Like the title says - I'm looking for someone willing to beta my Permission request.
Canons involved are Fate/Stay Night, Attack on Titan, and Fallout (specifically, Fallout 3). However, I wouldn't mind having someone who's not familiar with the canons take a look at it, to make sure that everything's clear enough. And of course, to point out any fixes needed to spelling/grammar/overall writing clarity.
If you're interested in taking a look, reply and let me know your gmail account, if you have one, so I can share it with you.
Looking for Permission Beta by
on 2015-05-01 14:42:00 UTC
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I think I've got enough people (nm) by
on 2015-05-01 19:12:00 UTC
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I can help! by
on 2015-05-01 18:58:00 UTC
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I've read quite a bit about AoT, so, well, you called for a canon expert? c: (Well, for one of the continua involved, anyway! ^^;)
My address is my Boarder name (at) gmail (dot) com. -
Thanks! (nm) by
on 2015-05-01 19:13:00 UTC
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If you want another set of eyes as well... by
on 2015-05-01 18:56:00 UTC
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I'll be happy to take a look as well. You can reach me at
evilaiuberoverlord at the Google -
Thanks! (nm) by
on 2015-05-01 19:11:00 UTC
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Put me in, coach! =] by
on 2015-05-01 15:41:00 UTC
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I don't know the first thing about any of the canons, but I'm pretty good about story flow and sentence structure, and I'm an occasional
bottle-dodgerstand-up comic so I know how jokes work. I'd be only too happy to take a look!
--Scapegrace, who somehow got Permission at the first time of asking. =] -
What's your email? (nm) by
on 2015-05-01 16:33:00 UTC
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I'm a derp. by
on 2015-05-01 17:09:00 UTC
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harry heath ninety-nine at that service where the mail is hot. =]
Thanks! (nm) by
on 2015-05-01 17:47:00 UTC
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Okay, so. by
on 2015-05-01 18:47:00 UTC
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I've left a few comments, but mostly? I think you can be proud of what you've got. The conceit for the story you've got is inventive and has a lot of potential, and your writing style tells me you can deliver on the promise. Weird gun trivia and politics aside, your characters are decent people who I think could do well, and I look forward to seeing your mission completed!
This is also one of the few times I've been interested in anything regarding Attack On Why Is Everything Brown?, so kudos for that too. =]
To all Doctor Who fans... by
on 2015-05-02 06:12:00 UTC
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We watched the first two episodes. By we I mean my whole family except my two youngest siblings. By first two episodes I mean the first two from the 2005 revamp season and onwards.
First episode: I am now freaked out.
Second episode: I am quite impressed.
The cast is fantastic, and I loved the theme music only a few seconds after it began playing. So yeah, it's pretty good so far. My dad couldn't stop laughing.
By the way, when does this first revamp Doctor die? What episode does he die in? I just want to know the episode number, nothing else please. I don't want to look it up for fear I'll get too many spoiler details. -
on 2015-05-05 14:31:00 UTC
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OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH AHhhhhhhHhhh Ok I know Rose is annoying at first but then you'll grow to love her so much oh god asdfghjkl;lkrjfhvxbca oh god ROSE ROSE
^^And that is a prime example of what Doctor Who does to a person! Don't watch it at night though, it can be really scary. -
Meh. by
on 2015-05-05 18:11:00 UTC
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I don't really like Rose: I found her to be rather boring, actually. I just really hate it whenever the Doctor is given a romance arc: yet another reason 12 is the best Doctor we've had in a while.
Now, Donna on the other hand... -
Scapeball can into disagreement. by
on 2015-05-06 00:07:00 UTC
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I think every companion comes to love the Doctor, in different ways, because there's a lot of different kinds of love. Hell, the smartest thing Homestuck ever did was recognise that there's at least four (and it cribbed that from a GCSE RS lesson). It's there when they keep coming back to him, it's there when Sarah Jane and Jo waited and waited, it's there in people who barely even met him want to come away with him. You live him. And if the stars are coming right, and the wind's in the west, then he might just love you back.
Time Lords touch the world lightly. They have to. They're like Tolkien's elves; immortal, save by the hand of another or themselves. They're also like Greek gods, in a way; proud and strong, but flawed, and not always right, and not always even good. We're all aware of what Greek gods did repeatedly to mortals (in a variety of positions and with dubious regard for consent), too, so it fits that way as well. The Doctor needed someone to love, because a pet theory of mine is that he sees Earth as a Gallifrey that doesn't have to go wrong, even more so in NuWho; he fell in love with the planet, and especially after losing everything, he wants to love someone. That someone is Rose, and I can't think of anyone more suitable.
Of course it doesn't last. Things don't. But things aren't always beautiful because they last, to correct the line from Age Of Ultron. Sometimes they're beautiful because they're a girl stuck in a loop waiting for something to happen, and then it does. Rose is normal. Rose is a London girl who worked in a department store. Rose is just as messed up as the rest of us, and she's needy, and a little clingy at times... and she's smart, and she's courageous, and she wins. In a small way. She gets the life she wants.
Time Lords touch the worlds they visit only lightly.
Worlds are allowed to touch them back. -
What would Scapeball look like? (nm) by
on 2015-05-08 02:50:00 UTC
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Oh look, a mini-Boarder. (nm) by
on 2015-05-08 14:51:00 UTC
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Wow. by
on 2015-05-08 20:30:00 UTC
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I just churn out those guys, don't I?
Well put. by
on 2015-05-06 02:17:00 UTC
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You have a very good point about love and the Doctor's relationship with Earth and its inhabitants. I never thought about it that way.
It's more of a personal thing. Whenever I see love or romance or something on TV or in a book my brain just disconnects and I can't really relate to the situation. It really sucks because a) love is everywhere and b) not even my favourite TV show is safe from this. The concept of love is not even logical, either. -
on 2015-05-06 09:19:00 UTC
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Will anyone be safe from the terrifying disease of -- LOVE?
(srsly tho you have no idea how much you're sounding like a character from a b-movie rn) -
Meh x2 combo. by
on 2015-05-06 14:08:00 UTC
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I just look at the entire situation and realize that it's another iteration of the prisoner's dilemma. The Nash equilibrium sits at "defect" instead of "cooperate": it's safer to keep to yourself than showing a vulnerable side in any situation.
Translation: by
on 2015-05-06 14:47:00 UTC
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"I read Baby's First Logical Thought Experiments and think I came to some interesting conclusions."
This conversation is not even remotely worth continuing. -
[Prods] Be nice. by
on 2015-05-06 14:52:00 UTC
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If there's a logical hole in SeaTurtle's position, point it out - politely. Don't flip over to behaviour that can be read as 'I wash my hands of you puny mortals'. ^_~
hS -
Okay. Fine. A question, then: by
on 2015-05-06 15:33:00 UTC
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SeaTurtle, do you in any way identify as asexual or aromantic?
Nope. by
on 2015-05-06 15:42:00 UTC
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Not sure what my sexual orientation has to do with this but I'm not asexual or anything.
Then lemme break it down. by
on 2015-05-06 16:08:00 UTC
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Your little logic puzzle approach to love is immensely disrespectful to people who are asexual or aromantic. You're reducing them to the level of the damned Prisoner's Dilemma, and while this may not have been your intent, I'm not of a mind that that makes it okay.
I also get that human speech in any language isn't especially good at expressing really complex stuff about... well, about much of anything, when you get down to it. That's why we have to invent new words all the time. But you taking the stance that love is just a Nash equilibrium when there have been more studies and papers written on it than you've had hot dinners? Disrespectful, self-satisfied, and totally bloody asinine.
I'm out. -
I'd've thought... by
on 2015-05-06 16:23:00 UTC
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... it was more disrespectful to people who aren't a-whatnot, since it consists of claiming they fail at basic logic?
But since this is clearly a button-pushing issue, I agree with your decision to voluntarily end the conversation. I'm sorry if I pushed you back into it.
hS -
So I leave for lunch... by
on 2015-05-06 17:56:00 UTC
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...and come back to me being disrespectful towards asexuals. I'm not too sure about that: they're not looking to pursue relationships so they don't have to deal with the Prisoner's Dilemma model, right?
Anyways, I'd just like to clear up my logic to prevent any further misunderstandings: I don't get why people pursue romantic relationships because it's far too easy to get hurt. Seriously: the odds are stacked against you. That's why I'm saying that it's not logical-- why are people fighting battles where they almost certainly won't win? Mad props to those who succeed, though: they're the real heroes here.
...aaaaaand that's pretty much all I have to say on the issue. Let's wrap it up here and move on. -
As someone who recently WAS hurt by one... by
on 2015-05-06 18:23:00 UTC
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That's a risk you take in a relationship. Yes, the odds are stacked against you. Yes, you will probably go through some very difficult things. But finding the right person and making it work, even if it is short-lived, can be the most wonderful feeling in the world. It's a deep connection unlike anything else in the world, and while it may be illogical and baffling to explain, it's just another aspect of life.
If you go into a relationship with a mindset of "this may be doomed to fail" or "everything will be perfect", you just end up sabotaging yourself. Simply enjoy the time you have with that person. Even if it doesn't work out, chances are you'll learn from the experience and be more prepared for the next time.
People fight these battles because of the potential for a lasting connection. Some risks are worth taking.
Anyway, just my two cents on this. I hope this won't reignite the issue... I just wanted to say something. -
Do let's. I can feel my brain begin to self-destruct. (nm) by
on 2015-05-06 18:09:00 UTC
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*Wisks away the mini-Boarder* (nm) by
on 2015-05-05 18:12:00 UTC
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Especially "Blink". by
on 2015-05-05 16:32:00 UTC
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The first time I watched that one was at a sleepover with a friend. In the middle of the night. When we went to bed, we kept staring at this little angel statue she had before finally putting it outside and locking the door. XD
The first New Who episode I watched... by
on 2015-05-05 22:30:00 UTC
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Was "The Impossible Planet", over my dad's shoulder. I scared the living lights out of me, and I didn't even watch it at night or something.
Oh god, the Ood. by
on 2015-05-05 22:48:00 UTC
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Now those are high-octane nightmare fuel creatures right there.
Hivemind, guys. Never a good idea. -
Nonono, that creature from "Midnight". by
on 2015-05-06 00:15:00 UTC
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Something that can take over people's minds and start predicting what others will say before they say it is terrifying enough, but considering we never found out what it was? Nothing Is Scarier, indeed.
The best villain. by
on 2015-05-06 03:11:00 UTC
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I would have to say the scariest villains were definitely the Cybermen. They're tough, they assimilate you, and they really are the antithesis of humanity.
...where was I? Right, why the Daleks are the best villains. You see, the Daleks can never truly stay dead. They just keep coming back, and they hate everything. What could possibly be scarier than facing them? yeah, that's why The Master takes the title of best villain. He's pretty much the Anti-Doctor.
Anyway, that's why I hate Weeping Angels. -
Leave it to Doctor Who... by
on 2015-05-06 17:56:00 UTC
Link to this make forgetting why you walked into a room scary.
...huh. Never thought about it that way. by
on 2015-05-06 18:09:00 UTC
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Well, thanks for making me super-paranoid, because that happens to me ALL THE TIME.
*looks at all the tallies on her arm* Huh... (nm) by
on 2015-05-06 18:14:00 UTC
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Ooh, I have an unread message! ...this is my number. What? (nm) by
on 2015-05-06 18:24:00 UTC
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A question... by
on 2015-05-04 06:37:00 UTC
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Do you madly ship 9/Rose yet? Because you either do or you don't by the end of the first few episodes. I'm one of the ones who do, but each to their own...
The first revamp Doctor is actually called 9th by
on 2015-05-02 10:53:00 UTC
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or... 10th, but that's a story for another day.
Still, the episode you are looking for is the last episode of season 1 "The Parting of the Ways."
So, what is Your opinion on Christoper Eccleston so far? :D -
Okay, tenth. Good to know. by
on 2015-05-02 13:55:00 UTC
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Well... Witty, really really funny with a dry, sarcastic humor, though his face would say otherwise. His face is too cheery for the character's type of humor, but I don't know wether that's good or bad. He smiles so much it's clear he's having a blast in the role. But when he's serious, get out of the way, people. He murders with angry eyes... Or at least his funny completely vanishes.
And he looks kinda cute, in my opinion.
But anyway, yeah, he's a good actor. If he's the tenth, then I'm interested in how the rest of the Doctors will be like, how he'll be potrayed down the line.
Whatever happened to that poor alien janitor? I liked her. :( I know, I know, she most likely died. So good thing to know: There are aliens who have European ancestry in the future. But none of the other aliens sounded British/English/whatever the term is, I honestly don't know what the proper label is. -
To avoid general confusion, better call Chris the 9th by
on 2015-05-02 14:17:00 UTC
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After the 50th Anniversary Special Episode, their timeline gets a little messed up, but, at the beginning - until season 7 I believe - Chris was the Ninth Doctor. Personally, my favorite, as of now, is Twelfth :D
Anyway, have a great marathon - maybe?. I am also very curious about your reactions to future episodes :D
- -
Fridge Brilliance: He's the Ninth Doctor... by
on 2015-05-02 12:50:00 UTC
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Because the War Doctor didn't consider himself worthy of the title "Doctor" that he'd picked.
Yeah, but... (SPOILERS) by
on 2015-05-02 21:23:00 UTC
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He's the tenth incarnation of the Time Lord commonly known as 'the Doctor'. Besides, Hurt's character is usually referred to as the War Doctor... which is still calling him a Doctor. He's either a Doctor or not; you can't have it both ways.
(This always gets me annoyed, sorry.) -
Spoiler-ino! :D But I have an idea, how to talk about it by
on 2015-05-02 13:54:00 UTC
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Jryy, gur Jne Qbpgbe va gur raq erpbtavmrq uvzfrys nf gur Qbpgbe, bayl ur qbrfa'g erzrzore gung. Va "Gur Gvzr bs gur Qbpgbe", Pynen fnlf gung Fzvgu vf gur 11gu, naq ur ercyvrf "Ner jr sbetrggvat Ze. Tehzcl?" juvpu jbhyq znxr uvz qr snpgb 12gu naq 11gu bayl qr vhqb.
Use the Ceasar Cipher to talk about spoilers! :3 -
To make life easy by
on 2015-05-03 19:51:00 UTC
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Here is an online tool that will decrypt it for you. But I agree, just mark spoilers as such.
Ow, my head. by
on 2015-05-03 15:06:00 UTC
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This is worse than finding that the book you're reading is half-textspeak (actually happened to me once). Let's just stick to marking spoilers, OK?
Oh... a mini? Does this count as a mini? (nm) by
on 2015-05-02 10:54:00 UTC
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This is an important anniversary for Potterheads... by
on 2015-05-02 13:55:00 UTC
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2nd May 1998: The Battle of Hogwarts, the end of the Second Wizarding War and the downfall of Voldemort.
Seventeen years to the day. -
"Lumos!" by
on 2015-05-04 06:38:00 UTC
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*raises wand*
Speaking of which... by
on 2015-05-02 18:00:00 UTC
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Does anyone know what other anniversary this date is for? Hint: "I open at the close."
Don't look further down unless you want to know the answer.
This is the day Rowling published the first book in the series. -
Er... no it's not. by
on 2015-05-02 21:00:00 UTC
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"Since the release of the first novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, on 30 June 1997, the books have gained immense popularity, critical acclaim and commercial success worldwide."
You're out by nearly two months. -
Wikipedia says something else by
on 2015-05-02 21:24:00 UTC
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"The book, which was Rowling's debut novel, was published on 26 June 1997 by Bloomsbury in London."
Huh, this is very weird. by
on 2015-05-02 23:59:00 UTC
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Wikipedia is where I got 30th June from. One of the dates must be wrong... bt either way, it's at the end of June.
I did some digging by
on 2015-05-03 19:47:00 UTC
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From a few other sources, 30 June 1997 seems to be the date of UK Publication. Scholastic (US Publisher) was in September.
I'd raise my wand as well... by
on 2015-05-02 17:16:00 UTC
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*raises wa- crap* by
on 2015-05-02 15:28:00 UTC
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*scuttles off into the distance hiding forearm*
O__O Oh, motherducker! CHARGE! (nm) by
on 2015-05-02 15:55:00 UTC
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For ontological inertiaaaaaaaa! =] (nm) by
on 2015-05-03 01:09:00 UTC
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*raises wand* by
on 2015-05-02 14:21:00 UTC
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*raises wand to thew sky* (nm) by
on 2015-05-02 13:55:00 UTC
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Permission Request! Round 2! by
on 2015-05-02 16:12:00 UTC
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Fight!... Wait... What... *clears throat* Anyway, here I go again. No speech this time, speeeches bring bad luck.
Question for senior members! by
on 2015-05-03 16:46:00 UTC
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What are thoughts on using stuff from the Newbie Gifts recieved in the Welcome Threads? Because there are some things that I received, that I would like to use in my stories.
A good rule of thumb. by
on 2015-05-06 08:08:00 UTC
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If it's meant to be decorative or as a means to build your characters, I would say go ahead. If you're using it to give your characters an advantage over the Sues (like it's some sort of special anti-Sue weapon), that would be a bit more questionable in my eyes.
Also, come up with a good in-universe reason as to why your agents might have such a thing. Saying it was a welcoming present is both a bit uncreative and slightly blurring the lines between us and our creations. Who knows? Maybe the explanation will spur further stories. -
I've mentioned/used a few before... (nm) by
on 2015-05-04 23:33:00 UTC
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Well... by
on 2015-05-03 17:36:00 UTC
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If I remember correctly, the consensus is 'go right ahead'. Of course, if I'm wrong, go ahead and correct me, guys.
Sounds right to me. by
on 2015-05-03 21:55:00 UTC
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I winterly carried over a tribble.
And then things happened to summerise the tribble, but it lost a lot of its substance. I think it had to do with Budapest or the Hulk.
(This is what happens when autocorrect happens and then TE takes the phone).
Seriously, though, I did definitely carry over a tribble.
Re: Sounds right to me. by
on 2015-05-03 21:57:00 UTC
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*slow clap* (nm) by
on 2015-05-03 22:38:00 UTC
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Not me, I promise. by
on 2015-05-05 23:56:00 UTC
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But I'm kind of enjoying this stepping down (up?) effect.
Great job! I'm gonna be next! Just you wait! :D (nm) by
on 2015-05-02 18:48:00 UTC
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Congratulations! by
on 2015-05-02 18:42:00 UTC
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*Thows Permission Party*
*puts on hat* by
on 2015-05-02 16:31:00 UTC
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As before, all my earlier points stand: You have interesting characters, you've been around long enough that I feel I have a good idea of what you're like, and you can tell a story. As for your SPaG?
Very good this time. I did notice a few minor typos, but it's infinitely much better than last time. One thing I will flag up is that you seem to like bolding words when your characters speak to add emphasis. You might want to try avoiding that, but otherwise well done. So, it is my pleasure to say Permission granted! -
Yaaay~ by
on 2015-05-03 13:24:00 UTC
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Congrats on getting Permission, Edhelistar! I should probably start writing my request, since I've got my agent concepts pretty much figured out... Though I'll probably not have the courage to post it anyway. :P
As a gift, have this plate of Pancakes-With-Way-Too-Much-Sugar! I was trying to make eggnog, but I had a fortunate accident. No Suvian flavouring this time, my provider closed. (Something about "health and safety concerns", or some boring stuff like that) -
Thanks for the pancakes! by
on 2015-05-03 16:02:00 UTC
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Also, I'm siding with Desdendelle on this, I know you can do it! Have faith with yourself and present your request, I'm sure you'll get Permission in no time!
Up and at 'em, dood! by
on 2015-05-03 14:37:00 UTC
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I, for one, have confidence in your abilities and am looking forward to reading your Permission stuff.
Thank you very, very much! by
on 2015-05-03 04:19:00 UTC
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And thanks to everyone that congratulated me! In celebration, I declare the Danger Room, free to use for everyone! No questions asked!
(After all is just a large Standard Mandalorian Iron-covered Blast Chamber from DoSAT-T&A, modified with Capital Ship-class force fields, Hard Light projectors and a videogame AI [Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, Very Hard, Insane and Suicidal difficulty levels available].) -
Congrats on joining the ranks! by
on 2015-05-03 03:19:00 UTC
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Now you just need the uniform--what am I saying, those went out ages ago.
Looking forward to seeing your characters in action!
/rolls out in desk chair, tossing squares of Swiss Bleepolate like confetti/
~DF -
Congrats!!! by
on 2015-05-02 21:56:00 UTC
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I plan on submitting my own... eventually. I have a good idea of my agents at the moment, so who knows
Congratulations! by
on 2015-05-02 20:23:00 UTC
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*blows noisemaker* *gives peanut butter cookies* I look forward to reading your missions!
Good job! by
on 2015-05-02 17:57:00 UTC
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I'm still tweaking my own agents, not entirely comfortable with them yet...
Congratulations! by
on 2015-05-02 17:49:00 UTC
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Very well done! I look forward to seeing your agents in action.
I have but one nitpick: you mention a NATO-standard pistol as Yuna's weapon. NATO doesn't actually have a standard issue pistol-- ammunition is standardized (9x19mm Parabellum for pistols, 5.56x45mm or 7.62x51m for rifles) but not weapons. A quick look at Wikipedia's list of service pistols suggest that most NATO countries equip their soldiers with HK, SIG Sauer, or Glock 9mm pistols (with the notable exception of Belgium, which uses Fabrique Nationale's Five-seveN and its weird, tiny bullet). -
Huh... by
on 2015-05-03 04:03:00 UTC
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I did research that, but I don't know why I left it like that... probably because I could not choose a specific handgun and left it to be a Generic Handgun...
I'm a sucker for detail. by
on 2015-05-03 16:09:00 UTC
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After doing a bit of research, I found that Maria Hill is carries a Glock in the Avengers movie :
If you want to get into specifics, I think that it's a Glock 19-- a shortened version of the Glock 17. -
I love detail actually... by
on 2015-05-03 16:24:00 UTC
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... the more of it the better. And it seems we aren't the only ones:
"The Glock 19 is effectively a reduced-size Glock 17, called the "Compact" by the manufacturer. It was first produced in 1988, primarily for military and law enforcement."
Quote from Wikipedia. It seems also the guys that made The Avengers love their little details too.
And although Yuna doesn't come from the same continuum, the use of that weapon would make sense, so I'm going to keep it. -
Took a look at the Internet Movie Firearms Database by
on 2015-05-04 01:43:00 UTC
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Maria Hill's Weapon was at Glock 19. Further all Shield Agents used the Glock 19 as their standard weapon.
Wohooo *pops a party popper* by
on 2015-05-02 17:17:00 UTC
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Weeeeee! *throws 42 bags of confetti in the air*
*gets hit on the head with a bag of confetti* by
on 2015-05-03 16:32:00 UTC
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You know dude, I think is customary to take the confetti out of the bag before throwing it...
(o__o)???... says who? (nm) by
on 2015-05-03 17:16:00 UTC
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YAAAAAY! *tosses Spikes* by
on 2015-05-02 16:44:00 UTC
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I would've done a little more with the proofreading, but nice to see that you've improved since your first attempt. Good luck with your first mission! :D
Uh.... yes, the first mission! by
on 2015-05-03 04:00:00 UTC
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To the Batcave! *cue the Sixties Batman's Theme*
Agreed. by
on 2015-05-02 16:42:00 UTC
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I'd just like to add you should pay special attention to your SPaG and avoid ellipsis floods.
Conga Rats, dood.
Missioning nonstandard fanworks (comics, films, and so on) by
on 2015-05-03 06:17:00 UTC
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Fanfic makes up the great majority of fanworks, but it isn't all of it. There are a such thing as fancomics, fan movies, and other such nonstandard fan-ishness. Some of these qualify as badfic.
So, what alternations would be needed for a mission to fit into that medium? Has it been done before? How would the agents fit in? Would it even work?
I have a few ideas, but I'd like some input for a more cohesive set of rules. -
I have a little experience here, actually. by
on 2015-05-04 00:32:00 UTC
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I don't know if anyone else here plays Star Trek Online (usually just called STO) but I've seen some really bad foundry missions. The foundry is basically a thing that allows you to make your own missions. A... startlingly high amount of them are good, but that just means the bad ones stand out more. It might be possible to make a foundry mission that parodies another really bad mission, but without railroading, I'm not completely sure how this would work. I'm sure it could, but it would take some effort. Who knows, when I ask for Permission, I might try this out.
And fan comics would be easy enough, if you can match the art style of the badcomic author. Fan films aren't worth your time. Most of them are just really short flash animations drawn by a five-year-old. The big, long films tend to either be really good, or never completed. But I do encourage you to explore these mediums. It might end up as something wonderful. Or awful. Hopefully the former. -
That actually sounds really cool! by
on 2015-05-05 14:04:00 UTC
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I think that would be an amazing (although time consuming )idea!
And I just think it would be utterly fabulous if Agents had panel-ladders for comics that they can lay across the page and crawl up, skipping a few panels and maybe cover more distance? Or maybe the spaces between panels could be wormhole-like and send them to another panel. Oh gosh there are so many possibilities- *Fangirls* -
Panel-Ladders by
on 2015-05-08 04:21:00 UTC
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I am so stealing this idea if I ever mission HIBY.
comics could be dangerous by
on 2015-05-03 23:35:00 UTC
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Your agents could possibly be pulled into what's commonly refereed to as a boobs-and-butt pose, where there spines twist and impossible angles to show both their boobs and butts to the camera. It really hurts.
This is one of those things... by
on 2015-05-03 18:51:00 UTC
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...that pops up every couple of years or so. Unfortunately, it never goes anywhere due to the sheer amount of work involved. I'm not saying you shouldn't try, just that the success rate is pretty miserable. You should know what you're getting into.
Also, re. the Sonichu discussion, best just to leave it alone. Seems to me no good can come of messing with it.
~Neshomeh -
"How I Became Yours", anyone? by
on 2015-05-03 17:15:00 UTC
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(For those not in the know, this is what I'm talking about.)
That is definitely mission-worthy, but I don't know how you'd have agents going about in a comic medium, especially if you want to match the art 'style' of the fan comic you're sparking; not everyone has the artistic ability to do that. -
Wow. by
on 2015-05-05 12:09:00 UTC
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You've got to give credit to the person who drew it, though. They wrote it badly, but they drew it with style.
Except for... by
on 2015-05-06 01:57:00 UTC
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The backgrounds, which are mostly photographs,
The facial expressions, which are traced, really freaky, or repetitive (see Toph),
The bodies (just take a look at Azula, the first time we actually see her full body),
The proportions (Aang is horrifically stretched out),
And, last but not least,
Actually making the protagonists look like living people instead of cardboard cutouts. -
Not really, no. by
on 2015-05-05 13:29:00 UTC
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They traced most of their work and the characters reuse the same four facial expressions through the whole thing. You can really tell the parts that weren't traced because they reach Uncanny Valley.
Just a thought by
on 2015-05-04 23:35:00 UTC
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The thing with the comic is that the art is really just the same views of all of the characters copy and pasted over and over. It would actually be pretty easy to fake it and add in agents. The jarring factor of the comic already exists.
Another way to distinguish the agents, in this comic in particular, would be to draw them in black and white or have some sort of "plot hole" within the story that they could be looking in and out of.
The entire mission could be told in comic format, with the style of the agents established early on and carried through the comic. I know that this is kind of different than how written missions work but maybe comic works call for different protocols. -
Wow. I REALLY want to see someone take this on. by
on 2015-05-03 17:41:00 UTC
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I'd say the best way to go about would be to go in comic form, but as you stated, it would take a different type of artistic talent. I suppose one could take the actual panels and edit agents and events into them, but I have a feeling it would be more trouble than its worth. It would likely be awkward at best, and actively jarring at worst.
My ideas by
on 2015-05-03 21:07:00 UTC
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Well, I was thinking of just using a lot of screencaps in a regular PPC story, but with the added caveat that they could not appear in the actual art, because then they'd be noticed. They could mingle with background crowds, hide behind trees, and so on, but they couldn't be in the shot, nor do anything that would affect it (speaking loudly enough that they would get speech bubbles, for example) until it was time to kill/exorcise the Sue, at which point they'd use something like Peruvian Instant Darkness powder to conceal their actions from the audience.
It doesn't count if it's a character point of view (for example, a character looks directly at the metaphorical camera, and the (disguised) PPC agents are behind that viewpoint), unless the character would react strongly to their presence (say, if they were in orc disguise in a Lord of the Rings comic). -
Nah, I'd do it textually. by
on 2015-05-04 18:01:00 UTC
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For one thing, you could mock its shameless attitude to content creation by having them literally stitched onto a crappy bargain-bin background. For another, you can draw parallels to Time Lord art if you've got an agent familiar with Doctor Who. For a third, screw this thing up the hole it uses to micturate with an angry ferret covered in razor wire.
One could theoretically do it in literature form by
on 2015-05-03 19:22:00 UTC
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It would probably take a bit more description than might be typical, but it is theoretically possible
Fancomics should be relatively easy... by
on 2015-05-03 12:46:00 UTC
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... For someone who can at least decently draw. Making a mission in comic form would be pretty cool, IMO. You could have the pre- and post-mission in text, with the medium changing when the agents enter the badcomic. They could even complain about being badly drawn, if you can/want to (at least temporarily) draw them in roughly the same style as the badcomic. (There could even be a CAD setting for fixing that, as with tense shifts)
(I'm not gonna do that, though. I can't even draw a stickman properly.)
As for fan movies... Yeah, missioning them in the same medium would be much harder. Which is a pity, because some of this stuff definitely is mission material. (*cough* Dusk's Dawn *cough*) -
No idea by
on 2015-05-03 11:53:00 UTC
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To me, great parts of a mission’s appeal are the hilarious scenes the agents experience when the world interprets words that are ambiguous or just incomprehensible or don’t mean what the suethor believes them to mean. You obviously can’t do this in a visual medium. Can agents missioning a fanfilm read the words? Probably not, unless the sporker actually has access to the script, so there’s no reading ahead. In a comic, it may be fun to watch the agents stumble from panel to panel, but the inherent discontinuity is not a problem specific to badcomics.
I don’t know how to make it work; I only see problems there.
HG -
I would beg to differ on that last point. by
on 2015-05-03 15:58:00 UTC
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Not so much for live-action work (although there could be crappy visual effects), but for comics, art, most games, and animated fanfilms I'd say there's potential for badly-drawn things (especially those rendered symbolically) to cause problems, either because they are so badly-drawn it is impossible to figure out what they are, or because they retain their wonky shapes/colors/whatever when Agents manipulate them or move them into another environment or perspective.
Since somebody else already mentioned it, take Dusk's Dawn as an example: the Agents could wind up physically bumping into those floating evil Dusk heads, or the way the stretcher doesn't change position at all when dropped could cause the entire thing to actually manifest as a rigid object.
In general, distorted perspective could actually make things huge/tiny/lopsided, characters could keep their mutant proportions when seen from a different angle in assassination/otherwise-non-in-work scenes, etc. I remember from by aborted Sonichu 'fic that I planned to have this car brought out of the comic and become a three-dimensional object, whereupon it would constantly drift left ( -
A Sonichu mission... Oh, gods. by
on 2015-05-03 16:54:00 UTC
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That's either a really good or a really bad idea. I mean, aside from the fact that the author is autistic, his self-insert Stu character is so overpowered that taking him down would be almost impossible...
But it's just so bad! And a really good opportunity to try a mission in comic form. I mean, you don't even really need to be able to draw here, since matching the art style is achievable by a five-year-old.
(That being said, "Nuke the 'verse and run" being pretty much the only way to deal with... That... I'm not sure if it's exactly mission material.) -
Just a reminder about Suvian power... by
on 2015-05-03 23:02:00 UTC
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Sues and Stus are only as powerful as their stories are well-written, which is generally "not very." If their alleged power is a result of the author conveniently pushing the canon's rules and all potential story conflict out of the way, it's not real power at all. Never, ever feel that it's necessary to take a Suvian at their word.
Unless it's funny. Then go right ahead.
~Neshomeh -
I don't know if that would be a good idea... by
on 2015-05-03 17:46:00 UTC
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Considering how infamous that series and the saga of events around it was, I have a feeling that attempting to mission it would be a can of worms waiting to happen. It's... it's like the Cthulhu of badfic or fancomics - just gazing at it causes you to lose sanity by the second.
Hooo boy... by
on 2015-05-03 17:11:00 UTC
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I recall that my original reservations towards missioning Sonichu had less to do with how the author would react (I doubted he would ever even know about it) but more because the content of the comic was so objectionable in places (Issue 8, anyone?) that I was reluctant to even deal with the issues it raised.
Content by
on 2015-05-03 21:20:00 UTC
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Yeah, a mission to Sonichu would pretty much have to consist of the agents covering only the very general ideas (all the Gary Stus, the plagiarism, the protagonist-centered morality, the bigotry, the science and history fail, and the general terribleness of the everything) before portaling in a black hole and spaghettifying everything (I do have a suitable black hole in mind for the job if it ever comes to that).
Otherwise, not only would we be there for months and probably mishandle a lot of things (he deals with a lot of things that people have very strong opinions on), but the agents would go insane from prolonged exposure to horrific writing without some soothing destruction. Also, we'd discover if it was possible to die from bleeprin overdose, because I'm pretty sure whichever unlucky agents were assigned to the job would be trying for that. -
This is how I think OD-ing on bleeprin works: by
on 2015-05-07 00:36:00 UTC
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1) memory loss
2) total amnesia
3)inability to create new memories
4) becoming a living vegetable ^.^
5) DEATH. -
Looking back over it.... by
on 2015-05-05 16:56:00 UTC
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Looks like most of the really objectionable/divisive content is located later in the comic's run. I think it would actually be possible to do a mission that skipped most of it provided that the world died some time around Issue 7.
Happy Star Wars Day! by
on 2015-05-04 01:49:00 UTC
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May the Fourth be with you... always.
(It's May 4th over here in Britland.) -
I know it's late, but... Happy Star Wars Day! (nm) by
on 2015-05-08 03:28:00 UTC
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Star Wars Day!! by
on 2015-05-04 23:22:00 UTC
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(I've been waiting all day for the opportunity to do this. I am a terrible, terrible person.)
Wow! I love Star Wars. Spock is just so hottttt. -
Spock? by
on 2015-05-05 00:28:00 UTC
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I am so sorry, but you've driven me to this. :P by
on 2015-05-05 00:35:00 UTC
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And now for something completely different. by
on 2015-05-05 00:42:00 UTC
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The Dominion Carillonneur played the Star Wars theme on our Parliament's bells today. Have a listen!
You Canadians are bonkers but awesome. (nm) by
on 2015-05-05 17:50:00 UTC
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You're darn right. by
on 2015-05-05 18:07:00 UTC
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We also have a national anthem written in the two official languages and both of them don't even mean the same thing.
Have an ARR2-D2! by
on 2015-05-04 22:40:00 UTC
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I started watching yesterday... by
on 2015-05-04 09:56:00 UTC
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...and I'm rather liking it, so far. Although I keep laughing at the memes that I know. "THESE ARE NOT THE DROIDS YOU ARE LOOKING FOR."
If you can, watch them in order of release. by
on 2015-05-04 15:49:00 UTC
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The prequel trilogy gets a lot more flak than it it deserves, IMO. They were good, just... not AS good as the originals. They were trying too hard. The special effects are pretty cool, though. Also, how much you like or dislike Jar-Jar is dependent on your age and which movies you saw first. I grew up with the prequels first - I liked him when I was little, but dislike directly correlates to each year of age. He went from "haha, that guy is funny!" to "HOW HAS HE NOT GOTTEN HIMSELF AND EVERYONE ELSE KILLED BY NOW?!?" >:( He should have been squashed by the tank.
I've seen people recommend the order "4, 5, 2, 3, 6". (nm) by
on 2015-05-04 16:00:00 UTC
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Hmm, that seems about right. (nm) by
on 2015-05-04 18:54:00 UTC
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If it were me I would 4,5,6,1,2,3 by
on 2015-05-04 20:19:00 UTC
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This way you get the original uninterrupted first to get the exposure. Then you get the prequels. I would then recommend after finishing them start over with 1,2,3,4,5,6. And in my opinion Empire is by far the best of the six. And I think that Attack of the Clones is the weakest in the series. One is definitely the most kid friendly of them though. Because at the time I saw it originally 1999 I kind of liked Jar Jar. Now looking back on it Jar Jar just kind of irks me. But he is definitely a kid friendly character.
That's how I'm doing it. (nm) by
on 2015-05-04 23:13:00 UTC
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*gasp* by
on 2015-05-04 11:06:00 UTC
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You've never seen it before? Oh, man, you're in for a treat. Except for the prequel trilogy. I mean, that had its moments, but... Eh.
~Iximaz, who totally didn't used to love Jar-Jar as a kid, nope. -
All wings report in! by
on 2015-05-04 02:20:00 UTC
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Happy fourth of May! I'm really pumped for Episode VII: let's hope J.J. Abrams gets his act together and delivers.
While we're at it, I'd like to share a bit of Ralph McQuarrie's concept art for the Star Wars films. Enjoy!
Original Y-Wing concept. Note the gunner's cupola behind the cockpit that eventually became the Y-Wing's ion cannons.
Lightsabers were apparently a widespread weapon before the writers restricted their use to the Jedi and the Sith.
The famous trench run. Not much has changed!
Hello, Hoth. This would actually make for a great wallpaper if this thing was a higher resolution.
One of my favourite scenes ever.
Glorious. It's amazing how that space battle holds its own against modern-day action sequences. -
We have another three hours to go. by
on 2015-05-04 01:57:00 UTC
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Still, Happy Star Wars Day! Have some Wookie Cookies, everyone!
May the Fourth Be With You! by
on 2015-05-04 02:02:00 UTC
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...I'm still waiting on those cookies you owe me, Iximaz. :P
I'm wondering if there may be some surprise announcements on this annual occurrence - I wouldn't be surprised it it was for the new Battlefront or some teaser images. Who knows?
Zeb growled something rude... by
on 2015-05-04 12:39:00 UTC
Link to this he struggled to manipulate the D.O.R.K.S. with his tail. After what felt like a painstakingly long time, he got it working and stood up in his modified human form. He pocketed the D.O.R.K.S. and ran after Tacitus, squinting through walls as he went. There.
"She's going this way!" he hissed at Tacitus as he blew past him. -
Tacitus sprinted behind Zeb... by
on 2015-05-04 22:01:00 UTC
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...acknowledging the disguised Luxray's direction with a whistle. The Zorua cursed the fact that he was born mute. Communicating with his hunting partner was absurdly difficult this way.
Zeb skidded to a halt in the middle of an intersection. by
on 2015-05-05 01:21:00 UTC
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He held up a hand, spinning in a circle as he scanned for his partner. There! He tapped Tacitus on the shoulder and took off running again, though the need to hurry seemed to have lessened. Rina's silhouette had slowed to a walking pace so slow it was almost a trudge.
When Zeb approached, slowing so his pounding feet wouldn't be as noticeable, he could hear sniffling. -
Tacitus looked for cover... by
on 2015-05-05 03:01:00 UTC
Link to this Zeb approached his partner. This section of HQ was unfortunately quite barren: only doors and light fixtures as far as the eye could see. The Zorua quickly changed his illusion to a Joltik and hid himself by a nearby RC's door. This was all up to Zeb now. Tacitus didn't want to intervene for two reasons: firstly, he had no idea how to approach this. Secondly, he wanted a better vantage point. This was going to be interesting.
"Rina," Zeb called softly. by
on 2015-05-05 03:22:00 UTC
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Rina stopped moving, which he hoped was a good sign; it meant she wasn't running, after all.
Zeb moved next to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Rina," he said again, a little more loudly, "it's me. I know you said you didn't want me to follow you, but—"
He yelped when Rina threw her arms around his neck and broke down sobbing. "I want to go h-home," she sniffled, burying her face against his neck. "I want to wake up and find out the last year's just been a dream and none of this is real and I'm still human and everything soon becomes a wild memory and oh gods why?"
Zeb awkwardly patted her on the back. "Uh, there, there." He looked around for Tacitus, but he couldn't see him. Weird. He turned his attention to the more important matter at hand.
"Nobody's making you stay, you know," he said, hugging her, though it pained him to say the words.
"Not really, I can't," Rina mumbled into his neck. "Going home and outliving my family by thousands of years isn't an option, and there's nowhere for me in the Whoniverse. Where would I go?"
"Anywhere you wat where you can blend in, I thought," Zeb said, fighting the urge to scream at her to snap out of it. He needed her as much as she needed him, but saying so wasn't going to help.
If he listened to his gut, she needed to talk to a therapist (probably a bad idea at the time), or someone she looked up to. But neither of those were at close hand at the moment, and Tacitus was still nowhere to be seen. -
Tacitus watched the scene unfold from his hiding place. by
on 2015-05-05 04:00:00 UTC
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Yet another agent snapped. Such was life in the PPC. Too bad, so sad. What could he do about it?
No. Suppress that thought. This was wrong. The chase had brought him here. Like an Assassin team cornering a Suvian, the target was there. The situation called for action. Something needed to be done. The Zorua checked the RC numbers, looking for... perfect. The Narrative Laws never failed to deliver. Tacitus banged at the door of RC 22 and dropped his disguise.
A wiry man cracked open the door. He stared out into space for a moment before looking down and seeing Tacitus. The door opened to let the Pokémon inside. "Tacitus! Come in, come in," said Gaspard. "I just finished baking a cherry cake for grandma," said the Spy, waving at his grandmother who was knitting a scarf on the couch. "Do you want--" he was cut short by the Zorua pointing to Zeb and Rina outside. "Oh! Oh dear!" said Gaspard when he recognized the Assassins. He stuck his head back into the RC "Grand-maman! Il y a une jeune femme qui pleure dans le corridor. Devrions-nous...?"
Before he could even finish his sentence the eighty-four year old agent dropped her knitting, sprang out of her seat with incredible speed, grabbed her walking cane, and was out of the door, briskly striding towards Rina with her grandson in tow. She kneeled next to Rina and said: "Voyons, voyons. Ça va aller, ma petite. Pouvez-vous me dire ce qui se passe?"
- - -
((When in doubt, send in the grandmas.)) -
Rina looked blankly at the old lady. by
on 2015-05-05 11:18:00 UTC
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French, her brain said, she's speaking French. Go on, say something.
"Je..." she began hesitantly, "Um, j'ai..." No, she couldn't remember much of anything from her old classes. Just another thing she'd forgotten, it seemed. She hiccuped and tried a different path, hoping she wasn't mangling things too much. "Tu parles angles?" she said hesitantly.
Zeb watched her struggling to talk, wishing he could help, but he had no idea what was being said. At least Rina no longer seemed hell-bent on leaving. -
"Anglais? Vous voulez dire..." by
on 2015-05-05 13:56:00 UTC
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" this? English, is it not?" the old woman said in a heavy French accent. "Yes, I speak a little English. I'm afraid I have some... euh, lacunes in my vocabulary. Holes. Missing words. But this isn't the time to speak of that. Why are you crying, ma petite? Are you all right?" She beckoned to her RC. "Do you want to have tea with us? Please, don't be shy. Gaspard? Mets la table pour quatre."
The junior Spy nodded and scurried off into the RC to set the table. His grandmother rose to feet using her cane as support and offered her hand to Rina. "My name is Marianne Delacroix. That boy there is my grandson, Gaspard. And you are...?" she looked at Zeb and Rina expectantly. -
Zeb suddenly thought to reset his Universal Translator. by
on 2015-05-05 14:12:00 UTC
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"I'm Zeb, and this is my partner, Rina," he said, feeling slightly foolish. "Sorry to bother you about this."
Rina, however, seemed to have zoned out, peering intently at Gaspard. That sense the Guardsman had pointed out to her, the sense that this man would play a major part in future events, was a lot stronger up close. She suddenly shook herself, remembering her manners. "Yes, thank you, Madame. And Gaspard."
- - -
((I can't French.)) -
Marianne gently helped Rina to her feet. by
on 2015-05-05 15:29:00 UTC
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"There we go. Come on now, in you go," she said to Rina, ushering her to the RC's door. The senior DoI agent turned to Zeb and asked: "I see that you're a Pokémon, right? Will you be all right if you eat a cherry cake? If you need special food, just ask my grandson; he can go fetch some specialty foods for you."
From the RC's kitchen, Gaspard watched as the trio entered the room. He recognized Rina straight away from the Multiverse Monitor: she had missioned that mess. As he put water in an electric kettle, he remembered that the Guardsman had come by a few weeks earlier and spoke to him about Rina and her situation. The Time Lord had also mentioned that he had pointed him out as an example of a fixed point in time. He had to be very careful now. Nobody except a trusted few knew about the future. If she asked, he'd have to watch what came out of his mouth really closely. If word got out that he knew exactly how the next twenty-five years in the PPC would play out he'd never be able to carry out the General's will. -
"Cherry cake sounds delicious." by
on 2015-05-05 15:47:00 UTC
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Zeb grinned. "Pokémon can normally eat human food anyway, but some just tastes better as a human. Much more refined taste buds. Thank you for offering." Sugar would do Rina good, he hoped. Come to think of it, he could use some, too.
Rina felt slightly dazed. She'd gone from crying in the corridor to being all but politely dragged into this response center for cake. Then there was Gaspard. Her eyes flickered over to him and she put a hand to her head, trying to be discrete about the motion. -
"I'm very glad to hear that," said Marianne. by
on 2015-05-05 16:13:00 UTC
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"Please, take a seat," said the Frenchwoman, motioning towards a large dining table in the middle of the RC. "My grandson will be out with the cake soon. Now, would you prefer green or black tea?"
In the kitchen, Gaspard looked up from Tacitus' note. "Thanks for the intel," whispered the Spy to his colleague. "I'll make sure not to ask her about FicPsych. Help yourself to anything in the fridge. Just jot down an order if you can't reach it." The Zorua nodded and ambled over to the refrigerator as Gaspard grabbed plates and forks and made his way to the table. On his way there, he noticed Rina looking at him and immediately shielding her eyes. Gaspard put the plates down, announced he was going back to get the cake, and made his way back to the kitchen. Looking at Tacitus digging into a piece of ham, he asked: "Tacitus? Honest opinion. Am I really that ugly?"
The Zorua looked at Gaspard for a few seconds and shrugged. He scribbled "Acne" on his notepad and turned back to his ham. The junior agent sighed, grabbed the cake, and returned to the table with it. -
Zeb shrugged. by
on 2015-05-05 16:26:00 UTC
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"Whatever you recommend, I suppose."
Rina did her best not to stare at Gaspard, but it was hard, especially with the images trying to crowd her brain. "Oh, um, what Zeb said," she said when she realized she'd been asked a question. She pinked when she heard his muted question. One of the not-so-great things about being a Time Lord: overhearing things not meant for your ears.
- - -
((Aw, I wanna hug Gaspard. *cuddles*)) -
"Green tea, then." by
on 2015-05-05 18:00:00 UTC
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Marianne looked at her grandson. "Fais-le infuser pour douze minutes. C'est mieux quand c'est fort."
"Tout de suite," answered Gaspard, disappearing into the kitchen again. Marianne began cutting portions of cake to her guests. "Now, tell me," she said as she gave Rina and Zeb generous portions of cake, "are you feeling all right, dear? What's wrong?"
Gaspard returned into the kitchen and began filling a bag full of loose-leaf green tea. He looked at Tacitus and said quietly: "She won't even look at me. What am I? The Elephant man?"
Tacitus wrote another note. "No. You're a 4/10. 5/10 if you gain some actual muscle mass."
"Thanks, Tacitus."
- - -
((Rule number 1: Gaspard must never feel good about himself. If his mood starts improving, Yank the Dog's Chain so hard that he gets a severe case of whiplash.)) -
"Just..." by
on 2015-05-05 18:21:00 UTC
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Rina sighed. "Still trying to deal with stuff, that's all. I'm fine now, really." She winced when she heard Gaspard's voice again. "Um, excuse me, please?" She dipped her head in Marianne's direction, got up, and went to set things straight.
From the other room, she could hear Zeb saying, "I think she's still pretty shaken up from Rose Potter and, um, the stuff that happened after. Said she wants to go home, but..." -
"Ah, I see." by
on 2015-05-05 20:28:00 UTC
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"A friend of mine told me about the Rose Potter mission," said Marianne. "You poor, poor children. This isn't right at all. I can understand that she wants to go back home... Does she need help?"
Gaspard looked up from his teapot to see that Rina had wandered into the kitchen. "Er... yes?" -
Zeb sighed and kneaded his forehead. by
on 2015-05-05 21:34:00 UTC
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"She does, but the hard part is that she just refuses to get any. I have no idea what I should do, and she isn't offering any suggestions."
"Um. Hi." Rina hovered at the edge of the kitchen, gnawing her lip. "Look, I could hear what you were saying from in there. I was trying not to stare because it would be rude, but you've got this fixed-point-in-time thing going on and it was giving me a bit of a headache. It's not because I think you're ugly or anything, okay?" -
"Well..." by
on 2015-05-05 21:55:00 UTC
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" son-in-law works in Psychologie Fictive. I can ask him to keep an eye out for her and slowly try to reach out to her. She's not going to last very long if she keeps this up." Marianne transferred over another slice of cherry cake to Zeb's plate. "But that's enough talk about all of these sad things. Eat. It's my father's recipe and made by my grandson. He makes it exactly the way my father did..." she took a bite of her slice of cake and smiled. "Mhmm. He got the icing right this time. Go on! Eat! And while you're at it, tell me about yourself. I love learning about other people."
Gaspard eyed Rina suspiciously. Right. Time Lady. I almost forgot. He cleared his throat and said: "Fixed point? Oh, that's okay then. Sorry for the inconvenience but I guess it can't be helped, right? Knowing me the fixed point probably something rather boring like going to the Cafeteria or something."
Behind Gaspard, Tacitus held up a note. "Though you have to admit that this guy looks like he's been hit with the ugly stick. Look at his nose!"
- - -
((Oh, yes. The Cafeteria certainly is involved. Isn't that right, General De Grasse?)) -
Zeb picked up a fork and dug in with gusto. by
on 2015-05-05 22:37:00 UTC
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"Oh, wow, this is fantastic!" He chewed appreciatively and swallowed. "Well, I was hatched in Sinnoh, and was raised in the wild until I was about a year old when my old trainer found me." His eyes looked almost glassy as he remembered. "I traveled with her and her team for a while... we lost teammates, but we kept pushing on... fought Team Galactic a few times... fought in Gym battles. I single-handedly took down Mayene and Crasher Wake. Helped take down half Fantima's team as well."
He smiled sadly. "I never did find out if my trainer got the sixth badge or not. I—" He gulped. "I, uh, fell into the PPC while we were... training." He shrugged, forcing a smile onto his face. "But it's been great here. I'm getting to meet so many people, like you, Madame, and Rina's the best friend I could ask for, even if she was a bit hard on me at first." He sighed. "I appreciate your offer, I worry about her."
Rina shook her head. "No, I'm getting the sense that it's something bigger than that—" She frowned at Tacitus when he held up the note. "Now that's just uncalled for!" -
Marianne nodded. by
on 2015-05-05 23:49:00 UTC
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"It's good to see that she has a wonderful partner such as you. She'll pull though it, I'm sure of it." She leaned back in her chair, nibbling on a pice of cake at the end of her fork. "It sure sounds like your life was pretty exciting. My son plays a lot of video games and he tells me all about them: I've just started playing on his old copy of Pokémon Diamond," said Marianne, pointing at an old Nintendo DS resting on a nearby coffee table. "Congratulations on sweeping several gyms!"
Marianne leaned forward to take another bite of cake. "I suppose that I can tell you a bit about my life. I was born all the way back in 1929 in Paris. My father worked as a baker: he had his own little shop and worked tirelessly to support his family. In 1939, he went to war for the second time in his life as a member of the Forces françaises libres. He miraculously survived the war and returned to his little bakery after the end of the war. I went on to become a journalist, married my husband Albert, moved to Canada with him, and started a family. After he died in 2001, I saw an ad in the newspaper for an organization that corrected texts and such. I was intrigued, signed up for it, and found myself here." She folded her hands on her lap. "It's been a good past few years. Except for the fanbrats who soil the work of Sir Conan Doyle-- especially with the fanfics based on the BBC's televised series of Sherlock. The things they do to the poor man..."
At Rina's exclamation, Gaspard whirled around. He saw Tacitus' note and shrugged. "I don't know about that, ma'am. He's actually got a point there."
Tacitus nodded sagely.
- - -
((Minor age mistake a few posts ago. Marianne is 86, not 84 years old.)) -
Zeb shook his head. by
on 2015-05-06 00:05:00 UTC
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"Sorry, I've never heard of that before," he said sheepishly. "But if it's anything like what happens to Ron in most Harry Potter fics, I'd hate to know the specifics."
Rina waved an airy hand. "Nah, you should've seen me when I was— when I was human. Zits everywhere, it wasn't pretty. Don't be so hard on yourself." She gave Tacitus the stink-eye. -
"I am ashamed to admit..." by
on 2015-05-06 02:33:00 UTC
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"...that I only read the first Harry Potter book. I should do something about that," said Marianne. She smiled. "And you should pick up Agatha Christie or Sir Conan Doyle's works. They are some of the best mystery novel writers you'll ever get ahold of."
Tacitus returned Rina's stare unblinkingly. Gaspard simply shrugged. "Tacitus is telling it as it is. There's no need to sugarcoat anything. At least you're in a perfectly healthy body now," said Gaspard. He pointed at his face. "Acne scars are forever, y'know." He placed the kettle on the counter, plugged it in, and flicked the on switch. "So... green tea," he muttered to himself, trying his best to look busy.
Wow. Congratulations, he thought. You just revealed your inferiority complex to a girl you don't even know. You're even more pathetic than you think you are. She must think you're an absolute idiot. What the hell was that remark about her body? You're creepy for even thinking that. And hurr durr, "Acne scars are forever". Are you stupid or something? Why would you even say something like that? Good job on losing face yet again you walking cringefest. Why don't you tip your fedora at her and keep on calling her ma'am? No wonder people don't want to be near you.
Gaspard kept a perfectly straight face as his inner monologue resonated in his brain. -
Zeb tapped his fork against his teeth. by
on 2015-05-06 02:51:00 UTC
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"Mystery, huh? Never tried that genre before. I should look into that." He smiled at Marianne. "Do you have any specific recommendations?"
"Not necessarily," Rina said. "I had a few that faded with time." She sighed. "Yeah, it's a perfectly healthy body of a sixteen year-old, which I guess I should be glad about, since I'm going to be stuck looking like this for roughly a century. Fun stuff." She broke off, watching him in silence. Shut up, she thought to herself. People are getting sick of your 'boo-hoo, woe is me' attitude. Knock it off. You're not looking for pity, so for God's sake shut the hell up.
- - -
((Thisnis my face reading Gaspard's inner monologue: ;-; Let me hug youuu)) -
Marianne rubbed her hands together. by
on 2015-05-06 03:22:00 UTC
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"I've been waiting for that question!" she said, smiling. "Definitely read Murder on the orient Express from Agatha Christie. It's a well-known classic and a great way to introduce yourself to the genre. As for Sherlock Holmes, start at the beginning: A Study in Scarlet. With those two novels you should have a good grasp of how Christie and Conan Doyle structure their stories."
Gaspard turned to the fridge and rummaged inside for the milk. "Nah, don't feel bad. Loads of people wouldn't mind being a Time Lord-- Lady. By the way, did you meet the rest of HQ's Time Lords? They're a strange bunch, aren't they?" He noticed that Rina was staring at him without saying anything. Alarm bells rang in his mind. She knows. I said something stupid and she's wondering how I could possibly be real. What did I say? Something offensive I bet. Why else would she look so weirdly at you? Christ alive, you're incredible. It's not enough that you're eye-wateringly ugly, you have to be unpleasant to the point of being repelling to other people. Fantastic. Stupendous. You deserve to be alone. Quarantine yourself until the end of your days and nobody needs to suffer from being around you.
- - -
((He hates himself with every single fibre of his being. It's difficult to explain but imagine having that monologue simmering beneath the surface, waiting for an opportunity to surface and express its deep-seated disgust and loathing all in one go, like a tsunami of self-hate.
I wonder how long he can go like this before imploding.)) -
"Duly noted." by
on 2015-05-06 03:32:00 UTC
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"And might I recommend the Harry Potter series as well? It didn't become as popular as it did without reason."
"Yeah, well, a lot of people don't realize how incredibly disorienting it can be," Rina muttered, breaking off her staring. She couldn't help it; his status as a fixed point in time was fascinating, even if it did make her head hurt. "And of the three I've met, one's a dick and one's an utter nightmare, but the Guardsman is nice. He helped me get a grip on things."
- - -
((I don't have to imagine. That was me, once. When the explosion happens, it ain't gona be pretty.)) -
"I'll look into it," said Marianne. by
on 2015-05-07 03:12:00 UTC
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"But do you want to know something funny? In French, the magic school is called 'Poudlard'. It doesn't even mean anything-- but lard is... well, lard. What else is interesting... ah, yes. To keep the anagram 'Je suis Voldemort', the Dark Lord's real name is 'Tom Elvis Jedusor' in the French translation. Interesting, isn't it?"
"You've met Emiranlanoamar? Good, good," said Gaspard. "He's a bit weird-- especially if you bring up Daleks within his earshot-- but he's not a bad guy. Though I never really understood why he spends some of his free time watching his old Time War headcam footage. The event is traumatic enough-- why would you want to relive it?" -
Zeb shrugged. by
on 2015-05-07 03:27:00 UTC
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"I suppose it could have been a stranger name," he said, then laughed. "I wish I had any interesting trivia to share with you." He cocked one ear in the direction of the kitchen. "Wonder what's taking them so long."
Rina shuddered. "I can't blame him for not liking Daleks," she said. "Had a rather nasty run-in with a Dalekified Harry Potter who was hell-bent on EX-TERM-INATing us. As for the Time War thing..." she shrugged, one hand going almost subconsciously to her stomach. "I don't know why anyone would want to relive past horrors. Once is more than enough." -
Marianne looked towards the kitchen. by
on 2015-05-09 00:17:00 UTC
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"I really don't know. He likes to talk, though..." She cleared her throat. "Gaspard! Tu viens manger ta part de gâteau?"
Tacitus whistled for attention. Once the two human agents were looking at him, he wrote a message for them. "He is trying to verify if any other members of his unit survived the Time War. During the Last Day the Time Lords' casualties peaked: entire military formations were sacrificed to save the Capital and Arcadia. If the tapes I've seen are correct, the Guardsman is the Arcadian 442nd Regiment. All other members of his unit were killed in action."
Gaspard paled. "Calvaire." He opened his mouth to say more but his grandmother called from the other room. "Euh... je m'en viens!" He motioned towards the table. "Erm... shall we? I don't think that you've eaten your share of cake yet, right?" -
"Um, no, I haven't..." by
on 2015-05-09 00:35:00 UTC
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Rina's thoughts drifted off. Being the last one of your unit... She couldn't imagine what that must have been like.
She forced a smile on her face and said, "Allons-y?" -
"After you, ma'am." by
on 2015-05-09 01:29:00 UTC
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Gaspard followed Rina to the table and sat at his seat, pulling his plate towards him. Under his grandmother's approving gaze he started eating his piece of cake. Marianne turned to Rina and smiled. "Don't be shy about having a second helping of cake. We don't often have visitors: it's really our pleasure."
Paging wiki admins by
on 2015-05-04 12:54:00 UTC
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You may want to do something about this IP.
Something done. (nm) by
on 2015-05-04 14:35:00 UTC
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Huh. by
on 2015-05-04 14:35:00 UTC
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I must admit, I'm a little curious to see if they're actually going to do anything. So far they've just created an account with "F*** you!" as the content, which I personally find more amusing than annoying. (I worked in customer support; I've been sworn at with far more malice and laughed about it.) And, er... how much of a TOS violation is that? As you may recall, I am unfamiliar with the exact rules as pertains to user pages.
I suppose they could be waiting out the new-account latency period, if they intend to go after protected pages, but that's mere suspicion. If they actually commit some sort of vandalism, then we'll have a solid reason to block them. And possibly an entertaining story to tell, too.
~Neshomeh -
Oh, sorry. by
on 2015-05-04 14:36:00 UTC
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Your post didn't pop up until after I had deleted those pages. >_>
Aw. Oh well. by
on 2015-05-04 14:41:00 UTC
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I was gonna go leave a very cheerful hello-and-by-the-way-we're-watching-you on their talk page. *g*
But, as I say, oh well. No harm done, and it's always possible that toying with the troll was never a good idea. ^_^;
~Neshomeh - Don't feed to trolls... by on 2015-05-04 14:43:00 UTC Link to this
But it's traditional! by
on 2015-05-04 15:22:00 UTC
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We feed them just enough to fatten them up for slaughter, you see, and then we feast. *g* This looked to be the easily baited kind of troll, too, not the really dangerous kind that people might be in danger of taking seriously. It's absolutely not wise to feed those, but the kind that thinks merely swearing at us is enough to ruin our day is fair game, if you ask me. We're semi-professional snarkers, after all. Perhaps it is they that ought not feed us.
~Neshomeh -
I wholeheatedly agree on this. by
on 2015-05-04 22:31:00 UTC
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... After all, I tried to troll bait a blatant My Immortal ripoff troll myself.
Didn't work because it was such a ripoff that it copied the flamer raging straight from the original without having even a look at the brand-new one the ripoff attracted.
I am still thinking I have to try a better fishing line and get a proper fishing rod, though. -
Nesh, you win the Board for today. (nm) by
on 2015-05-04 16:02:00 UTC
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I do? Yay! by
on 2015-05-04 17:16:00 UTC
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Hmm, seeing your name makes me think of Plort, which makes me think what Plort needs is the equivalent of a boar hunt. Trollus vulgaris, your common or cussing troll, would be a fitting dish to serve at the Baronial council, aye? {= D Of course we could go with roast ypur, but we have that all the time.
~Neshomeh -
Really? by
on 2015-05-04 18:44:00 UTC
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Aren't trolls... um... intelligent? I'm pretty sure a legion of them rode into Plort atop their Ypurs, scaled the cliffs of Wechi, and led directly to the foundation of Ozerbord.
Of course, in the absence of a decent cladistic hierarchy of the setting, that could be equivalent to asking 'aren't mammals intelligent?'.
hS -
Distant cousins, I should think by
on 2015-05-04 19:28:00 UTC
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Trollus vulgaris may seen intelligent at first glance, but is no smarter than the common parrot. Of the two, the parrot has the better manners.
Trollus malevelous on the other hand is very intellegent. They are known to work in groups (often called a "trouble") and are likely to be the type that harnessed the Ypur and scaled the cliffs of Wechi. The worst thing about them, I think, is their patience. They often play a long, terrible game.
So, they are related; but only so far as a chicken and a Utahraptor may also be said to be related. -
If that was the case... by
on 2015-05-04 20:54:00 UTC
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...then wouldn't they be of different genera, rather than different species?
I do not wish to be demeaning in any way, but I believe your logic behind grouping the two species in the Trollus genus would be akin to grouping humans and chimpanzees under the genus Homo. Trolls are active and systematic in their dismantling of their prey, while those who merely produce profane expectoration would be more properly called "Flamers".
Of course, it may also be possible that we have identified the two species as being anatomically similar for so long that they were classed in the same genus, in a similar manner to Brontosaurus being equated with Apatosaurus until recently.
So in much the same way as Brontosaurus being given its own genus once again, I propose that Trollus vulgaris shall be reclassified as Flammasermonis vulgaris. The genus name means "flame speech" in Latin, referring to its incessant habit of regurgitating inflammatory snippets of dialogue. From personal observation, Flammasermonis also has less developed and dextrous forelimbs, a smaller braincase, and a tendency to attack even innocent parties without provocation. Trollus malevelous, of course, shall remain within the Trollus genus. -
Maybe it's a different species of troll? (nm) by
on 2015-05-04 18:47:00 UTC
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Yeah, that was... by
on 2015-05-04 19:25:00 UTC
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... the vague meaning of the cladistics comment. Though that does require 'troll' to either be non-monophyletic (a group that aren't all more closely related to each other than anything else), or a very high-level term (like 'mammal' rather than 'dog'). Which...
... actually, either of those would make perfect sense. This is the Internet, how many breeds of troll are there?
hS -
Exactly 3,851 different types. by
on 2015-05-04 19:31:00 UTC
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I counted.
But which one tastes best? ^_~ (nm) by
on 2015-05-05 14:38:00 UTC
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Trollus infernis. by
on 2015-05-05 15:26:00 UTC
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These beings are constantly covered in fire (and are well-known for starting flame wars), which seals in the deep-smoked flavour. ;)
They tend to be quite spicy. Not that it's a problem! :P (nm) by
on 2015-05-05 16:34:00 UTC
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T'would be a fitting dish to serve. by
on 2015-05-04 17:43:00 UTC
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If you so desire my assistance in the hunting of such a beast, do not hesitate to call upon me and mine.
I shall inform the staff to prepare for a feast! by
on 2015-05-04 18:40:00 UTC
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The cuisine within these castle walls has been somewhat bland as of late, to tell the truth. Troll would be a fantastic acquisition.
"Bland be better'n bare, milord..." (nm) by
on 2015-05-05 17:17:00 UTC
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Seconded! by
on 2015-05-04 18:13:00 UTC
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My beasts and I would certainly appreciate some new dishes as well. We would be happy to be of your service, too, if you so require a pack of hunting beasts for assistance in such an endeavor.
And roast Ypur? I must admit that I have never tried such a dish... My beasts and I typically subsist on wild-caught game. I would certainly be interested in sampling more of your Plort cuisine sometime, though! -
An interesting suggestion. by
on 2015-05-04 17:21:00 UTC
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I would not mind some variety in the menu, to be completely honest.
I shall start working on weapons to capture our prey, then. (nm) by
on 2015-05-06 10:34:00 UTC
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That was supposed to be "the". (nm) by
on 2015-05-04 14:43:00 UTC
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Hi! by
on 2015-05-05 09:53:00 UTC
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Hey! :> I'd very much like to join the PPC. Your little(Or, not-so-little) community seems so cool! And, because I have no idea how else to introduce myself, here are the answers to the questions on the wiki!
-Have you read the PPC Constitution, the Original Series, this FAQ, and/or the variety of other helpful materials we have prepared for you?
~I've read the Original Series and the Constitution, as well as the Board FAQ and the article on Permission, along with other assorted PPC Wiki articles.
-What are your fandoms?
~ Mainly Homestuck, (Yes, I'm Homestuck Trash /shame/ ) Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Doctor Who and Merlin.
-How did you find the PPC?
~I googled 'Tenth Walker' (I was bored) and found the article. Then I got sucked into the cavernous black hole that is the PPC Wiki, and decided to join the community instead of just being a creepy stalker-gal!
-What's your favorite spin-off?/Who are your favorite agents?
~I like Acacia. She's like me when I get grumpy.
-What else do you do for fun?
~Whoa, this is a toughie. (Lel nope) I love drawing, and I'd like to think I'm pretty good at it. (/shameless advertising/ /follow me on instagram/ /username Kandlekitty/ /I'm so sorry/) I also enjoy cooking (Sadly, I adore eating just as much- I'm slightly overweight), swimming, ice-skating and long walks/hikes in the great outdoors. And cats. Cats are fabulous.
Extra details about me: I'm a girl, I'm 14, I live in Singapore (No, that's NOT in China. It's a small island off the coast of Malaysia. One of our Founding Fathers just died, Mr Lee Kuan Yew) I'm half Chinese and half Greek. I can't speak Greek though. I've only ever lived here. (I pretty much look Asian though ;-; /wait is that a bad thing/ /I don't even know anymore/)
So...Nice to meet y'all? -
Hi there! by
on 2015-05-06 13:33:00 UTC
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I totally agree that CATS RULE! Here's some candy - it will always turn into your favorite type. And it's a limitless supply! ;)
Welcome to the PPC! by
on 2015-05-06 01:52:00 UTC
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Here, have a generic newbie gift. Whenever you want it to actually be something, it will transform into something that is both utterly ridiculous and the most helpful thing for the situation.
Have fun! -
Hello! (nm) by
on 2015-05-06 01:07:00 UTC
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Hi there! by
on 2015-05-06 00:49:00 UTC
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Welcome aBoard! You might want to leave your sanity in that bin over there, it will be safely disposed of later.
I've tried reading Homestuck, but I had an issue with my computer and I didn't want to either start over or find back where I was (somewhere in Act 2, I think?). *shrugs*
Anyways, uh, I don't really have any questions to ask, so... Take this plush Eldritch Abomination! I've been trying to find which one it's actually supposed to represent, but the seven-dimensional geometries and severe impact on sanity inflicted by merely thinking about it make it kinda hard. It's pretty cute, though. And fluffy. And my brain is melting. Have fun! -
Welcome to the Board! by
on 2015-05-05 23:53:00 UTC
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Singapore, huh? Interesting. What language(s) are spoken there?
Cooking is fun! I actually just made a pie on my own for the very first time today. Here's hoping it turned out well...*
Anyway. Welcome! I'm pretty sure someone's supposed to advise you to leave your sanity at the door, so let's pretend I just did :) Also, have a Welcome Gift of Swiss Bleepolate and Gummyblee Cats! Cats are indeed awesome. And fluffy. And warm. (A bit like mini-Balrogs? No? No. Okay. I'll just be over here...)
And welcome a third time. Nice to meet you too!
*Okay, so baking and cooking are a little different. They're definitely related, though. -
Yay! by
on 2015-05-06 10:51:00 UTC
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Whoa, so how was your pie? Baking's a bit too tedious and not hands-on enough for me :( Singapore's pretty cool. There are 4 main races here, (Pretty cool right? We're so multiracial :p) namely Chinese(the main one), Malays, Indians and Eurasians(That's me! :p) People here mainly speak English as a whole, but we're a bilingual country(It's compulsory and a bit of a pain in the arse :c) so Chinese learn Chinese, Malays learn Malay, Indians mostly learn either Tamil or Hindi and a few other dialects. Eurasians have to learn whichever language their Asian parent learned. Seriously though Chinese it the WORST LANGUAGE there isn't even an ALPHABET you literally have to memorise symbols for every single word-
(Mini -Balrog, cat, what's the difference? And I lost my sanity a looooong time ago, so I'll just fit right in I guess!) -
Hello! by
on 2015-05-05 23:42:00 UTC
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Here's a trashcan to keep all your homestuck trash in.
Also, welcome!! -
Dai Stiho! Also, KITTIES! 8D by
on 2015-05-05 23:17:00 UTC
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Hi, I'm also new here. ^^
Hope you have a grand time! :) -
Welcome!!! by
on 2015-05-05 21:54:00 UTC
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Have this replica of The One Ring that makes you talk like a pirate while wear it!
...that would be so cool to watch agents use. by
on 2015-05-05 23:47:00 UTC
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Or OFU coordinators. Especially in an OFU for a canon with pirates in it...
~DF -
Weclome by
on 2015-05-05 21:46:00 UTC
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Welcome to this interesting slice of the internet. Have a pet alligator. Careful it can be a bit bitey. Enjoy your stay here.
Welcome, welcome, welcome! by
on 2015-05-05 19:01:00 UTC
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*lassos KandleKItty the mini-Boarder* Take good care of mini-you, OK?
Your newbie gifts are a box of Nature Valley granola bars (peanut butter variety) and this hilarious MCU fanfic. Enjoy yourself! -
Welcome to Creation, here's your shovel. by
on 2015-05-05 16:46:00 UTC
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It's not magical, but it's made of spare animatronic parts from Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.
By accepting the shovel, you take on all responsibility if it turns out to be haunted. -
'ello, mate. by
on 2015-05-05 16:09:00 UTC
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Welcome to the community and stuff! Have this sprig of catnip. Also, have this cup of good smoked tea - no, it's not gonna try to eat you, why are you asking?
Welcome! by
on 2015-05-05 15:24:00 UTC
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Ooooh, another Asian? Fantastic! May I ask what fandoms you're in?
For now, of course, have one of my own shed feathers, plus a complimentary kit of Spikes! :) -
Fandoms :p by
on 2015-05-08 09:08:00 UTC
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OH I FORGOT TO ADD SOME- Gravity falls, Adventure Time, Over the Garden wall and Carmilla
We have a Newbie! Oh, Frabjous Day! Callooh! Callay! by
on 2015-05-05 14:41:00 UTC
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Newbie, newbie, new-bie~! *continues doing a Conga*
Welcome! By the way, it's not "Your little community", it's OURS since You are already a part of it!
As foe Your gift, I have a SACRED COOKIE OF INFINITE KNOWLEDGE (: :)!!! -
*joins the conga line, TF2-style* (nm) by
on 2015-05-05 18:58:00 UTC
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Welcome! by
on 2015-05-05 12:00:00 UTC
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Good to meet you!
Don't worry about looking Asian. I look American. No one comments. We're basically making world peace, right here on the internet, since no one ever judges by color or race, unless you're a Dalek or something.
Acacia is the best!
Cats are indeed fabulous. Why, I'm one myself! :3
As a welcome gift, accept this mug of slightly cold tea. If it attempts to drink you, instead of vice versa, hand it back, and I'll debug it.
Kitty -
Newbie! *glomp* *poke* by
on 2015-05-05 11:25:00 UTC
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Heya, and welcome aBoard! As your newbie gift, please take this whistling pangolin! If the urple bow around its neck becomes too much, feel free to remove it. :)
Looks like you answered all the basic questions, so I'll just say I hope you like it here! It really is a great place to be. Lots of fun. Might I be so bold as to recommend you check out Neshomeh's spin-offs, as well? They're my favorites. -
Also read Iximaz's missions. by
on 2015-05-05 16:52:00 UTC
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Rina might have actually beaten Laburnum as my favorite PPC character.
... yes, I like everyone else's characters more than my own. Go figure. -
I support that statement! by
on 2015-05-05 17:10:00 UTC
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Agent Dives is simply amazing! :D
Hella by
on 2015-05-05 10:06:00 UTC
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Welcome to the board and here is a Bismange Light Pen.
(I like Homestuck too!)
Io Gathering Report. by
on 2015-05-05 20:03:00 UTC
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Hot on the tail of the 2057-2060 Titan PPC Gathering, certain parties suggested we should go back out and visit another solar system body. Well, never let it be said that the PPC shrinks from a challenge! It's been a long trip, but we're finally back - and ready to report.
The 2068-2071 Io PPC Gathering
Yes, inspired by the ludicrously long-running Marvel Cinematic Universe (you'll see why ;)), eleven intrepid PPCers made their way to Jupiter's most volatile moon. What we did there - well, you'll have to read to find out.
(And KittyEden, if you're reading: obviously I expect another Hypothetical Camping Trip to match this. C'mon, the gauntlet has been thrown down... ~hS) -
Future!Huinesoron is still capable of misspelling, I see... by
on 2015-05-09 17:45:00 UTC
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We dragged all out kit out of storage on the Valiant...
I believe you meant to write "our kits"?
Nonetheless, seems like an insane Gathering. How did anyone manage to get any sleep, what with the constant threat of being burned alive? -
Nonsense; you just don't... by
on 2015-05-09 19:51:00 UTC
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... understand Future Slang. You've got to clot with the grebes, tolly!
Aw, Io's not so bad if you stick to solid gr... all right, the truth is, we had to set a lava watch schedule. Satisfied?
hS -
Challenge accepted. by
on 2015-05-08 01:34:00 UTC
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But you may have to wait a bit. I'm pretty busy at the moment.
No problem. ^_~ (nm) by
on 2015-05-08 09:07:00 UTC
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It's up now. Don't kill me. (nm) by
on 2015-05-09 04:41:00 UTC
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Jeez, how many times do I have to apologize for the valley? by
on 2015-05-06 17:38:00 UTC
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I mean, seriously, how was I supposed to know what would happen? And you'd think, with eleven of us, that someone might have pointed out any problems if they were obvious ones.
Just be glad we were able to talk Tungsten Monk out of detouring all the way up Skythia Mons and pretending to be a barbarian horde.
(( "Ooh, what's that over there? Let's check it out!" sounds so much like me on vacation that I had to take theblamecredit. Awesome, once again. ^_^ Though maybe not quite as awesome as the first one. I've less sentimental attachment to the MCU. )) -
Oh, stars, W_M. by
on 2015-05-07 10:00:00 UTC
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Was it her (um, 'was it she'?) who tried to graffiti the names of every MCU actor ever onto the side of a mountain because 'it won't matter, it'll all get lava'd away anyway'? I think it was...
((Yeah, I decided not to even try and top Titan for sentimentality; I guess that means none of the sequels will be as good as the original... hey, sounds like a franchise to me!))
hS -
"W_M"? (nm) by
on 2015-05-09 17:52:00 UTC
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Yes! by
on 2015-05-09 18:03:00 UTC
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The chemical symbol of Tungsten is W, derived from its German name Wolfram.
HG -
I wish I could have been there. by
on 2015-05-06 08:17:00 UTC
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It's too bad this whole "uploading my consciousness into a computer and becoming the seed of the technological singularity" thing is taking so long. Seriously, you think completely analyzing and encoding the human brain would be easy at this point. All these needles jabbed into my cerebral cortex beg to differ.
Next time, though! Once I've integrated with every manmade computer, I'll definitely be up for the trip. -
I thought your plan was... by
on 2015-05-06 09:40:00 UTC
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... to hold the first interstellar Gathering by uploading yourself to New Horizons (now that it's finally joined the Voyagers and Pioneers outside the solar system). Though I suppose you'll be able to attend multiple Gatherings at once...
hS -
Oh, man, I remember that trip! by
on 2015-05-05 22:41:00 UTC
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Good times, man, good times. Remember when we played "squishy squishy" with Jupiter? I pretended to juggle it, that was fun.
Very lovely report! -
Quite fun indeed. by
on 2015-05-05 23:03:00 UTC
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Oh, do you guys remember when I got spacesick? I do NOT recommend it.
I think my favorite part was when we got to Avenger's 15: Attack From Planet Hulk in the marathon. People give it a lot of hate, but I think it was a decent movie. Robert Downey Jr. was looking REALLY old, though. Robo-Stan Lee's cameo was a hoot! -
Oh, no, look, we've been over this how many times? by
on 2015-05-06 14:55:00 UTC
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No Hulk storyline has been worth the silicon it's printed on since the whole 'Let's Clone Banner' debacle. And AfPH? Please. Let me guess - you think the Hulklings look 'cool', right? And that 'wings make everything more awesome'?
Oh, no, wait, I don't have to guess; I was there for that conversation.
hS -
Man, I wish I could have gone to those. by
on 2015-05-06 17:22:00 UTC
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But some of us have anti-corpstate terrorist groups to lead.
By the way... by
on 2015-05-06 18:24:00 UTC
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You didn't get any money from our government last week, since we don't send you any because we would never fund terrorists, right? Especially not in the form of a briefcase full of old untracked cash?
Well, I didn't send any experimental immortality nanomeds along with it, either. I mean, those don't even exist. They're conspiracy theorist nonsense, like our so-called "Ethically Dubious Research Department". I mean, what's next? "Top-Secret Institute for Puppy-Kicking?" Come on, don't be ridiculous.
If I did send them, however (which I didn't), they should be in the form of a small one-dose laser syringe hidden among the money (which I didn't send, either). Hypothetically, if the nanotechnology to build those even existed, they would probably be most efficient when injected in the forearm's veins. I also assume they would be self-replicating, making only one dose necessary.
(BTW, I've found RPF of myself again. Not sure if I should make a mission about that one...) -
Indeed. by
on 2015-05-06 21:40:00 UTC
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I cannot possibly be grateful for the help that you definitely have not provided. We will definitely not be rewarding your efforts by helping you and yours establish major facilities on the cheap in the stuff we take over from the corpstates.
Hey, wait a minute. by
on 2015-05-06 17:06:00 UTC
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I will admit that the Hulk stories have been somewhat... lacking, as of late. But you really can't blame Disney for merging the MCU with the animated canon. It was a brilliant business move, and I'm surprised it took them as long as it did to thaw out Walt Disney so he could make that call. The Hulklings are the best interpretation of Huey, Duey, and Louie I've seen in years!
As for Clone Saga 2, I agree. They really jumped the shark with with that one. ...speaking of sharks, have you heard from World-Jumper? I haven't seen him since the wedding at SeaWorld... -
Sorry I could not make it this time around. by
on 2015-05-06 18:05:00 UTC
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Sandy was heavy with our little pup at the time, and I knew I could not leave her in such a state. The tail surgery was stressful enough for her, I could not add raising children without a father to that. Next time, though, I should be free! Little Bruce is almost though school, and Jane is looking to be married next march. So, as long as the trip does not take place before then, I should be set!
That's awesome! by
on 2015-05-06 19:12:00 UTC
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Glad to hear all of you have been well. A word of advice, though - if you're able to make it to the next trip, avoid mentioning anything near Uranus. So...many...puns...
((Man, future history.)) by
on 2015-05-06 15:25:00 UTC
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((Purely for the record - because searching the Other Board for it is a pain - I'll note that this is the same future timeline as the one that features the Albus Potter series... or rather, serieses. Per the 'Door to the Future' RP:
Lucy snorted. "Sure, you could call it 'something'. The Rowlings are up to... what is it now, Durran?"
"Three mutually incompatible canonical timelines, averaging eleven books each," Durran said promptly. "Not counting the anime, games, or either of the movie 'interpretations'."
Lucy and Durran are from about 2069, so it all fits in together.
hS)) -
Wait a sec... by
on 2015-05-06 20:03:00 UTC
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I thought Door to the Future's future never happened because of Door to the Future?
Now I'm confused. -
Different futures. by
on 2015-05-06 21:34:00 UTC
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The Door to the Future changed the timeline of the PPC organisation. That never happened. But the organisation can't affect the Real World - the one that makes the canons. If I write an urban fantasy set in the '60s, then heavily edit it to create a 'new timeline' - that doesn't mean the events of the '60s have changed. Just the ones in my sub-creation.
So the 'Real World' of this future features the Albus Potter books. There are currently (at least) two PPC timelines which take place in the timeframe of that 'Real World'.
Whether Alby actually gets any books, of course, is something none of us can know... yet.
hS -
((Future history? So... Days of Future Past? :P *is shot*)) (nm) by
on 2015-05-06 19:34:00 UTC
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Hey, the Board looks a bit-- GREAT SCOTT! by
on 2015-05-05 22:46:00 UTC
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Marty! Marty! You've gotta come back with me,
MartyIximaz! Back... to the future!
hS knew that 'vintage' DeLorean was a bad idea -
(Ah, there's the previous thread) by
on 2015-05-05 20:05:00 UTC
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(Apparently it was a sub-thread. Weird.)
(hS is parenthetical)
The beta hunt search is on! by
on 2015-05-05 23:44:00 UTC
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Anyone want to beta a bit of nonsense that I'm most definitely blaming on hS?
Okay, let me explain. As happens more often than I'm going to admit, Huinesoron made a comment that inspired me to write something. Surprisingly, this time it's both longer than 500 words (803 at last count) and complete. And, as it's both not quite a drabble and at least borderline canon, I'd like it to be betaed before I post it.
The only canon it involves is the general PPC canon, although some vague knowledge of how Vulcans behave might be useful. (Naruto canon is also briefly involved, but I wasn't really trying to get it perfectly correct--it's as accurate as the knowledge of the agent in question, which is very minimal). I mainly just want a second opinion on the agent interactions, and to know if any of the wording turned out odd.
Anyone interested?
PS: This can also become a general thread for beta-searching, if anyone else has something they want betaed. Recycle threads, everyone! :) -
I'll bite. by
on 2015-05-06 16:49:00 UTC
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[My username, as written in the post header] .
Shared the GDoc! Thank you (nm) by
on 2015-05-06 17:16:00 UTC
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Volunteering by
on 2015-05-06 15:39:00 UTC
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My e-mail address is on my User Page on the wiki.
HG -
Shared the GDoc! Thank you. (nm) by
on 2015-05-06 17:13:00 UTC
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I think I might have a siezure by
on 2015-05-06 02:21:00 UTC
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I have just witnessed an ad that was of a spaztic windows xp window flashing red and blue and with a backwards apple logo saying a free iPhone can be mine...
My one question is: Does the virus come in orange? -
Welp, This got out of hand quickly. by
on 2015-05-07 00:01:00 UTC
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So, lesson learned- I said an offensive word but didn't know it was offensive and sparked an argument. I'm sorry, now I know, and won't do it again. We don't need a heated debate; isn't the PPC about having fun?
Amen. by
on 2015-05-07 01:55:00 UTC
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We're a community, right?
Unfortunately, I don't think that there's a proper synonym for American!spastic. It seems to be a much more extreme version of "twitchy," and we use it to signify that something spasms a lot (like me when I'm cold). I do know that Britain has much worse connotations for the word, but I think it has completely different meanings on either side of the pond.
... I think I lost track of what I was saying. Regardless, let's all make like Crush 40 and live and learn. (I am so sorry) -
Full disclosure: by
on 2015-05-06 09:21:00 UTC
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Please do not use the word sp*stic. It does not mean what you think it does, and is extremely insulting over here.
Can we have a serious discussion? by
on 2015-05-06 17:52:00 UTC
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I find it so interesting how we have taken the exact same word, applied similar context, and yet have vastly differing reactions to it.
Now, perhaps I'm just a dumb American, but to me, spastic is just acting in a rapid, clumsy manner. Arms flailing about, tripping over things, is the image that comes to mind. It's not just being clumsy, but the extreme speed at which it occurs. That, or extreme hyperactivity. Kid hopped up on way too much caffeine, for instance. A rather silly image, that has come to be used as a minor insult, usually for self deprecation. Very similar to nerd, in that respect. Was somewhat offensive, now not even the tiniest bit offensive, even to the perpetually offended.
However, in the UK, it is one of the most insulting words possible. For fellow dumb Americans, note how Scape felt the need to self-censor, even when using the word to say don't use it again. Over there, it is second only to retard in terms of insulting for disabled folks, and with very similar meaning.
To put this in proper context for both sides, I am going to apply the same treatment to another word that offends everybody, the word that I would never use outside of discussing the word itself, and even then would seek to avoid: nigger. I sat for a solid two minutes steeling myself before I wrote that word. That is how offensive it is in my culture. Even now, I am contemplating scrapping this entire analogy, but it is the only word I can think of that is heavy enough to shock people into thinking about this.
So. Let's say that there is a culture that uses the word nigger. In that context, it is a word used for black people. Nothing more, nothing less. Sometimes, it is even used as the color black itself, in very specific contexts. They use nigger as greetings, use it in products, have it used on the television all the time. How angry would you be if you saw this culture? You would be furious! No, that word does not mean what you think it does! Stop using it, now and forever!
"But why? It's not offensive! Our definition is not yours! Why should we be offended for you?"
And here is the rub. It is not offensive to them. Not at all. But for us, it is. So, who is in the right? Should the other culture censor the word in recognition of a definition they do not share, or should we just accept that it means something else over there and leave them alone? I, personally, while feeling uncomfortable, would say they have the right to their definition. The word is not inherently offensive. String those letters together, not every living thing is repulsed by the sound. What makes a word offensive is the context and definition we give it. I would even accept it's use on, say, a posting board if used by those people. That does not mean I would cringe any less, and would probably contemplate telling them that they should stop using it for my emotional state. But I would not, because respecting differing cultures is important, and if we can make more words less offensive, the better.
Now, if you excuse me, I have to wash my mouth out with soap. -
Ok, I actually didn't know that that was a bad thing by
on 2015-05-06 20:29:00 UTC
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I think i qualify as "dumb american"
I disagree. by
on 2015-05-06 21:03:00 UTC
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It's not dumbness as much as cultural selfcentredness, methinks. But, anyway, I think it'd be better for everyone to assume people make honest mistakes (as opposed to being deliberately insulting).
Let me be frank by
on 2015-05-06 21:22:00 UTC
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I think its also being culturally self-centered to think it is offensive. From what research I did, it appears that it did not really become a derogatory term until the early 80s in the UK, when it had been used to mean hyperactive, etc., and ultimately uncool since the early 50s in the US. And my question is why should one interpretation be forced to control? Why should the offensive definition be forced over the unoffensive one?
Because it's a bigger issue. by
on 2015-05-06 21:30:00 UTC
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You not being able to say a given word is incredibly minor in the English language, which has a dozen synonyms for everything. Someone being offended by a given word has a far bigger impact and longer-lasting effect. So, given that we have goals in our Constitution about, y'know, getting on with each other - isn't it better to take the minor trouble to avoid upsetting someone?
hS -
In addition... by
on 2015-05-06 21:58:00 UTC
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Primum non nocere - first, do no harm. Using another word instead of an insulting one - especially in the case where you have other synonyms and the word is obscure anyway - is preferred to hurting other people who might find it offensive.
Okay, so correct me if I'm wrong, but... by
on 2015-05-06 18:08:00 UTC
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Your opinion seems to be that it doesn't matter if something's a derogatory slur that causes hardship, people shouldn't be offended by it if someone else - anyone else - is not. They're entitled to their right to use whatever words they want without any kind of responsibility.
As far as I'm concerned, that is a pile of crap visible from space. -
No, no, there is a difference. by
on 2015-05-06 18:32:00 UTC
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I mean a whole country, a separate culture. One dude, or a small collection of people does not a culture make. Nor am I saying it should not be made known why it is offensive for people. However, I say, what gives you the right to say, "No. That's wrong. Stop doing that," when over there, it causes them absolutely no harm?
What I want is for those contexts to loose their offensive meaning, for everybody. I want words to be used in less offensive contexts, rather then outright banned. I want our definition of the term to spread, so that even the people with the syndrome can stop being offended by the word.
See, I see where you lot are coming from, and why the word is super offensive for you, but for me, it's like saying that calling somebody chipper is offensive. It just... Isn't. And yet, for you, it is. I respect that, but hope it can change so that it is not anymore. -
Living in a world where it's offensive to some but not all.. by
on 2015-05-06 18:52:00 UTC
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There are going to be situations like this, no matter how much you try. One group will find a word completely inoffensive; another group will feel as though it's a personal attack. It's an inevitable result of living in a world where different cultures often communicate, and for obvious reasons it's very common on the Internet.
I don't think we can solve this problem either by banning all words that are offensive to someone hearing them. Nor can we solve it by allowing all words that are not offensive to the person speaking them. Neither one works because by the nature of different cultures, people will simply not be able to keep track of every word that every culture they come in contact with would consider offensive.
And yet it is a problem. So let's look at our goals: Neither side intends an insult, and our goal is to communicate clearly.
Both sides have to compromise here. If you are in the group that uses a word like "spastic" as a neutral descriptive term, and you discover that some people see it as an insult, you put it in your mental dictionary of things not to say to those particular people. On the other hand, if you are in the group that sees "spastic" as an ablist slur, when you hear someone using it, you need to look at the context and see what that person's intent might be, asking them directly if you are unsure, and take their intended message into account.
If they did not mean it as a slur, then you can either let it pass, or you can inform them how you see that particular word--and I do mean inform, with the intent to educate rather than shame, because no one should have to be ashamed of an insult that was never intended to be one.
The critical point here is that both sides need to listen to each other. If they don't, unintended insults can turn into intended insults.
I'm autistic. I suck at social skills and I find, a lot of the time, that I've said something that insulted someone unintentionally. If they tell me that I have hurt them, I add it to my mental file of things not to say and go on. But I need to be told. It's just so frustrating when people keep it to themselves, expecting me to understand without being told that they have been insulted, and becoming angrier and angrier. If there's no communication, there can be no understanding. If you're not willing to try to understand the other person's perspective, then you will forever be butting heads and insulting each other by accident. -
[Raises hand] by
on 2015-05-06 21:28:00 UTC
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I don't know of any words or phrases which are acceptable in the UK but insulting or offensive in the US. I'm sure there are some, but I don't personally know what they are.
So if I were to use one - let's imagine the word 'mardy' is a heinous insult over there (it's a Northern dialect term for 'grumpy', for the record) - and one of our American Boarders said they were offended by it, do you know what I'd do?
The answer is 'do my best to stop using it on the Board'. Not 'argue that people shouldn't be offended by it because it's not offensive to me'. I think the second approach is entirely backwards: it's saying 'my right to say a word supersedes the right of people not to see offensive words on the Board'.
And yeah, that goes for things that aren't simply words and phrases. If I say that the Boarder Summertide is 'overreacting', and Summertide replies with a huge rant about how she's spent her entire life being told she overreacts - then I'll stop saying that about her, even when it's objectively true, because it offends her and I'm... not here to offend people.
hS -
Well, I sparked a bit of a firefight. by
on 2015-05-06 23:15:00 UTC
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My original intent was to look at and discuss how it is that we could take the same word and have some people look at it as the most minor poke possible, and another the most ablest phrase possible. However, at the time, I just came out of a class where we were discussing words and their power. In the class, it was hammered in how much words only mean what you let them mean. Which then got me thinking, "Why should we assign this horrid connotation to this word? Especially when there is a much less offensive version out there. Why can't we all use the less offensive one?" This became translated into, "I have the right to say what I want, your feelings be darned!" which was not what I meant to say. It is what I said, I will not try and claim you all misunderstood, but it was not what I meant. An error of communication on my part.
Yes, you are right. If somebody said a term was horribly offensive, and explained why, I would avoid it for the future. And, in this case, I will. It may slip though, just because of how we use it here, but call me out on it if i do accidentally use it. I only wanted to look at why it is offensive, and see if we could possibly loosen some of it's offensive power by not associating it with the negative aspects. However, I see that this is a gradual change that must happen. Blame academia for my ignorance. -
I won't say too much on this by
on 2015-05-06 21:16:00 UTC
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Because inevitably if it gets drawn out the odds of me unintentionally offending someone will likely skyrocket. First and foremost, I will start by saying I have absolutely no intention of offending anyone, if I do I am preemptively apologizing. Now on to my point.
I think the real crux of the issue is not the word itself. It is the intent. See it is something that I have noticed clearly in the US. In this current era there is a cultural consensus to treat everything with "kid gloves" so to speak. We are too afraid of offending anyone that it really ascribes more power to the word than it otherwise would have. A perfect example of this is the reaction of a great many people in the United States around the time Djano Unchained was released. There were a great many people up in arms over the repeated use of the N-word in the film. Now for those of you that do not know, that refers to the word "nigger". To provide some more context, it seems to me that the use of that word, in the US at least, is perfectly acceptable for African Americans to use, but often times the moment a, usually European-American, mentions the word, people lose their minds over it. I also remember, how I was terrified in one of my classes years back, and we were reading Huck Finn. The word comes up repeatedly throughout the story, and I had to read it aloud. I was terrified because of the stigma attached to the word. And there is the rub. A word itself only has the meaning which humans give it. I do not think a word itself should be considered offensive. It, in my view, is restricted to the intent. For example returning to the particular word at issue, spastic, has (some evidence suggests) been used to mean hyperactive and the other things World Jumper mentioned previously since the 1950s. I understand that it is considered offensive in the UK, but to that I ask, why should that particular world view be foisted upon everyone else? Frankly if we use words that might be offensive, the overall language that can be used will be limited. There are too many words that are innocuous to one culture, but highly offensive to another. Taking an example going the other way, the word "fag". From what I understand in the British Isles, it is a largely innocuous word for cigarette. But in the US, it has most recently become a highly offensive word for a homosexual, do I think that the use of that word should be banned, because it is offensive? No. Because I think it really does come down the intent. It is clear that the OP had no intention of offending anyone. I think the better approach is to focus on the intent.
Now again I did not intend to offend anyone, and if I did I am sorry. And that is the point. I think the focus should not be on the word itself, but on the intent. To kind of close it let us say that a group of One Eyed, One Horned, Flying Purple People Eaters arrive on Earth. Lets say that a group of people then create the word Smerple to refer to those Purple People Eaters, that word should not be offensive just because it exists, but the offense should only be attached if there is rancor, hatred, derision, etc. attached to that word. And that's where I am going to end, because I can already tell where this would go if I continue. So again, I mean no offense, and I think intent should be the focus. Not the word itself. -
Here's what I'm getting from this: by
on 2015-05-06 21:34:00 UTC
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All of you, not just EAIUO, He Of All The Vowels:-
"You're finding something I said offensive, and that's making me feel uncomfortable about using language I use all the time regardless of how derogatory it is. Because you're making me uncomfortable in this manner, that makes you the offensive one! And therefore you should apologise to me for being offended by something I said, because the fact that my language is offensive doesn't mean you should be offended by it. That's what freedom of speech means, right? Right?"
To which I can only respond thus:
You're being offensive. Maybe you're not being deliberately offensive, but that doesn't mean the square root of sod-all. Don't be offensive. Don't use offensive language. And for the love of whichever god you hold dear, don't try and justify being offensive on the grounds that not everyone finds what you're saying offensive, because that's about as completely beside the bloody point as it's possible for a thing to be. You're just arguing the toss, and talking a load of it while you're at it. So please: don't bloody do that. -
Let me cut this down a bit. by
on 2015-05-06 22:20:00 UTC
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The way I saw it, now part of this is my own world view. I am an ardent supporter of the First Amendment of the United State Constitution. I have even written on it, unpublished, but that's not relevant here, and I see this whole ideology in the US of political correctness as a very real threat to what has been enshrined in the US Constitution. I despise any form of censorship, and to me this is using offensiveness as a shield to censor. And I see the slippery slope that can too easily be crossed.
Now also to me it seemed like you were essentially jumping down the OP's throat. Specifically when you said "it does not mean what you think it means." That's a false statement. In American English is does mean exactly what he thought it meant. So the way I look at both of what you and Huinesoron are saying, is that British English is appropriate and should control. It is like you are saying our interpretation is the only appropriate interpretation. Which, with all due respect I vehemently disagree with. And further as to the derogatory part of your comment, our point is that in American English, it is not derogatory and to my knowledge it never has been. This is again getting to the point that it seems that British English is the only appropriate interpretation.
Frankly for me I take Voltaire's "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it," to its logical extreme. Someone could come up with the most offensive thing in the universe for someone like me and repeatedly use with all the hatred there could be, and I still would not argue that they should stop using it. Because to me, that's what Freedom of Speech means. This may well be irreconcilable between us, because the European and American views on free speech are different. The US has interpreted our Freedom of Speech to be incredibly broad, much more so than what European Courts have done with their respective free speech provisions. And that's where the real divide seems to come from here.
I know that at least French Courts, and I believe the ECJ have both held that offensive language can be restricted, no such ruling would survive the US Supreme Court. Perhaps that helps show where my arguments are coming from. -
Wut? by
on 2015-05-06 22:34:00 UTC
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"I see this whole ideology in the US of political correctness as a very real threat to what has been enshrined in the US Constitution."
That is a thing that has come out of the hole in your face without evident irony.
Talk amongst yourselves. -
If you are talking about speech and US... by
on 2015-05-06 23:26:00 UTC
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There are clearly problems, recently both the government and people seem to have lost track of a great many things. I will admit I had a very visceral reaction without fully thinking it through. I do apologize for that. I am going to reiterate my non-visceral point, that I had a problem with.
You stated that the word the OP used did not mean what he thought it did. My real point is that in American English it means exactly what he thought it meant. And to me it seemed like you were implying that British English is the only proper English. Which caused me to get visceral and go way off on a tangent. A tangent admittedly not well conceived. -
Eh, we all make mistakes. by
on 2015-05-06 23:28:00 UTC
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You're is buying into right-wing pap that keeps you pinned to the frelling floor, and mine is getting excitable because of it.
Hold on a second. by
on 2015-05-07 00:00:00 UTC
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First and foremost, I do not belong to the right wing political philosophy. I am actually an Independent with some Libertarian Leanings. Second pap? As in "reading matter or entertainment that is worthless or lacking in substance?" In other words it seems you are equating a "Right Wing", though I prefer the term Conservative Ideology to garbage? I am not offended, but really? Discounting an entire ideology just because you do not agree with it? That seems more than a little provincial. I think it is inappropriate and also more than a little passive aggressive. I get it, you don't much care for Conservative Ideology, but that does not make it any less valuable.
If you want to get into a political debate, that's fine, but this does not seem like the time or place to do so. -
A little aside. by
on 2015-05-07 00:11:00 UTC
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Libertarian leanings are basically social right wing - they're on the opposite of left-wing ideologies such as socialism, social democracy, communism and whatnot.
Well yes and no by
on 2015-05-07 01:19:00 UTC
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There are different kinds of it. I do not subscribe to the Libertarian Party in the US. In the US Libertarian Leanings also constitute small government. And that is were I fall in in. I am not in any one party.
Each party has a very large platform. I take from all major groups. What I take from Libertarian is also what I predominately take from Conservatives. When in doubt, small government. This is also a Libertarian Perspective. That's all I take from them. My theory of Constitutional Interpretation is also Conservative. Social Policies on the other hand are a full mix for me. Generally I am more in line with US Democrats, though I think several of our social policies need considerable work. Unlike Libertarians I do not want to dismantle them. Environmentally I am more of a Moderate Liberal.
So a better way to describe it would be an Independent who defaults to Small Government unless I think there is good reason for large government. -
I think you're missing something here. by
on 2015-05-06 22:26:00 UTC
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Free Speech, as it is understood in most democracies today, isn't "I can say whatever I want and you can't do anything." It's "I can say 90% of what I want and the government won't shut me up." The US Constitution (its applicability to this discussion is a whole other cup of tea - under what sort of laws does this community operate?) does not apply to private people. That's why you can sue people for libel - most states, the US included, recognise that Free Speech has limits.
More of my philosophical perspective by
on 2015-05-06 23:08:00 UTC
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And while it is true you can sue for slander and libel, a very few of them ever succeed. I am using this as perspective. The OP said they were American, I am saying that under controlling US Doctrine, the OP's applicable law, that is not reason for censorship. It seems my point got buried.
Let me rephrase to what I was trying to say prior to going off on a pseudo-legalese analysis. My real issue was the comment that Scape made saying that "it does not mean what you think it means." Which is a false statement. In the US where both the OP and I are from the context the word was used is not only acceptable, but is the controlling definition of that word. It almost seemed to me that Scape was suggesting that the British Interpretation is the appropriate interpretation. I have a very fundamental disagreement with that.
And you are actually not fully correct about the US Constitution not applying to private individuals. I forget the name off the top of my head, but there was a case involving the Elks Lodge Organization, where in the US Supreme Court extended the 14th Amendment (Race Discrimination) to apply to a private organization. There was also Sullivan v. NY Times case which on the libel end, makes it very difficult for a private party to succeed in a libel claim due to Freedom of Speech and Press Claim. The US's protections are far more broad than the EU. Here the trend has been along the lines of "You can say what you want unless it fits into one of very few narrow exceptions."
And that gets back to the point where I think the analysis should be on intent not the word itself. My over-saturated brain turned off its filter and I had a poorly thought out visceral reaction. For that I do apologize. -
Well... by
on 2015-05-06 23:24:00 UTC
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The point is that Scape is right and the word has additional meanings - ie, not what you think it means; in this case, it's offensive. In our current case, it doesn't really matter which definition is 'appropriate', since we're not arguing about the meaning of the word, we're arguing whether it's acceptable to use it.
Maybe an example will help: suppose I'll come and tell you that you're a son of a bitch. You'd be offended, right? The fact that in Hebrew it is also used as a compliment is irrelevant; you'd still be offended and you'd probably ask that I will apologise, no? Free speech isn't free beer, 'do whatever you want'. Having a right to free speech doesn't mean you have a right to offend other people, and other people can and will tell you to stop it. Free speech doesn't protect you from the consequences of what you say.
Anyway, dealing with the US legal system (which is, admittedly, very different from the Israeli system to which I am used), you're missing Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. v. Greenmoss Builders, Inc. (1985) which basically says that no, you can't slander people, even if you're not malicious.
I hope I didn't miss anything in here, I tend to lose myself in my argumentation process. -
I did not really want to get into a libel discussion... by
on 2015-05-06 23:50:00 UTC
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First I actually would not be offended. Words do not offend me, I cannot conceive a situation where I would be actually offended. There are multiple forms of liable. There is libel against private persons, which as a rule is easier to prove. Though the trend in the past 15-20 years has also made that more difficult to prove. Then there is public figures or public controversies which is Sullivan v. Time which do require actual malice are virtually impossible to prove. The recent trend has extended this to private parties. Especially if the Media is one of the parties. If the Media is involved it is virtually impossible to recover for defamation. Defamation itself is a very complicated issue that includes exceptions to exceptions and so on. I do concede that if it a defamation suit between to private individuals the odds of recovery are much greater. But here is the main way it works. Sullivan's Actual Malice standard only must apply to public individuals, but subsequent trends have indicated that without malice it can get difficult to prove damages. Further Defamation itself is an intentional tort. That means that it requires intent to defame. In order to prove the cause of action there must be a materially false statement of fact made about the party seeking to recover. Even under the basic definition of Defamation, there are massive exceptions. For example: opinions will not be defamation (see virtually every case involving tabloids, there is a reason most suits against tabloids occur in the UK, much easier to prove their equivalent cause of action), further, truth is also an absolute defense. And if the defendant can prove there was no intent to cause harm, most courts will also dismiss. In the US there are dozens of Supreme Court decisions that support virtually every possible interpretation. There is a reason most lawyers in the US get paid very well. The majority trend that I have seen looking through the Court's precedents since Sullivan is that it is very hard to succeed on a defamation claim unless the plaintiff can prove either actual malice or willful disregard of the truth of the fact asserted. It seems that the exceptions in this case have swallowed the rule. That is the trend that I have seen in recent years. Though that does not take into account that there are 50 different States that are allowed some degree of wiggle room on what Defamation is and how to prove it.
Dude, you're missing two things here. by
on 2015-05-07 00:08:00 UTC
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1) Assuming people won't get offended when you say something offensive is detached from reality. People do get offended and assuming otherwise is simply wishful thinking.
2) My point isn't that it's easy to get damages via a defamation suit in the States. My point is that, even in the States, the freedom of speech isn't absolute. Aside from legal limitations, there are social limitations - for example, try shouting that God doesn't exist in a church in Alabama; I'm pretty sure you'll get chased out.
As an aside, can you please use line-breaks? Your posts are large blocks of text and it makes them harder to understand. -
I realize that half of what I've been doing by
on 2015-05-07 01:25:00 UTC
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Is basically making Strawman Political Arguments with myself. So I am going to go back to the point I really tried to make. I agree with what World Jumper was saying.
I got out of line, because I had artificially created straw arguments that were not there. And arguing with a strawman never goes well. For that I do apologize and am ready to move beyond this. -
I have a question. by
on 2015-05-06 21:59:00 UTC
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First, some background:
The term "Mary Sue" is considered a misogynist slur by some groups. I don't think you were around when we were pretty much flat-out told by one of them to stop using it for that reason; I'm guessing not. We decided to keep it on the grounds that we'd never used it that way and indeed had never even considered that it could be used that way, considering we're always talking about fictional characters when we use it, never real women. Plus, we have a wiki that carefully explains what we do mean to avoid confusion.
Your view would seem to make us all horrible jerkwads in this case, since we've continued using a term that we have been informed is offensive to some. Is that so, or do you think the case with "Mary Sue" is different from the case with "spastic"? If so, how? If not, would your beliefs force you to rethink your involvement with the PPC now that you have this information?
I'm trying to figure out where and how you draw your boundary lines.
~Neshomeh -
Oh, is it? by
on 2015-05-06 22:40:00 UTC
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You might want to tell these guys.
If you don't believe me... by
on 2015-05-06 22:54:00 UTC
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You can check out these posts in the PPC LJ comm, and the discussion in the comments on the second one, where some people from the So Sue Me community showed up to talk.
When you get back, would you care to answer my question? I'm making a serious attempt to understand your point of view. I would appreciate you not brushing me off as though I were lying to you or something.
~Neshomeh -
I don't think you're lying. by
on 2015-05-06 23:15:00 UTC
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I think you're being intentionally thick. It's obvious why people think the term "Mary Sue" is sexist; they think it's applying a derogatory term to exactly the same kind of power fantasies that get a free pass from men.
The problem is that nobody in the PPC actually does that, and by dragging out this argument you're denigrating the community. A Mary Sue is an anti-feminist character, because a Mary Sue is a bad character, of the kind that is brought up relentlessly as an example of why women shouldn't be writing in X, Y, or Z by sexist dickless wit-vacuums too busy picking bits of Dorito out of their neckbeard to actually think critically.
That's what you're doing, as far as I'm concerned: not thinking critically. And therefore, since this is a serious bloody topic, I will brush you off, because you're not treating it with the gravity it deserves. -
... by
on 2015-05-07 07:33:00 UTC
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And OrangeYoshi wasn't using the word he(?) used as a derogatory term, so how exactly is the situation different?
And, Scapegrace... can you stop being so insulting towards virtually everyone? You've told Nesh she's not thinking critically or viewing the topic as serious, when that's exactly what she's doing; you've told EIEIO he's 'buying into right-wing pap'; you've randomly flamed, uh... I'm not even sure in this post, possibly 'anyone who thinks Mary-Sues are typical of women's writing'.
It's not helping your point at all, it's making me feel very uncomfortable being on the same side of the discussion as you, and it's also pushing very hard against the no-flaming rules of the PPC Community. As far as the actual culture of the PPC Community goes, I think you're way over the line.
So please. Stop attacking people. You can disagree with people - even bluntly - without making it personal about them.
hS -
You're right, of course. by
on 2015-05-07 10:26:00 UTC
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I get far too angry. Disease of the species, I'm afraid; poor anger management's one of the slew of mental health problems I possess. This is, I feel obliged to stress, not an excuse for my behaviour, merely a reason.
Nesh, I'm sorry for attacking you with personal sniping and unwarranted vehemence. It was wrong of me to treat you in so shoddy a manner. -
My comment on that. by
on 2015-05-06 22:11:00 UTC
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Because that is actually a very good point to raise in this conversation. And my personal answer is three- or fourfold:
1/ I don't use it around the people who are offended by it - or even could potentially be. I've never (I don't think) left a review calling someone's character a Mary-Sue. I use it in stories which, ultimately, are meant for people who already agree with me. ^_~
2/ The presence of that explanation on the Wiki - and in my head - is important to me; it's designed to be the first port of call when the question of whether 'Mary-Sue' is appropriate comes up. In a way, actually, the term itself becomes a teaching tool - we say 'Mary-Sue', Suesette says 'that's offensive!', and I say 'actually, this is what we mean - and this is why the characters we say it about are actually bad'.
3/ In my series designed to be the face of (my idea of) the PPC - Driftwood, the one I posted on - I don't use the phrase 'Mary-Sue' at all. I substituted 'Suvian' as a generic, gender-neutral term. It seems to work. I did that deliberately to avoid causing offense.
And the reason for all of the above:
4/ We use 'Mary-Sue' for historical reasons - it's what Jay and Acacia used. We have a department named after them, and no real justification in-universe for changing it. If the offensive word being discussed in this thread was 'alcoholic', and someone was trying to talk about 'Alcoholics Anonymous', then yeah, that would be analogous. But... it's not.
Like I say, this is a hS response. At least one of my reasons doesn't apply to anyone else, and potentially all of the first three don't apply to any given person. But it's what I think.
hS -
Re: Full disclosure: by
on 2015-05-06 11:42:00 UTC
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ah. My appologies.
Concur. (nm) by
on 2015-05-06 09:37:00 UTC
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It also comes in urple. by
on 2015-05-06 02:38:00 UTC
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And dude: install an Adblocker extension on your browser. It will stop ads from being displayed altogether (yes, even the ones on YouTube as well).
I already have. by
on 2015-05-06 11:44:00 UTC
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I was using a diff. computer that time so i had no access to adblock plus.
Make sure to use Adblocker responsibly... by
on 2015-05-06 03:57:00 UTC
Link to this keep supporting your favorite youtubers!
And websites and what have you. by
on 2015-05-06 08:29:00 UTC
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I am a rather extensive ad-blocker, but I do make a point to donate or disable for sites/personalities I want to support.
Cipher's Quest for Permission: The Sequel by
on 2015-05-06 22:19:00 UTC
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Hey, guys, sorry I wasn't active last week but I got sick. Luckily, I'm a bit better now and can actually focus my thoughts (that's actually pretty difficult, when I'm sick).
Now, as you may or may not remember, I asked you before about creating a magic-user as my agent. Yeah, I pretty much got the personality, overall design and all the necessary stuff, all I need now is a wrapping. Now, I have three possible outcomes for the character, so I am here to ask for help:
#1 - a Homo Magi from DC Universe. In case you don't know, the Homo Magi are a sub-species of humans who are capable of using magic. Most famous example would be Zatanna Zatara, who uses Backwards Magic. This is kinda risky, since I couldn't notice clear limitations and boundaries of this type. Any DC experts and fans are more than welcome to help me! :)
#2 - something for my Whovian brethren. If you remember "The Shakespeare Code", you know what I'm talking about. This option features a Human/Carrionite hybrid. Again, a quick summary: You know how we use numbers for our science? Well, the Carrionites do the same thing using words, therefore it is easy to mistake it for magic. Again, I'm counting for the Whovians' help.
Option no. 3 is The Secrets of Immortal Nicolas Flamel and, so far, it's the most probable one. I mentioned it before.
So, yeah, I'm counting on you guys. Apologies, if you find this annoying, or thinking that it's some kid trying to do a BAMF character, because it really isn't :).
Also, by the time you read this (probably), it'll be my one-month-anniversary on the Board. Yay me~ :D -
On picking a continuum by
on 2015-05-07 14:23:00 UTC
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Personally, I'd choose one that
Your post is cut mid-sentence. (nm) by
on 2015-05-07 14:33:00 UTC
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Didn't really mean to post at all, sorry. (nm) by
on 2015-05-07 18:24:00 UTC
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While I think a human/carrionite agent would be... by
on 2015-05-07 04:59:00 UTC
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. . really interesting, I agree with Des: don't write a character from a canon you don't feel you know well enough or don't feel you could get around not being a complete expert in by careful research. For example, I have a Klingon agent, but while I know Star Trek pretty well, a lot of the material on Klingons and Klingon society is in the series that I haven't seen very much of. Since my Klingon is from the original series (which I have seen), I rely only partially on my memory of TOS, which is mainly outsider POV anyway, and make sure to boost my knowledge with close reading of the Memory Alpha wiki articles on Klingons. I wouldn't consider myself an expert on Klingons...but I do feel confident writing one!
That's not to say that research doesn't apply even with characters you know more about. I also look at wiki articles for Vulcans (T'Zar) and Time Lords (the Reader), though not as often since I know and remember more about them without the extra research. Elves probably get the most infrequent amount of extra research, if you take out anything to do with researching names, looking up bits of languages, or checking bits of history.
Basically, writing characters from canons that provide anything more than 'this is its name, its function, and the basic way people react to it' will generally involve at least a little bit of research at some point. How intense or intensive the research gets... well, that's up to you and it's up to the canon. Also, your memory of the canon.
So yeah. Feel better, and also don't worry about how frequently you're on or off the Board--people tend to drift in and out a bit, especially around exam times. We'll often give a warning if we're about to disappear for a month or so and know in advance, or do some sort of welcome back post if it's been a long while since we were last on (or even a returnbie post, if it's been a longer while), but generally speaking, things are fairly casual.
So don't stress about how active you are or aren't able to be. Just focus on getting better :) As you can see, we're still here!
Also, hurrah, one month anniversary! *throws confetti* Did you know that in Italian 'confetti' actually has something to do with almonds? Sergio Turbo can tell you more, if he's around...I, unfortunately, have forgotten and am not Italian.
Good luck with the agent!
~DF -
Since I've been called in... by
on 2015-05-07 22:29:00 UTC
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It's time for your resident Italian Boarder to start Sergio Turbo's Italian Lessons!
"Confetti" is indeed the (plural. Singular is "confetto") term that designates sugared almonds or similar candies with an hard sugar coating. The Italian term for the small bits of paper thrown around is another - "coriandoli" (singular: coriandolo, though it is rarely used as you rarely need to refer to a single one).
Another similar case is "pepperoni": if you think it refers to sausages in Italy, you're so off-road you're going to need high-lift suspensions and mud tyres.
"Peperoni" (Yes, you also use one "p" too many in America. And what's with always using the plural even when referring to single things?), singular "peperone", is actually the term for bigger, sweeter peppers.
Since I see "pepperoni" used mainly when referring to pizza toppings, though, I might have an idea about how the slip-up happened. Here in Italy a popular pizza topping is peppers and spicy sausages, so whoever tried importing that to the US probably thought "peperoni" referred to the sausages instead. -
That... seems to be the case. by
on 2015-05-08 19:03:00 UTC
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The OED attests 'peperoni' in English in 1888, in The Times:
There were peperoni, sometimes called diavolini, and poponi.
And then, unusually, they have a note:
Although quot. 1888 suggests an Italian origin, the Italian word is apparently not attested in this sense.
So yeah. Whoever that writer in The Times was, they just... got it wrong. ^_^ (And were English, not American. Just want to make that clear.)
'Confetti' is OED'd as 'Bon-bons, or plaster or paper imitations of these, thrown during carnival in Italy'; the first citation is 1815, about 'little balls, the size of a small marble, made of some soft white plaister that makes a mark wherever it strikes'. Apparently that's where the shift came from, I guess?
hS -
Heck, even if you do know the species well... by
on 2015-05-07 10:47:00 UTC
Link to this doesn't hurt to do at least a bit of research on them. While I'm pretty well-versed in Doctor Who, I still wanted to make sure there weren't any details on Time Lord physiology and post-regeneration symptoms that I might not have known because it came from an episode of Classic Who, or the Expanded Universe, or maybe a detail I just missed. You might be surprised at what you find.
Research is good. Research is your friend. :) -
Confetti... by
on 2015-05-07 09:35:00 UTC
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As Sarge would have told you, are sugared almonds. The word you're looking for is 'coriandoli'.
No, listen, it's simple. by
on 2015-05-07 10:46:00 UTC
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That's Italian confetti. American confetti has a thicker base and a lot more toppings.
hS -
You guys are overcomplicating this. by
on 2015-05-07 10:49:00 UTC
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Just throw cakefetti like I do and everyone's happy! ;)
*throws cakefetti*
:D -
No, I'm sorry, I can't stand for this. by
on 2015-05-07 11:04:00 UTC
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Your use of the word 'cake' to mean anything other than a hard round loaf of bread like it originally meant is quite simply cultural appropriation. Do you have no respect at all for Anglo-Norman culture?
hS -
*sprinkles cakefetti in your hair* by
on 2015-05-07 11:07:00 UTC
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Apparently not. :P
on 2015-05-07 11:37:00 UTC
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*launches a cakefetti bomb at Ixi's face* You've been Cipher'd! :D
A simple rule of thumb. by
on 2015-05-06 22:29:00 UTC
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Two of them, actually.
1) If you think it's OP or too undefined, it is, and you shouldn't be using it in your PPC writing.
2) If you're not sufficiently confident you can write an agent without having embarrassing canon-related slip-ups, don't. -
Simple and understandable... thanks! :3 (nm) by
on 2015-05-06 22:38:00 UTC
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Glad to help. (nm) by
on 2015-05-06 22:49:00 UTC
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It's the UK General Election today... by
on 2015-05-07 09:26:00 UTC
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... so let's see what the major parties have to say for themselves.
(Arbitrarily listed in order of their popularity on the last poll in my constituency)
The Conservative Party
"Sell everything! We've already sold the Royal Mail and the National Health Service... can we sell some more schools to corporations next? Ooh! Could we sell workers to their employers?" - David Cameron, in a policy planning meeting.
The Labour Party
"What if, right, you'll like this, what if we take all the crazy that the other parties are spewing, water it down slightly, and make that our ideology? Eh? Eh? Whaddaya think?" - Ed Milliband, on the phone to Ed Balls.
The UK Independence Party
"If UKIP is elected, taking the UK out of Europe will only be the first step. By the end of my term, I plan for the British race to stand tall and proud in its new home: the planet Venus." - Nigel Farage, campaign speech.
The Liberal Democrats
"But I don't understand why we're doing so badly in the polls! All we did was ally with our ideological enemies, spit all over our voters, and shoot ourselves in the literal foot with an actual gun! It's just not fair!" - Nick Clegg, campaign speech.
The Green Party
"What about... could we stand trees as candidates? That would make a statement, wouldn't it? Just think: 'VOTE... TREES'. How about it?" - Natalie Bennett, campaign planning meeting.
Scottish National Party
"So today we, the people of Scotland, want to send a message to the rest of Britain: independence for Scotland! To hell wi' the rest of you!" - Nicola Sturgeon, campaign speech.
(Plaid Cymru (the Welsh national party) and the Northern Irish parties are not included in this discussion. They'll probably object to that, to which I say: ought to be more interesting, then, didn't you? Ha!)
(Can you tell I'm not terribly impressed with the choices this time around? Also, no, sadly the SNP aren't standing candidates in England.)
Right now, the polls are close enough that it looks like no one party will take a majority. With that in mind, let's run through the possibile governments the UK could have for the next five years, in rough order of likelihood.
1/ Labour minority government, with SNP support. Will probably result in another Scottish independence referendum. Still, overall it's the best option going, since the SNP is the most left-wing party we've got (and, for the record, are currently looking to be the third-largest party, after the Conservatives and Labour).
2/ Conservative/Lib Dem coalition. A continuation of what we've currently got, though probably as a minority coalition. Not keen on this.
3/ SNP government. Sure, they're the third party, but if the two largest refuse to form a government, someone has to. This would be hilarious and I desperately wish it would happen. Nicola Sturgeon for Prime Minister!
4/ National government, AKA Conservative/Labour coalition. Hey, it worked for Churchill!
5/ Simultaneous meteor strike against all candidates, resulting in a second election. Look, it could happen!
6/ The Queen gets so ticked off with the whole thing that she reasserts her traditional rights, seizing power for herself. We probably go on to declare war on France 'just because'.
7/ UKIP/Green coalition. This government would have the goal of getting the UK out of the EU and into a forest.
8/ SNP/Sinn Fein/Plaid Cymru/UKIP/Mebyon Kernow/Wessex Regionalist/Yorkshire First coalition. AKA 'the Coalition for Independence from Everything'. After five years, the formerly-United Kingdom would be a patchwork of city states.
9/A sane government which actually puts the people of Britain and the world first. Pffffffft yeahright.
(PS: I'm trusting here that the PPC is capable of having a reasonable conversation about even a hot-button issue such as this. Please don't prove me wrong, guys. ~hS) -
I vote option 6 by
on 2015-05-08 06:52:00 UTC
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...with the caveat that the Queen only run everything until Parliament gets its act together and starts thinking about what the British people actually want. Because the Queen is awesome.
(totally against NZ becoming a republic as long as Queen Elizabeth is around) -
Just saying, Lalla Ward would make the best PM. (nm) by
on 2015-05-08 05:30:00 UTC
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Pfeh. (Exit polls). by
on 2015-05-07 22:27:00 UTC
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According to the exit polls (ie, 'we asked random people as they came out'), the Conservatives very nearly have a majority. That's... very, very different to what the pre-election polls were saying. Like, the Tories have shot up 20 or 30 seats.
Desperately hoping this is wrong. (But will not be eating hat like Paddy Ashdown if it's correct.) I really, really don't want another five years of the Tories.
hS -
Uggggh. [Rubs eyes blearily] by
on 2015-05-08 09:05:00 UTC
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I had this horrible nightmare that the exit polls were right, and the Tories were sweeping towards an absolute majority. I tell you, it was--
... yeah, something like that.
So, it's another five years of Tories, this time without even the pretense that a coalition with the Liberal Traitors is holding them back. Joy. The only good thing is that UKIP did so badly, at least--
Oh, no, wait, I see that they've taken 12.5% of the national vote, giving them more actual votes than the SNP and Liberal Democrats combined. 1/8th of the country voted for the racio-nationalists. Rapture. (And yet they only got one seat. Hrm.)
Results can be found here, or frankly anywhere right now. I just... I just.
(PS: The seat next door to mine went Conservative by a margin of 500 votes over Labour. I just... I just.) -
Well, that's that. by
on 2015-05-08 14:43:00 UTC
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Every seat except St. Ives has reported (apparently they're waiting on the ballot papers from the Scilly isles or something), and the Conservatives have won: 330 seats, over half of the 650 available. The Tories have an absolute majority.
On the plus side, Nigel 'UKIP' Farage didn't get elected (and has now resigned, along with Clegg and Milliband), and Natalie Bennett strengthened the Green Party's hold on Brighton Pavilion. But... that's about all the bright spots I can find. Five more years of the Tories. They've already sold the Royal Mail and half the National Health Service - I guess the next public service to be sold to the highest bidder is, what, schools? Oh, I know, maybe they could sell the right to collect taxes, that's been popular in the past.
This is your exceptionally bitter UK election correspondent, signing off.
hS -
At least there's independent Scotland to look forward to by
on 2015-05-10 20:10:00 UTC
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I like what I've seen of Salmond/Sturgeon and the SNP, and there's bound to be another referendum on independence if majority votes for Brexit.
Still, a pity that Ed lost and you'll have 5 more years of bedroom tax + 12 billion welfare cuts + lots of other bad stuff. -
It wasn't enough. by
on 2015-05-08 17:54:00 UTC
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It was never going to be enough. The right-wing press in this country hates the thought of someone who's not a Murdoch stooge in power, largely because the Dirty Digger tells them to hate it. Ed's too left of centre, by which I mean he's marginally to the left of Attila the bloody Hun. We get five years of Tories forcing more misery on the poor and disabled and disadvantaged because it's easier that actually sorting out the nation and making it work, and we had a chance to stop it, and even if it was never going to be enough we could have tried. This fight's over.
The next fight starts now. -
Let's all move to Sweden. by
on 2015-05-08 15:57:00 UTC
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Or Finland, or any of the Scandinavian countries, really. For a while I kept saying I'd move to England if things got really bad over here, but it sounds like you lot are following our example for some reason, so the merry fjords it is!
(I dread to think what's going to happen in the next US election. It's early, but nothing looks very good right now. Loooots of wackos in the field.)
~Neshomeh, sympathetic. -
US? by
on 2015-05-09 04:46:00 UTC
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Waka-flocka flam. Look him up, he's running for president apparently!
Well...He is ineligible to run. by
on 2015-05-09 10:21:00 UTC
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You need to be at least 35, he is only 28. That could always change by amendment, but if any candidacy amendment would be made it would be to allow non-Natural Born Citizens run for presidency. But that isn't likely to happen. Though the Republican Pool is so weak, there might be enough support to try to let Schwarzenegger finally get that amendment through.
Sweden ain't safe, guys. by
on 2015-05-08 22:01:00 UTC
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There's a highly active neo-Nazi movement in Sweden and it's really, really troubling.
In fact, it seems that Europe in general is being swept by anti-islamization / anti-immigrant movements. France has been subject to anti-islamic protests ever since the Charlie Hebdo incident (not to mention the Front National), Greece has the Golden Dawn party which is so far to the right that it's been described as outright fascist and Nazi-like, UKIP is a thing now, and the recent refugee troubles from the conflict in Syria and North Africa are polarizing people on the immigration issue.
Europe's political tendencies are shifting towards the right. In this climate of economic troubles and conservatism, it looks like it's going to stay that way for some time.
Sadly, Canada isn't better off. Our current conservative government is turning us into an economic, political, and cultural annex of the US. Harper is trying to kill the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and Radio Canada-- the organizations set in place to distribute Canadian culture to avoid this very situation. He also passed a bill that allows CSIS and the RCMP to mess around in the affairs of ordinary Canadians in the name of "national security". What are we? A police state? I guess we can kiss privacy goodbye because Big Brother is watching now. Let the paranoia and fear-mongering begin.
I should move to Antarctica. At least it's neutral territory there. -
You can always join us in Russia! by
on 2015-05-10 20:04:00 UTC
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The rouble has stabilised since last year, the economy is reorienting towards the East at full speed (should've been done a long time ago), anti-immigrant feelings are down and should stay down, and now that Dagestan is pacified, there's no anti-islam sentiment as well.
I'm only half-joking here. -
I should probably mention... by
on 2015-05-08 22:37:00 UTC
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UKIP might have a large share of the popular vote, but they're effectively neutered. They have just one seat in the Commons, which is actually down on what they had before after a couple of Tory defectors got booted out in favour of their former colleagues, and their leader (a naked mole rat attempting to swallow a billiard ball) was successfully prevented from taking office by the concerted effort of the voting public of Thanet South.
Look, Thanet South is my constituency and this election was a car crash for my party (Labour), so I'll take what comfort I can get. =] -
Seems like nowhere's safe. by
on 2015-05-08 22:17:00 UTC
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Eh, back to plan A with England. ^^;
South Korea seems pretty good... by
on 2015-05-09 02:07:00 UTC
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Aside from the risk of war with North Korea. Though it does have good cost of living for Ex Pats. I lived in Seoul for a couple months. Nice living standard, low crime, foreigner friendly, lots of culture and history, accessible politicians, clean and beautiful city. Efficient Public Transportation. One of my personal favorite cities I have ever been to.
I'll agree with that by
on 2015-05-08 19:36:00 UTC
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I have major reservations/problems with all announced candidates. Except for Bernie Sanders, though that is mostly because I know very little about him at this point. Though from what I understand I will most likely be very opposed to his Economic Platform. But he will never get the Democratic Nomination over Hillary. Which if she gets elected it will be more of the same. That is not necessarily a bad thing, I have liked some of what President Obama has done, but I also do not like some of what he has done.
I have a short list of who I would like to run, but frankly my preferred candidate is barred by the Constitution. So I am already looking at my second and third choices. -
If I may ask... by
on 2015-05-09 01:23:00 UTC
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Who is that preferred candidate of yours?
Of the pool... by
on 2015-05-09 02:00:00 UTC
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Arnold Schwarzenegger for the most part. I do not agree with everything he did, but he as a Liberal Republican his overall platform is closest to my own stance on a lot of issues.
The grass is always greener on the other side, it seems. by
on 2015-05-08 18:17:00 UTC
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Politics... Oy. Important to keep up with, but it seems that no matter where you go, those in charge will be looking out for themselves more than the people they've been given charge over. Sad, but human nature, I suppose.
Agreed. by
on 2015-05-08 16:31:00 UTC
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I've been planning on moving to England after college for a while now, but suddenly it's not looking any better than America. Love how I'll be old enough to vote in time for a bunch of crazies.
Huh. by
on 2015-05-08 16:18:00 UTC
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Is it bad that I consider moving to England a better option than staying here in Israel?
*chortles* by
on 2015-05-07 13:16:00 UTC
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I'm with you on the list of outcomes according to likelihood, and actually rather like the idea of number 5. I saw enough of the election stuff on the news yesterday that I did just want to hit all the possible candidates for PM with something. A Cluebat, possibly.
Well... by
on 2015-05-07 09:56:00 UTC
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We are already stuck with a bad Bibi-UOJ-Bennett government. The only half-decent person there is Kahlon and it's doubtful he'll be able to do anything worthwhile. Hope you guys won't get a similar one.
Why is there more Bad Slash than Bad Het? by
on 2015-05-08 00:31:00 UTC
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I've been with the PPC for a while now, and one thing I've noted is that the ratio of bad slash to bad het is very much skewed in favor of bad slash. I have a few half-baked reasons for why this might be so, but I want to hear other theories.
Why do you guys think that there's more bad slash than bad het? -
One point of view on slash. by
on 2015-05-08 22:45:00 UTC
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I actually have a fair bit to say about this, what with having an agent pair dedicated to bad slash. However, I am literally about to head off to work and don't have time to properly explain myself. So I'll start with a slightly old but still interesting blog on the subject:
Why Is There So Much Slash Fic?
As soon as I get a good chunk of free time, I'll put forward my own views on the topic. -
Slash, Femmeslash, and Gender Ratios by
on 2015-05-09 17:26:00 UTC
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That blog is very interesting. Another thing that might support that postulate- MLP: FiM has a cast consisting mostly of females, and shipping that consists mostly of Femmeslash.
Maybe slash is harder to write well. by
on 2015-05-08 22:35:00 UTC
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Gay guys are rarer than straight guys, and more stigmatized. Most fan writers have had less interaction with gay guys than with straight guys, and gay guys in many places still can't be as open about being romantically involved. That means a straight or female writer usually has fewer real-life observations to draw from. Even a gay male writer might have seen more straight romance in his life than gay male romance.
Many slash writers are cis female. They don't have guy genitalia. If the slash gets explicit, that means they're not writing about something they have daily experience. They simply don't know how things work and, if unwilling (or too young) to do the research, can end up writing things that would make any male reader cringe in sympathetic pain.
The lack of experience with guy/guy relationships, plus the lack of knowledge about mechanics, can lead writers to try to squeeze a guy/guy relationship into a girl/guy stereotype. So one guy becomes "masculine" and the other "feminine", and their personalities change, and explicit scenes are written almost as though one of them were female. Sometimes one partner even gets pregnant. (By masculine I mean male-stereotype--the cultural idea of male, you know, rough and tough and muscular.)
Sure, there are gay guys that are feminine in personality and dating/married to a much more masculine guy, but they're still two guys, and anyhow, there's no unwritten gay rule that one partner has to be more feminine.
But regardless of the existence of such couples in real life, when this masculine/feminine stereotype is imposed on couples in fiction with pre-established personalities, it can throw them way out of character. Characters written as a slash couple are often not written as themselves, but as a seme/uke stereotypical gay couple.
That really bugs me. It's as though these writers think that just because a guy is written as gay, his personality must change to a "gay" personality. But gay people have the same wide range of personalities as anybody else; they're just attracted to the same gender. And if I'm reading romance between, say, Aragorn and Legolas, doesn't it make sense that I'd want to read about Aragorn and Legolas, not two stereotyped cardboard cutouts with name-tags reading "Aragorn" and "Legaolas"? -
Why's there so much lesbian porn? by
on 2015-05-08 18:06:00 UTC
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Audience catering and Author Appeal, of the "1+1=2!" variety.
That's what I think, too. by
on 2015-05-08 18:21:00 UTC
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I'm fairly certain that the logic of the dirty mind is "One person of my preferred gender having sex is awesome, so TWO must be even better!"
I... don't really subscribe to this philosophy. If two girls are obviously interested in each other, there's no point in finding it attractive. Lesbian behavior, in my mind, is a big red sign that says "strictly off-limits, do not approach."
Then again, I tend to think all the women I find sexy are either taken, uninterested or messing with me... stupid pessimistic brain. -
Um, guys? by
on 2015-05-08 21:22:00 UTC
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We're supposed to keep the Board family-friendly. This line of discussion... isn't.
Er, right. Oops. by
on 2015-05-08 21:24:00 UTC
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It was a relevant explanation, but yeah, not family-friendly. In the slightest.
My Theory by
on 2015-05-08 14:15:00 UTC
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I wonder if the reason Bad Slash is a separate category at the PPC is because of our LotR origins. LotR has a lot more male characters than female ones, so if you're a badfic writer interested in het you're more likely to create a Sue than write about a canon character. On the other hand, there are enough popular male characters that badfic writers interested in slash can just write about them. The Original Series is also somewhat low on Character Replacements, I've noticed, with Loli!Arwen being the only one I remember off the top of my head. I'm not really familiar enough with LotR to say whether it's a difference between it and fandoms like Harry Potter that are rife with them, or if it's just a case of evolution within the PPC. So the line between Mary Sues and Bad Slash mainly seems to be the presence of a poorly-written OC.
To be honest, most slash I've seen that I'd consider mission-worthy is OoC enough that at least one of the characters is replaced. But I'm not a big fan of slash in general, so it's possible I'm just being overly lenient. I have seen some pretty bad het fics that aren't really Sueish, but most of them don't strike me as good mission material; they're mostly short, sappy, and unmemorable. -
Well, that's the ratio (roughly) by
on 2015-05-08 05:37:00 UTC
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that the two types are written in, when looking at fanfiction overall. Why that's the case I don't know. Perhaps heterosexual pairings have been prevalent in mainstream media for so long, fandom got bored and went in another direction in their own stories?
I really have no idea. by
on 2015-05-08 03:43:00 UTC
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I don't often write romance, but when I do, it tends to be of the Slash variety. I just find it easier to write, for some reason. But if the stereotype about all fanfic writers being teenage girls has any truth to it, it might be because two hot guys is better than one hot guy. Still doesn't explain why I can write it better, though.
I think... by
on 2015-05-08 02:48:00 UTC
Link to this's because most of the bad het falls under Suefics, so the DMS or DF takes care of those.
I think I know! by
on 2015-05-08 00:55:00 UTC
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Because Bad Slash is a whole Department, while Bad Het is only a division.
However... by
on 2015-05-08 01:25:00 UTC
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Why is Bad Slash the Department and Bad Het the division?
I guess... by
on 2015-05-08 01:27:00 UTC
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That most bad het falls under the purview of DMS or DIC. I reckon badfics whose main problem is bad het in and of itself are pretty rare.
I concur. by
on 2015-05-08 03:04:00 UTC
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Bad Slash is kind of in a different category - most cases I've seen have a more serious Sue problem as opposed to just the bad romance in general. Bad Slash tend to be focused around it, while Bad Het seems to roll through within Suefics.
*catches Mini-Boarder* Careful, this one was fast! :P (nm) by
on 2015-05-08 01:05:00 UTC
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Oh, that's where he went! by
on 2015-05-08 02:51:00 UTC
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I've been looking for him!
Betas for Permission Samples by
on 2015-05-08 02:58:00 UTC
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After much tweaking, I present the link that has the two story samples necessary for Permission. I'd also like Matt Cipher and EVILOVERLORD to see through this to see if I got Za'kiir down right. Because, you know… Skyrim!
I await your responses. I hope you enjoy them, at the very least. -
Since you wanted my advice... by
on 2015-05-10 20:34:00 UTC
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I'll right now restrict it just to Za'kiir's character. I may go back with a metaphoric fine tooth comb later.
1. Khajiit are never unarmed. Their claws are always available. And further in the game mechanics of Skyrim a Khajiit unarmed build is fully viable.
2. Under the conventions I remember, it is probably better to keep referring to himself as Khajiit rather than some form of me/I. Even the Khajiit companions in Skyrim refer to themselves in the third person.
Those were the biggest things I noticed. I did not notice anything especially glaring with Za'kiir. -
There are Greybeards in Skyrim? by
on 2015-05-08 12:39:00 UTC
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Well, we are probably not related. I don’t even know what "Skyrim" is, but I already like Za’kiir.
(I’m doing this wrong. For proper beta reading, I should have your e-mail address and send you my comments, or I should be able to comment on the Gdoc that shouldn’t be visible to anybody who is not your beta reader. I hope you don’t mind me putting this up here.)
Sample #1 (Control prompt: "The agents first meet"):
As I already said, I like how you introduce the Khajiit who isn’t eager to become an assassin. We don’t see much of Natalie, but I think it’s enough to get a mental image.
There are two sentences you may want to reconsider:
He dimly recalled being told that was going to be assigned a “partner,” and that he was going to train to become an assassin.
There is a pronoun missing, and "that he was going [...] that he was going" looks a bit repetitive. Can you find another way to say it?
She looked back at him, studying him for a few moments before seeming to come to some internal agreement.
I’m not a native speaker, but this sounds weird to me, probably because there are too many "ing"s. Something like "She looked back at him, studying him for a few moments, then she seemed to come to some internal agreement" may work better.
Sample #2 (Random prompt is random):
Yeah, that’s the main problem I have there. You are supposed to roll dices to select a prompt from the table, and to tell the Permission Givers what you got. Since you didn’t tell, I can’t figure out what this sample should be about. It works mostly well as the finishing part of a mission (and I didn’t see any technical problems), but the end is a bit disappointing, because it’s too abrupt.
The two agents had made a quick plan of their own and suddenly rushed the possessed canon character. So, did they discuss their plan and he didn’t notice because he was too distracted by his own speech? Did they use sign language to communicate? Is this their twenty-seventh mission and they know each other so well that they don’t need words to synchronize their actions? Glossing over this may be excusable if the story’s focus has actually been elsewhere and you just need to end it now, keeping it short. I just don’t know.
HG -
The random prompt was "The agents are being chasedÂ…. by
on 2015-05-08 23:10:00 UTC
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"…by something/someone." Just to clarify.
Thanks for the tips. -
On the table, that's section 5.1 (nm) by
on 2015-05-08 23:13:00 UTC
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I'll take a look, if you'd like. (nm) by
on 2015-05-08 03:49:00 UTC
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Sure, Darkotas. What's your email address? by
on 2015-05-08 03:53:00 UTC
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Or you could just look at it here, too. I don't care either way.
Whoops, forgot to include that! by
on 2015-05-08 03:54:00 UTC
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Should be
I just sent them. (nm) by
on 2015-05-08 04:04:00 UTC
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Got it! (nm) by
on 2015-05-08 04:11:00 UTC
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Quick question. by
on 2015-05-08 20:10:00 UTC
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Can you change the doc into a version I can comment on? I have some feedback, but posting it here might not be proper.
Sure. I'll resend it. (nm) by
on 2015-05-08 23:04:00 UTC
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It should be in "Shared With me" in Google Docs. (nm) by
on 2015-05-08 23:07:00 UTC
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Hey, just so you know... by
on 2015-05-08 03:28:00 UTC
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When asking for betas, you don't normally put the link to the doc itself in the post. Send it to them privately so the whole world doesn't see an unpolished piece, alright? ;)
Whoopsie. Could you beta them, Iximax? (nm) by
on 2015-05-08 03:30:00 UTC
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*sends mini-Boarder back to her shelf spot* by
on 2015-05-08 03:36:00 UTC
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Darn it, she keeps running off.
Anyway, sorry, but I can't. I'm busy with cowrites at the moment. I'm definitely interested in seeing the final piece, though. :) -
((Unrelated question, Ixi)) by
on 2015-05-08 03:47:00 UTC
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((Mind checking your 3DS friend list? You can just say yes or no here when you do. Sorry to bother ya!))
Looking for betas by
on 2015-05-08 03:56:00 UTC
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I swear, I'm still working on that cowrite mission with SkarmorySilver. Real life has kinda been interfering on both fronts of that one, eheheh.
In the meantime, though, I've got an interlude introducing a new agent to my DMS team, one native to Silent Hill.
Any takers? -
Sure. Got a whole day off tomorrow to check it out! by
on 2015-05-08 04:07:00 UTC
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Email is still
How did you ask for permission? by
on 2015-05-08 04:12:00 UTC
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I've been thinking I might want to possibly maybe ask for permission soon, but I'd like to hear about your experiences first. Partly out of curiosity, and partly because I'd like to prepare the best. I have read the guide, but sharing funny stories is always good. Also, I would like to know if I've been here long enough to ask permission. I know you guys generally don't give it if someone has only been here a short time.
I keep a link to that post for just such an occasion by
on 2015-05-08 18:01:00 UTC
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Alas, it seems to have fallen off the Board forever. The march of time moves on, it seems.
However, thanks to hS and his Board Archive, I can give you a recreation of my request.
Please Note: Neshomeh will not be responding to this post, so someone else should.
I solemnly swear I am up to no... wait... wrong oath. Let me try that again.
I comma square bracket recruit's name square bracket comma do solemnly swear to wipe out the UnCanon wherever I encounter it comma to kill any and all Mary Sues I encounter bracket unless they can be recruited bracket comma and to protect the Plot Continuum at all times semicolon also not to stampede comma drool over comma or otherwise attack Lust Objects comma and not to moan about Upstairs too much if I value my life full stop this I swear by square bracket recruit's deity of choice bracket preferrably Eru bracket square bracket full stop.
\*Name: Barid
\*Species: Jungle Troll (Darkspear Tribe)
Preferred continuum: Warcraft
Preferred department: All-Purpose Department, Warcraft Division
I like to: (check all that apply)
X kill 'Sues
X light fires
_ use gadgets
X administer first aid
_ fix things
_ provide psychological help
X yell
X assassinate
_ stop homicidal partners
X destroy fuzzy animal companions
_ wash bloodstains
_ be on medication
_ knit
X find new ways to kill 'Sues
X travel to new places
X Other (Please specify):
Collect shrunken heads
Practice Voodoo
\*Name: Eamon Brightbeard
\*Species: Dwarf (Ironforge)
Preferred continuum: Warcraft
Preferred department: All-Purpose Department, Warcraft Division
I like to: (check all that apply)
X kill 'Sues
_ light fires
X use gadgets
X administer first aid
X fix things
X provide psychological help
X yell
_ assassinate
X stop homicidal partners
_ destroy fuzzy animal companions
X wash bloodstains
_ be on medication
_ knit
_ find new ways to kill 'Sues
X travel to new places
X Other (Please specify):
Study history
Polish his armor
Avoid Luxury (he has taken a vow of chastity)
Barid and Eamon are both from Azeroth, a planet in the Warcraft continuum. They were recruited after having dispatched a Sue that wandered through their battle to the death on her way to seduce the Warchief, Thrall. The agents who had been tracking the Sue showed up shortly thereafter to find the Troll Priest and Dwarf Paladin dazed and covered in glitter. Barid and Eamon were transported to Medical to recover from their near-Sue experience.
Upon their release from Medical, the two were recruited into the Warcraft Division of the All-Purpose Department due to the fact that the Division is highly understaffed. They now share a Response Center and visit their home continuum frequently on missions, and the occasional food run for Barid (due to the clearly racist policy of not feeding Trolls).
Oh look, a writing sample.
Not the kind of thing that would likely pass under the new system. There's little information about the characters, the writing sample is a non-PPC related story, etc. However, the important thing about my request is that it shows I understood the spirit of the community.
-Phobos, who was still Barid when he made this request in 2010 -
Want the laughably outdated variety? ;) by
on 2015-05-08 15:45:00 UTC
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Raven Firedragon and I came up with the idea for a new department - the Department of Geographical Aberrations. We wrote up a description, and posted it to the Board asking if it was good and we could write it. GreyLadyBast said 'sure', and away we went!
Yeah, I... don't recommend trying that nowadays.
"Why not? Why not?"
"Because if you do/The Big Bad Mouse will come after you."
No, seriously. The reason we don't do it that way any more is pretty much twofold:
1/ We like the idea of a single, unified PPC canon these days. Back then? Not so much. You could pretty much write anything you wanted, and no-one cared. These days, we PGs want to know that you know your way around.
2/ Back in the day, the Permission Givers knew who everyone was. You were probably on either Cam or Bast's LJ; there was a good chance you'd chatted with Thalia on AIM; everyone was a fanwriter, and you'd probably been reviewed by at least one of them. If Miss Cam saw Lacksidacksical asking to write a spinoff (all that capital-P Permission business came later), she'd go 'oh, yes, Lacksi, wrote that fic about Legolas getting trapped in the Glittering Caves, and isn't she the one who knows all that trivia about medieval weapons?'.
Nowadays? It's partly our fault as PGs, it's partly the way the internet has changed, it's partly the makeup of the community, it's partly the slowdown of the Board, it's all sorts of things... but I haven't a clue who you are. I mean, I vaguely recognise your name, which puts you at least at Level Two, but... that's pretty much it.
Yes, I can check (and if I was handling a Permission request you can bet I would), but I don't know. And that makes the old way of things... pretty darn hard.
(Also: when we started asking for writing samples, they were almost universally your other fanfic, which was probably in one of maybe five fandoms. Then more and more people didn't have recent fanfic, and those who did usually had it in Obscure Fandom #97001, so the practice of writing a PPC sample came in. The current prompts are just a way to quantify that. Just a random thought.)
hS -
It was simple, really. by
on 2015-05-08 15:29:00 UTC
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I posted descriptions of both my agents and linked to the control and random prompts, as well as the badfic I wanted to kill. (Have you read the article on the subject yet?)
Coming up with my agents was fairly tricky, though. -
I had to try three times. It ain't easy. by
on 2015-05-08 15:24:00 UTC
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Third time was the charm, although hS was actually pretty reluctant to give me Permission. He wasn't too sure about my writing style.
I think it paid off, though. I've discovered four new minis (well, five if you count my cowrite with SkarmorySilver, still in progress I swear), I've ventured into quite a few new continua, I'm trying to show that there are good parts of the job (please see RC 211 mission 3, the moment with Valon and Yuu), and I even managed to set up the appearance of one of the biggest and baddest dragons in history.
I'm not a great writer by any stretch of the imagination; for instance, it's pretty clear that Gabby still doesn't have a personality. I'm getting there, though, and the best part of working with the PPC is that we support each other. Advice is exchanged, lessons are taught and learned, and we all improve each other's writing. -
Well, uh. by
on 2015-05-08 15:19:00 UTC
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I didn't ask for permission until roughly two years after I joined the community. This wasn't about the PGs knowing me well enough, but about me knowing I was ready.
My case is also different in that I used a non-PPC story for my writing sample.
And it was Neshomeh who wore the hat. :) -
Well, when I asked... by
on 2015-05-08 11:27:00 UTC
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It was right before the current Permission system was put in place; the PGs were still using the old system of 'give us a description of your agents and write a short story of them'. We didn't get no stinkin' prompts like you whippersnappers and we got on just fine! *brandishes cane*
Joking aside, I remember spotting a typo in my request right after posting it and panicking because ZOMG TYPO I'M RUIIIINED. ^^; hS seemed to like it alright, though, so it was fine. :P
Wait, right, moral. *clears throat* While you should definitely present the best request you can, don't panic if you have a few minor slip-ups. It happens to the best of us.
As for if you've been around long enough... *scratches head* Well, I definitely recognize your name (it's rather distinctive!), but if anyone asked me what you were like, Iunno what I'd say. Might have to let someone else make the call on that. It's not so much 'have you been here long enough?', more like 'have you been a part of the community?' Someone who lurks for years and only shows up occasionally to post once before vanishing is less likely to get Permission than someone who posts more frequently, I would think. -
Me? by
on 2015-05-08 07:20:00 UTC
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I chickened out and still haven't asked.
I have a feeling that's not what you're after, though. -
*grabs mini* by
on 2015-05-08 06:47:00 UTC
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Here, look after ratbrianbasher. ;-)
Also, that timing thing gets me, too. I've written my samples and everything, but I don't know whether my presence in the community is appreciable enough yet. -
Like this: by
on 2015-05-08 05:57:00 UTC
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May I pleeeeeease have permission, oh wise and handsome PGs? Pretty please with a cherry on top, sprinkles optional?
After a looooooooong time away, I'm Baaaack! (nm) by
on 2015-05-08 16:43:00 UTC
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Thought your name looked familiar. by
on 2015-05-08 23:53:00 UTC
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Been trying to place it all day. Now I remember you( vaguely)! Have a plate of welcome-back SPaGhetti! Sorry I couldn't scrounge up anything more.
Welcome (back)! by
on 2015-05-08 23:16:00 UTC
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*high-fives* Have some granola bars because why not!
Yes, I'll be the first to poke ya! Eat my shorts, Ixi! >D by
on 2015-05-08 17:34:00 UTC
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Anyway, welcome back... here, have a SACRED COOKIE OF INFINITE KNOWLEDGE (: :)!!!
Welcome back! by
on 2015-05-08 16:50:00 UTC
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Have this cup of confused Lapsang Souchong tea - it's not quite sure whether it smells like a campfire or not.
Fandom Exchange Cowrites Shenanigans 2! by
on 2015-05-08 17:06:00 UTC
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So, way back in December of 2012, I suggested a sort of random cowrite game, in order to encourage PPCers to write with new people and get involved in new fandoms! And, well, I figure now's a good time to try it again.
Here are the rules/guidelines:
Every person who wants to play makes a short list of the fandoms they really love and want to write in - three, four entries or thereabouts. Then, that person is matched up with someone that they've never written with, don't know too well, and whose fandoms they don't know themselves. Then, those two people write a crossover fic together, and hopefully make a new friend and get a new fandom to enjoy. (The fandom matchups don't have to be entirely random, by the way - last time I mentioned that I kind of wanted to write a Nanoha/Sherlock fic when I knew nothing about Sherlock, and ended up doing that with LilyWinterwood. The important part is you only know one of the fandoms involved.)
So, yeah!
My own list is as follows:
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Steven Universe
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Homestuck -
Is it too late to opt in? by
on 2015-05-13 05:39:00 UTC
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Possibly. Doin' it anyways. I'll be darned if I'm gonna let time and energy-vampiric finals get in the way of my fun.
I'm gonna have to go with (in order of least to most obscure):
-Avatar/Legend of Korra
-The Touhou Project (the canon, as the fanon is a entirely different beast.) -
Ya know what? Screw it, I'm in! by
on 2015-05-11 15:08:00 UTC
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Let's get this in before I think about it too hard.
-Monster Musume
-Nurse Hitomi's Monster Infirmary
-Pathfinder RPG
-Comical Psychosomatic Medicine
You can find MonMusu and Nurse Hitomi on basically any site where you can read manga, CPsM is on Crunchyroll (each episode is only five minutes long, you've got time), and Pathfinder information can be found on the Archives of Nethys. -
I'll toss my more obscure ones... by
on 2015-05-10 08:34:00 UTC
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That no one seems to have listed yet.
1. Fullmetal Alchemist
2. Ah! My Goddess
3. Knights of Sidonia (Newer Fandom of mine, still working through it)
4. Mass Effect -
Ehh... Might as well. by
on 2015-05-10 05:02:00 UTC
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If i have any time, that is.
1. Pokemon
2. Mega Man: Battle Network/the anime
2. Homestuck (and I have passing knowlege of Problem Sleuth too)
4. Terraria
The honorary 5th palace is a tie between Sherlock and Civ, because I don't trust myself to write Holmes and how the heck would tou do a Civ fic anyway?
(that's not in any paritcular order) -
Also, while I'm here: Have a PMMM/Civ crossover! by
on 2015-05-10 14:00:00 UTC
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Sort of.
This pack is composed of 8 new Civilizations based on the Puella Magi Madoka Magica universe. Some of them are spoilers by their very nature so be warned. =] -
Cathy/Boudicca by
on 2015-05-10 12:40:00 UTC
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(also thanadelthur from the Dene mod is hella cute so throw that in for the ot3, and u can find her here.) -
Don't be ridiculous. by
on 2015-05-10 16:54:00 UTC
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Cathy/Izzy all the way. Wait, is Isabella still the crazy church lady in 5? Because her appearance has definitely downhill since 4. (Also, is Cathy still as hilarious/awesome as she was in 4?)
hS -
Oh yeah. Cathy's still awesome. by
on 2015-05-10 18:44:00 UTC
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And with the introduction of 3D leader screens, well, judge for yourself.
But yeah, Isabella's kind of ridiculously churchy. Boudicca, on the other hand, is a gawky, slightly deranged-looking ginger with a sword and a lot of war paint. Can Cathy tame the flame-haired barbarian's wild and burning passion? Will Boudicca bring the fires that ravaged Londinium to warm the pillars of the Hermitage and the queen within? Is Theodora interesting in, ahem, hosting a World Congress? Find out between the covers of "Fires Of The Heart", available in no good bookshops whatsoever, but quite a few of the bad ones.
(yes. yes that is exactly what theodora wants.)
(the answer is yes.) -
Color me excited by
on 2015-05-09 01:48:00 UTC
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This seems really fun!
1. Batman
2. Merlin
3. X-Files
4. Star Trek -
Interesting... by
on 2015-05-09 01:56:00 UTC
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I assume Merlin is about, well, Merlin. Makes me wonder how tossing a Warframe there would fare?
Re: Interesting by
on 2015-05-09 15:43:00 UTC
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I don't know much about Warframe, but after a quick jaunt over to the wikipedia page, I think that it would be an interesting and possible crossover.
For extra fun... by
on 2015-05-09 20:52:00 UTC
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Drop Oberon in, since he's paladin-themed, and make sure his weapons don't stand out too much. I even know how to have him appear in the past.
You up for writing something of that sort? -
Oh well, what could I lose... by
on 2015-05-09 01:10:00 UTC
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(Since the DCU would be too broad, I decide to pick just one sub-continuum.)
Mine would be:
1.- Shazam!
2.- Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra
3.- Frozen
4.- Star Wars -
Noice! by
on 2015-05-09 20:18:00 UTC
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My knowledge of Star Wars is lacking enough to be worth a shot. Maybe we could have a crossover with Kid Icarus! Pit learning to use a lightsaber... Now, there's an idea...
As interesting it might be... by
on 2015-05-09 22:01:00 UTC
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"...that person is matched up with someone that they've never written with, don't know too well, and whose fandoms they don't know themselves."
Yeah, well... You get the idea... XD -
Eh, why not? by
on 2015-05-08 22:05:00 UTC
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*digs through the closet for some of her more obscure fandoms*
Ranger's Apprentice
Order of the Stick
Cheers, all! -
I'll bite by
on 2015-05-08 20:24:00 UTC
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I've got X-men, Young Justice, Attack on Titan and Hetalia.
Hmm by
on 2015-05-09 00:54:00 UTC
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I think it could be fun to toss some characters from Nanoha (especially my current favorite, world-fighting-champion and utter dork Sieglinde Jeremiah) into a superhero universe like X-Men or Young Justice.
Though, are you talking about the movies or cartoons or comic books? -
And I'm thinking on the other way around... by
on 2015-05-09 01:51:00 UTC
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I think it will be fun to toss certain superhero into either Madoka Magica or Lyrical Nanoha. =P
Well, that's true... by
on 2015-05-09 02:10:00 UTC
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Any particular ones in mind?
(Also, have you read Takamachi Nanoha of 2814? It may be right up your alley.) -
Captain Marvel/Shazam specifically. by
on 2015-05-09 03:43:00 UTC
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I quite curious on how his powers would work on any of those two universes.
(I love crossovers actually! The weirder, the better! So yeah, it is. I may look for that one in the future.) -
Re: Captain Marvel/Shazam specifically. by
on 2015-05-10 00:26:00 UTC
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Well, if you want to give me your email, I can share a GDoc with you and we can maybe plot something out?
Is not that weird... by
on 2015-05-10 15:26:00 UTC
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...just convert my username into a G-Mail address.
Count me in! by
on 2015-05-08 20:22:00 UTC
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If I can get the time, that is.
Fandom list:
- Godzilla
- The Incredibles
- Kid Icarus
- Rise of the Guardians -
Hmmm by
on 2015-05-09 02:00:00 UTC
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I want to do I project with you, but I'm only unfamilar with Godzilla.
Works for me! by
on 2015-05-09 02:34:00 UTC
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I'm not familiar with Young Justice, either, so I think we can work something out...
That's not exactly my problem by
on 2015-05-09 17:07:00 UTC
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I don't find Godzilla all that appealing. I'd rather do something else, I am familiar with the other fandoms, which I think defeats the point of this challege
Put me in, coach! =] by
on 2015-05-08 18:05:00 UTC
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Fandoms are as follows (and yes, I AM picking out the weird ones)
Welcome To Night Vale
Skulduggery Pleasant
The Culture (Iain M. Banks)
The Thick Of It
Gunnerkrigg Court
And the last one, the one of which no-one else on the Internet is a fan:
=] -
To make things a bit easier! by
on 2015-05-09 00:48:00 UTC
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Here is a spreadsheet containing that info. Just go through and comment on someone's name if you'd like to ask them to write with you, and if you agree that'd be fun, then make the appropriate modifications to the Cowriting Duos sheet! -
Ooh. by
on 2015-05-08 17:46:00 UTC
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It was loads of fun last time, so I'm down for it again, methinks.
-The Culture
-Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V -
Sure, why not - sign me up! by
on 2015-05-08 17:37:00 UTC
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Here's the list:
- Bleach
- Doctor Who
- Percy Jackson and the Olympians
- The Kane Chronicles
Well, since everyone else is trying... why the hay not? by
on 2015-05-08 18:24:00 UTC
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Need a Beta guy (or gal), to check the Permission application. Prompts chosen are: "The agents receive a mission" and "One agent is mistaken for a Sue (...)."
I would be grateful for someone who can focus on grammatical mistakes, since those will be probably the most frequent in my stories, as well as someone with A LOT of patience.
In return, I can offer freshly baked cookies and the strongest alcohol Poland has to offer - Spirytus Retyfikowany, with 96% ABV (or 190 proof). -
I'm in! by
on 2015-05-08 22:18:00 UTC
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Though I also don't drink, actually.
I probably won't be able to get to it today, but within a few days should work. Email is dawnfire360 (at) gmail (dot) com.
~DF -
While I don't really drink... by
on 2015-05-08 20:20:00 UTC
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...I'm totally game for cookies as long as they've got frosting and decorative sugar! And I'm good with SPaG as well, if that helps.
My address is my Boarder name with a Gmail tag, though you might want to wait until early next week for my services, as I have my graduate commmencement this coming Sunday. ^^; -
Sent; sorry, so late. (nm) by
on 2015-05-21 21:48:00 UTC
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Thanks, dude! :D by
on 2015-05-08 21:13:00 UTC
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I think I'll also add a cartoon drawing of You :D
Seeking betas by
on 2015-05-08 23:13:00 UTC
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Sweet glorious freedom, we finally finished our cowrite mission!
So yes, do we have any takers? The continua involved are Godzilla and Five Nights at Freddy's. Granted, the former hardly has any involvement, and most of what you need to know about the latter is explained during the mission. -
I might be willing to by
on 2015-05-09 21:45:00 UTC
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I'm not familiar with either continuum, sorry, but I would be willing to check grammar and other similar things. My gmail username is roserpemail.
I still live! And I might be willing to beta. by
on 2015-05-09 01:18:00 UTC
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Which Agent teams are involved?
RC 211 and RC 227. by
on 2015-05-09 01:23:00 UTC
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So, on my end it's Valon and Kala. For Skar, it's Falchion, Rashida and Ripper.
If you're willing to beta-read, I need an e-mail address. -
Hmm... by
on 2015-05-09 01:28:00 UTC
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Sorry, but I don't think that I'll be able to do either team justice. But your search has only begun; someone will definitely turn up.
"We don't normally have visitors, either." by
on 2015-05-09 01:54:00 UTC
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Rina dug into her piece, eyes widening in appreciation as she are. "This is fantastic, Madame!"
"We never have any visitors," Zeb said, eyeing Rina's piece jealously, "because our place is such a mess there's no place for guests. TARDIS manuals and books on Gallifreyan history all over."
Rina kicked him under the table.
"Ow!" -
Unfazed by Zeb's yelp... by
on 2015-05-09 03:24:00 UTC
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...Marianne said: "The cake? Oh, that's entirely Gaspard's work. He's as good as my father when it comes to baking. We should invite you when he'll make his key lime pie. It goes wonderfully at the end of a hearty supper." Gaspard allowed himself a half-smile of satisfaction at the compliment but quickly resumed his neutral expression before taking another bite of cake. Marianne smiled at Rina. "While a bit of disorder is natural, make sure that you clean your room on a regular basis. You want to keep some healthy living habits, hm?"
"We do, normally." by
on 2015-05-09 23:45:00 UTC
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Rina gave a small, almost sad smile. "Actually freaked my mom out when she first visited; she was expecting a mess. I'll get it cleaned up once I've gotten things sorted out, don't worry."
"You said that a month ago," Zeb muttered.
PPC Camping Trip 2: Dear God, It's Back by
on 2015-05-09 03:42:00 UTC
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I know I said it'd take a while, but the temptation was too much to resist. I hope you all realize that I'm probably going to fail French because of you. I should be doing my homework.
Anyway, it's not as good as the original, and I'm fully aware that I didn't use everyone's names. But here we are.
This was such a bad idea.
Kitty XOX -
I stumbled onto the camp completely by mistake and chance. by
on 2015-05-12 01:28:00 UTC
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What year is it? What country is this?
Me and Mornings by
on 2015-05-10 05:16:00 UTC
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Sorry about getting up so late. It probably had something to do with the backpack full of books I brought and stayed up late reading. That happens sometimes- I'm not a morning person even when I'm not on a ridiculous camping trip.
So at least I characterized you right. :-D (nm) by
on 2015-05-10 05:40:00 UTC
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Yep. by
on 2015-05-11 01:27:00 UTC
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Now I'm just worried that 'not a morning person' will be my sole characterization.
I'm surprised the tumbleweed Balrogs lasted that long. by
on 2015-05-09 23:02:00 UTC
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Do you have any idea how hard it is to make those things look like flaming shadow demons? Lucky thing I always carry some paper clips and bobby pins with me, or they (the Balrogs) would've gone the way of Neshomeh's scrap-wood-and-cactus-spines Shelob.
Also, is anybody missing a box set of Farscape season 4, a men's large "Keep Calm and Call Batman" T-shirt, an old-timey compass, and/or a tin of 1UP candy? Those ended up in my luggage somehow, and I don't need them.
((OOC: Crossbows fire bolts, not arrows.)) -
I wanted to make friends with the local wildlife. by
on 2015-05-09 16:18:00 UTC
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So I decided to sing songs with them.
But then someone busted my ear. Apparently, people freak out if they think there's a hyena in the camp.
hehehehehehe -
Tons of fun, as always. by
on 2015-05-09 15:13:00 UTC
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Fred's currently at my house and doing well, but I have to ask...
My report. by
on 2015-05-09 14:01:00 UTC
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Right, whichever one of you lot nicked my camera, send it back right now, or I'm siccing Kaitlyn on you.
With that out of the way... thanks once again to KittyEden for organising the trip! I mean, it was still a bit obnoxious asking us all to come to Australia, but at least I didn't have as bad a trip as Desdendelle. I didn't even know there were direct flights from Israel to Antarctica...
I'm seriously disappointed in the lot of you, by the way: not one of you thought to bring any sandwiches to the PGs. Is it any wonder PoorCynic nearly dropped us down the Marianas Trench? We were all nearly starving! And it's not like you can just reach out and catch some fish to eat yes I'm looking at you Darkotas.
(Confession time: it wasn't just the shark. Nesh didn't manage to get a picture of the Colossal Squid... which is probably a good thing. Nightmare fuel, I'm telling you.)
I still think it's hilarious that we all forgot the tents. I know sonofheaven176, World-Jumper, and Tira were all adamant that they were going to bring them – what happened, guys? Were you too distracted by dramaticsoprano's Interpretive Departure Dance to pack them? Seriously. But props to Silenthunder for the marquee, and to doctorlit for the spare sleeping bags.
The ISH virus... yikes. Hieronymus was particularly hard hit – that German accent didn't do him any favours, remember Kaitlyn deciding he had a mutation called 'the ICH strain'? I was impressed by radioactiveSue's attempts to communicate in ISHMorse code – it's just a shame only AdmiralSakai understood! I admit that watching radioactiveSue getting more and more angry with AdmiralSakai's mistranslations was hilarious, though.
Fred! Fred was awesome. Kitty, please tell me you left him a laptop and the Board's address – he totally need to join the PPC. Though admittedly the part where he pushed the van across two miles of dunes, not so cool.
The night was... um... let's go with 'interesting'. Apologies if Kaitlyn and I kept anyone awake! ^~ Sometimes there's nothing for it but a game of Midnight Munchkin. (Was quite surprised no-one tried to join in, though – did you maybe think we were up to something else?) As for Scapegrace's 'eldrich ritual'... okay, in spite of your 'vows of eternal secrecy on pain of' whatever, I have to tell you thatVoydsomeone I won't name talked. And yes, I admit that it all sounds very impressive... until I realised the whole thing was a colossal pun about dunes in June. Not very subtle, Scape. (Apparently Omega really got into it, though...)
Breakfast was really lovely (if cold!). I'm sorry Kaitlyn and I sparked the 'everyone vanish into the dunes' debacle – sorry, Edhelistar, hope you like Pretoria!
Rock-Paper-Scissors was heaps of fun. I beat DawnFire with a well-timed Overhand Meteorite, and managed to block SeaTurtle's Origami Throw with a Edward Reversal, but ultimately lost to Ekyl's Million Dollars. I admit that seeing him win the entire contest with a Rocks Fall, Everybody Dies made me feel a bit better.
I enjoyed the little bit of Darkotas' Rettop Yrrah I ended up taking part in; in retrospect I shouldn't have picked Dumbledore! I mean, it would've been all right if we'd got back further than Sirius' death – incredibly well acted by Sergio and Calista, by the way – but the Golden Trio's 'little accident'... yes, I know it wasn't your fault, firemagic, but it did rather make playing on impossible.
The talent show... oh, the talent show. Best acts, for my money, were Seafarer's 'Les Mis in a minute', and Iximaz and Darkotas' 'instant tumbleweed bunkbed' – though the latter, admittedly, mostly for the looks on their faces when they fell through! Apologies to anyone who was looking forward to my promised Lay of Leithian two-person play – TheShyIon backed out at the last minute (yes, I know you had your reasons), and I couldn't bully Kaitlyn into taking her place. Shame – she would've made a wonderful Luthien.
I'm, er, not really sure what was going on with Lady Liberty – Pretzel, why did you think that was a good idea? For that matter, I'm not sure how you managed to fit her in the van – never mind 'bigger on the inside', she shouldn't have gone through the doors! Oh, wait – didn't domirossi say something about finding Fred some company? I'm not sure the elephant wanted a statue, mate! (Also, was anyone else totally freaked out by waking up to see the giant silhouette framed against the sun? Anyone besides Voyd, obviously, we all know how you felt.)
You've covered the play and the sand-sculptures very well (but unaccountably didn't mention Superfluity's hundred-odd tiny sand orcs – is that possibly because of the way you sat on them, Kitty?), so I'll skip straight to the last day – and the excuses.
No, I'm not going to blame the Agents' loss on KandleKitty – I know quite a few people did, but while letting Iximaz into our camp because 'I thought she was on our team' was pretty egregious, it was far from the only disastrous mishap. Scapegrace's half-mile tumble down the dune, anyone? Desdendelle's 'camouflage' that consisted of a handful of sand in his hair? Neshomeh's attempt to dual-wield longbows?
So what was the problem? It wasn't my leadership – well, I hope it wasn't my leadership. Personally, I suspect Darkotas and Iximaz of tampering with the Agents' water supply – I definitely detected a trace of cactus in there. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. (Also, 'stop complaining'? As if!)
Not that I'm complaining about cactus juice in general, mark you. It went very well with the closing meal – and massive huge thanks to Seychelles and Silenthunder for all the effort they put into that. It was ridiculously nice.
(I'd like to emphasise that it was entirely Phobos' fault you got left behind. He managed to abandon Voyd in Sri Lanka on the way back, too! Also, the ScarfBlanket? Definitely not me this time. Honest)
Overall, it was a fantastic, awesome time, and I'm already looking forward to next year. Big thumbs up all round, and Matt Cipher – 'Clock down on Napoleon!' ^~
But I'm not joking about the camera.
((Heaps of fun again, Kitty – thanks! If it helps, pretty sure this was more worthwhile than French... ^_^))
hS -
Excuses, excuses. by
on 2015-05-10 07:33:00 UTC
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You all somehow managed to forget about me? At once? Me, the one who pulled this together?
Yeah, right.
This had better not become a yearly thing. Although, to be honest, it probably will...
And Fred is now a proud member of the PPC! -
Oh, so that's where he got off to. by
on 2015-05-10 16:39:00 UTC
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He just up and vanished and I was a bit worried. *huggles Fred* You'll be safe there, baby. :) I want to have Fred the elephant come trumpeting down a corridor at some point in the future. -
He's all yours. ^_^ (nm) by
on 2015-05-10 23:31:00 UTC
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Were we supposed to? Aw, damn it... by
on 2015-05-09 23:02:00 UTC
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I feel bad now. At least I avoided that stupid virus.
I already said I was sorry! by
on 2015-05-09 21:00:00 UTC
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I wanted to get him a blue whale in a tank, but the guy I called misunderstood. Probably because of my accent, or the bleepka, or both. And, well, he said "no refunds", so...
By the way, does anyone know where I can find a 200-foot-tall hand truck? Refunds or not, people are gonna ask questions. -
Now, see here. by
on 2015-05-09 18:52:00 UTC
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I'm telling you, fish are best when fresh. They were right there! Maybe rolling down the window at the bottom of the ocean wasn't the best idea, but ANYONE could have made that mistake! As for the bunk bed, it's worked every other time... maybe we just had sturdier tumbleweeds the first few times.
As for spiking the water supply, I assume you suspect us because of that cap you found.
That bottle cap could belong to anyone! Just because both of us had a few in our tents doesn't mean a thing, and frankly I'm shocked that you would ever suspect us. Our constant badgering to try the new drink is completely unrelated, and a secret blind taste test would just be plain dumb.
...anyway, what did you think of the taste? -
Oh yes, I like very much the city... by
on 2015-05-09 15:05:00 UTC
Link to this fact, I took some very nice photos with your camera. :D
*hides Mister Buggles the tarantula* (nm) by
on 2015-05-09 11:38:00 UTC
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22 bunnies? Puh-leeze by
on 2015-05-09 10:19:00 UTC
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The tophat's simply bigger on the inside! But, jokes aside, I'm grateful for being mentioned :D
A clarification: by
on 2015-05-09 05:52:00 UTC
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Everyone in the PPC did come. I just didn't mention all of you.
Really?! by
on 2015-05-09 05:29:00 UTC
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Scorch marks aren't funny, you twat! It was lucky that I had a life-sized working replica of Baymax with me to help me out with the second-degree burns, or else I would've had to be sent to the hospital and missed the rest of the trip. Still, whomever "accidentally" pushed me onto that bush JUST AS IT BURST INTO FLAMES is gonna get it really good next year, because LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO ME! MY POOR LEFT EYE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME!!!
Oh, well. Might as well deal with it in the meantime. At least I'll now be able to cosplay Zuko without having to wear makeup! -
Neat. by
on 2015-05-09 05:15:00 UTC
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Count me in for next time
I somehow ended up in Pretoria... by
on 2015-05-09 03:56:00 UTC
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Can someone give me a ride or send me money for the return trip?
Okay, that was highly amusing. by
on 2015-05-09 03:55:00 UTC
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Can I come along next time? So long as cliffs aren't involved. Acrophobiaaaaa~
In my defense... by
on 2015-05-09 03:52:00 UTC
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I might have had a bit too much cactus juice, and the Harry Potter roleplay seemed like a good idea at the time. How was I supposed to know the robes weren't fireproof after all?!?
I would like some help! (please) by
on 2015-05-09 20:00:00 UTC
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When I write, I have issues with actually writing narration. It tends to come out as lots of dialog, and when I do describe what is happening, it's usually low-level beige prose. Does anyone else ever have this problem?
Do you have a sample? by
on 2015-05-09 21:44:00 UTC
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If you give me a sample to work with I can workshop it for you, that might help more than just general advice.
Well... by
on 2015-05-09 22:04:00 UTC
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I have a half baked random prompt involving a (maybe) ooc Sunflower's witness...
It's here...
Now, be ashamed at my failure to write interestingly! -
Do you have an email? by
on 2015-05-10 08:12:00 UTC
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I would rather send my comments by email. I'll take a look at it tomorrow at some point.
Yes I do. by
on 2015-05-10 13:59:00 UTC
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It's "spenuerfoucart (at) gmail (dot) com"
No, there really is a "u" -
Sent my comments your way. (nm) by
on 2015-05-10 20:35:00 UTC
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I'd recommend this guide, to start with. by
on 2015-05-09 20:37:00 UTC
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"Writing Description" by OokamiKasumi on deviantART.
I like her articles a lot. However, they come with some disclaimers, which I will reproduce here for clarity:
DISCLAIMER [1]: These instructions are intended for Beginners, and for those looking for a few short-cuts to jump-start their writing. If this advice does not agree with your style of writing, by all means, take what you can use and ignore the rest.
For the record...
-- The description word counts limits I include in here are meant to be GUIDELINES not exact amounts, 'kay?
DISCLAIMER [2]: As with all advice, take what you can use and throw out the rest. As a multi-published author, I have been taught some fairly rigid rules on what is publishable and what is not. If my rather straight-laced (and occasionally snotty,) advice does not suit your creative style, by all means, IGNORE IT.
I'll also add a note that reading the whole thing is necessary to get the whole picture. She sometimes clarifies things she says later on in the article, such as the bit about using purple prose. What she actually means by that is that using lavish description SPARINGLY is good, and that sometimes otherwise dry scenes can be punched up with a well-chosen bit of description. It would be easy to miss that if you stopped at the header "Making the Reader FEEL the Passion -- Make the prose PURPLE!"
So, yeah. Check it out, but use your own discretion, too. If it helps, great! If not, that's okay, too! {= )
~Neshomeh -
Thanks! by
on 2015-05-09 21:44:00 UTC
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That does seem helpful!
Collaborative Mission: Of Monsters and Machines by
on 2015-05-09 23:08:00 UTC
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It's done! Glorious freedom, it's done!
Involved continua: Five Nights at Freddy's, Godzilla
Agents used: Valon Vance, Kala Jeng, Falchion, Rashida Mafdetiti, Velociripper
Length: Bloody long by Voyd's standards, average by SkarmorySilver's
Our thanks to firemagic, Edhelistar and Darkotas for beta-reading! -
Yaaay! *bells* by
on 2015-05-10 18:18:00 UTC
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The comments after the animatronics' CAD readings were hilarious, especially Foxy's and OOC!Freddy's. (I'm still never ever playing the games. I don't do horror, and I don't do possessed killer animatronics.)
Oh, two minor things...
"...Also, ow, my, kidneys.”"
That comma after "my" doesn't belong there.
"Valon popped his elbows back into place before pointing his C-CAD at Foxy." this possible? I don't think Valon would be able to do that himself if both elbows got dislocated. -
The kidneys bit? by
on 2015-05-10 19:53:00 UTC
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The comma there was intentional. Valon tends to speak Sparta-style when he's hurt.
As for the elbows bit, I imagined it more like cracking his knuckles/neck (which I do a lot, actually... I have chiropractic problems). -
By the way... by
on 2015-05-10 15:03:00 UTC
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Something I make an effort to do in most of my missions is to highlight the good parts of the PPC. A lot of missions nowadays seem to run with the assumption that the PPC is 100% horrible, which kinda rubs me the wrong way.
Thus, the various little moments with Valon and Kala. Whether it's the camaraderie and friendship between the two, the trust they build with others, or the gratitude of canon characters, I go out of my way to remind people that yes, there are parts of the job that aren't going to traumatize you.
... am I reconstructing the premise of the Protectors of the Plot Continuum? -
This is great, you two! ^^ *Optional!Hugs* by
on 2015-05-10 13:12:00 UTC
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And Voyd, I have a question...
Are you planning another FNAF mission? I saw those descriptions of Valon, and now I'm curious. :) -
It's in the planbook. by
on 2015-05-10 14:40:00 UTC
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It's one of those things where I have ideas, but I haven't found the right fic for them. After all, I do want to show more mini-animatronics.
Also on the list, a least for Valon: acrophobia, curiosity-fueled genderbending, songfic hijacking, more gratitude from canon characters. -
*Looks greatly forward to it* :) (nm) by
on 2015-05-10 14:52:00 UTC
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Error by
on 2015-05-10 12:41:00 UTC
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For some reason when I try to read it Google docs says I am not able to open it with my account.
Congrats! by
on 2015-05-10 02:03:00 UTC
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Good job on the mission! Like I mentioned, I don't actually know either of the canons, though I have been looking up FNaF. It seems interesting, but I'm kind of wuss when it comes to horror stuff. You did a good job making both halves of the crossover comprehensible to an outsider.
As an AoT fan, I have to ask - what was the context for the reference to Eren? Was it intentional on the part of the Suethor, or just the result of a typo?
I do have two minor criticisms. First, there are quite a few unattributed lines of dialogue, which can get a little hard to follow with as many characters as there are. Second, it seemed a little heavy on references to past missions. They made sense from an in-universe perspective, so I'm not sure if my criticism is exactly fair, but I felt like they slowed the story down a bit. Other than those things, I thought it was really good. -
The Eren thing was in-fic. by
on 2015-05-10 13:02:00 UTC
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Apparently, there was an arcade machine in there that had a supercharged Eren on it.
Never mind the fact that Five Nights 1 takes place in the '90s... grumble grumble. -
That's... random. And stupid. (nm) by
on 2015-05-10 14:04:00 UTC
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Huh. by
on 2015-05-10 03:27:00 UTC
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I have the same feelings about FNaF as you do.
screw jumpscares.
Has anyone seen the new "Avengers: Age of Ultron" movie? by
on 2015-05-09 23:25:00 UTC
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I did on opening night. While I liked the party scene at Stark Tower, the rest of the movie frightened me; Ultron in particular. Even though it is not a movie that I really like, it is very well-crafted and the dialogue is superb.
(I also suspect that there will be huge number of Hulk/Black Widow badfics.) -
Fun stuff! by
on 2015-05-11 07:07:00 UTC
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...I just wish that there would be a movie someday where the artificial intelligence they create doesn't go insane and try to kill everyone?
And actually passing the Bechdel Test one of these decades would be nice too, now that I think of it.
But yes. That was a good show. Slightly technologically cringe-worthy (especially the line about all internet traffic travelling through one facility in Oslo), but fun. Things exploded satisfyingly. Dramatic and hilarious one-liners were delivered. The finale was impressive - I really liked the visual design of the flying [spoiler]. -
AI that doesn't go insane? by
on 2015-05-11 16:47:00 UTC
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Well, the Tachikoma tanks from Stand Alone Complex are a pretty good example of that.
Ultron did pass the "test." by
on 2015-05-11 12:18:00 UTC
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When (SPOILERS) Natasha and Lura had a reasonable talk about Laura's baby at Hawkeye's house. Talking about names, joking, laughing together. So, there you go.
Yeah the Nexus... by
on 2015-05-11 08:22:00 UTC
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But I am willing to forgive that. And also Vision didn't go insane and try to kill everyone. At least not in this film. Maybe in the future, but who knows?
Doubt he will. by
on 2015-05-11 11:16:00 UTC
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He seemed rather, erm, Stuish in comparison to his comic counterpart, especially since he now has an Infinity Stone in his head.
I doubt he survives by
on 2015-05-11 18:25:00 UTC
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I expect that Vision will probably be destroyed in Infinity Wars Part 1. They would not need two films if Thanos did not complete the Infinity Gauntlet. So I expect Vision will not survive.
I've seen it by
on 2015-05-10 15:26:00 UTC
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There was stuff I liked about and stuff I didn't. In some places it was as good as the first Avengers, but I can't think of a single moment where it was actually better. And the ending felt to me, like the whole movie was just a set-up for the next Avengers movie. I don't mind a bit of sequel bating, but it felt rather obvious.
I agree by
on 2015-05-10 18:34:00 UTC
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Age of Ultron has to set up Civil War, at least hint at Ragnarok, and do at least some of the ground work for Infinity Wars. I know where in the MCU it was going to fit, so I was expecting it to be really geared at setting things up for Phase 3. And part of that is strategy. Look at it this way, Phase 1 ended with Avengers, so everything was leading up to that. Phase 2 ends with Ant-Man, and almost immediately after Phase 2 ends you get Phase 3 starting with Civil War and Ragnarok. And those two films are going to be massive in scope, so to actually get them to fit in a reasonable time, you need to do set up prior. We might get some in Season 3 of Agents of SHIELD, but most of the heavy lifting had to be done in the films, because not everyone follows Agents of SHIELD.
It seems to me that it set up... by
on 2015-05-10 08:11:00 UTC
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Phase 3 to really be the darkest hour that will culminate with the Avengers getting thrashed in Infinity Wars Part 1. Then again if you are familiar with the comics, the film titles alone make it clear that Phase 3 is not going to be pleasant.
Yep! by
on 2015-05-10 06:09:00 UTC
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The plot was really rushed, and it would have at least been nice to see Tony and Bruce discussing the Ultron project in one of the previous movies, so it didn't come so completely out of left field. But, it was still an enjoyable story.
I liked that Natasha and Bruce became the official couple. Much better than pairing her with one of the more stereotypical male leads. I also like that they're diversifying the Avengers team immensely for future movies. Vision I'm rather meh about—he worked as an adversary to Ultron, but I can't really see him doing much from this point. He's so inhuman, it feels rather dull. I like all the other new Avengers, though.
(rant inbound)
They are missing an obvious one, and it legitimately makes me angry that they passed up the opportunity! Iron Man 3 gave them the perfect chance to leave Pepper Potts with permanent super-powers from her Extremis exposure. We already saw from Boring White Bad Guy Whose Name I Can't Be Bothered to Look Up that it was possible to safely control the Extremis heat powers, and didn't they flat-out say Tony had come up with an equation to stabilize the formula? It would have been a fantastic opportunity to elevate one of the designated love interests into a more active role.
I think, in my head canon, Pepper still has her powers, and is just too cool to hang out with the Avengers. *pout* -
Iron Man 3 also suggests... by
on 2015-05-10 08:03:00 UTC
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That Pepper may become Rescue at some point in the future. I also do not remember if they explicitly said she lost the Extremis abilities. I thought he was stabilizing it for her.
Yeeeeees! This is most pleasing to doctorlit! by
on 2015-05-10 14:43:00 UTC
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I am going to disagree by
on 2015-05-10 18:27:00 UTC
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Gwyneth Paltrow does not, at least to me, seem like she has the presence to really be an action hero, not like Scarlett Johansson does. I think it would really be forcing it to put the MCU's Pepper into anything really more than her previous roles. Marvel has better female characters that they could add instead of Pepper. Like Scarlet Witch, and that was one of my favorite things about Age of Ultron.
I also heard a rumor that after Thor: Ragnarok we might see the recent Female Thor. Which could be interesting. Then again the other rumor is that we might see Beta Ray Bill, which that is a bridge too far right now. Personally I'm waiting to see X-23 in the X-Men films. -
Have you forgotten that friggin' amazing fight scene at the by
on 2015-05-11 05:45:00 UTC
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end of Iron Man 3? I was going nuts when Pepper popped out of nowhere and just started fragging Boring Not Mandarin Bad Guy. I don't really follow actory people (didn't realize that was Gwyneth Paltrow; I recognize the name, but that's all), but I'm sure she can act whatever.
As for Marvel having "better" female characters, I'm sure they do, but that doesn't mean they can't improve on an older character to make them better. I mean, let's face it: the comics industry has a lot of bland female love interest-type characters. Making Pepper an Avenger with her Extremis powers would have helped update her character to have more of an active role in the setting. -
I haven't forgotten it by
on 2015-05-11 08:20:00 UTC
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I just would personally rather them focus on Scarlet Witch. I just think she gives them a whole lot more potential to work with. Elizabeth Olsen just seems like she can carry the action hero role better. Scarlet Witch is also one of the most intriguing characters Marvel has. I also think she is hard to do right. I have seen some good stories with her and some good adaptations, but I have also seen less than fantastic ones as well. Scarlet Witch just has so much more potential. Pepper Potts/Rescue is basically just a female Iron Man.
My brothers and my mother did... by
on 2015-05-09 23:46:00 UTC
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... Apparently, my brothers found it awesome while my mother thought it was bad. My mother is a French literature teacher, so, she probably knows some stuff about constructive criticism... But I'm suspecting the lack of Tom Hiddleston might be the main reason here. :P
Honestly, I'm not that big fan of the Avengers by
on 2015-05-09 23:46:00 UTC
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I kinda want them to have the Wasp and Ant-Man in their main team... I do prefer the animated movies, though.
I've seen Age of Ultron only for the drunk Stan Lee cameo, to be frank :D
What I'm waiting for the most, however, is 2016's Doctor Strange because - in case you didn't realize - I'm all about magic in any way, shape or form. C'mon it's the Sorcerer Supreme, bitches! How can you get his movie wrong? And I guess it will do good, since Ben Cumberbatch plays the lead role... -
Ant-Man will probably join post Civil War (nm) by
on 2015-05-10 08:00:00 UTC
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On Doctor Strange by
on 2015-05-10 08:42:00 UTC
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I don't know, I see it as very similar to Guardians of the Galaxy. It can go really well, but it can also get messed up very badly. In fact much of Phase 3 is really high risk-high reward. Black Panther facially seems like it could go well, but need I remind people of the Daredevil film? Doctor Strange could work, but it could just as easily fall into Ghost Rider territory (mediocre at best). Captain Marvel could also go either way. Not to mention Spiderman, seeing as they have now had five films and none have quite gotten it right.
Then you have Civil War which might be trying to do too much. Same goes for Ragnarok, and Infinity Wars. Frankly I see a lot of risk and a lot of payoff, but Phase 2 really only has two questions, Guardians (which was far better than I thought it could be) and Ant-Man (the premise is hard to sell to me, but it looks good so far). The only guarantee about Phase 3 is that the films will do well. Whether they are good, I do not know. -
on 2015-05-09 23:45:00 UTC
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I will give it my resounding recommendation. Since I don't really feel like making a bunch of spoiler tags, I will leave it at that. If you haven't seen it, go see it. NOW!
I though Cap 2 was better personally by
on 2015-05-10 08:04:00 UTC
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It is for me kind of my third or fourth favorite. They did some things really well, and others not so much.
I did! by
on 2015-05-09 23:42:00 UTC
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James Spader as Ultron was so perfect, words cannot describe.
I enjoyed the action, and how Hawkeye got a bit more of an acknowledgement, since in the last movie, he was mostly off-screen doing Bad Guy Stuff (TM). And hoooly cow, Captain America's language! XD
But ugh, don't get me started on how Black Widow's been shipped with Hawkeye (first Avengers), Cap (Winter Soldier), and now Hulk. -
How many characters have been shipped with Black Widow? (nm) by
on 2015-05-10 05:19:00 UTC
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MCU or Comics? by
on 2015-05-10 08:06:00 UTC
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Comics the answer to that is basically everyone. In the MCU...Cap, Hawkeye, Hulk, and Stark are the only ones that come to mind.
The only ones? by
on 2015-05-10 13:07:00 UTC
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That's, uh, everyone except Thor... and now, I suppose, the male members of the new team (because let's face it, they're not gonna hit at femslash).
That was kind of my point. (nm) by
on 2015-05-10 18:28:00 UTC
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Iunno, we can dream. by
on 2015-05-10 14:04:00 UTC
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Not least because SW is played by the tolerable Olsen sibling and her wonderful, ridiculous accent.
(for real tho cross aaron taylor-johnson's Quicksilver with Henning Wehn and you've basically got Doktor Trollenfisch) -
I think Hawkeye was actually my favorite. by
on 2015-05-09 23:46:00 UTC
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Normally that would be the Captain, but I loved what they did with Hawkeye in Ultron, giving him a definite role and purpose within the team.
Hawkeye was done well in this one. by
on 2015-05-10 08:09:00 UTC
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But for me my favorite I think has to be Scarlet Witch. She is one of those characters that if the story is well written she is one of if not my favorite
mutantenhanced characters. If not well written, well she is far less intriguing. -
As for me, it's kinda easy. by
on 2015-05-09 23:49:00 UTC
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Tony. Plain and simple. And maybe Vision just a little bit.
Alright, everyone, I need your help. by
on 2015-05-10 01:32:00 UTC
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So, a few days ago, my mom demanded I show her some of my PPC work to make sure I wasn't lying when I said we weren't "ripping on other people's stories". I decided to show her "Two Sues for the Price of One", and unexpectedly, she not only approved of it, she liked it.
Liked it a little too much. Now she wants to see other people's stories, as well as more of my own. I'm in a bit of a bind, guys, because if she sees anything with more than minorly offensive swearing or a passing reference to sex, I'm in deep sh*t.
So, if you guys have any tamer missions you can think of, I'm in desperate need of suggestions. Before you recommend, just... pretend like you'll give it to a very fussy granny to read.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be copying some of my missions into a duplicate document and performing cosmetic edits. :/ -
Um, okay, then. by
on 2015-05-10 19:22:00 UTC
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She took a look at the long, looong list of links I sent and said "Seriously? You expect me to read all these?"
Well, thanks a lot, anyway. *sigh* -
To which the only response is: by
on 2015-05-10 19:34:00 UTC
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"No, I expect you to read some, because this is what you asked me to do, so don't be so damned ungrateful!"
Mothers. They can surprise you. Often, though, they do not. -
I get the feeling... by
on 2015-05-10 19:36:00 UTC
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It was like, "If she doesn't provide me stuff, I'll assume the majority of missions are bad and she's been hiding things". Still, I'm pretty irritated. Argh.
On the plus side... by
on 2015-05-11 16:57:00 UTC
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...we now have a long list of worksafe stories. We could make a wiki page of these recs!
~DF - Not quite a Wiki page, but... by on 2015-05-11 17:17:00 UTC Link to this
Well, she asked, you delivered. by
on 2015-05-10 19:42:00 UTC
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You did exactly as you were told, which is a good thing overall. Even if she doesn't read them, you had an extensive list at the ready. Even if it was a bluff, you called it. You really can't complain when someone does what you ask of them, to the letter.
Eh. Can't win for losing sometimes, hun. =] (nm) by
on 2015-05-10 19:41:00 UTC
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Thank you, guys, thank you so much! by
on 2015-05-10 13:10:00 UTC
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I'll start compiling a list of links to send to her right away. (Still open to suggestions, by the way.)
Hugs and internet cookies for everyone, you all saved my hide. -
Suggestion by
on 2015-05-10 19:06:00 UTC
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Could she try writing reviews of the missions she reads, so that we can know what she thinks of our work? That seems like it could be an interesting exercise for her.
I'm totally not trying to indirectly apologize to Madame Maz for last night's idiocy, nope. -
I'd recommend our co-write... by
on 2015-05-10 12:31:00 UTC
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But I'm biased like that. =]
My opinion would be to dredge up the missions of the really, really insane Bleepfics, give her those, and then give her the originals to read. That way she can compare and contrast. =] -
Obviously, I recommend Driftwood. by
on 2015-05-10 07:13:00 UTC
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I wrote the whole thing for 'public consumption', after all. And I doubt she'll mind Selene swearing in 200-year-old slang... ^_~
hS -
Hm, tricky. by
on 2015-05-10 06:02:00 UTC
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Most of my stuff should be okay, but I don't know if you can show her only some of my stuff without her wanting to read everything on my site. "Blood Raining Night" is on my site, and I know that's right out. Everything up to that point should be okay, I think... except maybe "Ring Child." Nume drops the F-bomb a lot in that one. Oh, and "Cosmic Love," because slash and Mpreg. Everything comes with a helpful rating, though, so maybe you can persuade her that you never read the "bad" ones?
I'll definitely second the recommendation of "Brown DragonRider" and raise with "Harry Potter and the Dragonriders of Pern," though, because I know she likes Pern. {= ) HPDroP contains mild references to sexual things, but no actual sex, so hopefully that's all right.
All of my DMS missions ought to be all right, probably... and following Derik's adventures gets "Gestalt Therapy" into the mix.
Phobos' stuff should be okay, too, as long as you avoid the DBS one. The "Going Postal" stories are particularly on the "good clean fun" side of the spectrum.
I'll think some more about other stories that might be good to share. Maybe hS's Driftwood series?
~Neshomeh -
Hmmmm. by
on 2015-05-10 05:56:00 UTC
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Maaaaybe . . . my Sherlock Holmes mission? It's a fandom she (I assume) is at least partly familiar with, and has at least one moment I remember that compliments the badfic. I also put the "Sueish" character back to her former life, rather than outright killing her, so it's . . . I don't know, diet mission?
It's here. You might want to give it a quick read-through, just to double-check. I don't swear much myself, but I think the badfic did some, and I don't know if I included any in quotes.
Also, I'm sorry you're in this situation. Just keep in mind, if you end up needing to back off from the PPC for a while to keep in good standing with the parents, don't sweat it. It would suck, but we'll still be here waiting when you're able to hang out again. :) -
Maybe when I get Permission. by
on 2015-05-10 04:56:00 UTC
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My missions are hardly likely to be explicit, right?
Anyway, you could try the two PPC Camping Trips. I don't think anything too bad happened to them. -
Still haven't forgiven you for the burn marks, BTW. by
on 2015-05-10 15:50:00 UTC
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As for stuff I'd recommend to Iximaz's mom... well... I don't know if any of my solo missions are exactly kid-friendly. The only one that stands well on its own is my very first one and we all know how THAT went down... *shudders*
Honestly, I think the ONLY one of my missions that can be considered work-safe may be the Minecraft one (I'd link to it but I'm on mobile), and that was a relatively minor endeavor. Maybe my co-writes would stand a better chance - probably not the one with Iximaz's but definitely the one with eatpraylove, and probably my recent one with Voyd as well if she doesn't mind jumpscares and the like. -
I'm sorry, but I was the one who was set on fire! (nm) by
on 2015-05-11 10:09:00 UTC
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How about April Fool's Day stories? by
on 2015-05-10 04:47:00 UTC
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(Moms can surprise you, huh? :))
I wouldn't necessarily include my Blackout Interlude, both because it's currently unfinished and because if it was finished it would have...well, not particularly offensive swearing, but perhaps a little more of it than would be preferred (I blame the Winchesters. And Meg).
However: April Fool's Day stories are fun, funny, and not quite the usual sort of PPC writing, which could be pretty interesting and help give a broader view of what we're about!We're totally all about rabbit!agents, shhh. However, I would not link your mom to my lj account, mainly because it's also rehosting Deleterius material, which is...not even remotely always worksafe, unfortunately. I really should have put it in a different journal, but...ooh. Maybe I can somehow repost it to one that's actually called 'deleterius'? It'd make it much easier to find, and it would make my journal worksafe again...that's a thought.
Anyway. Fortunately, I have a worksafe alternative (er, so long as you don't then browse the site, though that's also true of FFN to a slightly milder degree): AO3, or Archive of Our Own. For some reason, they have a tool that converts LJ posts into AO3 stories. It's kind of useful. To my sorrow, it doesn't work with FFN, which is where most of my fics are actually posted, but what can you do?
So. April 2013 AFD mission, wherein agents are cats and a Disentangler is called in. The only swearing there is one instance of 'Flaming Denethor', as far as I can see. No sexual references that I remember seeing, either.
Next, T'Zar's Reassignment, which is the 2014 AFD interlude and also links to the real interlude (very worksafe, just has two agents meeting each other for the first time). It has one mild swearword and...Captain Jack Harkness, so there's your passing reference to sex /sigh/. It's basically an...implication? A mild suggestion? It's not crass or overt, just him being a flirt, which...yeah, more or less unavoidable. He does then make out with Ianto for a while, which then becomes a bit of a running joke. It's not described in detail, though.
And then we have this year's AFD story, which is the Carrot Juice Shop AU (and should probably be put on the wiki). No swearing, I don't remember or see any references to sex, and this is literally just fluff.
I'd also add the next interlude I post, which I shall do reasonably soon. It's also extremely worksafe, hopefully funny, and not exactly the usual sort of PPC story...well, no, it sort of is, but...well, you'll see. It's inspired by something hS said, and is not a mission. It's also got the continuity of using agents who appear in the AFD stories :)
Hope that helps!
~DF -
Cafeteria missions are, IIRC, pretty tame. by
on 2015-05-10 04:22:00 UTC
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Don't have a link handy, but they're all listed on the Wiki under either my name, or Jof, Mohan, or Lyn.
I'm on the case! by
on 2015-05-10 02:11:00 UTC
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Okay, first up: Original Series. Can't go wrong with those.
First mission
Second mission
Marvin and Printworthy seems like another good choice.
The Lost Land is a great example of some of your work as well
Selene and Dafydd in "More Than Ordinary"
The same in Brown DragonRider of Pern
With some editing, "He Was Practically Asking For It" could potentially work, but might be iffy.
This is just a start - I'll be adding more in replies when I have some more free time. I've got your back, Ixi! :) -
Great! by
on 2015-05-10 02:40:00 UTC
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All of those, definitely... well, except the last. Considering the source material is centered around homosexual slurs and a tnirteen year-old porn star, I'm sure that would go over like a ton of bricks.
...on second thought, yeah. Bad idea. by
on 2015-05-10 04:45:00 UTC
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Anyway, have some more for you.
"Flamingos" is a fantastic example of your stuff, and has some very good statements by Rina about modesty and avoidance of alcohol.
I know you don't consider it as a part of your best work, but The Sue of Many Names could be a good candidate if you tone down the language.
Actually, your first few missions would probably be best.
If you're looking for worldbuilding-type stuff, something like The Canon Nursery School could be a great showcase. Short, but sweet.
Or, perhaps something from the DoSAT would be a good showcase.
And finally, Origins.
I think that should about cover it - lots of examples, and all of them suitably clean! -
Um. by
on 2015-05-10 02:09:00 UTC
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Allow me to leave my opinion of her to the side for the moment.
Most of my missions that aren't to NSFW fics will do. Nothing I do is more racy than accidental contact with Kala or Gabby's chest. -
Hey now. by
on 2015-05-10 02:33:00 UTC
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Yes, she's overzealous and overprotective and overbearing, but she's still a nice lady and my mom. I just gotta play her game and placate her, is all.
And then once I'm older I'll sic her on Rose Potter and tell her I wrote it when I was seventeen. XD -
Yeah, but still... by
on 2015-05-10 02:39:00 UTC
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Hearing about your mother just makes my skin crawl.
Regardless, like I said, most of my missions are work- and brain-safe. Just... don't show her the League of Legends one. That fic was a nightmare, and Valon went completely ballistic. -
Dude, what the heck? by
on 2015-05-10 02:51:00 UTC
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Look, I know I complain about her a lot, but you don't know her and don't get to judge her based off her teenage daughter's teenage-y whininess.
I don't talk enough about all the good stuff she's done, like acting as my D&D group's DM and making epic storylines, or taking me and my friends out paintballing (and single-handedly winning one round), or helping me make my awesome Harry Potter cosplay, or building a rack for my wand collection, or teaching me how to sew, or taking us to the renaissance fair and cheering me on in the archery contest, or helping me get around the house when I threw out my back and couldn't sit up on my own let alone walk.
You don't know her, so you don't get to make comments like that. My mom's crazy overprotective and drives me nuts at times, but she's been a great mom and I love her. So. There. -
*backs the hell off* by
on 2015-05-10 02:54:00 UTC
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I'll just be over here, then...
Nice going, Voyd, you made her mad. Why'd you say that, you bleeding moron. -
Shameless self-plug. by
on 2015-05-10 01:50:00 UTC
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Presenting (Un)Intelligence: tales from that one department which is super-important but that people tend to overlook.
Room-flooding, Patronus-casting, clothes-laundering, foreveralone-gaming,lonely funeralaction that's guaranteed G-rated. Bring your kids!
I should really continue that series. Yeah. -
This is actually perfect! by
on 2015-05-10 02:36:00 UTC
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It'll definitely dissuade her of the notion that the PPC is nothing but missions. Thanks!
That's the big advantage to Infrastructure right there. by
on 2015-05-10 02:49:00 UTC
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We get to do the fun things in the background. DoI, Cafeteria, DMS, Nursery, Building Maintenance, New Caledonia, you name it, Infrastructure (or Security) can explore it.
It does sound like fun. by
on 2015-05-10 03:01:00 UTC
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Man, I gotta get Farilan out and about sometime...
*breathes in deeply* Beta request. by
on 2015-05-10 05:07:00 UTC
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Right. I started working on my Permission prompts a while ago, but had to stop because RL caught up to me. I think I'll try to submit them soon, but it'd be great if someone could look over it for me.
I'm not quite sure how to do this. I've got everything on a Google Doc that I can share... -
Well... by
on 2015-05-10 15:01:00 UTC
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I guess I can help. My email is spenuerfoucart (at) gmail (dot) com
Shared. by
on 2015-05-11 10:05:00 UTC
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Sorry it took a while. ^_^
Wow. by
on 2015-05-12 00:16:00 UTC
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That's pretty good actually. Only thing I could see was a wierd formatting thing. Good job!
'Wierd formatting'? by
on 2015-05-12 00:31:00 UTC
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Please, do tell me more.
Just a bit of random italics that... don't make much sense. (nm) by
on 2015-05-14 00:45:00 UTC
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...why not. by
on 2015-05-10 05:30:00 UTC
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Permission prompts are fairly short, as I remember, so betaing for two people shouldn't equal overextending myself. I'm in! Share the GDoc with dawnfire360(at)gmail(dot)com. I'd be happy to take a look :)
~DF -
Sent. Thanks! (nm) by
on 2015-05-10 05:39:00 UTC
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Wonderful, and no problem :) by
on 2015-05-10 05:49:00 UTC
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I need to go to sleep very soon, unfortunately, but I'll be sure to take a (proper) look either tomorrow or within another day or so if I end up somehow busier than expected.
~DF -
Thank you. I really appreciate this. (nm) by
on 2015-05-10 06:01:00 UTC
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Well, I just went through the agent profiles... by
on 2015-05-10 06:19:00 UTC
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...and it's been fun and interesting :) I'm well on my way to wanting to toss just about any of my agents into a room (or mission) with yours and see what happens.
I'm definitely going to bed now, and will have a look at the rest...probably tomorrow. If not, Monday or Tuesday. I am excited to see if there's banter, though, so Sunday seems likely :)
Assassination Method page cleanup by
on 2015-05-10 16:52:00 UTC
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For whatever reason, I only found the Assassination Methods page now, and I must ask: must it note every single assassination method? It has entries like 'head shot' and 'decapitation with a sword', and those aren't special or interesting.
Is there any reason not to clean those up and only leave the interesting methods (thrown into the Crucible's energy core, being left with an Assassin's Guild receipt, being left to be eaten by Thread)? -
Is there any reason... by
on 2015-05-10 17:49:00 UTC
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... to have the page at all?
Non-interesting assassination methods don't need to be listed anywhere, really. Interesting ones would probably be better listed under the canon in question, no? Having a section for methods (including body disposal, which was where the whole idea started) on each canon page seems more... unified?
hS -
I think the page should stay. by
on 2015-05-10 18:15:00 UTC
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I know that I'd look for assassination methods in such a page and not under specific canons.
Also, some methods are problematic - if you blew a Dalek up in the Harry Potter-verse, do you list it under Doctor Who? Harry Potter? Both? Neither?
Trying to write a realistic 10th Walker. by
on 2015-05-10 19:01:00 UTC
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Hey everyone, I'm Alleb. To get right down to business, I'm trying to write a realistic Tenth Walker. As a very quick rundown, my OC is named Amy, she can use a sword (fairly well, but not at the level of any of the non-hobbit Walkers, or most Rangers for that matter), has the advantage of bringing a full camping backpack to Arda, and knows Sindarin and some Quenya (what we have of either, anyway). I'm trying to figure out how she will effect the plot- I really have only two solid ideas so far; she goes with Sam and Frodo when the Fellowship breaks, but remains with the Ithilien Rangers due to the temptation of the Ring, or she is captured with Merry and Pippin. I'm not sure how well either thought will work- any suggestions on how she might otherwise derail the plot?
Welcome to madness! by
on 2015-05-11 12:16:00 UTC
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Have some chocolate! I stole it from Remus Lupin, but I'm sure he won't mind.
Here's a tip: No line-stealing. Don't have her say lines that the characters use in either the books or movies. It's incredibly annoying.
Also, be careful with how she could share her knowledge of the Fellowship's future. If she does, there must be consequences. One OC I read about went with Gandalf to see Saruman, and Saruman read the girl's mind, finding out about the movies. The catch was that she wasn't sure how much he'd seen, and Elrond worried that there might not even be a Fellowship. -
Noted by
on 2015-05-11 14:27:00 UTC
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I'll keep line stealing to a minimum- the minimum being zero. That's an interesting fanfic though- what if the enemy gained all te knowlege? That could be an interesting AU. Thanks for the chocolate!
Welcome! (nm) by
on 2015-05-10 20:17:00 UTC
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[Waves] by
on 2015-05-10 20:01:00 UTC
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I see you've read Tenth Walkers - awesome! Glad to know it's doing its job. ^^
My initial response to this question is, um... how big an answer do you want? I can do anything from a five-line comment on your plot suggestion (in your response to Iximaz), to a two-page spiel. My preference is usually for the latter, I'll point out.
To prepare for whatever you're looking for, that plot: you say she wants a herb which she knows about from Aragorn, but... how did she find out about that in (I assume) Modern Earth? And when did she arrive in M-e? (I won't ask 'how did she get there?', though if it's something relating to Middle-earth lore, you might want to tell me anyway to get comments. ^~)
hS -
Waves back! by
on 2015-05-10 21:10:00 UTC
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It definitely is! Awesome story- so thankful you wrote it! Feel free to write as much as you want; spiels are appreciated! The way it goes is she arrives on Weathertop a year before the Fellowship sets out, meets Kali in Bree, and everything is fine for several months. Kali falls ill a few weeks before the date of the Fellowship's departure, and Halbarad (who Amy met soon after arriving in Arda) rushes her and Amy to Rivendell. Elrond knows the sickness, and then Aragorn says that Minas Tirith has the cure- or, as Iximaz suggested, Dol Amroth does. As to how she got there, that's a little involved and I would appreciate help working out the MANY kinks. So, after Sauron was defeated in the War of the Ring, he was permanently unbodied. As this is, technically speaking, an AU, he finds an unguarded door into the Void, finds Morgoth, and the two immediately set to scheming. They are, of course, geniuses, and they realize as you did that throwing a random person into the Quest will derail everything. Now, as the Void is said to be outside time, it makes some sort of sense that one can enter, say, in the Third Age, and exit in modern day, using the Earth is an older Arda hypothesis.
Well, you asked for itÂ… :D by
on 2015-05-11 10:01:00 UTC
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I’ll wander through your outlined plot in rough order. So, the arrival: surprisingly, I have no problems with it! Sauron is explicitly not dead after the Ring is destroyed (though he is permanently depowered). The idea that over the next six thousand (per Tolkien) years he could sneak out into the Void, and figure out a way for Melkor to get a tiny tendril of power into Arda to drop Amy back in time – sure, why not? It’s about Sauron’s level of sneakiness, too – he likes to use stealth as a blunt instrument. ‘I shall sneak my Nazgul into the Shire, then have them run around hissing at people in black cloaks! I am a genius!’
There’s a glorious quote from Tolkien about Sauron: Gandalf he did not understand. But certainly he had already become evil, and therefore stupid, enough to imagine that his different behaviour was due simply to weaker intelligence and lack of firm masterful purpose. That… really does sum the Dark Lord up.
Language is a problem. You say Amy ‘knows’ Sindarin and Quenya. For the sake of argument, I’ll assume Ardalambion S/Q, though any reconstruction will handle the same. The problems are three:
-While reconstructed Quenya is reasonably coherent, there are no native speakers of Quenya outside Valinor in the Third Age. The only person Amy will meet who grew up with it is Galadriel (and possibly Elrond, depending on what Maglor decided to raise him on). Of the Fellowship, we know Frodo has enough to say ‘hi’; Aragorn probably reads it fairly well, but may not speak it (apart from rote phrases); actually there’s a decent change that Boromir knows a little – but on the other hand, those sound like the lessons he would have ignored in favour of useful military stuff! Betcha Faramir speaks the ‘Elf Latin’. But it’s not a tongue you could use to communicate in the Third Age, is my point.
-The Dunedain speak Sindarin, as does Legolas – but we don’t. Sindarin is very fragmentary. Ardalambion has an article consisting basically of guesses at the verb system; we have no verb ‘to be’. Amy could probably communicate with Halbarad using nouns (’I mass’ for ‘bread’, for instance), but that’s about it.
-And the main one… people in Arda don’t speak English! They speak Westron, and that’s going to be horrendous for Amy. For starters – the names are all different! She could maybe get Halbarad to take her to the Prancing Pony by asking (in Sindarin) for ‘roch ylf sâd’, ‘horse tankard place’, though since ‘ylf’ also means ‘brand’ she might end up at a stable which brands horses instead! But the Pony wouldn’t have a name she could understand, Bree wouldn’t be called Bree, even Barliman would actually be called something incomprehensible (‘Butterbur’ is a translation of ‘Zilbirâpha’) – she’d have no way of knowing she was in the right town! (A list of all known Westron words is here, if you want it.)
For that matter, once she joins the Fellowship (oh yes, we’ll get there) – she’ll have very little chance of working out which is Merry and which is Pippin. Unless Razanur ‘Raz’ Tûk happens to mention his surname, how would she know?
Speaking of Westron: Kali is a boy’s name. In fact, it’s Merry’s name (and has the same meaning).
So, how to get out of this bind? Obviously you could have Sauron magically let her understand Westron, but that’s… pretty boring. So… why not learn Adûnaic? That’s the language Westron (Adûni, technically) is descended from; with a grasp of Adûnaic (as much as that’s possible), she could probably make herself understood – insofar as you could understand someone from the time of Chaucer. (It’s also a good language to raid for ‘Kali’s’ name – it could be an old family name. Though Bree-folk used floral words… ‘Kulbî’ means, roughly, ‘Potatoes’, if you like. Or ‘Inzil’ means ‘Flower’.)
I’ll move on from language now ^^. If Halbarad struck up a friendship with Amy, he might well take her and ‘Kali’ to Karningul (sorry, that’s ‘Rivendell’ in the translation). And since elves aren’t magic, it’s entirely possible Elrond couldn’t cure whatever the problem is, and that there might be a southern plant that could help.
You seem to be implying Amy leaves Bree after Frodo (sorry, Maura) reached Rivendell. That should be okay; while Sauron’s got his eye on the West, he has no reason to care about Amy, ‘Kali’, and a random Dunadan. So she should be fine. The Fellowship wasn’t chosen until shortly before departure, either, so that’s okay.
(As to where the herb is found: the idea of it as a Haradrim plant is nice. Either Minas Tirith or Dol Amroth could have a stock; the Houses of Healing in M-T presumably get supplies from all over Gondor. Boromir might be a better person to say they have it – while Aragorn did spend time in Gondor, it was a long time ago.)
Mm… how did she get into the Fellowship? The answer has to be ‘Elrond chose to put her there’, but why? I’m going to go with ‘Boromir’; he’s the best person to escort her to Minas Tirith (and bless the Gondorians for using Sindarin names!), and he’s already said he’ll travel with the Fellowship until it’s time to break off. The idea of sending Amy along with them makes as much sense as sending Boz – this isn’t a war-party, after all! Aragorn, Legolas, and Elrond would have no problem with the fact that she was female, and in fact would be baffled at the suggestion that there could be a problem. Not sure about Boz or the hobbits, and I know Gimli (for his name, see here) would have issues – the dwarves protect their women (because there’s less of them).
But of course, that messes with the ‘Nine’. In this case, I suggest my ‘Tenth Walkers’ Pippin idea – Elrond toyed with the idea of sending Pip (Raz) back to the Shire as a messenger, so in this case, he should do it! Only this is Pippin we’re talking about – he would absolutely chase after the Fellowship anyway. And I doubt Gandalf (no Westron name, ‘Mithrandir’ is ever-useful) would send him back once he’d arrived…
So, how could she impact the plot? She’s read the book, right? Here’s some ideas:
-Tell Gandalf what’s in Moria. There’s… not really an alternate path to take (Caradhras rejected them, the High Pass is full of orcs, the Gap of Rohan is full of Saruman), so I suspect Gandalf would still go through. He might even still die – I mean, knowing there’s a balrog doesn’t do you a lot of good when it’s a balrog. But it’s something she might well do.
-If she doesn’t… well, Galadriel can read minds! She can also speak Quenya, which means that unless Amy is very good with languages (ie, she’s picked up more than just very rudimentary Westron), Galadriel is one of the few people she can hold an actual conversation with. The Lady of Lorien would probably take the time to do so, as well – she’s pretty nice like that. Though don’t expect her to try and make Amy feel better - if she deserves to feel guilty, the woman whose mother named her ‘Man-Maid’ is going to make sure she does. Nicely, of course. ^~
-The reason the Fellowship sailed down Anduin was to avoid making a decision as where to go. The reason Boromir didn’t go off by himself was that he wanted to take the Ring to Minas Tirith, though he didn’t really talk about that much. If Boz fastened his hopes onto something else – say, Amy, who’s given away several times that she knows the future - he might well have gone straight from Lorien to Gondor. Then the Fellowship would be able to… let me check a map.
Right, the best route if you’re not hesitating about where to go is across Anduin as high up as possible, then down through the Brown Lands to the northern Ash Mountains. With Aragorn in charge, they probably wouldn’t aim for the Black Gate – and with Gimli on hand, they might well be able to find a way through the northern mountains. With the Fellowship on a different path, and Boromir back in Gondor with a genuine Seer (and there’s precedent for those – Glorfindel prophesied the Witch-King’s manner of death, and Malbeth the Seer predicted Aragorn’s trip through the Paths of the Dead) – but with no March of the Ents – it’s anyone’s guess how the War of the Ring would fall out.
But let’s say you don’t want to do that (you should, though!). You’ve got your Amelia!Sue available to meddle things back into line, so you can use that to drive the Fellowship down to Rauros. Then what happens?
Um… Amy doesn’t go with Frodo. Sam only manages because, well, he’s Sam, and Frodo needs him. Unless Amy somehow kept track of him in the forest (and she wouldn’t, he’s a hobbit), she’d have no chance of catching him at the boats. Unless, I guess, she used her foreknowledge and went straight there? But Frodo wouldn’t have taken a boat if he was being watched, and I don’t know what he’d’ve done instead.
She also doesn’t get captured with M&P. Why would she? The orcs were looking for halflings. They’d just kill her.
Which means she’s there with Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli when everything’s over. And that could be quite a change: with four people, Aragorn would be able to split the team up. Two could go after Frodo and Sam, and two after Merry and Pippin. I think he probably would, too, though what the divisions would be, I’m not sure.
Alternately, he might still deem the Ring beyond their help – but decide to set out for Minas Tirith directly himself. I believe he says in canon that he’ll take up Boromir’s responsibility to defend the city. That would mean a trip directly down Anduin – and he would probably take Amy with him (since that’s where she’s heading), leaving Legolas and Gimli to hunt Merry and Pip.
At that point, the story is pretty stable – most of the actors are in the right places. Aragorn wouldn’t look in the Palantir, so Sauron wouldn’t attack as early, which would mean that Mordor wouldn’t empty as Frodo and Sam arrived. You also wouldn’t have the Paths of the Dead – which means the Corsairs would reach Minas Tirith. But they’d do so long before Sauron’s army did, and could probably be defeated.
But let’s say you didn’t want to do that… and this is the thing. We could keep rejecting possible changes until the cows come home, but ultimately, you want to change the plot. The only question is where.
(That was three pages. En… joy?)
hS -
Thank you! by
on 2015-05-11 12:58:00 UTC
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I'm SO thankful you like her method of transport- I was quite nervous about that. Actually, Amy *is* learning Westron. The Professor said in one of his letters that the language of the hobbits was very similar to English, and since I don't have any form of grammar I'm assuming it's mostly the same (albeit with a few quirks) and an entirely different vocabulary. So far, I've written it as if the names were English simply because we don't have all the names in Westron. I really like Inzil! Thank you so much- the word list I used didn't have that on there. Kali's real name is actually Hamanullas (small white flower), but everyone just calls her Kali. I know it's Merry's name, but since it's just a nickname I thought it might work- but I like Inzil much better. (On a sidenote, when I was first read Lord of the Rings, I had NO idea Merry was a boy until Crickhollow. I thought all along it was "Mary.")
So, up until now my thought was that Amy's memories of the plot were erased when she arrived, but if you don't think that's a good plan it can very easily be tweaked. My idea had been that the only being other than Eru who really knows the future (beyond predictions and visions) is Mandos; and he's meant to be the only one. So it would make some sense that she would loose these memories when she arrived.
Okay.. I left something big out. I really shouldn't have, and I apologize- Amy is mute. I feel that's her most Suish characteristic, and I sort of hesitate to bring it out. She's teaching Inzil sign language, of course. So when she meets Halbarad, she's actually communicating in broken tengwar on a notepad she brought and bad Sindarin that she barely remembers from learning it as a teenager; I said 'know' because she remembers most of it later on, and I didn't know how fractured the language was. I actually thought we had a lot less of Quenya- grammar and vocabulary both -than we did of Sindarin.
Oh, another thought- Amy hasn't read the books for roughly ten years. So she might remember a couple things,or accidentally give false information, or any other host of possibilities. Speaking of possibilities, I had planned for there to be some hints of romance between Boromir and Amy- and in some of these plot ideas, he would live, and it could be given lots of time to mature, which I like. What do you think?
I love the three pages! Thank you so much! Your knowledge is awesome, and I doff my cap to you *bows*. I plan to implement quite a few of these ideas. You've been immensely helpful! -
Interesting, very interesting. by
on 2015-05-11 13:59:00 UTC
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(Btw, it would help with reading your posts if you double-space your paragraphs. Ta.)
Westron... um... well, the grammar might be the same as English, I guess. But the vocab is wildly different - it bears literally no resemblance to English. So I'm not sure that'd help!
Inzil is, I hope I made clear, an Adunaic name - it would be a very old name in the Third Age. Sort of like calling your kid... um... okay, 'any name out of the Bible', I suppose. ^^ We know that Westron retains the 'z' sound, so it's probably a valid word in Westron. (Nicknaming her Kali - well, why not? Will probably cause confusion when she meets Kalimac the Hobbit.)
I would definitely use 'actual' names if you possibly can - we've got more of them than you might think! The only lands you're spending time in that don't use an elvish language are Bree and Rohan (if you go there). Bree itself might be tricky to name (or just call it 'the village'), or she could simply use the English name in narrative out of habit. The Pony is an actual translation, so it's okay to re-translate to English. And Rohan - well, we actually have Theoden's real name, Tûrac!
(You know, many years ago, I'm pretty sure I thought Merry was a girl. You can imagine my surprise when Bombadil told them all to strip! Not sure where I caught on, actually...)
I think wiping Amy's memory is... mm, dubious. For one, surely Sauron would want her to keep it? For two, knowing the future changes it - so the 'future' Amy knows isn't the one she'll encounter. For three... it removes any justification I can come up with for Elrond to send her along. Every one of the Nine Walkers has a good reason to be there - Amy wouldn't.
I've speculated here about how a girl who knows (partly!) the book could interact with Middle-earth. Feel free to crib anything you like from it. ^^
Mute is an... interesting character trait. Certainly gets round the pronunciation problem! I'm not sure why you'd think it's particularly Suish, though - yes, it's unusual, but unusual doesn't have to be bad. Just make sure you give her both the positives and the negatives, and she'll be fine.
Well, 'fine', at least. Tengwar are, again, moderately obsolete - Frodo recognises them as letters on the Ring, but doesn't even try to translate them even phonetically. Most people (including Gandalf) use the runes of Daeron - and no-one bothers to learn them at this end of time, because they're boring. ;) But sign language... I understand the 'words' are ideagraphic, rather than phonetic in any sense. So yes, Inzil/Kali could probably understand a sign for chicken just as well (or badly) as an English speaker. Um... might make things difficult when she's with the Fellowship, though.
The thing about Quenya and Sindarin is that, um, Tolkien preferred Quenya. He wrote poems in it; he didn't do that much in Sindarin. So we have a lot more Quenya to hand, though I think (may be wrong) the longest single passage is the Sindarin King's Letter. The one people learn is usually Quenya, though that said, there's a few books about Sindarin; maybe she had a copy of David Salo's A Gateway to Sindarin!
Ultimately, the plot is up to you (obviously!). My main piece of advice is to consider the consequences of what you're doing! If Amy breaks her leg in Moria, the Fellowship is slowed down, don't get to Balin's Tomb before the orcs catch them, and have to fight in the open - even when the balrog arrives. If Amy urges them to bypass Lorien, the whole story takes place a month sooner - so they probably don't get ambushed at Rauros. Heck, if Amy's chatting with Boromir while Frodo's off thinking, Boromir wouldn't go after him, and Frodo would come to a decision of his own. You could even start the story right there, with no earlier changes, and fill in her backstory along the way!
(And what would Frodo decide? Very difficult to say. He's avoided making decisions at all previous points, though he has shown a tendency towards self-sacrifice. He might well slip off by himself while the others wait - but with eight members of the Fellowship still behind, and the fact that Frodo wasn't the one who thought of breaking the boats, at least some of them could go after him. Call the chapter 'The Parting of the Fellowship' and send Boromir and Amy off to Minas Tirith - see where that gets you.)
I have no problems with a well-done Boromance (though Acacia probably would have!). Remember that a deadly hike probably isn't the best place for it to get serious, though! Letting the Quest portion be her slow (sloooow) growth in admiration for him, and its development into something more - and working out a reason for him to like her - is probably the best way to go, yes.
I think this version was less than three pages? Noooot sure...
hS -
Got it. by
on 2015-05-11 16:15:00 UTC
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In regards to the names, I think I might have her give the Westron name, if she can, but then use the English afterwards. It's what she would be most comfortable with (me too), and my keyboard can't make the punctuation needed for Westron, so it would be very time consuming to have to copy paste practically everything.
You're right, the memory wipe was rather dubious. I'll change it, although that also impacts how she'll meet Halbarad; originally, he came across her on Wethertop after her memory was erased; she was lying in a sort of daze, remembering her life slowly. It shouldn't be too hard to fix though.
I really, really like your piece on Lucy- Amy is similar, but she'll probably remember even less. And you're right, Sauron would want her to keep her knowledge of the future; he and Morgoth picked her partially for her pride, and I can easily see her trying to "fix" things like Gandalf's death, Boromir's sacrifice, and the Breaking of the Fellowship, thinking she's doing exactly what's needed.
Also, I need your advice on another aspect of her muteness; how would Elves react to her? I mean (correct me if I'm wrong) the early Elves differentiated themselves from animals by their ability to speak- calling themselves the Quendi and all. So far, I think pity would be pretty prevalent- language is dear to them, after all. But I think there might be some squeamishness (if Elves get squeamish.)
*yelps and hides from Acacia*
Deadly hike.. That's incredibly accurate, actually. Um, could I use that?
Just as a test scenario, let's say Amy (after proving her Seer status) warns Elrond and Gandalf that the latter will die in Moria, and they can't go over Caradhras. She forgets about Sauraman, and the two Wise ones conclude that the Fellowship must travel through the Gap of Rohan (Gandalf of course knows that Sauraman is a bad egg, but for the purposes of the test scenario let's say they go through the Gap anyway). Because their trajectory is altered, they don't see any crebain, and they try to sneak past Isengard. Plot twist; Merry and Pippin are captured by Orcs. The Fellowship breaks right there, with Gandalf still alive. Without seriously analyzing the situation, I would say that Gandalf takes Aragorn and Legolas with him and attempts to sneak in and rescue the hobbits. The other five can't dither, so they set off for Rohan. What do you think? -
Personally... by
on 2015-05-11 20:13:00 UTC
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... I tend to forgive missing accents. It's not like people are going to actually be pronouncing things! But I see your point, and if it's narrative voice, that's excusable. Dialogue... eh, I suppose since the whole thing's translated into English anyway, you can probably get away with it. Makes me twitchy though.
As a general rule, anything I've presented as an idea is there for anyone to use; I'm not possessive. Nicking entire chunks of story, yes, that's bad, but ideas are free from me. (As are turns of phrase, so yes, you can have 'deadly hike'. ^^)
Very interesting thoughts about 'Quendi'; you're kind of right. I think you'd get pity, definitely, but with an undercurrent of... something between shock and horror. Not at her, but at the idea that that can happen. Remember, Arda was created out of a song; the most 'holy' thing elves do is sing hymns to Elbereth; they (Legolas)anthropoeldathromorphisise things to the extent that he speaks of stones talking to him. Someone without a voice is... yeah, that could hit them hard. (Of course, on the flip side, they will be delighted by sign language; it's a sort of 'even one without a voice can still speak by the skill of her hands' thing. If you go for a lighthearted tone, I can imagine it becoming something of a fad in Imladris - only, of course, the elves will improve it rapidly beyond Amy's understanding!)
The Saruman scenario: well, given that Gandalf's been locked up by Saruman, it's hard to imagine why he'd do that. But suppose he does. The crebain are a misdirection; they knew they were being watched anyway! I think the movieverse suggests they were aiming for the Gap of Rohan until the crows changed their mind, but the book is quite clear about what the plan was.
So, they sneak across Dunland, which is hostile to, um, everyone, but particularly blondes. ^~ They reach the Gap. They can basically be invisible in the open countryside - but they have to cross the Fords of Isen. That's the only choke-point in the entire plan. Heck, after that, they're home free in Rohan! But...
... y'know, if you fiddle the timeline a little (maybe they leave Rivendell later, or they have a lot of trouble in Dunland), you could get them there juuuust before the Battle of the Fords of Isen on February 25th. So they reach the fords, meet Theodred (crown prince of Rohan, still alive!)... and then the 'fighting Uruk-hai' descend.
So you have the fellowship at the BFI. They probably contribute a great deal, especially with Gandalf present. And, yeah, I can see Merry and Pippin getting taken. Gandalf/Aragorn would be keeping an eye on Frodo, and Sam wouldn't leave his side, but the other two might stray into the path of the orcs. And if Saruman's told his leaders to take any halflings (to figure out what Gandalf's up to with them and the Ring)... yes, it works.
But... I don't think Gandalf would go after them. For that matter, I don't think there'd be a stealth mission - you've got a victorious army of Rohan close at hand, and Saruman's armies have just been wiped out!
I think Gandalf, Frodo, and Sam (at least) would head for Edoras - quite possibly on Shadowfax, since they're in his area now. Aragorn and Boromir would team up with Theodred to try and take out Isengard (they both feel loyalty to Rohan as an ally of Gondor). Legolas would go with them for the sake of the hobbits. Gimli... well, it's a coin toss. And Amy... depends whether she cares more about Boromir or Kali, really. She might stick with Boz, on the principle that Gandalf won't be stopping at Minas Tirith (though he'll have to pass pretty close).
As to whether they'd succeed... uh, probably yes. Saruman's just thrown away his army. But the Rohirrim would have to occupy Isengard - they can't get into Orthanc to drag him out - and they need a leader who can resist the Voice of Saruman. That might be Theodred, or it might have to be Aragorn or Legolas. It might even be Boromir - but we know he is susceptible to temptation, so that's only a good choice if you (the writer) want things to go wrong. ^_^
(As ever, these are just ideas. You can take them or leave them as you please - it's not my story!)
hS -
Deadly hike- awesome by
on 2015-05-11 22:53:00 UTC
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I'll include Westron names as much as I can, but in the long run I think it'll just be too time consuming.
I had actually thought of something really similar with the "sign language fad" in Imladris. I really like the fast advancement; I knew they'd learn it quickly, but the improvement idea is really cool. I can easily imagine, a few days after teaching them the really basic grammar and a few signs, she's walkng around and she realizes that they've made up their own home signs, their own, more advanced grammar, and they've nuanced the facial expressions to such an extent that she can barely understand what they're saying. Perfect. That'll also be handy during the Quest, as Legolas will be able to translate what Amy is signing. I can see different members of the Fellowship having their own interest in it too- like Aragorn would want to learn some basic signs to use, say, while hunting, so as not to scare the game. I think the hobbits might try it, and Frodo might even pursue if a little, but the rest would probably fall off the bandwagon. The dwarves, of course, have their own hand gestures, if I remember correctly.
Speaking of, how would you handle Gimli's reaction to Amy's going on the quest? I don't want him to come across as that one mysoginistic (I hope I spelled that correctly) character, but he would definitely have some objections.
Which reminds me, what term would everyone use for Amy? Most of the fics I've read use "Lady," but it seems distinctly WRONG to use the same honorific for Lady Galadriel and a random OC. Just.. No. Mistress sounds off, Madame doesn't sound plausible. Miss, maybe? The hobbits might use that one.
Man, your knowledge of Tolkien is seriously impressive. I apologize for my mistake with the crebain; I've seen the movies more recently than I've read the books, so they're a lot closer to mind. The test scenario would be interesting, although you're probably right to assume that Gandalf wouldn't want to go through the Gap, despite what Amy says. Like what you mentioned of Elrond- if Imladris fell but the Ring was destroyed -I wonder if Gandalf might still view it as a victory if he died but the Fellowship got through Moria safely.
Ooh, I just realized- if the Fellowship doesn't go through Moria and then Lorien, both Sam and Frodo will probably die in Mount Doom. If they just went through Moria, they'd pick up Gollum but not Eärendil's light. Thus, Gollum would lead them to Shelob and they probably wouldn't be able to fend her off. If they don't go through Moria Gollum won't be there to lead them through Shelob, so they'll avoid her, but when it comes time to destroy the Ring, who will get it done? IF Frodo can do it on his own, somehow, they'd be fine- but he couldn't do that. Sam would have to do it, or push him in, probably killing himself in the process. Goodness. Things certainly do snowball, don't they?
Oh, also, I had a question about Amy's life after the War. (And if I'm talking too much or bothering you, please tell me- you've been incredibly helpful and I don't want to blather on if you're getting tired of me. You seem like a very important person within the PPC, and I'm quite a newbie.)
My current idea is that she becomes a guard to the newly crowned Queen. Other than that, I had in mind maybe a few mysteries playing out in Minas Tirith, with Amy playing the part of detective. What do you think? -
I think I can say less here. by
on 2015-05-12 10:03:00 UTC
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You seem to have things well in hand.
Aragorn learning simple signs is probably fair (and Legolas learning them to talk to Amy is a great idea). You're right about the hobbits, too. As for Gimli: yep, they have, though we don't know them and I doubt they share. Which would kind of add to Gimli's discomfort with Amy - she's just going to use this stuff? Like, out in the open?
I think to handle Gimli, you need to let his objections be those of a dwarf, not a misogynistic human. He's not going to go on about how Amy's weak, or how it's indecent for her to fight, or how she should be in the kitchen. He's not going to say she should be 'seen and not heard' - we've never seen any hint that that's true of dwarves.
Actually, he probably won't object, per se. He knows that other races don't do things the same. But it would be like... oh, if you were a Christian who prays over every meal, before every serious discussion, and as a household three times a day. You wouldn't tell off your non-Christian friends for not doing those things while you were staying over - but it would make you feel kind of uncomfortable to have things change like that. Depending on what sort of person you were, you might end up praying more yourself, for comfort of a sort - or praying more loudly so they can all hear it.
I don't see Gimli as the passive-aggressive sort, so I'm thinking he's more likely to just... act 'more dwarvish'. Maybe he could get really into examining rocks as they walked. ^^
So yes: I'd make him kind of twitchy around Amy (and the sign language would only make that worse!), and quick to assume people were making fun of dwarvish customs - but not liable to grunt 'well, you'd expect that of a female' or whatever. (It might make him less likely to befriend Legolas, though...)
Honorifics... hmm.
-Legolas probably wouldn't use one. He doesn't call anyone else by an honorific, and elves in general don't go much in for them. Note that Legolas isn't called, say, 'Prince Legolas' at any point.
-Neither would Gandalf, for much the same reasons.
-Aragorn... hrm. He does call Eowyn 'Lady', I think, but she's nobility... as a better guide, how does he address Ioreth in the Houses of Healing? If he uses something like 'Mistress', then yes, 'Miss' is possible. Or, again, just don't use them.
-Boromir... what does he do with the hobbits? Just call them by name? The same, then. Since he does say 'the halflings' on occasion, I can see him using 'the woman' about her - but equally 'the elf', 'the dwarf', and 'the wizard'.
-Gimli would probably want to use 'daughter of' or 'mother of' (note that the only named female dwarf is known solely as Fili and Kili's mother), but he doesn't know them. ^^ I'd look to how he addresses Merry and Pippin for guidance, here.
-The hobbits... well, Sam would use 'Miss', or even 'Lady' if he thinks she's impressive. ^~ Frodo would probably call her by name. Merry and Pippin... I'm guessing would follow his lead.
(I try my best to be impressive. ^^ No need to apologise for mistakes, though - we all make them!)
Snowballs - yes, definitely. Essentially, any successful quest needs to give Frodo both a guide and a helper: a guide to actually get him into Mordor, and a helper to get him to the Cracks and help him throw the Ring away. Without those two, he wouldn't make it. In the books, that's Gollum and Sam (or Gollum again!); in an AU, it could be anyone. Perhaps Gimli guides them in, then Frodo knocks Merry into the fire and Pippin gets the Ring while he's distraught over it; perhaps Gandalf sneaks them through the mountains, and Boromir fights with Frodo for the Ring, sending them both over. One thing is certain: most scenarios require at least one person to die on Mount Doom.
(The one that doesn't? Sam carries the Ring to the mountain. He's the only person on the Quest who willingly gave the thing up. He could do it. Sam is awesome.)
Assuming the Quest completes at all, Amy as a guard/companion to Arwen makes sense - and solving mysteries could be really fun to read. ^^ Though bear in mind that the snowball effect is still in play; if Boromir lives, he'll become a major player in Gondorian politics - and if Denethor lives, you've got a whole new dynamic, with the established ruler feeling very threatened by the upcoming war-hero king. Yikes. (That could make for some conflict between Amy and Boz - he's very like his father, and if Denethor is moderately anti-Elessar... yup.) But yes, as long as you keep the snowball in mind, it could work well.
('Important person within the PPC'... heh. I prefer to think of myself as important to the PPC, given that I'm the mostly-self-appointed keeper of traditions. But I'm not an important person - just a walking encyclopaedia. ^^ And one who never minds talking LotR, so you've nothing to fear on that score.)
(I didn't say less, did I? Oops.) -
My Amelia!Sue might come in hand by
on 2015-05-12 16:28:00 UTC
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:D Yay! I'm glad you think so; I hope I do. I VERY much want this story to be good. I think 'more dwarvish' is perfect— but I really don't want to interfere with the friendship between Legolas and Gimil. In my opinion, it's one of the most beautiful things Tolkien wrote, and I'd like to keep it intact. So.. How about this? My Sue shows up, violently switching everything to movie verse. Amy had a bubble of book verse, but it's not as strong, so she can't turn any one back if Amelia is focused on them. But, as per the usual, the Sue has ignored Gimli. As long as he and Amy are within seeing distance (barring unusually good conditions or very flat ground) he remains his book self. This forces them to band together. Over the course of their adventure within an adventure, he realizes that Amy really needs the sign language to communicate, and that there's no viable alternative. He's still not totally comfortable with it, or with the fact that she's female, but it should open the door back up for friendship with Legolas, I think.
Thanks for the help with the honorifics! I'll look up all the necessary exchanges. Just calling her "Lady Amy" all the time didn't seem right, but I like the idea of Sam being impressed and calling her that. If they go through Lorien he'd probably stop though. I doubt it's possible to look at Lady Galadriel and then go on calling Amy the same thing.
Hmm.. I think I'll just have to firm up the alternate route before I figure out who dies. I wonder.. The movies are messing up my memory. In the book, did the Orcs simply find the Fellowship, or did Pippin accidentally alert them? If it's the latter, and Amy warns them of the balrog, they might be able to go through Moria undetected. That would leave Gandalf alive, most likely preventing Boromir from attacking Frodo, and then more of the Fellowship might head to Mount Doom. They'd still have Gollum, so none of the Fellowship would have to die at the Cracks, although someone might along the way.
I'm glad you like my after-the-War idea; most of these stories just end when Aragorn is crowned king, but I want to go beyond. Yes, I'd thought about that; it'd be very interesting to have Denethor alive, and I think he would be if Boromir lived. I hadn't considered the tension between Amy and Boz, but I like it; life isn't all sunshine and fluffy one-shots, after all! They're bound to butt heads sometime.
I dunno, I've looked at the lore some and you and your agents have done some pretty big stuff. Not to mention helped with various FAQs and guides, which were VERY useful to me, I might add; it really helped assuage some of my nervousness, knowing what to expect and what I might want to start off by saying in the community.
Awesome! I just wanted to make sure, because I've been asking question after question after question, which could get really old after a while. I also have a penchant for talking too much, which can be quite annoying. -
Actual short answer this time. by
on 2015-05-13 13:12:00 UTC
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Amelia as a way of making Gimli and Amy get on: sounds good to me.
Moria: Pip threw stones down the well in the guardroom and woke Something - the orcs and the balrog. It's quite possible they could've crept through had he not.
The Fellowship would probably part in Lorien, with Aragorn and Boromir going directly to Minas Tirith; the others might well all go with Frodo to Mordor. With Gandalf around, they wouldn't even need Gollum - he knows about Cirith Ungol, so could take them that way, or another if he thought it better. It's unlikely any of them would kill him, though, so Gollum would probably stalk along behind - and might alert the orcs to the Fellowship's presence.
As for me: I've done a lot of stuff because, well, I've been here twelve years now! It'd be hard for me not to have a finger in most pies, frankly.
(Hey, that really WAS a short answer!)
hS -
Re: Actual short answer this time. by
on 2015-05-13 18:22:00 UTC
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Good- I thought it was something like that, but I wanted to be sure. I'll consider all the possibilities first, but that one sounds pretty good to me.
I like that idea. It would be quite interesting to write Denethor as he might have been, if Boromir hadn't died, while also balancing his dislike for Aragorn. His reaction to Amy would be fun too- would he see some sort of connection forming between Amy and Boromir? If he did, what would he think? Fun fun fun fun.
*carefully hides self from Acacia*
It'll also be engaging to contemplate Gandalf, Merry, Pippin, Gimli, Legolas, Sam, AND Frodo in Mordor.
*gasp* YOU DID YOUR WAITING! TWELVE YEARS OF IT!IN THE PPC! Ahem. Sorry. That's really cool, though! You must know all sorts of stories from early on.
It was indeed! -
*pops up* I heard Harry Potter references! by
on 2015-05-13 18:26:00 UTC
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hS was around in the days of GreyLadyBast, so... yeah, a very, very long time. -
*shoves Cheetos forward* by
on 2015-05-13 20:54:00 UTC
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Cool! I read about her on the wiki. She had a.. Hat?
*snarfs Cheetos* I AM APPEASED. (nm) by
on 2015-05-13 22:44:00 UTC
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And you shall bow down before it! by
on 2015-05-13 21:03:00 UTC
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Yea, cower in wonder before the Most Holy Hat of the Great Goddess GreyLadyBast! For only by doing so may you avert the fearful power of her smiting claws! Worship the Grey Lady! Read well the tomes of her Law! Sing not the dreaded songs of Meatloaf!
hS, channelling High Priest Dafydd once more -
Meep! by
on 2015-05-13 21:14:00 UTC
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O_O I'd, uh, rather not make a habit out of bowing to hats.. So.. I'll pass on that..
*handy (nm) by
on 2015-05-12 17:58:00 UTC
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Thanks for the mini-Balrog, hi there Sauraman! by
on 2015-05-11 16:49:00 UTC
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His name's actually spelled Saruman.
Wait.. by
on 2015-05-12 04:13:00 UTC
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Since I mispelled Huinesoron somewhere else on this post or my other one, does that create a mini too?
Yes, actually! by
on 2015-05-12 05:35:00 UTC
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You made a mini-Boarder.
Alrighty then by
on 2015-05-12 14:28:00 UTC
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So.. does he just look like a mini Huinesoron, or is there an established mini-Boarder, like the mini-balrogs from LotR?
Option A. by
on 2015-05-12 14:59:00 UTC
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Mini-Boarders, at least in my mind, look like chibi versions of the Boarder they came from.
Like, here's Vitd, the mini-Voyd... who looks a hell of a lot like my little brother, actually...
(my brother looks very similar to me, although he has Asian features from my stepdad) -
Option C. by
on 2015-05-12 15:30:00 UTC
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Minis of me have always looked like Ewoks. Huinsoren says hi:
(Actually, originally, all mini-Boarders looked like Ewoks... but people couldn't be bothered with that, so yeah.)
hS -
So.. What's Option B? by
on 2015-05-12 15:38:00 UTC
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A chibi ewok? And can I keep Hunisoron?
I thought it was... by
on 2015-05-12 15:47:00 UTC
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... 'an established mini-Boarder'.
And, um, I don't think he'd like that. Also I don't think Hunesoron and Hinesoron, the original mini-Boarders, would appreciate it.
(Also, I think the currently-prevalent practice of claiming miniature copies of other Boarders for yourself is... kinda creepy? But that seems to be just me, these days. Either way, no, please don't keep him; let him roam freeeeeee! ^_^)
hS -
*hurriedly lets go* by
on 2015-05-12 16:34:00 UTC
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Sorry! He's free now- I didn't know, but I see what you mean.. Kind of creepy. I apologize. He's off doing.. Whatever mini-Boarders do, I guess. Here's a random question- have you ever had someone intentionally create mini-Boarders?
I did once, to make a point. by
on 2015-05-12 19:01:00 UTC
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Someone had put *chases after mini with an axe* in their subject line, which understandably creeped the rest of us out.
To help him understand what our problem was, I created a mini of him. "Notice how he looks like a chibi version of you? You now see our problem with killing mini-Boarders."
How'd I do in the "respectfully not naming names" department? -
What if.. by
on 2015-05-13 00:32:00 UTC
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someone misspelled my name? Would it still make a mini-Boarder, or am I not actually a Boarder yet, since I joined so recently?
You're a Boarder once you post. :) (nm) by
on 2015-05-13 01:03:00 UTC
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Cool; thanks! (nm) by
on 2015-05-13 01:50:00 UTC
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No problem! by
on 2015-05-13 02:46:00 UTC
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And hey, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to poke someone (provided you do a search on the Wiki first). Just about everyone is more than willing and able to help. :)
You know.. by
on 2015-05-13 12:52:00 UTC
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I actually do have a question. So, as I mentioned before, I have a thing with language. I'd really like to just dive in and read all the missions I can, but it's hard to tell on most if there will be any cursing or not (at least as far as my experience has gone, that is the case). Do you have any suggestions? I'd like to read in the LotR continua, and HP is good too. For a bit of a threshold, I started reading the Original Series a while back, and stopped because I felt that it cursed too much. I've recently picked it back up again, although it's still a *little* heavy for my tastes.
[Raises hand] Me. by
on 2015-05-13 13:06:00 UTC
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You'll find very little cursing in any of my missions. Well, technically that's not true - Agent Huinesoron will throw out Quenya cursing, and Selene is prone to insulting people in eighteenth-century slang. But I doubt you'll have a problem with those. ^_~
No other particular suggestions, other than: try looking mostly at older stuff. The average age of Boarders has crept up over time, and so has the amount of swearing they do. Most of the spinoffs hosted on Neshomeh's Lost Tales are old(ish); you can also look at the archive of Miss Cam's site (, though a fair number of those links are dead.
Oh, and you're probably best to stay away from Bad Slash; several of our more prolific DBS writers cursed a lot.
hS -
Awesome; thanks! by
on 2015-05-13 13:11:00 UTC
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Yep, no problem with either!
Got it; thanks for the tip! I can't wait to begin!
Duly noted. -
You'll want to stay away from my stuff, then. by
on 2015-05-13 15:31:00 UTC
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Especially the Rose Potter missions. Rina dropped the F-bomb quite a bit in that one, among other words. ^^;
Duly noted; thanks for the heads up! (nm) by
on 2015-05-13 18:23:00 UTC
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You guys are so cool. by
on 2015-05-13 12:29:00 UTC
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Not all corners of the internet are so welcoming- the PPC really is something special.
It really is. by
on 2015-05-13 17:26:00 UTC
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I keep saying it, and whoever's heard me say so before is probably sick of hearing it over and over, but I've never met a nicer, friendlier bunch of people.
By the way... Big Sibling/Little Sibling houses. Would you maybe be interested? -
I'd have to think about it a bit by
on 2015-05-13 20:58:00 UTC
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I like the idea of them, it's quite cool. I think I'm a bit of an odd newbie though, as I've read quite a bit on the wiki and all. I'll give it a bit of thought, and thanks for asking!
Not odd in the slightest. by
on 2015-05-13 22:42:00 UTC
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I was exactly the same when I showed up. ;) We like it when newbies read the Wiki instead of asking questions that can be easily answered by a quick search. It happens distressingly often.
And no problem, no problem. I'm trying to get the Sib Houses off the ground, but it never seems to quite catch on... *pouts* One of these days! -
I don't know why; they're awesome! by
on 2015-05-13 23:34:00 UTC
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I just think it's really great what you all have made the PPC. Originally, when I first found it, I was rather unsure of it for one reason- I thought you were all united by the hate of Mary Sues. Since then, I've come to realize it's practically the opposite. You're united by the love of good writing, and I think that makes all the difference. The Sib Houses are a prime example. It's a really cool system for helping the newbies feel at home; very awesome!
O_O Meep. by
on 2015-05-12 19:16:00 UTC
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Yeah that's really creepy.. I promise not to chase anything with axes 'n such. I didn't really look into the mini-Boarders on the wiki, so I was sort of under the impression that when you created a mini— any mini —it was yours automatically. Glad I know how it works now! Be free, Hunisoron!
I didn't know they COULD be claimed by other Boarders. (nm) by
on 2015-05-12 16:00:00 UTC
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Oh, good, it must be dying down then. by
on 2015-05-12 16:10:00 UTC
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There was a spell there when every mini-Boarder was met with 'Mini! [Grabs mini] I shall keep it and cuddle it forever!'. Which... yeah, as I said.
(Hilariously, not too long ago I ran across a comment by GreyLadyBast from back in '04 about how annoyed she was by 'the whole mini-Boarder thing'. I think someone assured her it was just a fad that would soon go away... yeah, not so much!)
hS -
Wait, people are claiming others' mini-Boarders? by
on 2015-05-12 15:58:00 UTC
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I must have missed that. *looks anxiously at her nine* Don't you lot go anywhere, you hear me?
Dang it. by
on 2015-05-11 17:30:00 UTC
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Gosh darn it.. Usually my spell checker gets those. *grumbles* This is not one of the things I would have picked to happen on my first PPC post..
As Scapegrace said, not me. by
on 2015-05-10 21:13:00 UTC
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I told you, I know hardly anything about Lord of the Rings. Your guys' posts are "words words the words words and words words Elrond words words I don't know any of this" to me. ^^;
Oops! by
on 2015-05-10 21:57:00 UTC
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Sorry, I must have accidentally looked at the wrong author name.
Newbie? Newbie! *glomp* *poke* by
on 2015-05-10 19:10:00 UTC
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Heylo, and welcome aBoard! As your newbie gift, take this shrieking hummingbird! If the urple bow around its neck becomes too much, feel free to remove it.
To answer your question, our resident Tolkien expert, Huinesoron, wrote this piece to explore possible answers to the infamous Tenth Walker debate. -
Thanks! by
on 2015-05-10 19:50:00 UTC
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*ties urple bow around wrist* I have read Huniesoron's awesome piece- it inspired me quite a bit. My original idea was basically one of those copy-paste plot stories- Amy was actually sent to Arda to *keep* the plot from derailing. I realized what a waste that was after reading Tenth Walkers, for which I am immeasurably grateful. I do like the idea of his unbroken Fellowship, but I don't think Amy could (or would) keep the Walkers together; her ultimate goal is to get to Minas Tirith. Her friend (and basically adopted daughter) Kali is sick, and the only known cure is an herb that grows in Harad. Minas Tirith keeps a small store of it, which Amy knows thanks to Aragorn. So the real question would be, how would the Fellowship break?
Well... by
on 2015-05-10 19:57:00 UTC
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You might only need to have her side with Boromir. After all, they both think the party needs to go to Gondor, even if her own reasons are more selfish (though surely Dol Amroth would be more likely to have a store of the herb than Minas Tirith?).
Scapegrace: by
on 2015-05-10 21:00:00 UTC
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I'm not as good as I could be with the outer edges of the map; where is Dol Amroth? I know the name, isn't Imrahil the Lord of Dol Amroth? And Legolas says the Men from there must have Elvish blood in them?
*gnaws lip* by
on 2015-05-10 19:52:00 UTC
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I'm really not the best person to ask about LotR stuff. I've only read the books a few times and don't know the canon as well as I'd like. You want someone else for that.
Buuut, if you have any Harry Potter questions, I'm your gal! ;) -
Well, actually... by
on 2015-05-10 20:01:00 UTC
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I do have a question that sort of ties into that. So, in my story, I have an idea that I plan to implement- a meddling Mary Sue. Her name is Amelia, and she's basically a completely Sueified version of Amy. She pops in every so often and creates a bubble of movie verse around her, bigger and more powerful than Amy's book verse influence. After the events of the War of the Ring, Amelia still appears once in a while, but instead of simply trying to get almost every male character to fall at her feet, she whisks Amy off to other universes, such as Harry Potter, PotC, etc. Amelia is also an inveterate shipper, so she tries to set Amy up with different characters, a la fangirl writers pairing off their OC and favorite character. What do you think?
I think... by
on 2015-05-10 20:08:00 UTC
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That it sounds a lot like "Ensign Sue Must Die!". Great webcomic, highly recommend it.
Seconding that recommendation! Seriously, check it out. (nm) by
on 2015-05-10 20:16:00 UTC
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Hmm.. by
on 2015-05-10 20:57:00 UTC
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I started reading it a while back, but I stopped- It either had language or content issues. That reminds me, do you happen to know the plot of "Don't Panic!"? I'd like to read it, but again, language. I would like to know why it's on the Legendary Goodfic list.
What's the problem with language? by
on 2015-05-11 15:17:00 UTC
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I admit that I used to have a problem with profanity, but that's because I was hyper-sheltered from fourth to eighth grade (read: homeschooled with nobody my own age around).
I attended a high school where literally every student cursed like a sailor, so I kinda had to build up a tolerance quickly. I'm not averse to mild profanity myself... but ONLY if my family isn't around (I've got two siblings, both more than ten years younger than I am). -
Well, you see.. by
on 2015-05-11 16:24:00 UTC
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I'm a Christian, and the Bible says to "let nothing unclean come out of your mouth." When I read too much profanity, it really sticks in my mind, and I know it's very likely that if I let too much in it'll only be a matter of time before some of it slips out. And I don't want that. Plus, I just don't like reading it.
If I may... by
on 2015-05-11 17:16:00 UTC
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And I beg your forgiveness in advance, due to the nature of this topic, so I will try to be as courteous as possible.
Do you also happen to wear shirts of a cotton/polyester blend? Because Deuteronomy 22:11 warns against that as well. If you have a more personal problem against swearing, then fine, but it bothers me when people point to only certain parts of the Bible to justify things while ignoring it where it suits them. -
You may by
on 2015-05-11 17:38:00 UTC
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On a side note, I find it interesting how many people know that verse. No point to that, just wanted to note it.
Anyway, yes, I do. Technically, it was an order to the Israelites in particular, to set them aside. It may apply to Gentile believers, but if I remember correctly it doesn't really say. Maybe I shouldn't wear things of blended material. I don't really know. I'm told to give reason for the light inside me, so maybe I should dress differently, so more people ask. And your complaint is entirely valid; the Bible is not a bag of trail mix. You were completely courteous, and feel free to ask me such questions anytime. -
Thanks for understanding. by
on 2015-05-11 17:44:00 UTC
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Since religion is a bit of a touchy subject, I don't like discussing it very much. ^^;
Anyway, that is all. Thanks for not getting mad. :) *offers cookies* -
No problem! by
on 2015-05-11 17:53:00 UTC
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*Alleb takes the cookie and gobbles it, as Alleb is hungry*
Feel free to ask me any questions you want; if I get mad then I am doing something very, very wrong. After all, if no one questions what I believe, or what I say I'm believing, then I don't know how to answer their inquiries, which is never good. If I get mad, feel free to to whack me over the head. 'Tis what I deserve. -
Chapeau, sir! by
on 2015-05-11 18:05:00 UTC
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(Or madam - you didn't mention your preferred pronoun?)
Anyway, to add some context to that verse - sh'atnez, or the prohibition on wearing clothes from two or more kinds of fabric, is not one of the Seven Precepts of the Sons of Noah which also apply to gentiles - it's a strictly Israelite thing. (Incidentally, this precept has some interesting derivatives, such as a prohibition on mixed dishes, but that's outside the scope of this discussion.)
Anyway, since you're a Christian, this precept doesn't apply to you. However, logic dictates that if you believe everything written in the Bible is the word of God and should be followed to the letter, then you shan't wear mixed fabrics anyway.
That sounded much more coherent in my head.
Anyway, I salute you - you've kept a chill, even amiable head where many people would have blown their top off. -
Thank you! by
on 2015-05-11 18:31:00 UTC
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With my personal pronoun.. Hrm.. I'm really sensitive about putting any information about myself on the Internet. And I know I am being super paranoid for not even sharing something so basic, but for now you can call me whatever.
Wow, I'm very impressed! I didn't know the technical names at all, I shall file that away, as it's very useful. Yeah, I've always been a bit murky on the subject. I know the clothing law wasn't specifically lifted, like the dietary ones, but it doesn't seem like general church principle to follow it. I'll have to ask around.
You were quite coherent! *returns salute* I don't think getting offended really helps anything; I much prefer a calm discussion. It's hard enough to witness over the Internet without caps locking everything. XD
The same invitation extends to you; feel free to ask my anything. It's my genuine pleasure to answer as best I can! -
Aha. by
on 2015-05-11 18:40:00 UTC
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Well, I'll default to male pronouns because that's how my mother tongue rolls. (It's Hebrew, BTW.)
I dunno what the guys in your denomination would say, but I do know that most Jews would say that particular precept does not apply to you because you're a gentile.
Oh, so I managed to prod my mind enough, hah. As to questions... you said witness, I assume you're a Jehova's Witness? -
No, just Christian by
on 2015-05-11 18:52:00 UTC
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But your thinking that is quite natural. I don't think mainstream Christianity puts enough emphasis on witnessing to those around you, but I try to. I don't really identify with a single denomination yet; for now, I believe the Bible, and unless it's the Church of Me there's no denomination I'll totally agree with on everything. If I somehow wound up in a room with a Baptist and a Nazarene, there's nothing that would stop me from worshipping with them, so.. Yeah. I don't really agree with what the Jehovah's Witnesses believe, as far as I know of it.
That's really interesting, that most Jews would say it wouldn't apply to me. Very useful to know; thank you! -
Props to you, dude. by
on 2015-05-11 18:55:00 UTC
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Thinking for yourself is really important.
Full disclosure: I'm an agnostic atheist with some anti-theistic leanings.
That out of the way: I'd never dream to tell people what to believe. I'd just like them to think for themselves, and since you're doing that, keep up the good work! -
Thank you by
on 2015-05-11 19:01:00 UTC
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Thinking for yourself is important. I look around and most people are just doing what everyone else does; that's one of the cool things about the PPC, it's different. I mean, if you walked up to most people and told them about this secret organization run by talking flowers from another planet that goes into bad fanfiction and cleans it up, they'd walk fast and keep their eyes down. Here? Everyone knows that, come on! Beautiful community.
Yeah, this place is amazing, aright. by
on 2015-05-11 19:04:00 UTC
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Some of the friendliest, nicest people I've had the pleasure to meet. Not to mention people I can actually talk with about, say, Harry Potter and go into the minutae without getting weird looks.
Exactly! by
on 2015-05-11 19:09:00 UTC
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It's so hard to find other LotR nerds, particularly of the book variety. Here, they abound! On a different note, I've been thinking of things in a spatial sense on my two different posts; oh, the one at the bottom with this particular thread of conversation just said something. Now someone at the top said something. I haven't ignored the usernames, but long story short, I just now realized we're having two separate conversations XD
Yap. by
on 2015-05-11 19:13:00 UTC
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I was wondering whether you caught up with that. It happens to me sometimes - I find it rude to bring what I find obvious up, lest I sound haughty.
Oh, if you want LotR experts, look no further than Huinesoron Eagleshadow. I think he was already mentioned? -
Yep! by
on 2015-05-11 19:19:00 UTC
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That's a good strategy; I never know if I should or shouldn't. Yes, Huinesoron is helping me out with my story, a bit further up the post! Incredibly kind of him; his excellent knowledge of Tolkien is awesome. Do you happen to know what his name means? I assume it is Elvish (a department in which I am extremely lacking) but I don't even know that.
As I said... by
on 2015-05-11 19:21:00 UTC
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Soron = Eagle. Huine = Shadow. Therefore, either "Eagle-Shadow" or "Shadow-Eagle", my Quenya grammar isn't the best.
Gondor needs no grammar! by
on 2015-05-11 20:16:00 UTC
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It's two Quenya words mashed together. ^_^ Since they're both nouns, you'd probably read them in the order they're written ('Shadow-Eagle'), but that 'Shadow' isn't an adjective like you might think. My current preferred 'natural' translation is 'Eagleshade' - ie, 'the shadow caused by one of the Great Eagles flying overhead'.
And then you look up, and you realise it's not a cloud--
--it's wings.
hS -
Awesome! Very appropriate. (nm) by
on 2015-05-11 22:55:00 UTC
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Ah! by
on 2015-05-11 19:45:00 UTC
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Cool! Thanks.
*perks up* Someone say Harry Potter?! (nm) by
on 2015-05-11 19:07:00 UTC
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That's impressive! (nm) by
on 2015-05-11 19:13:00 UTC
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You're pretty easy to summon, aren't you Ixi? by
on 2015-05-11 19:11:00 UTC
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It's not like Daltar where you have to sacrifice a virgin and dance naked while the moon is full. Just mention your favourite book ever and you come.
Now I wonder. How do you summon other boarders? by
on 2015-05-11 23:02:00 UTC
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Iximaz we already covered, with Harry Potter.
I'm easy, just say Pony and I'm there.
Neshomeh comes when you speak of the wiki.
Huinesoron usually pops in when the Deep Lore of Middle-Earth is being talked about. Or just Middle-Earth.
Anybody else? -
I summon Neshomeh in defense mode! by
on 2015-05-12 15:55:00 UTC
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Or something. I haven't seen Yu-Gi-Oh in about ten years.
Anyway, I just expanded the Monster Musume page on the wiki... and wow is it expanded, it's getting pretty huge.
Maybe that's just a testament to how much I love the series. -
*blinks in confusion* by
on 2015-05-14 19:44:00 UTC
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I saw my name, but you're doing a Yu-Gi-Oh! bit, so you clearly wanted my husband instead. What's going on? Why am I here? Who am I?!
~Neshomeh, having an existential crisis.
P.S. I have a new job with irregular hours, so I may be more difficult to summon going forward. Sorry! -
*Grins maniacally* by
on 2015-05-15 00:40:00 UTC
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I Release Neshomeh in order to Advance Summon Phobos! Go, attack position!
Well... by
on 2015-05-12 04:18:00 UTC
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I would probably be summoned by anything related to the DC Universe...
Question. by
on 2015-05-12 01:02:00 UTC
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Has anybody seen the Harry Potter Pony Tea Wiki of Middle Earth? I was thinking of adding a page for Monster Musume.
(Am I doing this right? :P) -
on 2015-05-12 14:21:00 UTC
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Guys season 5, so good, like, man have you been watching it so far, I mean, wow. So good man.
Who me what huh? (nm) by
on 2015-05-12 14:11:00 UTC
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YouÂ’re totally doing it wrong by
on 2015-05-12 09:17:00 UTC
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It’s spelled "Middle-earth".
(You succeeded in summoning HG). -
Harry Potter pony where?! by
on 2015-05-12 02:46:00 UTC
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*zzzzooooom* by
on 2015-05-12 01:20:00 UTC
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Suu is totally the best girl amirite?
Kimihito! Marry Suu!
... that sounds disturbingly identical to Mary Sue. Suu could make an argument for being a Canon Suu anyway, considering her extensive powers. Plus the fact that she gains new ones almost every chapter. -
You can summon Des with tea. by
on 2015-05-11 23:12:00 UTC
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Sergio Turbo, mention Homura Akemi.
Neshomeh can also be summoned with tea and mentions of Pern.
Anyone else want to give it a shot? XD -
You mentioned tea? by
on 2015-05-12 05:08:00 UTC
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I rise!
Would you like a cuppa? The tea is a bit confused - it's not sure whether it's Darjeeling or Assam - but it's very good nonetheless! -
How to Summon your Mood-Swinging Eccentric by
on 2015-05-11 23:35:00 UTC
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Method 1: Mention any one of my fandoms, especially my obscure ones. Most of the time, I don't have anyone to talk about them with, so if someone actually DOES know about, say, Monster Musume, I'm thrilled.
Method 2: Bring food. Any kind. I have an enormous appetite, a raging sweet tooth, a love of fried foods and an eagerness to try anything once. My favorites are seafood and sweets. The best meal I've ever eaten was a stuffed lobster in Maine. My mouth's watering just at the memory... -
Just about. XD by
on 2015-05-11 19:21:00 UTC
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Though I also demand Cheetos. Pip pip!
Sorry, we're out of that. by
on 2015-05-11 19:28:00 UTC
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We only have crumpets and confused Lapsang Souchong tea.
on 2015-05-11 19:30:00 UTC
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Wait, are those Oreos? -
on 2015-05-11 19:45:00 UTC
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Oreos?! These are hand-made crumpets!
On the side by
on 2015-05-11 17:59:00 UTC
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If I may ask, where did you here the Deuteronomy verse? Also, you were the first person of the PPC to greet me! I just thought that was cool and worth mentioning.
Funny story... by
on 2015-05-11 18:05:00 UTC
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I actually was born and raised Roman Catholic (though I wasn't
really fussed about religion) and attended a Catholic school which was my own personal hell on earth thanks to an entire grade made of bullies. So I already had fairly good knowledge of various Bible verses, but I learned quite a bit when I did a project, erm, two years ago, pointing out how so many people cite the Bible as a reason homosexuality is evil while not adhereing to other things like the 'no clothing of mixed fibers' or 'no touching a woman on her period' or 'being allowed to sell your daughter into slavery'. *shrugs* -
Interesting by
on 2015-05-11 18:19:00 UTC
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I'm sorry your school was so bad :( I've never had to deal with bullies, but it's got to be awful. I'm not very good with the Old Testament- not as good as I should be, anyway. Books of law, like Leviticus and such, have always been a bit hard for me. I'd like to say that it's actually impossible to always follow everything the Bible says, simply because we are flawed beings. I can't always be patient, loving, kind, gentle, and without pride; I'm human. I'm sinful. If I may ask, what was the general conclusion of your paper? (I promise I won't be offended, even if I may not agree)
Yeah, it sucked. by
on 2015-05-11 18:41:00 UTC
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But I finally swapped schools and things mostly got better. Plus now I've got everyone in the PPC— seriously, I have yet to meet a nicer group of people.
It was actually a presentation, but I was mostly just making the point that you shouldn't pick and choose from the Bible, especially in the name of discrimination. -
That's good, at least by
on 2015-05-11 18:56:00 UTC
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I'm quite new here, of course, but everyone so far has been very nice. Picking and choosing is never good, I agree. The only way to truly understand a verse is to understand its context; and how do you do that if you keep yanking the verse out of place?
Couldn't have put it better, myself. :) (nm) by
on 2015-05-11 19:00:00 UTC
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DonÂ’t Panic (IÂ’ll try to avoid spoilers)! by
on 2015-05-11 09:43:00 UTC
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Girl falls into Middle-earth.
She doesn’t immediately realize where she is.
When she meets a Ranger, who isn’t Aragorn, she believes that he is a cosplayer taking the game too seriously.
She doesn’t inexplicably understand Westron.
She cannot avoid the unpleasant aspects of the setting (like, couldn’t these weird cosplayers at least install some modern sanitary equipment when they rebuilt Bree?).
She doesn’t remember more than a few words of Sindarin from reading LotR, and doesn’t think of using them until she eventually realizes that this "cosplay" must be the real thing.
She is taken to Rivendell, and questioned by the main characters, but she doesn’t join the fellowship.
Legolas isn’t speshul; he is just as overwhelmingly beautiful as any other elf.
She doesn’t fall into love with a main character.
And she is very careful with what she tells the canon characters, because she doesn’t want to derail the plot.
In short, it’s legendary because it’s a realistic and hilarious approach to the theme.
It’s also the best fan fiction I’ve ever read, but since I don’t actually read much fan fiction, this doesn’t really tell much.
Oh, and welcome to the Board.
HG -
I see! by
on 2015-05-11 13:02:00 UTC
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Thanks! It was very frustrating to see a variation of the story I am trying to write on the Legendary Goodfic list, and yet not be able to read it and find out why it was so good. I'm trying to make sure Amy experiences the unpleasant-ness, outhouses and all. I don't like talking about it much, of course (who would?) but I do at least allude to it at appropriate places. Thanks for the summary!
New Badfic Thread: Oh Lord, what have I found... by
on 2015-05-10 21:23:00 UTC
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I believe I have found a candidate for... a Legendary Badfic, or at least one step below it. There is no thread to submit badfics right now, so I might as well make one right now...
Anyway, here's the abomination:
The Sue in question is half-angel half-demon witch, which made Harry Potter pity her and thinking it would be better if Lily and James DIDN'T oppose Voldemort.
Gentlemen, hoist your colours and sharpen your pitchforks. We have a big one to kill... -
Give me a second... by
on 2015-05-13 12:12:00 UTC
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Za'kiir looks ready to rip the throat out of this Undead - GET BACK HERE, NO, YOU PUT THAT KNIFE AWAY...
Okay, he's calm. As am I. -
I'm sorry, but WHAT. by
on 2015-05-13 02:21:00 UTC
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What... what black magic IS this!?
Harry is half-Sphinx? Hermione and Ron are evil and drowned Lupin and Greyback? Ember Dragon dude that instantly falls in love and sleeps with Harry?
Um. Yeah.
That's all just in the first chapter. I haven't yet read further.
I think all four of my agents would be needed here, because everybody's replaced and/or a potential Stu.. -
Oh, this is bad... by
on 2015-05-12 04:53:00 UTC
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Almost entertainingly bad. Have any of you ever read something so bad, that it was almost funny, but fell just short of that, and it's even worse because of it? This is that. I would love to see this get taken down, but I'm afraid any agent sent into this would go so far beyond insanity, they would almost come right back around to being sane. Which, while entertaining, may not exactly be the best thing for the agent. Still, if anyone tackles this, I'd love to see the result.
Badfic? Sure! by
on 2015-05-12 00:36:00 UTC
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It's a Super Smash Bros. Fic... supposedly. I think this is the guy's first fic, and i don't think he knows anything about Smash Bros. I'm pretty sure he thinks it's a "HEY GUYS THROW WUTEVER U LIKE INTO TEH FIC THX." -
WHAT. by
on 2015-05-11 22:09:00 UTC
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"A voice rang in my head. It was Lyte, the unicorn spirit"
... Okay. Okay. Now that I am merely seeing shell pink instead of red and am able to breathe again...
Please allow me to provide some context to my freakout by linking to this original story I wrote many years ago: "The Legend of Lyte"
It's probably not plagiarism... I mean, exactly how original is a unicorn named Light-but-spelled-funny? Not very, amirite? But still. Forgive me for being just a little ticked off. {= |
Matt, dude, if you need any help for any reason whatsoever, Archivist Neshomeh would pay money to be let in on this mission somehow. Or chocolate. Or heck, name your price, she will get it for you somehow.
~Neshomeh, who will actually read the fic once she stops fuming. -
Baby plovers for everyone! by
on 2015-05-11 22:55:00 UTC
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See? Cute baby animals make everything better. -
Cute baby animals DO make everything better! by
on 2015-05-11 23:05:00 UTC
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Here, have a baby seal to go with it.
Nice seal. Looks very tasty. by
on 2015-05-11 23:14:00 UTC
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I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Just an Alaskan joke! Besides, due to being very definitively not native Alaskan, I can't hunt seal.
...though nobody said anything about eating it! -
Here, just for you... by
on 2015-05-11 23:39:00 UTC
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...this tiny shark.
Yay! Cute sharkie! (nm) by
on 2015-05-12 00:04:00 UTC
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Would that be the same shark... by
on 2015-05-12 00:41:00 UTC
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...that nearly chomped our van in half on the camping trip?
To refresh your memory-
Well... by
on 2015-05-12 00:56:00 UTC
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Maybe the mirrors on the van were funky? I mean, they always say "objects in mirror may be closer than they appear". Maybe the little guy swam close enough to cause the effect.
Wait, what? The assbaby of APOLLYON and GABRIEL!? by
on 2015-05-11 15:36:00 UTC
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+++ Eternal Domain Error. +++
*offers a baby plover* by
on 2015-05-11 15:41:00 UTC
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There, there, it's okay. Look! It's a baby bird! Isn't it cute?
*cheep cheep*
Deep breaths, Tawaki. ;) -
*twitches* by
on 2015-05-11 06:12:00 UTC
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Dear lord. I think I need to get Permission very soon, or I do believe I shall go insane.
Call the cavalry! by
on 2015-05-11 03:20:00 UTC
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They gave Hermione the dark mark and made her a spy for Voldemort!? I support the nomination for legendary badfic.
Oooh, we're talking badfics now? by
on 2015-05-11 01:39:00 UTC
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In that case, I guess now would be a good time to announce that I am now officially a total loser who has no respect for his responsibilities, sleep hours, or time-management skills. Why? Two words, just two little words: "Latias' Journey."
"With her home destroyed, Latias sets out on a journey to protect herself from the mysterious Ghost King. On the way, she encounters new friends and adventures, and wonders if perhaps the one who destroyed her city is really all that he seems." Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 67 - Words: 1,237,300
That's right - it's ridiculously long, and more than that, it's extremely grimdark, surreal, horrifically gruesome, and so full of disturbing content that I don't think even MTV would air it if some bizarre twist of fate led to it being made into an epic TV miniseries. And yes, it's based on the Pokemon anime. THE ANIME. Which, IIRC, is supposed to be a children's cartoon! Seriously, it makes the entire Cori Falls anthology look like Pride and Prejudice for all I know!
I don't plan to spork this abomination immediately - an Endeavor this epic needs a metric crackton of preparation, after all - but it will be slain. Someday. I promise! -
Yes. That is a crackfic. by
on 2015-05-12 00:21:00 UTC
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For some reason... some people like it. Whoopdie doo.
I assume you found it via the tropes of the television? -
Eeyup. by
on 2015-05-12 01:08:00 UTC
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I actually heard of it long before the PPC, and I was debating whether to spork it or not once I joined. But after looking through the Tropes page proper, the question isn't "why", it's "why not?"
I wish you luck! ^^ by
on 2015-05-11 18:34:00 UTC
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Though... you're not going after the sequel, are you? I only ask because I'm awfully fond of that one. >.> *Is guilted*
(The original IS more disturbing, though, I admit.) -
Did I read that right? by
on 2015-05-11 08:29:00 UTC
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1.2 million words? Really?
Yup. by
on 2015-05-11 17:38:00 UTC
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This is probably gonna be a multi-part marathon mission like in my very first one. It'll also take a few months as well, given my schedule and my awful, awful management of it. :c
Oh, god. by
on 2015-05-10 22:56:00 UTC
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Oh, GOD.
She's less powerful than when Zeb and Rina took her down, but...
Rose Potter lives.
And she's now Harry's incestuous twin sister. Oh yeah, this fic is slightly less messed-up than the original Rose.
I've got a mithral-and-darkwood shovel to sharpen. -
Whiskey. Tango. FOXTROT!? by
on 2015-05-11 00:55:00 UTC
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So. One fic throws a [Gobbledegook expletive] half-demon into HP, and the other resurrects ROSE POTTER, and SHIPS HER WITH HARRY!?
brain.exe needs to reboot. -
Well, it's not the same Rose Potter by
on 2015-05-11 00:37:00 UTC
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Just someone with the same name. If she's not a druidess and not a ninja and not an only child, then it's just not the same Sue. I think we had a thread a while back about why female-Harry Sues are called Rose so often, as well.
And now that I've taken a look at it... by
on 2015-05-11 00:44:00 UTC
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It's... Actually very tame by comparison.
WHAT?! by
on 2015-05-11 00:32:00 UTC
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Oh no. This is not good. *froths at the mouth*
Though that does remind me, I've been wanting to find another Sue named Rose Potter at some point, just to screw with my agents some more. >:) -
Ask, and ye shall receive :) by
on 2015-05-11 09:13:00 UTC
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Enjoy the brain paralysis -
Cupid-Witch? Seriously? by
on 2015-05-11 14:55:00 UTC
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Beep-beep-beep... All units relate. All units. Norman, coordinate.
Then have I got the fic for you... by
on 2015-05-11 01:23:00 UTC
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Overpowered!Future!Harry ends up in an AU Goblet of Fire where he's a girl called Rose Lily Potter (although this is an edited version- apparently she was originally Lily White Potter). Features a Jerk Stu who due to the magic of alternate universes is also a Jerk Sue, your typical Lord-Potter plotline, bashing everyone who's not Harry, a creepy selfcest relationship that the participants justify by the line of reasoning: "Purebloods practice incestual relationships, so why shouldn't we?" (the "Incest is both biologically and canonically a bad idea" is never brought up), and uncanonical powers galore. -
And now a badfic I found a long time ago. by
on 2015-05-10 22:13:00 UTC
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Back when I first started hanging around the PPC.
Anyone familiar with Bionicle?
What's shocking is that the main character isn't the Sue. The Sues of this story start as secondary characters. Clever Sues, trying to distract us with a human-falls-into-world story... -
LEGO is going to reboot the series this year. by
on 2015-05-11 18:04:00 UTC
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"Bionicle" was one of my favorite toy series when I was a kid. I still have my old Gali Nuva figure. LEGO announced last year that they would bring the series back, but I don't think it will have the same zing that it did when it first came out in 2001.
Oh, Bionicle! by
on 2015-05-10 22:17:00 UTC
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I remember these from when I was just a wee lad :D I think I've completed the entire first generation! After that, I kind of lost interest.
Warning: by
on 2015-05-10 22:20:00 UTC
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This fic is about ten miles long. It's got over 100,000 words in 46 chapters, meaning that by necessity it would have to be a marathon mission.
Unfortunately, the only marathon-mission writer familiar with Bionicle isn't here any more, Lielac Lilac. -
Wat. by
on 2015-05-10 21:52:00 UTC
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No words. This is just stupid.
Wat by
on 2015-05-10 21:35:00 UTC
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wat is this
So, she's half-angel, half-demon, has a unicorn sprite and a dragon sprite for pets, and a mechanical wing? What the heck am I reading? -
Don't worry, love by
on 2015-05-10 21:52:00 UTC
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When I'll write the sporking of it, I'm gonna reference Rose Potter :D
Could you please not call me that? by
on 2015-05-10 22:04:00 UTC
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Ix and Ixi or really any variation on my name is fine, but that's just a bit... intimate.
*salutes* Yes, ma'am. by
on 2015-05-10 22:10:00 UTC
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Apologies. This does sound kinda bad, when typing.
Wow, not even a paragraph in. by
on 2015-05-10 21:29:00 UTC
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And I'm already this close to sending in the troops.
Hmm... I am trying to write a new teammate for Gabby and Chakkik.
She's native to Silent Hill, and disillusioned with religion. Something that's both demon and angel would probably be rather confusing to someone who was once part of a cult. -
Or... by
on 2015-05-10 21:53:00 UTC
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You could try using the agents you've got and seeing how they react to something like this with the characters you've designed for them. I'm sure Agents Space-Mantis and Boobs-Haver would be quite sufficient for a mission like this. =]
Well, Matt's already called it. by
on 2015-05-10 21:59:00 UTC
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I actually have a hard time finding actual Suefics for Gabby and Chakkik. The problem with most Suefics? They're bloody long. If I'm looking on, say, FFNet, I try to look for fics with chapter counts in the single digits.
And sometimes that doesn't help. The 5NaF/Godzilla fic was five chapters. Even without the mission wrapped around it, it was still thirty-odd pages in Google Docs.
I still think I was really only able to keep writing that because of SkarmorySilver tagging along. I don't think I could write marathon missions on my own, eheheh. -
Hey, short fics aren't all they're cracked up to be. by
on 2015-05-10 22:03:00 UTC
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Apropos of absolutely nothing, who's up for some coffee?
Why're you looking at me like that?
Look, if this is how a gentleman of breeding like Draco Malfoy serves his coffee then it's good enough for me. -
Well, nothing says you can't cut the Suefics short. by
on 2015-05-10 22:02:00 UTC
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Heck, my old badfic was up to its third fic in a series, but I cut it off at chapter, uh, five of the first fic because I didn't want to spork that much?
The only reason I got as much of Rose Potter done as I did is because a) it seems to be a pseudo-tradition to showcase all of the Legendary's badness, which meant going through the whole thing, and b) I had a steady supply of M&Ms for inspiration. :3 -
You know what might help? by
on 2015-05-10 22:02:00 UTC
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The Pit has those filters, where you can specify how long do you want your fics to be. For the Suefics I usually go for the >5k words ones, and tagged "complete". This often helps.
Sorry Gremory, this one's mine :D by
on 2015-05-10 21:51:00 UTC
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My agents are native demon slayers. Calling dibs!
Who's Gremory? by
on 2015-05-10 21:53:00 UTC
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The Silent Hill agent's name is Helen.
Just an expression I sometimes use... by
on 2015-05-10 21:56:00 UTC
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I needed something to rhyme with 'sorry'.
Also, Gremory is one of the 72 Demons of Solomon.