Though I must ask that we take a moment to mourn the death of Shelob, hS's tiny spider friend that lives in his hair.
So, the meetup went... I think well. by
on 2015-07-12 00:14:00 UTC
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Alas, tiny Shelob... by
on 2015-07-12 17:45:00 UTC
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... we knew you well. Actually, we didn't; we knew you briefly. But in that brief time, you touched our hearts (and, in one case, hair).
Yup, that was a good day :)
- Irish -
What meetup are you discussing? (nm) by
on 2015-07-12 14:58:00 UTC
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The Gathering of British Boarders by
on 2015-07-12 18:34:00 UTC
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Planning of which started quite unexpectedly far down in this thread.
Are you British? Did you miss it?
HG -
Sounds like you had fun. :) by
on 2015-07-12 12:18:00 UTC
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As soon as I graduate from high school, I'm going to be over to a Gathering like a really fast snail! And I mean one of those really ultra fast ones from Turbo or something!
Haha, you and me both. :D by
on 2015-07-12 17:03:00 UTC
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Once I get a job and can start saving money, of course. :P
Seriously, though, it looks like you had fun! -
Alas, poor Shelob. by
on 2015-07-12 08:34:00 UTC
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We will now sing Master Bilbo Baggins' (Bag-End Under-Hill, Hobbiton, The Shire) heartfelt lament, 'Attercop, Attercop'.
Or maybe we won't, and we'll have a group photo instead. ^_^
(This constitutes an alarmingly high percentage of all the pictures to be used in the report.)
hS -
Oh, by the way: by
on 2015-07-12 20:06:00 UTC
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Is your present another brew for the brave/true? =]
By the way (off topic) by
on 2015-07-14 20:17:00 UTC
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I'm assuming the fact that you quoted Red Dwarf on Saturday means that you're familiar with that continuum. I've got a mission in there that's been languishing in an almost finished state for quite some time now, and I'm looking to get some more feedback before I put it up. Would you be interested in betaing?
Of course I would! =] by
on 2015-07-15 23:05:00 UTC
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I used to live and breathe the series. Please contact me at harry heath 99 at that email service where the mail is hot. =]
Thanks, email sent :) (nm) by
on 2015-07-16 21:23:00 UTC
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Oy, I didn't kill it. by
on 2015-07-12 08:21:00 UTC
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I just sent it to live out the rest of its days on the farm with Tonks.
Was very nice to meet you! I'llHufflepuffbadger hS into doing the Report . . . probably sometime this year. Well, maybe.
How do you do a school AU? by
on 2015-07-12 15:54:00 UTC
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I know, I know, these are way overdone and most of them are badfics. But I was really wondering if it could be done correctly. And if they could, how would you make one into at least a decent fix?
I wouldn't do one personally (or at least yet), I just want to know the possibility of making one that would be worthwhile.
I do know the basics of making a good character so no need to go into over detail on that.
And if any of you guys have read a decent or better school AU fic I would really like it if you could mention it to me.
Thanks! Vibrava Out. -
Find a story you want to tell. by
on 2015-07-12 19:41:00 UTC
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It's no good trying any kind of AU if your story is literally 'wouldn't it be weird if [they were at high school/Boromir was an elf/Kirk had wings]?!'. You need a story.
The High School AU has the effect of placing all the characters on the same level. In Les Miserables, most of the characters never meet each other; several of them are dead while the others are still children. Many of the others connect in ways defined rigorously by their social status. So if you wanted to explore how Enjolras and Javert would get on if there wasn't a revolution on... well, you can't. Javert's a policeman, he doesn't talk to radical students.
But if you transpose it to a high school? Maybe Javert is some kind of prefect or something, and Enjolras is head of the Young Communists Society - but now they have to share classes, and have lunch in the same place, and get the bus in together. You can force two people who would never associate in canon into close proximity, simply by rewriting the entire background. ^^
(They would get on like a house on fire, of course - in the Pratchett sense. Flames, people screaming... ^~)
Beta Permission: The Final Stretch by
on 2015-07-12 19:44:00 UTC
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Okay, I promise this is the last time when I'm asking for a Beta for my Permission...
If anyone's available, please respond. I would appreciate if you could do it right now, because I got it done and now looking for the final comments.
Thanks in advance! -
If you could provide the newest version... by
on 2015-07-13 03:39:00 UTC
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...I'd be happy to look at it tomorrow, if my schedule allows it that is! ;)
Sorry I didn't see it sooner by
on 2015-07-13 01:50:00 UTC
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I see you sent me it, so I'll get on it now.
I may have spare time on Monday by
on 2015-07-12 22:12:00 UTC
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My e-mail address is hidden from the spam bots on my wiki user page.
HG -
Sure! ^^ by
on 2015-07-12 20:35:00 UTC
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Email is clickable. Assuming nothing changes, I'll be available today. :)
Hey Des! About your messageÂ…. by
on 2015-07-12 23:35:00 UTC
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When I tried to paste it, the format came out wrong, and for some reason, the link-part of the words disappeared. I mean that the words in the link are there, they just aren't a true link. It's still not working.
Well... by
on 2015-07-12 23:45:00 UTC
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There are a couple helpful editing guides in the wiki. I suggest you read them.
Also, you couldn't have dropped me a message in my talk page or something? There is no need to push threads off the main page for something so banal. -
I couldn't see where to reply by talk page. by
on 2015-07-13 02:08:00 UTC
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I'm still learning the ropes of the wiki.
Well... by
on 2015-07-13 02:31:00 UTC
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You either put something below that comment I left you, or click the 'talk' link in my signature, which will take you to mine own page.
I fixed it. (nm) by
on 2015-07-13 17:47:00 UTC
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I went ahead and fixed the formatting on the Wiki. by
on 2015-07-13 18:08:00 UTC
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Just laving it like the way it was was driving me nuts.
Ix, that's great... by
on 2015-07-17 18:23:00 UTC
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...but why were you washing it to begin with? :D Inquiring minds want to know.
'Mission: the terrible two' Complete! by
on 2015-07-13 00:02:00 UTC
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It's been a very, very long time coming, but it's finally complete. Prior works in my spin-off can be found here, which is where I'm currently working on putting everything I've written. I wanted to finish this before I put everything else there.
This mission has been in the works since March 2008, and as a result is quite old! I owe many thanks to the various people who've beta read it for me, including but not limited to FractalDawn, Makari, Neshomeh, and now Desdendelle.
As a very short recap, Agent Library goes on a mission into the HP universe with her usual partner Agent July's avatar- known as JF- who was found in a badfic which July had made a couple years before joining the PPC herself. This mission is set in 2008.
Constructive criticism is much appreciated, as are any errors anyone manages to find. I also realize that this mission might come off on the dated side, which I only slightly apologize for, considering how old it is!
-July -
My thoughts. by
on 2015-07-16 08:52:00 UTC
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First off, it's good to see both you and your agents out and about again, so to speak. I've enjoyed your spinoff in the past and your characters have traditionally been very solid.
That being said, this story felt a little uneven to me. I thought the conclusion was quite good, but the bulk of the mission itself felt a bit lacking. I feel like part of that was due to long stretches of the story being very MST-like in structure. Badfic line, agent quip, badfic line, agent quip, and so on. As Nesh said in one of her posts, seeing inside their heads or getting a bit more description would have been good. I also wasn't crazy about the lack of significant interaction between Library and JF, but I can rationalize it as they're still getting used to one another in-universe.
I won't really get into the formatting stuff. Other people have already touched upon what I would have mentioned (the blending of badfic quotes with mission text and so on). I'm curious to see what it looks like on the Dreamwidth site.
The conclusion was pretty solid though, as I mentioned before. I feel like the story starts picking up once the agents start bumping off the various Sues. The level of interaction between the agents and the canonical characters feels good; I particularly enjoyed the bit where Ron says "Damn right!" after Library brings up the repeated bashing of him. The final scene following the mission felt a bit insubstantial in comparison. I personally would't have minded if the story had ended when they all portalled back to HQ.
I would say that I enjoyed this story, unevenness notwithstanding. I would argue that it could do with some tightening, but it definitely had its moments. -
Sorry for the delayed response. by
on 2015-07-17 17:54:00 UTC
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Yeaaah, I'm going to say 'thank you' as far as your thoughts on the conclusion went, since it was the newest part and also thankfully the part given the least concrit.
My older stuff certainly suffered more from Talking Head syndrome and this one isn't excused from it, despite being finished this month. (If I could ever fit in the time, I'd go with editing everything I've written from the very beginning- and I've talked about it before, with Nesh!- but that'll likely never happen.)
The lack of interaction between Library and JF was on purpose, that said; as characters they don't mesh at all, and the lack is pretty much supposed to be a sharp contrast to the usual dynamic of Library and July, who foil each other well and even play off each other to allow for more interaction.
JF is me poking at the 'impulsive one' side of one of the usual agent pairing types and then cranking it up to eleven and breaking the knob off to see what happens when you let the 'id' go free and don't tone it down and make the other agent have to actually deal with it.
The formatting errors will certainly be fixed in this doc for when it gets posted on the Dreamwidth journal for posterity.
I'm glad you actually ended up liking the conclusion! I had one major break in writing this: I got stuck for actual years right before the scene changed to follow Remus and the Counts. Everything after that came together pretty much at once.
I'm also happy you enjoyed the interaction between agents and canons! I don't know if this has changed recently (due to being Out of It) but I know that involving and interacting with Canons is usually made a big deal and they're kept out of the loop even when it's happening in front of them, but Ron and Harry were for the most part IC beyond dealing and absolutely tolerating the Sues and I couldn't see those two not getting involved in the charge scene or not commenting on it while it was happening- especially Ron, since he's partial to himself, for some reason.
I am sorry that the final scene in HQ felt insubstantial to you; something I like doing with this spin-off is bookending by beginning in HQ and ending in HQ, not so much as a stopping point but because it gives me a way to set the characters up and then reset them for what comes next.
I'm glad you enjoyed it despite the problems you and Nesh noticed. -
Yeah, theyÂ’re back. by
on 2015-07-14 18:48:00 UTC
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I enjoyed reading your other missions back when I found the PPC, so I’m happy to see more of Library and JF. Specifically I liked the understated way the fairy was disposed of; and the charging of Patience and Lydia was glorious.
Alas, although the scene with Remus and the Counts was very well written, it felt wrong to me, because I couldn’t see anything other than a replacement in this Remus. His condition is heritable, he fursplodes when he is angry, he and his half-werewolve daughter eat raw meat, he leaves for America with an American half-vampire and her father – come on, he is obviously from Twilight!
Typos not already found by SMF:
JF‘s sneakers squeaked as she desperately tried once last time to stay out of the bathroom.
You probably meant "one last time".
She thought for a moment that Remus was going to attack her, but his grip on his land loosened,
and she felt relief flood when he asked, “How can I help?”
The grip was probably "on his wand".
Also, I feel like something may be missing in "she felt relief flood when he asked".
For this, the two for you are sentenced to death.“
You probably meant "the two of you".
Before Lydia was able to launch herself at Library, she was hit solidly in the chest by a large fireball and soon burned to a crisp. She twisted to look back.
I’m sure that you didn’t intend to say that Lydia "twisted to look back", but she was the last female person mentioned, and assuming that the previous "she" referred to Library only makes things worse.
Library left with Phillip, giving him a slightly less condensed run-down of the PPC before they arrived at the door to Personnel, where she left him, and then to the coffee place she had learned about from Denny.
Again, I feel like something may be missing in the last part of this sentence.
HG -
Oh, goodness. by
on 2015-07-15 00:54:00 UTC
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To be honest, I was anticipating with some concern what you'd have to say, because I've read the reviews you've given to other missions, and by and large they're truly excellent (and thorough when it comes to finding mistakes)! That said, I'm surprised you had read mine before and enjoyed them. I'm happy you enjoyed those two particular scenes; I had a clear idea of what to do with the fairy at the time, and once I figured out exactly what to do with the charging scene to not make the charge list be a giant paragraph I rolled with it.
I could have gone with that route regarding Remus (and Sirius as well, for that matter), but I had decided early on that all the characters given as canon characters were going to stay that way in the treatment of the fic in the mission because while they- Remus and Sirius especially!- were subject to being terribly OOC when the Sues were present, the fic was very determined to stay on track for OotP despite the presence of the Sues, especially whenever they weren't around.
And thank you for pointing those out! I've prodded at the document to fix those, which should be reflected in the published version shortly (and will be on the DW archive when I update that). -
Well, this was a blast from the past. by
on 2015-07-14 15:14:00 UTC
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'Blast' is moderately literal here: I made the mistake/commendable decision of reading through all of Library's previous missions to get her and July back in my head. Might've been a bad choice - it kind of burned me out before I reached the new one.
I went into this with a vague feeling I'd seen it before; I'd swear I remember a Library-JF mission. But this swiftly confirmed that I hadn't. ^_^ I liked the... I guess lack of interplay between JF and Library: JF in particular let everything Library said bounce right off her. I really felt for Library in that last line: "JF is terrible, and I truly mean terrible... er, when it comes to water." ;)
Not a whole lot to say, really; my head isn't in a very mission-reading place right now, but given the historic nature of this one, I couldn't let it pass without reading and commenting. Well done for finishing it!
(PS: So, er, what was his surname? I don't get it.) -
Whoops. by
on 2015-07-15 00:42:00 UTC
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Burnout's never good. Though, hurrah for actually making it through?
Well, there is a later mission- the Zelda one- where JF shows up again briefly to be used in a situation that called for a great deal of fire- but not as a partner, no. I'm glad you liked that aspect, by the way! A lack of interacting on the same level is as distinctive as actual interaction, and since I started working on this way back when I've been worried about if JF would come off as far too annoying to the reader, due to JF being, well, JF, and Library being the POV character for the majority of the mission.
And I truly appreciate you taking the time to read it!
(Pettigrew- because out of all of the lot to have offspring a different age in this fic, of course it makes sense for it to be Peter Pettigrew to have a child who'd've had to have been either conceived or born while they were all still at Hogwarts.) -
Yay, you finished it! by
on 2015-07-13 22:56:00 UTC
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Concrit-wise, I feel like there was a lot of badfic and what the agents were doing was just kinda sketched in. Also... er, I think you missed a target. The Counts got burned up, and Library shot Patience, and Lydia was both shot and burned... but what happened to Sevena (which is an incredibly dumb and annoying name)? She seems to vanish before the agents fry the fairy.
I also noticed a few formatting errors and such, but if you're moving it to Dreamwidth, maybe they'll get fixed along the way, I dunno.
Anyway, I think the important thing here is that you finished this after so long. Congrats! {= D
~Neshomeh -
It only took seven years! by
on 2015-07-15 00:26:00 UTC
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I'm a bit curious- how you do feel there was a lot of badfic? I know the right ratio is tricky to get at best, but I didn't feel like I was especially just sketching them in (at least with how the interplay between JF and Library worked out).
As for Sevena.. oops, you did sort of get me there- I was going on the idea that she'd fade off with the rest of the fic- like Phillip would've done- since she showed up only for that one scene with no reminder that she existed after whatsoever, but I didn't articulate that at all.
And out of curiosity, what are the formatting errors you caught?
But yeah; for better or worse my priority here kind of was getting this finished, because of how long it'd been. I tried to make sure I wasn't throwing the towel in completely, but after so long... -
It may not be actual quantity. by
on 2015-07-15 17:29:00 UTC
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I think it probably has something to do with the way the quotes are often blended into your writing. My brain reads a single sentence or paragraph and doesn't distinguish which parts were in italics, so it seems like there's more badfic than there actually is.
As for sketching in, it's a couple of things. One, it seems like you let the badfic do a lot of the description for you, especially when it comes to the setting. Or maybe there just isn't much description, period. Meaning, I know the setting is Grimmauld Place, and sometimes there are curtains, and sometimes there's a table or a bed, and if the fic goes to a corridor there's a corridor, but that's about it. ... Which sounds dumb when I write it out, because it's not like I expect elaborate detail about everyday objects like a table. It's a table, it's got four legs and a top, there are chair legs and feet around the sides. But, when the agents are hiding behind the drapes, for instance, they spend some time there, and it might be good to know more about them. Are they black drapes? Are they heavy and ornate, or thin and filmy? Are there holes in them? Do they smell of mildew, mothballs, dust, something else? How well can the agents actually see out, or at all, for that matter? Is there a window behind them, or just the wall that Library smacks the Doxy into?
Two, there are long stretches of "couple lines of badfic - couple lines of agents reacting - line of badfic - line of agents reacting," etc. Most of what we get about the agents in those stretches is dialogue. There ARE points where you describe how they're positioned relative to each other and the setting, and interacting with each, which is good, but in general I had trouble connecting with them as physical beings in a physical environment. Which goes back to point one, I guess.
Also, we don't really get inside their heads much. Taking the drapes sequence as an example again, I know Library is annoyed and possibly in pain when the Doxy bites her because I see her teeth grinding and her eye twitching, but I guess I'd like to know more about what she's thinking in that moment. Also, I don't remember the effects of a Doxy bite and I'm assuming people who aren't Iximaz might not, either, so filling in the pain and whatever other effects she's experiencing would be a good way to flesh out that passage more. You don't say where she was bitten, either, which leaves a big blank spot in my mental image of the story.
Another thing missing from early in the mission is their disguises. JF complains that they're not students, and Library comments that the students wear Muggle clothes during the holidays, but you don't say how they're actually disguised. Did they use disguises at all, even?
So, all in all, there's not too much badfic, really—just not enough of what I'd like to know about the agents and what's happening to them.
Formatting errors:
1. "You can stop sounding off, we’ll go on the mission as soon as she’s clean and dressed. ”
2. Missing line break between the paragraphs beginning "I don‘t know why we couldn‘t be disguised as students" and "This ‘story’ doesn‘t take place anywhere near Hogwarts." There's also three backwards single-quotes in there. (This is why I don't use so-called smart quotes.)
3. Speaking of which: "considering the 'artist''s attention span"
4. Missing line break between “Yes.” and “Also the half-vampire isn’t stupid because she’s an American, but because she’s a half-vampire so can I charge for that too?” (Also, you want commas around "so can I charge for that".)
5. This may not actually be in error, but I noticed that some badfic passages only have single line-breaks between paragraphs?
6. Hyphens where there should be em dashes throughout. (You can teach Gdocs how to make em dashes from double hyphens by adding to its autocorrect, FYI.)
7. The following passages have extra first-line indentation:
“Yeah, I cou- hey, wait!”
The older agent suppressed a smile.
“Uh, I can cook a mean one?”
Library sighed. “Stakes, not steak.”
“Ohhh. ...Can I use fire instead?”
“I suppose.”
Snape asked her to at least try, [etc.]
He accepted, and the two left. [etc.]
Patience and her also uncanonical mother had a dramatic scene [etc.]
Library sighed, kicked out her leg, and was soon rewarded with an ‘Ow!’ when her heel met JF’s shoulder. “Stay there.”
“But but but but Snape just used a judo throw on her! And I wanna kill her!”
The entire post-mission sequence after the horizontal rule except these lines:
“Stay here and don’t set anything on fire.” She wasn’t entirely sure that JF would be able to manage even that, though.
“Fine,” and with that, JF immediately slouched into a chair.
... I think that's it.
I hope that's all helpful and not just upsetting. I do agree with the good things other people have said, btw, and above and beyond anything else, it's really nice to have you back in action. {= )
~Neshomeh -
Yeaaaaah, that may be the case. by
on 2015-07-17 17:33:00 UTC
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I was doing the blending to try and make the difference between mission and fic not quite as jarring, since the fic and everything going on within are taking place and is the location. As for the descriptions, I do get what you mean; I was mostly taking my cues from the badfic itself there for how much to go on, since that information wasn't there either, so that's certainly on me.
For the Talking Heads point: Again, duly noted.
Regarding the disguises: They didn't use disguises since the fic was set during the summer hols, which gave leeway. I apologise for not pointing that out.
I'll keep the noted formatting bits in mind for when I can access the document again. That's going to be in a few weeks, though.
And finally:
I will admit, that between yours and PC's (who I am going to respond to hopefully today as well) especially, it rather does sting; while I did ask for concrit I wasn't actually expecting to get taken apart to this extent.
On the other hand, more than half of this fic was written in 2008 itself, and it was finished with the aim of finishing it, rather than rewriting it to be as good as I could make it. (Which I realize isn't the greatest of things to do, but again, the goal was to just complete it so it'd be available and officially part of my spinoff's timeline.) I know I've grown plenty as both a writer and reader, and that was the main reason I had wanted to edit all my old stuff to try and bring it up to par. (Because after this, I'd be reluctant to see what would be said for concrit for the stuff that was 100% written in 2007 and 2008! Yikes!)
That said, I'm going to take the (mostly relative) comparative lack of criticism from the scene involving Remus onwards to heart (while using the rest to fix the technical issues) because everything from that point on was actually written this year.
-July, more than lightly singed -
Formatting errors. by
on 2015-07-15 16:49:00 UTC
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Neshomeh probably means the double-indentation of single-line paragraphs following other single-line paragraphs. Look at the parts of the mission
between "That is a terrible insult," and "Tut, tut, cousin,"
and between "How good are you with stakes?" and "They left behind a small glittery dusting"
and between "I'm not going!" and "Snape told his uncanonical sister to leave"
and then again in the post-mission part.
HG -
This was a delight! by
on 2015-07-13 06:30:00 UTC
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I love the moments when it drops into JF's thought processes. It's like she sees the world in surreal pretentious badfic-o-vision, I love it!
I'm also rather glad we got a son-of-P* agent out of this mission. I like the original rather more than I perhaps ought to, and maybe Phillip can have some of his parent's nicer qualities.
I especially love every time you have a canon switching back into their proper personality. You make them feel so Rowling with just the few lines some of them have! Well done! -
Heh. by
on 2015-07-14 17:19:00 UTC
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Thank you.
JF is all impulse and in the moment and not one for thinking beyond that (or before, for that matter). And she did come from a not-so-well thought out fic herself, so I figured it made sense.
And given how many of them were swarming around, and the fact that he was the most relatively innocuous, I figured on snatching him in. I'm sure by now he's usable as a veteran agent. :P
And I'm glad you felt that way! I was trying to illustrate it, but wasn't sure how well I got it across, considering I didn't have much time to work with without making it too long- the parts with Lupin and then again right before the charge scene were what took the longest- years, without joking. -
on 2015-07-13 01:01:00 UTC
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And I went and found some things as I read along:
"Library swallowed for a moment. “I’m not not sure Mrs. Weasley would be able to... pass as being Sirius, even in a costume.”" - There's an extra "not" there.
"relying on the Words was, Library was finding, beginning to prove to be a headache." - there's an extra space before "beginning".
"The fairy asked what was wrong, and after receiving permission, began to heal the scratches, putting" - same thing, this time before "putting".
"they followed the Sues as a safe distance" - should be "at".
"a story with a character who has Mary Sue-like traits can be internally consistent" - This time the extra spacing comes after "has".
"After all, an assassination wasn’t very distinct from murder, and in some cases wasn’t all, depending on the definition one chose" - I assume you meant "at all"? ^^
"here Lydia scowled, brushing her hair over said pointy years" - You meant "ears", right?
Thaaat's all, I think. The charging scene was hilarious, and the mission didn't seem dated or anything to me! XD -
Aha! by
on 2015-07-13 01:08:00 UTC
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Thank you for pointing out those bits! I'm on my phone at the moment so I could only fix the ones that weren't extra spaces (fine tuning like that is tricky), so hopefully the published doc will self update like it is supposed to.
I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Okay... *deep breath* Permission Request, take 2! by
on 2015-07-13 07:35:00 UTC
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Here we go...
First of all, I'd like to thank Tira, SMF, Voyd and Skarmory for being such awesome Betas!
Here's the Control Prompt
And here's the Random one
Agents' Profiles
Huff... May the Elder Gods have mercy! :D -
*Puts a Hat on* by
on 2015-07-13 17:23:00 UTC
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Hoom, hoom.
Activity: I know you, no knee-jerk reactions, you've been around.
PPC knowledge: Your agent profiles are problematic in this respect.
James' recruitment story makes no sense. First of all, if an agent can't find a plothole a canon character's been shoved into, they have no business being out in the field doing solo missions. Any decent agent would not have told a bit about the PPC, much less made a deal with them, unless they planned on recruiting them, are on the verge of charging and killing them, or will neuralyze them afterwards. Since you say Emma meant to 'pacify' him, I assume she was going to kill him, which means she should have never accepted his deal on the first place, and if she was planning on killing him, it means his character was bad enough to not be recruited in the first place.
Fic to spork: Yeah, that's a doozy, aright.
Writing ability (creative): Um... your prompts are fine. I didn't find them particularly interesting, but that might be because I had a bad day at the army. Your agent profiles aren't. The Sue's behaviour in James' backstory doesn't make sense — I haven't seen lots of Sues that let bits upstage them like that; I've already mentioned the recruitment process; and Emma's background seems borderline Sue-ish to me (mainly because recruiting a random someone off the Internet is a very stupid thing for a secret society to do).
Writing ability (technical): much better than the previous attempt, and you obviously got your pieces beta'd for SPaG. You do have a couple problems (I spotted at least one tense shift, and there's stuff like "into the PPC Headquarters" — the 'the' shouldn't be there), so maybe another beta is warranted.
That said...
Rina Dives appears in your control prompt. This, in and of itself, is good — I like intertextuality! What is bad is that she is OOC. Furthermore, I have it from Iximaz that you did not let her see the final product before publishing it. This is a faux pas — if you borrow other people's characters, you are obliged to let them check for OOC and the like.
So: Permission Denied. Your characters need more work, your SPaG and/or beta'ing process should be touched up, and that last issue bothers me immensely. While you have made progress, you are still not ready, methinks. -
Thanks, man... (nm) by
on 2015-07-13 17:49:00 UTC
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- Oh, Zeus' beard! I knew I forgot about something! by on 2015-07-13 07:58:00 UTC Link to this
The Horse abuse fic is on hold pending my finding one... by
on 2015-07-13 17:01:00 UTC
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...and I'm claiming this name-stealing Sue first.
"Nessa is an ordinary Elf who travels with the Ranger Aragorn. Until she goes to Rivendell with four Hobbits, will she meet the love of her life on this adventure or will she never trust again?"
There are mini-Balrogs, what looks like mixed Grelvish and Elvish, and a Code 10. Oh, and a CAF to rescue. -
. . . Confucius says by
on 2015-07-13 19:43:00 UTC
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Help me Santa... Help me Jesus Christ... Help me... SANTA CHRIST!!!!
This is... just... oh, just terrible! C___C -
on 2015-07-13 19:00:00 UTC
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Glurgh. by
on 2015-07-13 18:08:00 UTC
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She endures 500 years of torture, and then she runs away from Elrond because she doesn't like his rules? Barf. As if Aragorn would be any less strict about behavior in the field, too. In his life, you do things right or you get killed. Stupid biddy.
That said, this appears to be one of those annoyingly boring fics that mostly just copies the plot of the movie line for line. I hope something canon-breaking actually happens in the story, or you're not going to have much to PPC.
~Neshomeh -
Okay, never mind that last bit. by
on 2015-07-13 18:36:00 UTC
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I read on to chapter ten. She officially got me mad when she claimed to have been cut by a shard of Gimli's axe so badly that she passed out from blood loss, and yet neither of the trained healers she talked to beforehand noticed the heavy, probably arterial bleeding until it was too late. And then despite such a serious wound, they still let her go on the quest and it's like it never happened. Not to mention the fact that getting hit with the shard in the first place is enough to make her cry, despite aforementioned 500 years of torture.
Not to mention the Boromir-bashing and casting Elrond as some sort of rules tyrant. Blech.
... And then in chapter thirteen, Legolas thinks to himself, "I hated going underground, all Elves did." Uh, Middle-earth to Legolas? Did you forget that you grew up in underground caverns? *snerk*
~Neshomeh -
*spittake* by
on 2015-07-13 17:11:00 UTC
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"Family handed her over to Sauron when she was a young child."
Kill it. Kill it with fire. -
on 2015-07-13 17:57:00 UTC
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(You can have that if you want. =] )
The straw that nearly broke Khamûl's back by
on 2015-07-13 23:31:00 UTC
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I made my way down into the vaults beneath Dol Guldur, hurrying as much as I could but dawdling as much as I dared. My Master's summons had been urgent yet ominous. If he were planning to take full control of my mind again, robbing me of what little free will he had recently gifted me, then I was in no rush. At the same time, I feared angering him into taking such a decision.
Fortunately, my fears were for naught. My Master was intently studying some papers on his desk and didn't notice my arrival. I waited just in the chamber entrance, uncertain of whether to cough or speak to draw his attention. I even glanced down to make sure I was wearing my robes, though he of all people was able to see us without them.
After what seemed an age, he raised his head. Although his helmet concealed his face, as usual, there was something about his movement that suggested his brow was creased with worry. "Do you have any idea how much it costs to run an army?"
"No, my liege." I stepped forward into the room.
"A lot." He paused. "More than I can afford, it seems?"
"But what about the pillaging, sire? Doesn't the army pay for itself after a while?" No sooner had the words slipped from my mouth than I wanted to bite my tongue. Who was I to question my Master?
Thankfully it must have amused him to tolerate my rash words. "Oh, it will pay, eventually, once the war starts in earnest. But until then, my funds are in short supply. What I believe the humans call a 'cash-flow problem'." He pronounced the unfamiliar words with undisguised contempt, then paused and sighed before continuing. "I've even been forced to start a second job as a Necromancer to raise a bit of extra money."
"A wise move, my liege," I said hoping to make up for my earlier words.
"No. It was a bloody stupid move. I totally misunderstood the 'target consumer base demographic'."
"Sire?" I tilted my head, trying to read the papers on the desk, hoping they might explain the strange jargon.
"Look at where we are. To one side is Mirkwood, and the other is Lothlórien. We're surrounded by Elves. Immortal Elves. The one people who have no use for any Necromancy!" He slammed his gauntleted fist down on the desk. "What was I thinking?"
Uncertain of what to say, I made a vague shrugging gesture, and waited for him to continue.
"However, I have a new plan." He rose from his seat and started to pace the chamber. "Elves breed rarely, and when they do the children grow slowly. This means that the parents need to give them care for many more years than parents of other races, and that they hardly ever have the experience needed to provide such care."
"True, sire, but I fail to see..."
"Simple. My latest business venture is an exclusive, upmarket boarding school for children of Elven nobility. We'll charge a top-whack, premium fee to look after their little brats all the way from birth to adulthood." Pride filled his voice, and he stood, hands on hips looking at me. "Our first pupil is due to arrive later today - Nyssa or Nessa or something like that - and there are more to follow."
"How are you proposing to raise these children, my liege?"
"Me? I'm not planning to have anything to do with them at all, if I can help it. I'm heading back to Barad-dûr, putting as much distance between myself and them as possible." He extended one arm towards me. "That's why I sent for you, Khamûl."
"Yes, I'm promoting you. Congratulations. You're the new lieutenant of Dol Guldur, in charge of running this place in my absence. Good luck."
(Sorry about that. The idea just got into my head and wouldn't leave me alone until I'd written it down. But I promise that in future I'll leave this sort of thing to those with the talent to do it!)
But you got the talent to do this. (nm) by
on 2015-07-14 19:23:00 UTC
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Thanks. You're very kind and very polite but... by
on 2015-07-14 21:09:00 UTC
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My prose style is a clunky, clumsy mess.
Let's take the sentence I hated the most: "If he were planning to take full control of my mind again, robbing me of what little free will he had recently gifted me, then I was in no rush."
Even I can see that's really, really bad prose. It just doesn't flow. The trouble is, I've no idea how to fix it. I don't even know what's making the sentence so ugly in the first place. I made various changes, but they were all just as bad. The right words didn't fall into place.
And there are a couple of other sentences that were nearly as bad. (I won't point them out, since you must've spotted them yourself.) That's three failures in one very short piece. Face facts, I'm just not good at turning my ideas into words. -
Well, I couldnÂ’t have done it better. by
on 2015-07-16 10:06:00 UTC
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Of course you may insist that this doesn’t say much, because I’m not a native speaker, and I already admitted that I trust my analytical abilities more than my story-telling skills.
Anyway, keep trying. I’ll try too.
A Query by
on 2015-07-13 19:45:00 UTC
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So I was thinking, we have a fair few agents recruited from various continua right? Lets say that A is from universe X, X is narrowly defined continua, what would happen if A gets a mission to X and were to meet themselves? Something kind of similar to what happened during "Father's Day" with the Ninth Doctor.
I imagine that something bad would happen, but what that something is, I do not know. I am wondering what you all think? Hypothetically if it did happen, what would be the result? -
Funny you should bring this up. by
on 2015-07-14 03:01:00 UTC
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I'm actually part way through an interlude that sort of touches on your question. Albeit in my case, I'm looking at alternate canonical versions of the same continuum rather than one single continuum.
Like hS said previously, there could be any number of possible results provided the result made for a good/interesting story. I don't see something bad necessarily occurring unless you start delving into paradox territory. -
I was also thinking about what a paradox would be by
on 2015-07-14 03:27:00 UTC
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Or what would happen if a paradox was created. I was thinking that it would create something akin to Reapers from as seen in "Father's Day", of course that is slightly tied to a character arc. Which I might as well get an opinion on that while I am here.
I am in the process of playing around with various ideas, none are entirely set in stone, though one has developed well. I digress, an idea I have been playing around with is basically a Time Lord under the effects of a Chameleon Arch, trying to escape the Time War à la The Master/Professor Yana. And I was trying to devise a situation where the Time Lord would find the need to open the fob watch, and a temporal paradox came to mind.
Let me see... by
on 2015-07-13 20:20:00 UTC
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So, you have Agent A: an original character from Continuum X (let's say it was Middle-earth, for the sake of the following example) who got recruited by the PPC.
Agent A's backstory says that they exist during the events of The Hobbit and that they lived in Laketown at the time it was destroyed. If they were to get a mission into that continuum, during that time, in that location, then they might well meet up with their past self. I think I am following you so far.
So, what happens? Well...there are options.
They could end up dodging their former self while doing the duty in order to avoid a paradox. That could be hilarious.
Or, they could enlist their help in a "come with me if you want to live" style scene. Then they Neuralyze their past self and put them back on course to be in the PPC. Maybe going so far as to push them into a passing plothole and ensuring the stability of the timeline.
Or, the proximity to their former self could be an irresistible pull that threatens to suck them back into the world of their origin.
Or something else entirely, so long as it's funny.
-Phobos -
So in other words, nothing is quite set. by
on 2015-07-13 22:59:00 UTC
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Gives me a decent idea to work with.
R.I.P., Satoru Iwata by
on 2015-07-14 06:20:00 UTC
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It is with a heavy heart that I inform of yet another great man leaving this world. Satoru Iwata, the chief executive of Nintendo who helped usher in a golden age for Nintendo and gaming in gemeral, died this past Saturday in Kyoto, Japan at age 55, due to a bile duct growth.
As a Nintendo fan since my teens, even though I haven't played most of the classic games this man helped bring to life, I am still deeply saddened for his loss. May Lady Palutena grace him with her blessings, and may he live on in our hearts for eons to come.
*plays the funeral trumpet melody* -
It's too sad... by
on 2015-07-14 22:24:00 UTC
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Never has Smiles and Tears seemed more appropriate.
Thanks for everything. (nm) by
on 2015-07-14 15:25:00 UTC
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It's today -- it's now. by
on 2015-07-14 12:44:00 UTC
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In 5 minutes as I post this, New Horizons will be passing through the Pluto system. It's been nine years on the road, but it's finally made it!
It's been a really weird feeling for me, watching the old Hubble image of Pluto be resolved in more and more detail over the last few days. Pluto's not just a blur! It has features!
Keep up the good work, New Horizons!
hS -
It begins. (Seriously read this one.) by
on 2015-07-17 13:37:00 UTC
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We have informal names for some regions of Pluto and Charon.
Oh yes. I'm serious.
"One does not simply fly 3 billion miles to take a photo of Mordor, the dark spot on top of Pluto's moon Charon."
hS is overwhelmed with fannish glee -
All my yes. by
on 2015-07-17 16:51:00 UTC
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Oh, yes. This is brilliant!
Yeee! by
on 2015-07-17 15:09:00 UTC
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Oh yes, I have been following this. I thought they were calling that dark spot on Pluto the Whale or something. Balrog is much better. And it always fills me with warm fuzzies to be reminded that the guys and gals in the space exploration community are Our People. ^_^
Fire up, gang! It's time to role-play the Fellowship another forty-seven times!
~Neshomeh -
The Whale was on the other side. by
on 2015-07-17 16:05:00 UTC
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It has also been renamed.
It is now called Cthulhu.
Because space is full of geeks.
We're going to Pluuuuutoooooo!
(If you suspect there'll be a Gathering Report as soon as they come out with an official map - you'd be right. :D)
hS -
Oh, oh, I remembered a thought. by
on 2015-07-18 03:05:00 UTC
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We should RP the alternative Fellowships for this one, to keep things fresh. Naturally, this occurred to me the instant after I posted this morning. But I remembered now, so it's all good! ^_^
~Neshomeh, who pulled a nine-hour shift instead of seven with no breaks today thanks to her relief suffering an unspecified emergency, and is a bit loopy with freedom. -
Oh my. by
on 2015-07-18 08:15:00 UTC
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On the one hand, that is an incredibly awesome idea which I cannot gainsay.
On the other hand, given that we're going to Mordor flying in a ship made out of nine rings (of nuclear bombs), we might spend more time roleplaying the other side.
On the other other hand, it's a two year trip and we already watched the entire canon last time... and I'm going to arbitrarily declare that there's 20 of us this time. Nine Fellowshippers, nine Nukewraiths... plus Elrond and Sauron to direct things.
Oh yes, it's the War of the Alternate Rings across the decks of a nuclear spaceship. ^_^
hS -
This is gonna be epic, I already know it. (nm) by
on 2015-07-17 18:01:00 UTC
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on 2015-07-17 14:54:00 UTC
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ALL OF MY YES! I love it!
And we have close-ups! by
on 2015-07-16 10:26:00 UTC
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Yes, there are mountains on Pluto. The BBC says they're as big as the Rockies. And... they're made out of water-ice. ^^ Space is weird. Remember the ice-volcanoes <a href="">back on Titan? Those would've melted these mountains like Earth's volcanoes melt rock.
So yeah, we'll be climbing those when they've got names, count on it. ^^
hS -
Let's send another probe. But this time, launch faster. (nm) by
on 2015-07-16 02:46:00 UTC
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Deep-space Soap Opera Beyond the Belt: Episode 1! by
on 2015-07-15 16:30:00 UTC
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Rosetta took a picture of Pluto.
Beyond the Belt stars or will star every operational spaceship we have beyond the inner limit of the asteroid belt. At present, that's eight vehicles:
-Voyager 1 (red-hearted Voyager above)
-Voyager 2 (blue-hearted Voyager above)
-New Horizons, at Pluto
-Dawn, at Ceres
-Cassini, at Saturn (not shown)
-Juno, en route to Jupiter (not shown)
-Rosetta*, around a comet on its way through the solar system
-Philae*, Rosetta's lander (not shown)
(*Right now, Rosetta and Philae are actually inside the orbit of Mars, but they joined their comet outside the Belt and will be going back there. So they're still in.)
Whenever there's news from the outer system, I'll be thinking about using these guys to share it. Because why not? It's fun! ^_^
hS -
...I'm sorry, but I can't help but think that New Horizons.. by
on 2015-07-16 10:04:00 UTC
Link to this your first panel looks distressingly like Bill Cipher. I mean, look at it!
It even has the top hat! -
... I'm just gonna be claiming that as deliberate. by
on 2015-07-16 10:26:00 UTC
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That's... seriously uncanny. And not even my fault!
That's the official picture of New Horizons from the mission logo. When you take into account the fact that the actual ship is gold instead of silver... yeah. I think whatever-that-thing-is has a fan at NASA. ^_~
hS -
For some reason... by
on 2015-07-15 19:04:00 UTC
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The image of the deep space probes bickering among themselves makes me grin.
Oh dear lord, they're the Continuity Council, IN SPACE! -
... Rassilon's teeth, you're right. by
on 2015-07-15 19:08:00 UTC
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There's seven of them (not counting Philae) and seven members of the CCoGiE... so can you match them up? :D
(Juno is naively enthusiastic; Cassini I haven't pinned down yet, I'll have to poke at its missions. That should be enough information, right?)
hS -
And we have contact! by
on 2015-07-15 06:40:00 UTC
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Telemetry data is coming back from New Horizons!. Photos to follow!
Woo! by
on 2015-07-15 07:26:00 UTC
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Given 'oops, we lost Philae' earlier this year, I was really worried this was going to be another 'mission goes unaccountably wrong' situation. But it isn't! It's still working! Yaaaaay!
hS -
It's talking! by
on 2015-07-15 10:49:00 UTC
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Right now, both Goldstone and Canberra are talking to New Horizons. Relatedly, I love the DSN Now website; you can actually see what's communicating with who!
Canberra is also chatting with Voyager 1. I bet that's going well...
(Beyond the Belt: the new Space Soap Opera, coming soon to an internet near you.)
(Can't decide whether to render them as humans or keep them as robots. Argh decisions.) -
And now Canberra is talking to both Voyagers. by
on 2015-07-15 14:35:00 UTC
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Voyager 1 is an old grump, and 2 knows it. ^_^
(Distinguishing two identical spaceships ain't easy, you know. They look more different from the front...)
hS -
Squeeee! Pluto! by
on 2015-07-14 16:24:00 UTC
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Whooo's a cute widdle dwarf planet? You are! Yes, you are! Oh, Plutokins, it's soooo lovely to be able to see you up close!
...astronomy fangirl? Me?
*innocent whistling; pointed ignoring of shelf full of astronomy books* -
And it's passed! by
on 2015-07-14 13:00:00 UTC
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If all's gone well, New Horizons is now whirling away from Pluto at nearly 31,000 miles per hour. We won't hear from it for a few more hours, though - it's too busy taking photos!
And with appropriate gratitude to Jonathan Coulton:
They invented a reason
That's why it stings
They don't think you matter
Because you don't have pretty rings
I keep telling you I don't care
I keep saying there's one thing they can't change
I'm your moon
You're my moon
We go round and round
From out here, it's the rest of the world that looks so small
Promise me
You will always remember who you are
hS -
But is it okay? by
on 2015-07-14 14:21:00 UTC
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The New Horizons webpage says we have eleven and a half hours until it phones home. Factoring in a 4.5 hour transmission time (across the entire solar system), that means New Horizons will spend another seven hours taking pictures before letting us know how it's doing.
Unless, of course, something's gone wrong... but let's not think about that.
hS -
Hopefully it will be OK by
on 2015-07-14 14:56:00 UTC
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Sadly, it will have failed its objective. See, when it was launched, the idea was for it to 'explore the only unexplored planet in the solar system' - yup, when the mission was launched, Pluto was still a planet.* I wonder if anyone bothered to tell the probe that it's not going to be looking at a planet anymore?
If I'd spent 9 years getting somewhere to look at a planet, I'd feel pretty silly if I got there only to discover that there weren't any planets nearby. Or maybe I'd think that the scientists who changed the definition of 'planet' were silly.
We should get some cool photos out of this. I wonder if Future!Boarders will ever pay Pluto a visit?
- Irish
*don't worry, Pluto - I'm not a planet either -
:D Great minds, what do they think? by
on 2015-07-14 15:04:00 UTC
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Alike. The answer is alike.
(Though I think we might have to scrounge up a new ship in Jovian space. Helicarrier/Valiant is down one lander and has used up its boosters; sure, the nuclear torch would get us there eventually, but something with a bit more delta-V would be nice. Also, I've used up most of the available Argosy pictures.) -
It's only a matter of time before we hear from the Sycorax. by
on 2015-07-14 14:33:00 UTC
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Um, I mean, see the photos. Yes.
*whistles innocently*
But seriously, this is just so cool. -
Well, apparently... by
on 2015-07-14 15:01:00 UTC
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... it's home to both flesh-eating microbes and crystalline humanoids. Which invites the question of exactly whose flesh the microbes eat...
In other fandommy Pluto news: the proposed naming scheme for surface features in the Pluto system includes potential feature names such as 'Shire', 'Mordor', 'Morgoth', and 'Smaug'. :D
Which, of course, suggests this:
I guess we might be extending the Io Gathering...?
(To prevent disappointment: no, there's no extra report yet. Maybe next year.)
hS -
Are we nearly there yet? (nm) by
on 2015-07-14 15:15:00 UTC
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This trip won't take nearly as long. by
on 2015-07-14 15:45:00 UTC
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We're going in style.
Turns out Jovian Customs had a leftover Black W-class Orion they were willing to hire out to us. We just had to promise not to blow up anything important with our 'engine'.
(We let them have the use of Helicarrier in part-exchange, so it was slightly less prohibitive than it would have been. They'll even take care of sending it back to Earth for us.)
hS has 11 pictures of the Black W, so is well prepared for writing the report when, uh, someone actually names some features on Pluto -
Awww yissss. by
on 2015-07-14 15:56:00 UTC
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This is gun be gud. >:)
*pulls hS away from the engine* No touchy, we need that! -
The question is... by
on 2015-07-14 16:13:00 UTC
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... should I name names this time round?
I claimed there were 11 Boarders on the Io gathering. Per the Io thread, that includes:
With 'are we nearly there yet', we can presumably add the Irish Samurai to the list. I'd also guess Phobos is present, but it hasn't been explicitly said.
On the one hand, using names would flesh it out a bit,a and would let me include uploaded!PoorCynic, terrorist!Scapegrace, and, er... furry!bodymod!World-Jumper, I guess? On the other hand, it would stop people being able to project themselves into there, and would mean I didn't have to fix in stone names who may not be around in a few years time. :-/ Decisions.
hS doesn't have a picture this time, sorry -
I am still not convinced if this alternate me... by
on 2015-07-18 19:10:00 UTC
Link to this married to some kind of human-turned-shark, or forces some poor girl to be in a shark suit before he'll have anything to do with her.
Anyway, yeah, I'd love to be there, iffin you'd let me. I myself will stay human, so no need to install a pool or something. I'm not some kind of Otherkin, just a dude who really likes sharks.
(It's funny because IRL, I'm actually kinda nervous of the deep ocean because of the sharks. And Orcas.) -
Ohhhh it was sharks. by
on 2015-07-18 19:54:00 UTC
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That makes sense. ^^
Anyway, you can't come to Pluto - you already said you were on Earth when we finished Io, and we're not stopping in between. :D But -- spoilers -- this report will almost certainly end with 'want to come out to [some other rock]? We'll meet you on the way back.' So you can do the next one. ^^
(Or you can retcon your 'wish I could've been there' and, uh, be there. Uppa'you.)
hS -
Right, yeah, forgot about that. by
on 2015-07-18 21:16:00 UTC
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Never mind. I'll just join you guys on the trip to, I dunno, Venus or something. You kept going further out of our solar system. Time to go in!
You can leave me behind by
on 2015-07-14 20:48:00 UTC
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I'm afraid I'm a gloomy, miserable loner. If I was cooped up in a spaceship with anyone for any length of time, I'd eventually go mad and try to kill you all, just so I could enjoy being all alone for the rest of the trip.
(And then I'll stay on Pluto so I don't have to go back to horrible, crowded Earth.) -
The real question is... by
on 2015-07-14 17:23:00 UTC
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... why do think there are only 11 Boarders going to Pluto?
After all, while it is fairly well documented that 11 rode out to Io, as you've already pointed out, it was necessary to change ships at Jupiter. Any Boarders that were already in the area would've been able to tag along for the outbound flight to Pluto :)
- Irish -
Mm... no, I don't think that works. by
on 2015-07-14 18:18:00 UTC
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We're not in a 'passenger liners to the planets' setting; the Deep Space Network doesn't go out past Jupiter, for instance. So while there's a few science colonies in the Jovian system, there's no massive community to allow for 'in the area'. And besides, they'd surely have joined us for the Io landings!
But... with a tweak, it could work. Posting the Io Report could have got new PPC converts in the Jovian area - it'd presumably be fairly big news, since tourists don't normally go and wander through volcanoes! And given the sort of person who joins the PPC (slightly awkward geeky nerds ^_~), it's not unreasonable to postulate a few former PPCers who get nostalgic over the Report and decide to tag along for the next trip.
So that works. I'll probably avoid hard numbers this time round - it's an Orion, it's not like we're limited on mass!
hS -
I've just worked out the maths for this. by
on 2015-07-17 13:25:00 UTC
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And it is hilarious.
We'll be taking an Orion with 400 km/s of delta-V. To make a return trip, our best course turns out to be this:
-Start at Jupiter.
-Burn at one Earth gravity for three hours, taking us up to 100 km/s, and out to roughly the distance to Earth's moon. By comparison, the Apollo missions took three days. New Horizons itself (see that? That's topical, that is!) took more than eight hours.
-Turn off the engine for three years.
-Burn at 1g for another three hours to stop over Pluto.
I love Orions. They are the best spaceships. ^_^
hS -
Hmmm... by
on 2015-07-17 16:01:00 UTC
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I'll admit, the Orion drive is kinda cool. But is it really the best ship to use in this case? Quoting from the very page that you yourself linked: The sad little secret about Orion is that the mission it is best suited for is boosting heavy payloads into orbit. Which is exactly the mission that the enviromentalist and the nuclear test ban treaty will prevent. Orion has excellent thrust, which is what you need for lift-off and landing. Unfortunately its exhaust velocity is pretty average, which is what you need for efficient orbit-to-orbit maneuvers.
And you are talking about an orbit-to-orbit transfer.
Finally, I couldn't let any conversation involving project rho go by without a link to my favourite page: the Boom Table :)
Because what could be more useful than a comparative list showing the destructive potential of a bunch of real life, theoretically possible and definitely impossible weapons?
- Irish -
In this case? Absolutely. by
on 2015-07-17 16:15:00 UTC
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Because I've got a nice set of pictures of it. ^^ Seriously, you're right - Orion is a pretty terrible design, efficiency-wise. But this ain't a hard sci-fi novel. ^~
In fact, it's probably viewed as inefficient even in the setting - they're willing to hire one out to a bunch of geeks who decided to go to Pluto on a whim! I think I described it as 'left-over' (though whether that's from a war or a construction operation, I don't know), and I think that's accurate. We're not taking an Orion because we wanted an Orion - we're taking one because it's what was available.
The Boom Table is fantastic, and I can't believe I missed it before. ^_^ Thank you!
hS -
I'd like to be about, if poss. by
on 2015-07-14 16:55:00 UTC
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In my capacity as anticorporate terrorist and guerrilla leader, a la Paulo Abacar. =]
I'm not sure you'd even come up. by
on 2015-07-14 16:58:00 UTC
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I mean, it's a report on us riding a wave of nuclear bombs to Pluto; discussing the state of affairs back in England is probably quite a long way from our thoughts (unless something seriously dramatic happens, but that'd leave me in an Eleven PPCers Lost In Space scenario, which isn't what this is about).
But yeah, I can probably mention people who've explicitly said they aren't there; the question is whether to name anyone who is. And I'm leaning towards 'no', because we're up to eight already and there's still fifty-odd years to go. ^_^
hS -
Huh. by
on 2015-07-14 17:48:00 UTC
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I'm not offended.
*angry railgun noises* -
Oh! Me! Pick me! by
on 2015-07-14 16:27:00 UTC
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I'll bring a karaoke machine! We can sing all the nerdy songs we want!
(I'm still interested in figuring out a PPC karaoke night RP) -
Dude, I'd fight you in a karaoke duel. by
on 2015-07-14 16:55:00 UTC
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Starting with "Discord".
Did you know... by
on 2015-07-18 02:03:00 UTC
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John de Lancie did a planetarium show voiceover? I got to see it. It was AMAZING. *fangirls*
on 2015-07-18 17:04:00 UTC
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That does sound amazing! Lucky!
Guess what... by
on 2015-07-18 17:11:00 UTC
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They have it online.
It was so great. ^_^ by
on 2015-07-18 17:09:00 UTC
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Now I'm thinking about Star Trek. I need to watch more TNG. :P
Count me in! I love karaoke! (nm) by
on 2015-07-14 21:02:00 UTC
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I'm confused about something. by
on 2015-07-14 15:35:00 UTC
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I'm still editing my first mission after the list of what needed to be fixed was presented. But there's at least one thing on that list I don't understand. As it was written:
"the agents falling through plotholes and time warps is a bit odd — generally, agents are dragged along by the story. The plotholes especially is a little odd. Falling through a time warp sounds fine to at least one of us as a spin-off-specific thing (assuming there was, in fact, a time warp/distortion there)."
I don't understand the problem with them falling through plot holes, because in a few stories I've seen instances where an agent would fall through a plot hole. I can't remember which exact ones, but I do remember reading that this happened.
Also, since there was a concern on this:
"time compression ran rampant on the agents' end. They slept, what, three times in this? We didn't get the sense they were in the fic for very long."
…does anyone have any tips on how to combat this, and get out of the Talking Head Syndrome? Tips to give them more to do, and how to make that smooth? -
Some thoughts. by
on 2015-07-14 16:01:00 UTC
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A plothole is... well, a hole in the plot! Sometimes they're literal holes, which missing characters fall down. Sometimes they're temporal distortions ('time warps'), such as a story which suggests you can fly from Coruscant to Tatooine in five minutes. Sometimes they're geographical aberrations, such as the ever-popular magical forest which shouldn't exist, or a spatial distortion (which is just a different way of naming a temporal distortion - indeed, I usually go for 'temporal-spatial'). Sometimes they're less physical: a Suvian with hair made of literal fire is clearly using a plothole to keep from, uh, burning, but that doesn't mean there's a literal hole somewhere.
What they aren't is a manifestation of a scene change, which I guess is what you were using them as. Scene-changes aren't holes/problems with the plot - they're a natural part of writing. Very few stories don't have any skips at all.
PPC agents usually move along through the story by one of... three or four methods.
1/ They have to travel everywhere on foot. So if the fic says 'ten days later', the agents follow the characters for ten days.
2/ They get dragged through scene changes. 'Ten days later' throws them forward ten days.
3/ They portal to avoid (1).
4/ When the story produces a temporal-spatial distortion, they hitch a ride on it. So if the Fellowship claims to reach Moria in a day from Rivendell, the agents follow closely in order to ride on that effect, rather than walking the actual distance.
(4) is the only one that can really be called 'falling through a plothole', and from your/their description, I don't think that's what you were doing.
Does that help?
hS -
What about logic-error type plot holes? by
on 2015-07-14 16:20:00 UTC
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Not all plot holes are temporal-spatial distortions, of course.
I remember in the Original Series, after the assassination of Arwen!Sue, the real one was found in a plot hole in Elrond's liquor cabinet; the plot hole, of course, is that Elrond is not in fact a raging drunk.
Plot holes happen through logical inconsistencies, either between the canon and the fic, within the fic itself, or--occasionally--naturally in the canon (stable, canonical plot holes? Hmm.)
And of course the portal generator works on plot hole technology, with the plot holes made visible for safety and convenience's sake. A natural plot hole looks more like a heat shimmer or a minor distortion.
The impression I get is that most plot holes don't lead much of anywhere. Most seem to produce a small pocket universe. Some lead to the opposite end of a time or space anomaly. Most may be small and unremarkable enough to be unusable for travel. And it's likely that minis arrive through plot holes of their own, created by their misspellings--unstable plot holes that collapse after creating the mini, since the canon with the mini is more stable than the canon with the plot hole.
(I assume that canons seek stability because of the way MLP reacts to DAVD-type horror fic, and how many characters resist influence. Maybe the minis are manifestations of the canon's attempt to seek stability by creating a "character" to match the misspelling; and of course this character is usually a monster, because the canon is a bit pissed at being mistreated.)
Which makes me wonder... could the portal generator be used to create a pocket-universe-style plot hole? I suppose it could, but maybe that would just destabilize the continuum further. Better to portal to a hidden location and leave the portal open to look through it. -
Questions about minis by
on 2015-07-14 20:40:00 UTC
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"Maybe the minis are manifestations of the canon's attempt to seek stability by creating a "character" to match the misspelling; and of course this character is usually a monster, because the canon is a bit pissed at being mistreated."
What happens in a crossover? With two continua struggling to seek stability, do you get two different minis with the same name? Or just one mini that's a hybrid of the two types? Or does it depend on which canon the world just happens to resemble at that point in the story?
Nah. by
on 2015-07-14 20:50:00 UTC
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It's based on whichever canon the name comes from. The only reason hybrids come about is if a crossover can't tell which canon the name came from, because it's the same or similar. There was a mini-Baragog once.
OK. Thanks (nm) by
on 2015-07-14 22:17:00 UTC
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Yes, that. by
on 2015-07-14 16:28:00 UTC
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But I don't think Silenthunder was having them trip into canon-holding plotholes? I can't see any reason someone would raise that as a problem, either - though it wouldn't do much to progress the story.
Given the way the portal generator works (by literally writing a snippet of dodgy story and projecting it into the world), I suppose it could be used for universe generation: 'the generator whirred, and by altering the movement of the fish in a fishtank far away opened a gateway to a magical pocket universe'. But you'd have to hack the console to get that to happen - the Remote Activator seems to just allow you to input coordinates.
Also, Makes-Things might get very upset. And nobody wants to see him cry, do they? :(
hS -
Thanks for the explanation. by
on 2015-07-14 16:35:00 UTC
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I edited according to your word. Now, about the other problem with Talking Heads Syndrome… Any tips on how to fill the time for the agents?
No, not really. by
on 2015-07-14 16:42:00 UTC
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Otherwise I would've said something in my first post, neh? ^_~
I don't think 'fill up time' is what you really need to do; that sounds too much like padding, which is a bad thing (PPC missions don't need to be longer than they already usually are!). What you need to do is convey the passage of time better. If they're sleeping three times, that means they're spending four days in the fic, with a day between each sleep cycle. If that 'day' just consists of 'let's watch this scene and gripe about it', it feels weird.
So have them walk places. Have them wander off and look around while the fic does something long-winded and boring ('Arabethel had a relaxing three-hour bath'). Have them forced to sit in one place for hours on end to keep track of things. It doesn't need much writing, just... y'know, the passage of time.
Ultimately, it's about picturing what your agents would be physically doing, and then making sure that a) is realistic, and b) is conveyed on the page.
Badfic Thread by
on 2015-07-14 21:06:00 UTC
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Because, yeah, there's always another one.
Daughter of The Snakes (sic), rated T, by addelinehart3. Harry Potter x Naruto.
Where to begin?
-Harry Potter is a girl named Iris for reasons.
-The Dursleys treat her even worse than in canon and say she murdered her family.
-Iris has eyes that glow silvery (they're also mood ring eyes).
-Iris somehow teleports herself to the Naruto-verse.
-Orochimaru is nice and good for... reasons, is married to Anko and adopts Iris, also for reasons.
-Iris gets a weaboo name, red-magenta purple hair, and emerald green snakes eyes with goldenflecksflakes.
-Naruto is 'blonde'.
-Chapter 4's AN looks like the author went through a checklist of fanbrat!author!AN features and used most of them.
-The SPaG is generally poor.
-Iris aces Academy tests (they're 'too easy').
-Naruto has Hammerspace for... reasons.
-At least one mini-Kurama (shushined).
-Iris knows a C-ranked technique.
-Fangirl Japanese.
-"Airi looked up her eyes still gren but narrowed dangerously"
-Iris punches Naruto because of his Harem Technique.
-Iris upstages Sasuke.
-Iris has twin Suvian little siblings with inappropriate names.
-Iris never ate ramen despite living for a few years in Konohagakure.
-Anko decides to randomly throw shuriken at Iris. She dodges them.
-There's a bully!bit!OC that is, in turn, bullied by Iris.
-Naruto has mood ring eyes, too!
-In-text ANs.
-The elemental affinity testing paper is not described correctly.
-Iris has the Storm Release affinity (Lightning and Water) without having the corresponding kekkei genkai.
-The Harry Potter part is completely pointless.
If that doesn't scream 'Sue', I don't know what does. -
This makes a change. by
on 2015-07-19 19:36:00 UTC
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From a New World to a Nightmare
When an adventurous 12 year old gets pulled into the fantasy world of Middle-Earth, she finds herself in the midst of new dangers and threats. Even with the help of her new friends, will she be able to defeat these evils and make it home alive?
For once, a LotR Sue who's not a Tenth Walker. Instead, she's transported to Bookverse, early Fourth Age. But she's been turned into an Elf, and Treebeard, Legolas, and Gimli need her help in dealing with a new evil. So still a Sue then... -
Well, to be fair... by
on 2015-07-14 21:27:00 UTC
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I find Naruto irritating enough that I don't know what else to expect other than fanbrats thinking "Harry is cool. So are boobs. So is Naruto. So that means Harry + Naruto + boobs = SUPER MEGA AWESOME COOL! I'm smart. I got a C- once."
I find Naruto to be boring and clichéd... by
on 2015-07-14 21:30:00 UTC
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And never watched past the first arc yet I know enough to write that list.
Wait, wait, wait... by
on 2015-07-14 21:58:00 UTC
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Anko X Orochimaru!? OO
You do know... by
on 2015-07-14 22:28:00 UTC
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That injecting alcohol, bleach, aspirin or any combination thereof straight to your bloodstream is a sure-fire way to get killed, right?
And swallowing bleach+aspirin is healthy? {; P by
on 2015-07-14 23:13:00 UTC
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This is why Bleeprin comes with a warning not to remind agents that it's chemically impossible.
Also, Bleepphine is a thing, and it only gets administered by I.V. drip.
~Neshomeh -
I thought reminding agents that Bleeprin isn't possible... by
on 2015-07-14 23:26:00 UTC
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Made it stop working?
Either way, Bleeprin+Alcohol=all the fun in the world Big BOOM, so you don't want to do that. :P -
Yes... by
on 2015-07-14 22:35:00 UTC
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because I'd prefer that from reading this... thing... ever again!
W-wait... put that needle down, man! T'was a joke! Okay...? We're cool?
Could you claim more than one badfic at the same time? (nm) by
on 2015-07-14 22:50:00 UTC
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Yes, that's possible. (nm) by
on 2015-07-14 23:16:00 UTC
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Absolutely! by
on 2015-07-14 23:02:00 UTC
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Just make sure to hit "Preview" before you publish, alright?
Also... by
on 2015-07-14 23:07:00 UTC
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Remember not to bite off my than you can chew.
Understood. (nm) by
on 2015-07-14 23:33:00 UTC
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"more", not "my". Gah. (nm) by
on 2015-07-14 23:08:00 UTC
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On ideas by
on 2015-07-15 06:24:00 UTC
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So then.
Most of you are aware that I come up with crazy ideas. Most of you are also aware that they're terrible ones. Since that flop that was RC 512 Mission 3, I've actually had tons of new ideas.
It's just that 99% of them get butchered before they start to develop.
See, I've kinda developed the mentality that "new and crazy = automatically bad." Beyond that, I also feel like I shouldn't come up with any new agents; the ones I have now are way more than enough.
Sticking to formula and the characters I already have is working so far. Thus, I just immediately abandon any new ideas I have that relate to the PPC. I've kinda had that burned into me. But the friends I've been talking to tell me that's not the case.
Is this a bad mentality to have? -
It depends. by
on 2015-07-15 07:31:00 UTC
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My advice would be to put the ideas somewhere you'll remember them. I just tuck them in a spare corner of my brain, but writing it down might work for other people. Revisit them later. If they're still seeming irredeemably terrible later, then discard them if you like.
I understand your need for validation, and I'm not saying that in a "but now I'm going to dismiss it" way. I understand it pretty viscerally. It might be a spectrum thing, it might not, but I always feel this pressure to be *helpful* to people in some way. I know my writing depends on me talking ideas over with people, because that's how I refine ideas. Yours might as well.
I *know* the urge to do something new and exciting. Brains jump around. Most of my ideas aren't that great either. I can't help you with it, but it sounds like you need to have a talk with your brain and figure out whether you want new or whether it wants new.
And sometimes "oh no, my writing is awful" is just the curse of writing, but it does still hurt. :/ -
Re: On ideas by
on 2015-07-15 07:24:00 UTC
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New and crazy doesn't have to automatically mean bad - but it doesn't automatically mean good, either. You seem to come up with a lot of ideas and just run with them. Maybe it would be better to focus on really exploring and fleshing out an idea, rather than just throwing it out there?
Also, new ideas are good, but you seem to want to do something that'll leave an impact. Which I think you should focus on doing through good writing and memorable characters, not wild ideas. -
See... by
on 2015-07-15 17:18:00 UTC
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I've given up on the whole "leaving an impact" thing. I've kinda resigned myself to the fact that I'm probably not going to.
And sometimes I have an idea that I just can't work with. For instance, I've had this Time Lord idea continually resurface in my head. I get rid of it every time it pops up, because I'm no Doctor Who expert. If I don't know the canon, I can't expect to write someone native to it.
And all of my crazy ideas have been bad ones. Shades of Rose, Victim 01, non-Sue villains, those were terrible ideas. -
Don't be so pessimistic by
on 2015-07-15 18:06:00 UTC
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No one can truly determine in advance whether or not they'll leave an impact. For me, at least, you already have.
Well, maybe just try writing them out and see how you like them? You don't have to use everything you write out - like I'm probably going to end up cutting most of my semi-obscure Fate references - but just do it for the personal experience to get the idea out. Plus, then you can use the parts you do like for other things. For example, I think you could have just cut the "Shades of Rose" thing from the one mission and used the rest.
Weird Crossovers? by
on 2015-07-15 10:28:00 UTC
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So, today I was messaging my friend and they stated they hate the Minions. Being the weird person I am I jokingly responded with:
'//sighs// Okay then. How about the dinosaurs from Jurassic World crossover with the Minions and then eat them.'
Now I'm writing a fanficiton about said crossover and I don't know how that even happened. Does it sound like a decent idea to anyone?
And what are some of the weirdest crossovers you guys have seen/created/heard? -
Found this one on FFN by
on 2015-07-16 18:12:00 UTC
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Against his better judgement, Bertie Wooster sets out on his most perilous mission yet...
Well! by
on 2015-07-16 05:44:00 UTC
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I did a Skulduggery Pleasant/Portal one once. And I'm currently working on a Calvin and Hobbes/Fairy Tail fic with a friend, which is turning out to be rather cool.
Apart from that... I've got the vaguest idea for a Bernice Summerfield/Artemis Fowl one, which is more obscure than weird, since it could easily work out. -
Some very silly ideas by
on 2015-07-16 00:47:00 UTC
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"Welcome to Imladris I Haven't a Clue. We are all here at this council to discuss an ancient evil that has been awoken. A shadow long forgotten has risen again out of the distant past. If unstopped it will bring untold horror and destruction to all in Middle-earth.
"How can something so old cause so much suffering? Let's meet the teams."
"Éowyn's my sister." SLAP! "She's my daughter." SLAP! "She's my sister-daughter."
ARAGORN: Hello, anybody there?
LEGOLAS: Hello. I'm Legolas and this is my friend Gimli.
GIMLI: Yes, and we are your Bona Adventurers.
ARAGORN: Well, my name is Aragorn, son of Arathorn, and I—
GIMLI: Ooh look, Legs! It's Mr. 'Orn.
LEGOLAS: Oh, yes. Mr. 'Orn, how bona to Elbereth you dolly old eek.
ARAGORN: Thank you. Wait a minute. To Elbereth?
GIMLI: Yes, it means to Varda.
LEGOLAS: That's your actual Elvish.
Legolas by Laura Palmer
Legolas was riding along the woods and one day he found a body whaped in plastic...
And for a non LotR one... -
How about PotO x VeggieTales? by
on 2015-07-15 19:19:00 UTC
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"Silly Songs with Erik" has Phantom of the Opera characters performing VeggieTales songs. And it is awesome. ^_^
~Neshomeh -
Beautiful. by
on 2015-07-16 03:06:00 UTC
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Ah, VeggieTales. I love those cartoons. Lord of the Beans is hysterical. Y'know, I actually saw a LotR/VeggieTales and it was quite fun. The author had Bob and Larry perfectly. I read it when my standards of good fanfiction were still pretty low, though, so I won't link to it. I'm reading "Silly Songs with Erik" and it's great! XD
Oh hey, you're back! =] by
on 2015-07-16 19:35:00 UTC
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Welcome back from your sabbatical, I expect your doctoral thesis on evolutionary biology on my desk by Monday. =]
O_O Meep! by
on 2015-07-16 19:49:00 UTC
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Can I, uh, can I ask for an extension on that, Professor? *gulps nervously*
But it's nice to be back and posting! And I'm working on my study— I've just been slowed down recently. I'll get back to it, because it's quite fascinating. -
Learning is always more fun than people give it credit for. by
on 2015-07-16 20:15:00 UTC
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I'm glad to hear you're keeping up with it. This has happened in my sphere of consciousness before, and when it does, the party on what I will for lack of a better term call your side tend to find something that doesn't make sense to them (or is outdated research), cry "Aha! All evolutionary theory is without merit!", and go on as before, having learned nothing save some facts, which as learning goes is minor. The important thing about good science is that it teaches you how to think critically about things - and you can apply it to Biblical literature as well.
As an aside, Biblical literalism is very much an American phenomenon, and I'm not entirely certain why. One wagers it's down to the Baptists - a Southern acquaintance of mine described Baptist teaching as "If that's what the preacher man said, that's what the Bible done said." Though he may have been taking the mickey a little bit. =] -
Learning is quite fun. by
on 2015-07-16 20:24:00 UTC
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I'm not on the evolutionary books yet, but I'm curious about what I might find.
I'm not entirely sure why, either. As to the Baptists... Well, I currently attend a Baptist church, but I don't consider myself a Baptist. They're a bunch of very nice people, and they punch above their weight in helping the community as a whole. It is, however, an unfortunate trend in the church for people to simply believe what they're told about the Bible, and not actually read it themselves. I wish I could change it. -
... Eh? by
on 2015-07-16 20:54:00 UTC
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Is, is that genuinely a thing? I mean, it's your holy book, the one your co-religionists use to justify entire wars. You'd think sitting down to read the bloody thing'd be a bit higher up the to-do list.
Yup. You'd think. by
on 2015-07-16 21:15:00 UTC
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It's a more modern thing, though; go back a few decades and the Bible was read fairly regularly. And the trend might not be present in all churches. I've only regularly attended two denominations, Nazarene and Baptist, so I can't speak for the others. Even within those, I haven't asked anyone, "Hey, how often did you read your Bible this week?"
Really, don't quote me on this; it's far from hard fact. It's mostly conjecture based on what I've seen and heard. I've only had hands-on experience with a sliver of Christianity in a small area of the United States; things could be entirely different just a few hundred miles away.
Out of curiosity, which wars are you referencing? -
Well, I was going back a bit... by
on 2015-07-16 21:18:00 UTC
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Specifically, to the innumerable wars fought between Christians and, well, everyone else. Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, both Americas, you name it, there's been a war justified via the Bible. Usually genocidal. While I admit that this is historical, one wonders how often they read the New Testament and its general message of "don't be a dick".
Could you list some names? by
on 2015-07-16 21:23:00 UTC
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I'm really curious about this, because I hear about wars "justified by the Bible" all the time, but I rarely hear any names. I'd like to do some research on it, since I'm researching everything else. XD
And... yeah, that's basically the message. Barring Revelations, of course. It'd be quite interesting to see what passages are cited (if any) to justify a war. -
Any war in which missionaries came first. by
on 2015-07-16 21:37:00 UTC
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Eg. colonial wars in Africa and Indonesia. Also, the annihilation of various Native American peoples, by both the Spanish and Portuguese colonists in the south and the Americans in the North.
As for specific passages, well, I don't rightly know. It's a general "our holy thing's better than your holy thing" kind of deal. =] -
Thankee. by
on 2015-07-16 21:48:00 UTC
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I'll look into them. I think it would be supremely difficult to actually justify a war using only the Bible, and I'd really like to know what different people have come up with over the years.
Oh, also, do you have any book recs for me on evidence for evolution? I only have... I think it's three evolutionary texts, counting The Origin, and the actual applicability of that one is debatable. -
Recommended reading by
on 2015-07-17 08:15:00 UTC
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A good place to start would be The Map That Changed the World by Simon Winchester. It's not directly about evolution as such, but explains what the cutting edge, state-of-the art of Victorian science was just before Darwin published his work. It's also just a great book, and well worth reading for its own sake.
IMHO one of the best books about evolution is Wonderful Life by Stephen Jay Gould. It was written in the 1990s so one or two specific details are a little bit out of date (especially about the Punctuated Equilibrium version of evolution) but it gives a wide overview of the whole picture. And there are lots and lots of examples of how scientists worked out exactly where different fossils fit into the tree of life.
If you really feel you have to read a Richard Dawkins, make it The Blind Watchmaker, one of his very early books when he was still writing proper science and not just indulging in gratuitous religion bashing.
And after Dawkins, you'll definitely need something from the religious evolutionists' perspective. Although its not a book, this webpage is a history of the split between creationism and religious evolutionism. (Warning: it's a very, very long page, and just when you think you've reached the end, you realise you've just started a new section.)
Hope those are useful. -
Thanks! by
on 2015-07-17 16:07:00 UTC
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And, ah, double thanks for warning me about Dawkins. These all look quite useful!
Er... it kinda wasn't. by
on 2015-07-16 21:55:00 UTC
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"The Bible says you have to be Christian, so all non-Christians must be converted at sword-point" was usually how it went. See: the Crusades, the Reconquista. There were also a whooole lot of wars justified by "you're the wrong sort of Christian"; the Spanish Armada, where Catholic Spain attacked newly-Protestant England, springs to mind.
Note: justified by. Not 'inspired by'. Most wars are started by someone wanting something the other side has. But it's amazing the number of ways they can convince you they should have it because because because.
hS -
True. by
on 2015-07-16 22:22:00 UTC
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Humans are quite good at rationalizing absolutely everything they want to do.
We started at weird crossovers... by
on 2015-07-16 22:28:00 UTC
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...and now we're at the Crusades and human nature. XD I love the internet.
It's pretty awesome, isn't it? ^_^ (nm) by
on 2015-07-17 10:04:00 UTC
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As far as weird crossovers, by
on 2015-07-15 18:21:00 UTC
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I think one of the strangest was a Star Wars x Code Lyoko x Star Trek. Nothing made any sense of that, and I am pretty sure the story counts as badfic as well.
You said crack crossovers? by
on 2015-07-15 12:10:00 UTC
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Faker of the Rings (rated T), by Arashi Leonhart. Fate/ characters doing the plot of Lord of the Rings. Script format. Damn hilarious and highly recommended.
Pretty hilarious! (nm) by
on 2015-07-15 18:03:00 UTC
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- *chuckles* by on 2015-07-15 18:06:00 UTC Link to this
- And since fanworks don't have to be text by on 2015-07-16 01:24:00 UTC Link to this
Interesting.. by
on 2015-07-15 12:29:00 UTC
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I'll go check that out once I'm finished writing.
And I really think that Crack Crossovers fits the subject a bit better.
Greetings by
on 2015-07-15 20:36:00 UTC
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So I'm sort of a Newbie, as in I was active on the Board about three years ago then dropped off due to personal stuff. It wasn't to do with any other person though, just a need to focus on my life.
Anyway, I've started getting back into fanfic and thought I might pop in to say hi. I doubt any of you remember me.
So, yes, hello. *Waves awkwardly.* -
Welcome back! by
on 2015-07-16 04:18:00 UTC
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I was around three years ago, so we may have met. Either way, welcome back to the PPC.
*rummages through bag of holding*
Here, have a Delibird Present! Be careful, there's an 80% chance that it will explode, and a 20% chance that it will heal you. Use with caution. -
Heya! by
on 2015-07-16 03:20:00 UTC
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Welcome back, ish! I just arrived in May, so we haven't met. Have a six hole ocarina and songbook! Super easy to play, and lots of fun! I hope you stay this time 'round!
I remember you! by
on 2015-07-16 01:50:00 UTC
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Welcome back! Stick around!
Hi... by
on 2015-07-16 01:41:00 UTC
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I wasn't around three years ago, but it's nice to meet you anyway.
Hello! ^^ Glad you came back! by
on 2015-07-16 01:12:00 UTC
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Granted, I wasn't here three years ago, but still. XD
Welcome back to the PPC! by
on 2015-07-15 22:55:00 UTC
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Have a starter Pokémon!
Iiiiiiiiiit's Excadrill!
And your starting item is:-
Ouija Board from The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth!
Now, this can be useful item on a physically attacking Excadrill, because it means that none of the holder's moves make contact. Contact moves also do +20% additional damage, making it like a mini Tough Claws. It means you don't have to worry about Ferrothorn sapping your HP, for one. However, there are more useful items out there. You should probably stick with your Life Orb. =] -
Welcome (back) to Creation, here's your shovel. by
on 2015-07-15 21:17:00 UTC
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Have a shovel enchanted with Moon Saber! Smack someone with it, and you heal by the amount of damage you deal!
Since I don't remember you - welcome! by
on 2015-07-15 21:14:00 UTC
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Here, have a head that's always screaming! :D -
Oh, hey, I remember you! by
on 2015-07-15 20:43:00 UTC
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Well, mainly I remember your name, but good enough. Hi! Welcome back!
/hands Returnbie Gift of Gummyblee Lightning Bolts and Swiss chocolate. Not Swiss Bleepolate, just regular Swiss chocolate. Might as well./
~DF -
Thank You by
on 2015-07-15 20:55:00 UTC
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If it's any help, I remember you as well.
Oh, fantastic :) by
on 2015-07-15 21:00:00 UTC
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/waves/ Mutual remembering is always good!
~DF -
Well, actually... by
on 2015-07-15 20:42:00 UTC
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I do! Welcome back!
I think we started writing a crossover fic together and then dropped it, for... reasons?
Anyway, as a welcome-back gift, have this cup of confused Lapsang Souchong tea. It's not quite sure whether it smells like a campfire or not, so please, be gentle with it, aright? -
I think it was a sporking. (nm) by
on 2015-07-15 20:56:00 UTC
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Trudging through archives is fun! by
on 2015-07-15 21:31:00 UTC
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I reckon that this might jiggle your memory a bit.
(I don't want to look, my writing was probably horrid.) -
Newbie? Returnbie? *glomp* *poke* by
on 2015-07-15 20:39:00 UTC
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Hey there, and welcome (back) aBoard! I only showed up in the past year, so that'd be why you don't recognize me. :P Have this plate of SPaGhetti as a gift!
SPaGhetti, dude? by
on 2015-07-15 21:09:00 UTC
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What happened to all the urple animals?
Nice to meet you. (nm) by
on 2015-07-15 20:57:00 UTC
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OT: Plort costume by
on 2015-07-16 00:00:00 UTC
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So, I'm a fan of Renaissance Fairs and the like, and I decided my next costume would be Lady Iximaz's Baronial Council dress. After four days of cutting, pinning, re-pinning, yelling at the sleeves (oh gods above those sleeves were a nightmare), and stitching, my mom and I managed to finish it. Well, mostly. It still needs to be hemmed to the proper length, but other than that, it is done. :D
And yes, it really is as hot and heavy as it looks. -
Fantastic work! by
on 2015-07-16 13:23:00 UTC
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I like how this outfit looks simple but when you look at it a little closer, it's got lots of details (the trim, the pattern of the green fabric, and yes, THOSE SLEEVES) and you seem to find something new each time you look at it again.
Say, may I ask how long it took to make the costume? I could use a frame of reference if I ever make Skaer'morys's outfit in the future! XD -
Four days. by
on 2015-07-16 14:13:00 UTC
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Of course, there's other factors to take into account, because mom and I worked from pretty much ten in the morning to ten at night (we brought snacks upstairs and nibbled while we worked), then there's going to be differences in the complexity of the pattern, et cetera.
How lovely! by
on 2015-07-16 09:59:00 UTC
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I adore the golden inlay (I think that is what it is called.) And where did you get that green material? The way it catches the light is really quite striking. A very elegant dress, worthy of a Baron.
Masterful work, Ix. You should be proud. -
Oh dear; what have I wrought? by
on 2015-07-16 08:56:00 UTC
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{People making cool costumes based on something you cobbled together.}
Oh yeah. That's all right, then!
Seriously: very nice. I think Baron hS is going to feel quite upstaged at council meetings. (Or he would, if he bothered to dress up at all...)
Next I want to see Desdendelle as a half-crow, Scapegrace as a tatterdemalion, and Kaitlyn as a combat nurse. I... don't think I'm going to get any of those. ^_^
(PS: Any objection to the first picture here, and the raiding one, going up on Lady Iximaz's Cyclopaedia page? Visuals other than maps and heraldry are one of my ultimate goals.)
(Also actually finishing updating to deal with the Riding. That, too. Have to get on that.) -
Waaait a second... by
on 2015-07-16 17:41:00 UTC
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You're telling me the baron who's basically trying to put forth a good image and present himself as head honcho wouldn't dress up for something as important as a Council meeting?
never mind that Lady Ix had to be practically forced into her dress nope
And I dare you to ask Kaitlyn to dress up as a combat nurse.
Go on.
I dares ya. -
Nah, you've been listening to Ye Scape-Grace too much. by
on 2015-07-17 08:59:00 UTC
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Baron Huinesoron has never tried to extend the borders of his barony. He's never tried to claim, invent, or exert the least authority over anything outside those borders. The only expansion he tried to undertake was of Ozerbord, to encompass the 'tax havens'. He's pretty much let Thanasius do his own thing down in Skypcht, despite the theoretical authority of the Protectorship, too.
He may sound like he thinks he knows best and wants to rule everything (heh, wonder who he gets that from... ^~), but if you listen to what he's actually saying, he's pretty much resigned himself to sitting in a draughty, empty castle and trying to prod people into doing his job for him. The Riding exists to make it easier for other people to go to war; the recent election (if he actually had anything to do with it) exists to get other people to actually do stuff at the Baronial Council.
So while he may occasionally suffer bursts of optimism and dress up, I'm pretty sure he spends most of his time sulking in his chair in whatever clothes were to hand. ^~
(Within an hour of me first mentioning it, she emailled me and pre-emptively refused. ^_^)
hS -
"I do believe the word for that be... scahdenfreude." >=] (nm) by
on 2015-07-17 23:49:00 UTC
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That does kinda describe what you do to him, yes. ^_~ (nm by
on 2015-07-18 07:59:00 UTC
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I have an Ikea sewing machine. by
on 2015-07-16 20:52:00 UTC
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I can do this.
I'm going to need a helmet, about five yards of camo and some really big boots. -
See, I was thinking something along XCOM's lines... by
on 2015-07-16 21:02:00 UTC
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To wit, Archangel Armour.
The one from Enemy Within, obviously, otherwise it's a bit rubbish. But hey, Incredible Flying Kaitlyn. Who doesn't want that? =] -
That . . . might be beyond my Ikea machine . . . :( by
on 2015-07-16 21:07:00 UTC
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Perhaps Thor will smile on my endeavor?
"Whosoever holds this bit of bent foam, be they worthy..." (nm) by
on 2015-07-17 00:40:00 UTC
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Something awesome, that's what. by
on 2015-07-16 14:10:00 UTC
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And I've got no problem with that, though I'm planning on getting a better picture of the dress in a less obviously-modern area.
The raiding gear's already on my Plort Wiki profile page. :) -
You might be surprised. by
on 2015-07-16 10:14:00 UTC
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Assuming I'd have enough free time come... February-March, I think, I might be able to recreate Thanasius Ampelius' attire.
You look amazing. by
on 2015-07-16 06:02:00 UTC
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*wants that dress*
:D -
I assume it's your clothing when not on quests. by
on 2015-07-16 02:34:00 UTC
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But what do you think you will wear when on actual quests? Full plate armour, or chainmail, or even box armour? And do Plort have uniformity in their armaments, or since everyone is paying for their own equipment, it is as the wearer wants?
Her raiding gear looks like this: by
on 2015-07-16 02:40:00 UTC
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She prefers stealth and ambush tactics over head-on assaults, so heavy armor isn't usually her thing. :) -
Ah, I can guess her best place to attack. by
on 2015-07-16 02:55:00 UTC
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Excluding magic, I guess Lady Iximaz will fight best in tall grass or heavily wooded area. If I may critique her armament, at least in fic, having a wooden buckler may help her stand multiple opponents or defeat a Marizu without actually killing them, if she wanted. Shields were often used to knock people off as much as it is used for blocking. But a steel buckler shines, and may give her position away if she is trying to ambush on a sunny day.
By the way, you actually stitch all these yourself? I am impressed. My best sewing abilities are only repairing ripped clothing and sewing buttons. -
Heavily wooded. by
on 2015-07-16 02:57:00 UTC
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Hide behind trees and bushes for cover and snipe Marizu until the sun goes down. The sword's there only if she's forced into close combat. She's not trained with a shield, though, as they restrict her mobility and make her too noticeable.
And technically, mom did most of the stitching, but I did do some detail work by hand (mostly around the ribbon, but I also attached the lining of the bodice by hand as well). -
I see. A well-thought out fighting plan. (nm) by
on 2015-07-16 03:03:00 UTC
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"That it do be..." by
on 2015-07-17 01:39:00 UTC
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"Fer a lone archer's way o' fightin'. But though she do be an archer, be she alone?"
((The subtle undertone here is "Only when I've been locked in a cupboard. Again. Thanasius.")) -
HA. by
on 2015-07-17 15:51:00 UTC
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I want to see that story, now. It sounds hilarious.
~DF -
Yeah, we should. by
on 2015-07-17 22:48:00 UTC
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It'd be fun to write more Plort.
And normal clothing... by
on 2015-07-16 02:49:00 UTC
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Well, I don't have a picture, but it's basically the raiding gear minus the sword, quiver, and leather tunic. She has been mistaken for a servant boy at least once.
Very nice! by
on 2015-07-16 01:12:00 UTC
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The skill and effort that goes into the more ornate cosplay/costume projects always impresses me, and this is no different. It reminds me a bit of Merida's dress from "Brave," only with more decoration.
Good job! -
Well, this was mostly my mom's doing. by
on 2015-07-16 01:20:00 UTC
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I pinned and cut the pattern out, but she pinned the pieces together (with some help from me) and stitched them because if I try and sew in a simple straight line I wind up going all over the place and causing the machine to jam. ^^;
And you wanna talk ornate, I'll have to dredge up pictures of mom's Iron Man suit... -
WAIT. by
on 2015-07-16 14:08:00 UTC
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Your mom made an Iron Man suit? That's AMAZING! :D
Wow! That's amazing. (nm) by
on 2015-07-16 01:12:00 UTC
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Eeee! Pretty! :D (nm) by
on 2015-07-16 01:10:00 UTC
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By Jove! by
on 2015-07-16 00:41:00 UTC
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It's amazing!
I'm not an expert on fashion, but I really like the stitching on the back and the amulet/necklace is a nice touch, the pattern of the fabric makes me think of leaves in a forest. Also, love the hair, and... oh, is that a ring I see? :D -
Thankee! :D by
on 2015-07-16 01:15:00 UTC
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The necklace and ring are actually part of my everyday wear. The necklace is a Ranger's Apprentice oak leaf pendant, and the ring has the Deathly Hallows engraved on it. (You can't see the TARDIS earrings I'm wearing, but the're there, :P)
Hair? Um, I literally just rolled out of bed and haven't brushed it in months, but okay. ^^; -
Manti! by
on 2015-07-16 04:33:00 UTC
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There's no way that you just got out of bed with your hair in such good order; you at least smoothed it out by hand before getting that picture taken, right?
That aside, I agree with Matt Cipher; you look the part of a baroness in that dress. All that's missing is some type of headgear (and that may actually be superfluous). My compliments to your mother.
(P.S.: Manti is Haitian Creole. Literally, it means "lie." As an interjection, it can be translated "You're lying," i.e., "That's unbelievable.") -
Well, mom did try to flatten it... by
on 2015-07-16 04:58:00 UTC
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I guess it worked? ^^;
And I think I'll leave the headgear out, unless I decide to go for a ribbon or something. But thank you, and I'll pass it on! -
You look beautiful! :D by
on 2015-07-16 00:39:00 UTC
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I used to have a Halloween costume that looked kind of like that!
Ehehe, thank you ^^; by
on 2015-07-16 00:41:00 UTC
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And oh, neat!
The Assassination Methods page by
on 2015-07-16 02:10:00 UTC
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*claps hands*
Can I get your attention, please?
A community decision is required about the nature of the Assassination Methods page in the wiki.
There was a... disagreement as to whether some assassination methods should be on the page or not. What we need is a clear guideline for adding methods to the page. I propose the following:
What we want here is things like:
-'stabs of fear and jealousy' used to impale a Sue
-Sue being portal'ed to a ship before it gets blown up by giant magical lasers
-Drinking from a false Grail
In other words,
-special stuff;
-ironic stuff (being fed to the mini the Sue used as a shoe, the Sues being tarred and feathered and given to the mob after proclaiming that they're pirates);
-TOS stuff;
-rare things (being fed to Fenrir Greyback).
What we don't want is the everyday, banal methods: pointy objects, guns, pushing Sues off tall places, snapping their necks, etc. Furthermore, we do not want countless entries of the same methods — we want the notable ones.
Is this a good guideline? Are there better ones? What should we do with the page? -
Well... by
on 2015-07-18 15:05:00 UTC
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It seems like nobody is going to voice any new opinions. So, what now? A vote? A discussion of what opinions that were already voice? Something else?
Re: Well... by
on 2015-07-18 17:02:00 UTC
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My only issue with the methods page is people putting mundane things on it. There doesn't need to be a whole big "whoo let's vote to see if this makes it on" stink every time someone wants to add. All they gotta ask themselves is, "Is this mundane?" and if the answer is no, add away.
I meant... by
on 2015-07-18 22:32:00 UTC
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A vote on which method, if any, we should adapt, not a vote on every single entry in the page.
Methinks voting is next. by
on 2015-07-19 21:59:00 UTC
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We've got about three opinions, right?
1. The page is for notable kills - let's use criteria to limit what goes on the page.
2. The page is for information - criteria are good, but let's include unique data so the page is a useful resource.
3. The page is for fun - let people add whatever they want to.
Did I miss any?
~Neshomeh -
Hm... by
on 2015-07-20 00:34:00 UTC
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I remember something about axing it altogether?
I wouldn't call it an ellipsis disagreement. by
on 2015-07-16 15:17:00 UTC
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Just a regular disagreement, really.
But, anyway. I'm of the opinion that a wiki is for information, so the page should be a catalog of assassination methods, as complete as we can be bothered to make it. That way people can look up what's been done before and/or use it to go browsing for ideas.
HOWEVER, I'm also of the opinion that really obvious stuff like "the agents shot her in the face" need not necessarily be there, because it's a safe bet the obvious, mundane stuff has been done before. I shouldn't think we really need a wiki to tell us that.
Perhaps as a compromise, one of your criteria could be "first time using a unique canonical feature," which would include stuff like Silenthunder's pushing her off Caradhras (probably; I share DawnFire's skepticism that no one's ever done that before) without the need to add in everyone's bows and swords and whatnot.
~Neshomeh -
My thoughts. by
on 2015-07-16 03:55:00 UTC
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Honestly, I say just let the page contain whatever people want to add. It's one of the least informational pages on the Wiki: it's just for fun, so let people add their shove-off-mountains and stab-in-faces and shoot-in-foots, if they're proud of them.
Frankly, I think we have enough pages throughout the Wiki that "need" to be maintained as new missions come out, and I don't fancy this one being added to that list. (I didn't even know I had my own assassination on this page until I saw it on there just now.) Let's leave this one as a silly, informal "throw it on, if it please ya" page, and not create a need for regular debates about whether an assassination is or isn't notable. -
This is also an acceptable approach in my opinion (nm) by
on 2015-07-16 04:03:00 UTC
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Sounds reasonable to me. by
on 2015-07-16 03:22:00 UTC
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I agree with the listed terms. Assassinations happen in a majority of missions, and attempting to list every method is simply unfeasible and more hassle than it would ever be worth. If an assassination is listed on the page, it needs to be due to unique circumstances, a notable target, or extraordinary creativity from the agents.
I propose two pages. by
on 2015-07-16 02:55:00 UTC
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One of "notable" assassination methods (the current page) and a catalog of all assassinations. Briefly described, of course. That way we have a compilation of interesting methods, and a handy reference list that'll give all sorts of cool data, like the most common method of assassination in different continua. It will help keep us original, and think of new ways to assassinate Sues.
That being said, making the new list would be pretty hard. Someone would have to go through all of the missions and record the Sues' demise, and in a certain order. If such a page were made, I would suggest that a post be made asking all authors to make a list of their killed Sues and the ways they died. That would hopefully eliminate a fair share of active Boarders, leaving the inactive and those who simply didn't see the post. Do we have an up-to-date list of all PPCers? -
I think I agree with the two page set up. by
on 2015-07-16 03:44:00 UTC
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Because if we get rid of the boring and mundane, then it really is not an Assassination Methods Page, it would instead be a Cool and Unusual Method Page. And having a general catalog is not a terrible idea.
I am thinking of it as a kind of record, of all successfully accomplished missions. So something like Name of Sue, Name of Agent, Death by X. Just my two cents. -
I disagree. by
on 2015-07-16 10:06:00 UTC
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We already have a list of missions; we don't need another one, for one, and for the other, it's very impractical because someone would have to go through all PPC fiction in existence and categorise their assassinations — that's a lot of work.
I suggest in this way. by
on 2015-07-16 02:44:00 UTC
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I suggest that you arrange the methods of death as I try to show below.
Methods of death:
- Common:
- Impalement (Fic a, Fic b, Fic etc...)
- Heart Attack (Fic a, Fic b, Fic etc...)
- etc (Fic a, Fic b, Fic etc...)
- Ironic:
-Eg: Drinking the wrong Grail (In FATE/The Last Crusader, Sue Indianita Jonahness drank from Fate/Stay Night's Fuyuki Holy Grail instead of the wooden cup from Indiana Jones)
- TOS stuff
-Example a
-(Fic a, Description a)
-Example b
-(Fic b, Description b)
- Rare things
-Example a
-(Fic a, Description a)
-Example b
-(Fic b, Description b)
I hope I can make myself be understood. -
...that actually looks pretty interesting. by
on 2015-07-16 06:00:00 UTC
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Not casting a vote--I'm currently at the point where I'm agreeing with or considering just about every suggestion made so far--but this... I like this. It gives more freedom, it eliminates most of the problems of what should go on here, and, apart from potential misclassification (hey, no system is perfect), it just sounds like fun. And it'd be useful, too, since it would be more complete. Nicely said, dark :)
Again, not casting my vote, but...this one is definitely worth considering.
~DF -
Sounds good to me! (nm) by
on 2015-07-16 02:14:00 UTC
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Agree with this 100%. by
on 2015-07-16 02:14:00 UTC
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You already know my stance on this, I'm just restating it here for everyone else.
Technical issues with the Board. by
on 2015-07-16 09:10:00 UTC
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I've been struggling with the Board in recent weeks and I'm curious to see if anyone's encountered the same problems. First off, overall loading times are completely shot. It typically takes ten to fifteen seconds for a page on the Board to load regardless of whether its a typical click through, opened in a new tab, or even just reloading. Even at its best, I'm typically waiting for five seconds. At worst? Up to a minute. This is not a problem with my Internet connection. I've checked it, it's fine.
Ads have also become more obtrusive. I've noticed that the site is using more side scroll-in ads that cover a good chunk of the links. They can also sometimes repeatedly layer themselves, meaning that there is still an ad there even if you click the "hide" tab. I had eight copies of the same ad layered on top of themselves at one point. Relatedly, sometimes the site runs ads that will automatically redirect me to the App Store if I'm browsing via iOS. I'm sure someone will suggest that I use some sort of Ad Blocker, but making stuff for YouTube has made me dislike those programs on principle.
Has anyone else been noticing this stuff, or is it just me? -
Right. Here's what I'm saying to them. by
on 2015-07-17 10:29:00 UTC
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What follows is the second, revised-and-updated version of a new thread I tried to post on the help forum yesterday. If what I put up yesterday eventually goes through, I'll add the new stuff from this in a reply; otherwise, this will be my second attempt.
Mentioned this briefly in the 'new server' thread, but since I think it's unrelated, I'll post it separately:
Over at DiscApp #199610, we've been seeing increasingly intrusive ads. I fully understand that advertising is part of having a free service, but I do think that at least some of what we're seeing isn't as intended by the YourWebApps team.
Things we have noted, with quotes from forum users:
*Full-screen adverts appear quite frequently, and exhibit some very intrusive behaviour. This can include unclosable ads which have to be 'back-button'ed out of:
(1) "I just got a full page ad (I'm on mobile [Android]) three times in a row. There is no x. It's for some kind of antivirus thing, supposedly. When I hit the back button, the popup saying that my phone 'has a risk' disappears, but the thing underneath remains and some sort of loading bar fills up. There's no way I'm clicking on it, so I don't know where it leads. When I hit the back button again, I don't end up on the page I was trying to view (which often loads fine right before the ad comes): I'm at least one page back, and have to navigate back to the page--going forward generally just brings the ad back".[DawnFire 1]
(2) "Just got that full page malware/antivirus ad twice in a bloody row while trying to see Nesh's post above. Exactly the same as what I described in the first post, but twice instead of thrice. [...] antivirus ad again just now. It definitely dropped me back a page when I hit the back button. This is... a pretty high concentration, actually. Normally it doesn't happen so many times in a row... Or maybe I just get annoyed and take a break from using the Board faster."[DawnFire 2]
(3) "Antivirus ad again just now. It definitely dropped me back a page when I hit the back button. [...] I double checked that going forward brings me straight back to the ad; I tried closing the tab and opening a new one--same thing."[DawnFire 4 & 5]
(4) "What's also frustrating is on the phone, adds randomly appear (and yes, I supposedly have them blocked), and they're so huge they fill the entire screen, and for some reason there's often no X to click, forcing me to reload the page. When there is and X, it just takes me to the ad's main site."[Iximaz 1]
(5) "Ads have also become more obtrusive. I've noticed that the site is using more side scroll-in ads that cover a good chunk of the links. They can also sometimes repeatedly layer themselves, meaning that there is still an ad there even if you click the "hide" tab. I had eight copies of the same ad layered on top of themselves at one point."[PoorCynic 1]
(6) "On both [Windows 7 and Android phone], there's also a half page ad that looks like it's for Facebook. It's annoying on mobile, because when you move down, it flickers out of sight and then comes back until you x it. On the laptop, it stays constant until xed, and is a banner at the bottom of the page. The x doesn't redirect in either case."[DawnFire 1]
(7) "Loading times aren't that bad, but ads are killer. To the point where I stopped using my computer to read the 'Board - there was just too much risk, I either had to have NoScript and Adblock, and even then I worried. So on my phone (iPhone), about 1/3 of the time, I get an ad that covers the entire screen, and can only be removed by refreshing the page and hoping it doesn't pop up next time."[VixenMage 1]
(8) "And now my laptop's being flooded. Seven identical ads all stacked on top of one another in one go kicked it off, and now every time I go to the main Board, I get a side-scrolling ad (or several) to deal with."[Iximaz 2]
*Automatic redirects, which mostly seem to be seen on phones:
(9) "I avoid checking the Board on my phone whenever I can because I get ad redirects or the App Store randomly opens, and it's probably the most frustrating thing I've had the displeasure of encountering."[Iximaz 1]
(10) "Relatedly, sometimes the site runs ads that will automatically redirect me to the App Store if I'm browsing via iOS."[PoorCynic 1]
(11) "Moto G running Android 4.4.4. I definitely get auto-redirected sometimes, plus things that pop up and want me to do something or go somewhere else that can only be got rid of by reloading."[Neshomeh 1]
(12) "Just got redirected *three times* to the Google Play Store [on an Android phone], for a 'Wizard of Oz Free Slots Casino' app. Not even kidding. I didn't click on anything besides Irish's post, but a redirect page (just a URL) came up and then I was redirected to the Google Play app. Now, I will give you that I watched a clip of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" on YouTube either yesterday or the day before; that's the only connection I know of, and it seems pretty random otherwise. When I hit the back button, I ended up first back at the redirect page (which didn't redirect me again) and then on Irish's post when I hit it again. Of course, I was promptly redirected in the same way twice more from his post until I hit the reply button."[DawnFire 3]
(13) "I can confirm that there most certainly are auto-redirects, at least on the iPhone."[TheShyIon 1]
(14) "(iPhone) 1/3 of the time, I get redirected and the App Store opens. What I usually do to combat this is as soon as the content of the page loads, hit the "stop loading" button on the URL bar. Not always, but usually, this stops the ad from loading. [...] I still read the posts that interest me, but the subject lines have to clear a pretty high bar of interest for obvious reasons. :P This has been the case for about… I dunno, at least the past few months. Several months probably."[VixenMage 1]
*The problems appear to be worst on phones:
(15) "For whatever reason, it is significantly worse when browsing on my phone or tablet. My computer gets the pop-ups or redirects occasionally, but mobile devices seem to get them a lot - I've basically given up reading the Board on my tablet. I've also had the problem of some ads filling the whole screen and not having an option to close them, but only on my tablet."[the Irish Samurai 1]
(16) "I use my phone to check the board fairly often when I'm on my break, and these redirects occur, I'd say, at least a third of the time when I click on a post. At worst, though, they appear at double that rate and make it nearly impossible to navigate the board since the redirects create a queue of at least three blank web pages before sending me back to the page before the one I was trying to view."[Fasoula 1, with confirmation by Iximaz and Pippa's Ghost]
*Some users have reported what appear to be direct viral attacks:
(17) "Twice now I've had a new tab created for me saying that my computer has a problem, and that it's very serious. The ad looks official, and the only way to close it is to use Task Manager and shut down your entire browser."[Alleb 1]
The full-screen adverts may be intended to be there, I don't know, but I suspect they're supposed to always have an X button. I'm nearly certain the X button isn't supposed to act as if you'd clicked the advert, though that may be linked to it being on a phone. Based on what Tamara said here, I'm pretty sure the auto-redirects aren't supposed to be there.
As I said, I know that some advertising is an essential part of keeping YourWebApps free, but I'm almost certain some of this behaviour is not what you intend to be happening. In the interests of keeping the service running smoothly, I figured you'd like to know what was going on.
One final quote which may help you to investigate the situation:
(18) "Also: this isn't constant, the ads. There are always the ones in the place designated for them--sometimes these are really large and can distort the page layout--but the majority of the time, I'm able to use the Board without seeing the full-page ads. Maybe even 8 or 9 times out of 10."[DawnFire 1]
hS -
I have posted this again. by
on 2015-07-18 20:51:00 UTC
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If it hasn't appeared by Monday, I'll be opening up a discussion of Our Options From This Point.
hS -
Looks like someone's taken notice by
on 2015-07-20 12:31:00 UTC
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I'm using my tablet right now, instead of my computer. And so far there's only been one attempt at a redirect, and the browser managed to prevent it. So things seem to be getting better. Let's just hope it lasts.
Some more info on the problem by
on 2015-07-19 23:07:00 UTC
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Looks like the auto-redirects don't even always kick in straight away. I often check the Board in the mornings, and open up any interesting looking threads in new tabs so that I can come back to them at my leisure.
I had 7 tabs open, and I'd viewed all of the earlier, but left them open. Just now 3 of them had redirected me to a page telling me to update my flash player. This page looked totally legitimate (identical to the page you get when you really do need to update Flash Player), apart from 2 things:
1) I know for a fact that my Flash Player is up to date
2) The url of the page began with a bunch of gibbersh, and didn't include any reference to Adobe.
So yeah, some of the advert stuff may be intentional (and just poorly optimized), but I would hope that viruses aren't.
- Irish -
This reminds me of something. by
on 2015-07-17 11:36:00 UTC
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I ran into the uncloseable-redirect problem about a year ago, and I wondered at the time why nobody else reported something similar and whether it might be a regional thing only happening for Germans.
My way to deal with it:
Firefox has a built-in phishing report. So, whenever I’m redirected and there is no way to go back and continue what I intended to do, I report the URL, explaining in the comment that this site obviously wants to force me to do something silly no reasonable person should do, like clicking its okay-button.
This doesn’t make it go away, but it certainly undermines the ad’s purpose, because in Firefox and probably also in other browsers, the ad is replaced by a message saying that this site is not save.
Over the last twelve months, such redirects occurred less and less frequently for me. Apparently, aggressive advertisers are able to learn from experience what is acceptable and what is too annoying to work. (And apparently they are doing their aggressive advertising in the USA rather than in Germany now.)
Concerning long loading times, I don’t believe that it’s related to the new server. Sometimes a page loads immediately, and sometimes it looks like the browser gathers data from about two-hundred ad servers before it displays the page, and I didn’t watch this only during the last few weeks.
HG -
And now my laptop's being flooded. by
on 2015-07-17 06:27:00 UTC
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Seven identical ads all stacked on top of one another in one go kicked it off, and now every time I go to the main Board, I get a side-scrolling ad (or several) to deal with.
So much for the laptop being my safe haven. :/ -
I do agree that AdBlockers prevent revenue to Youtubers... by
on 2015-07-16 22:21:00 UTC
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But after having my computer infected by a virus thanks to an uncloseable pop-up banner even if I didn't click on it and closed the browser right away with Task Manager...
I decided I wouldn't take chances anymore, ever. Ad blocker, with additional element hiding helper addon in case something slips through.
Or in case the site shows a big "Disable AdBlock" banner. I either block the hell out of that banner too or, if that doesn't work, go to a different site.
Also, to me the Board loads really fast to me (less than five seconds at most.) I suspect that the reason is the excess of ads - they bog down the browser. Preventing them to load frees up bandwidth for the actual site to load up.
So, I might be an evil unsupporter of Youtubers and similia, but I'm not going back. -
You know... by
on 2015-07-17 15:27:00 UTC
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And this is to everyone, not just Sergio: You CAN turn AdBlock off when viewing content you want to support. Just saying. There is a middle ground here. You can be safe AND ethical.
~Neshomeh -
Sorry, Nesh. by
on 2015-07-18 09:49:00 UTC
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That pop-up ad appeared on a site for which I would've made an exception if I was already using an ad blocker.
The truth is, infected ads can pop up everywhere and everywhen. It's like a mummy, you gotta bring down the hammer on every single nail of the coffin to make sure it doesn't find a way to get out.
And then put the coffin in an armoured sarcophage. Then put the sarcophage in a water-filled safe. Then put the safe into a rocket and shoot it straight into a black hole.
Tl;dr: No exceptions. Ever. -
YouTube ads get through AdBlocker, don't they? by
on 2015-07-18 14:11:00 UTC
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I use it (the Mac version) and I see them at the fronts of videos all the time.
I use AdBlock Plus for Firefox. by
on 2015-07-18 17:40:00 UTC
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With the pop-up blocker extension and the Element Hiding Helper extension.
Nothing gets through. And, if it does, it won't a second time. -
Odd. They don't appear at all for me. by
on 2015-07-18 15:45:00 UTC
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Which adblocker do you use? I use Adblock plus on Chrome.
I use... by
on 2015-07-18 17:05:00 UTC
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AdBlock for Safari, which is apparently an entirely different thing. YouTube video advertisements (the ones at the beginning and such) show up fine for me. It might be a Mac-only version, though -- I'm on my phone, so I can't check on my computer.
Bam. Nail head, meet hammer. (nm) by
on 2015-07-17 02:07:00 UTC
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Loading times aren't that bad, but ads are killer. by
on 2015-07-16 19:18:00 UTC
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To the point where I stopped using my computer to read the 'Board - there was just too much risk, I either had to have NoScript and Adblock, and even then I worried. So on my phone (iPhone), about 1/3 of the time, I get an ad that covers the entire screen, and can only be removed by refreshing the page and hoping it doesn't pop up next time. 1/3 of the time, I get redirected and the App Store opens. What I usually do to combat this is as soon as the content of the page loads, hit the "stop loading" button on the URL bar. Not always, but usually, this stops the ad from loading.
I mean, I still read the posts that interest me, but the subject lines have to clear a pretty high bar of interest for obvious reasons. :P This has been the case for about… I dunno, at least the past few months. Several months probably. - Â…rereading that, I can only think of this: by on 2015-07-16 19:20:00 UTC Link to this
I get redirected on iOS so much. by
on 2015-07-16 18:04:00 UTC
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At best, it's a minor annoyance on my computer. However, twice now I've had a new tab created for me saying that my computer has a problem, and that it's very serious. The ad looks official, and the only way to close it is to use Task Manager and shut down your entire browser.
It's even worse on iOS. by
on 2015-07-16 18:51:00 UTC
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Sometimes I can't even touch the page without it redirecting to something on the app store, and I have to hit the back arrow SO many times to refresh the page. Fun times.
There's also instances when the page takes several seconds to load, which is probably because of the server migration thing. It's good to see that I'm not the only one with this problem, though I haven't had a "close the browser" situation myself... yet. >_> -
Nothing's happened on mine. :/ by
on 2015-07-16 17:53:00 UTC
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Granted, I've had the same browser (Firefox) and OS (...Windows 7, I think?) for the past few months, with no problems. And I only use my desktop for browsing on the Board, so I wouldn't know how it is for any other combination.
Same for me by
on 2015-07-16 19:01:00 UTC
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Though I use Chrome. I also have an ad blocker, which may also be part of why the problem is not noticeable on my end.
*That is, my desktop is the only computer I use regularly. (nm) by
on 2015-07-16 17:54:00 UTC
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That's been happening to me for months. by
on 2015-07-16 14:22:00 UTC
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I don't get those problems with my computer, but I avoid checking the Board on my phone whenever I can because I get ad redirects or the App Store randomly opens, and it's probably the most frustrating thing I've had the displeasure of encountering.
What's also frustrating is on the phone, adds randomly appear (and yes, I supposedly have them blocked), and they're so huge they fill the entire screen, and for some reason there's often no X to click, forcing me to reload the page. When there is and X, it just takes me to the ad's main site.
I know Darkotas has had these problems as well, which is partially why he's been asking me to relay posts while he's at camp: too much reloading involved eating up his data. -
I have the exact same problems. by
on 2015-07-16 15:17:00 UTC
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Funnily enough, a pop-up for facebook appeared when I tried to read your post.
For whatever reason, it is significantly worse when browsing on my phone or tablet. My computer gets the pop-ups or redirects occasionally, but mobile devices seem to get them a lot - I've basically given up reading the Board on my tablet. I've also had the problem of some ads filling the whole screen and not having an option to close them, but only on my tablet.
- Irish -
Hey, look, more accidental research! /headdesk/ by
on 2015-07-16 15:31:00 UTC
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Just got redirected *three times* to the Google Play Store, for a 'Wizard of Oz Free Slots Casino' app. Not even kidding. I didn't click on anything besides Irish's post, but a redirect page (just a URL) came up and then I was redirected to the Google Play app. Now, I will give you that I watched a clip of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" on YouTube either yesterday or the day before; that's the only connection I know of, and it seems pretty random otherwise. When I hit the back button, I ended up first back at the redirect page (which didn't redirect me again) and then on Irish's post when I hit it again. Of course, I was promptly redirected in the same way twice more from his post until I hit the reply button. I took screenshots--same notation as my previous post.
Speaking of the previous post: that set of adx3 showed up while I was in the Plort costume thread. There's generally nothing to link the post with the ad.
Another type of annoying ad, which mainly appears on the laptop, is that random words will be hyperlinked, I think with some sort of search thing. There are also random tags at the bottom of posts, which will get little temporary popups if you hover over them. I use Chrome.
And I think that's all for now. Here's hoping no more ads today...
~DF -
I get that redirect all the time. by
on 2015-07-16 16:15:00 UTC
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Interestingly, I get a similar redirect for another generic gambling app called "Big Fish Casino". I know I have not watched or searched anything involving gambling, fish or the Wizard of Oz recently, so I think these are not targeted ads.
I use my phone to check the board fairly often when I'm on my break, and these redirects occur, I'd say, at least a third of the time when I click on a post. At worst, though, they appear at double that rate and make it nearly impossible to navigate the board since the redirects create a queue of at least three blank web pages before sending me back to the page before> the one I was trying to view.
This has been happening for months now. I'm pretty sure it's not always happened, but I can't recall when it started exactly. Whatever the case, it's incredibly intrusive and irritating. -
Same (nm) by
on 2015-07-17 13:21:00 UTC
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Yeah, I have those problems too. (nm) by
on 2015-07-16 17:03:00 UTC
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You described my issues pretty much perfectly. (nm) by
on 2015-07-16 16:43:00 UTC
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I get the same crap on my Android phone. by
on 2015-07-16 14:57:00 UTC
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It's a Moto G running Android 4.4.4. I definitely get auto-redirected sometimes, plus things that pop up and want me to do something or go somewhere else that can only be got rid of by reloading, and then there are the infolinks. These come with words turned into links that can be accidentally clicked on, occasional popups, and also a banner at the bottom. The banner and popups can be closed, but since the former appears frequently, it's quite irritating.
I just tried ten refreshes, and so far I've gotten the infolinks banner twice, plus a closable popup from them; and a full-page splash ad about AT&T, in Spanish, closable. I suspect I'm having less trouble than usual because I'm on my home network, which is secure, as opposed to the free Wi-Fi at my workplace, which is not. Unfortunately, I can't test very well at work, since a) I may not have time, and b) the connection is really terrible and doesn't always work.
~Neshomeh, who uses AdBlock on her computer. -
And even more research. by
on 2015-07-16 15:35:00 UTC
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Just got that full page malware/antivirus ad twice in a bloody row while trying to see Nesh's post above. Exactly the same as what I described in the first post, but twice instead of thrice. Screenshotted again, heaven alone knows why.
And now to see if I can get to hS' reply without more of this...
~DF -
I admit an abiding hatred of infolinks. by
on 2015-07-16 15:01:00 UTC
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Unfortunately, I don't think we can persuade them to get rid of what's clearly a deliberate advertising choice. The banners are particularly annoying, because of the way they crawl up onto the screen at a glacial pace.
Thanks for the data; a ~20% hit-rate of full-screen ads is pretty bad, isn't it? And the banners take that close to half...
Ugh. All of which reminds me: has anyone seen Tomash recently?
hS -
Can I get one of you to do some research? by
on 2015-07-16 14:35:00 UTC
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Only if you have free data/a wireless connection/whatever on your phone that means you wouldn't be paying actual money for this, of course.
If you can, could you take a large sample of Board loads, recording for each:
-If a full-page ad loads
--If so, what it's for
--If you can X it
--If the X takes you to the ad site
-If it just redirects
--And where
I don't know what constitutes a large sample; well, I do, it's 100 times, but I doubt you have the patience. ;) Nor should you. Enough to get a feel for it, I guess.
I intend to do the same for Chrome and Internet Explorer tonight; that way I can give Tamara at least some actual data.
hS -
You want research? by
on 2015-07-16 15:19:00 UTC
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I just got a full page ad (I'm on mobile) three times in a row. There is no x. It's for some kind of antivirus thing, supposedly. When I hit the back button, the popup saying that my phone 'has a risk' disappears, but the thing underneath remains and some sort of loading bar fills up. There's no way I'm clicking on it, so I don't know where it leads. When I hit the back button again, I don't end up on the page I was trying to view (which often loads fine right before the ad comes): I'm at least one page back, and have to navigate back to the page--going forward generally just brings the ad back. (And yes, I've seen this one often enough now that I can say what generally happens). I've got screenshots from it this time, and can try to get them from my phone to the Board or to an email; I'm pretty sure that's possible.
Some more notes: on both my phone and my computer (I have Android on my phone and Windows 7 on my laptop), pages do occasionally load slowly. Sometimes it's just a delay of several more seconds than usual; other times, the page takes so long about loading that I end up closing it and trying again. A simple reload doesn't usually work.
More on ads: on my computer, there is generally an x to click, which doesn't tend to redirect me. Some of the ads I get are for shopping of some sort--I'll keep an eye out, I haven't been paying too much attention. The shopping ad sometimes pops up on my phone, and I think it can be xed out of without a redirect. On both, there's also a half page ad that looks like it's for Facebook. It's annoying on mobile, because when you move down, it flickers out of sight and then comes back until you x it. On the laptop, it stays constant until xed, and is a banner at the bottom of the page. The x doesn't redirect in either case.
There's another ad, the contents of which I don't remember right now, that sort of pops up in the middle of the screen and moves around with you, but... I'm not completely sure that's actually on the Board. It may well be on one of the mission-hosting sites.
One thing is good, though--I've never had an ad pop up on the reply page! :)
Also: this isn't constant, the ads. There are always the ones in the place designated for them--sometimes these are really large and can distort the page layout--but the majority of the time, I'm able to use the Board without seeing the full-page ads. Maybe even 8 or 9 times out of 10. (I think. I'll start keeping an eye out--it may be more frequent and I'm just used to ignoring it now. I'll let you know if it turns out to be more prevalent than I currently think).
Hope that helps,
~DF -
Yikes // thank you. by
on 2015-07-16 15:29:00 UTC
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I think I'll take some of this over to the help forum (not on the server thread, it's clearly unrelated to that). Thank you for the thorough description!
(I think the 'middle of the screen' ad may be the one on The Lost Tales, though obviously I don't know for certain.)
hS -
Actually, make that something like 4+ more times... by
on 2015-07-16 15:45:00 UTC
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...just trying to get to the main page of the Board. I double checked that going forward brings me straight back to the ad; I tried closing the tab and opening a new one--same thing. It's pretty bad this morning.
I have managed to view a couple of posts without ads, and I had seen a number of them without ads earlier. Last night, I don't remember any ads, though I think it may've loaded slowly once or twice. This, though, this is a bit much.
~DF -
That is seriously much. by
on 2015-07-16 15:58:00 UTC
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I've put a thread over on the help forum - don't know when it'll show up, but you can keep an eye out for it here (and they don't have ads there, naturally!). I've stuffed it full of quotes, about half of which are probably from you - thank you very much for reporting so thoroughly!
I'd say you can probably stop taking screenshots, but don't delete the ones you have - I don't know if Sean or Tamara will want to see them.
I'll keep reporting back as and when I get any information.
hS -
(It may well be). Also, antivirus ad again just now. by
on 2015-07-16 15:39:00 UTC
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It definitely dropped me back a page when I hit the back button. This is... a pretty high concentration, actually. Normally it doesn't happen so many times in a row... Or maybe I just get annoyed and take a break from using the Board faster :D Who knows.
Would the screenshots be of any use if I can get them to you? Or should I just stop taking them?
~DF -
You have a reply from Tamara. by
on 2015-07-16 12:22:00 UTC
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Over here. She says:
DiscApp 199610 loads quickly on both my computer and IPhone. As far as we can determine, the new server is faster than the old server. I would need to know what OS and browser he is using to cause the issues you describe. On the iPhone, there is only a banner ad and he would need to click it to be redirected to the App Store. There are no auto redirects.
(Sorry for messing up the link last time, don't know what was going on there.)
If you want to chat directly to find out if it's a problem at their end, you can; or I can relay messages.
hS -
I can confirm that there most certainly are auto-redirects, by
on 2015-07-17 05:57:00 UTC
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At least on the iPhone.
Possible reason. by
on 2015-07-16 09:44:00 UTC
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On June 29th,, they apparently migrated disc.yourwebapps to a new server. That probably explains the load times. (Previously we've had problems with loading the Board's css, because it was hosted on Freewebs; since I moved it to Google, I don't think that's come up).
The cover-everything ads are annoying, I agree, though I've not seen them layered. There seems to be no way to turn them off without paying $92 per month for premium access, though.
I'll mention your observations about loading times over on the support forum - I've noticed it a bit as well. For that matter, I'll mention the layered ads! There might be a problem they don't know about.
hS -
Have done that. by
on 2015-07-16 09:51:00 UTC
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Looks like they've got it set up to require replies to be confirmed by an admin, so I don't know when it'll show up; but I promise I've sent it.
I have decided, with approval, to tackle this monster. by
on 2015-07-16 19:17:00 UTC
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It is known as Starkit's Prophecy, the infamous scourge of the Warriors fandom. In other words, a Legendary Badfic. Many Warriors fans have studied it, rewritten it to make it a better story, etc. It got so many flame reviews that it was removed from the Pit, but I found an original copy on a different site that I can use.
I will cease work on my other Claims for now, if I am approved to spork this one. -
Good Luck... by
on 2015-07-17 16:07:00 UTC
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If you want any help with it, my agents are ready at the go. :)
Can you describe your agents for me, T? (nm) by
on 2015-07-17 21:45:00 UTC
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One Wiki walk later... by
on 2015-07-17 21:59:00 UTC
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Anna Parks and Silver Leonne.
The Wiki is your friend. -
Oh yeah.. Sorry. by
on 2015-07-18 04:30:00 UTC
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Sure, you can help me, but you'll need to help me with your agents so I get them right, if you know what I mean.
Um. by
on 2015-07-18 14:09:00 UTC
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Before you go making more plans, you may want to read what DawnFire said further down the thread?
I did. Understood, Dawn. Mission aborted. (nm) by
on 2015-07-18 19:57:00 UTC
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Wait.. I forgotÂ… Could we name this one a Legendary? (nm) by
on 2015-07-16 20:37:00 UTC
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And by approval, I meant possible approval. Sorry. (nm) by
on 2015-07-16 21:19:00 UTC
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Nevermind, I skimmed it. I won't. It's too Badfic... by
on 2015-07-16 22:33:00 UTC
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You can delete this little thread. I'm sorry.
There's a lesson here. by
on 2015-07-16 23:53:00 UTC
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That is, read the fic before you decide to claim it.
Actually, I think i could try it... by
on 2015-07-17 01:12:00 UTC
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…if I nerve myself up for it.
But I guess that, for now, I'm requesting it be moved to Legendary status. -
I thought that the PPC didn't go after religious badfic. (nm) by
on 2015-07-17 05:50:00 UTC
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Well, there's much more to this badfic than religion. (nm) by
on 2015-07-17 05:50:00 UTC
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Yeah, but she's a Religious!Sue, isn't she? (nm) by
on 2015-07-17 05:56:00 UTC
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The author's notes are. Not the rest. by
on 2015-07-17 15:04:00 UTC
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And honestly, I'm disgusted by how she blasphemes with Jesus' name. But honestly, I think this should be moved to Legendary. she's the Sue Queen of Warriors.
Er. by
on 2015-07-17 19:21:00 UTC
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While I haven't read the fic itself (and would definitely prefer to avoid doing so), I did just read the TVTropes page on it (which is extremely informative), and while I agree with the Legendary status...I don't think this is quite right for PPCing.
You've said that the a/ns are the part about religion, but the Tropes page says it's got Author Tract, the (or a?) main character "attempting to convert the Clans to Christianity", a version of the Ten Commandments playing a role in the story, Starkit (I assume this is the kit who becomes StarGleam) actually being called, in-fic, the cats' 'savor' and Jesus, I am not kidding--look, just take a look through the Tropes page. It's very informative, and has a lot of quotes. I'd say it's probably giving a very good idea of what the fic is like; TVTropes pages on badfics tend to, and this one looks pretty thorough to me.
What does the PPC say about this? Well, let's take a look:
What about religious fic?
As noted in the Guide to the PPC, we consider fanfiction based on religious texts to be in poor taste, and since a mission is a form of fanfic, we'd be hypocrites to PPC such fics. It happened once, but after that we agreed as a community not to go there again.
Then there's fanfic that has overt religious themes while not strictly being a religious-text-fic. Sporking religious fanfic is tricky – so tricky that it's best just to leave it alone. We've seen those fics where Harry Potter converts to Christianity, and we find them just as mind-boggling as you do, but we prefer not to run the risk of offending or hurting our fellow Boarders by accidentally bashing someone's religion while sporking a story.
That doesn't mean you can't PPC any fic that so much as mentions a religion or contains a religious character, but please exercise extreme caution and remember that everyone has a right to their own beliefs, even if you don't agree with them.
Personally, I think that this looks like exactly the sort of badfic we do not take on. Religion seems to play a pretty big part in it--particularly religion of the Author Tract!Missionary sort, which, er, is pretty out of place in the Warriors-verse, I'll give you that--and by 'it' I mean both the a/ns and the story itself. It looks like it'd be really difficult to PPC without offending people, and, quite honestly, it doesn't look like the kind of fic we spork. Library of the Damned would do it--they did Prayer Warriors, after all, and it went pretty well--but I'm pretty sure it's not for us.
So: as horrible as it is, as horrible as even the non-religious elements are...I'd recommend leaving it alone. PPCing it looks like a horrible idea to me, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one with that opinion.
(Legendary status, though? I'm on board with that. Very much so. Unless Legendary status is limited to non-religious-element badfics?)
~DF -
Oh, it's *totally* a Legendary. by
on 2015-07-18 03:52:00 UTC
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I've read the thing. Jay falls in love with a stick. Cats moo. The German language itself decides that there needs to be a chapter "NO." Much more entertaining than My Immortal was, really. Including even stupider prophecies! :D
Agreed. by
on 2015-07-17 19:32:00 UTC
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Couldn't have put it better myself.
Undoubtedly, she's the leading Sue in the Warriors archive. by
on 2015-07-17 15:06:00 UTC
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No one who knows about this Badfic has said otherwise.
Whoops, bad wording. by
on 2015-07-17 15:07:00 UTC
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I meant that "those who know about this Badfic have not said otherwise."
And honestly, the cats in Warriors don't know... by
on 2015-07-17 15:10:00 UTC
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…about Jesus or God, so she shouldn't be using those names. she should be saying "Oh StarClan!" after the spirits the Cans believe in.
I never knew 'cans' believed in StarClan (nm) by
on 2015-07-17 16:08:00 UTC
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I meant "Clans." Sorry for the misspelling. by
on 2015-07-17 17:28:00 UTC
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The four Clans in the series all believe in StarClan - all the good cats who have died. They become the stars in the sky. But I digress…
So, should we call it a Legendary, or no?
on 2015-07-17 16:05:00 UTC
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So... Apparently there's a new show coming out. (From the directors of LOST and The Strain, no less!) I'm excited. Are you guys?
On a less happy note, how many badfics should we expect? -
Oh joy. by
on 2015-07-17 22:37:00 UTC
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Another show that revels in its own inability to explain what the hell is going on. The heart soars.
Hey. by
on 2015-07-18 00:46:00 UTC
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She's clearly pretty excited about this. Don't be mean.
She's entitled to her opinion, y'know. by
on 2015-07-18 03:28:00 UTC
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Though she could have been less sarcastic, yes.
I think that's what KittyEden was saying? (nm) by
on 2015-07-18 20:43:00 UTC
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Iunno... by
on 2015-07-18 21:18:00 UTC
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I read KittyEden's post as 'you shouldn't voice your opinion to the contrary, let them be excited'.
I'm not sure why. by
on 2015-07-18 21:26:00 UTC
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The post ended with 'Don't be mean' - that is, 'don't imply that Tigress is an idiot for wanting to watch this'. Which, uh, I'd hope you agree with?
hS -
Well, yes. by
on 2015-07-18 21:39:00 UTC
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Scape could have definitely been less sarcastic. But her opinion – "not another show that is too confusing for its own good" – is perfectly legit. Saying 'Tigeress is excited so don't be mean' sounds like 'shut up, Scape, don't be negative when someone's excited' to me. It should be said that I don't think that KittyEden was trying to shut Scape up or anything, just that her phrasing wasn't exactly stellar, either.
I'm glad you didn't think that. by
on 2015-07-18 21:41:00 UTC
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I'm afraid you rather came across as if you did. So now that everyone's phrasing has been critiqued and found wanting - shall we let this one lie? ^_~
hS - Aye. by on 2015-07-18 21:44:00 UTC Link to this
Don't mind if I do, old chap. (nm) by
on 2015-07-18 21:50:00 UTC
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Would you like shortbread with that? (nm) by
on 2015-07-18 22:02:00 UTC
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*crashes the Very British Tea Party and steals the bikkies* (nm) by
on 2015-07-19 05:54:00 UTC
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*Darts through and snatches the tea* by
on 2015-07-19 07:10:00 UTC
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Which is odd for me to do, because I don't really like tea.
...Does anyone want this tea? -
Yes, please. by
on 2015-07-19 08:11:00 UTC
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*takes the tea and throws it at someone*
Please refrain from throwing hot liquids around. by
on 2015-07-19 11:20:00 UTC
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Scalds are unpleasant.
*pouts* by
on 2015-07-19 12:18:00 UTC
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Fine. What about an icecream fight?
Furthermore: by
on 2015-07-19 16:40:00 UTC
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Please refrain from wasting perfectly good tea (Earl Grey, hot). I'd rather much drink it, not have it thrown at my face. Thanks!
-sips tea- -
Tea? Earl Grey? Hot? by
on 2015-07-20 01:38:00 UTC
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Exactly. (nm) by
on 2015-07-20 03:23:00 UTC
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Very Important (Kinda) by
on 2015-07-17 20:38:00 UTC
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I got to pet a kangaroo today and I thought that all of you should know that.
You got a pet Kangaroo?! by
on 2015-07-18 19:58:00 UTC
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Could you somehow post a picture of it for us to see?
I thought that too. by
on 2015-07-19 07:13:00 UTC
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I also thought that Ixi had said that she had possessed wolves for pets, so I think I need to get my eyes checked or something.
No, she got to pet one. (nm) by
on 2015-07-18 22:00:00 UTC
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Oops, Des got there first. by
on 2015-07-18 22:02:00 UTC
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This is why I should refresh pages before posting.
If I am not mistaken... by
on 2015-07-18 21:42:00 UTC
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She got to pet a kangaroo, ie, she doesn't own it; rather, she went to a petting zoo or another, similar establishment.
That makes more sense by
on 2015-07-19 22:01:00 UTC
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Since those kinds of animals are generally heavily regulated. Though in the US, depending on State you actually can have a pet wolf, and I also believe a pet tiger, and a pet bear. I might be wrong about the tiger part though.
In Indiana... by
on 2015-07-20 01:16:00 UTC
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You can own a pet skunk, as long as you have its scent glands removed.
I would totally own a skunk. Seriously, lookit how cute they are! -
Awesome! (nm) by
on 2015-07-18 15:37:00 UTC
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:D Yesgood. by
on 2015-07-18 01:32:00 UTC
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'Tis a victory for us all.
This. This is highly important. (nm) by
on 2015-07-18 00:50:00 UTC
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That is indeed very important. (nm) by
on 2015-07-17 22:36:00 UTC
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Ooh, very nice! by
on 2015-07-17 21:18:00 UTC
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I've gotten to pet a few wolves before, that was cool.
Have some fun facts about kangaroo attacks! -
Yikes... by
on 2015-07-17 22:14:00 UTC
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I'm glad that the one's I touched were smaller than me and not living wild in Australia.
But wolves are pretty awesome!
Calling for betas! by
on 2015-07-17 21:11:00 UTC
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We're in need of maybe two or three betas for a rather long (read: about 40 pages) interlude. Feels and a TARDIS are involved. Anyone interested?
Just leave your email in your reply. Just a heads-up, we'd like to get this out by tomorrow or the day after if possible. -
Alright, thanks guys, we have enough! (nm) by
on 2015-07-18 19:25:00 UTC
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Oh, why not. by
on 2015-07-18 19:14:00 UTC
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We'll see how I do. Ix knows how to contact me.
Email is clickable. Not sure if this is too late, though. (nm) by
on 2015-07-18 15:07:00 UTC
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Sent! Thank you! (nm) by
on 2015-07-18 16:59:00 UTC
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Stephen Universe by
on 2015-07-18 03:14:00 UTC
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So, my brother, who is hard at work at earning his reputation among his friends as master of all things western animated, has introduced me to this Stephen Universe thing. I have to admit, at first, I did not really get it. However, over time, the show grew on me, and I'm finding myself looking for more and more things Stephen.
The third Stephen Bomb just ended, so I thought now would be as good a time as any to talk about this new fandom I find myself in. Any thoughts on the show? Favorite characters? Any particular ways you want to see Jasper disintegrated? I am willing to talk all things Stephen. -
Ah, another show I need to catch up on. by
on 2015-07-19 00:37:00 UTC
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I've wanted to binge-watch all the episodes, but I only made it as far as "Steven's Lion" before I had my laptop taken from me. It’s all over my Tumblr dash, though, so I know about more than a few things about that show. Pearl is best gem, btw :D
I think one of my agents may pick up on the show as well pretty soon, since I want to do a Steven Universe mission sometime. Probably Lapis, since she already shares a name with one of the canons... XD -
I kept expecting you to do that, really. XD by
on 2015-07-19 15:50:00 UTC
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The whole "Lapis meets Lapis" thing. Depends on if there are any missionable-fic, I suppose. :)
Welcome to the fandom! by
on 2015-07-19 00:12:00 UTC
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I've adored Steven Universe since the Mirror/Ocean Gem episodes; though to be fair, that was when I finally discovered the series. And to say the least, anyone who hasn't seen it yet SHOULD. It's the best thing to come out of Cartoon Network in a very long time!
In fact, I will go so far as to say it can go toe to toe with the likes of Gravity Falls and Samurai Jack as one of the all-time best animated shows of the late 20th/21st centuries.
I myself am partial to Garnet, with Steven himself not too far behind. And while I myself don't like Jasper due to her douchebaggery, I hate Peridot even more. Why? Because by all accounts, she shouldn't be a threat. Allow me to explain:
When I first saw her, I laughed her off as a joke; I mean, I don't underestimate any Gem I see on the show but...really? I was supposed to be intimidated by her? She looks like the illegitimate lovechild of a Linux and some hardware goggles! She has no place being some all-powerful being. -
On Peridot by
on 2015-07-19 16:31:00 UTC
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In fact you're not supposed to be intimidated by her. She's the Homeworld's tech support who somehow ended up stranded on an alien planet. She has no idea how half her weapons work (just look at her expressions in Friend Ship) and she is almost certainly the Gem equivalent of a kid. She's supposed to be funny because of how in over her head and how ridiculous she is. In fact I'm pretty sure that Peridot was actually literally based on Invader Zim, who is barely intimidating under perfect circumstances.
Fair Point by
on 2015-07-19 18:40:00 UTC
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Come to think of it, I do sometimes wait for her to make a robo-companion that turns into an Earth puppy. XD
WE (nm) by
on 2015-07-19 00:40:00 UTC
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Is that supposed to mean something? (nm) by
on 2015-07-19 00:44:00 UTC
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It's a fandom-specific thing. by
on 2015-07-19 00:47:00 UTC
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The mating call of the SU fan, specifically, as noted on Tumblr. That was the first line of the theme song, and I was hoping someone else would continue with the next line, etc.
Oh, THAT! Lemme try that again! by
on 2015-07-19 01:43:00 UTC
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Are the Crystal
GEMS! (nm) by
on 2015-07-19 07:55:00 UTC
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We'll always save the day! (nm) by
on 2015-07-19 18:33:00 UTC
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And if you think we can't, (nm) by
on 2015-07-19 19:24:00 UTC
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We'll always find a way! (nm) by
on 2015-07-19 20:42:00 UTC
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That's why the people (nm) by
on 2015-07-20 05:09:00 UTC
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Of this world! Believe in! (nm) by
on 2015-07-20 05:43:00 UTC
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Ooh! by
on 2015-07-18 21:23:00 UTC
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I love Steven Universe, I've been watching it since... gee, Frybo, I guess!
I really adore Lapis Lazuli, and can get very irritated by people acting like she's just some poor victim of circumstance woobie. She's probably one of the strongest characters on the show, physically and mentally, for goodness' sake!
I cannot wait to find out more about the backstory. I particularly am wondering what role the Gems play in human folklore and history - are there Gem-inspired monsters scattered throughout folklore? Do the Gem armies occupy a space similar to the Sidhe courts in mythology? -
Yay! by
on 2015-07-18 15:37:00 UTC
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I'm watching the show on the Internet cause my dash won't shut up about it. Did anybody else think Jasper was a dude for the longest time before they learned more about the show? 'Cause I totally thought Jasper was a guy.
As for favorite characters, I can't decide between Connie and Pearl, though I'm willing to let the show surprise me once I get to later episodes. (Garnet is also pretty awesome. :D) -
Yep. by
on 2015-07-18 18:58:00 UTC
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Still don't know what I should call Jasper. I know Gems have no gender (what with being, you know, gemstones) and usually use female pronouns, but Jasper is trying so hard to be male, deepening the voice, changing appearance... I think "dead meat" or "glitter dust" will do. Seems the least offensive route.
I adore Pearl. She is, bar none, my favorite Gem. I mean, Garnet is great, especially later in the series, but Pearl has a special place in my heart. Her motherly actions, her grace, her inner thoughts of worthlesness (Spoilers:since Rose died) all moves me so.
And no, this will not become a "best Gem" thread. Everyone is entitled to their opinions.even the wrong ones
Just a question, how far have you gotten in the series? I don't want to spoil anything, as there are some very big events that come later that I want you to see for yourself. A good check is, what do you think when I say "Gem kindergarten." -
Jasper is a she by
on 2015-07-18 21:18:00 UTC
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At least, she's referred to as a she by every other character. And how exactly is she 'trying so hard to be male'? Women are entirely capable of having deep voices and being aggressive. Also 'changing appearances' to what are you referring to? Malachite? Because Jasper's never shapeshifted that we've seen.
Masculine body shape. by
on 2015-07-18 22:18:00 UTC
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There is one thing of being a muscular woman, and having the body of a man. Now, calm down, I know physical sex does not equate gender, however, Gems can alter their appearance in ny way they like, save color. Jasper chose this form. Also, glitterdust is definitely lowering their pitch down. Looked a lot like a trans gem, if there is such a thing.
...I get the feeling I am somehow being offencive. Gender is difficult enough to wrap my head around as is, forget trying to pin it to a species that for all intents and purposes has no gender. All I was trying to do was note that I never once heard glitterdust referred to by any pronoun, and chose to appear male. If I was wrong, I was wrong. Now I'm just going to call Jasper glitterdust out of spite. -
First, I am perfectly calm. by
on 2015-07-18 22:42:00 UTC
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Second, Why do you think she's male? Because she's tall and buff? Such women can exist while still being women. Actually, one of the better things about Steven Universe is how it has female characters who are all different body types!
I have no idea what you're talking about with 'glitterdust.' That's not a phrase I've heard of anywhere in the show. In any case, she is very clearly referred to as a she.
Steven: Are you going to be able to beat her on your own? -
My first post. by
on 2015-07-18 22:51:00 UTC
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I said it as a joking pronoun. Instead of she, I use glitterdust. Because that is all I see this Gem as.. Glitterdust waiting to be.
And I see I was wrong. I misremembered, and I am sorry. Let us just move on. -
Hello minis~ by
on 2015-07-18 12:05:00 UTC
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Oooh, shiny mini-gems~! "Stephen Universe" "Stephen" and "Stephen Bomb"
I blame my phone. by
on 2015-07-18 18:24:00 UTC
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Thanks though. I'll try to avoid that in the future.
Yes, but which gem is mini? ^_^ by
on 2015-07-18 14:07:00 UTC
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I'm kinda imagining a mini-Peridot-bot.
Re: Yes, but which gem is mini? ^_^ by
on 2015-07-18 21:16:00 UTC
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I'm gonna go with mini-Centipeedles. They're one of the more recognizable monsters on the show, both as the first ones to show up and the only recurring ones.
No idea... by
on 2015-07-18 15:48:00 UTC
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Steven Universe is an undiscovered continuum. No missions yet, therefore no minis exist. I just assumed they'd be mini-gems.
And I've thought about actual, glittery prescious stones.
New collaborative mission! by
on 2015-07-18 15:57:00 UTC
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Just Testing
Agents: Desdendelle, Valon Vance, Kala Jeng
Continua: Five Nights at Freddy's and Warframe
New characters: Zeke
We hope you enjoy! -
Pretty good, if short by
on 2015-07-18 22:17:00 UTC
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I was able to follow it all right, but I would have liked a little more character interaction, not that there was necessarily room for it in the mission. Also, I didn't really understand the Warframe stuff, not that it was really necessary to follow the mission.
Oh, BTW... by
on 2015-07-19 17:55:00 UTC
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The mission is actually longer than the fic, amusingly enough.
That was...weird. Cool, but weird. by
on 2015-07-18 21:56:00 UTC
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It'd probably make more sense if I knew anything about either FNaF or Warframe.
Nice touch with Canon Love via fan song. *files idea away for later*
Sound the Discworld alarm! by
on 2015-07-18 21:50:00 UTC
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(No, this is not about OFUDisc 2)
(Nor is it about The Shepherd's Crown)
(Nor is Sir Pterry back. :( )
I've been signed up to the Discworld Monthly newsletter for many years, and it just proved its worth. I've discovered that Treefrog Games - the company that produced the massive-selling Discworld: Ankh-Morpork board game (you can buy this thing in Waterstones, people!), and who also (I now know) made a second game, The Witches... have lost the Discworld license. Apparently the estate has clamped down on the Discworld intellectual property. There is apparently no chance of Treefrog regaining it, either.
This means:
-The third game they were working on will never be made.
-(More seriously) They no longer have the right to produce more copies.
If you have been thinking of getting either of these games - or if you hadn't heard of them and think you'd like to - they are going to run out pretty fast. Board games aren't something people keep thousands of in stock.
I got Ankh-Morpork for Christmas. I've played it two or three times. It's quite long, and moderately complicated, but it is fun. On the strength of that, I've just gone and bought The Witches with no idea of how it actually plays. I'm not an impulse buyer - but this seems worth it.
I'm not saying you have to buy it (though as OFUDisc Administrator, obviously I'd be delighted if you did!). But if you intend to - now's the time.
hS -
Thanks for the heads-up! Just bought both games. (nm) by
on 2015-07-21 10:19:00 UTC
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I hope you enjoy them! ^_^ (nm) by
on 2015-07-21 11:42:00 UTC
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And... purchased! by
on 2015-07-19 01:28:00 UTC
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For us international types, there's a seller on Amazon who has a whopping
1211 copies (now that I've bought one) in stock, $US 44.
Elcalion, purchasing -
Addendum: by
on 2015-07-18 21:55:00 UTC
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The people who make the other Discworld game - BackSpindle Games - have been granted the license until the end of this year. So if you want Guards! Guards! - or, for that matter, the just now available to pre-order 'Clacks' - you have a slightly longer, but still very short, window of opportunity.
I have never played (or, until now, heard of) either game, so I'm not going to recommend or otherwise them. Obviously, as Administrator of OFUDisc... well, you know the rest. ^_~
About the Wiki by
on 2015-07-18 22:05:00 UTC
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So. In about six and a half months, I've apparently done something very, very right with writing Valon and Kala. They've received overall positive reception, and (and this is the reason for my question) they're tied for second place in the Department of Floaters, as far as mission count goes. As soon as Skar and I can find the time to finish our blasted cowrite, Valon and Kala will have twelve missions to their names.
So, the question is: Should they be added to the main page for the Department of Floaters?
I don't know what determines whether agents get added to the Department pages, and I don't know if Valon and Kala have quite that level of respect from the community. -
... Wait, July has a new-old mission. by
on 2015-07-19 00:58:00 UTC
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So, doesn't that mean Valon and Kala are technically in third place until your next mission is out? Not that it matters much, since I'm sure you'll be posting within a day or so, but y'know, accuracy.
~Neshomeh -
...Hold on. by
on 2015-07-20 03:13:00 UTC
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Who's in first currently, and does this mean that I have to get my rear in gear to keep up with what little respectability I possess? *g*
-July, still waiting for a response to a couple last replies -
Cadmar, with 13 missions. (nm) by
on 2015-07-20 16:12:00 UTC
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Here's the criteria I've been using. by
on 2015-07-18 23:47:00 UTC
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Because basically it's just been me making the decisions so far, since I've been the one putting in the time and effort to rewrite the department pages to make them actually useful.
Anyway, criteria:
1. Were they the first/only agents in the department or a division in the department?
2. Do they have the highest mission count in the department? (That's actual missions; I don't count interludes for this purpose.) Second- or third-highest also works.
2.5 If it's a really small department, do they have any published missions at all? (This does not apply to the DF, obviously.)
3. Have they been demonstrably active in the department a long time? (I'm thinking of agents like Nume, whose service record is backed up by my own presence in the community. I hesitate to count agents whose writers create them as having been around forever; I kinda feel like that's cheating.)
4. Did they take on a Legendary or some other famous badfic?
5. Are they well-known for some other reason, like being a PPC Lust Object or, e.g., Luxury?
So, if you've hit second-place for mission count, then yes, you meet the criteria. Go for it!
~Neshomeh, who fully believes in transparency (if anyone bothers to ask). -
Oh, and just to put this out there... by
on 2015-07-18 23:56:00 UTC
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That's just for the Action departments. Infrastructure is a little different, since all the agents in an Infrastructure department pretty much stay in one place, so if you're gonna write about it, it's a good idea to know who everyone is that your characters might run into. Therefore, I plan to list all agents in the department on the Infrastructure pages, or else have something like the FicPsych Personnel page to list everybody and link to that from the department page.
Just, y'know, in case anyone wanted to know that for any reason.
~Neshomeh -
You have my axe... by
on 2015-07-18 22:12:00 UTC
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I mean, vote! You have my vote.
I don't know either, what determines the agents promotion to the page, but if it was up to me - I'd add them. Both Valon and Kala are very enjoyable to read and they should get the recognition! :D
Paiging the MonMusu expert, Voyd by
on 2015-07-19 00:05:00 UTC
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Mail me, man... we've got some stuff to discuss
*puts on sunglasses, MIB-style* -
Email sent! I'm curious... (nm) by
on 2015-07-19 00:11:00 UTC
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I can't find where to post new missions. by
on 2015-07-19 00:24:00 UTC
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I realized I hadn't posted my first one and went to do so. But I've looked at the homepage twice over and can't find a section titled New Missions like the Wiki says there is.
Alright... by
on 2015-07-19 01:07:00 UTC
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Would you like me to adopt you as a Little Sib?
I'm fairly certain I've graduated from being Skarmory's, and you... you could use some help, no offense intended.
If you have any questions, shoot them this way first, aright? I've offered my e-mail address plenty of times, but if you need it again, it's DBooker67 at Google's mail service. -
I accept your offer. Thank you. (nm) by
on 2015-07-19 14:39:00 UTC
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Mind emailing me? I do have some things I'd like to discuss. (nm by
on 2015-07-19 15:41:00 UTC
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What are you looking at? by
on 2015-07-19 00:34:00 UTC
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'Cause you SHOULD be looking at this. It's up to date.
~Neshomeh -
There's a Recent Stories thing on the front page. by
on 2015-07-19 00:32:00 UTC
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Also, you can link to your stories on your agent pages, or update the Current Events page and Year 2015.
I found it. (nm) by
on 2015-07-19 00:49:00 UTC
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Seriously, though... by
on 2015-07-19 01:03:00 UTC
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Where did you read that there was a section was called "New Missions" on the main page? If there's something that still says that somewhere on the wiki, it should be updated.
~Neshomeh -
My bad wording. I thought that's what it was called. Sorry. (nm) by
on 2015-07-19 02:07:00 UTC
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Requesting betas! by
on 2015-07-19 00:53:00 UTC
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Basically, we just finished a new co-write today, and we would like to have it run by someone familiar with the Attack on Titan continuum, and perhaps some general SPaG/story flow as well. We already have one beta, but two or three more will be much appreciated. We await your favorable response!
I know you said you had enough betas... by
on 2015-07-20 01:06:00 UTC
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But if you need anyone else with canon knowledge, my offer from before still stands.
We now have enough betas, thanks! :) (nm) by
on 2015-07-19 20:54:00 UTC
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Yes yes yes :D (nm) by
on 2015-07-19 17:39:00 UTC
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What's your email? I don't have it. (nm) by
on 2015-07-19 17:54:00 UTC
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Click on my username. by
on 2015-07-19 21:21:00 UTC
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And just in case it doesn't work for some reason, my email is
Can't help with AoT... by
on 2015-07-19 15:48:00 UTC
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But you know I'm always available! ^^ (URL is clickable)
I'm willing to take a look. by
on 2015-07-19 04:40:00 UTC
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Skarmory should have my e-mail address.
Betas needed for a Redwall-based mission. (nm) by
on 2015-07-19 02:08:00 UTC
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It's been a while since I've read any Redwall... by
on 2015-07-19 23:18:00 UTC
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... but I can probably still help.
I also have some comments regarding this thread (which I'm mentioning here rather than just answering there because it's about to fall off the front page), if you're interested.
My e-mail address is
- Irish -
Don't know Redwall all that well... by
on 2015-07-19 21:37:00 UTC
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But I can still beta in other aspects, if you want me.
Sure. What's your email? (nm) by
on 2015-07-20 05:13:00 UTC
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Sorry I missed this! ^^; I'd made my email clickable. (nm) by
on 2015-07-21 15:08:00 UTC
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First Mission! by
on 2015-07-19 03:14:00 UTC
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Agents Michael and Mia make their debut and take down my own Sue, Annelle, in "Unacceptable Behavior."
Some thoughts by
on 2015-07-19 04:31:00 UTC
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I liked it, but it looks like your beta missed a few points:
- It took a moment for Michael to realize what she met — should be "meant".
- Mia was already at the console, looking at the words. — So why is it Michael who tells her the Sue is a Mermaid, not the other way round?
- That’s why I’m in the DF, where Sues come every day and I assassinate them for a living! — The DMS might have something to say anout that.
(I was also worried when you had Mia killed the Colonel like that, but then it turned out that's what I was supposed to feel all along!)
Thanks! by
on 2015-07-19 07:04:00 UTC
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I'm really glad you liked it! It's a bit late where I am, though, so I'll see to your points in the morning, and thanks again for them! Yay for concrit!
(Yep, definitely the feeling I was trying to incite. I'm quite happy that it worked!) -
It might just be me... by
on 2015-07-19 17:54:00 UTC
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But I cannot find your mission anywhere but here; you need to post them in a couple other places, too.
I know. by
on 2015-07-19 19:01:00 UTC
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I had some trouble getting things on the wiki, and I've already contacted Nesh about it. Thank you for checking, though!
... I should maybe check my e-mail, huh? by
on 2015-07-19 20:55:00 UTC
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I'm assuming you e-mailed me, since there's nothing new on my Talk page. I've kinda been avoiding my inbox for the past, uh, week? I should stop. >.>
Apologies to anyone else who's been trying to get in touch with me, too.
~Neshomeh, who sometimes just can't people. -
Yep, I emailed you. by
on 2015-07-19 21:01:00 UTC
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Heh, I can understand not being able to people. Should I try the Talk page from now on?
Nah, it's fine. by
on 2015-07-19 21:14:00 UTC
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Mostly I'm pretty good about keeping an eye on it. I just let it slide this week because my schedule wasn't very conducive to answering stuff anyway.
Paging Storme Hawk. by
on 2015-07-19 04:41:00 UTC
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Have you received my e-mails?
More on ideas by
on 2015-07-19 06:20:00 UTC
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I know that I posted a thread about this further down, but it's kinda been forgotten.
Anyway, I was browsing the wiki for the Monster Girl Encyclopedia with Firemagic (which I don't recommend, the original MGE is very NSFW), and I ran across the kraken. She's basically a giant squid-scylla.
My automatic idea generator started constructing Stephanie Podd as a character, native to the Monster Musume universe... but I pulled the brakes, because I know that 90% of my ideas are bad ones.
This is basically my feeling. I'm sitting here, with an idea I'm twelve kinds of uncertain about, unwilling to use it but unwilling to throw it away for good. Stephanie's only partly characterized—all I've ascertained is that she's from Norway—and I'm not sure whether to add more. -
On a side note by
on 2015-07-20 23:50:00 UTC
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Something I recommend you do, that might be helpful, before dismissing an idea, find someone to bounce it off of first. That's kind of what you are doing here, but you are being too hard on yourself. Everyone has ideas that are hit and miss, and it kind of reminds me of a quote from Thomas Edison, paraphrased since I cannot remember the exact one. When asked about failing multiple times before succeeding with his light bulb, he responded along the lines of I did not fail 99 times, but discovered 99 ways not to build a light bulb.
Really what I am trying to say is, just because the first attempt at an idea did not work the way you wanted, do not dismiss it as bad. With this idea now, it has potential, but it is too skeletal to really know for certain. It needs more to determine how it would work. If you are hesitant to go too much further in depth with the character, because you think it will be a "bad idea" and you want to work on it still, you can hit me via e-mail and you can run it by me. Of course, my ability to respond will be severely hampered over the next two weeks, but you can still try.
If you do want to use me to further work out this idea or others, my e-mail is border name without brackets at Google. And that actually goes for anyone else interested in hashing out further ideas. I spent about two years in various workshops, so I would be happen to listen to any ideas and provide input. -
Actually, Stephanie's starting to grow a personality! by
on 2015-07-21 00:26:00 UTC
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Sometimes all it takes is one stray thought and then BOOM, the idea train pulls in.
In this case, it was the knowledge that cephalopods swim at a kind of "eh" speed, but they can rocket through the water in short bursts thanks to their siphons.
And the moment that crossed my mind, she had the basis of a personality. She lives in bursts; Stephanie alternates between whirlwinds of energy and lazing about in a sluggish stupor. -
There you go by
on 2015-07-21 00:45:00 UTC
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That's kind of what the crux of my comment was. Don't give up on an idea, and I think that could make an interesting character, a lot of decent interactions.
Yup! by
on 2015-07-21 02:23:00 UTC
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While designing her character, her appearance and her abilities, I drew on all my knowledge of cephalopods (not just squid, but also octopi and cuttlefish). For instance, Stephanie can change her color at will, and her control is astounding considering she's, you know, totally colorblind (which is true of cuttlefish). It's like she has psychic knowledge of what color she needs to be.
Of course, with other elements, my mind went to some awful places...
This white text is NSFW.
She still has breasts, but she doesn't have a reason since she's not a mammal... or does she? My interpretation is that she produces ink from them. You're welcome for the mental images, by the way. -
There are very few bad ideas... by
on 2015-07-19 14:05:00 UTC
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...just badly implemented ones.
So, according to that Monster Girl Encyclopedia, the whole reason for a kraken's existence is to kidnap male humans and basically hold them prisoner, raping them for the rest of the man's life. Gulp! Now that could cause a lot of juicy, interesting conflict, especially considering the PPC's official policy on rape as something agents just plain aren't supposed to do.
So maybe Medical and FicPsych have got Stephanie permanently pumped full of libido-suppressing drugs, but there are still going to be a lot of males who won't feel comfortable near her just in case the drugs wear off. And some straight women will hate her just in case the drugs wear off and she rapes their boyfriend/husband/slave/whatever.
Build the story around that conflict, and it might work. -
Corrections by
on 2015-07-19 14:14:00 UTC
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Stephanie would be from the Monster Musume universe, not the MGE universe. I'm not comfortable with writing anything that's actually from the MGEverse because there are a lot of elements that creep me out, such as forced physical and mental transformation.
Most of the sexual aspects would be toned down by necessity, because that's what Okayado does for MonMusu. Stephanie wouldn't be a sex drive on tentacles, she'd be an industrial-sized Norwegian girl who happens to have tentacles instead of legs. -
Ah, OK... by
on 2015-07-19 16:27:00 UTC
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To be honest, I don't see the point of the whole "tentacles instead of legs" thing. Why not just make her an industrial-sized Norwegian girl with ordinary legs? What do the tentacles add to the story, apart from satisfying your fetish?
And, just so you know I'm not judging you: One of my sexual fantasies is being headless. (There's something strangely empowering about the thought of being so in control of myself and of my own body that not even losing my head can stop me!)
But despite that, animal people tend to fall right into the uncanny valley for me. Whether anthro or half-and-half, they just creep me out in the same way that headlessness creeps other people out. So there needs to be a reason to justify the gimmick for people who don't share the fetish.
In Stephanie's case, maybe you could lampshade that. Make part her character arc. Go in totally the opposite direction you did with Kala. Give her a partner who is secretly grossed out by her tentacles but he's trying to be polite, not let it show, not upset her or let her suspect how he feels.
Maybe he was shown a head and shoulders photo of her when he's assigned as her partner, and thinks she's just a gorgeous Norwegian girl. So it's quite a shock to see that she's a ... a horrible, slimy thing from the waist down. He wants to keep looking away from her tentacles but knows that might seem rude, but if he forces him to look at them, it would seem like he's staring at them which is equally rude.
Maybe he even tries to look up about krakens online, and finds that MGE entry. That'll really freak him out!
Meanwhile how does she Stephanie feel about this? Does she suspect how he feels? Is she used to it, resigned to it being inevitable? Has she lost lots of partners over time, because they couldn't get used to her tentacles? (If she mentions this to him it could make him even more uncomfortable.)
Or is she new to both the PPC and to our world, and surprised and puzzled that people could feel that way about her? Or maybe it works both ways and she's secretly grossed out at the thought of humans walking on two solid legs like ... like some kind of deformed featherless bird with a kraken's upper half!
Over time, the partners slowly get to know each other. Slowly, very slowly, without even realising it, her partner finds himself thinking about about her tentacles less and less. (If Stephanie ever had any problem about legs, she'll get used to them a lot quicker just because so many people in HQ have them.)
But, just as everything looks as if everything's going sommthly, Stephanie comes across something her partner wrote after he first met her, or overhears some old gossip about something he once told a friend about he.
She doesn't know that his feelings are changing (not surprising, since neither does he, yet) and she's shocked to find that he feels this way, especially since she thought she liked him. She wonders how long their partnership is going to last, and whether it would be best for both of them if she asks the flowers for a new partner.
But then, on a mission, the DORKS breaks, causing them to revert to their normal forms. The warrior!Sue spots the kraken and attacks. But Stephanie's partner reacts instantly and saves her life by grabbing a couple of tentacles and pulling her to safety! Even after the fight is over, he's just concerned that he might have hurt her by pulling too hard. They're bot surprised that he wasn't bothered by touching her tentacles at all!
When their mission's finally over, they head back through the portal, one of her tentacles wrapped gently around his arm ans if it's the most natural thing in the world for both of them. Even if they never become lovers like Valon and Kala, at least they new feel comfortable in each other's company.
(Yeah, yeah, I know, as it stands, it's not the greatest of story arcs. In fact it's just one tired old cliche after another. But it's a starting point. Right?) -
Interesting idea, I'll file that one away. by
on 2015-07-19 16:44:00 UTC
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Also, fun fact: monster girls are not my fetish. Even reading the MGE, I'm rarely interested in that way.
Valon's not into Kala because she's a monster; he's into her because she's a girl, and she's a friend. I only made Kala a girtablilu because I wanted a character from that universe, and I originally planned for the 211 team to never get together. I thought that wish-fulfillment was an automatically bad thing at the time, and that Valon (AKA my author avatar) getting into a relationship would make him Stuish.
Wanna know something? Kala's human half isn't even my ideal woman! The women I'm interested in almost always have long, dark hair, and they're usually average height. Kala has fairly short blonde hair, and she's incredibly short herself (four-foot-nine, even in disguise).
I am serious when I say that I could not give less of a crap about the fanservice in MonMusu. I actually do care more about the story than the sex appeal. Okayado's world is fascinating to me, and with characters like Kala Jeng, Stephanie Podd, and the as-yet-unreleased Betty Borea (who's a yeti), I'm just trying to fill the gaps. -
*blushes* Ooops. Sorry about that. by
on 2015-07-19 17:02:00 UTC
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The confusion was entirely my fault not yours. Guess I've just got a dirty mind. Sorry.
Well, if you like headlessness, MonMusu has dullahan... (nm) by
on 2015-07-19 17:36:00 UTC
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You also have Durarara!!'s Celty Sturluson by
on 2015-07-19 19:31:00 UTC
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Who might be one of the most interesting Anime/Manga characters ever created.
Oh, yeah! Celty's mah girl! by
on 2015-07-19 20:04:00 UTC
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She's probably one of the sweetest non-human girls in Anime/Manga! Yes, I'm saying this even after fully up to date with MonMusu manga!
Blasphemy! by
on 2015-07-19 20:16:00 UTC
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Shun the heretic! Shun! SHUN!
You'll never take me alive!!! by
on 2015-07-19 20:35:00 UTC
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*throws a confetti-and-glitter smoke bomb and disappears*
Depends on your definition of non-human though by
on 2015-07-19 21:58:00 UTC
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Because if we use a definition of anyone not identified as human, Celty is good, but I think she losses out to either Belldandy (Ah! My Goddess) or maybe Ceras Victoria (Hellsing) as goddess and vampire/draculina respectively.
On a completely unrelated note, Voyd, I recommend you check out Ah! My Goddess if you have not already. It really is basically a family friendly version of Monster Musume. -
I say flesh it out a bit more. by
on 2015-07-19 07:04:00 UTC
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I don't see anything bad about the idea you have right now, other than the fact that it's very small. Here's my suggestion: flesh Stephanie out some more. Give her a personality, a life, some quirks, some hobbies, and some flaws. Think of a character arc for her, with ways for her to grow. Then, I suggest a test drive. Try one of the 46 (I believe) Permission Prompts-- select one at random or just pick one. Take Stephanie out for a whirl and see how you like her.
You say that 90% of your ideas are bad, but I disagree. I think you're second guessing yourself too much. You said you cut off a thought immediately, because you thought it might be bad, and you're extremely uncertain about it at a very early stage. The thing is, right now you only have a tiny idea, like a little seedling. You can't know what it will grow to be, but you're already worried about it. So that's my advice-- nurture the seed a little. Let it grow up enough to see what it's really like, and then make a careful, thoughtful judgement on what you want to do.
And here's another little piece of advice, one I'm still struggling to adhere to myself. Don't throw away your ideas: write them down. Keep a little folder on your computer for the ideas you have. Jot them down whenever you have them, then look at them every so often. Even if you don't think they'll work now, later on down the road you might like them.
Keep your chin up, Voyd-- I like your writing, and a few bad ideas aren't always... well, bad. They teach you what will work, and what won't. And because you've been open about your problem (which isn't the easiest to do) we can help you.
Remember: "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." -
I'm not exactly certain what the issue is by
on 2015-07-19 07:02:00 UTC
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If you are asking what to do with the character, here's what comes to mind for me. Even if you create a character you are uncertain about, at least give some more depth to the character. It certainly will not hurt.
Are there any Don't Starve fics worth reading? by
on 2015-07-19 21:46:00 UTC
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I'd find them myself, but I've been having numerous computer problems, so I'm not sure I'd get very far in my search.
3DS Friend Code Exchange... and a need for advice by
on 2015-07-19 23:02:00 UTC
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Well, I suppose that with a bunch of new(er) faces around, now's as good a time as any to start this again.
If you're comfortable with sharing, list your Mii name, your friend code, and what games you have. Just as an example, I'll share mine.
Pokémon Omega Ruby, Pokémon Y, Super Smash Bros
And on the subject of that last one... I could use some help.
See, I've been playing online, and I am doing... rather poorly. I have played a total of 103 games, 94 of which were 1-on-1.
I've only won 31 times.
In more than two-thirds of all my matches, I get my bony posterior handed to me on a silver platter. I'm best with Ganondorf, Doctor Mario and Little Mac, but considering my success rate? That's not saying much.
And improvement requires knowing what I'm doing wrong. I don't. And because I can only play random matches (I don't know anyone with the 3DS version), there's nobody to tell me.
That is the main reason I started this thread, but if it leads to more online interactions between PPCers, that works too. -
'Kay, got Smash yesterday. by
on 2015-07-24 15:41:00 UTC
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What times are good for you?
(Hah hah, "times" like there are multiple times in a week when I can sit down for games.) -
Just poke me on Skype. by
on 2015-07-24 17:54:00 UTC
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I basically have my DS right next to me from about 10am to 11pm.
I'm going to get the 3DS Smash eventually. by
on 2015-07-21 03:13:00 UTC
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I usually wait until games get cheap used at GameStop, but considering how high used copies of Brawl still are, I probably won't wait much longer. I do have a 20% off coupon . . . Anyway, I'll let you know when I get it.
Also, does anyone need/want to do tradeback evolutions in Pokémon? I've pretty much got all I can at the moment, but I don't mind using my game as a work pony for others. -
There's a reason I don't Smash online. by
on 2015-07-20 09:10:00 UTC
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Pokémon X, Y, Alpha Sapphire; Smash 4 3D; Mario Kart 7.
Online Smash is rough, Voyd. It's where the god-tier people play, not mere mortals like you or me. I'd be happy to go a few rounds with you and potentially give you some tips, though.
Since I've already got you, I'll just add eatpraylove for now.
Oh, and I also need to get online with you in Pokémon so I can get your full Friend Safari. -
Yay, Friend Codes! by
on 2015-07-20 01:06:00 UTC
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Animal Crossing New Leaf, Ocarina of Time 3D.
(I will get more. Soon. Probably Smash Bros or Alpha Sapphire first.)
Oh, and if anybody else with New Leaf wants to visit my town, my Dream Address is 5300-5004-3839. Please come check it out! I'm super proud of it! -
Dodge-Grab spam: the bane of my existence by
on 2015-07-19 23:26:00 UTC
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Seriously, people using this tactic merrily avoid everything I throw at them, and there is exactly zip I can do to stop them. Just... dah.
New interlude! by
on 2015-07-20 02:30:00 UTC
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Wherein three Time Lords, a geth, and a quarian go to repair a TARDIS. It seems to be going well, until angry words are exchanged. Then the whole thing spirals out of control.
Presenting "Cale Sèche" (Dry Dock), an interlude that has been in development since late May and had its seeds in the mailbox game. Enjoy, everyone!
~DF, Ix, ST -
This was a hard read, by
on 2015-07-22 20:37:00 UTC
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but it was totally worth it. And I don’t even know much about Gallifrey.
Some typos:
“Close. Type 77,” announced the Guardsman, still looking the screen.
There’s probably a word missing before "the screen”.
The Guardsman begrudgingly gave her his tools and stomped over the the terminal, not looking at the Reader.
A TARDIS is a marvel of engineering—as beautiful as it is precariously perched on the brink of total dimensional singularity.
I don’t understand the techno-babble, but I’m not entirely sure whether this should not be "the brink of a total dimensional singularity".
HG -
Thank you for commenting! by
on 2015-07-22 21:15:00 UTC
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We're glad that you like it!
Corrections applied-- your magic eye never ceases to amaze me, HG. Thank you! -
In a word: Fascinating by
on 2015-07-20 06:08:00 UTC
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My knowledge of Doctor Who is pretty cursory - just the kind of stuff you pick up from watching the show mostly to ogle David Tennant. This makes me want to really dig into the history of the setting, so I can understand all the subtle nuances going on right now. Because I am absolutely certain they are incredibly and fascinating, but I think I'm missing out on a lot of them.
One weird thing I noticed - on page eleven, there are a couple of references to the Notary as being male. Either she regenerated and I didn't notice, or you might want to go back and edit that. -
Nope, that's on you. by
on 2015-07-20 11:03:00 UTC
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What one assumes is the relevant line:-
"That you apparently feel he does speaks ill of you in a way worse than the Notary, who, at the very least, does not wear his Seal about in public!"
The 'his Seal' part refers to Rassilon, Lord President of Gallifrey during the Time War and all-round loony. It's not the Notary's Seal, primarily because she doesn't have one.
She's more of a walrus girl. =] -
Oh, okay by
on 2015-07-20 14:32:00 UTC
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I read it as being "a copy of the Seal of Rassilon owned by the Notary," (as opposed to the copy owned by Emiran, who does wear it regularly), which explains where my confusion came from. Thanks for the correction.
De nada. =] (nm) by
on 2015-07-21 09:45:00 UTC
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Did you ever wonder what the Board was like in the old days? by
on 2015-07-20 08:56:00 UTC
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Have you ever wondered what some of our esteemed oldbies were doing when the Board was young(er)? What they were talking about? Well, I am here to answer some of those questions.
I was peeking through the PPC Board archives when I noticed a few spots were pulled from the Wayback Machine. Curious, I decided to see what the Wayback Machine had to show. Strap in kids, because we are going back!
You know when the Hobbit movies came out? Do you ever wonder how the original, near LoTR exclusive Board respond to the announcement? Something like this:;article=160919;title=PPC%20Posting%20Board
This was in 2007, five years before An Unexpected Journey came out. This was a Big Announcement. Look how few people (relatively) responded to the post. Does it fascinate you? It does me.
How about PPC based news, like a mission release? One of the earliest posts the Wayback can reach is the release of CRASHING DOWN, chapter 5 by our beloved Huinesoron:;article=160776;title=PPC%20Posting%20Board
Here is something for the archives, if somebody else has not done it. We semi-recently amended our Constitution, and have amended it in the past. Here, in my possession, is a copy of the PPC constitution from Way Back When.
I know, I'm not exactly Nic Cage, but I found it interesting.
And now, to end on a high note, the greatest thing to come from the PPC. What follows is C*l*br**n related, so, you know. NSFW.
December 10, 2007, Board user Laburnum read this book review, which made an interpretive dance out of a trashy romance novel. Laburnum asked the Board if they could turn other things into interpretive dance, such as badfic. Just a little while later, Board user BattleHamster answered the call. People of the Board, I give you: C***b***n: The Interpretive Dance;article=160743;title=PPC%20Posting%20Board" -
Â…hmmm. by
on 2015-07-25 17:37:00 UTC
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Having seen The Hobbit, or enough of it to know better, I would like to formally retract my previous defense of Peter Jackson before this falls off the edge of the page.
(Also, was that really that long ago? Good grief.) -
I'm beloved now? :D by
on 2015-07-20 09:13:00 UTC
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That's not the word I'd use...
I have to wonder where I was for the Hobbit announcement. December 18th... might've been out of action for Christmas, I suppose. Still, though, it seems unusual.
As for the Interpretive Dance... :D Welcome to the PPC!
(PS: I should note for my own sake that the original, Saphie-penned Constitution is linked from the Wiki page, and can be found here. So it is archived, I promise...!)
(PPS: Given what I'm posting later today, this is a VERY apt thread. Thanks for it! The past makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.) -
Grand Overlord, perhaps? by
on 2015-07-20 09:42:00 UTC
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Simply Baron, if one is feeling humble?
I found it so fascinating how the LoTR movies, which I see as classic cinema, and do an annual viewing of all three extended editions, were spoke of as absolute dreck that ruined the books with broken logic. Not that I am saying they weren't different from the books, nor that there were not changes that were made that should not have, but it was like the trilogy was Eragon or Percy Jackson or something. (Yes, I know. The Percy Jackson movies came out later. My point still stands.) Of course, knowing how the Hobbit movies went... Yeah, maybe there was some cause for hesitation.
It may well be the original wording, but I brought the original page! So ha! Mine's better. :p
(PS: Look how small the header was back then! Just, "Read the constitution, please!" Not much else. How things have changed.) -
(Allow me to rewind 10 years). They did!!! by
on 2015-07-20 10:26:00 UTC
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'Ooh, my name's Faramir, I'm going to abduct the Ringbearer and drop him right in front of a Ringwraith and somehow this won't get back to Sauron!'
'Ooh, my name's Sam, I've followed Frodo all this way, but now Gollum's framed me for stealing food I'm just going to give up and go home!'
'Ooh, my name's Theoden, I'm going to whine that Gondor didn't save me from an army they had no way of knowing was even there!'
Seriously. Seriously.
And then there's the gratiutous changes to things that, while not turning into bad logic, were far far better in the book. Frodo becomes a drooling idiot at the Ford of Bruinen instead of defying the Nazgul. Denethor becomes such a caricature that Gandalf whacks him about the head and he eventually runs over the edge of the city screaming - that's a much worse character distortion than any badfic's ever produced! Aragorn doesn't rally the people of southern Gondor to aid their capital behind their future king - no, he just leads an army of neon-green ghosts. Leadership!
And don't even mention the Scouring of the Shire. Oh, wait - they didn't. They just decided that the bit Tolkien wrote to be the point of the whole story was 'too depressing', and cut the whole thing out.
(Back to the present) I... still agree with all that. ^_^ I'd just say it with less italics nowadays.
(PS: I'd love to have a simple header on the Board again. Problem is, with the loss of both Oddlots and, we don't have a homepage other than the Wiki; the header is having to do double-duty.) -
The purpose of any good adaptation... by
on 2015-07-20 11:10:00 UTC
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Is to make the purists sulk. You know that. =]
(Ten Years Gone Mode: Engaged) Well, yeah. by
on 2015-07-20 11:19:00 UTC
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And if it was, for instance, the Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell adaptation, I could see the reason for the changes. They did some stuff to tighten up the storyline to fit it into seven hours, and some to shift the focus onto the women more. So they monkeyed with the timeline, for instance, to give Emma Pole some interactions with the Arabella Strange plotline. In the book, they have, what, one on-page meeting?
But LotR-M changed things just for the heck of it. Why make Frodo useless at the ford? It wasn't to establish Arwen's character as Super Awesome for later use - they didn't use the super-awesome part. Were they trying to make Frodo look weaker so his perseverance later was more impressive? Did they just have some spare fake drool on hand? Who knows! I doubt PJ&co do.
As for Faramir: it's not even so much the 'I'll abduct him', though the fact that not going after the Ring pretty much defined his entire character makes that hurt a lot (and the fact that they used his actual line to justify the abduction is just terrible). It's the fact that, in the interests of 'adding tension', they put a Ringwraith in front of Frodo. You know, the ones who've been established time and time again as sensing the Ring whenever it's nearby? And, what, the Nazgul in question just... didn't feel like reporting it? 'Eh, I'm sure the boss already knows. Whatevs.'
There's ticking off the purists, and there's gratuitous violence to plot, character, and common sense. Guess which category LotR-M falls into.
Hint: you don't have to guess.
hS -
No, I don't: it's the former. by
on 2015-07-20 11:31:00 UTC
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You may, for instance, recall that one of the Nine was foiled by the "thrown object in the undergrowth" trick from every PoW movie ever. Sensing the Ring or not, these are the actions of someone who is, er... let's call them "differently bright". I would not put it past the relevant Nazgul to have completely forgotten about it, or be distracted by someone jangling a set of keys over its face or an interesting blob of Fell Beast snot. They have that in common with evil minions everywhere - thick as two short planks but dangerous in a fight unless you're wearing your Plot Armour.
There's a difference. by
on 2015-07-20 11:41:00 UTC
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The Ringwraith in question was distracted from being able to catch the Ringbearer - not from knowing the Ring was in the general area. They knew it was somewhere in the Shire, just not exactly where. But it shouldn't have been in Osgiliath! By the movie's own timeline, Sauron was under the impression that Saruman had captured the halfling with the Ring at this point. Feeling it practically on the border of Mordor should've rung alarm bells from Dol Guldur to deepest Rhun.
But it didn't, because PJ is bad at consequences. And how exactly are you claiming 'the villains are as thick as two short planks' as not being a mark of bad filmmaking?
hS -
Gosh, I hadn't even thought of that. by
on 2015-07-20 19:45:00 UTC
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I think whenever I watch that scene I'm still stewing over Faramir, so that might be why.
Also (and I hate to break into the discussion), hS, which character distortion was worse for you-- Faramir's or Denethor's? My dad, who introduced me to LotR, is angrier about Faramir, but I get a lot more fired up about Denethor. With Faramir, at least, PJ gave a reason: the middle film need an emotional climax. Denethor's... everything didn't seem to have a reason to me. I mean, the guy wore armor everywhere! He was tragic and brave and wise and solemn and they ruined him! Gah! Why would they even change him? His original character was awesome!
*sighs deeply*
I think your italics infected me... -
Frankly, that's a coin flip. by
on 2015-07-21 09:23:00 UTC
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Filmamir (term (c) Philosopher at Large) was a travesty: his one major character point was completely flipped, and then he got turned into a complete pushover for RotK-M ('I shall go and commit suicide-by-orc so my daddy will love me'). It's really hard to see what Eowyn saw in him.
But Denethor... well, what you said! They turned him into a mini-villain. From the moment we first saw him, he was clearly and deeply evil. And I don't know why. I don't know why they thought 'Denethor stuffs his face disgustingly with chicken' was a good cinematic moment. I don't know why they decided that seeing him completely break down was more powerful than seeing him break inside but still try to keep going. I just don't know.
hS -
:( by
on 2015-07-21 17:51:00 UTC
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And that, in a nutshell, is why I never ever ever want PJ to do anything else with the legendarium ever.
Oh, I did once read a fic about Book!Faramir and Filmamir meeting in a tavern, and that was fun.
Dino-Dragon by
on 2015-07-20 11:47:00 UTC
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'Winged dragon' dinosaur discovered
"Scientists have discovered a winged dinosaur - an ancestor of the velociraptor - that they say was on the cusp of becoming a bird. The 6ft 6in (2m) creature was almost perfectly preserved in limestone, thanks to a volcanic eruption that had buried it in north-east China. And the 125-million year-old fossil suggests many other dinosaurs, including velociraptors, would have looked like 'big, fluffy killer birds'. But it is unlikely that it could fly."
What? Yes, my form of science fangirl geekery is more for prehistory rather than outer space. How did you guess?
Anyway, why don't more fantasy or sci-fi worlds have creatures like this? Just look at that picture. -
Neat discovery, but... by
on 2015-07-20 20:32:00 UTC
Link to this my honest opinion, the restoration pictured below is, uhm, disappointing:
I mean, sure, there isn't any denying that Zhenyuanlong has feathers, but my main issue is the way the plumage is depicted, among a few other things. To explain, here's a dissection of the above picture, as taken from this Tumblr post on the matter:
The list of issues pointed out by the source post are as follows, in quote:
1.) Wing Structure. Whilst Zhenyuanlong had a complicated arrangement of primaries, secondaries, coverts, and retrices, here the feathers on the arm are represented as a simple fan.
2.) Pronation. Even though this isn’t Jurassic Park Velociraptor-like full on bendy wrist pronation, this posture is still unlikely and will cause wrist breakage.
3.) Leg Feathers. Here Zhenyuanlong is depicted with vestigial Microraptor-like hindlimb feathers, whereas the actual fossil lacks any feathers around the hindlimbs. This may be a taphonomic artifact, but speculation isn’t a good way to go for a reconstruction.
4.) Shrinkwrapping. It may be a matter of texturing, but the feet of Zhenyuanlong are horrendously wrinkled in this reconstruction. This is not that major a problem for the rest of the body.
5.) Posture. The right leg is bent at a crude, almost painful angle. This certainly calls into question how the hips of this thing even work.
6.) Coloration. Having this flashy coloration may not necessarily be the best choice for an active predator. On the other hand, this may be intended to be for display. In either case, however, the colour is not what we would expect for this animal.
To add to some specific points, and in concurrence to all of them:
* Like modern birds, deinonychosaurs had primary feathers attached to the second finger (look at the fossil of Microraptor, for example). Either the artist behind the restoration did not research the fossil find or I need new glasses, because I don't see any primaries on the second finger. The primaries are now common knowledge for a significant number of palaeo-artists on the Internet, as this comic wittily demonstrates. More seriously, the notion of large primary wing feathers and their supposed interference with forelimb function is discussed in depth here.
* Apparently, the shrink-wrapping as described in the Tumblr post applies only to the feet; in modern birds, the foot musculature is pretty minimal (I had fried chicken feet in Indonesia once, and they didn't have that much meat on them). I did notice that there isn't much padding in the right foot, however, so maybe that's why the feet look so awkward. ADr. Scholl'ssole cushion would've likely been necessary for a ground-dweller to support its weight, like in the feet of ostriches, for example.
* Regarding the feather colors: I think the paleo-art circles have an inside-joke term for color schemes like this: Sparkleraptors. From what I've heard, it's often garishly colored dinos like these that turn people off from the notion of feathered dinosaurs in the first place. As noted, it's also not a new thing, either - Archaeopteryx is always depicted as being colored like a tropical bird in old dinosaur books (which is especially jarring when all the other dinosaurs are elephant-gray, mud-brown, moss-green, etc.). Most meat-eating dinosaurs would likely go with more subdued color schemes as in modern predatory mammals, and vivid colors like a bird of paradise would probably be a seasonal thing for the sake of showing off to mates and such. For the technically minded, here's a detailed explanation on dinosaur feather colors, which should be helpful for portraying plausible color schemes for at least the feathered ones. (Note that Ripper's blood-red plumage is actually quite reasonable according to the article, since carnivores like him have only structural colors and melanin to work with.)
All that being said, the artwork itself is gorgeous once you get past the technical flaws (though I had to struggle to do that, being the palaeo-nerd I am). JP notwithstanding of course, feathered dinosaurs NEED to be a thing in modern prehistory media. And to those who say feathered dinos look stupid, go anger a goose and then we'll talk. XD -
A far prettier image. by
on 2015-07-23 11:50:00 UTC
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By Emily Willoughby
See? Far prettier. How's she done on that list?
1.) Wing Structure. This Zhenyuanlong has lovely complex wings. You can barely see the claws!
2.) Pronation. Those hands (what you can spot of them) are emphatically turned inwards, not downwards.
3.) Leg Feathers. Willoughby's Zhenyuanlong has feathered legs, but no fans - a more conservative reconstruction, allowing for preservation artefacts.
4.) Shrinkwrapping. What is there to shrink-wrap?
5.) Posture. It looks like a bird! She describes it as displaying at its reflection, hence the somewhat-fluffed-up wings.
6.) Coloration. One bright display crest (is that from the fossil? I can't see it, but both artists put it in), and then what I assume are browns, blacks, and whites? Definitely no sparkleraptor, this one.
Now why couldn't they have used a picture like that for the press release?
hS -
That is a brilliant picture by
on 2015-07-24 15:06:00 UTC
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If there's one thing wrong with it, it's that there's no sense of scale. The Zhenyuanlong just seems the size of a jay or magpie, rather than 6 feet long.
But apart from that, it is amazing. Thanks for that. -
Scale is hard. by
on 2015-07-24 15:54:00 UTC
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Even on pictures which have the most blatant scale-cues ever, such as trees, I find myself reading them as being small trees. That tiny thing below Dreadnoughtus is a 4m-long iguanodont, but I can't interpret it as anything above chicken size - thus under-reading Dreadnoughtus by a huge margin.
I don't know why. You'd think the size of trees, of all things, would be burned into our brains.
As for Ms Willoughby's Zhenyuanlong, I think I read it as cat-sized, which is actually pretty accurate (I'm not counting the tail); I spent every summer holiday of my childhood playing in a river with loaf-of-bread-sized boulders, so that's probably the reason. But magpie-sized is certainly equally valid! It's just what the rocks make you think of.
hS -
Hm... by
on 2015-07-24 18:59:00 UTC
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That picture makes the Zhenyuanlong look roughly chicken-sized to me.
on 2015-07-23 17:40:00 UTC
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You have no idea how much I LOVE Emily's work! She makes the best feathered dinos ever, and nothing will convince me otherwise! :D
And as a bit of a tangential plug, I'd also like to take the opportunity to promote one of my favorite dinosaur-related original fiction works: Palae Oh No. Basically, all the problems of human-era dinosaur media, retold with civilized, science-accurate dinosaurs and media about Permian synapsids instead. Palaeontology fans should definitely give it a read sometime! -
Forget geese, go get a chicken mad at you. by
on 2015-07-21 15:27:00 UTC
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Yes, I was dumb enough to make enemies with a rooster when I was a kid.
And you want to know a garishly colored bird that will really do you in?
Cassowaries, AKA the modern Deinonychus. These things have flarking stilettos built into their feet, and will not hesitate to disembowel you with them.
And these are the birds with the bright blue heads and ridiculous crests. -
One is inescapably reminded of Bullockornis planei by
on 2015-07-22 00:05:00 UTC
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Which is, for the uninitiated:
In addition, they have a particular name among Aussie megafauna enthusiasts. That name? The DEMON-DUCK OF DOOM. -
I knew I would have the opportunity to post this some day. by
on 2015-07-21 23:03:00 UTC
Link to this , because I just can't embed the video.
(This is from a French series on Youtube, referencing a previous one about Velociraptors: ) -
Yes,, good points about the picture (nm) by
on 2015-07-21 11:29:00 UTC
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They're not wrong. by
on 2015-07-21 09:59:00 UTC
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Well, they may be wrong about the colouration - unless I'm colourblinding at it, the only bright colour is that crest, which could well be for display. That's not a full-on Sparkleraptor by any stretch.
But they're not wrong about the rest; that left foot in particular is just scary. And... I see it only has Microraptor feathers on one leg? Perhaps it IS diseased...
I do actually disagree about the quality of the art itself, though. It's... not all that good.
-The Zhenyuanlong suni doesn't seem to be part of the background.
-It's got its mouth open in that 'I am unlike any other predator ever because I roar all the time' post dinosaurs love to take (I love this image, which shows both predator and prey with their mouths shut, because running is more useful than screaming! [Source])
-Its feathers are, um, scratty. Do birds really have gaps between the ends of every feather? It seems pretty unlikely to me. And look at that throat - it's a mess! It's more of a mess than an urban pigeon, and that's saying something.
-The pose is pretty silly, with the wings stretching forward like that. It brings to mind a toddler racing across the room with her arms out to cuddle my leg (which is awkward when I'm trying to walk, but hardly fearsome).
I'm just... not all that impressed.
But I would dearly love to see a new Walking With Dinosaurs-style show featuring modern reconstructions. Feathered maniraptors, and bristly ceratopsians, and marvellously weird Deinocheirus and Spinosaurus, and superpredatory azhdarchids, and ridiculously wide-necked Apatosaurus and Brontosaurus, and... all the bizarre things that make the Mesozoic both stranger and more familiar than we ever imagined.
hS, whose only adventure in paleoart has been Celtic-knotted archosaur sketches -
Might be your colorblindness acting up. by
on 2015-07-21 14:40:00 UTC
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But then again, you're blue-green colorblind, right? The tail is basically a rainbow, red at the tip and going into green near where it meets the rest of the body.
I do dub this creature the Sparkleraptor. -
Red-green. by
on 2015-07-21 15:26:00 UTC
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Yeah, I was assuming it was mottled brown all over. A sparkleraptor it be.
hS -
A goose? Remember the Emu Wars? XD (nm) by
on 2015-07-20 21:45:00 UTC
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Possible Answer by
on 2015-07-20 19:50:00 UTC
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Would you have believed it before seeing it? Perhaps the writers felt that it would be too unbelievable?
Aha, another feathered therapod out of China. by
on 2015-07-20 15:16:00 UTC
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Where are they getting them all? ^^
What does make me sad, both for poor Zhenyuanlong suni and for science journalism, is that picture. It just looks... scratty. Does Z. suni not know how to groom itself?
Also, it appears to be suffering from a horrible disease of the primaries. The fossil pretty clearly shows feathers running down at least one finger (as is the case for... every bird ever, I think?), but the art has the feathers stopping at the wrist in order to give it little clawed hands. Of... which the nearside one appears to be bent the wrong way, though that might just be the angle.
It's always cool to get another feathered dragon out of China, though. ^^ And the name-drop might even be vaguely right - V. mongoliensis is from that part of the world, after all.
('It is unlikely that it could fly'. Um, yeah, it's a couple of meters long, it'd need rather more radical wings than that to get airborne. But that's scientific journalism for you.)
hS -
And now the Japanese are joining in by
on 2015-07-21 11:27:00 UTC
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Tyrannosaur teeth found in Nagasaki
"Two fossilised dinosaur teeth found in southern Japan are the first evidence that huge tyrannosaurs once roamed the area, it's reported."
(Insert your own Godilla joke here.) -
A new giant tyrannosaur? NICE! by
on 2015-07-21 12:10:00 UTC
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And we can do some art critiquing, too. The BBC is blocked at work, so I checked around the web, and found two different illustrations.
1/ Japan Times
This picture is designed to show of tyrannosaurs in general, not the new one in particular. It's immediately apparent that it's a compromise - one has fuss, the other has scales (heck, it practically has osteoderms). The fuzzy one has alarmingly-pronated wrists, and even the pebbly looks like she might have broken one. And, er, how many toes do tyrannosaurs have? Pebbly seems to have one less (the little one inside the ankle); is that meant to be present or not?
I also note with alarm that fuzzy's teeth are all the same, and that the two seem to have differently-facing eyes. And the colour schemes are a bit drab...
Basically, these are your bog-standard, jobbing-illustrator tyrannosaurs. They highlight the main features, repeat a few common mistakes, and then you forget about them.
2/ 2NewThings
This, on the other hand... this is what paleoart should be like.
The head is too large and misshapen, the legs are too skinny, the tail must be broken to do that, and none of it matters because the piece elegantly achieves its purpose:
-It shows the new tyrant as a Japanese creature, not a generic one.
-It shows that it was (almost certainly) feathered.
-It makes it look like a living creature, not micro-Godzilla.
-It's gorgeous and eye-catching.
Look at it! It doesn't even show the teeth, which are the only thing they found, and it's still a far better illustration of the story than the Generic Tyrants. Gorgeous.
hS -
Oh. My. Goddess. by
on 2015-07-20 11:53:00 UTC
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That is beautiful. *freaks out*
The State of the Board by
on 2015-07-20 14:41:00 UTC
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There is war in Plort.
The Green Ads, relatives of the vile trolls but far more insidious, have blockaded the city of Borrd. They do not have the numbers to bar all access to the city, but their ships and raiding parties are a constant threat. One intrepid traveller might pass without injury, while another is confronted with seven or eight of their warriors, and forced to retreat. Some reach the safety of their houses, only to find hours later that the Green Ads are within, watching and waiting.
Worse still, there are rumours of citizens of the Union being siezed by the Green Ads and borne away to a distant land whose name is whispered as Apstor. Far too often, these are the most mobile of Plort's inhabitants - those very knights and civilians who might expect to escape the threat.
The barons of Plort are in turmoil. Baron VixenMage has closed the doors of Castle Medyantur, venturing out only in direst need. Lady Iximaz and Baron PC rail against the invaders, but their every assault is rebuffed. From the west, rumours fly that the Pass of the Five is barricaded by the Green Ads, leaving Ozerbord entirely cut off; Baron Huinesoron is said to have fled the Refuge, holing up in the fortress of Otik until the crisis passes.
Under the shadow of the Green Ads, the good people of Borrd cry out in appeal to the great gods Kanun Syorn and Spelin Tam-Ara, but the mighty ones are indifferent to their pleas. Before the gates of Otik, a crowd is growing, of protesters from every walk of life. Soon, a great meeting will be held, and the future of the Protectorate of Borrd will be decided.
Some argue for patience and restraint: "The Green Ads are but an inconvenience; let us carry on as we ever have, and their efforts will fade in time. Let Spelin Tam-Ara have her chance, and she will liberate us from them." Among there number are some who urge all the folk of Plort to take up weapons imbued with the power of Brawzer-Ahdunn or Ad-Blawk, though others claim that even these enchanted blades have no effect.
Others propose a great sacrifice to the Gods of Plort. "If we pledge to give to the mighty ones a grand tribute each month, they will surely protect us from the Green Ads, and any other scourge which might come upon us. Our libraries would be safe; we could guard against dire magics; some say we might even shroud Konti-Nyuum entirely in the mists of invisibility, that none might ever assail our shores again."
Many claim that the only solution is to raze the city of Borrd entirely and build it anew. "Let the cities of Probard's design be our guide! Their wide avenues and well-planned parks are more beautious by far than the tangles of Borrd, ancient and beloved though they be; and with high walls we could limit the depredations of the Green Ads." Oft is the argument heard that with a new Borrd and a new start, the Ops of the Republic of Iric might be brought into Borrd, and that with such Muds the Protectorate's borders would at last be secured.
And then there is Sir Tomash. Though he does not stir from his home in Iric, rumours of his work have spread across the lands of Plort. "Let him re-work the wards of protection!" his advocates cry. "You feared cataclysm, yet what disaster could be worse than this? Let Teebor be taken up and brought upon the capital, and our security ensured for all time!" Yet in the grand plans of Tomash and Baron Dann there is a grave flaw, for they have not the arcane strength to lay the new enchantments and bring the new capital to its foundations. Some propose a propriation of mysterious gods to grant their power to Plort; others suggest an alliance with the distant Guggle; still others claim that Tomash's power is greater than any yet know, and that the spells can be laid unaided.
What will be the future of the Protectorate of Borrd, and of the Union of Plort in which it stands? The crowds are gathered before the gates of Otik, and soon, the debate will begin…
Or, in other words:
We have an advert problem on the Board. Multiple people have reported increasingly-obnoxious adverts, including unblockable redirects and what seem to be viruses. My breakdown of the evidence is here.
So… what do we do? I think there are four options, which I've said in Plort-speak above, and will break down here:
1/ Nothing. Continue to ask the YourWebApps team (Sean and Tamara) to do something about it (so far, they haven't approved the post in which I tried to lay out the problem - you can watch for it to show up here). Install AdBlock if you have a serious problem, otherwise just treat it as an inconvenience - the price of doing business. This is the simplest (and default) option. The downside is that it doesn't actually change anything.
2/ Pay YourWebApps for a premium account. The benefits they list are:
*No ads for any of your visitors
*Unlimited messages (you are currently allowed a maximum of 25,000)
*Ability to block users from viewing your DiscApp
*Hide your visitors' IP addresses from public view
*Disable bad word blocking
The downside of this is that the quote is hovering around $90 per month (it's based on traffic), so we'd either need a wealthy benefactor or some means of raising funds. If we stopped paying, of course, the Board would drop back to free mode.
3/ Move to a forum-style Board. I've suggested Proboards because I know it works (as a forum), and have made a simple mockup here. It would get rid of the advertising problem - but the downside is that we would be forced to totally change the structure of the Board. I can't find any other providers who do free boards laid out like The Board, so we'd end up in forum mode, and there's always been strong feelings against that. (Like me, for instance.)
4/ Tomash and Techno-Dann. They created a prototype New Board (aka T-Board) back in summer 2012, which was exhaustively tested by me and others in '13. It seems to still be available here; if you can't get to that, this is what it looks like, and this is a slightly-outdated draft release announcement by Tomash. The really big positive is that it's Just Like The Board But Better (no ads, and some weird tagging functions). It's versatile and easy to control, since the person who made it is, like, right here. The downside is hosting: the current server (Dann's, I think?) is crawlingly slow, and webhosting costs money. I've suggested it might be possible to run it on Google Drive, but I honestly don't know how feasible that is. (The other problem is that Tomash doesn't seem to be around this week, but that's a temporary thing.)
My own preference is for 1 or 4, which I think is pretty clear from the descriptions, but Huinesoron Is Not A GodTM; it's not up to me. So I'm opening up The Perennial Discussion.
(PS: This is not a vote right now. It's a discussion to draw out pros, cons, and other ideas. If we don't magically end up with a clear consensus, there'll be a poll or something.)
(PPS: Please don't respond with Plort politics solution. Yes, I know, everybody has swords, but unless you can come up with a way to literally stab banner ads to death, that's not terribly helpful.)
(PPPS: I apologise insincerely for the French-language pun in the Green Ads.) -
Intrusive ads by
on 2015-07-23 06:13:00 UTC
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*puts on blast shield*
I can't possibly guess what's going on on mobile. However, since some people are reporting really nasty ads on their (presumably Windows) laptops, while others aren't. I think it's possible that some portion of the people who are getting annoying full-screen stuff on their laptops have some kind of malware. This is just a friendly reminder from your local know-it-all nerd that it can't hurt to check for viruses etc. when ads are suddenly more annoying. For true paranoia, download a virus scanner (such as Malwarebytes) on a different computer, save it on a flash drive with an unusual name, and run the program from safe mode. -
Ads aren't a problem on my laptop. by
on 2015-07-23 03:12:00 UTC
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On mobile, though...hoo boy. Better bug Sean and Tamara about fixing the mobile problem.
If this many people are having trouble with it, though, maybe we could implement T-board anyway? The wiki says that the Other Board (which also works fine for me, btw) started as a refuge from a spam attack, after all... It's not terribly slow for me, either. -
Mobile is a pain for me as well. by
on 2015-07-23 17:36:00 UTC
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Like I said previously, I can't access the Board on mobile without being redirected and I have to hit the back button pretty much all the time. And my guess is that Option #1 won't work out so well if the mods don't have the time or resources to fix the problem. My experience on forums is enough to tell me that a PPC Forum thingy won't work, though. I like a single wall of notifications, thanks.
Probably the best alternative for me would be #4, with #2 being a close second. #4 being the best because if we can get a server that can handle all the data, then we have an ad-free Board. #2 would allow us to keep and fix the current Board, meaning everyone's a winner, though it's not my favorite option ATM because I'm not employed yet and don't have a cent to spend. :( -
I would pay money for a functioning Board. by
on 2015-07-22 13:57:00 UTC
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Actually, option one would work for me. I haven’t seen any of those intrusive ads that try to make me download viruses in months, and I don’t even use ad-blockers. I suspect that some quite complex algorithms are involved with this kind of ads, and that location matters. I’m apparently save for now, but of course this may change every day.
If it doesn’t come out that doing our own thing is either too complicated or more expensive, I wouldn’t like to give my money to YourWebApps for something they should do anyway.
I’ve been on forums, and for some situations, their style is a good solution. But for the PPC Board, I prefer to be able to see everything new by simply scrolling down the page.
So, the T-Board it should be. But I’m not sure how much work is involved in setting it up and maintaining it, and what will happen when the people who did this find something else to do.
(Sorry for being late. I’ve been ill for some days.)
HG -
My thoughts. by
on 2015-07-21 14:04:00 UTC
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Starting with a slightly off-topic one: I enjoyed reading the Plort story at the beginning :)
Back on topic, regarding the proposed courses of action:
1) Not really much to say about this, as it's basically what we're doing at the moment anyway. On the upside, it's very easy to implement. On the downside, as you noted, it doesn't actually seem to offer a solution.
2) I don't think much of this option - it just seems very expensive for what we'd get out of it. And I'm not even sure it would solve our current problems.
Yes, it says that we won't get any ads, but I don't have a problem with the ads that appear at the top each page. What I've got a problem with is the pop-ups, and the auto-redirects that are almost certainly trying to get you to download viruses. I don't think that these are part of the intended function of the Board, and if they aren't meant to be part of the Board, then I'm not convinced that upgrading will make them go away. Personally, I would expect webapps to protect users from malicious content, regardless of whether they're paid members or not. If it turns out that the only way to get protection is to pay a (high) monthly subscription... I'm thinking maybe it's time we jumped ship?
3) From what I've seen of others, I dislike the forum style. I much prefer the current thread system, where it's nice and easy to follow multiple diverging tracks of a conversation (which tends to happen a lot). The forum style only really seems to work, for me, if you get an initial post and then a series of replies just to that post. When you get replies to the replies, and chains of conversation evolving, it just seems to become very disjointed if you're trying to read through it all - like trying to read a Choose Your Own Adventure novel as a normal book. I know that last time this was discussed, there were many proponents of a forum style Board, but I am not one of them.
4) I remember being very impressed with T-Board when it was brought up before, particularly how easy it was to jump around within a conversation thread, and the way you can expand long replies without having to load up a new page. That made it a lot easier to use on phones.
If I remember rightly, it was also possible to view it in different ways (some sort of preference settings or something?) so that it could look either like the current Board, or a forum. Which hopefully will be able to keep everyone happy with the layout.
In general, I'd still rather that the Board was a free service. I can just see introducing a need to pay being a hassle - if we work on donations, what do we do if we come up short? If we start charging a subscription, who has to pay? What if people can't afford it for any reason*, or if they're young enough that they'd need their parents' permission, who think it's a waste? If we do end up going with something that costs money, we really need to shop around as much possible to get the best possible rate, and then try and come up with a fair system for actually getting that cash.
I also haven't had any problems with ads for the past couple of days, and I was using the Board from my tablet quite a bit last night. Is this just random good luck on my part, or is everyone else noticing an improvement too?
If it turns out that things have cleared up, I'm content to go with 1), if we do decide to go somewhere else, I think 4) is our best bet.
- Irish
* I'm pretty sure that last time this conversation came up I'd been recently made unemployed. I can assure you that if I'd been expected to pay any amount of money at that point, I'd have just walked away. -
On money (I feel all greasy just mentioning it) by
on 2015-07-21 14:17:00 UTC
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Under no circumstances will paying be a requirement of being in the PPC, or of being a long-term member, or anything else.
The options I've been able to come up with for funding a server are:
1/ Paypal button. I think Paypal will hold money for you indefinitely, so if a Paypal account is set up to pay for the server/whatever, anyone can bump a little money into it any time they like.
2/ Adverts. Yes, there's irony there. ^^ But we'd be able to control them much better.
3/ Selling... something. If the idea bouncing about that we could support the Board for a year on less than $150 is right, then something as simple as an annual Lulu/whatever self-published collection of short stories by PPCers (original fiction, obviously - though that could potentially include both Plort and PPC HQ...?) might well cover it - would you drop a tenner a year on having PPCers' writing in hardcopy? One every two years? It could even be a genuine competition to see whose stories get in. ^^ I've toyed with this idea before for its own sake, as you may be able to tell.
hS -
Ironically enough, I like number 2 the best. by
on 2015-07-22 04:48:00 UTC
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If we keep an eye on the advertisements, and shut the bad ones down fast, it would work the best for all of us. A self-sustaining website is the best option.
Not saying I am opposed to buying something PPC related. I just know that I am not likely to. -
Re: ads by
on 2015-07-22 23:40:00 UTC
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Could the person with traffic stats do some research and figure out what our realistic monthly ad revenue could look like with, say, Google's text ads?
"the person with traffic stats" by
on 2015-07-23 09:14:00 UTC
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That's now everyone. ^_^
I also have daily posting counts if you need them, though I'd guess not. The graph roughly matches the IPs one, anyway.
(By the way, in the event that we move to T-Board, please find a way to make this information available. Pretty please.)
hS -
Stats and stuff by
on 2015-07-23 18:06:00 UTC
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I'll have to find some analytics code to put in to T-Board. If anyone has some ideas,
My quick googling has resulted in this pessimistic(?) ad calculation for sticking one of those "Sponsored links" things on T-Board.
200 people/day * 0.5% of them click on an ad * ~$0.20 per click * 30 days/month = around $5-6 ad money/month, if the figures I'm using are remotely accurate.
Also, I had an idea we can play with re: anon posting. Currently, the name change indicator is rather heavy-handed (it puts the real username right on the page). However, I already have a "user profile" page (lists your email, must be signed in to view). I could just change the code to link the author name to the poster's profile. That way, different-name posts won't be glaringly obvious, but you'll still be able to tell who wrote something if you really want to know. -
Donations would be the easist method by
on 2015-07-22 03:01:00 UTC
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Something like Patreon might be worth looking into, as it would allow people to pledge a certain monthly amount. If ten or fifteen people are willing to toss a dollar a month towards server costs, that should cover it. Or a Paypal would work. I'm willing to support individual artists whose work I like, why not my fellow agents?
Personally, I would pay quite a bit for an official PPC t-shirt, even if no one else would recognize it. You could even do ones for the different departments. -
*perks up* Someone say PPC shirts? by
on 2015-07-22 04:05:00 UTC
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Perhaps ones with the various flash patches printed on them? I'd definitely get me one with the DMS logo, lord knows the last time I tried a DIY the patch snagged and unraveled and then I was teh sads. :(
But yeah, I think even I'd be able to spare a dollar towards keeping the PPC going!
~Ix -
If we want to sell things... by
on 2015-07-21 19:44:00 UTC
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Phobos and I know a guy who does custom t-shirts. We might be able to work out some sort of deal with him, if there's interest in that sort of thing. I don't know what he charges, if there are discounts for larger orders, etc., but we could find all that out pretty easily.
I could theoretically make some designs to give him without too much trouble, too, though I say theoretically because my actual motivation toward art has been pretty slim lately. Also, I am not, in fact, a digital artist, which might make the transition from design to product more difficult and less quality; I don't know. OTOH, I want a PPC shirt or two myself, so there's that.
~Neshomeh -
PPC t-shirts would be cool. by
on 2015-07-21 20:12:00 UTC
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If nothing else, they'd be good to wear at Gatherings.
- Irish -
I like the idea of number three. by
on 2015-07-21 18:02:00 UTC
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I mean, even if we didn't possibly need the money, I think it would be cool. Heck, if several of us came together and offered Plort short stories to be compiled into a book, I think it could be sold. It's just the sort of fun, zany fantasy that a lot of people love. Not to mention, we've got several very good writers on here, and editors.
Erroneous-by-this-point reply. by
on 2015-07-21 07:09:00 UTC
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- I do use ad-blocker on my desktop. It's a computer safety thing; sorry, PoorCynic and other YouTubers! I do check the Board on and off at work, depending on how close to the end of my family's data cycle we are, and how much data is spare. The ads are cyclical on my phone. Sometimes, they're rare (like now), and I use the data plan freely. Other times, the ads hit hard, in which case I keep off the internet browser entirely for a while, waiting for it to die down. (Interestingly, the Board is always fine when I check it on wifi networks; the ads are only a problem when the data plan is turned on.)
So the ads are an occasional issue for me, and since they seem to be an even worse issue for others, I'm not a fan of "wait and see." In fairness, we should still hold on and see how Tamara and Sean respond, assuming they do in a timely fashion.
2. $90 per month x 12 months per year = $1080 per year. The U.S. government officially lists me as "working poor"—I could probably chip in about $20-$30 of that per year, and even then, I would miss it most miserly. If the community, as a whole, is able to afford this . . . ugh. It still feels like such a money sink, even if we can (says the guy who buys food that Safeway puts on clearance).
3. Honestly, I don't hold the same reservations about a forum-style Board as some others seem to. I think we would get used to it pretty quickly. I mean, I really only see a few topics we would even have (Permission-related posts, badfic/mission reports, OT discussion, RPs/Board games . . . heh heh, "Board games"), so I don't think it will be that hard to get through them all in a fairly short space of time. (If you think about it, we already have an entire separate board used almost solely for role play. I'd say we might actually get more happening if we had them both at "home base.") So, I guess I'm saying that it makes little difference to me whether we stay on the current style of Board or the Proboards variety.
4. I just read what Tomash and Dann were saying about this before I started this post, and I have already forgotten it, because I do not speak electronics. I think it would be an easy transition from the current Board to the T-Board('s successor), so I would be fine with doing so, even more fine than with moving to a forum board, perhaps. Again, my contribution to a fund would be limited to twenty-fivish dollars a year. (And also, we would need to go to some kind of rigmarole to keep my parents from seeing a mysterious charge on my finances their son refuses to explain. Like, someone else pays my part directly, and I send them cash in the mail as reimbursement.
—doctorlit sounds so cute, talking like he knows all these computer words
- I do use ad-blocker on my desktop. It's a computer safety thing; sorry, PoorCynic and other YouTubers! I do check the Board on and off at work, depending on how close to the end of my family's data cycle we are, and how much data is spare. The ads are cyclical on my phone. Sometimes, they're rare (like now), and I use the data plan freely. Other times, the ads hit hard, in which case I keep off the internet browser entirely for a while, waiting for it to die down. (Interestingly, the Board is always fine when I check it on wifi networks; the ads are only a problem when the data plan is turned on.)
State of T-Board (ping Dann) by
on 2015-07-21 04:17:00 UTC
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Hosting: T-Board is not hosted on Dann's server. It's hosted on the free plan of a cloud service called Heroku. This plan would be unsuitable for hosting the Board since it imposes a 10k row limit on the database, which we will outgrow quickly.
Dann may or may not have a server available. I don't know anything about that server, so I can't comment on it. If there is a machine, we can probably host there, and we'll be good until Dann gets hit by a bus or some other such catastrophe. Cost in that scenario is between $0 and about $10/year, depending on whether we want a domain name or not. We might consider having some kind of money stash for new hosting around anyway if that works out.
If Dann is unavailable, reliable servers can be had for on the order of $5 ($10 if I'm misestimating resource usage) a month. Again, we'd have to pay for a domain if we wanted a *.com (or .org etc.) If we don't want to do that, we can probably leech of the dynamic dns services, which hand out things like
Software: The code has some minor bitrot, mostly because the web framework I'm using has released several new versions since the last time I touched T-Board, and Dann or I would have to update the code to work with the new framework. This is a day or two of work tops (*), but could take a few weekends, since I have an internship at WhatsApp this summer.
Last time I showed off T-Board, there were concerns about the lack of anonymous posting. T-Board is structured so that everyone that posts needs an account. You can put anything you want in the Author field, but if you post under something other than your username, it will show as "Author text". This is sort-of the case now (IP addresses), but T-Board will make it more explicit. This would be a somewhat major change (your posts in RPs and things like the shipfests will be attributable to you), we should discuss. If we decide that we want anon posting back, I'll have to figure out how to integrate that with the registration library I'm using.
Since Reddit wasn't tossed off the table, I can try to explain how moving there might work out for us in another post. -
An update on T-Board by
on 2015-07-23 06:03:00 UTC
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While the citizens of Plort debated about what should be done to end the scourge of the Green Ads, they bade Sir Tomash go to Baron Dann and ready his arcane spells so that a new capital could quickly be raised. Tomash went out to his tower and began to rework his spells, as the alignment of the stars had changed greatly since he had meddled with the deep magics of Waeb.
While he was researching in the famed overflowing library of Stack, Tomash learned, to his dismay, that he had made a grave mistake in his previous work by failing to make the correct offerings to Post-Gress, the god of memory. His mistake would have doomed all who lingered in his new city to great difficulty in remembering what they had said before. Thankfully, Post-Gress has been placated by ritual offerings and the chanting of an ancient prayer during darkest night.
Now, Tomash must change his spells to match the position of the fickle Framing Stars. He must also prepare to raise a new island from the oceans of Weab, for the land in which he weaves his spells, Hero'ku, has begun to reject his magic. If the many citizens of Borrd move to the new island, they will need to make small offerings to the sea-gods, lest their land collapse under them. The barons know this, but generally believe that the gods can be easily kept content with a small portion of the many goods produced in Plort.
Ok. Non-Plort version.
There are two main causes of the slowness that people are feeling on T-Board. The first is that, whenever the board doesn't get any traffic for ~15 minutes, the host shuts it down to save on resources. When someone tries to visit later, it takes several seconds for everything no load before the code can start running. This won't be an issue on real hosting.
The second problem is that I actually did fail to speak the correct magic incantations. Basically, you can tell the database "Hey, I'm going to use this column to search for stuff, please make an index". In our case, we'd often need to search using the list of parents of a post to see what posts were in a thread. This was done by looking for lists that started with a certain sequence of characters. To make those searches fast, you have to tell the database to create its index in a special way, which I just learned about yesterday. That issue has been fixed, and the time it takes to get a list of all the posts in a thread (in order) is down from ~120ms to ~2ms, which drops page rendering from 8-10s to 1-2s.
Heroku (where I'm hosting this demo T-Board) had announced some changes to its hosting plans a while back. One of them is that free apps will soon only be able to run 18 hours a day, which obviously won't work for us. (Heroku wasn't a good solution anyway, since they wanted an arm and a leg to run the search engine T-Board uses).
T-Board is kind of somewhat ready for migration now. However, many of the libraries T-Board uses (like our web framework) have undergone some pretty significant updates since the last time I've worked heavily with the code. In order to keep getting nice things (like security updates), I need to go back and modernize T-Board a bit. That'll take opti-realistically a man-weekend or two to do that, so I'm pretty confident I'll have this done near the beginning of next semester. (Programming estimates are hard.) This gives us a bunch of time to decide on certain, erm, logistical difficulties. (The hosts I mentioned below can be pre-paid via PayPal, which is nice)
hS, you asked about maintainability. I personally feel that my code is around 7/10 maintainable by someone else if I get hit by a bus. T-Board is actually a relatively small program that rests on a bunch of libraries that do the hard stuff (like user account management) for us. If anyone wants a look at the guts, all the code is here -
Thoughts. by
on 2015-07-21 09:18:00 UTC
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I'm not sure why we'd need a paid-for domain name - look at the one we're currently using! I think people can remember to stick a .nodns/whatever in there, and saving money is always good.
Now the awkward question: long-term prospects. I see from my records (I love having records ^^) that you've been around since 2011 or so, which is a pretty long time for the Internet. But... the PPC has been around nine years more than that, and I for one fully intend for it to be around at least a decade more. So: in the event that you leave, how maintainable is the code for people who are not you? I'll assume you've handed the server over to them fully (and also that they know how to code ^~).
As for anon posts... I still think requiring sign-ins is a bad idea. Ignoring all other concerns, I know people have said in the past that their phones refuse to sign in...
hS -
Regarding free domain names by
on 2015-07-21 21:54:00 UTC
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I wouldn't mind them, either, but I'm not sure they'd be very reliable. That No-IP thing mentioned earlier apparently isn't guaranteed to work 100% of the time unless you pay for it, and pretty much all of them put on additional ads (and sometimes apparently try to download adware, as with, which is pretty much what we're trying to avoid. Besides, if we have to pay for a server, a domain name doesn't add much to the price per month.
Regarding the sign-in requirement. by
on 2015-07-21 15:43:00 UTC
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I'm assuming that when you say people have had trouble signing in from their phones, you're talking about this current Board, and not T-Board? I don't remember T-Board getting that rigorous a testing last time round.
I know this Board apparently has some quirks when it comes to signing in, but I don't see why you should assume that that will be the case with every website. I've just been able to sign in to T-Board just fine from my phone (and very impressed with myself that I managed to remember my password).
Having said that, I always sign in here too, and I can't recall ever having a problem with it. It's probably the only reason I've never made a mini-Boarder of myself, and I like the convenience of getting e-mail alerts when people reply to my posts.
- Irish -
I was trying not to assume. by
on 2015-07-21 15:53:00 UTC
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Specifically, I was trying not to assume that nobody will have problems. Phones have weird quirks - mine refuses to let anyone other than me sign into Gmail for some reason. No, I don't specifically remember anyone having trouble with T-Board's sign-in; I'm just raising the possibility.
(I have to confess that I don't remember my T-Board password; I may have to test to see how many times I can guess it...)
hS -
Ah, I see. I'd misunderstood your point slightly (nm) by
on 2015-07-21 16:12:00 UTC
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Ahoy, etc. by
on 2015-07-21 06:32:00 UTC
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I wouldn't trust a server of mine for a production Board - I'm on a residential internet connection, which means that things like IP addresses are subject to change without notice, and hardware failure would be relatively catastrophic. I'd much rather put it in the cloud where it belongs. A sadly large number of us are pretending to be Responsible Adults with Responsible Adult Jobs, so I suspect hosting costs could be managed / distributed / ameliorated with responsible advertising.
I would like to revisit anonymous posting, but that's a discussion that can be had independently of the wheres and hows of hosting. -
Re: residential net connection by
on 2015-07-21 06:50:00 UTC
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Wouldn't $dynamicdnsprovider do for that issue?
Eh? by
on 2015-07-21 06:51:00 UTC
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I guess I don't really want a normal part of board ops to be "oh yeah, it disappeared again. Give it a few minutes for DNS to catch up and you might have to clear your DNS cache."
Fair enough by
on 2015-07-21 06:52:00 UTC
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I do seem to remember my residential "dynamic" address being relatively stable, though.
Unrelatedly, congrats on being on IPv6! (nm) by
on 2015-07-21 06:53:00 UTC
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Huh by
on 2015-07-21 06:56:00 UTC
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I guess Comcast is handing them out around Mountain View these days. Neat.
If you need a server... by
on 2015-07-21 06:23:00 UTC
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I have a Raspberry Pi that is currently running a test page. I never found the effort to put anything else up. But, it's a surprisingly beefy little contraption, 1 GB ram, a good size micro SD, it could work for something as basic as the board. I think. So, I'll throw it out there that I have the capability to host something if that's the main concern. I'm not sure about how people would like losing anonymous posting, though.
If there are concerns about me dropping off the face of Holy Terra(I know I haven't been active recently, due to hardware failures on my main computer) then I can assure you, I have no intention of simply disconnecting the server. I could also get some more Pis ready(I have way too many) if you still don't think the one that's set up will be enough.
Also, I'd like to hear about your Reddit suggestion. Sounds crazy enough to work if you ask me, and that's a good thing! -
I'd be rather surprised by
on 2015-07-21 06:55:00 UTC
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if an RPi would have enough computes to run a Rails stack. Also, they're rather vulnerable to bad-power-induced data corruption, aren't they (it's happened to me)?
Raspberry Pis don't have a lot going on... by
on 2015-07-23 01:10:00 UTC
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Because of how simple they are, these things can run stuff that wouldn't be readily apparent as something they could. It tends to be really hit-or-miss, though. And as for the data corruption, it is possible to store all the data on my router, due to its network-wide backup system. That would relegate the Pi to a strictly computational role. I could try to test mine, and see if it can be used for this. It would be interesting, at least, to benchmark its usefulness as a server.
Code's on github and linked upthread by
on 2015-07-23 19:48:00 UTC
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It's a reasonably standard Rails+Postgres app. If you want to try setting it up, go ahead and let me know how it works on a Pi.
Option 4, or Reddit by
on 2015-07-21 03:21:00 UTC
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Having read everything so far, it seems to make more sense to go to T-Boards. When I was a newbie, the Board's way of organizing posts was a bit weird, but I've since figured out its quirks and, as hS and Neshomeh said, it's pretty intuitive. A traditional forum wouldn't be as accommodating, IMO.
Being that I don't go on Reddit, I know nothing about subreddits, but if it's indeed The Board but Better, and Free as Well, then we might have to consider it.
And does anyone have any opinion on Omega's idea of using the Wiki's own forums? -
I vote no Reddit. by
on 2015-07-21 05:25:00 UTC
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Reason: Reddit is a cesspool, and the chance of bleedthrough of trolls makes it seem like a bad idea to me. Also, *mobile redirects are anywhere with ads.* They seem to be most frequent here, but I am quite commonly redirected to the App Store. Therefore, I cast my vote for T-Board if we move at all.
Well, Reddit isn't that bad if we stay small and isolated. by
on 2015-07-21 21:36:00 UTC
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That being said, yeah, no Reddit. The upvote/downvote system would be pretty pointless for us, and would only induce more drama. Also, we could miss some threads that don't get on the subreddit's front page for some reason.
Seconding the no Reddit. (nm) by
on 2015-07-21 06:24:00 UTC
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Maybe a more traditional forum would be okay... by
on 2015-07-20 23:58:00 UTC
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But then, maybe it wouldn't. Iunno.
Anyway, in Plort terms, here is a fell sigil of that vile besieging race:
((I can do puns too, y'know. =] )) -
Well... by
on 2015-07-20 20:14:00 UTC
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Generally speaking, if the T-Board is a viable option, I support it (though I don't think I'll be able to monetarily support anything right now — ask me again in four months and you might get a different answer); it's basically this Board, only better.
If the T-Board isn't practical and the ad problem doesn't get solved (it doesn't really affect me, I'm a dirty rotten AdBlocker), I'd prefer moving to a forum-based layout like Proboards.
Paying YWA sounds iffy and if we're paying we might as well pay for the T-Board (though, then again, I won't be able to fork any money in the next few months anyway), and I don't know Reddit or whatnot, so I'd rather do something else. -
A thought. by
on 2015-07-20 20:05:00 UTC
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The wiki actually has a forum built in, it just needs to be turned on. Has anyone looked into it?
Emphatic no from my end. by
on 2015-07-21 11:40:00 UTC
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Because the Wiki is blocked at work. ;)
(PS: Also something about how an add-on forum probably won't be much good, and maybe something about using it on a mobile - but mostly simply that I'd be blocked from using it.) -
1 or 4. by
on 2015-07-20 20:03:00 UTC
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I'd be up for any, although the "crawlingly slow" server of number 4 bothers me. Also, how much more (or less) would we be spending by moving to a new Board? If it's about the same, slightly less, or slightly more than the 90$ fee for number 2, then I suggest we pay that instead and stick with our current (and faster) Board.
The third option is the one I like the least. The forum style just makes me go... ick. -
My Opinions by
on 2015-07-20 19:44:00 UTC
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As someone who has both used this format and a more traditional forum I much prefer this format for what we do. Are there things that could be better? Sure, the sub-threads can get pushed off and hard to find again, or just inconvenient to do so, but I do like the format we use currently.
Now to each of the previously provided possibilities. As to keeping it the same, I think this is acceptable. However, I do not have the add issues, because I have an Ad Blocker. However, I do agree with several sentiments, that I do not like the IP address visible to the public.
Paying YourWebApps. I cannot at this moment afford to support anything, so I am not in support of this idea at this point. In three or four months, I might be. But are we even willing to use YourWebApps? They do not seem to have been particularly helpful.
As to ProBoards, I think it could work, but we do have a risk of fragmenting. And while, as pointed out by others we have some minor fragmenting it is not as pronounced as it could be on a more traditional forum. I also feel like forum style will slow down the posting, and I like the speed certain threads move, particularly our RP threats. And I have tried a Forum Based RP, and it just did not feel entertaining. It could work, but this would be probably my third choice at this point. I have seen a few places that they have adds that are just as intrusive as the ones here. Though, I cannot confirm that.
The T-Board. This is an intriguing idea. It would theoretically solve the problem, but there are costs associated with it. It would eliminate our problems, but you need bandwidth, domain names, and the like. It would cost a monthly fee. Though I think others more knowledgeable than I have suggested that it would be less expensive than upgrading with YourWebApps. And it should solve all our problems, while keeping the format similar enough. This seems like the best option all around to me.
Sub-Reddit, well I do not use Reddit so I do not know how effective it would be. I do know, however, that Reddit has a few internal problems going on right now. Further they seem to be closing down on quite a few sub-Reddits. Now most of those are things we would other wise ban ourselves, but the problem I see is that, in just a few weeks they went from a policy of keeping things largely open and allowing a great many things, to shutting it all down. This seems a bit arbitrary to me. Who knows, maybe a future head will find all sporkings offensive and decide to shut us down. I would prefer to avoid them.
And for Google Groups, I do not know enough to have one opinion or another.
But I think the real question is, do we have enough active members to warrant moving to paid hosting? -
Since we are posting opinions as well by
on 2015-07-20 19:47:00 UTC
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I think ultimately I would prefer, if anything the T-Board. But I am also willing to take a wait and see approach as well.
For me, 4 or Other. by
on 2015-07-20 19:40:00 UTC
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T-Board works, but it needs some tweaking first. I would be down with moving, but I would not be able to help in paying for server space. Nor, I think, would many others. And I hate traditional forums. We would segment as a community. IRC and Board has shown that much. I don't want it to break apart any further.
If we can't find easy solutions for 4, I say Reddit. I gave more detail below as for why. -
Options 3 or 4. by
on 2015-07-20 19:22:00 UTC
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I don't see "doing nothing" as a viable strategy. I doubt YourWebApps is going to make changes that would affect their bottom line (their first response to the issues suggested that fairly well). Relying solely on AdBlocker is just ignoring the issue; it's like looking at a wall riddled with termites and rot and saying "Just slap some spackle and new wallpaper on there, it'll be all right." Not to mention the facts that one, AdBlocker is uneven from platform to platform; and two, it doesn't really help the folks on mobile.
I would prefer Option 3, as those are the kinds of boards that I enjoy. I like the organization inherent in them. No longer would missions disappearing off the front page be a major concern. I'm not holding out hope for that one getting a lot of support, though.
So yeah, Option 4. If there's a way we can do it, I'm all for it. -
'disappearing off the front page'. by
on 2015-07-20 20:26:00 UTC
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I'm going to address this one, because we actually tried it.
Yes, we switched on thread-bumping for the Board a few years back, because of the vast numbers of people who said that if we did so, Everything Would Immediately Be Amazing.
It wasn't.
What we ended up with was:
-One mega-badfic thread taking up 9/10ths of the front page.
-Two people having a long conversation on a thread.
-Oldbies seriously and genuinely telling people to stop posting badfics and stop talking on the PPC Board.
So we switched it off again. It was a ruddy nightmare.
The mega-badfic thread wouldn't necessarily be a problem if we just said people should post each in a separate thread (though then you'd just have 'flurry of badfic drives everything else out'). 'Stop talking because your thread's annoying' would be, though.
hS, historical archive -
I know. I was there. by
on 2015-07-20 20:32:00 UTC
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That wasn't what I was trying to suggest. What I meant (and very poorly communicated) was that the forum system would ideally have one place dedicated to new missions, thus going around the problem altogether.
Re: 'disappearing off the front page'. by
on 2015-07-20 20:31:00 UTC
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The main issue with that, though, seems to have been that each reply is listed out on the page. In a normal forum style, every thread takes up the same amount of space, regardless of how long it is.
I don't have a problem with the way the Board works now. But 90% of the online groups I belong to use a standard forum setup, and there's never been that kind of issue before. -
I'd say either 3 or 4. by
on 2015-07-20 19:18:00 UTC
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One is basically unworkable (we can't expect everyone to use AdBlock like I do, especially newbyes who don't know that there is this problem), and paying the premium account is really an extortion more than a premium account (Want to get rid of those ads that make your site unworkable? Pay us lots of money!)
I have no problems about switching to a forum, but I would also be able to spare some money for the upkeep of the T-Board (in fact, if it is 5 dollars a month I would have no problem paying all myself if the need arises.)
That's my two cents. Or two dollars, if we start the fundraising. -
Personally... by
on 2015-07-20 18:49:00 UTC
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I'd vote option 4. Examining the T-Board, it solves almost all the problems I have with the current Board, and a few minor issues that don't bother me in particular as well. However, I don't have any ideas as to how to go about solving the issue of hosting. I'd be willing to contribute some money myself, but I don't know a good host or anything.
That said, I do run AdBlocker on my laptop, and even when using a computer that doesn't, I haven't been overwhelmed with ads. So I'm not really the target audience you're addressing. -
I'm still generally here (and a crazy idea) by
on 2015-07-20 18:45:00 UTC
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I'll give a State of T-Board post after I get off work (~evening PST).
Also, I know this is a rather odd idea, but could we do a subreddit? Reddit has the threading style we like, and it doesn't cost money. -
I don't get Reddit. by
on 2015-07-20 19:49:00 UTC
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I've never been able to look at it long enough to figure out how it actually works. It just strikes me as inside-out, backwards, and more full of reposts than actual content.
Unless I'm thinking of Tumblr, which I don't get, either. They're pretty much the same thing in my head. I'm sure someone will educate me on the differences shortly. {; P
~Neshomeh, not generally into social media, period. -
I don't get it either. by
on 2015-07-20 20:20:00 UTC
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I've only been on there once or twice, and I didn't like it at all. It also seems to me that a good chunk of its content is inappropriate, and I don't think that's the environment the PPC should be in. I mean, having a wiki with NSFW pages is one thing, but being surrounded by potentially unmarked NSFW pages is another.
That being said, I have no idea how a subreddit works. It might bypass all of that, and actually be quite fun. I just don't know. -
It is the front page of the internet. by
on 2015-07-20 21:01:00 UTC
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As such, it has dark places, but only if you want those dark places to show up for you. A subreddit is a subsection of the site specifically made for one topic or another. If we were to have the PPC there, we would not have to worry about a flood of NSFW things, because that is not what we are there for. We set the rules, tell Automod to block all NSFW things, make it clear what our rules are, and move on. Reddit is only a platform. The site itself (rarely) moderates itself. That is up to the individual moderators of the subreddit. The site respects the right of subreddits to make their own rules, however strict or loose they can be.
Here is part one of a video series that explains what Reddit is and how to use it. Watch it, and understand a little better. -
Very interesting; thanks! (nm) by
on 2015-07-20 21:07:00 UTC
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I like the idea of a subreddit. by
on 2015-07-20 19:32:00 UTC
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Honestly, I have been thinking about it for a while. It's not that hard to get a handle of, and we could even make it look closer to the Board if we wanted. There would be some things that change, but it might be for the better. It would take care of the classic forum problem, so no sub-forum cliques. And we no longer have to worry about posts falling off the front page; only loosing interest in the thread itself.
Solves a lot of problems to me. That said, I still think T-Board, if it gets larger servers, would work the best. It's The Board But Better. Problems, yes, but if we can solve them, it is our best option. -
The ads are getting worse on my laptop. by
on 2015-07-20 18:29:00 UTC
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It is now not uncommon for ten identical ads to pop up on top of one another, and I'm forced to close them all one by one. I suspect that's also the reason for the now ridiculous load times (30+ seconds!).
I say hold off until we hear from the admins, but if it gets worse, we'll have to likely look into moving. I don't want to change to a more typical forum; like Nesh said, I also like being able to see what's going on just by scrolling down the page. Unfortunately, as a poor college student financially dependent on my parents, I wouldn't be able to contribute to funding yet. -
Option 4. by
on 2015-07-20 17:18:00 UTC
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If they won't try and change the ads to make the board useable, I'm not inclined to want to pay for it- especially not that much a month! Especially since we aren't asking for the ads to be removed, but to not be dangerous for our computers and to allow us to actually use the board.
What I think we should do is look into how much it would cost for server space somewhere for hosting, and then the domain name. I'm fairly certain it would come to far less than their quote of 90 dollars a month- they aren't just factoring in the cost of hosting the board, but
also how much money they make from having those ads on our board in the first place.
There are enough of us, and enough of us with a wee bit of money for discretionary spending for that matter, that we should be able to handle the cost, I would think.
(Also, please check your email.) -
My opinions haven't changed. by
on 2015-07-20 17:07:00 UTC
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First of all, the Board isn't a security problem if you take steps to protect yourself, such as AdBlock (which you can enable ONLY FOR THE BOARD if you really want to, I promise, it doesn't automatically make you an unethical jerk) and a decent anti-malware program or two. It's harder to do that on mobile devices, granted, but who likes writing posts on their phones? I only do it if I don't have a choice and really feel strongly about posting right this minute anyway. If your mobile device is all you've got... I dunno. How many people are actually using the Internet primarily or exclusively on a phone?
That said, I'd be fine with adopting the T-Board if we can find a way to make it work. I'd propose that we might be able to work out a way to spread out the costs of hosting among those of us with both stable jobs and a stable presence here (e.g. me and Phobos), so it wouldn't be too onerous for any one person. Plus maybe a PayPal account or something that other folks could use to chip in as/when they're able—could maybe serve as an emergency fund in case someone can't make their payment that month for some reason. And we could all sign something that says we agree that even though we're paying for server space we don't own the Board and won't get all weird about it, if that's a concern. We've traditionally been rather queasy about Actual Authorities.
Above discussion of money could also apply to simply taking the current Board premium, too, if it turns out that would cost less.
I'm pretty firmly against moving to a ProBoards-style forum. They're so chunky, and I like being able to see everything that's going on just by scrolling. And of course there's the concern that people will form sub-forum cliques, and never venture out to see what people are talking about elsewhere, thus diminishing the community spirit.
That's my two cents.
~Neshomeh -
Writing this from my phone... by
on 2015-07-20 18:00:00 UTC
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Using my phone isn't ideal, but both it and my tablet/laptop run android rather than Windows, so I'm on one or the other of them whenever I'm not at home on the desktop.
The ads are bad and getting worse- there's one up today that's doing the app-store redirect on every page load. There are also html/css errors - as I write this, I'm actually writing under the "check here to get daily updates" checkbox label, which is huge and on top of the message text box for some reason.
Ah, there it goes. I can see again! But the point still stands - the board is basically unusable from a mobile device. It's also unusable without a good ad blocker. It seems to me that there comes a point where we should put effort into making our home less of a minefield for ourselves and our guests?
In other words, I am a fan of option four. -
Well, I'm using internet primarily via my phone... by
on 2015-07-20 17:23:00 UTC
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In port, at least. It is exactly as much of a pain as you might think it is.
And actively seconding the idea of having someway to chip in for costs. -
I personally prefer option 4. by
on 2015-07-20 16:37:00 UTC
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I like the layout and the design (Which is the perfect example of "The Board, but better"). We'd have to pay for hosting and (probably) a domain name, sure, but we could at least slightly offset the cost by putting in some non-intrusive ads. (As for Google Drive, apparently, it doesn't allow for things like PHP, which might be a problem.)
PHP? What's that mean? (nm) by
on 2015-07-21 03:06:00 UTC
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Yeah, Google Drive probably wouldn't work. by
on 2015-07-20 16:43:00 UTC
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Thanks for the link on that.
Does anyone have even a vague feel for how much it would cost to host something like the Board?
hS -
I know we can get by
on 2015-07-20 18:59:00 UTC
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a VPS for $5 or $10/month (depending on how resource-intensive T-Board ends up being) + ~$10/year for a domain name. There might be cheaper, but I don't know of any places off the top of my head.
(I actually have $100 credit with Digital Ocean (the guys I got that price of) because student deals, which gives a temporary bridge over the money issues. -
I don't like forum-style boards either by
on 2015-07-20 16:31:00 UTC
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...but if people do vote to move, Google Groups is a nice compromise between this type of board and a forum-style one.
Isn't that where Usenet ended up? by
on 2015-07-20 16:40:00 UTC
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I seem to recall it's... pretty much a forum-style, but with no sub-forums and automatic quoting of what you're replying to. Can it be made to look different somehow?
hS -
Google Groups by
on 2015-07-20 17:51:00 UTC
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As well as all the old Usenet stuff, Google Groups also allows you to create your own, non-Usenet groups.
The important thing is there's the option of displaying a thread's posts using an indented "tree view" to keep the ageing Usenetters happy. (Click on the little down triangle next to the "X posts by Y authors" at the top of the thread page.) This allows you to find the "Ixamax's raiding gear" subthread in the main "Ixamax's dress" thread.
OTOH you'd still have to click on the thread title on the main screen to bring up the thread page and its tree in the first place, so it's not quite the same as here. -
Iximaz, it looks like you have a new Mini-Boarder to catch! (nm) by
on 2015-07-21 03:04:00 UTC
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*nabs it and sets it with the other ten* Thanks! (nm) by
on 2015-07-21 05:52:00 UTC
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I didn't realize that GGroups did thas by
on 2015-07-20 19:02:00 UTC
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That might also be an alternative worth looking at.
That puts the set of external hosts at
#3 Proboards et al. (not liked)
#5 Google Groups
#6 Reddit -
Personally? Option 3. by
on 2015-07-20 16:17:00 UTC
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We can end this advert problem here and now and we will never have to have this discussion again.
I personally find this Board's "splitting threads" feature father confusing-- I'd settle for a conventional style posting board any day. Plus, it would be easier to organize topics and such with the proposed Proboard model.
Furthermore, I know that some of the ads that pop up on this Board sometimes carry redirects or viruses-- a few years back my antivirus kept on blocking intrusions until I installed an Adblocker on my browser. If we move, we won't have this problem anymore-- and I also really, really hate the fact that this Board leaves IP addresses out in the open. In the name of security, I favour uprooting the Board and transplanting it to a new forum style board. In my eyes the benefits far outweigh the negatives-- all of which are security hazards for our computers. -
Right: the rest of my comments. by
on 2015-07-20 16:57:00 UTC
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-I disagree fairly vehemently with the idea that a 'conventional' style would be better for the PPC. My three arguments have always been:
1: Division
Splitting different types of thread into different forums reduces interaction between the people in them. I've got new data on this - because I do it myself! Specifically, I routinely avoid the 'General Discussion' or 'Chat' areas of forums - I'm there for a specific fandom or whatever, after all, why would I go into the place where they don't talk about that subject?
I don't want the PPC to fragment that way. This Board exists for all the fans of the PPC to get to know each other - not to create several groups who barely interact. Plus, it would run headlong into the Permission process, which requires newbies to, y'know, interact while the PGs are around. ;)
2: Off-Topic
The PPC is all about going off-topic! How often have we seen mission plugs lead to a discussion of tea? Badfic threads which turn into mini RPs? Science geekery which becomes plans for a Gathering? There's no reasonable way to split things up, because we don't - and shouldn't - divide our threads that way. And without threads which can be conveniently sorted - what's the point of sub-forums at all, except to make me click more times to see everything?
3: Threading
Let's take Iximaz's dress thread as an example. If you wanted to read the discussion of her raiding gear on a forum-style Board, you'd have to skim over the entire thread to find the bits scattered around (hopefully identified by quotes, but you just know that Lacksidacksical can't get the hang of the quote function, and Summertide has one of her weird ideological problems with it). Here? You just read it, straight down the page. I've never understood the idea that the Board's threads are confusing - I find them the most logical way to have conversations on the Internet!
(PS: Security. Well, obviously I agree about the adverts - that was the whole reason this thread exists! But IP addresses are an incredibly useful tool for spotting trolls. Could you explain what the security risk is in having them up there? I'm not familiar with it, so.) -
Some replies. by
on 2015-07-20 19:05:00 UTC
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I will write a full post on what options I think would be best in the thread in just a moment. I wanted to respond to something these first.
1: Division
I would argue that there is already fragmentation in the PPC; it's just easier to ignore because of the structure of the board. Wait long enough, everything vanishes. Going my my observations, fans of different properties tend to flock together regardless of how things are put together. If a LOTR thread pops up, the LOTR fans have a little powwow. Missions in continuums that don't have a lot of followers on the board tend not to get read as much as something from Harry Potter.
Even despite that, I'm still not particularly concerned about a drastic breaking apart of the community for two reasons. First off, the PPC is not exactly huge. It's currently what… about 25 to 35 regular posters, just as a guess? It's hard to make disparate groups when numbers are low. If it were at least doubled, then I would be a bit more wary.
Secondly, while it is true that people tend to rally around their own fandoms, you need to remember that we are all here for one fandom in particular: the PPC itself. I would like to believe that the members of this community have enough of an interest in this world to actually interact with their peers. If the idea of a "general discussion" area bothers you that much, it doesn't need to be included here.
2: Off-Topic
I don't really have an opinion on this one; it strikes me as part of being that "creativity in chaos" idea that's been talked about on the Board before. I don't hold with that concept, but to each their own. I will say, however, that having to "click more times to see everything" is not really all that great of an excuse.
3: Threading
Like SeaTurtle said, I prefer one topic with one chain. The layout of the Board has always struck me as an ugly, confusing mess. Trying to find anything specific is near impossible without searching for keywords. And if it's fallen off the front page? Forget it. -
Further replies. by
on 2015-07-20 21:07:00 UTC
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- True, people are always going to have people they're more friendly with than others based on shared interests and such. But supposing you're a fan of LotR and some really obscure fandom. Here, you can easily keep an eye on both conversations at once. It's easy to move between groups—and if it looks like some group you're not as familiar with are having a really great time chatting about their fandom, maybe you'll decide to see what all the fuss is about and go read the books, watch the show, etc., and join in. I've personally looked into a bunch of fandoms my fellow PPCers were into over the years. It's nice to be in the know.
On a segmented forum, though, how often are you even going to look at a subforum about something you're not already familiar with?
2 and 3. Personally, even with quoting I find it tedious to keep track of who's replying to what in a single-chain system. It can be done, sure, but it can be done here, too. The Board puts everything in chronological order, and if the conversation goes in a new direction, so does the thread. It's perfectly intuitive to me.
What really worries me about one-topic, one-thread, though, is what happens when the conversation digresses. Does someone have to be the jerk who tells them to either take it to a more appropriate subforum or drop it, or do we just tolerate it and thus ruin the point of putting conversations in boxes in the first place? I don't much like it either way.
- True, people are always going to have people they're more friendly with than others based on shared interests and such. But supposing you're a fan of LotR and some really obscure fandom. Here, you can easily keep an eye on both conversations at once. It's easy to move between groups—and if it looks like some group you're not as familiar with are having a really great time chatting about their fandom, maybe you'll decide to see what all the fuss is about and go read the books, watch the show, etc., and join in. I've personally looked into a bunch of fandoms my fellow PPCers were into over the years. It's nice to be in the know.
Also, the Board has a search bar. by
on 2015-07-20 21:13:00 UTC
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It's at the top left of the page. I use it often, because I'm a flake with the memory of a walnut. {= )
~Neshomeh -
On the search bar... by
on 2015-07-20 21:18:00 UTC
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Does anyone else have trouble with it? Just the other day I tried to find a certain post (I searched the exact title) and it didn't show up. Which is annoying, because the post had pertinent information. And when I search my own name it doesn't show me all of my posts, only a few.
It doesn't "see" usernames. by
on 2015-07-20 21:24:00 UTC
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Only titles and content. If you searched MY username, you'd see every post I've made going back as far as it goes, because I always sign my name. You'd also see any post where someone mentions, me, too.
As to the post, which one was it? I'd like to give it a try, if you don't mind.
~Neshomeh -
Found it! by
on 2015-07-20 22:34:00 UTC
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I searched "Galadriel" and it came right up. Thanks, though!
-Alleb -
"Calling Huinesoron." by
on 2015-07-20 21:30:00 UTC
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I needed some info on Galadriel, and who you gonna call?
I always wondered why some people signed their names. I thought it was an oldbie thing. Huh.
-Alleb -
Worked for me, too. by
on 2015-07-21 17:23:00 UTC
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Like hS, I turned up both the original post and the one I now reply to.
Signing has nothing to do with searching, though. It might be an oldbie thing, though I don't think it's necessarily an oldbie PPCer thing. I'm pretty sure I got into the habit on the Farscape fan forum I used to hang out on. That's where I got the Pilot carapace on my smiley, too. {= )
~Neshomeh -
I don't think the search likes "quote marks" by
on 2015-07-21 09:45:00 UTC
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Typing in the words calling huinesoron gives me two responses: this post, and that one. On the flip side, typing the and only throws up a handful of responses that include that exact string (sometimes as part of 'the Anduin'). So it looks like it reads all text as a single unit; you can't do multiple keyword searching.
hS -
It also only returns the 100 most recent results. by
on 2015-07-21 13:14:00 UTC
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I search I did earlier for 'beta' came back with 22nd May 2015 as being the earliest result, and I was pretty sure that term would've come up further back than that.
For a moment I was worried that our archive allowance had been slashed again, before I noticed that other common search terms only returned 100 results.
So if you're searching for stuff from a little while back, it'll help to use the most obscure terms you can think of that might be relevant.
- Irish -
What's weird is... by
on 2015-07-21 13:53:00 UTC
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... the admin interface has a gorgeous search function that lets you check every field independently. Why haven't they brought it across to the main page? Who knows!
hS -
'click more times' by
on 2015-07-20 21:01:00 UTC
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Isn't it? I check the Board repeatedly throughout the day. I click in, scroll down looking for new posts ("Hey, hS, that highlighting feature you found is really useful!" I know, me, I'm pretty fond of it mself), and then click out. Simple and quick, and lets me keep track of things.
Compare that to click into the main page, click into the PPC DIscussion sub-forum, click on every thread that has a new post to see whether the new post is in any way interesting ("Is this about that cool picture Oaken drew...? No, it's just 464646 going on about her obscure fandom, oh well, hope Oaken picks up her half of the thread soon."), click back out to the main page, click the Plug and Badfic sections - oh, and someone's asked a Question too, it's Lacksi with the uninspired title of 'Please help!!!' so I'd better click into that as well, and is that a Permission Request in the Permission sub-forum? No, it's a question about Permission, so I'd probably better point out they're in the wrong section-
"What are you doing? Don't you know you're supposed to be working?!"
And then I get fired and live in a box. A box, PoorCynic! You don't want that, do you? O_O
hS -
The security issues with IP addresses. by
on 2015-07-20 19:02:00 UTC
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Replying to this separately, since I missed your PS.
With them being publically available, not just viewable by mods, I can simply go to this website, copy in the IP address, and figure out roughly where you live. While this may seem like a nifty feature that allows you to figure out where your friends are, a stalker could quite easily exploit it. You don't even have to be logged in to see this information - if someone uses their pen name on multiple websites, a quick Google search might turn up the Board. And if one of those pen names has their real name, but not their location connected to it, a stalker might be able to combine the two, and turn up even more personal information. I know that's a worst-case scenario, but it's still a risk.
As far as troll-spotting goes, there's little the average user can do about them anyways, aside from ignore them. And then, I think the contents of the post should be enough to solve that issue without checking IPs. A moderator should still be able to see IP addresses on other boards, or at least I've seen mods on other boards track down IPs for users that were suspected to be trolls/sockpuppets. -
That's slightly terrifying. by
on 2015-07-20 20:43:00 UTC
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I'm a very private person on the internet (my gosh, I didn't reveal my gender for a bit because I'm female and I was afraid of potential creepers), and that's just... scary. If anything at all is done to alter the Board, or if we move, I really want my IP address and everyone else's hidden.
With regards to subforums by
on 2015-07-20 18:42:00 UTC
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I don't think it's required for you to have multiple subforums on a proboards style forum. It's just an option. We could just have one big subforum and put all the threads in there, if we wanted to.
Another advantage of switching to a different system is that we would no longer have to worry about threads eventually falling off the Board. I know I was very disappointed to find that an RP I was particularly interested in reading was no longer available, and I had to make do with the archived version, which was much more difficult to read.
Finally, the openly available IP addresses are a serious issue. They were almost enough to stop me joining the Board in the first place when I found it. -
Hrm. by
on 2015-07-20 18:08:00 UTC
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With respect to your arguments:
1. That is a good argument. I really don't have to say anything against this; one of the strengths of the current Board is to regroup anything and everything under one roof. That being said, I'm a fan of organization and I like having all of my topics neatly categorized.
2. Ibid.
3. Once again tying into my preference of having one topic, one chain. I like being able to open something and scroll down and see everything in a neat, chronological order.
With regards to security: someone having an IP address is like giving them your home address. With that sequence of numbers someone can attempt to directly attack your computer and the general area you live in. Yes, an IP address is no big secret and yes, one can find it with enough work but I'd rather not have it in the open just like that. -
Clarification: how would it end it? by
on 2015-07-20 16:28:00 UTC
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ProBoards also uses adverts to bring in funding. I think they're a larger company than YourWebApps: are you saying you think they'll vet their advertising better?
(Further comments withheld for the sake of discussion) -
I'd think so, yes. by
on 2015-07-20 16:41:00 UTC
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That and an Adblocker would greatly improve security in my mind. Granted, I have no ideas how internet ads work so I might be talking out of my hat but if Proboards is a bigger community, then they must have proportionally bigger tech support and thus we get help faster and more efficiently.
Mmkay, thanks for the clarification. (nm) by
on 2015-07-20 16:45:00 UTC
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A Problem with the Board by
on 2015-07-20 23:43:00 UTC
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Hey everyone. I finished Za'kiir's profile, and went to add it to the Glossary of PPC Agents, but for some reason, the editing doesn't work when I try it on that page. The tools turn gray/unusable. I've checked it thrice, i'm signed in, and still nothing. The editing bar works everywhere else, just not with that page.
Oh, no, wait, I think I know what this is. by
on 2015-07-21 01:13:00 UTC
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You two are reasonably new to the Wiki, right? I'm pretty sure there's a thing where you have to have had an account on it for a certain amount of time before you can touch some of the pages. It's probably that.
Unfortunately, that's about all I remember about this. And, ironically, I think the information might be on the wiki somewhere...
~DF -
I don't think so. by
on 2015-07-21 17:18:00 UTC
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The Glossary isn't a protected page, so they shouldn't have a problem with it. Anyway, I know Alleb's account has existed longer than four days, which is the time it takes to get past that latency period. More information about user access levels here.
I suspect this is some sort of bug with Wikia, and I already advised Alleb to talk to them if she couldn't find a solution within Community Central. Silenthunder should do the same. If it is a bug, the more reports, the better.
~Neshomeh -
Same thing happens to me! by
on 2015-07-21 00:20:00 UTC
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It happens with the "Latest Story Releases" on the front page too. It lets me use VisualEditor, but won't save my changes, and it won't let me use Source at all.
Hm by
on 2015-07-20 23:56:00 UTC
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I've just tried it, and it works fine. You clicked the edit button and then couldn't do anything? Is that what happened? Is it giving you any messages?
~DF -
No messages for me. (nm) by
on 2015-07-21 00:49:00 UTC
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Screenshot by
on 2015-07-21 00:57:00 UTC
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Would you mind taking a screenshot of the problem? I might have to send this to Wikia Staff as a bug report.
Betas needed! by
on 2015-07-20 23:52:00 UTC
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We need betas for a character interaction interlude. Interested parties should leave their emails here so we would be able to share the GDoc with them.
And that's all we need! Thanks :) (nm) by
on 2015-07-21 00:29:00 UTC
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I'm up for it by
on 2015-07-21 00:25:00 UTC
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Just click my username for email.
Shared. (nm) by
on 2015-07-21 00:28:00 UTC
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I volunteer as tribute! by
on 2015-07-21 00:22:00 UTC
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allebknight (AT) gmail (DOT) com.
Shared. (nm) by
on 2015-07-21 00:25:00 UTC
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