I wrote my second non-mission PPC piece. Some of you may already know, but as of now, it's officially published.
http://rc7331.freezoka.net/>Main page
This piece introduces a new agent. I'm not sure where to put her, but technically, she'd rather fit into DoSAT than into a mission department.
Interlude - New Agent by
on 2011-06-21 08:33:00 UTC
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Gnah. by
on 2011-06-21 09:43:00 UTC
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I shouldn't use HTML in the morning. .__.
http://rc7331.freezoka.net/introsal.html -
The links aren't working. by
on 2011-06-21 09:30:00 UTC
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Just thought you ought to know.
Youngest PPC Fan! by
on 2011-06-21 08:43:00 UTC
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This is a video of the youngest PPC fan! Watch it if you haven't and if you have,WATCH IT AGAIN. :D
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wjJK4PaIzg -
Re: Youngest PPC Fan! by
on 2011-06-22 02:41:00 UTC
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Aww. :3
Nice to see that the kid'll grow up to know that a Mary Sue is a very bad thing. :) -
Cute! by
on 2011-06-21 16:52:00 UTC
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I think it was too long for a kid that age. But it was funny, and the baby was cute, especially at the very end! Everyone reading this: you have to download the PDF (linked in the video information). It's even funnier!
Cuuute! by
on 2011-06-21 16:11:00 UTC
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And I remember hS linked the book here on the Board, but alas, I seem to have deleted my bookmark; so if anyone still has the link, I guess it'd be nice to post it.
... Awwwww.... by
on 2011-06-21 14:21:00 UTC
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Little kids are almost always adorable.
Whoopsy, that's me, not some random anonymous person. (nm) by
on 2011-06-21 14:21:00 UTC
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Cute! And amazing! And gyahhhh. . . by
on 2011-06-21 13:35:00 UTC
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That is absolutely adorable and huggable and amazing! Wish I had so awesome a parent!
Aw... How adorable! (nm) by
on 2011-06-21 13:29:00 UTC
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Fantastic! by
on 2011-06-21 10:57:00 UTC
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I didn't know about the video or the children's book. Get 'em while they're young, eh?
yes it was. and very cute, by
on 2011-06-21 11:07:00 UTC
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Notice how the baby gets all upset when the Mary Sue is mentioned. Way to learn early! :D
Well that's certainly the cutest baby in the world. by
on 2011-06-21 08:57:00 UTC
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And I must say the father is roguishly handsome.
But that's just my uninvolved opinion, obviously. -
It certainly is. by
on 2011-06-21 09:03:00 UTC
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The British guys always win. xD
uninvolved? why? D: -
They certainly do. Rule, Britannia, indeed. by
on 2011-06-21 09:07:00 UTC
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(I'm not actually uninvolved, that's my husband and son. I'm just trying to be subtle about it. How'm I doing?)
Re: They certainly do. Rule, Britannia, indeed. by
on 2011-06-21 12:57:00 UTC
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I'll happily take up the cause for English men everywhere.
Good job no one disagreed about your comments regarding your husband before your reveal. ;-) -
:-0 :-0 They wouldn't dare. (nm) by
on 2011-06-21 19:24:00 UTC
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... their accents are so mesmerizing o.o by
on 2011-06-21 09:18:00 UTC
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you have a husband and son? o_o really? and good. :)
so,uh,are you a regular here? I'm new! -
Aren't they just? by
on 2011-06-21 09:25:00 UTC
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Though some British accents are more charming than others, I have to admit.
Yes, I do, and I believe that makes me officially an Old Lady. Darn.
I'm not really a regular, I mostly make isolated hit-and-run posts these days. But welcome to the Board! The PPC is great fun. -
there's differences?! by
on 2011-06-21 11:15:00 UTC
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wow,I didn't know that! o.o
soo... how old are you then (20's,30's,etc, just an estimation in place value,no need for exact)?
Oh yes,every one's pretty nice so far! ^_^ but I keep hearing about fights going on in the IRC or something. You guys don't gotta hate! :'(
So,what fandoms are you into? Everyone seems to be in love with Lord of the Rings here,and I know absolutely NOTHING about that. -
Huge differences. by
on 2011-06-21 19:20:00 UTC
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I can't even understand some English accents, and I've been here for a few years now. Alas . . .
I'm in my very early twenties. ;)
I came into the PPC via LotR. Other than that, I've been active in Young Wizards, Twilight (but only in an ironic, hipster sort of way, let me assure you), Harry Potter, um, I've been dabbling in Dresden Files lately. Nothing terribly high-brow, I'm afraid. -
Re: there's differences?! by
on 2011-06-21 18:30:00 UTC
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Believe it or not there is a wide variety of English accent, literally dozens of them. Not all of us speak the true Queen's English you know. Most areas of the country have there own regional accent. In fact there is probably a wider variety of English accents than there are American ones.
I wouldn't say hit and run. by
on 2011-06-21 09:59:00 UTC
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Given that mention of adorable things seem to summon you quite effectively.
Or isolated for that matter. You've been quite active this week. :P -
True . . . by
on 2011-06-21 19:24:00 UTC
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I guess it's not to difficult to summon me
from the fiery pit.
Question... by
on 2011-06-21 16:24:00 UTC
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In missions set in the Pokéverse, should legendaries know about the exsistence of Mary Sues, the PPC and whatnot? If they do, is it all of them, or just the really powerful ones, such as Arceus and the dragon trio?
I'm not sure, but... by
on 2011-06-26 04:40:00 UTC
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I can imagine the traveling ones, such as the legendary birds and Suicune, Entei, and Raikou occasionally running into agents and Sues.
An answer by
on 2011-06-21 16:57:00 UTC
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As far as I am aware, there has to be a really good reason for a character or group to know about the PPC. For instance, the Bronze Dragonflight in the Warcraft Universe knows about the PPC because they can each see their entire personal timeline. You can't Neuralyze that away, so any of them that have contact with the PPC will know about us.
Pokemon, even powerful ones, would be susceptible to Neuralyzation, in my opinion. -
Seconding this by
on 2011-06-21 23:53:00 UTC
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When the two most powerful beings in your universe can be beat up and stuffed in small balls by young children, I don't think memory-wipes are an issue. Especially when you can force them to forget things in canon.
July and Makari recently did a mission involving them. by
on 2011-06-21 16:56:00 UTC
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I don't think they were aware of the PPC and such, but you may wish to read the mission yourself either way. It's quite good!
PPC Rec Center! by
on 2011-06-21 22:40:00 UTC
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With the nominations idea in mind, and the fact that we so rarely actually plug goodfic I had the idea of setting up a thing for PPCers to set up recs to share with everyone in a vaguely organized and stable manner that won't randomly explode.
Thus, the PPC Rec Center was born, because if you can't enjoy a good pun, you might as well be subjected to one, especially where it concerns fic we enjoy.
So, set up a page with the instructions on there (and create an account if you don't have one on the wiki!) and get recommending, regardless of how popular or obscure the fics you like are, and don't worry about repeating recs someone else has already put on their list, because confirmation of a good thing is always excellent. -
I'll get recommending tomorrow ;) by
on 2011-06-23 01:58:00 UTC
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Woohoo finally got time on my hands for fanfic.
Great idea, I must remember to do this. (nm) by
on 2011-06-22 17:20:00 UTC
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*sigh* by
on 2011-06-22 16:58:00 UTC
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Hopefully at least the authors' summaries will warn those who dislike slash.
Great idea! by
on 2011-06-22 14:09:00 UTC
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I like the format you guys are using--genre, status, quick summary. Way better than a random list of titles.
Neat! by
on 2011-06-22 13:15:00 UTC
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I'll have to check the TVTropes fanrec page for anything I submitted there...
Excellent idea! (nm) by
on 2011-06-22 11:22:00 UTC
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Great idea! by
on 2011-06-22 01:31:00 UTC
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I've got a ton of fics I could recommend, so this is an excellent idea.
I posted mine recently. I've only got a few fics there so far, but I plan to update the list over the next few days, because there are a LOT of fanfics that I like that could do with some recommendations. -
Added mah page by
on 2011-06-21 23:46:00 UTC
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Only got a couple fics for now.
Question on security (spoiler: A. Christie's Curtain) by
on 2011-06-23 19:58:00 UTC
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How does the PPC handle Stephen Norton? He'd find the Agents pushovers. Even in Medical or FicPsych, he'd find people to twist.
Sleeping dart in the noggin? by
on 2011-06-23 21:11:00 UTC
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1)Put him asleep from safe distance. I recommend using a PSG1-T tranquillizer sniper rifle from the Metal Gear continuum.
2)Bring him to Medical/FicPsych for memory editing. The should have something that works with sleeping canons, I hope.
3)Drop him back into canon before he wakes up.
A gag for your Agents would be recovering the spent case: PSG1 cases tend to fall far from the rifle (the PSG1 has a pretty violent action), and being uncanonical they must be recovered. Cue Agents having trouble finding it, maybe because it ended up in a weird place. Or maybe one Agent shoots, and the case hits the other in the head. -
This was a hypothetical case. by
on 2011-06-23 21:30:00 UTC
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I realized he'd be a menace if he got to communicate with anyone.
Oh. by
on 2011-06-24 09:14:00 UTC
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Well, I think my solution works with every agent pair in which one is capable of handling guns.
Oh, and restrict all spoilers to the message textÂ… by
on 2011-06-23 19:59:00 UTC
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…not to the headings.
Question by
on 2011-06-23 21:15:00 UTC
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Aw hey! It's me again. ^^
Yeah, you know how I was writing another KH OFU because the one by Rain Urameshi hadn't been updated for about two-three years? Erm...point...
Basically I found this uber badass!Stu and promptly parodied him. Then we dissected him. Which was sadistically awesome. I have a question now--for Badass!Stus, what's their blood color? Sparkly black goo or badass-looking pink goo?
Or should I just go with sparkly pink goo? -
That raises an inquiry by
on 2011-06-24 01:02:00 UTC
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What do you mean "badass" Stu? For a Stu to be badass, he would have to be awesome. As Stus are not awesome but pathetic, it would seem that Stus are inherently non-badass.
Inquiry answered by
on 2011-06-24 02:22:00 UTC
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I meant the classification. I was browsing through the wiki in hopes of an answer and came up with glitter, sparkles and impossible colors.
It's a wishful badassedness that intelligent people take one look at and click their tongues while shaking their heads and saying, "That poor boy. Death is a mercy."
So I guess I was saying more of a Not*really*badass!Stu.
But I suppose...that descriptive purple prose...ah...works. ^^ Mind if I use it? -
Do what you want! by
on 2011-06-24 14:02:00 UTC
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I am sure you could come up with a hue just as atrocious.
I think that's another term for Godmod!Stu. by
on 2011-06-24 01:45:00 UTC
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You know. The Stu who wants to be Kratos from God of War. Who desperately has to prove he is stronger than everything. Who gives himself nemesis after nemesis in order to look awesome.
But yes, I agree that Stus are non-badass. They are that guy who tells you about the time he fought 10 ninjas, yet he couldn't fend off a stray cat to save his life. They are that idiot at the party who tries to make himself out as superman but really is just a tool.
... Yeah...! -
...oh my gosh. by
on 2011-06-24 16:52:00 UTC
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*falls over laughing* -
That's awesome! by
on 2011-06-24 13:38:00 UTC
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Although a bit long. Then again, unless you're a Suethor, you don't mention the colour of anything more than once or twice.
{X D by
on 2011-06-24 02:01:00 UTC
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I was going to reply on the subject of Badass!Stus, but I like yours much better. I'll just add that the Badass!Stu is badass in the same way that Sues are special: they only think they are. We just haven't come up with a clever misspelling of badass to illustrate it yet.
~Neshomeh -
They're not badass, they're assbad. (nm) by
on 2011-06-24 03:07:00 UTC
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Badath? by
on 2011-06-26 01:29:00 UTC
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The trouble is, "badass" doesn't have any letters in it that can be replaced by other letters but still sound the same in the way that special/speshul does. {= P
~Neshomeh -
Sad-ass ... ? (nm) by
on 2011-06-24 12:02:00 UTC
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Hey, that sounds good. by
on 2011-06-26 18:24:00 UTC
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Also, a friend of mine seconded this.
Too obvious. by
on 2011-06-24 03:47:00 UTC
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How about fadass?
Twilight/Mortal Instruments x-overs. Why not? by
on 2011-06-24 13:05:00 UTC
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This is one reason why not:
Now, I know both of the actual series are looked down on around here (rightly so), but this fic just takes things to the level of 'oh dear god no'. SPaG abuse, POV shifts, a make-it-up-as-you-go-along plot, this ticks all the boxes. -
These two monstrosities are going on the wiki... by
on 2011-06-27 18:22:00 UTC
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...unless anyone wants to claim them here first?
And now for something completely different by
on 2011-06-26 14:53:00 UTC
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Thought I'd use this thread rather than clutter up the Board with a new one.
On the subject of the above fic, OH GLOD MY BRAIN HAS BEEN BLENDED. *ahem* Sorry about that, but it really is that bad.
Frodo and Harry Potter (who are suddenly both at Hogwarts) inexplicably decide to take acid and 'excstacy' and then commit suicide with razor blades. Oh, and then their boyfriends also kill themselves 'off screen'. Makes perfect sense. -
Somehow, this strikes me as a troll. by
on 2011-06-27 04:27:00 UTC
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If not, I've lost all hope in humanity or something like that.
Blah. Me and my anti-dramatic-ism. -
Re: And now for something completely different by
on 2011-06-26 21:45:00 UTC
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*runs away screaming*
Now hold on a minute, I LIKE Mortal Instruments. by
on 2011-06-25 03:40:00 UTC
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Frankly, I find it to be much more enjoyable (better written, more likable characters, much more interesting sparkly immortal) than Twilight. But I digress.
Did this person... make Isabella Swan... the same person as Isabelle Lightwood?
...Fanbrat. Must. PAY.
You're welcome to it! by
on 2011-06-25 16:17:00 UTC
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It's yours to spork if you want it, I think my agents would be too tempted to do in the canon characters too :P
Nearly every Agent would try to kill Edward&Bella on sight. by
on 2011-06-25 16:27:00 UTC
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Now that we are talking about it, do you know that Bella means "Beautiful" in Italian? Yeah, she's basically called Beautiful Swan. She's a Sue even in the name! No doubt that if I want to get rid of one of my agents, I'll take the "rogue after having killed Edward and Bella" plot.
Yuk by
on 2011-06-25 18:00:00 UTC
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I did know that, but hadn't linked it up in my mind.
'Beautiful Swan'? Could it be any more blatant? (rhetorical question, I know that things can always get worse!) -
That's really, really blatant if you are Italian. by
on 2011-06-26 12:12:00 UTC
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I wish I could kill her on sight.
One friend of mine, a really reasonable person who usually can't stand stupidity, loves that book. Meyer is doing something with her mind, I'm sure. -
The Laws are ordering me... by
on 2011-06-26 00:29:00 UTC
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to make it worse!
Bella= also 'beautiful'in Spanish.
Also in Spanish= Linda Swan= Beautiful Swan.
There's always something worse. -
Ow. by
on 2011-06-24 14:32:00 UTC
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Now I know how it feels to be the clapper in a humongous bell.
Seriously. It HURT to read this. I'm just glad it's so short.
RP Idea (If anyone's interested) by
on 2011-06-24 23:09:00 UTC
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So I was reading over the video game division's missions, and I saw a reference to a "Bleeprin Bar". Well, since I just love pretending to be the agent I've created with various other people pretending to be THEIR agents, I thought we could do something similar to a "two agents walk into a bar and have pleasent conversation over a few bottles of bleepka and a complementary bowl of NM@MS."
Would anyone be interested? -
(Psst...) by
on 2011-06-26 01:26:00 UTC
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I can't help but notice that the RP above is not taking off. If I may offer a hint based on years of online RP experience, I would suggest giving your would-be players something to go on by writing a little scene to start with. Preferably one in which somebody is doing something that would invite interaction, rather than just sitting alone in a corner. After all, interaction is the point of a role-play. {= )
~Neshomeh, who would jump in with said scene herself if she could think of anything to do that didn't involve her ex-dragonrider agent wallowing through a bout of depression. -
Alright, so should I just set up the RP? (nm) by
on 2011-06-25 02:03:00 UTC
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That sounds like fun! (nm) by
on 2011-06-25 01:21:00 UTC
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That sounds like a joke. by
on 2011-06-24 23:38:00 UTC
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"Stop me if you've heard this one- Two agents walk into a bar for bleepka and NM@NMs..."
Oh, and roleplaying would be fun, too. XD (nm) by
on 2011-06-24 23:39:00 UTC
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The Bleeprin Bar (RP) by
on 2011-06-25 02:52:00 UTC
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Well, we all know the atmosphere of a bar. Smoky air, friendly bartenders, complementary bowls of peanuts... So why can't we have that at the PPC building? The answer? We can!
Welcome to the Bleeprin Bar, first mentioned by Agent Xericka after experiencing an example of bad biology in a bad slash. Simply put, come here after a mission to find happiness at the bottom of a mug of Bleepbeer. Or, at the very least, forgetting why you wanted to get drunk in the first place.
Have fun! -
A Tok'ra walks into a bar... by
on 2011-07-01 05:51:00 UTC
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The door of the bar opened, admitting a young woman dressed almost entirely in brown, the flashpatch that was sewn on her ankle-length coat marking her as a Bad Slasher. She took a good look around her, noting the various people and nodding to those she knew before heading over to the bar and ordering a bright green drink called an Eleventh Doctor Sonic Screwdriver. It was a normal screwdriver with Midori in it, and one of the Bad Slasher's favorite drinks.
Maeryn sipped at her drink before taking a seat at an empty table, watching the people around her. Kaliel, her symbiote, would make sure she didn't get too drunk, but for now, Maeryn was enjoying her drink. She didn't know if anyone would be joining her, but she wouldn't mind if someone did. -
Re: The Bleeprin Bar (RP) by
on 2011-06-28 22:41:00 UTC
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Agent Suicide did not, as a rule, class himself as a social drinker in either sense of the term: he hadn't boozed in friendly company since his original death, and he was not at home to Mister Moderation. However, if questioned, he would admit that he was always open to the possibility of change--especially when a good-looking woman was part of the equation. And when weighed against the abovementioned good-looking woman, even engaging in social drinking could be considered acceptable.
As far as Suicide could tell (HQ time being what it was), he had been released from FicPsych about three days before. He'd been laid up there for almost a week, recovering from the combined mental and physical trauma inflicted by one Archir the Emerald, and had spent the occasional moment of lucid consciousness attempting to get to know one Nurse Jenni Robinson. (Ah, Jenni, who was sharp as a xiphos and got such an interesting look on her face whenever she read his medical records . . .) His plans to ask her out for a drink had been temporarily halted by a mission into a continuum he didn't know, but after fighting with both self-insert troll Sues and his own abysmal communication abilities, he'd finally managed to send her a note and arrange an assignation/date/meeting/thing.
To Suicide, the bar was a good spot for a rendezvous. It was fairly public and had decent lighting, meaning that if she tried to knife him, there would be plenty of witnesses to corroborate the facts and no way for her to hide the weapon--both important considerations in Suicide's past interactions with women. Granted, Jenni was a class act and therefore completely out of his realm of experience, but Be Prepared was the kind of motto he would've had if he had a motto.
Plus, the Bar had pretzels. He liked pretzels.
He perched himself on a stool by the taps, ordered something with three Xes and a biohazard symbol next to it on the menu, and sipped his drink while glancing around at the clientele. For a moment, Suicide thought he glimpsed an animated teddy bear in the corner, but he shook his head and double-checked his drink. Damn, that must be some good stuff. -
Fashionably late? by
on 2011-06-28 23:43:00 UTC
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Jenni was pretty sure she was running behind when she made it to the Bleepka Bar. Thus, she was less composed than she had intended to be when she made her entrance, possibly even a little flustered. It took her a moment of standing in the doorway to adjust to the relatively subdued atmosphere (the occasional peanut notwithstanding) that accompanied the drowning of unpleasant memories. She had no trouble spotting Suicide, however, with his height and distinctive long, gray hair.
Her own hair hung loose, reaching the bottom of her shoulder-blades and still wavy from the braid she usually wore. She pushed it back behind her ears as she approached and touched one of the Scythian's large shoulders once near enough.
"Hi," she said with a sheepish smile. "Sorry I wasn't here sooner. I got called in at the last minute to process some characters I've never even heard of, and I had to stop by the Nursery to see Henry." She also had to rifle through her wardrobe for something nicer than usual, which meant the only top she owned that could be described as a blouse rather than just a t-shirt. The article in question was not dyed, but was worked with trailing little flowers in various colors around the sleeves and neck, and it had buttons. She took a breath, cutting herself off before she started to ramble about a silly thing like that, and offered a proper smile. "It's good to see you, you know, not concussed." -
Suitably impressed. by
on 2011-06-29 00:38:00 UTC
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Pivoting to see her, Suicide found himself actually glad that Diocletian had ordered him to change into a clean uniform. Jenni looked . . . well, nice, but that didn't nearly seem to cover it. 'Classy' might be closer to the mark. (It wasn't a word that normally applied to a woman who was as handy as Jenni was with a set of psychiatric restraints, but there was something damned classy about a woman who was that good at her job.) He did a quick mental review of everything Dio had drilled into his head about modern behavior and pulled out a seat for Jenni.
"It's a limited-time offer," he said with a grin as he did so. "But you did a hell of a good job fixing me up, so I thought you might like a chance to get acquainted with your handiwork before I wind up wrecking it again."
Wait, was that sleazy? 'Sleaze' was a concept heretofore unfamiliar to Suicide until Dio defined it as 'you, between drinks one and eight.' He took a sip of his hell-brew to cover his momentary confusion.
"Want something to drink? The Bleepka Collins isn't half bad." -
What do you mean, never date a patient? by
on 2011-06-29 02:24:00 UTC
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Jenni slid into the seat with a nod of gratitude and shuffled herself closer to the bar.
"Thanks, but I'll stick to soft drinks. I'm what they call a total lightweight. Featherweight, even." She opened her mouth to say something hilarious about the last time she'd slipped and wound up in an unplanned situation as a result, but second thoughts declared that a bad topic for a first date, so it turned into an awkward pause while she scrambled for something else. She couldn't think of anything that didn't involve even more awkward references to classified medical documents, and she shook her head.
"Damn. They say never date a patient, but I never learn. Help me out here. If I'm getting to know my handiwork, tell me something about you that isn't in your charts."
The truth was, she was every bit as confused as Suicide. She couldn't remember the last time she'd properly dated anyone, wasn't even sure she ever had. Most of the places she'd had lives didn't even know the concept. This middle ground between restraint and passion was as alien as an immigrant from Alpha Centauri. -
Really trying. by
on 2011-06-29 02:47:00 UTC
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"Featherweight, huh?" Suicide raised an eyebrow, trying not to look as if he was filing that information away for future reference and failing miserably. Judging by Jenni's expression, there was a story or two there, and he usually liked stories like that. His mental Diocletian gave him a smack, though, and he tried to respect Jenni's attempt to change the subject. "Soft drink for the lady," he added to the bartender. Dorf, privy to the mysterious oracular abilities that every bartender in the multiverse seemed to possess, likely already knew what kind she wanted.
"And as for things that aren't in my charts," Suicide continued while the drink was being fetched, "you'll have to be a little more explicit--" Gods-damned Freudian slips "--exact about what you want to know. I'm pretty sure FicPsych's records have covered some parts of me pretty thoroughly."
. . . wait. Shit. Double-entendre? He didn't know. Dorf brought the drink, thank Apia.
"Tell you what," he continued, setting down his own drink. "If I believed in fairness, I'd say it was unfair that you got to see my records while I have to guess. So I'll trade you fact for fact." What was that thing that Ithalond always said when he'd had too much Dorwinion? Oh, right. "Quid pro quo, Clarice." -
Re: Really trying. by
on 2011-06-29 03:35:00 UTC
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Jenni had made the mistake of taking a sip of her drink, a lime soda, thinking he was finished and it was safe before the man trotted out that last line. At least the resulting undignified splort might mask the effort she'd been making not to laugh previously.
"Okay, hold on," she said once she'd recovered sufficiently, grinning. "I'm not a criminal behaviorist and you're not a serial killer the last time I checked, but . . . " The whole eating people thing could only lead to an off-color joke. After he'd been trying so hard not to go there, she couldn't very will dive into the gutter herself. She cleared a remnant of soda from her throat. "Sure. What you said. Tit for tat."
. . . Damn. -
Re: Really trying. by
on 2011-06-29 04:02:00 UTC
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Suicide took a mental memo: never repeat anything Ithalond said when he was into the Dorwinion. On the other hand, it had partially broken the ice, which was of a distinctly awkward and small-talky variety. Desperate times, desperate measures, etcetera.
"As a matter of fact, I might . . ." Okay, was mentioning the fact that he'd killed an awful lot of technically-innocent people back in the day considered a turn-off? It sure worked for the camp followers, but again, this was definitely new territory and 'I might qualify as a serial killer' sounded like the kind of thing that would make his partner groan and hit him with a copy of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. He switched tacks. "I might be able to work with that."
He wasn't even touching the tit thing. Which was too bad, because he could do a lot with . . . did mental entendres count?
Picking up a little cardboard coaster (printed with a picture of a cactus), he absentmindedly tore it in half. "I'll start while you catch your breath, shall I?" Jenni gave him a Look, which he responded to with a 'who, me?' expression. "Hmmm, here's a good one. When I was nineteen, I pissed off my master by falling asleep during an eight-day training trial. He was so angry, he threatened to release me from service and set me up with a pension. Had to grovel for forgiveness until he let me off with a beating." He laughed a little at the memory. Ahh, good times, good times. "I don't think FicPsych knows that story; I'd hate to have them think I was, y'know, crazy or something."
He took a sip of his drink, still grinning a little. "Your turn. Tell me something strange about yourself." -
Re: Really trying. by
on 2011-06-29 06:27:00 UTC
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"That is a little backwards by many people's standards, but maybe not insane. Maybe." She grinned back, then grew thoughtful. "Something strange, huh? Hm." She took a drink of her own to buy time to think. There was a fair bit of strangeness to choose from, but most of it was a bit too strange for day one, in her opinion.
"Well . . . there was the one time I nearly got myself killed by vampires. Not your cute, sparkly modern vamps, mind you. Think wolves, only human-shaped and smarter. This was a generic fantasyverse, a different life altogether, and I was also nineteen." She grinned at the coincidence. That wasn't why she'd chosen the story, but it was even more fitting for it.
"I was with this village, helping with a minor epidemic, and I learned they had an ongoing problem with these guys. When I finally saw one, I couldn't believe it—she was a pathetic, scrawny little thing sniffing around the edge of the quarantine tent. So, in my infinite wisdom, I took it upon myself to go talk to them and get their side of the story. I figured, hey, they're intelligent, surely something can be worked out so nobody has to suffer. Luckily I was right, but only insofar as I was personally novel enough for the guy in charge to let me off with a couple of scars."
She lifted her chin and pointed to the place on her throat where the little white spots were, kept as a reminder not to get cocky. She did it with a smile, though. After the bite, it hadn't been all bad.
"Still, it's hard to negotiate when both sides think you're out of your wee little mind. The village kindly packed my bags for me and I never found out what happened, if anything changed or not. I doubt it, but nothing's impossible." She shrugged and resettled herself, then tilted her head in the universal questioning gesture. "Your turn." -
Likes a girl with spirit. by
on 2011-06-29 17:32:00 UTC
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That got a bark of a laugh from Suicide. "In my experience, that kind of thing usually happens whether you make time with the local monsters or not. I've never seen a small village play nice with the Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman act. Remind me to tell you about the villagers near Thermopylae some time." He arched an eyebrow, remembering what Jenni had said when he'd first come stumbling into FicPsych. "Or maybe not. That might be too Greek."
He tore each half of the coaster into halves again, then pushed them back together with the tip of his finger, while he considered what to say next. He had to say, he liked the way Jenni had shown off the vampire bite: he appreciated a lady with spirit. (Somewhere, the universe groaned, but Suicide was technically unaware of the cliche and survived with only yet another few years' worth of bad karma.)
"Okay, here's a good one. Everyone says Sparta was ruled by the men, and most of the time, it was. But nobody was going to actually believe it while people like Gorgo and Arete were around." He shook his head, remembering. "The lady Arete was actually the wife of two of my masters--first Iatrokles, and then when he died, she married his brother Dienekes. Well, she knew me from when I was sixteen on; she'd already been married to Iatrokles when I came to Sparta.
"When I'd been enough of a shit that even a pension threat wouldn't do it, Iatrokles or Dienekes would send me to Arete. She had this way about her--just giving you this look, like she knew everything and could just turn you inside-out. She had the real andreia, and the gods help you if she thought you were threatening her family."
Suicide cocked his head, offering Jenni a lopsided grin. "Even she never broke out the restraints, though." -
And chicks dig scars. by
on 2011-06-29 18:56:00 UTC
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Jenni's smile had a tendency to wander off to the right when mischief was afoot, and it did so now. "Well, to be fair, you were going on about spines being removed and evil testosterone-eating ficubuses coming after you from beyond the veil. Powers only know what would've happened if we hadn't strapped you down. I wasn't about to let you run off and do more damage to yourself, or anybody else. Gods help you, indeed. Arete sounds like my kind of lady."
She drummed her fingers on the countertop, trying to come up with another story.
"I don't personally object to Greekness, by the way," she said in the meantime. "It's just another variation on the theme of being human, which I rather enjoy. Though I will admit to being curious about that incident. Ilraen had more questions than answers, poor kid." She shook her head, dispelling that train of thought. "Never mind—I'll bet you don't want to talk about that now. Let me see. It's hard to come up with anything that doesn't touch on my sordid past as a fan character, and nobody wants to hear that crap. Is there anything in particular you do want to know about?" She leaned her chin into the palm of her hand and peered up at him. -
Thou shalt not angst. by
on 2011-06-29 19:38:00 UTC
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Suicide didn't shudder, but for a moment, it was a near thing. Archir the Emerald, the dewey-eyed three-year-old "Istari child," would be cropping up in his dreams for a looooong time to come.
"Now that is a story for another time," he said as he continued shredding the coaster. Dorf the bartender gave him an irked look as the little pile of cardboard confetti began to mount. "I will say that I like gods a lot better when they're not sitting on peoples' laps and putting the Mind Whammy on anyone with a functioning brain. But since you're not sharing sordid pasts, I'll hold off on the sordid present."
He considered her for a moment, thinking. She definitely seemed to have more stories than he had guessed before, and that tilt of the head seemed almost teasing . . . Hmmm.
"How'd you join?" he said finally, adding another little piece of cardboard to the pile. "The PPC, I mean. I got hit with the resurrection stick and shanghaied, but I'm pretty sure that wasn't your route." He nodded towards the bite marks on her neck, his tone a little sly. "Unless your friend with the overgrown dental implements got a little--overenthusiastic?" -
Depths. by
on 2011-06-29 20:26:00 UTC
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It was Jenni's turn to laugh, though not before quietly stilling the cardboard destruction by covering his hands with one of hers. She hadn't meant to further agitate him, and getting on the bartender's bad side was a bad idea, too.
"No, I survived that. I haven't ever been killed, that I can recall." This was potentially an odd remark, at least in different company, but she said it with a straight face. "Anyway . . . the full explanation gets kinda meta, but in brief, I had a bit of an existential crisis in the Potterverse and realized I had better quit my wild ways and settle down before I really lost myself out there. HQ is easy to find if you're heading nowhere in particular, because that's where it exists, like veins running through the rock faces of space-time." She gestured with her free hand, indicating the vast complexity of the multiverse to which a geology metaphor really couldn't do justice, before her mind's eye returned to the here and now.
She laughed again. "See, what did I say? Sordid. But, I promise I'm stable. Working in FicPsych has definitely helped me get my head on straight, and I've got Henry now." She grew fond at the mention of her adopted son and turned the expression on Suicide. "You'll have to meet him eventually, if this goes on." Clearly, she hoped it would. The man had a sense of humor and nice eyes, and certainly depths to be explored. -
Re: Depths. by
on 2011-06-29 21:28:00 UTC
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As far as Suicide knew, Jenni hadn't been a Potterverse native. But if she'd been there when she had her crisis, and only found the PPC after . . . hmmmm. More to her than met the eye, it seemed, though Suicide wasn't exactly shocked by that. Her hand was smooth, with just a hint of callus on a couple of the fingertips--probably from too much time spent subduing self-destructive canons and possessed agents.
"Sordid's just another word for 'fun' as far as I'm concerned," he said, offering her another crooked grin. "But you gotta be careful talking about it, because the Universal Laws of Irony probably don't appreciate a PPCer with a dramatic-type backstory." He shot a glance at the ceiling, as if checking for gathering ominous clouds or lightning about to strike them. "Nothing so far, but better safe than sorry."
He didn't miss the change in her expression at the mention of her son. His upbringing told him that an adopted child was considered blood, but he couldn't quite wrap his head around adopting what was effectively a combination of Harry Potter and Snape. Still . . .
"Fair warning," he continued. He wasn't quite deadly serious, and he didn't quite know how to phrase things, but if he was going to talk to Jenni any further then he had to suck it up and touch on a serious topic that he normally didn't have anything to do with. "You probably should know that I know nothing about kids. Except Ar--you know, the Sue kids--or the young rankers, and I'm pretty sure you don't want anyone pushing yours into a tree to toughen 'im up." Was that gauche? His mental Diocletian was oddly silent on that point. "But I know Ilraen likes him, and as far as I can tell, the fuzzy centaur's got good instincts. He sounds like a good kid."
Falling silent a little awkwardly, Suicide shot another glance at the ceiling. Y'know, just in case. PPC headquarters tended to be vindictive when it came to seriousness. -
Narrative laws of pointing and laughing? by
on 2011-06-29 22:57:00 UTC
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She raised an eyebrow at the tree remark, but since what he said was no more than the truth she nodded and let it pass at that.
"The warning is duly noted," she replied. "I appreciate that you probably didn't have much time for little kids in your life. I'm not worried about it, though." She smiled and patted his hands. They practically told her everything she needed to know about him without words: strong, rough, and scarred, yet she'd seen their proficiency with a bandage, too.
She followed his glance at the ceiling, perhaps sensing the Laws of Narrative lurking. The bar seemed to have gotten quieter, which would generally herald somebody unfortunate walking in, or a fight breaking out, or something else descending on them to ruin the moment, but a glance around the room revealed nothing.
"The Ironic Overpower is thumbing its nose at us," she remarked, rolling her eyes. "Bugger if I know what to do about it, either. No topic is really safe. And, if I'm being honest, I've had Nume's accusation of snaring and clutches buzzing in my ear. I see where he gets it, so I'm trying to sort of sit back and not steer too much to prove him wrong. Is that lame?" She glanced sidelong at Suicide with a wry grin. It wouldn't have surprised her if that particular personage had been the one to walk in on them, if such had been the will of the Ironic Overpower. Not one bit. -
Re: Narrative laws of pointing and laughing? by
on 2011-06-30 00:44:00 UTC
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Suicide laughed a little. "Nah, it's not lame. But Nume can--" The sentence that followed was guttural and nigh-untranslatable, its origins and true meaning lost in the mists of time since the Scythian people had joined their Grecian and Caucasian cousins in cities and forsook the life of the roving tribesman. Its tone might be approximated by the phrase 'go piss up a rope.'
"That kid doesn't know a thing about clutches or snaring," Suicide continued, mentally writing off every fellow male under the age of 35 as feckless juveniles, "or he wouldn't be trying so hard to avoid 'em. But if you'd prefer to let me steer, then I suppose I'll just have to live with that." His mental Dio smacked him again, but he told her to shut up and waved something shiny until she went away.
"As for the Ironic Overpower, then what happens will happen. Once you're dead, it can't get you any more, so [untranslatable euphemism] to it." He shot one more glance at the ceiling just in case, but nothing had yet struck him down where he sat. Maybe he was suffering from a low irony content.
Jenni hadn't run off yet or tried to knife him, which was nice. He ran a thumb over her back of her hand, feeling the soft texture of the pale skin there, and smacked down several unbidden and highly personal thoughts. Damn, he really had forgotten how to relate to other people.
"My turn, right?" he said after a moment, clumsily trying to steer the conversation out of angsty waters. "My mother was a priestess." That sounded a little more dramatic and Overpower-baiting than he'd meant, so he hurried to explain. "After hearing her stories about the higher virtues, the Greek sheep[expletive]ing gods were one hell of a surprise. When I first got here, I thought Sues were goddesses that the world was finally wising up and killing before they could transform anyone into something humiliating." He snickered a bit. "That was before I ran into the possession-Sues. Talk about being turned into pigs . . . " -
Re: Narrative laws of pointing and laughing? by
on 2011-06-30 04:29:00 UTC
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Slightly stunned by the number of things she could have said at various points, Jenni found herself settling on general amusement and, thanks to the "kid" remark, contemplation of the apparent discrepancy between their ages. She supposed she should have considered the fact that Suicide looked at least twice her age, but it simply hadn't crossed her mind before now. She had never bothered to count the number of years she'd lived in various incarnations, but she suspected she could have called most of the people in HQ "kid" with room to spare. Still, stranger things had happened.
She sat up straighter for the talk of gods and Sues. "Well, you can't say the two are mutually exclusive, that's for sure. Having power doesn't make you a god, though. I'm not really sure what does make a god, and I've met a few. Hades, for one—well, a version. Probably not precisely the same one you would've heard about. This was in the Lounge, see, back when I first joined up. We had all sorts in there, everything from agents to canons even to authors, sometimes." She paused. "Uh, stop me if any of this freaks you out. I don't know how you feel about matters of the fourth wall, and stuff." -
Weck up to thees. by
on 2011-07-01 00:12:00 UTC
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"If they're in the here and now, with human foibles and making human errors, then they're not the real gods." That was the considered opinion of Professor Suicide, a man with the metaphysical certainty that can only come from being surrounded by large angry philosophical types with spears.
"I mean, there may be more to it than that," he continued, shrugging one shoulder a little. "But if there's anything I've picked up from the Word Worlds and all this continuum crap, it's that we haven't yet seen the infinite. Each of the worlds has their gods, and those gods are supreme there, but the real ones--the ones who made and rule all the worlds--aren't going to be that visible. Only the virtues exist in both their worlds and ours, and that's the only way we know the gods in this life. You can't have a pint with Oetosyr."
At which point he cleared his throat, turned slightly red at the realization that he was in danger of committing Badass-Reputation Seppuku, and took a mouthful of his drink to cover the confusion. Fortunately, nobody seemed to be listening in; most of the inhabitants of the Bleepka Bar were there to drown sorrows and/or each other, and after the days PPC agents tended to have, most of them wouldn't have eavesdropped on a dramatic heart-to-heart if you'd paid them.
"Forget it," he said, putting down the mug. "But if gods aren't gods, then Sues sure as hell aren't." He offered Jenni another lopsided grin. "Most of 'em die too quickly anyway." -
Re: Weck up to thees. by
on 2011-07-01 01:48:00 UTC
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Jenni took the turn away from the topic of the fourth wall as an indication that Suicide was one of the ones whose minds tended to slide away from the implications regarding their own nature as fictional characters, and made a mental note to keep quiet about it. At least until further evidence turned up. As far as she was concerned it was all a matter of perspective, and it didn't much bother her, but she knew herself to be a little odd on that score.
The turn he did take was fascinating enough, and she relaxed again listening to him, leaning an elbow on the bar top. She couldn't help but feel a touch of affection at his embarrassment at waxing philosophical. Hidden depths indeed. The instinct to dig deeper kicked in firmly, despite her success thusfar at keeping it at bay, and she had to think about what to say next.
"Sues aren't gods," she agreed for a start. "I think the Narnia aficionados would get a bit cheesed off if you told them Aslan wasn't a proper god because he likes to turn up in the form of a lion, though. And Eru . . . well, there's some debate about a possible physical incarnation. But anyway, they pass the 'human foibles' test.
"On the other hand," she went on, picking up enthusiasm for a topic close to her heart, "why do the ones who don't pass go among the mortal people except to see what it's like on the other side? I think it's a case of greener grass, so to speak. On one side, you've got power and immortality, not to mention a great view, but the insider's view is pretty amazing, too. Experiences mean more when they're limited and focused on just one moment. The hurts hurt more, but the good things, when they happen . . . the pain is worth it, if you ask me. Without the bad stuff, the good stuff, the virtues, are meaningless. That's why I—"
She stopped short, afraid that she'd avoided digging just to climb a tree instead. She even had the wide-eyed look of a spooked cat about her, which she hid by studying the ice melting in her glass, but only for the moment it took her to realize that obviously covering for something was just as bad as saying it outright, not to mention an attention trap that she considered beneath her. Oh well; too late now. She glanced up again with that wry smile. "I'm not really used to talking about what's in my head. There's the Ironic Overpower for you. I definitely believe in that one." -
Re: Weck up to thees. by
on 2011-07-01 02:55:00 UTC
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Suicide couldn't quite follow the leap of Jenni's logic, but the way she seized on the topic--and her own embarrassment--definitely signed to him that this was something she too had done a lot of thinking about. Her own evasive comments about the Potterverse and "waking up" had already done some heavy hinting, but this was even more interesting.
Even so, though, he wasn't made for long philosophical debates. He'd heard Athenians take logic in circles that made his head spin, but he didn't really think of himself as a debater: he knew what he knew, deep in his gut, and it stayed there no matter what he saw and heard. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall etcetera etcetera. He wasn't sure he could provide the in-depth thinking that Jenni seemed to be after.
Still . . . "Eru and Aslan are gods of their own worlds," he said, finishing his drink in one mouthful. "That's their business, and I don't question that--mainly because it gets Dio and Ithalond pissy. But I don't think we've seen the great gods yet. The ones who created the creators of the Word Worlds, the ones who've stayed quiet despite all of this . . . They stay on their side. Only the virtues cross between, and those are the true things that come from them. Everything else is just bitching about the details.
"The base things--the fear and greed and anger--do make the virtues feel finer, but they don't come from the same place. Even if there wasn't any evil, good would still be good. It would just feel different." He swept aside the pile of cardboard and put his mug down in the wet ring it had left on the bar. "But we can't know that, or anything like it, because at the end of the day we're only human."
He cocked an eyebrow and surveyed the bar, which currently boasted seventeen different species and Frank, the Hooloovoo secretary. "So to speak."
As he said that, Suicide's eyes flicked over Jenni. He was not a subtle man, or a particularly wise one, by any definition of the words--but he'd spent a lot of time staring at people who were angry, mourning, or even just righteously pissed off. He wondered what was going through Jenni's mind. Hell, he wondered what was going through his mind. Dr. Freedenburg had once supplied him with a copy of the novel in which he'd been created (and if that didn't ... with a guy's head, nothing did) and the narrator had said his talkativeness was uncommon. Was it possible for he himself to be out of his own character? Not something he wanted to bring up in casual conversation.
"I'll buy the Ironic Overpower," he said finally. "Mainly because I think it's telling me I'm acting OOC." To the bartender: "Same again, okay?" -
Play that same song again. by
on 2011-07-01 03:44:00 UTC
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That seemed to be a cue to let the subject go. Volumes yet could be spoken on Jenni's part, but not at the expense of sending her date OOC! "We surely can't have that. Especially not with my boss' secretary hanging around." What a sentient shade of blue could even find to do in a bar, she had no idea. Maybe just soaking up the atmosphere? Anyway, she grinned. "If you're really worried I bet we could bum a CAD off somebody, though."
As for herself, she wrestled briefly with just saying to hell with the enigmatic crap she was perpetrating, but by this time keeping certain secrets was a deeply ingrained habit, not easily shed. Anyway, if there had been a moment for it, it was past now. She followed Suicide's example and drained her own drink with finality. -
Even he has limits. by
on 2011-07-01 06:24:00 UTC
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Suicide signaled to the bartender, and Dorf brought both of them refills. The Scythian paid in Azeroth gold, which Dorf took without complaint: with the thriving black market throughout Headquarters, he would doubtless be able to exchange it at a ludicrously advantageous rate, and it was unlikely that anyone was checking the Bar's books anyway.
Jenni's offer to break out a canon analysis device had Suicide failing to suppress a laugh. "No thanks. If I'm gonna die, I'd really prefer that the CoD not be a CAD. Those lunatics in DoSAT don't need any encouragement." He shook his head. "Please, tell me FicPsych is planning to do something with them. I swear to any god you care to name that they're working for the other side." -
Big damn heroes. by
on 2011-07-01 17:10:00 UTC
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She was pleased at the laugh. Maybe calling "OOC" was going a bit far, but this did seem much the more natural way to be.
After waving a hello to Maeryn, who had just entered, and noting that the Bad Slasher didn't seem to intend on joining them, Jenni nodded thanks for the refill both to Dorf and her companion. His last remark left her a bit puzzled.
"What, you mean do something with DoSAT? Nah. They might be lunatics, but they need it to be brilliant. As far as I'm concerned they're all big damn heroes, especially Dann, and Makes-Things, of course. I mean, nobody's sure exactly what happened anymore, but the guy stood off against giant macroviruses and apparently survived—though I heard one theory that says he actually cloned himself and downloaded a copy of his mind into the clone, and that's what we have now, and you have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?" She stared a moment, registering the confused look she was getting. Most of the people who had been there tended to take it for granted that everyone except the newest of newbies knew about the epidemic and the invasion, and she was no exception. Suicide, however, had not been there and hadn't had the opportunity to find out sooner. She recovered with a quick headshake and a sip of her drink, briefly wishing it was something a little stronger than lime soda.
"Well, it's a tale and a half, if you want to hear it. This was back in `08, a couple of years after—after you lot disappeared," she corrected, figuring that a mention of the cause of disappearance would go no better with Suicide than it did with Nume, who had tended to look like he was being strangled with naughty things soaked in naughtier fluids. Which, given the badfic in question, might not have been far from the truth. Of course, he was better now, what with all the Bleepka—the look was now more of a desire to strangle the speaker—but that still didn't warrant bringing it up on a whim to anybody. -
Need to know. by
on 2011-07-01 17:48:00 UTC
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"Ran away, you mean? Let's leave it at that," Suicide responded, though without animosity. The bartender had put a little umbrella in his drink for some reason, and it was beginning to char slightly. "Easier on the scumble next time," he said to Dorf as he picked the umbrella out.
"'08 was a year for plagues, then. Dio and I missed Corrupted Blood, but we were on the ground floor Azeroth's Great Zombie Invasion," he continued after the poor abused umbrella had been disposed of. "All I know about what happened in HQ is what I heard from the Marquis, though, and that mainly consisted of 'do you know what I've been put through? Look at my petals! Look at my petals! I'm shedding everywhere, I swear I am! Macrovirus epidemics, Mary Sue invasions, and now it turns out two agents were hiding unregistered in a canon? You're going to give me Dutch Elm Disease! I ought to have you both dried and turned into tea!'" Suicide's imitation of the Marquis's psychic voice was about as accurate as a vocal imitation of thought-speech could be, although the Marquis probably wouldn't have followed it up with another snort of a laugh. "I didn't dare ask because he might've sent me back to Bad Slash. Seems there are fates worse than death."
He turned in his seat to face Jenni a little more head-on. "Enlighten me, would you? And does this have anything to do with Nume and his Bleepka problem?" -
Recent History 101 by
on 2011-07-01 18:59:00 UTC
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Jenni tried hard to restrain herself to a polite chuckle, but by "Dutch Elm Disease" she was laughing out loud. "Oh, that's just like him. That's very good," she managed to say.
In response to the prompt, she shifted herself, mirroring him. "No, that goes way back, and I can't say it's much of a problem. If you'd known him before Bleeprin . . . " she shook her head. "Another time. Anyway, about 2008. You'll have to ask more people than me to get a really good idea of what went on, but I'll tell you what happened to me:
"I'd literally just come back from an assignment with Nume and Ilraen. It was a Pern crossover, and I was called in as a canon expert. The mission itself is another story, but the important part is that I recruited Derik from that fic, and the poor man lost his dragon and was a complete wreck. I wasn't in great shape either," she added offhandedly for the sake of truth. "So I stumbled in to FicPsych half-carrying him, and nobody was there at the door. I found out they were preparing for a test of some never-before-heard-of lockdown system, and the Kudzu ordered me off to rest." She was still irked at the memory. Leaving somebody in the state the former rider had been in, even in the care of trusted colleagues, rubbed her the wrong way. "By the time I woke up, we were in lockdown, and fat lot of good it did. Plenty of people think it was just a ruse for something else, but whatever it was, it didn't keep the infected Sues out."
She paused for a drink to wet her throat. "So that was the start of the Macrovirus Epidemic. We went from a bullshit lockdown to a very real quarantine, nobody in or out of the department—including the Kudzu, who'd gone somewhere with the other Flowers. We'd already packed off the agents, thank goodness, but we were stuck with a bunch of canons who gradually became more in-character and aware of what was happening as it dragged on. I spent most of my time with them and Derik, but there was fighting at the front doors. Those things got huge, hence macrovirus. We didn't even see the worst of it, but we lost Bogglish and Pablum, and nearly Parwill and Immie, too." Another pause, this one solemn.
"About a month, this dragged on. Plenty of people were stuck in their response centers, but the ones who were in the field for the lockdown were luckier. This is where DoSAT helped out—they'd duplicated TARDISes, and picked up the folk in the field. Those agents were able to get around. And that's how the DIA picked me up for a job." She glanced down at the floor a moment, considering, then looked up again. "This is the part where I mention I have certain extrasensory abilities and hope you don't run screaming. As a rule I don't use them unless I have to." -
War stories. by
on 2011-07-01 19:59:00 UTC
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Suicide nodded as Jenni spoke, trying to picture it all. The idea of being trapped in a few rooms, just waiting for the Sues and giant monster viruses to break in . . . you wouldn't catch him saying it, but the thought was eerie. He'd never been in a battle that didn't end in a charge, and waiting for the enemy to break in and kill you gave him chills. Jenni was hard for him to read, but the fact that she hadn't been able to do much in that situation either seemed to be eating at her. There was the slightest waver in her voice when she mentioned Bogglish and Pablum.
"A month-long siege," he said finally, when Jenni paused. "What a ...ing mess." He briefly considered saying 'I wish I'd been there,' but everyone would know it was a lie. One agent wouldn't have made much of a difference, especially in a rats-in-a-trap situation like that.
The thought was so distracting that it took Suicide a minute to catch up with the last thing Jenni had said. Then his brain grabbed him by the collar of his uniform, gave him a good shake, and painted the words 'extrasensory abilities' in bright red across his cerebral cortex. Normally not fazed by bizarre things (between the Dutch-speaking Elf, the living microwave and all), Suicide seriously objected to having someone reading the kind of thoughts he'd been entertaining since Jenni had started playing with his hair that day in FicPsych.
"Extrasensory abilities," he said. "Fair enough. Bartender--tinfoil hat, please?" -
Re: War stories. by
on 2011-07-01 21:02:00 UTC
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Jenni's smile was a little tighter at the edges than a purely amused expression would warrant, perhaps finding the joke in bad taste since she'd just said she didn't make a habit of flaunting her assets. This was exactly why she didn't make a habit of mentioning them, too. Still, the concern for personal privacy behind his reaction was well known to her by dint of long experience with people unused to her sort, so she hastened to reassure him.
"I don't go where I'm not invited," she said. "Promise." A return tease, about being able to guess the filthy male fantasies an ancient soldier like him was almost certainly entertaining without actually peeking into his thoughts, was shelved as being in even worse taste than the tinfoil hat thing. It did temporarily put a proper smile back on her face, but there was the story to continue, and that wiped it away again.
"Anyway, yeah. Big ...ing mess. So, the DIA agent turned up in a TARDIS and shanghaied me off to New Caledonia. Dr. Freedenberg was not thrilled, let me tell you, but we didn't have a choice. The good thing was I got an explanation of what the hell was going on, even if it is the most cracked-out explanation possible." Her tone took on an ironic note, reflecting her opinion of how much sense was made by any of what she was relating. "It seems there's a mirror multiverse out there, where we're the Enforcers of the Plot Continuum and the agents are Sues, and there was an incident where some of our agents got swapped with some of theirs a couple months before the lockdown. I'm not sure I buy the part about the lockdown being in response to a threat from them, but anyway, this is important because the EPC's version of Honesah—the pegacorn Sue?—was part of an underground movement who sympathized with us and wanted to help. Her plan was to use her Sue-powers to control a handful of Daleks from her 'verse, and direct them to just kill the bugs. Our side was understandably skeptical, so they asked me to be a human lie detector. I still can't believe a batshit plan like that worked."
She shook her head and went for the soda again, going off the tracks of her narrative in wide-eyed remembrance of the surreality of the situation. "I mean, frelling Daleks! Seriously! But she was on board, and in about a week they'd cleared HQ of all the big ones, and Medical was able to get the cure into the atmosphere. Don't think this is the end of the story, though. It isn't. Just give me a second to catch my breath."
It wasn't so much the talking, but the emotional backlash. It had been a rough time, and the short-lived relief between the end of the epidemic and what came next was bitter. She definitely considered topping off the soda with something alcoholic, but kept quiet. -
War is hell. by
on 2011-07-01 22:04:00 UTC
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Suicide's numerous mental voices made a return, this time conjuring up a memory of Dienekes cuffing him hard in the back of the head for passing comments about one of the Peers' wives. "Don't be an ass to a citizen," was all his master had said. Judging by Jenni's reaction he had just violated Dienekes' rule, though he wasn't quite sure how.
But now the story had changed, from defense to offense, and he couldn't help paying attention. "Wait, wait, wait," he said, holding up one hand. "Stop the messenger. No, shoot the messenger. There's an alternate universe PPC? Where there's evil versions of us?"
Suicide shook his head, flabbergasted by the thought. What the hell would an evil AU version of himself be like, anyway? A character who didn't commit patricide, or maybe fought for Xerxes? Someone who worked for the [expletive deleted]ing Sues, too. That was a downright creepy thought, and he didn't care if Jenni heard it.
"And it took Daleks to fix everything?" Suicide added after a moment, still clearly trying to process it. "I would think I'd hallucinated this conversation, but I don't see any nine-foot-tall Persians in ugly costumes." He rubbed the back of his head, which was still tender even after several days: when Archir hit people with trees, he didn't mess around. "Granted, I never did make any claims of being in my right mind even without hallucinations, but that . . ." Another headshake. "If you walked into a meeting with a gods-damned pegacorn Sue, you must've been really desperate."
That took guts, he had to admit. -
Intermission. by
on 2011-07-01 22:19:00 UTC
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The touch to the back of his head did not escape Jenni's notice, and it snapped her out of her head and back to the present.
"Are you okay? It wouldn't be unusual for the effects of a hit like that to linger quite a while. You tell me if anything's wrong," she instructed. She had automatically lifted a hand to reach out before her own inner voice warned her against overreacting to a casual comment, and it hovered about an inch above the bar top in anticipation of an answer one way or another. -
Smoking cures. by
on 2011-07-01 22:37:00 UTC
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"No worries, I'm fine," Suicide said, dropping his hand as if he'd been scalded and trying to hide a sudden guilty expression. "Like you said, it's lingering for a bit." That didn't seem to reassure Jenni, who apparently shared the modern real-world attitude that brain damage wasn't a normal part of going about your business. "If I start feeling dizzy or seeing anything weirder than usual, I'll have a smoke and sit down for a bit."
He put his hand on top of hers, gently pushing it back down onto the bar top. "Question is, are you all right? I know it's common to get the shakes, thinking about an old war." The words felt strange and awkward in his mouth; this was definitely a more personal conversation than he'd had in a long time, and for a moment he reconsidered that CAD. Still, he remembered the men with their phobos and katalepsis.
OOC: Cont'd on the secondary board . . . -
Hey, people without permission allowed? by
on 2011-06-27 04:24:00 UTC
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If not, well, I'm seeking permission within the next few days, so no biggie.
The only thing... by
on 2011-06-29 16:59:00 UTC
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that people without permission cannot do is write in the PPC canon. That is it. Everything else we do here is fair game, everything is PPC, you/we are all PPCers. Cool?
Underage drinking? by
on 2011-06-26 12:04:00 UTC
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Rookie Agents Steven Fontwell and Wallis sneak into the Bleeprin bar, slipping into the darkest corner they could find.
"Dude, I told you, this is going to be cool." Steve muttered, looking towards the bar, complete with all manner of alcohol and blee-products.
"Yub cha wa na?" Wallis asked, scratching his fury head.
"What do you mean 'how do we get it'?" Steve shook his head at his little companion. "Dude, no one can tell the age of an Ewok. You go up there, get the booze and we both drink it. It's a sure fire plan."
Wallis continued his confused look for a moment, before reluctantly nodding. "Yub yub." He said, before making his way towards the bar. -
One rootbleep, please. by
on 2011-06-26 04:15:00 UTC
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Ray slumps at a little table, one hand clutching a fuzzy ear and the other wrapped around a mug of rootbleep. She mutters something about a vampire infestation in the wrong kingdom.
Furiously typing... by
on 2011-06-26 04:05:00 UTC
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Aster Corbett walks into the bar, hops up on a stool, and promptly droops all over the counter.
"I can't write this mission report. I don't want to think about The Hidden Secret anymore..."
Her clothes are rather disheveled. It looks like she has been on-mission for days... -
Just got trolled by Skywalker twins... by
on 2011-06-28 22:31:00 UTC
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...and she's pretty sure they're NOT Anakin's. Or Padme's. Or anyone from the Star Wars universe.
Although Agent Shinra had that sinking feeling that they were intimately close and she wasn't sure she wanted to deal with that sort of fourth wall breaking, metaphysical nonsense right now. In fact, she's pretty sure she just wants something to drink and maybe a hug.
Walking into the bar, she spotted one of the two things she needed. Giving no warning whatsoever, Shinra gave Aster a bear hug from behind when she least expected it.
"My baby novice!" -
Getting drunk by
on 2011-06-25 10:09:00 UTC
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Krisprolls, South and Whatever walk into the bar, order their Bleepbeers and start getting shitfaced. They then start a peanut fight.
"OW" says Krisprolls as he receives one in the eye.
"That was supposed to be for South" says Whatever.
"WHAT? You'll get one!" says South.
And so on. -
Meanwhile... by
on 2011-06-25 15:46:00 UTC
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A demon sitting near the other three agents quietly sips his bleepka.
Re: Meanwhile... by
on 2011-06-26 10:08:00 UTC
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... and receives a stray peanut.
Responses by
on 2011-06-26 17:31:00 UTC
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The demon turns towards where the peanut came from, and clears his throat.
"Excuse me, but this is a bar. If you want to have a foodfight, go to the cafeteria. As far as I'm aware, at least three of their dishes explode, so it ought to be rather entertaining." -
Re: Responses by
on 2011-06-27 10:46:00 UTC
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"Thank you." says Krisprolls, who immediately proceeds to fetch said dishes at the Cafeteria to continue the foodfight at the bar.
Whatever is not impressed. -
Excellent idea! (nm) by
on 2011-06-25 03:27:00 UTC
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A Bit of a Question by
on 2011-06-25 05:18:00 UTC
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I've noticed that a lot of the fanfics being dealt with here are ones that I'm not all too familiar with. I haven't read quite a few of the more popular works (Lord of the Rings, for instance--please don't kill me! I haven't had time) or played the more popular games (Halo, CoD, etc). I'm very comfortable with the books/games/etc. that I *do* know, but I haven't seen any missions dealing with the canons that I would recognize. I'm wondering if this would be a disadvantage at all, since I wouldn't quite get all the inside references when reading a mission. :/
Also, since I'm already making a new thread, I may as well ask. Am I allowed to sort of experiment with the PPC on my own (practice writing missions before receiving Permission, but without posting them anywhere; simply for personal use)? -
Re: A Bit of a Question by
on 2011-06-27 17:31:00 UTC
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Reading missions to fandoms outside your knowledge is an interesting experience. Some fandoms and authors tend to assume that you, the reader, are fairly familiar with canon, and will not have their agents re-inventing the wheel to explain canon problems. That kind of thing is most likely to be found, in my experience, in fandoms like Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter that are or have been very popular.
Canons that are currently very rare usually go to lengths to explain the canon issues. This is usually accomplished by one or the other of the agents being unfamiliar with the canon, and therefore standing in for the audience and giving the agent who does know an excuse to engage in what would otherwise be As You Know Bob conversations.
I do have a bit of an unusual perspective on this, I think, because I read the Merlin mission that Trojie and Pads did before I had heard of the show. They explained it enough that I understood why the charges were charges, but after I had watched the show (And loved it. Everyone should watch it!) I re-read the mission, and I did get more out of it. Just knowing what the characters looked like helped me a lot, and there were subtle things that knowing the character gives you that written explanations just can't cover.
So yeah, I did get more out of the mission once I knew the canon, but the mission was thoroughly enjoyable without that extra layer of understanding.
I have to hope that people are willing to read less well known or popular (within the PPC) fandoms. While there is now a small contingent of people that know Stargate Atlantis, Stargate SG-1, and NCIS those were all canons with no or only a very few missions in them when I joined. Sherlock Holmes had none (two old missions were later recovered, but they are for a sub-canon of Sherlock Holmes). Merlin had the one mission, Psych (I'll finish it eventually!) still has none, and there is only one other person in the PPC that I know of that knows and likes Sanctuary.
As for the practice missions, I point you back to July's response, again. It was well thought out and sound advice.
I was also worried about humor when I joined the PPC, and I have to admit that my results have been mixed at times. I think the one thing that writing for the PPC has taught me above anything else is to relax. Not relax in SPaG, which I think I am slowly getting better at, but with the process and characters. I've had problems in original fiction and fanfiction writing of being so afraid to mess things up, that I end up paralyzed and never get anything finished. I wish I had learned some kind of advice that I could share with you about relaxing while writing, but though I've consistently managed it with my PPC agents, I still stress over the others. If I ever figure it out, I'll let you know, because most of the best things I've come up with in missions were a result of having no plan whatsoever and writing myself into a corner that I then had to write myself out of, and I wish I could bring that to my other writings.
Anyway, I'm done with the rambling. Good luck! -
Re: A Bit of a Question by
on 2011-06-25 23:56:00 UTC
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I'm currently working on the first PPC mission in the Thundercats continuum and to my knowledge there have only been two or three X-men missions too. Working the less known continuums just means there's more badfic for you that you don't need to share.
That exactly by
on 2011-06-26 00:28:00 UTC
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On the other hand, though, it means I get to be paranoid when people ask me about Dark is Rising badfics lest they write one before I can get to it. Oh, well; still definitely worth it.
It's not really a problem by
on 2011-06-25 16:02:00 UTC
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So far, I have written the one Dr. Horrible mission, and as soon as it's beta'd, the one Alex Rider mission. (Although it should be noted that it's a crossover with Harry Potter.) It's not a real disadvantage- I've read a few missions in canons I have no familiarity with and enjoyed them- but you're right in saying that you won't necessarily get everything from them someone who is familiar with the canon will. At the same time, the canon is usually not the main focus of the mission- badfic is, and badfic is pretty universally bad. I think a well written mission, no matter what the canon, is fun to read, even if you don't get the inside reference
As for the practice missions, I can't say that it's a bad idea or a good idea. See July's answer for more info. -
Like July said... by
on 2011-06-25 12:57:00 UTC
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... yes, go ahead, but don't hang your heart on anyone else seeing them ever. :P
The real question is, what canons do you know? I'm quite astonished you've found something our mission backlog doesn't cover (and not everything's even on that list...1)
hS -
Re: Like July said... by
on 2011-06-27 07:44:00 UTC
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Well, it's not particularly that I've found any canons not already covered at least once. It's just that the canons I know seem to be less popular. Since I'm most comfortable in just a few canons (Dragonriders of Pern naming the one highest on my list, but I've only read two missions in that 'verse, one of which I can no longer find a link for), I don't want to be the person who only posts missions in one canon while not venturing into anything else. Right now, I've had little time to brush up on some of the works I've read before (Tortall series, Dark is Rising, Hunger Games, Inheritance, Narnia, etc.). I'd be hesitant to spork any of those until I've looked over them.
The problem with Pern... by
on 2011-06-27 11:12:00 UTC
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... is that Anne only opened it up to fanfic at all relatively recently. That said, the mission Neshomeh, Kippur and I did there was on a story written before that point. I didn't know there'd even been a second one. (Having checked, I guess that's the one here).
I'd be interested in seeing more Pern missions myself (two of my retired agents have fire lizards)... maybe I should write one, if I can get my act together. We'll see.
hS -
You found the link! by
on 2011-06-27 18:16:00 UTC
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Oooh, thank you! I was sort of upset that the link wasn't working; that was the first mission I read, and it was fantastic. =3 I know I'd definitely look forward to reading another mission in that continuum. Recently opened or not, there are still some disastrous fanfics out there. @_@
Re: A Bit of a Question by
on 2011-06-25 10:07:00 UTC
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No one's forcing you to do missions in "popular" works, honest. As long as it's some form of published fiction, it falls under the jurisdiction of the PPC. Personally, I haven't done missions in any of the three works you mentioned. I've done missions in Happy Tree Friends and Gorillaz, for goodness' sake. We'd much rather you write missions in a book/game/etc. you *do* know than fumble through a "popular" work you don't know. If you want to do a mission in The Death Gate Cycle or The Edge Chronicles or Psychonauts (also totally okay if you don't know what those are), then by all means, have fun and make sure you post it for us once you have permission.
And don't worry, I haven't read Lord of the Rings either. -
A Teensy Bit of an Answer by
on 2011-06-25 05:27:00 UTC
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What sort of canons do you know? LotR is actually fairly lower on the ranks of recent missions in terms of frequency, so it doesn't matter too terribly now, if you haven't read it. For example, I've done missions in Doom, Discworld, Harry Potter, Legend of Zelda, and so on, and there are others who've tackled other canons beyond what I've just mentioned as well.
As to getting references? This isn't a disadvantage at all; inside references are inside references, and the important thing is getting the broad strokes and intended tone and humor when reading a mission.
As to experimenting with missions before you receive permission to write them, honestly? There's no one really stopping you. We're not going to go to your door with a battering ram and a writ demanding you to come with us or you end up in prison, but the reason for permission so so that we know you have a vague idea of the humor and general gist of the PPC. Writing missions before you get permission, and, if you say, get turned down because you don't capture the tone or mood, or if you take things down a dramatic and serious road and the PG goes 'eeeeh, try again later, this is way too serious for us' makes it more likely for you to get overly attached to what you did without any way to tackle it properly because you've put yourself into a pattern that you like already. -
Re: A Teensy Bit of an Answer by
on 2011-06-27 07:49:00 UTC
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Actually, that's precisely why I'd like to do a practice mission. I don't want to wait until I'm actually requesting Permission before I start experimenting with what works and what doesn't. In theory, I know that missions are supposed to be pretty humorous and lighthearted while still actually getting the job done, but until I start writing, I won't know how to get that feel. I want to figure out what works and what doesn't without the pressure of "oh wow, I have to make this good enough for the PPC!" I want to take my time with it.
I just didn't know if stuff like would be...discouraged.
Up for grabs by
on 2011-06-25 18:11:00 UTC
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- Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have » by Miss Elaine Cullen reviews
Karina is an American teenager who's abused by her father. When she finds a way into Narnia she thinks her troubles are over, that is until she's fought over by a handsome Prince and a dashing King. Movieverse Caspian/OC a little Peter/OC COMPLETE
Chronicles of Narnia - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 17 - Words: 30,175 - Reviews: 108 - Updated: 7-11-08 - Published: 6-10-08 - Caspian X - Complete
My comment: And what is Ramandu's daughter? Soylent pie à la Harfang?
2. The Angel of Narnia PART 1 by beautifullatinaqueen
This is a story that is part of the movie but with you in it.....
My comment: You want an entertaining Quizilla story? Portal to Ankh-Morpork and watch La Triviata.
3. 'Twas a Cruel World by Yours Truly
A witness to the Deplorable Word, with Jadis producing an EMP.
My comment: I'm so sorry.
4. Puddleglum Commands a Vessel by Pirate Bob reviews
The Marshwiggle and 'is accomplice mutiny and become pirates. All is well that ends well, and this yarn be not o' such a kind. Arrrr...
Chronicles of Narnia - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Horror - Chapters: 1 - Words: 585 - Reviews: 3 - Published: 8-24-08 - Puddleglum - Complete
My comment: Who are you and what have you done with Puddleglum?
5. Cheating Death » by SilverAndFlames reviews
There's a new witch in Lancre, she's 16, has amazing coloured hair and a very familar last name. Also she has three days to live. But can Death really take a Weatherwax? Starring Death, the witches. Spoilers for Carpe Jugulum
Discworld - Rated: K - English - Sci-Fi/Humor - Chapters: 4 - Words: 2,633 - Reviews: 18 - Updated: 1-11-04 - Published: 8-12-03
My comment: This isn't Death of Rats worthy. This is Death of Fleas worthy.
- Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have » by Miss Elaine Cullen reviews
*pantomiming throwing up* by
on 2011-06-26 18:10:00 UTC
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Oh ewwwwwwwwww!
Ah Quizilla, the only place on the internet smellier and more depressing than The Pit. -
Agreed... by
on 2011-06-29 19:28:00 UTC
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As with the Pit, I've read a few okay things there, but by golly was that second fic terrible. How does one manage to misspell such simple words? Argharghargh.
Holy Moley! by
on 2011-06-26 02:44:00 UTC
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Just reading these would be enough to make someone go crazy (starts singing the Mad Scene from "Lucia di Lammermoor).
....Claiming the last one. Fzzzzzzt. (nm) by
on 2011-06-25 21:12:00 UTC
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Oh my! by
on 2011-06-25 19:26:00 UTC
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That last one makes me wish I was more at home in the Discworld so I could take it on. I love Granny Weatherwax and Death, and no Sue should put her glittery hands on them.
"we've got to.... by
on 2011-06-26 06:29:00 UTC
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get out of here"
"Yes sir, prepare the ship for lightspeed"
"no, light speed to slow, the stories will catch us"
"lightspeed too slow?"
"yes, we have to go straight for.... ludacris speed"
"well, that settles it, we're getting desperate" -
Spaceballs FTW! by
on 2011-06-26 08:51:00 UTC
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It's been ages since I last saw it. Makes me want to dig up the VCR.
:D (nm) by
on 2011-06-27 08:52:00 UTC
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Uhm, hi there! by
on 2011-06-26 18:57:00 UTC
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Hey guys!
Erm. I honestly don't know where to start, so bear with me.
EllipsisFlood sent me here, because she thinks I'll like it with you guys, and I hope I will! :D
Some stuff about me... Welp, my name is FlareShard (you guys can call me Flare for short), and I like video games, P&P, spriting, writing and all kinds of creative and/or snarky shenanigans - I really like the concept of the PPC, as I'm already a big fan of MST3k and everything riffing-related.
So yeah. Let's see how this cookie crumbles, I guess! o/ -
Ahoy hoy! by
on 2011-07-02 18:26:00 UTC
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Welcome to the Board! Here, have some chocolate, and please enjoy your stay!
Re: Uhm, hi there! by
on 2011-07-02 01:02:00 UTC
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Hi! Hello! Aloha! And other greetings of various levels of sanity!
Welcome! by
on 2011-06-29 13:35:00 UTC
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Have some Mary Sue cookies and see how they crumble!
Re: Welcome! by
on 2011-06-29 13:45:00 UTC
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Hooray! *gets out a comically large sledgehammer*
Welcome! by
on 2011-06-28 00:45:00 UTC
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I'd give you a cookie, but you appear to have one already. So here are some volumetric flasks and iced tea.
Hi! (nm) by
on 2011-06-28 00:43:00 UTC
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Good to have you a-Board! by
on 2011-06-27 17:42:00 UTC
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Welcome, new friend! Have a Fire Materia!
Re: Uhm, hi there! by
on 2011-06-27 12:29:00 UTC
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Hi, have some fudge!
P&P, is that paper and pencil gaming or something else? -
Yup. by
on 2011-06-27 13:40:00 UTC
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Even though Flare and I didn't really have good luck with our GMs.
Been there ... by
on 2011-06-27 13:56:00 UTC
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My first D&D game was almost my last -- the GM's buddies let him bring other players into the game on the understanding (between them, not told to the rest of us) that those PCs were XP on the hoof, so to speak.
I was out sick the day those guys decided to kill off the rest of the non-buddies. The player who had been running my thief for me was also on the kill list, apologized to me several times for the outcome, and invited me to join with some of the other non-buddies in a fairer game. -
Welcome, here's a tall ship. by
on 2011-06-27 10:48:00 UTC
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Fair winds!
Now you can throw BBQ parties! -
Ellohay! by
on 2011-06-27 03:26:00 UTC
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Welcome aboard!
Have some breath mints and a rubber chicken. -
Re: Uhm, hi there! by
on 2011-06-27 01:52:00 UTC
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Welcome. Here's a Bleepka/orange juice cocktail nicknamed "Sonic Screwdriver."
Greetings! by
on 2011-06-27 00:26:00 UTC
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Welcome to the Board! Have a Dramatic Longcoat. It flatters dramatically when you need it to.
Hai! by
on 2011-06-26 21:51:00 UTC
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Welcome to the
Have an anti-crumbling cookie metastability field generator, because, erm, cookies are better when they're not crumbly! :P -
Welcome aboard! by
on 2011-06-26 21:45:00 UTC
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Have a bottle of peppermint schnapps and a party hat!
So, what are your favourite games and what do you like to read and stuff? -
Re: Welcome aboard! by
on 2011-06-26 22:12:00 UTC
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Well, I fancy myself a retro gamer - mostly SNES-era games (grew up with it, after all), but I'm open to other consoles as long as the games are weird, old and obscure, although good old RPGs are fine, too ^__^
I like reading fantasy-ish stuff (preferably when it doesn't take itself all that seriously, e.g. Discworld), and I like researching mythology and legends as sort of a hobby. -
*plugs obscure games* by
on 2011-06-30 16:01:00 UTC
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As a fellow fan of retro games, I'd like to point you to Nethack. It's a standard dungeon crawl (explore dungeon, kill monsters, get cool shiny) with a few twists.
- The map is a grid of ASCII characters in 15 colors.
- Items you find don't magically identify themselves. So, when you find a new piece of shiny, you need to somehow figure out what it is if you haven't seen that type of thing before. (Don't worry, the game keeps track of your "discoveries", so once you've uncovered that in your current game a "silver wand" is a "wand of fire", the inventory display updates to reflect that information)
- Death is permanent (unless you're in "Explore mode"), and the descriptions of items re-randomize every game (so the "black potion" might do something completely different every new game.
It's better than if sounds, and also quite addicting. -
Re: *plugs obscure games* by
on 2011-07-02 14:33:00 UTC
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Oh HELL yeah, Nethack! :D
Took me a long time to get away from that one, to be honest xD
I'm kind of a sucker for dungeon crawlers and all sorts of exploration-type games.
You, sir, have a fine taste in games. *tips hat* -
Hola! by
on 2011-06-26 20:22:00 UTC
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Have an extra pair of socks, useful when you need a pair to wear or an improvised weapon! (You might also need them because of that sock-eating penguin. ;])
Re: Uhm, hi there! by
on 2011-06-26 19:58:00 UTC
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Welcome. Have a leather bound copy of the mission logs of Jay and Acacia and a box of sporks in case you get hungry. By the way, I may be being stupid, but what the heck is spiriting?
Re: Re: Uhm, hi there! by
on 2011-06-26 20:49:00 UTC
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Oh, yeah - spriting is basically creating pixel art, mostly of the video game ilk in my case. Mostly OCs, I don't like edits or palette swaps ^^;
Re: Re: Uhm, hi there! by
on 2011-06-27 10:50:00 UTC
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Oooooh, with you now. That's what you get for reading when half asleep. I read it as Spiriting not spriting. I've been know to play around with pixel heroes myself from time to time.
Hello! by
on 2011-06-26 19:26:00 UTC
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Have some Swiss chocolate. It will come in handy, especially when facing physical descriptions involving chocolate. Oh and have some Bleepka. It will help you keep your sanity.
Welcome! by
on 2011-06-26 19:18:00 UTC
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Hello there! It's always nice to have some new peeps around here!
Here, have some Tristan Murail for the road:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tinChMgLnjc -
First plover! (nm) by
on 2011-06-26 19:15:00 UTC
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Yay! by
on 2011-06-26 19:05:00 UTC
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See, I told you that you'd get funny presents. :D
I told you dog. Also, have some awesome-laced cookies. -
Hiya! by
on 2011-06-26 18:59:00 UTC
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Welcome to the board! Have a green and blue penguin. But be careful, he eats socks.
Permission Request by
on 2011-06-27 05:07:00 UTC
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It's me again! Though my writing piece still seems off (and I probably missed some things on the profiles) I would like to try doing this again. I have four agents this time- Alastrine and Gloria are Floaters and Victoria and Kitty are Disentanglers.
So, the profiles first then. They are here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/187mOHLieaNIfoyymc8b0NIOLUbyzmloHFIRnkq2PWGs/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CKmd0ckO
The writing sample is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fSfLgKPZ33kNbGhboO9lh9p-6H1qnMAvTG8Cp30n7gM/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CNvSiOEJ
And I decided it was a bad idea to have a first mission on a Twilight trollfic, so I have one for each pair (and they're both Hetalia related, hur hur):
Alastrine and Gloria- http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6663613/1/bEverything_b_bi_b_bask_b_for
Kitty and Victoria- http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6245168/1/bNeutral_b_bCountries_b_bCan_bt_bFight_b_bDark_b_Lords
Criticism is appreciated, especially since I didn't have anyone beta my writing piece and I'm sure there's some errors (and possibly conflicting details) that I should clear up. Thank you in advance! -
Welcome to the DIC! by
on 2011-06-28 22:51:00 UTC
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Oh, and that other department. ^_~
The writing samples looked pretty good for the most part, so no worries there. I'll point out the few things I did notice:
In the first intro, you mention that Gloria turns the pages of her book to the right. That's fine if it's a manga, but you don't outright say so, so it could be confusing with people who aren't familiar with manga.
The tendency these days for a "normal" RC to have actual bedrooms and anything resembling a kitchen confuses me, but since they're all different I suppose it's not an actual complaint.
In the second one, there were a couple of things. First, while I don't want to disrespect any religious beliefs you might have, I heard "Oh g-d oh g-d oh g-d oh g-d" with the hyphen as a schwa sound [ə], resulting in "ohga doga doga doga," which, given the Narrative Laws, could result in unwanted attention from the Department of Geographical Aberrations. In writing, best practice is usually to accurately represent what your character is saying, even if they are blaspheming, so that's my purely editorial recommendation. If you feel strongly about not spelling out "god," though, even uncapitalized, I'll shut my trap and say no more on the subject.
Second, the plural of continuum is continua.
And that's it. Enjoy!
~Neshomeh -
Yay! by
on 2011-06-29 06:49:00 UTC
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Thank you! Now, to start work on my first mission...
I wasn't sure what to say about the first RC. I think that's why I put "depending on what your definition of ‘typical RC’ is" in there. Weirdly enough, the other pair's RC doesn't have separate rooms really, and there's two of them that need sleep there. Not sure why I did that.
Corrected "book" to "manga" to clear up some confusion (didn't really think about that, obviously) and corrected "oh g-d" to "oh god". Once I got what you were saying about the DoGA I couldn't stop laughing. I think I started doing that because they tend to do it at my Catholic school and it kind of stuck after a while. I'll keep that in mind for later on also. ;]
('That other department', eh? :] The two Floaters will probably move to a different department anyways once I figure out what works best with them. I'm really happy about doing the DIC though. So many different crossovers...)
After about a million years... by
on 2011-06-27 10:04:00 UTC
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Phew! It's been sooo long!! D:> This is Vadana, I've changed the name to Blazer. I've got some of my characters here:
Name: Drew Paxxton
Age: 24
Race: Lombax
Eye color: Light Green
Stripe color: Light Brown
Fur color: Peach
Scars: A small scar on the bottom of his right ear.
Piercings: Two studds above his left eye and two studds under his bottom lip.
Location: Lombax Dimension
Name: Lucy Diamone
Age: 23
Race: Lombax
Eye color: Orange
Stripe color: Gold
Hair color: Yellow
Fur color: Black
Piercings: Loop on top of left ear.
Location: Lombax Dimention
Name: Carol Wilderns
Age: 17
Race: Lombax
Eye color: Dark Brown
Stripe color: Black
Hair color: Brown
Fur color: Light Brown
Location: Lombax Dimention
Name: Jacob Lakes
Age: 16
Race: Lombax
Eye color: White (he's blind, wears goggles most of the time)
Stripe color: Silver
Fur color: Grey
Location: Lombax Dimention
Name: Alexis Culrin
Age: 18
Race: Lombax
Eye color: Silver
Stripe color: Light Brown
Hair color: White
Fur color: Peach
Piercings: Three studds on top of right ear.
Location: Lombax Dimension
Name: Spencer Joys
Age: 19
Race: Lombax
Eye color: Dark Blue
Stripe color: Brown
Fur color: Orange
Scars: A long scar on the left side of his lips, going from under his nose to the tip of his chin.
Location: Lombax Dimension
Name: Blazer
Age: 25 (in All 4 One)
Race: Lombax
Eye color: Blue Green
Stripe color: Light Blue
Hair color: Dark Blue Green
Fur color: White
Location: Polaris Galaxy
Whew! That's a lot... The Bios and other things will be added later. -
Have a welcome-back plover! (nm) by
on 2011-06-28 00:20:00 UTC
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Whoa, lots of characters. by
on 2011-06-27 18:51:00 UTC
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So, are these from an original fic of yours, or something? Is there a link somewhere? I dunno what the Lombax Dimension is, but I'm game to find out. {= )
Given that it's been a million years, please allow me to share with you our wiki, which is chock-full of useful, relatively up-to-date information and entertainment besides. I particularly would like to point out the newly re-written Permission article, since there was a discussion about the whole process recently and I'm interested to hear whether it all makes sense and is helpful from as many people as possible.
Anyhow, welcome back!
~Neshomeh -
Re: Info for you! by
on 2011-06-28 03:55:00 UTC
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Whoops! Not self insert! Pfft, my mind someties. ..' She's in the original "game world", venturing with Ratchet and Clank. I'm TRYING to make her NOT a Mary-Sue.... Get her personality right and everything... It needs a lot of work. :s
See what I mean about them not doing anything about the Lombax Demention? <a href="http://ratchet.wikia.com/wiki/Lombaxdimension">http://ratchet.wikia.com/wiki/Lombax_dimension Haha! -
Info for you! by
on 2011-06-28 03:15:00 UTC
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Yes, the fic is an original. Insomniac Games has told little to nothing about the Lombax Demention, only that it exists. =/ The Lombax Demention is were the Lombaxes fled to when Tachyon attacked Fastoon. Here: http://ratchet.wikia.com/wiki/Lombax You can find out lots of things on the wiki. =D And no, I do not have it posted anywhere... YET. xD They are all in the same fic, except Blazer, she's in a self insert I made a billion years ago that I'm still working on.
Thank you very muchly!
Ah, a Ratchet & Clank fanfic, then. by
on 2011-06-28 03:40:00 UTC
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Okay, that's cool. I remember my brother playing that game, lo these great many moons ago. Good times.
I think you mean "dimension," though. Demention would be something else entirely, and likely something that PPC agents would suffer from. ^_~
~Neshomeh -
Yes... I keep spelling that wrong. ._.' (nm) by
on 2011-06-28 03:56:00 UTC
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Re: After about a million years... by
on 2011-06-27 12:26:00 UTC
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Hi, have some fudge!
Re: After about a million years... by
on 2011-06-27 10:51:00 UTC
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Welcome back. Have a box of plastic sporks as a welcome back gift.
Welcome back, here's a tall ship. by
on 2011-06-27 10:49:00 UTC
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Fair winds!
Now you can throw BBQ parties! -
All aboard! xD (nm) by
on 2011-06-27 10:57:00 UTC
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Oh sweet merciful heavens! by
on 2011-06-27 10:54:00 UTC
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I don't know if there's any agents still working in the department of Trolls, but I found this doozy yesterday while working on my latest mission.
This is most definately NSFB, and to be fair I've not read the whole way through it yet so it could potentially be NSFW either.
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6749125/1/Hank_Hills_Secret_Pain -
I agree. This is probably a troll. by
on 2011-06-30 15:13:00 UTC
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That set of spelling failure could be put down to super-lazy young fanbrat, but the lack of disclaimers makes this look like a troll.
My head hurts now. Burn it, please. (nm) by
on 2011-06-30 04:21:00 UTC
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Ugh, so many spelling errors. *_* (nm) by
on 2011-06-27 11:01:00 UTC
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Legendary Goodfic Rec? by
on 2011-06-28 00:11:00 UTC
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I posted this in the Fic Noms thread earlier and July pointed out that they should be nominated to Legendary Goodfic. Considering that I agree, I figured I'd try for at least one more person to get a balanced consensus? Sound good? Here we go.
Brothers In Arms, by the Nightrunners
Incomplete Modern AU with reincarnation, guns, bands, and everything that I miss about modern AUs. FF.N version has one or two more chapters than the other site but possibly not the vignettes.
Mellon Chronicles, by Cassia and Siobhan
Aragorn and Legolas bro-fest so classic it practically created a couple tropes.
Warning: the site still runs perfectly well, but will likely try to tell you that it runs better on other platforms first.
BagEnders, by Lady Alyssa and RandomDent
Modern AU CRACK! This is so much crack that it is Legen-waitforit-DARY. Parts of it are gone, possibly forever, alas. Cult classic, really. -
Seconding BagEnders. by
on 2011-06-28 01:37:00 UTC
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I thought it already was Legendary Goodfic, to be honest. O.o
I can't speak for the others, since I haven't read them, but I do remember hearing about Brothers In Arms back in the day, and I believe I've heard of Siobhan, so I can at least agree with the "legendary" part. {= )
Hey. by
on 2011-06-28 03:38:00 UTC
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'Ello! by
on 2011-07-04 13:34:00 UTC
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Nice to meet you! Have a portal gun!
Hi, there. by
on 2011-07-04 02:35:00 UTC
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Since your welcome thread is a bit small, have a WHOLE BAG full of Bleepolate (nm)(nm)s.
By the way, what famdoms are you in? -
First plover! by
on 2011-06-28 18:59:00 UTC
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What are your fandoms, BTW?
New person? by
on 2011-06-28 03:39:00 UTC
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If you are, sweet! I love new people!
Here, have some Schoenberg for the road:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFIwE0c-BOA -
Re: New person? by
on 2011-06-28 04:00:00 UTC
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No I've been gone for a couple of months.
That's nice. :D
Requesting permission, captain? by
on 2011-06-28 03:51:00 UTC
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I've finally gotten off my lazy butt and written the samples and agent profiles and whatnot.
So, here goes, I suppose.
Name: Tethra Kronia
Age: About 8 Solar Sweeps, 18 in human years
Home Continuum: Homestuck
Species: Troll
Department: Floaters
Fandoms: Homestuck, Harry Potter, Portal
Weapons: Longbow
Brief History: According to the caste system, Tethra is about middle class, with light green blood. Her Lusus may or may not be brought up later, depending on circumstances. She got to the PPC through an accidental mirror-portal which lead to the fanfiction Aly was currently working on. This accidental portal was made by Aly. This occured years- or a few solar sweeps, as it may be- before the the trolls got SGRUB. On entering the fic where Aly was and discovering that she was from a word world, decided against returning to Alternia.
Name: Allison (Aly) Greenburg
Age: 27
Home Continuum: Original Continuum
Species: Human
Department: Floaters
Fandoms: Homestuck, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Portal, Amber Chronicles, various other fairly obscure canons
Weapons: Paintbrush, glaive, or staff.
Brief History: From an original continuum, in which people with the certain brushes can draw on midair and summon things. (I tried to make that as simple as possible so this doesn't turn into a huge paragraph. Pah.) Long story short, she fell through an old plothole in the canon (that has since been fixed) into the PPC and decided to stay. A few years and various nondescript partners later, the console had a small malfunction, accidentally opening a portal to the Homestuck verse. She’s really bad at lying and keeping secrets in general.
Here's my sample. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zPiylEK20vqYJu8xZ_Ypah74e4nsJuQXlpapXV6u-tU/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CKWlsKkH
The profiles are on there, too, with some extra unnecessary information. Just as notes for myself and all.
After the profiles is my sample, and after that is a second sample/intro to the PPC.
I think that's it, but if I'm missing anything, point it out.
Thanks! -
Permission granted! by
on 2011-06-29 17:25:00 UTC
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I don't know Homestruck, so I'm trusting Firebird's enthusiasm to tell me all's well there.
Aside from a few miscellaneous technical errors, I didn't see any problems in either writing sample, and I like the idea that Tethra can't hear the Flowers. I also really want to see that paintbrush in action, because it sounds like a neat idea. Thus, go forth and spork, and be merry!
Oh, and don't worry about the portal malfunction thing. Every other character arrives by a plothole of some sort--the other ones are recruited directly--so it's not a big deal if you don't change it. Almost nobody gets here on purpose. {= )
~Neshomeh -
Wooo! Thanks so much! :D (nm) by
on 2011-06-30 03:08:00 UTC
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Oh, also by
on 2011-06-28 06:27:00 UTC
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It occurred to me that the malfunctioning portal is kinda weak, and I'll probably be changing it.
Just FYI.
I feel like I'm commenting too much on my own post. - Oh, and tektek avatars by on 2011-06-28 05:05:00 UTC Link to this
Not a Permission Giver, but... by
on 2011-06-28 05:04:00 UTC
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Allow me to squeal over a potential other troll Agent. What's her sign?
I'm glad you like her~ by
on 2011-06-28 05:07:00 UTC
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She doesn't really...HAVE a sign. It's a crow-theme-thing, so it's this thing
in green.
Oooh, you have a troll agent, too? Do tell, what's their name/blood color/sign or whatever? -
Re: I'm glad you like her~ by
on 2011-06-28 17:58:00 UTC
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She hasn't actually appeared in any missions yet, so...
My troll Agent is Norion Gliese. She was a bit character in a fic, so due to lack of description she has Generic Grey blood and no official sign. She prefers to think of the DMS flash patch as her sign. Her handle is accompliceLightning.
When I use her for non-PPC roleplays, she has yellow-green (closer to yellow) blood and uses one of the alchemical symbols for aluminum as her sign. -
Neat! by
on 2011-07-02 05:57:00 UTC
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Does she have an actual pesterchum account with it for roleplays and whatnot?
Fraid not. by
on 2011-07-03 00:13:00 UTC
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I don't use instant messaging for roleplays or pretty much anything. Thus, I don't have pesterchum and don't have an account for her. I do email or forum roleplays, generally.
I've only had one roleplay with Norion, and that one died. Pretty early on, actually.
Info: Wolverines sister. by
on 2011-06-28 05:30:00 UTC
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Name: Nadalee Jazmine Howlett.
Looks: Brown hair. Purple eyes.
Age: 20
Family: Victor Howlett:Older brother.
James howlett (Also known as logan howlett): oler brother.
Mutant powers: Claws, Healing, Telepathy.
Crush:Charles Xavier: (X men first class)
Her past will be explained... -
Re: Info: Wolverines sister. by
on 2011-06-29 01:21:00 UTC
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First off, your character has special eyes, is a non-canon relative, and where most characters have one main power or a secondary power, or a primary power enabled by a secondary power, your character has three, and manifests none of the frailties that the other X-Men have. On top of that, you're attempting to shroud her past in mystery, which, while it may seem cool or neat at first, giving no explanation as to why or how tends to aggravate the issue; there are two ends to that scale, overexplaining, and underexplaining. Erroring on either side can be fatal; many times a poorly thought-out explanation can be even worse than no explanation at all.
Under the specification TGD-SPC-MS101, by:
(a) creating a non-canon younger sister to a canon character undermines the role of a canon character, Kitty Pryde, who fills the role of a younger sister to some of the older cast;
(b) copy-catting the relatively unique powers of a canon character, and thereby marginalizing them;
(c) bringing in more powers than normal and not suffering frailties, this breaks a limit that can be logically inferred from canon, which destroys your character's credibility;
(d) giving your character an eye colour/hair combination that is not natural to the universe it is in breaks consistency of the story with the rules imposed by the setting;
(e) not justifying or reasonably explaining who your character is, their personality, what makes them unique as a character, or giving any sort of features besides what they appear as and what they can do destroys the integrity of the character itself;
you have created a Mary Sue.
I suggest building a new character, one that doesn't explicitly depend on the presence of canon characters. It is quite possible (and advisable) to take this approach, and still make your character special. However, the way you'll want to make them special is by their personality and evolution throughout the series as a character. More importantly, you'll also want to show how your character acts and the choices he or she makes when under pressure or in the face of meaningful challenges. -
Re: Info: Wolverines sister. by
on 2011-06-28 05:49:00 UTC
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Whoa! Hold on there a second. What is this for? Your post isn't very clear about its purpose. Please do explain.
This is my sister's char. bio. by
on 2011-06-28 05:59:00 UTC
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Can't change the subject. Sorry. =/
You or she could give more information though by
on 2011-06-28 07:41:00 UTC
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Character bio for what? Are we supposed to give our opinions?
I have one: In a family where the brothers are named Victor and James, I think the girl's name will be spelt Nathalie Jasmine.
A common name with unusual spelling is one of the first indication that glitter streams through a character's veins. -
Re: You or she could give more information though by
on 2011-06-28 09:02:00 UTC
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Not to mention the fact that she's a lost relative to a canon character.
Also I take it we are supposed to assume your character is supposed to have been birthed in the X-men Movie continuum, given that you have listed your characters brothers as James Howlette and Victor Howlette - which incidently should be Creed.
Permission Requesting! by
on 2011-06-28 06:09:00 UTC
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Yes, I'm finally getting around to this.
Name: Zentos Wefkas
Age: Nine solar sweeps.
Species: Alternian troll.
Home Continuum: Homestuck (fantroll)
Department: DOF
Partner: Kells
Weapon(s): Hairdyerkind. Yes, hairdryers.
Zentos ended up in the PPC after smashing his fourth wall (a physical object) in order to avoid certain death. He speaks with a stutter due to a typing quirk. He has the homestuckverse ability to “captchalogue” things, and uses the “pocket” modus, so he can access his inventory from his pockets (or someone else’s.) He’s constantly trying to prove himself better than others due to self-consciousness about his blood color, orange. His SGRUB title is “Bringer of Life” and he figures that probably means he’ll make a ton of grubs someday. He’s nine solar sweeps old. He’s a jerk, but can be relied on to help in a crisis.
Name: Kells
Age: Unknown.
Species: Incubus
Home Continuum: A slashfic, in which he served to make all the characters want to jump each other’s bones. (This slashfic does exist, and to be more precise it is in Black Butler verse. I lost the link to it – and really don’t want to go looking for it.)(The things I go through looking for badfic… ugh, pass the bleeprin.)
Department: DOF
Partner: Zentos
Weapon(s): Prefers medium blades such as longswords or lightsabers.
Kells was captured in a slashfic- but once released from his author’s influence, he developed his own personality. He is on a mild dose of logicillin and was rehabilitated to work for the PPC. His current body was grown in the medical department. Due to constantly being on logicillin, he is cynical and doesn’t like taking risks. He is uncomfortable in bad slash/ bad het fics, but can complete those missions despite his misgivings.
Writing Sample:http://khromatic.livejournal.com/693.html
Aaand a badfic to spork: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6144461/1/Snow_in_the_Moving_Castle (It's a classic blatant suefic.) -
Hullo, there! by
on 2011-07-02 23:56:00 UTC
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I quite like your writing sample, but don't know much about the Homestuck continuum, so I'd left off saying anything here. But since Phobos has Guilt Trip skills nearly unmatched...
Permission granted! Sorry it took so long. -
Yay! Thank you! (nm) by
on 2011-07-03 00:12:00 UTC
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Not a PG, but melikes... by
on 2011-07-01 17:19:00 UTC
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I'm not familiar with the Homestuck continuum, but both of your agents sound very interesting, and your writing sample is great!
The fourth wall thing is clever, too. by
on 2011-06-28 06:23:00 UTC
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Why is it everyone else gets good ideas but I don't? *facepalm*
Aww, dangit by
on 2011-06-28 06:19:00 UTC
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Why didn't I think to captchalogue stuff? Fft. I may just...Steal that...>>
Permission request by
on 2011-06-28 12:45:00 UTC
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Because everyone else is doing it, it seems. :D
So, here's profiles for Mittens and the Radioactive Moss Creature: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18YAnT7scCDKOT4heYv6RUocAMscnFxpGlq8e9_7v8Pc/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CPPs-d8E
I write plenty, but not a lot in English, so I'm cutting corners here. The writing sample is the beginning of the mission, where they are hanging out in their RC. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-P_lfsLbMWlOpyMSUKUbYEPNV85ed6sf0fHJDrDkaAc/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CIqT-NUI
And the fic I am planning to spork is this one: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6450489/1/Better_Than_Revenge Because it needs to die. Like, really, die. -
Since everyone but a PG has commented... by
on 2011-07-01 04:27:00 UTC
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I might as well chime in, finally.
Good writing, good characters, and dear gods that is a horrible first badfic. Completely approve! Permission granted. Have fun! -
Yay! by
on 2011-07-01 08:38:00 UTC
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And more yay! Thank you!
I'd link you... by
on 2011-06-29 02:06:00 UTC
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...to the sporking of that story on the Mary Sue LJ community, but that might spoil your ideas. :D
It probably would by
on 2011-06-29 08:23:00 UTC
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:D But after I have posted my mission (if TPTB grants me the right to go forth and smite it) I would love to have the link.
Bah. by
on 2011-07-04 04:41:00 UTC
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I'm giving you the link now so I don't forget. http://marysues.livejournal.com/2931050.html You can examine it later at your leisure. :D
Huh. It was sporked by Tawaki. How did I not notice that before? -
Thanks! by
on 2011-07-05 18:31:00 UTC
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I finally got around to reading it. It was fun to see the differences and similarities between my take and theirs. And nooooooo! I overlooked a mini, Petergreiw!
Unrelated question: by
on 2011-06-28 22:57:00 UTC
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"I write plenty, but not a lot in English"
If I may ask, what do you write in?
Lleu -
D'oh! by
on 2011-06-29 08:25:00 UTC
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Note to self: Remember exposition.
I'm from Denmark and I write mostly in Danish. -
I guess it's no problem... by
on 2011-06-29 15:22:00 UTC
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I'm Argentinian, and there's an Italian guy, and a French guy used to hang around too, and I guess we all write mostly in our languages. But there's anything betas cannot fix!
*nitpicknitpick* by
on 2011-06-30 03:10:00 UTC
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Isn't it "But there's NOTHING betas cannot fix"? :P
*checks what she's written* by
on 2011-07-04 00:06:00 UTC
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Yes, I guess. Nothing-anything issue is one of my weak points.
So I guess...
But there's nothing betas cannot fix.
But there isn't anything betas cannot fix.
First Mission - Odd Experiences - Haruhi Suzumiya (NSFW) by
on 2011-06-28 16:30:00 UTC
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Didn't take me long to get stuck in! :P
New(ish) Agents Evie and the Fisherman take on a squicky PWP lemon in the Suzumiya-verse, contending with a hermaphrodite with Bad Biology and one particularly submissive character undergoing something of a personality transplant.
Needless to say, the fic (and the mission, thanks to the excerpts) is NSFW and somewhat NSFB. -
Nicely done! by
on 2011-07-02 18:37:00 UTC
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Seriously, I don't know much about the Haruhi Suzumiya canon (though I am working on it), but this fic is just... GAAAAHHHH!
Thanks! Glad you all enjoyed the mission! :) (nm) by
on 2011-06-29 10:42:00 UTC
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Oh my... by
on 2011-06-29 00:13:00 UTC
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Wow, that was kinda ridiculous... Especially the hermaphrodite!sex bit.
Also, I would've said I went in there because I wouldn't know that it's bad otherwise, but that's just me.
Great job! =D -
Good job! by
on 2011-06-28 21:48:00 UTC
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I especially liked The Fisherman. Both of your agents were pretty funny, and the mission was good overall. Very nice job.
Great work! by
on 2011-06-28 20:46:00 UTC
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I like that you use excerpts from the text, rather than just referring to what the characters does. I think missions are best when you see parts of the original fic in all its awfulness.
I much prefer that method too... by
on 2011-06-29 10:43:00 UTC
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...when reading missions, and it helps with writing them too; it better allows you to react to the fic and its horror!
Nice one! by
on 2011-06-28 18:36:00 UTC
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I loved the Portal reference.
But now I have a question. Are we sure that the raw fabric of time is capable of killing that Sue? 'Cause they often tend to be quite tough. -
Thank you ^_^ by
on 2011-06-28 19:18:00 UTC
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Hmm... you might be right about the assassination though. The last thing we want is for the Sue to land somewhere else in spacetime and cause more havoc. I think I might retcon in a more... final death for her.
The "My Immortal" of Portal by
on 2011-06-29 02:22:00 UTC
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At least, that what it seems like to me. I can't tell if it's a troll or real, but I suspect troll. Involves (non-described) Cave/Caroline, guy!Atlas/girl!P-Body (who gets pregnant), and Wheatley/Marrissa (who gets pregnant). The phrase "and have his human/robot ball baby" is used several times, albeit misspelled. Apparently robots can smoke and do drugs, and have a "robot place" that Marrissa can kick when fighting. Incorporates an evil twin and time travel.
Oh, and Marrissa is the daughter of GLaDOS!Caroline (yes, while she's GlaDOS) and Ratman. Apparently Chell is her sister, the daughter of GLaDOS!Caroline and Cave (who changed his name from Gabe to honor his brother Cave who dies during the story).
What is this I don't even...
Probably NSFB.
"Hi my name is Marrissa Roberts an I was in Portal Labs two with Chell an Wheetly. This is my life! THE FINAL CHAPTER IS NOW RELEASED ITS THE MOST EPIC ONE YET SO REED IT!"
Am I allowed to claim it before getting Permission? Or should it just be left alone because it's troll-like? -
PLEASE spork it. PLEASE. I am BEGGING you to spork it. by
on 2011-07-04 13:26:00 UTC
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Oh my grod. That is one of the WORST badfics I have ever heard of!!!!! Spork it.
Oh dear God the misuse of English slang... (nm) by
on 2011-06-30 03:33:00 UTC
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My Immortal by
on 2011-06-30 03:14:00 UTC
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If it's as bad as My Immortal it really doesn't matter if it's a trollfic or not, thanks for sharing.
Ohnogodpleaseno by
on 2011-06-29 10:50:00 UTC
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I thought Portal might be safe from the clutches of truly awful fanfic, but it looks like I was wrong (note to self: if it exists, there is badfic connected to it).
I think you're right in suspecting a troll. The author clearly has a grasp of the Portal plotline and some of the theories behind it, and I doubt that someone with that level of understanding would intentionally butcher canon to this extent. Either way, it needs to die, and as Lleu mentioned, you are welcome to put your name down to do the honours. -
Indeed you are by
on 2011-06-29 03:08:00 UTC
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Not having played anything beyond two-thirds of Portal (the original), I can't really comment, but that looks like a self-aware imitation of My Immortal, in particular "Then Glados started to listen to some Avril Lavinge music and cry." — Avril Lavigne as a mark of people the 'Sue dislikes is setting off metaphorical bells.
Lleu -
Re: Indeed you are by
on 2011-07-04 14:33:00 UTC
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As someone who has played both Portal and Portal 2 repeatedly, I can say that this is definitely another My Immortal wannabe just by the first few sentences. I can't help but notice this person has forgotten that Atlas and P-body are unable to communicate in any form other than electronic-sounding babble, among other obvious canon defilements. And making Chell speak? THAT IS UNFORGIVABLE.
By the way, since there are no Minis for the Portal series yet, I want to suggest Mini-Turrets or Mini-Personality Cores.
Mission #2, and a request by
on 2011-06-29 16:53:00 UTC
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In which Surhat and Roger slay Lillian of Yorkshire, Mary-Sue and ostensible granddaughter of the Lady.
Hope you enjoy it!
Now, my request: would someone else please read these books? They are excellent, some of the best YA fantasy there is, and it would be great if someone could content-beta and not just SPaG-beta. (Thanks to Joe for SPaG-betaing, though.) If you see any formatting problems (lack of italics for a quotation from the fic, e.g.) (or other problems, for that matter, though I don't think there should be any left), let me know; I have to manually reformat after I copy/paste from TextEdit to Tumblr.
Lleu -
Re: Mission #2, and a request by
on 2011-07-01 08:41:00 UTC
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I read the Dark Is Rising series a few years ago and remember thoroughly enjoying it. I'll definitely have to pick up the books again soon. Unfortunately, as it's nearing 3 am right now, I'll have to put off reading the mission until I'm more awake. I really look forward to it though (how could someone disrupt *that* series? It was so good!).
That was fun! :D by
on 2011-06-30 18:27:00 UTC
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That was a fun mission to read. (Embroidered eyes? Ack!) Nice work! :D
I've never read The Dark is Rising or any of the books that follow, but I'm definitely curious now. I'll have to see if the library has a copy. -
Glad you liked it! by
on 2011-07-01 02:39:00 UTC
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The Dark is Rising and The Grey King were two of the most defining books from my childhood; I wrote my college essay about Bran Davies.
Great mission. by
on 2011-06-30 02:52:00 UTC
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Even though I have never read The Dark is Rising, I still enjoyed the mission. The death of the Sue and the "Maybe I should just stop saying things between missions." line were just hillarious.
^_^ by
on 2011-06-30 16:40:00 UTC
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I got to the end and it occurred to me that neither Cassandra Griffin nor Lillian put up much of a fight (which I think is probably to do with the fact that neither of them had any clearly-defined means of doing so and otherwise were just generically speshul teenage/preteen girls), and it never does to tempt the Ironic Overpower...
Re: Mission #2, and a request by
on 2011-06-29 20:36:00 UTC
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Like the others, I have read them and have very fond memories of them, it's just been rather long time since. I know that isn't helping you right now, but I thought it might be encouraging to know.
Great mission! by
on 2011-06-29 19:38:00 UTC
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Unfortunately, I didn't even know what Dark is Rising was until just recently, so... yeah. Sorry. =(
That said, though, this was a hilarious mission. Great job! =D -
:D by
on 2011-06-30 00:22:00 UTC
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Glad you liked it!
Lleu -
I've read them as well... by
on 2011-06-29 19:31:00 UTC
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but, like the other two, it's been a while. They were some of my favorites when I was younger (ha. Barely an adult and now I'm old).
I read them by
on 2011-06-29 18:28:00 UTC
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I read them about 10 years ago. Maybe longer. I'm getting old and don't remember things as well as I used to. You know, because 25 is practically ancient.
^ This. by
on 2011-06-29 19:35:00 UTC
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More than ten years in my case, though. I was still in elementary school. Heck, I think my mom read them to me the first time.
Really should re-read if I can collect all the books again, though.
~Neshomeh, 26. -
Do it! by
on 2011-06-30 00:22:00 UTC
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That's directed at everyone who read them when they were younger and not since.
Lleu -
Re: ^ This. by
on 2011-06-29 20:53:00 UTC
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And what a great mission it was!
I found one minor error to nitpick: 'He another book out'. -
Good catch by
on 2011-06-30 00:21:00 UTC
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I did some tweaking on that paragraph and "took" must have gotten lost somewhere along the line; it's back now.
I've read them... by
on 2011-06-29 18:20:00 UTC
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...but it's been about two years. I should really read them again.
Granddaughter?! What is that I don't even...
*goes off to read*
Non-PPC-related question by
on 2011-06-29 22:18:00 UTC
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So at the beginning of August (it's a shame, because my birthday's the twentieth so I miss being the legal drinking age by that much) my parents and I will be spending two weeks in the UK (first week in Ireland and Scotland, and then England for the second week). Two of those days will be devoted to running around London. We'll be seeing all the normal tourist stuff like Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, Westminster Abbey, and all that, but do you any of you Boarders on that side of the pond have any suggestions for interesting things to see in London?
Well... by
on 2011-06-30 11:45:00 UTC
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... assuming you already have the Tower of London on your list (and who wouldn't? Crown Jewels!), my main recommendation is the Monument. Climb it and look out over London!
... assuming you don't mind 311 steps up (and down again), that is. Strangely, most people object.
hS -
Theatre? by
on 2011-06-30 04:10:00 UTC
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I'd recommend checking out what West End shows are on if you're at all interested in that sort of thing, if you are it'd probably be the highlight of your time in London.
Museums by
on 2011-06-30 01:07:00 UTC
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Go to the British Museum and the Victoria and Albert (I don't really like art museums but I still enjoyed it). Those were by far the best things we did in London (the Rosetta stone!).
The second best was that my mother and I made an effort to take as many tube lines as possible. I think we only missed one; two tops. But that is probably more to do with my love of public transportation. -
Not legal drinking age? by
on 2011-06-30 01:03:00 UTC
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'The minimum age for the purchase of alcohol is 18. People aged 16 or 17 may consume wine, beer or cider on licensed premises (pubs/bars/restaurants) with a table meal. In England and Wales, it must be an adult who orders,[72] however an adult doesn't have to be present to order alcohol with a meal in Scotland. The legal age for the purchase of alcohol from an off-licence (store/supermarket) is 18. (The legal age to buy liqueur chocolates is 16, but this is rarely enforced.)' From Wikipedia.
Ideas! by
on 2011-06-29 23:04:00 UTC
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- The London Eye is always worth a go if you hadn't thought of that.
+ A couple of companies do short (hour or so) cruises down the Thames which are quite nice as long as it's not raining!
+ Camden Market (http://www.camden-market.org/) is great if you're into 'alternative' stuff (read: geeky weird clothes! :D)
+ There are two 'Heritage' bus routes (short sections of the 9 and 15) that are operated by the old 'Routemaster' buses.
+ The London Science Museum in South Kensington is great if you're a science nerd (like me!), and there's the Natural History Museum right next door too.
That's all I can think of at the moment, but I might come up with something else later! You'll love it, trust me! (yeah, I suppose I am biased :P)
- The London Eye is always worth a go if you hadn't thought of that.
Permission request: by
on 2011-06-29 22:26:00 UTC
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I guess I'll cut to the chase:
Agent profiles: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17K0jrHljemPbY8qGoa1YPO9cQo7TZtrQ74WReoMw1IE/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CKOriOUN#
Writing sample (Kagami's recruitment to the PPC): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1prqfxRpTieb2HdFGtUhzh495iVbOmJXIhdgxmlB4_nI/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CNPYz6wI#
(Actually, I also wrote another version before the above. I don't like it quite as well, but here it is anyway: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iDeUn2rWPKwlqyhMhFYfQzQBFah1Hdf9NuQxdIi-ors/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CIz3970G# )
For Kagami and Jack's first mission, I would like to claim "Brotherly Love," an Inheritance Cycle badfic: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4895130/1/Brotherly_Love
I would also like to tentatively claim "SexyNoJutsu Gone Wrong," because it's horrible and needs to die, but I thought it might drive Kagami insane on her first mission. Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3925071/1/SexyNoJutsu_Gone_Wrong
Please give concrit on whatever you feel like reading (there's sort of a lot here).
Thanks! -
I'm sorry, but... by
on 2011-07-01 18:10:00 UTC
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...that Inheritance fic...I was laughing so hard during that! xD I only got halfway through before I couldn't take it anymore. It's so bad it's comical. Please, the moment a PG gives you Permission, kill that thing.
Yup. by
on 2011-07-01 18:54:00 UTC
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It's difficult to know when to stop with that one, because the "rapably sexy" line needs to stay, but that's after the commencement of...activities.
Troll fics and what to do with them. by
on 2011-06-30 19:09:00 UTC
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I spent about an hour today reading this:
The (in)famous Twilight-flavoured My Immortal ripoff, and have come to the conclusion that it needs to die (I also came to the conclusion that I'm completely mad, but I digress).
I suppose what I'm getting around to asking is, is there a pre-existing guide on troll-fics (i.e. can we PPC them?) or is it just up to the (lack of) sanity of the individual? -
There was a department by
on 2011-07-01 09:05:00 UTC
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for trollfics. It was a subdepartment of Bad Parody, I think. You could look to see if any of those missions are still available and find out what they do.
I had looked. by
on 2011-07-01 10:11:00 UTC
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They had no completed missions- just the intro to begin one, but not actually anything in the fic or charges within.
No, there was one. by
on 2011-07-02 07:18:00 UTC
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It involved the troll/author sitting somewhere, and they had to hunt it down... unfortunately I'm getting that crossed over with the dromes from Wee Free Men, but I'm sure it existed.
Quest time? -
*Cackles* by
on 2011-07-01 02:03:00 UTC
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My first (failed) permission request I was going to kill that thing but decided that would be a bad idea for a first mission. Glad someone's planning on taking it to its (metaphorical) grave!
As to minis, possibly mini (as in smaller than regular wolves) werewolves/shapeshifters/whatever-they-are? I'm also an ex-fan who plans to have (probably crossover) future missions involving the continuum. But eh, the mini wolf is the first mini-like thing that came to my mind, if that helps you at all. -
I like that idea! by
on 2011-07-01 15:13:00 UTC
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(for the minis I mean)
How about mini-sparkle!wolves, miniature wolves that sparkle incessantly, sun or no sun. :P -
That sounds pretty good! by
on 2011-07-01 19:17:00 UTC
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The perfect blend of sparkle!vamp and wolf. (And I would imagine that the sparkling would get quite annoying after a while. Added bonus!)
Oh and another question... by
on 2011-06-30 22:03:00 UTC
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...has a name been established for Twilight minis? I checked the wiki but found nothing, and there will be a lot resulting from this thing!
No earthly clue. by
on 2011-06-30 22:11:00 UTC
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If there's an OFU, I would consult that, but I don't think there is.
Bronwyn is a Twilight ex-fan however and I'm sure her and a few others could help you come up with an idea as for the mini for that 'verse. -
Hmm... thanks by
on 2011-06-30 22:14:00 UTC
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Thanks for the tip, I'll ask around.
And thanks to everyone for their ideas, I think I know where I'm going to go with this! ^_^ -
An idea. by
on 2011-06-30 20:29:00 UTC
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I think a combination of the two approaches from downthread would work. First, the agents need to find the troll and get it out the fic and into its true form. Exorcism would work for that, as well as pulling the troll out of a plothole, or something else entirely. After that, the troll needs to be charged and killed. I would think killing a troll would be harder than killing a 'Sue, since trolls are big, lumbering, hulks that don't die too easily in most continua, so the agents will have to do more work than usual to kill the thing (sadly).
more suggestions by
on 2011-06-30 19:51:00 UTC
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I've written two troll missions. I basically charge a troll the same as I would a Sue (but without the Mary Sue charge and a little more emphasis on being intentionally bad) and shoot the troll. It turns to rocks, rubble and dust after that.
Re: Troll fics and what to do with them. by
on 2011-06-30 19:26:00 UTC
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Basic guideline.
1) Locate troll.
2) Determine it is a troll.
3)'There's a troll in the dungeons!'
4) Exorcise troll from the fic.
5) Resist poking the dead troll.
6) Flail and panic.
My suggestion, anyrate. I did do a trollfic mission. But my agent set it on fire instead of poking it.