I have a captain in Star Trek Online that I play more than any other captain. Over the years, I've written a few short fics featuring the bridge crew of this captain. Given how... interesting some of them are, I figured maybe the crew and captain could become agents. They have basically no personality in game, for obvious reasons, so it wouldn't really count as having a canon character joining the PPC.
The crew are amusingly dysfunctional, I've always thought of them as having a really crappy ship, and I've had quite a while to develop them, so it could be fun. I'm just not sure how to write the captain. I do have some options, I'm just really bad at deciding which one to pick. I was thinking maybe a Vulcan raised in Ireland might be funny. We've never seen one in canon, but that doesn't mean they don't exist, right?
I've got hundreds of characters that I'm not really planning on doing anything with, but very few of them are suitable for the PPC, so I'm hoping I can make this bridge crew idea work.
Does this sound like a good agent idea? by
on 2015-05-21 00:46:00 UTC
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I actually thought about that same question by
on 2015-05-21 01:05:00 UTC
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I have a Joined Trill Captain that I thought about using, but the way I envision him would not work well with my other agent ideas.
As far as the Captain alone, I do not see a problem, but the whole bridge crew? Most agent pairings are a bit smaller than that, but I do not see anything inherently wrong them. It just might be hard to micromanage that many. -
I was thinking about introducing them two at a time. by
on 2015-05-21 01:22:00 UTC
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I could just send a few of them on missions, which opens up the possibility of some stories taking place at HQ. And I actually made the Irish Vulcan, but she ended up the unfortunate victim of a tutorial glitch. My real captain was from an original work, and I was just planning on using the character creator to help me pin down their appearance, and it just... took off. I ended up playing them more than all my other captains combined, but she would NOT work well with the PPC. So, I figured an Irish Vulcan was a better choice.
I am curious, though, as to why you don't think your captain would work. A joined Trill could be a nice straight man to the insanity of badfic. Unless, of course, they are not a straight man. -
It was more of what agents I had envisioned by
on 2015-05-21 01:39:00 UTC
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At the time I had planned on using an Imperial Intelligence Agent from Star Wars as one of my agents. She was already designed as a no nonsense, career officer type. The way I envisioned my Joined Trill Captain is still the same no nonsense career officer. It just did not feel like there would be enough dynamic between the agents to get the feel right for the PPC. But I think I am shelving that agent and working on another pair now, that would be very entertaining to write.
To that end I have my current prospects I am working on right now, a Pureblood Sith Warrior and a Soul Reaper (from Bleach). I am working of fleshing those out now. But they would have a very entertaining relationship, when they aren't actively trying to kill each other. -
Actually a similar sort of thing happened to me - in reverse by
on 2015-05-21 11:11:00 UTC
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Namely, I have a STO character called Cyba Zero who came after Agent!Cyba - although it was more that both of them came from an initial base idea that came before. Agent!Cyba and Captain!Cyba have since evolved away from one another. Visually their only common ground is a few Borg implants, now, and character-wise there is a certain disparity too. In fact, it would probably be a bad idea for Agent!Cyba to find out about or worse MEET Captain!Cyba - no IO I am NOT giving you ideas, even if it would be hilarious...
There is also a big non-character reason why... by
on 2015-05-21 19:50:00 UTC
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That is mostly my familiarity with the canon. I am familiar with a lot of Star Trek, but I am by no mean an expert. I think I have only watched one or two episodes from TOS, non of the animated series, most of TNG, probably about 1/2 of Voyager, only a handful of episodes of DS9, and none of Enterprise. I also have not watched most of the films. So I am not comfortable enough writing a character from a Star Trek canon.
((Go ahead.)) by
on 2015-05-21 01:51:00 UTC
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((My only request is that I give his appearance a look-over to make sure he's not OOC-- not that I doubt your ability as a writer, of course.))
((No problem!)) by
on 2015-05-21 02:02:00 UTC
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((Considering he's going to be one of few 100% IC in this, that's all the more important. ^^; ))
Agents, agents, and more agents: a question. by
on 2015-05-21 14:31:00 UTC
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Back in the day, you had your agent team: two agents who worked together. Sometimes they were written by two different Boarders (Jay and Acacia, Ekwy and Milano, Dafydd and Selene), sometimes both by the same person, but the concept stayed the same: any given writer had one team that they wrote missions for. They had side-characters, of course, but - to pluck an example from TOS - I don't think Jay and Acacia would ever have dreamt of writing Sean and Lux a mission.
Fast-forward to today: how many people don't have at least two teams they take on missions? I'm not just talking about the newer writers, either - I have two active teams (well, one and a half), Nesh has two or more... it's virtually everyone.
So... why the change? What drove you, as a PPC writer, to want a second team - or even as a prospective PPC writer, since I know I've seen people suggesting multiple teams right off the bat?
For myself, I've done it twice: I added Narto and Lou to Dafydd and Selene, and then more recently I've added Kaitlyn and Selene to Huinesoron. In the first instance, I did it because I wanted to do something fairly unique (for the time): first person missions. Dafydd was also winding down towards his retirement at that point.
The second time round, I brought Kaitlyn and Selene together with a very specific goal: short missions to post on FF.net. Huinesoron I already had a plan for, so I needed to cobble together a new team (out of old characters, even).
Obviously, my reasons don't apply to anyone else - so what are your reasons? I'm curious.
hS -
As others have mentioned, variety. by
on 2015-05-22 15:45:00 UTC
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Not just in terms of what stories I might spork, but also regarding character voice and how/what I write. I hadn't really written characters that were so out-and-out aggressive as Laura before; most were vaguely like pre-injury Danny, with his mellow snarkiness. Breaking up that original team and adding James (someone rich in combat experience, but poor in fictional lore) allows me to explore new themes and ideas.* Rachel was created out of a desire to write a more upbeat "fan"-ish character: one that could gush about a given topic without falling into sarcasm.
Gremlin is sort of an amalgam of Danny and Laura, but with the added benefit of allowing me as a writer to explore subjects I hadn't touched on before: superpowers, discrimination, LGBTQ themes, and so on. Xericka was meant to embody a more serious and analytical tone, as was Cornelius. Both Xericka and Cornelius also give me the opportunity to explore the nature of being and becoming human.
I must also admit that my second and third agent teams were created partially to explore aspects of the PPC I felt were being underused. Bad Slash was pretty much all but abandoned when I joined up. I always got a kick out of those missions (not to mention MSTs of slashfics on other sites), so I set out to make a agent group to carry that on. I feel like there is also a lot that can be done with alternate universes, which is why I set the stage for the DIAU crew.
*Provided I ever get enough time to write them down. -
Not exactly doing that, but here's my two cents anyways by
on 2015-05-21 22:30:00 UTC
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I did ponder with the idea of makign a second team - in fact, Nikki was originally supposed to do only one mission with Sergio and Corolla and then get partnered with another agent. but in the end I decided to keep those three together.
The reason was that my original duo was rather unbalanced, with Sergio doing all phisical stuff due to Corolla being fairy-sized 90% of the time. With Nikki splitting the load things turned out to be better, so that's my reason to go with a trio despite it not being standard practice for the PPC. Besides, I would've probably ended up putting my second team in Floaters anyways, so havign two teams was pretty redundant sporking-wise
After Blank Sprite I might make another team (it all depends on wheter I will do missions on my own or collaborations. Collaborations are tons of fun.), but with Sergio and Nikki retired and Corolla working mostly in DoSAT that would be pretty much the only way to write normal missions "solo". -
My oddball answer. by
on 2015-05-21 16:45:00 UTC
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I think I touched on this once before, but I believe all of what we call fiction to be true. Authors (myself included) don't "make things up" but catch little subconscious cues about other worlds. If the cues are strong enough, they're able to write a story about it.
So at the moment, I've got my two main agents, and my Cafeteria pair, because they're the ones I've seen most clearly. I'm starting to get stronger vibes from the Nursery lately, and am getting a picture of some of the kids there, so I'm going to work that into my spin-off soonish down the road. It just boils down to what I get a sense of happening over there. -
Doc, you win the Internet for today. by
on 2015-05-21 19:56:00 UTC
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This is one of the most interesting ideas I've read for a while.
*shrug* It's how I look at reality. by
on 2015-05-21 22:26:00 UTC
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Makes things more interesting.
*points to Des' post* (nm) by
on 2015-05-21 21:34:00 UTC
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Mostly, I wanted to have the option for variety. by
on 2015-05-21 16:09:00 UTC
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The urge to spork bad slash is very low, but in the event I want to, I'll bring in Arinellya and Kalen. Mostly, though, I prefer going after Sues, hence the very heavy focus on Rina and Zeb.
And now there's fluffy, cuddly Gabrielle to combat the mind-melting What The fics, in tandem with the eccentric Doktor, which is loads of fun to write. -
Organization, mostly. by
on 2015-05-21 15:58:00 UTC
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My earliest bios for Rashida and Falchion, back when they were referred to by their old names, had them in the DIC, but that restricted my choices of badfics for them to spork, so I put them in Floaters instead. However, I wanted to establish a DIC team even before I got Permission, and Sarah being ultimately assigned there instead of staying with Falchion seemed fitting because her homefic was a mega-crossover and she'd be impacted enough to specialize in crossovers themselves. It also gave me a reason to bring in Cupid and Lapis as her partners, because three was already a crowd in RC #227 even before Ripper moved in.
As for Rayner and E.V.L., it seemed fitting that I'd flesh out on the sole remaining agent from the team that Rashida had helped on, well, THAT mission (which will be discussed soon - not immediately, no, but SOON!), and also experiment with bringing one of my older OCs into the PPC as well (same with Lapis, but she isn't slated to be used in my own original fiction, yet, so she isn't as relevant here). I also wanted to experiment with an RC in which the agents were rivals and not allies, being forced to work together only because they had to. Speaking of which, I plan to get back to the two after my next two Floater's missions, which are already in progress.
So, tl;dr, my Floaters team served as a basis for the other teams, my DMS team was meant to test out some new things and flesh out some of my agents' backstories, and my DIC team was set up so some of my recruited agents would have a place to stay without overcrowding the RCs that I'd already set up at the time.
Oh, crap, guess I should warn you all beforehand... I may or may not be planning a FOURTH RC soon, but that one's going to be very minor compared to the previous three and I won't update it as often as I do with them. This is partly due to the fact that it's going to have a very niche role in the ecology of the PPC HQ - it's planned to be part of the DMS-VG (Video-Games) division. -
Variety, mostly. by
on 2015-05-21 15:20:00 UTC
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Nume and Ilraen are pretty versatile, but their interests only overlap with mine to a certain extent. They're particularly good for a certain set of fandoms and certain sorts of problems—medical nonsense, for one—but if I want to PPC something based on a musical or a video game, they don't work so well.
Also, even though in the beginning I wasn't too sure about the whole Sue-slaying thing, I kept managing to find Sues that ticked me off enough to want to do something about it, hence Nume and Ilraen's first two missions. I didn't want to keep making up excuses to shunt standard Sues to them in the DIC, so clearly I needed a DMS team, too.
Also also, Gall fulfills my need to write a more modern, casual voice. Her home 'verse is full of anachronisms anyway, and since someone taught her how to use the Internet, she's the perfect vehicle for all the stupid Internet meme-based jokes I can't do with anyone else. {= )
~Neshomeh -
I just have oceans and oceans of ideas. by
on 2015-05-21 15:06:00 UTC
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Obviously, I'm not going to be able to write them all, but neither can I consolidate them into two characters. Plus, there are tons of characters that I'd love to see, and since no one else seems to know the worlds the ideas come from, it falls to me to try my damnedest to write them.
Hell, I'm designing an ESAS agent right now, and the concept I'm working with is "Silent Hill native who's become something other." I just have to get the kinks ironed out, and maybe then Helen Sparks can see the light of day.
tl;dr, I have far too many ideas. -
I just wanted to write different people. by
on 2015-05-21 14:41:00 UTC
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The Notary is a monster and Wobbles is SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS, but Doktor Trollenfisch? He loves his job! He has fun! He listens to oompah music at teeth-rattling volumes! I just wanted to write for him and, thanks to Iximaz, I could.
(also originally Gabrielle was gonna be Obviously Evil but we canned that for her present role as hug magnet) -
About Wobbles: by
on 2015-05-21 17:41:00 UTC
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I know you told us a little about her early on (one of your first missions, I think), but otherwise, I'm stumped as to what the SPOILER could be. I look forward to finding out, though! :)
There's some stuff that didn't make it in. by
on 2015-05-21 18:05:00 UTC
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Wobbles is a former angstfic bit who decided to be a clown instead and never have a sad ever again. She rooms with the Notary. This is therefore considerably more difficult than it sounds. =]
Ahhh. ^^ by
on 2015-05-21 18:10:00 UTC
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I remembered those bits, at least. I take it something's going to change soon (or be revealed and thus promote change)? Otherwise, why be SPOILER? :)
Bringing things to the Wiki by
on 2015-05-21 19:45:00 UTC
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So. There are several Crowning Moments pages on the TV Tropes article for our community, plus Nightmare Fuel.
Is there any possibility that we could put that information on our own Wiki somehow? Like, a PPC Highlights page or something?
I'd try it myself, but my dad thought I was on TV Tropes too much (to be fair, he was right) and blocked it on our network. -
Seems a bit needlessly circular to me. (nm) by
on 2015-05-24 09:32:00 UTC
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A question. by
on 2015-05-21 20:11:00 UTC
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Is there any way to neuralise a blind canon, beyond presumably beating it out with a canon source of your chosing?
Of course! by
on 2015-05-21 20:33:00 UTC
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Well, not neuralyze, per se, but there are other means of memory modification in the multiverse. You could use a Memory Charm from the Potterverse, for instance, or find a helpful psychic to remove the unwanted memories for you, or take a trip to any sci-fi 'verse with memory-manipulation technology.
And of course there's the PPC's Department of Fictional Psychology, which has all three of the above standing by at all times. {= )
Paging Tawaki. by
on 2015-05-21 21:15:00 UTC
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May I adopt Agent Iskillion, or maybe just borrow him occasionally? Iximaz and I might have need of him for future developments. {= )
~Neshomeh -
Borrow at least. by
on 2015-05-22 14:58:00 UTC
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I don't know Ranger's Apprentice, but didn't Legolas sail for Valinor while Thranduil was still King of Mirkwood?
Heh, it's not for a mission. by
on 2015-05-22 22:44:00 UTC
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At least, not that mission. It's almost wrapped up. (But yeah, Legolas was never king. Prince of Ithilien at best, and I dunno if an Elf could be a prince of Gondor.)
But no—I'm interested in Iskillion for non-mission character stuff. Iximaz is introducing a female Andalite agent, and, well, yeah. It'll be more fun if both our boys are involved. On that note, do you know anything about Iskillion that doesn't appear in his bio or missions? Background, motivations,where he'd take the Bachelorette on a first datewhat he does in his free time, that sort of thing?
E-mail me if you want. I think you know my address? {= )
Pathfinder. by
on 2015-05-21 22:47:00 UTC
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I'm currently learning how to be a DM for Pathfinder, which is basically Dungeons and Dragons. Any tips and tricks that you fine folks might know?
I'll just leave this here... by
on 2015-05-22 21:09:00 UTC
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DM advice
All the advice you could want is in that thread, first post. I won't bother parroting it. -
Some more things. by
on 2015-05-22 21:30:00 UTC
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Personal anecdote time! (Warning: long. Also mostly rambling.)
Yeah, so my first game as DM was during the tail end of the D&D5 playtest. And it was bad. Well, my friend had fun, but I think the others were just counting down until it was over.
The reasons for this, I feel, are twofold: one, I was basically playing the thing by ear. I had a basic outline of where I wanted to go, but I was spending half of each week planning scenario and encounters and worrying about making it fun for everyone and trying to give my friend what he wanted while also rewarding everyone else...
Oh, and the DMPC (who had been my PC in the previous game, and was thus sufficiently minmaxed to take on the entire adventure solo) probably didn't help matters.
The other reason was that I really had no idea how to build an adventuring day. I swear I seemed to think that if the characters weren't half-dead from the first encounter of the day, the encounters clearly weren't hard enough.
All of this could be avoided if you just use a pre-made adventure, of course.
My second adventure was much better: planned rigidly from the beginning, no real side-paths (just a single dungeon), better encounter pacing, only three good friends playing, a comprehensive set of rules to go with (as 5E had actually come out). Basically, it fixed everything that made my first try such a catastrophe. Plus I think the players were excited to be using 20th-level characters (yeah, don't try that. 20th-level characters are very difficult to constrain).
Since you're playing Pathfinder, you have a fair bit of system bloat to deal with - prestige classes got pretty ridiculous in D&D3.5, and that carried over to Pathfinder. You may want to limit your players to just the core classes until you find your footing.
tl;dr it's not too hard, as long as you accept that you'll probably mess it up. -
Thank ya kindly! by
on 2015-05-22 22:23:00 UTC
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I'm such a beginner- what are prestige classes? I know the four basic classes- rogue, cleric, wizard, and fighter, but I've never heard of prestige classes.
This might get long. by
on 2015-05-23 01:25:00 UTC
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Okay. Basically, there are the four basic classes, plus several other core classes (Barbarian, Druid, Ranger, Bard, Paladin, Sorcerer, Monk), which all use the basic 20-level progression.
D&D3 (which Pathfinder is based on) had prestige classes, which you have to multiclass into. Prestige classes have a range of prerequisites, and allow for tighter focus in character building. Usually, they have a 10-level progression once you qualify for them, though they're not fixed.
Now, D&D3.5 ended up with a massive amount of bloat - there were hundreds of prestige classes, and plenty of game-breaking ways to combine them. The Pathfinder SRD has a few prestige classes, but it's probably best to ask your players to stick with single-class core classes until you get the hang of things. -
Ah. Yes. by
on 2015-05-23 02:52:00 UTC
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Definitely; that sounds mind-breakingly complex. I'm sure they'll have no problem with it.
I've never GMed Pathfinder... by
on 2015-05-22 05:21:00 UTC
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...only GURPS and Paranoia. Also a little bit of In Nomine, though I mostly played that one.
From my GURPS experience:
The first campaign with a group is always a test drive.
Always have non-lethal options for combat around, in case they start hitting each other. (Oh, the fun they had with stunners.)
Sometimes the starship's pilot goes rogue, and everyone ends up being on a planet for longer than they expected.
Make sure there are plenty of carrots and that, if they start fracturing in ways that keep them from having fun doing it, there's at least one NPC around with a stick.
Railroading is bad, but it's good to have the train there if the players want. Sometimes they'll crash a blimp into the train. Sometimes that can end the campaign. But there are always other plots, settings, and campaigns.
From Paranoia:
No matter how arbitrary you're being, be equally so to everyone.
You are not Friend Computer. Friend Computer is the stick.
Let them shoot each other, but don't depend on it – players like to work together at strange times and then shoot each other over spam c-mail.
Every mission should have a dark room.
Make sure at least one person has a flashy mutant power.
Machine Empathy is fun, but sometimes people don't like to use it. Give Machine Empaths a second power.
Most of the Paranoia stuff isn't exactly applicable to Pathfinder, but... -
Still, thank you! by
on 2015-05-22 12:06:00 UTC
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I'll take any advice I can get! Thank you very much!
Kinda jealous :P by
on 2015-05-22 00:30:00 UTC
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I'm kinda jealous. :P I've always wanted to play one of those table top RPGs, but I've never known anyone who does it.
Does character building really take hours to do? -
That depends, I think. by
on 2015-05-22 17:01:00 UTC
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I've played a couple of D&D campaigns (AD&D, 3.5e and 5e, specifically) and it seems to me that there are two parts to character creation: fluff and mechanics. Fluff depends on your creativity, mostly, so the time it takes changes from person to person. Crunch (mechanics), meanwhile, mainly depends on how familiar you are with the rule system.
I've always wanted to as well; by
on 2015-05-22 02:02:00 UTC
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I've only JUST started learning, but I think it will be quite fun!
It can, but it's fun! (nm) by
on 2015-05-22 00:32:00 UTC
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Re: It can, but it's fun! by
on 2015-05-22 00:39:00 UTC
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I'm the kind of person that spends way too much time making their Sims instead of playing them, so that sounds like it'd appeal to me.
Pathfinder GM, eh? by
on 2015-05-21 22:55:00 UTC
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Be a good actor.
Know when to say "screw the rules, I'm the GM!" to maximize the entertainment, for both you and your players.
Consider everything your players bring to the table. If, say, they want to play a kobold monk (coughmeahem), you'd better make sure that kobold has a reason to be with the party.
Above all else, have fun.
-Voyd, speaking from experience as another Pathfinder GM -
Thanks! by
on 2015-05-21 23:16:00 UTC
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Will do.
That's a beautiful piece of advice that I will write and hang on my GM screen.
I love finding reasons for things and developing back stories; that will be quite fun!
No problem!
Thank you very much! Do you happen to know a site that has dungeon maps and good beginner's scenarios? Until I get my feet under me and learn the rules, I'll be using mostly pre-made stuff, although I might tweak the story as I wish. -
For Scenarios by
on 2015-05-22 14:19:00 UTC
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Check the official Pathfinder site. They should have a few free scenarios you can download, mostly designed for Pathfinder Society organized play.
First Steps Part 2 is a good introductory dungeon crawl. It doesn't have a lot in terms of roleplay opportunities, though there are a few; however, combat is probably going to be what involves the most practice, for both you and your players. The Silverhex Chronicles are good if you don't have a huge amount of time; each part should only take 1-2 hours, and you can play as many as you want in a sitting. And We Be Goblins, though I haven't played it, looks like a lot of fun, though it isn't really designed to be worked into a long running campaign.
I don't have much in the way of general GM advice. I've done it a few times, and to be honest, I wasn't a huge fan. The main thing I'd say I want in a GM as a player is that I want the GM to ultimately be working with us, not against us. Too many GMs see it as a competition between them and the players, and that can take a lot of fun out of it for me. -
Thanks! by
on 2015-05-22 17:35:00 UTC
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Any and all resources are awesome; thank you!
Yeah, combat seems pretty in-depth (well, more so than everything else). I'm guessing it's a lot easier once you get the hang of it.
That's stressed a lot in the manuals I've read; work with the players, not against them. I think it's easy for it to feel like a competition when you're the one setting up and playing as all of the antagonists. I'll do my best! -
No problem! by
on 2015-05-22 18:45:00 UTC
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While it's not exactly a normal resource, Pathfinder Society games are good if you're new to the system. If there's a group in your area that runs it, you might want to check it out. It's a good way to meet people and get some experience with the system. There isn't as much of the world-building aspect, but that lets you focus on the other aspects of the game, which are what I struggle with personally. Plus, it lets you meet a bunch of new people, which is always good.
Yeah, I think GMing combat can be especially tricky, because you have to familiarize yourself with all the monsters' special abilities, as opposed to just your own character's.
For physical supplies, the main thing you're going to need is something with a grid on it. I've played a couple times without a grid, and it's a bit of a mess. I'd check out starter kits for a variety of gaming systems, and see what you can get a good deal on; I've got one for 4e D&D that's a pretty nice set with a big range of tokens. But you can probably substitute graph paper if you can't find something like that. -
I'll look around! by
on 2015-05-22 22:30:00 UTC
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I haven't heard mention of such a group in my area, but that would be quite handy. Yeah, the worldbuilding is fine with me- it actually sounds really fun! It's the combat rules that I think I'll struggle with the most.
My set comes with a dry/wet erase boardish thing with a grid- I'm also thinking of investing in a gridded white board. I think that would be nice for varying the dungeons. -
Sadly, can't help you there. by
on 2015-05-21 23:24:00 UTC
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If you're willing to shell out thirty-five dollars, the Emerald Spire Superdungeon can get your players from Lv1 all the way to 12.
Wow. by
on 2015-05-21 23:45:00 UTC
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I don't really want to pay that much though; I'm sure I'll be able to find something. Thanks anyway!
Does this count as goodfic? by
on 2015-05-22 00:28:00 UTC
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I was wondering if maybe one or two of you could look at this fanfic chapter I've written. It's rated M for cursing and violence, but nothing else. It's for the Hetalia fandom.
I'd really appreciate knowing what you guys think!
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11240341/1/Open-Skies -
It's decent. by
on 2015-05-22 03:01:00 UTC
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If a bit grimdark. I'm going to prematurely assume that this is the SPC foundation he's locked up in?
Re: It's decent. by
on 2015-05-22 04:03:00 UTC
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Pretty much, actually. I don't know if I'll actually name it, though (given most Hetalia fanfic consumers wouldn't know what I was referencing).
I think the hamfisted "Tenor" reference gave it away?
My goal for this story is to make an adrenaline rushed insane adventure rescue for America and Vietnam (who isn't shown in this chapter). On Russia's side, its going to psychological horror, and maybe a bit of really dark comedy.
Do you think there's a way I could improve the 'grimdark' aspect, or do you think it's a bit too tightly woven in? -
Advice by
on 2015-05-23 02:31:00 UTC
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1) I would name it, at least in some throwaway dialog.
2) What?
3) Sounds ok, I guess. Considering the most I know about Hetalia is Italy, Germany, England, 'Murica, Japan, Canada, and what have you, I know nothing at all about Vietnam. I'm not the best for horror advice though, because that's not really my thing.
4) Not really. It sort of goes along with psychological horror. Grimdark isn't neccicerrally bad, but it's a lot like slash. It's really easy to get wrong. Also, grimdark just for the sake of grimdark isn't a good thing. But you don't have that problem so we're all good. -
Re: Advice by
on 2015-05-23 19:20:00 UTC
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Also, the Tenor character is a reference to a character in SCP Foundation named "Alto". Maybe in passing, I'll mention it, sure. I'll put a little disclaimer at the bottom or something ("I didn't create SCP Foundation!"). -
The Shark Punching Center? by
on 2015-05-22 03:03:00 UTC
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Sorry, couldn't resist.
Seeking betas for an interlude. by
on 2015-05-22 02:02:00 UTC
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Valon and Kala get back from FicPsych ten days after their last mission. Things happen when they get back to the RC.
Things of a nature that I've never written before. Learning experiences!
Any takers? -
Betas closed; four is enough. (nm) by
on 2015-05-22 14:59:00 UTC
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I can take a look, I guess. by
on 2015-05-22 13:33:00 UTC
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I think you have my email? Anyway, I might or might not vanish halfway through, and if I do, I apologise in advance.
Shared! (nm) by
on 2015-05-22 13:36:00 UTC
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I will. by
on 2015-05-22 12:55:00 UTC
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Doc shared! (nm) by
on 2015-05-22 13:07:00 UTC
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RC 211 Interlude 1: Fade to Black by
on 2015-05-22 15:32:00 UTC
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Two pages of adorable, if my betas are to be believed.
My thanks to Iximaz and Darkotas for inspiring this piece! -
So. How to continue with this? by
on 2015-05-25 00:45:00 UTC
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For the time being, I'm not going to be using Valon and Kala. After all, I've got another team that needs some screentime and development.
What I'm not sure of is what I'm going to do once I get back to RC 211. I don't know how to write a continuing relationship; I was incredibly lucky that I got them into it correctly, seeing as how I know almost zip about romance.
I have an idea for the Badfic Games whenever they roll around (full moon anyone?), but beyond that, I've got nothing. -
Well, in my experience... by
on 2015-05-25 02:02:00 UTC
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What has to change between them? They already get along well, and are fairly close. They might be more physically affectionate, but in terms of behavior? Probably the same. The only difference is the title, really.
Same as the others, d'awww! And well done! (nm) by
on 2015-05-23 06:04:00 UTC
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*big thumbs up* by
on 2015-05-23 02:40:00 UTC
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I don't know these characters that well, but I must say that this story was well and truly aww-inducing. Hats off to you!
Voyd, that is actually adorable. by
on 2015-05-23 00:59:00 UTC
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So adorable. Very, very, very nicely done. It's short, but it's humorous and 'awwwww'-inducing. Very nice.
~DF -
D'awwww. ^_^ (nm) by
on 2015-05-22 19:20:00 UTC
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D'aaw! by
on 2015-05-22 18:58:00 UTC
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I have to confess, I've kind of been shipping them, so I'm glad they got together.
Of course somebody was... by
on 2015-05-22 19:03:00 UTC
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Anyway, as I explain in the notes, I've never tried writing anything romantic before because herp a derp I don't know what it's like.
I'm rather pleased that this turned out as well as it did, considering my complete absence of knowledge.
And I have plans for these two in the Badfic Games... bleheheheheheh. -
Re: Of course somebody was... by
on 2015-05-22 20:46:00 UTC
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Well, I'm a shipper at heart, so it come naturally for me. ^^'
.... /APPROVES/ *Optional!Hugs* (nm) by
on 2015-05-22 18:34:00 UTC
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Balance. by
on 2015-05-22 17:43:00 UTC
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For those who don't already know, I'm trying to write a realistic Tenth Walker story. At the moment, my OC is in Bree, learning the Common Tongue. She's be there for roughly a year, and then she'll be on her way to Rivendell, bearing her sick friend and accompanied by Halbarad the Ranger. But that's not important yet.
The thing is, I'm having trouble balancing telling the story and not boring my audience to tears. Amy, as I said, is in Bree for a year, and almost nothing exciting happens. At the moment, my story is basically going "This month came, here's the only two noteworthy things in it, and then there was this month, and other stuff happened." And I don't think that's good storytelling on my part. At the same time, I can't tell the story day by day, maybe not even week by week- it would a) take forever and b) be incredibly uninteresting. So.. any suggestions? -
Flesh out the important bits? by
on 2015-05-22 22:51:00 UTC
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I don't know if you're actually just summarizing the things that happen in X month in the story, but if you are, I'd suggest writing them out fully, each one a little vignette. That way the series of time skips will be less obvious, and we'll get to know the characters better, too. {= )
~Neshomeh -
I'll try! by
on 2015-05-23 00:38:00 UTC
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Thank you! I just want to make sure this story is as good as possible. I'm not very experienced with telling stories over lengths of time, so this is all rather new to me. Thank you again; I will try that!
Time Skips work! by
on 2015-05-22 18:27:00 UTC
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Granted, you'd need good transition sentences to pull it off, otherwise it'll leave readers' heads spinning. ;)
Good luck and focus on your writing journey! -
Got it; thanks! (nm) by
on 2015-05-22 20:01:00 UTC
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Anyone know where Fish Custard is? by
on 2015-05-22 20:17:00 UTC
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He hasn't been around in a while and nobody I've contacted privately seems to have his email, but if anyone can get in touch with him, it would be much appreciated; there's a new Continuity Council coming up and it would be nice to have his input.
No clue where/who he is... by
on 2015-05-23 01:07:00 UTC
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but at first, I thought it was an Earthbound reference, then realized that that it's trout flavored yogurt.
Now to actually answer a question... by
on 2015-05-25 15:01:00 UTC
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Fish Custard is the author of the Fisherman and Evie, both in the Special Operations Division. One's a Time Lord, one's an anthro!GLaDOS.
Actually, I believe it's a Doctor Who reference. by
on 2015-05-23 01:17:00 UTC
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The Eleventh Doctor liked fish fingers and custard. Fish custard.
Ahh. by
on 2015-05-23 02:02:00 UTC
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I really, really need to start watching Who. Should I start with Classic Who or New Who?
Depends. by
on 2015-05-23 02:57:00 UTC
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If you have a short attention span, start with New Who. I was, eh, twelve when I started watching (Classic originally, but my dad suggested he swap to New after I got antsy), so it really just depends on how much action you want over (at least, at first) something more like edutainment. Of course, the Fourth Doctor's run is always worth watching. :)
Indeed. by
on 2015-05-23 03:25:00 UTC
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"Would you like a jelly baby?"
Need a tiny Beta service. by
on 2015-05-22 21:57:00 UTC
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I want to do a fun little introduction to the PPC, on my OC-reviewing Tumblr, therefore I need a Beta reader to a really short interlude.
Required service:
- SPaG checking,
- Checking characterization for the following characters: the Sunflower Official, Luxury
- freshly baked Lemon pie (eating it makes you feel like having "ze secks" with one of your LO)
Anyone? I just need one person. -
Me! Me! by
on 2015-05-22 22:28:00 UTC
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I love lemon pie!
(Email is sur DOT nhm AT gmail DOT com.) -
Sent! Also, paging Skarmory and DawnFire by
on 2015-05-23 00:17:00 UTC
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Did you guys receive my Permission prompt? I never used gmail before, so I'm not sure if I done it right.
I did get it, yes... by
on 2015-05-23 03:23:00 UTC
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...but I'm ridiculously busy with IRL stuff at this time, and I won't be back on my laptop until a few hours from now. I'll see if I can look into your stuff before or during the weekend, though!
No worries, I've got it! by
on 2015-05-23 00:51:00 UTC
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You did it right. I've just been cowriting something with Iximaz, and there's a holiday coming up (starts tomorrow evening), so I might not really get a chance to take a look until sometime next week. I took a quick glance, though, and I'm impressed by the pictures :) (seriously, it was a very quick glance; I'm sure there are other great things in there!)
~DF -
Nothing to be impressed, honestly. by
on 2015-05-23 15:30:00 UTC
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It was just a Rinmaru dollmaker. Say hello to Ixi for me :D
Sold! :D (nm) by
on 2015-05-22 22:29:00 UTC
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Permission Question: by
on 2015-05-23 02:11:00 UTC
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Does the "agents are assigned a mission" control prompt involve entering the mission? Could someone please explain it for me?
It could. by
on 2015-05-23 02:21:00 UTC
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I think we're mostly looking for the events that lead up to stepping through the portal, though. You know, the bit that happens at the beginning of most missions.* It's something that every PPCer is going to write at some point (if they want to write missions, that is), and it's also something we've seen a million times already, so we want to see if you can make it interesting.
* If you don't know what "the beginning of most missions" looks like, please read some more of them before you apply for Permission. Thanks!
~Neshomeh -
Alrighty, now I'm looking for Betas. by
on 2015-05-23 14:02:00 UTC
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Preferably ones with good SPaG checking, I know I made some mistakes, and who can help with descriptions.
I could help with the first request, maybe the second too. by
on 2015-05-23 15:56:00 UTC
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Do you want my normal email or my google email?
I don't really care, but it's on Docs so a gmail might help. by
on 2015-05-23 17:07:00 UTC
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I've already had my random prompt beta-d.
- My google email is... by on 2015-05-23 23:16:00 UTC Link to this
Sent! (nm) by
on 2015-05-24 04:08:00 UTC
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Can you change the settings so I can comment on it? (nm) by
on 2015-05-24 18:28:00 UTC
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oh yes i can. (nm) by
on 2015-05-25 03:48:00 UTC
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Question about Mission posting... by
on 2015-05-23 11:54:00 UTC
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...I know this is a bit of a way off, but I was kind of wondering where most people post their missions, and where's the best place to put them.
I know that a lot of people link from Google Docs, and Miss Cam's site has been taken down. Does anyone apart from hS put them on Fanfiction.net?
Yeah. Just an odd little query. -
I mostly use Google Docs. by
on 2015-05-23 23:00:00 UTC
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Though now that I have a Tumblr, I might start uploading new missions directly to that as well. (Follow me at astraygenius for reblogged nerdy content and the occasional text post!)
GDocs all the way. by
on 2015-05-23 15:34:00 UTC
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Easy to use, easy to share. Just make sure you choose to publish the doc first: it makes it look a lot nicer.
What do you mean y "publish the doc"? (nm) by
on 2015-05-24 01:57:00 UTC
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mean by* (nm) by
on 2015-05-24 01:57:00 UTC
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- If you publish the doc... by on 2015-05-24 02:43:00 UTC Link to this
And how do you do that? by
on 2015-05-24 07:06:00 UTC
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I'm a n00b, I know. -_-
File > Publish to the web. by
on 2015-05-24 14:27:00 UTC
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You'll be given a link that leads to the clean document. Just use that one when publishing your missions.
Off the top of my head... by
on 2015-05-23 12:18:00 UTC
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I use Wordpress as do some others. I used to post to my Livejournal, but when I decided to get a dedicated PPC blog, I switched.
I know a few post their missions on Tumblr and I think there are some who use Dreamwidth.
There's no best place as such; it depends on your personal preferences.
Paging Storme Hawk by
on 2015-05-24 01:33:00 UTC
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Are you still around? You haven't answered my e-mails recently...
Err kinda... by
on 2015-05-25 12:45:00 UTC
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Sorry, I haven't been on anything PPC related for a while until today really. I'll try and get on it either today or tomorrow but I can't promise anything, especially as my first exam is now only a week away.
On that note however, I'll be completely free from the 12th and I'll try and make up for lost time then.
Once again, I'm sorry. I should have put up a message about me leaving the PPC for a while instead of just going without a trace. I'll try and get onto my emails this evening, failing that I do have some time free tomorrow evening.
Storme Hawk -
No problem. by
on 2015-05-25 18:57:00 UTC
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Please note, though, that I have already published Chapter 11. Of course, I am amenable to making changes to it if I think that they're important enough.
But as for your exams, I thought that you would be done by now. Do British universities' school years end in June instead of May? -
It Depends. by
on 2015-05-25 21:37:00 UTC
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I know a couple of people who have finished their exams already. However the Uni I go to starts about a week or two later than most of the others, so we finish a couple of weeks later as well. (Don't ask me why we do, we just do).
As far as I can remember I was happy with things in Chapter 11 and before, I should be able to have a look tonight now.
Storme Hawk -
Paging SkarmorySilver by
on 2015-05-24 01:37:00 UTC
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(Might as well post this as a reply than start a new thread)
Given your ability to handle group-on-group battles, I would like you to help me with a scene that I want to create.
Familiarity with the Bakugan: New Vestroia canon would be nice, but as the scene in question mainly consists of OCs and bits, familiarity with the canon is not really required at this point. Please e-mail me or reply if you're interested.
Mini minis? by
on 2015-05-24 03:36:00 UTC
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Minis are smaller than the characters they spawn from, correct? What if the character's already small enough to fit in the palm of your hand?
Not all minis are. by
on 2015-05-24 16:15:00 UTC
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For instance, the minis from Portal are full-sized Frankenturrets.
Anyway, I know that for some minis, the source is pretty small anyway. Sometimes they get unique names; Spellcheck Scrats, Defect Notes and Mispelled Monkeys spring to mind. -
What do minis from DC and Marvel look like? (nm) by
on 2015-05-24 17:20:00 UTC
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I don't think there are any... by
on 2015-05-24 19:43:00 UTC
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But mini-Bat-Mites and mini-Nick Furys exist.
If I recall correctly... by
on 2015-05-24 03:58:00 UTC
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There already are a few minis like that (i.e. mini-tribbles). They're typically the same size as their canon counterparts, they're just referred to as "minis" anyways.
Permission Request by
on 2015-05-24 03:57:00 UTC
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So I've finally completed my Permission request, and am ready to submit it.
Thanks to Scapegrace and [EvilAI]UBEROverlord for betaing my stuff! Here's hoping everything goes well. -
Congratulations! Have a Lava Cookie! (nm) by
on 2015-05-24 17:12:00 UTC
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*puts on hat* Alright, let's take a look-see. by
on 2015-05-24 12:57:00 UTC
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Activity: I recognize your name and you've been around a while, so you're good there. Gold star.
PPC Knowledge: Seems solid. I noticed your mention of Bleepettes; for some reason that stuck out to me. You're good on this count.
Fic to Spork: I almost missed the link, but I did spot it and dear Whedon what is that thing? Kill it and give it to the Reavers. (Don't listen to me, do what you will with it.)
Characters:I must say, I especially approve of Natasha's Firefly fandomLook pretty good. Natasha seems to have a lot of potential set up by her backstory, and Aaron by his... new-ness? It'll leave him open for a lot of character growth. You're good to go here. ;)
Writing Ability (Creative): Very good. I especially loved the CAD reading in the random prompt- *rubs neck* -bit of a Mood Whiplash at the end, but I think you pulled it off. (I laughed at the line about potato jokes in the control prompt, even though I don't get the reference, so that's a good sign.)
Writing Ability (Technical): I did notice one typo ("A thin line of Glitterly blood oozed from the wound.") but other than that, you're golden.
It is therefore my pleasure to say Permission Granted! Happy sporking! -
Congratulations! :D (nm) by
on 2015-05-25 05:08:00 UTC
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Congrats! *tosses Spikes* (nm) by
on 2015-05-24 20:33:00 UTC
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Congratulations! by
on 2015-05-24 20:30:00 UTC
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Yay for AoT-inspired agents! *high-fives* *gives potato* I look forward to your first mission!
Thank You! (nm) by
on 2015-05-24 15:02:00 UTC
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Hey, it was all on you. by
on 2015-05-24 15:08:00 UTC
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Well, you and your betas. ;) Good luck with your first mission; I can't wait to see these two in action!
Conga Rats, Tira! (nm) by
on 2015-05-24 14:22:00 UTC
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Congrats! (nm) by
on 2015-05-24 12:59:00 UTC
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*plucks up mini-Boarder and hands it to you* (nm) by
on 2015-05-24 13:18:00 UTC
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Wow... that's my worst one yet. by
on 2015-05-24 16:27:00 UTC
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This is why I wish my laptop had light-up keys.
Will you call it Mini-Me? :D (nm) by
on 2015-05-24 18:43:00 UTC
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He can move in with OrangeYpshi99. by
on 2015-05-25 03:47:00 UTC
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And OtangeYoshi99. And there's problably an OrangeyOshi99 too, :/
Paging all Whovians. by
on 2015-05-24 07:58:00 UTC
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Oh, there you all are!
Hm. Just wondering if any of you have actually seen any badfic involving Classic Doctors. Because I've been hunting recently and the worst I could find was this thing.
Oh, and this. Any others? -
Oh yes, I have. by
on 2015-05-24 13:08:00 UTC
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A quick search on the Pit isn't turning up any results (maybe it got deleted?), but I once saw a really bad fic where the Fourth Doctor took along one of the bug monsters from "The Ark in Space" as a companion and it ended up banging Sarah Jane. *shudders*
That is just disturbing. (nm) by
on 2015-05-24 14:09:00 UTC
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Not a whovina, but I doubt there's much. by
on 2015-05-24 13:04:00 UTC
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You know, what with fangirls/boys/brats being incapable of knowing about anything other than what's on tv that night.
Can we not randomly insult people? Ta. (nm) by
on 2015-05-25 11:53:00 UTC
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*facepalms* by
on 2015-05-24 16:27:00 UTC
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How did that happen?
A glitch in the Matrix? (nm) by
on 2015-05-24 16:41:00 UTC
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Not a whovina, but I doubt there's much. by
on 2015-05-24 13:03:00 UTC
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You know, what with fangirls/boys/brats being incapable of using the google.
I haven't seen any, but I am sure they exist by
on 2015-05-24 09:25:00 UTC
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But most seems to be centered around either the 10th or 11th Doctors from what I understand.
Random question about music by
on 2015-05-24 15:36:00 UTC
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Does anyone else get writing ideas while listening to music/watching music videos?
See, for the past few days I've been watching/listening to the Onibi series of Vocaloid songs, mainly The Fox's Wedding (NOT SAFE FOR WORK OR BRAIN. It's not bad, it's just... trust me on this one, a'right? Des knows what I'm talking about).
Ideas about an agent native to a horror continuum (specifically Silent Hill) have been coming together in my mind (Darkotas knows what I'm talking about). I know that Helen Sparks isn't likely to see the light of day; she's a Humanoid Abomination and all-around creepy woman(-shaped thing), but the ideas are still there.
Anybody else know this feeling? -
It happens, yes. by
on 2015-05-24 19:09:00 UTC
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I can even give You my most recent example:
I am currently working on my little Harry Potter Next Generation project. I was looking for some new characters to introduce; I had some ideas, but they needed one final polishing. Meanwhile, I was listening to some Yiddish music because, let's be honest, I work best while listening to old/weird/foreign music.
I found these ladies. Now, a bit of explanation about the origin of this video:
This comes from a Polish television TVP1. It's from 2008's benefit concert of a famous theatre actor, strongly involved with Warsaw's Jewish Theatre.
If you look at the first lady - Mrs Golda Tencer (who is, by the way, currently the widow after the guy whom this concert was for) - you'll see where I got my inspiration from. The clothes she's wearing, the hair style, the voice and the... ekhm figure... It all resembles what I see as a stereotypical witch character. Maybe even a little bit of what I want Discworld's Nanny Ogg to be.
And so, Mrs Golda, plus a character of Dana from the manga UQ Holder! helped me create my Next Generation DADA professor :D
- New joint mission (by me and TM) by on 2015-05-24 17:32:00 UTC Link to this
A very nice read. by
on 2015-05-28 16:39:00 UTC
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I quite enjoyed this story. There were some very good character moments. The introduction with Su getting into Internet arguments over (what I assume is) Greek culture was particularly entertaining. The two new characters did feel a bit flat, but I attributed that to this being their first appearance/mission.
I will admit to having a few complaints. While the breaking out into song was a great touch, I wasn't too fond of some of the other fourth-wall-nudging bits: Su's use of italics and the reference to the wiki, to be precise (unless there is some sort of in-universe PPC Wiki, which I could see happening. I could also see such a thing being almost constantly locked from outside edits). I also didn't much care for the little excursion into Gen 1. It felt a bit too randomly wacky, especially since it played no impact on the plot whatsoever.
All in all, very nice work. Definite kudos from me. -
Nice job, avoiding the gore by
on 2015-05-26 13:07:00 UTC
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Two typos:
I hope that’s not what is sounds like, because I’m getting sex-pollen flashbacks.
Maybe some of of us should check here while one checks the schoolroom!
HG -
Nice one, Tawaki. (nm) by
on 2015-05-25 19:06:00 UTC
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Oh, and... by
on 2015-05-25 17:17:00 UTC
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...if a mission calls for a mad bomber, let me know and I could loan you Cloud Mushroom for the mission.
Very good mission. by
on 2015-05-25 04:58:00 UTC
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Though I would have thought that the mission would be a bit more … substantial given how notorious it seems to be within the brony fandom (and given that the legendary Tawaki himself came out of hiding to spork it!), I must say that this is nonetheless a good mission. And a fitting end for Not!Cheerilee.
Allow me to add to the chorus saying that the "This Day" rendition was a good touch, however, if Herr Wozzeck were here, he might point out that the lines don't exactly scan.
As for errors, I haven't caught any—at least, not in the English. There is, however, an error in the Greek. Granted, my experience is in Ancient Greek, not modern, but even still, that was enough to tell me that something was amiss. Apparently Google Translate is just as bad at modern Greek as it is in Latin.
Either way, given Suicide's background, he should be speaking in ancient Greek, not mangled modern Greek. "Love" is easy to translate, but as I cannot find a word for "tolerate"; I chose a word for "be patient" instead:
"Love and be patient"-->"αγάπα καὶ καρτέρει"-->"agápa kaì kartérei"
That aside, good mission!
P.S.: After poking around a bit on Wikipedia, I might have figured out exactly what went wrong on Google Translate's end of things.
What you wanted were a couple of imperatives. If my (admittedly sloppy) research is not mistaken, what came out were two third-person plural verbs, one in the present active indicative, and one in the present mediopassive indicative: "they love and they tolerate/they are tolerated/they tolerate each other" -
Fixed. (nm) by
on 2015-05-25 17:37:00 UTC
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Mag. Bucking. Nificent. by
on 2015-05-24 21:41:00 UTC
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I thought the italics lampshading would be my favorite part, until I read the song that the agents broke out into near the climax. I'd definitely recommend that sort of thing for agents visiting musical continua like this one!
Oh, and, uh...
“My name is Éowine son of Isenwine.” I think there should have a comma after "Eowine". Ditto for “And I am his wife, Steormægð daughter of Æþelmearh. (comma after Steormægð) -
I have to disagree. by
on 2015-05-25 04:26:00 UTC
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Commas would be nice, but they're unnecessary. One usually sees this construction, commaless, in literature.
About time someone took this one down! by
on 2015-05-24 18:36:00 UTC
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Suicide being a brony is what made this for me, though. After all, Real Men Wear Pink!
It felt like it was cut a bit short, but other than that, well done, everypony. *offers zap apple jam as condolence* :) -
You guys need to change the GDerp's permissions. by
on 2015-05-24 17:35:00 UTC
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It's set to 'everybody with the link can edit' right now.
How do I do that? (nm) by
on 2015-05-24 17:36:00 UTC
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I think I did that now. It should be good. (nm) by
on 2015-05-24 17:43:00 UTC
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Shenanigans At FicPsych! by
on 2015-05-24 18:28:00 UTC
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In light of a little thing that happened in the PPC Agent Mailbox Game, I thought it would be a fun idea to explore the happenings at the Department of Fictional Psychology. So on that note, I present to you a fun little informal RP thread: "Shenanigans At FicPsych!"
With that in mind, let's set up some ground rules:
1.) NO MAJOR EVENTS ARE ALLOWED IN THIS RP. No surprise Sues, no giant microbes, no nothing. If you want your agents to have fun and goof off at FicPsych, go on ahead! But don't do anything violent or otherwise distracting for other characters.
2.) You do not need permission to be involved in this thread. However, it is desirable that you have a character who works in FicPsych like I do. If you don't, you can always send in one of your characters to talk with another FicPsych worker.
3.) Be respectful of other PPCers. Do I have to explain this one? Your characters can be demeaning as long as it's in character, but please don't make OOC drama.
4.) If you have Permission, feel free to use any threads you have contributed to for interludes and such. Just remember to talk to the people you roleplayed with, or work together on such content if you can.
5.) And last, but not least, have fun! -
(( So, uh... )) by
on 2015-05-25 05:22:00 UTC
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However, it is desirable that you have a character who works in FicPsych like I do.
Unless I've missed a heck of a lot, you realize that's just me and SeaTurtle, right? And mostly me, at that? {; P
That said, some of the staff are free to use, and anybody can borrow Nurse Parwill or Nurse Immac if they want to. I might even let Elms and Mirrad out to play if anyone's really keen on them. Just ask first, please (right here will do!), and follow the characterization I've already given them.
I dunno if I'll be able to join in myself. Maybe if something interesting happens I'll get inspired, but you haven't given us anything to go on, and I don't have the time or energy to come up with a starting scenario.
~Neshomeh -
(Well...) by
on 2015-05-25 20:01:00 UTC
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(I know several other Boarders, including myself, who have characters who work at FicPsych. This isn't a strict requirement, however - as a starting scenario you could have one or more of your agents walk into FicPsych and wait for someone to take care of them. Those of us who have FicPsych employees can then interact with these agents, which is also an opportunity to get to know Boarders that you haven't done much with up to this point.
I'm also tempted to explore what happens to canons that get taken to FicPsych in the wake of missions in this RP thread, but that could open up such a massive can of worms that I'd rather not risk it.) -
(( Really? )) by
on 2015-05-25 23:44:00 UTC
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I mean, I knew about Sister January, and having caught up some more on the mailbox thread I see Edhelistar has Nurse Chan and her Pokémon... but who else?
And what the heck was wrong with the ones already there, I made them to be used, dangit...Ahem. Don't mind me. I've just been the only one with an interest in FicPsych for so long I've fallen into the bad habit of thinking of it as mine. >.>
Anyway, would you all mind terribly updating the FicPsych Personnel and Nurse pages? Mine or not, I do like to know what's going on in the department, and I'll want to figure out what all my characters think about the newbies and how they slot into the existing subculture.Especially if they've supposedly been there for two years already and include small lightning-rat-creatures, why does no one tell me these things.
I've been trying to figure out how to write a good story (or more probably a series of shorts) about the nurses treating canon characters for about twelve years. Somehow, inspiration has never struck. If you can manage it, more power to you!
~Neshomeh -
((Actually Nesh...)) by
on 2015-05-26 02:52:00 UTC
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I was planning to tell ya, but the RP happened and I was like "Oh what the heck let's test'em," and then this happened. We can still get something agreed with my Nurse's backstory within the Department, after all, I still think of you as the maximum authority regarding that Department and my Nurse's full backstory will be the subject of a future interlude.
And there's nothing wrong with your characters, in my case is that feel very uncomfortable writing other people's characters, so I decided to use my own.
(I gotta thank SeaTurtle for being my rather unwilling test subject, thanks to that, I know think that Gallifreyan!Corinna is not that fun of a character and decided to reset Nurse Chan back to her original human self.) -
(( Hehe, thanks. )) by
on 2015-05-26 03:52:00 UTC
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Like I said, don't mind me, I'm just old and crotchety. I actually found myself pretty interested in Nurse Chan's backstory, and the idea of her being drawn to the PPC and FicPsych because she heard about Jenni (although I don't quite know how she could have; Jenni doesn't really go around advertising her history that much). Powers know Jenni wouldn't mind having someone around who could relate to her on that level.
But, what with all the woe and angst, I support scaling her down a bit, too. {= )
Actually, the person Nurse Chan is really going to have to contend with is Suzine. I can't see her being overly thrilled with the notion of Pokémon in her department, especially ones that purport to be members of the department but refuse to communicate properly. (Immac will love them, though!)
Also, Suzine, Dr. Freedenberg, and the Kudzu want to know when they got a Paidopsychiatry Division, and doesn't the Nursery handle all that? I mean, sure, there's the odd canon character who's a child, but the nurses can deal with them without needing a whole division set aside for it. It's not at all a bad idea to have someone who specializes in the needs of younger people, but calling one person and a couple critters a division is a little silly, IMO, and the nurses each have their style/specialty without divisions anyway.
Oh, BTW, I just caught up on the bit with Shui-Hua (hope I got that right) having an appointment with Jenni. We could totally RP that here if you want. I'm all caught up with AtLA:LoK, so I (and Jenni) get what her deal is. You'll just have to excuse me if I take a long time between posts, is all.
~Neshomeh -
((You're welcome)) by
on 2015-05-26 05:29:00 UTC
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And to the crunchy part! Well rather than drawn, she was actually thrown into the PPC. And the "two years here" part, has an explanation. Is a reference to about how much time ago I last did anything related to her (September, 2012), so what happened to her? She was exiled to the PPC of course!
Anyhow, now that I removed the Time Lord part from her (And exorcised Cookie Chan, my actual Jenni Robinson analog), I removed 4 lifetimes worth of woes and angst, but I also removed anything she had in common with Nurse Jenni. She could still be her assistant during those two lost years though, and we could say that she just got her flashpatch and Solvig is the first patient that treats by herself.
She would have to contend with that and more... The Pokémon AU she comes from is from 160 years in the past and has WWII era technology, standard Poké Balls might as well be sorcery for her. And yes, there's her Pikachu suddenly deciding to be obstinate, but there´s something else: The fact that her Gardevoir is a trained War Pokémon. And there are other number of stuff that should be addressed in her backstory, to explain why she is what she is today, and to give closure to her original story.
Well, I can remove the "Division" part and call her a "Paidopsychiatry Specialist", in other words, she would specialize in minors under 16 years old. And the critters? Her therapy style is "Animal-assisted therapy".
Of course! It would be great! (I pretty much chose Nurse Jenni there because she's the one specialized in PPC Agents. =P) -
(So...) by
on 2015-05-28 05:06:00 UTC
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(...Does all this mean we'll have to update the FicPsych page on the Wiki before we can get started?
I'll probably make a post on the Board about this in that case. We'll see how it goes after that!
And yeesh, a trained War Pokemon? None of my agents would wanna mess with THAT one, methinks D:) -
(( Not necessarily? )) by
on 2015-05-28 16:15:00 UTC
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I was waiting for Edhelistar to kick of the RP, actually, and came here to say so once I realized I hadn't. IMO, it doesn't make much sense for me to start if Jenni's just going to be sitting in her office waiting for her patient to show up. ^_^;
If you want to go rustle up other people who've created nurses and haven't bothered putting them on the wiki, I wholeheartedly support that endeavor. Maybe make it a general post about infrastructure agents, even.
I don't think it's necessary to do it before RPing, though. I just asked for updates on the basis that a) I want to know who's who in FicPsych these days, and b) keeping the wiki up to date is a good idea in general.
~Neshomeh -
((Well, Shui-Hua said her appointment...)) by
on 2015-05-28 16:53:00 UTC
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((... was next Friday, didn't she. ^_^ The one that actually is late for her appointment is Lapis actually.
Now, on the other subject, I will formally include in the Wiki my Nurse onceshe makes her first named appeareance, which that means once I post my first mission. She already makes an unnamed appeareance in my Control Prompt.)) -
(I was meaning to set that up, actually...) by
on 2015-05-28 18:16:00 UTC
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(...but I'm so flocking busy these days that I don't have much time to write, let alone RP. It isn't helping that my parents told me just this morning not to use the laptop late at night because I end up sleeping at 2 AM and ruining my sleep schedule otherwise, which is a Bad Idea if and when I get a 9-5 job.
Anyway, I've decided that starters CANNOT be posted on this thread until the FicPsych page has been updated; I've just posted a thread on the Board to help rectify this issue. Hope that helps, everyone!) -
((Well then, that may take a while...)) by
on 2015-05-29 03:10:00 UTC
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Considering that adding characters to the Wiki that have no known appeareances, outside of RPs and those don't count, would not be well received. Meaning, that I will not update the Wiki, until my characters are formally included into canon with the posting of Mission 1.
((*facepalm* Sorry, that was me...)) (nm) by
on 2015-05-28 17:10:00 UTC
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((It's a good thing the Mailbox is non-canonical.)) by
on 2015-05-26 03:11:00 UTC
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((On the other hand... there's quite a lot of good material for a number of agents there. Maybe it could be considered canon-ish for them?
Anyhoo, glad I could be of assistance. Your characters are a blast to interact with!)) -
((Thanks!)) by
on 2015-05-26 05:43:00 UTC
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Now, may I ask a question: How many Agents from the Department of Internal Affairs you have?
Five. by
on 2015-05-26 14:03:00 UTC
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-Fire Flash, an Earth pony from MLP: FiM. A former Generic Canterlot castle guard rescued from a badfic after she described herself into existence.
-Taldaris, a protoss High Templar. Fell into HQ in 1998 along with a dozen of his kind following a botched warp-in while fleeing the destruction of his homeworld by the Zerg.
Both serve in the DIA's New Caledonia division under the Yertis.
-The Guardsman, which you are already aware of.
-Terabyte, a geth trooper containing two major canonical upgrades (if you've played Mass Effect, you know which ones) to its AI and a bevy of DoSAT improvements. A true artificial intelligence and fully sentient.
-Naya'Keegan vas Iktomi, a quarian markswoman. She comes from a different save file than Terabyte and bumped into it after she was swallowed by the massive plothole left by the original ending to the ME trilogy.
These three share an RC and work in Special Response. -
((And the most active as far as I can tell...)) by
on 2015-05-26 15:24:00 UTC
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So, what would you think if I give them some back-up? ;) They won't be coming soon though, I need to do at least my first two DIC missions and the full backstory of my FicPsych "team", then I will introducemy DIA team, and I humbly ask for your help in creating and writing them. So far I only have the idea of what I want them to be. =P
((Derp! Sorry, forgot to put my name there.)) (nm) by
on 2015-05-26 20:25:00 UTC
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((Derp on my part as well.)) by
on 2015-05-26 20:47:00 UTC
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((I'm forgetting some of my folks!
- Benoît, aspiring Pokémon Ranger. Leads a team offourthree on the Coutyard beat:
-- Buck the narcoleptic Skiddo
-- Maxwell the hyperactive Jolteon
-- Victoria the wise Gardevoir
- Meryem, a Turkish woman from World One. Survivalist and Search-and-Rescue operative extraordinaire.
What you want your DIA team to be is entirely up to you-- but if you want actual, concrete advice on how to write for DIA, page Ekyl on the board. DIA is his pet project and I'd defer to his vision for the department: he's got a ton of ideas. I'd be happy to assist, of course. Have you got any agent ideas right now?)) -
((Yup, I do.)) by
on 2015-05-27 01:26:00 UTC
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Snowrrlbecca, a Wookiee Royal Guard, from Rwookrrorro, Kashyyyk, Star Wars Galaxy. He's a warrior trained in the traditional Wookiee weapons that had never left his homeworld before. He enjoys nature like a good Wookiee, and likes to get philosophical every once in a while. Arrived to the PPC after falling in a plothole during the Imperial Assault on Kashyyyk in 15 BBY.
Xóchitl Martínez, an Operative from the Mexican branch of the Digital Accident Tactics Squad (DATS) from Digimon Savers. And as such, she's trained to use whatever means necessary to bring down Digimon (that includes heavy weaponry). She also has a Digivice iC, in which she carries her Digimon partner, a Floramon. She's an optimist and a jokester, that likes to put nicknames to anyone she mets, and doesn't like to miss an opportunity to say a joke, even in the middle of combat. She and her partner Digimon arrived after a botched attempt to use the Digital Dive and enter the Digital World, that landed them in the PPC.
And there´s the Floramon, which aside from its Digivolutions, Sunflowmon and Lillymon, I have nothing else yet.
Considering their firepower, they would be probably good in the Special Response Division. -
((Sounds sweet.)) by
on 2015-05-27 03:54:00 UTC
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Unfortunately, I know nothing of Digimon and my knowledge of Star Wars is restricted to the movies. I might have to do a bit of wiki-binging to catch up on that...
((Well....)) by
on 2015-05-27 16:35:00 UTC
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Getting information for Wookiee stuff, would be quite easy, Wookieepedia is well organized and has a lot of info.
But Digimon on the hand... err... Wikimon and Digimon Wikia, have some problems with incomplete information regarding Digimon Savers. Apparently that series wasn't that popular in English speaking countries. In Latin America, well let me put this way, the most used language used in chat in the MMORPG Digimon Masters, is Spanish. So to be able to even create that character I had to cross reference information from Wikimon, English Digimon Wikia, Spanish Digimon Wikia, Wikipedia and TV Tropes. And I'm not even taking into account the continuity snarl that the Digimon franchise itself is (Five different continuities! And that's just taking into account the Animated Series!).
Aw, what the heck? New mission! by
on 2015-05-24 18:41:00 UTC
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I was gonna wait a bit longer after Tawaki and TM's mission, but I've been meaning to post this one today and I hope it doesn't overshadow that one. So on that note, everyone, I hope you don't mind "A Bad Taste In The Mouth"!
Not bad... by
on 2015-05-25 02:01:00 UTC
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This is a pretty good mission. Just like with your Five Nights collab mission, you did well in ensuring that someone who does not know the canon (e.g., yours truly) can follow the mission and understand what went wrong. And I'm getting intrigued as to what's going to happen to Rashida.
Of course, there are a few errors in the mission:
“So, Suta was part of Gonza’s pack?” asked Rashida, ducking just as Falchion buzzed her.
“Wait, who’s pack?” the giant pterosaur asked,
That should read, "whose pack".
“According to the words, its supposed to be Heart who blushed faintly and picked up his sleeping son in his arms, and not Umasou,” said Ripper.
"words" should be capitalized.
And regarding the Word Cyclone: Word Cyclones occur when there are run-on sentences, not when there is a lack of paragraph breaks. You might want to do something else with that scene, especially since that Cyclone is only used to lead to the mission. -
*high-fives* by
on 2015-05-24 20:45:00 UTC
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Nice work, buddy. Glad we got through this with our sanity intact. May you keep it through the hassle of juggling...oh, gosh, five RCs' worth of agents now, is it?
I'll be primarily focusing on my main three RCs by
on 2015-05-24 21:02:00 UTC
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The other agents will have secondary roles for the most part, as supporting characters or extras.
Same here! It was fun while it lasted. :D -
I hope you don't mind me asking this by
on 2015-05-24 18:54:00 UTC
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but how do you write text over links here? Sorry, I know it's completely offtop, but I sometimes can really be clueless when it comes to the Internet stuff.
Sure thing! by
on 2015-05-24 18:59:00 UTC
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It's the same way you do in HTML: *link text*, sans asterisks.
That explains it... by
on 2015-05-24 19:01:00 UTC
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I've forgotten most of my HTML since high school. :D
Also, if it doesn't offend you, when could I possibly expect any form of Beta? This week? This weekend? I don't want to rush you, just need to know when I can manage some time to look at it. -
Today or tonight if possible. (nm) by
on 2015-05-24 21:38:00 UTC
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Cool, thanks a lot. Appreciate it! by
on 2015-05-24 21:51:00 UTC
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Although, from what I can see, we have a six hours difference between us, so the earliest reply I can give will be ten to eleven hours from now.
Hm... by
on 2015-05-24 18:49:00 UTC
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Someone's talking about you, Rashida.
Yes, Skarmory and I planned that one. It's a minor thing, but it's something. That was almost English. -
Haha, exactly! by
on 2015-05-24 18:52:00 UTC
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That throwaway line from that mission? This is the context for it. Sort of. And once again, thanks for the inspiration!
How do they rise up, rise up, rise up? by
on 2015-05-25 00:07:00 UTC
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All hail the Glorious Twenty-Fifth of May, the threefold fandom day: The People's Republic of Treacle Mine Road (wear the lilac!),Towel Day of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (carry a towel!) and the anniversary of the release of Star Wars: A New Hope (uh, think Jedi-ish thoughts?).
And all the little angels rise up high~ by
on 2015-05-25 19:34:00 UTC
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(Or however it goes.) Happy Memorial Day, too.
How do they rise up, rise up high? by
on 2015-05-25 17:02:00 UTC
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They rise heads up, heads up, heads up, they rise heads up, heads up high!
I'm wearing the lilac in my hair today, in fact. -
Aw! by
on 2015-05-25 18:02:00 UTC
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You look adorable. Love the sideways ponytail. ^_^
~Neshomeh -
...You look just like one of my aunts. by
on 2015-05-25 17:43:00 UTC
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I mean, I did a double-take and had to make sure it wasn't her.
:( Farewell, Sir Pterry. by
on 2015-05-25 11:46:00 UTC
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I know, he's been gone a while now - but it still stings. And I will always associate his passing with today, rather than with March, due to Kaitlyn's beautiful turn of phrase back then: I thought he had at least another year of lilacs.
Am wearing lilac. How could I not?
hS -
on 2015-05-26 18:28:00 UTC
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Froody! by
on 2015-05-25 09:34:00 UTC
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I'll wear a towel around for the rest of the day!
It's also Memorial Day this year! by
on 2015-05-25 02:05:00 UTC
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Or, well, it will be when the US catches up to the rest of the world in a few hours. So, remember your veterans! Especially if they were at the Battle of Treacle Mine Road or the assault on the Death Star or something. {= )
As usual, the big lilac bush in front of my building is pretty much done flowering, but the little ones about a block away are still going. I'm not gonna steal any, though, so I'll just have to wear the lilac in spirit once again. My towel will be in the laundry, because I have the day off and I need to do laundry. >.>
~Neshomeh -
Hit people with lightsabers? (nm) by
on 2015-05-25 01:35:00 UTC
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Funnily enough... by
on 2015-05-25 01:33:00 UTC
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The lilac in front of my house is just beginning to bloom, I took a shower today (the towel didn't leave the bathroom, but I'm going to say it counts anyway), and my friend was talking about wanting a lightsaber earlier. Looks like I got all three!
(Not quite in the appropriate manner, but shh. I'm pretty close.)
~DF -
They rise heads up, heads up, heads up... by
on 2015-05-25 00:42:00 UTC
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Happy Geek Pride Day!
Alas, I'm home from work sick, but I'll try and find something lilac to huddle underneath while I attempt not to cough my lungs up...
Elcalion -
Also: Happy Birthday Sir Ian McKellen! (nm) by
on 2015-05-25 01:31:00 UTC
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I think the last one's "May the Force be With You." ;) (nm) by
on 2015-05-25 00:11:00 UTC
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I see that being more for 4th May. :P by
on 2015-05-25 00:56:00 UTC
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May the Fourth be with you and all. :P
Yeah. ^^; That's just the saying I know that goes with SW. (nm) by
on 2015-05-25 01:15:00 UTC
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Where's the Sporking?! by
on 2015-05-25 00:55:00 UTC
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Das Mervin's sporkings of "The Girl Who Lived" are gone! Noooooooo! I was in the middle of the fifth one too... Can anybody get them back or find out if they're elsewhere?
Got some temporary links set up. by
on 2015-05-26 04:50:00 UTC
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Neither of my current computers can open Microsoft Word documents, so I'm not sure which of these two files contains the Rose Potter sporking. I'm pretty confident it's on one of them, though . . . apologies for my disorganized system.
I've never used Dropbox before, so let me know if anything's wrong. -
Re: Got some temporary links set up. by
on 2015-08-05 06:11:00 UTC
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Do you have the sporking of the 33rd chapter of the fifth Rose Potter book? It's not in the dropbox.
Harmonik, I'm really sorry. by
on 2015-08-06 06:11:00 UTC
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Chapter 33 was missing even at the time I archived all of Mervin and Hyde's stuff, before the whole site disappeared. I suspect it's gone for good, now. You could try emailing one or the other and seeing if they have backup copies?
Re: Harmonik, I'm really sorry. by
on 2015-08-06 17:05:00 UTC
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Awwww... Okay.
I will have to check in the morning. by
on 2015-08-05 06:25:00 UTC
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My computer can open Word documents now, so I should be able to find it directly this time. I may not get to it until later in the day, though. Sorry for the wait.
Unfortunately, neither of them work for me. (nm) by
on 2015-05-27 06:48:00 UTC
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Re: Got some temporary links set up. by
on 2015-05-26 18:30:00 UTC
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Well, the first link works. I do wish I could search through it but beggars can't be choosers. I miss the comments though.
I have all the Mervin and Hyde stuff saved. by
on 2015-05-25 06:36:00 UTC
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I can send you a copy tomorrow, though it may not be until later in the day.
Unfortunately, Journalfen is down by
on 2015-05-25 01:15:00 UTC
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The Rose Potter sporkings were originally posted on Journalfen, which is in the middle of transferring from Livejournal code to Dreamwidth, I think. So anything that was on Journalfen (HMS STFU, Fandom Wank, Bad Penny, etc.) is unavailable at the moment.
Unfortunately, Mervin mentioned on Das Sporking that she's pretty busy at the moment, but you could always try contacting her. Right now, I think everyone's waiting to see what's going to happen with JF; they might eventually reload all the old entries, but there's no guarantee that it'll be any time soon.
Hello! by
on 2015-05-25 02:29:00 UTC
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Hello, everyone! I'm GlarnBoudin, a guy who's... I don't know, pissed off at the poor quality of a lot of fan fiction, I guess. I'm a big fan of the Godzilla franchise, and kaiju in general. I also like Pokemon, but I prefer to stay with fan made ones: in fact, it was SkarmorySilver's writings that actually introduced me to the PPC in the first place! Anyway, I also like Jurassic Park, Fossil Fighters-chances are, if it has dinosaurs in it, I've probably heard of it. I also like My Little Pony, the Resident Evil series to a degree (never played the games, but I know most of the creatures), the Alien franchise, and a crapload of others.
I haven't read too much of the PPC stories-I'm just starting the original series-but I really like SkarmorySilver's agents, as well as Voyd's, Jay, and Acacia: I can relate to liking creepy monsters!
My first agent is a character from a discarded fan fiction concept I had. It... wasn't pretty-basically, a Gary Stu Author Avatar was transformed from a kaiju into a pony, and would eventually end up transforming the Mane 6 into kaiju as well. There were quite a few other kaiju that I thought up, but the only one that I had envisioned in my head was Carnage, the main character.
Carnage has now been EXTREMELY tuned down, but I do need someone, maybe SkarmorySilver, as he's got experience with dragons and kaiju, to come up with a drawing of him: I absolutely suck at drawing. I do have a few rough sketches for his head-the main part that distinguishes him from other creatures like him-but otherwise, that's all I've got.
Here's the link to Carnage's bio (Still very much a WIP): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Kz1SFNZHiKhvcT3VyIiQTeC0rySxexbxCrSi-W8Wj4Y
I'm also probably going to be finding A LOT of badfic for you guys, so if you suddenly see a crapload of unclaimed badfic appearing at once, it's probably going to be me.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope to get along with all of you guys, gals, and those who fit neither category! -
Thank you guys! by
on 2015-06-16 16:10:00 UTC
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Wow! Thank you guys for your hospitality! I'm probably just going to be finding a few badfics occasionally (I have one in mind already) rather than posting a lot of stories. Either way, I just made Carnage's bio to be 'ahead of the game,' if you will.
Welcome to the madhouse! by
on 2015-05-25 19:38:00 UTC
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You like creepy monsters, huh? Here's a model of the Ender Dragon (Minecraft)!
Also, it's cool that you have an agent in mind, but I would wait until we know who you are (in more detail) before posting any bios of him. We need to be sure you're worthy of Permission, y'know :) -
Ahoy! by
on 2015-05-25 18:35:00 UTC
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Welcome to the PPC! Here's a miniature wilver raptor- have fun!
First plover! (nm) by
on 2015-05-25 17:15:00 UTC
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Dai Stiho! by
on 2015-05-25 15:16:00 UTC
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Though you may want to slow down on the profiling.
Practice for a few weeks and talk to people - both things seem to help. ^^
Hope you do well here! -
*Agent profiling, I mean* (nm) by
on 2015-05-25 15:16:00 UTC
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Hullo and wallcom! by
on 2015-05-25 14:41:00 UTC
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Have this replica of the One Ring, that works like a Poké Ball.
Newbie! Oh, Frabjous Day! Callooh! Callay! by
on 2015-05-25 12:52:00 UTC
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Welcome :D Here, have this SACRED COOKIE OF INFINITE KNOWLEDGE (: :)!!!
Welcome. Have this Black Cape of Swirly Awesomeness! (nm) by
on 2015-05-25 11:58:00 UTC
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'ello, mate. by
on 2015-05-25 11:33:00 UTC
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Have this cup of confused Lapsang Souchong tea - it is not quite certain whether it smells like a campfire or not, so please treat it with respect, OK?
Welcome to the PPC by
on 2015-05-25 08:52:00 UTC
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Here, have a Newbie Gift certificate. It can be redeemed for any common newbie gift you want, at any time.
Also, boatloads of Bleeprin. You will need it if you're going to be searching for or accidentally finding lots of badfic. -
*pokes* by
on 2015-05-25 06:11:00 UTC
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Here's a toothpick. -
What do you want me to do with this mini-Boarder? (nm) by
on 2015-05-25 14:56:00 UTC
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Send it to the Pit. by
on 2015-05-26 05:24:00 UTC
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She can terrorize fangirls there. She'll be rather good at it.
Hella by
on 2015-05-25 05:28:00 UTC
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Welcome to the board and here is an Uburple Light Pen.
Salutations! by
on 2015-05-25 05:06:00 UTC
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Always nice to see people finding the PPC because they're already writers and fanfic-readers. {= )
In addition to the note about getting Permission before you write PPC stories, I'd also like to caution you that, while finding and reporting badfic is an essential PPC past-time, there's not much sense in reporting, as you say, A LOT of badfic. Not all of it makes for good missions, and if it's in a fandom that only a couple of people are interested in, chances are pretty slim that it's going to be taken anyway. Not all badfic interests all PPCers equally.
So, kindly don't flood the Board or the wiki with a gazillion fics that only two or three people might care about. Also, when you DO report badfics to the Board, make sure to use whatever badfic thread is currently on the first page of posts to avoid knocking other topics off. Thanks! {= D
See also: FAQ: For Newbies, FAQ: The Board, and the Guide to the PPC.
Oh, and your gift. Have a bumper sticker! It says "Love me, love my beta."
~Neshomeh -
Welcome! by
on 2015-05-25 04:44:00 UTC
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I'm so happy that my writing was what led me to this place! Bless! :D
Have one of my own shed feathers, a Lyra plushie (now 100% free of suggestive holes!), a live Microraptor, and an amber desktop centerpiece with a prehistoric mosquito inside! -
hELLO! by
on 2015-05-25 03:45:00 UTC
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Have a generic newbie gift! Just give it a description, and it can be whatever you want. Also, please have my screwy capslock key.
Slow down there. by
on 2015-05-25 02:44:00 UTC
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It's great that you have agents in mind, but you gotta stick around a while before you can ask Permission. (And please, keep your language work-safe.)
That being said, welcome aBoard! Take this squealing toad! If the urple bow around its neck becomes too much, feel free to remove it. Don't forget to read the Original Series and the Constitution, and I hope you like it here! -
Welcome to Creation, here's your shovel. by
on 2015-05-25 02:40:00 UTC
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Have a shovel infused with Remilia Scarlet's power over fate!
And wait a minute, I'm one of the first PPC people you read? I'm... incredibly flattered, I think of my writing as average.
Now then, it should be made clear: You need Permission to write with us. You can hang out with us, join in RPs, but you can't write missions. And you're not gonna get Permission right away; you have to prove you can write.
But first, community! You have to hang around the madhouse for a while.
...hi? by
on 2015-05-25 16:58:00 UTC
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Uh, so I've been a huge fan of the PPC for almost two years now, and have been too scared to post anything here.
Hi, I'm Lemurnoises and I'm in so many fandoms that it hurts. Mostly Les Mis, Tolkien, Star Trek, Sherlock, Firefly, and *pointedly refuses eye contact* TF2.
Trojie and Pads were some of the first stories I've read, and I have no other words to describe them then utterly awesome. I've read the Bagenders (which my phone keeps trying to put in all caps) an unholy amount of times.
Badfic has always bothered me, and when I found the PPC I swear it was like in movies. when a choir plays in the background, and light shines from the sky, and doves magically appear for asthetic purposes.
This is a really bland introduction thingy and I'm really sorry 'bout that, I promise I'm not boring, really. -
Hello! (nm) by
on 2015-05-27 19:17:00 UTC
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Hello! Have a Javert plushie! Oh, by the way, what's TF2? (nm) by
on 2015-05-27 04:42:00 UTC
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I do believe "Team Fortress 2" (nm) by
on 2015-05-27 08:16:00 UTC
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Welcome aBoard, new newbie! by
on 2015-05-26 20:42:00 UTC
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Or not so new. Oh, by the way, I'm glad to know I'm not the only "Lurker for two years until I decided to join in on the fun" around here.
Have this Beast From Below hat! Don't put it on, though, it will eat your face. -
Hella by
on 2015-05-26 02:25:00 UTC
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Welcome to the board and here is a Beep Blue Light Pen.
Welcome aBoard! by
on 2015-05-26 01:48:00 UTC
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Have this replica of The One Ring that summons a random canonical Elf, Dwarf, Vulcan or Klingon to your aid when you're in danger, while you wear it.
Welcome to the PPC! by
on 2015-05-25 23:15:00 UTC
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Here's your starter pokeyman!
Iiiiiiiiit's Tentacool!
And your starting item!
Repulsion Armour from Risk Of Rain!
Equip it to your Tentacool and it'll function similarly to an Assault Vest, only this time it boosts your Defence stat instead of Special Defence and there's a 1 in 6 chance to deal 50% recoil damage to your opponent if you get hit by a move that makes contact. Fun! =] -
Dai Stiho! :D *Optional!Hugs* by
on 2015-05-25 23:02:00 UTC
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Nice to meet you, there. ^^
Hope you're doing well/will do well in future! -
Newbie! Oh, Frabjous Day! Callooh! Callay! by
on 2015-05-25 20:20:00 UTC
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Here, have this SACRED COOKIE OF INFINITE KNOWLEDGE!!! (: :) You will be omniscient as long as you eat it.
Anyway, glad to have you on Board :D -
Hey there, newbie! by
on 2015-05-25 19:45:00 UTC
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Also, there's nothing wrong with being a TF2 fan. It's a great game with an astounding sense of humor. (Also a bit like the PPC in that almost everyone is insane and no one takes themselves/others too seriously.) Own your fandom and no one else can use it to hurt you.
With that being said, here's a box of popcorn to eat while you read the Original Series and abutcher knifespare Flying Guillotine for use against Mary Sues! >:) -
Welcome! by
on 2015-05-25 19:21:00 UTC
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Don't worry about being bland or boring - we'll love you all the same, I'm sure, and you don't seem like it at all! For your newbie gift... hmm. Here, have this Strange Stuffed Archimedes. Don't worry, not a real dove - the Medic sells these on occasion! ...at least I HOPE it's not real...
Hiya! by
on 2015-05-25 18:32:00 UTC
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You know, I was actually kind of similar! I knew of the PPC and obsessively read the wiki for a while before I actually posted.. About a week ago, I think? Maybe closer to two. Anyway, don't be nervous! This is one of the nicest corners of the Internet. Have an wilver sailboat in a bottle!
Welcome! by
on 2015-05-25 18:31:00 UTC
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Have this cup of very good Earl Grey tea. No, the leaves are not going to eat you, why are you looking at me like that?
Welcome! by
on 2015-05-25 18:27:00 UTC
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It's always nice to have more newbies in the forum!
Newbie! *glomp* *poke* by
on 2015-05-25 17:41:00 UTC
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Hey there, and welcome aBoard! For you newbie gift, take this barking squirrel! If the urple bow around its neck becomes too much, feel free to remove it. ;)
And YES, another Star trek and Firefly fan! You ever watch Doctor Who?
I'll point you to the Original Series and the Constitution, but other than that, I really have nothing else to say than hope you like it here! -
Hello! by
on 2015-05-25 17:35:00 UTC
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In all of our very small amount of seriousness, welcome! And have a generic newbie gift. Give it a description, and it can be whatever you want! Trust me, your introduction post is far more interesting than mine was. Paraphrasing, mine was, "Hi, I'm new, is this what I'm supposed to do?" -
First plover! (nm) by
on 2015-05-25 17:30:00 UTC
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*Armor bird noises* by
on 2015-05-25 17:22:00 UTC
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That seems to be the appropriate response to your username, right? XD
Anyway, welcome aboard! Have one of my own shed feathers, a bulletproof vest made from mithril mail, and a working replica of the Spy's knife! -
Welcome to Creation, here's your shovel. by
on 2015-05-25 17:16:00 UTC
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Have a shovel enchanted with Ice Saber! Smack something you don't like with it, and it turns into an adorable little snowman!
*sigh* Emiranlanoamar... by
on 2015-05-26 04:26:00 UTC
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... she is the girl who was asking you about the Sonic Screwdriver! How could you -- aaggh... uuhhnnn... *the Time Lady's body starts shining in a blinding blue light, and when it stops, in her place is a blue-eyed woman with neck-long blue hair, a rather skimpy armoured outfit with a blue tint, and a hairband that has something that looks like white avian wings. She looks at her hands in surprise* Wha--? What did just happened? And... uhn... I'm a Rune Knight now? But I never got to that-- *looks up and shakes her fist* Hey now! Are you trolling me or what?
((Of course I am!))
What the!? You son of a-- *notices the Guardsman* Uh... uhm... Hi. Emira-something, right? I'm Cookie Chan. Sorry, about that, is just that the moron writing this decided to take off the appeareance I was taking and I don't know why.
((Your contract expired.))
Wha-- I don't have a contract!
((You do now.))
Since when!?
((Since now, and it says that it can be terminated at any time and you don't get your pay.))
I don't get paid!
((Funny thing, I remember paying you... with peanuts and crumpets!))
*rolls eyes*
((Aaanyway, you know what to do now.))
Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Now, where was it? Oh yes! Here! *sticks her fingers in the Generic Surface of the floor and opens a plothole, and takes out of it a blue-eyed woman with shoulder-lenght blond hair, wearing a Nurse coat with the flashpatch of FicPsych. Then the bluenette dusts her with her hands*
((Hey! Stop groping her!))
*sticks her tongue out to the ceiling* You are no fun. Now, what else I had to do? Oh yes! *grabs Emiran's head...* This. *...and kisses him on the lips* Bye, bye! *opens a plothole and jumps in it before the Guardsman can react*
((Hey, someone give that girl an Anti-Lustin shot!))
*from inside the plothole* Ha ha. F*** you!
*The plothole closes and the blonde comes out of her trance* Uggh... What happened? And who are-- Wait! You are the Guardsman! From the DIA. Bäste Arceus! Please tell me you are not here because I went full Sue and you are to kill me!
((Hahaha! Meet Cookie Chan, the real dimesion-hopping Player Character! And an Eldritch Abomination in her own right! Well, now that I took her out of the way [and with that, Time Lord!Corinna Chan too], meet Human!Corinna Chan, the original version, who comes from a rather grimdark Pokémon AU.)) -
The Guardsman recoiled from the surprise kiss... by
on 2015-05-26 20:44:00 UTC
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...and hastily wiped his lips with a tissue as he drew his staser pistol, flicking the safety to "stun" with a quick thumb movement honed over millennia of fighting. "STAY RIGHT WHEre you... are, Suvian..." his voice trailed off as Cookie Chan pulled the real Nurse Chan out of a plothole and promptly disappeared. He whirled around, pointing his machine pistol at all suspicious-looking corners in the hallway. "Damn. Got away." He wiped his mouth again. The Gallifreyan man prayed that the kiss wasn't laced with Glitter. He had no desire to contract some weird Suvian disease from some stupid slip up. Either way, the self-proclaimed Rune Knight messed up big time: he had her biometric data now. There was no way she could come crawling back into HQ without tripping every single bio-alarm... The Time Lord holstered his staser and began scanning the tissue with his Laser Screwdriver. Backups were always good.
Just then, the FicPsych nurse bolted upright. "Uggh... What happened? And who are-- Wait! You are the Guardsman! From the DIA. Bäste Arceus! Please tell me you are not here because I went full Sue and you are to kill me!"
Without looking up, the Guardsman waved his Screwdriver at Nurse Chan. "Well, you were stuffed in a plothole while a Suvian duplicate of you was messing around with me. She's gone now and you're back. Now, this isn't a Medical-grade scanner but as far as I can tell you're not a complete Suvian, so that's good. You'll die another day, I guess. Wait, that sounded better in my head. Ignore that, please. Bottom line: I'm not here to finish you off or anything. How are you feeling? Not too beaten up, I hope?" -
The Nurse calmed down and started breathing normally. by
on 2015-05-27 00:38:00 UTC
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"No worry Guardsman I am just a little... er, disoriented, yes, that is the word. I --" The she felt a jolt coming up her spine to her brain. "Wah! Time... Lord? What is a Sonic Screwdriver? What the fan is a TARDIS!? What now? What!? Lapis Lazuli is not even my patient! I just got my flashpatch a month ago..." She sighed harshly. "Käre Arceus! Jag är så jävla körd. Pardon my language Guardsman, but apparently this 'duplicate' has been moving around a lot. She left my Pokémon free from their Poké Balls in my office and there's no telling what busstreck are they up to. And apparently I have now an appointment with Lapis Lazuli from the DIC. I though that usually Nurse Robinson took those, but then again that girl is within the age limit of my specialty, so no harm done... I think." She turned to Emiran, and continued speaking in the dignified manner of someone who had a life of luxury and comfort. "It was a... pleasure meeting you, Guardsman, I would had hoped that it had been in better circumstances, but well... this is the PPC. I shall take my leave then."
She left walking in same dignified manner, while muttering curses and swearing like a sailor in her native Swedish.
((The Guardsman should not worry, she has no Glitter. Yes, I'm just that bad at playing MMOs. And well she's not exactly dangerous to the Word Worlds, is more like a minor nuisance, like an itch that won't go away. Damn those stupid videogame characters and their stupid respawning.)) -
The Guardsman stared at the retreating Nurse... by
on 2015-05-27 03:52:00 UTC
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...and scratched his head.
"Good grief. I always get the weird cases. And just how can she know my name without knowing what species I am? I mean, who decides to call themselves only by a title or rank? I suppose only megalomaniacs or Time Lor--" He stopped as he realized what he had just said. "Bah, never mind..." he grunted as he opened a portal back to his RC.
- - -
((Thanks for RPing. It was awesome! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.)) -
((Of course I did!)) by
on 2015-05-27 15:44:00 UTC
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((Specially the start and the ending. Is always fun to write Shui-Hua's Time-Lord-fangirl side, and who knew, writing a Fourth Wall breaker is fun as heck.
In fact, I might keep using Cookie Chan in my writing, not as an Agent though, the very nature of PPC HQ does funny things to her, making her look like a Sue, when actually her nature is the contrary to Suvians: While Suvians manipulate and twist the Worlds to suit their needs, beings like Cookie Chan get twisted and manipulated by the Worlds to suit the World, she doesn't even interact with "NPCs" (i.e.: Canon Characters) unless required to. She not even that powerful, she's bound to the rules of the universe she's in at the time and limited to the abilities of the form she takes. Her known forms so far are:
- Rune-Midgarts: Lord Knight (RO) / Warrior (RO2)
- Star Wars: Jedi Sentinel
- Pokémon: Aura Guardian
- DC Universe: Gadgeteer Superhero
- Marvel Universe: Agent of SHIELD
- Middle-earth: Rohirrim Guardian
- The Elder Scrolls: Nord Dragonborn
- PPC HQ: Unstable, she might be able to use the abilities of all above, or some that she shouldn't even be able to.
In all her forms she always is Lawful Good, with a deviation to Neutral Good.
Anyhow, my plan to use her is mostly as a part of the supporting cast, for canon knowledge (I don't have Ragnarök or Elder Scrolls canon specialists planned) and combat support, after all, she has a Knight mindset, protect the weak and those who cannot defend themselves, so when the Plot Continuum is the one that needs protection, expect her to take arms to protect it, even if she gets her ass kicked over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over... ad infinitum. What? Being inmortal is not as good as it seems, and she's not as awesome as she looks like, for example, if she tries to go against Darth Vader in her Jedi form, she will get her butt handed to over her, badly. So, she'll be, more or less, like a non-psychopathic female version of Deadpool, that appears when needed.
So, what do you think of this idea?)) -
((So she's going to be some sort of exterior agent?)) by
on 2015-05-27 18:20:00 UTC
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((Swooping in every now and then to lend a hand? Why not make her a full agent while you're at it? Yeah, she looks like a Suvian but so do some agents-- like Nesh said up above, Nurse Jenni is an example of that.
I actually see her in DIA. High power level, lots of experience in combat, willingness to serve and protect. Plus, having that little tension between the Guardsman and Cookie might prove to be funny.)) -
( (Or why not both!)) by
on 2015-05-28 00:23:00 UTC
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((I could make her be some sort of rogue multiversal vigilante/watcher/defender, and ultimately use one my Agents to convice her to join the PPC, probaly would be Erynloth Gerfindeth from the DMS who will persuade her.))
Questions about agent possibilities by
on 2015-05-26 14:09:00 UTC
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So, if you know me, you probably know that I love designing the hell out of new characters, and once I get going, it's impossible to stop the ideas until they're in a mostly-complete form.
So, my main question: What is the absolute upper limit of power that you guys think a PPC agent should have?
For me, Chakkik and Kala were as powerful as I dared. Chakkik has access to natural magic that increases in potency the more he uses it. Kala is larger, stronger, and faster than a human being, she has paralytic scorpion venom, and is overall not someone you want to mess with. Even with them, they're mostly restrained by disguises. Chakkik gets cut off from his magic, and Kala loses some (but not all) of her strength. -
Hm... by
on 2015-05-26 19:11:00 UTC
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I think the general rule of thumb is 'if you think it's OP, it is'.
There's a very complex formula involved. by
on 2015-05-26 15:07:00 UTC
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Acceptable agent power level = (experience * humor / target department) - bad idea quotient.
... Does that make sense? I think that almost makes sense.
Ahem. Anyway. Theoretically, there is no upper limit. I think the most powerful agents I know about are basically demigods. It's entirely possible.
BUT. The thing is, there's not generally much point to it. So you have a character who can destroy his enemies with a glance or rewrite reality with a stray thought. So what? An action agent still has to go on missions, wear a disguise, watch the fic, write charges, and carry out the Duty like everyone else. An infrastructure agent is basically a 9-5 working joe; not much call for phenomenal cosmic power there.
The only reason to bother with a high-powered character is if it has some bearing on their characterization that will make them more interesting to read about. If it adds humor, so much the better.
One example, of course, is my Jenni. She's basically a demigod. She takes physical form because she feels like it and has a whole host of powers, including the aforementioned ability to rewrite reality, because she has access to the source code.
But she doesn't. She knows better—but she didn't used to. Her backstory, both meta and in-universe, is all about learning that throwing power around willy-nilly to solve your problems isn't a good idea, and can actually really annoy people. Plus, if you do that to other people, you're taking something away from them, and that's wrong. And at some point she also realized she doesn't have infinite power, so the more she uses, the more she tires out. So, despite having a very high power level, she also has great limitations. The only real legacy of her power is the lessons she's learned from the mistakes she made with it in the past.
Not that she doesn't give in to temptation every now and then, in which case she has Nume to scold her and the Flowers to slap a humiliating Sue-tracker on her. Fun times.
~Neshomeh -
Interesting! by
on 2015-05-26 15:22:00 UTC
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Like I said, Chakkik and Kala are as powerful as I dare. I don't know how to make interesting characters at any level higher than that. If you handed me a Saiyan, or something similarly OP, I wouldn't know what to do with them.
Even if I were to think of drawbacks, they'd have to be of the dramatic variety, and drama is normally to be avoided in the PPC... even if I personally that the PPC works best as a mixed-genre multiverse rather than always comedy. I'm probably alone in that mindset, though.
Anyway, Riese already did that with Mike de Bergerac; She's incredibly powerful, but cutting loose almost burns her to death. -
Well, nothing's wrong with drama. by
on 2015-05-26 16:12:00 UTC
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Of course, there's a time and place for everything, just like humor. I mean, it's very, very hard to joke about a rape scene in a badfic, for example.
As awesome as the humor aspect of the PPC is, we gotta remember it's also a rather serious setting, what with agents going insane and the threat of being killed by Sues and all. Really, the trick is balance, or at least our skewed-towards-humor version of it; as long as your story is ultimately funny, I think you can pull off just about anything. -
This is true. by
on 2015-05-26 16:28:00 UTC
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As I mentioned, I think the PPC setting would work best as a sort of multigenre blend. Considering that we guard all fiction, that would make the most sense.
Also, I've sent you a few e-mails. I hate sounding pushy, but have you read them yet? -
What Ixi said, basically. by
on 2015-05-26 19:38:00 UTC
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I know that some of my missions (*cough*"All Through With This Niceness and Negotiation Stuff"*cough*) and interludes ([SPOILER REDACTED]) have more drama than funsies; I also think it's unavoidable. In a setting where the protagonists (so to speak) regularly see mind-bending things and regularly go insane, there is bound to be drama. The trick is, of course, not to go all 'hurp durp WE'RE GRIMDERP in the future there is only darkness' mode and remember that the PPC is ultimately there to take something bad (badfic) and turn it into something good (missions); excessive drama is not good.
One thing you could do, is have a pair of OP agents. by
on 2015-05-26 16:03:00 UTC
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A Sayan and a Kriptonian, for example. Then, set them in a department like Bad Slash. They have all this power, able to rend planets asunder with a flick of their wrist, and they can't use any of it. Can't even slam their head against the wall; that could bring down the whole house.
However, let me step in before PC says it: powers mean nothing. If there is no character, no personality, they might as well be magic clouds, warping reality where they go. You want to write powers to fit the character, not a character to fit the powers. They need to stand firm as normal, powerless humans first, before adding the Enhanced abilities.
There, now I said it. So, how about a time-traveling vampire? -
I decided to do it variable. by
on 2015-05-26 14:48:00 UTC
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When I made Wtak and Smithers, I didn't give them innate abilities, but rather the capability to learn and/or master new skills fairly quickly- Wtak was constantly experimenting with different types of magic and Smithers with technology, and Smithers additionally often gained abilities from his disguises.
That way, their capabilities could adjust dynamically to the rough power level of the continuum and Sue they were hunting at any given time. Furthermore, while I can't think of a situation where this was actually broadly displayed, the idea was that they would go into 'fics with the minimum amount of force they were expecting to need, and then if things got difficult trot out the big guns on a case-by-case basis. -
Another note... by
on 2015-05-26 14:15:00 UTC
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I'm aware of the ESAS, who by their very job description probably have a higher average power level than most other departments. I'd think about these guys separately from the rest of the PPC in this thought experiment.
Sorry about the double post, but seeking betas by
on 2015-05-26 16:57:00 UTC
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So I've finally written a new mission with Gabby and Chakkik. Anyone care to look?
I can! by
on 2015-05-26 19:13:00 UTC
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Wow, I posted the mission almost exactly when you said this. (nm by
on 2015-05-26 19:21:00 UTC
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I'm free! ^^ by
on 2015-05-26 17:54:00 UTC
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Made my email clickable again, as well.
And shared! (nm) by
on 2015-05-26 18:01:00 UTC
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Calling Huinesoron; come in, Huinesoron.. by
on 2015-05-26 17:32:00 UTC
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So, I had another question with my Tenth Walker.You mentioned Galadriel reading her mind- how should I handle that?
My current idea is that Amy only knows three things about the plot. Gandalf dies, Boromir dies, and the Ring is destroyed. That's it. But if Galadriel reads her mind, she'll see how they're connected- Gandalf dies, Boromir dies, and THEN the Ring is destroyed. Won't she realize that, since Amy has messed up one of those already, the Ring may not be thrown in Mount Doom at all? -
Let's ask her! by
on 2015-05-27 09:18:00 UTC
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"Remember that the Mirror shows many things, and not all have yet come to pass. Some never come to be, unless those that behold the visions turn aside from their path to prevent them. The Mirror is a dangerous guide of deeds."
This is also a good statement about prophecies in Arda in general. Not only are they often able to be read two wildly-different ways - take the naming of Arvedui 'Last-King' of Arthedain, who would be the Last King of Arthedain either because he would claim Gondor and rule over a Reunited Kingdom... or because his realm would fall utterly - but are also very much of the 'if you try to prevent it, that may be the cause of it' variety.
There's also the nature of tercen, elven 'Insight' (which is what Galadriel has). It's not so much mind-reading as... oh, heart-reading? I mean, she didn't look at Boromir and go 'hey, mate, I can see you want the Ring; I think it's time you went a different way'. She'd probably pick up on Amy's relief that she's rescued Gandalf, her worry that she won't be able to save Boromir, and her confidence that the Ring will be destroyed. Maybe also her probably-ambiguous-at-this-point feelings about being in a book.
I think Galadriel will use prophecy as her frame of reference. She'll see the things that Amy knows happen as prophecies: one has been proven false (or at least seems to have been); the others are yet to come. Perhaps they'll never happen. Perhaps they're pretty much fixed. Perhaps Amy could meddle with them. Who knows the will of Iluvatar?
One thing I think she wouldn't do is show Amy the Mirror. She can't be trusted! She had a prophecy, and she actively worked to negate it. That's precisely what Galadriel warns Frodo against. But that doesn't mean Galadriel won't use her own apacen (Foresight, which is heavily implied to be what 'powers' the Mirror in the first place) to peek ahead... and maybe drop a couple of hints. She may want to keep from meddling, but she is a Noldo;wethey have difficulty with restraint. ;)
hS -
Thank you! by
on 2015-05-27 12:35:00 UTC
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That's a load off of my shoulders; I had absolutely no idea how to handle the situation. Thank you so much!
Aragorn and Denenthor both have some form of 'Insight,' don't they?
And then, perhaps, if Amy doesn't like the hints (she's a rather prideful person; I can easily see her disregarding the Lady's advice if she disagrees with it), she might work actively against those too, causing a whole new thread of happenings. And then everything SNOWBALLS. Hee. -
Oh, probably. by
on 2015-05-27 13:44:00 UTC
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Tolkien had a few things he liked to give all his heroic characters (and yes, I count Denethor in that):
-Grey eyes.
-Nice hair.
-The ability to see into the hearts of men.
Frodo? Can tell that Faramir is good just by looking at him. Bilbo? Knows that Bard and Thranduil are a better bet than Thorin in the B5A. Aragorn, Denethor, Beren, Tuor, Turin (well, maybe not Turin...), they all fit the pattern pretty closely.
hS -
I do as well! by
on 2015-05-27 17:58:00 UTC
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I know most people get really bent out of shape over Faramir, but if I could change one thing in the movies, it would be Peter Jackson's treatment of Denethor. He's not only heroic, he's a tragic character, and he was completely butchered.
Nice hair. Heh. That's so very true XD
Oh, grey eyes, that reminds me- do ALL Elves have grey eyes? I know that the Noldor are specifically listed as having them, but I don't know any other examples. I've also heard conflicting tales about various Nodlorin Elves having blond hair.
Another random question that I've thought of for no reason- what is the singular of Teleri? -
Hairses and eyeses. by
on 2015-05-27 19:05:00 UTC
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Some Noldor have blond/e hair due to having Vanyarin relatives. Notable, the Golden House of Finarfin - Finrod, Galadriel, and their kin - are blondes. The fact that 'being blond' is the attribute they're remembered by is probably telling.
Eye colour I wrote a post on a few months back: here.
And the singular of 'Teleri' is 'Teler' - Quenya words form plurals by adding -i or -r (mostly).
hS -
Thank ya! by
on 2015-05-27 20:55:00 UTC
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I was a bit confused- some depictions of one of the sons of Fëanor (It's meant to be Celegorm, I think) have him with blond hair, which I couldn't remember being mentioned, but I haven't read all that there is.
I shall look at that post; and thank you! I was very unsure. Noldo and Vanya were fairly obvious, but I was hesitant to say "Teler," as I had never seen it before and didn't want to accidentally make a fool of myself if I was wrong. Thank you! -
Dang it, I made a mini! by
on 2015-05-27 18:07:00 UTC
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*sigh* Come here, Nodlorin. Do I have to go through certain channels to adopt him, or can he just stick with me?
CASSIE! The Mini-Balrog Adoption Centre... by
on 2015-05-27 19:02:00 UTC
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... is run by Cassie these days. Maybe she'll get my message. ^_~
hS -
*falls in* ...did somebody shriek my name? XD by
on 2015-05-27 23:33:00 UTC
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Yes, I am still here with the Mini-Balrogs!
You're best off emailing me these days if you want to get my attention quickly, though.
cassieDOTdramateacherATgooglemailDOTcom is where to find me best. -
Aye-aye! by
on 2015-05-27 20:57:00 UTC
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I'll inquire of Nodlor. I created him after all, and I'd like a mini. I wasn't quite ready for one when I made Sauraman XD
Finally, a new mission with Gabby and Chakkik! by
on 2015-05-26 19:14:00 UTC
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RC 512 Mission 3: Sleeping (with) Terror
Agents: Gabby, Chakkik
Continuum: Harry Potter
New concept: Shades of Rose
Also, the title's a Touhou reference; Sleeping Terror was Yuuka Kazami's boss theme in Lotus Land Story. -
Lesson learned: Shades of Rose is a bad idea. by
on 2015-05-28 21:43:00 UTC
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Least I know not to use it again.
Screw it, removing from PPC canon. by
on 2015-05-28 21:59:00 UTC
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No sense in leaving an idea lying around if it's a bad one.
There! The mission no longer exists. (nm) by
on 2015-05-28 22:06:00 UTC
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Hmm. by
on 2015-05-28 20:45:00 UTC
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I can't say that I really enjoyed this one. It felt a bit lackluster, which I would attribute in large part to its MST-like structure. There's barely any action: the vast majority of the fic is "badfic snippet -- snarky agents -- badfic snippet -- snarky agents" and so on.
I also have to present my qualms with the "Shades of Rose" concept. I don't mind the idea of Sues and Stus having some sort of collective knowledge of the PPC, but implementing it as some sort of spiritual memory shared between similarly named characters feels like it could be both a bit constricting and uncreative. And just saying "not all Roses are Shades" in an effort to make it seem otherwise feels like a copout. Like Desdendelle said, I would argue against bringing back Rose Potter in almost any sort of form. Her story is done. -
I just got to thinking. by
on 2015-05-27 13:37:00 UTC
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So. I mentioned that not all Shades of Rose are Sues, or even bad characters, because they get picked up by good authors.
You know what I'd be interested in seeing? An agent that is, or used to be, a Shade. I probably wouldn't be the one to write this character, though, for a few reasons.
First, all of my characters (except one) are actually from the continuum in question; they could conceivably exist in canon. I'm not sure how I'd write an Action-department badfic recruit.
Second, there'd probably have to be an element of forgiveness. A well-written Shade probably regrets the actions of Rose Potter, and desperately wants to atone, ESPECIALLY if they learn about what happened to Rina. After all, a non-evil Shade could relate to her trauma. They remember the deaths of Rose. What WOULD Rina do if she met a Shade that truly wanted to atone for the actions of her Mother?
While I personally think Ix would be the best person to write this character, because of Rina's more personal connection to Rose Potter, anybody who thinks they've got the skill could pick up this idea. Just... not me, alright? That's a lot more drama and emotion than I feel like I can pull off. RC 211 missions 5 and 7 were probably my upper limit for drama. -
Well... by
on 2015-05-27 14:56:00 UTC
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(I do apologise if this sounds a little brusque, I've been having problems phrasing this.)
I think you should leave Rose Potter be. The Sue's dead, gone, and not coming back. There's no need to take the concept and stretch it so it become thin like about-to-tear chewing gum. -
That was surprisingly short. by
on 2015-05-26 22:44:00 UTC
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Glad you got it out of the way, though. I don't know how you can write that fic without realizing partway through that something went seriously wrong.
I think this calls for a reaction ficlet. by
on 2015-05-26 22:22:00 UTC
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When Rina read the print-out of Gabby and Chakik's mission report, the paper slipped from her fingers, falling to the floor as she just stared blankly ahead, starting to shake.
"Rina?" Zeb asked, coming over to see what was going on. "You don't look so good..."
"She's not dead," Rina whimpered. "All that work for nothing. She's still alive. She- she!" Rina hugged herself, shivering violently. "All that work we did- for nothing?"
Zeb read the paper on the ground; his ears flattened. "What?" he hissed. He turned and nuzzled his partner. "Hey, it's okay," he said, letting her kneel down and hug him tightly.
After a long minute where the RC was silent save for Rina's sniffling, she finally pulled away, wiping her eyes. "I think these two are being a bit unfair," she said, giving him a watery smile. "I mean, you did just as much work as I did, and you were the real hero in the end. I... I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you, after all."
Underneath his fur, Zeb blushed. "Oh, well..."
"We both know it, don't be so modest." Rina ruffled Zeb's mane. "I don't know what I'd do without you," she said.
"Probably snap and run away," Zeb said, laughing.
Rina's eyes took on a distant look. "Probably," she murmured.
- - -
Well, that suddenly got dark. But yes, if anyone was the real hero of the Rose Potter missions, it would be Zeb. Just wanted to set the record straight. -
Come to think of it. by
on 2015-05-26 22:35:00 UTC
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The Shades of Rose might actually be more traumatized than Rina.
Rina only died once. Rose died six times, and the Shades remember them. In the mission, Twincest!Rose completely freaked out once she realized she was dealing with the PPC. -
Well... by
on 2015-05-26 22:30:00 UTC
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She now only exists in a much weaker form. She's been watered down to a mere specter of her former self.
Come to think of it...
... isn't that what canonically happened to Voldemort? Granted, what Rose got is much, MUCH worse than Riddle. Voldemort could at least return to a physical body and most of his power. Rose doesn't have that option. -
You know what the worst part is? by
on 2015-05-26 21:17:00 UTC
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When I saw the concept, I thought it was a different incestuous Rose Potter. Though that one involves dimension-hopping instead of actual siblings.
Like Desdendelle, I have mixed feelings on the "Shades of Rose" concept. It's very creative, don't get me wrong, but it feels kind of limiting. I'm especially not sure about the idea of them sharing some of the Rose's abilities; Sues don't need an excuse to be even more Speshul than they already are. Plus, I can see it being used as an excuse to "power up" an otherwise unremarkable Sue just to make the agents defeating her seem more badass. On the other hand, comparisons to the Rose are pretty much inevitable with any other Rose Potters, and I really, really like the idea of that having some kind of metatextual weight. And the joke about her not being able to get pregnant was hilarious. So I feel like it works well for an optional one-off, but I'd hesitate to make it standard for all Rose Potters. -
Hmm... by
on 2015-05-26 22:01:00 UTC
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How about this? You guys are free to use the Shades of Rose concept as you see fit. Like Tira said, it's not needed for all Sues by that name... but for some, it could work.
If you don't feel like whatever Rose you're up against deserves(?) to be a remnant, then she doesn't have to be. If you feel that a Shade of Rose would improve your mission, go for it! Just remember that the Shades are terrified of the PPC, especially the DMS and even more especially Rina and Zeb. -
Hm, concrit? Concrit. by
on 2015-05-26 19:58:00 UTC
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First of all, the mission's a bit on the short side - I feel like there's something missing. Second, capitalisation minis are frowned upon. Third, I'm not sure how I feel about the Shades of Rose idea - on one hand, that's an intertextual thing, which is good; on the other hand, it's something that forces itself upon all of the other writes who might want to mission a Sue called Rose Potter.
Oh, also? Chakkik and Gabby's characterisation advances step by little step here. Keep up the good work! -
As I told Tira... by
on 2015-05-26 22:04:00 UTC
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... not all Roses are Shades.
I actually think that we could maybe possibly apply this to other notorious Sues and Stus. Of course, that's all on you guys; Rose is the only Sue I know of whose name is super-common among other OCs. -
Yasss! Down with the bloody red Rose! by
on 2015-05-26 19:57:00 UTC
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Nicely done... I kinda wish Gabby would do the entire "7 Years of Hogwarts" :D
Well, maybe I'll send my agents to sing it with her, when I finally apply them. Say, good sir, would you mind taking a quick glance at my Permission application? -
Sure! by
on 2015-05-26 20:02:00 UTC
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My e-mail address is DBooker67 at that service by Google.
Note that I'm not that great at catching SPaG, I look more for canon knowledge and story cohesion. -
Sent! I just need some general impressions :D (nm) by
on 2015-05-26 20:04:00 UTC
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((Got it.)) by
on 2015-05-27 01:16:00 UTC
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((Once again, thanks for participating. It's been a blast!))
((No problem. Thanks for letting me do it! =] )) (nm) by
on 2015-05-27 12:06:00 UTC
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Cowrite request by
on 2015-05-27 14:54:00 UTC
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So. I plan on tackling my old fanfiction next: Midnight Green.
The problem is that I haven't been a brony for a few years now, and I've forgotten everything I knew of MLP lore. What I do remember is likely waaaaay out of date.
Would anyone be willing to assist me in this endeavor? I need a canon expert. -
Won't be available for the writing... by
on 2015-05-27 18:27:00 UTC
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But I'll be accessible as a beta, as always. ^^
Good luck! -
*cracks knuckles* by
on 2015-05-27 15:29:00 UTC
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What say you and I try to whip something into shape? Be interesting to see Zeb go pony, and I've been looking for a reason.
You know my email, ping me. :) -
The doc's been shared. Let's get to work. (nm) by
on 2015-05-27 15:38:00 UTC
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I'd gladly volunteer Rayner and E.V.L.... by
on 2015-05-27 14:59:00 UTC
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...but I'm gonna be ridiculously busy with my new schedule, not to mention a conference this June, so I can't be as readily available as in our previous co-write, and besides, I think it would be worth letting others co-write with you as well. Maybe next time, though! :)
Permission Request... As they say, "Ex nihilo nihil fit" by
on 2015-05-27 15:53:00 UTC
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Since I don't want Skarmory and Dawn to neglect their duties, and I know they are pretty busy now, I will post this request here. I had Voyd take a look at it, which I am grateful for, so, yeah, let's do this.
Warning: Keep your empty SPaGhetti bowls ready. I think you might get it filled.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QbPfRXVo6735AAgizrtuLpoRbvxkgC2TXiX5Qe1sI8c/edit -
*Puts a Hat on* by
on 2015-05-27 16:55:00 UTC
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Activity: I recognize your name and you've been around a while, so you're good there. Gold star.
PPC Knowledge: Squeaky. For one, you've completely missed the DIA's point. The DIA does not go after Sued agents - that was the job of the DIO, and they were closed after Swan's Egg. The DIA aren't secret police; they're basically a combination of PPC!blue police and a Rescue and Evac unit. You've written them completely off.
Fic to Spork:kill it with fireYeah, you're good here.
Characters: Emma is OK. Balthazar... let's say he has some screw-up potential, but it's not 'oh gods no', and I tend to think people know themselves and won't jump above their belly button, so to speak, so you're clear here.
Writing Ability (Creative): I wasn't exactly holding my ribs throughout, but I wasn't face-palming, either. I liked the Oompa-Loompa'ing console, for one. Your prompts have a nice flow, too. Clear.
Writing Ability (Technical): Nope. Your pieces are clearly not beta'd, and it shows: mainly, your commas are all over the place, and you have some weird tense shifts; for example - "She was only dabbling in some fan-fictions, but one day she would publish her own book." That's grammatically incorrect; the correct form is "she dabbled in fan-fiction, but wanted to publish her own book one day."
It's clearly rushed and also something a good beta would catch. You don't pass here.
Therefore: Permission denied. You need to touch up your PPC knowledge. You also need a beta. -
Could've wait a bit more... by
on 2015-05-27 17:00:00 UTC
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Oh, well... *puts a Stetson on, and rides off into the sunset whistling On the road again...*
Looking for betas! by
on 2015-05-27 17:24:00 UTC
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So, Iximaz, Sergio and Turbo and I have almost finished our co-write, and we need betas. Aside from the usual SPaG/flow/whatnot checking, a strong stomach is needed, as the fic condones rape, is full of disgusting violence and is generally squick-y. It's Harry Potter, but I think we're covered, canon-wise. Interested parties should list their e-mails so we'll be able to share the GDoc with them.
If you still need any betas by
on 2015-05-27 21:01:00 UTC
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I'd be willing to pitch in.
As mentioned below - we have enough; thanks anyway. (nm) by
on 2015-05-27 21:47:00 UTC
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Mind if I jump in? by
on 2015-05-27 20:41:00 UTC
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I'd like to see what you came up with if you're willing to send it over. Hopefully I can fix up some miscellaneous SPaG stuff come this Thursday!
Already have enough betas, thanks. (nm) by
on 2015-05-27 21:47:00 UTC
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I'm willing to help! by
on 2015-05-27 18:25:00 UTC
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Though I can't access my account at the moment, so I'll likely be late to the "party."
Made my name clickable! -
Shared. by
on 2015-05-27 18:29:00 UTC
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And there's no party to speak of - take as much time as you want.
Will do! ^^ (nm) by
on 2015-05-27 18:50:00 UTC
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Sure, why not. by
on 2015-05-27 17:35:00 UTC
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I checked "Show email address", so, I guess there should be a link, or something. I've never really tried beta-ing, but I guess I can probably at least help with SPaG...
Oh, by the way. *grabs Sergio and Turbo* I found that mini-Boarder. Or it it two mini-Boarders? I'm not really sure... Where should I put him? Them? Whatever. -
Shared. (nm) by
on 2015-05-27 17:44:00 UTC
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Permission request. *Holds breath* by
on 2015-05-27 18:17:00 UTC
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Alright. So, I have had the prompts beta-d by EAUO, and... here are the links:
Agent Profiles:
Random Prompt:
Control Prompt:
Badfic to spork:
This wonderful monstrosity that should go die in a pit.
You have no idea how nervous I am. -
Ok, take two. by
on 2015-05-28 19:40:00 UTC
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It's published to web this time, so it should look more professional.
Agent Profiles:
Random Prompt:
Control Prompt:
The badfic is still the same, and I'm still nervous. (But slightly less so.) -
*puts on hat* by
on 2015-05-28 20:09:00 UTC
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I'm going to go ahead and say it upfront, you look good in everything but one area: Writing Ability (Creative). Take a look at this passage:
Nine was left to clean up his partner’s mess. AGAIN. And that Witness lady’s mess… “Oh, crap. Things are on fire. Why do these things always happen to me?” he said, to nobody in particular. He picked up the fire extinguisher, and used it. Unfortunately, he had it facing the wrong way. “No, that is not the right direction,” he said, as he turned it the other way around. He put out the fire. “There we go.”
The prose is... well, beige at best. We don't get any description, and it feels like you're trying to force the humor. What's your agent thinking? Why doesn't he react to (supposedly) getting covered in foam? There's just... No life to your stories.
Try being a bit more descriptive with what your characters are doing, and get inside their heads. Show, don't tell, you know?
Try cleaning up your writing and come back, but for now, I'm going to have to say Permission Denied. -
Hold on... by
on 2015-05-27 18:29:00 UTC
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Are you sure these are actually finished? Your beta's suggestions and comments are still showing. Also, it seems you've used invite-to-edit links. Please make sure you're presenting us with a final draft, not one that's still working on pulling its pants up. {= )
~Neshomeh -
Ahh... whoops? by
on 2015-05-27 20:57:00 UTC
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I forgot about that... Lemme go fix it.
Ok done. (nm) by
on 2015-05-27 20:59:00 UTC
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A bit of advice. by
on 2015-05-28 03:44:00 UTC
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I would recommend posting new and corrected links, as the ones in your original post still have suggestions on.
*puts a Hat on* by
on 2015-05-27 18:27:00 UTC
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... Wait a sec. The prompts are still in the middle of beta'ing. Please notify us when the process is finished.
To all the oldbies.. by
on 2015-05-27 23:16:00 UTC
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I've heard that you all have a lot of great stories to tell. So.. Anyone feel like telling some stories? *plops down cross legged, eagerly perching chin on fists*
While this is still here: another one. by
on 2015-05-29 15:59:00 UTC
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The PPC Snowfight (2005) has obviously been up on my website for a long time. What you may not be aware of is that the dialogue is taken word-for-word from the RP in question. So are the actions, though the roleplaying style of the time was to describe them, not put them in narrative. Eg:
[Wanders across the Board; hears a whistling sound; ducks and covers] Ayt! [Runs from incoming snowballs] To me, o my kinsfolk!
[Hides behind a snowdrift; grabs a shovel and starts digging Snow!Nargothrond]
And this time, we're not going to be tricked into building a stupid bridge.
(That's reconstructed, obviously - the original posts are loooong gone!)
So if you want to see how ordinary PPCers acted back in the heady days of '05... look no further.
(PS: I still find the idea of taking a titles-only thread from the Board Archives and trying to roleplay-reconstruct the contents hilarious.) -
Snow!Nargothrond by
on 2015-05-30 01:09:00 UTC
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That's beautiful. With every day, I think the PPC just gets better and better XD
Stories? by
on 2015-05-28 19:14:00 UTC
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I might have stories to tell, but most of them are basically IDF silliness stories which aren't as funny without context. I don't have any special PPC stuff to say...
-Rubs his neck- -
Gather round, young ones, and hear the tale... by
on 2015-05-28 08:46:00 UTC
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... of the Battle of Goldberg.
This happened in 2004, when the PPC had been around for a long time... well, it felt like a long time back then! An author of sorts named Lee Goldberg (he wrote episodes of Monk, I think, and some not-terribly-good books) decided that fanfiction writers were the devil, and posted about it on his blog. Want to guess how that ended?
Well, you don't have to! Many years ago, I wrote up the tale in epic format:
The Battle of Goldberg
And if you want to read them: the original posts are still there!
The Spark
The Flame
The Embers
(Interestingly, as of last year, he's still posting about fanfic. Fortunately, this time I agree with him. ^_^)
hS -
on 2015-05-28 18:08:00 UTC
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I don't think I even knew what the internet was, 11 years ago. O.o
I knew you'd have a story! by
on 2015-05-28 13:41:00 UTC
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*cheers for Morgul*
Man, I wonder what would have happened if the Fangirls had shown.. -
(I should clarify:) by
on 2015-05-28 12:20:00 UTC
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(I agree with most of the most recent post he made. The rest of his blog, on looking, is still horrifying. ~hS)
Don't think I count as an oldbie, but... by
on 2015-05-28 03:49:00 UTC
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Back when I was a new newbie, as in, just-introduced-myself-new, I saw the Permission Givers as these sort of mythical beings who came down from the clouds every so often to impart their wisdom
and sprinkle rainbows and sunshine everywhereupon the lesser beings.
So I was quite stunned and amazed when the Great Neshomeh and Huinesoron (praise be unto them) turned out to be totally normal, very nice, friendly people. Though that didn't stop me from nearly fainting from shock when they first directly responded to my posts. Can you tell I was the overly-excitable type? XD
It's a crying shame I don't really have any other stories to tell. Hopefully, with time, I'll have accumulated some interesting ones. :) -
Sounds cool to me. by
on 2015-05-28 04:35:00 UTC
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You know, looking back at my first post- asking about how to write a good Tenth Walker -I can see my nervousness bleeding through in the form of run-on sentences and lack of commas. XD When Huinesoron commented on it, I'm pretty sure my eyes, in proportion to the rest of my face, were about like this: O_O
If it helps... by
on 2015-05-28 12:06:00 UTC
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... two of the most nerve-inducing moments of my life (and the most nerve-inducing moments of my internet life) were emailling Miss Cam to ask for a mini-Balrog, and having Jay - yep, the Jay - IM me to say that she found The Daughter of Jay and Acacia funny and approved it.
hS -
Haha, that helps immensely! by
on 2015-05-29 04:46:00 UTC
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And wow- Jay! Whew, that must have been awesome! And nerve-wracking, but awesome!
I was mostly nervous because I had seen your name so much on the wiki- I think in my mind I had sort of fashioned you into the "president of the PPC" or something like that- very much the Dude In Charge. Now I know that the PPC really doesn't run like that, and everything is much more relaxed. -
Just between you and me, I was the same way. ;) (nm) by
on 2015-05-29 12:41:00 UTC
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"Killing Rose Potter" doesn't qualify? (nm) by
on 2015-05-28 04:24:00 UTC
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Can't we just move on from that? by
on 2015-05-28 04:35:00 UTC
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I've got bigger plans in store for my agents. Rose Potter was just a speed bump in the overall scheme. Let's leave that behind us already, yeah?
Iximaz confirmed for the ballsiest PPCer today by
on 2015-05-28 10:02:00 UTC
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Because saying that you've got bigger fish to fry after sporking a Legendary is either very brave, very stupid or both.
Well, I still have Little Miss Mary on my waiting list... (nm) by
on 2015-05-28 11:28:00 UTC
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And other stuff too! Can't forget that... by
on 2015-05-28 11:37:00 UTC
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Except that one Worm badfic, which I apologise unreservedly for showing you without including the proper trigger warnings in my summation.
Well... by
on 2015-05-28 01:47:00 UTC
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...there was that one time when I was a pathetic Newbie with no spelling and grammar and I failed in a variety of creative and horrible ways. But I don't talk about that any more. So I want some stories. From someone else.
*Also wants to hear some stories* (nm) by
on 2015-05-27 23:19:00 UTC
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Random idea by
on 2015-05-28 01:23:00 UTC
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What do you guys think about agents finding, in-mission, that someone else has infiltrated the badfic and is trying to alter events themselves? Like a villain or a rival or something, someone outside the PPC with their own goals.
Yeah, it's probably not a good idea, but I have a character concept that I want to use, and she's completely ill-suited as an agent. -
Been there, done that. ;) by
on 2015-05-28 08:37:00 UTC
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(O'course, if you try to wait for an idea I haven't touched on in the past twelve years, you may be waiting a long time...)
The Ispace Wars is (currently the first half of) the tale of what happens when the PPC runs into an organisation which meets exactly that description. Well, I say an organisation... it's a bit more complicated than that (of course).
hS -
That reminds me... by
on 2015-05-28 11:49:00 UTC
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I've been incredibly incredibly slack about sending you that co-write bit you asked for what must be year(s) ago. (Eep!)
I have it almost finished and can brush it off if you still need it.
Elcalion, sheepish -
I do still need it. by
on 2015-05-28 11:57:00 UTC
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I'm sure I would've emailled you when I got there, but yes, please do send it! I promise I'll even use it. ^_^
hS -
I'm glad you brought this up. by
on 2015-05-28 10:07:00 UTC
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It looks all abandoned and dreary and sad. What happened to it?
Other things. by
on 2015-05-28 10:23:00 UTC
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Probably the thing that put it on hiatus was Driftwood - a mission a week doesn't leave much brainspace for Ispace! Right now, it's idling until I get Plort organised for, um, next month - I've got a History of El-Jheycom to finish before the Baronial Council in a week or so!
And then, since I've reminded myself, I'll probably pick up Ispace Wars again. I want to see it finished as much as you do, I promise!
hS -
Oh, goodie. by
on 2015-05-28 21:01:00 UTC
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It means the mission I wrote for you ages ago will actually be a Something and not just a mission.
Also, Ol Teh Haip for Plort next week. -
*startled; checks the calendar* GACK! by
on 2015-05-28 11:24:00 UTC
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Okay, time really snuck up on me. Is Plort coming up that fast?
*sigh* Sorry I haven't been as much help with Operation Sherbet Rain as I'd promised. Other stuff kept getting in the way, but still... >-> -
's okay. by
on 2015-05-28 11:33:00 UTC
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It's actually at a 'functional' state now, though I'm still working a few things in. I'm currently planning to start the Council thread on Weds-Thurs next week, so both weekday and weekend people can participate; we'll see if that sticks. ;)
hS -
Plort by
on 2015-06-02 18:42:00 UTC
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Say, hS, is that still the plan? Because now I'm curious (and possibly going to get involved this time, shhh).
~DF -
For what its worth, I think it is a pretty good idea by
on 2015-05-28 05:36:00 UTC
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It could be an interesting story.
Well, I'm still a newbie, by
on 2015-05-28 02:15:00 UTC
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But I know interesting when I see it, and that's interesting. If older and wiser heads are okay with it, then go for it, and I'll be happy to read it!
So in other words, the Protectors of the Plot Discontinuum? by
on 2015-05-28 01:25:00 UTC
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That's already a thing, right? Like a parody thing? I'm pretty sure it is.
Nope. by
on 2015-05-28 01:42:00 UTC
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What I mean is someone who's deliberately interfering with PPC operations, and they're not a part of the badfic itself. They may or may not be Sues, but they've either got their hands on PPC tech or they have other means of crossing dimensions.
Enforcers of the Plot Continuum. by
on 2015-05-28 01:54:00 UTC
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They're on the Wiki! Is that what you're thinking about?
Still not quite there yet. by
on 2015-05-28 02:01:00 UTC
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The character I have in mind is from the prime multiverse, but she's trying to make the canons go the way she thinks they should. No, not a Sue; she's travelling around badfics and killing Sues herself. Unfortunately, she's also willing to attack canon characters and PPC agents if they don't match her vision.
Basically, an antagonistic third party in the prime multiverse. Not PPC, not working with Mary Sues, simply out for their own goals.
The specific character I have in mind... well, she's a former serial killer from a horror continuum, and she's kinda been contaminated by her means of dimensional travel. She's not human anymore. -
So, the Red Hood to the PPC's Batman? by
on 2015-05-28 06:01:00 UTC
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I mean, the Agents are a bunch of psychopathic killers too, but we still have some semblance of a code, so hopefully, you sorta get what I'm saying.
Actually... by
on 2015-05-28 14:33:00 UTC
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The comparison I had more in mind was the SCP Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition.
Is the same actuallly... by
on 2015-05-28 15:24:00 UTC
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Protect versus Destroy.
Batman protects the civilians, Red Hood kills (ie. 'destroys') the criminals.
The SCP Foundation protects the public, the Global Occult Coalition destroys the supernatural.
And there other similar comparisons in fiction too. -
I'm not well-versed in DC lore, eheheh. (nm) by
on 2015-05-28 15:26:00 UTC
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Hey SeaTurtle! Don'cha get a déjà vú feeling here...? by
on 2015-05-28 03:21:00 UTC
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'Cuz I do...
Well, I don't. by
on 2015-05-28 03:26:00 UTC
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Care to explain?
- Of course I do! by on 2015-05-28 03:35:00 UTC Link to this
Huh, I missed that. by
on 2015-05-28 03:41:00 UTC
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I suppose that this character (Helen Sparks is her name, she's originally from Silent Hill) is a much more hostile version. She has nothing against the PPC specifically, but to her they don't belong and need to be gone.
She probably doesn't need it, but she carries a fire axe everywhere.
She used to be a serial killer.
Do the math. -
I can't do the math... by
on 2015-05-28 04:05:00 UTC
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...there are missing variables, like: How?
How she travels?
How she kills the Sues?
How is she not a Sue!?
Why she doesn't get twisted in her own twisted logic? After all, she should've killed herself, since she doesn't belong there either. -
Well... by
on 2015-05-28 04:23:00 UTC
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The idea I have is that she got caught in some sort of plothole storm, and her body was contaminated by over a dozen different continua. Even she hasn't sorted out exactly what she is yet.
She's not a Sue, because she's something... else. And her idea of what should happen in the story miiiiight not quite be what the PPC wants. Plus, she kills noncanonical characters without warning, not even charging them. She crosses one, they get an axe in the neck.
As for how she travels... well, she knows how to manipulate plotholes just well enough to move between continua.
How does she kill Sues? The same way we do. Her weapon of choice, as stated, is a fire axe, but considering how out-there she is, she may or may not actually need it.
And as I said, Helen is an antagonist, not a PPC agent. Even if she were a Sue, she'd still be opposed to whatever the PPC is doing, so she'd be at odds with them regardless. -
Please don't take this the wrong way by
on 2015-05-28 08:21:00 UTC
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But she does seem like a Sue to be honest. Maybe not from an in-universe standpoint, but from an out-of-universe standpoint. It's kind of sounding like a bad creepypasta with an unstoppable super-creepy killer. I know the idea sounds really cool, but I think that sometimes that's a sign you should step back from it.
Hm? Something poorly written... by
on 2015-05-28 02:20:00 UTC
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It's a Katamari badfic! We are very suprised, We did not expect this. How disturbing.
We must insert a mention of a Cousin here. -
What is this I don't even (nm) by
on 2015-05-28 16:14:00 UTC
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A Widget Series. (nm) by
on 2015-05-28 19:50:00 UTC
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I'd like to say "thank you"... by
on 2015-05-28 02:26:00 UTC
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... to everyone who participated in last week's Agent Mailbox game. I had no idea that it would take off like it did and it was a pleasure seeing everyone's agents getting some time in the limelight and Boarders having fun.
Given the overwhelming positive response to the game I say we should make this an annual thing like the PPC Badfic game or the Shipfest. What do you guys say? Yea or nay? -
I think Desdendelle should run it. by
on 2015-06-02 00:07:00 UTC
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...okay, yeah, I'm kidding.
In all--or at least more--seriousness, though, *yes*. It should definitely be annual. It was really fun, and it gives a great opportunity for character development (and just having fun, really). I'm in favor.
~DF -
Huzzah! (nm) by
on 2015-05-28 13:45:00 UTC
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Yea, very much yea! by
on 2015-05-28 11:19:00 UTC
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just so long as hS has to run it
T'was a ton of fun— I'm already excited for next year! -
As long as hS has to run it. by
on 2015-05-28 09:56:00 UTC
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Kidding. But, yeah, that sounds like a good idea, aright.
As long as I don't have to run it. ;) (nm) by
on 2015-05-28 06:41:00 UTC
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Agreed. (nm) by
on 2015-05-28 04:55:00 UTC
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I'd agree my good sir! (nm) by
on 2015-05-28 03:28:00 UTC
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Yeah! (nm) by
on 2015-05-28 02:37:00 UTC
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Aye, cap'n! (nm) by
on 2015-05-28 02:31:00 UTC
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Dual mission? by
on 2015-05-28 04:58:00 UTC
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Have missions that have been done by two agents, each from a different person, occurred?
Oh, yes, multiple times. by
on 2015-05-28 16:13:00 UTC
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A lot of the recent door-stopping missions have been cowrites. "An Act of Sheer Will", "Lightning Strikes", that one godawful Nanoha/Halo crossover, "Of Monsters and Machines", the Cheerilee's Garden mission...
Co-writes happen all the time. by
on 2015-05-28 10:15:00 UTC
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Here's a request for one, seven threads below this one. Looking at the recently published missions, "The OOCest Teacher We Could Find" (by Tawaki and Tungsten Monk), "Of Monsters and Machines" (by SkarmorySilver and Voyd), "Ein Frohliche Weihnachten mit Doktor Trollenfisch und Gabrielle!" (by Scapegrace and Iximaz) and "Screw Loose" (by Iximaz and yours truly) are all co-writes.
Re: Co-writes happen all the time. by
on 2015-05-28 17:06:00 UTC
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Which leads to my next question: Have any missions been written by role-playing?
I believe that's how the Original Series was written. by
on 2015-05-28 17:20:00 UTC
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(Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.)
That's also how Randa and I did our later missions, after getting together to write in-person became too difficult. When we did "My Inner Life", she just gave me a charge list and I took over from there. -
Re: I believe that's how the Original Series was written. by
on 2015-05-28 17:46:00 UTC
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Where did you roleplay? Here?
No, text messaging and private chat. by
on 2015-05-28 17:49:00 UTC
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It would be incredibly rude, not to mention spoileriffic, to role-play out a mission on the Board before writing it.
Also... by
on 2015-05-28 19:01:00 UTC
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There is at least one interlude that started its life as a series of RP posts in the Other Board.
- I think what Green Hair and Trucker Cap meant... by on 2015-05-28 13:51:00 UTC Link to this
Agent Randa was written by Randa as well. by
on 2015-05-28 14:03:00 UTC
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All she did was the dialogue, though. I took care of everything else.
But Voyd, you're forgetting the most noteworthy example: Jay and Acacia. -
... by
on 2015-05-28 14:33:00 UTC
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I am a DUMB.
Of fair goodfic. by
on 2015-05-28 14:02:00 UTC
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I know it's generally badfic that's shared on the Board, but I thought I'd post some goodfic up her for you all to enjoy, should you care to.
A Practical Guide for the Courtship of Elves, by Beren Barahir. It's been a while since I've read it, and I can't say if the lore is totally solid (because, after all, mine isn't), but I do remember having an intense amount of fun reading this. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9238746/1/A-Practical-Guide-for-the-Courtship-of-Elves-by-Beren-son-of-Barahir
Forlorn. This is a gorgeously creepy Silmarillion fanfic. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4626837/1/Forlorn
Weaver. A beautiful poem about book!Arwen. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2088305/1/Weaver
Fade Away. This has a few misspellings, but overall it's a touching poem about Legolas sailing away. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/570120/1/Fade-Away
Entwined. A very sad look at Lady Dis. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8864196/1/Entwined
Enjoy, I hope you all like them! -
*here (nm) by
on 2015-05-28 14:03:00 UTC
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Paging... basically everybody with FicPsych staff members. by
on 2015-05-28 18:05:00 UTC
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I've set up a new thread on the Other Board for some FicPsych RPs, but after some discussion I feel that I can't open it up for starters until we know who works at FicPsych. So... Could everyone who has people who work there reply to this post and list said people? And more importantly, could you please update the FicPsych page on the Wiki to include your new staff members? I think this was long overdue, so... yeah. Go on, get editing!
To start, I have Sister January, a self-proclaimed Memory Keeper and a recruit from the Kid Icarus continuum. That's about it for me, though. -
Re. updates... by
on 2015-05-28 18:55:00 UTC
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Please also update the FicPsych Personnel and Nurse pages, plus the Glossary if they're not on there.
Oh, and "please keep things updated" also goes for all infrastructure agents. Thanks!
~Neshomeh -
Constance Sims used to be, but is retired. (nm) by
on 2015-05-28 18:47:00 UTC
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Oh, and while I'm at it... New mission! by
on 2015-05-28 18:07:00 UTC
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I was going to put my other RCs in the spotlight after my previous Floater's mission, but then I found a fic on the Claimed list a while ago and I couldn't resist. Enjoy! :D
"Snake Eyes" -
Ho-hum, ho-hum. by
on 2015-06-01 10:35:00 UTC
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A few comments:
-Do we really need huge blocks of the badfic quoted in there? Parts of this verge on MSTing, which is a wonderful art, but not what PPC missions are about.
-Your agents have a nasty habit of not speaking like people (of any species). A random example:
“Voldemort never once transformed into an animal,” he said angrily. “The whole deal about the snake he has on him is because he has a pet snake. And as for proper Animagi, it takes at least a month to prepare for such a transformation! You can’t just get magical powers and a new form in an instant!”
That's an infodump right there. And your mission is fairly liberally littered with them. You don't have to demonstrate that you know every little thing that's wrong with the story, y'know. And... people don't talk like that.
-Talking heads. No, your agents aren't quite literally talking heads - but they really don't feel like they're in the same room as the characters. Go check out a Jay and Acacia mission or two - they spend all their time hiding behind things, straining to hear, etc etc. Your agents are facing basilisks, but seem to be wandering around in the open.
-And... you know how there are some missions you want to reread, because you love the way the agents interact? This just... doesn't do that. Other than canon knowledge, I didn't see anything to really distinguish the agents from each other, let alone from other agents. They were just... two snarky infodumpers hanging around in plain sight.
That's the criticism, I guess. Here's the constructive:
-Go write out what defines your agents. Pick out the things that make them different from each other. Work out ways to integrate those into your missions.
-Give yourself a tight limit for badfic line-usage. One sentence per page? Ten sentences total? It's up to you, but it would be a serious improvement. I'm here to read your writing, not some which you've acknowledged is bad.
-Assume that everyone will notice your agents if they get in their line of sight or make a loud noise. Figure out where your team needs to hide. Give the canons and badfic characters reactions when your agents inevitable start yelling. Dumbledore isn't going to ignore someone ranting in the corner of his office!
Okay, that's enough of that. I think your agents are excellent in concept (though I do have a weakness for maniraptorans, so y'know); I think there's a lot you could explore with them. I also think it's great that you're actually writing missions, which is more than I can say for most people (eg, me!). But I also think that your missions could be much tighter, cleaner, and more engaging.
hS -
There's a mistake by
on 2015-05-30 00:15:00 UTC
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"Oh, and by the way, the Basilisk is born from a rooster’s egg hatched by a toad."
I don't think roosters lay eggs. -
*chuckles* by
on 2015-05-30 14:13:00 UTC
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I don't think basilisks exist, either. Remember, this is fiction that we're talking about.
That's a good point. by
on 2015-05-30 15:51:00 UTC
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So good, that I think many badfic authors have and would have taken it into consideration for their work.
You miss my point. by
on 2015-05-30 16:04:00 UTC
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My point is not 'since this is fiction, you can do whatever you want and be inconsistent'. It's 'since this is fiction, it's not going to 100% adhere to reality'. Otherwise, you won't have Middle-earth, for example; while internally consistent, it's about as realistic as, well, a rooster laying eggs or a basilisk.
So, is it something like willful suspension of disbelief? (nm) by
on 2015-05-30 20:55:00 UTC
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Something like that. by
on 2015-05-30 21:32:00 UTC
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As long as a fictional world adheres to its own rules, you can believe that carpets can fly and dragons are real, for instance. When those internal rules are broken, so is the suspension of disbelief. For example, if it's established magic can't bring the dead back to life, then the characters shouldn't break this rule. If they do, you get canon Sues and Stus as well as plotholes.
That was based on medieval myths, actually. by
on 2015-05-30 04:47:00 UTC
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Roosters really were executed due to supposedly laying eggs back in the day for precisely this reason. According to Wikipedia, "The Venerable Bede was the first to attest to the legend of the birth of a basilisk from an egg by an old cockerel, and then other authors added the condition of Sirius being ascendant."
The HP wiki says that any chicken's egg can be used to make a Basilisk if it's hatched by a toad, though, so I'll defer to the HP continuum first in that case. -
Re: That was based on medieval myths, actually. by
on 2015-05-30 13:33:00 UTC
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I haven't read the medieval myth so that's one thing I didn't know.
As for the "any chicken", I checked the harrypotterwikia and unless you were talking about any other wiki, the closest thing to "any chicken" was "a chicken".
Did you mean that because the description said "chicken" and not "hen" that it could be a rooster's egg? -
I suppose it's possible. by
on 2015-05-30 15:28:00 UTC
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Then again, the first version of the basilisk myth I heard (after Harry Potter) stated that the rooster's egg had to be yolkless, which I guess has a certain kind of Fridge Logic about it since, well, would the rooster be able to fertilize its own egg and okay this discussion is getting weird. :P
But generally, people don't specify hens lay eggs when they say 'that chicken laid an egg' because it's assumed the layer was a hen. So I'm going to go out on a limb and say the rooster doesn't come into the Harry Potter myth. -
I have a problem with your mini-Acromantula by
on 2015-05-29 13:33:00 UTC
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Ripper suddenly felt something on his leg, and looked down to see a spider with a body as big as a man’s fist crawling upon his pants. Startled, the disguised Deinonychus kicked his leg and sent Gryphandor the mini-Acromantula tumbling to the floor.
Only fist-sized? I don’t remember whether Meir Brin told the actual size of mini-Aragogs or left this to the readers imagination, but I do remember that they drag fangirls around at the "Hogwarts Fanfiction Academy" and use them as yoyos. Even if they are surprisingly strong for their size, I cannot imagine fist-sized spiders doing this. (And the mental image of a Hobbit-sized Acromantula trying to scuttle up Ripper’s leg is hilariously creepy.)
The agents exchanged glances. The mini-Acromantula inside Ripper’s bag clicked its sharp pincers. (page 9)
I don’t question whether Gryphandor fits in there and when and how he got in...
The C-CAD started to smolder again. The mini-Acromantula hissed at the scent of smoke, and Ripper hastily shoved the device back into his bag. (page 10)
... but wait, isn’t Gryphandor in there? And when did he get out again?
Ripper nodded in agreement, and followed the disguised Skarmory through the next portal – but not before letting the mini into his bag for safe-keeping. (page 11)
Looks like a continuity error to me.
And there’s a typo:
"For all of these crimes, plus a few more than we cannot care less about, you are sentenced to die, " Ripper finished.
"than" should be "that".
HG -
Fixed. by
on 2015-05-29 13:57:00 UTC
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I think one of Voyd's missions had him "covered in giant spiders", so it's possible that the mini-Acromantulas are fairly small, even if they're bigger than fist-sized. I've reworded the sentences to make the scale of the minis more ambiguous, but I guess that was worth bringing up. (The thought of Ripper getting mobbed by a dog-sized spider is indeed humorous, though. It's a shame I couldn't find a place for Falchion to make any comparisons to Ariados or Galvantula! XD)
Or rather: aren't they always called mini-Aragogs? by
on 2015-05-29 17:04:00 UTC
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Or does this change later in the mission?
~DF -
Er. by
on 2015-05-29 17:02:00 UTC
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Aren't they called mini-Aragogs? I'd include a link to the wiki pages in question, but it's harder to do on mobile.
~DF -
A mini-Aragog, also known as a mini-Acromantula by
on 2015-05-29 18:49:00 UTC
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... is what the wiki page in question says.
Minis are usually based on a species, not an individual, but Meir Brin wrote "The Hogwarts Fanfiction Academy" when only four books had been published, so nobody except JKR knew that Aragog and his kin are Acromantula.
HG -
Ohh, I see. Thanks so much for clarifying. by
on 2015-05-29 22:20:00 UTC
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I can't remember reading any previous missions where mini-Acromantula was used, though. Is it not very common to use it, or do I just not read the HP missions that do?
~DF -
It's uncommon, I think. by
on 2015-05-30 14:40:00 UTC
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In fact, I don't think I've ever read a mission with mini-Acromantula instead of mini-Aragogs.
Okay, I learned how ro break the board (nm) by
on 2015-05-29 18:52:00 UTC
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My bad, that should be the Unclaimed list. ^^; (nm) by
on 2015-05-28 18:49:00 UTC
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A confession by
on 2015-05-28 21:07:00 UTC
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So. RC 512 Mission 3. From the feedback I'm getting, I'm guessing that this is my worst mission. The biggest issue people seem to have with it is the Shades of Rose concept.
See, here's my problem.
I feel like my missions are often ignored or forgotten because they're super-formulaic. They're missions; they have to be. The agents walk in, react, and kill the Sue. But with my missions, that's the entirety, because that's all I know how to do.
Writing is fun, getting ideas out is fun, but I want to feel like I'm contributing to the PPC universe. The things I've written don't really add anything to PPC lore.
I wanted to bring in something new, so that I'm not just writing stock missions with flat characters (because yes, someone has accused all of my characters of being flat). Unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to have any good original ideas.
I don't want to be generic. I just don't know what I'm supposed to do. -
Here's a question for you: by
on 2015-05-30 02:18:00 UTC
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Of all the hundreds of spin-offs out there—and I'm pretty sure "hundreds" is right—how many can you point to and say "Oh yeah, every single moment of that was so awesome! It all totally stands out in my mind, even now!"
Go on, make a list. I'll wait.
Still waiting.
Okay. I'm betting it's a pretty small number. Less than ten—maybe even less than five.
It's probably not the same list I'd make, or the same one hS would make, or Iximaz, or Skarmory, or anyone. I mean, there's bound to be some overlap, because what's good enough to stand out from such a large crowd for one person is probably that good in general, but still.
Are you going to go on record and say that anything that doesn't make it onto someone's list is less worthy of existing? All those hundreds of contributions to the PPC universe over more than a decade?
If so, fine. That's a pretty insulting attitude to take toward an awful lot of people, but okay, you're allowed to have opinions.
If not, then what exactly makes you think you need to be better than them? What's so wrong with just having a good time with the concept for as long as it amuses you, like all the rest?
Mind you, I'm not expecting a real answer here. You've responded to everyone else in this thread with nothing but negativity—which, by the way, is a real turn-off to reading your writing. Think about that.
~Neshomeh -
An answer by
on 2015-05-30 02:56:00 UTC
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I'll respond to that last thing first: I'm naturally a gloomy person who expects the worst from himself and his actions.
I do enjoy writing... But things stop being fun for me if the people around me don't enjoy it. If my writing, missions or otherwise, isn't interesting (which, for the most part, seems to be the case), then I don't feel like I should continue.
I get that my natural gloom scares people off, but I don't know how else to think of a consistent lack of success. As I've mentioned, Fade to Black is the only thing I've written that I feel like I did a good job with. The rest are boring at best, and at worst... Well, my worst has been wiped from existence. -
*prods* by
on 2015-05-30 14:07:00 UTC
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Would it help if I said that I like the direction Kala and Valon are going to? Because I do. They're interesting characters, and your missions with them are not too shabby (read: enjoyable). As Nesh said, not every mission is OMFGBQQ brilliant. A lot of mission are 'OK, I had a good laugh, I enjoyed the banter, even though it's nothing out of ordinary'. To use a somewhat confusing metaphor, it's a bit like Beethoven and Bach. Beethoven is all about NEW THINGS! AND PASSION! AND MUSICAL LARGE HAM! Bach, on the other hand, is about as musically conservative as you can get, but he took the conservative forms of his time and worked them so well to deserved the title of Master.
I think that you're trying to be Beethoven and getting down because you don't seem to succeed; I'd suggest trying for Bach, instead, and if the fates will smile on you, you'll get to Beethoven anyway.
(Disclosure: I prefer Bach. Beethoven's a bit too messy for me.) -
We can't fix that for you. by
on 2015-05-30 03:59:00 UTC
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I'm tempted to quote Thomas Edison here—I haven't failed, I've just found three hundred things that don't work, or however that goes. I sorta feel like it might be a wasted effort, though, since you seem hell-bent on refusing any of the advice people have been trying to give you here.
Here's another quote: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." Instead of immediately shooting everything down, try things. They may not work, in which case you won't be any worse off than you are now, but then again, they might.
The thing you're doing here that really bugs me, though, is that you're basically making us responsible for your happiness, which is not fair. You say you're just naturally gloomy, but you COULD be having fun writing if only people enjoyed your work. To me, that translates to "If you give me positive reviews, I'll have fun and be happy! So why oh why won't anyone say nice things to me?" And the answer is that it's not our responsibility. Absolute power over someone else's happiness is a power too great and terrible for me. I don't want it, and I refuse to accept it. If you want to go on being gloomy and negative forever, that's your decision and yours alone. If, however, you want to knock it off and see where a positive outlook gets you instead... that's still your decision and yours alone. And if it works, it's your success, not ours, which is why taking responsibility for yourself is always the best choice.
~Neshomeh -
Ah. Hm. by
on 2015-05-30 04:24:00 UTC
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I don't think I quite expressed all of my thoughts.
See, it's not that I feel like I've out-and-out failed with most of my writing. My only PPC story that was definitively bad was Sleeping (with) Terror.
My worst fear regarding my writing is that I've done nothing to warrant attention at all. I feel like I need to strike a balance of sorts: I want my writing to be at least somewhat noteworthy, but at the same time I don't want to hog the spotlight.
I apologize for my negativity. Even in my current environment, I should be feeling good: My cousin's graduating high school, and I got to come to the party. I just didn't enjoy myself, social gatherings aren't really my thing... Regardless, I tend to feel better about the world after either a good night's sleep or a healthy dose of comedy. Maybe I'll follow hS's advice and look through some old missions, both to improve my mood and to find something I might be able to use. -
Now, that's the kind of thing I want to hear! by
on 2015-05-30 04:53:00 UTC
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I used to have an attention complex myself, and my very first PPC mission ("Connecting The Dots") pointedly shows how well that went. I write PPC missions because I love to write. I love to write certain characters, I love to write about certain topics, and I love to write stories. It's that kind of mentality that I'd highly recommend, because that'll give you a greater sense of fulfillment than writing just for attention. XD
Congrats to your cousin, by the way! Best of luck wherever he's going :D -
She, actually. My male cousin's older than I am. (nm) by
on 2015-05-30 05:00:00 UTC
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That last bit sounds nice and constructive :) (nm) by
on 2015-05-30 04:36:00 UTC
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What everyone else said. by
on 2015-05-29 13:46:00 UTC
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I believe I e-mailed you a detailed response to your concerns last night, which was in complete agreement with the rest of the Boarders, but I totally forgot to add another thing, so yeah. There IS such a thing as working too quickly, and that goes for PPC writing as well as... well... anything else. Cranking out missions almost nonstop is good and all, because it shows that you're working hard on killing badfics and the like, which is why I do it as well. And I know full well that you're really dedicated to killing badfic! :D
The thing is, though, if you focus more on the QUANTITY than the QUALITY, namely by getting the badfic out of the way rather than making a good story, it will come across as exactly that, getting the badfic out of the way. I try to put at least some effort into my missions even if they end up way too short to avoid this exact problem. And I can attest that quality work takes time, so instead of writing to kill the badfic, I'd suggest focusing on the QUALITY rather than the QUANTITY. In other words, I would wholeheartedly recommend writing to create a story about your agents AROUND killing the badfic the way I do (rather than just sporking the fic by itself), and taking more time with your missions so you can produce a better result. Slow and steady wins the race, as they say. -
Um... by
on 2015-05-29 15:05:00 UTC
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Maybe I'm missing something here, but... as far as I'm aware, the PPC is not about "killing badfics". I mean, that's certainly one interpretation of what we do, but we try to offer concrit and, as was said fairly recently (I think by hS, though I'm not positive), we make something good--missions--out of something... the word used was 'bad', but I'm going to go with 'less good'--badfics.
The whole point is quality. Quantity is great, but what we do here we do for fun and to create *good* writing.
We 'kill' badfics, yes. But that's *not* all there is to it.
~DF -
Also... by
on 2015-05-29 15:30:00 UTC
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The PPC is a community, first and foremost. There are quite a lot of people here that didn't write any missions, or write them very slowly, or whatnot, and they're PPCers exactly as the most prolific members of the community.
Um... by
on 2015-05-29 14:54:00 UTC
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"I try to put at least some effort into my missions even if they end up way too short to avoid this exact problem."
This worries me just a tad. Why would you put anything less than 100% effort into your missions? -
I should've phrased that better. by
on 2015-05-29 22:02:00 UTC
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Namely, "I put all the effort I can". I'm well aware that people sometimes give me hard criticism when it comes to some of my missions, and the point I was trying to make was that there are often good things to find in my missions even if some other things throw off the readers. Sorry! ^^;
Listen to lots of really, really weird music. by
on 2015-05-29 05:41:00 UTC
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Weird like, Butthole Surfers or Frank Zappa weird. Or watch weird movies. Go out and do something random, then think about what that action says about you. Indulge in chaos, insanity, and weirdness whenever possible, and you'll get something new that's good. Also, come up with five ideas for the PPC 'verse, then post them and watch the reactions. Even if you have to use the process of elimination, the odds are almost 100% that you'll get a few good ideas out there. And in order to decide your ideas, combine some of them, and for others, roll a d20 or other appropriately sized deciding-mechanism. The weird for inspiration, the Board for assurance, and luck for decisions.
I listen to Onibi, that got me ideas that don't work. (nm) by
on 2015-05-30 00:50:00 UTC
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Here's an alternative for you. by
on 2015-05-30 14:01:00 UTC
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Instead of weird music, why not listen to solid music and see what you get? Try an Oboe concerto, for example.
Random Writing Tips by
on 2015-05-29 04:50:00 UTC
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- Focus on your characters. You don't have to write about them as agents, or doing agent-related things. One thing that's helped me is figuring out what kind of music my characters like. (Natasha's favorite band is Van Halen, Aaron's is The Ink Spots.) Heck, I've got a whole file of them just randomly interacting, snippets of which may or may not ever see the light of day. Just imagine them interacting with each other - arguing over music, sharing a favorite movie, complaining about the food in the cafeteria.
2. Pick a less formulaic mission. Almost all of them are super-short missions starring character replacements. I know you said that that's the theme for Valon and Kala, but if you're feeling like it's holding you back, then ditch it. Make them do a Bad Slash mission or go up against a completely original Sue. Or just have them do a longer mission; I think that would be a good way to get a little more character development in, just because they would interact more.I can totally write you Varian/Radovan badfic epic or something.Have them do more co-writes; I should probably do a solo mission first, but I'd totally be up for doing a collab mission with you if there's one you've got in mind.
3. As far as dinner dates go, maybe take a page from Kala's home continuum. Remember, she's not just a girl, she's a liminal. What do scorpions eat? Do they have any weird habits? What about ties to Babylonian mythology? There's your potential story hook.
I want to apologize if I came off, or continue to come off, as overly negative. Unfortunately, I typically find more to say when there's something I want to criticize than if I simply enjoy something.
- Focus on your characters. You don't have to write about them as agents, or doing agent-related things. One thing that's helped me is figuring out what kind of music my characters like. (Natasha's favorite band is Van Halen, Aaron's is The Ink Spots.) Heck, I've got a whole file of them just randomly interacting, snippets of which may or may not ever see the light of day. Just imagine them interacting with each other - arguing over music, sharing a favorite movie, complaining about the food in the cafeteria.
Honestly? by
on 2015-05-29 00:53:00 UTC
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I'm kinda considering ending Valon and Kala's story with Fade to Black.
My problem with writing for RC 211 isn't the characters, but the mission formula. I honestly don't know what I'm supposed to do with the characters other than "enter badfic, react, kill replacement" and all of my missions except Of Monsters and Machines are pretty much the same thing in different continua.
Fade to Black is the one quality PPC story I've written, and maybe that's where I should stop. -
Well, interludes exist. Those are different from missions. (nm) by
on 2015-05-29 00:59:00 UTC
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Missions are kinda the core of PPC writing, though. by
on 2015-05-29 01:03:00 UTC
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Without missions, Valon and Kala aren't really agents. They're just random characters in a PPC wrapper.
I disagree. by
on 2015-05-29 21:18:00 UTC
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As DawnFire said, that discounts the entirely of the Infrastructure departments. Some of my favorite PPC stories (like "Ten Years Hence: Henry") involve no badfic whatsoever.
But even beyond that, the PPC is more than just a framework for sporking. There are plenty of MST-focused groups out there if that's all you want to do. The PPC, however, is a world unto itself. These characters are and should be more than just thin pastiches of us sent in to complain about badfic. They have lives, loves, quirks, fears, and all sorts of other good stuff. -
Welllll. by
on 2015-05-29 01:58:00 UTC
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What are all the Infrastructure agents, then? They don't take on missions at all. Are you going to tell me that someone like Nurse Jenni (who's been on maybe one or two Action Department missions as a sort of consultant, if I remember, though she mainly appears as, well, a nurse) is just a random character in a PPC wrapper? Because she has her own story, her own backstory, and her own job--even without usually going on missions.
Also, in response to your subject line: not necessarily! You can even kind of write around the missions--I mean, I can have Edgar and Agen_t walk down a hallway, talking about how Agent has finally been released from Medical after emulating James Bond on a mission we will never see. They're going for a drink at Rudi's, where they will talk about what the minis have been up to lately, notably which of Agen___t's possessions have been eaten by the mini-Luggage. They might meet another few agents, or hide from others, and will eventually go back to their RC.
They're still agents. They might not take on a mission in that story, but they're still agents, it still informs their conversation and the events in their lives.
Just because we don't see them doing their job right now doesn't mean that they no longer have it, or that it in no way affects them.
~DF -
Huh. by
on 2015-05-29 02:35:00 UTC
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I'd actually be kinda interested in writing the aftermath of Fade to Black. Kala and Valon essentially go on a first date to Rudi's.
... I'm just not sure how to write it. The one date I've been on in my life was a movie date, so I have no idea how dinner dates work. -
Well, you could take inspiration from movies' dates. by
on 2015-05-29 02:53:00 UTC
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Those are dumb, cheesy and overly idealistic, but might give you idea of what to write.
I don't believe in movies. I try not to work from them. (nm) by
on 2015-05-29 02:55:00 UTC
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"Don't say that! Every time you do, a movie dies!" (nm) by
on 2015-05-29 10:34:00 UTC
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Dude, calm down. by
on 2015-05-29 01:16:00 UTC
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Most agents, when taken out of the PPC's context, are 'just random characters', because agents are characters. Valon and Kala are interesting in and of themselves, not because they're agents. It's like how Diziet Sma is an interesting character in and of herself, not because she's a Special Circumstances
Just... chillax, take a break, write other stuff for a while. If/when I'll cook up an RP, participate in that. There's no rush and no pressure. -
You've got this backwards.* by
on 2015-05-28 22:18:00 UTC
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The solution to not having formulaic missions or just going through the motions isn't to just chuck random ideas around. Take your Shades Of Rose one. It's daft. It doesn't actually contribute anything to PPC lore - hell, I'm pretty sure it actually contradicts bits of it, particularly concerning how Mary-Sue Factories work - and it came across to me like you thought your agents weren't getting enough attention so you'd try and follow in Ix's wake, and then say your agents had taken down Rose Potter. Kind of. A bit. Ish. If you take a sort of Buddhist view of it, anyway. Leastways, that's how it felt to me, but I'm on the record as not liking your agents very much.
The problem with people not being interested in your agents isn't solved by giving them new villains (well, for given values of new) or shiny new toys, for the same reason that we dissuade newbies from just making agents who are J. Random Species-haver. It's solved by making them more fleshed out, by thinking about them in greater detail. See, I think of your agents as just that - agents. An amorphous mass with the occasional interesting idea poking out from the sludge. I've yet to think of any of them as people, even of the cartoonish variety like with... er... well, with all my agents, actually. Comedy Happy!Agent, Comedy Horrible!Agent, and Comedy Forn Parts!Agent all send their regards.
Figure out what your agents are like. What do they do in what little spare time they get? What kind of things do they enjoy getting to see? Stuff like that. What you have to do to get people to like your agents is to figure out who they are. I'm not 100% convinced you've done that yet; mostly, I get the feeling you had a checklist and ticked off characteristics. Don't get me wrong, that's a good place to start. It's just not a good place to finish.
Something that might also serve you well is to leave more of a gap between your missions. You've been cranking these things out at a rate of knots since you got permission, and while it's great that you evidently love writing missions this much, well, it might be part of the problem, at least a little bit. Get some more ideas. Let them percolate in the ol' brain a bit more. Give your agents a bit more room to breathe - because my biggest complaint about 512-3 is that it felt weirdly rushed, like you were struggling to meet a deadline and your boss was breathing down your neck - and give them time. You don't have to charge down badfics like you're the only thing between them and the try line. Give it time. More haste, less speed. =]
Also - missions have to be super-formulaic, do they? News to me. Just for that, I'm gonna do one entirely in haiku. Haikoo? Yeah, that sounds like a good title. =]
*Film at eleven -
For extra credit: by
on 2015-06-01 10:04:00 UTC
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Do an entire mission in a single haiku. I want to see character development for the agents, a demonstration of why the badfic is bad, and of course a denouement.
Good luck!
hS -
For example: by
on 2015-06-01 13:03:00 UTC
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"You overreact."
Harry Potter yelled: "It's SPRIIIIIIIING!!!"
"... never mind. Charge now."
(Yes, I know 5/7/5 isn't the precise original Japanese structure shaddup) -
Haiku reminds me... by
on 2015-05-31 23:19:00 UTC
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I've had a DAVD mission collecting dust for literal years now, maybe I should brush up that "write a mission as a Shakespearean-style play" idea I had a while ago...
You don't need to add anything to PPC lore. by
on 2015-05-28 21:20:00 UTC
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That's kind of a problem we've had over the past few years, honestly - people who spend all their time trying to Add New Things and Have Brilliant Ideas. But... does a good PPC mission need them? Did Driftwood suffer from not being packed full of new and exciting ideas every time? I hope not!
So what can you do? Well... why not do the opposite? Read some missions, find new ideas they introduced, and expand on those! There's dozens - hundreds - of ideas which appeared in one mission and have never been used again. Find one! Make it popular! Make it more interesting than just a throwaway scene.
Otherwise, you're just... creating new bleeproducts for the heck of it. Hands up who's ever used bleepesteem in their missions. No-one? No-one.
hS -
I just feel really lackluster. by
on 2015-05-28 21:57:00 UTC
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Especially compared to the other currently active PPC writers.
My stories are boring, plain and simple. There are a few moments of spice here and there (Ancalagon, Fade to Black), but the most part, nothing really separates my work from anyone else's. -
Hey, you know what? by
on 2015-05-29 11:29:00 UTC
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My stories are the same way. Most of the time they follow the pattern of 'go in, snark, charge, kill, leave'. Sure, I have my moments of spice, like Rose Potter
and Little Miss Mary, but for the most part, my guys are just another pair of agents doing their jobsand having weird, traumatic stuff happen to them.
Try looking at those writings of yours and seeing if you can pick out what makes them different, what makes them stand out. See, a lot of what makes good writing is how you string the words together: done well, it can leave your readers laughing, crying, with a sense of wonder. It's an art form like any other, which means you only get better with practice. (Of course, if you practice too much, you can burn yourself out...) -
So... by
on 2015-05-29 07:38:00 UTC
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... are you actually looking for advice, or are you just wanting people to pat you on the head and say 'There, there, you're wonderful actually'?
Because this... isn't a response to what I suggested. In fact, with your 'moments of spice' line, you ignored what I suggested and repeated the idea that I said was wrong. You don't need to add fabulous new things all the time. It would be far better to take something old and do something with it.
The PPC has a Quartermaster. She's a Morning Glory, and for a decade that was literally all we knew about her. Now? She's the one who's turned down countless promotions to other departments because she'll only accept the Head of Operations position. She's the acting Head of Finance, though it's distinctly possible that she doesn't know that. She's a character who was nothing more than a footnote in a very early mission, but has now become a full-fledged (if minor) part of the PPC.
So drop The Message on your agents. Have them read the Multiverse Monitor. Run them through the middle of a Quiddich match. Send the Sunflower's Witness to their door. Even better - read through the early missions of the PPC and find something yourself which you can play with.
hS -
Speaking of acting Heads... by
on 2015-05-31 23:15:00 UTC
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...Why hasn't a proper (non-acting) replacement for the Clover been put in by anybody yet? I know Cassie said she sort of lost interest in the story she was doing for one so I was surprised nobody else has taken up the mantle.
Because no-one feels like writing Finance? by
on 2015-06-01 10:03:00 UTC
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I think the only time they've even been mentioned in a story since the Clover died was Empire State of Mind.
Besides, the MG is funny as Acting Head. I'm in no rush to replace her.
hS -
Just wondered. by
on 2015-06-01 10:03:00 UTC
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Though I had considered asking Cassie if I could finish what she'd written, or making some allusions to Finance in other things I've written. We'll see, I need to pick up some of my projects first.
I think dropping the Message is a great idea... by
on 2015-05-29 09:57:00 UTC
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With the proviso that showing their reactions to the Message itself might get a tiny bit philosophical, depending on your leanings.
Write more. Write everything. by
on 2015-05-28 22:43:00 UTC
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The more you write, the more practice you get, the better you will become. Trying too hard is just hard on you.
I don't know why you write; but I write because it's fun, because it's something I've been doing since I figured out how, because I feel off-kilter if I stop for long enough.
How do characters become beloved? Look. Yes, there will be some--like, say, the Notary, or Zeb, perhaps--who become instant favorites through some quirk of personality or whatever else. But there are also characters who grow on you only after you've read more about them, or who only grow on you once they've gone through some character development. (And no character is universally liked, I don't think.)
Try writing some interludes, character studies, things like that. Develop your characters, work with them, love them. Write things with them, missions or otherwise. Focus on what makes a good story, on what the characters are telling you to do, on what feels right. Practice writing description, dialogue, whatever you think would be good. You want more spice? Well, banter is often in that category: how do your characters talk to each other? How do they talk to themselves, to badfics, to random people making too much noise in the hallways? To their minis? Think about it. Let scenes play out in your head. Spend some time with your characters.
Another thing you can do, is try rping or co-writing. That would give you the opportunity to figure out how your characters would speak to other agents, how they'd respond to different people. I don't know how Kala would react to Dawn; I do know that Dawn might well scream if she saw Kala at a point before she became immune to things like randomly appearing Balrogs (of the non-attacking variety). At this point, she would probably gape for a bit, and then keep a respectful distance.
Why do I know this? Because I've spent rather a lot of time in Dawn's headspace lately. I've written dialogue, I've thought about how she would react to many, many situations, and I've given her the opportunity to play around in some of them, AU or otherwise. But even with that, I'd need to actually plunk her down into a situation where she was speaking with Kala in order to know how they'd get along--and for that, I'd need you. One thing I've found is that characters who are being written by someone who is not you, in the same story as your own characters, can lead to many surprises. They don't always react the way you think they will, for one thing.
For another? Let's say I'm positive that Dawn and Kala will get along, so I convince you to co-write an interlude. But then, we begin writing, and suddenly--they're arguing. It wasn't planned, it just...happened. Something in Dawn's characterization made her react to something Kala said or did, and vice versa, and suddenly--completely unplanned--we have a slice of drama. And that can be pretty fun.
I'm not entirely sure how useful any or all of this is to you, but my advice is--when boiled down--to spend time with you characters, not stress too much about making a mark (focus on what makes a good story for your characters instead), and to try out writing with other people (even if it's just an rp or an interlude!) The last one will expose you to different types of characters, and different writing styles, in a different way than simply reading about them will do. And it's also just plain fun: case in point, Iximaz and I have been co-writing for just about the past week, and have discovered that two of our characters actually have a *lot* in common--and are prone to drama when put together, simply because of certain events in their shared past (which, of course, didn't exist until we started talking)! It's been rather a whirlwind, in the fun sort of way.
One more thing, though, in response to your last line: nothing separates your work from anyone else's? If you say so, but I'd like to disagree. If that were the case, I probably wouldn't remember the names of your characters, or tiny bits of their interactions. I'm not saying there's nothing you can improve, but honestly? Your characters are not boring. Continue developing them, and I think you could end up with some pretty great results. And that's not nothing.
PS: Lastly, if all that wasn't enough, I'd like to point you to article 28 of the PPC Constitution, which might be a good thing to bear in mind:
28. Remember to have FUN. FUN is good.
And, honestly, that's a main element of the PPC. That's why we write missions and so on, apart from wanting to provide concrit and make a good story out of a badfic and so on.
We write, and we discuss, and we have fun doing it. I understand wanting to make a mark, all of that--but if you focus only on that, your stories suffer, your characters suffer, and it just gets less fun for everyone.
Just write, with an eye towards fun, good stories, and skill development, and you'll be on the right track.
Good luck! -
Re: Write more. Write everything. by
on 2015-05-28 23:48:00 UTC
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I would do more collaborative writing, but usually everyone else is busy. I was super-surprised when Ix decided to jump on board for Midnight Green. Plus I'm terrible at multitasking; I can really only devote myself to one project at a time, and with Midnight Green in progress, I can't really work on anything else.
I'd be willing to join RPs, but I don't know how to start them, and I've kinda proven myself to be a bad roleplayer anyway. -
Well, there's your problem by
on 2015-05-28 22:06:00 UTC
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I know it's hard, but try not to compare your work to other peoples'. Write for yourself.
I'm in "The Arts" in real life, and I can tell you that there is no faster way to burn out than constantly worrying about what other people are doing. Is my King Lear as good as that guy's King Lear? Does my original play feel too much like The Odd Couple? If you worry too much about it, you're not going to have any fun and you're going to burn out.
So go out, write what makes you happy. If other people like it then it is a bonus.
-Phobos -
Lemme tell you something... by
on 2015-05-28 22:00:00 UTC
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It's not necessarily bad. You don't need to be a special snowflake. You wrote something and a bunch of people enjoyed it? Everything else is a bonus.
New mission! by
on 2015-05-28 22:03:00 UTC
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There's a warning in the disclaimer, but I'll restate it here just in case: the fic trivializes rape and has some rather graphic violence, so you've been warned.
That being said... after many weeks of hard work, we proudly present So Much for Subtlety! -
List time by
on 2015-06-01 18:28:00 UTC
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The Librarian frowned at Hermione’s lovesick behaviour. Lupin, Tonks and Hermione Disapparated, leaving Tonk the mini-Aragog behind. He opened a portal and flung the miniature acromantula back to its home.
May sound like Tonk the mini-Aragog opened the portal.
The mission report did say Ginny was going to end up marrying Harry as well.
This should be the “intelligence report”; the "mission report" is what the agents will write when they finished the mission, so basically what we are reading.
“It appears as though the girls here were chosen because they are, um, physically appealing? So I suppose that doesn’t apply here, either.”
What exactly doesn’t apply? I don’t understand how the second sentence relates to the first sentence, or to anything said before.
Several magic circles appeared vertically around Corolla, with about a dozen small energy darts emerging from each other of them.
Sounds weird. Maybe the word “other” should not be there.
Taking his RA out of a pocket, he opened a portal to Medical and stuck his head through.
He leaned out of the portal and dragged Amelia through it, trying to be as gentle as possible.
So is Des inside the portal / in Medical now? He probably is, because he returns to the badfic then, but I have problems imagining his position and movements here.
HG -
Thankee! by
on 2015-06-02 00:01:00 UTC
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Fixed all of them, save for the last one. The way I imagined is goes like this:
-Des sticks his head in, talks with a Nurse.
-Pulls out, grabs Mrs Bones, drags her in.
Is this clearer? -
Pulls out, grabs Mrs Bones, drags her in. by
on 2015-06-02 08:20:00 UTC
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Yeah, I figured out that this is what must have happened. But
He leaned out of the portal and dragged Amelia through it,
reads like he reached through the portal to drag Amelia in.
And since Des and Amelia are on the same side of the portal and Des has no intention to go through it, shouldn’t he rather push than drag?
HG -
Interesting mission, well done by
on 2015-05-31 08:31:00 UTC
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But I have a quick question. On page 45 the Librarian says "...or is it the Wizarding World’s equivalent of the British House of Lords. This is inane." And Rina follows up with "This whole fic is insane." Did you mean for them to be different? The way the dialogue was flowing it feels like they were meant to be the same.
Other than that it was a fantastic read. -
Interesting difference in perception by
on 2015-05-31 13:09:00 UTC
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To me the way the dialogue was flowing felt like a clever play with words, something I should mention when giving detailed positive feedback (which I usually forget to do even when I’m taking notes).
HG -
I see where you are coming from by
on 2015-05-31 15:07:00 UTC
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That's why I asked. It could be read either way, so I just wanted to see which was the intended way.
- Well: by on 2015-05-31 22:05:00 UTC Link to this
- Well: by on 2015-05-31 22:05:00 UTC Link to this
Well, I managed to derp the HTML. by
on 2015-05-31 22:06:00 UTC
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Insane we all know. 'Inane' means 'silly, stupid, insubstantial'.
That's why I wasn't sure what you meant by
on 2015-06-02 07:10:00 UTC
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As I said before, either interpretation works well. I just wanted to know which one you meant, now I do. And as I said it was well written.
Sorry, HieronymusÂ’s list doesnÂ’t exist (yet) by
on 2015-05-30 18:17:00 UTC
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When I read this about twenty hours ago, there may have been some sentences that looked weird to me. But I became so immersed into the story that I didn’t think of taking notes. So, congrats for breaking Hieronymus’s pedantry; this doesn’t happen often.
Since I can’t shirk the duty, I’ll have to read it again, but probably not this weekend. Or I may just trust that sonofheaven176 caught them all. (I’m actually tempted to read the badfic in parallel to see how bad things can become, and whether you did it justice. This happens even less often. I hope I can resist; I don’t have this much time.)
HG -
Randa drew a thing, guys! by
on 2015-05-30 15:40:00 UTC
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Rina's a lot curvier than she should be and Des says the Librarian's face isn't long enough, but I still think it's a pretty nice picture. It later inspired an exchange in the mission, so posting it now seems relevant.
on 2015-05-30 04:41:00 UTC
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I'll echo what PoorCynic said: Great job, you three! That was a wild ride from start to finish, and I only struggled with a scant few points (most notably the implied Sexual Tension between Rina and the Librarian; I have to agree with sonofheaven176 in that it came a bit out of nowhere). And the title drop at the very end was the icing on the metaphorical cake.
In all honesty, though, I'm starting to hate the Librarian now lol. I respect that Des writes him well and all, and I'm not familiar enough with Dr. Who to judge the guy as a character, but dear Arceus, what an asshole! XD -
Glad you liked it. by
on 2015-05-30 12:49:00 UTC
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I'd like to point out that there's a difference between saying "I think this character sucks and is poorly written" (which, without details, is bad criticism) and saying "this character is so well-written I hate his guts". Since it's the latter and not the former you're talking about, I'd take that as praise.
As to the UST between Rina and the Librarian, it's as Iximaz said: Rina is attracted to the Librarian, the Librarian dislikes Rina, and the other three are trolling them about it. -
I've... never said that. by
on 2015-05-30 15:32:00 UTC
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Rina hates the Librarian's guts, end of story. The hatred the Librarian has for Rina is pretty mutual. Even if she found him physically attractive, his *cough* stellar personality would pretty much override that.
Speaking of which, I should post that thing Randa drew... -
Zeb confirmed for best meta troll. by
on 2015-05-30 16:01:00 UTC
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Looks like I was trolled, too.
Oh, dear. by
on 2015-05-30 16:06:00 UTC
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I, ah, ehehe. I didn't mean to troll you.
But seriously, please don't tell Rina or the Librarian I was just messing with them. It's fun to get them wound up-- plus it's a good distraction for Rina to focus on something other than the badfic. And I rather like my head where it is, thanks. -
*Coos over Zeb* (nm) by
on 2015-05-30 22:38:00 UTC
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More errors by
on 2015-05-30 04:35:00 UTC
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But first, my thoughts on the story. It's very well-written, and I liked the way the different characters played off of each other. However, where does Corolla get the idea that there's some UST between Rina and the Librarian? It's clear from Zeb's lines that Rina likes Des, but where does the Librarian figure into the picture?
As for the errors themselves:
Zeb readied another portal, but the scene suddenly went black. Something struck Des on the forehead, and he cursed.
“I hate stray punctuation.” He looked at the Words and groaned. “That’s one of the silliest scene breaks I’ve ever seen.”
Des barely managed to say “fantastic” when the scene went black again. His forehead attracted a hail of tildes again, prompting him to curse, then the fic dumped him and Zeb in the Great Hall again."
I find it odd that you refer to "stray punctuation" first, and only clarify that you were referring to an all-tilde scene break paragraphs later. When I first saw the reference to "stray punctuation," I was looking at the previous quote from the badfic to see if there was any punctuation missing; I did not make the connection between the two sentences. In other words, I thought that Des was complaining about two things: some stray punctuation and a non-standard scene break. Please consider rephrasing these paragraphs to clarify up front that the scene break manifested as a rain of tildes.
They appeared back outside of Number Four. Dumbledore, Mad-Eye, and Kingsley, among other unnamed Aurors were working on breaking through the new wards
There should be a comma after "Aurors"
Charge for distorting earth’s history
Capitalize the E in "earth"
it was just a matter of keeping them shrinked to scale model size
"shrunk", not "shrinked"
“We’re doing a multi-team mission, so sending in a team composed by people from the same RC kinda misses the point. And you two need to sort out this Belligerent Sexual Tension of yours.”
Corolla stopped in thought for a second, then continued. “And if any one of you two stays here, I’m going to tease him or her until the team comes back.”
Since Corolla is the speaker for both lines, please consider either removing the paragraph break or adding some kind of attribution to the first paragraph.
barrell roll
That's misspelled: there's only one L in "barrel".
Also, do you mean "aileron roll," or are you referring to an actual barrel roll? -
Righto! by
on 2015-05-30 13:23:00 UTC
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Fixed the mistakes. Also, yes, that's a barrel roll.
I also expanded the scene break thingy; hopefully it's clearer now. -
Response (partly to Skarm as well) by
on 2015-05-30 04:55:00 UTC
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Zeb and Corolla and Des are trolling the other two. They pretty obviously hate each other, but that doesn't mean the rest of the team won't get some fun out of it.
Except Zeb who's starting to rather like the idea
Anyway, as for the mistakes you noticed, thank you very much! I'll get on fixing those in the morning. :) -
Oops, HTML error. by
on 2015-05-30 04:56:00 UTC
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Let's try closing this, shall we?
My thoughts. by
on 2015-05-29 15:45:00 UTC
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I should probably start off by saying that I'm not much of a Harry Potter fan. My knowledge of the canon itself is both shaky and possibly out of date. So I can't really comment too much on that regard.
Despite that, I still found the mission to be enjoyable. The characters had some very good interactions and there were some extremely solid moments. My favorite would have to be when the Librarian and Zeb have their brief discussion about fanonical interpretations on page 34. I feel like sometimes PPC writers forget that, so it's nice to see it talked about in-universe.
I did have a few issues, most of which are tied to my own subjective views. There were a smattering of points where it felt like what the agents were saying didn't necessarily fit their actions. Like on page 7: "“I heard that,” the Librarian said weakly, but Des ignored him." Why would his protest be weak? I didn't anything to indicate why that would be so.
I'm also not a fan of when agents have overblown reactions. The whole banging your head on the wall thing. I feel like that's okay if it fits the character of the agent, like if they're literally a cartoon character or something similar. It also works better as a one time thing. But when it's a character that's supposed to be from a more reality-based world (like Des) and it happens repeatedly, the entire thing feels forced. There are humorous ways to express that a character is frustrated without immediately jumping into broad physical comedy.
A good mission all in all. I struggled a bit at times (due to the previously mentioned Harry Potter antipathy) but it was still easy enough to follow. Well done. -
Yay, real concrit! by
on 2015-05-29 15:53:00 UTC
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Om nom nom.
*pointedly ignores the Harry Potter non-fanness* :P
Glad to hear you liked it! And that moment you mentioned between Zeb and the Librarian was a nice one to write; and you're right, fanon and canon does seem to blur as time goes on. Distinctions are important.
Unfortunately, I can't really remark on Des' agents, so I'll leave that to him should he choose to respond. I do remember you making the same point about physical comedy (i.e. banging your head against the wall) in my first mission— talk about déjà vu. -
I'm glad you liked it! by
on 2015-05-29 15:50:00 UTC
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That said, I'd like to address the points you've brought up.
The one on page seven is probably me not being clear enough; I was referring to the volume of his voice, not his... will to protest?
The wall-head one - well, Des is an SI (even though he drifts further and further apart from me as time goes by), and I tend to actually do that when I'm faced with something stupid enough. So... Iunno, really. -
The list by
on 2015-05-29 14:57:00 UTC
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I apologize for my tone, I had a really bad day yesterday.
Anyway, here is what I have so far:
The Unison Device nodded. “If I ever see it in maintenance at DoSAT, I’m so going to reprogramme it.”
How do you reprogramme something?
“That was a Suspiciously Specific Denial,
Why is that capitalized?
“And we are not discussing what just happened.”
Who said that? Rina or the Librarian?
Corolla summoned a holographic window — luckily there was no risk of getting caught by Hogwarts-Sue there — and started tapping on it.
How do you tap on a holograph?
The Librarian frowned at Hermione’s lovesick behaviour. Lupin, Tonks and Hermione Disapparated,
Why is disapparated capitalized?
“Turning Luna into a sobbing mess and the Weasleys into idiots,” Zeb muttered.
Who was that directed to? What as the point of it?
Maybe not quite,” Zeb said slowly.
Say what?
The Librarian walked through it, had a moment to understand he was in Harry’s bedroom, and was promptly thrown off his feet as the story dragged him and Zeb back to the tenth century.
The second part of that does not make any sense. -
Your list, and my responses. by
on 2015-05-29 15:17:00 UTC
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1) How do you reprogram(me) something? Well, you know computers? Like that.
2) It's a trope.
3) Did you even read it? Should've been clear from context. Not every line of dialogue needs to be tagged, you know.
4) Ever see those movies where they have holographic touch interfaces?
5) Disapparated. Is. Always. Capitalized.
6) What, characters aren't allowed to talk to themselves?
7) See above.
8) Dude, you don't even need context to understand this.
Your argument is invalid, good day to you, sir. -
Please put some effort into reading the mission. by
on 2015-05-29 15:12:00 UTC
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Dude, all of those are either a) right and you didn't bother checking (Disapparated, Corolla's holographic windows), b) immaterial if you'd actually pay attention to what you're reading (who said what) or c) obvious. I do hope Ixi's wrong and you're not trolling.
Nothing here is actually a problem. by
on 2015-05-29 15:06:00 UTC
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Mood of the day: vindicated.
Okay, nice one. But seriously, are you trolling? (nm) by
on 2015-05-29 15:02:00 UTC
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No. (nm) by
on 2015-05-29 15:09:00 UTC
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I'm laughing right now. by
on 2015-05-29 15:10:00 UTC
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'Tis the only thing to save my sanity at this point. Expect a response shortly.
How exactly is this funny? (nm) by
on 2015-05-29 15:12:00 UTC
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It's kind of not. by
on 2015-05-29 15:22:00 UTC
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You're claiming that the three writers are very bad at writing ('Hate to break it to you, but... was this even beta read?'), but your claims are based on absolutely nothing.
The Librarian walked through it, had a moment to understand he was in Harry’s bedroom, and was promptly thrown off his feet as the story dragged him and Zeb back to the tenth century.
How does that make no sense? The Librarian walked through 'it' (I assume a door?). He spends a moment on the far side. He realises it is Harry's bedroom. He is suddenly dragged by the story to the Tenth Century, which throws him off his feet.
You also complain about using 'reprogramme', which is a perfectly valid spelling, about characters muttering things to themselves like all PPC agents do all the time, about another sentence that makes perfect sense in context... as Desdendelle pointed out, all the things you said are both correct and pretty obviously correct.
So no. It's not funny. And I don't know why you're doing it.
hS -
It's not. Quite frankly, I'm more than a little insulted. (nm) by
on 2015-05-29 15:17:00 UTC
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D'you want a list, cob? (nm) by
on 2015-05-29 15:16:00 UTC
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Please explain. by
on 2015-05-29 15:24:00 UTC
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I am extremely confused as to why you are offended and why my list was not a problem. Please explain.
Sufficient explanation, I hope? (nm) by
on 2015-05-29 16:15:00 UTC
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Check Ix's response. by
on 2015-05-29 15:35:00 UTC
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Also, check yourself before you wreck yourself in future. Just because you don't understand what words mean doesn't mean they're not words.
To take an example, when I posted the first mission for Doktor Trollenfisch, I used the word pleonasm. Repeatedly. Which was kind of the joke, because pleonasm means... well, see for yourself. Now, Neshomeh of this parish hadn't come across the word before, which is understandable, because it's fairly obscure and archaic. Rather than try to claim I'd made it up, like you did with the word reprogramme seriously how have you not heard of this word, she looked up what it meant and wandered off to give it a cuddle.
This is the proper reaction to things you don't know: finding out. The improper reaction?
I trust this is sufficiently in-depth for your tastes. -
Try taking a look at the list I provided. (nm) by
on 2015-05-29 15:25:00 UTC
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Well by
on 2015-05-29 20:44:00 UTC
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Now I feel kind of stupid. I would like to apologize to all of you. I never should of wrote that message and never meant to offend any of you in any way. I was irritated last night and instead of looking the words up I went and vented here.
Hate to break it to you but.... by
on 2015-05-29 00:30:00 UTC
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Was this even beta read? I just went through and noticed many questionable things. I'll try to make a list of them soon.
Still waiting on this promised list. (nm) by
on 2015-05-29 14:31:00 UTC
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Not saying you're wrong... by
on 2015-05-29 10:31:00 UTC
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Just that I disagree with your assessment. And would probably chalk up most of your quibbles to differences in dialect, tone, and so forth. I'm a pretty technically competent writer, and the only one that stuck out for me was the Librarian describing Godric's Hollow as in "West Country, England", which a) is not how one talks about the West Country, b) is a little vague for someone with Time Lord levels of memory, and c) might not be totally correct - I've had it stuck in my head for years that Godric's Hollow was in Wales, though I may well be wrong about that.
But yeah, interested to see your list, but I'll wait for Hieronymous's, if it's all the same. Not being funny, mate, but when it comes to this stuff he's got form. -
Answers, sorta. by
on 2015-05-29 11:50:00 UTC
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b) and c) - the relevant Harry Potter wiki page says that Godric's Hollow is indeed in West Country, but nothing more; I won't invent a precise location for a mission, of course.
a) - do enlighten me; I'm curious. How should it be said? -
It's not just "West Country", for one. by
on 2015-05-29 12:21:00 UTC
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It's the West Country, because it's multiple places - the West Country generally refers to the counties of Devon, Dorset, and Cornwall, since it's about as far west as you can go while still being in England. Country, in this context, is meant kind of like countryside - not an actual country.
Calling it "West Country, England" makes him sound like a poorly-researched Hollywood location scroll, basically. =] -
Nonsense. by
on 2015-05-29 13:01:00 UTC
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Zumerzet is in the West Country, at the very least. Jury's still out on Wilt-shyre, but I didn't notice a whole lot of difference between them.
hS -
Yes, should've remembered that. by
on 2015-05-29 13:02:00 UTC
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Don't know why I didn't, really, my mum's family's from up that way.
Fixx'd. (nm) by
on 2015-05-29 12:51:00 UTC
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The West Country. by
on 2015-05-29 12:06:00 UTC
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It's a broad term covering much of south-west England, and it has a definite article. Think 'the Highlands' or 'the North'.
Also it should be said with a West Country accent. Oo-arr.
hS spent seven-odd years there -
hS be a zoider drinkaaaaar? by
on 2015-05-29 12:21:00 UTC
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Ohstarsit'sthelongvowels. by
on 2015-05-29 13:04:00 UTC
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One of the worst thing about selling fast food in Bath was the West Country Teenaged Accent.
"Can I have a coooooke? And a hamburgeeeeeer? How much is thaaaaat?"
Every. Single. Sentence. Had to end with an excruciatingly drawn-out vowel. I just, why? The text doesn't do it justice, either - it turns into a faintly rising 'question' tone, even when it's not a question. It, just. Just. Just.
hS quite clearly has Issues -
The Long Vowels is the next one in the series by (nm) by
on 2015-05-29 13:40:00 UTC
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:( (nm) by
on 2015-05-29 13:56:00 UTC
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Can you please dial back your tone? by
on 2015-05-29 01:09:00 UTC
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It's pretty haughty. Also, if you'd have read the disclaimer you would have seen that we did, indeed, have three betas.
Yes, we did have betas. by
on 2015-05-29 01:06:00 UTC
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Three, in fact, and all of them quite good. But I'm certainly interested by this promised list.
Could I borrow a Francophone? by
on 2015-05-28 22:13:00 UTC
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Specifically continental French rather than Canadian French, but it may not matter. I'm just trying to fit some French language to a bit of scansion. I've done my best with Google Translate and Wiktionary, but I'd still love someone to see if it actually works so I don't embarrass myself. If you could please give me your e-mail address, I'd appreciate it. {= )
~Neshomeh -
There's also me! by
on 2015-05-29 08:08:00 UTC
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Not continental either, but still metropolitan French. My e-mail is linked in my handle if you need it as well.
Allô? by
on 2015-05-28 22:23:00 UTC
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I'll gladly look it over!
Don't worry about the regional difference. There's practically no discrepancies between France French and Québec French aside from the way we swear and the expressions we use (that's debatable, though: some French Canadian units on D-Day met some locals who had the same accents as them-- 350 years apart with little to no change).
You can reach me at expertmechanic[at]yahoo[dot]ca. -
And thank you! Sending presently. (nm) by
on 2015-05-28 22:26:00 UTC
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"Why d'ya need to call James Franco?" *badumtish* (nm) by
on 2015-05-28 22:20:00 UTC
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Thank you. by
on 2015-05-28 22:22:00 UTC
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I knew the Board couldn't leave such an obvious invitation to pun alone. You win the Golden Wahoonie, which I have just invented for the occasion. {= D
A poem on writing. by
on 2015-05-28 23:51:00 UTC
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I wrote this poem after reading Iximaz's motto on the Cyclopaedia. Concrit is, of course, heartily enjoyed.
Because I write, I am free.
Free to be what I call me.
I am free to write what I love best,
Free to put my words up to the test.
I am free to be a villain,
A sailor,
A heartthrob,
A coward, sniveling.
I am free to write that which I must,
Free to show that in God I trust.
(I can write the saddest plea. For, you see, I am free.)
Because I write, I am free,
And what the world can’t take from me
Are all the stories in my head,
Locked away for pencil’s lead.
I am free to tell a joke,
And make all of my readers choke.
My fingers all fly nimbly over
A villain’s sneer, a hero’s glower.
I make the characters dance and dance,
For I am free to write romance.
I can make my pen a lance.
(For the heart, you see. I am free.)
Because I write, I am free.
Free from the worries that follow me.
They all fall into the moat
Of the castle that I just wrote.
I make friends out of ink and pages,
And set them off across the ages.
I can write about anything.
Sea ships, heroes, fires, and hangings.
I can write the dark and grim,
Fire ink arrows into the violent din.
(Or I may write of the raging sea. For, you see, I am free.)
Because I write, I am free.
And the world cannot take that from me.
Quia scribo, libera sum. -
I really, really like this. This sums up my own feelings. by
on 2015-05-30 05:29:00 UTC
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But why do you have some sentences in parentheses?
I really like symmetry, actually. by
on 2015-05-30 05:47:00 UTC
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And thank you very much!
Anyway, parentheses- I originally intended for there to be ten lines between each aside, but it looks like I miscounted the middle one, so it goes ten lines, eleven lines, ten lines, three; which isn't so bad.
I also like repetition in poems- each parenthetical remark ends with the same word, has internal rhyme, and says "for, you see," which I like the sound of. In addition, I really enjoyed using them as a sort of direct remark to the reader.
And the summing up of feelings should really be attributed to Iximaz- if I hadn't read her motto, I wouldn't have written the poem, and the motto really is brilliant. "Because I write, I am free." Such good words. -
Beautiful poem. by
on 2015-05-30 04:58:00 UTC
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Indeed, the act of writing is a liberating thing indeed.
I'll leave it to others to comment on the poetry; my only issue is with that last line. I do not think that you mentioned your gender in your newbie thread, so I am operating under the assumption that you are male. If so, then that list line should be thus: Quia scribo, liber sum. -
Also, for ze record, by
on 2015-05-30 22:37:00 UTC
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I am female.
Meaning that my concern was completely moot. (nm) by
on 2015-05-31 03:17:00 UTC
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I was mostly saying it by
on 2015-05-31 04:23:00 UTC
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because up till now I hadn't, as I am overly cautious about internet interactions *cue shifty eyes*.
So, yes, the Latin is fine. But thank you very much for checking, because that is exactly the sort of thing I would get wrong. I have no idea how Latin works, and I could have very easily made a hilarious mess-up. Thanks again! -
Thank you so much! by
on 2015-05-30 05:22:00 UTC
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I don't usually write poetry, so that really means a lot.
If you don't mind too much, I'd like to leave the last line as it is; it's the exact wording of Iximaz's motto.
In the absence of a badfic thread... by
on 2015-05-29 00:59:00 UTC
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Badfic? Ish? Maybe?
An Aunt's Love is... well, it rubbed me up the wrong way. It starts out alright, is the thing; it's set just after fifth year, Harry's effectively suffering from PTSD, and he's getting treatment for it in a Muggle institution that is like the one I was sent to... except not... in any conceivable way... moving on. Some of the OC's, particularly Harry's therapist, I like! Then come the badfic tropes. And boy howdy, do they pour in thick an' fast. There is, for instance, an honest-to-god ninja teaching mentally unstable children how to kick lumps out of each other. Then Harry gets possessed and de-aged in his own brain in scenes that are extremely uncomfortable. The he gets superpowers from the spirit of Merlin. Did I mention this was all happening while he was receiving direct tuition from Voldemort through some kind of shared dream-state thingummy that I'm fairly certain Potterverse magic cannot do? And then it all spirals into nonsense. More into nonsense. Especially when bleedin' Dracula shows up.
I think part of my reticence is tied up in the fact that this is goodfic gone bad. I think another part is that this is one of the most reviewed HP stories on the Pit. More than fourteen thousand people have shown up to give their thoughts on it! Jesus. I don't think there's been fourteen thousand responses to all the PPC missions written put together. People think it's good, I suppose.
Oh well. Something else for the mission machine that is Ix at present to do over the summer. =] -
May I offer a possibly goodfic crossover? by
on 2015-05-30 15:54:00 UTC
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I just saw this on the Pit. It's a crossover of Fate: Stay Night and Harry Potter.
There is a Fake Grail War, that Emiya Shirou has ended by destroying the Fake Grail. As he is dying, he says his final wish, However the decaying grail somehow fulfills his wish by replacing his soul into Harry Potter's body, after the Dementor attack in Book 4(?). Soon, he is an active participant of a battle between the Death Eaters and the populace of Great Britain.
One major problem that I can see in this fic though is how Nasuverse magecraft system can work in a Harry Potter universe. Also, the character Adam Greengrass does have the potential to be a Gary Stu, as he is also trying to defeat Voldemort while having a Dark Mark himself.
But this is still very early, with only 9 chapters. I hope the stiry quality improves over time. -
Yeah, no. by
on 2015-05-30 17:01:00 UTC
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It's not goodfic, it's badfic. Aside from the mediocre SPaG, it butchers the Nasuverse pretty badly, and throws both Dumbledore and Shirou OOC - and that's only from the first chapter and a half.
But how? by
on 2015-05-31 01:03:00 UTC
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If I recall correctly, Shirou here does act as a consequence of the Archer route. In fact, he is slowly turning to EMIYA, through the murders of the Death Eaters.
As for the vigilante murders of Death Eaters, I must agree, the murders may adversely change Harry Potter plot. Also Adam Greengrass looks like an OC, which also may soon, or have already become a Gary Stu.
As for Magic systems, I do realise that Harry Potter may not have Magic Circuits, and if he does, Shirou may not be able to Project from Harry's body.
Having read nine chapters, I find that Shirou as predictably as he is in his canon. Getting ready to defend himself when thrown to a new situation, hiding informations until it is considered necessary, strategising how to navigate through Potterverse, those are the marks of an Emiya Shirou that has already survived his Holy Grail War.
However, there could be something that I missed from the story. -
Not an extensive list by
on 2015-05-31 01:48:00 UTC
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(I might be forgetting some stuff here.)
-If this is post-UBW, and it looks like it's the case, Shirou doesn't have access to Caliburn, and anyway Caliburn doesn't work the same way as Excalibur.
-The Grail doesn't exist after UBW - Rin and Lord El-Melloi II dismantled it, so the whole idea that a splinter group of magi can rebuild it is hogwash.
-I find Shirou having ties to the Enforcers highly doubtful.
-Different dimensions exist in the Nasuverse, but a) there's only one way to move through them (Kaleidoscope, the Second Magic) and b) they're parallel worlds, not entirely different ones.
-Dumbledore would never, ever, ever put so much store on the prophecy. -
Thank you for clarifying. But I wish to challenge the... by
on 2015-05-31 02:55:00 UTC
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...second point of your list. There is a fancomic endorsed by Hiniko Nasu, called Fate/Strange Fake. So while Fuyuki Holy Grail is dismantled, other fake Holy Grails are made throughout the World. Shirou may have acted to destroy that grail instead.
As for the other points, I must agree. -
Well... by
on 2015-05-31 03:13:00 UTC
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Fate/strange fake happens after the third Grail is faultily copied. It's waaaaay too early for Shirou's time (he wouldn't even be born yet), not to mention that it happens in the States, not in Germany under the Einzberns' noses. Also, it's Kinoko, not Hiniko.
Then I must ask, should this fic be sporked? (nm) by
on 2015-05-31 04:24:00 UTC
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Hm... by
on 2015-05-31 09:59:00 UTC
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It's definitely badfic. I don't know whether it'd make for a good mission or not, and anyway my plate is full and I don't know anybody else here from the Fate/ fandom aside from myself and you.
Reporting for duty? by
on 2015-05-31 17:19:00 UTC
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Taking a look at just the first chapter, it looks bad, but I'm not really convinced of its missionability, to coin a term. I'll stick it in my list of "fics for consideration," see if I come up with anything for it.
On a more general note, I feel like a lot of Fate/ fans kind of miss a recurring theme in the series, which is that losing sight of your ideals ultimately leads to just as much pain as clinging too tightly to them. Archer is cool, yes, but in the end he hates what he's become just as much (if not more than) he hates what he was. And I think post-UBW, Shirou would go out of his way to not become like Archer; he's seen what comes of that, after all.
Honestly, I'd say that the main difference between Harry and Shirou is that Harry tends to be a little quicker on the uptake and actually has a sense of self-preservation. -
Anyone here know Ultimate Spider-Man? by
on 2015-05-29 16:34:00 UTC
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The cartoon, I mean. I've seen a handful of episodes, but, well.
Ultimate Teen Titans is a crossover where Spider-Man somehow nearly dies and gets sent to the Teen Titans universe. Upon arrival, Raven - ie, the character who has literally read one person's mind in the series, and that only when that person was hallucinating and in a ton of danger - broadcasts the contents of Spidey's mind to the team. And it only gets better from there, folks! There's plenty of stuff showing how Peter is a much better fighter than the Titans, nonsensical stuff about secret identities (the Titans are public figures, author!) and Deadpool and Slade are apparently siblings. For... some reason. -
This sounds like something Edhelistar and I could collab on. by
on 2015-05-30 04:36:00 UTC
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With Solvig meeting my former Vampire!Robin replacement (a second time, shhh!). Of course, I'll be really busy over the summer due to an imminent foray into the work industry, and a few more of my own missions besides, but whatever.
Anyway, I might as well toss in my lot. Behold: TLOK: Azula's Redemption.
Korra unknowingly frees Azula from an iceberg. Azula has a second chance will she become the hero an win Korra's heart or will she join Vatu and bring the world into darkness. Alternate Universe. Azula X Korra. Review please. Also Bolin X Opal or Bolin X Eska
Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - [Korra, OC, Asami S.] - Chapters: 5 - Words: 14,960
^Exactly what it sounds like. Also, awful SPaG. -
Did a full canon check-up in the Ultimate Teen Titans fic... by
on 2015-05-30 20:08:00 UTC
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... and got some very interesting things. First of all, is a triple crossover, is misclassified and is a ten fics long series. Okay explaining now the two first ones now, the fic combines elements from both the Teen Titans animated series and the New Teen Titans comic book series (like Titans Tower being in San Francisco instead of Jump City), that's why it's a triple crossover. Which leads me to the next point, the fic is not a crossover with the Ultimate Spider-Man animated series, is a crossover with the comic book series of the same name. That's why Peter Parker dies at the start of the fic. In fact this gets fixed later by the author by filling parts 3 to 10 under "Ultimate Marvel".
That being said, the things that bothered me were: Peter's unexplained interdimesional travel, Cinderblock's unexplained power and intelligence upgrade, Raven is slightly OOC, and the fact that Spidey's and Raven's relationship progresses a little too fast.
All in all, and considering the continua involved, I judge this crossover to be plausible. Yes, that includes Deadpool's Fourth Wall breaking interdimensional travel. Even Raven falling for Spider-Man, since she actually fell for Beast Boy in the New Earth DCU continuum, and those two are very much alike. And the bit of Deadpool and Deathstroke being siblings, is quite likely a joke, referencing the fact that Deadpool is a parody/rip-off of Deathstroke, a joke even DC Comics has dabbled into. The SPaG gets better as the fic progresses and yes, Ultimate Peter Parker is that awesome, in fact, he's inmortal!
In other words, I won't take any part in any sporking of this fic, I have definitively seen worse and more spork-worthy fics than this one. Is not the best by any means, but I don't see it bad enough for Mission material. -
Huh, my bad. by
on 2015-05-31 22:46:00 UTC
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I thought it was just the animated series ones. It's filed under the cartoon sections for Ultimate Spider-Man and Teen Titans, which is why I didn't think the comics were involved.
Why do they call it "Ultimate Spider-Man"? (nm) by
on 2015-05-30 01:36:00 UTC
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Because... by
on 2015-05-31 01:01:00 UTC
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I believe it takes place in Marvel's Ultimate Universe, which is different from Marvel's normal Universe because... reasons. I think.
Rule of Cool. (nm) by
on 2015-05-30 18:03:00 UTC
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At a guess, because it's Ultimate. (nm) by
on 2015-05-30 06:17:00 UTC
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Hey, I remember that one! by
on 2015-05-29 01:29:00 UTC
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But when I read it, it did not have all the badfic tropes. Those must have been added afterwards. (I hope. But I really don't remember them, especially the Voldemort bit--oh. Oh, wait. Maybe I do. I'm not sure.)
Huh. I guess this bears further investigation, though I'm not sure I want to be the one to do it...
Missions! by
on 2015-05-29 01:24:00 UTC
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This is not a post announcing new missions.
It is, however, a post announcing the slow republishing of my old missions which can now partially be found here with more to come as time permits so that people can stop spamming my inbox with requests, truly. More will be going up as time permits on my end.
So far this only holds the first five missions I wrote, and a couple interludes. These haven't been edited or touched since they were originally beta read, pretty much, and my writing has improved muchly since then as well. So you can consider these museum pieces, essentially, as far as the PPC goes since this first set were written in early 2008, with my very first written in late 2007.
To put in perspective how long ago that was for you new folks, hS was still single, childless and had flowing locks, Neshomeh was also as yet unmarried and had longer hair as well and Phobos I will no doubt be assured was just as hairy then as he is now, if not more so, besides not even having joined at that point in time. Though, perhaps the beard was not as epic.
Truly, these first missions are so old that if they were children, they would be attending school. (Gasp!)
Needless to say, I welcome new readers and comments; while concrit will never go awry, please keep in mind how old these are. I'll definitely take it anyways, especially if there are any errors that have snuck in still.
July -
Yay! :D The returnbie's fics return! by
on 2015-05-29 18:13:00 UTC
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*Goes to peruse*
Oh boy! :D by
on 2015-05-29 07:45:00 UTC
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I remember some of said missions when they were first published, as I'd just sneaked onto the PPC scene myself. This will be a lovely trip down nostalgia street.
Huzzah! by
on 2015-05-29 06:03:00 UTC
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Now I don't have to feel guilty about spamming—I mean, now I can read July's missions again!
Newbies, read these! It's been a while, but I seem to recall July's was one of those spin-offs with a character-driven plot thread running through it. It's goooood stuff! -
Heh. by
on 2015-05-31 00:31:00 UTC
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I might even try to finish up a few that are partially written, for that matter, aside from getting others added again.
Yeeees, do iiiiit! (nm) by
on 2015-05-31 05:36:00 UTC
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Anyone on here ever play Clock Tower? by
on 2015-05-29 05:21:00 UTC
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Not the one with Scissorman on the cover, but the original 1995 one? I wouldn't be surprised if nobody has even heard of it, but it's awesome. And, in case someone knows what I'm talking about, has anyone ever seen any goodfic from it? I would browse The Pit, but I'm too sick to really focus on that many stories right now. If there's no goodfic, I might try to write some. The first of a well-loved genre deserves that much. Specifically, the survival horror genre, in case that piques your interest in it.
I think I might have this game on an emulator. by
on 2015-05-29 16:21:00 UTC
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I think I'll go see if I have this game, and if I do, I'll play it.
Does anyone know a good PS2 emulator? by
on 2015-05-29 16:33:00 UTC
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Preferably one of the "Intuitive Joysticks" flavor. Just asking because I want to play Katamari, because I'm insane! (Aren't we all?)
I wouldnt recomend PS2 and PS3 emulators... by
on 2015-05-29 16:49:00 UTC
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Mainly because you need the bios or whatever it was called and the PS3 emulator bios is a scam/adware.
Search at your own risk and I seriously recommend Wikipedia for finding video game emulators. -
OK. (nm) by
on 2015-05-29 17:32:00 UTC
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Recalling some Old Favorites... by
on 2015-05-29 18:23:00 UTC
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That I would like to see more of. ^^
1. Unfortunate Typos - oldie, but a goodie in my opinion. "The Bride of Khazad-Dum" anyone? (Hoping that's not a mini, there.)
2. [Genderless Continuum], along with that entire C-CAD notification from thatSTABTSAB DOWNFALL Mission. How does an entire continuum get replaced? How does it come back? O.o
3. And branching off of the minis mention in #1: whenever an adopted common mini is kidnapped into a different fic, and then it has to be rescued and returned.
4. The many methods of recording/pressing charges. There's been dictaphones, good ol' pencil and paper, Morse Code... (I really liked that one!)
No doubt there's some especially obvious-yet-hilarious one I'm missing. XP
What are your favorite one-offs? -
MSTs! by
on 2015-05-30 22:36:00 UTC
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Is it just me, or have MSTs faded out of existence? I don't think there have been any since 2012, and MSTs were what introduced me to the PPC.
I'd try to write one myself, but I doubt that one of my agent teams would make for good riffing on their own, and I don't know if I could keep canonical guests in-character. -
Actually, We Had an MST A Little While Ago by
on 2015-05-31 08:21:00 UTC
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I remember a couple months ago, AdmiralSakai posted an MST of My Immortal on their blog and put a link on the Board. This is the link:
http://dessicatedlogic.wordpress.com/?p=122&preview=true -
At the risk of sounding a tad self-centered... by
on 2015-05-30 16:48:00 UTC
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...I think the idea of a Sue-wraith being purified and turned into a more plausible character would be a fascinating idea. As far as I know, my own Cupid Carmine is the ONLY case of this happening on an official mission. (No, E.V.L. doesn't count. She was an OC I had in the works for YEARS before joining the Board.)
Like I said earlier, I'd like to see how other Boarders would handle the same concept. An agent who was once a Sue-wraith would be similar to an ex-Sue, sure, but I think there's a difference in that the Sue-wraith: 1) had no physical form at all prior to being exorcised and purified, and 2) directly possessed a canon rather than just Suefluencing him or her. Those two aspects were things I think I covered pretty well in the aftermath of Cupid's creation - not just with him being ticklish and the like but also the more obvious prospect of having a physical body i.e. he probably went "OMG HOW DO I LEGS" after not having any for over thirty years in the context of his homefic, and had to start over practicing everything from walking to manipulating objects to wearing clothes and stuff.
So yeah. I would really like to see a purified Sue-wraith happen in someone else's work. They'd probably handle it very differently from what I did, but that would probably for the better. Variety is the spice of life, as they say. -
Word Cyclones were fun. by
on 2015-05-30 16:17:00 UTC
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I don't actually know if they have ever shown up outside of that one Florestan and Eusabius mission with the Saw/MLP FiM crossover.
I approve this thread. by
on 2015-05-30 08:04:00 UTC
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Pulling out one-off things is exactly what I enjoy doing in other fandoms - notably LotR - and it's exactly what I'd love to see more of in the PPC.
Some ideas:
1/ The PPC clan of Nac Mac Feegle. What're these guys up to? Are they employed, or just resident? Do they, by any chance, go on missions?
2/ Intelligence reports. Architeuthis did them. I tried to revive them, with so little success that SeaTurtle later claimed no-one had ever done anything with the DoI. But there's no reason people can't write these when they post a badfic. For that matter, there's no reason missions can't reference bits of (created on the spot) reports.
3/ The Message. It's weird, it's meta, it's been used... maybe once?
4/ Can I be cheeky and say 'divisions'? I don't think there's any agents around these days who go exclusively into one canon. I'm pretty sure it happened originally because J&A were posting to FF.n in the LotR category - but still, it's something that we don't see a lot of these days.
Like SMF, I'm sure there's heaps, heaps more.
hS -
People should use The Message more. by
on 2015-05-30 16:15:00 UTC
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It could be fun to write about, and sort of make the narrator a character too.
Hm... by
on 2015-05-30 13:59:00 UTC
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1) Wait, we have Nac Mac Feegle? I didn't know. Now I'll definitely have those guys show up - it's too good an opportunity to pass up.
2) I'm not really into that.
3) I've actually dropped a few references to Des and Anebrin getting the Message (though most of them are in unpublished material, I think) and I plan on continuing to do so - it's an interesting subject - but I don't think I can write any story solely about it. It'd get too philosophical.
4) Assuming they won't end up in ESAS, Navare and Amris will probably go to APD, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Division, so that's one pair? There's also Marvin and Printworthy. -
Yeeeeees. by
on 2015-05-30 06:47:00 UTC
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There are some things in old spin-offs I've wanted to reference eventually. I probably won't get to all of them, and probably can't think of all of them off the top of my head. But anyway:
Aramel's spin-off is, uh. Quite different. But one thing I do like about it is the Angel's Trumpet. I like the idea of the Flowers having their own "announcer." I know it's been contradicted a dozen times since with human announcers, but I'm just immensely amused by this guy. Maybe he was used before the consoles got an upgrade for ICEP? (Also, Trojie and Pads used another Angel's Trumpet (Warning for drug references!) in one of their stories. I listed them as separate characters on the Wiki, due to their differing personalities, but it's ultimately a question of headcanon, I guess.)
The green man named Greenman! I think he wins the prize for least memorable Original Series character. Yeah, Jay and Acacia wrote him; be honest, and admit you had no idea he existed until just now. (Unless you are Neshomeh or July, because I know you two have read the Original Series multiple dozens of times.) Anyway, the Greenman also appears here, and is involved in weapons training—Wait.
"Questions to be filed in the box!" the instructor snapped, waving a frond.
"I wasn't asking anything," Acacia muttered.
"Comments filed in the box!" the Greenman said, his jolly face twitching.
The. Greenman has a. Frond. I. Never noticed before. He's not a. Green. Man. He's. A Flower? is there such a thing as a—Ooooooooh. How much do you want to bet this myth has a Czech variant Jay knew about?
Well. My worldview is shattered. I think it's time for bed now. I might add some more little-known old stuff tomorrow. -
Well, not quite *multiple* dozes of time. (nm) by
on 2015-06-01 22:45:00 UTC
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Suuuuure, suuuuuure. (nm) by
on 2015-06-02 03:04:00 UTC
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As long as we're talking about TOS... by
on 2015-05-31 13:22:00 UTC
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In most of their missions, no matter how terribad the Sue was, killing her was enough to restore canon to normal. Could that show up again in missions with fewer major charges?
Seconded, thirded, quartered(?), ah – quinted(?) by
on 2015-06-01 10:47:00 UTC
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I remember one (probably rather old) mission where the agents outright admitted that they didn’t know whether it would be necessary to neuralyze the canons after slaying the Sue, and just did it to be rather safe than sorry. In this case it may have been justified by them being Floaters and used to neuralyzing everybody after an exorcism. But it happens far too often, and at least agents in the DMS should know better.
HG -
On that note... by
on 2015-06-02 10:51:00 UTC
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I seem to remember that Jay and Acacia only neuralysed canons when they were doing crossovers - they never neuralysed for Suefics, and I don't think they did it for slash either. That's just something that annoys me about a lot of the spinoffs. Then again, I'm probably just an old stick-in-the-mud.
They didn't really do Bad Slash missions by
on 2015-06-02 18:32:00 UTC
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The closest I found is "Torment" (Aragorn/legolas), an Emergency mission by Jay and Dead, and there they did neuralyze Legolas after taking him to Medical (but they didn't neuralyze anybody else).
I guess being able to tell the canons who they are and what they should be doing is just too tempting.
HG -
Er... it does? by
on 2015-06-01 09:55:00 UTC
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I mean, not to reference myself again, but can I reference myself again? The only one that doesn't drop straight back to canon once something is dead or exorcised is 'And So The Journey Begins', in which it takes a little while (because Boromir and Angst). Is everyone else really doing so badly at this that it's overshadowing the times it does happen?
hS -
Yes, please! (nm) by
on 2015-05-31 17:37:00 UTC
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That's a good point. by
on 2015-05-31 15:04:00 UTC
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Because extending missions past that moment leads to the temptation of interacting with canons, which shouldn't happen often.
Well of course he is. by
on 2015-05-30 08:12:00 UTC
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The Green Man is a pretty common notion over here (my parents have a Green Man face in their garden, for example), and we know that Jay was a big Anglophile. Not sure why he'd need to be Czech, except that Little Otik is (even though he's now a plank because 'Robtheanimegod4ever'
has strange views of reading comprehensionmade it so).
We had a discussion about this last year, actually, with Outhra making some... very strange suggestions about what the Green Man must look like. Oh! But that's also the thread where I connected him to the singing Green Knight from a Heather Dale song. And then planned to team him up with the (a) Greenwitch to become a pair of Wild Magic shapeshifter agents. Hmmm...
hS -
Little Otik is creepy. by
on 2015-05-30 14:51:00 UTC
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I went looking for an image to replace the plank of wood, and hold crud. O.o
To be fair, the only actual description Otik gets in his original appearance is a "seven-foot" "piece of wood" with "wooden tentacles," so I could forgive Rod/Chliever for imagining a two-by-four instead of a really disturbing stump-monster from an obscure bit of folklore.
Except, of course, that Jay spells out where she got the idea in an author's note. So yeah.
Enjoy your nightmares.
~Neshomeh -
Of course he's from a Svankmeyer film. Of course. (nm) by
on 2015-05-31 11:37:00 UTC
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Never even realized he was supposed to be a log! by
on 2015-05-30 14:58:00 UTC
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I was so used to seeing the Wiki image, I didn't even catch that it explicitly says "log" in the Kippur appearance. We should get that fixed. :(
And I'm not even looking up the plot of Little Otik, as it is very clearly creepypasta caliber. -
Apparently he's also a teenager. by
on 2015-05-30 15:35:00 UTC
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You're here? Are you here? Please be here, please please please... the mental echoes sounded adolescent.
So, he's like if Little Otik grew up, I guess? And hopefully learned to control his appetite? Or, failing that, we've re-discovered a convenient Sue-disposal method...
~Neshomeh -
on 2015-05-30 02:15:00 UTC
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(So I don't clog up the board. ^^; )
>behindthename.com> is scarily accurate. O.o Any site that directly associates my name with singing is generally doing things right.
Permission Request by
on 2015-05-30 08:10:00 UTC
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*loud explosion*
...right, that should do it. Sorry 'bout that. Had a little issue with some killer robots, but that's all sorted now. Probably.
(*muffled wailing in the distance*)
I think I should probably tell you why they were trying to keep me from the Board, though. You see, they were afraid of the Awesomeness that would occur if I received Permission. And- oh, look at that! It's a bit of a coincidence, but it seems that I'm asking for Permission today. For the third time, but that's really not relevant.
Let's see... it looks like I have a slightly squashed cake as bribery. Not much, but I think it may encourage the more reluctant of the Permission Givers. If not, there's also Agent Kay's machine gun. He calls it 'Little Babe'.
Oh, right! The profiles and prompts!
They're right here.
*goes and hides*
Not from the PGs, you understand. Uh-huh. It's from the killer robots. They're highly dangerous. I have an irrational fear of giant killer robots, which is a story for another day.
(Thanks to DawnFire and OrangeYoshi99, as well as Maslab and Hieronymus Graubart initially, for the beta. You guys rock!) -
*puts a Hat on* by
on 2015-05-30 13:16:00 UTC
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*cleans his throat* Hoom, hoom.
Activity: Yeah, we all know and love you. Clear.
PPC knowledge: Mostly OK, but there are three problems. One is that Kitty and Kay are too young. I don't remember who said that over the time agents got older as the Boarders did, but a) it's true and b) the general consensus today is "no agents below teen age", especially since being an agent is no job for a little kid. 12-13 is really pushing it, I think. The second is that torture is forbidden - yes, torturing Sues is verboten, too. (That won't be a problem if Kay won't follow through on his plans.) The third and last one is that I don't think the Flowers would particularly mind two more non-Suvian people in HQ. Conversely, I'm not so sure they'll recruit such young children - see above.
Oh, also, the hallways of HQ are grey, not white.
Other than that, though, you're golden.
Fic to spork: Oh, look, a Sue. Oh look, plagiat (plagiarism). Yeah, kill it with fire, aright.
Writing ability (creative): I love your characters (aside from the aforementioned problems), the prompts are funny and there's nothing jarring I can spot. You're good.
Writing ability (technical): Looks OK to me.
So, since there are only a few mistakes to finish, I'll wait a bit until you fix them, OK? It shouldn't take you much time. -
Additional comments. by
on 2015-05-30 13:19:00 UTC
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(I'd dusted off my hat and all, but Des got in first. So take these as just comments. ;))
Kitty is... very very loud. I think practically every line she said was yelled, shrieked, or otherwise exclaimed. Gonna be honest, that's going to wear thin quickly. As in, it already did. (The character, not you.)
There have been very young agents in action departments before: Constance was thirteen, for instance. The evidence suggests that the Flowers do not think early teens is too young (and besides, saying you couldn't write a character your own age would be pretty silly). I'm not complaining about that.
My concerns are these:
-Kitty is very screechy. I know you're excited, but your agent doesn't need to be all the time. Think about how (in)frequently Jay displayed her 'flake' tendencies: she didn't spend her entire time spouting random nonsense, she just put it on occasionally.
-The 'methodically violent torture' part. I know you know the PPC doesn't torture. I honestly think this is just bad wording on your part - I think your meaning was either 'creative assassination' or 'tormenting Sues' (like Acacia's 'burrs in the shoes' thing). Possibly both.
-That backstory. Um, two kids beat up a veteran agent, who then let them follow him back to HQ? Then the Flowers wanted to get rid of them, but gave them a job instead? Was dropping them through a portal too much work?
Honestly, it feels like you didn't have an idea for how to bring them into the PPC, and just threw something together in five minutes. So... can you come up with something more logically coherent? Silly question - I'm pretty sure you can.
hS -
Thank you. by
on 2015-05-31 04:25:00 UTC
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No, seriously, thank you. I needed to hear all of this, and I'm glad both of you said it.
Now that I look back at my writing, I do notice that agent!Kitty is quite loud. I'll try to tone that down a bit.
As for the 'torture' bit...
I had a discussion in the comments with some of my betas about that, and I must admit that I completely forgot to edit the text in accordance with their comments. The comments were as follows.
"This is generally very much frowned upon, and does make him appear more psychopathic/sociopathic than you may perhaps want."
"Aren’t most 12 year old boys little sociopaths and "all about wanton violence against villains", to quote Huinesoron? Judging from the ridiculous prerequisites for the given example, Kay’s “creative ideas” are impractical and will be played for fun."
"It could also be read as 'he has the Big Blue folder with the creative ideas as well as some less creative and more potentially disturbing ideas', though. It's possible that if it's meant the way HG laid out, that should be made a little clearer. I do think this could work, but...it should probably be made clear that this isn't a psychopathic/sociopathic thing like Maslab mentioned (that is, assuming that it isn't...)"
Hope that clears up a bit of the stuff surrounding that. I'll try to edit the bio in accordance when I have a bit of time.
The backstory was a bit rushed. I'll wrack my brains and think of something. :-)
Thanks for all of the comments. Just to be clear, though- should I change their ages, or shouldn't I? 'Cause I've got several different people telling me I should, and a bunch of others telling me it's fine. I'm a bit confused.
Kitty -
Hm. PGs? Your opinions? by
on 2015-05-31 06:29:00 UTC
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I think the Flowers wouldn't have any moral qualms about hiring children, but then again, fanfics can get pretty dark and there are some things agents their age shouldn't be allowed to handle and I think they would at least recognize that.
In my opinion, if you don't send Kitty and Kay into fics that focus on a lot of gore or on-screen sex, you'd be fine. -
Mm-hmm. by
on 2015-05-31 10:52:00 UTC
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Des has highlighted that agents have gotten older as Boarders have - but that's not an in-universe justification, and we know that there have been agents as young as 10 (Ella Darcy, DAC). We also have one agent who was canonically 13 and in Action - but we also have Elanor Laison, who was kept out of Action at 14.
As a theory: the Flowers don't look at biological age, but at some (ill-defined) measure of maturity/suitability. Elanor wasn't suited for/able to cope with Action duties, so they kept her out; Constance was, so they put her in. Ella wasn't - but yeah, she was ten.
Given that K&K apparently beat up a veteran agent, they're clearly suited for an Action position. ;)
hS -
*hits head on desk* by
on 2015-05-31 12:02:00 UTC
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Ack! There's paint in my hair now!
Anyway, I don't quite get what you're saying. Should I change their backstory or shouldn't I?
I get the impression that I'm being very thick, somehow. Uh... short words please? -
"Do not go to the Elves for counsel..." by
on 2015-05-31 20:43:00 UTC
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"... for they will say both no and yes."
I still think you should change the backstory. But, as it currently stands, it shows them as the sort of people the Flowers would recruit.
At least sort of. I don't like the idea of them randomly beating up an agent for, what, getting in the way of their cricket match? Um... could they clobber a Gary-Stu instead? One being chased by an agent, who they assume is a police officer chasing a criminal. That casts them in a rather more positive light, but still violent. They can then still sneak after the agent when he opens up a magic portal (I mean, those things don't come along every day, y'know!), and even set up camp in the Cafeteria (to watch all the cool aliens).
The conversation with whoever comes along to evict them then goes roughly like this:
Get out of our cafeteria.
Seriously, get lost.
We could drop you into the multiverse's largest ocean, you know.
"Bet you couldn't. Your agent couldn't even catch a guy we managed to stop."
... what would it take to get you to move?
"Dunno. What've you got?"
We could offer you a job.
"Does it involve hitting people with cricket bats?"
Uh... maybe?
"Great. We're in."
Or words to that effect. ^_~
hS -
Well, personally... by
on 2015-05-31 22:37:00 UTC
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I wouldn't go to Elves for counsel because they're a bunch of intolerable, prissy little berks with egos visible from space and no discernible technological advancement beyond, say, the fifteenth century. Apropos of nothing, one wonders how difficult it'd be to cook up a decent chemical defoliant in, say, Isengard, and smuggle a goodly amount of it through Rohan towards Lothlorien after testing it on that thing you have nearby full of walking trees that want to kill you-
This... this got off-topic fast.
(scapegrace confirmed for anti-Ispace)
(interuniversal society for the promotion and acceptance of cruelty to elves?)
(let's go with that.) -
'No discernable technological advancement'? by
on 2015-06-01 09:59:00 UTC
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Uh, did you notice the space program? I count three major spaceships (the Sun, the Moon, and Vingilot) made with Elven involvement, and multiple Elven ships 'sailing the Straight Road' away from sea-level which look awfully like spaceships to me.
The fact that you're taking the Iron Age Hobbits at their word regarding Elven tech reflects on you, not the Eldar. Remember Galadriel's confusion about what Sam called 'magic'? That was basically 'why do you have the same word for Sauron's sorcery and our nuclear fusion reactors?'.
Severe tech imbalance makes for severely unreliable narrators.
hS -
I don't buy that. Sorry. by
on 2015-06-01 11:08:00 UTC
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Everything in the books - and quite a lot outside it, given Tolkien's evident distate towards modernity that bordered on open hostility - points to the Elves being just better at things than other people, not that they have an actual space program. Look at Lothlorien. Now, you could draw parallels between a modern type of eco-friendly arcology kind of setup, but it's more likely they're just pointy-eared game poachers living in whatever wood they can scrounge up - because it's highly unlikely Tolkien would ever have even heard of modern green architecture ideas. Also, forgive me for saying so, but if you're using what basically amounts to a creation myth to prove that ancient elves had moon rockets then I've got a bridge in Brooklyn as needs a buyer.
Are you talking in-universe or out of it? by
on 2015-06-01 12:42:00 UTC
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Because out-of-universe, yes, Tolkien created elves to be (superficially) 'just better', and that's the end of it. But out-of-universe, you can't ask them for advice, or determine the size of their egos, or go defoliate Lorien, because they don't exist and are fictional creations.
In-universe, you can't draw on 'what Tolkien knew about and/or intended', or even 'what the narrator describes' - you have to assume there's a world being written about, and that world may differ significantly from what Frodo thinks it is.
hS -
That still doesn't mean... by
on 2015-06-01 13:50:00 UTC
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That there's any truth at all in the Elves saying "Oh, the Sun and the Moon? Yeah. Totes us. We're awesome. Y'all can suck it." Only with a few more florid turns of phrase that only make sense if you've been culturally stagnant since basically forever. =]
'Culturally stagnant' according to who? by
on 2015-06-01 14:17:00 UTC
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Oh yeah, that's right - hobbits. Noted for being trustworthy observers of things that happened millennia before they were born.
The sad fact is that we have virtually no idea about the technology, politics, and culture of Third Age Elvendom. Mirkwood was a Kingdom - absolute monarchy or parliamentary? We don't know, except that the king apparently has some negotiating authority on the battlefield (was it George II who was the last British monarch to engage in combat?). Lorien has a Lord and Lady, which (given that they don't speak Westron there) is a translation of... what? We know Celeborn and Galadriel were not monarchs - so what was the difference? How did they take power there? Hmm, looks like they never filled Frodo in on that one.
Culturally, what was the highest form of art in Imladris at the time of the War of the Ring? Unless your answer is 'councils', 'fellowships', 'songs which go tra-la-la-lally', or 'one sword', we just don't know. How many plays came out of the Grey Havens every year? How much does a Mirkwood sculpture sell for?
What was the most powerful weapon used in the (book) Battle of Five Armies? Was it the stone that knocked Bilbo out and let him conveniently not see the only canonical battle involving multiple elves? What does Lorien have on hand for keeping orcs out - just a couple of guys with bows, or something they didn't want the violent mortals to know about?
How is Rivendell kept hidden when it's just, like, right there? How come Elrond and Galadriel know so much about what's going on far away from them? How do you trap starlight in a bottle? What kind of materials go into a 'magic' camouflage cloak?
We know next to nothing about the elves of the Third Age. We know even less about the elves of the Second Age. For that matter, we don't know a whole lot about them in the First Age! Claiming they were 'culturally stagnant' is making mountains out of moles.
(Not molehills. It's harder than that. Molehills don't try to run away.) -
That's still "Elves Are Just Better" though. by
on 2015-06-01 15:30:00 UTC
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You come from a position that elves r gud because the Professor said so. I'm coming from a position that elves r bad because what possible problems could there be with a load of tall beautiful perfect white people who are Better Than You arrayed against bestial inferior versions of themselves coming from far to the East. We're obviously not going to agree on this, but tell me this:
Do you actually believe - like, really, truly believe - that people with forever to think are just gonna stick around with stuff made of wood?
Because we didn't. And we have the benefit of actually existing. -
If I may butt in briefly... by
on 2015-06-01 15:51:00 UTC
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I'd really LIKE to believe that if humans actually had forever to think about things, we'd cut back on the highly mechanized pollution-causing lifestyle we've currently got and maybe get back to loving our forests more. Cuz, you know, it's pretty easy to go "Eh, so we might be wrecking the planet; who cares?" when you probably won't be around to deal with it in another 50 years or so.
Mind you, I'd miss the Internet, but if the Elves came up with some sort of invisible information-sharing network that doesn't require electricity and parts that take dangerous materials to produce, maybe we can, too. {= )
~Neshomeh, who personally prefers to enjoy the positive aspects of older works while also acknowledging the things that are problematic about them. -
Which minds me of... by
on 2015-06-01 16:21:00 UTC
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... the Professor's oft-repeated idea that the Eldar have a fixation on preservation. It's apparently what the Rings were for, and it's definitely Galadriel's driving motivation: 'keep Lorien just the way it always has been'.
The question is, then, did Tolkien think it through that far - 'hey, immortals might want to, like, NOT wreck the world' - or was it simply a reflection of his own regret over the loss of countryside (and specifically the countryside of his childhood)? JRR Tolkien: early environmentalist, or nostalgic inner child?
hS -
So what? by
on 2015-06-01 17:40:00 UTC
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It's my opinion that technological progress may have got us into this mess, but we ain't getting out of it by returning to feudal, scarcity-based economic structures and general-purpose Luddism. The other thing about that is that if elves are as advanced as you put about, well, they have some kind of magic-based post-scarcity society, which makes them complete tossers for not sharing with everyone else. That's what progress is for, after all, and if they are just about preserving the old order, that just makes them social reactionaries with no more business running a bath than a selection of city-states.
You missed my point. by
on 2015-06-01 15:43:00 UTC
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Why do you believe they're using stuff made of wood?
My point is not 'elves are just better in some indefinable way'; my point is 'we have no idea what, in-universe, elves were like, because Frodo is not a reliable source'.
Your point appears to be 'in-universe elves are bad because I can make an out-of-universe analogy'. Which is mixing the two views on the question.
In-universe, you're doing the equivalent of arguing that America can't have spaceships while Norway doesn't, because that's racist against Norwegians. Which is patently ridiculous, because the Americans are allowed to build all the spaceships they like. (As it turns out, Norway has had a space program since 1987. Apparently.)
You're arguing that elves cannot have high technology, because that would make them better. That is an out-of-universe argument. Please can we decide whether we're in or our of universe, before we even try and have a discussion. I'm willing to talk in either frame - but not both at once.
hS -
Neither's an issue. by
on 2015-06-01 17:51:00 UTC
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Out-of-universe, they, er... well, they're the master race. Beautiful, talented, best at everything, uniformly white-skinned, and so on. It is obvious that that's what he's going for with them.
In-universe, there's a thing called 'prevailing tech level' that gets bandied around in far-future SF&F. The prevailing tech level in The Lord of the Rings is that of Europe during the tail end of the Hundred Years' War. While this may not be true of the elves themselves, I think it's disingenuous to say they're so far ahead purely because they can perform cantrips and because the narrator comes from a society in which such things do not exist. I'm not suggesting that elves could not build spaceships, given time and materials. I'm saying that from what we can actually deduce, rather than just have a stab at because you want elves to be the most super amazing and perfectest perfs who ever perfed all over the clean linen, elves haven't built moon rockets and do not possess the ability to do so.
Like I said at the beginning: you believe elves built the sun and the moon - and since you must therefore ALSO believe that Middle-Earth during the Seventh Age is OUR Earth, well... no. Basically, no. All this stuff? Sailing among the stars along the straight road? It's their mythology. Same thing as the Greeks put their gods and heroes in the sky as constellations, and with the exact same amount of relevance to actual observable reality. It's a story. It's a pleasant story full of interesting characters, but it's a story. Otherwise Earendil's got a serious problem involing a giant-ass crab monster. =] -
Uh... no, it's fiction. by
on 2015-06-01 18:50:00 UTC
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Neither the Greek gods nor the stories of Middle-earth have any 'relevance' to actual reality. Did you think I missed that part? That goes for everything - Frodo carrying a Ring about, for instance. That's a story. It's fiction.
But if Elrond told Frodo not to worry about it because Zeus would just zap Sauron because he got uppity, you'd call it badfic. That's because in-universe, the Middle-earth books are reality.
So no, I don't think you can call something 'mythology' which has multiple living witnesses in the setting. You're in exactly the same position as saying that Jay and Acacia (that's the real people, who posted on the PPC Board, to alleviate any confusion) are mythological.
Out-of-universe? That's a complicated story. 'Elves' are a mashup of three different things:
-The ones in The Hobbit, who are a fairly generic fantasy obstacle. You can't really tell that they're anything other than humans, actually.
-The ones in LotR, who are... close to being background colour. What they're actually standing in for is angels: they're 'otherworldly', they're something to aspire to. They don't do things. Legolas can shoot a bow passably, and he... is the only elf we see doing anything producting in the entirety of LotR, I think. Oh, Glorfindel, who pulls a 'Road to Damascus' on the Nazgul. Tolkien didn't let the Divine into the Trilogy very much, so the Eldar represent them at one remove, so to speak.
-The ones in the First Age, who are... complicated. In their original incarnation, they're somewhere between 'fun adventure' and 'English mythology' - that's why they're pale-skinned, since that's what England consisted of until preeeetty recently. They're a massive creation on the backs of the Sidhe and scattered related legends.
So yes, the Eldar of the First Age are... mythological characters. Were the Greeks inventing a Master Race when they told stories about Herakles and Perseus? No. Beleriand is Tolkien's attempt to create a mythology out of whole cloth, and so the characters are... mythological.
hS -
My last word on this: by
on 2015-06-01 19:29:00 UTC
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(Also I concede the point about reality, but I'm not sure how well we can define the difference between Seventh-Age!Earth's cosmology and that of Real Life!Earth. Aside from the lack of berk wandering around in a boat with a name like a piece of IKEA furniture, of course, or is that like the Voyager Probe or something? =] ) -
I'm not a PG, but, um... by
on 2015-05-30 12:50:00 UTC
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I do have some reservations. Thirteen seems awfully young for a DMS agent, and twelve is definitely too young. I'm not convinced that the PPC is in the business of employing child soldiers. The idea of Kay employing an M1918 is... well, laughable, really. He'd be better off with an AK-74, and that isn't just my socialist ideology talking; they're easy to maintain, extremely reliable, and well-suited to missions in modern continua. Including Harry Potter, come to that. I've no idea where the idea that technology doesn't work on Hogwarts grounds comes from, but it obviously does - but that's a rant for another day.
I'm also extremely worried by this line:
"His method of violence is planned and calculated, and he has several large folders with notes on Sue-torturing."
Er, no? That's kind of the exact opposite of what the PPC is about and is so against the rules it's not funny? Um... yeah, no. I get that twelve-year-old boys have the potential to be total sociopaths (I was one, after all), but it seems doubtful that it'd be to that extent. Not in a building with a dedicated psychiatric hospital in it, anyway.
As for the prompts... I find Kitty extremely grating, but that's just my personal distaste for lolrandom humour in general and children in particular. And make no mistake - these people are children. I would no more give a child a gun than I would a refreshing glass of battery acid. Especially not one so screwed up that she collects Nitro-9.
There are issues here. Distinct issues. And they're not just the ones your agents evidently have.
However, there is hope.
We don't have a huge amount of stories detailing the Nursery - or, for that matter, agent training (what there is of it). If they were placed there, and we got stories from that kind of perspective, with other agents who are actually of age to go on missions teaching them how to work on missions and charge properly and not just be lolrandom and shooty, then we'd have a decent series on our hands. Watching Kitty and Kay grow up, and grow as people, would be a good story arc for both of them.
But going on missions as they are?
Sorry, cob. Can't see it. -
On tech at Hogwarts by
on 2015-05-30 14:30:00 UTC
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I'm pretty sure that it's stated in one of the books (a cursory Google search tells me the Goblet of Fire) that Muggle technology does not work on Hogwarts grounds. While I can't quite remember if this has ever been demonstrated in canon, Hermione was the source. I'd say she's pretty reliable. Canonically, technology malfunctions when exposed to magic, which Hogwarts is practically swimming in.
That said, I know that PPC tech works on Hogwarts grounds, so perhaps DoSAT figured out some sort of work-around. (Has that ever been explained in-universe? I've not read a lot of Harry Potter missions, so I am not certain.) -
Electricity by
on 2015-05-30 20:40:00 UTC
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Hermione stated that electricity and some examples of technology (which all use electricity) don’t work at Hogwarts, because the concentration of magic is so very high there. Young folks these days tend to forget that awesome technology like crossbows, windmills, clockworks, steam engines and chemical photography exist, don’t use electricity, and apparently don’t malfunction when exposed to large amounts of magic. I’m not sure whether steampunk applications of electricity would work at Hogwarts; judging from context, Hermione talked mostly about electronics.
Sci-Fi technology may work at Hogwarts if we suppose that a sufficiently advanced substitute for electricity will be invented in the future. Most potterverse-missions apparently ignore the problem, but it has actually been handled both ways:
The CAD works because a Sombody Else’s Problem Field shields it from the magic.
The neuralyzer obviously cannot work at Hogwarts because it is ripped of a technology-heavy continuum and thus not sufficiently undefined magitech.
Personally, I believe that PPC technology at Hogwarts works like bleeprin – as long as the agents don’t think about recharging the batteries (read: whenever not working, rather than being funny, would distract from the other fun).
Requesting a Spork (newbie) by
on 2015-05-30 12:44:00 UTC
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Hi people of the board.
I'm a newbie and even though I haven't given an introduction yet I have an extremely important request.
So, have any of you heard of Wattpad?
Good, a few of you have. For those who don't know it's kind of like fanfiction.net except you can write anything and not just fan-fiction.
Now for my request.
I really want someone to sort out the Wattpad story 'After'. It's a fanfic about a badboy style Harry Styles (from 1Direction) who goes after (see what I did there?) the MC Tessa Young. It's a horribly written story and involves anger (EXPLICIT!) s*x. Those scenes are horrible and leave a bad taste in the mouth. It's the most infamous book on Wattpad.
Please please please can an agent sort this out? And if it's already been done can someone link me to it?
Thanks. -
Welcome! Have a never ending supply of cookies! (nm) by
on 2015-05-31 15:44:00 UTC
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Hey there, newbie! by
on 2015-05-31 00:30:00 UTC
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I'm guessing from your username that you're a Pokemon fan. Here's a Shinx plushie and a basket of Poffins! Don't worry, I got rid of the burned ones. ;)
Hella by
on 2015-05-30 23:11:00 UTC
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Welcome to the board and here is a Bleen Light Pen.
Wello and helcome! by
on 2015-05-30 20:37:00 UTC
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Since everyone else already answered the thing with your request, I will just give you this replica of The One Ring, that summons an urple spork while you wear it, as a newbie gift.
As a general rule... by
on 2015-05-30 17:35:00 UTC
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...Real Person Fic missions are heavily frowned upon. I haven't looked into the sordid details myself, but there's all sorts of privacy infringement issues that relate to the fics in the first place, and we at the PPC would rather not risk a bad situation with those.
Anyway, welcome! Have one of my own shed feathers and a complimentary kit of Spikes! -
'ello, mate. by
on 2015-05-30 17:03:00 UTC
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Here, have this spork.
That's what you asked for, no? No? Aright. Have this cup of tea, too. No, the leaves aren't going to eat you, why are you asking? -
hELLO! by
on 2015-05-30 16:09:00 UTC
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Have a Generic Newbie Gift! Give it a description and it can be whatever you like!
Welcome to Creation, here's your shovel. by
on 2015-05-30 16:09:00 UTC
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This shovel has a spell to make anyone fall in love with the subject!
... dunno why someone cast that spell on a shovel, though. Seriously, who'd want to fall in love with one? -
Re: Welcome to Creation, here's your shovel. by
on 2015-05-30 16:26:00 UTC
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Thank you for the shovel, I will now become Shovel Knight.
*bellows* SCAPEGRACE! by
on 2015-05-30 15:10:00 UTC
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*goes chasing after her*
Oh, right, newbie! Hey there!
Anyway, welcome aBoard! For your newbie gift, take this honking capybara! If the urple bow around its neck becomes too much, feel free to remove it. :)
Anyway, looks like the others have already explained we don't normally take requests or do RPFthough dear Rowling Wattpad is like another Circle of Lemmings we should have a name for that, so I'll just point you in the direction of the Original Series and the Constitution, and Neshomeh's spin-offs if you haven't read those yet, because they're awesome. :)
Hope you like it here! -
Can I get a vote for "Barrel of Guppies"? by
on 2015-05-31 11:31:00 UTC
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Because frankly, Wattpad is for people who think the Pit's rules on quality control are too restrictive, so going through that stuff? Fish in a barrel. =]
Who's that Newbie(mon)? by
on 2015-05-30 14:53:00 UTC
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Hi there! Welcome! Here, take this Rare Candy. Now you're one step closer to being one of the best Pokemon ever!
So, why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself? How'd you find us? What are your fandoms? -
Re: Who's that Newbie(mon)? by
on 2015-05-30 16:24:00 UTC
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Well, I found the PPC when I was looking for the worst fanfic ever. I was lead to the wikis for Legendary Baddic, ended up reading some more about the PPC and voila, here we are now.
My favourite things to do are playing videogames, reading, drawing and daydreaming.
Pokemon is one of my favourite areas, next comes TMNT then FF, Zelda and SolaToRobo: Red the Hunter. -
Newbie! *glomp* *poke* *cowers from Ix* by
on 2015-05-30 12:58:00 UTC
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Welcome to the PPC!
Here's your starter mon:
Iiiiiiiiiiit's Nuzleaf!
And your starting item:
Ghost Baby from The Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth!
The synergy there's pretty good - with Ghost Baby equipped, all your moves will hit through Protect, Detect, and similar for 1/4 damage. =]
Now, as for your fic... er, sorry, cob, you're out of luck there. The PPC hasn't really done Real Person Fic for some time now, I'm afraid; it is, after all, more than a little invasive. As much as the thought of a Harry Styles replacement being repeatedly stabbed in the gizzards by an overweight clown fills me with delight, it's just... not something we do. Sorry. -
Re: Newbie! *glomp* *poke* *cowers from Ix* by
on 2015-05-30 13:49:00 UTC
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Thanks for the Nuzleaf and Ghost Baby!
Yeah, I was kind of thinking that a real person fic wouldn't be sporked. But if it makes any difference the supposed 'Harry Styles' is so OOC it might as well be someone else. And I just called Harry Stules an it.
Also, is there anyway to request a doc to get sporked? Do you just post on the board requesting for one? Or is there a specific place to put it? -
We don't do requests, usually. by
on 2015-05-30 14:05:00 UTC
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We have threads here on the Board in which badfics get reported, so if they strike someone's fancy they will get missioned.
But the closest thing to requests that is likely to be accepted right away is if the fic's author him/herself asks us to spork it because... well, it is a rare thing indeeed. -
Basically... by
on 2015-05-30 14:10:00 UTC
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People mission stuff because it rustles their jimmies, or they think they can write a funny story, or because they have something special in mind. The PPC isn't a spork factory, it's a bunch of people who like each other's company and have this thing about writing. Pretty simple, actually.
Hello, I say hi, (newbie) by
on 2015-05-30 16:23:00 UTC
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I found the PPC when I mentioned on another forum that I was going to take the plunge and read My Immortal.(I haven't finished it yet. I don't think I want to)
And I'm one of those people who can easily understand things when they aren't so coherent. So when I went to read something that had good grammar, my brain started screaming at me about it. Maybe I'll read a chapter or two before I proofread something. It certainly makes mistakes more glaring.
I write, and I draw, but I am not very good at either. -
You may say that you aren't good... by
on 2015-05-31 15:48:00 UTC
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...but don't let that affect what you do here. :) Here! Have a lifetime supply of your favorite candy!
Welcome to the PPC! by
on 2015-05-31 11:43:00 UTC
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Here's your starter Pokémon!
Iiiiiiit's Spewpa!
And your starting item is:
Hopoo Feather from Risk Of Rain!
Now, the Hopoo Feather grants the user Flying-type STAB and immunity to Ground-type attacks, but none of the weaknesses the Flying type. It also increases the damage of Flying-type moves by 33% if the user already has a Flying typing, so keep it around if you wanna use it for a Vivillon. =] -
Welcome! by
on 2015-05-31 00:15:00 UTC
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Here's a bucket of movie-theater popcorn to eat while you read the Original Series! :D
Hella by
on 2015-05-30 23:15:00 UTC
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Welcome to the board and here is a Plue Light Pen.
Hello, newbie! by
on 2015-05-30 22:45:00 UTC
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Awww, you don't like My Immortal? It's pretty much my favourite badfic ever - always good for a laugh.
Oh, right, gifts. Here, have a towel with the DMS logo emblazoned on it. And don't lose it - you'll need it. -
Re: Hello, newbie! by
on 2015-05-30 23:32:00 UTC
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In my humble opinion, My Immortal is so bad its good. And I'm more consumed with amazement at its awfulness then hatred.
I just assumed... by
on 2015-05-31 00:49:00 UTC
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You said you didn't think you wanted to finish it. If you stop now, you'll miss out on the best parts!
"Crookshanks!" I shouted at him. Voldemort fell of his broom and started to scream. I felt bad for him even though I'm a sadist so I stopped.
"MR. WAY WHAT THE BEEP ARE YOU DOING!" Rumbridge shouted angrily. Dumbledore blared at her.
"Oops she made a mistake!" he corrupted her. "She means hi everybody cum in!"
"Hey where the **** is Dumblydore!111" Draco shouted angrily.
"STFU!1" shooted Cornelia ****. "He is in Azkhabian now wif Snip and Loopin he is old and week he has kancer. "Now do ur work!111"
Oh, don't read Celebrian. -
Welcome to Creation, here's your shovel. by
on 2015-05-30 22:25:00 UTC
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Have a shovel enchanted to unearth Gyroids!
Welcome! by
on 2015-05-30 20:43:00 UTC
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As your gift have this replica of the One Ring that does... something. Not sure what, but has an effect that haven't able to figure out despite repeated tests.
Dai Stiho! *Waves* by
on 2015-05-30 19:25:00 UTC
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I can't offer you much in the way of newbie gifts (my CWACOM minis are MINE, dammit!), but I have *Optional!Hugs* if you want them. :)
Hope you enjoy yourself here!
/Has a Tumblr, and is no stranger to making sense of incoherence/ -
Hi! by
on 2015-05-30 19:22:00 UTC
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Here, have this flaming electric guitar. And I completely agree, My Immortal is likely the third-worst thing I've ever read. I thought it was bad in a hilarious way, but understanding incoherent things well likely only makes it more NSFB.
Welcome! by
on 2015-05-30 17:56:00 UTC
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I'm also pretty much a newbie. Here, have a new bee! Just hatched.
Welcome! by
on 2015-05-30 17:38:00 UTC
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Have one of my own shed feathers! Careful, it's a bit sharp...
Hello! by
on 2015-05-30 17:32:00 UTC
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Have some Swiss Chocolate and a bottle of Bleepka. You're going to need them really soon.
hELLO! by
on 2015-05-30 17:09:00 UTC
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Have a Generic Newbie gift! Give it a description and it can be whatever you like!
'ello, mate. by
on 2015-05-30 17:02:00 UTC
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Here, have this cup of confused Lapsang Souchong tea - it's not quite certain whether it smells like a campfire or not, so please be gentle with it, OK?
Oops by
on 2015-05-30 16:55:00 UTC
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I wasn't logged in for some reason when I posted that, and thank you guys for the gifts. I'm sure they'll be put to great use.
Another newbie! *glomp* *poke* by
on 2015-05-30 16:31:00 UTC
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Hey there, and welcome aBoard! For your newbie gift, take this whistling llama! If the urple bow around its neck becomes too much, feel free to remove it.
Care to tell us a little about yourself? Fandoms, perhaps? I'm a huge Harry Potter nerd myself, so if you ever need an obscure fact checked, I'm your girl!
So, I'd like to take this opportunity to point you in the direction of the Original Series and the Constitution, since those are the only required reading around here, but I'll also point you towards Neshomeh's spin-offs because they're Just That Good. ;)
Hope you like it here! -
on 2015-05-30 16:31:00 UTC
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Welcome fellow newbie to the land of PPC. I have no idea what's going on but I hope you'll make sense of it.
Take this pile of dirt I found as your gift. It's enchanted with fire so.... Who even enchanted dirt? Eh. Enjoy the dirt. -
on 2015-05-30 16:52:00 UTC
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I looked over the wiki and the constitution before I joined, so its no problem._
Ahhh, fandoms
I don't have much of anything to say about fandoms,but if you've read it, I've read it, and that includes Harry Potter
I was in the Hetalia fandom for like 5 months before I flitted out, because I don't stay in fandoms very long.
I'm currently in the Stand Still, Stay Silent fandom, which is for a webcomic. The fandom is really small but really dedicated, which is the reason why I've made any improvement in my art or writing at all.
Speaking of comics, I'm a pretty big fan of the MCU. Except for those romantic subplots. I'm not a fan of those romantic subplots.
New Rudi's RP by
on 2015-05-30 23:36:00 UTC
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((Welcome back to Rudi's!
Note that this is just supposed to be a fun RP. No big fights, no invading Sues, just agents chilling out and enjoying the atmosphere.
Standard rules apply: no controlling other people's agents (actions, speech, thoughts, or interactions with objects), no provoking a HQ-wide emergency. Please write all posts in third-person past tense for a uniform style. Canonicity in the PPCverse is optional according to the writer. Permission isn't required.
For reference, this takes place immediately after the events of Fade to Black.
Enjoy your stay!))
Valon shifted uncomfortably into a seat. “Kala? Are you sure Rudi’s was the best idea? I know that I was kinda punch-drunk, but this is still a bar.”
Kala, whose anatomy didn’t allow her to sit, simply settled herself opposite to Valon and grinned wickedly. “I could convince you further. Besides, bars aren’t just places to get drunk, despite what you said the first time we came here. There’s food, there’s soda, and right now there’s you and me.”
“I guess that’s a point.” Valon picked up his menu and started perusing the contents. -
Once Rina and Zeb left Algernon's company... by
on 2015-06-01 22:14:00 UTC
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Valon recognized the redheaded Time Lady and waved her over. "Hey, Rina! Care to join us?" The best description of his facial expression was someone who was very confused to be the happiest man alive.
Rina lifted her head. by
on 2015-06-01 22:16:00 UTC
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"Oh, why not," she said out loud, and stood up. "C'mon, Zeb, we got some people who want to talk to us."
Zeb looked around wildly. "Ooh! Shiny Skorupi lady!" he said, grinning.
"Yes, yes, full marks," Rina said, and dragged him over. -
Kala looked confused. by
on 2015-06-01 22:22:00 UTC
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"Uh... Skorupi?"
"Pokémon, remember?" Valon stood up to allow Rina a place to sit; he took a seat next to Kala. "So, how goes it? Surely you're doing better after... ahem... that mess. On my end, Kala gave me the biggest surprise of my life before we left our RC."
Kala noticed how loopy Zeb looked. "Um... dude? Are you okay?"
If Rina cared to look, Kala was noticeably a lot calmer than in their previous mission. She was also smiling and slightly pink in the face. -
"Peach! I mean, peachy!" by
on 2015-06-01 22:27:00 UTC
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Zeb gave Kala a lopsided grin. "You have pretty hair."
"Don't mind him," Rina said apologetically, swatting Zeb's hand away when he tried to grab a lock of her own hair, presumably for comparison. "He just drank something he shouldn't and now he's all out of it. Lucky him." -
Kala gave a grin that was significantly more sober. by
on 2015-06-01 22:29:00 UTC
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"Sorry, man, but I'm taken." She grabbed Valon's hand and gave it a squeeze.
With Valon's bloodless complexion, the rapid color shift when he's embarrassed is incredibly noticeable. "That's what I meant by the biggest surprise of my life." -
"Wow, guys, congrats." by
on 2015-06-01 22:33:00 UTC
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Rina swatted Zeb's hand away again and gave him a thumbs up.
"But how does that work?" Zeb mumbled to himself. "Are you guys in the same egg group OW!"
Rina had stomped his foot under the table. "He says congratulations, too," she said, deadpan. -
Kala shrugged. "I'm sure he does." by
on 2015-06-01 22:36:00 UTC
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And then Valon started rambling. "Actually, in Monster Musume, all liminals can breed with humans, even the species that have two biological sexes. Centaurs have both males and females, but it's confirmed that they can mate with humans. Some species have no choice but to mate with human men, as they are exclusively femaMMMMMMPH!"
Kala had covered his mouth with her hand. "Don't get him started on canon. Anyway, most liminals have human bits." -
Zeb started choking. by
on 2015-06-02 11:17:00 UTC
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On what, it wasn't clear, but Rina thumped him on the back until his coughing subsided.
"Let's talk about something else, shall we?" she said, somehow managing to look even paler. -
Valon seemed oblivious to Rina's paling. by
on 2015-06-02 16:08:00 UTC
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He removed Kala's hand from his mouth. "Sure! Have you ever found children in your missions? Kala and I rescued the MPreg baby of Harry Potter the Amazing All-Seeing Kitty and a dragon Stu. We gave him to another character we rescued, Publica Kurusu."
Zeb watched nervously as Rina downed another Firewhiskey. by
on 2015-05-31 06:36:00 UTC
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"Don't you think you should stop?" he finally said as she signaled the batman for a refill. "This is your twelfth cup already, and I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to drink that much."
Rina shrugged and tossed back the glass. "Two livers and a different metabolism, Zeb. Makes getting drunk a right pain in the ass, let me tell you."
Zeb sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Can you even get drunk?"
"Don't think so." Rina set the glass down on the counter and sighed. "Rowling, but that last fic was so horrible I wish I could!"
Zeb nodded morosely and waved at the bartender.i'll take what she's having." -
An ashen-faced gentleman promptly walked past. by
on 2015-05-31 16:27:00 UTC
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"Do you have it, barman?"
The man nodded and produced a bottle. It was obviously a synthetic alcohol analogue; it caught the light oddly, and the bottle was new rather than crusted with age and cobwebs, like a good port should be.
"God bless you, sir." The man perched delicately atop the bar stool next to a tall, rather comely redhead and her partner, who the drinker surmised was some manner of rescued Cute Animal Friend. He sipped delicately at the gilded rim of a crystal glass and sighed, his face bearing the slightly beatific expression of the heavily Bleeped-up. "A little aging will work wonders upon it; it feels green at present, and the oak notes are top-heavy. Hm." He turned to the woman. "I should like to request your opinion, madam, if I may. My partner and I have been experimenting with Bleeproduce in synthetic alcohol substitutes, and this latest decanting is completely safe." -
Rina recoiled slightly. by
on 2015-05-31 16:34:00 UTC
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"Sorry, can't. Allergic to Bleepstuffs."
Zeb's head shot up. "Bleepstuff?" he said hopefully.
Rina elbowed him. "Don't drink that, you don't know what he's done to it," she hissed. -
"I assure you, madam, it is quite safe." by
on 2015-05-31 16:39:00 UTC
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"At least, the new batch almost certainly is. The previous one, well, Commander McCandless keeps it in her gun cabinet so it can't get out. But between us, we are certain that we discovered the error! Though perhaps the flavourings from the oak need more time to develop..." The man looked at his shoes, then straightened. "Where are my manners! My name is Wymbourne, of Internal Affairs. I do not believe I have had the inestimable pleasure of meeting you or your companion."
Rina eyeballed the bottle like it would attack her. by
on 2015-05-31 16:45:00 UTC
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She did hold out a hand, though. "Rina Dives, DMS. That's my partner, Zeb."
Zeb waved. "Nice to meet you! I don't normally look like this; it's just easier to drink with hands rather than paws." -
"Charmed, madam, sir." by
on 2015-05-31 16:55:00 UTC
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"And... paws? I see you are one of those gentle folk with less standard anatomies; it interests and heartens me greatly to see such equality in the organization we represent. Especially after DMSE&R's... singular take on interrogation techniques. They have their uses, I am sure, but their methods..." the Earl shuddered, despite himself. "I find them distasteful, and no topic to bring up before a lady - particularly one who cannot resort to the stoppered oblivion of Bleeproduce. Barman, if you would be so good as to set forth another glass for mister Zeb here? Thank you. I recall you both now - reading your after-action reports has been an education, and I believe you need this more than I do myself." The barman appeared with another glass, this one much smaller; the Earl still only poured a half-measure. "It is most potent. After much experimentation, it was determined that earlier attempts were too potent, which has been of no comfort to the cleaning staff who have to remove the strange stains that are sometimes black and sometimes... not. Your health." He raised his glass.
Zeb grinned and raised his own glass. by
on 2015-05-31 17:04:00 UTC
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Rina, however, did not look amused. "No topic to bring up before a lady? I've seen just about everything at this point, but even so, that's no reason to not... argh, you know what? Forget it." She signaled the barman for her fourteenth glass and, after draining it, set it on the counter beside the rest.
"You have not seen them." by
on 2015-05-31 17:07:00 UTC
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"And now, neither have I, and I can conduct my business and myself as if it had never been otherwise." The Earl just took another sip. "Also, apropos of nothing, I can hear colours. It is quite extraordinary."
"Hear colors? Cool stuff." by
on 2015-05-31 17:11:00 UTC
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"I can see time, which just gives me a headache."
"Hear colors?" Zeb said, perking up. "That sounds cool! Um, pun not intended. That was a pun, right?"
"Close enough," Rina muttered, and downed another Firewhiskey. She continued muttering to herself, her words occasionally interspersed with things like "Stupid Harry's harem" and "heir to the Founders, I ask you."
"Anyway," Zeb said, turning back to the other man, "do you mind telling me about this hearing colors business?" -
"It is something of a recent development." by
on 2015-05-31 17:18:00 UTC
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"I have only discovered this ability after draining my glass. Which is peculiar, as I have reason to believe that this should not be a side effect."
Zeb dropped his glass like a hot potato. by
on 2015-05-31 17:24:00 UTC
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"Tolja you shouldn't have drank that," Rina said. "Listen, Wymbourne, or whatever your name was, if this ends up poisoning my partner I'm gonna be really ticked."
"Gnknkn." by
on 2015-05-31 17:34:00 UTC
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"Boy desirous families prepared gay reserved add ecstatic say. Replied joy age visitor nothing cottage. Mrs door paid led loud sure easy read."
The Earl looked at his mirror. His speech thereafter was limited to this noise:- -
"Um, you okay there?" by
on 2015-05-31 18:08:00 UTC
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Rina facepalmed when Zeb swayed in his seat. "Whoa, thish ish weird! Rina, your face ish glowing! Are you regenerating again?"
"F*ck my life," Rina said, grabbing hold of Zeb's arm before he could fall off the stool and glaring at Wymbourne. "This is all your fault." -
"Нее Мне ко& by
on 2015-05-31 18:13:00 UTC
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It should be pointed out, for the benefit of the reader, that these are the images the Earl can see issuing from his mouth. This may well be what accounted for his unnatural pallor. -
"Нее Мне ко& by
on 2015-05-31 18:13:00 UTC
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It should be pointed out, for the benefit of the reader, that these are the images the Earl can see issuing from his mouth. This may well be what accounted for his unnatural pallor. -
Rina muttered something rude. by
on 2015-06-01 21:10:00 UTC
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She took Zeb by the elbow and led him to an unoccupied table, making him sit down when he started to sway where he stood.
"You shuuuure you're not regenerating?" Zeb said, peering at her.
"Yes, Zeb, I'm perfectly fine," Rina sighed, sitting down and putting her head on the table. She was not in the mood to talk to anyone right now. -
After the commotion had subsided: by
on 2015-06-02 00:09:00 UTC
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"He's over there. You can spot the poor sod a mile off once you know what a powdered wig looks like. Come on."
Algie muttered something in what was probably Aramaic, if you heard things backwards from the other end of a bad phone line, as he was gently loaded onto a sack barrow and strapped in place. Normally a rather ruddily-complexioned man, his colour did not seem to be returning, and his eyes were glassy and unfocused.
"Algie? Algie, look at me." The woman in charge - and in a DIA uniform, though with an odd pentagonal flashpatch just above the department's own. "Have you been at it again?"
"Well, he's not conjuring pictures in the air with his breath any more. Right. You boys have a drink on me, I'll cart his Lordship back to the High Meggers." The two other agents, who'd been expecting more of a fight, put down their stun guns and the mop they'd really hoped not to have to use and grabbed a pint of something bubbly and intimidating.
"... Ghf? ghfnibbit?"
McCandless smiled a little as she wheeled him out of the bar. "Coming back to Earth, your Lordship? Or as good as makes no difference?"
"Yrrvl. Vlr. Ah."
"This is faster than normal. And we didn't have to clear anyone up! Makes a change for the lads, I tell you."
"Arrrh." The Earl's eyes finally seemed to focus, though he was still whiter than a sheet in a snowstorm. "Arhm. HMY... My lady? My lady..."
"Sorry, Algie," said the Commander with a sad smile, "bit late to be calling me a Lady."
"Rrr." He shook his head. "I... I was so sure... d-mn!" Algie slammed his head back against the sack barrow's handle. "D-mn it all, I've been an imbecile!"
"Nah. Only to one woman, anyway. You've got to stop chatting pretty girls up at dive bars, you know, 'cause most of 'em could snap you like a twig."
"I fear it is the only twiglike thing about me these days. I believe I am able to walk from here, Commander, if I may."
"Okay, cob." McCandless undid the straps and let him out. "Didn't spill much, either, usually it goes all over the shop when you get the dosage wrong."
"That would be because I did not! I am a fool!"
"Not disagreeing with you, your Lordship, but, well..." McCandless pointed at the sack barrow.
"Yes, well, that would normally be inarguable. But! I did not bid the barman use our normal testing glasses - I was so, I was so sure of my success that I bade him use the gold-rimmed ones, a gift from the Duke of Cambridge upon the occasion of my... my w-wife's birth. And they cannot have been properly sterilised. And, and so I went to the Live Specimens Division to tell Lilianna of my success. When I arrived I was told there was still a lecture going on, and upon ignoring this fact..."
Algie could go no further, and crumpled slightly, his hands clasped over his face as if in prayer. McCandless put her hand upon his shoulder.
"Thank you," he continued. "Still. I should have been more careful. While this has given us some valuable data about Bleeport's reactions to conventional alcohol, I fear we ought not to investigate further."
"D'you want to go back?"
"I think I ought. If nothing else, I must apologise to the poor souls I so embarrassed myself in front of. Now, let's see..." Algie thought for a moment. "Rina and... Zip? Zeb! Yes. Odd names, but this organization is a great tapestry of oddments."
"You're not wrong, cob. Don't stay out too late, now, you've got your magic show in the Nursery tomorrow."
"Well, if I might be permitted to ask your accompaniment...?"
"Why, my Lord Wymbourne, I would be delighted. Come on then, posho, you're buying."
"A gentleman would never dream of making a lady in his company pay when he has the means to avoid it." The two agents trotted along through the corridors, Algie trying gamely to match the Commander's easy, bouncing gait. "I must wash my mouth out with something, at any rate. Contaminated Bleeport is not the only thing which may leave a foul taste."
"Forensic fancy another chat with the departed?"
"Worse. Intelligence required me to scry a Word World whose occupants they intend to render unto Bad Slash. That poor little boy... dressing him such, inflicting a cavalcade of indignities upon his form, it is shameful-"
"Easy now, cob. Remember what happened the last time you got excitable after a Bleeport comedown?"
"And I apologised to the dwarfish gentleman in question, and he was most gracious to me. Mrs. Hunnicombe informed me later that blood is much easier to get out with modern washing aids. Truly these are enlightened times - ah! And we arrive." Algie held the door open. "Commander?"
"Thank you. Forgive me not curtseying."
"You're an officer and an army cove, Commander; society excuses you from some social graces."
"Oh, does it?" McCandless grinned as she dug him in the ribs. "See if I use the comfy barrow next time."
"A port, Sir, and a..." Algie looked to McCandless as they sat down. "I am to say something embarrassingly lewd in a short time. I can feel it in my water."
"Hmmm..." The muscular woman made a show of choosing something. "That one, I think."
Algie's face fell. "And a Screaming Orgasm for my partner."
"I thought you was a married man, Mister Wymbourne," said the barman with a smile that threatened to cut off the top of his head.
"Which is why you must deliver it to Commander McCandless, and not myself," Algie replied mildly as the drinks arrived. "To England, wherever she may be?"
"To England," replied Lola, clinking her glass. And then, meaning something else, "and to wherever she may be." -
Two Spies huddled together at the bar. by
on 2015-05-31 03:36:00 UTC
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"...so that's how it ends," concluded Gaspard, fiddling with his teacup. "Naturally, I think you want to come out of this alive so we need to start thinking of a way to save your bacon."
Harris toyed with his Dead Ringer watch. "So... you want me to protect myself against a double agent I will have never met before. Even your notes don't even tell you who it is."
"Now that you put it that way... yeah. That is pretty stupid," said Gaspard. "But you're... you. Nothing can keep you down. Disease, dragons, Slorp... you've survived much worse than a mere traitor. I guess that you're going to have to rely on your gut feeling for this."
Harris shrugged and leaned away from his colleague. "Meh. I have over twenty years to get ready for showtime. I'm gonna be fine."
Gaspard sighed. "I suppose, yeah." He half-rose his teacup in a mock toast. "Well, here's to our possible success and hopefully not dying in a hellish civil war that will tear HQ apart."
The blond man patted Gaspard's back. "And I hope you always keep your shiny, smiley optimism about you." -
A most motley of crews. by
on 2015-06-01 02:58:00 UTC
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Two women and a man paused upon entering the bar.
"Y'see him anywhere, Liese?" one of the women said in a Scottish accent. She mumbled something inaudible through the short tusks protruding from beneath her lower lip as she rubbed the back of her neck. "Please say no, so I can go back to my RC and sleep. I've been runnin' ragged thanks to all these flippin' modern AUs."
The man gave her a sour look before scanning the room. "There." He pointed at the two men huddled together. "I believe that is who we came to see."
"'Believe' is a long way from 'know.'"
Liese folded his arms into the sleeves of his black robes. "He fits the description, from what I can tell."
The second woman said nothing as she looked over at the bar itself. Her gray hair dangled in front of her face and her ragged clothes hung awkwardly on her thin frame. She awkwardly scraped the long claws on her fingers together.
The other woman gave her a pat on the shoulder. "It's all right, Hazel," she said. "Liese and me will take care of the gabbin'. Keep easy and I'll get you a sundae for afters. Sound good?" She smiled as the expression on the thin woman's face brightened slightly. "Aces."
They ambled over to the two men. "Gaspard de Grasse?" Liese asked as the three drew within conversation distance. -
Gaspard and Harris froze. by
on 2015-06-01 13:17:00 UTC
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The two quickly glanced at each other. Stupid, stupid, stupid. If these people had overheard the conversation, this was an embarrassing slip-up. News of the Triple Prime had to be kept secret from absolutely everyone lest the timeline be sent careening towards the formation of the DTOM...
Gaspard slowly turned in his seat. "Yes, that's me," he said slowly. "How may I help you?"
With his back still turned to the newcomers, Harris nonchalantly pocketed his Dead Ringer but left his hand in his vest. His fingers seemed to curl around another gadget instead. He sat still on his barstool, ready to swivel around if need be...
- - -
((Ooh, this will be interesting. Let's do this thing!)) -
The man gave Gaspard a curt nod. by
on 2015-06-01 14:18:00 UTC
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"Liese Aulvenic, Department of Temporal Offenses. The Historical Inaccuracies Division, to be precise." He glanced over at his companions. "This is Dona Carruthers—”
The stocky woman with the tusks gave a quick and sloppy salute. "Call me Deegee," she said.
"—and that is Agent Hazel behind her," Liese continued. The thin woman peeked out from behind Deegee's shoulder, but only for a moment. She then ducked back down again. "They are both with the Department of Improbable AUs."
"We were wonderin' if you could spare a bit of time to gab with us," Deegee said. "You've apparently had a few interesting encounters with, ah… visitors." -
Gaspard sighed. by
on 2015-06-01 17:53:00 UTC
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"Take a seat," he said, sweeping an arm towards the empty barstools to his right. "Just one thing though. This place? Y'know, HQ? It's a melting pot of timelines. What's true for one agent's future from my perspective isn't true from theirs. A lot of other people were with me when the 'visitors' came. Why don't you ask them? I'm only important in one of the zillion timelines that originate from that moment.
"But if you're here because I'm the only one who knows... well, then you have to understand why this must be kept a secret. I must make sure the chessboard is ready: place my pieces and whatnot before my opponent. I can't risk contaminating my timeline with external influence. I can't let the Toffee Tree or the Antigravity Apple mess with what I've managed to put together."
Harris rubbed his head. "You lost me at the perspective thing. Do you always think like this?" -
Liese shakes his head. by
on 2015-06-01 19:43:00 UTC
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"Just the fact that you compared this to a chess game shows how little you actually understand," he said. "You cannot—”
"What my dickish Jedi friend means is that this sort of alternate timeline stuff is never as simple as you think," Deegee quickly interrupted. She and Liese briefly exchanged a silent glare before she continued. "Even we don't really understand it. Cornelius does, but he's a bit preoccupied at the moment."
She took the offered barstool. Hazel glanced at the one next to Deegee's for a moment before kneeling down and crawling under the bar instead. Liese remained standing, his face twisted in irritation.
"Look," Deegee said. "It's helpful to think that you can prepare for whatever it is that's comin'. I get that. But alternate realities don't work like that. The very act of preparin' is enough to cause things to change, meanin' that the situation you're tryin' to get ready for isn't the situation you'll get. It's all very quantum."
"In any event," Liese finally said, "we are here for information, not to stop you. We want to know the details of your encounter along with anything you might now about that future in question." -
"I can't do that." by
on 2015-06-01 21:53:00 UTC
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"Sorry." Gaspard folded his arms on the counter. "See, this is exactly the thing that I was warned of. The... 'bad future' happens specifically because someone reported the visitors to the Flowers. The Board of Department Heads then tried to take preventive measures but only managed to breed a more insidious form of the thing they were trying to head off." Turning to Liese, he said: "And of course I know that things change! For example, right now I count two-and-a-half more Time Lords than mentioned in the information that I received. Harris here now has a girlfriend--"
"Sonia is not my girlfriend," interrupted Harris.
'Yes she is," continued Gaspard, "and finally New Caledonia now has a central building thing. The situation has changed-- I'm aware of that. I just ask that you give me the space that I need to complete this operation. I'm under strict orders not to divulge this information to just anyone lest my history repeats itself."
"But how did they find you?" said Harris. "From their perspective maybe one of the others talked. Then they went on to question you."
"So... does that mean we're already on track for the DTOM timeline?" said Gaspard, rubbing his chin. "Aw, heck. This is going to suck."
"No, not necessarily," said Harris. "Maybe we're in a different timeline. Like, one separate from ours and the DTOM's."
Gaspard scratched his head. "Maybe. Um, timeline specialist people? What do you think? I can't possibly say anything to you guys because that constitutes 'treason' from my perspective and I don't want to risk my efforts going to waste. On the other hand... maybe in this timeline informing the Flowers won't be so bad."
- - -
((For sanity's sake let's say this doesn't impact Triple Prime.)) -
Deegee arched one of her eyebrows. by
on 2015-06-02 21:04:00 UTC
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"What makes you think the Flowers don't already know?" she asked. "I mean, in a general sense. We didn't exactly come down here for a pint and a bit of chatter with you and, ah, your lucky ladies man there." The ork paused. "Actually, that's not a bad idea. Rudi, could you fix us up with a pint of ale please?"
There was a plaintive grunt from underneath the bar.
"Right, sorry. A pint and a sundae, please!"
Liese sighed as Deegee turned her attention to the man standing at the opposite end of the bar. "There have been an increasing number of trans-temporal and trans-dimensional visitors in the PPC in recent years," he said. "We are attempting to catalogue these encounters and analyze the possibility of any risk to this organization. This is rather beyond just being about you."
"Be nice, Liese," Deegee warned from over her shoulder.
He continued on, ignoring the DIAU agent. "As for your concerns about what timeline we happen to be in, I'm afraid I have no comforting words to give you. Attempting to predetermine the twists any one timeline might take is nearly impossible. The Flowers might react well. They might not."
((No problem. This is only as canonical as you want it to be.)) -
"Well, that fills me with hope." by
on 2015-06-03 03:26:00 UTC
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"And dread. Mostly dread." Gaspard drummed his fingers on the table. "All right. To heck with this. I need help anyways." He looked at Harris, who shrugged. "Right. So, from the top. The visitors were known as Paladins. They came from sometime after 2060 where the PPC had been shattered into a multitude of smaller department-things spread over the multiverse. There was a civil war-- the Sundering-- where the Sub Rosa's Loyalists fought against the Department of Efficiency and Author Correction. The Loyalists won but at a great cost: all of the Flowers but the Sub Rosa perished and HQ was shattered by an invasion of monsters caused by dropping the shields. The thing I was trying to prevent was a grimdark version of the Sundering. But since you guys are here and this doesn't seem to be my timeline... well, things are different. The Board of Department Heads could block the Efficient and the sneakier Department of Time, Order, and Motion with enough foresight. Yes... yes, that might work."
Harris coughed. "Mansfield. Mansfield from Personnel is who you want to stop. He's the one that will lead DTOM to power."
Gaspard eyed the agents. "Any what are you guys going to do with this information anyways? Report it straight away to the Flowers?" -
Deegee grimaced. by
on 2015-06-03 22:59:00 UTC
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"The Sundering. Great. Always good for a laugh, that is."
Liese stroked his pointed grey beard. "It sounds like the Paladins could have come from either DF-109C or 109D. Or possibly some new permutation thereof. Let me see..." He pulled out a tablet and began tapping away at the screen while muttering to himself, the other agents seemingly forgotten.
The ork reached out and intercepted a frothing glass of ale and a surprisingly ornate vanilla sundae as they came sliding down the bar. "We've heard of Mansfield," she said as she handed the sundae down underneath her seat. There was a happy growl from floor level. "His name's popped up in our research multiple times. Usually not for positive reasons." She tipped back her ale. "Same with those two departments you mentioned, although I'm not as familiar with the Time, Order, and Motion one. As for the Flowers—”
"That is our business," Liese cut in without looking away from his tablet.
"Come off it, Liese!"
"I will do no such thing, Dona. You are well aware of the rules surrounding what it is that we do."
"It's not going to kill them to know a little bit!"
The Jedi finally glanced up at the seething DIAU agent. "You are welcome to try, but don't don't be surprised if you find yourself tongue-tied." He turned his attention back to Gaspard and Harris as Deegee shot him the V-sign. "I have two questions. Did these Paladins mention a third group in this version of the Sundering? And does "The Centurion" mean anything to you in the context of this future?" -
"Neither, sir," replied Gaspard. by
on 2015-06-04 03:04:00 UTC
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Harris leaned past his colleague to look at Liese. "I feel obligated to add that in the DTOM timeline there were organized Mary Sue invasions of HQ. Maybe they're your third group? Like, reappearing in some bizarre parallel-universe fashion or something?"
Gaspard shrugged. "Could be anything, really. Time in HQ doesn't make any sense." To Liese, he said: "And who is this Centurion figure you speak of? In one timeline I was a General leading the Loyalist army-- d'you think that's a connection?" -
"No, it was the Sues," Liese replied. by
on 2015-06-04 18:22:00 UTC
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"I am speaking of a third faction within the PPC itself, fighting against both the Loyalists and the Efficient. This Centurion is tied to it. This is not a constant development across all timelines; only a select few. We would like to know why."
He tapped his tablet a few more times, then looked back up at Gaspard and Harris. "Is there anything else you can remember about your encounter?" -
The two men stared at each other and shrugged. by
on 2015-06-05 02:54:00 UTC
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"I can't really think of anything else, really," said Gaspard. "Er, aside from the fact that I'm supposed to be the only one who remembers anything. Two agents from the DTOM timeline came from one of the futures and wiped everyone's memories but mine. They told me that since I was to become the General it would be better for me to have twenty-odd years to plan ahead for a cleaner Sundering. Well, insamuch as a civil war that will tear HQ apart will be 'clean'. It gets really bad: think nuclear-blast-in-the-Courtyard kind of bad."
Harris' brow furrowed. "Wait. Since when did we have nuclear bombs in the PPC?"
"Well, it wasn't a bomb per se. It was actually the engine of an old DoSAT starship rigged to explode. The Loyalists were desperate. They needed a win so they started throwing whatever they had at the DTOM." Gaspard grimaced. "I can't believe Other Me actually condoned this. This really speaks volumes about who I am-- indirectly speaking. Wheee. Another reason not to like myself." -
"Well, Other You isn't really you." by
on 2015-06-07 20:13:00 UTC
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Deegee paused long enough to drain the rest of her drink. "I mean, he's partially you, sure, but he's also been shaped by that conflict. It's the whole nature and nurture thing. You'd be amazed how much people can change in drastic situations. The things this other Gaspard did reflect on him. Not you. It's important to remember that when dealin' with all this reality-bendin' stuff."
Liese made a final determined tap on his tablet before tucking it back into his robes. "If there is nothing else," he said, "then we will take our leave."
((Sorry a response took so long. Real Life has been particularly brutal as of late.)) -
((Drat. That should say "it wasn't the Sues.")) (nm) by
on 2015-06-04 18:23:00 UTC
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A DoSAT Technician, a FicPsych Nurse and a Gardevoir enter.. by
on 2015-05-31 00:42:00 UTC
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"No, no, no, no! I'm not going that place again!" Shui-Hua cried, "What if another changeling attacks?"
"You worry too much Shui-Hua," replied the blonde woman, "besides, we are already there."
The blue-eyed asian blinked, looked around in surprise, and muttered, "Shoot!"
Maya, the Gardevoir, turned to the Nurse and asked, "Miss Corinna, may I ask: Why I'm not in a Poké Ball?
"Because Thrud is --What is the word?-- grounded, for refusing to use an Universal Translator, and you, at least, can communicate with telepathy," replied Nurse Chan, "I still brought her in her Poké Ball, if you want to know."
That said, the trio looked for a empty table, sat on the chairs around it and the Nurse called for the waiter.
((No, sorry my DIC Agents aren't coming, they're kinda busy right now...)) -
A rapid drumming of paws... by
on 2015-05-31 16:59:00 UTC
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...heralded the sudden appearance of a streak of yellow headed towards the table. A moment later, the entire table shook as Maxwell the Jolteon slammed into one of the legs. Maxwell shook his head and then approached the Gardevoir.
"Vicky! Vicky!" he squeaked. "Owen's gotten himself suspended for good! Like, the DIA people said so just right now! Oh, I've been searching for you forever an' ever but I couldn't find you but then I thought that maybe you were at Rudi's and then I saw you and then--" He took a closer look at his interlocutor. "Hey. You're not Victoria."
A Skiddo and a Zorua slowly approached the table. "Maxwell, you're going to hurt yourself really badly one of these days if you keep running around like that," said Buck. Turning to the rest of the people at the table he said: "Hey. I'm sorry for the disturbance. Maxwell's always been this excitable. Come on Maxwell. Stop annoying the lady."
The Zorua next to Buck back rolled his eyes and sighed as he held up a piece of paper reading "Bump-into-hello cliché". -
The Gardevoir turned with a puzzled expression... by
on 2015-05-31 17:26:00 UTC
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...to the Jolteon. "No, I'm not. An who you might be? And who is this 'Owen' for that matter?"
"Owen is the Lucario from the Courtyard," replied the Nurse, who then turned to the newly arrived waiter. "Oh! Thank you for coming. A vodka for me, a... Jasmine tea? --Shui-Hua nodded in agreement-- Yes, a jasmine tea for the Technician, and a Oran Berry Juice for the Gardevoir."
Maya, who was thoughtful during that, finally telepathically spoke, "Oh! Now I remember. Miss Corinna, he had reminded me of someone else..."
"Do not mention him. It took me a long time to leave behind the night--" Corinna notices the Skiddo and kneels next to him to get a closer look. "This is interesting. I have never seen one of your kind before."
Shui-Hua, meanwhile, feeling a little uncomfortable with all of this, noticed Tacitus' note, and whispered to him, "Yeah I think so, and speaking of clichés, ever heard of The Third Wheel? Yeah, I feel like that right now." -
Buck raised an eyebrow. by
on 2015-05-31 17:39:00 UTC
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"You've never seen a Pokémon before?" He looked from the Nurse to Maya. "You sure about that?"
Tacitus had scribbled another note and waved in in Buck's face. "Skiddos, pudding-for-brains."
Maxwell approached Shui-Hua and sat down next to her. "What? How are you, like, a wheel and a number? Aren't more wheels better or something? Benoît once said something about 'weight distribution' or something like that..."
Upon hearing those words Tacitus sighed. I'm surrounded by idiots, he thought to himself. -
The Nurse chuckled amused. by
on 2015-05-31 18:12:00 UTC
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"Of course I have! And I have seen them closer than you think. But that is not what I meant, I have never seen one of your species before, and--" Notices Tacitus' note. "Uh? 'Skiddos'? That is your species name? Never heard it before."
Shui-Hua blinked, slowly removed her glasses, pinched the bridge of her nose, groaned, and muttered to herself, "Can someone ask the waiter to add a hint of sake to my tea...?"
Maya, outraged for being ignored, pulled Maxwell's ear to make him face her. "Hey, you did not answer my question. And tell me who is Victoria too."
The Nurse glared to the Gardevoir, and warned, "Maya..."
Maya released the Jolteon's ear. "Sorry Miss..."
((Sorry, but Maya the Gardevoir has a very bad temper...)) -
Maxwell scooted away from the Gardevoir. by
on 2015-05-31 18:35:00 UTC
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He stuck his tongue out and blew a raspberry for good measure once he was safely behind Buck. "You're mean. I'm not going to answer that."
Ignoring the drama on the side, Buck answered the Nurse's question: "Just 'Skiddo'. We evolve into Gogoat later on. Say... Have you ever been to Kalos? 'Cause that's where we come from."
Meanwhile, Tacitus had maneuvered himself so that he sat between Maya and Maxwell. He eyed the Gardevoir suspiciously while occasionally glancing behind his back to make sure Maxwell wasn't going to do something stupid. -
"Fascinating... Though, I can not say I have gone there..." by
on 2015-05-31 18:57:00 UTC
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Replied Corinna, "In fact, I can not quite say I have heard it before. Maybe because it was an isolationist country, much like Unova." She then heard Maxwell's raspberry, and shot a death glare to Maya, who winced.
Turning to the Pokémon before her, she smiled and said, "Åh, dumt mig! I have not asked you your names. Can you tell them to me?" She glared Maya again. "Do not worry, the mean Gardevoir will not do anything bad to you."
Maya then gulped and lowered her gaze ashamed. -
"Oh! That's right." by
on 2015-05-31 21:23:00 UTC
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Buck cleared his throat. "I'm Buck. This here is my partner, Maxwell. We're both in Internal Affairs. That over there is Tacitus. He's in DoI." The Zorua puffed his chest a bit at the mention of his name.
"Well then, nice meeting you..." by
on 2015-06-01 02:45:00 UTC
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"... Buck, Maxwell and Tacitus." The Nurse bowed her head. "Now Maxwell, you said there was something happening with Owen, what is it? I know he had fight with... Buck, right? It has something to do with the fallout of those actions?"
((I apologize for the incredibly tardy response.)) by
on 2015-06-02 02:23:00 UTC
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Maxwell's eyes darted from left to right. "Well, erm... It's just that it's... um... kinda private an' I don't wanna talk about it right now..."
Buck nodded. "You were there, right? I saw you talking off to that man in the distance. Yes, it has to do with my fight with Owen. That's all I'm saying."
Tacitus pulled out a second notebook from the little vest he wore. It was blue and had a label reading "Phrasebook" stuck on the front. The Zorua flipped to a dog-eared page that said: "If you want to know the whole story, I can sell you the information." Tacitus flipped to another page. "Selling information for money. Interested yes/no?" -
(Aw, what the heck? Count me in!) by
on 2015-05-31 00:08:00 UTC
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(I've been meaning to introduce some new characters anyway, so yeah.
Allow me to introduce Agents Whitney and Backslash, from the DMS - VG Division! I'm almost done with their first mission, do that should be ready probably by next week.)
While Valon and Kala looked over the menu, they didn't notice - yet - that the table next to them was already being occupied. A young woman with a gray ponytail, pure white skin, a light blue tank top, and gray comfy pants sat down in the chair right behind Valon. Her partner, a short teenaged blond Homs with a red and purple scarf and red and dark gray clothes, took his seat opposite her.
"All right, now that we're here," said the woman, "what do you want to order?"
"I've never been to this place, honestly," said the male agent mused aloud. "I wonder what sort of food they serve here?"
"Anything, I'll bet, as long as it's healthy," the woman replied. "Though knowing your appetite, I guess the last bit's not relevant."
"I honestly don't like vegetables that much," the boy said with a shrug. "But other than that..."
"Now now, Backslash, you need your nutrients. Perhaps a salad to start off?"
The Homs facepalmed with a snicker. "You’re embarrassing me, Whitney... Seriously..."
- New Rudi's RP! by on 2015-05-30 23:37:00 UTC Link to this
I must share this. by
on 2015-05-31 12:05:00 UTC
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This is a webcomic that's absolutely breathtaking. The colors are stunning, the plot's amazing, and the characters are so 3-dimensional that you could almost reach out and touch them. It's called 'The Property of Hate', but don't let the odd title deter you. When I started reading it, I thought that it was very in spirit with some of the PPC concepts.
I... really can't say any more about it. Except that Hero is adorable and so is RGB, in a way.
Just go read it! -
I am so glad you posted this. by
on 2015-06-01 22:39:00 UTC
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Truly, I am. This comic is delightful. I spent a couple hours last night reading it straight through to the most recent page and don't regret it one bit. The characters and world it presents are so pretty and so imaginative. I feel a distinct similarity Peter Pan or Alice in Wonderland, both of which I adore. I love it.
It should be noted though, that the link you gave us is outdated. The comic, along with a number of other assorted works by the same author, is currently hosted here. I'd recommend anyone who enjoyed this comic take a look at her other stuff because all of it is wonderful (even if much of it is still unfinished). -
on 2015-05-31 23:56:00 UTC
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I second sharing this comment. by
on 2015-05-31 14:07:00 UTC
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Also, Alleb; it's perfectly clean (as far as I recall). Even the curses aren't too heavy. X)
That, and the protagonist is a child, so... :P -
Thank ya! (nm) by
on 2015-05-31 21:33:00 UTC
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*COMIC, gosh. :X (nm) by
on 2015-05-31 16:54:00 UTC
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The link doesnÂ’t work by
on 2015-05-31 13:55:00 UTC
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Advice: Always check links in the preview.
It is here.
And to Alleb: It looks good to me. Give it a try.
HG -
Thank you! (nm) by
on 2015-05-31 21:35:00 UTC
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If I may- by
on 2015-05-31 12:16:00 UTC
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is it fairly clean, in terms of language and content? Because it sounds great, and I would like to read it.
Shall we add this concept to the PPC? by
on 2015-05-31 12:53:00 UTC
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I think it works perfectly, especially with some badifcs that share the same cliches -
*laughter* by
on 2015-05-31 13:43:00 UTC
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Now how would that work, exactly? Would a giant cow show up or something?
O___O That's genius! by
on 2015-05-31 13:56:00 UTC
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Seriously though, I have no idea yet :D Just checking if people are for or against the concept.
Well, you have my vote! by
on 2015-05-31 22:39:00 UTC
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That is seriously the only thing that I've seen all day that has made me chuckle. So, yeah, I'm definitely in favour of this.
Variants of canons in other continua by
on 2015-05-31 17:25:00 UTC
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What is the PPC's stance on the variations of World 1 canons as written in other 'verses? I'd be surprised if the Mystverse version of Tony Hillerman hadn't mentioned the Amad (Atrus' mother's people, whose historical territory would not have been that far from that of the Navajo) at least once in his detective fiction. Also, in the Whoniverse version of Star Trek, "Specter of the Gun" would be different because the writer of "The Gunfighters" made a number of historical mistakes.
That is a cool idea! by
on 2015-06-01 15:07:00 UTC
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I've been trying to come up with other examples. One interesting situation I thought of involves Fahrenheit 451. Would it still exist in Thursday Next's version of Earth? After all, our version of Ray Bradbury wrote it in response to his observation that people were becoming less attentive and thoughtful, surely not a danger in Next's book-obsessed culture. So would the Nextian Bradbury still write it at all? Would it come about as alternate history horror, instead of the speculative science fiction it was in our world?
I don't know if such alternate publications would be useful to the PPC, but it could be fun to rewrite a short section of such a book to see what it might look like! -
Does it need one? by
on 2015-06-01 09:49:00 UTC
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Current Multiverse Theory would say that, under the so-called Compromise Theory, the real Star Trek universe has, by way of Abstract Canonical Entanglement, created* versions of itself which are linked to World One, the Whoniverse, and so on.
*The Division of Applied-and-theoretical Multiversal Physics would like to make it clear that universes are not considered sentient under most versions of Multiverse Theory.
But... until a Doctor Who episode features Star Trek fanfic (which would be hilarious), I'm not sure they need to worry about it? There's no application of the theory, and the PPC is all about applications.
hS -
Thete did teach a girl the Vulcan salute in "Fear Her". (nm) by
on 2015-06-02 15:33:00 UTC
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Great, want to do a cowrite on that missi-- oh no wait. (nm) by
on 2015-06-02 15:48:00 UTC
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*Has a birthday...* by
on 2015-05-31 18:09:00 UTC
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Celebrates with chocolate, more canon to read, and friends. ^^
A bit late, but happy birthday! *tosses Spikes* by
on 2015-06-01 02:50:00 UTC
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How old are you now, BTW?
Thankies! *Catches Spikes with gloves* by
on 2015-06-01 14:43:00 UTC
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And I'm 18 now - plus I graduate in two weeks, so those dates line up nicely. ^^
In commeration of completing another cycle of the sun. by
on 2015-05-31 21:37:00 UTC
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*rifles deep within hoard*
Have many small and debatable animate origami avains, reptiles and pachyderms.
Happy Birthday, may your festivities be hobbit like in their joy. -
Origami! ^^ And they move on their OWN! by
on 2015-05-31 22:01:00 UTC
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Thank you, Baroom!
*Puts these on her bedside dresser.* -
*shoves unbirthday cake behind back* by
on 2015-05-31 21:28:00 UTC
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A merry birthday to you! Er, Happy Christmas! I mean- uh.. Happy New Year?
Oh, right! Happy birthday! Here's some ice cream to go with your not-a-lie cake! -
Ice Cream! :D by
on 2015-05-31 22:02:00 UTC
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I just had some at Dairy Queen...
Thank you very much! ^.^ -
Ч™Ч•Чќ Ч”Ч•ЧњЧ“ЧЄ by
on 2015-05-31 20:46:00 UTC
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That is, 'yom huledet same'akh' - happy birthday! Many happy returns!
I know that one! ^^ by
on 2015-05-31 22:03:00 UTC
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I always tried to sing that in Latin class - even though we sung something different in there - "Felix Natalis Tibi!"
But I learned this one first. :)
Thank you, Des! -
Happy birthday! by
on 2015-05-31 20:07:00 UTC
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Here's a great collab from one of my favorite Let's Play channels!
*Stares. So much Mario Party* Thankies! ^^ (nm) by
on 2015-05-31 20:26:00 UTC
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Grab a chair, boys! We got another bucket kicker! by
on 2015-05-31 19:35:00 UTC
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Have this one on me!
Happy Birthday my olde friend.
It seems this horror show will never end.
Any moment's your last breath,
Here is to another day closer to death~! -
Niiiice. XD Thank you! (nm) by
on 2015-05-31 19:37:00 UTC
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Happy Birthday! Have some cake. by
on 2015-05-31 18:46:00 UTC
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Don't worry, it ISN'T a lie. ;)
N'aww. ^^ Thankies! *Accepts cake* (nm) by
on 2015-05-31 18:53:00 UTC
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Happy birthday! *cakefetti* by
on 2015-05-31 18:43:00 UTC
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Have the Iximaz Birthday Song!
*blows noisemakers* -
Thank you! :D *Is covered in cakefetti* (nm) by
on 2015-05-31 18:53:00 UTC
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I'm outlining a book I hope to publish, so... by
on 2015-05-31 18:54:00 UTC
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I need feedback on the hookline. How to make it straight to the point, if it's interesting, if it's too wordy, etcetera. Here it is:
An exiled swordsman faces many forms of darkness and secrets that will change his life and the world forever.
I feel like it could be better, but I can't figure out exactly what to write. -
As Desdendelle said, it's very cliche. by
on 2015-05-31 21:34:00 UTC
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It's also extremely vague. The line put me in mind of clickbait article titles: "An exiled swordsman faces many forms of darkness and secrets that will change his life and the world forever. Find out what those secrets were here!"
Also, I'm a little unclear as to what you mean by "hookline." I associate hooks in writing with a line or section at the very beginning of the story that draws the reader in. Something that makes them want to read. What you seem to be looking for is a one-line summation. If that is the case, then you actually need to say something about the plot. Something like:
"Zaahira Kazemi, a young woman with a college degree struggling to find a job, becomes a henchman for a costumed criminal."
"A foppish layabout from a wealthy family stumbles upon a conspiracy involving smuggled dwarven weapons and mage-hunters."
There's got to be some meat on those bones, if you follow me.
PC -
Ah, good point. Thanks. Let me think... (nm) by
on 2015-05-31 22:15:00 UTC
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Well... by
on 2015-05-31 20:43:00 UTC
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The first things that springs to mind is 'that's cliché, how is this book any different than any other fantasy book?' Unfortunately, I can't offer anything positive without knowing anything about the book.