As always, I would appreciate it if someone updated Kelly's wiki page and anywhere else that this goes.
New mission. by
on 2016-07-12 15:47:00 UTC
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This is definitively too short. by
on 2016-07-15 10:30:00 UTC
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Unfortunately it’s not too short in the good, I-wanna-read-more way. I feel disappointed because I didn’t get what I expected.
It starts so good, with a subversion of the narrative laws of comedy, but then the first paragraph already ends in a small anti-climax. She capped her marker. Really? That’s all? No relief? No fear of the Ironic Overpower soon making something worse happen to even out the good luck? Is September even aware that she barely escaped destruction of what may have been the work of hours? Does she just take it for granted, because she feels entitled to be treated in a special way? I can’t even say that September is out of character here because there is no character; it looks more like a paint-by-number robot. (It there were a who-are-you-and-what-did-you-do-to- September moment later, I would praise you for subtle foreshadowing.)
Kelly had been reading ... and then immediately ... hit the acknowledge button. So, did she use the console’s screen to read an e-book? Did she read a physical book, sitting on a chair in front of the console? Why? Is this the only place where she can sit while September occupies the other chair at the table? This is the second time the agents leave the RC to go on a mission, and I still have no mental image of the RC. For the second time, I got the impression that you try to show some of the agents’ life outside of missions – which is a good thing – but then are too impatient to really show it and just want to get into the mission already.
But this time, the problems carry on into the mission that doesn’t feel much like a PPC mission. Kelly and September don’t show any reaction to being dragged out of their comfortable movie-watching chairs again and again (do they even have easy chairs and a wide-screen TV to watch the movie?); they just go in, allegedly watch what happens not ever interacting with the fic, come back and talk about what they watched. They could just as well sit in the RC, read the words and MST the thing.
Maybe the fic just isn’t suitable for a PPC-style mission. I sincerely doubt that it’s suitable for the mission format you chose. True, there are great chunks of story just plagiarized from the movie. But apparently there are also chunks of story where the OC acts on her own, and the agents never get to see them, neither in the movie (obviously) nor going into this parts of the fic. How do they know that the OC is redeemable if they didn’t actually watch her closely? How can I know that the agents are right about the OC being redeemable if I don’t want to read the fic myself?
“They'll be fine without you. Peter's going to get hurt if you don't leave now,” September said.
Now that’s something that works for me. The agents don’t always need brute force, and Kaya’s reaction, putting her duty of protecting the Pevensies above a selfish need to act out her story, clearly shows that the agents are right. (I just wish I could see that this is based on how Kaya acted off-page.)
Technical Error:
“But he is in the movie, and I don't want to take Peter to Medical if I don't have to.” Kelly said as she grabbed her gun.
Since Kelly said ... continues the sentence that started with what Kelly said, the period before this should be a comma.
There is one other point I need to address. I’m not a Narnia expert, but from an (admittedly superficial) internet search I got the impression that elves in Narnia are more fanon than canon. How does it turn out that there are elves living in the High Forest of Narnia? Would sending Kaya back really be a good idea?
I’m sorry that this sounds so harsh, and I want to finish with the last words September wrote: Keep writing. I guess you got the right ideas. Just take the time to flesh them out. (What? There’s another one up already? I’m afraid.)
HG -
Re: This is definitively too short. by
on 2016-07-18 15:39:00 UTC
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I was concerned from the beginning that the characters might not fit in. They don't do anything really goofy or have angst or even play video games to talk about. Their time between missions is a bit boring. Maybe it's just me not understanding human interaction.
I'm also open to the possibility that I found a bad story to mission. I've been having trouble with that aspect. -
Just chipping in... by
on 2016-07-15 17:49:00 UTC
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You're correct, canonically Narnia doesn't have any elves in it, nor is there any place called the 'High Forest' in Narnia for them to live in.
Taking the challenge. by
on 2016-07-13 03:37:00 UTC
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Nice job with your mission, especially with the good quotes from the fic and recruiting the OC. I'd like to see a bit more about finding the fox in the plothole and perhaps more reason to recruit rather than execute the elf.
You made your mission very accessible to people not familiar with the Narnia universe, which was helpful to me. I look forward to the next mission/interlude! -
Thanks by
on 2016-07-14 15:20:00 UTC
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I'll work on reasons to recruit her.
Er, who are you? (nm) by
on 2016-07-13 04:44:00 UTC
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Brand new workshop is up! by
on 2016-07-13 00:59:00 UTC
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Took me long enough.
As I mentioned in a thread a few weeks ago, I was working on a brand new workshop all about writing reviews. And lo and behold, it is here! Click this link to check it out and maybe pick up some tidbits about reviews. As always, there is an associated challenge with it. This particular one ties in nicely with our monthly challenge, which can be seen at the top of the main Board page.
Many thanks to Neshomeh for providing beta work and giving helpful insight.
Go forth and write well! -
Great job. by
on 2016-07-14 15:26:00 UTC
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I like the parts where you said to do a complement sandwich and to wait if something drives you up the wall.
Hooray! by
on 2016-07-13 10:39:00 UTC
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First thought: Yeah, another workshop.
Second thought: Aw, no story-writing exercise. I liked the opportunities to write about my agents not needing Permission.
Third thought: Huzzah, I don’t need to chase those opportunities anymore. Still, coming up with something fitting before the thread drops down too far is always an exciting challenge.
Does this count as at least two points of praise and two points of criticism beyond notes about SPaG? This certainly doesn’t.
HG -
Aha! by
on 2016-07-13 02:42:00 UTC
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Read your other workshops, too, which were all brilliant. This one is also, fittingly enough, brilliant.
I mean, this is all great advice, and you just give it, and it's easy to understand and not a pain to slog through.
Organised into paragraphs, not written like a scientific report, useful examples, and all.
I'll probably bookmark this for when I review stuff.
This doesn't meet the standards of a review in the workshop. Bugger. Sorry about that.
Ring ring ring! by
on 2016-07-13 02:10:00 UTC
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You heard it here first, folks. That's right, it's the Beta Bell, ringing because I, Larfen J. Stocke, esq, has pulled the Beta String!
Because I need Beta Work!
Specifically, I need betaing for part of an MST on the glorious Eye of Argon. No canon knowledge is needed, obviously - just SPaG, and being able to tell me that I'm not funny when I'm not being funny. -
Slam! by
on 2016-07-14 04:39:00 UTC
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And the Beta Door is closed.
Cheers to the people who offered to beta! -
Don't see why not. by
on 2016-07-13 22:24:00 UTC
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Still have nothing better to do, other than work on my own stuff, and if that takes more than six hours a day, I might be obsessing. So, if you'd have me, I'd love to. Email's here.
You rang? (Email is clickable.) (nm) by
on 2016-07-13 03:19:00 UTC
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-Tired of waiting for Pokemon Go? Play Pokemon Gone! by
on 2016-07-13 12:29:00 UTC
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As you may know, the release of Pokemon Go has been delayed in... anywhere that isn't Australia, New Zealand, or the USA. Even where it is out, it's apparently suffering from constant server issues.
On Sunday night, I decided that I was fed up with waiting. Sure, it took Nintendo/Niantic years to make their game, and it would probably only be a week or two before they rolled it out everywhere, but I'm impatient! And I know JavaScript! How hard can it be?
Uh... not that hard, actually, provided you take a few shortcuts.
So I am pleased to introduce:
Pokemon Gone
The result of three whole days of work. I admit, it lacks a few things compared to Pokemon Go, such as... y'know... the GPS stuff... but other than that, it's a fair substitute!
The observant among you may have noticed that there are no actual Pokemon behind that link. The really observant among you may have noticed that there's something slightly off about the text of this post. These two facts are connected. Instead of venturing outside to catch Pokemon for Gone!, you can stay right here on the Board!
Scattered across this pst, and across others of my posts on the front page, are tiny Pokeball symbols. If you click on one, you catch the Pokemon behind it! Take the four-letter code below the Pokemon's image across to the Collection Page, put it in an empty sl
t, and hit the 'Go(ne)!' button. Voila!
When you've put tgether a team, head over to the Gym Page to battle. You'll need your Save Code, and someone else's Gym Code (don't mix these up! They won't work, and giving out your Save Code will let other pe
ple copy your Pokemon). Put them in, choose your monster, and... fight!
If you win a battle, you get to level up your Pokemon, increasing its stats. If it's experienced enough, it may be able to evlve! Whatever prize you choose, make sure you copy your updated Save Code - that's the only way to keep your data.
And if you spot any bugs (other than Bug Types) along the way, please let me know and I'll do my best to fix them. (Bugs includes Pokeballs which don't link to proper pages - I'm sure they exist! Also, the pages have been tested in Chrome and IE, but I don't have access to anything else.)
Gym Codes (to get you started):
Bug Catcher Roderick: GWH@G?M=NVNJ@LML00Roderick
Bird Keeper Cecily: FRNC>HNCK<F@CJKS00Cecily
Yungster Carmichel: AIF@G>K@GPK@KSF@00Carmichel
Picnicker Amanda: OPKEEMLJHDNBNUG=00Amanda
Water-type Gym Leader Nentúrë: NUG=G<JWMTKIJBMIG=MCNRITNentúrë
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I can't find any Pokemon!
A:h? Can't you? The place to look is any post of mine where the subject line starts with a -. Keep an eye out for tiny Pokeballs replacing the letter 'o'.
Q: I've fought all the trainers! What do I do now?
A: Fight 'em again! Each time you enter a trainer's code, you get a fresh battle with a random member of their team, so there's always another chance.
Q: But there's only five of them and I'm booooored.
A: Share your Gym Code on the subthread, and pick up someone else's Gym Code to fight their team! It works exactly the same as the trainers above.
Q: What Pokemon are in this?
A: As I write this, Pokemon Gone! includes the first 27 Pokemon introduced in Generation III (Hoenn). I'm adding more, but it's slow going. Eventually, I aim to have the entire Gen III Pokedex imported.
Q: HAH! I've reverse-engineered your code and can give myself anything I want! Behold: Team Shiny Mew!
A: Joke'sn you - Mew isn't in this game. ^~ More seriously: yes, it's relatively easy to cheat and create Pokemon from the code. But it's also easy to just lie and say you did. There's no scoreboards or anything, so why not play the game how it's meant to be played?
Q: What's next for Pokemon Gone!?
A: The first thing is of course increasing the number of Pokemon - no-one wants to play too long with just Zigzagoon for company. As the Pokemon roll in, I'll add new trainers and Gym Leaders (Nentúrë's a bit lonely right now). I also want to write up an introduction page from Professor Mallrn (^~). Eventually I'll be scattering Pokeballs across my site, to give the game a permanent home. There's a few changes I'd like to make to the game itself - such as splitting ATK and SP.ATK back up - but I'll probably only do that if it becomes enduringly popular for some reason.
Q: Should I play this game and tell you what I think about it?
A: Why yes, as it happens, you should! :D
hS -
Just encountered an interesting bug... by
on 2016-07-22 12:23:00 UTC
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Training up the teams I'm going to put in my Ground/Rock gym, and encountered something rather weird, if both pokemon faint in the same turn (say due to poisoning) then the game gets stuck, you have to replace your pokemon as if you lost the battle but the AI doesn't replace their pokemon acting as if it still has HP despite the fact it has fainted. You can't select a move for your replacement pokemon to use or anything, the game gets stuck.
- -Fixed now. by on 2016-07-22 13:31:00 UTC Link to this
Thanks (nm) by
on 2016-07-22 22:16:00 UTC
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-Is anyone still playing along at home? by
on 2016-07-21 13:49:00 UTC
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I'm not asking out of a desire for attention (for once); I'm asking because if no-
ne's currently playing, I'll stop making posts filled with Pokemon. I can keep updating in silence, until I've got:
a) The whole Henn 'dex done.
b) A welcome message from Prof. Mallorn.
c) A full set of gym leaders.
and d) A permanent hme (ie, Pokemon strewn across my website).
Then do a re-release on the whle thing.
Or, I can keep making these posts to showcase the new Pokemon that I've put in. But I dn't want to take time from upgrading to do that, unless pe
ple are using them.
hS -
I'm still using it... by
on 2016-07-21 21:31:00 UTC
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Although I'm also waiting for enough ground types to be released so that I can do some kind of Ground (or Ground/Rock) type gym. With Numel now out that makes it more likely, but I'd prefer to have the Trapinch line before I put it on the board.
-Funny you should mention that. by
on 2016-07-22 09:16:00 UTC
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(That's the second time I've used that title.)
So Trapinch and c. are now out (along with some tedious non-Ground-type rubbish). That brings the number of Ground lines up to four:
-Marshtmp and Swampert
-Numel and Camerupt
-Trapinch, Vibrava, and Flygn
The Rock types are:
-Nosepass and Probpass
-Aron, Lairon, and Aggron
But if you wait... not too long, I think Barbach and Whiscash, Baltoy and Claydol aren't too far off, giving you six Ground lines.
Which is... all there are, unless you count Grudon.
I wonder what the worst-represented type is in Gen III? That's a question for anther day (and another post to dump Pokeballs in).
hS -
Electric Type by
on 2016-07-22 10:51:00 UTC
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With only four new Pokemon introduced, followed by Fairy and Poison each of which only has five 'new' Pokemon (I say 'new' because obviously Fairy didn't exist in Gen III). This also doesn't include Mega evolutions in which case Electric and Poison would be tied with five.
Wow. Now that's sad. by
on 2016-07-22 11:30:00 UTC
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Getting fewer new Pokem
n than the Ghost-type? Or the Ice-type? That takes a special kind of apathy. Plus, of c
urse, two of the Electric newbies are... well, let's be polite and say '
ptimised for double-battles'. Because calling them 'useless' would be mean, and I don't want t
make Minun cry.
My least favourite Pokemon are turningut to be the singletons - the ones with no evolutions. That's because the least entertaining part of the inclusi
n process is making the little pages for catching the things. If I'm coding an evolutionary pair, I only have to make three pages, for the baby
f the family - but if I'm coding (say) Lunatone and Solrock, I have to make six. It's very tedi
I guess the sensible thing to do would've been to workut a way to use a single page, but with a variable URL to pull up different Pokemon. Is... is that a thing? Can you treat a URL as a c
mmand-line for Javascript?
It looks like you can. HMM. I think I might switch over, then, before adding any more Pkemon.
But that doesn't affect thenes I've already added. I'll keep the hunt pages intact until I roll out the permanent home for all this.
Is that enugh words?
hS -
More page's not found by
on 2016-07-22 11:44:00 UTC
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Specifically the 'o' of optimised and the first 'o' of the last Pokemon.
-... oops. by
on 2016-07-22 11:49:00 UTC
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Yeah, that first one is trying t
send you to a page for Crawdaunt. There are no pages for Crawdaunt. Oops.
Not sure about the last one - it seems to work for me? Should point here, I think.
hS -
That's weird. by
on 2016-07-22 11:55:00 UTC
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The link on this post works for me, on the last post it still doesn't.
-So let's try this. by
on 2016-07-22 14:29:00 UTC
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It turned out that making a P
keball Page that loads your Pokemon when it starts up is kind of alarmingly simple. So I've d
ne that. Now I can add whatever Pokemon I like without facing the looming spectre of To
Many Webpages.
Obviously I'd appreciate it if you could check it for me, see if it works. I hope it does - I can't exactly give you any more MissingN!
hS -
-I had to go and say it. by
on 2016-07-22 16:13:00 UTC
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'I can add whatever Pokem
n I want'. Well, sure I can. But there was something I'd forgotten: a nifty little monstrosity named Castf
So yeah, all four variants of Castfrm are now programmed in. There are actually only two Castf
rm entries on the list - and then a bunch of code later on to switch the alternate movesets to also be alternate f
rms. This is only the second Pokem
n I had to hard-code something to accommodate (the first being Shedinja, which, yes, appears when Nincada ev
But! I didn't have to make 15 tiny webpages to accommdate this update. So that's a major plus.
PS: Feebas. Just... Feebas. -
-"Oy, hS!" Yeah, yeah, but this is a big one. by
on 2016-07-20 17:01:00 UTC
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Behold the new Gym page. This version takes your savecode and a Gym Code and pits you against y
ur opponent in a battle to the
deathfainting! Until and unless you can defeat all of their Pokemn, you can't have your savecode back. That's right - no 'kill one, lose, and come back later' here. Unless you win, it's all for naught.
I fully expect this one to be stuffed full of bugs. Anyone who pints some out... well, you can probably figure out what you get.
h -
-The rollout continues. by
on 2016-07-19 13:54:00 UTC
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On 1visible's advice, I've g
ne ahead and implemented status effects. They're quite difficult to fully test, so if you n
tice anything weird going on, let me know. You might even get something for your tr
And yes, the number of Pkemon is still increasing (slowly). Another four added today. I can't guarantee I'll ever make it to the end
f the 'dex, but I will at least try.
PS: Yes, the subject line is a jke. Oh, how ve are laffink.
-"Oy, hS! Why no new Pokemon today?!" by
on 2016-07-15 16:10:00 UTC
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Well, I'm glad you asked me that, hypothetical b
arder. The reason is that I've spent today taking (some of) Tomash's advice, rejigging the code (to make it better) and the pages (to make them prettier). A b
nus of this is that the game is now at least theoretically mobile-friendly: it should automatically stack the boxes into a single c
lumn on a narrow screen. ("Should" being the operative word.)
Along the way I've discvered that Internet Explorer doesn't do anything the way you'd expect it to, but prefers to bounce portions of a website all around the screen. I'unn
. Fixed it in the end.
hS -
Just to let you know by
on 2016-07-15 17:28:00 UTC
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At the moment, the last pokeball in your post goes to a 'page not found', which unless this is a reference to Missingno. I assume is not meant to happen.
...huh. by
on 2016-07-15 18:21:00 UTC
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I wonder what that was meant to be?
So, thanks for the bug report. Which is your favourite MissingNo. sprite? Asking... for a friend. [Looks sketchy]
hS -
The original one. by
on 2016-07-15 18:24:00 UTC
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I think it's called Red and Blue normal on Bulbapedia
Okay, thanks. by
on 2016-07-15 20:17:00 UTC
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I thin
th a melon.
hS -
Out of cheese error. Redo from start. =] (nm) by
on 2016-07-15 21:01:00 UTC
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-And now it's all redundant (sorta). by
on 2016-07-14 12:46:00 UTC
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Yes, as
f today, Pokemon Go has been released in the UK, meaning Pokemon Gone!'s unchallenged reign lasted... ab
ut a day. Still, could be worse! I'm sure I've got projects that became redundant bef
re they were even released.
Does this mean I'm going to stp? No, I don't think so. Go doesn't have Gen III, so I'm still doing s
mething new. Plus, well, it's kind of fun. ^_^
I hope people are enjying playing with this as much as I'm enjoying making it.
hS -
For those of us with ancient phonesÂ… by
on 2016-07-14 20:40:00 UTC
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This is lovely, thank you! I haven't got a chance to play yet, but I will!
- -Not just the ancient ones. by on 2016-07-15 11:54:00 UTC Link to this
And my phone is a "middlebie," if you will. by
on 2016-07-15 12:05:00 UTC
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But can't load the actual gameplay part of Go. I like the picture of the Gyarados on the loading screen, though.
—doctorlit is sad he can't assist his fellow zookeepers in maintaining the three gyms on zoo grounds. :( -
And now for something different, technical concrit by
on 2016-07-13 21:41:00 UTC
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Since you did sort of dare me to look at your code, and I was a TA for a computer architecture class last semester, I felt the urge to give you concrit on your thing.
- Your JS
1) Powers That Be in a bucket, indent your code! (Unless you were deliberately going for the unreadable look, of course). If I didn't know better, I'd accuse you of coding in Notepad. (Note: if you are actually coding in Notepad, I've heard good things about Notepad++ on Windows, or you can pick up Emacs (or maybe Vim, if you like second-best) if you want to jump in the deep end of coding editors, but Google around for a good config in those cases)
2) Several variable should probably be dictionaries/Objects, not arrays. The main reason for this is that arrays use memory proportional to the largest valid index (that is, if you do var a = []; a[200000] = 5, you'll also use memory space for all of the undefineds that go in slots 0 through 199999.
2b) Which brings me to my next point, indexOf(), which is, as the theorists say, O(n). That is, the more Pokemon you add, the slower it will get, especially for errors. This can be avoided by dropping pokindex entirely and making pokedex an Object (var pokedex = {}).
This will allow you to check membership by simply doing numMon in pokedex. Also, you get the Magic that is JavaScript auto-coersion (most such things are terrible ideas but it's presence is not your fault). That is, if you do foo = {1: 2}, then foo["1"] == foo[1].
3) If you ever find yourself copy-pasting the same code several times and making minor changes (especially if there are variable suffixes such as thingA, thingB, ... involved), you might want to find another way to express what you're going for.
For example, here's a very functional-programming way to go from uppercase txt to digits
var digits = txt.split("").map(function (char) { return char.charCodeAt(0).toString(); }).join("")
(plop the .toUpperCase() in there for extra golf)
3) atkset{1-4} should really be an array-of-arrays called atkSet for DRY (don't repeat yourself) reasons
4) "".concat(foo[0],foo[1]...) is foo.join("") So, I might have written var trainOut = trainlets.join("") + document.getElementById("namecode").value)
5) + works on strings, and might be advisable when there's only two
6) Verifier() is O(n) (and uppercase, which is usually reserved for constructors like Monster). To make it faster, you might want this
function setLike()
var ret = {};
var numArguments = arguments.length;
for (var i = 0; i ret[arguments[i]] = true
return ret;
and to pull allowed out into something like ALLOWED_FROBS to avoid re-defining it every time.
7) One-based indexing makes people cry. Are you a mathematician?
8) Similarly, using n as the index for a loop is just a bit odd, since n is often the length of the thing you're looping over, so foo[n-1] feels like assignment to the last element of the array. The usual loop variables are i, then j, (and k if you're doing matrix multiply, or other crazy things)
9) On the positive side, the code is split into functions, is understandable, and uses clear variable names (!).
10) Do you wont to get modern? Do you want to add an optional feature that works for everyone other than people on old internet explorer versions? Try localStorage. It's the hot net thing, and might actually be useful? You could stick the save code in there and re-populate the page on re-load.
1) Putting a style on each thing, especially if you're copy-pasting them around, is, to put it strongly, Doing It Wrong.
You can assign classes to HTML things, and then style everything that shares a class at once.
For example
<style type="text/css">
.blockimg {
left: 200px;
top: 95px;
Then, you can put class="blockimg on all the image placeholders instead of copy-pasting. This reduces redundancy and makes it easier for you to change your mind.
2) Absolute widths in pixels make me personally sad. My eyes are perma-not-great, so I have instructed my browser to bump fonts to at least 16pt no matter what the developer wants. This means that I can't read the whole "Go(ne)" button. The exact remedy for this depends on what you're doing.
2a) em is a unit that is relative to the current font (and font size).
2b) If you're willing to rewrite everything, absolute positioning is vaguely considered not a great idea (mainly because cell phones). Many people use some variant of a grid layout (have not used their code, but looks not-bad). If you want, leaving extra padding columns on the right (empty divs) will probably keep the current look.
But, the game is pretty cool, and it's pretty good for something made in three days. (I've seen worse.)
- Tomash, who didn't plan on this getting so long, and hopes he's not being too harsh -
-The HTML stuff. by
on 2016-07-14 12:41:00 UTC
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1) Now this genuinely is an artefact of the rush to get the game 'd
ne'. Most of my CSS around the site is in separate CSS files, but Webs doesn't let me edit them too easily (I have to pull them
ffline and do it in - again - Notepad), so when I'm working fast it's easier to shove it all in on the fly. Doing an on-page stylesheet is a good idea, and one I'll definitely look into when I'm in a coding mood again. (Other than just c
ding in new Pokemon - that's easy to do as it is.)
2) Heh. Yeah, fair point. As above, this was thrwn together on the fly, but I'd probably have done it this way anyway. I like the l
ok of the grid system, and am perfectly willing to rejig the HTML to accomodate it (it's hardly complex HTML anyway!). I don't think I'll do it today, necessarily, but soon... s
hS -
Well, such is the nature of quick projects by
on 2016-07-14 13:57:00 UTC
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They tend to be full of hacks. We've all done such horrible things, so no harm.
For future projects: do you want to not think too much about stylesheets? Do you want your site to look pretty much like very many other sites? Try Bootstrap (aka, I'm using this on T-Board with a tweak or 2 so that I don't have to care about such things) -
-I'm coding in Notepad. ^_^ by
on 2016-07-14 10:16:00 UTC
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1) And when I'm not, I'm c
ding in's native HTML editor. And the reason I'm doing that is that I'm doing most of this on the computer at work, so I don't have my choice of coding editors. Also: laziness. ;)
2) and all points after: my coding knowledge is a bit haphazard. I've done curses in C++, Java, and C#, but most of the actual work I've done is cludging things together in VBA (for work) or Javascript (for fun). It's very much been a 'how do I do this thing I need to' process, so there's a lot of stuff I'm not at all familiar with.
Example: I understand the problem you're describing with the pokedex, but I don't understand your solution. I guess I need to read up on dictionaries? This is probably the change I'm most likely to make, since a) memory overhead, and b) I've had at least one incorrect entry in pokindex.
3) Wow, I don't understand at all what your functional-prgramming did there. ^^ One reason my code is so spaced out, particularly around 'digits', is that I was working out what it needed to do as I went. Which letter went where was changing frequently, so I needed to get into it easily. Note that with the Gym Code, I use the same technique but switch the order of the digits - I have no idea how I'd do that with your example.
3 repeated) ... yes, it should, and that should've occured to me.
4) Aha! I didn't knw that. Thanks!
5) The reason for at least some of my concats is that Chrome was treating +perators between numeral strings as addition. Which I didn't want in the least.
6) I... what did you just return? I have no idea what you did there. You're right that 'allowed' should be up in the top section; no reason to keep redefining it. (As to the style issue of the capital letter - yeah, I've no idea what correct styling is for Javascript or anything else; someday perhaps I'll learn.)
7) No, I'm a chemist. ^^ And most of the 1-based indexes happened by accident, where for-lops got a bit tangled up. I just didn't try to weed them out.
8) I've had problems with 'i' seeming to carry over from function to function, so tried to make all my loops use different letters; there's a loop in 'p' somewhere. 'n' showed up purely because I knew I hadn't used it yet.
9) And this comes about because I need to be able to see what a given piece is ding, I was tweaking it so much! (Technically for this I should probably have named every variable and function a random string of ten digits, to make it impossible to puzzle out what it was doing... but haha, no.)
10) ... ooh. I shall look into this immediately. Though on the flip-side, it means I'll need a 'clear team' button to make it easier to wipe clean... but I should have that anyway.
I'll reply to the HTML section later (because it means another pst to put Pokemon into), but thank you very much for this concrit! I can't promise I'll do all of it, but I'll certainly keep it in mind.
hS -
I'll try to explain stuff by
on 2016-07-14 13:51:00 UTC
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1) Called it :). One thing I might recommend is using tabs to indent (despite the viewer-dependent length issue) since that's one key per level not {2,4,8} spaces.
2) Dictionaries. Also knows as maps, associative arrays, hashes, and maybe several other things. These are surprisingly useful things. They're sort of generalizations of arrays. Arrays let you quickly do Integer → stuff (especially if the integers are small). Dictionaries let you quickly do stuff → stuff (in stronger-typed languages, it's Key type → Value type). The usual way to make one is a hash table (look those up if you want to learn something).
To make an empty dictionary, use {}. Dictionaries with values in them are {key: value, key: value, ...} in JavaScript (some languages will use => instead). To look something up in a dictionary, use dict[key], basically like arrays.
JavaScript is also a bit finicky, because objects are (as far as I can tell) dictionaries. That is, instead of doing "".concat("foo", "bar"), you can do """concat".
This also creates the "feature" that in JavaScript dictionaries, all the keys are automatically converted to strings. (I'm aiming for, roughly, program correctness research, so I'm not a JS fan)
3) Ok, so I'm going to want to go through that.
- We start with the uppercase string txt
- Then, we .split("") it. split(sep) splits the string at places where sep occurs and returns a list of the parts, with the separators removed. In this case, this method creates an array of strings, where each string is one character from the original text
- Now, we come to a function that's well known in functional programming circles, that is Map conceptually replaces each element x of the array by function(x) (it actually creates a new array with those results, but yeah). In our case, the function takes each one-character string in the array, takes the char code of the 0th (and only) character, and then converts that to a string. So ["1", "2"].map(Number) gives [1, 2] and ["A", "B"].map(function (char) { return char.charCodeAt(0).toString(); }) gives ["65", "66"]
- The final .join("") flattens the array of strings into one long string, which gives you the 8-character digits ("AaBbCcDd", as you put it) you were constructing earlier
4) It's not particularly obvious that that's a thing you can do. Thank you Stack Overflow!
5) That is a JavaScript "feature" sigh
6) So, javascript (until last year's standard) is missing some form of set datatype. So, that function fakes one. Instead of having a set of things, you have a dictionary with the things as keys, but their value is always something meaningless and small, like true. Then, you have what you wanted out of a set data structure (fast membership testing, fast add, and fast remove) (ignoring pathological cases that shouldn't ever come up)
6b) So, several general guidelines for most C-like languages (check some variant of "$lang style guide" for specifics and minor cultural things.
- Types (and type-like things, such as constructors for types), start with a capital letter
- Functions and variables start lowercase.
- snakecase vs. camelCase vs.depends-on-what-you're-naming is a social thing per-project, and, in open source code, roughly per language. JavaScript uses camelCase everywhere.
- Constants like PI are ALLCAPS
- Pick a style for brace placement and stick with it, stay away from the flamewars.
- In general, foo(1) and bar[1] but while (1)
- Extra line breaks to make things fit roughly in 80ish characters helps avoid really long lines, which cause(d) problems
7) Fun. My mother's also a chemist. She did/does sort of polymer-related industrial research, IIRC, but then she went over to the dark side (aka management)
I figure this means you've been around enough physicists (who've hung around with certain groups of mathematicians) to pick up the [1, N] method of numbering N things, instead of the CS people's [0, N). I'm still somewhat salty that a perfectly reasonable uniform floor numbering system made it so the basement of the CS building is floor 1, not floor 0 :).
8) You've run into another JavaScript "feature". If, when you create a variable, you do i = 0; instead of var i = 0;, i become a global variable, and isn't isolated to your functions. This also applies to your for loops. So, use for (var i = 0; i and your problem goes away.
9) Well, that's one good reason to be using functions, along with the whole code reuse thing. It sometimes takes people a while to pick up on this.
10) Are you feeling lazy? Tell us there's a 6 or so character erase code, like "000000", to allow dismissing a Pokémon. Then, just add that in. Saves you making a button. -
I'll try to explain stuff by
on 2016-07-14 13:51:00 UTC
Link to this
1) Called it :). One thing I might recommend is using tabs to indent (despite the viewer-dependent length issue) since that's one key per level not {2,4,8} spaces.
2) Dictionaries. Also knows as maps, associative arrays, hashes, and maybe several other things. These are surprisingly useful things. They're sort of generalizations of arrays. Arrays let you quickly do Integer → stuff (especially if the integers are small). Dictionaries let you quickly do stuff → stuff (in stronger-typed languages, it's Key type → Value type). The usual way to make one is a hash table (look those up if you want to learn something).
To make an empty dictionary, use {}. Dictionaries with values in them are {key: value, key: value, ...} in JavaScript (some languages will use => instead). To look something up in a dictionary, use dict[key], basically like arrays.
JavaScript is also a bit finicky, because objects are (as far as I can tell) dictionaries. That is, instead of doing "".concat("foo", "bar"), you can do """concat".
This also creates the "feature" that in JavaScript dictionaries, all the keys are automatically converted to strings. (I'm aiming for, roughly, program correctness research, so I'm not a JS fan)
3) Ok, so I'm going to want to go through that.
- We start with the uppercase string txt
- Then, we .split("") it. split(sep) splits the string at places where sep occurs and returns a list of the parts, with the separators removed. In this case, this method creates an array of strings, where each string is one character from the original text
- Now, we come to a function that's well known in functional programming circles, that is Map conceptually replaces each element x of the array by function(x) (it actually creates a new array with those results, but yeah). In our case, the function takes each one-character string in the array, takes the char code of the 0th (and only) character, and then converts that to a string. So ["1", "2"].map(Number) gives [1, 2] and ["A", "B"].map(function (char) { return char.charCodeAt(0).toString(); }) gives ["65", "66"]
- The final .join("") flattens the array of strings into one long string, which gives you the 8-character digits ("AaBbCcDd", as you put it) you were constructing earlier
4) It's not particularly obvious that that's a thing you can do. Thank you Stack Overflow!
5) That is a JavaScript "feature" sigh
6) So, javascript (until last year's standard) is missing some form of set datatype. So, that function fakes one. Instead of having a set of things, you have a dictionary with the things as keys, but their value is always something meaningless and small, like true. Then, you have what you wanted out of a set data structure (fast membership testing, fast add, and fast remove) (ignoring pathological cases that shouldn't ever come up)
6b) So, several general guidelines for most C-like languages (check some variant of "$lang style guide" for specifics and minor cultural things.
- Types (and type-like things, such as constructors for types), start with a capital letter
- Functions and variables start lowercase.
- snakecase vs. camelCase vs.depends-on-what-you're-naming is a social thing per-project, and, in open source code, roughly per language. JavaScript uses camelCase everywhere.
- Constants like PI are ALLCAPS
- Pick a style for brace placement and stick with it, stay away from the flamewars.
- In general, foo(1) and bar[1] but while (1)
- Extra line breaks to make things fit roughly in 80ish characters helps avoid really long lines, which cause(d) problems
7) Fun. My mother's also a chemist. She did/does sort of polymer-related industrial research, IIRC, but then she went over to the dark side (aka management)
I figure this means you've been around enough physicists (who've hung around with certain groups of mathematicians) to pick up the [1, N] method of numbering N things, instead of the CS people's [0, N). I'm still somewhat salty that a perfectly reasonable uniform floor numbering system made it so the basement of the CS building is floor 1, not floor 0 :).
8) You've run into another JavaScript "feature". If, when you create a variable, you do i = 0; instead of var i = 0;, i become a global variable, and isn't isolated to your functions. This also applies to your for loops. So, use for (var i = 0; i < limit; i++) and your problem goes away.
9) Well, that's one good reason to be using functions, along with the whole code reuse thing. It sometimes takes people a while to pick up on this.
10) Are you feeling lazy? Tell us there's a 6 or so character erase code, like "000000", to allow dismissing a Pokémon. Then, just add that in. Saves you making a button. -
And now for something different, technical concrit by
on 2016-07-13 21:41:00 UTC
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Since you did sort of dare me to look at your code, and I was a TA for a computer architecture class last semester, I felt the urge to give you concrit on your thing.
- Your JS
1) Powers That Be in a bucket, indent your code! (Unless you were deliberately going for the unreadable look, of course). If I didn't know better, I'd accuse you of coding in Notepad. (Note: if you are actually coding in Notepad, I've heard good things about Notepad++ on Windows, or you can pick up Emacs (or maybe Vim, if you like second-best) if you want to jump in the deep end of coding editors, but Google around for a good config in those cases)
2) Several variable should probably be dictionaries/Objects, not arrays. The main reason for this is that arrays use memory proportional to the largest valid index (that is, if you do var a = []; a[200000] = 5, you'll also use memory space for all of the undefineds that go in slots 0 through 199999.
2b) Which brings me to my next point, indexOf(), which is, as the theorists say, O(n). That is, the more Pokemon you add, the slower it will get, especially for errors. This can be avoided by dropping pokindex entirely and making pokedex an Object (var pokedex = {}).
This will allow you to check membership by simply doing numMon in pokedex. Also, you get the Magic that is JavaScript auto-coersion (most such things are terrible ideas but it's presence is not your fault). That is, if you do foo = {1: 2}, then foo["1"] == foo[1].
3) If you ever find yourself copy-pasting the same code several times and making minor changes (especially if there are variable suffixes such as thingA, thingB, ... involved), you might want to find another way to express what you're going for.
For example, here's a very functional-programming way to go from uppercase txt to digits
var digits = txt.split("").map(function (char) { return char.charCodeAt(0).toString(); }).join("")
(plop the .toUpperCase() in there for extra golf)
3) atkset{1-4} should really be an array-of-arrays called atkSet for DRY (don't repeat yourself) reasons
4) "".concat(foo[0],foo[1]...) is foo.join("") So, I might have written var trainOut = trainlets.join("") + document.getElementById("namecode").value)
5) + works on strings, and might be advisable when there's only two
6) Verifier() is O(n) (and uppercase, which is usually reserved for constructors like Monster). To make it faster, you might want this
function setLike()
var ret = {};
var numArguments = arguments.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numArguments; i++) {
ret[arguments[i]] = true
return ret;
and to pull allowed out into something like ALLOWED_FROBS to avoid re-defining it every time.
7) One-based indexing makes people cry. Are you a mathematician?
8) Similarly, using n as the index for a loop is just a bit odd, since n is often the length of the thing you're looping over, so foo[n-1] feels like assignment to the last element of the array. The usual loop variables are i, then j, (and k if you're doing matrix multiply, or other crazy things)
9) On the positive side, the code is split into functions, is understandable, and uses clear variable names (!).
10) Do you wont to get modern? Do you want to add an optional feature that works for everyone other than people on old internet explorer versions? Try localStorage. It's the hot net thing, and might actually be useful? You could stick the save code in there and re-populate the page on re-load.
1) Putting a style on each thing, especially if you're copy-pasting them around, is, to put it strongly, Doing It Wrong.
You can assign classes to HTML things, and then style everything that shares a class at once.
For example
<style type="text/css">
.blockimg {
left: 200px;
top: 95px;
Then, you can put class="blockimg on all the image placeholders instead of copy-pasting. This reduces redundancy and makes it easier for you to change your mind.
2) Absolute widths in pixels make me personally sad. My eyes are perma-not-great, so I have instructed my browser to bump fonts to at least 16pt no matter what the developer wants. This means that I can't read the whole "Go(ne)" button. The exact remedy for this depends on what you're doing.
2a) em is a unit that is relative to the current font (and font size).
2b) If you're willing to rewrite everything, absolute positioning is vaguely considered not a great idea (mainly because cell phones). Many people use some variant of a grid layout (have not used their code, but looks not-bad). If you want, leaving extra padding columns on the right (empty divs) will probably keep the current look.
But, the game is pretty cool, and it's pretty good for something made in three days. (I've seen worse.)
- Tomash, who didn't plan on this getting so long, and hopes he's not being too harsh -
By the way... by
on 2016-07-19 12:52:00 UTC
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... do you have a favourite MissingNo sprite?
hS -
I didn't until this morning by
on 2016-07-19 16:13:00 UTC
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but I like "Yellow normal" (the really glitchy red/orange/yellow one). Seems like the right image for a bug-induced Pokemon
Thank you! by
on 2016-07-19 18:57:00 UTC
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That's just abo
side-down, can you believe it?
hS -
I didn't ever think I'd like games made in three days... by
on 2016-07-13 19:50:00 UTC
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but it looks like I was wrong! This game is pure awesomeness. One question, though, do our Pokégone retain their levels when they evolve, or does it start over? Simply curious because I've been keeping records.
-They start over. by
on 2016-07-13 20:04:00 UTC
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They can only have five levels, and they have t
be at level 4 to evolve, so it seemed the best way.
As to why they only have five, it's because the level is encded in two digits, which are limited to 6, 7, and 8. So it's very restricted.
Similarly, there arenly six variants of each Pokemon (and three of those are reserved for the shiny variants, not yet available); that means that for each Pokemon, there are three different movesets. No differences in the stats, th
ugh, unless you level them up.
(As to games made in three days: have you ever encuntered Ludum Dare, the 48-hour game competition? There's been some great stuff through there.)
hS -
This is beautiful. by
on 2016-07-13 17:59:00 UTC
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You have amazed me yet again.
I've noticed that there are no Electric-type pokemon yet. by
on 2016-07-15 03:02:00 UTC
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*hint hint hint*
-Funny you should mention that. by
on 2016-07-15 09:42:00 UTC
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I'm working through the Hoenn 'dex in order, and it turns out they're loosely grouped by type. I stopped yesterday at Medicham - the next on the list was Electrike. So g
d news!
But Hoenn is pretty rotten for Electrics in general. There werenly three in this cluster: Electrike-Manectric, Plusle, and Minum. Other than that, there are a handful of P
kemon in so far who can have electric moves: Exploud, Nosepass, Probopass, and... n
pe, that's it. (Medicham could have, but I gave it Fire and Ice as
ptions instead.)
I'm sure there will be mre as we head on through the 'dex, but I don't know what they are yet.
(Sidenote: 'Henn 'dex' isn't quite right. I'm putting in the Pokemon first seen in Hoenn, not the Gen I/II Pokemon who made the transiti
hS -
Any particular reason by
on 2016-07-15 11:12:00 UTC
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you're doing the Hoenn Pokemon for this?
Other than, of course, to get me to constantly sit back and point at my screen and say 'Hey! I remember that!'
Whismurs still weird me out. -
-Whismur are pretty creepy. by
on 2016-07-15 12:13:00 UTC
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My reason for using the H
enn set is threefold:
1/ I barely remember them. That means it's a lad of fun finding out what they are.
2/ I have memories of being delighted to find my first Wingull (a Water-type, so early! Delight!), andf hunting for Ralts in the grass.
3/ RSE was the first game to really look good. Gen I and II were kindf funky looking, but Emerald was amazing. So it deserves another showing, I think.
hS -
What... what are you?! by
on 2016-07-13 13:08:00 UTC
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You magician!
You wizard!
You sorcerer!
This is cool as hell, and I will partake in it posthaste.
It would be a little bit weird if it doesn't meet the standards I'm setting, now. -
It's met my standards. by
on 2016-07-13 13:23:00 UTC
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Can't wait to destroy you nerds tomorrow.
- -Gym Code subthread by on 2016-07-13 12:35:00 UTC Link to this
-Time for another gym leader! Fighting Type! by
on 2016-07-14 15:24:00 UTC
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First up, here's the trainers who've shared their c
des on the Board:
And finally:
Fighting-Type Gym Leader Maitenamma: NDIQOUHLDGGKK=HWG>GCAJG@Maitenamma
So... do people want me to keep psting random trainers to fight, as well as the gym leaders? I don't know whether they're any fun or n
t, given that you only get to fight one Pokemon at a time.
And if there wasne thing you could see added to Pokemon Gone!, what would it be?
hS -
One request by
on 2016-07-17 23:47:00 UTC
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Give moves their special effects, if they didn't have them already. Right now, gameplay is a bit shallow after a while.
Updated team! by
on 2016-07-13 21:13:00 UTC
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Now if only I could find the Taillow code... -
I'm not sure it's up yet. by
on 2016-07-13 21:27:00 UTC
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In my collection, I have but a number of Bug-types that will eventually become flying types, and a Wingull.
- -Just keep looking. ^_~ by on 2016-07-13 21:26:00 UTC Link to this
It worked! (nm) by
on 2016-07-14 10:10:00 UTC
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Thou art ninja. (nm) by
on 2016-07-13 21:28:00 UTC
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Here's my proto-gym! by
on 2016-07-13 20:32:00 UTC
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NSMBNRI@EML@DLN@O<NBK?N@Granz. Let's rumble!
Ready for an upgrade? by
on 2016-07-14 18:50:00 UTC
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Because I've got one right here! It's a Normal-type Gym, but don't forget that even Normal types can have tricks up their sleeves!
School Kid Max - FRNCCOK>0000School Kid Max
Lass Elaine - KRF@O>FEMXKB000Lass Elaine
Ace Trainer Isabell - K>PJJ@PJJAN=MDUL00Ace Trainer Isabell
Gym Leader Granz - CNULJ@PJK>PJJAXGM>UI>OWLGym Leader Granz -
-Team Huinesoron takes on Granz's Gym! by
on 2016-07-15 11:50:00 UTC
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Okay, so I'm going to be doing this as a sort of pseudo-Nuzlocke:
-I get to click on one Pokemon per post with them in, and put it in my roster. That means right now I have 12 Pokemon (you do remember there's two other posts down the Board, right?).
-I can't look at a Pokemon's moves unless I'm adding it to my team. I also can't replace a Pokemon in the roster unless it faints.
-If a Pokemon levels up or evlves, I can no longer use its old code.
-If a Pokemon faints, I can't use it any more.
-I can only beat each Pokemon once. If I knock it out, I can rechallenge it's trainer, but have to reload them until another 'mon comes round.
Okay! Here we go.
Starting Team:
Ralts (Level 1)
Aron (Level 1)
Wingull (Level 1)
Torchic (Level 1)
Nosepass (Level 1)
Shroomish (Level 1)
School Kid Max
Fight 1: Nosepass v. Taillow
-Over in a single blw: Nosepass used Spark and knocked Taillow straight out.
-Nosepass is now Level 2.
Fight 2: Torchic v. Skitty
-2 Flame Bursts take Skitty down.
-Torchic is now Level 2. Max is out of Pokemon.
Lass Elaine
Fight 3: Wingull v. Linoone
-Wingull faints in three rounds! My fault - I got tangled up thinking of Linone as a Bug-type (I know, I know...), because it had a Bug-type move.
-Replacement Pokemon: Whismur (Level 1)
Fight 4: Whismur v. Loudred
-Lost in a single hit. This Loudred had Astonish, so I took a gamble on the Normal-type immunity to Ghost. But it used Uproar, doing 69 damage.
-Replacement Pokemon: Poochyena (Level 1)
At this point I realised that I had no chance of taking down evolved Pokemn with my team of babies. So I amended the rules and went back to beat up on Max some more.
School Kid Max (Round 2)
Fight 5: Torchic v. Skitty
-Same result as before.
-Torchic is now Level 3.
Fight 6: Torchic v. Taillow
-Fire cleanses.
-Torchic is now Level 4.
School Kid Max (Round 3)
Fight 7: Torchic v. Skitty
-Let everything burn.
-Torchic has evolved into Cmbusken (Level 1). And yes, it has a Fighting-type move.
Fight 8: Nosepass v. Taillow
-Nosepass is now Level 3. 2 more battles and it'll evolve (though it has to survive them first...)
Lass Elaine (Rematch)
Fight 9: Combusken v. Loudred
-Now this is more like it! Double Kick does 28 damage, while Astonish only does 9 in return. Uproar is still dangerous, but with luck...
-... I did not get luck. Combusken went down, leaving Loudred at 8/84 HP. Back to punching Max, then.
-Replacement Pokemon: Lotad (Level 1)
Back to Punching Max
Fight 10: Nsepass v. Skitty
-Rock Slide smash!
-Nosepass is now level 4.
Fight 11: Nosepass v. Taillow
-Nosepass evolves into Probopass.
Fight 12: Ralts v. Taillow
-Ralts faints. :(
-Replacement Pokemon: Zigzagon (Level 1)
Fight 13: Shroomish v. Skitty
-A long brawl, but I win.
-Shroomish is now Level 2.
Fights 14-16
-Shroomish evolves into Breloom. Breloom has an 85-strength Fighting move. Let's see if we can do something about Elaine now.
Lass Elaine (This Time For Sure)
Fight 17: Prbopass v. Linoone
-Heh heh heh... Zap Cannon does 34 damage to Linoone. Pin Missile does 2 back. Tackle only does 1.
-Probopass is now Level 2.
Fight 18: Breloom v. Loudred
-Victory in a single hit! Sky Uppercut does a whopping 102 damage.
-Breloom is now Level 2.
Fight 19: Probopass v. Swellow
-Zap Cannon does 88 damage. Zzzzap.
-Probopass is now Level 3.
And with that I'm finally, finally past the second trainer. I think I'll take a break here; I'll finish up (I hpe...) later.
hS -
My, my, I'm impressed! by
on 2016-07-15 18:56:00 UTC
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You've beaten my second obstacle, and only had what, three deaths? But we'll see how you do against Ace Trainer Isabell! She's the one I eventually gave up recording while I was training, because it took longer to record than it did to actually fight. Oh, by the way, did I mention that the Gym Leader has a little surprise up his sleeve? Since there were only five normal types when I made the gym, not counting Azurill, I had to fill in the spot with something, so let's see how you do against that something... if you get that far. Mwa ha ha.
-Huinesoron versus Granz's Gym: Part 2. by
on 2016-07-16 16:42:00 UTC
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Everything from the last post still applies, so let's head straight in.
Ace Trainer Isabell
Fight 20: Probpass v. Exploud
-In three rounds, Zap Cannon brings it down.
-Probopass is now Level 4.
Fight 21: Probopass v. Swellow
-Probopass is fully levelled.
Fight 22: Breloom v. Delcatty
-Both Pokemon have super effective moves - but Breloom's is stronger.
-Breloom is now Level 3.
Fight 23: Brelom v. Linoone
-Sky Uppercut does 66 damage. Linoone goes down in two rounds.
-Breloom is now level 4.
And so, finally, we move onto the Gym Leader...
... or not.
Let's Punch Max
Fights 24-27: Aron murders small animals.
-Aron evolves into Lairn.
Now we can move on.
Fight 28: Probopass v. Exploud
-It takes five rounds, but Exploud goes down. Probopass, at this point, has 225 defence.
-No prize.
Fight 29:??? v. Gardevir
-Hey! That's not a Normal-type! Um um um... both Fairy and Psychic are weak against Steel, so I guess... Probopass again? I should've levelled Lairon up.
-Neither Pokemon can do much damage (though I get to see the Psychic image for the first time in ages - it's cool!), but Probopass does more. Victory!
Fight 30: Lairon v. Swellow
-Victory! Gotta love Steel/Rck types.
-Lairon is now Level 2. And can only use Headbutt offensively. Sigh.
Fight 31: Lairon v. Linoone
-It's a gamble... that doesn't pay off. Linoone only uses its Normal attack once, so that type-armour is useless. Lairon faints.
-Replaced with Minun, because why not?
Fight 32: Breloom v. Delcatty
-Breloom punches a cat intoblivion.
-Breloom is now fully levelled.
Fight 33: ??? v. Slaking.
-Uh. That. That's a lot of HP. 225, in fact. I, uh. I'm going to have to think about this.
hS -
I did say there was going to be a surprise. by
on 2016-07-16 21:08:00 UTC
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Plus, I ran through everything and realized, "Whoops! I've already done all this work and I've only got five normal types! ... Well, why not throw something random into the mix? It'll give them a 'nice' surprise!" And, well, I get the feeling this is going to come down to Hammer Arm. Who's with me? Also, dang, that was fast. I'm gonna go cry in a corner now and curse your stupid Probopass into oblivion. Meh. I'm taking everyone to the Pokémon center now.
-Huinesoron v. Granz's Gym: the Final Battle. by
on 2016-07-18 14:28:00 UTC
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Okay, picking up where we left off: I need a strategy to take down Granz's Slaking. It has 225 HP, 197 ATK, 127 DEF, with Fury Swipes (90, Normal) and Hammer Arm (100, Fighting). My two levelled Pokemon are Probopass (90 HP, 97 ATK, 225 DEF) and Breloom (90 HP, 142 ATK, 105 DEF).
Fury Swipes is Normal-type, meaning it's weak against Rck and Steel, and can't hit Ghost at all. Hammer Arm is Fighting, which has strengths and weaknesses all over the place, but crucially is strong against Rock and Steel, and unable to hit Ghost.
Hmm. On thinking about this, I see two strategies:
1/ Send in Probopass. It can completely ignre Fury Swipes (being Rock/Steel), but will be utterly destroyed by Hammer Arm. So this is a gamble. It's also got very high-powered attacks, so can actually do a good job of cutting through that HP.
2/ Send in Breloom. As Grass/Fighting, it takes normal damage from both moves, but has Sky Uppercut, which gets doubled damage against Slaking. It's got higher attack than Probopass, so it can do more damage - but its defence is lower.
3/ Look for a ghost. Shedinja or Sableye, at this point. Trouble is, my rulesnly allow me to take one Pokemon from each post, and I only have a handful of posts I haven't already claimed from. So this is a gamble. But if I find one, it's a no-trouble win.
Okay. I'm going to try option 2 first. If that fails, it's on to Option 3.
Fight 34: Breloom v. Slaking
-Round 1: Breloom actually does more damage than Slaking! Sky Uppercut does 47, while Slaking des 43. But, uh, I only have 47 HP left now, while Slaking has 178.
-Round 2 is even better: 55 versus 34. But I'm down to 13 HP, and...
-Yep, out on Round 3. I got Slaking down to 76 HP.
Time to go hunting.
-Pokemon found: Ralts. No. Though if it evolves into Gallade, it could give it a try.
-Pokemon found: Nosepass. No.
-Pokemon found: Whismur. Don't think so.
-Pokemon found: Wingull. N.
-Pokemon found: Surskit. Bother.
-Pokemon found: Plusle. Nnnnhg.
Okay, let's level up a Ralts.
Fight 35: Ralts v. Max's Taillow
-... and Ralts goes down in the second round.
Fine. Whismur?
Fight 36: Whismur v. Taillow
-Whismur levels up.
Fight 37: Whismur v. Skitty
-Whismur cllapses in tears.
Ugugug. My remaining Pokemon:
Plusle + Minun: No chance, no evolution, nothing.
Taillow: Hammer Arm is weak against Flying, so there's that.
Zigzagoon: Not likely.
Poochyena: Ditto, though its attack is better.
Wingull: Pelipper isn't exactly a big name.
Surskit: Yes, my moth will destroy your beast. Sure.
Nosepass + Probopass: Tough, but tough enough? I don't know.
Lotad: ... hmm.
Lotad can evolve twice, which means it'll end up stronger than most of my other beasts. I don't know what attacks it'll have, but they might be strong. And at least it's not weak to Normalr Fighting...
Okay. One last try.
Fight 38: Lotad v. Skitty
-... Lotad faints.
Okay. Fine. Let's throw the dice.
Fight 39: Probopass v. Slaking
I will only be using Zap Cannon in this match. With 120 STR, it's the more powerful attack, and Electric and Rock are both normal-damage against Slaking.
-Round 1: It uses Fury Swipes. I take 6 damage. It takes 29. 84 v. 196
-Rund 2: 80 v. 178. Fury Swipes again.
-Round 3: ... Hammer Arm takes me straight out of the game. 114 damage; I only had 90 HP to start with.
And that's where this challenge ends. I could train up my other Nosepass and hope for a fluke, but is winning based on a mucked-up RNG really winning? I could also cook up a post full of Nincadas and Sableyes and breeze through, but again, that's cheating. So instead, I will gracefully admit defeat.
Now, what did I learn from this?
-The actual battling is very deterministic. You havene attack which is objectively the best; you should use it every turn. Hope the RNG doesn't use its better attack.
-If you're allowed to bring whatever Pokemon you want, it would probably be very easy. If I'd allowed myself to look for a Sableye, I could've taken the entire gym with it.
-This game could stand a few changes to play up its best aspects.
I think these are the changes I want to make:
-A 'Gym Mode', where you face each of a trainer's Pokemn without stopping. With no healing available, this adds more strategy to your team selection. You only get an output save code at the end of the battle.
-A counter on the Collection page that says how many battles you've fought (ie, how many level-ups you've had). There's challenge in trying to keep this number low, rather than just maxing everything.
-I think I really have to take 1visible's suggestion of reimplementing status conditions. Otherwise there's no point in having buttons: the computer can work out the best move just as well as the player (if not better).
-And, uh... more Pokemon! The Gen III 'dex ges from 252 to 386; I'm at 317 right now, so there's still 69/134 to go!
hS -
-Attack of the Bugs! New Gym. by
on 2016-07-13 16:43:00 UTC
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First, s
me trainers:
Collectr Lucas: N?MBLYIAH@LDMDKB00Lucas
Lass Charlene: >JLDHVN>LEIABOIA00Charlene
Burglar Ricard: NWIAEFNBFYK?K?F@00Ricardo
And finally:
Bug-Type Gym Leader Wilwarindestë: JVMB@IJBH=KKHBNHH@LXAINTWilwarindestë
The Pokemon actually get easier tadd as time passes: the bit that takes the most time is the m
ve images, which I'm making myself. But the more moves I have on file (I'm up t
80 now), the quicker it is.
hS -
on 2016-07-13 13:44:00 UTC
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Haven't had time to do any battles yet, but the searching is fun! And the comparing stats to find the best options. :)
—doctorlit's phone is Motorola, and cannot run Go -
Updated: GCHTGQMCOPKEAGJQHDNLHXNBdoctorlit (nm) by
on 2016-07-13 14:03:00 UTC
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For there is no such thing as overkill... by
on 2016-07-13 20:38:00 UTC
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Here's a (see-able) link to what was meant to be seen by
on 2016-07-13 20:41:00 UTC
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Whilst I go and remember how to actually put pictures on the Board. -
oops got the coding wrong (nm) by
on 2016-07-13 20:39:00 UTC
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-Did you just make eye contact?! by
on 2016-07-13 14:36:00 UTC
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Fight! Fight!
^_^ What, you didn't expect me tfight fair, did you?
So yeah, nw Ralts is in the game, along with all its ev
lutions. I've settled on 'Gen III+' for the 'dex: Gen III's Pokem
n, plus all their evolutions, but with their current typing. So Ralts is Psychic/Fairy and can evolve int
Gallade, for instance.
hS is the Raltsiest
New mission. by
on 2016-07-14 15:23:00 UTC
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This one is from Star Trek, Not a Blender. I didn't manage to find a beta for this one, so go ahead and be harsh in the concrit. -
Some belated thoughts. by
on 2016-07-25 00:09:00 UTC
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First off, I'd have to agree with HG about the balance between the badfic and the mission. There were multiple points where I wasn't sure what your agents were talking about—September being surprised by "the Excaliber blade," the incense being an aphrodisiac—because you didn't show the actual badfic text.
The mission itself also feels very mechanical. Neither agent did or said very much that distinguished them from each other. I feel like you could have switched their names around and the story wouldn't have been all that different. I feel like you missed some good potential moments for characterization by telling rather than showing. The line "September knew that they weren't allowed to drink on duty, but also knew that Synthale's effects could be dismissed easily." is fairly dull on its own. You could have written a much larger scene here that could have allowed both agents to shine.
A few technical things to note:
— There are extra paragraph spaces around the seventh paragraph on the first page (the one that starts "Kelly sighed…").
—It should be "coming to," not "coming-to" on the final page.
— This is more a subjective technical note, but single-sentence paragraphs should only be used for either dialogue or as a means of emphasizing lines. The second paragraph on the first page fits neither category and could easily be merged with the following paragraph. Or you could throw in a line of dialogue; as simple as September saying "What's up?" or similar.
There's a great deal of potential here. You could do so much with these two provided you put in the time and the effort. Maybe try writing some interludes focusing on both agents and their interactions. I've always found that to be a good way to find out who characters are and what they're like.
Best of luck with your next mission.
PC -
No takers? Okay, then. by
on 2016-07-21 10:43:00 UTC
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I didn’t cringe and flail about obviously missed opportunities, and the agents didn’t look like talking heads (does that count as two instances of praise?), so that’s certainly some progress from the previous mission.
Alas, I felt like the mission doesn’t give me a good representation of the badfic. It’s hard to find the right mixture of quotes, recap, and showing the agents’ reactions to events, and since I never actually tried to do it myself, I can’t give good advice on this. Does the badfic ripp off an actual Star Trek episode I should be familiar with? That might explain why some sentences seem still to be incomprehensible even after I read the badfic, specifically:
"The incense is an aphrodisiac, (how does September know this) and I guess it was supposed to be an accident, (in the canon episode?) but then she admitted that she's 'known to screw around with everyone's mind.'"
"Picard wouldn't have that much trouble staying in control around a beautiful woman, not when Riker's just flirting."
Why is this brought up while the agents are in a part of the badfic where Picard and Riker aren’t even mentioned? And looking further up both in the mission and the badfic, I still don’t see to what this may refer.
Technical errors:
In the title, An elf in Star Trek, "Elf" should be capitalized (and in the previous mission’s title, An Elf In Narnia, "in" should probably not be capitalized.
September whispered. "The incense is an aphrodisiac ..."
Don’t English punctuation rules say that the period after "whispered" should be a comma?
Kim set the RA for a couple hours ahead.
Who is Kim? Did you mean Kelly?
HG -
OKay. by
on 2016-07-22 15:42:00 UTC
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I've tweaked the fic a little bit, but I suppose I could put in more quotes from the badfic itself later.
September knows that the incense is an aphrodisiac because she read it. -
IÂ’d rather see this reviewed by somebody else, by
on 2016-07-16 13:48:00 UTC
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... considering that I already did two reviews in a row.
So, for now I’ll only say:- The wiki has been updated.
- I’m taking back the "I’m afraid" from the end of my last review.
HG - The wiki has been updated.
Wait a minute... by
on 2016-07-15 18:21:00 UTC
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First up, I'm going to admit that I haven't opened the doc up yet, but I think a couple of things need to be said before I do.
Right, 'I didn't manage to find a beta...' You put up a post asking for a beta for this mission on the 2nd June, and then haven't really mentioned it since, alright I'll agree that no-one said they'd definitely beta this for you then, but you could have asked again at some other time for people to beta it, like you did with the Harry Potter/Dollhouse mission. Instead there's one post mentioning it over a month ago and after one failed try it's 'I didn't manage to find a beta'. Hell, if you'd emailed me about it I would have been willing to beta it for you, Star Trek may not be my forte but I know enough about it to be able to beta a mission in it (so long as its not DS9) and I'd have been willing to look over it if you'd needed someone to. I always find that the best thing to do if you don't have something is ask, ask and ask again, there are a couple of tutors at my old uni who I swear would be happy if they didn't see another email from me again because of the amount of times I pestered them with questions about how to do certain bits of maths.
Secondly, it's always good to see mission's popping up on the board, but I think it may not be a bad idea for you to slow down just a bit. I don't mean this in any rude way, but I think that slowing down the speed you're writing missions at would perhaps help, I understand that people write at different speeds and I'm quite happy to plod along quite slowly, but taking a breather isn't a bad thing, I always find I spot more of my own mistakes if I take breaks between me writing something and me reading it through, sometimes those breaks last a couple of days, sometimes they're a few hours, but by taking those breaks I find that when I come back to the piece of writing I'm able to give it a more critical eye and spot more errors than if I'm reading it through almost immediately after writing it.
Once again, I don't mean to be rude, or for anything to be taken the wrong way, but personally I feel that these things need to be said. If you want to call me out of either of these points, or want me to explain anything that I've said I'm happy to do so either on the board on by email (ig you can't find my email it should be linked at the top)
Storme Hawk -
Sorry by
on 2016-07-18 15:35:00 UTC
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I asked twice on this file. I am sorry that you did not get this one initially instead of the Dollhouse one. I am also sorry that I did not remember you during the re-asking of this file.
I am slowed down. This is just the backlog of stuff that I wrote in the spring.
This is a bad idea...but I'm doing it anyways by
on 2016-07-15 02:22:00 UTC
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SO! HEY GUYS! How's it going? Good? Haven't seen each other in a while, not my fault I forget these things. So anyways, I'm going to do something...really stupid...You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to show you people...some of the characters I made...Now...let that sink in for a while, not for any real reason, I'm just trying to delay the inevitable criticism I will most surely get. And I will not like in any way, shape, or form.
Now your probably asking yourself one of two things "Then why would you show me the characters in the first place?" And "just show me the god damn characters already!" And to answer your second question.,_Undercover_Agent (NSFW)
Now, note that the website these characters are in, is highly inappropriate and 'some' people should not look beyond the walls of what I am showing you. (Basically only the characters on this page I've linked, I want to be...'looked' at.)
Uhhhh...don't tear me a new one? (I have no idea why I'm doing this...) -
The epitome of wish fulfillment? by
on 2016-07-17 11:10:00 UTC
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Anything he imagines comes true ...
How does this work? What happens if he imagines something implausible or physically impossible (supposed the setting isn’t so magically that nothing actually is impossible)?
I imagine "K’eth" attempting to cross a road, and he thinks Uh, this is a dangerous situation. I may be run over by a truck. CRASH!
How would such experiences inform his personality? Would he become overly cautious, never daring to do anything dangerous, because he can’t avoid imagining possible consequences?
Ah, no. I see he became reckless, never thinking about consequences, because that’s the only way to avoid them.
Why does he have all those redundant weapons? Can’t he just grab a stick and imagine that it transforms into the weapon he needs?
Well, I imagine that’s actually how he got "Fearstriker"; he just imagined it, and then he kept it, because carrying a sword around is easier than imagining it again when he needs it again. So, "imagining" isn’t easy, it takes some toll (I wonder what that might be).
Played in the right way, "K’eth" may be an interesting character. Put into the wrong hands, he may become a terrible Gary Stu. So keep him, play him, make him grow!
The others didn’t tickle my imagination in the same way, and I don’t see the point in creating characters when you apparently don’t intend to use them anyway.
PS: Agent Hieronymus’s Power of Imagination doesn’t plagiarize "K’eth". It has been part of his characterization ever since I realized that Androia’s Universal Translator not translating his German expletives (writing exercise, January 2014) can’t be caused by the preferences he may have set on his UT. -
I likie. by
on 2016-07-18 00:58:00 UTC
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Well for the first one, he would have to go out of his way using his powers to make something implausible or impossible work. He could do it, but it would take a long time for it to be right. And to answer your second question, he realized quickly that his powers can screw him over. So he made it so that when ever he wants to use his powers. He has to start each thought with the words "I imagine..." Or else nothing happens.
While this does take longer and leaves him up to be attacked while in thought. He doesn't have to live in fear of him accidentally destroying the universe.
And yes his power can 'cover up' or destroy Plotholes, but only for more plotholes to show up. -
Shame Gremmy Thoumeaux never thought of that. (nm) by
on 2016-07-19 05:59:00 UTC
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I'm late to this, but here's my two cents. by
on 2016-07-16 18:12:00 UTC
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I've RPed with K'eth (both the user and the character); K'eth the character honestly doesn't seem like too much of a Gary Stu to me. From what I understand, he's an anthropomorphic personification of imagination; his reality-altering abilities are an extension of that.
As for a personality: he's a trickster god. He delights in screwing with people, and thinks that (among other things) angry demigods are the most hilarious thing he's ever seen. He never causes or intends lasting harm; he's an all-powerful prankster who hates boredom and dullness.
Sues meet their goals without effort... K'eth just happens to not really have any goals beyond his own entertainment. He's a creature of whims, with no far-reaching ambitions or plans. All he wants to do is make life more interesting (even if that involves randomly turning into a girl and making out with someone, which he has done before).
Is he fit for duty as a PPC agent? Absolutely not. While not truly a Stu (at least in my mind), he's still a reality-warper and he probably wouldn't get along with the Flowers. He's too powerful for Action departments, and unlike Jenni he wouldn't keep his powers in check because he'd probably be eternally bored without them.
I can't really speak for the rest of K'eth's OCs; I'm not as familiar with them as I am with the Embodiment of Imagination. -
I don't think that's an argument. by
on 2016-07-16 19:05:00 UTC
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Sues meet their goals without effort... K'eth just happens to not really have any goals beyond his own entertainment. He's a creature of whims, with no far-reaching ambitions or plans.
Okay, fine... but if all his whims still turn out exactly how he intended, that's still 'meeting his goals without effort'.
Literally-all-powerful, unbeatable characters have a place in RPing for fun; they're a great source of chaos, which some RPs sorely need. They have far, far less of a place in fiction intended to be read outside the RP.
hS -
This is also true; K'eth the character shines in RPs. by
on 2016-07-16 19:08:00 UTC
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I actually started cowriting an MST with K'eth, though, featuring the character. Since the only real thing going on is commentary, I figured he'd work there too.
...and? by
on 2016-07-16 18:48:00 UTC
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None of us have that context. Further, omnipotence and being the Totally Random Superpowered Troll is still pretty Stuish.
And uh... none of that explains any of this. Seriously I'm still not sure why this was posted. Did he just want people to look at his page and make viewcounts inceease? -
He already said that he didn't really think it through. by
on 2016-07-16 18:59:00 UTC
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He does want to be part of this community, but he's not 100% sure how everything works.
If all else fails, there's the Sib Houses. Silenthunder's graduated from being my Little Sib. -
Well then: by
on 2016-07-16 21:53:00 UTC
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K'eth: should you desire, I am willing to take you as a Little Sib. Be warned, however, that I am a tad grouchy.
Welcome baaaaack! *tosses Spikes* by
on 2016-07-15 23:48:00 UTC
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Just looked at your page and - oooooh, Monster Hunter, huh? Nice!
I'll take a look at your characters later and probably talk to you about them by e-mail, that is if you can be a dear and please pass me your address. ;) -
To be honest by
on 2016-07-15 17:45:00 UTC
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It's a halfway between "I HAVE NO IDEA" and me just wanting to see your reactions. If it makes you feel any better, the one known as Voyd, liked the first character shown.
Well, here's my reaction. by
on 2016-07-15 20:28:00 UTC
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Can't believe I went on that website...
Can... can I just say this guy looks ridiculously OP? "Anything he imagines comes true and well lets just say he really likes permanent passive abilities", his weapons ("if someone/thing grabs the sword or uses it without K'eth's permission he/she will immediately go insane and start to fear everything and everyone. Ultimately resulting in the thing/person to commit suicide usually with Fearstriker itself.", "One last thing unlike Fearstriker in which you grab or use it with out K'eth's consent and then you go insane in Deathbringer's case it just kills you out right", "Sporting 10,000 different effects and abilities, can never be disenchanted and having unlimited uses.") are broken as heck and have urple description, and his personality ("Extremely happy go lucky he just wings it most of the time with out any real plan but then again does he really need plans?") just screams Gary Stu to me.
After that, I have to admit I just kind of skimmed through the others because the first left a bitter taste in my mouth, but do any of these characters have, well, a character to them besides "Look at all the powers and abilities they have!!"? "when killed Dreamweaver will resurrect itself (via pulling itself back together (this resurrection can't not be stopped)) and become ten times stronger then the thing that killed it as well as gaining a few of it's powers"? "Access to everysingle kind of nercomatic power there ever was. though seems to hold the Guild Wars spells in high regard"? The personality sections you provided for these collections of powers (because that's all they really are at this point) are brief and don't tell me anything about them other than 'this character is X, except when they're not, because of Y.'
And you might want to get a beta before posting something for the general public to read. The page you linked was so full of errors I almost gave up at the beginning and pretty much didn't bother with any ability bundles after that.
I'd like to list the good things I found in this, but... all I can really suggest is next time you create characters, make characters and not a collection of super-awesome powers and abilities and weapons with a vague personality description slapped on. Unless that was exactly what you were going for, and in that case, disregard all of the above. -
Yeah... by
on 2016-07-15 22:06:00 UTC
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He's kinda one of my more...older creations, Truth be told I don't exactly use those for reference I just DO them, Which is kinda for the better. Because If I did actually stick to their personality that they have. I would kill myself...probably. Eh, I still don't know why I showed you guys. I knew I was going to get...'hate' for it. But I did it anyways....What the hell am I saying. I'm going to dump my head in bleach, later.
What? by
on 2016-07-15 23:16:00 UTC
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Seriously, I'm still confused about what you were expecting. Did you just want people to go 'ah yes this is a 100% great bunch of characters, good job'? Did you want the page views on that to just increase? I'm genuinely confused here.
Also, nothing Ix said could be construed as hate or even 'hate.' Further, suicide threats? Kind of a bad move to make around people. Yes, even in jest. -
Well... by
on 2016-07-15 23:28:00 UTC
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I didn't mean anything like that...I don't know what I was expecting. I kinda of- I wasn't thinking, and now all this happens and makes it extremely complicated and I have no idea what to do...Can we just pretend this never happened?
Welp. by
on 2016-07-16 00:04:00 UTC
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Didn't read this particular thread until after I replied to the OP ^^; Anyway, yeah. I second what the others have said - I've seen some other OCs on the MGE Wiki that are built in the same way as yours, i.e. "a list of powers with a personality tacked on". Character personality has to come first, and it's also important to consider how your OC's abilities, if any, affect their lives and the world around them. It's part of why agents are thoroughly screen-tested by the PGs during the Permission process, the rest of course being how well they're written in general.
And, uh, if you didn't intend to fish for concrit when posting the OP, why post the OP? We look at just about any link to people's characters with a critical eye because we ourselves value well-written OCs. I understand that you're a friend of a friend and I'm as willing to help you out as ever, but I hope you'll forgive me for stating that I don't think you thought this through. Then again I guess we all have those kinds of moments, sooo.
Also, please don't get the idea that we're scheming to tear down your reputation as a person, because believe me, people have actually tried to do that to me in the past and managed a partial success! :C We're always willing to lend a hand to anyone in need, and all you have to do is ask. It's just that your OP really sounded like a "Look at these characters and admire them" sort of deal, which I can say with confidence would not have ended well on any level in most other corners of the Internet. Malice isn't on our agenda - we're trying to help you as a writer and as a person - but I still feel like talking to me or Voyd in private before posting publicly would have been safer in hindsight. ..
And lastly, well... here's a virtual hug from me, in the hopes of comforting you in the aftermath of all this. (/^^)/ -
Eh... by
on 2016-07-16 00:30:00 UTC
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I accept thy hug good sir! I'm now going to probably do some stupid RPs relating to none of this...
Wait by
on 2016-07-15 17:17:00 UTC
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Why ARE you showing thse in the first place? I mean, it seems like you don't want concrit, it halfway seems like you don't even want people to look at it. So... why?
Happy Birthday JulyFlame! by
on 2016-07-15 21:36:00 UTC
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Can't believe nobody's done this yet.
Anyway, chums, please join me in wishing July a happy birthday. She's a Boarder of long and excellent standing and we should be celebrating her. More than that, though, she's a damned good friend, to me and to others.
Happy birthday, hun. We care about you. <3 -
Happy birthday! by
on 2016-07-19 03:50:00 UTC
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Sorry this is late.
Happy Birthday JulyFlame! by
on 2016-07-15 21:36:00 UTC
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Can't believe nobody's done this yet.
Anyway, chums, please join me in wishing July a happy birthday. She's a Boarder of long and excellent standing and we should be celebrating her. More than that, though, she's a damned good friend, to me and to others.
Happy birthday, hun. We care about you.
Happy birthday to our brightest flame! (large pic warning) by
on 2016-07-17 04:29:00 UTC
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July, I tried to text you today, but my phone is suddenly incapable of sending or receiving pictures over text. So here's what I tried to send you earlier:
Clyde the great, big monitor lizard says, "Happy Birthday to July! Hope you have lots of delicious quail to eat!"
—Don't mind doctorlit; he just takes his massive lizard for a walk sometimes. -
Happy birthday! by
on 2016-07-16 05:33:00 UTC
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Please have this black-hole chocolate cake.
Congratulations on ~ 1/(225*10^6) th of a cosmic year! by
on 2016-07-16 03:20:00 UTC
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Here's to hoping that you'll still be around for many more fractions of orbits around the galactic core!
Happy birthday to you, by
on 2016-07-16 02:18:00 UTC
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you're covered in glue,
the decorations are made of glue,
the table is covered in glue,
my present is glue,
the ocean is all just blue glue,
glue, glue, glue,
happy birthday!
Glue! -
Happy birthday to her! *confetti* (nm) by
on 2016-07-16 01:50:00 UTC
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Shalom, July! /o (May or may not be redundant at this point) (nm by
on 2016-07-16 00:22:00 UTC
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This Israeli is confused. by
on 2016-07-16 12:16:00 UTC
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What does "peace" (or, alternatively, "hi") have to do with birthdays?
I wanted to be different, I suppose. :P by
on 2016-07-16 13:28:00 UTC
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Yom Hu'ledet Sameach, then!
*grumbles about transliteration* (nm) by
on 2016-07-16 17:29:00 UTC
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Happy Birthday, July! :) (nm) by
on 2016-07-16 00:05:00 UTC
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Happy birthday, July! by
on 2016-07-15 23:12:00 UTC
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Happy Birthday! (nm) by
on 2016-07-15 22:25:00 UTC
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First Ice, then Fire by
on 2016-07-15 22:16:00 UTC
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Happy birthday my elemental opposite! Hope your big day is great!
~Mattman, who beat you with dates but definately not years -
Happy Birthday by
on 2016-07-15 22:12:00 UTC
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Have this Bleepolate ice cream cake... it was not easy to make.
Mission Six complete! by
on 2016-07-16 05:05:00 UTC
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Our heroes stop a flagrant and unnecessarily violent Stu from derailing one of my favorite magical girl anime.
Also, because this sort of thing bears repeating, TRIGGER WARNING: VIOLENCE AGAINST AN ANIMAL. I hope I never have to include one of those ever again. *knocks wood*
I'll make the necessary barrage of Wiki edits when I'm more conscious. :P Questions? Comments? -
Review by
on 2016-07-19 13:03:00 UTC
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I went into this having no idea what Tokyo Mew Mew might be. I couldn’t say that I know everything about it now, but I got a sufficient impression to see what’s wrong with the badfic.
While trying to whatch Tokyo Mew Mew, the agents get into a dispute about Sailor Moon.It looks just like real life, although I don’t really understand what they are talking about, not knowing much more about this than I know about Tokyo Mew Mew. And then Ami reminds us that she isn’t human, and a totally unreal Delibird accepts the mission throwing a gift. Yeah, that’s HQ.
When gravity kicked in and Wile E. Coyote was referred, I started to smile, and I never stopped until the assassination. I like your humor.
There are some potential continuity errors:
"That’s not how fire works. At all," said Miguel, catching the falling apostrophe.
But then:
Chris caught the fallen apostrophe and put it in his backpack with the spare periods.
Is this another apostrophe? Where did it come from?
Or did Miguel throw the apostrophe he had cought at Chris so that he could stow it away? Apparently not, because later Miguel threw the apostrope at [the Stu].
Chris pulled out the first volume and looked at the opening pages.
“Hey, uh, question: What’s a ‘predasite’?” asked Chris, indicating part of the Words and putting away the first volume so he didn’t drop it in the next scene shift.
Even later:
Chris passed the first volume to Ami, who checked the chapter where Mint showed up.
So he still held it in his hand? Or when did he pull it out again? And what does he need Ami for? Last time we watched Chris was perfectly able to check it himself.
“Not for long, you’re not, “ Ami grumbled. She kicked the mini-Stu that appeared into both the other mini-Stu’s body and a back wall of the café.
She kicked "otaci" into whom’s body? Is "ostachui" (or his corpse?) still around after the scene change? I thought "ichiog" and "inchigo" had killed him at "the beach boardwalk amusement park". (This may actually be the body of "itachi", spawned on the roller coaster, but apparently you didn’t notice "itachi" until he respawned at the audition.)
(Who is Kiki? Pudding’s name from the dub, misspelled? Figuring this out took me a while.)
Taking over the fic and telling the confrontation with the agents from the canons’ POV is not seen often and may actually be the first time; if done, it’s usually the Suvian’s POV. It works really well here, as does resetting canon by singing the theme song.
Ah well, the assassination. It put me off. It looked too much like torture for my taste. When I found the scene in the Floating Hyacinth’s office at the end, I expected for a moment that she was going to call them out for that.
HG -
Thanks for the feedback! by
on 2016-07-24 04:59:00 UTC
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These are good points, and I'm surprised I or my betas didn't catch them.
"Chris caught the fallen apostrophe and put it in his backpack with the spare periods.
Is this another apostrophe? Where did it come from?"
That was a leftover from an earlier version, whoops. Lesson learned: Don't publish stuff after midnight. :/
Yup, Kiki's name is a misspelling of Pudding's dub name, Kikki Benjamin. The others are worse.
ostachui was supposed to be the "other mini-Stu" Ami kicked otaci into, yes. The Ichigo minis seem to have gotten him pretty good, so I retconned his corpse out of existence.
itachi appears in the roller coaster scene? Huh. I didn't notice. What's the technical term for your brain automatically correcting minor typos so you can read stuff?
Yeah...the assassination scene does come across kinda torture-y. Damn Stu grimdarkness rubbing off on me. I've fixed it so the minis kill him quicker. -
Come to think of it... by
on 2016-07-19 23:10:00 UTC
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...I found myself a little put off by the killing as well. Hm. Maybe you could reword it so that the Stu is killed instantly and the minis eat his body without him kicking and screaming, and without excessive description? I mean, I'm not averse to gore but I know some people who are, so...
\o/ by
on 2016-07-16 20:36:00 UTC
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Thanks for bringing me along, too.
Yay! *tosses Spikes* by
on 2016-07-16 06:54:00 UTC
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Thanks for bringing me in as a beta! And good gods, even if I don't know this continuum I could tell this fic was horrible. Well done sporking it! :)
What's this? Agents getting vacation? by
on 2016-07-16 15:49:00 UTC
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Apparently so. It's about time the Aviator and Zeb got a break.
Just a little slice of life involving good food, good company, and not getting killed by the Horde. Pretty good for a vacation, ne?
(Just for an idea of where they're going, have a picture that turned out way bigger than I expected.) -
Now I really want to return to Azeroth. by
on 2016-07-20 10:54:00 UTC
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Androia never got further than from Teldrassil to Moonglade and Darkshore (pre-Cataclysm).
The typo S.M.F. noticed is here:
Below them stretched the Jade Forest, green treetops and pink cherry blossoms as far as they eye could see.
You don’t get a proper review because I couldn’t say anything that was not already said better, and since I couldn’t find two points of criticism I can’t take Poor Cynic’s expanded challenge anyway.
HG -
Trust you to spot it. :P by
on 2016-07-20 18:55:00 UTC
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Seeing what happened to the world post-Cata might be a bit of a shock, just a heads up. Some zones got a serious revamp.
Thanks again, and the typo is now fixed. -
Re: What's this? Agents getting vacation? by
on 2016-07-18 15:50:00 UTC
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I like how you lightened up on the angst.
It seems a little like the question of abortion or adoption with the debugger, but not so horrific to contemplate because she's not bonded to the fetus yet. -
Aww! by
on 2016-07-17 02:33:00 UTC
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Yes! Yes! Love it, love it, love it. This is perfect, and finally these two catch a break. Only one question: Does Zeb know what Ave knows about his existence? I can't believe that just now came to me.
^^; by
on 2016-07-17 04:29:00 UTC
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He's got an idea of what happened, but he's never really asked. Partly because he doesn't want to know, partly because he's afraid to.
This was a really good piece! by
on 2016-07-16 22:22:00 UTC
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I can tell you know and love this game as much as the Aviator does. ^^ The descriptions of both Azeroth and Mt. Coronet were stunning.
I think I caught one instance of a "they" instead of a "the," but I can't for the life of me recall where it is. |D It's not a big deal, though.
Everything charcter-wise is progressing at a reasonable pace, and I definitely envy your agents for their food. XD
Thank you for writing! -
Thank you! by
on 2016-07-17 00:14:00 UTC
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I've been playing WoW for a while now and the Jade Forest is hands-down my favorite zone in the entire game. Much love. <3
I'll go through later and see if I can spot the typo.
And haha, yeah, pandaren cooking is supposed to be the best. "Family. Friends. Food. These are what matter most." Doing my best with character progression but I'm still antsy about how I'm handling that. ^^;
Thanks again. -
Thank you! by
on 2016-07-17 00:14:00 UTC
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I've been playing WoW for a while now and the Jade Forest is hands-down my favorite zone in the entire game. Much love.
I'll go through later and see if I can spot the typo.
And haha, yeah, pandaren cooking is supposed to be the best. "Family. Friends. Food. These are what matter most." Doing my best with character progression but I'm still antsy about how I'm handling that. ^^;
Thanks again. -
It was a fun read. by
on 2016-07-16 17:39:00 UTC
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Not much to say, really, except that the bit about Rhonin's speech made me chuckle and that it made my bad mood just a bit less bad?
Well, that's something, at least. by
on 2016-07-16 21:21:00 UTC
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My guildmates keep joking they'll quit the game if Rhonan comes back for Legion. At least, I think they're joking...
*Secures the mini-Wrath Cadet* (nm) by
on 2016-07-16 21:40:00 UTC
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Oops, thanks! *boots it through a portal* (nm) by
on 2016-07-16 21:53:00 UTC
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What just happened? by
on 2016-07-16 16:27:00 UTC
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Aviator and Zeb having some time for themselves, with moderate shenanigans, and mostly fun and good feelings? An as pure as possible moment of calm and heartwarming for both of them, but with enough sadness beneath to keep it realistic (Which could get a bit spoiled by the discovery of Supernatural and its tendance to chew all of its characters...)?
*pinches* It's really happening, woohoo!
I need a track to go with that.
Oh, and a small jab at Ellie's name. It will still be that one, right?
Expanding past for Zeb? Fry says this better than me.
Nuff said.
On a last note, what would be the Department Ave would be transferring for? On one handd, after the DMS, it could be vacations of another sort, on the minus side, it would mean less stories with her... Well, you're the boss, that will be your call.
Please keeps writing, Ix. Whatever the character, you rock. -
No, you're just imagining things. by
on 2016-07-16 21:20:00 UTC
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The next story is going to involve them waking up and going "Awww".
Hey, Ave's settled on Andi, so... make of that what you will.
I wouldn't really call that expanding his past so much as it is adding in a little detail about his life before he died. He didn't think it was important enough to mention until now, which I think says a lot more about it than the revelation itself.
She'd be transferring to Intel if she decides to go that route.
Glad you enjoyed it. ^^; -
Intel? That would be worst. by
on 2016-07-16 21:40:00 UTC
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That would mean being forced of watching all the horror of the fics, without getting the satisfaction of the kill. In some ways, that's the worst department, and people there are heroes for this.
Well, little trivia remains something. It's little details lke this which make the characterrs satnd out at the end of the day.
Euh, should I be worried that you went for that sort of emoticon for the end of your post? -
RE: Intelligence by
on 2016-07-16 23:40:00 UTC
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You're darn right it's the worst Department— for exactly the reasons you described. What makes it worse is that there are virtually no reports of our activities— all the glory goes to the Action Departments, eh?
But at least someone here acknowledges our presence. It feels kinda nice. Thanks, I guess. -
A cute little interlude by
on 2016-07-16 16:13:00 UTC
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I especially liked how Rina is finally opening up to the thought of talking about her pregnancy. Yoy did a good job showing her development from "Don't talk about it" to "I could really get behind this".
I just fear that the Flowers might throw a Bleepfic, or even a Legendary, at them the second they return! -
Thanks. :) by
on 2016-07-16 21:00:00 UTC
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Yeah, she's starting to get used to the idea, but she's still a bit... guarded, when it comes to talking about feelings.
and no, the Legendary won't be happening for another 20 missions or so :P
'Looks around.' by
on 2016-07-16 17:53:23 UTC
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'Sees the RP.' Uh-huh...uh-huh, SO! HELLO! I idea what I'm doing...strange...I think I've said that same exact thing before. Anyways, lets start off with a question, how many people know about the game known as Guild Wars?
Who ya gonna call? by
on 2016-07-16 19:38:00 UTC
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So... I just finished the new Ghostbusters movie today.
And my verdict?
Without spoiling anything, it's actually a fun, enjoyable flick! I have to say that the trailers made a very bad first impression and I was about to judge it poorly based on those alone, but watching this movie I could tell that there was a lot of love for the original and plenty of things to like about the new movie by itself. My engagement in the movie was a bit marred by the controversy surrounding its production at first, but that quickly went away as I started enjoying the plot, characters, effects, etc. I'd definitely recommend seeing this movie and let's be honest, it did not deserve the enormous mess on the Internet the trailers ignited. :C
I'm probably going to make a more detailed review of the movie on my Tumblr in due course, but for now, I'll leave this thread open to discussion about the movie itself and thoughts about it and all the controversy the trailers inspired. What say the rest of you? -
Took the words out of my mouth. by
on 2016-07-19 02:43:00 UTC
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Just got back from seeing it myself. Final verdict?
There were enough changes for this to be its own movie, but it retained the same feel as the original. I got the impression it was pretty much one big love letter to the 1984 version.
Definitely can't wait for it to come out on DVD.
Going to the mountains! by
on 2016-07-17 13:31:00 UTC
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My church's annual retreat is at Western Carolina University this week, so I will be largely unavailable until late Saturday/early Sunday. It's going to be kind of cold but much fun, and I'll share any pictures when I get back.
Safe travels! (nm) by
on 2016-07-18 02:35:00 UTC
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Good travel. by
on 2016-07-17 16:52:00 UTC
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Hope you'll enjoy it.
Good luck! Try to catch a Mamoswine for me, will you? :) (nm) by
on 2016-07-17 15:51:00 UTC
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Beware of yetis. by
on 2016-07-17 13:35:00 UTC
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And bigfeet. Remember, where there are yeti, bigfeet will not be far.
We, and our big (or small, or possibly medium sized) feet shall await your return.
I am requesting Name Stealer Beta... by
on 2016-07-17 17:00:00 UTC
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...and relinquishing my claim on Lucy in the Fic with Beatles.
I'm back, and I am sorry. by
on 2016-07-17 23:12:00 UTC
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I'm sorry for throwing a tantrum, for making myself look like a victim, and for offending the PPC community as a whole. It was a horrible thing to say, especially after all you people had done to me. I made a mistake of trying to put myself on the pedestal and turning the tables around so that I would be the one that was hurt, whereas the truth was completely opposite. I am truly sorry. It shall never happen again. One thing I can and will do to make things right is start seeing boundaries and respect people's decisions when they say 'stop'.
To the victim of my harassment: I'm sorry for being a controlling little ass. I'm sorry for wanting to take control over your decisions, for thinking I was completely right all the time in doing so, and subsequently questioning your ability to make your own choices, disrespecting them, and calling them (and, by extension, you) stupid. Finally, I am sorry for then ignoring your obvious hints to stop pushing the subject further. -
I wish everything will go well, Matt. (nm) by
on 2016-07-19 17:01:00 UTC
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Glad to hear you've decided to change. Also, welcome back! (nm) by
on 2016-07-18 12:43:00 UTC
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Thank you for your apology, and welcome back. :) (nm) by
on 2016-07-18 03:03:00 UTC
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He's back, by
on 2016-07-18 02:54:00 UTC
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and he's ready to build a shack.
And, er, no worries! -
Matt! *Glomp* *Boop* by
on 2016-07-18 02:50:00 UTC
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I guess I'll have to crank up your angst filter I gave you last time you returned.
Good to have you back by
on 2016-07-18 01:05:00 UTC
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Was a bit concerned about your post, but now your'e back. Nice for things to be normal again.
Heh. "normal" -
I'm proud of you, Matt. *hugs* (nm) by
on 2016-07-18 00:38:00 UTC
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Welcome back. *hugs* (nm) by
on 2016-07-17 23:27:00 UTC
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-.- o.o O.O \^-^/ (Star Wars) by
on 2016-07-18 09:41:00 UTC
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He's back he's back he's baaaaaaaaaaack!
hS -
...Would you excuse me for a moment? by
on 2016-07-19 23:32:00 UTC
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I need to howl my excitement to the moon for a bit. In fact, between this and his appearance in Rebels, I think I'll howl at the sun for good measure.
Cool! (nm) by
on 2016-07-18 12:42:00 UTC
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Eeeeeeee- by
on 2016-07-18 10:01:00 UTC
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*Zorencopters to the sky*
*Fails because Zorencoptering has been removed* by
on 2016-07-18 15:18:00 UTC
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Might I recommend a Bullet Jump instead?
Killjoy. by
on 2016-07-18 20:54:00 UTC
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*Tail Winds to the sky*
*Switch teleport* (nm) by
on 2016-07-19 02:52:00 UTC
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*pinches* *pinches* I must be awake, I guess. by
on 2016-07-18 09:50:00 UTC
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It's him! And with Zahn at the commands! Hurrah! Please don't wake me up.
Now, I can only wish than Revan and Surik get the same favor someday. Please. -
I know I know I know! by
on 2016-07-18 14:39:00 UTC
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I've said for a long time that Zahn and Allston were the two authors who best understood Star Wars - Zahn gets the epic scale, and Allston the humour. Throw in the fact that Zahn is an expert at throwing twists into the story, and... yes, I am extremely eager for this book.
Unfortunately I can't have 'Aaron Allston brings the Rogues and Wraiths into the new continuum', because he inconsiderately died. Frownyface.
On the (other) plus side: Thrawn is also going to be in the Rebels TV show:
Which I've never seen. But y'know what? Y'know what?!
I issue a challenge! by
on 2016-07-18 19:24:00 UTC
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Let's have some fun and a few good laughs. You think yourself to be good at rage games? Flappy Bird, Dark Souls/Bloodborne is a piece of cake for you?
Try and beat THIS game. All you need to go is to beat 8 characters from Winnie the Pooh universe in a baseball game. Simple, isn't it?
I double dare you, try to win against Christopher. Post a screenshot of your winning screen, and... I will think of some kind of prize. Good luck, cause you're gonna need it.
- Matt, who wishes he could unleash his hate upon Tigger. -
Hey, I remember this! Good times. (nm) by
on 2016-07-19 03:47:00 UTC
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Mmm... I'll pass. by
on 2016-07-18 20:35:00 UTC
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Hooray for laptops with trackpads! :P
*wanders off to play QWOP*
Fresh meat! by
on 2016-07-19 04:39:00 UTC
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Hello! Newbie here. Feel free to call me Aer, or Aero. Or any other appellation. I'm not overly picky.
I've only read the Original Series, and one or two other stories, sadly, but the humour and taking apart bad writing has convinced me it might be worth my while to crawl out of my cubby-hole and introduce myself. Way back when I was young, innocent, and naive to the ways of the internet, I had dreamt of myself as a fanfic writer (old shame, really). I began a quest to seek out fine fanfics to use as examples of the shining standards of storytelling. Needless to say, I encountered such disappointment in my search that I gave up on the dream for years.
That is when I stumbled across the PPC. -
Belated welcome! by
on 2016-07-24 14:37:00 UTC
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And if you're still looking for top-quality fanfics, I recommend the "Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail" series by owlet on AO3. Set after "Captain America: The Winter Soldier," the stories follow a deprogramming Bucky as he protects Steve from various HYDRA goons and generally adjusts to the future. Naturally, each of the other founding Avengers (and the Falcon) eventually play a role.
I found them consistently funny and interesting, though the parts dealing with Bucky's experiences as the Asset/Winter Soldier get sad and scary. -
Belated response by
on 2016-07-30 07:06:00 UTC
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Thanks for the rec. I'm not too familiar with Captain America, but I'll take a look.
First plover! (nm) by
on 2016-07-20 14:28:00 UTC
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Thank you! by
on 2016-07-22 00:30:00 UTC
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I'm not sure how well it'll get along with the cat though.
Hi there! Have a Black Cloak of Swirly Awesomeness! by
on 2016-07-20 01:47:00 UTC
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So you'll always look awesome. We're glad to have you!
Re: Hi there! Have a Black Cloak of Swirly Awesomeness! by
on 2016-07-20 03:43:00 UTC
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Thanks! I already feel more swirly.
Welcome, welcome! by
on 2016-07-19 23:29:00 UTC
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It seems everyone else has covered the basics, so I'll just say welcome to the PPC! Hope you enjoy your stay.
Oh, and take this floating hammer dulcimer as a newbie gift. I don't know how to play the thing and it keeps bumping into my floating chandelier, so hopefully you can give it a better home than I can. -
Why floating? by
on 2016-07-20 00:23:00 UTC
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Thank you! This will go nicely with my collection of dusty instruments.
To be quite honest I've no idea. by
on 2016-07-20 01:34:00 UTC
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It just seemed like a good idea at the time
Hello newbie. by
on 2016-07-19 17:02:00 UTC
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Please have this pot of black-hole coffee, and enjoy your stay here at the madhouse.
Ah yes caffeine by
on 2016-07-19 18:07:00 UTC
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the fuel of writers everywhere. Thanks.
Newbie! *glomp* *poke* by
on 2016-07-19 15:16:00 UTC
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Hello, and welcome aBoard! For your newbie gift, take this plate of freshly-made SPaGhetti!
Since it looks like everyone else beat me to my usual questions, I'll just say I hope you like it here! -
Re: Newbie! *glomp* *poke* by
on 2016-07-19 18:05:00 UTC
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Thank you! Er, what's the difference between this and normal spaghetti?
SPaGhetti... by
on 2016-07-19 18:54:00 UTC
Link to this like normal spaghetti, only it also gives you the ability to spell, punctuate, and use proper grammar when you eat it. Think of it like a pumped-up, internal spellcheck. :P
Re: SPaGhetti... by
on 2016-07-19 22:27:00 UTC
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Ah, yes, a fine gift. I wish I had an unlimited supply.
Welcome to Creation, here's your shov—ooooh! by
on 2016-07-19 15:04:00 UTC
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By any chance, is your username a reference to Pathfinder? Because I'm uncannily reminded of Aroden, the god of humanity.
Shove..? by
on 2016-07-19 18:04:00 UTC
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I've never played Pathfinder, so that's a negative.
My usual greeting is... by
on 2016-07-19 18:41:00 UTC
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"Welcome to Creation, here's your shovel."
And aaww. -
Fee-fi-fo-fum! I smell... a newbie! :D by
on 2016-07-19 10:40:00 UTC
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Welcome, welcome! Make yourself comfortable and have a slice of Infinite Pizza! :D
Re: Fee-fi-fo-fum! I smell... a newbie! :D by
on 2016-07-19 11:11:00 UTC
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Infinite Pizza! This is the greatest welcome gift ever! Thanks!
Also, since I hadn't seen this question yet: by
on 2016-07-19 12:59:00 UTC
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What are your pronouns of choice?
And, if you need to ask anything about the PPC and how it operates, feel free to ask! :D Email is clickable on my name. -
Her, she by
on 2016-07-19 18:03:00 UTC
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I identify as female, but I'm honestly none too bothered by being referred to as one.
Mresh feat! by
on 2016-07-19 07:12:00 UTC
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Welcome, any other appellation. Great to have you here, I'm a big fan, brilliant to see that you've left the cubby-hole, very proud.
My gift to you is: rotten meat, as a healthy reminder of your own mortality.
It's the great equaliser, you know. Even I'll die, one day.
Even me!
Welcome! -
Re: Mresh feat! by
on 2016-07-19 08:33:00 UTC
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Ooh you're the first fan of mine I've ever met! Thank you! I'll, er, be sure to take care of this rotten meat.
Please do. by
on 2016-07-19 09:27:00 UTC
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It's very fragile. Rot, and holes, and maggots, and whatnot.
So, you've heaps of fandoms. Too many to list, and all.
I'm a pretty smart bloke, so I've already figured them, but for the sake of everyone else, what're your, I don't know, top five fandoms, then? -
Re: Please do. by
on 2016-07-19 10:20:00 UTC
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Yes, I can see that. It's grown rather...squishy.
I'd reward you if you can prove you've got them. I'm guessing that anyone who's read my introduction can already guess I'm into LotR. I'm also a rabid fan of Neil Gaiman's The Sandman, pretty much anything Studio Ghibli puts out, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Hannibal. I wouldn't say they're my top five, but they're definitely up there, and I figured they'd be common enough to find like minds in most places. -
Mate, Last Airbender's brilliant. by
on 2016-07-19 11:33:00 UTC
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Ought to re-watch that. I sometimes forget how good it is, and then I see it and it beats my expectations.
I'm very stupid, like that.
Always wanted to see something by Ghibli, though. That sort've stuff looks awesome. -
Yes you ought to. by
on 2016-07-19 12:08:00 UTC
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I know it's got rave reviews already, but I cannot overstate how amazing it is, particularly in the context of a children's cartoon.
Ghibli is my Disney. I grew up on their work. I feel like that left me with a lot of room for disappointment when I finally got that classic Disney I had so desired. I love the subtlety of the storytelling, the heroines, and the art, of course, is stunning. -
That music, too. by
on 2016-07-19 13:06:00 UTC
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Heard the theme to Howl's Moving Castle, recently.
It's bloody beautiful.
What do you mean by subtlety? I get sort of what you mean with it, (at least, what it looks like when something doesn't have subtle storytelling,) but what's specifically subtle in their stuff?
I need more reasons to beat myself up over not seeing their works.
I love subtlety, myself. Feels like the creator respects me as a human being with a brain inside of my head instead of the spaghetti-jelly mixture wobbling around in the skull that some people reckon we have. -
Fair warning, the film is different from the book. by
on 2016-07-19 18:00:00 UTC
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Joe Hisaishi is one of my favourite modern classical composers. One Summer's Day was the first piano piece I taught myself.
There's a lot of things they leave unsaid, or only hint at. Symbolism also comes into play. It's great that the audience (presumably the target audience remains children) are treated like they can grasp material that isn't shouted at them with a megaphone, can read between the lines, and tackle serious, unflanderized real-life issues that Disney films sometimes like to skirt over. And I love that their films are more character centred than plot-based. Heck My Neighbour Totoro doesn't really even have a plot. It's something I find much rarer in western animation. -
Agh! by
on 2016-07-20 00:32:00 UTC
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Something's got in my eye, lemme just, er, y'know, wipe it out.
This stuff's brilliant. Need to convince one of my mates to figure out how to play this on the piano. Blimey.
I don't even know what to say, except that I'll be beating myself up harder, from now on.
Don't worry. I can take it. I drink my milk.
Just wish that there were more works that put in the effort to do that. I mean, again, look at all the bollocks that doesn't do that.
I imagine the PPC wouldn't even exist if we had more subtlety in media. -
I'm not sure if... by
on 2016-07-20 03:42:00 UTC
Link to this're just really touched by the music, my praising Ghibli, or if you've actually gone and watched a film now. I do agree though. I really loved it when there was subtle, complex storytelling, flawed, all-too-human characters, and ambiguous morality in my childhood fandoms. Probably all a result of being weaned on Ghibli films.
Also, are you by any chance British? -
I'll let you take your pick. by
on 2016-07-20 03:52:00 UTC
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I'm Australian, which is essentially British, but slightly slowed down because of all the heat.
Ah, I do wish we had more ambiguous morality, as well. There's more room for tragedy and drama, as I see it, when the villains are just as heroic as the protagonists. -
Newbie! *poke* by
on 2016-07-19 06:06:00 UTC
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Hello there! Congratulations for finding your way to this corner of the internet. You get a guava. *Flees from Iximaz*
Re: Newbie! *poke* by
on 2016-07-19 06:26:00 UTC
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It did take quite a bit of luck, both good and bad. Thank you for the welcome, but for future reference, Aerodens and guavas are mortal enemies.
A newbie! Yay! by
on 2016-07-19 06:01:00 UTC
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Have this Royal Ice Cream Container! Close lid, state desired ice cream flavor, open lid, enjoy. It has infinite refills and doubles as a nuclear bomb shelter, assuming you can make yourself small enough to fit in it.
Re: A newbie! Yay! by
on 2016-07-19 06:24:00 UTC
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Thank you for the gift, your...actually, how does one address the Ice Cream Monarch? I'm afraid I'm not very well-versed in the court mannerisms of the Ice Cream Kingdom.
And I believe this Container will be the perfect fit for me. -
Welcome, Bobby. by
on 2016-07-19 05:58:00 UTC
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Here, have a hamster in a teacup.
Have you read the Constitution already? What are your fandoms? -
Re: Welcome, Bobby. by
on 2016-07-19 06:22:00 UTC
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A fine name, Bobby.
I have indeed. I have so many I thought it would be impossible to list them all. -
Finally, another air-themed Boarder! Welcome! by
on 2016-07-19 05:02:00 UTC
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Have one of my own shed feathers and a complimentary kit of Spikes!
Re: Finally, another air-themed Boarder! Welcome! by
on 2016-07-19 05:47:00 UTC
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My name ironically comes from something not even remotely related to air, but thank you! I've always wanted a skarmory feather! Tell me, what does one need to eat to grow steel feathers? And is it painful to when they sprout?
He drinks lots of milk. by
on 2016-07-20 00:13:00 UTC
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All that calcium, y'know.
Soda, actually. I get the metal from eating the can. (nm) by
on 2016-07-20 00:41:00 UTC
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It comes from being a Steel/Flying-type Pokémon. (nm) by
on 2016-07-19 15:05:00 UTC
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Correctamundo! by
on 2016-07-19 22:14:00 UTC
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I don't know how I grow steel feathers, I just do. And I molt them every year before growing new ones to replace them. ;)
I haven't asked anyone about shipping, yet. by
on 2016-07-19 08:47:00 UTC
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What do you guys thinks of shipping? I know that shipping characters with canon relationships is fine, but how about those ships about characters who are just friends or who don't have a romantic relationship, or who never interacted at all! The worst types maybe crossover ships. -
What hS said, more or less. by
on 2016-07-25 01:03:00 UTC
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Does the writer sell it? I remember someone once complaining about a Lucy Pevensie/Sea Girl fic, but when almost everyone read it, they (myself included) thought it was extraordinarily well done. Personally, I'd rather read a non-canonical shipfic that's well done than a flat, lifeless canon ship any day. In fact, though I know this is heresy, I prefer almost anything* to the official canon ships for Harry Potter. IMO, JK Rowling didn't really sell the pairings. They were all believable for high school sweethearts, but to jump from that to "babies ever after" seemed a bit much, to me.
So - yeah, I'm all for it, as a fic type. As with just about any genre, my first and foremost qualification is Is It Well Written. Everything else is semantics.
*yes, really, anything. Even the canon pairings, which I have seen done well from time to time. -
My feelings about shipping by
on 2016-07-24 02:42:00 UTC
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I'm the boring kind of fan who ships mostly canon and strongly-implied-to-be-canon ships. (Except Finn/Poe, because we need more interracial gay relationships between two complete dorks.) I also firmly believe that friendships are just as adorable and worthy of protection as regular ships. Not sure how I feel about crossover ships just yet.
Basically, as long as it's not creepy or stupidly out of character and you write or draw it well, I'll support your decision/right to ship it even if I don't ship it myself. Does that make sense? -
I'm totally fine with it, except... by
on 2016-07-20 20:50:00 UTC
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When it has a monopoly over all fics and the fandom's culture. Which it does the majority of the time.
There is a reason for that by
on 2016-07-20 23:52:00 UTC
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Fandom as we know it today can largely be traced back to Star Trek: TOA and the fanzines which circulated at the time. People, almost exclusively women and teenage girls, would submit fanfiction and fan art to these zines and it came mostly in two flavors: Kirk/Spock multichapter slashfic, or OC/Kirk usually a Mary Sue. There were, of course, exceptions, but most that was it. And this was so incredibly popular that these women actually saved Star Trek from being cancelled multiple times. Eventually it caught on and other TV shows got fandom zines. My mom has a binder of Quantum Leap fanfiction she typed on a typewriter because computers were not as common back then, and was too shy to send in to the QL fanzine.
Tl;dr, fandom was built on shipping, the rest came later. -
What Iximaz said. by
on 2016-07-20 17:52:00 UTC
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However, sometimes there are ships that simply occur just because. A pretty good example is the Plants vs. Zombies continua, as the characters have really bare bones personality, to the point that you could replace them without having to kill them. A pretty good example is Peashooter x Sunflower. While cute in the hands of talented artists and writers, there's no reason that the two would ever want to get together, since they lack any characteristics to do so, because those parts are blank slates. At this rate, Sunflower x Blover would be a more realistic ship, since they worked with each other in the Chinese version.
Speaking of which, I'm considering labeling said continuum as a damaged one with its own rules for badfic (charge-worthy material shouldn't be charged unless it's actually bad/uncreative/Suvian, and unless it's bad psychology) (don't worry, I thought it through), and I'm currently trying to write an agent who comes from it. But I digress. -
I'm all for it by
on 2016-07-19 20:59:00 UTC
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Shipping doesn't really hurt anyone after all. Certain ships I may not agree with, but honestly I will protect your right to ship whatever you want as long as it's clear you understand what the implications of certain relationships are.
Depends. by
on 2016-07-19 16:33:00 UTC
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If it's canon compliant, great! This can include anything from canon ships, to ships the creator(s) have said could work even if they aren't canon, to ships that have been blatantly teased. If the characters are in a platonic relationship, that's where things get a little trickier. Are they the kinds of characters who would go "Ew, no, X is like a brother/sister to me/We're friends and that's it", or would they be possibly open to a relationship with them? If it's the latter, then sure, go for it.
If it's not canon compliant, be it that the creator(s) have said "Nope, no way, not in a million years", the characters actively hate each other and would have to be massively OOC for it to work, et cetera.
Of course, like all things, there are always exceptions. I have seen very well-written Leah Clearwater/Castiel before, and they're from two completely different canons. Do I ship it? Not really. (okay, maybe a little after seeing how well it can be done...) But good writing is good writing, and I enjoyed it immensely. I have seen well-written Dramione. I still don't ship that because there's just no way it would ever happen in canon. But the fic made it work, and work amazingly well.
So I would say: For the most part, keep things canon, because that's the easiest way to make it work. But if you can somehow pull off a noncanon ship, then write it, too! -
Banned user post deleted. by
on 2016-07-24 06:19:00 UTC
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Brad Pitt! by
on 2016-07-24 11:07:00 UTC
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I knew it. I knew it all along*.
Brad Pitt, you're a Brad Git, and your behaviour disgusts me.
Disagreeing with somebody's opinion and posting an old meme?!
Why, you were in Fight Club, Brad!
What happened?
You've hit rock bottom, Brad. Rock bottom's been hit since you fell in that pit, Brad Pitt, you git.
*When and if this fellow gets blocked, can we please name them either Brad Pitt, or some other totally unrelated celebrity, preferably a very, very long dead one? -
Posted from Tor exit node. Move along. (nm) by
on 2016-07-24 06:23:00 UTC
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*waves cheerily at the troll* (nm) by
on 2016-07-24 06:22:00 UTC
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Well... by
on 2016-07-19 15:44:00 UTC
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I think that canon ships are obviously fine. I'm also cool with IC, canon-friendly ships. Breaking canon ships, OOC ships and the like are verboten, in my opinion.
Got a problem with certain bits of it. by
on 2016-07-19 11:33:00 UTC
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Specifically the shipping of people in a platonic relationship.
Romantic 'I want to nob you and make a mini-me burst out of your stomach in blood and poop and screams' love is pretty overdosed, from what I've seen.
There are very few cases where there will be two nice-looking lead characters of opposing gender who don't end up doing the romantic thing. And even when they don't, it's usually implied, or used for tension, or teased.
It's a bit of a breath of fresh air, then, seeing such a cliche not being used, and it then seems short-sighted when a fan comes in and immediately decides that the cliche is desperately needed in this work, too, and omg their so purfect 2gether they both lik massaging sheep omg ^-^!!!1!two!11!!
Seems to imply a bit of an odd, slightly outdated attitude with all that gender relations stuff, but that's really probably just my horrific paranoia. Don't go quoting me.
I mean, I don't doubt it's been done well. I don't have anything against shipping, or romance in general.
Just a bit annoying, to me. -
Re: I haven't asked anyone about shipping, yet. by
on 2016-07-19 10:31:00 UTC
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I'm fine with canon ships, and ships that are left ambiguously defined, but my experience with shipping is that it gets wildly out of hand. When people start plotting out romantic/erotic fantasies with characters who have a relationship that's been firmly established as platonic, or adversarial, it causes me pain. That's not even mentioning the OOC of the characters involved, or the sudden sexuality switch when this happens. It's just as ridiculous when the characters that have never interacted, and have no good reason to are shipped.
That being said unnecessary romance has always been among my greatest pet peeves so I'm writing this with a chip on my shoulder. -
In fiction: how believable can you make it? by
on 2016-07-19 09:30:00 UTC
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If you can write a convincing Susan Pevensie/Maglor Feanorion story (for example ^_^), then that's great! Write it! I love it when people write stuff.
If, on the other hand, you can't make Han/Leia convincing... then don't write it. Write something you can do justice to.
For me, the important thing in fiction has always been canon-friendliness, not necessarily canonicity. (Unless you're claiming it's canon, of course.)
*lights up a signal* by
on 2016-07-19 15:12:00 UTC
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I'm looking for a cowrite partner familiar with both Harry Potter (shouldn't be hard) and Ouran High School Host Club (probably a bit more difficult).
Do you still need help? by
on 2016-07-23 19:56:00 UTC
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If so, I'd like to offer my agents' assistance. Ouran is an amazing show and I didn't realize until now how much I wanted (my characters) to visit that particular 'verse.
on 2016-07-24 14:37:00 UTC
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I think I still have your email address, I'll shoot you a link to the fic in question...
Please do. My username is clickable :) (nm) by
on 2016-07-24 14:42:00 UTC
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*investigates bright light* by
on 2016-07-19 18:59:00 UTC
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Oh hey, this actually applies to me. I confess I did not expect that; I was just killing time while the Minecraft server had a heart attack. *blink blink*
Well, I do know both those canons, as it happens, though only the anime of Ouran. I don't know if I'm up for co-writing, but I can certainly help with any canon questions and possibly beta, depending on timing. Feel free to e-mail me to discuss further: neshomeh [dot] soul [at] gmail [dot] com
~Neshomeh -
*pokes at the signal* by
on 2016-07-19 18:24:00 UTC
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Can't really help out here, but oh boy that sounds like a ride. Good luck.
Um... who might this be? (nm) by
on 2016-07-19 18:39:00 UTC
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What Matt said. by
on 2016-07-19 19:44:00 UTC
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Sorry, I keep forgetting there's a bit for the author of a post. Sticking my name one every post is something I'll have to get used to.
Or you could register and it would be done automatically. (nm) by
on 2016-07-19 19:49:00 UTC
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Registering actually isn't recommended, I forget why. (nm) by
on 2016-07-19 20:05:00 UTC
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Because it's got a tendency to log back out. by
on 2016-07-19 20:07:00 UTC
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You can do it; just check that you're logged in before you hit post. So it doesn't really solve the problem.
hS -
IP matches our fresh-outta-package newbie - Ms. Aeroden (nm) by
on 2016-07-19 19:08:00 UTC
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on 2016-07-19 23:07:00 UTC
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On Mudsdale: by
on 2016-07-20 12:48:00 UTC
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Now, there's something about Mudsdale that nobody seems to have picked up on, namely its style. People talk about it being a "Trojan horse" Pokémon because of its mane, which is in large part styled after a Trojan helmet. However, this doesn't tell the whole story, and it doesn't explain the long, thick bits of hair hanging down at the side. I can explain it, and more to the point, I will.
See, I dunno if you know this, but there's a very, very famous record label that specializes in reggae music. Y'all may know that reggae is deeply associated with the Rastafari movement, which demands its practitioners wear dreadlocks. That label's name?
Trojan Records.
I put it to you that Mudsdale's very design is an elaborate compound pun on the part of the Pokémon Company's design team, which features at least one British national in James Turner. He's the first Westerner to be inducted into the hallowed halls of Game Freak's design coterie, where he designed the lines of Mandibuzz, Vanilluxe, and Golurk for Generation 5, and the Trevenant line for Generation 6. While I can't say for certain if he designed Mudsdale, it's not outside the realms of possibility that he may have had a hand in it.
So yeah. We have our first Rastamon. I suppose that explains the weakness to Grass. =] -
Oh, and another unrelated thing! by
on 2016-07-20 04:32:00 UTC
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It's my second Boardiversary today! Yay!! (Well, it's 11:30 PM where I'm at, but might as well put this out there before it's too late... =w=)
Have a feather. by
on 2016-07-20 07:23:00 UTC
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It's a tiny silver feather. I drank so much soda for this. So. Much.
That's an aluminum feather, silly. XD by
on 2016-07-20 21:50:00 UTC
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And you're supposed to eat the can. That's how I do it. Still, it's the thought that counts, thanks! :D
Heeeeeeeeeeey! by
on 2016-07-20 04:55:00 UTC
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You survived to your second Boardiversary!
Well done!
Have a bronze feather!
It's the best I could do, I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry. -
No worries! ^_^ by
on 2016-07-20 21:51:00 UTC
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It still counts as a gift, and besides I can always use a new feather quill. Thanks, man! *salutes*
Cute! Cute, cute, cute, CUTE! by
on 2016-07-20 00:26:00 UTC
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Adorable! Why are so many Fairy types just so kittening cute? Of course, Mimikyu is sitting on the line between adorable and scary.
Mimikyu is best ghost pixie. :3 (nm) by
on 2016-07-20 00:40:00 UTC
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Now, hang on for just a moment! by
on 2016-07-20 00:05:00 UTC
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That second last one's no new Pokemon - why, that's just a Pikachu!
What nerve!
What scoundrels!
Who do they think they're fooling, blatantly reusing an old, popular Pokemon in their new game? -
Some of us can't YouTube. Images please? (nm) by
on 2016-07-19 23:39:00 UTC
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Here ya go. by
on 2016-07-19 23:48:00 UTC
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Bewear: -
I think Mimikyu is something wearing a Pikachu costume. (nm) by
on 2016-07-20 13:18:00 UTC
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It's a mimic ghost by
on 2016-07-20 22:59:00 UTC
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So yes. The implications from what I've seen are that it wants to be loved like Pikachu is.
on 2016-07-19 23:35:00 UTC
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Initial reactions:
Wimpod: "Hahaha, it's called wimp, and it runs away, haha."
Bounsweet: "N'awww, it looks kinda like Hoppip!"
Comfey: "Is that a lei?"
Mudsdale: "BIG MAC MUD PONY!"
Mimikyu: "...It's a Doodlebob Pikachu."
Bewear: "It's a pink red panda teddy, huh?"
After watching it again: I want a Mudsdale already, that looks so awesome ;-; Actually, a team of horse(ish) Pokémon to pull my chariot sounds really good now. Rapidash, Zebstrika, Sawsbuck, Mudsdale, Girafarig, Kingdra (What? it's a seahorse...). -
on 2016-07-20 00:19:00 UTC
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I'm actually really loving the doodlebuggy pokemon designs for this gen.
There are so many awesome bugs out there... by
on 2016-07-20 12:19:00 UTC
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And they all deserve to be pokey men. And occasionally even pokier men. =]
Also, it occurs I didn't do what I normally do for a newbie gift, which is remiss of me, and since it's kind of on topic for this thread...
Please accept this elegantly-crafted starter Pokémon!
Iiiiiiit's Ursaring!
And your starting item is:-
Mysterious Liquid from The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth!
Now, Mysterious Liquid is a fantastic item for certain Pokémon. It inflicts Poison on the holder, but also boosts the power of moves with a secondary effect that causes a Major Status (Burn, Poison, Paralysis, Freezing, Sleep, and Bad Poison) by 50%. Ursaring is one of the Pokémon that really enjoys this item due to its ability Quick Feet, which boosts its Speed when afflicted with a Major Status. Try a Jolly one with EVs in Attack and Speed, then give it Facade for that glorious 140 BP STAB, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, and probably Swords Dance for the boost in power, though Gunk Shot works amazingly well for dealing with Fairy-types. Most importantly, though, have fun! =] -
on 2016-07-20 02:30:00 UTC
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I have no idea why I'm screaming, but this is the first time I've seen pokemon introduced over the internet! I'm so mature!
on 2016-07-20 02:41:00 UTC
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The next Pokemon game is looking pretty nice, innit?
on 2016-07-20 12:21:00 UTC
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I agree! I'm really looking forward to it, not least because all the designs have been so brilliant and it'll shut genwunners up about how Pokémon has run out of ideas because this gen didn't include a Dragon-type based on a red fox or a different red fox. =]
on 2016-07-21 13:21:00 UTC
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Which is a fairly odd position to take, considering that gen one had some pretty rubbish Pokemon designs.
Like Seel, which is a seal but with a horn.
And Geodude, which is a rock with arms.
And Squirtle, which is a turtle, but it's blue. -
on 2016-07-23 00:42:00 UTC
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You forget Magneton, which is three Magnemite stuck together, and Magnimite itself is just a ball bearing with two screws and horseshoe magnets. On that thought, Doublade is just two Honedge, and Honedge is just a sword, albeit a haunted one. And.. oh, I'm going off on a tangent.
Announching the other way to browse the Board archives by
on 2016-07-20 04:16:00 UTC
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AKA, the altchives.
I fed all the old posts through a variant on T-Board's "show thread" machinery, splitting them by the date of the initial post to make the pages smaller. I then uploaded the results, which should be easier to navigate and read than the big spreadsheet. For example, here's my Permission request, if you want to journey to 2011 (!).
- Tomash, who figures the Github guys won't notice this unless we all download every page a thousand times -
Why are people in the archives talking about Pokйmon by
on 2016-07-30 04:07:00 UTC
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(and in general, what's going on with the weird characters)
I'm going to start with a computer history lesson before I admit to silly mistakes made years ago. Part of this is that I'm interested in all this stuff generally. Scroll rapidly if you don't mind being slightly confused.
Internally, computers have to represent the letters we post on the Board as numbers in order to do anything with them. This causes a problem: how do we assign numbers to letters? If two computers don't agree on what the numbers they're sending each other represent, you can get weird garbage text.
In the olden days, most of the Engilsh-speaking world standardized on ASCII (after some politics), which uses numbers between 0 and 27-1 (127) to represent the characters available on a standard US keyboard and some other stuff.
This choice posed a problem for people who wrote with letters other than A-Z, or who didn't use $ for their currency, etc. They obviously wanted the computer to be able to use their characters, and they also wanted to talk with English-speaking people (and/or use their programs) without too much pain.
To solve this problem (at least around Europe[1]), people realized that bytes could go up to 255, and ASCII stopped at 127. This meant that they could fit any missing symbols they needed between 128 and 255.
Now this was a great idea, except that you couldn't fit all the missing letters into the 128 available slots. So, people in different parts of the world simply put in the symbols they cared about and ignored everyone else. And a great confusion was thereby loosed upon the Earth. If you took an email written in one of the Russian encodings and interpreted the bytes with a Western European encoding, it would look like garbage (except for the English). In the worst case, you would have to keep reinterpreting a document with every encoding you could think of until it made sense. Worse, you couldn't mix, say, Greek and Dutch in one document. Madness!
The solution to multiple competing standards is, of course, another standard. A while back, the Unicode consortium decided that the problem was this one-byte thing, and published Unicode. The theory behind Unicode is simple: any character that people have used to write text, or any character that has appeared in a character encoding used by computers somewhere[2], should be given a number (or sequence of numbers, in some cases). The committee has given themselves the numbers between 0 and 221-1 to work with, and they've got plenty of room left.
Then, there was the question of how to represent this Unicode thing in computers. Just storing a sequence of 4-byte numbers seemed wasteful to English speakers (especially since any text would be 3/4ths 0 bytes), which would have killed the project. It also wasn't compatible with ASCII. The committee then came up with a clever solution called UTF-8, which uses [128,255] in a clever way to represent all of Unicode in a way that makes all ASCII text valid UTF-8[3].
Now on to our problems here on the Board. We (obviously) mostly post in ASCII, which is contained by most legacy European encodings and also UTF-8. The Board declares that the pages it sends us are in an encoding called "Windows-1252", which contains several symbols and many accented latin letters on top of ASCII.
However, our posts are all over the place. Sometimes, we post our non-English things in UTF-8. Sometimes, we post in Windows-1252. This is all up to our web browsers, and we can't really do much about it as far as I can tell.
So, when I was scraping the Board, I had to deal with all this. T-Board, like a lot of recent software, stores all its text as UTF-8-encoded Unicode. So, I had to convert the Board posts to UTF-8. However, this would get weird if the posts were already UTF-8. I decided to try to interpret every post as Windows-1252, and re-encode it as UTF-8. If the process didn't work, the text was already in UTF-8, and we could move on. Failed applications of this rule is where all the  and В come from, since some UTF-8 is also valid Windows-1252. If you want to fix them, see the runnable one-liner I created at this link.
This all sound straightforward, but there was a problem. When I wrote the archive script, I made a one-character typo in the encoding-related code. This resulted in, among other things, our love of "Pokйmon" instead of "Pokémon". I have fixed the results of this mess in my copy of the Board scrape, and will probably be posting re-encoded archives with the 2016-2017 archive season (that is, next summer)[4].
Now, I would like to offer a plate of session cookies to the first person that figures out what typo I made. Hint: look at row E of this chart and also this chart.
tl;dr: Tomash is a huge nerd, and also makes silly mistakes. Programming can be tricky, folks.
[1]: I don't know much about historical Asian, Arabic, etc. encodings, so I don't really know what they came up with
[2]: This is so that, you can go from encoding X to Unicode to X to Unicode ... without losing any information ever.[2.1]
[2.1]: This is where emoji came from. Japanese cell phone carriers encoded emoji, each in their own way, and the Unicode committee eventually promulgated a standard that all the carriers could agree on. Then, smartphone vendors had to support the Unicode group's decision, the characters became available on Western phones out of sheer laziness, and here we are.
[3]: This meant many Asian scripts went from a system with two bytes for many characters to three, but you can't please everyone, sadly.
[4]: Unless someone really wants them now. In that case, please ask. -
(Left off the question mark in the subject) (nm) by
on 2016-07-30 04:15:00 UTC
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You are awesome. by
on 2016-07-21 17:35:00 UTC
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My only quibble is that it's hard to tell where one thread ends and another begins, and what order the posts were made in... but heck, it's better than the spreadsheet. At least this doesn't take half a day to load! {= D
~Neshomeh, who will update wiki links as she finds them and encourages others to do the same. -
*squeee* by
on 2016-07-21 17:47:00 UTC
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Nesh thinks I'm awesome???
Those horizontal lines could be a bit thicker, maybe.
Also, in a tremendous oversight, I didn't switch the sort order for threads from newest-first to oldest-first while generating archives. I should probably go back and fix that. (and disable ^superscript^ support while archiving, since it ruins people's emoticons).
This won't screw up links, so I'll take a crack at it later this week[end]. -
Horizontal lines? by
on 2016-07-21 21:08:00 UTC
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Maybe I'm not looking at what I'm meant to be looking at. When I click on a month in the index, I get a page with gray text on a light gray background, and links in blue. When I click on your Permission thread, though, I get the more familiar black and red on white, with horizontal lines as you mentioned.
On poking further, it seems as though opening a link in a new tab gets me the page rendered in black-red-white, while simply clicking on it gets me gray-blue-gray.
Also, 2008's 06a gives me a 404 error.
Using Firefox on Windows, BTW. I hope that's helpful.
~Neshomeh, rushing a post before going to work. -
Archives 1.1 (changelog) by
on 2016-07-22 03:42:00 UTC
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- Changed thread order. The threads are sorted such that the one with the oldest initial post is on top (opposite of what the Board looks like). The order of posts within a thread is unchanged.
- Changed the rendering to, among other things, stop eating \^_\^ faces
- Added meaningful page titles
- Removed Turbolinks without prejudice. This will hopefully fix your bug, Nesh
Not quite fixed. by
on 2016-07-22 03:56:00 UTC
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Everything seems to work as intended from
However, from (which itself has the gray-blue-gray look), the problem persists.
2008 06a is still broken either way.
P.S. hS, you're still awesome, too. You will always be awesome. *hug* -
Made one last change by
on 2016-07-22 04:14:00 UTC
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(This is odd, because "archive/" and "archive/index.html" are literally the same page)
but I made a small tweak that may or may not help. Try doing a hard refresh (Control+F5) to reload everything and see if it's fixed.
Also,06a never existed because of the limits of the dataset. The link has been removed to avoid confusion.
- Tomash
P.S [insert what Nesh said here] -
I've also convinced Google to index these (nm) by
on 2016-07-21 04:01:00 UTC
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Oh thank Crow. (nm) by
on 2016-07-20 22:56:00 UTC
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Wow by
on 2016-07-20 17:15:00 UTC
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That's a pretty extensive backlog. Thanks so much for putting it all in one place.
Thank you so much for this. (nm) by
on 2016-07-20 09:12:00 UTC
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Bless you. (nm) (nm) by
on 2016-07-20 04:58:00 UTC
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Thanks for the NM&Ms by
on 2016-07-20 05:55:00 UTC
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(The "(nm)" is added automatically, so if you add it in thinking it's convention, that happens)
Thanks for the tip. by
on 2016-07-20 06:24:00 UTC
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I figured that out after I posted lD
Thank you for doing this! :D (nm) by
on 2016-07-20 04:38:00 UTC
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This is. SO much easier to read. by
on 2016-07-20 04:35:00 UTC
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Oh jeez, my introductory post was so cringeworthy looking back. Dear lord.
I did the best I could, you know... (nm) by
on 2016-07-21 07:42:00 UTC
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My format choice a few years ago didn't help there by
on 2016-07-21 13:39:00 UTC
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I basically generated a CSV and sent it to people. This certainly didn't make creating a readable archive easy (well, it'd take a longer-side-of-short script to do it).
There were also the dump files, which could be imported into a T-Board instance, except that I (and maybe Juliette long ago) were the only people that ever got those running.
So what I'm saying is that it's not hS's fault that the other archive was hard to read. -
Sorry, it's nothing against you. D: (nm) by
on 2016-07-21 08:45:00 UTC
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I know :-/; I just feel a bit like this guy: by
on 2016-07-21 11:04:00 UTC
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“… have you read it?”
The hooded figure walked through the streets of Borrd, drinking in the hubbub around him.
"The new History, of course, what do you think?"
He cocked his head, smiling slightly in the shadow of his robe. Ah...
"... goes right up to last week! The Lord Protector's really outdone..."
The figure paused, casually leaning against the wall. Audience research was important, right?
"... yup, Sir Tomash really knows his stuff."
The chattering group looked over in alarm as the black-cloaked figure marched over. "Uh, hi?" one of them said.
The mysterious stranger stopped in front of them, folding his arms. "You're talking about the new edition of the Archives of Borrd, correct?"
"Something like that," the Borrder admitted. "Have you... read it?"
The figure snorted. "I should hope so. I thought Baron Huinesoron," he stressed the name slightly, "did an excellent job."
"Baron...?" The Borrder frowned, then her face cleared. "Oh! You're talking about the other one. It's all right, I guess."
They couldn't see the stranger's face, but he still gave off a distinct air of narrowed eyes. "'All right'."
"Yeah." She shrugged, looking to her friends for support. "But it's... well, it's really dry stuff. Sir Tomash, though - he makes it breathe."
The group murmured in the affirmative, with phrases like "clear and crisp prose" and "as if you were actually there" seeping through the general rumbling.
The hooded figure stared at them. "But... but he wasn't even there," he protested. "How can he do the History justice if he never witnessed it?"
"I mean, you're a bit right," the Borrder said. "The Baron's work is still the best reference for the early days."
"The only reference," one of the others muttered, getting nods from half of the group.
"But... I dunno, once he got married to Lady Kaitlyn, it's like he gave up. There's no... sparkle." The Borrder glanced at the stranger. "Am I making sense?"
"I understand your words," the stranger ground out.
She looked at him for a long moment, then shrugged again. "So, yeah. That's what Tomash has. Sparkle. He makes it more..."
"More real. I see." The figure reached up under his hood, rubbing his eyes. "Very well, then. I will trespass no more on your time." He turned on his heel and stalked off into the crowd, lost to sight within seconds.
The Borrder turned to her friends, brow furrowed. "Does anyone have any idea what that was all about?"
The main difference being that he would never acknowledge the Altchives as being better. I do.
I've written part of an MST! by
on 2016-07-20 06:54:00 UTC
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In which Finch and Bingle of Building Maintenance riff on Jim Theis' masterpiece, The Eye of Argon.
There'll be goofs, there'll be gaffs, there'll be spoofs, there'll be spaffs. Maybe there'll even be a laugh, or two.
Or not!
Your choice! -
I've never had the (mis)fortune of reading The Eye of Argon by
on 2016-07-22 00:29:00 UTC
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But I couldn't stop giggling through that. I'm not sure if this MST makes a more compelling case of looking up the source material, or avoiding as for all eternity.
The Eye of Argon is a truly special story. by
on 2016-07-22 07:03:00 UTC
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And I recommend it thoroughly.
To say that it's gold to a person looking for the comically bad is like to say that the heat death of the universe is 'a bit warm.'
You won't be the same again, I assure you. -
I'm on it. by
on 2016-07-22 19:10:00 UTC
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My friend and I are planning on going through it together.
That was epic. by
on 2016-07-21 20:41:00 UTC
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That is a massively fun story to MST, it really is practically written for it. And you still managed to outdo the hilarity of the text itself! Impressive. I really enjoyed the interactions between Binkle and Finch - they're an excellent pair.
Whoa! Get here, y'rascal! by
on 2016-07-22 07:01:00 UTC
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*Grabs mini.*
Got him.
The interactions between them was one of the things I was most concerned with, so I'm happy that it turned out well.
Also, it was apparently funny!
Huzzah! -
Grignr! by
on 2016-07-21 11:49:00 UTC
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Ah, good times, good times. Life is always better with Grignr around.
Did I say 'better'?
I went into this for one reason: to reread some of The Eye of Argon. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the MST part of it actually complemented the experience. So hey! Good job.
I think what makes it good is the parts where you use the MST to highlight something that you'd skip over if you were just reading. 'Lustfully' is probably the classic example here, or maybe the right arm. Or... yeah, on rereading, you've done this pretty consistently. Hooray!
hS, actually reading something this month! -
Grignr will always have a special place in my heart. by
on 2016-07-21 12:01:00 UTC
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The one behind the bars, with padded walls and all the sharp objects locked away.
Glad you enjoyed the MST part considering that, er, it's the part that I did. Cheers for the feedback, too.
You read something! Hooray! -
I have discovered a glorious truth. by
on 2016-07-21 17:00:00 UTC
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A paperback version of The Eye of Argon exists, and has done since 2006. (Also on, but I'm afraid not the Australian version.)
I must have it.
And then I must be sure not to put it next to the Bakshi LotR DVD. Such a hybrid doesn't bear thinking about.
PS: omguh Bakshi/Argon crossover. No, better: Boorman Script/Argon crossover. It would be amaaaaaaaziiiiiing... -
Thank you for the Boorman by
on 2016-08-03 01:40:00 UTC
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It's perfectly ridiculous. I will go back and read the whole thing when I'm done reading LotR so as not to
ruinspoil it for myself (which should take a while; I'm only as far as the Council of Elrond).
Strangely enough, the thing which bothers me most about it is that the house in Rivendell is described as a "crystalline palace." I've been picturing it more like a big country house. . . am I missing something? Or is Boorman dramatically wrong here as in so many other cases? I dunno, I wouldn't call a "crystalline palace" a "Homely House." And I wouldn't expect one to have a porch (I know there is a porch at Elrond's house. If I'm not very much mistaken, it's where the council is held. Not on some glass table with naked Frodo)(I've seen weird fandisservice before, but for some reason this takes the cake).
An incident with one thing wrong with it is a tragedy; an incident with a million things wrong with it is a statistic.
--Key is back, with shiny new fandoms. -
Look at those genres. by
on 2016-07-22 07:12:00 UTC
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'Fantasy > Epic'
They described the Iliad with similar wording, y'know.
That Boorman Script just gets odder and odder as it goes on. I mean, I haven't even finished reading the books, but, bloody hell. -
I gave it a try. by
on 2016-07-21 10:55:00 UTC
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Alas, most MSTs don’t work for me, probably because I miss too many of the foreign language puns.
Anyway, thanks for the warning. The Eye of Argon is unbearable even in this format. I’ll make sure to never read it.
HG -
I'm just glad I got to do my service to the community. (nm) by
on 2016-07-21 11:51:00 UTC
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Claiming this Narnia fic by
on 2016-07-20 14:41:00 UTC
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The Magic of the Blue-Eyed One > by CrystalOpal
The fifth Pevensie, Dawn, joins her siblings as they try to escape war-torn England. In their attempt to forget the horrors of the war they left behind, they discover a magical, wondrous land and enter a completely different kind of war. Meanwhile, Dawn struggles with an oddity she's possessed all her life, and it threatens to consume her.
Chronicles of Narnia - Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Family - Edmund Pevensie, Lucy Pevensie, Peter Pevensie, OC - Chapters: 15 - Words: 37,867 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 29 - Follows: 19 - Updated: Jun 16 - Published: May 18 - Status: Complete - id: 11953123 -
Mission report for a different Narnia fic. by
on 2016-07-22 15:30:00 UTC
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Is having a fifth Pevensie common? I had this old thing lying around, but don't think I'm skilled enough to mission it.
Blueberry seems like she would make a good riding instructor.