm claiming "Why Mione Hates Ron" from Unclaimed Badfic on the wiki- just a note.
Sounds good, you have a good by
on 2009-05-30 08:30:00 UTC
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Leto -
Hey, Leto... by
on 2009-06-07 16:36:00 UTC
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... can I get you to email me as soon as possible on the address above? That, or leave an email address here -- either works. Thanks.
hS -
and when I say `good` I mean `go` by
on 2009-05-30 17:57:00 UTC
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sorry I had a long day at work.
L -
*grins* It's fine. by
on 2009-05-30 20:06:00 UTC
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I'm back! by
on 2009-05-30 19:14:00 UTC
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And I came back on a very special day: my 18th birthday! *passes out cake and Bleepka to all* And on this special occasion I would like to share with you all a hilarious parody of all the Harry Potter-Twilight Xover fics. It's brilliant. It's called: The Duskiness of Twilight Before Dawn Breaks Underneath the Eclipsed New Moon.
~Zoe~ -
happy birfdays! by
on 2009-05-31 01:14:00 UTC
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Here, have some chai tea and an aluminum foil beanie.
Welcome back! And happy birthday! by
on 2009-05-31 00:21:00 UTC
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*hands out Convenient Cake*
And I've read that parody. That was weird. *laughs* -
If you think that was weird... by
on 2009-06-01 05:59:00 UTC
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you should see most (if not all) of the HP Twilight crossovers out there. *shudders*
~Zoe~ -
Happy birthday, here's a tall ship. (nm) by
on 2009-05-30 20:59:00 UTC
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Happy birthday! by
on 2009-05-30 20:52:00 UTC
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In honour of this, your eighteenth birthday, I present you with a sack of pebbles, your own sling and a basket of Bleeprin-berries - very healthy and deliciously memory-erasing.
I don't know you, by
on 2009-05-30 20:42:00 UTC
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but happy birthday anyway!
Happy birthday! by
on 2009-05-30 20:24:00 UTC
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lol at the parody fic.
Have a shapeshifting plushie. by
on 2009-05-30 20:13:00 UTC
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It's been stuck on 'cute' permanently, so don't worry about accidentally hugging a stuffed Demogorgon or something. *noms cake and drinks bleepka*
Thanks for the Bleepka! by
on 2009-05-30 19:53:00 UTC
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Here, have an Anti-Lustin backpack!
Hey, Happy Birthday! by
on 2009-05-30 19:29:00 UTC
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Have an otter plushie! Isso soft...
*noms on cake*
semi-OT: Something to anger slash fans... by
on 2009-05-31 00:19:00 UTC
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I don't watch Home and Away - I only know the title because half the people in Australia seemed to watch it - so usually I'd ignore anything about it, but according to this article, the show recently introduced a lesbian love story and is being berated for it.
The first thing that jumped to my mind when I read that was one of Pads' responses to my interview questions about fanfiction a few months ago: She said a lot of fanfic slash is "a response to the total lack of slash available offline", and that "The media is saturated with sex, and it's all heterosexual sex. A fairly hefty proportion of the population is alienated by the images they're subjected to all day, every day. I'd like a rather more realistic portrayal of sexuality, and that means including gay characters as well as straight."
And she's absolutely right. I'm not a slash fan, but I get really, really angry reading things like this:
"I think it's another example of an agenda that's being pushed by several parts of our society to try and depict the gay lifestyle as normal and natural," says Presbyterian Youth Minister Andrew Vines.
"Normal and natural"? It IS "normal" and "natural"! It's not for everyone, but... *growls*
(And let me add I'm ranting. I know that not everyone will agree with me, but it's a touchy subject, so please, guys, don't let this turn into a nasty argument, 'kay? Friendly discussion only. I don't want to be responsible for a flaming mess.) -
slightly off the OT topic by
on 2009-06-02 14:23:00 UTC
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I'm finally doing research for my essay on John Wilmot and his most excellent play Sodom, or, the Quintessence of Debauchery. This has involved looking up attitudes to homosexuality during the Restoration. We're talking 250-350 years ago. Interesting points of note:
Homosexuality was viewed as having great potential in theatre, generally as a means of social commentary or satire. Rochester goes a bit beyond most (and there was a whole lawsuit about obscenity), having sodomy equated with Catholicism.
However, sodomy wasn't viewed as a sin, or against Church doctrine. (That'd be the Anglican church; the play passes comment on Charles II's motives for pushing religious tolerance in Protestant England.) It was just viewed as not the best way of expressing sexual desire.
Plays were generally seen by the upper classes, but there was worry that the themes and ideas within would trickle down to the lower classes, and warp the thinking of a lot of unsophisticated young men.
So there wasn't the "omg sin not normal get it away like NOW!" response, but there was still the idea that youngsters might be getting ideas.
Just thought I'd throw that in, since it's an interesting parallel. -
P90 or phaser? by
on 2009-06-02 13:41:00 UTC
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Which to kill every moron in the world with? Hmm... decisions, decisions...
For God's sake, seriously? WTF?
First of all, I should point out that I have no idea what orientation I am. I'm a ''total'' virgin who's never even been kissed. For now, I'll identify as heteroflexible (because Pads thinks it sounds funny).
I'm not exactly a Slash fan, but I think that's more because none of it that I've encountered has been written well at all. If I find a good one, chances are I'd enjoy it regardless of pairing.
I presume that I'd be vaguely uncomfortable with gay people in that, if they start to hit on me, I'll be slightly confused as to how to respond. That's theory as that's not happened to me yet. However, that's nothing bad, because I feel uncomfortable if women hit on me (it happened once :P). I just have no idea what to say, my stammer hits like an anvil dropped from the sodding atmosphere, my head could be mistaken for a tomato. I presume that it'd be the same for gay people.
However, I do support gay relationships and gay rights. I think that Star Trek should have one, even if it's only a minor role at first. No more beating around the bush, an actual proper gay episode. As Gene Roddenbury said "In the 24th century, no-one gives a shit!"
I have at least three bisexual friends, two lesbian and one undecided, on top of my indecision. In fact, the only part of gay rights activism that I don't approve of (that I know about, anyway) is gay couples being allowed to adopt children. This isn't religious fanaticism or mindless homophobia (after all, if I find myself in a homosexual relationship, my views will affect me). This is pity for the child in question. Children can be utter devil-spawn when they want to be. I've bullied to the brink of suicide throughout my life. Can you imagine the type of flak that'd get thrown a child's way if the others found out that they had two fathers or two mothers? I hope that one day, I can support gay adoption, but that day won't be a long time if it's even within my lifetime. That day will only come when homosexuality is accepted for what it is: nothing to be afraid of.
But that's the problem isn't it? This generation's homophobia is infecting the next generation. Our children won't be able to tell that it's wrong if all they see and hear are homophobes ranting mindlessly about shit like this. Therefore, I come back to my original question: P90 or phaser?
Just my two pennies. -
If I'm ever terminally ill, I'll steal Kevin Smith's idea... by
on 2009-06-02 22:45:00 UTC
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... from the end of "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back"; while I'm still reasonably fit, I'll hire a private detective to track down the people who are saying that kind of thing, go to their homes, and beat the everloving hell out of them. (In the movie, the titular guys use the money they get from a movie about characters based on them to travel around the country beating up everyone who said bad things about the film on the Internet. I figure this idea has great potential.)
What a weird film... by
on 2009-06-03 10:36:00 UTC
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Is it any good?
If you don't mind extensive cussing, yes. by
on 2009-06-03 11:16:00 UTC
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Heck, the film opens with a flashback showing baby Jay's first word to be "f---" (censored because of Board filtering system) and it goes on from there. The plot goes roughly like this:
Jay and Silent Bob are a pair of stoners living in New Jersey, who spend most of their time hanging around outside a convenience store selling weed. At the start of the film the convenience store gets a restraining order against them, so they go to hang out in a comic book shop instead. They meet up with a friend who, in a previous film, wrote a superhero comic entitled "Bluntman and Chronic" with characters based on them, but has now sold the rights to Miramax. This basically means that the movie's going to be made and Jay and Bob won't get any of the money, and on top of that they see that random kids are making fun of them on the Internet. They decide that the best way to stop this is to go to Hollywood and stop the movie being made. They hitch a lift with what they think is an animal rights group, Jay following along because he's attracted to Justice, one of the girls with the group. (Most of the fans of the movie loathe her and think she was just put in to prove Jay's heterosexuality. If she was, she failed miserably, because he still has WAY more tension with Bob, though I don't think she did anything to deserve the level of hate she gets.) Anyway, Justice persuades him to "prove his love" by breaking into a research lab and stealing Suzanne the orangutan. This is actually a decoy, because the "animal rights group" is actually a gang of international jewel thieves, and they're breaking into the bank across the street while Jay and Bob free the animals. They go on the run with Suzanne, and eventually get to Hollywood and try to sabotage the movie. It doesn't work, but Bob does persuade the director to let them share in the profits, which they use to travel around the country and beat up people who said bad things about them online. -
That sounds completely insane... by
on 2009-06-03 11:19:00 UTC
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And the Board has a filtering system now?
Oh, and the best bit is the orangutan. by
on 2009-06-06 23:24:00 UTC
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They try to smuggle her out of a diner where the cops have cornered them by dressing her up in a hoodie and claiming that she's their "son". This inexplicably fools the cops and the wildlife marshal even though Suzanne is hanging by her feet from the railing in front of them:
"My apologies for detaining you and your unorthodox but constitutionally-protected family unit. And may I say that's one fine-looking boy you're raising there."
"Oh, that's because he's from my sperm. I knocked up a hot woman friend of ours, so as not to be all-the-way gay."
(Methinks Jay doth protest too much, but this is me, so I would say that.) -
That it is, but it's nothing compared to "Dogma" ... by
on 2009-06-04 00:57:00 UTC
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... which was made by the same guy. If I told you what Dogma was about, you'd probably think I was making it up, so go check out the Wiki page.
*isn't sure whether to laugh or not* by
on 2009-06-04 10:37:00 UTC
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Sounds as ridiculous as the Da Vince Code. Regardless, I think I want to see it.
do, it's excellent (nm) by
on 2009-06-04 11:32:00 UTC
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'Tis indeed. by
on 2009-06-04 15:08:00 UTC
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*spends half the movie staring at Jay's hair*
Dual-wielding, dual-wielding, dual-wielding! by
on 2009-06-02 14:21:00 UTC
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They have one-handed weapons so you can hold another in the opposite hand. An alternative would be dartgun ammo coated with especially painful and invariably lethal poison. That way, you can tell them just how far they stretch the definition of failure before they bite it.
True, true... by
on 2009-06-02 14:26:00 UTC
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Best grab my MJOLNIR Mark VI armour so I can easily dual wield the P90 and a phaser compression rifle. :P
that's... interesting logic by
on 2009-06-02 13:57:00 UTC
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If kids are only exposed to the standard one-mummy-one-daddy-per-child thing, they grow up learning that's the norm. If they're exposed at a very young age to the idea that some people have parents of different genders, some have parents of the same gender, and some have only one parent, and some have three or four or five parents, and the reasons why are explained, little kids at least tend to be pretty accepting of the whole deal.
Might be a bit different when they hit teenage years, but if you're going to take the "let's not give the bullies ammunition" route, you could just as well argue that my parents shouldn't have been allowed to have me, because a child who's a) ginger b) fat c) bespectacled d) socially inept and e) the smartest kid in the class is going to get a lot of shit.
Basically, pretty much everyone will get bullied for something. You won't improve matters by pretending homosexuality doesn't exist until kids hit their teens. All you'll do is ensure they come across something very different to anything they've ever known at a time when most of them, frankly, are utter shites who could do with a damned good smack and then solitary confinement for ten years until they turn into reasonable human beings. Kids pick on anything different. If gay couples can adopt, then it's not such a big difference; kids are more used to the idea. -
Re: that's... interesting logic by
on 2009-06-02 14:03:00 UTC
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"you could just as well argue that my parents shouldn't have been allowed to have me, because a child who's a) ginger b) fat c) bespectacled d) socially inept and e) the smartest kid in the class is going to get a lot of shit."
I fit everything but a).
I'm not saying that we should shield children from gay people. That's ridiculous and will make the problem worse. I'm saying that it can't just happen. It has to be a gradual thing, slowly introducing them to concepts that the current generation finds distasteful. As time goes on, we'll introduce these concepts faster and faster until it can by a child from birth that people are all different and that's nothing to be afraid of. That's what I'm aiming for, slow gradual change. Fast change could possibly do more harm than good. -
Re: that's... interesting logic by
on 2009-06-02 14:09:00 UTC
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Yeah, but the thing is, it already just happens. And it doesn't automatically lead to children being bullied to the point of suicide. Might be handy to hear Trojie's perspective here, on how her bloke coped having three mothers.
Anyway, half the problem is that gradual change is bloody hard to effect. It sounds like you're suggesting we need to eliminate homophobia in every parent, in every media outlet, in everyone who might at all affect a child enough to make them bully other kids based on their parents' gender, before gay adoption can be allowed. That sort of blanket acceptance is pretty much impossible, and one way to work towards it is to expose kids to the idea that there's nothing wrong with it from a young age. Having schoolmates with same-sex parents is an excellent way from children to learn that. Sure, later on they'll some of them likely pick up homophobia from other sources, but not all of them will. Some who'd never really think about it, not be opposed to the idea per se, but would be mildly uncomfortable about the idea, would have some basis for reference and would have examples, from an early age, of perfectly normal and healthy same-sex relationships. Takes away the mystery, takes away the difference, takes away the fear, and so takes away the hate. -
bullying because of multiple mothers by
on 2009-06-03 00:59:00 UTC
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My partner was mocked at school for having 'two mums'. He dealt with it in a very mature and typically teenage boy fashion from what I've gathered - he by turns ignored, offered violence to, or mocked in retaliation the people who did it. And he grew up fine. Except for the odd detention for the violence, I understand.
Being bullied at school happens. Kids who bully don't need excuses. If they can't get you on one thing they'll get you on another. The way to deal with bullying is to deal with bullies, not to try and 'not give them reasons'. They don't *need* reasons. They don't care about reasons. Kids who bully do it because they like control and they like power. They're not doing it because they feel it's their right to persecute those who are different. -
Seconding THAT by
on 2009-06-03 05:07:00 UTC
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This was my primary argument against uniforms being compulsory - parents and teachers tried to make it sound like A Good Things by saying it would prevent bullying, but we argued the opposite. They DON'T NEED REASONS.
Sadly. -
Re: that's... interesting logic by
on 2009-06-02 14:18:00 UTC
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I'm not suggesting everyone's opinion be changed, because that's just stupid. Just most of them, and definitely the mainstream media. But gradual change is coming all the time. This Home and Away thing. The garbage Fox talked about the Shepard/Liara relationship in Mass Effect ( The Star Trek books with gay characters. Every fanfiction author who writes slash (good or bad). It's all helping. Slowly, maybe, but the more things change, the quicker change can happen.
Re: that's... interesting logic by
on 2009-06-02 14:24:00 UTC
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Well, same-sex adoption is a change. You want more change, that's one more bit of change. Surely by your argument here it's therefore a good thing?
Re: that's... interesting logic by
on 2009-06-02 14:28:00 UTC
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I think it's still too big a change for now. I'm praying that I can see it happen in my own lifetime as children are a major, major hope for my life. I've wanted them since I was twelve. If I find out I'm gay, that hope is ruined for me. The way things are going, I'm beginning (and praying) that we could see it happen within the next decade.
Re: that's... interesting logic by
on 2009-06-02 14:32:00 UTC
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It's still a gradual change though - it's not like every gay person in the world is going to immediately want to adopt a child. And the hope wouldn't be ruined in the slightest - there's adoption, surrogacy, fostering, etc.
Re: that's... interesting logic by
on 2009-06-02 14:34:00 UTC
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"it's not like every gay person in the world is going to immediately want to adopt a child."
Sometimes, it does seem as if they are. *shrugs*
And the other options you all pointed out come back to the same issue that adoption has. -
Re: that's... interesting logic by
on 2009-06-02 14:36:00 UTC
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So if you turn out gay you can either never have kids, or decide that gay adoption isn't so bad after all. That's going to be a fun mental debate for you to have.
Re: that's... interesting logic by
on 2009-06-02 14:46:00 UTC
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It'll be the former I hope. Otherwise, my word's not exactly good for anything, is it? I'll be like *whispers in horror* a politician.
But yeah, chances are I will have a mental debate and I'll hate myself regardless of my decision. -
late response, but srsly. Argh. (a rant. Probably tl;dr) by
on 2009-06-01 12:00:00 UTC
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I can't believe people still get away with spouting this sort of nonsense about homosexuality being something that should be kept away from 'normal' people.
Here's me. I'm straight (well, probably logically what I am is just someone who hasn't found a member of the same sex attractive *yet* :P). I'm engaged. When I get married, I will find myself with (to all intents and purposes) three mothers-in-law - my partner's mother, her ex-partner who helped raise my partner and is acknowledged by him as his second mother, and his mother's current partner who has recently given birth to my partner's adoptive half-brother. Yes, it's a confusing wee family tree, but they are a happy, stable family. I go round to visit and to cuddle my brand-new almost-half-brother-in-law and it's like being in any other family home. It's not that much different than going round to see my friend (who is a single mother) and cuddle my godson.
Thing that really gets me, right, is that people happily interact with people of the opposite sex all day long without worrying that they're being eyed up. But tell them that someone of the same sex who they're interacting with is gay, and they suddenly start getting worried that they're going to get jumped in the locker-room, as it were.
When I was a girl guide, we had one (1) male leader. He was gay. He was not allowed to supervise us unless a female leader was around at all times (which sort of defeated the purpose of having him as we were really short on leaders at that point in time). For some reason a large number of the mothers got it into their heads that because he was a GAY MAN he automatically wanted to molest their TEENAGE DAUGHTERS.
Wtf? The logic, I see it not. They eventually got him kicked out, I might add.
But then again I get angry at things like national stereotypes and other kinds of sweeping judgements against large groups of people, so perhaps this is all just part of that.
- Trojie, half an hour past her bedtime and it's showing ... -
Your male leader... by
on 2009-06-02 13:44:00 UTC
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... maybe they thought he was transexual? Regardless, epic, epic fail.
that's what we all thought. (nm) by
on 2009-06-03 00:47:00 UTC
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That story at the bottom... by
on 2009-06-01 17:56:00 UTC
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It's basically inexcusable fail and You Fail Logic Forever blending seamlessly into pure Grade-A facepalm. And the fact that it's true shows just how far human ignorance and prejudice can go, given the chance.
It also irks me that many people react the way you described. My stance is 'If you're gay, and you try anything funny with me, I will clock you on the head a bit and leave. If you don't, then I'll treat you the exact same way I would treat a straight friend/enemy/normal associate/dumb jerk, whichever the case may be', basically. Gay people are people. Straight people are people. Doesn't matter who they're after.
-Buta, who is also way past his bedtime -
True. by
on 2009-06-01 22:46:00 UTC
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Are you familiar with the webcomic Suicide For Hire? At one point the main character Hunter is harassed and threatened by a gay guy and ends up warning him off by threatening him at gunpoint. The guy's reaction is to scream "hate crime". Hunter responds that he does indeed hate him, but because of his behaviour rather than his orientation. Storyline starts around here:
Before anyone gets offended by it, the unfortunate implications caused by the only gay character to appear in the comic so far being, quote, "a vile, disgusting would-be rapist" are mostly cancelled out by the fact that the nature of the comic means all the *straight* people are pretty damn unpleasant individuals as well, Hunter himself actually being possibly the worst. -
That's pretty close to how I see it. by
on 2009-06-02 05:50:00 UTC
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Annoying straight people are still annoying, annoying gay people are still annoying, and it doesn't matter much at all. Besides, no one I've seen in the comic so far can possibly be described a shining example of human decency anyway. Especially not Hunter.
Wouldn't say EVERYONE in the comic is bad ... by
on 2009-06-04 01:00:00 UTC
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Mitch Marks seemed to have his head screwed on fairly well even if he did take a little more joy than he should have from humiliating Autumn, Father Jude was apparently pretty awesome, Arc's coworkers at the food stand seemed decent, and the squirrel lady in the latest storyline was fairly nice if insanely gullible.
But overall, yes, the comic is set in what would refer to as a "Sick Sad World". -
And just look at the comments... by
on 2009-05-31 14:29:00 UTC
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"This is a typical gay agenda propaganda exercise, we should be used to it. It's been going on since the AIDS epidemic started. Trying to normalise homosexuality, AIDS is everyone's problem etc. Get used to it folks!" -Dave
"So if you think it's normal ponder this if everyone turned gay the human race will be extinct in less than 50 years! I for one are turning off home and away shame I did really enjoy it but now I will turn to a good book with an uplifting story. I have very close girlfriends who I absolutely adore but why confuse it with a sex! They should get a life! Shirley" -Shirley
"So as always homosexuals get special treatment (even tho they don't think so). There is uproar when a natural heterosexual couple kiss and make out on daytime TV for kids veiwing but hey, lets put 2 girls doing it and confuse our kids more than they already are! A lot of people get cancer, but does that make it normal?" -Jacqui
*facepalm* This type of narrow-minded viewpoint is all too common. Just look at 'Global warming isn't real', 'L0Lbanz0rz violent videogames!1!!one', and 'Muslims are ALL terrorists'. Might be a medical condition - lack of live braincells, perhaps? First one has extra fail points though, for the 'only gay people have AIDS'. AIDS is most definitely not exclusively sexually transmitted - this one's never heard of blood transfusions or injections, methinks.
I agree with WarriorJoe - I don't mind alternative sexuality, but I'm more comfortable with heterosexuality. Basically, if a gay guy doesn't go after *me*, then it isn't a problem. Although some overly flamboyant homosexuals can be disturbing - but then that's the Philippines for you. Some gay people here are a bit strange, but others aren't. -
Re: And just look at the comments... by
on 2009-06-02 13:55:00 UTC
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"L0Lbanz0rz violent videogames!1!!one"
Don't forget Mass Effect! Fear the alien sideboob!
"Muslims are ALL terrorists"
The view most of my family has is that they're not all terrorists, but they're not doing themselves any favours either. They allow extremists to teach in mosques, they protest about the Iraq War in ways that are just utter BS (see the protest about the Poacher's march through Luton a few months back (I was there and it was complete bollocks)), coming to Britian to get away from Sharia law and then demanding Sharia law (*headdesk*?) and other things like that... then they complain when governments attempt to tighten their security to prevent terrorism. If Muslims were to police themselves and weed out extremists, then they would find that the world would think of them far more favourable. This view is also shared by a Muslim friend of mine, so it must have some good points in it.
"So if you think it's normal ponder this if everyone turned gay the human race will be extinct in less than 50 years!"
*headdesk* I heard somewhere that ninety percent (I believe) of sex between lions is homosexual. That's not made them extinct has it? No-one's saying that everyone should be homosexual. That would be stupid (except in Lady Land, which is also stupid, but for different reasons). In fact, if everyone were to turn homosexual instantly, that would be a good thing. It'd solve world overpopulation in an instant. In fact, that's one theory I read about homosexuality in humans. It's evolutions way of trying to help us survive. Besides, fifty years? What about all the children?
"So as always homosexuals get special treatment (even tho they don't think so)."
But they don't, unless "special treatment" translates to "keep them away from me, the horror, the horror"...
"There is uproar when a natural heterosexual couple kiss and make out on daytime TV for kids veiwing but hey, lets put 2 girls doing it and confuse our kids more than they already are!"
As far as I know, no gay person has ever complained about heterosexual kissing being viewed by children. After all, that would kind of hurt their own agenda, wouldn't it now?
"A lot of people get cancer, but does that make it normal?"
Err... yes? -
... by
on 2009-06-02 14:15:00 UTC
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On one hand, Muslims who are extremists and all-around nutcases love mass murdering and ransoming people for no good reason.
On the other hand, we have- err, had- George Bush and his dubious motives in Iraq. There's the off chance he really was just after free oil. And there are some militant non-Muslims who would like nothing more than to have the whole Middle East glowing greener than the Hulk on a bad day.
We basically have two large groups trying to destroy and/or sabotage each other. Assholes are assholes. And assholes are just bigger assholes when they use religion as an excuse. Religious groups are not the problem. Idiot followers are.
That theory about homosexuality emerging as some sort of failsafe against us overflooding the world with people actually sounds plausible. And now that you mentioned the children as a response to the extinction comment, it sounds like the person thinks worldwide gayness would kill people with an immovable 50-year countdown. It's actually downright hilarious when you think about it in that context. -
Not sure what I think of Iraq... by
on 2009-06-02 14:25:00 UTC
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I think that there must have been some reason other than oil (though that would have been a big motivator) or false WMDs. I also think that Britian should never have been involved.
One crucial difference though, is that the US and the UK have never killed civilians on purpose (or at least without good reason). The Taliban do on a constant basis.
But yeah, religion is not a problem in the slightest. It's idiots using it for their own agendas. Those people who spread anti-homosexual progaganda in the name of Christanity? They're not Christians. How can they spread hate in the name of a religion that is all about love and tolerance? -
How? by
on 2009-06-02 14:29:00 UTC
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Remember that, in some cases at least, Humans Are Bastards. Case in point: A certain long and brutal witch-hunt in Europe, involving torture until death... or death.
Re: How? by
on 2009-06-03 13:05:00 UTC
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Or throw her in the pond to see if she's guilty - and she's not innocent unless she drowns :P Whoever thought *that* one up had a nasty turn of mind.
That was either thought up by... by
on 2009-06-03 13:09:00 UTC
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...a total asshole, or a complete bloody dumbass. Leaning towards 'both'. The TV Tropes page on You Fail Logic Forever should be at least 1.5x its current size.
Re: That was either thought up by... by
on 2009-06-05 03:55:00 UTC
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I would agree on the 'both' part, though :P
Oh, it's logical enough... by
on 2009-06-05 03:52:00 UTC
Link to this's just not very nice logic. From memory, it's something like 'the water, being a symbol of purity/something-or-other, will accept her if she's innocent and reject her if she's guilty' So if she floats, you can haul her out and burn her.
Re: How? by
on 2009-06-02 15:10:00 UTC
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Or occasionally until death by skirts-modified-into-explosive-nail-bomb, inflicted upon those doing the hunting. Good old Agnes Nutter...
Or if the witch was pretty... by
on 2009-06-02 14:32:00 UTC
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well, you work it out.
Re: Not sure what I think of Iraq... by
on 2009-06-02 14:29:00 UTC
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religion is not a problem in the slightest
Excuse me while I weep in the name of Dawkins.
As for anti-homosexual Christians, I refer you to Leviticus 18:22. They're taking their word of god a lot more seriously than Christians who preach love and tolerance for everyone. And fair play to them for that. (Which does not, of course, change the fact that they arestark raving bonkersseverely misguided. -
Richard Dawkins? by
on 2009-06-02 15:18:00 UTC
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Quick googling listed that first. Never heard of him until now, but I do have a few comments on his theories. I will read his books sometime though, given the chance.
In my opinion, there isn't too much of a problem in believing that there is a supreme being. I'm personally set to believe the truth if it is proven, no matter what it turns out to be. If there is a God, then disbelievers are wrong. If there is no God, then believers are wrong. And it doesn't pose much of a problem for me, unless either side starts a war.
Having an image of a governing deity or deities is not in itself bad. If people are just deluding themselves, sure. It's fine with me, unless the supposed delusion leads to fanaticism. If it leads people to become better because they're making themselves think they have to be to avoid damnation, then good. The true problem lies in the zealots who twist and manipulate religious teachings to fit their malignant and almost invariably wrong beliefs, then use theism as a shield to justify the atrocities they commit in their god's name.
Religion is not in itself the problem, per se. It's just one piece of a combination that, depending on its other parts, can lead to great good or great evil. And sometimes great genocidal assholes. Some atheists can likewise commit great crimes due to hatred of religion in general. Religion changes causes and possibly targets, but usually not effects in general. The Catholic Church used to have people killed for not converting. Some Muslims have people killed for whatever militantly religious reason they might have. Some atheists might harbor thoughts of killing people just because they're preachers. An Omnicidal Maniac is an Omnicidal Maniac. Religion's main problem is that it can be so easily exploited as justification, and that's most of it as far as I know.
Scientology seems to be another case entirely. Exploiting belief for profit is just being an arse. That's the other main problem about belief. Not much more I can think of there.
And on that line of Leviticus, I facepalm at whoever the hell felt like sticking that into the Bible. The book was written by people, and people are frequently biased, after all. Hence 'left-handed people and tattoos are evil', among other things. -
aye, that's the one by
on 2009-06-02 15:25:00 UTC
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I'll grant you there's no problem in believing per se, so long as you're not buggering anyone else about in the process. But Dawkins's main point revolves around this:
If it leads people to become better because they're making themselves think they have to be to avoid damnation, then good.
This is reminiscent of the notion expressed by many believers that morality comes from their god. Dawkins thinks that we shouldn't be good because, effectively, we're scared of monsters under the bed or retribution from a higher authority. He thinks we have the capacity to be moral without any gods at all.
A parallel, if it helps: say you've hurt me in a major way, and I want to kill you as vengeance. I might not kill you because my god would punish me, or I might not kill you because I know killing's wrong. The effect is the same, and your mileage may vary, but I for one would rather the latter than the former.
And I'm with you on the bias of people, but the bit that irks me is when someone thinks it's divinely inspired, and still disregards it.
Tattoos are wrong? Where's it say that? -
Re: aye, that's the one by
on 2009-06-02 15:47:00 UTC
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Ganked this off... someone over on LJ ages ago.
I wonder how all those saying 'homosexuality is evil coz the Bible says so' would manage without all the things listed there. -
Bunnies? by
on 2009-06-02 16:21:00 UTC
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Oh, Leviticus, thou hath huge loads of crap within you. Most of those are utter failure and idiocy, but the cute, fuzzy, and mostly harmless bunnies are where I draw the line.
Re: aye, that's the one by
on 2009-06-02 15:50:00 UTC
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I wonder how they'd manage Easter without the bunnies.
Tattoos... by
on 2009-06-02 15:38:00 UTC
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Someone on Yahoo Answers asked, someone answered, I read. One passage (I think it was in Leviticus, which Trojie proved to sometimes spout bull out of many orifices) had something about not having them. Back then, though, tattoo artists were apparently nonbelievers who slapped pictures of their idols specifically onto their skins.
As for the other stuff, good point. Logic is good, because it stops people from being idiots effectively. Although, one thing particularly struck me: the issue of morality.
I think it's important, but can take a bit of a backseat to what provides necessary progress and general advancement. Say, if some lucky asshole acts out popular fiction and takes over the world with a money-guzzling corporation, then it wouldn't change the fact that Robin Hooding the guy out of trillions and knifing him would be morally viewed as bad, because stealing and murder obviously doesn't mark you as a pillar of society. However, it would probably be the right thing - if it helps all the others survive, it saves people who are helpful and useful to society when looked at in the bigger picture. It also puts a dent in a megalomaniacal dick's plans. Moral sacrifices can be necessary, but not all the time. Balance is good. -
Wait, I did? by
on 2009-06-03 01:16:00 UTC
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When did I prove Leviticus wrong?
*confused* -
Oh crap. by
on 2009-06-03 06:13:00 UTC
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*facepalm* That was Pads quoting the homosexuality bit, sorry. Got confused for a second there. Note to self: When posting past midnight, check facts better. At least *this* proves that research does prevent epic failure when writing.
*snort* S'okay by
on 2009-06-03 06:34:00 UTC
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I just went, wait, what? Cos my knowledge of the Bible could probably comfortably fit in an acorn cup and leave room for the acorn :D
Re: Tattoos... by
on 2009-06-02 15:47:00 UTC
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I'd guess the edict against tattoos was probably one of many ways of distinguishing between Us and Them. (I'd be buggered, I have three.)
You seem to be assuming that morality is fixed and immutable; that Killing Is Wrong, for example. That's the line that religions tend to take - no shades of grey, just right and wrong as defined from above. Generally, in a society in which one can lead a money-guzzling corporation, then by that society's morality robbing one of one's money would be morally wrong. Stealing it all and redistributing it? Not necessary wrong, dependent upon the consequences (but positive consequences would be very hard to implement). You could argue it'd be right to kill the megalomaniac, or you could argue it'd be wrong, but the point is you'd be thinking about it, and considering all options logically, before coming to a conclusion, rather than simply denouncing the one for greed and the other for theft and murder. -
Society thought of it first. by
on 2009-06-02 15:51:00 UTC
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Most people have morality as set in stone. Stinks of ignorance, really. My philosophy is that if you pull yourself up, then it's only really wrong if you kick everyone else off the ladders. Pulling other people up with you is just *better*.
Re: Society thought of it first. by
on 2009-06-02 15:52:00 UTC
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And how about getting to the top of the ladder, seeing others flailing halfway up, and so lending them your ladder? Because that's what Dawkins tries to do when he encourages people to think instead of believing without question.
Very good point. by
on 2009-06-02 16:17:00 UTC
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Actually, I think I'm getting to like the way Dawkins does things. He actually bothers to explain things properly, instead of going all 'Don't do this because God dislikes it, therefore it's bad'.
Re: Very good point. by
on 2009-06-02 16:22:00 UTC
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He is an excellent read. A tad militant, but it's to be expected, really.
I've got a friend of mine reading him at the moment. She's very into her spiritual wossnames and psychic doodads and crystal skulls and so on. Her main response so far? "He makes some interesting points, but why can't he just let people get on and believe what they want?" I think she might have missed his most important point... -
Re: Not sure what I think of Iraq... by
on 2009-06-02 14:37:00 UTC
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"Excuse me while I weep in the name of Dawkins."
Who's Dawkins?
And you'll have to forgive me, I'm not greatly familiar with the Bible. Leviticus is the Old Testament, correct? If so, the OT is fanfiction (*wonders if he'll get flamed for that*). God was a bloody psycho in the OT. Frankly, I ignore it completely. After all, Genesis: Eve is Adam. Then they have lots of children. Who have sex with each other. If that's true, then humans are all deformed monsters of what we once were (especially since the gene pool was again destroyed with Noah). So, really, the Bible promotes incest. But that's another rant. -
Re: Not sure what I think of Iraq... by
on 2009-06-02 14:51:00 UTC
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Who's Dawkins?
*continues weeping*
He's about the most militant atheist you can get. Your library should have a copy of The God Delusion; read it. And then read The Blind Watchmaker and The Selfish Gene.
Leviticus 18:22 states "Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is abomination." It's fairly clear (and also leaves room for lesbians - if a lesbian reads it then it pretty nicely affirms that she should stay away from penises. Funny how homophobic Christians tend to miss that one).
Also, I'm not sure the Old Testament could be fanfiction, given it's written rather earlier than the New Testament. So far as I understand, the God of the New Testament, and his teachings through Jesus, supposedly supersede the Old Testament, but then you have to wonder why they keep the Old Testament in there.
And as for the incest bit, you have to remember that when that creation myth was coined, there was no concept of genetics. Fertility itself was surrounded in mystery - look at all the Greeks who were fathered by Zeus in his guise of a swan or a bull or a vase of flowers; look at Rerir's wife being pregnant with Volsung for six years in the Volsungasaga; look at Henry VIII steadfastly refusing to believe his inability to father a son could have anything to do with him; look at the eighteenth century notion that the womb caused hysteria. It wasn't even all that long ago that a firm link between sex and pregnancy was understood and recognised in scientific literature. Look at Darwin too - many of his children suffered congenital illnesses, and this helped inform some of the ideas he later set forth. But a few thousand years ago? It wasn't known. For a start because it's rare - women would be married out to someone of a neighbouring tribe, not to members of their immediate family, because the latter had no point. And if a deformed child was born of an incestuous union, it would be presumed that the parent(s) had angered the gods, or were under a curse, or whatever, rather than being a simple matter of genetics. Adam and Eve, and Noah, were God's chosen, and therefore not cursed (except for the original sin thing), and so would not have deformed children.
Uh, that was rambly. The point is, it's myth, not legend. When you start throwing the supernatural into the mix, rules of genetics no longer apply. -
Re: Not sure what I think of Iraq... by
on 2009-06-02 14:57:00 UTC
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"Your library should have a copy of The God Delusion; read it."
I find myself doubting that.
"Leviticus 18:22 states "Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is abomination." It's fairly clear (and also leaves room for lesbians - if a lesbian reads it then it pretty nicely affirms that she should stay away from penises. Funny how homophobic Christians tend to miss that one)."
Exactly why no-one should listen to them when they pick and mix parts.
"So far as I understand, the God of the New Testament, and his teachings through Jesus, supposedly supersede the Old Testament, but then you have to wonder why they keep the Old Testament in there."
That's why I ignore the OT. I prefer the NT God.
"And as for the incest bit, you have to remember that when that creation myth was coined, there was no concept of genetics."
So? We have knowledge of genetics now and you still get people saying that evolution is clearly fake. -
Re: Not sure what I think of Iraq... by
on 2009-06-02 15:06:00 UTC
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Correction: any good library should have a copy, and they can order it in for you if they don't.
The pick and mix aspect of religion is a whole different rant. But by ignoring the Old Testament God and sticking with the New Testament one because you prefer him, you're doing it yourself. The entire thing's meant to be the word of God and so infallible. If it's the word of God, then you have to believe all of it or none of it. If it's not, then the entire argument is a moot point because there's no way to verify the truth of any of it.
Yes, you still get people saying evolution isn't true. I'd direct them to Darwin himself, because, in Origin of Species, he at no point states that evolution and religion are incompatible; simply that animals, once on earth, evolve. There are two problems from the religious point of view: God's creations are meant to be perfect, but evolving to suit their environment suggests imperfection; and God created the world about six thousand years ago, but evolution requires considerably longer time periods (if Trojie will forgive the gross understatement). The problem's not with evolution, it's with trying to reconcile evolution with scripture.
That was rambly too. Basically, there's nothing (that I know of) in the Bible that simply cannot be reconciled with modern understanding of genetics, especially when you remember that (except for the hardcore fundamentalists) Adam, Eve and Noah are taken as myths, not legend. -
Re: Not sure what I think of Iraq... by
on 2009-06-02 15:11:00 UTC
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Yeah, well, as I've told you before, my library's not good. Besides, I owe them £30 or so right now and I'm not paying it back for a while.
The bits I've read of the NT are so wildly contradictory to the OT that that essentially cancel it out. Since it's the New Testament, I feel that's a fairly sound POV.
I've got to read Origin of Species one day. That way I can mock intelligent design more effectively. And actually, there's one theory that said God created the world, let it sit around in space for billions of years and then thought "Damn! I forgot to garden the thing!" and then chucked life onto it. -
Re: Not sure what I think of Iraq... by
on 2009-06-02 15:14:00 UTC
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But then you've got to deal with the notion that the infallible word of an omniscient god can be cancelled out, and that's problematic in the extreme.
If you ever get yourself into an argument with someone who disputes the veracity of evolution, Darwin's very handy. I've never heard an argument from them that he didn't have a very good answer to. A philosophy course will cover it in a lot more detail, and you should look up the wossname, bacterial flagellum or whatever they call it, too, because they tend to bring that one out at the end as though it's inexplicable (thus demonstrating total lack of understanding of the theory).
Forgetting to garden wouldn't work - fossils have been found from a lot of millions of years ago. -
Re: Not sure what I think of Iraq... by
on 2009-06-02 15:18:00 UTC
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"But then you've got to deal with the notion that the infallible word of an omniscient god can be cancelled out, and that's problematic in the extreme."
I think he had some sort of personality transfer.
"A philosophy course will cover it in a lot more detail, and you should look up the wossname, bacterial flagellum or whatever they call it, too, because they tend to bring that one out at the end as though it's inexplicable (thus demonstrating total lack of understanding of the theory)."
Yep, that's the one we learned about in science. I laughed through the whole video.
"Forgetting to garden wouldn't work - fossils have been found from a lot of millions of years ago."
That's what I said. The timeline doesn't work however you look at it. We've been around for longer than six thousand years. I think I heard of something from 5000 BC being from our current evolutionary stage. -
this really isn't about Iraq any more by
on 2009-06-02 15:27:00 UTC
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But he can't have a personality transfer. He's ineffable. Plus he's outside space and time, and thus cannot change.
What do you mean by our "current evolutionary stage"? -
Re: this really isn't about Iraq any more by
on 2009-06-02 15:31:00 UTC
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"Plus he's outside space and time, and thus cannot change."
Q's outside space and time and he changed. (Knows this is full of plotholes but had to say it anyway).
"What do you mean by our "current evolutionary stage"?"
Homo sapiens rather than homo erectus, say. -
Re: this really isn't about Iraq any more by
on 2009-06-02 15:40:00 UTC
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Wikipedia's telling me that homo sapiens, based on fossil and DNA evidence, was about in Africa 200,000 years ago. "Language, music and other cultural universals" thought to be in place by 50,000 years ago.
And Star Trek science is not applicable, because it's a myth. :P -
Re: this really isn't about Iraq any more by
on 2009-06-02 15:44:00 UTC
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Okay. Last I heard, 5,000 BC was the earliest found. But yeah, exactly. 50,000 years ago rather than 6,000.
And how did I know you'd say that? :P -
because you've heard my rantings by
on 2009-06-02 15:49:00 UTC
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Honestly, one of these days I'm going to go see that film with a pen and paper and note down every instance of hideously warped science, just so that I can bitch more accurately.
Depends what you consider human, anyway. Intelligence, communication, tool use, imagination etc seem to be the key factors, and there's evidence of those a lot longer ago than 5000 years ago. Look at the Egyptians for a start. The Pyramids are 7000 years old, if memory serves. -
And enjoyed them very much, thank you... by
on 2009-06-03 10:27:00 UTC
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And yeah, I'm going to do the same with Trek XI when I get the DVD. :P It'll be fun. I'm actually going to test a theory soon that the most popular Star Trek films are also the ones with the most plotholes in.
And the Pyramids were created by the Goa'uld, so faulty example. *blocks out reality* :D -
Can I ask you to define that a bit better? by
on 2009-06-01 09:54:00 UTC
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By "go after" you do you mean actively trying to get in your pants even though you're straight or simply checking you out and finding you attractive? I can see you being upset by the first one but the second one isn't really the gay person's fault and it shouldn't be a problem. Unless you think all the unrequited crushes you've had over the course of your life were unfair to the girl and meant something was wrong with you. You probably wouldn't even notice, anyway. Most people don't.
I guess being more comfortable with heterosexuality makes sense but it's a little annoying to find that practically everyone agrees that being gay is "weird", even if they don't say it's bad.
Also, lots of heterosexual people are strange. Very very strange. Crazy strange. Others aren't. -
practically? by
on 2009-06-01 12:44:00 UTC
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Well, I suppose I'd better stick my hand up and say I don't think it's weird in the slightest. Mind you, I wouldn't call myself straight. Pansexual celibate, maybe, in the manner of Stephen Fry.
My brother's decidedly straight, but also doesn't find homosexuality weird at all. This, I think, is because he ran Scientific tests at the age of sixteen, involving getting drunk and snogging a lot of people. The kissing he was fine with, but then a bloke shoved his hand down my brother's pants and he realised it really didn't do anything for him. And I can't fault him for that. -
Whoops. by
on 2009-06-01 10:06:00 UTC
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If the guy's not aiming to get my pants off, it's fine. I probably wouldn't notice if a gay guy was checking me out, as you said.
For me, being gay's more of... well, not weird, but just not my thing. It's more of a 'Being gay is normal, but I'm not gay, and it doesn't make a difference anyway unless a guy tries to bed me' thing. I'm fine with anyone who has a decent personality regardless of orientation, usually.
On that last bit, true. Apparently, my country just got a lot of very noticeably weird people thrown in. -
Oh, come on... by
on 2009-05-31 03:19:00 UTC
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Australia, you're my home, my native country, and I can't wait to return to you in the summer. SO STOP SUCKING ALREADY.
Luckily a few people still have their heads on right. I like that TV critic guy. Honestly, with all the other stuff that goes on in Home and Away, any parent who lets a child watch it has way more to worry about than GASP the child thinking that maybe being lesbian isn't a big deal. ("But that might give them the courage to come out of the closet! Then where will my denial go?") Honestly, I vaguely remember witchcraft or something when my friends watched it around five years ago. And it mentioned drug abuse in the article. -
Agreed. Gyaaaah by
on 2009-06-02 13:48:00 UTC
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*cringes* What happened to us not being so bad? *shakes rest of Australia* Wake up, guys, we're supposed to be cool and awesome and tolerant and you are making me want to genocide my own country right now, damnit!
... by
on 2009-05-31 02:32:00 UTC
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I hate it when this happens. Not "normal" and "natural"?! *GROWL*
And people wonder... by
on 2009-05-31 02:07:00 UTC
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why some others think a religion-free world would have been better. I can't help but think of the line about the wall and the revolution...
On a related note, Britain banned an American minister from visiting due to his homophobic speeches, so there is some justice in the world. -
wasn't there a similar case with some Dutch bloke recently? by
on 2009-06-02 14:02:00 UTC
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One with somewhat extremist views? If memory serves, he wasn't allowed in thanks to laws about inciting racial hatred. I forget the specifics. Anyway, we're reasonably good at not letting utter dickheads in the country. Or at least, not letting really vocal and high profile ones in.
Bit of a tongue-in-cheek response... by
on 2009-06-02 15:47:00 UTC
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But, is PETA prominent in Britain? Boot 'em if they are, it's been proven that they stuff poor little recently-dead strays in their meat freezer. And killing animals is not in itself cruel, it's all about the methods. Do it right, and there's less pain involved. Doing it right meaning not stuffing chickens in coops tinier than those extra-small dog carriers and such.
...Now I've utterly derailed a topic. Yay for me! -
*growls* by
on 2009-06-02 15:59:00 UTC
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Do not mention PETA to me today. I've just been out chasing my dogs back into the house because one of those morons opened the back gate and let them out. Seriously, as intelligent as my pair are, they're far too used to getting food from humans to survive on their own, especially since one of them needs medicine to be able to digest food properly.
Geez, sometimes I think that they don't think. -
Ow. by
on 2009-06-02 16:15:00 UTC
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That... sounds like they're indirectly and possibly-unknowingly trying to murder your dogs. What with cars, starvation, predators that may be found in the nearest forest... Oy. Hearing things like this make me very, very angry. I agree that a lot of the time, they trade thought for blind obedience to their beliefs. Personally, they have *no* right to take pets from loving, caring owners who might just be the only reason they've lived. Padlock the gate, might help.
(offtopic, and completely irrelevant socialization) For some reason, whenever I hear about dogs, I want to see them or know more about them. What can I say, I like domestic animals if they aren't violent. What breeds, and any random pictures? -
Re: Ow. by
on 2009-06-02 17:10:00 UTC
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We don't have a forest near here, per se, but there is a hunting wood... on the other side of a railway line. I'd hate to think what would happen if the dogs got in there. There's also the problem of the idjits who think they're the next Lewis Hamilton racing around, not caring about anything.
I'd love to know how they got the gate open without being attacked, really. It is padlocked, but unfortunately it isn't the best gate in the world and can just be lifted off the latch quite easily. However, the dogs are usually on guard and one normally goes to the door and the other the gate when someone approaches the house.
You want pictures?
Lady and Monty
Lady is a German Shepherd, and we've had her since she was a pup. Monty is a Rottweiler crossed with Glod knows what, that we got from the RSPCA. They're both big softies who bark at anyone who approaches the house, but are absolutely friendly once you're inside. -
Cute dogs, yay. *imaginary snorgle* by
on 2009-06-02 17:27:00 UTC
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I'd hate to imagine anything happening to them. If something *did*, I'd support a course of action that goes along the lines of 'hunt down the culprits and knock them off a tall cliff'. And the railway arguably sounds a bit more worrisome than the wood itself. Stupid drivers are still the worst danger, though.
Maybe those PETA guys had some treats or something as a distraction, and waved them around for a bit. Honestly, it's disturbing how fanatic these people are. They never even stopped to consider any of the things mentioned here, that they might be causing as many problems as they solve. Faith in Humanity meter -5 points, and Glod knows I already dislike PETA. Least the RSPCA does their job properly, without the lethal injection and cold storage.
Lady somewhat resembles an ewe in the first picture. Bit ironic, but cute and funny all the same. Monty just looks like a Rottweiler crossed with a cute, lovable, and snorgleworthy thing to me, never mind the genetic makeup of the other parent. Win is a legitimate half in my books. -
Sorry, doublepost. by
on 2009-06-02 16:23:00 UTC
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On second thought, maybe I didn't use the best word choice. More of 'they placed your dogs in a dangerous situation'.
I think it got derailed a while ago, to be honest by
on 2009-06-02 15:55:00 UTC
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I think we have PETA, but they're not a big thing. For animal rights we have the RSPCA.
Are we having the animal rights debate now? *goes to get a cup of tea to warm up for this one* -
Let's do that. by
on 2009-06-02 16:09:00 UTC
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Need to get another topic into this somehow for variety. By all means, someone start.
Discussions like this are why I got to love the Board. You get randomness, insanity, and serious semi-philosophical debate all in one. -
*cracks knuckles* by
on 2009-06-02 16:24:00 UTC
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Hmm, what can I say that's bound to be inflammatory to someone?
You're not a vegetarian perchance? -
Nope. by
on 2009-06-02 16:27:00 UTC
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Never believed in it. For some, it's a life choice for health reasons. Fine by me. For others, it's because they don't want to 'be mean to the animals'. Facepalm for me. As I said, I'm of the opinion that specific parties are at fault and not the act of killing animals for food per se.
Re: Nope. by
on 2009-06-02 16:33:00 UTC
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Bugger. That would've been the easiest line to take.
My housemate was vegetarian for years because he objects to the treatment of animals. About a year ago he decided he was going to be "freegan" instead, and only eat stuff if it was free or going to waste. Of course, this meant he had to eat some poor quality sausages that would have been thrown away after a barbecue. When he bitched about them being gross, I promptly fed him pheasant, which he loved. And now he'll eat meat but not buy it.
Of course, while he was still vegetarian, I could never get him to eat free-range chicken or game... -
Seriously... by
on 2009-06-02 16:46:00 UTC
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While some parties, possibly some large corporations, keep animals in inhumane conditions, they aren't everyone. I know that if I kept animals for food or by-products, I would ensure that they could live out their lives in comfort. Killings in the wild by other animals can be several times more brutal and painful than a farmer having to put down poor Bessie to feed his family, especially when you consider that some animals like live meals or playing with their prey. Ah, generalizations. Can't live with them, can't live without 'em.
Correct application of the Banhammer FTW. (nm) by
on 2009-05-31 14:48:00 UTC
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Well, that's good, at least. (nm) by
on 2009-05-31 08:01:00 UTC
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Straight but not narrow... by
on 2009-05-31 01:13:00 UTC
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And I agree with you. I dislike slash, but only when it has canons acting out of character or having sex with relatives or trivializes rape or other things like that. I get flamed for this sometimes. One person posted several all-caps flames calling me an immature, stupid, homophobic little bitch on my dA homepage because I had said that I didn't think two certain canons would have sex with each other. Sigh...
Re: Straight but not narrow... by
on 2009-05-31 06:30:00 UTC
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...what? Not thinking that Cloud and Sephiroth (just an example) would get it on makes one an "immature, stupid, homophobic little bitch?" That doesn't follow.
Ugh. If anything, making judgments like that is "immature, stupid bitch" behavior. (What? I call guys "bitches," too. I'm equal-opportunity like that!) But replace "homophobic" with "irrational."
Sorry for the angry rant. But the idea that being opposed to a particular slash pairing makes one "homophobic" is just ridiculous. -
That's exactly what I said. by
on 2009-06-01 00:23:00 UTC
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Gah. by
on 2009-05-31 00:46:00 UTC
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Maybe it's just me, but I'm thinking it's the people who get so gloddammed angry about the exist of gay people and characters that aren't natural/normal. They clearly have some issues. (My gay-ness is perfectly natural, thank you very much, and what's so great about being normal, anyway?)
Well, I would debate that point. by
on 2009-05-31 01:17:00 UTC
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I, for one, am well aware that homosexuality is a part of nature. Not just in humans, but in a truckload of other species as well, so there's no arguing that it's a perversion or something that can be changed.
However, that doesn't mean I'm comfortable with it anyhow. I'll be honest-- I find it weird. Not necessarily bad, and I'm certainly not the type who's going to go parading down the street with a GAYS ARE THE DEVIL'S CHILDREN sign or anything, but I can't help finding it weird. I don't think it has all that much to do with the way I was raised, since I was raised to be tolerant, so in the end it just IS weird to me.
People get angry about things they find weird or not like them because, deep down (or not, in some cases) they feel threatened by them. It doesn't matter how silly that feeling is, or the fact that it's caused more problems for humanity over the years than anything else under the sun; it's a long-ingrained response. Changing that is almost as hard as changing being homosexual. And it doesn't help ease the threatened feeling when people seem to be so intent to push homosexuality into the spotlight.
Granted, keeping it in the dark forever isn't a good idea either; a balance has to be reached. But it hasn't been found yet. So in the end we have two indelible traits of nature clashing against each other. -
Re: Well, I would debate that point. by
on 2009-06-01 00:19:00 UTC
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But think about what you're saying. Homosexuality should kept quiet because you think it's weird, or it makes you uncomfortable?
Some people find interracial relationships weird. That's not a valid reason to keep them 'out of the spotlight', is it?
You probably think that homosexuality is weird because our culture tells us that it is. It doesn't matter how tolerant you think you've been brought up to be. You'd probably think two men walking down the street holding hands would be weird -- go to the Middle East, and you'll see it all the time. Weird in one culture is normal in another. What you talk about isn't some 'indelible trait of nature'. When society becomes more accepting and less hateful, the balance will be reached. -
I think the words "should be" are key here... by
on 2009-06-01 00:46:00 UTC
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"Should" is such a horrible word in that it means someone is wrong not to do one thing or the other. I don't think that's what Joe was saying anyway, though.
I certainly agree that Western culture doesn't help matters; everything from gender-specific clothing shops to 'sexy' pairs of models reinforces the message that everything is about the differences between people, and that's horrible. Even knowing tht, homosexuality does make me a bit uncomfortable - I have three female friends who are to some degree either bisexual or lesbian, and it's hard not to be aware of that a lot of the time, but the degree to which they choose to display it is none of my business. -
I feel the same way. by
on 2009-05-31 09:41:00 UTC
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I mean, I'm not going to go into random displays of prejudice or anything, but I feel more comfortable among hertosexuals and hetrosexual culture. I mean, not that I don't enjoy books or fics that have homosexuality, but still...
I belive that homophobia is a deeply ingrained respone, and that it can't be removed that easily. There will be always people that would perfer stories where gays and lesbians don't exsist (but don't bash them for the same reason). -
I'm like that. by
on 2009-05-31 08:08:00 UTC
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I find homosexuality weird - not bad or wrong or anything, just weird. It's not for me. Just as carelessly failing classes or working at McDonald's is not for me. People make too big a deal out of it all, I think - and yes, I think you're right; people feel threatened. It's not conscious, and it's definately not rational, but it's there. It's a matter of people not being comfortable with themselves, I think.
I don't know; am just rambling. :) -
I would be a little insulted. by
on 2009-05-31 03:11:00 UTC
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But facts are, I find heterosexuality to be a little weird. I'm bi, but the idea of only being attracted to one gender is a little off putting to me.
That said, I'm not going to be parading down the street protesting straights either. So I can't be angry at you for thinking homosexuality is weird, especially since you're aware enough to know it's not weird and perfectly natural.
As for pushing homosexuality into the spotlight... That's more trying to end the discrimination and get rights like marriage. Being discreet never worked for any other civil rights battles. If people aren't aware that these people actually exist, they won't care about the issues. Otherwise they think the homosexual population is limited to a handful of perverts littered around the country and nothing anyone should be concerned about. (BTW, by "pushing into the spotlight" I mean the normal forms of protest that are perfectly peaceful but extremely noticeable. Violent protest is never the answer and I perfectly understand feeling threatened if that ever went down, though I haven't heard of any cases). -
Hey, I'm asexual and find being attracted to ANYONE weird. by
on 2009-05-31 08:09:00 UTC
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To me, sex is a really weird and kind of icky process, and relationships just look like an unnecessary lot of trouble. I can get why other people are interested, but the whole business just seems kind of stupid to me. I still enjoy romantic storylines in fiction in the same way I still enjoy gruesome murders in fiction; fun to read about, but damned if you'll catch me being involved firsthand.
Agreed, but... by
on 2009-05-31 08:09:00 UTC
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Just adding that some people don't want to display their sexuality at all, no matter what 'type' it is, and I think that while those who are comfortable shouldn't be stopped from making a loud issue out of it to get their rights, there also should be nothing wrong with people keeping it to themselves. (Which I know isn't what you were saying; I didn't misunderstand - I'm just commenting.)
Re: Well, I would debate that point. by
on 2009-05-31 01:26:00 UTC
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Hey, we're not gonna be angry at you. It'd be hypocritical. I'm glad you can post your opinions online in a place where you won't get criticized. That's what we're here for, isn't it? Oh, and the sporks, too.
It's Zotz's birthday! by
on 2009-05-31 01:35:00 UTC
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He wouldn't post his own announcement so I'm posting one for him.
Have some Bleepka! by
on 2009-05-31 09:15:00 UTC
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And a "Death to MangoGirl" T-shirt.
Happy birthday, here's a tall ship. by
on 2009-05-31 08:59:00 UTC
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The Infernal Trio is going to the party as soon as South's is over.
Happy Birthday, Zotz. Don't worry; we won't pounce. (nm) by
on 2009-05-31 07:54:00 UTC
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Happy proxy-birthday! (nm) by
on 2009-05-31 01:51:00 UTC
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Mission Three complete; requesting beta readers! by
on 2009-05-31 08:27:00 UTC
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Well, it was a bit of a slog, but I finally finished preliminary writing on my third mission. Now I need extra eyes.
I'm requesting beta-readers and hopefully a Britpicker, though not necessarily both from the same person. If you're willing to help, just send me an e-mail saying so to I'd really appreciate it. -
What's the fandom? by
on 2009-05-31 14:20:00 UTC
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I'd be happy to help out, after last time, but I'm curious about what fandom it is.
Avatar: The Last Airbender. by
on 2009-05-31 16:30:00 UTC
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I suppose I should have been more clear on that.
The practicalities of a particular idea for a mini by
on 2009-05-31 10:32:00 UTC
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I'm about to start work on sporking a fic in the Merlin (BBC) canon, and as far as I'm aware a) no-one's done one yet, and b) no mini is designated for this canon.
Being as it's unique to the programme, I would propose that the minis be mini-Questing Beasts. There are other monsters in Merlin but mostly they're pretty generic heraldic beasts.
The only issue with the Questing Beast is that its bite is canonically fatal and incurable.
So my question is, if I did end up using mini-Questing Beasts, would it be best to say that the minis do NOT have this canonical power, or that they all have to be kept muzzled, or simply to pick a slightly less invariably deadly creature to be the mini? -
Right then, sounds like mini-Questing Beasts it is. (nm) by
on 2009-05-31 22:37:00 UTC
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Sounds like it would work. by
on 2009-05-31 16:17:00 UTC
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Most Minis of fatal creatures are mostly harmless.
Let me guess...the fic's Merlin/Arthur? -
Actually it's adult!Mordred/Merlin... by
on 2009-05-31 22:37:00 UTC
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... with unrequited Merlin/Arthur, poorly written 'kink', and spelling errors all over the place, hence the query about minis.
Fun... by
on 2009-06-01 13:33:00 UTC
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Good luck with that.
cheers, I'm going to need it ... (nm) by
on 2009-06-01 21:21:00 UTC
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Although the Questing Beast isn't quite unique... by
on 2009-05-31 14:41:00 UTC
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It's popped up in other Arthurian fantasy before. I know I've seen a few literary references here and there. Should probably make a good mini, though.
As for mini-ness, I think they should just lack the bite of doom. Muzzles are a bit risky - they might be forgotten or removed somehow, which might mean loads of dead Agents. Generics just don't work as well. -
It's turned up before? by
on 2009-05-31 22:35:00 UTC
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Ooh, you got references? I know next to nothing about the Arthurian legend, it's just that I'd not heard of the Questing Beast before and I figured that a creature that's a hybrid of what looks like a leopard and a cobra and which is tied into a religion that appears to have mostly been made up of pick n mix aspects of fantasy/Celtic religions was mostly an invention, but I'd be really interested if you know where I could find more to read about it.
Oh, Glod. by
on 2009-06-01 06:45:00 UTC
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As I was thinking of that, I realized that I completely forgot just where I heard of it. Pretty sure there was at least one mention of King Pellinore trying to skewer an undescribed Questing Beast of some sort, in some story I read quite a while back. I'd guess a little digging around about the beast might turn up something useful.
Heh, it's all right :) by
on 2009-06-01 08:09:00 UTC
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I just google-imaged 'questing beast' and got shedloads of pics that are decidedly old-looking and not at all BBC Merlin, so I'll happily believe you :)
I think they'll make a neat mini - who WOULDN'T want a miniature leopard/cobra hybrid? -
Of course... by
on 2009-05-31 14:01:00 UTC
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... Balrogs are canonically giant, evil demons of flame and shadow, but people hug Mini-Balrogs all the time. The attributes of minis are usually rather toned-down from the originals -- that's why they're minis. So a toned-down version of fatal and incurable would be, what, painful?
Anyway, minis don't tend to bite people. Much.
hS -
This is, of course, an essential logical point by
on 2009-05-31 22:33:00 UTC
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that had escaped me at my bedtime last night :)
Seconded. by
on 2009-05-31 14:21:00 UTC
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You beat me to it. :P