Urist McNakkel has been nauseated by the sun recently. Let's stay inside and play a Dwarf Fortress succession game!
The venerable among you may remember the brief and ultimately ill-fated Fort Armorstabbed, which fell to the most insidious enemy of all: save corruption caused by version incompatability. To prevent this, we've decided that instead of just sending the save file to each other, we'll be sending the entire game to ensure that each version remains the same(Also, I edited the raw files to remove aquifers because they're just a pain all round).
Now for some Q&A:
What is Dwarf Fortress?
Dwarf Fortress is life and death. Dwarf Fortress is the be all and end all of videogaming. It is the pinnacle of human endeavour. When Dwarf Fortress is finally complete, the Gods will weep, for they have been outdone. Armok shall be our deity, and the Toady One the divine manifestation of its will. Weep, foolish mortals! Know that the end of your comfortable lives draws ever closer! Armok is not peaceful or merciful! It is fickle and tends to get bored when its chosen people aren't getting horribly eviscerated by cave monsters.
No but seriously, Dwarf Fortress is a roguelike management game centered around building a fort of very drunk and very temperamental dwarves. Above all, though, Dwarf Fortress is very very Fun.
Okay, but what makes Dwarf Fortress good?
Well, it's incredibly detailed, for one. There's tons of stuff to do and overcome, even for experienced players. The best part, however, is that the level of detail leads to sheer insanity. The game is still in alpha, and the level of potential madness is staggering. Here's the bug tracker(NOT SAFE FOR WORK, MAY CAUSE YOUR BRAIN TO SHIFT GEARS WITHOUT THE CLUTCH). Some choice samples from that include:
Biting dwarves in minecarts infinitely increases combat range
Loyalty cascade from killing yak cow mist zombie
Vampire outed by cat adoption
Vaporized dwarf's !!clothing!! is still on my stocks list after years submerged in magma.
Traders/merchants go crazy (berserk/insane/melancholy) if trade depot doesn't exist when they arrive
Humans' Diplomat is a demon, destroys all constructions it passes by, never initiates meeting
So, yeah. Anything can happen!
What's a succession game?
It's quite simple, really.One person will control the fortress for a set amount of game time, and then they will save the file and send it to the next person in the rotation. This happens until everybody loses interest or the Fort meets a fitting end. More on the rules below.
It's a pity I've never played this. I'd love to join in.
Never fear! We like it when new players start the game for us. It makes things more interesting later on. I've embarked with a core group of Dwarves with all the basic skills you'll need to survive your first year. As the game progresses, however, it may be best if you garner experience beforehand or at least have the wiki open as you play.
Randomly generated names are the best kind of names!
Alright, enough questions. Let's get to the meat of this.
Everyone will play one year, from the beginning of Spring until the end of Winter. When you see that green text saying "Spring has Arrived!" at the bottom of the screen, save the game, close it, zip it and send it on to the next person. You have one week to complete your turn. I'll allow an extension of up to two weeks, but only with prior notice. Failure to meet the deadline will have the next person in the rotation being given the same save you received, with your turn being skipped. Doing something stupid or deliberately getting all your dwarves killed by locking them in a flooding tunnel or something will meet the same fate. We want the death of this fortress to be organic! You don't need to be in character for your posts, but it helps. The most common is a Dwarf sent from the mountainhome to oversee the fort for a year, but many others can be done. I'll link the most infamous one below.
Keep in mind that some people may choose to use rars when sending the file. For that reason, I suggest you get a copy of WinRAR. The free trial lasts forever despite what it says, so go get it!
This sounds great! You're the best, nakkel! Where do I sign up?
I know, my friend, I know. Well, all you need to do is leave a message in this thread with your email/ google account so I can add you to the blog. If you don't want to leave your email in the thread, swing by the IRC and if I'm on you can leave me a PM. Then all you need to do is play your year(take pictures!), write your post, and pass it on!
Good luck, and strike the earth!
Fort Squidwhipped blog
Magmawiki, for all your information needs
NSFW Boatmurdered, the ultimate example of what we're trying to do here
Fort Squidwhipped: Dwarf Fortress succession! by
on 2012-06-01 00:33:00 UTC
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Re: Fort Squidwhipped: Dwarf Fortress succession! by
on 2012-06-04 09:15:00 UTC
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Wait, how are we going to post?
Gah, that was me. (nm) by
on 2012-06-04 09:21:00 UTC
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That is the most perfect description of Dorf Fortress. Ever. (nm by
on 2012-06-01 21:22:00 UTC
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Strike the earth! by
on 2012-06-01 01:28:00 UTC
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An auspicious name for a fortress! It may last three or four whole years under our management!
(I am totally in, Techno.Dann@gmail.com ) -
Added. by
on 2012-06-01 18:39:00 UTC
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And you're first! I'll wait until we have some more players before we begin, but do you want to start us off? I doubt the first year would provide much sport, but it's entirely up to you!
Sure... by
on 2012-06-02 01:23:00 UTC
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I would be happy to start the fort off on the correct (mismanaged) foot.
Well I got dragged in too... by
on 2012-06-01 00:41:00 UTC
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Good job "Sanity," now I have to go back there.
Re: Well I got dragged in too... by
on 2012-06-01 23:02:00 UTC
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Hi, have some fudge!
Welcome a-Board! by
on 2012-06-01 20:15:00 UTC
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I really am starting to believe that newbies come in droves. Maybe it's just because you all know each other. But enough of my ramblings for now. Welcome to the PPC! Have some 2-D glasses, certain to compress that pesky dimension or your money back!
Hi There! by
on 2012-06-01 12:07:00 UTC
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Well, hi there! Here, have a cup of tea. Just mind the leaves, they're omnivorous and might try to eat you.
PS: It seems that at this rate I'd be more time around here than quite a lot of people... and I found this place just half a year ago. -
Welcome, newbie! by
on 2012-06-01 12:03:00 UTC
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It's nice to meet you!
But I'm wondering... what are your fandoms?
Have a Box of Infinity, worth -£93, now absolutely FREE!
Warning! Box of Infinity may link you to badfics without warning. Do not inhale any fumes that come out of the Box. -
Re: Well I got dragged in too... by
on 2012-06-01 11:56:00 UTC
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Welcome to the Board! Have my everlasting friendship! Have fun here, and if you encounter any badfics, the Bleepka cellar is nearby.
Hi! by
on 2012-06-01 06:33:00 UTC
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Hello, and welcome!
Have one of my cupcakes to celebrate. -
Hallo! by
on 2012-06-01 06:30:00 UTC
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Have a cookie.
WARNING: Cookie may cause spontaneous combustion, explosion, or disintegration. -
Looks like my warnings are catching on. (nm) by
on 2012-06-01 12:01:00 UTC
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Good to have you a-Board! by
on 2012-06-01 03:30:00 UTC
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Greetings, new friend! Help yourself to the sack of venomous arthropods. Don't worry; they
don'tbite! -
Ahh! too many people that know each other! by
on 2012-06-01 03:15:00 UTC
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I feel like I'm being left out of something, I only know one other Boarder in real life.
Anyway, Welcome to the Board, sanity is optional here so many go without it. I don't know where you have to go back too but you don't have to do it just yet, please stay around a while.
Also, I like to give gifts depending on a person's fandoms and interests but I don't know any of yours so I'm at a loss. Please inform me. -
Sorry *Too* (nm) by
on 2012-06-01 03:15:00 UTC
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Hello! by
on 2012-06-01 02:43:00 UTC
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Welcome to the Board, friend-of-Rainbow-Sanity! Have some of my hydrophobic water to commemorate the event. Banned in car washes.
What are your fandoms? -
Fandoms? by
on 2012-06-01 20:48:00 UTC
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Off the top of my head...
*Bleach (Got over it.)
*Kingdom Hearts (Yeah, I know. No flaming please.)
*Old school Dragon Ball Z and the abridged version too.
*I read Reborn! for kicks too.
*Legend of Korra.
*Marvel comics.
*Young Justice is a cool TV show too.
*Super Smash Bros. And I'm an expansion maker for SSF2 as well.
*The Legend of Zelda.
…And many, many more. -
First plover! by
on 2012-06-01 01:53:00 UTC
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A killdeer, from Fluttershy's.
on 2012-06-01 01:24:00 UTC
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Kevin, if this is you, you are my hero.
Shush! by
on 2012-06-01 01:32:00 UTC
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You'll blow my cover.
Oops DX by
on 2012-06-01 20:34:00 UTC
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Sorry, man. I feel bad now... xD
Ooh, hello there. by
on 2012-06-01 02:54:00 UTC
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Don't you usually go by the name EternalForces?
Goodfic by
on 2012-06-01 13:08:00 UTC
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I found this last night while browsing the Pit's MGLN section; it's a humour!fic about Sette (One of JS's Numbers), post-StrikerS (Spoiler warning for StrikerS).
While there are some SPaG mistakes in it, it is pretty funny, even if you don't know MGLN or StrikerS, and the characters are IC. -
Ah, a Moczo fic by
on 2012-06-12 13:25:00 UTC
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Moczo fics are pretty amusing. I rather enjoy his Nasuverse works. Have him on Author Alert as well.
Discussion Topic: Get Rich Quick by
on 2012-06-01 20:43:00 UTC
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I'd like to start a discussion here, so here goes.
What's your get rich quick scheme?
Mine is to place bets on December 20'th on whether or not the apocalypse will happen the next day, and bet that it won't. If you lose, it doesn't matter because you died, but if you win they have to pay up. What are your thoughts, boarders? -
Rich quick? Hmm... by
on 2012-06-13 02:07:00 UTC
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I don't know how this could count as rich, but I plan to mystically unbox a burning team captain. 5000 dollar virtual hat.
hmm by
on 2012-06-02 20:15:00 UTC
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Start a cult.
Although the apocalypse one's really good. -
The xkcd route by
on 2012-06-01 23:40:00 UTC
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I like to take a tip from xkcd ( best web comic evar, btw).
"They" are coming. by
on 2012-06-02 01:22:00 UTC
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What happens when you tell Makes-Things that "THEY" are coming to get him? I'm really curious to find out.
Or tell him that Daleks stole any portalling device?
Or tell him anything intended to freak him out in general? -
He'd probably not much care. by
on 2012-06-02 02:09:00 UTC
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He's bested the worst that the multiverse has to offer with a sharpie and a spare cardboard box, and has enough friends in enough high places that pretty much anything is no more than a minor setback. He also used to get threatened by homicidal agents with technology issues on a regular basis, so he's not exactly easy to freak out.
If something has gotten loose in the Multiverse, well... it's not a friendly Multiverse, even to normally-dangerous entities like Daleks or Chaos. There's more to the Continuum Protection Initiative than just the PPC, and more than a little part of it is more concerned with protecting Canons from the Multiverse, rather than the other way around.
If it did come down to the DoSAT to handle a loose Dalek empire or two... I'd like to think that they'd handle it with aplomb. Time Lords they may not be, but they've been around the metafictional block a few more times than most.
Of course, while Makes-Things might not care too much, there are other people around the Lab who don't exactly hold with not shooting messengers. Pro tip: beware the secretary. -
Heh, speaking of change. by
on 2012-06-02 08:50:00 UTC
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Remember back in the Original Series when Makes-Things hid under the table when Acacia showed up...? I guess he's changed a lot. Shame we don't have anyone to fill that Terrified Technician slot any more.
hS -
Please cool it. by
on 2012-06-02 01:53:00 UTC
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We have plenty discussion topics up - if you're interested in more direct conversation, there's a link to the IRC channel at the top of the page. Otherwise, please lay off making new threads, because even with the bump system, you're dropping older ones - even more active ones - down towards the bottom of the page. Although discussion topics are generally appreciated, we seem to have quite a few active discussions going already; you don't need to make a new thread every time you have something you want to chat about. That is, in part, what the IRC channel is for - or, if you'd prefer the 'Board, please consolidate your topics.
The State of the Board (Opinions and Options Welcome) by
on 2012-06-02 03:08:00 UTC
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...is not that great, folks. The bump system keep threads that should have died alive well past their time, convo-posting is stretching out the site like a rubber band wrapped around a hot air balloon, and many PPCers - regardless of experience or time spent on the Board - are getting frustrated.
The Board is a mess. Something needs to change. That's why I made this thread: to discuss our possible options and maybe even start implementing something. Something everyone - old guard and newbie alike - can appreciate.
My personal opinion is one that might not be that popular with some, based on what I've gathered from observational evidence. This whole 'modless anarchy giving birth to creativity' system we have right now? It doesn't work. We have several out-of-control threads that can attest to that fact. Attempts to do something about these threads have only resulted in back-and-forth arguing that only makes the thread longer. Proper moderators could have stepped in and brought everything under control before it got to this point. Having everything on one page doesn't help; new missions and the like end up getting knocked down by badfic threads (or thread, I suppose) and questions that could easily be solved by reading the wiki.
We need organization. We need structure. We need proper authority.
That's why my suggestion is to form a new PPC Board - one in the phpBB internet forum style (or something similar.) We can have moderators. We can have separate sections for mission releases, newbie introductions, badfic discoveries, role-play, or even just chatting about random stuff. Both out current Board and the old Board can be kept as sort of backups or whatever you like.
Of course, I should state right now that I'm a bit biased in this regard. I was a moderator on a phpBB internet forum well before I came to the PPC. It was what I was used to. I like organization and regulation. Not such a big fan of anarchy.
This post is not meant to suggest that the newbies - or anyone else, for that matter - can only be controlled by the firm hand of an authoritarian moderator. Likewise, I am not saying that those who support the current Board are necessarily in the wrong. I'm not saying that we should abandon the Board immediately. I am also not trying to take over the PPC.
I don't want to make this a lecture. I want this to be an open debate. What do you, the PPCers at home, think? Do you want the Board to stay as it is? Do you want things to change? Do you have your own ideas?
Speak up, folks! I yield the floor to you. -
Is it just me or does the highlighting system just not work? by
on 2012-06-07 20:40:00 UTC
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I just refreshed the main page and see there, lots of topics I had already clicked were back to their highlighted gray selves. This is, at least to me, a tad annoying, since the highlights kinda disturb the flow, and also confusing, as the board highlights things that I've read before.
Also: If people want to know which posts they have seen, why don't they look at the color of the link? If it's been clicked on, they've seen the post. -
Clarification by
on 2012-06-07 21:26:00 UTC
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The Board doesn't highlight what you haven't read yet. After a post is on the Board for a day, its replies become highlighted until they are 24 hours old.
Also, my settings make it so that every time I close my browser all the links change back to the default unclicked color. I also read posts from at least three different computers (one at home, two at work). The highlighting has helped me keep better track of what is new and what isn't without having to remember each post on the Board and sift through long threads for new posts.
-Phobos -
I don't really mind. by
on 2012-06-06 09:13:00 UTC
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I like this system we have right now, but since I use an EMail alert to find things to post on rather than going onto the Board itself, I haven't seen the problems you mentioned.
Still, I really don't think I have the power to change anything- I must be something of a loner here, after two failed Permission attempts. -
Permission. by
on 2012-06-06 19:30:00 UTC
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Permission doesn't matter in terms of "community membership." What makes you a member of the community is hanging around, talking to people and generally participating.
Throwing my thoughts into the mix by
on 2012-06-05 21:37:00 UTC
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In general, I'm glad that we’ve switched back to... whatever the proper name for ‘not bump’ mode is on the Board. The highlighting new posts to old threads thing sounds like a good idea for easily picking out which older threads are still active. Having long threads be bumped up to the top of the front page actually discouraged me from posting a couple of times.
As for the stuff about Mods, before I go any further I just want to say that I haven’t participated in an online community like this before, so there may be simple, obvious, solutions to some of what I'm about to say, that I just don’t know about. Having said that, there are a couple of things concerning the practicality of implementing a Mod system, that I think need to be considered by people that know about this kind of stuff, so I wanted to make sure it had been highlighted.
Personally, I'm not sure if we do need Mods or not, but a large part of that comes from not being in a moderated community before so having nothing to compare our current state to. However, it does seem as if most of the people that know more about this think that something needs to be done (and I have a possible alternative that I’ll get to later in this post), so I’d be prepared to trust their judgement on this matter.
Can the Mods have anonymity? (Note that this is a separate topic to should they have anonymity, which is something that has already had the pros and cons of discussed a fair bit).
If we do decide to go for anonymous Mods, how would we actually give them that anonymity? Even if they’re posting under a group name, won’t their IP address show up on the post, allowing them to be identified by anyone that takes the time to compare it with other posts? Also, if PGs are to give up their status as a PG in order to become a Mod (as has been suggested before by... someone, I forget who), won’t that be kind of a giveaway?
This point leads neatly on to...
Who do we use for Mods?
If we are going to have Mods introduced, the idea of having a rotating group does sounds like a good one to me, as it should avoid people burning out. Realistically, there are only 2 methods I can think of for the fair selection of Mods, either everyone’s name gets put into a hat and an appropriate number (whatever that may be) are selected at random, or we have some kind of vote system.
With 1, no-one could be accused of trying to grab power for themselves, which may help alleviate any fears of the new authority being A Bad Thing. But we could easily end up with people that just aren’t suitable/capable of, or even interested in, whatever we end up deciding the Mods are needed for (in terms of their specific powers, abilities and limitations).
With 2, as has already been mentioned by a couple of other people, chances are that the same sort of people are going to be voted in each time. If we’re looking for people that are around the Board often, and are well respected in the community etc. (not to mention that people are always going to think of the more high profile Boarders first, simply because they are more high profile), then to me it looks like we’d be picking Mods from the same pool of people as the PGs get selected from. That’s fine if there are enough of those people out there to fill the quota for both PGs and Mods, but what happens if there isn’t? (I don’t know how many PGs there normally are at any one time, how many Mods people think would be appropriate, or how that compares to the number of oldbies).
Personally, I would think that the PGs and Mods should be different people, just because I imagine that the PGs have enough on their plates already simply by being PGs. I think July, VM and Neshomeh have all said words to that effect regarding this already.
As a possible alternative to Mods
It seems to me that most (most, not all) of the things people are saying the Mods are needed for concern the behaviour of newbies (people telling badfic authors that their story/Sue has been ‘reported’ to the PPC as if we're some kind of fanon-police, conversation spamming, joining up for the chance to bash authors etc.). That being the case, I would like to offer an alternative to an official Mod system: resurrect the ‘Little Sibling / Big Sibling’ idea.
Now, I haven’t seen this in action, and have only read about it on the Wiki, so I might be wrong about what it was there for, but it seems to me like it might work. As I understand it, the idea is that an older Boarder offers to act as a sort of mentor for a newbie, and guide them through at first to make sure they’ve understood everything.
If the Sibling thing gets promoted a bit more (maybe move it further up the Guides/FAQs, put a reminder in the top banner etc.), then we might find that more newbies ask for one, in which case they’ll be able to get direct help when it comes to things like Board, and general PPC, etiquette. Most of that could potentially be handled through private e-mail or something, so it wouldn’t even clutter up the Board. If someone doesn’t ask for a Sibling, but then goes off with a bit of unacceptable behaviour, they could be given one to set them straight. This would work a bit like a warning from a Mod, but would possibly be a bit more constructive in that at the same time as being given the warning, they’re also being given direct access to someone that can help them avoid making similar mistakes in the future.
As a side note, while I didn’t ask for a Big Sibling myself when I joined up, if someone had made the offer, I’d have probably taken them up on it.
Big Siblings wouldn’t have any actual authority (in terms of special powers/abilities), and they’d only be acting on their individual Little Siblings, so we wouldn’t have to worry about how adding authority would influence other peoples’ interactions with them.
Virtually everyone on the Board, that isn't a newbie, should be capable of acting as a Big Sibling, which should take the pressure of the relatively few people that are currently trying to take care of it. Big Siblings could also have Even Older Siblings, chosen from the PGs, long term Big Siblings, and other general long term Boarders, that would be there to give them support and advice (and a quick line to the PGs / Nameless Admin if a newbie persistently and wilfully ignores their advice).
Also, if I'm right about how this’ll work with a few levels of siblingness, it might help with another topic that Neshomeh has brought up recently, which is that of newbie integration and newbie/oldbie interaction within the community. I’ll be honest, I am slightly nervous about posting to oldbies, but whether they’re Permission Givers or not doesn’t make any difference to me. It’s not the level of authority that they have which makes me nervous about talking to them, it’s just the fact that they’ve been around for some much longer than me. The more I talk to them, the less it bothers me. Assuming that this holds true for other people too, then encouraging communication between the generations of Boarders may help crossing those divides.
So, what do people think? Was any of that useful or did I just completely miss the point? -
Re: Throwing my thoughts into the mix by
on 2012-06-06 00:50:00 UTC
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I still think that people who can act as mods would probably be a good idea, but I also agree that the Big Sib/Little Sib thing is a good idea either way. I agree with July too, making sure every newbie gets a Big Sib will help out a lot.
I, for one, would be more than willing to volunteer myself for Big Sib duty, as well. -
On the subject of Big Sib/Little Sib... by
on 2012-06-05 23:55:00 UTC
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It's something that I think we should continue, and I've been musing on how to start it up again for awhile.
However, I'd like to suggest that we take it a step further with regards to the newbies, regardless on what we decide to do on the topic of moderators or no.
For one, I think that Irish Samurai's suggestion of restarting the Big Sib/Little Sib thing is a good idea, but I'd like to suggest we go a step further. Instead of having it be suggested/encouraged, we should go a step further and give every newbie a big sib automatically. The ones who don't actually need it will benefit regardless, and the ones who do need it are unlikely to ask because they'll either be the ones not listening or will continue on right up to the point where they ask for permission and one of their agents is an all powerful elder god and they homophoned all over the place.
Being a Big Sib would, of course, not be mandatory, but if we could get- maybe choose?- a decent sized pool of people who have experience with the PPC as a whole, it'd certainly help so we don't end up with three or five people juggling five newbies apiece at any given time.
Having an explicit support group there from the first means everyone will get to know at least one PPCer from the beginning, rather than newbies only knowing other newbies, and even then, only maybe.
For two, we should do something more than just handing out newbie gifts. They're traditional and all, but we can give them something more valuable than a random thing you spend ten seconds throwing at them. Instead, I'd like to suggest that we ask them questions. Actual questions. Things that can be gone into in depth. Not just "What are your fandoms?" but things like "What do you like to do?" "What are your favorite kinds of fic?" "Do you write any fic?" "Do you write anything original?" "Do you RP?" "How'd you find us?" "What do you want to do if you write a spinoff?"
If anything, it should be sort of like an interview.
This is the sort of thing we should be doing. That is greeting and interacting with the newbies. -
Re: On the subject of Big Sib/Little Sib... by
on 2012-06-06 02:08:00 UTC
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Fairly obviously, I would volunteer to be part of a group of Big Siblings if/when it gets started up, although seeing as I haven’t done it before, if anyone had any advice from their time as a Big Sib, I’d be interested in hearing it. But I guess that’s the sort of thing that could be set up for the whole group once it’s been established.
As for automatically giving every newbie a Big Sib, I'm not so sure about that, for a couple of reasons. Firstly (and most importantly), if we wait to see if newbies request a Sib, then we can instantly sort them into two categories: those that think they need one, and those that don’t (some of these may even be correct!).
By allowing them to sort themselves into those two groups for us, we might be able to tailor the choice of Big Sib to newbie, rather than just assigning people randomly and trusting to pot luck that we get a decent match. In fact, taking that last thought a bit further, it might be worth setting up a Big Sibling Directory on the Wiki, similar to the Beta Reader Directory, (giving details of their fandoms, writing habits etc. – basically the same kind of stuff you’re saying we should be asking the newbies for) so that they would be able to pick out a Sibling that they had more to talk about with than just ‘how do I do this thing on the Board?’.
[And while I'm on the subject of how to do things on the Board, can anyone tell me how to a web link in a post and have it appear as part of the text? I’ve worked out how to do bold, underlined, italic font etc. by copying the formatting from the Wiki editing guide, but whenever I copy a web address over it just gives the full link, and it looks kind of messy.]
So, anyway, got a little off-topic there. My second reason for not wanting to automatically give Siblings out is that it could be seen as pushy, and frankly, a little insulting to anyone who has actually bothered to read through all the Guides etc. Asking people if they want a Sib is one thing, telling them that they need one, is something else entirely. I would rather hold off on simply giving a Big Sib to someone unless and until they demonstrated that they do require one.
With regards to asking newbies questions, are you thinking that should be something that’s done in their introductory post, or something that their Big Sib should go through them with? Having a bunch of questions requiring in depth, detailed answers be fired off at them the first time they say ‘Hi’ could be a tad intimidating.
‘If anything, it should be sort of like an interview.’
Speaking as someone who has just started looking around for a new job, interviews can be terrifying. Having one sprung on you unexpectedly? That doesn’t sound like a pleasant experience to me.
And now that you've made me think about that, if I get nightmares about it in the near future, I’m blaming you! -
With regards to your concerns... by
on 2012-06-06 04:35:00 UTC
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As noted, the Big Sib thing is more a guide thing than 'YOU MUST FOLLOW THIS PERSON UNTIL YOU ARE OUT OF NEWBIEHOOD. YOU ARE THE PADAWAN TO THEIR JEDI KNIGHT.' The idea is by having it be a mandatory thing is there's more mixing by far, and it gives the newbie an automatic contact person.
It ties in with the questions thing, too. We're supposed to be actually getting to know new people, and the best way to do that is through their intro thread, before they wander into the wilds. I didn't intend to use the word 'interview' in such a way that it made 'ding ding ding oh god job interview ding ding ding' go off in your head. If anything, it's supposed to be an informal thing, which would also be to help us match up with newbies; Sorting them, if you're so inclined. It's referenced in the HP books, that before the Sorting Hat the founders questioned and picked through the students for their own houses, and I see no reason why that wouldn't work here, with the Big Sibs organizing themselves according to interest or outlook or however.
That said, there are potential issues with letting newbies choose their big Sibs. It can cause supply and demand problems- such as one person accidentally becoming overpopular with the newbies and accidentally (or not) amassing an army of newbies (I'm looking at you, Phobos), or the problem of, as Data put it, he'd "rather not accidentally end up with one I want to turn into a goblet" or one person becoming over-popular over the others. We don't want people who signed up and agreed to be Big Sibs regretting it, after all. -
Regarding my concerns... by
on 2012-06-07 18:47:00 UTC
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I no longer have them :)
The HP houses style of thing sounds much better than what I was thinking of. -
Excellent plan. by
on 2012-06-06 05:19:00 UTC
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I would be willing to serve as a Big Sibling as well.
On the subject of assigning newbies to BSs . . . wow, bad acronym . . . Rather than letting the BigSib choose, maybe there should be a brief discussion between a handful of BigSibs to decide who would best suit the newbie? If possible.
Also, not sure if official houses are strictly necessary, rather than just sorting LilSib with BigSib based on individual interests. But people seem to be having fun with the idea, so that's fine too. -
Regarding Little Sibs by
on 2012-06-06 05:16:00 UTC
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I would personally prefer to guide newbies that I had selected myself for two reasons. First off, I can personally control how much of a newbie burden I have at any one time. Too many Little Sibs could take my energy and focus away from my own writing.
Secondly, it would allow me a chance to select newbies that have fandoms or writing styles close to my own. While I have no problem working with anyone regardless of what they enjoy, it would make it slightly easier on me if we shared something. -
Re: With regards to your concerns... by
on 2012-06-06 05:15:00 UTC
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I like the idea of having groups based around interests, or philosophies, or fandoms, or whatever. It would help to keep any one person from getting swamped.
As I see it working, interested newbie is pointed to the list of groups (descriptions of the group philosophy included, but no names of Boarders). They pick the group that they feel would suit them best, and then members of that group would choose from amongst themselves and assign a big sib for the newbie.
That way, the load is spread out among the group, and new members can be added without having to constantly update the page. It also gives both the newbie and the volunteers some choice in the matter.
-Phobos -
I've been here a while... by
on 2012-06-07 11:48:00 UTC
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..But I still feel very newbie-ish. A BigSib would be very helpful, if I still qualify as newbie?
Re: I've been here a while... by
on 2012-06-07 16:00:00 UTC
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You are, of course, always welcome to ask for a Big Sib. You are just in a more informed place than the average newbie. Since you know people in the community already, you could ask someone you already trust to step in, or there is always the possibility someone could volunteer. Or you could wait for the Houses to be up and running and do it that way.
-Phobos -
I volunteer! I VOLUNTEER! by
on 2012-06-07 06:43:00 UTC
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I volunteer as tribute!
...Er, Big Sibling.
I volunteer as Big Sibling. -
Volunteering for Big Sister duty. by
on 2012-06-06 23:49:00 UTC
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Especially since it conjures up wonderful Bioshock images.
In all seriousness, I like the idea of us having houses. Nesh and I talked about this a bit today, and while I'm not the most active normally, I think this could be a chance for me to actually do something for the Board for once. -
I like this idea. by
on 2012-06-06 14:27:00 UTC
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And I'd be willing to be a BigSib when I feel like I'll be around for a while.
I think the structure that's appearing here - July's point that everyone should have one, Phobos' groups - is a good one. In fact, can I make a suggestion towards ensuring ridiculousity as is the PPC way?
Let's give the groups completely unrelated fandomy names. So if (for instance) you're a fanfic-writing, Anime-centric, well-read, chat-using American, you might be in Sparklypoo House. If you're something different, you might be in the Guard of Riverdale - or the Department of Awesome - or any other joke that'll make people chuckle. I can't think of any more (I would say Crew of the Good Ship Harmony, but that's out of date - what's the current fandom with big shipping wars?)
But yeah, I think this idea is by far the best that's come out of this thread.
hS -
Yes! by
on 2012-06-06 15:03:00 UTC
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I second the motion for silly names.
I also really like the idea of having houses based on philosophy/fandom/whatever in general. It tickles the HP fan-nerd in me. Assuming this happens, and I really, really hope it does, once we have some names to work with, I may even make a Sorting Song for us. ^_^
Er, I also volunteer to be a Big Sib. Just for the record.
~Neshomeh, who actually bothered to invent a new song for the Sorting Hat in her old HP fic. Which she kind of wants to work on again now. Even though she was recently saying how that would probably never happen. >.>; -
Dibs on House Skull Goblet. (nm) by
on 2012-06-07 02:45:00 UTC
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Official House Application by
on 2012-06-07 16:11:00 UTC
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I'm going to get this ball rolling by starting a house and putting it on the wiki. So, I give you:
House Kind Words And A Two-by-four (Name pending group approval) - This House is made up of Boarders who are not really interested in fanfiction. However, they are interested in improving their writing skills, in general, and helping other people improve as well. This House is big on giving Concrit.
Let me know if you are interested in joining up and I will add your name to the wiki page, when it goes up (hopefully later today).
I have also been working on potential edits to the existing Big/Little Sibs page on the wiki. My work can be found in the sandbox. It is not finished, yet, so any feedback would be appreciated.
-Phobos -
I'll join. by
on 2012-06-13 22:42:00 UTC
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Mr. Concrit, that's me.
Glad to have you. (nm) by
on 2012-06-13 22:48:00 UTC
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Guess I should put in a word here, too. by
on 2012-06-13 21:41:00 UTC
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Application for House Darjeeling: steeped in the history, lore, and traditions of the PPC. Also delicious with scones.
Current Big Sibs in this house are myself and July, whom I hope approves of the by-line.
~Neshomeh -
Of this byline, I approve. (nm) by
on 2012-06-13 23:57:00 UTC
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I'll join. by
on 2012-06-13 22:05:00 UTC
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But you may have guessed that.
(Curse you. I was going to get round to this one eventually...)
hS -
Whee! by
on 2012-06-13 22:52:00 UTC
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And yeah, not too surprised. If you were also going to construct the name and description around a tea-based pun, though, that would be remarkable. {= )
~Neshomeh -
Let's see if we can get the ball rolling a little further by
on 2012-06-10 21:15:00 UTC
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Calling Phobos. Oops, wait a minute, this was supposed to be anonymous wasn't it? I'll try that again.
Calling House Kind Words And A Two-by-four (I wonder who will respond to this). I'd like to apply to join the House as a Little Sib. I think I've pretty much worked out my way around the Board, but I don't feel particularly confident when it comes to reviewing and giving concrit (which seem to be key aspects of the PPC), and would appreciate any advice you can offer on the subject.
Hopefully if this works, it can used as a template for rolling out the ‘every newbie is given a Big Sib’ plan. -
Papa was a rolling stone by
on 2012-06-11 16:25:00 UTC
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Kind Words And A Two-by-four got together in a secret location to discuss who would best fit as your Big Sib. There was a secret ritual and also a light breakfast. In the end, it was decided that I would be your Big Sib.
My email is Baridthetroll(at)gmail(dot)com. Feel free to send me your contact info and ask any questions that you may have.
-Phobos -
Amending the house description by
on 2012-06-07 21:17:00 UTC
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House Kind Words And A Two-by-four (Name pending group approval) - This House is made up of Boarders who are interested in improving their writing skills, in general, and helping other people improve as well. This House is big on giving Constructive Criticism.
It is now focused on a single idea. We give concrit. While everyone in the PPC values good writing, this house is about actively helping each other get better. -
My continuing concern (with examples!) by
on 2012-06-08 05:12:00 UTC
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Let's suppose I create House Santa's Little Kinslayers, which is a highly traditional house for people who love Lord of the Rings to death. A newbie (let's call her Lacksidacksical) shows up who says 'I'm a really big fan of Tolkien - my favourite character is Finrod - so I guess I'm in Santa's Little Kinslayers'. Heck, in accordance with your multiple-Houses idea, she can also join (as secondary) House Catastrophe Theory, who love the minutae of PPC History.
So here's me, and I say, 'A Finrod-loving PPC History buff? MINE! I am your Big Sib, bring me your questions!'
Right away Lacksidacksical emails me. 'Hey, Hunesoron' (yeah, people never get the name right) 'Hey Hunesoron, I'm really interested in this IRC thing. Seems like great fun. Can you give me some pointers on how to use it, what sort of people I'm likely to encounter, what the rules are and so on?'
And I say, '... um, no. Sorry. Here's JulyFlame's email, she can answer your questions'. And we are right back where we started.
I see the key decision-making point in Neshomeh's post as House Goal #2 (asking questions); I get the impression you're looking more at 1 and 3 (making friends [is there a song that goes here?]). It's very good to have a system for recognising the people you're most likely to get one with - but if you can't answer their questions, you have no business being their Bug Sub.
hS -
Re: My continuing concern (with examples!) by
on 2012-06-08 13:34:00 UTC
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I 'm sorry, but saying "if you can't answer their questions, you have no business being their Bug Sub." kind of excludes most of the potential Big Sibs from the pool. I don't imagine that was your intent, but it is a pretty big statement.
Close to no one is going to be able to answer every question that a newbie might have. The point is that each newbie will have easy access to someone they can ask first. If the Big Sib doesn't know the answer, they probably know someone who does and can either point the newbie in that direction, or ask the other person and report back to the newbie. Not knowing the answer is not a terrible thing.
On the other hand, if anyone is afraid that they are going to be inadequate when it comes to answering basic questions (How do I get permission? Can my Agent be super-powerful and unkillable? How I mine for fish?), then perhaps they should rethink volunteering to be a Big Sib. It isn't for everyone. -
Liking the idea of the Houses by
on 2012-06-07 18:40:00 UTC
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I like your House philosophy, and am definitely considering joining (assuming of course that you think I'm suitable), although I do have a few more questions/thoughts about the Sibling Houses set-up before I do so.
1) Do people think it's a good idea for Big Sibs to be limited to just being in one House (or some other number), or take part in any that take their fancy?
I feel that there are pros and cons to both options, but can't seem to articulate any of them at the moment, so I'm kind of hoping someone else can do it for me. I'll be back on this topic later (if needed), once I've given it some more thought.
2) What do people think is a good number of Sibs for a House?
I would think a House probably needs at least 3 people in it, so that there's a decent level of support within the group. It would also mean that one person wouldn't get swamped with Big Sib requests if their House got really popular.
3) How many Houses do people think we need?
Do we want to set a limit at all, or just let the whole thing grow and develop organically? I personally would be in favour of organic growth, so long as the number of Houses doesn't get ridiculous. We don't want the newbies to be overwhelmed by choice.
I also think that we should probably have a 'Hufflepuff' style House that simply aims to take in anyone that doesn't feel they fit into any of the others, although I will admit that this may not be necessary depending on what the other Houses end up covering. Given the nature of this House, if it were to exist, it should probably be one of the larger ones in terms of number of Big Sibs, and possibly have the more experienced ones too (as I imagine it may well attract the more clueless newbies).
Your work on the Wiki looks good, I'm particularly interested in Step 5, although I personally feel that Step 4 is a little light on details at the moment :P
The only thing I can suggest with regards to that at the moment is making sure that it's linked appropriately from other Wiki pages, the Newbie and Board FAQs are the most obvious to me, but I'm sure there are other useful places for it too. -
Some answers by
on 2012-06-07 19:31:00 UTC
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If you think you fit the philosophy, then we are glad to have you.
1) I was thinking about this, actually. I think that a person being in multiple houses is a good idea. For instance, I started one House, but I might also want to be part of a House that focused on people who play video games, or something. If you are in multiple houses, then it is up to you to make sure you don't get swamped.
2) A minimum might be a good idea. Don't know what number I would go with, though.
3) I think we need as many as we can make distinct. For instance, we wouldn't want a House for people who like skull goblets alongside a House for people who like skull punch bowls. We would just combine those into a single house that likes skull drinkware.
A catch-all house might be a good thing, or it might end up being the lazy-person's choice. The idea of Houses is that they tell us a bit about what the newbie thinks is important. Do they value concrit most? Or is roleplay their big thing? Or social interaction? Or whatever else we can come up with.
Also, linking will be important once we have updated the page. As of right now, it's just a draft.
Thanks for the input, though.
-Phobos -
Considerations. by
on 2012-06-07 19:56:00 UTC
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As I understand it, the purpose of Houses is to enable people to find the right type of Big Sib. Surely the way to create Hises would be to work out what different categories of questions need answering, and set up Huusen that will answer each set. For instance, and off the top of my head:
-Do you anticipate spending large amounts of time on the PPC IRC chatroom? (If yes, you need a Big Sib who can help with how the chat works)
-Do you plan to write PPC stories? (Will need a Big Sib who can help with the Permission process)
-Do you leave many reviews for stories and fanfiction? (Will need a Big Sib who can help with concrit and, y'know, Not Flaming)
So we would need a house for non-chatting writers who leave reviews, and also for non-chatting writers who don't review much - etc etc etc. To my thinking, this would be a more useful way to go about it than for everyone to make a house for People Just Like Me.
(PS: Yes, obviously there would be more questions, and yes, some might overlap. The easiest way to find your House might well be a flow chart...) -
What hS is getting at, basically. by
on 2012-06-07 21:27:00 UTC
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And even then, not quite.
Houses are supposed to be generalizations, and also paired with the attitude people- the Big Sibs- will take towards things. We don't want to end up with it turning into factions of PPCers. We already have enough of that, thank you very much.
If they're Already Like You, that somewhat defeats the point; congratulations! You have a minion now who is like you in every way! How does that make you feel?
If we get ridiculously specific, or cross-polinate the houses, or what have you, we'll end up with people just getting labelled thusly, be they newbie or Big Sib. There should be something shared, yes. But it shouldn't turn into things like "I, HUINESORON, SHALL TAKE ONLY THE PUREST OF THE PURE, WHO READ LORD OF THE RINGS, WHO STUDY CHEMISTRY, AND BELIEVE THEY ARE ELVES AND HAVE LOVELY LONG HAIR, OR SOME COMBINATION OF THE ABOVE"* or "I, PHOBOS, SHALL TAKE ONLY THE MOST BETRAYING OF THE BETRAYERS, WHO TAKE PART IN THEATRE, WHO LIKE WARCRAFT AND ITS LORE, AND HAVE AT LEAST SEVENTY PERCENT OF THEIR BODY COVERED BY HAIR, OR SOME COMBINATION OF THE ABOVE".**
It should be general enough that any newbie could go to any group without feeling completely out of place, but still there being enough there to really help with matches being made.
*Read this with BRIAN BLESSED'S voice.
**You can read this with Phobos' voice. -
Re: Considerations. by
on 2012-06-07 21:07:00 UTC
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I see how that works, but I have a question. Does each possible combination of answers lead to a different house? If so, that would create 8 houses right now, and more with the addition of new questions. That seems a little overwhelming.
Perhaps we can incorporate some of this into the idea I am working on. Since each house is for "People Just Like Me" on a single issue and each person can be in multiple houses, perhaps we can ask the newbie to pick a first and second choice.
For instance, they might pick the IRC centric house and the PPC history centric house (yes, I just made those up). In that case, someone like July might be in both of those, and would be a good choice. If they pick PPC writing and PPC History, someone like you (hS) might be in both of those. If they pick concrit and PPC writing, someone like me might be a good choice.
I think that strikes a balance between the amount of newbie choice in the original idea, and the diversity in yours. What do you think?
-Phobos -
I am not enamored of the idea of multiple houses. by
on 2012-06-07 21:33:00 UTC
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And certainly not like that.
With how you suggested, it implies that all aspects of the PPC are completely and utterly modular.
Everyone should be community oriented, PPC background oriented, and writing oriented to some degree. It suggests that it can all be entirely divorced.
The community is important, yes, but if you don't give a rat's tail for the PPC itself, at least in the first place, why are you even here? The PPC as a whole is a combination of both neatly mixed together. -
Maybe we've put the cart before the horse here. by
on 2012-06-08 01:48:00 UTC
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Before we all start arguing about how houses should work, let's examine what our goals for them are so we have a blueprint to build with and aren't just guessing. Measure twice, cut once and all that.
This is just my impressions based on this thread and conversations I've had with Phobos and July. Let me know if I'm off-base at all.
First, we should agree what our goals are as a group. I believe the goals of the PPC are:- To encourage and celebrate good writing, be it by reading and/or writing good stories, by giving concrit, by beta-reading, etc.;
- To have fun with bad writing, be it in the form of missions, MSTs, just talking about it, etc.;
- To have fun, fulfilling, and safe community interactions with other PPCers, wheresoever you prefer to do so;
- To do the above with respect for each other, for badfic authors and others, and for our community spaces, so we can all have a good time and not give anyone a justification for calling us big fat annoying stupid meanie-heads.
That said, I think the goals of any PPCer or group of PPCers must first be to foster those four goals, whatever else they do. Secondarily, I think the specific goals for houses are:- To make it easier/less scary for newbies to approach and get to know older PPCers;
- To give newbies a mentor/teacher they can always ask questions and advice;
- To get older PPCers more involved and more personally invested in the four main goals by giving them a specific obligation toward other PPCers (in other words, if your little sibs are driving us up the wall, we're going to Have Words with You, not just them).
What we specifically do not want houses to do are:- Become cliques whose members never talk to anyone outside their house;
- Devalue the importance of other houses' interests (in other words, just because your group isn't big on giving concrit doesn't mean people in it should believe concrit is stupid; that's an anti-PPC kind of notion).
So, does that sound about right? Am I missing anything, or have I gone too far anywhere?
~Neshomeh -
At 5:15 am after not enough sleep... by
on 2012-06-08 05:18:00 UTC
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... I don't see anything wrong with that. :P I think something about being fandom-oriented in PPC Goals wouldn't go amiss, but beyond that...
Oh, here's one. If this goes into action, your comment in Houses #3 ('if your little sibs are driving us up the wall, we're going to Have Words with You, not just them') I think goes too far. If a Beg Seb is responsible for their Lib Sib, we should be Having Words primarily with the Bug Sub. The point of all this is to stop people being told off on-Board so much - and since I imagine SibSib interactions taking place in email, it's hard to know what's already going on unless you ask. So since the Bug Sub should have made their email available at least once (to their LibSib), email them, rather than addressing the LibSib on-Board-Chat-Wookie.
No? Yes? hS needs more sleep? (hS always needs more sleep)
hS -
Coming back to this. by
on 2012-06-13 17:34:00 UTC
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The Board moves on apace, and we'd better try to catch up!
Anyway, hS, I agree with your points. Revised charter (if that's what it is?):
1. PPC Goals
These are the primary goals of any PPCer or group of PPCers.- To encourage and celebrate good writing, be it by reading and/or writing good stories, by giving concrit, by beta-reading, etc.;
- To have fun with bad writing, be it in the form of missions, MSTs, just talking about it, etc.;
- To celebrate fandom in its many forms, whether in writing, in art, in role-play, in nerdy holidays, etc.;
- To have fun, fulfilling, and safe community interactions with other PPCers, wheresoever you prefer to do so;
- To do the above with respect for each other, for badfic authors and others, and for our community spaces, so we can all have a good time and not give anyone a justification for calling us big fat annoying stupid meanie-heads.
2. House Goals
Secondary to the above PPC Goals, these are the specific aims of the Big/Little Sib "Houses" program.- To make it easier/less scary for newbies to approach and get to know older PPCers;
- To give newbies a mentor/teacher they can always ask questions and advice;
- To get older PPCers more involved and more personally invested in the PPC Goals by giving them a specific obligation toward other PPCers. In other words, if your little sibs are driving us up the wall, we're going to Have Words with You;
- Not to become cliques whose members never talk to anyone outside their sibs/house;
- Not to devalue the importance of other houses' interests. In other words, just because your group isn't big on giving concrit doesn't mean people in it should believe concrit is stupid, since that would contradict the PPC Goals.
3. House Structure
This is how houses work (subject to approval!).- Houses shall be made up of oldbies willing to be Big Sibs to newbies, with the responsibilities that role entails;
- All Big Sibs shall have a working knowledge of PPC in-universe canon and PPC rules, policies, social mores and folkways, etc., and be willing and able to teach their Little Sibs;
- Each house shall have a stated area of expertise that sets it apart from other houses, to provide newbies with something to identify as a personal interest and thus efficiently narrow the field of potential Big Sibs, preventing much flailing and confusion over who should step up. However, this area of expertise should not be too specific (i.e. Lord of the Rings humorfic concrit in the IRC), because that would just get really silly really fast and leave us open for too many Clue jokes;
- Each house shall have a silly name that doesn't necessarily bear any relation to its area of expertise;
- Newbies shall be given a list of houses and their descriptions upon joining, and asked to select one. In order to prevent popularity/intimidation from becoming a factor, this list shall not include names of Big Sibs;
- A Big Sib from the newbie's chosen house will then elect to adopt that newbie as their Little Sib, according to availability and/or compatibility; considerations may include fandoms in common, interest in the IRC or wiki, and other matters not covered in house descriptions.
That's all I've got for now. Critique away!
~Neshomeh -
An... addition? I think. by
on 2012-06-13 21:21:00 UTC
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Going back to Lacksidacksical and her unaccountable interest in the IRC, it seems like the Houses would also be useful for dealing with that situation. Rather than me always pestering July for IRC-related questions, I could instead look at the list of Big Sibs in House Insertnamehere (IRC fanatics & friends), and email one of them. That way the House structure not only helps get people introduced, but helps us as oldbies answer questions more effectively.
hS -
I had that thought, too. by
on 2012-06-13 21:52:00 UTC
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'Cause yeah, early talk indicated that this is also meant to be a support structure for us oldbies. Would that be an addition to House Goals, then?
Speaking of the IRC, though, I dunno if that isn't too specific a thing, like a certain fandom would be too specific a thing. I could see maybe a house specializing in community interaction—maybe their oldbies are people who like/want to put on games and RPs and stuff?—but I don't think it makes any more sense to have an IRC house than it would to have a wiki house or a Board house. Plus, I'd like to think that cross-hangout sib pairings might help bridge the gaps that exist there.
~Neshomeh -
Okey. by
on 2012-06-13 22:04:00 UTC
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Community would work - I'm just thinking that for questions, 'How does the Wiki work?' and 'How does the IRC work?' are pretty common (not always asked, but the number of times you've said 'Please stop setting fire to the Wiki it is not meant to be a torch etc' of late indicate they probably should be). Bridging gaps is good - but so is answering questions.
Probably it's a Goal, yes.
hS -
True. by
on 2012-06-13 22:47:00 UTC
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The wiki at least has an instruction manual anyone can point anyone else at (which reminds me I've been meaning to move the more general Etiquette and Style information to the TOP of the thing). IRC, I dunno—I guess since we've got a Board FAQ and a Wiki Editing Guide it would make sense to have an IRC FAQ/Guide, too. Might that cover it?
Granted, part of the current trouble is that people aren't taking the initiative to find/read these things, but perhaps with Big Sibs being there to make sure they get firmly pointed at when required...?
~Neshomeh -
Thoughts on Houses by
on 2012-06-08 13:53:00 UTC
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First off let me just say that I had no idea this was going to get so long when I started writing it, but it sort of took on a life of its own. Obviously, all of this is just my opinion, so feel free to disagree with me. Oh, and I have referred to what my opinion of other peoples’ thoughts have seemed to be, on occasion. If I’ve misrepresented your position at all, please let me know (I don’t like it when that happens to me).
From looking over the recent posts about it, my understanding is that the main points for discussion with setting up the House system are as follows:
• How do we create/define the Houses?
• How do we avoid factionalisation? Or failing that, how can we make it work for us?
• What is the intent behind setting up the Houses, and what needs to be avoided at all costs?
• What should the duties/responsibilities of Big Sibs be?
I’ve tried to deal with these points separately, but I think they’re all fairly deeply entwined with each other, so this does get a little rambly at times. Hopefully you can still follow my thought process, but I’ll be happy to provide clarification if needed.
Creation/definition of the Houses
I can sort of see the point behind hS’ suggestion of a sort of grid system for covering all aspects of the PPC with Houses, but it just feels a little cold and clinical to me. I much prefer the idea of Houses more in line with Phobos’ suggestion, where a few like-minded people can share their thoughts on what they believe to be the important issues. As long as we can stop it from getting too far into ‘these are the only/most important issues’, then I think we should be fine.
It also seems to me that things along the line of ‘Do you anticipate spending large amounts of time on the PPC IRC chatroom? Do you plan to write PPC stories? Do you leave many reviews for stories and fanfiction?’ could easily be added to the questions that newbies get asked, rather than being things which actually define their choice of House.
Going back to some earlier issues of mine, I would think that we probably want somewhere between 6 and 10 Houses (although I’ll admit I am pretty much just pulling those numbers out of thin air), to give a good range of choice for any potential newbie, without making it seem overwhelming/intimidating.
As for how many people are needed in each House, that’s probably variable depending on the nature of the House. Any House which decides to focus on ‘people actively involved in the fandoms of the Big Three (LotR, PotC and HP)’, is probably going to need more Big Sibs than something more obscure in order to avoid being swamped if we suddenly get 20+ newbies turning up in a single week.
The exact number can probably be sorted out on a per House basis, with people calling out for extra members when they set up, if they feel they’re understaffed. I’d like to think that we can set up whatever House we feel like, as long as we think there’s a real need for it. As I discuss (at great length) later on, I don’t think we should necessarily be limiting ourselves to just thinking about what a House can offer a newbie either. I think the House idea has a lot to offer the community as a whole.
Factions, factions, everywhere
Personally, I haven’t seen much factioning in the PPC. It may be that it’s here and I just haven't noticed it, or it may be that it’s a reference for things that have happened in the past that I wasn’t around for, I dunno.
The thing is, in my opinion, if we’re going to run with the idea of Houses for Big Sibs (as opposed to just one general pool of all the people willing to be a Big Sib), then that by very definition is going to lead to a certain level of factions. We’re grouping people together, ergo we are creating factions (or just simply groups, or proto-factions, or whatever, I understand that the term ‘faction’ can have negative connotations, which I don’t particularly want to invoke here). I don’t think there’s a problem with factions per se, although I will admit that I can see where it could lead to problems along the lines of splitting up into groups that only interact with other members of the same group.
However, as has already been pointed out somewhere in this thread’s history, if you are aware of a potential problem then you can do your best to avoid it. Rather than splitting us into isolated factions, I think the Houses could actually be used to encourage more communication between Boarders of every generation. When Phobos first made his suggestion for House Kind Words And A Two-by-four it’s philosophy was:
‘This House is made up of Boarders who are not really interested in reading or writing fanfiction. However, they are interested in improving their writing skills, and helping other people improve as well. This House is big on giving Concrit.’ (taken from the Wiki Sandbox page)
I said that I’d consider joining, the reason that I didn’t say ‘sign me up straight away’ is that I wasn’t sure how well I would fit in with that: I didn’t really know about the existence of fanfic much before joining the PPC, and so far I’ve mostly read it with a view to finding something sporkable (although I do check out goodfic recommendations for fandoms I like, my thanks to July for bringing ‘The Onset of Autumn’ to my attention). As far as writing goes, I’ve written some fanfic in the past, but these days much prefer the idea of writing original fiction. I’m extremely interested in improving my writing skills, that is what brought me to the PPC after all, and I’d like to help other people out because I know how much I needed help when I started. Being big on giving concrit was the potential stumbling block for me: because I’ve never really been involved in fanfic in a big way before, I’ve never been involved in giving concrit.
Now that the House has slimmed down to the single focus of giving concrit, I’m not sure that I’d be the right choice for a Big Sib in it. But you know what? I could probably do with being a Little Sib in it for a bit. While I don’t think I need the full ‘Hi, I’m a newbie, what is this place / what does this shiny button do?’ treatment, I think that it would benefit me as a community member to get some pointers on giving concrit. Maybe at some point later I will then feel confident enough to volunteer as a Big Sib in 2x4.
Chances are there will be other Houses set up that I might want to get pointers from, in which case having those few vaguely defined groups will actually have strengthened the community, and resulted in me (and while I don’t consider myself to be a newbie, I am still a relative newcomer seeing as I’ve only been here a couple of months), having in depth conversations with a whole bunch of the oldbies. To me, this seems like the kind of behavior we want to encourage.
I guess my point really is, if we’re going to have factions (which I would say is inevitable if we do go down the Sibling Houses route), then we should at least make sure that those factions work for us, rather than against us.
What is a House?
The main reason for setting up the Houses, in my mind, was so that newbies would have somewhere to go to for a Big Sib (or for us to have a pool of potential Big Sibs to give them if they didn’t ask for one), so that they would get someone to help them out, without being able to ask for a specific individual.
As can be gathered from my essay so far, I think the Houses offer the potential for more than just that, and believe that we would be denying ourselves a vast resource if we focus them solely on Oldbie/Fresh-Faced-Newbie interactions.
The Wiki is a fantastic resource for anyone wanting to write missions, and I think people should always look there first when they want to find something out. But the thoughts, opinions and recollections of Boarders are also a resource, one that could be just as valuable to newbie, midbie and oldbie alike. Having an easy access to a group of people that know about a certain subject in detail sounds like a good thing to me.
Prior to this, I was thinking that it would be a good thing to work on improving my ability to offer concrit, and I may have posted a request for help with that on the Board at some point in the future. Now I know that there is somewhere I can go specifically for that help, rather than just having to ask randomly.
In one of hS’ previous posts he said ‘As I understand it, the purpose of Houses is to enable people to find the right type of Big Sib’, now I would disagree with the specific wording used there, although not (I think) with the intent behind it. I would say that Houses should be used by us to help provide the right Big Sib. No-one says we’re going to get it right first time (hell, no-one’s saying that the newbie in question is even going to pick the House that is most suitable for them).
To take the example of the hypothetical Lacksidacksical, in her intro post she expresses an interest in both Santa’s Little Kinslayers and Catastrophe Theory (and is promptly snapped up by Hunesoron – hey, I guess you’re right, looks like people really do never get the name right!), but then immediately starts asking questions about the IRC. So July may be better at answering those kind of questions: what does that matter? Assuming that Lacksidacksical has made sensible choices with her Houses, she’s probably still going to have questions about LotR fandom/missions and the history of the PPC. In which case, we’ve just succeeded in getting her talking to two oldbies, and from an integration point of view that’s got to be better than just talking to one, right?
Even if it were to turn out that hS couldn’t answer any of Lacksidacksical’s questions, and ended up turning over siblingship entirely to July, the system has still worked. We provided Lacksidacksical with an appropriate Big Sib in July, even if we did take a detour along the way. So what? I don’t think there’s any major problems with that.
Now I admit, it may be a little disappointing to pick out a newbie for adoption and then find that you’re not the right Big Sib for them, so maybe we shouldn’t be picking them out? As July said, the Houses aren’t to be used as our personal recruiting grounds for minions (which I guess means that I need to start looking elsewhere for my future Legions of Terror. Incidentally, if anyone knows of any decent Bond-villain-style volcanic islands available on the market, let me know), so maybe the choice of ‘officially designated’ Big Sib should be done randomly. Each member of the House gets listed alphabetically, and is assigned a Little Sib who applies to that House in order. If they can’t take on the responsibility at that time, for any reason, they pass it on to the next person in the list. If the newbie asks a question that their ‘official’ Big Sib can’t answer, they can outsource that particular question to someone who can.
As for what a House isn’t, I’m firmly with Neshomeh on this one: they aren’t to become an isolated clique, and they aren’t to place themselves above any of the other Houses. Some may end up becoming more popular than others, just because of what the deal with, but that’s not to suggest that those more popular ones are somehow better or more valuable than the others.
What is a Big Sib?
For a newbie, a Big Sib should be someone that they can start talking to, to help get them settled within the madness that is the PPC.
For everyone else, they can still be there as a knowledgeable person on a given subject (but I think I’ve already gone on enough about that elsewhere so I’m going to stop now).
What I think we want/need for a Big Sib is someone who can be easily contacted, who won’t get too annoyed if they’re asked the same silly questions again and again, who has a good knowledge of the PPC (and maybe a specialist subject within that), and who knows enough about the other PPCers to be able to direct any unanswerable questions to someone who can handle them.
I also think that we should limit the number of Houses that a Big Sib participates in. I’m not suggesting anything official, but just that we should all be aware of what we’re doing, and not bite off more than we can chew by signing up to every House under the sun.
So yeah, I realise that some of what I'm suggesting sounds like fairly major changes (both from how the Board is currently, and from what we've already discussed), but I think that for the most part it follows the way we've been developing already. What does everyone else think? -
Er, right. Think you could make your points in 100 words? by
on 2012-06-12 05:09:00 UTC
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I've spent the last few days reading and rereading what you've said here, and to be honest?
I'm more than a bit lost. You used way too many words to say... something. I'm not exactly sure what.
It's a bit late- in terms of planning and such- to be coming out with an essay on your views and reflections on them. Right now is the point where we should be figuring out what we are doing and how we will implement it. -
Erm... yeah, you're right, I probably could. by
on 2012-06-12 19:41:00 UTC
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I was writing that up in my lunchbreak and just posted it when I got to the end of it rather than looking back properly at what I'd written.
Re-reading it now, it looks like I was mostly just writing stuff down to organise my thoughts, and there are better places for me to do that than the Board. Sorry about that.
I'll try to be more concise in the future. -
There's nothing wrong with getting longwinded... by
on 2012-06-12 19:43:00 UTC
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This just wasn't the right time for it in this thread. Would've been better earlier on when we were all being longwinded to an extent.
Those were a lot of words. by
on 2012-06-08 14:36:00 UTC
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And I still haven't had enough sleep, so I'm just going to reply on one point:
To take the example of the hypothetical Lacksidacksical, in her intro post she expresses an interest in both Santa’s Little Kinslayers and Catastrophe Theory (and is promptly snapped up by Hunesoron – hey, I guess you’re right, looks like people really do never get the name right!), but then immediately starts asking questions about the IRC. So July may be better at answering those kind of questions: what does that matter?
The problem is, at the moment a few people are doing all the work. Imagine that half the non-Chatters think immediately of July when a question about the Chat comes up. However we randomise the selection process for Big Sibs, this still ends up with a massive workload for July - precisely the situation we're trying to sort out. In fact it makes it worse, because at the moment she at least technically has a choice about it, whereas this scenario has Lacksidacksical contacting her out of the blue on my recommendation.
Obviously this goes for other people than July - I imagine I'd be on at least a few people's minds if their Little Sib started asking detailed questions about the in-universe origins of the PPC - but unless I create a hypothetical oldbie to go along with my fictional newbie, I have to use someone for examples.
hS, trying to do thinking -
Fewer words this time by
on 2012-06-08 15:07:00 UTC
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I hope you've managed at least some sleep, I'd be utterly out of it myself by now otherwise.
I'll carry on using the names that have already come up for examples, cos it's easier that way. In this case, maybe the communication needs to go the other way. Rather than you saying to Lacksidacksical 'Ah, I don't know, but here, have July's e-mail, she'll be able to help', maybe you should contact July and say 'My Lil' Sib has a question about the Chat, can you talk to her about it? (Here's her e-mail)'. Then, if July has the time and inclination to answer, she contacts Lacksidacksical, if not, she passes the request on to someone else to deal with, maybe someone else from a Chat-centric House, or just anyone else that she knows frequents the Chatroom.
If new contact is done Big Sib to Big Sib first, then it can all be taken care of under the radar, and the Little Sib gets an answer to their question, while Big Sibs that have too much to handle don't get tonnes of extra questions from people that aren't supposed to be their responsibility.
Obviously to prevent outsourced Big Sibs from becoming swamped after they've introduced themselves to a whole bunch of newbies, we'd just have to stress the importance of using your Official Big Sib as the main point of contact.
I would think that we should be able to arrange it so that no one individual gets swamped, because with the Houses set up, we're all going to know that there are other people on the Board that are willing and able to deal with stuff like this.
Personally, The Reorganisation and Crashing Down are among my favourite PPC stories, and while I doubt that I'd be able to answer any questions about them in quite as much detail as you, I'd certainly be willing to give it a go if it came up and you were up to your eyeballs in other stuff. -
Agreed and disagreed on interviewness. by
on 2012-06-06 03:17:00 UTC
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Yes, the atmosphere of an Interview is definitely not what we want to subject newbies to. It just isn't friendly, and would be a Problem. That said, considering that we aren't looking to hire one newbie out of a half-million applicants, it's probably not going to happen.
So, let's actually have a conversation with newbies, rather than a half-million echoes of "Ahoy there! Welcome aboard!". I think that part, at least, is a good idea. -
I agree, conversations sound like a good thing by
on 2012-06-06 03:28:00 UTC
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And finding out a little more about each newbie when they turn up will surely be worthwhile.
Pushy? Nah. by
on 2012-06-06 03:08:00 UTC
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"Hi, nice to meet you! I see you've read all the Guides, that's cool. Just in case you have any questions, or need help with anything, we've assigned [Insert Boarder Name Here] to be your 'Big Sibling'. If you need anything, they're there to act as your personal guide to the PPC. Hope you have a great time!"
Alternativly, have the big siblings choose their own newbies. Either way, wouldn't change the content of the above very much. And if they managed to take offense at that? They're not gonna get very far anyway. -
Good point. I think my concerns were mostly unfounded by
on 2012-06-06 03:22:00 UTC
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If we do implement this, I do think that it would be worth having some information on the Wiki that would allow newbies to pick their Big Sib, just to be able to pick out the ones that have bothered to do that level of research.
I would be willing... by
on 2012-06-06 00:37:00 UTC
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...to volunteer as one of these Big Sibs. Provided this ends up being an idea we choose to pursue, of course.
I would volunteer, as well. (nm) by
on 2012-06-06 01:02:00 UTC
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As would I (nm) by
on 2012-06-09 08:45:00 UTC
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My thoughts by
on 2012-06-04 17:35:00 UTC
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Set out as responses to specific things people have raised, but generally applicable anyway.
Tomash's Link: I don't feel this applies to the PPC, for one specific reason: we already have a mechanism in place whereby egregious offenders can be banned. The Nameless Admin, when the Board makes its feelings clear, can ban an IP. This has happened before, but usually to trolls - because when people act up, the Board as a whole does unite against them, if it feels the need. If just one person, or half a dozen people, have a problem with a newcomer... well, that's their problem, not the Board's.
nakkel's Italics: I disagree that 'self-moderation simply will not happen in an internet community', for the simple reason that it, uh, does. Right here. We have never met a problem that could not be resolved by the community acting together, or by the Nameless Admin IP-banning - and those are trolls, by and large. There is not such a problem now. The PPC Board can and does self-moderate. Also, uh:
The fact we needed to have more complicated, precise rules of conduct attests to this. Apparently, the old rules weren't specific enough, which is code for "nobody could tell what they should or shouldn't do based on simple observation and common sense".
As the person who suggested rewriting the Constitution, no, that is not why we did it. We did it for two reasons: first, that the old Constitution was Board-focussed and LotR-heavy, both of which are no longer appropriate. Secondly, because (bluntly) I was fed up with all the 'How dare you post a new badfic outside the thread!' posts, and by way of compromise wanted to put it into the Constitution so that people would hopefully not need telling. The third type of alteration is the addition of definitions for various terms - 'troll', 'plagiarism' - which came about because of a very specific incident where someone claimed rewriting a video as their own work wasn't plagiarising because, er, something. I do not believe the community as a whole needed the definitions in, and they were originally simply Wiki links - but for completeness they are in there.
Neshomeh's second post: Well, the Wiki is irrelevant to the discussion of Board moderators, since July responded there in her capacity as an Admin, but I understand her point. However, as I think Vixenmage pointed out, the reason July never gets a break is that July never takes a break. At the top of the second page of the Board, I find her responding to three ThArcanist posts in less than half an hour each - in one case, 2 minutes. And more generally - most of the things that she's responding to are either not generally seen as issues (posting a badfic outside the long badfic thread which she wanted to shut down anyway), or are going to get responded to.
Telling people to read Legendary Badfics will get you told off - that's two separate posts recently - whether or not the insanely vigilant JulyFlame says something. A permission request five minutes after joining will get turned down or ignored. Etcetera etcetera. One post that might have gone unnoticed is the one where someone reviewed a story to say that they were reporting it to the PPC, and yes, July (or whoever it was) was right to say something - but even if she hadn't, even if no-one had noticed that particular review (since it wasn't mentioned specifically on-Board), it would either be a one-off, or the poster would do it again, and pretty soon they would have been told not to. As mentioned in my comment on nakkel's post, we do that self-moderating thing. And the PPC has managed ten years without descending into a flame-generator.
A note on badfic posting: And specifically on the fact that people seem to feel a burning need to post every badfic they find, and often to claim it for PPCing as soon as they start... um, did anyone ever read the Board header? Because until very recently it started with this:
Welcome, Assassins and all other supporters of the Continuum Protection Initiative! Here is the place to report new offenders in need of smiting, or celebrate the acquisition of yet another target. (Or just to natter on...we're not picky!)
Yes, according to the header, the sole purpose of the Board is to post and claim badfics. And the link to the Constitution was kind of thrown in offhand, what with the long ramble about wikis and IRCs. Hopefully the new version is a bit more to the point.
Techno-Dann's Questions: Are very good ones. These questions:
What situations are mods going to address, and what powers (both technical and soft) are they going to need to have to do so? You say "We need proper authority", but what does proper authority look like?
I would like to see these answered by more than one person. I think that the various proposals have focussed very much on how to select mods, without actually coming down on what they're for. Ultimately, if people feel (as I do) that mods are unnecessary, it doesn't matter if they're randomised, rotating, secret or chosen personally by the Sunflower Official - they're still a bad idea.
But, since that's not very helpful, I'll make a proposal of my own. As a reply.
hS -
I am wondering a few things. by
on 2012-06-05 02:31:00 UTC
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Mainly, what is an acceptable period of time to wait to respond if you see somebody doing something you think is wrong? For instance, I see you've insulted July by calling her "insanely vigilant," as though questioning her mental stability is an appropriate response to disagreeing with her habit of correcting wayward behavior as soon as she sees it. I've waited about nine hours, and I'm still the first person to point it out. Should I have waited longer? A day, maybe? Two?
How long should July have waited before responding to those posts by ThArcanist? When would someone else have gotten around to it, do you think? How long should any of us wait and see whether someone else will get to it first before it's okay for us to respond?
I would also like to know what exactly July is allowed to respond to. You note that she's generally either responding to things that aren't issues, or she's responding to things that someone else would get to eventually anyway (in theory). Is it ever okay for July to respond?
Furthermore, do you find it's always true that there is never a real problem if only one person or half a dozen people are complaining? I'm pretty sure there are examples in history that strongly indicate otherwise, so I'm wondering what gives you the opposite impression.
I really would have liked to not be the one to bring this stuff up, because I'm sick of being on the opposite side of disagreements with you, and it really sucks, but I didn't honestly have much hope that it would be otherwise. First of all, it's you, and second of all, it's July. Who else is going to stick their neck out? Apparently no one, not in less than nine hours, at least.
I think you owe July an apology.
~Neshomeh -
That was not intended as an insult. by
on 2012-06-05 05:09:00 UTC
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And I apologise for my poor choice of wording. I meant 'insanely' in the sense of 'extremely' - as in, she is highly vigilant and always here.
And I was not intending to say that you shouldn't respond. It is of course always okay for anyone to say that they see an issue. However, you stated that 'I think the biggest reason that I want mods is so that those of us who are doing all the work trying to keep order right now can take a f***ing break. I'm thinking of July in particular, but also me and Phobos and anyone else who wants to step back for a while and have someone else step up'. In response to that, I attempted to point out that taking a break is as simple as taking a break. Those nine hours, incidentally, saw about half a dozen posts to the Board - including yours here.
...do you find it's always true that there is never a real problem if only one person or half a dozen people are complaining? I'm pretty sure there are examples in history that strongly indicate otherwise, so I'm wondering what gives you the opposite impression.
You are of course correct on this point, that complaining aloud does not equal being the only personeople to be upset. However, this is a community, not an international body. I don't believe that behind every complaint lurk a hundred unspoken objections - because I remember the PPC Board as being somewhere people weren't afraid to speak out. If I have had a hand in changing that, as you seem to be suggesting, then I am truly sorry.
And I am truly sorry for appearing to single July out. Despite what you appear to be implying, I am not targetting her. I am simply referrencing recent events on the Board - and as you yourself stated, it is July that is doing most of the work.
PS: If your questions ('How long should July have waited before responding to those posts by ThArcanist? When would someone else have gotten around to it, do you think?') were intended to be answered, rather than being a rhetorical device, I would say this: I can only speak for myself, but I work ten to twelve hours a day and try to sleep eight. The chances that I will respond to something in any given two minutes - or two hours - are not good. However, the chances that I will read most posts within a couple of days are currently quite high. ~hS -
I'm relieved. by
on 2012-06-05 22:49:00 UTC
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Also helped by your reply to July up in the Board-update thread. I know I'm being ratty over this myself, so I'm glad you were even willing to respond to me here.
I actually do agree with you on several points (having to take a break to get a break, for one), and I think I haven't been clear what my issues actually are, so I want to try to clear that up. I agree that we are pretty good about dealing with big stuff, like trolls and other obviously malicious types; it's the little things that build up that are worrying me. It's the sheer amount of correcting that seems to need doing these days more than whatever particular thing is being corrected at a given time. It's stuff like the two unrelated instances last year of July being criticized for using "fancy words" and an "extensive vocabulary" to intimidate people—I mean, really, this is not a place where people should be intimidated by big words, right?
The thing is, my own tendency is to take each individual thing on its own, so I understand the instinct to forgive and forget, but clueless stuff like this has been going on for a long time, as Araeph reminded me in the oldbies thread. Tomash's post made me realize that's what is getting to me: the steady influx of cluelessness and not getting it that July has been on the forefront of combating, largely at the cost of her own image and reputation because it's so easy to ignore.
The PPC I joined was one where the members had long conversations about obscure canon details and were clearly way more knowledgeable than I was about such things—that's why I joined. The PPC we've got now is one where we're constantly reminding people that we don't bash authors, and please contain your badfic reports so they don't flood the Board, and please don't use fanspeak, and please at least try to do some research on your own before you ask questions, we've got a really awesome resource for it now; etc., etc. I agree that each individual incidence is not a big deal, but what I want to get across is that I think all of it together is, and what we're doing right now is not good enough.
I'm going to stop here, though, because I think Irish Samurai has some really excellent thoughts about an alternative solution to mods. I don't think I said this clearly, but my first choice is for more action on the part of the community to self-regulate about this little stuff, but that can't happen if we don't recognize the little stuff as a big problem, collectively. That's why it's so scary to hear you and VM going "We're just fine, we don't have any problems we can't deal with doing exactly what we've done forever, only a few people are making noise so there can't really be a problem," etc. I don't think we can be the community of intelligent and thoughtful people we're so fond of insisting we are if we continue to love and tolerate all the cluelessness.
Hopefully that is more sense-making than I have been thusfar, and I am also sorry for the general frustration and rattiness.
~Neshomeh -
* your response in the goodfic thread, not the Board-update. (nm by
on 2012-06-05 22:55:00 UTC
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My Proposal by
on 2012-06-04 17:36:00 UTC
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I think that what we need in a moderator is power without authority. We do sometimes need to ban people - spambots, or just people who really don't listen - and sometimes locking threads could be extremely useful. But that shouldn't be any one person's decision to make. So. This:
The Powers
I suggest that moderators be given the ability to:
-Ban users and/or IP addresses, depending on the Board setup (see, I'm not ranting about how we should never move - that's for later ;)). This would be useful for trolls and spambots - more so the latter, since we point and laugh at trolls. :P
-Lock posts, so that no further replies can be given to them or to anything descending from them. This would extend to locking entire threads simply by locking the top post. This would be useful for uber-conversations stretching the Board (when it's only two people, this is), and for flamewars, should they ever crop up. It does need to be specific, though - there's no need to lock a whole thread because of something happening in a sub-thread, and I adore the multi-threading nature of the Board.
-Collapse a conversation into its starter post. This, actually, could be automated - if a conversation reaches more than (say) ten indents, it automatically collapses so you have to go into the tenth to see all the others. Livejournal does this, I believe.
-Poof posts, as Dann suggested, so that they are hidden but can be clicked to read. This would be ideal for the situations where someone posts something without a warning - which is a legitimate problem, and one we can only currently deal with by replying with 'THIS CONTAINS whatever'.
-Delete posts and threads. This would be, again, necessary for spambots, but not often used otherwise.
I do not think moderators should be able to edit other Boarders' posts, nor should there be any 'formal warning' system - particularly not leading to a ban. I would much prefer fire-and-forget moderators, who operate based on specific actions, not ongoing trends or feelings about the individual. That's what the community response is for - as mentioned (far) above, if someone is (eg) reviewing stories with flames, they will be asked to stop by the Board - and if they keep going, that's trollish behaviour.
The Authority
I suggest that moderators have specifically defined authority. They would be allowed to deal unilaterally with:
-Obvious trolls (I mean really obvious)
-Extended conversations (lock or, preferably, collapse, as above - with a specific limit on the term 'extended')
-(Possibly) poofing and stating what the warning should be - but only for things that should have been warned but weren't.
Beyond that, I suggest that Boarders should be given a very simple method of asking a mod to intervene - given the small size of the PPC, this would be best given as a button at the top of the Board, not on every post. We would send a note to the mods - it would go to every active mod - where we actually say why we object to something, rather than just saying 'This is bad'. Then, the moderator would do nothing.
Because moderators would not be allowed to act without a community response saying they should. The message system is because people may be uncomfortable saying anything on-Board, particularly if it's an older member acting up (oh yes it /does/ happen). So make sure it's anonymous (in case it's a mod acting up), and make specific guidelines. For instance, six people need to request intervention, or at least as many people as have responded positively to the post in question, whichever is greater. Then, and only then, the moderator would be permitted to intervene.
You may have noticed that what I've said is pretty much 'We should have more functionality for the Nameless Admin'. That's because we don't need moderators. Admins with power but no authority beyond cosmetic changes or community request, yes. Moderators who get to pick who is allowed to post what, no.
hS -
Sounds good to me. by
on 2012-06-04 23:09:00 UTC
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If I'm honest, the main reason I don't like to come here much is that virtually every time I decide to lurk, somebody is getting/has recently been told not to do something, or there's a dispute, and I just don't find it a pleasant atmosphere to be in.
An anonymous tip off system would probably eliminate a lot of that, so I'm all for it. -
Just latching a link to Neshomeh's thread here. by
on 2012-06-04 04:27:00 UTC
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The thread in question.
I feel it is important enough and connected to this that we should be able to get to it quickly, now that the first few pages of the board kinda look terrible and dire and like why we switched to bump mode in the first place. -
Thanks. {= ) by
on 2012-06-04 16:55:00 UTC
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I was thinking of starting a new thread with a link, but this is probably better. I'm definitely not done with that thread yet.
~Neshomeh -
My take on it by
on 2012-06-04 03:45:00 UTC
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I agree that we have some pretty big problems at the moment. I don't think anyone will be surprised that I feel that way, I'm pretty open about that.
I am in favor of seeing what we could do with a new Board design, before we make a choice about moving or not. We should at least consider alternatives to what we have now.
Bumping threads is, as so many have already noted, not working for us. That's fine. Maybe we can try hS's discovery of an option that highlights new posts. I think that one sounds like it could be a winner, and it looks to have some support right now.
As for mods, I am in favor of the idea of having them. I believe that this community is cautious enough about the idea that we will create rules, checks and balances to avoid any of the issues that have been brought up so far. In fact, let me go ahead and throw out a potential idea. To prevent any one person from gaining too much power/authority, I think you should not be able to be both a PG and a Mod on the Board. If you are a PG and you want to be a mod instead, then you can opt to lose your PG status if you were voted to be a mod. I know some people would prefer one over the other. Nesh, for instance, would prefer to stay a PG in a case like this. PGs could be like the DAs in the chat, with a new ability to overturn any punishment a mod deals out.
Just an idea. Maybe you like it, maybe you prefer Neshomeh's rotating nameless mods idea, maybe you have something that you would like to suggest. The point is, as I recently said to a friend, the fear that if you do X then Y might happen, means that you are watching for Y to happen, and you are not likely to let it.
We are a group of intelligent, mature people. We can make this happen. I have faith in the group. With people like July working to fix the problems as they arise, and people like VM watching the watchmen, I think we can make it work. I also think the group as a whole would be better off for it.
-Phobos -
Hmm. by
on 2012-06-04 05:58:00 UTC
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I'd rather see rotating mods, personally - a system that expects and requires people to give up power strikes me as a better balance than one where imaginary lines are drawn to try to prevent accumulation. Of course, there's no reason they couldn't coexist - PGs commissioned to mod-hood could go on a Permissive hiatus until they've passed the commission on to the next victim.
That's cool by
on 2012-06-04 16:30:00 UTC
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I didn't have any particular attachment to that idea, it was just a potential way of addressing some of the fears that people have expressed.
I was under the impression that Neshomeh's plan (I think that's what you are referring to) was not for people to give up power, but rather for there to be a group of elected mods with a rotating schedule. The group never changes, but no mod is on duty all the time.
For instance, we have nameless mods A, B, and C (chosen by closed ballot so only the vote counter and the mods know who is a mod). This week/month/whatever mods A and B are on duty. Mods A and B are expected to keep an eye on the Board and deal with any problems that arise so mod C can take a break (to prevent burnout). Next week, mods B and C will be on duty, and mods C and A get the week after that. The mod(s) that are not on duty can still step in if they see a problem, but they wouldn't be obligated if it is not their week.
As I understand your post, you favor a system where A, B, and C are mods for a certain period of time and then give it up so that D, E, and F can take up the mantle, and G, H, and I after them. Is that an accurate assessment?
The major problem I see with a system like that is what happens if the same people get elected to the position every time? It is not outside the realm of possibility, since the community won't know who the mods are, and some members of the community stand out more than others. It is the same reason that many of the PGs got voted to be DAs in the IRC. It is something to consider.
-Phobos, bouncing ideas -
A solution? by
on 2012-06-04 23:35:00 UTC
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I don't know if this is what Dann was thinking of, but in this post, I did kind of put up a possible solution to that?
What if we, as a community, in some private ballot, nominate, say, five trustworthy, active members to do this for one month. At the end of that month, each of the five members picks somebody to take their place, and so on and so forth? We could even put some kind of guideline up, like you can't pick someone who was on last month, if we're worried about a power dynasty or something. -
Ouch... well... by
on 2012-06-04 02:59:00 UTC
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I quite agree. The problem is, we need to be careful with admins.
I know hatred of authority is juvenile and all that, but I've had some roleplay groups I really loved die, just because of one moronic, control-freak, jerk of an admin. -
My opinion. by
on 2012-06-05 09:21:00 UTC
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I think that a slight upgrade to the board would be a good thing. At the moment things can get a little confusing to follow with each thread stretching the page. Not sure on the topic of moderation, I've never really had a problem with the current method. Then again, I'm not here very often currently, so I can't say.
I agree with most of this. by
on 2012-06-04 02:31:00 UTC
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Which is one of the reasons I returned last month, or the month before, and haven't really been seen since. Bumping I'm indifferent to, though I can see how it stretches out arguments and threads which really should die.
As to the separate board idea... I have less support for that, but I can see where it's a good idea.
And the Mods getting banhammer powers? Yes, I can definitely agree with that, especially after the link Tomash posted, which expressed my thoughts and feelings on the subject much more clearly than I can. I've come back, and regretted doing so...
Authority doesn't always mean a bad thing. The Agents have the Sunflower Official to answer to, and our community should have someone to answer to when it gets really bad. Being a Mod with the banhammer doesn't mean we're going to enter a Big Brother period, but it can help weed out the Derps from the people who are genuinely here to have intelligent discussion. -
My thoughts by
on 2012-06-03 03:20:00 UTC
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I agreee that we need some sort of moderation to deal with out-of-control threads abe newbies who don't listen. Nesh's "rotating mods" idea sounds good to me, and I support it. I've also come accross this link, which is relevant to this discussion.
On the subject of a new Board, I support Dann's "seperation of post and view" idea. I like the threaded, all posts on one page model, but I realize that not everyone does, which is why that should be a per-user option. I'm willing to help with the coding (I'd need to learn Rails, though). Here's my new Board wish/idea list:- Authentication that isn't broken. OpenID would probably work well for this.
- Support for both subforumites and not-subforumites. One way to this would be for each post to have a "tag", like "Permission Requests", "New Missions", "Random Silliness" etc. . People who want subforums could "Browse by Tag" and the others could "Browse by Creation Date". This would also, for example, let the PGs check for new Permission Requests just by checking on the appropriate tag.
- Threaded conversations like we have now (possibly with the ability to flatten if desired).
- Protection from malicious HTML.
Finally, bump mode makes threads stay on the front page too long and makes it hard to see what's new. It should go.
Interesting. by
on 2012-06-03 23:52:00 UTC
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I continue to think that there is a middle ground. I'm not so crazy as to think that being able to level some consequences against people who are obviously acting up is a bad idea. I'm just worried about the consequences, community-wide, of putting a shiny gold star on somebody's name, a hammer in their hand, and telling them to Keep Order. I think most of us are quite capable of keeping order amongst ourselves, and, well, honestly, giving somebody the power to shut down threads and suspend people from the community, then trusting them with no checks or balances besides communal outrage to Do The Right Thing... that worries me. Also, as I think has been said, putting someone on a higher level of authority changes the conversation - it makes people address them differently, makes people worried to disagree with them.
I know I've made bad calls as a PG. And as a DA. And just in general. I've told people off who didn't deserve it because of personal grudges, and started fights with people that, once started, were hard to stop. I've denied... well, one request, anyway, out of hand for an incredibly stupid, personal reason. Fortunately, hS was paying enough attention to start a conversation and fix that mistake.
But clearly, at this point we need some kind of solution. If we are to have mods, as it appears we are going to have to, I think Neshomeh's Nameless Rotating Mod idea is best. I have a sort of proposal for that.
What if we, as a community, in some private ballot (Nameless Admin to check?), nominate, say, five trustworthy, active members to do this (Whatever 'this' is, exactly, because we also have to decide that - we want to keep things from getting out of hand, not impose strict martial law) for one month. At the end of that month, each of the five members picks somebody to take their place, and so on and so forth? We could even put some kind of guideline up, like you can't pick someone who was on last month, if we're worried about a power dynasty or something.
And maybe a Board-Wide discussion on what worked, what didn't, what we want to change/fix/keep after six months? I don't know.
As for what actual powers such mods would have... that's sort of more tricky, and bears more discussion. But what do you folks think about this all? -
I've seen two distinct styles of moderation . . . by
on 2012-06-04 17:22:00 UTC
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In one style, the mods pretty much keep themselves aloof from the community. They mostly post with mod hat in place, and absolutely keep their opinions out of any controversial threads -- politics, religion, best pizza toppings, etc. They aren't personally involved with the people of the community; they're just background staff.
These communities tend to run very smoothly. Of course there are plenty of people who do resent the mod team, but that never really causes problems because the mod team don't particularly care. They keep the room tidy and that's that.
In the other style, more common on small forums like this, the mods are fully immersed in the interpersonal aspect of the community. We know all about their politics and religion and personal pet peeves; they indulge in all the fun of internet cliques, and we all know which "ordinary" members can get away with murder and who gets warning points for breathing too suddenly.
These communities tend to regularly erupt in massive fireballs of drama -- great for s'mores. The mods get a lot more personal emotional satisfaction out of their work, but the communities themselves suck.*
This is what I expect from any community that is small enough for people to recognise each other's names, because the mods just can't keep themselves emotionally removed. And yes, this is what I expect would happen in the PPC. It's just how small internet communities tend to work. (And anyway, I've seen enough PPC chatroom dramas come through over the years to know that we're not remotely immune to moderation angst)
I don't like the nameless rotating mods. The line between acceptable and rule-breaking would shift every time the mod team changed, and I can scarcely think of anything more dramatic than handing people anonymity and power at the same time. People would still bring their personal issues to the moderation room: they'd just have less accountability for how they handled them. There's a reason Anonymous use anonymity as their symbol, you know?
And if Dann has come up with a brilliant board design which would help keep things tidier, then I genuinely don't see how mods would contribute much to the community. (Admittedly, an untidy board doesn't cause me much primal anguish to begin with)
Of course we get spambots and trolls sometimes. But democratic community response *does* kick in for those times. The Admin in its various incarnations seems perfectly sufficient to handle that sort of thing. I don't think mods would be a particular improvement. They would only bring the potential for entirely new kinds of drama. A tidy board would be great and all, but I don't think it is worth the trade-off.
-- Kaitlyn, posting once on this issue
*In fairness, I have seen a few individual mods who manage to walk the tightrope in between -- they carefully balance their law enforcement with massive heaping doses of self-deprecation. Everyone loves them, or can at least tolerate them, but they tend to burn out in a matter of months when they realise that to maintain that acceptance in the community they have to give up personal dignity and boundaries. The fireballs are smaller, but the marshmallows are still tasty. -
Agreed about anonymity probably being bad. by
on 2012-06-04 23:49:00 UTC
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Frankly, I was thinking mostly about protecting the potential mods from unfair treatment by everyone who thinks they can never be looked upon as a normal person once they have "status." That upsets me, and I think the onus is really on you-collective to treat people in a way that you think is reasonable rather than to blame them for the way you decide to regard them once there's a metaphorical star by their name.
BUT, since that's the case, and additionally considering issues with accountability, anonymity for mods is probably not an appropriate solution.
~Neshomeh, who does have bad ideas occasionally. -
At least one more style by
on 2012-06-04 18:39:00 UTC
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I am part of a decent sized community that is based around the game Diplomacy. The Mods on their forums are picked, by the existing mods, from among the community and they continue to post as part of the community. They are people who are well known and respected. They keep order without self-deprecation, losing their dignity, or massive fireballs of drama. There are very clear rules, and the mods enforce them without any of the problems you have mentioned. So, it is possible.
That system works because of the clear rules in the community, and the level of respect for the individuals who are chosen to be mods.
All that aside, you make a very good point about anonymity and power. While it may be convenient for people who don't want to know they are talking to a mod, there is the problem of accountability. That is something that needs to be considered.
-Phobos -
Wow, that link. I recommend everyone read it. by
on 2012-06-03 21:25:00 UTC
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That is way more than just relevant. It's positively frightening how much that sounds like us. O.o;
~Neshomeh -
Yeah. by
on 2012-06-03 21:39:00 UTC
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It was very, very relevant with regards to what's been going on for quite awhile.
I agree by
on 2012-06-02 23:11:00 UTC
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It seems the standard depiction of authority here on the board is off tyrannical despots going completely off the rails the second they're given power and reducing the community to a grey, lifeless wasteland. It's tiring and frankly, I think it's rather juvenile.
Self-moderation simply will not happen in an internet community; Anonymity puts paid to the concept. The fact we needed to have more complicated, precise rules of conduct attests to this. Apparently, the old rules weren't specific enough, which is code for "nobody could tell what they should or shouldn't do based on simple observation and common sense". The anonymity inherent in internet use basically means that people are quicker to act on their impulses and less likely to consider what they're doing. Removing moderation from this is akin to a body acting without a head.
Most communities get by perfectly fine with less-than-stellar moderators, and clearly we're putting a lot of thought into who is moderating. It doesn't matter which way the mods want to do it, I believe this community will have no problem with the mods it chooses. The moderation will almost certainly be lax regardless; it just helps to have the safeguards in place instead of assuming you won't need them.
As for the board design, I prefer non-bump and I don't mind the current design, but I do prefer phpBB. Either way, it doesn't bother me since I'm mostly on the IRC.
Finally, I believe the community could do with a little less of the "be nice to everyone all the time" attitude, but then again I'm a curmudgeonly Scot and it's in my blood. -
Good thoughts on moderators. (nm) by
on 2012-06-02 23:24:00 UTC
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Absolutely agreed. by
on 2012-06-02 22:34:00 UTC
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I've been, in my own small way, been tooting the horn of needing "proper authority" around here for a while now. I think there should be a small but trusted set of moderators (that can have rotating duties if they prefer it that way). I think we're looking at the authority angle at the wrong way. It almost seems like people feel like the so-called venerated oldbies (PGs, etc.) can't be trusted at all to run things without twenty different regulations and by-laws breathing down their necks. This comes off as bizarre to me. Most forums putter along with moderators who were almost virtually grabbed off the street or are just buddies with the admin.
Our community is incredibly strong in many ways, and we should have a bit more faith in that. And like I replied to Makari, we are not making people Kings or Queens of the PPC here; if the moderators got out of hand, there'd be Consequences. But they should be able to close threads when they get out of hand, they should be able to ban people from posting - temporarily or permanently - etc.
I think moving to phpBB would be great. I don't think we have enough volume to warrant separate subfora though. -
Thank you. by
on 2012-06-03 00:10:00 UTC
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In particular, thank you for bringing up the trust thing. I think that's part of what was giving me so much grief when I was trying to post this morning. Just... hear, hear.
~Neshomeh -
PS. I'd post a lot more on a "regular" forum setup, I think. (nm by
on 2012-06-02 22:36:00 UTC
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My understanding of the mod issue by
on 2012-06-02 18:20:00 UTC
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Okay, yeah. Mods with power. Great, and, it throws the structure on its head.
My interpretation of the reason we don't have mods has always been to keep people on an equal footing. I can understand why they might look like a necessity -- maybe they are, maybe they aren't, but they sure look like it right now -- however, half the point of a moderator is that they are respected more than the other users because of the powers they wield, yeah? Not because of who they are. Because of what they can do to you if you step out of line.
Isn't that exactly what we were trying to avoid? My take had always been that we were trying to encourage a feeling of equality, regardless of chronological presence. (though the oldbies do have a certain, hm. Veneration, I suppose? All of us are human and fallible.) I realize PGs are also kind of a thing in that respect, but hey, we have stealth PGs, sort of.
I dunno. When I go into a conversation with someone I perceive as a peer rather than someone I perceive as above me on the status chain, the results are going to be completely different. In fact, in the latter situation it's unlikely to get me to engage at all. Maybe I'm just a special kind of shy, since I haven't noticed many other people doing so. In fact, I think many of the people here would be fine with it, charge brightly ahead with a smile, though correct me if I'm wrong.
I find official moderators a bit intimidating and not conducive to an open environment, but maybe I just know too many places where the moderation got out of hand, and maybe we could use people with 'official' authority to tell us to listen to each other instead of the people we know as friends. Because that always works, right?
On the subject of the Board, I think I'm probably alone in that I like this method. I can actually tell what's new. O_O This is novel. Yes, some threads are getting lost in the kerfuffle, but threads were always getting lost in the kerfuffle, and at least this way we have the capability to un-lose them.
My two bits. Please let me know if there's a point you want clarified or I phrased something too ambiguously. -
A suggestion. (Calling Dann...) by
on 2012-06-03 09:29:00 UTC
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Poking around the settings for YourWebApps reveals that there is an option for 'Highlight New Messages'. It does exactly what it says - any messages posted in the last 24 hours will be highlighted.
As a continuation of the 'trying new stuff' theory, what do people think of turning off bumping and flicking that switch instead?
hS -
Oooh, interesting. by
on 2012-06-03 09:52:00 UTC
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Personally, I'd think it's worth a try at least. Wonder what everyone else thinks?
That would be an interesting experiment... by
on 2012-06-04 02:41:00 UTC
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Anyone wildly against it?
I only wonder what it looks like. by
on 2012-06-04 03:55:00 UTC
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If it's going to be bright-yellow background fill highlighting, for instance, I think that would be pretty obnoxious. What's the visual going to be?
~Neshomeh -
Apparently... by
on 2012-06-04 04:04:00 UTC
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It's a mild-yellow highlight on the post titles. Could be a lot worse...
Could be better, too. by
on 2012-06-04 04:21:00 UTC
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Actually, could it? Any chance you could mess with the color, maybe make it blue?
I'll grit my teeth and give it a shot in any case if nobody else cares, but my aesthetic sensibilities are definitely twinging. ^_^;
~Neshomeh -
By the way, mind getting on IRC for a short time? by
on 2012-06-04 04:42:00 UTC
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Understandable if too late.
Your wish is granted... by
on 2012-06-04 04:35:00 UTC
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(And I might have given half the people on the IRC heart attacks in the process. Note to board admins: There is no 'preview' function for styles!)
Oh god, my eyes. Really now. by
on 2012-06-04 04:32:00 UTC
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CHARGE for no aesthetic sensibilities!
Not on this part. (nm) by
on 2012-06-04 03:53:00 UTC
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Agreed, it's worth trying (nm) by
on 2012-06-04 01:02:00 UTC
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Let's try it! (nm) (nm) by
on 2012-06-03 20:36:00 UTC
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Re: My understanding of the mod issue by
on 2012-06-02 22:28:00 UTC
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I understand the concern over having moderators, but I am honestly thinking we need to pick our poison here. The past few weeks and months have shown that we're picking up more and more traffic that is simply in dire need of some hand-holding and guiding, backed up by the use of force, to keep the whole thing from collapsing into a mess.
You have to remember that the moderators will not be anointed Kings of the PPC; they still have to have the legitimate backing of the population at large. We're already having DAs and PGs and whatnot, which is basically skirting around the issue of needing proper authority-holders.
And it's not like you couldn't be able to tell what's new on a phpBB board either! -
Hmmm, yes. by
on 2012-06-03 01:52:00 UTC
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phpBB boards I am actually comfortable with! It was this one I was talking about re: telling what's new. :P
And yeah, I know no one sets out to go 'here have a King' when mods are appointed. Just. Status things. When I was a newbie I was almost terrified of the PGs, and that's a fairly loose authority. Granted, I haven't been that age in a while, and I'm just one person. -
Concur. by
on 2012-06-02 18:18:00 UTC
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I'm all for turning off bump mode, but it's not going to solve all our problems. Rather than really long out-of-control threads, we'll be back to asking people not to spam new threads. I think I prefer that problem to this one, but let's not kid ourselves that everything was perfect before bump mode—somebody said something to that effect, and it's just not true.
I would like to see Dann's board up and running, too, but failing that, I would be okay with moving at this point. Something like the St. Dymphna's Academy board does have a feature that lets you view the 100 most recent posts, so if you want to view everything not separated into subfora, that's entirely possible.
I'm also in favor of mods, but I've been trying to discuss my feelings about this controversy for hours without being able to keep from descending into frustrated ranting, so that's all I can safely say right now.
~Neshomeh -
Let me try this again. by
on 2012-06-02 19:53:00 UTC
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Having thought about it a little since my previous post, I think the biggest reason that I want mods is so that those of us who are doing all the work trying to keep order right now can take a f***ing break. I'm thinking of July in particular, but also me and Phobos and anyone else who wants to step back for a while and have someone else step up when somebody decides it's a good idea to tell authors they're reporting their fics to us, or to post a blog on our wiki about why they hate fundamentalists, or come here all excited about getting to bash authors.
Don't know what I'm talking about? You haven't been paying attention the last few days—or possibly you were, but you missed it under all the badfic. These things all happened. Clearly some folks needed to be told to stand in line, because they either didn't read or didn't understand the rules on their own.
It thrills me to note that VM in particular has stepped up multiple times to help deal with these specific things, and stuff related to them, but this is new. Mostly it's July who's first on the ball, and July leans on me and Phobos, and I don't know that we lean on anybody, so it's mainly the three of us stuck doing most of the work when things go awry like this. Either more people need to step up voluntarily (and the Constitution strongly suggests that you all ought to take a hand in this, including the anarchists), or I would like to elect somebody new who's willing to deal with problems instead of pretending we don't have any and isn't already walking a very fine line between barely coping and being burned out.
Heck, what about rotating mods? We could have a mod pool, and they could take it in turns to post under a group name (The Nameless Mod?) so nobody is picked out as being "above" anybody else at any given time, and nobody bears all the weight all the time.
What about anything that is some sort of compromise between "OMG ebil authority!" and "OMG total chaos!"?
~Neshomeh -
That makes sense. by
on 2012-06-02 22:31:00 UTC
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(For the record, quite often the only reason I haven't said anything to people is because by the time I've made up my mind "Yes, this is something that deserves a response, yes, I should respond and say something," and written up a post that strikes a balance between OMG Ebil Authority! and Wishy-washy ineffective whining, and examined it, cross-examined it, made sure I'm not posting out of frustration or irritation, and got someone I trust to look over it and tell me whether I'm out of line or overreacting...
July, or sometimes you or Phobos, has beaten me to the punch. This also happens with permission requests. I'm not being lazy, or disinterested, I just really, really, really don't like to rush into those things - frequently, if I check the 'Board before work, I'm mulling over some response to a permission request (or out of line thread, or whatever) in the back of my mind for most of my shift, writing a draft on my break, and posting more or less within half an hour of getting home. The last internet community I hung out in splintered and disintegrated and died because the mods had feuds, and there were too many Very Serious Rules and too many people over-eager to enforce them, and eventually, far too little interest in the community. I have been guilty of rushing into Talking To/At People [about problems] before. I really don't want to make that mistake ever again.
That, compared with the fact that I know how easy it can be to come off as dogpiling, or attacking, and despite being a PG and a DA, I don't want the impression of authority. I'd much rather have people listen because the reply makes sense logically and makes sense in the community than because The Almighty Permission-y Folks Said So. I figure you guys probably don't want that either, but I worry sometimes about the impression it gives with just PGs acting as modly-types.)
That was sort of a tangent. What I meant to say was:
Rotating-Nameless-Mods sounds like an excellent idea. Why haven't we thought of this before? You're a genius, Neshomeh. -
Rotating mods sounds good. by
on 2012-06-02 22:07:00 UTC
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That way no one can complain that the mods are controlling or that they restrict freedom because the mods are never the same.That being said, there should be some requirements to volunteering as a mod, maybe having to have been here for a while or maybe getting approved by the rest of the community.
Now that you mention it... by
on 2012-06-02 22:06:00 UTC
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Memories surface of rotating mods having been employed on my old forums. I don't remember well how exactly it worked out, but this is actually a good idea. And I think this community is a tad more mature than the one on my old forums, so yeah. And the group name is actually a good idea.
Why do you keep making all these valid points and have these awesome ideas all the time? -
I really like this idea. by
on 2012-06-02 22:02:00 UTC
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The rotating mod plan, I mean. Using a group name's a good idea too; it circumvents the issues that Makari brought up regarding interacting with people who happen to be mods.
Very much all of this. by
on 2012-06-02 21:51:00 UTC
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It wasn't until you put it this way that I realized that is part of the reason that I haven't written much for quite some time.
I rather like the 'rotating mods' idea as well. -
My opinion. by
on 2012-06-02 17:46:00 UTC
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While I do agree with most people that the bump system needs to go, I don't think that it's necessary to move to a whole diferent site. As far as mods, I think that the Nameless Admins would be good enough,so long as one person isn't running the entire thing. I'll admit, we need a bit more order than we have now, but the PPC has never been a very structured organization. Also, I like the fact that everything is in the same place, that way I can see everything that's going on without having to to a seperate page for things like new missions or badfic threads.
Re: The State of the Board (Opinions and Options Welcome) by
on 2012-06-02 17:42:00 UTC
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I agree with the consensus below that the bump mode has to die but I'm a little wary of the other suggestions. I've never used a phpBB style forum so I don't exactly know what it's like but the idea of mods seems unnecessary to me. We don't need anyone to rule over anyone else if everyone would just stick to the Constitution. Along with that is the point that hS brought up, while compartmentalizing the posts would make them easier to find, people would end up sticking to one type of post and never branch out. So yes we need some revisions but we don't have to completely reconstruct the Board.
Well... by
on 2012-06-02 15:28:00 UTC
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I think a change might be needed. It would be easier to get around, and we would be able to see previous posts and be able to edit posts, in case we put out one with a mispelling.
Hm... by
on 2012-06-02 13:17:00 UTC
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I myself am in favour of moving to a new forum, because I'm more used to forums like that (Wesnoth's, TvTropes', etc). I also think that it's easier to find what you're looking for when everything has its place.
Last but not least, moving to a forum would make RPing much, much easier; I know that from experience. To me, at least, RPing in a linear thread makes more sense and is easier to follow than RPing in a Board (which I find confusing. Who's responding to who, exactly?). -
I don't mind the idea of moving by
on 2012-06-02 12:35:00 UTC
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The bumping new threads to the top was annoying/confusing me, do I'd support turning it off.
I like the idea of going to a new Board. A system like proboards or whatever seems like it would work. (eg I was part of July's Mary Sue Academy RP, which from memory was built on and as I recall it handled heaps of posts and nattering without getting too confusing.)
Elcalion -
So let's turn off bumping. by
on 2012-06-02 09:10:00 UTC
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Seriously. I only suggested it as a brief experiment to see if, as people kept claiming, it would Solve All Our Problems (which at that point were limited to... hmm, lots of newbie threads, and too many badfic threads). At this point, posting your badfic to a previous thread/to the Unclaimed Badfic List is in the Constitution - I enshrined it in the sharding Constitution, guys - so we have an actual justification for asking people not to do it. And, you know what? People tend to listen.
We do not need mods. The Nameless Admin does just fine as it is - power without authority, acting on Board consensus. I have seen nothing to make me believe people need to be constantly hounded to get them to stand in line and play nice - because the PPC isn't a place for standing in line. It's a place for wild free-thinking madness.
PS: Article 11 of the Constitution says it's okay to ask questions (but that we may point you at the Wiki). Article 6 says be nice when telling people things you already know. So can we, rather than just throwing out Wiki links, give useful answers as well? The Wiki isn't a complete store of knowledge, you know. If no one on the Board knows things that aren't on the Wiki, it's a sad, sad day. ~hS -
Regarding people listening. by
on 2012-06-02 22:16:00 UTC
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They don't. If they did, I would never have posted this thread in the first place. I wouldn't have needed to, because everything would be fine and dandy. But people don't listen, for whatever reason. Nesh's posts bear witness to that.
We have a link to the Wiki at the top of the page that people don't seem to use. The warnings and finger-waggings of more experienced PPCers go unheeded. People. Don't. Listen. -
Regarding your PS... by
on 2012-06-02 21:43:00 UTC
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Context is important. When I link the wiki for a question, it is because the answer is something that can be simply found and simply answered. If the question is a good one- good here being used in the sense of "complex and requires a detailed answer"- I will write up a thorough answer.
I agree. by
on 2012-06-02 10:05:00 UTC
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The bump system is a mess. It's harder to keep track of anything, and newbye and badfic threads still swarm the Board.
ANd yeah, a brief introduction to newbyes made here on the Board is needed. There are too many newbyes that rush in barely understanding what the PPC is about and especially how it works. -
I forgot one thing. by
on 2012-06-02 12:53:00 UTC
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A forum-like system would probably work better, as we could keep it better organized and would be less easily swarmed.
The Board worked well when there were less people. It just can't handle a big community like we are now.
Not to mention that we are probably the only ones still using a posting board outside of image boards (that are a different thing completely), so most people has to learn how it works. (I had to.)
About the links problem, I think we can edit all those we can, and leave a big link on the Board to the Forum. -
I'm with VM on this one. by
on 2012-06-02 05:08:00 UTC
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The main thing that needs to happen is getting rid of the bump system. The main reason why convo-posting is a problem is because the bump system forces us to watch a conversation that may or may not have anything to do with this. The same thing with out-of-control threads. They're less of a problem if they get shoved off the front page by time.
I don't think we need a new board, or moderators, or whatever. Before the bump thing came along, I think we were just fine self-regulating. -
Well... by
on 2012-06-02 05:37:00 UTC
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Thanks, but my position has slightly moved? I had, somewhat, unforgivably, forgotten about the new 'Board idea. I think a more efficient design would be a Good Thing.
(Still all against Mods with Powers, though. Aside from the mentioned Nameless Admin style below-thread.) -
I agree... by
on 2012-06-02 03:49:00 UTC
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...to a point. I really like the way the GitP board is set up, as they have active moderators (chosen from board veterans), and have posts organized by page. They limit threads to 50 pages, and just add new ones. Unfortunately, the way the posts work prevents one from just scrolling past a less relevant topic.
TL; DR, I like this board, but think it could be better. -
Okay, a few different points... by
on 2012-06-02 03:44:00 UTC
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Since it seems we're discussing multiple things, let's try to break them out and look at them individually.
Firstly, bump mode seems to not be working. One advantage to the old way is that threads are killed perforce by the progress of time. I am of the opinion that we should go back to it.
Secondly, layout issues. While I can understand the appeal of having everything neatly divided into sections, there is also appeal to having everything together - there are no subfora for people to disappear into and never poke their heads into the larger community. I, for one, am a fan of the current thread structure, too, where replies can be made to any post far more easily than the perforce-linear nature of PHPbb and similar.
I've been designing a Board replacement where the layout of the board is independent of the posts - I can see a layout that looks like the current one, while Pieguy can see PHPBB-esque subfora and linear threads. Or subfora and branching threads, or a single blog-like page where every thread's first post is listed in its entirety, with a little "77 replies!" link at the bottom to get into the conversation. It's quite possible - I'd like to think that I've gotten the design close to right, and flexible enough to make creating new views easy.
Thirdly, moderation. I have two questions concerning mods. What situations are mods going to address, and what powers (both technical and soft) are they going to need to have to do so? You say "We need proper authority", but what does proper authority look like? -
A response. by
on 2012-06-02 04:16:00 UTC
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If I might address some of these out of order...
I've heard you mention this Board replacement before. I wasn't sure if you were still working on it, but it's good to hear that it's still viable. I'd support something like that even if it didn't have moderators (which I'm guessing it wouldn't.)
Regarding people disappearing into subfora; I could see that being a problem on a much larger board, with more people and more subjects being discussed. I can't see that happening with PPCers. Really, it depends on the person. However, it's a potential flaw of the phpBB system and I acknowledge that. That's why I asked for more than my proposal. Let's get an exchange of ideas going!
Finally, the question of mods. I have no doubt that quite a few people on this Board are going to see the words 'proper authority' and immediately recoil. This was a poor choice of wording on my part. I did not mean to imply anything with those specific terms.
What I pictured was a small group of individuals - recognized respectable figures or something like that - with the goal of keeping the Board manageable. A small committee of Nameless Admins, I suppose. Balancing and coordinating with each other to prevent power-induced madness. But that's just my view. -
Hmm. by
on 2012-06-02 04:21:00 UTC
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Building moderation powers into a Board isn't too hard - especially if their powers are limited to simple things like closing threads or poofing comments into limbo. (I don't really want to allow deletions from the Board, but a Youtube-esque "This post has been poofed for X. If you'd really like to see it, though..."
I guess maybe this is my perspective, but my impression is that The Nameless Admin doesn't exist to run herd on threads and newbies. They're the janitor, of sorts, and are here to delete spam, kill threads that have gotten totally and wildly out of hand, etc. They're hard power - the ability to delete threads, etc - without using any soft power (the respect they have from the community) that they may have. -
That sounds good. by
on 2012-06-02 04:25:00 UTC
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The closing of threads and poofing of comments, I mean. I was think before (but forgot to write it down) of things like editing posts that set people off or are offensive or something. Like you said, the Youtube-style "The content of this post has been etcetera, etcetera."
I could see leaving the Nameless Admin as the final arbitrator/janitor/whatever. That makes sense to me. -
The Board of the State by
on 2012-06-02 03:44:00 UTC
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I whole-heartedly agree with changing back from bump to . . . whatever the old way was called. Chronological? It's too hard to keep track of where particular posts wind up when I try to find them again. And yes, discussions that should have petered out long ago keep going.
(I want to say this. The badfic thread? Very little actual discussion. It's mostly "Oh it's so bad my eyes are hurting." Can't we find something more interesting to talk about concerning a badfic than that? Discuss why it goes against canon? Creative ways to handle a mission in it?)
I'm a bit more neutral about switching to the newer type of discussion board. I don't think we should go there quite yet. Let's try going back to the non-bump mode and see how things go.
On the topic of moderators: I know at least some PPCers are uncomfortable with the idea. Would it strictly be necessary to have such on the newer type of board? Or could we get by with the Nameless Admin situation we have now, with someone only intervening to delete troll and spam posts? -
Agreeing. by
on 2012-06-02 03:25:00 UTC
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A new Board will definitely help clean up the sprawl we have now.
We'll need to hold Mod elections if we do go through with this though. -
I concur. by
on 2012-06-02 03:15:00 UTC
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The Board as it is has a lot of weight and tradition behind it, but the system is just too outdated. If we switched to an IPB/phpBB/SMF-based Board, with different subfora and what have you, it would make things a lot cleaner and easier and more manageable.
I've been in favour of this for a while; I think it needs to happen. -
Heh. by
on 2012-06-02 03:14:00 UTC
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I... almost completely disagree. (Anyone surprised? Anyone?)
I think if we get rid of the bump system (please please please, we tried it, all it does is keep things alive forever, please can we let it die), that will solve a lot of this problem. Like... most of it.
And then we can talk about the rest.
--VM, who remains in favor of modless anarchy, at least on the internet... at least, on this corner of it -
Concur. (look I'm not dead!) by
on 2012-06-02 19:28:00 UTC
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I was laptopless for a few months, and so only checked the Board about three times during that period. It was most confusing the first time, before I found the post that said bumping was on. The other two times I had to go back several pages to make sure I'd seen everything.
But I concur with VM. Ditch the bump system, wait a week (or two, or whatever), and then re-analyze.
Question on certain AU's, certain fandoms, and sporkability. by
on 2012-06-02 10:58:00 UTC
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So. It's “Protectors of the Plot Continuum”. Meaning we stop the plot continuum from being all tangled up and distorted in badfic. Keep things true to canon. CANON. It's the ruler the PPC uses to measure things by.
But if the said badfic is an AU that's not set in the canon world (i.e., a high school AU, a human AU, steampunk AU, etc.) then the fic would be sporkable given characterization charges, right?
BUT what if the said badfic comes from a fandom that has practically no canon?
Yes, those exist. I will cite the Vocaloid fandom as an example. Take off all the fanon, and what you have left is a bunch of voice-synthesizer computer programs. Sometimes with an avatar (sometimes without even a gender) and, if you're lucky, a few sentences of canon personality.
Everything else is fanon, outside of original songs (which are their own canon).
Therefore, it's perfectly acceptable for, say, Kagamine Len to be anything from a playboy to a shota to a psycho to a loyal martyr of a servant.
So. Assuming you find a fanfic from a fandom like that. It's indisputably bad. The grammar and spelling are terrible. The plot is riddled with holes. The prose is either beige or purple. The characters are flat, two-dimensional - but not Sueish.
Is it not allowed to spork something like this? -
Another consideration. by
on 2012-06-05 23:05:00 UTC
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When choosing what to spork, you should always consider whether or not the fic in question would make a good, funny story. Are the SPaG errors hilarious? Are the characters so two-dimensional they start to literally look like cardboard cut-outs? Is the plot so bad that your agents have to dodge Logic Loopholes the whole time to avoid getting hanged? If the answers to questions like these are "yes," then you've probably got yourself a mission.
If it's just kinda blah, though, you might want to find something more entertaining to work with. {= )
~Neshomeh -
Re: Question on certain AU's, certain fandoms, and sporkability. by
on 2012-06-02 18:01:00 UTC
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In cases like this I would say that the fics are sporkable, but the only valid charge against characterization would be if the characters were really two-dimensional. Therefore the fic would be sent to somewhere like Department of Technical Errors instead of say, Floaters. Dealing with fics about the original songs could lead to OOC charges though, if the character is given a personality within the song so it would really depend on the setting and plot of the fic. There could also be charges if the physical description was off, say someone describing Miku's hair as purple, but other than that there's nothing to be done about characterization.
Interesting question. by
on 2012-06-02 12:59:00 UTC
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Obviously, it would be sporkable, as two-dimesnional characters ARE a charge.
However, it's harder to handle the characterization thing, as most Vocaloids have none. But is is more of a "those kind of charges aren't applicable here" than "it's not sporkable"
Sure, the lack of the "plot" the PPC protects is jarring, but, in the end, remember that in-universe it started as the Organization who ran after Sues only because they made too much plotholes, and so they destabilized the Flowers' portals.
The fake trailers/teasers you wished weren't fake by
on 2012-06-03 16:58:00 UTC
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Fake trailers often are a pain, since they tend to pop up when you are searching for true ones.
But once in a while, some are so good you'd hope whatever is in it would be true. Let's share them!
I found this one while searching for the PMMM movie one (which isn't out yet, probably)
The editing is really good, and I'm surprised there isn't a single fanfiction out there inspired by it. -
Where do I start... by
on 2012-07-19 03:04:00 UTC
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I'll just pick the most recent one- I saw an add for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 that I had missed, and someone said it was the the teaser for the Force Unleashed 3. It's an awesome add, too.
Can't find it now... by
on 2012-06-05 16:51:00 UTC
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But there was a Doctor Who/Star Wars crossover trailer on youtube that was bloody brilliant. Sadly, they took it down. ;n;
How could I forget this? by
on 2012-06-06 17:51:00 UTC
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Whoever did it, FUND HIM. -
Wh-what? :O by
on 2012-06-08 05:36:00 UTC
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How come the Doctor doesn't do karate now? David Tennant the Karate Doctor would be INCREDIBLE.
And the art. ASJFHSKFH. It is AMAZING. -
That regeneration of him tended to do that. by
on 2012-06-08 08:58:00 UTC
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He knew a ton of alien martial arts, and he used them... I need to watch these episodes, because I agree on the awesomeness of alien fu. The newer doctors, however, tend to be more subtle... but who knows, if he dies the next time, maybe we get one closer to this again?
Supernatural Awesomeness by
on 2012-06-04 04:46:00 UTC
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This, because Cas will never stop being awesome
Re: The fake trailers/teasers you wished weren't fake by
on 2012-06-03 18:55:00 UTC
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Seriously, why not? -
Re: The fake trailers/teasers you wished weren't fake by
on 2012-06-03 18:54:00 UTC
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That...is really good, but I have no idea what's going on in it. Is timeline 2-or-3 Homura in the final timeline? Curse my lack of Japanese knowledge.
Beats me too. Is there somebody capable of translating? by
on 2012-06-03 20:29:00 UTC
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It kinda looks like this time Homura physically travelled in the past instead of rewinding time... and so we have both Moemura and Hommando in the same timeline.
Damn, I want to see this done. I would be happy with just a fanfiction, even.
(Speaking of which, can you have a look at the Gdoc of Irregulars again? I'm almost done with Chapter 2, and before posting it I want to be sure everything's OK.) -
One thing comes to mind. by
on 2012-06-03 17:45:00 UTC
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This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBCzkz3gHb8
Seriously, why doesn't this exist? -
Re: The fake trailers/teasers you wished weren't fake by
on 2012-06-03 17:18:00 UTC
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The Sims 4. Numerous trailers out there, of dubious legitimacy and not dubious quality.
Ideas for a game by
on 2012-06-03 17:37:00 UTC
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I was watching Mortal Kombat 9 walkthroughs, when I had a stupid idea banging my head to smithereens. It goes like this:
You are a real person in a real world. Generic USA, but choices are a plus.
You first meet either Depowered!Sauron, Alatar, Pallando, Maglor, or anyone Tolkienverse still staying in this Earth.
You learn their specialties, such as smithing from Depowered!Sauron.
Then you defeat other people with other or the same skill as you are.
You upgrade with each victory. You may perform better tricks, make more awesome weapons, even mecha or Ironman suits, and even upgrade your teacher to Aule, in this example.
Each character is a blank slate, for you to customise, but the teachers are static in their stats, and when you learn 100% of what he has to offer, you have to find a new teacher.
It is not just a fighting game.
Points are awarded for repairing damaged buildings or objects (Sauron), replanting trees, crops or grasses (Treebeard), or even crying or offering a handkerchief for random crying kids (Maglor).
Oh, and points are useful for building stuff, upgrading power, receiving a new teacher, etc.
Thanks to the complexity of teacher characters, you may have multiple skill set from one teacher.
For example:
Maglor gives you +5 singing, +3 diplomacy, +1 smithing.
Depowered!Sauron gives you +10 smithing, +5 diplomacy, -5 compassion.
This may be a sims game, but with the view going to Fighting Game when in a fight.
And you can have a dynasty of farmers, warriors, mechanics, whathaveyous to spread your knowledge to the whole Earth.
So, how does my stupid idea fare? -
Some thoughts. by
on 2012-06-03 18:28:00 UTC
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Before I go on and ask metric f-tons of questions, there's one thing: We're a literature community. We're writers, not game designers. If you just want to run the idea by us, that's okay to do, but remember that game design isn't our focus.
Now, onto your text. First, I realize that line breaks make things more readable, but you overdid it a bit. Second, the aforementioned questions.Why?
Why are various Tolkien characters in the real world? Why are they in Generic USA of all places? And why do they help the character? Why is any of this happening at all? And why should we, the potential players, care?What?
What is it about? What kind of genre is it? You write it's a Sims game which turns into a fighting game when you enter a battle*, but that doesn't really tell me anything.How?
How are you going to accomplish this? Are you a computer programmer? Do you have any experience in game design? Or resources, for that matter. Graphics don't grow on trees. Also, if you have any concrete plans, what are they? Any specific engine you're eyeing?
Okay, all that may sound like a lot, but you don't sit down and make a game, like that. It takes time and effort.
*This isn't actually a thing, by the way. The part of the game that deals with battles, the so-called battle system, often features different gameplay than the rest of the game.
Stupid Idea by
on 2012-06-03 19:27:00 UTC
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That's why I call this a stupid idea. Yes, I am just running it by the whole lot of you. Multiple heads debating together is better than one, and I might be able to tip off a game company to make this, allowing me to play it. Or make it into a fanfiction.
But I'll try to answer each Question.
This needs a backstory. So, Dagor Dagorlad is about to begin, but we are so removed from the Three Ages that the Valars had barely an idea about how we fight wars, and we they. So by using those system of teaching 'magic' to the chosen humans, who will then disseminate the knowledge, you have the opportunity to effectively participate in the fight proper, and combine modern warfare and 'magic' warfare.
I say Generic USA, because I haven't thought of the places we can use. It has been the setting of most games, and I see no reason why this game should be an exception. But if we have the whole world as choice for spawn point, so be it.
Melkor and Sauron needs to gain troops to their side, and Orcs are not enough. They needs Men to fight this war, and by teaching them magic, something they didn't do the last time, they can maximise their chances of winning. The Valars think the same, and have to recruit Men for them to win.
As I said, I am thinking of a sims game, yes, think of The Sims 3, which will change to Mortal Kombat-like system. This is a weird thing, but I've seen Total War done it, but with turn based strategy and real time tactics.
Err, do I explain enough here?
I did not intend to accomplish this. This is just an idea that banged into my head after too many Youtube videos. I have nary a programming knowledge, but I have friends in Computer Programming courses that I think may be able to pull this off. I did not have money to fund this, even if I am a millionaire, but it is
Or just discuss it here, turn the ideas into a novel, write it down, then let the game companies grab the rights.
I understand how long it takes to make a game, even if we have a fully functioning, well resourced company at our disposal, but I dream, and if I can't achieve it, better share it so someone else can. -
The plural of Vala is Valar. by
on 2012-06-03 21:12:00 UTC
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'Valars' is probably a Star Trek race. :P
One thing you forgot to mention - which I think had Ellipsis Flood confused - is that Tolkien treated the Elder Days as the distant history (6000 years or so) of Earth - so Hobbits still exist today (but are seldom seen by the Big Folk - prologue to LotR), etc etc. So yes, in that setting, various characters could well be wandering around. Alatar and Pallando, Maglor, Daeron, possibly even Celeborn.
But not Sauron. He's dead permanently. Melkor might be in, but I'd rather see him influencing others from the Void - and there's nothing preventing a Dragon or Balrog (or other lesser Ainu) throwing his ear in. (One of my fanfics mentions in passing the Dragon War in the northern ice which ended the Fourth Age. I like it. ;))
I like the idea of a training/combat split - in fact you could use it in any setting. You star as The Hero, who goes and learns vital skills, then goes into battle - maybe as a solo character, maybe as leader of an RTS army (my preferred option). I can see it working for a Tolkienverse setting, too. Wrap the whole thing up as a quest from Ulmo (he does that - see Tuor), and go get some magicky skills.
Alternately, and more generically, follow the Percy Jackson route and use ancient mythology. Same style, but instead of hunting Maglor, you're after the minor gods and immortal heroes of Greece/Egypt/Babylon/Scandinavia/China/all of them at once. In fact, make those possible civilisation start points - and you can face down heroes from /other/ civs. There's your individual-battle angle. Tolkienverse just gives a straight good/evil split - although you could, to mix things up, be a depowered Maia (a la Vemi) who can eventually level up into full battle-form (Balrog, for the Evil side).
(And game ideas don't have to be possible for them to be fun to think about. Hey, this would work as pen-and-paper, almost...)
hS -
Wasn't that the TADers basic world plot? by
on 2012-06-04 23:51:00 UTC
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...I think they were called TAD, anyway. Brothers In Arms is the other name I remember - Boz's RP, the one that was responsible for Old Woman!Elrond and Tulkas and Elb, and that scene where Legolas, in parody of the movie (and wondering who it was that told Tolkien all their secrets, anyway) shouts "Ai! Ai! A balrog is come!" and then finds Glorfindel standing there in complete shock with an arrow sticking out of the wall across from him...
Do you know where that whole series went, actually? IIRC, the archive was never coordinated entirely, but it might make for good reading anyway if it hasn't fallen off the internet altogether. -
Brothers in Arms? by
on 2012-06-15 14:39:00 UTC
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Never heard of it. But there is an article in Wikipedia, abit a series of games. May have to check it out. But literally, I never even knew it until now.
Sauron, dead permenantly? by
on 2012-06-04 10:59:00 UTC
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Impossible to me. He must be severely depowered, but his ghost still inhabit Middle-Earth, cursing and being bitter for eternity, right? That's what I remember Gandalf said.
I am truly sorry for the Valars mistake. I always forgot. Valar is a plural of Vala, Valar is a plural of Vala,...
And thanks for your additions. It is very helpful. I'll digest this then repost for further evaluation. -
All right, not /dead/. by
on 2012-06-04 20:45:00 UTC
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Gandalf specifically says (according to Wikipedia):
If it is destroyed, then he will fall, and his fall will be so low that none can foresee his arising ever again. For he will lose the best part of the strength that was native to him in his beginning, and all that was made or begun with that power will crumble, and he will be maimed for ever, becoming a mere spirit of malice that gnaws itself in the shadows, but cannot again grow or take shape.
So he's still technically around, but certainly not teaching.
hS -
Adding to What EF Said by
on 2012-06-03 18:37:00 UTC
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To put things into perspective: Writing something like Snake, with MSPaint graphics, in VisualBasic.net (which is a rather forgiving and not very powerful programming language), will take days. Writing a game like your suggesting, darklordaakmal, will take a lot of time. Years. I mean, look at the time it takes game companies to release their games (I'm not talking about Blizzard which is known for having projects stuck in development hell for ages, or Duke Nukem Forever which is, perhaps, the most famous example of vapourware) -- it takes them, at the very least, a year, and they have a lot of resources.
Good fic thread by
on 2012-06-03 22:58:00 UTC
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I was being stupid earlier, and want to make it up to you all. Post good fic.
Its a Beatles Goodfic with no Mary Sues and no shipping. It uses the Real Life personas of the Beatles, rather than the ones set up in the movies. -
A personal favorite by
on 2012-06-11 17:17:00 UTC
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This is one of my personal favorite fanfics. It is a Portal FIM piece, and I loved it.
There is only one problem... The grammar is atrocious. The author over uses elipses... and at one point, I saw an un-capitalized word after a period.
For the hypocrosy in my post, see TV tropes.
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SelfDemonstratingArticle -
Harry Potter Goodfic. by
on 2012-06-07 21:36:00 UTC
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The Onset of Autumn was most enjoyable.
Phineas and Ferb parodyfic by
on 2012-06-06 20:05:00 UTC
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A new girl with a secret moves in across the street. Will Phineas fall her? OC/Phineas
This is a fantastic parody of Mary Sues and their Romance/Dramas and overused plotlines. -
Looking for a fic. by
on 2012-06-06 18:24:00 UTC
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I read a Lord of the Rings fanfic many years ago, and now I can't find it. Any ideas?
Oh, all right, I'll give details. (SPOILERS, of course) It was a post-War of the Ring story featuring Aragorn's struggles to reunite, y'know, everything. It also featured Alatar and Pallando, the Blue Wizards - only one of them (I'm pretty sure Alatar) had turned evil and was now Alatar the Black. It also had Elanor Gamgee/Gardner as Arwen's lady-in-waiting. The final battle was at Gundabad, and I just about recall there being something under the mountain - maybe a dragon, maybe not.
Unfortunately, Google has failed me, and I can't find it by searching various websites - not that I remember where I read it. Can anyone help me?
hS - ??? by on 2012-06-06 18:55:00 UTC Link to this
That appears to be it. by
on 2012-06-06 20:15:00 UTC
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Thank you. Apparently the bits of the plot I remembered are the less central bits, so whether it's as good as I remembered, I don't know... I Must Investigate!
Thank you, again.
hS -
Re: Good fic thread by
on 2012-06-05 16:56:00 UTC
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Horse Apple Turnover by Impossible Numbers
Think Flim and Flam got away a little too easily from Sweet Apple Acres? That was just the start of their humiliation conga, as this short story tells. A bit of lighthearted fun at the brothers' expense.
The July 1954 issue of Beyond Fantasy Fiction magazine, a short-lived spinoff of Galaxy Science Fiction, had a Midsummer Night's Dream fanfic called Yours for the Asking, that sadly cannot be found in any other publication/anthology/what have you.
Oberon and Puck have been investigating the advertising industry's use of the word magic, and find, to both their relief and their annoyance, that it's all puffery. Puck casts a spell on an advertising exec so that everything labelled magic does literally what the advertisement says. Hilarity ensues. -
Nanoha goodfic by
on 2012-06-05 16:09:00 UTC
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Ready, Sette, Go! - this is a humour!fic about Sette (One of JS's Numbers), post-StrikerS (Spoiler warning for StrikerS).
While there are some SPaG mistakes in it, it is pretty funny, even if you don't know MGLN or StrikerS, and the characters are very much IC.
(Post copied from the earlier goodfic thread) -
Oh hey, this one! by
on 2012-06-05 03:26:00 UTC
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I've read this fic before. For all of you wary of it due to it being RPF, and Beatles alien-abduction RPF at that, trust me on this one- it's actually one of the better pieces of epic fantasy I've read in the past 12 months.
That was... odd. by
on 2012-06-04 20:47:00 UTC
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I hardly ever read Real Person fics, and when I do they don't involve the Beatles getting abducted by aliens and gaining special powers. Nothing bothered me about it besides that, so I guess I approve but I'm still a bit confused right now, so don't trust my judgement.
To take you up on your challenge I give you two authors, one mainly Hetalia writer and one Harry Potter writer both from ff.net.
Gemini Star 01, found here: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/264413/Gemini_Star01 writes a variety of fandoms, but I've only read her Hetalia ones because of lack of interest in the other fandoms. She (I'm not sure of her gender but I'm guessing it's a she) writes a lot of historical and AU stories, most of them focusing on America and Canada. A warning though, many of them are very dark and may touch on some triggers if you can't deal with scary things (an example would be her fic Awakening, which is set in a Nazi internment camp with the main characters being experimented upon by Josef Mengele). Another thing is that she hasn't updated in years so anything that's unfinished is going to stay unfinished.
The second author is Inverarity, found here: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1374917/Inverarity
She writes entirely Harry Potter fics but aside from one next generation fic all of stories do not actually focus on the Harry Potter characters. Instead she has created a sort of female American counterpart to the Harry Potter series, using the same universe. All of her OCs are well developed and I found the plot line original and entertaining. -
It's been a while since I saw a thread like this... by
on 2012-06-04 11:58:00 UTC
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...and, for the first time ever, I have something to contribute. :P
This writer has created a number of Discworld stories, both funny and serious, focusing on the Ramkin-Vimes family. She fleshes out some interesting details that have been left vague in the books, and one or two of her stories are somewhat smutty but still very well-written - all very in-character, in my opinion, and with a good dose of PTerry-like humour that actually works.
She's also done a couple of Potterverse fics regarding Viktor Krum and his relationship with Hermione, which I found rather interesting. One AU future that's rather serious, and a somewhat comical look at his point of view regarding the events of the Triwizard Tournament. (Ladies' underwear is involved in the latter.) -
Mine are all LotR. by
on 2012-06-04 05:13:00 UTC
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And old - but these days, how many people still know about them?
The Game of the Gods - My all-time favourite. Morgoth attempts to outsmart Varda in a game of Mary-Sues. Hilariously.
The One Ring Reforged - A very silly story. Also short, so no plot summary.
While The Ring Went South - It's been a while since I read this, but I may do so again. It's an expansion of the referenced chapter of LotR. It has a sequel, During A Journey In The Dark, too.
And because it has to go here...
Don't Panic - Girl drops into real Middle-earth. Also has a sequel (Okay, NOW Panic). Written by an ex-PPCer.
(PS: Interesting choice of yours - not many people read Real Person Fic. Not that we say you can't, just that you might not get many takers) -
*prods at* by
on 2012-06-04 05:30:00 UTC
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PPC Rec Center.
I am sure it would be most pleasant to have you have a little tiny list there. -
That was a bit petulant of me, wasn't it? by
on 2012-06-05 07:50:00 UTC
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I'm sorry, July. I'm quite on-edge about the Board right now - Kaitlyn keeps telling me to stop posting, but it's the only social life I have (no, really) so I keep coming back and getting ratty (because I'm not good at social). If I can work out how to do it - and get time, it keeps flying away on me - I'll definitely go post on the Rec Centre.
I am sorry - and not just for this. On reflection, I may have been unintentionally targetting you in a number of posts and ways. I never meant to - but there's a lot of things I never meant to do, but did anyway. I'll try to lay off.
hS -
I would rather engage with people on the Board. by
on 2012-06-04 15:51:00 UTC
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But thank you very much for the thought.
Board mode changed. by
on 2012-06-04 05:23:00 UTC
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Since I sat staring at the top thread and going 'Surely someone should have posted something else overnight...' ;)
We are now no longer in bump mode. In addition, new posts on any thread over 24 hours old will be highlighted for 24 hours. This is in additional addition to the usual links-change-colour-when-clicked.
hS -
Oh, so that is what it's for. by
on 2012-06-05 10:26:00 UTC
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I came back on here for the first time in a while and thought my computer was going wacky.
Good to know. by
on 2012-06-04 20:17:00 UTC
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I thought something was wrong with my computer for a second with those gray highlights. Like ThatOne said, it's a bit too early to tell, but it's good to know that we're off the bump. How long did that last again? A couple of months? All I know is that I'm glad to see it back to normal.
There haven't been enough posts to see a difference. by
on 2012-06-04 20:08:00 UTC
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But I'm sure the confusion will clear up soon, or at least some of it. Also, the gray highlighting is strange because you get random splotches of gray on threads that have kinda died down, which makes me look at it and say "Wait I thought we were done with that thread, why is it suddenly being highlighted?". I'm sure when everything is settled in it'll help to locate live posts and conversations but it'll take a day or two to get used to.
Oh, that's what the grey highlighting is. by
on 2012-06-04 19:41:00 UTC
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I initially thought my computer went insane.
Since all the previous ones did, it was kinda plausible. -
Yes, duly noted, though I suspect everyone could tell.... by
on 2012-06-04 05:27:00 UTC
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Between the colors, sudden thread order change, and the front page looking like a wasteland. :P
Still, it's nice to be told. by
on 2012-06-04 17:08:00 UTC
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Even if you can work it out on your own, a considerate notice prevents that moment of confused flailing and not quite being sure whether the changes were on purpose or if something is wrong. It's also reassuring to know that notices of change will be given, period.
~Neshomeh -
Also . . . by
on 2012-06-04 17:31:00 UTC
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. . . it's nice to have an explanation of how the highlighting actually works, because otherwise someone might get confused and think it's totally broken.
Hypothetically, I mean. You know. I have a friend.
Art request. by
on 2012-06-05 09:22:00 UTC
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I am currently writing a fanfiction (a crossover between Nanoha and Madoka, titled IrregularS), and I am posting it on The Pit. (Yeah, sometimes it's useful)
Seems that soon there will be the possibility for adding cover images to the fics, and I like the idea very much.
The problem is, I am as good at drawing as a five-years-old.
So, is there anyone willing to do it for me? -
I'll give it a shot by
on 2012-06-05 15:11:00 UTC
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But I don't know either Nanoha or Madoka. So if you have any good reference pictures, I could really use some.
Thank you. by
on 2012-06-05 18:12:00 UTC
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Here what was my idea: Nanoha and Homura in the foreground, back to back, with weapons out and Walpurgisnacht in the background
Nanoha Takamachi (I'm using 9-years-old nanoha as reference, as otherwise she would look much older than Homura):
Pose and weaponry reference:
Homura Akemi:
Pose and weaponry reference:
Walpurgisnacht background:
Mind that there should be enough image under waist level of the two girls in order to put this logo without covering important part of the image (their faces and their weapons, mainly)
If you think that following these guideline is too complex, you're free to change whatever doesn't work. Enough google-fu should provide you with enough images of both characters. -
FYI by
on 2012-06-05 18:56:00 UTC
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The cover images show up at something like 75X100 pixels, so something complicated won't really show up. (I'm annoyed by this new feature, personally.)
That little? by
on 2012-06-05 20:07:00 UTC
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Geez, even chibis would be hard to fit in there...
Well... by
on 2012-06-06 05:04:00 UTC
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You can use pictures that are a 6x9 ratio, and they scale it down. So what you're thinking might work, it'll just be tiny.
Size something shows up on archive page:
Size something shows up on story page:
http://b.fanfiction.net/image/36237/60/ -
I can't work that small, sorry. (nm) by
on 2012-06-06 15:12:00 UTC
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Don't worry. by
on 2012-06-06 17:32:00 UTC
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It wouldn't look good either.
I think I'll leave it without cover, or I'll do a little logo or something.
Thank you for the disponibility, anyways. -
I wish I could draw as well as a 5yo. (nm) by
on 2012-06-05 11:59:00 UTC
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on 2012-06-05 23:27:00 UTC
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LEGO has finally produced a series of play sets based off of "Lord of the Rings"!
http://lego.wikia.com/wiki/The_Lord_of_the_Rings -
Does this mean . . . ? by
on 2012-06-08 00:18:00 UTC
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Yes! It does! They're making a LotR LEGO video game!
*savin' money* -
Awesome by
on 2012-06-06 20:24:00 UTC
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I am in no way a Lego fan, but this still looks awesome. Also, that Shelbob figure is really scary, especially when you look at poor Frodo's face.
Okay, who wants Shelbob the mini-Balrog? (nm) by
on 2012-06-07 03:09:00 UTC
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Ack, sorry about that. (nm) by
on 2012-06-07 20:11:00 UTC
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Sorry... by
on 2012-06-07 03:35:00 UTC
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...should have made that the message, not the title?
Oooh, shiny. by
on 2012-06-06 15:19:00 UTC
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My cynical side is grumbling about commercialism, but whatever. I wish we had space for Legos right now.
Also, the Shelob model is absolutely terrifying to look at, especially coupled with Lego!Frodo's face in that picture. I applaud the Lego company.
I do agree that it would be nice if the Helm's Deep set was a little more grand. Perhaps a more enterprising Lego Engineer than I ever was could figure out how to expand it and make it more awesome.
I wonder what they'll do with Minas Tirith, if they do anything. It would have to be a big set... or maybe they could make it into several smaller sets: "Minas Tirith, Levels 1 and 2," "Levels 3 and 4," "Levels 5 and 6," "Level 7 and the Tombs." Or something like that.
~Neshomeh -
That is shiny! by
on 2012-06-06 19:36:00 UTC
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I actually missed the Shelob kit when I looked at them last time. And I think it's a really nice touch that they've bothered to customise the Frodo minifig for that kit rather than just reusing the normal one.
Helm's Deep. by
on 2012-06-06 17:19:00 UTC
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Looking at it, the parts seem to be pretty simple. Maybe you can use multiple copies of it to expand on the walls and use these classic rock formation parts (see the older castle sets) for the walls themselves. Add some slopes/small bricks for more details and voilà, Helm's Deep: Awesome Edition.
Theoretically. -
Cool by
on 2012-06-06 09:09:00 UTC
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Well, it is if you still buy Lego pieces.
But a cynical side of me is saying in the back of my head that this is LEGO very quietly announcing a LEGO LOTR game, which would be cool, I must admit. -
Still buys Lego pieces? by
on 2012-06-07 04:27:00 UTC
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Why on Earth would anybody ever stop buying Lego pieces?
Simple: by
on 2012-06-07 11:44:00 UTC
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Because they spent all their money on Yu-Gi-Oh cards or the games to the Lego gear.
True dat. (nm) by
on 2012-06-07 04:54:00 UTC
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Actually... by
on 2012-06-06 15:27:00 UTC
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I remember seeing a video for LEGO LOTR a few days ago. So, that is coming out soon.
-Phobos -
Oh by
on 2012-06-06 19:06:00 UTC
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Well, that just proves my theory. I'll probably just pick it up cheap.
Well, of course. by
on 2012-06-06 18:26:00 UTC
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Then they can make Lego Hobbit when the film comes out - and possibly Lego Hobbit Part 2 when the second film comes out - and then a combined edition of both of them. And they will all be awesome.
hS -
Hmmm... by
on 2012-06-06 00:50:00 UTC
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Honestly, I was hoping for something a little more impressive for the Helm's Deep kit. It just looks a little small to me.
I think it's cool that they're bringing out more lines like this, but in my heart I'm still more of a Lego Technic fan.
- OT -- RIP Ray Bradbury by on 2012-06-06 15:58:00 UTC Link to this
Thus passes a great man by
on 2012-06-13 02:03:00 UTC
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I don't have much more to say than that...
I can say nothing except RIP. by
on 2012-06-08 18:30:00 UTC
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A great man has passed away. What else can I say except "Thank you, Mr Bradbury, wherver you are".
RIP, sir. by
on 2012-06-08 05:59:00 UTC
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If there is a Heaven for writers, Ray Bradbury is up there swapping anecdotes with Mark Twain today.
RIP... by
on 2012-06-07 14:40:00 UTC
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Ray Bradbury was one of my favorite authors, and like a lot of other people, I first started reading his works in high school. My favorite novels of his are "The Illustrated Man", "Fahrenheit 451", and "The Martian Chronicles", and I've seen the movie version of "Fahrenheit 451", which is pretty good... despite some cheesy special effects.
I heard about his death the other day, and it inspired me to do a tribute to him. I think it turned out pretty good, though I don't mind constructive criticism.
http://psychodemonfox.deviantart.com/art/Regarding-Mr-Bradbury-306769123 -
... by
on 2012-06-07 04:52:00 UTC
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I read Martian Chronicles and Fahrenheit 451 in middle school. He was a good author.
*bows head in respect* by
on 2012-06-07 03:35:00 UTC
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Ray Bradbury was... well, what can we say about him that hasn't been said already?
I read Farenheit 451 in middle school, and then followed that with Something Wicked This Way Comes in high school. I loved both of those books very much, and... well, I think they both speak to Ray Bradbury's abilities as a writer. I think his books will become classics of the current era, and... well, he's earned his place in history, that is for certain. -
Ray Bradbury by
on 2012-06-07 02:50:00 UTC
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He's one of my favorite authors, and I haven't even nearly read all of his published works. This was a man who respected the written word because the written word came from the minds of people. I've always looked up to him for his view that the human mind is a beautiful, precious thing, and our greatest individual resource.
I am glad that I got my Fahrenheit 451 mission out before his death, not that it made any difference to him.
I don't know what else to say.
;_; -
I heard him speak, once. by
on 2012-06-06 20:44:00 UTC
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The year I went to Comic-Con.
He spoke about kindergarten, and reading, and books, and writing, and libraries, and the importance of all these things. I was amazed, and inspired, and listening to him filled me with something different, that I had never experienced from listening to someone before.
I remember reading Dandelion Wine, and Something Wicked This Way Comes, and the Illustrated Man, among others, and drinking the words up.
He has died, but will live forever. -
Gone, but not forgotten. (nm) by
on 2012-06-06 20:28:00 UTC
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What? Noo! (nm) by
on 2012-06-06 20:00:00 UTC
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*Smites enter key* by
on 2012-06-06 20:03:00 UTC
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As I was saying, nooo! Fahrenheit 451 was the only assigned reading book in middle school that I enjoyed reading. RIP.
Is anyone here skilled with the mystic arts of HTML? by
on 2012-06-08 05:43:00 UTC
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I need help with my webcomic's site.
Depending on what you want... by
on 2012-06-08 08:55:00 UTC
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HTML might not be enough. "Help" is always a very general term. Do you just need a design, or a script to switch between comics (first, back, archive, forwards, latest)? Or do you have a script already and need it to be embedded?
Here's the scoop: by
on 2012-06-08 18:42:00 UTC
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What I've *got* is a wordpress blog. A very simple wordpress blog, no script at all yet. I have no idea how to do what you're talking about, and unfortunately I'm the webmaster. I need some way to have 'first back archives forwards latest' and separate 'blog' from 'comic'.
Anyone have half a clue of how to do this? Because I am NOT tech savvy and my friend who is helping me do this is even less so. -
Yeah, you might need a different host for the comic. by
on 2012-06-09 15:44:00 UTC
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There are free webhosts just for comics. DrunkDuck comes to mind, but I'm sure they're not the only one, and I'm not familiar with how their service works at all. I'd recommend looking around and comparing what different hosts have to offer.
Also, there's always deviantART. You'd have to do first/previous/next links yourself in the artist's comments section (I wouldn't recommend doing a "latest" one on dA, since you'd have to manually update it on every existing page every time you added a new one), but that's simple HTML, and plenty of us are on there already and know how it works.
~Neshomeh -
Thanks, Nesh. by
on 2012-06-09 17:15:00 UTC
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I've got a dA for this project, so perhaps we are good after all.
Re: Here's the scoop: by
on 2012-06-08 19:03:00 UTC
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You're aware of the fact that wordpress isn't really comic software, right? I don't know if there's a plugin for these webcomic buttons, but if you can't find anything, you should have the whole system built from scratch. That way you can split the blog from the comic, if you want to. And other things.
How big is the PPC outpost in New Caledonia? by
on 2012-06-08 11:00:00 UTC
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Exactly what is says on the tin.
I'm planning to write an interlude that takes place in New Caledonia but some plot points depend on it being a rather large metropolis (since Angus getting lost in a tiny village would be way too pathetic).
If anybody has a reference they can link me to that would be great. -
Thanks! (nm) by
on 2012-06-10 00:10:00 UTC
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Well... by
on 2012-06-08 15:54:00 UTC
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... it's about this big. :P
No, honestly I don't think it's well-defined. When I write it it tends to be quite large and bustling, and in one future story of mine (unpublished) it's possible to wander for half an hour among tower blocks, but as with everything in the PPC, it's definitely subject to change.
hS -
I don't think metropolis is the right word... by
on 2012-06-08 13:11:00 UTC
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Also, not pathetic. Funny. Imagine he gets lost really bad, only to find out that it's actually just a little town. And he still keeps getting lost.
PPC Card Game: Fifth Generation by
on 2012-06-08 15:51:00 UTC
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[Dramatic, stirring, rising chords]
... da dum, da-da dum da duuuuum!
Yes, it's that time again, and it's only been two and a half years since the last That Time. The Fifth Generation of the PPC Card Game is on the way, and I need your cards.
This is an Agents-Only release, so basically, if you have a PPC Agent who hasn't appeared on a card before - whether they have appeared in a story or not - bring them along, and I will make them. If you're not sure if they've appeared on a card (eg if you've inherited them, or if they're a general-use character), check the lists linked from each Generation on this page.
Note: If your agent is not in an action department and would not be out fighting badfic, or if you know of any non-badfic-related Enemies of the PPC (like the Black Cats were), please see another note at the end of the next section. It will make things far easier for you.
The Information I Need - you can't have your card without giving all of it.
Name, Department, Fandom, Species, Years of Service, Lust Object - all pretty self-explanatory. The six fandoms we have so far are LotR, Harry Potter, SciFi, Anime, Discworld and Narnia. It really helps if you fit in one of those, but if not, don't worry - you can put them down for anything, they'll just buck the trend. Years of Service (eg, 2001-2004, or 2007-present) are for that Department - so yes, you can have multiple versions if they transferred. Try to give different pictures, though. Every Agent needs a Lust Object, who should be from their fandom - and yes, only one.
Picture - Need this. People always seem to miss it out. Doll-maker images are okay, as are photographs, drawings, modified photos - most things. I'm willing to make simple changes (such as 'He looks like this picture of Legolas, but with blue hair), but not complicated ones ('This picture of Boromir, with the wings of a balrog and cybernetic implants on his arms and legs!'). You, of course, can make all the changes you please.
Weapon - for the most part, these will be downgraded - if you tell me he uses a MK-43 RXJ rocket-propelled grenade launcher with optional sniper sight... well, that'll probably get in, but if it wasn't a grenade launcher it'd be downgraded to A Gun. They're all the same in the Rules anyway.
Stats - as seen on Eledhwen's card above. The six stats should add up to 15, and the first five are pretty self-explanatory. Special is the dump stat - it takes any points you have left over. Each stat can go from 0 to 5, and should reflect your Agent, not what you think would make the best card ever.
Special Ability - This is where your imagination gets to run wild. Take a scroll through the previous generations - we've got shape-shifters, crazy people, calls for help... lots. I need a name and a description - but bear in mind they have to do something useful under the rules of the game. If you tell me his power is to change people's hair colour, that'll probably turn into 'disguises Canons so Sues cannot ensnare them'.
... that would be a really useful power, actually...
Also bear even more in mind that space is limited. Details will get snipped out to fit those three lines - Eledhwen's is actually a bit longer than I'd like.
Rarity is worked out by me according to Maths, and for this Generation we have a special treat in store! Every 11th card (yes, I know, but Maths says so) will also be available in a special shiny edition - as previously seen only in the Crashing Down Theme Deck. So if your card is #1, #12, #23 etc, look out for that.
Note: The Third Generation introduced PPC HQ as a playable world, and with that came canon characters and enemies. If you have someone who would work best as one of those two, feel free to give me them - just make sure to give the right information for their card type (and note that Flowers aren't available as PPC Canons - they show up as Monsters, and are not part of the Fifth Generation. Nor are we taking Mary-Sues this time - unless they fall better into the category of Enemy, so check the Rules and be very sure).
May Be Asked Questions
What's this all for? - Fun. :P The cards aren't available in shops, obviously, so there's no actual collection taking place, but it's fun to make them, and I hope it's fun to see your agent memorialised in card form!
I don't have Permission/any missions... - Not having any missions isn't a problem. Permission... oh, all right, then. Agents from people without Permission will be made - but try not to go overboard.
How many Agents can I post? - I'm going to regret this, no doubt, but: as many as you like. I will make them all - it may take a while (there are, uh, four agents from Gen4 who I've only made in time for Gen5, including of all people Paddlebrains), but I will make them all.
Can I play this? - Please do! It's been played, um, twice - no, three times - before, with earlier (ie, unplayable) versions of the rules, but I really think the current version should work - and maybe even be fun to play, with a little imagination. If you do decide to play, please take pictures and report on the game - or just review it, I suppose - because I'm slightly desperate for actual informed feedback. (The Gen4 rules have remained substantially unchanged for Gen5. They will be edited to add any new weapon images needed - and to add little things like the size of hand and deck, and maybe even order of play)
What's coming in Generation 6? - I'm glad you asked me that! I'll be aiming to enhance the playability of the Harry Potter and SciFi fandoms, as well as adding a full range of Crossover and Portal cards to allow access between fandoms. I'll also be developing Sue cards into a more generalised Badfic card type - so look out for Slashwraiths and Trolls, and maybe even Plotholes.
I really hope I've covered everything, but if you have more questions - just ask.
hS -
An Announcement. by
on 2012-06-15 22:09:00 UTC
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Although eleventy-one years is far too short a--
No, wait, sorry.
Are you one of those people who enjoys the collecting part of Collectible Card Games more than the game part? Well, the PPC Card Game is here to help!
Card Game Packs
No, you can't buy them (sorry), but you can now get your very own randomised pack of six cards from any of the four completed generations, delivered straight to your screen! Gen5 will be added when it's finished.
(Requires Javascript may take some time to load warning image heavy works in IE and Chrome other browsers not tested)
hS -
Now that it works... (Warning: Nitpickery.) by
on 2012-06-19 22:29:00 UTC
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I hope I'm allowed to nitpick on the card choice.
1. I think that the card types should be rather evenly distributed.
2. Can you actually get gold cards in that? If yes, are they in place of a rare or its usual equivalent?
4. I don't think that there should be duplicates. I think I once ended up with three copies of one location. If that had happened at a card shop, I would have probably thrown the pack onto the counter dramatically. ;) -
Well, let's see... by
on 2012-06-20 08:03:00 UTC
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1/ There aren't even numbers of each card, so that would make some things - eg, Mary-Sues - unreasonably common. For instance, in Gen5 there are, er, 2 Sues, and over 40 Agents. Gen3 has only 3 Agents. Etcetera.
2/ The Gen3 gold cards aren't available, since they're /only/ in the Theme Pack (special, see?). The Gen2 golds are available in place of the rare card. The Gen5 golds will also be in place of rares.
97/ I agree, and I can probably make it not happen, with a bit of work. Part of the problem may be that the random number generator is based on the system clock - and it can quite possibly take all the readings in the same time-unit.
hS -
Re: Well, let's see... by
on 2012-06-20 13:21:00 UTC
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I] Yeah, that makes sense. Still, there should be some way to check that you don't get weird distributions. You cou,d for example, end up with 2 agents in Gen3.
II] Ah, I thought so.
Φ] Okay, now I really want to see the source. -
How long is "some time?" by
on 2012-06-15 23:26:00 UTC
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Because from what I saw, the window just froze when I clicked the button.
For me... by
on 2012-06-16 07:40:00 UTC
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... about ten seconds in Chrome, or three in IE. But it has a fair amount of work to do, and my computer's pretty good, so it probably depends.
hS -
Firefox, and I'm talking about minutes here. by
on 2012-06-16 13:06:00 UTC
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With a shiny new laptop.
I tested it in IE, and it works there.
So it must be Firefox... weird, since your code seems to support Firefox. -
Well, it might not. by
on 2012-06-16 16:32:00 UTC
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Specifically, Chrome can't count - it reads twice as many nodes in the XML than IE - and I assumed this was a Chrome-specific problem. If it's a not-IE-specific problem, then Firefox would be using the IE code, reading twice as many nodes as the code allows for, and crashing to death.
I'll work on it later.
hS -
Maybe fixed? (nm) by
on 2012-06-16 17:38:00 UTC
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Working for me in FireFox now. (nm) by
on 2012-06-16 21:12:00 UTC
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Can we post Video Game loactions/monsters? by
on 2012-06-13 13:15:00 UTC
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Since it would help the VG fandom become playable for Gen 5.
Also, what do the little rarity letters on the top left corner of the card stand for? I think "c" is common, "r" is rare, but what do "u" and "g" mean? -
Ohhh fine. :P by
on 2012-06-13 17:45:00 UTC
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A Location has an image (obviously), name, fandom, and type - the types are all listed on the rules. It can also have an attached monster, but doesn't have to.
A Monster should be something that can hurt you, without being a likely Lust Object. Balrogs, Goblins, Smelly Men, Drunken Activists, etc etc. They have a name and picture, species, and Attack, Defence and Health. There's no required total for the stats - except that they can't go above 6, and a 6-6-6 monster is a real rarity (thus far there are two). They also have a fandom (obviously), and state their Location.
To be classed as fully playable, a fandom needs ten Monsters, which means at least ten Locations (but likely more). It also needs ten Canons and Agents - VG currently has 4 and 6.
(Oh, and if you're really bored - a Crossover needs a picture from each fandom, able to be recognised when sliced in half. ;))
hS -
VG monsters and Canons (Image heavy) by
on 2012-06-19 22:15:00 UTC
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...after this, I'm done. I swear.
All right then, after much debating, here are the monsters and stats I came up with:
Zelda monsters:
Can be found in Hyrule Castle, Hyrule Field or Lost Woods.
Atk: 3
Def: 3
HP: 3
Can be found in Hyrule Field, Lost Woods, or Death Mountain.
Atk: 2
Def: 2
HP: 3
Can be found in Lost Woods or Death Mountain.
Atk: 1
Def: 4
HP: 3
Can be found in Hyrule Field or Gerudo Valley.
Atk: 3
Def: 1
HP: 4
Can be found in Temple of Time or Ganon's Tower. Remember kids: it is written that only Link can defeat Ganon...
Atk: 5
Def: 5
HP: 5
Half-Life monstersHead humperHeadcrab
Can be found in ALL Half-Life Locations.
Atk: 2
Def: 1
HP: 1
Can be found in Ravenholm, City 17, or Highway 17.
Atk: 3
Def: 2
HP: 4
Can be found in City 17, Highway 17, or White Forest.
Atk: 3
Def: 2
HP: 3
Can be found in Black Mesa or Xen.
Atk: 2
Def: 1
HP: 2
StarCraft monsters
Featuring the Swarm!
Can be found in ALL StarCraft Locations.
Atk: 2
Def: 1
HP: 1
Can be found on Mar Sara, Aiur, or the Char Nydus Network.
Atk: 3
Def: 3
HP: 2
Can be found on Aiur.
Atk: 3
Def: 2
HP: 4
Aaaaand last but not least, your canons:
Speed: 3
Speed: 1
Princess Ruto
Speed: 3
Gordon Freeman
Speed: 3
Barney Calhoun
Speed: 2
Alyx Vance
Speed: 2 -
*Facepalms* by
on 2012-06-20 03:57:00 UTC
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Darn, forgot to add what kind of monster it is. Here goes:
Moblin: Pig-man
Bokoblin: Pig-man
Skulltula: Giant spider
Leever:gumdropCactus monster
Ganondorf: Gerudo
Headcrab: Parasite
Zombie: Human-parasite
Overwatch: Transhuman
Houndeye: Sonicanis myriops
Zergling: Zerg
Hydralisk: Zerg
Mutalisk: Zerg
Link: Hylian
Saria: Kokiri
Princess Ruto: Zora
Gordon Freeman: Human
Barney Calhoun: Human
Alyx Vance: Human -
Wait, we need cards for the VG fandom? (VERY Image Heavy) by
on 2012-06-16 04:13:00 UTC
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Hey, at least lemme add some VG locations from games I know! :P
Anyway, I'm gonna jump in with some more locations, and I might throw in some more canons for good measure. Let's see...
Citadel - VG - City
Collector Base - VG - Planet (Well, that's the closest approximation I can come up with, anyway.)
Normandy SR-2 - VG - Spaceship
The Fade - VG - Plain
Kirkwall - VG - Tower
Princess Peach's Castle - VG - Castle
USG Ishimura - VG - Spaceship
Titan Station - VG - City
And now, I think we should probably throw some Monsters in there for good measure. So let's see...
Goomba - VG - Mook
Attack: 3
Defense: 1
Health: 1
Koopa Troopa - VG - Humanoid Turtle
Attack: 2
Defense: 4
Health: 3
Cerberus Trooper - VG - Human
Attack: 4
Defense: 3
Health: 4
Reaper Husk - VG - Android (Again, closest match I could work with)
Attack: 5
Defense: 1
Health: 2
Thresher Maw - VG - Sand Worm
Attack: 4
Defense: 5
Health: 6
Hurlock - VG - Undead
Attack: 3
Defense: 2
Health: 3
Ogre (Dragon Age) - VG - Undead
Attack: 6
Defense: 3
Health: 5
Motobug - VG - Android
Attack: 2
Defense: 3
Health: 1
Paratroopa - VG - Humanoid Turtle
Attack: 2
Defense: 4
Health: 2
Slasher - VG - Necromorph
Attack: 3
Defense: 5
Health: 2
And what the heck, I'll throw in a few more canons just for posterity.
Isaac Clarke - VG - Male - Human - 2 Speed
Mario - VG - Male - Human - 4 Speed
Princess Peach - VG - Female - Human - 2 Speed
Anders - VG - Male - Human - 2 Speed
Alistair - VG - Male - Human - 3 Speed
Garrus Vakarian - VG - Male - Alien - 4 Speed
Urdnot Wrex - VG - Male - Alien - 3 Speed
*phew* That oughta keep you busy for a while. -
Well, stage 1... by
on 2012-06-18 08:35:00 UTC
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I really need to come up with a decent set of icons for location types... I'm still using an Elven tower for 'City', it's massively outdated.
Thank you very much for making monsters! However, I run into a slight problem - while I've decided not to list monsters on locations, I still need to give locations on monsters! And while I can recognise the Mario ones (I may have to come up with some Mario locations for them to live in, otherwise Peach's castle will be packed, the others are way outside my ken. So, er... help? Where do they live?
hS -
Location, location, location, as Demitri Martin would say. by
on 2012-06-18 13:12:00 UTC
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Some of the monsters I gave actually can't have a location ascribed to them yet because I didn't set up some cards for them. For that, I'll need to come up with a few more location cards, so I'll get to them in a second. For the ones that can be located...
-Goomba, Koopa, Paratroopa can all fit in Mario locations like Princess Peach's Castle, as you mentioned.
-Slashers can be placed on either the Ishimura or Titan Station.
-Cerberus Troopers can be placed on the Citadel.
-Reaper Husks can be placed on the Collector Base.
For the rest, I should probably throw a few other ones in. So here, have some more locations:
Tuchanka - VG -
-Thresher Maws can be placed on Tuchanka.
Denerim - VG - City
The Deep Roads - VG - Cave
You can place Hurlocks and Ogres on either Denerim or The Deep Roads.
Green Hill Zone - VG - Hill
Image: http://supersmashbroschronicles.webs.com/poi.bmp
You can place Motobugs in the Green Hill Zone.
And ah, what the heck? I'll throw in some more Mario locations for you to go wild with.
World 1-1 - VG - Plain
Rainbow Cruise - VG - Spaceship
For ease, Goombas and Koopa Troopas can go in Princess Peach's Castle or World 1-1. Paratroopas can go onto any of these places.
Hope that helped! -
*All* the things! by
on 2012-06-19 11:40:00 UTC
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hS -
They all look great. =D (nm) by
on 2012-06-19 16:55:00 UTC
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Tuchanka should be a Plain, BTW. (nm) by
on 2012-06-18 13:12:00 UTC
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VG Locations ( very image heavy) by
on 2012-06-14 07:52:00 UTC
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All right, I've cobbled this together from some of my fandoms:
The Zelda pack:
Hyrule Castle [Castle]
Hyrule field [Plain]
Lost Woods [Forest]
Death Mountain [Mountain]
Gerudo Valley [Valley]
Temple of Time [Room]
Ganon's Tower [Tower]
The Half-Life pack:
Ravenholm [City]
City 17 [City]
Highway 17 [Plain]
White Forest [Forest]
Black Mesa Facility [Hallway]
Xen [Planet]
The StarCraft pack:
New Gettysburg [City]
Mar Sara [Planet]
Aiur [Forest] It's the best image of the planet I could find. Just ignore the zerg-infested city and the planet is covered in dense jungle.
Char Nydus Network [Caves]
I'll get to posting monsters and/or canons when I've got some more spare time on my hands. -
All done! by
on 2012-06-15 21:50:00 UTC
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This is them all.
hS -
Thank you! (nm) by
on 2012-06-17 03:07:00 UTC
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Uncommon? by
on 2012-06-13 14:27:00 UTC
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U for uncommon would make sense... maybe G is for "foil" cards, e.g. shiny alternate versions. But how is decided which cards get foil versions?
G is for gold. by
on 2012-06-13 17:30:00 UTC
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And the answer varies by generation:
In Gen2 I made five gold cards on whim.
In Gen3 the leaders of three factions in the Crashing Down pack got gold cards.
In Gen5, every 11th card I make also gets a gold card. This may not be obvious from where they come on the Board, since I'm also making canons that I'm not posting here, but it is every 11th. My order of card creation is usually:
-Whatever Board-listed cards I'm making this block.
-Any canons associated with those.
This is variable if it'll cause a card not posted on-Board to get the gold, but for the most part, it works. So yeah - it's random. Can't have favouritism, even when I'd like to. ;)
hS -
An Agent and a Canon by
on 2012-06-12 00:55:00 UTC
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Card Type: Agent
Name: Doc
Department: Floaters
Fandom: Les Misérables
Species: Human
Years of Service: 2011-
Lust Object: Enjolras
Picture: (Sorry it's so big!)
Weapon: metal pole (the far right Mace image on the rules page will work fine.)
*Attack: 1
*Defence: 3
*Speed: 2
*Stealth: 3
*Insanity: 3
*Special: 3
Special Ability-Research: Move Doc to another location of any fandom.
(Sorry about the uncommon fandom; Doc is sort of a generalist. I went with a fandom that's already appeared on an older card, so it's at least a little interactive with the rest of the game. Here's a picture of Enjolras:)
Card Type: Canon
Name: Miss MacKinnon
Fandom: PPC
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Speed: 1
And her picture:
If I measured properly, that should fit within the Canon card frame fairly well.
And, since you asked for feedback on the game . . . I had printed out decks of Gen One cards and played four or five games with my brother several months ago. We found that the Sue deck was (perhaps appropriately) massively overpowered, and whoever played with it was guaranteed to win. This was due to one Sue card in particular, Kawaii Baka.
With a huge Special stat, Kawaii was pretty much guaranteed to beat any Comparison to activate her special, and she usually didn't have to, since her Speed is high enough to keep the opponent's cards out of her location. (Or another Sue with even higher Speed could be moved there to help guard her.) The trouble is, her ability feeds into itself so the opponent never gets a chance to take action to stop her. We implemented a house rule that Kawaii's Special couldn't be activated during the bonus turns she herself created, but even then, Kawaii's player had a 2:1 turn advantage over his opponent, which is pretty massive. We finally changed the house rule to, "Kawaii's Special can be activated once per game," which made the decks more balanced, but by then, we were kind of burned out from playing, and haven't really had a chance to touch it again since.
So . . . I guess I ended up reviewing just the one card, which wasn't my intention starting out. :(
Unfortunately, that one card had a disproportionately large effect on our gameplay. -
And done. by
on 2012-06-15 17:20:00 UTC
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hS -
Thank you so much! by
on 2012-06-16 05:02:00 UTC
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They look great!
Ooh, ouch. by
on 2012-06-12 19:09:00 UTC
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(Will get to your cards when I get to them, but this is for the review)
That... is a somewhat overpowered ability. Let's see if I can fix it up.
-Movement: The rules appear to be badly-written on this (and many other) point. I think what I meant was that if Kawaii and Agent Acacia are at the same location, and Acacia wants to leave, Kawaii can try to block her (probably successfully). If Acacia wants to move in, it's up to someone at her current Location to block - Kawaii can't do a thing. She could block against a Reinforcement from an Enemy, but again, that would require someone to already be there.
-Ability wording: I'm assuming that you read this as 'Take two more actions', rather than the literal interpretation of 'After using this ability, do one more thing', which would make it nothing more than a stalling tactic. :P So... hmm.
What about if it said 'Minuet - Through the power of bad spelling, stretch time and take two non-special actions next turn.' That would still have that 2:1 advantage, but Kawaii's ATK and DEF are pretty low - with the dice it's always random, but she could go down in one hit from something sufficiently powerful (the Balrog, say - and with the new Narav card, you can try to summon It there), and anything sufficiently strong could well block all her attacks.
Unless she's on a Hill. Kawaii Baka on a Hill is a dangerous prospect - but that's why she's a Rare card, neh?
(I'm curious - with the Sues in general, are they overpowered because of their abilities, or because of their ruleset? Because, ooh, I can see massive problems with that Ensnare bonus - wow, even Kawaii could hit 7 ATK with three canons and a Hill. Maybe the bonuses should be to Defence instead - gives you more staying power rather than making you overpowered)
hS -
Re: Reviews by
on 2012-06-13 06:10:00 UTC
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Ah, I see where I misinterpreted the Movement-blocking rules. That would loosen up gameplay immensely.
I'm not quite sure what you're saying in the ability wording paragraph. I read the line "take two turns" to mean the player gets two additional turns after the one in which this Special is performed, which opened that player up to the chance to use Kawaii's Special again in that following turn. I take it that it's meant to give two additional Actions within the same turn that Minuet is used? Perhaps Kawaii-only Actions?
I think the best way to change the wording is to replace "turns" with "actions," since that's what you intended to convey. And maybe specify whether the extra actions are for Kawaii only, or for her player in general.
The Sues did tend to gain in power pretty quickly, but the agents actually tended to catch up soon enough. Many of the agents (at least, in the subset I printed) have either attack-boosting or defence-hindering Specials, and the Stealth bonus helps too. Snap was also useful for thinning the Monster cards out of the opponents' ranks, which is something the Sue deck had to do directly through combat, which helped keep the agents not critically overwhelmed.
I think, with this better understanding of the rules, I need to try a few more games again and see what happens. (If I can tear my brother away from video games long enough. Maybe Mom will play with me?) I'll get back to you after.
One thing we were confused about was deck contents. I just noticed that the Ensare rules call for targeting an enemy canon, but I had built the agent deck with no canons, and put canon cards only in the Sue deck for them to Ensare. (Yes, it's a reading comprehension failure on my part. I guess my Magic: the Gathering sensibilities didn't allow for adding a card to a deck whose only purpose was to strengthen the enemy?) I know you're busy enough with making card images right now, since I don't expect definitive deck rules right away. Just something to think about. :)
—doctorlit, who recognizes that he is massively over-thinking a collector card game and apologizes for All Dem Words. -
Ah. Well. Heh. by
on 2012-06-13 07:37:00 UTC
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Bear in mind that the rules when Generation One was made were... quite different. The Special stat actually determined the reload time of the ability - it was stupidly complicated, and one of the main reasons Generation Zero is described as unplayable.
Additionally, Gen4 seems to have lost the Lust Object bonus (or at least I can't find it any more). It used to be that your agent's Insanity would give an Attack bonus if their Lust Object was present, which of course means you would bring the Lust Objects for all your agents along... but without that factor, yeah, it really should be /any/ Canon to Ensnare.
-- oh, wow, I'd forgotten how bad Gen0 was. If you're interested, my original idea of how a TCG should work is here.
hS -
As dry as it is, this needs a rules text. by
on 2012-06-13 09:44:00 UTC
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Sure, the cheat sheet is good, but it shouldn't be the sole source of rules.
Oh how terribly tedious. by
on 2012-06-13 17:26:00 UTC
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I suppose you're right. But it so nearly fits on the cheat sheet... :P
hS -
A couple semi-fic blips by
on 2012-06-11 22:24:00 UTC
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Name: Gilbert Hawk
Weapon: Wand, box elder and dragon heartstring, 11.5"
Department: DMS-Myst
Active: 2005-
Animagus - can turn into American kestrel. +1 stealth, +2 speed, -2 defense, -1 attack.
Madison Stephanie O'Grady
Weapon: Neutralizer (Dalek gun), fiery breath
Departments: DIC (as intern), DoGA
Active: 2008-2009
Dragon Breath - can produce a 4m jet of flame. +3 attack, -2 stealth, -1 speed.
If there's room, note that it needs 1d6 turns to recharge.
LO: Jamie MacCrimmon -
Them there guys. by
on 2012-06-15 17:17:00 UTC
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With a few slight modifications to fit the theme, but.
hS -
A couple more by
on 2012-06-11 18:08:00 UTC
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Took me some time to get these up because I had to figure some stuff out. I think a good Department Special for the All-Purpose Department would be "Specific Knowledge: +2 to any one stat for 2 turns. Only usable if the Agent is in their fandom."
Name - Barid
Department - All-Purpose Department
Fandom - Warcraft
Species - Troll (5 HP)
Years of Service - 2009-present
Lust Object - Lady Sylvanas
Picture - Agent Barid
Weapon - Shadow Magic
Stats - Attack 5, Defense 1, Speed 4, Stealth 1, Insanity 4, Special 0
Special Ability - Power Word: Shield - Raises the defense of any agent to 5 for 1 turn.
Name - Brightbeard
Department - All-Purpose Department
Fandom - Warcraft
Species - Dwarf (6 HP)
Years of Service - 2009-present
Lust Object - Thrall
Picture - Agent Brightbeard
Weapon - War Hammer (Mace)
Stats - Attack 3, Defense 5, Speed 2, Stealth 1, Insanity 2, Special 2
Special Ability - Tank - Forces any unit attacking another Agent to attack Brightbeard instead, if both Agents are in the same location. -
These them. by
on 2012-06-13 22:00:00 UTC
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hS -
Lovely by
on 2012-06-13 22:36:00 UTC
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Thank you, sir. I really like the image you used for Barid's weapon.
Incoming! by
on 2012-06-11 14:46:00 UTC
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Lots of agents coming in, so look out below!
Name: Florestan
Department: DIC
Fandom: Video Game
Species: Human
Years of Service: 2011-
Lust Object: Tali'Zorah vas Normandy
Weapon: Gun
Attack: 2
Defence: 2
Speed: 5
Stealth: 1
Insanity: 4
Special: 1
Special: Rant - At the complete cost of Florestan's Stealth, increase the Attack of all other Agents in play by 1 point for 2 turns.
Name: Eusabius
Department: DIC
Fandom: VG
Species: Human
Years of Service: 2011-
Lust Object: Anders
Weapon: Pikestaff [Mace]
Attack: 3
Defence: 4
Speed: 1
Stealth: 2
Insanity: 3
Special: 2
Special: Unshakable Calm - Increase Stealth and Defence by 1 point for 1 turn.
Name: Xanthus Garkaran
Department: Floaters
Fandom: Video Game
Species: Alien
Years of Service: 2011-
Lust Object: None
Weapon: Gun
Attack: 4
Defence: 2
Speed: 2
Stealth: 3
Insanity: 1
Special: 3
Special: Nostalgia Trip: Increase Defense of one other Agent card of choice by 1 point for 2 turns.
Name: Anneli Rodriguez
Department: Floaters
Fandom: Any
Species: Human
Years of Service: 2011-
Lust Object: Edward Cullen
Weapon: Hand (Mace)
Attack: 1
Defence: 2
Speed: 4
Stealth: 3
Insanity: 3
Special: 2
Special: Like, Oh My God! - Increase Attack by 2 points for 1 turn.
Name: Cinderella
Department: Floaters
Fandom: Harry Potter
Species: Witch
Years of Service: 2011-
Lust Object: None
Weapon: Wand (Magic)
Attack: 5
Defence: 2
Speed: 3
Stealth: 3
Insanity: 1
Special: 1
Special: Desperate Measures - At the complete cost of Cinderella's Stealth for 3 Turns, liberate 1 Ensnared Canon of your choice.
Also, have a few more canon cards:
Sonic the Hedgehog:
Video Game - Male
Humanoid Hedgehog
Speed - [Max]
Tali'Zorah vas Normandy:
Video Game - Female
Alien [Quarian]
Speed - 3
Video Game - Male
Human Mutant
Speed - 2 -
Here'are. by
on 2012-06-13 19:05:00 UTC
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And yes, I did make Cinderella more powerful.
hS -
I think Cinderella's Stats are identical to Anneli's... by
on 2012-06-13 19:36:00 UTC
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...when they should not be identical.
Just thought I'd point out that small error there. -
Oh, bloomin'. by
on 2012-06-13 21:13:00 UTC
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Fixed. There's always something...
hS -
Hey, it happens to the best of us. by
on 2012-06-14 01:58:00 UTC
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And otherwise, they look great, so... =D
Agent Sylvia and Agent Natasha by
on 2012-06-10 20:34:00 UTC
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Name: Sylvia
Department: Floaters
Fandom: SciFic
Species: Human
Years of Service: 2011-
Lust Object: Malcolm Reynolds
Picture: http://ppc.wikia.com/wiki/Sylvia?image=Sylvia-282-29-jpg
Weapon: Deathclaw Gauntlet
Attack: 3
Defence: 1
Speed: 4
Stealth: 1
Insanity: 2
Special: 4
Special: Question Motives- Attacking cannon gets -2 to attack.
Name: Natasha
Department: Floaters
Fandom: Fantasy
Species: Human
Years of Service: 2011-
Lust Object: Terra
Picture: http://ppc.wikia.com/wiki/Natasha?image=Natasha2-jpg
Weapon: Backpack
Attack: 2
Defence: 1
Speed: 2
Stealth: 3
Insanity: 3
Special: 4
Special: WHAT?!- Increase Insanity by 2 for one turn.
Is this alright? -
And here. by
on 2012-06-12 18:49:00 UTC
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Good grief, if I make a few Locations, Video Games will be a playable fandom before long...
hS -
A few more agents. by
on 2012-06-09 21:09:00 UTC
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Four, to be precise. Sorry for the rush. Feel free to tweak the pictures to fit the card if necessary.
Laura Dukes
Department: DMS
Fandom: Video Games
Species: Human
Years Active: 2007-Present
LO: Garrus V.
Weapon: Combat knives
Stats: Attack 4, Defense 2, Speed 2, Stealth 1, Insanity 4, Special 2
SA: Leeroy - Increases attack and speed by 2 and decreases defense to 0 for one round.
Danny Richardson
Department: DMS
Fandom: Video Games
Species: Human
Years Active: 2010 - Present
LO: Zoey
Weapon: Shotgun
Stats: Attack 2, Defense 4, Speed 3, Stealth 3, Insanity 1, Special 2
SA: Research - Subtract one from speed and add one to any other stat for one turn.
Department: DBS
Fandom: Sci-fi
Species: Metahuman
Years Active: 2010 - Present
LO: The Doctor
Weapon: Genetic electrical manipulation
Stats: Attack 2, Defense 2, Speed 3, Stealth 4, Insanity 1, Special 3
SA: Zap! - Additional +2 to attack when attacking from stealth
Department: DBS
Fandom: Video Games
Species: Nobody
Years Active: 2010 - Present
LO: None
Weapon: Hand-to-hand
Stats: Attack 1, Defense 5, Speed 2, Stealth 5, Insanity 0, Special 2
SA: Shadow Portal - Switch positions on the field with any other Agent. -
Time to spot the mistakes? by
on 2012-06-11 08:41:00 UTC
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I must have made at least one, right?
hS -
Looks good to me. by
on 2012-06-12 15:11:00 UTC
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No mistakes that I can see. Thank you!
How have I not gotten in on this before? by
on 2012-06-09 20:00:00 UTC
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Oh, right, because my agents and I were AWOL for over a year. *sweatdrop* Well, I aim to correct that right now . . .
Name: Suicide
Department: DMS
Fandom: Variable
Species: Human
Years of Service: 2007-present
Lust Object: Scary women
Picture:(Can be cropped as needed)
Weapon: Darning Needles (thrown spear-- stat-equivalent to bow)
Special Ability: 11% Cyborg -- Can take a one-time +3 health bonus.
Name: Diocletian
Department: DMS
Fandom: LotR
Species: Human
Years of Service: 2007-present
Lust Object: Legolas
Picture:(crop as needed)
Weapon: Morningstar (mace)
Special Ability: Calm Down! - For one round, add another agent's INSANITY to said agent's DEFENSE.
I may add Ithalond and maybe a couple of Sues if I get the chance later. XD BTW, I apologize if the cards above don't make much sense or break the game--I don't play TCG much, and am still a newbie at this kind of thing. -
Yay! Famous peoples! by
on 2012-06-11 07:36:00 UTC
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(I get like that sometimes...)
So who are the PPC's most famous agents? Beyond just Jay and Acacia. I think we need another Theme Deck...
hS -
Oooh, lovely! by
on 2012-06-11 21:43:00 UTC
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Thank you so much! But please don't call them famous. Especially Su. If his ego gets much bigger, Bad Things will happen. :D
A bit too late for that. by
on 2012-06-12 00:33:00 UTC
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And out of curiosity, who did the art? It is most brilliant.
Well, I can hope. by
on 2012-06-12 02:52:00 UTC
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Of all the ways for the universe to end, Death by Su's Ego is kind of . . . ignominious.
And it's doll-maker art. Not sure if I should grin or hang my head in shame, but DollDivine is a fantastic site. Oddly enough, it was a lot harder to find a decent one for Dio than it was for Suicide; I wound up having to edit out a hell of a lot of extraneous eyeliner. -
Huh! Is it really? And I would never have guessed. (nm) by
on 2012-06-12 03:15:00 UTC
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Oh wait . . . by
on 2012-06-09 23:24:00 UTC
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. . . do you have to have at least one point in Special for said special ability to work? Because if so, their rearranged stats would look like this.
Once again, I apologize for any mistakes. -
Nothing wrong with a DoI agent, is there? by
on 2012-06-09 12:22:00 UTC
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Gaspard De Grasse
Department: Intelligence
Species: Human
Fandom: Legend of Zelda
Service: 2012 to present
Lust object: Princess Zelda
Weapon: No-look willy-nilly fists of fury
Attack: *
Defence: **
Speed: *****
Stealth: *****
Insanity: *
Special: *
Special ability: Surveillance: Opponent has to reveal three unplayed cards -
Yet more DoI Agents... by
on 2012-06-17 03:06:00 UTC
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...offering you more opportunities to mess with your opponent's hand.
Angus MacFarlane
Department: Intelligence
Species: Human
Fandom: Discworld
Service: 2008-
Lust object: Sgt. Angua
Pic: Recruitment picture of MacFarlane in 2003, before he transferred out of All-Purpose and joined Intel where he gained an extra 15kg.
Weapon: Burleigh & Stronginthearm crossbow
Attack: 2
Defense: 2
Speed: 2
Stealth: 3
Insanity: 4
Special: 2
Special Ability: Fresh Intel: All enemy units suffer -1 stealth/observe for 2 turns.
Nasir Beydoun
Department: Intelligence
Species: Human
Fandom: Video Games
Service: 2003-
Lust object: Champion Cynthia (from Pokémon D/P)
Weapon: Webley revolver
Attack: 2
Defence: 2
Speed: 4
Stealth: 3
Insanity: 2
Special: 2
Special ability: Intel Report: Marks one target for 2 turns, decreases defence by 2. -
There you go! by
on 2012-06-19 08:09:00 UTC
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Another Disc agent? Awesome.
hS -
Thanks again! (nm) by
on 2012-06-19 20:07:00 UTC
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Gaspard by
on 2012-06-11 02:56:00 UTC
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Welcome to having a fandom all to yourself! This is the new cross-fandom VG, Video Games. It exists to keep me sane. The only cards for it so far are Gaspard and Zelda.
hS, off to figure out if My Little Pony can possibly be listed under 'Anime' -
Thank you, sir! (nm) by
on 2012-06-11 05:42:00 UTC
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Revised stats by
on 2012-06-10 00:09:00 UTC
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I completely overlooked the fact that you need a high enough Special to use a Special Ability. Revised stats to make Surveillance a little less useless:
Attack: *
Defence: **
Speed: ****
Stealth: ****
Insanity: 0
Special: ****
If I read the rules properly, bare hands count as a mace-type weapon, right? -
Any stats can be 0. by
on 2012-06-11 02:36:00 UTC
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The word 'compare' is defined at the top right of the rules - it involves dice. A Special of 0 can beat even one of 5, if you roll a 6 and your opponent rolls 1.
And yes, hands are a mace, by Longstanding Tradition (TM).
hS -
And since Surveillance is so powerful... by
on 2012-06-11 02:38:00 UTC
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... I'm going to go with your original stats. Not that the game isn't already broken beyond repair (the Balrog and Bel-Shamharoth are nigh-unbeatable monsters), but, y'know, whim.
hS -
Adding yet another ESAS Agent by
on 2012-06-09 04:57:00 UTC
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Name: Riboflavin
Department: ESAS
Fandom: Harry Potter
Species: Human - Wizard
Years of Service: 2008-
Lust Object:
Picture: see http://stranglerfig.webs.com/riboflavin.htm
Weapon: Wand
Attack 2
Defence 3
Speed 3
Stealth 3
Insanity 2
Special: 2
Special Ability: Impedimenta charm. +2 to speed for 2 turns
Don't suppose it's possible to edit old cards (make Entropy's years of service 2004-2008)?
Elcalion -
Riboflavin^2 by
on 2012-06-11 02:12:00 UTC
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"But hS," I don't hear you say, "that was never eleven!" Ah, dear reader, but it was - if you take the canon cards I've had to make to keep up into account.
(And yes, Entropy can be retconned. The magic of the internet!)
hS -
Ooh, shiny! by
on 2012-06-11 06:59:00 UTC
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Thank you muchly!
Would you like "help" (i.e. give you more work to do!) in finding some images for some extra canons (because there's a few Lust Objects out there without cards)?
Mirax Terrik
Jagged Fel
(http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/5/5a/Jagged_fel.jpg) -
Done! by
on 2012-06-12 18:47:00 UTC
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(Idril gets a shiny because she fell into the magic Eleventh Place slot... after a bit of shuffling)
hS -
Oh heck yes. by
on 2012-06-11 07:37:00 UTC
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I've already snuck Tonks into Gen5, but the rest... yesss, I think these will definitely help.
Once I get through all the agents posted before them, of course...
hS -
Whoops, forgot LO by
on 2012-06-09 05:11:00 UTC
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Riboflavin's LO is (Nymphadora) Tonks
Re: PPC Card Game: Fifth Generation by
on 2012-06-09 03:17:00 UTC
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OK, I'll try to give one of my two agents now. If she is all correct, and I haven't missed anything with her, I'll post Ari, Lana and Narav.
Name: Tera
Department: Floaters
Fandom: Anime
Species: Insect-humanoid Summon
Years of Service: 2011-present
Lust Object: Garyuu (Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha)
Feel free to crop the picture to fit on the card.
Weapon: Arm-blades (they are retractable, and have pretty good reach)
Attack: 3
Special Ability: Invisibility--when attacking, Tera gets to raise her stealth by one point. -
Re: PPC Card Game: Fifth Generation by
on 2012-06-11 02:43:00 UTC
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Name: Ari
Department: Floaters
Fandom: Anime
Species: Mid-Childan/Replacement Sue
Years of Service: 2011-present
Lust Object: Yuuno Scrya
Weapon: Nanoha-verse magic
Special Ability: Spark Shot. Does 1 damage to all enemies in a Location.
Name: Lana
Department: Mary Sues
Fandom: Anime
Species: Human (but trained as a Smoke Knight)
Years of Service: 2008-present
Lust Object: Violetta
Weapon: Ax
Special Ability: Poisons--lowers the stats of her opponent by 1
Name: Narav
Department: Mary Sues
Fandom: Anime
Species: Canim
Years of Service: 2008-present
Lust Object: ???
Weapon: Bloodspeaker magic*
Special Ability: Summon monsters. Takes away 3 health tokens (unless that's too much, adjust the amount to make sense if need be)
That's the only picture of his species.
*Bloodspeaker magic can do a lot of stuff. So, it might be under rules similar to the HP Magic. -
Here y'are. by
on 2012-06-12 18:51:00 UTC
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I've 'interpreted' Narav's ability, but you know what's more awesome than a Summon Monsters ability that just causes damage? One that actually summons monsters! Or at least I think so. :P
hS -
Thanks! by
on 2012-06-12 19:31:00 UTC
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That's a pretty good interpretation, actually. Though, why does Ari have four curvy lines on her card?
Also, are we allowed to make cards for canon characters? If so, I have a few ideas. -
Magic! by
on 2012-06-12 22:09:00 UTC
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Specifically that's the symbol for telepathy-and-related magic. It was kind of a guess - if she'd go better with a wand, lightning bolt, fire or, er, unicorn horn, I can change it.
And yes, you are. Gulp.
hS -
Re: Magic! by
on 2012-06-12 23:25:00 UTC
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Well, Nanoha-verse magic is usually used with an Intelligent Device, but I don't think you could find one that would best represent it...
Oh! How about a magic circle? Or triangle, since Ari uses Belkan magic.
Her magic color is red, which is good, since black wouldn't show up well on the cards. And I think I'll be making some cards for Nanoha and Madoka, but I'll try to not go overboard with them. -
Re: Magic! by
on 2012-06-13 16:58:00 UTC
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Sorry, but how do you determine speed for a Canon card? -
Species, mostly. by
on 2012-06-13 17:25:00 UTC
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With a hint of random guesswork.
hS -
I see... by
on 2012-06-13 18:48:00 UTC
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What's the scale for them? 1 through 5, as with the Agent cards?
Yep. by
on 2012-06-13 21:14:00 UTC
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Human baseline is 2, I think, though that tends to vary (like I said, random).
And Ari's symbol has been changed. The magic triangle looks faintly awesome.
hS -
Nanoha in general is awesome. Watch it. (nm) by
on 2012-06-14 12:16:00 UTC
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on 2012-06-13 21:40:00 UTC
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Glad to help. So, let's see.
Name: Nanoha Takamachi
Fandom: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Speed: 3
Name: Fate Testarossa Harlaown
Fandom: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Gender: Female
Species: Mid-Childan/Clone
Speed: 5 (I am not joking. She can outrun/fly a TELEPORTER.)
Fate is the one in black, Nanoha is in white. -
Canons! by
on 2012-06-15 17:57:00 UTC
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There are a lot more eleventh cards than I expected...
hS -
Nanoha as the golden card? I APPROVE. by
on 2012-06-15 18:59:00 UTC
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And, may I propose canons from two more series? (One's actually involved, as my Agents' LOs are from there. The other one, well I'd just like to see it done, if it isn't too much work for you.
From Card Captor Sakura (anime)
Sakura Kinomoto - Female Human - Speed: 3
Syaoran Li - Male Human - Speed: 2 (No Fly or Dash cards for you, Syaoran. Sorry.)
From Puella Magi Madoka Magica:
Homura Akemi - Female Human - Speed: 5 (If something tries to capture her, she stops time and leaves explosives where she was standing. Even Fate would have troubles with her.
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-MUKc5Mt9ZMw/TeVZQUUHzgI/AAAAAAAAAto/3h3078KZ_5w/s1600/homura+akemi.jpg) -
Here you go. by
on 2012-06-15 22:03:00 UTC
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You may notice a different picture for Sakura Thatdoesn'tfit - that's because I'd already made her. ;) I'd also made Syaoran Thatdoesfit - using the exact same picture.
And now I have caught up with you lot! Time for an Announcement...
hS -
That's funny, I think. by
on 2012-06-16 13:23:00 UTC
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In fact, I think your choice fits better.
And, about Homura, you wrote "homura" uncapitalized.
*grabs homura Akemi" Mini get! Awwww! -
Technical limitation, that. by
on 2012-06-16 17:45:00 UTC
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Capital 'h' and 'd' are extremely tall in that font, so they stick out the top; therefore, any names beginning with h or d get lowercase'd. At one point I think I bolded them or upsized them to try and make up for it, but not any more.
hS -
Hooray, mini Charlotte! by
on 2012-06-16 15:31:00 UTC
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Hm... Shouldn't Homura be a Puella Magi? She's not technically a human anymore.
I wonder if Witches count as Monsters or Canons?
Let's see here:
Tomoe Mami: Puella Magi Canon, Speed 3
Sakura Kyoko: Puella Magi Canon, Speed 4
Miki Sayaka: Puella Magi Canon, Speed 3
Kaname Madoka: Puella Magi Canon, Speed 4
Gertrud: Attack 4, Defense 3,Health 3. Anime, Rose Garden Witch. Can live in WITCH's BARRIER.
Anthony: Attack 3, Defense 1, Health 1. Anime, Gertrud's Familiar. Can live in a Barrier if Gertrud is there.
Oktavia Von Seckendorff: Attack 6, Defense 4, Health 5. Anime, Mermaid Knight Witch. Can live in WITCH's BARRIER.
Charlotte: Attack 5, Defense 3, Health 7. Anime, Dessert Witch. Can live in WITCH'S BARRIER.
Pyotr: Attack 3, Defense 1, Health 1. Anime, Charlotte's Familiar. Can live in a Barrier if Charlotte is there.
Kriemhild Gretchen: Attack 1, Defense 1, Cannot be destroyed. Anime, Salvation Witch, Can exist in any Anime location
HN Elly: Attack 4, Health 2, Defense 3. Anime, Box Witch, can exist in WITCH'S BARRIER.
Walpurgis Nacht: Attack 7, Defense 3, Cannot be destroyed except by Kriemhild Gretchen. Anime, Stage-Building Witch. Can exist in any Anime location.
Kyubey: Attack 1, Defense 1, Cannot be destroyed. Anime, Incubator. Can exist in any anime location.
Witch's Barrier: Anime location. Witches, familiars and Puella Magi may come here (humans are usually eaten right after they come in.) -
Ready for this? (IMAGE HEAVY) by
on 2012-06-19 07:53:00 UTC
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(I'm not having an unkillable behemoth around. If you can't find a Mary-Sue with the ability to kill Walpurgis Nacht, I'd be very surprised.)
And since the idea of those six in one location fills me with abject terror...
So now I know far more than I ever wanted to about this fandom.
hS -
Impressive by
on 2012-06-19 20:00:00 UTC
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As Sergio pointed out, WPN IS killable, and I just forgot about the times where she died. Sorry.
Waklpurgisnacht isn't unkillable. by
on 2012-06-19 17:46:00 UTC
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The reason why Homura had to go thorugh several timelines isn't that Walpurgisnacht didn't die, is that Madoka died every time during that battle.
And we don't need a Mary Sue to bring her down. The fanfiction I am writing has that as a plot point.
Granted, I'm going to make Homura steal equipment from Army, Navy and Air Force, and there's Nanoha with a Movie-like Starlight Breaker, but still... -
Right, I forgot. by
on 2012-06-19 21:34:00 UTC
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Walpy dies in pretty much every timeline, but Madoka dies in the process.
Ooh, another mini-Charlotte! -
Re: Hooray, mini Charlotte! by
on 2012-06-17 03:15:00 UTC
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I guess WPN should have 6-6-undestroyable stats
Puella Magi isn't present as a species under the rules (nm) by
on 2012-06-16 18:40:00 UTC
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Neither was Canim, but I used that too... (nm) by
on 2012-06-16 19:06:00 UTC
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- Sorry, didn't get Barrier picture by on 2012-06-16 15:33:00 UTC Link to this
Sorry, forgot Ari's picture by
on 2012-06-11 02:52:00 UTC
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And Narav is dark grey. -
In-Tera-sting. by
on 2012-06-11 02:10:00 UTC
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(Sorry - I had to)
For rule purposes, I'm going to put the arm-blade down as a sword, unless you think it works better as something else.
hS -
Re: In-Tera-sting. by
on 2012-06-11 02:24:00 UTC
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Nah, the arm-blade is essentially a sword mounted on her wrist. That she can retract into her arm. And then still move her wrist and elbow.
Ah well, if this is all right, then I shall write up cards for my other agents! -
Attempt at Medical card by
on 2012-06-09 19:39:00 UTC
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OK then, here we go...
Name: Dr Kindheart
Department: Medical
Fandom: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
Species: Unicorn
Years of Service: Frig, I don't know. 2005-present, I guess
Lust Object: Shining Armor
Weapons: My Little Pony Magic*
Attack: 2
Defense: 4
Speed: 4
Stealth: 3
Special Ability: Rant. Dr Kindheart gives a long-winded lecture about pony biology, and her opponent is so surprised by this that they become disbalanced, and lose one point off all their stats.
* Um, so I guess MLP Magic would be along the lines of telekinesis, magical blast, and one or two spells related to their Special Talent. In Kindheart's case, that's probably a healing spell. It could be represented on the card as a unicorn's horn.
OK, is that all right? -
Kaitlyn and I are in agreement... by
on 2012-06-11 03:24:00 UTC
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... that a My Little Pony in Medical is one of the most awesome things to come out of the recent PPC. ;)
hS -
Convention states... by
on 2012-06-11 03:09:00 UTC
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... that Medical agents have no fandom (because I can't fit it on the line). Other than that, working on it right now.
hS -
Here's mine. by
on 2012-06-08 18:59:00 UTC
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Sergio Turbo
Department of Floaters
Sakura Kinomoto
Assaul Rifle (gun)
Attack: 4
Defence: 2
Speed: 2
Stealth: 4
Insanity: 0
Special Ability: Sniper - Can make accurate shots with Gun. +1 Attack and Stealth, -2 Speed
Nikki Cherryflower
Department of Floaters
Syaoran Li
(with long hair, if possible. Yes, this is an image of the girl she's a badfic clone of.)
Attack: 2
Defence: 3
Speed: 3
Stealth: 2
Insanity: 2
Special Ability: -
Sergio & Nikki by
on 2012-06-09 09:51:00 UTC
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(I went for 'rifle' over 'assault' for the gun, since I think on this scale, an assault rifle would look very like the blaster rifle)
(Long hair? Long/ish/ hair... and it's up to the player whether the grenade also damages Nikki)
hS -
Accidentally clicked on "post". by
on 2012-06-08 19:02:00 UTC
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Nikki's Special Ability is: Grenade - Causes an explosion inflicting 1 damage to each unit in a Location
I'm trying to get the rules. by
on 2012-06-08 18:02:00 UTC
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I'm trying. Really really hard.
Wait. What are the Sue/Agent tokens for if we have them as cards? And do the factions have any significance? -
As (not) seen in the diagram... by
on 2012-06-08 21:20:00 UTC
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... the cards go on your Desk. The tokens represent them on the playing field. Basically, since you're tucking things under the cards and putting health tokens alongside them, it seemed sensible not to also be moving them around the table too much.
As to the factions - not especially. They're for custom rules (such as in the Crashing Down pack, it's possible for Factory Enemies to attack Black Cats).
Oh, and since I didn't end up saying it - any feedback on making the rules make sense would be appreciated. I'm hoping to keep it all fitting on two sides of paper, though... gulp.
hS -
Ah, that makes sense. I think. by
on 2012-06-08 21:35:00 UTC
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Anywho, have some agents.
Name: Nathan
Department: DF
Fandom: SciFi
Species: Human
Years of service: 2010-present
LO: Samantha Carter
Weapon: Generic gun
Attack: 3
Defence: 2
Speed: 3
Stealth: 4
Insanity: 1
Special: 2
Special ability: Making a point - A Sue from this Location gets -1 of any stat for two turns.
Name: Greg
Department: DMS
Fandom: ---
Species: Human
Years of service: 2010-present
LO: ---
Weapon: Neuralyzer
Special ability: Sure, why not? - This agent gains any one fandom and one of its main characters as his fandom/LO.
Greg's link is defunct since I'm still drawing him. Also, feel free to tweak as you see fit, in case he's too weird. -
Am I overdoing it? by
on 2012-06-15 23:25:00 UTC
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Name: Saline
Department: DF
Fandom: SF
Species: Human
Years of service: 2011-present
LO: Baron Rivendare
Weapon: Magic
Attack: 2
Defence: 2
Speed: 4
Stealth: 2
Insanity: 4
Special: 1
Special ability: Raise dead: Put one unit from your discarded cards under this agent. It counts as a fandomless zombie monster. (Only one zombie can be active at a time.) When this agent moves, the zombie either follows or dies.
Name: Priyala
Department: DF
Fandom: (Whatever MtG counts as)
Species: Ancient
Years of service: 2011-present
LO: Jace Beleren
Weapon: none
Attack: 1
Defence: 2
Speed: 4
Stealth: 3
Insanity: 3
Special: 2
Special ability: Telepathy: Look at a player's hand.
Location: Stratholme [City]
Fandom: VG
Zombies may live here.
Yes. I play Magic: the Gathering. It shows. Also, just as with Carter for Nathan, Jace isn't really confirmed as her LO... the reactions to their abuse should be similar enough to count, though.
And as before, edit as you deem fit, image links defunct until I finish them. -
And Priyala. by
on 2012-06-19 08:15:00 UTC
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hS -
VG... okay? by
on 2012-06-19 12:42:00 UTC
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Well, to be fair, there's Duels of the Planeswalkers... but well, we can't errata VG to Games after that many cards.
Well... by
on 2012-06-19 17:05:00 UTC
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... depending on what shows up in later versions, I may make a 'Fantasy' fandom and merge Narnia with it. Then she can be grandfathered in and edited, like someone from Gen1 who was 'Star Ocean' has been turned into VG just lately.
But no. My sanity would not allow a mass conversion at this point. And I don't know there's that many hardcopy-games with fandoms at all...
(If you want, I can switch her to 'M:TG' fandom, like how we've got a couple of standalone Les Mis-ers)
hS -
Two out of three? by
on 2012-06-18 08:08:00 UTC
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Priyala is of course waiting on a picture. And yes, if you can post/give a backgroundless Saline, I can get rid of the discolouration on her gold hair...
hS -
I'm hoping that you use photoshop. by
on 2012-06-18 09:21:00 UTC
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Also, I like what you did with the ability.
Click me hard! -
Gold cards. by
on 2012-06-17 09:38:00 UTC
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If you intend to make gold cards of one of them, tell me and you'll get the backgroundless versions.
Re: Ah, that makes sense. I think. by
on 2012-06-15 08:46:00 UTC
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Name: Ellipsia
Department: DF
Fandom: VG
Species: Human
Years of Service: 2011-present
LO: ---
Weapon: Sword
Attack: 3
Defence: 4
Speed: 2
Stealth: 1
Insanity: 3
Special: 2
Special ability: Panic Bubble: Prevents damage from/to an agent at this location for 1 turn.
More to come... when I make the pics. -
And done. by
on 2012-06-15 22:00:00 UTC
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At last, a normal sword again. ;)
hS -
Here y'are. by
on 2012-06-09 10:20:00 UTC
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I have to say, Greg is brilliant. He has no defaults because there wasn't room. ;)
Also, it crosses my mind that I might need to make some of these LOs now...
hS -
Yay! by
on 2012-06-09 22:24:00 UTC
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Good thing you like Greg.
God I'm strupid. by
on 2012-06-08 21:39:00 UTC
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Greg's stats:
Attack: 3
Defence: 3
Speed: 4
Stealth: 2
Insanity: 0
Special: 3
Oh, and in case he needs a default fandom/LO:
Magic: the Gathering
Liliana Vess -
Agent Decima by
on 2012-06-08 17:36:00 UTC
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Name - Decima
Department - Bad Slash
Fandom - Harry Potter
Species - Human (Wizard)
Years of Service - 2011 - Present
Lust Object - Luna Lovegood
Picture - Decima
Weapon - Potterverse Magic
Stats - Attack 3, Defense 1, Speed 4, Stealth 3, Insanity 2, Special 2
Special Ability - Closet Dive: +1 Defense and Stealth, -1 Attack and speed for 1 turn. -
Decima by
on 2012-06-08 21:40:00 UTC
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And, of course...
hS -
Thanks by
on 2012-06-09 22:10:00 UTC
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They look awesome.
-Phobos -
Ooh, a new event! by
on 2012-06-08 16:07:00 UTC
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I never knew someone make trading cards around here! Do you charge for manufacture, and how much?
No charge. by
on 2012-06-08 16:17:00 UTC
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And no manufacture. ;) They're all purely on the Interwebs, I'm afraid - I've never seen anywhere that will make custom cards like this, and given the copied nature of, er, everything in the game, I don't think it would be remotely legal.
Anyway, shipping would be insane - but pixels are free(ish).
hS -
A printer shall be required. by
on 2012-06-08 17:35:00 UTC
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Right? Anyway, I can't wait. At least to look at your craft.
Betas requested by
on 2012-06-08 16:16:00 UTC
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I have a couple of fics that have been awaiting beta for some time. One is a letter from Derpy Hooves to Hoofbro, Inc., and another is Twilight Sparkle's side of a conversation with somepony she knew from school. And I want to be sure that it sounds like Twilight. Could someone please volunteer to beta them?
- Well, okay. by on 2012-06-13 14:31:00 UTC Link to this
Beta-ing by
on 2012-06-13 01:42:00 UTC
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I can give it a read if you'd like multiple beta readers. Email is in my username~ (zekesturm@ymail.com because I'm not sure if it'll work >
Sent. (nm) by
on 2012-06-13 03:00:00 UTC
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Read :) (nm) by
on 2012-06-13 22:56:00 UTC
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Hm... by
on 2012-06-09 14:09:00 UTC
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Maybe I could give it a looksee...
E-mail address, please? (nm) by
on 2012-06-09 15:38:00 UTC
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re:E-mail address, please? by
on 2012-06-09 17:02:00 UTC
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Here's my e-mail, I'll then take a look at the stories and tell you what I think... though it might take a while...
My e-mail: JuliaNGood@aol.com -
Sent. (nm) by
on 2012-06-10 17:18:00 UTC
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I need help figuring out some HTML/CSS problems. by
on 2012-06-09 08:55:00 UTC
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So I've been building a website. It looks quite nice, aside from a few tweaks on the graphics, but that's just fine tuning.
The real problem, however, is that the Style Sheet doesn't really seem to work.
Click me.
You see the huge black space at the bottom? No, that's not supposed to be there, but nevertheless it is.
Is anyone here HTML/CSS savvy enough to help me? -
I fixed it. by
on 2012-06-10 17:44:00 UTC
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I used float-left and some other stuff. Just look at the CSS if you want to see the details.
I've squinted at it... by
on 2012-06-09 15:30:00 UTC
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But I'm a n00b at CSS myself. I think the HTML looks okay, so almost certainly something is up with the style sheet, but I can't tell you what. There are a couple of things that specifically confuse me, though; maybe that will help?
First, you've got some "top" properties set to what look to me like really big negative values, "top: -605px;" in #content and "top: -595px;" in #footer. I understand that the "top" property normally sets an element to a distance below a containing element, so a negative value for "top" would set the same element a distance above a containing element; could those large values be creating extra space for #content and #footer to be above?
Second, I'm just plain unfamiliar with your "-moz-border" properties and can't find anything like that in my CSS guide. What's the "-moz" for, and why is there a hyphen in front of it?
Disclaimer: Total n00b shooting in pretty dim light here. I have a friend who knows better and has been teaching me, so if it's okay with you, if I see her before you figure it out, I'll ask if she can help. It would be helping me learn, too. {= )
~Neshomeh -
Well, I narrowed it down to CSS too. by
on 2012-06-09 16:15:00 UTC
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Considering that most of the page is actually CSS-formatted...
Top values: Relative positioning does weird things. The thing in #content actually sets the content part to the same height as the navbar part. The #footer thing, in turn, pushes up the line below all the boxes.
-moz: I picked that up somewhere, and it's supposed to fix the round borders for Firefox. Official CSS ignores it, so other browsers don't really do anything with that. And no, I have no clue what that hyphen is for.
And yes, please, ask that friend. My CSS wells are dry.
Conclusion so far: The negative offsets could be the problem, but I don't know how to fix them without having the layout look weird. -
The negative positions didn'-- oh wait. by
on 2012-06-09 20:47:00 UTC
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I think I see it. The summative heights of header + navbar + main + footer come (according to maths + Chrome) 1307 pixels, with an additional 20 pixels of padding floating around, giving 1327. Your root area comes to 1331 pixels, again by Chrome, and those are very similar.
Is the issue here actually that you're giving it negative start values, but your root 'auto' height is generated from adding them all together as if they simply stacked? If so, that'd be the place to look - but what to do with it, I don't know.
(And since I'm duty-bound to point out trivial things - this thread might well have worked merged with AnnaBee's, since they're both HTML/CSS related. But then, given how appalingly slow the Board is moving, I don't think it matters)
hS -
Neither of them did anything. by
on 2012-06-10 16:27:00 UTC
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It might have something to do with how I align the areas, but I don't know how to fix that up.
Will this work? by
on 2012-06-09 20:53:00 UTC
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On second thoughts it looks like it's designed for 'too much text for the box', but it might still help... at the least you can try 'overflow:hidden;' and see what happens. :P
hS -
Or this? by
on 2012-06-09 20:57:00 UTC
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I note that all your elements are set to 'block', which doesn't allow HTML elements next to it, and might be contributing. Since the overflow is, according to my theory, mostly from the Content element, try setting... actually, set the navbar to 'display:inline;' and see if it helps. If I'm reading this right, that'll make the navbar invisible to placing everything else. Might mean you need to lose the negative placing, but I think it could work.
hS will shut up now
In preparation for my first mission by
on 2012-06-09 20:54:00 UTC
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There are a couple of things I wanted to check before I get too far in writing the mission up:
Firstly, it’d be nice if my agents could have an RC of their very own. I’ve read up on the Wiki which says to post on the linked LiveJournal page, but it looks like it wants me to make an LJ account before I can add a comment. I don’t particularly need another online ID for me to forget the password to, so I wondered if could take care of this through the Board (or if someone with an LJ account could forward it on for me)? Also, I'm not completely sure if the LJ thing is being kept up to date, as apparently the last update was on 2/6/11, which just seems like a little while for no one to have had new agents.
Anyway, if it can be done through the Board at all, I would like to request RC 1984 for Agents Skeet and Amelia (DMS/Freelance). If not, let me know and I’ll sign up to LJ.
I was also wondering what peoples’ thoughts were on an Abhorsen mini? Of the three missions listed for this continuum, none of them seemed to feature any minis, and there doesn’t appear to be an OFU.
I was planning on thinking about this later, but then noticed that the first mini comes from the very first A/N, with the second one appearing in the first sentence of the fic, and... it sort of goes downhill from there. I think I’ve identified about 40 minis so far (virtually every character name and location mentioned gets misspelled, often in multiple different ways).
I'm currently thinking mini-Moggets, so they’d take the form of cats in various colours (possibly looking more kitten-like in their proportions, seeing as they are minis), with a miniature version of one of the seven Bells on the collar around their neck.
Opinions, thoughts and alternative suggestions welcome. -
Re: Minis by
on 2012-06-10 05:56:00 UTC
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Just throwing around some alternate mini ideas for discussion.
Greater Dead
It's been too long since I've read the books to recall any Greater Dead by name, but I suspect you're more familiar with the canon since you're planning a mission in it. I think there were at least a couple varieties named in the series? They wouldn't exactly be the first zombies to appear as minis, but the Greater Dead struck me as quite a bit more monstrous than the average zombie.
Orannis the Destroyer
Orannis is definitely the biggest baddie of the series, but . . . it's also a giant ball of metal. So a mini-Orannis would just be a small ball of metal. Not too impressive, but it might be fun if they could speak and constantly rage against everything that exists and have no power to do anything about it?
Free Magic Elementals
mini-Free Magic Elemental doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, does it? This series isn't the only one with elementals, either, so there's the same potential for unoriginality as with the Greater Dead.
The Bells
Even though they aren't a monster, the Bells are a major enough part of the series that I think they warrant consideration as a mini. Perhaps they could even assist in an exorcism after they get rescued! Plus, lessened effects of the Bells screwing with agents' off-time has humor potential. Of course, the writer would have to decide what Bell was created by what misspellings; perhaps a mini-Remembrancer's pipe would work better?
If you want to go the really quirky route, mini-Paperwings flying around like regular paper airplanes could work. The paperwing is definitely unique to the series, as well. On the downside, it's not really a monster, and maybe isn't terribly memorable when taking the series as a whole.
But! Remember the final decision goes to the mini's discoverer--you--so don't let my opinion sway you! You go for what you think is the best representative of the series/most potentially humorous option. I just put this post forward to get your imagination going, and maybe get a bit of a discussion going among Sabriel fans. -
Minis and other stuff by
on 2012-06-10 11:38:00 UTC
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I'd already thought of some of those, but there are a few I hadn't considered. Getting a bit of a discussion going doesn't sound like a bad idea to me, of potential mini types or just Sabriel and the rest in general. In fact, I think I remember a conversation just a bit further down this Board where people were saying it’d be nice to have these sorts of discussions.
I'm currently in the process of re-reading the books while I make notes about the fic, so I'm familiar with some bits, and doing the rest from memory for the moment.
As for the minis:
Greater Dead
My understanding is that ‘Greater Dead’ is just a term applied to anything which is able to return from beyond one of the further Gates under its own power (rather than following in the wake of something more powerful) is considered to be in this category. I think that Chlorr of the Mask and Hedge are both Greater Dead (although Hedge may just be a powerful Free Magic sorcerer and necromancer), and Kerrigor, obviously, but he takes a form of his own choosing after leaving physical body, and then ends up trapped in a form similar to the one Mogget uses most often. I think there is also at least one that Sabriel encounters in Death, described as a cross between a snake and a warthog or something like that? Although I don’t recall that actually being given a name, just how some aspect of it was indicative of it coming from deeper within Death.
I haven’t actually read about any zombie-minis so far, although I am aware that there are loads of missions I haven’t got to yet. I wasn’t sure about using anything Dead, despite it being a big part of the setting, because I thought one of the defining characteristics of minis was being ‘Cute but Dangerous’. Anything with... y’know, actual rotting flesh, is going to struggle to be in any way ‘cute’ (in my opinion).
As you say, while definitely a very powerful adversary from the books, it is still just a sphere of metal. Could be used for a bit of humour as you’ve suggested, although unless they get given extra powers/abilities (which doesn’t seem like a good idea) it would be difficult to see them helping out keep order at an OFU. I’m not actually planning on writing an Abhorsen OFU myself, but I figure if someone else is going to be stuck with my choice, I should try and make it a good one for them.
Free Magic Elementals
Yeah, that’s a bit of a mouthful for a name. There are various types mentioned, so a specific free magic elemental could be used, although I think some of them are just named in passing rather than being given full descriptions. The only ones I can recall fully are the Stilken that Lireal encounters in the Clayr’s Library, and the Hrule that Nick encounters in the short story collection (although I’m not completely sure about the classification of that creature).
The Bells
The Bells are definitely important enough to be considered, although they suffer from some of the same potential problems as a mini-Orannis in that they are inanimate objects. Most of the staff of an OFU for this continuum would also probably have access to their own Bells, so having a bunch of independently willed ones floating around might be a bit pointless. It also might be hard to tell apart a mini-Bell from one of the Bells taken as loot (as I would imagine that a large portion of OCs are going to be either necromancers or Abhorsens, and their Bells would make for very shiny trophies).
This is one that I hadn’t thought of at all, but it seems like it could be really fun. They’re a good choice because it’s nice and distinctive, and they are described as having at least a limited intelligence. I also like the idea of a horde of screaming fangirls being dive-bombed by a… I don’t actually know what the collective term would be, a flock? A squadron? Anyway, a horde of screaming fangirls being dive-bombed a bunch of mini-Paperwings, to keep them away from their LOs. And the minis don’t necessarily have to come from monsters, as evidenced by the mini-LEOs from NCIS (although admittedly this may be due in part to the relative lack of actual monsters from that continuum).
The mordicant is another good choice, as it is one of the few recurring threats. A lot of the other weird and wonderful creatures normally only get a scene or two. Although again, I'm not sure it’s correctly placed on the Cute vs. Dangerous scale.
Another key adversary from the series, although mini-necromancer is quite generic sounding. There are plenty of other settings that involve necromancy. And while the Abhorsenverse necromancers will look very distinctive due to their Bells, by the time they’ve been shrunk down to mini size (about 2 feet tall I believe for most humanoid minis?), that distinguishing feature is going to be difficult to pick out unless they’re actually using them at the time.
Charter Sending
One that I’ve just thought of actually, but could be doable. There are various different types that have been mentioned, so they’d definitely be able to help out the teaching staff on an OFU if there ever is one, and they have been shown to have good combat skills, so there’d be no problems keeping the fangirls in check. It just seems... I dunno, a bit boring?
Or mini-Bound Bright Shiners (which is far too much of a mouthful for me). Wasn’t sure about using an actual character name for the mini, although I guess there is a precedent for it with Harry Potter having mini-Aragogs rather than mini-Acromantulas. What with them having one of the Bells around their necks, mini-Moggets would have the same humour potential for mucking around with agents as was suggested for the Bells themselves. In fact, if the kittenish aspects get played up, they could even rival mini-Discords for mischievousness.
I think at the minute I'm torn between mini-Moggets and mini-Paperwings for this.
As for the series in general, the things that I like best about it are the unique (and detailed) magic systems, and the fact that while everyone is clearly on the side of Good or Evil, the good guys never come off as preachy or holier-than-thou annoying to make me want to root for the bad guys out of spite.
Obviously there’s more to it than that, but I’ve already turned this into a bit of a monster of a post, so I'm going to shut up now. -
Re; Minis by
on 2012-06-11 22:49:00 UTC
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I had forgotten about Mordicants. Or confused them with Greater Dead or something. Maybe I still am? I don't know. But yeah, that would definitely fit the big bad monster role for a mini. I wouldn't worry too much about the cuteness factor; I'd say that rule's been broken muchly by now.
I agree that a mini-necromancer would be very generic, since every fantasy continuum ever seems to have some variety. Even with the Bells setting them apart. The Bells themselves would make better Old Kingdom minis, if we were only looking at these two.
Charter Sendings! Hadn't thought of this at all, but I actually think it's pretty great. Very unique to the series, and figures heavily in every book (haven't read the new one yet, but I'm assuming). They do tend to have a variety of shapes, though, which could get tricky for each PPCer to remember what each particular mini looked like. This also makes me think of mini-Charter Marks, which have rough;y the same advantages and weaknesses as mini-Charter Sendings, I think.
The mini-Moggets idea has kind of grown on me, although I generally don't like minis modeled after a specific character. Kittens are just too cute, though. With the bells present to set them apart from other feline minis (and to give the mini-Moggets a way to screw with their owners), I think they would make a good choice, too. Plus, we ought to have a mini-feline for the mini-Mr. Muggles and mini-Hounds of the Baskervilles to chase around HQ, and cause disproportionate damage as a result!
(Note about zombie minis: I know, at the very least, the video game Left 4 Dead has a kind of zombie known as a Tank as its mini. There might be others too.) -
Mordicants by
on 2012-06-12 21:47:00 UTC
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Mordicants are an awkward one to try and categorise. they're described as 'a thing that could pass at will through Life and Death, its body of bog-clay and human blood moulded and infused with Free Magic by a necromancer, and a Dead spirit placed as its guide force.'
Wikipedia classes them as 'The strongest of the lesser Dead', although the fan-made Abhorsen Wiki classes them as 'a very powerful Greater Dead being'.
I would guess that, seeing as it is created and a specific Dead spirit is used by the necromancer, they can be either Lesser or Greater Dead depending on the spirit used.
And yes, the thought of a mini-Mogget meeting a mini-Hound or similar is quite entertaining. Ah, the havoc they could get up to! -
Hmm... by
on 2012-06-16 11:45:00 UTC
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Been a while since I've read Abhorsen as well, but why not some 'Mini', sentient bells? That way they could also help to remove a Possession!Sue and even help smack some Sues around themselves.
I did wonder about them... by
on 2012-06-16 13:18:00 UTC
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But I'm just not sure about using inanimate objects as minis. I know it's been done before, such as the mini-telescreens from 1984, but I'd prefer to use an animal/creature.
Minis by
on 2012-06-22 10:37:00 UTC
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On the subject of bells, remember the bells are each named after an entity. Some of the entities lost their forms, but recall that Kibeth still took the form of a dog in Lirael.
If you were going the bell route, this might be an option.
However, I do like the idea of mini-Moggets. I agree that would give a lot of opportunity for laughs. -
Re: Minis and other stuff by
on 2012-06-10 12:33:00 UTC
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As someone who read Sabriel but not any of the other books in the series, I think that Mini-Paperwings are a good idea, mainly because of the reasons you listed.
How about a mini-Mordicant? (nm) by
on 2012-06-10 07:04:00 UTC
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Re: In preparation for my first mission by
on 2012-06-09 20:59:00 UTC
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Well, I don't know about the minis, but I do know that you can just edit the page on the wiki here: http://ppc.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_RCs
Also, 1984 is not taken, so that should be fine. -
Oh yeah... by
on 2012-06-09 21:19:00 UTC
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I guess when reading the top bit of that page I got as far as 'To add an agent to the list, please visit the previously linked LiveJournal post' and then just stopped reading, missing the text in bold (which you'd think would catch my attention) just after it which says 'You may add your RC to this list, but only after you have received Permission'.
Will try to do my research slightly more thoroughly next time.
OT: anyone know how to use Vocaloid software? by
on 2012-06-10 00:29:00 UTC
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I'm mucking about with the demo for the moment, and I'm not very good with it. Anyone got any tips on making the voices sound realer?
Sorry, but... by
on 2012-06-10 20:27:00 UTC
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This isn't a Vocaloid community. It's an incredible long shot to ask here in the hopes of finding Vocaloid information. But fear not! There are plenty of sites on the internet devoted to Vocaloid and I'm sure they'll be happy to help you. I've taken the liberty of finding the wiki for you, and here's the Tutorials category on said wiki. If that doesn't help, there's this site which is still active and has a help and tutorial subforum("Vocaloid campus" under the "Vocaloid Lounge" subsection). Good luck!