In browsing the wiki I've discovered that there are a few OFU's not included - for instance, in addition to OFUCI there's another finished one for PotC that can be found here:
Also, this one for Doctor Who:
And this one for Cats:
Should pages be made for these, or are they already there and I just missed them? I have a feeling I'm missing at least one I discovered at some point, but I have doubts about it being all that official given how much time was dedicated to a "plague" on the wall.
OFU's by
on 2014-09-01 00:46:00 UTC
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Uhm. Depends. by
on 2014-09-01 12:49:00 UTC
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Mostly, the only OFUs discussed in detail on the Wiki are the ones with specific ties to the PPC. OFUCI was written by Thalia Weaver, one of the first Permission Givers; IAHF was-and-is written by a current PPC Boarder, etc etc etc. Since there were over a hundred OFUs on Miss Cam's list before she deregulated the field, there's going to be a whole bunch not discussed at length.
That said, though, I don't know of any reason they can't have pages. The OFU multiverse and the PPC multiverse are explicitly identified with each other, and a fair number have made appearances in PPC stories. So if you're bored and want to write useful (ie, non-stub) pages, go ahead. But it's not something I see a need for.
Alternately, I can't seem to find a simple list article, which might be more useful. It might be better to de-redirect 'Fanfiction University' from the category page and make a list and full article there.
hS -
A list sounds good by
on 2014-09-01 12:53:00 UTC
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Fair point; a lot of these OFU's don't have a direct connection to the PPC, and a list that maybe included who's in charge and what the Minis are (assuming they were created in the OFU, not previously) would cover most of the important information.
Some mentions on the Mini page by
on 2014-09-01 12:36:00 UTC
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Though that brings up the question of whether or not all the OFU's mentioned on that page, but not elsewhere, should also have dedicated pages.
Marvel Cinametic Universe Projects by
on 2014-09-01 06:18:00 UTC
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In 2015 Marvel will relase four series on Netflix starring Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, and Jessica Jones. Then they will crossover into a mini series called the defenders. (Sorry for my S&g it's late over here and I had to share. Too exicted. Feel free to laugh). any of you guys have any hopes for series/ future Marvel Movies? I'm hoping the Iron Fist series will have Misty Knight, Iron Fist's long time girlfriend. I'm also hoping that if these Netflix series are successful, then Marvel Will have the courage to do Cloak and Dagger
Re: Marvel Cinametic Universe Projects by
on 2014-09-04 14:43:00 UTC
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I know there's a Doctor Strange movie in the master list, I'm hoping they do it well, but I can't quite believe they will.
There's no question that modern CG can do a wonderful job of showing mage-battles, but Hollywood has a bad habit of getting so carried away with the effects that they forget about minor details like a coherent plot.
Actually, what I'd love to see them do for the Doctor Strange film is hire a stage magician, and do as much of the effects work as possible with physical effects instead of computer-created. -
Black widow movie by
on 2014-09-03 15:37:00 UTC
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Seriously, I really want movies centering around the ladies of the MCU. Black Widow, Carol Danvers, maybe Kamala Khan at some point? Basically anything that focuses on the heroines. I w
I'm rather doubtful about a Cloak and Dagger series. It would be pretty neat, but they literally got their powers from having heroin tested on them., -
Good point by
on 2014-09-04 04:33:00 UTC
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But in the Ultimate Universe ( Which the movies have taken a lot of Ideas from) Cloak & Dagger got their powers by Having Dark Matter tested on them. Besides in 616 I think it was a cheap substitute for heroin Or some other kind of alternative.
Origin stories can change in adaptation. by
on 2014-09-04 00:37:00 UTC
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Look at
BruceDavid Banner from the Incredible Hulk television show. Previously, the Hulk's origin had involved him being exposed to the radiation of a nuclear bomb after deciding to run into the bomb's test zone and rescue a teenage boy who stupidly drove into it as part of a dare, but the series decided to make Banner exposed to gamma radiation as part of a deliberate science experiment that went wrong and mutated him, and adaptations seem to have used variations on that second origin ever since. Cloak and Dagger could easily just revise their origins for the screen, since "one has beams of light, and another can pass through solid objects" could come from more or less anything as far as comic origins are concerned.
Honest question here: what would a Black Widow movie be about? I can see the potential story paths of a Carol Danvers movie, or a Kamala Khan movie(though I think the latter may be too recently introduced to get an adaptation for a while yet), but I'm not sure what would drive the plot of a Black Widow movie. Maybe the mysterious past mentioned in Winter Soldier could bring up some sort of threatening force that sees some use in her and/or wants to kill her, but that seems awfully generic. Maybe the movie could follow her on a mission to the remnants of a facility destroyed/abandoned/made unfit for human habitation by what her new information reveals to be AIM or HYDRA efforts, and then she'd have to outwit a new baddie or group of baddies that was lying in wait ever since the events that led the base to be cast into disuse base awakened them/reactivated them/unwittingly became their origin story, but that's only a few degrees better. I don't know much about the Black Widow's background in the comics, which is part of why I need to ask the question in the first place, but from what I've seen in the movies, she seems to work best as part of a larger cast, where she can be the Badass Normal to offset the more larger-than-life figure of a more traditionally superpowered character and show that both sides are equally competent and effective in their own ways, and yet if one of the other Avengers tagged along with her, it would take the focus off of Black Widow as the lead, and would make it more likely that the threat faced in her movie is one of the tagalong's enemies instead of a Black Widow/SHIELD-specific enemy, further minimalizing her, and no one wants that.
To re-ask the original question, what would/could/should the plot of a Black Widow movie be? I'm genuinely interested, but I just can't think of anything good right now. Anyone have any thoughts? Preferably ones that use fewer forward-slashes than I just did? -
This answer is not about Black Widow. by
on 2014-09-04 04:46:00 UTC
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Their have been charcters that have been created for Tv shows that manage to debut in the comics before the Tv shows aired their debut episodes. ( Examples include Batgirl I, Aqualad II, and A.Y.A). Although that might be because they creators planned them out first.
September 2014 Chicago Gathering! by
on 2014-09-01 16:01:00 UTC
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Yep, we're planning one! For those who missed the memo, Irish Samurai is going to be in the country for work the second week of September (unless that's changed since this thread), and so Phobos and I are planning to host a Gathering for Saturday the 13th with possible activities on Sunday the 14th, too.
The tentative itinerary:
~9:30 am - Meet up at the Museum of Science and Industry, in front of the Pioneer Zephyr train in the entrance lobby. (I've thought about it since the last thread, and this simply makes the most sense to me.) I'll most likely be wearing this shirt, which says "Neshomeh" on the back. Also, I'll have a very tall person with long hair and a beard with me.
9:30 am-4:00 pm - Buy tickets, explore the museum! Standard admission is $18, but the current special exhibit is Treasures of the Walt Disney Archive, which is really cool, so we may want to get Explorer 1 passes for $27, which includes standard admission plus one extra thing. (Check out this page for more info about admission.) We don't have to stay the whole time, but there's lots to see. Chances are we'll want to. Plan to pack a lunch or pay through the nose at the museum's cafeteria. At least you're supporting the museum, right?
~5:00-7:00 - Anyone who wants/is able to come is invited to dinner with Phobos and me. We have a couple places near our apartment where we can get Chicago-style pizza, which we figure is a must for out-of-state visitors. It's about an hour's worth of travel by bus and train from the museum to our neighborhood. If you're driving, we can talk directions and parking on the day.
~7:00-10:00 - After dinner, come play some games with us! We have lots of good ones. Feel free to bring your own, but bear in mind you may have to lug it around with you all day.
10:30 am-12:00 - I'll be singing with my Unitarian Universalist church choir. If anyone is actually interested in attending, you're welcome to. Let me know and I'll e-mail you the details.
1:00-whenever - Lincoln Park Zoo? I suggest this because it's free, so we can wander in, hang out as long as we feel like it, and wander out without worrying about whether we got an appropriate amount of fun for our money. ^_~ We can also hit up the Lincoln Park Conservatory (cool plants!) or the Farm-in-the-Zoo or the Nature Boardwalk, which are all right there, if we want to.
After that - Dunno! I figure we can punt from there. Explore downtown Chicago? Play more games? The city is our bivalve mollusc.
So here's what we need to know:
1. Can you make it? Just to the museum? More? Let us know!
2. Does that plan sound good? If not, what sounds better? We don't have a whole lot of time to make our minds up, but I wouldn't want to stop anyone joining in because of a bad plan.
3. Approximately where will you be coming from on Saturday, and how will you be traveling (car or public transit)? This may or may not affect times and such.
4. Thinking of bringing games? Let us know which just in case we already have it and can save you the hassle.
5. Comments? Questions? Concerns?
I'm really looking forward to this! {= D
~Neshomeh -
Wish I could go by
on 2014-09-02 21:41:00 UTC
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After spending two days in Kansas City over Labor Day, even if I could take the time off work I've put a good-sized dent in the vacation budget.
How often are Gatherings held? -
I got the no-go. by
on 2014-09-01 22:40:00 UTC
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My brother has an out of state tennis tournament that weekend and my dad will be off on a business trip. So I will be unable to go. Also, apparently the idea of meeting people you met online doesn't go over well with my parents.
A full report will be expected, though! *glances at hS and the lack of report from the London Gathering* :P
I guess this means it's time to start saving money for the next Gathering! -
A recommendation... by
on 2014-09-02 05:21:00 UTC
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If your parents object to the meeting of Internet Strangers, you might consider showing them the reports of previous Gatherings - putting faces and "Look, they're reasonable-looking people!" ideas around helps sometimes. Some younger PPCers have also had their parents show up to the beginning of the Gathering, to establish identity themselves.
Or you could wait until you're over 18 and fly across the country without their consent to start relationshiping at said Internet Strangers like I did. -
Well, like I also said, tennis tournament. by
on 2014-09-02 15:56:00 UTC
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So I wouldn't be able to go, regardless of how the parental units feel about Internet Strangers.
Nevertheless, I shall save my monies until I am able to attend one, whether it be next year (when I'll be out of their jurisdiction) or ten years from now. :)
Until then, everybody else go and have fun! -
Alas. by
on 2014-09-02 23:11:00 UTC
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Maybe we'll try for another one next summer or so, with more planning ahead of time.
And yeah, just to reiterate, parents are always welcome, even encouraged to come along. Cedar Copse and I both had parents along at my first Gathering, and Cedar's parents were nice enough to take us all out to dinner. ^_^
~Neshomeh -
I shall save as well! by
on 2014-09-02 19:54:00 UTC
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I figured we wouldn't be able to go, but now you've got time to plan, at least. Plus it's something more to look forward to!
That's good advice (nm) by
on 2014-09-02 15:14:00 UTC
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Oh, :P to you. by
on 2014-09-01 23:29:00 UTC
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Like I said at the time, at least one of these reports took two years to come out. It'll get done in due time. Probably.
hS -
Yup, I'm still coming :) by
on 2014-09-01 22:06:00 UTC
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To answer your questions:
1) Yes, I can make it (just in case you'd forgotten from reading the subject line), and for more than just the museum. In fact, I'll be getting to Chicago Thursday evening, and my flight out is Sunday evening. Although I'm not sure how much time that'll actually give me on the Sunday, what with having to be at the airport a few hours before the flight leaves.
2) The current plan sounds good to me, and the Disney exhibit could be very interesting - I'd be up for that so long as everyone else was.
3) Good question, where will I be coming from? Umm... a hotel somewhere? I'll probably be staying near the airport (O'Hare International, in case that needs disambiguating), unless you can suggest somewhere more sensible. I'll be relying on public transport the whole time I'm out there. I'm assuming that there'll be good transport links between the airport and touristy places like the museum.
4) Yes, the game that I was thinking of bringing is Legendary: Villains. It's a cooperative card based game where players take on the role of various bad guys from the Marvel universe, and try to beat the good guys. It's quite a different style of game from most.
Comments? I'm looking forward to it too.
Questions? None that I can think of.
Concerns? Nope. Unless you count the fact that I've just discovered that I can spell 'museum' without the aid of spellcheck. -
Yay! by
on 2014-09-02 22:28:00 UTC
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We don't have Legendary: Villains, and that sounds fun. {= )
I don't have much experience with Chicago hotels, so I couldn't tell you what's nice, or has good prices, or anything helpful like that. I'd suggest trying to get closer to the city than O'Hare, though. If you can find something close to the northern branch of the CTA Blue Line, that's probably your best bet for convenience. Anything convenient to any of the lines is good, though, since they all meet in the Loop. North of the Loop is generally better than south or west as far as safety and such.
The tradeoff you're looking at is that closer to the city means it'll be quicker to get around while you're here, but closer to the airport probably means it'll be easier to check out and be on your way home. A lot of places make you check out by 10 or 11 in the morning, though, so that could be a hassle.
We might be able to do stuff Friday evening, if it looks like Sunday won't work out. Let us know what your flight and hotel stuff looks like closer to the time, I guess? Since it looks like it's just going to be the three of us, we can be flexible. If you'll have a phone you can use for non-work stuff, we might want to exchange numbers at some point.
Someday, Chicago will have a Gathering of more than three people. We're the Crossroads of America, for cryin' out loud. This should be a thing that happens. {X D
~Neshomeh -
Re: Yay! by
on 2014-09-04 14:14:00 UTC
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Well, according to this, the CTA Blue runs from O'Hare, so staying around there should still be convenient for me to get around. It just means that I'll be doing longer journeys at the beginning/end of the days - but at least I'll have nice short journeys between the airport and hotel, which is when I'll have all my big heavy bags. So I think it'll be a fair trade-off.
Yeah, I'd be up for doing something Friday evening, if that's cool with you guys. My flight back on Sunday is about 6 o'clock, and I think I'm supposed to be at the airport 3 hours in advance. So Sunday morning is fine for me, but I won't have much free time Sunday afternoon (didn't plan ahead well enough when I was discussing flight times, if I get sent out again I'll have to remember to ask for a late evening flight).
I'm pretty sure that my mobile will work over there, if not I'll have my laptop with me and internet in the hotel, so Board/e-mail/chat should all be viable means of communication. -
Additional notes. by
on 2014-09-01 16:41:00 UTC
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Because I forgot to mention:
1. We have a cat. He's very friendly (and will probably spend the first hour or so hiding in the closet anyway), but just in case anyone has allergies or a deathly fear of cats, now you know.
2. Chicago is expensive. $10 or more per person for a decent meal out is not unusual. Bear this in mind when planning your visit.
Okay, that's it. I need help. by
on 2014-09-01 16:45:00 UTC
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I've always been confused on how punctuation works around parentheses and brackets. Which is a problem, because nine times out of ten, I end up using parentheses at the end of a sentence or near a comma.
Possibilities I've thought up:
>Punctuation treats parenthentheticals like quotes, and should stay inside them.
Blah blah blah (blah blah.)
>Punctuation stays inside only when it applies to whatever's inside, and goes outside when it applies to whatever's outside. However, the parentheses stay to the left of outside punctuation. I usually use this one.
Blah blah blah (blah blah.).
>Punctuation does not contain parentheticals.
Blah blah blah. (Blah blah.)
>This situation should just be avoided entirely, even when impractical.
Blah blah blah- blah blah. -
Fear not, it's not that complicated. by
on 2014-09-01 16:59:00 UTC
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There are two basic rules:
1. When the parenthetical aside is part of the sentence (like this), the punctuation goes outside. Punctuate like you would if the parenthetical note weren't there, but after the aside—for instance, in the previous sentence, there would normally be a comma after "sentence," but now it goes after the aside.
2. When the parenthetical aside is its own sentence, the punctuation goes inside. (Like this.)
When deciding whether or not to include a parenthetical aside at all, ask yourself if the information is important. If it IS important, you should probably include it in the text of the piece without making it an aside. If it's NOT important, consider leaving it out entirely. If it's not important, but still serves a purpose such as entertainment value, go ahead and include it.
That's pretty much it. Let me know if there are any specific examples that worry you, and I'll help. {= )
~Neshomeh -
But that doesn't cover all the options. by
on 2014-09-01 20:20:00 UTC
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What about if the parenthetical needs its own punctuation (and can you think of an example?)? That's clearly wrong, or at least strange, but the 'and' makes it part of the sentence. Also, your second example - how, exactly, is that not part of the sentence? Because you've punctuated it differently, yes, but 'the punctuation goes inside, like this' is the correct grammar, not 'the punctuation goes inside. Like this.'
Personally, I try to avoid brackets at the end of sentences (because, frankly, they just make my head hurt!).
hS -
Hold on, lemme look it up. by
on 2014-09-01 20:55:00 UTC
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But first, the second thing: That was just done for the example. Sentence fragments happen. {= P
Now the first thing: The Chicago Manual of Style 15th Edition, page 266, has this to say about parentheses with other punctuation:
6.103 With other punctuation. An opening parenthesis should be preceded by a comma or semicolon only in an enumeration (see 6.126); a closing parenthesis should should never be preceded by a comma or a semicolon. A question mark, an exclamation point, and closing quotation marks precede a closing parenthesis if they belong to the parenthetical matter; they follow it if they belong to the surrounding sentence. A period precedes the closing parenthesis if the entire sentence is in parentheses; otherwise it follows. (A parenthetical enclosure of more than one sentence should not be included within another sentence. If a final period is needed at the end of such an enclosure, rewording may be necessary to keep the enclosure independent of the surrounding text, as is this one.) Parentheses should rarely appear back to back. Different kinds of material may, if necessary, be enclosed in a single set of parentheses, usually separated by a semicolon.
They give the following examples:
Having entered (on tiptoe), we sat down on the nearest seats we could find.
Come on in (quietly, please!) and take a seat.
(see Smith and Hawkins 1990; t-tests are used here)
I guess just try not to write sentences where you need punctuation on both sides of a closing parenthesis? And yeah, I usually try to avoid them at the ends of sentences, too.
Official Permission Request by
on 2014-09-02 21:12:00 UTC
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Well, I've waited for long enough (if a little more than a month is considered long enough). I've done SO MUCH reading and completed all the requisite material including the beta stage, so I believe I have what it takes to create my own PPC content. So, without further ado, please find my official permission request below. Enjoy!
Agent Bios:
Falchion - A Skarmory who wandered through a plot-hole one day, Falchion is a sportive but absentminded armored bird. A newcomer to the PPC, he has a collection of false memories which he wishes to decipher.
Rasheeda bint Giza - A powerful Sphinx from a fantasy continuum of the author's creation, Rasheeda has just transferred to the DF from the DIA. She is trying to become a balanced character without being too overpowered.
Writing Prompts:
Control Prompt - The Agents first meet.
Random Prompt - One Agent incorrectly accuses the other of something.
Targeted Badfic: "Rise of the Galeforces" - The only badfic ever completed by Falchion's Author (a.k.a. myself). Contains a self-insert Gary Stu who is overly pedantic about palaeobiology, two Character Replacements, a lot of gratuitous tickle-fetish scenes in the first two episodes... and nonstop graphic violence/gore in the last six chapters. Yay.
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Feedback is appreciated as always~ :) I hope I've done well enough! -
I said I wouldn't do this... oh well, here we go. by
on 2014-09-03 14:28:00 UTC
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But letting other people do all the Permission stuff is one failing I try to hide whenever possible. And so:
-You. As far as I'm concerned, you've involved yourself in the PPC Community, so tick box there.
-Characters. I liked them when I first saw them, and I still like them now. The changes Falchion's character in particular has gone through remind me of Manwe's chapter of 'The Game of the Gods'. He started out with flaws coming out of his, er, whatever Skarmory have instead of ears, and has been continually adapted into a good character - not by simply deleting things whenever people questioned them, but by changing them to fit. That's how it's supposed to work, it really is.
Though I have no idea why you kept the section title 'Sexuality and Kinks', since the latter make virtually no appearance. That would be like titling part of your CV 'Work & Volunteer Experience & Time Spent In Space'; it's technically accurate, but rather random. Oh well.
Control prompt: I liked this. I particularly liked the random Pokemon battle - it seemed a bit strange having Rasheeda know about Pokemon, but she's a trained PPC agent, she should know some canons. That was the high point of the story, for me.
I was a little disappointed that, while putting the first half in the Floating Hyacinth's POV, you didn't make particular use of the peculiarities of the Flowers. They're powerful telepaths with fairly low visual acuity - you missed a great opportunity to give us Rasheeda's description as a Flower sees her. You could've gone overboard with the leaf-metaphors (I'm not sure the Hyacinth even knows what a deinonychosaur is, though come to think of it we do have one running around HQ), and even delved into a mental description to go with the physical one.
But like I say, that's a missed opportunity, not an error as such. It might also have interfered with the purpose of the piece, which is showing us what the agent is like, and you did that very well. Even for Falchion, at least in a combat situation.
Minor errors I caught:
-The SO wouldn't be the sole person responsible for Rasheeda's transfer. Either it would be the Marquis de Sod (Personnel), the Tiger Lily (DIA), or the Board as a whole.
-Rasheeda seems pretty random in terms of which deity she invokes. Why invoke Osiris about DAVD? Why invoke Anubis when attacked? They're both gods of the Dead, which doesn't seem very appropriate. In fact, given that the first place is a request for protection, the second a response to violence, and that Rasheeda's a lion... have you considered giving her a cat theme? 'Bastet forbid' would work in the first instance, since she's a Protector (and it also makes for interesting possibilities with the Temple of Bast), while 'for the love of Sekhmet' would work in the latter. Then you've already got Mafdet, who's a cat or mongoose... it's not like there's a shortage of feline Egyptian gods!
-You've left the Accident unclear - deliberately, I assume - but nothing you've written suggests she was in the DIA, rather than the DMS. I assume the 'Stu had taken down an agent team, and Rasheeda was in there to stop him causing any more trouble? A couple of mentions of the other agents wouldn't have gone amiss.
Random prompt: This was a good choice, letting us see what Falchion is like when on a mission (ie, with hands and stuff). I don't think it came out as well as the control prompt, but I can't really pin a reason on that. Certainly it would work better with more context - a lead-in of him getting more and more worried about the story - which makes me think this is just a scene from an upcoming mission.
But it's technically sound, has some good lines - I like 'flocking' as a swearword, particularly from a solitary species like Skarmory. I also like his head-under-wing instinct, that works well. (Have to ask, though - 'Bird Jesus'? Um, he's a Pokemon, I'd expect him to invoke one of the various deities they have rather than making a strange semi-reference). It shows us Falchion's character, and Rasheeda's - which matches her character in the control, so points there! - and while I'm not sure it technically fits the prompt description (she seems to be correct in her accusation), we're not actually here to make you jump through hoops. Unless it's funny.
The badfic: Um... that's long. Are you sure you want to do that as your first mission? For comparison, my first mission was a fairly short, fairly benign story. It lets you ease into writing the agents, lets us as readers get to know them in a fairly calm environment, leaves you room for escalation later - and means later missions aren't an anticlimax. I would really recommend you take something shorter, milder, and less personal to start with - something that you can dissect as a story, rather than using its authorship as your plot driver.
But ultimately, it's up to you, because unless anyone has a serious objection, I'm going to say Permission Granted. Have fun!
hS -
Congratulations. I Look Forward to Reading Your Missions (nm) by
on 2014-09-04 14:00:00 UTC
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on 2014-09-04 02:35:00 UTC
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*Ahem* Erm, please forgive me for taking this long to respond - research and yard work have been eating my time like popcorn as of late. As compensation, I'll now address each Boarder and matter for consideration in turn.
RE: Huinreson
On Falchion's character changes: I actually didn't have Rapture's Redemption in mind when patching up Falchion's character - I was just doing what felt right to me at the time - but holy Arceus, that analogy makes so much sense. Now I'm really tempted to make an homage to the concept of a character becoming balanced as the story progresses - I could start things off with Falchion having a bit of a prideful and fast-talking streak to him, but then he starts seeing things go down the drain and realizes that he really has to start pulling his own weight (and adjusts accordingly). And yeah, 'The Game of the Gods' was a hilariously awesome read.
On 'Sexuality and Kinks': By 'Kinks' I meant 'Fetishes' or 'bizarre sexual preferences or behavior'. It does tie into the 'Sexuality' thing quite a bit because it helps flesh out his sexual profile (i.e. you have a better idea of what he'd want from a romantic partner when things get steamy, wink wink). In the specific case of Falchion and the Galeforces mission, his and his author's fetishes actually DO come up quite a lot, since they're featured quite extensively during a lot of the fic itself.
On the Control Prompt: I actually didn't think about describing things from the Flowers' POV - it would've made a lot of sense, but then again we'd have a bit of a hard time trying to figure out Rasheeda's appearance ourselves. I'm glad I demonstrated the Agents' characters well, though I guess I could go back and fix up the Egyptian deity inconsistency with a bit more reading on Wikipedia. BTW, I would like to know who this deinonychosaur agent is. I'm in a practically permanent dinosaur phase and all, if the fact that I've already taken a liking to Marsha is any indicator...
The Accident is indeed a Noodle Incident, of sorts, though I may end up writing a "flashback mission" in the future, with one of the witnesses describing everything that happened to her current partner.
On the Random Prompt: Bird Jesus is a reference to that completely awesome Pidgeot from Twitch Plays Pokemon Red, which I'm sure Falchion must've done some reading upon while he was recuperating at Medical and FicPsych. By the same token, Zapdos was another Pokemon used in that particular phenomenon, though I guess it would make sense for him to refer to it as a deity regardless due to it being one of the Legendary Birds of Kanto.
This scene actually is intended to be part of the Galeforces mission, and I'm sticking to it as my first because I feel that Falchion needs to sort out his identity and all those false memories he has before he can get involved in anything truly nasty. Oddly enough, I was informed by one of my betas that Rasheeda's logic was a actually bit faulty in her accusation, since Falchion isn't technically me (just my PPC persona). On the other hand, she WOULD have been correct if she had pegged him for being the persona of the fic's author, so make of it as you will. ;)
RE: Desdendelle - On Rasheeda's name
I'll have to look up who suggested "bint Giza" ("bint" actually does mean "daughter of" in Nasab Arabic) but yeah, I was actually thinking of referring to her as being a descendant of someone named Giza. Of course, Al-Gizawi or Hor-em-akhet could work better for her if you want to go with more traditional Arabic or Egyptian, and maybe even Abu Alhul because of the look others would probably get if she is brought up (and don't get me started on how Sues would react in her presence either).
Y'know what, though, with all this talk about her surname, I'm probably going to cave at this point and just use an Egyptian name system for her fairly soon. I'll use bint Giza as a placeholder surname for now, but maybe I could devote the naming issue to a separate thread like Neshomeh did for Gall.
RE: Everybody who sent me cake - Thanks, guys! Kudos for wishing me luck on my first mission - and it looks like I've got quite a bit to add to Falchion's pile of Leftovers! :D -
You are so freaking lucky by
on 2014-09-06 16:22:00 UTC
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Hey, at least you can write coherent characters within the framework of the PPC universe.(every time I tried to write for the PPC it always fails. always,)
Also: the deinonychosaur... by
on 2014-09-05 15:30:00 UTC
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... is Agent Trask, who belongs to Sevenswans, and I'm not sure has ever appeared in a story. Well, uh, technically he has, but fortunately there's a Creativity Shield around that site.
(And yes, everyone, I know it's September; give me a week or two)
hS -
Congratulations and minor nitpick. by
on 2014-09-05 11:55:00 UTC
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"... a second CRUNCH as the it drove her into a small crater."
Something’s wrong with this sentence. It’s probably meant to be either "the bird" or "it".
HG, looking forward to reading your missions. -
Well Done! (nm) by
on 2014-09-05 09:44:00 UTC
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Rasheeda - not sure I would. by
on 2014-09-04 15:15:00 UTC
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Change her name, that is.
The problem is, you're very unlikely to be able to justify keeping her Rosetta name. The Arabic Rashid is apparently from the Coptic (late Egyptian) Trashit - and originally, it was called Khito.
And... well, do you know how Egyptian names work? I certainly don't! '-mose' appears to be 'son of', but I don't know of a 'daughter' ending.
One possibility would be to coin her an Egyptian first name, and an Arabic surname. So, to keep the link with the Sphinx, she could be Mafemakhet, 'Mafdet of the Horizon' - or maybe Mafemkhito? I have no idea whether the language works that way. Then you could surname her al-Rashid, 'of Rosetta', and still juuuust about call her 'Rasheeda' in common use.
Actually, one more name suggestion - 'Tut' is 'image'. So something as simple as Tutmafdet, 'Image of Mafdet', could work. And I may be wrong, but I think '-titi' is 'has come' - so Mafdetiti (a la Nefertiti) is a pretty scary thought.
hS -
Congratulations! (nm) by
on 2014-09-04 11:59:00 UTC
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Not a PG, obviously. by
on 2014-09-03 20:05:00 UTC
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But I have one problem with Rasheeda: her last name. From what I know about Arab, Arab-like and Egyptian names, there are next to no "Bint this-and-that" names. There are "Ibn/Bin something-or-the-other" names - quite a lot of them, in fact - but they are "this guy's son" and not "comes from this place" - "comes from this place" names are of the "Al-place-i" form, like Al-Misri (Egypt) or Al-Baghdadi (Baghdad, obviously). There are also "Abu-" (father of) and "Um-" (mother of) names - Abu-Bakr, Um-Culthum, etc - which can also denote certain features ("Abu Alhureira" = "Father of a cat" = "Steps-softly") or be used as noms de guerre ("Abu Alwalid" = "father of the child", Khaled Mash'al's nom de guerre).
"Bint Giza", as a surname, simply does not fit into any of those categories. Of course, if you were aiming for something other than an Arabic name, disregard the above. -
My assumption was... by
on 2014-09-03 21:04:00 UTC
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... that she identified herself by it as the daughter of the Sphinx at Giza - possibly mythologically, rather than strictly literally.
Also, I believe she was originally 'bin Giza', but someone told him 'daughter of' should be 'bint' instead... you've provided a 'son', 'father', and 'mother' version, so is there a 'daughter' term?
hS -
Well... by
on 2014-09-03 22:10:00 UTC
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The daughter term is "Bint", but it simply isn't used much. I've mostly heard about "Um-" names when talking about daughters. I think that the correct name (with the reference to Giza) would be "Algizawi". Of course, the sphinx has no connection to Arab culture; the Ancient Egyptians weren't Arabs. Wikipedia suggests "Hor-em-akhet" as the Sphinx's Ancient Egyptian name (its current name is, apparently, Abu Alhul - The Terrifying One). That might be a better thing to work off from.
Congratulations! *confetti* by
on 2014-09-03 17:25:00 UTC
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Also, here's a box of chocolate cupcakes!
Congratulations! by
on 2014-09-03 15:40:00 UTC
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*throws cakefetti*
Good luck on your first Mission, and don't let the bad writing get to you! -
I am in total agreement by
on 2014-09-03 15:14:00 UTC
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Congrats, SkarmorySilver!
Questions... by
on 2014-09-03 11:27:00 UTC
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Okay, I'm really truly sorry if this appears on the Wiki or somewhere else obvious, but I've looked and looked and can't find anything. Sorry.
I'm wondering what the age requirement for an Agent (specifically, an Assassin for the DMS) is. My two Agents-in-Progress are 13 and 12, and I'm really liking their dynamic so far. I've seen things about 'the youngest Agent made'(think her name was Ella?) and don't mean to take over that record. Info?
Also, can the Control Prompt combine two or more of the categories? Like, a combination of ‘the agents move into their RC/one agent moves into another’s RC’ and ‘the agents first meet’.
Finally, would the RC number '5.5/apple/26' work well? It's a Doctor Who reference, if anyone gets it.
Thanks for all your help, in advance. You guys are awesome. Really. -
25¢ (Oh no, inflation.) by
on 2014-09-04 03:37:00 UTC
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To ring in:
I think it's totally and perfectly fine to have agents that young.
How serious you want to make that be is up to you- they can still have a good time in HQ without encountering harder problems if you want, and you could always make it for a running joke or something about them being thought of as being too young for it or shouldn't they be in the Nursery or whathaveyou instead of doing missions.
But seriously? Go with it if it works for you. -
Oh, brilliant! by
on 2014-09-04 10:13:00 UTC
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Yeah, that would actually be a fantastic running joke. I might try to get that in. Did I mention, you're all as brilliant as Donna around here?
Allow me to be a dissenting voice. by
on 2014-09-03 21:32:00 UTC
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What hS says is, of course, factually correct on all counts. There is no fixed agent age limit (though I doubt any Flower is going to let a ten-year-old be an Action agent again; they're jerks sometimes, but I really don't see them as being willing to throw a young child into the meat grinder) and theoretically (?) no upper limit on RCs; the only actual rule is you can't have just a letter, out of respect to Jay and Acacia (I believe this is the reason at least - like retiring a jersey number in sport). Though of course as he points out, you're subsequently implying/establishing there are at least five billion RCs in HQ, which turns the PPC into a mind bogglingly huge organisation that really shouldn't have any badfic left to kill with those kinds of numbers at their disposal (more on the maths of PPC agents in a future thread!). I am obviously no authority but maybe consider whether or not you can't go with a smaller number as a reference? But then I've never been the fondest of crazy RC numbers so maybe this is me being too serious.
(Seriously, five billion RCs, almost as many people in HQ as on the entire planet Earth!)
Secondly, I must ask - why such young agents? They're barely into their teens and should by all rights still be in the Nursery learning the trade, if they were born in HQ (if they weren't, that's a whole 'nother bag of apples), and would be at all sorts of psychological and physiological disadvantages in the field compared to an adult agent, some of which wouldn't be offset by disguises. You have to remember that a child's brain and psychology aren't actually finished developing - maturity isn't some arbitrary line in the sand, it's an actual stage of development. There's a reason people under a certain age are judged as not capable of giving informed consent or making informed decisions. If someone grew up in HQ this is a slightly different story, as they've likely been brought up being prepared for agent work should they choose to go into it, but if these are kids right off the street they really aren't prepared for the kinds of things Action work would have them do. While a PPC agent's job isn't all combat, the posts this link might be a useful start for you to look at some of the problems involved:
I'm, again, not a figure of authority, and I'm not going "grar, how dare you think about this; to the salt mines with ye!" Maybe part of this is just being uncomfortable with the idea of throwing children into daily mortal peril that tends to leave even functional adults severely psychologically strained, and I'm not sure I see Flowers being super happy about the idea of deploying what are basically (willing, but still) child soldiers, but I think you should consider the question of why these agents need to be children. How does it help the narrative? Is there some kind of purpose behind it? What does it do for your story that would not be served in any other way? Are you confident in your ability to write it in such a way that it is entertaining without doing a huge disservice to the children in the world actually forced into situations where they'll be risking their lives every day (I know the PPC is generally humorous, but I'm of the opinion there are certain things that just shouldn't be treated as a joke)? Why is it they're willing to throw themselves into such dangerous work - work that in fact often results in loss of life, limb or sanity even for adults who made the informed decision to put themselves on the line? This isn't a demand for you to justify yourself, it's just a reminder to put some thought into your characters and figure out why they need to be the way they are - and if you can't find an answer you're happy with, maybe it would do to try a different concept.
This isn't meant aggressively or to browbeat you, and I hope it hasn't come off that way; if it has, I sincerely apologise. All I'm doing in the end is asking you to think over what you're hoping to accomplish with and for your agents, and what the concept implies for them as people. If you've thought out all the implications and pitfalls and where an agent fits in with what you're going for, your spinoff will be much stronger with it, but this specific concept is one that has a lot more pitfalls than benefits, so in the end I'm more suggesting caution than anything; and making sure your characters are thought out is a universal thing when writing, so it's advice that couldn't hurt regardless of your concept. "Why?" is probably one of the most important questions a writer can ask themselves. -
On youth (and the thing we're all forgetting). by
on 2014-09-04 09:18:00 UTC
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I was thinking about the issue of children on the front lines, and something occured to me that I don't think we've considered before: the Flowers may well prioritise recruiting the young.
The PPC operates on different rules to the rest of reality; specifically, large portions of it function around the Laws of Narrative Comedy, and equally large portions around belief - 'unless you hadn't noticed'.
The synergy of those two suggests something very interesting: that what happens in missions - how Narrative Comedy plays out or doesn't - is heavily influenced by what the agents believe will happen. As a non-mission example, in Crashing Down, Steve was able to convince the universe to allow him to escape by way of an awful pun - because he believed that was how things work.
Which suggests the very interesting idea that young agents - agents who believe that they can't get hurt and have it still be funny - are unlikely to get hurt, because the Laws of Narrative Comedy, influenced by their belief, won't let them. They don't think the story should go that way, and so... it doesn't.
Compare someone older - say, Dafydd. He's seen a lot in his time; he knows that stories can be full of drama and seriousness, and that sometimes bad things happen to the protagonists. And so he spends his time fighting off the urge to abuse his powers, healing injured colleagues, and ultimately dying, because he believes that's how stories go.
You don't want kids who are too young, because they're likely to not think protagonists are allowed to kill the bad guys - which is a problem for Action agents. But 12-14-year-olds are all about wanton violence against villains - without yet thinking that the heroes will suffer for it.
If you want to tie it into plothole theory - Legal's enforcement of the Laws of Narrative Comedy seems to be along the lines of controlling the plotholes generated by agents' beliefs. Yes, agents are plothole generators just like Mary-Sues - they subconsciously warp the world to fit their idea of how things should be - but Legal restrains the effects of those plotholes to keep them from damaging canon.
Or, from our perspective: Suethors write plotholes and let them run rampant. PPCthors write a good story, and justify the plotholes as Narrative Comedy. We are our agents' subconsciouses - and we're also Legal.
Bottom line: kids don't get hurt or angsty because they don't believe they will. Adults do because they believe they will.
hS -
This makes so much sense! by
on 2014-09-05 16:18:00 UTC
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Plus of course it can tie back into individual characters' mindsets. For instance ex-Sues might have a similar situation; they're used to having everything handed to them so their foes might be less troublesome, or it could go the other way and they have to deal with a lot more difficulties because they want to really earn their victories this time. Or people from more innocent continua like MLP: FiM wouldn't expect much more than comedic bad consequences, while those from "grittier" worlds would be more in danger of life and limb just because that's what they've come to see as normal.
I suddenly got the urge. by
on 2014-09-05 10:24:00 UTC
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I suddenly got the urge to copy-paste this and link it a thousand times on the Wiki- because it's so BRILLIANTLY PERFECT.
I really love this theory. I've explored with the imaginations of children before in some of my writing, and have come to the scientific conclusion that most adults need a good knock on the head to make them see things properly.
But this- THIS- is taking it to a whole new level. I respect you people so much. So, so much.
~Kitty -
I love this theory (nm) by
on 2014-09-04 22:06:00 UTC
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And to hop in on this... by
on 2014-09-04 03:32:00 UTC
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While on all accounts you're technically correct, you're also injecting too much realism and real world expectations into this.
I can't answer for KittyEden, but I'm pretty sure the reason for 'such young agents' is because she wants to write agents who are around her age- like the vast majority of us do.
The PPC is also as psychologically straining as we decide it is on a spin-off by spin-off basis, especially since it's largely humor based. While some of them touch on the deeper matters and the fact that you have to be crazy for this job to be in this job, it's all dependent on how you play it or choose to view it. After all, it's literal words- perception is key.
(I'm also going to have to disagree on your claim of not being a figure of authority- while your point of view might not always mesh with mine, and you've always taken a serious/realist perspective on the PPC and prefer a heavier tone, you've also been around plenty long enough for your words to have weight behind them because you actually can support your argument.)
-July, who seems to've found an anvil somewhere -
I'm basically saying "I'm not a mod/PG". by
on 2014-09-04 04:36:00 UTC
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To save time I'll reply to you and Outhra in the same post. As I said, I'm not putting Kitty on trial here or anything, my labouring the "why" point is really just an encouragement to make sure this is something that's thought out; some of my points on why it might not be the best idea are perhaps taking it more seriously than many here would, but I think are worth noting as things to consider re: why it might not be a great idea. That said, it's really more about suggesting she make sure she has a solid idea of who these people are, where they're coming from, why they're doing this, etc; in good writing, whether comedic or serious, things happen for a reason. This could be establishing a character arc or just building up to a joke (good comedy needs a setup and a punchline after all) but when an author has put actual thought into what pieces fall where and why, they'll always turn out a superior project than one who has a bunch of things happening at random just because.
I also take a bit of exception to the implicit idea "realism" is some kind of four letter word that should be verboten, I mean yes, Sedri says it's exactly that in the mission writing guide on the wiki, and she says the same for logic; I suspect she didn't mean that literally and it was more of a response to the influx of grimdark and constant Emergencies at the time, though, and if she did I'd argue with her too. ;) No, obviously not everything should be super serious all the time and conform 100% to how things work in World One - that is an absurd idea and I've argued before I believe that grimdark melodrama doesn't have a place here, but the other side of that coin is the fact everything being constant off-the-wall silliness with no internal consistency, reasons for happening or actual consequences is just as boring. Of course not every agent is going to react just like a typical World One person would - many aren't from World One at all, many others aren't even human, and none are what we'd call typical people I'd think - but I think going the road of "oh, it's just comedy and the agents are just humourboxes, what's the point asking questions and developing things" is a really bad call. It's perfectly possible, and I think more interesting, to have humour and more grounded things in the same setting and potentially even the same work, and to treat them as mutually exclusive (and one of them as not even belonging in the setting at all) is really unnecessarily limiting, plus kind of dismissive towards anyone who actually does want to actually explore and flesh some stuff out - is Night Watch terrible and something that doesn't belong with the rest of the series because it's probably the Discworld book where Sir Terry Pratchett told the fewest jokes?
Obviously I'm not trying to scare Kitty off or force her to write things my way, bully her away from subjects I don't like, making any personal judgements of her based off an agent idea, or suggesting she spend years agonising over every sentence she writes, just giving my take from my own experiences. Admittedly I've developed a critical streak a mile wide in recent times but concrit never killed anybody. I will admit my mind reeled a bit at the prospect of an RC #500,000,000 though, so the very thought made me react with brief alarm. :P In fairness though, I'll note a couple of my personal biases are in play: I'm personally uncomfortable with the idea of children actively fighting reality-warping abominations in the Word Worlds, and I prefer more reasonable RC numbers along with my above-stated preference for keeping things a little closer to Earth so to speak; the really ludicrous ones feel to me like the old trend where CADs would blow up practically every time they were so much as looked at.
Of course, all this is a little tangential to the actual point, that obviously Kitty can write whatever the heck she wants barring a PG veto, but it would be a good idea for her to make sure she knows what she's going for and why, including on the character front - there's all sorts of interesting ways something like this could go, Outhra even pointed out one, and if she knows what makes her agents tick and how and why they react to the things they'll run into in HQ, it'll be a lot better than just winging it. -
Five billion, not five hundred billion. (nm) by
on 2014-09-04 06:16:00 UTC
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*gulps* Uh... by
on 2014-09-04 10:18:00 UTC
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...just saying, it's highly unlikely that I'm going to be getting Permission anyway. This is me, a 13-year-old, trying to write as well as you guys, who are muchmuchmuch older than me. The odds? Not that good. You might not want to go into a big argument about it. Just sayin'.
I'm sorry if I seemed aggressive or intimidating. by
on 2014-09-04 21:16:00 UTC
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hS is right in that getting Permission is actually not that complicated, I just tend to say a lot when I'm voicing concerns I have with something. Blame the work as a critic (and, y'know, me wanting to be detailed enough that my talking is actually helpful). If you like though I'd be happy to beta anything you happen to put out.
Not so. by
on 2014-09-04 14:07:00 UTC
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I have three rebuttals to your statement here.
1/ Of the four things we look at in a Permission request, you've already done two of them - be involved in the community, and be able to spell and grammatise. So you're halfway there!
2/ You're not trying to write as well as anyone (or at least you shouldn't be); you're trying to write well. That's an entirely different prospect, and actually a pretty low barrier, if you can believe it.
3/ Ella Darcy was 10 when she started writing for the PPC. Kaitlyn was 13 - and yes, I do mean the authors here. And yeah, their early writing tended a bit more towards the 'excitable squeals' than I'd tend to write, but that's not grounds for denial of Permission (and is a mark of the mood of the era, more than anything). Your age doesn't matter - only what you can do.
So what do you need to do? Know your characters' personalities, and show them through writing. Oh, and try and avoid spotty logic. Those are the biggest pitfalls people face.
hS -
... by
on 2014-09-04 14:29:00 UTC
Link to this Thanks.
There's not much I can say to that.
*reaches out across the Internet*
*gives hS a hug*
Which would look really weird in RL, considering how tiny I am.
I've lost track of how many times I've said this, but everyone in the PPC is fantastic. Absolutely fantastic.
And you know what?
I'm not going to finish that quote. Someone else can do it.
~Kitty -
*Spontaneously regenerates* (nm) by
on 2014-09-04 20:33:00 UTC
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The RC numbers seem to be largely arbitrary, actually. by
on 2014-09-03 23:45:00 UTC
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The numbering system probably makes sense in however many dimensions HQ was designed to operate on, but from what we've seen, there've been numbers in the trillions, like in Caddy-shack's RC 481516234277, RCs with a random assortment of numbers and letters, like in Lily Winterwood's agents, and some RCs with placement indicators that wouldn't make sense in most scales, like with Iximaz's fruit-numbered RC. I realize that's just one example for each, but that's just saying that there's precedent for really strange numbers, and they don't need to necessarily be logical.
Basically, it seems that just because an RC exists as a certain number, that doesn't mean that all RCs before that number have been occupied, or possibly even exist at all. Having the potential for untold numbers of RCs doesn't necessarily mean that untold x 2+ numbers of agents occupy them at any given time.
Also, while I agree with you on most of your points, I think you're taking this issue waaay too seriously. Yes, it's important that what happens in a narrative happens for a reason, and any opportunity should be taken to find and develop new stories with a set of characters, remove what doesn't work to make something more feasible and interesting out of the ideas, and the like, but there's a huge difference between taking into account while writing a story that your characters are just barely in their teens and would thus almost certainly be out of their depth when dealing with badfic's dangers(or at least at first), and saying that writing one's PPC agents as children would be doing a disservice to child laborers or that section about their emotional maturity that I couldn't really get a grasp on. (Would that section mean that younger agents would become emotionally stunted? More prone to long-term trauma? Incompetent?) The PPC isn't exactly the same context as all of that, being more focused on comedy and all. Mostly, I see the core issues being whether or not the fact of their youth is properly explored in the story. Maybe they are Nursery kids, raised from their Improbable Incubation to defend the multiverse. That could be fairly interesting, especially since I don't think we have a spin-off that explores that side of the PPC in any more than a few one-off lines. Maybe they were recruits from a poorly-described badfic whose age stabilized unexpectedly low when they were fully realized. Maybe one was from the latter two categories, and the other is one of those many recruits who cross in due to plot holes or interdimensional problems or some regulator deep in the bowels of HQ's null space overspinning, and the Department of Personnel paired them with one of their similar age group due to a poorly-formed idea on how mammalian socialization works. As long as the details of who and what they are are realized, I think there's potential for good stories with almost any agent dynamic. There's no need to get bogged down in over-serious details. -
I also meant to say "and physiology". (nm) by
on 2014-09-03 21:34:00 UTC
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*posts in this link (nm) by
on 2014-09-03 21:33:00 UTC
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*points to hS' post about Ella* by
on 2014-09-03 15:45:00 UTC
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I think sending kids into the action departments might be unsafe, but since when have the Flowers cared about that? And to be fair, being a PPC agent is probably a lot safer than being a demigod, and Percy was twelve when he went on his first quest.
As for the RC number... well, my agents use RC 3-Apple-14, so welcome to the fruit club! (And isn't that the date Earth ended? In the episode with 9 and Rose and Cassandra the trampoline?) -
Flowers aren't a monolithic entity, keep in mind. (nm) by
on 2014-09-03 21:35:00 UTC
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That'd be Ella Darcy. by
on 2014-09-03 12:34:00 UTC
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She was ten when she became an agent, which is why she was put in Author Correspondence - it was technically Action, but didn't involve going out into the Word Worlds.
Other young agents I'm aware of (due to them being mine) are Elanor Laison - recruited on her 14th birthday, and placed as a Secretary initially due apparently to her age - and Constance Sims, who was 13 and went straight into the DMS.
Basically, agent ages have historically followed Boarder ages, and despite certain people's beliefs to the contrary, there's never been a lower age limit on the PPC Board. There were a lot of 13-14-year-olds around, and a fair few younger than that. So while 12 and 13 is young, it's certainly feasible. The Flowers might make noises about moving the 12-year-old to Infrastructure for a bit, but probably won't force the issue.
Be aware, though, that most agents now are in their late teens and twenties. So your agents will be in an environment where everyone is both taller and older than them, and a workplace where consumption of vast quantities of alcohol and pills are commonplace, not to mention the predilection of some agents for public, uh... 'displays of affection'. And the violence, don't forget the violence. So they may be in for a rough time.
As to your other questions: yes, the control prompts can absolutely be combined, though you do still need to write a random prompt as well. 5.5/apple/26 would (under my theory that all strange RC numbers are just synonyms for integers) simply be a name for RC #5,000,000,000 - which is an exceptionally large number, orders of magnitude above most of them, but is still a number, so yes, it's fine.
hS -
To chime in... by
on 2014-09-04 03:21:00 UTC
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If you're remarking on the seemingly arbitrary age limit on the survey, it's because I'd rather not play chicken with COPPA if I can avoid it.
(It's just easier to steer clear of it altogether than poke at it, from my perspective.) -
Ace! by
on 2014-09-03 12:56:00 UTC
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I'm doing a happy little dance over here right now. I hate having to rewrite.
Anyway, my Agents will be fine with being tiny little fish in a big, drug-filled pond. Or not, but I can think of some interesting situations to put 'em in. Kay is violent, and (in RL) does karate, and Kitty exudes a metaphorical aura of insanity. Not to mention her pranking thing. I get the feeling she somehow managed to sneak out into RL and change my prompts to make herself crazier. Maybe I'm paranoid, though.
Yes, I have actually read some of Ella Darcy's stuff, including her last story, which made me cry. (But I'm pretty emotional, so bleh.) I always love those sorts of things.
Did I mention you're awesome?
~Kitty, who has been watching too many 7th Doctor episodes, and has started to talk like Ace. :-P -
-Rubs his permastubble- by
on 2014-09-03 12:04:00 UTC
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From what I remember, there aren't any little children that are agents. The Flowers don't seem to have a problem with teenagers, however.
I don't know about the second question but I assume that, assuming that's not your random prompt, it won't be problematic. You should wait for someone more familiar with the system to give you an answer, though.
The rules for RC numbers are, basically, "It doesn't start with a letter" and "it's a number", so I guess that's kosher. I mean, my agents live in RC log e (0.4342944819)...
Almost-Goodfic Thread by
on 2014-09-04 12:21:00 UTC
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This thread is dedicated to those stories that show amazing potential and would be goodfic if it weren't for that one glaring flaw.
To kick it off, I present to you "Lunacy is expected." [sic] by Caleb Serusa, a fic I found while browsing 4chan. (Yes, I in fact do still browse the internet's reeking cesspool.) Warning for NSFW.
It's an amazing alternate universe ("What would happen if Luna had cracked while on the moon?") that for some reason isn't tagged Alternate Universe. That relatively minor quip aside, it manages to avoid the common "Oh, this changed, but everything that should've changed with it stayed the same" pitfall that alternate universes have. What doesn't need to change (i.e. the Mane Six's characterizations) is left almost completely untouched (what is messed up would've been fixed by the fixing of the glaring flaw.) It also ended up being an amazing read- I found myself pulling an all-nighter because of it. (Geddit? All-nighter? Luna fic? Bah, hard audience.)
That brings me to the glaring flaw. HE DIDN'T USE A [EXPLETIVE REDACTED] BETAREADER. There's SPaG mistakes all over the place. "A frequent one, Anonymouse said, happens to be where he forgets to close off and reopen a quote around where he tells us the identity of the speaker." At least once, he references Rainbow Dash calling Twilight a "nerd" instead of an "egghead." He calls Filly (one of Luna's four alternate personalities, because in this alt universe, she has DID) a "young mare" in the first chapter before he reveals the personality's name, something a beta would've caught. He somehow manages to make the story (still unfinished btw) gripping enough to keep you hooked despite the glaring flaws, but it still comes out looking unpolished.
Do you have any similar tales of almost-thereness? -
Katawa Shoujo Almost-Goodfic by
on 2014-09-10 21:24:00 UTC
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Hanako's story is mostly a well-written perspective flip that gives us Hanako's point-of-view of her route from the VN and provides some extra scenes to further develop her character.
However, the deal breaker for most fans is that this version of Hanako has a surprisingly cinic, jaded and vitriolic tone. It is feel almost divorced from her characterization in the Canon, even when one takes her Bad End into consideration. -
Almost-goodfic? by
on 2014-09-04 14:20:00 UTC
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Hmm...well, the first one I can think of is The Surprising Adventures of a Glaceon in Unova by Captain Spock on It's a fun Pokemon adventure story with a suitably memorable cast of human/Pokemon characters. Also, reasonable if not entirely likely explanations for why the human protag has the Pokemon he does, which is nice. (Special mention must go to Octavian the Snivy. You'll see why.)
I...don't quite remember what my issue with the story was. It does kind of drag on near the end, and the chapters are pretty much cut in half so the author can address reader concerns. (This would be fine if it didn't happen so frequently.) *shrug*
Based on the recent survey... by
on 2014-09-04 18:52:00 UTC
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I propose that a challenge similar to July's Intertextuality challenge will take place.
Sounds Like Fun by
on 2014-09-07 20:40:00 UTC
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I'll have to really hunker down on finishing my mission if I want to participate.
Sounds fun! (nm) by
on 2014-09-07 14:00:00 UTC
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I'd be up for that. by
on 2014-09-06 18:17:00 UTC
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I do have a question, though (which anyone is welcome to answer.) What if we write a PPC story that is not recent in regards to the timeline. Most of the stories I'm working on at the moment occur over the past couple of years. If I were to make reference to events and characters that were relevant at the time, would that count?
We should probably hammer out some concrete rules for this rebooted challenge if it is to become official. -
Oooh, I likey. by
on 2014-09-05 19:13:00 UTC
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Maybe I can do this with SkarmorySilver?
Hrm... by
on 2014-09-06 01:47:00 UTC
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The purpose is to make people interact with as many people as possible - I've already co-written stuff with Firemagic and Maslab, for example, but I'd be glad to co-write stuff with more people...
Of course, Permission is required. -
Keep in mind... by
on 2014-09-06 03:43:00 UTC
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In my honest opinion, I think we may also need to actually set up RCs for the agents we want to work with, and probably have at least one mission under our belt on our own time as well so that we can be familiar with how our own agents work before reaching out to others.
Remember, I only just received Permission a couple of days ago, and I haven't even published my first mission yet (it's in progress, but slow going due to academic research). I feel that it's best for Boarders starting out with their own RCs an Agents to get the hang of what their own stories are like, so they can set a precedent for themselves and for possible collaborators. -
But of course. by
on 2014-09-06 04:06:00 UTC
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There's no rush. Although, as it was mentioned elsewhere, some people had co-writes with more experienced people as their first missions - that's OK, too. But, in the end, do what makes you feel comfortable. This challenge is here for fun, mostly, not to force people to do things.
I don't know if it's changed while I was gone, but... by
on 2014-09-06 03:41:00 UTC
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There had been a tradition that as long as you wrote with someone who had permission, cowrites were acceptable.
You're quite right. by
on 2014-09-06 04:04:00 UTC
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That didn't change. I meant that more in the 'that doesn't mean you can ignore Permission' sense, though I think Anonymouse knows that already.
You've got my vote! by
on 2014-09-05 13:35:00 UTC
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So when is it going to take place? Now? Later? (Cause if it's now, I must respectfully decline on account of not having Permission yet.)
I'm fully in support of this venture. by
on 2014-09-05 06:14:00 UTC
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Though, due to my Permission-less state, I will obviously not be participating.
-Aila -
Hmmm. I'd certainly like to see it happen. (nm) by
on 2014-09-05 05:33:00 UTC
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I'm all for it. by
on 2014-09-05 00:10:00 UTC
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If I could make a suggestion, though:
Three months isn't really long enough, especially when it's holiday season. Some people are already in the middle of things and/or write really slowly, lots of us do NaNoWriMo in November, and lots of us will be visiting family and celebrating various holidays in October, November, and December. What about six months, or even a year?
(And yeah, what counts as a recent event will need updating.)
~Neshomeh -
Hm... by
on 2014-09-05 01:03:00 UTC
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-Rubs stubble-
I think the best idea is to set an amount of points and to give a prize for the first person to reach it, then to set another goal and give out another prize (what were the prizes were last time, anyway? I don't think I was here year, or if I were, I didn't have Permission yet), etc. -
I'd be for it. Same rules, prizes, everything? (nm) by
on 2014-09-04 21:13:00 UTC
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I hope you're not volunteering me to fulfill prizes... (nm) by
on 2014-09-05 05:32:00 UTC
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No, checking if the rules and such would be the same. (nm) by
on 2014-09-05 05:33:00 UTC
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Twas a joke. by
on 2014-09-05 05:35:00 UTC
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Especially since now part of my job description involves being voluntold for some very random things.
I wouldn't know. (nm) by
on 2014-09-05 05:42:00 UTC
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As someone unqualified to participate... by
on 2014-09-04 19:18:00 UTC
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I think that sounds like a really neat idea. I'd like to see these newer Agents bouncing off each other and the older characters who are still around; build up some characterization as well as the world. I imagine the cutoff dates mentioned would have to change?
On that note, are any of the currently occupied RC's next to each other? Because I don't believe I've seen many agents interacting with "neigbors." Then again the geometry of HQ is pretty bizarre... -
I imagine some would have to be. by
on 2014-09-04 20:57:00 UTC
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HQ isn't just a bunch of disconnected RCs all in their own pocket dimension, after all.
Re: I imagine some would have to be. by
on 2014-09-04 22:18:00 UTC
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Personally, I subscribe to the idea that HQ seems to move continuously. Just because you walked out your door, turned left, then right, then passed three intersections, turned left again and the Cafeteria is the first door on the right one day that that will ever be the directions to get to the Cafeteria from your RC ever again. (Unless of course, you were trying to explain that to a newbie and it suddenly was the same route several times in a row, just so the Ironic Overpower could screw with you).
In which case, your neighbors would constantly be changing. I don't remember which story I got the idea from originally, but it was one where an agent taped a piece of string to the door across the hall, went to sleep, and the next morning the string seemed to be miles long and led through Escher rooms or something like that.
It might all be an illusion, because our four dimensional minds can't properly perceive the reality of HQ, which is why when agents addle themselves and don't pay attention to where they are going, some part of their subconscious makes the right direction choices where if they were thinking about it they'd go the wrong way constantly because of the false perceptions.
Anyway, that might not make any sense, but there's the basics of how I how I see movement in HQ
Oh, cool! Will be watching with interest... (nm) by
on 2014-09-05 15:52:00 UTC
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Crap! by
on 2014-09-05 15:53:00 UTC
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This was supposed to be a comment on the post below...
how the hell did it get up here??? -
Language. (nm) by
on 2014-09-05 15:58:00 UTC
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I have got this idea... by
on 2014-09-05 19:21:00 UTC
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I want to try my hand at writing Harry Potter fanfic again. I tried to before but trust it came out badly. I published just the first chapter, stopped and took it down. The beginning was too cliche, the main character's origin was a bit too close to Harry's and her powers were kind of Sue-ish.
I going to try something different this time. Basically, my main character is a young witch who knows her heritage, who comes from a Wizarding family that has mixed with Muggleborns and Half-Bloods in recent generations. As a result, she knows perfectly well about magic but lives in a Muggle neighborhood and has been going to school. The story would begin when she deduces that her best friend is a Muggleborn and thus reveals her true identity.
I have never read something similar to this, but if you have could recommend me a good story with a main character like this? It would give me a better idea of how to execute it. All OC stories I have read so far were of Muggleborns or of backstories similar to Harry's.
Hmm... by
on 2014-09-05 19:39:00 UTC
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I can't say I have heard of any stories like that, but this is an interesting concept.
Dammit. Now I have a Potter-related plotbunny. A young muggle-born witch is born to muggle "Witches" (practitioners of Wicca) in Salem, and confusion flies on a broomstick when Wiccan witchcraft meets Potter wizardry. Working title, of course, would be "Witchcraft and Wizardry" or summat.
Can anyone point me to that one Potter goodfic that takes place in the United States, so I can have an example of how U.S. wizarding schools work? -
I can! by
on 2014-09-05 21:15:00 UTC
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Well, there is the Alexandra Quick series. Its not actually set in Salem, but in a place called Charmbridge Academy though. Its quite insteresting. You got a deeply flawed but believable main character, elements that are completely different from the Britanic Wizarding World... But, I got to warn you that this thing gets darker than most of HP pretty quickly.
On magic and electronic devices. by
on 2014-09-06 23:29:00 UTC
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Fellow Potterheads, help me with something here. We know that electronics installing go haywire in Hogwarts. But Hogwarts is an institution where students and teachers have practice a lot of magic daily for a period of over a millennium.
So if you were to have a house were a Wizarding family has moved since only about five years old ago and where they don't use a lot of magic daily, since they live in a Muggle neighborhood and have Muggle relatives in both the parents' families, would things like electrodomestics work in that house or not? -
"There’s too much magic in the air”" by
on 2014-09-07 19:34:00 UTC
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probably applies only to places like Hogwarts, St. Mungo’s, the Ministry of Magic or the Quidditch World Cup campsite. But I would like to see some malfunctions, and the wizards complaining that the device doesn’t work as well as the Muggle salesperson had promised, and the Muggle repairperson not being able to find the problem. They may never realize that it only malfunctions when they use a lot of magic over a short time, because using magic is so normal to them that they don’t recognize this as a special condition. Did they ever read Hogwarts: A History?
HG -
I think most people have never Hogwarts: A history by
on 2014-09-07 19:50:00 UTC
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Those are some interesting ideas. But I was planning to start the story long after they have moved to the house.
Maybe I could incorporate it after my main character discover that the best friend she thought was a Muggle is going to Hogwarts.
Like a explanation of why a cell phone or a digital watch wouldn´t work at Hogwarts but do work at her house and then have one of the parents tell a funny story or have someone have a flashback to the time something like you described
happened. -
Re: On magic and electronic devices. by
on 2014-09-07 19:11:00 UTC
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I sort of always thought that Hogwarts's "jamming" properties were not so much just a result of a bunch of general magic having been practiced there as they were an intentional or unintentional effect of the absolutely ridiculous number of protective spells placed on the area. I don't really have anything to back that up, but I'd be surprised if jamming teleportation, scrying, certain types of flight, and a whole bunch of other things didn't also screw with electromagnetic fields.
That makes sense by
on 2014-09-07 19:37:00 UTC
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Yeah, all the dozens of powerful Wards probably would screw them up. Of course, it could be one, the other or any combination of the two. Personally, I am just looking at the cummulative magic angle right now. The family in my fic wouldn´t have any sort of Wards as well after all.
I would say they do... by
on 2014-09-07 00:15:00 UTC
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...since Hogwarts is the only place specifically stated to be like that in canon.
I thought as much by
on 2014-09-07 03:11:00 UTC
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I just wanted it clarified, that's all. It is bad just... I have seen some pretty bad stuff regarding this, where fanfic writers handwave things like four wizards living a house and using magic all the time but having a phone still work or even Glaurunging uncanonical abominations like magical laptops! Obviously I don't to become like that, so I am asking.
What is the Answer and Why? by
on 2014-09-06 01:55:00 UTC
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“Aye,” said Des, lifting his cup of tea. “A toast to the PPC, where meeting masked aliens is perfectly normal.” He grinned widely and sipped. Blinking, he looked around. “Say, you guy were from which Department again...?”
"The one with no flash patches," said the Guardsman. by
on 2014-09-06 02:49:00 UTC
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Naya glared at him under her visor. "Give people straight answers when they ask questions!"
"We are Special Response Officers from the Department of Internal Affairs," said Terabyte. "We agreed that our combat skills would better serve the PPC if we were to defend Headquarters directly. Our knowledge of canon was fairly limited and covered only our home continuum. External Security had no openings so we chose to serve in the DIA."
The Guardsman swallowed half of his cheeseburger and added: "Since we're not in the Patrol Division we don't get out as much but when we do get a call..."
"Things have gone very, very wrong in someone's mission," finished Naya. "We can be called in as extra muscle for taking down tougher-than-usual Suvians or to rescue Agents who may have been incapacitated."
The Time Lord, having finished his burger in the time it took Naya to finish her sentence, took a large gulp of water. "Speaking of rescue missions, remember that Sphinx officer? The one that went berserk and nearly killed her partner? Yeah, I head she's a Floater now and she's saddled with a metal bird."
"A Skarmory, I believe," said Terabyte. Its hologram looked at Des. "Have you heard of her?" -
Grey Area by
on 2014-09-06 03:07:00 UTC
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Des scratched his goatee. “A sphinx? No, don't tell me, I think I know something...” he muttered. For a few moments he mumbled to himself. “Giza? I think I've heard something from a friend of a friend in Medical about a sphinx... something something Giza, wasn't it? Didn't know she got transferred to Floaters, though.”
He put his elbows on the table and leaned his chin on his entwined fingers. “You know, my last partner was this close to going flamethrower-crazy, and he was just an Elf with a magic sword. I shudder at the thought of a Sphinx going batshit insane.” -
"I could take her." by
on 2014-09-07 02:22:00 UTC
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Naya and Terabyte whipped around to look at the Guardsman, currently digging into his cheesecake. "What?" he said. "It's easy. All you need is a staser pistol set to stun and a steady hand. If you keep your wits about you as she charges, you can easily knock out the target from a safe distance."
"She nearly shredded her partner to death with a psychic energy attack. I don't know about you, but I don't think regeneration can fix being piledriven into the ground by an all-powerful psiwave," said Naya.
The Guardsman considered this piece of information for a few seconds, then shrugged. "Call Taldaris," he said. "He and his partner can deal with it."
"So brave," said Naya, rolling her eyes even though the opaque visor made this a pointless gesture. "How did you survive the Time War?"
"Most of the time I didn't!" beamed the Guardsman. "Thank goodness for time travel. My timeline is just a bunch of our guys coming from the future to cover an angle or to pull me out of the line of fire. I hate to think what happened to my unit in all of the other timelines that prompted all of the time travel in the first place. Ooh! I still got my helmet-cam footage! I should really get around to watching that. Maybe I'll find out what happened to poor Yannogarsil. Y'see, we couldn't find him anywhere after the Nightmare Child emerged from its--"
"That's quite enough, thank you," sighed Naya. "Maybe you can talk about your military career some other time. Like when you're not having dinner with someone else, for example."
"You brought it up," said the Guardsman as he turned back to his dessert.
Sensing that it would be a good time to change subject, Terabyte ventured a question: "Agent Desdendelle: query. What weapons are you qualified to wield? I am gathering statistics among the few people I meet. Interestingly, there appears to be a noticeable bias towards mêlée weapons as opposed to firearms. Unless I have only interacted with agents assigned to low-technology continua, I cannot understand why PPC action personnel do not arm themselves with more efficient weapons." -
Gunboat Diplomat by
on 2014-09-07 05:42:00 UTC
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Des pretty much ignored the Guardsman and his argument with Naya, paying attention to Terabyte instead.
“I'm using a Border Axe,” he answered. “Basically, an axe from the Torchlight II continuum that has an electrified blade as well as some sort of space-time anomaly around its head. I also have a cupboard full of E.ψ.Ǝ: Divine Cybermancy guns – I raided a Jian Shang Di armoury with Anebrin, once – but I didn't have a chance to use them. The reason is, mostly, that I come from this weird alternate universe where guns don't exist.” -
"Kinetic firearms, correct? by
on 2014-09-08 03:45:00 UTC
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Terabyte's hologram nodded sagely. "Kinetic firearms generally superior to directed-energy weapons. Mechanism usually easier to clean, maintain, and repair. Statistics report fewer misfires in kinetic weapons than laser weapons. A good weapon for a Floater or Assassin. Mêlée weapon choice original. Query: how does the space-time anomaly affect weapon performance?"
Naya leaned towards Terabyte's holographic representation. "I know what you're thinking. No, you may not have a sword or a mace. Stick to your shotgun and SMG: your platform sustains enough damage as it is with our close-quarters strategies. No need to put you one step closer to the Sue, right? Remember: if you get your core punched out, I might not get to your platform in time to pull you out before the batteries die."
The geth's camera-eyes focused on different parts of Naya's visor. "Suggestion acknowledged," said the sentient AI. Apparently, it wasn't going to give up on the idea anytime soon. -
The Ends of Invention by
on 2014-09-08 14:09:00 UTC
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“Quite right,” Des answered. “Those are indeed kinetic weapons. There's actually quite a story behind them.” He smiled. “You see, the E.ψ.Ǝ-verse is set in the typical dystopic sci-fi far future. The human race used to use lasers and sumsuch, but suddenly those monsters called the Metastreumonic Force appeared – lore says they're basically manifestations of the planets whose ecologies the humans ruined – and they were completely immune to CREWs. So the Feds, the looters, and even the Secreta Secretorum started using weapons from the “Dark Ages” again. Nasty things; I have this sniper rifle there that can down an Interceptor-class gunship in two shots.”
He drank from his cup and sighed. “Didn't actually use that, though; I suspect the recoil would kinda pulverise my arm. Anyway. Uhm.”
Des looked at his axe. “You asked about the anomaly. Well, you see, in the Torchlight-verse you can put those little magical gems called Ember into weapons and armour. There are lots of different types of them, and my axe has two slotted; one is responsible for the electricity, and the other – a Chaos Ember shard – makes it move faster than expected. The benefits are twofold: one, you can hit things faster, and two, it's confusing for your opponents.”
Another pause, where the human rubbed his goatee. “From what Naya said I assume you're a ranged fighter, Terabyte?” -
My combat software... by
on 2014-09-08 16:33:00 UTC
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" optimized for CQC encounters, hence my use of a SMG and a shotgun in combat. Emiranlanoamar is a skilled rifleman and Naya functions as our mini-unit's designated marksman. Seeing as my platform is simply a shell of metal that I control, I can afford to take damage and risks that an organic may not. In other words, my body is expendable. Combined with a kinetic barrier generator to stop bullets and machine reflexes, I can neutralize most threats in an efficient matter."
The Guardsman laughed though his mouthful of cheesecake, spraying dessert in front of him. "Ha! Oh, whoops. Sorry 'bout that. Lemme wipe that... Right. What TB means to say is 'I like to play hero all the time'. Seriously TB: stop doing that. Naya and I have to repair your platform on a nearly daily basis! You're gonna have to face the facts: if it's not half-dead and face-down on the floor, it's safer to plug a few bullets in that Sue's brain than try to take it alive for DMSER. You wielding a sword isn't going to make your captures safer or more efficient. You're just exposing yourself to more damage."
The Guardman looked at Des. "Ever had a partner like this?" -
Use Psychology by
on 2014-09-08 18:50:00 UTC
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“No, not really,” Des replied. “Anebrin was pretty cautious, right up until the end when he snapped.”
He made a face, his mouth forming a diagonal line. “Anyway, the Librarian is not a fighter. I was once partnered with a... urm, what's the word, Drider? I think? And, well, being a giant-spider-cum-Drow hybrid, she was suitably... disgusting. Ate human meat and stuff.” He rubbed his goatee. “You know, Terabyte, I'm surprised you don't have self-preservation routines or something similar. Your partners might not be able to transfer your code to another body if the current one goes to the birds.” -
"What you're looking at..." by
on 2014-09-09 03:09:00 UTC
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" actually a perfect example of geth combat doctrine!" said Naya. "When a geth army takes to the field, they bring thousands and thousands of spare combat platforms with them. With the proper wireless setup, the geth can flash-upload themselves back into a computer and into a new body if their original platform is destroyed. The geth can then simply swarm an opponent to death without 'losing' a single unit. TB here," she patted her Omni-tool, "still hasn't grown out of the habit just yet. I guess it's a part of learning how to adapt to working with organics: we don't have the same mentality when peeking a corner or storming a room. What counts as suicide for us organics is simply a temporary setback for a synthetic. It just so happens that this synthetic has to learn how to act organic. Isn't that right, Terabyte?"
The geth's hologram actually managed to look sheepish by avoiding her look. "You are correct."
Meanwhile, the Guardsman frowned and mouthed "Drider" to himself as Des talked. Realization flitted across his features only to be quickly replaced by disgust. "Ye gods! I think I saw one of them-- not sure if it was her-- a earlier today out in the corridors. Note to self: never end up in the same room as one of them. They sound positively horrifying." -
Fate Amenable to Change by
on 2014-09-09 17:53:00 UTC
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“Oh, she was a nice enough person,” Des said. “But, again, eating human flesh. Ew. Thankfully, she was a Drowtales Drider; I don't want to know how that mission would have ended if she was a Forgotten Realms one – those are about as Always Chaotic Evil as a race can get aside from Demons. Brr.”
He took another sip from his tea. “That's an interesting idea, replaceable bodies like that,” he said. “Sounds kinda similar to what the Culture does. There are, of course, differences.” -
Terabyte's camera-eyes dimmed... by
on 2014-09-10 03:32:00 UTC
Link to this it appeared to be deep in thought. "Error: no context-relevant matches for search terms 'Culture', 'replaceable body'. Please expand," said the VI.
Meanwhile, the Guardsman was muttering a tirade to himself. "...and depravities such as eating flesh. Can someone tell me why the PPC hires weird things like Daleks and talking animals and spider-people? No, Naya, I know about the short-staffing issue but maybe the Organization can at least have some minimum recruiting standards? As in: 'don't be a chaotic evil monster' or 'if people are on your menu, go away' or even 'if it looks like you don't belong in a normal setting, stay at home'?"
"I'll be sure to tell Taldaris and Fire Flash that you think they shouldn't be in the PPC," whispered back Naya.
"Hey, don't be like that. Taldaris is the coolest alien around-- no exceptions-- and Fire Flash is probably the only DIA agent that can use cartoon physics to get away with being smashed though five walls without anything more than a messy mane and grey smudges on her armour. They got their uses!"
Naya, obviously having had this conversation many times before, rolled her eyes and mmhed as she tried to reconnect her drink's straw back into her helmet port without a mirror to guide her fingers. -
Subtle Shift in Emphasis by
on 2014-09-10 14:05:00 UTC
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“Just a moment, if you will, Terabyte,” Des said. He gave the Guardsman a “you're spewing nonsense” look. “Look, Guardsman, aside from the ew-iness Riaa'lzhor is an OK person, and, besides, who's supposed to judge what a normal setting is? I have a feeling that a mongol that is used to eat horses would be just as terrifying for a Pony, or a human eating crabs to an Oct. Do not judge hastily, my friend, for this is the cause of many a woe.”
He turned back to Terabyte. “To put it succinctly, The Culture is a continuum of books by the late Iain M. Banks. Its, um, protagonist culture – The Culture – is extremely high-tech; way more sophisticated than the Time Lords. They have the technology to read the mind of a being and store a copy somewhere; combined with the ability to create new bodies from blueprints, some Culturniks back up their minds before doing something dangerous. That's what I meant by replaceable bodies. It raises interesting philosophical questions, too...” -
The Guardsman opened his mouth... by
on 2014-09-11 01:52:00 UTC
Link to this object but instead let out a small yelp of pain. As he bent down to rub his now-aching shin, Naya leaned back and smirked behind her visor. "What's wrong, Time Lord? Is your leg acting up again? The doctors did tell you to avoid doing foolish things for a day or two. If you keep this up, your leg won't heal properly!"
The Guardsman grumbled something that could be interpreted as an apology to Des and continued to rub his shin.
Meanwhile, Terabyte paid close attention to Des' words. Its holographic head perked up at the mention of philosophical questions. "Ship of Theseus paradox! Is something that has had all of its components replaced the same entity? Dualism! Are the mind and body truly separate? Subject already difficult for organics to figure out, even more so when applied to synthetic life forms! Example: my consciousness is made of machine language. Where is the 'soul' in the binary bits? My 'body' is whatever computer is executing my runtimes. Replace it by any other machine and it will still be me. Example..."
"Aw, you've gone and made him passionate!" said Naya as her partner nattered on. "It's so cute when it does that. I can tell TB is really going to enjoy having a more permanent body when we upgrade its power cell unit."
The quarian shifted her legs a bit (making the Guardsman flinch away) and looked back at Des. "Also: I apologize for my partner's rude behaviour. Believe it or not, he was actually worse when he first saw us non-Time Lords! But you're working on it, aren't you, Emiran?"
"Yes, miss," said the Guardsman grudgingly, arms crossed and sporting a frown.
"That's the spirit."
- - -
((This RP has actually given me a really good handle on my DIA trio. I just have to actually post something that involves them :P)) -
It's Character-Forming by
on 2014-09-11 08:42:00 UTC
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Des looked from Naya to the Guardsman before focusing on Terabyte again. “There is that, yes,” he said. “Chew on this, though: suppose a guy gets his mind-state saved in the Hub of the Orbital where he lives, then proceeds to go and do something stupid enough to get him killed – pretty hard in a Culture Orbital, BTW, with the Hub's constant monitoring. They resurrect his back-up in an identical body. Is that the same person? I'm not so sure... first of all, it's a copy, there is no continuity between it and the original; and second, its memories are different.”
Terabyte answered almost instantaneously. by
on 2014-09-12 04:35:00 UTC
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"That is difficult to say. Let us assume that every sentient thing has a 'soul' inside it. I am not using 'soul' in the religious way: I define it as the quality that living beings have that bind their thoughts and memories into something more than just thoughts and memories. After all, memories and thoughts by themselves are just data and lines of code respectively.
"If a clone of the deceased is brought back to life, is the 'soul' still there? If yes, then it is the same person, minus the memories of the experience that caused their life. If not, it is a machine that dreams of life, a mere ghost in a organic shell."
"That's very poetic, TB," said Naya, "but what about you? You back up your data on a regular basis. If something were to happen to you and we were to reactivate that iteration of yourself and stick it back into your platform, would it still be you?"
Terabyte paused. "Yes?" the geth ventured. "It would still be me, albeit in a new body. I simply wouldn't have been there for the catastrophic event.
"Precisely. It wouldn't be the you that got snuffed," said the Guardsman from his brooding corner. "That unique you would be destroyed. Gone. Instead, we'd have a TB that knew it was a backup and acted as a replacement for a TB that was destroyed. I'm siding with Desdendelle here."
"So am I," said Naya.
Terabyte tilted its head to the side as it reflected on its partners' input. -
Just the Washing Instructions Chip in Life's Rich Tapestry by
on 2014-09-12 10:27:00 UTC
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“Let me ask you something more complicated, then,” Des said. “Imagine that the mind-state of someone is read, and then sent as a holographic message of sorts – no body involved – while the original continues with their life. The mind-state changes as a result of its mission. Is it still the same person?”
"That's easy," said the geth. by
on 2014-09-13 04:01:00 UTC
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"The computerized mind-state is still the same person-- it will act like the original in any given situation. If something happens to the Virtual person that does not happen to the Organic, then the Virtual person can be said to be some sort of 'AU' of the other; same in every respect save for one thing."
Terabyte, satisfied with its answer, watched Des for his reaction. -
Experiencing a Significant Gravitas Shortfall by
on 2014-09-13 14:58:00 UTC
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“I'm not so sure,” Des said. “Suppose the mind-state finished its mission and is sent back to where its originator lives and they meet each other. They will not be identical, for they had different experiences by that time; that suggests that, while they are very similar, they are actually different people right now.”
He drank the last drops of tea from his cup and poured himself another shot of Cointreau. -
Well... by
on 2014-09-14 23:27:00 UTC
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It seems like this is it for this thread. SeaTurtle, please send me a mail (my address is up there in this post) so I'll be able to send you the GDerp once I finish transcribing what we have here into it.
Email away! by
on 2014-09-15 02:46:00 UTC
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And thanks for RPing with me!
Beta reader wanted by
on 2014-09-06 14:55:00 UTC
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I'm almost done with the two prompts I need for my Permission request, but something about them still feels off. Time for me to ask for a second opinion! Please email me if you're interested; I've enabled comments/edits on both Google Docs, and my email should be linked to my username.
Project Asterion by
on 2014-09-06 15:46:00 UTC
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Uh... this seems stupid. I don't even have permission yet. ah well, here goes.
Project Asterion is the tentative name for a... I don't know? Offshoot of the PPC that deals with horrible writing and mary sues outside of the realm of fanfiction. their primary targets are Internet stories like those found on Quotev and published series like Twilight or The Inheritance Cycle.
They (depending on how much they clash with PPC canon) may share technology and a portion of headquarters with the PPC.
I'm asking if anyone likes this particular idea or not. or how much it clashes with established canon. -
Additional information by
on 2014-09-06 16:11:00 UTC
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Asterion follows much of the same rules as the PPC in terms of conduct.
The word worlds in non-fanfiction writing are not as prone to bizarre literal interpretations of the words due to the fact that a published work usually has proper grammar, but unpublished works like those found on Quotev operate like standard fic word worlds.
Agents for the project are referred to as "Operators". Assassins are known as Eliminators and bad slashers are called FVU's(short for fictional victims unit)
Operators have access to most of the same equipment as agents(provided that Asterion does not clash with PPC canon too much), such as disguise generators, but they have their own variant of a CAD that is split into 3 different devices.
the IAD(implausibility analysis device)used for detecting how many natural laws are violated in the setting(only brought along for realistic universes), PAD(power analysis device)used for detecting the power of a character, and R/BAD(realism/believability analysis device)used for detecting the realism or believability of a character's behavior, backstory, or personality traits.
the sues defeated by the operators of Asterion eventually regenerate if they come from a published work(the sporkings of a published work are to provide a literary criticism), but those of unpublished internet stories can only regenerate if fanfics are written about them(which is unlikely).
I am going to think up of an origin story to Asterion if it fits with PPC canon.
any logic gaps? If so, fill me in. -
My thoughts. by
on 2014-09-07 00:40:00 UTC
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What is it that makes these guys not the PPC? You've said that they're going to 'follow much of the same rules', and may share* tech, and even living space. If all that is true, then why aren't they just Agents of the PPC?
The main procedural difference is that these guys will go into published works - something that the PPC has rules against. So what makes your 'Operators' significantly different from rule-breaking Agents? The other difference that you've noted is a bunch of name changes... well, if it looks likea duckan Agent, quacks likea duckan Agent(?) and acts likea duckan Agent, then whatever you call it, I'm going to see it asa duckan Agent.
Thinking specifically of the Eliminators and FVUs, etc. it seems unlikely to me that an independent organisation would break its operations groups up using the exact same structure as the PPC, just with different names. Personally, I think you should try and make Asterion more different from the PPC.
There's no reason that you can't have your own organisation that's associated with the PPC, after all, there are plenty of others already - various OFUs have had direct links, and I believe Ispace used to be on friendly terms with the PPC. I've got an organisation of my own that I'm planning on throwing into the mix, I just haven't got around to actually writing anything about it yet. The point is, all of these other affiliates have a different niche that they operate in.
In-universe, I'd think that the PPC would welcome allies (assuming that they're still perpetually understaffed), particularly if operate in a similar manner and have shared goals. It'd make the alliance a lot smoother than if they've got wildly opposing goals.
Out-of-universe, I think you'd have to make the organisation significantly different from the PPC, otherwise it's going to look uncomfortably close to plagiarism / an attempt to circumvent the Permission process.
*when you say that they may share technology, does that mean that Asterion has some unique tech of its own to offer? The CAD alternatives don't seem like they would offer any major advantage to an Agent. I'm just wondering what sort of tech sharing you were imagining. -
RE:what makes these guys not PPC by
on 2014-09-07 02:06:00 UTC
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the main rules followed are codes of conduct(no trolling, no offensive jokes, etc.)
the main thing that differentiates operators from agents is procedure: while the basic procedure is the same, operators typically(when deployed to canon works) are deployed in groups of 5-6 and are more skilled in intelligence gathering( due to the fact that they wait until an opportune moment to assassinate, which typically takes longer than with a fanfic,and also target multiple sues per book).
It isn't an attempt to circumvent permission. If you don't want me to write for it, I won't.
They're more of a subset of the PPC than a true independent organization. the flowers tolerate them because they share many of the same goals as the PPC.
Asterion does not use it's own original technology.
What kind of significant differences do you want? -
So basically... by
on 2014-09-07 09:40:00 UTC
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It's sort of a sub-organization of the PPC that does things the PPC has rules against?
... Dude, that's pretty much a big no-go here. Remember, the PPC protects canon.
On an in-universe view, the Flowers (capital F, by the way) would not tolerate a sub-organization of the PPC going around killing the very characters the main organization protects.
Remember, as much as we hate Bella Swan for being one of the biggest Sues ever published, PPC Agents will still save her ass if someone tries to kill her, because it's canon for her to be alive. They would not be happy about having to, but it's the Duty.
Original fiction is more of a gray area - they're not "formally" published but they're their own canon - so the PPC simply doesn't touch them. I think it would be still in bad taste to mission them through a mission by a PPC subsidiary or a PPC-like independent organization, but that's my personal opinion.
I didn't understand if you want to mission fanfiction too, but since you're pretty much making a PPC clone... the really polite way is to mission those by getting Permission and writing for the main PPC.
Remember, if you want to make an independent organization, that's fine and we will wish you everything good for it. "Piggybacking" on the PPC the way you're implying or plagiarizing its stuff is Not Cool. -
I screwed up again, didn't I? (nm) by
on 2014-09-07 13:57:00 UTC
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I'm afraid so. But don't worry too much about it. by
on 2014-09-07 15:05:00 UTC
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Everyone comes up with bad ideas every once in a while, after all.
I think such a thing works better if not related to the PPC. by
on 2014-09-06 22:51:00 UTC
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In fact, I'm pretty sure the Flowers wouldn't be too happy if soeone goes around killing Canon Sues.
While I'm not a PG, I'm afraid having Asterion and the PPC share a continuity is a no-go.
Banishing Sue-Wraiths in Harry Potter Badfics by
on 2014-09-06 21:07:00 UTC
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So, the spell Expecto Patronus is mainly used to drive off Dementors, but it is also known to harm other types of Dark Creatures. My question is, could an agent native to the HP continua who encounters a possessed character in a HP badfic use that spell to weaken the Wraith and facilitate banishment?
Interesting. by
on 2014-09-08 09:26:00 UTC
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This is actually very closely related to a thread from last month, which featured banishments native to LotR, Pokemon, and, er, Wicca. In that thread, we read the 'proper combination' (ie, PPC standard) as modelled on the Bell-Book-Candle method of traditional Catholic exorcisms, but modified to invoke canon, rather than God. We then assumed that the same would work for other canons - take a canonical banishment method, and adapt it to protect canon.
I think using Expecto Patronum to banish a wraith falls into the same category. It's a canonical wraith-banisher, after all. But if you just use EP, then you have to explain why a character in the story casting it doesn't have the same effect.
I suppose it could be that PPC Agents' patronae (?) act against canon-unfriendliness, while canon characters' don't... but I think it'd be more fun to modify things slightly. So, what does a Patronus Charm look like? According to the HP wiki:
To successfully cast the spell, one must muster the happiest memory they can think of (the happier the memory, the better the charm will work) and begin drawing circles with their wand so as to increase the power of their spell. They must then say the incantation, "Expecto Patronum"; the Patronus will come from the tip of the wand and can be directed towards a target by pointing one's wand at said target.
Assuming we don't want to alter the words of the spell, that gives us two things we can change: the memory, and the 'drawing circles'. The first is easy - rather than a happy memory, require the agent to concentrate hard on remembering the canon. Then, either keep the circles - or require them to draw something related to the canon.
And remember, this isn't something that can only take place in HP-verse; we use neuralysers outside Men In Black, don't we? So let's decontextualise it a little...
"Keep him steady!"
"That's not as easy as you make it sound!" Freckles called back, leaping over a fallen tree. Frodo was barely three paces behind her. "Why couldn't we have had a normal mission, huh?" she demanded. "One where Frodo's a wuss, not a psychop-eek!" She dodged around the hobbit's attempted decapitation, curved around a bramble thicket, and headed back towards her partner. "Get a move on!"
Sandra closed her eyes, focussing on the images that were by now burned into her brain: Frodo Baggins sitting under a tree, book in hand, glancing up as he heard Gandalf approaching. After watching the movie so many times, the memory was as vivid as reality: the green of the leaves, the softness of the grass, the incredible blue of Frodo's eyes.
"Expecto Patronum," she murmured, raising her wand - actually a miniature version of Gandalf's staff - and sketching a five-pointed star in the air. "Expecto Patronum..."
Freckles screamed, only a few yards away, and Sandra's eyes snapped open. "Expecto Patronum!"
A burning white shaft of light burst from her wand, lancing past Freckles and striking the ground in front of Psycho!Frodo. Out of that electric glow leapt the blazing form of her Patronus, and Frodo had no time to run.
The wraith was hurled out of Frodo, flying backwards across the clearing, and passed through half a dozen trees before it had time to recover. It swirled back towards its victim, desperate to regain its host - and completely missed Freckles leaping in from the side, jar in hand.
Holding the trapped wraith up, Freckles glared at her partner. "Two things," she said.
"Go on."
"One: never do that to me again. And two: your Patronus is a squirrel?"
... I think there might be a 'Sandra and Freckles Experiment With Exorcisms' story in the works, I'm having far too much fun with this.
hS -
I like this by
on 2014-09-08 20:07:00 UTC
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The wand movement was actually never described in the books and I'm not sure whether it was shown in the movies. The HP wiki got it from the Video Game Wonderbook: Book of Spells, so it's not exactly canon.
Also, "a happy memory" is what Lupin said teaching Harry, but Lupin also said that he wasn't an expert. On later occasions, Harry used "a happy thought", like expecting to live with Sirius, expecting to escape from the maze of the third task and to celebrate with Ron and Hermione, or imagining Professor Umbridge being sacked.
HG -
You got a fair point there by
on 2014-09-08 19:00:00 UTC
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Yes, PPC agents do tend to use technology or other canon-specific techniques outside their original contexts, but also I seem to also remember that for example, you could use a neuralyzer on a HP-verse Canon, but a Memory Charm would work better.
So yes, I guess you could use a modified Patronus on any possessed Canon from any continua, but it probably would work on a HP one, wouldn´t it?
Your points about that modifications upon the nature of the thoughts while casting and the wand motions make perfect sense.
Also, may be then we could work with the HFA to modify Muggle-use Wands to include this modified version of the spell?
And apparently the plural of Patronus is Patronuses according to the HP Wikia. -
What a cool idea! by
on 2014-09-08 00:11:00 UTC
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(Also, the spell is Expecto Patronum. Just for future reference.)
Oh yeah, thanks for correcting that by
on 2014-09-08 01:38:00 UTC
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Honestly I don't know how I screwed that up * sweatdrops like an anime character *
That's kind of brilliant. (nm) by
on 2014-09-07 04:01:00 UTC
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Thank you Ailavyn (nm) by
on 2014-09-07 17:35:00 UTC
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I don't see why not. by
on 2014-09-06 22:48:00 UTC
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After all, exorcisms in the PPC are pretty much "whatever gets the job done". We have a "proper" combination (light, loud sound, circle and source of canon), but it doesn't get used every time.
A Patronus would be a pretty good source of light, too, so it can even fit into the "proper" exorcism! -
Also... Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! by
on 2014-09-07 18:38:00 UTC
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Hi Sergio! We haven´t been introduced yet. I´m a fellow Nanoha and Sakura fan and also a fan of your PPC work. I really like that Air Combat mission you did and those two you co-wrote with firemagic!
Thank you! by
on 2014-09-07 18:45:00 UTC
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Didn't think I would find a fellow CCS fan here, considering how old the series is.
Thank you for your support, and be on the lookout for new Blank Sprite chapters!*
*Warning: New Blank Sprite chapter might take months before being published. -
I will be looking up to it! by
on 2014-09-07 19:20:00 UTC
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Well, the original run of the series here in Brazil started around 2000, when I was still in elementary school, so I caught when it was fairly new. Luckly we were graced with a fairly good dub that didn´t butcher pretty much anything (I am making look at you, Card Captors!)
Of course, recently I have read all of the manga and watched the subbed version of the anime.
Good to know you will have some stuff up, even if it does take you a while. -
P.S. by
on 2014-09-07 18:55:00 UTC
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I don't know how well you know Madoka Magica, but if you do you might want to check my fanfiction on
It's called Irregulars, and is a crossover between Nanoha and Madoka Magica. Just a little warning, it suffers from the same slow updating speed as Blank Sprite. -
Oh cool! I love Madoka Magica! by
on 2014-09-07 19:54:00 UTC
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I certainly check that up! again, don´t worry about the update
rate. I am a loyal and patient fan! -
Hadn't thought of that aspect of it by
on 2014-09-06 23:15:00 UTC
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It would make a good light source, wouldn't? Thanks for providing that
bit of information. While are on the subject, would casting a Sonorus charm and then casting the Patronus under its effect be enough of a loud sound to fulfill that part of the ritual? -
That makes quite a but if sense, actually! (nm) by
on 2014-09-07 00:12:00 UTC
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Interesting spoonerism. (nm) by
on 2014-09-07 03:50:00 UTC
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Spoonerism? by
on 2014-09-07 17:52:00 UTC
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Would that be related to the great Spoony One?
Not quite. by
on 2014-09-07 20:07:00 UTC
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Here, have a read.
Warning: Time-sink. -
Thanks for the link! by
on 2014-09-07 20:29:00 UTC
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Seems like no matter how long or much you wiki wank in Tv Tropes, there is always a new trope to read and then start a
new wank. See you a couple of hours... or months... or years.
Newbie saying hello by
on 2014-09-07 18:35:00 UTC
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Hey Boarders! A friend of mine has been telling me about this site for a while now and on Friday I finally decided to check it out. Two days later I have become completely obsessed with it. I've been getting lost in the wiki pages and reading up on all the history and what not. I can't wait to get more involved and read up more on the agents. But I wanted to take the time to say hi and introduce myself. You can switch my name around anyway you want I'll respond to probably any variation of it. So yeah, I guess I"ll see you guys in the forums!
Hai! by
on 2014-09-11 07:27:00 UTC
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Have a plushie PPC agent! They're cuddly and dangerous at the same time! :) -
Welcome aBoard! by
on 2014-09-10 15:44:00 UTC
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Have a trumpeting fish with urple scales! As long as you don't look at her directly, I don't think the color will drive you insane...
Hello! by
on 2014-09-09 02:15:00 UTC
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Wow, quite a few fandoms, I see? Is Pokemon perhaps one of them? It's one of mine.
Speaking of which, your newbie gift. As is my custom for new Boarders with many fandoms, have a Ditto! And not just any Ditto; like Ditty from Pokemon Adventures, it can transform into any shape it wishes, not just whatever is in front of it. -
Pokemon by
on 2014-09-09 23:00:00 UTC
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I've actually been eyeing the show and all for a while now. I know a lot of people into it so maybe this weekend I'll finally give it ago. Also that is a the niftiest gift I have ever seen. I will put it to good use thanks!
Happy Newbie day! by
on 2014-09-08 02:37:00 UTC
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... Honestly, I just show up for goodfic posts and presents nowadays, but here you go:
Here is one endless skein of string, so that you can backtrack through plotholes and never get lost in the labyrinth of contradiction! Here also are fresh cornbread muffins! And last but not least, have some wilver paint! -
Why thank you! by
on 2014-09-08 03:00:00 UTC
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Understandable. People are busy, but at least you show up some of the time. That's good right? And thank you for the gifts I'm sure they'll all be quite useful in the near future!
(Also while we're on the subject do you have any good fix suggestions?) -
on 2014-09-08 03:03:00 UTC
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I ment goodfics oh my guacamole what is up with me today!
Hello, hello! by
on 2014-09-08 00:09:00 UTC
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Always nice to see a fresh face! (Metaphorically speaking, of course.) I share most of your fandoms, too! I love it when that happens! ^_^ Your newbie gifts are an iron ring to punch Sue-wraiths with, some packs of instant ramen (because reasons), and a Union Jack T-shirt.
Why hello! by
on 2014-09-08 00:19:00 UTC
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Yes metaphoric faces are nice to look at. And yay!Its always great to find fans that share your particular fandom passions.I also absolutely love all three of those gifts. They go so well together!
I'm curious about the origin of the name "kjnitsch" by
on 2014-09-07 20:05:00 UTC
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Hello! I just joined a few days ago myself. Once you've read around I'd love to hear which agents and missions are your favorites, and so on.
Still pretty new to gift-giving so I don't have any signature presents, but here's a deerstalker, a sonic screwdriver, a Mockingjay pin and a glider (Mechanist-style, so you don't need airbending to use it). -
Now I'm curious... by
on 2014-09-08 03:21:00 UTC
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Now you have me wondering. What's the story behind Thantosiet?
Wikia's Captcha Policy by
on 2014-09-08 03:25:00 UTC
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Back when I was just an anon, whenever I wanted to add a photo to an article, I had to do a captcha thing to make sure I wasn't a robot. Surprisingly I got a lot of neat-sounding words instead of just random letters and numbers, and one of them was "Thantosiet."
Wow by
on 2014-09-08 14:43:00 UTC
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Wow that's actually pretty cool! Very original, (and way better then the origin of my email by far)
Its actually my email by
on 2014-09-07 20:11:00 UTC
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So yeah the name is from my email account on yahoo. It got plugged in by accident when I made an account on the Board. I'll be sure to post a working list of favorites once I read more missions. I appreciate the gifts, thanks a ton! They'll be put to good use.
*waves* by
on 2014-09-07 19:14:00 UTC
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Hello and welcome!
I give to you now a lined Infinite Notebook, complete with urple colours and wilver binding. Don't look at it straight on!
-Aila -
*waves back enthusiastically* by
on 2014-09-07 19:50:00 UTC
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I have heard of these afamed Notebooks and will charish it (while wearing sunglasses of course). Thank you!
Sorry guys... by
on 2014-09-07 18:52:00 UTC
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Sorry guys still trying to figure out how the board works. The name is June Blue Night. Not that other thing.
Welcome kjnitsch! by
on 2014-09-07 18:51:00 UTC
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I too lurked quite a bit around the wiki before I joined a few days ago. I take you also The Original Series and the Constitution?
Also, what are your favorite fandoms? do you have any favorite PPC spin-off so far?
Have a Rorschach Book (Changes according to your current reading interests. Think of it as a book your mind writes automatically just for you!) -
Its June Blue, but thanks! by
on 2014-09-07 19:10:00 UTC
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Yes! I've only read part of the Original Series but I have managed to read the rather humorous constitution. I have a giant list of fandoms to be honest. Some include Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Merlin, Supernatural, Avatar: The Last Airbender, the Hunger Games, most Marvel and DC superheroes, Young Justice, and a few others I can't think of at the moment. I haven't read many missions yet to have a favorite so I'll have to get back to you on that one. And I'm not sure if I completely understand the term, but yes I think I do have a Roschach book of sorts. Probably several. And I have to ask is the Board a little slow when it loads for you? I have to wait several minutes every time I reload the page in anyway. But anyway what about you? What fandom's do you enjoy? What's you're favorite mission?
Re: Its June Blue, but thanks! by
on 2014-09-08 12:32:00 UTC
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Hi, have some fudge!
Are you more of a Classic Who fan or New Who? -
Classic/New Who by
on 2014-09-08 14:38:00 UTC
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Originally I was exclusively a new who fan with vague knowledge of the classic series but recently have explored classic who more and become a big fan of it. Mostly because I feel it had more variety back then in terms of companions and doctor potraials. Plus I'm just a big fan of old films in general so seeing the older sets, special effects, and acting styles brings me nerd joy! That in no way means that I'm not still a major fan of current who. Though I do believe Moffat has made a mistep or two. What about you? Have you seen the recent episodes by any chance? (Also thanks for the fudge!)
Re: Classic/New Who by
on 2014-09-09 13:32:00 UTC
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The only new episode I've seen is Eleven's "A Christmas Carol" -- BBC America is a pay-extra cable channel around here.
Some friends of mine have that channel, but I know better than to try watching with them. One of them isn't nearly as good at giving quick recaps as she thinks, and I'd never be able to follow the episode with her talking over it "explaining" who all the characters are. -
Well then hi June Blue by
on 2014-09-07 20:24:00 UTC
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That´s much easier to write.
I have a giant list of fandoms as well. I´m a fellow Potterhead, but I also mainly like Nanoha, Sakura, Sailor Moon, Mass Effect, Kana: Little Sister, Katawa Shoujo and Clannad.
A Rorschach Book is my made-up Newbie Gift. It is named after the Rorschach Test or Blot Ink Test, that thing in psychology were you look at a oddly shaped picture and what you see in it says something about your personality or psyche.
My favorite missions are those by Sergio Turbo, Corolla and Nikki Cherryflower and those by
Ari and Tera -
Hello by
on 2014-09-07 21:05:00 UTC
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It is isn't it. I've heard a lot about Salior Moon but haven't had the chance to look into it more. If you have any suggestions on where best to access it I'll give it a shot if I have some time. Oh goody now I have some good suggestions for missions to read. I tried checking out the list of agents but its so long and daunting this will hopefully be easier to tackle. And that Rorschach Book sounds awesome. I'm glad to now officially own one!
Well... I don't know about the old series but... by
on 2014-09-08 01:34:00 UTC
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You can watch Sailor Moon Crystal, the new anime series just released this year, right here at Crunchyroll
You legally watch it for free there, you will just have to deal with some advertisements while you are at it. Depending on your region a service like Netflix may have the old series playing. -
Thanks! by
on 2014-09-08 02:48:00 UTC
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I'll look into it thanks! Hopefully Netflix has it.
Good luck! by
on 2014-09-08 18:31:00 UTC
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I hope you find it. it's a great series!
Lucky continuum by
on 2014-09-08 19:31:00 UTC
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I hope not to be tempting the Ironic Overpower too much by posing this question but here we go...
The Mission Write Guide states that are some lucky continua that have virtually no badfics. Can you guys actually name any such thing ?
For myself I guess I could name Kana: Little Sister. This visual novel, at least here in the west, has a small but dedicated community. There only a handful of fanfics out there, and all of them seem to be good or at every least were the result of challenges like write-by-post that were obviously not meant to be taken too seriously.
The best example in the fandom are over here at Kana Little Fanfics by darkling, Kana Flash Fanfic which is a flash version of My Sister, My Strenght from the previous link and Kana: Eternity , a project completely developed in the flash format. It is probably here that I should mention that of these stories contain spoilers for the entire VN and specially for Ending 1.
Re: Lucky continuum by
on 2014-09-17 15:01:00 UTC
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The last dragon chronicles. The plot is too complicated for the fangirls to follow.
Cinder by
on 2014-09-12 16:20:00 UTC
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A very little known -wonderful- book... Only has about 30 fanfics on the Pit. It's really awesome, cyborg Cinderella.... But, I think there might be some 'Sueauthors getting on the bandwagon when Winter comes out....
Haven by
on 2014-09-09 17:54:00 UTC
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It is up to 731 fics on AO3, most of the ones on FFnet are crossposts by the same authors. It's a small fandom (though I've been seeing a lot of new names on fics lately). There are some 'meh' fics, a few that needed a beta for SPaG, but no really badfics on either FFnet or AO3. The actors are all in their 30's and while not bad looking, are not exactly hawt either, particularly by the standards of the typical fanbrat.
The fun thing about Haven is that the canon itself is so out there that you can justify pretty much anything happening in a story. That also means that defining something as fully badfic is going to be rare.
I just wrote one where the whole town was compelled to take on roles from Greek myths. The town itself was labeled Troy and most of the citizens spent the day building fortifications for the impending attack by the Greeks. The two guys the story was focused on were outside that zone and got caught in the Theseus and the Minotaur story with one being Theseus and the other briefly being King Minos and then being free of the story since Minos wasn't in it anymore.
Which is all completely off the wall and still doesn't even surpass some of the stuff that actually happens in canon.
I have found one badfic for it. On Quotev. My Haven Or My Trouble -
I'm all caught up on this, BTW. by
on 2014-09-09 20:57:00 UTC
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The four seasons on Netflix, anyway; is there a fifth on the air at the moment?
*peeks at badfic* ... Huh. I'm not surprised if Duke has Sues. He's definitely my favorite character, and a lot more approachable to the average fanbrat than Nathan and most of the others.
I'm okay with Nathan and Audrey, but they suffer from that thing where the writers think they have to string out their drama as long as possible, to the point where it starts getting silly and the characters start coming off as kind of thick. {= P I was actually kind of annoyed when *spoilers*Lexie turned out to still be Audrey; I thought her struggle to get back in touch with Audrey would be a nice story arc, but no. Also, the thing with Duke losing his Trouble and then getting it right back again was predictable--but at least it turns out not to have been totally pointless, what with him being a ticking time bomb of doom now.*/spoilers*
~Neshomeh -
Season 5 starts this Thursday, I believe. by
on 2014-09-09 21:25:00 UTC
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Renewed for a 26 episode season, split into two separate sections like they used to do with Eureka. I am afraid this means it will be the last season. I feel like Syfy has a record of canceling shows after one last extra big season. I just hope if it is going to be canceled that the writer's know about that far enough in advance to write a satisfactory ending.
Have you checked out the fanfic on AO3 yet? I highly recommend anything written by Roseveare11, in particular. One of her stories is what finally got me to start writing fanfic after being a reader only for 10 years. There is a ton of shipping in the fandom, but some good gen stuff, too, if shipping isn't your thing at all. -
From what I can tell... by
on 2014-09-09 05:11:00 UTC
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...the cosmere fandom is small enough, and frequented enough by the right sort of people, that the only extant badfic was created deliberately by otherwise fantastic writers, for the purpose of laughing at it.
(But really, if you're going to get through The Stormlight Archive, you're gonna probably need some reason beyond the objective hawttness attribute of various characters. It's long. Amazing, but long. And unfinished.)
-Aila -
Cosmere, you say? by
on 2014-09-09 18:52:00 UTC
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I've bought the Mistborn trilogy in the last book fair and practically devoured it. It's awesome. Now I should get off my lazy ass and get my hands on The Alloy of Law.
Oh, and... by
on 2014-09-09 18:54:00 UTC
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I just had this weird plotbunny: a Myst x Mistborn crossover. It will be called "Mystborn".
Yessssss, Mistborn... by
on 2014-09-09 20:28:00 UTC
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Spoilers below, for those who haven't read the trilogy. Though you really should. Fantastic doesn't even begin to describe it.
Vin is amazing, isn't Vin amazing? That scene in Hero of Ages, where she launches herself up out of the mists... I want art. And then the subsequent trouncing of the Inquisitors, all of whom are basically the Lord Ruler by now? So. Badass. But honestly, my favourite character has got to be TenSoon, because TenSoon, that's why.
Have you read Stormlight yet? I would say readitreaditreadit if you haven't, but then, I completely missed some references to other cosmere books because I read it before them, which made me sad, so read it last, I guess?
Also, have you read The Emperor's Soul? I think it's my favourite cosmere story. Shai is fantastic.
I haven't played Myst, but love that title! :D
-Aila -
Farscape is one. by
on 2014-09-09 05:07:00 UTC
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The fandom is relatively small and mostly composed of intelligent people, so fic tends to be of average to very good quality. I've seen one or two stinkers, but they tend to be of the sort that's hard to spork because they're long and the SPaG is decent.
That said, there has been one badfic that was sporked by the PPC, and if anyone happens across any that are truly terrible, I demand to be informed, because I call all kinds of dibs on that. All the dibs.
~Neshomeh - Farscape fanart for you by on 2014-09-09 18:52:00 UTC Link to this
Those are gorgeous (nm) by
on 2014-09-09 22:01:00 UTC
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Ooh, lovely! by
on 2014-09-09 20:45:00 UTC
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Crichton 2 and 3 are especially good. Thanks for sharing! ^_^
~Neshomeh -
Re: Ooh, lovely! by
on 2014-09-09 21:12:00 UTC
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My Haven beta drew those. She's got a ton of other drawings, cartoons, and gifs, and even a few videos out there, too.
Maybe... by
on 2014-09-09 04:16:00 UTC
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Fanfic for Secret Six seems to be pretty good. I've read very little of it though.
Well, personally... by
on 2014-09-09 03:18:00 UTC
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...I've managed to come across a fandom that a) has virtually no badfic whatsoever, and b) is highly welcoming across the board. It's the Zombies, Run! fandom over on Tumblr. It's a wonderful little fandom, and one of the fanwriters has actually worked with the app creators to write a few storylines with them.
The Prydian Chronicles by
on 2014-09-09 03:07:00 UTC
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Listed on as "The Chronicles of Prydia." It has like three fanfics, I think? And more than half of them are in Bulgarian or something - been a while since I really looked. I wrote fanfic for it once, but I don't even remember what it was about, let alone have it anymore, so I don't actually know about the quality of any fanfic for it. But given that there are very few fanfics, there can't be too many badfics.
And most of the time when I mention it to people they sort of stare at me and go, "Chronicles of what," so there's that too. -
Wonder if it's different for the movie... by
on 2014-09-09 14:01:00 UTC
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I mean, the Black Cauldron is still Disney's redheaded stepchild, but one would think it'd at least give the series more attention, even if it wasn't a very faithful adaptation. The series got me hooked on Lloyd Alexander's work for a while. I love Gwydion so much.
It might be, but I think even that movie is pretty obscure. (nm) by
on 2014-09-11 05:36:00 UTC
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Ooh, I love that series! Eilonwy is the best. (nm) by
on 2014-09-09 05:04:00 UTC
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Ooh! Someone else who knows what it is! *Hugs* by
on 2014-09-09 05:32:00 UTC
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I know! Eilonwy is a great character!
I have a friend who named her daughter something hard to remember that's similar to Eilonwy. I can't ever remember the poor kid's actual name. I call her Eilonwy. Poor kid. -
I read it a year or two ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. by
on 2014-09-09 05:59:00 UTC
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Taran's character arc in particular was fantastic. I hated him so much at the beginning.
And yeah, a friend of mine adopted a baby called Amara right around the time I was reading Redwall, so I kind of spent a year calling her Mara. I guess it's a thing we fandom people do. *shrugs*
-Aila -
Lessie... by
on 2014-09-08 20:58:00 UTC
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I'm pretty sure I know lots; there are a lot of obscure sci-fi and fantasy continua that are simply too obscure for fanbrats to get their paws on or are aimed at an older audience. Frank Herbert's ConSentiency series is an example of the former while The Culture is an example of the latter.
Obscure continua by
on 2014-09-09 12:40:00 UTC
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You'd think Sues would go after the [I]Lensman[/I] series, "The Only Woman Mentor Will Give A Lens To" being more speshul than "Tenth Walker". (Yes, I know about Clarissa, but she's putting herself down as a second-class Lensman most of the time she's got the darn thing.) But the novels are old enough that you have to look to find copies.
Aha! by
on 2014-09-09 17:45:00 UTC
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I actually have a copy of Triplanetary in my house somewhere.
Re: Lucky continuum by
on 2014-09-08 19:56:00 UTC
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Knightmare - mostly because it has so few fanfics in general, and similarly a small community. It took an interlude for my agents to get a visit in.
Knightmare? by
on 2014-09-08 23:56:00 UTC
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Isn't that a genre-busting game?I think I saw it on a Games You Might Have Not Tried video over at Extra Credits.
Re: Knightmare? by
on 2014-09-11 08:30:00 UTC
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It was a kids' TV gameshow many years ago. It was a bit like D&D.
There is a website: -
A little (more) Knightmare rambling. by
on 2014-09-12 15:22:00 UTC
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So did you know they made an all-new episode of Knightmare last year for YouTube Geek Week? They did. I
forcedpersuaded Kaitlyn to watch it with me last night.
Now, as far as I'm aware, I didn't watch much of Knightmare. I was only eight when it was cancelled, which means at least half its run took place before I was aware of... anything much. So I was assuming I wouldn't really remember anything. Oh boy, was I wrong.
-I recognised the theme music. The theme music! It took me back twenty years (good grief). That's really impressive.
-Oh, that helmet. That gloriously ridiculous helmet.
-The bluescreen is rather better these days, but still looks pretty strange.
-And yes, there's still endless 'sidestep right, sidestep right! Right!'. Because of course there is.
-I actually remember the 'look down and see what's on the table' thing, too - how strange.
-And I certainly recognise the 'bridge-like puzzle over a gigantic abyss'.
-And, finally, the incredibly abrupt death scenes. :D Knightmare!
It's always scary watching something from your childhood, particularly when it's a remake. The Thunderbirds movie was... pretty bad, though I'm glad to say the original puppet series still holds up surprisingly well - even if watching it as an adult gives the distinct impression that Scott Tracy is entirely useless (and his family are just humouring him - 'Sure, Scott, you set up Mobile Control... 'F.A.B.', Scott!'). And I'm sure you can insert your own examples. But Knightmare, to my mind, still works in the remake - and demonstrates that the concept is still very much workable today.
(So come on, BBC, ITV, anyone - give us a revival!)
hS -
I've been meaning to watch that sometime... (nm) by
on 2014-09-19 08:05:00 UTC
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Well, it's only 25 minutes. by
on 2014-09-19 12:32:00 UTC
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We've got internet speeds of, uh, 0.8 right now, and we managed to watch it without buffering. So you should definitely be able to.
hS -
Never would have guessed that... by
on 2014-09-11 18:16:00 UTC
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It is no surprise that I mistook for an other work in another genre in another entire medium * Laughs humourlessly *
It does look it was an awesome thing from I could see from the website though. -
You missed a few adjectives. by
on 2014-09-11 10:04:00 UTC
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It was an awesome, enthralling, fascinating kids' TV gameshow... ;)
I'm amazed at that website. Most old TV shows end up with a website last updated three years ago (usually with a 'new content coming soon' or 'under construction!' notice that makes you cry). That is... something else.
Anybody here a fan of Gail Simone's work? by
on 2014-09-09 04:22:00 UTC
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For those of you who don't know Gail Simone is a comic book writer who primarily for DC, but as of late has been writing for Dynamite, and Dark horse comics. I was lucky enough to get my hands on a few Birds of Prey trades and they are most enjoyable. She recently left her run on Batgirl and is confirmed to be relaunching Secret Six in December.
Nope by
on 2014-09-09 22:56:00 UTC
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She sounds awesome though. Does she do the art as well or just the writing? I really like comics.
Forgot to add by
on 2014-09-10 03:59:00 UTC
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What are yor favorite comics?
Just the writing by
on 2014-09-10 03:58:00 UTC
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But very good writing
Anyone else want to help me with my game? by
on 2014-09-09 07:59:00 UTC
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I didn't get as many replies as I wanted for my last thread involving my game. So, anyone else willing to Beta for me?
I think that It would be better if any potential beta readers and I communicated through Emails instead of board posts.
as for my game, it's best if you read the "beta for my game" thread lower on the page to find information.
I'm looking for someone who has a lot of time on their hands. -
-Sighs- by
on 2014-09-09 22:58:00 UTC
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Dude, patience. Your thread didn't even fall of the first page yet. The only things this post accomplished were a) pushing a thread off the first page and b) making me (at least) think you're overeager.
sorry by
on 2014-09-10 02:24:00 UTC
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the original thread is pretty close to falling off, though.
Historical re-releases! Buffyverse and Star Trek! by
on 2014-09-09 23:21:00 UTC
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doctorlit here, sharing FOUR new (well, old) missions for your perusal! And it's all thanks to Neshomeh, who found two of Kippur's Star Trek missions on her hard drive, and two Buffy the Vampire Slayer missions by exploring old message boards.
First, a co-write between HonorH and Kippur: "Finding Hope", in which Dawn Summers goes off to visit Middle-earth to be special.
The other Buffy mission features an author and agents who hadn't even appeared on the wiki before. The Lovely Beta wrote a Jossverse-based DIC spin-off featuring Agents Annie and the Lovely Beta. They appear in "Mucking the Wanderverse", which comes in three parts. This is a Buffy x X-Files x Highlander crossover. I actually haven't read this one yet, so I don't actually know if it's NSFW at all. >.> Have caution!
The Kippur stories no longer existed online, so I had to host them on my archive site. I found them particularly amusing, despite my never having watched any Next Generation. Coincidentally, they both feature Q. The first one is a continuation of the sorely lacking Marrissa Picard series. It is called, "Q-uesting".
The last one . . . Hee. Hee hee. This one made me giggle for about five minutes straight when I reached the pointlessly thrown-in guest characters. This is a story in which a Mary Sue converts Q to (our) modern-day Earth Christianity. And it is a Star Trek: The Next Generation x Touched by an Angel crossover.
Hah hah! Hah hah hah hah . . .
Ladies and gentlemen and starfishpersons, I present "Q Is Saved by Mary Sue".
(Also, I've learned how to make journal cuts now, so the archive is easier to navigate. Need to fix up my actual PPC site, next . . .)
On the topic of Alec Troven, his page on our wiki is now complete. Or as complete as I can reasonably get it with the vast bulk of information available. I realize some parts are rather messy looking, but there's a lot there, and I wanted to make sure all the fun and interesting stuff was easy to find and read. That said, wikis are community things, and any concrit or other input on the page is welcome.
So, a big, big thanks to Neshomeh for all the work she's put into finding these missions and more! -
And some more! Zzzzz . . . by
on 2014-09-16 07:28:00 UTC
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First, is a DMS, LotR spinoff by someone named Aramel. Honestly, it's not too exciting, and a lot of stuff is just flat-out uncanon to the PPC now. (Not that that's very unusual for older spin-offs.) Of greatest interest to me is the Angel's Trumpet, a Flower which serves a Hermes-like messenger role. Which is pretty much redundant, since it does it over consoles, which we use ICEP for now anyway. Still, it's kind of a cute idea; I've listed it as free-to-use on the wiki, by virtue of it being a Flower. Maybe someone can find something fun to do with it.
The other find is a backup for Lothy's missions, which were hosted on a freewebs site that has gone down recently. Fortunately, the backup not only had all the known missions, but two more! (I haven't read these thoroughly, as I am desperately tired, so be aware they may contain swearing or other NSFW things. Don't read them out loud to your parents or children!)
"Love Conquers All" is a Pirates of the Caribbean mission featuring a guest appearance by Agent Jeanlily.
"Iriniel and Legolas" is a mission in the continuum that contains a Legolas okay I need sleep now goodbyezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz -
Re: Aramel. Uncanon? by
on 2014-09-16 11:19:00 UTC
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Leaving aside the audacity of referring to older stories as uncanon because we've written newer stuff that doesn't match it... ^-^
Anyway, what's uncanon? I see an Author-wraith in Mission 2, which would a) be a Sue-wraith now, and b) be either a neuralyser or character replacement job. Obviously there's the Angel's Trumpet, which may simply predate ICEP, or may only communicate with agents who live outside HQ. There's the fact that she seems to live at home, which is unusual, certainly, but not impossible. There's, er, an uncapitalised 'flower'? These are all pretty minor.
Okay, it looks like she presents the Words as a physical object, suggesting she's carrying a printout of the story around with her; furthermore, Elian (mission 3) sees this as normal. But that might be that Aramel is one of those people who can't see the Words, and Elian has been informed about this. It still works. Ehm... the Trumpet talks in "quotes", but that's through a speaker. The SO uses *asterisks*, which is acceptable.
Oh, I see we've abducted Miriel Therinde to be our tailor. That's uncanon. I'm going to assume it was an agent who liked to roleplay, and Aramel was fooled by it.
And hey - thanks for finding these! I'm really impressed.
hS -
I shouldn't have said "uncanon." by
on 2014-09-16 16:21:00 UTC
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I just meant it had stuff that didn't jive too well with the modern day setting, which makes it come off as odd today. I was quite sleepy last night!
—doctorlit, who has no idea who Miriel is but assumes they are a LotR canon based on the name, which means it could just be the OFUM version helping some agents out? -
Fair enough. by
on 2014-09-16 16:41:00 UTC
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They definitely read like they come from the age before agents had to be people as well. Actually, it might be worth doing a study of the evolution of PPC missions... a randomised selection would be required, of course.
Miriel Therinde (usually Serinde) is the mother of Feanor; her dying (and deciding to stay dead) was the cause of... well, ultimately, most of the history of Middle-earth. The idea that she's the OFUM version has some merit - she acts like an OFUM 'larger than life' character, for sure. Still means Aramel was wrong about her, though (she claims pretty clearly that she's the original canon). But agents can be wrong!
hS -
Awesome! by
on 2014-09-10 11:02:00 UTC
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I don't think I recognise any of these, and I'm pretty sure HonorH's missions very nearly predate me (which would explain it)... well done, the both of you (and Sedri and Tawaki and bears, oh my!).
Actually, having now read "Finding Hope" - wow, mission-writing has really changed in the past decade. That's barely more than an MST in places; except in a few scenes, the agents are pretty much disembodied voices. There's also way more direct quotes than we normally use nowadays.
An interesting project might be to examine, say, five missions for each year since '02, and see if there's a way to quantify that sort of change. Length of quoted material vs total length? Maybe factoring in 'length in HQ' and 'length where the badfic is off-screen'? In fact, let's see...
Finding Hope - HonorH & Kippur, December 2003
Total words: 6,302
Quoted words: 1,765; 28% (!!!)
Pre-mission words: 1,006
The Duty: 716
Post-mission words: 236
Ficless mission words: 567
Put together, that means that the badfic is on-screen for 3,777 words, or 60% of the report; a staggering 47% of those words are directly quoted. There are two scenes when the agents are separated from the story (after the jump to Moria, and while they try to find the way out), which I've excluded from that count.
So, equal word-counts for badfic and agents - you see why I compared it to an MST? By comparison, this is my most recent full mission:
Of Wolves and Fellowship - Huinesoron, 2014
Total words: 8,213
Quoted words: 797; 10%
Pre-mission words: 411
The Duty: 915
Post-mission words: 363
Ficless mission words: 1,105
So in my mission, the badfic is on-screen for 5,419 words - 66% of the report, so roughly the same proportion as "Finding Hope". But in a stark contrast, only 15% is directly quoted. That's quite a difference! Partly that reflects more paraphrasing, and partly more of the agents discussing and reaction - sometimes at length while the badfic runs ignored.
Interestingly, this is something Jay and Acacia noticed in their own missions; in the A/N to 'Why am I Here?' we read 'Is it just me, or do these things get longer and longer...? J & A used to just be... semi-observers that eventually killed the character. Now, they dominate the story. Is that a bad thing...? Is that a BAD THING?'
Jay didn't think so. And neither do I. ^-^
hS -
How did you get those counts? by
on 2014-09-10 18:48:00 UTC
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Is there some program? I would be curious to see how my missions add up.
If only. by
on 2014-09-10 20:12:00 UTC
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Nah, I just went through them in MSWord and clipped out the relevant pieces. The pre-, post-, and Duty sections are fairly clearly delineated - I classed 'pre' as ending when they step through the portal, 'Duty' as starting when they interrupt and start charging, and 'post' to commence the paragraph after the Duty is done.
Quotes was relatively easy, just tedious - I just copied the italicised sections across to a second document. The real pain, surprisingly, was 'badfic off-screen' - it's okay when it's a whole scene, but what about if the agents hang back while the canons walk off? That one needed a few judgement calls.
Probably the best way to program an approximation would be to simply delete everything in italics, then recount the words. It'll overestimate a bit, but should catch all the quotes. If you manually exclude pre post Duty, and forget about the 'badfic offscreen', it shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes.
hS -
For fun... by
on 2014-09-12 17:59:00 UTC
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I'm comparing my first Nume & Ilraen mission, "Family Ties," with my most recent one, "Blood Raining Night." I'm using the WordCountTool add-on for Firefox and math.
"Family Ties" - June 24, 2007
Total words: 4,852
Quoted words: 228
The Duty: 293
Ficless mission words: 3,303
Total mission words: 3,824
Pre-mission words: 988
Post-mission words: 40
Total non-mission words: 1,028
This one's a bit odd. The pre-mission segment is long, since it's a first mission; the post-mission segment is very short because I only gave a few sentences of the last paragraph to activities taking place in HQ after all the mission's loose ends are tied up.
I didn't count the charging and slaying of the doppelgänger Sithchean Bran as part of the Duty, because that would complicate things.
For fun: the largest chunk of fic quoted in one go was 66 words.
I calculated "ficless mission words" as the total word count minus everything else.
Rounding to the nearest whole number, my percentages are:
Quotes/total words: 5%
Quotes/mission words: 6%
Mission words/total words: 79&
Non-mission words/total words: 21%
"Blood Raining Night" - October 12, 2013
Total words: 21,975
Quoted words: 3,763
The Duty: 1,294
Ficless mission words: 14,468
Total mission words: 19,525
Pre-mission words: 1,884
Post-mission words: 566
Total non-mission words: 2,450
I should note that the "quoted words" count is a bit smaller than it should be, because I hacked some real material from the fic into Reicheru's dialogue with Nume during the charging, but I'm not 100% sure what's what anymore.
There are a few portions of this one where the badfic is off-screen, but I still consider them part of the mission since they're dealing with the direct consequences of things that happen to them in the line of work. Again, ficless mission words = total - everything else.
Largest quote: 133 words.
Quotes/total words: 17%
Quotes/mission words: 19%
Mission words/total words: 89%
Non-mission words/total words: 11%
... So, huh. The mission length has certainly exploded, but the percentages are fairly similar. I'm shocked that "Family Ties" has a greater percentage of non-mission/total words than "Blood Raining Night," though. Maybe I screwed up the math? O.o
~Neshomeh, who hasn't done this much math at once in quite a while. -
Or, er, maybe that's just Kippur. by
on 2014-09-10 16:33:00 UTC
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I'm reading 'Q is Saved...' and it actually does turn into an MST. From when the aeroplane lands, we get multiple paragraph blocks of the fic with only a single line of commentary in between. I don't even want to try the maths on this one...
hS -
Yay! by
on 2014-09-10 05:10:00 UTC
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I'm glad to see the Q missions online again. Lord knows when I would've gotten around to it, with the backlog I have. Thank you! The idea of Q becoming a Christian will never not be funny. {X D
For the record, it's not exactly thanks to me those were saved—it's thanks to Sedri and/or Tawaki, who sent me a bunch of stuff from their hard drives back when we found out about GeoCities going down. It's actually my fault they were missing so long, since I didn't go through those files very thoroughly until this summer. >.>
I will take credit for digging up the Buffyverse missions, though. It's amazing what turns up when performing Google searches with PPC + assorted other terms.
One correction: "Mucking the Wanderverse" is a co-write between The Lovely Beta and Aeneas, another poster on the forum, who's responsible for Agent Annie. Or at least, that's the impression I got reading through the posts. I guess it's not explicitly stated anywhere, looking at it again.
~Neshomeh -
Ah. Then thanks to Tawaki and Sedri, too! by
on 2014-09-10 06:38:00 UTC
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Sorry about the mistake there. Like I said, I hadn't actually read that mission yet. At some point, I need to sit down and actually finish watching Buffy. I'm only on season 2. Angelus is still a bad guy for me!
The PPC Camping Trip by
on 2014-09-10 05:58:00 UTC
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(Inspired by on the Wiki. Just because it was so utterly hilarious.
I do not have Permission, and I apologize for wrangling random Boarders into this. Just tell me if you want me to change you out of this.
I just felt the NEEEED.)
Okay, so let's say that all of us Boarders headed off and went on a Hypothetical Camping Trip. Which is probably a bad idea, because so many things can go wrong.
First, we met at my house and argued for about a week over where we're heading, and how long we were going to stay there. Finally, after much deliberation, we decided to find a Random Co-ordinate Generator, and just press the button until we found a place that wasn't in the middle of the Arctic or in the center of the sea. We found this lovely place right smack bang in the middle of Wisconsin. Ain't it beautiful?
All right, fine, it is in the direct Middle of Nowhere. But I blame Desdendelle. He was the one who spilt the coffee on the laptop, and therefore made the internet go all wonky. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
And then we had to make sure we had enough money to wrangle all of the camping supplies, and food, and etcetera. We most definitely did not steal money from poor defenseless old ladies. How dare you. We’ve been accused of many things over the years, including being annoying, witty, clever, and extremely gorgeous, but us PPC-ers are most definitely not hired thugs. We leave that to the Mini-Balrogs.
Some of the newer recruits were understandably a bit apprehensive about heading off to the Middle of Nowhere with a bunch of near-strangers. This little group of nervousness included June Blue Night and 7.65x54R, who we managed to drag along by waving pie- juicy, steaming pie- under their noses, and shoving them into the back of the van when they got close enough.
Yep! We had a van! A big, shiny van! See?!
Okay, maybe it wasn’t that big. Or shiny. But we stole some tech from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and Doctor Who, and soon enough, it was bigger on the inside. At least, big enough to fit a hundred-odd Boarders into it. There was a brief scuffle over who was going to be the one to drive the van from Australia (my house, remember?) over to Wisconsin. Obviously, they’d have to be skilled in the ways of shortcuts. We left the Permission Givers to fight it out at Kings Park while the rest of us took a coffee-and-hot-chocolate break.
(We’re inside the shop. No cameras allowed, see?)
The bill was pretty big, but we all pitched in, and brought back a few cappuccinos for the PGs. Neshomeh and Huinesoron had reached some sort of compromise, apparently, and were all set to take turns in the van for the long drive over.
And all of us crammed into the back, apart from the people who were driving or had bribed their way up to the front. Snowy the Sane Fangirl, wanting to be different, tied herself to the roof and held on tight. At one point, we drove through a rainstorm. Or the Pacific Ocean, I’m not sure. Either way, Snowy was soaking wet at the other end.
Halfway there, Pretzel pulled out his phone, and tried to take a group shot. We all smiled, and yelled ‘cheese’!...
In retrospect, maybe he should’ve turned the flash on first. It was pretty darn dark in there.
And then, we were there!
It was, er, very leafy. And green.
But it is America! Home of the brave! And possibly some bears, too, if you’re lucky/unlucky...
We pulled out our tents and items from the smaller-on-the-outside van, and Huinesoron went slightly insane trying to stretch his legs from the ride. To be fair, it was probably extremely cramped in the front, and us lot in the back got tons of exercise trying not to land on each other/punching and generally hurting the people that did land on us. Hieronymus Graubart thought we should set up the tents in a way that made the area look like HQ- completely randomly, that it. And most of us thought that was a great idea. So we did it. And it was utterly awesome.
Some creative and inventive people (e.g. JulyFlame and Ekyl) finished setting up rather quickly, and went around making a map of our illogical campsite. I think they did it, I’m not sure. It’s hard to keep track of as many people as there were. I think this was the biggest Gathering (it’s a Gathering, right?) that we’ve ever had.
And then someone suggested looking for Cute Animal Friends.
Ack! Iximaz found a Cute Bear Cub in the woods, and we were all fully prepared to exterminate it with our Pointy Sticks. But I then pointed out that this is the Real World, and CAFs don’t exist in the Real World. So The Irish Samurai adopted it, and took it to his tent. (He said he was going to train it up as his guard bear. We all trembled in fear.)
And then it was night. And night is dark, as we all know. So we all settled down in our tents and sleeping bags (apart from James Shields, who pretended to be a werewolf, but we all sat on him) and went to sleep.
Suddenly, everyone woke up (except for me and a few others, we buried our heads in the pillows and tried to block them up) and chaos reigned. A couple of people thought it was the Mary Sues or the Enforcers of the Plot Continuum, which was ridiculous.
So, the next morning, when Thantosiet cooked pancakes, everyone was asleep. Except for us clever ones, who got all the pancakes we wanted. Yay!
Then people began to wake up. And then we spent the whole day playing awesomely improbable sports. Some people attached a few large tents together so we could play Australian Indoor-Rules Quidditch, which I opted out of. Instead, I started a game of Calvinball, which will always be my favorite. Someone taught us all a verbal game called ‘Kamoulox’, which is awesome, and can be described as Verbal Calvinball.
The elves amongst us re-enacted the Ring Quest in full, complete with a little wooden ring and the fire pit that wasn’t exactly a volcano. But it worked.
And then, marshmallows! On a stick! Over the fire! Wow!
I get the feeling that Ailavyn Siniyash was feeling pretty smug about bringing them along, since we were worshipping at her feet. And I’m pretty sure that someone crafted an altar too. Only the second day, and we were all going insane. Well, half of us were already insane, so... I guess it didn’t make much of a difference.
The next day, we played Hide-and-Seek inside the crazy maze of tents that JulyFlame and Ekyl had spent so much time mapping up. I think by the end of the game no one really remembered who was It in the first place. And DoctorLit got lost. We didn’t see him for a while.
Anonymouse became Queen of the Llamas somehow on the fourth day. I didn’t even think Wisconsin had llamas. It was that crazy.
Miah, meanwhile, had been constructing the most massive treehouse at the forest edge. He had assembled a group of shiny newbies to be his construction team, and we only noticed once he started expanding the treehouse to be just over our heads. Not to worry, it was quite stable (us PPCers do have a few tricks up our sleeves) but, you know, just the feeling that it was over our heads was slightly creepy. You know?
Seriously, that was only a tiny little part of it. It had gotten to the point where some of us were calling it New New Hogwarts. About half of the gathered congregation migrated up there, leaving the other half (including me) on the ground.
Not to be outdone, this happened.
PoorCynic had gotten the idea from a magazine. And yes, there were a few screaming Boarders tumbling out of trees during the night, but mostly all was calm.
The next few days passed in a tumble of joking, impromptu recreations of books/movies/episodes of the TV show of your choice, and fun. Numerous things happened that I’m mostly too lazy to talk about. You may fill in the blanks as you wish.
On the eighth (and final full) day, all of us put aside our rivalries and problems and gathered on the ground underneath New New Hogwarts for a game of Sues Versus Agents. By unanimous voting, Outhra and Huinesoron were the leaders. We tossed a few coins for who was going to be the Sue team, and who were going to be the Agents. There was the pre-toss, the pre-pre-toss, the after-pre-toss, the toss of the just plain confused, and then we decided to compromise and say that Outhra’s team could be the Agents first. And then we could swap.
I’m not entirely sure what the rules of the game were. It was mostly just madness mixed with the paintball guns EatPrayLove had managed the smuggle in. Also, some of the more creative Boarders improvised weapons. Bows. Sticks. Catapults. You get the message.
And suddenly. The forest was quiet.
And then! BOOM! The Agents dropped out of the trees and onto the Sues, who fought valiantly, but we managed to subdue them.
One final meal, which was basically a smorgasbord that was cooked up by the more resourceful of us. It was delicious. There are no words to describe it, so I’ll put a picture instead.
Then we loaded everything into our awesome van, and headed home. Neshomeh took the wheel for the whole trip, and Snowy opted to stay inside this time.
I jumped out quickly before we left just to take a last picture. But they left me behind. And now... I have to walk home. I’m writing this in the hotel that I’m currently staying in.
I’m going to kill them when I see them next. -
Wow, what a trip! by
on 2014-09-11 14:20:00 UTC
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(It's funny because IRL, I'm the least likely person to smuggle paintball guns into a camping trip. Or go camping at all, really...)
My favorite part was helping male!Miah and his newbie sort-of-army build the best treehouse ever. I've always wanted one of those things! (Well, OK, not always. More like since I first built a treehouse in Minecraft.) The Ring Quest reenactment was cool, too.
So yeah, I had fun even though I spectacularly failed at landing on my target in Sues vs. Agents and have the bruises to show it. -
My cousin is going to have a llama... :) by
on 2014-09-11 06:55:00 UTC
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Llamas are cool.
That was exciting by
on 2014-09-11 05:30:00 UTC
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Is no one else going to comment on the bioluminescent fish? 'Cause I'm pretty sure that kind of fish aren't supposed to do that.
Yes, it was quite memorable when I first arrived to see Huinesoron attempting to set up that artificial tree, which didn't work the first time, I might add. Sleeping pinned between Outhra and... I think it was Anonymouse? was... memorable, to say the very least. And I'm just putting out what we're all thinking: Who's the snorer? 'Fess up, we just want to know who to banish to the bathroom floor next time.
Also - who brought the tent from the Harry Potter continuum? I'd commend you on your foresight, but I'm too busy feeling how wonderful it is to sleep in a bed again and being jealous.
Okay, so I missed the pancakes, and I'm a bit mad about that, but the bacon somebody brought was brilliant!
You should have jumped on top of the van before it could drive away! That's such an exhilarating ride. -
*looks guilty* by
on 2014-09-11 05:45:00 UTC
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Yeah...sorry about the snoring. I mean, if it's any consolation, I woke myself up with it, too.
Well, this is awesome! by
on 2014-09-11 02:09:00 UTC
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Though apparently it was the gender-swapped version of me that went, which explains why I was off working at my new job. Man, Male!Pretzel gets to have all the fun...
Re: Well, this is awesome! by
on 2014-09-11 02:55:00 UTC
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Male!Miah is an amazing architect. Seriously how cool was that tree house?
I do have to apologize for his behavior toward the people left on the ground though. Trebucheting cows at them and taunting them in a badly faked French accent was just completely uncalled for. -
It was fun, though. :D (nm) by
on 2014-09-12 16:21:00 UTC
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Well of course I adopted him... by
on 2014-09-10 23:58:00 UTC
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I couldn't leave him to you lot and your Pointy Sticks.
And thus began the great adventures of the Irish Samurai and Foo Foo Cuddlypoops the Second. It was with a heavy heart that I released him back in to the wild at the end of the trip - sadly, I just couldn't persuade my landlord that keeping a guard bear was a good idea.
And I still don't know why you guys were trembling in fear so much. Foo Foo Cuddlypoops the Second was a gentle soul, and was basically just a big ball of cuteness and fluffiness. If only I'd been able to convince enough people for a quick Arctic expedition, to get some of that panserbjørne armour... then he'd have been tremble-worthy. -
Still can't believe my parents let me go by
on 2014-09-10 21:01:00 UTC
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It's probably a good thing they didn't hear about the iceberg. Or the bears. Or the part where I got knocked over by one of the moose.
Glad you guys liked the pancakes! Sorry I didn't get started later so everyone could get them, but camping means I wake up early, and I ran out of books to keep me quietly occupied. I really should have packed more, but I didn't have the dimensional manipulation stuff yet and books get heavy fast.
Also, sorry for laughing at the van back when we got it; our 15-passenger green monster vehicle has skewed my perceptions of what constitutes a van. -
How dare you! by
on 2014-09-10 18:20:00 UTC
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I repeat, how dare you imply that pretending to be a werewolf was the craziest thing I did in the trip. Have some respect for my PPC-induced insanity dammit!
You clearly forgot to meant the part of the third day where I, as the craziness of the situation began to get to me , mistook the forest in In Middle Of Nowhere for another, located, well, god only knows how many kilometers away from this one. Convinced I had an adequate point of reference, I mislead us all on a trail to what I thought was the Chest Mountain.
As if we were not already doomed to strandle in a completely unknown territory, those of us that lead the group (Me, Thantosiet, Desdendelle, SkarmorySilver, Seychelles, Cyba Zero and firemagic) split off some far way that we could not even hear the rest of you guys anymore.
As part of my trance, I then began to gather various tree branches and insects that I did not have lucidity enough to realize were clearly poisonous.
I cannot impart anymore details, since as a result of this severe intoxication I was out of commission for the rest of the trip. In fact, the veracity of these statements can be seriously doubted.
And again I repeat, how dare you leave me alone in this Glaurung forsaken forest! -
Yeah, about that... by
on 2014-09-10 18:34:00 UTC
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I nearly got stranded in the forest after dwelling on my own writing a bit too long. I spent most of the trip drawing fantasy creatures in my sketchbook, so I didn't get to do anything truly crazy like the rest of the group.
It took me quite a while to regroup with everyone else, so I missed out on most of the weird stuff. I did, however, narrowly avoid a spot of peer pressure after Anonymouse teased me for acting like a giant bird of some sort. I don't exactly remember which one of you guys dared me to try to fly by jumping off a cliff, but it's lucky I refused - my dignity would've been far from the only thing that would've been broken! -
None of you were even there, were you? by
on 2014-09-11 01:15:00 UTC
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And I never left the camp, did I?
I am remembering now. What I told in the previous report were just twisted memories from my also horrible college camp trip (poisonous plants and insects non-withstanding) .
Seems that trance ran deeper than I thought. I blame it on Des' Stygian Tea. That stuff does more than try to bite you and have horrible taste, I swear! I should just have spat the thing out like any sensible person would.
Can tell me what I actually did for the whole trip? The memories get really fuzzy... -
Lightly Seared on the Reality Grill by
on 2014-09-10 14:09:00 UTC
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Or, more clearly: I protest me and a heretical substance such as coffee being in the same sentence, which, to add insult to injury, insinuates I actually drink it!
Oh, hey, you got the report up already. Good stuff! by
on 2014-09-10 14:08:00 UTC
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As you know, my camera died a "mysterious" death (yes, I'm looking at you, Phobos) while we were trying to drag the Irish Samurai's pet away from the supply tent, so I won't be doing my own full writeup, but I thought I'd throw up my thoughts.
Actually getting to KittyEden's house on such short notice was something of a challenge; our flight was routed through Gaza,BurmaMyanmar, and Amundsen-Scott Base, so it was, uh, something of a wild ride. The UK contingent were among the first to arrive, which meant I was the one who had to sort out the increasingly complex sleeping rota during the setup period. Including sofas, sleeping bags, camp beds, and the artificial treehouse (that's 'house in artificial tree'), we had about ten spaces available for a hundred people, and that assumes we could find three people willing to share the waterbed. It was halfway between 'entertaining exercise in logistics' and 'sleepless hell on Earth'. Thanks go to Seychelles for helping with the spreadsheet-wrangling - I couldn't've done it without you.
You've covered ourmorally-dubious fundraising effortsplanning and such, so I won't bother to cover it again. I will say that it was a bit rotten of you lot not to bring me some hot chocolate when you wandered off; I know I drank it, but I can't stand coffee.
I guess you were asleep during the most exciting part of the drive over - the breakdown! Pretzel was snapping away desperately with his camera, but you've already shown how well that worked. Still, the sight of Snowy the Sane Fangirl fending off colossal squid while Sergio Turbo worked on the engine isn't one I'm going to forget soon. The bioluminescent fish really set off the scene well, I thought.
And yes, for the observant among you, that was when I let Nesh take over most of the driving. I'll say yet again that I'm convinced I didn't hit that rock - it fell under after we'd already stopped. Honest.
I know I was quite vocal in my objections to the 'Campsite Beyond The Goblin City', but I'm not afraid to admit, the final result had a certain flair. I could've wished for better neighbours (I will say no more; you know who you are), but overall it captured the spirit of the PPC, and of PPC Gatherings, very well.
I'm quite disgruntled about your pancake-thieving ways - couldn't you have waited until the rest of us were up? Just because you weren't kept awake half the night by the Boarder Snatcher of Wisconsin, doesn't mean you should lord it over the rest of us. You don't know what we saw, out in the mists! (Actually there technically weren't mists, but it works better this way) And frankly, given your shameful attitude towards pancakes, I'm not going to tell you.
The Ring Quest was great fun, of course. Thanks to firemagic for letting me use her sleeping bag as Gandalf's cloak - sorry I made such a mess of it! To be fair, I hadn't really expected Iximaz to be actually on fire as the balrog - though I was impressed! And to my 'Eagles of the Misty Mountains', SkarmorySilver and Storme Hawk - you were great. I loved the sound effects in particular. And, um, sorry for clonking you round the head with my staff; you know how it is.
Hide and Seek! See, I was convinced PoorCynic was It, but then Pretzel was running around finding people, and Phobos was up that tree playing lookout... was it actually just 'everyone whose name begins with P'? Except then what was VixenMage doing in the- well, anyway, it was fun, if inconclusive.
Oh, stars, New New Hogwarts. Kaitlyn and I took over what we decided was the Astronomy Tower - because it didn't have a roof, and was high enough that we could see past the treetops. Lovely view, if a bit cold - I spent about an hour trying to pitch our tent on the wooden floor before giving up andstealingborrowing a bunch of blankets. I've, uh, still got a couple of them, actually, so if you're missing a Fourth Doctor's Scarf blanket, let me know and I'll get it back to you.
It's a shame you skipped over the latter part of the Gathering. I think the highlight was probably Battletent Galactica vs. Startent Enterprise vs. the Imperial Tent Destroyer (and Desdendelle's Captain Kirk was spot on). Or maybe the Great Magical Showdown? Your use of toy rockets as lightning bolts was ingenious, and as for the Cassie's 'burning' pinecones - well, what more need be said?
I have a complaint about Sues Versus Agents, and no, it's not still about the fact that Outhra totally cheated in the pre-post-toss. It's the fact that we never did swap sides. I mean, my Suvian Army was all well and good (thanks to Dann for improvising that pink dye!), but eatpraylove's 'only agents can have guns, because Suvians wouldn't know what to do with them' was a little too convenient. It would've been great fun to stalk around in black for a while. I demand a rematch!
Good shot of the feast - though I notice you didn't get there until Ailavyn had already made off with the sausage rolls. Shame - they were really good, too. Still, I suppose she made up for it in advance with those marshmallows.
Nice word-choice - yes, Nesh took the wheel; she didn't let me drive at all. You weren't there when she managed to run us down a thousand feet of mountainside due to not having slept since I don't know when; it was a wild ride, let me tell you! And then there was Sergio and Dann's 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Button'... sorry, guys, I know we said we're not going to talk about it, but really? I can't believe you thought that would work.
Basically, it was great fun - but not exactly relaxing! I think we need to wait a few years before we do it all again... and next time, let's avoid the ocean routes, okay?
hS -
Not relaxing?? by
on 2014-09-10 15:43:00 UTC
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This camping trip was exactly what I needed to be able to unwind from the stress that is high school.
And thank you very much for the compliment- I'd been practicing my part of the balrog for several weeks before this trip! ;)I'm glad it had the desired effect. -
Well, of course I wasn't going to let you drive. by
on 2014-09-10 15:41:00 UTC
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I notice that you've conveniently glossed over the disastrous crossing of California. It was pretty clear someone had to take over after the hundredth time you forgot where you were and ended up almost killing us all by driving in the wrong lane—and don't try to blame it on the earthquakes again; no one is buying it. Not to mention all the side-excursions to look for ancient ruins. That rock wouldn't have "fallen under the car" if we'd been on the road. And seriously, I know you're good at organizing data, but trying to take us all through a McDonald's drive-through that one time "for the American experience" was just ludicrous.
I stand behind the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Button, by the way. Our van was bigger on the inside. Who's to say what other cool tricks it might have? Just because we didn't find the button before we got to the bottom doesn't mean it's not there. Plus, Sergio did spend all that time fixing the engine. If anybody knew what the thing was capable of, it should've been him.
I'm with you about being forced to drink coffee, though, and cappuccino at that. I can't help but think the initial leg of the voyage would have gone much better if we hadn't both been all jittery on caffeine and sugar.
~Neshomeh -
I don't stand behind the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Button. by
on 2014-09-11 05:29:00 UTC
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Incidentally, I don't stand behind Sergio's somewhat rushed and water-soaked job on the engine either, but that's mostly unrelated.
I'd like to make it known that I loved the ancient ruins. They were awesome. I still think if we'd kept going south we'd have found El Dorado. And I don't mean the Colorado city, either!
I do stand by you on the technical aspects of Huinesoron's driving, though. We drive on the right side of the road here! Surely it's not quite that alien? Also, can't speak for any other continents, but rocks do not fall out of the sky over here.
Oh, you were both jittery on caffeine and sugar? That explains so much. -
Er, fixing the engine? by
on 2014-09-10 17:41:00 UTC
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I had to drop a new one in it! Don't ask me how I did it with just a screwdriver, a tyre iron and a swiss knife (I actually have no idea myself), but there was no other way to keep that thing you all call a van moving.
However, considering what Nesh did with it, maybe the Pratt&Witney PT6C turboshaft engine wasn't that great of an idea. But I needed a lot of torque to make it able to carry one hundred people and relative camping stuff around, so an helicopter engine sounded a good idea at the time...
And really, Huinesoron, you should've just asked what the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Button was for before pressing it.
We wouldn't have ended up on that iceberg if you did.
Also, now I am desperately searching for those big marshmallows - they were really good, but those for roasted marshmallows aren't that easy to find here... -
Oh, that's just mean. by
on 2014-09-10 14:45:00 UTC
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There I was, feeling all smug about having a cool idea for once (and mind you, I spent all of lunch typing that out) and you come along and IMPROVE IT A THOUSAND TIMES. Gr.
To be honest, I'm suprised that you forgot that little incident on the fifth day where The Irish Samurai's cute-but-extremely-utterly-dangerous pet bear cub was set upon the wild animals surrounding the camp. The scratching noise we heard during the first night was actually a bunch of moose (meese? Mice? Not sure.). And, although a moose may be fun to ride, and is remarkably good for my pancake addiction, a herd of them stampeding through camp, chased by an angry bear cub, isn't good for anyone's health or safety. I believe I took up temporary residence in Ravenclaw Tower that day.
(By the way, hR, that is my ScarfBlanket, and I would like it back for my weekly Doctor Who marathon.)
(And you lot have not droped by yet to take down the treehouse that had mysteriously sprouted in my back yard. I know you were behind it. Clean it up, please.) -
Excuse me, I think you'll find that's my ScarfBlanket by
on 2014-09-10 16:53:00 UTC
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Also, the moose is mine. Or at least, it lives in my backyard. I thought everyone knew that.
...someone did give it pancakes, right? I know it brought along several bottles of maple syrup...couldn't stop talking about how much it was looking forward to the camping trip.
(I can't say where the other moose came from. I only brought the one. Perhaps the others were family members...the US
~DF -
Oh yeah, how did you get the pictures in your post? by
on 2014-09-10 15:48:00 UTC
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Because I found urple and bleen in real life and just had to share the horror.
My eyes are still burning from those colorful abominations. (nm) by
on 2014-09-11 04:39:00 UTC
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For me, in FireFox, by
on 2014-09-10 19:49:00 UTC
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I just right-click on the picture and select "Copy Link Location." Then, inside the post box on the Board here, I right-click and hit "Paste." The Board seems to make the picture show up automatically after the message is posted. (You should still preview the message first, just to make sure.)
KittyEden, you are amazing. by
on 2014-09-10 07:05:00 UTC
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That is really all that needs be said.
-Aila -
doctorlit eventually caught up to KittyEden on the way back. by
on 2014-09-10 06:59:00 UTC
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(With a really dark sunburn? >_> )