Hallo! So we just finished a cowrite to Harry Potter with our DMS teams. Any takers?
Seeking betas by
on 2015-08-01 01:50:00 UTC
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That is enough betas; thank you! (nm) by
on 2015-08-01 16:43:00 UTC
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I'm available! o/ (Name is clickable) (nm) by
on 2015-08-01 16:30:00 UTC
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I can take a look by
on 2015-08-01 07:54:00 UTC
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In terms of canon knowledge, not SPaG, naturally.
If my schedule allows it... by
on 2015-08-01 02:39:00 UTC
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...I may be able to take a look this weekend, or early next week at the latest.
I think.... by
on 2015-08-01 02:18:00 UTC
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I'll take the bait, and say yes, I'll help. You both already know how to contact me.
And now, a mission three years in the making! by
on 2015-08-01 18:34:00 UTC
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Yes, three whole years!* This thing was started in October 2012. Well, without further ado, Riaa'lzhor and Lana in:
Appuntamento Rovinato
Many thanks to Des and Iximaz for beta-ing!
*Actually more like two years and ten months. Same difference. -
Congratulations! by
on 2015-08-03 00:40:00 UTC
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And allow me to echo EPL in saying that having the agents already be in the continuum is an interesting change of pace. So far, I have not spotted any errors except this one:
["]No World-One nation exists here. What about that is hard to understand?” She asked as the fight began.
That "S" in "she asked" needs to be lowercase. Even though the quote ends in a question mark, the next word is part of an attribution tag--it is not its own sentence--so the word must be lowercase. -
Haven't been reading missions lately. by
on 2015-08-02 15:54:00 UTC
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Breaking the fast of missions reports with yours.
Congratulations! by
on 2015-08-02 13:32:00 UTC
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I like that it started with the agents already in the world. Though I would've liked to get to know Riaa and Lana a bit, skipping the intro stuff makes the mission flow a little better IMO.
BTW, you get ALL the Awesome Points for having a Girl Genius agent. (Especially a Smoke Knight) :D That comic is amazing and anyone who hasn't already should go read it. It's about mad scientists! What's not to love?
One quick thing:
“And every one of them has Ty Lee and Mai variants.”
Delete the extra space between "has" and "Ty Lee". -
3 years?! Holy crap man! (nm) by
on 2015-08-02 02:49:00 UTC
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Hooray! :D by
on 2015-08-01 23:50:00 UTC
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This was a very good date/mission, and it did a nice job of being both. ^^
So, I have a question about an agent idea. by
on 2015-08-01 20:02:00 UTC
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Would it be ok to have a character who was the result of a programming oversight or bug become an agent? Like a Missingno., or that one creepy girl in Pokémon X and Y? (I think she's an oversight, at least.)Because they are technically canons, I guess, albeit unintentional canons.
Dummied out content is a dumping ground for good ideas. by
on 2015-08-01 22:59:00 UTC
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This sounds like it may technically be against the letter of the rules, but not really the spirit, so I doubt anyone would have much of an objection. I certainly have none, in fact, I would favour an exception for this, simply due to the fact that I get quite a few of my ideas from dummied out content.
The XY ghost girl? by
on 2015-08-01 20:32:00 UTC
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She wasn't an oversight, she was more of an easter egg. Oversights don't get lines, after all.
A Missingno agent could be interesting--and potentially amusing, if people mistake them for minis. -
An Agent That Looks Like a Mini Sounds Hilarious. by
on 2015-08-03 21:32:00 UTC
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Honestly, I'm surprised we don't already have one.
I always thought that she was part of a dummied out plotline by
on 2015-08-01 20:36:00 UTC
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Maybe an endgame thing? This is taking into consideration that Lumiose was buggy to begin with...
Tiny and huge? by
on 2015-08-02 17:59:00 UTC
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Who are the smallest and largest agents?
The largest... by
on 2015-08-02 20:11:00 UTC
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... is probably one of the dragons. Voltarmi is described as a 'very large dragon'. Of course, if you count Flowers, we've got the Hippie Sequoia, who must be pushing the limits.
As for the smallest physical agent... as firemagic said, Corolla is only six inches tall. There used to be at least one Peter Pan fairy, but she's long gone now. I can't think of anyone else in with a chance (though of course the non-physical agents could plausibly claim to be both largest and smallest), but I'd love to hear anyone else's suggestions.
PS: Alternate answer: 'Whoever's wearing a huge or tiny disguise right now'. Jay and Acacia disguised themselves as Entwives... -
Smallest? by
on 2015-08-02 20:17:00 UTC
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Kalen Briarthorn (that DBS pixie agent I've used all of once) is four inches tall.
I was going to suggest Voltarmi for the largest, but you beat me to it. -
IÂ’m not so sure there by
on 2015-08-02 19:44:00 UTC
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Seaturtle’s agent Terabyte is an Artificial Intelligence who apparently doesn’t have a physical body. How would you measure its size?
Dr. Freedenberg’s secretary (who may not be considered to be an agent?) is a particularly intelligent shade of the colour blue. How big is it?
HG -
Well by
on 2015-08-02 18:30:00 UTC
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Smallest is probably Sergio Turbo's Agent Corolla.
Permission Request by
on 2015-08-02 18:30:00 UTC
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So I'm doing the thing. Ahem.
Agents' bios and my two prompt pieces are included in this document.
The fic I intend to kill for my first mission is https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11229975/1/The-Chronicles-of-Cassandra-Black-Year-1
Warning for rape and self-harm since there is no such warning on the fic itself. -
*puts a Hat on* by
on 2015-08-02 20:06:00 UTC
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Hoom, hoom.
Activity: W-ell. On one hand, I do know... not well, but OK-ish? On the other hand, this knowledge is roughly three years old. I don't really feel like I know you yet. I think you need to hang around a bit more.
PPC knowledge: I... can't really tell. See below. One thing, though: why do you have five agents? Two — three, at most — is plenty for everyone.
Fic to spork: Kill it with fire, aright.
Writing ability (creative): Again, I can't really tell.
Writing ability (technical): *screeches to a halt* How do I say this? Your punctuation and grammar are not so good.
-Your commas are all over the place. For example: "Mare Elm is a female, eighteen year old, witch from the Harry Potter continuum." should be "Mare Elm is an eighteen year old witch from the Harry Potter continuum." (As a side note, there are no male witches; that makes noting that Mare is female pointless.)
-"She enjoys reading and discovering new fandoms, her current interest is anime." — the comma should be a semicolon.
-"Her eyes are still generic though." Missing comma between 'generic' and 'though'.
And so on and so on. It's pretty bad; I simply couldn't go through the whole document because the SPaG is rather bad.
Related to that: I see you listed our resident Greybeard as a beta. I hold Hieronymus Graubart's beta'ing and nitpicking abilities in very high esteem, and I am very surprised he OK'd something with such SPaG.
Therefore: Permission Denied. Your writing is simply not legible enough for me to see if there's anything bad or good with the creative side and so on. -
Do you mind if I comment on the bits you didn't? by
on 2015-08-02 21:25:00 UTC
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Since we don't want STT fixing the SPG to fail on other counts, and all...
PPC knowledge looks fine, though I wonder why Elliot and Thingy were so ready to offer Mare a place in their RC - wouldn't the Marquis have something to say about that?
Anyway, actual writing. What I did was to delete the profiles unread. To my mind, the profiles are there to catch the 'when on missions she grows laser cannons out of her arms and blows up small children' things; I shouldn't have to read them to get to know your characters.
But... well, this is what I wrote down in my notes on the three agents' personalities:
Except when not
-too many adjectives, srsly
More eager than he looks
Socially awkward
Yes, yes, 'haughtily'
There's... not a lot there, and some of it is very inconsistent. Elwhatsit suffers the most: she can be summed up entirely in the word 'haughty'. Mare is close to being just 'excitable', except that she does her 'no you can't come in' thing to El for some reason (why not 'eee! newbie!'? That's what the story that far would suggest she'd do), and snarks at her in the second story.
And then there's Coriander, who... is introduced as being eager but hiding it (by standing by the door), turns out to be socially awkward, then descends into snark to El despite showing no previous signs of it. I've no idea who he's supposed to be.
Then there's my other comments: adjectives and adverbs. These should be used sparingly, but you've chucked them after practically every dialogue tag. To pluck an entirely random example:
“I don’t know,” Mare replied unhelpfully
I think we could tell that was unhelpful. ^^
... and I've just gone back and looked at the profiles. My only response is, "Who?" Eldrich is a vengeance demon who maliciously grants wishes and tends to melodrama? I had her down as a member of the nobility. Coriander respects Mare and is very wise and slightly alien? I was getting 'awkward geek'. Mare is a Slytherin? Really? I could see her as any of the others (Gryf or Huff for the bounciness, Ravenclaw for the snark against El), but Slytherin?
The characters in the profiles are not the characters in the stories. I think, before you try for Permission again, you need to get a handle on who these people are, not just their species and RC number.
(PS: Though on the flip side, I didn't flag your punctuation as too bad at all. ^^ Different PGs, different hangups...) -
Character profiles by
on 2015-08-03 15:14:00 UTC
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Now I’m wondering whether this supports or invalidates your opinion that profiles should not be required for the permission process.
Outlining character sheets and then writing the story matching the characters to their profile is certainly a good way to keep them in character. But I’m quite sure that it’s not the way I would do it; and I have seen others saying that they don’t know who their characters are until they have written their story.
But then, being able to build a profile based on what is shown in the prompts – and presumably in other writing exercises and background material that is not contained in the permission request, but may be made canon later – is an analytical skill valuable in PPCing, so the PGs may want to see the profiles regardless of whether they were written first or last.
Anyway, I learned here that sketching character profiles based on what I see in the story, to check how consistent they are, should be an important part of beta reading.
BTW, I would assume that Mare was sorted into Slytherin in her badfic of origin, because the Suethor wanted her to be in this house, not necessarily because she fits best there. Her Slytherin tie is only shown in the flashback. This may be a stealthy way to imply that realizing that she doesn’t actually identify with Slytherin is part of her character development. But this doesn’t exactly match the profile saying that she treats the inter-house rivalry seriously. (Is this meant to describe the situation when she joins the PPC? Is it still valid three years later, when Eldritch joins the team and Mare may have realized that she had been sorted into the wrong house?)
Anyway, if we plan a character arc with surprising twists that will explain the initially apparent inconsistencies in a character, should we spoil it in the permission request?
HG -
Interesting thoughts. by
on 2015-08-03 15:54:00 UTC
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...being able to build a profile based on what is shown in the prompts... is an analytical skill valuable in PPCing...
I agree that it's a valuable skill - but I don't think the character profile should be the way to showcase it. Actually, the best thing would probably be to write an Intelligence report on the badfic you want to take on - that's the type of analysis we need to be able to do as PPC writers, not writing character profiles.
I had long arguments over how much should be in the profiles, and - obviously! - I still think we're getting way too much in there. You ask if we plan a character arc with surprising twists... should we spoil it in the permission request?; the answer should be an emphatic 'no!'. But character profiles are the sort of writing which might end up requiring it.
For an example of what I think a profile should be like, you can check the Wiki article on Permission; I wrote both the example bios in there. I prefer the version with headings, but both contain the same information. For Lou, then, I provided:
-Basic physical information. This took about twenty words. Do you need to know where Lou buys her glasses, whether she has any birthmarks, and the history behind her feelings about her hair colour, to decide whether she's a valid character? No. {Well, since you asked-} I didn't. {Shurrup. There's an Eye Speye opticians in New Cal, I usually have a small one on my left sole, and I went through a phase of dyeing it black because it was 'more interesting'.} Great. Anyway, this is just there to catch the 'demon from the dawn of time' species entries.
-Powers and skills. This is an important section, because people have a terrible habit of giving their agents big magic, big weapons, and big problems. So we need to know what you've slapped on there, because it might not make it into the samples. As with Lou, though, hiding the details is fine! This doesn't have to be an in-universe document; it's just something for us to look over quickly and say 'yep, fine'. {Does 'talks to the author' count as Big Magic or Big Problems?} Shut up.
-Personality. This could probably go - we can see it well enough from the story - but people argued vehemently for its inclusion. Again, it's there to catch bad stuff like 'and likes to torture any minis he finds'. {Did someone really say that?} Yes, and no, they didn't get Permission. {Good. Ugh.}
-History. Once again, this just a simple filter. If your character deduced the existence of the PPC, created her own portal generator, and bullied the SO into giving her a job, we need to know. {Did that actually happen?} Not as far as I remember. But apart from that... well, look how little Lou's profile has.
Getting Permission is not meant to be a struggle against all odds. We've tried over and over to streamline the process and make it easier, but it's never worked.
'We should ask for a single story.' "But what if they write about something that doesn't tell us much?" 'Well, we should specify what to write about.' "But a specific subject might not fit their characters." 'Then we could make it a randomised choice.' "But we should see something procedural as well, as a baseline." 'Then we can ask for two prompts.' "But there's a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza..."
Permission was a lot easier when everyone in the PPC wrote fanfic, and for the same couple of fandoms too. Then it was, "Yep, I've read some of your stuff, I trust you; you're in." Now... now I don't even know.
If you were trying to control the quality of a shared universe that isn't hosted at a single location, how would you do it?
hS -
Random thoughts by
on 2015-08-03 23:01:00 UTC
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Might I suggest some sort of open beta? Basically, you come and introduce yourself, hang out for a month, etc., then you write a mission and post it (entering PPC canon on a probational basis). Then the whole community can take a look, provide suggestions, and generally whip it into shape. If that doesn't happen, it gets kicked from canon and the author gets invited to take it down and rewrite.
After a few missions go up without significant issues, you lose the probation and get full freedom to write. Basically, we as a community help people get better at writing through the medium of missions; and if they refuse to improve, their missions aren't part of our shared universe.
And if we get too many Sue Agents floating around, unremoved, the Flowers could resurrect the DIO, or normal Agents could write ‛‛missions'' in HQ.
Of course, there could also be a preliminary check of Agent bios to pre-empt bad characters.
The downside is that some people might read the rejected missions and associate us with bad writing. Or we might gain a reputation for helping budding writers along, rather than trashing their work? Who knows? -
On Profiles by
on 2015-08-03 18:34:00 UTC
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Personally, as a beta-reader, I'm fond of seeing character profiles both in Permission and on the Wiki. It's useful for me to be able to get a quick run-down of what the character is supposed to be like, so I can judge whether or not the appropriate characterization is shining through. Basically, to help me see if they're writing the character they think they're writing.
I apologise. by
on 2015-08-02 20:26:00 UTC
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Two of those agents are just bit characters responsible for recruiting the others, but you're right. I plan on cutting the character number down to just two agents.
I really thought I'd done everything I could in regards to making sure my SPaG was up to scratch, but apparently I failed at something. Do you have any advice for how I could make sure I don't make the mistake of submitting something like this again?
Thank you for the con crit though, it's good to know what I need to work on. -
Furthermore: Paging Hieronymus Graubart by
on 2015-08-02 20:08:00 UTC
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Hey, HG. I'm sorry to pry, but: did you beta this thing? Have you OK'd it for publication, as things were? Something here strikes me as really weird and I want to get to the bottom of this.
Yes, I did. by
on 2015-08-02 23:04:00 UTC
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And I was specifically called in for SPaG. Apparently my punctuation skills don’t match my reputation. Or I had a really bad day.
SingingTheThunder, I’m sorry for this. I wish I could have helped more.
First Mission and co-write! by
on 2015-08-02 21:49:00 UTC
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Greetings ladies and gentlemen... and everything in between!
Here's Edhelistar's first mission, and one more co-write from SkarmorySilver.
What happens when you insert in a The Incredibles badfic, a badly written Batman with a superiority complex? Well, you get a KnightFail!
Enjoy fellow Boarders! -
Some comments (not about punctuation, I promise) by
on 2015-08-04 16:25:00 UTC
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... The girl turned to see the blue-eyed blonde woman that was her psychiatrist.
“So, Solvig, what have you learned today?” she said.
I became a bit confused here. Yes, the psychiatrist is the last female character mentioned, and there is a paragraph break. But to me it still looked like ‘supergirl’ is speaking and Solvig is the psychiatrist’s name. I had to think about it before I realized what’s going on.
She shrugged and put the feather back in the bag, then takes out a piece of paper.
Tense shift.
After a while of walking, she arrived at a Response Center door, compared the numbers and sighed when realized that wasn’t the same, then double checked.
Missing words?
Your angel partner acted like a total pervert, and then some DIA guy tried to beat up him ...
Shouldn’t this be "beat him up"? Or is this just how Solvig speaks?
Yuuna smacked her in back of the head.
Missing word?
... the agents soon found themselves in in the Parr’s living room ...
Paging the Repetitive Department of Repetition.
Dash smiled back her.
Missing word?
... something’s may show up there.
Is this meant to be plural?
... where they barely could see their hands in front their face.
Missing word? And I think "their faces" should be plural.
Once the the alarm was triggered ...
Repetitively paging the Repetitive Department of Repetition.
When they have finally arrived to the shore, Solvig turned to them ...
Tense shift. Also, I’m not sure whether that should be "arrived at the shore".
Something tells me that relationship may just a teeny bit strained ...
Missing word? Or is this how Feratu speaks?
Luckily, her impact-resistant frame gave her enough time to recover and scramble out of the way before the rocks fell on top of him.
Shouldn’t this be "her"?
Batboy set off another smoke bomb tried then to escape in another direction ...
Missing word(s) and/or punctuation? (There goes my promise.)
... Meta-Man released the structure his grip ...
Missing word?
Solvig walked to her, covered in a blanket she took out from her bag.
I assume that Solvig "had taken" (past perfect) the blanket out from her bag before she was covered in it.
When she read it, her eyes opened wide, and said, “What? ...
Her eyes said that? (Missing word?)
Also, I like the idea of giving Batman a sibling or other family; lot of opportunity for drama and character development there.
I think that should be either "lots" or "a lot", but I may be wrong.
... as long it makes sense within that universe.
Missing word?
Huh, that was long, and I probably didn’t get half of the references. But I enjoyed it anyway. And I liked #TheDress.
HG -
Thanks for your concrit HG! by
on 2015-08-04 18:16:00 UTC
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1.- Clarified.
2.- Fixed.
3.- Added both missing words in that sentence. (Yes, I noticed there was another one besides the one marked.)
4.- Nope, she doesn't speak like that. Fixed.
5.- Added missing word.
6.- Fixed
7.- Added missing word.
8.- No, it wasn't supposed to be a plural, in fact, I have no idea how it got there. Fixed.
9.- Added missing word and 'face' got pluralized (is this even a word?).
10.- Fixed.
11.- Fixed the tense shift. I don't know either, but I'm playing safe and changing it for 'at'.
12.- Added missing word.
13.- I'm not sure either, maybe SkarmorySlver could clarify it.
14.- It's actually missing punctuation and misplaced word. Fixed both.
15.- Yup, you have assumed correctly. Fixed.
16.- Added the missing word. Though, it would have worked metaphorically, that wasn't the intention.
17.- Mmm... weird, I had written 'lots' originally. Someone must've changed it and I didn't notice. Returned it to the original.
18.- Uh... I find nothing missing in this one. As long it makes sense, I think I will leave it like that.
Thanks again for your concrit, and glad you enjoyed the mission! :D -
Fixed as well. by
on 2015-08-04 20:08:00 UTC
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Those rocks fell on Not!Xerek, not Sarah, so I clarified that, too. Thanks for enjoying the mission!
As long as it makes sense. by
on 2015-08-04 19:06:00 UTC
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That's what I thought for the last one. But I'm not a native speaker and don't know whether your phrase is also valid.
HG -
Hmm.... maybe a native speaker could solve that conundrum... by
on 2015-08-04 19:35:00 UTC
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...'cuz I'm not a native speaker either.
HG is correct. by
on 2015-08-04 19:50:00 UTC
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The phrase is "as long as it makes sense," with two ases. It's pretty much the same as phrases like "as long as it is wide." You're basically drawing a comparison between two concepts, though in this case it's a little more abstract: my acceptance of your AU changes exists to the same extent that said changes make sense.
Does that make sense? ^_^;
~Neshomeh -
Thanks! Fixing right away! (nm) by
on 2015-08-04 19:56:00 UTC
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For some reason, Norton didn't enjoy this one. by
on 2015-08-03 22:39:00 UTC
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Maybe it's tired of stopping "malicious" downloads.
OT: Well... by
on 2015-08-04 10:12:00 UTC
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Norton has versions stupid enough to mark themselves as a virus and proceed to try to delete themselves. Get Avast! or Microsoft Security Essentials. They're less bad.
I use Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. by
on 2015-08-04 14:53:00 UTC
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Seriously, it's awesome, and it's free, too. Well, there's both a free version and a premium one, but the free version suffices for me. It's saved my computer from unwanted software way too many times to count.
The Middle-earth 1200 (+5) by
on 2015-08-03 12:25:00 UTC
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I don't know if any of you have ever run into this, but way back in 2010 a certain 'Dân o Nandor on Anduin' started a list of all 1200 named characters in Middle-earth, in reverse order of their prominence in the Legendarium. The list was rolled out on several websites (TheOneRing.net and The Hall of Fire are the ones I know of); it stalled out somewhere in the middle for a couple of years; but at long last, it is finished.
Right here, you can read about all 1205 characters in the Legendarium, objectively ordered by how often they've been written about (plus a few other factors; see here for a brief description of how the ranking is determined).
My favourite character chimes in at #1179, of course. ^_^
hS -
Ooh, fun! by
on 2015-08-03 17:21:00 UTC
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And what a great resource, too. *bookmarks*
Not at all surprised that Gandalf is #1. Very surprised to learn that J.R.R. Tolkien came up with a name as silly as Miaulë. That's just a bit on the nose—or maybe on the whiskers. {; P
Yesterday was my birthday! by
on 2015-08-03 14:40:00 UTC
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I couldn't post though, because I was on the phone with Comcast for most of the day and trying to stop my computer from having a BSOD.
on 2015-08-03 22:44:00 UTC
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Happy belated birthday! (nm) by
on 2015-08-03 21:40:00 UTC
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Happy late birthday! (nm) by
on 2015-08-03 19:46:00 UTC
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Happy (late) Birthday! *tosses Spikes* (nm) by
on 2015-08-03 18:57:00 UTC
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(sings) Happy Yesterday To You... (nm) by
on 2015-08-03 18:23:00 UTC
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Happy (Belated) Birthday! ^^ (nm) by
on 2015-08-03 16:45:00 UTC
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on 2015-08-03 15:56:00 UTC
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Happy Birthday, My Olde Friend!
Belated but still! -
Happy late birthday! *cakefetti* by
on 2015-08-03 15:20:00 UTC
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*blows noisemakers*
Does anyone have Splatoon? by
on 2015-08-03 16:02:00 UTC
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And is willing to play with me?
Ancient life form's complex sex life by
on 2015-08-03 17:58:00 UTC
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Could this be the evolutionary ancestor of Mpreg character replacements?
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-33763473 -
(NSFW) For some strange reason... by
on 2015-08-03 18:14:00 UTC
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When I saw that post title, THIS popped into my mind...
Something for the Librarian... >=] by
on 2015-08-03 18:44:00 UTC
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I think I speak for everyone when I say "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA".
Anyway, to make this more of a game: do a Google Image search of your agent's name and post some horrific images! Fun for all the family. =] -
A game? (56K warning) by
on 2015-08-04 22:57:00 UTC
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The Librarian, but the wrong one.
I did not know that Snowy the Sane Fangirl drew a picture of Des. (The rest were mostly TvTropes avatars.)
Navare's response: "I am not female."
Amris' reaction: "A dog? Pfah. Let's see what its innards look like!" -
I can't see the image. (nm) by
on 2015-08-04 21:31:00 UTC
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I couldn't either by
on 2015-08-05 06:52:00 UTC
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But the Page Info/View Source suggests that it was:"KEEP
Yeah, posting images from my phone is tricky. by
on 2015-08-05 09:18:00 UTC
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Have it properly:-
Oh, fun! by
on 2015-08-04 11:03:00 UTC
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There is nothing for "Androia Avatar", so it redirects to "Android Avatar" and shows me a lot of Icons. Some of them are apparently female:
That’s not my girl!
Link may be NSFW.
Apparently, "Androia" is the Spanish word for a food ingredient that Google translate cannot translate. Also, as a name it may not be as unique as I believed.
Huh, what? "Hieronymus Graubart" turns up images from threads where I posted a comment, and images from PPC Wiki articles where I am only related because I edited other articles on this Wiki. The only thing that really relates to me is Hieronymus the hermit’s coat of arms. I expected that Google Image search would be more selective. And it doesn’t find the image on my Wiki User page?
HG -
Hild and Sean by
on 2015-08-04 10:33:00 UTC
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Hild gets lots of pictures of an anime character:
(My Hild says she wouldn't mind looking like that, except that the hairstyle and costume are totally impractical for fighting!)
There's also a book about a nun:
Sean brings up lots of photos of Messers McGowan, Bean, Connery, etc. I won't post them because you all know what they look like.
Adding his surname, reveals that Sean Bellman is apparently the the name of this real life guy: -
Why not? by
on 2015-08-04 08:00:00 UTC
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Starting with my most well known: Printworthy.
Now, I want you all to know, this was my very first image. Number 1. Here you go:
Some Walgreen's photo thing. Interesting enough.
Skipping ahead past more Walgreen's and my own image, we get this:
This is the logo of an artist from 2007. If they are still active, I might have to buy some art for my own amusement.
Now, for Marvin.
Did you really expect anything else? Well, what if i add Jones to the end?
That would be Mervin Jones, Wide Receiver for the Cincinnati Bengals. There are worse people to share a name with.
Now, Jumper.
Why am I not surprised. -
My characters: by
on 2015-08-04 04:36:00 UTC
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Doc, of course, just gives the dwarf, Doc Brown, Doc McStuffins, etc. Oh, and the icon for Word Docs. Heh heh heh. This is fun, though:
Vania gets a bunch of ink posters by Vania Zouravliov. Some of them are NSFW, but here is a SFW example.
Séverine brings up . . . huh. Well, there's apparently someone named Séverine in some of the new 007 movies, and then this singer:
. . . But, I'm confused. I picked Séverine's name because it's supposedly very common in New Caledonia, but the search is only turning up images of white women. Weird. Maybe it's originally a French name?
Oh, dear. It seems "Yoof" is a derogatory, sarcastic term for young people. That is unfortunate. (I picked it because it combines "yip" and "woof," just like Barf is "bark" and "arf" in Spaceballs. And my character's name rhymes with "woof," not "proof.") Fortunately, it's also how Warhammer orks pronounce "youth," which is much more acceptable.
Mollie just gives a bunch of ladies, and Ollie—oh, right. Ollie is a skateboarding term. So skateboards. Finally, Ost gives a bunch of cheeses, soundtrack artwork and . . . ostriches. Sure. -
Re: Something for the Librarian... >=] by
on 2015-08-04 02:20:00 UTC
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As a means of narrowing the search criteria, I'll be using the first names of all of my active agents.
A type of sword. No surprise there.
The actress Rashida Jones. Coincidental naming.
An avatar for someone's YouTube channel. Funny thing, the official pic of Ripper I have on my Tumblr was the second entry.
Alternatively, just Ripper:
A piece of construction equipment. Wat.
The cover picture for an article from The Guardian. "Jay Rayner pays tribute to his mother Claire."
Another actress, this time Evangeline Lily. Coincidental name, again, but they sound eerily similar...
This person's name is Sarah Milosek - and apparently, the image is from a site known as Virginia Orthopaedic Specialists. Huh.
Of course!
The Other Wiki image for lapis lazuli, the stone she was named after.
I may post a follow-up with my secondary PPC characters too, but I have some RL stuff to do. -
Horrific, you say? by
on 2015-08-04 02:18:00 UTC
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Look no further than "Supernumerary." Seriously, if teeth and/or freaky anatomical things bother you at all, don't search "supernumerary." I'm not even gonna post an image here, because I'm not really freaked out by weird stuff, but I'm a little freaked out. >.>
Ilraen's full name just turns up PPC images. His given name mostly turns up PPC images, Andalites, and other artwork of mine, but there's also this guy, who's apparently a Korean pianist:
I'm not gonna try Jenni alone, it's not that uncommon. "Jennifer Robinson" turns up a bunch of pictures of a blonde lady I don't recognize, and then there's this:
... Which is on an article about some sort of Australian political thing? I dunno.
"Derik" is apparently a province in Turkey, which has a pretty landscape. And then there's this guy:
"Gall" alone naturally turns up tree galls, which are fun. Apparently Gall was also the name of a Lakota battle leader. Who knew? "Gall Knutson" turns up her wiki images, some nice-looking old people, and... uh... this:
I don't even.
~Neshomeh -
Well, I don't have permission but I can search them, right? by
on 2015-08-03 22:52:00 UTC
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So for Nine, we have obviously got this stuff:
But we also have a skimpily dressed girl band:
I think they're called Nine Muses or something.
For Jonas we have...
uhhh maybe I shouldn't have scrolled down...
(in otherwise unrelated news the same website has this wonderful story.) -
This was interesting. by
on 2015-08-03 22:37:00 UTC
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Rina results in...
Which, funnily enough, looks like one of her future regenerations, but with more pink.
Zeb turns up...
A guy with a giant fish. Okay then. -
Well OK by
on 2015-08-03 22:15:00 UTC
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Well, it's a fairly common name, but here is one I liked:
well, Tera certainly doesn't understand those outfits.
Oh yeah, Earth's moon was formed after a rogue body called Theia impacted Earth! or that's one theory anyways.
Fio was named after a car, of course, so this isn't at all surprising.
Well, considering the Latin, a sensible picture.
Ari, Amara, Lana, Anne, and Caroline don't get anything interesting. Dr Kindheart and Riaa'lzhor just get PPC-related images, so. -
Some of my agents have real women's names. by
on 2015-08-03 20:58:00 UTC
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So I'll be turning SafeSearch on for this one. ^^
This was fairly obvious; Selene from Underworld probably heavily inspired Agent Selene. Selene says she has noooo problem with looking like this. ^^
If we add in her surname, we get a bunch of PPC wiki pics, and then this:
That purports to be Aphrodite mourning Adonis, while the anemone (or windflower) spouts from his blood. Uh-huh. Right. Tell me that's not a vampire.
Kaitlyn, too, says she's just fine with looking like that. Her surname reveals...
... that she's secretly an American Idol competitor. (My wife assures me Agent Kaitlyn predates American Idol. 'Probably'.)
I think that must be Mirror Multiverse Constance; she's clearly insane. Insaner.
Adding the surname, of course, gets us Constance in The Sims.
Dafydd Williams is a Canadian astronaut. Dafydd says, "Why would I go to space? Do they even have trees there?" Add in his surname, and...
Dafydd! No?
Okay, okay: so apparently 'Dafydd Illian' is a string unique to the PPC. So all the images are from the PPC Wiki - presumably pages which threw up a 'see also' for Dafydd when Google scanned them. What's weird is that Illian is apparently a real surname - and a real first name - and something from Wheel of Time. So how did I happen on a unique combination? Eesh.
'I think I'll stop here.'
hS -
Illian (WoT) by
on 2015-08-04 14:46:00 UTC
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As a Wheel of Time fan, I can tell you that Illian is a nation and also the capital city of said nation. It is essentially Italy, I think (they grow olives and hate the other place that grows olives, which is pretty much Spain). Traditionally, it is where Hunters for The Horn take their oaths before setting out to have grand adventures and getting themselves killed in fun and exciting ways.
Their heraldry is nine golden bees on a field of green. -
If I may answer Dafydd's question: by
on 2015-08-04 01:01:00 UTC
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Yes! It just depends on the canon, but there's one I have in mind. =]
This image is of a verdani treeship from noted bananas space opera A Saga Of Seven Suns. It is an enormous spacefaring battleship. Made of living tree.
I do so hope he approves. =] -
Wut. (nm) by
on 2015-08-03 20:26:00 UTC
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Hrm. by
on 2015-08-03 19:49:00 UTC
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Well, that's pretty cute, I guess. The rest of the images are just sheet music.
Partner ideas? by
on 2015-08-04 01:13:00 UTC
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So, I've been working on my agent, Carnage, recently, and I thought of something: what's his partner going to be like? I was thinking of something along the lines of a more 'modern' monster to represent the monsters of modern times, while Carnage, as a dragon, represents cultural monsters from ancient times. So far, I'm thinking of either a sapient necromorph slasher or a xenomorph. Does anyone have any ideas for what his partner could be?
Thank you, everyone! Time for a better question! by
on 2015-08-04 21:10:00 UTC
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OK, I've decided to go with a Thin Man for Carnage's partner-As a side note, thank you to everybody who commented with advice! Besides filling my standards, for lack of a better term, a Thing Man would actually be a good choice for another reason: through my experiences in Enemy Unknown, Thin Men seem to remain completely cool and collected at all times-an ideal counter for Carnage, who's more outgoing and impulsive.
In terms of details, though, I'm a bit lacking. He's definitely going to have a distorted voice, as if he's speaking through a garbled radio, and I'm thinking that a emotionless personality would suit him, especially considering why I picked his species. In terms of a name and fandoms, though, I'm stumped: maybe something starting with S for his name...
Also, to answer SkarmorySilver with the idea for a Yautja, there is an AVP/MLP crossover I've had my eye on with a Yautja character that I could recruit... >:] -
You need to decide that for yourself by
on 2015-08-04 21:30:00 UTC
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It's one thing to get advice on your characters, it's another thing to crowdsource their creation, which is what you're veering into. Part of writing for the PPC is coming up with your own ideas, not just using ones other people come up with. If you're interested in brainstorming with someone, I'd suggest doing it privately.
My Apologies by
on 2015-08-04 23:07:00 UTC
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Alright, you do have a point there. I'll stick to just rooting badfic out for a while, and maybe I'll find an idea along the way.
Some thoughts. by
on 2015-08-04 18:46:00 UTC
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First off, I must confess to being a bit concerned about the way you're going about creating characters. This seems more like an exercise in wanting to make agents "cool" and powerful rather than interesting and compelling. Characterization is the most important aspect of creating a character. True, what an agent is can and does inform characterization to some extent, but I would argue that still takes a secondary place.
There is also the issue that many monsters are, well, monstrous. Dragons have the advantage of being shown as intelligent and cunning creatures in many of their portrayals. Most other monsters, however, are single-minded tools of destruction meant to invoke the fear of death in the audience. There are certainly ways to justify having an intelligent version of an otherwise mindless monster in the PPC, but those loopholes can be easily abused.
If you are committed to this idea of classic and modern monsters, however, then I guess I have some suggestions. As Iximaz previously said, I would stay away from necromorphs and xenomorphs. They're both too simple, too destructive. I wouldn't go with XCOM chryssalids for similar reasons.
XCOM Thin Men might be a good choice. They combine a modern fear of the unknown (what with being from space and all) alongside fears about inhumanity and security, as they were meant for infiltration. Thin Men look not-quite human; an aspect that can be played up as an allusion to the uncanny valley.
Some sort of cyborg or humanoid robot could also work well in this fashion. The rush of progress and the possibility of transhumanism can be terrifying things. How much of the original person is lost beyond their mechanized parts? The robot, on the other hand, once again plays into the idea of being not-quite human combined with the idea of uncontrollable technology. Think of all the media that uses out-of-control AI.
All that being said, though, I'd refer you back to my original point. Characters should be based around who they are, not what they are. -
Hmmm... by
on 2015-08-04 02:33:00 UTC
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I'll have to second Iximaz, in that agent ideas are often things you come up with yourself - either you snatch them from your original writing, your fanfics, badfics you spork on missions, or just spitball a concept out of your rear end and see if it works. I'll also agree that xenomorphs don't work very well as agents, since their entire life cycle is destructive to people and they're infamously bloodthirsty.
Now, to answer your question, if you want a modern alien-type monster for Carnage's partner who may be able to work as an agent, a very good suggestion in my opinion would be a member of the rival species to the xenomorphs, the Yautja. They're characterized by their hunting of other dangerous species for sport and honor - so Sue-slaying wouldn't be too much of a stretch for one. Though there's the problem of the Predators intentionally hunting humans as well, which would make for a pretty interesting conundrum given that most PPC agents are human. Thus, a Predator agent may have to learn restraint very quickly to abide by PPC protocol, which would make an interesting moral conflict and (hopefully) a good story arc.
Also, according to The Other Wiki, the Yautja did have a somewhat tentative truce with humanity back when they were viewed as gods, until the Xenomorphs got out of control. So I guess a Yautja agent could in theory learn in due course to avoid treating human agents as game, and stick to hunting Sues instead. The latter of which is of course a lot more fun. ;P -
XCOM: Enemy Unknown's Chryssalid. by
on 2015-08-04 01:51:00 UTC
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Here's why, courtesy of concept art:-
Nothing more modern than video games, though you might also look into cryptids. Or go with the flow and make a Poké-agent - Sableye's based on the Hopkinsville Goblins, after all.
You should definitely do some kind of alien, though. Monsters represent the unknown, and Carnage represents the old forms of magic while a cryptid or alien represents modern weird science - especially if you give this agent a kind of "Raygun Gothic" feel to its aesthetic. It'd also be interesting to have World One aliens running around the place. =] -
The issue(s) with chryssalids. by
on 2015-08-04 18:56:00 UTC
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Chryssalids are nearly-mindless beasts. All they do is kill and reproduce. While that certainly makes them an intimidating foe in a video game, I wouldn't exactly call them overly frightening. Then again, maybe I've just played too much XCOM to really be spooked by them any more.
Even if this happens to be an intelligent fic-spawned chryssalid that can be reasoned with, there's the issue of expansion. What happens when this agent kills a Sue or Stu and plants a new chryssalid in the fresh corpse? Suddenly there's an infestation in the PPC — or worse, in the Word World. -
To answer that question: by
on 2015-08-05 09:27:00 UTC
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They don't have to. An intelligent
arsehole crab Chryssalid doesn't have to use their ovipositor during the kill - and for that matter, may not even want to. It's shown in the kill animations in XCOM: EU/W that the killing is actually done with the long stabby claw bits, while the implantation of the Chryssalid egg happens with a kind of ovipositor arrangement.
Additionally, there ain't much in the way of XCOM badfic around, so our hypothetical Chryssalagent is going to be in disguise for the overwhelming majority of their missions. I personally like the image of a cultured Chryssalid who, for lack of a better term, went native; one that now reads Baudelaire and attends the ballet and so forth. It amuses me, and I think that while you could certainly run that joke into the ground, it'd make for an interesting Jekyll-and-Hyde dynamic within the character - the agent struggling against his more primal, warlike urges, the battle made all the more difficult by the fact that his being no more than an Ethereal bioweapon is canonical.
There's potential in that, I think. =] -
Dammit, HTML... (nm) by
on 2015-08-05 09:28:00 UTC
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Going off of XCOM mooks by
on 2015-08-04 03:56:00 UTC
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Their Grey Alien or MiB Expies would probably be a better fit as agents, as both are based off of common alien arcetypes seen in world one
... You mean Sectoids and Thin Men, right? by
on 2015-08-04 13:03:00 UTC
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Because simply calling them "Grey Alien or MiB Expies" doesn't really cut it. Last time I checked, for instance, the Men in Black were on humanity's side and did not vomit caustic substances over frankly unfair distances. Besides, when it comes to Sectoids, which d'you want? Your boggo basic Sectoid? The big red Sectoid Commander? Perhaps Aquatoids from TFTD, or Aereons from Interceptor, or Psilords from Afterblanks? Perhaps one of the Zudj-enslaved ones from The Bureau: XCOM Declassified - okay, maybe not them, but you get my point.
See, XCOM's a really old franchise, with the first iteration being a MicroProse game from 1993. There's lots of stuff to choose from, but I'd still recommend going for something a little more monstrous than the basic Sectoid. Your man here wants a monster, and if you go through the annals of cryptids and aliens and creepypasta, then you've got some interesting options. =] -
Yes Sectoids and Thin Men by
on 2015-08-04 14:09:00 UTC
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And of course I mean the run of the mill Sectoids, and if you do a little digging you'd fine MiB are a more Chaotic Neutral force in world one.
Going over other kinds of Modern monsters... Mothman. -
I was illustrating my point. by
on 2015-08-04 17:09:00 UTC
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Which is to say that the XCOM universe is bigger than you implied, and other iterations of the franchise must be considered when monster hunting. So don't insultmy canon knowledge or my intelligence. If nothing else, I'm better at it than you. =]
...apologies for insulting you my good sir (nm) by
on 2015-08-04 17:12:00 UTC
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I am a girl. (nm) by
on 2015-08-04 19:51:00 UTC
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No, you are a Magical Oblong. by
on 2015-08-04 19:55:00 UTC
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Try to keep up. ^_^
hS -
hS, I know you're only joking... by
on 2015-08-04 20:23:00 UTC
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But being misgendered when you're trans is... well, there aren't words to describe how small it makes you feel. I react to such things tersely because otherwise I just rant at people, and that is not acceptable behaviour here. So please don't make fun.
Okay. (nm) by
on 2015-08-04 20:38:00 UTC
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Also: sorry. (nm) by
on 2015-08-04 22:21:00 UTC
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It's okay. by
on 2015-08-04 23:28:00 UTC
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It doesn't matter. I would rather be misgendered than repeatedly attacked. Ijust, y'know.... don't always get the option, kna meen bruv? =]
Hopefully not a necromorph slasher or a xenomorph. by
on 2015-08-04 01:44:00 UTC
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Considering that xenomorphs were violent killers whose behavior and design were meant to invoke rape and phallic imagery, I really wouldn't feel comfortable okaying one as an agent. After looking up the necromorph slashers, I would have to say the same thing.
Is it really necessary to have a bloodthirsty, monstrous (in every sense of the word) killer as, um, Carnage's partner? Because that tends to not go over very well. At all.
Also, while we're totally cool with helping hammer out details, like specific aspects of a prospective agent's personality, you can't expect us to do the work for you. Saying "Hey, I need an idea for an agent" isn't going to get you a whole lot of help. You can at least come up with the basics on your own, can't you? -
Reasons by
on 2015-08-05 20:05:00 UTC
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Of course it's necessary to have a couple of bloodthirsty monsters: our job is to kill Sues, isn't it?
Our job? by
on 2015-08-05 22:48:00 UTC
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It's the DMS's job to kill Sues. Other departments to other things.
Anyway, you don't need a couple of bloodthirsty monsters to kill Sues. As the Mission Writing Guide says: "The point of the PPC ... is that the agents are borderline-nutcases doing an impossibly large job one teaspoon-full at a time, with half-broken equipment that never was enough for the job, and working in the most messed up corporate environment that has ever existed. And humor, ostensibly." -
Also... by
on 2015-08-11 15:58:00 UTC
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I run on Dwarf Fortress logic. More monsters = more fun in my mind.
You do have a point there. (nm) by
on 2015-08-07 01:27:00 UTC
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That's a fantastic quote. ^_^ by
on 2015-08-06 07:36:00 UTC
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Who wrote that? Ah, Sedri. Sedri was good.
hS -
Actually, she's quoting Dann there. by
on 2015-08-06 15:33:00 UTC
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Dann's good, too. {= )
~Neshomeh -
Dann's good, too. [Nodnod] (nm) by
on 2015-08-06 16:17:00 UTC
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Does anyone here remember the "Junior Jedi Knights" series? by
on 2015-08-04 01:43:00 UTC
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I read the books a long time ago and I love them. My favorite one is "The Golden Globe".
Vaguely. by
on 2015-08-05 08:16:00 UTC
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The only one I ever really read was "Kenobi's Blade."
I remember that Anakin went on to become a Messiah!...Then a corpse.
Tahari went on to become a Veteran! Then a Vong! Then she killed Palleon and helped Jacen go on a torture spree...and got away scot-free.
And Ikirt!...Ooooh, boy...*Crosses Self*.
At least Ulric...uh, Udric...Ulric?...at least he got off okay, right?
...Actually, I don't think he was ever mentioned again after this series. Was he?
...Dude, the later on EU was NOT kind to these poor kids.
Anyone else having this problem? by
on 2015-08-04 17:44:00 UTC
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For some reason, certain web browsers have been eating posts whenever I try and make posts to the Board. Both Safari and Google Chrome just behave like I never posted anything, but I discovered Firefox works for my purposes.
Darkotas is having the same problem, except he can't find a single browser that doesn't cause his posts to go kaput.
Thoughts? -
ratbranibasher by
on 2015-08-05 00:44:00 UTC
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It's essentially the beta/dev version. Oddly, I've had less problems using it than normal Chrome. It may also be the ads. A ton of people have been getting severe issues with them, and I've seen ads do even stranger things to certain computers. I'm using adblock, so if I were you, I'd give it a shot and see if it's any better afterwards.
*grabs ratbranibasher the mini-Boarder* Here you go. by
on 2015-08-05 18:23:00 UTC
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Also, I don't know if you noticed, but you put the author and subject lines in the wrong place. They should be reversed, otherwise the rest of us get confused. :)
Sorry, I had like, four cans of Monster. (nm) by
on 2015-08-05 21:46:00 UTC
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Y'know what that is for me, cob? BREAKFAST. =] (nm) by
on 2015-08-06 21:32:00 UTC
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Yikes. (nm) by
on 2015-08-06 01:04:00 UTC
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Testing (nm) by
on 2015-08-04 19:42:00 UTC
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Huh. (Also: paging anyone on IPv6) by
on 2015-08-04 17:50:00 UTC
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Are these browsers running on the same computer? I don't know what it looks like if your IP is accidentally blocked, and I see you have the same prefix (99) as the blocked zdimensia; it could potentially be that (though her whole IP address was actually entered to block).
Also, does it still take you straight to the post when you post it, then just not make it show up? If so, can you grab the link and link to a vanished post? (This is what happens to me all the time over at the Help forum; new threads just vanish, new posts simply never appear on the thread.)
And, sorry for hijacking, but Sean has updated the YourWebApps software to allow blocking IPv6 addresses. Only he can't test it properly because he doesn't have one. ^_^ So, someone on IPv6 (Tomash is the only one I know about - other than Ammo Guy), can I block you on the Other Board so we can check if it works? :D
hS -
An IP blocking question by
on 2015-08-04 20:14:00 UTC
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Are you blocking individual IP address or CIDR ranges?
Depends. by
on 2015-08-04 20:37:00 UTC
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For zdimensia, we blocked the individual IP, because she was only using one. Ammo Guy originally wandered a bit, so we just blocked the first two sections. His IPv6 is now blocked to three colons; I don't know how precise those things are, so.
hS -
Not very. by
on 2015-08-04 22:02:00 UTC
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That is most likely what is causing your problems. Try blocking CIDR ranges instead of colons. What you blocked could have affected thousands of IPs.
Aaaand what's a CIDR range? (nm) by
on 2015-08-04 22:21:00 UTC
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Well... by
on 2015-08-04 22:44:00 UTC
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CIDR notation is a syntax for specifying IP addresses and their associated routing prefix. It appends a slash character to the address and the decimal number of leading bits of the routing prefix, e.g., for IPv4, and 2001:db8::/32 for IPv6.
Basically, you should so a WHOIS on the IPv6 address and try blocking what it recommends to see if it helps. -
... what? by
on 2015-08-05 09:04:00 UTC
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So, er.
What extra information does appending /24 to the IPv4 address give? Surely you've just blocked the whole thing anyway? And on the flip side, how is adding :/32 to the first two sections of the v6 any more specific than just giving the blocks?
Please remember I'm not a network expert; I just work here. ^_~
hS -
Ah. by
on 2015-08-05 15:30:00 UTC
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I'm not a network expert either, Wikia Stars just have to perform range blocks occasionally. ;)
IPv6 addresses are each 128 bits long. Because each digit in an IPv6 address can have 16 different values (from 0 to 15), each digit represents the overall value of 4 bits (one nibble), with 32 digits total. As with IPv4, CIDR notation describes ranges in terms of a common prefix of bits. For example 2001:db8::/32 means that the range described has the first 32 bits set to the binary digits 00100000000000010000110110101000. -
Still don't get it. by
on 2015-08-05 15:37:00 UTC
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Aren't the first 32 bits the ones you just quoted? So why are you telling it that 2001:db8: is the first 32? Pre...sumably it already knows that?
(YourWebApps certainly does; it specifically blocks 'IP prefixes.)
hS -
Oh. by
on 2015-08-05 17:43:00 UTC
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Then it sounds like YourWebApps doesn't support range blocks. I guess blocking by colons is the only way to do that.
As for your question, it should block the first 32 bits of the address 2001:db6 -
Let's test this. by
on 2015-08-04 17:59:00 UTC
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Alright, if this post goes through, I'll be shocked.
*crosses fingers* -
*faints* by
on 2015-08-04 18:01:00 UTC
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Using Google Chrome at the moment and it posted, apparently. That was just... strange.
Anyway, to answer your earlier question, yes, I was trying the different browsers from the same computer. And it would take me to the vanished post, but when I would hit 'return to messages' it would vanish. -
... ah. by
on 2015-08-04 19:14:00 UTC
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It may have been my fault. ^_^
I see that your Chrome install is giving an IPv6 address - one which starts with the same four digits as Ammo Guy's address. Until today, to block Ammo Guy, I had to enter just those four digits - IPv6 blocking wasn't really supported. I checked it against Tomash's IP, but didn't know you had a v6 address.
But now Sean has enabled it, and I changed the block to more of Ammo Guy's address - and you can post. So yeah, my fault.
(To test whether Ammo Guy is blocked - can you try posting from Chrome to the Other Board? You should be temporarily blocked, and since we now think we know what that ought to look like...)
hS -
Tested, and it did not work. (nm) by
on 2015-08-04 19:23:00 UTC
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Didn't post, or didn't block? (nm) by
on 2015-08-04 19:42:00 UTC
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Didn't post, sorry. (nm) by
on 2015-08-04 20:44:00 UTC
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Excellent. Unblocked again. (nm) by
on 2015-08-04 21:06:00 UTC
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*points his wand at Ixi* Rennervate! by
on 2015-08-04 18:07:00 UTC
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Maybe it was just a one-time situation? I've been using Chrome ever since I joined and everything was fine..
Calling all Potter experts! by
on 2015-08-04 21:00:00 UTC
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So, a certain project occupies my mind for a while now... I want to create a well-researched, balanced and entertaining goodfic about the Next Generation (ya know, nineteen years later...) with the main focus being James Potter II and his Hogwarts career. A tribute of sort to the magnificent series which got me into reading books in first place.
Here's where you come in, brothers and sisters. I consider myself pretty good when in comes to Potter knowledge but, naturally, there are things I am bound to overlook or miss. The question I have is: Is anyone willing to be my occasional source of knowledge-slash-opinion about plot, characters, etc. I realize most of the things discussed would be fanon/headcanon, speculations and theories, but I believe it is possible to do it. I will be keeping as much canon as possible: we're talking dates, locations, events, characters - EVERYTHING!
If anyone's willing (and Ixi, I'm not asking you because, although you are probably the biggest Potter nerd here *cough*afterme*cough*, you are a busy woman and we're all waiting for LMM to hit us!) to share their knowledge, feel free to compose a mail - my adress is mattcipher94 and the gmail tag.
Although, I will leave you with something to discuss: wizard schools.
I remember posting my theory before but now, since I'm going to actually find a use for it, I'll do it again.
From Her Majesty Rowling, we know there are 11 official schools educating witches and wizards of the world. Not Europe but the entire planet. So, with most of them already known, here is my list of them and the regions they operate in (note: light grey colour indicates unconfrimed locations, and my own speculations)
I would really welcome your opinions on that matter. This project is the first big writing thing I'm trying and I promise to find a way of compensation for all the effort put in its production! :) -
Oh, speaking of Little Miss Mary... by
on 2015-08-05 03:46:00 UTC
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I would like to take the opportunity that I will be releasing the mission on August 18th at midnight, Eastern Standard Time. So, in exactly two weeks. It's already finished and polished and is basically just waiting for the release day.
If you pull a Scott Cawthon and release it early... by
on 2015-08-05 07:46:00 UTC
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I swear to Glot, I will do something XD
Anything in particular about wizard schools? by
on 2015-08-04 21:49:00 UTC
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Personally, I wonder which schools accept nonhuman students? I mean, in my personal headcanon, Magical Britain's isolationist views make it seem very backwards to the rest of the wizarding world, and that magical-being-views are much more progressive in, say, Beauxbatons (which might be why they accept veela-descent students, for example!) than in Hogwarts.
Depends on your definition of 'non-human' by
on 2015-08-04 21:53:00 UTC
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Do we count veelas like Fleur, vampires, werewolves, goblins... should they be fully sentient, or not? Also, I really don't think elves and dwarves exist in this universe. All depends on the definition.
Personally, I think Eastern schools (Durmstrang, Koldovstoretz, etc.) are more open to all things Dark and, therefore, more open to students with non-human lineage. -
I thought Fleur was only part veela. (nm) by
on 2015-08-04 23:07:00 UTC
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Yup, quarter veela. by
on 2015-08-04 23:19:00 UTC
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Her maternal grandmother was a full-blooded veela.
Elves don't exist in Harry Potter? by
on 2015-08-04 21:58:00 UTC
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Veela, vampires, werewolves, and goblins are all fully sentient, but only werewolves and possibly veela are allowed to carry wands. We know that veela's descendants are allowed to carry wands, but that's because they're also part human and have witch or wizard-like magical ability. It's not so much a question a species' sentience as it is which species are allowed to do and are capable of doing 'traditional' magic. -
Really, playing the Dobby card, Ixi...? by
on 2015-08-04 22:06:00 UTC
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I meant guys like that, and you know it!
So let's assume a half-vampire is born (which I still think could be possible, considering Locan d'Eath being featured on Rowling's site at one point), therefore they would be allowed to carry a wand, I'm thinking correctly?
The thing is - we don't know enough non-humans/part-humans to think about their enrolment. So far we know veelas, giants and goblins are able to... mate, for the lack of better word, with humans. We have people like the Delacours, Hagrid or professor Flitwick, as proof. For example, I can't imagine there being half-centaurs, or satyrs, or half-mermen without some particulary nasty images coming to my mind. -
*blink* Say what? by
on 2015-08-04 22:19:00 UTC
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Since when is Flitwick part goblin? O.o
P.S. I was a big Potter expert back in the day, but I'm kinda rusty now that I don't have my RP to keep things fresh in my mind. I resort to looking things up these days, which you might just as well do yourself, so yeah. -
Old News by
on 2015-08-05 09:34:00 UTC
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It was initially revealed on JKR’s playful old website, which sadly doesn’t exist anymore because she’s a serious mystery writer now. JKR responded to fans speculating about Flitwick’s ancestry after seeing him in the movie. She said that the fans believing that Flitwick must have some goblin blood got it right, and that she was surprised that the film makers got it right just from the description in the books, because she hadn’t told anybody that this was the back story she had in mind for him.
HG -
Yup. by
on 2015-08-04 22:23:00 UTC
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I think the information might have been revealed via Pottermore.
Ravenclaw's welcome message, to be precise. (nm) by
on 2015-08-04 22:24:00 UTC
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No, that had a rumor about him being part elf. (nm) by
on 2015-08-04 22:37:00 UTC
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Quoting the Potter wiki, by
on 2015-08-04 22:21:00 UTC
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"Filius Flitwick was born into a wizarding family with the distant descent of a goblin."
Biggest Harry Potter fan after you? by
on 2015-08-04 21:05:00 UTC
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Oh yes, I went there! >D by
on 2015-08-04 21:10:00 UTC
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Dude, you really went there. by
on 2015-08-04 21:17:00 UTC
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- LAUNCH "ZIG" FOR GREAT JUSTICE by on 2015-08-04 21:25:00 UTC Link to this
You know what? That's it. DISHONOR! by
on 2015-08-04 21:35:00 UTC
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And dishonor on your whole family! -
Oh please, do go on... :3 by
on 2015-08-04 21:39:00 UTC
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Very well, I shall. by
on 2015-08-04 21:42:00 UTC
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That's cute, but... by
on 2015-08-04 21:50:00 UTC
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I'll let my friend speak for me. Mr. Popo?
Hahahaha.... Hahahahahaha.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!
Thank you, Mr. Popo. -
Hi, I'm not that familiar with DBZ... by
on 2015-08-05 09:16:00 UTC
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But WOW. That... that is some waaaaay racist character design. I mean, wow. Did blackface just, like, never stop being socially acceptable in Japan?
Well, technically speaking, Mr. Popo is a deity... by
on 2015-08-05 11:51:00 UTC
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Assistant-deity, but it still counts!
Also, I don't think this was meant to be racist. I doubt Japanese publishers in 1988 (the original year of this chapter and episode release) would ever thought that DBZ would become a hit overseas.
But, honestly, I prefer that they portray him like that, rather than doing what 4Kids did, and make him a bloody overgrown Smurf! -
Whether he's a god or not is immaterial. by
on 2015-08-05 15:03:00 UTC
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That design is clearly based on stereotypical images of black people, with a genie motif thrown in for some reason. It might not be intentionally racist, in the same way some old people can be, but that doesn't make it acceptable.
I would still say "Objection!" by
on 2015-08-05 16:26:00 UTC
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People had the same issue with the Pokemon Jynx, who was originally presented like this
And I think it's MatPat from Game Theorists, who did it best when he did some explanation on Jynx. I think, to some point, THIS can also be applied to Mr. Popo. Just changing him from a "she-demon" to a "male genie" would sound more appropriate to the manga readers. -
((Yeah, that was me, btw.)) (nm) by
on 2015-08-05 16:26:00 UTC
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Apparently it's been noted before. by
on 2015-08-05 15:34:00 UTC
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The Dragonball Wiki mentions it in their trivia section. They also note the responses - the Smurf version, and digital lip removal in an American edition.
Personally I find it really interesting that a combination of two traits - 'black skin' and 'big lips' - makes for such an instant racist caricature. That's some serious iconographic success from the old racist types. If only they'd applied themselves to something more worthwhile...
(Well, okay, fair enough, they did - if you go back far enough, everything from 'ball on stick = tree' to 'stickman = person'. But it'd be nice if racism hadn't achieved the same thing.)
hS -
Please. by
on 2015-08-04 21:50:00 UTC
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Hmm...? by
on 2015-08-04 21:58:00 UTC
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^ ((Smart, Matt. Really smart)) (nm) by
on 2015-08-04 21:39:00 UTC
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on 2015-08-04 23:46:00 UTC
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's been a long sabbatical, I must admit. Learned Mutants and Masterminds. Learned World of Darkness. Learned, loved, laughed, lived, other "L" words.
Good to be back. -
Welcome back to the PPC! by
on 2015-08-06 17:37:00 UTC
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Here's your guaranteed-FE starter:-
Iiiiiiiiiiiit's Mamoswine!
And your starting item is:-
Blessing of Lugh (Spell Slot) from Ascendant!
This item synergises fairly well with Mamoswine, though it tends to be better the slower your Pokemon is than the opponent. It effectively turns every attack into Gyro Ball, allowing you to deal extra damage (scaling up to a 2x multiplier) if you move slower than your opponent. It might not be great on a Mamoswine, but running a very bulky set with no IVs in Speed and a Brave nature can work very well, especially against other physical attackers. Mamoswine always excelled as a wallbreaker, and now it gets the chance to pour on the hurt against common OU threats like Keldeo and Metagross who otherwise OHKO it.
That was a lot more involved than I thought it would be. Hopefully I won't random Ascendant's wiki any time soon. =] -
O rly. by
on 2015-08-05 21:30:00 UTC
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Good to have you back.
Welcome (back)! by
on 2015-08-05 18:21:00 UTC
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The "back" is in parentheses because I don't think we've met before. Anyway, glad you're satisfied from your sabbatical. Here's a pink kazoo because why the heck not!
Welcome Back! (even though I don't know you) (nm) by
on 2015-08-05 15:51:00 UTC
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on 2015-08-05 14:33:00 UTC
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Greetings. by
on 2015-08-05 10:29:00 UTC
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Have a Generic GiftTM. Like most generic things, it can be whatever you really, really want it to be.
Nice to meet you, I don't think we've met before. by
on 2015-08-05 07:49:00 UTC
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Nonetheless, here - have a head that's always screaming.
Huzzah! by
on 2015-08-05 08:08:00 UTC
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...Oh, darn it, It's not Larry King's wax head...ah, well. I'll take what I can get.
Well, I know who I'm dealing with now :D *high-six* (nm) by
on 2015-08-05 08:34:00 UTC
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Have some Swiss Chocolate. (nm) by
on 2015-08-05 04:52:00 UTC
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Hiya! by
on 2015-08-05 04:37:00 UTC
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Name's Alleb. I just got here in May, so I don't think we've met. Welcome back! Have a totally unloaded d20 die. Yup. Not loaded. Totally won't land on 20 every time. No siree.
Yay! (nm) by
on 2015-08-05 08:11:00 UTC
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Welcome (back) to Creation, here's your shovel. by
on 2015-08-05 03:04:00 UTC
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Have a shovel enchanted with the power of the Sea Bishop!
... basically you can live underwater with your aquatic monster-girlfriend, should you so desire. -
w00t! by
on 2015-08-05 21:31:00 UTC
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References to something I don't get! Yay!
Welcome back! by
on 2015-08-05 03:02:00 UTC
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Even though we probably didn't know each other lol.
Have one of my own shed feathers and a complimentary kit of Spikes! -
Yay Feathers and Spikes! by
on 2015-08-05 08:09:00 UTC
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...But what am I gonna do with all these purple dragon dudes?...Hmm, quite a conundrum...
Hey, welcome back, Shoe! by
on 2015-08-05 00:24:00 UTC
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Long time no see and stuff — how was life in the meantime?
Here have this cup of confused Lapsang Souchong tea as a returnbie gift. It's a bit confused as to whether it smells like a campfire or orange peels, so be gentle with it, aright? -
Thankies, Dessie! by
on 2015-08-05 08:11:00 UTC
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It's good to BE back! And life's been okay. I lived, loved, laughed...
I'll be totally gentle wivvit, don't you worry. The fire crackers are toooootally not conspicuous or ominous in any way. -
Heh, another nickname to the pile. by
on 2015-08-05 21:40:00 UTC
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That's a first, I believe.
Returnbie! *glomp* *poke* by
on 2015-08-05 00:01:00 UTC
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Welcome back! Have a plate of freshly-made SPaGhetti!
It's so nice, I had it twice! by
on 2015-08-05 08:12:00 UTC
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Fo' Serious, yo. I'm having a big ol' plate of spaghetti right now.
Twilight Zone Theme Here.
New mission! by
on 2015-08-05 03:03:00 UTC
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Riddle Me This
Continuum: Harry Potter
Agents: Natalie Carlman, Za'kiir, Chakkik, Stephanie Podd
We hope you enjoy! -
This was mostly enjoyable. by
on 2015-08-06 18:27:00 UTC
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I liked the agents' interactions, and the different ways the non-humans reacted to being in a human disguise in a strange, magical world.
But as so often, I have some nitpicks:
He tuned his back to her and started limping away.
You probably meant "turned".
I do not want want to share a House with a Sue.
Once the agents finally reached the the seventh floor of Hogwarts, Chakkik looked askance at Natalie.
Za’kiir and Stephanie had changed out of the DORKS back into their natural forms, and had slept quite comfortably, as had Natalie herself.
Huh? The DORKS isn’t a disguise, it’s a device that creates a disguise. I don’t believe that you can change out of it. Yes, the agents wouldn't be able to change their disguise or to drop the disguise and change back to their natural form on mission if they didn't use a DORKS. But calling this "to change out of the DORKS" doesn’t sound right.
"That is not Voldemort. …"
Apparently Natalie's rant was not enough to prepare me for "Voldemort" going down so easily. For the rest of the page I wondered why Voldemort didn't do anything. Not sure whether this is me being thick. It may have worked for others.
Second, I absolutely refuse to recite that line from Clash of the Titans in regards to you, Podd.
Where did this come from? I understand that it is a setup for releasing the kraken further down the page. But why would Chakkik say this at this time? The only reason I can imagine is stealthily hinting at Stephanie that she should prepare for having her disguise dropped, in a way the Sue and her grandfather would presumably not understand. This, or some other reason I don't see, might have been made more clear.
Besides that, it's a really good co-write.
HG -
Confused by the Riddle by
on 2015-08-05 09:14:00 UTC
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I thought that, to restore canon, Sues have to be killed by something (which seems to be) canonical. That's one reason why disguises totally transform the body instead of just covering it in an illusion.
But you had one character killed by an undisguised Khajiit, and the other by a Mantis Ant's acidic venom. Aren't creatures like that turning up in the Potterverse and killing people going to damage canon at least as much as the original badfic?
But apart from that, I enjoyed the mission. It was a lot of fun and there was a good dynamic with the agents. -
Canonical and non-canonical assassinations. by
on 2015-08-06 19:05:00 UTC
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Jay and Acacia usually killed Sues using canonical weapons and disguised as something that would canonically want to kill all
tennine walkers of The Fellowship of the Ring or whatever the Sue was in her badfic. I still like this classical method best. It doesn't require much clean-up. Just get rid of the corpse. The canon characters' memories of the Sue will fade and they will snap back into character, and non-canonical objects and locations will just vanish. No neuralyzing or burning down is required.
But this is not always practical. Who would canonically want to murder fifth year students, or Slytherins, or Americans, or whatever category you could fit the Sue in? Even Generic Death Eaters wouldn't just randomly kill people.
Acromantula might work in the Forbidden Forest. But since they apparently never leave their hide-out, an Acromantula killing the Sue at Malfoy Manor would still be stressing the canon.
Insane serial killers is probably the best option to go with – but how would an insane serial killer disguise look like?
After a non-canonical assassination, thorough clean-up is necessary. Neuralyzing all witnesses is absolutely essential. (Apparently there were no witnesses in this case.) Even than the canon may still be so stressed that the word-world cannot just snap back. You may need to neuralyze everybody who met the Sue and may still remember her. You may need to remove non-canonical objects brought in or created by the Sue, and you may need to burn down non-canonical locations. (And you may still get into trouble with the Flowers That Be, if this fits the story arc your author planned for you.)
At least that's what I got from previous discussions.
HG -
Ah, that makes sense by
on 2015-08-07 11:56:00 UTC
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You've got a good point there. There aren't many things willing and able to kill random kids. Although I would've thought there was a difference between something that was unlikely to kill someone, and something that physically couldn't because it just plain doesn't exist in that world.
On the bright side, here's a ficlet:"Y-y-you want what?" Makes-Things backed even further away from the agent. "No. No! That's just... You're even c-crazier than the other assassins."
"Possibly," admitted Sean, not wanting to dwell on his past. "But you've gotta admit, it makes sense."
"Sense? How can that possibly m-make sense?" Eyes darting left and right as he searched the DoSAT lab for a refuge, the terrified technician desperately tried to keep the madman talking.
"Simple. A lot of missions take place in the twentieth or twenty-first centuries, where there aren't any Random Orcs to kill people, right?"
"Yes, I know that." By now, Makes-Things had squeezed into the gap between two cabinets and was pulling his labcoat over his head in imitation of Elliot Dunkel's coat of solitude.
Sean started to lean round to get a better view of the man he was trying to talk to, but then decided against it. He took a deep breath and continued as if nothing was happening. "Terrorists are obviously right out because they're in bad taste. Insane serial killers would be good, but what would they look like?"
Some mumbled words came from the hidden figure, but Sean could only make out the phrases "Have you," and "mirror lately?"
Ignoring him, Sean said, "So that only leaves one thing that could randomly kill people."
"Yes, but y-you can't expect me to program that into the disguise generators."
"Why not? They can already turn people into different species, so why not a virus? And there are lots of different types to choose from, so even if Ebola is too difficult, there's always SARS or Anthrax."
"But a single virus cell isn't enough to k-kill anyone."
"Yeah, obviously you'd have to turn us into a colony of the things. And most agents are multi-celled organisms anyway, so that should make it easier for you." By now Sean was enthusiastically gesturing with his hands as he explained his great idea. "And we'd spend the mission breeding and incubating inside the Sue's body, so she would ever spot us. It's the perf—"
Sean suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. Slowly he turned and found himself looking at two ogres in FicPsyc uniforms.
"Agent Bellman?" asked the first ogre, the one with his had on Sean's shoulder.
Sean just nodded.
The other ogre called out, "It's all right. You can come out now."
Makes-Things emerged, straighten his coat. He was holding a mobile phone in one hand. "You got my text then?"
"Yeah. We'll take of this now."
"Come along Agent Bellman," said the first ogre. "Doc Freedenberg needs to remind you about the dangers of mixing too much Bleeprin with your prescription antidepressants." -
Hurray! Having inspired a ficlet is a good thing. by
on 2015-08-09 10:51:00 UTC
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Especially when it’s such a good ficlet.
I’m aware that you can’t edit the board, but I can’t not do this. So, in case you want to copy and publish this elsewhere:
And we'd spend the mission breeding and incubating inside the Sue's body, so she would ever spot us.
"Agent Bellman?" asked the first ogre, the one with his had on Sean's shoulder.
Makes-Things emerged, straighten his coat.
Shouldn’t this be "straightening"?
"Yeah. We'll take of this now."
Missing word ("care")?
"Come along Agent Bellman," said the first ogre.
The ogre may have dropped a comma between "along" and "Agent", but it has been demonstrated that commas are not in my field of erpertise.
First Mission! by
on 2015-08-05 11:39:00 UTC
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Finally, over a year after getting permission, Sean and Hild find themselves on The Very Edge of a Jeeves & Wooster badfic.
Hope you enjoy it. And big thanks to my betas for putting up with my cluelessness. -
It was amazing. by
on 2015-08-07 18:27:00 UTC
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I laughed at words! I don't do that very often! Good job!
Whoahh, I like this! by
on 2015-08-06 20:31:00 UTC
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And I don't even know anything about this continuum.
The butter side down test made me laugh, and the remarks about clocks in PPC HQ made me giggle. I can't remember having ever said this about other missions; they mostly just make me smile.
BTW I smiled a lot here; Ix already covered that.
Of course I deliver:
She cleans up real nice ...
I believe this should be "really nice", but I'm not a native speaker and may be wrong.
[Present tense detected. Revert agents to to permanent past tense Y/N?]
Sean quickly threw the CAD as far as he can.
I'm not sure whether this is intentional. Considering that Sean is probably still able to throw a CAD as far as he could then, it may be a stylistic choice. (Like the high-heeled shoes that so many World One women wear, which didn't stick out as odd to me. I actually like that you apparently don't believe that, since the narration is in past tense, everything must be in past tense.)
He just wouldn’t be be having four days of non-stop woobified wangst in the first place.
Hild shudders.
Tense shift.
HG -
OK. Thanks. by
on 2015-08-07 10:17:00 UTC
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I'm glad you enjoyed the story. (Hmmm... This praise is starting to go to my head. Soon I'll start demanding "5 god reivows" before I write more.)
The business with the toast was a last-minute addition to the story. ("Right, he needs to do something to show the world's back to normal. But his CAD is broken, so what can he do? Wait, the fic mentions toast. I'll just have him use that, and save myself the trouble of introducing something new at this stage of the mission.")
BTW I've fixed most of those errors now. But Scapegrace is right: the "real nice" was deliberate, so it stays. -
Well, on the first count... by
on 2015-08-06 21:17:00 UTC
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That's an Americanism. They say "real" instead of "really" because FREEDOM and EAGLES and so on. =]
Very nice work! (Spoilers for the mission) by
on 2015-08-05 15:42:00 UTC
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I really don't have much to say in the way of concrit or SPaG-picking (though I'm willing to bet HG will spot something, he always does), so I'm just going to do a sort of "Ix Reacts".
“Anyway, for your information, a bunch of agents are organising evening classes. They think it’ll help keep us sane, or something. And Lux is teaching one of the courses.”
*head tilt* Do I even want to know?
Hild shook her head. “It’s taxidermy.
Ohhh, okay. Neat.
[Jeeves. Human. OOC 43% so far, and increasing. As he’s the second person narrator, I bet he’ll turn out to be a possible Replacement Stu. Did you really need me to tell you that?]
Sean briefly wished his CAD would just explode like so many others.
*snorts* Okay, that was pretty funny.
[Bertie Wooster. Human. OOC at least 100%, possibly more, and increasing. Replacement Woobie!Stu-stu-studio, Studio Line! Central line! District line! Northern line descended from Valandil! Valerie Singleton! Valley of Death! Welcome to Death Valley Days! The driver is either dead or missing!]
Sean quickly threw the CAD as far as he can. It sailed over the cliff and then finally exploded.
*cacklesnorts* Okay, that's pretty funny.
As Jeeves hugged Bertie and led him away from the cliff, Hild stopped merely twitching her shoulders, and started reaching round to feel them then twisting her head trying to look at her back.
“Hild! What is the matter with you?”
She glanced sheepishly at him. “I was just trying to flap my wings.”
“Wings?” Sean’s brow furrowed, before comprehension spread across his face. “I know you’re a flapper, but it doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a name for how you’re dressed.”
“So there’s – there’s nothing to actually flap?”
“’Fraid not.”
Pffff, poor Hild.
“Yes, but what is a bicycle ride?”
Yeah, is this some sort of metaphor that's gone sailing over my head, or is it a reference?
Just then, a flapping noise was heard above the roaring of the flames. The agents looked up to see a large zero flying around their heads, with tildes for wings.
“Now that’s what I call a flapper!”
Okay, that's pretty funny--
“It’s a scene divider. Grab it!” said Sean. He and Hild managed to catch hold of the bottom of the flying zero, and were lifted up.
O__O SO COOL. Okay, I like this idea. That is awesome.
Hild giggled. “OK. Now, since you’re in the mood for explanations, what is a bicycle ride?”
Sean attempted to explain. It was a difficult business, not helped by having to duck down behind the sofa again as Jeeves carried a plate of toast to Bertie’s bedroom.
“Thanks,” Hild said when the explanation was over.
... :/
Sean leant over to look at it. “Hmmm... Butter side up.” He picked the toast up. “This universe is more messed up than we realised.”
*spits milk everywhere* AHAHA, YES!
“Hey, it’s not our fault if the fic’s mistakes cancelled each other out.” He dropped the toast to prove his point. It did indeed land butter side down.
So, in conclusion, I enjoyed this. A lot. Good work! :) -
Bicycle ride by
on 2015-08-05 16:10:00 UTC
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Yeah, is this some sort of metaphor that's gone sailing over my head, or is it a reference?
As Sean said, it's a reference to the long and seemingly unnecessary ride Jeeves tricks Bertie into making at the end of Right Ho, Jeeves. I'll tweak the dialogue a bit to make that clearer.
Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the mission. Thanks for your comments. -
Ah, okay, thank you. by
on 2015-08-05 16:20:00 UTC
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And yeah, it was a good first mission. *thumbs up*
Nice job by
on 2015-08-05 12:29:00 UTC
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What I want to know is what Sean meant with the cliff joke, as I'm not a Brit.
- Re: Nice job by on 2015-08-05 12:34:00 UTC Link to this
Betas needed! by
on 2015-08-05 18:15:00 UTC
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Iximaz and I have completed another mission, and we are in need of betas. The canons involved are Ratchet & Clank and Inheritance Cycle. Canon knowledge is welcome but not strictly necessary — we got that covered; we need betas for the other things, mainly.
Interested parties should leave their e-mail addresses here so we would be able to share the GDoc with them. -
Aright, that's enough betas. by
on 2015-08-05 19:11:00 UTC
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Also, I seem to have derped the HTML. Oops.
Re: Betas needed! by
on 2015-08-05 19:02:00 UTC
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I'm up for it! Email should be clickable.
Sent. (nm) by
on 2015-08-05 19:11:00 UTC
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I can assist. by
on 2015-08-05 18:57:00 UTC
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Send it to reillybf[AT]msn[DOT]com. Swap symbols where necessary.
Sent to you and Tira. Thanks everyone, we have enough! (nm) by
on 2015-08-05 19:10:00 UTC
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Well, you KNOW I'm up for it. by
on 2015-08-05 18:39:00 UTC
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Angry letters to the usual address. =]
Sent! (nm) by
on 2015-08-05 18:42:00 UTC
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Has anyone here watched Odd Squad? by
on 2015-08-06 03:40:00 UTC
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It's on netflix, most agents will probably get kick out of it
Never heard of it... by
on 2015-08-06 12:58:00 UTC
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But, judging by the pictures, it kinda looks like Nickelodeon's The Troop and I did enjoy that. Maybe I should give the Odd Squad a chance thn...
RC Designer required by
on 2015-08-06 16:56:00 UTC
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So, I've figured out some of the RCs were made using THIS APP, and I've seen some awesome RCs being made.
Now, because I completely suck at this (I've tried, several times) I'd like to ask anyone more capable to help me designing RC 42-Omega. Any tips would be helpful, and i will find a way of compensation for the effort. -
Actually... by
on 2015-08-07 14:52:00 UTC
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The only app I've used for my designs is this one. I don't know if you'll find it easier to use, because it's a bit tricky, but starting in the right place can't hurt. {= )
If you still need help, let me know, and I'll see if I can find some time next week or so. My e-mail address is on my wiki user page, if this thread drops too far down.
Anyone else playing Fate/Grand Order? by
on 2015-08-06 22:59:00 UTC
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I know there aren't a ton of Nasufans here, but maybe someone else has tried it? I can't comment on the story, since I can't read Japanese, but at least the gameplay is fun so far. My Friend Code is 691217704 if you want to add me.
I don't actually play F/go... by
on 2015-08-06 23:57:00 UTC
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But some guys I know from TvTropes play it. I am excited to see all those new Servants, though.
The new Servants are cool by
on 2015-08-07 00:34:00 UTC
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So far, I'm liking Jing Ke surpisingly well. Eric Bloodaxe and Iskander are good, too, though they keep dying on me. Shielder's alright; she's a bit generic, though it is cute the way she calls you Senpai. I'm honestly surprised how much I like Kid!Iskander, actually. I was annoyed that they changed his character design so much (and probably to make him more appealing to fangirls), but even as a kid, the King of Bros is just too charismatic to resist.
I really wish I could read Japanese, going off the images I think Cu keeps hitting on Shielder maybe? There's a lot of him smirking and her blushing, at least. And the white-haired girl (Olga-Marie?) is angry a lot. That's about as much of the story as I can follow.
I do wish both that there was more characterization for the other Servants and that I could actually understand it. I find the idea of Waver being possessed by a Heroic Spirit to be very intriguing, but if he's just a random summon I don't think we'll actually get a story about it.
The one I really want is EMIYA, though. There was a stage where I fought him, but I think I just have to cross my fingers and hope I summon him. *sigh*It's not like he's my LO or anything... -
So, I'm no expert, buuuuuuuut... by
on 2015-08-07 12:01:00 UTC
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I dimly remembered cooking up a fan Servant once upon a time, and I found her! It'd be interesting to see how well she holds up to actual series experts:-
Primary Class: Archer
Potential Classes: Caster
True Name: Winifred Owen
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Good
Strength: D
Endurance: A+
Agility: D
Prana: B+
Luck: D+
Noble Phantasm: A
Class Skills:
Independent Action - B+
"There is no spirit that remains unbroken by war. Instead, they wander, as Owen now wanders. Alone, with only a pistol in her hand, she walks and walks, seeking the other side of a bridge in France, and finding none."
Move her into the sun—
Gently its touch awoke her once,
At home, whispering of fields unsown.
Always it woke her, even in France,
Until this morning and this snow.
If anything might rouse her now
The kind old sun will know.
Think how it wakes the seeds—
Woke, once, the clays of a cold star.
Are limbs so dear-achieved, are sides
Full-nerved,—still warm,—too hard to stir?
Was it for this the clay grew tall?
—O what made fatuous sunbeams toil
To break earth's sleep at all?
-- "Futility", Wilfred Owen (adapted for genderbend)
Personal Skills:
Battle Continuation: A
Eye For Art: B
Protection From Arrows (well, bullets): B+
Protection From Wind: A+
Territory Creation: C
Noble Phantasms:-
Strange Meeting
Song Of The Undone Years
Rank: A
Type: Anti-Unit... sort of
Range: 1-45
Targets: 1
Target gains an exact copy of themselves that proceeds to attack them. The copy has all its stats of equal rank to the target, including any buffs - and the buffs will not fade over time. Additionally, the copy does bonus damage for each unit the target has killed during the battle.
I am the enemy you killed, my friend.
I knew you in this dark; for so you frowned
Yesterday through me as you jabbed and killed.
I parried; but my hands were loath and cold.
Let us sleep now . . .
-- "Strange Meeting", Wilfred Owen
Dulce Et Decorum Est
Obscene As Cancer
Rank: A+
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 1-500
Targets: Infinite
Gas. Every gas. Chlorine, phosgene, mustard gas, sarin, and all the foul things that stain the air, all boil from the walking, waking terror of a wounded mind, burning through the lungs and hearts and weakened bodies. Protection from Wind offers some defence, but it almost certainly will not be enough. The gases take whom they may, and care not for whose side Owen is on. Does no direct damage, but applies a tiny DoT effect, stacking with every breath, that deals additional damage to people already wounded.
But someone still was yelling out and stumbling,
And flound'ring like a man in fire or lime...
Dim, through the misty panes and thick green light,
As under a green sea, I saw him drowning.
In all my dreams, before my helpless sight,
He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.
-- "Dulce Et Decorum Est", Wilfred Owen
Is this OP? I tried to make the Noble Phantasms fairly interesting, but I'm not up enough on the Fate series outside of what I dredged up from the fan wiki. All input greatly appreciated. =] -
I think the first one posted before I finished, sorry... by
on 2015-08-07 18:16:00 UTC
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Honestly, I am NOT the person you want to ask about this. I'm just in it for the story (and all the pretty guys and ladies), not the more mechanical side of things. All I can tell you is that her stat distribution means she'd be hard to use in Fate/Extra, but that's not really relevant to anything. Ahem. That said, my response is going to be from a storytelling standpoint, not a mechanical one.
Two A-Rank Noble Phantasms seem overpowered a bit, but then again, most Servants are. I really like the effect of the second one, though, I think it would make for a good, dramatic fight. The high collateral damage means that her Master would have to be fairly cold in order to do it. I can't imagine Kotomine hesitating to activate it... but even Kiritsugu might. The first one ties in well with Own's poetry and I'm going to sound incredibly uncultured saying this... but I think it might run into issues because of its thematic similarites when you consider both the plot of UBW and blackened Servants. I know the poem comes well before, but in context, it feels like a bit of a knock-off. On the other hand, if you spin the themes right, it could be very strong.
On a mechanical note, I do think the first one is probably too strong, because there's no time limit on the copies. So a clever Master could basically clone all the other Servants. In the interest of balance, I'd either make the clones only last for a given period of time, or have their stats be ranked down a level from the original. It would still be extremely powerful, but there'd be some limits. The other thing I would suggest is adding in some kind of drawback. Maybe the copies represent a major mana drain for Owen, or maybe they're not necessarily loyal to her, either.
Also, I'm not a huge fan of extraneous genderbends in the series itself. I think it works for Saber, but not every historical figure needs to have actually been a cute girl. More focus on actual historical women would be preferential, in my opinion. That said, I can hardly fault you for following canon.
If you want someone to do a more in-detail analysis, I'd suggest trying Beast's Lair. They have a lot of members who have much more expertise on this kind of thing. I'm definitely more of a casual fan. -
Thanks for your help! =] by
on 2015-08-07 18:49:00 UTC
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I should have made it clear that the clone dies as soon as the original Servant dies, and that she can only have one up at a time. The lowered stats makes more thematic sense too, so I'll amend the design accordingly. Also, you hit on the idea that the clones aren't loyal to Winifred - the only thing they know to do is attack their target, and this pursuit is single-minded and not noticeably subtle. After all, to quote Welcome To Night Vale, "They come in twos. You come in twos. You and you. Kill your double." I'm also considering the idea that it's a major mana drain, but the biggest change is going to be that the range will be drastically lowered - thus making it more of a last-ditch thing.
As for the genderbends, there was - originally - a reason for that. I was going to do a non-genderbent Servant version of Jessie Pope, a civilian poet who wrote motivational poems to get people to join up for World War One, and the person to whom Owen's Dulce Et Decorum Est was dedicated. Her skill set was planned around mass buffs and damage bonuses to friendly soldiers, y'know, support type skills.
Also she was gonna be the more villainously inclined of the two. Good powers =/= good people. =] -
Ah, okay by
on 2015-08-07 19:09:00 UTC
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It makes a little more sense knowing that, and definitely seems more balanced. The idea of decreasing the range helps as well. Honestly, I think the two combined could make for a very powerful combo - even if the original defeats the copy, fighting them will delay them long enough for them to take a lot of damage from the gas. And I like the idea of two Servants who play off each other like that.
Now that I think about it, the whole clone idea does have the potential to get some really good reactions out of the canon characters. Saber has her own traumatic experiences with murderous clone versions, and I think the whole thing would hit just close enough to home for Archer that it'd seriously irritate him. -
I genuinely hadn't thought of that. by
on 2015-08-07 23:56:00 UTC
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While Jessie was going to be this Stepford Smiler kind of bright-and-shiny soldier-buffing figure, Winifred was always supposed to cut a very... grim figure. The key part of Strange Meeting is that the clone gets a small damage boost for each soldier the original has killed. In small engagements, it's not going to amount to much, but in a Zerg Rush scenario with a lot of expendable troops? The Servant had better start saying their prayers.
Which, y'know, it might actually work. This universe is deeply weird.
Anyway, I've signed up and, after some squatting and straining, have deposited a post on their board. Here's a link to it, if you want to read the updated version. -
Hmm... by
on 2015-08-07 17:58:00 UTC
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Honestly, I am NOT the person you want to ask about this. I'm just in it for the story (and all the pretty guys and ladies), not the more mechanical side of things. All I can tell you is that her stat distribution means she'd be hard to use in Fate/Extra, but that's not really relevant to anything. Ahem. That said, my response is going to be from a storytelling standpoint, not a mechanical one.
Two A-Rank Noble Phantasms seem overpowered a bit, but then again, most Servants are. I really like the effect of the second one, though, I think it would make for a good, dramatic fight. The high collateral damage means that her Master would have to be fairly cold in order to do it. I can't imagine Kotomine hesitating to activate it
If you want someone to do a more in-detail analysis, I'd suggest trying Beast's Lair. They have a lot of members who take -
html i s2g if u dont start behavin... >=[ (nm) by
on 2015-08-07 12:02:00 UTC
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Quick, call the police! by
on 2015-08-07 03:26:00 UTC
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Someone's made Dimentio screwing with Dialga and Palkia boring! Whatever shall we do? On an unrelated note, typing HTML on an iPad is difficult.
*Grabs mini-boarder* Shoo! (nm) by
on 2015-08-07 15:15:00 UTC
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*protectively snatches the mini back* by
on 2015-08-07 16:36:00 UTC
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No! I LIKE my adorable typo-spawned Yoshis!
Hmm, there should be a link there. by
on 2015-08-07 03:30:00 UTC
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There we go!
Now, Orangeuoshi99, be a good mini and join OrangeYpshi99 and OtangeYoshi99 and that-one-other-mini-that-was-so-badly-misspelled-I-don't-see-how-I-missed-him.
Newbie Here by
on 2015-08-07 03:50:00 UTC
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So...er...hi. I'm Dorano. I've been lurking around reading PPC fic for about a month now, and I finally decided to stop hiding behind the curtain.
*does spastic complicated looking machine stuffs* YOU MAY NOW PAY ATTENTION TO THE WOMAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN. -
Have some Swiss Chocolate. by
on 2015-08-07 19:58:00 UTC
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And also have some Bleepka. You'll need it soon.
Dai Stiho! ^^ by
on 2015-08-07 18:43:00 UTC
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From one post-lurker to another.
Hope you're doing well! :)
*Optional!Hugs, if you like those* -
Hello! by
on 2015-08-07 16:50:00 UTC
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*suddenly goes into Deranged Animation mode* Have some Lamp Oil, Rope, and Bombs!
Oh god what have I done. -
Hello! Have some Generic Candy! by
on 2015-08-07 14:47:00 UTC
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It turns into your favorite candy when you eat it!
Greetings. by
on 2015-08-07 12:34:00 UTC
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Welcome, and have a signed copy of Fifty Shades of Urple. (No-one's ever been able to figure out who it. The paper and ink are both urple, making it impossible to even open the book without being driven insane, but maybe you'll be the first.)
*who signed it. (nm) by
on 2015-08-07 12:36:00 UTC
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Welcome to the PPC! by
on 2015-08-07 12:11:00 UTC
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((JSYK though, sp*stic is an intensely derogatory term for the mentally challenged, of a similar - but less pleasant - nature to r*tarded. Please don't do that.))
Anyway, grumpiness out of the way, welcome to the PPC! Here's your starter Pokémon:
Iiiiiiit's Rampardos!
(one of my favourite mons u so luckeh)
And here's your starting item:
Telepathy For Dummies from The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth!
This item's... odd. It allows you to pick whether or not the move you're about to use is its normal typing or Psychic-type, and grants Psychic-type moves a 1.33x damage multiplier. While it can work, Rampardos isn't necessarily the 'mon you want to use it on, though Psychic-type!Head Smash can really put the hurt on slow but dangerous Fighting-types like Conkeldurr. -
Sorry by
on 2015-08-07 15:50:00 UTC
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I honestly had no idea, I've never heard it used that way. I shall refrain from doing so in the future.
And thank you for the Pokémon! -
Hey, Scape... by
on 2015-08-07 12:40:00 UTC
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Despite not being a newbie, can I get a starter Pokémon too?
Same here! by
on 2015-08-07 13:02:00 UTC
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For some unknown reason, it missed me!
Of course you can! by
on 2015-08-07 13:59:00 UTC
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Here are your starters (being both technically-returnbies you get FEs guaranteed):
Who's Des's Pokémon?
Iiiiiiiit's Carracosta!
And Des's starting item is:-
A Poison Ampoule Bolt from Dungeons of Dredmor!
Poison Ampoule Bolt is a pretty decent item for a sweeper like Carracosta. It functions in a similar way to King's Rock - moves that don't have a chance to Poison the enemy get a 10% chance to in addition to any other effects - which means you can spread it like nobody's business. Carracosta's access to both Solid Rock and Shell Smash means that it can do extremely well as a physical or even a mixed sweeper, and sometimes Poison can be just enough to finish the job. However, Poison Ampoule Bolt is outclassed by the Poison Bottle Bolt, which replaces not only replaces the effect with Bad Poisoning (cf. Toxic), but also has a 10% chance to Badly Poison adjacent enemy targets. Shame, really.
Who's Matt's Pokémon?
Iiiiiiit's Gorebyss!
And Matt's starting item is:
An Acidspitter from Dungeons of Dredmor!
Okay, now THIS syngery works better. Gorebyss is a special Shell Smash sweeper who benefits hugely from rain. The Acidspitter gives every non-contact move a 20% chance to lower the target Pokemon's Special Defence by 1 stage. When something's switching in, that means it's much easier to keep your pink fish mon alive for longer. Why aren't you using one? Do it now!
And there we go. Apologies for the tiny item pictures. -
*is unsure if missed* (nm) by
on 2015-08-07 18:26:00 UTC
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Well, on the offchance you did: by
on 2015-08-07 19:05:00 UTC
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Here's your starter Pokémon:
Iiiiiiits Magcargo!
And your starting item is:
Bustling Fungus from Risk Of Rain!
Now, Bustling Fungus is a really good item for status walls and mons like that - it heals you for 1/4 of your Health every time you use a non-damaging move. This also helps slow setup sweepers get a boost off before hurling themselves at the foe. Magcargo is very much the former, although it's not very good at being a wall. While its Defence stat is a very creditable 120, it only has an HP stat of 50 and its typing is not very good defensively. However, with a Bustling Fungus, you can recover from enemy damage while setting up Stealth Rock, spreading status with Toxic or Will-O-Wisp, boosting your already reasonable Defence with Acid Armour, and so on. Mandatory on every Bustling Fungus set, though, is Recover - which now heals a total of 75% of your health - and that allows Magcargo to tank more and more. However, you might want to ditch AA (or Rocks if you have another hazards setter) for Lava Plume to spread more status and avoid Taunt shenanigans.
Also, quite by chance, it sort of looks like an orange Yoshi! If Yoshis were slugs, anyway. =] -
Welcome, welcome! by
on 2015-08-07 10:28:00 UTC
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Since other people said their stuff, I'll just give you this cup of Lapsang Souchong tea. Yes, it does smell like a campfire, and no, it's not gonna try to eat you, why are you looking at me like that.
Newbie! Oh, Frabjous Day! Callooh! Callay! by
on 2015-08-07 07:41:00 UTC
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Well, good to see a fresh face! :3
Here, have a head that's always screaming *snap* -
Welcome to our little corner of teh interwebz! by
on 2015-08-07 05:00:00 UTC
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To thee, I give an urple ocarina! Please play responsibly.
Because I like learning the history behind people's Boarder names (mine comes from a trilogy called The Door Within,), may I ask how you picked yours? -
Re: Welcome to our little corner of teh interwebz! by
on 2015-08-07 05:03:00 UTC
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It's actually just a random name I picked for my first MMO character...it's kind of stuck with me.
Cool! by
on 2015-08-07 05:11:00 UTC
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I like it. A while ago I made a post asking about people's names, and I learned a lot of neat-o stuff.
Also, another Harry Potter/Pirates of the Caribbean/Lord of the Rings/Merlin fan! Yay! *glomps* -
*laughs* Funny story... by
on 2015-08-07 05:07:00 UTC
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Guess whose name has the same origin?
Actually, foofooman3 (my brother; he doesn't show up very often on here) and I both picked our names from our old RuneScape characters, though Iximaz is now my level 92 Hunter in World of Warcraft. (Don't look at me like that, my main's level 100! And a Priest. And she hasn't been played in months, but that's beside the point.) -
Hella by
on 2015-08-07 04:48:00 UTC
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Welcome to the board and here is a grack light pen.
Hello and welcome!!! by
on 2015-08-07 04:36:00 UTC
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As your newbie gift have this replica of the One Ring that makes you speak like Darth Vader while you wear it!
Re: Hello and welcome!!! by
on 2015-08-07 04:37:00 UTC
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*squeals* Yaaaaay! Two fandoms in one!
Newbie! *glomp* *poke* by
on 2015-08-07 04:02:00 UTC
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Hello, and welcome aBoard! For your newbie gift, take this plate of freshly-made SPaGhetti!
If you haven't yet read them, may I point you towards the Original Series and the Constitution? They're pretty much the only required reading around these parts. Another useful resource you might use is the Wiki; if you have any questions, just look here before asking.
Hope you like it here! :D -
And, erm, one more thing... by
on 2015-08-07 04:05:00 UTC
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Please don't use the word sp**tic; it's a huge insult in some countries. Think n-word nasty.
Thanks. -
Re: And, erm, one more thing... by
on 2015-08-07 04:11:00 UTC
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...I honestly had no idea. I shall refrain from doing so in the future! Thank you. :)
Welcome aBoard! by
on 2015-08-07 03:55:00 UTC
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May I ask what fandoms you're a part of? Also, have one of my own shed feathers! Careful, it's pretty sharp...
Re: Welcome aBoard! by
on 2015-08-07 04:13:00 UTC
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Let's see here...*pulls up list*
Harry Potter, Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, Brotherband Chronicles/Ranger's Apprentice, Lord of the Rings, Merlin, Mass Effect, NCIS-kind of, Supernatural-kind of, The Last of Us, aaaand Uncharted.
When I say kind of I haven't seen all the episodes. x_x -
O_O You read Ranger's Apprentice? by
on 2015-08-07 04:23:00 UTC
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I mean, Harry Potter is my absolute favoritest series of all time, but It's always awesome to meet another RA fan! Who's your favorite character?if you don't say Halt you're wrongFavorite book? Villain? Kings of Clonmel would have to be my favorite because it's glorious, glorious Halt backstory. But Gilan is also cool, I like Gilan. :D -
Re: O_O You read Ranger's Apprentice? by
on 2015-08-07 04:28:00 UTC
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*ahem* Okay, fangirling over. Halt is actually my favorite major character, although I have been writing my own backstory for Arald and Rodney, since they're my favorite secondary characters. My favorite book would be either Icebound Land or Halt's Peril. I don't know why. I just really like those two books. And Morgarath is the king of RA villains forever and ever.
For Brotherband, my favorites are Stig and Jesper. Because Stig is funny and smashes things with his axe, and Jesper steals things. Favorite book...I can't choose. Maybe Hunters?
(alsoireadyourppcstorieswithrinanadrandaonffdotnetandtheyarewesome) -
Ahaha, yes, Brotherband! by
on 2015-08-07 04:40:00 UTC
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I'm gonna have to say Jesper is my favorite in Brotherband, though I'll have to disagree with you about Morgarath. I think that Keren was the best just because he was so unexpected. :P
And ehehe, thank you! Those aren't my only PPC stories, though; since you didn't mention Zeb, I'm gonna guess you didn't see the rest of my stuff. So... have a shameless plug? -
I have read Zeb missions! by
on 2015-08-07 04:45:00 UTC
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Namely, the Rose Potter mission, because curiosity got the best of me. I'm quite thankful I didn't read the actual fic, however...(poor Ron!)
I do have some catching up to do, it seems. Most of those I haven't actually read. -
Welcome to Creation, here's your shovel. by
on 2015-08-07 03:51:00 UTC
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Have a shovel enchanted with the power of the Lord of Light! BEHOLD!
*shovel does nothing*
... I said BEHOLD!
*shovel still does nothing*
... well, you can still hit things with it.
Calling all DOFA entrants. by
on 2015-08-07 16:22:00 UTC
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To all of you who have enrolled a fanwriter: thank you! I loved reading the personality snippets, and it's great to have ready-to-use characters.
I have an issue, though. My fanwriter is rather young (twelve) so she's pretty fixated on age, like most kids are. The thing is, I don't know the ages of your fanwriters. I can guess, but I can't be sure. If no one minds, I would like any who entered to post the age of their fanwriter. Of course, I know a lot of them are your fictionalized selves, so feel free to make up a new age if you're sensitive about that.
And if you didn't enter a fanwriter, but would like to do so now, feel free! I'd like a brief snippet on the personality of your fanwriter alter-ego, if ya don't mind, with pertinent info such as your Disney LO and your favorite Prince, Princess, and Villain. Thanks!
-MissTai'sharAlleb. -
Re: Calling all DOFA entrants. by
on 2015-08-10 01:02:00 UTC
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Hmm... I think Helen is probably around 15!
Disney minis. by
on 2015-08-08 18:21:00 UTC
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Before anything else, thank you guys for the ages! They'll be extremely helpful.
Now, the topic line. At DOFA, the minis are mini-Brooms. However, since there are eleven Princess films, I'd like to do something similar to Avatar: The Last Airbender. Each movie will have its own mini, but at DOFA they all become mini-Brooms. Similarly, in the usually bad and all too common "the Disney family in high school" stories, or other such mashups, the mini-Brooms may be used.
I've created a list of possible minis, and I'd like to see what everyone thinks.
Snow White: mini-Dwarfs.
Cinderella: mini-Pumpkins.
Sleeping Beauty: mini-Spinning Wheels.
Little Mermaid: mini-Seahorses.
Beauty and the Beast: mini-Beasts/Bells?
Aladdin: mini-Serpents.
Pocahontas: (this one is most subject to change. I envision something like wind spirits, denoted by colored leaves spinning in the air, as in the famous "Paint With All the Colors of the Wind" song.) mini-Wind gusts with leaves.
Mulan: mini-Mushus.
Princess and the Frog: mini-Gators.
Tangled: mini-Thugs.
Brave: mini-Bears (varying from Elinor to Mor'du, depending on how bad the fic is).
Frozen: mini-Snowmen.
Oh, also, Scapegrace (if I'm remembering correctly) suggested "Minnies." I absolutely love the idea, but it doesn't work at DOFA, as Mickey himself isn't even present. But if any missions are done in the Disney canon outside of the Princess films, I think Minnies would be perfect.
Thoughts, suggestions, critique? Love to hear 'em! -
Re: Disney minis. by
on 2015-08-08 18:55:00 UTC
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Mmm... I think that for Pocahontas, mini-Percys would be a better idea.
and for Beauty and the Beast I would suggest mini-Sultans/Footstools
I was going to suggest this guy:
for Cinderella, and this one
for Sleeping Beauty, but I don't think you would be very comfortable using their names.
And which dwarf from Snow White? There are seven of them. I would suggest something for this sub-continuum... but I don't a have better idea for it. -
Those sound good to me! by
on 2015-08-08 19:04:00 UTC
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Mini-Percys are much better than mini-wind thingamabobs, and the mini-Beasts felt a bit off as well.
Nah, I'm cool with the last two. Mini-Lucifers and mini-Diablos are fine by me.
The only other ones I could think of for Snow White would be mini-Apples or mini-Trees. More specifically, the scary trees from the sequence of Snow running away from the Evil Queen. But I don't particularly like that one-- no canon name.
If we stick with mini-Dwarfs, I would put it at sporker's discretion to choose a dwarf according to the general feel of the fic. If we want a set one, I would say mini-Grumpys. -
All of this sounds good... by
on 2015-08-08 19:50:00 UTC
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...but a word of warning: None of these minis is official yet. They will be when you publish the OFU and you mention it as an author's note or some other way, and/or someone uses any of them in a Mission.
Got it. (nm) by
on 2015-08-08 20:19:00 UTC
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Adam is around 15 here. by
on 2015-08-08 15:59:00 UTC
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Because I was a total ass at that age and the fanfic I had in my head was horrible. I'd consider making him 18, but maybe I should play it safe XD
Ion would be 15. by
on 2015-08-08 15:28:00 UTC
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While I stopped being such a fanbrat at 13 or so, I'm 15 now, and she's more a fanbrat version of current me than the fanbrat I was then.
Nick is 14 by
on 2015-08-08 03:57:00 UTC
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I think I mentioned that in her description, but I'll repeat it here just in case.
The weird guy I sent there... by
on 2015-08-07 17:35:00 UTC
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...Sato, is 17, like it said in the original post. ;)
By the way, Alleb! by
on 2015-08-08 05:08:00 UTC
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I need to contact you via e-mail, regarding the minis from the DOFA. Can't say more, 'cuz spoilers.
Sure thing! by
on 2015-08-08 15:16:00 UTC
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allebknight (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Email whenever! -
Dylan is 20. by
on 2015-08-07 16:51:00 UTC
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He's probably one of the older students there.
Ellie's 16. by
on 2015-08-07 16:41:00 UTC
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This is about the age I started asking serious questions of my sexuality and gender identity. Ellie's gonna have to do that too - therefore, she gets to be that age. Fun for everyone! =]
I'm 14, so yeah. (nm) by
on 2015-08-07 16:33:00 UTC
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You can go ahead and make mine 18. (nm) by
on 2015-08-07 16:31:00 UTC
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Beta Contract by
on 2015-08-07 17:22:00 UTC
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It's that time again, when I require people to Beta some things for me.
Required abilities:
- English SPaG knowledge
- English SPaG knowledge
- English SPaG knowledge
- PPC characterization knowledge (optional)
- English SPaG knowledge
Yeah... I think I've clearly explained what my main problem is.
Also, I would like to specifically ask Scapegrace and Pippa's Ghost for a moment of their time to have a look at my Permission stuff.
Next thing, Seafarer - I haven't heard from you and the week is over so... Time to round up a mob~ :3 -
I must apologise by
on 2015-08-10 03:48:00 UTC
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I just spent an hour writing up an email to you with a large number of corrections.
Which then refused to send.
And didn't save a draft.
I hate Yahoo.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to back out until I have my laptop back up and running, because Yahoo pretty clearly hates my Wii U. I've been informed that it should be done by tomorrow, in which case I can re-type the corrections as a Word document and not risk losing it. However, I had previously been led to believe I'd have it back last week, so I'm not entirely convinced.
If you can postpone your Permission request until I'm back up and running, I'm still happy to help, but I understand if you don't want to wait.
Either way, I am sorry for the inconvenience. -
Sorry, sorry! by
on 2015-08-08 04:04:00 UTC
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Just got distracted by a 60th wedding anniversary. Sent you an email just now.
Yes, I'd be happy to help. by
on 2015-08-07 18:28:00 UTC
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Email me at pippa dot moran at gmail dot com
I can beta for you! by
on 2015-08-07 18:23:00 UTC
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I think I have a clickable name or somesuch nonsense.
What happens if a Sue were to win? by
on 2015-08-07 18:24:00 UTC
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Has it ever been mentioned? I'm actually quite curious.
I can't see anything like that being written often. by
on 2015-08-08 03:57:00 UTC
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Stuff like that tends to cause Emergencies.
Nah, it doesn't have to. by
on 2015-08-08 09:20:00 UTC
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Things can get pretty hairy out in the field, and if the Sue wins, then a backup team would get sent in... that's not going to mess up anybody else's storyline.
One 'Sue winning, in one fic, probably happens a lot. Agents aren't perfect, they make mistakes, and bad luck and the Ironic Overpower catch up with them. Then they have to run for it.
An Emergency would be an army of Sues invading HQ. A pair of agents overcome by a single particularly bad fic is nowhere near that. Even one Sue briefly in HQ isn't an emergency, provided she gets dealt with in short order. (I recommend luring her into a Reality Room. Unfortunately, the cafeteria meatloaf as an assassination technique still counts as torture.)
Emergency is not the same thing as "agents in trouble" or "complicated mission" or "needing backup". It's what happens when a big thing forces everybody to participate whether they like it or not.
If our agents waltz happily through all their missions, never encountering any real obstacles or opposition, then they're not much better than the Sues they kill. There's got to be some challenge to the story, whether that's an argument with your partner, flying commas to dodge, or a desperate race to outthink a Warrior!Sue. Without challenge, it's just an MST. -
Back in the day... by
on 2015-08-07 22:31:00 UTC
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There was at least one story told from the point of view of some Sues going up against the PPC.
Thanks to the internet black magic that is the Wayback Machine, the first two chapters of that story are available here:
- Irish -
Maybe not exactly what you mean... by
on 2015-08-07 21:18:00 UTC
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I write a series called Catastrophe Theory in which the Sues have beaten the PPC. Check out the main story HERE.
-Phobos -
That's a good mission. by
on 2015-08-07 20:55:00 UTC
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On occasion, a Sue has managed to capture an agent. Some simply don't have enough brains to do anything but stare dumbly at the agents, but this one was a genius/warrior!Sue with horrible grammar and horribly-OOC Legolas in her back pocket. The Sue melodramatically torturing an agent was the result. (Well, the Sue was melodramatic about it. The agent was just scared and pissed off.)
There are definitely other options, though. Some Sues would simply kill the agent, like Sakhmet tried to do to to Ithalond and Suicide. In other situations, the Sue is too brainless, passive, or non-combatant to do much, and it's her OOC canons, geographical abberations, and even punctuation storms that can kill the agents.
I haven't ever read a story in which the Sue won permanently, probably because if she did, the canon would be forever damaged. When the agents fail and die or go insane, another team goes in and finishes the job.
In my personal headcanon, Legendary Badfics aren't just the ones that are famously bad in World One, but the ones that have ended the careers of several agent pairs that tried to take them down.
Most of us don't really like to write stories where the Sue wins, but it's in the backstories of some characters with dead or insane ex-partners. And of course there are the various memorials.
If you think about it, the PPC has a lot of pretty dark implications. PPC agents are outright heroes who basically know the badfic is going to get them eventually and go for it anyway. On the plus side, there's the fact that many agents spend so much time in badfics and at HQ that by the time they die at, say, age 18, they've subjectively experienced a couple of centuries.
So why don't we focus on the dark stuff... I've thought about that, and here's the facts: If you go dark, if you go melodramatic and wallow in it instead of writing realistic characters in tough situations, then you're getting entirely too pink and glittery. Humor is one of the best ways to fight badfic; agents who can joke about the badfic are the ones who survive. It's kinda like the anthropic principle--If you're reading a mission report, it's because the agents survived to write it; and if they survived to write it, they must've found a way to cope with the crazy. And whether that's humor, friendship, or just pure rage, every agent has a way to deal without going melodramatic. -
Funny that you bring this up... by
on 2015-08-08 15:56:00 UTC
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...because the Suvian beating the agent is more or less exactly what happened to Rayner's old partner, which is something I have plans to explain in a future interlude/"flashback mission". Said Suvian also happened to be one of the most horrifically violent instances on record, but as noted, what happened was another instance showing that if one agent pair fails, another has to either help them out or take their place.
Also, @Calista, I think your post was supposed to be a reply to Des' one, IDK. Said mission also happens to be one of my favorites as well, just so you know. That Sue's dismemberment at the end was well-deserved. -
Look no further... by
on 2015-08-07 18:32:00 UTC
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Than "Sue be Nimble, Sue be Fast, the PPC’s coming to kick your –", which is one of my favourite missions.
Zeb nodded eagerly. by
on 2015-08-07 19:18:00 UTC
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"A Luxray, sir. Um..." He looked around for the bag he'd brought, which was sitting further up the beach with their towels. "One moment."
He darted over, grabbed the D.O.R.K.S., dropped his disguise, and all but galloped back to Rina and the Guardsman. "This is what I look like normally," he said, grinning and showing off a rather impressive set of teeth. -
"Ah. So I see." by
on 2015-08-07 20:04:00 UTC
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"Well, that certainly is different from most of HQ's agents. That's a nice set of chompers, by the way. And claws. And that badass mane-- wait. You're just showing off, aren't you," said the Guardsman, smiling.
If Zeb didn't have so much fur, he would have blushed. by
on 2015-08-07 20:10:00 UTC
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"Well, I'm, er, not trying to," he said, embarrassed.
Rina ran a hand through Zeb's mane, grinning when the static trapped in his fur tickled her fingers. "Don't be modest, you really are something."
Zeb ducked his head, shuffling his paws in the sand. "W-well, thank you," he stammered. He looked back up at the Guardsman. "So, you're in the DIA, right? What's it like?" -
The Guardsman laughed. by
on 2015-08-07 20:45:00 UTC
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"Bloody hard days, okay pay, and no respect. Someone has got to do it, though. I mean, with some of HQ's agents locked up in fighting Sues on their home turf and loads more busy doing admin work, HQ needs a defence force. Plotholes plus murderous creatures equals really bad times; hell, I almost got taken over by a neural parasite the other day. I'm not even sure if medical can fix that without cloning and psychografts. And that's not even covering what agents to do each other." He paused to scratch his nose. "A week ago, we arrested a guy who was illegally cooking up Bleeprin in his kitchen. It was poor quality stuff and cut with god knows what-- but he was selling it cheap and people were buying it." The Guardsman sighed. "And then there's the murderers but I don't wanna talk about that. Let's just say that with the weapons available and the general level of sanity in this place, people get creative."
Zeb swallowed. by
on 2015-08-07 20:53:00 UTC
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"That... wow, that doesn't sound very safe." He shook his head. "I'm glad I'm in an Action department, not much bad stuff ever happens in there."
Rina coughed.
"I said not much!" Zeb protested. -
"What, apart from the slow erosion of sanity?" by
on 2015-08-07 21:33:00 UTC
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The Guardsman shook his head. "Heh, we all have it bad here. I suppose we just have to stick together and try to drag each other along." He shrugged and looked at the Reader and Naya splashing around in the water. "But that's enough about that. We're on leave: think happy thoughts. Have you guys been for a dip yet? By the looks of it, the water is good."
"Oh, yes, the water is lovely." by
on 2015-08-07 21:36:00 UTC
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Zeb shook himself, spraying water everywhere for emphasis. "I'm afraid I only know how to swim in this form, though Rina said she could teach me."
"Oh, yeah," Rina said, nodding. "I've been swimming since before I could walk. Trust me, it's a piece of cake." She looked up at the Guardsman. "You want to join us?" -
The Guardsman looked at the water... by
on 2015-08-08 04:04:00 UTC
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...and then shook his head. "Thanks, but if you haven't noticed, I've got all of my gear with me here," he said, picking at his webbing. "Besides, I've got to go and finish calibrating the solar array. Maybe some other time? Oh, and Rina? Can you tell Naya to stay close to shore? Thanks."
"Aw, okay." by
on 2015-08-08 04:23:00 UTC
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Rina dug her toes into the sand, then looked out at the water. "Yeah, sure, I can go get Naya. No problem." She gave the Guardsman a quick, one-armed hug before jogging to the water's edge and jumping in.
Zeb looked up the beach to where Tacitus was sitting. "Um, Mister Guardsman, if you don't mind, I'd like to go talk to someone else. Not that it wasn't nice meeting you," he added hastily. "Because it was. Nice meeting you, I mean. But I've been wanting to say hello for a while now, and..." -
"Hm? Oh, go ahead, son." by
on 2015-08-08 04:28:00 UTC
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"Don't let me keep you!" he said. "A pleasure meeting you too, Zeb. You seem like a pretty decent guy: I've got a gut feeling that Rina is in good... paws with you around to help her. Have a good one."
"Wicked"'s Dorothy--Parody Sue? by
on 2015-08-07 19:18:00 UTC
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Dorothy in "Wicked". She doesn't enter into the story much; in the musical she's only a shadow. But I think she's a parody sue, with the movie as her story. Why?
-She enters a canon with an involved backstory, factions, politics and religion, and simplifies it so that it revolves around her journey through it.
-She gathers allies that should want to stay rather far away from her, or at least not want to have much to do with her.
-Everything she does, without much apparent effort, is heralded as heroic.
-Despite being dropped into a totally unfamiliar environment and having to go on a journey, she's never hungry, cold, physically exhausted, etc.; her journey is more like a tour, and her hair and clothes stay perfect.
-She seems instinctively drawn to pink, glittery Glinda.
To be clear here, I'm not saying that the original Oz book series had Dorothy as a Canon Sue; I'm saying that "Wicked" turned her into one by making the world more serious, adult, and deep than it was in the books or in the movie based on them. -
Interesting... by
on 2015-08-08 11:08:00 UTC
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Wonder how many other prequels retrospectively turn characters into Sues?
You could argue that the posthumous publication of The Silmarillion turned Bilbo Baggins into a Marty Stu.- Like Dorothy, Bilbo enters a canon with an involved backstory, factions, politics and religion, and simplifies it so that it revolves around his journey through it.
- He's a member of an uncanonical species from an uncanonical land.
- He messes with the characters of Olórin and Elrond.
- He changes the natures of two canon species, namely Elves and Dwarves
- He introduces another uncanonical species: the werebear skinchanger
- He acquires no fewer than three magic items very easily as the plot demands it.
- He has a very silly name.
"Hobbit" was written first... by
on 2015-08-08 21:00:00 UTC
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Please don't pounce on me for this, too hard... but "The Hobbit" isn't really Tolkien's best work. (Which is kind of like saying, "That dish isn't the best one available at this world-famous, wonderful restaurant", though. I for one thoroughly enjoyed it.)
"The Hobbit" was written back before Tolkien's world was properly fleshed out as it is in the trilogy and later on the Silmarillion. It's very much a bedtime story; it only gets complex near the end, when the focus widens into the battle over Smaug's treasure and many more people and places join the narrative. At that point you realize--wow, this story takes place in a larger world. The first time I read it, I found the transition a little jarring; I'd been going along, reading it much like I would a fairy tale, and suddenly all of these other people with other motivations showed up and I had to keep track of them like I would while reading a novel with a much wider scope.
Also, Bilbo Baggins is not a silly name. It's a Hobbit name. So there. :)
As for Bilbo being a Stu from the perspective of the Silmarillion... Hmm... Well, in-canon, "The Hobbit" was written by Bilbo himself, and so of course it focuses on his experiences. It doesn't contain the bigger backstory because Bilbo didn't know the bigger backstory until later. Other characters are written as though they were exactly the way Bilbo perceives them.
I wouldn't go so far as to say that from the perspective of the Silmarillion, The Hobbit is a Suefic; I would say it's a genre-shift fic, from fictional-history to fairy-tale. It's about the same thing as the difference between "Wicked" and the Oz book series, a shift from drama to children's fiction. But the movie's Dorothy... well. -
Yes, "Hobbit" was written first by
on 2015-08-08 21:10:00 UTC
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The Hobbit was written first, just as Wizard of Oz was written before Wicked. That's my point.
I'm not sure what your point is, then. by
on 2015-08-09 17:44:00 UTC
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It looks like they're saying that the later work written by a different author makes a certain character a *Parody* Sue in that work. You're (as far as I can tell) saying that a different work that came later turns a character in an earlier work into a regular Stu -- but they're talking within-the-work, not saying Wicked made Original!Dorothy a Sue.
Furthermore, the main difference is that Wicked *is* fanfic, whereas Tolkien's later works are, well, *his* later works. An author's early works are not fanfic of their later ones. -
Yup, parody sue, not canon sue. by
on 2015-08-09 23:32:00 UTC
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The writer of Wicked (which is a canon of its own, and goodfic) knew very well they were writing an adult-sized world based on a children's story. In that world, Dorothy becomes a Parody Sue because she's still treating an adult-sized world like a playground for children.
It doesn't matter... by
on 2015-08-09 19:32:00 UTC
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I was just trying to expand the Original Post into a sort of wider speculation on how later prequels can make the earlier works seem Suish. That's all.
Early vs. later work... by
on 2015-08-09 23:35:00 UTC
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You're onto something there. As a world expands in the hands of a good writer, the early, unformed stories in it can seem simplistic by comparison, even though standing on their own they're quite good.
Compare that to what happens when a bad writer writes a series or expands on a world--they get favorites, and their favorites get more and more sparkly, and the series gets more and more repetitive. (Anita Blake, looking at you, Canon Sue that you are. And she started out so promising too...)
Pluggage! by
on 2015-08-08 04:00:00 UTC
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So this took a lot longer than it should have, but we're finally ready to publish our co-write!
"What's Latin for 'You Suck'?"
In which Nume crushes Rina's dreams and their partners try to make it better.
Continua: Ranger's Apprentice x The Lord of the Rings
Rating: PG/K+ - Unintentional cruelty to animals, intentional cruelty to agents.
Betas: Desdendelle and Phobos.
We hope you enjoy it!
If any agents are interested in acquiring a very nice set of oak doors carved with images of Middle-earth, including one panel of Smaug burning down Dale, please contact Supernumerary and Ilraen at RC 999. They really want to get them out of the RC, so they'll entertain any reasonable offer.
~Neshomeh & Iximaz -
Squeeeeeeeeee! by
on 2015-08-10 04:50:00 UTC
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More Nume and Ilraen!
Sorry, can't think of too much feedback right now. The RinaNume arguments (and the bit at the very end) helped me get a clearer picture of both of them. Also, it's nice to see Ilraen growing a spine. -
Oh! Nume... (*shakes head*) by
on 2015-08-09 19:40:00 UTC
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That trouble of being unable to be diplomatic towards colleagues you just plain don't want to be working with. Yeah, I know it well...
Yeah... by
on 2015-08-09 21:05:00 UTC
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He tried, though, he really did.
What do you mean, you can't tell? {; P
Thanks for reading!
~Neshomeh -
Why do I feel that if Alex Dives got wind of this... by
on 2015-08-09 21:41:00 UTC
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He'd do this to our good surplus-to-requirements woe-is-me-woe-woe-and-thrice-woe friend:
*snerk* by
on 2015-08-10 02:53:00 UTC
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Yeah, he'd pretty much deserve it.
Part of me really wants to defend him, because he DID go through some crap and DOES have a redeeming quality or two, but in light of what's going on up-Board, I suspect the best defense is simply to say that you are supposed to laugh at his misery. It is the price he pays for dealing with his issues poorly.
~Neshomeh, who does not condone bullying for any reason, thank you very much. -
Not only tried, He succeeded way better than I would've done (nm by
on 2015-08-09 21:26:00 UTC
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Good mission. by
on 2015-08-09 01:43:00 UTC
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Irish Samurai got basically everything I wanted to say, and then some. For my part, only one thing stuck out, and I don't know if this is even an error:
"I suppose we can neuralyze them to get rid of any uncanonical knowledge they might have. I doubt the MID has settings for Wolf or Fox..."
What is a MID? -
Memory Implant Device by
on 2015-08-09 10:28:00 UTC
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The wiki is my friend.
HG -
Dat's der bunny. (nm) by
on 2015-08-09 21:00:00 UTC
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Men In Dark? (nm) by
on 2015-08-09 10:08:00 UTC
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An ICEP ficlet. by
on 2015-08-08 18:01:00 UTC
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To: RC#999 [console10234h23045aa810923.rc999.DIC]
From: Agent Huinesoron [eagleshade.console1325897ng23404402tr.rc7455.DOGA]
Subject: Doors?
Agents Supernumerary and Ilraen,
Rumour has it you've come into possession of some very nice Middle-earth doors? In memory of Nargothrond, I would be very interested in taking them off your hands. If you're interested, I can offer you some 'archery things' (they're covered in bells and whistles and shoot arrows by themselves) and a 'sword,bow' (which rather has to be seen to be believed).
Agent Huinesoron, DOGA
To: RC#999 [console10234h23045aa810923.rc999.DIC]
From: Dafydd Illian [external address not listed]
Subject: The other sort of portal
I'm told you have some rather nice doors on offer. Can I tempt you with a couple of fire lizard eggs? Our pair recently clutched, and I know they've always been great trading goods in HQ.
Alternately, I have small children perfectly suited for 'assistant' work. Just saying.
~Dafydd Illian, ex-DOGA
To: RC#999 [console10234h23045aa810923.rc999.DIC]
From: Constance Illian-Sims [external address not listed]
Subject: Errata
Please ignore my husband's attempts to sell one of our children into slavery.
It's all or none.
To: RC#999 [console10234h23045aa810923.rc999.DIC]
From: Agent Huinesoron [eagleshade.console1325897ng23404402tr.rc7455.DOGA]
Subject: Really? I thought he quit.
Agents Supernumerary and Ilraen,
Is this right? Former-Agent Dafydd has made a bid for the doors? (Never mind where I heard about it; we have mutual friends, I suppose.) Meddling in my life has certainly become a habit for him.
Might I mention that I collected a few interesting weapons from the Men in Black canon while on secondment to Finance? You know, if you're interested.
Agent Huinesoron, DOGA
To: RC#999 [console10234h23045aa810923.rc999.DIC]
From: Dafydd Illian [external address not listed]
Subject: Upping the ante
My wife's ex-partner (does that make him my partner-in-law?) says that Finarfinian they've got in the Pyros these days wants the doors too? What, is he going to stick them on his RC? I don't think even the Mallorn would appreciate that.
I have alternate-PPC steampunk tech. You know you want it.
~Dafydd Illian, ex-DOGA
To: Ilraen-Aroline-Fothergill [ilraen.console10234h23045aa810923.rc999.DIC]
From: Agent Huinesoron [eagleshade.console1325897ng23404402tr.rc7455.DOGA]
Subject: Just a thought.
Agent Ilraen,
It's just crossed my mind that during the last Jaycacia observations, there were some claims that you and Agent Dafydd were the same person. Obviously I wouldn't dream of suggesting that the former (might I suggest 'renegade'?) agent who has admitted travelling to alternate multiverses could be behind that occurance...
Still happy to give those doors a home if you're looking.
Agent Huinesoron, DOGA
(Comment 1: I have not yet read the mission, but had to get my bids in.)
(Comment 2: I'm quite happy for either of them to get the doors - or neither.)
(Comment 3: The Wiki article on ICEP really needs updating with more references. Does anyone know when the original instance happened? I've found the second in the archives, but don't know where to look for the first.)
(Comment 4: hS) -
RC 999 responds by
on 2015-08-11 21:12:00 UTC
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To: Agent Huinesoron [eagleshade.console1325897ng23404402tr.rc7455.DOGA]
From: RC #999 [console349376sn2066720bc102875.rc999.DIC]
Subject: Re. Really? I thought he quit.
Agent Huinesoron,
Thank you very much for your offers. My partner and I do not have much use for weapons, I'm afraid, but we are intrigued by Men in Black technology nonetheless. Could you give us some details about the particular weapons in question?
I am told it is improper to discuss any other bids we may or may not have received. Please be assured that we shall pursue the offer that most interests us without favoritism or bias.
Agent Ilraen
RC 999
Department of Implausible Crossovers
To: Dafydd Illian [external address not listed]
CC: Constance Illian-Sims [external address not listed]
From: RC #999 [console349376sn2066720bc102875.rc999.DIC]
Subject: Re. Upping the ante
Agent Illian (or is it Mr. Illian?),
Thank you kindly for your offers. We are quite interested in the fire-lizard eggs, although we would have to find other homes for them in further trade—my partner insists that there will be no pets in the response center.
Since that is the case, would you consider throwing in the steampunk technology as well? We would appreciate more details on that, but we are sure it would "sweeten the deal," as I believe the expression goes.
I am informed that it is not polite to discuss what other offers we may or may not be entertaining, but I assure you that we shall choose only what best pleases us with no bias or favoritism toward any particular Eldarin line.
Agent Ilraen
RC 999
Department of Implausible Crossovers
P.S. I am sure I do not need to tell you that we shall not take any children in trade. However, if you are seeking peace and tranquility in your household, may we suggest a babysitter or two that you may find agreeable? For instance, we believe Agent Suicide is quite capable of subduing any unwanted tendencies toward unruliness and replacing them with a certain military discipline. Or perhaps Agent Gall and her Monstrous Nightmare could exhaust the children's excess energies with quality diversions of a physical nature?
To: Agent Huinesoron [eagleshade.console1325897ng23404402tr.rc7455.DOGA]
From: Ilraen-Aroline-Fothergill [ilraen.console10234h23045aa810923.rc999.DIC]
Subject: Re. Just a thought.
Agent Huinesoron,
I must admit to being extremely confused by your latest message. Even if I supposed for one instant that the former Agent Illian somehow colluded with the abominable Jaycacia, what would he possibly stand to gain by insinuating that we are the same person? And if we were, why would I enter into a trade with myself? It is quite absurd. I do not see your point in bringing this up.
Agent Ilraen
RC 999
Department of Implausible Crossovers
(( Because naturally Ilraen would handle anything requiring some amount of diplomacy.
They're obviously leaning toward Dafydd's offer right now, because fire-lizard eggs are pretty much as rare and valuable as it gets. Also, I like the idea of hosting a good ol' hatching RP with the lucky recipients—which will not be any of my characters, alas. I could see Ilraen with a fire-lizard (blue, of course), but the rest? Not so much.
Gall is totally up for giving dragon-back rides and flying lessons to interested kiddies. What, you weren't thinking anything else, were you? ^_~
~Neshomeh )) -
Re: RC 999 responds by
on 2015-08-12 09:53:00 UTC
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To: Ilraen-Aroline-Fothergill [ilraen.console10234h23045aa810923.rc999.DIC]
From: Agent Huinesoron [eagleshade.console1325897ng23404402tr.rc7455.DOGA]
Subject: Re: Re. Just a thought.
Agent Ilraen,
I have no idea why former-agent Illian would convince the abhorrence to turn you and himself into the same person in her multiverse. Who can possibly understand the machinations of House Feanor? I was simply pointing out that he may not be terribly trustworthy; though as a Kinslayer that may have been obvious...
Needless to say, I don't think you and he are one and the same in this multiverse.
Now, let's put aside that whole unpleasant issue. The technology actually comes from an ill-defined crossover. Not of all it is weaponised, in fact: I have several vials of purified midi-chlorians if those would be of interest? Also a Ghostbusters containment unit modified with Time Lord technology - I believe the correct analogy is 'ghost-trap of infinite holding'.
If these are not of interest, I have the weapons too, as I said.
Agent Huinesoron, DOGA
{{This got easier when I went back and read the mission; I'd forgotten it was a crossover.}}
To: RC#999 [console10234h23045aa810923.rc999.DIC]
From: Dafydd Illian [external address not listed]
Subject: Details, sliateD
Well. I have a Magnetonic Pressure Oven, capable of making superb tea in under ten seconds. I have several Proximity Deterrents, which can be attached to any weapon to provide automatic self-defence. Of possible interest to you in Implausible Crossovers, I have a Fused-Fiction Disentanglement Device, capable of separating two canon universes completely in a single (piston and cog-powered) step.
And, yerk, apparently when I think about this stuff I end up talking like them, too. Sorry about that. Anyway, obviously I couldn't part with all of it, but I'm sure one piece could accompany the clutch...
(I don't think that letting the kids into the company of a full-sized dragon is a good idea. We have enough trouble keeping Jasmine from telling all the neighbours about Hera and Ilwion; getting her to keep quiet about the real thing would be downright impossible.)
~Dafydd Illian (ex-Agent Dafydd is fine, and thank you for asking)
{{With gratitude to Irish and doc for the tech ideas; the TCDA is fun!}}
Not that I'm deliberately making this hard for you. ^_^
hS -
It's a deal. by
on 2015-08-13 20:34:00 UTC
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To: Dafydd Illian [external address not listed]
From: RC #999 [console349376sn2066720bc102875.rc999.DIC]
Subject: Re. Details, sliateD
Ex-Agent Dafydd,
Excellent! We will be very pleased to accept your offer of two fire-lizard eggs and the Magnetonic Pressure Oven. (Nume insists the latter is likely nothing more than a microwave oven with brass bits and steam plus the hazard of a pressure cooker, but nevertheless.)
When would be a convenient time for you to come to HQ and make the exchange? And, do you have some means of transporting the doors yourself, or will we need to arrange something?
Agent Ilraen
RC 999
Department of Implausible Crossovers
To: Agent Huinesoron [eagleshade.console1325897ng23404402tr.rc7455.DOGA]
From: Ilraen-Aroline-Fothergill [ilraen.console349376sn2066720bc102875.rc999.DIC]
Subject: Re. Re: Re. Just a thought.
Agent Huinesoron,
I regret to inform you that we have closed a deal for the oak doors. However, we are quite intrigued by the containment unit you mentioned—we feel it could be quite useful in the disposal of wraiths. Would you accept another offer for it?
Agent Ilraen
RC 999
Department of Implausible Crossovers
(( Wouldn't it be ironic if Agent hS got one of the eggs? *g* Plus, there's a bunch of weird stuff that Nume got at his anniversary party and probably still has taking up space in the closet... )) -
Not going to ICEP this... by
on 2015-08-14 13:06:00 UTC
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Dafydd says he's free any time, and can handle the doors by himself (probably with more steamtech, I dunno). hS says no thanks and goes off in a sulk.
And I think you should definitely do a hatching RP. ^_^ I'm not sure whether it would be better with you(?) RPing each hatchling in turn, or people just RPing their own, but you should definitely do it.
hS -
Oh that's just embarrassing. (nm) by
on 2015-08-12 10:31:00 UTC
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Better not have been, bucko. (nm) by
on 2015-08-12 00:11:00 UTC
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Look, by
on 2015-08-12 06:23:00 UTC
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all I'm saying is, if you're gonna be a serious dragonrider, there's a certain amount of chasing and running and being on fire that goes on. We've all been there. Dragons don't tame themselves, ya know. If you can't take the heat, get off the Nightmare.
(( Who knows how she intercepted the carrier pigeon, but then again, who knows how Wobbles learned the contents of a private e-mail? )) -
It's actually burned onto one of her love handles. by
on 2015-08-12 11:27:00 UTC
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Whatcha get if you trip over and land gut-first onto a console, I suppose.
(Comment 5:) by
on 2015-08-09 10:00:00 UTC
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(So I see Nume already has an ICEP address in the original post about them. You'll have to imagine I've corrected it.)
(hS) -
Ilraen already had one, too. by
on 2015-08-09 20:13:00 UTC
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It appears at the beginning of "Blood Raining Night." I have a vague sense that I was retconning an older one, but I dunno; it doesn't appear in the original ICEP thread. I'll fix it in the address book, in any case.
The elf bidding war is very entertaining, and I'll come up with a reply or three when I've got a decent amount of time to work with. ^_^
~Neshomeh -
Have now read the mission. by
on 2015-08-10 10:21:00 UTC
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Well, semi-skimmed really, but anyway: it was fun. I thought the repeated charge lists towards the end rather dragged things down, but that's coming from the person who once published a mission that didn't even bother to get that far, so take it with as much salt as you like.
(If I had the energy, I'd do a Terri Review... but I don't at the moment. Swowwy.)
hS -
Look, a piece of PPC knowledge I can pinpoint! by
on 2015-08-09 02:53:00 UTC
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You will be wanting to look in the archive for a post from me (or one of mine) dated around 30 September 2011.
Awesome! Thank you. ^_^ (nm) by
on 2015-08-09 09:24:00 UTC
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And let's have a working link, even! by
on 2015-08-08 04:08:00 UTC
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Looks like I didn't get the "http://" in there when I copied the URL before. Sigh. This is what I get for not testing it.
~Neshomeh -
It was a pleasure to read this. by
on 2015-08-09 10:36:00 UTC
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But you don’t get away with this:
"This is extremely unpleasant," muttered Ilraen, wiping stands of bedraggled hair out of his eyes.
I assume you meant “strands”.
Irish beat me to the "detangler", and how didn’t I see the mini-Barog? Fallen into the old trap of imagining seeing what should be there?
HG -
Very entertaining! (spoilers) by
on 2015-08-08 16:51:00 UTC
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It was very entertaining, and you guys did a good job of explaining what was going on. I don't know anything about Ranger's Apprentice, but I was still able to easily follow that side of the mission.
The character interactions were brilliant, especially the stuff between Nume and Rina (I guess that went about as well as could be expected), and Ilraen and Zeb trying to do damage control on it. And I thought the way that Rina was showed as being unused to her new strength was a nice touch.
There was a lot of good scenes and nice lines. The bits that stuck in my mind particularly are:
- The bit where Nume refused Rina's help until she could 'string more than three words together' and she arrived saying 'See? That was four words.'. I thought that was a very good line on Rina's part.
- Nume's 'Tell me about it. Not literally' and Ilraen's reaction.
- All four of them having to cram into the wardrobe at one point. I couldn't really tell who was supposed to be saying which line, but that didn't make that scene any less funny.
- The exchange between Nume and Ilraen about carelessness:
"I have never seen such carelessness."
"Yes you have," Nume said.
"Well, not toward horses."
I just found that last line very amusing.
- Silens being dealt with using a weapon that she'd misused earlier was a nice touch (and the way that scene played out with Nume trying to charge her before it was technically too late was nicely done).
- And Nume going all 'drill sergeant' on the random orcs was brilliant. I really like his lines there.
There were a few bits and pieces that I'm not sure about:
- Nume and Ilraen were usually referred to as 'disentanglers', but there was one instance of calling them 'detanglers'. I know both terms can be applied to DIC agents (actually, the wiki page says 'untanglers' rather than 'detanglers', but it still makes sense as a name), but it just looks a bit odd when you use one term half a dozen times, and then a slightly different term just once - it just looks like a mistake to me.
- When Middle Earth shows up he gets referred to on one occasion as a mini-Barog (a mini-mini, one of the rarest creatures encountered by the PPC!).
- I was slightly puzzled by one of the earlier C-CAD readings '[Charlie Treaty. Human female. Uncanon. 48% Sue and rising.]'. Usually the percentages refer to how OOC a canon character is, and characters get classified as either: canon, bit, OC or Sue. It just looks a bit odd to me to see someone being classed as '48% Sue' (might just be that I'm not familiar with the kind of readings you get from a C-CAD).
- I was also puzzled by Rina's explanation of why the mini-Kalkara was so tall. It basically seems to be 'the original thing is tall, so the mini version is tall', but seven foot isn't that tall. If it were seventy feet then I could buy that explanation. As it is, it seems like her explanation should be more along the lines of 'yeah, Ranger's Apprentice has giant minis for some reason'.
- Also, regarding Nume's dialogue, he uses 'Christ' a couple of times, but there's a couple of times where he uses 'god'. If he's using 'Christ', shouldn't he be using 'God'? (There are a few times where he uses it at the beginning of a sentence, where it gets capitalised, but the couple of times he uses it mid-sentence it's uncapitalised). I think I might have asked about that before, but I can't remember what the answer was.
All in all, very enjoyable :)
- Irish -
Thanks! by
on 2015-08-09 19:50:00 UTC
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"Barog," "detanglers," and "stands" have been fixed.
Re. "Christ," I don't think you can de-capitalize it like you can "god," otherwise I would—"god" is uncapitalized to reflect Nume's status as a non-believer. I think the difference is that there are gods other than that God, but there aren't any christs other than that Christ. (And my browser flags up lowercase "christ.")
I looked over the original appearances of the C-CAD, and there is an instance of it identifying a character as having a 1 in 3 chance of Suedom. A percentage makes as much sense to me, possibly more.
Iximaz will have to address the mini-Kalkaras, since she's the coordinator for the Ranger's Apprentice OFU.
Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed it! ^_^
Scambaiting by
on 2015-08-08 08:45:00 UTC
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Does anyone here enjoy reading about scambaiting (or 419baiting or scambusting or whatever you want to call it)?
You could say it's a sort of Extreme Sporking(TM) that's similar to the PPC in many ways: the good guys create eccentric characters to tell a funny story that pokes fun at the flaws in the bad guys' stories. The main difference is the bad guys aren't whiny fanbrats but serious, organised criminals!
I tired it briefly, many years ago. The results were even published by a scambaiting website: here and here. Anyone else ever tried it? -
I remember seeing something similar to this once by
on 2015-08-08 20:47:00 UTC
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Narcissa Malfoy vs. the Nigerian Scammer, in which a Harry Potter fanwriter decides to respond to a scam email she received - in character as Narcissa Malfoy. She's got some other examples on her Livejournal as well.
Should explain... by
on 2015-08-08 09:53:00 UTC
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What got me into scambaiting in the first place wasn't the writing side. It was the chance to photoshop fake documents and IDs for my characters to send to the scammers. I loved doing stuff that.
Unfortunately, I got into it just as the rules were changing, and people were starting to realise that we shouldn't send fake documents because the scammers could then use them and pretend to be our characters in other scams against real victims. :(
Beta request by
on 2015-08-08 18:25:00 UTC
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I've just finished a mission into The Hobbit, and I already have two betas looking over it; I just need one or two more to check for consistency and writing flow. Canon knowledge is not required but always welcome. The agents involved are Rayner, E.V.L., and two unsuspecting newbies which I adopted a while ago (one of whom was previously involved in a recent co-write I did with one of my betas).
If any of you are interested, please email me at skarmorysilver(at)gmail(dot)com! -
I now have enough betas! Thanks! (nm) by
on 2015-08-08 21:42:00 UTC
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Dawn leaned back a short time later, dazed. by
on 2015-08-08 19:31:00 UTC
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"Who would've said? What would they have said?" She didn't seem particularly invested in getting a response: her eyes didn't quite make it to his, and she leaned in for yet another kiss shortly after asking.
“Heh.” by
on 2015-08-08 19:33:00 UTC
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For a while Des just snogged Dawn, saying nothing.
“We’ve been snogging each other for a bit and nobody said a thing,” he said after a while. -
Dawn shrugged. by
on 2015-08-08 19:38:00 UTC
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"Can't be bothered to care, come back later." She grinned at him, breathless by now, and then leaned forward to resume the snogging.
"It *is* a bit strange, though," she admitted eventually. "Seems the sort of thing that would garner attention..." -
Interrupt! by
on 2015-08-08 19:45:00 UTC
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Someone cleared their throat behind Des.
“Who’s that, Shakhar?” he asked once the current round of snogging was over. -
Dawn looked up, blinked, and shrugged. by
on 2015-08-08 19:48:00 UTC
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"Don't know her. Hullo, stranger. Did you want something?" Her grin took away at least some of the rudeness.
Des let go of Dawn long enough to glance behind him. by
on 2015-08-08 19:51:00 UTC
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Once he saw the person, he turned around. “Oh, hey, Nilera. I haven’t seen you for a while. Nilera, meet Dawn McKenna, my… uhum, my girlfriend. Dawn, this is Nilera. She was my partner a while ago.”
The Dunmer bowed her head. “Hello.” -
Dawn blinked, blushing a little... by
on 2015-08-08 20:02:00 UTC
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...and then did her best to mimic the head bow. "Hi. Nice to meet you. Are you still a Floater? Assuming you were one when you and Des worked together?"
“Yes.” by
on 2015-08-08 20:06:00 UTC
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The Dunmer nodded. “I mostly train new agents,” she said. “It’s interesting work.”
Des frowned. “Interesting like that time you hit me with the flat of your blade…?”
“Well, the Sue would have had us cornered if you wouldn’t have moved,” Nilera retorted evenly. -
Dawn tried and failed to hold back a giggle. by
on 2015-08-08 20:20:00 UTC
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"Sorry," she said, and grinned at Nilera. "So you... smack newbies with a sword all day? I never really went through the official training, just got bits here and there from my partners. What's it like? Do we get better agents that way, or do they just go insane faster?"
“That would be irresponsible,” Nilera said. by
on 2015-08-08 20:25:00 UTC
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“But is sometimes necessary where all else fails. It is rather similar to training soldiers, in a way, and I’ve plenty of experience doing that.” She smiled. “What I do is take greenhorns — like Des was, a while ago — and give them the tools to do their jobs in a better way.”
“She’s very dangerous with those knives of hers,” Des added. “Absolutely terrifying.” -
"Fantastic," Dawn said. by
on 2015-08-08 20:28:00 UTC
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"And you do this by... what, taking them on missions?"
“Why, yes, of course.” by
on 2015-08-08 20:33:00 UTC
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“But also by helping them with their weapon skills if I can and generally giving them sound advice.”
“When possible, use portals to your advantage. That’s one of yours, isn’t it?” Des asked.
“Correct.” -
"Sounds useful," Dawn said. by
on 2015-08-08 21:10:00 UTC
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She grinned. "I like portals. Portals are fun. And very useful."
“Fun, you say?” Des asked. by
on 2015-08-09 02:31:00 UTC
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“You are giving me ideas, Shakhar. Terrible, terrible ideas.” He was rubbing his goatee, a conspiratorial look on his face.
“Do I want to know what sort of ideas?” Nilera asked. -
"Ideas?" Dawn echoed. by
on 2015-08-09 03:46:00 UTC
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"Well, now I'm curious. Or should I be worried? I shouldn't be worried, right?"
Des chuckled. by
on 2015-08-09 03:48:00 UTC
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“Hm-hm-hm,” he muttered, embarrassed. “T-that depends, Shakhar. What do you want them to be?”
“I never thought you had it in you,” Nilera said and sighed. -
Dawn shrugged, eyeing him curiously. by
on 2015-08-09 03:53:00 UTC
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"I'll settle for something fun," she told him. "Fun is always good. Except when it's misplaced, of course, but that tends more to be in badfics. So. Fun plans?" She grinned.
Des blushed. by
on 2015-08-09 03:55:00 UTC
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He started mumbling and muttering under his breath.
Nilera sighed again and fanned her face with her hand. “This is getting a tad awkward, don’t you think?” -
"Oh, that's usual with us," Dawn told her. by
on 2015-08-09 04:01:00 UTC
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"We've been doing the awkward thing since pretty soon after we met. It's fun, for the most part. I suppose we could change the subject for now, though..."
“Well then,” Nilera said. by
on 2015-08-09 04:05:00 UTC
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“I’d rather not talk about work, but I’m afraid I don’t know you well enough to talk about anything else.” She shrugged.
"Hm." by
on 2015-08-12 18:31:00 UTC
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Dawn frowned a little, thinking. "Well. I don't normally let that bother me, actually, but I suppose it makes topics harder to think of--oh. Oh, got something." She grinned at the Dunmer, leaning against Des as she spoke. "How d'you take your tea?"
“Tea?” by
on 2015-08-12 18:39:00 UTC
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Nilera tilted her head. “Ah, that beverage young Desdendelle here drink in every opportunity? I am of a Sujamma person, myself. Though never on duty.”
Des frowned, though he did lean into Dawn a little. “Except that one time where I showed up in your RC and you were drunk as a dwarf.”
Did the Dunmer blush a little? No, it must have been a trick of the light. -
"No tea? Well, alright, then." by
on 2015-08-12 18:56:00 UTC
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"There's probably something else we can talk about...oh, got something. Do you like ice cream at all? I'm pretty sure that's what we're waiting in line for..."
“Ice cream…?” by
on 2015-08-12 19:00:00 UTC
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Des chuckled while Nilera pondered the question. “Loakhaltiethaglidashehaitabamekarer!” he said.
"...'I didn't eat the ice cream that was in the fridge'?" by
on 2015-08-12 19:03:00 UTC
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Dawn frowned at him. "Why would someone put ice cream in a refrigerator? Why not the freezer? And why are you speaking Hebrew all run together like that?"
“Because it’s fun, of course!” by
on 2015-08-12 19:05:00 UTC
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Des chuckled. “And there’s this one time I forgot ice cream in the fridge and Nilera ate it. No?”
“I did. It was pretty good, too.” The Dunmer nodded solemnly. -
"But then it's just ice cream soup," Dawn protested. by
on 2015-08-12 19:11:00 UTC
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"And is it? Well, maybe I should try." The Assassin thought for a moment, then took a breath and said, "Kenakhaltiethaglidashehaitaba--ba--oh, bother. I forgot how to say 'freezer'."
((well, she would; I'm pretty sure I didn't remember it at the time when she's sort of based on. It doesn't really come up in classes so much.)) -
“Makpi,” Des said... by
on 2015-08-13 04:02:00 UTC
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And kissed Dawn again.
“You two do look rather sweet together,” Nilera said, smiling. -
Dawn leaned into the kiss. by
on 2015-08-13 04:16:00 UTC
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When it eventually broke, she said, "Was that meant to reference the ice cream, or did you just get lucky with that?"
She hadn't quite looked away, and she was smiling rather dreamily. -
Des shrugged. by
on 2015-08-13 04:18:00 UTC
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He stared at Dawn with a lovestruck countenance and pulled her closer.
Nilera, meanwhile, seemed content to stand back and watch the humans smooch.
Sorry for double-posting, but also... New review! by
on 2015-08-08 22:58:00 UTC
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Basically, my brother and I got to see Tomorrowland last weekend, and we liked it. Very much. But, after mulling it over for a week or so (partly due to not having the time to type the review up sooner), I realized that for all the work that Brad Bird, George Clooney, and Disney in general put into it, and for all the shiny spectacle that it advertised, it ultimately turned out to be more than a little stale in hindsight.
Check out my in-depth review here! -
Neat! (nm) by
on 2015-08-11 03:03:00 UTC
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N--New Tolkien book? by
on 2015-08-09 01:04:00 UTC
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Okay, so... *takes deep breath*
They're releasing The Story of Kullervo, apparently one of Tolkien's first prose works, and based on The Kalevala. It's unfinished, unfortunately, but... but...
Ahem, sorry. Just... Tolkien.
Amazon has it listed here, release date is October 13th. So... do we party? -
We party! :D *tosses Shire oatcakes* (nm) by
on 2015-08-12 15:12:00 UTC
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I believe the phrase is 'squee'. by
on 2015-08-09 09:20:00 UTC
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Christopher is keeping busy, isn't he?
(But I'm still waiting for him to reveal a hitherto-secret manuscript of the Fall of Gondolin... alternately, I'd settle for a Reader's Edition of the Book of Lost Tales.)
hS -
Huh. by
on 2015-08-09 03:28:00 UTC
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*rubs stubble*
Coincidentally, that's the day I finish my term of service in the army. Well, that's definitely something to look forward to!
I enjoyed The Fall of Arthur immensely and I figure this one won't be any different. -
Definitely! by
on 2015-08-09 01:58:00 UTC
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So, I have a funny story for you guys. by
on 2015-08-09 04:23:00 UTC
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This morning, I'm woken up by my mom with a surprise: We're going to comic-con for the day! Woo-hoo, and all that jazz! So I get dressed, snarf my food, and we're off.
Well, once in the vendor room, I wander off on my own to look at the different stalls. While I'm at one stall, I run into a lady with a dog. It's not a service animal from what I can see: no vest, no special leash.
So I ask her why she has a dog, because I'm curious.
"Oh, I have special clearance."
Anyway, we get to chatting about dogs, and I'm petting hers, and he's a real sweetheart, all licky-licky and stuff. Very nice lady, but I don't think to ask for her name (or the dog's).
After about ten minutes, she says she has to go, she has a panel to attend, so we say good-bye and I go back to wandering.
Well, a few hours later, we go to a panel for a Q&A with Carrie Fischer. For those of you who might not know, she's the lady who played Princess Leia in Star Wars.
When she finally appears, she's carrying her dog. -
Re: So, I have a funny story for you guys. by
on 2015-08-13 20:20:00 UTC
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Oooooooh and awwwwwwwwwww!
That is literally the most awesome thing! by
on 2015-08-10 19:07:00 UTC
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The most awesome thing in the history of ever!
That's awesome. (nm) by
on 2015-08-10 14:03:00 UTC
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Wow... (nm) by
on 2015-08-09 19:19:00 UTC
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By Tharon's Hammer... by
on 2015-08-09 17:22:00 UTC
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That is AWESOME. I am so very jealous of you!
Ha ha! Awesome! by
on 2015-08-09 15:09:00 UTC
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Just to be clear, the woman you were speaking to was a handler, yes? Not, you were speaking to Carrie Fischer and failed to recognize her.
Nope, it was actually her. by
on 2015-08-09 15:31:00 UTC
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To be fair, I wasn't entirely sure what she looked like other than 'a lot older than Leia' and she had glasses. Couple that with my problems recognizing faces... Yeah... >_>
Aw. by
on 2015-08-10 00:16:00 UTC
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Well, at least you have the story to tell now, even though you weren't aware of it at the time.
(Poor Miss Fischer, though. "That girl didn't even recognize me! What are The Kids These Days watching?") -
on 2015-08-09 13:14:00 UTC
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What was the dog's name, if you ever found out?
I didn't find out until the panel, but... by
on 2015-08-09 15:33:00 UTC
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He's a French Bulldog, and his name is Gary.
Wha-- I -- Oh my... I don't even... by
on 2015-08-09 05:11:00 UTC
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New interlude! by
on 2015-08-09 04:57:00 UTC
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In which Rina and the Reader decide to get drinks after a TARDIS lesson.
on 2015-08-09 15:21:00 UTC
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Tacitus rolled his eyes again. by
on 2015-08-09 17:29:00 UTC
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"And to quote Oromis from Eragon, 'You can't miss what you've never had'. Two can play at this game, you know."
"You've read Eragon?" by
on 2015-08-09 17:44:00 UTC
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Zeb almost squeed, but quickly composed himself. "Um. I mean. Don't you ever get lonely, though?"
Tacitus hesitated for a fraction of a second. by
on 2015-08-09 17:48:00 UTC
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"No." he wrote quickly.
"Your smell changed." by
on 2015-08-09 17:50:00 UTC
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Zeb tilted his head. "You smell like you're lying. But that's okay." He smiled. "If you ever get lonely, I'm willing to talk to you. Because that's what friends do."
Tacitus scowled. by
on 2015-08-09 18:30:00 UTC
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"There is nothing to talk about." He stared defiantly at Zeb, as if he was expecting the other Pokémon to argue.
Zeb shrugged. by
on 2015-08-09 18:56:00 UTC
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"Just because there's nothing to talk about now doesn't mean there won't be later." He grinned. "I'll see you around, Tacitus. And try not to be so glum about everything! You keep that up and you'll turn into my partner."
Tacitus' fur bristled up. by
on 2015-08-09 21:36:00 UTC
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He shot Zeb the best irritated glare he could muster and walked away from the Luxray at a brisk pace.
Triple plug? Okay then. New mission! by
on 2015-08-09 19:28:00 UTC
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Agent Desdendelle calls in a friend for some help on a mission. (Eragon x Ratchet & Clank)
Nice. by
on 2015-08-15 22:14:00 UTC
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It's taken me a while a get round to reviewing this, but I did enjoy the mission.
I also found it quite easy to follow, which was nice, as I know nothing about Eragon and very little about Ratchet & Clank. There were a couple of points that I found hard to follow, the one that sticks in my mind the most was Des referring to the 'R.Y.N.O.' - if you'd used the full name, I would have been able to form a mental image of it (said image would've been completely wrong, as I was picturing a large Gatling-style weapon before the page image loaded), as it was I had to pause in my reading to look it up.
In contrast, this scene about the OmniWrench:
“Well, it looks like Rhunön is about to waste her Brightsteel on making Ratchet a new wrench,” Zeb said, pinching the bridge of his nose. “She only used that for making the riders’ swords, gah!”
“Not to mention the OmniWrench Millennium 12 is made from teratannium, not this magical star-steel claptrap.” Des groaned. Eragon decided that since there isn’t any Brightsteel, he and his party would just leave. “You have got to be ...ing kidding me. No Speshul steel so you just go? What about just reforging the damn thing?! An iron Wrench is better than nothing!”
“She used Brightsteel to make a hammer,” Zeb said faintly. “She used it to make a hammer.”
This dialogue gave a lot of useful bits of information, and it felt completely natural.
The charge scene was particularly nice, especially Des running in screaming like that. I also liked how both the agents and the canon characters were actually doing stuff during that scene, rather than it just being a big speech as the charges were read.
Nicely done.
- Irish -
A nice, short mission. by
on 2015-08-10 00:34:00 UTC
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A few errors, though:
1) He pointed at a large man wearing a green spandex suit that was impaled on a steel rod. “That’s Captain Qwark, and he’s dead.”
So was the man impaled, or just the suit? As written, you're saying that the suit was previously impaled on a steel rod, and the man is now wearing a suit with a hole in it.
2) “If I managed to stay, so should have he… but never mind.”
Delete the "have"; it should simply be "so should he".
3) “Get her!” Des shouted, pointing at Rhunön, who was trying to run away. His distraction earned him an elbow in the belly; while he was catching his breath, Ratchet dove for his axe. He jumped on the Lombax and started pummelling him.
From the looks of this paragraph, there are three characters in this scene, all male: Des, Rhunön, and Ratchet.To whom, then, are all those "he"s referring? I ask because that last sentence cannot mean what it says: grammatically, its "he" refers to Ratchet, but that would mean that he jumped on himself! -
Well... by
on 2015-08-10 04:24:00 UTC
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1) Fixed.
2) Des-ism. Des talks weird. It stays.
3) Fixed. Rhunön is female, BTW. -
Re: Well... by
on 2015-08-11 02:13:00 UTC
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Thanks for the FYI on Rhunön. As for Des, I don't recall him talking that weirdly before...
Des-isms by
on 2015-08-11 02:17:00 UTC
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Well, basically, Des is not a native speaker (I'm ESL, too, but I get betas, so...), so he's bound to make some mistakes. Also, it's IC for him to speak weird for the hell of it.
One more by
on 2015-08-10 19:33:00 UTC
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Des looked Illirea before glancing at the Words again.
A word may be missing there.
HG -
Fixed that, too. Thanks! (nm) by
on 2015-08-11 00:47:00 UTC
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Re: Triple plug? Okay then. New mission! by
on 2015-08-09 20:22:00 UTC
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I don't know anything about Ratchet & Clank, but I have read the first three Inheritance books. (I know, I know, what was I thinking. The first one was good, then it went downhill.)
Really liked that mission! Ahaha, poor Rina...and Zeb...and Des...and pretty much every agent mentioned. Even the Librarian. -
Poor Librarian? by
on 2015-08-09 20:25:00 UTC
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Really? But... he wasn't even in the mission...
Either way, glad you liked it. :) -
I didn't want him to be left out by
on 2015-08-09 20:26:00 UTC
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So I felt sorry for him too. We must be inclusive.
Oh, he does not need your feelings of sorrow. by
on 2015-08-09 20:49:00 UTC
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He thinks all humans are simply inferior.
(Here, take a look at my spinoff; I think it will clarify the regrettable fact that the Librarian is, in fact, an a**hat.) -
Is confused by
on 2015-08-09 21:36:00 UTC
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You mean we're not supposed to identify with the feeling that nearly all our colleagues are worthless fools that we hate being stuck with?
Because that's a feeling I know only too well from every job I've ever had... -
Uh, how do I say it? by
on 2015-08-09 21:46:00 UTC
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The Librarian is not the Only Sane Man; he's, em, a very Smug Snake indeed. The Librarian is a jerk, plain and simple. He's haughty, he's sarcastic, he's full of himself, and he's certain that the Time Lords are superior to basically everything else.
*shrugs* by
on 2015-08-09 22:31:00 UTC
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Of course he thinks that Time Lords are superior to basically everyone else. We all think that whatever-we-are are superior to basically everyone else. It would be strange if we weren't. In life, unfortunately, there are rules that mean we're forced to be diplomatic and pretend we don't feel that way.
IBTW I'm not sure about thpse TV Tropes links. Ultimately, deep down, there's a lot of Smug Snake in all of us, even if most people don't like to admit it. :( -
You know what that reminds me of? by
on 2015-08-09 22:47:00 UTC
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In life, unfortunately, there are rules that mean we're forced to be diplomatic and pretend we don't feel that way.
The kids at my school who made my life a living hell. They could get away with pretty much whatever they wanted, because the adults didn't give two craps to tell them otherwise.
Trip that freak in the halls?
Knock books out of her hands and kick them out of her reach?
Stalwartly ignore her when she has the gall to sit at your table? Or, better yet, move to a different table just to let her know how unacceptable she is?
Trap her on the playground and pin her down so they can dogpile and suffocate her?
Invite her to a birthday party to push her in the pool, laugh, and say to the adults she tripped and fell in?
Set her up on a date with her crush and bribe him to dump her the day before the dance?
"None of those unfortunate rules to tell us what to do, yay!"
Nice attitude to take. It'll endear you to a lot of people. -
Yeah, kids like that made my life a living hell too by
on 2015-08-09 23:17:00 UTC
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I went through pretty much everything that you did, and hated it just as much. That's one reason why now I want to be the one to have my turn making other people's life a living hell, to make other people suffer just like they all they made me suffer! You probably know the feeling too.
Unfortunately (that word again!) I'm too much of an honest, rule-abiding sort to do that. (I think the - very misleading - technical jargon is "right wing authoritarian personality type".) So as long as those rules remain in place, people like you and me will never get our chance to take our rightful revenge on the world, and the rule-breaking bullies will continue to make us suffer.
Still, at least we can dream, right? One day, one day... -
You are starting to seriously worry me. by
on 2015-08-10 00:18:00 UTC
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Not to denigrate or delegitimize what suffering you had, but your next sentence puts them in a very different light:
"Now I want to be the one to have my turn making other people's life [sic] a living hell".
That's... well, it's nice to have goals, I suppose. Here's a suggestion for one, if you'll permit me to offer it.
Try - actually try - making it through sessions of cognitive therapy. You definitely need a course of that. You have anger issues. You want revenge on the people who made you suffer. I get that. I know what it feels like to have that gut-wrenching desire in the back of your head, telling you to prove you're better than they made you believe you were. It's quite likely at the root of my own issues with anger management, which you don't have to be a genius to figure out I possess (cf. my interactions with... at this point, half the Board, or so it seems).
I was made, by my peers at school and other people who shall remain nameless but really ought to have known better, to feel that my achievements were worth nothing, my positive attributes (such as they are) were in fact negative ones, my abilities were either pointless or inferior, and my ambitions laughable. I hate feeling like that. It burns in my brain like hellfire. I still seek to challenge people on stuff, assert my dominance, prove myself to be better at Thing X than Person Y. I still have revenge fantasies that go into the kind of terrifying detail that a giallo movie director would consider excessive. And I cannot stress the following enough:
It's the same for you, it's the same for me. I am not in therapy because I can't afford it and I have a depressing tendency to lie like a rug to them. I wonder what your excuse is.
You were wronged by people, according to societal standards. We all have been. You must not dwell on it. Doing so will chew up your... not soul exactly, but the part of yourself that is your self, and after all the agony has been wrung from it, it will be spat back out, dripping with venom and rancid bile. I should never have let it happen to me, and I do not want it to happen to you.
Additionally, you have a correlation-causation error in your logic. If a person breaks a rule upon which society is by and large agreed, the rule is not (generally speaking) the problem. The person is. Doing away with the rules leads to no threat of punishment, which means a lot more people are going to start doing the things that you don't want them to do to you. And they will gang up on you, because humans are social animals and if you've managed to get Iximaz this riled up then heaven knows what you're like with non-PPC people, and they will destroy you, and there will not be a single solitary thing you can do about it, because hey, you get to do what you want too. You just lack the means. Ain't nobody's fault but your own. That is what anarchy entails - and while I realise that a pro-government democratic socialist may have some internal biases against anarchism, even Bakunin realised it was impossible in a society still bound by scarcity-based economic structures (which even now all societies are, even the anarchist communes that are scattered around the nastier parts of the globe).
Finally, you think your revenge is "rightful"? I beg to differ. I seriously do. No revenge is rightful, because you do not have a right to it. You have a right to justice. You have a right to due process. And so do they. This is why trial by jury is even a thing in the first place - to stop endless cycles of blood feuding and needless death. Which, again, is anarchical.
But hey, you don't have to listen to mean ol' Scapegrace. I'm just another of those people defending your kids. I'd be deeply shocked if you made it this far through the post, because you don't want to read it, and I think the reason that you don't want to read it is because you don't want to hear that your coping mechanisms are so fundamentally flawed you are making a leading member of an extraordinarily non-judgemental community tear her hair out in frustration at you. You don't want to hear that your bloodlust is wrong. So you won't hear it.
And you'll go back to your bunker with your collection of guns and your tinfoil bloody hat, waiting for the bombs to fall.
You worry me. You also repel me. -
Look... by
on 2015-08-10 00:06:00 UTC
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That's not justice, and it doesn't help anybody. That's vengeance and all it does is further increase the suffering. Rather than helping the victims, it just makes more. Not to mention that it doesn't really help you.
While I didn't go through what Ix went through (and I consider myself very, very lucky for it) I did meet a couple of really nasty people, and, while I hate them — those lone two persons of all the people I know — I do not wish them ill because it won't take back my suffering, as it were, it won't make them better people and prevent others from suffering, and it will hurt them. Vengeance is very much pointless and very much to the detriment of everybody.
It also means, as Voyd said, that they won. You're one of them now, in mind if not in action... is that what you want? More people like that? -
I think I should bring something in. by
on 2015-08-09 23:56:00 UTC
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Behold Bacterial Contamination. Warning right now for disturbing visuals and subject matter.
This is my favorite Vocaloid song, because of the visuals, the sound, and above all, its message. So, allow me to explain that message.
The song is about bullying. More specifically, it's from the perspective of the victim, and it uses bacteria as a metaphor.
The narrator, in a desperate attempt to deal with her frustration, turns to victimizing people herself, claiming to have "passed on her bacteria." It's implied that she eventually kills herself later.
The victim became a bully herself, no better than her tormenters.
That is what I'm hearing from you.
You've succumbed to the sickness. -
Don't worry by
on 2015-08-10 00:55:00 UTC
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I've not managed to "succumb" and actually become a bully myself. And I probably never will. Like I said, I always feel too bound by rules to actually do it.
But that shouldn't stop me feeling a jealous admiration for those lucky ones who do manage to achieve it. -
I understand. by
on 2015-08-10 01:46:00 UTC
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I do not condone, nor do I believe it healthy. But I understand.
There is a reason "an eye for an eye" is a very popular form of punishment. Vengeance is a natural desire for almost all of us. There is a reason we have "good" and "bad" guys. We want to see the bad people get what they have been giving out, if not more. Make them see what they have been doing. Make them pay for their crimes. We are naturally violent creatures. For most of us, we want to lash out, deep down.
But this is wrong.
Wanting to give people a taste of their own medicine is not justice, it is just as wrong. Scapegrace put it best. I think it would be in your best interest to listen to her. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. It just perpetuates the cycle of violence.
This does not, however, mean you should be passive. There are ways to strengthen yourself and starve out aggressors without being aggressive yourself. If the acts against you are verbal in nature, don't let it get to you. I know, it is hard. Trust me, I know. But if you starve them of the emotional response they want, the verbal aggressors will let you go. And what they want is either sadness or anger. They want you to either hate yourself, or hate them. If you respond either way, they win. Know that you are loved. Know there are people who root for you. Know there are good people in the world, and you are one of them. Remember this, and the verbal attacks hurt less and less over time, until you can start to see the bull for what it is.
If you are being attacked physically, learn self defense. Anything will do, though martial arts is usually the best. And I don't mean do flip-kicks to stop bullies before they get to you. I mean, know how to dodge or take a punch. Know pressure points. Know how you can disable physical aggressors with minimal risk to yourself and them. I would say learn Krav Maga, but given your current emotional state, that might not be a good idea. Judo, Jujitsu, even Karate might give you the confidence boost you need. However, I have to insist: if you turn a defensive art into an aggressive one, you have failed. You have fallen to their level, and become part of the problem.
There is one last thing I would suggest. And what I am about to say may sound bad, but I want you to listen when I say it. Seek therapy. I know it sounds like I am saying you have a mental disorder. You do not. Vengeance is a natural response to have. But, natural as it may be, it is not the healthy one. Therapy has this stigma as being only for the mentally troubled. All therapy really is is having someone there to talk to and give solutions for your problems. Everyone has problems! Sometimes, we all need some help with our emotions. They are trained professionals in sorting out how you feel, and moving forward in a helpful way.
Listen to Scape. Listen to me. You are not a bad person for feeling this way. But you need to rise above it. Be the better person. -
You have already succumbed. by
on 2015-08-10 01:09:00 UTC
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Your mindset is the same as theirs. Words can and do hurt people. You've hurt Ix. You've also hurt me, though - obviously! - not to the degree you've hurt her.
Do you understand what's going on here? Do you understand the impact your words have on people? -
Should it really be called "admiration"? by
on 2015-08-10 01:02:00 UTC
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I can only compare it to a junior high kid "admiring" high school punks because they curse, drink beer in public, and do drugs.
And saying that you "probably will never become a bully" sounds to me like tempting the Ironic Overpower ;)
It's a ticking bomb. You never know when your trigger will be pulled. But when it starts, well... pop goes the weasel. -
Yes it should. That's exactly what it should do. by
on 2015-08-10 01:00:00 UTC
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You are unbelievably wrong about everything you've just been talking about, because you are still in pain and lashing out at anything and everything. Even the people who are trying to help you. I've been there. I've gone through it. And the thing about wanting the people trying to help you to just leave you alone?
Sooner or later, that's exactly what you get. And I will never, ever, ever wish suffering alone on someone.
Not even you. -
You, my friend, need a serious attitude adjustment. by
on 2015-08-09 23:32:00 UTC
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Yes, let's make other kids want to kill themselves because they think they're a freak and will never fit in, because there's something inherently wrong with them. That's just a wonderful stance to take.
It's people like you who perpetuate bullying. And that is not okay.
You (allegedly) know firsthand what it's like to suffer. And yet, you want to make others feel the same way, rather than make sure that sort of thing never happens again.
You disgust me. -
What perpetuates bullying... by
on 2015-08-10 00:45:00 UTC
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...is people like you and me being too weak or too unwilling (or both, since it's the same thing really) to fight back and turn the tables on the bullies. If there were no more potential victims, the would bullies would have to stop.
OTOH if you say that people mustn't bully ever, then all that happens is that the sort of people who don't care about rules still go ahead and do it anyway. -
Gods, no. by
on 2015-08-10 01:19:00 UTC
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What you describe is Hobbes' bellum omnium contra omnes, the war of everybody against everybody else. It's not a solution, it's the problem. It just perpetuates itself. If everybody's a bully, then everybody's a bully; there's just a pecking order of bullies with bigger bullies bullying smaller bullies who in turn bully people below them.
What you suggest is just more suffering. Why do you want that? It's not good for anybody, least of all for you.
Furthermore: You are hurting people. You've hurt Ix. Badly. D'you have any idea what you're doing here? I strongly recommend you to think your next post through, because you're walking on very thin ice here. -
I'm sorry... by
on 2015-08-10 00:58:00 UTC
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Expressing your desire to make people suffer is a clear sign of losing it. I don't want to sound harsh, or - Heavens forbid - make myself look like a cyber-bully but I honestly think something broke inside your mind, dear.
Are you familiar with a saying "violence gives birth to violence"? That's a universal truth; bullying won't stop if the victims start to torment their tormentors. Also, if you are not currenly are a victim, it will make you look like the thing you despise. I am no stranger to violence, but doing so just because "I was a victim once" makes you look like a D-list comic book villain.
From our conversations I thought of you as a reasonable lady. Please, don't try to take revenge for the past. Use your past, to live better future - not to re-live past in a different role.
This picture perfectly illustrates what I've thought of, when I heard your declaration of revenge -
OK, wow, no by
on 2015-08-10 00:57:00 UTC
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You do realize that you just told Iximaz and by extension other bullying victims that they are the reason they are being bullied, ie textbook victim blaming? No one is ever to blame for being attacked or bullied. And fighting back might not solve the issue. It could very easily lead to escalations, it could lead to the victim being punished themselves. Because, newsflash! People are irrational and messy and the world we live in is unfair and painful. That doesn't mean that causing someone else pain is the answer.
And believe me, I know exactly how much it sucks to be told that if you ignore it it'll go away! But just because ignoring bullying doesn't work doesn't mean that fighting back tooth and nail will have any better results. -
First of all, you and I are nothing alike. by
on 2015-08-10 00:52:00 UTC
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I might not have yet learned to let the past go, but I don't want to perpetuate the cycle. You, on the other hand, are immature, twisted, and no better than the people you want to take 'revenge' on.
You don't sit around and do nothing because it won't change things in the long run. You stand up for what is right, because nobody else has the guts to do so. You take a stand, and you say no, because this sort of thing is not okay.
Imagine dreading waking up in the mornings because you're going to have to spend the rest of your day looking over your shoulder.
You pretend to be sick just so you don't have to go to school. And sometimes you don't have to pretend because you're so scared of what's in store for you that day you actually do throw up.
You lie in bed at night wondering what's wrong with you and if it's not better if you just took yourself out of the picture, because you're apparently making everyone else's existence miserable. Because why else would they so routinely and maliciously pick on you?
And then their taunts get into your head, and you start believing that you are a loser, you are a weirdo, you are a freak.
You have nightmares about the things they did to you, even years after you last saw them.
A couple of the girls actually did suggest I kill myself.
And then they all laughed like it was the best joke in the world.
This is who you want to be. This is what you want to make others feel.
You are no better than them. You are worse, because you have felt what that is like, and you want to spread it to others. -
And you want to know something else? by
on 2015-08-10 01:10:00 UTC
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It wasn't because I was 'too weak' or 'unwilling' to fight back. That is a load of utter bullshit.
When you have the entire grade using you as their own personal chew toy, you don't have any witnesses to go to for help in backing you up. I would go to the adults, I would tell them what was going on. And they would either laugh it off as 'kids being kids' or, if they bothered to get off their butts to investigate, they wouldn't be able to find a single person who would validate what I was saying because it was funny to play with me like that.
The few times I fought back, like when I punched the girl who pushed me in the pool, or bit the kids who were dogpiling and suffocating me, or broke the nose of the boy who asked me out just to dump me for a laugh, I was the one who got punished for not being able to control my temper and handle things in a mature way.
So I was told over and over that it was my fault that I was getting this sort of treatment. And hearing it again, from you, really does not make me happy. -
*shakes head sadly* by
on 2015-08-10 00:51:00 UTC
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Don't you get it?
By thinking like that, your tormentors have won. You've become the monster, you've been contaminated. -
Mood of the day: vindicated. (nm) by
on 2015-08-10 00:48:00 UTC
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And appalled. Can't forget that. (nm) by
on 2015-08-10 00:48:00 UTC
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"He's also a cretin. And a boor. And won't return my calls." (nm by
on 2015-08-09 21:23:00 UTC
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Can you please stop spamming our ICEP inbox? by
on 2015-08-09 21:28:00 UTC
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I knew I should have encrypted it...
"It's not spam. It's therapy." by
on 2015-08-09 21:36:00 UTC
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"I only seek the tender warmth of his... deliciously sinful body. That reserve is a mask, you know. Underneath is a torrid, terrifying melting-pot of forbidden passions."
The Notary couldn't keep the grin off her face as she typed it. She was beginning to understand the attraction to this "trolling" lark. She began to giggle. Then cackle. Then laugh, heartily and deeply and (for lifeforms of more conventional aesthetic tastes) ear-clawingly shrilly.
Wobbles walked into RC 1875, heard her roomie, saw her roomie, and walked right back out again. -
Yeah, right. by
on 2015-08-09 21:39:00 UTC
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Seriously, how'd they even let you into HQ? You're the sort of person that makes plants die and animals mutate into Dark Things wherever you go.
Now please stop.
(PS: I do not wish to know you any more than I know you now, Notary. You are inferior. -The Librarian) -
"I fell, darling. I fell so hard... for him." (nm) by
on 2015-08-09 21:45:00 UTC
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Notary, you are a bad liar. by
on 2015-08-09 21:51:00 UTC
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Unless Time Lord mating season is upon us. In which case I might look into taking all of you guys and locking you in a very small room indeed.
(PS: You fell? No wonder your brains are addled. -The Librarian) -
"Promises, promises, Agent Desdendelle..." (nm) by
on 2015-08-09 21:55:00 UTC
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Reading between the lines by
on 2015-08-09 22:09:00 UTC
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I guess that so much bureaucracy made your brain shrivel. I am not actually suggesting that — gods above, that means sticking Rina and the Reader with you and the Librarian in a locked room. I might be silly but I am not cruel.
(I only promise one thing: to introduce you to Amris and notify him that you have a taste for the fine arts. -The Librarian) -
"Oh come now, Librarian. You know how my tastes run." (nm by
on 2015-08-09 22:20:00 UTC
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No? by
on 2015-08-09 22:33:00 UTC
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What little I know is disgusting.
Okay, Fair enough by
on 2015-08-09 20:55:00 UTC
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I no longer feel sorry for him. But now I have more PPC-fic to read, so yay!
*sniff, sniff* You guys smell that? It smells like a newbie! by
on 2015-08-09 21:40:00 UTC
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Or, am I wrong?
She introduced herself a few threads down. by
on 2015-08-09 21:42:00 UTC
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A thread to which you responded, if memory serves. (nm) by
on 2015-08-09 21:46:00 UTC
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...I have brought shame upon myself. by
on 2015-08-09 21:56:00 UTC
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Ixi, might I have the Musu gif?
DISHONOR! *grabs Musu the mini-Mushu* by
on 2015-08-09 22:00:00 UTC
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Thank you. (And I shall keep the little guy) by
on 2015-08-09 22:02:00 UTC
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Also - now I remember her. Dora, I'm sorry!
Forgot to change the subject, line, sorry! (nm) (nm) by
on 2015-08-09 20:25:00 UTC
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I'm sorry by
on 2015-08-10 01:48:00 UTC
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Believe it or not, I like you guys, and you really aren't the sort of people I'd want to upset. You're all good people, and I'm sorry if I've distressed or hurt you with my opinions.
It's probably best if I take a few weeks off from the boards to let things calm down. I'll try and think things over while I'm gone. You've certainly given me a lot to think about. -
Consider yourself forgiven... by
on 2015-08-10 07:48:00 UTC
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At least in my book.
I think a short vacation is a good idea. Think about your attitute towards those issues. Now, I'm not telling you to definitely change your views (you obviously had your reasons to form them) but I appreciate the fact that our words reached you and made you think things through. -
It's okay by
on 2015-08-10 04:42:00 UTC
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Well, maybe 'okay' isn't the right word, but you're doing what you can to mend things, and that's certainly admirable.
I'm still a rookie, so maybe it's not my place to say, but you stepped back, apologized, and you're taking time away and letting things cool off. I've been in similar situations by making sections of a community angry or upset, and I can appreciate the maturity behind your decision.
I don't think anger makes you a bad person. I think it's what you do with it. -
Hey, I've done the same thing. by
on 2015-08-10 02:18:00 UTC
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I only stayed away for about a week, but during that time I began a study (still ongoing), and I've learned a lot. I think you will too, and I wish you luck.
I hope so. by
on 2015-08-10 01:56:00 UTC
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Think about it, and then talk about it with a qualified therapist. You have serious issues with anger. Get them sorted, for your own sake.
Scape? by
on 2015-08-10 06:45:00 UTC
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I don't know how the Constitution is applied as well as, say, hS, but... I feel like you're crossing the line a little, there? Please remember article 7, especially. Second chances and all that. There are few things that warrant "go see a therapist, because you have serious anger issues," and (IMO) someone backing off relatively politely is not one of them.
(Sorry if I misinterpreted anything here, or sounded passive-aggressive -- I'm not trying to be, I promise! It's just hard to know how hesitance will come across through text.) -
Quick clarification: by
on 2015-08-10 06:55:00 UTC
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I just saw the worse part of that conversation, so I'm sorry if it sounded like I wasn't taking it seriously. I am not in any way condoning any part of what Pippa said in that conversation. I'm saying that... basically, please let's not escalate hostility again? Agh, it's too late for me to words, ignore me if I'm being stupid. >_
Scape is fine. by
on 2015-08-10 07:06:00 UTC
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She is giving actual, concerned advice. While being a tad aggressive about it, she is not anywhere near the line, never mind cross it. Relax.
Okay, I can see that. by
on 2015-08-10 07:10:00 UTC
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I've never actually seen that used sincerely before, only as an insult, so it registered as one. Sorry about that.
S'fine. =] by
on 2015-08-10 08:25:00 UTC
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You're right, it is mostly used as an insult. Not here, though. It's... rather more obvious than that when I'm insulting people. =]
Quick clarification: by
on 2015-08-10 06:55:00 UTC
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I just saw the worse part of that conversation, so I'm sorry if it sounded like I wasn't taking it seriously. I am not in any way condoning any part of what Pippa said in that conversation. I'm saying that... basically, please let's not escalate hostility again? Agh, it's too late for me to words, ignore me if I'm being stupid. >_
Unknown fandom? by
on 2015-08-10 03:22:00 UTC
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Has anyone ever written (or co-written) a mission about a badfic set in a fandom that they have little knowledge of?
Did that, too. by
on 2015-08-11 13:59:00 UTC
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I co-wrote Unpleasant Memories with Firemagic, and that was good because I knew (and still know) nothing about Sailor Moon.
Well, actually by
on 2015-08-11 20:53:00 UTC
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At that point I didn't know too much about Sailor Moon either. If I recall correctly we had trouble getting a beta with knowledge of that series as well.
Yeah. by
on 2015-08-11 02:14:00 UTC
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Similarly to other people, I co-wrote mission with people where I didn't know one of the continua involved. Specifically, the TSAB DOWNFALL mission Firemagic already mentioned and a Warframe x Five Nights at Freddy's co-write with Voyd (why someone thought crossing those two continua over was a good idea, I really don't know).
Once or twice... by
on 2015-08-10 17:06:00 UTC
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My first co-write with Voyd involved Five Nights at Freddy's, but aside from Markiplier's LPs of them I don't know the game so well. I also did a Devil May Cry mission once, though that was pretty short.
I'm also planning to do a co-write with firemagic which involves a Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha X Pokémon fic, the former of which I know diddly squat about, but I have yet to get any response from her about starting it off. I can wait if she’s busy with other things, though. -
Nope, not yet. by
on 2015-08-10 14:02:00 UTC
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But I've beta-read missions/fanfics set in continua I don't know very well.
A Twilight x Narnia crossover by
on 2015-08-10 13:21:00 UTC
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I didn't know the Twilight part; haven't read the books or seen the movies. My agents used a pocket fictionary to get around the problem.
Similarly, a Twilight x Harry Potter crossover by
on 2015-08-10 16:45:00 UTC
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"Cosmic Love"
Phobos and I have seen the first two Twilight movies (because we were working at a video store at the time and could borrow them for free), and I've read a few reviews of the books (such as Mark Reads Twilight, go check it out, it's awesome), but otherwise we know nothing. We relied heavily on the Twilight wiki to make Decima sound like she knew what she was talking about.
~Neshomeh -
Hey, I couldn't tell! by
on 2015-08-10 20:03:00 UTC
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And beig an ex-Twitard, I unfortunately know the series almost as well as I know Harry Potter...
I can always help a thing or two :) by
on 2015-08-10 17:06:00 UTC
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I'm not a die-hard Twilight fan, my knowledge run mostly on movies (all of them... yes, I went there) but if you need anything, just lemme know :)
Yup. by
on 2015-08-10 08:28:00 UTC
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Working on something with Ix to that effect now, and trying to work my personal ignorance of the canon into jokes. Most of them are about Greek mythology. Since it's the Notary, none of them are repeatable.
And yes, she's coming back. =] -
Greek mythology...? by
on 2015-08-10 08:39:00 UTC
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Mm-hmm! by
on 2015-08-10 07:21:00 UTC
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I did 'The Parent Trap' in my fifth Driftwood mission. I think I saw that film once. About two decades ago.
(If you're wondering how I did it: my wife used to love that film, and both the key scene I needed to look up, and the entire script, are available online.)
hS -
Oh, yes by
on 2015-08-10 04:45:00 UTC
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The first one to come to mind is TSAB: Downfall, the Nova mission. I did not and still do not have any knowledge of Halo, hence why it was a cowrite! And I've done Yu-Gi-Oh missions with Des for the same reason.
Not sure if it counts as 'unknown', per se, but... by
on 2015-08-10 04:11:00 UTC
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The mission I just did with Neshomeh, into LotR, might qualify. I mean, I've read the books a few times, and know a bit of random trivia thanks to reading missions, but I simply don't have the depth of knowledge needed to take a mission into the continuum.
Yes. by
on 2015-08-10 03:44:00 UTC
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That's part of the reason cowrites happen: there's a crossover, but each author of the cowrite only knows one of the fandoms involved.
This is the case with almost all of my cowrites; the exceptions being my second SkarmorySilver cowrite and my first collab with Iximaz.
In case one, it made sense from an in-universe standpoint to have more people because Attack on Titan is dangerous. In case two, I'd simply forgotten the fandom that I'd originally written the fic for. -
Re: Yes. by
on 2015-08-10 04:03:00 UTC
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You can't see me but I'm grinning nastily at the possibilities...
This year is Anchorage Alaska's centenial! by
on 2015-08-10 04:29:00 UTC
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Yes, the city I call home has been around for 100 years now. How far this little tent city at Cook Inlet has come. From the founding location of the Alaska Railroad, to becoming the main trade port of Alaska, to becoming its largest city, Anchorage has a deep, rich history. We have gone through some rough times, but here we are, still going strong.
To celebrate this occasion, I am going to open myself up to questions about Alaskan history and culture. I would restrict it to Anchorage, but that is boring. Now, I know I did this once before and left you guys hanging, but at the time classes got too much for me so I could not answer many questions. However, I find myself with a few days off with little to do. So, I will answer any questions you have, to the best of my ability. It's good practice for me anyway, in case I get back into tourism.
So, please, fire away!
(If you are wondering, why now? Our locale NBC affiliate is running a special on it, and it inspired me to answer any questions you may have about my home.) -
How cold is Anchorage? by
on 2015-08-16 04:40:00 UTC
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And the price of stuff there, is it more expensive compared to the average prices of USA?
What the people there usually eat?
And do they have fast-food restaurants there?
And how many people actually live there, year-round or seasonal? -
Hey, my family has relatives that live near Anchorage. (nm) by
on 2015-08-11 15:35:00 UTC
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Oh cool! by
on 2015-08-11 17:54:00 UTC
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Let me guess... Eagle River?
I don't recall. by
on 2015-08-11 21:09:00 UTC
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All I remember is that they live in Alaska and I met them when I was eight. Tawaki knows a little more about that than I do.
Wasilla, that was it. (nm) by
on 2015-08-11 21:11:00 UTC
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Nice, congratulations! by
on 2015-08-10 07:54:00 UTC
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I guess it's gonna be a big event, huh?
We had some celebrations, yes. by
on 2015-08-10 08:04:00 UTC
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Although, it was not as big as I had hoped. Still, the Fur Rondy is still coming, so we will see what they do with that. Mostly, the Railroad had some big specials, as it was their 100th too.
If you ever come here, a ride on the Alaska Railroad is a must. Not because it is all that fast. No no, but because it has the most beautiful scenery, and very well trained guides. I should know. I took the course. ;) -
Sounds nice... by
on 2015-08-10 08:07:00 UTC
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Unfortunately, I probably will travel to America (plus, Alaska) when I start earning 20.000 PLN a month ;D
Everything that is worth a dollar is three times more expensive for me. -
Cool! by
on 2015-08-10 04:48:00 UTC
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I've been to Alaska once several years ago - I believe I visited Juneau though. I'll have to go back and visit Anchorage sometime.
Boring question first - how cold does it get during the winter? I was in Juneau during the summer and it must have been sixty-something degrees out. Makes me wonder how cold it gets in the dead of winter... -
How cold it gets in winter, on average. by
on 2015-08-10 05:18:00 UTC
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Well, it all depends on where you go.
Now, before anybody calls that out as a cheap answer, you have to remember that Alaska is the size of 1/3 of all the U.S. So, it would be like assuming the average temperature of Miami Florida is the same as in Des Moines Iowa.
As a side note, for all temperature measurements, I will be using Fahrenheit. Because I am a lazy American who does not want to open a temperature converter in the next tab.
Starting with Anchorage, as it is our centennial, the average winter temperature is around 10 degrees, though it has been known to get into the negatives. Well, that is the overall average. In recent years it has been getting much warmer. Snow was sticking on the ground by Halloween very reliably, except these last couple of years. This last year, we were hovering around the 30 degree mark for the average, and seeing as 32 is the freezing temperature, you can see how bad that can be. But, that is a soapbox I won't get on right now. Perhaps later in the Q&A.
Now, what about the rest of the state? Since you went to Juneau, I might as well mention it. In the panhandle, it is closer to 25 degrees. Much warmer then the rest of the state.
How about our farthest north settlement? Barrow is at a toasty -15 degree temperature. Even better, it is a very wet cold, so the cold droops over you like a blanket trying to freeze you to death. Double that with literally no sun for several months, lends to a rather chilly time in the winter.
I hope that answered your question!
Now, with that over with; how did you enjoy the trip? I assume since you went through the panhandle, you took a cruse? What was your favorite part? Did you see any whales? Or Puffins? Puffins are my second favorite bird we have up here. So cute and fluffy.
If you ever do come back to Alaska, do let me know. I would love to show someone around! -
10°F? I can't even stand 77°F for long! (nm) by
on 2015-08-16 04:42:00 UTC
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10 F? by
on 2015-08-16 13:30:00 UTC
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Never seen it get that low, but it does get around 20 Fahrenheit here in the winter.
We did take a cruise! by
on 2015-08-10 05:29:00 UTC
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And I enjoyed myself immensely. We stopped in Canada once the way up. Sadly, we saw no puffins, but we did see a couple whales - the species escapes me - but they were large and quite impressive. If I come back, I'll be sure to let you know!
(As a side note, Barrow reminds me of Finnish Lapland) -
Good to hear! by
on 2015-08-10 05:51:00 UTC
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Probably humpback whales. They like to hang around up here, expecially in the warmer waters. They move around between the panhandle and Seward quite often.
Ah, darn. Not that it's suprising, as Puffins tend to stay in the Seward region. Sometines they go over to the cruse lins though, so I thought I would check.
What's this, a Tolkienverse mission? by
on 2015-08-10 14:28:00 UTC
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Yes, indeed it is! There's also a little gimmick I thought I'd try this time around, so see if you can spot it before reading the A/N.
Anyway, as the good book says, "Love Thy Neighbor"! -
What's this? I'm confused. by
on 2015-08-12 18:37:00 UTC
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E.V.L. checked the chapter title. "Lothlórien, apparently. Both this forest and Mirkwood are east of the river Anduin, but Lothlórien is between Anduin and the Misty Mountains, while Mirkwood is further east from the latter."
Is E.V.L. quoting the badfics bad geography, or is this what she genuinely believes to be canon? In the latter case, a part-time agent for the Uncanonical Department of Inaccuracies may want to step in and hit her over the head with either The Hobbit or The Lord of the Rings.
While Mirkwood is indeed east of the river Anduin, the Misty Mountains are to the west from this river, certainly not between two forests that are both east of the Anduin. As seen in The Fellowship of the Ring, Lothlórien is between Anduin and the Misty Mountains, east of the mountains and west of the river. Traveling from Mirkwood to Lothlórien, you don't pass through the mountains, but you cross a big river and may need a boat to do so.
"Hang on a sec," said Rayner. "If the Misty Mountains are between Lothlórien and Anduin [...]"
That's not what E.V.L said. Does Rayner confuse Lothlórien with Rivendell?
Also, repetitively paging the Repetitive Department of Repetition:
stroking the the cat’s neck
There’s another another character coming in.
Feratu speaking, but I don't believe that it's intentional.
At least we now that Thranduil been replaced now.
No, I take this back. The first "now" is probably meant to be "know". And may Rayner have omitted a word in this sentence?
If we’re going by the fact that this is takes place before [...].
Did Brenda say this intentionally?
One of the clones walked in on them at that moment, rubbing her head. She screamed at the sight before her, and Feratu reacted instantly. He knocked her down with one blow of his staff, whisked her out of harm’s way, and immediately locked his teeth around her throat. Reaching blindly for his own RA, he tossed it to her.
Feratu tossed the RA to the Helke clone? Why would he do that?
HG -
Androgynous, intersex, and hermaphrodite by
on 2015-08-13 20:54:00 UTC
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Medical perspective here:
Human hermaphrodites simply don't exist in the Real World--or if they do, I've never heard of one existing. A hermaphroditic organism has the equipment for both sexes and can reproduce as either the "mother" or "father". Some hermaphroditic organisms can reproduce with themselves.
What humans can be is intersex--being in-between due to hormones or chromosomes or environment or some combination thereof. If you study prenatal development, basically we all start out with a female configuration, and a male fetus will switch over during development. So, if a female gets some of the "be male" signals, or a male doesn't, the result can be a baby whose gender is hard to determine. They will have ovaries or testes or something in between; their external genitalia can be either type or in between. Some intersex people look very much like a typical member of one gender or the other; some look in-between androgynous. Their gender identity and the people they're attracted to can be anything in the human spectrum.
Barring a hypothetical very rare partly-fused chimera or conjoined twin situation, human hermaphrodites don't exist because humans only get one set of reproductive organs apiece. That means that the only hermaphrodites are in mythology, fiction, porn, and the animal kingdom. Since porn and animals are the most common places for hermaphrodites to be mentioned, it is entirely understandable that intersex people do not want to be called "hermaphrodites", as they're neither sex objects nor less than human.
As for "androgynous", it refers more to the way you present yourself, your identity, or your appearance. I'm mildly androgynous, with both feminine and masculine traits, even though I look quite feminine and have XX chromosomes and don't mind marking "female" on forms if there's no other choice. Other people are much more strongly androgyne or neutrois and feel quite horrible if they are pushed into one gender box or the other. Quite a few deities and mythical creatures are in-between androgynous as well, looking like somewhat feminine teen boys or somewhat masculine teen girls in drawings and statuary; many deities are able to change shape or change gender at will and may be depicted as any gender by various artists. A person's reproductive equipment is rather irrelevant to the term "androgynous". - Thanks for the thorough explanation by on 2015-08-14 13:46:00 UTC Link to this
All fixed! by
on 2015-08-13 05:52:00 UTC
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I knew my Tolkienverse knowledge was a little rusty. E.V.L.'s mistake was entirely my fault; I've changed the wording so that Brenda initially guesses about the mountains, but E.V.L. corrects her and brings up the river like you said. (Come to think of it, the Anduin wasn't even mentioned when the Sue got taken to Lothlórien. So the geography charge still stands, just with a different landmark.)
Y'know what, for future LoTR missions, I wonder if anyone better versed in the works of Tolkien could link me to a complete map of Middle-earth for geography reference. Because you never know when you'd run into a slip-up like this. -
Ask DOGA? by
on 2015-08-13 08:42:00 UTC
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I use the maps in my books; I don’t know where to find them online.
HG -
Huh what me huh? by
on 2015-08-13 09:11:00 UTC
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(Man, I remember the days when I was literally synonymous with the Pyro Department...)
Um, finding Middle-earth maps is easy: Google Middle-earth map. One nice one is here on the Encyclopaedia of Arda, but, honestly, it's not that hard.
hS -
Good to know. Thanks! (nm) by
on 2015-08-13 14:04:00 UTC
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Um, okay, so... by
on 2015-08-11 16:15:00 UTC
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“I’m sure Medical would be able to handle something like this,” said E.V.L. “But still… There is no way such an occurrence would be possible. Unless, like me, this beast somehow exhibits explicit anatomy of the opposite gend—”
She stopped, covering her mouth, but it was too late. Rayner gave her an expression of even greater horror and disgust than he’d done at the mention of the pregnant male elk.
“You’ve got a — got a —” he gasped, pointing at her with a very shaky hand.
She tossed her hair and glared at him. “Well, now you know why I appreciate both genders equally,” she said. “If you want to know the reason for it being there, the Biblical Lilith has been stated to be androgynous by some religious scholars, so my author ran with it. This is between us and us alone, so let us never speak of it again.”
I have a couple of issues with this passage.
1) Speaking from experience, if you've got a secret that you don't want anyone to find out, you don't slip up that easily. Ever. E.V.L. acting all shocked that she 'let that slip' came across as just that to me: an act. It sounds like she just wanted an excuse to say she was intersex.
2) So, what, she's bisexual just because she's intersex? You... do realize that intersex people can be both straight and gay? Being intersex does not make a person bi. If that's not what you meant, you have a really funky way of writing that correlation, because the way it is now, you have it sounding like you can only be bi if you're intersex.
3) Androgynous =/= hermaphrodite. Androgynous refers to outward appearance. For example, most people can't tell I'm female unless I deliberately dress so there's no question. That's androgynous. An intersex person usually (but not always) looks like one or the other, and simply have, ahem, the equipment of both sexes. This is the case with E.V.L., though if you got the idea to make her intersex because you confused androgyny for hermaphroditism (which is just an old word used for the more technically accurate term of intersex), this might not be entirely applicable to her. Not saying she can't be intersex, just that you got your terms mixed up.
-Iximaz, who is androgynous, not intersex, thank you. -
I would guess Lilith was described as intersex. by
on 2015-08-11 17:01:00 UTC
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Well, probably as hermaphroditic, but I put the more acceptable term in the header. ;)
-- actually, Wikipedia says this:
The mystical writing of two brothers Jacob and Isaac Hacohen, which predates the Zohar by a few decades, states that Samael and Lilith are in the shape of an androgynous being, double-faced, born out of the emanation of the Throne of Glory and corresponding in the spiritual realm to Adam and Eve, who were likewise born as a hermaphrodite.
I think 'andro-gynous' (which looks like 'man-woman' to me) once had the meaning of hermaphroditic/intersex, rather than the reverse. So the idea is that the first two people were Lilith and Adam-Eve; when Lilith rebelled, Adam-Eve was split into Adam and Eve.
(Actually, in this case, both 'androgynous' and 'hermaphrodite' appear to mean 'two entire people joined together'... which is something else entirely, of course.)
(Hey, new idea - maybe Kabbalistic texts from the 1200s aren't terribly consistent in themselves? Eh? Who's with me?)
hS -
Yeah, the way she's described in Wikipedia... by
on 2015-08-11 17:26:00 UTC
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Is as intersex. Yes, androgynous once meant the same thing, but the meaning's shifted quite a bit over the years. The article should have clarified on that, but Skarm should have done a bit more research on the topic.
Wait, are we assuming he used Wikipedia? Um.
But yeah, for sensitive topics like this, you really ought to double-check with people so you don't end up offending anyone.
(And it would not surprise me if they weren't exactly internally consistent. It's been known to happen.) -
I've edited the passage in question. ^^; by
on 2015-08-11 19:28:00 UTC
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“I’m sure Medical would be able to handle something like this,” said E.V.L. “But still… There is no way such an occurrence would be possible.”
“So, how do you get a male elk pregnant?” asked Feratu.
“The same way I tried to get Link pregnant in the LoZ bad slash fic I once starred in,” E.V.L. replied with a grim look. “Just stick it in and enjoy the show.”
“But how?” asked Brenda. “You’re a girl!”
Rayner turned slightly pale. “I’ve seen visions of you in my thoughts, dreams, visions maybe... So you’re telling me, uh, us... that you weren’t, in fact, wearing a strapon?”
She tossed her hair and glared at him. “Unfortunately, yes,” she said. “I once possessed a male canon, and suffice it to say that it left a lasting impression. This is between us and us alone, so let us never speak of it again.”
Notice that the terms discussed here are not mentioned even once. I also changed the wording to imply that Rayner suspected that E.V.L. had some extra plumbing, but didn’t think it was genuine.
In hindsight, it was my mistake to use Wikipedia and a quick Google search as an attempt at verification, and I apologize for wording the original version in a manner that may sound offensive to some. E.V.L. having, well, those bits was an idea I've had for years, but couldn't really define the specifics for until now. I personally think it's for the better that instead of any theological topics, she'd have obtained it by possessing a guy, with a less than desirable outcome. Kinda like what happened to Cadmar, but in reverse. -
Uh, dude by
on 2015-08-11 19:34:00 UTC
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Dude, that's NSFW. Very NSFW. First of all, the Board is supposed to be family- and kiddie-friendly, so optimally you don't post such things at all. If you must (and I doubt that) mark your post as NSFW.
Related to that: this passage makes your mission NC-17. At least. So please mark it accordingly. -
Whoops, thanks! D: (NSFW) by
on 2015-08-11 20:11:00 UTC
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Lesson learned, and advisory warning added. Also because, well, the Sue actually asks about, uh, choice topics at least once.
Any chance of you sticking NSFW tags in? Maybe? (nm) by
on 2015-08-11 19:31:00 UTC
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Ah, terminology. by
on 2015-08-11 18:09:00 UTC
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Getting out my biology and human sexuality classes info...
Terminology guide for sci-fi, fantasy, and non-human gender and sexual orientation:
Hermaphrodite: An organism with the sexual organs of both genders. Usually refers to entire species, and refers to the typical state of affairs within these species. Hermaphroditic organisms may or may not be able to reproduce on their own, but when engaging in sexual reproduction they are able to either impregnate or be impregnated. Use this word for non-human species that fit this description. Most Flowers are hermaphrodites. Gender and sexual orientation may or may not be meaningless to hermaphroditic species; some adopt gender labels out of convenience or preference. Sequential hermaphrodites, which switch from one biological sex to the other during their lifetimes, may or may not switch from one gender identity to the other as well.
Intersex: An atypical condition found in species with two or more genders; refers to those individuals which cannot easily be categorized, physically, as one gender or the other. May be attracted to either gender, both, all, or none; may have any gender identity. Ex: Intersexed person, gender identity male, attracted to females, would be heterosexual; if gender identity is female, then homosexual.
Asexual (Biology): The condition of having no gender. Refers to entire species; for example, amoebas. May reproduce by fission, spores, etc. Gender identity and sexual orientation are probably meaningless to these species; some adopt gender labels out of convenience or preference. Since they do not reproduce sexually, these creatures may not have a sexual orientation, or may be asexual in terms of sexual orientation.
Asexual (Orientation): A sexual orientation found among species which reproduce sexually; lack of sexual attraction to all genders. Asexual individuals can identify as any gender or none at all. They may desire platonic romance and have gender preferences for partners, or not desire platonic romance at all. Most biologically asexual creatures can be described as asexual in orientation as well, though their species probably does not have a distinct concept of "asexual" unless they have been in contact with species which are not biologically asexual.
Bisexual: An individual, usually from a species which has genders, attracted to two of those genders. In species with three or more genders, "trisexual", etc., may be an appropriate category (but must be differentiated from the old "I'm trisexual; I'll try anything once" joke).
Pansexual: An individual attracted to other individuals regardless of gender. Different from bisexual in that it encompasses those who do not fit into the two genders that bisexual people are attracted to. Will still have preferences regarding age, personality, species, etc.
Homosexual/Heterosexual: Attracted to one's own/the opposite gender. This designation can only apply to people who have a gender identity, and usually in the context of a species with two main gender categories.
Androsexual; Androphilic: Attracted to males. Different from "Straight female" or "Gay male" in that it can be used to describe those who are neither female nor male, or are both.
Gynosexual; Gynophilic: Attracted to females; useful for describing those who are neither/both female and/nor male.
Agender; nongender; gender-neutral; androgynous: Some of the many words used to describe people who identify as having no gender. Applies to most creatures who are biologically asexual and many who are hermaphroditic, as well as some individuals from species with sexes. May be attracted to one or more genders, all, or none.
Genderqueer: As a general term, non-binary people in a species with a binary (or trinary, etc.) gender divide. May be attracted to one or more genders, all, or none. As a specific term, unlike agender (etc.) individuals, genderqueer individuals may identify as one gender or another at different times during their lifetime, switching genders. Sequential hermaphrodites may or may not be described as genderqueer.
Transgender: Someone with a biological sex that does not match their gender identity. Both the biological sex and the gender identity can be anything, including neutrois (physically non-gendered), as well as the binary (trinary, etc.) genders. Use their gender identity to describe their sexual orientation; for example, someone with a female gender identity, attracted to females, is homosexual even if their biological sex is male. Depending on the species, this may be a very typical condition or a very unusual one.
Xenosexual: Someone attracted to those from a different species from their own. Generally unusual, but some species are xenosexual by default (cf. Mass Effect Asari). Usually also has preferences regarding gender, age, etc., and may be attracted to one species, some, or all. Assumes sapient (able to consent) species only. -
That's very interesting. by
on 2015-08-15 22:35:00 UTC
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I'm currently in the brainstorming/note-making stage of creating an original sci-fi setting, and I want the aliens to have significant biological difference to humans (as well as cultural ones etc.). I had considered some of the alien species having more than just male/female sexes, but haven't really thought it through yet.
Seeing the explanation of all these terms has given me some new ideas to think about. So, yeah, thanks for the info.
- Irish -
Additionally: by
on 2015-08-11 17:55:00 UTC
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While my interactions with the intersex community are limited, one commonality between them is that they find the term "hermaphrodite" hideously offensive. JSYK.
Was that directed at me or Skarmory? by
on 2015-08-11 19:05:00 UTC
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Because I was using it to describe Lilith, since it's the term that was used. And Skarmory didn't use it at all? So, uh, yeah: just so who knows?
hS -
Merely pointing it out. by
on 2015-08-11 19:23:00 UTC
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There's bound to be someone around here who's intersex, and it's never a good idea to use triggering language even in non-triggering contexts. This is why I haven't subjected you all to FaCe ThE StRaNgE yet: the plot revolves around the Sue and her entourage attempting to KTFD, or Kill The (word I have no intention of repeating) Dumbledore.
There is. by
on 2015-08-14 01:27:00 UTC
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And they mentioned it back during the gay marriage discussion.
Not so sure about that. by
on 2015-08-14 02:56:00 UTC
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If you're talking about VM, they mentioned they're neither male nor female, which could mean any number of things.
They specifically said "I am intersex." (nm) by
on 2015-08-14 03:54:00 UTC
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Alright then, my mistake. (nm) by
on 2015-08-14 04:42:00 UTC
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Yup, It implies they're animals. by
on 2015-08-11 18:13:00 UTC
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The only true hermaphrodites we know of are non-humans, and non-sentient non-humans at that. Calling someone a "hermaphrodite" is about as bad as accusing them of not being a sentient person on the same level as a slug, and as such, is very skeevy and to be avoided.
Yay, Brenda appears! by
on 2015-08-11 04:35:00 UTC
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And she has a personality! I loved the scene with her cooing over the mini-Balrog :) (And the LEGO pun. Because LEGO. Yes.)
Some things:
Indeed, a chill breeze was causing the leaves to rustle, and a sizeable number of ¶ symbols was being blown along with it.
This doesn't flow well. Try something like "Indeed, a cold breeze blew through the trees around them, carrying a sizable number of ¶ symbols with it."
hair shaped like a Disney Princess
I assume you mean styled? Cause that's a weird mental image right there. (Also, do the clones each have a different princess' hair style or are they all ripping off Elsa's braid?)
Once the horse had been sent to the stables of Rohan, the agents and the mini followed after Legolas and the Sue until they reached the kings chamber, a stray apostrophe following after them.
Also a bit wordy. Try this: "After portaling the horses to a stable in Rohan, the agents trailed Legolas and the Sue to the kings chamber. mirkwood forest grabbed a stray apostrophe with his whip."
"...Unless, like me, this beast somehow exhibits explicit anatomy of the opposite gend—”
She stopped, covering her mouth, but it was too late."
I doubt a demon (devil?) would be so clinical about a hermaphrodite Irish elk/moose. Just putting that out there.
More tomorrow, I need sleep. -
Re: Yay, Brenda appears! by
on 2015-08-11 04:48:00 UTC
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hair shaped like a Disney Princess
I assume you mean styled? Cause that's a weird mental image right there. (Also, do the clones each have a different princess' hair style or are they all ripping off Elsa's braid?)
The sense I got from the story was that the Sue had "Snow White hair," which manifested as hair literally shaped like Snow White. -
That's not what I meant. (nm) by
on 2015-08-11 15:55:00 UTC
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Oh? by
on 2015-08-11 17:14:00 UTC
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What did you mean, then? I'm a little confused, sorry.
My mistake. by
on 2015-08-12 15:08:00 UTC
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I assumed that SS meant to say "hair styled like a Disney Princess" as opposed to "shaped like a Disney Princess". He didn't put that line in bold, so he wasn't quoting right from the badfic.
SS, confirm/deny your intentions? -
Well, the fic did say "Snow White hair". by
on 2015-08-13 05:53:00 UTC
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Several of my betas assumed it would be shaped exactly Snow White in her entirety, which was funnier than just using her hairstyle. So the "shaped" thing was indeed intentional.
Where on Earth is the Irish Samurai? by
on 2015-08-10 22:37:00 UTC
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No, this is not some bizarre spin-off of the 90's TV show Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?, but rather an announcement that I might be in America, specifically Virginia (I realise that's not that specific, but that's the best info I've got at the moment), a couple of weeks from now.
The trip hasn't been confirmed yet, so details are a bit wishy-washy (maybe even wibbly-wobbly, hopefully not timey-wimey), but basically my company is looking at sending me out for work around the 26th, so I'm potentially around for the weekend of the 29th.
So, anyone free that weekend and feel like Gathering? And if so, whereabouts are you? Obviously if we can get a bunch of people together in one place that'd be cool, but I appreciate that can be quite difficult in somewhere as big as America. It doesn't have to be in Virginia, I can easily do some internal flights.
I know it might seem premature to start trying to organise anything before I even know if I'm coming or not, but I probably won't get confirmation for another week at the earliest, and I figured if I wait until I do know for sure before I start planning, I might find I've run out of time.
So, yeah, interested?
- Irish -
Damn, just heard that this trip won't be happening :( by
on 2015-08-17 14:50:00 UTC
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Which sucks for two reasons:
1) I won't be able to piggyback a trip of my own on it, so can't do a Virginia / Indiana Gathering.
2) Although my visit isn't happening, the project is still going ahead. So I get to work with incomplete and second-hand information, because I don't get to go and see it for myself. Yay, fun times!
However, we are dealing with other American projects, so there is still a chance I'll be sent out again. I just don't know when or where. Hopefully any future trips will be planned well enough in advance that I'll know for definite that I'm going before bringing it up on the Board.
- Irish -
That sucks, man. by
on 2015-08-17 17:10:00 UTC
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Just post whenever you'll be in the area, though! And that goes for anyone else, too. :)
Sorry to hear you're stuck with the bad information, that's always the worst.
*offers virtual cookies* -
hilariously enough.... by
on 2015-08-11 03:51:00 UTC
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I am currently in the Norfolk area but will be Heading Home on the 29th.
So unless you're available there Friday, natch. -
Hmm, Norfolk might be a little awkward :( by
on 2015-08-12 13:28:00 UTC
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I've just found out that the area of my visit is Kimballton, which Google maps reckons is about 5 and half hours away.
Depends on the exact timing of my work, at the moment I'm not sure if I'm expecting to finish work on the Thursday or the Friday. If I do finish on the Thursday, I may well be able to make it over on the Friday.
- Irish -
Well, if you're able to, throw me an email! by
on 2015-08-17 00:44:00 UTC
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We can plot more later if it turns out possible.
I'll be in college. Sorry :( (nm) by
on 2015-08-11 02:55:00 UTC
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It is a possibility by
on 2015-08-11 00:20:00 UTC
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I'm in Pennsylvania at that time, but getting away might be tricky at best.
Oof, that would be tricky... by
on 2015-08-10 22:50:00 UTC
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See, that's the first weekend after college starts for me, and Virginia is a good nine-hour drive away from Indiana.
I could possibly make it to Indianapolis, if you'd be willing to fly that far... Or I could always head back down to Louisville... Hmrr. -
Well, for me... by
on 2015-08-10 23:51:00 UTC
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As far as internal flights go, I'm not that bothered by the time or distance involved. I figure I'll have to fly somewhere for this, and I'll have done an 8 hour flight just to get to America in the first place, so even if I ended up going across to the other coast, it wouldn't be a huge issue for me.
The only issue I will have is the cost - while my company will cover all my work related expenses, if I want to tack a holiday on the end it'll come out of my own pocket.
Indianapolis certainly looks doable to me. Obviously I'll have to see what other locations people come up with, and how many people can make it to each one (and actually confirm that my trip is actually happening) before making a decision, but that's looking good to me :)
- Irish -
Hey, I'm also in Indy! by
on 2015-08-11 00:18:00 UTC
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I'd be more than willing to do a meet-up, and I might even have some suggestions for locations, given that I live in the area.
Oh, cool! by
on 2015-08-11 00:27:00 UTC
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That's awesome, you're literally two hours away from my house, and an hour away from my college. Very neat! :D
Cool! by
on 2015-08-11 00:40:00 UTC
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Do you mind saying what college you go to?
Not at all. :) by
on 2015-08-11 00:58:00 UTC
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Indiana University in Bloomington. Great campus, and their English program is pretty good from what I've heard.
Oh, wow! by
on 2015-08-11 01:28:00 UTC
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My little sister goes there. That's a neat coincidence.
Anyways, let me know if you ever want to come visit. :) -
Haha, will do! by
on 2015-08-11 01:29:00 UTC
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Heck, we might have to plan a Gathering even if Irish can't make it, because this is way too cool.