...how do we go about starting an Agent! shipficfest? I distinctly recall reading about that in the last lot of shipfics.
Does it have to be one of the PGs, or just anyone, who announces it?
Speaking of Agent!Slash, as Laburnum did in the last thread. by
on 2008-07-01 01:47:00 UTC
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I think... by
on 2008-07-01 03:18:00 UTC
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Huinesoron was probably referring to the possibly-annual PPC Badfic Fest when he mentioned the agent slash coming later. If I'm reading the Fanfic Land PPC section right, it should be coming up in a couple of weeks or thereabouts. I imagine hS will be the one to announce it again. But if you want to get a head start and have something ready to post when the time comes, I don't think anyone will stop you. {= )
~Neshomeh, who has chickened out of writing PPC badfic two years in a row so far. -
I didn't start the last one, actually. by
on 2008-07-01 10:03:00 UTC
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That one kicked off with a post from gutsygemiwrya, who isn't me (I forget who she was, though). As to when it was... tenth of July? Hmm. I'm away from the eleventh, so... might as well start it now, yes? It's not as though this is a precise art... all right, then, everyone get your badfic author hats on, Fanfic Land Admin will be making a post very soon.
hS -
Ahh, okay. by
on 2008-07-01 12:58:00 UTC
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That was Twiggy, then. gutsygemiwrya anagrams to twiggymarysue. {= )
~Neshomeh -
I didn't twig (haha) that... by
on 2008-07-01 14:05:00 UTC
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... but I record the names in the coding of the author pages, so yes, it was Twiggy.
hS -
Oh? First I've heard of this... by
on 2008-07-01 07:16:00 UTC
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The annual badfic writing, I mean.
As a resident Canadian: HAPPY CANADA DAY! by
on 2008-07-01 05:41:00 UTC
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Yes, we as Canadians celebrate another year around the sun!
Hello again, chums! [[PPC Badfic Game 2008]] by
on 2008-07-01 10:32:00 UTC
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Hello again, chums! It's that time again. We here at Fanfic Land (The Fanfic You Can't Find Anywhere Else) are always eager to help out the fans of obscure works, those you can't write for anywhere else, and today we're highlighting one of our Internet Culture categories -- the PPC.
For those of you who don't know, the PPC, or Protectors of the Plotting Continuum (or something like that) is an internet phenomenon where 'Agents' work for 'Flowers' and kill 'Sues', working out of 'Hq'. It's all very exciting, and we've had some excellent work from our members in the past!
However, sad to say, the number of writers has gone down recently -- to be precise, no one's bothered since last July. This makes us her at FanfiC Land very sad, because we like having people writing on our site! Really we do! So go on, come back to us -- and get writing!
We know the internet moves very quickly sometimes, so there may be new writers among you. If there are, remember to pick a cool username, and, of course, to write yourself a profile. You can't make it big if noone knows who you are!
FfL Admin Team
This, for those of you who don't know, is the PPC Badfic Game. The premise is that a website has opened (Fanfic Land, of course) which features a PPC section. The internet being what it is, this attracts a horde of writers, most of them bad, and you, my dear fellow Boarders, are those writers.
The rules aren't exactly strict, but this is a game for the PPC fandom, rather than for the Board. Unlike the 'shipfest, most of the works from this will deal with Agents and their associated 'Sues, not with their Authors. Of course, this is badfic, so Authors may well show up, but it's primarily about the Agents and the PPC, not the Boarders.
The relevant section of the website is the PPC section, and if I'm not very clear about what's going on, take a look around and see what horrors we came up with last time. Additionally, this year, I'm going to point at the Internet Culture category. At the moment it's just window dressing, designed to give the site a FF.net feel, but if anyone feels like writing a story for one of the other categories -- or one that I haven't listed -- that would be amusing. I note particularly that we have a 'Wiki Projects' category... and a PPC Wiki. I've no idea how you could write fanfic for the Wiki, but if you think you can, go for it!
It should be obvious that the name you use as a FfL writer does not have to be the same as your Board name, or any other handle you go by; only myself and kippur used the same names, and we were the first two to participate, before I'd really started FfL. So pick a fun name, and create a persona -- or more than one, there's at least a couple of people who've got two different 'accounts' with different personalities. As to posting... well. There's no automatic posting, of course -- I have to add everything in by hand, so I've got a few requests to make things easier.
First, it'd be very helpful if anyone participating for the first time 'creates an account'. What this means in practice is that you make a post giving your author name and a profile I can add to your, well, profile page. This will mean that when you leave reviews, they will be 'signed' -- they'll link back to your profile. So even if you're not writing a story, an account can be useful.
As an aside: when it comes to reviews, I pluck them from the replies to the posted chapters of the stories. This is a fully in-character game, so these reviews are more like gutsygemiwrya's 'lol romantic!!' than a Boarder saying how amusingly terrible it was. And yes, flames are allowed -- we all know it's not serious. And you can review-reply to your own story, or to your reviewers.
Following the aside, second point: when you start a story, it helps immensely if you make sure to give your FfL author name (obviously), along with the title of the story and, if possible, the details that will appear on the front page -- Category, Rating (G, PG, PG-13, R), Language, Genre. The other things I put in myself, but these four (well, Category and Language are usually PPC and English, so you don't need to mention them unless they're different) these two I'd appreciate it if you could give me. Makes my job easier.
Third, and finally, this is a game which pretends everyone is posting directly to the website. The various people throwing 'shipfics back and forth at each other in the 'shipfest was immensely amusing (and sometimes disturbing :P), but doesn't work in this format, really. In general, this one involves the first chapter of a story being attached to this post, and then the reviews to that chapter as replies to it, and the next chapter also attached to the first, and so on down.
Um... I think that covers most of it. Yes, I will be continuing the epic tale of Jaycacia Thornbyrd (OMG shes like SO COOOOOL!!) once I have a little time to think about it. If anyone has any questions that need clarifying, just ask, or check the page and use your common sense. And yes, as I said, you can have more than one account.
Oh, and thanks (blame?) go to Cassie and Neshomeh for sparking this off. I'm only posting this because I'm the one with the password to the website.
hS -
Author profile. by
on 2008-07-11 19:24:00 UTC
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Penname: Torian
Bio: So like I'm a slashe r and Ilike random ch aaracters that nobody bothe ers with mych so if th eres an bit chara you li ek and wa tn to seehookup wit h soemone just sned me a reviw on o ne of my s tories and reqest it. -
We made a joint account ... by
on 2008-07-08 00:18:00 UTC
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Name: slasherchicsxx0930xxxx
GReetings. I'm Daisy, one of an identical twin set. i heart slash. my sister, does not. her losse. *sticke oute tongue at sistere*
Hi, Im Rosemary u can call me Ro. i luv my sister *squeehugs* even if shes weird. we shar this profile thingie an write lotsa fics togetha! i got a thezarus (no not the dinosur st00pid) for my birthdy so i use bigger wordz than her!
My sister is a crazy gotthy girl. she dissed my hello Kitty shirt. such a meanie, so having lots of slashy with my turn at writing. She wants more angsty. Agenstises needd luv, not that angst she keeps speaking of. And what is emo anyway?
Helo Kitty SUX! an emo means kewl and deep an you don;t likwe it coz ur 2 dumb to undastnad it!
o that doz it im not leting you use my nalevarnish if ur gonna be MEEEEEEEEN!
fine! u bich!
fine, dummy! -
"untilted slashy thign w/foxxehs" by
on 2008-07-08 21:25:00 UTC
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Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance
Chapter 1: IN which someone almosty dyes.
"DEAR any hwo concerned (make thse long word) my life here is over. I need lvonig to help me from this rut and am pushed away form any who coudl help. allteh girls are too grossed out, adn the males, afraid to ask. they have sharp pointy things I am being crusheted by Dispiar like like some depsiared crushedthingie." The foxy agent wrote, his lifeblood dripping form the tweo jagied wunds on her wrists, wondering if anyhitng could suve him. The blood, sparkling, dripped onto the paper, fortunaedtly not smearing anything.
Red burst into the rum, having heard blood dripping acrssss the HW. "Hark,do I hear the sound of a male in distress?" He had rasuhed out soo quickly,he had not gotten dressed, being in teh nudee. Then he saw whot Drkae was doign ad yeled "ONOEZ!" HE grabbedf drake and kissed him, breathing life bakc into him, with a healing kiss. He then went ot hte letter and read it, and scowled.
"DRAKLE!!! HOW COULD YOU!!!""There is so much more you can be. ther eis still tru luv for you."
DRake looked confused. "REally? I thought you liked girls?"
"I never really liked girls. but you have ot pretend to liek them here.they can be scary. they woudl do bad tginhs if you weren;t interested in them." Red shuddered, not wanting ot lose his foxhoode. He waved his arms dramaticalllly, drake nudded. "I really want a niece mael to bee wiuth. TO hold tiguigt to my. In shot, I WANT U!!!!"
Drake felt weak keneed. He felt herself falling, and was caeght inn RED’s aurms. "RED!"
Red shushed any further comments by platnign a big keisse on drauke’s leps. He broke the3 kiss. "It was U I ALWAYS LVOED> YOU!!!"
DRake melted in redd's arms. "I've always loved you too."
"Come, elt us show our love."
Drake wa s sciared n he siaid "meep", so REdd grapped the bleepka for them to use. hee undid the blpeka lid whiel he took of Drkae's shirt and then they did thos things our parhents took oure net axess away for writing about 1 time (unowotImean. Meeeen mommy *sad*) and thye fell aslp an it was soooo ky00t an adorable (a/n:see! I CAN use big wrods!).
Inside cutey, and xhausteid dRake, something moved, new life, their tru luv transpassing mere physcial laws. (a/n:stupid phsycial lwws. this is fanfic, so mpreg is possible.)
[[OOC (Laburnum): Ye gods, that was physically painful. With apologies to insanegrrl for putting Redd through this, but you did say we could use him.]] -
Sorry I'm late - Account underneath. by
on 2008-07-07 03:29:00 UTC
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Name: origonalgangsta2008
Bio: Yo! My nam is Terrence, nd im gangsta. I sux at profiels, but heres go. Im 16 nd, if u can't alredy see, I like The Clover coz he's, like, totally badass if you can't see that u're stupdi. Jus so u know, I dont like mean peeps, and I will pop a cap in the asses of any1 who treis to be mean to any1. K?
First chapta for my new story will be up sun. Peece out, A town down, homies. -
Ma 1st story, yeyah! by
on 2008-07-07 03:47:00 UTC
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Title: Da Clover's Revenging.
Summary: Da Clover faecs heet in Compton - how dos da O-G Clover revenge his ded brotha and escape da pigs? AU. Vilence. Clover/Hycinth probly. R&R - no FLames, k?
Category: PPC
Rating: PG-13 probly
Language: Gangsta...haha, im just kiddin, English.
Chapter 1: A Memry Long Forggoten
Da alrm beepd. Da Clover woke up, his Glock by his sied. He pickd it up. Somethin was wrong, he cud smell it. He walkd outta his room and into da room opposit his. He lookd insied and yelled "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"!. "His brotha was limp on da bed, blood comin outta hi"s head and stuff. Da Clover ran to his brotha's side.
He held his bortha's hed in his arms and yelld, "I no who did this to my drotha! nD IM COMIN FOR U, CRIPS! IM COMIN TO REVENGE MY BOTHA!"
He stood up and loded his gun. "This is somethin I gots to do mysel. I gots to face up to da consekweensis of ma O-G life."
He chargd out da door and stood on his lawn.
"Tiem for Da Clova to choke some bitshes," he sed solummly.
A/N Thatz ma first chaptr, homies. R&R plz, so u cAN READ MOR b out the Da O-G, Clover. NO FLAMES
[[OOC: I'm so, so, so, so sorry, Clover. I'm really, really sorry.]] -
Da Clover's Revenging Chapter 2 by
on 2008-07-09 23:33:00 UTC
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Chapter 2: This Tiem its Personal
Da Clover kickd open da door to the small house. It was smoky nd he herd coffing comin from inside. Da Clover new somethn wsas going to happn, so he liftd up hiss gun. Da hed of the Venimmis Tentacle pooked round da cornr. "WHOSIT?" he yelld.
"Ure stoned," Da Clover replid.
"WHOSIT?" Venimmis Tentacl replyed agen.
"Its Da Clover, bitcg, Da Clover sed menasingly. And Ive com to revenge ma bro.
"OHSHIT" the Tentercle yelled, and he tryed to ran outside. Da Clover cort him and pushd him to the griund.
T"ell me whu killd ma bro" Da Clover yelld, shovin da Tentercle's face in da dirt.
"You wont beleeve me, Tantacle sad.
"Fine" Tendacle sed. "The SO did it."
"WHAT? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! DO NOT WANT" CLOVER YELled fufiously. He bashd the Tenrtacles hed in2 the goround til the Tentcle was ded and stood up, ters stremng down his face.
"SO was ma frend. Why wuld he kill ma bro? I must find out so I can faec up to him and revenge ma bro.'
Da Clover turnd on his cellphone and calld the Hycinth. "Yo, Hycinth," Da Clover saed. "Its Da Clover. SO killd my bro. Can yo help me kill SO? Kthnx." Da Clover hung up.
"Lets do dis thin,' he sed solummly.
A/N Second chaptR! R&R! Da Clover is such a badass hey yeH! No FLAMES! -
You are a complete imbocile. by
on 2008-07-10 00:32:00 UTC
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If there is one person on this abbysmal site who deserves flames, it's you.
I'm going to put this in very short, simple words, that even someone of your pea-sized intellect can understand:
Now. -
on 2008-07-10 03:22:00 UTC
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Why dos ma storie suk, huh? Why? Can u do betta? Weres ur storie huh? GO DI IN A DTCH, FLAMA YOU PRIK. U maek fun of my and my pepsp and u maek mistaeks!!! God, pissof, you imbecile (yea I checkd dictionary.com!)!!
oo dats not fair da pooor floweres! by
on 2008-07-08 05:05:00 UTC
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how culd u do dis 2 DA CLOVR????
[[OOC: Sedri, still twitching from deliberate bad typing, apologises profusely. She is also taking great delight in typing out full words with no numerals or misspellings, and would probably continue forever if she didn't have work to do...]] -
[[OOC: I actually did some research beforehand...]] by
on 2008-07-07 03:32:00 UTC
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Some being looking at profiles of people with "gangsta" in their name. One made me laugh with his attempts at being "gangsta", so I've based it mostly off of him. There was something so inconsistent about his account...you can see it here - http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1222081/BURNER2-Gangsta_Gangsta-CL - and if anyone's involved in Code Lyoko fic, you might just wanna take a look. I have a feeling he ain't the greatest fic writer. :P
Account time by
on 2008-07-03 17:31:00 UTC
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Name: im_tehmarster
Profile: oh hi I'm not really the master but he is so prette!!1 so i stole his name, lol. NEway, i'll right someting sooon, teh pppc is grate, LOTR SUCKSSS!!!11!! -
Account by
on 2008-07-02 22:55:00 UTC
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Name: MoggetsGurl
Profile: Im Melany and i think the so is the the best in the hole ppc and he hasnt found anyone yet becaus hes waiting for his lost luv the Raven Rose and thats what my storys about. and i have 17 stories for abhorsen on fanfiction.net and u shoud all go look at them!
Books: the abhorsen books by garth nix (the parts with Mogget in!!!!11!), harry potter, twiligt
Music: Hannah Montana, the Jonas Brothers
Colors: black and silver and gold
Food: choclate, starbucks coffee
[[OOC: Yes, it's Melany the Mogget-luster from the Abhorsen OFU. It seemed silly to make up another fangirl character when I already had one. How can she be here and at the OFU at the same time? Um...this is a Melany from an alternate dimension where there are no OFUs, brought here by a rouge plothole (not to be confused with a rogue one).]] -
The Raven Rose by
on 2008-07-02 23:04:00 UTC
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Title: The Raven Rose
Summery: The SOs lost luv returns to the ppc but she has a dark secrit. can there luv survive?
The plothole started fading as the so jumped thru it back 2 his office. Raven tryed to follow him but the hole was already to small. she reached a leaf thru the plothole to touch his petals
"raven" he cryed "cant you get thru"
"its too small" Raven said "i luv you"
Then the plothole closed and Raven was gone! (AN: Oh no!) The SO sat on the flore of his office and cryed for days and noone could make him happy ever again and thats why hes so cranky to everyone.
but everythings about to change...
AN: Uhoh, a cliffie! Whats going to happen next! Youll see soon!
And i KNOW flowers cant really jump but they cant really talk either so there! -
more of the Raven Rose by
on 2008-07-03 01:47:00 UTC
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thanks kawaiiichisgurl4eva for reviewign! everyone else should be like you! im glad you liked it
chapter 1
agent rebecca stepped thru the portal into rivendel (AN: is that how you spell it?) and looked around. the marysue was rite in front of her talking to legolas. rebecca lifted her sord. "princess sparkly your charged with being a marysue prepare to die!" She said.
but the marysue was to fast! she shot a bolt of litening at rebecca! rebecca dov to the ground! her sword fell from her hand to far away to reach!
suddenly the sue screamed! rebecca looked up and the sue was gone! legolas wanderd off confused. there in front of rebecca was a beautiful black Rose with gold trim on her petals and pale violet leaves. she shone in the evning sunlight.
"i am the Raven Rose" she said.
"b-but how did you do that?" rebecca asked "where did the sue go?"
"ill explain later" the Raven Rose said "take me to the so imediately"
AN: plz r + r! reviews are nice!
[[OOC: What's sad is that I used to write stories like this. Only with more apostrophes.]] -
Review! by
on 2008-07-07 03:50:00 UTC
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Thats sum ciil stuff dere, homie. I wanna red mor.
Needs mor gangsta stuff, tho (lol, jus kiddin. Its awsum.) -
on 2008-07-03 17:33:00 UTC
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on 2008-07-04 00:19:00 UTC
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(( OOC: Forgive me? )) -
((If you can forgive me, I don't hate LotR, really)) (nm) by
on 2008-07-04 01:07:00 UTC
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[[OOC: If you'll forgive my atrocious punctuation... by
on 2008-07-04 03:28:00 UTC
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...I can forgive your blasphemous LOTR-bashing.]]
on 2008-07-04 01:05:00 UTC
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OMG ur so meen! by
on 2008-07-04 12:09:00 UTC
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ur so nasite n i bet ur jst jelos!!!!
ur stuped by
on 2008-07-03 17:35:00 UTC
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roeses can 2 be blake i no bcuz i seen it on ncis were gibs alwaiys gave abie blac roses wen seh did a gud job or neded chering up so tere ur stuped
on 2008-07-04 01:03:00 UTC
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on 2008-07-09 23:50:00 UTC
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Cant beleve pepl liek you can use compiters, ure obvidusl a grumpe old man or s pifg. ANd there is suci thingd as blak rosis, you dumares! STOP UR FLAMN!
reviw by
on 2008-07-03 17:25:00 UTC
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omg taht was so awsum adn i luved hw teh ravin roes kiled taht marrysu ded and plz red and revie my ficcie cuz its awsum liek tihs
Review!!!11 by
on 2008-07-03 10:22:00 UTC
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Teh raven rose is so prettyy~
ong whut happnd 2 teh sue????
lol teh so is teh awesumest n kawaii like rite??? -
Reveiw by
on 2008-07-03 04:36:00 UTC
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Awww tihs was lovely i nevr knwe taht the SO had a gf! Pleas let them gete baack togerthe!
Oopsie! by
on 2008-07-03 00:20:00 UTC
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Forgot these parts
Genre: romance
Rating: pg -
wow by
on 2008-07-02 23:07:00 UTC
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taht was relly cole and wil raven roes and teh so get bake 2getha culd u plz updaet son bcuz i relly want 2 no and plz revue my awsum stroi abut cerrin trip and anseal cuz i want 2 no wahy evry1 tihnks abut tehir luv 4 eahc ohta liek i watn 2 no abut raven ros and teh so
[[OOC: Does it hurt to type like that?]] (nm) by
on 2008-07-02 23:23:00 UTC
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[[OOC: Yes, it hurts a lot. I'm going to need more M&Ms]] (nm) by
on 2008-07-02 23:26:00 UTC
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[[OOC: How about some NM & NMs?]] by
on 2008-07-03 00:24:00 UTC
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[[Still OOC: I think I have some lying around somewhere.]]
my aws0m3 pr0f1l3 lolz. by
on 2008-07-02 22:41:00 UTC
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name: i pwnz u allz0rs, cuz i do!
i am an awsome3 h@cker gurl an i lo ve teh ppc1 it iz s000000000 c0000000wwl
an my f1rst st0ri!!!11! dont flame cus i can kel u!1!!11 rly i kan
hello i am darikan i am a halfbreed wich meens i am half human i have magic i can transorm into wofl cta an dragn i am cool and ishoot laszerbeemsf rom myp alms lyke irnman an i can fly i am in teh DEparmen o ffloAters i uzed t be a garytu mnow im not yetm y poweaz helpme pwn mrySues i hacen o partner seh pwaz kiledby teh sunfluer ofi cial czu he wux healsu lfo hear pwerz hse culd...rol fir wtaer erth n iar hr magickk mnananifesteddd az a drgokn fling arund hed bbuvt teh snuflur ficil shit her!!!!!1!1!!!!11!!111! teh nhe blimed iton dakrian so he was mad and darkikan sed u r evil an teh snuflur oficil sed yo sup hmoies i no an darikkanr shoted hey teh sunflawr iz evil!!1!1 but tehn noone belives im so tenh teh dr freeeenebearg give him shot!1!11! taht make im go sledp uhhh were am i he gfroned u rn rc 1492 (duno if taht is rite,...sry lol!1!) a grl wuz sittin nezt to tehb ed i am shdadow she sed shadwo taht ix a lovly name sdarikan sed tanks hse rplied lokingd down baeshifuly menx dusnt lyke it just ten maxn rwalking in wat r ku doin sadhw?!!!1/1!/?1 i m just halpin NO U DONTH ES MYNE hao drae u speek tu hr seh is ur parner darikna sed?11!?!@! NO SEH INST U R HSE BIN KIKED UOT LOL -NO OW DRAE U/?1??!1!/@//3@? DRAKEIN SCREMED AN TEHN FRIE BRUST UTO HISBAK DERTH EVIL MIGETF ASISSST RESIST SCRUM11!11!!!!!!!!!!
[[...my brain hurts. ;_; I almost misspelled that. Urgh, the horrors deliberate misspelling does to you.
And this is insanegrrl, by the way.]] -
TEH SECUND CAHPPIE1!!!11!!1112!1!!33@!! by
on 2008-07-03 16:08:00 UTC
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"Um. Manx?"
A pause.
"It's really bad."
A chair scraped across the floor. "What is?"
Another long pause.
A click.
A much briefer pause.
"Oh. Good. Glods."
"Yes. KILL." -
awsum by
on 2008-07-03 17:27:00 UTC
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i lieked it and taht evel bithc neded 2 dye
[[OOC: Smites enter key. This is part of the above review]] by
on 2008-07-03 17:28:00 UTC
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but waht was wiht teh wirednes at teh end was it manks and sahdwo cuz tehy semed 2 be relly out of charter if u no waht i meen
Reveiw by
on 2008-07-03 04:33:00 UTC
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OMG i cant even reed taht ur writn is teh worts ive ever seen! u need a betta reader sseroiusly tehn mayb ill reed it adn give yuo a beter reveiw but rite now it sux!
[[Sorry! I just had to post a flame somewhere.]] -
nooooo ur s0000 m3333333n!!1!11111@11!!!`~ by
on 2008-07-03 15:45:00 UTC
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i h8 u ur awlfu an u hav secs w/ ur kats so tehre!!1!!1!1111! it dusnt mater wat i tloks lyke sloong as u canr ead it rite/??/???!???!?1//111?!!
Reply to nooooo ur s0000 m3333333n!!1!11111@11!!!`~ by
on 2008-07-03 20:41:00 UTC
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OMG u r seroisly in ned of an atitude chagnge i wuz only tryin 2 hepl and yuo give me all tihs greif! i dont even ahve cats i dont kep pets but i bet u do adn u do it wiht ur mum too!!!!!111 u ned to grow upa and r get a lief insteda of bein so ffin rude to ppl who r onnly tryin to help YUO!
Revuw by
on 2008-07-02 23:04:00 UTC
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yays thus is relly gud and i tihkn u shuld rite more and plz revue my stroi its cerrin trip and ansela luv stroi and u can find it by luking and u shuld red it bcuz its relly gud liek urs is
[[I think everyone's brain is hurting. I'm going through packs of M&Ms like they're going out of fashion,and no I am not addicted to them thank you very much, not any more than any other kind of chocolate.
Ansela, who is going kind of insane and is getting ready to post a third 'chapter'.]] -
o rite ya im aspaz by
on 2008-07-02 22:49:00 UTC
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stori infeo!1!!
titl: uhn...kant tihnk o desen ttitle, wil pots l8r
r8ing; um pg13 cuz fo d33p stufsz -
l0l ive wrtn a storiie! by
on 2008-07-02 11:04:00 UTC
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Title: vampyr in teh ppc!!
Summary: ok so mi new agents r vamprs n tihs is a sotry abt tehm!!1
Category: PPC
Rating: PG-13
Language: English
Okay so 1 day agnt kya felt hungy for BLOOD……so she wnet 2 teh hry potr contnyiuimrm (a/n is tat hw u speel it lol) nd seh met…EBONY DARK’NESS DEMENTIA RAVEN WAY… n tehy wnt 2 hgwrtz n fed on dumbldor cuz hes a mwd old coot (a/n lol!) n tehn dmbldor dyed cuz he sux n tehn kaya got a medsge from…TEH SNFLOR OFFICL…n he sed ‘agent smith (a/n lyk from teh matrix lol!) u r a bd ppc agnt n i hv 2 suspnd u’ n kaa said ‘screw u im a vampire’ (a/n lol that stpid so nds 12 dieeee!!!11) tn teh sonflowr offical said ‘piss off’ n kaya sd ‘gladly’. so tehn seh wnet 2 hr parnet candus hu sed ‘r u a vampre’ and kaya sed ‘eyah’ n cadmus sed ‘so am i lol’. n tehn tey wnt 2 al teh contn cu cond worlds n kilsd teh preps lyk kayas sistr chantel. TEH EDN lol!
a/n so tahts all lol i no its a bt shrot if u wnt mor plz review n NO FLAMMS taht mens u whcannonu_can u suk!!1
[[OOC: Ouch. If my Agents see that, they'll never forgive me. No, neither of them are vampires and their names are not spelt right. If anyone is interested, yes, Kaya's surname is Smith, but I thought of that before I realised all the matrix jokes that would follow. 'Candus/Cadmus'' name is actually Camdus. Thank you - Lynxihez out!]] -
Oh, yes, of course I'm going to do exactly what you say. by
on 2008-07-02 23:56:00 UTC
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Honestly, what do you think this is, your personal playground for your sugar-driven talentless ravings? This is a site for FANfiction, fiction written by FANs of the PPC. To be a fan, you need a working brain, QED, you are distinctly underqualified. Moron.
[[OOC: WCYC is starting to scare me.]] -
on 2008-07-09 23:57:00 UTC
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Whydid yui say that its FANficshun wich mens FANS wret it nd any1 cn be a fFAN, not jst u and ure pig frends ho go roumnd opprdshin my peeps and bein racist and stuff. ND WERES UR STORY, HUH?
Ots god storie. Da agents coolm and Dumbledor dos suick, hes studip and oppresice and stuf..
[[OOC: Terribly, terribly sorry. I don't think you're racist or oppressive or a pig. This is what happens when young white children take rap too literally, heh.]] -
stop being mean! by
on 2008-07-03 00:29:00 UTC
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there not talentless its a good story! didnt anyone teach you not 2 be mean to people?
[[OOC: I think we're all starting to scare ourselves.]] -
[[OOC: Indeed. Very scary. My eyes hurt...]] (nm) by
on 2008-07-03 02:13:00 UTC
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kewl by
on 2008-07-02 23:10:00 UTC
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teh so is a meeny an he was rong and ur agnets r cole cuz i liek vamprires and culd u plz reveiw mai stroi plz evn tho it doesnt has vamprires in it bcuz it had a luv seen insted hehehe
Reveiw by
on 2008-07-02 17:58:00 UTC
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I lyk tihs sotry but tehy wer a bit viloent andhurt poeple. Vampiers in the PPc dont hurt ppl form the canonworlds if tehy dont do bdad stuf liek bein marysyues.I tihnk u shuld make kaya mor like sellene or taht guy in flotrs whos gay (i thikn hiz name is archer adn hes reely smart).
Reveiw by
on 2008-07-02 11:12:00 UTC
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Mor vampiers in teh ppc !!11!!!
Pls write mor - ther shud be mor vampiers in teh ppc becos they ar so kewl (an so ar bishies - mayb u cud writ a vampier-bishie? *pupy-dog eys*)
pls pls writ mor
x0xpsychOvampierchickx0x -
My Profile by
on 2008-07-02 10:28:00 UTC
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Name: x0xpsychOvampierchickx0x
Bio: Hi *smiles, fangs shin* ! i'm x0xpsychovampeirchickx0x cos i am obsesed with vampiers and i ama psyho (or my freinds say i am lol). i reely liek writing ppc stroies cause ther are so many characers to writ about and tere are VAMPIERS which is teh kewlness (altho there shud be more vampiers in teh ppc)
i h8 ppl makeing bad reveiws on stroies (if u can't say anythig gud, thn dont say anthing at all, lozers XD) an ppl who thnk thta yaio is not kewl - yaoi is soooo kawaii an ther shud be way more yaio in teh ppc cause tehy hav sum kewl psycho bishies!!!111!!
see u pppl around*gos off to rite stroies*
[[Oh dear gods, my brain hurts... 'Tis I, Fynn, if you hadn't gathered that already - I'll probably only be reviewing, but anyone is welcome to use my agents *is going to regret saying that*]] -
Account creation by
on 2008-07-02 10:23:00 UTC
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Account Name: Blondeelfkitty
Profile: well i like teh ppc ans teh so is my fav!!!!!1!"! i like aal teh hawt guys in teh ppc 2!!!!!!!!!11!i'm riting my own agent 2 she is reely hwat as well!1!!1!!!!
[[Brain....is....dying....UGH]] -
A Goth IN Teh PPc by
on 2008-07-03 10:11:00 UTC
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A/N this is my first storie so plz b kind 2 me!!!!1!!
angelika crystal ravensong (a/n isn't her namew just teh kewlest???), was the most beutiful girl in the ppc. she had wate lrnth straight hair which wasas black os ebony and sprakling amber eyes she was also a tepepth who could reasd minsd 9a/n that is so kewl 2 i wish i was a telepath!!) but noone liked her bcause she was 2 pretty.
1 day she desided 2 becum a goth bcause every1 h8ted her.
maybe if i shoe them how sensitive i am then they won't bully me any mor she thort.
angelika started waring all black cliyhes and suddenly every1 started 2 be nicer 2 her.
but she was still unhappy so she used 2 cut her slf 2 get rid of teh painb. (a/n she was raped by hwr stepdad b4 she came 2 the ppc u know)
1 day she cut herself so much that she fell into a coma then her partner cane alonf. hay wake up!! she sadf (a/n i can't b bothered 2 make up a name 4 her partner bcause she isn't very nice!!) come on we have a mission the nshe saw teh blod.
OMGWTF she shouted u need 2 go the medicl dptmenyt. she piked up angelica and ran down teh hall 2 medical.
pls help she shouted my partner is hert!
teh medical staf grabbed angelik from her and put her in a bed (a/n i saw er where this exact same thing happened so im basing it on that. er is great!!)
OMG her hart has stopped shouted a nurse we need to start it again stst! they pressed teh electric pad things 2 angelikas chest and yelled clear! angelika jumped as the electric wnt through her and her hart stared again. she opened her eyes ans aksed what happned?
AN Cliffie! i'm so evil!!!! i want 5 reviews then ill continu this fis. it is definatly teh best fic i hav eva written! plz r&r. no flames
[[OOC: I think my brain esploded! I feel all dirty and the lack of commas is making my eyes water!]] -
oh noooooOoooOOOOOoOoOO! by
on 2008-07-04 07:12:00 UTC
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anglka cant di dats jus so bad n men an u must sav herrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!
kakoi by
on 2008-07-03 17:40:00 UTC
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taht was so kewl and i hop angleika can fidn sum1 woh undrestadns hre and can hepl her b a goht 4eva adn not b liek her meenie pratenr wo neds 2 serosly dye
Account Creation! by
on 2008-07-02 10:04:00 UTC
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Account name: Hikau Yagami
Profile: HAAAAAII! im Hikau yagami n i luv deathnote! its teh best mang eva!!!111! n i luv L so stay awaii!! lol!1
im suck a gud wrytr n i luc teh ppc so i;l post storyies sooooon1111!
[[Ouch. Head hurts.]] -
Teh Tradgey of teh Sunflower!!! by
on 2008-07-02 10:29:00 UTC
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Title: Teh Tradgey of teh Sunflower!!!
Author: Hikau Yagami
Rating: G
Genre: Romance/Tragedy
Summary: Hikary's new luv is undr a curse!!!! Hikary/???
an; omg nes storie yay!!! n i used a spellcheck so ther!
once dere was agurl.her name wuz teh mostest aweson name eva! it was Hikary!111 she wuz a Member of the pppc n she was teh bestest agent der waz!
she waz soooo gd dat teh sunlower caled her in alon wit her patner teh mean n nasty Salexer (an i knw he haz a patner but idunt leik circe).
'Hikary' syed teh sunflower,
'i luv u' he siad.
Hikary n her patner gashed. 'what/1' shouted salazr
'but ur a flower1' shoyted hikary.'we cant!'
'im not a flower'cried teh sunflwoer.'im a human. i wyz a garystu n tis is muy punishment'
an; omg cliffie111 ill onlie update if i get at kest 3 reveiwz!!!!! -
Teh Tradgey of teh Sunflower! 2~ by
on 2008-07-03 03:20:00 UTC
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omg tnhx fir teh revies!!! ya u wer ritem JAkacia is teh nestest! so Hikary's tye 2nd, k?
brandywinebaby89: i no rite?
WithCanonYouCan: umm thnx? but ur stll a menie!
kawaiiichisgurl4eva:i no wirt!?
MoggetsGirl: ur so menn ubig nsaite!
Ellintiyra Lloysinthayr: ya idunno whut zen is but it sonds kool.
Hikary runned to teh so. 'omg nowai!'she yeldd 'woo? iwill fee u frmur cuse!'
'it wuz...'but fre teh sunfwie cold tel, he fekk ovr!!!
Hikary cryed 'whut?' n saw slazar wth a arrow!!!!
slazr laffed mennieliek. 'i klled him!!!' he yelled. 'cuz teh floers payed meh 2!!!!'
Hikary sterted 2 cry ters of sadess. it wuz all teh flers falt!
slazwr laffed. 'stuuupid gurl' hesaid 'ony a sue cn sve him nao.'
Hikary hasped cuz she didnt wnna be a sue cuz tey were nasie! but she hd 2 cuz she had 2 sve er tru luv!!!!
'slazer' she sayd. 'ur a nastie agent. u traytor!!!!'
Salwer just laffed agan. 'but ull neva sve ur tru luv.'
omg a cliffei agin!!!!
[[OOC: WCYC, I feel honored. xD]] -
[[OOC: What's a nsaite? by
on 2008-07-03 05:05:00 UTC
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I'm guessing "nasty," maybe?]]
[[OOC: Exactly. by
on 2008-07-03 09:48:00 UTC
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Amazing what words you come up with when you try to spell them wrong.]]
ooo dat is so SAD! what an eeeeevil pnishmet! by
on 2008-07-03 02:10:00 UTC
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no 1 desrves 2 b turned in2 a floower!
OMG!!! by
on 2008-07-03 00:02:00 UTC
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OMG!!! I totally kne it! that xplains eveything lol!
Only Hiakry can't b the best agent in the PPC beause Jakacia is akready, so mebby u should fix that!
Well, what do you know. by
on 2008-07-02 23:49:00 UTC
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One of you cretins actually got something right. The SO, as you have, I'll be generous, 'written' him, is indeed a Marty-Sam (it's not 'Garystu', moron, don't you know anything?). But that still doesn't make up for your sheer, bone-shattering ignorance in the matter of anything else.
teh so is a garrystew!!!!1!! by
on 2008-07-02 23:14:00 UTC
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i alwaiys new teher was sumtihng difrent abut him adn hes muhc coler as a stu adn i bet it was 1 of teh ohter 'flours' taht mad him 1 bcuz tehy was jeloz of him and hickory shuld fre him form his cruse so they can b 2getha 4eva and plz revew mai stroi as wel bcuz its a romacne liek tihs but wiht agnets isnted of teh so and its relly cole juts liek tihs
Review by
on 2008-07-02 23:07:00 UTC
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Thats stupid. he doesnt need to be a garystu to be awesome becaus hes already awesoem so there.
[[OOC: Put in wrong name...review's from MoggetsGurl.]] (nm) by
on 2008-07-02 23:08:00 UTC
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Reveiw by
on 2008-07-02 17:49:00 UTC
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OMG! Teh So was a garyStU? Tahst like zen or somehting. I dont no waht zen is but it soubnd kool adn my mum ssays it a lot.
But tehre cant be anotehr agetn whos the BESTEST cos Jaycacia is teh bestest! U culd say she waz beter tahn all the otehr agnets but noyt Jaycacia. -
Account by
on 2008-07-02 05:46:00 UTC
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Username: k0di369
Profile: im oviously mucch l337er than u bcause ur reeding dis & im writin it haha
wel im a 12 yrs old girl an im lyk, reely smart cuz i got zecond place in teh hole stait in dese exams so i lyk pwn, an i live in mezico an i tink theh ppc is relly awesom but i don undrstan wot tey ave agains sues. if u anoy mi i will lyk, kik ur butt an send u a viiirus muahahaaa!!11
but rally i hav a quession; lik y is gramer so inportan. an dus ny1 no wat ppc miniz wuld b. cuz 1 ov tehm wuld b rlly kool.
[[OOC: Because I'm a stickler for proper pronunciations even when canon is going to a silly-Boarders-induced Hell, the name's pronounced Cody-three-six-nine - 369 just thought that it would be s0 teh kool if it were in odd-spelling-ese. *sigh* I hate hate hate the people in my head. Really I do.
[[My brain is dead. Mourn it.
[[However this is going to be interesting. Though I think I'll only comment. And the bit about the exam is actually true, if you take the badly written chatspeak, netspeak, 1337 and cat-on-keyboard out. Yay exam... well, not, but it lets me brag. And iffen I canst brag (I will stop messing with words... That was hard and now I'm making more typos than usual from that. Ai Tórok.), then I'm going to be quiet now.
[[Yees. I will be quiet. I will be quiet, and very, very frightened.]] -
luv in hQ by
on 2008-07-02 04:35:00 UTC
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one upon a time ther was a gurl namd Krista n she was a ppc agent n she likd to blow things up! so on day she was walkin thru hQ n she saw a cute boy agent n she say "hi!" and he say "hi!" back n she say "my names Krista!" and he say "my names Brenden!" and she blush cuz no ones evr ben this nice to her bfor and she say "ur cute!" and he say "ur cute too! will u be my gf!" and she say "yes i will be ur gf!" and they kiss n then someon com up bhind them and say "no u cant b togethr Krista is min!" and he nock Brenden out n kidnap Krista!
[[OOC: Brain...ow...]] -
OMG CHAPPIE 2!!!!!11! by
on 2008-07-03 04:31:00 UTC
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AN: so i left u at a cliffie hahahaha but now u get 2 no waht happenz!
so Krista wake up n she iz tyd up n ther iz tape over her mouth n she try to screem but no one can here her. then somone come up to her n say "u r my prizoner now hahahahahaha!" n Krista screem n screem but no on can heer her. then the evil dude uncuvr his face n it is teh Markee de Sod n he say "Krista i luv u i hav always luvd u!" n Krista say "eeeeeeew! ur a plant!" n he say "yes but u mak the sap n my vains run fastr!" n Krista say "WTF u r weerd" n then the Markee say "OMG i luv u to much lets make out" n Krista say "NOOOOOO!" n then the wall explode!
[[OOC: *headdesk*]] -
Review!!!11 by
on 2008-07-02 10:14:00 UTC
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omg whuts gonna happn1/
im so gelous of krita, she getsta blow thingz uo!!!!
rite moreeee!!1 -
Reveiw for Childhood Crush by
on 2008-07-02 05:53:00 UTC
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Oh noes waht is gonna happen to krista!????//!!1
I liek tihs story but u need to rite more! I wanna kno about waht happens!!1 Brenden is sooo kool he gest to blow stuf up and is not baad lookin iether! -
[[Ack...just "reveiw", not the other bit]] (nm) by
on 2008-07-02 05:54:00 UTC
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A review in the 'name' of k0di369 by
on 2008-07-02 05:52:00 UTC
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wll afagndu u hav lyk an intrestin stori but i tink maby u shud hav krista an brendin know eachuzer 4 loger cuz a fren ov myn haz lyked dis boi 4 years an shi stil hasntt told im dat zhe lyks hm so in lyk 2 minuts is relly irrealistic but it luks intrestin lyk i sayd plz uppy-d8 s000n!!11!
k0di369 teh 1337~!!11!!
[[OOC: I even managed to misspell the "author"'s name. This is a new low. I shall now contemplate it.]] -
[[OOC]] You can just put k0di369... by
on 2008-07-02 16:54:00 UTC
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... in the 'Author' box when posting a review, rather than your own name.
hS -
The thing is... by
on 2008-07-02 20:04:00 UTC
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I don't type 'author' in manually, I just sign in. Therefore, this is easier, I think.
Account by
on 2008-07-02 04:26:00 UTC
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Name: AgafndYou
Profile: OMG i LUUUUV teh PPC tehy r soooooooooo amzng an kool n stuf but i LUUUUUUUUV brenden OMG he is SOOOOOOOO cute!!!11!!11!
[[OOC: My brain hurts. Oh, well. At least my username's somewhat sane.]] -
Account by
on 2008-07-02 02:58:00 UTC
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Name:Burning Watier
Profile: Hi! My name is Burning Water and i'm an aspiring weriter. I like to write stuff about the PPC especially the Femmes. -
Story: The Love of Melba. by
on 2008-07-06 06:02:00 UTC
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Summary:A story about the love and life of Melba,the Smut Carver.
Melba was running through the corridors of HQ,thinking about the life she had lost forever.
Picnics in the soft grass...
Rejuvinating dives in lakes of pure azure...
Wild dances under the night sky...
And all in the confines of HQ...
However,it was all taken from her when one fine day,the Flowers kidnapped her and took her to a secret lab,where they dressed her in black leather and whipped her unmercifully.
Saying that "they needed something to keep your fellow Agents in line",they pumped Sue compounds into her body and forced her to read one thousand and one bad smut ideas.
They kept tourturing her for three days and three nights,until they released her into a grey and cruel world.
There,she did her duty well,traumatizing her former comrades with her evil and strange ways.
After brooding(gothically) about what her life had become, she continued running along the passageways,crying.
Then she met Melvin.
He was the only person who saw through the veil of disgust that she had woven about herself. He was the only person that cared about her despite what she has done.
She surrendered to him,and they had nights of love in convinient broom closets and patches of grass that appeared whenever they were.
However,the Flowers were wrathful that she had found love,and they sent an army of Evil Dandelions to destroy her happiness. She used all her abilities to protect her loved one,but was shot by one of their hired snipers.
Using the last of her powers to teleport Melvin to safety,she expired.
Melvin then later founded a brotherhood of gallant smut Knights(and priests,can't have a cult whithout priests)that lasted until this day: THE CULT OF THE SMUT CARVER!
The Sub Rosa looked up from the piece of paper she had been holding,and said: "I've never seen such a horrible pack of lies my entire life!"
"You'll get over it,my fellow Board Member,said the Marquis de Sod."
"You're right. Judging by the reports sent by my Department,not even the Cult members belived the fic,evenafterMelvin neuralyzed them."
"Phew! I tought I might have to treat you to some Bleeperin just to calm your nerves.Not that I tought that was a bad thing,of course."
Don't worry. Now,is it just me,or are Het!Author-Wraiths stalking us... -
[[OOC]]Oops! I think I posted two versions at once! by
on 2008-07-06 06:05:00 UTC
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Please use the latter one in the site.
And forget the first one, there was an italics mistake. by
on 2008-07-06 06:06:00 UTC
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Oops! I meant the second one! by
on 2008-07-06 13:50:00 UTC
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Sorry for adding to the confusion!
Story: The Love of Melba. by
on 2008-07-06 06:01:00 UTC
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Summary:A story about the love and life of Melba,the Smut Carver.
Melba was running through the corridors of HQ,thinking about the life she had lost forever.
Picnics in the soft grass...
Rejuvinating dives in lakes of pure azure...
Wild dances under the night sky...
And all in the confines of HQ...
However,it was all taken from her when one fine day,the Flowers kidnapped her and took her to a secret lab,where they dressed her in black leather and whipped her unmercifully.
Saying that "they needed something to keep your fellow Agents in line",they pumped Sue compounds into her body and forced her to read one thousand and one bad smut ideas.
They kept tourturing her for three days and three nights,until they released her into a grey and cruel world.
There,she did her duty well,traumatizing her former comrades with her evil and strange ways.
After brooding(gothically) about what her life had become, she continued running along the passageways,crying.
Then she met Melvin.
He was the only person who saw through the veil of disgust that she had woven about herself. He was the only person that cared about her despite what she has done.
She surrendered to him,and they had nights of love in convinient broom closets and patches of grass that appeared whenever they were.
However,the Flowers were wrathful that she had found love,and they sent an army of Evil Dandelions to destroy her happiness. She used all her abilities to protect her loved one,but was shot by one of their hired snipers.
Using the last of her powers to teleport Melvin to safety,she expired.
Melvin then later founded a brotherhood of gallant smut Knights(and priests,can't have a cult whithout priests)that lasted until this day: THE CULT OF THE SMUT CARVER!
The Sub Rosa looked up from the piece of paper she had been holding,and said: "I've never seen such a horrible pack of lies my entire life!"
"You'll get over it,my fellow Board Member,said the Marquis de Sod."
"You're right. Judging by the reports sent by my Department,not even the Cult members belived the fic,evenafterMelvin neuralyzed them."
"Phew! I tought I might have to treat you to some Bleeperin just to calm your nerves.Not that I tought that was a bad thing,of course."
Don't worry. Now,is it just me,or are Het!Author-Wraiths stalking us... -
Story: Makes-Things is Back! by
on 2008-07-04 11:17:00 UTC
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It is boring in the Afterlife,Makes-Things thought one day.
Not enough babes(even though Arwen,Imbolc and {until she got resurrected} Jayacacia tried to make up for this).
I know! I'll resurrect myself!
Chanting powerful Korean latin spells,he created himself a new body clothed in black leather. After teleporting it to DoSAT,he then merged into it.
He was met by a huge mob of Babes.
The first one who managed to 'pleasure' him was Elanor Liasom. Next was Morticia(who was once morti...il he transformed himself using a magic wand). Then, Jay and Acacia; along with Selene and Narta(who was once Natro, until he used one of Daffyda's Sue Artefacts) pushed them away in order to show him their 'secret techniques'.
Once they were tired out,Architeuits and her minions picked up the slack,using all their'hidden knowledge'to
make him 'react positively' to their actions.
After that,Daffyda,Constance,Selene,Louise,Takua and Jartha used the 'secret arts' they learned from Valmiar to prove thier 'womanhood' to the Koren stud.
All the women in the PPC joined the Orgy(Except for Luxury and Maeluwien, who were being shipped together in a broom closet) and all the men turned themselves into women just for fun.
The only ones who avoided the rampant OOCness were Techno-Daan and Tess; who were on a 'special vacation' to Lond Daer at that time.
The End
HAHAHAHAHA!,said Melvin,High priest of the Cult of the Smut Carver.
Now that I've created the BADFIC OF DOOM,I will use it's words of EEEVIL to increase the unemployment rate on this puny New Caledonia town to 100 percent so that everyone will leave! Then,I will take over the City and use it as a base to overrun the entire Multiverse,fufilling my beloved Melba's legacy.
Suddenly,an enraged mob of Agents and Flowers portaled in,and shot him.
Bleep-products for everyone! -
Review!!1 by
on 2008-07-05 01:30:00 UTC
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ong mkethgs is bak?!?! dats so kool!!! but leik, teh othr stff was bormng! lol
[[OOC]] Can you give me some brain food? by
on 2008-07-04 11:28:00 UTC
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My mind feels malnourished today.
[[OOC]] And don't mention Korean Latin to me. ever. (nm) by
on 2008-07-04 11:41:00 UTC
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Should U, Wuld U, Kudzu B Mine? by
on 2008-07-02 02:10:00 UTC
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Title: Should U, Wuld U, Kudzu B Mine?
Author: brandywine_baby89
Rating: G (so far)
Genre: General/Romance
Summary: When a new Agent joins thePPC, will she change sone1's life 4 the better? My 1st sory, R&R plx!!!
1day, some1 new walked down the corrders of HA. She was short, 5' tall, tho her black boots made her look taller. Her ahir was blonde but dyed with dark red-brown 2 blend in better and like camoflash, and she had blue etes with contacts bcus glasses would relflect light 2 much. And she wort a blakc shirt that showed her stomah, bcaus she worked out bertween rading LOTR and HO and of course keeping up on the PPC missions, bcaus she knew that if she wanted 2 be good, she had 2 b lyke DAffyd and JAyCacia and the other famous agents. NEway, she did;t have a lash pathc yet bcause she was going to get it soon, but she wore a skit that was gave her freedom of movement and not slowher down in missions. So she wnet 2 c the MArqwie de Sod.
(OMG cliffie lol!! PLz review, nother chappie coming soon!
Chapter Two! by
on 2008-07-02 23:48:00 UTC
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(AN: Well, I onl got 1 revue 4 the last chappie, but tha's ok!
Ellintirya Lloysinthayr: LOL, don't worry, she's not a Sye. she's totally balanced n stuff, and Sues SUCK! Thx 4 reading!)
Teh recruit walkind in2 teh Marwuis's office an aid, "Hi, I'ma new recruit! I just joined 2day and I'm ready 2 rock!"
But the Marqis said "what are u doing in my office? I didn't know about any new recturi! Who are u?"
Ad she said, "my name is Aurora E. Lorra OMG HOw come ur so mean when i didnt do nethign 2 u?!"
And he said "None of ur bizwax, I bet u want 2 b an asssassin and for the SO right? hahaha" he laughed asdly.
And she said "Well yah, what else is there? xsept Dogga, but they're just cool bcus they get fire."
The Marwis shook like a laef (AN: haha), he was afraid of fire!
Aurora went up 2 him and asid "Aw I'm not gonne hurt u, I don't even like fire either. How come ur so sad and stuff?"
And h e said "sigh, well I guess I can tel u, u seem nice. I... im jealus of the SO! he gets everything, and not me. Hes got all the assassins ans jay and acacisa (even tho shes scary) AND Jaycacia loces him, and ismarried 2 him 2!" and he cried!
And Aurora sad "That is true, but I bet ppl would like u mroe if u werent so mane all the time." she hgged him. "Im not cool liek JAkacia or nething, but I wil help u!
"but how?" sniffed the Marwiq.
"I do knot now, but Iwill think fo sumthing!" said Aurora.
(What wil she do lool? fid nout next time! REVUS PLZ!
tahts so kelw by
on 2008-07-03 00:39:00 UTC
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and im sory i didnt reviw lats chappie i muts hav mist it in teh lits cuz i wuld has othawes and auror (is dat how u spel it) shuld totly b in dpartmetn off pursenel bcuz seh neds 2 b wiht teh markis and plz revew my ficcie bcuz its awsum
Oh hey this is really goof! by
on 2008-07-03 00:23:00 UTC
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Is seh goin to join the mArkeys department (I thikn its called the depratment of personal or somthing) becos thet would be realy cool. also ive herd peopl say yo should have a betta for yor wrightin, do you hav a betta? I dont know what one is but appartmently all good authers hav one.
oooh da markies is sooo sadd! by
on 2008-07-03 02:07:00 UTC
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more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more!
Reveiw by
on 2008-07-02 07:54:00 UTC
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Oooo tihs is intruiging who is she? hse sounds reely prtty but u need 2 be carful or she mite end up a mArySue adn tehn some1 wud hav to kill her adn i dont want tath cuz I wann kno waht happens to her!
Account by
on 2008-07-02 01:35:00 UTC
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Name: Lady Cyskia
*squee* I aklways wanted to be a gret writer an now i can shw al u ppl jus how grat i am!
now i wil b uplording mor chaptres of my story True Luv Neds No 1 ELse ONLY wen u peple give m at lest 30 reviws! Her that? I MUS HAV 30+++ REVIWS OR NO MRE STRY! realy its not dat hrd to prss dat ltle buton is it????? it givs me SOOOO much inspriation 2 her u say u lov it!
[[This is Sedri, by the way. And I hate to admit it, but the first time I posted a story - I was fourteen - I did, in fact, demand thirty reviews, holding the next chapter hostage until I got them... until a very polite adult pointed out that this was impolite, and I was so ashamed that I deleted the entire account. "Lady Cyskia", however, has no such shame...]] -
True Luve Needs No One ELse by
on 2008-07-02 02:29:00 UTC
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Title: True Luve Needs No One ELse
Author Name: Lady Cyskia
Category: PPC
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance/Angst
Summary: agent sedri is all alone and SOO sad! can an old love make it all better?
A/N: Sooo i jus read a missino abut agents sedriand iza and i thot EW thts gross they shuldnt put a slashr in the DMS!poor sedri lst her last prtner and den got stuck wit dis gay LOSER! so heres what RELLY happend!
Angent SEdri sat curled up on a chair in her rc crying. Eeverything was going wrong first she made a mistaake in hr last misson and nerly killed caspian instead of the sue then she wasnt even alowed to cry over his body becase her evil partner iza wascold and nasty and said "we hav a report to write up sedri".
sedri said "i don't want to write reports i just killed caspian and hes so handsomand i love him and he's my LO and you're meeeeeeean!!!!"
but iza dug her ten inch nails in2 sedris arm and draged her away from the body and back to their rc and said "im goin to check what the Flowers say' and the flowers said "iza your evil an sedri dservs better dan you 4 a partner and u are herby BANSHIEED two work in BADSLASHES!!!!@!!!!!@@@@!
and iza stormed off all angry and bitching and swearing da t shed go bak to her ofu (you know de official fanfic universties i know she didnt actully cum from one but jus pretend ok?)
so now sedri hd lost her partner as well as her lovrboy and she wus sad even tho iza was eevil sedri was nice an lked iza nyway.
"WHY MEEEEEE?????!?!?!?!"she cried screaming up at da heavens an hopin de ironicoverpower was NOT listning b/c hed be evil to her if he did (all evil powers r men dont u knowwww????)
so sedri cryed in her r...il da door opned an who shuld be der but "JONATHAN MY OTP!!!!!"
sedri squealed and through hrself at jonathan kssing him and huggin him b/c jonathan washer old partner (a/n you know before that bitch izza??) that shed lost wen da cruel flowers sent him to doga an away from her. jonathan was an ex gary Stu who sedri had rescueed AAAAGES ago and had been a replaacement fro prince caspian an loooked jus like him (a/n i knw ppc agents arnt supposed to save da gary stus but how else culd i make him look like prince C HOOOT!)
"i thought id never see you again!!!!" sqeauled sedri and jonathan huged her and said "i thought id never see you either sed, but da flowers had a chnge of heart and sent me back to you two stay 4eva!"
and sedri kised him and dey set 2 work kilin gary stus and stupid slash agents like iiza.
a/n no one said what sedris last partner was named so i named him!! haha!
hope uliked my story i'm plannin more but i wan AT LAEAST 30 reviews before i post more b/c i need the inspiration pleeeeeeease! -
This awesom. by
on 2008-07-09 23:47:00 UTC
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Da flowrs ar evil ashell specially SO, bot so much Da Clover and Hycinth hehehh. Wrte more plz!!!!!1!
[[OOC: A feminist slasher with no comprehension of what "nearly dead" means.
Ma'am, you have outdone yourself.]] -
sugoi dattebayo by
on 2008-07-03 17:38:00 UTC
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izza was relly meen and its gud taht shes gon and now sedir can b wiht her tru luv 4eva and eva evan tho teh flours r meenies and watn to splet tehm up
Reveiw by
on 2008-07-02 07:52:00 UTC
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OMG taht was soo meen izas not like taht! oK she iz a bit wierd cuz shes form bad slash but she is not mean and crul! u need to get ur facts straiht bef4 u rite stuf ike tihs!
ur wrong izas evil an im n0t cowntin ur review so :ppppppppp (nm by
on 2008-07-03 02:01:00 UTC
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Yay! by
on 2008-07-02 02:36:00 UTC
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Yay! I rlly like ur storu, even tho I thin gay is ok lol! But no1 shulb b mean lik Iza 2 zedri, so I likked this! R U going 2 wirte mor, or is this a 1-shiot? Id lik 2 c mor detail bwtwwn Sedrio and Jonatham if u contienu, ok?
O and u can cuont this revue as 10 if you want 2!! lol
[[OOC: *snort* I like that - "1-shiot" - very nice 'slip'!]] (nm by
on 2008-07-02 04:59:00 UTC
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(( The sad thing... )) by
on 2008-07-02 23:58:00 UTC
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(( The sad thing is that most of the slips really are slips. My recipe for badfic writing is three parts uncorrected typing to one part word replacement with optional grammar on the side. ^_^;
See, Brandy as a character isn't dumb, really. She's lazy and she has a tendency to miss the forest for the trees when it comes to canon, but she COULD improve. She just doesn't want to spend any real time on it.
~Neshomeh )) -
[[OOC: Indeed; I wasn't sure if it was intentional, but by
on 2008-07-03 02:00:00 UTC
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it was very funny. Unfortunately, my recipe for badfic writing is more along the lines of "force yourself not to backspace every time there's an error", with forced mistakes making up about four out of five parts. *sigh*]]
[[OOC: My recipe... by
on 2008-07-03 04:36:00 UTC
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Is to forget that the shift and apostrophe keys exist, and remember how I wrote when I was twelve. (I wrote some really bad stuff when I was twelve, although with better grammar than MoggetsGurl.)]]
[[OOC: I just type really, really, really slowly. by
on 2008-07-03 15:51:00 UTC
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And I have to think about each typo. The problem is, I'm so obsessed with grammar this thing is making me infuriated. I don't know if I can post another chapter. o.o *shivering from lack of breakfast*]]
[[OOC: Ansela's recipe is to by
on 2008-07-03 17:31:00 UTC
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type really slowly and carefully, making sure that she deliberately leaves mistakes that she wouldn't otherwise make. She also has to force herself to leave her usual typos in place and to forget the existence of capital letters and proper punctuation. She has also slipped back into third person in self-defence, as she is horrifying herself with her 'writing'.]]
Something diffferent. by
on 2008-07-02 00:21:00 UTC
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Subatomic Love
PPC Wiki fanfic. Can two hard-working electrons find time for a love-life?
Category: Wiki Projects - Fiction Rated: R - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 551 - Reviews: 0 - Updated: 02-07-08 - Published: 02-07-08 -
Subatomic Love, chapter 2. Now complete. by
on 2008-07-04 02:12:00 UTC
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Chapter Two
Reveiws please!
[[OOC: The Fanfic Land admins would like you to note two things. First, the snazzy drop-down menus for choosing chapters, and second, the 'Directory' link at top right, which gives you a list of all the registered authors. These will both be rolling out across the site in the near future, probably, but for now they're limited to wherever we've put them so far.]] -
[[OOC: I don't want to review this IC... by
on 2008-07-05 01:27:00 UTC
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Because I don't think MoggetsGurl can would willingly click on anything with the word "Subatomic" in it. But, as Tomato, I just wanted to say that this was perhaps the strangest and most intriguing thing I have ever read.]]
on 2008-07-04 01:37:00 UTC
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Reveiw by
on 2008-07-02 07:48:00 UTC
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That was a bit wierd how can elecrtons have love lifes? they dont even tihnk they r just little bits of atomms.
review for 'Subatomic Love,' in the 'name' of k0di369 by
on 2008-07-02 06:17:00 UTC
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aww lyk taht was soo rom4nt1c 1 don usual1y lyk rom4nc3 but7 7ha7 waz lyk beter tahn twilite. maby wehn im a fizzy-cyst lyk i wanna b wehn 1 gr0w upe ill fydn oute taht stuff lyk dat actuallie happns woudlnt tahnt b awesum?
keep writin! dat was relly kool!
psst is it gunna b a 1nshoit? persnly i tink it mite b beter az 1 but 1 bete iff ny1 culd pull of a zecond chappie u culd!!11!!1111
[[OOC: What I never thought would happen happened. Both I and my FanficLand persona agreed on something. I said it didn't make my brain want to commit suicide and it was even almost well-written for a Badfic Game thing, and she said it was the best thing since Ray Bradbury and George Orwell, and that's close enough to agreeing.
[[Yay that.]] -
sugoii desu by
on 2008-07-02 00:30:00 UTC
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that was liek so kawaii and squee. i didnt undrestadn al teh tecnicall wrods or anetihng butt woh culd sicne sceince is so difucult
cerrin trip and anselas luv stroi by
on 2008-07-01 18:29:00 UTC
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hi gaiz this is kawaiiichisgurl4eva and tihs is mai furts stroi eva and i hopez u al liek it bcuz its abut trip and ansela and cerrin and thier luv 4 eahc otha.
kawaiiichisgurl4eva kawaiiichisgurl4eva kawaiiichisgurl4eva kawaiiichisgurl4eva
cerrin skiped hapily dow the coridor of ppC hQ, singoing a cherful chune as she thoought of her wonderfool, strang, brav bf, trippy-chan. she fliped her waste-lenght ruby hair away form her flawles tanzanite (a/n i copyies that from wikepeda coz it sunded sugoi and its a pale blue stone like lilac and looks realy sugoi and kawaii) blue orbs adn similed at a pasing agnet. her bishie trip wuld be wating 4 here in hiz rc, whitch waz totaly rc1 bcuz he was teh best agnet eva, and seh waz teh 2nd bets agnet eva so she has rc#2, butt it wos al teh wai ova at teh ova sied of hQ bcuz teh flours wer mean and didnt want tehm to b 2gethr. shed ben wit trip 4 almots a yer now and tehy luvved eahc otha verie muhc adn trip has even sad taht he watned 2 mary her.
seh wakled in2 trippy-kuns rc to spake to him bcuz seh didnt ned to nok bcuz seh were his gf adn alowed 2 go anywere in his rc but seh herd sunds form teh bedrom so she went ova 2 it 2 se waht tirp was doin bcuz mayb he has a surprez 4 her. seh opined teh dor 2 se waht he were dong and saw tirp lies on teh bet wiht anslea beneth him moaning like 'trip put that thursting rode of manmeet in me' and trip siad 'yeh anseal ur so gud' and tehn ansela and trip scremed and tehn cering scremaed bcuz her trippy-sama was cheting on her wiht her bets frend and seh was sufring form a broked hart.
seh run out of teh rc adn ansel rune atfer her but anlesa waz nekkid so she had to ran awai form lux what was alos in teh coridor and was now a hermadite (a/n you know one of thise tihngs taht has manbits and women bits i firget waht their caled) bcuz of a lap acidant and was rapping evry1 woh seh saw bcuz seh watned to pas on her cruse.
sevral hurs latter cerin cam bakc to her trippy-donos rc whitch now said 'trip and asnelas rc' on teh dore and seh went in2 it wiht a macine gun thingie taht she got from the palce were u get gusn fom (a/n what r thise palces caled agan bcuz i forgot) and seh puled teh triger thingie and bulets wetn everywere and trip aksed 'waht r u doin' and cerin went 'u cheted on mai so i kil u and anslea' and tirp was his by a bulet and so was cerin and ansela.
tehn the dore opined again bcuz sum1 herd teh buletfier adn cam to se waht was gong on and tehy caled medical to cum sotr evrtihng out adn maek evrytihng beter agin.
kawaiiichisgurl4eva kawaiiichisgurl4eva kawaiiichisgurl4eva kawaiiichisgurl4eva
omg isnt this teh best ficcie eva waht wil hapen to cerrine and asnela and trip and wil tehy al be okai and wil they eva sotr out who is trip-kois gf. -
Review by
on 2008-07-02 23:10:00 UTC
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omg that was really good! whats gonna happen! update plz!
cerrin trip and anselas luv stroi chappie 2 by
on 2008-07-02 01:05:00 UTC
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hi agin its kawaiiichisgurl4eva with teh netx instalmet of cerrin, trip and anselas luv stroi but ill replie 2 ppls reveiws furst
xXxkawaiifaerieneko19xXx - im so gald u luved it. ill writ moar as fats as i can, i pormise
WithCanonYouCan - ur a scardy-cat meenie woh cant evan admet woh he is wehn hes flamming ppl. go back 2 ur mumies baesment babie boi.
drrkayngel_hez - thnx 4 stadnin up 4 me. can i borow ur tank so i can cruhs him misefl
XxGrignrsgurlxX - gud 1 u relly told that meenie woh's boss. im ur betset frend 4eva
Ellintiyra Lloysinthayr - im glad ur lieking my stroi unliek taht otha meenie. ill writ lods moar so dont wory abut findnig out waht hapens 2 cerrin and trip and ansela. those wrods u didnt undrestadn where japanase (is taht who u spel it i dunno) but i dont no waht tehy meen i juts thooght tehy sunded coll. yh lux is creppy and i wuldnt want to meat here as wel.
kawaiiichisgurl4eva kawaiiichisgurl4eva kawaiiichisgurl4eva kawaiiichisgurl4eva
ansela groned adn sat up in her bet in the medcal ward thingie (a/n what it caled i cant remeber) were seh was lies. she know this by teh medcal ppl al rond her and runing in and ot of teh rom and teh ohter hrut ppl lyeng on ohter bets al arund teh rome. (a/n btw tihs chappie if folowing anslea if u culdnt allredy gues) ppl were hrut and bleding al ovre the flor and stuf and her shulder hurt and she loked rund to see taht she had a whole in her shulder form were cerring had shotted her the baka teme bitch and cerine was alos lying on a bed nerby and was hrut as wel witch sevred her rite teh murdrer and were was tripe bcuz anseal culdnt see him at al so she asked a nruse 'were is tirp' and teh nures said 'in surgry stile bcuz he was hurt bader tahn u 2' and waled of.
ansela loked at cerrin who loked relly sad and upsat so anseal went to sat on her bed to cher her up bcuz she was her bets frend evan if seh did tri 2 kil her b4 but taht was onyl bcuz she was upest and seh wuldnt have doen it if seh hadnt cought anlesa and tripe 2gehter. seh put her amr arund cerrins shulder and huged here tigth bcuz a hug allwais mad tihngs beter and seh sad 'there theyre tirp wil live he cant die bcuz he luvs boht of us and he onli cheted on u bcuz he new who muhc i neded him as wel as u neded him' and cerrin asked 'what do u men by taht' and anslea wetn 'evan juts a few monmets wiht him is moar presus 2 me tahn a hole palase maed off sliver and goald and platnum and filed wiht expensve jewls liek rubbys and saphires and emralds ans stuf liek taht' and cerin wetn 'oh tahts wierd thats how i fel abut him as wel and i wuld die if he wasnt her wiht me'.
anslea huged her frend to comfrot her and risa and kana (a/n thier ansela and cerins patrners but their not improtant to tihs ficcy i juts ned tehm to tel sumtihng and teh their gun i pormise) wakled in and risa siad 'ur not uor patrners anemoar bcuz we haet u and ur useles and ur boht patrners wiht trip now and were partned wiht each ohter' and tehn kana grabed risa and puled her donw in2 a big kis and ansela and cerine notised taht tehy wherent gurls anemore but insted tehy where guiz and tehy were kising and gropping each ohter in teh midle of teh sick bay tihng and ansela puled a camra out of her bra and yeled 'real life yaoi' ans strated tacking pichures 2 sel to ohter yaoi fans in the ppc and tehn risa notised waht she was dong and grabed risa and disapeered (a/n u now that tihgn taht shingamis can do in bleech and taht risa and kana can do bcuz tehyre shingami as wel) and ansela mooned and put her camra back awai were she puled it forme.
tehn the nruse cam bake in and told tehm 'trip is ding bcuz he was hit in the hert wiht a bulet and if u want to sai gudby 2 him tehn u can but kep it shotr bcuz hes dyeing and he wont liev much logner' and ansela crid and so did cerin and tehy got up and ran to the surgry rom (a/n what is that caled agin) and ran in and none was in tehre exept trip and he relly was dying and tehn ansela sad 'i know a magic spel taht can kep him aliv but tehre is a prize to pai 4 uzing it do u want to pai taht prise' and cering went 'yes i want to what is it'.
kawaiiichisgurl4eva kawaiiichisgurl4eva kawaiiichisgurl4eva kawaiiichisgurl4eva
ha ha its a cliffhanger im making u wait and ill never tel u teh edning unles i get at lest 5 gud reveiws. -
cerrin trip and anselas luv stroi chappie 3 (NWS, NBS) by
on 2008-07-03 17:50:00 UTC
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ohio gozimas its me agin kawaiiichisgurl4eva and i have teh netx bit of mi ficcie i hop ur redy 4 it but furts ill do teh revu replys even tho i onlie gat 4 revews butt tahts okies cuz i luv u al
Hikau Yagami - im not leving it tere i pormise i juts watned to no waht ppl thugth of mi ficcy ill nevre abadnon my reders liek taht and i no ansela wuld sel tohse piccies bcuz shes relly bad and a theif u no
MoggetsGurl - of curse boht ur revews cont bcuz u mad tehm boht aftre i potsed teh 2nd chappie adn im glad u luv my stroi and red moar to se waht hapens netx
brandywine_baby89 - i no lux is wired and im not relly gud at writting zechs bcuz ive nevr trid if b4 butt i dont tihnk i did 2 bad at it do u and tehse agnets belng to sum1 caled sera and asnela (so sehs rely a selfinsret wich maks her a hypcrit) but i dont tihnk tehyl mind me usign tehm
kawaiiichisgurl4eva kawaiiichisgurl4eva kawaiiichisgurl4eva kawaiiichisgurl4eva
trip gapsed as he fetl his lif slipe awai form him and she watned to life so veri muhc bcuz he luved cerrin and ansela lots and he culdnt chose betwin tehm and he watned boht of tehm but tehy wernt shear him bcuz anseal was jeloz and so was cerin (a/n this chappy is form trips veiw duh and ur stuped if u dont fegure taht out allredy) adn so he culd nevre be wiht tehm wihch mad him said and watning 2 dye so he wuldnt has to chose and mak on off tehm sade.
tehn he herd wrods abov him adn eh relised it were anseal and cerine takling and saing sumtihng liek 'leef de phase in tensione Phasen vivo raivu liv' (a/n i got thes form a trasnlaton sihgt so u cant sai thier rong meenies) and he fetl lif cum bake 2 his bode and eh relised taht ansela and cerin were dong a forbided spel to reviv him and taht tehyd chose to boht b wiht him 4eva bcuz teh spele ment taht teh ppl prefroming it were 4eva bund 2 teh pursin tehy where brigning bake 2 lif ans so he wuld has 2 luvly gfs 4 teh rets of his lif and he opined his dep jasper (a/n thats a relly cole brown gem ston u no adn i thught it wuld be kewl 2 has trips eyes this colur but eyes is borring so he had orbs insted) and tolled cerrin and anselsa tihs and they wten 'i no' boht at teh sam tim and he wetn 'okay now has sex wiht me' and cerun went 'no not untul u giv me a weding wrong furst' and ansela went 'i can go fethc 1 now if trip opines a protal 4 me' ans do tripe opined a portal wihtout a potral thingy (a/n what are they caled agin cuz i fogot im suhc a ditz but at lest u no waht i men rithg) bcuz he was teh mots strangest magic usre in al of teh ppc and he didnt ned tecnolgy to do stuf and dosat (a/n what taht stadn 4 anywai) watned to kil him becuz he was beter tahn tehm but tehy where al weklings so tehy faled ans anywai ansela wetn thugh teh protal and cam back with 3 relly fancie loking rigns and seh sad 'this is teh 3 elvish rigns from lord of teh rigns ans it was esy for me teh gratest their in al wrolds to stel tehm form this ugly elfs taht had tehm' and tripe went 'yay' and put on one cerrins finger and on one anseals figner and the lats on one his fignre and sad 'now where al maried and none can sotp us form hasing sex'.
tehn cerin climed on2 teh bed and so dide ansela and ansela looked at his with melted choclate orbs of shinynes and seh puled his cloths of adn hers as wel and seh said 'put tat manmeet in my delcat fodls of womenfelsh' and cerin wetn 'me furst bcuz u had him erler' and ansela wetn 'i ned him now' as she stroced trips saphire hare and tehn trip mutered sum words and he sudenly had two mantihngs (a/n i cant say teh propr wrod bcuz mai paretns r in teh rome rigth now heheheh im so nughty) and he sad 'tehres enuf off me 2 go arund ladyes' and cerrin ans ansela boht wetn 'yay' and swalowed one of his 22-inhc sasuges eahc and tehn hermdite lux cum in ans saw tehm al nekkid and seh stukc her manthing in trip who moned and lieked it but anseal didnt watn 2 shear trip wiht anoter pusrin so seh puled out her knive and stabed lux how scremed and dyed and tehn trip went 'thanks ansela i luv u as much as i luv cerin' and boht girls wetn 'thnx trip we luv u 2' and kised eahc otha bcuz tehy were sekrit lesbans and lieked eahc otha as wel as lieking trip and unnown 2 trip tehy wre planing to trun him in2 a gurl as wel.
kawaiiichisgurl4eva kawaiiichisgurl4eva kawaiiichisgurl4eva kawaiiichisgurl4eva
THE END or is it i dont no bcuz if u watn 2 se moar mayb trip truning in2 a gurl juts tel me and ill writ it as son as i can i pomise.
[[OOC: Cerrin and Trip belong to Serra and are used with permission, although I'm sure she didn't realise exactly how far I would go with them. Ansela belongs to me and is not a self-insert. The only in character thing she did in this whole thing was take pictures of two guys making out. Please, don't ask me to write any more for this for at least another year, which is how long it will take my brain to recover. Please, leave in character reviews to remind me to write more if you wish, so I don't forget, but don't expect it yet.]] -
O hei! by
on 2008-07-03 01:04:00 UTC
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Ok u revued my stort, so now I'll revue urs!
ok id n't know who your agents r, r tey made-ups? Its good i guess, but teh secks and Lux in Chappie 1 was alittle wierd! NE way, I'llkeep reading if u keep writng!
Review by
on 2008-07-02 23:13:00 UTC
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I didnt see there was another chappie now i feel stupid. can my other review count as 1 of the 5 so youll get 5 faster?
omg not another cliffie! stop it! i wanna know what happens! -
Reviwe time!!! by
on 2008-07-02 10:35:00 UTC
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OMG u cant leav it dere! i need ta now what happend!
ansela sould so sel da picz!!! -
Reveiw by
on 2008-07-01 20:37:00 UTC
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Taht twas reealy wow! I fell sorry for Cerin sheb ovbiousaly lovved trip lots and thenhaving tho find hi m cheeting on her would have bee juts awful, i duno wht id do if taht heppened to me.
I tihnk the wepons place is the armoury (dont no if tha's spelled rihgt). nad lux is crepy i hope i neve rmeet her.
Iduno what thos wierdwords liek sugoi ar tho, ar they Japanes? Waht do they mean? they soubd kool tho. -
Just... stop. by
on 2008-07-01 20:01:00 UTC
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Seriously. Just do everyone a favour and stop writing. Your plot sucks, your spelling sucks, your name sucks, and you suck. iF you don't stop writing I'll send my army of minions around to your house, so be warned and STOP.
[[OOC: There's always a flamer or two, right?]] -
Re: Just... stop. by
on 2008-07-01 21:48:00 UTC
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your mean! its fanFICTIN, she can do whatever she want's....... Anyway, youre just jelous because you cant right and u live in ur parents basement!!! An dont have any friends!!!!!
Reply to review by
on 2008-07-01 20:45:00 UTC
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omg u suck flamer ur not even brave enuf 2 use ur on nme
we will crush ur minions with a TANK! a tank made of JUSTICE AND REVENGE AGAINST YOUR ABUSE!!!
anyway u suk 2 i bet ur just jelus!!1 -
Review Reply by
on 2008-07-01 20:19:00 UTC
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wah, ur juts a meenie who does't aprecate mai sugoi writig skilz. im not scarred off ur minons. brign em one!!!1!!
[[OOC: Jen, is that you?]] -
[[OOC: *dies and is dead* You evil person, lol.]] by
on 2008-07-01 19:38:00 UTC
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Omg I luff it! it's so dramatic and I really want to now what happens next! Write mor now!!!!
omg, i cant belive i forget this by
on 2008-07-01 19:10:00 UTC
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[[OOC: This is the info for the fic above]]
Title: cerrin trip and anselas luv stroi
Genre : Romance
Summary: cerrins in luv wiht trip but seh catces trip wiht ansela waht wil hapen
[[Gah, I blame the badness. Excuse me while I go drown myself in bleepka and chocolate while working on the next installment.]] -
Song of the Vampire by
on 2008-07-01 15:28:00 UTC
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Title: Song of the Vampire
Genre: Angst
Summary: Selene's partner died last year. Now shes trying to recover. xover with Twilightt.
A/N Okay so I read this book called Twilite and it had vampires in it. An I was thinking about the PPc and how theres vampires Agents and I thought itd be cool if Selene wasn't a vampire like she is (how doesnt she burn up in the son, anyway?) but a vampire out of tWilight instead and then I herd this song which was reelly aptropriate to the story so I just had to right it!!
My life goes on in endless song
Above Earths lamentations
Selene Morgana Windflower Perdita Lilith X sat in her response centre listening to the music in her mind. It had been a year since her partner Daffyd had been killed and she was still sad.
I hear the real though far off hymn
That hales a new creation
He had been on a mission with his girlfriend Constance and had blown himself up with a ring Selene had given him (A/N is that write?). She had been upset but Constance had left the PPC before the campire could apologise, so she was left alone with her grief.
Through all the tumbles and the strife
I hear its music ringing
Since then Selene hadn't had a partner, and had had to go on missions all alone, because she was being punished for letting her partner die even though she hadn't been there. This meant she was even more sad, and the bonsy Mallorn hated her.
It sounds an echo in my soul
How can I keep from singing
BEEEEEEEEP went the console and Selene pressed the button to make it shut up. She had another mission, and it was a very hard one. She got her bag and opened the portal and stepped through.
When tyrants tremble in their fear
And hear their death bell ringing
On the other side of the portal Middleearth was dark cnd grey. It was raining and Selene was miserable as she walked through the puddles towards Rivendale. She could still hear the music in her mind, though, and that encouraged her and kept her going.
When friends rejoice both far and near
How can I keep from sniging
As the vampire reached the edge of Rivendale she paused on the bridge, looking up. Miraculusly, the clouds seemed to clear over head, and a brilliant ray of sunshine shone down on Selene. She held up her hand in the light and watched the sparkles move over her skin like thousands of glittering diamonds.
In prison cell and dungeon vile
Our thoughts to them ar winging
Standing on the bridge, listening to the music, Selene smiled. Life wasn't so bad after all, she decided, watching her hand. There were worse things that could happen to her, and had in the past. Now that was all behind her. Holding her head high and sparkling like an opal, the vampire Assassin went on with her mission.
When friends by shame are undefined
How can I keep from singing -
ooo thats cool there shuld be more vampries in da ppc! (nm) by
on 2008-07-02 01:17:00 UTC
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What are you, an idiot? by
on 2008-07-01 22:40:00 UTC
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PPC vampires are not the same as some silly teen novel's vampires, moron. I don't know what you thought you were doing, but it made you look really stupid. You can't even spell. I don't know why people like you are allowed to live.
Stop being meen! by
on 2008-07-02 03:51:00 UTC
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Ur just jealous coz shes shuch a good riter, leeve her alone! So wat if PPC vamps r differen? HELLO! It's fanFICTION, stupid!
ur so mean! by
on 2008-07-01 23:11:00 UTC
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ong you shuld shtu up!1!
Re: Song of the Vampire by
on 2008-07-01 21:43:00 UTC
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OMFG! Thats soooo cool! Is she gonna date legoals? pleeeeeze............. XD XD XD
She could still hear the music in her mind, though, and that encouraged her and kept her going.
thats', like, so deep.
[OOC] "bonsy Mallorn" *dies* [/OOC] -
kawaii sprakles by
on 2008-07-01 17:52:00 UTC
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this stroie is so kawaii and sugoi and the bonsy malorn is so hidoi for not leting selene has a nu patrner and maling hre go on misions al alon. i luv teh sprakles. plz writ moar
omg i luvd it by
on 2008-07-01 16:37:00 UTC
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its sooo deep n teh song is awsum n vampires r awsum 2! ur similys r rely professional n stuff!
Reveiw by
on 2008-07-01 15:51:00 UTC
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Awww... I was soo sad when I herd Daffydd was dead. and i wonder how his gf fellt? but yeah everyo1 tihnks Selenes all tuff and doesnt need any1 but she would ahve felt sad to. and the bonsay malorn is juts meen making her go on misions al alone! Im glad she felt beter at the end!
Interesting. by
on 2008-07-01 15:38:00 UTC
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Very pretty Song, though it is not so Tragic as it could be if Sunlight cannot harm her. She does sound Beautiful, though.
[[please read that last as by XxLuminescent-TearsxX]] by
on 2008-07-01 15:39:00 UTC
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((Cannot keep own pseudogoth username straight...))
Oh gods. by
on 2008-07-01 15:22:00 UTC
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Account details:
Username: XxLuminescent-TearsxX
Profile details: I am a Traveler on the Road of Lyfe. From the Ancient Moonlight of Yesteryear, I bring to you the many Musings of One, once Mortal, now a Goddess of the Night...a Vampyre Ascended into the very Pinnacle of Power. Look not directly upon my Face, for the Crystal Tears of an Immortal will haunt your Soul and rise within your Dreams.
Title: Forsaken By The Sun
Genre: Angst/Romance
Summary: Two Vampyres Dwelling Within HQ...can their Love ease the Pain of Eternity?
Chapter One
A/N: No Flames, for our Intrepid Lovers must not be Harmed by Harsh Words. You may give them Praise and good Reviews to raise their Spirits, if you Wish.
She hated Them. The Sues. Their cheer made mockery of her sadness, the way they walked amid the Great pained her, for they could never truly appreciate it as She did. So happy. They were. Yes, so happy, unknowing of the cold anguish that seizes the soul after one has lived age upon age in the Darkness, alone at heart no matter how many forms pass by upon the physical plane, people seeming like insubstantial wisps, for they lived so short a time and cared so little for Her that they could never truly seem real to Her. And so she did the Duty set out for Her, and took the lives of Sues, bitterly hating them. They could see Canon outside of the velvet Darkness of the Night, where She could only ever walk by Midnight, forced to flee each Canon before the Sun could rise and end her Life, if it could truly be called a life when all around her was so meaningless. Their Shallow mockery of Happiness ended as her knife slid whispersoft into their bodies, their blood falling gently all around her like the tears she so bravely fought to keep from spilling.
There was no Sunlight in HQ. No Ending to her life that it might Dawn and catch her unawares. Thus her pearly white skin, of Haunting opalescent sheen, was never Graced by Daylight in one Final Embrace that would light her up Translucent and Ethereal before she would disolve into Mists of Ephemera, her ancient Soul gone Forever. Instead her Raven hair, long and silken and flowing like a River around her slender body, blended with the Night, dark her Hair, dark the worlds around her...dark her Heart. Eyes of Silver like shining precious Crystals shone amid the bleakness, as though She wore bright Stars for eyes and held within them all the Agony and Torment of all that has ever lived.
She wore the Uniform of the PPC, plain and Black, and did not care, for compared to the Sorrow in her Heart, a mere artice of Clothing was as Nothing to Her. And so, lost within her Greif, she was Unseeing of the way others Eyes follwed Her, their Dreams of her and the way Her slender yet voluptuous curves lay within the rough fabric, at once outlines and temptingly covered over by it's dark cover of much of Her body, in a way that seemed to invite any Man to seek to discover the Mysteries hidden yet hinted at by her Clothing.
Yet She dared not engage in Dalliance with them. She was a Vampyre, and her Cold marbleesque Skin would startle them if they were to touch it, expecting the warmth of human flesh. Soft, soft and smooth as silk, yet cold as Stone and unyielding to the touch. Their Blood ran too hot for Her and so She dared not embrace them, lest Temptation overtake her and drive her to tear their lives from them in the Sweet Pain of one final touch in which her Ivory fangs would drain their Life's Essence away and let them sink into the Darkness of Death, encircled by Her fair yet cold arms. She Shunned them therefore in order to let them keep their Lives, blessed by a Mortal span in which they would not outlive their time and leave all that they had Loved behind, as She had.
Alone, always alone. Her father, Her mother, dead, their voices now no more than Echoes in Her memory. Her sisters cruelly stolen, and slain before Her eyes when She had sought to save them. Her friends, long since dead of old age, having so Harshly turned their backs on her when they discovered what She had become. Of all the things to miss, even the loyal hound of the family. It had turned on Her, as all Animals now did, and she had been forced to kill it before the eyes of her Family, revealing strength beyond that of a Mortal, causing them to Forsake her. She missed the Trust and sweetness of mute Creatures, that loved her no more and avoided one they Sensed bore a Life that was not Natural. The first such Creature she recalled had been no more than a goldfish. Merely a fish, when She was but a Child. It had Died, and She had known the Endings of Lives for the first time. All things Die, her Parents had explained to her and She had been afraid, afraid of Her dying, of their Dying, of losing and others. If only it had been True. If only, like the Fish that had been Swimming one day and buried the next, She could have known true Death. Instead She was left behind as as all else faded and all Others died.
She, She who was Ellerianniel Darkrose, Raven Lady of Sorrow...She was alone. Could there ever be any Other who would not Die, would not leave Her? Was there such a One? Far away...or closer than She might imagine?
/\/\/\/\/\/\/<br>A/N: I hope you have enjoyed this Tale so far, I will Update soon and reveal what is to come at that point. If you have liked it, please Review. -
I dunno its kinda poring... by
on 2008-07-04 01:24:00 UTC
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its just descirptoin altho its very prety, right mores o sothing happesn plese
oh taht ix AWRASOME DUde porst mre son! (PMS lol) by
on 2008-07-02 22:46:00 UTC
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i luv hjow deep i tis. meybe ill try somtime..i meen deepe stuf lol dariikan mite b agnsti to smetyme
elerianelel iz kewl1!1@! posr mre!!1!1! -
Vampiers in the PPC! by
on 2008-07-02 10:35:00 UTC
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OMFG taht is such a kewl stroy and i luv ur writng stile - its sooooo gothik 1!!!!1!
ellreniael neds to fin a hawt vampier bishie (or a hawt vampier chick lol)i feel so sory forher cos she is so alon :( -
ooomg that is SO deep! by
on 2008-07-02 01:16:00 UTC
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i just wanna hug her and give er choclates and make it all beter and you amde me CRY!!@!!!
omg luv it by
on 2008-07-01 17:55:00 UTC
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u shuld write moar abut eleranial (is tat how u spel it0 bcuz shes kawaii and neds a bishie bf vampire to kep her conpanie
wow i luvd it by
on 2008-07-01 16:45:00 UTC
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there needs 2 b mor vampyrs in the ppc lol my stories gna be abt vampyrs
Review by
on 2008-07-01 15:46:00 UTC
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OMG that was like sooo deep. Ellerianniel needs to fidn reel love and I hop she does cos that is soooo sad waht shes been throgh!
Under attack‼!11! by
on 2008-07-01 15:15:00 UTC
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Summary: This is my firts stroy Im putting up so plz be nice cos I don't like flames the make me sad!
So yeah I heard about the marcovirus invasion in March and I herad abotu MakesThings being killed by tehm. and I thought tht was reallu really sad cos he was a niec guy and nobody ever payed much attentoin to him. SO I thouht abuot what would have hapened if some1 had saved hime bfore the marcrovirus (whateverthat is) got him.
Chap 1
MakesThings was in his workshop fixingthings as usual and he wasjust working one a Cad when he got a mesage from teh Sonflower Offical. So he wnet to check it. It saidn “there has been a marcaovvirus invasion and you need to makes Tardisses for all of teh Agnets so they will hvae somwher to live cos hQ will be dagnerous”.
So MakesThigs calledn TechnoDann and they began to build Tardisses for every1. Then TechnoDann had to go adn build somwher for teh ohter ppl in the Deppartmnet adn MakesThings was all alone and building the Tardises. He was soo busy working taht he didn;t notice that a marcoviruss was comign towrads him… but soemone els e did.
Tehre was a gunshiot and MakesThigns turned round quiickly. It was an Agetn fromm the Dpeartment of MarySUes (A/N he ciould tell byt the badge she wore I forgot what its caled lol) adn she said tohim “yu need to be mor carful tehy are getin everywhrer”. He juts looked atthe dead macrdovirus and he said nto the Agnet “you saved my life thank you asoo much”. Then he said “what is your naem”? and she said “I amd Melody Windfire Breeze but just cal me Mel and I was a Sue but now Im and Agent for Teh PpC”.
He smile d cos he thouht she was pretty but not liek an real Sue cos she was al dirty (A/N adn Sues dont get dirty) but thehn he looke dbehind her and shoutded “lookout theres another oen”! She turnde round and treid to shot it but it was to close so MakesThinsg grabed a gun of the bench and shot…
A/N: OMG whats goingn to hapen to them? Well plz R&R adn I’ll get the next chapter out quickr cos reveiws make me want to work! -
Chapter 2! by
on 2008-07-02 04:07:00 UTC
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Tahnks for al the lovely reveiws! brandywine_baby89 u guesed rite tehre is sum romance this chappie is for u for guessin!
Teh marcrovirus eploded and Mel loked gratfuly at MakesThings and said “thanku your a raly good shot”. He loked embarasd adn tehn she sed “we need to get ot befor mor of them come and try to kil us”! He was realy scraed of the monstres but he was tryijn to be brave cos Mel didtn look scared (A/N but she was) and he sed “I ned to mak mor Tarddises for every1 cos they need to have somwhere to liv”.
Mel noded and sed “ill help u but we ned to be somwher safe or well be kiled” and then she took out a portall-maker thing (A/N does ne1 no what tehy r caled?) and opend a portl to teh PPc city and sed “we cn make tehm here adn taek them to the agetns”.
MakesThigns sed “tahst a gud idea” aadn he wetn throuh the prtal and into the city and Mel folowed him. Teh ppl form his dpeartment like TechnoDan and Tess adn ppl from othe places came adn helpd them buidl mor Tardisses adn took ethme to teh agens who wer stuck instorys.
Mel adn makesThings stayed together in the city and got to be very clos. And thye fel in love adn desided that they watned to live to gether forever. Mel sed “I will aks the sO if I cn mov departmnets so I can b with u cos i love u so much”. MkaesThings sed “but wahts bout yor job u lov ur work”? Mel sed “I no but I wuld rathr b wiht u and I can help u better tihs way”. Then MakesThings kissd her and hedl her and sed “I love u soo much Mel” adn she hold him and sed “I love you too”.
Juts then they got a mesage form the Subrosa (A/N I think thahts how u spel it) sayin taht MarySues ahd got into HQ! adn everyon had 2 come bakc adn help fihgt them. They were worreid cos tehy thougt it woudl be very danegrous. Mel sed “I hav togo its my duty” adn then Makesthings sed “I will com too and help I don't want u to go alon”. She sed “ok but pleas be carful u r not traind like me” and he replyed “i will i love u”.
He opend a portan adn they wnet throuh into HQ ready to fighty the MarySues…
Hehehe cliffie agen! If u r nyc and giv gud reveiws u get a new chappie quicker! -
Chapter 3£! by
on 2008-07-03 21:23:00 UTC
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Tahnks for teh nyc reveiws event ho I olny got a few! Last chappie!
Mel adn MakesThings stepped into Hq adn saw som Mary|sues so tehy drew thier guns and started fireing at them. Tehy killed lots and ltos of tehm until tehy got back to wehere Makesthings worked and tehn he lookd arond at teh mess and was so sad becos he alwys loked aftre his stuf adn now it was al mesy. Mel put her hadn on his sholder adn siad “we will make it al beter agen adn u can do yuor work agan I wil help you” adn tehn he said “I knwo but it stil maks me sad to see it al liek tihs”.
Tehn threr was a siounf liek an arow beinf fireed adn Mel tunred round and saw a mraysue stadning in teh dorway who sad “ha ha ha yuo canot win aginst us we will win! wy not join us yuo ar one of us”? Mel lookd ruond and saaw MakesThings lying on teh floor wiht an arrow in his bakc he looked ded! She screamd “NOOOOOOOOOO”! adn shot the MraySue in teh hed. “I wil never be one of u bicth I love him”!
She fel to her knees and huged Makesthings who was stil alive but dyign. He loked up at her adn sed “Mel I love u pleae dont foregt me…” She cryed adn sed “no you catn be I love yuo u cant die”! then she remeberd her old powres form wen she was a Marysue she cuold save poeples lives wiht her power but she stoped usin tehm wen she came to teh PpC cos they wernt alowed.
But tihs was a speceial situation she thouht, the man she loved was dyin teh Flowres cuoldnt get agnry wiht her for savin him. she cloesd her eys adn fetl the power flow trough hre. Makesthigns opend his eys adn sed “Mel yuo saved me agan” dn tehn he kissd her and hedl her and they wer hapy.
Tehn Technodan caem in adn sid “teh marySus r al ded we can get bakc to work now” adn they wer al hapy. Tehn Mel adn MakesThings wnet to teh Flowers and sed “we watn to get maried” adn teh flowers sed “ok” adn then they wer maried adn lived in teh PPC for ever adn fixed al the Agnets stuf adn were realy realy hapy.
Teh END! -
YAY!! by
on 2008-07-04 01:18:00 UTC
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thiis is a goood story im stoo hjappy theres a few good righters here an you are one of themm!!1! I
omg thier gong 2 figth tehh marrysus!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!! by
on 2008-07-03 00:36:00 UTC
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tahts so cole and i now taht mel and makstihngs wil kil moar sues tahn anie otha agnet acept jacasia bcuz tehyr awsum liek tahe and plz writ moar bcuz i watn 2 red it and plz reviw my ficcie bcuz its awsum and kewl liek tihs 1
[[OOC: Ansela is scaring herself now. She is finding it easier and easier to write in the above manner with each in character review that she writes. She is also wondering why she is talking about herself in the third person]] -
coooliees! by
on 2008-07-03 01:57:00 UTC
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fightin an killin and mel kikcs @$$$$$$$!!!!!!!
[[OOC: Sedri is also scaring herself, and understands Ansela's need to write in third person as Sedri believes it is a form of protection for the abused, grammer-loving brains of all involved Borders.]] -
Yay! by
on 2008-07-03 00:13:00 UTC
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Oooh, I guessed it, go me! lol I'm glad makes0things finds som lov, ppl are so mane 2 him
Review by
on 2008-07-02 01:53:00 UTC
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OMG u ROCL 4 wirting this story!!! I waz so mad hwne makes0things died, I almost cried! Do I c romace in the future? lol WRite more soon!
YOU SAFED HIM! *huggleshugglesyayasqueee!* by
on 2008-07-02 01:13:00 UTC
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you safed him you safed him YAAAAAY!!!!
but you cant end it there i needt o know more what will happen noooooooooooow???? -
[[Oops, forgot...] by
on 2008-07-01 20:58:00 UTC
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Category: Action
Rating: PG -
iie u cant do taht by
on 2008-07-01 18:00:00 UTC
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u cant make it a clifhanger how culd u i want to fidn out waht hapens to makes tihngs and mel and thier sugoi luv 4 eahc otha
ZOMG Cliffhanger!!!!11!!! by
on 2008-07-01 15:37:00 UTC
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OMG, that's sooo good! I cant wate to find out wat hapens! Mel sounds so cool an im so glad she saved Make Things!
My profile by
on 2008-07-01 13:50:00 UTC
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hi i'm kawaiiichisgurl4eva. god 2 c u al
omg tihs palce is so sugoii. i can't wiat to writ sum god ficcies abut my fave ppc agnets ansela and trip. im a gud writr relly, just i has sum truble wit speling, which isnt relly as improtant as sum ppl sez it iz.
r&r my sugoii stroies and ill do the same to u for deffs. -
[[OOC]] A few questions? by
on 2008-07-01 13:54:00 UTC
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1.) Are we allowed to use other Boarder's Agents if we ask them for permission?
2) How explicit are we allowed to go? I'm thinking of using phrases worthy of Weeping Cock, but I remember that there are 13 year olds populating the boards who might not appreciate it. -
[[OOC]] Nitpickyness by
on 2008-07-02 05:59:00 UTC
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Actually, at least a 12-year-old. Two if you count the psychotic version of me that is my FanFicLand account.. but she doesn't count. She can't even count, after all.
That's about it... I just like nitpicking. I shall go back to attempting to get back into the habit of using l33t.
I'd say you could take the four Agents I'd like to write and with my blessing - someone gave them bungee jackets and they're bouncing around off my cranium, and it hurts - but since I haven't permission, I've to wait until next year.
C -
[[OOC]] A few answers. by
on 2008-07-01 14:19:00 UTC
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1/ Badfic writers don't usually ask permission. :P So far, we've not had any problems with people not wanting their Agents used. Off the top of my head, the only Agents with rules about them are Laburnum's pair who aren't really Laburnum's and who she has to get permission to use. I'd hold off on using them, but other than that -- you're a badfic author!
2/ I think we have a couple of stories classed as NC-17 on there... yes, there's Surprises at Twelve, although that never got to the NC-17 bit. I think the most explicit story to date was Elvin Passions, so you might want to use that as a guide. The aim of the game is to entertain rather than sicken, so.
hS -
I get to write again! Hee! by
on 2008-07-01 13:49:00 UTC
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Title: Childhood Crush
Author: VegetaFangurl4Eva! (OOC: I already have an account at Fanfic Land)
Summary: One day Jason wonders the hall and wonders why nobodie sees him. Thn he meats some1 who does. Georgia/Jason
One day Jason was bored and lonely in the nursery. All the ladies in charge (LOL! I can't remember the right word 4 them!) were bsy qith other kids and wrn't paying attention to him so he was sad. "It's not fair" he said "Mummy hasn't visited me in ages and no one plays with me cuz Im wierd." Coz, you see though Jason was very handsome for his age and kind to evryone he met none of the other kids would be his friend because he was from a fanfic from a fandom no1 had heard of and he kept fading into wallz.
"This is stuupid." Jason said. "Im going to go find some1 to be my frend." So he left the nursey, all the adults being to busy to pay attention to him and wondereded about in hq. All the agents passed him by, one person tripped over him. No1 could see him and that made Jason cry. "Why wont anyone be my friend? am i doomed to never know tru wuv?"
"Aw don't cry." Jason looked up to see a girl agent with beautiful curly red hair, emerald green eyes and clear skin (i no Georgia has freckles but i dont like freckles so in my story she doesn't have them) leaning over him. Thogh she was only a little older than him she had a firgure like an hourglass and was more beautiful than Luthien.
"Who r u?" Jason asked, blushing fiercly. "Can u see me?"
"I'm Georgia Branch and of course I can see you, genki-chan."
"How can u see me? And wot does genki-chan mean?"
"I can see you coz I have super agents powerz and genki-chan means really cute person." Georgia said, finally bringing in words other htan dialogue.
Jason smiled, happy that someone thought he was cute. "I'm Jason. Wanna get married?"
"Okay, Jason-chan," Georgia said "Ai shiteru"
And they lived happily ever after until July Flame and Kumori Tenki tracked them down, banged their heads together a few times and sent them to Medical for a few months. -
Reviwe time!!! by
on 2008-07-02 10:32:00 UTC
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OMG tht wax soooo men of JF n KT to do tht! but dis storie was sooo kawaiiii!1 (hee! I leik that word!)
rite a seuql! -
zomg! by
on 2008-07-01 23:10:00 UTC
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itz so toucin i lorved it!!!1!!
aw, kawaii by
on 2008-07-01 18:04:00 UTC
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it was so meen of thoes nursry ppl 2 ignoer jasin liek taht and its good taht gorgia is wiht him noa. july falme and kumiro r juts jeloz bcuz no oen luvs tehm like jasin luvs gorgie
OH poor Jasen! by
on 2008-07-01 14:27:00 UTC
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Its not fair how nobody likes him and I kno what that's like. Ar you going to wright more about tehm?
Heehee! Well... by
on 2008-07-01 14:52:00 UTC
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Welll that ending wass bery sad so i was thikning mayb georgia and Jason could sneak away from Med 2gether and... Well I don't want 2 spiol u! LOL!
Reveiw for Childhood Crush by
on 2008-07-01 14:13:00 UTC
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Aww, this wa a nice stroy andi felt soo soory for Jason, just cos he was differnet all the other kids liekd him. Im gladm Georgia could se him and was nice to him.
I don't like the eedning very mich though it made me sad. whay would tthos eother ppl be so meen to them?
Other than that nit was a great stroy and you shuld deffo rite more soon!!1! -
I love this place. by
on 2008-07-01 13:19:00 UTC
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I'm xXxkawaiifaerieneko19xXx!! I'll write as much badfic as I can.
My profile!!! by
on 2008-07-01 13:16:00 UTC
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SOMG, my profiel is like totallymessed up still! WTHeck is up with teh HTML?! Srlsy, its been lyk that for YEARS, I woulda thoughs someone fiexed it by now!! Just cuz I have;t written nething doest'n mean u can ignore me!!! Ill show you!
Oh, and I'm totally 17 now, plz k thx by!
(( This has been a message from Neshomeh's fangirl alter ego, for those who don't know. )) -
My Agent! by
on 2008-07-02 00:16:00 UTC
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so lyike I wnet out and made a doll of Aurora 4 my profile lol! Sorry to bother u. Ill write sumthing soon, primsie!!
And the enthusiast strikes again... by
on 2008-07-01 11:31:00 UTC
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Account details:
Username: Ellintiyra Lloysinthayr
Profile: I'm 19 and I luv the PPC like loads! I red all the storys like Jay na Acacia's ones and teh ones with Daffydd in cuz there's lots of them nad they do all kind s of kool stuff and can swordfigth and thigns like that (I wish I ciuld swordfight....*sighj*).
Anywaay yeah I might not rite much but I read loads so I'l reviwe othr ppl's storys lots. If I wrte anythig pleas reveiw and i'lk deffo do nthe same for you! ALl my freinds say I'm a rlly good writuer when I do stuff so Im ight put some stuff up here.
(Is this ok? If it needs fiddling with just let me know.) -
[[OOC: It's fine]] by
on 2008-07-01 11:37:00 UTC
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Considering gutsygem's profile looks like <a href="http://www.freewebs.com/fanficland/Author13.htm">this (with, as I recall, deliberately messed-up HTML), I don't think anyone's going to format anything I can't manage... welcome to the site.
hS -
A Sunflower's Tears, chapter 4. by
on 2008-07-01 11:05:00 UTC
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A/N: Sorry its been so long since the last chapter! Also, i've changed my name -- I'm now JayBird, not Huinesoren. Write it down in your diaries!!!
Acacia pulled out her bow and shot the SO in the head!!!!! But a pink and purple glow appeared around Jaycacia and the arrow stopped in mid air, with sparks flying up and down it. "I can't let you do that, mother," the young girl said, standing her ground in front of Acacia.
The Assassin snarled a snarl of purest rage. "You think you can defy me?!?!" she bellowed, ignoring Jay, who let out a squeak and tried to burrow under the SO's desk. "I have more power than you can possibly imagine, little girl." She unstrung her bow (A/N can you do that??) and held the wooden bit up in her hand. "You think this is a bow?" she demanded. "I suppose you imagined I trained to achieve my perfect aim?"
"I never really thought about it," Jaycacia said blandly. "But whatever it is, you may not use it to harm my mother -- or the SO."
"Who's going to stop me?" Acacia demanded. "You? You, little girl with no clothes? No weapons? You have nothing." She pointed the bow at her daughter and sighted along it.
Jaycacia did not even look embarrassed. "I don't need clothes to stand up to you," she said in a strong voice, "nor weapons. I have power."
"AND SO DO I!" Acacia shouted. From the tip of the bow a bolt of black light shot out, crossing the room in a flash and tearing into Jaycacia's chest.
Noooooooooooo! The SO exclaimed. Jaycacia, no!
Acacia Byrd turned, smiling cruelly. "Youre next, flower," she said, and sighted along her bow.
"No, don't tell me."
Acacia blinked, stopping at the foot of Jay's bed. "You're awake? I thought you were asleep!"
"I've been watching the calendar," Jay replied, sitting up and opening her eyes. "I knew you'd be along soon, Acy. Jaycacia again?"
"You're taking all the fun out of this," Acacia complained, holding up a sheet of paper. "And you're not even in this chapter."
"New chapter rather than new story?" Jay asked. Acacia nodded. "That's a new one for her. Who was the author, again?"
"Someone named Huinesoron," Acacia supplied. "Or at least, she was called that... she changed her name."
"Oh?" Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, Jay rubbed her eyes to clear them. "What to?"
"You'll see when you read it," Acacia promised. "But first... coffee?" -
A Sunflower's Tears, chapter5. by
on 2008-07-03 01:00:00 UTC
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As Acacia aimed her wand at the SO, Jay turned away from the desk and threw herself on top of Jaycacia with a sob. "Oh my beautiful darling daughter," she cried, kissing her face and lips. "I only just got you back and now you're dead!! You can't be dead, Jaycacia! I love you!" She pressed her hands to the beautiful girls' chest, feeling an intense heat from where Acacia's bolt had hit. Acacia, meanwhile, was looking on with a sneer.
"As if that means anything," she said cruelly. "I thought I loved you once, before you betrayed me. Oh, yes," she went on, "you're the reason I turned to evil - your cheating on me with Sean and Lux. But I'll never turn back, never! I'm happy to be evil!" And she laughed an evil laugh.
Turning, Jay glared at her through tear-stained eyes, clutching Jaycacia's body to her. "You don't deserve love," she said, her voice breaking. "But Jaycacia did, and now she's dead!"
And we did love her, the Sunflower Official said, his tendrils wrapping around Jay. We two, we loved her dearly. And you took her away from us. Supported by him, Jay bowed her head over Jaycacia's still form. Crystal tears slid from her eyes, splashing down onto the black stain between her breasts.
"Oh, shut up already," Acacia snapped, swinging the wand round. "That girl was a complete slut. She never loved either of you, she just used you. She deserves to be dead -- you all do!"
"But they will not be," a voice said, "not today." Ignoring Jay's astonished exclamation, Jaycacia sat up. "You may have power, but I have more, because I have known love, and you... you never have." Screaming, Acacia fired her want, but Jaycacia caught the black fire in her hand effortlessly. "Not this time, mother," she said sadly. "This time you'll lose -- permanently." The captured energy reformed itself into an ebon sword, which Jaycacia, leaping to her feet, swung at Acacia.
"Sean? And Lux??
Acacia shrugged. "It could be worse."
Jay stared at her. "She's got me sleeping with Sean and Lux, how could it be worse?"
Acacia raised an eyebrow. "She could have you sleeping with the SO and a Mary-Sue?" she suggested. Jay glowered.
"That's not the same. I mean, this is Sean. And-"
"And Lux, yes." Acacia shook her head. "I'm amazed that's the first thing you find objectionable about that... thing, Jay."
Jay shrugged. "The rest of it's just funny, Acy. But that... ugh. Can you imagine what Lux would say?"
"... yes. In great detail." Acacia shuddered. "Never tell her about this story."
"Agreed," Jay said fervently, and sipped her coffee before turning the page. -
Chapter 6 AND ITS DONN!!! by
on 2008-07-04 17:35:00 UTC
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The black blade struck the evil Assassin full on the chest. Acacia stared down at it for a stunned moment, and then exploded into a vortex of dark fire. For a moment it seemed about to consume them all, but Jaycacia concentrated and a pink-purple glow surrounded it, containing it... but not enough. "Help me!" she cried out. "Mother, husband -- help me!"
Struggling to stand against the howling wind that filled the office, Jay clutched at her daughter's hand. "What can we do?" she cried.
"I told you!" Jaycacia replied. "The power... of love!"
Jay blinked uncertainly. "I do love you..." she said.
"That's not... enough," Jaycacia said, the strain showing on her face. "Have... to show--!"
I understand, the SO said, his tendrils already winding their way up Jaycacia's bare legs. Jay, I will show her down here. You must kiss her -- now! He wrapped a spare frond around Jay, pulling her close to Jaycacia's nude form. The older Assassin's hands pressed against her daughter's bosom as she kissed her hard on the mouth, feeling the younger girl responding eagerly. As her hands explored Jaycacia's body, the brilliant light started to overcome the darkness that had once been Acacia.
"More!" Jaycacia screamed. "I must have more!"
Gladly! the SO cried, plunging his tendrils--
Jay put the sheaf of paper down. "Does it get any better?" she asked.
Acacia peered across the table, trying to read the upside-down story. "Not really," she said. "You're nearly at the end, though."
"Yah-huh." The former Assassin glanced further down the page.
Bucking beneath her lovers' ministrations, Jaycacia felt the metal of the SO's desk, cold beneath her sweaty back. She gasped repeatedly as Jay's tongue--
"I don't want to read this!"
"Just skip to the end," Acacia recommended.
The trio lay upon the soft carpet--
"Carpet? Since when did the SO have a carpet?"
"Just. Read."
--upon the soft carpet, breathing heavily. The SO's tendrils were still tangled around the two women, touching and stroking their sensitive spots slowly. Is she gone forever? he asked quietly.
"I think so," Jaycacia replied in a murmur. "By your love for me, you have brought peace and safety to the PPC at last."
I am glad, the Sunflower said. And I am glad... to have you back.
"I'm glad to be back," Jaycacia said with a smile, and glanced across at her mother, sleeping soundly. "Do you want me to go back to my Response Centre now, my love?"
Hmm... perhaps not, the SO said. I've just realised that I'm in need of... let me see... a pair of assistants here in my office.
Jaycacia Thornbyrd smiled. "An excellent idea," she murmured, and fell into a deep sleep.
"... what, that's it?" Jay asked.
Acacia shrugged. "That's the end, apparently," she said. "The story's marked as 'complete', so."
"But she's still alive!" Jay protested. "Acacia, why's she still alive?"
"Because she's a Mary-Sue, Jay," Acacia said calmly. "Who did you think was going to kill her?"
"Well," Jay began, "we--"
"No," Acacia said firmly. "We're not going back again. No."
Jay raised an eyebrow at her former partner, then lifted her mug and drained the last of her coffee. "All right," she agreed. "I suppose this means there'll be another story from her next year?"
"Quite likely," Acacia concurred. "Want me to bring it to you?"
"Could you wait until daylight next time?" Jay asked plaintively. "Some of us have work in the morning."
"We'll see," Acacia replied, and grinned. -
Yaaaay! by
on 2008-07-05 16:40:00 UTC
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U finished it!!!! U r so awsome! I hpe my stroy iz half asgod as this1 when Im done llol! U shuld write 4 the ral PPC.
(( And that's it for Brandy this year. My brain can't take it anymore. )) -
yay tahst awsum by
on 2008-07-03 17:34:00 UTC
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teh evil acasia wil nevre trumph ova teh powre off jacasia and jaycasia wil defet teh bithc and safe teh so form her and waht was wiht taht bite at teh edn bcuz jay and acasia semed relly ot off chacter tere adn it where wired evan 4 teh ppc
Reveiw by
on 2008-07-03 04:41:00 UTC
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Wow Jaycacia is sooo togh i thot she was dead! U should kill Acaica rite now!
Adn wy is tehre al taht wierd stuf at teh edn wiht Jay adn Acaica they arnet in cahracter tehre? -
Reply to review. by
on 2008-07-03 16:59:00 UTC
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Thankx for revuwing! And i dont' kno whats up wit all that stugg at the edn! I didn wright it! I tHink fanficland iz sneeking it in tehre or somthing.
Squee! by
on 2008-07-02 02:26:00 UTC
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OOOOh, I have;t repilied 2 1 of ur stories in a long time lol! This is still rlly rlly good, us hould finish it! Dud I ever tell u that Jaycasia is awsum, bcuz she IS! And don't kill theSO!!!! that would SUCK! Evn if he IS meen sumtimz!
Oooo no fair that EVIl acacia !!!! by
on 2008-07-02 01:09:00 UTC
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tat pink and pruple glow is SO cool!
(- Sedri, who finds herself taking four times longer to type WITH errors than without them... *wince*) -
[[OOC: I know what you mean.]] (nm) by
on 2008-07-02 01:20:00 UTC
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[[OOC: Indeed. It's hard to be consistantly bad.]] (nm) by
on 2008-07-02 01:40:00 UTC
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[[OOC: same here.]] by
on 2008-07-02 22:53:00 UTC
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[[I kept on spelling words correctly and pretty much had to kill my brain a few times to make it all work.]]
yays by
on 2008-07-01 13:58:00 UTC
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tihs is so awsum. plz writ mor. acasia (is that how u spel it9 neds to die so bad. kik her but jaycasia!!!!!!!!!!1elevntyone!
That was awwesome. by
on 2008-07-01 12:58:00 UTC
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You write aa lot of good stuf for the PPC, I read siome of your other work. I think ytour Jaycacia serie s is the best of what you'v written. Shes realy pretty and talentd nad stuff and Acaica is just eeeeeeeeeevil!!11! I thouht she wasnt't verery nice back on the originnal series either cos she was scarin MakesThings and stuff.
Pleas werite more soon, I wanna kno if Jaycacia's gonna be ok! -
Re: A Sunflower's Tears, chapter 4 by
on 2008-07-01 12:22:00 UTC
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omg taht was so deep n stuf. i think jaycacia is a bit preppy (lol!) but aprt frm taht it waz relly gd
Yay! I've always wanted to do this! by
on 2008-07-01 10:56:00 UTC
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A'right, I'd better create an account.
Username: drrkayngelhez
Profile: Hi, im relly deep and goffik and i hate preps coz they r lyk soooooooooo stoopid. cheerleading sux.
im a half vampire so i have long raven blak hair and pointed teeth so i can kill all preps!!!1
so tahts all u need to no about me bye-bye
92% of the teenage population would die if Abercrombie and Fitch said it wasn't cool to breathe anymore. Post this on your profile if you areone of the 8% who would be laughing their heads off. -lol yes!!
(Lynxihez's note -not part of profile: Is this okay? I love taking the piss out of people like this, so I needed to parody it. If I need to edit the format on here or anything, please tell me and I'll change it.) -
[[OOC: That's absolutely fine. Posting it now]] (nm) by
on 2008-07-01 11:06:00 UTC
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[[OOC additional note]] by
on 2008-07-01 10:42:00 UTC
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Knew I'd forget something. If any of you who were in the last two games want to edit your profiles for this one, just follow the same proceedure as for making a new one, with maybe an OOC note that it's an edit, and all will be shiny.
hS, editing his own right now
Non-Mission Interlude-y Bit. by
on 2008-07-01 20:36:00 UTC
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Tying up loose ends and bridging the gap for future work (e.g. the Party, and possibly a Vacation snippet).
Drinking Game by
on 2008-07-02 01:44:00 UTC
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Every time somebody jumps out of a third story window and explains that they'll be fine by mentioning that they're from Nerima, take a shot.
Every time somebody uses the power of true "luv," take a shot.
Actually, just take a shot whenever love is spelled luv.
Every time a Middle Earth elf gets mistaken for a Discworld elf (or vice versa), take a shot.
Every time chatspeak is used in dialogue, take a shot.
Every time there's an author's note someplace other than the very beginning or the very end, take a shot. -
Take a shot.... by
on 2008-07-09 07:03:00 UTC
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...Every time you start reading a badfic in general. You're going to need it.
Every time you get past five paragraphs. You're /really/ going to need it.
Take Seven shots if you finish a badfic. You're going to want to forget this in the morning, and the hangover is infinitely preferable to the memory of Badfic.
|D *is so obviously not clever dear god someone make Le Jai just shut up already* -
For the first one... by
on 2008-07-02 12:06:00 UTC
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It's been a while since I read the Ranma 1/2 manga but if they're really from Nerima, isn't that a legitimate explanation? I mean, I know that in theory not everyone in nerima has super martial art powers but you couldn't be blamed for thinking otherwise...
I should have been clearer. by
on 2008-07-02 14:04:00 UTC
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I meant for fics which are not primarily Ranma 1/2 fanfiction.
Like, if a Star Wars character explains that they're from Nerima, rather than the much more likely explanation of being force sensitive.
Or if a brand new digidestined Sue claims to be from Nerima. -
Yup! by
on 2008-07-02 11:21:00 UTC
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Every time you find someone involved in a new (Or previously unknown) prophocy to defeat the Big Bad,take a shot.
Every time a Sue goes after one of the Big Lusts (Legolas, Jack Sparrow, etc), take a shot.
Every time you find a 'Sue with crystal eyes (Emerald, Sapphire, Diamond, etc, take a shot.
Every time the Author begs everyone to stop flaming, take a shot.
Every time the Author says they're gonna ignore flames from now on, take a shot every time they mention a flame.
Every time a reviewer reads a story and says 'omg i is sooo gud!!!1 plez updt sun!!11 drico i so kawai1!' or similar to that, take a shot.
Every time someone falls through a Tv / Book / Gaming Unit into the world, take a shot.
Ok, who's next? -
I got some. by
on 2008-07-02 11:28:00 UTC
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Every time a Sue has a Cute and Mythical Animal Friend, take a shot.
Every time an Author holds their story hostage, take as shot for every review they want.
Every time an Author (or a Sue) mentions Twilight, take a shot.
Every time a Sue is described as 'tanned pale' or something like that, take a shot. -
You mean this for the Badfic Game, or just in general? (nm) by
on 2008-07-02 02:31:00 UTC
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If I did this for the Badfic Game... by
on 2008-07-03 00:42:00 UTC
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then I would get drunk just off my own (kawaiiichisgurl4eva) 'fic' using 2, 5 and 6 alone. I'm scaring myself with how often I do all of those things.
Just in general. Can anybody think of other good ones? (nm) by
on 2008-07-02 03:00:00 UTC
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- And another mission! by on 2008-07-02 06:01:00 UTC Link to this
A huge favour to ask of anyone... by
on 2008-07-02 12:27:00 UTC
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For roughly two years now, I've been planning a story, well, specifically, a fanfic. The problem is, it's a crossover. And I'm not meaning one or two fandoms, I'm meaning several. The list is as follows:
Kingdom Hearts
Final Fantasy
Legend of Zelda
Harry Potter
High School Musical
Tamora Pierce Tortallan Universe
Tamora Pierce Emelan Universe
City of Heroes
I know, it's a very long list, but hopefully, it'll make sense. In a short question, I just want to know, since we have the pinnacle of Fanfic Writers here, with people saying what should and shouldn't be allowed, is the following plot feasible:
Name: Worlds Apart
Set after Kingdom Hearts, Worlds Apart is the follow-up to Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. The main plot behind Kingdom Hearts is the invasion of evil creatures called Heartless, which are born out of the darkness in people's heart. When they are created, they then go after the Hearts of Worlds. Once they've found a World's Heart, that World disappears, its inhabitants taken by the darkness and only those with very strong Hearts can make it to other worlds.
In Worlds Apart, it turns out the original invasion was just a preliminary wave, which required only the power of the Keyblade, a mythical weapon which can kill Heartless and lock the World Hearts, to turn back. The 12 Gods of the Universe decide it is time to bring forward their own main line of defense; the Crest Holders (Original idea is from Digimon)
Essentially, each of the Crest Holders represents one, pure personality trait of the human psyche. And along with being the Crest Holder of whichever trait they represent, Courage, Friendship, Love, etc, they also gain special weapons which are also capable of killing the Heartless. Since King Mickey and Sora closed and sealed off Kingdom Hearts in the first game, only the power of the Crest Holders is capable of bringing it back, by use of the World Savers on the five, primary worlds, which were the first five worlds to be created in that Universe. The Primary Worlds are the Pokemon World, Digimon World, Hyrule, Spira and the Destiny Islands.
Now, originally, only 9 Crest Holders are Awakened through use of special trials. After realising they need further power to activate the World Savers, the Gods awaken a further 9, lesser Crest Holders.
And here's the parts I'm on shaky ground on, the worlds the Crest Holders venture to. In Kingdom Hearts, Sora, the main character, was capable of journeying to different worlds, such as Agrabah (Aladdin) or Neverland (Peter Pan). The worlds I've picked, however, are Hogwarts, East High, Emelan, Paragon City, Tortall and Naruto's world.
In Hogwarts, set during the seventh book, the Crest Holders stumble upon Harry, Hermione and Ron, who are in the wilds. Since they're new to their powers, nothing can really happen. After convincing the Golden Trio that they are also young wizards / witches on the run, the Crest Holders join Harry and the other two long enough to help find one of the other Horcruxes, which Harry destroys.
It's then that they come up with the plan to attain the other Horcruxes within Hogwarts, following the plot of HP7. One by one, the Crest Holders allow themselves to be captured, and are sent to Hogwarts. Due to their magical natures, they can see the castle, while their weapons are transformed into wands for the duration of their stay on the world.
When Harry eventually makes his way to Hogwarts, the Crest Holders take part in the Battle of Hogwarts, but primarily deal with the Dementors, who it seems can actually be vanquished by the powers of pure, good human emotions. They do not help Harry kill Voldemort, nor do they resurrect him, or try and convince him to go into the forest. They're too busy dealing with the Dementors. Plot follows the same line as HP7, with the Light winning, the near-total elmination of the Dementors and the Hogwarts Keyhole being sealed.
That's all I'll post for now. I just wanna know if that would get a thumbs up from the PPC, or a thumbs down. You cna ignore this, or give one word answers, but any help would be appreciated.
Oh, and the Crest Holders are as follows:
Crest Holder of Courage) Link, from Legend of Zelda
Crest Holder of Friendship) Sam, OC from the Pokemon World
Crest Holder of Love)Kairi, from Kingdom Hearts
Crest Holder of Power) Sora, from Kingdom Hearts
Crest Holder of Knowledge) Zelda, from Legend of Zelda
Crest Holder of Sincerity) Mai, OC from Charmed
Crest Holder of Determination) Tidus, from FFX
Crest Holder of Hope) Matt, OC from Charmed
Crest Holder of Kindness) Yuna, from FFX
Crest Holder of Trust) Nick, OC from the Pokemon World
Should be noted that all the OCs are my own characters. If anyone wants a character profile, or an example of what the character acts like, gimma a holler.
Anywho, this is only the first part of the story. Again, ignore this if you want, I just don't wanna step on the PPC's toes, and stick to the plots as much as I can. -
Crossover? by
on 2008-07-02 18:32:00 UTC
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I love crossovers! Er, I mean, tricky situation.
The first problem's going to be fusing the fandoms. Don't know anything about Kingdom Hearts other than the basic idea, but as far as I know that particular canon comes with its own ready-made explaination for how world-travelling works. You'll still have to work in how the very different magical systems overlap, of course, but that should be doable. I know it's possible, seeing as my List of Awesome Fics includes a very well done Star Wars/Rurouni Kenshin crossover-fusion and a Discworld/Silmarillion crossover, and if someone can make those work you can make this work.
The other main problem I can think of is the Trump Syndrome. When two canons collide, it's too easy to make one entirely pwn the other. This is a bad thing. Somehow you'll have to make the High School Musical canon/characters as powerful and effective as the Buffy canon/characters, if not in the same way. Good luck with that. You said that the Crest Holders aren't going to interfere with the successes and failures of the Harry Potter group, which is a good start.
Can't really do more than point out the obvious, since most ideas rely on the writing style to make it or break. Which means that I'll be expecting you to plug when it's up.Not because I need something for my crossover addiction, I swear! -
Now the long answer... by
on 2008-07-03 03:31:00 UTC
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Okies, and I'm back.
I've hopefully already covered the fusing fandoms, with mostly using the Kingdom Hearts explanation, so that should be fine.
As for the magic, I've decided to combine many different groups, and seperate others. An explanation would be this: In the Pokemon World, a small part of the populace have Psychic Powers. If one of those people went to Hogwarts, they too would have magic,only because their overall 'Magic Well' has been tapped by the psychic powers, but can only be truly expressed with the wands and incantations. I guess I'm gonna be doing it on a World by World basis.
As for the Trump Syndrome, hopefully I have worked my way around that too. In battle, Buffy and co would win, but the HSM characters would hold their own in other areas. The HSM characters are actually protected against magic for the most part by their 'World's Magic', an invisible force that not only protects the inhabitants of East High, but also forces them, and the people who connect to it, to burst into song and dance in moments of extreme emotion. Whoever has the World's Magic behind them is incredibly powerful, as it is essentially the power of the world that they are using in that moment.
For the most part, the Crest Holders won't interfere with the events, but merely influence them. There will be a part in Worlds Apart where the Crest Holders become directly involved in a war effort, specifically Emelan, after the Four escape from Namorn, where the CH protect Emelan against the armies of Namorn by having their powers 'Woven' together by Sandry, and gain the powers of the other CH. As a result, they lose their humanity, and begin to act like Gods.
Other than that, I suppose it's all fine and good then. I'll list the specialised 'Crest Weapons' as well, the ones capable of harming the Heartless:
Courage) Master Sword (Legend of Zelda)
Friendship) Nirvana (FFX)
Love) Papal Gloves (Own invention)
Power) Keyblade, but otherwise works with symbol (KH)
Knowledge) Book of Shadows (Charmed)
Sincerity) Apheteros Arrows (Own invention)
Determination) Martial Arts ('Nuff said)
Hope) Faraday Shield (Own invention)
Kindness) Cyrus (Guns, FFX-2)
Trust) Bahk Nagn (Knuckle Dusters, FFX) -
Gotcha covered by
on 2008-07-02 23:36:00 UTC
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Well, since I'm about to head to school, I can't gve a long answer. But I will once I get home. Until then, here's a link to the chapters I've written already:
I should be back in a few hours. Until then, have fun! -
*digs out a two-cent piece* by
on 2008-07-02 15:45:00 UTC
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Post Chain of Memories? Is that post Chain of Memories, pre KHII, or post CoM and KHII? If it's the former, how're they going to be travelling between worlds? The impression I was left with was that it wouldn't really be possible to travel between the worlds after the door was sealed. Further, pre KHII, it'd seem both Sora and Kairi wouldn't really have been going anywhere.
Twelve Gods of the Universe? How does this fit with the known cosmology of the KH-verse?
Wouldn't Disney Castle be fairly important, too? Cornerstone of Light, Keybearer came from there…? (It may end up meaning nothing, but…)
How are the weapons specialised to destroy Heartless? I wouldn't be sure everyone we met up with in the games already knew and were prepared, and guest party members seemed to do all right. Fairly sure Beast only uses his claws, too.
I don't think I quite get what the problem is with the worlds you've chosen. Could you maybe explain that a little more? -
Answering time by
on 2008-07-02 23:31:00 UTC
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Post CoM, meaning that it starts where KHII should. Literally, it starts as Roxas ends, and where Sora is waking up.
Travel between the worlds isn't possible, because the World Walls have been reintroduced to the Universe. Within the story, I had to have the 12 Gods destroy those walls, in order to allow the Crest Holder of Friendship to have his world taken and to meet up with the other Crest Holders, as the Crest Holder of Friendship is also capable of 'Forging' bridges between the worlds using the power of frienship. The World Highways would only be created whenever he enters new worlds, however, and as such, they need to use a Gummi Ship to get to new worlds until the CH of Friendship comes into his powers.
Within Kingdom Hearts, there's the side of the Light, and the side of Darkness. There aren't any set Gods or Deities, unless you count the ones from Olympus Coliseum. Within Worlds Apart, they are Gods for that world, and have no power over others. The 12 Big Gods were the ones who originally created the Universe, as well as the various worlds.
I'm still toyingwith the idea of Disney Castle, so I'll get back to you.
The weapons are specialised in a similar way to the Keyblade. However, instead of using the direct power of the heart, each weapon uses the power of a pure emotion which has been elevated to become very dangerous to the Heartless. Again, in my story, it is set that no-one can harm the Heartless, unless the Keyblade or Crest Weapons are nearby, as power of the Keyblad e/ CW's spread to the weapons around them for a short time.
The problem is just the plots. I don't wanna be godmodding, or anything like that.
Anyways, thanks so much for your reply, it's helping me get things set down. -
More thoughtsÂ… by
on 2008-07-03 02:28:00 UTC
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Not saying that KHII doesn't have its problems, but… is it all tying together, or are the issues separate, or what?
Bringing the walls down? Can they target that specific world, or are other worlds likely to be exposed to an elevated risk of falling into Darkness? What'd be the likelihood they'd be restored?
See, the thing is that I'm a little suspicious of introduced deities and the like. I don't think there's really any evidence for or against, though.
Created the worlds? *had a vague impression that the KH-verse started off as just one world initially, but blow her down if she can figure how it works right now*
As far as the plots go, I'd suggest finding somewhere where they can offer assistance, but not overshadowing the people of that world- and, y'know, make sure the folks of that world know to get out of the way of any dragons that seem to be falling on top of them and that sort of thing. Their main focus would be getting rid of the Heartless, though, right?
What about the noticeability of a group of nine people, though?
Couple of livejournal communities that might be helpful, too: orgplotbunny does plotbunnies, and khbeta might offer some more feedback, as well. -
Hmm... by
on 2008-07-03 03:43:00 UTC
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For the most part, it's hopefully tying it together, and finishing it off.
When they bring the Walls down, they're destroying all the World Walls, unfortunately. It leaves all the Worlds open to Heartless invasions, but it allows the CH to travel quickly, thus increasing the chances order will be restored. After Kingdom Hearts opens, the Worlds Walls will be restored, but because the Crest Holder of Friendship, who creates bridges between the worlds, will know how to use his power and create pathways made of Light, as opposed to the Heartless who use pathways of Darkness, that will be fine.
For the most part, I'm actually using Deities who are known to people, at least, people who have played the respective video games. The Gods are:
Mew, Celebi and Jirachi (Pokemon)
Seraphimon, Ophanimon and Cherubimon (Digimon)
Bahamut, Shiva and Ifrit (Valefor and Ixion are Gods too, but the above three are the ones mostly seen in the story)
And Din, Nayru and Farore (Legend of Zelda)
There isn't much evidence for and against, yes. I'm introducing the Gods as a way of giving the Light a face, like the Darkness has theirs in the form of Xemnas and the like. The Crest Holders never directly interact with any of the Gods, the Gods are the ones who decide a lot of the big stuff in the story though.
I'm not sure about if the KH-Verse started as one world or not. There is a tale in KH1 about one world where the Darkness originated from, and such. In World Apart, the Pokemon World was the first World created, with the other worlds coming off of it. So, I suppose Worlds Apart does match up with the legend...Sorta. I'll need to clarfy that though.
Hopefully they won't overshadow, but rather enhance. I'm aiming for the CH to offer assistance when it's needed, but otherwise only deal with the Heartless or Crest-related issues. Most of the time they won't specify exactly how powerful they are, nor their titles, only that they have magic, or special abilities if they're accepted in that world.
The noticablity is gonna be a problem that they'll need to deal with as well. Since there are 10 of them (Nine Major Crest Holders and One Minor), it's a huge group. They'll learn to only send a few of themselves at a time onto a world though, unless the full number is needed. Otherwise, they'd stay on the Gummi Ship. If they can get away with all 10 being on the planet without notice, they will do it then.
And thanks, I'll check them out. More help is always great. And thanks again for your help. -
The fayth? by
on 2008-07-04 03:47:00 UTC
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I… thought those were made, for the most part? In FFX, at least- in other games it seems they're already known, and IV and VI both have another plane where Espers exist, though with V you could make an argument that summons can exist in their own right on the same plane as the party…
Er. Sorry, got sidetracked.
Any particular reason for choosing those summons?
*thought Xemnas was nothingness? Nobodies rejected by light and dark, state of indeterminacy?*
Glad to help. -
Well, yes... by
on 2008-07-04 04:12:00 UTC
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And no. The Fayth were 'Created' in a way. A thousand years ago in Spira, they had Summoners, which indicates there must have been previous Fayth to Summon before Ifrit, Bahamut and the like came along.
I'm explaining this in the story like this.
'A thousand years ago, when Sin was born, Lady Yunalesca, daughter of Yevon, was given new information to create special Fayth, more powerful than any ever seen before. The rituals demanded a human sacrifce, and when it was complete, it was not the sacrifice's soul that was bound to the Fayth Stone, but the spirit of a God. It was a special branch of magic that bound them, one of their own forging, which meant they could not escape the bonds. It was simple chance that Bahamut, Valefor, Shiva, Ixion and Ifrit were the ones bound, it could easily have been Mew or Ophanimon. The events that took place in FFX was a way to free them from their bonds to that planet; when Sin was destroyed, they would be set free."
And that's the story. After they were freed, each of the Gods left behind a small copy on the planet, just in case their form would ever be needed again. It was these forms, which were far weaker than the true ones, that were possessed by Shuyin and forced to fight Yuna and the Gullwings.
Yojimbo, Anima and the Magus Sisters are a different branch as well. Since they were created using the old way of creating a Fayth, they are not counted as Universal Gods, but rather, as minor ones specifically given the duty to protect Spira. They were also taken captive by Shuyin, because they did not have the power to repel him, being Minor Gods.
And that's pretty much it...
Organisation XIII are the sentient bad guys of the series. Because the Crests do not like nothingness, or voids, such as Dementors, they tend to make the Crest Holder lash out at the Nobody or Dementor, and destroy them. The Crest Holders will be manipulated like Sora was by Xemnas to unleash Kingdom Hearts and give the Organisation back their hearts.
And thanks for the help! Again, it does help to get my thoughts donw in stone, and reveal areas I might be lacking in.
My Birthday by
on 2008-07-02 16:32:00 UTC
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Finally turning 24 today. and coming out of hiding for today.
Happy (belated) Birthday! by
on 2008-07-05 00:44:00 UTC
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Have some welcome back/birthday cake. It's chocolate!
~Zoe~ -
Happy (a day late) Birthday! by
on 2008-07-04 03:31:00 UTC
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I give you a bag of holding! In stylish black, too.
Happy Birthday! by
on 2008-07-04 01:13:00 UTC
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Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, dear friend!
Happy birthday to you!!!! -
Ooh! Happy 24th! by
on 2008-07-03 19:49:00 UTC
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And good to have you back. ^.^ Have a ring-bomb. Very nice for making sues go boom.
Happy Birthday! by
on 2008-07-03 12:21:00 UTC
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*throws candy as a gesture of goodwill*
Happy Birthday! by
on 2008-07-03 10:59:00 UTC
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Have a small brass camel, and lots of bleeprin.
Throws confetti, much to Cassie's distress* by
on 2008-07-03 10:19:00 UTC
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Happy birthday! Have some daffodils, courtesy of Kumori.
Happy birthday! by
on 2008-07-03 02:05:00 UTC
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*gives a cake with blue and red icing*
Happy Birthday! (nm) by
on 2008-07-03 01:40:00 UTC
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have a banana by
on 2008-07-03 01:05:00 UTC
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Or a banana birthday cake... if you like that. Otherwise, take your pick: Plain, chocolate, strawberry, icing-filled, sprinkle-covered, cinderella-shaped.... Well, maybe not that last one.
Ah, well. Happy birthday! -
Bonus Dies Natalis! by
on 2008-07-02 22:33:00 UTC
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I give you the very last piece of the cake that was once timeline-defying. It's probably stale, but given its tendency to defy the laws of physics, it might not be.
on 2008-07-02 18:05:00 UTC
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...sorry, I had sugar recently. But happy birthday anyway!
*hands you a large pointy object and a sling* There you go! Something to help keep the OFUR students in line. Have a lovely 24th! -
thanks by
on 2008-07-02 18:10:00 UTC
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although, I prefer to use mental tortue on students. miss minty is the physcial violence person.
Happy Brithday~! by
on 2008-07-02 16:52:00 UTC
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Hope it's a good one. ^_^
*beats at misspelling* *Birthday (nm) by
on 2008-07-02 17:38:00 UTC
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thanks by
on 2008-07-02 16:53:00 UTC
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Havbe some bleepka cake -
on 2008-07-02 16:49:00 UTC
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Hope your day goes well and you don't get wet.
Here, have a *digs in armory* Barratt M-99 50-calibre sniper rifle and ammo. Have fun shooting people (or Sues) from over three miles away. -
Squeels in delight by
on 2008-07-02 16:53:00 UTC
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*Hugs the rifle.*
Thank you very very much. here, have some bleepka cake in return.
The After-Game Recovery Thread by
on 2008-07-03 02:20:00 UTC
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For those of us who are teetering on the edge of madness and really just need to see some proper spelling for a while.
Ah... *sigh* Look around, my friends, and enjoy the peace and quiet of a lovely grassy plain with blue skies above you, a warm, gentle breeze, and lots of Bleeprin.
No, you're not dreaming. Piled high beside the Generic Red-and-White Checkered Picnic Blanket (charmed by Mr Weasley to stretch as far as we need it) is, indeed, a full supply of Bleeprin pills and all types of alcohol and chocolate you can think of.
So welcome, friends; I invite you to relax with me. Shed your FanficLand personas and let your eyes drift across well-spelled Words. Enjoy the sweet taste of chocolate and the peace and quiet of this Generic Picnic Scene.
(Really, I don't know about the rest of you, but my eyes and head really, truly HURT after reading that thread. And with all the OOC talk about how we're scaring ourselves with bad typing and third-person notes... well, there's no harm in this.) -
*rubs temple* by
on 2008-07-09 23:37:00 UTC
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The lack of grammar is hurting. This be thread of goodness, saving me from the scourge of the bad spelling lIEK LULZ NO! NO MORE!
*downs a mixture of bleeprin, bourbon and coke - bleerbon and coke?*
I apologise profusely for making the Clover do those things and speak like that. It is not fair on the Clover. -
Owwwww. by
on 2008-07-04 20:07:00 UTC
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Though I didn't write any of it, I just read it all in one sitting, and now I'm finding it difficult to spell correctly. I applaud the strength of those able to stand purposely making all those mistakes. Good thing most of us are already insane.
I'm glad to see this helped! by
on 2008-07-04 06:49:00 UTC
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Personally, I didn't get so deeply involved as some of you - the literal pain in my eyes kept me from reading everything - but I've been suffering the after-effects of deliberate bad spelling ever since, not to mention the shame of giving my seven-years-younger badfic writer self a name and chance to escape the cage in back of my head. It's a painfully sharp lesson in how immature and arrogant I really was.
*snaps off some chocolate* My eyes are soothed... Nice spelling; good spelling...
*drifts off to sleep on the picnic blanket* -
*flops onto the grass* by
on 2008-07-04 00:06:00 UTC
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Ahhh, peace. *shares in the chocolate* I think the worst thing for me is the way the badficcers always seem to be talking at the top of their voices. They don't even need exclamation points or capslock. Those just make it worse.
Maybe it has something to do with all of them wanting attention so badly. I think Brandy is actually fairly "cool" in "real life," which would explain why she has no motivation to improve: No one has the nerve to tell her she's bad. But that coolness also goes hand in hand with craving that sort of attention.
I also think I have an advantage in sanity, with Brandy being a distinct character whose voice I'm simply borrowing. It's definitely NOT ME writing that badly, sort of thing.
~Neshomeh, who has an epic badfic so-called-plot bunny now, but might have to keep it caged until next year so she doesn't fry her writing circuits. -
*collapses onto the blanket and chugs Bleepka* by
on 2008-07-03 20:57:00 UTC
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The peace... the spelling... the grammar... bliss.
*noms chocolate*
Oh sweet Eru, I cannot believe my FFL persona has gone as far as to attempt to start a flame war. When this is over, I am going to batter the little cow into pulp and feed it to the unadopted mini-Balrogs. -
How about enrolling her in an OFU? by
on 2008-07-04 06:46:00 UTC
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Or is she too much of a Canon Nazi to qualify?
By the way, she was annoying me, too. Can I help? *wicked grin* -
...a PPC OFU? Isn't that slightly oxymoronic? by
on 2008-07-04 13:17:00 UTC
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Still, if we can run one (which I doubt, because a lot of Agents are just too busy and the Flowers That Be wouldn't appreciate students in HQ) I'll sign her up.
But the only OFUs I know enough canon about to qualify for are already running, or discontinued- OFUM, HFA, Bel/Mal Tech and OFUR. I paged the first three before I found the PPC and realised they were closed, and I was a bit too late to join OFUR. Ah well, next year maybe?
If you really feel the need to join me in hammering Ellintiyra Lloysinthayr into a pulp, you're welcome. Little cow, taking over my head and trashing my carefully honed spelling and punctuation skills...
*puts on PPC jacket just to reassure herself that she's not really Ellintiyra* -
I actually meant a 'real' OFU of your choice, not a PPC one (nm) by
on 2008-07-05 00:32:00 UTC
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Aaaah. by
on 2008-07-05 00:36:00 UTC
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Well, like I said, the only ones I'd enrol her for are closed or finished enrolling.
A PPC OFU would be pretty cool. by
on 2008-07-04 17:39:00 UTC
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I occasionally consider raising the idea on the Board, but every time I think 'nah, we haven't got badfic for here anymore'. I always thought of it as a multi-authored thing, so everyone writes their own agents, but it would involve a lot of organisation, plus, there is a big obstacle, that being there isn't actually any PPC badfic. But it would be fun to write a PPC OFU. [/£0.02]
Maybe not a PPC OFU... by
on 2008-07-04 17:50:00 UTC
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but a training camp or something similar, with Agents coming in for basic training or a reminder of the rules that they have just broken. It's already been implied that PPC training is cruel and sadistic but, correct me if I'm wrong, it's never actually been shown. [/£0.002]
The thing is... by
on 2008-07-04 18:36:00 UTC
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Most agents don't actually receive formal training. There is theoretical training, but mostly there is practical training, which consists of, "Here's the Manual and here's your partner's name and RC number. Good luck not dying." Hence the cruel and sadistic.
I'm sort of a traditionalist, I guess. I'd hate to see something with a history of chaos and insanity become too regulated.
Though I suppose if a group of seasoned agents took it upon themselves to help the hapless newbies, that could work. Good luck rounding up the newbies. O.o
~Neshomeh -
That's what I though, too. by
on 2008-07-05 00:33:00 UTC
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And since there's no real fanfiction for the PPC (as we are writing the PPC canon), there can hardly be an Official FANFICTION University for it.
*smites misspelling* - "thought" (nm) by
on 2008-07-05 03:44:00 UTC
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No, I think you're right, Neshomeh. by
on 2008-07-04 22:33:00 UTC
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Part of the charm of the PPC is its complete chaos. Individual veterans may help out struggling newbies, a la Trojie and the Department of Angst, but the lack of organisation is fun.
(Not to mention the fact that it makes it easier for us to explain away our little tweaks.) -
*flops down on blanket* Did someone mention chocolate? by
on 2008-07-03 17:56:00 UTC
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I am well and truly scared of myself now. I'm just going to step back, damn my fingers for not getting the message that I am no longer playing and munch down on whatever chocolatey treats I can get my hands on. I posted three chapters of extremely bad spelling and grammar, mid-sentence author's notes and non-existent punctuation and deserve a break.
My mum saw what I wrote, was horrified and threatened to send me back to primary school to relearn the English language from scratch, that's how bad it was for me. -
Oh no! by
on 2008-07-04 00:15:00 UTC
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But you explained that it's just a game and it was okay, right? {X D
~Neshomeh, whose mother sort of understands what the PPC is after having her daughter involved in it for about five years. -
I wish my mother was that understanding... by
on 2008-07-04 00:36:00 UTC
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she doesn't understand about fanfiction or the PPC. Heck, she barely understands how to use the internet. Anything more complicated than searching Google and she's stumped. I don't even want to think about trying to explain a game where I deliberately throw out everything I learned about the English language in eleven years of schooling.
I just hope... by
on 2008-07-04 00:38:00 UTC
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that she doesn't work out that the permanently open notepad file on my computer still contains the badfic I wrote. I can't be bothered to try and separate it from the goodfic I wrote during that time as well so I can delete it.
If it's any consolation by
on 2008-07-04 06:45:00 UTC
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My mum really doesn't understand all this either, and she's had TWO daughters delving into this sort of thing for years. When we try to explain things to her, she just smiles and nods and says she's glad we're having fun, but even if she understands the point, she misses the fun. *sigh*
*gasps in thankfulness* by
on 2008-07-03 16:10:00 UTC
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*noms chocolate* -
*hugs* It's okay, it's okay... We'll get through this... by
on 2008-07-04 06:42:00 UTC
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If it's any consolation, I very nearly typed a few non-game things with numerals. It was... painful. And just there I nearly missed out the "F" in "painful". Ouch.
Well, I can't really give you grammar... by
on 2008-07-03 16:19:00 UTC
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But I can link you to the Department of Technical Errors, who are big on that sort of thing. Also they have Grammer.
The Game's already ended? by
on 2008-07-03 12:56:00 UTC
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Darn! I was just about to write my Ressurected!SuperStudly!Makes-Things/all the women in the PPC fic!
PS:Have some candy! -
Sorry! Didn't mean to imply that it was! by
on 2008-07-04 06:35:00 UTC
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'tis not in my power, anyway.
And some Gunpowder for random purposes. (nm) by
on 2008-07-03 12:57:00 UTC
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No the game is not over yet by
on 2008-07-03 15:42:00 UTC
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I is not over until it is booted off the front page of the board. This is just a respite to that thread.
Leto -
*flops thankfully on to blanket* by
on 2008-07-03 10:57:00 UTC
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drrkayngylhez or however I spelt it had no sense of characterisation, spelling, or, indeed, subtle usernames. I'm nervous that the game may have lowered my IQ - I made lots of typoes in this before staring at it and correcting it. Thank God for this.
*lies on blanket* by
on 2008-07-03 09:46:00 UTC
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I don't know... I think I'm fine but the idea that people actually write profiles and stories like that...
Well, let's just say I'm disturbed and leave it at that.
Blumble, anyone? -
Re: The After-Game Recovery Thread by
on 2008-07-03 05:09:00 UTC
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I was really enjoying reading all the stories (the profiles were my favorite part, though) until I remembered that real people actually write profiles and stories like that. Time for lots and lots of chocolate and Bleepka (there should be chocolate covered Bleepka; like those truffles with brandy in the middle).
I believe there's some with Bleeprum. by
on 2008-07-03 05:27:00 UTC
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I got some for my seventeenth birthday.
Aren't they... by
on 2008-07-03 09:16:00 UTC
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Bleepolate Liqueurs? You know, Bleepka covered in Bleepolate? For double the Bleeping dosage? Either I just made them up, or there was mention of them somewhere... Quite likely option 1 though. My memory isn't like it was when I was 16...
If not, you've just invented them. Cheers! (nm) by
on 2008-07-04 06:34:00 UTC
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Re: Aren't they... by
on 2008-07-03 18:32:00 UTC
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Bleepolate Liqueurs? Man, I really want some now. That sounds delicious!
Ahhhh.... by
on 2008-07-03 04:39:00 UTC
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*flops down on the grass with a thermos of Bleepka and a bar of chocolate*
My 'fic's pretty much written in lolcat. 'S nice to be able to spell words correctly, as frighteningly easy as it was to spell them incorrectly. -
You found that easy? by
on 2008-07-03 05:00:00 UTC
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I was fighting for every misspelling. And MoggetsGurl isn't even a very bad speller. But her treatment of apostrophes...gyah.
The one thing I had the hardest time spelling right was the one thing I had to spell right: her name. I kept wanting to type "Moggest" instead of "Moggets."
I don't know if I can bring myself to write another chapter of "The Raven Rose." Maybe I'll wait until next year. *devours chocolate* -
I found it frighteningly easy by
on 2008-07-04 06:38:00 UTC
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Once I got into the flow of writing as the arrogant Lady Cyskia, that is. At first I was going to have her be one of those with mostly okay spelling and terrible plot, but it just became easier and easier to spell things wrong, to use numerals and... *shudder*
Ah, let me rephrase. by
on 2008-07-03 05:22:00 UTC
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Easy to misstype, if you will. My fingers move faster than my brain and tend to do that anyways. I hate misspelling things.
It IS easy to misstype! by
on 2008-07-03 12:10:00 UTC
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I wrote my stuff by typing too quickly, not correcting the spellings, and removing all punctuation.
It was sad! -
Do we have to have finished to join you? by
on 2008-07-03 04:29:00 UTC
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Because I'm nowhere near, but I need this... just to build up my strength for the next onslaught.
Nah - I just needed a title. Call it a Picnic Break (nm) by
on 2008-07-04 06:33:00 UTC
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What is Ramandu's daughter? Soylent pie à la Harfang? by
on 2008-07-03 03:16:00 UTC
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- Unusual Circumstances of Love reviews
What happens when a young girl is pulled from he world and thrown into Narnia? Who will she befriend? Will she find love? CaspianOC
C. S. Lewis - Fiction Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,025 - Reviews: 1 - Updated: 7-2-08 - Published: 7-2-08
My comment: Tashlan and a Cute Animal Friend
2. The King And His Queen reviews
Come on, it is a Disney movie. Did you really think they’d give us what we want? So this is my take on what should’ve happened at the end of Prince Caspian. Susan/Caspian
Complete - Fiction Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,261 - Reviews: 5 - Updated: 6-24-08 - Published: 6-24-08
My comment: Writing Susan out of Earth records? WTF?
- Unusual Circumstances of Love reviews
As far as I can recall, Ramandu's daughter is just that. by
on 2008-07-03 05:49:00 UTC
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I don't believe she's ever named in canon - she's only mentioned a couple of times, and that's as 'Ramandu's daughter' or 'the Queen'. *sigh* I'm predicting a response much like Thranduil's spouse for her, I'm afraid.
Bingo. No name, no nothing by
on 2008-07-04 06:20:00 UTC
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Just a physical description. This is one thing that I hope the movies flesh out a bit more - I like the Susan/Caspian ship, but if they can make Ramandu's daughter a substantial character, it'd be much easier to like the canon ship as much. *sigh*
as to the second one ... by
on 2008-07-03 04:10:00 UTC
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... why is it that badficcers always miss the point that they had to go back to the real world for a REASON? And that the series would have lost a large part of its point if they'd all stayed and lived happily ever after, and presumably made up a Shagging Caspian Roster, if everything you believe in Narniafic is true then they ALL (except possibly for Lucy) want to jump his bones and that would be the only fair way to get around it.
Plainly never read the books... by
on 2008-07-03 03:48:00 UTC
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It's a repeat of the LoTR influx. So many girls who've seen the movies, but haven't touched the books. I'm more worried about the second story. It's not allowed on FF.net, is it?
Then again, none of them should. But either way, this is only the second movie. We've got (Maybe) five more to go, if they're gonna go back and do the Magician's Nephew and A Horse and His Boy.
PPC, get ready... -
Concerning FFN rules... by
on 2008-07-04 06:19:00 UTC
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I won't read that thing (I'm about to have dinner!) but they may have just misrated it so it could slip through FFN's rules.
Ditto for HDM by
on 2008-07-03 05:47:00 UTC
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As to the second story, I moused over the links and there's the story link and the reviews link, they've just been put together without a space. So we can't bust the author for breaking ff.net rules (not that they enforce them very strictly).
Narnia books, the last two Harry Potter movies, The Hobbit and its sequel - the PPC is never going to run out of material.
The Flower Paranoia Society by
on 2008-07-03 23:10:00 UTC
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We'd talked about this a while ago, and I thought I'd see if anyone's agents were still interested.
The overly-paranoid Agent Moon Sonata is seeking recruits for the Flower Paranoia Society, an organization of agents who believe that the Flowers that Be are out to get them. If anyone's agents would care to join, please make a post saying so, and give me some basic information about your agent's attitude towards the Flowers. (Do they just think the SO doesn't like them, do they believe the Flowers are involved in a multiversewide conspiracy, or somewhere in between?) Thank you! -
Agent Georgia Branch is in. by
on 2008-07-05 11:49:00 UTC
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She once wrote an article discussing the possibility of the PPC being the product of a fanfic or something along those lines and the Flowers being in on it. She's a conspiracy nut.
Agent Salazar... by
on 2008-07-04 00:40:00 UTC
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is in total agreement with Agent Moon Sonata.
Who knows what other things they use telepathy for? I mean, they're GIANT TALKING FLOWERS. It's not normal anywhere--except the PPC, where the Flowers are in charge.
It's a conspiracy! -
Agent Tirsaer is interested. by
on 2008-07-03 23:24:00 UTC
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Come on, giant talking flowers! Not just flowers, even, but Flowers, with telepathy and stuff! That's not normal! Well, it is, but only in the PPC, which is obviously a front for a Flower-run society which controls the entire multiverse. Probably not all the Flowers are involved, but the SO? Oh, yeah. No doubt about it.
Artic's New Random Thought of the Month by
on 2008-07-04 05:55:00 UTC
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Now, my last question was about the PPC defending fanfiction of fanfiction, which people rose to answer quite well. Now for the next question:
Is it possible, for an Agent in a particular dangerous story, to approach members of a Goodfic to help fight a Mary-Sue?
This is with the instant assumption you have been given permission by the author. To put this in an example:
'Miss Mary Sue has corrupted everyone, everyone lovers her, and would rise to her defense. Your partner has just eaten some bad meat (The Cute Animal Friend makes it's final stand) and you're on the verge of passing out. Using the Portal, you open a portal into a Goodfic, where you hope the characters can help you stablise the continuum long enough to weaken the Sue, and help you defeat her."
And that is Artic's random idea. What do you guys think? -
It'd seem more likely to go back to HQ. (Query?) by
on 2008-07-05 06:31:00 UTC
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I think remote activators just have a 'Home' button, so that'd presumably be a bit easier. Suppose it'd mean you'd get flak from the Flowers for coming back before the mission ended, but better than getting into too much trouble, aye? 'Sides, the Agent(s) concerned wouldn't have to deal with getting the characters in the Goodfic's trust, and I reckon there might well be a better chance of finding someone who knows the things to do to help out. Although might not be Agents know how to stop, say, blood flowing from a wound. Is first-aid part of training these days?
Sort of relevant query: what of asking canons, if they're together enough? -
Part of the training? by
on 2008-07-06 22:43:00 UTC
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If by 'training' you mean 'the ones who haven't picked this up are dead by now', yes.
hS -
Definitely possible by
on 2008-07-04 06:07:00 UTC
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Though I think the more likely solution would be to contact HQ and get another agent, a friend, to come and help instead.
That said, the biggest problem of using Goodfic characters... hang on - are we talking about canons or Goodfic OCs? Because the latter would be BRILLIANT - especially if it's a well-known goodfic. If you mean canons from a Goodfic (or simply from Canon itself), the biggest problem I see would be having two running around at once and possibly being mixed up. -
The latter by
on 2008-07-04 06:34:00 UTC
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Definitely the latter. Canons would make things a little too messy, like you said.
I'm not sure about that... by
on 2008-07-04 13:25:00 UTC
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Canons may confuse the issue, but there are some of them who naturally resist Sue-influence, and it might be an idea to have them help you. For example, Gimli and Eowyn from LOTR, Gaspode from Discworld and Ron Weasley from Harry Potter are all noted for their anti-Sueishness.
And I don't think you can bring the characters from the Canon into the fic per se, becasue the fic is in the Canon world. It'd be a case of either killing off the Sue and releasing the characters from her influence, or (if there are character replacements) finding the real characters and rescuing them from the plothole they'll have been stuck in. -
Precedent musings by
on 2008-07-11 19:06:00 UTC
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Well, I know that TOS sent at least one Canon Replacement 'Sue to OFUM for extermination. I imagine that if OFU characters are acceptable forms of punishment, there's some wiggle room for using other goodfic canons. The rescue and use of plotholed canons is really the only other close thing we've had before. Except for Team Phoenix...(http://www.misssandman.com/PPC/Pranksters.html) Hmm. Couldn't say.
Oh, my bad by
on 2008-07-04 14:48:00 UTC
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I meant pulling another copy of the Canon characters from a Goodfic would only confuse the readers, and the PPC agents
Happy 4th of July! by
on 2008-07-04 13:48:00 UTC
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Happy July 4th to all those agents located in America.
*sets off urple fireworks* by
on 2008-07-05 17:02:00 UTC
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Totally late, I know, but Mom dragged me to the real fireworks yesterday and so I had no time to go online. ;_; SHE DOESN'T UNDERSTAAAAAAAAND.
But anyway. I am not very patriotic so I'm just gonna wave a Korean flag and hope people don't hit me. *cowers* -
Re: Happy 4th of July! by
on 2008-07-05 04:45:00 UTC
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Happy Fourth! Yay for all the big loud booms and pretty sparkles (my cats won't leave the safety of the bed for a week at least).
Fireworks and strawberries by
on 2008-07-05 02:27:00 UTC
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I get both today. Yay!
Say no to apple pie (nm) by
on 2008-07-05 01:39:00 UTC
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Happy 4th! by
on 2008-07-05 01:26:00 UTC
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*lights random fireworks*
Yey! by
on 2008-07-05 00:38:00 UTC
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*throws about confetti* Hooray for the 4th of July!
~Zoe~ -
*thumbs nose at the Brits a'Board* (nm) by
on 2008-07-04 19:41:00 UTC
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Ooh, fireworks... by
on 2008-07-04 18:07:00 UTC
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Maybe I'll help out in the competition this year. Stuff exploding is always fun! There's going to be a fireworks war in my neighborhood anyway!
Oh, and yeah, Independence Day is nice, too. (And light purple is red+blue+white, so I ttly am being patriotic.) -
Thanks by
on 2008-07-04 18:06:00 UTC
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Hooray for Independence Day (tm)! It's the one day a year when I can blow things up on purpose. Yay arson!
Lucky you by
on 2008-07-04 16:13:00 UTC
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We Brits have to wait until November to have a legitimate excuse for setting off fireworks.
Have fun, don't blow yourselves up and try not to kill any annoying siblings that any of you may possess. -
Yay for you lot. Have fun. (nm) by
on 2008-07-04 16:06:00 UTC
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Oh, say, can you seeÂ… (nm) by
on 2008-07-04 16:03:00 UTC
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By the dawn's early light... by
on 2008-07-04 17:14:00 UTC
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Sues so proudly impaled by the twilight's last gleaming!
Whose hair-stripes and eye-stars, through the perilous fight,
O'er the plotholes we watched, were so luridly streaming!
And the Agents down there, curses bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that HQ was still there!
Oh, say, does that blood-spattered halberd yet wave
O'er the urple and shiny, and the writing depraved?
... What? >.>
~Neshomeh, who apologizes the quality of the filk, since she pretty much did it on the spot. -
Perfect. by
on 2008-07-04 18:20:00 UTC
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Day-appropriate and Board-patriotic.
Whoo! by
on 2008-07-04 15:10:00 UTC
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I intend to fully live up to my username and blow things up in the name of patriotism and
a little bit some a lotpretty much completely pyromania, who am I kidding. Mostly pyromania, little bit of patriotism.
Whoo fireworks!
LxC Chapter 35 .. oh the horror by
on 2008-07-04 22:46:00 UTC
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Duly sporked for your reading pleasure.
Our mission is never-ending. But at least this time I got to be an Archaeopteryx!
Enjoy. -
Aaaargh. by
on 2008-07-04 23:21:00 UTC
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Why won't it stay dead? WHY? *weeps for biology and logic*
As always, heaping great kudos to you both for taking this on. You are my heroines. *offers your pick of her stash of goodies, including chocolate, dried mangoes, and assorted glazed nuts*
... On second thought, maybe you don't want to hear about nuts right now. My apologies. {= P
~Neshomeh -
as usual, I'm fighting the urge to ... by
on 2008-07-04 23:26:00 UTC
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...give the author Teh Smackdown over ff.net's review function.
Just need to keep repeating the mantra about how it's not professional and it won't do any good. -
Yeah. by
on 2008-07-05 00:08:00 UTC
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I proved the "it won't do any good" part, sadly.
OT: Time Lords and OCs by
on 2008-07-05 02:57:00 UTC
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Sorry for posting again so soon, but I have a question.
I am writting a Doctor Who fanfic in which an established canon character (Ace, to be precise) became a Time Lord through some deus-ex-machina genetic tweaking and then regenerated. Would Ace II, her new incarnation, be considered an OC or a canon? I need to know for labelling purposes.
Thanks for any help. -
It would depend, I think by
on 2008-07-05 18:57:00 UTC
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With the Doctor, each time he regenerates, he's a new character, with a different personality. From what I know of Romana, she's the same way. If you made large changes to Ace's character, I'd say OC. If she's mostly the same, than canon.
Personally, I'd say something like "AU canon" or "mostly canon." -
Interesting question by
on 2008-07-05 08:59:00 UTC
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Is Ace I part of the story?
I think I would go with Ace II is canon, like 29 year old Rose is canon.
Or, as happened in a fic I PPCed: someone wrote Jack/Ianto, but gave Ianto a sex change first. -
In flashback. by
on 2008-07-05 13:36:00 UTC
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The story technically starts with Ace II, but there are many flashbacks.
I wasn't sure if regenerated Time Lords followed the same rules as aged human characters, since Doctors One through Ten have always been referred to as separate characters.
Claimage and reporting by
on 2008-07-05 04:56:00 UTC
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First, I claim:
Hidden Truths, Hidden Lies » by darkroom reviews
Harry and Draco are opposites right? Although one would never wish to be like the other, when Dumbledore’s niece comes to Hogwarts Draco starts rethinking his life and in the end they are forced to see similarities they never thought they shared.
Harry Potter - Fiction Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 14 - Words: 21,920 - Reviews: 35 - Updated: 6-16-03 - Published: 3-2-03
My comment: If Dumbledore had a niece, she would be older than McGonagall!
These are up for grabs.
Dragons » by Midnightandjoe reviews
What if there were two kinds of dragons? What if Olivander was evil? This is the story of one human dragon as she struggles to live and find revenge.
Harry Potter - Fiction Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Action/Adventure - Chapters: 2 - Words: 8,594 - Reviews: 3 - Updated: 12-17-05 - Published: 11-28-05
My comment: Anyone who gives this to Agent Madison will be very much out of favor with DoSAT's TARDIS repair team.
Celebi's Diary by Celebi Dumbledore reviews
Celebi Dumbledore, granddaughter of Albus Dumbledore and niece of Voldemort, releases herself from fulfilling her duty as a death eater and turns to Harry's arms. What will happen to her promised marriage and love to Draco?
Harry Potter - Fiction Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Action/Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 14,214 - Reviews: 3 - Updated: 10-6-02 - Published: 10-6-02
My comment: Riddle's niece? How the hell? -
*Grins innocently* by
on 2008-07-05 13:42:00 UTC
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I'm gonna claim number #3. My Agents are with the Video Games, so if she wants to name a character after a Pokemon, she's gonna deal with the consequences. Mwahaha!
I liked Celebi. by
on 2008-07-05 14:15:00 UTC
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Celebi was cute.
Give the Sue who uses the name a very good consequence. -
I liked Celebi too... by
on 2008-07-05 14:24:00 UTC
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Hence why I'm gonna be mean. So many possibilities to torture though... Hmm...
*bounces on heels* by
on 2008-07-07 14:14:00 UTC
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Do something that she'll remember for the rest of her fictional life (i.e: a few seconds)!
Oh god. by
on 2008-07-11 10:26:00 UTC
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For a second, I thought someone had done something to the pokemon.
No, no. That would result in immediate termination. (nm) by
on 2008-07-11 12:20:00 UTC
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Okay, so... by
on 2008-07-05 13:25:00 UTC
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Dumbledore had a child... that married one of Voldemort's siblings - did Tom Riddle even have siblings? ... and they named their daughter after a Pokemon. And she'd have to have been named before the game that Pokemon is from even came out.
... My head hurts. -
Well, if Dumbledore had a brother by
on 2008-07-05 08:54:00 UTC
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who had a wife or girlfriend that was considerably younger, Dumbledore could have a niece that was Harry's age. Unless Wizard males stop being fertile somewhere between the ages of 40 and 50.
Celebi? by
on 2008-07-05 05:10:00 UTC
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Wasn't that a Pokemon?
Neice? Would this be Aberforth's daughter or Ariana's daughter? Or has the author forgotten that "neice" means "daughter of a sibling?"
A GOOD fic for once by
on 2008-07-06 01:42:00 UTC
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It's called The Call of Duty by Jael. I found it on HASA. Here is the link: http://www.henneth-annun.net/stories/chapter.cfm?stid=6363
This author, by the way, has many good stories that I recommend.
OT -- Bastille Day roleplay? by
on 2008-07-06 03:46:00 UTC
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From midnight to midnight July 14, New Caledonia time, we could roleplay a Bastille Day celebration, PPC style, in the city.
I would if I were online on that date. by
on 2008-07-06 22:33:00 UTC
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Unfortunately I'm not. Which is a shame, given that the Laison-Dimond clan are French. Ah, well.
hS -
Agent Javert will come. by
on 2008-07-06 20:33:00 UTC
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Probably Maria also.
Assuming I can get online...my laptop's going in for repairs so I have to used the uber-slow shared computer. -
Sounds interesting... by
on 2008-07-06 10:48:00 UTC
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What would it involve? I know nothing about Bastille Day except that it's connected to the Bastille (well, that's kinda obvious). Apologies; I probably used to know, but the knowledge has sunk into the farthest recesses of my brain. If anyone has any info, it would be much appreciated.
Wikipedia article by
on 2008-07-06 16:31:00 UTC
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Aaaah, Count me in! :) (nm) by
on 2008-07-06 17:24:00 UTC
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OT: anyone know anything about teaching in Japan? by
on 2008-07-07 18:08:00 UTC
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I am wanting to go over to teach English as a second language in Japan for the next two or so years. Anyone know anthing about that? I have aplied to may places and recieved replies from two: GABA and RCS.
Any information would be awsome (passed experience or know someone that worked for them?)
Leto, starting to get nervous about his trip to Asia. -
ESL by
on 2008-07-08 23:19:00 UTC
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A friend of mine is currently over there with JET (http://www.jetprogramme.org/) She's been over there for two or three years now and is enjoying it a lot.
Unfortunately for me, (and many others) they only accept people with University degrees, not college.
Unfortuately I don't know anything else other than that. I'm sure I could pass on some questions for you about the program if you wanted.
That time again: mission plug by
on 2008-07-07 21:37:00 UTC
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A Night To Remember Agents Allison and Tasmin take care of a piece of jail bait that mistakenly thinks she can dance.
Love the Socrates bit. by
on 2008-07-08 22:48:00 UTC
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And congrats on the insane number of missions.
and another mission by
on 2008-07-07 22:52:00 UTC
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Narniaslash this time. Peter/Edmund *growls deep in throat*
http://agenttrojie.livejournal.com/28151.html#cutid1 -
Wait, what? by
on 2008-07-08 04:53:00 UTC
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Have you ever just looked at a sentence and felt like part of your brain exploded? I'm afraid to read this thing.
we cut out all the nasty, I promise. (nm) by
on 2008-07-08 07:00:00 UTC
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*applauds* by
on 2008-07-08 04:51:00 UTC
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I left a comment on your LJ, but let me just say; sibling rapefics are EVIL. *growl*
Why thank you. by
on 2008-07-08 07:02:00 UTC
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Yes, they are. They really, really are.
NO-ONE does that to my Pevensie boys. -
Or siblings in general. by
on 2008-07-08 09:44:00 UTC
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Really, whenever I see an incest summary, I glance at my sister and SHUDDDER. And then I remember what Miss Cam did in OFUM2, when Elladan and Elrohir gathered up all the sibling students. That was... bleeeeeeh. *shudder, shudder, shudder*
Sibling sex might, in extreme circumstances, be permissible, but sibling RAPE? Not in character unless one is the most perverted villan imaginable, and even THEN...
My sister is sitting across the room. I am SO GLAD she has no idea what's on my screen...
Heads-up for all female Agents. by
on 2008-07-08 07:57:00 UTC
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Chat happened, insanity was proposed:
JulyFlame says: PPC Girls Sleepover.
Agent Trojanhorse says: !
Jai says: ....*SNICKERSNORT*
Agent Trojanhorse says: YES!
JulyFlame says: We take over an auditorium. All nominal females are invited.
Whose Agents would be interested in taking part? We would be having DVDs, drinking games, dancing ... general sleepover fare. It would be an RP.
PS: sorry to double-post but July went to be and I drew the short straw -
yeee! by
on 2008-07-15 02:13:00 UTC
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Yes. Totally. And we could do all the normal girly stuff, but twisted! Like stab pictures of Hannah Montana. xD
Definitely in if I have permission by then. by
on 2008-07-12 00:15:00 UTC
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As all four (GASP! Yes, four. I'm not sure what gave me the idiotic idea to write two agent pairs... *head, meet wall.*) of my Agents are female. That is, unless such as July mess with Gender Rays.
C -
XD by
on 2008-07-12 09:00:00 UTC
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Only /I/ have those. Not my Agents. XD
Are you quite sure? by
on 2008-07-12 22:07:00 UTC
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It's incredible what characters get up to when you're paying them little mind. In fact in one book I like the characters rebelled and managed to escape from their creator's mind. Stealing Gender Rays would be small potatoes compared to such as the deeds of Sophie and Alberto.
Just a thought.
C -
oooo by
on 2008-07-11 13:43:00 UTC
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Rilwen's in.
Cavan wants to sneak in, being androgynous and prepared to crossdress for it. -
Oh lawd that sounds fun by
on 2008-07-10 13:56:00 UTC
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But I don't have permission yet... Maybe s'about time I post for it, as I've been posting here on and off for quite a few months now.
I don't know if I'm really known by anyone yet though.. *frets* -
Agent Mara is in, ready to terrorize--er--have fun! (nm) by
on 2008-07-09 20:15:00 UTC
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Terrorize? Not Maximize? :p (nm) by
on 2008-07-09 20:32:00 UTC
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This sounds awesome. by
on 2008-07-09 18:11:00 UTC
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Agent Savitri is definitely in, though she may have to put Leo on a leash in their RC...
Sleepover by
on 2008-07-09 17:07:00 UTC
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Do you have to be an agent? *hopeful look* I could bring treats and we could catch fangirls for the minis to ea....I mean play with.
Fun! by
on 2008-07-09 09:49:00 UTC
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Would explosives potentially have to be restricted, though?
SO IN if Jai were an Agent... by
on 2008-07-09 06:52:00 UTC
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Or if I become one by the time this happens. Holy cheeses this will be brilliant.
TEN isn't properly an agent either. by
on 2008-07-09 18:30:00 UTC
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I intend to claim that I hang around HQ and nobody has kicked me out yet because every time somebody is about to they find me doing something useful like cooking or cleaning and leave me alone because nobody else wants to do it.
Haha by
on 2008-07-09 22:28:00 UTC
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THat could work... I'mma gonna get permission to do it, though, first, y'know, and all... Er. Or something. |D
Oh, we can't do this without a Jai! by
on 2008-07-10 03:45:00 UTC
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Maybe Agent Sara could bring Jai along? XD
Oh, brilliant! by
on 2008-07-09 03:44:00 UTC
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Agent Sara is SO in. XD
Ooh, this is gonna be fun... -
Ooh, fun fun! by
on 2008-07-09 03:37:00 UTC
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Agent Amelia's in, for sure. She'll bring the first PotC movie, and maybe Princess Bride.
I'm in! by
on 2008-07-09 03:28:00 UTC
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I should love to try an RP.
...of course, no one's heard of my agents until now since my Orientation Month isn't quite up yet, but they would very much like to come.
:) -
Wheee! by
on 2008-07-09 00:14:00 UTC
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Agent Lizzy is so in.
~Zoe~ -
Oooh, fun. by
on 2008-07-08 23:33:00 UTC
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If I can make it, absolutely. Jenni volunteers to make tea for people who won't/can't drink and generally be a chaperon, if necessary. {= )
~Neshomeh -
April, Lora, and Maria are in! by
on 2008-07-08 22:38:00 UTC
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Assuming it doesn't coincide with Bastille Day, because on that date Maria will be busy debating the Napoleonic Wars with Agent Javert.
it will be whenever people decide it should be by
on 2008-07-08 22:40:00 UTC
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So I guess this is a good time to ask; when is everyone free?
*pouts* by
on 2008-07-09 12:29:00 UTC
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I'm computerless for the next two weeks so I can't join in!
Poot! -
Re: it will be whenever people decide it should be by
on 2008-07-09 00:00:00 UTC
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If it's not too much trouble, may it take place before this Sunday?
~ Eni, who suddenly realized French Camp is around the corner. -
When I'm free? by
on 2008-07-08 23:37:00 UTC
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There are no guarantees at this point, but Friday and Saturday afternoons-nights are best.
~Neshomeh, who suddenly has twice as many five-page papers as she expected to have to write. {= P -
Nice by
on 2008-07-08 21:38:00 UTC
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Naomi would be interested.
Desomanda woudl be interested. DEsoemnda, for all those who don;t know, is drake using a DORKS to tf into a female. -
Yeah, if it's set after Feb 2008 "Desdemona" will be there. by
on 2008-07-09 00:32:00 UTC
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Without giving away too much, we have a storyline planned involving "her". (Kit, please say NOTHING about this potential storyline, and I'll do the same. Lack of spoilers is good.)
Sounds like fun! by
on 2008-07-08 19:21:00 UTC
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Agent Eni'd love to join. Mayhap she could bring creampuffs.
Oooh! by
on 2008-07-08 17:38:00 UTC
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Nara (in a female form) will definitely come and probably drag Ryni along.
The guys just may have to sneak in... by
on 2008-07-08 16:34:00 UTC
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Just so you girls don't do anything rash, I swear that is all we will be doing...
Leto -
If they try there will be revenge, XD (nm) by
on 2008-07-08 18:17:00 UTC
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Actually, to be honest, I don't mind if the guys crash by
on 2008-07-09 00:05:00 UTC
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We could try scaring them off by watching Titanic or something else soppy, but really, I'm not too fussed - it's not like our parents are around to be scandalised. ...Not to imply that we're all like Lux (*wince* is she coming? Please say no....), but PPC agents tend to be far too mentally scarred to be troubled by such things.
I hate to suggest the same thing twice, but... by
on 2008-07-08 18:30:00 UTC
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How about Jusenkyo water?
Could be a fitting punishment. -
I dunno... by
on 2008-07-08 18:33:00 UTC
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I think that'd be kinda harsh for anyone.
Not to mention the fact it'd be permanent. o.o;; -
I mean the instant girl packets. (nm) by
on 2008-07-08 18:37:00 UTC
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When will this be? (nm) by
on 2008-07-08 13:32:00 UTC
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Circe shall bring her chocolate. by
on 2008-07-08 12:04:00 UTC
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A PPC Girls Sleepover... what next? xD
Laburnum and Foxglove will come. by
on 2008-07-08 11:52:00 UTC
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kitsune106's Naomi and Drake might want to as well - Drake is not female, but he has something of a penchant for transformation so he might ask if using the DORKS to change his gender for the night means he can come.
hmmm by
on 2008-07-08 21:39:00 UTC
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naomi definately woudl come. drake woudl come using teh dorks, defrinately.
Ah, but men have their own tradition for Girl's Only events. by
on 2008-07-08 13:59:00 UTC
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Namely, sneaking in.
Yep. by
on 2008-07-08 14:06:00 UTC
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And given these are PPC Agents, that means it'll be interesting indeed.
I predict Jusenkyo water. (nm) by
on 2008-07-08 17:31:00 UTC
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Tenki and Branch would love to come. *snickers* (nm) by
on 2008-07-08 11:06:00 UTC
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Count mine in! by
on 2008-07-08 09:41:00 UTC
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My girls'd love the idea.
Agents Sedri and Iza are in! by
on 2008-07-08 09:38:00 UTC
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Sleepovers are FUN! We managed to get Prince Caspian on high-def DVD (no special features though - :( ) by snitching it from the Real World filmmakers. Agent Sedri has been staring longingly at said prince ever since, though she all but attacked Iza when caught. Dangerous.
We should gather up all the other 'classic' girl-aww movies, too; I vote for Ever After.
I suspect the guys will crash, though; there aren't many of them on the Board and I think they'll be feeling all left out. Then again, if we start watching Titanic, they may run away in horror. ;p -
on 2008-07-08 16:32:00 UTC
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That could work... (nm) by
on 2008-07-08 09:42:00 UTC
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OT: Remember Me? and Can You Help these Agents? by
on 2008-07-09 00:35:00 UTC
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Hiya, everybody! *waves* It's been ages, I'm afraid. And as much as I hoped I'd never do this, I've got a reason for turning up on this board after so long.
The problem is, I loved PPCing. .... Ing. Loved. It. But while I was PPCing, I was writing a novel, and now that novel is in the process of being sold. I posted the name and pieces of my novel while I was working on it, on the same LJ that I posted my PPCings. And if I want to avoid legal issues once the book is published, I can't continue sporking other peoples' work.
:( I've missed you all, guys. Board snowfights and tearing the hell out of badfic were wonderful. I met a lot of awesome people on this board, even if I haven't been able to keep up with you.
The reason I'm posting here is that I need to transfer ownership of my agents, Diocletian and Suicide, as well as their minis Narnia No-Longerfled and Thiranduil. This would also mean asking their new writer to complete the unfinished first portion of the "Subjugations" mission, a killer in and of itself. But even if they just continue for that one mission, I'd like to see the end of it. And I'm hoping one of you guys can help.
The PPCings themselves are going to be transferred from my Livejournal to the website at http://www.geocities.com/sixty_of_nine2138. The new writer could, if they liked, take over this site, or do as they pleased with the characters and the writings.
*shakes a tin cup* Don't leave these agents homeless! Alms! Alms! -
*salutes* by
on 2008-07-11 05:15:00 UTC
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Probably there's something about changing guards that could be said here, but I've never been very up on military history, it'd probably sound a bit silly coming from me at any rate, and I'm not convinced it would be accurate.
Best of luck to you! *offers a commemorative mug* -
Gah! by
on 2008-07-10 03:43:00 UTC
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Oh, I hope I didn't get here too late...
Hey! You don't know me (why should you?) but Suicide and Diocletian are one of my favorite Agent pairs (though not 'ship-wise). I'm definitely going to miss you and your fantastic writing, and wish you good luck with your novel (which I'm planning on buying XD).
I gift you with an egg whisk to protect yourself from spambots and all things unholy in the Real World. It's gold-plated...oh, and it may also be used to whisk eggs.
Come back and visit? Please? You will be sorely missed. -
Thank you, everyone! by
on 2008-07-09 22:33:00 UTC
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*huggles her new carnivorous rubber pet* Gorsh, I feel like an Oscar winner. You love me! You really, really love me! *teary eyes, blows kisses*
In answer to a few questions . . .
Neshomeh, I would be delighted if you would like to take stewardship of Dio and Su for "Subjugations." They don't make too much of a mess, I promise. And they come with a bonus of Ithalond and Mithiriel, the latter of which is a house-cleaning demon. Of course, I'd help any way I could. There's no way I'm condemning anybody else to PPCing that turkey alone.
Araeph, it's not necessary to have read "Gates of Fire" to get all of Suicide's personality; he actually appears only peripherally in the novel, and the version I'm using of him is more of an uncanonical fanon approximation than the genuine article. Wikipedia et al should give you the info you need on his novelized appearances.
If you want to borrow or cameo Suicide and Dio anywhere, that's fine with me, though if Neshomeh is their primary steward then you'd have to clear it with her. This would apply to anybody wanting to use them, cameo or otherwise. I'd like to think that they got out and about occasionally
OFUFF is dead as the proverbial doornail, I'm afraid. If anybody wants to use anyone/anything from there, they're more than welcome. It was pretty much doomed when my student files got wiped out in my last drive crash. Miss J and all students are free to good homes, though in the case of the students, I'd recommend disinfecting them first.
I'm not vanishing entirely; I'll continue to lurk and read PPC, and I'm available at sixtyofnine2138@yahoo.com if anybody wants a beta or just to chat.
Thank you to everyone for your help and friendship over the years. *pours a jug of Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster* Have an e-one on me. More than one, if you like. You're all fabulous, and you'd better know it! -
You're welcome! by
on 2008-07-09 23:47:00 UTC
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Like I said, I don't know when I'll get around to "Subjugation," but it's definitely on my list now. And I'll be steward and permission-giver for Dio, Su, Ithalond, Mithiriel, and assorted minis and paraphernalia. {= )
*hugs* I'll be in touch. Sporadically as usual, but even so. ^_^;
~Neshomeh -
W_M! by
on 2008-07-09 18:48:00 UTC
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We'll miss you! Congratulations on your novel!
In fact, we have missed you. *hugs* Take care and good luck with life and the writing. -
I remember when I gave you that nickname for your nickname.. by
on 2008-07-09 22:18:00 UTC
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That was a fun time. I will be reading the new book once it is released to the masses. Hopefully we will get to kill some Sues from your work!
Leto -
*waves sadly* by
on 2008-07-09 18:08:00 UTC
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I've always loved your missions, so I'm sad to see you go. But you can still visit, right? And yay, published! *squees*
Actually, that's something I've been worried about. My solution has been to not post any of the stories I might want to submit, keep my name out of online activities, and wait until there's actually some chance of getting published before I worry too much. -
Goodbye and good luck. by
on 2008-07-09 16:33:00 UTC
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I haven't really been able to get to know you very well, but I wish you all the best. I hope you will not abandon the Board completely.
I've been thinking... by
on 2008-07-09 15:11:00 UTC
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...of what to do if that happens to me. And the answer I came up with is: the Department of Intelligence. See, if you're careful about it, as an Untangler you don't actually have to interact with the canon characters. All you're doing is analyzing what's going on in a bad fanfic and why it's deleterious to canon. Doing just an Intelligence brief is even better: it's really like a badfic review, and there's nothing legally wrong with that. (There's internal PPC history, too, but I think hS has kind of cornered the market on that one.)
Just out of curiosity...would someone have to be very familiar with the book Suicide is from, or just very familiar with the history of Ancient Greece? (I'm the latter, not the former.) I know Neshomeh has already offered to take care of them, but I like adding other agent cameos into my missions, and not just the "pop-in-to-make-an-appearance" kind. *has been known to co-write missions with other agents* -
So sorry to se you go... by
on 2008-07-09 15:11:00 UTC
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Good luck with the novel and with RL. I'm sure your agents and minis will be taken care of here. *sadly hands over carnivorous rubber zebra* Maybe you could take this as one of (certainly many) mementos of the board and the Boarders?
Aw, I'm so sorry to see you go. by
on 2008-07-09 09:12:00 UTC
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It's a shame that this has to happen - it's exactly why I'm trying so hard to keep my penname and my real name separate, though I don't plan to actually publish anything... much.
*hugs* I wish you could stay. But on the other hand, congratulations on being published!
- Sedri -
Last mongoose! by
on 2008-07-09 08:40:00 UTC
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I'll be truly sorry to see you go - it's been great having you around the board, and I'll miss both you and your writings. (I've become a fan of Steven Pressfield, thanks to your influence, actually!)
I wish you the best of luck in your future wanderings as a published writer! Bonne chance, and hope you might be able to drop back in from time to time.
Elcalion -
*sobs* Last Mini-Sloth! by
on 2008-07-09 07:35:00 UTC
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*blows nose loudly* As a fan of your work, I wish you many happy returns.
Now, could you maybe lend me a bit of help, it seems to concern this whole "fire-king" thing.
*zoom out to see Beige tied up and being carried by mini-sloths to the edge of a volcano.* -
To arms! by
on 2008-07-09 07:52:00 UTC
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It was not the badfic alert siren that went off this time. Instead, it was an ordinary bedside alarm clock, conveniently shaped like a jolly smiling hamster. Its cheerful chimes were greeted with less than enthusiastic response by the occupant of the bed, one Diocletian Astreth, who opened one bleary eye, considered the clock, and then swatted it hard enough to put a crack right down the jolly hamster's jolly abdomen.
"Su," Diocletian said, rolling over. "It's the OTHER alarm."
This was addressed to a large hammock hung up near the roof of the small room. In it reposed two hundred and ten pounds of groaning Scythian, who had drunk far too much everything at the "Our Writer's Retiring, We Can Finally Get Some Sleep" party of the night before.
"Mnrgh," was his response.
"Su!" Diocletian repeated.
"Gnraaargh!" the Scythian responded, punctuating his statement with a thrown bottle of Kahlua. Diocletian took a deep breath and silently begged forgiveness for what she was about to do.
"WRITER KIDNAPPING!" she screamed, putting just enough of her Sueish soprano into it for maximum pain. Suicide jerked upright in a humorous fashion and promptly bashed his head on the ceiling, which sent the bundled hammock swinging like the cocoon of a gleeful caterpillar just about to move out into his own set of wings. Indeterminate swearing drifted down to Diocletian, who was scrambling out of bed and looking wildly for a pair of non-crusty socks.
"Dio, I will ----in' KILL YOU," Suicide said, when he had managed to stop swinging. His face was slightly green under its heavy tan. "Ugh. My mouth tastes like tin and mini-Balrog."
"No time!" his partner responded. Since the sock graveyard of the floor had yielded nothing usable, she clambered over the lower laundry foothills in search of the lost washing basket. It was around there somewhere, she knew. "A writer's been kidnapped. Get dressed, Su!"
"Good," Suicide responded.
"No, not good. Writers control our existence, you dolt!" Diocletian yelled.
"Yours, maybe. I'm a published OC, thankyouverymuch."
"Not right now, Su--you're a fanfic character! And if a writer gets kidnapped by ravenous minis, it could throw our entire existence out of whack! Are these boots yours? They've got something crusty and black on them."
"Oh, yeah. Don't ask." Suicide was suddenly a lot more alert. "Which one was it?"
"Gandalf the Beige." There was no washing basket to be found. In despair, Diocletian just shoved her sockless feet into her sneakers.
Suicide rolled over. "No worries, then."
A second sneaker beaned the hungover Scythian upside the head. "Care to rephrase that, soon-to-be-deleted-and-relying-on-the-charity-of-fellow-Board-members-for-continued-existence boy?"
"Okay, okay, okay! What kind of minis?"
"What, the sin?"
"No, the animal. I think. It's hard to tell in a text-based medium."
Suicide clambered awkwardly out of his hammock, revealing a pair of official HFA boxers with the Tootsitramp crest on the hip pocket. Diocletian, not interested in starting a fight, valiantly suppressed the urge to snicker like a fangirl and instead tossed him a pair of somewhat clean jeans. (They had celebrated their supposed freedom by burning their uniforms, along with an effigy of the Sunflower Official. That would be an interesting Departmental Memo.)
"Suit up, Su."
"Shotgun?" Suicide said.
"Hitchhiker's Guide to the Continuum?"
"Why didn't you repeat that one?"
"Too long."
"Um . . ."
"A shirt would be nice, too."
"After appearing in that tabloid, you're not allowed to have shame. Let's go!" -
Not a Mini.... per say by
on 2008-07-09 23:21:00 UTC
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They're actually canonical creatures from the second Ice Age movie, miniature, multi-coloured versions of Sid the Sloth who, despite having advanced knowledge of geology and volcanic tectonics, still insist on sacrificing said Slothto keep the ice from melting.
Last plover! by
on 2008-07-09 05:10:00 UTC
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And conga rats!
We'll miss you in the PPC. -
And I'll miss the PPC. (nm) by
on 2008-07-09 05:18:00 UTC
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Awwww. by
on 2008-07-09 03:25:00 UTC
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Well, on the one hand, it's wonderful that you've finished and published your novel. Kudos!
I would consider taking them, but my Orientation Month is not quite up yet and I am unsure if you'd want someone you don't even know taking your agents.
Best of luck with everything, though, and I shall look at the website. -
Aww. by
on 2008-07-09 03:14:00 UTC
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I'd wondered if you were going to be back here or not. The Real World is kind of a slap in the face, isn't it? Suddenly all the stuff you've been doing for simple entertainment could result in Legal Issues, and not the fun Legal that we have. {= P
Not that getting published isn't awesome. I believe I've already gushed over that on dA. {= ) But still... real life is a little scary.
As for "Subjugation," I'd been thinking of possibly tackling the whole thing myself, since it isn't really getting done like it was supposed to. I'd be glad to pick up Dio and Suicide for the purpose. (I could consult with you for characterization, right?) On the other hand, I don't know how long it will be until I can get to it, or at what point (I hope) I'll find myself in your situation and simply have to quit altogether. So... consider me if no one else steps up, I guess, but only if. I still plan to do my part, though. I think it was the part after yours...?
~Neshomeh, -
Also... by
on 2008-07-09 03:20:00 UTC
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Exactly what kind of internet housekeeping are you having to do? Did your agent lay down some guidelines, or what?
~Neshomeh, who has a fair bit of stuff about her OCs in various places, not to mention having RPed with some of them. -
Cleaning and bleaching, mostly. by
on 2008-07-09 03:26:00 UTC
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Anything potentially litigious (such as PPCing, which falls under parody but could still be the cause of trouble from butthurt fanbrats) has to go. And no, the agent didn't lay down rules as such . . . I'm taking the hint and doing it on my own. He doesn't know much about my OL activities; he's an old-fashioned pro, and probably isn't really familiar with the world of online fanfiction.
I think any work you've done with your own OCs should be fairly kosher; that's your intellectual property. When they become associated with a specific project that's being optioned, for money, then trouble begins as far as housecleaning.
And if you could take care of Dio and Suicide, that would be awesome. I'd help out as much as required, of course . . . but as far as authoring new sporkings, I'm kind of on shaky ground. :( -
Hmm. by
on 2008-07-09 23:33:00 UTC
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Well, hopefully the fanbrats are and will be lazy or grown up enough not to hunt us down. It isn't as though they have a leg to stand on, really. What would the suit be, do you suppose? I don't think they could prove intent to cause emotional distress or something like that, particularly since there isn't any such intent. Not that a lawsuit wouldn't be a bad thing anyway, even if you won.
Meh. I'm nowhere near ready to worry about it anyway. It remains to be seen whether or not I actually have the stamina to write a novel.
~Neshomeh -
Would I be safe if I removed my OC pics from my site ... by
on 2008-07-09 11:37:00 UTC
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... and didn't put my real name up anywhere, and/or (assuming I ever actually write this book) had it published under a pseudonym?
Probably. by
on 2008-07-09 22:19:00 UTC
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It's the trouble that once you've said "these are my original characters," and those original characters are associated with an online name that also does PPCing, and then a book is publishing featuring those OCs--fanbrats can connect the dots and see a lawsuit for compensation for pain and suffering. It's not so much your real name, but your online name having both PPCing and OCs-which-go-pro associated with it. I don't think a pseudonym will be necessary.
If I take them down now ... by
on 2008-07-09 23:23:00 UTC
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... and wait several years before attempting any publication at all, do you think it'll be safe? The pics were just scraps, I don't think many people see them.
That should do you fine. (nm) by
on 2008-07-10 04:24:00 UTC
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Aww, we'll miss you! *hugs* by
on 2008-07-09 01:49:00 UTC
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I already have four agents and two child characters to handle, so I can't take them, but they may feature in the background in a few places. Maybe you could just leave them free for anyone to use, like Jay and Acacia now seem to be?
I should take down the doodles of my OCs on my devArt page, if it could lead to legal issues if I try to get it published ... at least I haven't actually written any of their story yet.
Will you still read here even if not spork? -
That's a good idea . . . by
on 2008-07-09 02:15:00 UTC
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I wouldn't mind leaving Dio and Su as free-floaters, as long as people remember that Su is actually a Stephen Pressfield character.
I don't know what DeviantArt's policy re OC doodles is . . . I haven't addressed that. There's a load of my character art on there. Maybe I should take that down, too . . . hmmm.
Yes, I still follow PPCings, even if I don't spork. I'm not comPLETEly soulless, after all. And if my work inspires badfic, I'd want to know about it! :D -
What exactly are the legal issues surrounding it? by
on 2008-07-09 14:51:00 UTC
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Is it just that you need to avoid people associating your sporkings with your published work and linking them to the same person?
I don't use my real name on any of my pages anymore, but on one or two review pages in the depths of ff.net there's anon reviews with my username and my old email address which incorporated my real name, but A) they're buried in the depths of ff.net, B) my name isn't all THAT unusual and I can always make another email address. I have photos of me in friendslocked LJ posts and on the Gathering Report, and people who've received direct email from me know my real name because it's on the "X Y using Insert Email Address" (stupid Yahoo) but I've only directly emailed about four Net-met people in total. If I take down my OC pics, will there still be a problem there? -
Heh, and as I recall... by
on 2008-07-09 19:15:00 UTC
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I think there are a few writers (actual published writers) who still write fanfiction. And not just novelists, but people in the video game industry and stuff who've worked on the game canon who've done fanfic for the game they worked on...
Like Laburnum said, tis all a matter of separating published work from fanfic.
Also, I don't think anyone would be surprised at a newbie showing up referred by an old inactive member. *coughs discreetly*
This isn't my contingency plan at all if I get published, myself. No sirree. -
So should I take down my OC doodles? by
on 2008-07-09 20:19:00 UTC
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To be safe? Or what?
*shakes head* by
on 2008-07-09 21:43:00 UTC
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Nah. A lot of professional artists do both their original work and stuff that would basically be fanart and display both; there's a lot of derivative art work that's professionally shown and sold, along side completely original stuff.
However, that doesn't really work with novels, since the two can get mixed, but from what I've seen so long as the two are kept separated (EG, don't stick the fanfic right smack in the same place as your original work if it's prominent) it's not really troublesome (after all, regular fanfic writers who aren't published are subject to the same problems of legality as the published writers who do fanfic), but can be occasionally weird. -
I have the OC pics mixed in with a lot of fanart. by
on 2008-07-09 22:09:00 UTC
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Maybe if I ever seriously start work on the novel I'll take them down ...
Still sad because if I do get published and try to keep the novel and my fanfic separate that means I can't plug it here or on my LJ when it does get published. *sigh* -
Yes you could. by
on 2008-07-10 00:45:00 UTC
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Just use the name you get published under.
And then let everyone wonder whodunnit. XD -
Of course we remember you. by
on 2008-07-09 01:42:00 UTC
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I'm afraid I can't really take on another pair of Agents, but I'm sure someone will. I would be willing to do a cowrite to finish Subjugation with someone, but taking it on by myself would basically mean it would never get finished.
That said. Oh. My. God. A PPCer is getting PUBLISHED! We wantsss names and titles and release dates, yess precioussss, we doessss!
Er. Please? -
'S cool. by
on 2008-07-09 02:20:00 UTC
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I wouldn't ask you to take on another pair of agents if you're already booked full.
And yes, published. *bright red face* The book is "The Hairy Man and the Sack." The hardback rights have been optioned by Five Star, but my agent thinks he can get a paperback deal with DAW Publishing, too. I'm currently living in the limbo of Editor Time, waiting to hear back from them. If the PPCers are interested, I'll post more info when I get it.
And really, I owe a lot to the PPC. It was my writing apprenticeship . . . working with a Boardful of awesome writers, practicing sporking. :D -
Is that the story that was set in Sydney? by
on 2008-07-09 05:25:00 UTC
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You had all those monsters like the boogeyman and stuff. Is that the story? If it is I can't wait to read it...
I feel the same by
on 2008-07-09 02:23:00 UTC
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My writing has improved immeasurably since I started sporking things with this bunch of nutters :) I only hope that I can get my Proto-Novel to drop its prefix sometime soon.
Anyway, my sincerest congratulations. This is an amazing achievement. -
I rewmember you by
on 2008-07-09 00:44:00 UTC
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Sorry you can;t ppc any more. guess tha tis why also you can;t do an ofu, right?
hopefully your agents will find a new home. -
Sadly, no. by
on 2008-07-09 00:56:00 UTC
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Hence the death of OFUFF. Granted, that was dying anyway, but it looks like this is kaputski for most of my fandom activities.
Was that the one with Miss Kit? by
on 2008-07-09 12:36:00 UTC
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If it was, can we still borrow her for brief appearances at OFUR? Mister Kit may want to see her there.
ahhhh by
on 2008-07-09 01:22:00 UTC
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*holds a funeral for the ofu*
sorry to hear that. but these things do happen.
Troll is back! by
on 2008-07-09 10:33:00 UTC
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Idiot troller is back: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1569223/Kel iaiah
This time he's copy-pasted the profile and nearly copied the username of someone I know vaguely, and is going around posting extremely obscene reviews on sections mostly read by kids. Grr.
Can we all report him again for plagiarism and obscenity? Somehow?
Meanwhile, in order to take care of the damage he's already done, I'd like to plug this (legitimately this time, I was angry last time and posted it without accompanying rantage): http://www.fanfiction.net/topic/2872/60 30605/1/
It's a petition for the ability to delete signed reviews, since the Pit mods were assheaded enough to give us the option to report obscene reviews and then proceeded to do precisely nothing when we do.
Are there any other places I can report this and spread the word? -
on 2008-07-14 19:51:00 UTC
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Well, now ffnet's made me a liar, because I might as well go back now they've actually dealt with the problem in less than a year. Looks like sending fifty emails a day to the support team works.
That does it. A) I'm quitting ffnet, B) made the troll comm. by
on 2008-07-12 16:44:00 UTC
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I don't want any more to do with that site, at least until some more people in the section at least try to do something. I'm sick of seeing people sitting around whining about the troll and me being the only one apparently doing anything to stop it.
Even so, I still made the troll-reporting comm, in case anyone wants it.
http://community.livejournal.com/ffnet_patroll/ -
It's not going to happen, though by
on 2008-07-13 09:11:00 UTC
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Angry as we might be at FF.N, it's simply the largest and most accessible place for fanbrats, so it accumulates most of our internet community's lowlifes. I won't defend the management because I don't have enough experience with them, but I don't personally hold them entirely responsible. Note "entirely".
I centralise my work on livejournal, but for publicity I post on FFN. For me, it's just practical. *shrugs*
Good luck, though. I'll try to help the patrol comm when I can, but I'm not on FFN often or deeply enough to really encounter them. -
Any reports at all will help. by
on 2008-07-13 16:42:00 UTC
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Even if you can't report every one.
I don't get why I stayed that long. Am I really so stupid or stubborn as to stay in a place that's that badly run? Doesn't the behaviour of the morons cancel out the convenience? If a human was treating me the way that site treats everyone on it, I'd be an idiot to stay around them. I guess I just stuck around out of stubborness (does that need one or two n's?) -
Two, I think, and personally I see it as a machine by
on 2008-07-14 00:52:00 UTC
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Not a vindictive, cruel entity, human or no. *shrugs* Maybe that's why I never started calling it 'The Pit' the way most PPCers do; it's an automatic posting machine that a lot of people use and misuse, so I tend not to become angry with it. *shrugs* 'tis just the way I think.
Even so, I'm not staying in a place ... by
on 2008-07-14 02:36:00 UTC
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... where it's okay to treat my friends like that, or to send rape threats to eleven-year-old kids (I know, the eleven-year-olds shouldn't be on there, but the fact is they are and that doesn't make it okay to send sick threats to them).
Agreed about THAT by
on 2008-07-14 23:50:00 UTC
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It's never okay. Still, I'm staying, if only for the advertising. To each his (her!) own.
Actually I'm going back now it's gone. by
on 2008-07-15 18:28:00 UTC
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*blush* Never fails, I get all psyched up to do something and suddenly my reason becomes irrelevant.
Will make note. Sending fifty emails a day when there's a problem DOES work. -
Wait, he's changed the fic-spamming account ... by
on 2008-07-10 22:54:00 UTC
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How much spare time does this guy HAVE?! -
I have already tried... by
on 2008-07-10 21:01:00 UTC
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I emailed the admin about him with a full list of everything I had seen from him. Several points:
* he was being very profane
* he was abusing the author ("you should just commit suicide and rid the world of your pathetic self")
* his reviews weren't even about the stories
This was several weeks ago and I am not sure if anything was done about this. Maybe if more people made complaints, they would actually do something. -
Let's spam the hell out of the mods with our complaints. by
on 2008-07-10 22:11:00 UTC
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Maybe if they open their inbox to a few thousand complaints they'll pay attention. I've sent a few dozen copies of a complaint to them today and I'll keep doing so until something is done.
His other account is posting graphic child-rape scenes with summaries and titles copy-pasted from real fics to "disguise" them. Interesting how they ignore this yet if you put up a PG-13 fic featuring two uses of the f-word they'll come down on you like a ton of bricks.
Think we should set up an lj comm and/or Pit forum just for tracking down and reporting trolls? -
A good idea. I just sent two emails. by
on 2008-07-11 01:37:00 UTC
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Perhaps we can nag the FFN mods to watch this LJ community (or a forum), so we can report for them that way? If we imply that it'll save their inboxes, they might just do it.
I've sent over fifty. by
on 2008-07-11 09:57:00 UTC
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Let them see how it feels.
I was thinking of setting up an LJ community devoted to watching for trolls on the Pit. Members pledge to send at least one report for EVERY troll that shows up, report trolls as soon as they show up (moderated comm, so we can check that the troll isn't just someone the poster has a grudge against), and everyone on the comm floods the support inbox with reports of each troll as it's reported. Would that stand a chance of working? -
Sounds interesting. by
on 2008-07-11 13:39:00 UTC
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I think it'd depend on if the mods ever check the support inbox and how many people join.
Imagine logging on one day and seeing a few hundred reports for the same troll. Heh. -
Shall we try it? (nm) by
on 2008-07-11 15:31:00 UTC
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We could try sparky's mailbomber to send mass roports (nm) by
on 2008-07-11 17:18:00 UTC
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Could work, but I think we'd get banned ... by
on 2008-07-11 17:41:00 UTC
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Isn't that illegal or something?
Eh. I'm ceasing to care. I don't want to be associated with a place where it's effectively okay to send death threats to kids. If we can't fix it, I'm using that auto-spam thing to send porn to the support address and cutting my losses ... well, cutting my losses at least, I don't know if I'd dare to do the other bit, but it's fun to dream. -
eh. Technically it's not by
on 2008-07-15 14:07:00 UTC
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As John Mccain is using this program to send mass form-email to literally millions of people. We are using this program for a slightly *eviler* purpose. Miss Cam's version of evil, not expose little kids to visual horrors like goatse.
Oh and July, don't call me on my past. Yes I am a troll; But I'm an ethical one. I only troll fundies(Extremests-any flavor), Pedophiles (except for those from spain, japan,and mexico where the ages of consent are lower((15, 12, and recently raised to 13))(((yes, in that order July))) and political hacks.
And possibly extreme radio stations(I shall never understand the connection between baptist radio and crazy trollableness) -
I think it'd fizzle out after a while by
on 2008-07-12 02:20:00 UTC
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We do become angry over this sort of thing, but after a while the energy goes out of the fight, just as you say. I would never end up doing anything for a reporting community, anyway - I just don't have the time.
Maybe ignoring him will do some good. -
*smites enter key* (nm) by
on 2008-07-11 17:19:00 UTC
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Works for me by
on 2008-07-10 22:21:00 UTC
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I can't stand seeing people do this. How many people would be willing to do something like this?
Someone who lives in his mother's basement ... by
on 2008-07-10 22:34:00 UTC
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... and is desperate for any sense of superiority he can get from anywhere, so he gets it by sending death and rape threats to eleven-year-old kids.
If not for the fact that I don't want to provoke him and I wouldn't be able to see him cry, I'd send a message to him saying "You think I'm worthless? That's interesting, because last time I checked I am the one who had a tested IQ of 120, eight GCSEs at grade B or above, probably four A levels of similar grades though I haven't got the results yet, a conditional offer to a wonderful college, money in my bank account, family who love me very much even though they will not put up with me living in their basement into my thirties, and an entertaining and creative hobby which I enjoy with my many good friends in between work and other hobbies such as caring for my pets - who, I may add, are perfectly healthy and happy and going to remain so despite your verbal spewings against me and them ... and YOU were the one who thinks that the most productive use of your time is to spend day after day sending obscene and pointless messages to complete strangers." -
You just described everyone on the somethingawful forums by
on 2008-07-11 17:12:00 UTC
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and every griefer on the net.
So do you have any idea how to get rid of the idiot? (nm) by
on 2008-07-11 17:37:00 UTC
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Unfortunately, just because we might be able by
on 2008-07-11 01:41:00 UTC
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to understand why he does it doesn't change what he's done. Call me cruel, but I'd be glad to kick him no matter how desperate he is, because it might just give him the push he needs to go out and improve his life instead of blaming the world, making himself a victim and ruining things for other people.
*sigh* Sorry, I ramble. But I know how you feel. There are times I just want to shove into their faces the fact that I have gone from a similar state to them (though thankfully never that dreadful) to having a great life, BECAUSE I CHOSE TO DO SO. If all he's after is a sense of superiority, he's never going to be happy no matter what he does.
And yeah; for me it boils down to the fact that he can ruin his own life as much as he wants - it's the only way he'll learn - but when he spoils things for others, my sympathy is gone.
... I'm in a cruel mood right now. I need to go and write a mission... -
I still won't send it, it'll just make him send more tripe. by
on 2008-07-11 09:51:00 UTC
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And I won't be able to see him sob pathetically from the other end of an internet connection, so it'll take out all the fun.
Probably best not to provoke, anyway by
on 2008-07-12 02:18:00 UTC
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Better to imagine the sobs, instead. *wicked grin*
And here he is again! by
on 2008-07-10 16:57:00 UTC
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http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1569278/Kelilah That page currently has no NWS pictures on it, but he'll probably add one in a few minutes. This one isn't review-spamming, but he's posting page after page of spam with stolen titles and summaries.
A little NSFB warning would've been nice, thanks. by
on 2008-07-10 03:30:00 UTC
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That pic...*shudders*...
Get that guy destroyed right away. PLEASE. -
That hadn't been there earlier. by
on 2008-07-10 04:32:00 UTC
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So you know.
Also, for your education on horrific things, that image is Goatse, part of the Unholy Trinity.
....Which isn't as horrible as I had thought it would be, actually. -
No, it wasn't there when I first looked. REALLY sorry! NWS! (nm) by
on 2008-07-10 11:02:00 UTC
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Re: That hadn't been there earlier. by
on 2008-07-10 06:25:00 UTC
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"....Which isn't as horrible as I had thought it would be, actually."
Ma'am, you frighten me immensely. -
Well... by
on 2008-07-10 06:57:00 UTC
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You see, I had already seen the other two images of the Unholy Trinity, and I thought goatse was far worse than it turned out to be.
But it is massively inappropriate and should get that troll off FF.Net. -
I ask - how? Do we email the admin? by
on 2008-07-10 09:50:00 UTC
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Or is there a handy "Report Abuse" button somewhere on the bio page that I just can't find?
Email "support at fanfiction dot com". by
on 2008-07-10 19:09:00 UTC
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Punctuate as appropriate.
Thanks - sorry for posting my question twice (nm) by
on 2008-07-11 01:28:00 UTC
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I don't care - that's SICK. How do I report him? by
on 2008-07-10 06:22:00 UTC
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I can't find any handy "report abuse" button on his/her profile.
You have to email the mods directly ... by
on 2008-07-10 13:45:00 UTC
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... at support @ fanfiction . com (take out the spaces - I don't know why I'm protecting THEM from spambots, but I'm hoping they'll actually be able to find the legitimate complaints in their inbox if I do).
Re: Troll is back! by
on 2008-07-09 16:58:00 UTC
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*sighs and starts reporting* I'll get some of my RL friends involved... Can't they keep this stuff out of the children's section?
~Eni, -
Whoops, excuse the odd sentence. by
on 2008-07-09 10:34:00 UTC
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The bit about "posting it legitimately" is because I copy-pasted from fanficrants - which the mod is still deleting it from because apparently I broke some other rule. Gah. And the troll's page is actually http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1569223/Keliaiah - 'scuse my typos.
Yep by
on 2008-07-09 14:09:00 UTC
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Its a \b-tard troll alright. What with the goatse mention and all. The tone reminds me of the anon posts of encyclopediadramatica.com; sarcastic, sick, and not tolerable anywhere else.
I gathered. by
on 2008-07-09 14:26:00 UTC
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I think this is the same guy from last time - and I'm pretty sure it was him who tried to sign me up for over one hundred and thirty unwanted Neopets accounts and got every one of them banned for profanity before I even got the confirmation emails. Thank God for the "To never receive Neopets email at this address again click here" button.
What upsets me is the Redwall section has a high proportion of eleven- and twelve-year-old members who sneaked past the radar, and is probably read by kids as young as eight who haven't joined yet. This stuff isn't appropriate anywhere, but especially not there.
Question for departments. by
on 2008-07-09 17:49:00 UTC
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Does this horrible thing belong to DoGA or the Department of Crossovers?
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2840647/1/Galactic_Guardians -
Offhand, I'd say Crossovers, but I'm no expert. (nm) by
on 2008-07-10 04:50:00 UTC
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Eesh, I've seen ones like this before by
on 2008-07-09 18:36:00 UTC
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I'm in the middle of a really long monster myself so I won't read all of it, but if you really can't tell, you can always just pick whichever department you have agents from, or you can do a co-authored mission. If you had a DIC Agent, you could team up with someone from DoGA and get rid of it together, and visa versa.
I praise you for taking on such a long fic, because ow, at least my 62-chapter thing didn't have really long individual chapters.
*peeks in* by
on 2008-07-09 20:10:00 UTC
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Hullo all! *spastic waving* I'm a newcomer, and figured I should introduce myself. :) I'm Tiff [sometimes known as Soba], a friend of Le Jai's [and was prodded into PPC by JulyFlame]. I'm still very much a n00b when it comes to PPC, but I'm quite willing to learn, and very much looking forward to getting to know everyone!
A late greeting, and a Towel by
on 2008-07-12 00:12:00 UTC
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Hi! Um... you've most likely gotten showered with links and all already, so: 1) good luck and have fun, and 2) Have a Convenient Towel to add belatedly to your newbie-gifts! It'll change color to whatever you want at first, but it settles after one color change. It'll still pop up when you need it though.
Welcome, Sobakasu! I wish you more luck than me in trying to get Permission! -
on 2008-07-12 00:21:00 UTC
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One can never have too many newbie gifts. XDD Thank you very much~~ Oooh, that's nifty. :3
Thank you, and I wish you luck as well! :O -
Marhaban! by
on 2008-07-11 17:20:00 UTC
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More late greetings, but welcoming nonetheless! I gift you with some twolips from Xanth. Admire the pretty flowers, but don't get too close unless you want to be kissed. And I'm pretty sure they're not sentient, but you never know around here.
:D by
on 2008-07-11 17:30:00 UTC
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Late greetings are still very welcome~ And oooh, thank you~ :O Very true, very true... I'll watch out for that.
Greetings, greetings~ by
on 2008-07-11 12:16:00 UTC
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What a late greetings it is.
*presents with large block of Blumble ice*
Use this with care. xD -
Hallo~ by
on 2008-07-11 17:31:00 UTC
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Ah, that's alright.
Oooh... -pokes- :O
Aye-aye! -salutes- -
And... by
on 2008-07-11 13:01:00 UTC
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just now, I see that you are in Alas Babylon. Silly meh.
I shall name you Kasu-Tiff. Yes, I do realize the nickname ought to be shorter than the real name. :P I hope you are not insulted by the sheer randomness of it. -
Oooh. :O by
on 2008-07-11 17:37:00 UTC
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XD Yaap~
Oooh, new nickname!
Three cheers! by
on 2008-07-12 16:13:00 UTC
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Random rules the world. x3
Hurrah! :D by
on 2008-07-12 18:13:00 UTC
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Yes indeed~ :3
Hallo, and welcome! by
on 2008-07-11 05:39:00 UTC
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Have a mug filled with a beverage of your choice! Quaffing is purely optional.
Thank you kindly~ by
on 2008-07-11 17:40:00 UTC
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Welcome! by
on 2008-07-10 20:53:00 UTC
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Welcome, welcome! Hope you have fun.
Thanks~ by
on 2008-07-10 21:02:00 UTC
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Danke, danke~ :D I'm sure I will~~~
Yo. Hi there. by
on 2008-07-10 20:51:00 UTC
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Have a carnivorous rubber zebra and an urple welcome mat.
~Eni -
Oooh. by
on 2008-07-10 21:01:00 UTC
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Hallo~ :O
So - what, exactly, does a carnivorous rubber zebra eat? And thank you muchly for the urple welcome mat~ :O -
You are most welcome! by
on 2008-07-10 22:21:00 UTC
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It eats sue. The sparklier the better.
:3 by
on 2008-07-11 00:55:00 UTC
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Ooooh. My kinda zebra~ 8D
Hello and greetings! by
on 2008-07-10 11:52:00 UTC
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Welcomes, hail and well met, and such other phrases. Lovely to have you here.
In case you couldn't tell, I'm Cassie from Alas Babylon, and we met through JulyFlame and Le Jai.
Anywhoo, newbie-presents. *hands over a bag of pebbles and a Random Shiny Object* There ya go. Throw the pebbles at Sues and marvel at the Shiny Object's shininess.
Have fun, and don't worry about your sanity. Most people leave it at the door. -
Heyla~ :D by
on 2008-07-10 16:39:00 UTC
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Lovely to be here~
Ah, yes, I know a Cassie~ :DD
Ooooh. Shinyshiny~~ Thanks! :3
Ah, no need to worry there; most people would say I didn't have any to leave. :D -
Hello, Tiffpon! by
on 2008-07-10 11:46:00 UTC
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It is my goal to never use the same nickname twice. We shall see how I go. Welcome to the PPC.
Re: Hello, Tiffpon! by
on 2008-07-10 16:41:00 UTC
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Ooooh... Ganbatte yo! XD
hey there Tiff! by
on 2008-07-10 04:56:00 UTC
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Have some welcome lembas!
Always good to have new peoples around -
Trojie~~ by
on 2008-07-10 05:00:00 UTC
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Oooh... Sankyuu~
Glad to be the new peoples around~~ :3 -
I iz big fanz of nu peepls by
on 2008-07-10 05:02:00 UTC
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esp. ones who are fun to chat with :)
on 2008-07-10 05:36:00 UTC
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D'awwwww, you flatter me~~ And you're verah verah fun to chat with~~ :33
Welcome! First Pocketknife! by
on 2008-07-10 04:47:00 UTC
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Useful things, them.
Welcome! Always nice to meet someone new. -
Ooer. :O by
on 2008-07-10 04:50:00 UTC
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Sweet! :3
Likewise~~ Very glad to be here! -
Bien venue! (I think that's "welcome" in French...) by
on 2008-07-10 04:29:00 UTC
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I gift you with psychic paper, newcomer! Very useful for getting places uninvited, just don't let your mind wander when you use it.
And I'm certain you're more newbie than n00b. Planning on ever writing for the PPC? -
on 2008-07-10 04:40:00 UTC
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I've wanted some for a very long time~~ :00 Arigatou gozimasu~~ D'aww, thank ye kindly. Certainly do, after I get settled in~ :) Seems like loads of fun, and a nice way to vent at all the badfic issues so rampant in fandom anymore~
Heya! by
on 2008-07-10 03:38:00 UTC
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I do believe I met you last night...we were talking to the snapeybot. XD
Welcome to the insanity! Here, have an egg whisk. It's gold-plated and, hey, it whisks eggs! Use it for good and not evil. -
Heyla~ :D by
on 2008-07-10 03:41:00 UTC
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Oh! Yes! :D I believe I remember you~ ... and of course, how could I forget the snapeybot? XDDD
Oooh... :O I solemnly swear to use it only for good. [... does pranking count as good?] -
Nice to meet you by
on 2008-07-10 00:07:00 UTC
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Welcome to the board. Try to keep a firm grip on your sanity. It's usually the first thing to go.
Likewise~ by
on 2008-07-10 00:36:00 UTC
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Pfft, that? Don't worry; it's been questionable for years already...
First Sock Monster by
on 2008-07-09 23:39:00 UTC
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Lo, it is cuddly and evil! And green!
Oooh... by
on 2008-07-10 00:34:00 UTC
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:O Does it have a name already, or can I name him?
it is yours to name as you see fit! (nm) by
on 2008-07-10 09:29:00 UTC
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Sweet~ by
on 2008-07-10 16:37:00 UTC
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:D~ I shall have to think of something appropriately cuddly and evil, then!
First bratwurst! by
on 2008-07-09 21:36:00 UTC
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I dunno, I'm going to Germany in a couple of hours. Bratwurst seems appropriate.
Hope you enjoy it here and have fun and stuff! -
Guten tag! :O by
on 2008-07-09 21:45:00 UTC
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Oooh, Germany~ *is jealous*
Thanks! :D I'm sure I will~~ -
дЅ еҐЅпјЃ by
on 2008-07-09 21:06:00 UTC
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Welcome to the PPC! I give you a harpsichord. Because harpsichords make everything better.
*twang* by
on 2008-07-09 21:08:00 UTC
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Indeed they do! Thank you kindly! :) ... I could actually almost play one, once-upon-a-time...
First plover! (nm) by
on 2008-07-09 20:29:00 UTC
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First Picard! by
on 2008-07-09 20:17:00 UTC
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Welcome to the PPC. What fandoms are you into?
... We're giving away CANONs now? Can I have Q? ;p (nm) by
on 2008-07-10 04:46:00 UTC
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Ahahahaha... by
on 2008-07-09 20:22:00 UTC
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Heh, better question would be what fandoms am I NOT? XD I range all over the place - LoTR, HP, Peirce, Lackey, various Anime/Manga, RPG... and so on and so forth.
Yay, another Lackey fan! by
on 2008-07-09 22:16:00 UTC
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Which serise have you read?
I have read almost all of her books.
Leto -
Misty~ by
on 2008-07-09 22:35:00 UTC
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Arrows of the Queen, Last Herald-Mage, To Catch a Thief, and in the process of reading Exile's Valor/Honor. XD I'm actually fairly new to the Lackey fandom, but I'm enjoying it immensely. I plan to read the dragon-jousting series next...
I would recomend... by
on 2008-07-10 03:31:00 UTC
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That you read the Elemental Masters before the Jousters. The Masters have more depth to the books, but the Jousters are a good quick read.
Really, your choice, I just give recomendations.
L -
Hmmn... by
on 2008-07-10 03:39:00 UTC
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I'll look into that, then! I'm pretty sure we have the Elemental Masters series somewhere here at the library... *ponders*
... knowing my luck we won't have all of it, though.
Thank you muchly for the rec! :3 -
You don't have to read them in any sort of order by
on 2008-07-10 04:00:00 UTC
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They are all stand alones. But if you can, read them in written order (The Fire Rose, first) the nomenclature and ideas will make a little more sense that way, not much more.
L -
Ah, good! by
on 2008-07-10 04:08:00 UTC
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That's a relief. I had to wait nearly a month for the final book of the Herald-Mage triology to come in; oh, the woes of being a broke college student... XP;
... at least working at the Library means I don't get fines. 8D;
Will do! :3 I know we have that one, I've seen it in the YA section...
Would this be DMS or DoIC? by
on 2008-07-10 02:46:00 UTC
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Her Arcanum
Before the Battle of Beruna, an elf comes to Narnia--by order of Aslan--to aid in Narnia's present & future. Though put off by her prickly personality, the Pevensies can’t help but try to unravel her mysterious past, her Arcanum. FULL SUMMARY IN PROLOGUE
C. S. Lewis - Fiction Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,661 - Reviews: 0 - Updated: 7-7-08 - Published: 7-7-08
My comment: Anti!Sue, through and through. -
Hmm...DMS, I think by
on 2008-07-10 18:09:00 UTC
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Though it could go either way, with the whole elf thing...
Really, depends on who wants to take it. Rather bad through and through. -
What a little brat. by
on 2008-07-10 04:34:00 UTC
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And I quote: I want to stay as true to the story plotline as possible, but...that's not going to happen. I have to change it up somehow or else my original character wouldn't fit any place!
Now doesn't that just SCREAM "wannabe"? *sigh* She's an absolute cow, and that's just in the first two hundred words... I will read no further; Narnia isn't really my domain anyway, but chocolates to whomever kills the bint. -
Erp. I never answered your question, did I? Sorry - DMS (nm) by
on 2008-07-11 01:27:00 UTC
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Hello, Permission Givers? Are you there? by
on 2008-07-10 21:08:00 UTC
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I wish to request the attention of the Permission Givers.
I am requesting that my two Agents be given PPC status and allowed to start patrolling the continuums.
First Agent:
Luana Starlight
She is 24-years-old, with dark blond hair and gray eyes. She is a 5'10". She is slightly more responsible and a little less insane than her partner. The writer of the pair, she tends to get frustrated when something isn't easy to read. She enjoys reading well-written fanfiction and can't stand it when other people write Mary Sues or self-inserts that make no sense in the course of Canon. She does not mind reading AUs, except when they are badly written.
Because of her lifestyle, she enjoys different types of genres. This can include anything from Lord of the Rings to Star Wars to Monty Python. She has also already adopted a Mini-Balrog, Haildar, who is currently living in the family oven (don't ask).
Second Agent:
Orange Plaid
She is the younger sister to Luana Starlight. She is 20-years-old also with dark blond hair. She has blue eyes and is about 5'8". With a tendency to slack off when it comes to certain things, she is also the insane one of the pair. She also enjoys reading fanfiction with a tendency to stick to oldies but goodies. Loves to complain, loudly, about certain writers and their stories. With certain movies, she loves to MST them while watching, to the enjoyment of her sister/partner and their father, but to the annoyance of their other two sisters and mother.
They wish to join the Department of Floaters. They do not have any particular Canon they wish to join so they feel this would be the best place for them.
Here is a couple of samples of writing:
This one was written as a POV fic for a class.
Here is my account on ff.net. I do not know what else to offer for review.
http://www.fanfiction.net/u/526002/Luana_Starlight -
Permission granted. Good luck, intrepid agents! (nm) by
on 2008-07-10 22:36:00 UTC
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Thank you! by
on 2008-07-12 02:06:00 UTC
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Thank you so much! And on that note, I wish to claim a piece of badfic. Who do I inform so that it can be changed from one list to another?
InuYasha - All My Love -
You don't have to inform anyone; just edit the wiki. (nm) by
on 2008-07-12 14:25:00 UTC
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