Hello, everyone! Yes, it's me again. Things are beginning to come together a little more now. We have lots more lines in (thank you, everybody who's done them), and we even have a few pictures.
However. There are some people who have not sent in their lines, for whatever reason, and we would appreciate it if they would. These people are Ansela, Platinumyo and Paddlebrains. The latter two are being poked via other means, but if anyone could get a hold of Ansela, 'twould be appreciated. Several vocalists have also dropped out or simply not replied to anything we've said. This has left us with a number of characters which need voicing. You know what this means... yes, we need more volunteers to take on lines. The characters in need of voicing are:
Medical Sue #2
Cafeteria Agent #1
Sub Rosa
Medical Sue #1
DoF Stu
DoF Sue
Medical!Sue #1
Sue from Scene 37
Tomb Agent #1
Tomb Agent #2
Of these, only Jill and the Sub Rosa have more than two lines. If anyone else feels like taking on a few lines, please offer. I'm fairly certain we can alter the voices in some form or another, if you're concerned about them all sounding same-y.
While on the topic, if anyone's got thirty seconds or so could they please record themselves screaming or shouting in some form or another? Trojie would like background noise for the battle scenes. Screams, battle cries, howls of agony or triumph, that kind of thing.
On a different topic, we'd like to request some pictures. Nothing elaborate, unless you want to make it so, but could everyone please submit a picture of their Agents in some form or another? The Tektek avatars are only useful in so many ways. If you're bothered about your lack of artistic skills, don't be; mine suck, but I still managed to cobble something together.
Anybody who feels like a bit of a challenge can have a go at designing our title screen, and perhaps some bits of scenery too. Email me privately and I'll give you the details.
And finally, a vote. We have two options available for the name of the production company. PPC Productions, and Urplefilms LTD. Please vote on whichever one you like best.
Thank you all very, very much for your continued support, and we hope to get this thing finished one day.
on 2008-11-21 05:28:00 UTC
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Well... by
on 2008-12-02 13:11:00 UTC
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I can Suify my Redwall alter-ego easily, and scream very well. Just tell me how to record it! Is there an online program? My mp3player has a recording function, so I could use that. Ask and ye shall receive pie.
still need Vixen!Sues? by
on 2008-11-25 17:22:00 UTC
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'Cause my housemate's back off holiday now, and I'm sure she could be persuaded to record a couple of lines.
I vote for Urplefilms LTD. by
on 2008-11-23 15:58:00 UTC
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Pictures of Rouge and his partner Hamelt can be found here: http://i126 (dot) photobucket (dot) com/albums/p94/doctorphoenix/Rouge_page.jpg Hamelt's the blond in the photo.
I'll have some pics of April and Lora up later. -
Can Help Out by
on 2008-11-22 14:36:00 UTC
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I can take another voice or two. I can also send over some screams.
Voting for UrpleFilms LTD, and... by
on 2008-11-21 22:02:00 UTC
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I'd be glad to do more mini-parts (but not the Dalek, and I've already done a Sue - you pick which), and I can drag my sister in to help with recording battle backgrounds. Will mail them over to Trojie later today, and if you want to send me additional parts, please do so. Maybe I can get my sister to do some of them, too.
fanwritersedri@gmail.com -
And I'll get you some sort of pics (nm) by
on 2008-11-21 22:02:00 UTC
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AND! (sorry for a third psot) by
on 2008-11-21 22:07:00 UTC
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My sister says she'd be delighted to help out, and she's pretty good with accents, so if you want to send over more than one small part for her, please do. And the screaming you hear in the battle-background recordings may resemble sibling rivalry. ;p
The only part we have left that might be any good... by
on 2008-11-21 23:14:00 UTC
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is Jill. I'll email that over to you. It's not a very big part, but it's a nice lively one. And I'll bet there was some sibling rivalry during the Invasion. :)
*grin* Cheers. by
on 2008-11-22 02:21:00 UTC
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Should get it back to you by tomorrow, barring emergencies.
Pssst,Sedri...what's a psot? (nm) by
on 2008-11-21 23:03:00 UTC
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*thwacks Misspelling* Nothing! Nothing at ALL! *grumble* (nm) by
on 2008-11-22 02:21:00 UTC
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Only three characters are still unassigned... by
on 2008-11-21 20:47:00 UTC
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The DoF Stu, Jill, and the Vixen!Sues. If anyone wants to do the Vixen!Sues, it's only a matter of going, "POOKY!" very loudly, and we can cut the various versions together. If you want to do that, just send them in, don't worry about volunteering on here just to shout one word.
Jill is the only majorish character left who's unassigned, and she only has about six lines altogether. Anyone want to take her on?
Thank you, everyone, for the progress so far! -
I'll try to do one of the Vixen!Sues. by
on 2008-11-22 01:29:00 UTC
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I can squeak in a suitable manner. I'll just have to wait till my parents are out of the way so they don't ask why I'm yelling "POOKY!" into the microphone.
- And here I thought... by on 2008-11-21 20:07:00 UTC Link to this
WellÂ… by
on 2008-11-21 18:08:00 UTC
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Tadkeeta is pictured here. No pic for Eclectica, I'm afraid. Her description is as follows:
Agent Eclectica
AKA: Eccentrica!Sue (never called that to her face)
Gender: Female
Hair: Blond with red highlights. Shoulder-length
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Light
Other: She's an Eccentrica Gallumbits ripoff.
Outfit: A sleeveless midriff-baring top, a miniskirt.
Native Continuum: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Tawaki was incapacitated at the time. For Omicron, refer to The Evil of the Daleks; he was a rank-and-file Dalek before his humanization. Draw Kamkenta however you wish.
Mimi's Mary Sue Dolls has closed down, but Honesah's hair and mane are horizontally striped, blue and yellow. Her wings are feathered, like a pegasus'. I forget what color her hooves and horn were. And in spite of being called a Pegacorn, she is humanoid (that's how she was able to get Legolas' affections in the fic and Mkellin's in Tinco Division) -
Many thanks. (nm) by
on 2008-11-21 19:17:00 UTC
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*pokes head in* by
on 2008-11-21 15:08:00 UTC
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Hey, the movie! I remember that! I'd be willing to volenteer for more 'Sues or agents, I might even be able to do Daleks if I had to (though the idea about using clips is better, pretty sure the BBC has some for free). Since my agents weren't in this, I don't need pictures (yay). Um...my vote is for Urplefilms LTD. It's funner to say.
Awesome. Thanks, and I'll send you a script over. (nm) by
on 2008-11-21 17:50:00 UTC
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I has pics. by
on 2008-11-21 10:58:00 UTC
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Hopefully whoever gets the job of animating this can draw angry faces better than I can.
I'll do a Sue voice or two if you send me a piece of script. I can only keep up a fake voice for one sentence at a time, so send me some which only have one line, if you possibly could. -
Thanks, Laburnum. by
on 2008-11-21 11:34:00 UTC
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I'll pass the pictures on, and I'll find you a couple of one-liner Sues. :)
I have some pics of Drake and Naomi too ... by
on 2008-11-21 12:24:00 UTC
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... though they're not in colour. Might have to email Kit about that.
That might be a good idea. Thank you. (nm) by
on 2008-11-21 17:48:00 UTC
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Oooh, pick me! by
on 2008-11-21 06:38:00 UTC
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*glomps Sub Rosa's part* ... I've always liked her. >.>
I can do some random Sues, too. I'm pretty sure I can manage to make them not sound like me--or, more to the point, like Jenni or the Sub Rosa.
I has pictures, oh my yes.
Jenni, Nume, and Ilraen: Ten Portraits. This is probably the best reference for face shape and colors.
Jenni: Whine, Couch close-up, Genderbender, Jenni and Erik, Pensive, Portrait. ... She's been around for a while. >.>
Nume: bad drawing and better sketch.
Ilraen: just this one.
Oh, by the way, any luck with the crazy multi-lingual Scottish guy? I didn't forget about him, but I didn't hear anything after my inquiry about pronunciation.
~Neshomeh, artistic. - Finished Nume portrait. by on 2008-11-23 06:14:00 UTC Link to this
Excellent. by
on 2008-11-21 07:04:00 UTC
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The Sub Rosa's all yours. I'll cut you together a little script with her and a couple of the Sues and email it over.
Thank you for the pictures, too. And as for Lucien, Trojie will be talking to Lee about him within the next few days, so please hang fire for just a little longer on his account. -
Bloody hell! MORE abandoned roles?! Ah well. by
on 2008-11-21 05:56:00 UTC
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Ya, me again. :P Ansela was just replying to a thread of mine yesterday, but I don't have any other way of contacting her so I hope she drops in. My Dalek impression is shit, sadly, so I won't volunteer for them unless nobody else does. If Sub Rosa was a guy I'd try for her, too, and I can't do a female voice so the Sues are out too. However, I will (probably foolishly) volunteer for the Tomb Agents and DoF Stu, and maybe the Cafeteria Agent if nobody else volunteers. Once I'm free for a bit, preferably with nobody else in the house, the battle sounds recording will be done easily, especially since with Tirsaer's lines I can meld his right into the rest of the lines. If I had any artistic ability/software I'd help with the title, sorry. My vote is for Urplefilms LTD, by the way. Dunno why, just sounds more "official" or something.
Thank you. by
on 2008-11-21 07:13:00 UTC
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As I recall, you've already taken on about ten roles already, so let's wait till you've managed those first, eh? Once they're done, we'll see about letting you have more. :P
Haha. by
on 2008-11-21 13:36:00 UTC
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True, good point, I just wanted to help. And out of those eight I only have like three left to do anyway. With the Daleks, though, couldn't you use Dalek sound clips from the actual series?
Possibly. by
on 2008-11-21 17:47:00 UTC
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I'll look around and see if we can get hold of anything.
*grin* Your desire to help is muchly appreciated, I think my main concern is that we're wearing out your vocal cords. :) -
Heh, don't worry about that. by
on 2008-11-21 20:05:00 UTC
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So far the difficulty has been more in finding good voices than any strain to my voice. Only time I really strained my vocal chords so far was with Rosedale, because of the accent I gave him, and that was more "my voice was stuck like that for three days and my throat was sore" than wearing them out. Thanks for your concern though. And yeah, I think using actual Dalek soundclips, considering the BBC has some for free, would be a better idea than relying on a voice actor's best Dalek impression. I mean, really, only the Daleks sound Dalek-y enough. :P
Can't edit, but forgot to say this. by
on 2008-11-21 20:13:00 UTC
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Just wanted to expand on something. If there are any bit Stus or Agents available other than the ones listed (since people like Laburnum have asked you to look for other one line Sues or other such characters), I could also try those. It's mostly up to your discretion though, and if you can't find any or there just aren't any, I'm fine with that.
Now you come to mention it... by
on 2008-11-21 20:30:00 UTC
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There is one male voice left, a Stu. If you let me have your email, I'll send it over. It's only a one-line part, but if you're willing to take it I'm willing to send it.
Re: Now you come to mention it... by
on 2008-11-21 23:45:00 UTC
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Thanks, I'll take it. kgarrett@operamail.com.
PLUG at last! by
on 2008-11-22 01:00:00 UTC
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DIC Mission 3: Harry Potter and the Dragonriders of Pern.
This so needed to die. What's in the mission, despite its ridiculous length, isn't even half of it. {= P
Thanks again to my volunteer agents and beta-readers! *gives hugs and chocolate*
~Neshomeh -
nice work by
on 2008-11-24 06:20:00 UTC
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I still haven't summed up the courage to check out the Pern fandom ... Pern badslash would be a horrific beast. Much praise and Bleeprin-infused lembas to you and your team :D
Yay! Thanks! by
on 2008-11-24 21:14:00 UTC
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*distributes lembas* Poor dragonrider!Erik needs it...
... You would have to work really hard to write Pern slash and make it horrible, considering that dragonriders are the perfect excuse for that sort of thing. Heck, the whole Pernese culture is more lax about sex than ours, really.
I may regret this, but should you happen to come across anything at all involving Robinton, I want it. NOBODY messes with the Masterharper on my watch. }=
On a lighter note, see my reply to Makari for a link to Pern goodfic.
~Neshomeh -
I'll keep an eye out. by
on 2008-11-24 21:20:00 UTC
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Likewise, people who mess with F'nor or F'lessan get my bell somewhere *painful* ...
It's a deal. by
on 2008-11-25 00:59:00 UTC
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I'll let you know if I spot anything deserving.
~Neshomeh -
sweet as (nm) by
on 2008-11-25 23:18:00 UTC
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*waves fans* by
on 2008-11-23 05:46:00 UTC
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I am quite happily amused. Very nice, very long; that's a good thing in this case. Literally made my day.
And that 'Sue... AUGH. I've never had the misfortune to encounter a Pern 'Sue before. I think I may learn to terminate them with extreme prejudice. Jeez. Thank you for killing it. -
Thank you. by
on 2008-11-24 21:09:00 UTC
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I role-played in Pern before the fandom opened up to fic, so I was already acquainted with a variety of horrors in the fandom. You have NO IDEA the lengths to which fangirls will go to make their dragons, and their characters, "special." *shudder*
For Pern goodfic, though, check out Astrokath. She makes me happy. ^_^
~Neshomeh -
Great job! by
on 2008-11-22 15:01:00 UTC
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I had a lot of fun reading that, especially when the volunteer agents were brought in. Nice and quirky, just how I like them. Anyhow, that fic must have been a real headache to read, and I don't envy you at all. Crossovers get my back up at the best of times, but when you throw Sues into the mix too... *shudders* not fun.
And I look forward to reading your agents' next mission! -
Thanks. {= ) by
on 2008-11-22 17:18:00 UTC
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I'm notoriously slow, so it will probably be awhile until the next one, but thanks. ^_^
I really enjoy the idea behind crossovers, but people seem to miss the point, which is to figure out how to make it make sense and keep everyone involved in character. It is sad.
~Neshomeh -
*applauds* by
on 2008-11-22 05:02:00 UTC
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I do like how literally the canon interprets everything. Although I'm now put off ever reading Pern. Even without knowing anything about it, the mission still pretty much made sense, so good job!
a deep, snuff colored lump
These I have seen. Generally in my dad's hankies. They are not something anyone with any sense would be investigating.
Also, I see you also have "portaled" with one L. This is the standard American spelling then?
Spotted one thing that's confusing me. You've written "to wit"; so far as I know it's "to whit". Certainly Pratchett uses the latter. Google isn't helping me find much clarification on which is correct - all I found is Merriam-Webster giving "to wit" but they're an American dictionary. Anyone got any ideas on this one? *is totally a geek when it comes to the English language* -
Thanks. ^. ^ by
on 2008-11-22 05:24:00 UTC
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Aww, don't hate Pern because of bad writing. Even the author isn't the greatest ever, but it's just such a cool world, with really cool characters in it.
... Eww.
I believe I checked "to wit" vs. "to whit" on Merriam-Webster, and I went with the American spelling because I am American.
As for "portaled" vs. "portalled," neither one is actually a word as far as I know, so all I can say is that I think the former looks better. I don't remember learning a rule for this sort of thing, but if I ever find a definitive answer, I'll let you know (and revise my work if I have to).
~Neshomeh -
Re: Thanks. ^. ^ by
on 2008-11-22 05:37:00 UTC
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Oh, those sneaky gerunds! Google suggests that portal is a perfectly legitimate verb these days, however, what with its in connection with internet portals. Have to disagree with you on which looks better, but then, I tend to be a bit of a fascist when it comes to British English spellings, and as mentioned recently, we double letters a lot.
Good to know I'm probably not erroneously using "to whit".
I suspect one of these days Trojie will force me to read Pern. But my reading will be tainted with memories of the badfic, in much the same way as I can now never watch the Land Before Time. And I suspect I'll be expecting Pratchettesque satire where none is to be found, what with the dragonriders in The Colour of Magic. Alas. -
Fixed; and thanks for pointing it out! (nm) by
on 2008-11-22 05:53:00 UTC
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*pulls out her Chicago Manual of Style* by
on 2008-11-22 05:44:00 UTC
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According to the CMS: "If a regular verb ends in a single vowel before a consonant, the consonant is doubled before taking the present or past form's ending."
So, once and for all, it's portal-portalling-portalled.
*goes to edit her missions*
~Neshomeh -
score one for British English! by
on 2008-11-22 05:55:00 UTC
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*does the Dance of One Small and Petty Victory in the Face of Myriad Transgressions*
And, of course, this means I now have a legitimate reason to bitch at people who persist in writing "worshiped". Truly, it is a good day. -
Oh, well done. by
on 2008-11-22 02:50:00 UTC
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I've always had a soft spot for the Dragonriders. Poor E'rik, though.
Thank you. by
on 2008-11-22 03:45:00 UTC
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Yeah, I know... it sucks to be him right now. You will be seeing more of him, though, if I can get my act together. {= )
~Neshomeh -
YES! Good job! *eats chocolates* by
on 2008-11-22 02:26:00 UTC
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Cheers! It's just as good in the second read.
Thanks. ^. ^ (nm) by
on 2008-11-22 02:28:00 UTC
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Sweet! by
on 2008-11-22 01:44:00 UTC
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No offense to the Sue killers on the board, but I've always wanted to read a Bad Slash or DIC or DOGA mission just to see how it was different from the "kill the Sue" type ones. This is the first DIC mission I've actually been able to see, I'll definitely give it a look.
- And as to DOGA... by on 2008-11-22 11:52:00 UTC Link to this
Alright, thanks. by
on 2008-11-22 13:36:00 UTC
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I was more using them as examples, but I really was curious to see how departments that weren't necessarily involved in Sue-killing (though I know those two do kill them sometimes) worked, and even though I've seen DOGA and Bad Slash work a couple times I've never seen a DIC mission. It was very interesting to read though. Heh, three Sues, that must've been annoying to deal with.
Yup. by
on 2008-11-22 17:10:00 UTC
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Yeah... I'm afraid the Sues overshadowed the crossover aspects of the mission, but they're Sues--that's what they do. {= P It's straight-up crossovers in my queue for a while now, though. {= )
Glad you enjoyed.
~Neshomeh -
What do you know about... by
on 2008-11-22 18:13:00 UTC
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Harry Potter and Saiyuki? Apart from the fact that there is no way these canons should ever be crossed because of extreme incompatibility. And no, damnit it, physical similarities in the form of green eyes and black hair does not a reincarnation make!
Green Eyed Reincarnation -
HP, yes; Saiyuki, no. by
on 2008-11-22 19:38:00 UTC
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Having skimmed through the fic, though, I wish I did know Saiyuki. I'd love to take down this foolishness. When will they learn that Harry is not compatible with Snape or Draco? Argh.
~Neshomeh -
Pity... by
on 2008-11-22 19:50:00 UTC
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because that one bugs me. The thought of Harry as Hakkai is... agh. Hakkai is a calm, polite person who you really don't want to make mad, will make small talk with someone who is meant to be one of his worst enemies, can hold his alcohol better than any of his companions, is the general 'mum' of the group (but thinking he's weak because of it will be the last mistake you ever make, as several youkai have found out) and became a youkai himself by killing 1000 members of a clan of youkai that kidnapped, raped and impregnated his lover, who also happened to be his sister which was a relationship they knew about, and who killed herself rather than carry the child to term.
He's about as far from Harry as you can get. -
Yikes. by
on 2008-11-22 20:13:00 UTC
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That's quite the story. And just from that, I can tell Harry/Hakkai is WAY out-of-character, reincarnation or no.
Is this a series of manga/anime, or is there a single thing I can find when I have time?
... I think my next actual mission is HP/FMA. For some reason, I can't seem to find crossovers in continua I know that don't involve Harry Potter. O.o Didn't someone declare that a rule of the internet is that if it exists, there is a HP crossover of it?
~Neshomeh -
It's a manga/anime fandom by
on 2008-11-22 20:30:00 UTC
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based on the classic Chinese tale 'Journey To The West'. The manga is, IIRC, 9 volumes long with at least one sequel. The anime is about 50 episodes, with a movie, sequels and OVAS.
Don't look at me. I'm guilty of HP crossovers mysely. July just passed me the summary for a HP/Ouran crossover that sounds frightening.I hope to never see a Code Geass, Macross Frontier or Gundam 00 crossover with HP. They're about as compatible with it as Saiyuki. -
Hmmm. by
on 2008-11-22 20:50:00 UTC
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Well, I'll see if any of my anime-loving friends have it. It sounds interesting for its own sake.
This is what I'm looking at doing next:
Full Metal and the Hogwarts mishap
Ed goes to Hogwarts to investigate these so called wizards. Posing as a student from Durmstrang, he runs into Harry and his gang, and guess what happens? mishap!Please R&R AU EdWinry! Harry and Ginny or Harry and tonks havn't decided yet
I warn you, it will make your eyes bleed just to look at it. The formatting is that bad.
~Neshomeh -
Yea, it is a rule by
on 2008-11-22 20:42:00 UTC
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*and is guilty of planning a DC/HP crossover/fusion/AU series*
^^;; -
Re: It's a manga/anime fandom by
on 2008-11-22 20:33:00 UTC
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Ouran Welcomes MrPotter
Harry is tierd of Hogwarts after fourth year and decides to go back to muggle schooling after a year in English private muggle schools as well as private magic studies he moves to Japan and meets our Favorie club.
where the Bad Slash lives by
on 2008-11-22 04:12:00 UTC
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Mine and Trojie's DBS missions are all archived at her livejournal: agenttrojie.livejournal.com. There's a PPC tag. Presumably Laburnum keeps hers at her livejournal too: chelonianmobile.livejournal.com. Though she doesn't appear to have tags on hers, so have fun rooting through.
Re: where the Bad Slash lives by
on 2008-11-22 13:37:00 UTC
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Thanks, I'll look through them soon, probably today.
A Suevian paradox by
on 2008-11-22 05:20:00 UTC
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I Haven't been here in quite a while, but I came back for advise: If you kill a Sue, how much of the created fanon elements of the story must you destroy on the way out?
An example is this series of stories from the Disney's Gargoyles fandom
The stories open with the introduction of a horrendus Mary sue, but along the way, many other original characters make appearences, most of which I truly enjoy. These include an old fling of Petros Xanatos (defacto matriarch of a clan of young adults, one elder and an aged watchbeast), friends of Clan Winslow, and an enigmatic figure that has ties to the gargoyle Brooklyn.
In short, would it be possible to just off the Sue and leave everyone else to thir fanon devices? -
Sounds reasonable by
on 2008-11-22 13:43:00 UTC
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It seems a little off to go around wasting good OCs so I'd have to agree with the other posters. If they're really good or it interests you, look into recruting them. Otherwise, I think it would be safe to leave them alone without killing them.
If they're good OCs... by
on 2008-11-22 12:12:00 UTC
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I don't see why you can't just leave them. We're perfectly happy to have goodfic so why not?
Good question... by
on 2008-11-22 19:37:00 UTC
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I'm not really going to really do anything about it, with chances for my agents going public becoming less and less likely by the month. The question is more academic than anything, with implications for other, future goodfic nevertheless marred by the presence of a Sue.
And in many respects ii is goodfic, quite exceptional goodfic... it's just that the introductory Sue just curled my nose-hairs. If she was just a daughter of the Immortal Macbeth, I could have reconciled: Mac had a fling during the early 70's, had to leave in a hurry due to the immortal struggle with his adversary Demona, she tracks him down, bada-bing.
But she's also the daughter of Titania (sp?) Queen of the Fae... who canonically is also the mother of Janine Renard, later Fox Xanatos. And that the two-half sisters have a history is just too much to be believable.
Is letting one Sue live worth it to preserve an otherwhise great piece of fanfic? (or vice-versa?) -
Re: A Suevian pardaox by
on 2008-11-22 09:46:00 UTC
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If the OC's are good, they can be recruited(there's precedent for doing so). As for Non-OC devices, I remember someont telling me they just meld into the local canon.
Does anyone know what the importance of tonight is? by
on 2008-11-22 06:16:00 UTC
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The movie for Twilight is coming out tonight. Judging by all the hype at my school, I can predict there will be quite the fanfiction deluge afterwards. And going by the LotR example, I predict many a Mary Sue.
How is the Twilight fandom going to cope? Will we need to establish an OFU? Who is going to watch the movie?
*hides in bomb shelter* -
"Team Edward! Because Jacob doesn't sparkle!" by
on 2008-12-02 13:09:00 UTC
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Every girl at my school is wearing that t-shirt. Gah. Everyone was telling me all about Twilight and how much I would love it, because it is about vampires.
It sucks and blows.
There's already lots of Suefic for it, according to my friend who likes Twilight fanfic-basically they replace "Bella" with their own name. -
Ah, yes. That. by
on 2008-11-22 08:22:00 UTC
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I've heard it's very little like the book. I'm probably going to go see it when the fuss dies down a bit, though. I'm actually kind of excited. Is it perverse that I kind of look forward to doing some Twilight missions?
Oh, no. by
on 2008-11-22 17:35:00 UTC
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It just shows that you're dedicated to protecting Canon, no matter how terrible the Canon is. :] *hugs*
I've never been in the Twilight fandom. by
on 2008-11-22 07:30:00 UTC
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But I have read the book. It is fanfiction. The main character is textbook Sue and her love interest is a terrifying stalker portrayed as the Perfect Guy. The plot is treated as a necessary evil by the author, much more attention is paid to the love interest's changing eye colour and scary good looks. Oh, and of course the main character who is so selfless and beautiful and modest and kind while still being a total brat, treating her friends like crap and deliberatly making her life harder for herself so that she can angst.
Yes it is a form of canon, so we have a duty to protect it, but there is nothing the movie can do for Twilight that the book hasn't already done. Actually, considering what I've heard, the movie should be signifigantly better than the book (this is not hard) so it might even be good for the fandom.
*hopes no one here actually likes Twilight because that could make things awkward.* -
Oh, I don't know. by
on 2008-11-22 17:34:00 UTC
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My friend's a big fan of the books, and thinks that Edward is a Gary Stu, but Bella isn't. But then she also denies Harry Potter and Eragon's Stu-dom.
I think we need to focus more on the fanfic for this "fanfictional canon". There may be worse 'Sues than Bella coming in. Like..."Destinee Hope Cullen", Edward's twin sister, or something... -
Mweeheehee! by
on 2008-12-02 13:05:00 UTC
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Of course Bella's not a Gary Stu! She's a Mary Sue!
Well, yes. by
on 2008-12-03 00:10:00 UTC
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But she denies Bella's Sue-dom.
*eyeroll* -
Sorry. I'm a nuisance. (nm) by
on 2008-12-03 13:51:00 UTC
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No, you're not. I was eyerolling at my friend. *hugs* (nm) by
on 2008-12-04 00:14:00 UTC
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Heh. Very nice. by
on 2008-11-22 13:21:00 UTC
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Rather reminds me of Eragon, really, especially with the completely undeserved hype.
Tomorrow, something very horrible is going to happen... by
on 2008-11-22 12:13:00 UTC
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And that thing is, I become an adult! Announcing my birthday, Artic Blade turns 18 tomorrow morning! (45 minutes where I am)
Late, but happy birthday! by
on 2008-11-24 04:43:00 UTC
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Have a crappy ink painting of some tulips that I painted in the last ten minutes of art class today.
Late happy birthday! (nm) by
on 2008-11-24 03:29:00 UTC
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Happy Birthday! by
on 2008-11-23 23:55:00 UTC
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Here, have a bag of holding. It's black, and will fit all the other stuff you get.
Happy Birthday! by
on 2008-11-23 10:45:00 UTC
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Have some Anti-Lustin flowers, and a Bleepolate Cake!
PS: I can't wait to see the second part of the 'It's a mon kinda world, mon' MST. Let's toast to the forthcoming spoking of Philandering!Takeru and SuddenlyRomanticand Sensitive!Drew*!
*With non-alcoholic drinks, since i'm 16. -
I mispelled sporking, didn't I? (nm) by
on 2008-11-23 10:46:00 UTC
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on 2008-11-23 06:57:00 UTC
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Happy Birthday! by
on 2008-11-23 05:49:00 UTC
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I'm probably late, but then again this is a common problem for me.
Happy adultness. No one ever said you had to grow up, though. :P -
Oh, Conga Rats! by
on 2008-11-23 04:41:00 UTC
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Happy birthday! Now, I know I've given you a whisk already, so here's a French silk chocolate pie! I love making these things. Enjoy!
Have a Mark II K-9. (nm) by
on 2008-11-23 04:41:00 UTC
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Here, have a fork. No, not a spork. by
on 2008-11-22 20:39:00 UTC
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A Fork. So you can eat all the cake we're about to pile on you.
Congratsi! -
Happy 18th! by
on 2008-11-22 20:30:00 UTC
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Have a graduated cylinder and some mini-baked cookies! (Sorry, they're a little burnt.)
Happy Birthday! by
on 2008-11-22 15:45:00 UTC
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Congratulations on surviving so far!
...I realise that was probably not the most cheerful comment. But seriously, happy birthday and have fun being an adult! -
Happy birthday! by
on 2008-11-22 15:35:00 UTC
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*presents you with a large bag of pebbles, a basket of Bleeprin-berries and your own sling*
Hope you have a great day! -
an adult, eh? by
on 2008-11-22 14:01:00 UTC
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Does this mean you're going to start heading to bed with a cup of cocoa at 9pm and being attracted to people over sixty? Good luck with that. Still, there's beer now, so it's not all bad. Happy birthday. :D
Hey, happy birthday by
on 2008-11-22 13:32:00 UTC
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Hope you have/ are having an awesome time of it. Here's to your newfound adulthood ;)
Happy Birthday! by
on 2008-11-22 13:22:00 UTC
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Here, have a loon!
Probably missed it, but happy birthday in advance. (nm) by
on 2008-11-22 13:20:00 UTC
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Badfic reportage by
on 2008-11-22 18:44:00 UTC
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The Magicians Guild
Fandom: Black Magician Trilogy (apparently)
Summary: Sekka has been accepted into the Guild, but as war begins to brew in Sachakan, along with Vanir trying to stop him at every turn, can he survive long enough to pass his exams?
I find myself seriously hoping this is a troll. World warping, severe Stuishness on the part of the OC, and it seems to be a crossover with LotR, Death Note, Harry Potter, Ouran, Naruto and Final Fantasy (judging by author's notes), with an application test that seems to be tweaked from Eragon and includes things that no potential Novice should be able to do (because they aren't taught to unlock their power until they are in a situation with an trained Magician who can immediately teach them to control it).
Gothic Portal
Fandom: Harry Potter
Summary: Sixth year. There are a group of new students, and they're all Goths, Emo's and Greebos!
Quote, courtesy of July who was brave enough to click on the link: '"Actually we're Goths." He said, folding his arms, "Where do you think the Death Eaters got the idea of black robes from?"' I'm hoping this is a troll as well (same author as the other) -
on 2008-12-02 13:04:00 UTC
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Okay, that thing is just insulting. It seems that this person's only research into gothic subcuture was a peek through the window of Hot Topic! Grrrr... Kill it with fire.
Oh God, not this guy by
on 2008-11-23 02:05:00 UTC
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I ran across his Doctor Who fic a while back and ran away screaming. This one looks only slightly better. I get the impression that he doesn't really comprehend the concept of crossovers--he just randomly throws in characters from other universes without really any attempt to incorporate their 'verses into the story.
Sekka and Vanir are his two favorite Stus, I think--Sekka as the main character, Vanir to be Sekka's punching bag. It's obnoxious. I just want to tell him to go write his own piece of fiction if he feels the need to shove these guys into every story. Grr.
This isn't entirely relevant, but can I claim his Doctor Who fic? I've been looking forward to sporking it for a while now, though I still don't have permission yet. -
Crossoverness by
on 2008-11-22 21:11:00 UTC
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Seriously, what is up with that? Although I don't particularly like crossovers, I can acknowledge that they are good ones. That many characters from that many canons just seems... well, unecessary. That's going to be hell to untangle, especially with the sheer number of characters coming in out of nowhere.
Also, heh, yeah. Greebo's? With more than one of that furry bundle of joy out there I'm surprised that school hasn't been decimated already. -
I think that ought to be "grebo"... by
on 2008-11-22 21:27:00 UTC
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What, you didn't think Pterry made up the name all by himself, did you? -
Re: I think that ought to be "grebo"... by
on 2008-11-22 21:27:00 UTC
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July gave me this link:
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=greebo -
Ah... by
on 2008-11-23 10:38:00 UTC
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Well, that makes rather more sense, heh.
There's more than one of Greebo now?! by
on 2008-11-22 19:14:00 UTC
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Well, that was my immediate thought anyway.
I'm sure there're lots of little Greebos running around... by
on 2008-11-23 16:37:00 UTC
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... and I pity any Sue that gets near them.
No, actually I don't.
Reporting a Cowboy Bebop Sue. by
on 2008-11-22 23:22:00 UTC
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Fandom: Cowboy Bebop
Rating: T
Summary: Post Real Folk Blues. An overwhelmed and amnesiac girl awakens from a cryogenic sleep to discover a world that she could’ve never dreamed of. Accompanied by a handsome cowboy, and a diverse crew, she tries to find her place.
Hope I'm not the only one here familiar with Cowboy Bebop (if you're not, watch it. NOW.), since I hope someone can make a good kill of this one. Just by existing it messes up the canon by having Spike survive the series' ending (Resurrected!Spike= automatic mission, as far as I'm concerned, though I don't know if that means the agents who take this one have to kill him again). Spelling and grammar get pretty dicey at points, too, but there's a lot of chapters (18 so far) and it updated last month. There's also a good bit of OOC behaviour on the part of everyone involved. The Sue even rips off a bit of Faye's backstory, though otherwise she's a bit textbook. Still, I think it has potential to make an entertaining mission if any of you are willing to take it. -
. . .*goes to finish series* by
on 2008-11-23 05:52:00 UTC
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I seriously do need to do that. I saw a few episodes and liked it, but lost my place... well. If no one else claims it by the time I'm familiar enough with canon, I will. *wonders how long the series is* Probably the usual 26 or so episodes...
Yep, 26 episodes. by
on 2008-11-23 06:01:00 UTC
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Exactly 26, actually, though the last episode is a two parter. If you have a free day it wouldn't be hard to go through the series in it. It's a really good anime, anyway. I'll put a link to the first episode here once I find it, if you want.
If you don't mind. :) by
on 2008-11-23 07:49:00 UTC
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That would be greatly appreciated. And wouldn't you know it, tomorrow's Sunday and I have nothing due Monday. Hmmm. That says Cowboy Bebop to me. =P
- Could only find it on Youtube, but here you go. by on 2008-11-23 18:12:00 UTC Link to this
OCs meet their author. What to do? by
on 2008-11-23 01:07:00 UTC
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Now, when Stormsong and Skyfire reach the OFUR for the big end-of-mass-mission party (I'm getting to it, I swear) they'll inevitably meet Snowspine, their original author. Awkward situation all round, as those present for the roleplay party or who have seen certain pics on my devArt account will know. Any suggestions for how to handle their interactions once their consciences kick in?
Also, I had the idea that since she created them and they're in the Word Worlds, they should have some sort of pseudo-psychic connection to her - preferably something that sounds cool at first but is utterly useless, at least until the Obligatory Yearly Emergency that all OFUs go through. Would that work? -
Hmm... by
on 2008-11-23 06:32:00 UTC
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I know that if I met my Original Characters, it would bring out my maternal instinct and I'd be all motherly (or rather, grandmotherly) to them. And then they would get scared.
Thing is, I base my OCs on people in my life, so hopefully it's more like meeting with a friend.
As for psuedo-psychic connections, I suppose LINK would be something like that? You know, that syndrome described in HFA? -
Good idea. by
on 2008-11-23 07:58:00 UTC
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S&S have the additional problem that they're still kind of hung up on the fact that in their original story Snowspine, via the major Big Bad, effectively had Stormsong raped to death. (In a much less graphic and more tasteful way than the badfic we spork, but still. OUCH.)
And then there's Molly and Moses. How's Snowspine going to cope with the fact that she's now foster-grandma to a six-year-old cannibal?
What does LINK do? I can't find it. -
It's in HFA. by
on 2008-11-23 17:20:00 UTC
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Actually, to be precise, it's in the sequel.
Here's the Chapter where LINK appears -
Maybe one could slightly reject Snowpine? by
on 2008-11-23 02:01:00 UTC
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As in, they wanna feel slightly independent, however they still move exactly as she wants, but still claim to be independent? Or maybe she can only change their appearances? Give Skyfire purple hair I say! Or pink, go with pink...
Hi there. by
on 2008-11-23 16:21:00 UTC
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Hello, PPC Board.
I've read the major OFUs, the Wiki, TOS and a bunch of other mission reports, and most of the already published PPC history. People with Legendary Badfic links at the ready, you needn't bother. I've already sat through some, including C*l*b*i*n and Draco's Christmas Cuppa. Without throwing up. I suspect this is derived from both iron will and insanity.
I'm a Grammar Nazi and a die-hard canon nut. I don't normally write though, I'm not that good. No published works so far, and no desire to write Missions for a long time.
I know some information about certain canons I haven't read too much of the original material of, such as H2G2, Discworld, and LOTR. Rest assured that I will get around to reading all of these, so put the weapons away.
Oh! One more thing. I brought a present, but I'm not sure who can actually use it. It is an Ion Canon, created by a Command and Conquer misspelling. Any Agent in a universe with large orbital lasers can have it sent in, I think. Hope you'll be able to find a use for it.
A last note, before I forget. Are there still Ypurs available, and are they available to non-Agents? I want to adopt one, they look cute. -
Fellow n00bz0r, I salute thee! by
on 2008-12-02 12:55:00 UTC
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Have some more Suenicorn flesh.
You've read C*l*br**n? I'VE read "Violation of the Evenstar!" And That Series! Nyeeer. -
Nice, you have a high level of squick-resistance. by
on 2008-12-02 13:09:00 UTC
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If I could find links to all of those 'fics, I'd get around to reading them right away. I really should read every Legendary Badfic at least once...
*Gifts with Bleepolate in the shape of a Plover* by
on 2008-11-25 14:47:00 UTC
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You can love it, stroke it, feed it (Only chocolate flecks though). Alternatively, you can eat it.
And the Ypurs are my jurisdiction for now. As there are over eight hundred of them by this point, you can definitely take one. Did you want an Urple, Wilver or Bleen one? Or just a regular coloured one like turquiose, crimson, veridian or ochre? -
Whichever's the most blinding color of ypur, please. by
on 2008-11-25 15:17:00 UTC
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I'm sure that I can handle looking at the one I get, being able to read the entirety of a Legendary Badfic without turning away. Legendary badfics are also eye-burning, so logically, it's possible... Now, the only problem is the name. I'm horrible with names, no matter what they're for.
Oh, and by the way, what's turquiose? -
You'll be after an Urple Ypur then. by
on 2008-11-26 00:31:00 UTC
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Silly twit decided to run into a portal to HFA and got absolutely covered in the stuff. I'll leave the name to you though.
And turquiose is... a colour that's almost turquoise, except a certain person tends to type so fast he doesn't notice misspellings, and hence the creation of turquiose. I'll go speak with that naughty Boarder. *Looks shifty* -
Oh no. by
on 2008-11-26 09:03:00 UTC
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Now I'll be stuck for week trying to think of a name or something... This type of thing always happens.
Have I really not said hi yet? by
on 2008-11-25 01:07:00 UTC
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Shame on me!
Anyway, have an egg whisk. It's shiny, gold-plated, and, hey, it whisks eggs! You can also use it to whisk spambots and author wraiths, if you like. And here, have some Belgian chocolates, too.
Welcome to the insanity! -
Welcome! by
on 2008-11-24 15:38:00 UTC
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Here, have some psychic paper. It's always useful. Just don't let it get you in trouble...
Psychic paper? by
on 2008-11-24 15:41:00 UTC
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What's that exactly? Paper that is psychic or paper used by psychics?
What Ansela said. by
on 2008-11-26 06:59:00 UTC
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The paper itself is psychic, although if the viewer is psychic, they see it only as a bit of paper. But it shows whatever you want to be shown. And if your mind is wandering, well...It's from Doctor Who, in any event.
Re: Psychic paper? by
on 2008-11-24 16:10:00 UTC
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Paper that allows whoever's holding it to show people what the want to see. If, for example, you needed to get into a heavily defended enemy base, you could show the guard the paper and they'd think you were the delivery boy or a higher ranked officer with access rights, depending what's more appropriate.
Nice! by
on 2008-11-24 11:18:00 UTC
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Here's a Mammoth tank!
Whee! by
on 2008-11-24 12:19:00 UTC
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Now I have a joyride vehicle!
First plover! by
on 2008-11-23 21:09:00 UTC
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BTW, will your Agents be based in a TARDIS or a Response Center?
A plover! by
on 2008-11-24 09:53:00 UTC
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Obligatory Monty Python Quote!
"The swallow may fly south with the sun, or the house martin or the plover seek warmer hot lands in winter, yet these are not strangers to our land." Oh, and by the way, what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
TARDIS or RC? Well, if I ever have Agents, anyway... Let's see, uh... Not quite sure, actually. I need to think about that. And watch Doctor Who before making any decisions. -
Re: First plover! by
on 2008-11-24 09:48:00 UTC
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If I ever have Agents... Let's see, uh... Not quite sure, actually. I need to think about that. And watch Doctor Who before making any decisions.
Welcome! First towel! by
on 2008-11-23 20:33:00 UTC
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You sound like you'll fit right in - nice to meet you! I'm not sure who runs the ypur adoptions, but they'll probably reply here sooner or later. :)
- Sedri -
Where do you get those transdimensional pocket knives? by
on 2008-11-25 16:22:00 UTC
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I want one, and I can actually pay for it if needed. I have a few billion HL from the Disgaea continuum (Not too hard to get that amount, really), a few hundred thousand Republic Credits, a bunch of lightsaber crystals (Three Stygiums, couple Kaiburrs, a few Hurrikaines, one Krayt pearl, and a lambent), and a full set of Morrowind glass equipment. Yeah, I came prepared. Game 'verses always have loads of free loot that isn't story-related, so I picked up a few things.
First flamethrower axe! by
on 2008-11-23 19:53:00 UTC
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Yes, you read that right. An axe that shoots fire due to a flamethrower component being added to it. Coolest weapon since chainswords, I say. There should still be Ypurs to go around, as Neshomeh said, and I'm sure we'll find a use for the Ion Canon. Probably give it to DOGA if nothing else, and we can always put it in the Armoury. It's impressive that you've managed to read that much, especially the Legendary Badfics, it sounds like you're gonna fit right in. Can't wait to see your agents when you finally try for permission!
Ooh, pointy firey object. Yay! by
on 2008-11-24 09:44:00 UTC
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Agents? Probably not for a very, very long time. I'm horrible with names, bad with character development, and not that good with witty banter. I'll just stick to reporting badfic or something for now.
First poke! by
on 2008-11-23 19:35:00 UTC
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I think there are plenty of Ypurs to go around. I don't see why anyone who wants one shouldn't have one. I don't run the adoptions, though.
As for the Ion Canon, I'm sure someone will think of something to do with it. *g*
~Neshomeh -
Welcome, and first lembas! by
on 2008-11-23 19:18:00 UTC
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*hands plate of delicious baked goods*
Hello! by
on 2008-11-23 18:47:00 UTC
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I present you with newbie-gifts of a bag of pebbles and a Random Shiny Object!
Welcome to the insanity. You sound like you'll fit right in. -
Hiya *waves* by
on 2008-11-23 16:27:00 UTC
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Have a P-90. Since you've been to the Wiki and everything, I won't spam you with links. I will recommend keeping an eye out for July though, since she tends to give rabies when she can't give links.
Come in, we don't bite (mostly) and your sanity can go in that slot marked 'Incinerator' over there. You won't need it here. -
Sanity? by
on 2008-11-24 09:46:00 UTC
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Too late. It's already long gone. Never found much of a use for it, really. 'Twas actually quite boring having that around.
OT: Looking for beta by
on 2008-11-23 16:24:00 UTC
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I've just finished proofreading my latest fic and was wondering if anyone would mind betaing it for me, since I don't trust my own eyes to catch all the mistakes.
Beware, it's an R-rated yaoi non-con fic, if any of those squick you. -
sure thing by
on 2008-11-23 17:58:00 UTC
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If it's a fandom I don't know then I'll be no good on the content, but I'm happy to lend my eagle eye for spelling, punctuation and grammar, and also for overall consistency and comprehension. Got googledocs? *hopes the answer is "yes" as is still resisting installing Word* If not, chuck it over anyway, and I'll head to my dad's tomorrow for a dekko. birgit dot fishwife at gmail dot com, in case you didn't already know.
Re: sure thing by
on 2008-11-23 18:04:00 UTC
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I've got googledocs, and I don't write in Word anyway. .txt files from NotePad are less cluttering on my hard drive. *looks at documents folder* When there aren't a few hundred of them anyway.
excellent by
on 2008-11-23 18:30:00 UTC
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I'll be eagerly awaiting it then. And here's hoping I can stop dancing and scalding myself long enough to read.
Re: sure thing by
on 2008-11-23 18:30:00 UTC
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It's up. 'Said the Spider to the Fly' is the title.
got it, and done by
on 2008-11-23 18:45:00 UTC
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A few minor punctuation changes made, the spelling of "occasionally" fixed, and a few comments in blue.
Thank you. by
on 2008-11-23 19:09:00 UTC
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This is why I, and everyone else who wants to write fiction for that matter, needs a beta. I know what I'm trying to say in a sentence, but someone who wasn't in my head while I was writing it doesn't and can point out what doesn't make sense to someone else. Thank you.
Are you still looking for some good, old-fashioned exorcism mission candidates by the way, because there's a Starsky and Hutch fic linked on fanficrants that might qualify.
I say might, because I don't know the canon. Someone more qualified to judge than me should take a look at it. -
don't know it either, unfortunately by
on 2008-11-23 19:58:00 UTC
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It's parodied in the video for the Beastie Boys' Sabotage, I think. Beyond that my knowledge of Starsky and Hutch is so small as to be invisible to the naked eye.
If you spot anything in Doctor Who, Torchwood, Star Trek, SGA, Robin Hood, or EastEnders, let me know. But aside from that I pretty much gave up on TV a long time ago, so my knowledge of all other TV canons is equally small. -
Torchwood, huh? You asked for it... by
on 2008-11-23 21:12:00 UTC
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The Contract
There is a darker side to Ianto's contract wich once discovered reigns madness on Jack/Ianto. Includes; Owen, Tosh, and Gwen as well. This is a very dark story. Be warned. Abuse, Anal, Angst, BDSM, D/s, Exhib, H/C, HJ, Humil, M/M, N/C, S&M, SH, Slave, Tort, Toys, Voy
Jack raping Ianto. Ianto's contract stating that he's Jack's personal sex toy. Jack RAPING Ianto! Since when was Ianto immune to retcon? Is that a bit of canon that I missed? JACK RAPING Ianto! He can't be, because he forgot all about Adam. The rest of the team knowing and only Gwen giving a damn. JACK RAPING IANTO! An elephant just came stomping up my stairs and I think the house might fall down around me.
Balance it out with this though:
Tax Doesn't Have To Be Taxing -
oh Glods by
on 2008-11-23 22:02:00 UTC
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One of these days I'll learn.
On the plus side, every horrible horrible fic you break my brain with is one less mission I have to trawl the Pit for. It's all good.
How about this? Can we have some OOC fluffy ridiculously sappy badslash that's completely consensual and NOT GRAPHIC? -
if you want it for Torchwood by
on 2008-11-24 22:02:00 UTC
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that ought to be easy. Just go the the Torchwood category on the pit. (not the uberpit). On any given page 2/3 of fics are "Janto". Statistics say that can't all be badfic, but statistics is just a very complex way of lying.
But I'm scared of the Pit by
on 2008-11-24 23:13:00 UTC
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The summaries alone make me weep, I daren't click the actual links. And I just showed my housemate the DW season three finale and am having urges for goodfic in that area. Nevertheless, I shall try to be brave, um, later?
What fandom is it? by
on 2008-11-23 17:55:00 UTC
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If I'm familiar with the series, I'd be willing to check it out. I have a soft spot for yaoi.
Re: What fandom is it? by
on 2008-11-23 17:58:00 UTC
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Gundam 00. I'm just looking for a technical beta though, not a characterisation beta. I know there's not many 00 fans around.
Brisingr Go over by
on 2008-11-23 19:24:00 UTC
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I've started analyzing (or sporking) Brisingr. Come, watch as I lose my sanity!
Link to the LJ tag is here I try to do a chapter a day. -
Don't kill me! by
on 2008-12-02 12:42:00 UTC
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I actually kinda like the Inheritance trilogy. Notbecauseoferagonheisthebiggestgarystuinexistenceyegodsandlittlefishes. But have you read some of Angela's lines? "Watch out for ferrets!" Isn't it always the minor characters who make a story interesting?
- Plug! by on 2008-11-23 21:41:00 UTC Link to this
Re: Plug! by
on 2008-11-23 22:08:00 UTC
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Will have a dekko when Trojie and I are finished exorcising Legolas and Glorfindel, but one question - is úber deliberate?
Typo -- should be "über" (nm) by
on 2008-11-23 22:37:00 UTC
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ah, okay (nm) by
on 2008-11-23 23:06:00 UTC
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Okay, kind-of census... by
on 2008-11-24 03:59:00 UTC
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Okay, I was chatting to a few PPCers, and one of them made a comment which got me wondering... what misions does everyone take on? I don't mean Agents, I mean Boarders. For example, I was told there have only ever been five people who write for Bad Slash, and I was wondering if there was anyone else who did it. So... help out a curious li'l ol' PPCer?
Hm. by
on 2008-11-30 05:22:00 UTC
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I write for DMSE&R and DMS. :]
Kumori and Georgia are in the Department of Floaters. by
on 2008-11-27 01:22:00 UTC
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But they've only done Mary Sue's so far. I'm thinking of transferring them.
Just about anything. by
on 2008-11-25 01:05:00 UTC
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Only finished one mission as of yet, but I'll take on anything except for RW 'fic. And I'm a bit squeamish about Bad Slash, but I'll do it.
I do Mary Sues and the odd Bad Slash. by
on 2008-11-24 22:52:00 UTC
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And the odd "Generically Bad".
Oh, heck. by
on 2008-11-24 20:41:00 UTC
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On the missions front, I've done DOGA and DoWTF officially, with some of the DOGA missions being DMS stuff in disguise. I guess the co-mission with Neshomeh and Kippur was DMS mostly, too. I've also done the DIO, and about half of a Bad Slash mission which was supposed to be a lead in to Crashing Down. That kind of didn't work out, but I'll probably finish it someday. Oh, and I've done an Intelligence report with Agent Kyaris.
On the other writing front, I have Agents in just about every major Department, to the extent that I can't even remember who most of them are. But not many of them have actual missions written for them, so.
hS -
I....er....haven't written anything yet... *hides under Hat* by
on 2008-11-24 19:35:00 UTC
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But I'm planning on taking on both Sues (because I have an extremely bloodthirsty agent), and Bad Slash (as that's something of a personal pet hate for my agents). As they're in the DoF, this should (hopefully) work out.
A mix, I guess. by
on 2008-11-24 14:36:00 UTC
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It'll probably mostly be 'Sues, assuming I get around to finishing any of these, but I'd like to take a look at Bad Slash and crossovers, too.
So far... by
on 2008-11-24 14:05:00 UTC
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...I've done three Mary Sues and a bad AU. I'm currently planning to go into crossovers, though, and I'll probably do Bad Slash at some point.
I will be writing for DMS. by
on 2008-11-24 12:39:00 UTC
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I, uh, kind of haven't written anything yet (stupid GCSEs sucking away all my free time) but once I get my act together/the Christmas holiday starts, I'll be starting my first mission. Probably. >
I write in the Department of Mary-Sues. by
on 2008-11-24 11:23:00 UTC
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Specifically the Sub-Division of Video Gaming. By the way, since Lunac, Arti and Liadan hold the main office, does the other Boarders who have claims on specific video games get their own little router, or would it be Arti, Lunac and Liadan saying 'That needs to go to them."?
It isn't anything official like that. by
on 2008-11-24 15:59:00 UTC
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The DMS has lots of Divisions, like LOTR, Harry Potter and Video Games. Anyone who takes on Video Games would naturally cover only those games for which they know the canon, but they'd receive their missions just like anyone else. Just because your Agents are the first known of Video Games Division doesn't mean they have to make decisions about all Video Game fics, if you see what I mean.
And if I recall correctly, just as a note to anybody who might read this, the DMS has a Floaters Division, which means they take on any fandom they're competent with. -
Don't missions go through Intelligence first? by
on 2008-11-24 14:32:00 UTC
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So, I guess either that Department would send the missions to Agents, or I think there's sometimes an implication that it's the Flowers.
You're correct, technically. by
on 2008-11-24 16:04:00 UTC
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Intelligence looks up the missions and sends them to the Agents that fit the bill for tackling it. That's what leads to some of the mix-ups sometimes, like Slash Agents getting Sues (when said Slashers aren't rigging the console to steal missions). Sometimes the Flowers do take a hand (or leaf) in assigning missions, generally the majorly awful ones like in the case of That Series, but I don't think they make a regular thing of it.
*waves the Bad Slash flag* by
on 2008-11-24 10:20:00 UTC
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I do Bad Slash, obviously. Although we do get a fair few replacement!Stus. And I've done one mission that technically should have gone to the DMS. Currently in the process of setting up the Division of MPreg.
sub-Department of Rare Fandoms by
on 2008-11-24 09:54:00 UTC
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As a sub-deparment of the DMS I mainly take on Sues. I've also tackled a few smaller missions in (reasonable) goodfic where a character was just holding on to the wrong equipment or held it incorrectly.
In total I've done one slash mission and have added a second to my backlist. That one does involve a Gary Stu, so I'm not sure how much it would count as a slash mission. -
None so far, but willing to do any. by
on 2008-11-24 06:26:00 UTC
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That's why I'm thinking of joining the Floaters when I get permission, so I can do missions for any sort of badfic.
So far... by
on 2008-11-24 06:14:00 UTC
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I've done one FicPsych story, one DIC story, and three 'Sues. Two of the 'Sues were explained as being misdirected because of Nume's transfer, but still. The other one was a co-mission with hS (representing DOGA) and Kippur (representing Implausibility or something like that).
I'm planning more FicPsych and DIC stuff, and also some deliberate DMS stuff with a new agent pair.
Not that I wouldn't take bad slash if it came up in the course of things. I've got Subjugation on my list, for heaven's sake. O.o
... I've just revealed my depressingly low rate of mission production. Does it help that I've done a bunch of other PPC-related writing? ^_^;
~Neshomeh -
I take on mostly slash, but by
on 2008-11-24 05:50:00 UTC
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also have sporked bad het and Sues.
Ooh, interesting. by
on 2008-11-24 05:41:00 UTC
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Only five? Really? o.O That seems ridiculously small for the amount of bad slash out there.
I have DMS agents. x.X But since almost nobody seems to know my favorite fandoms, and there is an intolerable abundance of bad slash, I may have to help at some point. -
Almost only Mary-Sues by
on 2008-11-24 04:22:00 UTC
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Not that I've written much, but I'm mostly interested in Sue-slaying. Slash squicks me, though I did co-write a mission with Trojie. Is that what you're after?
yes and no by
on 2008-11-24 04:43:00 UTC
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We were discussing the DBS, yes, but it'll also be interesting to see who, if anyone, writes for the other departments. 'Cause there are quite a few of them, but pretty much everyone seems to be in Sues. Except hS, of course, who can be let off as he actually created half of HQ, from the looks of things.
No Subject by
on 2008-11-24 04:01:00 UTC
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So, it's just come to our attention that there's only ever been, like, five Bad Slashers, and we're feeling a little lonely, so we though, how can we make outselves feel loved, and popular, and members of a vast organisation of likeminded individuals?
The answer, after a moment of alcohol-fuelled tangents, became clear: T-shirts.
And so we ask any and all comers to participate in a caption competition. We picture the three-eyed duck of the DBS, with the letters DBS above, and a caption below. For example.
DBS - providing lube to the canonical masses since 2007
DBS - Get your hands off that Elf! -
DBS - That doesn't go there! (nm) by
on 2008-11-24 06:17:00 UTC
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*snort* It never does! (nm) by
on 2008-11-25 23:17:00 UTC
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DBS - We've got Lus and we're not afraid to use her (nm) by
on 2008-11-24 04:17:00 UTC
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*blink* Lus is a girl? I'll go tell him that, shall I? (nm) by
on 2008-11-24 19:38:00 UTC
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July got him with the gender ray again. (nm) by
on 2008-11-25 04:49:00 UTC
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>.>;; *shushes* (nm) by
on 2008-11-25 05:08:00 UTC
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I spy a mini! by
on 2008-11-24 04:18:00 UTC
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Unless Lus is an agent I've missed, of course.
So far, the best we've got is "DBS - We will never speak of this again". It has a ring to it, I feel. -
Gack, I meant Lux. *headdesk* by
on 2008-11-24 04:28:00 UTC
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This is what comes of not being around for months...
*smites enter key* by
on 2008-11-24 04:02:00 UTC
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Pretty much all the message got through there, and makes sense. So, with hands VERY FAR AWAY from that damned "post" button, we ask for alternative captions for this t-shirt.
Mostly because we're thinking of having a "Captions that didn't make the cut" bit on the back.
First badfic reportage! by
on 2008-11-24 10:23:00 UTC
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http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4550310/1/ Being in Love Twice is Hard
Fandom: LOTR
Rating: M
Summary: Story of the illegitimate daughter of Arwen And Aragorn. I own nothing but the character of Elbereth but not her name. All owned by Professor Tolkien! PLEASE R & R!
Pairings: Haldir/OC, Legolas/OC
Oh, no, not again. Not as ridiculous as "A Elbereth Gilthoniel" for a name, but just Elbereth is bad enough. Daughter of Arwen and Aragorn, and grows unnaturally quickly for an elf. She develops at the rate humans do, which is just bad biology. She is taught dagger-fighting and archery at the age of five, and is good at it; this is ridiculous enough for humans, let alone a five-year-old elf. She is also apparently an illegitimate daughter. Of course, this is absolutely nonsensical and pointless, as Aragorn and Arwen were actually married. Stupid Suethor. What's worse is that this one actually KNOWS canon, up to having correct Sindarin and knowing the exact date of Arwen's going to Valinor. Very OOC Arwen for the blasphemy alone, and probably other OOC canons.
I think the DMS or DoF will take this one. Standard NameStealing!Sue. I suggest #17 on the 31 Ways to Kill a Mary Sue list. Seems quite fitting, as she's named after a resident of Valinor. #17 involves leading her to the western shore and holding Alfirin in front of her until she drowns. -
I think I'm reporting too fast. by
on 2008-11-28 16:24:00 UTC
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Four badfics this time.
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4504889/1/this_is_who_WE_are this is who WE are
Fandom: Pokemon
Rating: M
Summary: epic tail of the bleka world nd wich lotsa tings r difernt...lotsa sadness nd kawaii hot emo goffick guys!11 shinji x oc NOT 4 PREPZ.
Pairings: ShinjixOC
Obvious troll. More and more of these cheap My Immortal ripoffs keep appearing.
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4560793/1/The_Fire_Burning_in_the_Rain The Fire Burning in the Rain
Fandom: Pokemon
Rating: M
Summary: Advanceshipping May and her family move to Fortree, the most rain-ridden town in Hoenn, as her Dad has taken up the position of Gym Leader there. When she goes to the school, things take a Supernatural Twist. AshXMay Twilight Crossover
Pairings: MayxAsh
Ripoff of Twilight, except in a Pokemon setting. Pointless and very, very implausible. The two canons don't even have much in common.
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2455739/1/3_Months 3 Months
Fandom: Shaman King
Rating: K
Summary: Yoh asked Anna to be his girl for 3 months because she refused him at first. He’s keeping a large secret from her, will she find out? What happen if she find out about it? Will she said yes after 3 months? YXA, HXT, RXP, HX[Rumi,OOC]
Pairings: YohxAnna, HaoxTamao, RenxPrinka, HorohoroxOC
Very, very OOC characters, bad pairings. I'm really not sure what Department this goes to, it's mostly wildly OOC behavior and clichés.
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2746344/1/Midas_Kids_Millitary Midas: Kids Millitary
Fandom: Command and Conquer
Rating: K
Summary: Read the history of the Midas: Kids Millitary that started it all and this is a side and more intresting story besides command&conquer.
Pairings: None
Apparently, this is a Super Crackfic. That, and it's completely idiotic. My first reaction was "What the hell is this?" No idea where this goes, but it just might be DoWTF material. Not likely though.
Burn the first one! Burn it! Oh, and the last one should be nuked, in my opinion. Nukes are perfectly canonical in C&C-verse. -
We have found badfics. May we burn them? by
on 2008-11-27 14:37:00 UTC
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http://www.lotrfanfiction.com/viewstory.php?sid=10242 .:Tears Of Blood:.
Fandom: LOTR
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Selena and Syrus are twins with strange powers that none have ever seen or heard of. They claim to be half-elf, but what of the other half? What secrets do they hold and why did they join the Fellowship? Are they simply there to help? Or is there another reason?
Pairings: Not specified in fic info, some slash
'Sue and 'Stu half-elf twins, supposedly unknown father. Mother!Sue stole Nienna's name. Grelvish is the only form of Elvish in the fic, and the Suethor apparently has no knowledge of either Quenya or Sindarin. Creation of mini-Balrogs, bad spelling, and bad grammar.
Burn them! Burn them!
http://www.lotrfanfiction.com/viewstory.php?sid=9819 Rationalising MPreg
Fandom: LOTR
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Lindir, a former thrall, is forced against his will to become a witness in Sauron's trial on Taniquetil in the Fourth Age. Slash, MPreg, Angst, Slavery, Noncon, Tentacles, Body manipulation, Mind control, Oral, Violence, Minor involved.
It 'contains Slash, MPreg, Angst, Slavery, Noncon, Tentacles, Body manipulation, Mind control, Oral, Violence, Minor involved, and more', according to the story note. What more do I need to say? It's automatically a killworthy fic. Oh, and the author's obviously read the books, including Silm. Quite obvious from the character list, really.
Kill it with fire, kill it with fire, kill it with FIRE! -
*headdesk* by
on 2008-11-27 16:24:00 UTC
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I suppose Oscar will have to take on that second one. *sigh*
actually, screw that by
on 2008-11-27 16:28:00 UTC
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Have you seen the size of the damned thing? I'm not that masochistic.
I figured. by
on 2008-11-27 16:47:00 UTC
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Well, guess this monster goes on the Unclaimed list for a very, very long time. I'd go for Permission and kill it myself, if I could actually write decently. Ah well. Fic's not going anywhere, anyway.
Re: First badfic reportage! by
on 2008-11-24 17:18:00 UTC
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That reminds me - where are you getting the info on Elves' ageing from? 'Cause we've got a very woobiefied 40 year old Legolas acting like a cross between a 13 year old girl and a stable-boy, and it'd be nice to hit it with a bad Elvish biology charge. (And I'm too lazy to go poking through the Sil, obviously.)
The Sil wouldn't have done much good, anyway, but... by
on 2008-11-24 17:58:00 UTC
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"Morgoth's Ring", from the Histories of Middle Earth, tells us that Elves mature much quicker than humans mentally and can speak, walk and even dance by their first birthday.
However, physical puberty sets in around 50-100 years old, though they reach their adult height by about 50. So you'll get your bad biology charge, Legolas hasn't even hit puberty yet according to your fic. -
which bit of the Histories is that in? (nm) by
on 2008-11-25 16:37:00 UTC
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Morgoth's Ring. Number 10 of 12. (nm) by
on 2008-11-25 18:23:00 UTC
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Morgoth had a ring? *needs to reread the histories* (nm) by
on 2008-11-27 13:30:00 UTC
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ta (nm) by
on 2008-11-25 20:59:00 UTC
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Yay, nice detailed info. by
on 2008-11-25 10:59:00 UTC
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Read something about aging in a LOTR essay or goodfic, but my memory's apparently fuzzy, so thanks for the elaboration. That will help for future reports. Still, I think being good with knives and bows at five is a bit of a stretch, even for an elf.
You're very welcome. by
on 2008-11-25 11:21:00 UTC
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And yes, I can't see any parents, Elven or human, wanting their child to be anywhere /near/ sharp pointies at five.
sweet as by
on 2008-11-24 23:14:00 UTC
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That means we can charge for a) blatant paedophilia and b) pregnancy prior to puberty. Score!
*raises hand* I claim, if nobody else wants it. by
on 2008-11-24 16:08:00 UTC
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I'm quite annoyed by this one. A canon-knowing canon-buster always annoys me.
Precisely what irked me so much about it. by
on 2008-11-24 16:51:00 UTC
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She's read the Appendices, for Eru's sake! That's farther than I've gone (sadly, I'm only at the end of FOTR), and I can still keep to the canon better than she can. I'm actually willing to bet on that, you know.
If you're really going to claim the 'fic, one thing: Make sure she gets a special death. Nobody steals the name of one of the Valar and gets off easily. -
Oh, believe me, I will. by
on 2008-11-24 17:50:00 UTC
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I'm willing to take suggestions. So far my kills have been death by Mirkwood spider and death by arrow to the throat. I fancy something fairly lingering, personally... though not too splattery, I've got to shepherd a new Agent through it.
Hmm... by
on 2008-11-24 21:05:00 UTC
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Give her to Ungoliant? Or some other light-hating powerful being?
~Neshomehwho made the same error in her youth.
OT: LJ comm adverts by
on 2008-11-24 17:29:00 UTC
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There's two new LJ comms that have popped up in the past couple of days, courtesy of discussions on fanficrants, that might interest some of you.
Plotbunnies Farm
Have you ever gotten a plotbunny that just won't go away? Have you ever wanted to just give it to someone else for them tobe infecteduse? Well, now you can.
Just post them up here and let them run wild. All fandoms, genres and pairings are accepted. Come in and spread the plotbunny love.
Bad Lube Day
Really. Don't use this kind of stuff as lube. What is mentioned here is stuff that should never, never, NEVER be used as lube
FIrst message-just joined. by
on 2008-11-24 22:18:00 UTC
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Well, here goes...
One lost newb coming up.
I've read most of TOS, and a few of the spin-offs, and found the wiki about ten minutes ago while looking for an update to the Sue Lord of the Rings story. Found the permission page, was pleasantly surprised to find the Protectors series was still alive, and clicked on the link.
Hi? -
Hallo! by
on 2008-11-27 01:19:00 UTC
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Welcome! Have you received a towel yet? If not, here is one! *offers towel*
*Gifts with Bleepolate Liqueors* by
on 2008-11-25 14:44:00 UTC
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Careful, Bleepolate and Bleepka don't always mix together. Side effects include belching frogs, momentarily shapeshifting into the Snape!Boggart or general explodiness. Welcome to the PPC, and I hope you have fun!
*blink* They don't? by
on 2008-11-25 17:20:00 UTC
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Why wouldn't they? If you're thinking of the "Bleeprin + alcohol = BOOM" thing, then you needn't worry--Bleepka is made with a synthetic non-alcoholic alcohol substitute for exactly that reason.
~Neshomeh, riding her hobby horse. -
Shhh! The newbie doesn't need to know that! by
on 2008-11-26 00:27:00 UTC
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But now that I think of it, how would Bleeprin products intermingle with alcohol? Like, would Bleepolate get all boomy when exposed to alcohol, or not? *Ponders*
I would assume so. by
on 2008-11-26 02:14:00 UTC
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It wouldn't be as big of an explosion as pure Bleeprin and pure alcohol, but you still wouldn't want both of them in your system at the same time.
... Come to think of it, if I ever say anything about Nume and alcohol occupying the same space at the same time, someone needs to slap me, because at that point I've clearly lost my senses. The man is lucky to have blood in his Bleepka vessels. O.o
~Neshomeh -
Have a Rocket Launcher! (nm) by
on 2008-11-25 10:33:00 UTC
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Hi! First flaxe! by
on 2008-11-25 07:24:00 UTC
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That's a flamethrower axe, if you're curious. No, don't point it over here! Hope you enjoy it here.
on 2008-11-25 04:40:00 UTC
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I'm not sure...I think I'd better go with the response centre as
a)The plants wouldn't waste a perfectly good TARDIS on a new recruit.
b)My shameful ignorance of the Whoverse, something I plan to fix as soon as possible.
Thanks again for the welcome.
Also, are partners mandatory?
If so, can we choose any partner at all? I had an idea that's so bad its good... -
first lembas! by
on 2008-11-25 04:26:00 UTC
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Do enjoy it.
And consider the plight of the understaffed Bad Slash department when it comes time for you to ask for Permission :D -
First plover! by
on 2008-11-25 03:59:00 UTC
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BTW, will your Agents be based in a TARDIS or a Response Center?
Hiya! by
on 2008-11-25 01:01:00 UTC
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I gift thee with an egg whisk! It's shiny, gold-plated, and whisks not only eggs but spambots and author wraiths, too! Use it for good and not evil. Oh, and have some Belgian chocolate, too.
Welcome to the insanity! -
Bien venue! (Okay, it's not Italian, but close, right?) by
on 2008-11-25 00:59:00 UTC
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I gift you with a piece of psychic paper. Highly useful, although be careful what you think with it. (Although if you've seen more of Doctor Who than just the one episode, you know that already.)
Second poke! by
on 2008-11-25 00:39:00 UTC
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Since Sedri beat me to the first one.
*poke poke*
Anywho, welcome! Have, um... this nice bowl of Tantaflaf. ^_^
~Neshomeh, who has been reading HFA. -
Welcome! by
on 2008-11-25 00:26:00 UTC
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I hereby gift thee with a bag of pebbles and a Random Shiny Object!
Let me add my greetings to the others', and point you to the sanity cloakroom just outside. You won't need it here, and indeed some people have never found theirs again. -
Welcome-welcome. by
on 2008-11-24 23:26:00 UTC
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Welcome a'Board! (Wow, it's been a while since I've said that...) We hope you enjoy your stay, please hang your sanity on the hook by the door until you need it again.
You've read a few of the spin-offs, you say, but since I can't read your mind (or can I?), I obviously don't know where you read them. Thus: if you haven't come across it already, the Complete List of PPC Fiction may serve to help you lose hours or days of your precious time.
hS -
Hiya *waves* by
on 2008-11-24 22:32:00 UTC
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Here, have a P-90. I see you've found everything I would normally link you to, so there's nothing for me to do there.
I will warn you, if you haven't already found this out, to watch out for the Legendary Badfics. Even the summaries can permanently scar your brain.
What fandoms are you involved in, by the way? And are you a he or a she? -
Re: Hiya *waves* by
on 2008-11-24 23:41:00 UTC
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Thanks. As for my sanity, I appear to have misplaced that. Don't suppose any of you could lend me some?
I'm male. The handle's an italian name, taken from a rather peckish count in the Inferno.
Fandom wise, I'm mainly a Star Wars and Halo fan, although I pretty much fell in love with the Doctor Who series after seeing "the Unicorn and the Wasp". -
P.S. by
on 2008-11-24 23:44:00 UTC
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Well, no edit button. Double post:
Thanks for the welcome, and for the links. Does anyone know if the Sue story was ever finished?
http://www.misssandman.com/Suedom/index.html -
Hello! First poke! by
on 2008-11-24 22:31:00 UTC
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Always good to see new people. Do excuse the welcome wagon; enthusiasm abounds around here. I'm sure the others will be online sooner or later. Probably sooner.
I see you don't need any links, so... well, what fandoms do you specialise in?
And welcome!
- Sedri
Oh joy. by
on 2008-11-25 01:46:00 UTC
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Permission to reserve this piece of filth for eventual evisceration? -
Go ahead. by
on 2008-11-25 02:16:00 UTC
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People actually like it when someone going for permission actively looks for a "first" fic they intend to do. Shows research and deliberation. Would be a good idea to choose one of the two you showed here though, save the other for later.
Right. by
on 2008-11-25 04:17:00 UTC
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Thanks. I just posted the other one in case someone else might be interested in MST3K-ing it...
- And another... by on 2008-11-25 01:48:00 UTC Link to this
More osik for the pile... by
on 2008-11-25 17:31:00 UTC
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Force inheritence check, silly name check, canon descendent of Old Republic Jedi check, cute animal friend check, intimidating the kriffing JEDI COUNCIL check, non-canon creatures check, learning more from said non canon creatures than from the entire order check, usurping Kenobi check.
Minions of Xendor, how can people write this stuff?
Hi! by
on 2008-11-25 01:59:00 UTC
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I'm new here, although I've read some PPC stuff before. I hope to have fun here!
Howdy! by
on 2008-11-26 07:07:00 UTC
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Here, have some psychic paper. It's good for getting into parties and top-secret places. Only don't let your mind wander too much when you use it.
First exploding teddy bear! by
on 2008-11-25 20:05:00 UTC
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Hey, you never know, it might come in handy! (I wasn't trying to blow you up, honest!)
Anyhow, welcome slightly newer new person than myself, hope you stick around! -
*Gives first Bleepolate!* by
on 2008-11-25 14:41:00 UTC
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And since Sedri doesn't wanna do it, I also gift you with an Transdimensional Pocket Knife, which has the follow functions:
*Lightsabre Toothpick
*A holographic projector which generates the picture of a shiny coin.
*A nuclear-powered sock
*And many, many other exciting things!
Welcome to the PPC, and don't mind the marbles that are rolling around. Just bow to them with semi-respect and nudge them along. With any luck, they'll eventually get back to their owner. -
Have a Stealth Tank! (nm) by
on 2008-11-25 10:36:00 UTC
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Wheee! More newbies! by
on 2008-11-25 05:32:00 UTC
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*waves hello and showers you with confetti*
They let me have sugar, so I'm somewhat hyper.
Have a bag of pebbles and a Random Shiny Object!
Welcome to the PPC! Lose your sanity! We're all insane here!
*is dragged away by the Medical team and sedated*
[Okay, I'm not usually this hyper, but I'm in a very good mood at the moment. Sorry if I disturbed you :P] -
first lembas! by
on 2008-11-25 04:24:00 UTC
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Enjoy canonical baked goods!
Why do they come in waves? by
on 2008-11-25 03:51:00 UTC
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Lots of newbies in the last couple of days. It's all cool, but it's an interesting phenomenon. Anyway, welcome!
Also, first poke.
~Neshomeh -
First plover! by
on 2008-11-25 03:43:00 UTC
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BTW, will your Agents be based in a TARDIS or a Response Center?
Re: First plover! by
on 2008-11-25 04:06:00 UTC
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Thanks for the welcome! I'll think I'll go with a response center.
Welcome! Have a turnip! by
on 2008-11-25 03:17:00 UTC
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I leave you to work out its full purpose. Nice to meet you.
- Sedri -
Hiya! by
on 2008-11-25 03:14:00 UTC
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I gift you with an egg whisk...it's shiny, gold-plated, and hey, it whisks eggs! It can also whisk author wraiths and spambots if you like. Use it for good and not evil.
Welcome to the insanity! Fun is part of the package. :D
I'm looking for a canonical catperson from anime or mangaÂ… by
on 2008-11-25 04:11:00 UTC
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…for a cameo in a scene in PPC Medical (to explain why would spoil too much). But I know precious little of anime and manga. Any suggestions?
Aren't there catgirls in one of the Final Fantasies? by
on 2008-11-26 07:05:00 UTC
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It's a video game, but the art is anime-ish.
Can't remember any catgirls... by
on 2008-11-26 18:49:00 UTC
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but I know there are bunny girls in FFXII.
The Viera, yes. by
on 2008-11-27 02:05:00 UTC
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I think Just_theDoctor means the Mithra (of FFXI), though, going by the FF Compendium's List o' Miscellaneous Species.
Meh, I was only going by hearsay. You're probably right. (nm) by
on 2008-11-27 16:21:00 UTC
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There's one in '.hack//Roots' by
on 2008-11-25 14:36:00 UTC
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Her name is 'Tabby', so it fits there too.
Look! Shiny URL! -
Yeah, but... by
on 2008-11-25 17:38:00 UTC
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Technically Tabby's just a character avatar for The World.
I don't think Tabby'd really work for what Tawaki is asking for. -
She is a Character Avatar. by
on 2008-11-26 00:24:00 UTC
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But for the purposes of the series, she was essentially a living, breathing character. We weren't given much insight into her true player. She might be made of digital pieces, but in that thread, we'd have to ignore Digimon as well, since technically they'd be avatars of computer bugs, viruses and programs.
And Mary-Sue stories don't really care about logic. Maybe the Tabby Avatar would have to be drawn into PPC medical to get rid of a data corruption left behind by a Mary-Sue? They could bring her file up on computer and use a holographic projector to beam it down and physically check it against what it should be. -
And then we get those certain Suethors... by
on 2008-11-26 00:25:00 UTC
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Who also combine the Avatar and Player through bad grammar and spelling. Maybe she needs to be in Medical to be seperated again.
Elfen Lied has things that look like catgirls. by
on 2008-11-25 13:56:00 UTC
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I don't know whether they count, not having seen the show.
I wouldn't think so. by
on 2008-11-25 14:56:00 UTC
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Seeing as the ears-things are actually horns and their other defining traits include the ability to rip people apart from a distance and homicidal tendencies...
Â…and there's Loveless. by
on 2008-11-25 10:54:00 UTC
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The focus of that's more on the boys than the girls, but still. There's Yuiko Hawatari- a classmate of the main character's, Ritsuka Aoyagi-, Hitomi Shinonome- their teacher-, and Osamu Kimizuka- a friend of Ritsuka's from his previous school who's only appeared in one sidestory, pretty much.
Or if she counts, there's Tabby from .hack//Roots, I guess. -
Here's a good place to find some by
on 2008-11-25 07:14:00 UTC
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Found this on the net: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_catgirls
Might take a while to look up all those different people, so I'll give you a few catboys to go along with it.
Hellsing has Schroedinger. He'd probably be the most adorable thing ever to walk the multiverse if he wasn't an arguably insane Nazi kid. Despite that, he looks like something you just wanna pick up and cuddle. It's kinda creepy.
If you're willing to accept anthropomorphic cats, there's also Neko-sensei/Mr. Cat from Princess Tutu. He's a pretty funny guy, and rather obsessed with marriage.
I'm not sure if this last one really counts, seeing how he's from a webcomic instead of a manga. The fairy tale webcomic (sort of) No Rest for the Wicked features the catboy Perrault as one of the main characters. I'm not certain about the status of webcomics in this community, though, so he may not be a legitimate cameo. -
There's a cat spirit in XxxHoLiC. by
on 2008-11-25 04:48:00 UTC
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But she doesn't have a tail or ears. She does have cat eyes though and very cat-like mannerisms. Of course, if you just want the ears there's always Chii from Chobits (not technically a catgirl, but...).
Aisha Clan-Clan? by
on 2008-11-25 04:20:00 UTC
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First one I thought of. She's from Outlaw Star.
Canon Sues by
on 2008-11-25 05:34:00 UTC
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What is the policy, if any, on canon sues, sue-esque canon characters, ooc-ness etc? (I had Traviss and certain NJO-Dark Nest inconsistencies in mind...)
You're not entirely clear, but... by
on 2008-11-25 07:12:00 UTC
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I can answer both interpretations of the question.
If you mean in fanics, then if they are actual replacements, we kill them just like normal sues. If they're just dramatically out of character, we restore them either by killing the Sue responsible, or by beating them over the head with a canon text until the author-wraith is exorcised.
If you mean characters in actual published stories, then there's not much we can do but complain - the Eragon books are a notable example. Strictly speaking, as PPCers, we're supposed to defend them, too, but if a character isn't much liked, most agents can easily find pleanty of more worthy souls to watch out for.
To everyone who regularly edits the wiki... by
on 2008-11-25 07:08:00 UTC
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Forgive me for the ridiculous number of edits to the Oz article - I did use "preview", I swear. It was only when I started checking the wiki markup that I actually realised how ridiculouly oversized the whole thing was, and I had to do the cut-down editing by section to keep wiki from crashing. So... sorry. Won't happen again. I'll stick to editing articles that only need a little work.
(And yes, I know, this isn't really worth it's own post, but... well, you won't hang me for it... I think.) -
Was being rather melodramatic - sorry. *shrug* by
on 2008-11-26 21:43:00 UTC
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Happens sometimes, usually when I think I've inconvenienced people. Just ignore me. :)
And that said - Help? by
on 2008-11-25 07:17:00 UTC
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I can't get the redirect link from "Wicked" to work. *pouty face* Please? July? hS? I'll never mess with your precious wiki again, promise...
*smack* by
on 2008-11-25 13:53:00 UTC
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You better keep messing with it.
You can't learn how to use it if you don't, and more editors is always a good thing. -
*rubs cheek* Okay, okay... by
on 2008-11-25 23:06:00 UTC
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But really, you should've seen how big the article was when I STARTED. Wiki gave me notice that it was too big for some servers to edit and that I had to break it into smaller sections. Hence the million-and-one non-preview edits.
fixed (nm) by
on 2008-11-25 09:28:00 UTC
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Thanks very much. (nm) by
on 2008-11-25 23:06:00 UTC
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Legendary Badfic by
on 2008-11-25 07:30:00 UTC
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Just wondering--how do people decide what qualifies for the truly awful, mind-numbingly eye-sporking horror of Legendary Badfic? Or, for that matter, how do they pick Goodfic? Or are those lists just set irrevocably forever in stone?
Bit of an odd question, but I'm a literary masochist. -
Re: Legendary Badfic by
on 2008-11-27 04:56:00 UTC
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Hey, fellow literary masochist here! I've looked over the Legendary Badfic on the Wiki, and I also think it needs some additions. While the ones they have are in fact absolutely horrific, I can tell the editors missed out on the darkness that plagued the net in my time (I.E late 90s). I'm surprised, frex, that the Marissa Picard Chronicles aren't on there. Others that definitely merit attention:
1.The Misery Sensei Neo-Zero Double Blitzkrieg Debacle. It's an epic length (500 page) Sailor Moon/Daria crossover that ends up being absolutely incomprehensible. Has been Msted, to great success.
2.The Oscarfics. Oh God. Written by a self-proclaimed 13 year old hermaphrodite, who inserts himself into the Sailor Moon Universe to pursue the affections of Artemis. That's right, the cat. Yeah. Some brave souls actually managed to MSTie it.
3. Agony in Pink. Quite possibly the worst Fanfic in existence. Completely blows My Immortal out of the Water. Basically, the Pink Ranger from Power Rangers gets kidnapped by the main villian and tortured, raped, and eventually murdered. So bad it actually caused Australia to ban Usenet for a while.
If anyone can so much as touch these, you will have my unending admiration and respect. Tread carefully. -
I think it's mainly a question of (reverse-) popularity by
on 2008-11-25 07:43:00 UTC
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If a story is so infamous that you can mention it's title and most people will groan and go, "oh, THAT one!", then it's Legendary. Same for goodfic - the list is (or, tries to be) only made up of stories that practically everyone has heard of.
That said, if something truly terrible comes up, we might just add it. Generally it's good to have consensus, though. I think it would be frowned upon to arbitrarily add a whole bunch of badfics to The List. -
That said, why isn't 'My Immortal' on that list? (nm) by
on 2008-11-25 14:30:00 UTC
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because it's a troll, probably by
on 2008-11-25 16:27:00 UTC
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Whereas the others (probably) aren't. It's not Legendary Badfic if someone deliberately set out to write something truly awful. Legendary Badfic is when something truly awful happens accidentally, and without the author knowing, cf LxC.
Stealth Parody-MI by
on 2008-11-25 16:48:00 UTC
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Are you sure?
RE:My Immortal by
on 2008-11-25 16:00:00 UTC
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Why not add it then?
We hold elections for that every now and then. by
on 2008-11-26 03:38:00 UTC
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You can't just add it on your own. You can nominate it next time and then if you can get it seconded (and thirded, I think) it'll be added.
Five- err, I mean three- questions. by
on 2008-11-25 15:26:00 UTC
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First, one for hS. Is the 'Lady Zhivago' from Crashing Down the female vampire NPC from Gaia Online?
And another, to Boarders in general. Who here is actually a member of Gaia?
Lastly, does anyone have experience with the Kirby fandom? I want that 'snow white queen' fic dead very, very soon. -
Zhevago? She hasn't /said/ so... by
on 2008-11-25 19:28:00 UTC
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Seriously, though, she's not from anywhere in particular. I've never had anything to do with Gaia Online. And thus, I can answer "No and no" to the other two questions.
hS -
Besides that... by
on 2008-11-25 21:11:00 UTC
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hS' Zhevago has been around longer than the Gaia Zhevago.
Ah. by
on 2008-11-26 09:06:00 UTC
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Just wondering, because Tektek's avatar system is for Gaia and I was wondering how Boarders found out about it.
Loophole? by
on 2008-11-25 16:09:00 UTC
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Looking through the rules,l I found what appears to be a rather amusing typo.
Rule 330.
I take it that this should be fixed? -
No don't... by
on 2008-11-25 17:27:00 UTC
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the list is left exactly as each part was submitted, typos and all. Editing it on the Wiki means that it won't be the same as the LJ version any more, and as each part is complete when someone (Tawaki I think) posts to LJ, it is up to him to decide if there should be changes made.
Star Wars University by
on 2008-11-25 16:23:00 UTC
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Also, the link to the Star Wars OFU from http://ppc.wikia.com/wiki/OFU is broken. Is there a back-up link somewhere?
General memo on question posts. by
on 2008-11-25 17:12:00 UTC
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Questions are good--we like them, we want you to ask them--but as each new thread pushes old ones off the front page and into obscurity, we prefer that a) you wait until you have several and ask them all at once, and/or b) keep questions to a previously-started question thread. People will see them, I promise. {= )
For the same reason, double-posting (one person posting threads on any topic one right after the other) is discouraged. See if there's already a thread on a similar topic first, please.
Plug! by
on 2008-11-25 19:59:00 UTC
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First Interlude- In which a recruit misunderstands and names are debated...
On the livejournal: http://dracorn-adagio.livejournal.com/12181.html
On the website: http://www.freewebs.com/dracornadagio/firstinterlude.htm -
Huzzah! by
on 2008-11-26 02:37:00 UTC
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Very enjoyable read. Not-Maglor's cluelessness was well done. At least he had enough of a backbone to protest what was going on, if not actually resist. It's a start.
"We recruited him, we name him." I suspect there are many people in HQ who should be grateful their recruiters were better with names than Ryni and Tirsaer. *g*
~Neshomeh -
*grins* by
on 2008-11-26 07:16:00 UTC
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When my Agents recruited Tyler, Cassie wanted to name him Grignr. She'd been reading the Eye of Argon and was in a pretty cranky mood. I think Tyler will never know just how lucky he was that Nat was in a good mood that day.
I expect that over time... by
on 2008-11-26 02:57:00 UTC
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...Hawthorne's backbone will strengthen. Hopefully, anyway.
Tirsaer and Ryni: doing their best to make sure that every recruit gets off to a humiliating start.
Thank you! -
Nice job! by
on 2008-11-25 20:37:00 UTC
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That was a fun and quirky read, especially with the naming of Hawthorne. I must say, I rather like Ryni, just because I love how she talks. Keep up the good work and I'll be sure to seek out more of it.
Thank you! by
on 2008-11-25 20:50:00 UTC
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Ryni's probably my favorite character to write because of how she talks. Writing like that is ridiculously fun.
Pluggage; Division of Mpreg! by
on 2008-11-25 23:21:00 UTC
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Well, we said we'd do it and we have. Please welcome to the fold Agent Oscar Henson, brand new Agent of the DBS's Division of Mpreg, featured here in his first mission, being trained by Trojie and Pads.
The fic they take on is a particularly nasty rapefic mpreg by the name of 'Ethuil'waew', supposedly meaning 'Spring storm'. Rated R, just in case.
http://agenttrojie.livejournal.com/53315.html -
^_^ by
on 2008-11-26 07:02:00 UTC
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Yay, you finished it! I'm amazed you got through it; that was... erm... it was. We'll leave it at that.
Oscar looks like he'll shape up quite nicely, though I can't help but wonder who his other father is.
I shall look forward to his future missions. :) -
well there will be more by
on 2008-11-26 15:09:00 UTC
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After all, that travesty has a sequel. Of thirty odd, mercifully short, chapters. And I think there's a WIP after that too. Argh.
Yay! by
on 2008-11-26 03:40:00 UTC
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Good job. ^_^ I like Oscar. He's shaping up nicely. Dare I ask who his dads are?
I spotted--or rather didn't spot--a missing word, here in red: "'Ergo, Legolas should not be yearning for anyone.'"
Also, I just realized how horrible the term "debugger" is. {X D
~Neshomeh, observant... or not. -
ta muchly by
on 2008-11-26 05:22:00 UTC
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Have crowbarred a "be" into that sentence. Ta for pointing it out.
It's an odd one, is debugger. But, after careful consideration, I've come to the conclusion that it's an apt one, as we use the debugger to reverse the uncanonical effects of buggery.
One of his dads is the ever-terrifying Bowie. And the other is Hoggle. No, we have no idea what premise the fic used to get them together, and I don't think we want to know either. -
O.o Oh dear Glod. by
on 2008-11-26 05:34:00 UTC
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Is he going to start emanating glitter and/or develop a fascination with shiny things, or would they have trained that out of him?
And no, I don't want to know. >.
~Neshomeh -
he should be alright on that front by
on 2008-11-26 15:08:00 UTC
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After all, the Nursery must have ways and means of beating the Sue-potential out of Sue children in the Nursery, otherwise HQ would be crawling with Sues. It is very possible, however, that he may take to wearing lycra and performing song and dance numbers, complete with croth-waggling, at inappropriate moments. Hopefully not in front of Lux.
Partner idea & a question by
on 2008-11-26 04:06:00 UTC
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I've been thinking about the partner idea since I read the original series, and I wanted to run an odd idea past the board and (hopefully) get some feedback. Also, does anyone know where the archive of the 2008 Mary Sue Invasion is(the marcrovirus incident)? Here goes...
Name:Earl D. Grey
Description and history:A sentient, anthropomorphic cup of tea, this bizzare beverage container is a refugee from a Hitchhikers-Star Wars-Real World crossover gone horribly wrong. During the events of said crossover, Arthur Dent's wish for a good cup of tea was overheard by a being from "a high plane of which we know nothing". Said being evolved an entire species of sentient tea cups on a planet, coincidentally known as Bergamot. Earl's community and tea subspecies was wiped out by a natural disaster, with only him and his brother (Robert Grey) surviving. Five minutes after the end of the incident, the two fell through a plot hole. His brother appeared on the dispenser tray of the Nutrimatic Drinks Dispenser on board the Heart of Gold due to the effect of the Infinite Improbability Drive on the extreme unlikelihood of an interaction between Arthur Dent and Robert Grey. Rendered limbless, unable to communicate, and otherwise helpless and indistinguishable from an ordinary (if good) cup of tea, Robert was quickly drunk.
Earl ended up on Squornshellous Zeta, and would spend the next 200 years with Marvin the Paranoid Android. Needless to say, the experience didn't help his attitude.
He would fall through another plot hole, and somehow cross paths with several PPC agents. They would take him back to headquarters, and the rest is history.
Thoughts? -
Can't help out with the partner thing, but... by
on 2008-11-26 05:16:00 UTC
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the GDocs in which the Double Invasion 2008 threads reside belong to JulyFlame. If I were you, I'd ask her if you can have a look.
Re: Can't help out with the partner thing, but... by
on 2008-11-26 14:02:00 UTC
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Re: GDocs? by
on 2008-11-26 15:20:00 UTC
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If I'm not mistaken, that would be Google Docs.
Re: GDocs? by
on 2008-11-26 15:50:00 UTC
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Well, I think I found part of the Invasion storyline on JulyFlame's page...Anyone know where the other POVs are?
it was here, now July has it by
on 2008-11-26 16:45:00 UTC
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It was a role play on the Board, and as such has been pushed off into the ether. July saved it all in google documents; if you ask I'm sure she'll share it with you.
Yes, and here're the links for that again: by
on 2008-11-26 17:00:00 UTC
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And I believe those're all of them. -
Re: Yes, and here're the links for that again: by
on 2008-11-26 17:45:00 UTC
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Thank you. I foresee much time vanishing into those...
P.S. Is Earl an acceptable idea for a partner? -
Re: Yes, and here're the links for that again: by
on 2008-11-26 19:16:00 UTC
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Also, may I post the links on the wiki?
Yes. (nm) by
on 2008-11-26 23:20:00 UTC
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Re: Yes. by
on 2008-11-26 23:42:00 UTC
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Holy crap, y'all are still here? by
on 2008-11-26 09:06:00 UTC
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Yes, it's THAT Saphie.
LJ was down and I totally just happened to peek in here on a whim and was surprise to see y'all were still going. (Not like in a bad way. It's just been so long...)
Any Oldbies still around? I'm still best buds with Andy, and I've run into others here and there, like Hawkelf and Blayze, who I RP with, but I was just curious to see what everyone else is up to.
I'm mostly deeply involved with comic RP fandom, DC and Marvel and have a sci fi pan-fandom game I'm running, if anyone's interested.
So, anyone here actually remember me? And what are y'all up to in fandom nowadays? I feel sad that I lost so many email addresses of people when I let my old hotmail die. There's no way to get back in contact with some of 'em now. -
Hey... by
on 2008-12-01 22:15:00 UTC
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Cool, PPC legends popping out of the aether. Tasari, aka A. Gallwoglass, DMS: PotC/misc English lit., and Tatharien, DMS: LotR. At your service, miss.
I see a mini-Agent there. (nm) by
on 2008-12-02 14:47:00 UTC
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Hello! by
on 2008-11-30 21:52:00 UTC
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I should study up on my oldbies.
OMG. by
on 2008-11-30 05:21:00 UTC
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Saphie of Suedom! Wow, can I shake your hand? Please? *extends hand*
{handshakes} by
on 2008-11-30 08:07:00 UTC
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{...while holding a joy buzzer} Mwahaha!
Okay, kidding. XD
It's nice to see fans! If you go up to Andy's message up thar, you'll get a nice little view of the state of Suedom. -
What's the pan-fandom game? by
on 2008-11-29 00:34:00 UTC
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Sorry to drop in so late, but you mentioned a sci-fi pan-fandom game, and I was curious. Could you give me a link or a name to Google?
It's called trans_9 by
on 2008-11-29 01:50:00 UTC
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And it's AWESOME. (Thought frozen right now due to the holiday) -
Re: It's called trans_9 by
on 2008-11-30 12:31:00 UTC
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Dude. You're in charge of that rp? I ran across it earlier and thought it was a cool idea.
Yep yep by
on 2008-11-30 23:30:00 UTC
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Ran an old incarnation of it a while ago (and came up with the main concept), but that blew up partly due to me and a mod not getting on and it was too hard to run alone. Recruited two new different mods, fixed up the structure to make it easier to run, rebooted, and here we are.
It's going much better this time. -
Hallo! by
on 2008-11-28 11:24:00 UTC
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*waves* I think I was around 'round about a bit before you left? Maybe? Anyway, good to see you again! Hope you can maybe drop by every now and again.
on 2008-11-27 14:00:00 UTC
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Of course I remember you. :D Hiiiiiiiii!
I'm around, kindasorta. I'm not too involved in any fandom nowadays, since my life's been sort of consumed by moving across country twice, getting married (to hS, of all people. Speaking of PPC couples . . . :P), and preparing to move out of the country, should the UK government ever choose to grant me a spouse visa. But! I still do check in on the board every now and again. It's good to see you! -
Holy crap, y'all got married?! by
on 2008-11-27 20:36:00 UTC
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We did! by
on 2008-11-28 03:55:00 UTC
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A month ago tomorrow, in fact. (We announced it to the Board here)
And I'm actually still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that I married someone I met on the PPC Board. It's certainly the geekiest thing I have ever heard of in my entire life. -
Sorry I'm late! by
on 2008-11-27 10:57:00 UTC
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May I have your Autograph?
In the Meantime, have a Greatsword! by
on 2008-11-27 10:59:00 UTC
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And a few chocolates for Andy and your Suedom characters, if you're willing to share it with them.
Hello there. by
on 2008-11-27 09:52:00 UTC
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Very, very new Boarder here. A lot of oldbies and newbies appearing - or reappearing - since I joined, apparently. I read Suedom a few times, and it's good to hear it isn't actually a dead fic.
Oh, and do you want some random shiny and/or pointy objects? I've got a lightspork, glass equipment from Morrowind, random lightsaber crystals, a few extra copies of Glorious and the Omniscient Staff from the Disgaea-verse, a few Prinny costumes, and a whole bunch of Wall-E plushies. Granted, the plushies and the Prinny suits aren't actually shiny or pointy, but they are still very awesome.
Oh, and Neshomeh, is there any more of that food and drink left? -
Hiya! Here's a Flaxe! by
on 2008-11-27 01:55:00 UTC
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That's a flamethrower/axe combo, if you're wondering. See the nozzle? No, slow down, don't point it at me, please. Glad to have an old face back, the doors are always open. I was around somewhere between '05-'07 way back when (probably '05 or '06, I KNOW it wasn't in '07...ah well), but that's as close to being an oldbie as I can claim to be. Dunno any others aside from the already-established vets, so sorry I can't help with that. Hope you have fun! Have you read the wiki? A lot of stuff's happened in the PPC.
Lovely to meet you. by
on 2008-11-27 01:03:00 UTC
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I've actually been here... Over two years now (0.o) but I don't think we've met before. I did read Suedom when I first joined!
My Agents are Kumori Tenki and Georgia Branch, DoF, and deal with anime missions. I'm a co-course coordinator at the Official Fanfiction University of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles and enjoy writing goodfic more than I do sporking badfic.
So yeah, that's me! Welcome back to the PPC. -
Off-topic, but you've got a wicked-cool name. =D (nm) by
on 2008-11-29 03:32:00 UTC
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I do? by
on 2008-11-29 08:23:00 UTC
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I mean, yeah! Of course I do! After all, nothing is cooler than giant, rampaging apes with halos. Happy to know that someone else shares my point of view.
Hiya! by
on 2008-11-26 22:12:00 UTC
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I believe I came well after your time, but it's nice to meet you. Want some chocolate? It's Swiss dark. *offers*
CHOCOLATE {tackles and steals} (nm) by
on 2008-11-26 22:35:00 UTC
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Sapphie! by
on 2008-11-26 21:32:00 UTC
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I'm still here, and happy Thanksgiving, by the way!
I was a newbie when you were here, but I guess I'm an old one now. Since you left, I compiled a List of Everything PPC and Complete List of PPC Fiction, which should show you just how far we've come since, what was it, 2004? '05? And more newbies are coming in every day. I didn't think we'd last this long, but I'm definitely not complaining. Welcome back!
--Araeph, Department of Technical Errors -
Is that a mini-Boarder I see? (nm) by
on 2008-11-27 14:12:00 UTC
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Yes it is. Feel free to adopt! (nm) by
on 2008-11-28 03:02:00 UTC
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Yay! *adopts* (nm) by
on 2008-11-28 14:43:00 UTC
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Heeey! by
on 2008-11-26 21:56:00 UTC
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Wow, that's incredible. I mean, I knew people were gradually leaving over time and moving on to other fandoms, but it's awesome more people came in. Kinda didn't think they would after the rush from the movies was over.
Hello! You don't know me, but that's all right... by
on 2008-11-26 21:31:00 UTC
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Nice to meet you! Everyone else has already said everything interesting, so I'll just shake your hand and hope you don't have aggressive minis. :)
{handshakes} by
on 2008-11-26 21:58:00 UTC
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My pets are people in spandex rather than balrogs. {is big into superhero fandoms}
despite spammers, Sues and various other things, yep. by
on 2008-11-26 20:20:00 UTC
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We still live, breathe, kick and occasionally flamethrower things :)
Welcome back! -
HI by
on 2008-11-26 22:00:00 UTC
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I'm not back-back. Mostly just stopping in to say hi.
I've picked up a few PPCers for some of my games, so part of it is seeing who's here and then I may plug them later, to see if I can pick up some new players for them. Since I've kinda moved on, I've been hoping to see if any peeps want to hang where I hang now, basically, 'cause I miss 'em. -
well, even a brief visit is nice :) (nm) by
on 2008-11-26 23:06:00 UTC
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Alive and kicking... by
on 2008-11-26 19:31:00 UTC
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College has been kicking back, so I've been a bit less active than I would like, but I'm definitely still here.
I remember you! by
on 2008-11-26 22:01:00 UTC
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Hey! How's going? School's been kicking my ass lately too, but it's easier since it's all online.
*stares in awe* by
on 2008-11-26 18:50:00 UTC
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Whoa. THE Saphie. *waves*
I'm a lowly newbie compared to you, having only been around since April, but I sure as heck know of you, particularly after having read Suedom a dozen times or more.
Fandomswise my Agents are still at that most fundamental of PPC works, LOTR Sues, but they can cover Harry Potter, Redwall, most of David Eddings' works, the Earth's Children series by Jean M. Auel, and at a push Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles.
And as to what we're up to... *grins* I could sit here all night rambling on about everything that's happened recently, but I think this page
should tell you most of the details of my current favourite project. I've also got a mission, an MST and an OFU underway, so, yeah...
*toddles off to be an industrious li'l newbie, though keeps looking back over her shoulder in awe* -
Oh, you had to say the S-word... by
on 2008-11-26 22:06:00 UTC
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Someday we'll finish Suedom. Andy and I are guilty as hell that we haven't yet. Most of our energy's devoted to school, and Andy's pretty much converted the idea into an original one she wants to put out as a comic, where I sort of converted Kira's character into a comic book character with her own comic book world.
But it's nice to see people still read it. We REALLY need to finish the dang thing for you guys.
LOL, and that Mary Sue Invasion thing is great. We never used to do big PPC-wide event crossovers before. -
*Begs* More 'Suedom'! by
on 2008-11-28 07:57:00 UTC
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Oooh yes, please, please finish Suedom! That story is too awesome to be left uncompleted. *makes big puppy-dog eyes*
So there is hope? by
on 2008-11-26 23:04:00 UTC
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(Yes, I remember Suedom... as I recall, I'm in it somewhere) I'd just assumed it was abandoned along with so many other large-scale PPC things, so I'm quite pleased to hear you're still at least thinking about thinking about it. I have noticed a few Suedom-derived things on your LJs, and I figured that was as much as we'd ever get... which would be a real shame, because I know there's lots of people who really want to know how it ends.
hS, who as previously mentioned talks too much, but in his defense he was always a big fan of Suedom and only didn't mention it in his own post because he thought it might be impolitic to do so, and this description is going to end up longer than the post itself if it doesn't end soon. -
Have a welcome-back plover by
on 2008-11-26 16:24:00 UTC
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If hS was but a newbie when you left, I would have still been a Suethor at the time, so we've never met.
Pan-fandom? Doctor Who, the Ransom Trilogy, Star Trek, Star Wars, Known Space, Firebird (Tyers), H2G2, everything? -
Pan-fandom... by
on 2008-11-26 22:07:00 UTC
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Yeah. The game is panfandom. Any fandom, any character can be apped. It's a sci fi/horror setting. We allow some OCs, too, but we're picky about them. (They can't be Sues or Stus, obviously).
Hey there! by
on 2008-11-26 15:51:00 UTC
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Like hS said, I remember you, but that was when I was but a wee newbie and didn't talk much.
I DO know Hawkelf and Blayze, and I also RP with them (though sadly not so much in the last couple of years, college being what it is), so we have that in common. Are you aware of the insanity that is our version of the Lounge? *g*
hS pretty well covered fandoms, I think. I find myself with mostly Harry Potter crossovers of various types on my list, but Pern turns up rather frequently, too, now that the author allows fanfic.
Anyhow, welcome back! Pull up a chair; stay awhile. Try the latest Bleep concoctions, maybe some edible punctuation--"for it is dull," as Jadis says, "to drink without eating." ^_^
~Neshomeh -
Whassa Lounge? by
on 2008-11-26 22:09:00 UTC
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Oh wow, and McCaffrey's allowing fic?
It is... by
on 2008-11-26 23:23:00 UTC
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Nominally the PPC Lounge, only we mostly played on AIM, and it was the site of many a crazy happening involving agents, OCs, and the odd canon characters who stumbled through plotholes. Also a great deal of fun. ^_^
And, yes. Much of it is awful, of course, but there are bright spots, too.
~Neshomeh -
*waves hello* by
on 2008-11-26 15:10:00 UTC
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Heya, welcome back.
Don't know you properly, but certainly know of you.
I figure I ought give the wiki link (let's leave it at saying it was a crack idea and I thought it'd end up not being used within a couple months and it's still been growing for almost a year now.) -
Ooh, wiki. {goes and looks} (nm) by
on 2008-11-26 22:35:00 UTC
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*nod* by
on 2008-11-26 23:04:00 UTC
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Still needs a lot of filling in, since its subject matter seems to have broadened, but we're working on it, just need to get a lot of stuff from older spin offs added, and so forth.
*so knows what part of her Thanksgiving and then winter break will be dedicated to* -
Well, I remember you... by
on 2008-11-26 13:33:00 UTC
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... but mostly I just remember being intimidated by you. But aye, there's a few of us Oldbies still around (although the total number of active Old-Oldbies, ie those who were around when Jay was still here [I wasn't] is, mm... something like two, if that?), and a whole host of newbies of various ages. So welcome back.
The PPC still has its roots in LotR, of course, and significant grounding in Harry Potter, but most missions nowadays are in various anime continuua and a couple of newer things (Doctor Who and Torchwood are occasionally up, and of late the Chronicles of Narnia get a showing). We also have more Departments, loads more Agents, several recent crises (oh, heck, you don't even know what happened to Makes-Things, do you?), and a lot of other stuff floating around. How much of it is of interest to you depends on whether this is just a flying visit, really.
Anyway, hi, I'm hS, I remember you, and I talk too much.
hS -
I was here when Jay was! by
on 2008-11-27 13:57:00 UTC
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And I'm active!
You know . . . -
XD I didn't know I'd been that intimidating. by
on 2008-11-26 22:34:00 UTC
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Lol, I remember you though.
What happened to Makes-Things?
I'm kinda just stopping in, but interested to see what happened while I was gone. -
Well... by
on 2008-11-26 22:59:00 UTC
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... I was scared of quite a few people who were fairly prominent on the Board or in the PPC community in general.
As to Makes-Things... oh dear. The best way to do this is probably the quick way:
He's dead.
As are a whole lot of other people. None of them are very important, though.
Oh, and on the retroactive history front, I would be failing in my duties as a relentless self-promoter if I didn't at least nod in the direction of Tangled Webs, the PPC History site. It's, um... tangled.
hS -
D= *appropriately mourns Makes-Things* (nm) by
on 2008-11-29 03:42:00 UTC
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on 2008-11-26 13:23:00 UTC
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Ya, I am still around. It:s still a good haven against insanity.
Oh wait, we are the insane ones....
Leto -
Heeey by
on 2008-11-26 22:34:00 UTC
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*Gifts with welcome-back Bleepolate* by
on 2008-11-26 12:58:00 UTC
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Look! It's in the shape of a Ypur!
And yes, we are still going. It's quite fun, so I don't think anyone would willingly leave for ages. I don't think we've met, but welcome back anyway! Do you have the all-important Links Julyflame is going to give out? -
heh. by
on 2008-11-26 13:03:00 UTC
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And what links? -
I say this for my safety... by
on 2008-11-26 13:24:00 UTC
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For Julyflame attacks like ninja, and even more deadly (She uses sporks). Essentially the links go to things that explain things about the PPC that might not have been around since you were last here.
On another topic, did you have any agents? Or were you just a Boarder? -
Man, I feel old... by
on 2008-11-26 21:54:00 UTC
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I wrote Suedom. Well, cowrote it. And wrote the Board Constitution linked up there. And cowrote Troll Division.
{pulls out Oldby cred} And I posted on the very first page of the Board when it was created. I was one of the most regular Regulars for years.
...Now I feel old as dirt, lol.
Even though I don't recognize anyone, does my little heart-bubble happy to see people still here. -
I do? (nm) by
on 2008-11-26 14:55:00 UTC
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July, you give everyone rabies. by
on 2008-11-26 18:51:00 UTC
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I'd say that was pretty deadly.
Plus sometimes you're just darn scary. *hides* -
Can we stop with that, please? by
on 2008-11-26 23:02:00 UTC
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Don't mean to be a bit of a thread hijacker here, but serious, Cassie, Artic, that sort of thing is getting mega tiresome.
'Eee July is meen and ebil and scaree and she attacks!!1!'
Stop it.
It colors people's opinions of me before they even know who I am. Let others decide what sort of person I am from what they see before you say that stuff, I'm just getting sick of it. -
Sorry, July by
on 2008-11-27 22:49:00 UTC
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Apology chocolate? *holds out large plate*
Fair enough by
on 2008-11-27 21:17:00 UTC
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Sorry, July. I think I've been part of this, too. *presents a peace offering of Convenient Cake*
You got it July by
on 2008-11-27 03:12:00 UTC
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I was joking, but I'll stop. It's one of the old Aussie traditions, teasing those around you. Most of the time they tease back, but I'll stop now.
*genuinely contrite* Sorry, July. by
on 2008-11-27 03:05:00 UTC
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It was meant to be just a joke, but I promise I'll stop. I didn't realise it upset you that much.
Though it'd probably help if you laid off people a bit in IM chats, even if they are being idiots. Not that I'm trying to cause an argument here- the last thing we want is an argument on the Board- but I'm just saying your behaviour in chatland doesn't help. -
It should be noted... by
on 2008-11-27 08:23:00 UTC
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... that we once had a prominent Board member leave in a huff from which she never came back after someone else assumed her behaviour should be consistant across the internet and called her on it when it wasn't. Which, I know, is not what's happening here, but it's in a similar category.
hS -
I'm wondering who that was, actually. (nm) by
on 2008-11-30 03:15:00 UTC
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Mm. by
on 2008-11-27 04:52:00 UTC
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Behaviour in chatland =/= behaviour on the Board.
And it's not because I can't take the joke so much as when other people don't realise the joke and actually think I AM scary, evil, or otherwise mean that's not so funny. That's more 'eek'. -
I can understand that. by
on 2008-11-27 08:41:00 UTC
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I just never noticed anyone actually didn't realise the joke. :S We tend to forget that not everyone on the board knows everyone else so well. Sorry.
They're just joking, July. by
on 2008-11-27 01:07:00 UTC
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I'm sure no one takes them seriously. But if it really upsets you that much... *bows* They and the rest of us shall stop it.
...Can we at least still make jokes about the rayguns? -
Actually... by
on 2008-11-26 23:40:00 UTC
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When I saw it, and I don't know you at all, I assumed it was just a joke. People used to joke that Andy and I were a couple. We weren't, but it was a funny joke.
It's a grand PPC tradition. -
Aw, man, you weren't? by
on 2008-11-27 08:18:00 UTC
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(Joke! Joke! It's a joke!)
Of course, in the nature of Truth In Fiction, there now are several genuine couples on the Board...
hS -
lol by
on 2008-11-27 09:55:00 UTC
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Man I wish. Andy's like SMOKING hot now. XD
What, I wasn't then? by
on 2008-11-29 03:29:00 UTC
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Well okay, my clothes were less fabulous.
Your fabulosity... by
on 2008-11-29 05:01:00 UTC
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...has demonstrated a pronounced upswing in recent years. So yes, you've earned an upgrade from hot to smokin' hot.
*Slinks out of hiding* by
on 2008-11-26 15:25:00 UTC
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...Hi, all.
Know lots of you around somewhat less than a year ago ought to know me.
I fail at keeping up with boards. But... I'm well settled into uni and missed the Board. And decided I really ought to do missions at some point. So I'm dropping in on the Board again.
So hi. Roar. -
*tosses a graduated cylinder your way* Welcome! (nm) by
on 2008-11-30 05:20:00 UTC
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Essence of Prudishness, for pranks! (nm) by
on 2008-11-27 11:18:00 UTC
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Lo. *chomps and noms on* (nm) by
on 2008-11-26 22:32:00 UTC
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Hi, neighbor. :) by
on 2008-11-26 21:35:00 UTC
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I'll drop you an e-mail sometime after Thanksgiving. Glad school is going well. Since my move I'm pretty close to you, as a matter of fact. (My town begins with a B and is right on the 73 bus line. Go figure!)
*Squee* by
on 2008-12-03 06:03:00 UTC
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Oh, do, do, do! I'd love to have peoples to talk to/hang with/sometimes introduce to my friends here who won't be scared by them or me.
I mean... *Innocent*
Yay. YAY. *Dances and wanders around* By the way, on the off chance you see this and don't have my email, it's leetrynace at gmail.
YAY, New England! ...It's been far too warm the last couple of days, though. *End rambly; excuse Lee, she's tired and pissy at roomie* -
Hi, Lee. Nice to see you again :) (nm) by
on 2008-11-26 21:25:00 UTC
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Hey, you. by
on 2008-11-26 20:46:00 UTC
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Glad to see you back here. :D
'ello, Lee. by
on 2008-11-26 18:57:00 UTC
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Nice to see you around again. I'm pretty sure nobody minds if you get distracted for a while. It seems to happen when real life comes a-callin'.
*points down at thread directly below this one for proof* -
Hiya. by
on 2008-11-26 15:53:00 UTC
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Welcome back. I've just distributed Bleep products and edible punctuation below, so feel free to partake. {= )
Bad Slash by
on 2008-11-26 22:40:00 UTC
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Sirius and Snape get detention together and discover that they love each other because they have similar pasts. Then James finds out that they're having sex and gets mad. Sirius proceeds to discover that Remus' werewolf side has taken James as a mate, even though James continues to date Lily. Sirius and Snape find out that they only fell in love because Remus cast a spell on them. Later on, the duo discovers that the spell was working, so their love is real. Oh, and Lily's a bitch because the author hates her. All this in ten chapters and several gratuitous sex scenes. Joy.
The Pain! by
on 2008-11-26 22:49:00 UTC
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"The Right Gurl" by imagrateritter
I can't really give you an idea of how badly this is written without giving you a sample of the story:
'“sry babe. I always forget dat u r telepathik!” riona wuz wearing a brite orange tube top today that cut off rite below her gigantik boobz. She had a denim miniskirt wit a huge belt that sed slytherin slutz 4eva on it! (nut dat she wuz slutty or nething!)' -
Whoa there, cowboy. Mind slowing down with the new threads? by
on 2008-11-26 23:13:00 UTC
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Neshomeh, one of the Permission Givers, asked for that to slow down a bit, especially with the double posts and stuff.
Also, those two in this thread I've seen so far are written by obvious trolls. -
Sorry by
on 2008-11-26 23:29:00 UTC
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I got a little too into it.
Also, I somehow managed to forget about trolls. Not quite sure how that happened. -
The Agony by
on 2008-11-26 22:57:00 UTC
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Please be a mis-filed parody. Please be a mis-filed parody. Please be a mis-filed parody.
'Ello! by
on 2008-11-27 00:34:00 UTC
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Hi! I'm Maudlin Hart, if you call me Maud or Maudie I'll bite you in half, I'm thirteen, I'm a geek, I like shiny things, I like fire, I'm bohemian-gothic, and I like goodfic. If you peeps will accept my offerings of virtual Suenicorn jerky and coconuts, I shall be insanely gleeful. If you don't, I'll bother you until you do! Meep?
Hi! by
on 2008-12-01 08:20:00 UTC
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Have a Prinny suit! It makes you better at just about everything (in an RPG sense), but it has the side-effect of making you add 'Dood' to the end of every sentence.
Suenicorn jerky sounds delicious, and coconuts are good. Plus, they make a very good Monty Python reference item when empty. Yay! -
Thanks, dood! (nm) by
on 2008-12-01 23:22:00 UTC
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Hehe, I'm observant. Hi! by
on 2008-11-30 21:21:00 UTC
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And welcome. :)
...can I call you Maudlin or Hart without being bitten in half? 'Cause, you know, that sounds really uncomfortable. I like my torso being attached to my legs, thanks. :) But hey, Suenicorn jerky. I'm not usually a meat-eater, but that sounds absolutely delicious.
I must think of some way to thank you... Here, have a new pointe shoe. Good for dishing out minor to moderate concussions. :)
So... yeah. Many welcomes. Be insanely gleeful; we don't really use that sanity thing around here all that much. -
Shoe! by
on 2008-12-01 00:24:00 UTC
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Yeah, call me Maudlin, or Mad Maudlin if you want the full thing. I got the name from a song about asylum inmates, so it doesn't really matter, heheh.
*arrives belatedly* by
on 2008-11-30 05:19:00 UTC
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*tosses a graduated cylinder your way* Welcome to the PPC, Maudlin! Enjoy your stay!
Thanks, I will! (nm) by
on 2008-12-01 00:24:00 UTC
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Hello hello! by
on 2008-11-29 00:41:00 UTC
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*sings* I don't know why you say good-bye I say hello...
Well, I'm hoping you don't say good-bye anytime soon! Glad to see another newbie around here with a thing for long names. I'd go for the jerky, but I'm pretty sure that Suenicorns aren't kosher, so I'll just take the coconuts instead. I always wondered what coconut milk tasted like.
I don't have anything awesome to offer like these veteran boarders, so I'll offer you some of the vegan pumpkin pie I've had for Thanksgiving. It's very yummy, though it has a weird aftertaste. -
Shalom! by
on 2008-11-29 00:49:00 UTC
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Beatles! YAY!
They do have hooves. It all depends on if said Suenicorns are the traditional goaty type or the horsey type.
*sings* Down at the English fair, one evening I was there, when I heard a showman shouting underneath a flare! Thanks for the pie! -
Anti Lustin? (nm) by
on 2008-11-28 08:44:00 UTC
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I'm sure I'll need it. (nm) (nm) by
on 2008-11-29 00:50:00 UTC
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Hallo, and welcome! by
on 2008-11-28 06:41:00 UTC
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*takes a coconut and offers a towel in return* Hope you enjoy it here!
Thanks! by
on 2008-11-29 00:51:00 UTC
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A towel...are you planning to throw me into a large body of water?
No, noÂ… not unless you want to. by
on 2008-12-01 01:25:00 UTC
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But a towel is always handy to have in any case! You can carry coconuts in it, for one thing. *does so*
CANNONBALL! *sploosh* (nm) by
on 2008-12-05 15:50:00 UTC
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Hey! by
on 2008-11-27 16:47:00 UTC
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I present thee with extra petroleum for the old flaxe, as well as this limited special edition 'more dakka' for whenever you just need sum bigga' gunz.
Fanks! by
on 2008-11-27 23:59:00 UTC
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Hooray! My brother plays that game... I'm more of a D&D chick myself. -
Welcome! by
on 2008-11-27 16:30:00 UTC
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Ooh, and you bring gifts, too! *noms jerky*
Here, have some psychic paper in return. Gets you most anywhere, only don't go showing it to crushes. Tends to get...embarrassing. In any even, glad you're here! -
Thanks! (nm) by
on 2008-12-01 16:06:00 UTC
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First plover! by
on 2008-11-27 04:55:00 UTC
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BTW, will your Agents be based in a Response Center or a TARDIS?
Why do I have a long-legged wading bird? by
on 2008-11-29 00:52:00 UTC
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Response center.
Ooh! by
on 2008-11-27 04:33:00 UTC
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Suenicorn jerky! I wonder if ypurs'll eat it. Hmmm...
Anyway, I'm Sara and have an egg whisk. It's shiny, gold-plated, and whisks not only eggs but author wraiths and spambots as well. Use it for good and notmuchevil.
Welcome to the insanity! -
Egg whisk of DOOM! by
on 2008-11-29 00:54:00 UTC
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What's a ypur?
First SPORK! by
on 2008-11-27 03:51:00 UTC
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You'll need it.
Welcome! Thanks for the jerky - it has been decontaminated, right? - and good to meet you. I'm sure July will be along shortly with all the links you'll need. While I'm here, let me wave a little flag advertising the Department of Mary Sues. *grin*
Nice to meet you! -
See below... by
on 2008-11-29 00:58:00 UTC
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"And then, I took on the deathknights with only a spork! A SPORK!"
-Daniel Ti'Fiona (Linky linky! http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_116.php) -
first lembas! (nm) by
on 2008-11-27 02:43:00 UTC
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Om nom nom nom! (nm) by
on 2008-11-29 00:58:00 UTC
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First flaxe! by
on 2008-11-27 02:05:00 UTC
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That's a flamethrower/axe, if you're wondering. More specifically, an axe with a flamethrower component attached. You'll have to go down to DoSAT if you want full specs or something, though. Anyway, welcome! Sounds like you'll fit right in, hope you have fun.
Fire good! by
on 2008-11-29 00:59:00 UTC
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Fire shiny. Shiny good. Therefore, fire good.
Hello! by
on 2008-11-27 00:53:00 UTC
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Welcome to the PPC.
I present you with your very own bag of pebbles for throwing at Sues and a Random Shiny Object because shinies are win.
There should be some more people along soon to give you shiny links and presents.
How did you find the PPC, and what fandoms do you cover?
Oh, and you can pop your sanity over in the Sanity Cloakroom by the door, we don't usually need it in here.
Welcomes again! -
Huzzah! by
on 2008-11-27 01:16:00 UTC
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I has a shiny! I has pebbles! Yay!
I found the PPC through Miss Cam's website, which I found through OFUM, which I found through OFUR, which I found through The Pit Of Voles. I cover PotC, LotR, Redwall, the Uglies/Pretties/Specials/Extras series, Peter Jarvis stuff, Discworld, pretty much anything Tim Burton, Monty Python, and Harry Potter. I also cover my bed with blankets. I fed my sanity to the Wargs long ago; they do love the taste.
Paging everyone with Skype! by
on 2008-11-27 01:34:00 UTC
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Yes, Sara and I have got together and decided that a Skype meetup this weekend would be an absolutely fantastic idea. Nice and relaxing. The scheduled meeting times are Friday and Saturday evenings/nights.
I'll be around from about 6 p.m. GMT onward, so if everyone who wants to join in emails me their Skype address-name-thingy (or post it on here, if you don't mind it being generally known) and then pokes me on Gtalk or MSN around that time, we can get started.
However, to quote hS, "But we're the PPC -- we don't just do 'relaxing'. No, we need to add a side order of 'insane'."
Therefore. We propose badfic readings. "The Eye Of Argon", of course, is just too tempting an opportunity to pass up, so we will be covering that one evening.
The other evening, we will be doing several shorter ones. "legolas by Laura", of course, will be making an appearance, alongside "300 Batled for the Alamoe", which Sara suggested. If anyone else has a favoured little fic they'd like to hear read out, post a link here and I'll ad dit to the list.
My email, for those who want to send their Skype names, is cassie dot dramateacher at yahoo dot co dot uk (with slight lterations, obviously).
Hope to see you there! -
How'd the meetup go? by
on 2008-12-02 14:43:00 UTC
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I'm guessing it was pretty fun. Did anyone try to record at least part of the 'fic readings? It would be a good way to kill time, that's for sure.
Erp - I got a little mixed-up with times... by
on 2008-11-29 06:47:00 UTC
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Somehow I thought it was Saturday and Sunday nights for you. So I missed the Friday one. Erp. I'll try my best to be on... *counts* twelve hours from now. Sorry, guys!
Possibly around on Friday, depending on life-ness (nm) by
on 2008-11-28 12:41:00 UTC
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I'll try and be around. by
on 2008-11-28 06:29:00 UTC
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I think you've got my name? If not, I can always send it.
Should be fun! -
I don't think I do, actually. by
on 2008-11-28 11:15:00 UTC
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If you would send it long, that'd be very useful :)
Not sure if I can, but will try. by
on 2008-11-27 16:33:00 UTC
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I think you already have my Skype name, if not I can send/post it. If I can drag myself away from food and family soon enough (we're having a late thanksgiving) I'll be there.
probably busy moving the pet Ziekk in by
on 2008-11-27 16:21:00 UTC
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Since he's got a lot of shit to drag over from the squat, and will need someone to hold the loft hatch open while he hauls all his stuff up there. But if we're done in time, I may put in an appearance.
Wish I was available at around that time... by
on 2008-11-27 11:22:00 UTC
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Skype badfic reading sounds very, very fun. Sucks that I'm busy with intrusively-scheduled school-related stuff and miscellaneous other things this weekend, I really wanted to join in. And the time is very inconvenient for me, because it would be 8 in the morning here and I like sleeping in... Ah well. Maybe some other time.
Maybe someone could try to record it somehow? That would probably be a Very Good Thing for people who aren't available but want to listen. Like me. -
Ooh, that's a good idea... (nm) by
on 2008-11-27 19:30:00 UTC
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Interested, but don't yet have Skype ... by
on 2008-11-27 11:16:00 UTC
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Will ask Dad if we can install it.
Ah, dammit! Just remembered I work the evening shift! by
on 2008-11-27 11:18:00 UTC
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I'll be working from late afternoon to midnight both days, so I can't. Ah well, maybe next time.
I might be able to do some of that. by
on 2008-11-27 11:01:00 UTC
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My skype address is either kasia(dot)shaw(at)gmail(dot)com or lynxihez(at)googlemail(dot)com. I'll be around early Friday evening, if Mum allows me on.
Ficwise... by
on 2008-11-27 18:47:00 UTC
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why not this? http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3293473/1/Rover_and_The_Super_Walmart
It's supposedly a Harry Potter fic. If I squint I can just about see the resemblance but apart from that, nada. It's a troll, but that doesn't make it any better. -
No can do. (nm) by
on 2008-11-27 06:13:00 UTC
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I believe you already have my number... by
on 2008-11-27 04:35:00 UTC
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I'll have to install Skype on the laptop, but that's not a problem.
(6 PM GMT = 10 AM Pacific Time, if that helps anyone) -
Yep, got yours, and thanks :D (nm) by
on 2008-11-27 04:48:00 UTC
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Hee. by
on 2008-11-27 04:34:00 UTC
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Yes. It's high time for more Skype insanity.
I'm waffles.of.doom on Skype, if anyone cares to add me. :D -
I'm interested, BUT... by
on 2008-11-27 03:44:00 UTC
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6pm GMT is, unless I'm mistaken, 7am for me. So what does "onward" mean - how long do you expect this to go for? I'll try to make it as early as possible, but I'm only human. :)
I think you already have my skype name. If not, let me know and I'll go look it up (can't recall at the moment, I'm afraid). -
I can make just about any time. by
on 2008-11-27 04:45:00 UTC
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I just said 6 p.m. because that's generally when I get online properly and am willing to do stuffs. I wasn't actually expecting anyone to want to turn up at that time, I was expecting more about 10 p.m. GMT at the earliest for anything serious.
Sorry about that, I should have been more clear. And yep, I have your Skype name. -
No worries - 11am I can do. by
on 2008-11-27 07:25:00 UTC
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Also, if you'll be back the following morning, I could come back in the evening.
I second that emotion. by
on 2008-11-27 03:57:00 UTC
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I'm just one man who likes to sleep in, so 7am is a no-go zone. How late is "onward"?
You have mine, I think. by
on 2008-11-27 01:49:00 UTC
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Unfortunately, I don't know whether or not I'll be able to make it. It's Thanksgiving weekend over here, which means Family Time, on top of which I have homework and an 8-page research paper to write for Monday. {= P I'll definitely pop in if I can, though.
~Neshomeh -
Sweet! by
on 2008-11-27 01:43:00 UTC
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Love this idea, Cass. Just Gtalked you my skype address, if that's alright. Figured it was quicker. No idea what the frell "300 Batled for the Alamoe" is, but this sounds just too fun to pass up. Count me in, please.
MST Plug. by
on 2008-11-27 04:51:00 UTC
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Hello, everyone. Just figured you should know that Cassie Morgan-Webb and I have just finished the first part of our first ever MST together! We started it two days ago, but due to formatting issues it got delayed some. Mainly, GDocs glitched and turned the bloody thing into an illegible mass of %20 marks. Anyway, work on part two has started (split in two because otherwise it'd be way too long), but we thought we should post it up somewhere for you all to see until the second part is finished! It was too big to put in her LJ, but we got around that by publishing the GDoc and putting it on my site. The idea was to have two copies in case something happened to one, so here you go.
With the second link, though, keep in mind that everything else on my site is a work in progress and is therefore constantly being changed, though I would appreciate if you read the MST first before looking at the other content. By no means a requirement, just a preference. Call it courtesy, if you want. Constructive criticism will be appreciated, and is requested actually (especially if you know how to fix that typo in the site's title) but I just thought it would be fair to inform you in the event that you were reading my work there after finishing with the MST.
All that said though, have fun reading! I hope you enjoy reading it just as much as we did writing it. -
"Oof..." Tasari's reactions, the play-by-play. by
on 2008-11-30 00:05:00 UTC
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Seriously, she has a Celtic made bow? Hope "Reighn" knows the Celts haven't made anything in a loooong time. Museum pieces like that aren't generally functional anymore.
*grumbles* 'nother friggin' wannabe-Gaelic bint...
Oh, of course! Everyone knows Rivendell is in Faerie! You just have to wander through the standing stones or under the Hill and you're there!
Silver/Sylvin/Sylvan Elves? "Jairah, daughter of, Sandros"? "Elivin"? Who thinks this is all right, seriously.
*confiscates horse for re-education, renaming, and rehabilitation*
Gazebo! Yay. Blackadder, more yay!
No, no are NOT friggin' CELTIC, you hamster-begotten Mary-Sue! You have books, therefore you are not a celt, you fancypants guttersnipe.
Demon of fire? If that thing is a Balrog, I'll eat my bastard sword...and how in Elrond's name did it get anywhere near THE EXTREMELY PROTECTED Rivendell in the first place?
*snerk* She calls demon-thing "Shadow," which is the same thing abbreviation to which she shortened that poor stallion's name. The horse tries to kill 'Sues! We must recruit him!
...why is her sword named "Father"?
Stupid, stupid backstory...
*sputters incoherently* ... *takes a deep breath* You are NOT CELTIC, you schutta! *runs off to find cluebat and stick of beatings*
*returns* Here, Spider-Elf... *giggle* C'mere, magic-brat...
Argh, lack of punctuation, spelling, vocabulary! Evil.
Oy. Blessings on you for getting so far. -
Oh fun! by
on 2008-11-27 18:21:00 UTC
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That was definitely good for a lot of laughs. Great job, both of you. But ... *gasps* part two? Frankly I'm astonished that you've put up with it THIS long.
Excellent mocking. by
on 2008-11-27 17:24:00 UTC
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Couldn't stop laughing at this thing. Loved it, can't wait for the second part!
Why thank you. by
on 2008-11-27 17:31:00 UTC
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It's always nice to hear our attempts at snark are appreciated.
We're plugging away at the second part as I speak. -
Mein Godt Ein Heiml (sic) by
on 2008-11-27 05:54:00 UTC
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Thanks to this piece of art and the effort into repressing my laughter, my insides feel like someone's taken to them with a sledgehammer. I'll send you the bill if I need surgery.
Seriously, I love it. Can I have more? -
Mein Godt Ein Heiml by
on 2008-11-27 05:53:00 UTC
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Thanks to this piece of art and the effort into repressing my laughter, my insides feel like someone's taken to them with a sledgehammer. I'll send you the bill if I need surgery.
Seriously, I love it. Can I have more? -
Glad to hear you liked it. by
on 2008-11-27 06:03:00 UTC
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We hope to get the second part up relatively soon. We're actually working on it now, ironically. Thanks for the kind words. You seem to have posted your message twice, though- a glitch? Just out of curiosity.
Whoops... by
on 2008-11-27 17:02:00 UTC
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Bloody dial-up...
I can't wait for the next bit. -
"Cassie Morgan-Webb" is me, btw. (nm) by
on 2008-11-27 04:55:00 UTC
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Crap! Fixing typos! by
on 2008-11-27 04:54:00 UTC
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I accidentally mistyped my colleague's last name. It's Cassie Cameron-Young. I'm a bit tired today, so I mis-typed. Bloody ...in' Eru! Stupid, STUPID mistake! Sorry everyone! Don't hate me, it was a mistake. I'm sorry.
*pats KG on the head* Don't feel bad. by
on 2008-11-29 06:13:00 UTC
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I always wanna call her Cass McCameron so it's not just you.
A plug of sorts. by
on 2008-11-27 06:09:00 UTC
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Now, waaaaaaaaay back in August a band of PPCers (Trojie, July, Jai, Plat, Wingnut, and me, to be exact), after a long and interesting discussion, decided to write an essay concerning the geography of smutfic. This essay did come to fruition, but unfortunately was abandoned as its authors ran out of ideas and inspiration.
So. Here I plug what we have and encourage PPCers with a GMail account and fun ideas to add! Just post your account or email it to me at celticfirefeet (at) hotmail (dot) com and I'll give you access to the GoogleDoc.
http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=df4h2hkg_62hjhgfsgs -
Awesome by
on 2008-12-01 22:01:00 UTC
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What you've got so far is killer. It's scarily reminiscent of my List of Words that should not ever be used to describe bodies, body parts, and/or sexual situations.
Happy Thanksgiving, dudes! by
on 2008-11-27 15:02:00 UTC
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...Well, American dudes at least. But the rest of you can come too! *throws Board Thanksgiving party*
*and then runs off to finish cooking RL meal* -
Oh, thank Eru I didn't miss the party. by
on 2008-11-28 14:50:00 UTC
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Om nom nom nom nom nom.
Anti-Lustin stuffing! by
on 2008-11-28 08:47:00 UTC
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And some Anti-Lustin pumpkin pie.
I don't celebrate Thanksgiving. by
on 2008-11-28 07:04:00 UTC
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But like hell I'm passing up on the oppurtunity to gorge myself senseless! Om nom nom nom!
Heading into a food coma already... by
on 2008-11-27 20:37:00 UTC
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...and we have TONS of leftovers, it seems. XD *shoves leftover turkey at whoever'll take it*
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! -
Om nom nom... by
on 2008-11-27 19:29:00 UTC
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I am making mashed sweet potatoes with toasted marshmallows on top. Om nom nom.
I will step on the scale tomorrow and see my phone number. With area code.
Anyway, happy Thanksgiving, all! -
Hooray! by
on 2008-11-27 18:03:00 UTC
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*noms on pie*
Happy Turkey Day! by
on 2008-11-27 17:27:00 UTC
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*hands out slices of pumpkin and apple pie* Enjoy! WEEEEEE!
~Zoe, finally back~ -
Yay! by
on 2008-11-27 16:44:00 UTC
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Somehow I have a feeling I'm going to like the Board holidays.
Hooray, it's Turkey Day! by
on 2008-11-27 16:39:00 UTC
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*brings croissants* Time for the yearly epic nommage!
The future of the PPC? (Plug) by
on 2008-11-28 17:21:00 UTC
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Following the events of Crashing Down, the PPC has moved into a new era, an era of crises and catastrophes, true, but for the most part of normal, every-day work. That doesn't mean, though, that nothing changes.
The End of the Beginning is a loose collection of stories from the next few decades of PPC history. It embraces the era known as Ten Years Hence, passes into the depths of Thirty Years On, and eventually comes to rest in an incredibly distant time, more than sixty years from the present. Here, in a PPC nearly three times its current age, many things are different, but many others have remained the same as they always were. That's what makes the PPC the PPC, after all.
While most of End of the Beginning cannot yet be released due to spoilers for Crashing Down, this time period is so far into the future that it doesn't reveal anything. All it does is show what the PPC of 2069 might be like. How we get there is still to be revealed.
TheEnd of the Beginning: Seventy Plus
hS -
Archive? by
on 2008-11-29 00:47:00 UTC
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I'm quite interested in reading all of these fics. Aren't there other PPC fics, though? And if so, where can I find them? Is there an archive for this type of fic?
We have a List of Everything PPC lying around somewhere. by
on 2008-11-29 08:18:00 UTC
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Hell if I know where but it's somewhere in that general direction. *guestures right, left and center* There's the Tangled Webs archive, once again Hell if I know where. I just cling to the links whenever someone posts them for newbies and forget to bookmark.
*arrives, waving List link* by
on 2008-11-29 15:21:00 UTC
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I was actually in the middle of updating when I stumbled on this. So, for those who want to wait an hour or two, you'll have all the latest links!
The List of Everthing PPC
The Complete List of PPC Fiction - It's on the LJ community. by on 2008-11-29 12:23:00 UTC Link to this
Er... all what fics? (nm) by
on 2008-11-29 00:47:00 UTC
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It's going to take us SEVENTY YEARS? by
on 2008-11-28 22:31:00 UTC
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Seventy years of Legoluster missions. Gah...
That said, great job, hS. -
This? Is amazing. by
on 2008-11-28 19:30:00 UTC
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It's of the same high quality that comes from any hS production, and offers a very intriguing view of the future that seems ever so slightly WoW-inspired. Still a fascinating read, and it's nice to see the Illian-Sims kids (I assume that's who they are, anyway) turning up.
The only query I have is the timeline. What does the 2009 Epidemic refer to? If it's the slew of disasters we've endured this year,shouldn't it be 2008? And if it isn't... oh Gods, there's one NEXT year?!
:P -
WoW-inspired? by
on 2008-11-28 20:03:00 UTC
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I'm not sure how... Rangers and Paladins are rather older than that, I think. Anyhow, I've never had anything other than peripheral contact with WoW, so I can't really comment.
The timeline, as you say, is a list of titles rather than a timeline. There isn't an actual epidemic there, just... well, you'll see when I get the whole thing up.
hS -
Where did you get those titles, D&D or Shadowrun? by
on 2008-11-29 11:12:00 UTC
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Anyway, great work, and sorry for being such a fangull on our last encounter.
The titles existed before RPGs, too. by
on 2008-11-29 18:26:00 UTC
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I play D&D, but my first association with the word "Ranger" will always be The Lord of the Rings, which is where Gygax got it. Presumably, Tolkien got it from somewhere, too.
As for "Paladin," my guess is that it was first an order of knights or something like that, but I don't know for sure.
~Neshomeh -
Not quite an order... by
on 2008-11-30 08:52:00 UTC
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More like a somewhat loose group of knights who served SuperInflated!Charlengmane in the early middle ages, supposedly killing thousands of moors. Their names are Roland( or Orlando in italian), Oliver, Rinaldo, his brother Ricardetto(I think), Rogero, Bradmante, Malagigi(I think) Astolfo, and a few others, although the name escapes me.
Uh oh. by
on 2008-11-30 08:59:00 UTC
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THe Real World doesn't have any minis, and you misspelled Charlemagne by accident... Wait, do Real World misspellings actually create anything?
Oh, man! by
on 2008-11-30 13:37:00 UTC
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I don't think so.
Whew! by
on 2008-11-30 13:42:00 UTC
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Thank Eru. I don't want minis running around the Real World...
Pretty much. by
on 2008-11-29 18:57:00 UTC
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hS -
Ah, those paladins. by
on 2008-11-30 08:53:00 UTC
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It's just that people (such as me) immediately think D&D when those terms were put together.
Shockingly... by
on 2008-11-29 15:06:00 UTC
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... I've never played either. I just sort of got them by cultural assimilation -- I hang around with people who have.
hS -
Pity. by
on 2008-11-28 21:24:00 UTC
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Epidemics are fun. *g*
... On the other hand, if you're Todd McCaffrey and that's all you can write about, they're just annoying. {= P
That said, I did enjoy the story. Makes me wonder what ideological shifts happened to bring about the different names--Paladin for Assassin, etc. The PPC decided to make itself look more "white hat," perhaps? Interesting stuff.
~Neshomeh -
Oh, wow. by
on 2008-11-28 18:49:00 UTC
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It looks like a good future. And an interesting one. Plenty of changes, but the 'Sues persist and so we remain.
Very well done as always, hS. I'm looking forward to the rest of the series. :D
Wiki Plug, Plus Reminders And Help Request by
on 2008-11-28 18:09:00 UTC
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So, with the wiki, I have a bit of a problem...
For instance, there are approximately 367 Wanted Pages that require filling in (some canons, some Agents, and who knows what else), and besides those, a lot of information in older spin offs and things connected to the PPC and information sites that have not been added yet. And unfortunately, in some cases, I don't know the canons or where to find information on the agents with the red links. Let alone the time to fill in most of those myself. Course no one can fill most those in themselves with short time, but together is a different story~.
I also no know nothing about things such as the Les Miserables Songfic Crisis or the PPC Mongoose Shelter, and other miscellany.
So help, with those, please?
Would also like to remind everyone of the Current Events page on the wiki which has not been updated recently but can be rather handy for summarizing what has been going on when it is updated, as well as point out the Board FAQ to all the recent newbies who haven't spied it yet.
Also, on a mostly different topic, in approximately two weeks the Wiki will have been up for a whole year and we've managed to make more than a thousand articles in that time!
Amazement! -
*salutes* by
on 2008-11-28 20:35:00 UTC
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I'll fill in what I can as I go. That said, congratulations to all - especially July!
while we're at it... by
on 2008-11-28 19:50:00 UTC
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...A concerted effort from everyone who's posted missions to get the Killed Badfic page updated wouldn't go amiss. It's currently a very useful resource for anyone wanting to find all missions by Indemaat or myself and Trojie, but otherwise has fairly massive holes in it.
Information sites by
on 2008-11-28 19:46:00 UTC
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I can work on the food and tech stuff. It won't happen instantly, of course, but I'll do better keeping up with it.
~Neshomeh -
Also, capitalization question. by
on 2008-11-28 19:53:00 UTC
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I've been thinking it would be good to have some standardization of capitalization across the wiki for words like "agent," "department," the various equipment, etc. I think the tendency is to capitalize to make the words important or official or something like that, but it's kind of unnecessary until they become part of a name, like Agent Someone or the Department of Something. Words like "Bleeprin," however, that constitute a sort of brand name, should be capitalized.
~Neshomeh -
I agree by
on 2008-11-29 18:47:00 UTC
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Only words at the beginning of sentences and proper nouns should be capitalized, as my agents keep telling Sues before executing them for (among other charges) random capitalization.
I agree by
on 2008-11-28 22:36:00 UTC
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Grammatically, my Inner Editor is jumping up and down going, "Yes! Yes! PLEASE!" - and really, it's just tidier all around.
If there are no objections... by
on 2008-11-30 08:10:00 UTC
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I say we start editing pages as they come up.
~Neshomeh -
None here; go right ahead (nm) by
on 2008-11-30 20:56:00 UTC
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I'll have a poke at it later today by
on 2008-11-28 19:41:00 UTC
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w00t for progress, though :D. A whole year? Time flies amazingly fast round here!
I think I now know what I will be working on this weekend. by
on 2008-11-28 18:51:00 UTC
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What makes a Sue? by
on 2008-11-28 23:50:00 UTC
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This is not about the definition of Sues. Instead, I have a question about what seperates a merely poor fic from one PPC-worthy. This fic caused me to write this:
Its main character, Kyranon Ilaren, is the daughter of a police group called the Starhawks. She is naturally force-sensitive and is the daughter of Jinn. Other offenses include being the Chosen One of her subgroup, using the Dark side as well as the light and claiming immunity to corruption (although this charge is dubious due to canonical precedent), creating a race of force-sensitive, sentient Cute Animal Friends, stating that her Starhawks saved the Jedi and saved them from the Sith in the distant past, mucking with the timeline and Jedi policy on marriage, using techniques reserved for Masters in the canonical timeline, being more powerful than any other Padawan, and having her character's mother intimidate the Council.
Despite all this, and the occasional bad description, the fic is much better written than the usual tripe in the Pit, and there are some redeeming elements. The Starhawks upstage the jedi, but they would fit perfectly in their own fic. In short, they appear to have been grafted into the Warsverse.
My question is as follows: is the above fic bad enough to PPC? I'm somewhat undecided... -
Well... by
on 2008-11-29 01:50:00 UTC
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You mentioned the biggest problem yourself: "The Starhawks upstage the [J]edi." Upstaging the canon characters is the trait all Sues have in common. Everything else just serves to make it worse. The fact that the Sue's group would work well in their own fic just means that the writer would have done better to write an original story.
As for whether or not it's PPC-able, that depends on whether or not you think it would make an entertaining mission for someone.
~Neshomeh -
Right. by
on 2008-11-29 01:58:00 UTC
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In that case, "vorcel hawk" is on the menu, and my character's going to have a nice green lightsaber to play with. What a pity: the writing wasn't half bad...
Crap it's an Andy, get in the van! by
on 2008-11-29 04:51:00 UTC
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As should be well-known by now, where one of the halves of Andy and Saphie go, the other is apt to follow, so, here I am! Hi guys!
I'll just go ahead and bring up the S-word right away, since a few people have expressed an interest in what has happened/is going to happen to Suedom. Saphie's mentioned my webcomic as an outcome of some of the ideas we were throwing around, which is true to a lot of degrees, so check it out if you're interested, but don' get your hopes up. Like Suedom, the comic has also been on hiatus for a year, since I realized that in order to obtain certain life goals, I was going to have to sell my soul to academia for a good long while.
So I did. And for the most part, I have. And now I'm six months away from graduating Magna Cum Laude with a B.A. in anthropology and a minor in writing at a reputable (and somewhat vindictive) institute of higher learning. The moral of this story? Stay in school, kids. Kicking academic ass is good for your self-esteem (even if it's not so good for your health).
So what this means for you guys is that by late May, I intend to be tackling my Post-Graduation goal of giving Suedom a facelift. Much like looking at my webcomic's old art, much of my old writing makes me feel like my eyes are bleeding. (The punctuation use! The pacing problems! The undeniable bouts of OOC! It burns us, preciouss, it burnssss. Ss.) Thus, much like a phoenix rising from the smoke of a candle burnt at both ends of a horse led to water, Suedom will begin anew - stronger, faster, more powerful than ever before, and about 50% shorter. Also with fewer dangling participals and better use of commas.
So, in the meantime, while my BFF Saphie has dived (dove? diven?) headlong into the world of spandex-clad crusaders, I've gotten srs bznsly into Avatar: the Last Airbender, and am happily sitting back, chilling with a cup of tea on the good ship Iroh/Everyone, waiting for the rest of the shipwars to die down so that the fandom can be less about who's pissed off/thrilled that they didn't get/others didn't get their ship and jump into the analytical canon-developing fun stuff. I wonder if, during the periods between the Two Towers and Return of the King being published, there was a substantial amount of vitriol between the Aragorn/Arwen and the Aragorn/Eowyn shippers? Does vitriol travel as well without the internets to carry it along? Whatever, I say! Bring on the cultural analyses of life in the Earth Kingdom. I'm so ready to get settled and happy in my nice, explorable fandom, much like the well-established LotR fans who used to pat me on the head when I was a wee little n00b who thought Frolijah was the dreeeeeamist thing evarrr.
In conclusion, I'd just like to address some rumors floating around regarding my hotness, which has been described by some certain BFFs of mine as "smoking." It's time to confront these rumors, and to confirm once and for all that they are all true.
The good ship Andy/Saphie returns to mess with your heads! -
Wow! by
on 2008-12-02 00:07:00 UTC
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I've been lurking like crazy for the last few months (since internet at home decided to kill itself), so I randomly dropped back into the Board today.
Welcome back! -
I will go put on a hat... by
on 2008-12-01 22:09:00 UTC
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...so that I can take my hat off to the return of awesome people.
Sorry for being very late. by
on 2008-11-30 08:30:00 UTC
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Have a Sky Bison!
=D THAT I will TOTALLY take you up on. (nm) by
on 2008-12-01 07:04:00 UTC
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Whoa. by
on 2008-11-30 05:15:00 UTC
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Look what visits when I'm off doing NaNoWriMo.
So, you're THE Andy. Of Suedom? Eru, I need to shake your hand! *stretches hand out* Don't worry, I won't bite.
Hotness, hmm? It's true? *minor drool problem* -
Suedom? THE Suedom? by
on 2008-11-30 01:32:00 UTC
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Wow...I just wanted to say that your story is one of my favorite PPC related pieces. Why shorter though?
Because we hate our old writing. by
on 2008-11-30 08:19:00 UTC
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Thank you!
And it got better towards the end of the story, but Andy and I have become AMAZINGLY nitpicky towards our old writing and have definitely improved as writers, with our pacing and all.
So we want to go back and edit like crazy, tighten it up, and the end result will be that it should be shorter. Not like any chapters will get cut, but each chapter should be shorter just from us cutting down on the narrative and fixing the pacing problems.
A better way would be saying we're going to "refine" it or something. Say the same things with a lot less words.
Part of why we're loathe to add new chapters is because we can't stand how the earlier ones are screaming "EDIT ME! EDIT ME, YOU BASTARDS!" but since both of us are busy with school and don't have much time to edit them...
We kinda want to wait until we have free time, fix the whole thing up, tack the last few chapters on, and put the entire thing out as a more presentable (complete) story from start to finish. -
Yeah, about that. by
on 2008-12-01 07:03:00 UTC
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One of the things the last three and a half years have drilled into my head is the value of saying as much as can be said in as few words as possible. Trust me, much will be gained by pruning away all our excess words.
And yes, the editing makes it difficult for both of us to think about doing anything more just now, perfectionistas that we are. -
on 2008-11-30 00:27:00 UTC
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Huzzah for Suedom! Huzzah for Andy and Saphie! Huzzah for commas! Goodbye!
Yeeeey. *applause* (nm) by
on 2008-11-29 18:34:00 UTC
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*waves* Hello. by
on 2008-11-29 18:21:00 UTC
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*does awed staring and gets in the van*
You're the veteran here, I'll let you take charge. :)
*squees* More Suedom! And with COMMAS! Yayage! -
Hurrah! by
on 2008-11-29 15:05:00 UTC
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(One of) My favourite 'ship(s) has returned in full!
Welcome back (even if it's possibly only temporary). Hopefully there's enough around here that you recognise for you to fit back in... aw, who am I kidding? Andy & Saphie will always fit in at the PPC.
hS -
Hi! by
on 2008-11-29 11:49:00 UTC
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Nice to meet you. Yay for doing well in school, yay for Suedom's return, and yay for veteran Boarders returning! *hops in van*
Do you want random shinies I found in various videogame canons while playing them? I have a bunch, for some unknown reason. I also have a whole load of life-size WALL-E plushies. -
w00tbix! by
on 2008-11-29 10:17:00 UTC
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Amen to staying in school and the awesomeness of academia. And well done on the graduating!
And also huzzah for Suedom returning! With commas and all! -
on 2008-11-29 06:41:00 UTC
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I'm afraid that's the closest thing I have to saying, "I know you!" Hope it's adequate. :)
Nice to see/meet you. Have some Convenient Cake!
- Sedri -
Okay, but only if all the cool kids are doing it. by
on 2008-11-29 06:11:00 UTC
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*gets in the van* Cultural analyses of the Earth Kingdom FTW. I must get around to finishing Season 3 sometime, I shouldn't let all the shipping wars make me want to avoid the whole show.
Mommy always said not to get in a car with a stranger. by
on 2008-11-29 05:24:00 UTC
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So, naturally, I will. *hops in the van*
Everyone knows strangers have the best candy! (nm) by
on 2008-11-29 05:41:00 UTC
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- "What kind of sicko gives CANDY to kids on Halloween?!" by on 2008-11-29 16:26:00 UTC Link to this
Duh. by
on 2008-11-29 05:44:00 UTC
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*noms on chocolate found in the backseat*
*hops in van* by
on 2008-11-29 05:13:00 UTC
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Welcome back!
Numfar, do the dance of sexy! (nm) by
on 2008-11-29 04:59:00 UTC
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Baby, I love it when you quote Joss Whedon in your underwear by
on 2008-11-29 05:10:00 UTC
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You are wearing underwear, right?
No. Because I'm not wearing pants. (nm) by
on 2008-11-29 05:26:00 UTC
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OR underwear, to clarify. (nm) by
on 2008-11-29 05:27:00 UTC
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Paging hS... by
on 2008-11-29 06:06:00 UTC
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I've been enjoying Random Surface a lot, but it looks like you could use a few more bricks. Would it be horribly stalker-ish for me to ask for a shipping address, so I could buy you a christmas present of bulk gray bricks?
My E-mail address is, as always, Techno (dot) Dann (at) Gmail (dot) com -
That being said... by
on 2008-11-29 17:33:00 UTC
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... the hS Productivity Effect has now kicked in, whereby if someone mentions something I'm working on, I'll more than likely go and work on it some more. So yeah.
hS -
That being said... by
on 2008-12-01 02:02:00 UTC
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...you really didn't answer my question...
Very true. by
on 2008-12-01 08:17:00 UTC
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Um, no, it wouldn't be horribly stalkerish, and (which is where my posts were going) apparently I will make some more strips soon.
Er, I'll email you.
hS -
Um... um? by
on 2008-11-29 14:57:00 UTC
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Well, I could always do with more bricks (the last set I made just /about/ worked, but at a stretch), but at the moment what I need is more time. I -- ouch -- apparently the last strip was made on the 5th September, so it's been a while. I'll hopefully get at least a few together over Christmas, but it's hardly regular, so... I dunno, it's your choice whether you still want to do that. (Of course, with more bricks I might be able to have two sets on the go at once, which would speed things up immensely...)
hS -
Oh, look, I can't type my name properly either. :P (nm) by
on 2008-11-29 14:58:00 UTC
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Another question thread... by
on 2008-11-29 16:44:00 UTC
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...Because the first one sucked, and it's going to be Very, Very Dead soon anyway. Hope that thing where only certain questions are answered and the thread dies doesn't happen again. It seems to be very common for me.
Did anyone notice the four 'fics I reported recently in one post? My old Report thread was pushed off the front page shortly after, and I'm wondering if anyone saw it.
Also, if I ever go for Permission (Highly improbable, but it's a possibility), which department should I write Agents for? I'm looking for either the worst fics or the most fire. I think I'd go for DOGA, DoWTF, or DoF.
Also also, how's the Movie going? I can't wait for the release, it looks like it will be very, very awesome and full of much win.
Oh, and am I the first newbie to bring very large amounts of Random Shinies and cute stuffed toys? And am I actually allowed to distribute said shinies, or do I have to wait until I'm at least a semi-Oldbie to obtain shiny object-giving rights?
Lastly, can I mention random PPC-related things in an original fic I'm trying to write? I won't be using the PPC and its technology directly, I'll just be referencing it a lot. -
A few more Questions- canon characters by
on 2008-12-01 01:11:00 UTC
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- What happens if a canon character is "killed" before they should have been? Do they need to be taken to Medical?
2. Do all bit characters have to be killed? If not, can they be left in the canon universe?
3. How do you reconcile a description that's completely incompatible with the subject? The fic states that the Sue's vibroblade glows when activated and has a blade that vanishes when the power's turned off, but its stated to not be a "proper lightsaber".
- What happens if a canon character is "killed" before they should have been? Do they need to be taken to Medical?
Not sure, butÂ… by
on 2008-12-02 12:10:00 UTC
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In one of Manx and Shadow's missions, there's a line that 'canons cannot die before their author deems so'. I'm not sure how widespread this is, but if you're in there before the death occurs, it's probably an idea to intervene. Otherwise, I'd guess either they'd be in a plothole or things should snap back to the way they should be.
…maybe it's an improper lightsaber? -
Hmm...a few questions of my own by
on 2008-11-30 01:40:00 UTC
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Shameless plug: I also posted several bad to awful Star Wars fics. Windwalker is reserved.
1.Whatever happened to the Star Wars Fan Fiction Academy?
2. Would it be possible to establish a Halo Fan Fiction Academy?
3.What happens if a Sue is infected with a contagious disease/cursed? A few examples would be Smith from the Matrix, the zombie virus, and the cursed springs from Ranma 11/2
4.Are Agents allowed to take Sues to a different time/place within the canon universe for their punishment? I had ideas involving Yavin IV's piranha beetles and the Taris Rakghouls... -
on 2008-12-02 02:05:00 UTC
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I origionally started writing the SWOFU with a partner, but that fell through. We stoped and it was given to another person, and I don:t know what is happening with it.
Leto -
LETO HAVEN, if you see this, look at Ugolino's post. (nm) by
on 2008-11-30 22:41:00 UTC
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OFUs and communicable disorders. by
on 2008-11-30 03:45:00 UTC
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I might be wrong, but I think you still need permission from Miss Cam to start an OFU. If not from her, then probably from the Permission-Givers here.
As for #3, I think it would depend on the Sue and the circumstances, but you'd have to be careful with something like Agent Smith--your average Sue would probably manage to "rewrite" him and maintain her personality and appearance while gaining his abilities. We do NOT want a Sue version of Agent Smith running around the Matrix. O.o Same goes for zombies/vampires/werewolves/etc. The Ranma 1/2 springs would probably just be an excuse for her to be more speshul. Nine times out of ten, you're better off just killing her.
~Neshomeh -
Urr. by
on 2008-12-01 08:31:00 UTC
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If not from her, then probably from the Permission-Givers here.
While, yes, it's admirable to want to keep some form of control on the OFUs, the problem is that the PPC is only one part of the OFU fan community. We as Permission Givers were chosen as stewards of the PPC -- not of the OFUs. I'm not sure we have the right to claim authority over the latter as well. Remember that the PPC were fans of OFUM before Miss Cam ever knew they existed...
hS -
Indeed. by
on 2008-12-01 16:12:00 UTC
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Permission Givers were just for PPCings (I feel like Miss Cam was even one of the original PGs, but it's been a while, so I could be making it up). OFUs and the PPC are one in purpose, and there's a wide overlap in the respective fanbases, but we are separate.
I think the main thing about OFUs is that there should only be one per fandom. A lot of people were starting up more OFUs in LotR and Harry Potter, and it was not okay. -
Yeah, she was. by
on 2008-12-01 17:18:00 UTC
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Miss Cam was one of the first three PGs, along with Thalia Weaver and GreyLadyBast, after Jay and Acacia.
But I think one big thing is that a lot of OFU-writers are also PPCers. What I was trying to get across was that while OFUs are separate entities, it's usually a good idea to check out with other people first before going ahead, even if it's only to ensure that there are no blunders like creating more than one per fandom.
And when it comes to checking things out around here, it seems that a lot of people's natural instincts are to turn to the people who give go-aheads, e.g. the PGs. Admittedly not a great idea, but maybe from now on we can just give anyone looking to do an OFU the basic advice? The OFU Commandments, for example, or something entertaining but informative.
"Thou shalt credit Miss Cam for creating OFUs" etc. etc.
I'm rambling. *shuts self up* -
Ha . . . by
on 2008-12-01 17:31:00 UTC
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Those were the three people I'd come up with for the original Permission Givers. No wonder there's no room in my mind for studying and stuff like that, my brain's full of useless PPC trivia. :P
I think the PPC Board is an awesome--and usually untapped--source of writing advice, especially for something with established tradition, like an OFU. I just also think that if anyone's going to extend authority over OFUs to the PGs, it should be the illustrious Miss Cam herself, instead of us trying to place limits on something that isn't ours. Of course, I run everything I write past hS for approval, but, you know, that's because he's my husband. :P
The Ten (or however many, I know the PPC does get a little carried away with lists sometimes. XD) Commandments of OFUs sound like an excellent idea that would basically solve all of these issues. :D -
If it's to be Commandments... by
on 2008-12-02 01:01:00 UTC
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Wouldn't nine be most appropriate? *g*
Let's see...
1. Thou shalt give credit to Miss Cam.
2. Thou shalt not create more than one OFU for a single continuum.
3. Thou shalt espouse the doctrine of Learning Through Pain.
4. Thou shalt declare a species of mini for thy OFU.
5. Thy Headmaster(s) and/or Headmistress(es) shalt be the creator(s) of thy continuum.
What else?
~Neshomeh -
Objection to #5. by
on 2008-12-02 08:14:00 UTC
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Recall that HSA was run by Dumbledore, to the best of my recollection. The creator-as-Head concept is not fixed in stone.
And #4 should point out that there are already minis for many OFU-less continuua.
However, as an alternate #5, Thou shalt have the canon characters teaching the classes would be a good one (well, yes, you'd /think/ it'd be obvious...)
hS -
The whosit? by
on 2008-12-03 05:45:00 UTC
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I'm pretty sure HFA (I'm assuming that's what you meant?) refers to a Headmistress--or at least, the sequel does for sure.
Canons teaching classes is good, though.
#4: Thou shalt declare a species of mini if thy continuum has them not.
~Neshomeh -
Actually, with the OFUs... by
on 2008-11-30 04:22:00 UTC
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Miss Cass and I just jumped in and started writing ours with no permission from anyone. We gave Miss Cam credit in our disclaimed, of course, but other than that nothing. I think having the PG's blessing is probably a good idea though.
I've spoken to Miss Cam, and... by
on 2008-11-30 06:54:00 UTC
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she said that no official permission from her is needed, but you should credit her.
And Permission Givers' blessing is always good. But I;d suggest getting Permission first. *shrug* -
A few answers. by
on 2008-11-30 02:01:00 UTC
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For 1, I think it got pulled off. That's all I know, though. I've been wondering where to find it myself, as Google is useless for that and it vanished before I even knew about OFUs.
For 2, it is very much possible. The only thing needed is an Author and a mini designation. I'm personally voting for mini-Flood Juggernaut, a very large Flood form that was cut from the final game. Mini-Juggernauts would definitely be deadly enough, that's for sure. Besides, they're the only very large not-really-sentient creatures in the continuum. Hunters can think too, you know... Check the Halo Wiki for details if you want to know more.
Not sure about 3, I have no experience with that particular situation.
For 4, I think it is allowable. Trojie and Pads did that in one LxC mission, by taking the Dino-Sues to the meteor of mass extinction and death. Oh, and execution by Rakghouls sounds very, very fun... -
on the subject of the LxC assassinations by
on 2008-11-30 20:24:00 UTC
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It *is* frowned upon to take Sues out of the canon they're in to another one to exorcise them; we took them to the Real World, albeit the Real World 65mya ago ... and Agents Trojie and Pads will probably end up getting in some trouble for that one, probably in the form of a particularly horrific mission in the Potterverse - the Flowers like inflicting Marauder-era pain on them when they do wrong.
The reason, I suspect, that it's not allowed is that they already contaminated one Word World - by moving them to another you give them a chance, however slim, to contaminate another. Remember, a Sue is a canon-warping influence. -
Touche. by
on 2008-11-30 02:08:00 UTC
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- Would it be possible to make a new one? We could say the Sues used a Malachor V-esque Gravity Generator on the old one...
2.I vote for mini-Grunt. They're so cute! Of course, you'd have to avoid stepping on them...
3.On second thoughts, that might be a bad idea. If the Gravemind gets Sued, or a Rakghoul could use Sue powers...
4. Excellent. I was also thinking of the Flood, or Taris five minutes before its razing...
- Would it be possible to make a new one? We could say the Sues used a Malachor V-esque Gravity Generator on the old one...
More answers. by
on 2008-11-30 03:09:00 UTC
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For 1, I'm not sure. I guess you should wait for one of the veterans, they have more experience. I think it might be possible though, because I remember a new POTC OFU I saw on FFN.
For 2, I think mini-Grunts wouldn't actually be able to keep fanbrats off Canons, being small and squishable. Hunters or Juggernauts might be a better choice... Besides, there are going to be a lot of Generic Normal Grunts running around anyway. The whole Covenant army's probably going to show up.
For 3, yeah. That would be very, very bad. I do NOT want to see Gravemind under Sue influence, or superpowered Rakghouls.
For 4, the Flood seems like a very painful and fun way to kill someone. Just make sure to glass the area or chop up the corpse with an Energy Sword afterwards, because a Sue Form would probably be quite hard to kill normally. Taris death sounds quite fun, especially if it's recorded somehow to watch later. May I also suggest feeding one to Nihilus or throwing one in the Pit of Carkoon? Sarlacc is a bit slow though. You'd have to portal forward a few years to make sure the Sue is dead. -
Re: More answers. by
on 2008-12-01 00:09:00 UTC
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2. But can Hunters throw blue "spider"s at said annoying fangirls? In any event, my vote's for Hunters.
3.Let alone mind warping, god-moding plague vectors or intelligences.
4. Flood might actually be a bad idea for Sues. If their blood is contagious, things could go downhill in a hurry. Better to simply reserve the Flood for dying bit characters. Carkoon and Nihlus seem to be Very Bad Ideas, if only because the Sue's life force might be dangerous in the hands of a xenocidal, power-mad loony. As for the Pit of Carkoon, do we really want a Sued Fett/Anonymous Victim or the Sue herself to escape through a plot hole. -
Arg. by
on 2008-12-01 08:38:00 UTC
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Forgot about that thing with Nihilus, and the Sarlacc being escapable. Nihilus would probably be possessed by the Sue's soul if that happened... That, or he'd get some new Sue powers and eat the galaxy much faster. And I completely forgot about Fett getting out of Carkoon and mysteriously appearing plotholes. Flood for bits sounds like fun though.
Hopefully, these suggestions will be better. Tie a Sue to a UNSC NOVA-class bomb or dangle her over a MAC cannon barrel. That, or you could chuck her off the tallest point in High Charity. The really long fall should only be for the ones who can't fly by any means, though.
For Star Wars, maybe feed her to the very big fishes on Naboo, the Kamino sea life, or a random krakana? You could also stick one to the Death Star's laser. Summoning thousands of Hssiss with the Dead Jedi corpse in the Korriban tomb and watching a Sue get eaten by them is also fun. Jekk'Jekk Tarr poison gas is sadistic, evil and absolutely perfect. Just tell the Sue you're letting her go in front of the door, and that she should have a nice drink.
Oh, and mini-Rancor. Can I adopt Nihlus? I always wanted a Star Wars mini. By the way, mini-Hunters sounds like a pretty good idea. -
'Blue spiders'? You shizno. by
on 2008-12-01 06:52:00 UTC
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*random and unwarranted*
Re:blue spiders by
on 2008-12-01 18:01:00 UTC
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They're also called "plasma grenades" by those unaware of the tru7h. (7 very much intentional)
So you on the RT site? (nm) by
on 2008-12-01 18:40:00 UTC
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RT? by
on 2008-12-01 19:25:00 UTC
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What's that?
Rooster Teeth? The dudes who make RvB? (nm) by
on 2008-12-01 20:14:00 UTC
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No. by
on 2008-12-01 20:35:00 UTC
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But I have seen every episode. Why?
P.S. Can you help with my canon/bit character problem? -
Lemme try. by
on 2008-12-01 22:56:00 UTC
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If you have original bit characters in there that don't ooze of Sueness themselves, you can leave them be and they'll reintegrate into the canon.
Generally the main goal is to take out the Sue's influence, from there the canon will correct itself.
That what you mean/wanted? -
Re: Lemme try. by
on 2008-12-01 23:38:00 UTC
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Yeah, thanks. What happens if a canon gets killed in the story, but they're not supposed to die at that point/place?
*trying to think* by
on 2008-12-02 01:47:00 UTC
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I think there's at least one TOS mission with that happening, but I can't remember.
Heya. Questions? I can helps. by
on 2008-11-29 19:13:00 UTC
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- Yep, spotted them, and think I claimed one. I'm sure I claimed one that you reported, anyway.
2. Floaters get everything from Sues to geographical aberrations to slash and more. That's partly why it's so popular. Agents there can be made to take on anything. If that's what you're after, go for Floaters.
3. The Movie's getting there, thank you for asking :). Still waiting on a few people to send in their recorded lines, but storyboards are being worked on, artists are being tentatively contacted for preliminary sketches, and drawings of Agents are being sent in.
4. Once you're here, you can distribute gifts freely, so far as I've seen. Just don't give out anything distinctive that other people give out, such as July's linkage or Sedri's Transdimensional Pocket Knives.
5. I think it'd be better if you didn't, just because a lot of PPC things are pretty close to unique and it wouldn't be too great an idea to reference obscureish things like that. I'd wait and see what the older oldbies say, though.
- Yep, spotted them, and think I claimed one. I'm sure I claimed one that you reported, anyway.
Thanks for the answers. by
on 2008-11-30 01:52:00 UTC
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I think the one you claimed was the first one I put up, actually. Not one from the latest very, very large amount. Well, as far as I know, anyway.
That's good to hear about the Movie's progress. Another thing: Where will it be posted, and how long is it estimated it be?
For the last one... Somehow I forgot that the PPC is technically a Canon Universe now, complete with its own history and background. Thanks to everyone who answered this one, it got that thought back into my head. -
Re: Movie. by
on 2008-11-30 06:51:00 UTC
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We have no idea where it will be posted. At the moment getting it put together is more important than where we'll put it when we're finished. And as for length, it's going to be at least an hour long, probably more. We have ten different threads following over eighty characters. That's not a fifteen-minute Youtube. :)
Three and five. by
on 2008-11-29 18:49:00 UTC
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July covered the rest, so here's my two cents on these:
3. I know for a fact there's still recording to be done, because I have to do some of it (though I'm still waiting for my latest parts). Then there's the animating. I have no idea how Cassie and Trojie plan to see that done, but art takes time, and animating, I'm sure, takes longer. Add in the fact that none of us are professionals (as far as I know), and that we're all busy with other things, and we're looking at a good long production period. So, as Farscape's Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan would tell you, the answer is time and patience.
5. I've already recommended not mixing the PPC with original work to someone else, so I'm doing the same here. We're allowed to play with the PPC as its own entity, always giving credit to Jay and Acacia for the original concept, but once you cross the line into your own original work, it starts looking like idea theft. Also, the fact that only other PPCers would likely get the references makes it kind of pointless for you if you expect any sort of legitimacy for your work.
~Neshomeh, wearing her Permission-Giver Hat. -
Um, Neshomeh? Just saying... by
on 2008-11-29 21:42:00 UTC
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Trojie emailed one set of lines to your hotmail address, and I emailed another to your gmail. Which one are you checking more often? Neither of us have had a reply.
If you've changed your addresses recently, let us know pretty please and we'll send you your lineses again. Promise. -
Ahh, that explains it. by
on 2008-11-30 03:37:00 UTC
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I don't check my Gmail very often, and I wasn't aware that that address was involved. I checked, though, and the lines are there, so I'll get on that as soon as possible.
By Hotmail I assume you mean Yahoo. I did get Lucien's revised lines, too, but I've been trying to bribe one of my male friends into doing it. >.>;
~Neshomeh -
Ah. by
on 2008-11-30 06:43:00 UTC
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Most of the Movie stuff has been handled over Gmail, which is why I automatically sent it there. Sorry. And thanks.
Bribe him with chocolate! :D -
Answers. by
on 2008-11-29 17:31:00 UTC
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1 Yes, people did notice the four fics you reported. Most everyone tends to look at all the threads. If you want you can add them to this page here.
2 I'm going to be honest here and say I don't care/have an opinion. You should go with the department you think you'll enjoy writing for the most.
3 The movie is a topic I have no idea on, and so you'll have to wait until Cassie or Trojie pop up to answer that question.
4 No, you are not, and yes, you are allowed, last I checked.
5 I don't know in this case, but I'd have to venture a guess and say it would probably be a no. Of course, I'm not sure, and that's something a PG would have to say on for sure, but I don't think it'd be a doable. -
Thanks. by
on 2008-11-29 17:37:00 UTC
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Aaah, I just noticed I misspelled my own name. Keyboard-fail-tastic!
Awww, mini-Boarder! by
on 2008-12-04 00:25:00 UTC
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*hugs Buta no Kaabiic* Ahhn't 'oo jus adowable?
Minis! by
on 2008-11-29 19:23:00 UTC
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Harold Potter, Voldamort
Leetu Bens
Crowe T. Robot
Propillus, Roman Salamander, Plattrec, Count Gendel, Camelion, Great Heeler, Ave McShane, Chan Li, Bloon Slitheen, the Odd
The Iperative -
*laughs* by
on 2008-12-02 22:14:00 UTC
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What character was Onmi supposed to be? I can't tell. (Also, Harold Potter? Ye gods.)
Welp, the Abhorsen aren't even safe... by
on 2008-11-29 23:13:00 UTC
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Just put this up on the Unclaimed Badfic wiki page, but if someone wants a go at it, feel free... Garth Nix's Old Kingdom has a lesbian 'Sue.
Sorceress - Rating unknown
Reporter's (not author's) summary: Levaberial, known as Levy or Ria, is a necromancer. She kicks Abhorsen arse. Weird femmeslashy relationship with the Abhorsen. She has emerald (amythest rimmed [sic]) eyes and "blood red locks of blue streaked hair." She occasionally forgets to capitalize the names of the bells. Her dead ex-girlfriend Alirse had to be banished beyond the Ninth Gate by Levaberial-Sue herself *angst* for which purpose 'Sue walks beyond said Ninth Gate and survives.
Three short chapters so far, but the last was posted within the month... -
Oh, dear. by
on 2008-11-30 21:16:00 UTC
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Its only blessing is that it's short. I think I shall take it on, should no one object; one does not mess with the Abhorsen without getting a face full of angry Assassins.
Hm... think the Abhorsen'll need to be exorcised? Is that even Sabriel? No name is given, so it could as well be a character replacement 'Sue or something to that effect... -
Cheers by
on 2008-12-01 21:10:00 UTC
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My blessings on you. I'm pretty sure that it isn't a canon Abhorsen, actually. Probably some random historical Abhorsen (aka OC), so she should either be dispatched or recruited. She seems kind of incompetent, though, so it might be best just to kill her.
Yeek. by
on 2008-11-30 07:52:00 UTC
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If I had an Assassin agent, I'd take it. That's both awful enough to warrant a spork and short and stupid enough to be an entertaining mission. Also, not capitalising Saraneth is a SRS OFFENCE.
Sadly I don't think it's slashy enough to have been sent to the Dept. of Bad Slash, given the ENORMOUS SUE.
Any Assassins wanting to take it on, I salute you! -
Yeah, definitely DMS by
on 2008-12-01 21:08:00 UTC
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There isn't any sex or anything and I'm dubious as to whether the Abhorsen in question is intended to be Sabriel, Lirael, or an OC.
probably Sabriel ... isn't she the usual fangirl-magnet? (nm) by
on 2008-12-01 21:09:00 UTC
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No name. No characterization. by
on 2008-12-01 21:11:00 UTC
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Therefor, I call Random Abhorsen (like a Random Elf character). Shenanigans...
Would a random Abhorsen be a useful recruit, I wonder? (nm) by
on 2008-12-01 21:13:00 UTC
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It's a thought. by
on 2008-12-01 22:05:00 UTC
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I suggested it as a possibility to Our Noble Volunteer. This one may or may not be worth it, though. She's kinda wimpy and unfortunately seems to be receptive to the 'Sue's advances. With some quite extensive re-training, perhaps. My Agent Tatharien was a fic recruit, after all...
I suppose in the end it'll be up to the author by
on 2008-12-01 22:17:00 UTC
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and what suits how the mission ends up going :)
Two Agents meetÂ… by
on 2008-11-30 06:22:00 UTC
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…and one of them claims, sarcastically, to be planning to do something to other Agents. Later, it turns out that the something was actually what said Agent planned (and has gone through with). How would the other Agent react to the news?
You're too vague. by
on 2008-11-30 07:13:00 UTC
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It depends entirely on what was said, by whom, and to whom; and then on what was done and to whom. The personalities of the various agents involved dictate how they behave, and whether or not they know the victims, and how well, and to what degree they were [verbed] would also influence their reaction. Only their writer(s) is/are likely to know those details.
... I don't know how much sense that makes, but hopefully you get the general idea. ^_^;
~Neshomeh -
I'm trying to avoid spoilers. by
on 2008-11-30 16:54:00 UTC
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I will say that the Agent who was fooled has recently had a personality change, and that what was done was rigged to be irreversible.
Oh, andÂ… by
on 2008-11-30 16:55:00 UTC
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…the targets are not damaged, only changed.
How about this... by
on 2008-11-30 21:49:00 UTC
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E-mail me the details and I can tell you what I think. Ultimately, they're your characters and you know them better than anyone else, but if you want advice without spoiling everyone, I'm happy to help.
exswyzie14 (AT) yahoo (DOT) com
Claiming and question. by
on 2008-11-30 07:12:00 UTC
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Whilst rambling around a group chat earlier tonight, we stumbled across this author.
Her writings annoyed us intensely, and we want to spork them. We've selected four of the ones that annoyed us most.
The Tale of Lucy Turenbaumerumm
Lucy Turnenbaumerumm Travels to Lord of the Rings
The Second Tale of Lucy Turnenbaumerumm
A Minuscule Rip in the SpaceTime Continuum
These missions will not take place for a while yet, and certainly not until Kgarrett has Permission at the very earliest.
However. All these fics are in first-person, and some of them contain more than one Sue. So how do we go about killing the Sues? Obviously we'll need crash dummies, but how do we make the kill without ripping the dummies to bits? Or damaging them at all? (We're planning violent ends for them, if you couldn't tell.)
So, help? Please? -
I was actually thinking about this the other day. by
on 2008-11-30 14:07:00 UTC
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I haven't read any PPC mishes that are entirely in first person, or any that are in first person at all, to my memory, which isn't saying much.
What I recommend though is for the mission to be done in a diary form, or, barring that, how you would write it in a report for the DoIA, just much longer. Report form would be the best, I think.
As for the crash test dummies, I advise weapons that work on ghosts and not physical form, or which can be selective on which realm it attacks.
On that note, I think an artificial Keyblade would actually be a great help here. It possesses the power to momentarily force a ghost (or shadow) into the normal world and make it physical, giving you enough time to hurt it. The spirit (Or shadow) remains attached to the thing they're possessing, however, and will return if not destroyed quickly enough.
Another way to go about it is the Avada Kedavra curse, since it leaves the body unharmed, but seems to destroy the spirit, if the Horcrux that was in Harry is any indication.
Other suggestions would be to use any psychic or dark-type Pokemon from the Pokemon continuum, a Ghost-Slaying Axe from the City of Heroes Continuum, an exorcising / depossession spell from Charmed / Buffy or the Light Arrows from Legend of Zelda. The arrows won't work by themselves, nor will the axe, but when used with the Keyblade or depossession spell, they'd be much more effective. -
An AK would definitely work, but it's not so satisfying... by
on 2008-11-30 20:49:00 UTC
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I had to deal with a first-person narrative in my Star Trek mission, but that was a slash exorcism. But I still beat it over the head until foam popped out of the seams. Perhaps your agents could simply be charged with reparing all the rips and tears after the mission?
Will keep thinking.
MST Collaboration Plug by
on 2008-11-30 22:03:00 UTC
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Ciri and I have been working recently on an MST of a fic called 'My Chemical Phantom', and have finished the first chapter!
You can find the original fic here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3030699/1/My_Chemical_Phantom
The MST is here: http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dgb2zk67_73hkmh5ngb
We'll post the next chapter when we finish, but enjoy! -
I took one look at the original fic... by
on 2008-12-02 01:10:00 UTC
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And I knew you two were in for it. *pats Ciri and Plat*
Nice MST. by
on 2008-12-01 09:17:00 UTC
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I don't get half of the references though... And you spelled 'Pratchett' (as Prattchet), 'McCaffrey' (as McCaffery), 'mudkipz' (as mupkiz), and 'freakazoid' (as freakzoid) wrong. The reference thing is fine, that's just me. The typos really should be edited though.
*headdesk on all of those* I always have trouble... by
on 2008-12-01 23:11:00 UTC
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... with 'Pratchett'. I should've checked it. As far as I know 'freakzoid' is correct considering the way I pronounce it, and I've never heard anyone else use the same word. *goes and corrects* Thank you for telling me this! *feels like an idiot due to much mistake-ness*
Ah, that's all right. by
on 2008-12-02 14:49:00 UTC
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It's still a great and very funny MST, so that's fine. GDocs' editable-ness is a Very Good Thing.
OFU Plug! by
on 2008-11-30 23:40:00 UTC
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That's right, Chapter Five of OFUTRC is out!
Well, technically, it was out a couple of days ago, but we forgot to plug it.
Anyway! Here's the link! Enjoy!
http://smiles-n-ninja.livejournal.com/2764.html#cutid1 -
Whee! by
on 2008-12-05 01:50:00 UTC
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Fantastically done! And, um, Seishirou and Fei Wong Reed! Heh. *grins*
*pokes the hiragana and kanji for Syaoran's name* …huh. That's interesting. And it looks better with 'y', 'sides.
Yay! -
*applauds* by
on 2008-12-02 01:08:00 UTC
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Wonderfully evil! :]
*glee* by
on 2008-12-01 19:12:00 UTC
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You made my day. Thanks muchly. =D
Very nice. I liked weapons class. :P Do you know, I'd forgotten what weapon I picked for my fanbrat? I remember now, though.
Looking forward to more. =) -
Yay! by
on 2008-12-01 08:54:00 UTC
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Nice chapter. I've always liked this OFU, the Tsubasa continuum is fun... I hope to see more soon! And no story death, please, it's happened to too many fanfic universities.
One more thing. Is enrollment still open, and do you actually have to write fic to be able to sign up? If not, I'd like to. -
Enrollment is still open. by
on 2008-12-02 06:33:00 UTC
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But late applicants will be punished with pain. Fufufu...
That's perfectly fine. by
on 2008-12-02 14:30:00 UTC
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The only effect Legendary Badfics have on me is that they induce pure cold fury, so that won't be much of a problem... Now, the only thing I'm having trouble with is what I should wish for and how I should pay for it.
Miss Angel doesn't go into mental torture. by
on 2008-12-03 01:15:00 UTC
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That's Miss Cass' job. Miss Angel just likes to drop very heavy things on your head (or drop your head onto a very heavy thing) for no particular reason. Fire also sounds like fun but Miss Cass wants her to save that for the end of the term.
Oh, so that's what you meant. by
on 2008-12-03 10:03:00 UTC
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Anyway, the amount of objects (in reserve) that will fall on my head when I finally do join is probably going to increase, as I'm still having a problem figuring out what to wish for. No, it isn't going to be dimensional travel. I'd just bring a towel and attempt to hitchhike with someone, in any case.
Ah, but is it an appropriate dimensional travelling towel? by
on 2008-12-03 12:41:00 UTC
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If not, you had better wish for one. As payment, Yuuko will take your shampoo.
I don't know why, but... by
on 2008-12-03 17:05:00 UTC
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That might actually be a good idea, asking for a dimensional travel-capable hitchhiker's towel. Although I should probably just try to think of an appropriate price for some sort of cool gift, like the talent of erasure from Demons Don't Dream (one of Piers Anthony's Xanth novels, where the talent is a prize for winning the game Companions of Xanth).
On another subject, if someone were to wish for immortality (quite possible, seeing as Yuuko can create gods if she wants to), I would think that an appropriate price would be as such: The person can feel pain, and even lose their sanity for a period of time, but no matter what lengths they go to to die, or how sick they get of life, they are unable to leave the mortal plane permanently. Plus, they are cursed in such a way that events are always arranged to cause them trouble, and frequently at that. As an example, the person is inexplicably disintegrated. Said person must then spend decades dragging back and reassembling their atomized, very much scattered (by a convenient gust of wind) body, or remain as clusters of free-floating atoms. -
Um... by
on 2008-12-04 02:41:00 UTC
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I don't think Yuuko can create Gods so much. She might be able to give people powers but it's all strictly on her terms. I don't think she can give people immortality either. Well, she might be able to but she wouldn't due to the whole Space Time Continuum thing. She's got this thing about not letting people come back from the dead, so eternally putting off death is probably a no no too. Death is inevitable, after all.
Erk. by
on 2008-12-04 09:18:00 UTC
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That'll teach me not to listen to random info from the Internet (in most cases), and just read/watch Tsubasa already. Although I am still wondering what the erasure talent would cost. Something fairly high, I'm sure, seeing as it means anything can be erased and un-erased at will.
...Who got that power? by
on 2008-12-06 03:38:00 UTC
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Yes, you must definently read Tsuabsa. You can find it in most bookstores that stock manga, along with most online manga readers. The latest chapter just came out and it is made of so much awesome I had to read it twice before I could stop squeeling.
The erasure talent? by
on 2008-12-06 08:38:00 UTC
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Nevermind that. I just remembered it's only usable in Xanth. *facepalm* I'll just take that towel, because I need something to hitchhike with.
... Oozaru, I cannot believe you did that. by
on 2008-12-06 04:08:00 UTC
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*scoops up Tsuabsa the mini-kiji and takes it back to the OFU*
Honestly. by
on 2008-12-06 04:35:00 UTC
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*skips after Miss Cass after giving Oozaru a frightening glare*
Why, thank you! by
on 2008-12-01 14:24:00 UTC
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We certainly hope there won't be any story death, and with the authors as determined as they are (one of them likes prodding people to make them do things they're supposed to be doing), it shouldn't happen, though there may be fairly long waits between chapters.
As for your questions: yes, enrollment is still open (unless Oozaru's closed it without telling me), and no, you don't have to write TRC fanfic to join. Several of our students' authors don't even know the continuum, they signed up out of sheer masochistic curiosity. The enrollment form is on the OFUTRC LJ, it's the first post we made. Just copypaste it, fill in the answers to make a fanbrat, and email me the result. My email is cassie.dramateacher at gmail.com (with obvious alterations).
Fanbrat-you should appear in the next chapter, as we're trying to make sure we cameo everyone fairly.
And thank you again, we don't get much feedback on our work, and it's nice to know people do enjoy it.