Continuing the reading of Kingdom of Monsters from last night in app. five minutes (i.e. around 8:35). Head over to the Discord chat if you want in on my best Batman impression.
Badfic Reading by
on 2016-12-21 01:29:00 UTC
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Hola, I am a newb by
on 2016-12-21 01:33:00 UTC
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So I've been reading the PPC for a veeeery short while now, and I figured I'd introduce myself here. I don't actually remember what brought me here, but I think it might've been TV Tropes? I've finished the C*l*b*i*n and legolas by laura missions, because I apparently wanted to no longer have any love for LotR. Anyways, that's me.
Welcome! by
on 2016-12-23 18:07:00 UTC
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Make yourself at home. Hope you enjoy yourself in our cozy little corner of the 'net.
Here, take this Replica Holocron and a +1 Sturdy Boot as newbie gifts. Don't boot too many people with it.
One more thing, since I see Harry Potter in your listed fandoms, (along with Star Wars, high five!) which House do you call your own? I'm guessing Gryffindor. Am I right? -
Actually... by
on 2016-12-23 18:10:00 UTC
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I prefer (and have been tested as by Pottermore) Ravenclaw. I feel like Gryffindor gets way too much love, especially by the canon, and it kinda feels like the abundance of high-profile Gryffindors was just JKR's way of finding a way for everyone to know each other. Oh, well, Gryffindor is pretty neat nonetheless, though I am far too cowardly to belong to it.
Blast, wrong again. by
on 2016-12-26 17:35:00 UTC
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Ah, well. Can't trust my hunches all the time. Glad you like your gifts, though.
But don't worry! by
on 2016-12-23 18:15:00 UTC
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I still appreciate the gifts. Thank you.
Hello newbie. by
on 2016-12-21 22:27:00 UTC
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Please have a bag of black-hole chocolates. I recommend reading more of the spinoffs of course, and wish you welcome to this madhouse. May your stay be long and wonderful.
Hiya! by
on 2016-12-21 14:51:00 UTC
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I'm a newbie too. Newbie buddies! I have a gift all picked out for you. It'll help you make decisions in some cases, help (or hinder) you doing damage in others. Ahem:
You have obtained a D-3. It has FOUR SIDES, not three; it is named a D-3 because unlike all other dice in its set, it has THREE NUMBERS ON EVERY FACE, one in each corner; when rolled, the number PROPERLY FACED TO BE READ (WHICH IS THE ONE AT THE TOP OF THE PYRAMID ON THE SIDE FACING YOU) is the number you have rolled. The D-3 is shaped like a PYRAMID.
Calliope -
That's just called a d4... by
on 2016-12-21 15:27:00 UTC
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But thanks anyways.
Is It Really? by
on 2016-12-21 15:29:00 UTC
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Everyone I've ever spoken to before has called it a d-3.
In my experience... by
on 2016-12-21 16:44:00 UTC
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A d4 refers to the pyramidal die, while a d3 refers to using a d6 where 1 and 2 = 1, 3 and 4 = 2, and 5 and 6 = 3.
*rolls in with images* by
on 2016-12-21 16:55:00 UTC
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d4: -
d3s by
on 2016-12-22 04:17:00 UTC
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I did not know there were actual d3 dice, very cool! We sometimes use the d6 and halve it like Scapegrace said. But that's if the DM is not being evil. Sometimes she makes us roll a d4 and subtract 1 from the roll so 4 = 3, 3 = 2, 2 = 1... and 1 = 0. Because she is the Millionth Mask, and she likes to make zero an option if she can.
Do American d4s have the rolled number on the bottom? by
on 2016-12-21 21:35:00 UTC
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I've only ever seen d4s with the rolled number on the top point, is the thing.
It depends, really. by
on 2016-12-21 21:41:00 UTC
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My mom's old dice that survived from the 60s and 70s have their numbers on the bottom, but my dice (made probably around 2008 or so) have the rolled number on the top point.
'Tis another newbie! by
on 2016-12-21 07:51:00 UTC
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Another Convenient Egg&Bacon McMuffin!
Oh. by
on 2016-12-21 21:43:00 UTC
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Hey Newbie by
on 2016-12-21 05:37:00 UTC
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I'm guessing you like LotR,but what other canons do you know well and/or like?
Other canons I like: by
on 2016-12-21 21:53:00 UTC
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- Various Fear Mythos Verses
- The Cthulhu Mythos
- The Potter Verse
- Star Wars
- The Inkheart universe (I guess multiverse?)
- The Digger universe
- Forgotten Realms is cool I guess
- Other stuff I forgot because I have really bad memory
- Various Fear Mythos Verses
Welcome! by
on 2016-12-21 04:40:00 UTC
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Here's some popcorn to eat while you read the Original Series and other important stuff on the top of the page. If you've already read the original series, you can throw it at annoying Sues. ;)
Thank you by
on 2016-12-21 21:46:00 UTC
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I'll have to find some popup-free host on which to read the original series.
Greetings, a newb. by
on 2016-12-21 02:18:00 UTC
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My name's Larfen.
Welcome, welcome, welcome! We have great people, here, and they're all infinitely funnier than I am, so no worries. You'll have a great time!
I got introduced by TvTropes, too, actually. A lot of us have, in fact. Good for publicity, I suppose.
My gift upon you is: a piece of rusty, dirt-encrusted scrap metal!
It's funnier than I am.
Look at it, a small piece chipped off! Hahaha!
Welcome! -
Re: Greetings, a newb. by
on 2016-12-21 02:43:00 UTC
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Yay, I always wanted a chipped piece of rusty, dirty scrap metal. *Takes a bite*
You maniac! by
on 2016-12-21 02:50:00 UTC
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I hadn't even added salt!
Delicioso anyways by
on 2016-12-21 03:10:00 UTC
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Ergo, I'm good as it is.
Come join us on our Discord channel! by
on 2016-12-21 03:11:00 UTC
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Thanks by
on 2016-12-21 21:58:00 UTC
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I was going to ask about the Discord in the post, but the way I interpreted the Lounge article on the PPC wiki made me think I had to PM a mod about it.
That's three newbies in a row! by
on 2016-12-21 01:57:00 UTC
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Welcome aBoard! Have one of my own shed feathers and a complimentary kit of Spikes!
Welcome, dear newbie! by
on 2016-12-21 01:48:00 UTC
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Hello and how do you do? Welcome to the PPC!
For your newbie gift, I give you a Welcome Doormat! It changes colors when you step on it, so be sure to warn anyone who may set foot on it as it can be rather startling...
Welcome to the board! Enjoy your stay! -
Another newbie! *glomp* *poke* by
on 2016-12-21 01:35:00 UTC
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Hello, and welcome aBoard! For your newbie gift, take this plate of freshly-made SPaGhetti!
So, you've obviously read some of Huinesoron's missions, but have you also read the Original Series? And while you're here, if you have any questions, make sure to check the Wiki; if you have any questions, just look here before asking. We like it when newbies do the research. ;)
Also, a few questions: fandoms, and preferred pronouns?
Hope you like it here! -
Re: Another newbie! *glomp* *poke* by
on 2016-12-21 01:42:00 UTC
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Fandoms of preference: I generally avoid them; as most of the things of which I am a fan have pretty terrible fandoms (looking at you, creepypasta).
Pronouns: He/him/HIM, DEVOURER OF COSMOS (actually, scratch that last one)
I was in the process of reading the Gwendolyn mission (to reiterate, I apparently want to hate LotR), but the host site had some sort of popup so I had to leave the tab.
Also, I actually started off on the wiki. Like I said, I think I found the PPC via TV Tropes, so then I Googled it and found the wiki, then decided to read some missions because it sounded cool.
Thanks for the warm welcome!
Beta Call! by
on 2016-12-21 14:16:00 UTC
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Well it's been a while since there's been any of these on the board, now has it? I have just completed an Interlude and would like some Betas to look over it.
Triumvirate seems to have beat me to it, but... by
on 2016-12-21 18:50:00 UTC
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If you need mother beta, my email is
Welp by
on 2016-12-21 18:51:00 UTC
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*Another* beta. Dammit, autocorrect.
I'm game :) by
on 2016-12-21 15:49:00 UTC
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You still have my email, right?
Yep, sent. (nm) by
on 2016-12-21 15:58:00 UTC
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I'm On It! by
on 2016-12-21 14:46:00 UTC
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I happen to love beta-ing. I will happily beta for you, Mattman!
Alright. by
on 2016-12-21 15:06:00 UTC
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Though I will need your email, kinda need to send the GDoc to you over to you
- The E-Mail by on 2016-12-21 15:32:00 UTC Link to this
Messengers arrive to every Lord and Lady of Plort by
on 2016-12-21 14:57:00 UTC
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Every single one of them wearing high-quality clothes and bearing the same message, stamped with a seal resembling a coin:
Noble Lords, Fair Ladies,
You are all cordially invited to a celebration like no other. For at this time, in exactly three days, a feast will be held in honour of Yours Truly gaining his heraldry. Foods and drinks will be plenty, and entertainment will be provided!
So come one and all to the outskirts of Tumblar, for the night you shall never forget!
- C.
((Long story short - I'm hosting a Plort RP on Christmas Eve! If anyone's interested, let me know under this thread. Ficlet's responses are also welcome!)) -
Noble Lords and Ladies, let us begin! by
on 2016-12-24 21:10:00 UTC
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This map will show you exactly where to go!
Storme looked at the letter and sighed. by
on 2016-12-23 12:59:00 UTC
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"Well 'tis better than spending this season alone again." He said to himself. "And whilst home does still call, I know my friends can look after it for a few days more." He got up from where he had been sitting, the book he had previously been studying fell to the floor, now forgotten. Storme headed inside, motioning for the messenger to wait for a minute as he decided how to dictate his response. Walking to his own writing desk, Storme moved through his house, mumbling as he went. Grabbing a fresh sheet of parchment and a quill, Storme began to write his response.
It shall be a pleasure to come and attend your feast. I must, however, inform you that I may be slightly late due to other plans that are currently in place.
-Storme of Hauk
Storme nodded, it looked OK, and he could not see any obvious mistakes with it. Happy the ink had dried, he folded the letter up, put it in an envelope and sealed it. Looking down at the seal he frowned. It was on an old relic of his, from when he had still called himself Auran the Blazing, and its insignia was different from the one he used now. He sighed, it was done now and not a lot could change it. Finding some silver coins, he made his way out and handed both the coins and the letter to the messenger, quickly bidding him a good and quick journey.
Heading back inside once again Storme began to write up more letters, hoping his birds could carry them safely to his friends back home. He would visit them after this was all said and done. He smiled, sometimes wishing he could go back to those times where things were much simpler, but then he would think of what he had done since and realise that, perhaps, some things are just meant to be. -
'Waugh,' by
on 2016-12-22 07:39:00 UTC
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Stockins commented intelligently, holding up the letter.
'Waurgh,' He added to his essay, holding the letter up further, observing it against the light.
'Gwaaurgh!' He continued, eyes widening.
'Could I please have my letter back?' Lord Reedy asked, drawing himself up and brushing his (very fancy and expensive) coat.
'Gwghaaaaurgh!' Stockins exclaimed, turning around and walking off. The clattering of his equipment rose and dipped like a really bad orchestra.
'Um. Can I have it back, now?' Lord Reedy said, slowly approaching.
Go on a walk alone, he had told himself. Get away from the crowd, he had told himself. Be yourself, he had told himself.
'Please?' He stepped closer, feeling a dreadful, choking warmth rising in his face and neck.
'Glarlrgalrgh!' The short merchant argued, walking off, staring into the letter.
His knees wobbled. A weight pressed against his neck. He wiped the sweat off his forehead, and looked at his hand. It was small, thin, and weak, gleaming with oily sweat.
'Can we be reasonable?' He babbled.
The merchant spun around. His eyes were practically swirling with madness.
''Course, 'course. I'm a proper businessman, of course. I'm being stupid, pardon.' The merchant thought he was saying.
'Hrrnghrrrng.' Is what came out. He clattered and tinkled, pulling something out of a pocket.
Lord Reedy squeaked, as a silvery object flew out of the merchant's hand, clinking against the cobbled ground.
He looked up, watching pathetically as the merchant continued down the path, muttering and babbling.
He caught a few words, like 'payment,' 'business,' 'letter,' and, most frequently: 'feast.'
((I'm probably available. Er. Probably. I might not be, but I can't imagine why.
And, hey, he might not be nobility - but he's a proper businessman, you know!)) -
Catherine, at the tavern of the Sign of the Open Arms by
on 2016-12-22 06:30:00 UTC
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looked up from sweeping last week's moldy rushes off the floor to notice a pair of well-dressed women enter, stamping their boots and complaining loudly of the weather. She could tell from their livery that they were the servants of someone of rank, but the heraldry was unfamiliar to her. They ordered hot drinks -- "don't care what kind, so long as they're steaming" -- and sat down at a table near the window, far from the other customers (a family of new arrivals, poking with bemusement at their complimentary "Newbie Pastries").
When their mugs of Hot Stuff arrived, they fell silent, drinking as voraciously as possible without burning the roofs off their mouths. Once they were warmed somewhat, they began to speak again, this time in whispers.
Catherine swept herself a meandering path which made a figure-eight around two tables, passed the piano, and gradually, entirely by accident, made its way to right behind the pillar nearest the classily-garbed strangers, where she found that the rushes were stuck to the floor with a glob of something rather nasty, forcing her to remain there for several minutes.
". . .stupid Christmas party. . ." she heard one of the fancily-attired women mutter. Catherine loved parties. She leaned a little closer.
". . .new knights. . . think they're all that and a bag of. . ." her swankily-clad associate commiserated. A new knight? Was their faith in the cause pure? Did they sally forth and return shrouded in a haze of righteously-spilled Marizu blood? Were they meritous, brave, and true? Were they -- her heart thudded -- handsome? (She mentally slapped herself. She had a girlfriend out there, somewhere. Farming in Vidya Gaym, or perhaps traveling Weab. . .)
". . .ugh, all the way. . .in this weather. . ." Catherine strained to hear. From whence had these strangers come, in clothes of such fine make? There-- there it was! She could swear the second woman had said: Tumblar.
How far was that? She had counted herself lucky to find lodging anywhere in Plort, but perhaps another journey was in order. Perhaps, for such a big party, the knight would consider hiring some extra help.
". . .on earth. . .serving girl. . ." Catherine managed not to jump. With utmost nonchalance, she continued her circuit of the room.
((OOC: Might crash the party, if that's okay. I don't think I have any other plans for that day.
And yes, I believe this is Catherine's first appearance? I think I've mentioned her before, though, and I have a backstory for her if you want it. It needs serious editing, but I can do that pretty quickly now that finals are just about over.))
--Key -
Catherine was waylaid unexpectedly. by
on 2016-12-26 04:03:00 UTC
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She had packed her bags and was on her way to hire a horse for the journey, when she heard a shout, and turned to find her friend and pen pal Suka launching herself across the street. Before Cat knew it, she was lying on her back, staring into Suka's grinning face.
Suka, she learned over a cup of Fizzy Stuff at the Sign of the Open Arms, was still living in the Tos province of St'Artrec, where the two of them had lived as students of Arpy. She had joined the navy as a boot-polishing lackey aboard their flagship, the USS Spirk, although she hoped to be able to advance in rank -- her Arpy skills had advanced far beyond the level Cat had been able to obtain. When the captain announced that they would be taking a day of shore leave on Konti-Nyuum, she had set off to find Cat.
All thoughts of stalking brave knights vanished from Catherine's mind. Suka taught her the traditional Tos songs she had learned on the ship and they sang and told stories long into the night.
((OOC: So my friend is back from Germany, and I got to go over to her house to marathon watch Star Trek and do dramatic readings of slashfic a day earlier than I had thought (she's right here, watching me write this!). So it's unlikely I'll be able to properly join the RP. . . although I might show up later, who knows. Also, I would be happy to prepare a report on the politics and history of St'Artrec; I have Ideas.
--Key)) -
I dearly hope I'll be able to join the celebrations. (nm) by
on 2016-12-21 22:15:00 UTC
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Alex was quite surprised to receive the letter. by
on 2016-12-21 20:42:00 UTC
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"I am known to the noble knights of Plort?" he murmured. "I had not thought any of them knew my name..." He sat down and reread the missive. Should he? It might be helpful to get to know the knights, especially as he one day desired to join their ranks, and he had heard they were all fine folk, but to be so bold? Perhaps the message had been sent to the wrong person. But he did wish to go, and there must be some way he could exit gracefully if it had arrived at the wrong destination. He looked about his workroom, and his eyes lit on his spectacles, Michael, and he recalled an idea he had toyed with concerning them. He smiled. It would take some planning, yes, and it would be difficult to acquire the materials and assemble them in such a short time frame, but if he could manage it, it would be quite rewarding. But first, to reply, and find an appropriate pseudonym. The young man considered for a moment, then was struck with a burst of inspiration. Yes, that would do quite well. He found a piece of parchment and a pen, and wrote out his acceptance.
Sir Cipher,
I offer my congratulations on receiving your heraldry. I most humbly accept your gracious invitation. If it does not trouble you greatly, I shall attempt to arrive before the sun sets upon the day of the feast. I am greatly anticipating this joyous occasion.
Sincerely, Granz.
Alexander returned to his door, and was surprised once more, for the messenger had waited to receive his reply. He turned over his message, then quickly hurried back inside to fetch more parchment, ink, and a slab of wood before setting out to search for supplies. It might be best to be able to see the materials he would be able to work with as he planned. -
Consider the invitation received. by
on 2016-12-21 19:31:00 UTC
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I look forward to the day of revelry.
I guess I shall come. by
on 2016-12-21 18:43:00 UTC
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There is nothing that requires my immediate attention now, anyway.
-Signed, Baron Thanasius Ampelius, etc -
A Response to Your Invitation by
on 2016-12-21 16:57:00 UTC
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Dearest Cipher,
It is with my pleasure that I accept your invitation. However, I must also provide a caveat that I will be busy with hunting for most of the season, given that I must provide for all of my creatures in these trying times. I therefore may not be able to stay for very long, but I will try to make my time worthwhile regardless.
Take care, and I hope to see you at the party!
Sincerely yours,
Skaer'morys the Silver
(OOC: In other words, the house rules will make my participation difficult, which is a given, but I'll still try to join you guys whenever I can!) -
A Reply to the Merchant by
on 2016-12-21 15:48:00 UTC
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Dear Sir:
Allow me to offer my sincerest congratulations on your new heraldry. I accept your invitation with pleasure, and look forward to hearing from you and my fellow knights.
-Dame eatpraylove -
Matthias had just finished modifications to choice weaponry by
on 2016-12-21 15:23:00 UTC
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Wiping sweat off of his brow, he greeted the messenger. He took the note a wrote the following in reply:
Noble Lord Cipher,
I trust this reply made it to you in good time. I will be leaving the day after sending this note. I do reside close, so I expect to make it to you within the day.
-Sir Matthias Snow -
He also sends the following to Baron Huinesoron: by
on 2016-12-22 19:13:00 UTC
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Good Baron Huinesoron, I would like to request an Alvish Heraldry.
My Alvish is a bit rusty, but here is the general idea:
Nis Blue, Rena Celeste: Canta nastar alta tera, Sword with celeste handguard; canta nastar nica, Golden obelisk; canta miri, Sun in splendor; canta miri, the gem ruby; indil in fore, a twelve point snowflake -
Baron Whonewhatton? by
on 2016-12-22 21:16:00 UTC
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Oh, him. Not sure why anyone would want to talk to him, I thought he was pretty universally reviled.
I'll get him on it. The College of Arms has to earn its keep, after all.
hS -
Well, not universally... (nm) by
on 2016-12-22 21:25:00 UTC
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I'm In by
on 2016-12-21 15:08:00 UTC
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I am interested in learning how everything here does... so you can expect me to at least try to be there! I have something to attend later in the evening, so I may have to bow out early, but I will do my best to make an appearance.
Oh yeah, you should get an introduction to that. by
on 2016-12-21 17:35:00 UTC
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So here's hS' cycolpaedia of Plort, and there's also a wiki.
OT: How to Destroy the Earth by
on 2016-12-21 18:22:00 UTC
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Many years ago - like 2005 - a website came into existence: How to Destroy the Earth, a literal list of methods for destroying the planet. And it was glorious, and it linked to the Evil Overlord List (always a good sign), and the site has remained on my occasional-visit list ever since.
And now, there's a sequel.
To Destroy the Earth
Be driven, in a way which is beyond the drive of every other human. This isn't about waiting around until somehow, for some reason, someone else destroys the Earth. This is about you travelling from where you are right now to a point in time when you have brought about the Earth's destruction. You want continuity of purpose between these two events. You want to set events in motion and then live to see their conclusion. The second part is because you need to be sure.
And it is glorious.
So... by
on 2016-12-21 22:35:00 UTC
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Once again, watching a Star Wars movie makes me feel one year older. Guess I'm 23 now. And also got Permission for one year too. Doesn't feel like this long thouugh. Where did the time go?
Happy birthday! (nm) by
on 2016-12-24 02:06:00 UTC
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Re: Happy birthday! by
on 2016-12-24 02:06:00 UTC
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Belated, yes, but let's not dwell on the details.
Happy Happy Birthday! (nm) by
on 2016-12-23 15:52:00 UTC
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Happy birthday! *blows noisemaker* (nm) by
on 2016-12-22 19:09:00 UTC
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Happy happy happy happy happy happy by
on 2016-12-22 02:03:00 UTC
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Birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday!
My gift upon you is: the time.
1:03 PM.
Happy birthday! -
Joyeux Anniversaire! =] (nm) by
on 2016-12-22 00:02:00 UTC
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Happy Birthday! *tosses Spikes* (nm) by
on 2016-12-21 23:55:00 UTC
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*cakefetti* by
on 2016-12-21 22:59:00 UTC
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*blows noisemakers*
Heeeey, a permission request! by
on 2016-12-22 06:27:00 UTC
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This is not a prank, this is not a joke, this is not a spoof, a goof or a gaff.
Pranks, jokes, spoofs, goofs and gaffs are hereby banned, upon the threat of exile, very rude words, and me throwing cream pies at you.
So, I'm requesting permission! It didn't quite take a year for me to sort it, but, er. It wasn't far off.
Perhaps it would have a certain drama and irony, if I were to wait and do this on the date I joined, but, mate. I can't bloody remember that far. And I've been sitting on this stuff for so long, it's going to leave a permanent mark on my bum and trousers.
Over to your left, you'll see my bios.
And a little walk to your right, you'll see the control prompt.
And then, back to your left again, sort of stacked on top of the bios, we've got the random prompt. Agents find a mysterious thing, or some such like that.
And last, and really, really, most certainly least, the badfic.
And we need that explanation for the reason we want to mission the badfic. It recommends a sentence, but, mate, I could write an essay. It's amazing.
It's a Cowboy Bebop fic, and can be generalised as a big collective of melodramatic sobbing, intercut with scenes of melodramatically holding back tears. Two OCs are introduced, one of whom is a classic Sue, what with the fancy eyes, a speshul and ultimately plot-irrelevant inviso-ship, generic beauty and kindness and all, and generally acting like a sort of plot black hole. The other OC just sort of faffs around and has a stupid backstory.
Not a single canon is IC, and most of them only really appear once or twice within the whole story. Jet and Spike, who appear the most out of all the canons, are completely replaced. Prose is beige, the story skips over all the interesting (canonical) parts, and there... are... heaps... of... ellipses...
All in all, it's a cute little mess, and I could imagine missioning it.
And I've got to thank my lovely betas, Cat-On-The-Keyboard, Granz the Ice Cream Monarch, and SkarmorySilver for being really cool.
And also for betaing my stuff.
Lay it on me!
Even if you aren't a PG, concrit is always nice, so if there's something or other you ought to say - go ahead! -
Alrighty, hat is now on. by
on 2016-12-22 20:22:00 UTC
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I thought for sure someone would get to this while I was asleep, but it seems not.
*cracks knuckles*
Do I know you? I'd like to think so. You've been around for a while, you've contributed to the community, and you're quite active in Discord as well. Green light.
Do I like your characters? I should say so. They've been a blast to roleplay with, I like how unique they are, they've got some plot hooks in their backstories hinting at character development down the road, and from what I've sen in both RPs and in your prompts, they're likeable as well. Green light.
Can you write (technical)? No questions here, you get a green light. I did notice some SPaG errors in the bios and prompts, but they were minor enough that they didn't detract from anything and I'd have to go back and look to find specific examples. I doubt it'll be a problem when you write missions.
Can you write a good story? Well, your prompts made me guffaw when I was high out of my mind, and when I took another look at them today, they still made me giggle. Especially the "mug of sugar (with a few spoonfuls of tea.)." You did have a bit of a tendency to use the same gag of repeating a few lines with slight variations (example below), so I'd watch out for using that too much.
He glanced at her.
Maz immediately shifted her view forward.
He grunted vaguely, and looked away.
Maz looked at him, again.
He glanced at her.
Maz immediately shifted her view forward.
He grunted vaguely, and looked away.
Maz looked at him, again.
Can you choose a good badfic? Well, I don't know Cowboy Bebop, but I took a quick look and oh dear Rowling my eyes hurt. I don't envy you on that one, and I'm inclined to take your word about how bad the rest of it is. Green light.
*looks up from checklist* Huh, looks like that's it, then.
*takes out sword and touches it to your shoulders* It is my pleasure to announce the newest knight of Plort, Jan 'Lawfen' Stockins! -
Congratulations! (nm) by
on 2016-12-23 20:43:00 UTC
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. . .did you say SPaG errors? by
on 2016-12-23 19:14:00 UTC
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But you must agree, Larfen's writing style is so charmingly quirky it's hard to tell what's a mistake and what's just him being eccentric. Did you know that Tolkien's editors kept trying to change "elves" to the "correct" spelling, "elfs?" I'm not saying that Larfen is the next Tolkien, of course, no sacrilege is intended. Although, he might be -- it's a little early in his career to tell.
*Defensive Beta is Defensive* *Defensive Beta retreats to a hermitage to make an intensive, undisturbed study of comma placement and sentence structure*
Now that I've kicked my ego out of the way: Congratulations, Larfen!!! I've said this before, but I'll say it again: I never had a moment of doubt that you would get Permission. I love your writing, and I think you'll be an amazing force within the PPC. *brushes away the beginning of an actual tear* Kohai's all grown up.
--Key -
Thank you, o' senpai. by
on 2016-12-24 02:14:00 UTC
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You don't know how happy it makes me, that my reputation has grown as such that it's honestly difficult to tell whether I'm rubbish, or just being weird.
I... I think I need to brush away a tear, too.
Now, Tolkien! Those are some awfully big footsteps to fail at filling, oy? It'll be difficult, but I think I can handle that. I've always found spreading disappointment second nature!
Oy, thanks a lot, mate. I'd go into how much of a bloody great help you've been, but I feel like that'd be kind of soppy and, as we all know, I'm a big steely-hearted manly man who refuses to show any emotion other than raging, testosterone-fueled anger.
I can't wait for your spin-off, though, seriously. I've seen so few snippets of your writing, and it's all bloody great.
Keeeeeeeeeeey, get permiiiiiiissssiiioooon
(butactuallytakeyourtimeyou'llprobablybuggerupifyourush) -
Congrats! (nm) by
on 2016-12-23 04:21:00 UTC
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So I checked very thoroughly that I wasn't dreaming. by
on 2016-12-23 00:16:00 UTC
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I didn't trust a simple pinch, so I moved on to bashing my knee against a table.
I didn't trust that, so I bashed my outstretched arm with a mallet.
I didn't trust that, so I went at my toes with the lawnmower.
I did things of this nature a bit longer, and when I had finished extinguishing the last fire from the pile of sludge and ashes that used to be my house, and removed the javelin from my chest, I had finally concluded that this is, in fact, reality.
I'm very happy about this, in case you couldn't tell.
Looks like I'll need to learn how to use Wikis!
Congrats! *all the chocolate!* (nm) by
on 2016-12-23 17:27:00 UTC
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on 2016-12-22 23:32:00 UTC
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BALLOONS! CAKE! ICE CREAM! CONFETTI! HAVE IT ALL! Blows noisemaker. I knew you could do it! Way to go!
Congrats. by
on 2016-12-22 23:21:00 UTC
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And here is a gift: a self-updating guidebook of all the deathtraps in the multiverse.
May your spinoff be long and eventful. -
Ooh- excellent! by
on 2016-12-22 20:37:00 UTC
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Congrats to you, Larfen-- you've definitely earned it. Well, probably, from the perspective of my extraordinarily limited experience, anyway.
By which I mean I liked it. And so did the people who actually know what they're doing.
Well done. -
Herp a derp derp. by
on 2016-12-22 20:36:00 UTC
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Forgot to mark off one more check on the list: PPC knowledge. You're good here, too, but I'd like to say as such here for completion's sake. I iz a derp.
Hail to him! by
on 2016-12-22 20:27:00 UTC
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Welcome to the order, Sir Stockins! May this Mask of Comedy serve thee well!
*Larfen J. Stocke,esq Obtained one (1) Mask of Comedy -
Well, you earned it, mate! by
on 2016-12-22 20:26:00 UTC
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Congratulations. Here's your prize!
A barrel of Industrial Sprinkles! They SAY it's not for consumption... but when did it stop us? -
The wild hunter is most pleased! by
on 2016-12-22 20:26:00 UTC
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Congratulations, Lawfen. With your skill and daring, I am certain that you will become a legend among the knights of Plort! This calls for a celebratory troll hunt!
(In other words, congratulations! *tosses Spikes*) -
Hat is not on. by
on 2016-12-22 06:32:00 UTC
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I don't feel like I can take a proper look because I'm all addled on sleep meds at the moment, but I'd like to put in my two cents. I've seen Maz and Yocherry interact a lot in the Rudi's RP on the Discord channel and I really enjoy getting to pair up with them; they're a cool duo as far as I'm concerned.
Best of luck to you, Larf! -
Oy, no worries. by
on 2016-12-22 06:35:00 UTC
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Can't be helped, eh?
Yet Another Newbie Post (aka Lurker Revealed) by
on 2016-12-22 16:23:00 UTC
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Well hello everybody, I am KimchiRamen, though I also go around as AthrinAmrepyh (or just Athrin when it's not taken), but you can call me any nickname that you wish. A few years ago I discovered the PPC via TVtropes, started reading in this month last year and became a lurker ever since I finished the original series in the same month.
This will be the first time I'm going to actually join a forum. That is mostly what has been keeping me from joining for I haven't been directly interacting through the internet for a long time (with two exceptions, one consisted of me embarrassing myself), and I am scared to do so as I am too used to being an outsider that's just "there". But right now, I really want to remedy it, and I managed to gather enough of my rapidly fleeting drive and motivation to face my anxiety and take my first step. Hopefully, I can find what I am looking for within this community and I won't end up doing anything terrible.
Alright, enough of that stuff and onto introducing myself.
I am not Korean, I am a male faux Filipino attempting to cherish my time here in Nevada.
Yes, I have read the constitution and, like I said, the original series, along with the FAQs and the guides.
Among my fandoms, whether my knowledge of it is either sufficient or incomplete, and even though maybe just one of these actually is a fandom; my most prominent would probably be: Half-Life(too late to do even two worthwhile things with this knowledge) and its spin-offs; Steins;Gate, The World Ends With You, The Sea of Trolls, and several webcomics. I'm also in the middle of Discworld, The Redwall Trilogy, The Dresden Files, Monster Musume(what am I doing with my life), a multitude of other webcomics and contemplating on if I should continue The Last Apprentice.
I am also a user of another wiki, the Bad Webcomics Wiki (Warning: Contains swearing and NSFW/NSFB content), a webcomic criticism site. All in all, my current hobbies include playing mobile games, occasionally LoL, reading, lurking in corners, watching videos on youtube, cooking, routine practice and doing minor (or "minor") edits in both your wiki and the BWWin perpetual fear that I might mess up terribly. I'm also self-training regularly in art under these free drawing lessons.
Lastly, I am requesting admission to the sib program under House Kind Words and a Two-by-Four. With a webcomic criticism site as my current home, it should come as no surprise that I am interested in writing my own reviews, or just writing in general, and I would like to have someone help me in my learning process.
Well, I finally did it. I'm sorry if the post is too long, I hope that I didn't miss any questions, I apologize if I made anyone paranoid from lurking in Discord that day and I must thank you all for the strong presence of this community. -
Welcome to Creation, here's your shovel. by
on 2016-12-26 15:19:00 UTC
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This magical shovel digs up revisions to the Interspecies Cultural Exchange Laws! You might want to get these to Kuroko Smith.
YouÂ… you noticed me? by
on 2016-12-29 18:00:00 UTC
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And I thought I already reached my maximum number of greetings, since this post was almost halfway down the page.
And the fact that I’m the first one you greeted two days after you got back… it’s flattering, really. You’re the main reason why I got into this Monmusu stuff, after all.
Thank you for the quality shovel of yours! It’s a pleasure to receive a magical shovel from the master himself. Especially one concerning the Interspecies Cultural Exchange laws. I’ll check in with Mrs. Smith as soon as I can. -
*Snatches Mrs. Smith* ...yeah, sorry about that. (nm) & (nm) by
on 2016-12-29 18:08:00 UTC
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Hiya! by
on 2016-12-23 16:29:00 UTC
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Welcome, KR! I only just joined - I can say from personal experience over the last four days that you have nothing to fear as far as shunning and hate goes. Now, for your Newbie Gift:
Have a full set of dice! All of your favourite shapes: d3/4 (none of us can agree on that one's name, but it's the pyramidal one), d6, d8, two d10s, d12, and the all-important d20. Have fun making decisions with these! (Or killing monsters. That's a function too.) -
Ey, fellow newbie! by
on 2016-12-24 18:56:00 UTC
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Based on what I’ve seen out of a year of lurking, you’re right.
What really worries me to this moment, though, is that I’m joining a community as an individual with rudimentary social experience under a kind of isolation. I’m more worried about what mistakes I might end up doing while I learn what it’s like to be part of a group like this, and what might happen as a result.
I hope that I can learn to be a real part of a community, and make as little mess-ups as I possibly can in the meantime.
But at least I'm not the only one, I can now learn along with other fellow newbies.
Thank you for the dice set! I may not have any plans to roleplay or play any tabletops yet, but I’ll put them to good use. -
*Throws Confetti* by
on 2016-12-23 15:57:00 UTC
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Welcome to the PPC! For your newbie gift, have an infinite stack of paper, along with this infinite pencil, for all your sketching needs!
Welcome! Enjoy your stay! -
Art tools! by
on 2016-12-24 18:55:00 UTC
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Thank you SO so much for the infinite pencil and papers! Now I can finally draw, write & craft planes/origami without worrying about running out of either material!
Don’t worry, I’ll appreciate my time here. -
Ooo a bad Webcomics person. by
on 2016-12-23 04:24:00 UTC
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I love that site and it's an entertaining read and great place to find stuff to confuse and give laughs to my friends.
Yup! by
on 2016-12-24 18:55:00 UTC
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I may not be a forum poster there yet, but they likely know about my existence.
That wiki was the first one I joined under this name and the first I edited for.
Heck, the wiki even, in a way, changed my life for the better. The wiki inadvertently: got me into reading more webcomics, made me interested in reviewing, introduced me to Riiser (possibly my favorite youtuber of all time), inspired me to start learning how to draw and even got me into actually checking out the PPC. My hobbies took a major turn, and I am thankful for the resulting improvements.
Happy to know you and your friends enjoy their content, it’s always nice to know others who like what they do.
If you are still around the thread, can you share what some of your favorite reviews are, please? -
Ooooh, strong presence? by
on 2016-12-23 00:31:00 UTC
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Why, thank you!
I pride myself on it.
Funnily enough, the PPC was the first forum I joined, too! What a wondrous welcome to internet communities, oy?
Also, I dunno what you mean by 'faux' Filipino, but I've got a but of real Filipino knocking around my veins, so we've got that, too!
You speak any Tagalog, or some such?
I don't!
My gift upon you is: a comically oversized fork. So you can both eat yourself, and drive rage through the blood of nearby chopstick users!
Welcome! -
Ah, the sandwich. by
on 2016-12-24 18:54:00 UTC
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This was your first forum, too? The PPC sure is a great place to get started, huh?
And as for being a ‘faux Filipino’, I’m just saying that I’m not entirely a good example as a Filipino person. I may be a pureblood, but I lived in the US for most of my life, where I didn’t learn so much about the culture of my blood race. I may understand enough of the basics of Tagalog and Bisaya to hold a simple conversation to somebody speaking either one if they also understand English, but I can’t really speak either so well partly due to me mixing them up when I try to speak in one. I don’t even have any county pride to speak of.
So, you’re part Filipino?
Thanks for the giant fork. I may have other ways to eat myself, and chopsticks may be my appendages (making any attempt to anger those people pointless), but I’ll find a good use for this big fat fork. -
Oh, that's a faux Filipino, then? by
on 2016-12-24 23:59:00 UTC
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Well. I suppose I'm one, too!
You, honestly, seem more real than I. I can't even understand Tagalog!
Not pureblood, either. Only one parent, and whatnot.
I mean, I dunno. I don't particularly consider myself a Filipino. I just stick with 'Australian,' y'know?
Supposed to be all multicultural, and whatnot. -
Yeah, you got a point. by
on 2016-12-29 18:00:00 UTC
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I just feel bad that I’m not as ethnically attuned as I’m supposed to be.
At least you you have the excuse of being mixed offspring and (I presume) not staying in any Filipino province for more than a month or two.
I, however, somehow managed to survive through five years in the Philippines like this partially due to superior help and dumb luck. And my brother can speak Bisaya, too.
But yeah, I guess you’re right. I do have more knowledge of the culture than a few others, I just don’t think it’s enough. -
I'm also faux Dutch! (nm) by
on 2016-12-25 00:00:00 UTC
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on 2016-12-22 19:47:00 UTC
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Aside from one of my own shed feathers, have a living replica tiny Suu! Perfect for slimy snuggles, waste disposal, and cleaning up your hardwood floor!
Well, fan in-progress. by
on 2016-12-24 18:54:00 UTC
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I only finished the first volume and it’ll take some time before I can pick up the next one, I still need to renew the address on my library card.
I’m actually surprised that I enjoyed it, I usually dislike this kind of genre.
Thank you for the metal feathers and the Mini-Suu! I’ll take good care of them. *pats Mini-Suu* -
Welcome! by
on 2016-12-22 19:14:00 UTC
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I'll gladly adopt you as my Little Sib; my username is clickable, so talk to me whenever.
Good to hear you've done all the required reading. Here's a strawberry tart! -
Big Sib! by
on 2016-12-24 18:54:00 UTC
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Your email’s saved on my notes now.
It’ll take a while until I can contact you, though. I’m just about to make another email, and I will send a message from the new email to you when I’m done.
Thank you for the strawberry tart and the adoption, I look forward to writing with you. -
Hello newbie. by
on 2016-12-22 16:56:00 UTC
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I remember seeing you on Discord, and some of your edits. Happy to learn you finally jumped onBoard. Let's celebrate this with a pot of black-hole coffee.
Hardric! by
on 2016-12-24 18:53:00 UTC
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Thank you for sharing your coffee!
So you remember, huh? I still feel bad about those edits regarding your second mission, and I really appreciated your reply.
It feels nice to finally get to putting it behind me now. Cheers! -
Newbie! *glomp* *poke* by
on 2016-12-22 16:50:00 UTC
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Hello, and welcome aBoard! For your newbie gift, take this plate of freshly-made SPaGhetti!
Glad to see you've finally decided to stop lurking and join us—we saw you on the Discord channel before and had no idea who you were, and frankly you made a few of us nervous! :P Glad to see that nervousness was unfounded, and that you finally decided to say hi.
Also glad to see you've done the recommended reading! As for possible other PPC stuff for you to read... have a list of my favorites!
Hope you like it here and decide to stick around. :) -
Yeah, sorry about that. by
on 2016-12-24 18:53:00 UTC
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That time I decided to check into Discord to check the state of the community. I didn’t want to cause a mood whiplash from introducing myself in the event you folks were in despair…
…and ended up making things worse by drawing suspicion to myself.
But now I can finally work towards removing the suspicion I have on me, and that’s what I’m willing to do!
Anyway, thank you so much for the fresh SPaGhetti and the rec list! I’ll try to binge the ones I haven’t read yet, and I’ll see if I can use the SPaGhetti to improve my noodles and my writing.
Boo. Returning oldbie and Discord nonsense! by
on 2016-12-23 01:40:00 UTC
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Hello! I guess I'm returning here. Sorta. Even though I never really thought of myself as having left. I don't really have any plans to return to doing missions, but I still think of the PPC as a good place to improve one's writing ability, and I want to get back into doing that.
I've been hanging out on the Discord channel for several days, and am likely going to mostly be hanging out on there.
Speaking of Discord, I have noticed that we're getting more and more people in the channel, and there are just a few mods there that can't cover it all the time. I'd be interested in helping out with the moderators on the channel, as I have experience administrating and dealing with metaphorical cat herds.
Seriously, you'd be surprised how much like a herd of cats corporate employees can be. -
Welcome Back! (nm) by
on 2016-12-23 15:59:00 UTC
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Generally in favour by
on 2016-12-23 13:30:00 UTC
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I do think that Maslab would make a pretty good mod, from what I've seen of him in the last few days, especially in terms of being a mediator and defusing arguments. But PoorCynic's got a point here, and I think it would be good for you to gain some more experience with the PPC channel first.
Hey by
on 2016-12-23 04:23:00 UTC
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Also to be honest,I myself don't know how to get into discord. I want to join it but I really don't know how.
Click this link by
on 2016-12-23 04:50:00 UTC
Link to this or add the server to your discord client with that
As lovely as it is to see people return... by
on 2016-12-23 04:18:00 UTC
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...I am not currently in favor of your becoming one of the Discord mods. Not immediately, anyway. I would prefer to see you go through some sort of acclimation period; to get more properly acquainted with chat regulars as well as the general atmosphere. This is not the same beast as the old IRC. Time changes everything, even if only in little ways.
Give it a month or two. Then I might be more inclined to say okay. -
A fair point! by
on 2016-12-23 21:00:00 UTC
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One I don't necessarily disagree with either. I'm very cool with hanging out more before modship and whatnot.
I'd be in favor of Maslab as a mod. by
on 2016-12-23 02:10:00 UTC
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He's already helped defuse some arguments over the last few days.
Also, glad to see you're finally rejoining us on the Board. :)
A writing prompt by
on 2016-12-23 13:55:00 UTC
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The Tropes are hungry, the hero is in the wrong story.
(Some of you may recognize this. I didn't come up with it, I found it in the blue pit of despair and thought it would be interesting to see what people do with it.) -
If I may ask... by
on 2016-12-23 14:03:00 UTC
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Who are you, exactly?
Oh well by
on 2016-12-25 20:48:00 UTC
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I had hoped this would turn out like the last anonymous writing prompt. People would have fun with it, then after a while the prompter (myself in this case, Nesh last time) would reveal themselves, and normally I would wait more than two and a half days, but the board is moving quickly and it won't be long before this gets buried.
I...don't remember that Nesh's thing was a prompt? by
on 2016-12-26 00:04:00 UTC
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Wasn't that a thing where she made it clear that she was posting anonymously to get our unbiased opinions on a piece she had written based on a challenge? It was a somewhat different thing, wherein the anonymity was explained. I don't actually completely get why you wanted this to be anonymous.
~DF, who's coming from a 3-hour party that isn't actually over yet, so I'm sorry if I sound a bit sharp. I'm getting tired. -
You are correct it seems. by
on 2016-12-26 06:26:00 UTC
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The "prompt" in the title threw me off I suppose. As for why anonymous, two reasons: one, I thought that anonymous prompts were a thing that was done here (which I suppose means I haven't been lurking aso closely as I thought prior to actually joining) and two, I wanted people to have fun with the prompt and see what they could come up with, without any bias from my name being attached, since I know people aren't terribly fond of me, though I do hope that will eventually change.
A christmas present from me to you. by
on 2016-12-23 20:43:00 UTC
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Or three, or... technically seven presents!
First up (to be appreciated by a handful of you, and fully appreciated probably by none), hot off the presses of the Nutmeg media empire:
Tengwablocks - Tinco Attan (T for Two), a children's book for Quenya speakers. In this short work - written in Quenya (Tengwar and Latin letters) and English (just Latin letters) - the Tengwablocks teach young kids in HQ all about the special dual form of nouns.
Second up, or indeed second through sixth... a few days ago Iximaz asked for more slice-of-life stories with the Illian family. That reminded me that for a decade now I've had a set of short stories sitting around covering the period just after Dafydd and Constance's retirement. I hunted them down, cleaned them up, and present the series now for your debatable pleasure: Envinyata.
1 - Cultural Exchange
2 - Narrative Voice
3 - Aesthetic Viewpoint
4 - Religious Dissent
5 - Wedded Bliss
They span a year, from just after After Midnight to a few months before Tanfin was born. After the holidays, I may move some of The End of the Beginning into Envinyata, and sort out a hub page for the series too. We'll see if I remember. ^_^
Finally, and maintaining the elvish theme: I worked up a new timeline for the Illian family. It's fairly rough-looking, but it lets you choose which character you want to see dates/stories for. (It does, however, contain a spoiler for the first Envinyata story, so don't look if you mind that.)
Again, I'll probably clean the timeline up later, but I felt it was worth sharing at this point. It uses Javascript, but should just show everything if you've got that disabled, so no loss there.
I know this flood of Dafydd isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it's what I've got done. So Merry Christmas, one and all.
hS -
Read everything but the timeline, and... by
on 2016-12-25 17:04:00 UTC
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I think it's all excellent :D
The stories are sweet to touching to funny; I could really, seriously see shades of Maglor in...I think it was the one Kaitlyn wrote; and they were overall just very enjoyable to read. As for Tengwablocks, I'm impressed you put so much Quenya together (how long did it take you?) and I think the story is adorable. I'd totally read more. (I also think that if you made one for a widely spoken language it might sell, assuming a different language version could keep the charm of the Quenya one...just a thought.)
Anyway. This was all great fun to read. Thanks for sharing it with us!
~DF -
And: thank you! ^_^ by
on 2016-12-28 07:42:00 UTC
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Speaking of secrets... my wife is genuinely a much better character writer than me. She just doesn't actually write anything any more. Which personally I think is a right shame.
PS: It didn't take that long. I could churn out 2-3 pages of writing (including the translation and Tengwar) in a day, and did all the pictures in 2-3 days. I just had a few breaks in the middle. ^_~
hS -
Let you in on a secret? by
on 2016-12-25 17:12:00 UTC
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hS, fanficcer at heart -
*facepalm* figures by
on 2016-12-26 00:07:00 UTC
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On the plus side, I was right! :D It *is* a marketable idea!
~DF -
A question on Letters by
on 2016-12-24 02:05:00 UTC
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On page 6 (where Tinco meets Silma and Ore at the multiple rivers), the black Tengwablock has what looks like a dotless right-side-up question mark on his head. But on the next page, its "question mark" is upside down. Was that a drawing error, or does that have something to do with the way that letter works in Quenya?
Also, comparing the English with the Quenya, it seems that vowels are notated as a series of dots above the consonants. Would I be correct to surmising that the Quenya writing system is an abjad, i.e., that Quenya is consonants-only and the vowels are optional, like in Hebrew or Arabic?
--SOH176, whose mastery of languages clearly does not extend to the various Elvish languages -
You knew I'd have answers. by
on 2016-12-24 12:00:00 UTC
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The Silma (black letter, S) has two forms. The basic form is actually the upside-down version, while the question-mark should be used when there's a vowel over it. Which means that it IS a drawing error - I managed to get them precisely backwards!
You're right about vowels being the marks above (they're called tehtar, singular tehta), but they aren't optional. Well, that's not quite true: the A (three dots) is optional in Quenya. That's because it's the most common vowel, and the rules of forming Quenya words are strict enough that you can usually say there should be a vowel there. Example: if you wrote 'clm' in Tengwar, a Quenya-speaker would know that 'clam' and 'calm' aren't valid words. That would mean the only interpretations are 'calma' and 'calama' - and 'calma' means 'lamp'.
hS -
Oooh, excellent! by
on 2016-12-23 21:20:00 UTC
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I'm a bit busy at the moment, but I can't wait to read the new stuff!
(Also, the children's book is adorable... I might have to use it in the future. The very, very far future.) -
Now that I've read them... by
on 2016-12-24 17:17:00 UTC
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The first one, I d'awwed quite a bit at the end. And then was overcome with a strong desire to feed Dafydd marshmallows and give him hugs. (But I doubt he'd appreciate that much...) I did think it was a bit odd, though, that Constance went from "Dude, you need to stop hiding our relationship from everyone" to "Wanna get married?" but maybe that's just me.
The second one: very amusing scene right off the bat, with Dafydd stealing the chocolate bar. (Do Elves have chocolate? Now I'm curious if they do, and if not, what Dafydd's first reaction to it was...) And yay, fourth wall breaking! Always fun. Nice amusing vignette I'm sure I'll want to read again in the future.
Third one: I'm sorry, I started cracking up at Constance mentioning not liking trees. It reminded me too much of Anakin's hate for sand. That ending, though... *waggles eyebrows* Very cute. I liked it.
Fourth story! It took me a moment to figure out what was going on. And then I laughed, though I can't help but wonder why Dafydd thought playing the song in the first place was a good idea...
Last but not least, the, er, last. Not much to say about this one other than d'awww. Cute and fluffy. :)
(Side note, I went back and reread After Midnight and found a missing period: "Dafydd, you were dead")
All in all... a very nice Christmas present indeed. -
Thank you! ^_^ by
on 2016-12-28 07:38:00 UTC
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(... Star Wars reference... :(...)
Re: the first one - well, bear in mind this was ten years ago, who knows what was going through my mind? But I think Constance was aiming for 'put up or shut up'. Also, he was clearly struggling to find the words to ask her to marry him - she just fed him the line.
But I agree that it's probably the weakest of the five - it struggles too much with needing to infodump LaCE at the lot of you. Bad storycrafting (and it was worse in the original version), but again, it's been a decade...
If you've any suggestions for improving it, I'd be glad to hear them - and given how key a moment it is in their timeline, I might even edit to accommodate them.
PS: Chocolate is either a native product of the Undying Lands, or a Numenorean Exilic discovery from after the changing of the World. But that's cocoa. True chocolate is no older than 150 years, and Dafydd didn't actually encounter it until 1907. His mind was suitably blown, and he developed quite the addiction for about 10 years (until he ran into jewelled chocolate and promptly had some very nasty flashbacks...).
hS -
"I hate trees. They're coarse, and rough, and the sap..." by
on 2016-12-25 16:57:00 UTC
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"...gets everywhere..."
Disclaimer: I've never to my memory seen more than a gif of that scene. Maybe a clip, but I doubt it. It amuses me anyway :D
Greetings, Salutations, and Other Welcoming Words by
on 2016-12-23 21:11:00 UTC
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Hello and greetings to you all! As you have most probably noticed, I am referring to myself as Loremaster Yn'Taris. If you want to make it a bit shorter (because even I'll admit that 'Loremaster Yn'Taris' is a bit of a mouthful. Keyboardful. Whatever.), then I'll be perfectly fine with the 'Loremaster' bit being dropped. Or some strange and peculiar derivation being adopted. Either one is fine.
Anyways, my sister (whom you may know as Calliope) recommended this place to me, and I responded by saying something to the basic effect of 'Sure, that sounds fun!'. Some days later, I then found myself sitting here typing this message you are now reading. Funny ole world, isn't it?
As for which fandoms I consider myself a member/participant/creepy stalker of, it is primarily the Elder Squirrels Series (better known as Elder Scrolls, for some strange and peculiar reason), as well as, more peripherally, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Trek (Mostly Voyager, but even then I'm only at the beginning of Season 3. No spoilers!), Dwarf Fortress, EVE Online, and the Paradox Grand Strategy games. There are also probably a fair few that I can't remember off the top of my head, but we don't talk about those.
For entertainment, I enjoy:
Gaming (semi-casually)
Walking in Circles
Talking in strange accents and dialects
Pretending to be someone I'm not
Plotting to take over the world
Dismissing my plots to take over the world
Relentlessly mocking everyone and everything near me.
Including myself in the aforementioned mockery.
Browsing TvTropes
And more, but I've already put more than enough here, I think.
As far as just how active I'm likely to be here, I do tend to hover at the periphery of any group I'm a part of, occasionally making a sarcastic quip or two, and relentlessly poking fun at anything and everything nearby, including myself. Especially myself. In short, I'm the creepy guy who only ever says anything to be sarcastic about something (When I'm not going into Human Encyclopedia mode, that is. Again, we don't talk about that. Except for when we do.)
Anywho, I'm going to go ahead and quit while I'm ahead and (hopefully) before I make a fool of myself, and go ahead and post this. I shall now end this post in an awkward fashion, because I suck at writing conclusions. Always have, probably always will. [Insert Overly Dramatic Sigh Here] Ah, well. Such is the life of Yn'Taris. -
Hello and How do you Do! by
on 2016-12-25 13:14:00 UTC
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Welcome to the PPC Board! For your newbie gift, have this guitar! It can magically calm dragons when a lullaby is played on it.
Welcome to the PPC! Enjoy your stay! -
Welcome, welcome, welcome! by
on 2016-12-24 14:15:00 UTC
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Here's a Ravenclaw scarf, some seed cakes, and a copy of your favorite in-universe book from Elder Scrolls! Also, if you haven't already read the Original Series and Constitution, I strongly advise you to do so.
Oh! Another Elder Squirrels fan! by
on 2016-12-24 01:10:00 UTC
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Tell me, my friend, which one was your favourite?
Was it Squirrelrim, perhaps? Where the gameplay involved eating everything in sight, to build up fat to survive the cold?
Squirrelblivion? I wasn't too fond of that, and all the acorns looked too blurry.
Or how about Squirrelwind?
Or maybe you like the classics? Elder Squirrels Squirena? Squirrelfall?
Well, I know exactly what gift to give you! I bestow upon you: a squirrel-sized mallet. For breaking open those acorns, without munting your teeth! Yeah!
Welcome, mate. The legion of sarcastic ponces who don't ultimately add all that much gladly welcomes you in! -
Welcome aBoard! by
on 2016-12-23 22:29:00 UTC
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Aside from one of my own shed feathers and a complimentary kit of Spikes, have a working Golden Snitch with a Pokeball engraving and a replica One Ring that totally doesn't make you invisible!
Hello newbie. by
on 2016-12-23 21:33:00 UTC
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Please have a bag of black-hole chocolates to celebrate. Guess you know all the basics by now, so welcome to the madhouse.
Ooh, chocolate! by
on 2016-12-23 21:40:00 UTC
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I'm usually not one for chocolate, but when it comes with black holes, I'm all in!
Bad-dum, tss! -
Guess What? by
on 2016-12-23 21:23:00 UTC
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I have been giving the honor of presenting you with your Discord Invite! -
Discord by
on 2016-12-23 21:30:00 UTC
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This calls for a celebration! Cheese for everyone! Actually, wait, no, scratch that. Cheese for no-one! That can be just as much of a celebration, if you don't like cheese!
Sheogorath no. by
on 2016-12-23 21:54:00 UTC
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Get out of my brother.
'Tis a sibling newbie! by
on 2016-12-23 21:20:00 UTC
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Welcome! Pull up a beanbag and make yourself comfortable. (Word of advise, avoid the wall rug. It's made of a skunk...'s butt)
Now, I should have something for you somewhere... Hold on... Oh!
I need to make more Infinite Pizza for the future, but I hope a barrel of Industrial Sprinkles is okay for now. -
Skunk Butt Rug by
on 2016-12-23 21:27:00 UTC
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Ah, but the Skunk Butt Rugs are the most delightfully scented rugs ever put forth by man, mer, or beast. I hear that they make most wonderful gifts for arctic shrews.
As for the sprinkles, I'm sure that I can find some... interesting applications for them. -
Sadly... by
on 2016-12-23 21:23:00 UTC
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Tar-Tar has never Gravity Falls-ed. The glory of this reference is lost on him.
Newbie! *glomp* *poke* by
on 2016-12-23 21:17:00 UTC
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Hello, and welcome aBoard! For your newbie gift, take this plate of freshly-made SPaGhetti!
We've been waiting for you to show up ever since Calli mentioned you would be. Mind if I call you Lore?
Glad to have you with us at last! -
Tasty by
on 2016-12-23 21:21:00 UTC
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Many thanks, Iximaz. Spaghetti is, in fact one of my preferred dishes, and I shall quite enjoy consuming it.
I have also been informed that it represents, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. This is also highly appreciated, and shall be consumed as well. I shall take it in my hand and put it in my face-mouth. -
Brother! by
on 2016-12-23 21:15:00 UTC
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I'm so proud of you! So, since I joined before you, I'd love to have the honor of giving you your first Newbie Gift!
Have a full set of dice! All of your favourite shapes: d3, d6, d8, two d10s, d12, and the all-important d20. Have fun making decisions with these! (Or killing monsters. That's a function too.)
You DID need another d10, didn;t you? -
I need to proofread my messages better. by
on 2016-12-23 21:17:00 UTC
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That semicolon in the middle of a word was meant to be an apostrophe.
Two questions, for each and every one of you. by
on 2016-12-24 03:48:00 UTC
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- Which PPC mission which you have either written or helped co-write, if any, are you most proud of? And
2. Which is your absolute favorite mission published by anyone except yourself?
I figured since the end of this godawful year is nigh, I'd take a bit of an informal census, so yeah.
For me personally, while I do enjoy most if not all of my missions, my personal Crowning Moment of Awesome as a PPC writer will always be my very first posted mission, "Connecting the Dots" (I can't do links on mobile, sadly :c). Not just for sentimental reasons but also because it represents a momentous occasion in my history as a writer. Up to this point I had never really published any story which would've been added to the official continuity of any long-lasting community, nor had I gotten a beta reader for any of my writing. This mission changed all of that. On top of this, it also represents closure for my turbulent history on the Internet, sort of - I felt I owed it to myself to spork my old shame, to atone not only as a writer, but as a person as well. (I mean, I was a horribly immature and reckless @ssh@t when I co-wrote that fic in the first place, so...) Plus, I got two awesome agents out of it, so I suppose there's that, too!
My favorite mission written by someone else is, of course, "Ring Child" by Neshomeh and Tungsten Monk. The character interaction between two amazing agent teams was fantastic to read, and their antics and arguing more than made up for how utterly horrifying the original fic was. Plus, that mission is the reason why Ficubi (and E.V.L. by extension) exist! Hilarious read, great pacing, and a solid ending, complete with Bad End taking up half of DoSAT.
- Which PPC mission which you have either written or helped co-write, if any, are you most proud of? And
Re: Two questions, for each and every one of you. by
on 2016-12-24 17:49:00 UTC
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I think I'm most proud of the cowrite we did with James Shields. I got to explore my characters a little bit, something my solo missions tend to lack, and now I have some ideas for Violet's gemsona that I could explore if I do a Steven Universe fic in the future. Plus, I find cowrites more fun than writing a mission solo in general.
As far as my favorite mission ever? If I had to choose, I'd say Sergio Turbo's Blank Sprite, for the same reasons he said it was his favorite. -
Alright... by
on 2016-12-24 17:47:00 UTC
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1°), Wrong Start. Yeah, I had some problems with it, but that was my first one, and I was rather proud of finally writing my onw PPC missons. Closely behind is He Burns.
2°) Well, since you cheat by asking us only one mission out of all the ones here we like, allow me to cheat back by giving the whole Rose Potter series. RinArin is still my favorite agent, and this mission is just one big cornerstore in her and Zeb's story. -
A couple of thoughts. by
on 2016-12-24 14:06:00 UTC
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1) Ein Fröhliche Weihnachten mit Doktor Trollenfisch und Gabrielle! (Link.)
I'm a comedian. This is not blowing my own horn - I do standup, and have done on and off for years, and I'm pretty good at it. Fröhliche Weihnachten is just about the funniest thing I've ever written, at least in part because I bounced off of Iximaz so well. This is the mission wherein I took on a Legendary Badfic by accident, and rather than make it all about how infamously bad it is, it's mostly about the Doktor und Gabrielle and building their character through sharing a very, very stupid fic. I reckon that's a good way to do it.
2) ... I plead the Fifth. (Link not here.)
It's really hard for me to pick a favourite from the stuff I've read. Anything from Driftwood, Derik and Gall's missions, mid-period JulyFlame... it's all excellent stuff, and frankly I don't want to pick a favourite. What I love most about the PPC is that it's all shared; the individual missions all serve to build a massive, sprawling world-and-mirror-of-worlds that enhances every subsequent mission after it. This is a wonderful setting in which to write, and I'm proud and honoured to be a part of it. =] -
An addendum: by
on 2016-12-24 14:03:00 UTC
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Those of you who haven't published anything yet, or haven't gotten Permission, are still free to answer Question 2. This is a question about your favorite mission you've ever read, after all!
*tidies up the mini-Agent* (nm) by
on 2016-12-24 14:07:00 UTC
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*Mini-Boarder, I should say. (nm) by
on 2016-12-24 14:07:00 UTC
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Re: Missions by
on 2016-12-24 13:28:00 UTC
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- Well, my least favorite of my three is "The Adventure of the Misplaced Musical Miscreant". I didn't really get to work with the canon much, as the badfic pretty much forced me to focus on the OCs. It came out all right, for what it is, but I'll have to come back to the Holmesverse someday and do a proper mission. My other two missions come a lot closer to the kind of mission I really like, exploring the canon world outside the parameters of the fic.
2. Honestly, I've never really thought about a single favorite mission. There are too many, and too much variety of style and cleverness between them. I don't think I can really answer this. Sorry!
- Well, my least favorite of my three is "The Adventure of the Misplaced Musical Miscreant". I didn't really get to work with the canon much, as the badfic pretty much forced me to focus on the OCs. It came out all right, for what it is, but I'll have to come back to the Holmesverse someday and do a proper mission. My other two missions come a lot closer to the kind of mission I really like, exploring the canon world outside the parameters of the fic.
Hm. by
on 2016-12-24 11:03:00 UTC
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I think my best mission is Of Course I Still Love You. My favourite mission of all time is Sue be Nimble, Sue be Fast, the PPC’s coming to kick your – by Insanegrrl.
Let's see... by
on 2016-12-24 10:07:00 UTC
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I'm not sure it qualifies as it's not exactly a mission and it's still ongoing, but I'd say Blank Sprite. Why? Because I've come up with something very complex on meta level, and turns out I'm actually making it work.
On normal missions, it's a draw between Legendary Illogic (cowritten with Firemagic), because we found a way to hoist an extremely powerful Sue with her own petards (and we had fun deliberately keeping every charge to see if it could reach record chargelist lenght. IT DID... and ended up being an hassle to read as a result), and An Overabundance of Turbochargers and Cherry Flowers, because... well, I've missioned an old shame of mine. Makes me feel much better about Avalon: Last Rebel having ever esisted, especially since I got a second chance to write the characters from it RIGHT by recruiting them.
Favourite mission by somebody else?... But I like ALL OF THEM! Ahem, let's see. I think it might be All Through With This Niceness and Negotiation Stuff, by Desdendelle, Firemagic and Maslab, because of the sheer determination the Boarders and their Agents needed to get through that terrible trainwreck, and how the Agents used every single bit of their skills to get it done. You can feel how desperate their stuggle is. Well done, guys. Well done. -
Oh that's easy: by
on 2016-12-24 07:44:00 UTC
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1) My own writings suck. Bad. I'm not proud of any of it. The closest runner is Hip and Hop's first mission - "Lady and the Tramp: Jurassic Edition". As for co-writes, I've only done one with eatpraylove - "Canon's Bane" - and one interlude cameo with Ixi so... that's it.
2) Oh that's also easy... The absolute favourite is the Holy Grail of Appropriately Ironic Assassinations - "He Was Practically Asking For It" by our one and only Ixi of the Mazes. -
Two answers! by
on 2016-12-24 04:32:00 UTC
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- I'd have to say my favorite mission to write was "What's Latin for You Suck?" with Neshomeh. Partly because I was still an ickle newbie and kinda hero-worshipped her at the time and was all "Woo I'm working with Nesh!" and mostly because I think it turned out supremely well. *finishes tooting own horn*
2. Is it any surprise I'm gonna mention Nesh for this one as well? "The Dark Side", cowritten with Phobos, is hands-down my favorite mission, though "Harry Potter and the Dragonriders of Pern" is a close second.
- I'd have to say my favorite mission to write was "What's Latin for You Suck?" with Neshomeh. Partly because I was still an ickle newbie and kinda hero-worshipped her at the time and was all "Woo I'm working with Nesh!" and mostly because I think it turned out supremely well. *finishes tooting own horn*
Exalted, anyone? by
on 2016-12-24 17:13:00 UTC
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Voyd is talking to me about the game. There's still a lot I don't know about it, but it seems perfect for text RPs. How many people here are into that?
I'd love to play! by
on 2016-12-26 16:37:00 UTC
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I don't know if it'll work out for me, though, given my work schedule. Plus, I was thinking of running a Pathfinder game, and I don't know if I'd have time for multiple games.
I Like Roleplays! (nm) by
on 2016-12-25 13:16:00 UTC
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Problem for you by
on 2016-12-25 14:23:00 UTC
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Exalted has very mature and explicit themes, and while the books aren't outright pornographic (aside from one they made for April Fool's), there are still a bunch of characters missing shirts.
Including women.
No, nothing covering them.
I'm just saying that, considering your requirements for Pathfinder, you probably wouldn't enjoy Exalted. -
Sadly, the format on the Other Board... by
on 2016-12-25 06:53:00 UTC
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...plays havoc with my poor easily confused brain. Executive dysfunction, ain't it fun. (No, it ain't.)
If we were to have something more sequential and less parallel-threading, I'd be happy to join, but not with the format on the Other Board. Sorry. -
I was thinking of using Skype or GHangouts' IM function. (nm) by
on 2016-12-25 14:19:00 UTC
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Would it be at a regular time, then, not a forum game? by
on 2016-12-25 16:05:00 UTC
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Though a realtime messenger doing it in the forum game style could be interesting...
It'd be realtime and regular, yes. by
on 2016-12-25 17:09:00 UTC
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Weekends is the hope.
And as EPL said, we need a Storyteller. That's what White Wolf (the publisher of Exalted) calls Game Masters. -
Weekends is... not a thing I can do, unfortunately. by
on 2016-12-25 19:23:00 UTC
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Saturday is somewhat irregular swapping between Pathfinder and D&D 5e, and Sunday I run Force and Destiny.
I wish you good luck, though! -
Addendum: We need a Storyteller. (nm) by
on 2016-12-24 19:36:00 UTC
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Sorry, very busy. by
on 2016-12-24 19:08:00 UTC
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This sounds like a lot of fun, but I don't have a lot of time during the week.
I could almost certainly spare some time on the weekend, tough. -
*raises a wing* by
on 2016-12-24 18:06:00 UTC
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I can't promise anything due to the house rules and such, but I've already gotten a few ideas for if and when I get to participate, since Voyd has been discussing this game with me as well. Not telling what yet, though, that'll ruin the surprise. ;)
Hey, all by
on 2016-12-24 20:46:00 UTC
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So I just got an iPhone 7 as an early Christmas present; unlike my 4S, it currently has no restrictions on it.
No clue how long that'll last, but I'm here for now. -
Voyd! by
on 2016-12-25 16:56:00 UTC
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So good to see you!
YOU LIVE! =D /Optional!HUGS by
on 2016-12-25 16:11:00 UTC
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As you can see, we are glad to have you back. ;)
Hola! by
on 2016-12-25 13:17:00 UTC
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Welcome back, for however long it may last! :)
Welcome back. by
on 2016-12-25 09:56:00 UTC
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Here are black-hole coffee and chocolates, pick your choice of treat. Hope this return will last.
*glomp* We will enjoy you while we have you! (nm) by
on 2016-12-25 07:32:00 UTC
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VOYD!! *glomp* by
on 2016-12-25 06:52:00 UTC
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Welcome back!
Though that's rather hypocritical of me, since I'm a lurker most of the time now. >_> -
Welcome back! by
on 2016-12-24 23:23:00 UTC
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(If I had something to say, it would go here)
on 2016-12-24 21:32:00 UTC
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I mean, I know we've been talking via IM, but still
Welcome back! (nm) by
on 2016-12-24 21:13:00 UTC
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Glad to have you back with us. :) (nm) by
on 2016-12-24 21:09:00 UTC
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Ready... Set... GLOMP! by
on 2016-12-24 21:09:00 UTC
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How's it goin' my man!? -
VOYD!!! *Glomp* *Boop* by
on 2016-12-24 21:06:00 UTC
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Welcome back! No matter how temporary! Have Cute Bunny!
Let the feast begin! by
on 2016-12-24 21:08:23 UTC
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This was going to be a banquet like no other. A giant field outside Tumblar was turned into a fair ground: long tables were almost breaking from the amount of food and drinks placed on them; on a giant stage minstrels and bards were getting ready to entertain the crowd with songs, stories, and jokes; there were different game stations as well - apple bobbing, ring toss, even the archery practice for the more daring of the Knights. Occasionally, one would spot a wooden pole, on which a purple banner would be mounted, bearing this symbol:
"It looks quite well, Sire," a chamberlain holding a quill and a notepad said. "I-I'm sure the noble guests will be pleased with this feast. Your position is bound to improve!"
Cipher grabbed one of the tankards from the table and smelled it. Sweet aroma, with a gentle hint of salt. The fine vintage of Ha'ter Rayge. The Merchant swiped some dust off of his fur coat and dismissed his servant. "Thank you, Basil. For now, let's put the politics aside." He looked over and gave the man a smile. "After all, it's a feast. Now, if you excuse me, I should go and welcome the first arrivals."
((Ladies and gentlemen, we are a go! Merry Christmas to all, and let's have some fun!))
A young woman in blue stood near one of the refreshment tables, watching the crowd. by
on 2016-12-25 02:57:30 UTC
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"Are you all right, my lady?" asked Miguel from her shoulder. "I can feel how nervous you are."
"I'm fine. I'm just not really one for parties," she said. "I came because Cipher was invaluable help when I visited Lotor, and I really need to get out more."
Miguel hmm'd. "Would hearing one of the minstrels or bards help your mood? I heard a rumor Ser Read was booked to perform here..."
eatpraylove smiled. She'd kept up regular correspondence with the knight, and considered him one of her closest friends in Plort. However, she had not yet heard him perform. "I do believe it would. What would I do without you, Miguel?"
"Stay holed up in your manor all day excepting quests, if you don't mind my saying so."
They both laughed, and joined the crowd in front of the nearest bard.
A masked young man quietly slipped into the crowd. by
on 2016-12-24 23:17:26 UTC
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He smiled a bit to himself. The mask really did help him feel less self-conscious, and it was well worth the effort he had spent making it in such a limited time frame. He looked about, and decided he would wander through the game stations to see if there was anything that caught his eye, or, perhaps, somebody interesting to talk to.
"I wasn't aware that this was a masquerade." by
on 2016-12-25 00:35:49 UTC
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Lady Iximaz fell into step beside the masked man. "I'm curious, though—have we met before, or are you a new friend waiting to be made?"
Behind the mask, the young man performed the most curious combination... by
on 2016-12-25 00:43:42 UTC
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... of blushing and turning incredibly pale. "L-l-lady Ix-Iximaz!" he stammered. "Um, uh, it is a pleasure, I mean, an honor to meet you! Um, I, uh, I don't think it's a masquerade, but, uh, I felt like wearing one, um, today, to this party. Obviously." He offered a bow to the most noble lady.
"Hey, none of that," Lady Iximaz said. by
on 2016-12-25 00:51:44 UTC
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"I don't like people bowing to me." She offered a hand to the masked man. "You know who I am, but I don't believe I know who you are. Might I ask your name, and where you got that marvelous mask?"
He shook the offered hand, and blushed a little more at the praise. by
on 2016-12-25 01:02:41 UTC
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"I go by, um, Granz, ma'am," he said. "Or, well, for now I do, at least. And, um, I made it myself. It took some work, since I only had a few days, but I did my best, got a little help, and didn't go for anything too elaborate, so I guess it's alright."
"Granz," she repeated. by
on 2016-12-25 01:04:24 UTC
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"It is an honor to meet you..." She paused and tilted her head. "I don't suppose you're the Granz who has been considering knighthood?"
"Um, yes, that's me," he replied. by
on 2016-12-25 01:13:52 UTC
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By Madokami's bow, I really need to start alternating pseudonyms! he thought to himself. I am certainly not ready to talk to somebody of this stature about the Trials!
"Well, I do hope you ask soon." by
on 2016-12-25 01:18:03 UTC
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Lady Iximaz smiled. "I've been watching your progress with interest, and you certainly seem promising." She shoved her hands in her pockets and looked around the grounds, breath steaming in the cold air. "I do have to wonder what possessed Sir Cipher to host the festival outside rather than indoors. I would have been more than happy to hold it in my keep..."
"Thank you, m'lady," Granz said. by
on 2016-12-25 01:27:16 UTC
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"I think I shall be able to soon. I think I shall consult with one more advisor before embarking upon the Trials." His hand unconsciously brushed against the hammer hidden beneath his cloak. "Perhaps he enjoys being in the snow?"
"Perhaps." by
on 2016-12-25 01:29:48 UTC
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Lady Iximaz shrugged. "Either way, I hope we are able to enjoy our time here. It certainly looks like quite a bit of effort has gone into setting up the event."
Granz smiled, and looked at all the stations around them. by
on 2016-12-25 01:50:23 UTC
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"I believe this will be an entertaining evening," he said. "Perhaps, if you so desired, we could look around and see if there are any interesting games to play? Um, m'lady," he added, suddenly remembering who he was talking to.
"None of that, come on." by
on 2016-12-25 01:53:06 UTC
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Lady Iximaz grinned. "Just Iximaz will do. And I believe I saw an archery field on the far side of the grounds, if you would be interested in testing yourself against me?" She glanced at the massive unstrung longbow that was resting across her back.
He smiled back, a bit hesitantly, although it was mostly covered by the mask. by
on 2016-12-25 02:01:48 UTC
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"I doubt I can compete with you, but I would be happy to see how I measure up." He looked at the bow. "Is this the great Arin?" he asked.
"Well, I don't know about 'great', but yes." by
on 2016-12-25 22:42:57 UTC
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Lady Iximaz smiled when a voice squeaked from her cloak, "Don't be modest! You've killed thousands of Marizu with that thing!"
"Hush, Charlotte," Iximaz said, putting a hand over her shoulder.
Her cloak wriggled and a tiny vampire bat poked her head out. "You're not telling me to hushup when there's a party, are you?"
He jumped a little when he heard the bat speak, for he knew not where the voice came from. by
on 2016-12-27 21:30:10 UTC
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When he realized it was coming from her cloak, he angled to get a better look. It was indeed Charlotte, who, if rumors were correct, had joined her crusade relatively recently. He tried to think of something to say, and found a question he hadn't received an answer to yet. Perhaps the bat was cagey about her origins, or perhaps he simply hadn't found any storytellers who had heard the news yet, but whatever the reason, he didn't know where she came from. "Pardon me, Charlotte, correct? If it does not trouble you to say so, might I ask where you come from?"
"The Twilight Lands." by
on 2016-12-30 16:05:16 UTC
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"Which is not to be confused with the Twilight Zone," the little bat said, fluttering out of Iximaz's cloak to perch upside-down from her finger. She tilted her head to look up at Granz. "What, am I not as famous as some stupid piece of wood?"
"Oi, no knocking my bow," Iximaz said, lightly bopping the bat on the head.
"Hey, none of that," Lady Iximaz said. by
on 2016-12-25 00:51:44 UTC
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"I don't like people bowing to me." She offered a hand to the masked man. "You know who I am, but I don't believe I know who you are. Might I ask your name, and where you got that marvelous mask?"
Christmas mini-nterlude! by
on 2016-12-24 22:39:00 UTC
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Ix and Charlotte celebrate their tenth Christmas together.
That was Adorable by
on 2016-12-25 13:23:00 UTC
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Well written! That was probably one of the cutest things I've ever read.
Thank you! ^w^ (nm) by
on 2016-12-27 02:49:00 UTC
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Dawwww. by
on 2016-12-25 10:05:00 UTC
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That's just so sweet.
Now I Have A Macine Gun. Ho Ho Ho. Best Christmas Movie indeed. -
Nice music pick! (nm) by
on 2016-12-27 02:49:00 UTC
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That was sweet. by
on 2016-12-25 09:48:00 UTC
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Also, did I start a trend for retired Agents to be still on quick call or something?
That aside, I really liked the little details like that fact they're married by then and the falling snow charm (Don't let Corolla learn about it, or she'll try to find a way to cast it over the entirety of DoSAT).
A very pleasant Christmas read! -
Glad you liked it. :) by
on 2016-12-27 02:48:00 UTC
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I dunno if you started the trend, but i think it fits with their eventual arc, since Ix would need to have regular access to Wolfsbane if she ever wanted to retire.
And if Corolla wants her to decorate, she just needs to ask!
Merry Christmas, everybody. by
on 2016-12-25 05:08:00 UTC
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It's midnight where I am, so it's official. Present updates will come after I get some shuteye.
Still Christmas here, so Merry Christmas everyone! (nm) by
on 2016-12-26 04:54:00 UTC
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Merry Christmas! by
on 2016-12-26 04:07:00 UTC
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It's approaching 11:59 PM on the 25th, so allow me a last-minute "Merry Christmas" for good measure.
Merry Christmas + Christmas song thread! by
on 2016-12-26 00:11:00 UTC
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Mayhaps a bit late given that Christmas is already upon us, but I don't stop singing Christmas songs 'til March, so what the heck. Post your favorite Christmas songs! Covers, parodies, original songs, particularly Holiday-ish soundtracks, happy, sad, heartfelt, cheeky, whatever you like. If nothing else, it's good filk material for next year.
Here's my contribution:
Steampunk Holiday
Walkers in a Winter Wonderland
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Dustbowl
Oh, and sorry about the thread hijack, Voyd. Wasn't sure if this should be its own thread or not, so I just put it here.
Happy Chrasmas! -
Speaking of Christmas covers... by
on 2016-12-26 01:48:00 UTC
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...I decided on a whim today to see if I could record a holiday filk myself.
Turns out, I'm surprisingly good at imitating Pit's singing voice.
(I'd have made another recording with my own voice, but I'm a lazy bustard lol. Just imagine it's Cupid singing this. And don't mind my sniffling, please, I forgot to take my allergy meds this morning. X'D)
Yay Christmas! by
on 2016-12-25 18:17:00 UTC
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My grown-up wardrobe continues to expand! Also I have more Farscape music! ^_^
Phobos got some much-needed socks (not only does he wear holes in them, the cat steals them right out of the drawer and chews on them, too) and a whole boatload of geeky shirts. We are swimming in shirts over here, guys.
Now all I want is to hopefully finish this frelling FMA x HP mission!
~Neshomeh -
Merry Christmas! by
on 2016-12-25 17:56:00 UTC
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I now have soft pajamas!
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukah! by
on 2016-12-25 16:07:00 UTC
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...since I was told the latter also begins today?
Last night, actually. by
on 2016-12-25 16:53:00 UTC
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That's just how it goes--today may be the first day, but in the Jewish calendar days start at sundown, not at midnight. So last night was the first night, today is the first day, tonight is the second night, etc.
Interestingly, the weather report for NY kept mentioning Hannukah as well as Christmas? In the same breath? I'm not used to this??
Y'all also have practically everything I've been wanting to watch in Canada on your Netflix. It's both awesome and infuriating, especially since it took me a moment to realize that Netflix hadn't suddenly made stuff I want to see available--I just switched countries. Almost makes me wish I was here for longer than a week, or else hanging out with people who'd want to binge watch some shows...oh well.
(Er, you personally may not be American. This last bit was technically aimed at the whole Board, anyway, but...yeah. Anyway.)
And, while I'm sort of addressing the whole Board, happy holidays to all!
~DF -
Happy Doctor-Saves-London-From-Aliens Day! (nm) by
on 2016-12-25 15:01:00 UTC
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Presents! by
on 2016-12-25 14:28:00 UTC
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I got a bunch of socks, a couple of geek T-shirts (Mega Man, Mario, Kirby, Star Wars), Monster Hunter: Generations, Kirby: Planet Robobot, Amazon gift codes for Wyrd Sisters, Pyramids, and one of the Pathfinder books, fleece-lined pants, and $35 of iTunes gift cards (GEMINI SYNDROME YAY).
I got a rock... by
on 2016-12-26 16:46:00 UTC
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Seriously though, I got an eau de toilette, and 50 PLN (roughly 11 bucks)
My main gift is .......... by
on 2016-12-26 04:35:00 UTC
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a little pet fancy mouse named Toe . ( because the last mouse was a female and named Thumbelina . ) -
Re: Presents! by
on 2016-12-26 03:39:00 UTC
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I got Audrey Frasier's memoir, a sweater, a fuzzy purple vest (the kind that look like jackets without the sleeves), new headphones, a red snowflake blanket, and 200 bucks. Good day :)
All I got for Christmas was... by
on 2016-12-25 19:10:00 UTC
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...a Bayverse Grimlock nightlight, and a job offer for a software position at a museum exhibit design company.
Guess which one was the better choice by far. XD -
Gratz! (nm) by
on 2016-12-26 17:43:00 UTC
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My loot :D by
on 2016-12-25 15:49:00 UTC
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Me opening my stocking: "Wool socks? Meh. Chocolate? Alright. Magic cards?! Wait, those are just Green and Blue... meh." *opens tiny bubble-wrapped package stuck at the bottom* "HOLY S*** IT'S A DIRE BADGER MINI YOU GUYS I LOVE BADGERS MOM THANK YOU THANK YOU AAAA I SHALL NAME HIM CEDRIC AND WE SHALL KILL MANY MONSTERS TOGETHER!"
Got some excellent new books (Magnus Chase and Ranger's Apprentice), Pokémon Sun from my brother (I know what I'm playing tonight!), a Supernatural calendar ("YOU GOT ME EYE CANDY!") and... $100 from my Nana. I'm only $1400 away from my surgery now. :') -
It Crismas by
on 2016-12-25 14:14:00 UTC
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Merr Crismas
Src: -
Merry Christmas, one and all. =] (nm) by
on 2016-12-25 14:04:00 UTC
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Merry Christmas All! by
on 2016-12-25 13:26:00 UTC
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Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Also, Happy Holidays to Those who Don't do Christmas. :) (nm) by
on 2016-12-25 13:27:00 UTC
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Agreed ^u^ by
on 2016-12-26 04:29:00 UTC
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Merry Christmas, everybody. by
on 2016-12-25 10:57:00 UTC
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I got bad news: globalization still didn’t eat my job; workload is rather increasing again. In the bigger picture, that’s actually good news, but I won’t have as much time for doing PPC stuff as I had hoped for.
HG, lost in the Forest of Kar’eer again -
Murgh Chrissmats by
on 2016-12-25 10:37:00 UTC
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*Collapses into food coma*
Merry Christmas to all of you. by
on 2016-12-25 09:55:00 UTC
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Black-hole stuff for all of those who want to try it.
Merry Christmas (or whatever equivalent you have) to all! (nm) by
on 2016-12-25 09:49:00 UTC
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I second this ! 8D (nm) by
on 2016-12-26 04:30:00 UTC
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D'oh ! I forgot to put my ' name ' by
on 2016-12-26 04:32:00 UTC
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But , yeah , Happy all of the Holidays to everyone !! -
And happy Chanukkah! (+belated filk) by
on 2016-12-25 07:30:00 UTC
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It's well past sundown where I am, so it's very official.
To celebrate, I finally finished a holiday filk! I know the thread's over, but I really want to show this to people. I put time into it and actually had to ask Real Life friends for help. This year’s encouragement to write about what agents actually do during the holidays immediately made me think of an old classic which has been a family staple since I was very young. I refer, of course, to Tom Lehrer’s "(I’m Spending) Hanukkah In Santa Monica”. Concrit is always welcome, of course, but I’d like to request you listen to the original before claiming my rhymes are dodgy :P
I’m spending Hanukkah in Tolkien's Arda,
Lighting candles as I fangirl at Bilbo!
I spent Shavuot Sue-slaying in Gringotts.
Not much fun, I’m glad I’m done fighting that schmo.
These HQ winters, I can’t endure ‘em,
So every year I pack my gear and come out here for Purim!
Rosh Hashana, I spent working in Ravka,
And Yom Kippur in the Klingon Empire,
But in December, there’s just one place to go!
I’ll grab my friends in Bree a-
Nd we will light our chanukiyah;
Like a baby in its cradle,
I’ll be playing with my dreidel;
Here’s to Jay -- and Macabeus!
Boy, if they could only see us
Spending Hannukah
In Tolkien’s Arda, with Bilbo!
--Key hopes you enjoyed reading this as much as she enjoyed writing it and also hopes that you understand why it took her so long to find rhymes.
P.S. A disclaimer: Arda, the character of Bilbo Baggins, and the town of Bree are the creation of J.R.R. Tolkien; the bank Gringotts is that of J.K. Rowling; Ravka belongs to Leigh Bardugoalthough it’s basically just magic!Russia; the Klingon Empire was created by Gene Roddenberry and I think currently belongs to Viacom? Zarking corporations; it’s Roddenberry’s and his crew’s. And of course: Jay and Acacia created HQ, Jay, and the whole glorious Protectors of the Plot Continuum; Tom Lehrer wrote “(I’m Spending) Hannukah In Santa Monica” -- and, sorry, I love him, but he can keep this piece of ridiculousness. -
That is hilarious, and well worth the wait :D by
on 2016-12-25 16:45:00 UTC
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I'd actually forgotten about that song, too. Haven't heard it in a while.
A Holiday Gift from Me by
on 2016-12-25 14:19:00 UTC
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Hello, everybody. It's been a while since I posted here on this board, hasn't it? Real life and various other projects (Including fanfics of my own!) have been keeping me away, but I haven't forgotten you merry lot.
And so, I give you these: a collection of stories that I greatly enjoy, and that I hope you will enjoy as well.
Note: These were all made by 4chan, so handle with care.
First up, some good ol'-fashioned nightmare fuel.
A tiny slug gradually turns into the leader of a tiny civilization of genetic abominations.
Next, we have a story of life: Primordial Evolution.
4chan gradually evolves three creatures into multiple ecosystems, creates civilization, and generally proves that /tg/ gets stuff done.
Similarly, here we have Fortune Evolution, somewhat smaller in scale, but by no means bad.
Slightly more horrifying are these two threads, which actually served as the inspiration for Primordial Evolution, and by extension, Fortune Evolution.
If you've had enough nightmare fuel, here are two more light-hearted quests.
EVO Quest is based on an old NES game called EVO: The Search For Eden, and dear Tiamat is it amazing.
By the same guy, we have Ogre Civilization Quest - a quest that Lady Luck clearly adores, given how the laws of probability bend themselves over backwards for /tg/ dice.
Happy Holidays, everybody - let's hope that 2017 brings new friends, good times, and happy memories for all. -
*adds to reading list* (nm) by
on 2016-12-25 15:59:00 UTC
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on 2016-12-25 15:04:00 UTC
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Joyous Erastide! (nm) by
on 2016-12-26 15:25:00 UTC
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It's time for... by
on 2016-12-27 15:10:00 UTC
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Since we're almost at the end of 2016, it's high time we all start preparing for the new year, and what better way to start than to kick off the latest round of gift giving? I'll be shaking things up this year with a few rule changes, since I thought I'd try something a little different and unexpected this year. Without further ado...
1. You need to have Permission and at least two agents to enter this event. You don't have to have the teams participate in their entirety, either - any one of your agents can opt out based on whatever's most convenient for you.
2. This time, all of you will be going in basically blind - meaning that nobody will know who sent what until all the gifts have been opened, not even the Boarders participating! Hence, in order to enter, send me an e-mail (my address is clickable) with your attending agents and which gift each will bring. This may be either a "souvenir" from a mission you've published previously, or just something they happen to have that they want to give away. As soon as you've sent the e-mail, reply to this post with the word "Sent" and no message content, so everyone will know who's participating.
3. I will take six or seven other Boarders for this year's event, so the first seven Boarders to submit applications will be the ones attending.
4. Anyone with Permission can host this event. One of their agents must serve as an in-universe host for this event, but all agents are required to participate as players, including the host. I will confirm who the host will be if and when anyone steps forward - otherwise, Falchion will be the host this year. (My other participating agents will be my DIC and DMS-VG teams, but no other agents of mine will be participating, for some very spoilery reasons.)
5. Once everything's been set up, preferably on New Year's Day, the Boarder volunteering the event host will set up an introductory post on the T-Board for this event. The most important rule: NOBODY MUST KNOW WHAT THE GIFTS ARE UNTIL THEY'VE OPENED THEM. All of the gifts will be wrapped and put in a big pile at the start of the game.
6. Once I've tallied the full list, I'll provide a list of the players, and a list of the gifts, but not a list of who sent what. The starting player will then be selected at random. Then when that player opens a gift, the agent who submitted it must speak up and confirm that they were the one who did so. Then that agent is the next to play! Thus, in general, the person who will play during each turn is the one who volunteered the gift revealed during the previous turn.
7. For each turn, the agent currently in play can either choose a gift from the pile (I'll provide the full list of gifts on the Posting Board) or, if others before them have already chosen gifts, they can "steal" a gift from the previous owner. A gift can be stolen up to twice; after that, it is locked to the agent it's ended up with, and cannot be stolen again. Note also that if a gift is stolen from any agent, THEY CANNOT STEAL IT BACK.
8. The game ends once everyone has received a gift. Since the first agent cannot steal, he/she will be given the choice to steal after everyone else has played.
And that's that! LET THE GIFTING COMMENCE! :D -
Sent! (nm) by
on 2016-12-28 03:40:00 UTC
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Mail sent. (nm) by
on 2016-12-27 16:03:00 UTC
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Farewell, Carrie Fisher. 2016, I hate you. (nm) by
on 2016-12-27 18:03:00 UTC
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*quiet sobbing* by
on 2016-12-31 17:40:00 UTC
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May all who died this year rest in peace...
2016, you'd better not end this by killing George Takei. (nm) by
on 2016-12-31 05:17:00 UTC
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Also, RIP Debbie Reynolds by
on 2016-12-31 02:15:00 UTC
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Mother and daughter passing within one day of one another. May they both find peace.
*bows head* Rest in peace. (nm) by
on 2016-12-31 03:11:00 UTC
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:( ... :( by
on 2016-12-28 07:29:00 UTC
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There is no emotion; there is peace.
There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no passion; there is serenity.
There is no death; there is the Force.
hS -
Relatedly, RIP Richard Adams (Watership Down) (nm) by
on 2016-12-28 05:11:00 UTC
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on 2016-12-29 20:34:00 UTC
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She was my hero. (nm) by
on 2016-12-28 03:28:00 UTC
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She is one with the Force, and the Force is with her. (nm) by
on 2016-12-28 03:04:00 UTC
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No. No! by
on 2016-12-28 00:54:00 UTC
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Dammit, 2016, you couldn't just pass quietly, could you? No, you just had to have the last word, didn't you?
Ugh. I am sad and grumpy. }= (
~Neshomeh -
Rest in peace by
on 2016-12-27 19:52:00 UTC
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She who was open with her struggles and refused to be silent about them.
Damn. Rest in peace, Carrie. by
on 2016-12-27 19:41:00 UTC
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You were a princess, a general, an activist, and so much more, but now you've passed. Drowned in Moonlight, strangled by your own bra. May the Force be with you, Princess. We'll miss you.
NSFW for obvious reasons of anger... by
on 2016-12-27 19:36:00 UTC
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... you, 2016. ... you, ... you, ... you, ... you, ...YOU...YOU...YOU...YOU ... YOU!
Okay... I'm a bit better now... Seriously though, why!? - And I thouught it was a bad joke. by on 2016-12-27 19:28:00 UTC Link to this
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! :'( (nm) by
on 2016-12-27 18:07:00 UTC
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Cipher Destroys Your Ears With Singing by
on 2016-12-28 20:42:00 UTC
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OR, How I want to cover both a shameless boasting and a request for somebody who knows their stuff when it comes to music:
Basically, I sing. Sometimes better, more times worse. I do come from a musical family, so I started to record myself. First and foremost just for shiggles, but I do like to try and improve, so here's what I got so far:
1) "The Mob Song" from Beauty and the Beast - probably my best cover so far. The one I'm most proud of, so I'll let you tear it to shreds :)
2) "Hellfire" from The Hunchback of Notre Dame - probably my weakest cover so far. Not only my voice was out of it, my recording was also messed up, but I do like some parts of it.
2.5) Also "Hellfire", but this time in Polish in case anyone's curious. I think this one was a bit more natural for me (...for obvious reasons), but still not the best.
3) "Prince Ali" from Aladdin - the first cover I've done. The first one I've experimented in Audacity with. Not bad, but that's just me saying it.
So yeah... If anyone's curious how badly can an ESL guy sing - there you go :D -
WOW!! by
on 2016-12-31 17:36:00 UTC
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I really liked The Mob Song, but they were all fabulous. :3
I like it! by
on 2016-12-29 20:34:00 UTC
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Your voice came out very strongly at "It's time to follow me!" Well done with overlapping your voice later on in that song. And it's always good to hear you sing in your native tongue. I don't understand it at all, but it sounds appealing to the ear nevertheless. :) Good job buddy!
Anybody up for CAHQ? by
on 2016-12-28 23:19:00 UTC
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Link is here.
on 2016-12-29 01:48:00 UTC
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One (1) Pony HayStation 2.
This is an uncanonical home console unit for the playing of Equestrian video games. If you are in possession of one, do not look away, for I am also selling the following games:-
- "Foal Reaver" (1 copy, disc format, manual enclosed)
- "Cutie Marky Damacy" (1 copy, disc format, manual enclosed, slight water damage to manual from local uncanonical equivalent to Mountain Dew, which is a bilious green chemical weapon humans pretend is a beverage)
- "Castlelunia: Symprincess of the Night" (1 copy, disc format, manual only available in German because make something up later)
- "Ratchet and Flank" (4 copies, various entries in what appears to be a series, disc format, manuals enclosed except for "Up Your Arsenal", which appears to be a child's drawing of a potato.)
- "Princess of Persian" (2 copies, entries in a series, disc format, manuals enclosed, refers extensively to an uncanonical region called Persian similar to World One Persia (said region was bombed into oblivion by DOGA, presumably while looking for oil).)
- "Dash's Dandy Coat" (3 copies AND ONLY 3 COPIES, entries in a series, disc format, manuals enclosed, games concern a mad scientist stealing canonical Element of Harmony Rainbow Dash's pretty blue waterproof coat and the lengths to which she goes to get it back, the fourth game does not exist and would be terrible anyway)
One (1) collection of uncanonical "manega"
Additionally, this collection of fifty-seven different manega (Equestrian manga) titles is a must for anyone in your life with a predilection for both manga and hideously bad horse puns. Note that the seller specifies titles; some of them are based on World One properties like Bleach and One Piece. The seller advises interested parties bring a few strong friends, or perhaps a forklift.
The Wobbles and Notary PPC Power Hour #3 will be broadcast via the Discord on New Year's Eve. Time TBC.
I've been waiting to do this one for years.
=] -
on 2016-12-30 20:49:00 UTC
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OOC: On the 31st, obviously. Not tonight. (nm) by
on 2016-12-30 20:56:00 UTC
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Interested in Manga Selection by
on 2016-12-30 03:15:00 UTC
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Got any Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin inspired works? If not, I'll stop by and see if there's anything else that strikes my fancy.
I'm willing to offer in trade:- Fallout 3 weaponry (1 .32 pistol, 3 hunting rifles, 1 sniper rifle, 2 laser pistols, 1 shishkebab). Items are offered in current condition only.
- Magical repair or enhancement of physical objects. I can't make your computer run faster, but I can make the wires sturdier.
- Crystallized mana (approx. one crystal per 5 volumes). Probably not of much use unless you're a magus, though.
- Fallout 3 weaponry (1 .32 pistol, 3 hunting rifles, 1 sniper rifle, 2 laser pistols, 1 shishkebab). Items are offered in current condition only.
Oh man, horse puns and manga. by
on 2016-12-29 13:40:00 UTC
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As soon as I can convince my husband that yes, this is worth selling the skeleton for (I seriously have no idea WHY this urple skeleton has been in our RC for years), then he'll take it.
I'm going to regret this so much. Valon loves pu
A WHOLE BUNCH OF BOOKS FELL ON MY HEAD, I ONLY HAVE MY SHELF TO BLAME in point, he just hijacked my keyboard.
Oh, and one insult and we learn how my venom interacts with Time Lord biology. I have no idea what'll happen, it'll be a learning experience for all involved. -
If the only payment you can offer is not killing me... by
on 2016-12-29 14:10:00 UTC
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Then we don't have a deal and never will, Snippy the Bush Liminal.
I did say... by
on 2016-12-29 15:04:00 UTC
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...that I was working on getting some money, roach breath.
An inaccurate insult, scissor sister. by
on 2016-12-29 19:29:00 UTC
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I haven't kissed your mother in months.
Just popping in to apologize. by
on 2016-12-30 16:25:00 UTC
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Good god, Kala holds a grudge. Remind me not to bring her when I come to pick up the merch.
And before you think of insulting me, I have a ticket for a guided tour of Creation's Celestial Bureaucracy. I'll give you an interview with the Bureaucrat to End All Bureaucrats if you agree to not provoke Kala. I can convince her to not start anything. -
That will be entirely acceptable on both counts. by
on 2016-12-30 16:57:00 UTC
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I shall have my partner help with the lifting and carrying; the volumes will be organized alphabetically by title and chronologically by year of the first volume's release.
I can has the Ratchet & Flank ones? by
on 2016-12-29 10:29:00 UTC
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Memes aside, I liked the original World One Ratchet & Clank series, and I'm curious to see what the pony version is all about.
Not to mention I might play a joke on Sergio. I want to see his face when he finds ponies in his Playstation... though I'd have to mess with its firmware first? I wonder how different Playstation 2 and HayStation 2 firmwares are.
For payment, I have some Bleepka bottles stashed away, or if you prefer I can give you CorollaPoints for trying out my new prototypes! Or calling in airstikes. Who needs DoGA when I've got a FB-22? I never get to play with it enough.
[Well, she got carried away. But she's Corolla, after all.] -
Close air support is an entirely acceptable payment. by
on 2016-12-29 12:56:00 UTC
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Being a Time Lord, however, means that the other option was unworkable; the salicylic acid component of Bleeproduce is one to which my people are severely allergic. For four interesting (if laughably primitive, at least by Gallifreyan standards) video games, shall we say... two instances of saturation bombing and a targeted missile strike?
As to your other inquiry, from my preliminary experiments involving another HayStation acquired from that fic, I have established the HayStation and PlayStation are rather similar on a hardware level. However, where things break down is that the code for the HayStation (and therefore the games that it runs) is written in the Equestrian language, which is semi-pictographic, and appears to be partially magical in origin. A baseline human would be utterly defeated getting the systems to match up.
In exchange for a twenty minute installation service, I am happy to accept a prototypical grenade of some description. -
Deal on the games. by
on 2016-12-29 14:34:00 UTC
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On the installation service, though, I... kinda don't need it? I'm a Unison Device, for Reinforce Eins' sweater - I'm THE definition for "magical living computer". Equestrian code is kids' play for me.
And, besides, I'm a DoSAT techie. You'd expect this sort of thing to be, y'now, my job?
Feel free to call anytime when you need those CAS done - I don't see why you already want to specify how many of each kind you want, but I can do both things just fine. -
Most problems can be solved via saturation bombing. by
on 2016-12-29 19:27:00 UTC
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Thank you for your purchase; I shall deliver the games at your earliest convenience. I also apologise for assuming you were a human, rather than alife.
Rather than... What? by
on 2016-12-29 22:22:00 UTC
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I don't know what do you mean with "alife", but I sure hope you weren't meaning "not alive" because I thought I was pretty clear with "magical living computer".
[Notary won't be able to sell a thing if she keeps trying to offend her customes...] -
Alife is a specific term meaning "life created artificially" by
on 2016-12-30 16:54:00 UTC
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As opposed to blife, which is life created organically.
I... see. by
on 2016-12-30 17:51:00 UTC
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There's never an end to learning, it seems.
Your HTML broke. (nm) by
on 2016-12-29 04:23:00 UTC
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Pffffffffft. by
on 2016-12-29 07:42:00 UTC
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Not to say that you're wrong, or that this isn't necessary, but it does kill the mood of the thread somewhat, doesn't it?
It's about time, Grey. by
on 2016-12-29 02:03:00 UTC
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Tell me, how long has it been since you released a mission report to the public? I'm surprised at you, really—one would think that, with your love of paperwork, we'd be seeing these more frequently from you.
((In other words: AAAAAAA! I can't wait! I'll be there with bells on!)) -
Such documents contain personal information, Moon Moon. by
on 2016-12-29 02:07:00 UTC
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I keep that under lock and key as much as I can. We can't all have a chronic oversharing habit to go with our saving-people-thing and glitter.
Happy New Year, or something. by
on 2016-12-31 16:50:00 UTC
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Zeb's telling me I should be more excited to celebrate, but considering a year on Gallifrey lasts longer than a year on Earth... eh, whatever. Anyway, happy Earth New Year and stuff.
Just wanted to let you guys know that a bunch of agents who can't make it to the various New Year parties are going to be hanging out in HQ's Discord channel at various times throughout the dayand maybe laugh at the Notary's latest report. Come join us for a night of commiserating. Or celebrating, whatever floats your boat.
Mission Start! by
on 2016-12-31 19:44:00 UTC
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Introducing for your delectation and delight,
The Wobbles and Notary PPC Power Hour #3!
In this moderately-thrilling installment, the Notary gets character development, Wobbles gets to pronk, and a new companion enters the fray!
Sort of.
All this and more (and occasionally less) in Episode 3 of the Wobbles and Notary PPC Power Hour, "Homicidal Agents".
This mission sponsored by NutMint TV, for all your weird LotR-inflected childrens' programming needs. =] -
It's a busy new year, by
on 2017-01-09 18:25:00 UTC
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but eventually I found the time to read this. It's good to see that Wobbles and the Notary can do friendly banter, and that there's more to the Notary than appears on the surface.
There's one tiny error:
"Yes," said the Notary, in an quiet voice.
Should be "a".
HG -
I am left with one thought: Awwww! by
on 2017-01-02 20:23:00 UTC
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Overall very enjoyable mission! My one major point of critique is that I thought the agents' efforts to explain things to Luna went on a bit too long, and I'm particularly not sure why they kept at it after they got her to fix
GarouHound Dog. (All of his dialogue was very funny, btw!) My mental dialogue with the story for that bit kinda went "Right, she can't help. So neuralyze her. ... Yes, so neuralyze her. ... Wait, is this actually going somewhere? No? Okay, then neuralyze her. ... Neuralyze her already. ... Finally!"
I also wasn't sure initially about things getting so dark with the wraith—the split nostril is kinda gross, and did Wobbles really have to hit her that hard, in the face?—but that all worked for me in the end, what with the character development for the Notary. Here's three cheers for Wobbles at the end, and Jenni is of course standing by to be the her that believes in the Notary even if the Notary can't believe in herself. {= )
(She's also wondering if maybe Lolus' shell was a little too small or he didn't get enough air at hatching or something. Who eats a kazoo?)
I also liked Luna helping out on the mission. Well, I say helping out... going along and being only mildly befuddled might be more accurate? Which is a feat, don't get me wrong. Anyway, I liked it. Luna is cool. ^_^
Nitpick: I think there are one or two thous (subject) that should be thees (object). "We would havethouthee explain," for sure; possibly "I demand thatthouthee release Our sister," too, but I'm not certain about that one. It feels equally awkward both ways, and I'm going on instinct more than actual knowledge of sentence construction.
... I feel like there was a joke or something specific I wanted to point out that I liked, but I paused to have food between reading and reviewing, and there are Magic videos in the background, and I can't remember. {= / I'll be sure to let you know if I do!
~Neshomeh -
Very specific jump-in: by
on 2017-01-06 17:11:00 UTC
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It's "I demand that thou release(st)", I think. "Thou" remains a subject, as in subject-verb-object: "You release her". In the other sentence, it's "We want you [to explain]", and therefore "thee".
For bonus points: what tense/whatever is 'explain' in? It looks like a really weird application of an imperative - "Oy! You explain!" - with a... is "would have" acting as a modal verb or something here? I don't even know, that whole sentence (five words!) is a mess.
hS -
Thank you! =] by
on 2017-01-02 22:17:00 UTC
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It was mostly because, well, the mission's message was "Do not leave canons with PPC knowledge if you can possibly avoid it", which has been a bugbear of mine for as long as I've seen it in missions. It was originally a lot more soapboxy, if that's a word, but I felt the need to explain my position in full rather than leave people in any doubt. This was why Luna tagged along, to be honest; I wanted to demonstrate that having canons help with a mission is often far more harmful to them than simply leaving them be until the canon is reasserting itself. Oh well. The in-universe explanation is that, well, Luna isn't easily dissuaded from an idea that she thinks will help people, but that feels a bit like a copout. =]
Lolus has an odd diet that consists mostly of things that he finds interesting (kazoos, POV collars, Wobbles' wig, the Notary's ears). Besides, I don't know much about fire lizards, but I do know quite a lot about having pets one might charitably describe as being dumb as a box of hair. Shadow and Hostage, my cats, are very, very stupid. Their preferred diet is bees and the leaves from my mum's rubber plant. Lolus takes no small amount of inspiration from them. =]
Yeah, there are probably a few thous and thees in the wrong place - which I'd like to say is because the show gets it wrong as well, but again, that's frankly a cop-out. =]
Hopefully the jokes you liked are, y'know, most of them; my primary concern with all my missions is cramming them full of gags. I can't do concrit the same way that other people do - your own missions being a prime example - so I've got to press my own strengths, which consists of being reasonably funny and having a larger range of baguette fillings than the average badfic. =]
Thank you very much for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it; I know how busy the New Year's been for you and Phobos. Happy New Year, btw! =] -
That all makes sense. {= ) by
on 2017-01-05 04:54:00 UTC
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On the one hand, getting the canons involved and helping to save themselves can be pretty cool, like it was here; and it's a tradition that goes back to TOS. But on the other hand, they should definitely forget about it and go back to normal afterward. There have been a few occasions when I've had to talk people out of making more Canons Who Know of the PPC. Not recently, but yeah, definitely agreed in principle.
There are definitely worse inspirations for fire-lizard personalities than cats, and I guess if there are particularly smart ones, there have to be particularly dumb ones, too. {= )
I do like the jokes! There was something that made me go "Hah, I see what you did there," though, and I still have no idea what it was. 'Tis frustrating.
Happy New Year to you, too! I hear it's going to be the Year of the Rooster soon, which is a lot more auspicious than the Year of the Monkey we've had. I hope it's true.
P.S. And now, a word from Jenni. She wanted a separate post, but I thought that would've been silly, since I was replying, too.
Hey, Jool. Assuming this is a universe in which you ever speak to me with the intent of also listening to me, I have an assignment for you. I wasn't going to bring it up in this absurdly meta fashion, but everybody's doing journals again, and since I actually had this thought before all that kicked off, I took it as a sign that I should after all.
I think you should keep a positivity journal. Just once a week to start with, I want you to write down one positive thought about yourself. It doesn't have to be a big thing—it's not a test, and it's not being graded. It can be something as simple as "hair looked particularly good today." The only rules are that the entries must not be sarcastic, ironic, backhanded, etc., and they must be phrased in the positive. So, no "did not strangle my stupid partner today," but yes "exercised admirable restraint in the face of provocation."
You may now commence with mocking me and everything I stand for. I'll see you next month and we'll go over what you've written. *blows a kiss*
~Jenni -
OOC: ((Er, Jool? Not... following...)) by
on 2017-01-05 20:06:00 UTC
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((I mean, unless this is a different person, or a nickname, or whatever. This is prolly me just being thick as all hell, but if it is a nickname for the Notary then I either don't understand or don't remember your explanation. Either way, sorry to be dumb. =] ))
((And yeah, I kind of got the impetus for the screed against PPC-Aware Canons after reading that one Trojie fic where the canon in question is, er, Gaspode. Which, y'know, I get that it's meant to be a joke, but given the established rules of the PPC, I thought it'd just make agents going to Disc fics (a comparative rarity in these modern times...) have a harder time of it. I guess you could make the explanation that Sues ignore his existence so he's fine, but you could make exactly the same case for telling Gimli about us, and that wouldn't work -- sorry. See what I mean about soapboxing? I soapbox harder than a bucket of hand sanitizer gong ten rounds with Muhammad Ali. =] ))
((As for Lolus, I just kind of wanted him to be an adorable derpbeast, and him having a very weird diet is part of that. He's constantly hungry and cowardly and more than a bit dim, but that's just part of his charm. And he's named after Lola, who - when they eventually meet - will be so pleased by this. =] ))
((Any year with a Trump presidency in it is gonna be the Year of the Cock. >=] ))
Every word was perfect.
Every phrase, every word, every thought was absolutely perfect. It was exactly what she'd been asked to do by Robinson, and thus maybe the woman would get off her back about it.
The Notary glided through HQ's grey, near-featureless corridors like a tall ship in a silver sea, except with less drunk sailors piddling over the side. She was staring intently at her dataslate, but she seemed to avoid passers-by at the last second, never bumping into anything. This might have had something to do with the collision detector currently disguised (via creative use of a D.O.R.K.S device) as a tasteful stud earring, but nobody could tell for sure.
There was nobody around when she reached her destination, so she left the diary there. It was a small, beige data pad, looking extraordinarily like the scanning bed of an office photocopier, and inside was her positivity diary. They were genuinely positive, too: "corrected and expedited seven 15-B requisition forms without being asked", "dealt with conflict re. large quantities of custard in the Grunt's quarters calmly and without recourse to violence of word or deed", "made mobile of tiny filing cabinets and properly-filled-in tax returns for Moon Moon's Time Tot", "made aforementioned mobile play a selection of soothing Gallifreyan lullabies via sonic device carefully secreted in the stem", that sort of thing.
Howver, in the Notary's traditional style, every perfect word was written in a dialect of Old High Gallifreyan that almost nobody spoke. The only thing written in English, as well as in tiny copperplate handwriting that almost required a magnifying glass to read, was two words:
"Your move." -
Aw, I like the Gaspode thing. by
on 2017-01-05 21:55:00 UTC
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Actually, I'm pretty sure "Sues (and everyone else) ignore him, so he's fine" was most of the actual argument for him knowing about the PPC. The rest, IIRC, was that he canonically knows things he probably shouldn't anyway.
And historically, it does sort of go for Gimli, and Éowyn, too. They don't permanently know about the PPC, but it was recommended to go to them for help, since Suvians ignoring them means they aren't as susceptible to the Suefluence, and can see that their compatriots are acting like idiots, and want to help.
See, the "established rules of the PPC" weren't always what they are now. Heck, we didn't really have established rules for a long time, other than these, and they were regarded as more guidelines than actual rules. Basically, as long as people liked the idea and it was funny, you could do it.
I mainly object to the idea of canons knowing about the PPC when the argument for it boils down to "they are more awesome and special than anyone ever." Like... I think Sherlock Holmes came up once? And yeah, he's cool and smart and would probably figure everything out quickly enough if he weren't brainwashed by his latest daughter/sister/lover/wife/whatever, but that doesn't imply that agents should deliberately leave him with uncanonical knowledge, and it certainly doesn't make him immune to neuralyzation or canon snap-back.
I had to talk someone out of leaving a character with an eidetic memory with knowledge of the PPC, too. He was an alien of some sort and might not have had eyes, IIRC, so it would make sense that the neuralyzer wouldn't work—but FicPsych has a lot more technological resources, and even someone who wouldn't forget anything under normal circumstances can still have his mind messed with by, say, fictional chemical substances. {= P Plus, again, canon snap-back.
But I think the rules of the Disc are just absurd enough to allow for Gaspode, personally. {= )
Re. Jool, you did forget, though to be fair it's a joke from... *checks e-mail record* October of 2015. So I will tell it again, and then everyone else will at least sort of get it, too:In closing, have a silly scene that popped into my head yesterday:
Jenni: So what's your actual name? "Notary"'s a bit stiff for... informal use. *smirk*
Notary: *cool look* Antrilovorasilendar.
Jenni: *blink* What do they call you for short?
Notary: My whole. Name.
Jenni: ... Right. Jool it is.
(It's a Farscape reference. The character originally bearing the nickname Jool, whose part the Notary takes in this dialogue, is Joolushko Tunai Fenta Hovalis. ^_^ )
Jenni stared down at the pad in her hand, mouth in a studious twist and one finger tapping lightly against her thigh.
There were several avenues she could think of to pursue from here. Deciding the Universal Translator could negate the problem would work, but that felt like cheating; borrowing someone's TARDIS for the purpose only slightly less so.
Maybe if she got some psychic paper and copied the entries onto it? Did psychic paper even work that way?
Trying to find someone who could read Gallifreyan would of course represent an unconscionable breach of confidentiality, but merely threatening as much might be good enough.
Learning to read Gallifreyan herself would be quite the coup, but either she'd have to do it in the same relative time as everyone else, which would take forever, or she'd have to go be Gallifreyan for a while in a non-linear fashion, returning to the moment she'd left here, which again felt rather like cheating.
She could probably get a computer to read it. The PPC had access to any data you could possibly want. That would work, and it was something anyone could do, and was therefore not cheating. It was a pretty good option.
On the other hand, simply solving the puzzle didn't quite seem in the spirit of the game, which this was. There was nothing for it but to track down the Notary in person and maybe drag her out to lunch or something, all the better to bug her about deliberately avoiding Jenni's office hours to leave her a book full of writing she couldn't read and a provocative note that she very well could. Really, if she didn't want Jenni to vigorously pursue the matter, she might've just done the assignment and follow-up as intended in the first place.
This would be fun. -
This. This is perfect. by
on 2017-01-05 20:19:00 UTC
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I unfortunately haven't quite read (and listened to!) the actual mission yet, but I'm very much looking forward to it. Maybe I'll read it on the bus to uni and see how many people look up when I inevitably laugh :)
~Zing -
Bloody. Good. by
on 2017-01-02 02:00:00 UTC
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I do recall you, at some point, mentioning that the idea of the PPC was for a focus on the characters - sort've making stories about them, around the missions. You've done an awesome job at it, seriously. I love how you used that wraith, and that final big important bit relating to the Notary that I won't spoil because it's very good is. Er. Very good. The delivery of that flashback, mate. That delivery.
I dunno, your characters are remarkably relatable (or likable, or whatever, at least), especially for what they, technically speaking, are, and, that's certainly a point in your favour, oy? What we ought to be doing, especially in a setting as outlandish as the PPC.
Your handling of Luna, too, was bloody great. It's pretty rare that we get such an insight into how the canons feel during badfic and, even though I'm not at all aware of her character, or anything at all ever about MLP, I did feel genuinely sorry/horrified for her.
Er. Criticisms?
Well, I suppose that one bit, near the start, where they were sort've panicked, trying to escape that first person segment, ended oddly. It built up suspense well, and was a great way of establishing who's familiar with the continua, and whatnot. The build-up was well done, I just feel that the final escape - 'the RA beeped a few times and allowed them to portal to relative safety' is written a bit too vague, y'know? I feel like with that sort of event - the end of all the build-up - ought to be more punchy, y'know? More gritty and specific, as opposed to vague, and such.
But, you know. That's essentially nitpicking, at this point.
You have also taught me what pronking is, for which I am very glad. -
You left editing on in the document. (nm) by
on 2017-01-01 12:51:00 UTC
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Fixed. (nm) by
on 2017-01-01 16:59:00 UTC
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*Does backflips in the air out of joy* by
on 2017-01-01 01:05:00 UTC
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This may well have been the best way to round out the year - didn't spot anything amiss, either.
Huzzah to hunting badfic, huzzah to character development, and huzzah to ALL THE FEELS!
Thank you for writing, Scapegrace, and may 2017 see you well. :> -
That was really, really fun! by
on 2016-12-31 22:22:00 UTC
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And it's nice to see the Notary being less abrasive than usual.
I also liked a lot Princess Luna being sort-of-deputied around - getting oblivious canons involved with the Duty is alays refreshing since they're, well, completely oblivious to that the heck is happening.
The best part was the last one, though. Not spoilering it. -
Thank you! by
on 2017-01-01 01:07:00 UTC
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Yeah, the Notary does start getting less abrasive and more personable after being exposed to the dark, gloomy aura. The two are, after all, connected; recall what she later says the aura brings back, and what the flashback implies those bad memories concern. =]
Thank you for taking the time to comment here. It really means a lot. =] -
on 2016-12-31 19:45:00 UTC
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Get on the Discord and join us if you're up for it. =]
And here is the recording! by
on 2016-12-31 22:21:00 UTC
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Thanks so much to Maslab and Tomash for offering to help out with that, and by "offering to help out" I of course mean "I've got their kids". =]
You may find it here!
Thanks also to everyone in the reading for making me feel less like a mad woman shouting at a brightly-lit oblong. It's much appreciated. =]
To my fellow brony PPCers (Another 2016 death to report) by
on 2016-12-31 23:36:00 UTC
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I recently heard that the mother of DaWillstanator (aka Thespio)--a member of the brony analysis community--had died of breast cancer on December 27th.
A video explaining the details is here, and there's a link to a GoFundMe page in the description to help with hospital costs and funeral arrangements.