There was some discussion on the Discord a while back of a phenomenon I like to refer to as "Rule 34.B", which states, "If it exists, there is a perplexingly provocative Halloween costume of it."
Our good friend Larfen J. Stocke, with his usual quick perception, proposed a fictional character for which no sexy Halloween costume exists. As it turns out, I have become so attached to my little rule that I had to rectify that at once.
I place at least 10% of the blame on Larf.
Without further ado, I present to you my Halloween project this year: The Sexy Sunflower Official Costume. (These pictures are somewhat NSFW and, in my opinion, somewhat disturbing. Bear that in mind.)
Thank you for viewing my project. In the absence of Bleeprin being a real thing, here is a picture of a kitten dressed as a bat.
Forgive me, Boarders, for I have sinned by
on 2018-11-01 03:31:00 UTC
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I don't know what I expected but it wasn't that (nm) by
on 2018-11-08 23:59:00 UTC
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Oh my freaking God! X'D by
on 2018-11-05 01:34:00 UTC
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- This was actually very funny. I didn't find that disturbing or attractive at all, just funny. Lucky me.
2. Isn't there a discouraged ship between the SO and the Marquis de Sod? Wonder what the latter flower would think of this...
3. Haha! I know a number of other characters for which Rule 34 and Rule 34.B don't apply, because they're too obscure! (Not telling you, and most of said characters are my original characters who haven't been published yet, so you can't guess either!) Hah!
- This was actually very funny. I didn't find that disturbing or attractive at all, just funny. Lucky me.
Pretty funny. by
on 2018-11-03 04:09:00 UTC
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Well, I can honestly say I would not have thought of doing something like that. Though I find it too silly to be disturbing.
Wow. Just wow. by
on 2018-11-03 03:32:00 UTC
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Still, I can't help but be impressed and a bit disturbed... Also, is that body paint? If so, how long did it take to put on (and get off)?
And you call yourself sane! {X D by
on 2018-11-01 18:42:00 UTC
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That is fabulous, fantastic work. And, am I imagining things, or is the bikini some sort of cactus print?
~Neshomeh -
Nobody chooses their own name! by
on 2018-11-02 06:07:00 UTC
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Unless, I suppose, the name in question is an internet pseudonym. In that case, yes, I did choose my own name. Perhaps I should reconsider.
But I'm glad you enjoyed it! Yes, that is indeed a cactus print. Let it never be said that Snowy's costume-making sessions lacked attention to detail. (I was also going to make leaf mittens, but then I realized I wouldn't be able to take pictures with those on.) -
May I put the picture on the wiki? by
on 2018-11-11 01:35:00 UTC
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It occurred to me it would make an entertaining addition to the Rule 34 page. I understand if you'd rather not, though. {= )
~Neshomeh -
Where did you even find that head prop? O.O (nm) by
on 2018-11-01 17:12:00 UTC
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Wish. by
on 2018-11-02 02:29:00 UTC
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No better place for acquiring strange items at a reasonable price.
See? SEE?!?! by
on 2018-11-01 10:26:00 UTC
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I TOLD you he was the hottness! I told you ALL but you wouldn't LISTIN!!!! And hes' even HOTTTER now hes' a SIDHE!! (tahts' how you spell 'she' acorrding to me beter u knoe) And NOW you will ALL HAFE to BELEIVE me!!!
[Is led away, still ranting] -
How are you able to enter the Board outside of Fanfic Games? (nm by
on 2018-11-05 01:36:00 UTC
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Um, heLLO?! by
on 2018-11-05 09:03:00 UTC
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Not to blow my own trombone, but I'm JAYCACIA FREAKING THORNBYRD. Have you SEEN the number of tihngs I can do??
But since hS created you and controls what you can do... by
on 2018-11-19 23:07:00 UTC
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...he has more power than you.
So he basically let you on here.
Bad idea.
-Twistey -
on 2018-11-20 10:20:00 UTC
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*SNRK* (nm) by
on 2018-11-21 23:33:00 UTC
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You have some serious dedication by
on 2018-11-01 07:20:00 UTC
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And quite possibly a bit to much time.
"All we can do..." by
on 2018-11-01 07:36:00 UTC
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"... is decide what to do with the time that is given us."
I'm not entirely sure it's what Tolkien meant, but I appear to be in possession of time and I chose to use it to assemble a Sexy Sunflower Official Costume.
I make a practice of living without regrets. -
I have no regrets for my part by
on 2018-11-01 03:59:00 UTC
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As I can have no regret for an earthquake, or a tsunami. An act of nature that, frankly, was inevitable, eventually.
Snowy is a hero. Not the one we want, and definitely not the one we need. But a hero, nonetheless.
The sheer dedication to a really dumb offhand joke that shouldn't have been dwelt on for longer than a few seconds is genuinely amazing. Godspeed, Snowy, godspeed.
The next step is to of course enshrine this achievement within PPC canon. Like a scar, or a haunting. -
There are no words for perfection. by
on 2018-11-01 03:50:00 UTC
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Actually, I do have one suggestion (which I made before, but still think it's worth saying): Sexy-up a suit (miniskirt or hotpants, a cropped suit blazer, tie tied way too loosely, etc).
A+ work, though. The green body paint was a nice touch.
National Novel Writing Month 2018! by
on 2018-11-02 14:30:00 UTC
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Yes, it's that time again: NaNoWriMo, 30 days (29 left!) to write a full, 50K word novel. It's one of the best ways I know of to break the 'I should probably start writing' jam, and I heartily recommend it to everyone. And remember, as the old motto says: No plot? No problem!
Predictably enough, I'm on the website as Huinesoron. This is my sixth NaNo, and this year I'm trying something a little different. (No, Nesh, not Quon Vet.)
Hearthfires is a collection of short stories covering a bewildering variety of topics. The one I've started is the tale of Ceridwen, a mage in the service of the last reigning Prince of Wales, but the plan includes everything from a Greek Mythology mystery to a post-Singularity... uh, mystery again, come to think of it. It's not all detective stories, I promise. ^_^
So who else is taking part? And what are you working on?
hS -
Err, I sort of am? by
on 2018-11-09 01:18:00 UTC
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A bit, kinda? I kinda completely failed to prepare at all in October, and when November finally rolled around I had to scramble to pick a story idea and decide what to do with it. Then when I finally made up mind I was forced to choose between fixing my sleep schedule and doing D&D stuff or NaNo, D&D won out.
I'm still in it, though! Just starting a week late, that's all. I've decided to try my hand at one of the novels I mentioned in the elevator pitch thread you posted a while back, The New London Paranatural Society. Featuring the adventures of a British army veteran, a young mad scientist with a certain distaste for gravity, a Scottish werewolf in a very fine waistcoat, and a cloth dragon named Patches, as they search for the anonymous head of the Society who has mysteriously fallen silent. -
Oh, NaNoWriMo! by
on 2018-11-04 20:49:00 UTC
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I actually remember taking part a few years ago. The ending result included multiple Sues, excessive dialogue, and match butchering of various mythologies. Needless to say, it has been destroyed.
This year, I’m probably not reaching the word count goal, but I will be writing a collection of short stories featuring two increasingly frustrated people who are permanently in the bodies of teens and get stuck into various universes that always eventually get at least one Mary Sue invasion, and every time the invasion is taken care of, they get stuck in another universe. -
Me too baybee! by
on 2018-11-03 04:51:00 UTC
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I'm Collin Frisbee on the site if you want to send me rude messages over it in order to slow me down and thus gain an edge over me in the competition.
I'm writing Lamppost Saint, a sort of episodic surrealist journey across a barren, haunted Sydney, starring a man in a full-body prosthesis suffering constant phantom sensations and generally having a tough time telling what's real and what isn't.
It's a sort of spiritual successor to an earlier story I wrote (that I have not shared with anyone here), and fulfils a very similar purpose to me, in that I intend to use it as a way to sort of - go nuts, I guess, and have fun with all the imagery and kooky dream logic.
It's based a lot on my interest in folklore and weird fortean cryptozoological kind of stuff, and was influenced a lot by Hellboy and stuff by China Mieville, and the way that, for instance, many UFO stories very much feel like old fairy abduction stories, but from a modern, more scientific context. There's this really bizarre and fun dream-logic to many old fairy tales and folktales, and capturing a sort of similar feeling, from a modern context, is one of my main goals.
I mean, there's actual plot there, too, no worries mate.
However it ends up, it has been fun so far! -
Me too! by
on 2018-11-02 21:02:00 UTC
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I've tried to get started several years, but never even got in the first day of writing. But this year I did, so I'm very excited!
I'm actually cracking down on a fanfiction, Kathryn's Adventures in Middle-Earth (a stand-in title), which is, as you may have guessed, a girl in Middle-earth story. It's not satire; I've set myself the challenge of taking this premise and taking it seriously.
I've set myself a couple of other challenges as well; I generally avoid first-person narration because it's hard for me to get into characters' heads, but this will be told in the form of a series of letters from the titular Kathryn to her mother, who is presumably still alive and well in the real world. I used to write a lot of letters as a kid, so I thought it would be easier than straight-up first person. So far I'm discovering it's really not.
I also discovered today that because the first half of the letters are written with some time between the events and the writing and the second half are written more or less immediately after the events, character development is a difficult thing to show. Some of it is happening days, weeks, or even months before they're written about and the narrator will be somewhat aware of it. Some of it, though, is happening in the immediate past and it's unlikely she's going to realize how she's changing and growing. One thing I'm trying to work in is self-contradiction. Earlier this year I read the diaries of Christopher Columbus and it was fascinating to see how his viewpoint changed as time went on. As an example, in earlier entries he thought of aloe as a very valuable commodity and gathered as much of it as he could. Later entries, though, referred to it as a very commonplace thing and he stopped collecting it. I suspect this is because he discovered how common it is in that part of the world. This is naturally never overtly acknowledged in the writing of the diary, but the diligent reader can pick it up. I'm hoping to capture a similar quandary in Kathryn's letters, for the purposes of both realism and character development.
But then, I probably shouldn't be thinking of this too much at this stage. It's just the first draft. Still, if I manage to pull it off properly, I think the letter format will be one of the great strengths of the story. -
Sadly, much as I'd love to... by
on 2018-11-02 20:37:00 UTC
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I'm stretched a bit thin this time around. I've got two short films to write, produce, direct, edit... and two essays as well.
That being said, I am halfheartedly poking at a superhero story featuring two old favorite Mutants and Masterminds characters of mine, Phantasm and Galeforce. One's a petty supervillain, one's the star hero of her home city, and together they form a sort of buddy-cop alliance.
Yours sounds much better thought out. -
I am! by
on 2018-11-02 15:35:00 UTC
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I forgot to get a website account this year, probably because last year I did one of the summer sessions.
This year, after consulting 7th Sanctum's random plot generators more times than is probably healthy and having to drop my original idea, I'm reimagining the story of the Golem of Prague as being about a group of programmers for a fantasy game instead. Jury's still out on whether their dream of an autonomous protector AI goes horribly wrong or entirely too well.
Song Sharing Thread by
on 2018-11-03 04:26:00 UTC
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I was bored, so I figured I'd share a few songs I enjoy and maybe everyone else could share theirs:
I already love this song, but I like this cover a bit more, and for good reason:
A pair of songs that are good already, but also have acoustic versions worth listening to:
This is actually a song from my cousin's band (I swear I'm not making this up), I just wanted to spread the word:
And finally, my current obsession, from the musical Hamilton. I don't know how many people here have heard the musical, but I want more people to listen to it...(borderline NSFW?):
And this is just for starters, I still have more to recommend... -
Rachel Rose Mitchell by
on 2018-11-04 20:21:00 UTC
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Has really great songs. The most popular is “Hey Alice (
(The original version is this;
Another one of her songs I like is Nothing You Can’t Do (
Also, Secrets of Wysteria is a nice song (for Halloween) Is the Wikipedia article on Vocaloids.
Also, this:
And this:
... and this:
(Night ore is just a song, but sped up. U N D E R D O G S has nice videos: -
Apple Pie is really catchy. Thanks for showing this to me! by
on 2018-11-04 01:44:00 UTC
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I have a few things to offer myself, and they're mostly soundtrack-related stuff, also mostly acoustic.
Animusic, a series of MIDI-driven computer animations of cool self-playing instruments. It comes as two DVDs, but can also be found on YouTube:
This epic piece by the same guy who made the music for all the aforementioned videos:
This part of the soundtrack to "Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime":
And this one from "Crypt of the NecroDancer":
This catchy little electronic piece which was used in the game "Just Shapes and Beats":
And finally, the song I have claimed as my personal theme song with regards to the Board. If you listen long enough, it'll make you laugh.
Hope you enjoy at least one of these!
-Twistey -
Whoops! Forgot to share this one! by
on 2018-11-04 23:38:00 UTC
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Oh my God, how much I could ramble about this one...
First off, this is mislabeled as Tchaikovsky. It's actually by Mikhail Glinka. My youth orchestra is playing this at tomorrow's concert (wish me luck, guys!), and that's how I came across this piece. It's really fast and really fun. But wait, there's more! This is the overture to an opera, and one day, I looked up the actual opera on Wikipedia to see what it was about. The plot is really weird (like, a giant head shows up in the middle, #NoSeriouslyThatsCanon) and I love it so much. Many band inside jokes were obtained from this research I did. I suggest you at least listen to the link above if you like classical music.
If anybody's interested...
Post story sadness by
on 2018-11-03 09:56:00 UTC
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You know that feeling when a good fanfiction that's been going on for ages, finally ends? Especially when the ending is heart-wrenching yet glorious.
And all you want is for it to go on. I'm utterly depressed, yet oddly happy that it's done, cause my story was a shot of depresso mixed with cocaine and suicide.
So sad -
So which fan fiction is it? by
on 2018-11-03 18:52:00 UTC
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People gotta know.
Antithesis by
on 2018-11-04 10:05:00 UTC
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It dwells in fanfiction, written by Oceanbreeze7.
Tomash reads: The Labyrinth Index (Laundry Files #9) by
on 2018-11-04 02:42:00 UTC
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So, since I spent a few hours straight reading it, here are my thoughts on the latest Laundry Files book (for those who don't know, the premise of this series is, roughly "you can summon Lovcraftian horrors by performing computations (ie, running an app on your phone), and the government is (obviously) covering this up. But this is the government, so all the usual bureaucratic BS applies.", giving us a series that's a cross between Lovecraftian horror, spy novels, and an office comedy.)
So, first, the non-spoilery thoughts: the somewhat non-linear narrative was a bit confusing to follow (but that makes sense, given what the plot is). Also, the footnotes continue to be good stuff.
Now, spoilers (rot13'd, or maybe they're in Old Enochian, or both): Guvf obbx jnfa'g n "vg tbg jbefr" genva yvxr gur ynfg bar, juvpu vf n avpr oernx. Jvgu Ybat-Grez Pbagvahvgl Bcf (qrqvpngrq gb qrsrngvat gur Cevzr Zvavfgre) naq gur vagreehcgvba bs gur Pguhyh-uvwnpxrq Oynpx Punzore'f nggrzcg gb shyyl fhzzba Pguhyh, jr'ir tbg fbzr tyvzzref bs ubcr sbe uhznavgl. Fher, guvatf nera'g pbzcyrgryl terng, naq vg'yy or uneq jbex (jvgu crefbany pbfgf, frr Crgr naq Wbua (Zunev'f oblsevraq) arj orvat inzcverf, sbe rknzcyr), ohg guvatf qba'g frrz ubcryrff.
Gur cybg jnf jryy-qbar, jvgu n ohapu bs zbzragf jurer guvatf frrzrq ubcryrff naq gura bhe urebrf chyyrq guebhtu (zber-be-yrff - vg'f n Ynhaqel abiry). Gur pyvznpgvp uvwnpxvat bs gur Oynpx Punzore'f inzcver argjbex jnf tbbq fghss.
- Tomash -
doctorlit reviews Luke Cage season one (spoilers) by
on 2018-11-05 20:01:00 UTC
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The Laundry Files sound interesting! Haven't read any yet, though.
As much as I enjoyed Jessica Jones, I think Luke Cage is currently my favorite of the Marvel shows on Netflix . . . Figures it would get canceled in the middle of me watching the first series!
Spoilers follow for Daredevil seasons one and two, Jessica Jones season one, and Luke Cage season one.
I think what made me like LC compared to the earlier series is the positive tone. Daredevil and Jessica Jones were both incredibly dark: the former due to Daredevil's limits on how much progress he could make in gutting Hell's Kitchen's criminal underbelly in a short period of time, whether in a courtroom or masked on the streets, creating a tone of hopelessness; and the latter due to the wide and varied threat Kilgrave posed, and Jessica's constant fear of either herself or her loved ones falling under his control. By contrast, LC is all about striving to move forward in the world. Even the villains feel a lot more like ordinary people compared to Fisk and Kilgrave, and get a lot of screen time that develops them beyond their role as antagonists in the story. I feel a lot more sympathy for them than I usually do with MCU villains, even against the backdrop of the crimes they commit to feed their ambitions.
Actually, that leads into another feature of LC that I liked. The focus in DD and JJ was very much on the title characters and those immediately close to them. It made the conflicts feel very constrained, even in the midst of a huge area like Hell's Kitchen. LC, on the other hand, makes Harlem feel more like a community, with a lot of characters getting screen time in addition to Luke himself. Actually, I'm almost convinced Detective Knight got nearly the same amount of screen time as Luke himself. It fits in with Luke's desire to lay low, having to be spurred into heroic action nearly every time he does something.
Ironically, despite its more positive tone compared to the other two shows so far, it had a much more ambiguous ending, while DD and JJ had more positive ones with a pretty clear stop to the conflicts of each season. There were so many ups and downs in those last twenty minutes; if nothing else, it's got me excited for season two! Diamondback winding up with Cage's powers (probably) is bad, but considering the Hammer Industries super-suit didn't give him the upper hand against Cage, I'm actually not terribly concerned about that. Cage is in prison, but Bobby Fish has the evidence to prove his innocence. I love how incredibly book-ended the season was, too. Episode one had Cottonmouth framed on screen with the crown in his office painting centered over his head, and the final episode had his cousin Mariah standing in the same room with a different painting crowning her. Knight is also at the bar of Harlem's paradise in nearly identical disguises in both episodes, showing how little progress she and Luke have actually made towards ending the major organized crime in Harlem. And as Luke says, "Never backwards, always forwards. But sometimes, you have to make backwards to go forwards."
Revealing that Reva had been manipulating Cage is an interesting choice. She had been presented as such a good, almost paragon-like, portion of Cage's past, to the point that he abandoned Jones when he found out she was technically Reva's murderer. And her feelings for him seemed so sincere in the flashback episode . . . I mean, I think she was sincere, but that makes it all the weirder that she was also trying to lead Cage into the experimenting regimen. I guess we may never learn more about her at this point . . . I'm especially confused as to why the video footage of Kilgrave's power origin were on her flash drive from Seagate. Kilgrave was a child when he got his powers, so he couldn't possibly have been in the same program that Seagate was running. Unless his parents were scientists at Seagate? But I rather thought that scene took place in Britain, so . . .
The kiss between Mariah and Shades came out of absolutely nowhere. I didn't pick up on a single romantic thread between them in all their interactions, and I don't really care to ship them because they're both bad guys anyway.
MCU-wise, it looks like Cloak & Dagger and Runaways are both roughly next in the timeline. I don't think either are on Netflix, so we'll have to see what happens there . . .
—doctorlit was convinced for most of the season that Shades had the power to force people to tell him the truth by looking them in the eye, because of a scene in the second episode
"Man, you Harlem spoilers is off the chain. I'm going back to Hell's Kitchen, where it's safe." "Man, you Harlem spoilers is off the chain. I'm going back to Hell's Kitchen, where it's safe." "Man, you Harlem spoilers is off the chain. I'm going back to Hell's Kitchen, where it's safe."
Twistey's Trashposts: The Boarders as D&D Monsters by
on 2018-11-05 00:28:00 UTC
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(*virtually yelling off to the virtual side* Yeah, you heard me, hS, I said monsters! That means you can't be an elf! ...No, you can't be an evil elf! ...*facepalm* *sigh...*)
You guessed it, it's another trashpost from me, in the same style as "Boarders Described With Memes", or whatever I called it. This time, it has a fun little bit of fantasy flair. I've been playing Dungeons and Dragons for a while now, and having a good time with it. I'd especially like to let y'all know that y'all should be proud of me, because my character is the only one in the party with any morals whatsoever. (Yeah, I know, right? Twistey and morals do belong in the same sentence after all!)
But anyway, here's the idea: Based on your personality, what type of monster from Dungeons and Dragons would you be? If you have no clue, there's at least one PDF of the D&D 5e Monster Manual online.
For example, I'd say I'm a Gelatinous Cube. I chose this monster because as I go through life, I have a tendency to absorb things I find, and make them a part of myself to the point where I have no clue what my life would be like without them, even though the obvious answer is "exactly or almost exactly like how it was before I discovered the thing." I'm a pretty well-meaning Gelatinous Cube, and most of the time, I absorb stuff purely because I love it so much, but a couple years back, I ingested something that has now made me mildly poisonous, and the same happened to the slime trail I leave behind. People don't take too kindly to being surprised with loss of a health point or two...
So, what about you people? What D&D monsters would you most likely be? How would you spend your days down in the dungeon? I'm looking forward to some humorous results!
-Twistey -
Hmm, I wonder... by
on 2018-11-08 23:57:00 UTC
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Assuming I can't take any of the human foes on the same principle preventing hS from being an elf, I think I'd be a faerie dragon. Tiny, combat-averse, magically inclined, and colorful (not to mention adorable).
Daww. (nm) by
on 2018-11-16 23:51:00 UTC
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Blink Dog by
on 2018-11-06 14:57:00 UTC
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I would be a blink dog because I occasionally fade in and out of existance.
I'm a hobgoblin by
on 2018-11-05 22:32:00 UTC
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I'm organized, combative, and highly ambitious.
Gibbering Mouther. See: *gestures at everything* (nm) by
on 2018-11-05 18:16:00 UTC
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Aww, don't be so hard on yourself :) (nm) by
on 2018-11-08 23:57:00 UTC
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A newbie introduction by
on 2018-11-05 11:16:00 UTC
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Greetings, ladies and gentlemen of the PPC! My name is Athena (no relation to any character named Athena, specially the Greek deity!).
I am quite familiar with the Harry Potter, LoTR (including the Hobbit and the Silmarillion) and Warhammer 40,000 settings, and a myriad other things.
I found the PPC while looking for the complete version of a fic I wanted to try my hand at sporking. One click led to another and here I am! -
Have you met Thoth and Calliope yet? by
on 2018-11-16 23:59:00 UTC
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You and Thoth especially would have a great time, he loves Warhammer 40K.
Anyway, have a shield I made a little while back. It can fire two lasers in the same or multiple directions.
I hope you have a good time here, and welcome to the PPC!
-Twistey -
Belated welcome aBoard! by
on 2018-11-09 00:15:00 UTC
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Have one of my own shed feathers and a complimentary kit of Spikes!
*hands you a bolter* by
on 2018-11-08 20:23:00 UTC
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Welcome. The Emperor protects..,
...but one of these doesn't hurt either. -
Hello newbie. by
on 2018-11-06 20:55:00 UTC
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Please have a pot of black-hole coffee and my welcome. Hope you'll enjoy it here.
Hello! by
on 2018-11-06 16:31:00 UTC
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Have a cupcake!
Whelk! by
on 2018-11-06 14:02:00 UTC
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Whelcome! What is your favourite 40K faction?
Re: Whelk! by
on 2018-11-06 19:33:00 UTC
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It's tied between Tau and AdMech. Gotta love big stompy robots!
Re: Whelk! by
on 2018-11-07 15:12:00 UTC
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I like my Spacebugs and await the descent of the Star children.
Hello! by
on 2018-11-06 11:53:00 UTC
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Welcome to the board, I to enjoy Harry Potter(anyone that doesn't is considered a heathen).
As such, I hereby give you a hippogriff feather. -
Greetings! by
on 2018-11-05 22:34:00 UTC
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Have a slightly holy suit of Imperial Guard flak armor, guaranteed to last for life, but not for long.
Hello, newbie! by
on 2018-11-05 13:39:00 UTC
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Welcome to the PPC! I also like HP and LoTR, so glad to see we share some fandoms.
For your newbie gift, have a Generic Object. It turns into whatever you expect it to be, so expect wisely! -
Hi! by
on 2018-11-05 12:56:00 UTC
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Hey, I had a classmate named Athena!
That being said (it may not be Christmas, but), have a thick, wooly pair of socks. -
Why did this show twice? (nm) by
on 2018-11-05 13:52:00 UTC
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Hi! by
on 2018-11-05 12:54:00 UTC
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Hey, I had a classmate named Athena!
That being said, have a thick, wooly pair of socks. It’s not a Christmas, but, -
Newbie! *glomp* *poke* by
on 2018-11-05 12:24:00 UTC
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Hello, and welcome aBoard! For your newbie gift, take this plate of freshly-made SPaGhetti!
If you haven't yet read them, may I point you towards the Original Series and the Constitution? They're pretty much the only required reading around these parts. Another useful resource you might use is the Wiki; if you have any questions, just look here before asking. We like it when newbies do the research. ;)
Hope you like it here!
Dear American Boarders: by
on 2018-11-05 14:20:00 UTC
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Right now over in Britain, our government is refusing to allow us to vote on the most important political decision of a generation: how (and whether!) the UK should leave the EU. They have taken a small majority vote in favour of some kind of leaving (acquired after a campaign in which the Leave campaign lied outright and repeatedly broke campaigning laws), and turned it into 'you'll get whatever we give you and like it'.
A good deal? A bad deal? No deal whatsoever, and the UK left scrambling to pick up the pieces? We don't get a say. We don't get an opportunity to tell them we've seen their idea of negotiations and would rather stick with Europe - or that we want to postpone a while until an acceptable deal can be sorted - or to tell them what we think is actually important in a Leave deal. All we get is 'you children voted to Leave; now let the grown-ups decide for you what that means'.
Over in America, you do have a chance to vote. You don't have to wait another four years like we do, or watch your country be dragged out of every international treaty it's in, like we do. You get to vote tomorrow.
Please vote. Because it's when you aren't given the chance to that you realise how important it is.
hS -
And why not a little PolitiScales action? by
on 2018-11-07 10:09:00 UTC
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PolitiScales is an 8-axis political compass designed to fully plot your political positions. 117 questions, but they only take 5-10 total to fill out, and then it gives you a flag generated from your results. ^^ It's fun!
<a href="">Here's my results. My motto comes out as Equality - Humanity - Socialism, which is exactly what it was back in January.
Compared to then, the site says I've shifted slightly less Constructionist, slightly more Communist, slightly more Rehabilitative, and have become distinctly more ambivalent on Reform over Revolution. I know at least a few of the questions have changed, and a lot of my shift is probably down to clicking 'Somewhat' over 'Absolutely' or vice versa.
I've also picked up a partial Pragmatist sticker, which is very sad. :( I don't want to be pragmatic.
(If you did this back in January, be aware that they've altered their flag generator, so you'll want to do it again to get your shiny new version. ^_^ And yes, there may be maps forthcoming...)
hS -
And I finally do this quiz by
on 2018-11-19 23:29:00 UTC
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Equality - Humanity - Justice. Hugely neutral across almost every front. I also got the pragmatist sticker, and I don't see why it's so bad...?
-Twistey -
One final map update. by
on 2018-11-20 10:15:00 UTC
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Over on GDocs, right at the bottom.
Memo from the Huinesoronic Department of Fenestration
Dear gov't,
Plz to include fleet of Twistey on future maps. We kno they r a bit warlike + anti-mana, but also v v important in window supply chain.
DoF -
Questions and comments: by
on 2018-11-21 01:02:00 UTC
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- What does mana correspond to in this?
2. Me, warlike?
3. *Snrk* Window supply chain...
4. Have you heard of the game series Axis and Allies? I had the idea to make a Board-themed parody of it based on S.P.U.D.'s and The Newbie Rebellion's fics in the last Badfic Games. Would this be compatible with the idea, or at least, would you be interested in making a map for it when I announce the idea?
- What does mana correspond to in this?
You know there's a key, right? by
on 2018-11-21 10:32:00 UTC
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- Mana is the red/lavender star things, down in the key as 'Regulationism'.
2. You're above Board average for Revolutionary, so yes: warlike. :)
3. ^_^
4. I mean... I guess? You'd probably want a land-based map though, more like I did back in January. These maps are all done in Paint, though, so they probably aren't all that compatible.
- Mana is the red/lavender star things, down in the key as 'Regulationism'.
I saw the key, but skimmed over it. Good job, me. by
on 2018-11-21 23:45:00 UTC
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- Yeah, I just now reread and inferred that that was the case.
2. Hmph. I wouldn't consider myself warlike. Wild, yes. Untamed, definitely. But not warlike... on purpose, that is.
3. Windowpane jokes all around :P
4. Yeah, land is definitely better here, and now that I think about it, it'd be a really complex game if every Boarder had their own nation, so it'd be better to just group friends together. Does it still seem like something interesting?
P.S. Can you update my Plort heraldry? I want to use the Elvish ones as the symbols for the nations in the game, since they're round like the symbols in the original game series.
- Yeah, I just now reread and inferred that that was the case.
Looks like a lot of you others are getting Equ-Hum-Soc. (nm) by
on 2018-11-19 23:31:00 UTC
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Don't think I've changed too much since the last one. by
on 2018-11-10 14:58:00 UTC
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My results still seem pretty accurate, and it looks like I'm still easily the most nationalistic person on the board. -
To Mappengard! by
on 2018-11-12 14:02:00 UTC
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First Huinesoronic Long-Distance Mapping Expedition
Greetings! Far we have travelled, and long has been our return, but we bring word of many distant settlements and nations, scattered across the great ocean to the east.
Let it be known that this great expedition almost foundered ere it ever turned east. Our journey began with a traverse of the Central Rift, yet conditions have become rough in the rift of late, and worse! Overhead we sighted balloon-fleets of GMA and Aegis, joining forces with those of Scapegrace, Larfen, and Tomash in the west.
We were forced to break north, hoping for a break in the weather. A break we found - but it showed only forbidding rock, and the mountaintop fastness of Kaitlyn, only settlement on the land of the Magic Isle.
Swiftly we fled, braving the storms about Snowblaze to pass east at last. Many ships were lost in the thunderous weather, but almost we would rather have remained within than to emerge, for east of this land we call home, almost upon our very shores, rises the sea-city of Neshomeh. No succour we found there, under the blazing barrels of their guns, and we were forced to flee further into the east.
We finally made harbour in Hardric-Granz, and there we encountered travellers: a fleet of Matt Cipher, which we were told sailed the anti-Mana currents that flowed from the north-east. Indeed, at such a time of year they would normally be far out to sea, on their way to the underdome of Guardsman Tom amid the Boiling Seas - but a mysterious fleet had blocked them, swallowing up anti-mana and bringing a new Storm in its wake.
Suitably warned, we chose not to sail for Athena, but to continue east. Passing over the domes of the Uber Overlord, we found copious reserves of anti-mana, growing in strength as we continued our journey. Yet these, as with the northern flow, went not unclaimed: a fleet of ships we saw, armed with magical weapons and identified with the mystic number 61516.
We might have sailed further, yet a dire warning stood in our path: a black flag, and the name of the Badger. So we turned about, and passing to the south returned home by way of Iximaz and the southern harbour. We never saw the ruins of the ancient mountains, nor learned what became of the War-Queen of the elder days... -
And we're swinging all over the place by
on 2018-11-10 14:16:00 UTC
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New quiz results
Popped back in and noticed the quiz. I remembered taking it some time ago, when I had a radically different view of things, so I thought I'd give it another go. Things have most definitely swung waaay to the left for me, which is reflective of a much less embittered, and more constructive, response to some very cynical worldviews.
I'm fairly proud. -
Attempt the Second by
on 2018-11-11 18:27:00 UTC
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This is what I get for posting from my phone— it definitely got eaten.
Hopefully, this one will work. -
The link seems to go back to your post. (nm) by
on 2018-11-10 20:49:00 UTC
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Did your link get scrambled? (nm) by
on 2018-11-10 17:03:00 UTC
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- Equality · Humanity · Socialism by on 2018-11-10 07:36:00 UTC Link to this
- Work, Humanity, Equality by on 2018-11-09 22:46:00 UTC Link to this
Sure, why not? by
on 2018-11-08 23:32:00 UTC
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My results
Looking at last year's results, it seems I've become less essentialist, more rehabilitative, less progressive and less conservative, more nationalist (got that one wrong), even more capitalist and laissez-faire, slightly less ecologically focused (again, not all that accurate), and slightly more reformist. I also seem to have lost a pragmatist sticker, which is somewhat odd. Still got the anarchist sticker, though. Kinda diubt that one's ever going away.
Overall, a slightly better quiz than I remember. There seem to be far fewer confusing or strange questions, and the flag looks pretty neat. -
Here ya go. by
on 2018-11-08 18:50:00 UTC
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I may have to do this over, because my connection was interrupted and then it took me to the results, so I don't feel sure I answered all the questions. Can you tell by looking at the URL?
I'm not going to compare to last time just now, but I wouldn't be surprised to find I've gotten closer to you Europeans in the last two years. OTOH, I thought I might have become more revolutionary, but looking at the bar, I suspect it's actually the opposite. I seem to have lost my Pragmatist sticker, which I'm sad about. {= P
~Neshomeh -
That does look incomplete. by
on 2018-11-08 21:12:00 UTC
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You can't tell directly from the URL, but those three identical bars at the top are deeply suspicious.
I'll trade you a pragmatist sticker. ^_~
hS -
Upon retake... by
on 2018-11-10 15:42:00 UTC
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I remember all these questions. I think I DID finish the first time. Those three identical bars are for real.
This time around I tried harder to pick a yes or no answer over a neutral and got myself both a Pragmatism sticker and a hammer on my flag, and I guess I AM feeling more revolutionary this morning. {= P
Not sure how I've managed to keep reducing my Ecology score, though. That's not cool. I suspect it's a result of thinking all people deserve some sort of quality of life. But I wish there were a question about whether there ought to be so many bloody people, because if we could somehow convince ourselves to stop making more of us, I firmly believe things would be a lot better both for the environment AND ourselves. {= /
~Neshomeh -
Phooey. by
on 2018-11-08 21:32:00 UTC
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All right, I'll give it another go when I get home. Maybe I'll get the Ecology Green back. Not that I have anything against Justice Blue. The pink and orange look terrible either way. ^_^
~Neshomeh -
Joining in the Parade by
on 2018-11-08 18:34:00 UTC
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Equality! Humanity! Work! Overly Dramatic One-Word Sentences with an exclamation mark after them! -
Yah, sure! by
on 2018-11-08 16:54:00 UTC
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Humanity - Equality - Order
Pretty much for what I stand. Can't remember my previous attempt. You can see a looot of neutral things; I used this for things I don't care about / didn't understood in English or Polish. -
Humanity, Socialism, Equality. by
on 2018-11-08 16:39:00 UTC
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Looks like I didn't post my results last time, but it seems I've shifted greatly away from revolution.
I have... quite a few problems with the way some of the questions are worded because my definitions of some words may be different from those the authors used. For instance, my response to "A good citizen is a patriot" depends on the definition of patriotism. Is patriotism attachment to the stated ideals of a nation, or attachment to the nation itself regardless of how it behaves?
With that in mind, I took the test a second time without so much overanalyzing. I've posted both results.
Here are my first results.
Here are my second results. -
Just so you know... by
on 2018-11-08 16:53:00 UTC
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... the map will use the second one, because c'mon, black flag, I've gotta get that on there.
hS -
Seriously? I changed my name back... (nm) by
on 2018-11-08 16:40:00 UTC
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I have become socialist! by
on 2018-11-08 11:04:00 UTC
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Huzzah! Uhhh red things and tools and such! Viva la france?
I have, all around, grown into the exact kind of person secretly controlling the government and media, dutifully fended off by such paragons of the American way as Alex Jones. I also get to hang around with the Reptilians and, bloody, do cool psychic bodyhopping and stuff.
Nice! -
Map! by
on 2018-11-08 11:18:00 UTC
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Report from the Huinesoronic Ministry of Defence
[...] decision to downgrade Huinesoron's stated magical strength is protested in the strongest terms by this office. While it may be true that we are 'objectively wrong', the defence benefits of claiming ultra-high concentrations of mana are considerable.
We conclude by discussing the latest remnant groups to come to our attention. Firstly, we have finally made direct contact with Hardric, and discovered that it is in fact a twin city, with gold-towered Granz standing on the slopes of a veritable mountain - possibly the last one remaining in this battered world.
The Hardric-Granz emmisaries have brought us further knowledge of the waters to their east: it seems that two undersea settlements, known as Athena and EAIUO (though we are told that they have longer 'true names' which we are not permitted to hear), have been established in the cloudless east. Of note is that Athena has laid claim to the first supply of anti-mana that we have been told of. Once again, we would stress the deterrent value of overstating our own mana reserves.
Finally, there is word of three balloon fleets entering the region. Larfen, on the northern promontory of our own island, seems peaceful, but the others are both heavily armed. Helsinki is content to stay over the eastern waters, but Tomash is close by our southern shores, floating above the undersea mana reserves in the area... -
Ficlet! by
on 2018-11-08 13:20:00 UTC
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I wasn't sure what to write today, so I thought I'd try something a bit different.
There was a knock at the door. Snowblaze hastily sat up straight, changing her undignified sprawl into something more befitting of the mayor of a city.
“Who’s there?” she asked, quickly glancing at the top page of her mountain of paperwork (someone’s planning application to build a garage) and then placing it in front of her.
“It is I,” said a cold voice from the other side of the door. “I have returned.”
Snowblaze rolled her eyes. “Come in, Ice,” she said. “And for goodness’ sake, try not to speak so formally!”
The door opened and Ice, an extremely short man dressed in pale blue with an icicle dangling from his collar, entered.
“What news?” asked Snowblaze, impatient as ever. “Did Huinesoron accept our offers of peace, or are we about to be invaded?”
“They accepted, my lady.”
Snowblaze smiled, relieved. “Anything else?”
“My lady… we have neighbours.”
“I already knew that,” said Snowblaze grumpily. “If that’s all you’ve come to tell me, you might as well go away.”
“No,” Ice replied, “not those neighbours. New ones.”
Snowblaze blinked. “Who? Where?” she asked, slightly nervous.
“To our south,” said Ice, “the balloon fleet of Larfen. They seem to be peaceful, according to Huinesoron.”
“I see,” responded Snowblaze. “Well, I suppose we ought to appear to be friendly. Tell them we come in peace, et cetera, et cetera. Now please can you leave me in peace? I need to finish this paperwork!”
“Yes, my lady,” said Ice. He bowed and left, and Snowblaze instantly returned to a more comfortable position. -
Results by
on 2018-11-08 01:18:00 UTC
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Not a huge fan, it was a little to simplistic for me. Almost all of my answers would have benefited from the ability to clarify. -
I am... so confused by this. by
on 2018-11-08 01:02:00 UTC
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Equality? Sounds good to me. Humanity? Absolutely! Fundamentally important. ... Work...? As opposed to Socialism? ... Um...? That one surprises me, particularly when my Communism/Capitalism bar is... pretty balanced. Let's see what things were like back in January...
Alright. So, on individual scores... evidently, slightly less Constructivist, which, well, boo, if I'm reading these details right. More into Rehabilitative Justice now, which is always good. Both Progressivism and Conservatism are down, which, uh... exists? Pretty disappointingly? Internationalism is up with Nationalism down, and considering where it seems nationalism leads, that's pretty dang good with me. Communism has remained the same while Capitalism has risen, which... I dunno? I suppose having an instinctive hiss towards anything that could vaguely be considered capitalist is just as bad as the same towards communism, though. It's pretty balanced, which seems good. Regulationism has gone up, and there's not much to say there... Ecology levels have gone up a little, which is good. And Revolutionism is down! Which is, in my opinion, a good thing. The fact that Reformism has also fallen... is not.
Also, I evidently am lightly vegan, which, uh... not really? But I answered that thing with a 'somewhat agree' because while I don't think everyone should give up on eating animals, can we please treat them humanely?
But... that's that. Last January's results are here:;article=313598;title=PPC%20Posting%20Board
And this year's are here: -
Equality - Humanity - Socialism by
on 2018-11-07 23:49:00 UTC
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I can't remember what my results were, back in January. But, here's what I just got now, same as you, hS! -
Justice - Equality - Socialism by
on 2018-11-07 22:57:00 UTC
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Here're my results, as compared to my results from January
These results are pretty stable, especially with most of the changes being around the level of uncertainty. The big shift is that I appear to be less on the "burn the system" train - that is, I'm less of a revolutionary. This is probably because burning everything to the ground and starting over is, from what I can tell, a rather risky move, and since I've clarified my position on political violence (really shouldn't be a thing, since you just get these stupid escalation chains, but might occasionally be necessary).
- Tomash -
Re: And why not a little PolitiScales action? by
on 2018-11-07 16:44:00 UTC
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Order - Work - Humanity, with Pragmatism. Seems fitting.
What does the 'Humanity' thing mean? What else is there? No other animal has complex political structures. -
Do you still have the link to your results? by
on 2018-11-07 16:54:00 UTC
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I can get you approximately on the map just from the slogan, but it's tricky and imprecise.
To answer your question, 'Humanity' is the opposite of 'Fatherland' (and comes from how your Internationalist views are plotted). 'Work' is the opposite of 'Socialism', and I guess 'Order' is the opposite of 'Equality' in some way. Don't read too much into it. :)
hS - Is this OK? by on 2018-11-07 16:56:00 UTC Link to this
Perfect. by
on 2018-11-07 17:04:00 UTC
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It looks like you'll be hanging out in a deep-sea dome up on the north-east corner of the medium blue waters. A small settlement dedicated to peace, with light clouds overhead and a smattering of anti-Mana.
Plortitics is the only time I actively want people to have wildly different political ideas to my own - it makes the maps so much more interesting! :D
hS -
Equality, Humanity, Socialism! by
on 2018-11-07 15:26:00 UTC
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Which is the same title as last time, interestingly- it looks like they've adjusted the slogan generator. -
Map? Map! by
on 2018-11-07 15:59:00 UTC
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From the Huinesoronic Ministry of Trade
People of Huinesoron, I bring excellent news! Our fair city, reborn from the ashes of the old world, is hailed as a beacon of pr-- of civilisation far and wide! Visitors have swarmed to our gates, braving the storm-belt to bring messages of peace from the underwater domes of Snowblaze to the north, and our sister city of doctorlit in the east.
And they're not the only ones! Sailors have landed in our docks, telling of a ship-city named Hieronymus; and our mages have received messages from Hardric, the city of gleaming spires on an island far to the east. Truly, this is a bountiful time to live in.
Though... we have also heard rumours of an aerial fleet bearing the banners of Delta Juliette, floating over the eastern tip of our own island, guarding the passage to another isle beyond. None can say for sure what lies there, but whispers speak of a city named Iximaz, armed with black-powder and mana alike...
hS -
I'm farther right than I expected. by
on 2018-11-07 16:16:00 UTC
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*blinks, shrugs*
Bear in mind the US Right is... pretty darn right. by
on 2018-11-07 16:27:00 UTC
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Alleb and Badger421 were both around 85% Capitalist last time, and they weren't exactly hard right.
You're just left of centre, which puts you about where Delta was back in January, along with the likes of World-Jumper and Neshomeh.
The true Left tends to be reserved for Europeans and other assorted weirdos. ^_^
hS -
Here are my results. by
on 2018-11-07 14:32:00 UTC
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Humanity-Equality-Ecology. I'm also considered as a pragmatic, something I don't mind.
It also seems like I'm on the fence when it comes to communism and capitalism. This one excepted, all my results are strongly in favor of one axis over the other. -
PS: I'm watching my results of January by
on 2018-11-07 14:37:00 UTC
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Looks like I progressed towards more punitive justice while remaining more favorable to rehabilitation, more reformism, regulationnism and ecology, and that balance between communism and capitalism as major changes
Humanity – Ecology – Justice by
on 2018-11-07 14:08:00 UTC
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and as pragmatic as ever.
Apparently I'm now favoring justice over equality (previous results).
HG -
Here's mine! by
on 2018-11-07 12:57:00 UTC
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Actually don't have time to read this now, my leave-for-work alarm is about to go off, and I still need to brush my teeth."
—doctorlit, alarming -
Okay, what did I get . . . ? by
on 2018-11-08 03:10:00 UTC
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Equality, Humanity, Socialism. I don't specifically remember last time . . . Oh, this is the same three as last time. Yeah, that's pretty much who I am now, just . . . don't tell my parents. >_> They think I'm still a Republican; fortunately, Mom has interpreted my awkward silences every time she brings up politics to be that I'm just not interested. Better than the potential fallout.
None of the percentages changed dramatically from last time. I still have good old Prgamatism, but . . . uh?
Half-veganism? No, that one is purely wrong. I get me a strong hagering for meats and other proteins—my metabolism be real high. It's probably some of the other environmentalish questions that it interpreted as veganism. Oh well.
—doctorlit literally just had tuna and crakcers for dinner - My results: by on 2018-11-07 12:41:00 UTC Link to this
Huh. by
on 2018-11-07 12:40:00 UTC
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I'm... not entirely sure how much has changed for me, but here are my results regardless.
Here's mine: by
on 2018-11-07 10:56:00 UTC
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I think I've gone a little more revolutionary than last time, possibly because when last we did this, I was basing my ideals on compromise and government by mutual consensus. The current US President and the run-up to his inexplicable and undemocratic election has done much to disabuse me of this notion. -
Then how about a map? by
on 2018-11-07 12:14:00 UTC
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Previous maps of the great continent of Plortitics can be found here (and will be updated with these ones), but you hardly need them. The world has changed. Everything has changed. Plortitics is no longer a land divided, because it is no longer land.
The Brass Wars of antiquity were devastating, but the Mage Wars of the latter days were beyond imagining. Mountains crumbled, the seas rose, and Plortitics sank deep into the oceans.
Now, on the scattered rocks that remain, in undersea domes and high-flying balloon-cities, the people of Plortitics strive to learn about their new world...
First Huinesoronic mapping expedition in the Aftermath
Land! After days at sea, charting the ruthless Central Straits, we at last sighted land once more - proof that our Magic Isle does not stand utterly alone. We ascended the rocky cliffs, searching for signs of life, but found only ragged plants among the damp rocks. Mana we found aplenty, and the minds of the crew turned to the possibility of colonisation.
Then our cabin boy chanced to look up, and glimpsed movement beyond the patchy clouds. Calling for a spyglass, he looked closer, hoping to see perchance one of the great birds of the old world.
Alas! Instead he found a vast balloon, and many others following behind. Guns peppered their sides, and even from far below we could see them firing on invisible targets - whether training or in demonstration, we knew not.
What we do know, and know for sure, is that we of Huinesoron are not alone in these rough seas. The flag of Scapegrace still flies, above a city in the clouds.
hS -
Please vote. by
on 2018-11-06 15:47:00 UTC
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Make sure trans people like me can exist legally. We've spent too long in the closet and we're not going to be shoved back in.
Voted over a month ago with a mail-in ballot. by
on 2018-11-06 11:50:00 UTC
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Now I have to go to work and wonder about the election results all day. Hopefully I'll at least get home early enough to justify turning the computer on before bed . . .
—doctorlit, timely -
Voted early on Saturday. by
on 2018-11-06 05:01:00 UTC
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And Phobos went Sunday. I think we both had a two-hour wait, and that's okay. I'm grateful that our polling place is well organized and safe, as should be the case for everyone.
~Neshomeh -
You're [expletive] right. by
on 2018-11-05 22:16:00 UTC
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Elections are the best.
Absentee ballot is already sent in. by
on 2018-11-05 19:45:00 UTC
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I'm not about to let an ocean stop me from getting my vote in.
Voted last week by
on 2018-11-06 19:16:00 UTC
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Got my ballot by mail, filled it out, dropped it in a ballot drop box. Yay Washington's convenient voting setup!
Whoops, that should've been a reply to the thread below (nm) by
on 2018-11-06 19:16:00 UTC
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40k thing I decided to share. by
on 2018-11-10 02:12:00 UTC
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This just feels right:
for reference: -
That's really funny. by
on 2018-11-16 23:50:00 UTC
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I love this type of scathing hidden or not-so-hidden reference. (The more hidden, the better, in my opinion, so it doesn't derail the story, but in this case, it's just great as is.)
-Twistey -
Scientology Lore by
on 2018-11-11 03:38:00 UTC
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The lore behind the whole Scientology thing sounds more like post-Slaanesh Eldar than Genestealer Cults, to be fair.
Eldar don't need to audit people. They just read minds. (nm) by
on 2018-11-11 03:55:00 UTC
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Slaanesh would probably think it's hilarious, though. by
on 2018-11-11 04:27:00 UTC
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The fact that Scientology was invented by a science fiction author as part of a bet with a friend to see who could get more people to follow their fake religion, and then didn't stop when lots of people started taking it seriously, seems like something the God of Excess would get off on. {= P
It was probably Tzeentch's idea, though.
~Neshomeh -
Re: Slaanesh would probably think it's hilarious, though. by
on 2018-11-11 04:29:00 UTC
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Wish the friend in question was Lovecraft, but life has a rule against being awesome.
Honestly... by
on 2018-11-11 18:34:00 UTC
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Considering Lovecraft's views perhaps that's for the best.
Shadow Over Innsmouth... by
on 2018-11-11 20:26:00 UTC
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... was apparently based on when he found out his grandmother was Welsh.
Yes by
on 2018-11-10 18:19:00 UTC
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Accurate honestly. Although ironically Genestealer cults are only about half as evil as the Church of Scientology.
To be clear, I didn't make that picture. by
on 2018-11-10 20:56:00 UTC
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At least Scientology will only eat us metaphorically.
Re: To be clear, I didn't make that picture. by
on 2018-11-10 22:36:00 UTC
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Yeah I've seen that one kicking around the interwebs. And honestly, at least before the Star-Children 'grace' us with their presence they don't try to make off with all our money and turn our family against us.
Well, the Star-Children are all family already. (nm) by
on 2018-11-11 02:40:00 UTC
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