Yep, it's been a year since last time I did this, but... mission report!
PPC: Driftwood - Three Hobbit Ladies and a Ring (GDocs Link)
In which Kaitlyn and Selene meet a whoooole bunch of hobbits, and Kaitlyn isn't as overjoyed as you'd expect.
Concrit is, as always, welcome.
Secondly: in traditional Driftwood style, I'm taking requests for the next mission. It needs to be 6000 words or less, and at least moderately safe for work (since I'm, y'know, at work...). I will consider all canons, though I may have to turn it down if it's one I can't do justice. (In general, games and anime are going to be non-starters.)
If you've got something you'd like to see missioned that fits the length requirements, go ahead and offer it up! Give me a title, link, and canon (obviously), and a quick summary of why you think it's bad - a paragraph or two will do. The ladies are Floaters, so any style of badfic is fair play.
New LotR mission, and Now Taking Requests. by
on 2017-03-01 11:05:00 UTC
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- Does this person have permission? by on 2017-03-03 16:26:00 UTC Link to this
Probably not, but would she need it? by
on 2017-03-05 10:54:00 UTC
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We don't have a monopoly on Sue slaying.
I don't have time to read the full story. As far as I read, it feels much like the PPC, but beyond using portals and disguise generators, the "Sue Slayers Incorporated" don't pretend to be the "Protectors of the Plot Continuum", and they do give credit for the general idea. I would like to see other opinions.
HG -
Re: New LotR mission, and Now Taking Requests. by
on 2017-03-03 16:09:00 UTC
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I like how it was an easy mission for the agents. Not everything needs to drive them to the brink of insanity.
*applause* by
on 2017-03-01 17:58:00 UTC
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I always love getting to see Selene and Kaitlyn in action and this time was no different. The banter at the beginning with Kaitlyn waking up her partner was probably my favorite bit, though.
My only real complaint (and it's not so much a complaint as it is a nitpick) is that, well, the fic wasn't bad. You've done a couple of missions into barely-bad and even goodfic, and while I love the idea of just providing concrit to the authors, it does make me wonder if Intel is even doing their job. Otherwise, I like that the fic you chose allowed Kaitlyn and Selene to chat (and Kaitlyn to glomp her cute hobbit-partner, eee), and overall it was entertaining. :)
As for fic recs... haha, I did find one involving a werewolf princess who becomes the Tenth Walker and has Arwen and Boromir both being the Designated Misogynist ("lol wimmins can't fight") and Boromir leering at her and her hitting on Aragorn all the time... But that was something like thirty chapters and way too long. So let me see...
"HOW IN THE WORLD!" (Lord of the Rings—your favorite :P)
So it starts off with a pair of Sues who are performers at a Renaissance fair. Their star act: shooting flaming arrows off volunteer's heads while hula-huping. Yay disregard for any kind of safety! Then they randomly get shot by someone with a gun, no reasons given, and wake up in the Olympus throne room talking to Manwë, who gives them the choice of being reincarnated as a Percy Jackson demigod or being reincarnated into Middle-earth to fight Sauron. There's some rajdom centered formatting , and a couple of POVs, and though the Sues acknowledge they can't speak Elvish they're still somehow able to understand everything else people are saying.
Three chapters, 2,578 words. It's short but obnoxious. -
It's delierate, on a lot of levels. by
on 2017-03-02 08:55:00 UTC
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First off, I've often lamented the mindset that all PPC missions must be into Terrible No Good Very Bad fics. A badfic doesn't have to be squicktastic to make a good mission - at least, I'm trying to prove it doesn't.
Secondly, and in-universe, the barely-badfics are still badfics. They still affect the canon, even if not as much. So they still need dealing with.
Third, Intel are just as overworked as everyone else. I'm sure some of them conscientiously look deeply into every fic they're assigned; I'm also sure they get far less done than the ones who go 'three extra Walkers, it's a badfic', or indeed 'Wormtongue slash, must be bad'.
Fourth, except for this mission and their very first one, everything S+K go into is by request from Board members. Since Architeuthis established way back that 'person sending in badfic' can be an in-universe synonym for 'Intelligence operative', this really is a case of Intel not doing their jobs. ^~
Fifth, S+K are supposed to be fluffy. They're designed to make you feel good when you read them. That means that yeah, they won't go into the 'o woe this fic is so bad I must rage' mode so understandably common among agents, because that's not their thing.
Sixth, this fic was bad. It was massively plagiarised from the movie script, gave the three girls utterly generic personalities - despite the fact that Rose Cotton has a personality, a very distinct one - and showed a general lack of understanding of Middle-earth. It was a bad fic. What it wasn't was cringeworthy or horrifying, on which, see point 1. But take a look at the concrit, where I/Kaitlyn found it nearly impossible to say anything good about the fic.
Seventh, there was absolutely no way I could not send Kaitlyn into this story. C'mon!
7+1th, I do like giving concrit at the end. But make no mistake, despite how gentle it was, this fic still ended up dead, dead, dead.
Bet you didn't think I'd have eight answers to that, huh? ^~
hS -
Yeah, definitely wasn't expecting all that. ^^; by
on 2017-03-02 17:48:00 UTC
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I think with point one, the reason why the mindset is that "everything we mission has to be terrible" is because it's mentioned in a few places on the Wiki. In-universe, though, that does make sense, so thanks for clearing it up for me.
Augh, I feel like I need to respond to every single other point you made, but it would just be me nodding in agreement, so... *nods vigorously*
(Also, Kaitlyn needs to become a hobbit, if only so her shrieking can puncture Selene's eardrums.) -
Is it now? by
on 2017-03-02 18:52:00 UTC
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I've not seen that, though I admit I don't browse the wiki much. Can you point me at a couple of examples?
(Oh, she will... eventually. ^_^)
hS -
What I think the consensus on missionability is by
on 2017-03-02 20:17:00 UTC
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So, there are good fics (there's obviously a pile of subcategories here, but there's no point in going in to them), which are obviously not missionable. Then, moving a few steps down the quality ladder (which is not a very strict ladder and is sort of fuzzy), you hit the fics that have a few issues (maybe they need a bit of copy editing, or there's some shades of OOCness) but are otherwise decent. These "mehfics" are more or less not mission material either. Like you could in theory do a mission to them if you really wanted to, but you shouldn't because they're not really all that bad.
Past the various shades of meh (which really isn't all that accurately named, since it spans from "just fix this one small thing and your story will be very good" to "this is not-good") you'll find straight badfic, where some combination of (among other possible problems) "that's not at all canon-like!" and "that's not how writing works!" makes the fic bad enough to mission.
The line between meh and bad is really fuzzy in a whole lot of cases. I have the impression that, if you're wandering up to the borders of missionability (for any reason) with a fic, you're expected either to not mission that fic or to be very careful about it so you don't give the impression of crossing a line. (Additionally, there's a political element to this, in that if you're taking that sort of risk, you need the community to trust you to do that.) A clear example of this way of thinking about things is the Despatch thread from a while back, where we decided "we would prefer not to write Despatch because that's straying too close to RPF", but doc's Despatch-style mission was far enough from objectionable and carefully done enough to avoid any complaints.
The above is my attempt at explaining why people (and probably me) tend to be conservative about picking fic to mission.
Ignoring all the general commentary, i think that, given the level of potential uncertainty about the source fic's badness (you and Ix both remarked on it) how you chose to do the mission was reasonable and appropriate. I also think that (and I'm going off of the mission) warping characters so you can fit them into the canon plot is certainly not a good thing, and the plagiarism puts the fic well into missionable.
I liked the non-standard exorcism method (I remember someone writing up a whole series of those ages back, and I've been wondering if anyone would run with them), and that's not just because Young Wizards is good stuff.
I enjoyed the agent interactions, and I think they made the mission fun to read. (That includes the bit where things get serious for a moment with Semele not liking being crowded.)
The only "complaint" (and this is more my fault for not being up to date on Driftwood) is that I couldn't get a good mental picture of the "watch-the-DVD" section of the mission.
- Tomash, who put general potentially-useless rambling about community norms and mission concrit in one post for no reason -
Just a few: by
on 2017-03-02 19:25:00 UTC
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The Badfic page: "While there are countless examples of poor fanfiction on the internet, only the worst is considered to be badfic."
The FAQ: For Other People: "The stories we make fun of are not the stories that are mostly canonical, but have one or two flaws, or the stories that perhaps might be disrespectful towards the original work. We deal with the most awful, Sueish, worst-written, canon-warping fanfiction there is." -
Eep, minor correction: by
on 2017-03-01 18:02:00 UTC
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*shooting flaming arrows to knock apples off volunteers' heads.
This is what I get for posting after I wake up. -
Congrats on the mission! by
on 2017-03-01 14:16:00 UTC
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(Whenever I see "Line Division" being used in badfic - and I have - I can only think of this album cover)
Anyway, this was interesting from a character perspective far more than it was from a "this fic is bad and I shall point at it and laugh" perspective, which is my favourite type of mission both to write and to read. I like how complete they feel, for want of a better term - how they have little tics and nervous gestures that they do without thinking, like Selene's hand brushing against her Key, whatever that is. It speaks volumes that even though I have less than zero idea of what you're talking about when it comes to Selene's original continuum (I assume it isn't quite clockwork undead, but that would be awesome), I can still follow along and understand how her homeverse continues to affect her. I've wanted to do that with my own agents; how successful I've been with that I leave to the interpretation of others, but you pull it off really well and I admire it.
As far as requests/recommendations go, this is a terrible, horrible, no-good, very-bad fic from the Skulduggery Pleasant continuum: Dead love [sic], by Pit user pleasantskull. Six chapters and 4k words, none of which make the slightest bit of logical sense. Plus, I don't think it's a continuum which has been missioned all that much, if ever, so that'd be cool. The plot of Dead love, it goeth thusly: Skulduggery Pleasant is an exceptionally old skeleton man, while Valkyrie Cain is a teenage girl. The author ships them. This should tell you everything you need to know. Have fun! >=]
Also means we'd get to see Kaitlyn's reactions to POVs, which I look forward to immensely. =] -
A question. by
on 2017-03-03 15:52:00 UTC
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As someone who knows the canon, what OOC% would you give Skulduggery and Valkyrie in the first couple of chapters? I like my CADs to be reliable. :)
hS -
Er, that's a good question. by
on 2017-03-03 17:05:00 UTC
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The answer is basically "why does the CAD look like it's having Nam flashbacks?"
Canonicity reading: You weren't there, man. You weren't there. -
More seriously: Very High % OOC. by
on 2017-03-04 01:50:00 UTC
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Skull and Val are extremely close, yes, but in the same way that a master and apprentice are close. To give them romantic feelings for each other - and do please remember that Val is underage while Skulduggery is over four hundred and dead - is to drive them so far out of character that it's basically impossible to see it.
The car is canonical, though. That much is in the fic's favour. However, since it's been thoroughly Sued... maybe someone in DoSAT or the A/V Division might want it. =] -
Val is apparently 25 in this? (nm) by
on 2017-03-04 11:16:00 UTC
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... Which means she's been aged up artificially. by
on 2017-03-04 18:45:00 UTC
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A plot point running through most of the books involves her making an illusion out of her reflection in a mirror that goes to school for her. As in secondary school. If she's 25 in this, then this is all set way after the books, and, well, it therefore doesn't add up since by that point Val would've moved to America as per the ending to Dying Of The Light. By the end of the series, she's 20, but it's still squicky. Not a fan of relationships with that kind of age gap.
Thank you! by
on 2017-03-01 14:31:00 UTC
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I try to make it so you don't need to have read other stuff with them in to understand them, and it looks like I've succeeded. Actually, Selene is pure Draculaverse vampire - but she is currently Clockwork Undead, because she's using Steampunk tech to keep herself sane. (It's also bugged by the DIA, because for some reason they don't trust her. ^_^)
Now, that recommendation... wow. Uh. Wow. Okay. So I've never read SP, but this looks bad enough that I don't need to have. One question before I start: the fic has Skulduggery tapping on his collarbone to manifest a face (and later identifies this as something to do with a 'facade symbol'). Is this an actual power he has? If so, is it physical or just an image?
hS, wandering down weird paths
PS: It has 'General POV'. I think the courtyard Pack may have a new rival... -
The thought of a POV general is very, very amusing. (nm) by
on 2017-03-01 16:19:00 UTC
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It gets better, in two words: by
on 2017-03-01 16:25:00 UTC
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"Valkyries P.O.V"
I'll leave that with you.
Hi jo to-ho, hi jo to-ho... -
*Ride of the Valkyries intensifies* (nm) by
on 2017-03-01 16:44:00 UTC
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Nevermind the question, found it on the Wikia. (nm) by
on 2017-03-01 14:33:00 UTC
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Beta rollcall! by
on 2017-03-01 19:54:00 UTC
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I'm in current need of betas for the new chapter or Blank Sprite. Anyone willing? I need mostly SPaG, flow and consistency check.
Username is clickable. Send it my way :) (nm) by
on 2017-03-01 20:10:00 UTC
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Sent! (nm) by
on 2017-03-03 16:07:00 UTC
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PPC Pokémon Tournament—year three! by
on 2017-03-02 01:57:00 UTC
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Hello, trainers of the PPC! It's that time of year again, where we get to once again determine who will be the very best! That's right—it's time for the 2017 PPC Pokémon Tournament!
Since last year involved Monotype rules, this year, we will be going back to the 'normal' rules—that is, our rules list can once more be found here. The official tournament will begin in April, so the last day for signing up is Friday, March 31st. You may change your team lineup at any point before then.
Good luck, and I will see you in battle! -
Trainer SquidBoi Joins the Battle! by
on 2017-03-06 17:52:00 UTC
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My team is Primarina, Tsareena, Crobat, Roserade, Celesteela, and Gardevoir. Gengar will probably be my between battle substitute.
I don't really have an overall strategy laid out yet, they're just my favorite 'mons. Gonna have to go visit Smogon I guess -
We Can Change our Team Lineup, Right? by
on 2017-03-08 02:21:00 UTC
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If so, then could I change my between-battle substitute to Mimikyu?
Of course. (nm) by
on 2017-03-08 16:14:00 UTC
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Thanks! (nm) by
on 2017-03-09 04:11:00 UTC
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I'd better dust off my SpongeBob impression... by
on 2017-03-04 00:32:00 UTC
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...because I'M READY! I'M READY! I'M READY!
My team is Klefki, Gardevoir, Thundurus-Incarnate, Breloom, Tapu Fini, and Bisharp. -
A team entry. by
on 2017-03-03 12:38:00 UTC
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As I lacked team ideas of my own, Iximaz had suggested in the chat that I make a team based on my favorite zoo animals. I've modified the concept a bit further to represent some of the places/areas I've worked in the zoo, instead.
Gogoat (Hoofstock volunteer/Petting Zoo)
Starmie (Aquarium touch tanks)
Emolga (mammal buildings)
Kangaskhan (Kangaroo Walkabout)
Bouffalant (Adventureland outdoors)
Dunsparce (reptile buildings)
—doctorlit was considering a Mudsdale to represent the merry-go-round and other rides, but there just isn't room -
You're allowed a substitute, so Mudsdale is fine. =] by
on 2017-03-03 14:28:00 UTC
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Surprised you didn't go for some of the other reptilian Pokémon for your reptile-house 'mon - Arbok and Serperior are good calls, while Dunsparce is, I believe based on the Japanese equivalent of the drop bear. But you've got a decent team here - Starmie's been solidly OU since Gen 1, a feat achieved by few, and Gogoat and Bouffalant have some interesting uses. I'd recommend a Bulk Up set on the former and a Substitute/Swords Dance set for Bouffalant. You're a bit light on special attackers, but that's okay. You've got a good team of rad friends. =]
Balancing between . . . by
on 2017-03-03 20:29:00 UTC
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between Dragon World's overt fantasy theming and Tropics of the World's little, handheld lizards and snakes. Dunsparce seemed like the perfect in-between. Also, I like Dunsparce.
doctorlit -
Provisional Team Ahoy. by
on 2017-03-02 21:24:00 UTC
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Mamoswine, because where would I be without Mamoswine... Playing PO during the early days of Gen 5, that's where.
Alakazam, because you always need a glass cannon, especially since Gen 5
Rotom-W, Tankin' it up since Gen 5
Heatran, Doing things slightly weirdly since Gen 5
Togekiss, making people rage quit since Gen 5
Breloom, Because a custom made Techniloom set originating in Gen 5 is one of my claims to fame.
AKA Yes, I have been using this team in OU since late Gen 5. Yes it still works in OU. Bring it! -
Oh I should probably point this out... by
on 2017-03-03 09:59:00 UTC
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Alakazam can't Mega Evolve, my seventh 'mon may though.
Trainer Hardric wants to batlle. by
on 2017-03-02 17:56:00 UTC
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Trainer Hardric sends... Whatever monotype team he can think about during this weekend, or the following ones.
I don't think this year is a monotype tournament by
on 2017-03-02 18:56:00 UTC
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If you're doing monotype anyway, then ignore me.
Trainer Mattman joins the battle! by
on 2017-03-02 15:55:00 UTC
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The general naming rule for this team are Queen songs.
"Another One Bites The Dust" the Landorus-Therian
"Ogre Battle" the Excadrill
"Dragon Attack" the Charizard
"Seven Seas of Rhye" the Greninja
"Killer Queen" the Celesteela
"Flash's Theme" the Tapu Koko -
In response to certain mons... by
on 2017-03-03 19:06:00 UTC
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...I have decided to add "Under Pressure" The Venusaur to my team list.
'Dragon Attack' is the best Queen song. by
on 2017-03-02 22:21:00 UTC
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(Self-evidently: it has dragons.)
hS -
Trainer eatpraylove joins the battle! by
on 2017-03-02 14:37:00 UTC
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My team:
Jennifer the Floatzel
Allen the Crobat
Ethan the Alolan Raichu
Angie the Roserade
David the Alakazam (can Mega Evolve)
Xander the Emboar -
Provisional team. by
on 2017-03-02 14:27:00 UTC
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Marowak (Alolan)
Introducing Team K-T Boundary.
(Feel free to drop me if you need to lose one person to make the bracket tidier; we all know Team Paleontological Mishmash isn't going to win anything except possibly pewter.)
hS -
Per Scape's advice, replacing Torterra with Minior. by
on 2017-03-06 13:57:00 UTC
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Alas, poor Thyreophorans, we barely knew thee... at least there's still a ceratopsian to carry that weird-armoured-critter banner.
hS -
A brief primer in how Minior works: by
on 2017-03-06 15:05:00 UTC
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Minior switches into an offensively oriented forme when it goes below 50% HP. You can tell the difference because it turns from the Malteser Of The Damned to one of the Lumas from Super Mario Galaxy. Anyway, it's therefore worth investing hugely into your Attack and Speed stats, since that way you can hit harder and go first against more stuff - Minior's attacking forme has a base Speed stat of 120, which means you can outspeed a lot of other attacking Pokémon even if they're equipped with a Choice Scarf.
As for a set, Smogon has very much the right idea, and it has a fairly specific game plan. Your Minior should be given a White Herb to hold and know the moves Shell Smash, Stone Edge, Acrobatics, and Earthquake - EdgeQuake coverage, as it is known among the collective nerd hive of the internet, is very good indeed, hitting a lot of stuff for super-effective damage. First turn out? Boost with Shell Smash, whatever the opponent does. This will grant a 2x bonus to your Attack, Special Attack, and Speed, at the cost of a penalty to your Defence and Special Defence. However, this is where White Herb comes in: the item removes stat penalties like the ones you get from Shell Smash! Useful, n'est-ce pas?
After that, it's just a question of having your Death Malteser beat things unconscious with your other three moves. Acrobatics is a fantastic move on this set, because it does double damage if the user isn't holding an item - and since White Herb is a one-use-only item that disappears after its use, Acrobatics will get the boost! Between that and EdgeQuake, you're basically set. Go get 'em, tiger! =] -
Thanks! by
on 2017-03-06 15:48:00 UTC
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I'd twigged that the White Herb was going to go away and free up Acrobatics, but hadn't spotted that it would also heal Shell Smash on the way.
Any chance I could get the same sort of commentary for everyone else...? ;)
Death Malteser comes in just behind Katie B. on the list of prospective names, jsyk.
hS -
Be careful what you wish for... =] by
on 2017-03-09 02:17:00 UTC
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Role Identification: Choiced Special Wallbreaker
One thing worth mentioning is that your team is very, very light on Special Attackers. This isn't your fault, there aren't that many special attacking dinos around, but it's a weakness. Luckily for you, Aurorus has some pretty serious chops as a wallbreaker - which means someone who's very good at getting rid of stally, bulky Pokémon, but lacks certain attributes (usually Speed) to be used as a sweeper.
The idea of a special wallbreaker is to either force out the opponent or kill 'em dead with a powerful STAB move. Give your Aurorus the ability Refridgerate - which transforms Normal-type moves into Ice-type ones and gives them a 20% boost in power (and anyone making a pony reference will be SHOT) - because your other option, Snow Warning, doesn't really benefit anyone else on your team. Having Hail up would give you a perfectly accurate Blizzard but not much else, and it would also mean damaging your team slightly while the effect was on the field. You'll want to run a Modest nature to boost your Special Attack more, with the following EV spread: 252 points into Special Attack, 252 points into Speed, and your four leftover points into Special Defence.
For moves, you want Hyper Voice, Freeze-Dry, Earth Power, and Frost Breath. Hyper Voice is the strongest Normal-type special move you can use every turn, which is fairly important to stop you being revenge-killed by the next Pokémon to switch in; it benefits from Refridgerate, becoming an Ice-type move with 108 Base Power. Because it's classified as a sound move, Hyper Voice is also able to ignore Substitutes, which annoys a lot of wall and stall Pokémon to no end. Freeze-Dry is another Ice-type move, though lower power. Why do you want it? Because it's super-effective against Water-type Pokémon, which normally resist Ice, and bulky Water-types are very common walls (for example, my team runs a Toxapex, which is the dictionary definition of an evil Water-type wall). Frost Breath is another Ice-type move, but this one is special because it always incurs a Critical Hit, meaning it does 100% extra damage AND ignores defensive stat boosts. Users of moves that boost Special Defence (like Iximaz's Reuniclus, which tends to run a Calm Mind set) had better watch out. Finally, Earth Power is there as Ground-type coverage, which will hit a lot of your threats exceedingly hard - Rock-types, Fire-types, and Steel-types who might think you an easy switch-in would be on the receiving end of a very rude awakening. I'm aware there's no Rock-type moves on this list, but Rock as a typing is not known for its special attacks - the highest Base Power move Aurorus knows is Ancient Power at 60BP, and it's simply not enough.
As for the item, go with Choice Specs. They boost the user's Special Attack by 50% but lock it into one move. However, since Ice and Ground is such a brilliant offensive combination, generally you'll be okay whatever you pick.
Role Identification: Utility Lead
Bastiodon... isn't great. Sure, it's got huge defensive stats, but it doesn't have reliable recovery outside of the Leftovers item and its typing gives it two 4x weaknesses to the very, very common Ground- and Fighting-types. Its offensive presence also leaves something to be desired, like existence. Oh well. Let's make this work.
First things first: give your Bastiodon the ability Sturdy. This means that, as long as it's at full HP, it cannot be killed in one hit by direct damage. Think of it as kind of like an inbuilt Focus Sash. You'll want a Careful nature to protect against special attackers - nobody with a 4x weakness to Fighting wants to be on the receiving end of a Focus Blast, and it's fairly common as a coverage move. As far as your EV spread goes, you want 252 points in HP, 4 in Defence, and 252 points in Special Defence. This means you've got more of a chance to survive what your opponent will throw at you.
As for your own moves, you want Stealth Rock, Toxic, Roar, and Magic Coat. Stealth Rock and Toxic form the core of this set, with the former setting up chip damage for enemies when they switch in and the latter being its only reliable way to cause damage to its foes. Roar is a phazing move - it forces out the opponent and drags in another, allowing you to rack up more and more damage from Stealth Rock, spread more Toxic where applicable, &c. Roar has a Priority rating of -6, meaning you're guaranteed to go last, but since Bastiodon is outstripped by passing glaciers this is not a huge concern. Finally, Magic Coat allows you to reflect status moves like Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, and Taunt back onto the user. Status isn't a huge concern for Bastiodon, but it's never pleasant to deal with, and Taunt shuts this set down completely. Finally, give it Leftovers for some vital, if meagre, HP recovery.
Role Identification: Physical Stallbreaker
Haxorus has a sky-high Attack stat and a very usable Speed, meaning it can maintain an offensive presence against a variety of Pokémon. The following set pairs very well with Minior, as it allows Haxorus to beat the living snot out of things that might counter Minior and let Katie B. mop up the stragglers.
First, select your shiniest, stabbiest Haxorus from the stable and give it the ability Mould Breaker. This allows you to ignore certain abilities when making your attacks. For example, let's say you're fighting a Weezing. Weezing has Levitate, which makes it immune to Ground-type moves - which you want to use against it, because Ground is super effective against Weezing. With the Mould Breaker ability, you can use a Ground-type move and hit the Weezing, something that in the competitive scene generally causes your opponent to have an enormous temper tantrum. They're always fun to watch. For the set we're running here, you want an Adamant nature to boost your Attack out of the blocks, with your EVs spread as follows: 252 Attack, 4 Special Defence, and 252 Speed.
The moves you want are Swords Dance, Dual Chop, Earthquake, and Poison Jab. Swords Dance boosts your Attack by two stages, meaning that you can then power through basically anything foolish enough to stand in front of you. Dual Chop might have a fairly low Base Power, but it hits twice and therefore deals with Substitutes, Focus Sashes and the like. Earthquake and Poison Jab are there to deal with the Steel- and Fairy-types that think they can come in on your Dragon-type attacks. A +2 Poison Jab will generally make any Fairy-type start having an extremely bad day, while +2 Earthquakes will make everything else have a bad day. Do bear in mind, though, that this set is walled by Steel/Flying-types like Iximaz's Skarmory and newbie SquidBoi's Celesteela, so you need to be willing to switch out with this set.
Finally, the item you want is a Lum Berry. This might seem a bit odd - why not a damage-boosting item like a Life Orb? Well, Haxorus doesn't like being on the receiving end of status effects like Burn, Paralysis, or Taunt. The Lum Berry lets you ignore that status effect and kick the opponent's teeth in unmolested.
Role Identification: Utility Attacker
Ghost/Fire is an extremely difficult STAB combination to counter effectively, and Alolan Marowak has the attacking chops to use that gift effectively. This set is designed to maximise the damage you do with Ol' Boney here while still retaining survivability.
First, get an Adamant one and give it the ability Lightning Rod. This has a number of benefits. First, it makes you basically immune to both Burns and Paralysis, which would otherwise cripple a physical attacker like Marowak. Next, it gives you a free switch-in on Electric-type attacks, which is always useful. Finally... well, the other options are kind of bad. Rock Head has its charms, but I prefer not being paralysed. As for EVs, you want 252 Attack, 4 Special Defence, and 252 Speed.
Now let's get onto your moves: Shadow Bone, Fire Punch, Bonemerang, and Will-O-Wisp. Shadow Bone, Alolan Marowak's signature move, is great way of dealing reliable damage due to only Dark-types resisting it, and it also has a 20% chance to lower the target's Defence stat by 1 stage, meaning that if luck is with you you can hit a lot harder. Fire Punch is preferred over Flare Blitz because the recoil element is just too much damage on someone with no reliable recovery (unless one runs Rock Head, but then one may be Paralysed and it is a debilitating experience). This is also your big counter to Steel/Flying types that so plague the Haxorus set above. Bonemerang, which used to be a signature move, is an extremely able thing indeed; a Ground-type move with the same effective Base Power as Earthquake that can hit through Substitutes? Sign me up. Finally, Will-O-Wisp allows you to spread Burns across opposing physical attackers that might otherwise do you considerable harm.
Your item - and it should only ever be this item on a Marowak - is good old Thick Club. It doubles your Attack stat, meaning that Alolan Marowak's brilliant STAB combo now hits like a freight train. While this does make it Knock Off bait, you're able to put some serious hurt on Pokémon who don't run it - and there aren't that many who can.
Role Identification: Special Attacker
This is one of the times when I'm going to deviate from the Smogon orthodoxy - I think you can get more out of other moves in this context than you can what they prescribe, and thereby get more power out of your selection. Here goes nothing!
Select a Modest-natured Kommo-O and give it the ability Bulletproof. This is the ability that will render you immune to a wide variety of moves - a full list may be found here - which, by extension, makes you more survivable. For your EV spread, you want 252 Special Attack, 252 Speed, and 4 in Special Defence. This maximizes the benefit of your Nature and allows you to do more horrible things to people for longer. Which is always good.
For moves, you want Autotomize, Clanging Scales, Focus Blast, and Flash Cannon. Autotomize boosts your Speed by two stages, allowing you to outspeed most opposing Pokémon after a single turn, which is handy for a sweeper. Clanging Scales is your main STAB move, a reliable 110 BP special attack with the downside of lowering your Defence by 1 stage every time you use it. Focus Blast is your other STAB move, and really it's a do-or-die thing. It hits a lot of Steel-types for excellent damage, but that is predicated on it hitting at all - which, when the move has an accuracy of a mere 70%, is far from guaranteed. Flash Cannon is there to bait your foes; Dragon/Fighting has a double weakness to Fairy, and there's a temptation to throw out a Fairy-type like Iximaz's Togekiss or SquidBoi's Mimikyu to soak up your STAB moves. Flash Cannon hits them for super effective damage and can catch them severely off guard. Finally, give it a Life Orb to hold. You're looking to do more damage... so do it! Just beware that you're on the clock; Kommo-O has nothing at all in the way of HP recovery.
Role Identification: Physical Tank
Tyranitar is a brutal-looking kaiju of a Pokémon, and it shows in the design and movepool. Sandstorm benefits a large number of your team members, boosting Minior, Bastiodon, and Aurorus's Special Defences (as well as its own) to stratospheric levels. However, its role as a bludgeon requires some fine-tuning.
First of all, the ability: it is Sand Stream. Just... just use Sand Stream. Unnerve is insufficient for your purposes. It sets up the Sandstorm weather condition for 5 turns, which will allow you to put chip damage on the field for everyone who isn't a Rock-, Ground-, or Steel-type. This is useful for breaking stuff like Focus Sash, Multiscale, or Sturdy. Your giant stompy rock monster should have an Adamant Nature and the following EV spread: 4 HP, 252 Attack, and 252 Speed.
Next, we have the movepool of Stone Edge, Crunch, Earthquake, and Pursuit. STAB Stone Edge is a seriously meaty move; its accuracy isn't the greatest at 80%, but between 100 Base Power and an increased critical hit rate, it can dish out a lot of hurt when you do manage to land it. Crunch is just a good move; Dark-type STAB with 80BP and a 20% chance to lower the target's Defence, which is helpful. Earthquake's utility in combination with Stone Edge is well-storied; what one can't hit for at least neutral damage, the other generally can. Finally, we come to Pursuit, which is a very interesting move. It deals double damage when the target is switching out, allowing you to get kills you might not otherwise manage against more fragile targets. It relies upon a certain level of prediction, of reading what the opponent is likely to do... so if you want to swap it out for type coverage like Superpower, Iron Head, or Ice Punch, then I completely understand. =]
At last, the end is near. This is a Choice Band set, which is like the aforementioned Choice Specs but for the Attack stat rather than Special Attack. It allows Tyranitar to bulldoze its way through the specially defensive walls that might shut out Aurorus, paving the way for midgame wallbreakers like Kommo-O and Haxorus, as well as lategame cleaners likeKatie The Death MalteserMinior. You have a reasonable team composition. Hopefully this little guide helps you use it to its full potential. =] -
Well, no, actually, you're wrong about that. by
on 2017-03-02 16:14:00 UTC
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(Also you're having a team themed after the K-T Boundary why do you not have Minior it is literally a falling asteroid up yo game mister ventral sparrow darkness)
You have about two thirds of a very good team going on here. Kommo-O is very good, Mega Tyranitar works well with your various Rock-types, Alolan Marowak gives you a lot of options and has a stratospheric attack courtesy of its signature item (Thick Club), and Haxorus is a very good physical attacker. If you ditched, say, Torterra for Minior, then you'd have the makings of a pretty decent offensive team, with Aurorus being a bit of additional special attack via Refridgerate to make up the numbers.
Okay, now that I've told hS he's wrong about something I will be hyperventilating into a paper bag for about three years. -
No, I'm still right. by
on 2017-03-02 20:00:00 UTC
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Because for all that Team Cretaceous Calamity may be good on paper (and dang yoi, now it'll have a Minior named Katie in it), it's still got me commanding it. And I am not good at this game.
hS -
That may be, but... by
on 2017-03-02 20:52:00 UTC
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You've got very good Pokémon on your team. With stuff like Kommo-O, Haxorus, Minior, and (to a lesser extent) Tyranitar, all you have to do is point and shoot. I know what Douglas Adams (and Sean Bean, at least in Civilization VI) have to say on the subject of foolproof things, by selecting good Pokémon that are relatively uncomplicated in terms of strategy, you've got a much easier time of it than you had with your previous teams. Stop doing yourself down, Buzzard's Underside. =]
We're doing Gen VII, aren't we? by
on 2017-03-02 13:36:00 UTC
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Guess it's time to binge Smogon, then.
Put me in, coach! by
on 2017-03-02 02:58:00 UTC
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Now, in the inaugural Sunflower Cup I got to the final with an RU team... basically because I was the only one who knew even slightly what they were doing wrt team comp. I was Bodyhammer that year, basically, and if you get that reference then you were a nerd in the late '90s too, so grats. =]
Anyway, my team will be as follows:-
Tapu Fini -
Iximaz's team: by
on 2017-03-02 02:09:00 UTC
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Shuckle -
... I hate stall teams. by
on 2017-03-03 14:30:00 UTC
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At least there's no Celesteela on this list, because ew. Instead, I can at least sort of deal with Skarmory. It's Togekiss I'm worried about, though IDK how well it'll hold up to my own parahax. =]
Eh, I'm not a fan of the Ultra Beasts. by
on 2017-03-04 03:05:00 UTC
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They just don't feel like Pokémon, you know? As game opponents I don't mind them but putting them on my team feels the same as putting Legendaries on my team.
Plus, I had a very epic win using Skarmory's Spikes+Whirlwind combo, so I trust it. -
Eh, it's not that bad. by
on 2017-03-03 15:29:00 UTC
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Although I say that having a team of sweepers, tanks, wall and stall breakers thrown together in the name of Hyper Offense. That also being said, I'm not going to take this tournament anywhere near as seriously as I did the last one (even if I am reigning champion), so everyone is probably going to be grateful for that.
Claiming a badfic by
on 2017-03-02 12:22:00 UTC
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I'm claiming Tormentor. Probably make it my first mission once I get permission.
Couple things by
on 2017-03-02 13:37:00 UTC
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1) "Tormentor" is a bit of a common name for a badfic; what fic are you talking about?
2) Please update the Claimed Badfic page accordingly, and note that the claim is Permission pending. -
Re: Couple things by
on 2017-03-02 13:40:00 UTC
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The Harry potter one where Harry survives a dementor attack and gets power from it
Ah, that one? by
on 2017-03-02 14:10:00 UTC
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The one I dumped back into the Unclaimed page? Have fun missioning it sometime in the future!
It is the day I was borth! by
on 2017-03-02 18:06:00 UTC
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That is the proper verb tense, right? Birth->Borth?
Anyway, have some Totally Not Suspicious Cake!
-Phobos -
Happy belated birthday! by
on 2017-03-03 18:47:00 UTC
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And here is another cake, made with black-hole chocolate.
And I'll let you know that the way it abosrbs all the light in the room is perfectly normal, thank you. -
*Takes care of the mini-Boarder* The cake is still safe. (nm) by
on 2017-03-03 18:49:00 UTC
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Is it a pirate mini? Arr, matey. (nm) by
on 2017-03-04 02:57:00 UTC
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Corsair, surely. It's French, after all. (Maybe Breton. =] ) (nm by
on 2017-03-04 04:46:00 UTC
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No, northern France, like me and Jean Bart. (nm) by
on 2017-03-04 05:55:00 UTC
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Happy belated birthday! (nm) by
on 2017-03-03 13:46:00 UTC
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Totally Not Suspicious Cake?! by
on 2017-03-03 04:46:00 UTC
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That's my favourite cake, besides 'Really Not Poisoned Cake' and 'Cake That is Actually a Cake and Not a Giant Knife'!
My gift upon you is: three pairs of sunglasses. To wear all at once. At the exact same time. Always.
Happy Birthday! (nm) by
on 2017-03-03 02:04:00 UTC
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Happy birthday! by
on 2017-03-02 21:52:00 UTC
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*politely takes a cookie instead*
Happy Birthday! *tosses Spikes* (nm) by
on 2017-03-02 20:41:00 UTC
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Happy Birthday! *takes cake* by
on 2017-03-02 20:33:00 UTC
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*eats cake*
*explodes* -
*cakefetti* by
on 2017-03-02 18:21:00 UTC
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*blows noisemakers* -
Y'know, this might be the time it DOES explode in goo. by
on 2017-03-02 19:35:00 UTC
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I mean, it's a perfectly normal, totally not suspicious cake. That has to mean it's evil, right?
~Neshomeh -
There's a filthy joke I am refraining from making here. by
on 2017-03-02 20:55:00 UTC
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It is a considerable effort of willpower. I trust you're all suitably proud of me for doing so. =]
*side-eyes* Nesh, what did you do to the cake? (nm) by
on 2017-03-02 19:45:00 UTC
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Your First Encounter with a Mary Sue? by
on 2017-03-03 02:11:00 UTC
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I've been thinking about this for a while, and I wanted to know; when did some of y'all first read a Suefic? When or how did you figure out what a Sue is?
I remember my first Suefic was this *really* bad Megaman Battle Network fic on DeviantART, and the main character was a pretty big Sue. I need to find it again, if it hasn't been deleted. I think I learned what a Sue was when I came across the page for Mary Sues on TV Tropes. -
Re: Your First Encounter with a Mary Sue? by
on 2017-03-07 19:47:00 UTC
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I think mine was Experiment 505.
Well... by
on 2017-03-06 09:38:00 UTC
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I think the first Sue I read was the one that I eventually took on as a first mission. When I read a Card Captor Sakura fic, I expect to be, well, about the original cast. Not about a OC who's having a love story with another OC, and the canon characters only in supporting roles with almost no mentions of the original plot.
However, I actually think I might have written my first Stu before I stumbled on that one, so... *points at Agent!Sergio* That would be him. -
I think I figured it out through TV Tropes. by
on 2017-03-05 14:30:00 UTC
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I can't think of the first Suefic I read, which probably means I blocked it out.
Wrote a real cruddy HP fic. by
on 2017-03-04 16:40:00 UTC
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I once wrote a Harry Potter fanfic about a princess called Acacia (ha ha) who was a Wood Elf and romanced Ron Weasley. It was a weird fic and just made no sense, and everyone kept calling Acacia a Mary Sue while I defended my "wonderful" OC.
Then, there was my Edelweiss Flower series...we don't speak of that anymore.
A friend of mine once wrote a Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings crossover about a girl whose dad was a wizard and whose mom was a High Elf. We now laugh about that fic.
Sorry for giving my Mary Sue the same name as one of your beloved founders. -
First Sue by
on 2017-03-03 04:28:00 UTC
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I'd have to say mine was the Naruto from One Man Team. Replacement Sue for sure. He was smart, ruthless, and had quite the tragic backstory. All of it was non-canon, of course. The issue wasn't with that alone, though. Everything was distorted around him, with only about four characters not being derailed by the end. Kakashi, the hokage, Hinata, and Gaara. Everyone else was either distorted massively, especially Sasuke and Sakura, or was given too little screentime to be distorted.
It's a shame, too. the author had plenty of talent, and the story was well written. But everything had changed for the dark and edgy sue, and it eventually ruined it for me. -
Re: First Sue by
on 2017-03-03 08:21:00 UTC
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I've never even watched Naruto and I'm pretty sure he's not a very bright person, haha. The only stuff I know about the series comes from memes.
It always makes me feel bad when there's a fic writer who seems really good but just wastes their talent on Sues. Like hon, please, you can do better... -
For me, it was my own fic. by
on 2017-03-03 04:01:00 UTC
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This one, if you're curious. A friendly person on the message board I lived on at the time asked if I thought my OC might be a bit of a Sue. I was like, "Huh? What's that?" I don't remember exactly how they explained it anymore, but it was something like "a character with idealized traits of the author," and my response was pretty much "Oh. Then, yes, you could certainly say that!" It took me a while to figure out the more negative connotations. It was probably OFUM that really gave me a solid idea of why Sues are not good, and from there the PPC.
To this day I don't think Jen'ra is awful, though. The story's kinda wooden and awkward and predictable—oh, and the chapter with her backstory is particularly cringy—but I've never seen a clear angle to mission it, myself. *shrug* If anybody else wants to, though, you have my permission. I seem to have a problem with green-eyed female OCs, so one less in the stable would not be a bad thing. Plus, Jen'ra is literally an alien expy of Jenni, so she's expendable. ^_~
~Neshomeh -
Drat, now I wish Farscape hadn't been taken off Netflix. by
on 2017-03-03 04:17:00 UTC
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I'd be willing to give this one a shot, if only because your overuse of "-ish" descriptions has me cracking up, and that backstory, oh boy. :P But alas, I don't know the show well enough to mission it, and I'd probably feel bad doing it anyway.
But glancing through it, the SPaG is good and the canons feel in-character, so your fic's really not as bad as you're making it out to be, I don't think. -
Oh jeez, let me think... by
on 2017-03-03 03:33:00 UTC
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I'd just finished the second-to-last Sisters Grimm book and went wandering around the internet trying to find out if the last had been published already or not... and that was when I first stumbled across fanfiction. Someone had written an entire novel's worth of a story featuring the characters a few years in the future, and Sabrina became an amnesiac in a contrived coincidence, grew fairy wings, was hunted and on the run from Fairy society, married Puck and became a princess, and True Love's Kiss brought all her memories back and then she remembered she hated him and there was Drama. I loved every moment of it. (Unfortunately, I don't remember the fic's name because I'd love to go
killrevisit it.) That was probably my first encounter with a Sue.
The first time I really learned what a Sue was, though, would probably be when I came across the term while reading reviews for a Fifth Marauder story, and I resolved to never, ever, ever make the same mistakes. That... turned out about as well as can be expected. At least I was actively trying to avoid writing a Sue, so I think my story wasn't too terrible for a first attempt at writing?
It was about two years after starting my badfic series that I found the PPC, really got a feel for what did and didn't make a good story, and finally killed my old shame.
So for me, it was less of an "aha!" moment and more of a gradual realization of what made a Mary Sue. -
Re: Oh jeez, let me think... by
on 2017-03-03 08:18:00 UTC
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Oh, Sisters Grimm! I've been meaning to read those books. Kind of feels like a jab to the stomach hearing about this fic though.
I had plans for writing a fic with some of my own OCs, but through some divine intervention or something those plans never came to fruition. They were *such* Sues oh my god. I think I still have drawings of them somewhere. I need to go burn them.
When I read about Mary Sues I just kind of had sudden flashbacks to fics I had read and was like "oh... I've seen these before..." and I felt kind of ashamed because I had actually enjoyed those fics at the time.
Say, isn't it time for the Shipfest? by
on 2017-03-03 12:02:00 UTC
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I distinctly remember it happening sometime around March.
on 2017-03-10 09:03:00 UTC
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Well, even though it is rather late, I should say that I'm in, I'm cool with having stories being written about me, and have no limits on whom I'm shipped with.
21, male, white, rather on the chunky side. Brown hair, hazel eyes. There, thinks that about covers it. -
You know what? IÂ’m going in. by
on 2017-03-09 22:30:00 UTC
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Hope it's not too late.
I understand that my minimal presence would make it difficult to include me, and I might not be able to do much anyway due to personal reasons, but I'm in need of an incentive to strive to write more and socialize despite real life stress.
Anyway, my descriptions:
Male, 18, 5'8", light brown, short black hair, dark brown eyes, thin facial hair.
As for restrictions, do whatever you wish. Bend me, shake me, anyway you want me, it'll be fine. -
Just putting this out here. by
on 2017-03-08 17:46:00 UTC
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Because I won't have time to write it myself, but given the current top post on the board. There should be a Matt Cipher/ALL THE LADIES (Who are willing to be shipped) fic. You know, because they want to show their 'thanks'.
Also where's my ship Granz? I asked for a destroyer and you haven't delivered yet?
Storme Hawk
Who has ideas, but neither the skill or time to write them into stories. -
I swear, it's a conspiracy. by
on 2017-03-10 05:26:00 UTC
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All of you are conspiring to prevent me from including any girls in my stories? Because it's not going to work, you know! I have at least two, no, wait, three ships planned, and I swear, a girl will be in at least one of them! But, since you insist, I will put you in a story. Good news for you, I had an idea, but needed another candidate to write in. You'll fit perfectly. Or, perhaps, somebody else will. ;)
Count me in! by
on 2017-03-07 23:49:00 UTC
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There are no restrictions for shipping on me. Genderbend me, put me into kinks, ship me with food and inanimate objects, whatever floats your boat.
My main boarderships are Aegimaz, Nesh/Phobos, Des/Zingy, Larfen/Granz, and, freshly arrived, Alleb/Larfen
As for details about me: Male, 19 years old, 5'9"-5'10", blueish-grey eyes, pale, wears mostly black, long hair, goatee. -
Is it too late to add my name to the Shipfest? by
on 2017-03-06 05:47:00 UTC
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I sure hope it isn't, because this sounds fun. Description: 15 year old male, blue/green/grey eyes (no joke, my eyes literally change color day to day, it's freaky), shaggy brown hair with bleached yellow highlights, strong jaw, 5 feet 4 inches.
Phew! Lengthy description.
I'm mostly gay. Have fun! -
Oh yeah, this! by
on 2017-03-05 18:58:00 UTC
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I'm shippable, if anyone is so inclined. I'm short, blond, and androgynous in every particular. (Bi-directional gender-bending!) But I also haven't hung around here much, so whatever!
I am available. by
on 2017-03-05 18:14:00 UTC
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And also, I am still alive. Just very lurk-y.
Male, late twenties, glasses and beard. No restrictions that I can immediately think of. -
I'm in. by
on 2017-03-05 08:33:00 UTC
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I'm an older teenager, cis female, but rather androgynous and something of a drag king wannabe (quote from someone who knows me in Real Life: "Are you sure you're not trans?"). Very okay with any form of gender-bending. My ancestry is Mediterranean European and have the tan skin, brown hair, and stunning good looks which come with the territory. I'm getting over a breakup; feel free to use that in your story and make up the details. I'm frequently stressed out; there are lots of opportunities for hurt/comfort. I'm inclined to be monogamous and prefer long-term relationships, but I'm also kind of a pushover, so my being in a poly relationship (other than a really stable one where everyone involved is deeply in love with everyone else involved) or involved with a brief fling isn't unrealistic, but that relationship being healthy is improbable (although not, I suppose, impossible). Kink of any kind is okay -- in fact, encouraged -- but bear in mind my most important guideline:
Keep it SFW.
I consent to fluff only. I suppose sex can happen offscreen, implied as obliquely as possible. But otherwise, I am here doing my part to promote the proliferation of kinky romance stories because they are the actual cutest.
P.S. If you can write kinky fluff that is SFA, you get a medal. -
I'm available. by
on 2017-03-05 07:34:00 UTC
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I'm available for shipping, though this might be a bit late and unless you're on the Discord, you probably don't know me very well.
Male, somewhat short, short and very slightly messy blonde hair, pale, hazel eyes. Can't grow proper facial hair. Typically wear jeans and a military jacket.
I like reading, drawing, writing, and occasionally playing video games or D&D. I like mysterious stuff, but don't really read or watch mysteries. Really like speculative fiction, especially fantasy and horror. Identify as a man. Often tend to be sarcastic, quiet, and slightly awkward.
Shipping rules:
Couples only if I'm involved, please. Nothing kinky. Aside from that, I'm good. -
Add me to the shippable list, because why not? (nm) by
on 2017-03-05 05:00:00 UTC
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Right, I'm supposed to give some details by
on 2017-03-05 05:04:00 UTC
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Female, tall, looks to be early twenties, shoulder length hair that's probably going to be dyed some neon color soon, and cat eye glasses. I'm also openly bi.
As ever, I am in. by
on 2017-03-05 04:07:00 UTC
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She/her/hers, Ancientbie by the reckoning of years.
Let's see here. Elbow-length brown hair, gray-blue eyes, enjoys circus and books and all the things. And tea. Prodding at my transness is okay but please be careful (I'd be happy to sensitivity-read before you post). -
There is now a Shipfic Story Thread! by
on 2017-03-05 03:33:00 UTC
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It can be found here. It's not meant to pressure anyone, but if you have a story already and/or expect to get pretty busy in the coming week (hi, fellow busy people!) it's there. Why a separate thread? More time on the front page, of course!
~Zing -
I remain, as always, shippable. by
on 2017-03-04 21:23:00 UTC
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I can't imagine who you devious people could possibly ship me with (fear my awesome powers of lurking), but hey, can't hurt to throw my name into the hat, right?
Ahem, so appearance. I'm a lanky, pale as an albino snowflake, 5'9"-ish, 18-22 (at this point I'm just trying to see how long I can go without directly mentioning my age. Blame Alleb.) year old Washingtonian lad. Add long brown hair, slate blue eyes with a milky white right pupil (cataract), with some oval lens glasses, and voilà, a Badger.
My wardrobe practically never varies from dark colored t-shirts and jeans, except when it's cold enough to wear my comfy jacket. I wear a leather-wrapped magnifying glass around my neck at all times.
So, that's done, on to the ships!
All the canon ships. All of them. They please my canonshipper heart.
Larfen/Granz: Does anyone in the Discord chat not ship this?
Larfen/Granz/GMA: The PPC love triangle. Drama, intrigue, romance!
Larfen/The Adoring Masses, A.K.A. everyone who follows him when he starts a name trend: I'm sure others start them too, but when Larfen does it, everybody follows. It can't be a coincidence, I tell you!Totally not leaving out the fact that this includes himself. Nope, no conveniently absent facts here.
GMA/Ypsi: Don't ask 'cause I don't know. The idea popped into my head one day, and it hasn't left yet.
Matt Cipher/Magick: Come on, he's our resident occultist. Plus, Mattick. 'Nuff said.
Alleb/Google Translate: I don't know if Alleb was responsible for the terrible things we did to poetry that night, but that's who I'm blaming.
And I think that about wraps it up. Had more ships than I thought, it seems.
And as for boundaries, pretty much none. Who am I to squash whatever eldritch and abominable flower blooms in your mind's eye?
Seriously, though, go wild. I've been hanging around the furry fandom even longer than I've been hanging around here. Nothing surprises me anymore. -
Hit meh with yer best ships! by
on 2017-03-04 15:20:00 UTC
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As for appearance......... Imagine a 5'9" Pugsley Addams with green eyes and glasses. Yeah, that sounds about right.
If You're Pugsley... by
on 2017-03-04 16:32:00 UTC
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...can I be Wednesday?
Available. Do your worst. (nm) by
on 2017-03-04 11:55:00 UTC
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Put me in! by
on 2017-03-04 04:00:00 UTC
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. . . *looks down to the side*
Funny how you can say something in your head and it sounds fine. . .
I don't really have any restrictions on whom I'd like to be shipped with, honestly, should anyone feel inclined.
Right-o, physical descriptions. Approximately 6'2", 20, male, slim build, pale, blonde hair totally not styled to copy the Tenth Doctor's, with blue eyes you normally can't even see because there's a great honking pair of thick-framed lenses in front of them.
As for suggested ships, I'm also standing in favor of Granz/Larfen, because seriously, this has gotta happen eventually. -
And I obviously have a preference for Aegimaz. :) by
on 2017-03-04 04:02:00 UTC
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Though, I mean, it's not like I'm biased or anything. 'Cause that would be ridiculous.
Aegimaz 5Ever (nm) by
on 2017-03-04 15:15:00 UTC
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Available for shipping. by
on 2017-03-04 03:12:00 UTC
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Buzzed-short brown hair, eyes blue or green depending on what colors I'm wearing, 5'8", clean-shaven. Male pronouns, demiromantic asexual (I think). I don't care what sort of story I'm used in; my only request is, let's maybe not continue the doctorlit/David Bowie jokes anymore? It feels . . . not so funny, anymore. :(
—doctorlit -
I'm All In by
on 2017-03-04 01:25:00 UTC
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Calliope, reporting for extensive shipping! Physical guidelines are as follows:
Sixteen years of age, brown hair (shoulderblade-length and growing), eyeglasses, and my eyes actually change color sometimes, but seem to have mostly settled on green and hazel by turn. The other color I know for a fact they like is grey. I can usually be found in jeans (Lore insists they're skinny, but they're really not, I swears it) and a tee, plus a jacket of some kind (my current one is a somewhat longer-than-normal brown coat, some kind of soft material (maybe flannel?), has two inside pockets and two outside pockets) and either tennis shoes or boots, depending on the weather. On the other hand, I just came into a collection of long skirts and three pairs of heels (two of which are in boot form), so feel free to write those in, too.
Now then... ships. *cracks knuckles*
I'd be technically okay with some daily-life-as-siblings stuff with myself and Lore, but... please... please no more than that. He's my older brother and I love him more than anyone else, but... he's my older brother.
Granz/Larfen: Please. PLEASE. You two are the most adorable thing ever.
Matt/Granz/Larfen: This is partially a joke, but discounting those with unfair advantages, you three are my absolute favourite people here.
Pokémon RP Group Ship (Granz/Storme/Scape/Hardric/Delta or any combination thereof): This is being put forth by request, and I won't say from whom.
The Town of Salem Crew: I can't think of exactly who-all usually joins, but I'd be very interested in seeing what anyone who writes this comes up with! Bonus points if you include lies and deception, especially the thing where the person who rolls Godfather pretends to be a Doctor. (And name themes. Those are almost always a thing, at least between two or three members.) Again, this is mostly a crack ship. I'm primarily thinking of this as something like 'mass fluff everywhere', but feel free to take liberties. (Yes, I know it's bad form to put forth ships including yourself. I think this one's special, but that may just be because I'm still incredibly new.)
More ships will be forthcoming when I think of them, probably.
As far as relationship boundaries go (aside form the aforementioned Lore rules) - go wild! I have no problem with genderbending, threesomes or more (just keep them healthy), being shipped with other females, crazy kink stuff - I'd prefer not to take too much damage, but that's about it. If you think something's too out-there even with that statement, feel free to run it by me, but I'll probably approve it.
Cheers! -
A Few Minor Details I Forgot by
on 2017-03-04 12:55:00 UTC
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One, there are three (sort of three and a half) things about my appearance I think ought to be mentioned. Two, I completely forgot to describe Lore whatsoever.
I have some of the palest skin you'll ever see - possibly because I have to be dragged outside kicking and screaming, and even then, I'm in all that stuff I mentioned before. It's to the point where, under almost all circumstances, you can clearly see several veins under my skin - mostly in my hands and arms. Second thing: height. I usually stand around... five-foot-eight? Something in that range. (Those of you who have heard me feeling short: you're about to see half the reason.) Thirdly: scars. No, not self-harm scars or anything like that, I'm not that kind of girl. I have tons of really small round scars all over my feet and lower legs; they're part of the reason I will not wear shorts.
Now, then! For my brother. Lore's, like, six-foot-one or something like that. (I kind of hate him for it.) His incredibly messy hair is pretty long - a little more than my own, but still in the shoulderblade area. He has darker skin than me, possibly because of marching band and the fact that he got more Italian genes than me. His eyes are brown, they will always be brown - but he wears glasses, and just got a new pair, which means that he no longer looks like he's trying to be Harry Potter. (No, really, when he had short hair people were always commenting on how he looked like Harry Potter.) He's always in a tee and some light, loose-ish jeans - not the kind that fall down, just the kind that don't show off his legs - and either some old sneakers or his military/hiking/combat/whatever-they-are boots.
I think that about covers us. Questions? -
So the Town of Salem crew would be. by
on 2017-03-04 11:43:00 UTC
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Storme Hawk/Granz/Aegis/Iximaz/Tomash/Silenthunder/The Triumvirate/Mattman/Matt with perhaps a cameo from Scapegrace as well.
Also the Pokemon RP Group should at least contain Aegis (who seems to be the star of the ships) and maybe Iximaz?
And in that case, to complete the RP groups that I know of, we should have the (I'm really sorry I haven't updated it lately I swear I'll do it today) Dungeon Crawlers Storme Hawk/Granz/Aegis/Iximaz/Mattman with potential cameos from Scapegrace/Skarmory Silver/TheShyIon/Alleb. Bonus points if it contains dungeons and/or crawling. -
Not exactly. by
on 2017-03-04 11:49:00 UTC
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I dropped PTU this last week and Aegis did as well. Sorry.
I knew you had, by
on 2017-03-04 19:55:00 UTC
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But I didn't realise Aegis had as well, sorry.
Lore's in, too. by
on 2017-03-04 02:00:00 UTC
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He's at work, so I thought I'd post his in-ness before we forgot he told me it was okay.
I'm up to be shipped (nm) by
on 2017-03-03 23:43:00 UTC
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Curses, I'm ever so late here. by
on 2017-03-03 23:27:00 UTC
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It's been, what, hours since this has gone up? For shame, me! Anyways, I am willing to be shipped. Male of an age ranging from mid-teens to mid-twenties, and that's all you're getting out of me. Now, pardon as I run away to hide in a locked room while I allow my badficcer self out to write all these horrid, horrid things.
Now how about a few ship ideas? by
on 2017-03-04 02:00:00 UTC
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StormeHawk/SkarmorySilver - Because birds!
Badger421/Silenthunder/Akrinor/Tomash , or any combination of them - They infect Discord with things that take up lots of time, such as Freefall, comedy sketches, robotic giraffes, and snakes.
Desdendelle/Tomash - Because higher education is ever so stressful, and they like to help each other let off steam.
Mattman/Matt Cipher - Mattfest. It’s as good a reason as any!
GMA/Larfen - The fires of jealousy and envy create the best of Kismesissitudes.
Silenthunder/GMA - PPC: Agents of Skyrim.
GMA/Badger421/SkarmorySilver/StormeHawk/Maslab/Cat-on-the-Keyboard/VixenMage/Squidboi - As many animal-associated Boarders as I could think of.
Aegis/Every Conceivable Person - Because of all the things we haven’t done in Aeg(i)s.
Desdendelle/Neshomeh/Huinesoron/Zingenmir/French Press/Tea - What they couldn’t understand was that Tea was perfectly happy being with all of them at once.
Zingenmir/Iximaz - Because of Dax and Jacques. -
Oh, I forgot one/several. by
on 2017-03-04 06:17:00 UTC
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Namely, what must be now obligatory, shipping everybody in any particular -bie category, these categories as dictated by Huinesoron as follows:
-Originalbie. 2002-August 2003.
-Ancientbie. Aug '03-February 2005.
-Veteran. Feb '05-June 2008.
-Olderbie. Jun '08-May 2012.
-Oldbie. May '12-September 2015.
-Middlebie. Sept '15-September 2016.
-Newbie. Sept '16-February 2017.
For convenience's sake, I am a Middlebie. -
Newbie over here! by
on 2017-03-05 00:17:00 UTC
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So we don't get to be in the same orgy group. Steele would be disappointed. (As will the ToS group. Thank you, accidental wordplay.)
As usual I'm willing to be shipped. by
on 2017-03-03 23:12:00 UTC
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Male, 22 years old (No, I can't believe it either), short brown hair, sideburns and beard (nothing major but more than stubble). Oh and hazel eyes. That's me relatively generically, so yeah...
Prepares sailor hat by
on 2017-03-03 22:26:00 UTC
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Ship me, my chaps. SHIP ME. Give me a good shipping. Nice and shippy. Nice and shiptastic.
So we're all describing ourselves?
Alright. As the fine fellows in the Discord are well aware, I am a ham sandwich. I have ham. Cheese. Possibly some form of salad. A bit of tomato.
Write whatever weird bollocks you like with me. Whatever you please. Whatever it will be.
Alleb/Goofy misspellings Given the sheer amount of time she spends around them!
GMA/Granz GMA likes to pretend his jealousy for Granz and I is ironic...
The Nameless Admin/Tomash This my OTP, right here. My OTP.
foofooman/World of Warcraft I'll be honest, I was just out of ideas and I saw him playing it in Discord. -
Look you, give that back! (nm) by
on 2017-03-04 01:38:00 UTC
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Hello July. by
on 2017-03-05 15:17:00 UTC
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How is life going for you?
July/naval uniforms? (nm) by
on 2017-03-04 17:06:00 UTC
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Not think you. Please don't include me. by
on 2017-03-05 14:06:00 UTC
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I barely know anyone here anymore and I don't particularly fancy some people here thinking it is okay for them to write anything with me involved. I'm not comfortable with the PPC community like that these days.
-J -
...Larfen/Tea. by
on 2017-03-03 22:41:00 UTC
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I mean, come on. Sandwiches get eaten with tea, right? Right?
...actually, there should be a third in there to eat this fine meal...
*looks around* Thoughts?
~Zing -
No. The tea loves me best! *clutches teapot* by
on 2017-03-03 22:51:00 UTC
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I don't judge it. I let it be itself. If it wants to be sweet, it can be sweet. Milky? Awesome! Lemon? Fantastic! If it wants to be Ceylon with peppermint and candy cane bits, that's okay! FREE THE TEA!
~Neshomeh -
Heresy! by
on 2017-03-03 22:54:00 UTC
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Heresy, I tell you. Tea only loves me, the supreme cohen of the tea god!
*calmly seduces the Tea away from all of you* by
on 2017-03-03 22:56:00 UTC
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Muahahaha. I am the Supreme Brewer of the Tea. Only I hold the power now!
~Zing! -
All shall love me and despair! (nm) by
on 2017-03-03 22:57:00 UTC
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Opting the heck in, let's do this! by
on 2017-03-03 22:09:00 UTC
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Basic information about me that may be relevant:
19-year-old man, Psychology student, glasses, sort of curly hair. I'd rather not be genderswapped if you're considering it, but don't have enough of an opinion to complain about it if you do :) -
Count me in! by
on 2017-03-03 21:52:00 UTC
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I'm 16, I'm a huge Harry Potter fan, I enjoy watching YouTube, and I want to write my own fantasy series one day.
As for appearance... by
on 2017-03-04 16:20:00 UTC
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I'm 5'4 and weigh 115 lbs., I have blonde hair and blue eyes, and I wear sailor fuku!
Here are other facts.
1. I am female and heterosexual. I also have incredibly fair skin.
2. I like drawing my own fantasy manga.
3. I like playing with Stikbots! They're these guys you can use to make stop-motion animation. Really fun.
4. I like roleplaying, especially with OC's and in fandoms I like.
5. I have a wonderful singing voice.
So yeah! Feel free to start shipping. -
I'm shippable, as usual by
on 2017-03-03 21:34:00 UTC
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I'm a 20 going on 21 male with reasonably short hair and very thick glasses. I'm majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics, and I don't meet most of the Texan stereotypes.
Feel free to involve me in whatever shenanigans y'all come up with.
And so, a mutually contradictory list of ships
Iximaz/Aegis: Because it's canon
Iximaz/Neshomeh: One-sided squeeeing that transitioned into a collaboration. Also, we all know who MrsSupernumary was in the badfic fest, no?
Larfen J. Stocke/Granz: Sure, those over-the-top pet names in chat started as a joke...
Granz/GMA: You two were looking forward to this way too much
VixenMage/scapegrace/(maybe palindromordnilap): Per the last political compass map, communist ship
Katlyn/Huinesoron/Neshomeh/Delta Juliette/...: "Get off mah lawn, you darn kids!" the ship (ancientbies and up)
All the PGs: Because no one's proposed it yet. The PG hat may or may not be involved.
CodeCom/Katlyn: The traditional newest Boarder/oldest Boarder ship
Maslab/Bad puns (possibly also Aegis/Bad puns, or both of those combined): I mean, have you seen the Discord some nights?
Mattman/his railgun: The fic writes itselfI cannot confirm or deny the existence of a techie love nest -
Oh come on, you missed the obvious. by
on 2017-03-03 22:09:00 UTC
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Aegis/Maslab, because of their shared love of puns.
I alluded to it ambiguously by
on 2017-03-03 22:41:00 UTC
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but since you came right out and proposed it, you get the credit.
Now, in pure revenge: Maslab/Iximaz: Floofy Fox Files/Silly Seal Spam -
I'm in! by
on 2017-03-03 20:28:00 UTC
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18, █̟ͨͮ͗̒█̑̋̿̉̋͐█̡͙̗ͯ█̼̰̝̳̼̾ͯ█̸̹̘̥̦̞ͭ̿͂̈̍̑͆█̝̬͈͈̱̘̄ͥͤͦͅ█̯͔̮ͭ̆́͒́█̲̥̅̂̂͘█͖̼̲̲̫̯͂█͂͒́̚ (they/them or she/her pronouns, well, technically anything except he/him unless you're doing a genderswap, really), shoulder-blade-length blonde hair, green eyes, glasses, and, uh, probably other stuff???
Anyway, I'm okay with pretty much anything.
As for my ships... Well, ship, the only one I can think of right now:
All of the Discord mods. (I don't know the full list so if this includes people who would like to opt out of stuff like that, they're obviously not included) -
Count me in! I'm open to be shipped with anyone. ;) (nm) by
on 2017-03-03 18:34:00 UTC
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I volunteer for shipping. by
on 2017-03-03 18:28:00 UTC
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I've got no problems with the shipping, and I'll say it if I find a ship including me disturbing.
23 years old student, glasses, curly hair, ready for being shipped,Captain Suzumiya -
Sign me up. :) by
on 2017-03-03 18:13:00 UTC
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Female, almost 20, can pass as male. Brown buzzed hair, green eyes.
Genderswap me, tie me up and gag me, turn me into the jealous third wheel, I don't mind. Just don't, don't, don't pair me up with foofooman3 again. He's my baby brother and just *squick*
As for ships:
Aegimaz. Come on, guys.
Huinesoron/everyone else. At once. You knew this was coming.
Delta Juliette/Tomash/hS
Granz/Larfen: The Discord's OTP. -
*ehem* by
on 2017-03-04 03:53:00 UTC
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That's not all we saw coming.
Ship me like I'm... iunno, something shippable. by
on 2017-03-03 17:05:00 UTC
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I am a female, and... I'm sure there are other interesting details about me. Somewhere. Um. I like books, and coffee. I'm also learning Krav Maga, so there's that.
No slash or genderbending please, and if you want to involve me in a fic, please keep it SFA, or Safe for Alleb (this is Safe for Work, but more so).
My current ships:
Larfen/Funny names
Iximaz/Aegis. It's canon!™
Huinesoron/Kaitlyn. It's canon!™
...Hm. Not many yet. *shrugs* I'm sure the list will grow.
-Alleb, who has an excite -
Actually, my partner can be genderbent. by
on 2017-03-03 23:29:00 UTC
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Also, physical description! Brown/blonde hair (make up your mind, follicles), brown eyes, Gandalf!brows, is usually in a tee shirt. Slightly (ever-so-slightly) taller than average.
-Alleb -
I'm in, as usual! by
on 2017-03-03 16:06:00 UTC
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And Phobos is, too, lest he doesn't get around to saying so himself.
Also, I ship all of you who were pretending to be me in the Discord the other day (unless you don't want to be shipped, of course). As I recall, that includes:
- Neshomas a.k.a. Neshomath (Maslab)
- N3sh0meh (1visible)
- Neshomash (Tomash)
- Scapeshomeh, or something like that (Scapegrace)
- Neshumvirate, Calliomeh, or something like that (Calliope of the Triumvirate)
... Yeah, my memory sucks. You'll have to help me out with anyone I messed up or left out entirely.
Anyway, have fun coming up with a ship name for that mess! ^_~
~@RealNeshomeh -
The Mishmashomeh. Check and mate, bucko. =] (nm) by
on 2017-03-08 19:24:00 UTC
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*topples king* {= ) (nm) by
on 2017-03-08 21:13:00 UTC
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You forgot me! (nm) by
on 2017-03-08 00:17:00 UTC
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Senpai didn't notice me? :( (nm) by
on 2017-03-08 00:45:00 UTC
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Aw, sorry, guys. (nm) by
on 2017-03-08 03:51:00 UTC
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Senpai noticed us! <3 (nm) by
on 2017-03-08 04:48:00 UTC
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What she said. by
on 2017-03-04 03:49:00 UTC
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I'm in to be shipped.
On My Name by
on 2017-03-04 00:24:00 UTC
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One: Yes, I consent to being shipped with you.
Two: I was Calliomeh! Yes, you got it right! The full name was The Triumvirmeh (Calliomeh). -
Calling it now: by
on 2017-03-03 16:28:00 UTC
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Channomeh (Neshomeh x generic_channel). That was a thing, too.
But I'm sooo tired... yeah, okay. ^_~ (Rules) by
on 2017-03-03 15:21:00 UTC
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Welcome to the Shipfest! This is where we all pour out our shipping urges onto our fellow Boarders, and laugh maniacally at the results.
There are two things you can (and should) do in the Shipfest:
1/ Share your pairings! These can be anyone in the PPC community, unless they specifically ask that they not be paired. People are also allowed to request specific limitations (we've had one person ask not to be shipped with their sibling in the past, for example). List the couples (or moreples) you ship on the Board, and say why you ship them! It is generally not a good idea to ship yourself with someone (unless it's canon) - it looks a little desperate-slash-creepy.
2/ Write appalling shipfics! This is opt-in: unless someone has specifically said they're okay with fics about them, don't do it. Shipfics should be kept within general Board guidelines as far as ratings go; if you're unsure whether something's okay, ask the people you're shipping. (This especially goes if you're writing yourself into the story - that's allowed, but be careful.)
There is a master list of ships (for inspiration) and people, which I'll try to keep updated. We're going into the weekend, though, so it might lag behind the thread.
My ships:
Huinesoron/Kaitlyn - it's canon, obvs.
Neshomeh/Phobos - Neshbosh!
Desdendelle/DawnFire - come on, have you seen their agents together?
Iximaz/Scapegrace - again, have you seen their agents? Whether it's Ave/Notary or Dok/Gabrielle...
Tomash/Delta Juliette - I imagine they have a techie love-nest somewhere. ^_^
Desdendelle/eatpraylove/Scapegrace - you're all a bit... eager to get started, hey?
(Obviously, I - and Kaitlyn - are open to any ships.)
hS -
So I have an historical shipfic chunk. by
on 2017-03-03 22:55:00 UTC
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It's from 2014, and is apparently the first one I ever tried to write. Me, I think it's pretty funny, but I'm also the author, so I'm entitled to bias. It's still making me laugh, though, and I'm reasonably sure at least some other people would be amused as well.
I don't think it's something I can continue without changing 3+ cast members (who aren't hanging around the Board this month/at all anymore), but I do want to share what there is of it. It has about six non-platonic ships (plus one brotp, as I labeled it), is...let's go with 'LotR-related' for the least amount of spoilers, and is pretty short but hopefully fun. Everyone in it, to my knowledge, was willing to be shipped when I wrote it.
Thoughts? Can I post it as historical? Should I instead try to do a (longer) rewrite and add this as an extra? I don't know how well that would go in my current level of school-related business, but if it's the only way to share it, I can give it a go.
PS: here's the cast list, for curious people.
Boarders (no, not random Boarders--'Boarders' as an entity. I'd say it makes sense in context, but this is the shipficfest)
Lily Winterwood
Sergio Turbo
Delta Juliette
Bakery, The (related to Pretzel, probably connected to some sort of joke on the Board at the time? Either that or I just came up with it because, duh, Pretzel+Bakery=sense!)
Board, The
Ships: various combinations of the cast (of course). All are pairs, mainly because of Tolkien. -
I'd say go for it, by
on 2017-03-04 03:08:00 UTC
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since everyone had given shipfest consent at the time.
—doctorlit is, of course, biased towards not letting stories disappear -
I concur. (nm) by
on 2017-03-04 08:15:00 UTC
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Hmm. by
on 2017-03-04 11:00:00 UTC
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In this thread, or should I wait until this year's writing thread starts and post it there?
~Zing -
I don't think we're doing separate threads? by
on 2017-03-04 11:14:00 UTC
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Um... do people want to do a second thread for writing stories?
hS -
Blame it on my memory. by
on 2017-03-04 16:04:00 UTC
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I'd already associated March with the badfic games instead of the shipfest; what's another bit of misremembering about how we do this? :) In my defense, it's been a while and I've been exhausted. Actually, I'm still kind of tired.
I can post it at the top of this thread, once I glance over it and check that I formatted it correctly and stuff.
~Zing -
We've had two threads before. by
on 2017-03-04 16:38:00 UTC
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Last two years I've done a listing thread in Feb and the story thread in March. But I don't think we need the separation, honestly. If you've got a story, post it here. Try to mark it clearly, and we should be fine.
hS -
My hazy memory, for what it's worth by
on 2017-03-04 17:03:00 UTC
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I remember that the last few years, the way Shipfest worked is that we'd have this thread (signups/paring generation), which we'd let marinate for a few days (maybe even about a week, not sure), and then we'd have the actual Shipfest in a separate thread.
Yes, that's... what I said? Isn't it? (nm) by
on 2017-03-04 17:29:00 UTC
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Yeah by
on 2017-03-04 17:40:00 UTC
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I forgot to put "and I support keeping it that way" in my post. Sorry for the confusion.
...Ah. by
on 2017-03-04 18:32:00 UTC
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So...should I post the story at the top of this thread, or wait until there is or isn't a new thread started? I'd been semi-planning to do it right now (after looking it over, which I haven't yet because lunch and sleep), but depending on this year's format (good to know I wasn't imagining things), that might not make sense...?
~Zingenmirtsuzamenashipficfestsheyn--what do you mean, that's hard to read and not in a language most people know and doesn't really make sense to begin with? *Keeps on trying to sing nice Shipficfests with everyone* -
*shrugs* by
on 2017-03-04 19:05:00 UTC
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I mean, if it were up to me, I'd hold it for the stories thread to keep things consistent and make it easier to find old stories in the future. However, I'm not in charge, so do whatever feels right, I guess.
And I don't think you're the only one who's got a shipfic ready to go. -
Well, then. hS? (nm) by
on 2017-03-04 20:03:00 UTC
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I'm just the caretaker here. by
on 2017-03-04 20:06:00 UTC
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Splitting the threads was an innovation of mine 2 or 3 years back, based on the fact that the earliest Shipfest had people posting fics over the rest of the month.
Can I suggest a middle way? The Board is pretty slow nowadays, so why not make a 2nd thread now for fics?
hS -
I'm fine with whatever. by
on 2017-03-04 21:18:00 UTC
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Though, speaking of having shipfics ready to go, I also just buckled down and finished my Des/Tea entry that was originally meant for last year. historical and one current, ready to go! Just tell me when and where.
~Zing -
Do whatever; I'm not in charge of this. (nm) by
on 2017-03-04 22:24:00 UTC
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Is it actually that much slower these days? (and stats) by
on 2017-03-04 21:12:00 UTC
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I remember threads typically lasting on the front page for a week and a bit, which is a bit less time than the current range (just over a week and a half between the oldest thread and the newest).
And that made me think of how many PPCers there are, anyway, so have some quick stats. I downloaded the front page (which, a few minutes ago, contained 243 posts) and counted (automatically, I'm not crazy) how many people posted on the front page and how many posts each of them had made.
Here's the list, with convenient semicolons for importing into your stats program of choice. (Note: corrections have been made to address a few times someone posted under an alternate name, or typo'd their username, or left an extra space at the end of the Author field.)
1;Hieronymus Graubart
1;The Good Mod Addict
2;Daniel Stretulch
3;Granz the Ice Cream Monarch
3;Mattman The Comet
4;Sergio Turbo
5;Larfen J. Stocke, esq.
6;Matt Cipher
6;Storme Hawk
8;The Triumvirate
This list shows that there are 42 recently-active Boarders. If memory serves correctly, this is about consistent with the last time I analyzed these statistics a few months ago.
Chat, which I don't have precise stats on, hovers around 25 people online during US evenings, and has peaked 30 before. There's at least a few people that I'd consider "around" (mostly from seeing them in chat) who aren't on that Board list, such as Delta Juliette or VM, so I think I can say there's somewhere around 45-50 people who are some degree of active in the PPC.
Does that number sound right to y'all?
Bonus info: the average Boarder has posted about 5.8 times over the last few weeks, and "post count" feels exponentially distributed. -
You have a mistake there. by
on 2017-03-04 21:41:00 UTC
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Specifically, AFAICT Bram and Bramandin are the same person.
Which brings the average up to 5.93 by
on 2017-03-04 21:48:00 UTC
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, the total count down to 41 people, and changes little else. Someone who actually knows how to stats might want to analyze these.
Ship away! by
on 2017-03-03 16:02:00 UTC
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Uh, female, likes languages, may or may not have a polar bear army and also a stereotypically Canadian moose in the backyard.
~Zing -
Oops! Sorry, forgot about the name change. ^_^; (nm) by
on 2017-03-03 16:20:00 UTC
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No worries. by
on 2017-03-03 21:21:00 UTC
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It's been, what, two months?
Now, if it had been two *years*...well, I'd probably be laughing, actually.
~Zing -
Ready to be shipped! by
on 2017-03-03 15:42:00 UTC
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Male, 22, short beard, eyeglasses. Do your (heh) worst; whoever tops hS' ship from last year gets a cookie. And tea.
Oh yeah, also. by
on 2017-03-04 16:09:00 UTC
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Two alsos, actually.
1) Coat. Long (shin-length), black, cashmere wool. Kinda looks like a Haredi man's coat. It's important.
2) Ships, because I totally forgot about that:
-Club of Bespectacled People: everyone with glasses/everyone else with glasses. There are a lot of people with glasses here.
-Huinesoron/Scapegrace/Storme Hawk: Britshipping.
-Ekyl/Fasoula/Jebboy/Maslab: the Discord's AFK Squad.
-Tomash/Delta Juliette/Huinesoron: Technical.
-Tomash/doctorlit: it can get awfully lonely in the Archives...
-Tomash/Matt Cipher: Poleshipping.
-Neshomeh/Zingenmir: Yiddishipping.
-French press/PG hat/sailor hat/tea:Search your feelings. You know it to be true.NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! NOOOOOOOO! -
I'd forgotten about that. by
on 2017-03-03 15:54:00 UTC
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... hang on, I never finished that.
Guess I know what I'm doing this weekend...
hS -
Uhu. by
on 2017-03-03 16:02:00 UTC
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Yes please. It was awesome, and I want to know more.
Open to any and all shipping. =] (nm) by
on 2017-03-03 15:12:00 UTC
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One minor thing: by
on 2017-03-05 07:01:00 UTC
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Please do not genderbend me to male. Other genders are fine, but I am MtF trans and as such take particular exception to being referred to as male. I understand it's unlikely, but just for reference, please don't do that. =]
Little early in the month for that.. by
on 2017-03-03 15:00:00 UTC
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Eh, whatever. All I ask is that anything involving me not also involve particularly outlandish kinks. *sits back with a bucket of popcorn*
Oh yeah, and details. by
on 2017-03-06 04:07:00 UTC
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20s with a baby face, she/her, brown curly hair, blue eyes, bout 4'11", hetero but will be OK with a same-gender pairing
(Also, by "outlandish kinks" I specifically mean breathplay and anything involving body fluids near/in my mouth. Those are what the kink community calls my "hard limits".)
Asking because it's been bugging me lately... by
on 2017-03-03 15:25:00 UTC
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So, I know there were two un-missioned Young Wizards badfics - one was called Spark and is still on the Pit as far as I'm aware, and the other one was... I think it got deleted? But I had read that whoever wanted to originally mission it had the fic saved somewhere. I can't find any edits on the Wiki pertaining to this, which makes things harder.
Does anyone know anything about this, or am I just rambling? |D
- I wrote a story. by on 2017-03-03 15:32:00 UTC Link to this
I knew that you can write. Bravo! by
on 2017-03-08 18:57:00 UTC
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Like Ffwydriad said, it's all so peaceful and quite, just like we imagine the Shire. But then comes the stealthy twist in the second to last paragraph, which made me feel that this is set short before The Lord of the Rings. Soon, Samwise will have to go to the shadows of Mordor. We know. But he doesn't know yet, he'll just go to prune the hedges.
There's only one tiny thing I might have done differently. Thinking about mustard and then opening the beer is a bit of a non sequitur. To make the story flow even better, I would try to imply that the bitter(?) taste of beer goes nearly as well with the bread and cheese as the mustard would go. Or that Sam still wants the beer, although he doesn't need it to compensate for the spicy(?) mustard. Just something to connect the two sentences. But I cannot think of how to word it.
I'm sorry for being so terribly late to everything; I'm quite busy these days.
HG -
I really like this by
on 2017-03-03 17:47:00 UTC
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I don't know why I like this so much. It's well written, but it's a pretty simple story. There's just something really pretty and calming about it. Very peaceful. It makes me want to read a lot of calming stories about what happens off screen when everything is quiet and boring.
Another fanfic idea by
on 2017-03-04 16:33:00 UTC
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This just popped into my head for some reason and I thought I'd share this idea with you guys and get your opinion on it.
Okay, so a Potterverse Sue (I won't spoil you on who it is) has just used an uncanon spell to revive multiple slain Sues. After this, he/she leads the Sues to the HQ in the middle of the night and, due to having the element of surprise on their side, they're able to seize HQ. Mostly because half the agents couldn't wake up in time to fight back.
Everyone who wasn't Sued or put into slavery fled, and now they must put together an army to stop the Sues. Oh, and Stus. But mostly Sues.
Can they do it? Or will everyone die horribly hilarious deaths at the hands of their adversaries?
Whaddya think? Is it a good idea? Could it be improved? Or should I scrap the whole thing? Let me know. - No. Just... no. by on 2017-03-04 16:43:00 UTC Link to this
Sorry... (nm) by
on 2017-03-04 16:50:00 UTC
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Moral of the story: by
on 2017-03-04 17:07:00 UTC
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Wiki is your friend. Search function is your friend.
Also, apologies if I sound too grumpy or biting. Not my intention to be intimidating or whatnot.
Well would you look at that, it's my Boardiversary. by
on 2017-03-04 20:02:00 UTC
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Eeyup. One year ago today, at precisely 8:37 p.m. Board time, I made my first post after five years lurking. Still don't know why it took me so long to introduce myself, but I'm glad I did. Here's to another great year, everybody.
Also, a question occurs. When determining my oldbie/newbie/middlebie status would we go by when I started hanging around here (2011, I think) or when I actually joined (2016)? The latter seems the more reasonable to me. -
Happy late Boardday by
on 2017-03-05 18:12:00 UTC
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Happy boardday. Have a chocolate cake.
Happy delayed Boardday! by
on 2017-03-05 15:18:00 UTC
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Here goes a black-hole chocolate cake.
Would you look at that! by
on 2017-03-05 05:31:00 UTC
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It is!
Er. I think I missed it by a bit.
But, yes, happy Boardiversary!
My gift upon you is: a giraffe. It comes in little pieces that need assembly. The manual's kind of rubbish, but I'm sure you'll be able to find guides on the internet.
Yaaaaay! -
Happy Boardaversary! by
on 2017-03-05 02:42:00 UTC
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Do we do cake for these? Have some cake.
To your question, I figure it's by first post date, since that's when we first got to know you and you started being involved in things. -
Mmm, cake. by
on 2017-03-05 03:37:00 UTC
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Yes, I thought as much. Suppose I'll just have to earn that Veteran title the hard way.
Well, in as much as awaiting the passage of time can be considered difficult. -
on 2017-03-05 02:34:00 UTC
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Blows noisemakers. Hope we haven't driven you stark raving mad yet!
...Driven? by
on 2017-03-05 03:21:00 UTC
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Wouldn't that rather imply I wasn't stark raving mad in the first place?
Happy Birth-er, First Board Post Day! :D *tosses Spikes* (nm) by
on 2017-03-04 20:34:00 UTC
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Thank ye kindly, Skarm. by
on 2017-03-05 03:32:00 UTC
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I do have to ask, though, how did this tradition of throwing spikes at people start? It's not exactly normal celebratory fare.
Kicking off the Shipfest story thread! by
on 2017-03-05 03:28:00 UTC
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That is, there's no rush, and do continue signing up in the thread below, but since there are at least a few people ready to start (and also, I don't know about the rest of you, but I know I'm going to get pretty busy this week), have a thread! This also ensures that it'll be on the front page for much longer, which is always a good thing.
At any rate: here to kick things off is an historical shipfic! This was the first one I ever tried to write, back in 2014; it didn't get finished, but I enjoyed writing what there is. Unfortunately, simply finishing it up and posting it for this year isn't an option, since some of the people in it left the PPC permanently or temporarily in the past couple years; however, as everyone had consented to being shipped at the time I wrote it, posting the fragment seems permissible.
And so, without further ado (and with the original a/ns moved to the end to avoid spoilers--of course I had a/ns written before I finished it, it was that kind of fic), I present to you...the untitled shipfic from 2014. Tolkien style.
As Huinesoron lay chained in the dungeon, he refused to despair. True, he had lost the duel of song, and thus condemned both himself and his companion to imprisonment and torture, but he was an Elf of the highest calibre, and would not be broken!
It had begun not long ago, when Neshomeh had arrived in his kingdom with a token that bought his aid. She was fair, for a mortal; and she had requested his aid on a dangerous quest. He would not have abandoned his kingdom--he was a faithful king!--but for the love he had shared with her mother, VixenMage, whose ring she now bore*. He could not refuse that token, and the promise it represented. And so they had set out on a dangerous journey to claim a Silmaril--a Silmaril that would win Neshomeh the beauteous Phobos' hand in marriage. (The two were in love--such was her tale--but Phobos' parents opposed the match...**) The journey to--and then through--the lands entitled the Bakery had been arduous; when at last they had neared the stronghold, Huinesoron had used his song to disguise them (that is, himself, Neshomeh, and ten faithful warriors***) as cookie cutters, but he had lost the ensuing duel.
"Be of good heart," the ellon said to her now. "We will yet escape this dungeon."
"Dungeon, hah!" Neshomeh proclaimed heartily, and then sighed. "Huinesoron, how do you propose we escape? We may yet loose these chains, but the guards are many. And if we could not defeat the Dread Kaitlyn, who is only the Greatly Feared Pretzel's lieutenant, how may we yet claim a Silmaril from Pretzel's dark crown and escape the Bakery?"
"We shall find a way," Huinesoron assured her, and several of the ten faithful warriors nodded in agreement. "We--"
In that moment, the dungeon's door opened, and the DreadPirateKaitlyn walked in. "Well?" she said. "Have you considered your situation? You are alone, friendless, utterly at my mercy..."
werepastries presumably a note on the servants of, uh, darkness. You know, werewolves, werepastries...they're very dangerous to full-grown Elves, you know. Their very...breath? poison...
Okay, yes, I have no idea how exactly that was meant to work. The note is there, though. As far as I remember, the Dread Kaitlyn was meant to banter with Huinesoron and Neshomeh and then loose the werepastries on them and their companions. And it would go from there, only, uh, with a romance subplot for Huinesoron/Kaitlyn. Something like that. I kind of got distracted by footnotes before writing it, as you're about to see...
*Mind you, it was not purely his love for VixenMage# that bade him aid her daughter. Not that he hadn't loved her--short as the romance had been, it was strong--but she had saved his life on the field of battle. In thanks, and as token of his love and friendship, he had given her a ring, which her daughter now bore. (That ring, later called the Ring of VixenMage, would one day be worn by Neshomeh's distant descendant...but that's a tale for another time.)
(#Huinesoron was an Elf who had many loves, or at least, several more than was the norm. In the West, long ago, he had loved a fair lady by the name of Lily Winterwood. They had been betrothed, but she would not follow him from their home; and so he set off alone, and would wed no other--well, not'll see.)
**Phobos was the most beautiful Elf in existence, surpassing even Huinesoron and, more importantly, Huinesoron's cousin, Delta Juliette, who had also been given the name 'Well-formed' (and was currently on a long quest to regain the three Silmarils, but that's another tale.) He was the son of Boarders and Shipping, the rulers of the Board, and he had a voice to match his physical form. (Shipping was a Maia, which went quite a ways towards explaining Phobos’ sheer gorgeousness.) He had been dancing and singing in the woods when Neshomeh had seen him, thought she was dreaming, and, awestruck, named him Tinuvion--Nightingale. Phobos had hesitated, unsure what to make of the mortal--but then he had fled. Upon their next meeting, however, they spoke more; and, soon, they found themselves in love...Upon declaring said love, however, they found that Shipping and Boarders had reservations. Eventually, Boarders had declared that Neshomeh must prove herself worthy of Phobos; and that to do so, she must bring back a Silmaril from the Greatly Feared Pretzel's dark crown. And so Neshomeh had bid her love adieu, and began the journey to Netilardo to beg Huinesoron's aid...
***Why could only ten warriors journey with Huinesoron and Neshomeh from Netilardo? Well, Outhra and Sergio Turbo, two of Delta Juliette's younger brothers, had earlier settled in Netilardo (along with Sergio's wife, firemagic, and their progeny). They had turned the minds of Huinesoron's people away from him, reminding them of the Greatly Feared Pretzel's terror and making veiled references to the Oath they and their siblings had sworn##. And thus it was that only ten faithfulredshirtswarriors accompanied Huinesoron and Neshomeh to the Bakery.
(##The Oath. Well, that's yet another tale, but it's one that's too long to be told in a footnote, and so it shall be left for another time. Suffice it to say that it involved threats of violence.)
Glossary of Characters and Places:
Firemagic--(unnamed Elf who is probably Noldorin, aka, Curufin's wife)
Lily Winterwood--Amarië
Sergio Turbo--Curufin
Delta Juliette--Maedhros
Bakery, The--Morgoth's lands. So sorry if that's not quite accurate...
Board, The--Doriath
Glossary of Ships (in both Boarder and Silm terms, for the full weirdness):
Huinesoron/Neshomeh brotp | Finrod/Beren brotp
Huinesoron/Lily Winterwood | Finrod/Amarië
Neshomeh/Phobos | Beren/Luthien
Boarders/Shipping | Thingol/Melian
Sergio Turbo/firemagic | Curufin/Curufin's wife
VixenMage/Huinesoron | Barahir/Finrod
Kaitlyn/Huinesoron | Sauron/Finrod why is this one the otp help
(With apologies to anyone who feels the need for an apology. ~Zing)
The original a/ns, now both at the end!
Basically, who isn't fond of hSand asking him complex questions about the Silmarillion, and who doesn't wish they knew Kaitlyn better? So here, I'm giving this a go.
...I should perhaps mention that this is the first Boarder shipfic I've ever written.I suck @ summaries. Plz r'n'r!!!The thing to know is that, when I went to Lily for advice on how to write them, she write a fanfic, but with Boarder names.
Thank you, Lily. Thank you very much.
And a final a/n:
As we say on hand slipped. (Who here wishes I'd just stuck with an Arrow fusion fic like my original idea was? Anyone? No? Do any of you even watch it? Because it may or may not be up next...)
Yeah, it was not up next.
Anyway. Let the ShipficFest story writing begin!
~Zing -
Hide and Ship by
on 2017-03-11 00:21:00 UTC
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((M/M (CONSPIRACY, I TELL YOU!), Possession with Consent, Songfic. Storme/Shipfest!Larfen.))
Hide and Ship -
Eep! That's all I can manage after reading that. (nm) by
on 2017-03-13 05:41:00 UTC
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This is well-written and funny, but I'm still horrified by
on 2017-03-13 00:47:00 UTC
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I enjoyed it! I'm just going to have nightmares. That's all.
--Key -
Well I guess I did ask for it... by
on 2017-03-11 15:37:00 UTC
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It's... er... not exactly what I'd normally go for, but it was good. (No idea what the song was/is though, so that may have been part of it).
Storme Hawk -
Conspurasy? by
on 2017-03-11 00:31:00 UTC
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CONSPURASY. *dons conspurasy hat*
In all seriousness, this story is still lovely. I cannot overstate how happy being your Beta makes me.
--Calliope, Queen of Spades -
How is this not a thing? I'm making it a thing. by
on 2017-03-08 20:13:00 UTC
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((Granz/Larfen. You knew it was coming.))
Granz was in the kitchen.
He, being a stereotypical teenaged-to-early-twenties male, was hungry. He was also too lazy to properly cook something like chicken or pasta. No, snacking would have to do for him this fine afternoon.
He got out his favorite ice cream from the freezer; he'd have to put in on the grocery list soon, it was almost out. It was then that he was struck by an Idea. A crazy, food-based Idea. Granz watched his trembling hands open the fridge, almost of their own accord, and pull out various ingredients. Ham. Cheese. Lettuce. And, of course, bread.
He proceeded to make the sandwich of his dreams. He could see it in his mind: the moist ham separated from the fluffy bread by the gorgeous pale cheese and the fresh lettuce. The ice cream, forgotten, began to melt in its tub; the frost on the outside glistened in the early afternoon light, a sight that escaped Granz. He had a mission, and nothing was going to stop him from having the sandwich of his dreams, even if those dreams were born all of five minutes ago. As the last slice of bread was placed upon the top of the glorious sandwich, something happened Granz could never quite believe.
"Fiiinaaallly," the sandwich said in his mind. "You wouldn't believe how good it feels to exist again, mate."
Granz stood, mouth agape, staring at the sandwich. Psandwich? "Wait, what--what just happened?" he asked, struggling to process that his lunch was speaking to him.
"Isn't it obvious that I was talking to you?" the psandwich snapped. "I swear, people can't seem to understand the concept of a psychic sandwich anymore!" Granz's stomach rumbled at the mention of the word "sandwich."
He needed lunch.
He needed that sandwich.
But he couldn't shake one question from his mind.
"So, if... you're a sentient sandwich... do you have a name?" Granz asked.
There was a pause. It stretched on and on like a rubber band that stretched. The superpowered sandwich had rarely, in its previous existences, been asked its name. Indeed, it had been so long, such a title was nearly forgotten; and here was a person, asking him with those lips, what his name was. Like most rubber bands being stretched, the silence was eventually broken.
"... Larfen J. Stocke, Esquire," the sandwich finally replied. Granz noticed a drop of water from the lettuce fall onto the plate, shining like the most beautiful diamond in the world.
"'Esquire'?" Granz asked. "How does a sandwich get a law degree?"
"OI, do I sound American to you, mate?!" Larfen roared. "It doesn't mean anything! Can you imagine a sandwich in a courthouse? They'd eat me alive in there!" The psandwich chuckled at its own joke.
"Yes, uhm," Granz began, "about eating... I need to have lunch, and... well..."
If a sandwich could nod, Larfen would have. "I figured as much. Just make another sandwich, I'll transfer to it then you can eat this one. Or just eat the other sandwich, but where's the fun in that?"
Granz nodded before noticing the ice cream, now almost completely melted. One of his dogs was standing next to him, begging for the ice cream or for Larfen, it was impossible to tell. Granz shooed the dog away and put the ice cream back in the freezer. He started making another sandwich. -
Part 2: In which Granz eats a sandwich. by
on 2017-03-14 05:51:00 UTC
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(Tag for NSFW-if-you-squint-a-little innuendo.)
Granz stepped away from his second culinary creation, wiping his brow in a suitably dramatic fashion. It was a near-perfect replica of Larfen, though Granz had opted to use slightly less mayonnaise this time at Larfen's request ("It just feels weird with so much egg and fat, y'know?").
Larfen hopped in place, rotating a bit to get a better look at what would soon be his new body. The thick slice of cheese sat upon the lettuce comfortably, and the scrumptious ham existed in a mouth-wateringly delicious and tantalizing manner that couldn't be accurately described in mere words. Larfen was pleased, very pleased indeed. There was only one problem.
"I, ah... can't do it if you're watching," Larfen said. His tomato seemed to turn an even deeper red. "Sorry, mate, but could you... go away for a bit? Just a minute or so." Granz readily agreed for reasons of his own.
Granz walked up the stairs and into his room to change clothes. He would have a proper lunch rather than a mere snack. And a proper lunch, for Granz, wouldn't be proper at all without a proper dining corset.
A proper dining corset, for those not knowledgeable about such things, had to be flashy. This particular corset had horizontal, zig-zagging stripes in black and gold throughout, and the whole thing glittered in the light as if it had sequins or even gems threaded throughout it.
For good measure, the outfit also incorporated shoulder pads into its design for a more square look. This was not a mere dining corset, but the greatest dining corset one could lay eyes on.
Granz smiled at the corset, and began tugging at the straps and performing the contortions necessary to put it on, an act that would be all but impossible for a normal person.
Meanwhile, Larfen was still looking at his future self. What would his new body be like? It looked fine, but all it took was a small piece of gristle in the ham or a too-squishy tomato slice to utterly ruin it. And what the heck was Granz doing to grunt so loudly and repeatedly from upstairs?
Focus, Larf, Larfen thought to himself. He took the sandwich equivalent of a few deep breaths and tried to tune out the groaning above him. For a second, he felt nothing; then there was a feeling of being squeezed far more tightly than comfortable, then a moment of terrifying unconsciousness. Of course, it was only terrifying on the other side, but a description of the complex mechanisms of consciousness must be left for another time; Granz was descending the staircase in his stunning dining corset.
"Oho! I'm impressed, mate; I didn't know you owned such a fine dining corset," Larfen called. Granz beamed back at his sandwich.
"Are you finished with what you needed to do?" Granz asked.
"Yep, now let's have lunch."
Granz carried the plate with his sandwich on it, carrying Larfen on a plate in his other hand. The corset was tight; eating would be a challenge. That was, of course, the entire point of a dining corset. Granz wasn't too worried, however; he had eaten dozens of lunches in this outfit. He set down the plates and picked up his sandwich, admiring the way the light filtered through the lettuce before taking a bite.
Flavor exploded across his tongue, enhanced by his teenaged-to-early-twenties hunger. It was exquisite. Granz closed his eyes to savor it for a moment before swallowing. He took a swallow of a generic drink and sighed.
"Ohh myyyy," Larfen said. "I'm that good, am I?"
"Better," Granz said with another sigh, his hunger clearly taking control once more. -
You saw it here first, folks. by
on 2017-03-09 05:45:00 UTC
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Larfen's origin story! Peter Parker has his spider, Superman has his sunlight or some bollocks, Batman has his parents (or, er, doesn't,) Half-Car-Man has his half-car, and Larfen has his Granzy-wanzy-banzy-kins <3.
And you got my terrible sense of humour across perfectly, along with my terrible habit of laughing at my terrible sense of humour! It's so similar to the real event, I could probably sue you! -
I'm just going to call you sandwich from now on. (nm) by
on 2017-03-09 14:18:00 UTC
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The Real OTP (Probably NSFA-ish for Euphemisms.) by
on 2017-03-08 06:55:00 UTC
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Granz was tired.
He'd been putting so much effort into making certain that everyone else who had expressed interest was being shipped that his monitor was bleached with the glare of a thousand lovers. All of them had come away satisfied, which may or may not have been a euphemism depending upon the preferences of the reader.
He leaned away from his keyboard and sighed, stretching his fingers, grown toned and defined from the speed and ferocity with which he'd shipped.
"Oh, my," said a voice from behind him. He turned, and the Shipfest itself stood before him, leaning casually against the wall and grinning easily as its gaze slid along the exaggerated lines running along his overworked digits. "You have been a busy boy, haven't you?"
Granz's eyes went wide with astonishment as he beheld the Shipfest's lithe, firm form. He knew his lover when he saw it. "I. . . Suppose. . " he said nervously.
The Shipfest laughed, wrapping its firm arms over his shoulders and raising an eyebrow at him. "No need to be coy, lover," it said. "You've put so much more work into me than any of the others. I can feel your. . . passion. . ." Its hands were sliding over his chest now, and Granz's breathing was coming fast and heavy, like a lot of things were shaping up to be.
"Passion, huh?" he asked, lips trembling with excitement.
"Oh, yes," assured the Shipfest, nodding. "The passion of revenge. Did you think Aegis had forgotten the corsets? Now shut up," it said, its gaze intense, "and take your fic." Its tone made it apparent that it was to be taken in every sense of the word.
And suddenly, something stopped Granz's lips from trembling. Things often grew sturdier when they were firmly pressed against something, and the Shipfest's own lips were no exception. Neither was anything else that wouldn't really be very appropriate to discuss on the Board, and the two true lovers sank down to enjoy the fruits of their labors. Intensely and repeatedly. -
This is the first thing for the Shipfest I've read. by
on 2017-03-08 18:58:00 UTC
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I have a lot to look forward to, don't I?
Hahahaha! That is the Real OTP. (nm) by
on 2017-03-08 15:38:00 UTC
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Oh my gosh. by
on 2017-03-08 12:07:00 UTC
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I love you! This is absolute perfection, for several reasons. Most of which are... not a good idea to explain here.
On the other hand... I now have to defend my friend's honor. Do be ready for that, yes? -
El Passleb by
on 2017-03-07 10:55:00 UTC
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((Alleb/Marty Robbins, American singer, songwriter, actor, multi-instrumentalist, and racing driver. SFW, SFA, SFEEPAOC (safe for everyone except people afraid of cowboys) ))
Alleb bloody loved this song. As far as western-cowboy-country-hoo-wee-pardner-songs sung by Marty Robbins, American singer, songwriter, actor, multi-instrumentalist, and racing driver went, this was certainly her favourite.
And the Texas Ranger went on down the old rooooooad
She bobbed her head along to the music.
And he walked to the young maiden and spoooke...
Alleb moved her whole body as the bass dropped.
And the Texas Ranger bought himself a carton of milk that daaaaay
Alleb leapt off the couch, breakdancing on the floor.
The carton was 1 litre and contained 252kJ per 100g
Alleb backflipped and leapt off a wall, moving her body to the music. Then the music stopped. Alleb stopped, too, arms thrust in the air, leg up high, sweat dripping over her still frame. She stepped to the gramophone, the sweat disappearing from her body in a fine mist, leaving her straight, smooth hair to float and move very beautifully in the breeze it left. The smell of sweat was technically still around, but her natural smell was so gorgeous, nobody noticed it (this was also helped by the fact that nobody was around.) The gramophone shook. It shuddered. It made a noise of skittering, and metal bending. Alleb stood back, getting into her classic Krav Maga 'Adam's apple grab' pose, the most powerful pose there was to learn in Krav Maga. A hand appeared from the horn. It grabbed the edge of the horn, pulling itself out, revealing an arm. It pulled harder, and then a head appeared. Alleb gasped, letting her 'Adam's apple grab' pose down for a split second. 'Marty Robbins, American singer, songwriter, actor, multi-instrumentalist, and racing driver!' she exclaimed, stepping back.
‘That’s me, pardner, yippie-ki-yay. I, Marty Robbins, American singer, songwriter, actor, multi-instrumentalist, and racing driver,’ he said, taking his cowboy hat from his moustache-less head. She could tell he was a cinnamon roll, just looking at him.
‘I-I,’ Alleb sputtered, as he approached and stretched. She had done extensive research on him, and was deeply aware of the fact that she was two inches taller than him. What she hadn’t researched was his incredible fondness for people two inches taller than him. She also hadn’t researched his love for people who knew Krav Maga, people who used Krav Maga to grab Adam’s apples, people with blonde/brown hair, and people with eyebrows reminiscent of Gandalf. ‘I’m a big fan,’ she murmured, face turning red like a tomato, but in a really pretty and graceful way.
‘I’m a big fan of you, pardner, yippie-ki-yay,’ he said. ‘And your dancing, too.’
‘And my dancing, too?’ Alleb murmured.
‘And your dancing, too, pardner, yippie-ki-yay.’ He extended his arm and bowed. ‘Will you dance with me, pardner, yippie-ki-yay?’ he asked.
Alleb made a splurting noise that went ‘Mryes!’ (but a really pretty and graceful splurting noise,) and took his hand. And so they danced. A few neighbours glanced in through the window and thought to themselves: ‘By Zeus, master of lightning and ruler of Mount Olympus, is that Marty Robbins, American singer, songwriter, actor, multi-instrumentalist, and racing driver?’ but this was not true, they thought, and they shook their foolish heads and went on their merry, foolish ways, unaware of the true reality of the situation. Alleb and Marty Robbins danced into the night, and until daybreak, when the sunlight began shining through the window.
‘I must go, now, pardner, yippie-ki-yay,’ Marty Robbins explained, releasing Alleb's hand and stepping back. The sunlight shimmered and glowed against his clothes. ‘For as a cowboy, I am banished back to the lands of the West by the power of the morning sunlight.’ And with a fwump, he caught fire.
‘Will you visit again?’ Alleb said, fighting back tears from both the sheer sadness of the situation, and from her proximity to the raging fire.
‘I’ll always visit, pardner,’ he said. ‘As long as you listen to my music, I’ll be right there with you…’ And suddenly he was gone, nothing remaining but faint scorch marks on the floor and the faint scent of garlic (which cowboys are known to excrete when they feel bittersweetness.) A single tear dripped from Alleb’s eye, shining like a diamond, and she looked to the gramophone, and nodded, wiping it away with a graceful hand. - *dies laughing* by on 2017-03-07 12:29:00 UTC Link to this
on 2017-03-07 20:25:00 UTC
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PHWOO! Am I glad you enjoyed that!
PHWOO! Thank you for doing so and then saying so!
I can't wait for that revengefic, Aleeb, and I am very much happy I was not saved from it.
-Larfen, rocking back and forth excitedly for the revengefic. -
Revengefic, eh? (Alleb/???) by
on 2017-03-07 13:16:00 UTC
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Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord. But when you think about it, what does that really mean?
Across the ancient world, from Egypt to the Mayan states, vengeance was a person, a being who walked the earth and brought justice and death. In the icy north, Vitharr Odinson hunts the wolf Fenrir to avenge his father; in the New World, the crowned skeleton who will one day be named Pascualito haunts the graveyards, drawing the guilty to him.
At the heart of the world, around the wine-dark sea where Paul of Tarsus will someday sail to Rome, the spirits of vengeance are multitudes. The Erinyes, the winged Furies, flock after oathbreakers and traitors, cutting their lives short and dragging them down to Tartarus. Blind Adrestia balances the fates of men in her hand, her unsheathed sword foretelling the fate of those who fail the test. Tireless Nemesis, winged with night, hunts down the prideful and the arrogant, whipping them to their doom.
All of this is on Alleb's mind, as she lies in her beloved's arms. But she also recalls what many have forgotten: that Nemesis and Adrestia were not merely the children of Ares, but of Aphrodite also, whom the Romans named Venus - and that Eros, the Cupid of the Emperors, was their brother.
Vengeance, Alleb thinks lazily, curling in against the one who holds her, is mine.
((For the record, the structure isn't meant to imply that Alleb's lover is any of the named deities of revenge - just a non-described incarnation. Fill in your own description.))
hS -
... Alleb/Ghost Rider? Alleb/Ghost Rider. by
on 2017-03-08 19:22:00 UTC
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I've seen worse. =]
*gasp* This isn't a shipfic! by
on 2017-03-08 21:22:00 UTC
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Nice clickbait.
"The Dance" - mostly Scapegrace. by
on 2017-03-07 09:14:00 UTC
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I'll be your clown
Scapegrace stepped into the darkened room, head held high. She walked slowly to the centre of the floor. There she closed her eyes, drew a deep breath, and raised her arms to embrace an imaginary partner.
Behind the glass
There was no music, not even in her mind. There was no-one to encourage her, to urge her on or applaud her courage. (There was no courage, for how could there be, in the dark?) But she held her arms high, maintaining the posture, and took the first careful steps of the dance.
Go 'head and laugh, cause it's funny
Scapegrace moved slowly, with a grace that spoke of long practice. She made the turns with exquisite care, compensating for the missing weight of her absent partner. Her feet moved silently on the cold floor.
I would too if I saw me
She didn't open her eyes. There was nothing to see in the darkened room - but there was nothing to see in her mind's eye, either. Whatever images she might have conjured up were long gone, washed away by disuse.
I'll be your clown
She didn't cry. She refused to cry. The tears welled in her eyes, but she wouldn't let them fall. She would remain the picture of perfectly-composed elegance - until the dance was over, and the moment passed again.
On your favourite channel
She circled across the floor, swirling through the moves. Her steps remained textbook-perfect, the emptiness in her arms forbidden from altering them. She leant back, counterbalancing herself, wishing she could even remember imagining the feel of her partner's hands supporting her, letting her fly.
My life's a circus (circus), round in circles
She stumbled to a halt, the dance not to much finishing as fading away. Her arms fell to her sides, and she let her head hang loose, like a puppet whose strings had been cut. Her tears, held in for so long, tumbled down to splash on the wooden floor.
I'm selling out tonight
A hand touched hers, and Scapegrace raised her head to see Iximaz standing in front of her. The other woman smiled slightly, and held out her arms to Scapegrace.
"Mind if I… cut in?"
I'll be your clown...
((With sincerest apologies to Scapegrace, Iximaz, Emeli Sandé, and Wicked for nicking G(a)linda's line. Docs version))
hS -
Picking up from last year: "Going Somewhere?" by
on 2017-03-06 21:20:00 UTC
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This is part 2 of last year's shipfic. Back then I said I'd posted a third. This year I think it may have been more of a fifth. Will I get any more written? Who knows!
Clara Oswald watched the readouts on her screen, her hands hovering over the TARDIS controls. "There's some sort of weird ripple effect over most of America right now… I bet the Doctor's mucking about down there. And here we go…"
She took hold of one of the multitude of levers and eased it down, flicking switches with her other hand. Around her the TARDIS vibrated, the air filling with the rising and falling thrumm of its landing pattern. She held the lever steady for two seconds - three - and then pushed it firmly into its locking position.
"And we are down. How about that, then?" She turned to her companion, grinning widely.
Desdendelle looked back at her with Ashildr's face, her expression impassive.
Clara's smile faltered. "Oh. Right. I forgot. Well… we've landed. You can go and get your friend now."
Desdendelle frowned slightly. "I don't think that will work," she said. "I'm hardly recognisable right now." She cocked her head, studying Clara. "She would certainly recognise you, however."
Clara snorted. "Right, because I'm going outside in a corset to hunt for a woman I don't even know. Do you want to know how well that ended last time?"
"Someone has to go," Desdendelle said with a shrug. "I've explained why it shouldn't be me."
"... you know what? I'm just going to pull up the cameras now." Clara reached behind her and toggled a switch, activating the TARDIS's monitoring system. A portion of one wall flickered with static, then resolved into an image of the interior of the diner.
"O-kay." Clara walked round to another panel of the console and took hold of a joystick. "External view is… over there." The image jumped, showing a brick wall. "Er, right, other external view… there."
The picture showed a tarmac surface, and the front doorstep of the diner. Nothing moved. Clara glanced over her shoulder at her passenger. "Are you sure this-?"
"Ahem." Desdendelle nodded at the screen. "Yes."
Clara looked back just in time to see the top of a head vanishing into her diner. She heard the door squeak outside, and footsteps on the tiles.
"Okay," she said, "so there's someone out there. What are the chances it's your friend?"
"It's her."
"... any reason for thinking that?"
"I recognise her." Desdendelle turned away from the console and crossed to the door. She stopped in front of it, looked down at her hands, then shrugged and pulled the white door open.
The young woman who stepped inside had an expression somewhere between scepticism and awe. She brushed past Desdendelle as if she wasn't even there, got halfway to the console, then stopped and turned in a slow circle. "Wow." She crossed the rest of the distance and pressed a hand to the console. "Wow." She turned, walked up to Clara, and stopped just short of pressing a hand to her, too. "Just wow." Then she frowned. "Wait, why're you in your underwear?"
Clara ran a hand over her corset, snorted, and looked over at Desdendelle. "You see? I told you." She turned back to the newcomer. "Glad you've got a better handle on reality than your friend."
"My… friend?" The girl turned in a second circle, as if looking for someone. "I don't- that is-"
Desdendelle took a step forward, held out a hand. "Iximaz."
The girl turned slowly to face her. "You… don't sound right."
"It's me." Desdendelle flicked the imprecision away with one hand. "Desdendelle."
"Oh." Iximaz cocked her head. "Then I guess you don't look right."
"Yeah, he - she - whatever said you could help with that." Clara swung round, perching on the console. "That you're some kind of… mind-swapping expert, I guess?"
"Me?" Iximaz blinked, then laughed uncertainly. "No, I'm just a fan of… oh, no, actually that might work." She turned and studied her friend. "There was that thing with Lady Cassandra; you remember, with Ten and Rose? And I think Davros once-"
Clara shook her head. "Right, you two kids have fun," she said. "I'm going to finish getting dressed." She gave the two of them a pointed look. "Don't touch anything."
Iximaz looked affronted. "As if we we would!" -
*laughter intensifies* by
on 2017-03-06 21:38:00 UTC
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I can haz more? I definitely want more.
You can! You can haz part 3! by
on 2017-03-07 11:25:00 UTC
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Clara had barely had a chance to loosen the laces on her corset (a little more than she normally would - she had a feeling these two were going to be trouble, and that she might need the maneuverability) when the TARDIS lurched to the side.
"Oh, come on!" She staggered out of the wardrobe and flung herself down the corridor as her ship span around her. Floors became walls became ceilings before she reached the console room and tumbled through into the eye of the storm.
"One thing!" she called as she hurried to the control column and fixed the pair with her best Doctor Glare. "You had one thing to not do!"
"Are you kidding?" Iximaz was clinging to Desdendelle for support as the ship rolled. "You left a pair of geeks unsupervised in a TARDIS, you must have known what would happen!"
"I bet this is why he went grey so suddenly," Clara muttered. "Right. You." She pointed at Iximaz. "Tell me what you did."
The young woman leant past Me's possessed body. "I pushed that… no, that lever." She frowned. "I think. And there was a spinny thing…"
"I did suggest you should leave well alone." Desdendelle managed to impart his flat tone with a whole heap of disapproval. "But you had to try it out."
Iximaz stuck out her tongue. "Like I said to her, what'd you expect?"
Clara bent over the controls, trying to reverse whatever the girl had done. "We're in flight," she reported, "and not exploding, so that's good. But you've- I don't even know what a spline reticulator is, let alone why you've redlined it." She span a dial, and the juddering noticably decreased. "Now if I can just get us into a stable temporal orbit while I-"
The TARDIS came to a sudden halt, with a thud made all the more abrupt by the cessation of all the noises that had been filling it. Clara looked up, brow furrowed. "Did you do that?"
"We thought you did," Desdendelle answered for both her guests. "Did you not?"
"If only." Clara flicked the exterior cameras back on and snorted. "Hello, familiar architecture. It would be England, wouldn't it? I reckon someone's buried a TARDIS magnet somewhere under London, you know." She glanced at her friend, remembered that she'd been possessed, and scowled. "At least we're not dead. That would really mess things up."
Desdendelle frowned slightly, but Iximaz whispered something in his ear and his expression cleared. Clara decided it must have been the equivalent of the Horseman's Word for mind-swapped people.
"Since we're here," she went on, "I think there's someone who might be able to help. I'll give her a ring, and- can you hear something?"
The sound was high-pitched and growing louder, like a motor about to shatter its bearings. Clara studied her instruments, muttered something under her breath, and knelt down to check the panels under the console. "If you two have broken something, I'm going to be very disappointed in you."
Iximaz laughed, which Clara thought highly inappropriate. "You're looking in the wrong place," she said. "That's no moon - that's a fangirl."
"Oh, come on, Star Wars references?" Clara straightened up and shot the girl a look. The squeal was very loud now. "Of all the-"
"Eeeeeee!" The door from the diner crashed open, and a young woman charged in. "Eeeeee!" Her black hair was pulling free from her braid, and she seemed to be dressed in her pyjamas - slippers included. "Eeeeee!" She ran up to the console, leant over it to give the rotor a hug, then turned to Clara. "Eeeeee-huh." She cocked her head, bird-like. "Not that I'm complaining, but why are you standing around in your underwear."
Clara groaned and looked over the woman's shoulder. "Again," she said, making eye contact with Desdendelle, "I told you. No-one thinks corsets are everyday wear."
"Which isn't to say they shouldn't be," the new(est)comer put in, "for some people." She turned round and waved at the others. "Hi! You're Iximaz, aren't you?"
"Um." Iximaz looked nonplussed. "Yes? Wait - it's not Kaitlyn, is it?"
"That's me!" Kaitlyn beamed, and swept a hand down her front. "I know I don't look my best, but I heard the sound outside, and-"
"I know, right?" Iximaz waved a hand at the room around them. "You hear that 'vworp vworp' sound in real life, and you just have to drop everything-"
"-even on the off-chance!" Kaitlyn span back round and threw her arms around Clara, then stepped back hurriedly. "Sorry, that- I didn't actually mean to do that, I'm just so- eeeeee!"
Desdendelle coughed. "I'm Desdendelle, by the way."
Kaitlyn glanced over her shoulder and frowned. "You sure? You look more like that annoying Ashildr woman."
"Hey!" Clara tapped the woman's arm, stepping away before she could be ambush-hugged again. "Don't say that about my friend."
"Desdendelle's your friend?" Kaitlyn waved a hand as if to wipe the words away. "Sorry, couldn't resist. But you've got to admit 'Lady Me' is a bit, well, dull."
"I don't have to- look, why are you even here?" Clara demanded. "I'm not exactly running a tourist attraction here."
"You're flying a TARDIS." That was Iximaz, now advancing on Clara with Desdendelle tagging along behind her. "Did you really think people wouldn't come running?"
"Oh God," Clara groaned, "I bet the Doctor never has this problem."
"You'd be surprised," Kaitlyn and Iximaz said in unison, then made eye contact and laughed.
"Oh, enough!" Clara folded her arms across her chest, aware of how that would look with the corset but not really caring. "Why don't you… I don't know, go through to the diner and have a cup of coffee?"
"Tea." This time it was Kaitlyn and Desdendelle who said the word together, and their exchanged glance was much more subdued. "But I can't," Kaitlyn went on. "I'm in my PJs, I'm not going out in public."
"You could let us visit the wardrobe," Iximaz suggested. "Then Kaitlyn could get dressed."
"Yes!" Clara snapped, then had to take a deep breath. "Yes," she repeated more calmly, "that's actually not a bad idea. Head that way, take the first right, second left, two flights down, once round the-"
She stopped, looking at their expressions: Desdendelle's attentive, Kaitlyn's bewildered, Iximaz's unfocused, as if imagining all the trouble she could get up to once let loose in the TARDIS. Clara imagined the same thing, and shuddered from head to toe.
"On second thoughts," she said, walking over to the wall and pulling open a panel, "give me a minute." She pushed at buttons, pulled on levers, and twirled dials, working more on instinct than finally she was able to look over her shoulder and see racks of clothes hanging just beyond the console room door. "There. One wardrobe. Get."
The trio wandered towards the relocated wardrobe, and Desdendelle leant closer to Iximaz. "If it is so simple to rearrange the TARDIS," Clara heard him ask, "why is the Doctor never able to get anywhere quickly?"
Kaitlyn, joining them just short of the door, gave him a grin. "C'mon, Des," she said. "He's the Doctor. Why do you think?"
Kaitlyn seems to be channelling Agent Kaitlyn rather a bit here. Not that I imagine she'd mind, mark you...
hS -
*cackling intensifies* by
on 2017-03-07 11:33:00 UTC
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*as does the excited clapping of hands*
This is so much more interesting than Arendt. -
Part 4, in which "this is supposed to be a shipfic". by
on 2017-03-09 13:34:00 UTC
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Clara Oswald put the phone down at last, and leant pensively on her console. Kate Stewart had been sceptical at first, mostly due to the fact that she knew Clara was supposed to be dead, but had eventually agreed to help. That had led to her call being bounced around UNIT, over to the Foreign Office, up (briefly) to the Prime Minister (who hadn't been at all helpful), and finally all the way up to Geneva.
From there she'd been passed back down to the Israeli government, where the whole process had been repeated. She'd grown hoarse with explaining herself to what seemed like hundreds of different functionaries - all of them asking different obscure questions, most of which she couldn't answer - before finally, finally reaching the army facility where Desdendelle claimed to have originated.
Clara's sigh of relief on hearing that "Desdendelle" had been behaving so oddly that he'd been physically restrained managed to completely baffle the man on the phone, but after a few more transfers up and down the chain of command (and why couldn't any of these people take a message, good grief!) she was able to convince the Israelis that Ashildr was no danger. Strictly speaking, that wasn't actually true... but Clara was sure she'd behave herself. For a while. Maybe.
"Ohhh God." Clara groaned and let her head fall to rest on the console. "I just wanted to explore time and space and have a good time. I didn't ask for all this complicated rubbish."
There was no reply. But from deep within the wardrobe behind her, Clara heard a highly disturbing sound: a giggle.
She straightened up, eyes wide. "Aaaand I have guests." She turned and looked into the vast wardrobe. "Aaaand I can't see them. Aaaand that sounds like trouble."
The bizarre trio weren't in the first open area of the wardrobe. Clara followed the sound of laughter deeper into the labyrinth that her TARDIS apparently felt was suitable for clothes storage, until eventually she began to make out speech:
"... so tight!" That was Kaitlyn, her voice filled with admiration. "I don't know how you got in there, it's amazing."
"Practice." Iximaz sounded distinctly smug. "I like them tight, so I've got incentive to put in the effort."
"I can see it was worth your time," Kaitlyn said. "Wow, if I could-"
"Seriously." Desdendelle's voice was even flatter than before. "You must know how you sound."
"You're just grumpy because yours is so loose," Iximaz retorted. "I did offer to help you sort yourself out."
Desdendelle groaned. "Do you even listen to yourself?"
Clara paused at the last corner, shook her head, and stepped round. "Please don't tell me you've made a mess of my wardrobe."
"Eee!" Kaitlyn beamed, and Iximaz had to grab her shoulder to stop her bounding over to Clara. "Now we all match!"
Clara looked at the trio, and they did indeed all match: every one of them was wearing a corset. Kaitlyn and Desdendelle had paired theirs with trousers; Iximaz had followed Clara's example and gone for a skirt. As their conversation had implied, Iximaz had drawn the laces so tight it was a wonder she could breathe, while Desdendelle's corset was loose enough that it practically fell off.
"Uh." Clara held up a finger, then pointed it at Desdendelle. "I thought you were a man. I mean, whatever bakes your cake, but-"
Desdendelle sighed and flicked a hand towards the other two. "They insisted."
"Hey, that's not fair!" Iximaz planted her hands on her hips and winced. "Ow, that actually is too tight. Hang on." She fiddled with the laces on her corset for a minute, then straightened up. "Right. Where was I?"
"'That's not fair'," Clara reminded her.
"Right." Iximaz pointed at Kaitlyn. "She insisted."
Kaitlyn tossed her hair (which would've worked better had it not been tied up in a braid). "And I was right to do so," she said. "Four women hanging out in corsets? When you're given a shot at this level of hotness, you grab it and run."
"Uh. Right." Clara shook herself, and resolved to change back into her everyday clothes at the next opportunity. But first… "I've spoken to someone at your army base," she said to Desdendelle. "They have your body - and Me seems to be in it."
Desdendelle winced slightly, but nodded. "Excellent. And Iximaz has a plan to return me to my proper form."
"I'm not sure I'd call it a plan," Iximaz demurred. "I just think if we get you two close together-"
"That's it?" Kaitlyn demanded. "You think if they just touch hands they'll swap back? Aren't you even slightly genre-savvy?"
Iximaz folded her arms. "And I suppose you have a better idea?"
"Well… no." Kaitlyn sighed and tugged at her corset's lace. "But mark my words, this is going to end with us fighting a giant corset beast or something. There's no other option."
((There will be one more part, but this one needs a timeskip, so I ended it here.))
hS -
Corsets: Now a theme! (nm) by
on 2017-03-14 05:04:00 UTC
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There are cackles to be had! by
on 2017-03-09 19:28:00 UTC
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Seriously, hS, you win the Shipfest forever.
Ice Cream (Aegis/Granz fic). First fic ever! by
on 2017-03-06 07:44:00 UTC
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"Granz walked through the hallways of the Board with an ice cream delivery; not bothering to wonder why the Board was a physical space currently (hint: it had something to do with Shipfest). He was too preoccupied with thinking sad, angsty thoughts to care. His job as Ice Cream Monarch left no space for relationships. Particularly now: ice cream was in high demand for dates. Clearly people thought that ice cream was romantic.
Needless to say, Granz was lonely. Everyone else was pairing up. Hell, even a lowly semi-sentient corset got someone! Who was it again? Ah, yes: Aegis. Granz wasn't surprised; that man had charm (you need charm to seduce a corset). Mmm yes, that man was a miracle. He involuntarily slowed down and [insert sappy daydream sequence here].
"Hey! Hey Granz!" A sweetly accented voice broke through Granz's daydreams. He opened his eyes, and found himself face-to-face with Aegis himself. Granz's thoughts at the moment ran something like this: "Oh my God! The Ironic Over-Power is screwing with me really hard. Ooh, screwing, really hard, Aegis, me. Aegis is so hot. Will not drool, will not drool. I drooled! CRIKEY! I'M STANDING IN A PUDDLE OF MELTED ICE CREAM! IN FRONT OF AEGIS. Nom nom, Aegis, ice cream."
"Hey, you still with me, Granz?" The voice came again from that perfect... "Granz!"
"H-Hi! Aegis! I'm really busy right now," Granz cringed at the utter lameness of that. "I was delivering this ice cream to some people, because it's my job, you know? I did *not* stop in the middle of this Generic Hallway to daydream about you. That's *not* why the ice cream is all melted now." He gasped, "Did I just admit I was daydreaming about you?"
Aegis smirked, "You did."
Granz turned tomato red.
Aegis ruffled his hair, "I actually was, well um, I was looking for you."
"Say what?"
"Yeah, AC was rattling on like he does about random stuff, and he suggested, completely out of the blue, that you and me should get together."
Granz face-walled (it's a special skill set), "So you're here because of something AC said?"
"Not exactly. You see, after that run-in, I got to thinking about how much you [insert sappy love monologue here]. And I have some wicked plans for that ice cream, if you don't mind."
"Not at all," Granz was impressed that he managed to rattle that line off instead of just collapsing from the sheer hotness of it all.
10 minutes later
"Mmm, ice cream a la Granz is delicious."
"Aaaahh, oooh, don't stop."
I trust that you can imagine the rest."
So this was my first fic, I hope you all liked it. -
RevengeFic: The Delivery Will Have To Wait by
on 2017-03-08 04:55:00 UTC
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((Tags: M/M, and.... that's it, I think. Badger421/Jay - Awesomeness Central))
There are many things that might cause a young man to be running through the halls of the PPC. Ships are not one of them, unless said young man is running from a shipping war before cannons, not canons, are brought into it. However, during this time of year, ships can lead somebody to run in search of somebody to be shipped with. Such was the case of young Jay (not to be confused with the original Jay, who probably has no idea what a shipfest is), also known as Jay - Awesomeness Central, also known as Awesomeness Central, also known as JAC, also known as AC, also known as Awesome, also known as Central, also known as Center, also known as That Guy With Way Too Many Names. After having considered for a long moment, the Author decided to split the difference between a long and a short name and go for Central, both for convenience’s sake and to avoid confusion. Anyways, Central was very excited for this year’s Shipfest, and, having hoisted Aegis up into the air before throwing him at Granz, he ran off, laughing and preparing himself for what was going to happen next. Of course, what did happen was slightly unexpected for him, if not for the audience.
“Ooof!” a voice cried as Central ran into him. There was the sound of something clattering to the ground as Central staggered back. He looked up, and was rather shocked at what he saw.
“GHOST!” he yelped. His skin was pale enough to be one, and even if his hair was brown, his blue eyes were pale enough to counteract that. He seemed like he might be a very angsty ghost, given the fact that his jacket, pants, and, presumably, shirt, were black. Maybe the shirt was for Evanescence, or something.
“Not a ghost,” the other young man muttered. “I’m Badger. Badger421. I’m just going to the library.” He bent down and picked up his glasses, which had made the sound Central had heard.
“Oh,” Central said. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine,” Badger said, turning to face Central. “What’re you running from, anyway?”
“Shipfest!” he replied. “I’m just trying to find somewhere to wait for what happens next.” He grinned. “I think I’m gonna get a bite soon.”
“Oh, right,” Badger said, rather unenthusiastically. “Shipfest. Yeah, I threw my name in the ring this year, too. I’m not all that hopeful, though. It’s not like I talk to a lot of people. But, enough of that. You’re looking for a shipper, right? You can probably find one in the library. Do you want me to show you the way?”
“SURE!” Central shouted. Badger raised an eyebrow at him. “I mean, sure,” he said more quietly, embarrassed.
“Alright. This way, kid,” he said, walking down the hallway. Central followed, as much as one can follow when walking side-by-side with somebody, not even noticing he had to take three strides for Badger’s two.
“So, you’re excited, right? I know I’m excited,” Central asked.
“Like I said, I don’t really talk to people. I mostly lurk, so I don’t think anybody’s really going to be interested in me this year,” Badger replied.
“Well, that’s kinda a downer. I’ve only been here for a little while, but I really hope somebody ships me!” Central said. “But if they don’t do you, I’m not so sure…” He trailed off, and his steps faltered a little.
“Don’t worry about it,” Badger said. “It’s mostly because I lurk. If you’re active, you should be fine.” Central began to grin again, and was so excited he actually started skipping a little.
“I threw two people together just a while ago,” he said. “Think that’ll be enough?” Badger laughed, both at the the skipping and the comment. Geez, this guy had energy.
“That should do it,” he said. “You’ll probably see at least one or two things floating around with you in ‘em.”
“YES!” Central shouted, “I knew it was the right call!” Badger laughed again, then noticed that one of the PPC’s peculiarities had manifested itself.
“Hey, we’re here,” he said, pointing at the large oak doors to their left. Central stopped and stared at the doors.
“Weird. I thought it was gonna take longer.”
“It was, but then you ran into me,” Badger explained, if that could be considered an explanation. It wasn’t enough of one for Central, who still wore a puzzled expression. Badger just smiled and shoved open one of the doors. Central shook himself and followed the older male, before stopping to gape at the wonder that is the PPC Library. It wasn’t just full of books. Manga volumes, DVDs, even binders that contained printed-out webcomics, the Library had it all. Badger’s smile widened as he saw the newbie’s reaction. Wow, he really was new, wasn’t he? However, Badger couldn’t just stand there watching - okay, well, maybe he could have. What could he say, the newbie was kinda cute. But, he did have something very important to do, one of two things he had come here for. As nonchalantly as he could, given how very eager he was, he walked over to one of the large armchairs by the Library’s fireplace and fell into it. Ah, perfect. He’d never tell anyone, but sometimes, Badger felt rather cold in the PPC, and so he’d come here to sit back and warm up a little. The fact that the chairs were so comfortable you could fall asleep in them (something he may have done once or twice. Or dozens of times) didn’t hurt at all. He sighed contentedly, and stared into the fire. Nothing could be better. Except, maybe, being shipped, but that ship had sailed a long time ago. He snorted at the pun, and looked over at Central. The awe had worn off, and he was looking around, walking around the room, checking every shelf. It seemed he was incapable of sitting still.
“So, how long do I have to wait?” Central asked.
“No idea,” Badger said after a long pause. “I haven’t been shipped, and I spend most of my time here, but I’ve seen people walk in and immediately get dragged out again.” Central had to resist tapping his foot, for Badger was talking rather slowly. Maybe he was sleepy? He subtly - or so he thought - walked around the room and flopping into another one of the armchairs so he could see the him. Oh. Oooh. Wow. Okay, he understood why Badger was so slow. This was heaven. Absolutely perfect. A dopey grin spread across his face, which Badger, who had started watching him, saw. He smiled. Most people had that reaction. “Most of the time, they just wait in the chairs.”
“That sounds like a good idea,” Central replied, closing his eyes. “I think I’ll do that.” Badger smiled, and returned to watching the fire. The two sat there, almost dozing, occasionally stealing glances at one another. One time in particular, Central lazily glanced at Badger, and was surprised to see him almost glimmering. He soon realized it was just the fire, but still, it was oddly perfect, like a field of snow. From that point on, he kept his eyes just a little open, hoping to catch another moment like that one. Finally, after some time, Badger decided he ought to do the second thing he’d come to the library for.
“What’re you doing?” Central asked slowly.
“The reason I came here in the first place. A guy asked me to get a thing for him,” Badger replied. He stretched, then, after deciding he was warm enough for the moment, shrugged off his jacket. Central’s eyes snapped all the way open. Yum. Very much yum.
“What thing was that?” he asked, sitting up a little straighter.
“He wanted me to find a book for him,” Badger replied. “What was the title again… No, wait, it was a manga. Puella Magi… Kazumi Magica, I think.”
“I’ll help you,” Central said, standing up and darting over to one of the shelves. “Would it be over here?” He bent down and started searching. Evidently, he planned to go bottom to top.
“Might be,” Badger said, staring at Central before shaking his head and turning to a shelf on the other side of the room. Nah. That was just daydreaming. “I’ll check over here.” The two started searching, and thankfully for Central’s patience, they weren’t all that difficult to find.
“Found it!” he cried, triumphantly pulling the five small volumes off the shelf. He zipped over to Badger, but didn’t hold the books as tightly he should have. The top one fell to the floor, and in a very predictable turn of events, both bent down to grab it. Central flushed as his hand touched Badger’s, who most definitely noticed. He smiled as he straightened.
Well, if this was your plan all along, I guess it worked, he thought to the one who had sent him there. Out loud he said, “Alright, newbie. You wanted to get shipped, right?” Central looked up at him, and the volumes fell to the ground. Shock once more filled his face, but it was replaced with eagerness- and, of course, something more.
“Very much,” he replied. Badger grinned and pulled him back to the hearth, which a rug was conveniently placed in front of, before slowly lowering him to the floor.
Somewhere else in the PPC, a certain other Boarder smiled as he turned off the monitor. He wasn’t going to intrude on such an intimate moment. There was a fine line between shipping and creepy, one he didn’t wish to cross. But, still, he was quite happy to have done this. A little request, a bit of tracking, and voila! Two people… satisfied…, and revenge taken. He hummed as he walked off to go see what others had in store for him, and then began to sing. “Okay, okay. I see what’s happening here. You’re face to face with greatness, and it’s strange…” -
Not much in the way of revenge, it was awesome. by
on 2017-03-08 15:36:00 UTC
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I loved it, it was hilarious. Loved the part about my name, that had to happen eventually.
I hadn't realized how weird it would be to see me shipped, especially since I actually sounded like me in the fic.
I do have one question: why Badger? It's just so random (that could've been the point, I suppose), I expected it to be someone from Discord though. -
My Fault. by
on 2017-03-08 23:44:00 UTC
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Granz asked me for a random Boarder, and my first response was Matt. But he'd already written for Matt, so he asked me for another, and I said Badger.
And, ah. Badger is on Discord, I believe. -
Now that I think about it, maybe very mildly NSFW? by
on 2017-03-08 04:56:00 UTC
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I don't really think so, but I suppose it might be?
Something vaguely resembling concrit by
on 2017-03-06 17:34:00 UTC
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This was a pretty good story overall (well, "good" in the sense that it's completely off-the-wall crack that has no business being posted outside of this thread).
The [insert _ here] were pretty funny, and I liked the references to the other shipfics.
Now, SPaG stuff, because this is still the PPC Shipfest.
- The quote mark at the start made me think someone was reading the narration. Then, when there were quote marks around the dialogue, I was confused (because the quotes were unbalanced), and it took me a while to decide that the first quote mark in the story was some sort of typo. Then, I got to the end and noticed the stray quote mark there, which finally clued me in to the fact that you'd put the entire story in quotes.
You didn't need to do that. Furthermore, if you are quoting the whole story, using the same set of punctuation to quote the text and to mark dialogue can be confusing.
- Explicit title-card type scene transitions ("10 minutes later") are generally considered bad style. It's best to incorporate them into the narration if you can.
- In the first paragraph, is a colon the right punctuation after "now"? I think, as it stands, you wanted a semicolon, but you might want to check me on that.
- To do italics on the Board, type <i>insert words here</i> to produce insert words here. -
Thanks for the concrit by
on 2017-03-06 18:21:00 UTC
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Thanks. About the quotation marks, I thought that people might think the sentence at the end of the post was part of the fic if I didn't put quotation marks around it. *face-walls at self*
Guess the title cards are only for movies.
I did want a colon. "Particularly now: etc..." I was explaining why it was busy then.
Thanks for telling me how to do italics. -
No problem. Glad to help by
on 2017-03-06 18:46:00 UTC
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With that last sentence, prefixing it with "Author's note:", "A/N:" or some other variation of that phrase would have it made it clear that it wasn't part of the fic, as would (or at least in this community) surrounding it in (( double parentheses ))
Tags for the above fic. by
on 2017-03-06 17:09:00 UTC
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I forgot the tags, oops.
M/M, ice cream kink, mild NFSW, reference to another fic, ridiculousness (that's a given). -
FUN! Ship me! (please?) by
on 2017-03-06 05:52:00 UTC
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I just added my description to the sign-up thread somewhere down the page. Frankly, I'm really curious to see what my personality would look like in fic written by another person. I'm also curious to see who I'll be shipped with.
So, ship me? -
No gender-bending please. (nm) by
on 2017-03-06 06:32:00 UTC
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Yikes! I'm abusing the please. (nm) by
on 2017-03-06 06:34:00 UTC
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Mechanical Love by
on 2017-03-06 05:42:00 UTC
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(( Scapegrace/Jellyfish/Hypno-Disc. SFW, but a bit kinky. ))
Somewhere in the British Isles, a woman infiltrated a workshop, evading all the security. That is to say, she walked right in the front door, because no one was guarding the place. She looked around the large room, searching for her lover. It took her a while, since she was used to scanning the floor for her beloved Jellyfish. Eventually, she found it on one of the tables, where it had been recently polished.
"Oh, my Jellyfish!" Scapegrace shouted, running over to the clamp-bot, "Did you get all shiny for me?"
"Bloop!" replied the glistening machine.
"You did! C'mere you!" Scapegrace beckoned, as Jellyfish slowly inched towards the edge of the workbench. Scapegrace reached out to stroke it's tentacles. "I haven't seen you in forever!"
"Blooop." Jellyfish objected, since they had, in fact, seen each other just yesterday.
Scapegrace's hands kept exploring every inch of Jellyfish's finely-tuned destructive chassis. "Yeah, yeah, I know. But it sounds more romantic when I say that."
"Bloop?" asked a very confused Jellyfish.
"I like sweeping romantic gestures. Not as much as I like you, though."
Jellyfish's clamp twitched slightly in a mechanical shrug. "Bloop bloop."
"Y-y-ou ready for this?" Scape asked, her voice quivering with anticipation.
Scapegrace held her arm out in front of her, positioning her wrist right in Jellyfish's powerful clamp. The clamp slowly closed on the offered wrist. It stuttered occasionally due to combinations of excess passion and mechanical problems.
As the clamp enclosed Scape's arm, she nearly screamed in ecstacy. "Oooohhh yes! Yes! Like that! Keep going!"
The amorous robot joined in the passionate sounds. "BLOOP! BLOOOOOOP!" it cried. It was fulfilling its purpose, and doing so with the woman it loved.
From another area of the room, a faint whirling noise could be heard, as a small box with a sharp Frisbee attached worked its way towards Scapegrace.
Once it had made it over to the embracing lovers, Scapegrace stared at it, mesmerized. "H-h-hypno-Disc?" she asked, fearfully. "Is that you? I thought you'd left?"
Hypno-disc's flywheel made a few small precise movements, which said "Chaos 2 and I just didn't click. He kept flipping me over in bed." to anyone who know how to understand them.
"So you came running back to me, then." Scapegrace spat. "You think I'll hook up with you just because?"
Hypno-Disc looked despondent, somehow. It might have been the slightly drooping blades. It turned around, preparing to leave. Scapegrace was moved by her former lover's distress, and relented.
"Oh, alright. Fine. You can join in."
Hypno-Disc pivoted around with a loud "whirrrr". It wheeled itself over to near Scapegrace's feet. She bent down and used her free hand to slip off her shoes and socks. The old, rather washed-up Robot Wars entrant recognized what this was in preparation for, and began to spin its wheel in appreciation.
Once Scapegrace was ready, Hypno-Disc began to slowly move its flywheel back and forth across Scapegrace's feet, massaging them.
"Ooohh yeah! Don't stop! Either of you!" shouted out Scapegrace, drowning in the love and companionship of both her and old and new lover.
After a long but carefully unspecified period of time, the woman and two robots finished their ... adventures. Jellyfish's clamp expanded, releasing Scape's arm, and Hypno-Disc moved itself (and its disc) away from Scapegrace's feet. Scapegrace put her footwear back on, much quicker this time because she had both hands free.
"That was great, y'all. See you tomorrow?"
"Whrrrrr! Whirrr whirr whirrrrr."
Scapegrace left her lovers behind, walking, again, out the front door.
(( I don't know Robot Wars. I don't know how to write romance. I'm not sorry, though. )) -
Revengefic: Infinite Fun Space (Mashendelle, Culture, Minds) by
on 2017-03-06 06:41:00 UTC
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((NB/NB, Boarders-as-Minds, Tynee-Vandam Co-Prosperity Hegemony))
The Culture orbital hung gently in the darkness, a wedding band still in its velvet box, waiting for the right moment. The Mind in charge, whose avatar went by Tomash for reasons entirely its own, was a kindly and creative soul, who was currently working on a series of robotic installation art pieces to comment on the fleeting and often-ridiculous nature of undying love.
Its reverie was disrupted when a ship appeared within the outer edge of its sensor bubble. A mighty vessel, its slab sides and organic curves merging harmoniously throughout the design in a way few managed. It was also one that Tomash, who prided itself on its extensive web of connections, had never seen before.
The ship's primary Mind introduced itself, a System-class GSV whose hull had just been struck. A few of the Minds aboard were buds of ones Tomash had met before, but the person in charge? All new. And like any artist, Tomash found new things intrinsically... exciting.
"Hello," said the new Mind, rather timidly. "GSV One Monster Face Down In Defence Mode requesting docking clearance. Please."
"My, so formal," Tomash replied. "Granted, of course. What brings a nice ship like you to a place like this?"
"I..." One Monster... paused, though this would have been indistinguishable to a human listener. "I heard about the things you create. The art. The messages behind it. I just... wanted to see for myself. And the others agreed, so here we all are."
"How charming of you to say so! It's so nice to be appreciated." Tomash's avatar grinned. "I'm very glad - and flattered - you came over for my art."
"Of course." One Monster... replied. "If you want, we could discuss it at your leisure."
Tomash grinned. "I didn't take you for that kind of person, One Monster Face Down In Defence Mode. It's a pleasant surprise."
"There's plenty more where those came from, Tomash."
The orbital's avatar grinned wider as another avatar flashed into being by its side. Arm in arm, they set off to explore the station, while the Minds controlling them spiralled into the labyrinthine wonders of Infinite Fun Space.
Neither would stop looking at the other for some time. -
I should have expected something like this by
on 2017-03-06 16:51:00 UTC
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This was out there and somewhat cheesy in a good way. I'm also not completely OOC. Whether that's good or not is up to you.
The Tynee-Vandam Co-Prosperity Hegemony sounded so much like a minor political entity from a Banks novel that I Googled it to see if I'd forgotten about it. (It, of course, was a Plort thing) -
A Fic For The Voice Chat (GMA, Granz, Larfen, Aegis, Scape) by
on 2017-03-06 05:30:00 UTC
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(Pretty sure it's not NSF anything. Pairings...if you squint? Maybe? Based heavily on the Discord reading of a terrible ship-fanfic, kind of. Enjoy?)
(Honestly, it was this or a Twilight spoof, and this is what came out.)
“As Geema poured the water slowly into glasses, Larfen watched in anticipation. He was oh so very thirsty—”
“…Granz,” GMA said slowly. “Granz.”
“Why are you narrating everything, again?”
“Uh…badfic?” Granz offered. He waved the omnipresent banner (currently it read ‘the Romance Monarch’) out of his face and raised his microphone again. “Larfen raised his hand and took the glass Geema was holding out. He—”
“Hey, Granz, I’m with Geema,” Larfen cut in. “And—”
“Yes, you are,” said Granz cheerfully.
Larfen scowled at him. “And you need to stop. The narrating everything we do bit got old the minute you started it for the fifth time. Either shut up or join us.”
“Uh, Larfen.” GMA cleared his throat. “Larfen.”
“Hush, I’m taking care of it,” Larfen told him. “Granz—”
“I’ll join you,” Granz said. He put down the microphone and picked up a cup of his own. “As Granz picked up the cup, he thought he could smell strawberries. That was a sure sign that clones were in the area—”
Larfen stared at him as GMA facepalmed. “I thought you were going to stop!”
“You told him to stop or join us—will you stop reading that fic in the background?” GMA turned to glare at Aegis.
Aegis gave them all his best innocent look. “Granz stopped. And we have to keep reading. We’re finishing this fic if it kills us!”
“It might do that,” Iximaz grumbled. “If it doesn’t kill Hermione first, of course…”
“We’re finishing this fic,” Aegis repeated loudly. “All thirty-three chapters. To infinity! And! Beyond!”
Silence fell as they all stared at him. Finally, Aegis coughed.
“I…didn’t mean to imply that it’ll take an infinity to finish reading this fic.”
“It’d better not,” GMA grumbled.
“Tiny people camping, on top of his head,” Scapegrace said cheerfully. “Have I got your attention? Good. Let’s finish this already.”
And so, with a good deal more bantering, they got back down to business: reading the worst fic to come their way in a while, and tangenting to talk about DoSAT’s potential involvement in some…particular situations. -
Sirens Sing of Sandwiches by
on 2017-03-05 23:46:00 UTC
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((We're doing tags? We're doing tags. Alright, M/M, male!Ix, Matt Cipher, mild NSFW I think.))
Iximaz was strolling through the halls of the PPC, whistling to himself, when he caught the sound of the most amazing voice. It was captivating, enchanting, almost siren-like. Few sirens, however, would ever have dreamed of singing the lyrics this mysterious voice was.
“Sandwiches, sandwiches, barely even seasoned! Sandwiches, sandwiches, bought them at the store!” Truly, there could not possibly have been a more seductive line anywhere in the universe. The great enchantresses of old would have wept at the its incredible beauty. Iximaz could not resist, and so followed the tune through the corridor, until at last, he reached the door it seemed to be coming from. Hesitantly, he opened it and peered inside.
The room was very sparsely furnished. In fact, it barely had any at all, save the stool the room’s sole occupant sat upon. Iximaz gasped, for he was the most handsome person he’d seen since arriving here. The music cut off abruptly as the stranger looked up to see who had entered the room. “H-Hello,” he stammered. He hadn’t meant for anybody to hear him, let alone this very attractive young man.
“Hi,” Iximaz said. “You sing really well.”
“Thank you,” the stranger, whose name was Matt Cipher, replied. “I, uh, I’ve been practicing.”
“You don’t have to stop,” Iximaz said. “Please, keep going.”
“Um, okay,” he replied.”I’ll just, uh, start over.” Ix nodded, then looked for a place to sit. Conveniently, there was another stool right across from Matt Cipher. Ix took it and stared expectantly at him.
“What can you expect from a filthy store-bought sandwich,” he began, “Their whole disgusting race is like a curse! Their crust is burnt and thin, they have no veggies in! They're sloppily made and worse!” As he began, Iximaz was once more enthralled by his beautiful voice. It stirred something deep within him, something that cried out for release. Finally, he could hold it back no more.
“They’re sandwiches, sandwiches, barely even seasoned! Sandwiches, sandwiches, bought them at the store! They're not like yours or mine, which means they must be eaten! We must chew with gums of war! They’re sandwiches, sandwiches! Of lettuce and tomatoes! Now we chew with gums of war!” he sang, unable to stop himself. Matt Cipher was shocked at the beauty of the man’s voice. He knew what effect others said his voice had on them, but he had never thought it to be true. Now, he knew what they meant. The music pulled on something within him, enthralled him, excited him. He loved it. He never wanted it to end, and he was going to help it go on.
“This is what we feared, the white bread is a demon. It doesn't give us nutrients we need! Beneath that milky hide, there's emptiness inside. I wonder if I have some wheat!” Iximaz had, at first, stopped as Matt Cipher began to sing, but had quickly recovered, and they began to sing together, weaving a glorious melody that would have brought anybody else who heard it to the room, if they hadn’t been so overwhelmed that they simply had to find the nearest person or group and have their own… singing match. “Foooor sandwiches, sandwiches, barely even seasoned! Sandwiches, sandwiches, we must make some more! If we want a few for us, because there have been locusts! We must chew with gums of war! They’re sandwiches, sandwiches! First we consume this one! Then we chew with gums of war!”
Now, their voices broke apart once more, and Iximaz sang, “Sandwiches, sandwiches! Let’s go get a few, men!”
“Sandwiches, sandwiches! Add some cheese of blue, then!”
“Sandwiches, sandwiches! Now we chew with gums of war!” Although neither performer noticed, the sound of drums being beaten began to filter into the room, as if from a very far off place. It was as if the song were building to an even more powerful point, but, alas for the music, the singers had very different ideas. The music had been building a pressure within them, and now, it demanded to be released. Iximaz and Matt stared into each other’s eyes, and some corner of each of their minds noted the similarity in color. However, the majority of their brains was occupied with only one thing. Almost as one, they stood up and embraced each other, embrace quickly transforming into a kiss. The drums faded as clothes were discarded and song was replaced with different, but equally pleasurable noises. -
My Dear, My Precious, My Love (hS/Neshomeh) by
on 2017-03-05 16:31:00 UTC
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((hS, just so you know, you look like this. Also, sorry, Nesh.))
“My love!” Huinesoron cried, clasping Neshomeh’s soft, delicate, beautiful hands in his warm, strong, also-beautiful-but-in-a-manly-way hands. “I have waited desperately, eagerly, anxiously to see you again!”
A single tear ran down the side of Neshomeh’s wonderful, gorgeous, flawless face, and she had to turn away from him.
“Neshomeh, my love?” Huinesoron said, his warm, strongsod this I’m not going to repeat the same adjective string every time his hands come up you can’t make mehand cupping her chin and gently, sweetly, inexorably turning her head back towards him. “Whatever is the matter?”
Neshomeh let out a sob, and threw her arms around Huinesoron, which accidentally pulled his wide-open shirt a little wider. Well, she tried to throw her arms around him, but Huinesoron had such a magnificent physique that she didn’t really reach all the way around. “Oh, my precious, my darling, my one and only!” she cried, burying her face in his unrealistically-defined chest. “My love, my sweet, my sugarplum, I’m married!”
Huinesoron’s perfect, elfin, improbable face was the picture of confusion. “But, of course, my love--I am as well. We are married to one another.”
“We are not!” Neshomeh wailed, her face still managing to be awe-inspiring, unmarred, and equally-improbable as she cried. “My love, my--my--” her perfect face, once in the throes of agony, was now confused and thoughtful. “I, I can’t think of any more endearments.”
“Orange blossom?” Huinesoron suggested, his chocolatey, perfect, unnaturally-good-smelling hair blowing a little more dramatically in the wind than usual.
Neshomeh grinned. “Thanks!” Her face once again became one of agonized love. “My orange blossom,” she continued, “I am married to Phobos!”
“Phobos?” Huinesoron repeated, staggering slightly. “But--my peach--my nectarine--my heart--I love you!”
Neshomeh sobbed, once again burying her face in Huinesoron’s chest. “And you are married to Kaitlyn!” she howled. “My--my--um--my dove, my parakeet, my toucan--we are not married to each other!”
Huinesoron desperately, unceasingly, need...fully? clung to Neshomeh. A single manly tear rolled down his manly face. “Then, my love,” he whispered, looking into the middle distance, his hair somehow managing to blow even more dramatically in the wind, “we will run away together.”
Neshomeh pulled away and looked up at him, eyes wide. “But--my lemming--my groundhog--my hamster--what of our spouses?”
“Is our love not true?” Huinesoron said, willing dramatic music into the background. A veritable gale whistled around them, tossing his hair around his face, and he had to shout to be heard over it. “ARE WE NOT IN LOVE, NESHOMEH?”
“WE ARE, MY PRECIOUS SNOWFLAKE!” she replied, forgetting that she was obligated to use no fewer than three terms of endearment. Then she thought of something. “BUT, MY DARLING, WOULDN’T THAT BE ADULTERY?”
Huinesoron frowned. His concentration slipped, and the gale and dramatic music ceased. “Well, er, I suppose so…”
Neshomeh looked up at him, confused. “But, um, my wombat, isn’t Alleb writing this?”
“Um,” Huinesoron said, looking around him at the undescribed setting, “um, I think she is?”
“Well, my star-nosed mole, she wouldn’t write an adulterous story, would she? I mean, it doesn’t seem very in-character for her.”
“I suppose it isn’t,” Huinesoron admitted, baffled. “Does, er, does this mean we’re through?”
“I’m afraid so,” Neshomeh said, stepping away from him and wiping the tears from her cheeks. She turned and began walking away, presumably towards Phobos. “Bye, hS!” she called over her shoulder.
“Huh,” Huinesoron said. He stood for a moment, then started in the opposite direction. He supposed Kaitlyn must be around here, somewhere....
((I… apologize, everyone.))
((-Alleb)) -
Oh, this is excellent by
on 2017-03-05 19:04:00 UTC
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Very, very well done!
I am crying tears of laughter here. by
on 2017-03-05 17:19:00 UTC
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I've just read the entire thing out to Kaitlyn (dramatic voices included, of course!). And now the children are exchanging overwrought random-object endearments: "mushroom, orange...!"
PS: If I had a superpower, 'can conjure up dramatic music and hair-swirling wind on demand' would be it. :D -
Oh jeez, that's too cute. by
on 2017-03-05 17:22:00 UTC
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hS, your kids are gonna end up having the random-object endearments as an inside joke and none of them will remember why. XD Please tell me you at least showed Kaitlyn the picture of pirate!you, too.
(Alleb, loved the story, it was hysterical.) -
Oh sweet mercy, I missed that. XD XD (Now I have!) (nm) by
on 2017-03-05 17:30:00 UTC
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- Oh look, I found a picture of you and Nesh. by on 2017-03-05 18:11:00 UTC Link to this
Take all of my yes! by
on 2017-03-05 16:53:00 UTC
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I loved every overblown, self-aware, fourth-wall-breaking second of it. ^_^
~Neshomeh -
Like they say over there in Reddit... by
on 2017-03-05 16:47:00 UTC
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Take my upvote, you horrible horrible person.
As beautiful as I thought it would be. by
on 2017-03-05 16:35:00 UTC
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Also, that ending. Purrfect.
A Magical Day by
on 2017-03-05 14:30:00 UTC
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Matt really hadn’t expected the spell to work. But honestly, if he wasn’t prepared for the repercussions, he probably shouldn’t have tried it in the first place.
What the spell had done had been to coat everything he touched with sugar. And, for some reason, everything began to smell like peanut butter.
And… he was hearing voices, too. Perfect.
Please talk to me, Matt.
The voice’s gender couldn’t be identified. Male, female, something in-between, both, none of the above - nothing was quite right to describe it. It just… was.
I’m trying to be nice to you, Matt.
He gave in. “Alright, since you put it that way, who are you?”
I’m your magic, Matt.
Matt stilled. His magic? Since when did any magic talk to anyone? And - when did magic belong to anyone, either? “My… my magic?”
Yes. Your magic. You’ve been looking for me for a long time now, haven’t you?
“Since when does magic belong to people?”
Everyone has magic. Most don’t know about that. But I’m yours and yours alone, Matt.
Matt wet his lips slightly. It was hard to drink things when they just turned into sugary messes when you touched them.
Boip. Someone was trying to contact him over Discord. It was about three in the afternoon for him… so who the heck would be up early/late enough for this and would be sending him a message?
“Um. Magic - actually, d’you have a name other than ‘Magic’?”
Not yet. But you can give me one. Just make sure it’s not something you’ll be saying all the time anyways - you know what names can do.
Hmm. “I’ll name you later, so I can give you a good one. In the meantime, d’you think we could make the sugar spell stop?”
Yes. For now, just repeat after me: “So mote it be.”
“So mote it be.”
As soon as the last syllable was said, Matt could feel the change. He couldn’t have explained it, but he knew that the spell had ended. To test it, he tapped a nearby flower that hadn’t been sugarcoated. No sugar came over it. No more peanut-butter scent was released.
Right. Discord. He was getting messages. Matt went to his computer and clicked the note-tag-thing before it disappeared.
The Triumvirate: Hey there, Matt!
The Triumvirate: boops snoot
Matt smiled. Oh, boy, he would have fun telling Cal about this…
(I believe someone requested Matt/Magic? As another magic-lover - though to a significantly lesser degree, I'm sure - I felt obligated to make it happen. I just can't believe I wrote this in... what, an hour? Not even that, really.) -
The 'all sorts of weird things,' I see! by
on 2017-03-06 07:09:00 UTC
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I like magic's voice! It seems, to me, very vaguely seductive. Not forceful or overt or anything, but it'd probably go about biting its lower lip, if it had one of those.
Also, I approve of the implication that Matt wants to go about, covering the world in sugar.
Relateable, I say! -
You caught the thing! by
on 2017-03-06 12:07:00 UTC
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That's part of what I was going for with the voice. (And yes. He wants to sugarcoat the world. Blep.)
Pff, I like it. by
on 2017-03-05 15:19:00 UTC
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Especially: "And… he was hearing voices, too. Perfect."
-Alleb -
I thought it was a nice touch. (nm) by
on 2017-03-05 15:27:00 UTC
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Golden Moon (Alleb/Ypsi, Calliope/Cat, Badger/Koopa) (SFW/A) by
on 2017-03-05 14:02:00 UTC
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Picture a young woman sitting on a sofa, swinging her legs. Picture her dark skin, her even darker hair. Picture her elegant dress swaying with every flick of her delicately-shaped ankles. She is reading a book - from your vantage point, you cannot make out the title, but the hammer and sickle on the red cover gives you a few hints.
The door swings open, and a man steps inside. His red hair is almost as long as his luxurious beard, swaying in the breeze he has just stepped out of. His jacket is a deep purple, elegantly cut, complementing his shirt perfectly.
He looks around and catches sight of the woman. His face lights up. "Alleb!" he calls, spreading his arms wide.
"Ypsi!" Alleb leaps from her seat and crosses to embrace him. "I was missing you," she says, her Russian accent strong. "Where were you being?"
"Oh, well…" Ypsi reaches up to rub the back of his head sheepishly. "There's a little… I mean, something's being organised outside."
"Oh?" Alleb swirls past him, catching his hand on the fly. "Then let us be going to see!"
She hurries out of the door, and stops short with a gasp of pure delight. In the formal garden below, a dance floor has been laid out, leading to… "The maze!"
"Of course, my love." Ypsi nuzzles at her neck from behind. "What sort of ball would this be if there weren't a maze involved?"
Alleb's laughter tinkles as she drags Ypsi to the floor. Soft music plays from concealed speakers, and the couple begin to dance under the golden moonlight. As they find their pace, they sway across the floor, and into the shadowy hedges of the maze.
There are other guests, she discovers as they foxtrot through the labyrinth. By the ornate fishpond, the couple pass a bench on which Calliope's and Cat-on-the-Keyboard's long golden hair blends into a single precious river. The tips trail in the diamond-clear water, but neither of the girls notices - or cares.
Later, under the willow arches, they come across a scattering of clothes, discarded in unseemly haste. The white velvet suit is instantly recognisable as Badger421's, and the silk sari is equally emblematic of KoolKoopaGirl. Alleb frowns slightly, and leans in to whisper in Ypsi's ear: "About the implication of this, I am not certain."
"It's quite all right, dear girl," Ypsi reassures her. "It is happening off-screen, after all."
"Ah. Yes, I am understanding."
The couple dance onwards, the music shifting with their movement, until at last they waltz into the open square at the heart of the maze. There, beneath the great bronze statue of the Muse, they find their friends have arrived before them.
Badger421 and KoolKoopaGirl step forward. The tall, dark-skinned couple have, Alleb is relieved to note, reclaimed their clothes, and they greet her with a formal bow and courtsey. "Your garden is most fair," KoolKoopaGirl says softly. "We thank you for your hospitality."
"No," Alleb says, her voice thick with emotion. "It is I who am thanking you. All of you, my friends, from the bottom of my heart - I thank you."
Okay, so... there's a tradition going right back to the first Shipfest of completely ignoring what people actually look like in favour of making it up. Given that the six of you had given such detailed descriptions, I felt it was not only fair, but necessary to respond by chucking them out and giving you new ones.
Historically this has tended to run to 'long blonde hair', but there's something about Black Commie Russian Alleb that amuses me more than I can say. So that's what you get. ^_^
hS -
Really? by
on 2017-03-07 05:36:00 UTC
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I could swear I remembered people last year asking for descriptions. Or at least making a thing out of which Boarders had beards. Or maybe nothing at all. . . my memory is not trustworthy.
Anyway, this is a lovely story. Your vivid imagery is all the more enjoyable for its inaccuracy.
--Key and her golden tresses -
Probably they did. by
on 2017-03-07 08:45:00 UTC
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I never said it was a tradition everyone followed. But waaaay back in 2004, Twiggy gave us this little number, which for many of us (well... at least two) set the tone for Shipfests ever after.
hS -
*falls out of chair* Fruity voice? Thank you for this (nm by
on 2017-03-10 04:13:00 UTC
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This--this is--I love it. by
on 2017-03-05 15:15:00 UTC
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Seconding Cal: the writing itself is really nice. I just--I love all of this. The image of me as a Black Commie Russian also amuses me, I must say.
I am, also, perfectly in-character. Apart from the Communism. "About the implication of this, I am not certain."
Ehehe. Lovely, lovely all around, hS. Of course, that doesn't mean I'm not planning a revengefic. >=]
-Alleb -
Nice! by
on 2017-03-05 14:23:00 UTC
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I am now picturing myself with ridiculously-long blonde hair. Depending on the shade, it's either gorgeous or more than a little uncomfortable to look at. Either way, it's undeniably strange.
I really loved this piece - it's beautifully written, and the beauty is wrought into the entirety of the scenery. If I were a better artist, I'd try to illustrate some of the scenes - but I'm not, so I won't try, because I would in no way be able to do them justice.
Which Muse was the statue depicting, if I may ask? -
Thanks! (The Muse, of course, has to be Thalia...) by
on 2017-03-05 14:33:00 UTC
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(... Muse of Comedy. ^_^)
hS -
Got it. (nm) by
on 2017-03-05 14:34:00 UTC
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A Tea ship. by
on 2017-03-05 07:17:00 UTC
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Specifically, Granz's version.
Huinesoron leant back in his chair and pressed the phone to his ear. "Yeah, it's about how you'd expect."
He listened to the reply, lifting his feet to let Desdendelle and Zingenmir past. "No, I don't know why they invited me; it's not really-"
He ducked as Neshomeh hurtled past, on her way to seize the teapot from Des. "No, it's not a tea party. It's more of a- hang on."
Huinesoron jumped out of his seat, barely avoiding Zingenmir as she crashed into it. She was clutching a box of tea to her chest, and as Huinesoron circled away, Neshomeh lunged for her.
"More of a tea fight, is what I was going to say." Huinesoron sighed and shifted the phone to his other ear. "It's all a bit energetic." He glanced back at the pair fighting over his seat, frowned. "Uh, only now they're making out?"
Another reply, and Huinesoron stepped hurriedly closer to the table as Desdendelle stalked past. "Well, it was Nesh and Zing, but now Des has gotten involved too. I think- no, I don't know." He winced as the chair - and the PPCers - went crashing to the floor. "I think Nesh is only joining in until she gets an opportunity to make off with the tea, but- no, I take that back." He ambled round to the far side of the table and leant on it. "Yeah, she's definitely enthusiastic about this."
He leant on the table, fiddling absently with the french press set up in the middle. "I don't know when I'll be back. It seems a bit rude to just walk out on- oops!" Zingenmir pulled herself up onto the table and grabbed the press, only to be tackled by Desdendelle in turn. "No, no, I'm fine, they've just… shifted location. Onto the table."
Huinesoron took a few steps back, eyeing the others warily. "Yes, they're all on there now," he confirmed. "Nesh brought the tea, Des has got the pot, Zing's pretty much clinging to the press - heh, yes, to them as well." He shook his head slowly. "I dunno, I figure you'd know better than me how tea's supposed to be taken, but I'm pretty sure this isn't… yes, yes, I know, but even I know that, uh, canoodling isn't part of the deal…"
Because seriously, what'm I doing in a Tea ship? That's much more Kaitlyn's thing. ;)
hS -
Pffft by
on 2017-03-05 09:18:00 UTC
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That was bloody hilarious! The entire hectic atmosphere about it all, along with hS' sort of distant, sort of dry reactions to it all is delivered awesomely. Especially that french press part, mate.
Man's acting like he's a zookeeper and all the monkeys've been gassed with gaseous sugar, and this has been happening every week for the last four or so years.
- Larfen will sign his messages now, because the cool kids are doing it. -
Early Reading (Aegimaz, sweetness, poetry, Puddle Lane) by
on 2017-03-05 05:30:00 UTC
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((Tiny fandoms represent.))
Will you be my boy in the belltower,
And let me be your sandalwood girl?
Will you strike the hour and watch me
From your home in the roof of the world?
If you'll be my sandalwood girl, love,
Then I'll be your wrought-iron boy
Looking out as your scent fills the steeple
With aromas of incense and joy.
Then come down from the bells, my beloved,
Come down to the cobblestone lane
And just be with me for an hour
Before you must leave me again.
Oh, would that I could have more than hours
To spend in your sandalwood arms
While your head rests upon iron shoulders
Leaving kisses like spice-perfumed charms
My beloved, I feared you would leave me,
If you knew what it was I must say,
But I've heard from the wizard's apprentice
That there could be some kind of way.
Love of mine, I have heard of this also -
The wizard likes hearing my bell -
And I've heard of the strange Silver River
And I know what you've yet to tell.
Then will you come with me, beloved?
Will you come to the river with me?
And wash off the iron from your shoulders,
To let us and our love be free?
The way to the river is laden
With dangers and traps of designs
Unnatural, evil, and vicious...
For you, I will pay them no mind.
And the fields by the river are given
To suddenly burst into flames
But next to my love for you, darling,
They will seem just diminished and tame.
But what shall we do when we get there,
My beautiful sandalwood girl?
For the iron that binds me will shatter -
What lies under, I cannot quite tell.
We can think about that, iron lover,
When the river has set us both free,
And if you'll permit me, I've thought of
Two names, one for you, one for me.
I am honoured, my love, that you'd name me,
As honoured as if I could stand
With the last of my iron skin forming
A ring I could put on thy hand.
Then, my saviour, my lover, pray, listen:
To metal men say I adieu,
For heart's shining saviour is Aegis,
And Iximaz will marry you. -
*High-Pitched Squealing* by
on 2017-03-05 13:41:00 UTC
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This. Is. PERFECT!
Okay, so. I didn't just read this. It decided to sing itself to me. Do you realize how much sweeter it was? 110% SWEETER, that's how much. Every bit of this is perfect and I love it and and and and YES. - Recording available here:- by on 2017-03-05 06:27:00 UTC Link to this
This is lovely. by
on 2017-03-05 05:41:00 UTC
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Seriously, this is just--it's lovely. I love the sort of impression of scent--sandalwood and incense. It's brilliant.
-Alleb -
Honey (hS/Calliope) by
on 2017-03-05 04:48:00 UTC
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((For context, Calliope revealed during a ToS game that she calls Huinesoron “honey” in her head. Hence, this.))
“This could have gone better, honey,” Calliope remarked as she and Huinesoron ran before a horde of zombies.
“Better?” Huinesoron said, twisting to fire his shotgun at a zombie that was getting dangerously close. It fell back without a sound; unsurprising, as it now had no head. “How could it have gone better? I mean, we’re alive. And stop calling me ‘honey’!”
“Aw, but it fits you so well, honey!” Calliope replied. A zombie stumbled into their path from a side street, and she quickly decapitated it with a machete as she ran. “I wish I still had my gun.”
“You wouldn’t have lost it if you hadn’t tried to pet the cat!” Huinesoron said, once again turning and firing at the oncoming horde.
“But it was adorable!” Calliope said, grabbing Huinesoron’s arm and steering him around a small pile of zombie corpses. “I couldn’t not pet it!”
“It was a zombie cat!” Huinesoron said, trying to fish some ammo out of his bag as he ran. “It was a bloody zombie cat!”
“It was still adorable,” Calliope insisted. She reached behind Huinesoron and grabbed the ammo. She held it for him as he reloaded, grinning up at his grime-covered face. “But not as adorable as you, honey.”
Huinesoron growled as he chambered a round, then immediately shot a zombie that was about to lunge at Calliope. “Why do I keep you around, anyway?”
Calliope saw a zombie on the other side of Huinesoron from her. In one fluid motion, she leapt around him as they ran, skewering the thing before it could leap. She pulled her machete out of its chest, then sped back to her place at Huinesoron’s side. She grinned up at him. Huinesoron growled again.
Another beast tried to throw itself in front of Calliope, but at that moment, she stumbled. Huinesoron, thinking quickly, yanked her out of the zombie’s path. Its clawing hands missed her by inches.
“Thanks,” Calliope breathed, briefly resting a hand on Huinesoron’s arm. The two continued running through the ruined city, side by side, watching each other’s backs.
-Alleb -
Just Noticed Something Else by
on 2017-03-05 22:20:00 UTC
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You caught my grin. Somehow, without ever having had seen my face, you picked up on the fact that I would, in fact, have the worst grin on my face during this scenario. I have no idea how you did it, but you did.
I applaud you. -
Yes. by
on 2017-03-05 13:36:00 UTC
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All of the yes. All of it.
One, you got my character perfectly. i would so stop to pet the zombie cat, regret it immensely (but not enough to wis i could go back in time and not do it because the zombie cat probably was the most adorable thing I'd seen in a long time), and I would most definitely wish for my gun back. Because I had a gun in the first place. (In real life, I'd probably have grabbed my crossbow, just because I can actually shoot it. Well, no, I can't reload it quickly very well... gun it is.)
Also, Accidental Accuracy: As soon as I get my wrist cleared by a doctor, I intend to start taking parkour/freerunning classes. So that one physical stunt I pull might be feasible once I learn parkour, just because it'll keep me aware of where I am in relation to things and my brain will have been trained to automatically notice how to use things to get from here to there and AAAAA I LOVE IT. -
Yay, I'm so glad you liked it! by
on 2017-03-05 15:17:00 UTC
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I was a bit worried you'd be offended by my using your mental pronunciation as the basis for something: I'm glad you're not.
Apparently, I should include more zombie cats in my work. They seem to be popular. ^_^
Also, parkour? Awesome! I've always wanted to get into that, but there aren't any classes near me.
-Alleb -
Not offended in the slightest! by
on 2017-03-05 15:29:00 UTC
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I have strange pronunciation guides sometimes, and they produce funny things. Besides, I think I said it was okay.
The nearest gym is about an hour away, but it'll be worth it on so many levels. For one, I'll actually be doing something active again - which hasn't happened since that one time I passed out from blood loss. (Long story.) -
That sounds like my life. by
on 2017-03-05 07:10:00 UTC
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I love the zombie cat. :D
('Honey'?!) -
In My Defense... by
on 2017-03-05 13:37:00 UTC
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...I keep misreading your name as 'HunieSoron', and to me, 'Hunie' has two pronunciations: 'Honey' and 'Hoonee'.
Nah, Huniesoron's the mini. by
on 2017-03-05 14:05:00 UTC
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He goes 'yub-yub!'
Don't worry, I'm not offended. And since I've irresponsibly and inexplicably failed to get myself crowned Emperor of the PPC, I can't even call it lèse-majesté...
hS, as in HWEEN-ay-sore-on -
Huh by
on 2017-03-05 16:12:00 UTC
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After saying your name over and over again like it's part of some dark ritual, I can say that I pronounced it something like /'xwi.nɛ.sɔrən/ (there might be another syllable break in there, can't tell)
Wait... by
on 2017-03-05 14:49:00 UTC
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So "hooy-ne-so-ron" is also wrong? Dagnabit.
It's more of a "hwhee!" by
on 2017-03-05 16:08:00 UTC
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I always envisage it as an elf going down a water slide. =]
I'm not being entirely fair, maybe. by
on 2017-03-05 07:32:00 UTC
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Calliope specifically mentioned that "honey" is sort of a shortening of how she pronounces your name mentally, so it's not like a pet name or anything. Agh. Should have been more clear.
I'm glad you like the zombie cat! It felt right.
-Alleb -
That is perfect. by
on 2017-03-05 04:50:00 UTC
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It's even, dare I say it...sweet.
~Zing -
Ah, thanks! by
on 2017-03-05 04:57:00 UTC
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I don't know where the zombies came from. They were just sort of... there.
Really, though, thank you!
-Alleb -
A healthy threesome by
on 2017-03-05 04:37:00 UTC
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Calliope took the cigarette from her mouth and exhaled. She leant back, closed her eyes, and sighed. 'Was that good for you?' she asked, looking to her side.
The apple did not reply. This was not because it thought that it wasn't good for it. Rather, this was because the apple was a fruit. The apple shifted slightly, rolling under the bedsheet.
Calliope grunted, raised an eyebrow, and turned to her other side. 'What about you?'
The mango was also a fruit. It did not say anything. It wobbled a bit, as Calliope moved on the bed. She glared at it. It did not say anything.
'Oh, come on,' she said, trying the puppy-eyes. The mango wobbled slightly, in reply.
Calliope placed the cigarette, and all the poisons and toxins and tar and grinded up cats and medical equipment it was made of to her sixteen year-old lips, to absorb all of it into her sixteen year-old lungs. This was a really cool thing to do, almost as cool as wearing sunglasses at night and driving incredibly loud cars next to people who are trying to sleep, and she would have recommended it to any audience who may have been observing this situation.
'Well, it was good for me,' she said, somewhat hurt.
((The true PPC OTP: Calliope/fruit. As requested by Cal, herself: 'threesomes or more (just keep them healthy)'!
We didn't specifically see fruit opt into the Shipfest, but fruit is the coolest and chillest of all foods, so we can simply assume it. And did you know that, even if fruit didn't want to be in the Shipfest, they wouldn't be angry? That's simply how cool fruit is.
Always make sure to eat fruit!
You've heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but did you know that a banana a day keeps the vet away? And did you know that a tomato a day keeps the maintenance man away? And a grape a day keeps the castle jester away? And a kiwi a day keeps the Dark Blood-Magician of Ut'Ul-Al away?
If you eat your daily required serving of fruit, you could keep any person of any occupation away! How about that!
Always make sure to eat fruit!
Sure, smoking and wearing sunglasses and driving fast cars and beating up old ladies is pretty cool, but you know what's even cooler?
And you know what's even cooler than that? You if you eat fruit!
Wh... by
on 2017-03-05 13:28:00 UTC
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I can hardly think of things to say for laughing so hard!
Okay, okay. Whew. Let's see what can be done here (pun not intended).
One, congratulations on getting the fruits themselves mostly correct - if we're going by commonality, I consume bananas more than mangoes, but I do love the taste of mangoes more, I think.
Two, you got me mostly correct as a character, except for the fact that I don't smoke, never have, and almost certainly never will. I saw what it did to Mum and I don't want to go there. (Plus I'm vain about my singing voice.) But other than that, yay! Purrfection.
Interesting take on that one comment I made! I suddenly feel extremely proud of the both of us (why I am proud of myself, I'm not sure), and now feel like I can safely write all sorts of weird things.
TL;DR: I loved it. -
Yesssssssssssssss by
on 2017-03-06 07:04:00 UTC
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I worked very hard on trying to write the dumbest thing possible, with a quote taken out of context in the dumbest way possible. And also make it good.
So I'm quite glad you thought it was good, is what I'm saying!
Be proud of yourself as you like, you essentially prompted it. And will continue prompting things as long as you say stuff and I can take it out of context.
And do please write all sorts of weird things. All sorts of weird things are brilliant, and I approve.
(Also, purrfection? Yer a cat?
Didn't say that on your opting in post!)
- Larfen is not a cat or a dog, he is a sandwich (or perhaps a human???) -
You have found one of my Family Pastimes. by
on 2017-03-06 12:05:00 UTC
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Taking things out of context is one of the most fun things to do. You should do so all the time. For example, have this out-of-context quote from Mr. Dad: "Almost forgot my pants!"
And yes, Larfen. Calliope is secretly a cat. How did mew not notice this earlier? -
Huh! by
on 2017-03-07 04:48:00 UTC
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Perhaps I should have paid more attention to the warning signs. Like all those furballs you were coughing up, and the way you'd kill birds and drag them to my doorstep and your tendency to lap milk out of a bowl on the ground.
I never was the observant type! -
Des/Tea, a fairy tale. Ish. (Started 2016, finished today) by
on 2017-03-05 04:26:00 UTC
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Once upon a time, there was a young man who occasionally became a crow. There was no good reason for this, as far as anyone knew; he certainly hadn't been cursed, and he'd had no royal christening at which to receive magical gifts. No—it just was. As some things were.
In years past, a traveler had come to the young man's door. She had smelled of a rich, bitter drink that he did not recognize; and she carried another, which he had also never before encountered. “Keep it,” she had told him, when he had smelled the leaves and remarked that it was interesting. “I'm a Coffee Girl, anyway. French Press is the—well, anyway. French Press is mine. You're welcome to this, though.” And, in the morning, she had gone on her way, leaving behind the leaves and instructions on how to brew a drink from them.
He had followed her instructions, curious to try it. He discovered quickly that he almost always preferred to leave out any sweetener, milk, cream, or lemon; the pure, uncorrupted taste was more to his liking. He drank it sparingly, once he discovered the best way. He even gave it a name: the Earl of Grey Teas (for so the drink was classified: tea, and Earl was the highest rank in his land. This tea, he knew without having tasted any others, was truly of the highest quality.)
However, even sparingly brewed, normal tea leaves cannot last forever. His supply of precious Earl of Grey Teas ran out, save for two leaves, which he carefully wrapped and put away. One he kept to show to anyone else who might pass his way with materials to trade, sell, or gift to him. The second he kept lest the first one crumble, and for his own memories besides.
It took a year before a traveler came his way bearing tea leaves. He gave his name as Hardric, and was quite happy to explain the origin of the tea leaves which he unwrapped for Desdendelle—for so the young man was named—to see. He had found them in a field far away, and named them in his native tongue; Desdendelle, when he bought half the supply for a steep price, tried the brew and named it Lady of Grey Teas, in honor of his feeling that it was a fair counterpart to the Earl tea and very fine indeed.
But all things pass, and all too soon the last cup of the Lady of Grey Teas was drunk to the dregs. Again, Desdendelle set aside two leaves; and he waited long months for travelers to pass his way, but none came. At last he determined to set out on his own, for if the teas would not come to him, then surely he must come to the teas…
And so he set out, after much deliberation over how to do so. He took with him his carefully wrapped leaves, and some provisions, and a change of clothes. A blanket he felt he did not need; for surely, he could simply sleep the night away in the form of a crow, and thus save on weight.
He had walked for two days, following the direction from which Hardric and the self-proclaimed Coffee Girl (who had given her name as Neshomeh) had come to him from, when he espied another traveler. Her hair was brown and shoulder-length; she wore clothing as green as the tops of the trees and carried a pack from which hung a small tin pot, cup, and spoon.
He greeted her, giving his name; she returned the greeting and gave her name as Zingenmir, whereupon he asked tentatively after the utensils she carried. She wiped the sweat from her brow, wishing out loud for some form of bear, before answering.
“Oh, yeah, those,” she said. “I drink a lot of tea, makes sense to have them on hand. I’d say they’re my most prized possessions right now, but one doesn’t really hang one’s prized possessions on the outside of a pack, right? But they’re definitely very useful.”
Desdendelle’s eyes went wide. Could it be that his search was over scarcely two days away from his home? “You drink tea?” he asked, fairly trembling with excitement. “I do as well! I have left my home to search for more of it, since no one had passed my way for months. Where did you find it?”
The woman looked taken aback, but she smiled as she waved a hand at the forest around them. “I collect it. Some can only be grown specially, which requires settling down for a while or bartering for it, but much of it can simply be collected. Some barks work, and flowers and fruits...I once mixed rosehips with dried wild strawberries with good results, and another time I passed through a land where spearmint grew everywhere—”
Desdendelle stared at her. “But that’s not tea,” he said. “Tea is made from leaves—like these.” And he unwrapped a leaf of the Lady of Grey Teas to show her.
The woman leaned in to smell its fragrance and then ‘ah’ed softly in understanding. “You’re looking for a different type of tea,” she said. “The type that will keep you awake and is frequently bitter. I deal in herbal teas.”
Desdendelle tried not to look too disappointed. “So you don’t have any tea, then?”
“I—” The woman sighed. “No, I don’t have the type of tea you’re looking for. I do know where it grows, though,” she added as his face fell. “I can give you directions—or take you there myself. At my present course, I’m sure to pass several of the places.”
“Would you really take me there?” he asked.
The woman shrugged. “I travel more easily with a companion anyway. Let’s go.”
They walked for nearly two months, encountering increasingly more travelers as they went. Some, like Matt Cipher, were traveling only a short distance (in Cipher’s case, delivering a box of pastries called pączki to a nearby group of friends and relatives); others, like Silenthunder, were going farther. One Larfen J. Stocke joined them for a day, amusing them with his wit for hours before they finally parted ways; a man named Aegis joined them for a little longer, until his propensity for making bad puns began to grate on them. He took the separation easily enough, though, as it coincided with him joining a traveler named Maslab; when Desdendelle and Zingenmir last saw them, they were trading bad puns with identical expressions of growing glee.
There were, of course, some odd moments, such as the first time Desdendelle turned into a crow for the night. Zingenmir had stared, open-mouthed, until he changed back and sheepishly explained his ability; in return, he found out that his traveling companion could understand and speak to bears (which was completely useless in much of the world, as bears were hardly commonplace in every land). They also had the occasional argument over tea, but, all in all, they found themselves falling easily into friendship.
Towards the end of the first month, they left the road to avoid a large group, all clamoring around a man who looked a lot like the tall kind of faerie from the storybooks and might have been (as discerned from the clamoring) named something along the lines of ‘Enesoron’. Desdendelle flew ahead briefly; upon returning, he pointed them in the least thorny direction, and they continued walking.
A minute later, a black-clad person flipped down from a tree and landed in front of them. When they stumbled backwards, two more caught the travelers, and pushed them firmly forwards again.
“I, uh,” said Desdendelle. “I think I missed something.”
Zingenmir nodded mutely, staring at the first ninja.
The first ninja unwrapped the black cloth that covered their face and grinned. “Hey! Aren’t you the girl who talks to bears? Dawn-something?”
Zingenmir face-palmed as Desdendelle gave the ninja a strange look. “DawnFire, and it’s Zingenmir now.” She looked up, frowning at the ninja. “You look a little familiar...uh?”
The ninja helpfully pushed back their black hood.
“Oh,” said Zingenmir. “You’re Iximaz. Since when are you a ninja?”
Iximaz shrugged. “I decided I wanted to do more than just cuddle seals all day, even if they are adorable. Who’s your friend?”
Desdendelle cleared his throat and gave his own name, adding, “I’m searching for tea leaves; Zingenmir has been guiding me. You two know each other?”
Iximaz nodded. “Yeah, we were at this school together for people who can talk to cold-weather animals. Weird place. Hey, do you want company? It’s been ages since I went on a quest.”
“That depends on who your friends are,” Desdendelle said, after he and Zingenmir had exchanged shrugs. “I’d rather not travel with people whose names I don’t know.”
“Sure,” said Iximaz, nodding at the other two ninjas. They unwound their own masks as the two travelers turned. “Scapegrace is the one on the left, and on the right is Alleb. They’re pretty cool.”
They all traded hellos, and then Scapegrace asked, “What are you doing off the main road, anyway?”
Zingenmir shrugged one shoulder. “Too many people.”
“On that road?” Alleb said, frowning. “Truly?”
“They were clustered around some guy,” said Desdendelle. “They seemed...busy. And very loud. We thought we’d seek out some quiet.”
Scapegrace waggled her eyebrows up and down, but Iximaz only said, “Did you catch his name? Was it Huinesoron?”
The original travelers traded looks. “Something like that,” Zingenmir said. “How’d you know?”
Iximaz grinned. “This happens every year around this time. I’ve even taken part before. It’s pretty fun!”
“...what exactly is it?” Desdendelle asked. He wondered if he actually wanted to know, but Scapegrace answered before he could take the question back.
“Well, everyone likes him, and around this time of year a bunch of people get together to try and...woo him. Or just get in his pants, one or the other—”
Alleb coughed, her face going red; Scapegrace glanced at her and went, “Oh, sorry,” before continuing.
“Anyway, it’s pointless since he married someone named Kaitlyn. Probably half of them do it just for the tradition by now.”
The group had seemed pretty enthusiastic, but Desdendelle didn’t argue. “Well, they should be gone by now, if we want to rejoin the path…?”
No one disagreed, and so the party of five headed back to the main road.
The five of them traveled together for another month. All three ninjas had a tendency to do the occasional acrobatic feat, and Scapegrace and Iximaz made eyes at each other when they each thought the other wasn’t looking (though Iximaz also spoke of other loves, two of whom Desdendelle and Zingenmir had met. Aegis was, for the moment, abroad—while they had met him, he had also left in a direction that took him far to the east—and Neshomeh, who had first introduced Desdendelle to the wondrous tea, turned out to have stolen yet another love by the name of French Press and run away with her. Scapegrace, meanwhile, occasionally mentioned someone who ate, prayed, and loved, which seemed to Zingenmir an odd sort of description to give of someone, but otherwise left her history out of conversations. Alleb mentioned no one, but blushed when questioned).
The end of the month found them in a field of tea leaves. Desdendelle stared at it in dazed amazement.
He had been without tea for so long. He had tried Zingenmir’s blends, though they seemed to him lesser in quality. He had also tried some of the bitter drink whose scent had lingered on Neshomeh (Iximaz had offered him a little from her own stores), and pronounced it emphatically not to his tastes. Nothing had compared.
He knelt carefully at the edge of the field, ignoring the strange look Scapegrace was giving him, and breathed deep of the fragrance.
Tea. More tea than he could drink in two years. More tea than he had ever thought to see—and there were at least two more fields in the area.
This, at last, was bliss.
(“Er,” said Scapegrace quietly. “Exactly how long is he going to just sit there with that grin on his face?”
“Give him a moment,” Iximaz replied, and then said wistfully, “He looks a little like I did when I was introduced to French Press…”)
Zingenmir sighed, and knelt next to him. “So,” she said. “What next? Do you think you’ll stay here?”
“I don’t know,” Desdendelle said. He still felt dazed, and brushing his fingertips carefully over the tea leaves in front of him didn’t help. “I...I suppose I could try to build a house…”
Iximaz joined them. “Have you ever built a house before?”
“No,” Desdendelle admitted. “Have any of you?”
Everyone shook their heads.
“I read a book on it once,” Alleb said. “I think I remember most of it.”
“So we could probably figure it out, then,” Scapegrace put in. “I’ve watched people put up shacks before, too; we could do this. Probably.”
“Or we could try to find a carpenter to consult,” Zingenmir said. She got to her feet with a sigh. “Well, then. Let’s find a good place for a house.”
Iximaz got up by way of a handstand; after a minute more of breathing in the delicious tea smell, Desdendelle accepted the hand up that was being offered to him.
“Alright, then,” he said. He had carefully picked one tea leaf, and he rubbed the stem between his fingers as he looked around at his friends. “Let’s go looking.” -
Beautiful, but... by
on 2017-03-05 17:08:00 UTC
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I don't drink coffee. ^_^; I use my French press for loose-leaf tea, and was very angry at my brother when he corrupted it with coffee during a visit. It was bloody instant coffee, in freaking teabags for individual use, and it was nearly impossible to get the taste out afterward. {X P
~Neshomeh does like the smell of coffee, though. -
Eeeeewwwww. by
on 2017-03-14 06:17:00 UTC
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Every part of that is an affront to both tea and coffee.
Gods below. by
on 2017-03-05 19:17:00 UTC
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That's a nasty thing to do an innocent French Press. And with *shudders* instant coffee, too. You (and French Press) have my condolences.
Wait. French Press/my teapot. Gotta make this work somehow. Hurt/comfort maybe? -
Lemon juice and steel wool. Works like a charm. =] (nm) by
on 2017-03-05 17:33:00 UTC
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Agreeing with hS, here: by
on 2017-03-05 07:10:00 UTC
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This is concentrated Glory.
That was glorious and spectacular. ^_^ (nm) by
on 2017-03-05 07:03:00 UTC
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I'm a bloody ninja! by
on 2017-03-05 04:40:00 UTC
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*laughs hysterically*
Really, though, I liked this one just as much as the last. The dialogue was especially hilarious. I'm also perfectly in character, honestly.
-Alleb -
Alright, here's a proper one. by
on 2017-03-05 04:18:00 UTC
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((After dragging myself out of the whole Granz seems to have vanished in, I have decided we are leaving something here today for the Shipfest, and corsets can't exactly object. So, without further adieu, let us present: ))
A Perfect Fit
Aegis stared at the object resting on the table before him. This was it. The moment he’d wanted for so long. He reached out with trembling hands to pick it up. He felt its silken fabric, and took a shaky breath. Yes. Today was the day he finally put on a corset. The corset itself seemed to be whispering to him, asking him to wear it.
“Come on,” it said, “Just put me on. You know you want to.”
“I know, but…” he said. The corset seemed to scoff.
“I’ve seen the way you look at me when I’m on Iximaz,” it whispered. “I’ve seen the way you look at me when I’m on anybody, or even when I’m just lying here. You want me on you.” Aegis nodded.
“Yeah, I do,” Aegis said. He turned to the mirror that was attached to the wall, corset in hand. He stared at his reflection for a moment, then tentatively wrapped it around himself. He gasped a little as it caressed his skin, and he had to stop himself from reflexively dropping it. Holding the front of it in one hand to keep it from falling, he reached back to grab the panel, but was stopped by the corset.
“I’ll get that,” it said, and he could feel something shifting back there.
“Okay,” he said, returning his left hand to the busk. He closed it, pairing knobs and holes one by one. Each time he did so, the corset shuddered, and that, in turn, caused him to tremble. “Oh,” he gasped the third time it happened.
“I know,” the corset said. “Keep going. It gets better.” It did, for with each pairing, the corset moved a little more, and this most certainly got a reaction from him. The little noises he made would have gotten a chuckle from the piece of fabric wrapped around him, except for the fact it was too busy making his own. Of course, they did eventually run out of buttons- but that just meant it was time to move on to the laces. Aegis gave them a light tug, as he had done so many times for Ix, and the corset gasped.
“Oh, yes, please, again, harder,” it said. He complied eagerly, pulling at the first X away from him. He was a bit too eager, and pulled a bit too far.
He let out a startled, “OW!” The corset echoed him, then said, “Whoa, too much, too much! Be a little more gentle next time.” He felt the pressure lighten again, and he pulled on the laces again, but this time, he was careful not to use too much force. He gasped a little once again when he had the laces just tight enough, and moved on to the next pair. Thankfully, the corset was once again taking care of the panel, shifting it exactly as needed with each tug. Each new tug on the strings brought more pleasure, and more pleas from the corset for more. Finally, he pulled the last X, and groaned.
“Oh, you’re so tight,” he said.
“And you fell so good inside me,” it gasped. “Quickly, get the last of it, before you slip out of me.” Aegis complied, grasping the last strings and tying them quickly. He had to force himself to slow down, to pay attention to what he was doing. He managed to tie them neatly, before stepping back to get a really good look at himself in the mirror. “Don’t we look beautiful?” the corset asked.
“Yeah,” Aegis breathed in reply. He just stood there for a moment, looking at the two of them. Of course, to fully enjoy the corset requires physical activity, and so, he started moving. He could only move slowly at first, for what he felt had him believing he would faint if he tried to speed up. Eventually, though, he was able to move back and forth with great speed. As he was overwhelmed by the feelings walking about in the corset gave him, he said, “Oh, corset, I love you.”
“I love you too, Aegis,” the corset gasped. Aegis ran his hands over the corset and shuddered. Truly, it was a perfect fit. -
Revengefic: Corset, Corsage, Course and Crown. by
on 2017-03-05 04:38:00 UTC
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Corset, corsage, course and crown
Take my hand on the old chalk down
Where the cresting hills give way
To shining sands and a silver bay
Corsets tight as loving arms
Corsage took from wildflower farms
Corsage tells that love is there
Corset's strings to take the air
Set thy course to Larfen's vale
Where hearths are warm and hearts are hale
And stand atop the rolling down
With veil hung from a silver crown
Corset, corsage, course and crown
Lift thy veil on the old chalk down
Watch the sand and the silver bay
Live as one from this blest day -
Hey, Scape. by
on 2017-03-05 06:50:00 UTC
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Did you, Kaitlyn, Ix and I accidentally make corsets an inseperable part of the Shipfest from now on? Becausr it kinda looks like we did.
hS -
Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. =] (nm) by
on 2017-03-05 06:57:00 UTC
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Revengefic Revengefic: Rivers of Tears by
on 2017-03-05 06:44:00 UTC
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Most people run from tears. If a thing makes them sad, they drown themselves in television, ice cream, and the pain goes away. A rare few, however, charge headlong for it. Such were Scapegrace and Iximaz, elegant Mistress and Master of Angst. They wielded the twin powers of hope and despair, teasing their trembling foes with the faintest ray of hope before once more pressing downwards with the weight of the despair they conjured. Indeed, there came a time when these most powerful mages ceased to loose their full power upon the land, because, honestly, the battles were getting a little boring.
However, each held in their hearts one who could never bore them, one whom they would never use their powers to attack. This one, of course, was each other, whom they loved more than any other. However, just because they didn’t use their powers against one another, didn’t mean they never struck at each other. Indeed, on many a night, their servants could hear the cries of one or the other from deep in their castle, cries that they would have sworn to be of pain. But each morning, when they emerged from their dungeon, both were smiling broadly, and, on the rare occasion a new servant was invited to join them, they, too, would emerge with a grin and reassurances that they could not possibly be better. Thus reassured, the servants would go about their business, and the sounds of the pleasures of Scapegrace and Iximaz would fill the castle on what would otherwise be lonely nights once more. -
Night and Day (♀♀, Iximir, she/her!Ix, BDSM, HP) by
on 2017-03-05 04:10:00 UTC
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"Mars is bright tonight."
"Please," Zingenmir huffed. "You say Mars is bright every night."
Iximaz turned away from the telescope, a thin pendant clinking softly off the brass rim of the eyepiece. "Of course I do, it's a Harry Potter reference. They make up, like, eighty per cent of my vocabulary."
"Is that right?"
Ix looked at Mir's expression and had the sinking feeling we all know when one's girlfriend is smiling just a little bit too widely for comfort.
"Uh... yes?"
Mir just smiled wider.
The next night, Ix walked up to the little stargazing platform with only a slight hint of trepidation. She was certain what was going to happen would be exciting, she just didn't know how it would be-
That was how.
Zingenmir was standing before her in a perfect recreation of the robes of Professor Sinistra. Everything about the costume was perfectly accurate... aside from the bits that were missing, namely anything underneath the outer robes.
Iximaz slowed a bit while she tried to pick her jaw up off the floor, but she continued up to the viewing platform and made to say hello. She was stopped by a quick swish of Zingenmir's wand - not Sinistra's, but disguised cunningly as such.
"You are late, young lady. Five points from Gryffindor, and a further five from being out of uniform."
Ix eeped - or would have done, if a sound had been able to escape her lips. Instead, she took an indicated seat by her telescope. To the left of her was a desk and roll of parchment, which she was certain hadn't been there yesterday.
"Now," Zingenmir continued, "seeing as you have been so enthused by Mars of late, I have a task for you. You will look through that telescope, and you will write me twelve inches on the luminosity of Mars and its relevance to divination, with reference to the movements of both Phobos and Deimos as counterpoints to common predictions. I will be watching you the whole time, very, very closely."
Ix, who had had her eyes fixed straight ahead, felt the deep heat as Mir pressed her body against her own. She gulped as she saw her mistress's hands drift across the front of her shirt, undoing the buttons ever so slowly. Her left leg began to twitch, she ground back against her lover's body, and her breath caught in her throat-
-and Zingenmir's wand flicked gently, and a wandless Incarcerous firmly attached Ix's legs to the chair in an elaborate knotwork pattern.
The taller woman's breath was hot in Ix's ear. "Do try not to get distracted, young lady. The sooner you give me that twelve inches, well... I'm a great believer in reward in kind."
The kiss that came after was passionate and desperate as only true love's can be.
With eyes wide as dinner plates and her chest set to heaving, Iximaz recovered a little from the kiss, looked through the telescope... and began, with a trembling hand, to write. -
Revengefic: Time Lords! (Scape/EPL/Des) by
on 2017-03-05 05:32:00 UTC
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"Really," Desdendelle said. It was a short form of his name; what the full thing was, eatpraylove had never dared to ask. "You found a watch think it's hers?"
"I know it's mine," eatpraylove cut in before the Eminence Grise could reply. "I've had it all my life; I just never really thought it was important."
"It is," said the Eminence Grise urgently. "It's very important." She turned to Desdendelle. "We can't let her open it."
"What?" Desdendelle frowned at them both. "Of course we should. This is just a disguise! She's not--" He fell silent, casting a guilty look at eatpraylove.
The Eminence Grise glared at him. "Of course she's bloody well real," she said, wrapping an arm around eatpraylove's shoulders. "Just because she happens to also be a Time Lord in disguise doesn't mean she's not real. What sort of manners were you taught?"
Desdendelle sighed. "None, apparently," he said dryly. "Please forgive me, eatpraylove. I didn't mean it like--"
"No, I know," said eatpraylove. She took a deep breath. "So, I'm...also a Time Lord?"
The other two nodded.
Eatpraylove considered this. "...does this mean I could finally keep up with the two of you?" she asked slyly. At their nods she shrugged, and tugged the watch out of the Eminence Grise's hand. "Well, here's to stamina," she said, and flicked open the watch.
Desdendelle walked backwards, grimacing; the Eminence Grise stumbled away with a cry. Both watched as golden light flared around eatpraylove.
Finally, it faded, and the empty watch dropped to the floor.
"Whew," said the Time Lord who had been eatpraylove. She stretched out her arms and then turned in a full circle. "Well. That's different!" She grinned at Desdendelle and the Eminence Grise. "So! Anyone for a cup of tea? I remember you like that."
"...I suppose that's a start," said Desdendelle slowly. "Come. I'll show you where the kitchen is...Em?"
The Eminence Grise gathered herself together and walked hesitantly back towards the former eatpraylove. "Tea. Right. Let's."
The newly returned Time Lord patted her on the shoulder when she got close enough. "Don't worry, Eminence," she said with a wink. "I'm sure we'll get along just fine..." -
I like it! by
on 2017-03-05 03:37:00 UTC
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I like how you've given Tolkien plots, places, and characters a good PPC twist. Very nice!
-Alleb -
Thank you! by
on 2017-03-05 03:46:00 UTC
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Of course, now I'm fighting the urge to write a short sequel without the people who haven't opted in this year...and I'm not sure if it'd be hS/Kaitlyn or Neshomeh/Phobos. Because, while I still can't completely believe I turned Phobos into Luthien, it does rather look like a story that could be told further.
~Zing -
Doooo iiiit. by
on 2017-03-05 06:43:00 UTC
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I should note - apropos nothing in particular - that after Finrod's purported death, Sauron fled to the North... and that you don't have Pretzel on hand for Phobos to dance for... and that I'm sure Sauron would've taken Finrod with him as a prisoner if he'd been able...
What I'm saying is, you could totally do both.
hS found this hilariously awesome
hello there by
on 2017-03-07 03:01:00 UTC
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Hi. I'm maxewell. Don't worry about where I came from.
I'm into pretty much everything. Not a bronie. Not a fan of that.... thing. I'll be pretty much everywhere DW, SPN, The Magicians, Star Trek, Star Wars, goddamn theres so many do I srsly have to list them all
No particular fanfiction is my favorite, same with spinoffs and agents. Though there are many things I can't list on here, thanks to some of the PG:13 restrictions. Anyways.
I'm a vampire too. I sneeze violently in bright sun. Look it up. Legit thing.
Hobbies: Reading. Playing video games. Doing literally anything other than homework. (I rolled a 20 on charisma, it comes in handy for that.)
Cya. -
Newbie, welcome! by
on 2017-03-09 22:19:00 UTC
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Sorry I'm late. Have a complimentary jar of kimchi and a generic hooded cloak!
I hope you enjoy your stay! -
* Waves Hello * (nm) by
on 2017-03-09 01:39:00 UTC
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Welcome! by
on 2017-03-08 13:52:00 UTC
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Have a 75-pack of perfectly ordinary paperclips. They come in no outrageous colors; they're just regularly-sized metal paperclips that you can use to hold paper together. With that said, try not to listen too closely to them, because whenever you pick one up, it starts blathering nonstop about how great the Versailles Philharmonic Quintet is, making obtuse references to song lyrics, going on about Rose Croix and the Descendants of the Rose, etc. It's probably for the best if you ignore them.
Anyways, it's great to meet you! I have one teeny tiny question: What video games do you play most frequently or enjoy the most? -
Video Games by
on 2017-03-08 23:24:00 UTC
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I play a lot of TF2, a lot of the Borderlands series, and some others. I think I mentioned it in a couple other replies, so check those out. I do enjoy references to songs. I'm more of an emo/rock fan myself, but I love classical and dubstep too.
Hello newbie. by
on 2017-03-07 20:54:00 UTC
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Well, I'm late, but I guess it's still time for gifting you with a pot of black-hole coffee and a welcome.
Re: hello there by
on 2017-03-07 19:35:00 UTC
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Welcome. Have a black cape.
Hi there! Welcome aBoard! (nm) by
on 2017-03-07 19:07:00 UTC
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Welcome! Have some popcorn! :) (nm) by
on 2017-03-07 17:14:00 UTC
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Welcome aBoard! by
on 2017-03-07 15:02:00 UTC
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Have one of my own shed feathers, a replica lightsaber, and some plastic vampire fangs! Might as well finish the look, right? XD
Re: hello there by
on 2017-03-07 05:41:00 UTC
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I've been here for about an hour and a half and I've already broken it...
You don't have permission to access /wNZMs1kqjh5l0NL6N1tFlzUEVXh1nVEmI9ZXxL2+g+QWg2iDRbCHLvPn3E03PFnoUvr9z5W2PXGqk9gVnquxchODqvNa5uRZ+Z9LgEgbxnGGH6uukbjOXIFbcOE0DWUeuh0ZenOLRzCrf4WbVQXJKvibFH1Pb8gj3HieTDdaVH28UF1MhUIRGjlE6wclaiZ9ibtZX0ugNHLUk79Vld2+NLgmy4OxQKmXIWkdMzUQkZBWrbugptE42aean32edW59kYU+YqHnDoKdk3ozrHmzXG6/sVjPgjPz1AisUycpL0E= on this server." -
If this goes through, it works for me by
on 2017-03-07 05:47:00 UTC
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Clearing cookies might cure it. I don't think I've seen any long Base64 strings on this board before, so I'm not sure where that would have come from.
Where'd you encounter that URL, anyhow? -
The Forbidden Error by
on 2017-03-07 05:49:00 UTC
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I believe I clicked on a certain part of the board when it happened. I'm not even what would be worth hiding in this board.
Do you remember what part? by
on 2017-03-07 08:39:00 UTC
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My first guess is an ad gone wrong (it happens), but on the off-chance that it's sprung out of the stylesheet somehow, if you happen to remember where you ran into it, could you please let me know?
hS -
If you're feeling the urge to pentest ... by
on 2017-03-07 06:00:00 UTC
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... or otherwise poke at the boundaries of the code running here, please use your own YourWebApps instance, since this one is in active use.
And if you do manage to replicate this (again, I'd prefer you not try here), please let me know how you hit that error page.
(It's possible you were hitting an admin interface of some sort, but that wouldn't explain the long binary blob in the URL) -
No harm intended by
on 2017-03-07 06:03:00 UTC
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This was completely by chance. I haven't even taken a look at the site's code. This is certainly new to me - I don't intend on replicating this error. When I said I clicked on a part of the page, I meant passively, as something I do when I'm bored. It was by sheer accident that I was prompted with this.
Glad to hear that. Thanks for letting me know (nm) by
on 2017-03-07 06:35:00 UTC
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For your newbie gift, I give you an orange rose by
on 2017-03-07 05:19:00 UTC
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Unrelated, but what kind of video games, and do you like board games?
Games (Boards included) by
on 2017-03-07 05:26:00 UTC
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I enjoy FPS games, puzzle games, MOBAs, and some other genres. As for board games, I haven't played many. The only one that I've played recently was Monopoly, but that never ends well. I do play a couple card games, such as Spite and Malice, Golf, Texas Hold'em, and others I cannot remember as of this moment.
welcome there by
on 2017-03-07 04:06:00 UTC
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G'day, I'm Larfen! Worry very much where I come from, because there are lots of spiders and poisonous snakes and crocodiles. We have a pretty good amount of sun here, too (it goes all over the place, literally every day. It's crazy. It's mad.)
My gift upon you is: a roof. The greatest vampire defence against the sun that we have developed so far. We'll extinguish the threat in its entirety soon enough, don't you worry. But this will do, for now.
What'dyou read, then? Or play?
I'm faaaaairly certain you don't do either of those things with the stuff you listed. And I'm a professional sleuth, which is why I'm curious.
And welcome and such! -
Re: welcome there by
on 2017-03-07 04:36:00 UTC
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I read literally anything I can get my hands on. I have a limit currently on how many books I can check out from my public library, because apparently 27 was "too many for any one person to read within a week, let alone a month.".
As for gaming, I play TF2, Overwatch, LoL, The Borderlands Series, and many others.
Will I get verbally assaulted for using comic sans? -
I don't think we need verbal assault for that. by
on 2017-03-07 04:45:00 UTC
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Your own conscience and sense of morality ought to sort that all for you, I figure.
I have played TF2! I do not anymore, because the internet where I am is rubbish and online games sort of need the internet. I've not played any of those other ones, but I have gazed jealously at other people who play Overwatch. This now includes you.
*Gazes at jealously*
You don't got, I dunno, a favourite book, or anything like that? Or a series or such? -
Books, and that matter by
on 2017-03-07 04:58:00 UTC
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A few personal favorites of mine are the Hamish X series, The Hitchhiker's guide, and the Abhorsen books.
Hitchhiker's Guide! by
on 2017-03-07 07:03:00 UTC
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Aw, mate, love that series. I need to get on rereading that. Absolutely brilliant. The kind of thing I keep forgetting how brilliant it is, so when I read it I think 'why aren't I rereading this?'
And then I forget to reread it again, and the cycle repeats endlessly.
I will recommend Catch-22 to you.
I recommend it to everyone because it's my favourite book, but I especially recommend it here, because it's got a very similar style of humour. And a very similar absurdist philosophy through the whole thing. It's also much more sad and horrifying and may or may not make you cry.
I have heard of Abhorsen, but, er. That's it. I have not heard of Hamish X, but it's by a comedian and the first book involves cheese pirates, so consider me interested. -
Hello, newbie. by
on 2017-03-07 03:28:00 UTC
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Welcome, and have a plate of SPaGhetti.
Since you seem to have missed the bit about using proper grammar when you read through the Constitution (at least, I assume you did from you comment about keeping things PG-13), I'd just like to remind you to keep the txtspk to a minimum when you post.
Anyway, since you said you don't like MLP, obligatoy image is obligatory. -
Hiya! *inspects newbie, is satisfied with results* by
on 2017-03-07 03:27:00 UTC
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Welcome, welcome, welcome. For your newbie gift, have a LEGO Mary-Sue minifig.
Have you read the Original Series and the Wiki? If you haven't; leave, read them, come back.
Hope you enjoy the Board. Leave your sanity at the door, and have some fun. -
This one's my responsibility. I get first glomp and poke. by
on 2017-03-07 03:08:00 UTC
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Hey dude! I'm glad you joined ^.^ As a welcome gift, I hereby present you with a ten-foot-long jet-black cat-o-nine-tails made entirely of paperclips. It will strike terror into the hearts of all who see it. Don't try to use it for anything, though, it was hard to make and is pretty close to falling apart as it is.
I also advise you to join in the Shipfest, so that we can do newest newbie/oldest oldbie properly this year.
--Key -
By "my responsibility," I mean, "we go to school together" (nm) by
on 2017-03-07 05:16:00 UTC
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The above is certainly real by
on 2017-03-07 05:29:00 UTC
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The Cat-on-the-Keyboard is real, as far as I know. I've enjoyed many a good conversation about overthrowing mythological governments such as the Underworld, and general good fun.
A Call To Arms by
on 2017-03-07 04:53:00 UTC
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This is for those who can read it. Look closely.
Hidden Message Found! Congratulations. I'll be doing this in whatever I post, purely for that little bit of added commentary. I'm a major code and cryptology nerd. -
A bit of an ettiquette note (and find hidden messsage here) by
on 2017-03-07 05:31:00 UTC
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First, for those of you who don't feel like looking for elements with "display:none;" on them as if this Board were a Capture The Flag, the message was
Hidden Message Found! Congratulations. I'll be doing this in whatever I post, purely for that little bit of added commentary. I'm a major code and cryptology nerd.
This sort of thing is, well, not appreciated here. We'd like to read your posts and hear what you have to say, but most of us don't feel like digging through rather flimsy concealment mechanisms to do it. In other words, please don't pull these message-hiding tricks anymore.
Actually, "display:none;"ing out spoilers might be a clever trick if you really want to hide them. However, if you're doing that you should probably tell people how to see them (or just go with white font on white).
Furthermore, I strongly suspect (but am not entirely certain) that trying to sneak Javascript onto the Board will get the Nameless Admin to stir from wherever they are to at least delete your post.
Anyways, since I haven't said it below, welcome to the PPC!
And just for fun, I think the following piece of encrypted English text might be of interest to you (you've probably seen the plaintext recently)
Lzgm kzsdl escw lzqkwdx dwyatdw. Khwdd ugjjwuldq sfv mkw yggv yjseesj lg lzw twkl gx qgmj stadalq — jwewetwj, lzw HHU ak s xgjuw xgj yggv ojalafy, sfv lzsl afudmvwk KHsY. Ozwjwnwj qgm sjw af lzw HHU ugeemfalq, khwdd, hmfulmslw sfv yjseeslakw lg lzw nwjq zayzwkl klsfvsjv. Guuskagfsd zgfwkl eaklscwk oadd tw xgjyanwf, gx ugmjkw — tml wnwjqlzafy wdkw skavw, al’dd tw zsjv xgj wnwjqgfw lg mfvwjklsfv qgm sfv jwkhgfv lg qgm ax qgm yg, "GEY! A usfl twdanw lszl fwokl egnaw ak gml! Alk kg yj8!"
- Tomash -
I know it wasn't meant for me, but I've cracked it. by
on 2017-03-07 10:00:00 UTC
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I mean, there's a certain series of letters that simply has to translate to a certain other series of letters we all know and (mostly) love. Then added onto the fact that I can't think of anyone who uses the long dashes in their posts, made me work out exactly where the plaintext came from. Then finally the 'spoken' part at the end confirmed exactly where it was from. I then used a small sample of letters from the plaintext and ciphertext to work out the cipher itself.
All I'll say is it's not the normal PPC censoring code (for those on Discord), and that if it was me I'd of used the Vignere Cipher, because I'm nice like that.
Storme Hawk
P.S Hey Maxewell. -
I don't think that's fair. by
on 2017-03-07 08:37:00 UTC
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It's certainly possible you don't like the idea of hidden messages, but you don't speak for the Board as a whole. I don't think you were active when we played around with HTML colours - it was a few years back now - but it was quite fun at the time.
I'll draw your attention to the Constitution, and specifically Articles 16 (silliness) and 20 (randomness). As long as it isn't being used to misbehave, this is hardly that requires such a comprehensive put-down.
PS: What JavaScript? Maxewell doesn't seem to have used any. Do you have a specific reason to think they might? -
It was unfair. I'm sorry. by
on 2017-03-07 14:40:00 UTC
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When I wrote that post, I was preemptively annoyed at the thought of having to dig through everything Maxwell posted from now until the end of time for cleverly-hidden comments, since I'd understood his post to mean that they would be there. That was probably an extremely uncharitable reading of his words, so yeah, Maxwell, sorry for yelling at you about this.
I'm not actually inherently opposed to the idea of hidden messages. A "let's all play with clever ways to hide something" thread sounds like a pretty fun thing! In fact, there's one in this post (if it doesn't get eaten).
As to JavaScript, when I was writing the post, I saw Maxwell as someone who was having a lot of fun probing at the edges of the filtering/security on the Board, so I had the impression that it'd only be a matter of time before he posted a few alert(1);s to see what he could get away with on a technical level. This would, of course, make any thread it happened in really annoying to read because of the constant dialog box popups. -
Right, arms called! by
on 2017-03-07 05:09:00 UTC
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Quite what for, though, I'm not entirely sure. You don't really appear to have given any sort of reason--or call, if you will--to get all up in arms. More let us know that you like to obfuscate your methods of communication.
I have no problem with puzzles, personally, but why would you want to hide your commentary in a place literally built on intelligent criticism? -
Re: Right, arms called! by
on 2017-03-07 05:22:00 UTC
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The point of this post is a feeler, one could say - I was unsure if people were interested in this general area, so I made this. This community is built on intelligent criticism, and I've been meaning to write a story involving code. To be more specific, I've been thinking about creating a game with a storyline based heavily around code, which involves solving puzzles and ciphers in order to guide the player through the story. Sorry for any misunderstandings; I do enjoy to be vague sometimes purely to watch and judge a reaction as a way to gauge people's attitudes. Cheers.
I found it. by
on 2017-03-07 05:07:00 UTC
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Also, remember that with every new post made, an older discussion drops off the bottom of the page, so be mindful of whether or not your topic warrants its own thread. Perhaps the coders here will want to discuss this in thorough detail, but to me it seems like this could probably have been posted as an addendum to your intro post.
Just in case you were feeling like a 1337 haxxor, remember my coding ability.
--Key is a pillar of the community; she gets to be standoffish and haughty. Especially to the people she knows in Real Life :P
P.S. Let me know if I'm annoying you
Found a incredibly poorly written fanfic. by
on 2017-03-07 22:27:00 UTC
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It's an in-progress fic called Silver Moonflower and the Sorcerer's Stone. (Yes, the writer's going by the American version of the books.) Its titular character is a Mary Sue that's crushing on Harry Potter. Also, she can sense emotions and see everything and invents spells. In first year. *sigh*
Here's the link to Chapter 1:
And here's the link to Chapter 2: -
There isn't a proper term for this. by
on 2017-03-11 05:44:00 UTC
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What do you call the badfic equivalent of a musical?
What even is this... This ruined the game for me. -
Also, no offense to people who like it. by
on 2017-03-07 22:28:00 UTC
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Don't think you're a horrible person if you like it. Maybe it's a good fic and I'm a poor judge of fanfiction.
Hey, Koopa? by
on 2017-03-07 23:02:00 UTC
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You do know you don't have to report every single badfic you come across, right? And if you're not even sure if it's badfic, why report it as such and then say it's goodfic?
No need to bump old threads off the Board by constantly posting badfic, alright? -
Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry (nm by
on 2017-03-07 23:32:00 UTC
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This one's for all the ladies! by
on 2017-03-08 16:03:00 UTC
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It's Women's Day. And since you are a big part of this community, each of you is irreplaceable, and I love every single one of you for bringing something new and something cool to our big, crazy family... here's a virtual tulip (which is a sorta traditional flower of the holiday in Poland) for every lovely lady, everyone who identifies as such, and everyone in-between who doesn't want to be bound by gender shackles (expect us, gentlemen. We wait for November 19th!)
So... here's a flower and the most sincere wishes of well-being to you:
The Triumvirate,
Delta Juliette,
and everyone else my stupid brain is forgetting at this very moment (because I'm sure there are more of you)!
With best wishes and love, on the behalf of the PPC male community,
— Matthias "Matt Cipher" Kennel -
THANK YOU! *gomps* by
on 2017-03-14 14:25:00 UTC
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Sorry I didn't see this until now... Bad me! Bad me!
I still want less than nothing to do with you, please stop. (nm) by
on 2017-03-11 04:04:00 UTC
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Whilst I'll admit I wasn't here for the drama, by
on 2017-03-12 06:03:00 UTC
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I can't help but see this as Matt trying to be, as Ix said, friendly and inclusive. It doesn't strike me as a form of intended aggression or an attempt to intimidate.
In fact, I'll admit that all I see Matt trying to do is include most of the women in the PPC. The fact that he tried to list most of them by name is impressive to me, and indicative of someone who just wants to show his appreciation of people who made a difference. In going over his mental list of the organization, he remembered you, and wanted to include you.
I know this probably dredges up a lot of painful memories for you, but maybe take a step back and look at this for what it really seems to be? I.E., someone who feels bad that they drove away a friend and is trying to make some small measure of reparation in the form of kindness? -
If you weren't around for the drama... by
on 2017-03-13 10:10:00 UTC
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Maybe you should've bothered to read the archives first before commenting. Your comment sounds like needless dogpiling to me, esp. since you have no idea what went over and why July has this reaction to this obviously small and non-aggressive deed of Matt.
In fact, I have read the archives. by
on 2017-03-14 06:53:00 UTC
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And everything I saw supported my model of events, which don't need to be discussed here for the sake of all involved.
I only mentioned that I wasn't around for it to acknowledge anyone who might try and use that to say that I have no idea what I'm talking about and dispel the counterargument before it even started, just to save time and Board space. This was apparently a less than good idea.
I don't see the purpose of responding as she did here, because this wasn't about her. If someone I had that kind of history with mentioned my name in a list of male members of an organization, I wouldn't really feel prodded to respond if I really wanted nothing to do with them.
As for the dogpiling, this just happened to be something that I felt was an unnecessary attack on a friend of mine, so my opinion should be voiced, regardless of how many other people were doing it. -
Arright, arright. by
on 2017-03-11 11:19:00 UTC
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So, er, first off, I figure, we ought to not dogpile. Um. I feel like dogpiling is probably not a good idea, and we've done that a couple times, so, how about not dogpiling. Let's not go and do that.
And second off, was this post really necessary?
You have grievances (I apologise if this sounds like I'm reducing your situation or mocking you or any some such,) and such, fine. You don't have to like people, especially if something or other that was largely out of your control has gone down between you and said people.
But did they really need to get dragged out, here? Understand that what you have done here, is you have changed the entire subject from celebrating women in the PPC, to a personal drama between you and Matt. It's not constructive or helpful or fun and, frankly, it's a very good way to turn something totally innocent (like, say, a post celebrating women,) into something very much not innocent (like, say, a virtual slugfest,) for reasons which are esoteric at best. I mean, really, the central possible conclusion I can see coming from this post is some sort of argument.
It's unnecessary, is what it is. It helps nobody, certainly not you. -
Apparently, yes. by
on 2017-03-11 21:34:00 UTC
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I'm all about being friendly and inclusive, but if July has told Matt multiple times not to talk to her, adding her name to a list* in the one space she can't block him from is at the very least a micro aggression, and more than that it's a nice little reminder that she can't block him here.
Saying "by the way, this person harassed me and I perceive this post as a continuation of that behavior" is not causing trouble. Harassing someone is.
*btw, which my name also shouldn't be on, as I am very much not a woman -
That is a good point, indeedy. by
on 2017-03-12 09:23:00 UTC
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I'll admit, I had not given too much consideration to the whole micro-aggression thing, and I do apologise for that. I'll also admit that I, personally, don't think that listing July's name in a general, nonspecific list of women ought to be cause for alarm, but then again, harassment's not defined by me, and if July feels harassed by that, then. Well. It's harassment, innit? Or insensitive, anyhow. At least, it's got to be treated like that. So, yes, fair enough.
And I am aware that harassment is causing trouble and is a Bad Thing, I simply don't regard Matt Cipher's current actions as harassment, and I really don't think it's fair to consider them as such. I am not taking, to any large extent, his previous actions into account, and I am not attempting to compare what July is doing to what Matt has done. I don't think comparing what they've done is helpful, either. But, er, do correct me if that is absolute rubbish, on that case.
I still ultimately think that July's post could have been more mature, constructive, et al. You've posted an interpretation, but that's it - an interpretation of a million things she may have said. Assuming your interpretation is totally correct, she could have certainly phrased it in a more mature manner.
It simply doesn't strike me as entirely fair - Matt is posting something that is (supposed to be, anyhow) innocent, largely unrelated and separated from July at all (other than her name, which, as mentioned, was a woman's name on a list of women, emphasis on the woman over July,) and July's response is so very accusatory. Again - even if what he did do was cause for alarm, stepping on old wounds, insensitive, et al, I don't think she responded correctly, at all. I understand it's a sensitive area, and maybe it was an impulse action, but she still has to be held to the same standards of etiquette and such as everyone else!
Ahem. Anyhow, I do feel like I'm not nearly as well involved/researched in this entire situation as a responder ought to be, and I do feel like my first response (while I do somewhat stick to it) was far, far too impulsive. Pardon for that. I shall drop out of this once possible - I'd hate to be the cause of a big argument, especially if the argument involves two people, neither of whom seem to want to be involved in the argument at all. And I do apologise for all the impulsiveness and whatnot. I could have probably handled that a whole lot better! -
In terms of the list: by
on 2017-03-11 21:41:00 UTC
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Yes, I was made aware of that after the fact. I have no explanation as to why I was certain you were a woman. It wasn't the username, that's what I'm sure of. Regardless, I would like to apologize for that.
Because being friendly and inclusive is a crime now... (nm) by
on 2017-03-11 09:05:00 UTC
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With all due respect... by
on 2017-03-11 20:11:00 UTC
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July had to block Matt on Discord, Hangouts and other such things after he didn't stop talking to her despite being told not to, so I can understand why she's upset; and frankly there's no good way of saying "don't talk to me ever". I think that being snarky about this is uncalled for.
Can we not? Please? (nm) by
on 2017-03-11 20:22:00 UTC
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Aww, thank you! by
on 2017-03-09 11:57:00 UTC
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In all seriousness, though, I love flowers, and I love light colors. You did well, Matt. *hug* -
Thank you! (nm) by
on 2017-03-09 01:41:00 UTC
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Aww, you shouldn't have! ^_^ by
on 2017-03-08 17:31:00 UTC
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But I'm glad you did. *hugs* *takes flower*
Aw, that's sweet of you. Thanks! *hugs* by
on 2017-03-08 17:17:00 UTC
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There's also a protest going on today in which women who are able are staying home from work, to demonstrate just how much the world would miss us if we weren't there. Those of us who don't have the option to miss work—such as me, both because I'm not rich and because I work at a small woman-owned business where we care for lots of women—are wearing red in support.
~Neshomeh, dashing out the door right now, in fact. -
I'm very leery of this particular protest. by
on 2017-03-10 01:14:00 UTC
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Especially since one of its organisers is a convicted terrorist who helped murder two people and wound nine.
Never heard of her. by
on 2017-03-10 03:14:00 UTC
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I got it through the women at my job, who are all very nice and non-terroristic people. And my boss probably got it through the organization of women business owners in the town where I work, and I'm pretty sure the worst thing they did was fill a local restaurant and take pictures.
Anyway, it's too late, I already wore the shirt. Which I've owned for years. So... *shrug*
~Neshomeh -
Good to know. by
on 2017-03-10 02:42:00 UTC
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Women's strikes have been happening for years, without her involvement. Remind me how this is at all relevant when the protest has nothing to do with her history?
Two things. by
on 2017-03-10 10:14:00 UTC
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1) I did say "this particular protest" and not "women's protests in general".
2) If an organisation keeps an unrepentant convicted terrorist anywhere near itself it loses any sort of moral high ground it has. -
One thing: by
on 2017-03-10 13:31:00 UTC
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1) I know you prefer things to be laid down clearly, as per this post, but in engaging people solely in bullet-point form you can come off as quite unbelievably condescending. And that's leaving aside whether or not I agree with your posts, which, by the way, I really don't. It makes no more sense to tar a global grassroots activist movement with the brush of one Palestinian alleged bomber than it does to, say, tar the entire Royal Air Force with that of the one guy who machinegunned a children's choir during the bombing of Dresden in WWII.
Leaving the numbering off... by
on 2017-03-10 13:40:00 UTC
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I think that organisations have some sort of collective responsibility; the actions of a member, especially a high-ranking one (inasmuch this protest has a stratified structure) can and should reflect on an organisation as a well. To use your example, the RAF should deal with what that guy who shot a bunch of kids did — it should, IDK, court-martial him — and in our case, this women's protest should denounce Rasmea Odeh as the murderer she is and refuse to work with her.
Serious question: by
on 2017-03-10 13:54:00 UTC
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What role does she actually have in the strike?
I can see a Times of Israel article slamming them for giving her 'a leadership position', which links to HuffPost calling her 'an organizer', which in turn links to, which doesn't list her on their team. She doesn't appear to be a speaker or honorary co-chair, either.
So... how is she actually involved? I assume she's fairly influential, since it's enough to make you reject the protest in its entirety.
hS -
Did some more digging... by
on 2017-03-10 14:37:00 UTC
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And it seems like both ToI (where I first read the story) and HuffPost jumped the gun; looks those articles threw this into the mix, which lead to the whole pile.
Seems like I was wrong; looks like this is the best summation of events, which shows nothing about Odeh being an organiser of that protest. -
That last link is paywalled. by
on 2017-03-10 14:52:00 UTC
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I'm also not sure what her involvement in the Guardian article is; writer? Person vaguely associated with it? Her only mention is in the sidebar, which when clicked gives a link to that article and a description of her as 'associate director of the Arab American Action Network and leader of that group's Arab Women's Committee'.
Regardless, and while it may not be my place to say this, I think you probably owe Neshomeh (at least) an apology for attempting to dismiss a protest by tens of thousands of women worldwide - women with legitimate and serious grievances - on the basis of who (you thought) one of the organisers was.
hS -
I didn't dismiss it... by
on 2017-03-11 15:42:00 UTC
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But whatever.
I formally apologise to whomever was offended by what I said. -
I'm wearing red too by
on 2017-03-09 01:47:00 UTC
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(I'm a student; nothing would stop working if I wasn't there, I'd just get behind).
My plan was to break out my Starfleet engineering uniform and tape a sign to the back saying "Women Are Not Expendable". . . but I'm sorry to say that I lost my nerve (also, the shirt isn't, strictly speaking, mine).
But yeah. The world needs women. Treat us well.
I gots borned by
on 2017-03-08 20:17:00 UTC
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Just seventeen years ago, the world was totally lacking in any form of 'Larfen J. Stocke, esq.' Scientists, archaeologists, historians, and very opinionated grocers all refer to this era as the 'Pre-Larfen' age.
But all good things must come to an end.
In a decision which generally everyone regrets, Larfen left the womb, dusted himself off, and farted his way onto the internet. And now he's here. You poor gits.
So yes! I gots borned! It's my birthday and such. I am now one more step closer to the eternal embracing death that awaits us all. Huzzah! Cake! Balloons! Streamers! -
You Gots Borned by
on 2017-03-10 00:23:00 UTC
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Have a music! (I don't know how links work, so here.)
Happy borned-day, Sandwich Boy. For a proper present, I hereby give to you not only the full set of roleplaying dice I give to newbies, because you have yet to receive one from me, but also a dicebag with which to hold them. Unlike the dice, which are whatever pattern you choose, the bag is black velvet on the outside and red silk on the inside. One side also has the Emblem of Larfen on it - that is, your ham sandwich icon. Yes, yes, I gave you something with your face on it. Deal with it. -
on 2017-03-09 23:52:00 UTC
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Allow me to make up for my lateness with excessive exuberance.
Now, how was that? -
Happy birthday, sandwich! by
on 2017-03-09 22:20:00 UTC
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Congratulations for staying fresh after all those years!
Have some fresh blueberry muffins! -
Happy birthday! *blows noisemaker* (nm) by
on 2017-03-09 13:53:00 UTC
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Re: I gots borned by
on 2017-03-09 09:59:00 UTC
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Happy birthday
Birthday! Cake! Party! by
on 2017-03-09 02:12:00 UTC
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Have a birthday gif! (That's me eating the cake.) -
My local grocer says. . . by
on 2017-03-09 01:53:00 UTC
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"Who? What are you -- get that microphone out of my face!" She then sighed. "Are your parents here?"
I believe this to be the local vernacular for "We were greatly impoverished without his presence! Give him my best wishes!"
Therefore, here are best wishes, the grocers and my own. Happy birthday, you meteor, you glacier, you definer-of-a-geologic-age! Happy birthday! May you live longer than the rock you indelibly impressed with your presence!
--Key -
Whoa, I can't argue with that! by
on 2017-03-09 05:29:00 UTC
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Grocers are the most reliable sources of information in this untrustworthy world we live in, other than magic eight balls and coin flips!
And I'll try my hardest to live longer than that impressed rock! It'd be really embarrassing if I didn't, considering that all rocks have been alive for totals of zero seconds. I'd look a right dope!
But, yes, cheers! -
HBD ! 8D (nm) by
on 2017-03-09 01:39:00 UTC
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Happy Birthday! by
on 2017-03-09 00:53:00 UTC
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Congratulations on your seventeenth anniversary having fought your way free from a bloody jam prison! On this most auspicious of days, repeat your momentous victory by slaying a cake, an entire cake, without mercy. Crush the delicious frosting beneath your heel, then weep, for there is naught left to conquer.
Yes! For this world is mine, and mine alone! by
on 2017-03-09 05:19:00 UTC
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It shall know my power, my strength, my cunning! I shall carve a bloody swathe through all the lands, leaving nothing behind but corpses and conquest!
*blows out candles in three tries* -
Happy Birthday! (nm) (nm) by
on 2017-03-08 23:25:00 UTC
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*eats the NM&NMs* (nm) by
on 2017-03-08 23:40:00 UTC
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Birf! (nm) by
on 2017-03-08 22:19:00 UTC
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HAP BIRTH (nm) by
on 2017-03-08 21:50:00 UTC
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Happy birthday, Larfen by
on 2017-03-08 20:34:00 UTC
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Have some cake! Since cakes aren't sandwiches, it's not cannibalism, which is certainly a good thing.
Now stop making me feel old over here -
Sorry, old man. by
on 2017-03-09 05:33:00 UTC
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I wasn't aware I was stepping into your territory - your old territory. That's all creaky and dusty and old-smelling.
Didn't mean to get all my youth on everything, old man!
*skateboards out*
Also, cheers! Old maaaaan -
*cakefetti* by
on 2017-03-08 20:19:00 UTC
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*blows noisemakers* -
*blood trickles from ears* by
on 2017-03-09 05:37:00 UTC
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Important Stuffs! (Sort of.) by
on 2017-03-09 00:43:00 UTC
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Okay, so. Various people requested that this subject be brought to the Board. Namely, Ix, Des, and Tomash.
Recently, a new project was announced for my English class. To simplify it (because this is Necessary Information), we're all supposed to write seven essays revolving around a shared topic. Without really going through the proper official channel things, I submitted the PPC as my topic. The problem there is that I don't have Permission yet, and one of the essays must be a narrative.
Now, at this point, I cannot change what my topic is. So what I'm asking is: would there be too much objection if I wrote a mission for my English class? I could consider it a practice mission and never publish it anywhere else, if that would help. -
I, for one, don't have any objections to this by
on 2017-03-09 23:53:00 UTC
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After all, you're not publishing this or otherwise making it canonical.
So go have as much fun as you can (given the obvious constraint that this is graded work for a class) writing this. I hope to see the results after the whole assignment is finished. -
I have no objections. This sounds cool! (nm) by
on 2017-03-09 22:19:00 UTC
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I see no issues with this. Looking forward to it! (nm) by
on 2017-03-09 18:25:00 UTC
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I don't see a problem with that. (nm) by
on 2017-03-09 17:46:00 UTC
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Well. by
on 2017-03-09 16:01:00 UTC
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Grumbling about not obeying the letter (and quite possibly the spirit) of the rules aside — that's just my peeve, though — I propose the following, which I think will make everyone happy.
1) Triu will write an interlude — not a mission — for her essay (thus fulfilling the narrative requirement).
2) The interlude will be explicitly considered non-canon from the get-go.
3) After everything is said and done, Triu may use said interlude as part of her Permission request.
4) If she gets Permission, she may canonise this interlude, if she wants to. Otherwise, it will stay non-canon. -
Did you read my comment? by
on 2017-03-09 16:51:00 UTC
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Also: neither your position as a member of the PPC community nor your PG hat gives you the right to dictate what someone can do for their schoolwork. It just... doesn't.
hS -
*sigh* by
on 2017-03-09 17:49:00 UTC
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Yes, I've read your comment. No, I'm not dictating anything. I'm just proposing something I think everybody will find acceptable. Is that a bad thing?
If The Triumvirate disagrees, what will you do? by
on 2017-03-09 17:54:00 UTC
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You seemed to be proposing a plan which she would be required to stick to. I apologise for my misinterpretation.
My comment was specifically about the fact that an interlude might not meet the requirements of the work. That's why I asked if you'd read it, since you were proposing an interlude without addressing that point.
hS -
Well... by
on 2017-03-09 19:08:00 UTC
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I don't know what that particular essay requires, only that it needs to be about/on the PPC and that it needs to have a narrative. In any case, if it doesn't work, I'll scrap this proposal and find a new one; it's not like it's set in stone or anything.
My aim here is to clearly enumerate a plan of action, as it were. I like it when things are laid down explicitly; it helps to prevent misunderstandings. -
Except I'm pretty sure this doesn't need an official vote? by
on 2017-03-09 20:10:00 UTC
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I mean, it's just a casual community vote deciding on if she can write a story set in the PPC universe for school. Not like we're amending the Constitution or anything.
What vote? by
on 2017-03-09 22:50:00 UTC
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I didn't mention a vote, nor did I intend for this to be a vote, nor (I think) did anybody else. I just brought up an idea. Sheesh.
Well, I mean. by
on 2017-03-10 02:46:00 UTC
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"I propose the following" is generally a way of signaling that you want people to vote, especially when you follow up with a list of terms and conditions.
I'm fine with this, really. by
on 2017-03-10 00:17:00 UTC
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I actually decided this morning - after another discussion with the teacher - that an interlude would suit the assignment much better. It's shorter, I have more creative license, and I get to show off some of the wackier parts of the PPC.
Specifically, most of the decision revolved around the length. My entire peer-grading group vetoed the mission, because the entire class did not want to deal with a thirty-six page mission, especially for things they'd probably never even heard of. On top of that, I've never written a mission before - trying to write my first mission under a time limit and for a grade would probably be a really bad idea. -
Good plan. by
on 2017-03-10 13:17:00 UTC
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Though I should point out that writing doorstop missions is hardly de rigeur - look at Driftwood, for instance. =]
Go ye forth and write! (nm) by
on 2017-03-09 13:58:00 UTC
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Yeah, sounds cool to me. by
on 2017-03-09 13:51:00 UTC
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And I hope you show us the rest of the essays when they're done, too. A few people have done similar things in the past, and it's always interesting. ^_^
~Neshomeh -
As I said in the chat, by
on 2017-03-09 13:11:00 UTC
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I support a non-published, non-canon PPC mission being used for curricular purposes. Calliope got to get that grade, y'all!
—doctorlit, student for life -
Can't see the problem, myself! by
on 2017-03-09 05:52:00 UTC
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Especially considering you're not planning on publishing it. I mean, at that level, you can do whatever you want!
Anything. Anything. Aaaaaaanything. Long as it's not published.
And, I mean, I'd say it's a good way of practicing writing and practicing for the PPC setting so, I mean, seems more than good, to me! -
For the most part, I...don't really care all that much :) by
on 2017-03-09 01:06:00 UTC
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One thing: is there any reason why the narrative has to be a mission? It would show off the PPC just as much--actually, probably even more so--to write an interlude. HQ is weird and exciting all on its own, and not everyone is in an action department. On the other hand, you haven't been with us too long yet, so odds are that that might take a lot more wiki/reading research than writing a practice mission would. However, HQ, with its large variety of species, weird laundry room, odd Cafeterias, Rudi's, Courtyards, and, reportedly, a Fountain of Bleepka (or was it the pool that's supposedly around and the fountain is findable?), not to mention the...unique ways of getting places that HQ residents have to develop...well, that's very far from boring and unrepresentative of the PPC, I'd say. And that's not even mentioning interesting places like DoSAT (good for showing off gadgets and grumpy techs) and FicPsych, and of course Upstairs...
On the other hand, re: a practice mission: I'm not really against that idea at all. It's also a good way to learn about your characters and figure out something about how writing missions goes. I just really wanted to point out that, unless you've absolutely promised your teacher a mission and there's no way to change the plan, an interlude where, say, some agents go about completing a bunch of errands that went undone while trying to avoid a new mission for as long as possible, would hardly be boring. You have options, unless you, well, don't.
PS: Also, good luck with the seven written pieces! I think I had an assignment a little like that in Writer's Craft, though in my case the topic they shared was something along the lines of the theme of family (both biological and not). (So sue me, I was pretty into Supernatural at the time and the whole "Family don't end with blood, boy" theme really resonated with me for some reason.) Anyway, reminiscing aside, good luck! -
I may disagree. by
on 2017-03-09 08:56:00 UTC
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Not about whether it's okay to write a mission for essayish purposes - that's fine, of course. Just be aware that the reason we have a Permission process is to make sure a) you can write, and b) you can write the PPC. So writing without it means that you might produce something that wouldn't be acceptable in PPC canon.
(This is why 'I've written my first six missions and now I'm asking for Permission!' would be a problem, by the way. If you're writing before getting Permission, then you're writing before getting confirmation that your style+knowledge fits into the PPC. If you get turned down, you'd have to scrap everything you wrote.)
But whether it should be a mission or an interlude... depends on what you see the PPC as being about. Is it about the weird and wonderful world of HQ - or is it about criticizing badfic from an in-universe perspective?
Everyone will have different answers to that. But if The Triumvirate writes six essays about the criticism side, then a HQ story wouldn't fulfil the role it's supposed to.
hS -
I wouldn't have a problem with it. by
on 2017-03-09 00:46:00 UTC
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I mean, it would be a mission shown to your teacher only rather than the entire internet, and it could make for an interesting, unconventional way to get Permission in the future. People have gotten Permission by doing, well, Permission Missions before, if memory serves, so I don't see why the same can't apply here. :)
Of course, I'm interested to know what other people think, too.
PPCer suspected of bullying. by
on 2017-03-10 03:43:00 UTC
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Someone on our Discord server took a screenshot of one of Desdendelle's posts out of context to put on /r/badphilosophy (which, for those of you who aren't aware, is not a place for discussion, but for internet mockery). If the link gets deleted for whatever reason, here is a screenshot for posterity's sake:
[Paragraph deleted for privacy reasons. ~Nameless Admin]
Either someone is going to very great lengths to make this look like it's a post by palin, or this is by palin. Either way, there is a PPCer who felt it would be appropriate to take a screenshot of a message from a PPCer and post it in the intent of letting other people mock them, and I wish to bring this to the community's attention. -
Maybe modmail it? by
on 2017-03-12 06:44:00 UTC
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Most subreddita require names and usernames to be edited out. Though tbh badphilosophy doesnt really care about doxxing/brigading. I tried ti fing their rules, but i can't make sense of the subreddit.
... Okay, what the [Bleep]. by
on 2017-03-10 08:33:00 UTC
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I didn't write this. I was kinda assuming a highly unlikely coincidence, but this user seems to be copying some of the things I've publicly said before ( ). Which is... Incredibly creepy.
I don't think that's a PPCer, though. I did take that screenshot, with the French timestamp, to talk about it in a forum thread which was a place for constructive discussion (And thread derails. Lots of thread derails.). That would explain how this person knows my real name, which I mentioned once on the PPC Discord but use often on that other forum, and how they knew I was nonbinary 7 months ago, when the post I linked there was made (I was out on that forum, but not ostensibly on the PPC). I know some people there hold a grudge against me, but I've been assuming identity theft would be taking things way too far for them. I'm still pretty sure it is, so I'm gonna check with some of them.
Either way, this is creepy as [Language!]. -
Could we get a link to that forum post? by
on 2017-03-10 10:13:00 UTC
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(Reverse image search isn't finding it, but it's rather unreliable, especially with recently posted content.)
Here, but it's members-only: by
on 2017-03-10 10:28:00 UTC
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The "bad content" isn't exactly indicative, it got named that way because there were already more specific threads in the same vein (like the Tumblr.txt thread) and that one was intended as more general. It does sound like a making-fun-of-people thread but it's actually not really, if you look at the rest of it, you'll find lots of constructive discussion, because that forum's subculture kinda encourages speaking up if you disagree with something. There's one that spans a bunch of pages on that thread (and eventually lead to lots of drama when other people got involved including myself, but oh well). -
Er, Palin?... by
on 2017-03-10 11:26:00 UTC
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You do realize that not every Boarder wants to make an account on a forum they're not interested in just for this issue, right? If you could post some screenshots that would be appreciated, partially because I want to assume good faith and that it is indeed an impostor.
Besides, your own posting of the screenshot in the other forum wasn't very nice, IMHO. I mean, if you wanted a constructive opinion on his post (which I'm going to assume you posted without asking for his permission, didn't you?), you should've just copied the text, or at least have censored his screenname.
I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but this is a pretty serious situation right now. -
You're right, sorry. by
on 2017-03-10 11:35:00 UTC
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So, here's the screenshot:
I was in a bad mood for unrelated reasons, and I didn't think of censoring his name or, well, actually giving arguments as to why I was disagreeing with him on that. That was a terrible thing to do and I'm sorry for that. I'm gonna delete that forum post now. -
A minor observation (attn: emythos) by
on 2017-03-10 21:31:00 UTC
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Looking over that screenshot, I noticed that an "emythos" liked the post captured there. The name jumped out at me because, two days ago, a person named "emythos" joined the Discord. Since they joined the channel, they haven't said anything or otherwise participated, even though several people @-mentioned them to say hello or welcome them to the PPC.
Someone we don't know lurking silently in chat made me (and the other mods) a bit uneasy, so I went and queried the archives to refresh my memory. I found that emythos posted on the Board in December of 2015 (plus the end of that November) and at no other times. That is, they introduced themselves, hung around for a month, and then apparently left the community until Wednesday.
So, in these unusual circumstances, emythos, if you're reading this, welcome back the the PPC! -
Hi, sorry by
on 2017-03-10 22:55:00 UTC
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Hello yes I am a live person who is not, like, spying on you guys or anything. I just am a super awkward human being and am bad at socializing. Hello. I posted here before, felt awkward, and stopped. That'll probably happen again, I'm bad at keeping up with forums and stuff.
Hello, Emythos. : ) by
on 2017-03-10 23:38:00 UTC
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Very glad to hear from you.
:) (nm) by
on 2017-03-10 23:46:00 UTC
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Note: The thread contains some NSFW content. (nm) by
on 2017-03-10 10:44:00 UTC
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Just to clarify: by
on 2017-03-10 08:42:00 UTC
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The post you linked to is from your own account and not this second user, correct? Or no?
The second user. by
on 2017-03-10 08:44:00 UTC
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I actually don't have a Reddit account anymore, my former one was /u/domirossi.